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/_ __/ (_)____ ___ ___
/ / / // __ '__ \ / _ \
/ / / // / / / / // __/
/_/ /_//_/ /_/ /_/ \___/

_____ __ _ __ __
/ ___/ ____ / /(_)/ /_ / /_ ___ _____ _____
\__ \ / __ \ / // // __// __// _ \ / ___// ___/
___/ // /_/ // // // /_ / /_ / __// / (__ )
/____// ___//_//_/ \__/ \__/ \___//_/ /____/

FAQ - By King Broccoli

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|DATE: March 30th, 2002 |
|VERSION: 1.0 |
|E-MAIL: Kingbroccoli@hotmail.com |

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( C | o | n | t | e | n | t | s )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

>1.0 Updates
>2.0 Introduction
>3.0 Story Mode
>3.1 Easy Mode Walkthrough
Chemical Plant
Planet X
>3.2 Normal Mode Walkthrough
Chemical Plant
Planet X
>4.0 Arcade Mode
Game Types
The Levels
Customising The Game
>5.0 Challenge Mode
Level Guides
1-A Behead The Undead
1-B Putrid Punchout
1-C Dusk Of The Dead
2-A Flock Around The Dock
2-B Dock Duck Shoot
2-C Crispy Duck
3-A Tin Man Trial
3-B Lobster Run
3-C Bowl Them Over
4-A Shame If Nothing Got Broken
4-B Don't Wait Around
4-C Brick Flung High
5-A First Impressions
5-B Lasting Impressions
5-C Who's He Trying To Impress?
6-A Barrel Blast
6-B Bodyguard
6-C Heist
7-A Shop 'Til You Drop
7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag?
7-C Everyone Must Go!
8-A Girls 'N' Boys
8-B Dinner Dates
8-C Bone Grab
9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming
9-B Flight Delay
9-C Space Vandals
>6.0 Weapons
>7.0 Mapmaker
Mapmaker Controls
>8.0 Unlockables
Story Mode
Challenge Mode
>9.0 Credits
>10.0 Legal Information

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( U | p | d | a | t | e | s )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

1.0 - A total of 436 days since the last update took place, and it's
only for a little bit of finishing up! =D The FASTEST TIMES section has
been removed, it was a superfluous category in the first place. We now
have the final additions to the arcade and challenge modes. And all the
information you need to finish off that dreaded story mode is now
included. A brief summary of all the weapons has even been included! It
gives me much pleasure in declaring this FAQ complete, and my efforts in
this area finished. =D

0.8.5 - The walkthroughs for the Tomb, Mansion and Docks levels on the
Normal difficulty are now up! The Easy and Normal walkthroughs are now
completely and utterly.......complete! A whole set of times have been
added to their section as well!

0.8 - Things have been made a little bit neater throughout the FAQ.
There's also the addition of a "Speed Tips" section to the Easy levels,
expect it to branch out to the other difficulties soon enough. The
majority of the work has been put into the Arcade section, with all of
the levels having more detail put into them!

0.7.5 - All sorts of miscellaneous Story Mode stuff, two new levels on
the Arcade list. The walkthrough for the Easy difficulty is complete!
Two or three new Normal mode levels have been completed! Only three
left... A whole lot of Challenge levels have been added to the mixture
and a few high scores have finally been added to it's section as well!

0.7 - Walkthroughs up for Cyberden on Normal and Docks on Easy, a little
more on challenge. And of course this very lovely section!

0.6.5 - It's got most of the Easy mode walkthroughs and some of the
Normal mode stuff. Over half of challenge, a whole lot of arcade stuff,
introduction, the mapmaker, high scores and all that other boring stuff
at the bottom.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( I | n | t | r | o | d | u | c | t | i | o | n )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

TimeSplitters was one of the launch titles for the Playstation 2, it
also happens to be a damn fine FPS (first person shooter). It was
designed by a lovely group of people known as Free Radical, a bunch who
broke away from the Goldeneye developing team. TimeSplitters gives you
all the fast paced console shooting action you'll ever need, at least
until the sequel comes out. :P

This FAQ will help you out and guide you through the Easy and Normal
difficulties for now, it also encompasses 25/27 of the Challenge Levels
available. If you're stuck on something then this document may just have
the solution that you yearn for! The Story Mode walkthroughs will take
you through the level and give out where the enemies will wait for you.
As long as you can hit them then they could very well make your life

For further information, it is reccomended that the review by King
Broccoli, at GameFAQs is referred to. It may be absolutely loaded with
bias, but it makes for good reading, regardless. =D

A lot of complaints have been made about the poor controls of
TimeSplitters, but they're actually not so bad after 10 - 15 minutes of
gameplay. Mastering all of the little nuances such as strafing and the
like is half the battle in becoming an "expert" player. There are three
preset configurations you're your controller, or if you like you can try
and customise them to your own liking!

Left Analog Stick - Walk forwards/backwards and strafe left/right
Right Analog Stick - Turn left/right and look up/down
L1 Button - Crouch
L2 Button - Aim mode
R1 Button - Secondary weapon fire
R2 Button - Primary weapon fire
D-Pad Left - Select previous weapon
D-Pad Right - Select next weapon
Triangle Button - Manual reload
X Button - Activate/Respawn

Left Analog Stick - Strafe left/right and look up/down
Right Analog Stick - Turn left/right and walk forwards/backwards
L1 Button - Crouch
L2 Button - Aim Mode
R1 Button - Secondary Weapon Fire
R2 Button - Primary Weapon Fire
D-Pad Left - Select previous weapon
D-Pad Right - Select next weapon
Triangle Button - Manual reload
X Button - Activate/Respawn

Left Analog Stick - Turn left/right and look up/down
Right Analog Stick - Strafe left/right and walk forwards/backwards
L1 Button - Secondary weapon fire
L2 Button - Primary weapon fire
R1 Button - Crouch
R2 Button - Aim mode
D-Pad Up - Manual reload
D-Pad Left - Activate/Respawn
Square Button - Select previous weapon
Circle Button - Select next button

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( S | t | o | r | y ) ( M | o | d | e )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

This is the place where the single player will be most active. All of
the nine levels are very challenging and will require a lot of practice.
Completing them will unlock things that you can use in the arcade mode,
things like playable characters, computer bots, cheats and even some
more levels. There are secrets to be unlocked in EASY, MEDIUM and HARD
difficulties, plus extras for finishing each level in super-quick time.
That's a total of 54 (!) secrets, so you will probably be here a while!
What you're getting here are some detailed walkthroughs, use them if you

To see everything that can be unlocked please scroll down to the section
marked "Unlockables"


There's a nice range of difficulty in this section alone, here's a
little list of how I view their difficulties. 1 is the easiest and 9 is
the hardest.

1. Village
2. Tomb
3. Cyberden
4. Planet X
5. Spaceways
6. Chinese
7. Docks
8. Chemical Plant
9. Mansion


You'll see a little "DIFFICULTY RATING" at the bottom of every
walkthrough. Remember, this number is compared to other levels in it's
own difficulty rating. It's not comparing the Easy levels to the Hard
levels, and so on.

The SPEED TIPS section at the bottom of each walkthrough will not tell
you where to go and what to do. They're meant to be used in conjunction
with the actual walkthroughs. Look at the walkthrough, and use the speed
tips to give you a general idea of how to get a good time. The general
thing to do would be run really fast and dont' bother shooting most of
the enemies, but these sections could prove to be helpful.


***/\/\ TOMB /\/\***

- Get the Cultists ankh and return it to its shrine

- Under 1 minute

The very first story mode level and certainly one of the easiest, it can
be tough to get through the first time, but you shouldn't be troubled by
it too much.

Captain Ash
Lady Jayne

Various mummies

Mauser Pistol
Tommy Gun

You will start off behind a rather large structure armed with a pistol,
either run up the ramp on this structure or head around its left side
and shoot the cultist that has his back to you. Heading over towards the
tomb you should be able to notice a small room to your left; this is
where you will have to return the ankh to! Looking down from the
entrance there's a box, hit it with your blunderbuss and it will
explode, frying the sneaky little cultist hiding behind it. Turn left,
go forward, take a right turn then the next left.
Shoot the cultist at the top of the ramp and head up. Go forward, take a
left then another right, and exterminate the enemy behind the boxes you
see. Take the next left and proceed, nailing the cultist that rolls out
in front of you. Head left again and move forward to the ramp, head down
after killing the baddie patrolling it. Turn right and get rid of the
cultist you meet before moving down the second ramp. There's a guy
waiting on your left at the bottom of the ramp, once he's gone proceed
into the larger room. There are two mummies here that should be taken
care of before you grab the ankh.
Once you've gotten it some tommy gun wielding mummies will spawn along
with the TimeSplitters, you'll have to be extra careful as you retrace
your steps. Once you're outside go into the little building near the
start of the level to finish it off.

Only shoot at an enemy if it's not going to slow you down. Never stop
running the whole time, and make sure you learn the map. It's very easy
in Tomb to take a wrong turn on your way out and find yourself up
against a dead end. Rather than going the way outlined in the
walkthrough, drop down the hole in the middle of the large room. It'll
save you a lot of time, but also means that you'll be dodging more
bullets on the way back up. When you start heading back up the two ramps
after grabbing the ankh, it is quite easy to get stuck if an enemy is in
your way, try to avoid this by quickly killing anything that blocks your
progress. Don't bother killing any mummy that comes at you on the way
back, just shoot them over and keep running. If you make your way in and
out without encountering any obstackes then you might just make it!

***/\/\ CHINESE /\/\***
Seize the gangs files, and bring them back to the alley as evidence

- Under 1:20

This is a surprisingly difficult level for one so early in the game;
there are quite a few enemies to be taken care of. It becomes a lot
easier once you know their positions, but it's never exactly a walk in
the park.

Det. Harry Tipper
Christine Malone

Chinese Chef
Chinese Waiter
Suit Hoodlum
Mr. Big

Uzi (x2)

You will begin the stage inside a small tunnel of some sort; the drop
off point is right behind you. The first enemy is in the alley that's
connected to the tunnel you're in, so just stand back a bit from the
entrance and let him have it when he walks by. Step out into the alley,
and a guy on your left will start firing at you, let auto-aim take care
of him and venture forward.
Once you leave the safety of the alley there will be someone waiting at
your immediate right with an M16. Two people will also start attacking
you from inside the restaurant, one has a pair of M16's whilst the other
lobs grenades, it's best to pick them off now so he doesn't bother you
later on in the piece. Keep running forward and two men in suits will
pop out and very thoughtfully try and share their lead with you, they
jump right into your line of view so taking them out is a matter of
tapping the fire button a few times. Take the health box here if you
need it.
Move out of this white building and you'll see a very open area, there
are two enemies with shotguns and M16's here and both of them can be
disposed of from a distance. Continue on through this area and you'll
run smack bang into an enemy armed to the teeth, it would be a good idea
to kill him.
You should now be inside a small enclosed area, there is only one exit
plus a wall for you to hide behind. You're going to have to hide behind
this wall, strafe out, fire a few bullets and strafe back. For you see,
there are three Chinese Waiters just outside the door waiting to get
you, two are hidden behind boxes and will lob grenades, and one just has
a boring old M16. Focusing your shotgun on these boxes should take them
out quickly and efficiently.
Moving forward and you should arrive at the front door of the
restaurant, there are two enemies at the reception desk, one in front
and one behind, both have M16's. Take this duo out and move inside the
restaurant, once you find yourself standing underneath the balcony,
stop. Turn yourself around, point your gun in the sky and start walking
backwards. There's a waiter just waiting to hurt you, return the favour.
Collect the health by the gong if you need it and head up the stairs,
you can head left if you like, but all that's waiting for you is some
health, armour and a chef. Go right, head down the stairs and make your
way towards the door. A very dangerous chef will appear, get rid of him
straight away. Go through the door, shoot the guy on your left, and head
down the left path, you will now be in the kitchen.
In the kitchen there are four enemies, just scout around the room and
take them out when you see them. The next door you need to take is to
the right of where you came in. Take out the guy at the bottom of the
stairs and move down.
Creep forward a little bit and you'll see a man behind a box, if you
shoot the box, both enemies in that room will perish. Go through the
room and you will meet a chef, take him out and go in the next room.
This is where your pick-up is, eliminate Mr. Big and take it.
Rather than having to put up with the TimeSplitters all the way back
through the level, there is a door in the kitchen that can open and will
take you back out to the starting point.

