NBA Street

NBA Street

15.10.2013 14:49:10

NBA Street
Strategy Guide
Version 0.2
Author: DreThug

1: Introduction
2: Update History
3: Controls
4: Game Modes
5: City Circuit
6: Hold The Court
7: Street School
8: Create A Player
9: Street Tips
10: Offensive Strategy
11: Defensive Strategy
12: Blocking Strategy
13: Stealing Strategy
14: Gamebreaker Strategy
15: Secret Courts
16: Secret Players
17: Street Legends
18: Secret Cheats
19: Top 5 NBA Teams
20: Unstoppable Team
21: High Scores
22: Team Statistics
23: Personal Review
24: Dunks/Tricks
25: Frequently Asked Questions
26: Credits
27: Ways Of Contacting Me
28: Before You E-mail Me
29: Legal Information
30: Final Thoughts

1: Introduction
NBA Street is basically NBA Hoopz, SSX, and NBA 2K1 thrown together in to
one game. I decided that the internet needed a good strategy guide on the
game so I decided to make one. In this guide you will get all the basic
information you need to know on the game plus my personal strategies and
tips. If you are thinking of buying NBA Street you should stop reading this
guide right now and go out to the store and buy it. If you have any
questions, comments, or suggestions about this guide feel free to e-mail me
at Thanks and enjoy!

Your game's too big for the arena, too cool for the hardcourts. Take your
game to the streets and play against the city's legendary ballers with NBA
Street. Lace up the 'tops, crank up the beats and let it rool, ya'll. Hit
the blacktop in the first over-the-top, three-on-three arcade-action
streetball video game for the Playstation 2 console. Play basketball the
way it was supposed to be played: in the streets, outside the lines, and
over the top. Schoolin' your opponent on the way to victory is the name of
the game. Receiving rewards for it is extra sweet. Tour the country's
toughest courts in two awesome game modes. Team up with Michael Jordan in
City Circuit mode and hoop it up against NBA Ballers and Sreet legends, or
work your skills against mixed squads from the NBA in Hold the Court mode.
You think you got game...then take it to STREET, playa.

2: Update History
August 7th 2001 (version 0.2) - Huge update. Everything that I wanted to
complete is now done. The Create A Player is fully completed, I've add more
Street Tips, I've added all the teams to the Team Statistics, I've finished
all the last three levels in Hold The Court mode and I've added some new
things! The new things that I have added are the following: I added a
section with all the hidden players in the game. I decided that it would be
cool to have a High Scores section on this guide. Right now it's just my
High Scores typed out but feel free to send in yours to get fitted on the
list. Please don't make up scores because all that will do is mess up the
rankings. Another thing I've decided to do is make a section called "Top 5
NBA Teams" where I have listed the my favorite 5 NBA teams in the game. The
last section I threw up here was an "Unstoppable Team" which is my
unstoppable team. Now I figure that you guys have your own unstoppable
teams and a lot of people will argue back and forth saying that their team
is better so I have decided to let people send in their teams to get posted.
So if you either want your rankings or your unstoppable team up here
e-mail me at Note, I will update these sections of the
guide only when I decide to update another part of the guide. This means
that I will not just be updating the guide for the user-friendly interactive
stuff. Don't worry though, knowing me they'll be a new update every couple
of days. Oh yeah, on a sidenote I've also added a section called Ways Of
Contacting Me. This will give you all the ways that you can contact me.

August 1st 2001 (version 0.1) - I took a huge break from NCAA Football 2002
to make this guide. I got so addicted to writing this guide that I didn't
hang out with my friends, watch tv, or do anything like that for four
straight days. I wanted to get everything completed in one update but then
I thought that it would be better to post the guide up tonight and finish it
off in the next few days. As you scroll through the guide you'll see that
the Create A Player is not done, the Street Tips are not done, and I left
out the last three levels in Hold The Court. Don't worry though, those and
a lot more other things will be complete in the next couple days. Hope you
enjoy this!

3: Controls
The controls in NBA Street are very easy to get use to. Here I have listed
every control in the game.

Menu Navigation
D-Pad...............Change Selections (Up)
D-Pad...............Settings/Options (Side)
X...................Select/Advance To Next Screen
Triangle............Return To Previous Screen

General Gameplay
D-Pad...............Move player
Analog..............Move player
Start...............Pause Gamne
Select..............Change Camera Angles

Square..............Trick Move

X...................Switch Players
Circle..............Shot Block/Rebound
Triangle............Shot Block/Rebound
Turbo (2x)..........Dive (tap two turbos)

Advance Offense
Circle (2x).........Tip-Slam (tap circle twice)
Circle (Turbo)......Advance Dunk (tap two turbos)
Triangle............Call For Pick
Square (Turbo)......Advance Trick Move (tap two turbos)
Circle..............Gamebreaker Shot/Dunk (hold two turbos)

Advance Trick Moves
Off the Chain.......L1 + R1 + Square
Backtrack...........L2 + R2 + Square
Reel2Reel...........R1 + R2 + Square
Downshift...........L2 + R1 + Square
Slip 'n' Slide......L2 + R1 + R2 + Square

Advance Dunks
Hammerdown..........L1 + R1 + Circle
Backbreaker.........L2 + R2 + Circle
Groundshaker........R1 + R2 + Circle
Wake Up Call........L2 + R1 + Circle
Dinner's Served.....L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Circle

4: Game Modes
Here are all the modes of play in NBA Street with a description of each one.

City Circuit
Tour different places with Michael Jordan and compete to be the best team.
Unlock hidden teams, get create a player points, and get new players by
winning. This is the ultimate test of skill in NBA Street.

Hold The Court
Think you are good at basketball? Well, think again partner. Hold the
Court is a one or two player game where you compete to see how many
victories you can get. It's basically an exhibition mode where you can
unlock new clothes and accessories for your created player.

Street School
New to the game? Learn how to do all the basic moves by completing the
street school mode of the game. It's a good place for beginners to learn
how to play the game.

Create Player
Create a player and see how he or she can help your team out in the game.

Track your rewards you earned with your selected user.

Make all the necessary changes that you need to do in the options mode.

High Scores
Check out the high scores in the game. May be if you are lucky you can get
your name up on this elite list.

5: City Circuit
The city circuit mode is the test of skill in NBA Street. Play different
teams with the help of Michael Jordan to be the best team in the world.
Here I have listed how to beat each team and what you get if you win. I
decided to make a rating key for each team you have to beat. This will tell
you what kind of challenge you are in for when you are playing them.
Goodluck. Note I was playing City Circuit with the difficulty set on Mad
Skill (the highest skill level).

Rating Key
1 Star (*)............Extremely easy should win on first turn
2 Stars (**)..........Easy, shouldn't take you more then two games to win.
3 Stars (***).........This might take 5 tries to win before completing. Not
hard but not easy.
4 Stars (****)........These are rare but they come up. This might take some
time so sit down and concentrate.
5 Stars (*****).......If you can beat these teams you know you are good.
Have fun trying to win.

When I talk about development points in this section it was how many
development points I got while playing. So sometimes you may be able to
choose from more or less development points then I have listed. Just wanted
to clear this up for people who were getting different numbers when it came
to development points.

Here I'm going to walk you through the whole circuit mode.

First off:
Choose a team for the Circuit.

Then you get to enter the bracket. You start off at Region #1.
Region: #1
Description: Region #1 has just the Vancouver Grizzlies and the Toronto
Raptors in it.

Team: Vancouver Grizzlies
Venue: Pacific Blvd.
Difficulty: *
If you win:
3 New Players
1 NBA Player
9 Presenation Cheats

New Players:
Moby Jones
Zoe Payne
Tracey Maretti

Note: You do not get these 3 new players or the 9 presentation cheats when
you win your first game. I got them by winning the first game in the
circuit because it was my 10th overall win. I got the other wins by playing
my friends in hold the court.

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Michael Dickerson
Mike Bibby
Grant Long
Stromile Swift
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: These guys are not necessary to have on your team. If you choose the
25 development points it will help you out in the long run.

How To Win:
This is not a hard team to beat. You can beat this team using no strategy
at all. Don't even waste your time using Michael Jordan against these guys.
It's not even necessary to get your gamebreaker against them so if you are
winning by a lot just dunk on the gamebreaker to get more points then taking
a 2 pointer. If you can't win this team on your first try, go back to
practice mode.

After beating the Grizzlies you move onto the Raptors.

Team: Toronto Raptors
Venue: Pacific Blvd.
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Vince Carter
Charles Oakley
Antonio Davis
Keon Clark
Morris Peterson
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Vince Carter is a great player but if you already have Michael Jordan
and another good shooter he's useless. I went with the 25 development
points for my created player because if I keep on getting points to create
him, he will be better then Vince Carter in a short time.

How To Win:
The Raptors are your first good competition. If you are just starting the
circuit they will probably take you a good 2-3 times to finally beat them.
They are good for one reason: Vince Carter. If you can stop him then you
will probably win. I double teamed Carter the whole game so he couldn't get
trick points. If you don't double team him, he will get his team at least 2
gamebreakers in the game. I always tried stealing with my small players
when the other two players got the ball. It seemed like I stole the ball a
lot when Carter didn't have it. You shouldn't have too much difficulty with
this team if you follow what I just told you.

After beating the Raptors you move onto Street Challenge #1.

Venue: Beacon Hill
Difficulty: *
If you win:
A New Court - "Beacon Hill"
A New Character - "Biggs"
100 Create Player Development Points

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
BIGGS is a really easy team to beat. The only player who is actually good
on the team is Biggs himself. The white guy in the football jersey is
really easy to steal from and can't dunk at all. The other big guy is only
good at dunking and isn't that good at defense. I just played man on man
coverage and got the job done by a large spread my first time. You
shouldn't have any trouble with this team.

After beating BIGGS you move onto Region #2.

Region: #2
Description: Region #2 has the Miami Heat, Orlando Magic, Charlotte Hornets,
and Atlanta Hawks in it.

Team: Miami Heat
Venue: South Beach
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Alonzo Mourning
Brian Grant
Eddie Jones
Anthony Mason
Tim Hardaway
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Alonzo Mourning is the only standout player here to choose and he's not
really needed because he is not even the best center in the league. He's
good for defense and dunks but that is about it. The development points are
a better thing to get to make your own standout player anyways.

How To Win:
The Heat are an easy team to beat. I beat them my first time but it was a
close game. I only won by 3 points. The people I used was Michael Jordan,
Biggs, and Reggie Miller being that I am the Indiana Pacers. With this
combination of players, Biggs shut down Mourning's game and Miller and
Jordan make the shots. The Heat are easy but don't expect to win in blowout

After beating the Heat you move onto the Magic.

Team: Orlando Magic
Venue: South Beach
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Tracy McGrady
Grant Hill
Darrell Armstrong
Mike Miller
Bo Outlaw
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill are good players but they are not needed.
Plus don't you want to create a better baller yourself? Take your first
opportunity to get 50 development points.

How To Win:
I think that the Magic must be one of the easiest teams so far. I
slaughtered them with Michael Jordan, Reggie Miller, and Biggs. Because the
Magic have no big players let Biggs dominate inside but offensively and
defensively. Also, gamebreakers are very easy to block when playing the
Magic if you guard the guy with Biggs. You should have no problem beating
the Magic.

After beating the Magic you move onto the Hornets.

Team: Charlotte Hornets
Venue: South Beach
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Jamal Mashburn
Baron Davis
P.J. Brown
David Wesley
Elden Campbell
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Did you actually expect me to say a different choice? The Hornets are
a pretty bad team overall so it's just a lot smarter to get the 50
development points.

How To Win:
Another walk in the park. I think the Hornets may be the easiest team that
I faced so far. I used the same team of Michael Jordan, Biggs, and Reggie
Miller. I didn't really do anything special against this team except dunk a
lot with all three players. Rebounding is easy with Biggs downlow because
just like the Magic, the Hornets don't use anyone big.

