Cart Fury Championship Racing

Cart Fury Championship Racing

14.10.2013 08:46:37

Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather

Completed: September 2, 2001


This is the final version of the CART Fury Driving Guide.
Unfortunately, there is virtually no information on
Simulation Mode, but with classes having begun again combined
with my almost-total focus on other games, it is time to let
go of this particular guide.

Perhaps of most use to interested players is the Unlockables
(Spoilers!!!!!) section, which details how to unlock various
extras (cars, cheats, etc.) of CART Fury. As with the
Shortcuts (Spoilers!!!!!) section, a wide expanse of blank
lines separates this information from everything else, so
that those who wish to discover these secrets on their own
need not actually look at this section.


Spacing and Printing
Player Stats
SuperBoost Times
Arcade Mode
Simulation Mode
Season Mode
Driving 101
Shortcuts (Spoilers!!!!!)
Unlockables (Spoilers!!!!!)
Danny Sullivan Theater
License Upgrades
Wish List
Thank You!!!


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first save as text, then edit out the sections of blank lines
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I have certainly enjoyed watching CART races (even long
before the CART/IRL split), so I figured I would like CART
Fury. While I do enjoy the game, I like it more because it
gets AWAY from pure racing simulation.

The game boasts eighteen courses (not necessarily a lot, as
F1 2000 and F1 Championship Season 2000 each contain
seventeen courses, even in their PSX/PS1 versions), of which
only seven are based on real-world CART courses. Even the
real-world tracks are very arcade-ized; compare the same
courses (such as Surfer's Paradise) from CART Fury and games
such as Newman-Haas Racing, and the arcade-ization in CART
Fury becomes strikingly apparent.

One of the more interesting "features" of CART Fury is the
dollar damage of the car. At the end of many modes, the
information screen includes a line giving a dollar amount,
supposedly what it would cost to fix the damage the car
incurred during that race. I have once topped $600,000 worth
of damages, and am actually hoping to break the $1,000,000

Each of the circuits in CART Fury includes at least one
shortcut, which can help to reduce lap times and gain track
positions as each race progresses. However, not all
shortcuts are actually "good:" Some shortcuts are paved and
can help to (greatly) reduce lap times, while others include
big-air jumps or poor surfaces to slow you down. Once you
learn where a shortcut is, you will need to make a judgement
call as to whether to use that shortcut (at least on a
regular basis).

The game also features more than just simply getting in a car
and racing. The Sub-games section is especially interesting,
including events such as Lock On (where the goal is to blow
up all the other vehicles on the circuit) and Demolition (a
great county fair pastime at over 200MPH). Driving 101 is a
great place to begin, as it will help you learn how to handle
the cars.

Keeping player interest at its peak, the game has a number of
unlockable features, including more tracks, more cars, and a
number of videos in the Danny Sullivan Theater. However,
unlockable features are not revealed in a given order; each
game accomplishment unlocks a particular feature.

One other notable point is the game's case. For those who
travel with their games and/or PS2 console, the case of CART
Fury includes a slot inside the case for a PS2 memory card.
For some players, this may be an important point.

A rare detraction to CART Fury is the alternative music
selection, but this is a very subjective statement (I
primarily listen to instrumentals and anime soundtracks).
Also frustrating - but understandable - is the need to win
each Simulation race to advance.

One other potential drawback to the game is the group of sexy
women seen throughout the game. Many screens contain a still
image of a rather busty woman - who is supposedly a member of
your crew - giving you information or tips. If you win a
race (or the championship in Season Mode), your car is shown
rotating on a raised platform while on a video screen behind
the platform, the women are shown dancing, presenting the
trophy, and otherwise being objectified. This is very likely
to turn off a female audience.