This one can prove quite troublesome due to the sheer weight of enemies
in the level. You shouldn't really shoot any if they're not in your
running path, but try to take out a few of them if you can. They have a
nasty habit of forming a mob and chasing after you through the level,
try to find a spot to take out a few of them without ever slowing down
too much. The bathroom with the life in it is a good bet. You must take
the door out, do not run back through the whole level! If you can stay
alive you might just unlock some stuff.

***/\/\ CYBERDEN /\/\***
Get the cyborgs plans and return to the ventilation ducts

- Under 50 seconds

A rather short level, but it's still quite easy to get lost. Not too
many enemies here will trouble you, it will appear a piece of cake once
you've finished Chinese.

Deacon Swain
Chastity Detroit

Robots and Aliens and Timeplitters, OH MY

Assault Shotgun
Sci-Fi AutoRifle

Move forward from your original position into a big room, at the rear of
the room there is two enemies. One or two others will shoot at you from
above. Once you've negated these problems take the entrance out of the
back of the room, and turn left. There will be a baddie and some health,
keep going, and turn right at the health. Move forward, shoot the enemy
that runs at you, and turn left at the intersection.
You will go down a short hill, stay to the left side of the room you
enter, shoot the alien and take his assault shotgun. Going on you'll see
a big ramp with an enemy underneath it, go up the ramp and the pick-up
will be right in front of you.
Get the object, and push X at the control panel. Now, rather than going
back down the ramp turn right before it. Follow this path around; take
out any enemies you run into. Jump down and go through the passage with
the armour at its entrance. Turn left at the next intersection and go up
another ramp, being wary of the two aliens underneath it, follow the
passage from the ramp, killing any enemies. When the path ends, jump
down, and you'll be right back at the start. Now just run back to the

This one can be tricky for a start, but when you know what to do it's
not overly hard. Run through the level, the long corridors give you a
chance to kill more enemies than the others. Grab the item, flick the
switch, and take the right passage through to the tunnel with the armour
at it's entrance. Just turn left at it's end and go up the other ramp.
It will of course place you near the start. When moving along these top
areas you'll meet a few enemies, make sure they don't get in your way
and slow you down. This one will be tight, but do it properly and you
should be able to make it!

***/\/\ VILLAGE /\/\***
Find the cursed artifact and bring it back for further research

- Under 30 seconds

A very short, simple level. The 30-second time limit is the easiest to
achieve. There will be a lot of people firing at you, but running all
the way not firing at anything won't affect the result too much at all!
Not a tough cookie to crack at all.

Dr. Seth Craven
Dr. Katie Nadjr

More Mutants

Tommy Gun

Leave the safety of your starting point and there will be two mutants,
take them out and move forward. Turning the corner will reveal another
two mutants. Go forward, turn the corner, more mutants. Just progressing
forward, shooting anything that moves. You'll soon turn a corner and be
able to view the pick-up, shoot the barrels on either side to eliminate
some mutants. Move forward, getting rid of the priest mutant that
attacks you. Pick up the object, and start the journey back. All you
have to worry about is a TimeSplitter or two, so it shouldn't be too
hard at all.

Just basically run the whole way. The time of :30 seconds may appear a
tad imposing, but it is the easiest of the lot to achieve! As you turn
each corner try and pick off at least one mutant, to make the trip back
more hazardous. And if you can do it qithout stopping then shooting the
barrels on either side of the item is a very handy thing to do. As you
near the circle, the TimeSplitters can get in your way a little, just
try strafing around them quickly. You can make it by a second or three
without too many hassles!

***/\/\ CHEMICAL PLANT /\/\***
Reclaim the case of stolen jewels and get back out of the plant

- Under :30

A reasonably tough level, but if you take out all of the enemies when
you're meant to then it shouldn't be as hard. Just watch out for those

Fingers McKenzie
Ravelle Velvet

All kinds of diferent SWAT's

Sniper Rifle
Uzi (X2)
Grenade Launcher

Pop out from around the corner and you'll see two enemies, both are
patrolling on ledges, either shoot them, or grab their attention and get
them when they run to you. Collect their weapons if you can, and turn
the corner, shoot the guy on top of the tank, and the hood blocking the
doorway with a shotgun. Go through this doorway, and get rid of the guy
hiding in the shadows under the stairs.
Going up the stairs is very dangerous, you will be attacked from the
front and the rear by shotgun toting enemies, if you need it afterwards
get the health kit from underneath the stairs. At the top of the stairs
an enemy will lurk in the shadows, take him out, and the gun on the wall
around the corner, move forward through the door in front of you. There
will be a baddie right in front of you, one above you shooting through a
window, and one that will roll in from the right. Finish them off, turn
right, and there'll be someone behind a box, inflict pain upon him. Turn
left and grab the item, all you then have to do is jump out the side of
the building and move forward to where you started.

The :30 seconds given to you seems a ridiculously short time at a first
glance, but like the Village, you don't have to travel very far! Just
run all the way, shoot the guy at the door, and the one under the stairs
and head up them! The stairs are the most difficult section, you could
very well find yourself dead without ever seeing an enemy. If you can
survive the stairs then you might just make it. Shoot anything that gets
in front of you and don't stop!

***/\/\ PLANET X /\/\***
Rescue the hostage cyberbrain and proceed to the beam up coordinates

- Under 1 minute

Quite a simple level when you know which way to go. There are quite a
few enemies, but they won't withstand much damage at all. Since most of
the fighting is done in tunnels they can't run or dodge, and are quite
easy to kill.

Sebastion Photon
Angel Perez

Red Alien
Robot Thingy

Sci-Fi Autorifle
Ray-Gun Carbine
Rocket Launcher

From where you start run forward a little until you reach a spiral that
will take you up onto the precipice, you can tell you're at the right
spot when some robots start shooting at you. You can move forward into
the cavern if you like, there are two robots and some armour for your
taking. When you're done in there start wandering around the ledge you
came from, 3-4 aliens will spawn, you can basically take them out before
they have ample time to react. Keep going along this ledge, shoot the
alien in front of you and turn to the left. You'll reach a fairly wide
room, and a number of enemies will spawn in it. It's a simple matter of
dodging and shooting at them. Move on forward, disposing of any enemies
that get in your way and you'll have to make a very important choice.
There is a path leading up and a path leading down, there's also some
health here, take it if you need it but it's best left until later. Head
up, go up this path just a little bit and you should find a partially
concealed track branching off to the right, it is this direction that
you must go. Keep moving forward, killing anything that appears ahead or
behind you, and you'll reach the end of the tunnel. Two aliens will roll
out; once they've been dealt with you can go forward and get the item.
Go back down the tunnel to the junction, killing everything along the
way. This time you may take the bottom route, it leads you straight to
the end!

A simpler time to achieve, make sure you know EXACTLY where to go. Don't
fall off the spiral, and just head around the ledge and move forward
straight to the item. Running back down the tunnel you took up will
require you to shoot the enemies that have caught up with you. Back at
the junction pick up the life and run to the red circle, not too
difficult at all!

***/\/\ MANSION /\/\***
Find the murderers remains and take them out to the gallows

Probably the toughest level in the game. Zombies all over the place, and
quite a few shotguns as well. You'll need quick reflexes and a good
head-shot for this map.

Peekabo Jones
Mary-Beth Casey



You will begin this level in a small room; two zombies will spawn quite
close to where you are. If you can do it quick enough, shoot their heads
off, but if not just shoot them so that they fall down, and then go for
the heads as they recover. Moving on to the next room will see the
spawning of three new zombies; it might help if you reverse into the
first room to give yourself some space. Looking out of the second room
you'll be able to see the mansion, there is an enemy above the stairs,
and one below them, take them out before advancing on the house.
Rather then going through the front door you have to navigate an
underground area. Head into the gap underneath the stairs and walk
forward a bit, a zombie will appear, blow his head off. Walking around
the corner will bring you to a miniature hallway, an enemy will be
poking his head out and aiming his shotgun at you, he's not a hard
target so just nail him when the time is right. As you progress down the
hallway two zombies will appear (but not at the same time), take care of
them and collect the ammunition that will be on your right.
At the end of the hallway there's a little turn to your left, you'll be
able to see the stairs that lead into the house. To get to the stairs
you'll need to shoot the heads off two zombies that appear in front of
you, and take out the guy at the top of the stairs. Go up the stairs and
you'll see two zombies behind the kitchen benches, you can just shoot
the one on the left, but you'll need to remove the head of the one on
the right (watch out for the grenades the throw). Go through the kitchen
and you can find some life and ammo.
From where you came up the stairs, turn to the left and move forward
slowly. An enemy wielding a shotgun will roll out from the doorway, and
he can do some serious damage if you don't act quickly! Shoot him and
make him drop his gun, then when he gets up go for the head. Move
forward a little bit more, and another shotgun wielding zombie will be
coming at you, employ the same tactics. You can go up the stairs if you
want, but all you'll find is some health and a few zombies, only do it
if you really have to.
Move forward from where you are, and shoot those three moose-heads on
the wall, lest they open fire at you. From here, you're just a short
passage away from the front hall of the mansion. In this area there are
five zombies, four of them are in various places along the bottom (don't
overlook the Girl Zombie hiding in the corner) and one of them will have
a shotgun. The fifth zombie is on the balcony up the top, she's no
Once they're all headless go up the stairs and take the left path. You
should be able to see in the bathroom. Shoot the zombie in there and
move across so you're looking down the long hallway. When the mutant at
the end pops out let him have it. Head into the bathroom and look into
the next room, kill the plice zombie with the shotgun and move to the
staircase. There's another zombie with a shotgun here, take him out and
move up (get the health on this floor if you need it).
At the top of the stairs there's a junction. To the left is a health
kit, best left for later, and to the right is a police zombie with a
shotgun. Go along this path and kill the other two zombies you meet
before you reach another junction. To your immediate right is a shotgun
toting jacket zombie. It doesn't matter which way you head at this
junction, just make your way to the hallway up the back left. But first
make sure you seek and kill the priest mutant that's wandering around up
Head down this passage and shoot the zombie that appears in front of
you. Follow it just a little further past the turn and you'll see the
pick-up. Go close to it but don't get it, a girl zombie with shotgun
will appear right in front of you. Shoot her right away and then finish
her off when she gets back up! Get the item and go back around the
corner. Two zombies will spawn further ahead of you, take them out and
move forward. Keep going forward until you reach a staircase on your
right. Head down it and at the bottom turn left IMMEDIATELY! There's a
very dangerous priest mutant with shotgun.
Shoot this priest and head down the staircase he was blocking, to your
left you should see the gallows and the red circle underneath them.
Forget about the four or five TimeSplitters in this area and just RUN!
You can quite often make it without being hit, if you've got a small
amount of health you should be safe enough.

Oh dear, this one isn't going to be any fun at all! If the zombie isn't
right in front of you, try to ignore it. You better be good with the
headshot, because you'll need to be doing a few of them quite quickly,
particularly in the earlier sections. Learn where all the zombies are,
don't let them bunch together and come for you, move so quickly that
they'll never catch up with you! You might just have enough time to grab
a health kit on the way, but don't do it if you don't need it. This one
will take a fair bit of practice before you're skilled enough to go
through with it easily enough.

***/\/\ DOCKS /\/\***

Make the ransom pickup and proceed to the waterside rendezvous point

It's not really such a tough level if you have some decent reflexes,
you'll have quite a few enemies firing at you from all over the place,
so you have to learn to react quickly!

