Dead or Alive: Hardcore

Dead or Alive: Hardcore

15.10.2013 18:53:33

----- D E A D O R A L I V E 2 -----

The Kasumi Character Guide
By AdrenalineSL
Version 1.00: Released June 9, 2002

Huhlo, esteemed Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore owner! I see that you have decided
on Kasumi to be your long-time companion (for various reasons). Otherwise,
you wouldn't be here, now would you?! She truly is a cool player to use. Easy
for beginners and even better for aroused men. However, if you let an
advanced player come and flex his muscles, she can be a formidable foe to all
who challenge her. This guide was designed to help recently developed Kasumi-
lovers like yourself get a jump start on things. In no time at all, you'll be
able to dominate the local arcade (or your friend's PS2), and there won't be
anyone who can stop you then! WUUAHHH!


01. Updates
02. Character Profile
03. Character Moves
Basic Attacks
Jumping Attacks
Special Attacks
Quick Moves
Back-Facing Attacks
Tag-Team Attacks
Miscellaneous Moves
04. CPU Opponents
Gen Fu
Jann Lee
Kasumi ALPHA
Lei Fang
Ryu Hayabusa
Tina Armstrong
05. Kasumi Goodies
Tag-Team Ratings
Best Combos
Victory Calls
Kasumi's Ending
06. Outro
Special Thanks
Legal Junk

| 01. Updates |

Version 1.00 | June 9, 2002
Just reformatted the guide and removed a lot of superfluous information that
had nothing to do with Kasumi whatsoever. Enjoy.

Version FINAL | August 13, 2001
Re-formatted some stuff. Nothing really eye-catching. It still looks like
crap to me, but what can I say when this was one of my first FAQs.
Everything is finished. No more updates. I really mean it this time. =P

Version 0.81 | May 3, 2001
Nothing terribly new to report. Just added the neat thing at the bottom.
That's it. Seriously. I don't have anything else to add in the guide really.
So I hope this will be my final update, but I'll keep it open in case there
was anything else to add. So see you in other FAQs! Bye!

Version 0.7 | March 21, 2001
Again not a big update. But an update is an update. Added the extremely short
"Kasumi's Ending" to the guide. Until the next update, this is AdrenalineSL
signing out!

Version 0.65 | March 17, 2001
Not a big update, but I just want to go through the versions anyway! ^_^

Version 0.5 | February 21, 2001
Added a couple more combos. Changed some stuff.

Version 0.45 | February 17, 2001
Started with the combos. Corrected many errors. Added general info. to the
Character's profile. Small update, all in all.

Version 0.4 | February 14, 2001
Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. As well as some in-game errors.
Finished CPU Opponents section. Whew! Just a few more things to complete.

Version 0.2 | February 13, 2001
Just started working on the FAQ. Can't expect too much done. Finished Move
List and other minorities. Not everything's done, but it's a start.

| 02. Character Profile |

Home: Japan
Nationality: Japanese (duh!)
Occupation: Ninja/Assassin
DOB: February 23rd 19??
Age: 20, logically. Ayane was 16 when Kasumi was 17. But now Ayane is 19, so
Kasumi must be 20! Holy mother of doodies! I'm a rocket scientist! Or she
could just be 17, who knows. It's confusing! (although it says N/A in PS2
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 106 lbs.
Fighting Style: Mugen-tenshin Ninjutsu/Tenjimon
Family: Brother, Hayate (aka Ein); Father, Shiden; Half-sister, Ayane
Measurements: Bust 35", Waist 21", Hips 33"
Hobby: Fortune Telling
Favorite Food: Strawberry Mille-Feuilles
Friends: Tina Armstrong, Lei Fang

Background: Kasumi is a true bred "Shinobi" (female ninja) of the Mugen-
Tenshin style. Kasumi's brother, Hayate, was next in line to succeed as the
18th master of the Mugen-Tenshin Academy. This was until one ominous day,
when an assassin left him marred and crippled in forest in Germany. Her
father Shiden was left bitter and refuses to mention the details surrounding
the attack. Kasumi's vindictive behavior will boost her determination to
succeed as 18th master of the school and get revenge for her brother. In an
attempt to settle her brother Hayate's vendettas, she became a runaway