The rest of this driving guide will focus on various sections
of the game in some detail. I will be adding to this driving
guide as I progress through the game, so keep looking for


The following lists the courses in CART Fury:

Chicago Motor Speedway
Rio de Janeiro
Airport Raceway
Frankfurt, Germany
Long Beach, California
Toronto, Canada
Chicago, Illinois
Surfers Paradise (Australia)
California Speedway
The Skyway
Road America
Alpine Raceway Must be unlocked
Big Dig: Boston Tunnel Must be unlocked
Miami Must be unlocked
The Moon Must be unlocked
New York Must be unlocked


One tip which can be used in almost every aspect of the game:
the "free" boost. Each race begins with a rolling start.
Once the car crosses the Start/Finish Line, quickly tap the
Acceleration button twice to receive a short boost which does
not count against your Boost Meter. This can be great to
pass cars immediately and to set up passing opportunities in
the first corner of a circuit.

In most modes of the game, reaching a checkpoint refills the
boost to maximum. This occurs regardless of the amount of
boost - if any - you have remaining. Therefore, you may as
well use up any remaining boost just before reaching a

Also relating to boost, there are times during several races
when you will be airborne, due to sudden lifts or drops in
course elevation. Using boost while airborne is absolutely
useless; without any ground to use for traction, the wheels
simply spin needlessly, using up your boost for absolutely no
reason at all.

Given that this is a driving game, keeping a good racing line
is very important. Learning to time your use of boost with a
smooth racing line through and exiting corners is important.
The Follow the Line Sub-game will certainly help in this

In many modes and Sub-games of CART Fury, you can select the
number of laps you wish to complete in that event. On the
circuit selection screen, use the left and right direction
buttons to get to the circuit on which you wish to compete.
Then, use the L1 button to lower the number of laps, and R1
to raise the number of laps. This does not work in Arcade

Some of the unlockable features include more cars; also,
three cars (Future Car, Hot Rod, and Roadster) are initially
available, but are hidden. To drive these alternate
vehicles, when presented with the driver selection screen,
press L1, then select the unlocked vehicle you wish to use
(press the left and right directional buttons to choose from
the available hidden/unlocked cars). To return to the
standard driver selection screen, simply press the Triangle

In many modes of CART Fury, there are two methods to
determine if you have successfully cleared a particular
circuit. On the circuit selection screen, look to the
bottom-right of the large representative image of a course.
If a checkered flag appears, that track has been successfully
completed in that mode. Also, if you check your Player Stats
and select a Sub-game, pressing the left and right
directional buttons will cycle through a list of the circuits
which have been completed; once all circuits in a mode or
Sub-game has been completed, it is indicated by a red "X."

The Low Gravity cheat (one of the unlockable features of the
game) can be really cool - or a real pain in the @$$ -
depending on the circuit and/or the game mode. With Low
Gravity enabled, any time you are airborne will be greatly
augmented, launching you higher into the air and giving you a
much later landing point than with normal gravity. For
example, try Big Dig: Boston Tunnel or The Moon with the Low
Gravity cheat enabled and see just how far you can fly!!!
Low Gravity is great to use in Time Trial (one of the Sub-
games) since you're not actually racing anyone or trying to
complete a given scenario, but is really counterproductive
elsewhere in the game.

It is EXTREMELY difficult to win on the unlockable circuits
(Alpine Raceway, Big Dig: Boston Tunnel, Miami, The Moon, and
New York). For this reason, it may be best to complete Last
Man Standing (one of the Sub-games) BEFORE unlocking the five
extra circuits. This is because for Last Man Standing, the
CPU randomly chooses the circuit for each challenge, and the
randomization function takes into account those circuits you
have unlocked along with the standard circuits.


On the main menu screen, selecting Player Stats brings up a
reference screen detailing which parts of the game have been
completed. Items with a red "X" indicate that the given mode
or Sub-game have been completed. By moving to a Sub-game and
pressing the left and right directional buttons, you can
quickly check to see which courses of that mode have been

The Player Stats screen also presents a simulated driver
license card, with your current driving level indicated. You
begin as a Rookie, but your level rises as you complete
Driving 101 (a good training Sub-game) at progressively
higher levels of difficulty.

