Gran Turismo 3

Gran Turismo 3

17.10.2013 19:11:08
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRAN TURISMO 3 A-SPEC FAQ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Date: 18th July, 2001
GameFAQ's UserName:DemonSLAYER
Game type: PAL
Version: 2.0
Hello Everyone :) This is my third ever FAQ, so I hope you all like it and find
it helpful. I decided to do it on GRAN TURISMO because I love the game so much,
and I want to help people get the best from the game.

If you find anything wrong with the FAQ, like/dislike the FAQ, find something I
have left out of it, want to tell me how great it is :P or just want to plainly
discuss the game, please feel free to mail me at
I guarantee a quick reply.

Well, hope y'all enjoy my FAQ!

BTW, I'm a regular on the CE board on GameFAQ's so you could talk to me there
too if you want. I pop in to the GT3 board now and again as well.
Copyright Notice/Disclaimer

1) Version History

2) Introduction

3) Starting Off
~ Controls
~ Car Type Definitions
~ Game Modes
~ General Tips
~ Starting off in GRAN TURISMO Mode

4) Tuning Guide
~Suspension and Brakes

ngine and Exhaust

5) Race/Prize List
~Beginner League
~Amateur League
~Professional League
~Rally Event

ndurance Race

<****Under Construction****>

6) Lisence Tests
~ b License Test
~ a License Test
~ ib License Test
~ ia License Test
~ s License Test
~ r License Test

7) Email info

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>COPYRIGHT NOTICE/DISCLAIMER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Copyright protected.
This FAQ is for personal use only, and may not be recreated, re-produced or re-
edited in any way, shape or form. It may not be used to make a profit in any
way and may not be published. It also may not be used on any site but GameFAQ's
and with out my permission.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) VERSION HISTORY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Version 1
-Started FAQ, 12th September 2001
"Introduction" section completed
"Starting Off" Section completed
"Tuning Guide" Section completed
(size - 50.1 KB)

Version 2
-Continued FAQ
"Race/Prize List" started
I'm sorry for the lack of updates here, I've been busy and stuff, but I've
finally got the race list done. The plan is to make this a complete guide
now and is my number 1 priority.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2)INTRODUCTION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Welcome to the vast world of GRAN TURISMO 3 A-SPEC, the driving simulator from
Polyphony Digital. In the game, you buy and supe up your cars in order to win
races, and money. With a huge selection of cars and tuning options, finding the
optimal setting for your car sounds tough, but this guide will help you with
that and many other things.

Hopefully this guide will help you to get the most from the game. It will deal
with almost every aspect of the game, from starting off as a complete beginner,
to explaining what every single little tuning feature will do. There will be a
total car and race list, along with prize money and prize car lists. But most
of all, I just hope you enjoy.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) STARTING OFF <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Your going to have some difficulty getting started if you don't know what the
controls are, so here they are for you. They are very user friendly and easy to
get used to, but on the off chance you don't like them, you can change them
about a bit if you want. I wouldn't bother though, I find default is best. So
you may well guess, these are the default control settings.

Circle | Hand Brake
Square | Foot Brake
Triangle | Reverse
X | Accelerate
Start | Pause
Select | N/A
L1 | Rear View
L2 | Change Viewpoint
R1 |(Manual Transmission) Shift Up
R2 |(Manual Transmission) Shift Down

Up |Move Cursor in Menu's
Down |Move Cursor in Menu's
Left |Steer Car Left
Right |Steer Car Right

You could also use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK to drive as well if you wanted to,
though I personally find it a lot easier to just use the directional buttons.
The choice is there, and more importantly, it's yours to decide. Go with which-
ever one you are more comfortable with.


The game can get pretty complicated, and if you are a complete newcomer to the
Game some of the Jargon can be a little confusing, especially when it comes to
type of cars and stuff like that. So here are som definitions that will help
you out in understanding the game a little better hopefully.

Often proned to understeer, cars like this have to be driven with a certain
amount of skill. You have to brake later than with most of the other cars to
successfully negotiate corners with a relative amount of speed. You may have
the problem of not getting enough turn when coming around corners. To counter
this, slam on the brakes just after you start turning, and the back end of the
car should slide you around the corner. If you know how to drive the car well
it should not be too much trouble.

Having said that the cars are very stable and good for rallying. They have poor
top speed though, but are useful around rally circuits.

The handling with these cars is almost the opposite to the FF cars, they tend
to oversteer instead of understeer. This is due to the fact that the back wheel
spins out when going around a corner. You should manage to control this with a
little careful braking and accellerating though. Steering into the slide also
helps you take control of the car back. Try not to turn when you have the brake
on, as this will almost guarantee a spin out, which you really don't want.

FR cars are usually quick on the acceleration and their top speeds are among
the best of them, but the oversteer can un-do a lot of work and may not be the
right choice for tight and tricky tracks.

The drivetrain moves all four wheels here so thats why the cars are called 4WD.
They usually have good traction and handling. They are a combination of the two
above types of car. They are slightly heavier than your regualar car though but
this is no major disadvantage, though it does make you prone to understeer. The
cars have a tendancy to understeer coming in to a corner and oversteer on the
way out, and some practice may be needed to get it right. The 4WD cars are very
good for rally events due to the good traction and control.

These cars are usually designed specifically for racing. Their distribution of
weight is excellent by having the engine in the centre of the car, and ahead of
the rear wheels. They are streamlined as well to reduce wind resistance. They
have good handling because the front wheels steer and the rear wheels drive.
They are slightly proned to oversteer though, but only slightly. Great for fast
races, but more suited to the experienced driver.


The game has two modes, and they are ARCADE and GRAN TURISMO modes. The arcade
is the quick way to get into the game. It will allow you to pick up the control
buttons, and lets you test out some nice cars. You can also gain percentages
for the GRAN TURISMO mode here, I'm TIME TRIAL and SINGLE RACE. So try your
hand at these first to get to know the game a little better.

GRAN TURISMO mode is where the game gets a little more in depth and serious.
You have to earn cash, buy and sell cars, and upgrade the cars you keep. You
have to manage your garage, and get to know each and every track the game has.
You also can fiddle with the settings of your car to make it preform better,
and buy new parts to make the car go faster or handle better. You also have to
do your LICENSE TESTS to earn the right to take part in some very tough and
lengthy races, against tough opposition.


In the game, there are always ways to cheat the game. However, in my view you
are just cheating yourself. It is far more rewarding to just teach yourself
how to drive the car.

~When cornering, you should always come in to the corner slowly, and then speed
out of it. The time at which you brake is the single thing that will have the
most influence on whether you take a corner well or not. If you brake too early
you will come into the corner to slowly and lose a lot of time. If you brake
too late you could spin out and that will lose you even more time. If you are
accelerating out of corners then you are getting things right.

~Try to minimize wheelspin. It slows you down, it makes the car spin, it isn't
at all good and has virtually no advantage. If the wheel was gripping the track
instead of just spinning around you would move an awful lot faster. The main
cause of wheelspin is you not braking early enough. If you brake too late your
going to have to try to slide around the corner, and this loses a lot of time.
So by braking early wheelspin can me minimized or even eliminated.

~Braking is extremely important. As you may well have guessed. Try to pick out
a spot for each corner that you know you have to start braking at. Look for a
trackside object that will help you know when to hit the brakes.

~Always qualify. In races this will help you so much in winning races. Not only
will it allow you to start a race from nearer to the front of the grid, it will
allow you to get to know the track. Just enetering a race where you don't know
the track and you start from the back puts you at a severe disadvantage. These
practice laps will also allow you to find the braking point for each corner.

~Keep changing your oil. When you buy a new car, change the oil right away. It
will boost your Horsepower, and only costs Cr. 250. With some of the more high
powered cars this simple procedure can increase your HP by up to 100. If you
don't bother to change your oil it will get old and the car will suffer from a
drop in HP, and hence the preformance of the car will not be as good as it may
be. Also change your oil before an ENDURANCE RACE or a RACE SERIES.

~Try not to hit other cars, or the walls of the track. Sure, they can bounce
you around corners and stuff, but if you clip a car or a car clips you it can
send your car into a spin. This will lose you a lot of time. And if you don't
go off, your car will be slowed down dramatically.

~Use the slpistream. If you are in a race where your car and the car(s) ahead
of you all are roughly the same speed, just slot in behind another car to stop
wind resistance on your car. Stay behind the car for a while, then pull out and
try to pass him. You should fly by him with ease. This is a great trick to over
-take cars on long straights.


The game will start you off with Cr. 18,000. It sounds like a lot but it isn't
really much money at all in the game. With this money you have to buy a car, or
some upgrades for your car. You can actually win a car at the very start of the
game, and that will leave you the Cr. 18,000 to spend on upgrades. To win this
car what you have to do is complete the B LICENSE TEST with all GOLD TROPHIES.
(see the LICNESE TEST section of the FAQ for some help). The car you will win
is a MAZDA MX-5, a fine car to begin with. If you don't feel like winning it,
you can buy if for Cr. 17,000. I would strongly recommend you try to win the
car though because you will get used to the game and also get a free car, and
not to mention you will have the B LICENSE straight from the word go. There are
some other cars that are good to get early on in the game too. Below are the 3
cars I think are best for use early on. You can buy all of them inside your Cr.
18,000 budget too.