After beating the Hornets you move onto the Hawks.

Team: Atlanta Hawks
Venue: South Beach
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Theo Ratliff
Toni Kukoc
Jason Terry
Alan Henderson
Brevin Knight
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: This is probably the worse choice of players you could pick from. Take
the 50 development points for sure.

How To Win:
The Hornets show some competition at the end but they still suck. You
should breeze through this team on your first try like all the other teams
in this group. I used the same players as I did before except this time it
was a bit harder to rebound because you are faced with some big guys on the
Hawks. Other then have trouble rebounding, you should be fine.

After beating the Hawks you move onto Street Challenge #2.

Team: Bonafide
Venue: Broad Street
Difficulty: **
If you win:
A New Court - "Broad Street"
A New Character - "bonafide"
100 Create Player Development Points

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
Bonafide is an easy team to beat if you know their weaknesses. The first
time I played them I was winning by 4 and I had 20 points and somehow they
came back. The 2nd time I was winning by a lot and they came back and tied
it at 20 and then I shot a 2 pointer. The player bonafide is a really good
dribbler and stealer. The two other big guys can block almost all the jump
shots and Michael Jordan's and Reggie Miller's dunks. If you want to dunk,
dunk with Biggs. Rebouding is a bit hard to do because Biggs is out
numbered under the hoop but occasionally him or another player will get the
rebound. This team shouldn't be too hard to beat after a few turns.

After beating Bonafide you move onto Region #3.

Region: #3
Description: Region #3 has the Phoenix Suns, Denver Nuggets, Utah Jazz,
Houston Rockets, Dallas Mavericks, and the San Antonio Spurs in it.

Team: Phoenix Suns
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Jason Kidd
Shawn Marion
Penny Hardaway
Clifford Robinson
Rodney Rogets
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: If you didn't have bonfire then may be I would suggest Penny Hardaway
because he has some good dribbles. But if you got this far, you do have
bonfire who has better dribbles then him so what's the point? 50
development points it is!

How To Win:
Easy easy easy...that's all I have to say about the Suns. I expected a good
game but I didn't get one. The only good player on the team is Penny
Hardaway because he has mad dribbles. The Suns may get 2 or 3 gamebreakers
in the game but who cares, they can't score other then that. Jason Kidd is
a bit dangerous from behind the arc but he's not a factor. Easy win for

After beating the Suns you move onto the Nuggets.

Team: Denver Nuggets
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Antonio McDyess
Nick Van Exel
Raef Lafrentz
James Posey
Voshon Lenard
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: By now you should know to take the 50 development points. No questions
asked here.

How To Win:
The Nuggets are a good offensive team but are very weak on defense. All
your players can dominate shooting-wise. The Nuggets are a high power
offensive team that makes a lot of their shots also so the only way you get
more points then them is by stealing from them. Try stealing from the big
man instead of Van Exel because Van Exel can hold onto the ball a lot
better. You should have no trouble beating this team on your first try.

After beating the Nuggets you move onto the Jazz.

Team: Utah Jazz
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player
8 New Ball Cheats
A New Team - "Team 3LW"

Note: You do not get the 8 New Ball Cheats or Team 3LW when you win the Utah
Jazz. You get both of them when you record your 20th victory. I got my
20th victory when I was playing the Jazz.

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Karl Malone
John Stockton
Donyell Marshall
Bryon Russell
Deshawn Stevenson
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: This choice is actually up to you. You got Malone and Stockton who are
two great players to choose from. Malone might be a good power forward for
your team but I rather just take the 50 development points. I'm not sure if
you would but it's really a 70/30 percent thing to do.

How To Win:
The Jazz are a pretty easy team to beat. I lost my first time playing them
but then came back the second game to slaughter them. Karl Malone is pretty
hard to stop and John Stockton can hit threes. The team I used to beat them
was Michael Jordan, Biggs, and future, my created player. He's basically
the same as Reggie Miller except he is a little faster and has better
dribbles. I didn't shoot any threes when playing the Jazz because they can
block the shots. If you don't win the first time against the Jazz it's ok
because they are actually one of the tougher easy teams.

After beating the Jazz you move onto the Rockets.

Team: Houston Rockets
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Steve Francis
Cuttino Mobely
Maurice Taylor
Hakeem Olajuwon
Shandon Anderson
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: I have no idea why there is only 25 development points to get instead
of the 50. Still, I decided to go with the 25 points instead of Steve
Francis. I think that you should too.

How To Win:
The Rockets are an easy team but somehow they stayed in the game. I only
won by 3 points but I didn't feel pressured at all. Rebounding is very easy
if you have Biggs. Biggs can also block most of the shots by these small
players. The only think that the Rockets have going for them is steals.
They can steal the ball from you a lot so beware.

After beating the Rockets you move onto the Mavericks.

Team: Dallas Mavericks
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Michael Finley
Dirt Nowitzki
Steve Nash
Juwan Howard
Shawn Bradley
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: The only person that I would choose on the list is Shawn Bradley
because he is a monster. If you need a tall guy then go with him. Other
then that, there are better players in the league then Michael Finley so I
went with the 50 development points.

How To Win:
The Mavericks actually beat me the first time I played them because some how
they blocked my gamebreaker shot to win the game. The second game was close
but I pulled it out at the end. Luckily they don't use Shawn Bradley so
rebounding is pretty easy for Biggs. Michael Finely and Dirt Nowitzki are
good players from all over the court and Steve Nash can hit multiple 3
pointers. Remember though, Steve Nash can't dunk so it's easy to dominate
in the inside if he takes the ball in that area. You might lose to the
Mavericks a couple of times but they are still an easy team to beat.

After beating the Mavericks you move onto the Spurs.

Team: San Antonio Spurs
Venue: Route 66
Difficulty: ***
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Tim Duncan
David Robinson
Derek Anderson
Antonio Daniels
Sean Elliott
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points/Tim Duncan
Why: It's only 25 development points and that can't do much to your created
player now that he's probably getting up in status. Tim Duncan is probably
the best power forward in the league and he has great height so he's a good
choice to pick up. Don't overlook Derek Anderson if you want a good point
guard. I went with the 25 development points because i figured Biggs could
take Tim Duncan's spot. It's really up to you on this one.

How To Win:
Damn, the Spurs are pretty tough. I beat them on my second try but on pure
luck at the end. I was winning 19-15 and they pulled a major comeback.
Then I made this outrageous 2 point shot to win the game. I shouldn't have
won the game but I did but I figured that they deserve the ranking of 3
stars. Forget about your rebounding game because Tim Duncan and David
Robinson are unstoppable. Make sure you only dunk with your strong players
with high dunk ratings because if you don't your other players will get
blocked a lot. The main reason I won the game was because of their
gamebreakers. They get mad points real fast so it's smart to let David
Robinson or Tim Duncan keep the ball with the gamebreaker. Don't guard them
if they get the ball because they can't shoot 2s. If Derrick Anderson gets
the ball then you are screwed because he'll only try making the 2 pointer.
So they had 2 gamebreakers and I held them to 2 dunks. That's what decided
the game for me.

After beating the Spurs you move onto Street Challenge #3.

Venue: The Yard
Difficulty: *
If you win:
A New Court - "the yard"
A New Character - "drake"
100 Create Player Development Points

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
DRAKE, the team, is a very easy team to beat. The two girls are strong and
can block shots but that's about it. Also, the girls are very easy to steal
from. Eminem, I mean Drake, can shoot good 3 pointers and is very hard to
steal from. Did it occur to you that The Yard is in Detroit and this guy
kind of looks like Eminem? I think that EA Sports was trying to deliver a
message here. Anyways, this team is very easy I spanked them by 10 points
my first time playing them.

After beating Drake you move onto Region #4.

Region: #4
Description: Region #4 has the New York Knicks, New Jersey Nets, Washington
Wizards, Philadelphia 76ers, and the Boston Celtics in it.

Team: New York Knicks
Venue: The Cage
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Latrell Sprewell
Allan Houston
Marcus Camby
Glen Rice
Mark Jackson
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Even though I love Latrell Sprewell (the whole incident when he was in
Oakland) I had to pick the 50 development points over him. Why do you need
Latrell when you got Drake now?

How To Win:
I didn't put in Drake because all he is good for is shooting. I use Michael
Jordan, future (my created player), and Biggs. The Knicks are not a strong
team so all your players can dunk on them. In the beginning of the game I
was getting my ass kicked but then I came back with a few steals in a row.
This team has nothing special so they shouldn't be too hard to beat.

After beating the Knicks you move onto the Nets.

Team: New Jersey Nets
Venue: The Cage
Difficulty: ***
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Stephon Marbury
Keith Van Horn
Kenyon Martin
Kendall Gill
Aaron Williams
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Stephon Marbury and Keith Van Horn are good but they aren't great. 25
development points can help your player out more.

How To Win:
I have no idea why this team took me 4 tries to beat. May be it was because
I was using Drake instead of Michael Jordan. Keith Van Horn is practically
the best stealer that I came across. Also, him and Stephon Marbury are
dominate from behind the arc and in the paint. I got lucky when I beat the
Nets on my fourth try because they had their gamebreaker but Drake hit a 2
pointer for the victory before they could get to shoot the ball.

After beating the Nets you move onto the Wizards.

Team: Washington Wizards
Venue: The Cage
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Jahidi White
Richard Hamilton
Courtney Alexander
Mitch Richmond
Christian Laettner
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Even though it's 25 development points it's better then any of the
players that you can choose. Actually, I think it's better then all the
players on the Wizards put together!

How To Win:
It seems like the teams are getting harder now. I'm having trouble beating
any team on my first try. I lost to the Wizards once before beating them
21-19. My team was Biggs, Drake, and my created player. Drake is really a
good shooter and Biggs dominated inside so that's why they are getting so
much play time. The Wizards aren't a hard team to beat, they just might get
cheap and start stealing the ball all the time at the end of the game.

After beating the Wizards you move onto the 76ers.

Team: Philadelphia 76ers
Venue: The Cage
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Allen Iverson
Dikembe Mutombo
Eric Snow
George Lynch
Aaron Mckie
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Allen Iverson
Why: Allen Iverson is probably one of the best players in the game. If you
need a guard then I suggest that you pick him up. Don't overlook Dikembe
either because he is a great center. I have a guard though and I don't
really need a center because I'm building up my player to become a center so
I decided to go with the 50 development points. This one is a tough
decision so do what you want.

How To Win:
The 76ers are a good team but are very easy if you can get the cheap
strategy down on them. Allen Iverson can steal really good, Dikembe Mutombo
dominates in blocks and rebounds, and Eric Snow basically sucks. I put in
bonafide instead of Drake and he really got the job done on Eric Snow. Keep
Biggs back by the 3 point line so Mutombo can't block shots and have
bonafide do most of the dunks. My created player was ok but he got picked a
lot by Allen Iverson. If you gang up on Eric Snow, i'm positive you will
win your first time like I did.

After beating the 76ers you move onto the Celtics.

Team: Boston Celtics
Venue: The Cage
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Paul Pierce
Antoine Walker
Kenny Anderson
Tonny Battie
Vitaly Potapenko
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Now I remember why the Boston Celtics suck. Look at the players you
can choose. Who are these people? Take the 50 development points and don't
look back.

How To Win:
The Celtics are a very easy team to beat. I didn't really do anything
special against them except dunk a lot. I didn't take any perimeter shots
against them and I still pulled off the victory.

After beating the Celtics you move onto Street Challenge #4.

Team: DJ
Venue: Venice Beach
Difficulty: *
If you win:
A New Court - "Venice Beach"
A New Character - "d.j."
100 Create Player Development Points
A New Team - "Team NYC"
4 New Player Cheats

Note: You do not get the 4 New Ball Cheats or Team NYC when you win Team DJ.
You get both of them when you record your 30th victory. I got my 30th
victory when I was playing Team DJ.

