Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

14.10.2013 08:42:30
Bounty Mode Guide
by JL Lee
Version 1.3
Updated 6-1-2000

**This guide will always be updated at GameFAQs
first. Be sure to check it out often! For update list, refer to the
end of this document. This document is best viewed using Microsoft
Wordpad using the Courier New font, size 10.**


You've cleared the 4th Survivor mode. Escaped using Tofu.
*Claps wildly*

You've let Regina survive the battle with Mr. T without getting eaten
up once.
*Hoo boy*

You've blasted Tyrant into bits of flesh without taking a single swipe
from him.
*Stares in amazement*

You've beaten the Merceneries using Nikolai.
*Bows in homage*


I dare you. Take the Bounty Mode in Parasite Eve II..........


This document is the result of someone's hard work. If you wish to post
it on your site, please contact me. Most of the time I will allow you
to do so so long as NO alterations are done. This document is also NOT
allowed for any profit making purposes, and I'm NOT going to allow any
more of this copyright violations to carry on any longer. Parasite Eve,
Parasite Eve II, Aya Brea, Eve, and all other characters that appear in
any of the games, and related products are under the Copyright of
Squaresoft Co. Japan. The game 'Parasite Eve II' is based on the novel
'Parasite Eve' written by Hieaki Seda. Coca-Cola and all its products
that appear in the game is trademark of Coca-Cola International. All
rights reserved. This document is under the sole copyright of Lee Jin
Lai. All international Copyright Violation rules apply.


Bounty Mode is the mode that you open up after clearing Parasite Eve II
(PE2) at least once. This mode is definately NOT suitable for beginners
of Action-Adventure type games as the enemies come in way harder than
in normal mode. This is the stats of Bounty Mode:

Mission Level: Normal (3 stars out of 5)
Condition: Good (5 stars)
Enemy Level: Strong (4 stars)
Supply Level: Normal (3 stars)

Not only will the enemies take less damage per hit, they also deal more
damage to Aya. In this particular mode, two to three hits from ANY
enemy will be enough for you to see the Game Over screen. And see it
you will......

I recommend that you have at least 1000+ EXP to start off with, BP is
not really required as you will gain A LOT of them in the due course of
the game. It is safer to have at least:

a) Metabolism
b) Healing
c) Antibody

opened up as soon as you can. Expert players may wait until you are
injured seriously enough before reviving these PEs, but it's better to
be safe than sorry. And try not to use the Medicine that you pick up
everywhere. You'll need a lot of those late in the game. Do remember
that you start off with 50% of the total EXP and 100% of the total BP
that you start Replay Mode with.

For those who are reading this guide as a walkthrough for the normal
game, take note that some things WILL be different but I'll be passing
up spoilers on the plot as this will just be a guide for clearing
Bounty Mode. For those who are trying to clear this crazy mode I'll
note where the enemies are different. I'll try to put in tactics as
best as I can, but sometimes explaining in words is terribly hard.

Remember: Save often, reload your Ammo VERY often!!


Tonfa Baton
Weight: 68
Range: 1
Rate: 5

Operation: R1 - Strike
R2 - NIL

Good for close-up attacks, but you don't really want to go up close and
personal with NMCs do you? Use only when out of ammo, and you don't
have a reloading point nearby. But most of the time it will remain in
the trunk of Aya's sedan.

M93R Handgun
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 117
Range: 50
Rate: 110

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan 3-bullet Continuous Shot
R2 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot

Aya's personal favourite, you start off with this. This weapon is a
semi-automatic handgun fitted with a 3-shot burst ability. It holds 20
rounds, and can either fire in bursts or single shots, increasing the
flexibility of shooting. Chances are this will be the most-used weapon
in the game, until you get the P229.

MP5A5 Submachine Gun
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 30/50 rounds
Weight: 288
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This is a wonderful baby, allowing you to spray a magazine of 30 9mm
bullets non-stop for some major ass-kicking stopping power.
Unfortunately this weapon also has the weakest attacking power in the
game, and uses more bullets that you would have normally wanted to. Its
usefulness lasts as long as you are in Akropolis Tower, and since it's
too ammo-unfriendly, try not to use it.

MP5A5 (+1) [with MP5.MClip attachment]
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 60/50 rounds
Weight: 306
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This attachment for the MP5A5 allows the weapon to hold an additional
magazine. Now you can spray 60 bullets in a flash. Hooray!

MP5A5 (+2) [with two MP5.MClip attachments]
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 90/50 rounds
Weight: 324
Range: 55/5
Rate: 80/2

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Continuous Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

This attachment for the MP5A5 allows the weapon to hold YET another
magazine. Now you can spray 90 bullets in a flash. Whoopie!!!

P08 Handgun
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 87
Range: 70
Rate: 80

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot
R2 - NIL

Typicially the second weakest weapon in the game, nobody in his right
mind will buy it, since it's attack is only marginally stronger than
the M93R, but since you get it from the Purple Golem in Arkopolis,
might as well use it, especially you have to save up on bullets. One
thing to remember is that Handguns have a high critical rate, which
will turn out useful on occasions. I've used it in favour of the M93R,
and am beginning to appreciate how useful it is, handguns having quick
reloading speed, and wonderful recovery time.

P229 Handgun
Caliber: 9mm/Flash
Capacity: 12 rounds
Weight: 92
Range: 120/4
Rate: 90/3

Operation: R1 - 9mm Parablem/Hydra/Spaldan Single Shot
R2 - Shine Flashlight

The weapon of choice once you enter the Shelter, this weapon criticals
so easily it's scary. Holds 12 9mm bullets, it has a flashlight
attachment whose usefulness is in killing Moths. Fast in all areas,
this one actually lasted me all the way to the final stages of the
normal game.