Mazda Miata MX-5. (Cr. 17,000/ 118 BHP/ FR)
Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT Apex (CR. 13,550/ 128 BHP/ FR)
Chrysler PT Cruiser (CR 17,980/ 149 BHP/ FF)

I started off with the Mazda Miata MX-5 just so you know. Each of these cars
has it's up-side and down-side though. The Mazda is a good car, with decent
power and good handling. However you have very little money to upgrade you car.
The Toyota is probably the worst of the three cars, but you have a lot of spare
change left over to buy upgrades. The Chrysler is the most powerful car of the
three, and would have the highest top speed, but has slightly dodgy handling
and NO credits at all left over for upgrades. Any of these cars should be good
enough to win the SUNDAY CUP. This is a three races series. You will get 1,000
credits for each race and a new car for winning all three races. You win a
Toyota Sprinter Trueno for beating the SUNDAY CUP so just sell this for about
3,000 credits and use the money you now have to buy upgrades for your car.

The next thing I would do, just in case you haven't, is go get the B LICENSE.
You can't get very far without it. Most races in the BEGINNER LEAGUE will be
locked to you unless you get this license. To finish the BEGINNER LEAGUE you
also need the A LICENSE. You don't have to try and get it right now, but it's
an idea...

Win the CLUBMAN CUP as well to win a MAZDA MIATA MX-5 which you can sell for
about Cr. 4,500. Along with Cr. 1,000 per race of course. At the start of the
game what you really want to aim at is winning as many races as you can
quickly, and earning some cash to buy a newcar. You could supe your MX-5 up
to the max, but you still wouldn't get much beyond the first few races of

To earn the cash to buy your next car, use the car you are using to enter the
RACE OF TURBO SPORTS Championship. Enter the race on the TEST COURSE. Before
the race on the options menu, go in to SETTINGS. If you have bought new GEARS,
like suggested above, you should be able to change your GEAR RATIO. This widens
or narrows the gears, which affects your acceleration and top speed. What you
want to do for this race is make your acceleration LOW but your top speed HIGH.
To do this go to AUTO SETTING, and move the bar up to about LEVEL 32. Then go
to the bar that says FINAL beside it and move it to about 4.000. This should do
exactly what you want. Now enter the race, and don't bother to qualify. When
the race starts off, don't be worried if the other cars start off much quicker
than you do, and you fall behind at the start. You will quickly start to catch
up, and once you get in the lead you won't be caught. You earn CR. 5,000 for
this one race which you can win easily. So just keep doing this race over and
over until you have about Cr. 35,000 to buy a MITSUBISHI LANCER EVO T.M.E. that
is a brilliant second car and will win you laods of races.


For your first car, you should buy some upgrades that will help you HP and
acceleration before anything else. The upgrades that will help you HP the most
are the TURBO an N/A TUNING. Your engine could be either, but these upgrades
can almost double your Horsepower. Also buy things like a MUFFLER & AIR CLEANER
and WEIGHT REDUCTIONS. A set of SPORTS BRAKES also help. None of these things
are very expensive either. What you want to do is get your Horsepower above
200. This will make the early races a breeze. Also, and it may be a bit pricey,
chnage your gearbox. The most expensive one would cost about Cr. 10,000. Save
up for this because it will be completely worth it. You can set your GEAR RATIO
now, which will decrease your initial acceleration, but boost your top speed by
an awful lot.

Tyres are very very very expensive in this game to start off with, but they are
a good investment anyway. A good set of tyres will improve your handling by so
much you wouldn't even believe it. They will also boost your acceleration and
braking too. Don't start off you game saying to yourself that a new set of tyre
are the first thing your going to save up for though, just go for a good set
once you have the cash. Buy a set of MEDIUM tyres to start off with, because
they have good grip and good durability as well.


Here are a few nifty ways to get some money at the start of the game, and a few
tips for later on in the game too.

First of all, as mentioned above, widen your gear ratio's, and win the TURBO
RACE on the TEST COURSE and win a really easy Cr 5,000. Once you have Cr 32,000
You can buy the LANCER EVO T.M.I. That would be my second car to buy in the
game early on. Once you have this, supe it up some more by winning even more
races on the TEST COURSE, and buy yourself a new set of tyres, preferrably
MEDIUM or better. Make sure your car has about 450 Horse Power or more. Then
with your handling you should be able to win some good races. So enter the
you enter 5 races and have to win at least 4 to win the series. You get points
for the position you finish in. You get 10 points for winning, and 6 for second
place. So if you win the first 4 races, you will have 40 points, and the next
best will only be 24 points, making the title yours.

For these series you can win ONE of FOUR cars at random for winning. There is a
little trick you can pull off to make sure you get the car you want. First of
all, save after EVERY RACE. If you don't win a race, re-load and try again. If
you win all 4 races, once you enter the 5th race, get on the grid, then quit
the race. You will have won the Championship, so it doesn't matter. Now you can
win your random car. The car you are looking for out of the four is the GILLET
VERTIGO RACE CAR. If you get this, you can sell it for CR 300,000. And if you
win the previous 4 races, you can win Cr 330,000 in 20 minutes!

Another easy way to earn cash is to get your A LICENSE, then enter the SUPER
4 laps long, and you get and easy Cr 10,000 for winning. This is a great method
to save up for upgrades for your car.


You need 2 MEMORY CARDS for this trick. First of all, save your game on MEMORY
CARDS 1 AND 2. Buy the car you want, and buy all the upgrades you can afford
for it. Now save the game onto MEMORY CARD 2.

Now Load up the game from MEMORY CARD 1. Go into MY HOME in GRAN TURISMO MODE.
Now go to the TRADE part, and LOAD the GARAGE of MEMORY CARD 2. Now you can buy
a really suped up car for it's usual price.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) TUNING GUIDE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Now onto the most complicated and technical part of the game, TUNING your car.
When you buy a car, it won't preform as well as it's potential allows. To ful-
fill this potential you have to TUNE your car. There are many parts of your car
you can imrove, from tyres to transmission. This section of the game is very
complicated and technical, so hopefully this section will clear a few things up
for you. You can fidget around with almost anything on the car, but be warned,
everything you do will have pros and cons. Just about nothing is for the whole



The game says:
"Covers all situations from street driving to circuit driving, and is easy to
work with even for beginners. Both the front and rear shock absorbers (dampers)
can be adjusted to 10 different damping levels, and the chamber angles can also
be adjusted. The front and rear ride height can be lowered in 2cm steps. Incor-
porates double-cylinder low pressure gas shock absorbers."


The game says:
"Aimed at the intermediate level user, and allows adjustment of the car height.
Both spring rate and damping force are harder than the normal sport suspension.
The rear and front ride height can be adjusted in steps of 1mm. There are 10
levels of damping force. Chamber angle can also be adjusted. Incorporates sing-
le-cylinder high-pressure gas shock absorbers."


The game says:
"Shock absorber adjustment, chamber angle adjustment, and also rapid exchange
of springs with different spring rates. Expansion (bound side) and contraction
(rebound side) of the shock absorbers is independant and 10 levels of adjust-
ment are possible"

This kits are designed to help you make changes to the car on your own. They do
do a little to help the cars handling, but that is not their true purpose. For
example, they lower you ride height for a lower centre of gravity which will
make your handling better. The Semi-Racing is like the Sports Kit but it allows
you to reduce your ride height as well. The Fully Customisable Suspension gives
you totla freedom with what you want to do with the seetings of your car. Here
are all the things you can adjust on the SETTINGS menu for you car, and what
happens when you change the settings.

Now onto the brakes.


The game says:
"Carbon metallic brake pads give stable stopping power even after long periods
of driving. Initial braking force and anti-fade properties are greatly superior
to normal brake pads so they can be used in endurance races. If the vehicle is
due for a service, the brake fluid will be replaced."


The game says:
"Controls the management of the anti-lock braking system, and adjusts the bala-
nce between front and rear braking power. Increasing front braking causes unde-
rsteerwith the focus on stability, while increasing rear braking causes over-
steer on cornering. Note that increasing the rear braking too much makes it
easier to spin off the road."

The Sports Brakes are ESSENTIAL for anyone who is seriously wanting to win big
races. The brakes slow you down faster, plain and simple. You need them with
any sort of decent car.




The game says:
"A combination of a perfectly-shaped sports air cleaner and a sports exhaust
with good exhaust extraction properties. Ideal as a first step in turbo tuning,
it increases torque at high engine speed in naturally aspirated engines."


The game says:
"A combination of a racing air cleaner with a urethene sponge filter, and a
small, low-resistance exhaust designed to give superior engine efficiency at
high engine speed. Ideal for high-displacement turbocharged engines. If used
with a naturally-aspirated engine, the engine itself must be perfectly tuned.


The game says:
"A combination of a racing air filter equipped with an air funnel that gives
even better air intake than the semi-racing air filter, and a high efficiency
straight-through exhaust designed for racing cars which normally run at high
engine speeds. Because torque is reduced at low engine speed, the engine chara-
cteristics and gear ratios need to be taken in to account."

The muffler has only one purpose, and that is to increase horsepower. They are
an excellent investment early on in the game, as they are quite cheap. They
will give you a much needed boost, and help you to win races.


Th game says:
"Increases the power of naturally aspirated engines by replacing the gasket
with a thinner one and increases the compression ratio, and by adjusting the
ignition period and valve timing. This upgrade also includes exhaust manifold
replacement. Increases peak power without changing the torque at low engine


The game says:
"Increases power output even further at high engine speed by the use of high
compression pistons and head surface grinding to further increases the comp-
ression ratio, and by changing the cams, fitting strenghtened valve springs and
grinding the ports. This causes a slight reduction in torque at low engine
speeds range, but increased power at high engine speeds. the engine management
computer is reset to match the specifications."


