SaGa Frontier 2

SaGa Frontier 2

14.10.2013 08:44:35
SaGa Frontier 2 Combo FAQ
Version: 52.0
Last Updated: 09/17/02

This FAQ contains all the combos that I have discovered in the American
version of SaGa Frontier 2 by Squaresoft. I highly recommend this game!
The combos are sorted alphabetically into groups. The groups are:

-Total Number of Combos
-Basic Combo Information
-Duo Attacks
-Triple Onslaughts
-All Out Attacks
-Enemy/Party Combos

Enjoy! :-)

Total Number of Combos

Basic Combo Information
You should try to use combos in this game because the Arts do more
damage when they are combined. To perform a combo, you must target one
opponent and input the Arts in the exact order that is listed. There
also cannot be any interruptions between each action. For example, lets
say you wanted to do the Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer + Heaven & Hell +
Megahit combo against the Egg. If the Egg or another character performs
an action between the Shadow Slayer and the Turtle Killer, it will not
work. Also remember that even if you do get the moves in the right
order, the combos happen randomly.

Duo Attacks
Aftervision + Aim Shot
Aftervision + Double Thrust
Aftervision + Heart Breaker
Aftervision + Heel Crush
Aftervision + Hyper Hammer
Aftervision + Tone Sword

Aim Shot + Bone Crush
Aim Shot + Brawl
Aim Shot + Double Thrust (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Final Letter (found by Nehem)
Aim Shot + Heart Beat
Aim Shot + Heel Crush (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Running Slash
Aim Shot + Skewer (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Smash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Aim Shot + Swing & Stab (found by Nehem)
Aim Shot + Wood Staff (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Aim Shot + Woodstock (found by Nehem)

Aqua Viper + Brawl (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Lawnmower
Aqua Viper + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Aqua Viper + Rotation Kick
Aqua Viper + Running Slash (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Aqua Viper + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Somersault (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Axel Turn + Bone Crush
Axel Turn + Gong Beat
Axel Turn + Painful Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Axel Turn + Running Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Axel Turn + Sidewinder (found by Pnguyen)
Axel Turn + Slice & Dice (found by Logam)

Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)
Backhand + Tone Arrow

Bear Crush + Flash Trinity (found by G.A.T)
Bear Crush + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Bear Crush + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)

Bear Paw + Double Thrust (found by Daetros)
Bear Paw + Smash

Beast Lightning + Aim Shot
Beast Lightning + Bear Crush (found by Romans9902)
Beast Lightning + Crystal Prism
Beast Lightning + Heaven & Hell
Beast Lightning + Lobster Slayer
Beast Lightning + Mind Break
Beast Lightning + Multi-Way (found by Romans9902)
Beast Lightning + Press (found by Romans9902)
Beast Lightning + Turtle Killer (found by Substance)

Blade Spray + Flame Naga
Blade Spray + Flash Trinity (found by Pnguyen)
Blade Spray + Heart Breaker
Blade Spray + Heaven & Hell (found by Marbirddd)
Blade Spray + Karate Punch
Blade Spray + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Blade Spray + Somersault (found by Pnguyen)

Bone Crush + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Brain Shaker
Bone Crush + Bull Crush (found by Substance)
Bone Crush + Double Thrust
Bone Crush + Running Slash
Bone Crush + Smash
Bone Crush + Thousand Needle (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Tone Arrow (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Water Hammer

Brain Shaker + Bull Crush (found by Substance)
Brain Shaker + Double Slash
Brain Shaker + Mist Double
Brain Shaker + Rock Crush (found by Substance)
Brain Shaker + Smash
Brain Shaker + Turtle Killer (found by Substance)

Brawl + Brawl (found by Anita)
Brawl + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Brawl + Needle Shot
Brawl + Wood Arrow (found by Mrandrews)

Bull Crush + Megahit (found by Anita)
Bull Crush + Rapid Fire (found by Anita)
Bull Crush + Rock Crush (found by Substance)
Bull Crush + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Bull Crush + Squash (found by Pnguyen)

Bushfire + Cross Beat (found by Nehem)
Bushfire + Hyper Hammer (found by Anita)+ Tomahawk (found by Anita)
Bushfire + Tree
Bushfire + Turtle Killer

Call Thunder + Crush Beat (found by Nehem)
Call Thunder + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Call Thunder + Flame Sword (found by Substance)
Call Thunder + Head Cracker (found by Substance)
Call Thunder + Running Slash
Call Thunder + Woodstock (found by Romans9902)

Cross Break + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Cross Break + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)
Cross Break + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Cross Break + Skewer (found by Nehem)
Cross Break + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Cross Break + Water Hammer (found by Sheng)
Cross Break + Wood Cutter (found by Anita)

Cross Slash + Brawl
Cross Slash + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Flame Naga (found by Pnguyen)
Cross Slash + Heel Crush (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Hyper Hammer (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Megahit (found by Nehem)
Cross Slash + Rock Crush (found by Nehem)
Cross Slash + Skewer (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Skull Crush (found by Nehem)
Cross Slash + Swing & Stab (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Cross Slash + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Crush Beat + Needle Shot (found by Nehem)

Crystal Prism + Double Thrust
Crystal Prism + Flame Naga (found by Marbirddd)
Crystal Prism + Heart Beat
Crystal Prism + Heaven & Hell
Crystal Prism + Lobster Slayer
Crystal Prism + Megahit
Crystal Prism + Painful Beat
Crystal Prism + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Crystal Prism + Rock Crush
Crystal Prism + Roll Beat
Crystal Prism + Squash

Deadly Snake + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Deadly Snake + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Death Shot + Squash (found by Marcie)

Double Slash + Bear Paw
Double Slash + Double Thrust
Double Slash + Flame Naga (found by Pnguyen)
Double Slash + Hyper Hammer
Double Slash + Lawnmower (found by Klythgoe)
Double Slash + Megahit
Double Slash + Swing & Stab (found by Klythgoe)
Double Slash + Wood Cutter (found by Anita)
Double Slash + Wood Spear (found by Klythgoe)

Double Stroke + Axel Turn (found by Pnguyen)
Double Stroke + Call Thunder
Double Stroke + Double Thrust (found by Substance)
Double Stroke + Head Splitter (found by Pnguyen)
Double Stroke + Hyper Hammer (found by Pnguyen)
Double Stroke + Kick Rush (found by Anita)
Double Stroke + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)
Double Stroke + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Double Stroke + Thousand Needle (found by Anita)
Double Stroke + Tone Sword

Double Thrust + Cross Slash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Double Thrust + Double Slash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Double Thrust + Heart Beat
Double Thrust + Mist Double (found by Nehem)
Double Thrust + Roll Beat
Double Thrust + Sidewinder

Dragon Tail + Axel Turn (found by Pnguyen)
Dragon Tail + Hyper Hammer
Dragon Tail + Megahit
Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing
Dragon Tail + Skull Crush (found by Pnguyen)

Fake Out + Brawl (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Fake Out + Dragon Tail (found by Nehem)
Fake Out + Fake Out (found by Flexywexy)
Fake Out + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Fake Out + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Lawnmower
Fake Out + Ogre Crossing (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Needle Shot (found by Flexywexy)
Fake Out + Sidewinder (found by Pnguyen)
Fake Out + Slice & Dice (found by Flexywexy)
Fake Out + Stone

Final Letter + Aim Shot
Final Letter + Karate Punch
Final Letter + Thousand Needle
Final Letter + Wave Thrust