M4A1 Rifle
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 254
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

The most versitile weapon of all, it allows up to one attachment
custumization, and fires 5.56mm bullets. Standard all-round attacking
fare, it basicially fires in semi-automatic 3-bullet bursts, holding up
to 30 bullets per magazine. A weapon of choice to deal with the
irritating Golems.

M4A1 (+1) [with M4A1.MClip attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 60 rounds
Weight: 274
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to hold an additional
magazine. This will be great for beginners as they will need to spend
more bullets on enemies, but for advanced players it will only be an
unecessary waste.

M4A1 (+2) [with two M4A1.MClip attachments]
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 90 rounds
Weight: 294
Range: 500
Rate: 85

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - 5.56 Rifle Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to hold one more
additional magazine. This will be great for beginners as they will need
to spend more bullets on enemies, but for advanced players it will only
be an unecessary waste. Who needs to put 90 Rifle bullets in order to
kill them (bosses not included)?

M4A1 Bayonette [with M9 attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Weight: 284
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/3

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Bayonette Slash

This attachment for the M4A1 acts exactly like what it should be - a
bayonette. Go "YA!! YA!!" with the enemies if you really feel up to

M4A1 Hammer [with Hammer attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm/Stun
Capacity: 30/40 rounds
Weight: 339
Range: 500/2
Rate: 85/4

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Stun Gun Discharge

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire a single burst
of electricity to not only deal damage, but stun enemies as well, but
has a very short range. Since it's battery operated it can only last 40
such bursts before going dead. Recharging is free, and it's very good
against later enemies. Unfortunately this has no effect on Golems.
You'll get it upon killing the Purple Golem in Dry Springs. Use it in
order to breeze through the game.

M4A1 Grenade [with M203 attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm/40mm
Capacity: 30/1 rounds
Range: 500/350
Rate: 85/1

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Grenade/Light Round/Air Burst Single Shot

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire 40mm grenades
one at a time. Very handy for advanced players who can alternate
between grenades and bullets. Side effect is of course that Aya has to
open up the catch and recatch once you insert the grenade, making
reloading half a second slower than the normal Grenade Pistol. And the
fact that it kicks harder than the Grenade Pistol.

M4A1 Pike (with Pike attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm/Flame
Capacity: 30/30 rounds
Weight: 437
Range: 500/6
Rate: 85/2

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Flame Discharge

This attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to flame enemies in a
wide arc. Great against groups of converging enemies as this weapon
fires non-stop. But do note that this runs on fuel, so it only allows
for 40-seconds of fire. Handy weapon for those who think the Hammer's
range is too short.

M4A1 Javelin [with Javelin Attachment]
Caliber: 5.56mm/Laser
Capacity: 30/60 rounds
Weight: 488
Range: 500/420
Rate: 85/2

Operation: R1 - 5.56 Rifle 3-bullet Burst
R2 - Laser Shot

This cool-looking attachment for the M4A1 allows the weapon to fire
bolts of laser (yes, I'm not typoing) at enemies. It has batteries for
up to 60 shots, and is just too cool to pass up. Not that it's more
effective than the Pike against Golems......and the fact that it makes
the Rifle top-heavy, giving Aya a hard time when lifting it up.

Grenade Pistol
Caliber: 40mm
Capacity: 1 round
Weight: 260
Range: 350
Rate: 1

Operation: R1 - Grenade/Light Round/Air Burst Single Shot
R2 - NIL

This weapon fires 40mm grenades one at a time, and works wonderfully
against bosses. Beware that it has a horrible reloading speed (as
compared to Claire's Grenade Launcher) so much so that you can actually
hear the grenade go 'thunk' down the chamber, and Aya will actually
stay still from the recoil for a second after firing.

PA3 Shotgun
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 3 rounds
Weight: 270
Range: 30
Rate: 2

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Single Shot
R2 - NIL

The first shotgun that you can buy. It's power is terribly limited,
kicks very hard, and can hold only 3 12-Gauge Shells. Don't even bother
buying it unless you have problems dealing with a whole horde of
converging enemies.

SP12 Shotgun
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 7 rounds
Weight: 420
Range: 40
Rate: 24

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Single Shot
R2 - NIL

You get this free of charge, and it's very useful in mid-game. Holds up
to 7 shells, it kicks just as hard as the PA3, but has more range, thus
it can hit a big group of enemies. Best used in Shamala, but more often
than not overshadowed by the AS12.

AS12 Shotgun
Gauge: 12
Capacity: 20 rounds
Weight: 550
Range: 50
Rate: 36

Operation: R1 - Pack Shot/Firefly/R. Shock Continuous Shot
R2 - NIL

Now this is what I would call a super shotgun. It holds up to 20
shells, and fires in semi-auto fashion and has almost no kick (for a
shotgun). This comes at a hefty price though. Since in Bounty Mode
you can buy it once you have a chance to return to Dry Fields, buy it
once you have the necessary resources to make Shambala easier for you.

Caliber: .44 Magnum
Capacity: 6 rounds
Weight: 168
Range: 60
Rate: 70

Operation: R1 - 44 Magnum/44 MaedaSP Single Shot
R2 - NIL

The ultimate weapon of Action-Adventure games, this is one SWEET baby.
You will only get this in the final parts of the story, but you can
still toast a few remaining Golems stalking the lower levels of the
Shelter with this. It holds .44 Magnum bullets, 6 at one go, and hits
for HEAVY damage at times. Be warned that it kicks almost as hard as a
Shotgun, and reloading is slow, and you have only 50 Magnum Rounds if
you wish to see the Good Ending. But really, who cares?