Tha game says:
"In addition to the contents of NA Tune Stage II, the valve system weight is
reduced to the minimum, and the materials of the pistons, cams, valves and con-
rods comprehensively upgraded to handle high engine speeds. The cams fitted are
special racing ones with high lift and wider valve overlap. The compression
ratio is increased to the maximum. The power band is narrowed to the medium and
high engine speed ranges in order to acheive maximum horsepower."

NA is short for Normally/Naturally Aspirated. NA tuning is a way to get a huge
increase in horsepower from your car. Not all vehicles can take NA tuning
though. Some have a turbo-charger, and you need to TURBO tune them. Some can
take both types of charging. NA tuning is good, but if you increase your horse-
power too much your handling may suffer without other adjustments, so buy new
tyres and the like to improve handling.


The game says:
"Smoothes the internal surfaces of the inlet and exhaust ports, allowing air to
pass through with less resistance and inproving engine response. Although the
increase in power is only slight, this is considered essential for tuning
natarally aspirated engines."


The game says:
"Increases power and enables high engine speeds. Engine friction is reduced by
a detailed tuning process including the implementation of piston weight match-
ing, and a high-pecision fully balanced crakshaft. The engine speed limiter is
also reset."


The game says:
"This tuning process involes increasing the displacement of each cylinder by
increasing the bore diameter and/or the stroke length. As a rule, increasing
the displacement makes possible an increase in torque throughout the entire
engine speed range."


The game says:
"The most elementary type of tuning. The sports ROM alters the engine manage-
ment to increase the power ny adjusting the engines sparking period and air/
feul ratio. For turbocharged vehicles a complete tune-up suitable for beginners
can be acheieved by installing a sports ROM and exchaning the air cleaner and

The above four upgrades just increase the horsepower of your car by a marginal
amount. Even though they don't give you much horsepower they are good for
beginners because they are all quite cheap, and they are good for more advanced
drivers because they will balance out the engine.



The game says:
"This alters the feel of gear change, and gives a more direct feel when up-
shifting then a normal clutch."


The game says:
"A racing clutch kit with two clutch plates, suitable for high-torque, high-
power machines. Clutch slip on up-shift is reduced, and acceleration improved."


The game says:
"A three plate clutch kit which improves torque transmission and gioves a more
direct feel. Ideal for cars with hard tuned engines."

Basically, the more clutch plates, the quicker you shift gears. The three up-
grades up your shifting speed respectively. The triple clutch plate is the best
for high rev cars, and for accelerating quickly out of corners.


The game says:
"A light-weight flywheel incorporating chrome-molybdenum steel. This makes
engine reving easier. Acceleration is also slightly improved, but a side-effect
is that with narrow torque range engines the car tends to lose speed easily
when the road rises."


The game says:
"A light-weight flywheel incorporating chrome-molybdenum steel. This makes
engine reving easier. Acceleration is also slightly improved, but a side-effect
is that with narrow torque range engines the car tends to lose speed easily
when the road rises."


The game says:
"An ultra-light flywheel for racing use. Both rise and fall in engine speed is
sudden. Acceleration and decceleration are both improved, but a side-effect
is that with narrow torque range engines the car tends to lose speed easily
when the road rises."

Doesn't affect you so much if you have an upgrade with transmission, and if you
use automatic shift. Any upgrade in transmission will do the job for the fly-
wheel if you use automatic shift. If you use manual shift then modify your GEAR
RATIO'S accordingly for the best affect.


The game says:
"A light-weight propeller shaft made from carbon composite materials. Because
the propeller shaft links the engine and the differential, changing it's weight
has a similar affect on acceleration to changing the weight of the flywheel.
Increases acceleration"

It's all said up there pretty much, the weight of the car is reduced, and
acceleration is boosted. Simple.


The game says:
"An exchange of the normal gear assembly for gearing with 5 ratios close to
each other.This makes it easy to keep the engine speed in the power band. This
is particularly recommended for naturally-aspirated engines."


The game says:
"The gear ratios are even closer to each other that with close gearing. This is
ideal for hard-tuned cars with narrow power bands. However, frequent gear chang
-ing is required.This may have a negative affect on engines with a broad torque
range once up-shift power loss is taken into account.


The game says:
"A service for racing cars in whcih all the gears, including the final gears,
can be replaced. This can result in extremely finely tuned gear ratios to match
the specifications of th machine and the characteristics of a circuit at any

Chose the transmission you want for the car you have respectively. A beginner
only needs Sports. Once you race in races needing an A LICENSE, you need Semi-
Racing. Anything beyond that, you need Full-Racing. You need the Full-Racing to
mess around with your gear ratios, so any kind of a good car you get, by the


The game says:
"These parts are used when you only want to apply the LSD effect in the direct-
ion of acceleration. Normally, these parts are used in front wheel drive cars
which are difficult to turn. Because the LSD effect is not applied at all when
braking, the cornering force of the car can be pushed to the maximum. However,
as it is easy for the car body to lose stability, great care must be taken. The
weakness of this type of LSD is the great change in character of the car when
the accelerator is pressed, to when accelerating and when the accererator is
released, and then when the car is decelerating."


The game says:
"This system restricts the limited slip affect in the direction of deceleration
while maintaing the affect in the direction of acceleration.
The caharcteristic of this is that the turning force of the car when braking is
not restricted too much, whilst good strong traction is delivered. Because the
character of this LSD is not too distinctive in any one direction, it is a jack


The game says:
"This is an LSD which delivers a limited slip affect both in the direction of
acceleration and deceleration. The car body position is stabilized during brak-
ing, the brakes can be applied harder, and there is also greater traction dur-
ing acceleration. However, as the car is clearly more difficult to turn, the
system is best suited to a driver who has special cornering skills."


The game says:
"This is a service which separates the acceleration and deceleration into inde-
pendant sides, and allows adjustment of the LSD affect for use in racing.
The character of the car can be greatly changed if there is a strong effect
from the LSD, but on the other hand because the setting can be changed easily
it is also easy to destroy the balance of the car, so adjustment must be made
very carefully."

The LSD is a device which allows the wheels to be independant when cornering
and co-operative when cornering. When you turn a corner, the outside wheels
have to travel farther than the inside wheels, so therefore they have to go
faster. If you lock the wheels together, the car is going to want to go forward
all the time. The car will accellerate powerfully, but this will create a lot
of understeer. The LSD in the game is adjustable, so you can set how strong the
lock between the wheels is. So say if you are oversteering when you accelerate,
Adjust the LSD to make the lock a little stronger on acclerration or visa-



The game says:
"A compact turbine increases power in high engine speed range without sacrific-
ing torqu at low and medium engine speeds. It has fast response and little
turbo lag. It is well balanced and applicable to any type of circuit. High dur-
ability parts such as metal gaskets, an oil cooler, and a strengthened oil pump
are also supplied to replace the existing parts."


the game says:
"Designed to give a balance between peak power at high engine speed and prefor-
mance in the low and medium engine speed range. Compared to turbine kit 1, the
torque is slightly reduced in the low speed range, but at medium and high engin
speeds it can produce a great deal of power. High durability parts such as
metal gaskets, an oil cooler, and a strengthened oil pump are also supplied to
replace the existing parts."


The game says:
"This kit aims at peak power output, and was designed for 0 to 400m sprints,
etc. Relative to turbine kit II, this kit shifts the power band even further
towards the high engine speed range. It can be effectively combined with other
modi-fications such as close gearing. The cams are replaced to make most of the
properties of the turbine. such as metal gaskets, an oil cooler, and a strength
-ened oil pump are also supplied to replace the existing parts, and the fuel
pump, injectirs, engine management computer etc... are also upgraded."


The game says:
"A large size turbine for high output at high engine speed, designed solely to
produce maximum horsepower. It is suitable for situations such as high speed
challenges. The cams are replaced to make the most of the properties of the
turbine unit. such as metal gaskets, an oil cooler, and a strngthened oil pump
are also supplied to replace the existing parts, and the fuel pump, injectors
and engine management computer are upgraded."

The Turbocharger works by compressiong air into the intakes, which improves the
combustion in the engine. A very common and popular upgrade, the turbochargers
main and pretty much only purpose is to increase the horsepower of your car.

It is not all plain sailing though with turbocharging. There are, as with most
tuning in GT3, side effects. Turbo lag, and a lower torque cause your car to
accelerate a lot slower, and the car will find it difficult to get through the
lower speeds of the lower gears. You will need a VERY long straight to reach
top speed.

So what do you do to counter this? You get other upgrades that will boost your
acceleration like flywheel, weight reductions, etc. Also, you can close your
gear settings to increase accelerction at the expense of top speed. But with
your huge horsepower atfer your turbo upgrades that will be no bother. So when
you get turbo upgrades, do something to boost acceleration.


The game says:
"An air cooled intercooler that cools intake air that has been heated in press-
urization in a device such as a turbocharger. Engine power is increased because
at a give super-charge pressure, more air enters the combustion chamber if the
air is cooler. This is an essential upgrade to a turbochrged engine.


