Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

16.10.2013 11:41:03
Version (Final)

By: Tsogtsaihan Baatar
Created: September 28, 2001
Last Update: September 9, 2002

FAQ Info
Pages: 240
Words: 59,151
Paragraphs: 5,064
Lines: 12,153

<< Disclaimer >>

This Game Script FAQ is created for personal use only. You
MUST not use it for anything that -gains profit-. You're also
not allowed to rip off part/s of this FAQ and put it on your
own FAQ or use it. This is called "plagiarism", the act of
stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as
one's own without crediting the source.

I have written this game script myself. This written down
script cannot be copied or posted without my permission! If
you want to post it in your web site please do ask me first!
My e-mail address:
These following sites have my permission to use my FAQ:


- Seeing that this game has spiced up my enjoyment, I decided
to create a FAQ :) This script includes the script for every
action in the game and also battles. This FAQ is best viewed
in Microsoft Word.

Table of Contents

I. E-mail
II. Versions and Updates
III. Game Script
- Chapter 1: The Meager
- Chapter 2: The Manipulator and
the Subservient
- Chapter 3: The Valiant
- Chapter 4: Somebody to Love
IV. Side Quest - Game Script
V. Brave Story
1. Germonik Scriptures
2. Person
3. Job
4. Unexplored Land
3. Treasure
VII. Credits


This is an e-mail policy section. If you want to send an e-
mail to me, here are the things that you must do or must not

1. Send me questions about the FAQ.
2. Corrections are acceptable.
3. Contributions are acceptable. (Depends on what kind of
contribution though...)
4. Acknowledgements are also acceptable!

1. Please don't send vulgar e-mails.
2. Don't send me virus or letters that have no meaning.
3. Don't send me game related questions! This is a game script
not a walkthrough!
4. Don't send me e-mails that are not in English!

If you do not follow these simple unacceptable e-mail policy.
Your e-mail will be ignored, deleted, blocked, etc.

Versions and Updates

Version 1.0 -=- (Started: September 28, 2001)
This is the very first version of my FAQ.
- Script Update:
A small update in Chapter 1
- Rumors section
- Characters section

Version 1.1 -=- (Started: October 1, 2001)
- Script Update:
A small update to Chapter 2
- Character Update
- Rumors Update
- Job (new section)
- Treasure (new section)

Version 1.2 -=- (Started: January 10, 2001)
Fixed some typos. I am sorry for not updating the FAQ for a
long time. Christmas was great. I will be now updating the FAQ
frequently. Enjoy!
- Script Update:
Updated the script to Chapter 3.
- Character Update (to chapter 3)
- Job Update (a minor update)
- Treasure Update (a minor update)

Version 1.3 -=- (Started: January 12, 2002)
In this update, I only worked on the script. The script is
almost finished. I will be working on the Brave Story section
after I finish the script.
- Script Update:
Finished Chapter 3.
- Character Update (a minor update)
- Rumors Update (a minor update)
- Added the e-mail policy (new section)

Version 1.4 -=- (Started: February 20, 2002)
- Script Update
- Character Update
- Rumors Update
- Added the credits section
- Added Germonik Scriptures (a new section)

Version 1.5 -=- (Started: February 23, 2002)
The script is finally finished!
- Script Update:
Fixed some typos.
Changed Orlan to Olan in the last FMV.
Script finished.
Added 'News' part.

Version: Final -=- (Started: March 6, 2002)
This FAQ is 100% complete. I don't intend to update it as of
now but I may update it again after I proofread it.
Fixed some typos on the script.
Added 'Job' section.
Added 'Side Quest Script'.
Finished 'Unexplored Land' section.
Finished 'Treasure' section.



A warrior takes sword in hand,
clasping a gem to his heart.

Engraving vanishing memories
into the sword,

He places finely honed skills
into the stone.

Spoken from the sword,
handed down from the stone...

Now the story can be told...

Square presents

The "The Zodiac Brave Story".

III ===================== III
IIIII ===================== IIIII

I am Alazlam, a scholar of ancient Ivalice history...

Have you ever heard of the "Lion War"?

It divided Ivalice in two over who
would be the successor to the throne.

It ended with the appearance of a
young hero named Delita.

Everybody living here knows
this hero's tale...

But we also know that what
we see with our eyes alone...
isn't necessarily the truth.

Here's a young man.

He is the youngest son of the noble
Beoulve...pillars of knighthood.

There's no record of his playing an
active part in history but...

According to the "Durai Report" released
last year (concealed for many years by
church), this unknown man is the true hero...

The church claims he was a blasphemer
and anarchist-the root of all evil...

But is this the "truth"?

Won't you join me on a
journey for the "truth"?

Before that, please tell me your 'name' and 'birthday'.

Ramza: July 26

Square presents

The "Zodiac Brave Story"


Art Direction:
[Hiroshi Minagawa]

Character Design by:
[Akihiko Yoshida]

Artistic Supervisor

Battle Maps:
[Hideo Minaba]

Character Animation:
[Fumiyasu Sasaki]

Visual Effects:
[Tiro Mifune]

Battle Map Creators:
[Yuko Abiru]
[Yuki Azuma]
[Akane Haruki]
[Nobuyuki Ikeda]
[Akiyoshi Masuda]
[Koji Matsushita]
[Yuka Migamoto]
[Toshiyuki Mogi]
[Tsutomu Mouri]
[Rena Sasaki]
[Sachiko Tanabe]
[Takaharu Tanaka]
[Misako Tsutsui]
[Takahiro Yamashita]

Character Animators:
[Micko Hoshina]
[Konomi Ishizuka]
[Kiyofumi Kato]
[Toshiaki Matsumoto]
[Eiichiro Nakatsu]
[Tsuyoshi Namiki]
[Makoto Sawano]
[Yuichi Shiota]

Visual Effect Artist:
[Yoshimasa Furukawa]
[Noriko Ikeda]
[Taizo Inukai]
[Yuko Hatae]


Director of Movie:
[Toshiyuki Momose]

Production Coordinator:
[Keiko M. Randolph]

[AnimaTek International]

Main Program
[Taku Murata]

Visual Effect Program:
[Satoshi Ogata]

World Map Program:
[Hiroshi Ono]

Event Program:
[Tetsuji Iwasaki]

Additional Program:
[Masaaki Kubo]
[Kazuhisa Murakami]
[Kazuo Suzuki]
[Yoshinori Tsuchida]

Music & Original Score by:
[Masaharu "Rezon" Iwata]
[Hitoshi "YmoH.S" Sakimoto]

Sound Programmer:
[Hidenori Suzuki]

Sound Engineer:
[Motoko Watanabe]

Recorded & Mixed Engineer:
[Kenji Nagashima]

[Tsukasa Fujita]
[Daisuke Fukugawa]
[Nobuyuki Inoue]
[Kazutoyo Maehiro]
[Kiminori Ono]
[Takayuki Suguro]

Executive Producer:
[Tetsuo Mizuno]
[Tomoyuki Takechi]

[Michio Okamiya]

Game Design by:
[Hiroyuki Ito]

Written & Directed by:
[Yasumi Matsuno]

Produced by:
[Hironobu Sakaguchi]

A young knight with the crest of the black lion is seen on his
chocobo. The knight carefully watches the area and signals. A
four men riding chocobos comes out from behind the knight. The
five travels through the forest and plains at great speed with
their chocobos. After travelling for some time, the five men
finally comes in front of what seems to be a church.

-- Orbonne Monastery --

God, please help us
sinful children of Ivalice.

Female Knight: Princess Ovelia, let's go.

Princess Ovelia: Just a moment, Agrias...

Agrias: The guards have already arrived.

Priest: Princess, don't give Agrias trouble. Please hurry...

[A knight and two squires comes in from outside.]

Black Knight: What's going on? It's been nearly an hour!

Agrias: Don't be rude to the Princess, Gafgarion.

[The two squires behind the Black Knight kneels down while the
Black Knight simply bows his head.]

Gafgarion: Is this going to be alright, Agrias? This is an
urgent issue for us.

Agrias: So there are rude knaves even among the Hokuten?

Gafgarion: I'm being more than kind to the guard captains
here. Besides, we're mercenaries hired by the Hokuten. I'm not
obliged to show respect to you.

Agrias: What? How dare you!

[The princess stands up.]

Ovelia: Enough. Let's go.

[The two squires gets up on their feet. The princess walks
over to the priest.]

Priest: Go with God.

Ovelia: You too, Simon.

[A female knight walks in with a nasty wound. The priest helps
the knight.]

Female Knight: Lady Agrias!... The enemy!

Simon: Prince Goltana's men!?

[Agrias quickly rushes out the monastery.]

Gafgarion: What one must do to make money. What, Ramza? You
have a problem, too?

Ramza: ...I'm no longer a Knight. Just a mercenary like you.

Gafgarion: ...That's right. Well then. Let's go!

[The Knight and the two squires goes outside.]

Ovelia: Oh God...

- Outside the monastery -

Agrias: The crest of the Black Lion!? What's wrong with Prince
Goltana!? He's such an idiot! Does he want to start a war!?

Goltana Knight: Knave! There's no point in resisting! Just
give us the Princess, or that beautiful face of yours will be
scarred forever!

[The black knight and the two squires comes out to help Agrias
and the others.]

Gafgarion: Fool! Only idiots attack head on!

[Agrias steps forward.]

Agrias: Leave this to us!

Gafgarion: We can't make money that way! Rad, Ramza! Follow
me!! Kill them all! Don't leave any survivors!

Agrias: Nonsense! There's no need to kill them! That's just
what Goltana wants us to do! Just let them go!

Gafgarion: That's impossible!

[Agrias takes the upper hand and releases Statis Sword on the
two archers, injuring and stopping the two. Rad and the other
two knight pummels the rest of the archers while Gafgarion
draws his sword and kills the Chemist with his Night Sword
ability. Ramza finishes off Lezales by stabbing him on the
chest. After the battle, Ovelia's scream is heard from inside
the monastery.]

Ovelia: Let go of me!

[Agrias looks at the monastery.]

Agrias: Damn!!

[Agrias runs inside to save the princess. A knight takes the
princess through the back door of the monastery.]

Knight: Come here! Be quiet!!

Ovelia: Why should I listen to you!?

Knight: What an annoying Princess.

[The knight punches the princess on the stomach and puts her
on his chocobo. Agrias comes out.]

Agrias: Wait!!

Knight: Tough...Don't blame us. Blame yourself or God.

[The knight takes off with the princess. Agrias runs after the
knight, realizing she cannot keep up, she falls down on her

Agrias: Oh, God......

[Ramza sees the knight.]

Ramza: ...Delita?? You're alive, Delita? But, why are you in
Goltana's troops? Why...?

Delita's name appears for
the first time a year before
the Lion War broke out.

Many soldiers who returned from the war,
had no jobs, little money,
and even less loyalty to the crown.

Many became thieves and
rebels plotting rebellion
against the royal family.

At that time robbery and
murder were commonplace in Ivalice.
Many heroes and
wizards came out of there.
And Gariland was no exception either.

Chapter 1: THE MEAGER

---==== PAST ====---

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| The Death Corps |
| =============== |
| Robberies are on the rise in various areas and Gallione |
| is no exception. Wagon hijackings and abductions are |
| rampant. Now a group of former criminals and mercenaries, |
| called the "Death Corps", have been making the most |
| trouble for the Hokuten. |
| |
| |
| The King Omdoria |
| ================ |
| |
| There is a great concern over King Omdolia, who collapsed |
| at Prince Orinas birthday celebration. The Board of |
| Chamberlains reported his fever has subsided, but he'll |
| take 3 weeks to recover. It will be several months before |
| he can make any public appearances. But since most public |
| policy is made by Queen Ruvelia, no turmoil is expected. |
| |
| |
| The Fifty Year War |
| ================== |
| |
| A war that caused terror for nearly 50 years between |
| Ivalice and Ordalia, known as the "Fifty Year War". The |
| War was ignited when King Diwanu died without naming a |
| successor. The throne was succeeded by Diwanu's brother, |
| Valowa, but Denamunda of Ivalice, declared war. This was |
| only an excuse... the real reason was because of... |
| Zelamonia, a territory of Ivalice running along the |
| Ordalian border. It was once independent, but was annexed |
| over a century ago, after an invasion. Ivalice supported |
| Ordalia, but the result was failure. Unrest among the |
| Nobles and in the cities of Zelamonia, along with Ordalia's|
| rule, led them to seek intervention from Ivalice. |
| With victories in the early battles, Ivalice's Army |
| marched on the capital of Bura. But King Denamunda fell |
| ill and was never to return to his kingdom. The confusion |
| gave the Ordalian Army an opportunity, as Valowa was |
| successful in holding off Ivalice's Army. Approximately 2 |
| year stalemate of was broken by the Romandan Army's |
| invasion. |
| Romanda is a military state separated from Ivalice by |
| Larner Channel. Under King Valowa's orders, a blood |
| relative, they marched on Ivalice. But, Denamunda who |
| succeeded King Denamunda was a brave warrior against both |
| the Romanda and Ordalian armies. An outbreak of Bubonic |
| Plague in Romanda forced them to retreat in 2 years. |
| The 2 squads most effective in the war were the Hokuten, |
| led by Balbanes, and the Nanten, led by T.G. Cid. They |
| scored many victories as they marched on Ordalia. But the |
| long war was disasterous for both administrations. Farmers'|
| revolts and riots broke out in many areas, as both |
| kingdoms focused their war efforts within their borders. |
| This made another stalemate broken only by the death of |
| King Denamunda. (Widely believed to be assassinated) His |
| successor, Omdolia was not fit to lead the kingdom, and |
| left all matters of state to the elder statesmen and the |
| Queen. Therefore, there was no power to drive the troops |
| of Prince Lanard, Valowa's successor, out. After allowing |
| the invasion of Zeltennia, battles that both the Hokuten |
| and the Nanten fought in, Ivalice hoped for peace. |
| Realizing the war was useless, both kingdoms agreed on |
| peace, focusing their efforts within their respective |
| borders. Although the agreement was bilateral, Ivalice |
| surrendered. |
| Soon after, Ivalice's economy was on the brink of |
| bankruptcy because of severe war reparations. Payments |
| could not be made to returning soldiers, and large groups |
| of Knights were discharged. As a result, high |
| unemployment, uncertainty and distrust filled Ivalice. |
| |

[Several students nearing graduation of the Gariland Academy
were assembled. A plan was being formed, centered on the
Hokuten, to extinguish the Death Corps who were terrorizing
the Gallione region. The plan was to have the students handle
all the future problems.]

-- Military Academy's Auditorium --

Cadet: I heard another wagon bound for Igros was attacked.

Cadet: Must have been the Death Corps...

Ramza: Something's starting... Know anything, Delita?

Delita: No...but I can guess.

Ramza: What do you mean?

Delita: Prince Larg's coming to town.

Ramza: Prince Larg? Why?

Delita: Not only Larg, but Marquis Elmdor of Limberry, too.

Ramza: That's news! It's not an official visit, is it?

Delita: There are danger zones everywhere in Ivalice. The
Hokuten Knights are in full operation, but suffering from a
shortage of men.

Ramza: So, they need us cadets.

Voice: Everyone, fall in!

[A Hokuten knight comes in.]

Hokuten Knight: You have a mission! As you know, barbarians
are rapidly increasing here in Gallione. The traitorous Death
Corps detest the royal family. We cannot overlook them. We
will begin exterminating these traitors. By order of our
Master. Larg's Knights stationed at Igros Castle and many
other groups will participate. Your duty is to support the
flank. Specifically, you'll go to Igros and help guard it.

[A female Hokuten knight comes in and whispers something to
the knight. After that, the female knight leaves the room.]

Hokuten Knight: Cadets, ready your swords! A gang of tortured
thieves is trying to sneak into this town. We'll begin
preparations now to keep them out of town! Come with me! This
is the frontline of operations! That's all! Prepare

[The cadets goes out to confront the thieves at Magic City

-- Magic City Gariland --

Thief: What's this? Just a bunch of kids! What luck! OK, all
we have to do is kill these kids! Then, we can escape! Don't
you worry! We'll kill every one of you!

Delita: Ramza, watch out! Don't rush them!

Ramza: Don't patronize me, Delita! I'm also a Beoulve!!

Thief: Beoulve!? THE Beoulve family!? So, you must be cadets
from the military academy! Snot-nosed little nobles!!

Ramza: Silence! Surrender or die in obscurity!!

Thief: What can a bunch of kids like you do? Buncha spoiled
punks like you'll never beat us!!

[Ramza quickly runs at an inexperienced enemy squire and
deflects a blow, making the inexperienced squire reeling back
into the midst of the battlefield. One of the cadets stabs the
inexperienced squire from the back leaving three enemy squires
and one enemy chemist. Delita slashes wildly on the
battlefield with his sword cutting down a surprised enemy
squire. The other cadets struck their sword on the remaining
two squires. Ramza realizing the only left chemist, hurls up
his broad sword and struck down his sword on the chemist's

Ramza: Why do you continue committing acts like robbery? You
wouldn't have died this way if you'd led an honest life.

[Victorious at Magic City, Ramza and the other cadets rests.
Ramza remembers his father's death...]

=-= Past =-=

Having attained the highest
rank of Heavenly Knight,
brave Balbanes was facing
his last days...

The end of the 50 Year War
The Beoulve Residence

[Balbanes Beoulve, renowned hero of the Fifty Year War, has
been bedridden for 2 years due to illness. The sight of his
father ill in bed was unbearable for his three children.]

Balbanes: How goes......the battle?

Zalbag: Through swift action we were able to recover Limberry.
It's only a matter of time before the Ordalia army leaves
Zeltennia. Don't worry.

Lord Dycedarg: The secret messenger sent to Count Lenario has
returned. Count Lenario has agreed to your plan.

Balbanes: Good...then, at last... this long war... will
finally come to an end.

Alma: Father...

[Alma starts to cry.]

Balbanes: Don't daughter...

Zalbag: Where is Ramza? Just when we need him most!

Balbanes: Dycedarg, Zalbag... my beloved sons... Take care of
Ramza. He may be your half brother, but he is my own flesh.

[Ramza comes in running into the room.]

Ramza: Father!!

[Ramza comes near to his father's bed.]

Dycedarg: Lower your voice.

Balbanes: I'm glad you came... Let me...look at you...

Ramza: Father...

Balbanes: It has been a long time... You've become a fine
man... You start at the spring, don't you?

Ramza: .........

Balbanes: Listen, Ramza...... A Beoulve has served the royal
family for generations. The warrior spirit is in us. Never
shame your name... never tolerate in justice... Living true to
your heart is the warrior's way......the Beoulve way.

Ramza: I understand, father......

Balbanes: Delita's a good boy. He should serve you well...
I've asked the dean to accept him into the Academy. It shocked
the dean a bit. He will serve you well... Treat him well...

Ramza: Y, yes......father.........

Balbanes: Take good care of Alma... Become a fine knight...

[Balbanes dies.]


[After resting, Ramza and his party heads for Igros. On their
way to Igros Castle the cadets comes across some thieves. A
swordsman was attacked by the Death Corps on the Mandalia
Plains. He was attacked while heading for Igros. The Marquis
was abducted, that man was the only survivor.]

-- Mandalia Plains --

Thief (1): Still breathing. What'll we do?

Thief (2): Don't be stupid. We just need to get the Marquis.

Thief (1): Right. Hey, don't blame us. Blame fate.

[The party arrives at the scene.]

Thief (2): Wha? Damn! The Hokuten knights!

Delita: Death corps? They attacking someone?

Ramza: 1. Our duty is to destroy the Death Corps.
2. Save him is our priority.

Ramza: < 1. Our duty is to destroy the Death Corps. >

Ramza: Get them!

Delita: Are you mad Ramza? Leaving him stranded!?

Ramza: Is this how you fight?

Delita: ...I'll save him.

- Continues with the game -

Ramza: < 2. Saving him is our priority. >

Ramza: Don't disgrace the knights! Saving him comes first!

- Continues with the game -

Algus: Reinforcements? Thank God!

[Algus thinking quickly, grabs a sword from the nearby enemy
squire and sweeps the sword, cutting the enemy squire down.
The enemy thief draws a small knife but takes an arrow on his
back from one of the cadet. Delita runs forward, plunging his
sword into an enemy squire's back. Ramza was facing a squire
alone, the squire goes in for a quick blow on Ramza, which
Ramza easily counters the blow and stabs the squire. One of
the cadet wizards casts Fire on the Red Panther burning him

- If Algus did not die during the battle -

Ramza: Are you OK?

Algus: Barely... But the Marquis...

Ramza: Marquis? You mean Marquis Elmdor?

Algus: Yeah. Who're you?

Ramza: We're military cadets. I think we can help. Tell us

- Continues with the game -

- If Algus died during the battle -

Ramza: Still breathing. Let's save him!

- Continues with the game -

Algus: I'm Algus...of the Limberry Aegis Knights......

Delita: A knight...?

Algus: ...I mean, a cadet... like you all.

Ramza: I'm Ramza Beoulve. This is Delita, a good friend.

[Algus looks at Ramza in disbelieve.]

Algus: Beoulve...? ...of the Hokuten? Excellent! How lucky I

Ramza: ???

Algus: I beg you, please help me save the Marquis!

Delita: What are you talking about?

Algus: The Marquis is still alive! They've kidnapped him! He
will be killed, if we don't act fast! I don't know what I
would do if...... So, please! Help me! Please!!

Delita: Relax. We don't know for sure if he'll be killed.
There must be some reason for Death Corps to take him. They
might have made some demands.

Ramza: Besides, there is nothing we can do. The Marquis was
kidnapped, and I'm sure by now everyone at Igros Castle is up
in arms.

Delita: First, we should go to Igros and report.

Algus: All right. Let's do that.

[Ramza, Delita, Algus and the others reaches Igros Castle.
Ramza heads for the castle. Dycedarg meets with Ramza and his
friends and decides to have dinner with them.]

- Inside Igros Castle -

Dycedarg: ...I hear you beat the first troops. I'm proud to be
your brother. The senior statesmen spoke highly of you. You
are truly descended from Beoulves.

Ramza: ...Thank you.

Dycedarg: Aren't you happy?

Ramza: Oh, yes, I am. Thank you for the kind words....You
might have heard about the enemy attacking Elmdor's carriage
and kidnapping him. What would you have us do?

Dycedarg: I've already had Zalbag send out a search party.
They'll probably demand ransom... if he's still alive.

[Algus stands up from his chair and bows his head.]

Algus: Highness. Please let me have 100 soldiers!

Dycedarg: .........

Algus: I beg you. Let me avenge my comrades murder!

Dycedarg: I said it's taken care of. Didn't you hear me?
Gallione isn't any place for you. Let us handle it.

Algus: B..ut!

Dycedarg: Think of your rank, Algus! Have you forgotten you're
just a soldier without rank of Knighthood?

Algus: Urrrgh......

[Algus sits down.]

Dycedarg: I want you to guard Igros Castle. It shouldn't be so
difficult. "Danger" probably won't get this far.

[After having dinner Ramza, Delita and Algus goes outside the
castle's courtyard.]

- Igros Castle's Courtyard -

Algus: ...My family was once respected like the Beoulves. My
grandfather was captured during the Fifty Year War... He sold
his friends out to the enemy to save himself. But, as he left
the castle, he got stabbed in the back by a cadet just like
myself. One of my grandfather's friends managed to escape and
spread the story around. Of course my father didn't believe
it, but everyone else did, they deserted him...

[Algus picks up a rock and throws it into the flowing river.]

Algus: Rank...Dycedarg would never meet with someone like

Voice of a young girl: Delita!

Delita: Teta!

Ramza: Alma, Zalbag!

[Alma, Teta and Zalbag runs down to meet Ramza and Delita.]

Alma: Brother Ramza. You came back.

Ramza: Long time no see, brother.

Zalbag: I heard how you beat the thieves in Gariland. That's
worthy of a Beoulve. I'm sure father would've been pleased
with you.

Ramza: ......Thank you.

Zalbag: Heh...haven't changed a bit. You don't like that much,
eh? Delita, you look good. I heard about your role also. Just
look how happy Teta is.

Teta: Delita, I'm glad you're doing well.

Delita: And you also. How is your schooling?

Teta: Fine. Everyone is so nice to me...

Zalbag: I'd like to talk more with you, but I must hunt down
some thieves. Pardon me.

Ramza: I pray for your victory.

[Zalbag turns around and waves his hand. He walks up and
suddenly stops.]

Zalbag: ...The Death Corps have demanded a ransom.

Algus: What!?

Zalbag: ...I can't understand it. The Death Corps claim to be
anarchists, but they only rob and hurt the nobility. It's hard
to believe they would kidnap the Marquis just for money.

Algus: Absurd! Why they're nothing more than knaves, I say!

Zalbag: The messenger we sent still hasn't returned. He's
probably in trouble, but the nobles say there's no need to
search for his whereabouts.

Ramza: Where was he when you last heard from him?

Zalbag: A trade city called Dorter, east of
Gallione......Guarding a castle is boring work. Don't you

[Zalbag leaves.]

Delita: Teta, I'm sorry. We must go.

Teta: Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself.

[Delita hugs Teta.]

Delita: Don't worry. I'll come back be a good
girl. Well then, let's go, Algus.

[Delita, Teta and Algus leaves. Ramza tries to follow them but
is interrupted by Alma.]

Alma: What Teta said is not true. Actually.........

Ramza: Something wrong with Teta?

Alma: She has been picked on at school because of her rank.

Ramza: .........

Alma: Sorry...I shouldn't have worried you like that. Teta
will be OK. I'll be there for her. Trust me.

Ramza: I'm not worried. But don't you overdo it.

Alma: You're the one going too far to meet their expectations.
Just be yourself and don't be restricted by your name.

Ramza: You sound like our mother. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

[Ramza goes off to follow the others.]

Alma: Ramza......

[The party leaves Igros castle and heads for Dorter. The party
encounters some monsters on their way.]

-- Sweegy Woods --

Algus: What rotten luck. Meeting monsters in a place like

Delita: Don't gripe, Algus. It's better than guarding a

Algus: This is a matter of life and death. How can you say

[The monsters slowly approaches the party.]

Ramza: Enough! Here they come!!

[The party easily kills the monsters.]

Ramza: Just through this forest, and we're almost to Dorter.

[The cadets comes to Dorter.]

- Slums in Dorter -

Fencer: ....I said I don't know!

Knight: Don't lie to me! I know what you did! Where is Gustav?

Fencer: I......don't know......

Knight: Where is the Marquis? Where are you hiding him?

[The knight pulls the man up by his throat and throws him in a
nearby puddle. The knight draws out his sword and points the
tip of his sword at the man.]

Knight: This is your last chance...... Where is he?

Fencer: D....desert......

Knight: I "Rat Cellar"...

[Ramza and the others comes to see what's happening.]

Ramza: Wait!!

[The knight turns around and looks at the party.]

Knight: Damn, the Hokuten.

[The knight quickly disappears into the darkness.]

Algus: Looks like our trip here was well worth it.

Delita: I've seen him somewhere...

Ramza: Do you know him, Delita?

Delita: I saw him at the end of the Fifty Year War in Igros...

[Fencer's men shows up to assist the man.]

Ramza: I guess we must fight. Eaaagggghh!!

Delita: Now I remember! His name is Wiegraf. Leader of a
volunteer army, a corps of Death Knights.

Algus: What? .... You mean he's the.....?

Delita: Yes... The leader of the Death Corps.

[Ramza slashes down an enemy wizard with a mighty blow, while
Algus cuts down an archer. One of the Ramza's monk broke the
second wizard's jaw with an incredible wave fist. A cadet
embeds a crossbow bolt on the archer. Ramza knocks Fencer's
sword out of his grasp and points the tip of his sword at the
knight's face. The party captures Fencer the knight.]

- In a room -

Algus: You must be the Death Corps. Where is the Marquis?
Where is he being held? Tell us!!

[The man is silent.]

Algus: Your boss, Wiegraf was just here. Where did he go!?

[The knight doesn't speak a word.]

Algus: Y, you bastard! Say something!!

[Algus kicks him on the stomach, grabs his hair up and tries
to hit him.]

Ramza: Stop! Algus!

Algus: Damn.

[Algus lets the man's hair go.]

Algus: ...Listen carefully. In a moment, the Hokuten will
begin to slaughter you. That's right, each of you're going
straight to hell. Being a thief sure pays, huh? But you're
lucky. You tell us where Wiegraf is going, and I'll let you
live, OK?

Fencer of Death Corps: I don't know a damn thing.

[Algus kicks him hard on the face.]

Algus: Watch your language! Never talk to nobles like that!

Fencer: We're...not...thieves.

Algus: What did you say!?

