Midnight Club Street Racing

Midnight Club Street Racing

15.10.2013 14:52:21
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Street |____| Racing

BY: Hoppy Wesley (AKA: Crash Bandicoot, CrashDaCoot, Oafy Wan)
Email: crashdacoot@excite.com
FAQ Started: December 17, 2000
FAQ Completed: December 20, 2000
Version: 14.0
Midnight Club: Street Racing Version: 14.0

----------------------------------Version 1.0---------------------------------
Main FAQ is up!
----------------------------------Version 1.1---------------------------------
Added LSTYD's world champ strategy
Version 1.1 Made: Thursday, December 21, 2000
----------------------------------Version 1.5---------------------------------
Added Jesse Barouch's fun NY thing to do
Added Arthur Stefanski's sequel idea
Version 1.5 made: Thursday, December 28, 2000
----------------------------------Version 1.7---------------------------------
Added Matt Primm's High Score
Switched Marauder and Super Taxi around
Version 1.7 made: Thursday, December 28, 2000
----------------------------------Version 2.0---------------------------------
Added Brandon's sequel ideas
Added Alexander Kersey's sequel idea
Added Kareem Glitch
Version 2.0 made: Friday, December 29, 2000
----------------------------------Version 2.2---------------------------------
Added Aaron's high score
Added Sidewinder's NY thing to do
Version 2.2 made: Saturday, December 30, 2000
----------------------------------Version 3.0---------------------------------
Happy New Year!
Added a bunch of Sequel Suggestions
Added a bunch of NY things to do
Cleaned up the hidden cars section
Put the Type-S in the hidden cars section
Fixed some other stuff
Version 3.0 made: Thursday, January 11, 2001
----------------------------------Version 3.1---------------------------------
Added Joe Dane's top time
Version 3.1 made: Friday, January 12, 2001
----------------------------------Version 3.5---------------------------------
Added a couple Best Times
Added a couple sequel suggestions
Added a World Champ tip
----------------------------------Version 4.0---------------------------------
Added a World Champ tip
Added a Kareem Tip
Added a sequel suggestion
Added a Thing To Do
Added '[NOTICE!]' in 25 MPH
Version 4.0 made: February 06, 2001
----------------------------------Version 4.5---------------------------------
I don't even get Valentine's Day off!
Added a New York thing to do
Added a London thing to do
Added a whopping 15 times
Version 4.5 made: February 14, 2001
----------------------------------Version 5.0---------------------------------
Added info on the Kareem Glitch!
Added a Kieko H2H 2 tip
Added a New York thing to do
Added a sequel suggestion
Version 5.0 made: February 18, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 5.5--------------------------------
Added Some Best Times
Added some sequel suggestions
Added a Keiko H2H-3 tip
Version 5.0 made: February 23, 2001
----------------------------------Version 6.0---------------------------------
Lead Designer Darren Chisum's World C. Tip!!!
Jeff For His Things To Do In Both Cities
----------------------------------Version 7.0---------------------------------
Added A Bunch Of Best Times
Added Another Bug
Added a World Champ Tip
Version 7.0 Made: Tuesday, March 13, 2001
----------------------------------Version 8.0---------------------------------
Dang! Missed April Fools!
Added A Couple Best Times
Added Troy's Kareem Tip
Added Some Sequel Suggestions
Version 8.0 Made: Monday, April 2, 2001
----------------------------------Version 9.0---------------------------------
Added A Few Sequel Suggestions
Added A Kareem Strategy
Added A Wealth Of Best Times
Version 9.0 made: Wednesday, April 18, 2001
----------------------------------Version 9.5---------------------------------
Added A Few Sequel Suggestions
Added The Notice Below Contents
Added a Kareem Glitch Tip
Version 9.5 made: Tuesday, May 15, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 10.0-------------------------------
It's been a while!
Added A Ton Of Sequel Suggestions
Added A Kareem Glitch Tip
Added How To Jump The Bus To The Carrier
Version 10.0 made: Sunday, June 17, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 11.0-------------------------------
Added Some Sequel Suggestions
Added Some High Scores
Added A Few Kareem Race Tips
Added a Few World Champ Tips
Added 'Misc." Chapter-
Version 11.0 made: Thursday, July 12,2001
-----------------------------------Version 11.2-------------------------------
Added a London "Fun Thing To Do"
Added Two Sequel Suggestions
Version 11.2 made: Thursday, July 19, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 12.0-------------------------------
Added Some Best Times
Added Some Sequel Suggestions
Added a Kareem Strategy
Version 12.0 made: Tuesday, August 14, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 12.5-------------------------------
Added Some Best Times
Added A Thing To Do
Added A Sequil Suggestion
Added A Kareem Tip
Version 12.5 made: Sunday, August 26, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 12.8-------------------------------
Added A Kareem Glitch Fixer
Added A Few Best Times
Added A Few Sequel Suggestions & Stuff To Do
Version 12.8 made: Monday, September 3, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 13.0-------------------------------
Added A Sequel Suggestion
Version 13.0 made: Friday, September 21, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 13.2-------------------------------
Added A World Champ Tip
Added A Sequel Suggestion
Version 13.2 made: Sunday, October 7, 2001
-----------------------------------Version 14.0-------------------------------
Added A Misc. Thing or Two
Added A World Champ Tip
Added Two Sequel Suggestions
Version 14.0 made: Monday, November 12, 2001
This document copywritten to Hoppy Wesley. If you want to use it
on your site, ask me first. (C)2000-2001 Hoppy Wesley

Table of Contents

1 MPH: Welcome to the Midnight Club
2 MPH: Controls
3 MPH: The Story
4 MPH: Fellow Racers
5 MPH: Car Stats
6 MPH: Hints for Unlocking Your Road Rage
7 MPH: Locations of Secret Cars
8 MPH: New York
9 MPH: Emilio Sanchez
10 MPH: Larry Muller
11 MPH: Kieko Hatano
12 MPH: The New York Champ: Kareem Windross
13 MPH: London
14 MPH: Kareem Windcross
15 MPH: Emily Morton
16 MPH: Lucas Howell-Jones
17 MPH: London Champ: Darren Thurock
18 MPH: World Champ
19 MPH: Arcade Races Not In Career Mode
20 MPH: Sweet Stuff To Do In New York
21 MPH: Sweet Stuff To Do In London
22 MPH: Sequel Ideas
23 MPH: Misc. Stuff
24 MPH: Special Thanks
25 MPH: Shameless Plugging and Self Promotion
26 MPH: High Score List

1 MPH: Welcome to the Midnight Club
WASSSSSSSSUUUUP fellow Playstation 2 owners!! When I got the PS2
on October 26th, I got Smuggler's Run and Madden. I got Midnight Club on
November 15th, but it's the first game I beat! I never would have got this
FAQ done, but our school had three snow days in a row!!! WOOHOO! This FAQ
should help, but if you have any further questions email me at
I reply to ALL emails, but try not to be TOO mean! In this FAQ you'll find a
drive-through for every race in career mode (chapters 8-18), locations of all
the hidden cars (chapter 7), drive-throughs for all the races that aren't in
career mode (chapter 19), cool things to do (chapters 20-21), and a High Score
board (chapter 25)!! Let's get rollin'!
2 MPH: Controls
Digital Mode-
Left Direction, Right Direction: Steers left or right respectively
Up Direction: Honks Horn, Uses Nitros (on equipped cars)
Down Direction: Not Used
X Button: Accelerate
Circle Button: Handbrake
Triangle Button: Changes View
Square Button: Brake, Reverse (when stopped)
Start: Pause, Unpause
Select: Zoom map in/out

Analog Mode-
Left Stick: Steer
L3: Honk Horn, Use Nitros (on equipped cars)
Right Stick Up: Accelerate
Right Stick Down: Brake
R3: Reverse (when stopped)
All Other Buttons Are The Same
[Note: You can use Digital Controls With The Analog Mode Turned On]
3 MPH: The Story
This is the story, directly out of the book:
Joining The Secret World Of The Midnight Club
In secret gatherings around the world a mysterious group of urban street
racers known as the Midnight Club race for pride, power, and glory in sleekly
customized tricked-out sports cars. Racing through crowded streets, running
red lights, terrorizing pedestrians, driving on sidewalks, and outrunning the
cops are just the basics for the Midnight Club. Or so you've heard. While
you're cruising through the dark streets, you spot a tricked out low rider
speeding and weaving through traffic. Intrigued and looking for thrills, you
make your presence known to him with a few of your own daring manuevers.
After introducing himself with a sneer, he throws down the gauntlet and speeds
off. Determined to get in the club, you race after him with reckless abandon.
After following and matching your new adversary move for move on a mad chase
through the city, he finally pulls over. He dares you to meet hime and his
friends at midnight. You've got your shot. Having made it this far gets you
into your first race. Victory will earn you membership in the club, which
comes with pride, thrills, and glory. You're on your way...
4 MPH: Fellow Racers
The manuel and game have slightly differant bio's, so I will write the one
from the manuel, due to the fact that renters may not have it.

-Emilio Sanchez-
What The Manual Says: Emilio is an angry young man. An agressive driver, who
sometimes lets his agressions get the better of him, he comes from Spanish
Harlem, and races to prove his often questioned masculinity.
What I Say: Emilio is a PUSHOVER! In career mode, clean out his cars first.
Also, listen to him during a race. It's obvious why people question his
-Larry Muller-
What The Manual Says: A warehouse manager with possible mafia connections,
Muller is Queens to the Core. He doesn't mince his words, and he doesn't
mince much. His style is simple and well-suited to Manhattan. Straight,and
very fast.
What I say: Larry can be a tough opponent. He seems to look out for you,
warning you when the cops are after you. And you gotta love his," Think you've
got a shot against the queen of ki.... I mean the king of Queens?"
-Kieko Hatano-
What The Manual Says: Kieko dresses in the best designer clothes and drives
one of the best designer cars. She loves racing against men, and will use any
trick, technical or emotional, to win the race.
What I say: She is the hardest in New York besides Kareem. The first
head-to-head race against her can be hard for beginners, mostly due to
the fact that the course is so simple.
-Kareem Windross-
What The Manual Says: A self-made business mogul, he is the fastest in
New York. Over-bearing arrogance may be his only weakness. Has never been
defeated in America, and doesn't expect to be. Travels to London to race there
for greater challenges.
What I say: This guy is FAST!!! It will take you a few tries to beat him, but
don't worry; he isn't this hard in London!
-Emily Morton-
What The Manual Says: Party Girl. Daughter of a disgraced government
minister, twists men around her finger, especially fellow racers. Very fast,
but very impetuous. Dangerous and reckless, she has had many accidents, some
while driving.
What I say: Twists men around her finger?!? Yeah, I love it when women call
me a "Wanker"!! She is the slowest in London, in my opinion.
-Lucas Howell-Jones-
What The Manual Says: Well-Bred but thinks he's from the streets. Emotianally
confused web designer. Takes his agressions out on other racers. Technically
excellent, but prone to mistakes. Financed by Trust fund.
What I say: The fastest in London, save Darren Thurock. Not quite has fast
in the actual races, but hard to keep up with to Head to Head him.
-Darren Thurock-
What The Manual Says: Uncompromising. Hard. Rich. Left family trade,
extortion, and made a fortune in mobile phones; now races cars for kicks.
Drives what he thinks is the best car in the world, but knows he is only the
second best driver.
What I say: He is no good whatsoever. I beat this race in NO time!!!!! Don't
sweat it on this race! It's the World Champ you need to worry about!
-World Champion-
What the Manual Says: All that is known is that this driver has never been
beaten. This mysterious road warrior travels to the World's major cities,
looking for challenges. Only possible weakness is boredom, as competiton is
What I say: I won't ruin the World Champion's look or attitude for those of
you who haven't beat it, but I can say that this is a TOUGH RACE! I won
because somebody crashed into the champ and the champ STILL almost caught me!
5 MPH: Car Stats
These are judged by approximately how many CM the bars are-

Taxi Cabs- Taxi
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- *
Handling- *****
Durability- ****

Taxi Cabs- Super Taxi
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- *****
Durability- *****
Nitrous- 5

Taxi Cabs- Marauder
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- ******
Handling- *****
Durability- ********

Crusero- Bueno
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- **
Handling- ****
Durability- *******

Crusero- Excellente
Top Speed- **
Acceleration- ***
Handling- *****
Durability- *******

Crusero- Magnifico
Top Speed- **
Acceleration- ****
Handling- ****
Durability- *******
Nitrous- 3

Jones- J400
Top Speed- **
Acceleration- ****
Handling- **
Durability- ********

Jones- J420
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- ***
Handling- ****
Durability- *******

Jones- J450
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- *****
Handling- ***
Durability- *******
Nitrous- 4

Piranha- PDQ
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- ****
Handling- *******
Durability- ***

Piranha- PDQ R
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- *****
Handling- *******
Durability- ***

Piranha PDQ ARi
Top Speed- **
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ******
Durability- **
Nitrous- 5

PT- Pheonix [Standard]
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- *****
Handling- *****
Durability- *****