The bottom-left of the Player Stats screen also shows which
features of the game were last unlocked. New courses, new
cars, and new cheats are listed here.


In most modes of CART Fury, you can earn SuperBoost by
completing a lap at or beneath a given time. The designated
SuperBoost time is given on the bottom-right of the Start
Your Engines! screen in some modes but not in others, so this
section is here for handy reference.

Chicago Motor Speedway 23.00 seconds
Rio de Janeiro 23.00 seconds
Airport Raceway 24.00 seconds
Frankfurt, Germany 26.00 seconds
Houston 33.00 seconds
Long Beach, California 32.00 seconds
Toronto, Canada 33.00 seconds
Chicago, Illinois 32.00 seconds
Surfers Paradise (Australia) 46.00 seconds
California Speedway 38.00 seconds
The Skyway 38.00 seconds
Road America 45.00 seconds
Alpine Raceway 52.00 seconds
Big Dig: Boston Tunnel 1 minute 11.00 seconds
Miami 53.00 seconds
The Moon 1 minute 16.00 seconds
New York 52.00 seconds


All circuits except Alpine Raceway, Big Dig: Boston Tunnel,
Miami, The Moon, and New York are initially available. These
latter five courses will be unlocked as you progress through
the game.

Arcade Mode is rather straightforward. Choose a circuit,
choose a driver, and choose your driving style/difficulty.
Note that if using Expert difficulty, only manual
transmission is permitted; automatic transmission is the
default for all other driving styles. However, to win at a
given circuit, you almost always need to use a difficulty
setting at or above that indicated for the circuit
(information received via e-mail from Marc Smith).

On the "Start Your Engines" screen, note the lap time
indicated in the bottom-left of the screen. If you can
complete a lap time faster than the time shown, you will
receive SuperBoost. When activated, SuperBoost causes flames
to shoot out from your car, much as in the film Back to the
Future. As the name implies, your car will also go faster
than with standard boost.


This is an area I do not have the time to explore. Gomen
nasai!!! If anyone wants to write a Simulation-specific
guide for CART Fury, that would certainly make up for its
absence here.


Season Mode uses the same courses that are initially
available in Arcade Mode, but in a different order. The
object is to have the most points at the end of the season,
thus winning the championship.

Count on approximately 40-45 minutes to complete Season Mode.
It is certainly a good idea to save your progress after each
race (or at most after every three races), just in case the
electricity goes out, your little sister throws a water
balloon at the console, etc.

It is possible to win the season on Easy, but only if you win
ALL of the first four or five races, thus gaining a major
jump in points over your competitors.

Season Mode assigns the following points per finish:
1 20 6 5
2 15 7 4
3 14 8 1
4 12 9-25 0
5 10


Sub-games comprises five interesting contests, plus Time
Trial. If first starting the game, it may be good to use
Time Trial to simply explore the various courses in a non-
racing situation, when you are the only one on the circuit;
this will also allow you to find the various shortcuts.

Last Man Standing
Challenge and defeat a rival to advance. The trick here
is to not worry about your overall place in the race; as
long as you finish better than your rival, you will
advance. While you can choose which rival to challenge,
the circuit for the challenge is chosen randomly by the
CPU, and it is possible the CPU will choose the same
circuit multiple times as you advance. Also, the CPU
chooses from amongst both standard circuits AND any of
the circuits you have unlocked elsewhere in the game.

TIP: If you know you are about to lose to your selected
rival, press the Start button before you cross the
Start/Finish line for the final time, select Restart, and
confirm ("Yes") to start that race over again; otherwise,
you will be forced to start Last Man Standing all over
againŠ which can be extremely frustrating if you only
have a few more rivals to beat. Unfortunately, once
you lose, Last Man Standing comes to an immediate end,
with no chance to retry without restarting this mode.

TIP #2: Shortcuts can be invaluable here, especially in
the final lap of a race.