The game says:
"Increases the engine power by cooling the intake of air in a supercharged
engine. The greater the intercooler capacity, the higher the cooling power, but
engine response is reduced slightly. This high-capacity racing intercooler is
suitable for tuning engines with high maximum supercharge pressure."

This just compliments the turbocharger and helps it work efficiently. The inter
-coolers are very cheap, so just buy it for a cheap upgrade in horsepower.



The game says:
"Tyres which are as close as possible in characteristics to real tyres. Al-
though it is extremely difficult to driv using the game controller, you can
experience a simulation of real life driving which does not feel like a game.
These tyres require quicker braking, careful steering, and delicate work with
the accelerator. These are tyres specific to surfaced roads."


The game says:
"Special sports driving tyres which will allow a higher level of grip on sur-
faced roads than normal tyres. One set for front and rear wheels. Fitting high
preformace tyres is said to be one of the more effective ways of improving the
driving preformance of the car. Once you buy the tyres, you will receive the
tyre service continually from then onwards."


The game says:
"A wide range of slick tyres, from high-grip soft compound tyres to long-life
hard compound models."

Types of Racing Tyres


The harder the tyre, the worse the handling, the longer it takes to wear down.
Because there are so many races in GT3 that you have tyre wear in, choosing the
right tyres is very important. At the end of BEGINNER LEAGUE, when you start to
earn a good bit of cash, buy SOFT or SUPER-SOFT tyres, for easy wins. They will
help your car more than you would believe. If your doing an ENDURANCE RACE, try
to use MEDIUM tyres, as they have good grip and good durability. Basically, and
it isn't hard to judge for yourself, pick the right tyres for the right race.


The game says:
"These are special tyres for driving on dirt surfaces. These tyres must always
be fitted when driving on dirt courses. These are designed with the emphasis on
controlling the car when it is driving on slippery gravel or on unsurfaced
These special tyres for dirt driving are not provided for all cars: they are
availible only for a certain number of models.




The game says:
"The car body is made lighter by removing unnecessary parts and by cahnging
some of the materials used. Reducing the weight of the body has many benefits,
such as improved acceleration, cornering, braking, and tyre durability."


The game says:
"The car body is made lighter by removing unnecessary parts and by cahnging
some of the materials used. Reducing the weight of the body has many benefits,
such as improved acceleration, cornering, braking, and tyre durability."


The game says:
"Further removal of unnecessary parts and changin some materials used to reduce
weight. Further improvements in acceleration, cornering, braking, and tyre
durability will result."

Take these upgrades, they help a lot. They improve acceleration, handling, top
speed, and tyre durability. The first two upgrades are dirt cheap too, so buy
them as soon as possible.


The game says:
"These are parts which will allow the strenght of the yaw control system effect
to be adjusted. As the effect is applied stronger and stronger, turnig moment
occurs in the car during acceleration, and the cornering becomes better. Please
take care in adjustment, as the car will spin more easily if the control effect
is too strong."

A bit like LSD, effects how ou go through corners. Effects the roll of the car
through the turn.


The game says:
"The centre differential makes it possible to change the front and rear torque
distribution in a four wheel drive vehicle. The settin range is 100% front/0%
rear to 0%front/100%rear. A four wheel drive vehicle can be made to handle like
a front engined, front wheeled drive car by shifting the torque distribution to
the front wheel, or like a front engined, rear wheel drive car by shifting the
torque towards the rear wheels. Torque distribution cannot be changed whilst
the vehicle is moving."

This lets you have a 4WD car, but have it handle like and FF or FR car. A nice
touch, but don't go mad on it.



This adjusts how hard the springs are. Simple. The stiffer the springs, the
better and more responsive the handling. However, on hilly or rough tracks the
car will become very very unstable if the springs are too stiff. Some tracks,
like LEGUNA SECA, and all RALLY tracks, are rough and hilly, so stiff springs
will NOT work on them. If you are racing on a smooth track, make your springs
nice and stiff. If not, leave them as they are.

Changes the height at which the car drives. The lower the ride height, the low-
er the centre of gravity. A low centre of gravity means your car will handle
better. There is a catch though, if you make the ride height too low, the cars
underside can hit off the track after going over any kind of a bump, which will
send the car out of control. Increasing the SPRING RATE can balance this, but
it is quite hard to find the perfect settings.

Adjust the strength of the dampers. Some cars have trouble gripping the road,
especially ones that don't weigh very much. By softening the dampers, the tyres
will grip the road much better. However, the car will roll through corners an
awful lot more now, but by adjusting the SPRING RATIO accordingly the affect
can be lessened.

Don't mess with this is what I would say. Just leave it as it is. What it does
is make the tyres lean either towards or away from the car. It will improve the
preformance of your car very little by adjusting this, but there is a lot that
can go wrong. You handling and braking can be wrecked. Best to just leave this
one alone unless you _really_ know what you are doing. A tiny bit of negative
adjusment can help your handling a little, but there is too much that can go

This changes the angle your tyres point in relation to the car. Adjusting the
angle negatively, i.e. making the tyres point inwards a little, can help your
handling a little bit, butnot enough to warrant messing around with it. It is
much the same as the CHAMBER ANGLE, so much can go wrong, its best to leave the
TOE ANGLE alone as well.

The stabilisers change how your car corners by changing the stability of the
car. Making the stabilisers over adjusted will cause the car to become very
twitchy when going along straights. It will help cornering though. Under adjus-
ing the stabilisiers will make the car roll through corners and become unstable
on rough tracks. The stabilisers will also be affaected by the DAMPERS and the

The more powerful the brake setting, the more the car throws it's weight for-
ward during turning. Hadling can become a nightmare if you mess with this too
much. Having very strong front brakes makes you understeer lots. Having very
strong rear brakes makes you oversteer a little, but it is preferable to under-
steer. If you have a car that udersteers or oversteers, adjust this setting
accordingly. Some testing may be needed.

The engine postion of the car will influence which settings you can access. If
you have an FF car, you can adjust the front LSD. An FR car allows you to do
the rear LSD. A 4WD car allows you change both settings. Changing this will
get you around corners with more stability and power, but it will be harder to
get around the corner.

This will give you more grip when acceleration, the wheels won't spin, but it
results in a decrease in grip when braking. When braking, the car will skid,
and turning while braking can be dodgy.

The oppsite of LSD ACCELERATION. More stable braking, but you will have wheel-
spins while accelerating. You will turn more comfortably and easily with this,
so adjust the CSD ACCELERATION setting to compensate. It is possible to find a

Basically: The closer the gear setting, the better the acceleration, but the
worse the top speed. The wider the gear setting, the slower the acceleration,
but the higher the top speed. So for short or very technical courses, close the
gear settings. For long high speed tracks, widen the gear settings.

When you change the gear ratio, you can see what your doing to the left of the
screen on the graph. The further left the green lines move, the faster you will
go at the expense of acceleration. The further right the green lines go, the
faster you will accelerate at the expanse of top speed. If you just change the
FINAL GEAR setting, it will effect all the gears, so you don't have to change
them all individually.

This will push more air over the top of the car, which pushes the car down,
which essentially makes it act heavier than it actually is. This is going to
make your car more stable, and traction will be improved, but you won't be able
to go as fast as normal. Alternatively, if you decrease the downforce, you will
go much faster, but handle much worse.

Active Yaw Control effects how the car handles. If the setting is high, you
will accelerate more through turns, and accelerate better out of them. But the
chances of spinning out are greatly increased.

If yu set this at a high number, you will have a lot more stability through the
corners. However, you will lose acceleration and feel. If you set it low, the
stability will go, but the car will accelerate better through the turn and the
handling will be more responsive. Works in collaboration with the AYC CONTROL-

This stops wheelspin. It decreases power to any wheel that is losing grip on
the road. It will increase handling through a corner, but the car will go slow
on straights.

This is for four wheel drive cars only. It allows you adjust the torque of the
front and rear wheels to make the car handle and feel like a FF car or an FR

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5) RACE/PRIZE LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGINNER LEAGUE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

20 races
For winning all races you get -
Mitsubushisi Lancer Evo V GSR(J)
(8120 Cr, 4WD, 306 BHP)

| ---------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUNDAY CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 1,000Cr |
| 2nd - 900 Cr |
| 3rd - 800 Cr |
| 4th - 700 Cr |
| 5th - 600 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Super Speedway, 3 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex |
| (3387 Cr, FR, 128 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ----------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLUBMAN CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 1,000Cr |
| 2nd - 900 Cr |
| 3rd - 800 Cr |
| 4th - 700 Cr |
| 5th - 600 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Mazda Miata MX-5 |
| (4225 Cr, FR, 130BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 1,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 800 Cr |
| 4th - 700 Cr |
| 5th - 600 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
|Rules: FF cars only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 1,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 800 Cr |
| 4th - 700 Cr |
| 5th - 600 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Nissan Silvia K's (S13 1,800cc J) |
| (4,715 Cr, FR, 172 BHP) |
|Rules: FR cars only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 2,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - 500 Cr |
| 5th - 400 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 2 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Toyota MRS S-Edition(J) |
| (4,950 Cr, MR, 138 BHP) |
|Rules: MR cars only can enter |

| ------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4WD CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 2,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - 500 Cr |
| 5th - 400 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Racway, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Alto Works Suzuki Sport Limited(J) |
| (3,055 Cr, 4WD, 63 BHP) |
|Rules: 4WD cars only can enter |