Jacques Misere
Olga Strom

Army People
Suit Hoodlum

Sniper Rifle
Assault Rifle
Assault Shotgun

Right at the very start an enemy will be walking away from you, get his
head with the sniper rifle and move forward. Grab the assault rifle,
you'll need it badly, and turn to the left. There are three enemies
right in front of you, two are behind boxes, make quick work of them and
the guy in the background behind them. There are three enemies somewhere
high above you on the structures that are on the right side of the lane,
if you can't immediately spot them look out for their bullets and then
pick them off.
Head down this lane and make a left turn, shoot the mounted gun, and
then turn to your right. You should now see the stairs that you'll need
to take, there's a SWAT guy in the background so nail him before going
up them. Once inside the building you'll be shot at by three people, all
of them on your left as you walk in the door. Grab their ammo if you
like once you're done with them, it might come in handy.
Go right from where the door was and up the small set of stairs, you can
see a baddie walking away from you, shoot him before he gets away. Down
the next stairs and immediately an enemy will pop out from either side
and start firing at you. Take them out and move forward ever so
slightly, an enemy will roll out right in front of you, someone will
appear above the next set of stairs, and another SWAT will shoot at you
through a window on your left. Take care of them with complete and utter
Go up those stairs in front of you and four enemies will roll out,
hopefully you'll have the Assault Shotgun right now and can take them
out quickly. There's also health here should you require it. Move around
the corner and slightly to your left, there's a small passage with two
very open rooms on its right. Kill the enemy behind the box in the
passage, and the hoodlum that you can see in each of the two rooms. Move
forward and shoot the other two hoodlums in the closer rooms. Grab the
armor that's in this close room and then get the pick-up from the far
room. A TimeSplitter will immediately appear!
Run back the way you just came and grab the health if you need it, run
down the first set of stairs you come to, shoot the three TimeSplitters
that will spawn and jump down to the bottom level.
Continue forward and head out the door at the back of this warehouse
(it's on your right). Out the door, hang a left, go forward, then left,
then right! Head straight past the stairs and shoot the guy on your
right as you go past him. Head forward a little more, take a right when
you can go forward no more, and then a second right turn. There's one
last enemy here, along with a very nasty mounted gun and the ubiquitous
TimeSplitters (they'll bug you the whole way). Run straight underneath
the gun and you should have no problems finding the end of the level,
good job!

A fairly difficult level to do, you can find yourself quickly
overwhelmed by the enemies. Take out as many as you can without slowing
down, and watch out for the people with assault shotguns. You can grab
the life without losing time, so do so either on your way up or back.
Make sure you know where to go, don't make one of those embarrassing
wrong turns. Just keep at it and you'll get it in the end!

***/\/\ SPACEWAYS /\/\***

Grab your duty free goods and board the Yareel express!

- Under 1:05

Quite a few enemies, and a lot of mounted guns, but it's a straight
forward path and it's not hard to kill large amounts of them. It should
seem rather easy after the previous two levels.


Red Aliens

Sci-Fi Handgun
Sci-Fi AutoRifle
RayGun Carbine
Rocket Launcher

Walk forward into the entrance of the Airport and down the small
passage, when you reach the junction an enemy will roll out on your
left, and soon after wards on your right. Go whichever way you want and
proceed to the large room, there are four enemies in here. One will be
right next to you where you come in, one right over the other side, and
two somewhere in the middle. Deal with them and head up a ramp, an enemy
will appear near the top. Once he's through start going down that really
long path that is up the top, there is nowhere you can turn so just keep
following it. During your journey down this tunnel there will be 15 - 20
enemies and a few mounted guns for you to deal with, you usually get
plenty of time to see where they are, so like loss should be minimal.
Once you're through this long passage you'll arrive at a large round
room. There will be a tunnel in front of you and a little to the left
with a mounted gun above it. Run straight at it, ignoring the gun, and
shoot the enemy that will appear at it's entrance. Head up this tunnel,
and when you reach the top take out the two enemies behind the reception
desk. Perform a U-Turn and head up the tunnel to the left of the one you
were just in, at the top of it three enemies will spawn, it's quite easy
to get rid of them. The pick-up is behind the desk in this room, grab it
and start heading back down.
You might run over a rocket launcher and it should come in handy against
the sudden rush of enemies that run at you (just don't kill yourself).
Run back down this tunnel, and up the one opposite it. Keep killing
everything that appears before you along with the robot and TimeSplitter
in the room up the top. Run to the back of the small room, turn right
and the path will lead you to a finishing point!

From the moment you start RUN! Don't be stingy with the ammunition,
blast everything and anything you see. Ignore the mounted guns
completely, you should be able to destroy the majority of the enemies
you encounter but make sure you do it before they hurt you too much.
Life is a key issue as much as time in this, try not to suffer too much
damage. Once you're out of the large circular room you should be
reasonably safe from death, but stranger things have happened before.
Just make sure you never stop running!

And there you have it, that's all of the Easy mode covered. ENJOY!


Out of the Normal Levels, here's how they look from a difficulty point
of view. 1 = Easiest, 9 = Hardest.

1. Village
2. Chinese
3. Cyberden
4. Planet X
5. Spaceways
6. Docks
7. Chemical Plant
8. Tomb
9. Mansion

You'll see a little "DIFFICULTY RATING" at the bottom of every
walkthrough. Remember, this number is compared to other levels in it's
own difficulty rating. It's not comparing the Normal levels to the Hard
levels, and so on.

***/\/\ TOMB /\/\***

- Get the Cultists ankh and return it to its shrine

The difficulty has been cranked way up for this outing in the Tomb. A
lot of enemies, and a very long journey to get there and back again! It
throws you way in the deep end of the Normal difficulty, but it'll teach
you what to expect from this set of levels.

Captain Ash
Lady Jayne

Various mummies

Mauser Pistol
Tommy Gun

This is going to be a long haul, expect to kill approximately 60 enemies
on your trip in and back! The first one will be right in front of you at
the start, kill him along with the two Cultists that will run at you
afterwards. Pick up their Blunderbuss' and head around the shrine. In
this open section before the tomb itself thee are two enemies, one to
the left and one to the right. Both should be taken out from a distance,
using the cover given to you.
Head to the entrance of the tomb, and stand at the top of the ramp,
shoot the boxes at the bottom with your Blunderbuss and head down. Turn
to face the doorway to your left, and shoot the Cultists that pops out.
Grab the box of ammo and head towards the now deceased Cultist. Another
will roll out in front of you! Kill him! All this commotion will bring
another cultist running, you can make the right turn once he's dead.
Around the corner a baddie will be right in front of you, get him
quickly and head to his position. You can get the health kit right there
now if you like, but it's better left for a later time or the return
trip. Make the right turn and shoot the Cultist in front of you, ignore
the doorway to your left and run right to his body! You can then turn
around and shoot the Cultist you lured out.
You can now head to the doorwa you ran past, don't go through it, rather
shoot the boxes inside it. Go through the door now, and head up the ramp
in front of you. At the top there will be two cultists to your left and
a third on your right. Kill them quickly and knock off the head of the
mummy advancing on you!
Head down the passage and eliminate the foe that pops out at its end,
move further down and a mummy will spawn! Bag his head! Make the left
turn, and a right turn. Shoot the boxes in front of you to kill a
further three Cultists. Look out for any grenades they may have lobbed
at you. Take the right turn before the boxes, and shoot the Cultist that
rolls out! You can now venture into the large room from which he came.
Switch to the blunderbuss and shoot all the boxes in here, no Cultists
will be left alive. Grab the Tommy Guns that they had dropped, they're
the best weapon you could possibly have in here! There also happens to
be a health kit in here, take it at your own leisure. You can now find
the ramp out of this room and begin down it. Before you reach the bottom
shoot the two Cultists that come your way, and at it's end blast the
Cultist to your right.
Move to the top of the second ramp, two Cultists will run at you again,
with the obligatory third enemy waiting at your left down the bottom.
You will reach a largeish room, in here you should destory the Cultist
and Mummy loitering around. A health kit can also be found here, when
you near it a Mummy will spawn right on top of it, you'll have to kill
him before you can take it's treasure.
Find the ramp heading out of this room, another Cultist will be at its
bottom! Go down it and make a left turn, run forward until you can run
forward no further, and look to your left! A Cultist will be firing at
you from a ledge up high. Shoot him and find the ramp out of THIS room.
This one will lead you to another large room, run around the edge
disposing of the three Priestess' in here. Once again you should search
for the ramp to lead you out of here, it will lead to another ramp and
that one will take you to a third.
Standing atop this ramp will reveal three Cultists, head down once
they're dead. Make a left turn at the bottom, a Cultist will pop his
head out! Shoot him and head to where he once stood. If you turn left
then you'll see.....THE ANKH! Move close to the Ankh but do not grab it
yet. Two mummies will spawn behind it, back away and remove their heads.
You can now grab the Ankh if you please.
It is then time for a retreat, retrace your steps faithfully, deterring
in path only to grab any health kits that were not of use to you
beforehand. As you near the exit of the tomb not only will you have to
deal with the TimeSplitters, but also Mummies. Some of them will have
Tommy Guns! Look and listen for any enemies, and be careful! Once you
make it out of the tomb just run straight to the shrine and touch the
red circle to end the game!

***/\/\ CHINESE /\/\***
Seize the gangs files and bring them back to the alley as evidence

For some reason I found this level on Normal difficulty to be easier to
get through than Cyberden and Tomb. Basically the same level with a few
more enemies here and there....

Det. Harry Tipper
Lt. Christine Malone

Chinese Chef
Chinese Waiter
Suit Hoodlum
Mr. Big

M16 (X2)

Move around a little from your starting point and shoot the Suit Hoodlum
walking past. Wait a second or two and another will run into your
sights. Emerge from your alley and you'll be shot at on your left, move
forward slowly (after shooting that baddie) and make sure you've still
got some wall to your right. Another enemy will pop out a little further
down, shoot him.
Leave the safety of those walls and turn left, there'll be a Hoodlum
right in front of you. There's also two enemies on the balcony through
the window and one on the ground lobbing grenades at you. Get rid of
them all and go into the area where those two guys were shooting you
from, another one will be in there! Grab the shotguns and look out into
the big courtyard. There's an enemy in the far right corner, one up the
back on the left, one half way down the wall to your right and one on
your immediate right. Most of them can be taken out from a distance.
Leave the courtyard and a hoodlum will be right in front of you, kill
him and prepare for a big firefight. There will be three people behind
boxes and two standing around, just around the corner. Things might be
made a little easier if you run forward, get their attention then
retreat. A couple of them will follow you, get rid of them to ease the
situation. Just keep popping out from the side after this, firing a few
shots and hiding again. It's also a good idea to look out for any
grenades they throw!
At the entrance of the restaurant there's four enemies, one on the left
and the right, and two behind the desk, use the cover given to you
wisely. Once they're taken care of move forward to underneath the
balcony, along with the guy right above you there's also one to your
right, make sure you take them by surprise. Head up the stairs and two
enemies will run in from the left, they come in directly behind each
other, so they should present no problem.
To the left there's the two rooms with health and armor, there's also a
shotgun-toting enemy in the armor room. Go there if you need it. Now
head to the right and go down the stairs. To Chinese Chefs will appear
at the doorway in front of you, and there'll be a hood inside it to your
left. In the room to your right there's a health kit, if you don't need
it then save it for the return trip. To the left there's the kitchen.
There are 8-10 enemies in the kitchen, the best technique is to venture
into the room for a step or two then back right out, you can get up to
half of them to run to the doorway, making things a bit simpler. Head
left and make a clockwise run around the room taking out any stragglers.
Pay special attention to the Hoodlum at the door you need to run
through, he has a shotgun and can be dangerous.
Go through this door and down the stairs, a Hoodlum will be at the
bottom! Head forward until you can see into the room with all the boxes,
there are 3 or 4 enemies waiting for you, so just linger back and shoot
the boxes to get rid of them.
The path is now clear to the pick-up room, shoot Mr. Big and get it. Now
it's time to take out the TimeSplitters! You can't take the shortcut
this time, so run all the way back through the level grabbing any health
you've left behind. Make sure you listen and look out for any
TimeSplitters, if any appear shoot them right away, those green balls
they throw hurt! Make it out of the restaurant intact and you're pretty
much home free!

***/\/\ CYBERDEN /\/\***
Get the cyborgs plans and return to the ventilation ducts

This is a level very thick with enemies, they've got some powerful
weapons (Assault Shotgun and Rocket Launcher) so you're going to have to
be very darn careful!