Exactly as it sounds: destroy your opponents (drones).
The contest continues until only one car remains. Try to
sideswipe the drones (with your sidepod against another
car's front or rear tire), or force them into the walls.
It is also possible to rear-end another car, but you will
cause damage to your own four-wheeled weapon.

Also, drones will knock each other out of competition -
often directly in front of you - meaning that you will
certainly need to deftly negotiate A LOT of debris. If
you end up making multiple laps, any debris from earlier
incidents will still be on the circuit - this includes
everything from a tiny piece of a broken wing to an entire
burning car.

Block Your Opponent
Try to keep in front of your opponent. Fortunately, you
are the only ones on the circuit. Shortcuts can be
invaluable here. Make sure to use boost judiciously. If
you choose Difficult or Expert as your driving style, you
will be facing multiple opponents simultaneously.

Time Trial
Improve your time on each circuit. This is also a great
way to uncover the shortcut(s) on each circuit, as you
are the only car on the circuit and thus you will not
need to worry about competitors.

Follow the Line
This is a great way to learn the courses; specifically,
this will help you to learn the best racing line for each
circuit. The premise is simple: Follow the green line.
The line turns yellow if you are off-line but somewhat
close to it; the line turns red when you are too far away
from the line. Keep on the green line to gain maximum
points, and finish a lap under the indicated time to
receive bonus points. Actually, this should be part of
the Driving 101 training section of the game.

Lock On
What happens when 25 cars are equipped with bombs and
unleashed on a given circuit? A special hint here is to
slightly reconfigure the controller. The controller's
default settings have the Circle button as the toggle for
the Heads-up Display (HUD), and the L2 and R2 buttons
handling the boost. In Lock On, any button(s) toggling
the HUD are instead used to launch the bombs, so figure
out which button (L2 or R2) feels more "natural" to you,
and reconfigure that button so that it also activates the
HUD. The notion of "natural" is important, as if you hold
a bomb for too long, it will blow YOU up, so you need to
get rid of bombs quickly.


Driving 101 is a very good place to start with CART Fury, as
it will help you adjust to the handling parameters of the
cars in all facets of the game except Simulation Mode.
Essentially, Driving 101 presents various driving tests.
This is certainly no Gran Turismo, but the tests are useful

Each test consists of driving around a given track, with the
driving line bounded by barrels on both sides. The amount of
time to complete one lap varies depending on the course used
for the test, but hitting more than five barrels results in
failing the test. Driving outside the barrels also results
in failing the test. Completing all four tests successfully
unlocks items.

The four tests are:
Small Circle 20 seconds target time
Small Oval 21 seconds target time
Modified Oval 22 seconds target time
Slalom Course 20 seconds target time

Note that Slalom Course is not a straight-line slalom, as in
some license tests of Gran Turismo 2. Slalom Course is a
"modified oval," with several turns along what should be the
"back stretch." Fortunately, the entire Slalom Course is
wider than the other three test circuits, which will be
important on the "back stretch."

For each course, judicious use of boost - including the
"free" boost at the beginning - is extremely important to
successfully completing the given test. At higher levels of
difficulty, early braking is also key for success.

If you complete all four Driving 101 tests at progressively
higher levels of difficulty, your rank on your license
(viewable on the Player Stats screen) will rise: Amateur,
Rookie, etc.


I am including this near the very end of the driving guide,
so that those who prefer to learn about the shortcuts on
their own need not read this section as they look at other
information. A long section of blank lines follows to
protect this information from such persons.

Chicago Motor Speedway: Break through the line of cones to
the inside of Turn 2, just past the helicopter. The shortcut
is gravel with a long jump, so you should use plenty of boost
here. Actually, given the severe exit angle back onto the
front straightaway, it would actually be best NOT to use the

Rio de Janeiro: In the short-chute between Turns 1 and 2,
break through the cones on the left. The shortcut is a
narrow concrete road with a slight left-hand dogleg about
halfway along its length.

Airport Raceway: Just before Turn 3, break through the cones
on the left. The shortcut is also paved, and curves
continually to the left. Beware the obstacles in the middle
of the shortcut; while they are easily bumped aside, they
will slow you just slightly.