Firestorm + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Axel Spin (found by Wdarrylapr884)
Firestorm + Bone Crush
Firestorm + Crush Beat (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Dead End
Firestorm + Double Slash (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Fake Out (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Flash Trinity (found by Romans9902)
Firestorm + Head Splitter
Firestorm + Head Wind (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Heart Beat
Firestorm + Karate Punch
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer
Firestorm + Mist Double
Firestorm + Ogre Run
Firestorm + Painful Beat (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Rock Crush
Firestorm + Roll Beat
Firestorm + Rush
Firestorm + Skewer (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Sky Drive
Firestorm + Tomahawk (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Wide Swing (found by Romans9902)
Firestorm + Woodcutter (found by Anita)

Fire Wheel + Incineration (found by ALXALEX)

Flame Naga + Bear Paw
Flame Naga + Backhand
Flame Naga + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Double Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Flame Naga + Fearless Triple (found by Zach Keene)
Flame Naga + Flame (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Heart Breaker
Flame Naga + Incineration (found by Zach Keene)
Flame Naga + KAMIKAZE
Flame Naga + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Megahit (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)
Flame Naga + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Flame Naga + Rotation Kick
Flame Naga + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Flame Naga + Thousand Needle (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Water Hammer (found by Nehem)

Flame Sword + Arm Hammer (found by Marbirddd)

Flash Trinity + Incineration (found by Romans9902)
Flash Trinity + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)
Flash Trinity + Megabolt (found by Romans9902)
Flash Trinity + Needle Shot (found by Romans9902)
Flash Trinity + Painful Beat (found by Anubis)

Gale Blade + Beast Lightning (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Cross Break (found by Lakahn)
Gale Blade + Double Slash
Gale Blade + Head Wind (found by Lakahn)
Gale Blade + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Kitchen Sink
Gale Blade + Lawnmower
Gale Blade + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Ogre Crossing
Gale Blade + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Gale Blade + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Gale Blade + Sky Drive (found by Marcie)
Gale Blade + Water Hammer
Gale Blade + Wood Cutter

Gale Strike + Flash Trinity (found by Romans9902)
Gale Strike + Incineration (found by Romans9902)
Gale Strike + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Strike + Slice & Dice (found by BilboJones69)

Gong Beat + Brainshaker (found by Pnguyen)
Gong Beat + Cross Slash
Gong Beat + Gong Beat (found by Physiocrat)
Gong Beat + Heaven & Hell
Gong Beat + Heavenly Strike
Gong Beat + Lawnmower (found by Nehem)
Gong Beat + Mind Break (found by Pnguyen)
Gong Beat + Shadow Slayer (found by Anita)
Gong Beat + Skull Crush (found by Nehem)
Gong Beat + Strike Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Gong Beat + Swing & Stab (found by Substance)
Gong Beat + Yo-Yo

Head Cracker + Painful Beat (found by Pnguyen)

Head Splitter + Aiming (found by Nehem)
Head Splitter + Cross Slash
Head Splitter + Head Cracker (found by Substance)
Head Splitter + Running Slash (found by Anita)
Head Splitter + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Head Splitter + Slice & Dice
Head Splitter + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Head Wind + Axel Turn (found by Nehem)
Head Wind + Flame Naga (found by Nehem)
Head Wind + Hyper Hammer (found by Nehem)
Head Wind + Megahit (found by Anita)
Head Wind + Rock Crush (found by Nehem)
Head Wind + Somersault (found by Pnguyen)

Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anubis)
Heart Beat + Double Stroke
Heart Beat + Head Cracker (found by Substance)
Heart Beat + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Heart Beat + Karate Punch
Heart Beat + Strike Slash (found by Substance)
Heart Beat + Swing & Stab

Heart Breaker + Call Thunder (found by Nehem)
Heart Breaker + Wood Staff (found by Marbirddd)

Heaven & Hell + Axel Turn
Heaven & Hell + Fake Out
Heaven & Hell + Megahit
Heaven & Hell + Painful Beat
Heaven & Hell + Roll Beat (found by Substance)
Heaven & Hell + Rush
Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer
Heaven & Hell + Tree
Heaven & Hell + Yo-Yo (found by Pnguyen)

Heavenly Strike + Shadow Slayer
Heavenly Strike + Thousand Needle

Heaven's Thunder + Mind Break (found by Iamcool)
Heaven's Thunder + Woodstock (found by Romans9902)

Heel Crush + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)
Heel Crush + Backhand (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Heel Crush + Bone Crush
Heel Crush + Double Slash (found by Anubis)
Heel Crush + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Heel Crush + Running Slash (found by Nehem)

Howling Heaven + Axel Turn (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Beast Lightning (found by Romans9902)
Howling Heaven + Brawl (found by Anita)
Howling Heaven + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Howling Heaven + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Howling Heaven + Flame Naga (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Head Cracker(found by Anita)
Howling Heaven + Head Splitter (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Head Wind (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Heaven & Hell (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Kick Rush (found by Anita)
Howling Heaven + Lawnmower
Howling Heaven + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Rock Crush (found by Substance)
Howling Heaven + Roll Beat (found by Substance)
Howling Heaven + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Strike Slash (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Thousand Needle (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Wide Swing (found by Romans9902)
Howling Heaven + Woodstock (found by Nehem)

Hymnal + Head Splitter
Hymnal + Lobster Slayer
Hymnal + Running Slash

Hyper Hammer + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Hyper Hammer + Double Slash (found by Anita)
Hyper Hammer + Heart Beat
Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Hyper Hammer + Wave Thrust (found by Anita)

Incineration + Beast Lightning (found by Romans9902)
Incineration + Dead End (found by Grafstar)
Incineration + Flame Naga (found by Zach Keene)
Incineration + Woodstock (found by Nehem)

Jewel Strike + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Jewel Strike + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)

KAMIKAZE + Backhand (found by Zach Keene)

Kitchen Sink + Heavenly Strike

Lawnmower + Arm Hammer (found by Phil)
Lawnmower + Bone Crush
Lawnmower + Cross Slash (found by Tenshin)
Lawnmower + Crush Beat
Lawnmower + Double Slash (found by Nehem)
Lawnmower + Double Thrust (found by Pnguyen)
Lawnmower + Ogre Crossing (found by Squall_69b)
Lawnmower + Roll Beat (found by Anita)
Lawnmower + Running Slash (found by Nehem)
Lawnmower + Rush (found by Zemlock)
Lawnmower + Sidewinder
Lawnmower + Slice & Dice (found by Flexywexy)
Lawnmower + Thousand Needle

Lobster Slayer + Axel Turn (found by Nehem)
Lobster Slayer + Double Stroke (found by Substance)
Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga (found by Nehem)
Lobster Slayer + Hyper Hammer (found by Nehem)
Lobster Slayer + Megahit (found by Nehem)
Lobster Slayer + Slice & Dice (found by Pnguyen)
Lobster Slayer + Strike Slash
Lobster Slayer + Wood Arrow (found by Nehem)

Magmaxplosion + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Axel Turn (found by Anubis)
Magmaxplosion + Bone Crush (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Call Thunder
Magmaxplosion + Heel Crush (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Hyper Hammer (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Needle Shot
Magmaxplosion + Painful Beat (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Running Slash (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Tomahawk (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Tone Staff (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Water Hammer (found by Mrandrews)
Magmaxplosion + Wave Thrust

Megabolt + Cascade Rising (found by Emina_Agnam2001)
Megabolt + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Megabolt + Dragon Tail
Megabolt + Flame Naga
Megabolt + Flame Sword
Megabolt + Heaven & Hell
Megabolt + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)
Megabolt + Lobster Slayer
Megabolt + Mist Double
Megabolt + Ogre Crossing (found by Anita)
Megabolt + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Megabolt + Smash (found by Anita)
Megabolt + Stone (found by Anita)
Megabolt + Tone Arrow (found by Anita)