Deacon Swain
Chastity Detroit

Other miscellaneous enemies

Assault Shotgun
Rocket Launcher
Sci-Fi Handgun

You'll start off in the same ventilation ducts, don't emerge from them
just yet, just look out the door. You can shoot two cyborgs up the back
of the next room, and a third run will run right into the doorway for
you to shoot. There are three more enemies in the rafters of the room,
and another three or four will jump down up the back of the room if you
hang around long enough. It's a good idea to weed them all out and get
rid of them early.
Leave this large room and an enemy will be right in front of you, get
him and turn the next corner. There's another enemy here and he's got a
rocket launcher. Get rid of him and move down the corridor, there's that
health kit at the end of it, and you'll probably need it already! You
should now be able to see down an even longer passage, there are three
enemies down there, one has a rocket launcher. The best thing you can do
is fire a stream of rockets down there yourself and hope that they're
all finished off.
Go down this passage to the intersection, to the right there is a
mounted gun, and running down there will reveal four enemies guarding a
ramp. If you want to make your run home easier get rid of them now. You
can then run back to the left and into the little red bit, there's
someone to your immediate left, and two in front of you (one is hiding
on the left side of the partition). Run up the hill to where the ramp
is, there are three enemies guarding it, they shouldn't be too much of a
Head up the ramp and nail the guy up the top with the minigun. Run into
the room where the pick-up is, looking out the windows you can pick off
three baddies. Flick the control panel and instead of going down the
ramp take the right turn. You'll soon find yourself in a long but thin
room, there's a mounted gun and two enemies (another rocket launcher!).
You can also access a couple of things of armour, leave one for the
return trip.
Take the passage that was near the wall where the mounted gun was and
shoot the one or two cyborgs that you meet. You'll soon come into sight
of the rocket room, if you did what you were told before there will only
be three enemies here, you can shoot two them as you run towards the
room, and then get the third one on your left (who's guarding the pick-
up) later.
Getting the pick-up will result in the spawning of some TimeSplitters
and a few nasty Cyborgs. Run back down the way you came, and when you
reach the thin room go down the passage that had the armor at its
entrance. Reach the end of this tunnel, turn left, and go up the ramp.
Follow this path and you'll end up back in that first big room, just
don't let the TimeSplitters get ya'!

***/\/\ VILLAGE /\/\***
Find the cursed artifact and bring it back for further research

The level has been extended, and the zombies are a bit tougher, but it's
still the easiest Normal Difficulty level you can play! If you've
managed to get up to it then you'll have absolutely no problem with the

Dr. Seth Craven
Dr. Katie Nadjr

More Mutants

Tommy Gun

The start of the level is much like the Easy mode level, you're in the
streets of the village and there'll be quite a few enemies. They should
either be carrying shotgun or tommy gun, and they're not exactly the
best of shots. Everytime you turn a corner there should be 2 - 4 zombies
waiting for you in the next lane. They will either be in plain sight,
hiding inside buildings or just around small corners. These last ones
can take you by a bit of surprise, so be prepared for a sudden attack at
any time. It's a good idea to take everyone out and make your run home
that much easier, there's also a back passage you can run through to
flush out three more mutants.
It's when you reach the pier things start getting a bit different, there
are the two Overall Mutants and the Priest Mutant, so get rid of them
and run to the end of the pier, turn around 180 degrees and get ready to
shoot some stuff. There will be two mutants in buildings to your right,
one in a building to your left, and two on the trail leading up along
the cliffs. Shoot all five of them then head up the trail.
Follow the trail around, shooting anything you meet on the way until you
come to the spot where two cliffs meet and there's a tunnel leading
through them. Two mutants will be outside the tunnel, kill them and go
inside it! Not far in at all there will be a door to your right, go
through it and head down the path. Get ready for a shock because
somewhere along here a Zombie will spawn right in front of you, make
sure he doesn't hit you and knock his head off. Keep going forward and
there'll be an Overall Mutant behind two barrels along with a Fishwife
Mutant. Shoot the barrels and then the Fishwife and move on. Keep
following the tunnel and you should meet another Zombie and a few
mutants on the way, you'll soon arrive in the cellar of one of the
buildings in the actual village.
This is the spot where you'll find the pick-up, grab it and head back
the exact same way you came. If you were effective enough there won't be
anything bothering you apart from the TimeSplitters and they only appear
when you get back to the actual village. Two will come at you when you
climb up the stairs, a few in the middle of the village, and three or
four at the end. If you have enough life just run like the dickens and
ignore them, if not by all means shoot them!

***/\/\ CHEMICAL PLANT /\/\***
Reclaim the case of stolen jewels and get back out of the plant

There are a lot of enemies in this instalment of Chemical Plant. A lot
of shotguns.....you have to be very careful and take out the enemies
rather quickly!

Fingers McKenzie
Ravelle Velvet

All kinds of diferent SWAT's
Suit Hoodlum

Sniper Rifle
M16 (X2)
Grenade Launcher

At the start it's probably best to flick to your Pistol, it's better
than tha Sniper Rifle they give you! Move out from your cover and shoot
the guy behind the boxes, this should get the attention of the other two
in the area, so retreat back to your original position. These two
enemies will run right into your crosshairs, so just taje them out when
they appear.
Get the Uzi (x2) that they both drop and go forwards, shoot the guy
around the corner that sits on top the tank, and get the shotgun of the
first guy you killed. Creep along the wall, pop out and shoot the
Malehood guarding a doorway. If you did it quick and noisily enough you
will attract another enemy in the area, wait a few seconds to see if he
appears, if not nail him later. Pop back out and shoot the baddie that
was above the Malehood, then go around the next corner and shoot the
SWAT if you didn't get the chance before, and another one above your
Use the same strafe out and back technique to get rid of the two enemies
behind the back wall and move down towards them in reverse, watching
where you came from. Two SWATs will come out, they can be painful, so
shoot them quickly. Walk forwards again, and when you get to the corner
there is a suit hoodlum to your diagonal left, look up to see him. Shoot
him now to save time later.
You can go up the staircase that you would have used in Easy mode if you
like, but you'll find nothing but a mounted gun and a blocked passage.
Going through the door that leads to it will reveal an enemy and the
only health kit, so perhaps you should return here when you really need
the health. Instead go through the only other door, and kill the enemy
to your left. Walk to his position and a lumberjack will come out, a
malehood may also run out after him, but only rarely. After the
lumberjack is gone run around the corner from which he appeared, there's
a suit hoodlum to take care of and probably that malehood if he didn't
appear earlier.
Don't run up the staircase in front of you right away, look through the
door to the other room with a staurcase. There are two enemies towards
the back of the room, up high. Shoot them, and go up the first
staircase, on the way up there's a lumberjack for you to kill. Once
you're up to the top level and moving around the ledge up there, you can
see a SWAT member to your right. It's quite easy to miss this one until
it's too late, so you've been warned!
Once this problem has been removed go around the ledge further, you can
now see outside. There are two enemies there, one of them with a grenade
launcher, so shoot them before emerging from the building. Move inside
the door and nail the guy to your left, and then the one that will roll
in, in front of you. Go through the doorway where the second guy comes
in and turn right, there's an enemy right in front of you! You'll then
find yourself at another outside ledge, shoot the two enemies that are
in the building across from you, then move across towards them.
There's that pesky mounted gun that people should remember from the easy
level, destroy it and move inside, quickly disposing of the SWAT member
on your left. You can then go through the door to the right of where you
came in. There's a nice bit of cover, and you'll need it to take out the
enemy in front of you and the one in the window above your head. Once
they're dead move forward slightly and another SWAT will move into view.
Keep moving in the only direction you can go, and after a few corners
you'll meet a guy behind a box, lobbing grenades. If you're quick enough
you can kill him before he's even thrown one. He's the last human enemy
in the level, just turn to your left and you'll see the item! Grab it
and two TimeSplitters will appear with you, you really should kill them,
as they can block your path to the exit. Once they're dead, jump down
and ignore the other TimeSplitters, just run to the red circle to finish
the level!

***/\/\ PLANET X /\/\***
Rescue the hostage cyberbrain and proceed to the beam up coordinates

A reasonably tough Normal level, it just takes a little bit of practice,
learning where all the enemies are. It's important that you don't just
rush through, otherwise you'll find yourself being attacked by a
ridiculous amount of enemies at once when they catch up with you!

Sebastion Photon
Angel Perez

Red Alien
Robot Thingy

Sci-Fi Autorifle
Ray-Gun Carbine
Rocket Launcher

You'll start off high up right in front of a huge hole of the ground,
make sure you don't walk right into it! Before you jump down run back
and forward along the ledge, enemies from far off and close up will
shoot at you. Get rid of them before jumping down (be extra careful of
the 2 with rocket launchers). Run forward to the spiral staircase thing,
and take out the rocket launcher guy to your upper left. Go up the
staricase and shoot the Red Alien that rolls out in front of you. Go
into this cavern and grab the armor look out the window right next to it
and shoot the alien that you see. There will also be two aliens in the
cavern, and two more might run in!
Head out and around the ledge, shooting any aliens that didn't run into
the cavern before. Follow the ledge up to the large room. Five or six
robots will spawn, backing out and getting them to follow you is a good
idea. Weed them all out then move on to the next room. Three enemies
will appear, two at the top of the ramp heading up and one at the
entrance of the path going down. Once they're dead take the life if you
need it (it might be smart to just come back later when you REALLY need
Head up the ramp and through the tunnel, ignore the path on your right
and shoot anything that moves. Once you emerge into daylight, three
aliens will spawn on the path ahead of you, just hold down shoot and use
the stick to turn to take them out executioner style...or something like
that. Keep on going forward and shooting everything until you come to an
intersection. Now's a good time to clear a path for your run to the
finishing point, so head right.
You may have been in this section in arcade mode, it's a spaceship made
up of a series of interconnected rooms. Each room will now have one or
two enemies in it, be cautious and take it slow and you'll never have to
take on more than one at any given time. Move through the spaceship,
make sure it's devoid of life then head back to the intersection. Take
the other path.
This one leads you to a long flight of stairs, there will be three
aliens on the stairs, just keep your gun aimed down and get them early.
At the bottom you'll see the pick-up, go near it but don't grab it yet!
Four enemies will spawn into this bottom area with you, and two a little
higher on the stairs. They can suck the damage out of you quickly, so
just go mental and get rid of them all. Move back and pick off the
enemies on the stairs THEN grab the pick-up!
A TimeSplitter may appear down the bottom with you, but none will come
at you while you're on the stairs! Be careful in the spaceship, getting
rid of them early. Leave the spaceship, go around the ledge (shoot the
TimeSplitter that appears on it) and touch the red circle, ALL DONE!

***/\/\ MANSION /\/\***
Find the murderers remains and take them out to the gallows

The very tough Mansion with a lot more zombies. Joyful celebrations for
all! It's quite easy for one zombie alone to kill you outright,
especially with all the shotguns they have, so you're going to have to
be darn careful!

Peekabo Jones
Mary-Beth Casey



*TIP* - Always focus on those with shotguns before anything else. They
can do immense damage when armed, but are a lot less potent once
disarmed. Also, there are four health kits that are safe to get in the
level, if you don't need them when you first encounter them, return for
them when you do!