Fencer: ...Nobles never change. You think we aren't human. We
risk our lives in the War for this country...... But you
dumped us afterward. How are we different? Birth? Status? What
the hell's rank?

Algus: You kidnap people for ransom! So don't act so great!!

Fencer: ...Kidnapping the Marquis was not Mr. Wiegraf's plan.

Algus: !?

Fencer: We'd never kidnap a VIP.... for money....

Ramza: Then, who? Who kidnapped Elmdor?

Fencer: .........

Algus: Talk! If it wasn't you, then who else would do it?

Fencer: .....Gustav.

Algus: Gustav? Who the hell is he?

Delita: Gustav Margueriff... Captain of the "Death Corps".

Algus: So it WAS you all!

Fencer: No. We're fighting to beat you! We're proud that we
fight for equality... We're different from Gustav!

[Algus kicks the man again on the face.]

Algus: Proud? Bastards!!

Ramza: Enough, Algus!

Algus: So, where is this Gustav?

Fencer: .... 'Sand Rat Cellar'.

Algus: Sand ra-a-a-ts?

Delita: Algus may not know what they are since he's not from
here. 'Sand Rats' only inhabit the Zeklaus Desert north of

Algus: !?

Ramza: Was there a village between Dorter and Zeklaus Desert?

Delita: Not anymore. But there is a place where desert people
used to gather...

Ramza: ......Gustav and the Marquis may be there.

Delita: Yes, probably.

Algus: What's that mean??

Ramza: 'Cellar' means a rat's nest.

Algus: !?

[The party heads for the Cellar.]

- Desert of the Sand Mouse -

Death Corps Knight: Hey, did you hear? The Hokuten are moving.

Archer: So I heard. What's going to happen to us?

Knight: Forget the Corps and run before we get killed.

Soldier: We'll die anyway even if we follow Wiegraf.

Knight: Exactly. If we get a ransom for the Marquis like
Gustav planned, we can get outta this misery.

[The party arrives.]

Guard: Oh, God!! The Hokuten!!

Ramza: Let's get the guard first, before the others find us!!

[The cadet's archer sends an arrow from his bow hitting one of
the enemy knight's heads. Another cadet casts Fire2, sending
one archer and a monk to the ground. One of the enemy knights
secretly crawls behind Ramza and attacks him from the back.
Ramza saw the incoming blow with the corner of his eye and
swung his sword backwards, piercing his chest hard. An enemy
monk burst a hit on Ramza's face. Laughing at Ramza the monk
turned his head, just in time to see the sword of Delita
heading straight for his neck. Algus hurls a blow on the last
knight. The knight falls down on the ground, dead. Victories
at the "Desert Rat Hole", the party searches for Marquis.]

- Shack -

Wiegraf: Gustav, why don't you give up?

Gustav: Your revolution can never succeed!! What we need is
food and a place to sleep, not ideas! And we need it now!!

Wiegraf: You only see the present. You have to fix the basics!

Gustav: And you think you'll do that? I don't think so,
Wiegraf. Never!

[Wiegraf steps forward to make a strike.]

Wiegraf: Is that all you want to say? Gustav, good-bye.

[Gustav runs in full speed and tries to score a blow on
Wiegraf first. Gustav attacks but Wiegraf counters the attack
and sees the opening. In one motion he stabs his sword
straight through Gustav's chest.]

Gustav: Ugh...u...

[Gustav's sword falls down from his hand. Gustav looks down.
Wiegraf pulls out his sword from Gustav's chest. Blood spills
out and Gustav falls down on the ground, dead. Ramza, Delita
and Algus comes inside the shack.]

Ramza: Wiegraf!!

[Algus sees Marquis lying on the floor.]

Algus: Marquis!!

[Algus tries to free Marquis but is stopped by Wiegraf.
Wiegraf points his sword at Marquis.]

Wiegraf: Freeze!

Algus: You bastard!!!

Delita: Stop it, Algus.

Wiegraf: The Marquis is all right. Take him back to Igros.

Ramza: What?

Wiegraf: Kidnapping wasn't our goal. We never stoop to such
acts. You can have the Marquis, if you just let me go...well?

Algus: Don't trifle with us! You can't beat us!

[Delita pulls back Algus.]

Delita: Stop it, Algus. He's serious!

[The three goes over to Elmdor while Wiegraf goes near to the

Elmdor: Ugnn..n....

[Wiegraf quickly leaves the room. Algus tries to chase Wiegraf
but Delita blocks his way.]

Delita: Let him go, Algus!!

Algus: Why do you stop me!

Delita: The Death Corps will destroy itself! Don't risk it!

Algus: ...Ughh!!

[Ramza helps Marquis.]

Ramza: He's all right. Weakened, but no serious wounds.

Delita: Let's go back to Igros...

[After saving Marquis the party heads back to Igros.]

- Inside Igros Castle -

Dycedarg: What happened? Why did you go to Zeklaus Desert?

Ramza: ...................

Dycedarg: Explain to me......

Delita: I forced Ramza to go with me.

Dycedarg: Is that true, Ramza? Delita forced you to go?

Ramza: .....No, it was my decision. Not Delita's.

Delita: Ramza's lying. I was the one to......

Ramza: No need to protect me. I decided to ignore an order!

Dycedarg: If everyone acted lawlessly, how could "law" exist?
We Beoulves must show the importance of observing the "law" as
the Knights rule. Are you trying to ruin the Beoulve name?

Ramza: ......I'm sorry, brother.

A man's voice: That's enough, Dycedarg.

[A wealthy man enters the room. Delita, Ramza and Algus falls
down on their knees before the man.]

A well dressed man: He was a great help rescuing the Marquis.
I know young soldiers are eager to succeed. So were we.

Dycedarg: Don't spoil him. There's a line between right and

Larg: So, you are Dycedarg's younger brother.....relax. You
look exactly like the late General Balbanes... A fine-looking
young man. I'm sure that youthful energy didn't come from just
guarding the castle.....

Dycedarg: The mission is nearly done. I'll allow you to join.
We'll attack some of the thieves' hideouts at once. You choose
one of them.

Ramza: ... Yes.

[The three leaves the room in silence. Larg walks over to a
nearby window.]

Dycedarg: I'm sorry.

Larg: Don't apologize, Dycedarg. After all, Gustav wasn't much
of a soldier. The plan couldn't be changed after the Marquis
was kidnapped in Gallione.... Besides, he did save the
Marquis's life. They must accept our demands. Your brother's
actions turned the tide for us...

Dycedarg: The King doesn't have much time to live......... We
must hurry......

Larg: Yes, I'm counting on you, my friend....

[The extermination of the Death Corps was near. The party
heads to Thieves Fort.]

-- Thieves Fort --

Miluda: Communication with the main unit's been cut off. It's

Death Corps Priest: No way! It's not over yet!

Priest: I agree. It continues until the nobles apologize to

Miluda: My brother.... His views are too optimistic.

Death Corps Guard: Enemy attack!!

[The cadets arrives at Thieves Fort to exterminate the
remaining Death Corps.]

Algus: Ramza helped me save the Marquis. I'll stay on till the

[A thief goes running towards Delita. Just as Delita draws his
sword, the thief attacks. Delita barely manages to parry the
blow, but the tip of the thief's sword struck free on Delita's
left arm. In pain, Delita struck hard with his sword through
the thief's throat. Meanwhile, Ramza was delivering attacks
after attacks, the enemy thief found the powerful blows hard
to block and soon saw his destiny. Algus also struck his sword
on one of the thieves, the thief screamed his last scream and
fell on the ground.]

Miluda: Who do you think you are!? We're not animals! We're
human, just like you! There's no difference among us other
than our families! You ever been hungry? With only soup to eat
for months? Why do we have to suffer? Because you nobles
deprive us our right to live!

Algus: Human? Hmph, ridiculous! From the minute you were born
you had to obey us! From the second you were born you were our

Miluda: Says who!? That's nonsense! Who decided all this?!

Algus: It's the Will of Heaven!

Miluda: Heaven? God would never say such things! In his eyes,
all are equal! He'd never let this happen! Never!

Algus: Animals have no God!!

Miluda: !!!!

Delita: Ramza, Is she really our enemy....?

[Miluda runs toward Ramza. Ramza parries her attacks and
knocks her sword away. The party surrounds the enemy.]

Ramza: Lay down your swords. Surrender and we'll spare you.

[Realizing that she can't win, Miluda and her men gives up.]

Miluda: Go ahead, kill us then. We're just animals-Kill us!

Ramza: You hate us that much...?

Algus: Ramza Kill her, now! She's your enemy! An enemy of the
Beoulves! Understand? Your enemy! She's a loser. Who's lost
sight of life! Losers cannot remain alive! If we don't kill
her, she'll kill us! We can't coexist! Kill her, Ramza! With
your own hands!!

Delita: Ramza, I don't see why she's our enemy...

Algus: What did you say? Are you mad, Delita?

Delita: She's not an animal...... She's human just like us...

Algus: Are you betraying us!? You, too....!?

Miluda: Oh, sympathy is it? Despicable creatures. You're my
enemy as long as you belong to the Beoulves. Don't forget

[Miluda disappears into the shadows, holding her wounds.]

Ramza: Delita...., we are ......?

Algus: Geez, what's wrong with you?

Meanwhile, at Igros,
capital of Gallione,
'Beoulve castle'

[The Pirates attacks the Beoulve mansion. Knowing the majority
of the troops were out killing Death Corps. The Corps
objective was to kill Dycedarg, a major influence on Larg. The
attack was going smoothly when Zalbag arrives and spoils the

-- Beoulve castle --

Teta: Let go! Stop it, let go of me!!

[A thief riding a chocobo leaves off with Teta.]

Golagros: Hurry up!

[Another thief comes out of the castle holding Alma's hand.]

Alma: Ouch! Let go of my hand! Brother!!

[Zalbag comes in rushing from inside the castle and kills the
thief with a single blow using his sword.]

Golagros: Damn... That's it!!

[The knight flees away with his chocobo.]

Zalbag: Are you all right, Alma?

Alma: I'm OK, but Teta isn't.

Zalbag: Yes, I know.

[Dycedarg comes out holding his wound. Alma helps the wounded

Zalbag: Brother!!

Dycedarg: I, I'm all right...... What about ...Alma....?

Alma: Yes. I'm fine. What an awful wound....

Dycedarg: I never thought they'd come here. They're after me.

Zalbag: Five people were killed, and Teta was kidnapped.

Dycedarg: After them....Leave no stone unturned until you find

Alma: Please don't talk anymore!

Dycedarg: Death Corps......bastard.

[Dycedarg faints.]

Alma: Are you all right!?

Zalbag: Hey! Anybody there!?

[The troop comes to Igros and finds out what has happened.]

- Inside Beoulve castle -

[Injured from the Death Corps attack, Dycedarg lay in his

Dycedarg: I heard you destroyed the enemies' hideout...Good
job. Leave the rest to Zalbag and relax for a while... No need
to worry.... It's not that bad of a wound.

Ramza: Teta.... What about Teta....?

Dycedarg: As soon as we find their base, Zalbag will attack in

Ramza: W, What...!?

Dycedarg: Death Corps is falling apart. Deserters are down to
a few. Wiegraf will be caught... It's just a matter of time.

Ramza: Teta.... Are you deserting Teta?

Dycedarg: Don't worry. Everything's all planned. We won't
attack until Teta's returned. For certain. I'd never abandon
Teta. She's like a sister to me.

- Outside of Beoulve castle -

[Delita goes outraged over his kidnapped sister. Ramza tries
to stop Delita.]

Ramza: Wait, Delita. Where are you going? Just calm down!

Delita: Calm down? Are you kidding? I can't calm down!

Ramza: You don't know where she is! Don't waste your time!

[Delita pulls up Ramza by his shirt.]

Delita: Waste my time!? She is my only sister!!

Ramza: Remember, Dycedarg said... He'd never abandon Teta...
So....don't .... Ugh...I...can't breath.

[Delita puts Ramza down.]

Delita: I'm sorry, Ramza. Are you all right....?

Ramza: Y... yeah.......cough...cough...

[Algus comes out from the castle.]

Algus: Never believe in "never".

Ramza: You mean my brother's lying?

Algus: If I were him, I'd never save a common girl.

Delita: What did you say......?

Algus: I said I won't send troops to save you, commoners!!

Delita: How dare you!!

[Delita punches Algus on the face. Algus goes off flying. He
holds his cheek after falling on the ground. Ramza holds
Delita's arms.]

Ramza: Stop it! Delita!

Delita: Let go of me! Damn you! Let go!!

Algus: Heh! Commoners are all alike. You'll never be nobles!
Delita, You don't belong here! Understand, rascal!?

Delita: Damn you!!

Ramza: Enough! Delita! And you, too, Algus!

[Algus stands up.]

Algus: Ramza, don't you see? He's not one of us. You see,
Ramza, we nobles can't live with them.

Ramza: Lies! He's my good friend. We're like brothers!

Algus: That's exactly the point. Don't act like friends. You
are the son of a distinguished family. You cannot be with him.
I'm sure your brothers would agree with me!

[Delita pushes Ramza aside.]

Delita: Not all nobles are like you! I trust Ramza!

[Delita leaves.]

Ramza: Get lost! I never want to see you again!!

Algus: Don't say that. We're friends, aren't we?

[Ramza being serious, steps forward.]

Algus: I won't say it again! Get lost!!

[Algus walks off and stops.]

Algus: Their base is at Fort Zeakden. I heard it from your
brother. There are several cordons, so you can't attack them
from the front, of course. The only way is to attack from the
rear. your best, you spoiled-rotten boy.

Ramza: Get out!!

[Algus leaves. The party heads for Fort Zeakden. While heading
for Fort Zeakden, in a sunset field, Delita and Ramza stops.]

-- Mandalia Plains --

Delita: Beautiful. Somewhere Teta's watching the same sunset.

Ramza: ....Don't worry, Delita. I'm sure she is OK.

Delita: ....I've felt out of place for a long time.

Ramza: Are you thinking about what Algus said?

Delita: I guess there are things you can't change, no matter

Ramza: Don't say that. If you put effort into it...

Delita: Could I be a general if I tried hard enough? I want to
rescue Teta on my own, but I can't do a thing. I'm

Ramza: ...........................

[Delita picks up a reed.]

Delita: Remember how father taught us to play that reed flute?

[Delita begins to play the reed flute. Ramza picks up a reed.
The two plays the reed flute, a skill they learned from

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| The condition of Omdoria |
| ======================== |
| The rumor of the failing health of King Omdolia is |
| spreading throughout the capital. Since his collapse |
| during Orinas' birthday celebration, we've been told that |
| he was on his way to recovery, but the discouraged faces |
| of his close advisors tell otherwise. With an official |
| guardian for the Prince yet to be named, the Queen is |
| certain to clash with the elder statesmen over his |
| guardianship. |
| |
| |
| Destruction of the Death Corps!? |
| ================================ |
| It was revealed that the main group in the Death Corps the |
| Thieves, were close to annihilation due to the joint |
| effort by the four groups of the Knights. According to |
| official reports, the total number of thieves apprehended |
| by the plan added up to approximately 700, and the death |
| toll was approximately 3000. Wiegraf, the leader of the |
| Death Corps is yet to be apprehended, but the Hokuten |
| stated that it was just a matter of time. |
| |
| |
| Attempt murder of Lord Dycedarg |
| =============================== |
| The Thieves, major players in the Death Corps, are close |
| to annihilation, but the Knights haven't been able to |
| capture their leader, Wiegraf, yet. Although the Hokuten |
| are in pursuit of the remaining members. An assault on a |
| high official occurred at the mansion of the well-known |
| and respected Beoulve family. The target seems to have |
| been Prince Larg's assistant, Dycedarg. Unfortunately, the |
| assassination attempt was unsuccessful. |
| |

-- Lenalia Plateau --

[The party arrives at Lenalia Plateau and meets with Miluda
and her troops again.]

Miluda: It's blocked here, too... There is no way out.

Death Corps Soldier: Forget it. We might as well surrender....

Miluda: I'd rather die here than get taken prisoner!! Besides,
if we get caught here, we'll be executed! Fighting is the only
way out!

Delita: Where is Wiegraf?! Where did you hide Teta!?

Miluda: Teta? You mean that Beoulve, Golagros took hostage?

Delita: Teta's my sister! She has nothing to do with them!
It's pointless to hold her hostage! Please, return my sister!

Miluda: And what about you? Will you Nobles give back all you
took from us? We're only asking you to return what you took
from us in the first place. But no-you just keep taking!
Forcing us to retaliate! Just give up! There's no reason to
return her!!

Delita: I, I.....!!

[One of the enemy knight's runs down for a strike on a cadet.
The cadet counter-attacks and injures the knight. A bolt finds
the injured enemy knight's back. One of the cadet knight's
runs at an enemy knight and breaks her sword using the 'Weapon
Break' ability. Realizing she has no sword, the unarmed knight
escapes. The enemy wizard casts Fire2 on Delita. Delita uses
the 'Counter Magic' ability and burns down the enemy wizard.
Ramza and Miluda goes head on, Ramza manages to take the upper
hand by attacking with some powerful blow. Miluda finds the
powerful blow hard to parry or counter.]

Miluda: I can't die now! Not during the revolution! I'm a
Death Corps soldier!! I'll never run away!!

Ramza: Put the sword away, Miluda! No use fighting any longer!
Let's put down our swords, stop fighting, and talk! There must
be a solution to all this! Let's find it! I'll talk to my
brother! No, I'll talk to Lord Larg! Trust me!!

Miluda: No more tricky smooth talk! I'm sick of your lies!!

Ramza: I'm not lying!! You say revolution......... Is a
revolution necessary? Is it our fault? Are we making you
suffer? What's the problem?

Miluda: Ignorance itself is a crime! What you think is right
is only what you can see. But, that's not everything. It's not
your fault. But I'll keep blaming you until there's a change!
As long as you're a Beoulve, you're my enemy!

[Delita puts his sword through the enemy wizard's unarmed
back. Miluda thinking that she would never surrender and
realizing that the flow of the battle was not on her side, she
runs straight for Ramza's sword and stabs herself.]

Miluda: B...Brother... I'm sorry...

[Miluda dies.]

Ramza: Why...? What went wrong?

Delita: Damn it, who the hell am I? Who...?

[In a small windmill at Fovoham, Golagros and Wiegraf, hid
from the Hokuten.]

- In a Small Windmill -

Wiegraf: Why did you kidnap the girl?

Golagros: I needed a hostage to escape.

Wiegraf: If that was the case, you could've let her go later. you, Golagros?

Golagros: You putting me with Gustav? Think. The Death Corps
lost most of their men and now are surrounded by the Hokuten.
She was our only ace in the hole to get us out of this.
Because she's a Beoulve.

[Wiegraf and Golagros looks at Teta.]

Wiegraf: What good is escaping? Or were you even thinking
that? Even if we do escape, we'll get caught sooner or later
and be in their power! We must make it so our children don't
have to go through what we did. A small stone may only make a
small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave. Even if
we have to rust away here!

Golagros: So you would have us die?

Wiegraf: Not in vain. Take as many Nobles with you as

Golagros: Ludicrous! We'll die like dogs!!

Wiegraf: No, there may be still be survivors at Fort Zeakden.
If you join them, you may get something!

Golagros: They're probably dead already...

[A soldier comes inside and informs Wiegraf about Miluda's

Wiegraf: What!? Miluda killed?! Miluda....

Soldier: It's a just a matter of time before the squad gets
here. What should we do?

Wiegraf: Alright. Retreat!! You heard, Golagros. Go to Fort
Zeakden. Leave the girl here!

Voice of a guard: They're here!! The Hokuten are here!

[The soldier rushes out.]

Wiegraf: Damn! Already? I'll stop them here! Golagros, you
head for Fort Zeakden with others!

[Wiegraf walks out.]

Golagros: I'm not going... Now way I'm going to die!

[Golagros looks at Teta.]

- Windmill Shed -

[The squad arrives. They find Wiegraf waiting for them.]

Wiegraf: was you... Did you kill Miluda? It was you
cadets who killed my sister!

Ramza: She was Wiegraf's sister?

Wiegraf: Well then, I have no choice. I'll avenge my sister!!

Delita: Give Teta back!!

Wiegraf: Teta? Oh, that girl? So you're a Beoulve?

Ramza: He's not a Beoulve! I am!

Wiegraf: Then Golagros was wrong. But he is with you, correct?

Ramza: It doesn't matter who he is. You have his sister.

Wiegraf: Correct me if I'm wrong... Either way, the girl was
to be released anyway. We had no intention of keeping her. But
first things first! If you want the girl back, you'll have to
beat me!!

[Trying to get Teta back, Delita jumps into the middle of the
battlefield heading straight at Wiegraf. Wiegraf releases a
Crush Punch on Delita, Delita goes down cold. Seeing this
Ramza quickly goes for the rescue. On his way to Delita, Ramza
sees two enemies blocking his way. Ramza counters the blows
from the enemy and slashes down the throats of the enemy.]

Ramza: Put the sword down! No need to waste lives!

Wiegraf: Then, why did you kill her? Why Miluda?

Ramza: I had no intention of killing her! There are other ways
than fighting. Can we talk?

Wiegraf: You still don't understand why we won't surrender!
What good is talking anyway? Could you make something happen
even if you wanted to? You couldn't, could you? And even if
you did, your brothers wouldn't allow it!!

Ramza: My brothers don't want to fight!! Wiegraf, if you put
the sword down, they'll listen!

Wiegraf: HA! This's absurd! Your brothers don't want to fight?
You're so deluded!

[In rage over Delita and the false accusation of his brothers,
Ramza runs straight for Wiegraf. Wiegraf quickly releases a
Crush Punch on Ramza. Ramza manages to escape the Crush Punch
and goes in for a strike. The strike successfully engages and
injures Wiegraf.]

Wiegraf: Hmph-tough one, eh? Miluda, I'm sorry! But I can't
die here!

Ramza: Wait, Wiegraf! Running away?

Wiegraf: Who do you think had Gustav kidnap the Marquis? Your
brother, Dycedarg! And I'm sure Zalbag knows, too!

Ramza: Don't be ridiculous! Why would he do such a thing?

Wiegraf: Two lions are fighting for power after the king died!
One is white lion, Larg. The other is black, Goltana. Both
want to know who their allies are. But, it's hard to read
strangers' minds. So, why not kill 'em all and bring in your
own people? Gustav was deceived by Dycedarg's silk tongue and
kidnapped the Marquis!

Ramza: Lies!! A Beoulve would never do such a thing!

Wiegraf: You should see for yourself! Goodbye Beoulve!

[Wiegraf vanishes.]

Ramza: Wait, Wiegraf!! Take that back!!

- In a Small Windmill -

Delita: Teta! Where are you? Teta!

[Delita and Ramza comes in looking for Teta.]

Delita: I can't find her anywhere! Teta! Where are you!?

[No sign of Teta.]

Ramza: Did Wiegraf lie to us!? Delita, let's go to Zeakden!
Teta must be there.

Delita: What happened? What went wrong? Tell me, Ramza. Why
did this have to happen to Teta?

[Delita falls down on his knee.]

Ramza: Delita...

[The remaining Death Corps members retreated to a snowy Fort
Zeakden, only to find themselves trapped by the Hokuten.
Golagros holds Teta as a shield.]

-- Fort Zeakden --

Golagros: Get out of here now! What if something happens to
her? And don't do anything funny! There's tons of powder
inside the fort! More than enough to blow all of you to hell
and back! Got it? Then, get out!

Zalbag: The Hokuten will never be threatened by you!!

[Ramza and Delita finally arrives at the scene.]

Ramza: Brother! Algus!!

[Delita sees Teta.]

Delita: Teta!!

Teta: Delita!!

Golagros: Get out! Now!!

Zalbag: Go on, do it!

Algus: Yes, sir!

[Algus aims and shoots at Teta.]

Golagros: What's this?

[Algus shoots again. This time at Golagros, wounding him.]

Teta: Delita..................

Delita: Teta!!

[A Hokuten knight appears from the shadow behind Zalbag.]

Hokuten Knight: General Zalbag, more enemies are on the
mountain path! There are about 50 of them. I've been informed
one of them resembles Wiegraf!

Zalbag: Alright, I'll be right there. Take care of the rest,

Golagros: D...damn it!

[Golagros locks himself inside the fort.]

Delita: Teta!

Algus: Where are you going?

Delita: Algus! You bastard!!

Algus: You want to fight? Fine then, let's go!

Ramza: Brother...why...Teta...?

Algus: C'mon! Animals are animals! I'll prove it to you!!

[Algus merely whistles. His troop comes out of the shadows
behind Algus.]

Ramza: Why, why are you doing this? Algus, why!?

Algus: It's your brother's orders. Please don't ask why.
Besides, would you sacrifice the Hokuten pride, all for a
common girl!?

Ramza: Teta is Delita's sister!!

Algus: It's about time you learned about 'difference'!
Different birth, totally different life! It's fate! Neither
should've been here! Should've been flower sellers somewhere!
And what about you, Ramza? Why are you arguing with me? You're
a traitor to Hokuten!

Ramza: B...but, but, this is inexcusable!

Algus: You're such a spoiled child! How could someone like you
be a Beoulve?

Ramza: I didn't have a choice!!

Algus: You're such a baby! Don't pamper yourself!! Beoulves
are leaders of warriors. You have certain responsibilities as
a leader! There are many things that only you can do! You must
do them for those who can't!

Ramza: I don't want to live life just being used by others!!

Algus: Just being used? Don't talk rubbish!! Beoulves are used
because of who they are! We ourselves have survived under
their wing, used their protection! That's right. It's a give
and take relationship! That's how you survived! Just being
used? You've been using your "best friend", Delita!

Ramza: Me? Using Delita? Are you all right, Delita?

Delita: Leave me, Ramza! After Algus, you're next!

Ramza: Delita...

Algus: As a Beoulve, surely you know our mission!? Your
mission took precedence even when I was attacked on Mandalia

Ramza: Gmph!!

Algus: You saved me to use me.

Ramza: Ridiculous! I couldn't just leave someone in trouble!

Algus: Well next time you'd better! You never know if they'll
be friendly or not!

Delita: Algus! You murdered Teta! I'll kill you! I swear it!

Algus: Angry, Delita? Angry because you're so utterly
helpless? Know your limits! Commoners don't have power to
change things! That's right, get angry! It's all you can do!
Ha, ha, you deserve it!!

Delita: Is that it? Is that all, Algus?!

Algus: Don't be mad, Delita. You'll join her soon!

Delita: You won't confuse me! Nobody uses me!!

[In rage over Teta's death, Delita runs at Algus. Avoiding the
knights Delita finds Algus. With swift motion Delita stabs
Algus. Blood trickles from his body.]

Algus: Damn you...How could I be beaten by weaklings like you?

[Delita pushes his sword more deeper into Algus's body and
then pulls out his sword. Algus dies miserably. His men
realizing their leader is dead, vanishes. After the battle,
Delita walks over to his sister, Teta, and holds her.]

Ramza: ..Delita.

[The dying Golagros ignites the fort's powder stores.]

Ramza: What was that!? An explosion?? Delita, it's dangerous!
Come over here, quick!!

[Delita doesn't move an inch. The base blows knocking Ramza.
Ramza stands up.]

Ramza: Delita!!

[The base completely gets destroyed by the explosion.]

I've taken my whole life for granted.
When it came down to it
I dropped it all and ran.

---=== PRESENT ===---

- Outside of Orbonne Monastery -

Gafgarion: so, Ramza you know who kidnapped her?

Ramza: ............

[Agrias steps out of the monastery.]

Agrias: He's taking Princess Ovelia with him. Can't be that

Gafgarion: Are you going after him?

Agrias: Of course! I couldn't face the royal family unless I

Gafgarion: We won't help you. It's not in the contract!

Agrias: We don't need help from one who's not even a knight! A
knight must fix his won mistakes. This is one of our
responsibilities as guards! Lavian, Alice, let's go!

[Simon, the priest comes out.]

Agrias: Are you all right, Milord?

Simon: The is she?

[Agrias shakes her head.]

Agrias: I'm very sorry. I swear I'll get her back!

Simon: ....No. You'd be in danger...

Agrias: Don't worry. I swear on my knight's honor I'll save

[Ramza steps forward.]

Ramza: I'll go, too! I won't be a burden!

Gafgarion: Are you crazy?! This's none of your business!

Ramza: I have to know! I must see it with my own eyes!

Gafgarion: You mean, that boy you saw?

[Ramza nods.]