************************BOUNTY MODE************************************

*cue thadam!!! :P*

September 4, 2000, 8.18pm
M.I.S.T. Center, Los Angeles

Earn as much extra BP as you can using the shooting practice. Once you
feel done go to the Weapon Storage, and get the bonus prize of 50 Hydra
Bullets from Jodie for shooting at the practice range.

Note: You can skip most events with the Start button. This is of course
for people who have cleared the game once.

Pick up the Lv 3 Medicine from the first-aid box in the Carpark, then
move out.

September 4, 2000, 8.56pm
Akropolis Tower, Los Angeles

Pick up a Lv 1 Medicine from the dead SWAT member under the Magnum
window, Lv 2 Medicine from the SWAT in front of the Ammo box. Answer
the call, go through the door to get the Cafeteria Key.

Go to the Cafe, fight the boss there. No difference from the normal
game as of now. Simply hide behind a table, and watch in amusement as
the boss tries to run through it to get to you. Hole it to death, and
pick up the Infusion Part.

Skip past the event, and carry on back to the phone to speak with
Pierce. Now the east side of the Garden gate will be unlocked. Get the
Antidote from the dead SWAT next to the escalator, and go through the
gate. Do all necessary killings, get and insert the Blue Key, look at
Rupert and the SWAT guy in the Church garden, get Lv 1 Medicine from
the dead SWAT in the kitchen of the Cafe and a Stabilizer from the
refrigerator and leave to top up and save. Remember to unlock the west
Garden gate.

Pick up the Tactical Vest and the MP5A5 from the dead SWAT members on
your way to the Church. Before you enter, SAVE! And make sure you have
a full bullet cache before entering. Skip past the Rupert & No.9 scene,
pick up the Red Key, go into the Church Garden, pick up the Black Card.

Now from here, things will be different. Instead of Green Worms, you
will be accosted by Brown Worms. They take about one and a half clips
of the MP5A5 each, so try not to spray too much.

Once done, heal if required (Using PE) and head out. NOW run between
the Church doors and the opposite fence, and in time you'll be picked
up by the Purple Golem. Struggle wildly to break his hold, and keep
your back to the fence or door. Ignore the holograms, simply wait until
the real form comes out (you can hear from the distinct "beaming in"
sound) then run to the opposite side, and spray. Continue, and he
should fall in 200 bullets time. You will earn quite a few goodies.

Now before going back to refill, go into the heliport first. Enter 561
to raise the bridge, crush the flipping Prihanas to death like you do
to cockroaches (Singaporean joke), and off the half-dead ANMC Humanoid.

Return to where you started, but this time on top of the escalators you
will meet 2 Mutated Fat ANMCs instead of just 2 Fat ANMCs. Escape from
them (losing 10BP in the process, you don't have enough bullets to off
them right now) and escape from the east Patio as well with the ANMC
Humanoid replaced by a Green Golem (the rats are still there)

Reload, save, and enter the east Patio from the Garden (watch out for
the west Patio enemies. Spltter them first), and spray the Green Golem
to death, remembering to avoid his lightsaber-esque slash.

Reload, and clear off other 'hot' spots (the Mutated Fat ANMCs take
around 6 clips, ie 180 bullets, before dying) and insert the Red Key.

Enter the Garden from the east Patio, and turn the two Mutated Fat
ANMCs to puddle. Get the Light Rounds they drop, and the Grenade Pistol
from the dead SWAT inside the fountain.

Once done, reload, and go fight No.9, remember to use all the High
Voltage cords and the steaming pipe to hurt him. He takes more damage
than usual, so those won't be enough. Note that even at full health
(150HP) his fire sword strike will instantly kill you, so avoid that at
all costs, or use Antibody (but usually it won't be fast enough, unless
it's at Lv 2 already). When you are out of moving space, switch to the
Grenade Pistol, fire away, and pray that he either stops or that he
dosen't use the Fire Sword Slash on you while you reload.

After that simply go up, and skip everything. Get what you need from
the Weapon Storage (M4A1 +400 5.56mms highly recommended) and head down
to the next stop.

September 5, 2000, 12.15pm
Mojave Desert, Nevada

Nothing new as of yet, simply get everything there (Shells, Medicine
etc.), clear the Blocking Car puzzle, and go meet Gary. Once you get
the Room 6 key go back to Aya's sedan and load up, save.

The balcony will have two of the Shooting ANMCs. Use hit and run
tactics to send them to wherever they came from, and go in to Room 6
and save.

After that it's the fight with loads of NMC horses. Use the normal
tactics of shoot, let them crash into the wall, kill them while they
are weak on the ground. Then meet Kyle. Skip the scene, get the Bar
Key and Lv 1 Medicine, kill off the Scorpions, save.

There will be two Shooting Golems now on the balcony. One of them Red
shooter, the other Green. These are easy as you have the corridor
from the stairs to protect you. You can either finish them off slowly
(using the P08), or waste them with the Rifle quickly. I recommend
using the Rifle to reduce your chances of getting hit at any time.
They'll take around 50 rounds each before biting the dust. Save.

There's a Purple Golem right in front of the Lobby. Defeating it will
give you the Hammer part (woo hoo!!) plus some ammo. There's a faster
but riskier way to kill them. When you hear the "beaming in" sound, aim
and fire immediately. This will disrupt the decloaking device, and you
will get in free shots. If you hit him when he's already out you will
get hit as well as get poisoned. And oh yeah, use the Handgun. Save.

Right in front of the rooms are two Sword Golems, one Red and one
Green. Hit and Run using the Rifle, and you should be safe. Just don't
let them even come close. You'll die in 3 slashes. Good thing is that
you have loads of space to run around.

Now go into the back of the Bar, get the Coke Magnet and Lv 1 Medicine,
grab the Cola next to the entrance of the bar, get the Workshop Key,
and go meet Gary at his trailer, speak with him about the Shelter,
and buy the Grenade Pistol. For now all enemies except the Exploding
Babies inside the toilet remain the same. The Babies will be replaced
by Red Slime. Same thing as you would have done, shock them to goo.
Careful if you get Beserked by them.