Megahit + Dragon Tail (found by Pnguyen)
Megahit + Heart Beat
Megahit + Needle Shot
Megahit + Painful Beat

Mind Break + Axel Turn (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Head Cracker
Mind Break + Head Splitter
Mind Break + Heart Beat
Mind Break + Lobster Slayer
Mind Break + Painful Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Rock Crush (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Wood Cutter

Mist Double + Brawl (found by Anita)
Mist Double + Double Thrust (found by Nehem)
Mist Double + Fake Out
Mist Double + Flame Naga (found by Zach Keene)
Mist Double + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Mist Double + Hyper Hammer (found by Anita)
Mist Double + Rock Crush
Mist Double + Somersault (found by Anita)
Mist Double + Swing & Stab
Mist Double + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)

Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Needle Shot + Bone Crush (found by Mrandrews)
Needle Shot + Crush Beat (found by Nehem)
Needle Shot + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Needle Shot + Thousand Needle (found by Anita)
Needle Shot + Tree
Needle Shot + Woodstock (found by Nehem)

No Moment + Bone Crush
No Moment + Dead End
No Moment + Fake Out
No Moment + Flame Naga
No Moment + Flash Trinity (found by Pnguyen)
No Moment + Kick Rush
No Moment + Slice & Dice
No Moment + Tomahawk
No Moment + Triangle Kick (found by Pnguyen)

Ogre Crossing + Cross Break (found by Pnguyen)
Ogre Crossing + Crush Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Ogre Crossing + Head Wind (found by Anita)
Ogre Crossing + Kick Rush (found by Pnguyen)
Ogre Crossing + Megahit (found by Blue)
Ogre Crossing + Tomahawk (found by Nehem)

Ogre Run + Tree

Painful Beat + Heaven & Hell
Painful Beat + Hyper Hammer (found by Nehem)
Painful Beat + Mind Break (found by Pnguyen)
Painful Beat + Mist Double (found by Pnguyen)
Painful Beat + Ogre Crossing (found by Nehem)
Painful Beat + Strike Slash (found by Pnguyen)

Poison Arrow + Bone Crush
Poison Arrow + Head Splitter
Poison Arrow + Heart Beat
Poison Arrow + Heaven & Hell
Poison Arrow + Heel Crush
Poison Arrow + Hyper Hammer
Poison Arrow + Lobster Slayer
Poison Arrow + Rock Crush
Poison Arrow + Roll Beat

Press + Beast Lightning (found by Romans9902)

Random Shot + Aim Shot (found by Zemlock)
Random Shot + Double Slash
Random Shot + Double Thrust (found by Anubis)
Random Shot + Heart Beat
Random Shot + Hyper Hammer
Random Shot + Lobster Slayer (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Random Shot + Megahit (found by Nev)
Random Shot + Mind Break (found by Zemlock)
Random Shot + Rotation Kick
Random Shot + Squash
Random Shot + Tomahawk
Random Shot + Water Hammer (found by Mrandrews)

Rock Crush + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Rock Crush + Double Slash
Rock Crush + Dragon Tail
Rock Crush + Head Cracker (found by Substance)
Rock Crush + Head Wind (found by Pnguyen)
Rock Crush + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Rock Crush + Painful Beat (found by Chiefonepapa)
Rock Crush + Shadow Bind (found by Pnguyen)
Rock Crush + Thousand Needle (found by Nehem)
Rock Crush + Tone Arrow (found by Anita)

Roll Beat + Double Slash (found by Nehem)
Roll Beat + Double Thrust
Roll Beat + Dragon Tail (found by Nehem)
Roll Beat + Final Letter
Roll Beat + Mist Double
Roll Beat + Smash
Roll Beat + Tomahawk
Roll Beat + Tone Arrow
Roll Beat + Woodstock

Rotation Kick + Lobster Slayer (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Rotation Kick + Needle Shot (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)

Running Slash + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)
Running Slash + Aiming (found by Nehem)
Running Slash + Brain Shaker (found by Nehem)
Running Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Running Slash + Hyper Hammer (found by Nehem)
Running Slash + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Running Slash + Shadow Slayer (found by Nehem)
Running Slash + Water Hammer

Rush + Bone Crush
Rush + Brawl (found by Anita)
Rush + Fake Out (found by Nehem)
Rush + Head Splitter (found by Nehem)
Rush + Heel Crush (found by Anubis)
Rush + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Rush + Somersault (found by Anita)
Rush + Thrust (found by Anita)
Rush + Wood Staff (found by Anubis)

Shadow Bind + Axel Turn (found by Pnguyen)
Shadow Bind + Heart Beat
Shadow Bind + Megahit
Shadow Bind + Roll Beat
Shadow Bind + Yo-Yo

Shadow Slayer + Aiming (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Bear Crush (found by Marbirddd)
Shadow Slayer + Crystal Prism (found by Marbirddd)
Shadow Slayer + Double Slash (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Double Stroke (found by KalaninArtea)
Shadow Slayer + Dragon Tail
Shadow Slayer + Flame Naga (found by Marcie)
Shadow Slayer + Gong Beat (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Head Splitter
Shadow Slayer + Heaven & Hell (found by Pnguyen)
Shadow Slayer + Hyper Hammer (found by Pnguyen)
Shadow Slayer + Megahit
Shadow Slayer + Mind Break (found by Marbirddd)
Shadow Slayer + Painful Beat
Shadow Slayer + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Shadow Slayer + Running Slash (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Skull Crush
Shadow Slayer + Slice & Dice (found by Pnguyen)
Shadow Slayer + Squash
Shadow Slayer + Thousand Needle (found by Marbirddd)
Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer

Shining Arm + Painful Beat

Sidewinder + Axel Turn
Sidewinder + Bone Crush
Sidewinder + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Sidewinder + Double Thrust (found by Nehem)
Sidewinder + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Sidewinder + Heel Crush (found by Nehem)
Sidewinder + Karate Punch
Sidewinder + Kitchen Sink
Sidewinder + Head Splitter
Sidewinder + Heart Beat
Sidewinder + Painful Beat
Sidewinder + Rock Crush (found by Pnguyen)
Sidewinder + Roll Beat
Sidewinder + Rush (found by Nehem)
Sidewinder + Shining Arm (found by Pnguyen)
Sidewinder + Slice & Dice (found by Pnguyen)
Sidewinder + Squash (found by Pnguyen)
Sidewinder + Swing & Stab

Skewer + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Skewer + Axel Turn (found by Anubis)
Skewer + Cross Break (found by Nehem)
Skewer + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Skewer + Head Splitter
Skewer + Heel Crush (found by Anubis)
Skewer + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Skewer + Ogre Crossing (found by Anubis)
Skewer + Roll Beat
Skewer + Smash (found by Phil)
Skewer + Strike Slash (found by Nehem)

Skull Crush + Arm Hammer (found by Pnguyen)
Skull Crush + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Dragon Tail (found by Pnguyen)
Skull Crush + Gong Beat
Skull Crush + Kick Rush (found by Pnguyen)
Skull Crush + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Ogre Run (found by Marbirddd)
Skull Crush + Painful Beat
Skull Crush + Slice & Dice (found by Flexywexy)

Sky Drive + Kitchen Sink (found by Pnguyen)
Sky Drive + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Sky Drive + Needle Shot (found by Nehem)
Sky Drive + No Moment (found by Pnguyen)

Sky Rendezvous + Headwind (found by Adonis McQueen)