Gafgarion: You're stubborn as a mule. Don't cry to me for help
if something happens!


|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| After the king's death |
| ====================== |
| After the death of King Omdolia, Queen Ruvelia held the |
| reigns of the government. Any officials objecting her |
| policies were ousted, even elder statesmen. The Empress |
| openly criticized the Queen, and was banished to Bunahan, |
| never to return. It is said she was poisoned, but no proof |
| was ever found. |
| |
| Feud between Larg and Goltana |
| ============================= |
| A political struggle erupted between the Prince Larg and |
| the son of the late King. They are fighting for the |
| regency, who will be guardian to the Prince. The Queen |
| sided with Larg, but the officials who oppose her, |
| including many Nobles, sided with Goltana. Lately, some |
| say Prince Larg will officially be appointed Regent. |
| |
| Peasant riot in Zeltennia |
| ========================= |
| A large peasant rebellion has erupted in Zeltennia, |
| Goltana's territory. It was caused by the heavy damage |
| resulting from the previous years drought, as well as |
| growing unease over the rise in taxes after the War. A |
| group of ex-Knights, known as the "Ryomoku" seemed to be |
| behind the rebellion. Baron Grims' Black Sheep are |
| struggling to suppress it. |
| |

[Rad, Alicia, and Lavian joins. The party heads to Dorter.]

-- Dorter Trade City --

Knight: How about 500 gil per head?

Mercenary: Way too low. 2000. It's 2000 gil a head.

Knight: It would be easy to make all of you heretics, you

Mercenary: Is that a threat? ...How about 1000 gil?

[The knight shakes his head.]

Knight: 700. No more.

[The mercenary thinks.]

Mercenary: OK. Done deal.

Knight: They'll be here any minute. Kill all of them.

[The party arrives at Dorter.]

Knight: Ha, speak of the devil...... There they are. Get them!

[The knight quickly disappears into the shadows. The mercenary
looks at the party.]

Mercenary: That's Gafgarion! Damn! 700 was too cheap!

[The mercenary throws his hat and whistles, calling his other

Gafgarion: Ambush? Going all out, huh?

Agrias: If you don't like it, you can leave!

Gafgarion: I usually don't do freebies, but I'll make an

Agrias: You patronizing...

[Gafgarion releases a 'Night Sword' on one of the enemy thief.
The 'Night Sword' quickly gets the job done. Agrias goes left
and releases a 'Statis Sword' on the two enemy wizard. A big
bulk of ice knocks the two wizard to the ground. One of them
is dead and the other is frozen. Ramza feels the wind from a
crossbow bolt brush by his hair. Ramza goes towards the first
archer and attacks. The sword cuts through the cotton and the
archer falls down on the ground. Gafgarion leaps out of the
way as another bolt sails past him. Dashing at the archer he
cuts the crossbow in two. Gafgarion lifts his sword and tries
to kill the archer. The enemy thief quickly throws a knife at
Gafgarion. Seeing the knife, Gafgarion quickly moves out of
the way. The knife sails through the air and hits the unarmed
archer. Laughing mockingly Gafgarion releases the 'Night
Sword' at the thief. The thief lifts his arms to ward off the
blow. But sadly it cuts straight through him.]

Agrias: There's no time to waste. We must hurry and rescue the

Gafgarion: Where are we going? Do you know where they went?

Agrias: There is only one place they could've escaped to!
Impregnable fortress... Bethla Garrison.

Ramza: Bethla Garrison...

[On their way to Bethla Garisson..... Araguay Woods.]

-- Araguay Woods --

[A chocobo had accidentally wandered inside the goblin's
forest. Six Goblins surrounds the poor chocobo.]

Black Goblin: Gob, gob! Gobgobgob!!

[The goblins closes in at the chocobo.]

Chocobo: W-Wark!!

[The party arrives.]

Goblin: Gob, gobu--!!

Agrias: A Chocobo? In this forest?

Gafgarion: Must be pretty stupid to wander into Goblin's

Ramza: 1. We must leave now.
2. Is he strong in a fight?

Ramza: < 1. We must leave now. >

Ramza: We can't waste time here. We must get out of this

Gafgarion: Right. We shouldn't do anything that doesn't make

Agrias: Sorry, Chocobo... We must save the Princess first.
Forgive me.

-- Continues with the game --

Ramza: < 2. Is he strong in a fight? >

Ramza: Delita said wild Chocobos are stronger than tame ones.
I wonder if he's strong in a fight?

Gafgarion: You want to help him, Ramza? No money in that!

Agrias: He may help us save the Princess...

-- Continues with the game --

[One of Ramza's archers gets an arrow on the surprised Black
Goblin. The other goblins seeing their leaders death, runs

Chocobo: W-Wark!!

Ramza: You seem alright.

Gafgarion: You're lucky. You ought to thank Ramza.

-- Zirekile Falls --

[The Chocobo joins the party. Upon their arrival at Zirekile
Falls, the party sees Ovelia and Delita on a bridge surrounded
by some Hokuten Knights.]

Hokuten Knight: It's over! Surrender! Turn the Princess over
to us and we'll spare your life!

Delita: That's a bald faced lie! You want to kill her! Then
after that you'll kill me for knowing the truth!

Knight: Ridiculous! We came to help the Princess! Why would we
want to kill her? We can't let Goltana keep her!

Agrias: Princess Ovelia!!

Ovelia: Agrias!!

Knight: Great, here comes a crowd! Gafgarion! Kill them!! And
do it now!!

Gafgarion: Don't know what's going on, but it's in the

Agrias: Gafgarion, are you betraying us?

Gafgarion: Betraying you? C'mon, this is business. Our job is
to kidnap the Princess 'unharmed'. The job is to kill you all
and keep things quiet!

Agrias: What are you getting at? This kidnapping's a sham?

Gafgarion: The Princess is in the way! The Princess should be
next in line. If she's alive there'll be nothing but trouble!

[Delita hides the princess behind him.]

Delita: Since you're going to die, I'll let you help me... If
the Princess's kidnapped and killed by Goltana, they'll be rid
of her and his rivals. I'm sure that's how Prince Larg wrote
the scenario. No, Dycedarg probably wrote it. Don't you agree,

[Gafgarion steps forward.]

Gafgarion: Right, Ramza. Let's get them all!

Ramza: Another helpless sacrifice... No more! There must not
be any more victims like Teta!!

Agrias: Princess Ovelia! We'll save you!!

Gafgarion: I don't think so!

Agrias: Are you sure of what you're doing? The Princess may be
adopted but she's still royalty.

Gafgarion: I'm quite sure! Even Princesses can die for getting
in the way! That's what 'royal blood' is about!

Agrias: Are you mocking the Pricness!?

Gafgarion: Get in the way, get killed. It's the same for
commoners! The only difference is people like you pledging
blind loyalty! Unless you make it to the top you're only gonna
be used so you're better off dead!

Agrias: Then, I'll save her!!

Ramza: Delita! You're alive!

Delita: Imagine meeting you here! Are your brothers still
running your life?

Ramza: Who knows? They never tell me anything? But uh, Delita,
are you party to their plot?

Delita: Don't be foolish! I'm here to save the Princess to
free her from those who are exploiting her!

Gafgarion: Don't lie to me! You were hired too, weren't you?
You were hired to kidnap her for money! Don't play dumb!!

Delita: No, I'm not like you. It's not for the money!

Gafgarion : Then, who's getting in my way? A kid who heard the
plan, and decided to save her for justice!? Who hired you? Who
told you about the plan? Talk!

Delita: None of your business!

Ovelia: What are you? Ally or enemy?

Delita: Human, just like you!

Ramza: Did you know about this!? Why, such a dirty trick!?

Gafgarion: Dirty!? There is no 'dirty' when it comes to money.
I'm a mercenary. I have to finish the jobs I take. That's
called being a pro!

Ramza: Why didn't you tell me? Why?

Gafgarion: If I'd told you, would you have stopped me? If I
don't do this, someone else will! Get it? People die all the
time without you knowing about it! That's reality! You think
you can stop something you know nothing about?

Ramza: But......but Does that make it right?

Gafgarion: No 'buts'! You're just a child who doesn't want to
face reality! If you don't like it, try living without
depending on someone else for a change! But don't come
complaining to me if you can't!

[Seeing that Gafgarion has joined the enemy troops. Ramza
strikes a blow on Gafgarion. Gafgarion tries to dodge the blow
but Ramza's sword's tip cuts a deep wound.]

Gafgarion: Dammit!

[Gafgarion vanishes. The princess moves to a save place.
Delita releases 'Holy Explosion' on two knights. The powerful
blow is too much for one of the knight and dies. The other
gets confused. The confused knight slashes his sword on his
nearby friend's neck. The other knight, thinking that he has
betrayed them kills him cold-bloodedly. Ramza and Agrias kills
off the remaining Hokuten Knights.]

Delita: Leave the Princess with me. It's better for her.

[Agrias blocks Ovelia behind her back.]

Ramza: Delita, what're you scheming?

Delita: Scheming? Don't be foolish. I'm telling the truth.
Think about it. Where would you take her after making an enemy
of Hokuten? Crack Hokuten troops will come here looking for
you any time now. Just where the hell do you plan on escaping

Ramza: W, well, I...

Delita: Think carefully. The Princess knows this was Prince
Larg's plan. The royal family is not on your side. So what
about Goltana? No, he'd execute you just to clear himself.

Agrias: What would you do?

Delita: I'd do what you can't do.

Ramza: What do you mean?

Delita: I can't tell you...

[Delita turns around.]

Delita: I'll leave the Princess with you a little longer.

[Delita starts to walk away.]

Ramza: Delita, I'm glad I could see you again.

[Delita looks down and then up.]

Delita: Teta saved me...

Ramza: What?

Delita: Teta saved me back then...

Ramza: .........

[Delita walks off. Ovelia steps forward.]

Ovelia: Thank you, Delita.

Delita: See you again, Ramza.

[Delita disappears into the shadows.]

Agrias: Ramza, thanks for your support. But are you sure you
want to make Hokuten an enemy?

Ramza: Don't worry. I've already decided. The question is, now
what should we do? Like Delita said, nobody will help us...

Agrias: We can ask Cardinal Draclau for help...... Glabados
church has jurisdiction over Lionel. They might be able to

Ramza: Hokuten has to be careful what they do in Lionel....
Let's go. It's the only place for us.

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Kidnap of the Princess |
| ====================== |
| Princess Ovelia has been abducted from the Orbonne |
| Monastery. Witnesses say the Knight that disappeared had a |
| crest of a Black Lion, believed to be those of the Nanten, |
| under Prince Goltana. Goltana strongly denies any |
| involvement. He assembled a group of investigators to |
| clear any suspicion, but due to the attempted supression |
| of the rebellion in Zeltennia, it seems difficult. |
| |

-- Zaland Fort City --

[A man is being chased by the Bart Trading Company in Zaland
Fort City.]

Fencer: You can't escape! Give it to us if you value your

Young man: What do you want? I don't know what you're talking

Fencer: Don't play dumb! Mustadio! Don't care about your
father? Just give us the 'holy stone' and we'll return
him....OK guys, get him!

[The man jumps up on top of the fort.]

Young man 'Mustadio': And you can tell Rudvich... If he lays a
hand on father he'll never see the stone!

[The party comes at Zaland on their way to Lionel.]

Agrias: An argument! Someone's after that young man...

Ramza: 1. Don't want to get involved.
2. We have to help him!

Ramza: < 1. Don't want to get involved. >

Ramza: I don't want to be involved, but I can't just leave
him. I'll help him!

Ramza: < 2. We have to help him! >

Ramza: He'll be killed, if we don't do something! Let's help!

[Mustadio aims and fires a few rounds from his gun. Killing
one of the enemy wizard and injuring the enemy archer. The
deadly Crush Punch from Agrias shot up from under the enemy
knight's feet and killed him immediately. Several rounds of
bullets from Mustadio's gun hits the injured archer's neck and
another wizard's head. Ramza knocks a knight down, as he
recovers from the attack, he watches in horror as the icy bulk
of 'Statis Sword' shots down to his head. Ramza stabs his
sword on the last menacing archer .]

Ramza: Are you all right?

Mustadio: Yeah.......I think so. Thanks for helping me.

- In a room -

Mustadio: They were Troublemakers hired by Bart Company.

Agrias: Bart Company? The Importer?

Mustadio: You know them? They're not just traders. They're a
criminal syndicate into everything from smuggling and slavery.

Ramza: Why were they after you?

Mustadio: You know why they call us mechanics?

[Ramza shakes his head.]

Agrias: I hear a 'lost civilization' is hidden under Goug....
When St. Ajora was alive, airships were in the sky, and human
robots in town. But time passed, technology was lost, and no
one knows if it ever really existed.

Mustadio: But the civilization must have existed. Parts from
many airships and machines are buried under Goug. Mechanics
are the ones who restore the 'past legacies'.

Ramza: That weird thing you used in the battle, was that one
of the machines?

Mustadio: Oh, this?

[Mustadio brings out his weapon.]

Mustadio: This is called a 'gun'. A metal 'bullet' is
propelled by gunpowder. This is the most simple one. They say
you used to be able put magic in it and shoot it.

Ramza: Hmm...

Agrias: Why's Bart Company after you?

Mustadio: You said you were going to see the Cardinal. He was
a hero of the Fifty Year War. People in Lionel still think of
him as a hero. My father, too. The Cardinal is the only one
who can unite this country. I know he'd grant your wish. Then
the princess would be safe.

Agrias: Yeah, and...?

Mustadio: Can you take me with you? I want to meet the

Agrias: Why?

Mustadio: To save my father! The Cardinal's the only one who
can rescue him from Bart! But he wouldn't want to meet some
mechanics like myself. So, please. Take me with you!

Agrias: You still hasn't told us why they're after you!

[Mustadio looks down.]

Mustadio: ...I can't tell you now.

Agrias: Then, we can't take you.

Mustadio: I beg you! Trust me! I must see the Cardinal!

[The princess enters the room. Ramza and Agrias kneels down.]

Ovelia: All right. You can come with us.

Mustadio: Really? Thank you, Highness!

Agrias: Remember! You're in the presence of a princess!

[Mustadio kneels down.]

Ovelia: It's all right. Please stand up.

[The three stands up.]

Agrias: All right, then. I trust you.

[Ovelia and the others rests on their way to Lionel Castle.]

Agrias: Princess Ovelia, see? Lionel Castle is over the

Ovelia: It's still far from this fort. I wonder if Cardinal
Draclau will really help us?

Agrias: I hear the Cardinal is very loyal to the royal family.
And right now, he's neutral in the dispute between Prince Larg
and Prince Goltana. I'm sure he wouldn't defeat justice by
turning you over to either one of them.

Ovelia: I hope so......

[Ovelia walks up to a tree and picks up a leaf.]

Agrias: Besides, he is a man of popularity at Glabados Church.
They'll accept you if the Cardinal asks them.

Ovelia: I wish I weren't a princess.

[Ovelia drops the leaf.]

Agrias: Princess Ovelia......

[Ramza eavesdrops.]

Ovelia: I was always surrounded by the convent walls...and
have only seen the sky through them. I don't think you know,
but I was at another monastery before I went to Orbonne. Even
after hearing about the adoption by the deceased king, I
stayed there for a long time. No, I'm not complaining about
that. Just......... People are dying because I'm the princess.
It's so painful......

Agrias: Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.
Those who are trying to take advantage of you are the ones to

[Ovelia takes another leaf from the tree and drops it.]

Ovelia: I met a girl at Orbonne. She said she had also been
living in the monastery since birth. We used to laugh at how
similar our lives have been. ----Isn't it funny?

[The princess takes another leaf and drops it.]

Agrias: She was the daughter of the Beoulves, Miss. Alma,
wasn't she?

Ovelia: She is my only friend...... I wonder if Cardinal
Draclau would use me?

Agrias: ..................

Voice of Mustadio: Ramza! Where are you? Shall we go?!

[Mustadio comes out.]

Mustadio: What have you been doing here?

Agrias: How was it?

Mustadio: Fine. It doesn't seem like Hokuten has been here

[Ovelia tries to play the reed flute.]

Ovelia: My friend taught me before, but I can't seem to do it

[Ramza walks over and takes a reed. He starts to show Ovelia
how to play it.]

Ramza: This is how you do it.

Ovelia: Like this?

[Ovelia also plays the reed flute.]

Ovelia: There! I did it.

[They both starts to play the reed flute. The party heads to
Lionel but encounters some mercenaries on their way.]

-- Bariaus Hill --

Rudvich Mercenary: I don't know who you are. But leave the boy
with us! We don't want to fight! Hand Mustadio over and there
won't be any trouble. OK?

Agrias: Why don't you leave quietly! Tell Rudvich we'll fight
anyone who tries to use war to sway the people!

Mercenary: Then I guess we must take him by force! Here goes!!

[Mustadio fires a 'Leg Aim' from his gun and hits the enemy
summoner. The side effect of Leg Aim quickly takes place and
the shocked summoner is unable to move. Mustadio fires some
few well-aimed bullets from his gun, killing two archer and a
summoner. Ramza sticks his sword on one of the mercenary but
gets a hard blow to his back. Careening from the attack, Ramza
loses his balance and tumbles down the ledge. Ramza shoots his
arms out just in time to grab a ledge. Ramza carefully climbs
up the ledge and swing his sword towards the unarmed knights'
back. Agrias's sword strikes home on the last mercenary.]

Ramza: Why are they after you? Will you explain?

Mustadio: Sorry... But I can't tell you now.

[Meanwhile at the office of Igros castle.]

- Office of Igros Castle -

Dycedarg: Do anything to capture Ovelia. The same goes for
Agrias and the others. Kill them!

Gafgarion: What about Ramza?

[Dycedarg takes a cup and pours a wine.]

Dycedarg: He's a disgrace to the name Beoulve, and he's in our
way. I left him alone because I thought he'd learn how harsh
the real world is. I never thought he was that dense.

Gafgarion: Did his strong sense of justice come from his

Dycedarg: My father spoiled him. If he obeys orders, fine. If
he resists, we have no choice...

[Dycedarg drinks the wine.]

Gafgarion: It's hard to believe his own brother said that.
Sickening. But what if the Cardinal gets in our way? With the
church supporting him, even the Prince couldn't do anything

Dycedarg: I've already prepared for that. There's no need to

Gafgarion: So that's that? The more I know, the worse you

Dycedarg: If that's how you feel, then you'd best watch your
tongue. Don't forget your head can be easily cut off.

Gafgarion: Hey, stop that. I'm your loyal servant. Remember
I'm not stubborn like your little brother.

Dycedarg: Then, don't make any mistakes.

Gafgarion: Speaking of that, who did you order to kidnap
Ovelia? When I was chasing her in Dorter, someone attacked me.
What was that about?

[Dycedarg looks out the window.]

Dycedarg: They found the criminals in the monastery woods-
dead. Someone learned of our plan and is trying to stop us...
Anyhow, as long as Ovelia is with Agrias, there'll be many
chances to get her...

Gafgarion: I hope so.

[After going for days and nights the party finally comes at
the gate of Lionel Castle.]

- The Gate of Lionel Castle -

Lionel Castle Knight: Who are you? What do you want?

Agrias: I'm Agrias Oaks of the Lesalia St. Konoe Knights. I
came from Orbonne to save the son of God, St. Ajora. Open the

Knight: Saving the St. Ajora is the will of the high priest.
The gate will open for he who would save the high priest. Open
the gate!

[The gate opens and the party enters the castle. The party
meets the Cardinal.]

Draclau: I understand your situation, Agrias. Moreover, I'll
send a man to the High Priest in Murond. We'll do something to
expose Larg's scheme, and keep the Princess from danger.

Agrias: Will High Priest Funeral help us?

Draclau: Don't worry, Agrias. I'm with you. You must be strong
to make the Princess feel at ease. Make yourselves comfortable
in this old castle until word comes from the holy land.

Ovelia: Thank you for your kindness.

Draclau: St. Ajora is with us. There's no need to worry. Young
mechanic. I heard your wish too. I'll send troops to Goug, to
destroy Bart Company.

Mustadio: Thank you.

Draclau: But, would you explain why they're after you two?

Mustadio: I...can't...

Draclau: That's all right... Is this it?

[The Cardinal brings out a shiny red stone.]

Agrias: What is that crystal?

Draclau: Have you ever heard of the 'Zodiac Brave Story'?

Agrias: You mean that fairy tale, we used to hear in church?

Draclau: Here now! Are you saying the church lied?

Agrias: N-no, I didn't mean that...

Ovelia: Long ago, when the land was much different, 12 brave
warriors fought against the Evil Lucavi who ruled the land.
After a desperate battle, they sent Lucavi to Hades, and the
land was peaceful. They each had crystals with zodiac signs on
them, they were called "Zodiac Braves". Ever since then,
whenever humans are attacked, the Braves come to save us.

Draclau: You're quite learned, Princess. Just as I expected.

Ovelia: Mr. Simon taught me at the Orbonne Monastery. He also
said St. Ajora and the Braves saved Ivalice from chaos.

Draclau: We call the crystals, 'Holy Stones'. This very stone,
is the legendary secret stone, the "Zodiac Stone".

Ovelia: I didn't think it really existed.

Draclau: They say its 'Divine Power' surpasses Lucavi's. I
feel strange power, but it looks just like an ordinary crystal
to me.

Ramza: What's wrong, Mustadio? You look pale.

Draclau: You saw the same stone underground Goug?

Mustadio: Many broken machine parts are buried there. But if
the stone gets near the machines, they start to howl.

Draclau: Bart Company's after the stone, right?

Mustadio: I don't know what power the stone has... But Rudvich
wants to use its power to make weapons. My father told me
never to give the stones to him. So they abducted him.

Draclau: Don't worry, Mustadio. The church will see to his
safety. While our men fight, we'll get the stone back.

Mustadio: Y, yes, sir.

Ramza: I'll go to Goug with you.

Mustadio: Thank you, Ramza.

Agrias: We made it this far thanks to you, Ramza.

Ovelia: I wish I could've been more help. Please be careful.

Ramza: That's very thoughtful. Don't worry. We'll be fine.

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Zodiac Brave Story |
| ================== |
| Long before Ivalice was united, the land was divided into |
| 7 kingdoms: Zeltennia, Fovoham, Lionel, Limberry, Lesalie, |
| Gallione, and Murond. Each tried to expand their territory |
| and the struggles continued for hundreds of years, until |
| an ambitious new King, was born in Murond. He gathered a |
| great army from all over Ivalice and fought, but victory |
| did not come easily. Then the King found a secret way to |
| summon a Magic God from the netherworld. But when he tried |
| to use its powers, the Magic God killed the King and tried |
| to destroy the world... 12 brave souls defeated the Devils |
| summoned by the Magic God and sent him back to the |
| netherworld. At this time, the 12 warriors were crested |
| with 12 zodiac symbols, and people began to call them the |
| "Zodiac Braves". |
| |
| Zodiac Stone |
| ============ |
| Crystals said to be made in a mythic area. With a zodiac |
| symbol carved on their surface, the crystal was known as |
| the "Zodiac Stone of the 12 zodiac symbols". The stones |
| are said to have holy powers used by the Zodiac Braves to |
| work miracles. The last time they were seen was during St. |
| Ajora's time, no one has seen them since... |
| |
| Bart Company's dark rumor |
| ========================= |
| Bart Trading Company, based in Warjilis, is increasing in |
| popularity because it donates heavily to projects |
| improving the infrastructure and orphanages. But they are |
| not only known for their charity. Some say they are a |
| criminal outfit involved in opium smuggling, slavery and |
| even murder. Who knows the real truth about this company? |
| |

<< Flashback >>

Besrodio: Listen, Mustadio. Take this and run!

[Besrodio gives a yellow shiny stone to Mustadio.]

Mustadio: Run? Where?

[Outside the room....]

Rudvich Mercenary: I know you're in there! Open the door!!

[Mustadio holds his father's hand.]

Mustadio: Father! Let's get out of here!

Besrodio: My legs are useless! Just go on without me!!

Mustadio: I can't leave you alone!

Besrodio: The Holy stone has enough power to destroy a
country! Can't let Rudvich get it! Hide it in a safe place!
And ask Cardinal Draclau to help you! I know he will!

[Rudvich and his mercenary breaks inside the room.]

Rudvich: You've wasted enough time. Now, give me the stone!

Besrodio: Go now! Mustadio!!

[The mercenaries rushes in to catch Mustadio.]

Besrodio: Hurry!!

[Mustadio escapes.]

Rudvich: After him!! Get him!

<< End of Flashback >>

[After the tough fight with the monsters of Zigolis Swamp. The
two finally comes to Goug Machine City.]

-- Goug Machine City --

Mustadio: I don't see anyone from Bart Company. It doesn't
even look like there was a fight.... Something's strange....
I'll check it out. See you later.

Ramza: Where?

[Mustadio points at the slums.]

Mustadio: The slums over there... they shouldn't attract

Ramza: All right. Be careful.

Mustadio: Right. Leave it to me.

[Mustadio leaves to check things out. Night falls and Ramza
arrives at the slums to meet Mustadio.]

- Slums -

Ramza: He's late.... Too late.

[Rain starts to pour down.]

Ramza: Think Mustadio was caught?

Man's voice: Are you his friend?

Ramza: Who are you!?

[Two female archer and a man comes out to greet Ramza.]

Ill-looking man: Bring him!

[A thief brings out the captured Mustadio.]

Mustadio: S...Sorry, Ramza.

Ramza: Are you OK, Mustadio!!?

[Ramza tries to free Mustadio.]

Man: That's far enough. Don't move any closer!

Ramza: So, you're Rudvich!! Let Mustadio go!!

Rudvich: Give me the "Holy Stone". Then you can have him back.
[looks at Mustadio] C'mon! Where'd you hide it? Talk!

Mustadio: ...

Rudvich Won't talk, huh? Even after seeing this?

[The man gives the signal and another thief comes out holding
Mustadio's father.]

Mustadio: Father! Are you OK!?

Besrodio: I'm all right... Don't give him the 'Holy Stone'.

Rudvich: Put him in there!

[The thief shoves Besrodio into a room.]

Rudvich: Ready to confess now?

[Mustadio looks down.]

Mustadio: Inside the chimney... at Ramza's feet...

Rudvich: Well then, you pick it up! If you want to save his

[Ramza gets the hidden holy stone from inside the chimney.]

Ramza: This...? Let them go!

Rudvich: First give me the stone!

Ramza: Let them go, first!!

Rudvich: Throw the stone! Then, we'll let them go!

[Ramza throws the stone at Rudvich and frees Mustadio. The
stone shines in Rudvich's hand.]

Rudvich: The Zodiac Stone! Finally we've got it! The
Cardinal'll be very pleased! Good job. I'm done now. You take
care of the rest. Get rid of them!

[Rudvich disappears into the darkness with the stone.]

Ramza: Draclau was in on it, too?

[Ramza swings his sword and cuts the throat of the nearest
thief. Mustadio runs towards the other thief and nails him
with a punch. The other escapes into the darkness.]

Mustadio: Will my father be all right?

- Mustadio's house -

Besrodio: Don't worry about me.... They got the stone.
Rudvich'll try to revive the machines beneath Goug with its
power. He may even try to use the divine power with Bart
Company. Not much we can do now...

Mustadio: Heh, heh... Good for them.

Besrodio: What do you mean?

[Mustadio brings out a shiny crystal. The holy stone shines.]

Mustadio: I made a fake one in case something like this

Ramza: You mean, they got a fake?

Mustadio: That's right. They must be going crazy now.

Ramza: Princess Ovelia and Agrias are in danger....!

Mustadio: What do you mean?

Ramza: The Cardinal joined Bart to get the stone. He may take
the Princess hostage.

Mustadio: Ridiculous! Making an enemy of the royal family!

Ramza: Why do you think the Cardinal wanted the stone? People
are sick of long wars and political in fighting. Draclau wants
to use the 'Zodiac Brave Story'. Creating 'Zodiac Braves' by
collecting holy stones, he can control the world.

Besrodio: He is right. We can't give the stone to the

Ramza: Let's save the Princess and Agrias!

Mustadio: Right. But the way to Lionel is probably sealed.
We'll use a ship to sneak in the back of the castle.

[The party sails to Warjilis Trade City, taking the stone with

-- Warjilis Trade City --

Ramza: There aren't any Lionel troops in Warjilis....

[Ramza walks off the ship and faces an old friend.]

Ramza: Delita! Why are you here!?

Delita: Don't take our information network too lightly.

Ramza: 'Our'?

Delita: Go back to Igros, for your own sake. It's healthier to
keep your nose out of certain things like Princesses and

Ramza: Delita, what do you mean?

Delita: rescuing the Princess only solves one problem. But I
can save her from all of them.

Ramza: What do you mean? I don't understand.

Delita: The best ways don't always lead to the best results.
You can't save her no matter what. Remember that.

[Delita walks away.]

Ramza: Wait, Delita. What are you trying to do?