Shortly after her participation in the first Dead or Alive World Combat
Tournament, Kasumi was captured by the Super-human Development project. While
held captive, they were able to create, from splicing Kasumi's DNA with some
other unknowns, Kasumi ALPHA.

| 03. Character Moves |

Reading the guide is quite simple (like that's needed to be said). I have
classified each and every one of Kasumi's attacks according to the category
given. For example, "Deadly Attacks" would have Kasumi's...deadly moves and
in "Basic Attacks," it would list her basic skills. Lost you yet? And instead
of your daily press of low kicks, high punch, and tap Up-left to perform
(insert move here), I'll just simply tell you the PS2 controller buttons as
it makes life easier for both of us. I'll assume that you already know the
basic moves like jumping and what have you.

NOTE: Some moves require an action like, Up-left, Down-right, Up-left, and so
on. You must press both buttons simultaneously to execute the attack
correctly. All moves will appear in no particular order.

| |
| |
| Tri=Triangle Cir= Circle |
| Squ=Square Cro= Cross |
| + = Simultaneous |


High Punch Tri 10
High Kick Cir 27
Low Kick Down, Cir 10
Low Punch Down, Tri 5
Middle Punch Down-right, Tri 20
Middle Kick Down-right, Cir 24


Jumping Forward Punch Jump Toward Opponent + Tri 15
Jumping Forward Kick Jump Toward Opponent + Cir 30
Forward Landing Punch After landing from jump + Tri 22
Forward Landing Kick After landing from jump + Cir 25
Vertical Jumping Punch Jump straight up + Tri 15
Vertical Jump Kick Jump straight up + Cir 30
Vertical Landing Punch After landing from jump + Tri 22
Vertical Landing Kick After landing from jump + Cir 25
Backward Landing Punch After landing from jump + Tri 22
Backward Landing Kick After landing from jump + Cir 25
Tenryu Up-Right, Cir 30


Hiryu Up, Cir 25
Futen Up, Tri 12
Hiten Left, Tri 11
Getsurin Up-left, Cir 45
Tenyu Up-right, Cir 30
Rengou Tri, Tri, Cir, Cir, Cir 94
Osen Tri, Tri, Tri, Tri 47
Renji Tri, Tri, Cir, Down, Cir 69
Renjin Tri, Tri, Cir, Down-right, Cir 71
Gessai Tri, Tri, Up-left, Cir 55
Tenshu Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Right, Cir 68
Genraku Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Down, Cir 62
Engetsu Tri, Tri, Right, Cir, Cir 74
Getsuro Tri, Tri, Right, Cir, Down, Cir 68
Goyaku Cir, Cir, Cir 74
Jinyaku Cir, Down-Right, Cir 51
Jikyaku Cir, Down, Cir 49
Muei Right, Right, Tri, Down, Cir 45
Geshu Right, Cir, Cir 54
Roshu Right, Cir, Down, Cir 48
Roga Right, Right, Cir 30
Sen Tri + Cir 26
Sitten Squ + Cir, (pause) Cir 64
Sitsuro Squ + Cir, (pause) Down, Cir 60
Fukasen Down, Squ + Cir 25
Senka Down-Right, Squ + Cir 24
Mugen Down-Right, Down-Right, Tri 22
Nagi Left, Squ + Cir 30
Busen Down-Right, Down-Right, Cir 26
Hakuro Left, Cir, Cir 62
Tenbu Up-Right, Tri, Cir 40
T. Rengou Tri, Cir, Cir, Cir 84
T. Renjin Tri, Cir, Down-Right, Cir 61
T. Renji Tri, Cir, Down, Cir 59
S. Rishu Right, Tri, Cir, Cir 82
S. Kyosho Right, Tri, Cir, Down, Cir 78
S. Tenshu Right, Tri, Right, Cir 48
S. Genraku Right, Tri, Down, Cir 42
K. Osen Down-Right, Tri, Tri 40
K. Ogen Down-Right, Tri, Down, Cir 44
Kyoshu Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Cir, Down, Cir 98
Rishu Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Cir, Cir 102