Now get the Wire Rope beside the junkyard entrance, and use it at the
well. Clear off the bats with the Handgun, and equip your M4A1 Hammer.

In the next screen you will have to fight Spidey. Since you can roughly
see its shape, just turn and shock it. Simple as that. It will not
attack as long as you keep at it, and after a while it will just die.
I killed it without getting hit.

Turn on the two switches, get the Protein from the crack in the lighted
well, and the Flare from the Cellar. Now go up into the General Store,
blow the Exploding Babies to bits, grab a can of Coke as well as a Lv 3
Medicine from the drinks section, go out and save.

The narrow walkway leading to the Screaming Lady now has 2 Green
Golems: One Sword the other Shooting. Plaster yourself to one side of
the walkway, change to the Rifle, and aim to start. The trick is to
wait for a few seconds for the Sword Golem to walk far enough before
you start shooting. When he starts running towards Aya (ie he shows up
on the GPS) lock off, and run to the other side of the walkway, reload,
hug that wall/fence to avoid his second thrust, and continue firing
without YOU seeing the Shooting Golem. Once Sword falls on the ground
aim at Shooter and keep pelting him with rounds. If he locks on, wait
till he fires before moving to the other side. Once they are both down
you can breathe easier.

Pick up the Second Pouch behind the counter in the first room, and
check out the bolted dresser in the second. Remember to pick up the
Firefly Rounds in the barrels outside the Screaming Woman room.

Return to Douglas, speak with him about the locked room, and he will
allow you to use his tools. Get the Monkey Wrench from the northeast
shelf inside the Garage, reload, save.

No.9 this time round is surprisingly easy to beat. As long as you keep
running in a circular fashion along the 4 corners of the room, he'll
never get a chance to stab you. Just remember to move to the next
corner once he attacks or else the next attack will connect. I tried
using the P08 to fight him, and he took 370+ shots (3 damage at a time)
before combusting up.

September 5, night.
I woke up to the sound of a husky male voice....:P

Now that you have Kyle in your team, start worrying. There's a Shooting
Golem right outside the room. Finish it off hoping that Kyle does not
take too much damage.

Clear off the NMC Rabites with the help of Kyle (help him when his HP
goes below 30), reload. Your top priority now is to save, and the
nearest telephone is in Room 6.

The space in front of the rooms will have 2 shooting ANMCs. Doff them
off, shocking them to disrupt their attacks.

Once you are in Room 6, save.

Fight your way to Gary's Trailer, reload, recharge, save, clear out the
rest of the 'hot' areas.

There's a Purple Golem in the place where you fought Spidey. He will
drop a pair of Hunter Goggles amongst other things.

Return to Gary, get the Lobby Key, save. Go to the Lobby, do the soon-
to-be-classic #3033 on the Cash Register, get the Bronco Master Key,

Outside the Trailer there will be one Sword and one Shooter Golem. A
good strategy here wil be to draw Sword's attention to you so that he
stands between Shooter and Aya. This way Shooter will hit Sword with
the missles, and save time and bullets for you.

Go to the Loft, get the Jerry Can. Return to Aya's sedan, get the
Gasoline from the pumps next to the car. Go to where the Truck is, and
speak to Gary. Skip through the events, and head for the next
destination - a save point, the nearest being the Lobby.

Outside the Lobby, however, a Red Bishop Golem is waiting for you. The
enemy you will meet only twice in the entire normal game starts to
haunt you here. Chances are he will pick you up just as you are
entering through the gate. Since the corridor is so narrow, the only
way to beat him is to fire when he is "beaming in". He'll drop a Second
Pouch, Lipstick plus a Lv 2 Medicine.

At the sedan area there are two Red Golems, one Sword and one Shooter.
Use the same in-between-the-crossfire trick to deal with the Sword, and
polish off the Shooter. You should be getting quite adept at dealing
with Golems now.

Finish up whatever you need to do, buy more Grenades (30+), retire in
Room 6.

Now guys, you can start drooling. Just remember to keep the saliva off
the controller. Girls, you had your fun with Serge, now let the guys
have their chance ^_^;

After being woken up you have to fight Cannon Mouth. Clear away from
the flames, cast Antibody. Now just simply stay at the corner junction
between Room 6 and the Loft, and it cannot hit you. All you do need to
remember is that to run down towards Room 5 once you see it going to
start flaming (the telltale flames). Sqeeze yourself into the corner to
avoid its grab. Contimually blast him with Grenades, and try to keep
out of trouble. Heal only when you are below 80HP (you will be crushed
to bits if you have anything below that) Afrer 3 minutes of flaming it
will run out of fuel to burn, and it will run away after that. [Is this
a branching point? I'm not so sure......]

After turning it to a puddle of goo/let it run out of fuel, go meet
Gary in front of the rooms and get the Truck Key. Save at the Lobby.
[Now I'm not so sure here, but it seems that if you watch the whole
event Gary's dog will die, but if you skip it it will be alive]

That done, head for the Garage, dealing with the other 'hot' areas as
you deem fit. Skip the scene with Kyle, go to Gary's Trailer, recharge,
replendish your Rifle rounds and Grenades. Save.

Return to the truck, and wipe off the dust from Disc 2.

September 6, 2000, 12.06am
On the outskirts of Mojave Desert, Nevada

Skip through the events, and perpare for another Horse fight. The idea
here, in order to conserve your ammo, is to let the Horses fall to
their deaths off the cliff at the bottom of the screen. I'm not sure if
Aya will fall too, but doing it this way means you don't have to waste
a single bullet when fighting them. This way may be a bit of a problem
for beginners, but expert players who have lived through the jaws of
zombies and dinos alike should have no problems. Remember NOT to lock
on to the Horses.