Delita: Larg, Goltana, your brothers, everyone... Haven't
noticed they're all swept up in the same flow. I'm just going
against it. That's all...... I'll see you again, if we live
that long.

[Delita leaves.]

Ramza: Delita...

[Meanwhile at Lionel Castle...]

-- Lionel Castle --

Gafgarion: You're using the princess as bait to get the stone
back? That's not some thing a holyman would do.

Rudvich: Bastard! Things would've been fine if you hadn't let
them escape!

Gafgarion: There were some mistakes, but it wasn't my fault!

Draclau: Enough, Rudvich. I'll return Ovelia to Dycedarg as
promised. It was our intention, too. But don't you need to get
rid of those who know about the kidnapping? The thief who
stole the stone is with them. You can catch them all by using
the Princess as bait. 2 birds with one stone.

Gafgarion: Exactly. But what if...?

Draclau: You are being weak.

Gafgarion: 'Careful' is more like it. You've got to be careful
to survive on a battlefield.

Draclau: All right. I'll make sure you're protected. Also,
we'll prepare bait just incase.

Gafgarion: Good. The woman will make perfect bait. I'll get
rid of them. I'm more reliable then him!

Rudvich: How dare you!

Draclau: Fine. I'll leave it to you.

Rudvich: Are you serious?

Draclau: Don't let me down, Gafgarion.

Gafgarion: No problem. I'll even get the stone back!

[Gafgarion leaves the room.]

Rudvich: Why him...?

Draclau: You failed enough. Now you must take

Rudvich: W, What...?

[Draclau kills Rudvich.]

-- Bariaus Valley --

[Agrias is seen running.]

Man's voice: Where are you? Don't try to escape!!

[The man finds Agrias.]

Lionel Knight: So here you are...

[The knight calls out his other troopers.]

Knight: Give yourself up!

[Ramza and the party comes for the rescue.]

Knight: What!?

Ramza: I'm protecting Agrias! Geronimo!

Agrias: Ramza! Why are you here!?

Ramza: I was going to attack the castle flank to save you.
But, why are you here?

Agrias: The Cardinal secretly plotted with Larg from the
start! We tried to escape but only the Princess got caught!! I
couldn't save her. They're about to execute her. We must

Ramza: First, we have to get rid of them somehow...

[Agrias pulls her sword out of her sheath just in time to
escape the blow of an enemy knight wielding a broadsword.
Ramza pulls out his sword and strikes down a nearby archer.
Agrias waits for the enemy knight to attack. The knight
finally moves and so does Agrias. With lightning speed Agrias
gets him first. One of Ramza's wizards hits a knight with
Bolt2. A pathetic scream escapes from the knight's mouth. An
enemy archer's arrow sways through Ramza's arm, lancing the
skin deeply. Ramza in pain, rushes at the archer. The archer
trembles in fear and fumbles for an arrow. Ramza comes near
the arches. With one blow, the bow cloven in two falls to the
ground. Ramza lifts his sword and slices the enemy's throat.]

Ramza: Are you all right, Agrias?

Agrias: Yes, I'm alright, but we must hurry! She's going to be
executed at the Gologrand Execution Site. Let's hurry!

Ramza: Yes, let's go!

-- Gologrand Execution Site --

Executioner: Any last words? No? I see.

Knight of Lionel troop: Huh? The Enemy!!

[Ramza and his troops comes to their destination.]

Ramza: That's far enough! Return the Princess, now!

Executioner: Heh, heh, heh.... You fell into a trap!

Ramza: !?

[The executioner takes off his disguise.]

Gafgarion: You're still too naive, kid.

Ramza: Where is the Princess!?

Gafgarion: At Lionel Castle. Where's the stone?

Ramza: Stone?

Gafgarion: Stop playing dumb. The stone you stole from the
Cardinal. You're with the one who stole it. Just hand it over!

Ramza: If you want it, you'll have to take it!

Gafgarion: Seems you've matured a bit. Then I will!

[The flow of battle was not on Ramza's side. Ramza and his
troops were outnumbered. To prevent being surrounded, Ramza
and his men split up. Gafgarion's Night Sword starts to cause
great problem for Ramza's troop.]

Gafgarion: It's not too late! Let's go back to Igros! Your
brother, Dycedarg said he'd forgive you! Come on, wake up!!

Ramza: No, I won't be involved in any more wrong doing!

Gafgarion: 'Wrong doing'? What do you mean by that? You are a
Beoulve! You have a mission to accomplish. 'Wrong doing',
indeed! It's your mission, don't be such a fool!

Ramza: My brothers are making war for personal reasons! What
else can you call it other than 'evil'?

Gafgarion: You must make 'sacrifices' to accomplish anything!
Without 'sacrifice' there's no progress, nor history! Look at
Ivalice! Corrupt! Someone must change it!! Your brothers are
trying to do that! Even if it means 'wrong doing'!

Ramza: But that doesn't mean I should leave her stranded!

Gafgarion: Forget about Ft. Zeakden! It couldn't be helped!
You're a Beoulve. You have a given duty! It is your fate!

Ramza: It's fate that let Teta die? No, that's wrong! We
killed her out of convenience... Yes, us! I've run from the
truth long enough...I killed her...

Agrias: Ramza, are you really a Beoulve?

Gafgarion: Didn't you know, Agrias? His name is Ramza Beoulve.
One of the Beoulve family.

Ramza: It's true I'm a Beoulve! But I'm not like my brothers!
I never knew about kidnapping the princess! I swear it!

Agrias: No doubt in my mind! I believe you!!

Gafgarion: This is ridiculous! One girls had died, so what? We
must first think about 'justice'!

Ramza: There's no 'justice' in using and deceiving people! I
can't ignore people dying for 'justice'! I'll save Princess

Gafgarion: Stubborn kid!

Agrias: What're you going to do with the Princess!?

Gafgarion: My contract's to take her back to Gallione. I have
no idea what Larg will do after that.

Agrias: You're using her as a tool for battle! Same as you!
Larg and Dycedarg are using you, too! Aren't you ashamed of
yourself? Don't you have any pride?

Gafgarion: What's the use? I gave mine up long ago!

[However, the battle soon brought the best out of Ramza's
troop. Everybody was working like one person. Ramza manages to
kill two knights. Ramza and his troop finds themselves reeling
back the enemy down. Gafgarion realizing this, quickly went in
for a blow at Ramza. Ramza barely dodges the blow and counter
attacked, injuring him a little. Gafgarion glanced around his
surroundings. Ramza's best monk scored a jaw-breaking hit on
one of his archer. The battle was clearly on Ramza's side.]

Gafgarion: Damn it! I didn't expect you to be this
strong......! Retreat for now!!

[Gafgarion and his remaining troops retreats.]

Ramza: We must go to Lionel Castle immediately!!

- In a cell in Lionel Castle -

Delita: Aren't you eating? You can't go on without food.

Ovelia: ...

Delita: No one will mourn your death. In fact, it should make
most people happy. You won't die. Just eat the food.

Ovelia: I knew you were in with the Cardinal. If you aren't
turning me over to Larg, what's your plan?

Delita: Taking you somewhere you belong... that's all.

Ovelia: So, you're using me, too. But you can't make me do
whatever you want.

Delita: You have no other choice if you want to live.

Ovelia: What's that mean?

Delita: It means....

[Draclau and a man walks inside the cell.]

A Knight: So, she is Ovelia...?

Cardinal Draclau: How are you, Princess? If you'd behaved, you
wouldn't be here now.

Knight: Hmmm, she's almost too good a substitute for a

Draclau: Heh, heh...Mr. Vormav, she doesn't know yet.

Vormav: I see...poor girl.

Ovelia: What are you talking about?

Vormav: Listen carefully. You're not Ovelia.

Ovelia: What......?

Vormav: The real princess died long ago. You're a substitute.

Ovelia: No, that's a lie!!

Vormav: It's not a lie. You are not Ovelia. Old Senators who
didn't care for Princess Luveria, made you... So someday you'd
succeed the throne, ousting the Princess. They killed 2 older
Princes making it look like illness, and adopted you as
Princess. They all thought Omdolia was too weak to make
another son so you took the throne. However, Orinas was born.
Even now, no one's sure if the Prince is really his son. Larg
may have had "seeds" planted to make his sister the King's
mother... In any case, the old men's plan was ruined.

Ovelia: Liar! I don't believe it!

Vormav: Think what you will. Whether you're a Princess or not
doesn't matter to us. What matters is that we have an ace up
our sleeve called a 'Princess'...

Ovelia: What are you going to do to me? What do you want?

Vormav: Nothing. Just be a 'Princess' as you are now.

Ovelia: My ancestors were Atkaschas! No one can control me!

Vormav: Then what? If Larg catches you, he'll kill you...
right? We just want to help you take the throne...

Ovelia: Who are you?

Vormav: We're neither allies of Larg nor supporters of
Goltana. Just 'collaborators'.

Draclau: Vormav, let her calm down. Once she comes to her
senses she won't refuse our help.

Vormav: Yes...... you're right.

[Draclau leaves the cell.]

Vormav: Let's go, Delita!

[Vormav and Delita also leaves the cell.]

- At the gate of Lionel Castle -

[Ramza and his troop secretly arrives at the gate of Lionel
Castle. Ramza tries to open the gate.]

Ramza: Wait there. I'll open the gate.

Familiar voice: Not so fast!

[Gafgarion comes out from the shadows.]

Gafgarion: You got in all right, but didn't notice an ambush.

[Gafgarion whistles. His men comes out from the shadows behind
Ramza's troop.]

Ramza: Damn!!

Gafgarion: Ramza! It's me you must fight with! En garde!!

[Ramza's troop charges at the enemy. While that was happening
the two man, looked at each other's eyes, ready to pull their
swords. Ramza made the mistake by underestimating Gafgarion.
Ramza made the first move and pulled out his sword. Ramza
charges with incredible speed, Gafgarion also pulls out his
sword. Gafgarion strikes a blow at Ramza. Ramza ducks just in
time to feel the wind from the sword brush by his hair,
cutting some of his hair down. He had to think and fight
quickly. He swings a blow but Gafgarion blocks it with his
sword, partially deflecting it. Ramza then leaps out of the
way as two attacks from Gafgarion's sword narrowly misses him,
Ramza saw the opening and wasting no time strikes a blow at
Gafgarion's open body. The blow connects. The Dark Knight
falls on his knee, a pool of blood slowly drips from Ramza's

Gafgarion: this...end?

Ramza: Goodbye, Gafgarion......

[Ramza pulls out his sword from Gafgarion's body, the Knight
falls down on the ground silently.]

Ramza: We must save the princess before reinforcements arrive!

[Ramza and his troop successfully infiltrates inside the
castle and finds the Cardinal.]

- Inside Lionel Castle -

Draclau: Gafgarion is not as good as he says... Or was it bad
luck? Anyhow, you're good. You have Beoulve blood in your
veins. Even if you are a bastard.

[The Cardinal slowly walks down to confront the party.]

Draclau: But, I don't need your interference anymore. Leave
the stone here. If you resist, I'll show no mercy...

Ramza: Where is Princess Ovelia?

Draclau: Why must you save her? You deserted the Beoulves.
What can you change by yourself? Don't waste energy. Without
power, nothing can be achieved... You're powerless.

Ramza: Where's the Princess?

Draclau: She's not here. She left for Zeltennia. She chose our
help over yours.

Ramza: That's a lie!!

Draclau: She has begun to think for herself. She felt unsure
of you and chose us for obvious reasons to take the throne.
Why don't you join us? You want to get the best of your
brothers sails, right? We care about the world, too. How about

Ramza: I don't want to change the world! I just can't allow
people to suffer and die because of some elitist's ideas.
Change the world? You think anyone really can? I'm not that

Draclau: Ha, ha, ha... You're the one holding the stone. You
can change not only the world, but the truth of everything
with its power. Since you don't seem to understand, let me
show you.

[The Cardinal brings out a red crystal from his pocket.
Lights, souls and demons flashes around the Cardinal. Huge
ball of light flashes around the Cardinal, turning him to a

Tainted King, Queklain: Hya, ha, ha! How about that?
Surprised? Now, let me have my fun. Let me hear your screams
and suffering death cries!

[Hard and tough battle emerges. After several blows from the
troop injures the tainted king.]

Queklain: I'm can I be losing....? It's
impossible. I can't...die...until he resurrects...

[The Cardinal vanishes leaving the red stone. The stone
flashes and falls down on the ground. The haunting scream of
the Cardinal is heard just as the stone falls on the ground.]

- Inside of Zeltennia Castle -

[Delita successfully delivers the Princess to Goltana. Upon
hearing this Goltana arranges a meeting with him.]

Goltana: It's you... who saved Ovelia.

Delita: Delita- Black Sheep knight under Baron Grims, and
Hyral. I was sent by order of Baron Grims to save the
Princess. I've returned- Mission completed.

Minister Gelwan: ...Hyral? Never heard of him.

Goltana: The Baron died in battle last month with the Ryomoku.
The Black Sheep were entirely wiped out.

Delita: That's why I returned.

Goltana: How's the Princess?

Kanbabrif: Sleeping soundly, she's exhausted from the long

Orlandu: I heard you brought a prisoner?

Delita: Yes, sir. Bring him!

[A knight brings the prisoner inside the room.]

Delita: Why did you kidnap the Princess?

Prisoner: We framed Goltana to prevent him from
Lesalia,...taking the regency.

Delita: Who gave you the order? Prince Larg?

Prisoner: One of Goltana's aids who wants to join Larg.

[Minister Gelwan steps forward to silent the prisoner.]

Gelwan: Ridiculous! No aids would do that! Silence this lout!

Goltana: No need. Listen.

Delita: Who is that?

Prisoner: ......

Delita: Talk! Now!

Prisoner: Will you save my life?

Delita: All right, I promise. Who is it!!?

Prisoner: Him... Minister Gelwan.

Gelwan: How dare you! It's a lie! I don't even know you!

Delita: Who seduced you? The Queen?

Gelwan: That's absurd! I don't know anything!

Delita: Treason's a serious crime, Minister?

[Delita draws his sword from his sheath. The knight and the
prisoner steps back immediately. Orlandu quickly puts his hand
on Excalibur's hilt, ready to draw.]

Gelwan: I said I don't know a thing!

[Delita lifts his sword to strike. Minister Gelwan quickly
runs for the door but takes a fatal blow to his back from
Delita's sword. Delita puts his sword back to his sheath and
bow downs before Goltana. Orlandu takes his hand from
Excalibur's hilt.]

Delita: Let me say this! We must go to the capital with the
Nanten now! Or they may hold you responsible for this plot.
First, let's remove Orinas and the Queen, then get the
Princess on the throne!

Goltana went to Lesalia
and confined Ruvelia in Bethla
for kidnapping the Princess,
and let the Princess accede
to the throne.

But Larg insisted Orinas was
the legitimate successor and
had him accede to the throne.
Then Larg became the regent
as a guardian.

Immediately after,
Larg sent the
Hokuten let by Orinas
to Bethla to rescue the Queen.
Meanwhile, Goltana sent the
Nanten led by Ovelia...

This is the beginning of the
upheavel which would later
be called the 'Lion War'....

[3 months passed since the outbreak of the Lion War. Days
passed, the frontlines expanded as did the intensity of the
conflicts. Without any decisive victor, both Larg and
Goltana's armies were being exhausted. Hunger and high taxes
overwhelmed the people.]

-- Bethla Garrison --

Bolmna: 20,000 dead. Counting both sides, that makes 40,000...
Well over 200,000 injured just in our troops alone.

Elmdor: Casualties aren't the only problem, foodstock is short
as we expected. The real problem's the drought. There's no
food and tax revenues are reduced. Storage is at less than a

Blansh: Larg's probably facing the same problem. I hear crops
were ruined before harvest, due to rain.

Orlandu: More serious are those made destitute by the war.
According to Olan, more than 100,000 refugees have come to

Blansh: Ha, ha...Good! Larg'll have problems getting food.

Orlandu: This is no laughing matter! The same could happen
here. Many refugees may come here! Should we start peace

Goltana: I understand your concerns. But, we cannot stop the
war. We'll increase tax by 30%. Make sure no one trades grain
at high prices. Also keep an eye on all refugees entering

Orlandu: Larg is in difficulty too. It's not too late for a
peace settlement.

Goltana: Enough, Orlandu! A peace settlement won't occur.

Orlandu: Our nation exists because of the people! We exist
because of them. Farmers suffered the most in the War! Raising
taxes would hurt them even more. The soldiers are also
suffering from lack of food. It's impossible to continue
physically and mentally.

Goltana: Mentally? Are you becoming a coward?

Orlandu: In the last War, we served by keeping Ordolia out of
our land!

Goltana: Are you saying there's no right in this battle? Since
when did you start talking about 'hypocrisy'? You can't go
easy on them. It's for the people! We can't allow a corrupt
royal family to oppress the people any longer. We fight!

Blansh: He's right. Just a little longer before it's over! I
never expected to hear that from the one they used to call
'T.G. Cid'.

Orlandu: A little longer? Where'd you get that idea? How can
you be optimistic? Are you blind?

[Blansh gets up from his chair.]

Blansh: Your words are harsh!!

Goltana: Enough! I'm disappointed in you, Orlandu. Any more
harsh words may mean your life!

[Blansh sits down.]

Orlandu: ......

Goltana: I won't say this again. If any more of you disagree
with my plans, go now! Understand? Orlandu!

Chapter 3: THE VALIANT

Delita told me that
there is a big tide
and he goes against it...

If this age of war is the "big tide"
like a fate we can't avoid,
can I go against it?

Now I head for Lesalia to tell
my brother Zalbag there's someone
manipulating this war...

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Future of the War |
| ================= |
| Three months have passed since the Battle at Gulofavia |
| -The first all out battle on a plain bordered by Lesalia |
| and Limberry-. The death toll for the two armies reached |
| nearly 400,000. This battle between those that fought side |
| by side during the War is only creating many casualties |
| with no end in sight. Many see the situation as a |
| stalemate, and its length has brought pessimism among the |
| people. |
| |
| Rescue of Princess Ovelia |
| ========================= |
| Princess Ovelia, abducted from Orbonne Monastery has been |
| safely rescued. The mastermind behind her abduction was |
| Gelwan, a close official to Goltana and Queen Ruvelia. |
| Trying to bring her son to the throne, it was the Queen's |
| plan, to persuade the Minister -But, those supporting the |
| Queen strongly deny these allegations-. Furthermore, the |
| Minister has been already been executed. The one who |
| rescued the Princess was a young Knight named Delita, an |
| assistant Black Sheep Knight under Baron Grims. Recognized |
| for his heroism, he is expected to be the next leader of |
| the Black Sheep now that the seat is vacant since the |
| Baron was killed fighting the "Ryomoku"! |
| |
| Draclau's death |
| =============== |
| 3 months have passed since the death of Draclau, due to |
| illness. There are rumors that the leader of Lionel Castle |
| was really assassinated. There is even one rumor that it |
| was a murder by an "Unidentified monster". To support |
| these theories, there was an attack upon the castle by |
| thieves, the night before his death causing many death and |
| injuries. The cause of death was said to be people were |
| "crushed to death." |
| |
| Drought and flood damage |
| ======================== |
| 10 years ago, the kingdom had a terribly bad harvest. |
| Zeltennia and Limbbery were devasted by drought and their |
| harvests were half the norm. On the other hand, Gallione |
| and Fovoham, were devasted by floods. The harvests in the |
| west were about half the norm as well. People left |
| destitute in the war and people suffering from famine |
| migrated to Lesalia seeking refuge. |
| |

[On their way to Lesalia, the party comes across a wooden
house. A young man climbs on top of the house.]

Roar: Where! Where did he run!?

[The young man moves.]

A roar: Up there! Up the roof!!

[A gang of thieves comes out and surrounds the house.]

Olan: Surrounded...

[The leader climbs up the roof and greets the man.]

Thief: I don't know who you are. Too bad you stumbled on us.

Olan: Next time put a sign outside saying "Thieves' hideout".

Thief: Hya, ha! Damn blabbermouth. Now, give yourself up.

[Ramza and his troop decides to help the helpless man.]

Ramza: Something weird's going on in here...

Thief: We have many visitors today. Let's get them all

[Ramza and his troop prepares to fight but then watches in
amazement as Olan uses Galaxy Stop.]

Olan: Destiny lies in my hands! Stop movement! Galaxy Stop!

[The place flashes around in a weird light. Time seems to be
not moving and all of a sudden the thieves freezes. Using the
opportunity Ramza's troop cuts the throats of the thieves.]

Ramza: Are you all right?

Olan: Thank you for saving me. My name is Olan Durai. What is

Ramza: Ramza Beoulve.

[Olan gives a strange reaction upon hearing Ramza's name.]

Olan: !!

Ramza: Is something wrong?

Olan: Oh, nothing. Never mind. Where are you going anyway?

Ramza: To Lesalia. If you're going that way we could go along.

Olan: Too bad, I'm going the other way. Thanks for the offer.

Ramza: Well, be careful.

Olan: You too.

[The two shakes hands with each other.]

Olan: I'll see you later. Stay alive, till then.

Ramza: Oh, uh, yeah...

[The two goes separate ways.]

-- Lesalia Imperial Capital --

[Ramza finally comes to Lesalia and meets up with his brother,

Zalbag: What's wrong? Why aren't you sitting? I was surprised
to know you're in Lesalia. Alma's here, too. See her before
you go.

Ramza: Brother...

Zalbag: What?

Ramza: Can you stop the war?

Zalbag: Don't be ridiculous!

Ramza: What's the purpose? Beoulves have fought to protect the
people, not royalty. But now, they're fighting for self-

Zalbag: You don't know anything!

Ramza: You don't understand, brother! This battle's someone's
plot! Someone's using Larg and Goltana!!

Zalbag: Using...? What are you talking about?

Ramza: I don't know much either...... Dycedarg tried to kidnap
the princess to keep Goltana from the throne. But someone took
the Princess to Goltana. If she was killed then, Goltana would
have been killed as a traitor.

[Zalbag gets up from his chair.]

Zalbag: Dycedarg planned the kidnap? Ramza! You're saying your
own brother came up with such a plot!?

[Ramza steps back.]

Ramza: Don't you know anything!?

Zalbag: You fool!! Don't you trust your flesh? Get out! Go
back to Igros!!

Ramza: Don't you believe me?!

Zalbag: How am I supposed to believe an irreverent kid like
you! I've cared about you being my half-brother but, after all
bad blood is bad blood. Not suitable for a Beoulve!

Ramza: ...Zalbag...

[A Hokuten Knight comes in rushing into the room.]

Hokuten Knight: Your Excellency! I was told "T.G. Cid" broke
through Doguola Pass!

Zalbag: What!? I thought they were at Bethla! We'll have an
assembly! Tell everyone to join!! I'll be there, too!!

Knight: Yes, sir!

[Zalbag and the knight leaves the room.]

- Back gate of Lesalia Castle -

[Ramza steps out to go.]

Alma: Ramza, wait!

[Alma comes to meet Ramza.]

Ramza: Alma...

Alma: You were going to leave without telling me?

Ramza: I hate good byes...

Alma: You won't be back, will you?

Ramza: Delita is alive.

Alma: What?

Ramza: Delita helped kidnap the Princess.

Alma: What does all this mean?

Ramza: I thought he joined Goltana to get back at us... But he
seems to be involved more with someone else. Someone other the
Delita saved the Princess from being killed for some scheme.

Alma: Is it true Dycedarg was involved in the kidnapping?

Ramza: Yes. I'm sure he had his reasons, but I don't know

Alma: So Teta.... Is it...?

Ramza: Yes...

[Alma cries.]

Ramza: Alma, listen carefully. I don't know who's behind
Delita. But he's dangerous. Taking advantage of the war to
achieve something vicious.

Alma: Is Delita party to the plot?

Ramza: I don't know. He seemed to have his own ideas about
things though.

Alma: You're fighting against them?

Ramza: ...

Alma: I'll go with you.

Ramza: Are you out of your mind? Of course not!!

Alma: I want to prove what you're saying is true!

Ramza: No, no.

Alma: I don't want to see another Teta!!

Ramza: Alma......

Man's voice: Ramza Beoulve, aren't you?

[Two knight and a man steps out of the darkness.]

Priest: I'm Zalmo Rusnada, Heresy Examiner! I order you to
appear at a heresy hearing on suspicion of murder and heresy!
You will follow us! Any resistance will force us to execute
you immediately!

Ramza: Heresy Examiner??

Alma: Run! Brother!!

Zalmo: I won't let you! Get him! Kill the 'heretic'!

[More soldiers runs out from the shadows behind Zalmo. Ramza
kills one of the monk, the monk's scream came out from his
mouth before his soul fled. Agrias pulled out her sword and
struck a Lightning Stab on one of the knights.]

Zalmo: Opposing us is the same as blasphemy! It's not too
late! Repent! And your life will be saved!

Ramza: Why am I a 'heretic'? I haven't done anything.

Zalmo: Don't be coy! You killed Draclau and took the Holy
Stone to give it to a demon!

Ramza: That's a false charge! It was an 'evil stone' with
vicious power, not like the legend. Further, the Cardinal
became the legendary 'Lucavi' with its evil power!!

Zalmo: You dare to hurt him too? Oh... for shame! You are a
disgrace to the Beoulve name!

Zalmo: Brother! Run! Hurry!! Those he never return! Run!

Ramza: You should run, Alma! Or you too, will be branded a
'heretic'! Hurry and run!!

Alma: I can't leave you alone here!

[Ramza counter attacks a knight, cutting through his armor and
flesh. The knight falls.]

Zalmo: You 'heretics' don't fear God!! I'll fix you!

[Zalmo vanishes.]

Alma: Are you all right?

Ramza: we're both OK. How'd the examiner find out
about the Holy Stone? Maybe it was someone behind Delita or
Glabados Church? But why would the church...?

Alma: Holy stone? You mean the legendary Holy Stone? It really
exists? Then, maybe I've seen it...

[Ramza looks at her sister in disbelieve.]

Ramza: What!? Where?

Alma: Promise to take me with you?

Ramza: don't be ridiculous. You'd have a terrible time! NO! I
won't take you!

Alma: Ok, then I won't tell you!

Ramza: Come on, don't play games. You might get killed!

Alma: It may be too late already. Because you disobeyed him.
By now I'm probably a heretic, a fugitive like you. Dycedarg
may desert me to protect Beoulve....

Ramza: He's capable of that. No, it's too dangerous. Explain
it to Zalbag and get permission from the church!

Alma: I saw it at Orbonne Monastery. Yes....a crystal with a
carved Virgo crest.

Ramza: Virgo...... Before it passes into their hands......
Thanks for telling me. Now, go back to Zalbag!

Alma: How do you get in Orbonne? You're a 'heretic'. You can't
go into a monastery of Glabados. There's no way!

Ramza: Uh.........

Alma: See? You DO need me, don't you?

Ramza: Only as far as Orbonne, all right? Then you go back.

Alma: ......alright.

Ramza: Promise me!

[Alma nods.]

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Death of Marquis Elmdor in battle |
| ================================= |
| Known as the "Silver Nobleman" to his allies and "Silver |
| Ogre" to his enemies, Marquis Elmdor was hit by a stray |
| arrow at the battle at Fuss Plains and died. His people |
| believed in him and thought he was a devout believer in |
| the Glabados Church. Many visit his grave to pay their |
| respects. Since he was the leader that supported the |
| Goltana Army, the war effort will be affected. |
| |

[Ramza and his squad arrives at the monastery. Orbonne was
already attacked by those after the stone. Ramza and Alma
finds Simon, wounded in the library.]

- Underground Book Storage First Floor -

Alma: Simon!! Please answer me!!

Simon: U, ugh...Alma... Why...are

Alma: What happened?

Simon: It's They...came for
the Holy Stone 'Virgo'...

Ramza: Holy Stone!? Then Alma was right...

Simon: The Stone's been a royal treasure for generations...
When Princess Ovelia came here, they gave it to us as proof of
her status.

Ramza: Who are 'they'? Who's trying to get the stone?

Simon: You're Alma's older brother Ramza, aren't you? Don't
get any more involved. You'll be killed......

Man's voice: Where is the Holy Stone!!

Another voice: Wait! It must be here somewhere! Look for it!

Another voice: We can go underground from here. Let's go!!

Ramza: I'm a fugitive, branded by the church as a 'heretic'.
Is it because of the stone? Please tell me. Who are they?

Simon: High Priest and his sect are trying to regain power.
First, they're reducing Larg and Goltana's military power by
causing in-fighting. If the war drags on, it not only reduce
their power, but trust in the royal family.

Ramza: What's the real reason for collecting the Stones... and
reviving the Zodiac Braves?

Simon: To gain the people's trust, of course.