Right from the word go you're going to be up against some zombies, two
will appear right in front of you, shoot their heads off quickly in
preparation for the two that will spawn soon after. Grab all the ammo in
here and move to the doorway, nail the zombie that appears and move
forward a little more! Two more zombies will spawn, you can shoot them
where they stand are back out into the first room for more space and
Head towards the door outside and kill the two Overall Mutants in front
of you, one on the porch and one after it. Move out into the front yard
and kill the third zombie in the back left corner. Head down to the
entrance of the cellar and knock the head off the zombie that forms to
your left. Head forward slightly and another zombie will materialise
right in front of you, bag his head as well.
Make the right turn and head forward, two mutants will pop out with
shotguns. If you're quick enough you can shoot both without being hurt,
or you can shoot one, back away and then get the second afterwards!
This next passage that you have to head down is filled with danger. Note
the archways on your left, there will be a preiest mutant with a shotgun
to be killed when you go past each of them. There are also two zombies
to be dealt with as well! When you get close to the end of it, you
should be able to see a Police Zombie arond the corner, shoot him now
once to get rid of his weapon, and take the ammo to the right. Wait
there for the Police Zombie to come for you, and kill him when he does.
When you move around the corner, two zombies will spawn very close to
you, back away and get their heads as they come for you. Go to where you
were and move forward a little further, two more zombies will spawn,
shoot them before they reach you! Also take out the mutant at the top of
the stairs by targeting his leg.
Go up the stairs, shoot the Overall Mutant up here very quickly and back
right down. A zombie with a shotgun will come for you, get him before he
has a chance to fight back. If you need it, there's a health kit out the
back of the kitchen, but as you move for it two zombies will spawn right
in front of you, make sure they don't hurt you! Take the only other exit
out of the kitchen and edge forward.
A priest mutant and jacket zombie will roll out, get the one on the left
first, then finish off the other.
Turn to the left and face the wall, strafe right so you're looking up at
the stairway. Knock down one of the zombies and strafe left again,
disarm the other one when he coms down for you, finish them off at your
own leisure. It's a good idea to go up the stairs here and kill the two
zombies here, you can then return at your own leisure for the health kit
when you need it. One of them has a shotgun and the other one will spawn
as you're walking down one of the two corridors.
Back down the bottom shoot the four mooseheads on the wall before they
spot you, also get the Police Zombie that spawns in the back left corner
of the room. Exit the room and get the zombie that spawns in front of
you. Look into the front hall!
In this room there are two or three Police Zombies with shotgun, a
Jacket Zombie with shotgun, and another unarmed that can be destroyed
from your safe position. When they're gone move into the room, and get
the Girl Zombie to your right! Take out the two girl zombies up the top
of the balcony and make sure you didn't miss anyone! There's a health
kit around the back of the room through the doors on either side, get it
when you need it.
Up the stairs and head through the passage, when you turn a corner a
Police Zombie will be waiting for you, best to back away and let him
come for you. You should be able to see into the bathroom from your
cover, kill the zombie that's lurking in there! Looking down the
corridor, two mutants will pop out at intervals, and they may be joined
by a police zombie. Make sure they're dead before you move into the
bathroom. In this room, you can look into the next and see another
Police Zombie with a shotgun, get him quickly!
It might now be a god time to warn you of another Police Zombie, his
starting position is in a little nook on the right side of the long
corridor,but he tends to roam around and he can often appear out of
nowhere to completely and utterly destroy you....be on your guard!
From the room with the Police Zombie you can strafe right and use the
same tactics as before on the Jacket Zombie that lurks on them. These
are all the zombies you need to worry about on this floor, just make
sure you find that other Police Zombie! There's also a health kit lying
around in here somewhere.
Head up the stairs and you can head to the left or to the right, on your
left there's a health kit and a dead end. Go for the health kit and you
could be in trouble! When you pick it up two Police Zombies with
shotguns will spawn behind you. If you're quick enough you might only be
shot once, but any more than that and it's a waste of time and effort
and ammunition.
Move to the right and you'll have to deal with three or four enemies
with shotgun before the junction. Use the little trick of backing away
and luring them to you. It takes longer but it's a lot safer! At the
next junction there's another left/right choice, they both take you to
the same place though! Look out for the zombie on your immediate left
and the other couple roaming about. If you're quick and sneaky enough
you can emerge unscathed.
Move to the edge of the corridor you need to take, listen for the sound
of a shotgun cocking. Immediately afterwards a Priest Zombie will pop
out and fire at you. Get him before he gets you. Now it's a seemingly
clear path to the item. Two zombies will appear in front of you as you
turn the corner to approach it, and a Girl Zombie or two will spawn
right next to the item. Disarm them quickly, and finish them off
afterwards. You can now (finally!) grab the item.
Head back down the corridor and turn the corner, two zombies will spawn
off in the distance. They're unarmed! Kill them and move forward until
you see stairs on your right. When you're halfway down two Girl Zombies
with shotguns will appear at the bottom. It's tough to avoid being shot,
so try to take as little damage as possible! Also lok out for the two
priest mutans at the bottom of the stairs to your left!
Go through the door that the priest mutants were in the midst of, jump
off to the left at the top of the staircase you find yourself on.
TimeSplitters will be all over the place. Don't worry about these
critters though, just run like you've never ran before for the red
circle, who knows, you might just finish the level!

***/\/\ DOCKS /\/\***

Make the ransom pickup and proceed to the waterside rendezvous point

Out of all the levels, it appears to have the smallest differences from
the Easy to Normal difficulties. If you managed the Easy variation
without problems then chances are you'll find this one to be equally
managable. But don't get cocky....

Jacques Misere
Olga Strom

Army People
Suit Hoodlum

Sniper Rifle
Assault Rifle
Assault Shotgun

At the beginning flick to your Pistol, it is more effective than the
Sniper Rifle could ever be! Wait a few seconds and an enemy will come
around the corner, kill him and wait some more. Another enemy will come
around the corner, you might as well kill this one and wait a few more
seconds, a third enemy will now poke his head around, once he's dead you
can move forward.
Grab the Assault Rifles that these people dropped and turn the corner,
shoot the two foes perched behind boxes in front of you, and the one
behind them in the background. They all lob grenades at you so exercise
some caution! Look at the scaffolding right in front of you, there's
someone else for you to expel some bullets at.
Head forward and emerge from your cover, there will be an enemy behind a
box not far off, and another one in the distance, he's standing on top
of a big yellow block!
Head in the only direction you can go, with the building to your left,
halfway down there's a door that you can enter. Go in here and shoot the
enemy above you on your right, you can leave through the same door. Keep
heading in the direction you were previously going, when you come to a
turn shoot the mounted gun up on the wall.
Walk past the gun and make a right turn, a baddie will be at the top of
the stairs and another one will be in front of you at a good distance.
Take them both out and head up the stairs.
Go through the door and turn to your left, two enemies will be on the
same storey as you with a third down lower. Take all their ammo once
you're done with them. Down on the bottom floor there is a box of
bullets and a health kit, return for the health when you really need it.
When you take them it would be a good ida to shoot the enemy waiting at
their left side.
Whilst you're in this section you might as well shoot the two enemies
you can see out the various windows. Then make your ay back to the
stairs and head to their right up the ramps, go down the opposite ramps
and creep forward. Two enemies will pop out and fire at you, one on
either side of the walkway, shoot them and move forward a little. An
enemy with Assault Shotgun will appear at the top of the stairs in front
of you, nail him quickly.
Grab his weapon and go up the stairs, four baddies, heavily armed, will
be waiting for you. Shoot them as quickly as the assault shotgun allows
you. Now is often a good time to venture back for the health kit if you
haven't already!
Go forward from the stairs and grab the ammo. Shoot the lone box in
front of you so you can gain access to the wall there. Sidle up to where
the wall finishes, and strafe out slightly, fire a shot or two and
strafe back. There are two enemies right in front of you, two waiting in
the small room closest to you and one in the farthest room. Try not to
let them see you too often.
In the closer room is some armour, get it and move to the distant room.
Turn around so you're facing to the right, looking out of the room. Take
the pick-up here and immediately shoot the TimeSplitter that appears in
your sight. Head back to the staircase, killing the TimeSplitter on your
way. As you head down them four more of them will spawn, two up the top
and two down lower. Kill them all and jump down to the bottom floor.
Run to the door, and shoot the TimeSplitter outside it. Take a left
turn, another left, and then a right. Head forward past the stairs and
even further. Eventually you'll see three soldiers to your right and a
TimeSplitter will accompany them. Try to shoot the creature, and the
enemy closest to you, but don't stop running. Head towards the back
wall. An soldier will roll out at you and a TimeSplitter will spawn. You
may kill them.
Take a right turn at the end and keep going forward. Never stop running
now. If any enemies get in your way or are in your sights just shoot
them! A mounted gun will also join in, run right underneath it. You
should now be able to see the red circle, run to it and touch it!

***/\/\ SPACEWAYS /\/\***

Grab your duty free goods and board the Yareel express!

This variation of Spaceways is much like a gauntlet. You've got a very
obvious path, but it's packed with foes that will attack you from all
sides. Good accuracy is a great tool in getting through this level!


Red Aliens

Sci-Fi AutoRifle
RayGun Carbine
Rocket Launcher

Right from the start you'll be under attack, you begin in the section
outside the airport, and will be accosted by four enemies! One on your
left, one on your right, and two in front of you. They can cause some
nasty damage if you don't react quickly. Once they're all dead move into
the building, before you reach the end of the small passage two more
enemies will spawn right in front of you. Get them quickly. When you
reach the end, shoot the enemy on your left, then the one on your right,
and head out either way into the rather large foyer.
In this room there will be four enemies, one will be against the wall
when you run in, two will be hanging around the middle, and the fourth
will be over the other side. Empty out the room completely, and take one
of the ramps up.
Before you reach the top a baddie will spawn above you, don't bother
stopping, just shoot him on your way up. You can now head into the
tunnel! Keep going forward until the first door opens to reveal another
section of tunnel, in this section there will be five enemies in various
locations in the room. Use either side of the door as cover as you take
them out one by one.
Move forward around the corner and you'll meet up with two more aliens.
Shoot them and keep going on your merry way! You'll go around another
corner, and come to another opening door. One enemy will run at you
through the door, and four more will linger back towards the end of this
tunnel. Shoot them from a distance. Move forward to where they were, an
enemy will spawn to the right, and two will come at you from the left.
Kill them all and head towards the left!
You'll round another corner, and come to an area with four enemies and a
mounted gun above them on the wall. Stay hidden, and only let them see
you when you're shooting at them. The secondary fire of the Autorifle is
good for getting rid of the gun.
Don't run forward when they're all dead, look up to see a "NO WEAPONS
PAST THIS POINT" sign. Look closely to the right of it to see another
mounted gun. Shoot it and THEN move on. You'll round the last corner and
come to two enemies lobbing grenades from behind boxes, just avoid the
grenades and take them out as quickly as you can.
Take the left turn and see the door in front of you open up, then back
away! The opening door should have revealed two enemies and two mounted
guns. Strafing back and forward past the doorway whilst using a minigun
is a good tactic for eliminating the aliens. The autorifle is once again
your best bet to get the guns.
When the path is clear progress forward. Two enemies will pop out from
the doorway in front of you. Move to the doorway and grab a rocket
launcher, but don't use it yet. You should be at the big circular room,
with that huge rocket sticking out of it. Up the back of the room, on a
ledge, two aliens will shoot at you. Destroy them along with the enemies
that spawn on your right and left. Now use the rocket launcher to take
out the guns that are perched above the tunnels. Run straight for the
left tunnel, ignoring the other guns that will target you.
At the top of the tunnel there will be two aliens behind a desk, shoot
them and head up the tunnel next to the one you were just in. At the top
of this tunnel three foes will spawn, kill them quickly and grab your
duty-free goods from behind the counter in this room. Three
TimeSplitters will come at you from the tunnel, destroy them and head
down. At the bottom of the tunnel you'll be attacked by three more
TimeSplitters. If you're quick enough they shouldn't hurt you! Head up
the tunnel opposite the one you were just in. At it's top you'll see two
aliens adna couple of TimeSplitters. Kill them all and head out the
back-right exit of the room.
The finish is too your right, a TimeSplitter or two will come at you on
the way. Those guns that you ignored before will fire at you, ignore
them some more! Just as you're getting to the red circle a TimeSplitter
will spawn right behind it, this enemy and the gun perched above the red
circle can really hurt, so don't dawdle! JUST RUN FOR THE EXIT! If
you're quick enough, and have the right amount of life left, you'll
survive. YAY!


Yay, 9/9 of Normal Mode done. IT'S FINISHED! It was tough....but I guess
I was a little tougher!



For a step-by-step guide, see the NORMAL section. The levels
****** in this neck of the woods are structured identically to them.
*NOTE* This section is about fine-tuning your performance, and
****** making sure your skills are up to par - so you can actually
beat the game on this difficulty.

Giving an actual step-by-step guide to the levels in the hard section
is a pointless exercise. Rather than shifting the focus of your
attention around to a different point in the level - as was the case in
the EASY -> MEDIUM translation - the only differences in the translation
here are in enemy intelligence and density.

Follow the routes given in the normal walkthrough section, they'll lead
you to where you need to go, and exercise the usual amount of caution.
The jump in difficulty is not as extreme as you may have experienced
earlier in the piece, now you just have to deal with enemies that react
even quicker and shoot even straighter! In a few cases there will be
minor increases in amount of enemies, but not enough to warrant
completely new walkthroughs. Just take everything slowly your first
times through, develop your own personal strategies to deal with each
enemy, and make note of where they appear. If survival is your main key,
refer to the walkthroughs up just above, and apply the following useful
(and perhaps blatantly obvious) tips to your style.

- There is no shame in dying, even repeatedly. The statistics are
completely dominated by arcade results, so don't be perturbed by long-
term failure. The key is to acquaint yourself with EVERYTHING, you
should be killing the enemies five minutes in advance. =D

- Become well-versed in the book of head-shots. When dealing with large
amounts of enemies it helps to be able to take them down quickly and
efficiently. It's vital in passing Mansion, and also in achieving those
award winning times.