Go in, look at the broken rail tracks, return to get the Oak Board,
place it on the broken tracks, head in, reload, place the Jumper Plug
in the hole second from top, awitch on the power, save.

Now you have to fight Papa Horse. First order of things will be to
light up the Oil Barrels around the place. A couple of shots will do
fine, then change to the Grenade Pistol, and look for it. When it gets
hit it will run off in one direction. FOLLOW it (don't worry, it'll be
faster than you) and just keep running. In time it will jump on you,
but if you're moving it'll miss. Fire, reload, repeat. Same thing for
second round. Be careful now as it's even faster, and it poisons you
when it hits. 4 Grenades will do for the first time, a lot more for the
second time (18 to be exact)

Search the bike for the Gate 2 switch, and you'll see electricity
crackling. Return to the Save room, insert the Jumpers into the top and
bottom holes, switch on the power. Clear out the 'hot' spots, save.

Now that you can open Gate 2, equip your Rifle. Fighting Spidey 2 is
also very easy. Shock it and it will drop down long enough for 3
bursts. Shock it again just as it's getting up, 3 more bursts. Shock
and shoot. Repeat, and it'll die without Aya taking damage.

Your next destination is the Armory. Since the door to the main hall is
locked, you'll have to take the long way round. Let the security
lasers take care of the enemies where applicable, and finish them off
using hit and run.

Two green Golems in the Storeroom, one Sword, one Shooter. Run circles
around them, taking out whoever is in range in that tight space. You
get nothing from them for all your hard work :(.

Two Shooting Golems, one Red, one Green will be waiting for you in the
main hall. Nothing from them either.

Once you get into the Armory, recharge, buy Grenades and Rifle bullets,
and use the Black Card on the Card Reader. Now you will have access to
free Hydra bullets and Pack Shot Shells, plus a free SP12. Unlock the
door to the Storeroom, and head for the B1 save point. Continue on,
skipping the next event, head down, fight the Water NMCs, and go to the
Breeding Room.

Grab the Cola in the shelf next to the entrance, and go on to meet the
Shooting ANMC.

Return to the Breeding Room, where a Purple Golem will attack.
Defeating it will gain you the wonderful Pike attachment and some Rifle

A Red Shooting Golem will be waiting in the main hall along with two
security lasers. Get rid of the lasers before concentrating on the
Golem. No prizes here either.

A Green Sword Golem will be in the Septic Tank room with two more
lasers. Burn the Golem to death using the Pike (it rocks) and then hit
and run with the lasers.

Save, and exit the Sterilization Room. Jump down the chute, and prepare
to fight a fat Audrey 2. Simply feed it Grenades when it starts sucking
things in, and mode away from the water sprouts it shoots out. 8~10
will do to put him dowm.

As for the second form, simply stand NEXT to the corner turn on the
left, and the gas he shoots out will not hit you. Furthermore, you
don't even have to face the problem of him chasing you to the end. Feed
it 8~10 more grenades, and Big Mouth will turn into big globs of blub.

Step on the panel to raise the elevator, and knock on the door twice in
5 minutes. Skip the scene with Kyle, save.

There's a Green Sword Golem in the first room when you go down. This
time use Kyle who has the Pike Rifle to burn him to death.

There's a Red Sword Golem in the next room. Same thing, use Kyle, since
the Golems only go after Aya.

Run to the Blue Control Panel upon ascendin the ladder, enter 18, and
let Kyle finish off the flopping Water NMC.

Go through the Water Supply section, and in the Upper Sewer section a
Red Sword Golem paces there. Simply let Kyle do the dirty work, and
when it goes down, press 15 on the Red Control Panel to open the gate
that leads back to Dryfield.

Skip the Kyle leaving event and follow Gary's dog all the way to the
water tower. Save Pierce, and get his Rover Key. Head to the Trailer,
and buy whatever you need. In Bounty Mode Gary will have every weapon
avaliable, so get the AS12 to make life easier for you. You should have
enough BP to get one. Forget about the MP5A5. It's too costly in terms
of bullet usage. Save.

Go get the Tactical Vest and Lipstick from Pierce's RV in front of
the General Store. Save, and clear out all the other 'hot' areas.

Spidey 2 will be in the Underpass. This time just keep burning it to
ashes. Now return to the Trailer to recharge if you need to, and return
to the Shelter area.

There's a Red Sword Golem waiting in the narrow corridor area. If Kyle
is with you then use him, if not try to avoid his first slash, and burn
him up.

Now go to the Corridor between the Sleeping Quarters and the Storeroom
to fight the Shooting ANMC you met earlier on. Get the Bowman Card that
it drops, and head to the Armoury to reload and recharge. From now on
I'll no longer tell you to reload and recharge. Do it as you see fit as
I'm not sure how you plan your battles.

Carry on to clear out the rest of the 'hot' areas, with a Green Sword
Golem and a Red Shooter Golem at the Truck. Take out Sword first, and
use the Truck as a cover when Shooter fires. They drop a Protein and a
MD player.

Enter B2 using the south lift, and use the Bowman Card on the locked
door next to the lift. Grab the Medipak from the closet inside the
Operating Room, and enter the Laboratory.

Dump whatever you don't want into the box, enter the lengthy virus-
screwed-up-password A3EILM2S2Y, choose D and answer the three random
questions. Here are some of them I found, whether translated correctly
or incorrcetly (the questions):

Who was the first person to discover the syntomns of Neo Mitochrondia?
A) Akeme Nagajima
B) Satome Nagajima
C) Kiyome Nagajima

What organisation is the direct superior of M.I.S.T.?