Ramza: But the Cardinal already joined Lucavi. If it's only
the stone's power, it'd be strong enough to replace the
military. Funeral wants that power?

Simon: You're different from your brothers. More like
Balbanes. Perhaps you might be able to destroy their ambition.

Ramza: You stay here. I'll go after them.

Alma: I'll go with you!

Ramza: We can't leave Simon alone. Hide in a safe place!

Alma: ....OK, I will.

[Ramza hands the Holy Stones to Alma.]

Ramza: Hold on to this stone, just in case. If I don't come
back, make sure to throw it in Bugrosia Sea. OK!

Alma: I regret I can't help you. I wish I were born a man...

Ramza: Don't be silly. You're the only one I trust.

Alma: Brother...

Ramza: Take care of Simon!

[Ramza goes down after the attackers, leaving the two stones
and Simon in Alma's care.]

- Underground Book Storage Second Floor -

Izlude: You stay here! Understand!?

Shrine Knight Wizard: Yes, sir!

[Izlude goes down to find the holy stone. Ramza and his squad
comes down to confront the enemy.]

Ramza: It's not over yet! Never give them the Stone!

[And with that, Ramza charges at the nearest enemy, with one
sword in his hand. He watches as the sword cuts through the
enemy. Ramza then feels the wind from the lancer's spear near
his head. He quickly reaches near the lancer and slashes
wildly with his sword. Ramza's troop kills all of the other

Izlude: Wow! Is this 'Virgo'? How beautiful!!

Ramza: Underground! Let's go!

[Ramza and his troop pursues Izlude and finds him.]

- Underground Book Storage Third Floor -

Izlude: I didn't expect you to find us here! But, just in
time. Heretic Ramza, hand us the stone!

Ramza: No, why don't you give me yours? Do as I say and I'll
let you live!

Izlude: You think you can beat us?! Then I'll take it by

[Ramza sends a fierce blow from his sword. The enemy knight
realizes he wouldn't make it in time, gets a fatal blow from
Ramza's sword. The knight silently falls to the ground.]

Izlude: Why do you go against us Ramza? Though you're a
Beoulve, you don't obey your brothers. Why?

Ramza: It's because I'm a Beoulve that I don't obey them! The
name shouldn't be used for self-gain, but rather for divine
'justice'! During the War, my father fought and died to save
the people from invasion... Beoulves must not fight for a
defunct royal family, but only for Noble rights!

Izlude: Then, let's fight together! Our goals are the same!
Listen well, Ramza! The Glabados want a world where all people
are equal! St. Ajora's ideal world, is 'God's world'! You know
people don't trust the royal family or nobility! We must do
something before Ivalice is ruined!!

Ramza: You started this war! Was that the will of God?

Izlude: Certain sacrifices must be made for the revolution!
Decadent royalty and nobles must pay! For the people! Now,
cooperate with us. As Delita did!

Ramza: It sounds good when you say 'for the people', but what
you really want is... a stronger army than the Knights, and
the evil power to control the people.

Izlude: 'Evil power'? No, the stone is 'holy'! We want to
guide people by God's miracle! Never "evil power"!

Ramza: You know the Cardinal joined Lucavi, right? If that's
not 'evil power', I don't know whatis!

Izlude: What do you mean? You killed the Cardinal and took the
stone from him! But he died because he was secretly collecting
the Holy Stone for us.

[Ramza leaps out of the way as two blows from Izlude's sword
sails narrowly beside him. Dashing at his foe, Ramza hurls his
sword with all his strength and injures Izlude's left arm.]

Izlude: Damn! I refuse to acknowledge his power! I can't
die... I must bring the stone back! Ramza, The next time I see
you, will be your last! Remember!

Ramza: Wait! Izlude!!

[Izlude runs up to the first floor. Ramza follows.]

- Underground Book Storage First Floor -

Alma: No! Let go!

Wiegraf: Izlude, leave this to me! You gotta get out of here
with that firl!

Izlude: You, come on this way!

Alma: Help me! Brother Ramza!

[Izlude takes off with Alma.]

Wiegraf: Here's Ramza! It would be a fatal mistake to
underestimate them! Don't let your guard down!!

[Ramza and his troop comes up the first floor.]

Wiegraf: ...Miluda, finally I can avenge your death!

Ramza: Wiegraf!! You're still alive!!

Wiegraf: Been a long time, Ramza. Glad to see you again!!

Ramza: You've become a dog for the church and have forsaken
your ideals!

Wiegraf: You don't understand how hard it is to fulfill your
ideal. Even if your ideal is great, it's just a dream if you
can't fulfill it! So how can you fulfill it? You need power!
That's the politics of the world! I can see it clearly now!
You can't fulfill your dreams without power! You say I'm a dog
of the church! Go ahead!! I don't care! You can despise me,
but I'll be laughing at the end. You'll all submit to me!

Ramza: I pity you, Wiegraf. Even if you couldn't fulfill your
dream, your people wouldn't have forgotten you. Your ideals
and actions inspired your people and stirred up the old Noble
customs! Your actions have meaning only if they hold true to
your ideals... Miluda and your old comrades would be
disappointed with your current choice of actions. If you need
someone else to fulfill your dreams it loses its value,
Wouldn't you agree?

Wiegraf: You say you are different? You say you depend on no
one? You'll never know the feeling of the 'Meager'! You may
think you know it, but you've never lived it! You'd never
know! 'Reality' is far harsher than you can possibly imagine.
Why do you blame me? You have no right to blame me!

[Wiegraf releases Statis Sword on Ramza. Ramza feels a sharp
pain, crying out in pain and rage, Ramza rushes at Wiegraf
madly. With one sweep, Wiegraf's sword falls out of from his
grasp. Ramza lifts his sword and strikes home beneath the
neck. Wiegraf screams horribly and falls on his knee.]

Wiegraf: Ouh...... No, I won't lose...! I'm...a member...of
Zodiac Braves... with 'Aries'... I... can't... lose... like

[Wiegraf vanishes.]

Ramza: Where are you! Wiegraf!

[Ramza's troop still battles the Temple Knights. While that
was happening, Ramza runs outside the monastery to find Alma.
Near death, Wiegraf crawls out of the monastery leaving trails
of blood behind.]

Izlude: Are you OK? Wiegraf!!

Wiegraf: Don't worry...about me... Just...go!

[Ramza comes out.]

Ramza: Alma!!

Wiegraf: Go....I....

Izlude: Sorry, Wiegraf!!

[Izlude takes off with Alma.]

Ramza: Wait! Izlude!!

[Wiegraf coughs.]

Wiegraf: Goho! Damn....I can't die here. I can't face my dead
allies without avenging Miluda... No.... I don't want to

[A purple stone falls down to the ground from Wiegraf's
pocket. The stone slowly arises into the air.]

Holder of the Holy Stone...
Promise me....

Ramza: What....? The stone....spoke...?

Holder of the Holy Stone...
Promise me....
Your spirit will unite with
My flesh to live forever.

Wiegraf: Is this the stone's secret?

Your despair and resentment
called me...
now promise...

Ramza: No! Wiegraf!! Don't open that!!


[The stone flashes, calling upon souls and demons. The stone
hovers on top of Wiegraf, and all sorts of light flashes
around the stone. Wiegraf melds with the Lucavi Magician
Velius. The stone blasts and makes mist around Wiegraf. The
mist finally vanishes, revealing Velius (Wiegraf). Ramza
quickly puts his hand on his sword's hilt.]

Velius: This is the stone's power!

Ramza: Wiegraf.........!

Velius: Ramza, its power is magnificent! No, not just the
power. Centuries of knowledge ingrained into my brain.

[With lightning speed, Ramza pulls out his sword from his

Velius: Hya, some for later...! Hya,
ha...superb...Superb power......!

[Velius vanishes. The wounded Simon comes out. Ramza helps the
old man.]

Ramza: Simon! Can you hear me...?

Simon: H, here...

[Simon hands a book to Ramza.]

Ramza: What is this book?

Simon: Germonik, a disciple of St. Ajora wrote it... It had
been missing...till I found it in the underground library....
It explains in detail about the Zodiac Brave Story...

Ramza: Please don't try to talk!

Simon: That's all right...... I'm a sinner... I knew of the
church's wrong doing... but said nothing... You can bring them
to justice with this book! You can bring Alma back with this

Ramza: Simon!!

Simon: Whew, now I can finally rest. Take care of the rest...
Ramza.... You're just like Balbanes... when he was young.

[Simon dies peacefully.]

Ramza: Simon!!

-- Dorter Trade City --

[After the death of Simon, Ramza heads to Dorter. It was
raining hard, while walking up the street Ramza meets a young

Exotic Wizard: Heretic Ramza?

Ramza: Where is Alma?

Wizard: If you want her back, come to Riovanes Castle. But you
must bring the 'Germonik Scriptures' given to you at the

Ramza: What does it mean to you?

Wizard: Haven't you read it?

Ramza: 1. Yes
2. No

Ramza: < 1. Yes >

Ramza: Return Alma, if you don't want the church's lies

Wizard: You're in no position to demand. You have no choice.
You've been warned.

- Continues with the game -

Ramza: < 2. No >

Ramza: No, not yet. Is it an important book?

Wizard: A blissful ignorant. Your life's in danger, and yet
you don't even realize the importance of the book?'ve been warned.

- Continues with the game -

[The wizard disappears into the dark shadows.]

- Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church -

[Ovelia, who became Queen by Goltana's will was shattered upon
discovering she was living a lie.]

Delita: So here you are... Everyone was looking for you.

[Delita enters the ruins.]

Delita: Something wrong? Oh, I shouldn't talk to a Princess
in such a way.

Ovelia: Stop it!!

Delita: By your leave, your most gracious majesty.

Ovelia: ...Please stop.

Delita: Sorry....I apologize.

Ovelia: What are you going to do with me? I'm not Ovelia, you
know. I'm worth nothing to you. Not even worth living alive.

Delita: Yes. You're not Ovelia. We don't know your real name
or even if you're a noble or a commoner.

Ovelia: What did my life mean all these years...? Raised as a
substitute... Ha, ha...amusing isn't it? A Princess must live
her life quietly in a monastery away from the capital. I'd
often wondered why only I had to live like that. But if my
suffering would to keep Ivalice in peace, then I thought I
could endure it. What was all the grief and isolation I
suffered for?

Delita: You and I are the same... Miserable people forced to
live false lives. Always being used by someone... Try hard and
you'll be rewarded they say. Lies... Only those close to the
top are rewarded without trying, It's the way of the world.
Most people have to act the roles given to them... Then again,
most of them haven't even noticed they're even acting. No way
I'd do that. I won't be used. I'll be the one using! Those who
used me must pay for what they've done!

Ovelia: What will you do?

Delita: Trust me, Ovelia. I'll make a country worthy of you!
I'll make your life shine! Let me guide you!

[Delita comforts Ovelia.]

Delita: ...Don't cry like that.

Ovelia: Should I trust you?

Delita: I won't betray you. I swear by my dead sister,
Teta...... So, please don't cry...

[Finding comfort in Delita's words, Ovelia hugs him. Having
seen the death of Simon, abduction of Alma, the church's lies,
Germonik Scriptures, the war, Ramza heads to Riovanes Castle
to find answers and to end things. On their way, at Grog Hill,
Ramza and his troop comes across some people.]

-- Grog Hill --

Nanten Deserter: Damn. What rotten luck, a pursuit unit!

Ramza: Are you a Nanten patrol?

Deserter: We're tired of fighting! We want to go home! We'd
rather be poor and covered with mud than this! We're sick of
killing! We want to return to our families!

Ramza: Wait! We're not after you! We have no desire to fight!
Don't misunderstand!

Deserter: Don't lie! You expect us to believe you? Trying to
get us off guard then kill us! Well none of your tricks will

Deserter (Chemist): H, hey! He was on the wanted list!

Deserter: Huh? ....So what?!

Deserter (Chemist): It's him! The 'heretic! You know! If we
bring him to them, they may let us off!!

Deserter: You mean... going back to the Knights?

Deserter (Chemist): Getting a 'heretic's big. Like getting
enemy brass! If we get him, they might give us a discharge,

Deserter: That's right... I know a guy discharged in an

Deserter (Chemist): We can go home big! Otherwise, we'll have
to live in hiding as deserters!

Deserter: Right! Let's catch him! We can even kill him! He's a
'heretic', they'll execute him sooner or later. We can go home
by killing him! This is our last battle!!

[Ramza's troop easily kills the deserters, without Ramza's

Ramza: I understand your lives are important...but, is that

[After defeating the deserters, Ramza wonders about his

Ramza: I wonder what...father would've done?

[The pursuit unit along with Olan as the leader, appears at
rainy Grog Hill.]

Olan: We meet again.

Ramza: A Black Lion's crest.... You're a Nanten?

Olan: So, you killed the deserters for us. I never thought a
Beoulve would help us.

Ramza: Not because I wanted to.

Olan: I know. You didn't want to fight, right? Same here. I
don't go after deserters because I want to. You know what I

Ramza: You knew me...

Olan: Yeah, I saw your name and face on the wanted list... As
a dangerous 'heretic', what did you do?

Ramza: Are you going to try and catch me?

Olan: Why would I do that? Our job's to catch deserters. No
need for us to be involved. But your brothers are after you.
Run before they come.

[Ramza walks and stops.]

Ramza: Why do you continue to fight?

Olan: As long as your brothers point swords at us, it'll

Ramza: So if Larg quits, Goltana would, too?

Olan: But that won't ever happen.

Ramza: If you see Orlandu of Nanten, let me know. Some are
urging Larg and Goltana for 'gain'. We're in the palm of their
hands...They're the real ones to beat.

Olan: Why Orlandu?

Ramza: My father used to say he was his only friend...

Olan: Orlandu's my father-in-law. I'll tell him that...

Ramza: Do you believe me?

Olan: I don't know why they're trying to collect holy stones.
If it's for the people, I won't interrupt. But, if it's for
self gain, Orlandu won't allow it. He'll promise to kill in
the name of 'T.G. Cid'.

Ramza: Do you know about the High Priest's plot?

Olan: Yes, but there is no proof. We're investigating it, but
you may know better.

Ramza: If we prove it, would you stop fighting?

Olan: Do you have proof?

Ramza: Here's the 'Germonik...'

Olan: No one knows whether the war will end or not. But I'm
sure... Orlandu would quit...

Nanten Knight: Olan, shall we go?

Olan: All right. I'm coming! I must go, Ramza. Take care.

[Olan goes down to unite with his unit.]

Olan: Ramza, you're not alone! You have friends! Allies who'd
risk their lives! I'm one of them!

[Olan and his squad leaves.]

Ramza: ...Thank you, Olan.

[Ramza drew strength from Olan's words and proceeds to
Riovanes Castle. On their way, Ramza and his troop decides to
rest at Yardow Fort City.]

-- Yardow Fort City --

Exotic Wizard: You know what you're saying?

Rafa: You're the one who doesn't. We're not tools. Tools for
murder! If we stay here, we'll be used as tools till we die!
Come on, Malak! Let's escape together!

Malak: Who helped us when we lost our parents in the war? If
Grand Duke hadn't saved us, we'd have starved... he cared
about us... Now you're returning the favor with vengeance?

[Rafa shakes her head.]

Rafa: You've been deceived! Barinten took advantage of war and
burned the village! Why? To get the family skills only our
family knows. He burned a village to get my Heaven skill and
your Hell skill! He killed our parents!! Don't you see?!!

[Malak slaps Rafa on the cheek.]

Malak: That's ridiculous!!

Rafa: You know what he did! What he did to me! I KNOW you

Malak: Don't you say anymore! Otherwise, I...

[A ninja comes down to meet Malak.]

Riovanes Ninja: So here you are, Malak. He'll be here soon.

[More enemy soldiers comes.]

Malak: I know. It's all set....

Rafa: Malak....

[Ramza and his troop comes to Yardow Fort City.]

Ninja: Here he comes! Heretic Ramza!

[Rafa quickly sprints to Ramza's troop.]

Malak: Rafa!!

Rafa: Help!!

Ramza: You! You're that man! You're supposed to be waiting at
Riovanes Castle!

Malak: That was what Grand Duke said! I'll prove we can beat
you without the Shrine Knights!

[Ramza and his troop was already on the enemy. The Riovanes
ninja fumbles for his swords. With one sweep from Ramza's
sword, the ninja flies down to the ground. The other enemies,
underestimating Ramza and his troop trembles violently. One of
Ramza's archer sends off an arrow. The stray arrow hits one of
the enemy summoner. Malak draws a small knife, Ramza knocks
down the knife with his sword.]

Malak: Damn, I hate retreating like this!

Ramza: Are you all right?

Rafa: Y....yes...thank you...I....I....

Ramza: If they return, we're in trouble. Let's hide!

[Rafa, the girl rescued at Yardow, talks with Ramza in a

- Basement -

Rafa: Barinten wants only one thing. To be the king. They call
him 'Weapon King' for making strong weapons and training many

Ramza: There is one who incites the Grand Duke that is of the
royal family. Killing Larg and Goltana set the stage for him
to become a regent...

Rafa: Why do you keep fighting being branded a 'heretic'? I
think I know why. But nobody'll thank you for beating him.

Ramza: I'm not fighting for thanks. I'm fighting for honor and
pride as a Beoulve.

Rafa: That's a lie....You aren't that noble. You can't ignore
injustice or evil in front of you.

Ramza: You flatter me. I'm not that good. But what're you
going to do? I must go to Riovanes to save Alma. But you
barely escaped from there, right?

Rafa: I must get my brother out...

Ramza: Why are you two fighting?

Rafa: We're Fifty Year War orphans. I'll never forget those
days looking through garbage and dead bodies for food...
That's when Barinten saved us. I believed in God then.

Ramza: Barinten built orphanages for the war orphans. But, he
provided training to 'gifted' children to be professional
assassins... You must be those children.

Rafa: We, Galthanas, have 'secret skills' of the family.... My
Heaven skill and my brother's Hell skill. These two skills
differ from magic... Barinten wanted them. But the family
elder refused him. So he burned the village. He decided if he
couldn't have them, he'd erase them from this world. He
probably was excited when he found us among the orphans.

Ramza: You tried to escape when you found out the truth.

Rafa: We yearned for him to be like our real father... But
even then...

Ramza: ......

Voice of Malak: So this is where you were hiding?

Rafa: Malak!

[A frog jumps out of the darkness behind the two.]

Voice of Malak: Listen, Ramza! Hurry to Riovanes Castle! Or
your sister will be dead!

Ramza: If you touch Alma, I'll show no mercy!

Voice of Malak: Rafa, you're coming, too! Resist and Ramza's
sister'll die because of you!

Rafa: It's not fair! They have nothing to do with us!

Voice of Malak: This is not a warning... it's an order!!

[The frog explodes.]

Rafa: Let's go, Ramza!

Ramza: Sorry, Rafa! You had to do this because of us...

Rafa: It's not your fault. Don't worry.

[Hearing Malak's orders, Ramza and his troops heads to
Riovanes Castle. Along the way, the party gets attacked by
undead soldiers.]

-- Yuguo Woods --

Rafa: Those who died in the War haven't been able to rest.
Return to the future life once again with your affection left
in this life!!

[Ramza and his troops kills the undead soldiers.]

Ramza: The spiritual forest.... I never want to come back.

- Inside of Riovanes Castle -

[Vormav and Wiegraf comes inside in one of the rooms of the
Castle to meet Barinten.]

Barinten: Welcome. How do you like our castle? It looks a
little spartan compared to Lesalia Castle but I like it...
This castle's built for war. It's far more beautiful than one
built for government. Ivalice has always been ruled by men
with 'power'. This war proved the royal family lost the

Vormav: Get to the point.

Barinten: You're being impatient.

[Barinten gets up from his seat and walks down.]

Barinten: To be quite frank... Can we work together?

Vormav: What do you mean?

Barinten: As I said, men with 'power' rule Ivalice. So, who
has the "power"? Prince Larg of Hokuten? Or, Prince Goltana of
Nanten? Neither one of them. It's you, Shrine Knights, who
hold the stones......

Vormav: !!

Barinten: Holy Stones have great magical power. According to
ancient legend, a natural disaster in Murond was caused by its

[Vormav starts to laugh.]

Vormav: Ha, ha, ha...... Well, excuse me. I didn't expect a
Grand Duke like yourself believed in such fairy tales.

Barinten: So you're saying you don't believe it? That's
strange...They say Draclau of Lionel died from problems with
the stone.

Vormav: I heard he died of illness.

Barinten: Then why are you after the youngest Beoulve? Why
chase him as a 'heretic'?

Vormav: We don't question decisions by Heresy Examiners.

Barinten: Oh, my...You're saying you know nothing about it?
But you may change your mind after seeing this... Call Malak!!

[Malak brings in the captured Izlude.]

Izlude: F, father.....I'm sorry.

Vormav: ...I see.

Barinten: We have 'Scorpio' and 'Taurus'.

Vormav: Moron!!

[Vormav slaps Izlude. A Riovanes Knight walks in.]

Riovanes Knight: Excuse me, Sir! We verified the intruder's

Barinten: Malak, I'll let you take care of him.

[Malak and the knight walks out the room.]

Vormav: What do you want?

[Barinten sits down.]

Barinten: As I said before, we want to help you, too.

Vormav: What if I refuse?

Barinten: The Church's injustice will be exposed. That's all.

Vormav: You can't prove it just with the Holy Stones.

Barinten: Exactly. But, how about with the 'Germonik
Scriptures'? Larg, Goltana, and the senate ought to be

Vormav: Where is it?

Barinten: I can't tell you.

Vormav: Wiegraf, go after the wizard. I'll take care of here.

[Barinten stands up from his seat. Wiegraf walks out the

Barinten: Don't do anything funny! The odds are against you!

Vormav: Odds? What do you think you weak humans can do?

Izlude: Father....?

[A loud thunderclap booms in the distance.]

Vormav: Don't underestimate us. Killing you is easy...

Barinten: Are you opposing me!?

[Barinten quickly steps back. Two Riovanes knight enters the
room while the two knight beside Barinten steps up. The four
knights surrounds Vormav and slowly puts their hand on their
sword's hilt. Vormav looks down. Another loud thunderclap
booms in the distance. Drops of sweats runs down from the
knights foreheads.]

Vormav: Want to fight...? Fine. I'll show you the power of the
Holy Stone!

[Vormav brings out a yellow stone. The stone starts to glow.
The screen fades. The cries of terror echoes in the hall.]

- At the gate of Riovanes Castle -

Rafa: Malak, please stop! Let's go together!

Malak: You know what happens to traitors! You'll be chased by
your ex-allies and killed. Even if you escape, you'll live
your life frightened. I'd never want to live like that! But
Grand Duke promised to free us after this job!

Rafa: Do you believe him? You know he's lying! If we don't
escape now, we'll be his slaves for life!

Malak: I trust him! We'll be free if we kill him and take the
'Germonik Scriptures'!

Ramza: Where is Alma?

Malak: I can see you're worried about her. Just hand me the
'Germonik Scriptures' and I'll save you!

Rafa: Ramza, don't believe him! Barinten'll kill both of you
once he gets what he wants! Whatever you do don't give the
scriptures to him! Your sister'll be safe only as long as you
have the book!

- If Malak gets injured during the battle -

Malak: Ugh....tough... My power is not good enough?!

[Malak escapes.]

Rafa: Malak! Are you running away?

[Rafa goes after Malak.]

- Continues with the game -

- If Rafa gets injured during the battle -

Rafa: What you're saying is right. No use escaping. Let
bygones be bygones......!

Malak: Wait! Rafa! What are you doing!?

[Malak goes after Rafa.]

- Continues with the game -

[A knight comes out from inside the castle holding his

Riovanes Knight:

[The knight dies.]

Ramza: Rafa......Alma.... Please be safe.........

[Ramza's troop was still fighting outside the castle. Ramza
quickly ran inside the castle to rescue his sister.]

- In a cell -

[Imprisoned at Riovanes Castle, Alma thinks about Ramza.]

(Alma's thought: Brother...)

[Suddenly a scream of terror breaks the silence in the cell.]

Alma: What!?

[The sound of battle and the screams of horror echoes through
the cell. A knight enters the cell, covered with blood. The
knight falls down, a pool of blood slowly pours down from his

Alma: What an awful wound!

Riovanes Knight: U,

[Alma holds the knight's hand.]

Knight: It's...dangerous...

[The knight dies. Alma fearfully made her way out of the

- Inside of Riovanes Castle -

[Ramza makes his way through the Castle. Ramza comes across a
hallway and witnesses the dead knights bodies.]

Ramza: What's this...?

[Wiegraf sees Ramza.]

Wiegraf: There you are Ramza.

[Wiegraf slowly walks down.]

Wiegraf: Draw your sword, Ramza.

[Nothing happens.]

Wiegraf: What's wrong? If you don't, I will.

Ramza: How miserable you are... Giving your spirit to Lucavi
just to avenge yourself. If Miluda knew about this, she'd be
very disappointed.

Wiegraf: Revenge? Ha! That's not what I'm after.... I want far
more than that. I don't give a damn about Miluda's murder. I
want to bring 'chaos' into the hear the screams of
humans... But, don't worry, Ramza, I'll kill you....myself.

Ramza: The stones are evil...and so are the Zodiac Braves. The
legends we believed in were all lies!

Wiegraf: Hya, ha, ha. So much for 'God's miracle'. Governments
falsify history only so it favors them. But you can't blame
them. Because people always hope for a 'miracle'. Endlessly
complaining, lazy, nuisances... that's what the masses really
are. Governments give the people what they want...and history
repeats itself. Governments might well have taken advantage of
their insecurity.... But then again, people are satisfied
being used... 'God' is nothing but an image created out of
their insecurity. It's their fault for knowing they're
comfortably numb, and not doing anything about it.

Ramza: And what about you? Relying on miracles instead of
beating your insecurities!

Wiegraf: It's because humans are insecure that they rely on
'miracles'. Can you honestly say you're not, with any

Ramza: I'm trying!

Wiegraf: Then your efforts have come to an end!

[Wiegraf quickly corners Ramza, who stands guard with his
drawn sword. Screaming, Ramza runs forward, and slashes.
Wiegraf easily counters the attack. Ramza throws his sword at
the surprised knight. The surprised knight quickly dodges
Ramza's sword, unable to see the incoming blow from Ramza's
fist. The fist strikes home on Wiegraf's mouth. Wiegraf falls
down on his knee, a bit of blood trickles from his mouth.]

Wiegraf: You've improved...

[Wiegraf vanishes.]

Ramza: Running away? Wiegraf!!

[Ramza runs down the hallway looking for Wiegraf.]

Ramza: Come out of there! Wiegraf!!

[Wiegraf appears.]

Wiegraf: Let's have it out here...

[Wiegraf using the stone's power, turns into Velius.]

Velius: Sorry to keep you waiting.

[Ramza's troop enters the room after defeating the enemies
outside the castle.]

Velius: I see you have some help. Then I'll do the same. Come
out, loyal servants!

[Velius summons the Archaic Demons.]

Velius: Here I come, Ramza! Let me show you the power of evil!

[The battle was long and hard. But Ramza took the upper hand
and stabs Velius. Ramza then cuts the throat of Velius.]

Velius: Whooooah!! They're just humans....!

[Velius and his servants vanishes leaving the holy stone in
Ramza's hand. A scream broke the silence in the hall.]

Ramza: Alma!!

- Inside of Riovanes Castle -

[Speechless from seeing the dead bodies inside the castle.
Alma makes her way to where Vormav fought the four knights.
The four knights were already dead with a bloody gash on their
bodies. The horribly wounded Izlude, sat silently in the dark,
breathing heavily.]

Izlude: ...Uhn...Uhnn...

[Alma slowly makes her way to Izlude.]

Alma: Are you all right!?

Izlude: S...sword...where is it? must....beat...him....
Please...give me some light. So dark...can't see a thing.

Alma: Don't worry. No need to fight anymore.

Izlude: Tell your brother...the stone...has 'evil power'...
He's father...the power made

[Izlude coughs, blood spilling out from his mouth.]

Alma: Please don't try to talk...

Izlude: What Ramza said was true... The world will end...if we
don't kill him... Tell everyone...not time to fight....must
cooperate... W, where' sword? ...Can't arms.

Alma: Don't worry. I saw 'his' body in the hall. My brother
killed him. So you don't need to fight.

Izlude: Really? That's a relief... The stone my
jacket. Give your brother...

[Alma takes the stone from Izlude's jacket.]

Alma: I'll be sure to do that.

Izlude: Ugh...tired...sleepy......just rest now...

[Izlude dies.]

Man's voice: Who's there?

[Vormav walks in and sees Alma.]

Vormav: So here you are. I'll send you to the other side, too.