Genraku Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Down, Cir 62
Getsurin Up-Left, Cir 45
S. Rishu Right, Tri, Cir, Cir 82
S. Genraku Right, Tri, Down, Cir 42
K. Osen Down-Right, Tri, Tri 40
T. Renjin Tri, Cir, Down-Right, Cir 61
Geshu Right, Cir, Cir 54
Roshu Right, Cir, Down, Cir 48
Roga Right, Right, Cir 30
Senka Down-Right, Squ + Cir 24
Sitten Squ + Cir, (pause) Cir 64
Muei Right, Right, Tri, Down, Cir 45
Nagi Left, Squ + Cir 30
Hakuro Left, Cir, Cir 62
Busen Down-Right, Down-Right, Cir 26
Tenbu Up-Right, Tri, Cir 40
Rishu Tri, Tri, Right, Tri, Cir, Cir 102


Getsuei Up, Hold Cir 35
Rising Twist Down, Tri 38
Riren Hold Cir, Hold Cir 55
Turn High-Chop Tri 10
Turn Low Chop Hold Down, Tri 14
Turn High-Kick Hold Cirle 30
Turn Middle-Kick Down, Hold Cir 25
Turn Low Kick Hold Down, Hold Cir 24


Kahen Hold Squ + Tri 40
Kegon Right, Squ + Tri 42
Tenryu Left, Squ + Tri 45
Hien Down-Right, Down-Right, Squ + Tr 68
Ibara Up, Squ + Tri (pause) Left, Squ + Tri 119
Rogai Down, Down-Left, Left, Squ + Tri 60
Tsuzumi-Guruma Down, Down-Right, Right, Squ + Tri 55
Oboro Right, Right, Squ + Tri (pause)Down, Squ + Tri 60/70

Opponent's back against wall...
Youshi Right, Hold Squ + Tri 55

You back against the wall...
Adachi Left, Hold Squ + Tri 55

Opponent's back facing you...
Hakkato Hold Squ + Tri 50
Urahien Up, Hold Squ + Tri 57
Hiryu Right, Squ + Tri 55

While opponent crouching...
Himatsu Down, hold Squ + Tri 55
Enshu Down-Left, hold Squ + Tri 60


Matoi Left, Right, Left, Hold Squ + Tri + Cir
Uragake Up-Left, Triangle
Tenbu Up-Right, Triangle


Oborofutae Hayabusa Right, Right, Squ+Tri+Cir 70
Double Twist Kick Ayane Right, Right, Squ+Tri+Cir 70
Sweep Smash Ein Right, Right, Squ+Tri+Cir 70
Piggyback Crush Helena Right, Right, Squ+Tri+Cir 70
Oboro 2 Any Right, Right, Squ+Tri+Cir 64


Uragake Up-Left, Tri N/A
Tenbu Up-Right, Tri N/A

Opponent Down Moves:
Oga Up, Hold Tri + Cir 20
Kawara Down, Hold Tri 10

Kyoka Up-Left, Squ 58
Shiraha Left, Squ 58
Shigure Left, Squ 45
Momiji Left, Right, Down, Left, Squ 58
Madoi Right, Left, Up-Right, Squ 0
Mayoi Right, Left, Down-Right, Squ 0
Soken-Gari Down-Left, Squ 72
Mai-Goromo Left, Squ 87

| 04. CPU Opponents |

Fighting some opponents can be difficult, but that's what I'm here for!

=== AYANE ====================

Of horrors of all horrors, Kasumi's the only reason why Ayane even entered
this tournament--to kill Kasumi! With that hint slapped down, this can be a
very tough battle. Ayane's speed and counter ability outstrips Kasumi's by a
tad amount. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage, you give the call.
Ayane will rely on her Genmu attack, back-facing attacks, many eye-popping
combos and throws. Her combos are not a problem if you have well-timed
counter holds. To escape her throws, avoid close combat with her, same
applies for her back-facing attacks. As for her Genmu attack, try not to
leave big space between the two of them, but if it happens try blocking.