- And if it is those times that you're striving for, all you can do is
NOT STOP. Take out enemies only when it's absolutely vital to your
mission, or to your speed (ie - the 2/4/8 zombies at the opening of
Mansion) and find the routes and tactics that minimize your damage. It's
still important to know where everything lies, so you can avoid it!

- The TimeSplitters themselves are bloody weak and easy to kill, just
don't let them get a shot in at you, or your chances of survival are
severely diminished! As soon as you see or hear the appearance of a
TimeSplitter, target the little sucker!

- At the beginning of Tomb you're going to be completely unarmed. If you
run straight up to your first foe and lay a punch on him you should be
able to get away unscathed, and no longer unarmed.

- If time isn't a vital factor to your particular strategy, take
everything excruciatingly slowly. There's nothing wrong with finishing a
particularly tough level in 20 minutes, as long as you get the result.
Crawl along, scoping out the situation and lowering the baddie count one
by one. Don't move on too quickly, the baddies have a nasty habit of
just popping up out of nowhere at the most inopportune times. It's all
about life preservation, many of these levels are the gaming equivalent
of running a gauntlet.

- Remember to use both functions of certain weapons. The sci-fi weapons
in particular can be used effectively in both forms. Using ricochet
bullets to shoot around corners, or an explosive function to unclog a
mass of enemies is vital to success.

All of these simple techniques will put you one step closer to
prevailing over those nasty TimeSplitters.

If all goes according to plan then CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE FINISHED
THE GAME FULLY! Hopefully my little tips and walkthroughs have helped
you pull through a difficult task.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( A | r | c | a | d | e ) ( M | o | d | e )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

This will probably be the area where you spend the most time, whether
it's by yourself or with a friend of two. There are a wide variety of
game modes that will hog up a lot of your time, AND HERE THEY ARE!


DEATHMATCH - Not a hard mode to understand. You, and up to ten enemies
duke it out to see who is the superior fighter. Basically, the first
person to a set amount of kills is the winner. You can choose between a
KILLS - LOSSES (die and you'll lose a point) game or a KILLS (it doesn't
matter if you croak) game. If you feel adventurous there's also a
teamplay option, up to four teams can battle it out at one time.

CAPTURE THE BAG - It's just like that old-fashioned neighbourhood game
of capture the flag, except everyone has really big guns. Each team will
have a little circle and inside this circle is a bag. You have to go and
get one of these bags and take it back to your own base (you get a point
for it!). First team to a predetermined number of points will be
declared the victor.

BAGTAG - A singular bag will be placed somewhere on the map. All you
have to do is pick it up and try to avoid being killed. If you've held
the bag longer than anybody else in the game when time runs out, then
you're a very worthy winner.

KNOCKOUT - This is much like capture the bag mode, except rather than
retrieving the bag from an opposing base, you have to capture various
items from around the map instead. The rest of it is pretty much the

ESCORT - There are two opposing teams, one of them will be attacking the
other will be defending. There's a person with a fairly healthy life bar
who will walk quite slowly from one side of a level to another, during
this time the attacking team must try and kill him, and the defenders
will have to make sure this doesn't happen.

LAST STAND - Wave after wave of enemies will attack you! The game will
end after you've been exterminated or the objects you were protecting
are destroyed (depending on which level you try). It's a good place to
hone your reflexes for the sometimes-frantic story mode.


Heres a little guide to the levels in the Arcade mode, it encompasses
the selectable matches and some stuff on the actual map!

***/\/\ TOMB /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Deathmatch with a smaller number of competitors

Rather than completely taking one of the whole maps from the story mode
(they wouldn't be good multiplayer material) only the final room from
the Hard difficulty map has been used. This means that it's the smallest
map there is, and it's definitely not suited to larger groups of
players. The rooms both up the top and down the bottom make for some
interesting hiding places, and it's great for a 1 on 1 Deathmatch, but
there are better maps out there. The games of Capture The Bag and
Knockout are terrible here, due to the short area! If you like
ridiculously frantic action, the Tomb is the place to come.

***/\/\ CHINESE /\/\***

Capture the bag

Capture The Bag with 2 teams participating

A carbon copy of the story mode level, but with all the doors now open.
It can be an annoying level to deathmatch in, due to all the cramped
spaces. The best places to fight in are the two main rooms of the
restaurant and the kitchen, hiding outside and firing in can also be
fun. The whole outside area is great for some shootouts, but is often
sadly neglected. The Capture the Bag is a great mode here, it's a pretty
long way between the two bases and with multiple routes you can't go
wrong. BagTag is also a fun thing to do here!

***/\/\ CYBERDEN /\/\***

Capture the bag

Capture The Bag with multiple teams

Cyberden is one of the best levels to break out the rocket launchers.
With all of those long corridors, there's nothing better than letting a
stream of rockets fry an unsuspecting foe far off. With all of the
area's up the top and down below the normal section, Capture The Bag is
a lot of fun. The bags are in spots that are great for surprise attacks
and the like. Deahmatch is also pretty cool, but BagTag is a pretty poor
choice on this level!

***/\/\ VILLAGE /\/\***

Capture the bag

BagTag and Deathmatches are both pretty good here

The village is a nice level to have a larger group of people playing.
You can often spawn up on top of the cliffs, and if there aren't too
many people actually playing then it can be a fair hike to find some
decent action. Deathmatch is good when you're in the actual village,
plenty of nice cover, hiding inside buildings, and a rocket launcher or
two all add up to a bit of fun. Capture The Bag and KnockOut can be
rather unfair on this map, as those further from the streets can be at a
disadvantage. The large areas, many routes and hiding spots make BagTag
a dream though!

***/\/\ CHEMICAL PLANT /\/\***

Capture the bag
Last Stand

Escort followed closely by a Deathmatch

Chemical Plant is a smaller level, but the upstairs area leaves a little
bit of room for tactical play! Taking people by surprise from above is
fun to do in Deathmatch and fun to defend against in Escort. The bag
placement means that one team may be picked on more than the rest in
Capture The Bag, and KnockOut is very poor here as well. The Last Stand
is probably the weakest out of all the levels that include it. Chemical
Plant is one of the weaker multiplayer levels, it doesn't really have
anything that stands out other than a little bit of variety in the

***/\/\ PLANET X /\/\***

Capture the bag
Last Stand

Last Stand and a Deathmatch with LOTS of people

Planet X is a very large map, the whole level has been included for play
here. If you don't choose to incorporate a lot of foes, then it can be a
very tiresome and lonely match. It's not a level suited to Capture The
Bag or KnockOut, but BagTag has a reasonable amount of charm to it. The
Last Stand is one of the best there is, with a huge gun to help you out
and a great little area for it to be fought on. A reasonable map
altogether, and best suited to larger parties of combatants.

***/\/\ MANSION /\/\***

Capture The bag
Last Stand

A deathmatch is quite good here

It's the whole mansion, with all the doors open to make moving around it
a fair bit easier. The Last Stand is just like the one experienced in
the Challenge 1-C, and good for practising your headshot. Capture The
Bag and BagTag are pretty good here, with a lot of room to move around,
but Deathmatch once again proves to be most superior. The front hall is
a great place for blasting people away, and the three storeys of
corridors can be used effectively for sneaky attacks. One of the best
Deathmatches you can find, with some great other modes backing it up.
Mansion is one of the best multiplayer levels around, if only Story mode
hadn't given it such a bad name! :D

***/\/\ DOCKS /\/\***

Capture the bag

Capture The Bag along with Escort mode

Docks is a fairly expansive level, but the most fun lies in the outside
areas. Despite the large areas inside, most of the action will be found
in the areas surrounding the buildings. The bases in the Capture The Bag
mode are well spread out and situated perfectly, perhaps the best CTB
level in the whole game. Escort is a lot of fun, with a few areas for
the attackees and a fairly lengthy distance. The Deathmatch is a bit of
a letdown though, the poorest mode that can be chosen for Docks.

***/\/\ SPACEWAYS /\/\***

Capture the bag

Escort is the only shining light for Spaceways

In every mode except for the Escort choice, only a portion of the level
is used. It makes all of the action very cramped and not as much fun as
a person could want. Only the large circular room with the rocket and
the series of tunnels above it are in use, and perhaps because of this
Escort is the only fun mode here. Escort is very long, moving through
the whole level into the rocket at the end, and will probably be the
only reason you choose the Spaceways level eventually.

***/\/\ GRAVEYARD /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Once again Escort stands out from the rest

The Graveyard is a tricky level to come to grips with, it's easy to hit
a dead end or wind up completely lost. Capture The Bag and KnockOut are
no fun, because you never exactly know where to go! Escort here is the
second best out of all the levels, it's fairly long and attacks can come
from all over the place! BagTag is a bit of fun, but Escort should hog
your attention on this map.

***/\/\ STREETS /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Deathmatch is fairly good here

The Streets is sort of an extended version of the urban section of the
village. A series of roads, and a few buildings at the side for you to
run through. There are some nice hiding spots and great places to attack
from above. BagTag is nice to do here, and Deathmatch is of course top
notch. The Escort is okay, but nothing special, same with the Capture
The Bag here. It's a mid range level overall, that should give you at
least a little bit of enjoyment!

***/\/\ SITE /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Ummmmm....probably Deathmatch

Site is one of the worst levels you can play, it's best use is in 4-A of
the Challenge mode. It's a tad too cramped for Capture The Bag, KnockOut
or BagTag and it can often feel that way in Deathmatch. There's the main
area of the level which is pretty darn small, and a further area in the
sewers (which hardly gets used). When all the computer opponents decide
to focus their attention on you simultaneously it's quite easy to start
hating this level. Once unlocked it probably won't get a large amount of

***/\/\ CASTLE /\/\***

Capture The Bag

KnockOut probably....

The Castle is another mediocre level that is easy to get yourself lost
in. There's a lot of little rooms, and a nice upstairs area, but it all
tends to look alike and you can find yourself where you didn't want to
be. It's too cramped for a decent DeathMatch or BagTag, with Capture The
Bag and KnockOut in particular providing the only relief. The fact that
KnockOut has been chosen as the best match here should be warning enough
for you to look elsewhere for good multiplayer action.

***/\/\ SPACESHIP /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Escort isn't too shabby at all...

The Spaceship is a rather complicated level, with all sorts of twisting
passages all over the place and two levels for you to run amok on. It
makes for some frantic Deathmatch, but the three bag related modes all
suffer for it. Escort is pretty tough to win, it's long and easy for the
attackees to have a go at your protectee, but it's a lot of fun and the
best that this level has to offer to you. It might also be a good idea
to practice for that last set of challenges, it'll help you quite a lot.

***/\/\ BANK /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Escort and Deathmatch are absolutely brilliant!

The Bank could very well be the best level that Arcade mode has to
offer. It is a bit of a combination of the streets and the Chinese
level. You've got the frantic inside of the Bank, and the more spacious
area surrounding it. All of the modes here are top stuff, with the bags
and items and such being put in great places for a very even game of
Capture The Bag, KnockOut and BagTag. Escort and Deathmatch are the
standouts though, with both the inside and outside of the Bank being
used, there isn't much that can match the glory of it in full flight.
The Bank should be visited often, it's just so terribly good.

***/\/\ MALL /\/\***

Capture The Bag

Capture The Bag and Deathmatch always go down a treat here!

The Bank's main competitor for level supremacy, Mall is an absolute
treat to play. The supermarket section of the map is brilliant, with the
long aisles leaving plenty of room for strategising. With its share of
open and closed areas, and a multi-storey design, there's a rather large
amount of fun just waiting to be had on this stage.

***/\/\ COMPOUND /\/\***

Capture The Bag

BagTag is a surprise victor in this case

The Compund is a small level, and it isn't too good at all. There's
simply not enough room to move around! There's a bottom and top storey
to it, but both of them are unimaginative and boring. Perhaps the
blandest of the levels, you can find a better game of all types in most
of the other levels. Play it once or twice so you can say that you have,
but then move on to bigger and better things by all means!

***/\/\ WARZONE /\/\***

Capture the bag
Last Stand

Last Stand and Deathmatch are cool!

The Warzone is a great level, with some nice designs! There's a large
bottom level, with a nice mixture of open and closed areas, and a
perfect upstairs area. This is the level for sniping, you can get
perfect views from the top to the bottom! This makes Deathmatch a dream
to be involved with. It has the best Last Stand in the game, with a
large gun and three barrels to save. This is a level you'll come to on a
very regular basis, it's a multiplayer dream and it'll be a long time
before you get sick of this one!