[Vormav walks down.]

Vormav: Don't fear. You won't suffer....

[Vormav slowly makes his way to Alma and hears a haunting

(Vormav's thoughts: What.... Velius was killed?)

Vormav: Your brother has the devil's own luck... Now, come

[Suddenly the holy stone shimmers.]

Velius: Why, why is Virgo responding? You...can't be... Very
nice! I didn't expect to meet you here! I thought it would
take 100 years to find you! I never dreamed you were the one!

[Vormav grabs Alma's hand.]

Alma: Stop!! Let go of me!!

Vormav: No need to fear. I won't kill you. Now come here!

[Vormav punches the poor girl on the stomach and carries her
away, leaving the stone Alma got from Izlude.]

- Roof of Riovanes Castle -

Barinten: Fool! This is what I get? Revenge for kindness!? Why
do you think you're even still alive today! Because of me! I
took you out of the garbage! Or did you forget that already?

Rafa: Revenge for kindness? You burned the village! You are
the one who killed my parents! And you say it's revenge for
kindness?'s justice!

[Rafa draws her sword. Barinten quickly pulls out a gun from
his jacket and points it at Rafa.]

Barinten: Justice? Now can you kill me? I'm your father. I
raised you! I'd like to see you try and kill me!

[Nothing happens.]

Barinten: Hya, ha! You can't... And do you know why? Because
your body recalls the terror... Don't worry...that terror will
gradually subside. Hya, ha, ha.

Malak: Is that true?!!

[Malak comes out from the shadows.]

Malak: Is what you said true?

Barinten: You're turning on me, too? You're both ingrates!

[Rafa lifts her sword up to strike.]

Rafa: I'll kill you!!

Malak: Stop it! Rafa!!

[Malak pushes Rafa just when Barinten shoots. Taking a bullet
from Barinten's gun, Malak falls down.]

Rafa: Malak!!

[Rafa holds Malak's head.]

Rafa: Malak! Are you all right!

[Ramza arrives at the scene.]

Ramza: Rafa! Malak!!

Barinten: So, you're Ramza..... Don't move. Rafa, if you want
to help Malak, bring the stone here. Malak should have it.
Find it!

[Rafa takes the stone from Malak's pocket.]

Barinten: That's right. Bring it to me! Hurry!

[A young woman comes up from behind Barinten and lifts him up
by his throat.]

Barinten: Gya!!

[The girl throws Barinten off the building.]

Man's voice: Can you hand me the stone?

[A man appears from the shadows along with another young

Ramza: M...Marquis Elmdor. Why are you here....?

[Rafa puts the stone in her pocket.]

Elmdor: No... Give it to me...

[Ramza steps forward.]

Ramza: Rafa! Watch out!! They are not human!

Elmdor: So you're Ramza, the heretic? I never really thanked
you for doing me this favor. Thank you.... I don't want to
have to get rough like Vormav did. Please understand. Now,
hand me the stone and I'll ask Vormav to return your sister.

Ramza: Where is Alma!? Bring her back!!

Elmdor: Didn't you hear me? Give me the stone first.

Ramza: No, I won't.

Elmdor: Are you abandoning her? I thought you came here to
save her, knowing there'd be danger.

Ramza: ......

Elmdor: Very well. I didn't want to get rough but... Celia,
Lede, go ahead! That girl has the stone. Get it back....!

[Elmdor goes in for Rafa, trying to get the stones. Seeing the
opportunity, Ramza throws his sword at Elmdor's unarmed back.
Elmdor tries to counter, but the sword lances his left arm's
skin deeply. Screaming in pain, a long katana falls down from
his grasp. Ramza draws out his second sword and goes for the
two girls. Ramza goes berserk, slashing and attacking with his
sword. The two girls barely manages to parry the blows.]

Elmdor: I see why Queklain and Velius were beaten...... Celia,
Lede, retreat! Listen Ramza, If you want our stone, come to
Limberry Castle! We'll be waiting...!

[The three disappears into the darkness.]

Rafa: Malak......

[Rafa sits beside Malak. Ramza watches them.]

Rafa: Brother,'s dawn. Remember how we used to chat
till dawn about things? I wanted to travel with you. We were
going to go to the Galthana's hometown after the war...
Remember? Brother.... say something....

[Rafa starts to cry.]

(Ramza's thought: Alma...)

[The stone suddenly begins to glow.]

Rafa: What's this?

[Rafa brings out the stone.]

Ramza: It's responding to... Rafa's spirit.........? It
grieves Malak's death......... Wiegraf's despair and
resentment summoned Velius... Then...

Rafa: You, too grieve his death? Thank you...

Ramza: No, Rafa...its...

[The stone glows. A red beam of light comes down from the sky
and enters Malak's body.]

Ramza: ...What?

[Malak moves.]

Malak: Ugh....ugh...

Rafa: Brother...Malak!!

[Malak looks up to see Rafa.]

Malak: Rafa....? Where am I....? What happened....?

[Rafa hugs Malak by his neck.]

Rafa: I'm so glad......

[Malak strangles for freedom.]

Malak: That hurts, Rafa... Ha, ha, ha....

- Inside of Riovanes Castle -

[There was no sign of Alma in the Castle. The only thing left
was the shining "Pisces" stone.]

"Somebody called me...
I don't know. I've never
heard that voice..."

"The voice said, 'Return to
the ones with the right mind..."

[Ramza picks up the shining stone from the ground.]

Ramza: The Zodiac

"I didn't think the God made
holy stones but...more evil...
Well... Lucavi made them to
hand in this world..."

"I guess it means whoever
uses it will have to deal
with the 'problem'..."

Ramza: Alma......

Tired of the standstill,
the Hokuten tried to capture
Bethla Garrison by mobilizing
the Knights at the front.

- Inside of Riovanes Castle -

Malak: The corpses were crushed by something real powerful.

Rafa: Was your sister one of them?

Ramza: No...she wasn't.

Malak: She was in this castle. Probably gone now... Only 3
Shrine Knights were here...No one else.

Ramza: I killed the one who turned into Lucavi. The other one,
Izlude, was dead also... That means that the third one took my
sister away...?

Malak: Maybe they went back to the main church at Murond.
They're following the High Priest's orders, right? Then the
Knight who took your sister must've gone to Murond.

Ramza: You think so? I doubt the High Priest knows the stone's
secret. Wiegraf didn't know the secret until he contracted
Velius... And I think that Izlude died fighting Lucavi.

Malak: What do you mean?

Ramza: Secretly controlling the war, to strengthen the
Church's power... I'm sure that's the High Priest's true
ambition. But collecting the stones and using the Brave Legend
to use the people...

Malak: You mean even the High Priest's being used?

Rafa: Who took your sister away?

Malak: I believe it was Vormav.

Ramza: He's probably behind it.

Malak: What're you going to do?

Ramza: I'm going to see Delita in Zeltennia.

Malak: The one who replaced Baron Grims as leader of the Black
Sheep Knights?

Ramza: Delita's being controlled by the Church and the Shrine
Knights. Does Delita know the truth about Vormav?

[To find Vormav and his real intentions, Ramza and his troop
began a trip to Zeltennia.]


|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Future of the War 2 |
| =================== |
| Suffering through the long stalemate, Larg's Army began to |
| mobilize. Over 80 percent of the Knights in the frontline |
| were Hokuten when the march on Bethla began. Bethla was a |
| strategic location for the invasion of Zeltennia. |
| Occupying this area would mean an abundant food supply. |
| This would either make or break the war effort for either |
| side. |
| |
| Monster in Riovanes Castle |
| ========================== |
| There was an incident of an attack by an "Unidentified |
| monster" at Lionel Castle. But now, it has occurred again |
| at Riovanes Castle, home of Duke Barinten. Victims of the |
| incident are said to number over 500. The image of |
| people's crushed heads are etched into the minds of those |
| who saw it. |
| |

-- Zeltennia Castle --

[Orlandu returns to Zeltennia Castle from the front.]

Olan: Welcome back, father!

Orlandu: Yes...How are you, Olan?

Olan: Fine. How was the front?

Orlandu: You know, it's really horrible. You have to keep an
eye on your own men...My reputation is shot...Ha, ha, ha.

Olan: Hah... Your reputation? What about Goltana's? Everyone
says it's because of you that the other generals are still

Orlandu: Pledging life-long loyalty. That's the Orlandu way...
Watch what you say.

Olan: I'm sorry... I'll be careful from now on.

Orlandu: Alright...what about the other matter?

Olan: The crystal-like stone was found in Goug. Another was
found by the late Cardinal at the end of the War. The Shrine
Knight's have been active, but we don't know their plans yet.

Orlandu: What about the spy we sent into Murond?

Olan: Unfortunately... We'd like some proof of the High
Priest's plot and move in to peace...

[Orlandu brings out the "Libra" stone.]

Orlandu: They'll find out sooner or later. Then there will be
real war.

-- Doguola Pass --

[On their way to Zeltennia, Ramza and his troop comes to
Doguola Pass.]

Nanten Guard: As long as we're here, you cannot pass.

[Having no choice the troop kills the Nanten Guards. Ramza and
his troop decides to rest at Bervenia Free City.]

-- Bervenia Free City --

[Ramza meet a young lady while exploring the city.]

Meliadoul: I'm Meliadoul! I came to avenge my brother!!

Ramza: Avenge your brother? What are you talking about?

Meliadoul: You're denying it!? Izlude, whom you killed at
Riovanes, was my brother!! I'm going to kill you, not for the
High Priest, but for my brother!!

Ramza: Wait! Izlude, I didn't kill him! Do you know What
happened at Riovanes? That wasn't the doing of any human!
Izlude was killed by Lucavi!

Meliadoul: Lucavi!? Lucavi appeared and killed my brother!?
Ha, ha! That's pretty wild! Can't you come up with a better
lie than that?

Ramza: You're the same as Izlude! You don't know the truth!
You don't realize you're just pathetic puppets, dancing for
the bad guys!! The stones aren't just objects of faith, but
have 'power' to work miracles! That 'power' is different for
each side, but they're using it for evil! Wake up, Meliadoul!!
Vormav's deceiving you!

Meliadoul: You expect me to believe that? Ridiculous!! Vormav
is our father!!

Ramza: !!

Meliadoul: My brother really wanted to save this rotten
kingdom! Our plans may be violent... but 'reform' requires
'pain'! If there's no 'pain', there's no true 'reform'!! A
baby like you who can't even deal with your own fate can never
change the world!

Ramza: I beg you! Please trust me! I didn't kill your brother!
I'm not the one you want to fight! Lucavi exists! Your father
is no longer human! He's a devil, possessed by Lucavi!!

Meliadoul: Cut it out, Ramza!

[Ramza sees Meliadoul advancing towards him. It made sense,
she was going to show no mercy. Ramza somehow had to make her
vulnerable. Ramza pulls out his sword and attacks. Meliadoul
manages to parry the blows. She slashes at Ramza. Ramza ducks
and sees the open space between his sword and her armor.
Thinking quickly, Ramza uses his armor break ability.
Meliadoul's armor shatters into pieces leaving her vulnerable.
She attacks madly. Ramza knocks 'Defender' (sword) out of her

Meliadoul: Ugh... You're...strong!! No wonder Wiegraf lost!
Listen! The next time we meet is the day you die! Remember

[Having no weapon and armor, she flees into the darkness.]

-- Finath River --

[After resting at Bervenia Free City, Ramza and his troop
comes at Finath River.]

Ramza: This river's deeper than I thought. Must be careful.

[The troop successfully crosses the river and makes their way
to Zeltennia.]

- Church in Zeltennia -

[Ramza prays inside the church. Delita walks inside and kneels
beside Ramza.]

Delita: A 'heretic', coming to Church...pretty bold...

Ramza: I have no time...So, I'll ask you straight out. Why did
the High Priest send you to Goltana?

Delita: You came to Zeltennia to ask me that? ...Fine, I'll
tell you. My duty is to assassinate Goltana and Orlandu...

Ramza: What...!?

Delita: Shh...lower your voice. This is the real plan... We've
trying to incite those dissatisfied with the government to
revolt, Thereby causing people to distrust the government even
more. Both armies will try to put down the revolts, but won't
have enough soldiers. Then what? They'll finish things trying
to break the deadlock.

Ramza: All these recent revolts were the High Priest's plan.
And to stop these, both armies are leading to Bethla.
Everything is as you planned...

Delita: Not quite yet. Because... During the battle Larg and
Goltana will both be killed by someone. Of course the leaders
will also be killed... Nantens' Orlandu, Hokutens' Zalbag, and
Dycedarg... Losing their leaders, both armies will stop
fighting and turn to peace...

Ramza: Then, the Church will become the 'mediator'...

Delita: And the people will support the Church entirely. They
even threw in the Zodiac Brave Legend.

Ramza: But the Zodiac Stone...

Delita: Right now, you're the church's biggest obstacle.

Ramza: Aren't you trying to get the stones also?

[Delita stands up.]

Delita: I'm not working for the Church!

Ramza: What do you mean?

Delita: It means I'll kill you if I have to. Don't worry. Our
reasons may be different, but we want the same thing. As long
as we want the same thing...we won't be enemies.

Ramza: Come with me...

Delita: Sorry, I can't. She needs me.

Ramza: She...?

Delita: Prince or Princess... It doesn't matter as long as
they are easily controlled. The High Priest's plan calls for a
puppet government.

Ramza: You're just using Ovelia for your own ambitions?

Delita: ...I don't know. But...

[Ramza stands up.]

Ramza: But what?

Delita: I would give my life for her...

Ramza: Delita...

Delita: Is that strange?

Ramza: No, I believe you.

[Suddenly a gunshot breaks the conversation between the two.]

Familiar Voice: Ramza! The Church is surrounded!! Come out

Ramza: That voice...It's Zalmo!?

[Ramza and Delita goes out the church.]

- Church outside the town -

Zalmo: You're the Black Knight, Hyral! Why are you here?

Delita: Now that you've seen me, I cannot let you live! C'mon,

Ramza: They're unknowingly part of the High Priest's plot! If
you explain it well, they'd understand...

Delita: Are you still so naive? ...Well, good luck!

Zalmo: Do you know what you're doing? He's a top criminal!
Anyone who helps him is guilty, too! You, leader of the Black
Knights, dare oppose the Trial Examiners?

Delita: I know who you are! That's why I must kill you all!

Zalmo: What!? You audacious fool!! Your actions will disrupt
the world order and oppose God's Natural Providence!! Are you
trying to rebel against God!?

Delita: Disrupt the 'order'? This 'order' you talk about is
just a matter of your own convenience!! Using God as an
'order' to control the people is absurd! You have no right to
take advantage of the innocent!!

Ramza: I don't care about God! I just want you to see the

Zalmo: 'Truth'? Are you saying this is not 'truth'? You had a
chance to clear the charges in the Cardinal murder/Zodiac
Stone robbery. But you blew it by running away! That proved
your guilt! We've already decided you're guilty and sentenced
you! It's too late to say anything!

Ramza: Then I guess I must fight!!

[Zalmo thought the two wouldn't dare to touch him. But he was
wrong. Ramza and Delita charges at Zalmo running their swords
through his unarmed body.]

Zalmo: Oh, God...please punish the wicked.

[Zalmo falls down on the ground, dead.]

Delita: What're you going to do, Ramza?

Ramza: I had 2 reasons for coming to Zeltennia. One was to see
you. The other is to see Count Orlandu.

Delita: Thundergod Cid?

Ramza: I want his cooperation to uncover the Church's plot.

Delita: How?

Ramza: I have strong 'proof' that will uncover the wrong-

Delita: The 'Germonik scriptures'!

Ramza: When I met Olan, the Count's son-in-law, He promised me
if I had proof, he would stop the High Priest's conspiracy.

Delita: Olan, huh?

[A young lady appears from the shadows.]

Delita: It's ok... She's one of us. Several people were sent
from Murond to help me. She's one of them.

Magician Woman: Help...? More like to keep an eye on you.

Delita: Hey, c'mon. She knows everything. She's the only one
we can trust in the Goltana Army.

Magician Woman: You're the youngest Beoulve, Ramza, right? My
name is Balmafula. Nice to meet you.

Delita: And...what do you want?

Balmafula: The Hokuten are moving.

Delita: Is Ft. Bethla the target?

[The woman nods.]

Balmafula: Count Orlandu left for Bethla a while ago.
Goltana's heading for Bethla... along with your Black Sheep

Delita: A little too late... The battle won't end...

Ramza: I'm not giving up. I'll persuade the Count before any
more die.

Delita: ...I guess it's good bye, Ramza.

Ramza: Stay alive, Delita.

Delita: You too...

[Delita walks over to Ramza and stretches out his hand. Ramza
and Delita shakes hands. Ramza then disappears into the

Balmafula: You're letting him go?

Delita: I know what he'll do.

Balmafula: You even use your friends.

Delita: Shut up! What do you know?

Balmafula: I hate people like you.

Delita: Hurry up and go!!

[Balmafula leaves.]

-- Bed Desert --

[Ramza and his troop heads for Bethla. Along the way, the
party comes across Bed Desert.]

Balk: ...They're all spread? Nice wind. Should be enough to
float them around in the air for most of the day.

[Ramza and his troop comes out.]

Balk: Uh-oh...Didn't think I'd see you here...

Ramza: What are the Shrine Knights doing here? You said,
"spread"... What the hell did you spread?

Balk: Wanna know...? I guess I can tell you because there's
nothing you can do now.

Ramza: Spill it! What did you spread?

Balk: This!

[The Temple Knight throws some kind of an orb at the troop.
The orb explodes spreading poison on the troop.]

Ramza: Poison!?

Balk: That's right. I spread this to the Hokuten Province. Any
soldier who inhales this will be too sick to fight!

Ramza: The High Priest doesn't want Goltana to win the war!

Balk: That's correct. If the Hokuten can't fight their best,
the Nanten will open the fortress... Totally annihilating it.
Making it a good chance to kill Goltana and Orlandu. Of
course, plans are set to kill Larg in the confusion. It'll
probably be easier to kill him in the confusion over the

Ramza: What!?

Balk: You should be happy! The war will end! From now on,
we'll be the center of authority! The people want that! No
more of you aristocrats ruling the kingdom.

Ramza: I won't let that happen! I'll end the war differently!

Balk: I knew you'd say that!

[Ramza pulls out his sword just in time to hear a gunshot.
Ramza quickly rolled left. The bullet misses Ramza by few
inches. Keeping his eyes on Balk's gun, Ramza charges at Balk.
Another bullet misses Ramza, but manages to lance his ribs
skin deeply. Balk tries to reload his gun. Ramza runs at Balk.
With one sweep from his sword, the gun flies away from Balk's
grasp. Ramza sends another blow from his sword. Balk watches
the sword cut through his flesh. Screaming, the knight falls
down on his knees.]

Balk: Dammit! I'm not going to die in a place like this.

[Can't resist the pain, Balk falls down on the ground and

Ramza: I have to hurry...

[Meanwhile... Nanten Knights tries to capture Orlandu.]

Count Orlandu: What do you mean? Suspicion of conspiracy?

Nanten Knight: ...Please. Obey the roder.

Orlandu: Nonsense. Why would I be involved in a conspiracy?

[Goltana enters the room.]

Goltana: It's too bad, Cid. Attempting rebellion...

Orlandu: You can't be serious? I'd never think of...

Goltana: I have proof. You've been secretly planning with the
Church to overthrow me.

Orlandu: Nonsense!! Who told you such a lie!?

Goltana: You still deny it? Hearing of your betrayal, the High
Priest notified me personally.

Orlandu: It's the High Priest's plot!

Goltana: The High Priest's plot? How dare you say that? Can
you prove it?

Orlandu: I've been serving you over 20 years and you don't
trust me?

Goltana: ...I cannot go to war without your Knights. I am very
disappointed, Cid... Take him away!!

[Orlandu gets taken way by the knights. Delita and Balmafula
enters the room and kneels down before Goltana.]

Delita: Yes, Your Excellency.

Goltana: Continue your contact with Murond. If we get an
official edict, overturning Larg will be easy.

Delita: The High Priest's already decided. No need to worry.

Goltana: Thanks for your trouble. I will grand you command
over the Nanten Knights. You will become a Holy Knight.

Delita: I appreciate your kindness!

Goltana: I'm counting on you, Delita. I know I can trust you.

Delita: I won't let you down.

[Ramza and his troop finally comes at Bethla Garrison.]

1. South Wall of Bethla Garrison.
2. North Wall of Bethla Garrison.

(If you chose south wall)

- South Wall of Bethla Garrison -

Nanten Knights: Who are you? Where did you come from?

Ramza: We're not Hokutens! We're here to see Count Orlandu!
Present us immediately!

Knight: Here to see Count Orlandu? So you're the ones hired to
assassinate Lord Goltana? Fool! Count Orlandu's already been
captured and imprisoned! But don't worry, you'll see him prison!!

[Ramza's troop kills the Nanten Knights.]

Ramza: We have to do something before the armies collide!

- Continues with the game -

(If you chose north wall)

- North Wall of Bethla Garrison -

Knight: I never thought Hokuten would attack from the front!
We'll get them all at once! Attack!!

[Ramza's troop kills the Nanten Knights.]

Ramza: We have to do something before the armies collide!

- Continues with the game -

[The Hokutens fell one by one from Balk's poison. It
eventually got to Dycedarg and Larg.]

Zalbag's Voice: What happened here!?

[Zalbag appears at the scene and sees the dead bodies of the
Hokuten Knights. Zalbag makes his way over to a poisoned

Zalbag: Are you ok!? Pull yourself together!!

[The female knight coughs.]

Hokuten Knight: I, I'm fine... just my head...hurts.

[The knight falls down.]

Zalbag: Hey, get a grip!

[Dycedarg comes out.]

Dycedarg: Mosfungus poison has been spread in the air...

[Dycedarg falls on his knee. Zalbag helps his brother.]

Zalbag: Brother!

Dycedarg: Don't worry, I'm alright... Where's is His

Zalbag: We don't know.

Larg's Voice: ...Here, Zalbag... Dycedarg...

[Zalbag and Dycedarg comes up and sees Larg lying on the

Zalbag: You Excellency!! Call the Chemist!!

[Dycedarg makes his way over to Larg.]

Dycedarg: ...How do you feel?

Larg: My head hurts... I feel sick... But...I'll be alright.
I'll feel better in a while.

Dycedarg: That's a problem.

Larg: What?

[Zalbag brings out a dagger and stabs Larg.]

Larg: Urrgh!! Wha...What is this!?

Zalbag: Brother!!

[Larg struggles. Dycedarg pushes the dagger deeper into Larg's

Dycedarg: Quiet, Zalbag!

Larg: You...betraying me...? You killed Balbanes... not only
to inherit the Beoulve estate... But, to

[Dycedarg pulls out the dagger from Larg's body. Larg spits
out bloods. Dycedarg stands up, breathing heavily. More blood
trickles down from Larg's mouth. Larg dies.]

Zalbag: Brother...No... Did you... 'poison'?

Dycedarg: Ugh...Ugh...... Not me. It was done by the allies
who want Beoulve to take center stage...

Zalbag: Why have they...

Dycedarg: Duke Larg died in battle, but we'll carry on his

Zalbag: But, the plot...

Dycedarg: Just put a dagger into one of their hands... He's
the assassin sent by the Nanten. Alright...?

[Dycedarg falls down.]

Zalbag: Brother!!

- In front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice -

Ramza: Oh! This floodgate! If I open it and release the water,
they want be able to fight! How do I open the floodgate?
Probably by pulling the levers on both sides! I think I see
them...but first I have to get there...

[Ramza makes his way over to one of the levers.]

Ramza: ...Ok, I'll just pull this.

[Ramza pulls the lever.]

Ramza: And pull that other lever, too...

[Ramza makes his way over to the last lever.]

Ramza: This is the last one!

[Ramza pulls the lever. The water gates opens, pouring out
water. Breaking the water gates at Bethla, Larg and Goltana's
attack were avoided. Olan, Ramza and Balmafula made their way
to save Orlandu.]

Olan: Father!!

[The three enters the cell.]

Olan: Father! You're safe!!

[Ramza and Balmafula kneels down.]

Orlandu: Yes, I'm fine. You must be Ramza. You've grown. I
recognized you.

Ramza: You know me?

Orlandu: Of course. It's no wonder you don't remember me. You
were only 3 or 4 years old when I last saw you. You were
almost hurt, trying to hold my sword. Your father scolded you
and you cried... Ha, ha, ha. Thank you for coming. Both of you
can relax now.

[Ramza and Balmafula gets up on their feet.]

Olan: There were minimal losses from both sides. Thanks to
Ramza, we were able to avoid all-out war.

Orlandu: Is that so? Balbanes sure has a fine son. Let me
thank you on behalf of everyone, Ramza.

Ramza: No need for thanks. I only did what was natural.

Orlandu: You've inherited Balbanes' soul. He should be

Balmafula: With your permission... Goltana's planning to kill
you tomorrow. Please escape.

Olan: Father, what she says is true. For now, let's...

Orlandu: I know...I can't stay here while Goltana's like that.
Olan, my son... this battle will end soon. I'll go with him. I
must stop the High Priest, no matter what...

Olan: Father, I'll go with you!!

Orlandu: No. You must return to Zeltennia and protect Ovelia.
Ovelia is the rightful heir to the throne of the kingdom. It
is your duty to protect her. Do you understand?

Olan: ...Yes.

Orlandu: Alright, Ramza?

Ramza: Of course.

Orlandu: Then, let's go before someone sees us.

[Angry from the failure, Goltana ordered Delita to come.]

Goltana: What's this!? Who opened the floodgate?

[Delita enters the room and kneels down before Goltana.]

Delita: Yes, Your Excellency?

Goltana: Gather the soldiers and attack the Hokuten!

Delita: We can't even move because of the water.

Goltana: Neither can they. And that's our edge! Now is our
chance to make them think we won't attack! We must move now...

Delita: That's not a good idea.

Goltana: What!?

[Delita drew his sword and charged at Goltana. With one
motion, the sword struck home.]

Goltana: Oh...y, you...!

Delita: Nobody's wants you to be King!!

[Delita pulls out his sword. Blood pours out from Goltana's
body as he falls down on the ground, dead.]

Delita: Come in!

[Balmafula comes in, along with Orlandu. Orlandu falls on his
knees before Delita.]

Delita: You understand, your death won't be waste.

Grevados as 'Cid': Everything's guided by the will of St.

[Delita stabs his sword through his body. He then pulls out
his word and puts the sword in his sheath. The fake Orlandu
silently fells on the ground.]

Balmafula: The real Cid and Ramza have escaped.

Delita: Good...Pray that Ramza will take care of the rest.

Having lost their leaders,
the High Priest proposed a
mediator for the armies.
But, since they were both
still strong, they refused.

I headed for Limberry
looking for Alma...

[On their way, at Zarghidas.]

-- Zarghidas Trade City --

Flower Girl: Would you like a flower? It's only 1 gil.

Ramza: What? Flowers?

Flower Girl: What's wrong? You've never seen a flower before?

Ramza: O...Of course.

Flower Girl: Won't you buy it?

Ramza: 1. Sorry, not this time.
2. Ok, I'll buy it.

Ramza: < 1. Sorry, not this time. >

Ramza: Sorry, not this time.

Flower Girl: Alright, that's ok.

[The girl leaves.]

Ramza: Oh, I feel bad now...

[Ramza walks off.]

- Continues with the game -

Ramza: < 2. Ok, I'll buy it. >

Ramza: Alright, I'll buy it.

Flower Girl: Really!? Thank you!

[Ramza buys a flower from the girl.]

Flower Girl: In a place like this... Not a lot of people buy
flowers around here. When is my knight in shining armor going
to take me away from here...? Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me for
babbling. Thank you so much for buying the flower. Bye.

Ramza: It's just the day and age.

[Ramza walks off.]

- Continues with the game -

[After staying at Zarghidas Ramza and his troop had to pass
Germinas Peak to reach Limberry.]

-- Germinas Peak --

Bandit Boss: If you wanna pass, leave your money. And get yer
hand offa that sword if you wanna live!

Bandit: Boss! This guy's wanted! Yeah...with a huge bounty!
May be it's better to kill him and get the reward, than to
take their money now.

Bandit Boss: Yeah, I saw his face on a wanted poster. We're no
bounty hunters, but what the hell... Let's kill him for the

[With that, the bandit charged at Ramza. Ramza pulled out his
sword and counter-attacked the bandit. Ramza's sword struck
home beneath the bandit's neck. After defeating the bandits,
Ramza and his troop only had to cross Poeskas Lake to reach

-- Poeskas Lake --

Poeskas Lake Ghost: Who disturbs our sleep...? ......!! You
have the Zodiac Stones...? Then, hand it over...! With that,
we can go to a higher dimension...!!