=== BASS =====================

His prodigious strength and size can be a major disadvantage to you, but
Kasumi's speed can make up for the latter. Bass just loves his bone-snapping
attacks and seems to use them a lot, so avoid close-combat with him. When he
starts to block continuously, immediately use the Uragake move (back flip),
to stay out of his range. In this battle, think "guerilla warfare," which
consists of hit-and-run attacks. And depend heavily on Kasumi's Tenryu and
Genraku attacks.

=== BAYMAN ===================

Ok, I still haven't personally played him, but I have been told that he
fights just like Leon, but a little more aggressive.

=== EIN ======================

Unfortunately for you, he is a pain in the butt. Even though he is your
brother, he won't be too lenient. Ein's Azuma and Fujin attacks are things to
look out for. They can knock you down and away from him all the while doing
major damage. Try not to let loose your combos until the right moment because
he can retaliate quite well with a devastating 3- or 4-hit combo. If you can
tether him to a wall and keep him there, then you can count on winning this

=== GEN FU ===================

It is not wise to underestimate him, he is still as deadly as Bass. Gen Fu
may not have the speed, but he sure as hell has the brains and power to knock
you out cold. Although, personally, this is not a tough battle. Just let him
have it with your routine attacks such as S. Rishu, counter holds, and Tenryu
in that order.

=== HELENA ===================

She is one tough mama! Her attacks can be somewhat blinding and nearly
impossible to predict. Helena is excellent when it comes to counter holds.
She can read your attacks some how. Try to avoid close-combat with her and
use such moves that can reach her at relatively far distance. Surprise her
with powerful moves such as Rishu. And move when she does to avoid getting
caught off guard.

=== JANN LEE =================

Damn you, Jann!! Jann Lee is VERY difficult if you fight carelessly. First of
all, his bloody war cries can really annoy the hell out of you. He enjoys
using his Dragon Blow, Dragon Kick, Dragon Elbow and any other Dragon
attacks. I advise that you not fight him up-close and personal, but at the
same time, avoid staying a distance away from him. The only thing you can
hope for is an opening and then, unleash your all. Tether him to a wall and
keep him there.

=== KASUMI ALPHA =============

Fighting against yourself may provide interesting insights into Kasumi's
weaknesses. Kasumi A doesn't fight nearly as well as the real Kasumi does (I
think it has something to do with her brain =P). As you may have guessed,
Kasumi A has all the same moves, style, weight, height, and whatever else
there is to compare her to. Now place yourself in your own shoes, and think
about which attacks Kasumi A will be less likely able to block and retaliate.
Or simply mash your buttons until she dies.

=== LEI FANG =================

She doesn't have any particular advantage over Kasumi-chan. Although, she
loves to rely on counter holds. Lei Fang is slow to attack and you may be
able to detect her next move if you are vigilant enough. Don't rely on
Kasumi's multi-hit combos, or you'd be countered left and right. Instead
deliver a few blows here and there, then go on the defensive side. And

=== LEON =====================

Leon tends to abandon traditional punches and kicks, and instead, relies on
knocking you into the air and damaging you with massive combos. This will be
a real problem for you since, when in the air, it'll be impossible for Kasumi
to apply her trusty counter holds against Leon. Try to keep on the ground,
and surprise Leon with unpredictable attack angles.

=== RYU HAYABUSA =============

His desire to protect you is a horse load of crap. What he really meant to
say was, "Let me kill you before anyone else could." Hayabusa is very
proficient with countering repetitive attacks and attacking too often can be
a real pain. Kasumi, however, still has that quickness you can look forward
to. So a good thing to remember is to mix up your attack range.

=== TENGU ====================

Kasumi is a slight disadvantage against Tengu. Tengu is unbelievably good at
countering, so you cannot lay a finger on him. Tengu's whirlwind attack can
kill you in short order. So have Kasumi rely heavily on her Tenbu or Tenryu
attacks. Tengu's whirlwind attack can be painful, but takes a while to
execute, so take this opportunity to hurtle toward the dark lord and deliver
a combo of powerful punches and kicks. Make sure he uses that attack as
little as possible by staying a good 2 feet away from him.

=== TINA ARMSTRONG ===========

Being the daughter of Bass, one can quickly notice her bulky contour (well,
she is a wrestler after all!). Tina loves to lift you off the ground and
perform her famous signature moves that can be a real back-breaker. She likes
to mix up her attacks and counters well when you least expect it. Mirror her
every move and attack furiously when possible.