What was the name of the opera singer who was the first case of Neo
Mitochrondia in America, and led to the Manhattan Incident?
A) Melissa Pierce
B) Maria Pierce
C) Mary Pierce

What was the codename given to the person who was believed to be the
first human being found in Africa?
A) Mitochrondia Adam
B) Mitochrondia Eve
C) Mitochrondia First

What is the resultant chemical that is produced between sugar/fats and
acids when produced by Mitochrondia?

Which of the following living things does Mitochrondia exist in?
A) Bacteria
B) Beetles
C) Plankton

What is the name of the desert in Nevada where this Underground Testing
Site is located under?
A) Gobi Desert
B) Mojave Desert
C) Arizona Desert

What is the name of the town where this Underground Testing Site is
located under?
A) Dry Town
B) Dry Wally
C) Dry Field

Skip past the Q & A section regarding the truth behind the recent ANMC
happenings, and answer the phone call. Save, as now the whole area is
'hot' again.

Head to the Pod Service Gantry where Pierce (Kyle if you didn't go
back to Dry Fields when he's with you) is. Pierce will tell you to have
a look at the Security Cameras, and return you the Infusion Part you
gave him earlier. Next look at the map of Shambala, and then you will
be free to move about again. Go back to the Security Cameras, unlock
the Carpark gate, start the malfunctioning B2 lift, and disengage all
security lasers.

Save, because more 'hot' areas have just opened up. A Red Sword Golem
will be right outside. A Purple Golem will be in the main hall, and he
will drop a Magnum (but no bullets ^^;) Another Red Sword Golem at the
north Elevator Hall on B2. A Purple Golem in the passageway between the
Control Room and the Carpark. This one drops 50 Magnum Rounds. Get the
Car Key in the Carpark since you're on the way, and when finished, save
in the Laboratory, head down to Shambala.

Skip the events following that, and head down to the Shrine, solve the
Tile puzzle, getting the Lv 2 MP Recovery Medicine at the same time,
and enter from the unlocked door. Take out the electricity generator
before shooting the Large ANMC. If you didn't deactivate the security
lasers be perpared to play hide and seek.

Head to the other side of Shambala, clean out the entire area, and go
to the Pyramid, and clear the Pyramid puzzle. Careful now, as right
after you step down there will be a Red Sword and a Red Shooter Golem
walking about. Finish them off and return to the locked door next to
the Garden. There will be two more Red Sword Golems at the bridge next
to the Island.

Finish off the large ANMC on the second floor, refill your Hydras at
the back of the staircase, and make your way out of there. Inside the
Shrine there will be a Purple Golem who will drop the cool Javalin plus
some 5.56s.

Save at the Laboratory, and head down to the sealed door. Blast the
wave machines using the Magnum to reduce the damage to Aya's MP, and do
the same thing for the next room. In the room where you have to fight
the Giant Shooting ANMC, destroy the wave machines first before facing
it. Shoot Grenades at it when you see it charging up. Eve at the back
will recover its HP, but its only doing nothing but prolonging the
battle for a little while more.

Skip the next few events, answer the phone. Go to Eve's closet to find
a MD, the solution stand to get a Medipak. Save. Speak with Kyle twice,
and when nearing Eve, the event with Golems happen, skip it. Get the
Protein from the Drinks corner, look at the Eve/Aya clones, and talk to
Eve. Now the gas will start to get thick. Guide Eve to the lift, skip
the next event.

Skip the event with No. 9, and keep going. Now that the place is
crawling with Golems, be extra careful. And remember that once you exit
Shambala you will be unable to return to clean it out. Plus the fact
that the Golems from now on in Bounty Mode no longer drop ammunition or

There's a Green Sword Golem in the Forest Zone.
Two more Green Swords in front of the Pyramid.
3 Green Swords await in the North Promenade.
2 Green Shooters in the South Promenade.
1 Green Sword and 1 Green Shooter in the Savanna.
2 Green Swords in the Shrine.

So far so good......main priority now is the Laboratory.

1 Red Sword plus 2 security lasers in the B2 Main Hall

Save. Next stop should be the Armoury.

1 Red Shooter plus 4 security lasers in the B2 South Elevator Hall.
1 Red Sword and 1 Green Shooter in the B1 South Elevator Hall.
1 Green Sword plus 2 security lasers in the corridor to the Storeroom.
1 Green Sword and 1 Green Shooter in the Storeroom.

You should be in the Armoury now. Re-everything, and head off to your
next destination - the Pod Service Gantry room to switch off the
irritating lasers.

1 Red Shooter and 1 Green Shooter in the B1 Main Hall.
1 Red Sword plus 3 security lasers in the B1 North Elevator Hall.

Once inside, switch off the Security Settings again, pick up Pierce's
Memo, save. Now clear off any other enemies that still remain.

One last Red Sword in the B2 North Elevator Hall.
1 Bishop Golem in the Sleeping Quarters.
1 Red Sword in the corridor between the Main Hall and the Carpark
1 Bishop Golem in the Carpark corridor.
1 Green Sword in the corridor between the Carpark corridor and the
Control Room.

Once done, head to the Carpark, call out the Red Electric Rover, use
the Bowman Card at the Control Panel, save. Get into the car and move

In the Airlock you'll have to face another Bishop Golem.
The room after that has a Red Shooter and a Red Sword.

Unlock the next door from inside the Guardroom, and face yet another
Red Sword and Shooter pair. Once they crackle, heal up to max, since
you'll regain all your MP. Check the panels twice, and you'll face

December 6, 2000
On the outskirts of the Mojave desert, Nevada

Skip past the next few events. Get the Airburst Grenades from the Ammo
box and a Medipak from the first-aid box. Exit the tent to meet Gary's
dog (if it's still alive) who will give you a letter from him and a Lv
2 MP Recovery Medicine. Jodie will be outside (Rupert if you missed
Pierce), and you will have access to all the boxes you left behind.