[Ramza and his troop defeats the ghosts and proceeds to
Limberry. Rofel, a Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados
Church. Under Vormav's order, Rofel goes to the Beoulve family
to form an alliance with Dycedarg. But Rofel's plea for
revenge against the Church was denied by Dycedarg.]

- Inside of Igros Castle -

Rofel: I see you have no intention of agreeing with our

Dycedarg: That's right. His Excellency's wish to unify the
kingdoms... Rather, until King Orinas is recognized as the
true king, we won't stop fighting. As long as the Beoulves
lives, we won't give up.

Rofel: Who do you think let you assassinate Duke!?

Dycedarg: What a thing to say... Larg was killed by someone
sent by the Nanten. Or... are you saying you sent the

Ramza: So you're definitely not going to cooperate?

Dycedarg: If we wanted to, we could easily beat you. Don't
forget that...

Ramza: 'Us'? Do you remember what the 'poison' was that took
out the Hokuten?

Dycedarg: I think it was extracted from Mosfungus...

Ramza: Right. Unless you take large doses, it won't kill you.
But even small amounts over a long time, can be deadly.

Dycedarg: ...

Rofel: Over time, you develop symptoms similar to a cold.
You're not fully aware of your conditions until it's too

Dycedarg: ...

Rofel: Didn't your father die from cold complications?

Dycedarg: What are you saying?

Rofel: I heard you know a lot about poison...

Dycedarg: So...what are you saying?

Rofel: If you bury a body with Mosfungus... The Mosfungus
begins to grow out of the body. Did you know that?

Dycedarg: ...

Rofel: Such trivial things... Oh yeah, I've got something for
you from the High Priest.

[The Temple Knight brings out a shining stone and puts it on
the table. The stone glows.]

Dycedarg: What's this?

Rofel: It's a holy Zodiac Stone, from Murond. He'd like you to
have this to show his trust in you...

[The stone glows again. Zalbag is seen behind the door
listening to the conversation. Meanwhile, Ramza and his troop
comes at the gate of Limberry Castle.]

- At the gate of Limberry Castle -

Ramza: Nobody here...Are these ruins really deserted? The
entrance is open...

[Ramza makes his way near the entrance.]

Ramza: Something's not right... This feels like the time I
faced Queklain and Velius...

Lady's Voice: Welcome to Limberry Castle.

[A young lady appears from the gate above.]

Celia: We've been waiting for you.

Lady's Voice: We have a warm welcome for you.

[Lede appears from the darkness.]

Lede: We'll burn you to death. So don't run away.

[Demons appears from the darkness.]

Ramza: Damn! A trap!!

[One of Ramza's wizards incinerated one of the demons with
Flare. Ramza and Orlandu killed the other demons.]

Celia: If you want your dear sister back, be brave and enter!

Lede: We'll be waiting inside. Hurry up!

[Celia and Lede disappears.]

Ramza: Alma!!

- Inside of Limberry Castle -

[Vormav and Elmdor had a meeting.]

Elmdor: Velius and Queklain are both gone... We're the only
ones alive now. Adramelk's caught in the 'loophole'...

Vormav: Don't worry about him. He'll soon be summoned to the
'other side'...

Elmdor: Did they find a suitable 'body' for him?

Vormav: Yes, the Zodiac Stone chose one. Just as 'they' chose
'us', the stones will choose the 'body'!

[Elmdor gets up from his seat and walks over to the window.]

Elmdor: Really... Now we have to bring back 'Bloody Angel',
using the 'Ultimate Power'! ...Then even without the stones or
a suitable 'body', we can come and go at will. Did they find a
good 'body' for 'Angel'? Don't tell me it's that girl...

Vormav: There's only one 'body' suitable for 'Angel'...That
girl. Now we must find the "Way to the Dead City".

[Celia appears.]

Celia: He's here.

[Lede also appears.]

Lede: I lured him into the castle. What shall I do with him?

Elmdor: I've been waiting for you, Ramza. Payback time for
what happened at Riovanes...

Vormav: Be careful, he's strong. He even beat Velius.

Elmdor: Don't worry about me. Let me handle it. Go find the
"Way to the Dead City".

Vormav: Ok. Be careful.

[Vormav disappears.]

Elmdor: Alright, I'm going!

- Inside of Limberry Castle -

[Ramza and his squad comes before Elmdor, Lede and Celia.]

Elmdor: It's payback time for all the disgrace from Riovanes

Ramza: Alma...where's my sister? Where is she!?

Elmdor: You'll have to beat me to find out!

[With that the battle began. Ramza's best monk scored a blow
on Celia's and Lede's jaw. Celia and Lede turns into an Ultima
Demon before Ramza and his troops eyes. Ramza slashed wildly
with his sword on one of the Ultima Demon. The Demon fell down
with a haunting sound. Orlandu released Statis Sword on the
other Demon, freezing it. Ramza threw a devastating uppercut
at Elmdor. The uppercut connected, Elmdor falls down on his

Elmdor:'re strong... I thought you'd be strong...
but with this 'body'. I can't seem to...

[Elmdor vanishes.]

Underground...Come down...
Your sister is there...

Ramza: You're not getting away!!

[Ramza and his troop hurried down to Limberry Castle's
underground and finds Elmdor.]

- Underground cemetery of Limberry Castle -

Ramza: Elmdor! Give up! You don't have a chance! Let Alma go!

Elmdor: Oh, you fool... She's not in this castle! The only
ones here are the spirits of the dead...

[The dead arises from their coffins.]

Elmdor: Your life shall also end, here in this graveyard!

[Elmdor, using the stone's power, turns into Zalera, the

Zalera: Let's settle this once and for all...!

[Meliadoul enters the room.]

Meliadoul: What? The Marquis -- a monster? the power
of the Zodiac Stone?

Ramza: Now you know what I said was true! Your brother Izlude
died because he found the truth and fought them!

Meliadoul: God! Does Father...Vormav know that?

Ramza: Well...

Zalera: Ha, ha, ha... So, you're Vormav's daughter? Just like
Izlude, you 'body' isn't suitable for us... But your father's

Meliadoul: Then, father was...!

Zalera: Yes, he's no longer your father. He's now a blood
member of Darkness. But no matter...For now you, and Ramza
will die here!

Meliadoul: What you said was true... I'm sorry...

Ramza: It's ok, Meliadoul. Let's avenge Izlude!

[One of Ramza's lancers leaped up. Meliadoul and Ramza's
remaining troop fought the dead bodies, while Orlandu released
Night Sword on Zalera, the terrifying red light came crashing
down, injuring him. The lancer crashed down on Zalera as well.
Right at that moment, Ramza struck his sword through Zalera's
body, followed by another sword, the sword went straight
through Zalera's chest. With two sword's embedded in his body,
Zalera fell down on the ground.]

Zalera: Hashmalum...sorry. I'm leaving the rest to you...

[With that the demon exploded leaving the stone on the ground.
Ramza picks up the stone. Meliadoul brings out a holy stone
from her pocket.]

Meliadoul: Secret's hidden in this Stone... I never dreamed!
It may be 'divine', but I thought it was just a strange rock.
I never thought collecting them would make a miracle.

[The stone glows.]

Ramza: Neither you nor Izlude were informed... Even Wiegraf
didn't know until he turned Lucavi. So even the High Priest's
plot's being used by Vormav.

Meliadoul: What're they after?

[Ramza shakes his head.]

Ramza: That, I don't know. If they want to, they could destroy
an entire brigade. Just like at Riovanes. But they don't use
that power outright. There must be a reason why.

Meliadoul: Maybe they can't use their power outright? The
Lucavi of legend, was an unbeatable, ferocious monster.

Ramza: That's right. They don't seem to be the 'immortal
evils' the legends say.

Meliadoul: Legends do tend to over exaggerate. Maybe Lucavi
was just another monster, after all.

Ramza: I hope so...

[Meliadoul hands the stone to Ramza.]

Meliadoul: I'm going to give you this Zodiac Stone. In return,
let me go along. I want to know why my father... Besides...

Ramza: Besides?

Meliadoul: I want to know why he gave away the 'Capricorn'
Stone. Why it was given to Lord Dycedarg... I need to know.

Ramza: To my brother? Why?

[Ramza headed for Igros to find some answers.]

- Inside of Zeltennia Castle -

[Ovelia stood near the window. Suddenly the sound of battle
broke the silence in the room.]

Harsh Voice: Where did he escape to?

Another Voice: You search over there! He was wounded trying to
escape! He must still be near!

[Olan, covered with blood, enters the room where Ovelia is.]

Queen Ovelia: Olan!! Are you ok!? What an awful wound. Be

Olan: Ovelia, your Highness... I must tell you...

Ovelia: Don't speak...

Olan: Please... Listen to me... My stepfather Orlandu didn't
murder Lord Goltana... Suspected of conspiracy, my stepfather
escaped Bethla with Ramza Beoulve... Now, he's fighting to
stop the High Priest's evil plot.

Ovelia: I trusted Uncle not to start any rebellious moment...

Harsh Boice: No good! The door won't open!

Another Voice: Highness! Are you safe!?

Voice: Please! Open this door!

Ovelia: Then...who? Who killed Lord Goltana?

Olan: It was...

[The two knight breaks the door and comes in.]

Nanten Knight: Your Highness... Are you alright?

Nanten Knight: Here he is!!

[Delita enters the room. The two knights falls down on their

Delita: You there, leave this room.

Nanten Knight: Huh?

Delita: I said, leave this room!

Nanten Knight: B, But...

Delita: I'll not say it again!

Nanten Knight: Y, Yes...

[The two knights leaves the room. Balmafula enters the room.
Delita walks over at Olan.]

Ovelia: Please! Don't be rough on Olan!

Delita: Such a foolish thing you did, Olan.

Olan: You...traitor.

Delita: Oh, please. You know you wanted this too. Look around.
See anyone who's really saddened? You should thank me for
'killing' your nobody will be after him.

Olan: Stop that nonsense!

Ovelia: Why, Why did you do such a thing?

Delita: I told you I'd make you into a real monarch.

Ovelia: You liar! You're just trying to use me!

Delita: You don't trust me?

Ovelia: ...

Delita: Well...Ovelia?

Ovelia: I'd like to trust you... But...

Delita: I must talk to Olan. Go to your room...

Ovelia: Please... Be gentle with him...

Delita: Ok. I promise...

[Ovelia goes down, slams her room's door and secretly
eavesdrops the conversation.]

Olan: I don't care. All I wanted was to clear my stepfather.
Do it in one deathblow...

Delita: What are you talking about? I can't have you dead.

Olan: What am I worth to you alive?

Delita: You'll work under me.

Olan: Ha, ha, ha. Don't be a fool. I refuse, even if it means

Delita: You cannot refuse. I'll bring down the Hokuten and
build Ovelia's kingdom. Of course I'll kill the High Priest.
I'm not his dog.

Olan: Are you serious? What the hell...?

Delita: I'm sure you know I'm right. What I'm planing to do is
completely justified. A former squire, now in control of
Knights, and restoring order to the world. It's easy to
understand. This's the 'hero' the people have been demanding.

Olan: For that, you're going to take advantage of everything?

Delita: Is that wrong?

[Ovelia, in disbelieve, runs in to her room. Hearing Delita's
words Balmafula steps forward.]

Delita: What's the matter? Want to kill me? I know the High
Priest sent you as an 'assassin'! And if I betray you, you'll
kill me, right?

[Delita slowly walks at Balmafula. Balmafula steps back and
draws a small dagger.]

Delita: Go on... Stab me with that dagger. What's the matter?
Go on... If you don't kill me... I'll kill you!

[The screen fades. The sound of scream is heard.]

- Graveyard -

[After listening to the secret meeting between Rofel and
Dycedarg. As Rofel said, there is a poisonous mushroom,
Mosfungus, growing in the ground. Learning this, Zalbag headed
to his father's resting place at the graveyard.]

Zalbag: This way...

Chemist: Mister, wait...

Zalbag: Father... Come here. I'd like you to see something...

[Zalbag picks up a mushroom from Balbanes's tomb.]

Zalbag: This...

[He throws the mushroom at the chemist.]

Zalbag: Do you know what that is?

Chemist: Of course! This is the Mosfungus, a Mushroom. It's
poison isn't that deadly, though.

Zalbag: No wonder...

[The chemist throws the mushroom away.]

Chemist: Mister... We'd best be going.

Zalbag: Why are you so scared?

Chemist: Don't you know? Mosfungus only grows on corpses...
And tombs with Mosfungus corpses are major bad luck. They say
Mosfungused corpses mean the end with that family's

Zalbag: Ok... You may go now.

[Zalbag throws a coin at the chemist.]

Chemist: Heh, heh...thanks, mister.

Zalbag: You must keep this a secret.

Chemist: I will.

[The chemist disappears into the darkness.]

Zalbag: Father...

- At the gate of Igros Castle -

[Ramza stood in front gate of Igros Castle.]

Ramza: ...No guards. Strange...

[Ramza sees a chocobo standing next to the gate.]

Ramza: This Chocobo is my brother Zalbag's...

[Ramza goes near the gate.]

Ramza: That's it.

[Ramza enters Igros Castle.]

- Inside of Igros Castle -

[After finding out that Dycedarg had murdered Balbanes. Zalbag
went to Igros Castle to avenge his father's death. After
seeing Dycedarg inside the castle, Zalbag knocks his brother
down on the floor and draws his sword.]

Dycedarg: Zalbag! Have you gone crazy? What's this all about!?

Zalbag: Brother...and you call yourself a Beoulve?

Dycedarg: You mean Duke Larg? He'd have died anyway! Think
about it. He couldn't even fight without relying on others for
help! It was a mistake for anybody like him to even start a

Zalbag: It's bad to kill one's lord, but my father... I'll
never forgive that. Why him? Why'd you have to kill him?

Dycedarg: What? I don't know what you're talking about!

Zalbag: The Duke's dying words... I couldn't believe them!
Why, brother!? Why did you kill father!?

[Hokuten Knight comes out.]

Hokuten Knight: Dycedarg!!

Dycedarg: Zalbag's insane!!

[More knights comes in and surrounds Zalbag. Dycedarg gets up
on his feet.]

Dycedarg: Capture him!

Zalbag: Brother!!

Ramza: Zalbag!!

Zalbag: Ramza! You were right! Our brother's started a war and
killed Larg to satisfy his own ambition! This is disgraceful
and cannot be forgiven!!

Ramza: Zalbag!!

[Zalbag sidestepped just in time to counter the attack from
one of the knights. Zalbag attacked the knight, the sword cut
through the knight's armor as if it were cotton. The first
knight fell to the ground, dead as a doornail. Ramza pulled
out his sword from his sheath and dashed at the Hokuten
Knights. Ramza hurled his sword with all his strength at his
enemies, the sword struck one of the knights.]

Dycedarg: Fools! Why won't you obey? Why do you defy me? The
powerful must rule the powerless ones! It's our duty! Even the
once mighty Royal Family has fallen and lost their power! It's
only natural for us to take their place! It's the right way to
use our power!! Why can't you understand!?

Zalbag: Don't you have any 'justice', Brother!? The Beoulve
name is only for the brave! You aren't worthy of it, Brother!

Dycedarg: 'Justice'? I'm embarrassed to think you even said
that! You think such pretty ideals can govern the people!? Why
are you able to use that sword? Why do you think the people
call you a hero? It's all because of me!! Because I dirtied my
hands you're here! You should be thanking me, not despising

[Zalbag, in rage, ran towards Dycedarg. Ramza leaped out of
the way as two swords sailed narrowly beside him. Ramza pulled
out his second sword and stabbed the two knights with his
swords. The two knights fell to the ground as Ramza pulled out
his swords. Zalbag reached Dycedarg and grabbed him by his
hair and lifted his sword. Dycedarg struggled to free himself
and pulled out a long sword that hung at his belt. Zalbag's
sword went straight through his body and out.]

Dycedarg: If only you hadn't interfered... Ivalice would've
been ours, the Beoulve's... You fools...

[Dycedarg falls down on the ground. Suddenly Dycedarg changes
into a demon. The stone shines and disappears.]

Adramelk: Heh, heh...So that's it...Now I know... Young fool.
Here's a souvenir for you on the way to Hell. I killed
Balbanes... Yes, I did it... The Beoulve's finally had their
chance to rule... But he blew it! That idiot! So I killed
him... Even a sword master can't fight poison!

[Adramelk uses his power against Zalbag. Zalbag feels a sharp
pain all over his body. Using the stone's power Adramelk
destroys Zalbag in front of Ramza.]

Adramelk: Now it's your turn... You'll regret opposing me!

[Ramza dashed at the demon but realized he wouldn't make it in
time. Adramelk sent off a few bolts. One of the bolts just
missed his ribs, but had managed to lance the skin. Ramza
threw his other sword at Adramelk. Adramelk easily counters.
Ramza lifted his sword and attacked. The sword stabbed through
Adramelk's body.]

Adramelk: Shit! It's still not right. If only 'Bloody Ange;'
were here this wouldn't have happened...

[With that the demon disappeared with the lightning. The holy
stone fell on the ground.]

Ramza: This is the end of the Beoulve's... Names don't
matter... What's important is how you live your life. Alma...
I must save Alma!

- Inside of St. Murond Temple -

[Losing many allies and having many stones stolen, Vormav
commenced an attack on the High Priest. After killing the High
Priest's bodyguard, Vormav puts his sword straight through the
High Priest's body.]

Funeral: You'

[Vormav pulls out his sword from Funeral's body.]

Vormav: If you'd confessed all, I'd have kept you alive. I
didn't mean to take such drastic measures, but I don't have
much time left.

Funeral: Wha, What do you mean?

Vormav: I was going along with you to get the Zodiac Stone...
But now that the kid took most of them, it was all for

[The High Priest stretches out his hand to beg mercy.]

Funeral: S...Spare me...

Vormav: That wound is deep, but not fatal. If you treat it
soon, you'll be ok. Now, if you value your life, tell me where
the entrance to Murond is!!

Funeral: Orbonne...A sealed Magic Square at the bottom of the
underground library.

Vormav: How do I break the seal?

Funeral: I don't might be written in the scriptures.

[Vormav slaps Funeral's hand.]

Vormav: That kid again!

[Vormav eye signals Rofel, who's standing behind Funeral,
holding a katana.]

Vormav: I'm through with you.

[Vormav leaves the room along with Kletian. Funeral stretches
his hand out again.]

Funeral: Please...spare me.

[Rofel lifts the katana and stabs it on Funeral's back.
Meanwhile, Ramza and his troop stood before St. Murond

- St. Murond Temple -

Shrine Knight Magician: Stop! Only the Priest is allowed in
here! What business do you have at Murond Temple? Identify

Ramza: My name is Ramza, Ramza Beoulve! I'm here for my
sister, Alma Beoulve, who was kidnapped by Vormav!

Magician: Heresy Ramza!! What a fool to come so openly! I will
execute your sentence here and now!!

[After fighting for some time, the sound of scream escaped
from the mouth of the Magician as Ramza pulls out his sword
from his body. Ramza glanced his surroundings for more
enemies, but there were none. The other shrine knights were
already injured or killed by Ramza's troop. ]

Ramza: Alma...I'm coming! Just hold on...!!

- Hall of St. Murond Temple -

[Ramza and his party sttod before the three shrine knights;
Vormav, Rofel and Kletian.]

Vormav: So, you're Ramza... Nice meeting you... I'd ask you to
dinner, but I'm too busy... Forgive me. I don't have too much
time. So, let me get down to business. If you want your
sister, give me the Germonik scriptures and all the Zodiac
Stones. If you don't do what I say, your lovely sister is
dead. Now, hand them over!!

Ramza: Where's Alma? Unless you show me her now, I'll not hand
over the scriptures or the stones!

Vormav: Didn't you hear me? You have no choice. I'll say it
again. Hand them over!

[Ramza steps forward and brings out the Germonik scriptures.]

Ramza: Only the scriptures! I'll give you the stone only after
I see Alma!

[Ramza puts the book down on the ground and slowly walks away.
Rofel steps up and picks up the book. He then flips the

Vormav: Well?

Rofel: ....It's here. It's a simple curse.

Vormav: Good, now that we know, they're finished. I could let
him go, but I'll get revenge for Velius and the others.

Ramza: You deceived me!!

[Ramza pulled his sword out of his sheath just in time to
parry the blow from Vormav. Ramza danced around with Vormav
waiting for him to make the move.]

Ramza: Why do you let Alma live?

Vormav: What?

Ramza: You even killed your own son. Why do you keep Alma

Vormav: That's none of your affair. If you want to know, kill

Meliadoul: Father... Are you really my father?

Vormav: Of course, dear daughter. Why are you over 'there'?
When did you become the enemy?

Meliadoul: That's because you're not the father who used to

Vormav: What do you mean?

Meliadoul: At Limberry, Marquis Elmdor used the Zodiac Stones
to turn into a monster. Father, wasn't it you who killed the
people at Riovanes Castle and also Izlude?

Vormav: You're saying we're monsters?

Meliadoul: !! You're not my father...

[Vormav's sword moved, Ramza dodged the blow and counter
attacked, cutting through his armor.]

Vormav: I won't be beaten here. I must escape!

[Vormav and co. escapes.]

Ramza: Running away? Coward!

[Ramza and his party goes after Vormav and catches up with

- Chapel of St. Murond Temple -

Vormav: No more time to waste... I want to end this now, but
you probably won't go quietly... I'm afraid your life must end
here. My servants will be your opponents. A coffin...just the
thing for you. Rest in peace.

[Vormav using the stone's power, summons demons.]

Vormav: This man will be your opponent...

[Zalbag appears.]

Ramza: Zalbag!!

Vormav: He maybe your brother, but he's joined our family.
Think you can fight with him? Ha, ha...

[Vormav disappears into the darkness laughing.]

Ramza: Dirty --!!

Vormav's Voice: Zalbag, kill the boy before you! Don't let him
leave this temple alive!!

Ramza: Brother! Zalbag!! It's me!!

Zalbag: Is that you, Ramza...? I doing? Can't feel a

Ramza: You're being controlled by Lucavi!!

Zalbag: I' Why...? Go Ramza, Run! Or
else...I might...kill you.

Ramza: Brother!!

[Ramza leaps out of the way as Zalbag's sword misses him.]

Zalbag: Please...Ramza. I'm in feeling
in my hands and feet, yet it hurts...all over... The scariest
part is... I'm slowly losing my memory.

Ramza: You'll be ok, Zalbag!! I'm sure there's a way! So,
don't give up!! Please, don't give up!

Zalbag: No, hurry up and... kill me...I'm in pain... I hear
voices...talking...crying...calling...taunting. Do
something...Help me...Hurry and...kill me.

Ramza: Damn that Vormav!!

[Crying, Ramza charged at Zalbag, sword out. The sword goes
straight through Zalbag's body as if it were cotton. Ramza
falls on his knees.]

Zalbag: I'm so sorry, Ramza... to make you...suffer.
Save...Alma... You're the only one... who can... I...have to
go now...Goodbye...Ramza... Thank you......

[Zalbag falls down on the ground and vanishes.]

Ramza: Zalbaaaaaag!!

- Inside of St. Murond Temple -

[Ramza goes further inside the temple. Meanwhile, the old man
lay on the ground, a katana still quivering in his back. His
bodyguards were on the ground dead as a stone.]

(Funeral's thoughts: ...somebody...)

[Ramza enters the room.]

Ramza: How awful.

Funeral: Help...hel...p...

Ramza: Hold on...hold on!

Funeral: Sh...shr...shrine...

Ramza: You know where they went? Where? Where did they go?


[Breathing his last breath, the High Priest Funeral died.]

Ramza: Orbonne Monastery...

[Ramza and his party heads to Orbonne to stop Vormav.]

-- Orbonne Monastery --

- Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor -

Rofel: Stay and stand guard!! I'll go after Vormav!!

Shrine Knight: Yes, sir!

[Rofel goes down after Vormav. Ramza and his troop arrives.]

Ramza: What's in this underground library?

[Ramza's troop kills the guards protecting the entrance to the
fifth floor. A conversation is heard from the entrance.]

Rofel: Leave this to me...

Vormav: I'm counting on you, Rofel.

Rofel: ...Fel...Cao...De...Nda...! I
am...the one...with...the Time gate...!

Ramza: I won't let you go!!

[Ramza hearing the conversation, heads down to stop them.]

- Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor -

Rofel: I've been waiting for you, Ramza. That's far enough!
Rest eternally beneath this monastery!

Ramza: This feeling...same as when I fought Celia and Lede!!
You are not human.

Rofel: No, I am not...I've risen above humans... I have
obtained eternal life with the help of Vormav's power... Hee,
hee, hee... You can't understand the joy.

Ramza: What are you trying to do? What do you want?

Rofel: Do you really want to know, Ramza? If you do, then
you'll have to beat me. That is, if you can...

[Grabbing his sword hard, Ramza rushes forward. Rofel uses his
mighty sword ability and knocks Ramza away. Recovering from
the blow, Ramza stands up. Orlandu throws a blow on Rofel and
manages to wound Rofel's left arm. Ramza seeing the
opportunity throws a small dagger at Rofel. The dagger strikes
home in Rofel's body.]

Rofel: I can't die here. I haven't finished my duty...
Ramza...... I invite you to Hell.........Fareth Kaos De
Vanda!! Zoeda Remdo Feolio... I am the one together with the
Time God Zomala who can open this gate! Dejeon!!

[The floor starts to shake. Beams of light flashes around the
room and explodes, covering the room with mist. The mist soon
disappears along with everybody. Ramza appears in a room along
with Rofel.]

Ramza: What is this?

Rofel: Murond, Death City. Now that you're
here... you can never return... All we have to do now is to
destroy that entrance...

[Rofel raises his hand and mumbles something. A ball of energy
forms in Rofel's hand. The ball of energy disappears and the
entrance collapses into pieces.]

Rofel: Go on... Your sister is waiting...

[Rofel dies.]

Ramza: Alma...

[Ramza leaves the room and ventures outside and meets up with
his party. Ramza and his party comes across Kletian and his

-- Murond Death City --

Kletian: So Rofel's been defeated? Then, unless I defeat you
here, I can't face Rofel... Come on!!

[Ramza's troop goes head on with Kletian's troop.]

Ramza: Where's Vormav!? Where did he go!?

Kletian: Where? What an odd thing to say... We came to Death
City to revive our master. He slumbers in this world
incomplete parts. Vormav is heading for the master's resting
place... where St. Ajora died!

Ramza: Where is that!? Where!?

Kletian: You'll have to defeat me to find out!?

[The battle began. Ramza fired an arrow. The stray arrow got
Kletian while the battle ensued. Kletian falls down on the
ground, wounded. Ramza and his troop finishes off Kletian's

Kletian: Ugh...F...Forgive me...Rofel......

[Kletian dies. A loud thunderclap booms in the distance.]

Ramza: Over there!?

-- Lost Sacred Precincts --

[Ramza faces Balk, the Temple Knight who died in a battle at
Bed Deserts with Ramza.]

Balk: Nice to see you, kid. I was beaten before, but not this
time. I'll make Death City your grave!!

Ramza: You turned into one of Lucavi's too... You'd sink that
low just to live? What a pity!!

Balk: It's pretty nice, kid. I'm finally a real human being!

Ramza: I wouldn't call selling your soul to the devil human!

Balk: I'm above 'death'. At the top of the human race. Now I
don't have to endure unjust treatment by you aristocrats!!
I've won true 'freedom'! I'm a true 'human being'! I will be
treated 'equally' now!!

Ramza: A real 'human being'? Don't make me laugh!! How
valuable is a 'freedom' you didn't earn yourself? The moment
'pride' is lost, 'freedom' is also lost...!! You lost your
freedom when you lost your pride and confidence....!!
'Equality's not something you're given! It's something you
fight for!! Any 'freedom' gotten from Lucavi isn't true

[The two men goes head on. Ramza throws a jawbreaker punch at
Balk and scores. Balk regains consciousness from the punch and
fires a bullet from his gun. The bullet misses Ramza by few
inches. Ramza pulls out his sword and attacks. The attack
knocks Balk's gun far away. Without any weapon, Balk backs and
trips over. Ramza stabs his sword on the fallen opponent.]

Balk: I'm...dying? I thought I'd risen over 'death'...

[Ramza pulls out his sword. Balk dies.]

Ramza: The Stone is sympathizing. That way...

-- Graveyard of Airships --

[Vormav is seen kneeling before the unconscious Alma.]

Vormav: ...Why? Why doesn't Virgo work?

[Vormav stands up.]

Vormav: The Holy Angel's spirit is around in here... Why...?
Maybe it's Ajora reincarnated...? ...No, that can't be.
Certainly, Virgo did react.

