

13.10.2013 23:01:11

Nickname: PoWeRMaN5000
Game: TimeSplitters
System: PlayStation 2
FAQ Size: 19KB
TimeSplitters Map Maker FAQ

Copyright © 2001 by Orry Harding (PoWeRMaN5000)
All rights reserved. No part of this FAQ may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without the written permission of the Author.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Update History
3. About the Map Maker
4. Tile Pieces
5. Selecting & Placing Tile Pieces
6. Items
7. Adding Items
8. Lights
9. Selecting & Placing Lights
10. Map Maker Menu
11. Author's Notes
12. Outro

1. Introduction

Why exactly did I create this FAQ? I created this FAQ to help people out
with the Map Maker and to let people know about some of the secrets that
I have found. There are plenty of secrets in the Map Maker that I have
discovered almost every time on accident when just playing around with
the Map Maker. Read on if you would like to know anything else...

2. Update History

Version 1.0; April 2, 2001 - Thought, Created, and Typed FAQ.

Version 1.1; April 6, 2001 - Added Tile Pieces, Items, & Lights sections.

Version 1.2; June 14, 2001 - Added Author's Notes & Deleted Secrets.

3. About the Map Maker

The Map Maker is a very intuitive and sophisticated tool that allows you
to create your own levels. To access the Map Maker select 'Map Maker'
from the Arcade game menu.

Map maker Startup Screen

Load Map

To load a map from a memory card (8MB, for PlayStation 2) and then play
it firstly, ensure that you have inserted the correct memory card into
a free MEMORY CARD slot.

If map data is found on the memory card a list of stored maps will be
displayed. Use the UP/DOWN directional button to highlight the desired
map and then press the X button to load it.

If the message "No maps" is displayed then you have inserted a memory card
that does not have any maps stored on it. Press the [] button to view and
select all inserted memory cards. Alternatively, plress the Triangle (T)
button to return to the "Map Maker startup screen."

Edit/Create New Map...

To create a new map or to edit an existing map highlight this option and
press the X button.

Creating a New Map

Cursor - This is the arrow tool that is used for directing where tile pieces
are to be placed, for selecting tile pieces, and for placing items and

Guide - This is the small picture in the top right corner of the screen of
the four main buttons used in the Map Maker (X, [], T, O). This shows what
actions can be done with the four buttons. The funtions of the buttons
change dependant on what you are currently doing within the Map Maker.

Selection - This indicates the current slection to be placed intot he map
("Tile", "Item", or "Light").

Levels - This is the picture in the top left corner of the screen which
indicates which floor is currently being viewed. A shaded tile piece
idicates that it is on the floor below the current floor. You can move
up a floor by pressing the L1 button or down a floor by pressing the L2

Grid - This is the grid that you see through out the whole time while
building your level. It is there so you can place tile pieces and arrange
them in whatever ored you like.

Memory Usage - This is the bar on the center-top of the screen. It
indicates how much memory is remaining for the current map. If you try to
add an item when all the memory has been used, a message will be displayed
stating that memory is full. Additionally, if you try and place a tile
piece that is too large for the remaining memory the memory usage bar will
flash orange and red and you will not be able to place the tile. You will
need to remove items or tiles from the map to free up enough memory so that
you can continue.

Moving Around the Map Maker

Left Analog Stick - Moves the cursor in all directions.

X Button - "Select" (grab) a tile piece or if already selected "Place" a

[] - Whilist the cursor is over a tile piece press the [] button to make a
copy of the highlighted tile piece.

Triangle Button - Delete the highlighted tile piece.

Circle Button - Marks a tile piece. This useful for marking a number of
tile pieces that you want to copy or more. An alternative to marking each
tile piece individually is to drag the cursor arcross a selection of the
pieces whilist holding down the X button.

L1 Button - Move up a level.

L2 Button - Move down a level.

R1 Button - Zoom in.

R2 Button - Zoom out.

Left Directional Button - Previous Selection.

Right Directional Button - Next Selection.

Select Button - Bring up the Map Maker menu.

Start Button - Bring up the Map Maker menu.