PT- Pheonix DDX
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- *****
Durability- *****
Nitrous- 3

PT- Pheonix ICX
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ****
Durability- ******

Modicum- XSV
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ******
Durability- ***

Modicum- XSV.5
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- *******
Durability- ***

Modicum- XSV.25
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- *******
Handling- ******
Durability- **
Nitrous- 5

Ascent- 235
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- *****
Handling- ***
Durability- ****

Ascent- 237si
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ****
Durability- ****

Ascent- 470ds
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- *******
Handling- ***
Durability- ****
Nitrous- 4

Amata- Fiorenza
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- *****
Handling- **
Durability- *

Amata-Fiorenza II
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- ******
Handling- **
Durability- *

Amata- Crescendo
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- ********
Handling- ***
Durability- **
Nitrous- 15

Zender- Alpha
Top Speed- *******
Acceleration- *******
Handling- *
Durability- *

Zender- Beta
Top Speed- ********
Acceleration- ********
Handling- *
Durability- *

Zender- Type-S
Top Speed- *******
Acceleration- *******
Handling- *
Durability- *

Karuma- Fassuto GR
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ***
Durability- *

Karuma- Fassuto GS
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- *****
Handling- **
Durability- *

Karuma- Fassuto GT
Top Speed- *******
Acceleration- *******
Handling- *
Durability- *

Manhattan Bonus- Bus
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- *
Handling- *
Durability- ********

Manhattan Bonus- Ice Cream Truck
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- ***
Handling- ****
Durability- *******

Manhattan Bonus- Meter Maid
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ********
Durability- **

London Bonus- Double Decker
Top Speed- *
Acceleration- *
Handling- *
Durability- ********

London Bonus- Black Cab
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- *****
Handling- ******
Durability- ****

London Bonus- Crown Mail
Top Speed- ****
Acceleration- *****
Handling- ****
Durability- ***

Manhattan PD- Patrol Car 1
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ****
Durability- ******

Manhattan PD- Patrol Car 2
Top Speed- *******
Acceleration- ******
Handling- ****
Durability- ******

Manahattan PD- Patrol SUV
Top Speed- *****
Acceleration- *******
Handling- ***
Durability- *******

London PD- Police Car
Top Speed- ********
Acceleration- *******
Handling- *****
Durability- ******

London PD- Police Van
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- *****
Handling- **
Durability- *******

London PD- Police Wagon
Top Speed- ******
Acceleration- ********
Handling- **
Durability- *******

Smuggler's Run- Baha Buggy
Top Speed- ***
Acceleration- *****
Handling- ******
Durability- ****
6 MPH: Hints For Unlocking Your Road Rage

*The races in arcade mode often open after you get by them in Career mode, or
you beat some in London to unlock some in New York. I'm not sure when each are
opened. All I know is that Championships are opened after beating
championships!! The rest you'll have to figure out.

*Do not let a CPU controlled car have it's hood near your rear tire. They will
hit you there and spin you out.

*With quick opponents or Champion races, try your best to snake thier line
(cut them off).

*If you and a CPU car are tied up, and he/she tries to push you into a wall,
hold the directional button towards the other racer. Niether of you will get

*This game is interesting because the CPU isn't perfect. Many times you'll see
CPU cars spin out or smash into a hard object. Take full advantage!!

*If a CPU car has spun out and is sideways from the direction you are coming,
nail that precious rear wheel!! You can almost knock an opponent out of the
race doing that!!

*Buses are rock solid. Rarely will you see a better chance to turn then when a
bus is at a red light. Powerslide and sideswipe the bus and then be off on
your way.

*In Waypoint races, take a few runs just to figure out the route the winner
takes. Just follow him and let him win. Then the next time, blast him!!

*In this game more than other games like this, the traffic will TRY to hit
you!!! I've had buses swerve off the road into parking garages to get me!
7 MPH: Locations of Secret Cars
Secret Cars Can Only Be Unlocked In Arcade Mode!

--New York--
*Marauder- Go to the aircraft carrier (the little blue space in the water to
the right from your starting point). Now, look on the other side of the road
at the warehouses. One warehouse has a ramp that goes up and crashes out a
window. The next warehouse (pointing in the direction the ramp was), has
another ramp but this one swings around the warehouse. When you get pointing
towards a window here, gun it! Crash out the window going between 60-70 MPH
and crash through a second story window! See the little space of glass on the
second story that has a wall in-between it and the rest?? Aim for that. It is
on the right side of the building. Drive slowly through the pink beam.

*Super Taxi- Go to the rounded side of Manhattan. Don't go into the FDR
but instead go on-top of it to a park. Look around until you find a fort with
a large ramp in it. Back WAAAAAAAAY up. You'll need some serious speed.
Hit the ramp has fast has possible and sail across to a small building's
roof. Look around on it for the beam.

*Karuma Fassuto GR- From the "Cruise" starting point turn around 180 degrees
towards the blue sign that says "Speed". When you get to the sign, turn
right. Keep on this street until you see a building on your left that has
a rounded top. Go under the round top and break through the glass. Theres
the beam!! Go get it!! Good dog!

*Karuma Fassuto GS- From your "Cruise" starting point, turn around 180
degrees towards the sign that says "Speed" above the "Midnight Club" sign.
Head for that has fast has you can go and go up the ramp under them. At the
top, turn slightly to the right. If you were going fast enough, you should
land on a roof. Search it for the beam.

*Karuma Fassuto GT- Go to the area of London that is a large area of water.
It is on one of the ends. Find the subway that is blockaded off and smash
through. Once you get to the end of it, keep going straight down the alley
and then the street across from the alley. At the end of that street hand a
right. Try not to get blown backwards by the surprise of the colorful orange
building. Drive around it to the left and hang a right at it's corner. You
should see a grey ramp connected to it. Slowl drive up it and at the top go
straight. You should be going about 20-25 MPH. Now look right. Beam me up,
-------Race Unlockables-------

----The Infamous Type-S----
I have mentioned this in other sections of the FAQ, but apparently
nobody noticed so I'll put it here. To unlock it, race all the hookmen in a
waypoint race three times. They will then disappear. You will get the Alpha
Type-S when you beat the champ if you do this to all the hookmen.

--New York--

*Bus- Come in first on Waypoint race 12 "Rabid Transit"

*Ice Cream Truck- Come in first on Waypoint race 13 "Midnight Treat"

*Meter Maid- Come in first on Waypoint race 14 "Meter Maid's Revenge"

*Manhattan PD cars- Come in on time in Head to Head 10 "I Smell Bacon..."

*Fiorenza II- Come in first in Waypoint race 15 "Manhattan Loop"

*Beta- Come in first in Waypoint 11 "Rapidly Intrepid"

*Double Decker- Come in first in Waypoint 12 "River Run"

*Black Cab- Come in first in Waypoint 13 "Black as Night"

*Crown Mail- Come in first in Waypoint 14 "Speedy Delivery"

*London PD cars- Come in on time in Head to Head 10 "Yard-O-Rama"

*Crescendo- Come in first in Waypoint race 15 "Jump the Thames"

*Fiorenza- Beat Darren in Career mode.


*Baja Buggy- Use a Memory Card with Smuggler's Run save data on it.

8 MPH: New York
Welcome to New York!! This is where the story from the manual picks up,
with Emilio being the driver from the story. Has soon as the camera starts to
go down towards your car, hold down the accelerator, because Emilio takes off
without warning. This is what you need to do in New York:
(A) Follow all three hookmen until they stop.
(B) Beat them in the Waypoint race to get thier Cell Phone number
(C) Call them and race them Head to Head three times to get all thier cars
(D) If you want to get all the cars at the end of the game, follow all the
hookmen and beat them in Waypoint races and Head to Head until they
disappear off of the map. Otherwise, you can't get the Zender Type-S
Remember to race them Waypoint three times and Head to Head three times to
make them disappear. You only have to make two disappear to race the Champ,
but if you don't make all three disappear, you won't get the Type-S at the end
of the game.
Also, when following a hookman to Waypoint race him, be careful at turns. If
he misses his turn, he will turn around and then turn. You have to be careful
here. Know where he will go, otherwise when you stop to wait for him, he'll
blast you. Don't follow them so closely that you will mess up thier turning!
And when you want to find a Hookman:
(A) Emilio is near the aircraft carrier.
(B) Larry is the hookman straight North from your starting point.
(C) Kieko patrols the park.
(D) Kareem (after arriving) drives along the outskirts.
Lets go!!
9 MPH: Emilio Sanchez
After an enlightening conversation, Emilio burns off. Do your best to keep up
with him in your beat up Taxi. When he finally stops, he'll invite you to meet
him and his homeboys at midnight. Lets go!!
------------------Emilio-Waypoint-Race-1-Beginners Luck-----------------------
Car I Used: Taxi
It's almost a straight shot down and to the park. To keep your taxi at full
speed, get it on a straight course and ease your turns. The Analog sticks make
it easy to ease around traffic and turn. Be sure to get close enough to the
lights to turn them red. When you get to the park, you can choose to go up a
larg rock ramp, or go around it and paddle through the creek. If you have any
lead at all, you should be able to hit the creek hard and flip across the
finish. If Emilio is bumper to bumper with you, barely miss the tree on your
right and hope you ramp up the rock. Be careful here. It's easy to crash off
the rock or onto the side of it.
------------------Emilio-Waypoint-Race-2-Race of Clubs------------------------
Car I Used: Taxi
First, just follow Emilio. He has the best route. You'll know him because his
arrow is a darker red. After you are comfortable with his path, forget him and
just burn him. On one street, if you are in first place, you will pick
up a tail. You should lose them pretty quick, but watch out for a red car
coming from the other direction. When you get good, you can cut some corners
to further paste Emilio. You should end up winning by so much you can drive
up the stairs and crash through the glass at the end driving like a Sunday
--------------Emilio-Waypoint-Race-3-Manhattan Madness------------------------
Car I Used: Taxi
Again, Emilio seems to have the best path. There is a street here with a cop,
and if Emilio get sto him first, he makes Emilio's life a living hell. Here
to make your life a living hell, however, are all the traffic cars. I think
everyone of them tried to hit me!! Just give them some room so they don't
swerve and nail you head-on!! I beat this with the Taxi, but I recomend
a beginner to use at least Emilio's first car. After you beat this, Emilio
disappears from the map. You can still call him if you don't have all of his
---------------------Emilio-Head-To-Head-Race-1-Fast Break--------------------
Car I Used: Taxi
Just hold down that accelerator. Don't steer at all has you go through the
building. It may look like you're going to hit a wall, but you shouldn't. If
you hold your course, you should be a little more than bumper to bumper by the
time you smash through the glass to exit the building. When converting onto
the street, make sure you don't hit a street light. It will slow you down BIG
time. Again, give the cars some room in case they try to swerve into you.
Drive into the basketball arena at the end. Congrats! You've won your first
Midnight Club car!
-------------------Emilio-Head-To-Head-2-Assault On Battery-------------------
Car I Used: Bueno
This one can be hard or easy. Don't forget to cut through truck garage, and
definitly don't forget to turn right after exiting the garage. Every now and
then, Emilio will get into a huge pileup. Drive by, mock him, then finish the
race. You may want to get Larry's first car to help you here if you're having
trouble. Maybe even the Taxi, though I've never tried that.
--------------------Emilio-Head-To-Head-3-Get Down To Win---------------------
Car I Used: Excellente
At the beginning, you should pull ahead of Emilio. And look on the sidewalk! A
cop and a construction worker walking down side by side! Y-M-C-A!! Don't gawk
too long because Emilio is angry! Cut across the park and gun down that street
ahead. When you get to the point that you need to turn right, don't do it
immediatly. The ground slopes and you'll flip your car. Once to the otherside,
take the alley fast. If Emilio bothers you, nail him in the side a bunch of
times and watch him crash!! When you get to the park keep going straight even
though Emilio doesn't. Just before you reach the pond, you should slow just a
little bit and drop down onto a road that cuts through the park. But stay
aimed forward, and you'll go through a secret tunnel, and you should pass
Emilio (who goes around the lake). Congrats! You've milked Emilio for all he's
worth, on to Larry!!
10 MPH: Larry Muller
Larry can be a tough opponent, or an easy one. He'll usually warn you when
cops are about, and give you props when you win. Larry's 3rd car is the only
one that can even hope to win against Kieko's first Head to Head.
--------------------Larry-Waypoint-1-Long Island Sprint-----------------------
Car I Used: Magnifico
It's a straight shot until the now infamous dip in the road. Skirt it and hit
the next waypoint. At the last waypoint hang a left and go around the
building to win. Nothin' to it!! Also, theres two places to pick up tails,
niether of which should pose much of a problem.
----------------------Larry-Waypoint-2-Lucky Seven----------------------------
Car I used: Magnifico
Feel like making a big circle? Then lets get crackin'! Follow Larry for the
best route. You should be able to strike out on your own, however. Remember
that after the third waypoint, cut through the basketball court. Slow down
immensely though. Larry should have crashed on the turn before it so take
your time. Hit the the lights along the water and swing up for number five.
After five, cut through the truck garage and from there its easy. Just follow
your map. Also, don't forget that the Magnifico has three nitrous!
--------------------Larry-Waypoint-3-Three and Out!---------------------------
Car I Used: Magnifico
This one is AWESOME! Follow Larry's route all the way up until the second last
searchlight. After that one, look on the left and you'll see the entrance to a
warehouse. Shoot up the ramp inside it and smash out the window. Leap off the
roof through a searchlight and land on the next roof. Now go to the very
corner of this roof near the finish lights. Shoot off the corner barely
missing the building across the road and drive in style across the line. This
one has my vote for the most Hollywood-Esque waypoint race found in Career
mode! Guess what? Now you can race Kareem, the Champ! But don't yet. You still
have to get Larry's cars and clean Kieko out. Lets ride!!
---------------Larry-Head-To-Head-1-U.N. Invitational-------------------------
Car I Used: Magnifico
Take it fast and straight. If Larry gets pushy, push him back. In these tight
streets, theres bound to be a crash or two or three or..... If you go
straight, you'll come to an alley. After shooting down it, turn right and cut
across the grass. Then hang a left down the street until you are to the street
where the finish lights are. Swing onto it and gun it. Nitrous would help.
Larry took another path and nitrous would ensure you beat him to the lights.
---------------Larry-Head-To-Head-2-Times Square Take-Off---------------------
Car I Used: Magnifico
Use a nitro at 30 MPH and pull ahead. Then take it hard and fast. Learn the
path by watching Larry or just looking at your map. But don't forget to cut
across the grass at the big dark building. A nitro on the home stretch helps
put Larry away.
-------------------Larry-Head-To-Head-3-Station Showdown----------------------
Car I Used: J420
This race is extremely difficult!! Theres heat all over the place, and Larry's
driving the fastest car we've seen yet. After coming out of the building, on
your way up the slope if you don't swerve at the top, a taxi will hit you in
your always vulnerable rear tire. Bash him in the alley and out-turn him at
the end of the alley. Now gun it! After the next turn, it is wall to wall
cops! Prey that Larry gets tripped up and stay one step ahead of them.
Congrats! Larry is clean! On to Kieko, and then, the Champ!
11 MPH: Kieko Hatano
Kieko isn't too difficult, but her first head to head race can be brutal
for beginners. Lock and load and hope you don't hear that infernal "Kieko
Wins! Kieko Wins!" too much!!
-----------------------Kieko-Waypoint-1-Village Slalom------------------------
Car I Used: J450
At the beginning, don't overlook Kieko's route. She cuts through the warehouse
that is dead ahead. Slalom up and down the roads, but watch out for the heat!!
Also, use the J450's four nitrous wisely!! ESPECIALLY on turns!
----------------------Kieko-Waypoint-2-Off Broadway---------------------------
Car I Used: J450
Just follow Kieko tight. Watch out for cars on differant routes that fly
through intersections in front of you. If you are still behind near the end of
the race, use the rest of nitrous on that final stretch, just keep your car
under control.
---------------------Kieko-Waypoint-3-Shortcut Mania--------------------------
Car I Used: PDQ ARi
To beat this one, I highly suggest getting all of Kieko's cars first.
If you can get ahead of Kieko and her boys by the time you get to the building
that you have to crash through, you porbably will win. Slow down BIG TIME
before that jump though, or you can kiss control, and the race, goodbye.
Use your map to find the last couple lights, then use up your nitrous on your
way to victory!!!!!