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
DJ is a pretty easy team to beat. The white guy really sucks, the big black
guy is really strong but all he can do is rebound and block shots, and d.j.
himself is really good at dribbling. I used bonafide, Biggs, and my created
player and took care of these chumps easily on my first turn. They are not
a hard team to beat.

After beating DJ you move onto Region #5.

Region: #5
Description: Region #5 has the Chicago Bulls, Minnesota Timberwolves,
Milwaukee Bucks, Detroit Pistons, Indiana Pacers, and the Cleveland
Cavaliers in it.

Team: Chicago Bulls
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Elton Brand
Ron Mercer
Ron Artest
Marcus Fizer
Jamal Crawford
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: None of these players are good except Elton Brand and he's not even
that good. You would have to be stupid not to take the 50 development

How To Win:
I beat the Bulls my first time playing them but it was a close one. They
are basically an easy team to beat. I used the same people I always use
which is bonafide, biggs, and my created player. You should have no trouble
winning your first time playing the Bulls.

After beating the Bulls you move onto the Timberwolves.

Team: Minnesota Timberwolves
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Kevin Garnett
Terrell Brandon
Chauncey Billups
Wally Szczerbiak
Laphonso Ellis
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Kevin Garnett
Why: Kevin Garnett is pretty loaded in this game so he's a good player to
have on your team. Other than that, the 50 development points will help
your create a player out a bit so it's really up to you. I went with the 50
development points just because I wouldn't start Kevin Garnett anyways.

How To Win:
The Timberwolves are a pretty easy team to beat. I didn't feel challanged
at all when I was playing them. Kevin Garnett is their only good player.
Watch out though, Garnett can shoot from anywhere he wants and make it. He
can dunk, hit jump shots, or hit 3 pointers so he is a major threat. Other
than that, there is no one else good to help him out. You should be able to
win your first time against these guys.

After beating the Timberwolves you move onto the Bucks.

Team: Milwaukee Bucks
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Ray Allen
Glenn Robinson
Sam Cassell
Tim Thomas
Rafer Aiston
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Ray Allen
Why: Ray Allen is a great shooter and is pretty good at everything else. He
is a good guy to have on your team if you need a high scoring player. I
chose not to go with him though because bonafide is just as good as him. I
took the 50 development points to make my created player a little taller.

How To Win:
The Bucks are surprisingly an easy team to beat. I wasn't challenged at all
the whole game and I held them to only one gamebreaker. Ray Allen is the
only really good player on the team and all he can really do is shoot
baskets. Sam Cassell is pretty weak defensively so drive the ball on him
most of the time. You should be able to win your first time.

After beating the Bucks you move onto the Pistons.

Team: Detroit Pistons
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Jerry Stackhouse
Joe Smith
Ben Wallace
Chucky Atkins
Corliss Williamson
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Jerry Stackhouse
Why: Jerry Stackhouse is a good player that can hit twos, dunks, and three
pointers when he needs to hit them. He is a nice player to have on your
team so it is a good choice to have him on it. I decided to take the 50
development points but it's really up to you.

How To Win:
It took me two tries to beat the Pistons and the only reason I won was
because I had a gamebreaker. Jerry Stackhouse is a great player and can
hurt you from all over the court. If you can stop him then you can win the
Pistons. Ben Wallace is a good shot blocker and can rebound pretty good but
is not good at shooting. You can probably win the Pistons on your first or
second try.

After beating the Pistons you move onto the Pacers.

Team: Indiana Pacers
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: N/A (I would think ** though)
If you win:
1 NBA Player

NOTE: I did not play the Pacer because I am the Pacers in the circuit. You
don't have to play the team you are when you play in the circuit. You will
have to play the Pacers if you choose another team.

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Jalen Rose
Reggie Miller
Jermaine O'Neal
Austin Croshere
Travis Best
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Reggie Miller
Why: Reggie Miller is an unstoppable 3 point shooter so he is a good player
to have on your team. Personally, I wouldn't choose him though because
that's all he is good for.

How To Win:
The Pacers are a good 3 point shooting team so beware of Reggie Miller and
Jalen Rose. Jermaine O'Neal does the rebounding for the team but he's not
that tall. I didn't play the Pacers but I figure that you can probably beat
them on your first or second try.

After beating the Pacers you move onto the Cavaliers.

Team: Cleveland Cavaliers
Venue: The Loop
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Clarence Weatherspoon
Andre Miller
Jim Jackson
Lamond Murray
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Easy decision. Go with the 50 development points and never think twice
about it.

How To Win:
The Cavaliers are a very easy team to beat. I actually beat them by 8
points which was a pretty big blowout. I used bonafide, Biggs, and my
created player who is now 7 foot tall. This should be an easy win for
everyone who tries to beat these guys.

After beating the Cavaliers you move onto Street Challenge #5.

Team: Takashi
Venue: Yakatomi Plaza
Difficulty: *
If you win:
A New Court - "yakatomi plaza"
A New Character - "takashi"
100 Create Player Development Points

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
Takashi himself is a really good dunker and blocker. The guy in the red
jump suit can dunk and block really good too. The small guy is the guy you
want to pick on. Give the ball to bonafide to let him tear the small guy
up. The team I used was bonafide, Biggs, and my created player. The game
was pretty close but I won on my first turn. You should be able to win on
your first try too.

After beating Takashi you move onto Region #6.

Region: #6
Description: Region #5 has the Seattle Sonics, Portland Blazers, Los Angeles
Lakers, Los Angeles Clippers, Golden State Warriors, and the Sacramento
Kings in it.

Team: Seattle Sonics
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Gary Payton
Rashard Lewis
Vin Baker
Patrick Ewing
Desmond Mason
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Gary Payton is a great NBA player but with the high calibur players you
have on your team already he is not needed. Go with the 50 development
points and laugh about Patrick Ewing's jumpshot.

How To Win:
I beat the Sonics on my first turn but they were pretty good so I decided to
give them two stars. Gary Payton is a great 3 point shooter/dunker so
beware of him. This team plays with a lot of heart and they will keep the
game close the whole game. I cut Biggs from my starting team and put in
Takashi instead because of the extra height. He's really good at shot
blocking and rebounding.

After beating the Sonics you move onto the Blazers.

Team: Portland Blazers
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Rasheed Wallace
Scottie Pippen
Damon Stoudamire
Steve Smith
Dale Davis
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Rasheed Wallace is a very good blocker but Biggs can probably take the
job away from him. There's only 25 development points but it's still better
then Rasheed Wallace. Go with the 25 points.

How To Win:
Rasheed Wallace is a very good shot blocker and rebounder. Damon Stoudamire
and Scottie Pippen can hit three pointers. If all of these guys are on then
you are in trouble. Luckily, I shot down Pippen's game and Rasheed had to
take most of the shots. I won because they didn't get their gamebreaker
when they were in the red turbo zone. Easy team to beat but you may lose
the first time.

After beating the Blazers you move onto the Lakers.

Team: Los Angeles Lakers
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: ***
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Shaquille O'Neal
Kobe Bryant
Derek Fisher
Horace Grant
Robert Horry
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points/Shaquille O'Neal/Kobe Bryant
Why: This is really a toss up. If you want a good center pick Shaquille
O'Neal. If you want a good guard pick Kobe Bryant because he's talented at
everything. If you don't need any pick the 50 development points. I picked
the 50 development points because Biggs and Takashi do the job for center
and bonafide does the job for guard. It's really up to you though.

How To Win:
The Lakers are probably the best team so far. I beat them on my 2nd turn
but it was a crazy game that I shouldn't have won. Shaquille O'Neal can
block almost everything in his area so don't go by him. Kobe Bryant can
almost make all of his shots so don't let him shoot. That leaves Derek
Fisher who is deadly from 3 point land but sucks at defense. Try to let
bonafide gang up on his on offense and let your created player guard Kobe.
I won by blocking one of their gamebreakers and letting them shoot a one
pointer for the other gamebreaker. It might take some time to beat this
team so be patient.

After beating the Lakers you move onto the Clippers.

Team: Los Angeles Clippers
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Lamar Odom
Darius Miles
Michael Olowokandi
Corey Maggette
Keyon Dooling
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: Michael Olowokandi...Make sure you get him...haha just kidding. That
guy sucks but he seems like he always gets picked first at everything.
Stick to the 50 development points on this one.

How To Win:
The Clipper are a very easy team to beat. It's actually nice to get a break
from some competitive teams. If you got this far, you shouldn't have any
trouble with the Clippers on your first turn.

After beating the Clippers you move onto the Warriors.

Team: Golden State Warriors
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: *
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Antawn Jamison
Larry Hughes
Marc Jackson
Mookie Blaylock
Danny Fortson
50 development points

Smartest Choice: 50 development points
Why: I've lived in the Bay Area all my life and before even looking at these
people I know they suck. Antawn Jamison seems good but trust me, if he was
good then the Warriors wouldn't be one of the worse teams every single year.

How To Win:
This is another very easy team to beat. I killed the Warriors 21-10 the
first time I played them. There's no real strategy in killing these guys
just make sure you play like you usually do. You better win your first time
because this is probably the easiest team out there!

After beating the Warriors you move onto the Kings.

Team: Sacramento Kings
Venue: Fort Point
Difficulty: **
If you win:
1 NBA Player

You can choose from these NBA Players:
Chris Webber
Jason Williams
Peja Stojakovic
Vlade Divac
Doug Christie
25 development points

Smartest Choice: 25 development points
Why: Chris Webber is overrated in the NBA and in this game. He's not that
good of a player and there is a lot of better power forwards in the game.
Go with the development points over him.

How To Win:
I won the first time I played these guys but I should have lost. I stole
the ball when their turbo meter was on red and hit a 2 pointer to win.
Chris Webber can dunk pretty good and Jason Williams and Peja Stojakovic can
shoot 3 pointers. Overall, this team is good and they should give you a run
for your money your first time playing them.

After beating the Kings you move onto Street Challenge #6.

Team: Stretch
Venue: Rucker Point
Difficulty: ****
If you win:
A New Court - "rucker park"
A New Character - "stretch"
100 Create Player Development Points

Smartest Choice: N/A
Why: You don't get to choose anything because everything is just handed to

How To Win:
By far this is the hardest team to beat so far. Stretch is a great shooter,
rebounder, and blocker. The guy in the blue is a good dunker and blocker.
The short guy is a great dribbler and stealer. Combine, they are almost
unstoppable. They will get several gamebreakers in the game because they do
a lot of fancy dunks. All I can say is play your heart out. I shot more 2s
then I usually do and for some reason they fell. A lot of my shots went in
that shouldn't have and that's how I beat this team. They are a very tough
team to beat and may make your winning record look bad.

After beating Stretch you move onto Final Challenge.

Team: MJ
Venue: Rucker Park
Difficulty: *****
If you win:
your choice of any special player from the secret teams.
a new team - "street legends"
19 new gameplay cheats

You Can Choose From These Special Players:
Magma Man
Graylien Alien
Yeti Snowman
Moby Jones
Zoe Payne
Tracey Maretti
Skip To My Lou
The Goods

Smartest Choice: Yeti Snowman
Why: He's 8 feet tall. Enough said.

How To Win:
This is the hardest team in the game by far. If you thought Stretch was a
hard team wait until you play MJ. The team I used was full of height. I
had Stretch in there, my created player who is 7 feet tall, and Takashi.
All the players on MJ are extremely good and can make shots from anywhere.
Also, they can steal and block shots even though they aren't tall. I hit
major 2 pointers in the game to pull out the victory. When they got their
gamebreaker I let them have an open lane to the basket so they wouldn't get
a 2 pointer. I did all the small things I did before and combined them
altogether to beat this team. Stick with a tall team for rebounding, it's
your only chance.