Sleep + Lawnmower
Sleep + Swing & Stab
Sleep + Tomahawk
Sleep + Wide Swing

Smash + Cross Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Smash + Double Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Smash + Double Thrust (found by TALLPAULG)
Smash + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Smash + Fake Out (found by Flexywexy)
Smash + Flame Naga (found by Pnguyen)
Smash + Heel Crush
Smash + Ogre Crossing (found by Anita)
Smash + Skewer
Smash + Wood Staff

Snake Blaster + Flame Naga (found by Zach Keene)
Snake Blaster + Incineration (found by Nehem)
Snake Blaster + Sidewinder (found by ALXALEX)
Snake Blaster + Smash (found by Nehem)

Spoil Wave + Needle Shot (found by Substance)

Somersault + Lobster Slayer (found by Pnguyen)
Somersault + Sidewinder (found by Anita)

Sonic Burner + Heart Beat
Sonic Burner + Heaven & Hell
Sonic Burner + Rock Crush
Sonic Burner + Sidewinder (found by Anita)

Sonic Poison + Call Thunder
Sonic Poison + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Sonic Poison + Double Slash
Sonic Poison + Dragon Tail
Sonic Poison + Flame Naga
Sonic Poison + Flame Sword (found by Substance)
Sonic Poison + Heart Breaker (found by Nehem)
Sonic Poison + Heaven & Hell
Sonic Poison + Karate Punch (found by Nehem)
Sonic Poison + Mist Double
Sonic Poison + Needle Shot (found by Substance)
Sonic Poison + Stone (found by Nehem)
Sonic Poison + Water Hammer (found by Nehem)

Spectral Shot + Beast Lightning (found by Romans9902)
Spectral Shot + Fearless Triple (found by Zach Keene)
Spectral Shot + Flame Naga (found by Zach Keene)
Spectral Shot + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)s
Spectral Shot + Press (found by Romans9902)

Squash + Cross Break (found by Nehem)
Squash + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Squash + Needle Shot (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)
Squash + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)
Squash + Painful Beat
Squash + Shadow Slayer
Squash + Squash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)

Stone + Aim Shot (found by Mrandrews)
Stone + Brawl (found by Anita)
Stone + Gong Beat
Stone + Needle Shot (found by Nehem)
Stone + Rush
Stone + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)

Strike Slash + Call Thunder
Strike Slash + Dragon Revolution
Strike Slash + Roll Beat
Strike Slash + Rush
Strike Slash + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Strike Slash + Tone Sword

Sumo Throw + Flash Trinity

Swing & Stab + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)
Swing & Stab + Mind Break (found by Nehem)
Swing & Stab + Ogre Crossing (found by Nehem)
Swing & Stab + Roll Beat (found by Substance)
Swing & Stab + Running Slash (found by Nehem)
Swing & Stab + Shadow Slayer

Thousand Needle + Heart Beat
Thousand Needle + Heel Crush
Thousand Needle + Lawnmower (found by Anita)
Thousand Needle + Rock Crush
Thousand Needle + Shining Arm (found by Zach Keene)

Thunder Blade + Corkscrew
Thunder Blade + Hyper Hammer
Thunder Blade + Ogre Crossing
Thunder Blade + Slice & Dice
Thunder Blade + Tone Sword
Thunder Blade + Triangle Kick

Time & Tide + Double Slash
Time & Tide + Heaven & Hell
Time & Tide + Woodstock (found by Romans9902)

Tomahawk + Bone Crush (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Head Splitter
Tomahawk + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Lawnmower (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Running Slash (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Strike Slash
Tomahawk + Tomahawk (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Wood Spear (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Wood Sword (found by Anita)

Tone Arrow + Head Splitter
Tone Arrow + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)

Tornado Blade + Beast Lightning
Tornado Blade + Double Thrust
Tornado Blade + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Tornado Blade + Flame
Tornado Blade + Head Splitter
Tornado Blade + Head Wind (found by Anita)
Tornado Blade + Kitchen Sink (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Megahit (found by Anita)
Tornado Blade + Ogre Crossing
Tornado Blade + Ogre Run
Tornado Blade + Painful Beat (found by Nev)
Tornado Blade + Rapid Fire (found by Marbirddd)
Tornado Blade + Rock Crush (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Rolling Thunder (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Skull Crush
Tornado Blade + Somersault (found by Anita)
Tornado Blade + Tomahawk
Tornado Blade + Triangle Kick
Tornado Blade + Wide Swing
Tornado Blade + Yo-Yo

Turtle Killer + Aiming
Turtle Killer + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Turtle Killer + Cross Break (found by Pnguyen)
Turtle Killer + Double Slash
Turtle Killer + Double Thrust (found by Substance)
Turtle Killer + Dragon Tail (found by Pnguyen)
Turtle Killer + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)
Turtle Killer + Squash
Turtle Killer + Thousand Cross (found by Substance)

Twin Dragon + Dragon Revolution (found by Zach Keene)

Water Hammer + Flame Naga (found by Marcie)
Water Hammer + Stone
Water Hammer + Wood Arrow (found by Mrandrews)
Water Hammer + Wood Cutter
Water Hammer + Yo-Yo

Wave Thrust + Double Slash
Wave Thrust + Dragon Tail
Wave Thrust + Needle Shot
Wave Thrust + Shadow Slayer
Wave Thrust + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Wave Thrust + Thousand Needle
Wave Thrust + Water Hammer

Wheel Grind + Double Stroke (found by Substance)
Wheel Grind + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Wheel Grind + Kitchen Sink (found by Pnguyen)
Wheel Grind + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Wheel Grind + Painful Beat

Wide Swing + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)
Wide Swing + Bull Crush (found by Pnguyen)
Wide Swing + Crystal Prism
Wide Swing + Dragon Revolution
Wide Swing + Mist Double
Wide Swing + Painful Beat (found by Nev)
Wide Swing + Shadow Slayer
Wide Swing + Turtle Killer (found by Nev)

Wood Cutter + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Wood Cutter + Dragon Tail
Wood Cutter + Painful Beat (found by Anita)
Wood Cutter + Tree
Wood Cutter + Water Hammer (found by Sheng)
Wood Cutter + Woodstock

Woodstock + Brawl (found by Anita)
Woodstock + Corkscrew
Woodstock + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Woodstock + Ogre Run
Woodstock + Rolling Thunder
Woodstock + Somersault
Woodstock + Wood Cutter (found by Anita)

Wood Staff + Kick Rush (found by Pnguyen)

Yo-Yo + Head Splitter (found by Nehem)
Yo-Yo + Tree

Triple Onslaughts
Aim Shot + Fake Out + Strike Slash
Aim Shot + Head Splitter + Painful Beat (found by Nehem)
Aim Shot + Hyper Hammer + Roll Beat
Aim Shot + Painful Beat + Bone Crush (found by Nehem)
Aim Shot + Skewer + Head Splitter (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Skewer + Heel Crush (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Skewer + Ogre Crossing (found by Anubis)

Aqua Viper + Painful Beat + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Painful Beat + Rush (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Running Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Running Slash + Woodstock (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Shadow Slayer + Flame Naga (found by Marbirddd)
Aqua Viper + Skull Crush + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Smash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Strike Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Tomahawk + Wood Spear (found by Anita)

Axel Turn + Gong Beat + Running Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Axel Turn + Painful Beat + Double Stroke (found by Pnguyen)

Bear Crush + Flash Trinity + Headwind (found by Adonis McQueen)

Beast Lightning + Bear Crush + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Beast Lightning + Bear Crush + Painful Beat (found by Pnguyen)

Bird Hunter + Painful Beat + Painful Beat (found by Nev)