At the Tonner buy the Tactical Armour and max out your Airburst
Grenades. Since in Bounty Mode they do not sell Magnum Rounds its
pretty useless now.

The Ammo boxes outside the tent will allow you to top up all your Rifle
Bullets and Grenades in addition to the normal handgun and shotgun
ammo if you meet Jodie instead of Rupert.

Go back in. B1 will be completely clear now. Answer the call, go on to
the save point in the Sterilization Room. Save, and clean out B2 if you
still want to carry on fighting. Go to the Golem Room to look for
Pierce. Skip the event, save at the Sterilization Room one last time.

Now before you carry on, make sure of the following things:

1) Currently you should have a minimum of 160HP. Use ALL your Proteins
to jack it up to around 200HP. Its a waste I know, but it's Bounty
Mode, so don't take any chances.

2) Currently you should have a minimum of 60MP. Use the Lipsticks you
find to jack up your MP, and max out your Earth and Water PEs. If
you have some EXP left jack up Fire PEs.

3) Bring along ALL your Medipaks. You should have 5 in all if you
didn't use any in the course of the game.

4) The only weapon you really need now is the Grenade Pistol or M4A1
with M203 attached. The only ammo you need now is the Airburst

5) For now, attach Lv2 MP Recovery Medicine and Lv3 Medicine to all
the 8 slots in your armour. 4 of each will do. And bring along one
Lv1 Medicine.

Go to the Pod Service Gantry, skip the events, recover your HP using
the Lv1 Medicine and head down to B2. Shake off the final Bishop Golem,
killing it if you wish to (using the Handgun if you brought it along)
and enter the final room. Skip the event, fight the Ultimate ANMC.

Ultimate ANMC Strategy:

The Ultimate ANMC has a lot of body parts, namely

a) Head
b) Neck
c) Lower body
d) Left Arm
e) Left Arm Gas Shooter
f) Right Arm
g) Right Arm Gas Shooter
h) Left Tail
i) Right Tail
j) Core

Cast Antibody once the heartbeat stops. The ANMC will open its core
once you finish off two body parts. Fastest way of course is to deal
with the Head and Neck. Once the Head is gone, cast Metabolism to avoid
getting abnormal status. When you are in the danger zone cast Life
Drain to completely recover all your HP.

Once the Core opens be VERY CAREFUL! One slip-up here and its Game
Over. The Core Blast is very destructive in Bounty Mode. At max HP with
the Antibody barrier it will still do around 150 damage. The only
method that works for me now is -

1) Aim and shoot. Reload.
2) Get hit by the Core Blast. Cast Life Drain.
3) Shoot.

After that the Core will close. In the lull between the next blast you
must reload and should either recast Antibody if you feel that it's
going to end; drink a Lv2 MP Recovery Medicine if you are below 16MP;
or simply wait. Repeat the entire process until it turns into liquid

Use a Lv3 Medicine to recover all your HP if your killing blow was Life
Drain. Now attach all your Medipaks to your armour, leaving a few MP
and HP Medicines still. Use the Bowman Card to stretch the bridge, and
skip the next event to fight Eve.

Eve Strategy:

By now you should be able to anticipate Eve's attacks. If not you're
going to be in trouble. Fire at her once her attack is broken, and
there is yellow electricity cracking around her body. Heal using Life
Drain when absolutely needed. Use Medipaks when your HP AND MP is low.
Otherwise use the other Medicines first. And keep that Antibody shield
up AT ALL TIMES. Here are all of Eve's moves -

Shiny dots floating up from her :-
She will rush at Aya's last position. Run down the sides of the bridge
to avoid it. Return to the head of the bridge. She will teleport 1~4
more times. Listen for the sound and start running. If you get hit any
of the times she will appear in the center of the bridge. Fire once,
run to the end of the bridge, reload.

Flies up (1) :-
She will crash into the middle of the bridge with explosive impact. You
must not be standing on the bridge or else you will be hit. Fire
another round as she is turning right side up, reload.

Files up (2) :-
She will fly to either side of Aya, and shoot coloured balls. Cast
Metabolism IMMEDIATELY once you see her appear next to Aya. This way
you will not be affected. Remember that negative status effects like
Silence and Berserk is her speciality. Fire, take the damage, reload.

Chants :-
The whole screen will turn wavy. Aya's MP will start to rise. Cool.
After that you will be incinerated and Silenced, all MP lost. Cooler
still. Break that attack either by firing two rounds in quick
succession, or if you're not fast enough, a Life Drain will break it.
Careful when you get hit. Since it takes a while to recover from the
Silence effect, your Antibody shield may wear off. Avoid any attacks at
all cost (unless she's about to chant again that is, but luckily the
chances of her doing it twice after succeeding is slim).

Direct Attack :-
She will float to Aya's position, and kamikaze her. Avoid that attack
by running in a different direction, and fire when she hits the wall.

Calls a Shadow :-
A shadow that resembles Eve will appear, and will slash her, causing
Paralysis. Hit and Run, but don't forget about the real Eve who will
keep on atacking.

Once you see blood flowing from her body you are nearly there. Her
attacks will be TWICE as fast, but it's not really going to matter.
Continously cast Life Drain (300+ damage) and that's it.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've just completed the second mode of Parasite
Eve II. What will you get you ask? Well.....the following appears if
you followed EVERY step I wrote down.

September 7, 2000, 9.15pm
White House, Washington

..........more of the plot will be revealed. And it's a very dark plot.

There will be a scene of Aya reporting on everybody's movements 1 year
on from Parasite Eve II. IF you know Japanese, then this makes great
sense. IF not...wait for the US release (if there is one).