=== ZACK =====================

He is really quick with delivering powerful kicking combos. Zack tends to
knock you in the air first and then attack you with hard-to-counter-attacks.
Try to avoid close-combat. You are probably better off with Kasumi's
customary Tenryu and multi-combo attacks.

| 05. Kasumi Goodies |


You must get the costumes subsequently. By this, I mean that you cannot get
costume 2 before costume 1. Get that clear?

| Condition | Alternative
Costume 1 | Complete Story Mode | Play as Kasumi 5
| (any settings) | times w/ UPS on
Costume 2 | Complete Story Mode | Complete Story
| (any settings other | Mode 3 times
| than default) |
Costume 3 | Complete Story Mode | Complete Story
| Without continuing | Mode 5 Times
Costume 4 | Earn 2 million points | Play as Kasumi
| in Survival Mode | more than 50 times
Costume 5 | Complete 50 stages in | Play as Kasumi
| Survival Mode | more than 100 times
Costume 6 | Get the cherry item | Play as Kasumi
| in Survival Mode | more than 200 times

Tag-Team Ratings

How compatible is Kasumi with each of the following? Let's take a look-see
shall we? (I'm a natural ^_^)

1- Avoid using at all times
5- Ehh...OK to use sometimes
10- Make it your official attack duo!

AYANE- Both are very quick and can unleash countless attacks at once. But if
they were to spar, Ayane would have the advantage here. Due to their superior
speed and countering ability, they would be an unstoppable two-some. (9)

BASS- Having a slow and bulky brute like Bass combined with an agile
sweetheart like Kasumi, isn't what you call a good match. It's almost like
flying an airplane without any piloting abilities. But...if you must
experiment...I can't stop you from doing so. (3)

EIN- Ahh, there's nothing like a brother and sister fighting side by side.
With Kasumi's amazing speed and Ein's powerful blows, you'll have your
opponent eating dirt all day. (10)

GEN FU- Not a good team at all. Gen Fu is slow while Kasumi is undoubtedly
speedy. What do you get when you come across a combination of a snail and a
hare? I don't know. You figure it out! (4)

HELENA- This is a fairly credible team, not the best, but it should suffice
against particular teams. Helena is exceptionally strong, while Kasumi is
fast! So having strength and speed is a good thing. (7)

JANN LEE- Surprisingly, Jann and Kasumi make an exceptionally good tag team.
Since Jann is quick and strong, this gives you a major advantage against such
teams as, let's say...Leon and Zack? You should be able to pummel them to
oblivion with this pair. (8)

LEI FANG- It's not good, nor is it bad. It's kinda in between. Lei Fang is
SLOW (not as slow as Gen-Fu), so that's a visible flaw in the team. But since
Lei Fang is unbelievably good at countering, like Kasumi, they make a good
defensive team. (7)

LEON- Don't even want to think of the possibilities of what might go wrong
with this pair. All I have to say is that it won't work out. Period. (4)

HAYABUSA- Probably one of the best tag-teams. Haybusa's and Ein's fighting
styles are identical. Hayabusa has a good variety of powerful attacks and his
speed is slightly better than Ein's. Therefore, Kasumi and Hayabusa would
make a perfect 10! (10)

TINA ARMSTRONG- Ever wonder what it's like to have a wrestler at your side?
Here's a good example, really. This couple isn't bad at all. The team may not
be very well balanced, but Tina is a good all around fighter. I mean Tina
could do all the neck-breaking moves while Kasumi can just stun everyone with
her beauty ^_~ (7)

ZACK- Zack is like Leon. Kasumi's tag team specials won't work well with him.
So it's a no-no. (3)

I believe Bayman and Tengu are not accessible during Tag Team Mode.

Best Combos

To start super combos, you must first, stun your opponent to prevent further
counters while preparing for your combo. To execute a combo correctly and
effectively, you must have well coordinated fingers (hands), and well-timed
attacks. You can practice these combos in Sparring Mode if you wish to master
them because they can come in handy when playing with friends, the computer,
etc. I have been experimenting with the below combos for the longest time,
and have been able to perform them from time to time. It's hard! So if there
are any mistakes, please correct me.