---------------------Kieko-Head-to-Head-1-Uptown Slalom-----------------------
Car I Used: J450
This one can be hard for beginners. Take the corners hard and fast. Tap, don't
hold, the handbrake button. Take advantage of Kieko's wide turns by swinging
around and using a nitro!! Shouldn't be too difficult in the trusty J450, huh?
-------------------Kieko-Head-to-Head-2-Club Crash Midtown--------------------
Car I Used: PDQ
Use the car you earned in the last race here. Kieko will pull ahead early,
but stay with here. Follow here route precisely when crashing through the bar.
Otherwise, you'll hit a table and spin out. You should be able to get in front
of her when she slows down to turn at one of the turns. Remember to look for
the glass to drive through after one of the lights, and watch out for the
trees in the park after that!!
Definace added this:
"There is a parking garage type thing *just* to the right of the starting
line. With one of Larry's trucks (any one of them, but no other Career-mode
available car at this point will do it), you can push her into this garage.
Her IQ is apparently in the negative numbers, 'cause she stays there, running
into the wall, for the rest of the race."
Evanrulez69 added:
the easiest way to get the pdq r is to first win the j450
and at the start of the race you should see an opening into the building.
just push kieko into it and she will drive around and never finish the race.
-------------------Kieko-Head-to-Head-3-Financial Troubles--------------------
Car I Used: PDQ R
This one can be hard. Just stay behind her and hope she messes up. Let her
have all the heat. Watch out for that drop into the freeway. It can hurt if
you aren't careful. Just hold down that accelerator from the freeway light on.
Me and Kieko came in a millisecond apart..... literally!! So don't give up and
hope you edge her out on the final stretch!!!!! Kieko's clean, unless you
haven't done that last waypoint race. If not, do that now and it's off to the
Green Dog added this:
"All you have to do is keep up with her until the freeway. When you get on the
freeway, get her in between you and the center freeway divider. Ram her into
the wall and keep pushing her, she'll eventually go right over the divider
into the other freeway lane. Once she's over there she can't get back, and
the race is yours."

12 MPH: The New York Champ: Kareem Windross
[NOTICE!] There is a glitch here! Even after you race all three until they
disappear, he still won't appear. If you experience this, you'll have to
restart. Sorry, but quit emailing me about this! *sniffle* [NOTICE!]
Here it is: The last race in New York, and it's a tough one!! Kareem runs
along the freeway. What you want to do is get a little bit in front of him and
run around the freeway yourself. Trust me: He'll catch you. Once he's aware of
you, he'll turn into the city. Once he does this, he's easier to follow. Stick
to him like glue!!! When he finally stops, it's time to really race him!! Doh!
--------------------Kareem-The New York Championship--------------------------
Car I Used: PDQ ARi
This race is REALLY, REALLY difficult. I got help to beat this level from the
GameFAQS message board. Somebody said to start, "use one nitro at about
30 MPH and another at 60 MPH. Get in front of Kareem and let him push you
until your first turn." This is really good advice! Now, my experience will
take over. Take that first turn hard and fast and nitro out of it. You should
have two nitrous left, if you're using the PDQ ARi. Follow Kareem's path, but
watch out for that confounded fountain!! If all has gone well, you should
barely be ahead of Kareem and Kieko. Now, when you get to the light where
you have to spin around and head up the freeway, NITRO!! That will be your
only chance to distance yourself from Kareem. Screech up the freeway at top
speed. Watch out for Emilio coming around a bend. He is moving fast and
reckless. Fortunately, Kareem won't always be spared of his wrath, and often
times you may see him nail Kareem on your map. Don't get disoriented up on
the last couple lights. I have ended up on a concrete basketball court,
the other side of the freeway, etc. Have an idea of where you're going. Use
that last nitro after getting the last light and cruise in to the finish
lights. New York has a new champ!!!! Now, when the menu bar comes up, select
"Fly To London". You're on your way!!
William "Da Weazel" Cusick added:
"You can beat Kareem with Larry's 3rd vehicle. I just did pretty
much like you said except i followed the couses straight...i did let kareem
push me in the beginning after using the first two nitros.....and watch for
Kiekos car as it slows down for her first turn she nails Kareem but if you
too close shell nail you too...wait for the right time while hes pushing you
and when you see the chance pass her on her left then shell turn and hit
Kareeem...i did the course pretty much straight up and down rather than
follow Kareem......and i did it bettter with larry's third truck....[Ed.
note: Where'ja get the name 'Weasel'? :) ] "
Tony said this about the J450:
"When the race starts don't use a nitrous at all i just think you are wasting
them that way. So you still have 4 of them. Then Kieko turns, then Kareem
turns. Follow Kareem. When you take this turn try to aim for the stop light
post in the inner corner. brake just enough so that you are at about 106 mph
( sounds crazy huh huh ) you will obviously crash into the wall. but the good
thing is you will pass Kieko easily. make sure you still have 4 nitrous at
this point. now the hard part. for some reason Kareem slows down while about
3 seconds away from the kinda V (or U) turn. don't get ahead cuz you waste
a precious thing. when Kareem spins then you ( if you are close enough )
can spin him out more to get the lead for about until 3/4 done with that
long side ( or where emilio is going on a crash course with you or Kareem
). here is where you use the nitrous...............BUT only use 2
( don't worry if K-man get the lead his boasting days will be over soon) .
when you are at the tunnel hit the brakes for a second then use the hand brake
( or as i call it the "slide button" O <---circle ) and hit the wall or just
barely miss and hit the newspaper thingimajigies. here use another nitrous.
then when you fly at the next turn then ( if you, once again, are close
enough ) hit him in the back and send him haywire. all you have to do now
is to get to the 2 other points and the finish.

Inferno said:
"Using this I beat the champ by fully 10 seconds(I'm not jokin)!!!
First u use the second Jones u get(I think that's the J450, with 4 nitrous).
When u start use a nitro at 30mph and 60mph and just bomb downtown at
140mph, but watch out for Keiko(she swings across to turn) and Kareem(don't
get behind him: he brakes suddenly). Then as u near Battery park get ready
to turn - This is the hardest bit and will take a couple of goes to get
right - then u should get onto the West Drive(make sure u get the checkpoint
on the right). Use another nitro to get up to 140mph, and when u see the
Champ coming towards u, feel free to nail him(if u do this u need the truck
to go through him and save the other nitro for getting back after this bit).
Do a handbrake turn at the top and use the last nitro here, as u fly down
broadway be carefull not to get confused at the intersections, lol(that's
for the blondes out there) the last bits are straight forward."
[Ed. Note: I apologize to all you blondes out there! :) ]

Tiger3986 added this:
"The Car I Used: J450
The race against Kareem can betough but with my way it?s a breeze!!! Right
off the start hit the nitro andthen another right after that. Then once you
get ahead of kareem stay in thelane next to him and then once he tries to
turn (and if you have raced thisrace a lot you know which turn it is) just
bash him and send off course (this slows him down good!!!). After that just
take emilios path, you should be ableto kick emilios ass because he just
sucks, then once you get along the oceanway get in the lane that kareem is
in, once you have him in your site line himup and bash him again (this slows
him down again and adds more to his time) afterthat use a nitro to speed back
up. Thenkeep going until the last marker and the use the hand break ( o
button ) tomake the sharp turn on the v shaped intersection. Now use your
last nitro togain more speed go along that road hitting the checkpoints but
look out forthat damn fountain (that thing always use to piss me off). Just
stay along thatroad and you should get to the finish beating kareem bye a
good 5 seconds."

Daniel added:
"I used the PDQ ARi, and at the beginning I used a nitro at 30mph and at
60mph, got in front of him so he couldnt pass me. he turned off at light 3,
but I kept going until light 4, where I cut the corner without slowing at all,
shaving off time. On the turn at light 5, i let off the accelerator for just a
second, e-braked, and turned cleaned. I was now on a big straightaway, were I
used 1 nitro, and cruised the whole straightaway without slowing down until I
reached light 9. You have to be careful here because it is very tempting to
cut the corner, but if you do, then you wont get the light. anyway...let off
the accelerator for a sec., e-brake, and come out clean. You should now have a
huge stretch of freeway ahead of you on which you should you both of your
remaining nitros and get as much speed as you can. Then you have to turn near
light 12. It looks like you have to brake a lot, but again, let off the
accelerator slightly, tap the e-brake, and come out clean. At this point you
should have the in the bag, and all you really have to do is e-brake a bit
around the last turn and win."

I lost the name of whoever sent me the below:
The final race, against the world champ, isn't that hard. It took me twenty
minutes and probably not even that long. The car I used is the one you get
from the London champ. All the advice I can give is that to all the true
out there this shouldn't be that hard. You have to race fast and smart. Cut
corners. Know your turns and drive hard. Good luck.

[NOTICE!] There has been some talk of glitches, where Kareem gets stuck under
the road, or the option to fly to London doesn't appear. I don't know what to
do,has this has never happened to me. Just beware. [NOTICE!]

---Glitch!---- Brett Smith added this glitch:
If you change cars while trying to beat Kareem in New York, when you do win,
Kareem will never talk about going to London -- the game will basically act
like you lost. ----Glitch!-----

--GLITCH FIXER!--Okay, Defiance emailed me what tips the bug off here:
"The situation that triggers the bug is: When you beat the 2nd hookman for
the 3rd time (thus triggering him showing up), You *MUST* 'cruise for some
action'. You can't go to the cell phone and challenge someone immediately,
or anything like that. If you do, when you do go to cruise, he won't show.
AS SOON as you trigger it, cruise." Were you listening? Good!