4. Pieces

Name Size Number of Floors

One Piece Hallway 1 x 1 1
Two Piece Hallway 1 x 2 1
3-Way Hallway 2 x 3 1
Corner 1 x 1 1
2-Way Entrance Room 2 x 2 1
4-Way Entrance Room 2 x 2 1
4-Way Hallway 3 x 3 1
One-Sided Wall 1 x 1 1
Sniper Post 3 x 3 2
Turning Ramp 2 x 2 2
Hallway-Room Connector 1 x 3 1
Free Way 1 x 1 1
Ramp - Corner 3 x 3 2
Ramp - Straight 3 x 3 2
Four-Way 3 x 3 2
Square 3 x 3 2
Corner 2 x 2 2
Ramp 1 x 2 2
U Turn 2 x 3 2
Straight 2 x 3 2
Large Room 9 x 10 3

5. Selecting & Placing Tile Pieces

Move the "Cursor" over to the tile pieces. As the "Cursor" passes over a
tile piece you will notice that a 3D view tile appears on the right.
This view is useful in helping you to visualize how a tile piece is
structured in the generated level.

Continue moving the "Cursor" over the tile pieces until you have
identified a suitable choice and press the X button to pick up a tile

* MAP MAKER TIP -=- You can also press the Circle button to go tot he
next page which has more tile pieces from which to select. Alternatively,
you can access the next page by moving the "Cursor" over the "NEXT PAGE"
picture and pressing the X button.

Having selected a tile piece you will now be back at the map grid screen.
Place the tile as desired by pressing the X button.

Select another tile piece and place this next to the first tile piece.
Note that each tile has a connecting section (indentified by a thin red
line on the tile piece). These need to be lined up with adjacent tile
pieces. To rotate a tile piece make sure that you've grabbed it i.e. you
can move the tile piece around the grid using the cursor. You can rotate
the grabbed tile piece thought 90 degrees by pressing the Circle button.

You are strongly encouraged to experiment with placing tiles, grabbing
tiles, rotating them, marking them, copying them, and even marking whole
selections of the tiles, and then copying, rotating and placing them.

Very quickly you will be able to build a good map. When you are
satisfied with your new map, it's time to start adding items.

6. Items

Start All
Start Red
Start Blue
Start Yellow
Start Green
Bag Base Red
Bag Base Blue
Bag Base Yellow
Bag Base Green
Health Low
Health High
Bag (BagTag)
Bag (KnockOut)
Armor Low
Armor High
Gun 1
Gun 2
Gun 3
Gun 4
Gun 5

7. Adding Items

Use the LEFT/RIGHT directional button to bring up the "Item" Selection.
Move the cursor over a tile that you wish to place items in and press the
X button.

Guide - An onscreen guide to indicate the functions of the X, [], Circle
and Triangle buttons at that moment in time should be in the upper right
corner of your screen.

3D View - A 3D view of the tile with uncovered X's showing possible item
placements and covered X's showing a placed item should appear in the
tile piece.

Left Analog Stick - Move the cursor.

Right Analog Stick - Rotate 3D view.

X Button - Place a highlighted or copied item on an empty tile item slot.

Trianlge Button - Return to the Map Maker Grid Screen.

[] Button - Copy an item.

Up Directional Button - Move the item selection bar up to the next item
in the list.

Down Directional Button - Move the item selection bar down to the next
item in the list.

Left Direntional Button - Modify the attributes of the currently
highlighted item in the list.

Right Directional Button - Modify the attributes of the currently
highlighted item in the list.

* MAP MAKER TIP -=- As a basic rule you should always place at a "START"
item somewhere in the map. Also, at least one gun item should be placed
in the map unless it's an all out fistfight of course!

Finally, you may now wish to add some lighting to the mao.

8. Lights


Yellow Green
Light Yellow
Aqua Green
Sky Blue
Light Blue
Light Violet


Flickering Slow
Flickering Medium
Flickering Fast
Switching Slow
Switching Medium
Switching Fast
Pulsing Slow
Pulsing Medium
Pulsing Fast

9. Selecting & Placing Lights

>From the Map Maker grid screen move the cursor over an empty part of the
grid and press the X button. Move the cursor over the "Light" option
and press the X button.

Plette - A slection of lighting colors. Press the X button twice over
any color to bring up the full color spectrum of available colors.

Effect - Eleven different lighting effects are offered from "ON/OFF",
flickering, pulsing and switching.

Rate - The rate at which the chosen effect cycles. The higher the number,
the more frequent the effect is played.

Move the cursor over a color on the "Palette" and press the X button.

Note: Pressing the X button twice in quick succession on a color will
switch to a color spectrum allowing a wider choice of shades.

Change the rate by moving the cursor within the scale and pressign the X
button. You will note that the scale bar moves as does the number
signifying the current rate setting.

Press the Triangle button to return to the Map Maker Grid Screen.