After beating MJ you win the City Circuit.

When you beat the City Circuit the first emblem lights up in your stats.

6: Hold The Court
Hold The Court Mode is a one or two player mode of play. Here I have listed
all the court objectives and what you get when you clear them. Also, I have
listed my strategy of how to do each objective and a rating key to tell you
how hard it is. The Rating Key is based on mad skill difficulty.

Rating Key
1 Star (*)............Extremely easy should complete first time.
2 Stars (**)..........Easy, shouldn't take you more then two tries to
3 Stars (***).........This might take 5 tries to win before completing. Not
hard but not easy.
4 Stars (****)........These are rare but they come up. This might take some
time so sit down and concentrate.
5 Stars (*****).......If you can do this then you know you are good. Have
fun trying to win.

Playing against a friend will get you development points and things like
that but I did not do that to get the objectives. That's pretty cheap if
you plug in another controller and pretend someone else is playing and just
score points off no one. Also, the development points vary because it
depends on how many points you get in the game. I listed the number of
development points I got while playing.

Venue: Pacific Blvd.
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 2 games
Trick Point Total: 200,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: *
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
200,000 points is pretty easy to get always. You probably need one
gamebreaker and one smashed rim to get the job done. Very easy to do.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: *
How To Get The Win Streak:
It's really not hard to win two games straight against the computer. Just
concentrate and don't try to be too fancy.

Venue: South Beach
Location: Miami, Flordia
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 3 games
Trick Point Total: 250,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: *
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
250,000 points is pretty easy to get. All you really need is two
gamebreakers and that will get the job done for sure. You shouldn't have
any trouble getting this done your first try.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: **
How To Get The Win Streak:
This actually made me mad because I lost a game when I had a win streak of
2. It's not hard to win 3 games in a row if you do this. For the first
game concentrate on getting trick points so you can break the total. If you
break the trick point total then all you have to do is concentrate on points
the next two games. It's not that hard to do.

Venue: Route 66
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 3 games
Trick Point Total: 300,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: **
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
300,000 points may take you a couple tries to get. I got 300,000 points by
doing 2 gamebreakers, one being a dunk at the end of the game, a busted rim,
and a lot of small tricks. I was off 4,000 points my first try but then got
it my second try.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: *
How To Get The Win Streak:
Winning three games in a row isn't that bad at Route 66. Just make sure you
concentrate on the trick point status first and then just play your heart

Venue: Beacon Hill
Location: Boston, Massachusettes
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 4 games
Trick Point Total: 350,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
20 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: **
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
350,000 points is a bit tough to get if you aren't too good at the game. I
got it my first time but I made it 2 stars because I only cleared it by
4,000. To get 350,000 do a lot of dinners served, blocks, and get two
gamebreakers. Both of the gamebreakers should be dunks and one should be at
the end of the game so you bust the rim with it. That's how you get 350,000

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
A win streak of 4 is actually a bit hard to do. This took me a hour to
complete because I lost one game. Concentrate and if worse comes to worse,
shut off your Playstation 2 before the game saves if you lose. Then you
don't have to start over.

Venue: Broad Street
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 4 games
Trick Point Total: 400,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
20 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
400,000 points will be a bit hard for some of you guys to get. I got it in
my 3rd game by doing two gamebreakers (both of them were dunks - 50,000 a
peice) and a lot of alley-oops and dinners served. Also, on the last point
I did an alley-oop which smashed the rim so I got an extra 52,000 points
which give me 427,540 points. It might take you a few games to do but
that's fine because you have to win four games straight anyway.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
Winning another 4 in a row is a bit tough against these guys. I tried to
get the trick point total the first time but it didn't work. I had to get
it the 3rd time I played so I had to concentrate both on trick points and
the score. The fourth game wasn't hard because all I had to do was play.
Try to do that and you will win. Also, the team I used consisted of
Taskashi, Yeti Snowman, and Future, my created player. All of these guys
are over 7 feet tall so blocking comes easy.

Venue: The Yard
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 4 games
Trick Point Total: 450,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
20 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
450,000 points is still not that hard to get. After getting 400,000 points
you shouldn't have a problem getting 450,000 points. To get 450,000 points
you need to get two gamebreakers and use a dunk for both of them. Use a
lot of alley-oops and a smashed rim at the end of the game. Also, do a lot
of tricks while you are on offense and get a lot of blocks when you are on
defense. If you are winning by a lot just take wild shots so they won't go
in and you'll get more time to do more tricks. It works and it's effective
to get this kind of points.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
Again, a win streak of 4 is a bit hard to do. It's not really hard it's
just that you can't make a mistake. Go with the big line up again and they
will get the job done.

Venue: The Cage
Location: New York, New York
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 4 games
Trick Point Total: 500,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
500,000 trick points is when it starts getting a little tough. You
basically need 3 gamebreaker dunks to get this. If you can get the 3
gamebreakers then you are in busy. To get the last gamebreaker you need to
do a lot of trick moves and then shoot from halfcourt get the rebound and do
more trick points. Remember not to do the same trick points over again
because the points you receive will be cut in half. This may take a few
tries to get 500,000 points but hey, you need a win steak of 4 games anyways
so it's not that bad.

If You Get The Win Streak:
15 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
It's still only a 4 win streak so you should be use to winning by now. Get
the 500,000 points the first time and then just play your heart out the rest
of the games. It's not that hard to do, it just takes a while to complete.

Venue: Venice Beach
Location: Venice Beach, California
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 5 games
Trick Point Total: 550,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
550,000 trick points is going to take you a while to get. You need 3
gamebreakers, some double alley-oops, and a few dinners served. If you get
all those then you got it for sure. If you smash the rim more then once you
will get more points for the second time you smash the rim. Goodluck,
you'll start to need it here.

If You Get The Win Streak:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
5 wins a lot of work to do. Sit down for about a 45 minutes to complete
this because it's going to take you a while. Make sure you don't lose a
game or you'll practically hate the game. It's a tough objective to
complete but figure this. You already got this far there's no turning back.

Venue: The Loop
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 5 games
Trick Point Total: 600,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ****
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
600,000 trick points are pretty hard to get. Basically, you need to have 3
gamebreakers, 3 busted rims, and some triple alley-oops. This may take you
a while to get but I did it on my third try. I was pretty happy when i got

If You Get The Win Streak:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
Another 5 game win streak? Well, that's not that hard to do. Just make
sure you have your best players in and concentrate a lot. Try getting the
trick point total in your first 3 games so you don't have to worry about it.
If worse comes to worse and you lose, turn off the Playstation 2 before
the game saves.

Venue: Yakatomi Plaza
Location: Los Angeles, California
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 5 games
Trick Point Total: 650,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ****
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
650,000 points is a lot of points for one game. Stop stealing and make sure
you start doing blocks all the time. You need 3 gamebreakers and they all
need to be dunks and one has to be at the end of the game. Triple alley
oops get great points and dinners served does too. Make sure you get at
least triple combos before shooting the ball. It took me four games to get
650,000 points so it's a hard objective to do. Goodluck.

If You Get The Win Streak:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ***
How To Get The Win Streak:
5 more wins in a row? This is not a problem. Now that you are use to
winning so much you shouldn't lose this a game for sure. Why the 3 stars
then on the difficulty? Because it takes a while to complete and there is a
possibility that you can lose.

Venue: Fort Point
Location: San Francisco, California
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 6 games
Trick Point Total: 700,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ****
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
700,000 points is a whole lot of points to score. It's easy to do if you
unlocked the cheats in City Circuit Mode. Use more gamebreakers and
unlimited turbo and you should be able to get 700,000 in no time. Remember
to dunk on the gamebreakers and a fakeout and smashed rim with gamebreaker
at the end of the game will get you around 150,000 points. Goodluck. If
you don't use the cheats, this will take a while to get but I've done it.
It's not impossible it's just hard!

If You Get The Win Streak:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: ****
How To Get The Win Streak:
6 Games in a row? That is a little harder then before so I pushed up the
difficulty level. If you are going to lose the game, just turn off your
Playstation 2 and you'll won't lose your win streak. Other than that, all I
can tell you is goodluck!

Venue: Rucker Park
Location: New York, New York
Court Objectives:
Win Streak: 8 games
Trick Point Total: 750,000

If You Get The Trick Point Total:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create A Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
Difficulty: *****
How To Get The Trick Point Total:
750,000 points is a lot of points to get in one game. To get this put in
two cheats. The two cheats that you should put in are No Shot Clock and
Unlimited Turbo. This will let you do as many tricks as you want in a row.
If you don't want to use any cheats the 750,000 points will be pretty hard
to get. I've done it using no cheats but it took a long time especially
against the computer.

If You Get The Win Streak:
25 Create Player Development Points
A New Create Player Look
A New Create Player Outfit
A New Pair of Create Player Shoes
A New Team - "Dream Team"
Difficulty: *****
How To Get The Win Streak:
To win 8 games in a row you must have skill. That's why I ranked this the
hardest thing to do in Hold The Court mode along with the 750,000 trick
points. Have fun winning all 8 games because it will take you a long time!

Whoa! You're finally done with the Hold The Court mode. Now you should
have another emblem in your profile. Also, if you completed the City
Circuit mode you should have a crown in your profile too because if you
completed both the City Circuit and Hold The Court you will have all the
secrets unlocked. The third emblem is the Create A Player emblem where you
need maximum statistics for your guy.

7: Street School
This is where Joe "The Show" teaches you how to play ball. I decided to run
you through street school myself instead of you having to read what to do on
the screen. Here I have all the lessons you would get in Street School and
all the tips they give you. Hope this helps.

Lesson 1/15 - Pass
To pass the ball, press X. Hold a direction while passing to select the
intended receiver.

Use care when passing over long distances and while in traffic to avoid
having the ball stolen.

Lesson 2/15 - Turbo
To receive a boost of speed, hold down any of the four turbo buttons (L1,
L2, R1, R2) while pressing a direction to move your player.

Turbo makes your player move faster, and is used to pull off trick moves.
When you hold down turbo or preform a trick move, the Turbo Bar decreases.
Try to save your turbo when you need it the most.

Lesson 3/15 - Short Range Shot
Move the ball to a player inside the 3pt line.
To shoot the ball press Circle.

Try to shoot the ball when your player is open and away from defenders.
This increases your chances of hitting the shot.

Lesson 4/15 - Steal
Try to stay close to the ball carrier on defense to be in position to steal
the ball.
To swipe the ball, press square. The closer you are to the ball, the
greater your chance of getting the steal.

Trying for a steal momentarily takes your player out of the play. Time your
steal attempts carefully to increase your chances of success.

Lesson 5/15 - Long Range Shot
Move the ball to a player just outside the 3pt line.
To shoot he ball from long range, press circle.

Long range shots are worth 2 points. Always try to shoot with a player who
has a high 3pt rating.

Lesson 6/15 - Pump Fake
Move the ball to a player in shooting position.
To pump fake your defender, quickly tap and release circle.

Use a pump fake to get your defender up in the air, then drive past him for
an easy basket.

Lesson 7/15 - Dunk
Drive the ball toward the basket to try a dunk
To dunk the ball, hold any turbo and press circle while moving toward the

Dunks usually require an open lane to the basket. Dunk success depends on
the player's dunking rating and the proximity of nearby defenders. Try to
avoid mid-air collisions with defenders, or you may lose the ball.

Lesson 8/15 - Block
Try to stay close to the ball carrier on defense to be in position to block
his shot.
To jump up for the block press circle or triangle.

Timing and position are the keys to blocking shots. Try swatting shots
using players with a high blocking rating. They can jump higher and are
more likely to block the ball.

Lesson 9/15 - Trick Move
To preform a trive move, press square.