September 1, 2001, 8.15am
********** ******, New York

CG ending lasting about half a minute.

This is the Good Ending. It's a wonderful ending in terms of wrapping
up the entire game, especially on Aya's part. You just have to read it.


Well, that's it. Bounty Mode done. By now you should have the feeling
that you have just conquered another hill. But WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!

What's that!?

More sleepless nights ahead!!

But now that you have done the impossible and survived against all
odds, you will start to learn a pattern in which all enemies attack.
In Supportless Mode the difference is that you don't have regular
weapons/armour/items avaliable for sale, and that Aya's MP is reduced
to 10. Also you will only get 10% of EXP and BP you would normally
receive for Replay Mode. Enemies remain the same as per Replay Mode,
but strengthened, luckily not to the extent of Bounty Mode, but not
that easy either.

And of course there is the ultimate mode for hardcore (read: Crazy)
players: Deadly Mode, where Aya's HP is reduced to 50 and MP to 10,
plus the fact that enemies are as strong as in Bounty, and that Aya
starts out with ZERO EXP and BP. Did I forget to mention that Jodie
sells impossibly expensive items?

************************GOOD ENDING POINTERS***************************
Here are the Must-Do steps in order to see the good ending:

1) Meet Kyle in the Pub at night in Dry Fields.

2) Defeat Cannon Mouth in under 3 minutes. If it walks away retry.
Ditto if Gary's dog dies.

3) Return to Dry Fields while Kyle is with Aya (directly after
defeating Big Mouth, and before taking the South Elevator)

4) Pick up Pierce's Message at the Telephone in the Pod Service Gantry
while running out from the Shelter. Call back.

5) If you did all the above correctly, Gary's dog will greet you
outside the tent, and Jodie will be beside the containers. You will
be able to get free reloads of 5.56s and Grenades.

6) Save Pierce one more time in the Golem Room.

7) Defeat Final Eve.


**That's it for Bounty Mode. Any questions pertaining to the gameplay
and/or puzzles have been or will be answered at the following location:

As mentioned beforehand, this will only be useful if you have cleared
the game once. I'm not about to clear the way for you...yet. Once I'm
done with this I'll start writing a detailed walkthrough for the game
itself, complete with spoilers. Queries on only the Bounty Mode will be


1) From what I read at the PEII MBs, I already know the Loft Safe
number, and the item inside it. However I'd like to know how EXACTLY
do we get that number, as I have not found any clues pertaining to
this particular locker. All other puzzles have been solved by yours
truly in the very first day I bought it. I didn't sleep that night.

2) I'm not sure anymore if there is going to be a US version coming
out. The way the game plot goes, placing the highest position in the
US in an international conspirecy is not a good way of letting a
game fly there.

3) Currently working hard on the walkthrough. I'll try to churn it out
by the end of the week. It's not going to be complete though, but
I'll add in things as fast as I can.

************************REVISION HISTORY*******************************

Version 1.3 (6-1-2000)
Changed some of the information.
A glaring mistake due to my bad editing (or was I sleeping?) at the
part where you are fighting Cannon Mouth corrected.
Corrected even more typos I found (DAMN the stupid Typo Manipulation
Added in info about Deadly Mode.
Made sure no more wrapping errors are left.

Version 1.2 (1-1-2000)
Wrong address for Squaresoft corrected. What a glaring mistake ~_~;
Revised Weapon List, complete with specifications.

Version 1.1 (30-12-99)
Changed some information especially on the Good Ending.
More typos cleared up.
Removed Unknown on the CG ending part.
Added in Good Ending Pointers section.

Version 1.0 (29-12-99)
Cleared Bounty Mode.
Got to the end of the game.
Cleared up some typos.
Changed the name of the Bulletproof Vest to its correct term: Tactical

Version 0.3 (28-12-99)
Added the Javelin to the Weapons section.
Got as far as the Pod Service Gantry while running out.

Version 0.2 (27-12-99)
Changed the Heal Status PE to the correct term: Metabolism.
Realized that I missed out on the M9 in the Weapons section.
Got as far as defeating Cannon Mouth.

Version 0.1 (26-12-99)
The day I started it.
Got as far as the trapped Screaming Lady.


For now....

Squaresoft Japan
for turning Parasite Eve II into an AAVG worthy to rank alongside Bio
Hazard, Silent Hill, Dino's not supposed to be scary

for the biggest collection of written work anywhere. Without it people
will be groping around looking for answers, and I will have a lot of
free time to write fanfics for my S2RPG.

All the friendly members of the GameFAQs message board who have been
unwittingly helping me write this one out. You know who you are. Thanks
for all the tips!!

Anyone who has been able to clear Bounty Mode after just a single clear
game. I salute you!


PE2 is an Action-Adventure game, NOT RPG!
Although short, it's longer than ANY Bio Hazard/Dino Crisis, and it
definately gives more depth.
And I love it!!!

Enjoy dying lots of times!!!
And remember - There's an even harder mode waiting for you!

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15.Octombrie 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.Octombrie 2013
Important Stuff

15.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Ende des Spiels und alle Filme freigeschaltet

16.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.Octombrie 2013
Speed Guide

17.Octombrie 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.Octombrie 2013
Alle Modi und Extras sind freigespielt.

17.Octombrie 2013
Spoiler Free

14.Octombrie 2013
10.Octombrie 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.Octombrie 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (HLG).

11.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (PDX).

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Octombrie 2008
10.Octombrie 2008
2 Hours Speed Guide

14.Octombrie 2013
Speed FAQ

15.Octombrie 2013
Bouny Mode FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (BAD).

16.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische spanische PAL Version (PDX).

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (PDX).

16.Octombrie 2013
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