--Glitch Fixer!--That guy who said
that he beat kereem in ney york and nothing happened, that happened to me. I
think it was becuse i changed cars.after i beat him he said nothing to me.he
just drove arond in cruse mode.well if you go back and beat himn again
without changing cars he will invite you to london By: Duhamell

--Glitch Fixer!--the glitch where he gets stuck under the road has happened
to me but i drove aound looking for a way under and sort of by the frreway
there is a passage and in there kareem is trying to push his way through a
wall i just slammed into him and made him start to drive again then i
followed him till he stopped. By: CDC515

--Glitch Fixer!--I got a glitch fixer for you... There was a point were I
followed Kareem and all he did was donuts over and over and over... I simply
backed up... and slammed him a few times, then he got out of it and started
going again so I could follow him... Thought that might help someone... Later.
By: FastAzzImport

13 MPH: London
Welcome to London, mate! You want to take down Kareem, then Emily, then
Lucas. Be careful with these crazy hookmen. They have the wierdest problems!!
Missing turns and stopping is at an all time high here. Once, Kareem drove
into a park and just spun donuts for fifteen minutes!! Also, if you're having
trouble finding that last car in arcade mode, Lucas's path goes by it so keep
your eyes open for a large orange building with signs everywhere. Due to the
confusing nature of the map, I suggest cruising for a while to just to get
the feel of it! This city is very differant from New York.
Let's kick the tires and light the fires!
14 MPH: Kareem Windcross
Ahhhhhhhhhh. Our ol' Yank chap!! He's not nearly has hard as in New York. I
did him first because when I played I just wanted to seewhat his cars looked
like. Lock n' Load Team, the fight is on!
------------------------Kareem-Waypoint-1-Zig or Zag?-------------------------
Car I Used: PDQ ARi
With the PDQ ARi's five nitrous, this should be a breeze. Kareem spins out in
the park at the beginning. Take the oppurtunity and strike out on your own!!
It's easy to get lost after the second light, however. Zoom your map in and
find the route. Or wait for Kareem to catch up. In any case, once you get
that third light and are heading for the fourth, look out for two cars coming
from the opposite direction. The narrow streets may make them hard to avoid,
however. I hit the nitro and made a hole in between them. We all came out
worse for the wear, bt at least I remained pointing forward.
------------------------Kareem-Waypoint-2-London Loop-------------------------
Car I Used: PDQ ARi
This one can be pretty difficult. At the beginning turn right and follow the
green car. The green and red cars take the opposite of Kareem's path, and
it's faster. Keep driving fast!! When you get to the park with the creek in
it, cut across the park, but not across the water. And on your way across the
bridge after that grassy park be careful of Kareem's bunch coming from the
other direction. And a little be later, be sure you don't hit any trees in
the congested park there. Now gun it across the freeway. If you look on your
map, Kareem's gang will probably be about has far from the finish has you.
Put your foot down and fly across first!!
------------------------Kareem-Waypoint-3-River Rat---------------------------
Car I Used: PDQ ARi
This ones easy enough. Your level three car against his level three car.
Fortunately, yours has nitrous. Stick with Kareem has tight as possible. Shove
his boys into the double deckers if the need be. If he has been leading since
the beginning he should have picked up some cops. I ended up passing him just
before the last light. When you get to the finish light, turn onto that end
area has soon as possible. Look at the building there and drive through the
glass under it. Kareem goes all the way around the dock there. Onto Kareem's
------------------------Kareem-Head-to-Head-1-A40 Drag------------------------
Car I Used: J450
Take a break from the good 'ol PDQ ARi. It doesn't have the top speed to stay
ahead when Kareem gets his beast up to speed. Shoot across London being
mindful of the traffic. If you avoid all the traffic, you'll win. Now the
beast is yours!!
--------------------Kareem-Head-to-Head-2-Canary to Kensington----------------
Car I Used: Pheonix
This one is SIMPLE!! Unless you have a major collision, you should fly through
it. At the very beginning 95% of the time Kareem hits a traffic car then runs
smack into a wall. Again, drive by, mock him, and keep going!! You can break
just before your turn towards the last light has you are considerably ahead.
Kareem goes through town to get to the light, but I like to go by the Thames
and then turn up. Your only opponent is the timer. Kareem will DNF, so you
just need to worry about time.
--------------------Kareem-Head-to-Head-3-Southbank Shuffle-------------------
Car I Used: Pheonix DDX
This race is relatively straight and VERY fast. The heat will pick up on
Kareem and probably mess him up near the end. Remember when you get to the big
orange building take it kind of wide around the grey building. There is a dip
next to it (and I'm not talking about a pedestrian!!). Lets all say it
togethor now, "You wasted my damn time! You ain't no good!!"

15 MPH: Emily Morton
Emily can be difficult, if only because she drives a London car and you have
a New York car. Get at least her first car ASAP, then try everything else.
Shouldn't be too difficult, if you have a decent car.
Car I Used: Pheonix DDX
A simple enough route, but made difficult by the narrow streets. Just keep up
with her until the park when, golly be!! Somebody flew that rock from New York
to London!! All the opponents will take that rock perfectly, but if you aren't
dead center when you jump you'll flip. If you have trouble, take the slower
water route.
----------------------Emily-Waypoint-2-Shortcut in SOHO-----------------------
Car I Used: 237si
We're gonna get wet!! You're going to want to get the 237si before this race.
It's Emily's second car. It's heavy enough to stay in a minimum of control on
the slick roads.Take off and drive fast. Use gentle touches on the analog
sticks to keep your car under control. Emily really picks up the pace at the
end of the race, so hope you're way ahead of her by then. Guess where this
race ends? In front of the giant orange building!! Found it, yet?!?
-----------------------Emily-Waypoint-3-Crazy Curvy---------------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
Heard of "fight fire with fire"? Fight a 470ds with a 470ds. It's Emily's last
car and after you clean it out, this race is the last thing standing. Due to
the ds's massive speed and handling, you'll be jerking around like a flying
squirrel. Do your best to avoid the traffic and street lights. Getting tired
of these narrow streets yet? Once you get to the freeway, you should have a
miniscule lead on Emily. At this point use all the nitrous you have left and
go, baby, go!!
----------------------Emily-Head-to-Head-1-Camdenton Curl---------------------
Car I Used: Pheonix DDX
This can be hard or easy. Take off and use a nitro at 30 MPH (which you should
do in every race tsk,tsk). Shoot down the road here. Be careful at the next
narrow road of the car coming down it. Once across the bridge, look for a
alley in between two buildings. If you miss it, you can kiss the race buh-bye.
Now shoot fast and straight to the finish. At the building (Buckingham
Palace?) just before the finish, break through the fence and drive under the
arches. Good job!!
----------------------Emily-Head-to-Head-2-Tunnel Run-------------------------
Car I Used: 235
Not that hard really. Cut Emily off at the first turn. If she tries to pass
you in the tunnel give her a solid sideswipe. She will still probably pass
you. There is a very hard turn that she crashes on. Overtake her here. Then
breeze to the finish. Keep one eye on your map though, or you could get turned
around by the powerstation. Take that Emily!
--------------------Emily-Head-to-Head-3-Piccadilly Power Slide---------------
Car I Used: 237si
Follow Emily tight. At one point, she slows down BIG time. Overtake her and
continue on your merry way. After getting the last light look in front of it
to your right. GLASS!!!! You know what that means!! Smash through it and come
out pointing forward. Hang a left at the bridge and cruise in. Once in a while
Emily will flub the jump out of the building and skid on her side giving you
an easy path to victory!!
16 MPH: Lucas Howell-Jones
H-J is hard to catch at the beginning when he is a hookman. His
car is relatively fast, but has a tendency to flip when it hits a wall.

-------------------Lucas-Waypoint-1-Trafalgar Troubles------------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
This level is easy! Just use the path that HJ takes. Use thos nitrous on the
final stretch and put Lucas in his place!! If you really want to be tricky,
you can crash through the glass just before the second last light, but
you don't have to if you have any lead at all.......
--------------------Lucas-Waypoint-2-Confusion at the Wharf-------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
This one is definitly named right! This'ns confusin'!! Follow Lucas's path
into the subway, and then at the end of the subway make a hard right onto the
street and through the light. Now keep moving collecting lights, but I swear
I think that like the fourth or fifth (forgot which) is confusing! It is in
the most confusing part of town! Drive around until you find it. You should
have a demanding lead so you've got some time. Good luck, mate!
-------------------Lucas-Waypoint-3-Six-Pack in the Park----------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
This one is pretty easy, due to the fact that the path you should take is
pretty clear. Stay ahead of Lucas, or follow him to find your way. Remember,
if you follow him, you can always blast by him at the end when you know where
to go. Also, be mindful of your car damage. I haven't even thought about that
until I noticed I almost damaged out of this race. Three head to heads then
the London champ is falling down!!!!
--------------------Lucas-Head-to-Head-1-Clock Tower Power--------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
This one is easy, especially if Lucas spins out near the beginning. Just take
the lights nice and easy, but not too easy mind you. We all tend to forget
we're being timed. Time up and you're out!
--------------------Lucas-Head-to-Head-2-Parliament Squared-------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
This is pretty easy..... up to the third light. After that, I don't know where
to go exactly. Just blaze your own trail. Anything that beats Lucas and the
clock should do just dandy. "That was a bloody fluke!!" Then why do I do it
every single time, mate?
--------------------Lucas-Head-to-Head-3-Southbank Spiral---------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
Ever feel like you're going in circles? Well in this race, you are!! Take off
around the bend and then hang a right. If you don't turn sharp enough, you'll
end up inside the walls of the powerstation. See that oil tank? Make sure you
go to the right side of it, or else you won't be on the right course! After
going through the second light, go up the ramp in the building just ahead on
your right. That will quickly get you back on the road and give you a step on
Lucas. Now head hell-bent to Southbank. And drive around it, starting on the
left side. You've been to this orange building so many times now, you should
know where to get that secret car in Cruise mode!! In any case, congrats!
Now its off to face the London champ! First New York, then London, then
17 MPH: London Champ: Darren Thurock
He isn't THAT bad! Just stay in his face and use Nitros when you need to,
mate! He actually isn't good at all!! This race is a walk in the park!!
----------------------Darren-The London Championship--------------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
Ahhhhhh. The good 'ol 470ds. It can put this guy down quick, fast, and in a
hurry. Follow Darren's path through the level. You should be able to strike
out on your own after the first couple lights, has they get easy to tell the
fastest route. Darren's in a weak car has well. 75% of the time he DNF's!!
Just drive fast and sweet. Leave him in the dust, then get your beast in the
garage cooling. The World Champion is coming to play.
18 MPH: The World Champ
This is it! What all your driving up to this point means! Put on your game
face and get out there! This is going to be one wild ride!
Just pretend you're Nicholas Cage in Gone in Sixty Seconds. Ah yes,
and get that victory dance ready!!!
------------------------Champion-The World Championship-----------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
Now THIS is a race up to our standards!!! Hope for some big time luck here!
Take off down the alley at the beginning and nitro once at 30 MPH and then
again at 60. On that first left angle turn, give the champ a kiss (ain't
you a nice chap). Now shoot off into the night. Your lead will be shortlived,
however..... UNLESS- Theres somebody coming in the opposite direction here.
If they were to crash into the champ, you just might win. If not fly down
the streets and prey! Remember, practice makes perfect. It took me an hour to
beat the champ. Also remember, controllers and TV's aren't cheap. Try not to
hit the TV too hard. And the Midnight Club disk should ABSOLUTELY NEVER be
used as a frisbee!!! Good luck, mate!
If you beat this mission and made all the hookmen disappear you'll unlock:
(A) The Zender Alpha
(B) The Zender Type-S

Lead Designer, Yes, lead designer Darren Chisum offered this tip:
"Did you know that you can win the World Champion Race with the Bus?
Because the course is a big loop, you just move the bus to intercept the
other cars as they try to finish. One head-on with the bus will damage out
each of the other racers. Then just drive your victory lap!"

LSTYD had this to say:
"The second turn in the race is a left turn. If you time it right, you can
sideswipe the World Champ and knock that car into the the "alley" missing the
turn. The Champ will lose a few second just getting back on course. Just
watch out near the river for the one racer heading your way and you'll win by
a few seconds."

Jason had this to say:
"Another good way to beat the world champ is to stay close to him during
the beginning and keep hitting his car, he will damage out after a few good
taps because of the low tolerence of his car, you just can't let him get by
you or you will have some work to catch up."

Ted had this to add:
"If you can knock her far enough into the alley at the beginning of the
race so that when you get to the arches you are tied, then you can knock her
into the trees or the side of the arch and make her lose a ton of time."

Chris had this to say: "When you start the race keep your car lined up with
the rear of the World Champion's car. At the first turn she slows down big
time,so plow into her car so she gets knocked into the "alley."Hopefully it
will also slow you down so you can make the turn."

Chris added the following:
"dont follow her! take a left at the start and followa the other guy. us
the 3rd of emilys cars or after you beat darren got to arcade mode and play
waypoint 15 in NY and get the fiorenza 2. I used the first one. when your on
the border of the river and u see the champ crash her she should go to the
river 25% of the time or spin out then continue on your merry way."