Frankfurt, Germany: The nighttime conditions of this race
make this shortcut especially difficult to see. As you come
around the second corner of the circuit, keep turning to the
right and break through the line of cones. This shortcut is
a wide paved road leading up to a bridge. As you approach
the bridge, the pavement slopes upward, cresting at the
bridge itself, so you will definitely find yourself airborne.
However, approach the bridge from the right side of the road,
as once you land, the road curves to the right (to rejoin the
main course) with a nasty barrier on the left.

Houston: As Turn 4 curves to the left, keep going straight
ahead, through the line of cones. The curving shortcut is
covered with gravel, which will slow you down, so make sure
to use boost through this section.

Long Beach, California: Just before Turn 4, break through the
cones to the right, passing underneath a building. The
shortcut here is paved, but stay off the walls as it curves.

Toronto, Canada: As you exit Turn 5, move right and break
through the cones. Be careful not to bump the walls along
the curve of the shortcut.

Chicago, Illinois: After coming out from underneath the "L"
lines, safely navigate the left-hand corner ahead. Along the
following straightaway, turn left as you pass underneath
another "L" line; this will take you through a line of cones
and along the shortcut. However, the pavement soon gives way
to gravel, so save some boost so you won't slow too much

Surfers Paradise (Australia): After the right-left dogleg on
the back stretch, look for the tunnel on the left, and break
through the line of cones.

California Speedway: As you pass underneath the Bosch
overhead advertisement, edge left and break through the line
of cones. If you have a lot left in the boost, use it, as
the shortcut empties out onto the main course just in front
of a checkpoint; each checkpoint brings the boost back up to
maximum in most modes of the game.

The Skyway: While Turn 2 is a right-hand corner, keep going
straight through the line of cones, but edge to the left.
Follow the shortcut through the construction zone. If you
have a lot of boost, use it here, as the shortcut rejoins the
main course not far before a checkpoint.

Road America: After passing the checkpoint halfway around the
circuit is a right-hand turn. The next corner is to the
left, but keep going straight, through the line of cones.
This dirt/gravel road will slow you down, so make use of the
boost here. Follow the shortcut THROUGH the barn, knocking
down the doors on both ends. Beware the fence on the left
just before the shortcut rejoins the main course. To
minimize the time you're on the shortcut (and maximize any
advantage over other cars on the main circuit), enter the
shortcut from the far-left (beware the black barrier), break
through the right-side doors on either end of the barn, and
rejoin the main circuit just to the right of the fence on
exit. Actually, this is somewhat similar to a circuit
obstacle in Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing.

Alpine Raceway (Must be unlocked): Near the end of a lap,
when you approach the tunnel, get ready to suddenly veer
left. As the main course continues ahead into the tunnel,
you will suddenly be able to see a line of cones blocking a
second tunnel on the left. If you do take this shortcut, try
not to hit the large blocks of ice dotting the pavement.

Big Dig: Boston Tunnel (Must be unlocked): After passing the
checkpoint on the back stretch, the course turns to the
right. Very quickly after this corner, turn left and break
through the line of cones. This shortcut is paved and clear
of obstacles, so only bumping the walls will slow you down.
Note that the Big Dig circuit looks really great if playing
with Thick Fog enabled.

Miami (Must be unlocked): In the straightaway following Turn
4, break through the line of cones on the left. This
shortcut is paved and rather wide, so there is no excuse for
bumping walls or otherwise losing time here!!! The shortcut
rejoins the main course directly in front of the checkpoint,
so if you have boost remaining when entering the shortcut,
use it!!!

The Moon (Must be unlocked): I've unlocked this circuit, but
I haven't yet found the shortcut. In fact, I strongly
believe that there is NO shortcut for The Moon. Any tips
would be greatly appreciated!!!