| ---------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LIGHWEIGHT K CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 2,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - 400 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 2 Laps |
| - Laguna Seca Raceway, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Mini Cooper 1.3i |
| (4,207 Cr, FF, 61 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Cuore TR-XX Avanzato R(J) |
| - Alto Works Suzuki Sport Limited(J) |
| - Mini Cooper 1.3i |

| --------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STARS & STRIPES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------- |
| |
|Type: Singla Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 3,500 |
| 2nd - 1,000 |
| 3rd - 500 |
| 4th - 400 |
| 5th - 300 |
| 6th - 200 |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Seattle Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 4 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Chevrolet Camaro SS |
| (7,382 Cr, FR, 326 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Acura CL 3.2 Type S |
| - Acura NSX |
| - Acura Integra Typr R |
| - Corvette Grand Sport |
| - Camaro Z28 |
| - Corvette Z06 |
| - Camaro SS |
| - Camaro Race Car |
| - Corvette C5R |
| - PT Cruiser |
| - Viper GTSR Concept |
| - Viper GTS |
| - Focus Rally Car |
| - Escort Rally Car |
| - Mustang SVT Cobra R |
| - GT40 Race Car |
| - GT40 |
| - Esperante GTR-1 |
| - Cobra |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPIDER & ROADSTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 2,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - 400 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forset Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Test Course, 2 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Mazda MX-5 Miata LS |
| (5280 Cr, FR, 168 BHP |
|Rules: The Following cars only may enter |
| - S2000 Typre V(J) |
| - Honda S2000 |
| - CRX 1.6VTi |
| - Elise 190 |
| - Mazda MX-5(J) |
| - Mazda MX-5 1.8 RS(J) |
| - Mazda MX-5 1.8i |
| - SLK 230 Kompressor |
| - Mugen S2000(J) |
| - Silvia Variette(J) |
| - Speedster |
| - RUF 3400S |
| - Cobra |
| - Spoon S2000(J) |
| - MR2 |
| - Griffith 500 |
| - VX220 |

| ------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 80's SPORTS CAR CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 2,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - 400 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Chamopionship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 2 Laps |
| - Seattle Cicuit II, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: Mazda RX-7 Infini III(FC, J) |
| (8,075 Cr, FR, 209 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Mazda RX-7 Infini III(FC, J) |
| - Mazda MX-5(J) |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune (R32,J) |
| - Skyline GTS-t Type M(R32,J) |
| - Skyline GTR Vspec III(R32,J) |
| - Silvia K's ( S13 2000cc, J) |
| - Silvia K's ( S13 1800cc, J) |
| - 300ZX TwinTurbo 2seater(J) |
| - 300ZX TwinTurbo 2 by 2(J) |
| - Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE86 type I, J) |
| - Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex S.S. version(J) |

| ------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE FOR NA SPORTS MODELS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 2 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill II, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: Honda CRX Del-Sol SiR(J) |
| (4,682 Cr, FF, 165 BHP) |
|Rules: NA vehicles only can enter |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE FOR TURBO SPORTS MODELS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Mid-Field Raceway II, 2 Laps |
| - Test Course, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: Daihatsu Mira TR-XX Avanzato R(J) |
|Rules: Turbo vehicles only can enter |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOURIST TROPHY, AUDI TT RACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 10,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 2 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |
| (11,645 Cr, 4WD, 212 BHP) |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |
| (11,645 Cr, 4WD, 212 BHP) |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |
| (11,645 Cr, 4WD, 212 BHP) |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |
| (11,645 Cr, 4WD, 212 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |

| -------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LEGEND OF THE SILVER ARROW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 |
| 2nd - 2,500 |
| 3rd - 500 |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Test Course, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain II, 2 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Komressor |
| (13,827 Cr, FR, 192 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - CLK Touring Car |
| - CLK 55 |
| - CL 600 |
| - SLK 230 Kompressor |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALTEZZA RACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 1,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 500 Cr |
| 3rd - 200 |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 10,000 |
|Tracks: - Mid-Field Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 2 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Toyota Celica SS-II(J) |
| (4,925 Cr, FF, 185 BHP) |
| - Toyota Celica SS-II(ST202, J) |
| (5,340 BHP, FF, 181 BHP) |
| - Toyota Celica SS-II |
| (5,340 BHP, FF, 181 BHP) |
| - Toyota Celica SS-II |
| (5,340 BHP, FF, 181 BHP) |

| --------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VITZ/YARIS RACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,500 Cr |
| 3rd - N/A |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 10,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca, 2 Laps |
| - Tokyo route 246, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 2 Laps |
|License: B license required to race |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Toyota Yaris Euro Edition(J) |
| - Yaris RS 1.5(J) |

| ---------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TYPE - R MEETING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 10,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 2 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain II, 2 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 4 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 2 Laps |
|License: None |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Acura RSX Type-S |
| (7,500 Cr, FF, 200 BHP) |
| - Acura RSX Type-S |
| (7,500 Cr, FF, 200 BHP) |
| - Acura RSX Type-S |
| (7,500 Cr, FF, 200 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Accord Euro-R(J) |
| - NSX Type-R(J) |
| - Integra Type-R 98 spec(J) |
| - Civic Type-R (EK,J) |
| - Acura Integra Type-R |
| - Spoon Civic Type-R(J) |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVOLUTION MEETING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 800 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Mid-Field Raceway II, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 2 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR(J) |
| (7,495 Cr, 4WD, 271 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Lancer Evo IV GSR(J) |
| - Lancer Evo V GSR(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR T.M.E.(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR T.M.E.(stripe,J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR RS(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR Rally Car |
| - Lancer Evo VII GSR(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VII RS(J) |
| - Lancer Evo VI GSR Rally Car Prototype |

| ---------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEETLE CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 800 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - 10,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 2 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 2 Laps |
| - Test Course - 2 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 2 Laps |
|License: B License required to race |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Volkswagen New Beetle RSi |
| (17,500 Cr, 4WD, 225 BHP) |
| - Volkswagen New Beetle RSi |
| (17,500 Cr, 4WD, 225 BHP) |
| - Volkswagen New Beetle RSi |
| (17,500 Cr, 4WD, 225 BHP) |
| - Volkswagen New Beetle RSi |
| (17,500 Cr, 4WD, 225 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - New Beetle 2.0 |
| - New Beetle RSi |
| - New Bettle Cup Car |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - 300 Cr |
| 5th - 200 Cr |
| 6th - 100 cr |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 2 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 4 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 2 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 2 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 2 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Racway, 2 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain II, 2 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: (You will win 1 of 4 at random) |
| - Toyota Celica GT-Four(ST205,J) |
| (8,165 Cr, 4WD, 215 BHP) |
| - Nissan Skyline GTR Vspec II(R32,J) |
| (13,150 Cr, 4WD, 307 BHP) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo GSR(J) |
| (8,120 Cr, 4WD, 312 BHP) |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) |
| (4,250, FR, 118 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AMATEUR LEAGUE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
23 races
For winning all races you get -
Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca
(250,000 Cr, FR, 588 BHP)


|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JAPANESE CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 7,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - 20,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 3 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 6 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 3 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: -Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR(J) |
| (7,495 Cr, 4WD, 271 BHP) |
| -Subaru Impreza Wagon WRX STi Version VI(J) |
| (7,297 Cr, 4WD, 283 BHP) |
| -Mitsubushi FTO GP Version VI(J) |
| (5,400 Cr, FF, 196 BHP) |
| -Mazda RX-7 Type RZ(J) |
| (9,995 Cr, FR, 290 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 7,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - 20,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Seattle Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 6 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 3 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: -Chevrolet Camaro Race Car |
| (250,000 Cr, FR, 592 BHP) |
| -Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi Version VI(J) |
| (7,297 Cr, 4WD, 285 BHP) |
| -Audi TT 1.8 Quattro |
| (11,645 Cr, 4WD, 221 BHP) |
| -Mazda RX-7 Type RS(J) |
| (9,445 Cr, FR, 287 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 7,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - 20,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 3 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 3 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 3 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: -Lotus Elise 190 |
| (14,632 Cr, MR, 187 BHP) |
| -Mini Cooper 1.3i |
| (4,207 Cr, FF, 61 BHP) |
| -Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec II(R34,J) |
| (14,370 Cr, 4WD, 331 BHP) |
| -Gillet Vertigo Racecar |
| (300,000 Cr, FR, 419 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ------------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GERMAN TOURING CAR CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 3,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,500 Cr |
| 5th - N/A Cr |
| 6th - N/A Cr |
| Championship - 30,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - RUF 3400S |
| (19,185 Cr, MR, 305 BHP) |
| - Opel Astra Touring Car |
| (245,000 Cr, FR, 453 BHP) |
| - Volkswagen Lupo Cup Car |
| (12,500 CR, FF, 123 BHP) |
| - Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car |
| (18,750 Cr, FF, 201 BHP) |
|Rules: FR cars only can enter |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 100,000 |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 5 Laps |
| - Trail Mountain, 5 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 5 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway II, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota GT-ONE Road Car(TS020) |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 600 BHP) |
| - Nissan Z Concept |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 273 BHP) |
| - Mazda RX-8 |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 281 BHP) |
| - Nissan C-West Razio Silvia JGTC(J) |
| (50,000 Cr, FR, 296 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 5 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Celica TRD Sports(M) |
| (6,375 Cr, FF, 197 BHP) |
|Rules: FF cars only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 5 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex S.S. Version(J) |
| (125,000 Cr, FR, 207 BHP) |
|Rules: FR cars only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: Tokyo Route 246 II, 5 Laps |
| Deep Forest Raceway, 5 Laps |
| Grand Valley Speedway, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Hoda NSX Type S Zero(J) |
| (24,642 Cr, MR, 285 BHP) |
|Rules: MR cars only can enter |