Trick moves can be used to get past defenders on your way to the basket.
They also earn valuable trick points.

Lesson 10/15 - Alley-oop
To set up an alley-oop you need to draw the defense. Try dribbling around
the 3pt line and watch for your teammate to shake off his defender.
Your teammate is jumping up for an alley-oop. To pass him the ball, press

Proper timing is important in completing an alley-oop. If you pass too
late, the defense may recover and your pass may not get through.

Lesson 11/15 - Fake Out
Drive the ball towards your defender to try to fake him out with a trick
To fake out your defender using a trick move, press square while moving
towards him. When a defender is faked out, the crown symbol is displayed
with the move name at the top of the screen.

Your chance of faking out a defender is based on the ball carrier's handle
rating. You can increase the chance of faking a defender out by using
advanced trick moves.

Lesson 12/15 - Advanced Trick Move
Advanced trick moves are preformed using specific button combinations. To
preform the slip 'n slide move, hold L2 + R1 + R2 and press square.

Advance trick moves require a high handle rating to puill off. If a
player's handle rating is too low, he may lose the ball. Try different
combinations of L1, L2, R1, R2 and square to find advanced trick moves.

Lesson 13/15 - Dish
Move the ball to a player in shooting position to preform a mid-air dish.

A dish can be used to avoid being blocked when you see a defender about to
swat your shot. Dishing the ball to a teammate for an easy basket will earn
you a combo bonus.

Lesson 14/15 - Combo
Combos allow you to use the skill you've learned to score big trick point
bonuses. Move the ball down court and into shooting position.
To earn a combo bonus, fake your defender out using a trick move, then
quickly dunk the ball. This is tricky and will require practice to master.

Link together steals, blocks, fakeouts, dishes, alley-oops, and other
actions. The flashier the combo, the bigger the trick poiint bonus.
Linking combos is the key to powering your boost meter.

Lesson 15/15 - Gamebreaker
Your Gamebreaker meter is now full. Bring the ball down court and into
shooting position.
A Gamebreaker gives your player a big bonus to shoot or dunk, and can be
used quickly to turn a game around. To unleash your Gamebreaker hold any
two turbo buttons and press circle.

A Gamebreaker scores points for your team and takes the same number of
points away from your opponent. Learn to use Gameebreakers to your
advantage if you want to master NBA Street.

Other Tips:

Shot Clock
The shot clock appears when you are running out of time to shoot. If you
fail to shoot the ball before time expires, a shot clock violation will
occur and you will lose the ball.

Player Indicator
The player indicator shows whether or not a player is within a comfortable
shooting range of the basket. Green is within the players range, yellow is
at the edges of the players range, and red is outside the players range.

Trick Points
Trick points are earned by preforming trick moves, dunks, and alley-oops.
The better hte move, the higher trick point bonus awarded. Advanced moves
and combos are the keys to earning big trick point bonuses.

Boost Meter
Each time you earn trick points, you are powering up your Boost Meter. The
higher your meter builds, the better your team plays. Once your meter is
full, you have a limited time to use a Gamebreaker.

When you are finished:

Congratulations! You've succesfully completed Street School. Test your
skills in City Circuit and Hold The Court.

8: Create A Player
In NBA Street you have the ability to make your own baller. When your
baller is maxed out, you'll get another emblem in your personal profile.
Here I have listed all the features in Create A Player. To earn features
for your Create A Player beat the Hold The Court Mode and the City Circuit.
You get development points whenever you win a game. The development points
buy you more skills.


girl next door
mother nature
queen b
lights out
the franchise
the kid
the juice
game time
the blender
the realist
big time
high five
whole lotta game
sweet pea
red alert

Your baller can be from:
5'0" to 8"0" in height
125 to 350 pounds in weight

2 point
3 point

There are 26 looks. Looks are the players faces.

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black
Hair Cut...........Cornrows
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........Dark Brown
Hair Color.........None
Hair Cut...........Bald
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Brown
Hair Cut...........Short
Facial Hair........Mustache

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Light Brown
Hair Cut...........Short with bangs
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Orange Hat
Hair Cut...........Orange Hat
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........None
Hair Cut...........None
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........Brown
Hair Color.........Green Hat
Hair Cut...........Green Hat
Facial Hair........Mustache

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Blue Hat
Hair Cut...........Blue Hat
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........White Hat
Hair Cut...........White Hat
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black
Hair Cut...........Shaved
Facial Hair........None
Accessories........Sunglasses, Earing, Head Band

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Brown
Hair Cut...........Short
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black Pointy Cap
Hair Cut...........Black Pointy Cap
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Black
Hair Cut...........Small Afro
Facial Hair........Mustache, Goatee

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Red Cap
Hair Cut...........Red Cap
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black/Gray Hair
Hair Cut...........High and Straight
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Black Tom Hat
Hair Cut...........Black Tom Hat
Facial Hair........None
Accessories........Big Yellow Goggles

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Blue Cap
Hair Cut...........Blue Cap
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Brown Hair With A Blond Streak
Hair Cut...........High, Straight Up.
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Brown
Hair Color.........Shaved
Hair Cut...........Shaved
Facial Hair........Mustache

Skin Color.........Dark Brown
Hair Color.........Brownish
Hair Cut...........Short
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black Hair
Hair Cut...........Afro Type Looking With Spikes
Facial Hair........Trimmed

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........White Hat
Hair Cut...........White Hat
Facial Hair........Mustache

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black Baseball Hat
Hair Cut...........Black Baseball Hat
Facial Hair........Trimmed
Accessories........White Goggles

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Red Tom Hat
Hair Cut...........Red Tom Hat
Facial Hair........None

Skin Color.........White
Hair Color.........Blond Hair
Hair Cut...........Buzz
Facial Hair........Mustache

Skin Color.........Black
Hair Color.........Black Hair
Hair Cut...........Looks Like A Bush
Facial Hair........Trimmed

There are 27 bodies to choose from.

Top................Orange Sleevless Shirt
Bottom.............Gray Short Pants

Top................Yellow Basketball Jersey
Bottom.............White/Gray/Yellow Shorts

Top................Red Tank Top
Bottom.............Brown Cargo Shorts

Top................Blue Tank Top
Bottom.............Blue Shorts

Top................White Sleeveless Shirt
Bottom.............Orange Shorts

Top................Blue Shirt With White Logo
Bottom.............White Pants

Top................White Sleeveless Shirt
Bottom.............Gray Pants

Top................White Tank Top
Bottom.............Green Shorts

Top................Yellow Sleeveless Shirt With Black Logo
Bottom.............Blue Shorts

Top................Red Jacket (Jumpsuit)
Bottom.............Red Pants (Jumpsuit)

Top................White Sleeveless Shirt
Bottom.............Blue Shorts

Top................Yellow Tank Top With Green Stripe
Bottom.............Yellow Shorts With Knee Brace

Top................Blue Sleeveless Shirt With White Logo
Bottom.............Gray Shorts

Top................Blue Sleeveless Shirt With White Logo
Bottom.............Gray Shorts

Top................Red Jacket
Bottom.............Green Pants

Top................Blue and Orange Football Jersey
Bottom.............Blue Pants

Top................White T-Shirt With Blue Stripes
Bottom.............Blue Pants

Top................Gray Tank Top With Red Arm Band
Bottom.............Red Shorts With Knee Pads

Top................Blue Jacket With White Sleeves (Jumpsuit)
Bottom.............Blue Pants (Jumpsuit)

Top................White Shirt With Blue Horizontal Stripe
Bottom.............Blue Shorts With White Vertical Stripes

Top................Blue T-Shirt
Bottom.............White Shorts

Top................White Sleevless Shirt
Bottom.............Black and Yellow Shorts

Top................Blue and White Shirt With Red Arm Band
Bottom.............Dark Gray Shorts

Top................Red Clothing with White Undershirt
Bottom.............Blue Shorts

Top................White Shirt With Red Stripes
Bottom.............Blue Shorts With White and Red Stripe

Top................Red Sleevless Shirt With Blue Wrist Bands
Bottom.............Gray Shorts With Blue Kneepads

Top................Football Jersey With #27
Bottom.............Tan Cargo Pants

There are 32 shoes to choose from.


Color..............Dark Gray

Color..............White and Blue

Color..............Light Gray

Color..............White With Gray

Color..............Blue Bottom With White Sides

Color..............Black With a Little White

Color..............White With a Little Red

Color..............White and Dark Gray

Color..............Light Blue and Black

Color..............White and Gray

Color..............Black With Blue Stripes

Color..............Purple Bottom With Gray

Color..............White Bottom With Gray

Color..............Black With White Line

Color..............Blue With Black Heel

Color..............Black With White Back

Color..............Blue Bottom With Yellow Sides

Color..............Black and White

Color..............Blue With White Circles

Color..............White With Orange Stripes

Color..............Orange Boots

Color..............White With Black Flames

Color..............Teal With White


Color..............White Bottom With Dark Gray

Color..............Black With A Little White

Color..............Light Blue With White Heels

Color..............Dark Blue and White

Color..............Black With White Circles

Color..............Red Toe With White

Color..............White Sole and Gray Top

9: Street Tips
Have you ever quit a game and a screen came up with a tip on it? Well, I
know you have but you probably haven't noticed it. I decided to type out
all the Street Tips that the game tells you so you don't have to search for
them yourself. If you find anymore that I don't have listed feel free to
e-mail me with it.

Enter a user id to track progress, build a team, and develop your create
player. Save your progress, so you can play later.

Keep a close eye on the shot clock. If you hold the ball for too long, it
will cost your team momentum.

Joe "The Show" has a shot like butter.

Pump-fake when you catch the ball on the perimeter. If your defender leaves
his feet, drive the ball hard to the basket for an easy score.

They key to defeating Biggs is to hit perimeter shots, and use quicks to
combat his power. When he's got the ball, make him shoot it from outside.

Size is an advantage on the streets. Big men have an easier time shooting,
rebounding and blocking.

Picks are a great way to create room for a long-distance shot and to set up
alley-oops. Try to run your defender into the player providing the pick.

Blocks and steals are important to your team momentum.

Ending the game with a dunk will bust the rim.

Takashi was a gymnast until he grew too big to tumble.

Advanced tricks and dunks are worth more points than the basic ones. Learn
the control combos for these moves to earn big bonuses.

Conserve your turbo. You'll need it for trick moves and dunks.

Clear out after an offensive rebound to knock your defender over. Then you
can easily drain the open shot.

Off the inbound, quikcly pass it to the front man for a little one-on-one.

The longer you hold the court, the tougher the competition gets.

After a steal or block, quickly puss the ball down court for a transition
basket, and you can score a combo bonus.