New York (Must be unlocked): After passing the checkpoint
halfway along the circuit, look for a line of cones to the
left along the long straightaway. This is a very long,
rather narrow shortcut, with many turns and bump-away
obstacles. You will even need to jump and break through a
garage-style door.


I am including this near the very end of the driving guide,
so that those who prefer to unlock items on their own need
not read this section as they look at other information.
Items marked with an asterisk indicate information received
via e-mails from Marc Smith. A long section of blank lines
follows to protect this information from such persons. Note
that you will often unlock multiple items, cheats, and/or
circuits at once.

Cars (at driver selection, press L1 to access)
70's Racer Win at Rio de Janeiro in Arcade
Alienmobile Win at Road America in Arcade
Ambulance Win at Houston in Arcade Mode
Blackout Win at California Raceway in
Arcade Mode
Cigar Win at Frankfurt, Germany in
Arcade Mode
Cyclone Win at Chicago, Illinois in
Arcade Mode
Future Car Initially available
Hot Rod Initially available
Roadster Initially available
Rude Buggy* Win at The Moon in Arcade Mode
Soapbox Win at Airport Raceway in
Arcade Mode
Spider Win at The Skyway in Arcade Mode
Tow Truck* Win at New York in Arcade Mode

Cheats (press START to turn on/off cheats during a race)
Big Heads See page 22 of the CART Fury
Instruction Manual, or win at
Toronto, Canada in Arcade Mode
Death Walls* Win at Big Dig: Boston Tunnel
in Arcade Mode
Infinite Continues Complete Season Mode
Infinite Turbo* Win at Miami in Arcade Mode
Jump Complete Last Man Standing
Low Gravity Complete any 12 circuits in the
Follow the Line Sub-game
Night Drive Complete any 12 circuits in the
Lock On Sub-game
No Timeout (aka Complete any 12 circuits in the
Unlimited Time) Time Trial Sub-game
Opponent Death Cars* Win at Alpine Raceway in Arcade
Rocket Wheels Complete any 12 circuits in the
Block Your Opponent Sub-game
Thick Fog See page 22 of the CART Fury
Instruction Manual, or complete
any 12 circuits in Demolition

Alpine Raceway Complete Driving 101 at Easy or
Big Dig: Boston Tunnel Complete Season Mode
Miami Complete any 12 circuits in
The Moon Complete any 12 circuits in the
Block Your Opponent Sub-game
New York Win at California Raceway in
Arcade Mode

Danny Sullivan Theater
Opening Cinema Initially available
Racing Action Win at Long Beach, California in
Arcade Mode
CART Fury Girls* Win at Alpine Raceway in Arcade
Day at the Races Win at Chicago Motor Speedway in
Arcade Mode
Driver Interviews Win at Surfer's Paradise
(Australia) in Arcade Mode
CART Fury Arcade Team Complete any 12 circuits in the
Lock On Sub-game
(WARNING: Insanity ahead!!!)
Driving 101 Complete Driving 101 at Easy or

License Upgrades Complete Driving 101 at
at progressively-higher levels,
and check Player Stats to see the
new license level and image


There are really only three things I would like to see in any
future incarnations of CART Fury:

1.) Faster loading times are a MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.) Make Simulation Mode a bit easier - it plays FAR TOO MUCH
like a simulation
3.) Add more real-world drivers


First, greatest thanks to Sony for the PlayStation and
especially the PlayStation2 - these are great consoles, and
the power of the PS2 is truly droolworthy!!!

Thanks also to Midway and Gratuitous Games for a rather
unique take on CART racing. This is a good game overall with
plenty of imagination.

Finally, thanks to CART for allowing your vehicles to be
truly used and abused, especially in such a fun manner!!!!!
Perhaps you can teach FIA a thing or two concerning licensing
to make games more fun and exciting!!!


For rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc., please
contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if you have
enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful to you,
I would certainly appreciate a small donation via PayPal
( using the above e-mail address.

To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2
game guides, visit FeatherGuides at


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PAL/NTSC Patch for the US NTSC Version.

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