| ------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4WD CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Super Speedway, 5 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 5 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR(J) |
| (7,495 Cr, 4WD, 315 BHP) |
|Rules: 4WD cars only can enter |

| --------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STARS & STRIPES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 7,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 2,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Seattle Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 6 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR(J) |
| (7,495 Cr, 4WD, 315 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Acura CL 3.2 Type S |
| - Acura NSX ('93) |
| - Acura NSX ('97) |
| - Acura Integra Type R |
| - Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport |
| - Chevrolet Corvette Z28 |
| - Chevrolet Corvette Z06 |
| - Chevrolet Camaro SS |
| - Chevrolet Camaro Race Car |
| - Chevrolet Corvette C5R |
| - Chrysler PT Cruiser |
| - Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept |
| - Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca |
| - Dodge Viper GTS |
| - Ford Focus Rally Car |
| - Rord Escort Rally Car |
| - Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R |
| - Ford GT40 Race Car |
| - Ford GT40 |
| - Panoz Esperante GTR-1 |
| - Shelby Cobra |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOXER SPIRIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - 400 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Subaru Legacy B4 Blitzen(J) |
| (7,500 Cr, 4WD, 276 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - RUF 3400S |
| - RUF RTG |
| - RUF CTR2 |
| - Subaru Impreza WRX STi(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza Sports Wagon STi(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza Rally Car |
| - Subaru Impreza 22B-STi Version(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi Version VI(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza Wagon WRX STi Version VI(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype |
| - Subaru Legacy B4 RS(J) |
| - Subaru Legacy B4 Blitzen(J) |
| - Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon GT-B(J) |
| - Subaru Impreza LM Race Car |

| ------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 80'S SPORTS CAR CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 8,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 4,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - 500 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 3 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Nismo Skyline GT-R S-Tune (R32,J) |
| (25,000 Cr, 4WD, 403 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Mazda RX-7 Infini III(FC,J) |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) ('89) |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata(J) ('93) |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R S-Tune (R32,J) |
| - Nissa Skyline GTS-t Type M(R32,J) |
| - Nissa Skyline GT-R Vsec II (R32,J) |
| - Nissan Silvia K's (S13 2000cc,J) |
| - Nissan Silvia K's (S13 1800cc,J) |
| - Nissan 300ZX Twinturbo 2 seater(J) |
| - Nissan 300ZX Twinturbo 2 by 2(J) |
| - Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE86 Type I,J) |
| - Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex S.S Version(J) |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF NA SPORTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 3 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 6 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mazda RX-8 |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 281 BHP) |
|Rules: NA vehicles only can enter |

| -------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF TURBO SPORTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 3,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 3 Laps |
| - Test Course, 3 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mine's LAncer Evolution VI(J) |
| (30,000 Cr, 4WD, 394 BHP) |
|Rules: Turbo vehicles only can enter |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRAN TURISMO ALL STARS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 25,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 8,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,000 Cr |
| 4th - N/A Cr |
| 5th - N/A Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 200,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Leguna Seca Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 5 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Test Course, 5 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 5 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 5 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 5 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 5 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Ford GT40 |
| (112,500 Cr, MR, 306 BHP) |
| - Nismo Skline GTR R-Tune (R34,J) |
| (25,000 Cr, 4WD, 452 BHP) |
| - Honda Raybrig NSX JGTC(J) |
| (312,500 Cr, MR, 473 BHP) |
| - Mine's Skyline GT-R - N1 V-spec(R34,J) |
| (50,000 Cr, 4WD, 591 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL JAPAN GT CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,500 Cr |
| 4th - N/A Cr |
| 5th - N/A Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 150,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Grand Valley Speedway, 5 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 5 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 10 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan Calsonic Skyline JGTC(J) |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 461 BHP) |
| - Honda Arta NSX JGTC(J) |
| (312,500 Cr, MR, 473 BHP) |
| - Toyota Denso Sard Supra GT JGTC(J) |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 464 BHP) |
| - Nissan Loctite Zexel GT-R JGTC(J) |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 461 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOURIST TROPHY, AUDI TT RACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 6,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,500 Cr |
| 4th - 3,500 Cr |
| 5th - 1,500 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - 40,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Seattle Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 3 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Audi S4 |
| (9,932 Cr, 4WD, 261 BHP) |
| - Audi S4 |
| (9,932 Cr, 4WD, 261 BHP) |
| - Audi S4 |
| (9,932 Cr, 4WD, 261 BHP) |
| - Audi S4 |
| (9,932 Cr, 4WD, 261 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Audi TT 1.8T Quattro |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF THE RED EMBLEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 30,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 1,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 500 Cr |
| 4th - 400 Cr |
| 5th - 300 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nismo 400R(J) |
| (30,000 Cr, 4WD, 395 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Nismo 400R(J) |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune(R32,J) |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune(R34,J) |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec II(R32,J) |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec(R33,J) |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R V - spec(R34,J) |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R V - spec II(R32,J) |
| - Nissan Pennzoil Nismo GT-R JGTC(J) |
| - Nissan Loctite Zexel GT-R JGTC(J) |
| - Nissan Calsonic Skyline JGTC(J) |
| - Nissan Nismo GT-R LM Road Car(R33,J) |
| - Mine's Skyline GT-R - N1 V-spec(R34,J) |
| - Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M(R32,J) |

| -------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LEGEND OF THE SILVER ARROW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 20,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 3,000 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 200 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 6 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 3 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car |
(245,000 Cr, FR, 443 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) |
| - Mercedes-Benz CLK55 |
| - Mercedes-Benz CL600 |
| - Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Kompressor |

| -------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALTEZZA CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 1,000 Cr |
| 4th - N/A |
| 5th - N/A |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 30,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 4 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 4 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 7 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
| - Toyota Altezza LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 597 BHP) |
| - Tom's X540 Chaser(J) |
| (16,250 Cr, FR, 315 BHP) |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5(J) |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 109 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Toyota Alzetta RS200(J) |
| - Lexus IS |
| - Toyota Altezza LM Race Car |

| ---------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TYPE - R MEETING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,000 Cr |
| 4th - 2,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - 20,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 10 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 5 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 7 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Honda S2000 |
| (8,450 Cr, FR, 243 BHP) |
| - Honda NSX Type-R |
| (24,892 Cr, MR, 273 BHP) |
| - Spoon S2000(J) |
| (30,000 Cr, FR, 271 BHP) |
| - Mugen S2000(J) |
| (16,250 Cr, FR, 243 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Honda Accord Euro-R(J) |
| - Honda NSX Type R(J) |
| - Honda Integra Type R 98 Spec(J) |
| - Honda Civic Type R(EK,J) |
| - Acura Integra Type R |
| - Spoon Civic Type-R(J) |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVOLUTION MEETING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,000 Cr |
| 4th - 2,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Mid-Filed Raceway II, 6 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 4 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 5 Laps |
|License: A License required to race |
|Prize Car: Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR T.M.E.(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR(stripe,J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV RS(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV RS(J) |
| - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DREAM CAR CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 25,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 15,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,500 Cr |
| 4th - N/A Cr |
| 5th - N/A Cr |
| 6th - N/A |
| Championship - 150,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 5 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 5 Laps |
| - Test Course, 5 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11, 5 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 7 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Honda S2000 LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 586 BHP) |
| - Subaru Impreza LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 572 BHP) |
| - Mitsubishi FTO LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, 4WD, 567 BHP) |
| - Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 572 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

22 races
For winning all races you get -
Polyphony 001 (F686/m for all you Americans)
(287,500 Cr, MR, 925 BHP)

| ------------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITISH GT CAR CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 20,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 6,000 Cr |
| 4th - 5,000 Cr |
| 5th - 2,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 10 Laps |
| - Special Satge Route 5, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Aston Martin Vanquish |
| (70,000 CR, FR, 449 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 35,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 10,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,500 Cr |
| 4th - 6,000 Cr |
| 5th - 3,000 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Grand Valley Speedway, 10 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 10 Laps |
| - Trial Moutain, 10 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Test Course, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 10 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 10 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 10 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 10 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 352 BHP) |
| - Jaguar XJ220 Race Car |
| (375,000 Cr, MR, 542 BHP) |
| - Ford GT40 Race Car |
| (245,000 Cr, MR, 493 BH) |
| - Opel Calibra Touring Car |
| (495,000 Cr, 4WD, 449 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 6,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,000 Cr |
| 4th - 3,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway II, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 10 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Spoon Civic Type-R(J) |
| (25,000 Cr, FF, 214 BHP) |
|Rules: FF Vehicles only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 5,000 Cr |
| 4th - 3,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway, 15 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 10 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan Nismo GT-R LM Road Car (R33,J) |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 300 BHP) |
|Rules: FR Vehicles only can enter |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MR CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 20,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 5,000 Cr |
| 4th - 3,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Leguna Seca Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway II, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 15 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Tommy Kaira ZZ II |
| (125,000 Cr, 4WD, 542 BHP) |
|Rules: MR Vehicles only can enter |