10: Offensive Strategy
Offense is really important in any basketball game and that holds for NBA
Street. It's simple, if you can't score you won't win. After playing
numerous games of NBA Street I came up with an unstoppable strategy. I can
basically be any team and win my friends or the computer all the time. When
choosing a team make sure you pick a good three pointer team. Usually, I
go with the Indiana Pacers or the Milwaukee Bucks. Make sure you don't
choose two guards because then rebounding will become a problem. If you
have a player who is unstoppable at three pointers (i.e. Reggie Miller, Ray
Allen) then let them shoot the ball whenever they are even slightly open.
Usually, I go for dunks most of the time because it gets me a lot more trick
points. Before I shoot though, I do as many trick points as I can. Then
when the shot clock is ticking down I throw it to my big center and then
another player on the other team will guard him. He will be double covered
so then I throw it over to my point guard to take the open perimeter shot.
This works like a charm if the center or power forward is double covered.
If they are playing man on man coverage then take your best dunker in and
just jam on them all the time. It's not hard if you have a powerful dunker.
Some dunks that I use a lot are Dinners Served and the double alley-oop.
The double alley-oop will get you around 20,000 points which will fill up
your boost bar a lot. You can't really control when it's going to happen
but when one person goes up for an alley-oop and then you see another person
jump up after him then you know it's your chance. Pass it to the guy in
mid-air and then pass it while in mid-air to the other player. He will come
down and dunk it. Even if you can't do the double alley-oop the alley-oop
is a very good play to use. The alley-oop will regulary get you close to
11,000 points if you do a combo with it. The combo can be a steal, a
fake-out, a block, or anything in that matter. Remember when you do more
things before you score, you get more combinations, which will make you get
more trick points for getting the basket. If you are having trouble getting
shots off the pump fake works really good. Not only does the pump fake help
you get free from your defender, it can let you drive in to the hole for an
open shot. If you can't get a shot, make a shot. It's as simple as that.
Another thing I do on offense a lot is the slip 'n slide. This is the best
dribble to get past your defender and it's actually very simple. If you
trick out your defender while doing it, you'll get 3,000 points which is
really nice. To preform Dinner's Served make sure you are wide open at the
free throw line. Start running and tap all four turbo buttons and the
circle. If you pull it off you will get a lot of points but it's kind of
dangerous to do because it can get blocked a lot. Some important things to
make sure you don't do is never to stop in one spot and just dribble. This
will make it very easy for the person on defense to steal the ball. Also,
never go for wild shots because 99 percent of the time they won't fall. If
you are losing by a lot it's worse to take a 2 point shot from a center then
to just dunk the ball. You know that most of the centers can't drain 2
point shots so why even try? I hope that this strategy helps you a bit when
playing offense. If you need any extra help feel free to e-mail me at I will be happy to help you more on offense if you
need it.

11: Defensive Strategy
Defense is very key in all basketball games. I feel that in NBA Street
defense is more important then everything. NBA Street forces you to use the
blocks if you want to be good at the game. A lot of other games overlook
blocks which makes NBA Street a lot more difficult to get good at. Here I
decided to go over my defensive strategy I use. On defense, you always want
at least one tall player to grab rebounds and to hover in the paint. If you
got one guy in the paint at all time then he can block shots from there and
get the rebounds. Usually, I go with man on man coverage. Being that I use
a tall team, I have a tall guy on each player. This makes it so the player
will have to pump fake which a lot of players don't do. The guy in the
middle will block all the shots that aren't high. If you get use to the man
on man coverage you can stop anyone. Also, on defense don't be too
aggressive. If you are too aggressive the player will do a lot more tricks
and that will kill you. Only go for the steal if you think you have a 50
percent chance of stealing the ball. If you go for the steal and you miss
it, the player can run right pass you and have an open shot to the basket.
The block is a lot more effective in the game then the steal, and it gives
you a lot more points. When you expect the player to shoot the ball jump
up. If he pump fakes you don't worry because your big tall guy in the
center will have a chance to block the ball also. Never double cover only
on gamebreaker because it will leave a player open. If your opponent has a
gamebreaker or is close to getting one let him have an open basket. If he's
close to getting one and you don't let him fake you out or anything then he
won't get as many points for scoring. If your player has a gamebreaker and
you steal the ball, hold on to the ball as long as you can. Try running
down his gamebreaker because the gamebreaker does have a time limit on it.
Also, on defense try to make your player waste a lot of clock. If the shot
clock is at 5 and you swat his shot don't pick it up. Let him run over to
the ball and get the shot clock violation which not only gives you the ball
but makes his trick meter fall. All these smalls things combine will help
you become a much better player in NBA Street. If you have any additional
defensive questions feel free to e-mail me at

12: Blocking Strategy
Blocking is the most effective strategy in NBA Street if you need to get the
ball. Set up your defense so one player is in the middle of the key and
each other guy is on a man. When you expect your opponent to shoot jump up
and swat the shot. If he pump fakes you then move your other opponent up
and swat his shot when he actually shoots. I usually get about 5 blocks per
game. On dunks, time the block perfectly by blocking when the player is at
the height of his jump. This will swat the ball right before he puts it in
the basket. Occasionally, if you have a strong player, it will just push
the player away from the basket causing him to drop the ball. Blocking is a
key element to master in NBA Street and it's pretty self-explanatory. If
you have any other questions on blocking, feel free to e-mail me at

13: Stealing Strategy
Stealing is very easy to do in NBA Street if you have a good stealer. Don't
try stealing with your center or anyone that doesn't have a good stealing
rating because it won't work. When you steal the ball, make sure you go
right up to the guy and and try to steal the ball. If you try stealing from
too far away, you'll miss the ball totally. If you go way too close, before
you can press steal the offensive player will already be past you. Stealing
is a pretty dangerous thing to do because if you miss the ball then it
freezes your guy for a split second giving the other player a chance to
drive right past you. Also, note that stealing only gives you 1,000 points
while blocking gives you 2,500 points.

14: Gamebreaker Strategy
The Gamebreaker is a huge factor in NBA Street. If you don't do enough
tricks you'll never get it but if you depend on it too much you might be
disappointed. The Gamebreaker gives you either a 2 point change or a 4
point change in score if you pull it off. If you dunk on gamebreaker you
will get 50,000 points but you will only get one point and your opponent's
score will only drop one point. If you hit a 2 pointer on gamebreaker you
will get 25,000 points and you will get 2 points and your opponents score
will drop 2 points. When dunking with the gamebreaker it is usually an
automatic basket. If you shoot 2s with the gamebreaker then there is some
room to mess up. First off, never shoot 2s with your center even on
gamebreaker. There's a good chance that he will still miss the shot and
your gamebreaker will go off. Also, make sure you aren't guarded by a
taller player when you take your shot. If you get swatted, your gamebreaker
will be over. Usually, I don't pump fake on gamebreaker I just slip 'n
slide over my opponent first to knock him down and then run back to the 2
point line and hit the basket. It's good if you use a created player that's
tall and good at hitting 2 pointers because then it is almost impossible to
stop him. Make sure that you don't run out of time while doing your
gamebreaker because then it will end. If your opponent has their
gamebreaker and you have the ball run out the clock fully and then launch a
long shot from the other side of the court. It will usually touch the rim
if you shoot it with a 2 point shooter. While the ball is in flight, take
control of your center and jump up for the rebound. If you get the rebound,
run down the clock again and then your opponent will lose their gamebreaker.
It's a cheap thing to do but if you want to win you have to do it. Other
than that, there is really no more strategies on gamebreakers.

15: Secret Courts
There are 9 secret courts in the game and 12 courts altogether. Here I have
listed all the courts in the game with a brief description of each one.

Name......................Pacific Blvd.
Location..................Vancouver, British Columbia
Climate...................Cold and Rainy
Competition...............Above Average
Local Legend..............N/A
This brand-new court is located just off the water in the heart of downtown
Vancouver, British Columbia. On weekends it's busy throughout the day, and
the level of competition varies widely. The best runs here are at night,
when the finest STREET abllers and local pro players make it out. It rains
almost constantly in the city, but the players pay no mind. A little rain
can't stop true ballers from doing what they were born to do.

Name......................South Beach
Location..................Miami, Florida
Competition...............Average To Tough
Local Legend..............N/A
Located right on the beach itself, this sandy court is packed all day long
throughout the summer. This is a place to sere and be seen, with sunbathing
beauties lining the sand and tourists sitting on the restaurant patios
across the avenue. The best ballers don't show up until late afternoon,
when the intense heat has died down a bit. Games are played well into the
evening, with overhead spotlights illuminating the court surfrace. Better
stay focused at South Beach. Get caught checkin' the scenery and the
competition will run you off the court.

Name......................Route 66
Location..................Phoenix, Arizona
Competition...............Extremely Tough
Local Legend..............N/A
Rougly 20 steps off the famous Route 66, located in the middle of the
Arizona desert, lies this dusty old basketball court with hoops constructed
of stone and iron. Out on the court the only scenery and signs of
civilization you'll find are the surrounding mountains and the nearby motel.
But on weeknights in the early evening, the only scenery people care about
here is on the court, where elite players migrate from all around to get
their run on. The ball here is serious, and the competition is fierce, so
be prepared to leave it all on the court.

Name......................Beacon Hill
Location..................Boston, Massachusetts
Climate...................Cold and Snowy
Competition...............Above Average
Local Legend..............Biggs
Located next to a grade school in upscale Beacon Hill, this court is a
favorite weekend run for players all over Boston. Even when covered with
snow throughout the winter, dedicated ballers keep right on playing,
sweeping the snow off the court and going all day. If you want to run at
Beacon Hill, be sure to bring a lot of passion, 'cause only rhe strong
hearted will survive on this court.

Name......................Broad Street
Location..................Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Competition...............Very Tough
Local Legend..............Bonafide
This urban courte is located near the Temple University campus in downtown
Philadelphia. Local kids come down every night to hang out and watch the
games. The court surface and surroundings are a little run down, and there
are difinetely nicer courts in the city, but the best ball is played here.
It's not for the faint of heart. Games can get very physical, and trash
talk is dished out in a steady stream. If you're gonna talk the talk, make
sure you've got the game to back it up.

Name......................The Yard
Location..................Detroit, Michigan
Local Legend..............Drake Evans
The court is located in the industrial zone of the Motor City, next to what
was once a YMCA. Freight trains pass by like clockwork, delivering goods to
the nearby auto factories. Hardcore ballers run all day long at The Yard on
weekends, through the crowds never get too big. Be sure to check your pride
at the gate on the way in, 'cause trust me...your feelings will get hurt.

Name......................The Cage
Location..................Manhattan, New York City
Local Legend..............Skip to my Lou, The Goods, Starbury
The basketball hub of New York city. The Cage is the place to be - this is
the streetball capital of the world. Thousands of people walk by the court
on any given day, and there's always a crowd watching the games being
played. This is the ultimate stage for showmanship, where the game is as
much about embarrassing the competition as it is about winning. The subway
entrance located just a few feet from the court provides easy access to the
entire metro area. Players from the five New York City boroughs come to
showcase their skills here. You better come ready to play 'cause it will
get physical, guaranteed.

Name......................Venice Beach
Location..................Venice Beach, California
Competition...............Very Hard
Local Legend..............Donovan Jones
This West Coast streeball haven is located in sunny Venice, between the
boardwalk and the beautiful sandy beaches of Southern California. Local
players run from the sunrise to sunset, and around dusk is when things get
serious. Tha'ts when the elite STREET ballers come to play, and when people
settle on the bleachers to watch. If you want to ball at Venice Beach, just
remember winning isn't all that matters...It's just as important to look
good doing it.

Name......................The Loop
Location..................Chicago, Illinois
Competition...............Above Average
Local Legend..............N/A
Located off the lake just outside downtown Chicago, this court and the
surrounding park are a local favorite. Every week people come down to sit
by the fountain and watch the games play through the afternoon. The ballers
here put on quite a show, driving the ball up and down the court for
rim-rocking slams and butter-smooth lay-ups. If you want to play at The
Loop, be sure to bring your whole game, 'cause you're gonna need it.

Name......................Yakatomi Plaza
Location..................Los Angeles, California
Local Legend..............Taskashi Sato
If you're afraid of heighs then this court is not for you. Yakatomi Plaza
is located high above the ground in Japantown in downtown LA. Sitting on a
rooftop, surrounded by all sides by neon lights and concrete high-rises,
this is a corporate court, unlike any other. During business hours, the
court is restricted to employee use only, but on Friday nights the lights go
down and the real battles begin. Private access ensures that only the best
ballers make it up to the roof, and onlookers are limited. Local legends
and pro players show up every week to fight it out on the tar.

Name......................Fort Point
Location..................San Francisco, California
Competition...............Tough as Nails
Local Legend..............N/A
Sitting in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge, Fort Point is home for the
Bay Area's baddest ballers. During the week it's pretty quiet, but once the
weekeend hits, things relly heat up. Ankle breaking crossovers,
ego-cripping swat-blocks - Bay Area players put all their skills on display
at the Point. In this foggy city, you better bring your A game or don't
bring any game at all.