Blade Spray + Ogre Crossing + Dragon Tail (found by Dmitch)
Blade Spray + Roll Beat + Hyper Hammer
Blade Spray + Shadow Slayer + Mind Break (found by Marbirddd)
Blade Spray + Shadow Slayer + Ogre Crossing
Blade Spray + Shadow Slayer + Thousand Needle (found by Marbirddd)

Bone Crush + Bull Crush + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Bone Crush + Cross Slash + Backhand
Bone Crush + Running Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Running Slash + Head Wind (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Woodstock + Rolling Thunder
Bone Crush + Yo-Yo + Running Slash

Brain Shaker + Bull Crush + Call Lightning (found by Substance)
Brain Shaker + Crystal Prism + Squash
Brain Shaker + Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer
Brain Shaker + Turtle Killer + Head Splitter (found by Nev)

Bull Crush + Flame Naga + Heart Breaker
Bull Crush + Head Wind + Head Splitter (found by Pnguyen)
Bull Crush + Rock Crush + Call Thunder (found by Substance)

Bushfire + Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Bushfire + Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer (found by Marbirddd)
Bushfire + Woodstock + Rolling Thunder (found by Substance)

Corkscrew + Woodstock + Corkscrew (found by Substance)

Cross Break + Lobster Slayer + Skewer (found by Nehem)
Cross Break + Wood Cutter + Painful Beat (found by Anita)

Cross Slash + Heel Crush + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Skewer + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Cross Slash + Skewer + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Skull Crush + Bone Crush (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Skull Crush + Needle Shot (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Smash + Double Slash (found by Anita)

Crystal Prism + Painful Beat + Bear Crush (found by G.A.T)

Double Slash + Swing & Stab + Mist Double (found by Dmitch)

Double Stroke + Head Splitter + Double Stroke (found by Nev)
Double Stroke + Incineration + Double Thrust
Double Stroke + Lobster Slayer + Hyper Hammer (found by Pnguyen)

Double Thrust + Gong Beat + Mind Break (found by Nehem)
Double Thrust + Lobster Slayer + Double Stroke (found by Substance)
Double Thrust + Running Slash + Mind Break (found by Nehem)
Double Thrust + Sidewinder + Head Splitter

Dragon Tail + Aiming + Mist Double (found by Anita)

Fake Out + Fake Out + Needle Shot (found by Flexywexy)
Fake Out + Head Splitter + Double Stroke (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Lawnmower + Brawl (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Ogre Crossing + Dragon Tail (found by Anita)
Fake Out + Tomahawk + Mist Double (found by Anita)

Final Letter + Flame Naga + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)

Firestorm + Heart Beat + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Heart Beat + Smash
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Painful Beat + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Firestorm + Rolling Thunder + Brawl (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer (found by Marbirddd)
Firestorm + Skewer + Head Wind (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Tomahawk + Bone Crush (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Tomahawk + Mist Double (found by Anita)
Firestorm + Wood Cutter + Double Stroke (found by Anita)

Flame Naga + Flame + Kick Rush (found by Nehem)
Flame Naga + Incineration + Flame Naga (found by Zach Keene)
Flame Naga + Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Zach Keene)

Flash Trinity + KAMIKAZE + Backhand (found by Zach Keene)
KAMIKAZE + Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)

Gale Blade + Beast Lightning + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Call Thunder (found by ALXALEX)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Flame Naga (found by ALXALEX)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Flash Trinity (found by Romans9902)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Heaven's Thunder (found by ALXALEX)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Shadow Slayer (found by ALXALEX)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Thousand Needle (found by ALXALEX)
Gale Blade + KAMIKAZE + Backhand (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Shadow Slayer + Crystal Prism (found by Marbirddd)
Gale Blade + Shadow Slayer + Heel Crush
Gale Blade + Shadow Slayer + Mind Break (found by Marbirddd)

Gale Strike + Bear Crush + Brain Shaker (found by Marbirddd)
Gale Strike + Beast Lightning + Multi-Way (found by Romans9902)
Gale Strike + Brain Shaker + Shadow Slayer (found by Marbirddd)
Gale Strike + Incineration + Flash Trinity (found by Romans9902)
Gale Strike + Incineration + Multi-Way (found by Romans9902)
Gale Strike + KAMIKAZE + Backhand (found by Zach Keene)

Gong Beat + Brain Shaker + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Gong Beat + Painful Beat + Double Stroke (found by Draco)
Gong Beat + Skull Crush + Dragon Tail (found by Nehem)
Gong Beat + Tone + Arm Hammer

Head Splitter + Double Stroke + Sidewinder (found by Anita)
Head Splitter + Running Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Head Splitter + Running Slash + Double Slash
Head Splitter + Running Slash + Head Wind (found by Anita)

Head Wind + Hyper Hammer + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)

Heaven & Hell + Fake Out + Lawnmower
Heaven & Hell + Gong Beat + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Heaven & Hell + Painful Beat + Megahit
Heaven & Hell + Roll Beat + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer + Painful Beat

Heart Beat + Aim Shot + Skewer (found by Anubis)
Heart Beat + Mist Double + Megahit

Heel Crush + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Heel Crush + Heart Beat + Wood Arrow
Heel Crush + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Heel Crush + Needle Shot + Tree
Heel Crush + Needle Shot + Woodcutter (found by Anita)

Howling Heaven + Head Splitter + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga (found by Nehem)
Howling Heaven + Roll Beat + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Howling Heaven + Skewer + Cross Break (found by Nehem)

Hymnal + Roll Beat + Shadow Slayer

Hyper Hammer + Heart Beat + Mind Break
Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot + Hyper Hammer (found by Blue)
Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot + Sidewinder (found by Anita)

Incineration + Beast Lightning + Multi-Way (found by Romans9902)
Incineration + Flash Trinity + Heaven's Thunder (found by Romans9902)
Incineration + Flash Trinity + Needle Shot (found by Romans9902)
Incineration + Heaven & Hell + Fake Out (found by Adonis McQueen)
Incineration + Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer (found by ALXALEX)

Jewel Strike + Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Zach Keene)

Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga + Thousand Needle (found by Nehem)
Lobster Slayer + Running Slash + Call Thunder (found by Substance)
Lobster Slayer + Swing & Stab + Double Slash

Magmaxplosion + Bone Crush + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Head Splitter + Cross Slash (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Hyper Hammer + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Needle Shot + Tree (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Sidewinder + Gong Beat (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Tomahawk + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Tomahawk + Mist Double (found by Anita)

Megabolt + Cascade Rising + Dragon Tail (found by Emina_Agnam2001)
Megabolt + Heaven & Hell + Fake Out
Megabolt + Heaven & Hell + Megahit
Megabolt + KAMIKAZE + Backhand (found by Zach Keene)

Megahit + Gong Beat + Heaven & Hell
Megahit + Ogre Crossing + Megahit (found by Blue)

Mind Break + Axel Turn + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Bone Crush + Double Stroke
Mind Break + Cross Break + Lobster Slayer (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Gong Beat + Fake Out (found by Nehem)
Mind Break + Gong Beat + Head Cracker (found by Pnguyen)
Mind Break + Yo-Yo + Strike Slash

Mist Double + Fake Out + Heart Beat (found by Anita)
Mist Double + Tomahawk + Heart Beat (found by Anita)

No Moment + Beast Lightning + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)

Ogre Crossing + Bone Crush + Mist Double (found by Anita)

Ogre Run + Squash + Squash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)

Painful Beat + Bear Crush + Flash Trinity (found by G.A.T)
Painful Beat + Bear Crush + Painful Beat (found by Nev)
Painful Beat + Heaven & Hell + Megahit
Painful Beat + Skewer + Mist Double (found by Dmitch)

Poison Arrow + Rock Crush + Double Slash
Poison Arrow + Roll Beat + Double Slash

Rock Crush + Double Slash + Double Thrust
Rock Crush + Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)