Sam added: "The car that wins the best is the full version of the Modicum."

Lestat Added:
The car I used was the Modicum XSV.25 First you hit a nitro at the turn of
the light and another once that one is done. The champ will slow down to make
the turn, power slide in her. and with the cars accleration being what it is
you are gone. I use the manual tranny, so I downshifted once and was gone. She
has a hard time dealing with traffic. Not to mention the other car that is
coming the other way!! Just keep the foot to the floor and and know how that
car handles and you are set. No problem.

*Konranjyoutai said:
I had gotten to london after spending about a day trying to beat the
other champ! God that was hard. Anyway I got to london and the first person
I raced was...(whoever has the XSV car) and I thought It was a pretty cool
car, it took me like twice to beat it in the truck which was my fav car. Then
I got his cell phone number and kept racing him, once I realized how good
his car's were I used his to beat him untill I got his final car the xsv.25
which I was amazed at how great the car was. I kept using it and slipped
through every single race of london the FIRST time I raced them, well
almost..heh..Once I got to the champ I thought it would be pretty hard but
when I started to race I found it pretty easy. I tried to mimic her moves
by using a boost at the first cross street and then another a few seconds
later which easilly got me to 120 mph and ahead of her for quite a while
untill I kept being hit and crashed into walls so I restarted a few times,
It was VERY hard every time I kept getting hit and crashing and thought I
would never have a chance in hell to beat her so I just kept restarting.
Anyway I figured I mise well keep going, she and another car was atleast
an inch (on the mini map thing) ahead of me (from another stupid crash)but
I just kept racing, soon I figured out the map and even though they were
that far ahead I very easilly passed her like thirty seconds later and
must of beat everyone by a good 10 or 15 seconds. I was amazed. I guess
my point is that the XSV.25 is the best car to race ANYONE, even the champ
and kill them on the first try. Thanks alot for listening to me and mabe
you can share my knowledge with some other peoples. Peace out.

[Editor's Note- Obviously contact- and that first alley- are your friends!]

19 MPH: Arcade Races Not In Career Mode
Some races aren't included in the Career mode, but you have to beat
them in Arcade mode to unlock everything. I'll highlight those here, along
with what they unlock. Unfortunately, it's been so long I forgot what some of
them unlock! Mainly, what Amata cars you get for each. Could somebody who
remembers email me this info? crashdacoot@excite.com
--------------------------------NEW YORK--------------------------------------
-----------------------Head-to-Head-I Smell Bacon....-------------------------
Car I Used: 470ds
Aye Caramba!!!!! This level is HAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!! I used the 470ds, but you
may want to opt for a more high end sports car from Zender or Amata. They are
so weak though I could never use them for this race. The path isn't that hard
to figure out, but the time limit is so tight it will be HARD!!!!
Just keep saying to yourself "NYPD, NYPD, NYPD" The cars are definitly worth
it has well. Good luck!!
Cars Unlocked: Manhattan PD- Patrol Car 1, Patrol Car 2, Patrol SUV

-----------------------Waypoint-11-Rapidly Intrepid---------------------------
Car I Used: Police Car
YEEHA CONAN!! YEEHA! Ya gots ta jump on the aircraft carrier, Conan! Ya
gotsta! Anyway, you, the World Champ, and a couple others race on and off the
carrier. Make sure you aren't getting bumped around on the ramp up or you
won't make it. Theres always at least one car DNF. Your only competition is
the Champ so get moving!! Just be careful!
Car Unlocked: Zender- Beta

-----------------------Waypoint-12-Rabid Transit------------------------------
Car I Used: Patrol Car 2
Take it hard, fast, and careful. Running into a bus equals running into a
brick wall. Shoot down the straight shot streets. The buses have an uncanny
knack for wedging for making you have to plow through them to get by. Hit them
near the front or back. Never in the middle. Use a car like the Patrol Car 2
that has good speed and durability.
Car Unlocked: Manhattan Bonus- Bus

-----------------------Waypoint-13-Midnight Treat-----------------------------
Car I Used: Crescendo
Good luck here! This race is really hard! It seems a differant route wins each
time, so pick a route and hope it works. Move fast, and total your car.
Those confounded ice cream trucks are more persistant than the buses, so are
going to need some serious patience. Again, good luck!!
Car Unlocked: Manhattan Bonus- Ice Cream Truck
----------------------Waypoint-14-Meter Maid's Revenge------------------------
Car I Used: Patrol Car 2
Fast and easy this one. Race by the meter maids following right behind
Homeboy 0. Sometimes she'll crash in the building. Overtake her there or at
that second last turn. If theres one thing that will make you lose this race,
it's laughing. Do your best to hold back the laughter when sirens go off and
you look behind you to see a meter maid chasing you!! Is that not the funniest
thing you've seen in your life?!?!?!?! And if you're a sadist who hates
meter maids, forget racing and just play this level with Marauder!!! PARTY!!!
Car Unlocked: Manhattan Bonus- Meter Maid
---------------------Waypoint-15-Manhattan Loop-------------------------------
Car I Used: Police Car
This one is hard. It's a blistering fast run across the Manhattan loop. In
fact its so fast at the "S" turn, sometimes some of the cars will flip off
the freeway and be out of the race!!! What kept messing me up was at the very
end that last turn..... I would wrap myself around a lightpole, then be out
of it. Try to avoid my bad fortune, and be careful there.
Car Unlocked: Amata- Fiorenza II (?)
Car I Used: Patrol Car 2
This one is relatively hard as well. I used the Patrol Car 2 and finished with
around three seconds to spare!! Don't get caught up in the tunnel at the end,
however. And watch out for the cops. This is the only level in the game that
the ones that chase you pose a problem. These guys are like the "Driver" cops!
Cars Unlocked: London PD- Police Car, Police Van, Police Wagon
------------------------Waypoint-12-River Run---------------------------------
Car I Used: Super Taxi
Its an easy race that you should win by a mile, if you can avoid damaging out!
At that first turn go right, Emilio will go left. Now "tour" that building
straight ahead of that first light now swing through those streets with
reckless abandon!! But make sure to hit the brakes if you can't avoid a bus to
minimize the damage. You've got the time, trust me. Don't get lost after
cutting behind Big Ben though. Know where you're going. Also, you may want to
use tougher car than the Super Taxi. A tank with mortar shells would work good
Car Unlocked: London Bonus- Double Decker
------------------------Waypoint-13-Black as Night----------------------------
Car I Used: Marauder
This one can be hard, if only because it is so confusing. Have an idea of your
path on the loading screen, and then carry it out. The black cabs here have
no chance against Marauder, so take it fast and furious. Keep one eye on your
map at all times, though, or else you'll get lost! Good luck!!!!
Car Unlocked: Black Cab
------------------------Waypoint-14-Speedy Delivery---------------------------
Car I Used: Super Taxi
This race is easy. The streets aren't that congested, so just chill. Follow
either Homeboy 0 or the one that goes with him for a while then breaks away.
Just follow your instincts and keep that map zoomed out so you can see what
the next light should be.
Car Unlocked: Crown Mail
------------------------Waypoint-15-Jump the Thames---------------------------
Car I Used: Fiorenza II
This is FUN! I have been jumping the Thames since I got the game and found
that ramp. Now, its in a race! Take the "London Runway" has I call it (the
loop that goes around just before the ramp) has fast as possible. Try to be
ahead of everyone else at this point or you could bellyflop... literally!
Shoot across and hope for a miracle. Usually, I hit, bounce up, and land
pointing in the direction I need to go. Also, see if you can make the
Legendary "Perfect River Jump". The only car I've ever accomplished that with
was the good 'ol Patrol Car 2. Good luck, and have fun!
Car Unlocked: Crescendo
20 MPH: Sweet Stuff to Do In New York
*Obviously, go onto the aircraft carrier.

*Get a friend and pretend you're in the Midnight Club. For instance, stage a
race from the FDR Tunnel all the way around New York and back to the tunnel,
via the freeway.

*Take the ramp in that one warehouse and jump up on the other warehouse's
roof with a friend. Now, have a bump fest and see who falls off first!!

*Play tag.

*Play "Meter Maid's Revenge" using the Marauder.

*Play "Rapidly Intrepid" just to see how many guys you can make DNF. See if
you can get a perfect score!!

*Race across the freeway with traffic turned off and with a friend. Bump
and shove each other, and first person to lose control loses!!

*Get on the aircraft carrier with a friend and play "King of the Ship" trying
to knock the other person off. From: Jesse Barouch

*There is a phat jump in Times Square where, if you hit it right, you can go
roofing. By: Sidewinder

*Have a Destruction Derby-style race in NY(only because there are more roads).
The rules are simple: choose a starting/finishing point, and have a 10 lap
race. Winner is the first one to either finish all 10 laps or total their
opponent's car(make the damage bar fill up completely) three times.
By: Shotgunner

*Play a game of "Hide and Destroy your opponent". Kinda like tag, the rules
are simple: choose one person ot be "it". That person must avoid being
totalled for five minutes. After five minutes, the other player is "it".
Winner is the first person to total their opponent three times.(If you decide
to try this idea, it is best to have a "timekeeper", so that you know when to
switch roles). Also By: Shotgunner

*"Cops N' Speeders". One person drives a cop car, the other person drives
anything EXECPT a cop car. The only way for the cop to win is to cut off
the "speeder" and make him/her come to a full stop, either by slamming
them into a wall, another car, building, etc. The only wy for the "speeder"
to win is to avoid being stopped for 10 minutes. Also, if either person
("cop" or "speeder") goes into the water, that person automatically loses.
Another variation of "Cops N' Speeders" is "Cops N' Smugglers". Obiviously,
you need to have Smuggler's Run to play this little game. One person is the
"cop", while the other is the "smuggler". Rules are the same as "Cops N'
Speeders", execpt that both the "cop" and the "smuggler" has three "lives".
Also By: Shotgunner

*I found this amazing kind of flip thing in NY. There is a street right
before the highway, (on the narrow side of NY) that cuts all the way across
the narrow part of NY. Go down one of the streets that goes straight and
takes a barelyleft turn that keeps yourself on the same road. At the end of
the road (going to the part of the highway where on the map it is green) go
accross a small park that on the map looks like a square. Then go into the
spot where it is a parking lot, keep on going straight, then you will hit
this kind of uprise in the road that will fling your car in the air, possibly
you will nail a tree or lamp post and start spiinning. It's awesome watching
from a first person view, but sometimes cooler in a third person view because
you will be able to see what the car is doing. By: Jakebala

*Drive with a friend and go to New York and find the basketball stadium(it's
allong the edge of the city, for player one, turn right and go down a
street). Once inside, hold a race with as many laps as you want, and whoever
wins gets the loser's car, or if your really competitive, give them a certain
amount of money! By: Ryan Berg

*Try to make a speed senario like you take the bus and a friend a police
car and he have to escort you at a speed of 50 mph and higher of course or
try a Eveil Kenivel stunt course in nyc like going on the boat and after
return on the roof beside the boat and the course end on the roof where you
find the super taxi. By: Guillaume Rondeau

*Play Cops n' Robbers By: Piyro

*Put traffic all the way up and push cars off the aircraft carrier ramp.
By: Piyro

*Pick a long stretch of NY straight strip of road...... We prefer the one
that dead ends to the Row houses by the freeway. Start outside of Chinatown
where the remainder of the road is straight. Select cars with Manual
Transmission (Nitrous Optional) and use the drivers view. (So much better
when the Zender hits 150MPH). Line up with the crosswalk. The same amount of
white will be showing in the driver's view. Wristwatch timer signals the start
of the race. Crossing the double yellow is a no no. When you shift will affect
who comes in first.....really "Slams the Wall". When you "gas the Nox" impacts
the outcome as well. To start the next round, return and damage out for a
car if you like. By: Marc

*"Automotive Break-Dancing".
Go in to cruise mode, I suggest using London for this.
This seems to be best done with the Karuma Fassuto GT, but it might be
better with some of the cars that I cannot get to. Don't bother trying it
with the Smuggler's buggy, that thing likes being on it's back too much!
By: Jeff

*Jump your car off of something rather small (a little to the side, not
straight on!), a bump in the park, the monument in London, a stair case,
corner of a building, hood on a car in traffic, highway median, ect.
Then use the hand break, accelerator, and analog direction stick to get your
car to spin, bounce, flip, roll, whatever looks cool. See how long you can
keep it going before ending up on your back, or the game puts you back on
all 4s. Also By: Jeff

*See how many pedestrians you can hit in a minute! By: Jeff

Compete with friends to see who can do the best jumps! By: Jeff

TAG in 2 player cruise mode! By: Jeff

Find the glitch that causes you to fall THROUGH a solid roof, TROUGH the
building, THROUGH the ground, and into some weird colored water!
This is best done in London! By: Jeff

*This is kinda trippy. Ya know that HUGE ramp somewhere in New York?
(Will also work with the HUGE ramp in London!) Race towards it with incredible
speed. Before launching, flip the view mode to the one that kinda looks like
it's the driver's seat view. Launch at an angle, and AVOID landing on a
building! Try not to vomit! Also by Jeff