Before you actually start yourself up an arcade game, there are many
things that can be fiddled with. Because of this, no game will ever
really be the same, customising stuff is fun.

SCORE LIMIT - This is a number that can be fiddled with to your hearts
content, it's the amount of kills or points that are needed for a victor
to be decided in a match. (Deathmatch, Capture The Bag, Knockout)

SCORE METHOD - Whether a persons score is decided by KILLS or KILLS -
LOSSES, see the deathmatch section for more detail. (Deathmatch)

TIME LIMIT - The maximum amount of time a match can go for, when the
time is up the person with the highest point score should win the game!
(Deathmatch, Capture The Bag, Bagtag, Knockout)

BAG CARRIER CAN SHOOT - If you grab the bag during a game of Bagtag
you're going to be the focus of everybody's attacks. It's nice to be
able to return fire and save your sorry hide, but if you like a tough
match then flick this over to no. (Bagtag)

TEAMPLAY - This option decides whether you fly solo or have teammates to
help your score along.

FRIENDLY FIRE DAMAGE - Do you want your teammates to hurt you? In the
middle of a heated battle mistakes can be made, turn it off if being
shot in the head by an ally offends you.

ALWAYS START WITH GUN - Yes if you like being armed from the get go, no
if you'd rather find a weapon for your very own.

DISPLAY RADAR - If you don't want to be able to see where everyone else
is, turn the radar off, it is a very handy tool though......

ONE SHOT KILL - If this is set to yes then a single shot will kill an
enemy, it makes being sneaky very useful.

HANDICAPS - If you're miles ahead of everyone else, or no somebody that
is, use this to even things out a little bit. A higher handicap will
lower damage resistance, and make a player more susceptible to death.

WEAPON SET - You are given a few different weapon themes for you to
choose between, but if you want something of a more personalised flavour
you can choose your own weapons. Up to five weapons can be chosen for
each game, and there's a wide list, go crazy.

BOT SET - This is the area that you customise your bots in, to make them
battle ready. Choose from a set group of bots or make your own, set the
level of difficulty that they will have, choose what team they'll be on
should you be using teamplay, and set how many bots you'll actually

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( C | h | a | l | l | e | n | g | e ) ( M | o | d | e )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Here is the challenge mode, a series of 27 set tasks that are pretty
darn tough but a lot of fun. Beating each of them will unlock some extra
stuff, including some of the coolest characters in the game. To see
everything that can be unlocked please scroll down to the section marked


Requirements: Shoot the heads off 50 zombies in 2 minutes.

Where is it? The mansion level!

Guide: Since this is the first challenge it's also one of the easiest to
get through. There are about 5 zombies who will continually come towards
you in an attempt to kill you. Dying wastes a valuable second or two so
it's recommended that you don't do it. The area that all the action is
in consists of two stairways, a balcony up the top, a front door, and
two openings against the back wall on the left and the right (going
through them will just bring you around to the foot of the stairs).

The easiest way I've found to do this is camp just inside one of those
openings up the back. If you stand in this spot underneath the stairs,
facing into the main room, you shouldn't have too much trouble. The
zombies will always walk straight at you (no need to worry about back
attacks) so all you have to do is line up their heads in AIM MODE and
fire away. If you're any good at pulling off head-shots you will do it


Requirements: Punch the heads off 30 zombies in 1 minute

Where is it? The mansion level!

Guide: You're in the same situation is 1-A, only without any weapons at
all! Despite the need to kill the zombies quicker this challenge is
easier than the previous one. Basically, the best thing you can do is
keep on the move at all times. Don't let a zombie get close to you
unless you're the one attacking him. Darting in and out whilst punching
is a good strategy, but you have to make sure you don't push the attack
button too late, or you'll miss completely and leave yourself open to
attacks. It's a bit like a boxing match when you think about it!


Requirements: Score 10,000 points in a last stand against the zombies

Where is it? The mansion level!

Guide: The safest place for you to be is up on the balcony right in the
middle of the two stairwells. You'll have to run down and pick up the
shotguns from the bottom between phases, but spend most of your time up
the top. The first things you have to worry about are the zombies that
spawn up the top or halfway up the stairs. You'll keep turning around
frantically to make sure none of them are sneaking up on you. Once
you've made absolute sure you've shot the zombies up the top, go for the
ones sniper style down the bottom. Just point your shotgun at them and
knock their heads off. It's harder than it sounds, but just keep


Requirements: Bag 100 ducks in 5 minutes

Where is it? The docks level!

Guide: There is one spot that will bring more ducks to you than any
other, it's outside, near the stairs that lead to the top section of a
building. There is an Uzi (X2) sitting in a corner, this is a great
place to camp. You can either stand there, or move around a bit, but
never leave this area. You have to react quickly, so they respawn
quickly. It might take a few tries to nail this sucker.


Requirements: Win the match with at least 100 kills in 7 minutes

Where is it? The docks level!

Guide: This here is a team deathmatch, you're on one team, the ducks are
on another, and on the third team there is a Green Alien and a Red
Alien. Your radar should be very handy here, look at it and see where
there are a whole lot of other characters in close proximity to each
other. The ducks don't hurt you very much, but the aliens do, so always
worry about them before the ducks. It might take a few tries to get over
100 AND win, just keep on practising.


Requirements: Keep the Duckman Drake alive!

Where is it? The docks level!

Guide: You have to escort the duckman through the level, and make sure
the Chinese Chef and Chinese Waiter don't kill it. They can come from a
few different directions, so keep your eye on your radar and spot them
early. Make sure you get rid of the two mounted guns on the wall before
duckman reaches them, it's not an overly hard one, just make sure you
don't die!


Requirements: Hold onto the brain (bag) for one minute

Where is it? The streets level!

Guide: This is the first challenge level I passed, it's rather
simplistic and easy to do, just your basic game of Bagtag. There are six
or seven bots striving for the brain, and enough rocket launchers to go
around, so get ready for some heavy blasting. The best thing to do is
get yourself a rocket launcher, wait until the others blow themselves
up, and get yourself the bag. There are a couple of little rooms with
only one entrance on the map, so just camp in there, and if somebody
comes for you just blow them up. You can get the time quite easily just
by keeping away from the other bots, the radar is your friend.


Requirements: Save 15 lobsters in 5:30

Where is it? The village level!

Guide: This is just a game of Knockout. There are two ways to get the
lobsters, you can run all the way down to the pier and try and bring one
back without dying, or you can hope to make things a lot quicker by
shooting a bot carrying a lobster. Either way, you have to save a
lobster at a rate of 1 every 22 seconds, so you have to move quickly.

Requirements: Shoot the heads off 40 zombies in 5 minutes

Where is it? The castle level!

Guide: This one can be tough, because you can often waste opportunities
by killing zombies without knocking their heads off. They also have a
nasty habit of moving in packs and gravitating towards you, so you can
find yourself quickly outgunned. It may help if you plant yourself
outside a doorway, and try to take the heads off the zombies as they run
in, there's no good set method of doing it, just go wild!


Requirements: Break every bit of glass and marble in the level in 1:10

Where is it? The site level!

Guide: There are three buildings to be taken care of. There are four
bits of glass on the building behind you, two can be viewed easily from
the front whilst the other two are a bit trickier. One is found by
looking through the bottom floor window to the right, and one is up high
on the right side of the building. There are four on the smaller
building right in front of you, and this paces the rest of them on the
largest building. It's quite easy to overlook a piece here and there,
but all of them can be shot from the front of the building. It may take
a try or two to get rid of them all in one go.


Requirements: Break every bit of glass and plate in the level in 3

Where is it? The Chinese level!

Guide: This isn't too hard once you know where all the glass and stuff
is. You know if you've gotten all the glass if you've got 47 pieces
remaining when you run into the kitchen. There are the windows in the
two large rooms, the pretty bits of glass bordering the balconies in the
two big rooms, the glass right in front of you at the start, those funny
square things with two bits of glass in each of them in the two large
rooms, the glass bordering the top of the gong room, and of course 47
plates in the kitchen.


Requirements: Break all the glass and plates in the level in 4:30

Where is it? The Chinese level!

Guide: Considering you're using bricks instead of guns, this is going to
be tough. You'll have to practice a fair bit, getting the velocity and
angles and stuff worked out, and make sure you utilise both the primary
and secondary throws. Both will be needed to break all the glass, just
make sure you keep persisting.


Requirements: Help the King get 10 kills in 1 minute

Where is it? The compound level!

Guide: This trio of challenges is probably the easiest out of all of
them. You and the king are on the same team, so just make sure he stays
alive and shoot everyone you see. The king himself is no pushover, so it
shouldn't be too hard to finish this one first try.


Requirements: Help the King get 25 kills in 1:15

Where is it? The tomb level!

Guide: This one is also simple, from where you start the King will
probably turn left and stand in the nearest corner. The best thing to do
is run over to the other side, grab the pistols and shoot at the enemies
as they run towards the king.


Requirements: Help the King get 25 kills in 1:15 do not get more than 3
kills yourself

Where is it? The tomb level!

Guide: This is a rather silly challenge! It's based more on luck than
anything else. Just get your three or so kills whenever you want and
hope that the King can do the rest. He'll come good eventually, maybe on
your second or third try.


Requirements: Shoot all of the barrels in the level (72) in less than 6

Where is it? The chemical plant level!

Guide: A rather touch level where you have to combine speed and
accuracy, it helps if you have strong fingers because tapping the shoot
button really fast works better than just holding it down. If you're
going to do this make sure you actually aim well in the midst of all
this button mashing. Look around, make sure you don't accidentally miss
a single barrel, don't get too close to one and die, it just wastes
valuable seconds. Make sure you hit the hidden barrel, it's behind the
wall that has three barrels lined up in front of it. You can't hit it
until you're up high. And make sure you ALWAYS watch the SCORE LEFT
tally, just to confirm that you do in fact kill each of the barrels.


Requirements: Escort Lt. Christine Malone through the level

Where is it? The chemical plant level!

Guide: This is a bit tougher than the first escort level, probably
because there are more people shooting at your protectee! Make sure you
get a decent weapon first up, Uzi (x2) for example. Look out for attacks
from above, and take the attackers out quickly. You don't want five
people shooting at Christine at once! A good vantage point is a few
steps behind christine, you can see the majority of the attacks from
that point. When she embarks on the final leg, towards the back wall,
just plant your feet at the only spot the attackers can get to her from
and go mental with the ammo. Oh, and try not to die!


Requirements: Stop Fingers and his gang from stealing five or more bags
of money from the bank.

Where is it? The bank level!

Guide: This one isn't really that hard, they can take up to four bags
from you but make sure they don't get a fifth. You're up on a ledge with
a good view of the entrance to the bank, the gang should only run to the
back from two or three different places, so stay alert and riddle
anybody you see full of holes!


Requirements: Capture 15 items and win the match in 3 minutes

Where is it? The mall level!

Guide: The two computer players you have to help you are a bit erratic,
in one game they might prove to be useless but in the next they'll be
heroes and capture a few items each. Realistically you only have a
chance of winning the latter games, you should do a bit of scoring
yourself but it isn't easy. There are six other enemies, and they really
like headshots and killing you before you can react. When you're running
up the aisles to get a bag you have a higher chance of survival if you
do it running backwards. The main thing to do is persist, just keep
charging at the bags and bringing them home, no matter how many computer
players keep killing you off. This one might very well take a few tries!


Requirements: Help your team win with at least 5 bag captures in 5

Where is it? The mall level!

Guide: Even though 5 bags is the figure given to you, your team may very
well need 8 or 9 captures to finish up in front. Try to avoid contact
with the enemies as mich as you can, there's 2 different paths to the
other teams bags so go the least crowded way. If one of the other teams
is doing particularly well make sure your own bag is well secured and
focus on the bag of the third team, this will lower their chances for
scoring! Your chances of winning can often rest on your allies, just
hope that they do good!


Requirements: Help your team win the match with 45 kills in 3 minutes

Where is it? The mall level!

Guide: Probably the easiest of the Set 7 challenges, just play your game
like you would any other deathmatch. A good weapon to get is the Grenade
Launcher, there's quite a few laying around, and find the more crowded
areas. Your teammates will add quite a few kills of their own, so just
focus on getting 20 - 30 kills and you should be okay.


Requirements: Help your team win the match with 80 kills in 5 minutes

Where is it? The cyberden level!