Rolling Thunder + Rock Crush + Woodstock (found by Substance)

Shadow Bind + Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing (found by Dmitch)
Shadow Bind + Head Splitter + Running Slash
Shadow Bind + Roll Beat + Bull Crush

Shadow Slayer + Bull Crush + Thousand Needle
Shadow Slayer + Gong Beat + Lawnmower (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Lobster Slayer + Heaven & Hell
Shadow Slayer + Painful Beat + Mist Double
Shadow Slayer + Running Slash + Aiming (found by Nehem)
Shadow Slayer + Skull Crush + Gong Beat

Sidewinder + Double Thrust + Cross Slash (found by Nehem)
Sidewinder + Fake Out + Running Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Sidewinder + Gong Beat + Strike Slash (found by Pnguyen)

Skewer + Cross Break + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)
Skewer + Head Splitter + Sky Drive (found by Nehem)
Skewer + Heel Crush + Double Slash (found by Anubis)

Skull Crush + Bone Crush + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Head Wind + Ogre Crossing (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Skull Crush + Slice & Dice + Tomahawk

Smash + Cross Slash + Double Slash (found by Pnguyen)
Smash + Cross Slash + Flame Naga (found by Pnguyen)
Smash + Lobster Slayer + Skewer

Snake Blaster + Shadow Slayer + Bear Crush (found by Wizardman)
Snake Blaster + Sidewinder + Heaven & Hell (found by ALXALEX)

Sonic Burner + Fake Out + Flame
Sonic Burner + Megahit + Painful Beat
Sonic Burner + Roll Beat + Double Slash

Sonic Poison + Flame Naga + Ogre Run
Sonic Poison + Heaven & Hell + Rush
Sonic Poison + Stone + Aiming

Spectral Shot + Beast Lightning + Press (found by Romans9902)
Spectral Shot + Flame Naga + Fearless Triple (found by Zach Keene)
Spectral Shot + Flame Naga + Multi-Way (found by Zach Keene)
Spectral Shot + Press + Beast Lightning (found by Romans9902)

Spoil Wave + Cross Slash + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Spoil Wave + Cross Slash + Tomahawk (found by Anita)
Spoil Wave + Tomahawk + Mist Double

Squash + Squash + Squash (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)

Stone + Aim Shot + Double Thrust (found by Anubis)
Stone + Running Slash + Cross Slash (found by Anita)

Strike Slash + Roll Beat + Double Thrust
Strike Slash + Rush + Mist Double (found by Anita)

Swing & Stab + Aim Shot + Bull Crush
Swing & Stab + Cross Slash + Running Slash (found by Nehem)
Swing & Stab + Water Hammer + Needle Shot (found by Nehem)

Thunder Blade + Bear Paw + Ogre Run

Time & Tide + Double Slash + Flame Naga

Tomahawk + Bone Crush + Shadow Slayer (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Flame Naga + Running Slash (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Heart Beat + Woodstock
Tomahawk + Lawnmower + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Tomahawk + Mist Double + Running Slash (found by Anita)

Tornado Blade + Head Wind + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Tornado Blade + Mind Break + Corkscrew (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Ogre Crossing + Gong Beat (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Rock Crush + Megahit (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Shadow Slayer + Corkscrew (found by Pnguyen)
Tornado Blade + Sky Drive + Kitchen Sink (found by Pnguyen)

Turtle Killer + Heaven & Hell + Megahit
Turtle Killer + Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer
Turtle Killer + Megahit + Headwind (found by Adonis McQueen)
Turtle Killer + Squash + Ogre Crossing (found by Pnguyen)

Twin Dragon + Flame Naga + Dragon Revolution (found by Zach Keene)

Water Hammer + Yo-Yo + Tree

Wave Thrust + Mist Double + Axel Turn (found by Dmitch)

Wide Swing + Shadow Slayer + Painful Beat
Wide Swing + Thousand Needle + Head Splitter

Wood Cutter + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Wood Cutter + Hyper Hammer + Double Slash (found by Anita)
Wood Cutter + Water Hammer + Wood Cutter

Woodstock + Beast Lightning + Crystal Prism (found by ALXALEX)

All Out Attacks
Aim Shot + Skewer + Heel Crush + Double Slash (found by Anubis)
Aim Shot + Ogre Crossing + Firestorm + Skewer (found by RedWereWolf2009)

Aqua Viper + Painful Beat + Double Stroke + Kick Rush (found by Anita)
Aqua Viper + Painful Beat + Wave Thrust + Sidewinder (found by Anita)

Axel Turn + Wave Thrust + Mist Double + Fake Out (found by Dmitch)

Bear Crush + Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing + Rapid Fire (found by Dmitch)

Bone Crush + Brain Shaker + Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer
Bone Crush + Running Slash + Cross Slash + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Running Slash + Head Wind + Skull Crush (found by Anita)
Bone Crush + Sidewinder + Cross Slash + Skull Crush (found by Anita)

Brain Shaker + Bone Crush + Shadow Slayer + Aiming (found by ALXALEX)

Bushfire + Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Bushfire + Wide Swing + Mist Double + Strike Slash (found by Dmitch)

Call Thunder + Beast Lightning + Sky Drive + Lobster Slayer (found by

Cross Slash + Heel Crush + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Cross Slash + Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)

Crystal Prism + Painful Beat + Bear Crush + Flash Trinity (found by

Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing + Dragon Tail + Rapid Fire (found by Dmitch)

Fake Out + Fake Out + Needle Shot + Fake Out (found by Flexywexy)

Firestorm + Heaven & Hell + Water Hammer + Flame Naga (found by Darkcavalier777)
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga + Aim Shot (found by Nehem)
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga + Bone Crush (found by Mrandrews)
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga + Hyper Hammer (found by
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Flame Naga + Thousand Needle (found by
Firestorm + Lobster Slayer + Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot
Firestorm + Painful Beat + Bear Crush + Headwind (found by Tatsuya)
Firestorm + Skull Crush + Needle Shot + Aim Shot (found by Anita)

Flash Trinity + KAMIKAZE + Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)

Gale Blade + Beast Lightning + Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Zach Keene)
Gale Blade + Incineration + Flame Naga + Heaven's Thunder (found by
Gale Blade + Incineration + Flash Trinity + Heaven's Thunder (found by
Gale Blade + Incineration + Multi-Way + Flash Trinity (found by
Gale Blade + Incineration + Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer (found by
Gale Blade + KAMIKAZE + Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)

Gale Strike + Incineration + Beast Lightning + Multi-Way (found by
Gale Strike + Incineration + Flash Trinity + Needle Shot (found by
Gale Strike + Incineration + Multi-Way + Flash Trinity (found by
Gale Strike + KAMIKAZE + Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)

Gong Beat + Running Slash + Cross Slash + Skull Crush (found by Anita)

Head Splitter + Running Slash + Head Wind + Skull Crush (found by Anita)

Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Axel Turn (found by
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Fake Out (found by
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Incineration (found
by Grafstar)
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Megahit (found by
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Painful Beat (found
by Grafstar)
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Rush (found by
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer
(found by Grafstar)
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Tree (found by
Heavenly Strike + Heaven's Thunder + Heaven & Hell + Water Hammer (found
by Grafstar)

Howling Heaven + Skewer + Cross Break + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)

Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot + Hyper Hammer + Needle Shot (found by Blue)

Hymnal + Bone Crush + Sidewinder + Heel Crush
Hymnal + Double Stroke + Shadow Slayer + Lawnmower
Hymnal + Heart Beat + Aim Shot + Heavenly Strike