*In New York, go to the straight ramp, near the aircraft carrier, when u jump
on to the roof, go up to the first small red structure right in front of
you a bit to the left, but don't go past it, turn 90° left, go forward and
you'll see a white part in between 2 red buildings, reverse to get a run
up, once u get on the white area, don't slow down, and don't fall on to the
second level on the right (you can't really see very well where it drops
down) drive fast off the edge, and you should drive up a diagonal grey
wall, jump over to the other side, and if u didn't fall off, you can fall
into this pit with different walls surround you, and you can't get out ;)
Now just find a friend and play hide and go seek! By: Micheal Trebilcock

*Go to the green area near the big tunnel (when u start off, it's straight up
and to the left), go up that grey ramp and stop on that building where u
can see the red light to unlock a hidden car, go to the edge and turn 90°
left, and jump off the edge of the building your on, but not too fast, if u
land right without falling into the water, keep going forward and right,
but slow, and u can drive around the edge of the city ;) Cept there is this
one glitch where u can see part of the road and u seem to just slip and go
into the water.. Also try backing into the water a little bit, enough to
make the game think u drowned and u can drive around for 2 seconds from a
very far away view, heh.. By: Micheal Trebilcock

*On Midnight Club in New York by the park on the outside of town there is a
building with a bull in front of it. On the left side of the building there
are some stairs. There is a road running into it. If you go all the way to
the beginning of the road and go as fast as you can towards the stairs, when
you hit the stairs it acts like a ramp and you fly straight up. If you have a
really fast car you can go up about fifteen stories up. By: Smora1000

*Heres a riddle: How do you get the bus on the aircraft carrier? Answer Below.
Back up all the way to the end of that straight (the border of the city) with
one person controlling the bus and the other with the police SUV. Then floor
the bus until it reaches top speed and then shift into neutral (u must have
the bus in manual mode) and then have the SUV push it from the back until u
reach the highest speed possible. That should do it. By: DMBand9

*In either London or New York, set the traffic to 0, and hove you and your
buddy take the hover car (Zender Beta or Alpha) and play like you're the last
two people on earth and you hate eachother =) By: Pranadevil2k

*Hold a demolition derby in the basketball court. By: Scotlandyard108

21 MPH: Sweet Stuff to Do In London
*Use that large ramp behind you when you start to just investigate the

*Try to make the Legendary "Perfect River Jump".

* There is also a river jump over at the Wharf. Go in there and find the
building that you can smash through the glass. Find the ramp, then back up
into the subway and go for it! You need monster speed though!

*Do some window shopping. One store has a picture of a guy and girl in thier
scivvies! (no, I'm not British, but I still haven't recovered from the
London part of the drivethrough!)

*Get in the Black Cab and drive along the sidewalks chanting,"I am the
hearse!" (Only for the disturbed!)

*Get in the Crown Mail car and try to drive up to all the mailboxes in town
(only for the truly bored!!!!)

*Play "Jump the Thames" just to see how many people you can make DNF!

*In two player mode, Both people need to make the Giant river jump and land
on opposite buildings to the left and right across the river. Then head for
each other and both jump the side of the buildings and have a mid-air
colliosion. By: Jeremy Popp

*Play Cops n' Robbers. By: Piyro

*"Automotive Break-Dancing".
Go in to cruise mode, I suggest using London for this.
This seems to be best done with the Karuma Fassuto GT, but it might be
better with some of the cars that I cannot get to. Don't bother trying it
with the Smuggler's buggy, that thing likes being on it's back too much!
By: Jeff

*Jump your car off of something rather small (a little to the side, not
straight on!), a bump in the park, the monument in London, a stair case,
corner of a building, hood on a car in traffic, highway median, ect.
Then use the hand break, accelerator, and analog direction stick to get your
car to spin, bounce, flip, roll, whatever looks cool. See how long you can
keep it going before ending up on your back, or the game puts you back on
all 4s. Also By: Jeff

*See how many pedestrians you can hit in a minute! By: Jeff

Compete with friends to see who can do the best jumps! By: Jeff

TAG in 2 player cruise mode! By: Jeff

Find the glitch that causes you to fall THROUGH a solid roof, TROUGH the
building, THROUGH the ground, and into some weird colored water!
This is best done in London! By: Jeff

*This is kinda trippy. Ya know that HUGE ramp somewhere in New York?
(Will also work with the HUGE ramp in London!) Race towards it with incredible
speed. Before launching, flip the view mode to the one that kinda looks like
it's the driver's seat view. Launch at an angle, and AVOID landing on a
building! Try not to vomit! Also by Jeff

*in london where the jump is to go over the water, if u land on the building
on the right, u can jump off it on the right too and land in a building that
is competely solid, no breakable windows, u get out by just touching the walls
By: Pip2cool

*Get the maraurder, and try to knock people into the thames river(This also
works with the ramp to the aircraft carrier in NY) By: ScottK642

*in London if you've got two players have one person do the "Perfect
River Jump" and the other person try to land on him! AWESOME with the Zender
or Baja Buggy =) By: Pranadevil2k

*in london jump the thames go the " London runaway" ( loop
before it) and get some speed. hit the ramp and at the very edge hit
the handbrake with the left or right arrow and flop to the driver's view.
watch your car flip and spin. ( best done with police suv) By: Scotlandyard108

22 MPH: Sequel Ideas
*In Manhattan, I'd like to see David Letterman's studio, or Conan O' Briens.

*Yet more cars!! Some of the races maybe need to be toned down a bit.

*Easier to control cars at top speed.

*Traffic that doesn't swerve out of it's way to hit you!!!

*More Secret areas and driveable buildings!


*Have at least one city from each continent like rio de janerio,sydney,tokyo
and some city in Africa. From: Arthur Stefanski

*Buy or modify cars. From: Brandon

*Get in and out of cars (steal other cars). From Brandon

*Have a game with the same feel and drive as Midnight club just with a gone
in 60 seconds theme, Steal cars and level up stealing abilities (speed,
stealth, electronics, etc.) From: Brandon
[Editor's note: I was thinking about this too!]

*More towns such as tokyo and Los Angeles. From: Alexander Kersey

*Import Models From: R Boi

*Motorcycles From: R Boi

*Teams put as formal drag race crews From: R Boi

*Real cars (Pirahna=Civic Halfbacks) From R Boi

*Animals (Need something better to hit) From: R Boi

*Some drag race tracks, straight-aways. From: R Boi

*Better racer taunts (Flip off option). From: R Boi

*Make more scraps flying when one crashes, like make the hood pop out when
top speed into a wall; same as for trunk. Also, if the police is chasing you,
make them shoot at your car. Finally, when the car damages out, explode them!
From: Richard

*More resistance from barriers. (It's too easy and unrealistic to just plow
through all the poles and traffic as if it was nothing) By: Quiet Cannon

*More aggressive police. They don't do much in this
game. (Police roadblocks.) By: Quiet Cannon

*Custom level editor. (Set your own way points or your own rules. Race
your friend or the clock. Edit the traffic to make it whatever you want.
All busses, Police, etc...... By: Quiet Cannon

*why not have one Easy part of the game so my little sisters an d girl
friend can play it whitout my help an one Normal for my father and his
Brother so the still can feel young. and finally Hard or Pro for the real
guys like us. By: Marco Beutelrock

* United States tour(New York, Chicago, LA, Cleveland, Boston).

*Have cars with better nitrous handling, better speed, or better cars like
a Porshe mdx, BMW cars, or cars that can shoot, and better things to run over.
By: Taxicab Driver102

*create your own car (like modify all the parts to the way you like it) and
your own driver (age,height,etc.). Also there should be different types of
races like a demolition derby. By: Chris

*get money for races as well as have races to win cars. With the
money you should be able to buy other cars and supe up your cars(rims,
exhaust, nitrous, and whatnot). By: Jeff Whi

*Better background music more associated with the city (e.g.: for London,
the music from The Clash's "London Calling"). By: DJQ

*Make a car like Inspector Gadget's. By: DBro2323

*More american car knock-offs, like fords,chevys,dodges,plymoths(prowler),
acura, and shelbys. By: Psyco68611

*if your ganna steal a car you need eather another person to
drive it away or a semi tuck with a traler to haul it away." Bring these big
rigs into effect. hauling around stolen cars. like "smokey and the bandit"
that would be cool. By: Erik R.

*more street car'z.. especially thing'z like a stock car and you race people
for $$ to buy stuff to hook up your car like kit's, systems, and thing's for
under the hood.. By: LuCkIe..(1)nE..

*unlock either a tank or a huge monster truck that can just plow through the
city. The tank doesnt have to be able to blow stuff up just squish it.
By: Pyro God Psycho.....or just Psycho

*1. An Interior view of the Dash & out the front window. 2. In the Cruise
option, allow for the cops to at least appear & chase you. 3. Since you're
cruising, maybe allow the Bomb & a few others to have operating Hydro's or
switchable lighting for those times when you want to run without lights.
4. And for last lil thought, Maybe have some responses
to the the people on the street. By: Really Lost

*Have police in cruise mode, and if you are a cop, you can chase people who
are speeding. *More building that can be crashed into. *Have explosions,
like if you hit a gas truck at a high speed and when you damage out at a
high speed. *Be able to challange people at a red light in cruise mode.
*Make the cars be able to peel out. By: Dustin

*Hey i think for the sequel the should more american and imoprts and be able
to modify them your self and of course you have to be able to get flames
comin out the pipes and you have to have side pipes, black outs, black and
clear head lights and break lights, wings, boddy kits. And for the trucks
you should get some longbeds with dullie wheels in the back and maybe some
high riders and of course you have to have eleanor with the go baby go. and
finally i think when the cops case you there should be air
units(helicopters) now that would be phat and one more thing there should
Dale Earnhardt`s(R.I.P BUDDY) Intimidator. By: J. Sotak

*I think they should make it where you can paint and
colorize your car to your own specs and have more cities and make them a bit
more detailed. By: Blake Davenport

*There should definitely be more and better interactive cities (i.e. when
you crash into stores go through them, more buildings w/ ramps, etc., and
more secret places/cars). it really wouldn't matter what city, although it's
good to have real ones. By: JKAakaJohn

*You should be able to get out of your car and go into secret hangouts where
the hookmen are instead of them driving in circles
By: PB Ryda

* A setting for number of cops, and they should be able to bust you if you
get caught. By: PaintBallBoy

*I got one for ya, actual brand name cars, instead of cars with real bodies
and fake names (i.e., the pdq ari is an exact Honda civic). The gone in sixty
seconds idea was great too. By: Josh

*you should have like missions where you go steal cars and ship em off to
docks. I like the idea of running out of your car and shooting guns.And last
but not least I think the police should have raids. So if you steal a car
(in the event your allowed to get out) they block you and arrest you.
By: Ultimate One

*In Arcade Mode, you should be able to turn cops on or off like in Driver. And
You should have the option of having cops in Arcade and 2 player modes.
By: Chris

*Midnight Club is an excellent game.
But I feel that is lacking in style, for instance optional lights on/off
tail lights on when lights are on would be good. Another would be turn
signals. Cops in cruise mode (with better AI), A city edit mode, No push
once No2 (a constant burn) More tree growth, Some rural settings, and above
all MORE CARS. By: MarauderX

*Again on the subject of finding the other thugs,they should be at meeting
places like in the movie you should also have yur own hideout (or house) and
other people come looking for you also. By: Chris McDonald

*Have a custom-built car section. By: Jordan Bortner


*in london, theres that tunnel that is blocked off, right? well at one end of
that tunnel, it enters a certain building where off to the side, there is a
ramp in that building where when u go off, u have a chance of clearing part
of the thames river!

in any level, have 2 players on and have an experienced player hide on a
hard-to-get-to rooftop, then have a not-so-experienced player try to get
that spot for practice and to get better and the game. doing this can also
be good if playing tag!
why do the computer cars of the ppl on the street always shake rapidly
before you, then finally run into you? even if you're parked before a red
light of on a sidewalk they seem to "want" to hit you.
and why are there traffic jams on the highway, even though every car in the
jam is perfect and there's absolutely nothing in front of them?
funny thing is the pedestrians action behavior. if you're parked in one spot
and they walk up to you, they'll dive like they're trying to get out of the
way. and if you're parked, sometimes they'll come up to you and while
they're walking they walk into the car, and making contact, somehow fly 10
feet up into the air. haha, i like picking the maurader in capture the flag,
just watching the computer cars scramble to get the flag by plawing each other
up in to the air makes me crack up. By: Tyler Wysocki

*I think that instead of u losing and keeping your car, they should make it to
where when u lose, the winner gets your car. And when u beat someone u can
choose what car u want that they have. And i really like the idea about buying
parts and modifying your car yourself. By: Matt Monahan

*I think there should be more smoke when you burn out,and i think they should
put classic cars such as (1967 shelby mustang gt500 or a 1969 camaro ss)oh
and most important you should be able to wheely like in the movie FAST AND
THE FURIOUS.now that would make the game tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: Paulavm1150