| ------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4WD CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 30,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 10,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 5,000 Cr |
| 4th - 3,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Special Stage Route 5 II, 10 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 15 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype |
| (875,000 Cr, 4WD, 301 BHP) |
|Rules: 4WD Vehicles only can enter |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPIDER & ROADSTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 6,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,500 Cr |
| 4th - 3,500 Cr |
| 5th - 1,500 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Grand Valley Speedway, 10 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 10 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 15 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Shelby American Cobra |
| (125,000 Cr, FR, 485 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - Honda S2000 Type V(J) |
| - Honda S2000 |
| - Honda CR-X Del Sol SiR(J) |
| - Lotus Elise 190 |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata (J) '89 |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata (J) '93 |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS(J) |
| - Mazda MX-5 Miata LS |
| - Mercedes Benz SLK 230 Kompressor |
| - Mugen S2000 (J) |
| - Nissan Silvia Varietta (J) |
| - Opel Speedster |
| - RUF 3400S |
| - Shelby Cobra |
| - Spoon S2000 (J) |
| - Toyota MR-S S-Edition |
| - TVR Griffith 500 |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOXER SPIRIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,000 Cr |
| 4th - 3,000 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Deep Forest Raceway II, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 20 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - RUF RTG |
| (40,000 Cr, RR, 379 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only may enter |
| - RUF 3400S |
| - RUF RTG |
| - RUF CTR2 |
| - Subaru Impreza WRX STi (J) |
| - Subaru Imreza Sports Wagon STi (J) |
| - Subaru Imreza Rally Car |
| - Subaru Imreza 22B-STi Version (J) |
| - Subaru Imreza Sedan WRX STi Version VI (J) |
| - Subaru Imreza Wagon WRX STi Version VI (J) |
| - Subaru Imreza Raly Car Prototype |
| - Subaru Imreza LM Race Car |
| - Subaru Legacy B4 RSK (J) |
| - Subaru Legacy B4 Blitzen (J) |
| - Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon GT-B (J) |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF NA SPORTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 20,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 10 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Pagani Zonda C12 |
| (88,110 Cr, MR, 543 BHP) |
|Rules: NA Vehicles only can enter |

| -------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF TURBO SPORTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single Race |
|Prizes: 1st - 30,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 5,000 Cr |
| 4th - 2,500 Cr |
| 5th - 1,000 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Mid-Field Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Test Course, 10 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 15 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - RUF CTR 2 |
| (95,500 Cr, 4WD, 512 BHP) |
|Rules: Turbo Vehicles only can enter |

| ------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL JAPAN GT CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 50,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 20,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,500 Cr |
| 4th - 5,000 Cr |
| 5th - 3,000 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - ? Cr |
|Tracks: - Leguna Seca Raceway, 15 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 15 Laps |
| - Mid-Filed Raceway II, 15 Laps |
| - Test Course, 15 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 15 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 15 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 15 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 15 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 15 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 15 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Dodge Viper GTS R Concept |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 498 BHP) |
| - Nissan R390 GT1 LM Race Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 352 BHP) |
| - Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi |
| (7,995 Cr, 4WD, 276 BHP) |
| - Toyota GT-One Race Car |
| (500,000 Cr, MR, 599 BHP) |
|Rules: None |

| ------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ITALIAN AVANT GARDE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 30,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 8,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,000 Cr |
| 4th - 5,500 Cr |
| 5th - 2,500 Cr |
| 6th - 1,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Pagani Zonda Race Car |
| (375,000 Cr, MR, 651 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - Pagani Zonda C12 |
| - Pagani Zonda Race Car |
| - Pagani Zonda S |
| |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RACE OF THE RED EMBLEM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 25,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 8,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,000 Cr |
| 4th - 5,500 Cr |
| 5th - 2,500 Cr |
| 6th - 1,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 10 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 10 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan Calsonic Skyline JGTC |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 461 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec II |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R V - spec |
| - Nissan Skyline GT-R V - spec II |
| - Nissan Pennzoil Nismo GT-R JCTC |
| - Nissan Locktite Zexel GT-R JGTC |
| - Nissan Calsonic Skyline JGTC |
| - Nissan Nismo GT-R LM Road Car |
| - Mine's Skyline GT-R N1 V-spec |
| - Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M |
| - Nismo 400 R(J) |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune |
| - Nismo Skyline GT-R R-tune |
| |

| ---------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YARIS RACE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 7,500 Cr |
| 2nd - 5,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 2,500 Cr |
| 4th - 1,000 Cr |
| 5th - 500 Cr |
| 6th - 300 Cr |
| Championship - 30,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
| - Leguna Seca Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Test Course, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 10 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota Supra RZ |
| (11,200 Cr, FR, 276 BHP) |
| - Toyota Altezza LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 597 BHP) |
| - Toyota Castrol Tom's Supra |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 463 BHP) |
| - Toyota Yaris RS 1.5 |
| (3,632 Cr, FF, 108 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - Toyota Vitz RS 1.5 |
| - Toyota Vitz Euro Edition |
| |

| ------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ELISE TROPHY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------ |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 3,000 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - ? Cr |
|Tracks: - Cote D'Azure, 10 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Lotus Elise 190 |
| (14,632 Cr, MR, 187 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - Lotus Elise 190 |
| - Lotus Motor Sport Elise |
| |

| ----------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLIO TROPHY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 15,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 7,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 3,000 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - ? Cr |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 10 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway, 10 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 15 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car |
| (18,750 Cr, FF, 202 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - Renault Clio Sport V6 |
| - Renault Clio Sport Race Car |
| |

| -------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TVR TUSCAN CHALLENGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 50,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 10,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 5,000 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - ? Cr |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain II, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Test Course, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - TVR Griffith 500 |
| (15,602 Cr, FR, 340 BHP) |
| - TVR Speed 12 |
| (200,000 Cr, FR, 799 BHP) |
|Rules: The following cars only can enter |
| - TVR Tuscan Speed 6 |
| |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DREAM CAR CHAMPIONSHIP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 45,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 9,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 8,000 Cr |
| 4th - 6,500 Cr |
| 5th - 3,500 Cr |
| 6th - 1,000 Cr |
| Championship - 250,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Test Course, 15 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 15 Laps |
| - Trial Mountain II, 15 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 15 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway II, 15 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 15 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 20 Laps |
|License: S License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota GT-One Race Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 600 BHP) |
| - Panoz Esperante GTR-1 |
| (500,000 Cr, FR, 587 BHP) |
| - Mitsubishi FTO LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, 4WD, 567 BHP) |
| - Polyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |
| |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> POLYPHONY DIGITAL CUP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 50,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - 450,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain II, 20 Laps |
| - Mid-Field Raceway II, 20 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 20 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5 II, 20 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit II, 20 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway II, 20 Laps |
| - Deep Forest Raceway II, 20 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 11 II, 20 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway II, 20 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246 II, 20 Laps |
|License: S License required to race |
|Prize Car: - TVR Speed 12 |
| (200,000 Cr, FR, 799 BHP) |
| - Escudo Pikes Peak Version |
| (250,000 Cr, 4WD, 973 BHP) |
| - Toyota GT-One Road Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 600 BHP) |
| - Polyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All _UNTUNED_ cars can enter |
| |

| ------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LIKE THE WIND <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 10,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 6,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 4,500 Cr |
| 4th - 3,500 Cr |
| 5th - 1,500 Cr |
| 6th - 800 Cr |
| Championship - ? Cr |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain II, 10 Laps |
| - Special Stage Route 5, 10 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit II, 10 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 10 Laps |
| - Test Course, 10 Laps |
|License: IB License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mazda 787B |
| (500,000 Cr, MR, 690 BHP) |
|Rules: All cars can enter |
| |

| ---------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FORMULA GT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------- |
| |
|Type: Championship |
|Prizes: 1st - 30,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 8,500 Cr |
| 3rd - 7,000 Cr |
| 4th - 5,500 Cr |
| 5th - 2,500 Cr |
| 6th - 1,000 Cr |
| Championship - 250,000 Cr |
|Tracks: - Mid-Field Raceway, 30 Laps |
| - Seattle Circuit, 40 Laps |
| - Grand Valley Speedway, 27 Laps |
| - Super Speedway, 50 Laps |
| - Rome Circuit, 28 Laps |
| - Test Course, 25 Laps |
| - Leguba Seca Raceway, 33 Laps |
| - Apricot Hill Raceway, 27 Laps |
| - Tokyo Route 246, 25 Laps |
| - Cote D'Azure, 78 Laps |
|License: S License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: F1 cars only can enter |
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ENDURANCE RACES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