Guide: All the girls are on your team and all the boys are on the other
team, the girls seem to be slightly better than the boys in this
scenario, and can get approximately 50 - 55 kills without you doing
anything. You'll have to be a bit careful, friendly fire damage is
turned on, so watch who you're shooting. Just watch the radar, move
quickly, and stay alive, the kills will come and you just might top the
80 mark.


Requirements: Help your team win the match with at least 5 bag captures
in 5 minutes

Where is it? The chinese level!

Guide: If you've played a Capture The Bag/Chinese game in arcade you'll
know where the bags are. To get to the boys' bag it's safer to take one
of the outside routes (the shortest one) to the gong room. The enemy
will focus their gunfire on you a LOT more than your teammates, and it
is they who will do most of the capturing here. You may get one or two
bag captures if you're lucky, but your teammates are going to be the
stars of this level. Try to keep them safe, grab a shotgun and take out
any male you can see.


Requirements: Help your team win by holding onto the bag for 3 out of
the 5 minutes

Where is it? The graveyard level!

Guide: This level isn't really that hard! The best place for you to be
is in the area under the ground, get the bag down there, find a little
corner or room, and shoot any of the males as they run into view. Your
teammates should provide adequate cover for you but have a nasty habit
of blowing themselves, and everyone around them, sky-high! The best
person that can possibly have the bag is always yourself, if you really
have to shoot your teammates to get the darn thing! Follow the bag with
your radar when you die, and just find a nice little nook to hold it in,


Requirements: Kill 60 TimeSplitters in 5 minutes

Where is it? The spaceship level!

Guide: A very tricky level to get through. You're going to have to
become very familiar with the Spaceship map (unlock it by finishing
Planet X on normal), and learn some of the spawn points for the
TimeSplitters. It's a very tricky level to use the radar on, considering
all of the curving paths and two storeys, but you're going to have to
try! The only weapon available to you is the Sci-Fi Autorifle, when you
die pick one up as soon as possible. If you're facing larger groups of
the TimeSplitters it would be wise to use the secondary fire of the
weapon. This one takes time to master, you better have some patience,
because it's not going to be a quick pass.


Requirements: Escort your stewardess to the departing flight.

Where is it? The Spaceways level!

Guide: A relatively simple task, considering its placement within the
scheme of things! If you've made it this far, it shouldn't take more
than one or two attempts before this level is vanquished. Just watch the
radar - it will signal the approaches of the enemies - and be ready for
an attacker before he reaches your field of vision. Make sure NEVER to
die, otherwise your escortee will be left all alone with the baddies.
Stay on your toes, take out the attackers quickly, and never leave the
side of your girl; you'll make it through fine.


Requirements: Score 20,000 points in Last Stand mode.

Where is it? The Planet-X level!

Guide: Here we go, 9-B may have been a bit soft, but this final level
shows no sign of letting you off easily. You're going to have to survive
upwards of 5 phases of alien attackers, and you can't afford to dilly or
dally at all! Keep a keen eye on the radar, target the most dangerous
dots on it first, but try to shoot them all as quick as you possibly
can. Occasionally the attackers will hide behind pillars and the like,
and you're going to have to leave your mounted weapon and shoot them
manually, just make sure a thousand other aliens don't spring up during
the distraction. One of the earlier phases (3, I believe) features only
four aliens - memorise their positions for absolute maximum points. The
following phase is an absolute marathon, designed to wear down the
crystals you're guarding. Surviving this lengthy phase with minimum
damage is the key to survival. Just keep at it until you've got the
sequences of the phases memorised, and take it from there!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( W )( e )( a )( p )( o )( n )( s )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Appearing straight from the ARCADE SECTION, in their precise order, are
the weapons you have at your disposal. There's not much to say about
them, but here they are (with ammunition statistics) if they pique your
curiosity. The (x2) obviously symbolise the fact that the weapon can be
used in duplicate.

1. Pistol (x2) [10:490]
2. M16 (x2) [30:170]
3. Assault Rifle [30:170]
4. Sniper Rifle [5:195]
5. Raygun [20:180]
6. Raygun Carbine [20:180]
7. Scifi Autorifle [50:150]
8. Scifi Handgun [20:480]
9. Rocket Launcher [30]
10. Mauser Pistol (x2) [15:485]
11. Minigun (x2) [60:140]
12. Grenade Launcher [8:12]
13. Scifi Sniper Rifle [10:190]
14. Proximity Mine [10]
15. Remote Mine [20]
16. Timed Mine [10]
17. TNT [20]
18. Tommy Gun (x2) [32:468]
19. Assault Shotgun [8:92]
20. Uzi (x2) [20:480]
21. Blunderbuss [100]
22. Colt Pistol (x2) [6:494]
23. Shotgun (x2) [2:98]
24. Brick (unlockable novelty item) [20]


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( M | a | p | m | a | k | e | r )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Once you've gotten sick of all of those yummy levels, you may want to
make some of your own, this nifty little tool lets you realise a little
of your mapmaking potential. It offers up to eight levels of map making
fun, use your imagination and you might just make something half-

Left Analog Stick - Moves the cursor around the screen.
Right Analog Stick - Scrolls the screen in all directions.

X Button - Grab a tile, select a tile, place a tile.
Triangle Button - Delete the piece you have highlighted.
Square Button - Make a copy of the piece you have highlighted.
O Button - Marks a tile piece, handy if you're the forgetful type.

L1 Button - Moves the map up a level
L2 Button - Moves the map down a level
R1 Button - Zoom in
R2 Button - Zoom out

D-Pad Left - Previous selection
D-Pad Right - Next Selection

Select/Start Button - Bring up the Mapmaker menu.

Nobody can make a map without tiles, for the tiles are what make the
map. Hover your cursor over the map and hit X; all of the tiles you can
choose from will pop up. Pick the tile you want, rotate it to your
preference and place it. It's important that you look at where all of
the doors are pointed, lining them up to connect pieces is the only way
to make a good, free flowing map. Some of the tiles are more than one
level high, you can move up or down a level if you like and do some work
with the tiles up there.

Bring up the items menu and push X on a tile, and you'll see a view of
your chosen tile with a lot of little crosses on it. These crosses
symbolise areas that can have items placed on them, here is a list of
the items right now!

Guns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Health Kit (Low or High)
Armour (Low or High)
Bagtag Bag
Knockout Bags
Team Bases (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green)
Starting Positions (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, All)

If you want to be able to play more than just deathmatch on your
creation, it's a necessity that you put things such as Bags and Bases
into your map.

Usually just plain old lighting will satisfy a person, but perhaps
you're going for something a bit more extravagant? Bring up the lighting
menu and be astounded, you can choose which effect you want (flickering,
flashing etc.), how fast it will do this effect, how often it will do
this effect, and what colour the effect should be. They offer you a nice
range of base colours, but you can design your own of you really have
to. Each room can be given different lighting, great for mood and other
rubbish like that.

- Try to avoid having a lot of long corridors, use your fair share of
open rooms to make your map seem less like a maze.
- Spread everything out, don't clutter single rooms with items, starting
points, it makes everything seem messy.
- Make things accessible, don't have one or two teams moving short
distances to get knockout bags for example, and have a third team moving
twice as far.
- Make use of more than one storey, moving up and down as well as back
and forward adds a nice little touch to your maps. If you're going to
have upstairs areas make sure they connect, there's nothing more
annoying than running up a ramp and seeing nothing but wall.
-Give your map a cool name, monikers like "Suzie's PlayHouse" and "The
Level Where We Can All Be Friends" might sound appealing, but they bring
you nothing but ridicule.

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/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( U | n | l | o | c | k | a | b | l | e | s )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Yes, that's right, there are a lot of things you can unlock in this
game, here's a nice little list of them.



Easy: Playable Character "Cultist"
Normal: Arcade Level "Graveyard"
Hard: Playable Character "Eyes Mummy"

Easy: Cheat "Paintball"
Normal: Playable Character "Priestess"
Hard: Playable Character "Teeth Mummy"

Easy: Playable Character "Chinese Chef"
Normal: Arcade Level "Site"
Hard: Playable Character "Suit Hoodlum"

Easy: Playable Character "Chinese Waiter"
Normal: Cheat "Gun Sounds"
Hard: Playable Character "Mr. Big"

Easy: Playable Character "Badass Cyborg"
Normal: Arcade Level "Streets"
Hard: Playable Character "Female Cyborg"

Easy: Playable Character "Siamese Cyborg"
Normal: Playable Character "Tuxedo Cyborg"
Hard: Cheat "Enemy Rockets"

Easy: Arcade Bot-Set "Period Horror"
Normal: Arcade Level "Castle"
Hard: Playable Character "Fishwife Mutant"

Easy: Cheat All Heads "Detachable"
Normal: Playable Character "Hick Hyde"
Hard: Playable Character "Insect Mutant"

Easy: Arcade Bot-Set "Usual Suspects"
Normal: Arcade Level "Bank"
Hard: Playable Character "Lumberjack"

Easy: Playable Characters "Male & Female SWAT"
Normal: Cheat "Infinite ammo"
Hard: Playable Character "Malehood"

Easy: Arcade Bot-Set "Space Opera"
Normal: Arcade Level "Spaceship"
Hard: Playable Character and Arcade Bot "Pillar Alien"

Easy: Playable Character "Green Alien"
Normal: Playable Character and Arcade Bot "Float Alien"
Hard: Cheat "All Characters Headless"

Easy: Arcade Bot-Set "Horror Shocker"
Normal: Arcade Level "Mall"
Hard: Playable Character "Priest Mutant"

Easy: Cheat "Big Heads"
Normal: Playable Character "Overall Mutant"
Hard: Playable Character "Girl Zombie"

Easy: Arcade Bot-Set "Law And Order"
Normal: Arcade Level "Compound"
Hard: Playable Character "Gasmask Soldier"

Easy: Playable Characters "Male & Female Soldier"
Normal: Cheat "Big Hands"
Hard: Playable Character and Arcade Bot "Shock Trooper"

Easy: Game Type "Challenge Mode"
Normal: Arcade Level "Warzone"
Hard: Playable Character and Arcade Bot "Spaceways Stewardess"

Easy: Playable Character "Red Alien"
Normal: Playable Character and Arcade Bot "Female Alien"
Hard: Cheat "Small Heads"


1-A: Arcade Bot-Set "The Living Dead"
1-B: Playable Characters "Green & Brown Zombie"
1-C: Playable Characters "Skull, Jacket & Police Zombie"

2-A: Arcade Bot "Duckman"
2-B: Cheat "All Enemies Are Ducks"
2-C: Playable Character "Duckman Drake"

3-A: Arcade Bot "Robofish"
3-B: Cheat "All Enemies Are Robofish"
3-C: Playable Character "Robofish"

4-A: BLAH!!!
4-B: Cheat "Enemy Bricks"
4-C: New Weapon "Brick"

5-A: Arcade Bot "Impersonator"
5-B: Cheat "All Enemies Are Impersonators"
5-C: Playable Character "The Impersonator"

6-A: BLAH!!!
6-B: Playable Character "Gasmask Swat"
6-C: Playable Character "Veiled Swat"

7-A: Arcade Bot "Ginger"
7-B: Cheat "All Enemies Are Gingerbread's"
7-C: Playable Character "Gingerbread Man"

8-A: Arcade Bot "Fun-Bunny"
8-B: Cheat "All Enemies Are Bunnies"
8-C: Playable Character "Farrah Fun-Bunny"

9-A: Arcade Bot-Set "TimeSplitters"
9-B: Playable Character "TimeSplitter #2"
9-C: Playable Character "TimeSplitter #1"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( C | r | e | d | i | t | s )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Free Radical - They've made such a nice game
Rare - For letting the above group get away
CJayC - It would be silly not to include him here
Mike, Alex and company - Just because they rule

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( L | e | g | a | l ) ( I | n | f | o )
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

This document is in fact a copyright of "King Broccoli". It cannot be
reproduced electronically (or otherwise) without the written permission
of the author. If you want this FAQ on your site then you may not do so
unless you get the permission of King Broccoli by e-mailing
"KingBroccoli@hotmail.com", and even then you may not alter the document
and all credit must go to, you guessed it, King Broccoli! Do not take
even a part of this FAQ and put it in your own, that would be a naughty
thing to do!

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17.Octombrie 2013
Gun Guide

17.Octombrie 2013
Map Maker FAQ

13.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
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