*a tag game with the computer cars , or find and seek. By: Mike

*the game should have a big hang out spot with alot of
cars on it like a lot or shoppin center.they could have ppl on there talkin
crap sayin ur car is slow or something and they callin u out to race and the
game ask u if u want to race them for money and how much it will be .plus i
think u should have cars like dodge neon R/t on there and acura and vw golf
GTI and etc.those cars r mostly never included in most games.another thing is
u can create ur own import car and soup it up and do thing under the hood.
plus one more thing have the cops chase u out off the lot and everyone leaves
out and the cops chase them. By: MiKe

*maybe a build your own crash derby or small town. possibly a coarse that
takes place on a space station. By: Shaun Hamman

*the midnight club sequel should have twice as many cars like hummers
fieraries jaguars,etc. good cars like those and also they should keep some of
the old good cars like the taxi cab marauder,all the ascents,all the
amatas,all the zenders,and all the karumas.the sequel also needs some
motorciycles like those japanese motorcycles also known as croch rockets that
go really fast.alot more cars also should have nitro boost.u should also be
able to get money for winnig races to buy some cars and the rest of the races
can let u get cars by winning the race.cars should also be able to explode or
catch on fire when they damage out it would also be nice if parts of the car
would catch on fire and u are still driving or if a wheel feel off u could
still drive.basically the sequel could just use some HUMMERS!!!!
lots of them and they should have high durability,speed,handling,and
axceleration By: ChoulMoiJilBa

*i think the 2nd and/or 3rd should a mixture of the first one with the story
lines of gone in 60 second plus a bit of the fast and the furious
By: Fettachini11

*Yes the thing with winning money..and then buyin things for it is
awesome.. but i think it should be done like GT3. In that game u can change
your tires...oil...suspension......tranny....and give it a shit load of turbo
and other clutch slash engine parts. That would make the game a whoooole lot
better. Also ground kits are a must they should have at least 5 diff
groundeffect\boydykits for EACH car. This also would def help... another is
400m racing... quater miles are a must... just like GT3 race your friends to
see who has the smarts to make a faster car. Another is Music... Fast and
furious is quite the match for this game... that kinda of soundtrack (mostly
rap orientated) is quite hot. Heavier stuff is a must also...another should be
Systems...yes stereos... they should have a part in the game to compete on
your stereo power...ya know like bass and stuff...you should also be able to
win money for car parts and stereo parts...dont 4get the rims...and bodykits
again...this makes it way more fun. Another big part would have to be....a
part when to players with game can compete with each other after they think
there cars are up to par..is to race against each other and bet there
pinkslips..winner takes race an other car...no crying..thats also a nice
thing... i totally agree on my player interaction.... i think as in driver2
u should also be able to get out of the car and then go into other cars..
anyone u wish...this is a whole lot fun...so if u dont want to wait for u
car to come back to get ur nitrous back...(get more of that) you could just
hope in a brand new car. easy as that. Nitro is needed...make a more nitrous
back cracking effect win using it...cars again...more. i agree...o yea and
lastly this is prob a real dumb thing but i think it would be awesome to just
be able to ask people drive with you...it be cool to pick a chic and crusie
around...o YEa MORE levels...granted Ny and London are big enough but more
locatiosn too...China..Seattle..Texas..among others..at least 10 or so..
that um prettymuch what i wish this game would do for MidNRacing 2.
By: Pirahna Jay

*Make the police more like they were in "Need For Speed", where police
actually stop you, give a warning, then take you out of the race.
By: C. Evans

*i think that there should be more cars like honda civic and other cars that
are use in real life street racing i also like the idea of stealing cars from
dealerships and having money to bye things for the cars that you have and
being able to buy cars. and being able to go to warehouses or parking lots
where you can talk to people and they dis yor car and they chaleng you to a
race. there should be a choise of what kind of race you do with the computer
or friend like drag races or street races ext. there should be more places to
race and there should be race tracks mabey and some drag lanes more locations
small and big towns citys. and be able to drive on a free way to other towns
fly to more countries. you should be able to peel out and do wheeles like on
THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS that would be phat! it would be cool to have more
jumps and secret areas. the game should have the story line of THE FAST AND
AND THE FURIOUS and GONE IN 60 SECONDS. be able to create your own car and
get money to soup your cars up with suff like in grand trusmo 2 that would
be cool. By: R. Farrar

*1: A police chase mode, like Chaser, and Chaser 2. I thought Midnight Clud
would have more police!
2: A crash mode, like, a whole HUGE level filled up with all sorts of crazy
jumps, etc. etc. Another thing, there needs to be alotta room so you can
really get you rcar up to speed.
3: More police! In the career mode, when your speeding around looking for
hookmen, it would be cool to have the whole N.Y.P.D. follow you until you to
far ahead.
4: A drag race mode ( I think that's what it's called), were your car drives
strait the whole way to the finsih line.
5: A better story mode.
6: I'd like to see the Amblunaces and Firetrucks (along with buses) do more
than drive around. I'd like to see a car catch on fire, and the Amblunaces
care for any injured, or runned-over victims. I'd like the buses drop-off, and
pick-up up people. My point? I'd like for more of a "city" feeling. Everything
seems so dull when people just walk around. Couldn't the just walk into a
store? Walk in groups, hang out in a dark alley?
7: Better looking buildings. Make them shiny like the cars.
By: Pat

*actually have real sports cars!! (i.e. Bmw, Jaguar) also allow you to add
more nitrous to your car for the certain price. By: Scotlandyard108

*there should be an option in cruise mode to turn on cops or turn them off
cus just drvin aorund the city is kinda bporing so cops could make it a lil
better. also make the game 4 players its a long story why this would be
better but i think anyone who really likes the game wil agree YOU NEED MORE

*And you should be able to add neon lights to your car, working hydraulics
and sub woofers, and be able to raise your own car club and compete at car
shows like nopi for money. 10x more cars, real cars like lancers and neon,
etc. By: lone wolf

*I would love to see buildings that could get damaged like in red faction!!!
By: BigRoyalDog

*Any ideas? Email me! Mark the subject "Sequel Ideas"

23 MPH: Misc. Stuff
Hey everybody! This is the Misc. section! Just some random things I think you
should know. Read on fellow street racers!

*To anybody who said stealing cars would be a good addition, I don't agree.
It wouldn't be a racing game then. However, if you feel the need to jack some
cars, check out Grand Theft Auto 3. It is also made by Rockstar. Oh yeah, and
it rocks.

*The new movie "The Fast and the Furious" is based on the real Midnight Club,
and illegal street racing. I suggest you check it out.


*From zero*linkin!!:
"I think alot of people kinda misinterpreted the game as some kind of
potential Grand Theft Auto or Driver, but its just street racing. To borrow
from Tokyo Extreme Racer (on PS2 this month I think...), being able to buy
(whether legally or illegally) mod parts and mod your car, like instead of
just getting the 2nd and 3rd versions of cars instead you gotta do it
yourself, like in real life street racing.
More straightaways are needed too for drag racing.
Maybe incorporate the whole domestic vs import thing. Adding Tokyo and LA
(as someone said) would be amazing cause it could fuel this.
As for who said get actual car licenses, no car company will license their
product to a game which flat out endorses street racing (even Tokyo Extreme
Racer doesn't have licensed cars) especially if theres car damage too."

*Majingbu added:
"Fellow gamers...

First and foremost, let me reiterate what someone already said. We're
looking at a street racing game, not Grand Theft Auto, Driver, or State of
Emergency (coming out soon). We're not looking for another "how many crimes
can I commit without getting busted. Come on people. Grand Theft Auto 3
will be out at the end of the year. And I'm sure there will be more to
follow that one.

I just recently bought my PS2 and I was really looking for a game that would
represent street racing for what it is. I bought Tokyo Extreme Racing Zero
and it was all right. But it was freeway racing. Street racing to me has
always been in the middle of town, heckling pedstrians, pissing off cops,
and generally causing trouble. I live in Japan right now and so here I sit
in the middle of car club central. These guys race real late at night, so
there's representation of the game right there. But these guys don't ALWAYS
race. They have other things that they're into. Car stereo, maintaining
the car, just getting together and chilling with their fellow racers.
They're not out to steal other people's cars, kill people, or anything else
like that. Sure, what they do is illegal, but hey, it's their past time.
Let's not make it seem like they do more illegal stuff than race and work on
their cars. Some things are better left alone.

Here's my proposal for the next Midnight Club game, if and whenever it comes
out. First, increase the AI. Sure, some of you are saying "It's good
enough how it is." Well, all I know is that when I'm racing and all the cars
follow right behind me, that's not good AI. Make the AI controlled players
learn as they go. Make them learn to take more short cuts, do more
unorthodox stuff, like taking ramps and stuff to get ahead. Make them learn
as they go, just like you and I had to the first time we played the game.
Make them more lifelike.

The idea about having real cars, well that's all well and good, but like
someone else said, no car company is going to endorse street racing with
their cars. It's just not gonna happen.

Straightaways need to be more obvious. The whole idea about having a real
city is cool and all, and there should be races in the next game like that,
but we do need more of the good ol' fashioned "I'm gonna whip your ass on
the 2 mile strip tonight" races.

For those of you who have played and beat the game, think about the champ
race with Kareem. There was NO ONE on the street but the hookmen. There
should be more like that. And those are the times that you can have the
good long, straightaway races.

There should be a difficulty level setting as well. Maybe it's just me, but
I didn't see one on there. I remember reading a quote from another gamer
that said something to the effect of making it so his little sister and his
dad could play the game too without him having to sit there and help them.

Make the cars more customizable. This gaming where I just pick a car (that
someone else in the game built if you think about it) isn't cutting it. Let
me buy a car, race a few times and win some money. Then that money can be
used to buy the better stuff (i.e. engine, tires, brakes, nitros, car
stereo). And then, if I beat another racer and win his or her car, I can
either race it or customize it further.

The cruise thing was a great idea. I had a lot of fun just playing tag on
the highways in heavy traffic with my best friend. Those were great. But
the same two cities became too easy to race through after several times.
Once it got to the point where neither one of us were crashing into
anything, and we knew both cities like the back of our hands, it wasn't
exciting anymore. There do need to be some new cities. Lots of them. Make
Midnight Club into an RPG where you (just like the world champion) travel
the world to find competitions. I mean, if you're supposed to be the champ
at the end of the game, pick up where you left off and bring another young
racer into the spotlight that is up and coming in the Midnight Club. He or
she beats your butt at the beginning and dethrones you. Then the game is a
race around the world (pardon the pun) to build up a good car and take back
what is yours. Give us ten or eleven cities to run around in.

Weather should also be a factor. The couple of things that you had were
cool (clear, cloudy, rainy, and foggy). Let's get some other things in
there. Like snow. Snow would be fun to race in, or how about hail? C'mon,
there's got to be people out there who would race in hail. Or even thunder
and lightning. That would be cool too and it would bring out more of the
power in the PS2 engine.

Accidents on the road should yield more consequences. If you crash into a
wall at almost two hundred MPH, you're not just going to take a little
scratch on your car. You're going to blow the hell up. And if you hit an
oil or gas truck on the road, well it should spill or blow up or something.
That would be the thing that the GTA and Driver fans would be looking for.

Yes, the cops should chase you in Cruise mode. That would make the city
more realistic. And if you can lose them, well, there's another thing right
off of Driver. They leave you alone if you can outrace them.

I remember someone saying something about being able to get out of your car.
That would be cool. Make it so you can get out and walk around to meet
other racers (in secret places or something). Or you can just walk around
town or something.

Also during cruise mode there should be OTHER racers out on the rode that
are just cruising around. Just random cars out there to catch up to and
race around the city with. If you happen to pass one of them, there is no
challenge issued, no cell phone number to be passed back and forth. Just
race each other until one or the other cracks up. Computer AI knows no
shame and you can talk trash to your hearts content without offending
anyone. Just so there's not this same old stuff in the city. No pissed off
cops, no other crazy drivers (except for the drunk ones). That would be

More cars. We need more cars. Nuff said.

When you challenge a car club, don't make all of the cars or trucks look the
same. Make each racer in the game have their own look to their car. Emelio
was the only one that I could pick out in his club. I know that he's the
only one that is important, but I've never seen a car club where all the
cars looked the same. And also, when you're out just in Cruise mode, and
you see someone drive by that you want to cruise around with, you know who
it is. You can say "Oh hey, there goes Vasquez, she's in Emelio's car club"
or something like that. You know who is who and who is the best in each car
club. More details like that.

The whole thing about the city. The city is interactive and you can go
plenty of places. I would like to see 100% accurate cities. Not just
filler when you don't know what is supposed to go there. Go out and take
pictures, I don't care how many, to get a real life, accurate look at a city
and it's people.

All right, let me step down off my soap box. If someone doesn't like
something that I've said or suggested, well, that's for you to deal with.
These are just the things that I noticed, read from other gamers, and
thought about while talking to others about the game.

Thanks for your time, patience, and effort to read my little novel here
about Midnight Club."