Name......................Rucker Park
Location..................Harlem, New York
Competition...............Best in the City
Local Legend..............Stretch
Located at 155th Street in Harlem, this legendary court has showcased the
talents of the greatest players ever to pick up a basketball. With a long
and distinguished basketball history, this is easily the most famous
streeball court in the world. The city's best players run here, and you'll
find a dedicated community representing the heart and soulf of the game.
Games run day and night, but the best competition shows up in the annual
tournaments that showcase STREET Legends and pro players alike. This run is
only for the serious ballers - part-time ballers need not apply.

16: Secret Players
There are 19 secret players in NBA Street with 6 of them being Street
Legends. I did not put the Street Legends in this section because there is
a section for them.

Real Name...........................Michael Jordan
Weight..............................216 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Rucker Park
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Baseball
Playing Style.......................True Champion

Name................................Team Dream
Real Name...........................Magma Man
Weight..............................583 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Dominant Inside

Name................................Team Dream
Real Name...........................Graylien Alien
Weight..............................142 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Out of This World
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Speedy Playmaker

Name................................Team Dream
Real Name...........................Yeti Snowman
Weight..............................426 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Towering Defender

Name................................EA Sports BIG
Real Name...........................Moby Jones
Weight..............................180 Pounds
Blood Type..........................A-
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Pro Snowboarder
Playing Style.......................Free Spirit

Name................................EA Sports BIG
Real Name...........................Zoe Payne
Weight..............................130 Pounds
Blood Type..........................AB
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Pro Snowboarder
Playing Style.......................Wild and Reckless

Name................................EA Sports BIG
Real Name...........................Tracey Maretti
Weight..............................160 Pounds
Blood Type..........................O
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Pro Snowmobiler
Playing Style.......................Sassy Leader

Real Name...........................Kiely
Weight..............................96 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Vocalist
Playing Style.......................Smooth Entertainer

Real Name...........................Naturi
Weight..............................101 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Vocalist
Playing Style.......................Clutch Preformer

Real Name...........................Adrienne
Weight..............................95 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................Unknown
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Vocalist
Playing Style.......................Intense Competitor

Name................................NYC Legends
Real Name...........................Skip To My Lou
Weight..............................173 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................The Cage
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Mad Handles

Name................................NYC Legends
Real Name...........................The Goods
Weight..............................213 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................The Cage
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Mr. Versatility

Name................................NYC Legends
Real Name...........................Starbury
Weight..............................180 Pounds
Blood Type..........................Unknown
Home Court..........................The Cage
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Unknown
Playing Style.......................Scoring Playmaker

17: Street Legends
There are 6 street legends in the game. Here I have listed all the names of
the players with a brief description on them.

Street Legend.......................Biggs
Real Name...........................Lewis Barker
Weight..............................255 Pounds
Hometown............................London, England
Currently Resides...................Boston, Massachusettes
Blood Type..........................A+
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Boxing, Snowboarding, Soccer
Playing Style.......................Physical Banger
Baller Bio:
Stronger then a cup of two-day-old espresso and built like a heavyweight
prizefighter, Biggs is the definition of blue-collar. What he lacks in pure
talent he more than makes up for in hard work and never-say-die attitude.
This 6'9" monster will fight for every rebound and challenges every shot
while prowling the lane like a man posessed. Think you can keep him out of
the paint? Unlikely - he'll muscle you aside and dunk it on ya. But
because he's so polite, he might just thank you.

Street Legend.......................Bonafide
Real Name...........................Carlito Vargas
Weight..............................160 Pounds
Hometown............................Bronx, New York
Currently Resides...................Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Blood Type..........................B
Occupation..........................Aspiring Rapper
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Lowriders
Playing Style.......................Arrogant Playmaker
Baller Bio:
This fiery little Latino can ball with the best of them. Bonafide's got
more game than a toy store. With ankle-breaking moves and phat passing
skills to boot, he moves faster with the ball than everyone else without it.
How quick is he? He'll break you down before you can even think about
reacting. And then he'll do it again. At the other end of the floor,
Bonafide developed into a defensive stopper, locking up guys tighter than
Fort Knox. He also brings a wicked outside shot to the table, making his
skills truly "Bonafide."

Street Legend.......................Drake
Real Name...........................Drake Evans
Weight..............................185 Pounds
Hometown............................Grosse Point, Michigan
Currently Resides...................Detroit, Michigan
Blood Type..........................AB
Occupation..........................Aspiring D.J.
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Sport Bikes
Playing Style.......................Pure Shooter
Baller Bio:
You don't have to like Drake, but you'd better respect his skills. That
means stepping out every time he catches the rock, otherwise he'll be
busting his sweet jumper and telling you about it all the way back down
court. Drake comes with grade A skills. His jumper's butter smooth with
range for days, and he can knock it down with a man in his face. He loves
setting up on the 3-point line and draining buckets, filling up the basket
like he's preparing a picnic. There aren't many better than Drake at
getting under a player's skin. He's about as cocky as they come, and he'll
give you an ear-full every time he scores.

Street Legend.......................DJ
Real Name...........................Donovan Jones
Weight..............................212 Pounds
Hometown............................Trench Town, Jamaica
Currently Resides...................Venice, California
Blood Type..........................A
Occupation..........................Taxi Driver
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Soccer
Playing Style.......................Above the Rim
Baller Bio:
Give this Jamaican high flyer a lane and you better flee the scene quick,
'cause he's about to stuff the rock with authority. DJ's got more bounce
than a hip hop video. With a seemingly endless repertoire of jams, DJ looks
to take it to the hole every trip down the floor. This legend soars high
above the rim, but there's more to his game than just the monster dunk. He
can hurt you all kinds of ways. Whether he's shooting the rock from the
outside, or breaking guys off the dribble, DJ is flashy and smooth and he
loves making player look silly. He'll throw down on anybody at anytime.

Street Legend.......................Takashi
Real Name...........................Takashi Sato
Weight..............................270 Pounds
Hometown............................Yokohama, Japan
Currently Resides...................Los Angeles, California
Blood Type..........................B
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Kickboxing, Gymnastics
Playing Style.......................Shot-swatter Supreme
Baller Bio:
There's no overlooking this big fella...7'8" of shot blocking intensity.
Takashi is looking to reject every shot that comes his way, protecting the
basket like it was his family. His height allows him to dunk the ball for
easy baskets, and his long arms suck up rebounds like a vacuum, but Takashi
lives to swat shots. Don't even bother shooting if you see him nearby,
'cause he'll send the ball back faster than a Japanese bullet train.

Street Legend.......................Stretch
Real Name...........................Clifford Monroe
Weight..............................247 Pounds
Hometown............................Harlem, New York
Currently Resides...................Brooklyn, New York
Nationality.........................African American
Blood Type..........................0+
Occupation..........................School Teacher
Additional Sports/Hobbies...........Distance Running
Playing Style.......................Old-school Finesse
Baller Bio:
This cool cat is one of the best players never to have played in the NBA.
Originally hailing from East Harlem, Stretch made his first mark on the
parks and playgrounds of New York City. He'll amaze you with his arsenal of
old-school hooks and finger-rolls, gliding gracefully to the hoop with his
long, lean frame. Young bucks keep trying to take the old man, but his
silky skills and basketball savvy have left Stretch undefeated after all
these years. Every year he grows older, he gets a little wiser.

18: Secret Cheats
Here are all the cheats that you can unlock in NBA Street. You can unlock
these cheats by doing the City Circuit Mode and getting a certain number of
wins. There are five different icons. There is a turn table, basketball,
shoe, hoop, and microphone. There are four boxes for each cheat. There are
43 cheats in the game. Make sure you press up on the d-pad when you enter
the cheats in. If you entered the cheat correctly, it should say the name
of it.

No Cheats
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Turn Table......Turn Table......Turn Table

Casual Uniforms
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Turn Table......Basketball......Basketball

Authentic Uniforms
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Basketball......Turn Table......Turn Table

Player Names
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Shoe............Hoop

No Auto Replays
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Shoe............Turn Table......Turn Table

No HUD Display
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Microphone......Turn Table......Shoe

No Player Indicators
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Summetime Joe "The Show"
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Basketball......Basketball......Turntable

Springtime Joe "The Show"
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Turn Table......Basketball......Turn Table

Athletic Joe " The Show"
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Shoe............Basketball......Turn Table

No Shot Indicator
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Explosive Rims
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Shoe............Microphone......Basketball

ABA Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Turn Table......Basketball

Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Shoe............Basketball

NuFX Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Hoop............Basketball

Ea BIG Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Microphone......Basketball

Beach Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Turn Table......Shoe

Medicine Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Turn Table......Hoop

Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Turn Table......Turn Table......Microphone

Soccer Ball
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Basketball......Shoe............Turn Table......Basketball

Tiny Players
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Big Heads
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Microphone......Turn Table......Shoe............Turn Table

Tiny Heads
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

ABA Socks
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

No Shot Clock
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Less Gamebreakers
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Hoop............Microphone......Shoe

More Gamebreakers
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Microphone......Hoop............Shoe

No Gamebreakers
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Microphone......Microphone......Shoe

No Juice
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Turn Table......Microphone......Microphone......Hoop

Unlimited Turbo
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Easy Distance Shots
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Shoe............Turn Table......Hoop............Basketball

Harder Distance Shots
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

Mega Dunking
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Basketball......Turn Table......Basketball

Ultimate Power
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Turn Table......Turn Table......Basketball

Mad Handles
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Shoe............Turn Table......Basketball

Super Swats
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Hoop............Turn Table......Basketball

Sticky Fingers
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Microphone......Turn Table......Basketball

Captain Quicks
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Basketball......Shoe............Turn Table

No Dunks
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Basketball......Turn Table......Shoe

Less Blocks
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Turn Table......Shoe............Hoop

Less Steals
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Turn Table......Microphone......Basketball

No Alley-Oops
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4
Hoop............Microphone......Turn Table......Shoe

No 2-Pointers
No Cheats
Box #1..........Box #2..........Box #3..........Box #4

19: Top 5 NBA Teams
Here are the Top 5 NBA Teams in my opinion for NBA Street.

Team Name.......Orlando Magic
The Magic are a great team in this game for two reason. Tracy McGrady and
Grant Hill. McGrady is one of the best players in the game because he can
hurt you from anywhere. Hill is a great shooter. Together this team packs
a lot talent and will always put up a great challenge.

Team Name.......Portland Blazers
The Blazers are excellent in NBA Street. Rasheed Wallace is dominate down
low and Scottie Pippen and Damon Stoudamire can shoot from all over the
court. Throw in Steve Smith for a great extra player and you have an
overall perfect team.

Team Name.......Los Angeles Lakers
Number 3 you ask? A lot of people would put the Lakers as the best team in
the game. I don't think that's true but they are a excellent team to use.
Shaquille O'Neal is overpowering in the paint and Kobe Bryant is a great
shooter. Horace Grant, Robert Horry, and Derek Fisher are also good players
to have on the court.

Team Name.......Milwaukee Bucks
Ray Allen is probably the best player in the game. He can make shots from
everywhere all the time. He also plays exceptional defense and what he
lacks in size he makes up in speed. Even though the Bucks aren't that tall
of a team, they still get the job done all the time.

Team Name.......Indiana Pacers
In my opinion, the Indiana Pacers are the best team in the game. Reggie
Miller is an incredible 3 point shooter and Jalen Rose is great all around.
Throw in Jermaine O'Neal for rebounds and you got the greatest team in the

20: Unstoppable Team
This is the unstoppable team section in my guide. Here I have listed my
unstoppable team. If you want your team to be up here, send me an e-mail
with the three players you use and I'll post it with your e-mail address.