NOTE: These combos MAY not be all of Kasumi's combos. I have tried all I can
to find them. There may be more, but it's probably hard to properly execute!
Please if you have anything you'd like to add, let me know and I'll give you
tons of credit! Thanks!


- Down-Right, Down-Right, Tri
- Up-Right, Tri
- Up, Cir
- Left, Cir

| U= Up | UL= Up-Left | P= Punch |
| D= Down | UR= Up-Right | K= Kick |
| L= Left | DL= Down-Left | F= Free |
| R= Right | DR= Down-Right | |

> signifies that you must pause for about 1/2 a second and continue
your combo.

If I ever put a dash in the # of hits and Damage space. That generally
means that the combo is not finished and continues onto the next line.

| #of Hits| Damage
U, K > K, K > U, K > P, P, P, P | 8 | 70
DR, DR + P > D + P > P, P, F + P, F + K | 6 | 75
P, P, UL + K | 3 | 70
P, P, F + P, F + K | 4 | 78
U+L > P,P > P > DR, DR+P > P, P, F+P, F+K | 9 | 85
DR,P,P >F,F+P >DR,P >DR,DR+K >P,P,F+P,F+K | 9 | 87
DR,P,P > F,F+P > DR,P > U+K > P,P,F+P,F+K | 9 | 106
U + K > P, P, K > P, P, F + P, F + K | 8 | 102
DR,DR+P > DR,DR+P > U+K > P,P,F + P,F + K | 9 | 126
DR, DR + P > P,P > P,P,K > P,P,P,P | 11 | 98
DR,DR+P> P,P > P,P > DR,DR+K > P,P,F+P,F+K | 11 | 127
DR,P,P > F,F+P > P,P > U+K > P,P,F+P,F+K | 10 | 106
P,P,P,> P,P,P,P > D,P > U+K > P,P,F+P,F+K | 12 | 118

Victory Calls

Victory calls are expressions the character often displays after a victorious
battle. It's pretty interesting to see what each character has to say. Here
are Kasumi's "victory calls," as I like to call it.

"This is 'Mugen-Tenshin' style."

"Sorry. Are you okay?"

"I have to move on...forgive me..."


Kasumi's Ending

Ok, before you read any further, this is a spoiler. Well, this is a fighting
game after all, who cares about the story right? Yeah, well, I've received an
e-mail about it, so I might as well add it into the guide. No harm in doing
that. This just goes to show how demanding you people are.


Now that Kasumi has kicked the living daylights out of Tengu, Kasumi can
finally put her past behind her and move on. She can stop running away and
return home...home...where she belongs.

Ok, that wasn't so bad now was it? It's short, but that's really what the
ending was all about. No hard feelings.

| 06. Outro |

Special Thanks

- Tecmo, for producing one of the coolest fighting games the gaming world has
ever seen.
- ATadeo, for helping me get my FAQs published. If it weren't for his advice,
I wouldn't have been able to get this out.
- CJayC for maintaining the best gaming website and hosting my FAQs.
- Michaelg291 for giving me the tip on how to beat Bayman.
- Wayne Rhodes for two extra taunts I missed.
- Lumina-M for coming out with the FIRST FAQ ever for DOA2: Hardcore.


- Prima's Official Guide for providing me with a lengthy move list and other
various things to add to the guide. I used their "damage" list, most of the
move lists, costumes and some additional information.

Legal Junk

This Kasumi Character Guide was written by AdrenalineSL, who holds all copy-
right for this document, in whole and in part. You may download the file
through a web browser onto a single computer for your personal, non-
commercial use only. You may not permit anyone else to modify the file or
use it for any commercial purpose, display, performance, sale or rental. It
absolutely cannot be decompiled, disassembled, modified, or create derivative
works based on the documentation in whole or in part. Do not remove any

DISCLAIMER: Kasumi, bikinis, costumes and all related things are copyright
and property of Tecmo, Inc.


The Kasumi Character Guide
Copyright 2001-2002 Stephanie Lee
February 2001
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Kasumi Move List

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