Incineration + Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing + Headwind (found by Adonis McQueen)
Incineration + Sidewinder + Rock Crush + Headwind (found by Adonis

Jewel Strike + Flame Naga + Multi-Way + Rapid Fire (found by Zach Keene)

Lobster Slayer + Shadow Slayer + Heaven & Hell + Corkscrew (found by

Magmaxplosion + Hyper Hammer + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Magmaxplosion + Rotation Kick + Needle Shot + Bone Crush (found by
Magmaxplosion + Tomahawk + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)

Megabolt + KAMIKAZE + Backhand + KAMIKAZE (found by Zach Keene)

Mind Break + Gong Beat + Head Wind + Sky Dive (found by Pnguyen)

Mist Double + Flame Naga + Flame (found by Zach Keene)
Mist Double + Swing & Stab + Sidewinder + Heart Beat
Mist Double + Tomahawk + Heart Beat + Aim Shot (found by Anita)
Mist Double + Wood Cutter + Hyper Hammer + Double Slash (found by Anita)

Needle Shot + Fake Out + Fake Out + Skewer (found by Sliver3163)

Painful Beat + Aim Shot + Fake Out + Running Slash (found by Pnguyen)

Poison Arrow + Bone Crush + Running Slash + Rotation Kick

Rock Crush + Call Thunder + Rotation Kick + Running Slash (found by
Rock Crush + Water Hammer + Axel Turn + Needle Shot (found by

Roll Beat + Mind Break + Strike Slash + Painful Beat (found by
Roll Beat + Painful Beat + Mind Break + Strike Slash (found by

Rotation Kick + Tomahawk + Fake Out + Tomahawk (found by Mrandrews)

Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer + Heaven & Hell + Megahit

Shining Arm + Shadow Slayer + Axel Turn + Painful Beat (found by

Sky Rendezvous + Painful Beat + Heaven & Hell + Heavenly Strike (found
by Philip)
Sky Rendezvous + Painful Beat + Heaven & Hell + Thousand Needle (found
by Philip)

Snake Blaster + Shadow Slayer + Woodstock + Fake Out (found by ALXALEX)
Snake Blaster + Shadow Slayer + Woodstock + Ogre Crossing (found by
Snake Blaster + Sidewinder + Heaven & Hell + Heaven's Thunder (found by

Squash + Shadow Slayer + Lobster Slayer + Ogre Crossing (found by
Squash + Squash + Squash + Needle Shot (found by HomieCheezeWhiz)

Stone + Running Slash + Cross Slash + Double Stroke (found by Anita)

Strike Slash + Aim Shot + Strike Slash + Ogre Crossing (found by Dmitch)

Time & Tide + Heaven & Hell + Heaven's Thunder + Somersault (found by
Time & Tide + Heaven & Hell + Shadow Slayer + Bear Paw

Tomahawk + Tomahawk + Heel Crush + Needle Shot (found by NeoSamuri)

Tornado Blade + Flash Trinity + Call Thunder + Heaven & Hell (found by
Tornado Blade + Flash Trinity + Incineration + Heaven & Hell (found by
Tornado Blade + Flash Trinity + Shadow Slayer + Heaven & Hell (found by
Tornado Blade + Ogre Crossing + Shadow Slayer + Heaven & Hell (found by

Turtle Killer + Ogre Crossing + Dragon Tail + Bear Paw (found by

Wave Thrust + Shadow Slayer + Skull Crush + Gong Beat

Wide Swing + Bone Crush + Shadow Slayer + Aiming (found by ALXALEX)

Woodstock + Fake Out + Needle Shot + Fake Out (found by CNash)
Woodstock + Fake Out + Fake Out (found by CNash)
Woodstock + Skewer + Dragon Tail + Fake Out (found by Dmitch)
Woodstock + Smash + Wood Cutter + Needle Shot (found by Triuken)

Enemy/Party Combos
Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)

Blizzard + Dead End (found by Grafstar)
Blizzard + Flame Naga (found by Grafstar)
Blizzard + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Bull Crush + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Charge + Call Thunder (found by Sniper)
Charge + Heaven's Thunder (found by Sniper)
Charge + Incineration (found by Sniper)
Charge + Rock Crush (found by Joshmac)
Charge + Water Hammer (found by Sniper)

Chief's Temper + Flame Spear (found by Nightwind)

Dead End + Deadly Snake (found by Grafstar)

Deadly Snake + Stone Punch (found by Grafstar)

Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by Grafstar)

Energy Wire + Heaven & Hell (found by Grafstar)
Energy Wire + Slice & Dice (found by Grafstar)

Fire Dance + Blizzard (found by Grafstar)
Fire Dance + Ice Smash (found by Grafstar)

Flame Naga + Energy Wire (found by Grafstar)
Flame Naga + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)

Gong Beat + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Hardform + Bone Crush (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Flame Naga (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Flash Trinity (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Heaven & Hell (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Heavenly Strike (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Kitchen Sink (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Rapid Shot (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Rock Crush (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Squash (found by Sniper)
Hardform + Tomahawk (found by Anita)

Heart Breaker + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Heaven & Hell + Blizzard
Heaven & Hell + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)
Heaven & Hell + Ice Smash (found by Grafstar)

Ice Breath + Glider Spike (found by Grafstar)

Ice Smash + Dead End (found by Grafstar)
Ice Smash + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)
Ice Smash + Flame Naga (found by Grafstar)
Ice Smash + Slice & Dice (found by Grafstar)

Meditation + Dragon Revolution (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Dragon Tail (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Fake Out (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Flame Naga (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Head Wind (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Heaven & Hell
Meditation + Hi Speed Arrow (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Rapid Fire (found by The_great_buddha)
Meditation + Rock Crush (found by Romans9902)
Meditation + Sidewinder (found by Joshmac)
Meditation + Squash (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Yo-Yo (found by Sniper)

Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)

Steam Cyclone + Air Axe (found by Grafstar)
Steam Cyclone + Heaven & Hell (found by Grafstar)
Steam Cyclone + Hi Speed Arrow (found by Grafstar)
Steam Cyclone + Press (found by Grafstar)

Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)

Aftervision + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by Grafstar)
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by Grafstar)
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by Grafstar)
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by Grafstar)

Bull Crush + Fire Dance + Blizzard (found by Grafstar)

Dead End + Deadly Snake + Stone Punch (found by Grafstar)

Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)
Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by Grafstar)

Fire Dance + Blizzard + Dead End (found by Grafstar)
Fire Dance + Ice Smash + Dead End (found by Grafstar)

Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by Grafstar)
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by Grafstar)
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by Grafstar)
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by Grafstar)

Heaven & Hell + Ice Smash + Flame Naga (found by Grafstar)

Ice Smash + Dead End + Deadly Snake (found by Grafstar)
Ice Smash + Flame Naga + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Meditation + Double Stroke + Sidewinder (found by Anita)

Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by Grafstar)
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by Grafstar)
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by Grafstar)
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by Grafstar)

Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by Grafstar)
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by Grafstar)
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by Grafstar)
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by Grafstar)

Bull Crush + Fire Dance + Blizzard + Dead End (found by Grafstar)

Aftervision + Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by
Aftervision + Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by

Charge + Woodstock + Swing & Stab + Mist Double (found by Dmitch)

Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by
Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by
Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by
Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by
Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by
Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by
Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by
Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by
Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by
Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Aftervision (found by
Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Gale Blade (found by
Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison (found by
Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Strike Slash (found by

Fire Dance + Ice Smash + Dead End + Deadly Snake (found by Grafstar)

Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by
Gale Blade + Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by

Ice Smash + Dead End + Deadly Snake + Stone Punch (found by Grafstar)

Meditation + Skewer + Cross Break + Lobster Slayer (found by Nehem)

Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by
Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by

Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Gale Blade + Divine Forest (found by
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Sonic Poison + Divine Forest (found by
Strike Slash + Divine Forest + Strike Slash + Divine Forest (found by

Charge + Aim Shot + Skewer + Heel Crush + Double Slash (found by Anubis)
Charge + Incineration + Heaven's Thunder + Multi-Way + Call Thunder
(found by Sniper)

Fire Dance + Ice Smash + Dead End + Deadly Snake + Stone Punch (found by

Heaven & Hell + Ice Smash + Flame Naga + Fire Dance (found by Grafstar)

Hard Form + Shadow Slayer + Turtle Killer + Heaven & Hell + Megahit
(found by Nebular_System)

Sonic Poison + Divine Forest + Aftervision + Divine Forest (found by

Tornado Blade + Ice Smash + Flame Naga + Energy Wire (found by Grafstar)

Meditation + Dragon Revolution + Kitchen Sink + Call Thunder + KAMIKAZE
(found by Sniper)
Meditation + Dragon Tail + Ogre Crossing + Dragon Tail + Rapid Fire
(found by Dmitch)
Meditation + Heaven's Thunder + Fearless Triple + Kitchen Sink + Bear
Crush (found by Sniper)
Meditation + Yo-Yo + Sky Drive + Hi Speed Arrow + Kitchen Sink (found by

Shout outs to the following people:
Tiffany a/k/a J.C. Chasez (Shuh-zay NOT Cha-zez!), Julia a/k/a The
Biggest Eskimo In Town, Andrew a/k/a Moo, Anthony a/k/a Ony, Alisha
a/k/a Ali, Austin a/k/a The Baby Austin, Meghan a/k/a Basil, Jessica,
Sonja, Laura (I love all of you), Ma, Da, Grandma, Grandpa, Oreo, Ong
Noi, Ba Noi, Uncle Tam, Uncle Bao, Auntie Bay, Auntie Diu, Uncle Tony,
Auntie Sau, Auntie Nam, Uncle Tri, Peco, Justin Randall, "Loud" Lou,
Fred, Henry-D, Denniz, ALXALEX, Pnguyen, Lakahn, Romans9902, Flexywexy,
Iamcool, Mrandrews, Elameck, Anubis, NeoSamuri, HomieCheezeWhiz, Sniper,
Physiocrat, Nebular_System, Grafstar, Darkcavalier777, Sliver3163,
Klythgoe, BilboJones69, Logam, Triuken, Marcie, Joshmac, KalaninArtea,
Squall_69b, Dmitch, Daetros, TALLPAULG, Flintedge, Nev, Marbirddd,
Chiefonepapa, Cloudraven, Anita, Zemlock, Substance, Philip, Nehem,
Blue, Babusukumar, CPxPikAgUrL, Nightwind, Emina_Agnam2001, Adonis
McQueen, The_great_buddha, Wizardman, RedWereWolf2009, Tenshin, CNash,
Phil, Sheng, G.A.T, Draco, Wdarrylapr884, Tatsuya, Zach Keene, and last but
certainly not least...I'd like to thank GameFAQs for posting this FAQ.
If I forgot you...just because you're not on this doesn't mean you're
not in my heart!


Hey! For reading this far, I will give you some GameShark codes that
were sent to me by Grafstar and Marbirddd! Here they are:

Infinite Sp= 30010??8-00FF (found by Grafstar)
Max Sp= 30010??9-00FF (found by Grafstar)
Sp Recovery Rate= 30010??B-0063 (found by Grafstar)
One Hit Kills= 801F7150 0000
801F7340 0000
801F7530 0000
801F7720 0000 (found by Marbirddd)

The ?? stands for which character you want the codes to effect. Thanks
again to Grafstar and Marbirddd!

Also, here is a tip from Babusukumar. According to him, he says that
during a Duel, if you are trying to learn a specific Art, try to use
commands from different items. For instance, use Focus from an axe,
Charge from a shield, and then two Throw commands from an axe. Doing it
this way will let you have a greater chance of learning the Art. Thanks
again to Babusukumar.


Version History
1.0- 02/27/00 I started this FAQ, which is my first one
2.0- 02/28/00 I added the Version History, more combos, and made some
3.0- 02/28/00 I found several mistakes and more combos, so I decided to
update again
4.0- 02/29/00 I added some more combos and corrected another mistake
5.0- 03/01/00 I put in more combos and made more corrections
6.0- 03/03/00 I added in some more combos and added Basic Combo
7.0- 03/04/00 I found some more combos and added the Total Number of
8.0- 03/05/00 I got some more combos and corrected some errors
9.0- 03/07/00 I added more combos and fixed some mistakes
10.0- 03/11/00 I know have 500 combos in this FAQ (thanks again to
11.0- 03/15/00 I added the Enemy-Party Combos section, which contains
combos that involve your party members and your enemies
12.0- 03/18/00 I put in some more combos and made a correction
13.0- 03/20/00 I did a small update
14.0- 03/26/00 I put in some more combos that other people have
15.0- 03/28/00 I added one more combo and I corrected a mistake
16.0- 03/29/00 I put in a lot of combos that have been submitted to the
17.0- 04/05/00 I added some combos and corrected some errors
18.0- 04/17/00 This is probably the final update to this FAQ
19.0- 04/23/00 I put in another combo, so it is not the end
20.0- 04/25/00 I put in several combos and corrected a mistake
21.0- 05/13/00 This FAQ will always be updated whenever I receive any
more combos
22.0- 05/14/00 Happy Mother's Day
23.0- 05/30/00 Another combo was found by a new contributer
24.0- 06/10/00 Some more combos were sent in by two people
25.0- 06/12/00 I put in some more combos that were just discovered
26.0- 06/15/00 Congratulations Sonja
27.0- 07/10/00 Happy birthday Jessica
28.0- 07/15/00 Some new combos were discovered recently
29.0- 07/19/00 Its time to add more combos
30.0- 07/22/00 The 30th update has 12 new combos
31.0- 07/24/00 Time for another update
32.0- 07/29/00 Yet another update to this FAQ
33.0- 07/31/00 The last update for the month of July
34.0- 08/08/00 Just a few more days and it arrives
35.0- 08/11/00 More combos
36.0- 08/23/00 This FAQ now contains over 1,000 combos
37.0- 09/03/00 It is almost time for my birthday
38.0- 09/09/00 Happy birthday to me
39.0- 09/20/00 I hope that it arrives tomorrow
40.0- 10/03/00 Its the 40th update
41.0- 01/03/00 Happy late New Year to everyone
42.0- 02/14/01 Messed up the year last time, but happy Valentine's Day
43.0- 05/02/01 Two new combos were recently discovered
44.0- 08/01/01 One new combo has been added to this FAQ
45.0- 09/06/01 My final year of high school better go by quickly
46.0- 10/14/01 Here's another combo for you all
47.0- 11/30/01 Time for a small update
48.0- 12/31/01 An update on New Year's Eve
49.0- 02/07/02 Tiff will get better
50.0- 04/15/02 This FAQ seems to never die
51.0- 06/23/02 Congratulations to all of my fellow 2002 graduates
52.0- 09/17/02 Just a few more days until college starts

Feel free to contact me if there are any mistakes, comments, additions,
or questions.

This document Copyright 2000 "DTJAAAAMJS"
I do not give my permission for this FAQ to be used for anything unless
you have asked me. If you would like to use it, please contact me at Thank you.
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Combo FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Battle of Moundtop FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Europe / American Version FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version.

17.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die Europäische italienische PAL Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
engl. Hinweis
10.Octombrie 2008

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Octombrie 2008
Instructions FAQ

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