My Three Players:
Yeti Snowman
Future (Created Player Maxed Out)

Yeti Snowman is a great rebounder and shot blocker. Keep him in the paint
and he'll block almost everything that is shot. Future is maxed out in all
stats and he weighs 350 pounds and is 8 feet tall. He can shoot 2s all day
long. He'll never get blocked either. Drake is a Street Legend who can
shoot jays all day long. If he has no one in his face you can expect his 2s
to go in 95 percent of the time. With all three players on the court at one
time, this team never losses.

21: High Scores
Here are the high scores in my game. If you want your name up on the board
e-mail me and I'll add it.

circuit champs

htc legends


win percentage
9...........neil r..........35.......65........350

Rank........User..................Total Points

most trick points
drethug.........pacific blvd...............261,000
drethug.........south beach................315,000
drethug.........route 66...................343,250
drethug.........beacon hill................356,000
drethug.........broad street...............428,750
drethug.........the yard...................481,750
drethug.........the cage...................621,000
drethug.........venice beach...............577,750
drethug.........the loop...................637,000
boolum..........yakatomi plaza.............700,000
drethug.........fort point.................859,000
drethug.........rucker park................1,032,250

total trick points

game trick points

Rank........User..................Total Dunks
7...........neil r................200
8...........mighty d..............150

long range shots
Rank........User..................Total Shots
7...........mighty d..............100

Rank........User..................Total Steals
8...........mighty d..............125

Rank........User..................Total Blocks

Rank........User..................Total Alley-Oops


single game gamebreakers
Rank........User..................1 Game

busted rims
Rank........User..................Busted Rims

22: Team Statistics
Here I have listed all the teams that you can be in the game and their basic
statistics. This will help you choose what team to be without having to
look around for a while.

Because it was hard to determine exactly how long the bar is for each
catergory on each team, I have decided to make my own rankings that are very
similiar to the games. If I give a team a:

3.............Bar Filled Up Completely
2.5...........Bar Really High
2.0...........Bar Above Average
1.5...........Bar Average
1.0...........Bar Below Average
0.5...........Bar Really Low
0.0...........Bar Has Nothing

Team Name..........Atlanta Hawks
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Boston Celtics
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Charlotte Hornets
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Chicago Bulls
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Cleveland Cavaliers
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Dallas Mavericks
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Denver Nuggets
3 Point............2.0

Team Name..........Detroit Pistons
3 Point............0.5

Team Name..........Golden State Warrios
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Houston Rockets
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Indiana Pacers
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........Los Angeles Clippers
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Los Angeles Lakers
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Miami Heat
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Milwaukee Bucks
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........Minnesota Timberwolves
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........New Jersey Nets
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........New York Knicks
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........Orlando Magic
3 Point............2.0

Team Name..........Philadelphia 76ers
3 Point............2.0

Team Name..........Phoenix Suns
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........Portland Blazers
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Sacramento Kings
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........San Antonio Spurs
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Seattle Sonics
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Toronto Raptors
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Utah Jazz
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Vancouver Grizzlies
3 Point............1.0

Team Name..........Washington Wizards
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........New York Legends
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........3LW
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........BIG
3 Point............2.5

Team Name..........Dream
3 Point............1.5

Team Name..........Street Legends
3 Point............3.0

23: Personal Review
I didn't know what to think of NBA Street when I read the reviews online.
Even though it got really high scores I didn't think I would like the
concept of the game. When I went over my friends house and saw how great the
game was I wanted to buy the game right when I got home. NBA Streetz is
probably the best basketball game out there on the market. It has a mix of
SSX in it, a spice of NBA Hoopz, and it still keeps the concept of
basketball. EA Sports BIG really created a great game for the Playstation 2

Graphics: 9
The graphics in NBA Street are awesome. The player models look similiar to
what the players look like in real life. The courts are beautifully designed
with many different background images. The whole game runs very smooth and I
never see any slow down except when the tip off happens. Also, the different
combos you do look extrememly sweet when you do some of the cooler combos.
Overall, you couldn't ask for better graphics in a arcade-like basketball

Gameplay: 10
Gameplay-wise, NBA Street outshines all the other basketball games out there
on the market. Not only can you be all the NBA teams in the league, you can
play with legends, 3LW, the SSX team, and teams that you created. The
statistic system is awesome tracking all your wins, losses, trick points,
etc. There are diffedrent modes of play where you can unlock courts and
hidden players. The thing that makes NBA Street so different from other
basketball games is there is no game clock. The player who scores 21 points
first wins. Doing trick points will raise your special bar and when that
maxes out and you make a shot it adds 2 points to your score and deducts 1
point to your opponents score. If you hit a 3 pointer it actually can bring
you from being down by 1 to up by 3. The AI in this game is also great and
is pretty hard when you sit the game on the highest difficulty level.

Control: 10
Control in NBA Street is excellent. When I first picked up the game I got
use to the controls before the first game was over. Basically, there is a
shoot button, pass button, special button, and four turbo buttons. When you
combine buttons together you make special shots and things like that. There
is a block button and steal button on defense which is extremely necessary
to use. The block button is basically a jump but instead the guy swats his
hand in the air. This is the most effective way of getting the ball from
your opponent. Also, there is a dive button and a couple other trick buttons
that you can use in the game. Overall, you couldn't ask for me in the
control section for NBA Street.

Sound: 8
The worse part of the game is probably the sound which isn't bad at all. The
only thing that I don't really like about the sound is that the announcer
doesn't say that many witty comments like they do in most of the other
basketball games. It seems like the announcer says the same thing over and
over again which can get annoying after a while. Other than that, the
announcer is pretty cool. The sound could have been a little better but
still does not hamper the overall score for NBA Street.

Overall: 10
Now you are probably wondering where you should buy this game. I wouldn't
order it online because it would take at least a day to get there which will
prevent time from playing. Go out now and buy NBA Streetz even if you don't
like basketball. This is a great basketball game which is overlooked by a
lot of people now that Gran Turismo is out. Make sure you buy this game at
any costs.

24: Dunks/Tricks
Here are all the dunks/tricks that you can get in NBA Street. Thanks to for supplying these codes.

Advanced Trick Dunks
There are also four basic trick moves that are not listed below that can be
performed by pressing one of the turbo buttons and Circle.
Information in this section was contributed by JJ SPORTS and Master Ben.
Around The World: Hold R1 + R2 + L1, then press Circle.
Backbreaker: Hold L2 + R2, then press Circle.
Dinner's Served: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle when heading
straight towards the hoop while inside the freethrow line.
Dominator: Hold L1 + L2, then press Circle.
Dunkalicious: Hold L2 + L1 + R2, then press Circle.
Groundshaker: Hold R1 + R2, then press Circle.
Hammerdown: Hold R1 + L1, then press Circle.
Highrise: Hold R2 + L1, then press Circle.
Special Delivery: Hold L2 + L1 + R1, then press Circle.
Superfly: Hold L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle.
Wake Up Call: Hold L2 + R1, then press Circle.
Put It Home: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, then press Circle while not moving
close to the hoop. Note: If you are moving you may pull off "Dinner's Served

Random Tricks
To perform these tricks, hold any of the turbo buttons, then press Square.
Information in this section was contributed by JJ SPORTS and Master Ben.
Check Yo Bags
Double Take
Fro Fake
Left Behind
Left Ya
Off the Hook
Roll On
Top Spin
Two Time
Wrap Around

Random Dunks
To perform these dunks, hold any of the turbo buttons, then press Circle.
Information in this section was contributed by JJ SPORTS and Master Ben.
Air Patrol
All That
Air Raid
Around The Way
Counter Strike
Direct Flight
Honey Dip
Jam City
Look Out Below
Mamma Jamma
Rapid Rise
Rise Up

25: Frequently Asked Questions
There are a lot of questions that a lot of people regularly ask about NCAA
Football 2002. Here I have listed those questions and the answers to the

Who makes NBA Street?
EA Sports BIG does. The same creators as SSX.

How many players do you get to play with?
During the game, there is 3 players on each team.

I got NBA Hoopz over this game. Was that a good decision?
No, NBA Street is so much better then NBA Hoopz. Even though NBA Hoopz is
made by Midway, it seems like it's the same game that we were playing years
ago. NBA Street has a fresh new style to it.

How many teams are in NBA Street?
There's all the NBA teams plus many secret teams that you can unlock.

How do you dive in NBA Street?
Tap any two turbos.

Why did you make this guide after the game was already out for a month?
When I first got NBA Street, I was looking to see if there was any guides on
the net. I thought if I found one, I would not make a guide because the
guide would probably have all the information you would need in it. When I
read over the guide, I found basically just cheats and basic strategies that
anyone would know. I felt that I needed to do something about it so I
decided to make a great guide on NBA Street.

Is there a Create-A-Player?

How many different game modes are in the game?
Well if you count the practice mode there is three modes of play you can
play in.

I heard there is no game clock is that true?
Yeah theres no clocks in the game except the shot clock.

Are there quarters in the game?

How do you win in the game?
First team to score 21 points wins.

What does the gamebreaker do?
If you shoot a 2 with gamebreaker on it gives you 2 points and deducts 2
points from the other team. It can do a change of 4 points.

Who is the best NBA team in NBA Street?
I believe that the Indiana Pacers are the NBA best team in the game.

How do I get all four emblems to light up on my profile?
Win the City Circuit, Beat the Hold The Court, Unlock all the secrets in the
game, and max out your created player.

I'm having trouble with NBA Street. Where can I find help?
Feel free to e-mail me at I will usually respond
within 6 hours of your e-mail.

26: Credits
This strategy guide was made 99 percent by me. The only people I would like
to thank is:

GameWinners (

For supplying all the codes for this guide. Without them, there would be no
codes for the game on this guide.

27: Ways Of Contacting Me
There are a few ways that you contact me.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions send them this way. I
will usually respond in 12 hours or less.

AIM: BenjaminCollecta
If you have an urgent thing to say to me feel free to im me. I'm usually
always signed online but sometimes I'm not there. I would like only people
who want to chat with me about NCAA Football 2002 to im me under this sn.
If you have any urgent questions then feel free to IM me here. You might
not get a response though.

Cell Phone:
If you need to call me for some reason feel free to e-mail me and I'll give
you my cell phone number. I'm not going to post it on the guide though
because many people might bug me by calling it. This is for hardcore gamers
who want to chat with me personally.

28: Before You E-mail Me
Please don't e-mail me asking stupid questions or I won't respond. When I
use to write strategy guides under a different name I would get 100's of
e-mails asking the same question which I already answered in my FAQ. Don't
think I'm being mean if I don't respond to your e-mail, it's just that I
have many other FAQs and I get tons of e-mail a day. Also, if you want to
e-mail me about the game please put in the Subject of the email NBA Street
so I know what game I'm getting e-mailed about. If I just see hey or
something like that, I might think it's porn and just delete it. Now if you
write an educated e-mail to me, then for sure you will get a response.

29: Legal Information
Basically, for all the people that want to steal my information and put it
on their website, FAQ, or anything like that can't. This document Copyright
2001 DreThug can not be reproduced in any way without written permission
from it's author (DreThug). If you would like to use this strategy guide on
your website please just send me an e-mail at and I will
most likely give you permission to use this guide at your site. Remember
the most updated version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFAQs
( so if you think I haven't updated this guide in a while
you might just be looking at an old version of it. If I find that anyone
copied any of my information you will be screwed.

30: Final Thoughts
I haven't had this much fun in a basketball game for a while before playing
NBA Street. This guide was as much fun to write as NBA Street is to play.
I really hope that you guys enjoy this guide because I wanted a good guide
on the net for NBA Street. Make sure to check out all my other strategy
guides because they all have DreThug's seal of approval on it. Thanks for
reading and if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to
e-mail me at:

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