*Lestat writes:
"A lot of the ideas that I have been reading are good. Like the fact to
be able to take a care and modify it. And not like GT2 or those games.
Hondas can have supercharger's and older cars can have blowers. And I think
you should be able to blow your motor. And meeting up with other racers is
good. You should have the option to race for pinks or money. Stereos are a
bad idea. The game is about going fast and winning, not what your car sounds
like. Come on people. And besides stereos add weight and weight slows down
your car. Drag racing is good, but the town should be split, one side should
have people that street and the other should drag. The other problem I have
with it is there aren't enough people to chose from. Three with three cars
each? Just have more drivers. And who cares what you look like in the car,
I think that is why there is no rearview mirror!! The biggest thing to
remember is the game is like the fast and the furious, not gone in 60
seconds. You are not stealing cars, you are racing them. The key word being
CARS not bikes."

24 MPH: Special Thanks
*Rockstar and Angel Studios- For giving me a really awesome game!!!!!

*Darren Chisum: For the World Champ tip and this game. It's not every day I
get emailed by the Lead Designer of a game!!

*Me- For writing this

*Mom and Dad- For getting me my Playstation 2 and Midnight Club

*CJayC- For having the best videogame strategy site on the net

*GameFAQS- For being the best videogame strategy on the net

*Samurai- Cause they're cool.

*Hideo Kojima- For making Metal Gear Solid and MGS2: Sons of Liberty!!

*My little sister Lesley- For showing me how bad some people are at games.

*Sony- For making the PS2

*Everybody who emailed me suggestions, tips, etc.

*All the guys/gals on the GameFAQS Midnight Club board. I couldn't have
finished the game without 'em!!

25 MPH: Shameless Plugging and Self Promotion
On GameFAQS:
Midnight Club
Walt Disney World Magical Racing Tour

Working On: Status:
Midnight Club II Waiting For Release

26 MPH: High Scores List
Mark the subject line "Best Times"
Please be truthful when sending me best times!! This covers Arcade and Career
mode on one graph. You will proabably have better times in Arcade mode due to
the fact you can use better cars, but whatever. I'm listed as "Rushhr"
Go see how fast you can go! I didn't use any really fast cars, so my times are
easy to beat. Also, try to use your career times for the bosses. Just to see
how ya did in Career mode.

(IMPORTANT) One more thing, try not to send me more than five, because then
takes me FOREVER!!

[NOTICE!] I am very sorry, but I accidently errr.... deleted some of the
high scores sent to me. Will the following please email me thier times back?
I'm really sorry!
#1: The GI Overseas (Name: RidgeRunner)
#2: The... uhh... Norwegian? It was somewhere near there. [Notice!]

------NEW YORK--------
Head to Head 1: Fast Break

1 | Rushhr | 0:20:13 | Beta
2 | Scotlandyard | 0:20:48 | Beta
3 | Howard | 0:21:85 | Beta
4 | T. Wysocki | 0:21:92 | Faasuto GT
5 | Pimpnstyle | 0:21:98 | Crescendo

Head to Head 2: U.N. Invitational

1 | T. Wysocki | 0:37:11 | Faasuto GS
2 | J M 01 | 0:37:33 | Police Car
3 | Bourse | 0:41:67 | Not Specified
4 | Cataclysme | 0:42:07 | Crescendo
5 | Chris | 0:45:19 | Beta

Head to Head 3: Uptown Slalom

1 |J M 01 | 0:37:80 | Police Car
2 | Chris | 0:41:23 | Beta
3 | Cataclisme | 0:41:74 | Crescendo
4 | Rushhr | 0:43:70 | J450
5 | Bourse | 0:43:91 | Beta

Head to Head 4: Assault on Battery

1 | J M 01 | 0:48:24 | Police Car
2 | Cataclisme | 1:00:62 | Crescendo
3 | oblivioned | 1:09:57 | Not Specified
4 | Jake | 1:09:96 | Bueno
5 | Rushhr | 1:11:09 | Bueno

Head to Head 5: Times Square Take-Off

1 | J M 01 | 0:32:56 | Police Car
2 | Cataclisme | 0:45:47 | Super Taxi
3 | Rushhr | 0:45:94 | Excellente
4 | Jake | 0:46:01 | Magnifico
5 | Neillie | 0:53:70 | Faasuto GT

Head to Head 6: Club Crash Midtown

1 | J M 01 | 0:42:27 | Police Car
2 | Cataclisme | 0:55:72 | Super Taxi
3 | Jake | 0:55:81 | J450
4 | Rushhr | 0:56:32 | J450
5 | Neillie | 0:59:40 | Faasuto GT

Head to Head 7: Get Down To Win

1 | J M 01 | 0:48:56 | Police Car
2 | Cataclisme | 0:54:67 | Crescendo
3 | T. Wysocki | 0:57:93 | Patrol Car 2
4 | Rushhr | 1:02:92 | Excellente
5 | Jake | 1:04:31 | Excellente

Head to Head 8: Station Showdown

1 | J M 01 | 1:13:50 | Police Car
2 | Neillie | 1:15:30 | PDQ
3 | Cataclisme | 1:19:87 | Crescendo
4 | Rushhr | 1:25:72 | Faasuto GT
5 | Jake | 1:28:44 | J420

Head to Head 9: Financial Troubles

1 | J M 01 | 1:05:56 | Police Car
2 | Cataclisme | 1:07:26 | Crescendo
3 | Rushhr | 1:10:79 | PDQ R
4 | Jake | 1:13:36 | PDQ ARi
5 | Neillie | 1:43:89 | Faasuto GT

Head to Head 10: I Smell Bacon...

1 | T. Wysocki | 1:09:56 | Alpha
2 | J M 01 | 1:10:86 | Police Car 2
3 | Mad Mike | 1:12:16 | Police Car 2
4 | Cataclisme | 1:12:38 | Faasuto GS
5 | Rushhr | 1:13:51 | 470ds

Waypoint 1: Beginner's Luck

1 | T. Wysocki | 0:27:79 | Alpha
2 | Sion | 0:27:93 | Faasuto Gt
3 | J M 01 | 0:29:56 | Police Car
4 | Rushhr | 0:30:02 | Beta
5 | Chris | 0:30:09 | Beta

Waypoint 2: Long Island Sprint

1 | J M 01 | 0:50:98 | Police Car
2 | Neillie | 0:54:31 | Faasuto GT
3 | Rushhr | 1:01:79 | Pheonix DDX
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 3: Village Slalom

1 | J M 01 | 0:54:88 | Police Car
2 | Rushhr | 1:01:00 | Marauder
3 | Neillie | 1:04:69 | Faasuto GT
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 4: Race of Clubs

1 | J M 01 | 1:03:46 | Police Car
2 | Rushhr | 1:16:50 | Taxi
3 | Neillie | 1:23:17 | Crescendo
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 5: Lucky Seven

1 | J M 01 | 0:48:46 | Police Car
2 | Neillie | 0:53:70 | Faasuto GT
3 | Rushhr | 1:00:36 | Magnifico
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 6: Off Broadway

1 | J M 01 | 0:52:03 | Faasuto GR
2 | Rushhr | 0:58:34 | Marauder
3 | Neillie | 0:59:40 | Faasuto GT
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 7: Manhattan Mayhem

1 | J M 01 | 1:24:49 | Police Car
2 | Neillie | 1:27:69 | Faasuto GT
3 | Justin Bredbinner | 1:43:33 | J450
4 | Rushhr | 1:47:81 | PDQ ARi
5 | | |

Waypoint 8: Three and Out!

1 | J M 01 | 0:54:85 | Police Car
2 | Rushhr | 1:14:41 | Magnifico
3 | Neillie | 1:15:30 | Faasuto GT
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 9: Shortcut Mania

1 | J M 01 | 1:24:04 | Police Car
2 | Neillie | 1:43:89 | Faasuto GT
3 | Rushhr | 1:51:11 | PDQ ARi
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 10: New York Championship

1 | Chris | 2:12:35 | Faasuto GT
2 | Neillie | 2:13:28 | Faasuto GT
3 | J M 01 | 2:13:35 | Faasuto GT
4 | Scotlandyard108 | 2:14:17 | Police Car
5 | Rushhr | 2:48:07 | PDQ ARi

Waypoint 11: Rapidly Intrepid

1 | Rushhr | 1:25:11 | Police Car
2 | TYler Wysocki | 1:25:61 | Alpha
3 | Neillie | 1:27:54 | Faasuto GT
4 | J M 01 | 1:28:35 | Police Car
5 | | |

Waypoint 12: Rabid Transit

1 | J M 01 | 1:11:03 | Police Car
2 | Tyler Wysocki | 1:14:62 | Alpha
3 | Neillie | 1:14:62 | Crescendo
4 | Rushhr | 1:19:94 | Patrol Car 2
5 | | |

Waypoint 13: Midnight Treat

1 | J M 01 | 1:40:10 | Police Car
2 | Tyler Wysocki | 1:44:59 | Alpha
3 | Neillie | 1:46:23 | Crescendo
4 | Rushhr | 1:48:90 | Crescendo
5 | | |

Waypoint 14: Meter Maid's Revenge

1 | Tyler Wysocki | 1:04:62 | Alpha
2 | J M 01 | 1:12:23 | Police Car
3 | Neillie | 1:12:59 | Faasuto GT
4 | Rushhr | 1:14:76 | Patrol Car 2
5 | | |

Waypoint 15: Manhattan Loop

1 | J M 01 | 1:43:66 | Police Car
2 | Tyler Wysocki | 1:46:59 | Alpha
3 | Rushhr | 1:46:79 | Patrol Car 2
4 | Neillie | 1:15:30 | Faasuto GT
5 | | |

Head to Head 1: A40 Drag

1 | Rushhr | 0:42:34 | J450
2 | Jake | 0:49:24 | PDQ ARi
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | |

Head to Head 2: Camdenton Curl

1 | Rushhr | 1:34:17 | Pheonix ICX
2 | Jake | 1:44:12 | Pheonix DDX
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 3: Clock Tower Power

1 | Jake | 1:10:19 | 470ds
2 | Rushhr | 1:11:23 | 470ds
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 4: Canary to Kensington

1 | Jake | 0:59:67 | Pheonix
2 | Rushhr | 1:04:16 | Pheonix
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 5: Tunnel Run

1 | Rushhr | 1:35:58 | 235
2 | Jake | 1:44:36 | 235
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 6: Parliament Squared

1 | Rushhr | 1:04:39 | 470ds
2 | Jake | 1:17:53 | 470ds
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 7: Southbank Shuffle

1 | Rushhr | 0:48:24 | 470ds
2 | Jake | 0:55:95 | DDX
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 8: Piccadilly Power Slide

1 | Rushhr | 1:11:97 | 237si
2 | Jake | 1:14:50 | 237si
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 9: Southbank Spiral

1 | Rushhr | 1:24:97 | 470ds
2 | Jake | 1:30:65 | 470ds
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Head to Head 10: Yard-o-Rama

1 | DMcKee | 1:34:38 | Not Specified
2 | Rushhr | 1:37:33 | Patrol Car 2
3 | Tyler Wysocki | 1:49:80 | Crescendo
4 | 2TIMIN | 1:40:00 | Faasuto GS
5 | | |

Waypoint 1: Zig or Zag?

1 | Rushhr | 1:37:12 | Super Taxi
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 2: London

1 | Rushhr | 1:50:86 | PDQ ARi
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 3: Trafalgar Troubles

1 | Rushhr | 1:07:93 | 470ds
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 4: London Loop

1 | Rushhr | 2:14:15 | XSV.25
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 5: Shortcut in SOHO

1 | Rushhr | 1:33:05 | 237si
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 6: Confusion at the Wharf

1 | Rushhr | 1:38:55 | 470ds
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 7: River Rat

1 | Rushhr | 1:42:86 | PDQ ARi
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 8: Crazy Curvy

1 | Rushhr | 1:53:75 | 470ds
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 9: Six-Pack in the Park

1 | Rushhr | 1:56:92 | 470ds
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 10: London Championship

1 | Sion | 3:22:74 | XSV .25
2 | Rushhr | 3:29:90 | 470ds
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 11: World Championship

1 | 2TIMIN | 1:28:30 | Fiorenza
2 | Rushhr | 1:32:91 | 470ds
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 12: River Run

1 | Rushhr | 2:44:14 | Super Taxi
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 13: Black as Night

1 | Rushhr | 1:55:67 | Marauder
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 14: Speedy Delivery

1 | Rushhr | 2:22:16 | Super Taxi
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |

Waypoint 15: Jump the Thames

1 | Ryan DeLouis | 1:31:04 | Zender Beta
2 | Tyler DeLouis | 1:32:56 | Zender Beta
3 | John Lambert | 1:40:76 | Not Specified
4 | Joe Dane | 1:41:57 | CrescendoII
5 | Snake | 1:42:86 | Police Car

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17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

15.Octombrie 2013
Capture the Flag

14.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Alle Level, alle Autos und alle Head 2 Head Challenges sind verfügbar.

17.Octombrie 2013

06.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
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