You will notice that the tiles each have a small box located in their
center. Move the cursor over the destination tile and plress the X button
to apply the lighting effect. You may continue to add the same lighting
effect to ther tile pieces. In addition, you may return to the lighting
menu and choose a different color and effect.

You can change the rate of a lighting effect by pressing the Circle button
whilist the cursor is over the relevant tile. Alternatively, you can reset
a light to its default by pressing the Triangle button over the necessary
tile. Finally, you can copy a lighting effect from one tile to another by
moving the cursor over the lit tile to be copied, pressing the [] button
and then moving the cursor over the destination tile and pressing the X

** Congratulations!!! You have now created your map. It is not very
difficult at all!!! Is it? You will now want to test the map itself
in "real life."

10. Map Maker Menu

Press the the SELECT/START button to bring up the Map Maker Menu.

Use the UP/DOWN directional button to highlight menu items.

Use the X button to select an option.

Use the Triangle button to return to the Map Maker Grid Screen.

* Map Settings - Allows you to select the tileset theme for this map and
also the background music to be played. Use the UP/DOWN directional button
to highlight a menu item and LEFT/RIGHT directional button to chenge the
selection. Press the Triangle button to return to the map maker Menu.

Edit description allows you to enter a personalised description that
captures the theme of the map you have just created (to a maximum of 60
characters in length).

* Preview Map - Allows you to preview the map in one of six game modes. Not
all game modes may be supported. This is because you have not placed the
necessary items into the map to support that particular game mode. The
Map Maker helps you identify what is missing by providing information. To
check out what items you are mission use the UP/DOWn directional button to
highlight a game mode and press the X button to read the information. Once
you have read the information, press the X button to close the window and
return to the "Preview Map..." menu. If a game mode you require is not
supported you will need to return tot he Map Maker Grid Screen and add the
necessary items as suggested.

Once you have acces ti a gameplay mode you require (you will always be able
to play a deathmatch game) highlight your choice and press the X button to

* Undo Last Change - Cancel the previous operation perfromed on the map.

* Center Map - Repostitions the view so that the center of the map is
located in the central view. Also, the level zoom defaults to an optimum
viewing distance.

* Clear Map - Delete the entire map. Confirmation is required. Warning: If
the map has not been saves and then is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

* Options - Allows you to set the intensity of the grid. Simply use the
LEFT/RIGHT directional button to dim/brighten the intensity of the
gridlines. Press the Triangle button to return to the Map Maker Menu

* Load Map - Select this to laod a work-in-progress map or a finished map.
Ensure that you have inserted the correct memory card in a free MEMORY
CARD slot before selecting the option.

Save Map - Allows you to save a map to a memory card. If you have more than
one memory card inserted, then select the memory card you wish to use by
using the UP/DOWN directional button and pressing the X button to confirm
the selection.

If the Map is new then you will need to save it as a "New File." Use the
UP/DOWN directional button to highlight "New File" and press the X button.

Once you have entered a name for the map highlight and select "END."

The map will now be saved. This will take a few seconds and you should not
remove the memory card during this time.

Once saved, the directory of the memory card will be displayed and you will
see the new map file with a time and date stamp. The map has now been
saved and can be reloaded at any time.

* Help - Select to bring up the analog controller configuration for the Map

* Quit Map Maker - Select to quit the Map Maker and return to the Arcade
game mode menu. You will need to confirm that you wish to exit. You should
save the map if you wish to continue working on it at a later date,
otherwise it will be lost.

11. Author's Notes

June, 14, 2001 - I decided I would take out the secrets section of the
FAQ. Why? Because all it was going to be was the differences between
each piece in each setting. It would be something like this:

| Industrial | Difference | Gothic | Difference |
| | The piece on one of | | The piece on one of |
| | the sides has a slot | | the sides has a hall|
| | in it to shoot through| | to run/hide in |

If you think the "SECRETS" section should be included, email me at

TEN emails must be recieved saying that it wants to be included, until I
will get the section worked on and up.

12. Outro

That's all I have for you now. I hope to add the 'Secret' section ASAP, but
I just wanted to get this FAQ up so the newbie's can get some help with
the Map Maker. I hope this helped any of you who need it. Questions,
comments, or suggestions? Email them to Orbrha@aol.com Thank you.


This FAQ was created by:

|P| |O| |W| |E| |R| |M| |A| |N| |5| |0| |0| |0|

Copyright © 2001 Orry Harding (PoWeRMaN5000)

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