10 Races
For winning you get ~
Polyphony F1 Car
(875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP)

| ------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 300 KM GRAND VALLEY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 400,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 100,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 85,000 Cr |
| 4th - 65,000 Cr |
| 5th - 40,000 Cr |
| 6th - 11,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Grand Valley Speedway, 60 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 352 BHP) |
| - Spoon S2000 Race Car |
| (50,000 Cr, FR, 271 BHP) |
| - Subaru Impreza LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, 4WD, 572 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| ----------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEATTLE 100 MILES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 150,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 70,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 55,000 Cr |
| 4th - 45,000 Cr |
| 5th - 20,000 Cr |
| 6th - 9,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Seattle Circuit, 40 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan Nismo GT-R LM Road Car |
| (75,000 Cr, FR, 300 BHP) |
| - Panoz Esperante GTR-1 |
| (500,000 Cr, FR, 587 BHP) |
| - Tommy Kaira ZZII |
| (125,000 Cr, 4WD, 543 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 200 MILES LEGUNA SECA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 300,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 85,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 70,000 Cr |
| 4th - 55,000 Cr |
| 5th - 30,000 Cr |
| 6th - 10,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Leguna Seca Raceway, 90 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Nissan Calsonic Skyline |
| (312,500 Cr, FR, 461 BHP) |
| - Toyota Altezza LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 597 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| ----------------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PASSAGE TO COLOSSEO - 2HR ENDURANCE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 300,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 85,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 70,000 Cr |
| 4th - 55,000 Cr |
| 5th - 30,000 Cr |
| 6th - 10,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Rome Circuit, 2 HRS, X Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Gillet Vertigo Race Car |
| (300,000 Cr, FR, 419 BHP) |
| - Lancia Delta HF Integrale Rally Car |
| (125,000 Cr, 4WD, 295 BHP) |
| - Pagani Zonda Race Car |
| (375,000 Cr, MR, 651 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| Who ever has driven the furthest after 2 HRS wins |
| |

| ------------------------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRIAL MOUNTAIN - 2HR ENDURANCE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------------ |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 150,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 70,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 55,000 Cr |
| 4th - 45,000 Cr |
| 5th - 20,000 Cr |
| 6th - 9,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Trial Mountain, 2 HRS, X Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Honda S2000 LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, FR, 586 BHP) |
| - Lister Storm V12 Race Car |
| (299,500 Cr, FR, 593 BHP) |
| - Mine's GT-R - N1 V-spec |
| (50,000 Cr, 4WD, 491 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| Who ever has driven the furthest after 2 HRS wins |
| |

| ---------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPECIAL STAGE ROUTE 11 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 500,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 120,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 100,000 Cr |
| 4th - 80,000 Cr |
| 5th - 50,000 Cr |
| 6th - 12,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Special Stage Route 11, 50 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Chevrolet Camaro Race Car |
| (250,000 Cr, FR, 592 BHP) |
| - Honda Arta NSX |
| (312,500 Cr, MR, 473 BHP) |
| - Toyota Super Auto Bacs APEX MR-S |
| (75,000 Cr, MR, 299 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| -------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ROADSTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 100,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 60,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 45,000 Cr |
| 4th - 35,000 Cr |
| 5th - 15,000 Cr |
| 6th - 8,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Apricot Hill Raceway, 40 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mazda Miata MX-5 (89) |
| (4,225 Cr, FR, 130 BHP) |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 (93) |
| (4,250 Cr, FR, 118 BHP) |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 1.8 RS |
| (5,820 Cr, FR, 157 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: The following _UNTUNED_ cars may enter |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 LS |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 (93) |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 (89) |
| - Mazda Miata MX-5 1.8 RS |
| |

| --------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOKYO ROUTE 246 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 400,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 100,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 85,000 Cr |
| 4th - 65,000 Cr |
| 5th - 40,000 Cr |
| 6th - 11,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tokyo Route 246, 100 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, Fr, 572 BHP) |
| - Nissan C-West Razo Silvia |
| (50,000 Cr, FR, 296 BHP) |
| - Toyota GT-One Raod Car |
| (550,000 Cr, MR, 600 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISTRAL 78 LAPS COTE D'AZURE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 500,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 120,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 100,000 Cr |
| 4th - 80,000 Cr |
| 5th - 50,000 Cr |
| 6th - 12,000 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Cote D'Azure, 78 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Jaguar XJ220 Road Car |
| (195,000 Cr, MR, 516 BHP) |
| - Mitsubishi FTO LM Race Car |
| (187,500 Cr, 4WD, 567 BHP) |
| - Pagani Zonda Race Car |
| (375,000 Cr, MR, 651 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

| ------------------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUPER SPEEDWAY 150 MILES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------ |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 200,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 80,000 Cr |
| 3rd - 65,000 Cr |
| 4th - 50,000 Cr |
| 5th - 25,000 Cr |
| 6th - 9,500 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Super Speedway, 100 Laps |
|License: IA License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Tickford Falcon XR8 Race Car |
| (375,000 Cr, FR, 599 BHP) |
| - Renault Clio Sport Race Car |
| (75,000 Cr, MR, ??? BHP) |
| - Chevrolet Corvette C5 |
| (250,000 Cr, FR, 610 BHP) |
| - Pholyphony F1 Car |
| (875,000 Cr, MR, 789 BHP) |
|Rules: All Cars can enter |
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RALLY RACES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
10 Races
For winning you get ~
Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version
(250,000 Cr, 4WD, 973 BHP)

| ------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAHITI CHALLENGE OF RALLY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tahiti Circuit, 2 Laps |
| - Tahiti Circuit, 3 Laps |
| - Tahiti Circuit, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota Celica Rally Car |
| (75,000 Cr, 4WD, 299 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ----------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAHITI MAZE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ----------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tahiti Maze, 2 Laps |
| - Tahiti Maze, 3 Laps |
| - Tahiti Maze, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Ford Escort Rally Car |
| (87,500 Cr, 4WD, 299 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| --------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMOKEY MOUNTAIN RALLY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| --------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Smokey Mountain, 3 Laps |
| - Smokey Mountain, 5 Laps |
| - Smikey Mountain, 7 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Ford Focus Rally Car |
| (87,500 Cr, 4WD, 299 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAHITI CHALLENGE OF RALLY II <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tahiti Circuit II, 2 Laps |
| - Tahiti Circuit II, 3 Laps |
| - Tahiti Circuit II, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Toyota Corolla Rally Car |
| (75,000 Cr, 4WD, 299 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ---------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWISS ALPS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Swiss Alps, 3 Laps |
| - Swiis Alps, 5 Laps |
| - Swiss Alps, 7 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Peugeot 206 Rally Car |
| (87,500 Cr, 4WD, 300 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| -------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAHITI MAZE II <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| -------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Tahiti Maze II, 2 Laps |
| - Tahiti Maze II, 3 Laps |
| - Tahiti Maze II, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Subaru Impreza Rally Car |
| (75,000 Cr, 4WD, 299 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ------------------------ |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMOKEY MOUNTAIN RALLY II <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------ |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Smokey Mountain II, 3 Laps |
| - Smokey Mountain II, 5 Laps |
| - Smikey Mountain II, 7 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car |
| (75,000 Cr, 4WD, 301 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWISS ALPS II <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Swiss Alps II, 3 Laps |
| - Swiis Alps II, 5 Laps |
| - Swiss Alps II, 7 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype |
| (87,500 Cr, 4WD, 301 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPECIAL STAGE ROUTE 5 WET <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Citroen Xsara Rally Car |
| (87,500 Cr, FF, 294 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

| ---------------------------- |
|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPECIAL STAGE ROUTE 5 WET II <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
| ---------------------------- |
| |
|Type: Single |
|Prizes: 1st - 5,000 Cr |
| 2nd - 0 Cr |
| 3rd - 0 Cr |
| 4th - 0 Cr |
| 5th - 0 Cr |
| 6th - 0 Cr |
| Championship - N/A |
|Tracks: - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet II, 2 Laps |
| - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet II, 3 Laps |
| - Special Stage Rout 5 Wet II, 5 Laps |
|License: R License required to race |
|Prize Car: - Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype |
| (87,500 Cr, 4WD, 301 BHP) |
|Rules: Rally Cars can enter |
| |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EMAIL INFO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

My email address is Feel free to email me about most
anything to do with this game. If I know the answer I will tell you. But please
please please put that the mail is about GT3 as the subject. It's annoying some
-times to get mails with no subject. Or maybe thats just me being bitchy. But
anyway, don't use any bad language, or I won't reply. Don't wite like this...
hi i red ur fak it rox... need I go on... that stuff just pisses me off. Also
if the question you ask is already answered in the FAQ, the chances are I won't
write back. That would be a waste of my time, and most probably your time too.
And don't ask stupid questions either. And don't even bother asking for Game-
Shark codes, because I know them not. And the lack of a GameShark on my part
doesn't help, and you could probably look them up yourself anyway. So thats
thats the end of my little rant. If your sensible you'll get a reply. And I
don't think a little sensibility is too much to ask...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THANKS/CREDITS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

- Me for writing the FAQ.
- CJayC and GameFAQ's for such a great all round site.
-, for also hosting my FAQ's.
- Polyphony Digital for making a great game.
- for providing lots of info on the game.
- Sony, for providing such a good console.
- God.
- Everyone who has emailed me.

Watch out for more updates in the future!

Copyright protected 2001, by DemonSLAYER(
All rights reserved
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License/Circuit Guide

16.Octombrie 2013
Drivetrain Guide

17.Octombrie 2013
First Cars Guide

15.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
General Set-Ups Guide

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Formula GT Guide

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A-Spec FAQ

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Getting Started Guide

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15.Octombrie 2013
Tuning Guide

17.Octombrie 2013
IA License Guide

14.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Rally Event Guide

15.Octombrie 2013
Rally License Guide

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GT3 Making Money Guide

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Laguna Seca Guide

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16.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Drifting FAQ

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Mehrspieler Garage mit 197 Wagen und fast 10 Billionen Credits.

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200 Wagen, verschiedene Anstriche, alle Arcade Kurse und 500.000 Credits.

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Nomad Diablo GT Race Wagen.

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F1 Guide

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Alle Preis Autos, 200 Autos mit verschiedenen Anstrichen, $500 000 in der Bank und alle Gold Lizensen.

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