[Vormav looks up.]

Vormav: ...You're here.

[Ramza and his troop stands before Vormav.]

Ramza: That's far enough, Vormav! Virgo's not working! So give
up and hand over Alma!!

Vormav: No, it will work... It just needs more... You didn't
hear? It just needs more blood... Lots of blood is needed for
the Angel's resurrection. Much bloodshed since Ajora's death,
but I guess it wasn't enough... I guess I'll have to go on
another rampage...!! Heh, heh, heh.... Don't worry... I'll
'sacrifice' you first.

[Vormav using the stones power, changes into Hashmalum.]

Hashmalum: Master, 'Bloody Angel'... Let me offer you 'blood'
darker than wine and hotter than burning lava!

[Ramza's troop attacks Hashmalum while Ramza rushes towards
his sister.]

Ramza: Alma! Hold on! Please! Open your eyes!! Alma!!

Hashmalum: It's no use... You cannot wake her...

Ramza: What have you done to Alma!?

Hashmalum: Her existence impedes our goal... When she wakes,
she will remember her mission... Her important mission to call
our allies...

[Orlandu manages to stab Excalibur on Hashmalum. One of
Ramza's archers fires a bolt at Hashmalum. The bolt sails
through the air and into Hashmalum's body. Hashmalum kills the
archer with his magic. Ramza rushes forward and stabs his
sword on Hashmalum. Hashmalum knocks Ramza away and pulls out
Ramza's sword from his body. He then throws the sword away.
Ramza stands up and picks up his sword.]

Hashmalum: Master... you are not awake yet?

[The stone responds and Alma wakes up.]

Alma: Ugh...Wh...Where am I...?

Ramza: Alma!!

Alma: Brother...Ramza?

Hashmalum: I won't let you interfere. Bloody Angel!! I own life...for your resurrection...!!

[Seeing that he can't win. Hashmalum tears his body open and
sacrifices himself for the Angel's resurrection. The stone
falls from Hashmalum's body and flashes. The stone on Alma's
body responds. A light of beam shines down from the sky onto
Alma, resurrecting St. Ajora.]

St. Ajora: I have my body back...

Ramza: Alma!!

[The Holy Stone shines.]

St. Ajora: Ugh...what...What is this?

[The stone flashes again.]

St. Ajora: Ugh...Ugh... He...Help...Brother...

[Ramza rushes towards Ajora.]

Ramza: Alma!!

St. Ajora: Brother Ramza... Stop...Don't interfere...
Do...not...inter...fere... Do...not...inter...!!!

[Another light of beam shines down on Ajora and splits Alma
from Ajora.]

Ramza: Alma!! Are you ok!?

Alma: ...Brother... I'm...alright... We have

St. Ajora: Are you...trying to...stop my...resurrection... I
won't...let you...come servants.

[Ajora summons his servants.]

St. Ajora: I will not let anyone prevent my resurrection...!

[A flash of lights surrounds Ajora's body and a ball of energy
forms around Ajora. The ball of energy explodes, turning Ajora
into Altima.]

Altima: Prepare yourselves...powerless ones!

[Ramza's troop ensues a battle with Ajora's servants. Ajora's
servants kills one of Ramza's monk. Orlandu rushes forward and
sticks a sword through the demon. While that was happening,
Altima went forward to kill Alma. Seeing this, Ramza runs at
Altima with his sword tightly gripped. He sends a blow and
strikes Altima's back. A pool of blood drips down from
Altima's back. The injured Ajora looks back at Ramza just in
time to see Ramza's sword go straight through his body. Altima
looks at Ramza in disbelieve.]

Altima: No... This can't be... You're the descendant of the
one who killed me before. No...I won't be beaten... I will not
be beaten...

[Altima disappears along with his dead servants. Suddenly a
huge hurl of light appears on top of Ramza's troop. The light
fades away revealing the huge skeleton Altima.]

Altima: I will...kill you!!

Ramza and his troop closes their eyes and prepares to face
their destiny. For the world now lies in their hands. The
battle was long and hard. But the right-hearted heroes saves
the world and destroys evil.

Altima: More...power.........

[Lights and energy surrounds the area. The ship explodes along
with Altima, Ramza and his troop.]

- Graveyard -

[People have arrived here to pay their respects to Alma

Priest: With the Father's blessing, you shall return to Earth.
Guide Alma Beoulve's soul to Heaven with St, Ajora's divine
protection... Farlem...

Everybody: ...Farlem.

[The people starts to leave.]

Mourner (Old man): What a pity. She was so young.

Mourner (Old woman): All the siblings gone...

Mourner (Middle-aged man): The youngest, Ramza won't even be
buried. Sad...

Mourner (Middle-aged woman): Beoulve's 300 year history is
over now...

[All the people leaves. Olan and Balmafula comes.]

Olan: I'm sorry I'm late... Alma, Ramza. I wanted to come
earlier, but it was too dangerous... Too risky...

[Balmafula puts a bundle of flowers on top of Alma's grave.]

Olan: Delita married Ovelia. A commoner brings peace to a
chaotic kingdom, marries the Princess, becoming King. A legend
that will be passed down for centuries. Delita may be a good
person as you said... He made it look like he killed her then
let her go, when her identity was clear. I guess he identified
with her, having been used by Vormav...

[Balmafula points to an area. Olan nods and she leaves.]

Olan: Did my father die fighting heroically?

[Olan shakes his head.]

Olan: ......I'll come back again. Bye...

[Olan walks away and stops. He then looks back.]

Olan: Are you really dead? I still can't believe you're really
dead... I know...

[Ramza and Alma appears riding chocobos.]


[The two leaves the area. Olan runs after them.]

Olan: Wait! Ramza! Alma!

[The two disappears into the shadows. Balmafula comes.]

Olan: ...He's alive! Alive!!

[Olan and Balmafula stares at the direction they went.]

Olan: ...Thank you. Ramza.


[Ending Full Motion Video: Ramza and Alma, riding in chocobos,
walks through the forest and comes across a ruin. The two
chocobos drinks water from the nearby river. Dawn arrives and
the two heads into the direction of the sun. The sun fades.]

Since then,
no one has caught sight of the two.

Olan Durai reminisces in such a manner...

Where does one find good fortune?
What possesses them to live for the present?
What treasures will they leave behind?

The only thing certain is that
he is the true hero, indeed.

Years later,
Olan Durai collected his experiences over
a period of 5 years into a single syllabus.

This Collection known as the "Durai papers"
were to be presented at Prince Clemence's
meeting during which the new possessor of
the throne was to be selected,

but the church which feared public
disclosure of the truth decided to
arrest Durai and burn him at the stake
for the crime of heresy.

The retrieved Durai papers were then
confiscated by the church for several
hundred years.

But I have uncovered the truth...
Let me now revive his honor.
Let his way of life be absorbed by
the next generation.

Author of the Brave Story,
Alazlam Durai

And the author of this FAQ,
Tsogtsaihan Baatar


-+- Staff -+-

Executive Producer
Tetsuo Mizuno
Tomoyuki Takechi

Produced by
Hironobu Sakaguchi

Michio Okamiya

Written and Directed by
Yasumi Matsuno

Game Design by
Hiroyuki Ito

Art Direction
Hiroshi Minagawa

Character Design by
Akihiko Yoshida

Main Program
Taku Murata

Music & Original Score by
Masaharu "Rezon" Iwata
Hitoshi "YmoH.S" Sakimoto


Main Planner
Hiroyuki Ito

Additional Planner
Takayuki Suguro

Kazuhisa Marakami
Taku Murata
Yoshinori Tsuchida


Tsukasa Fujita
Daisuke Fukugawa
Kiminori Ono

Artistic Supervisor
Hideo Minaba

Creators (Artists)
Yuko Abiru
Yuki Azuma
Akane Haruki
Nobuyuki Ikeda
Akiyoshi Masuda
Koji Matsushita
Yuka Migamoto
Toshiyuki Mogi
Tsutomu Mouri
Rena Sasaki
Yukiko Sasaki
Sachiko Tanabe
Takaharu Tanaka
Misako Tsutsui
Takahiro Yamashita

Assistant Creators
Shin Ienaka
Hiroshi Kitakami

Kazuo Suzuki


Artistic Supervisor
Fumiyasu Sasaki

Character Animators
Micko Hoshino
Konomi Ishizuka
Kiyofumi Kato
Toshiaki Matsumoto
Eiichiro Nakatsu
Tsuyoshi Namiki
Makoto Sawano
Yuichi Shioton

Taku Murata
Yoshinori Tsuchida


Artistic Supervisor
Tiro Mifune

Designers (Artists)
Yoshimasa Furukawa
Noriko Ikeda
Taizo Inukai
Yuko Hatae

Satoshi Ogata


Directed by
Hiroshi Minagawa

Jun Akiyama
Hiroyoshi Okazaki
Nobuyuki Inoue
Kazutoyo Maehiro

Tetsuji Iwasaki

World Map Program
Hiroshi Ono

Shop & Organization Program
Masaaki Kubo

Item Illustrator
Masaki Takahashi

Assistant Portrait Painter
Chiaki Nakanishi

Sound Programmer
Hidenori Suzuki

Sound Engineer
Motoko Watanabe

Sound Effects
Jun Nakamura
Kazumi Mitome
Shojiro Nakaoka

Recorded & Mixed Engineer
Kenji Nagashima

Synthesizer Operator
Toshikatsu Kashiwabara
(Smile Sound)


Directed by
Toshiyuki Momose

Production Coordinator
Keiko M. Randolph

AnimaTek International

AnimaTek International Staff

Main Manager
Vadim Grigoriev

Art manager
Violetta Kolesnikova

Vadim Arefiev
Artem Kolomeitsev

Landscapes Artists
Anna Butina
Inna Cherreykina
Tatiana Kovtigika

Skeleton Animator & Camera work
Sofia Asonova

Vadim Sotskov

Character Modeling
Denis Trofimav
Vadim Sotskov
Sergey Fomichev
Irina Poleschuk
Victoria Kudriavtseva

Architecture & 3D Object Creation
Svetlana Titova
Eleonora Slepko
Olga Novikova

Scene Composing & Effect Creation
Viatcheslav Likhatchev
Alexander Karetnikov
Stanislav Panor
Egor Poleroy
Ilya Izergin


Chief Coordinator
Yoshia Shibano

Assistant Coordinator
Kenichi Miyake


Aiko Ito
Jade Shiho Takahashi
Yoshinori Uenishi


Production Management
Masahiro Nakajima
Randy Fujimoto

Product Localization Director
Micheal Baskett

Assistant Translators
Naomi Cooper
Daisuke Kato

QA Manager
Jonathan Williams

Lead QA Technician
Clayton Chan

QA Technician
Sean Camanyag
Andy Hsu
Kyoko C. Makino
Yoshinobu "Nobby" Matsuo
Vang "Az" Moua
Stanford Ng
Takahiro So


Assistant Producer
Jeffrey Ng

Associate Producer
Seth Luisi

Senior Producer
Perry Rodgers

Lead Tester
Conner Morlang

Licensing Manager
Etsuko Kobata

Marketing Management
Craig Rechenmacher
David Bamberger

Special Thanks

S. Akiyama S. Aira Y. Ikeda
A. Kaneko Y. Maekawa R. Maruya
K. Yamaguchi T. Yamauchi S. Yamashita

Copyrights 1997/1998 SQUARE Co.,Ltd.
All Rights Reserved

-- Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's church --

[Delita arrives at the ruins with his chocobo to meet Ovelia.]

King Delita: Here you are...Everyone's been looking for you.

[Delita hops down from his chocobo and walks over to Ovelia.
He brings out some flowers from his back.]

King Delita: Today's your birthday, right? These flowers...

[Ovelia turns around and dashes towards at Delita. She stabs
him with a small dagger. The flowers falls down from Delita's

King Delita: O....Ovelia...?

Queen Ovelia: You use everybody like that! Now, you'll kill me
just like Ramza...!

[Delita pulls out the dagger from Ovelia's hand and stabs her
with it. Ovela falls down on the ground and dies. Delita,
holding his wound, backs away and drops the dagger. He then
falls on his knees.]

King Delita: Ramza.... What did you get? I.........

[The screen fades.]

^--- THE END ---^

Side Quest Script

Mustadio's House

[Besrodio, Mustadio's father, finds a big ball of steel.
Mustadio and Ramza examines the treasure.]

Mustadio: This is what you found in the drift?

Besrodio: Yes, when I started digging last week at drift No.
57. I tried to take it apart, but I didn't know what to prod

Mustadio: What is this steel ball?

[Ramza steps forward to take a closer look. The steel ball
reacts to Ramza's holy stones.]

Mustadio: W, what is this?

Ramza: Did it respond to the stone?

Besrodio: What's this '?' mark?

[Having no clue, Ramza, Mustadio and their troop leaves Goug.
Ramza and troop comes to Goland. Ramza walks inside the bar
and hears a rumor.]

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Ghost of Colliery |
| ================= |
| There are numerous coal mines in Goland, but a monster |
| seems to have recently settled in one of them. A plan to |
| gather Knights to suppress the monster was being made by |
| the adminstration, but due to the war no progress has been |
| made. The adminstration put up a reward for anyone, from |
| commoner to hunter, who slays the monster. All hope for a |
| quick solution. |
| |

[After hearing this rumor, Ramza and troop heads north and
comes to Lesalia. Ramza walks inside the bar and walks over to
the counter.]

Lesalia's Bar

Bar Master: Welcome. Something to drink?

Ramza: Ok...milk please.

Bar Master: Ha, I like you. Never seen anyone order that at a
bar. You must've seen a lot of bloodshed. But you don't drink,

[Ramza hears a conversation between some people.]

Bar Patron #1: So it was true. There are monsters in Goland.

Bar Patron #2: Yeah, the coal mine shut down. We're in a fix.

Bar Patron #1: And we can't count on Knights either in this
day and age.

Bar Patron #2: All of Goland's recruiting hunters, I hear.

Bar Master: Aren't you a hunter? You'd make good money.

Ramza: I don't care about the money. I can't leave people in

Bar Master: Wow, very impressive! If only Sir Balbanes were

Bar Patron #2: But there's one that even a master hunter can't

Bar Patron #1: Now, that's a big problem. What kind of a
monster is it?

Bar Patron #2: It's called the Holly Dragon. Really unusual...

Bar Master: Are you going?

Ramza: Yeah. I'll just go and see.

Bar Master: Good luck.

[Ramza tries to leave the bar. A mysterious man stands up from
his seat.]

Knight: If you're going to the coal mines, would you hire me?

Ramza: Who are you?

Knight: My name is Beowulf, I'm a hunter. I've been searching
for this Holy Dragon. What do you think?

Ramza: 1. No thank you.
2. Let's go together.

Ramza: < 1. No thank you. >

Ramza: I'm sorry, but no thanks.

Beowulf: ...That's too bad. See ya.

- Nothing happens so go with Number 2 -

Ramza: < 2. Let's go together. >

Ramza: Ok, let's go together.

Beowulf: You can pay me later. Let's go

[The two sets off to Goland and heads inside the mine. Upon
further inside the mine, the two finds the Holy Dragon
surrounded by monsters.]

Goland Colliery underground First floor

Schinoeg: You don't have to have that Stone... If you value
your life, hand it over now!!

Beowulf: Reis! I looked all over for you! Hold on, I'll save

[The knight runs over at the monsters and sends one of them to
their doom. Along with Ramza's help, the knight manages to
save the Holy Dragon.]

Beowulf: Thank you, Ramza. Thanks to you, I was able to save

Ramza: You were looking for this dragon?

Beowulf: Yes, she's more important to me than life itself. I
truly thank you.

[Beowulf brings out a holy stone from his pocket and gives it
to Ramza.]

Beowulf: Weren't you looking for this?

Ramza: Why do you...?

Beowulf: I owe "them" one. Just like you.

Ramza: Who are you?

Beowulf: Not your enemy. Trust me.

Ramza: The more the merrier. I'll trust you. Now, let's get
out of here.

Mustadio's House

[Ramza and Mustadio tries to insert the 'Aquarius' stone
inside the big steel ball.]

Mustadio: Will it really work with the stone?

Besrodio: You saw it too, right? I'm sure it does.

[Ramza inserts the stone.]

Mustadio: Hey, look! It moved!

[The steel ball transforms into a big giant robot. The giant
robot tries to move but fails.]

Mustadio: ....No? No go?

[The giant's red eyes glows.]

Steel Giant: System set up completed! Everything is normal!
Master, what is your order?

Mustadio: Wow! It spoke!!

Steel Giant: Master, your order, please!

Mustadio: Ramza, give him an order.

Ramza: What!? An order? No, I'm scared!!

Mustadio: Don't be silly. You're his master!

Steel Giant: Repeat, order, please!

Ramza: Well...well then... Dance!!

Mustadio: Do better than that!

Ramza: A, all right...

[The robot starts to dance.]

Mustadio: He's...dancing...... I wonder if he's strong?

Steel Giant:!

Ramza: Well...well then... Beat Mustadio up!!

Mustadio: Do better than that!

[The robot looks at Mustadio. Mustadio freaks out. The robot
sends a huge wave of energy at Mustadio. Mustadio goes down

Ramza: Help! Phoenix down! Where's the Phoenix down?


[Besrodio, the father of Mustadio, found another 'Past

Mustadio: Father, what's this big one?

Besrodio: I built it from stuff found at drift No. 83, but

Ramza: It looks like a heavenly globe.

Besrodio: Now that you mention it... I guess it does, hmm...

[The machine reacts to Ramza's holy stones.]

Mustadio: W, what was that?

Ramza: It responded to the stone again?

Besrodio: What's this '?' mark for? Holy Stone... ...indeed.

Ramza: You want us to search for it right? Oh well...

[The party sets out and searches for this particular holy
stone. The party tumbles at Zeltennia and hears a rumor.]

|-- =-=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=- NEWS -=-= =-= =-=-= =-= =-=-= --|
| |
| Cursed Island, Nelveska |
| ======================= |
| Nelveska Island, an island that lies 8000 doma north of |
| Zeltennia. In the center of the island are many temple |
| graves. It was a critical area used by guerillas resisting |
| the enemy. Known as a paradise for its lush greenery, the |
| fishermen call it a 'Cursed Island.' and "A fearsome iron |
| sentinel will kill all those who approach." |
| |

[Upon hearing this rumor, the party heads off to Nelveska.]

Nelveska Temple

[A big sentinel comes out from the temple.]

Worker Warning! Warning! Warning! Civilians are
prohibited here! you have 30 seconds to leave this area! 30...
29... 28... 27... 26... 25... 24... 23... 22...System error!
3... 2... 1... Genocide Mode! Researchers, evacuate to the
shelter immediately!!

[The party fights the robot.]

Worker Cannot charge energy! System down! Connecting to
Reserve Circuit!

[The party defeats the robot.]

Worker Self Destruct Mode! Begin countdown! 30... 29...
28... 27... 26... 25...System Error.

[The robot explodes. A holy stone falls down from the busted
robot. The party recovers the holy stone. Beowulf and Ramza
has conversation.]

Ramza: No way... This dragon?

Beowulf: The evidence is clear. If I use 'Cancer', the Zodiac
Stone I won this last battle, I can surely...

[The holy dragon appears.]

Beowulf: C'mon, don't be afraid. Try it.

[The holy dragon enters the temple. The ground starts to
shake. Mist surrounds the area. A beautiful woman comes out
from the temple.]

Beowulf: Reis...Is that you?

[Beowulf and Reis hugs.]

Reis: Beowulf, I missed you.

Beowulf: love.

[The party heads back to Mustadio's house.]

Mustadio's House

[Ramza prepares to insert the holy stone, they received from
the robot, inside the weird machine Besrodio found.]

Mustadio: It can't 'morph', can it?

Ramza: I guess you'll find out.

[Ramza inserts the holy stone inside the machine.]

Mustadio: Here he comes!

[Light shines on the machine from above. From the mist a man

Summoned young man: What happened? Last thing I remember was
getting caught in the current.

Besrodio: Hum, I've read about this before. It could be some
forwarding device.

Mustadio: Forwarding device?

Besrodio: You know, to travel to other worlds, different

Ramza: So, he came from other space?

Besrodio: Maybe. Look at his clothes, Quite unusual.

Summoned young man:'s Cloud. yes...Cloud.

Ramza: I'm Ramza. They're my friends....

Cloud: I don't care about names. What I need is a battlefield.
Yeah...that's it...I'm a member of SOLDIER.

Mustadio: What a jerk!

[A strange sound starts to ring in Cloud's head.]

Cloud: What's this? My fingers are tingling... My
eyes...they're burning... Stop...stop it.... phiros...

Mustadio: He's strange.

Cloud: I must go...must go to that place...

[Cloud runs out.]

Mustadio: Who was he?

[The party runs after Cloud.]

Zarghidas Trade City

[Clout walks through the streets of Zarghidas. A girl comes

Flower Girl: Buy a flower? Only 1 gil.

Cloud: ......

Flower Girl: Something wrong? Do I resemble someone?

Cloud:'s nothing.

[Cloud walks away.]

Flower Girl: What's wrong with him?

[Few men appears from the shadows and surrounds the girl.]

Flower Girl: W, what...?

Town Knave: I've been looking for you, Aeris... Selling
flowers for your mom? Good for you...

Flower Girl: Then more days.... No, just wait a week, please.

[The town knave grabs the girl by her neck.]

Knave: Don't mess with me! It's overdue! I'm gonna get my
30000 gil, one way or another!

Flower Girl: Let...go of me!

[The town knave examines the girl.]

Knave: Hmm, pretty good looking! Oughta try sellin' your body
instead of flowers. Hee, hee.

[The knaves starts to laugh.]

Cloud: Get your hand off her!

[Cloud appears.]

Knave: What did you say!?

Cloud: Didn't you hear me? Get your dirty hand off her!

[The town knave takes his hand from the girl's neck and grabs
Cloud's shirt.]

Knave: Who the hell are you? Dressed in funny clothes!

[Cloud knocks the knave. The knave falls down on the ground.
Clout turns around at the girl.]


[The girl runs away. The knave stands up.]

Knave: Bastard, taking me for a fool!

Cloud: You want to fight?

[The screeching sound rings again in his head. Cloud falls
down on his knees and grabs his head.]

Cloud: ...U, uggh...

Knave: Who the hell are you?

[Ramza arrives at the scene.]

Ramza: Cloud! Are you OK?

Knave: Damn! Eaaggh!!

[The knave tries to score a blow on Cloud's face with his
knee. Cloud sees the upcoming blow and rolls left. The knave
misses. Cloud brings out his Materia Blade and blows the knave
away using samurai spirit. With the help of Ramza, Cloud
defeats the knaves.]

Cloud: I lost...a very important thing...

Ramza: Cloud......?

Cloud: Ever since, I've been lost. Who am I? What should I do?
What about this pain...

Ramza: Cloud...there's someone in your world waiting for you.
We might be able to send you back where you came from by using
the stone's power.

Cloud: Let's go, Ramza. I can't be here. Must the
Promised Land.

[After rescuing Cloud. Ramza heads back to Goug and travels to
Warjilis. Upon coming to Warjilis, Ramza walks inside the

Warjilis Bar

[Ramza sees a Knight and a Priest near the counter.]

Knight: This job's been a great success!

Priest: Not to brag, but you can all thank me!

Bar Master: Hmm, Count Minimum has his problems too.

[Ramza overhears a conversation between some people.]

Bar Patron: Then, it was true. The legend of the island's

Bar Patron #1: Yeah, I hear there's lots of riches inside that

Bar Patron: Hmm, but those caves have lots of traps, right?

Bar Patron #1: Not only traps...but I hear there's scary
magicians there also.

Bar Patron: Yikes! It doesn't matter how many lives you got!

Bar Patron #1: Not even a flicker of light in there. No place
for wimps.

Bar Patron: What was the name of that cave? D...D...Depo

Bar Patron #1: It's 'Deep Dungeon', right?

[The Knight and the Priest starts to argue near the counter.]

Knight: Wha? This job was a great success because of ME!

Priest: Why're you talking so big? ...You talk weird too!

[The Priest pushes the Knight. The Priest turns around and
sees Ramza.]

Priest: This ain't no show! Go away!

[Ramza walks out and heads to the Deep Dungeon. After
wandering around the caves with his troops, Ramza comes in
front a mysterious magician.]

Deep Dungeon: END

Elidibs: Who disturbs my meditation? Hmm...I feel the vibes
from the Zodiac Stones. Is that what you're after? Well
then...I'll show you the power I get through 'unity'.

[The magician brings out a zodiac stone and uses it on
himself. The magician turns into a demon.]

Elidibs: If you want to live, give me the Zodiac Stone. Or
you'll find out how weak humans really are!

[After a fierce and long battle, Ramza and his troops barely
defeats the magician.]

Elidibs: This can't be happening... I'm not supposed to

[The magician dies. The Zodiac Stone falls down. Ramza picks
up the Zodiac Stone and leaves the cave.]

-- {The End} --

Zodiac Brave Story

'Germonik Scriptures'
I picked up the 'Germonik Scriptures'
Simon gave me and flipped through the
The text was in an ancient holy script
with drawings in places.
It was damaged and hard to read.
I wondered what was written in it?

Then, I saw some words in a language
I recognized.
Somebody had written some notes in
the "Ikoku language"
Who could have done it?

Judging from the ink, the older notes,
were written years ago. But the newer
ones were written only days ago.
It smudged when I rubbed it.
The ink was not yet dry.
They were written by the same person.
I realized Simon had been slowly trans-
lating this book over the years.

...tried reading it by referring to
his partial notes.

It says, This is written by a follower
of St. Ajora, Germonik...
I'd heard that name before...
Must've been in history class.

Then, it came to me.
Germonik was the disciple who betrayed
St. Ajora by selling him to the Yudora Empire......
It was amazing Germonik's book was
even still in existence!

Calming myself, I turned the pages.
Then, I found something more amazing
than the historical legacy in my hands.

I thought Germonik compiled St. Ajora's
words in this book. But I was wrong.
It's a record of St. Ajora's activities.
And not the St. Ajora we knew.
A record of Ajora, the human.

First off, St. Ajora is not human.
I'm not a true believer in Glabados
like Zalbag, but I do believe St. Ajora
was a 'Child of God' sent from Heaven
to save this troubled world.
Rather, I should say I did believe....
until I read this book...

It was the golden age, when many
airships flew all over the sky...

The day St. Ajora was born in Bervenia
of Lesalia, he stood up, walked to the
well and said.
'Calamity will come from this well soon.
We must seal it so people don't drink
the water.'

Days later, plague swept over Bervenia.
The people who drank the tainted water
But the only family who believed him
didn't get sick and survived.
Since then, people called him 'Miracle
Child', 'Child of God'.

When St. Ajora turned 20, he became a
'Saviour', and was sent to Heaven as 'a
member of God'...

Long before Ivalice was united, it was
divided into 7 small kingdoms.
Zeltennia, Fovoham, Lionel, Limberry,
Lesalia, Gallionne, Murond.
As the kingdoms continued to increase
their territories, the wars continued.

In the several hundred years of war, an
ambitious young king was born in Murond.
Though he lead an army large enough
to cover Ivalice, the way to victory was
long and hard. Using the secret method
from an ancient book, the king tried to
summon a evil spirit and use its power.
But the evil spirit killed the king and
tried to destroy the world...

One Brave with 12 followers collected
'Zodiac Stones' from all over the world
and revived them.
They destroyed evil in an instant and
succeeded in sending the evils back to
This's how they became 'Saviours'.

That's the 'Zodiac Braves' legend.
Ever since, every time the world is in
danger, they appear, save the world
and disappear.

When St. Ajora was alive, similar things
The King of Limberry summoned an evil
Spirit to take over Ivalice.
The world once again fell into crisis.
St. Ajora collected 12 Holy Stones, just like the legend,
formed the Zodiac Braves and killed the devil.

But 'Heroes' are always a nuisance to
rulers of a country...

The Yudora Empire was afraid of Ajora
who was gaining power, announcing the
arrival of God's kingdom. Yudora sent
troops against one of his sect.
The priests of Fara, the largest sect
then, were afraid of Ajora's power.
He was caught and executed at Golgorand
Execution grounds after Germonik told of
His wereabouts for money.

But St. Ajora was a 'Child of God' and
the priests of Fara were smitten by an
angry God. After the execution, the base
at Fara, Murond sunken by various natural

This is how St. Ajora was sent to
Heaven as a 'Child of God', and became
a 'Member of God'...

And that's all I know. Almost anyone in Ikoku
knows of the 'Myth' of St. Ajora.
But the St. Ajora in the 'Germonik
Scriptures' was a totally different person.

Ajora was not a 'Child of God', but a
human just like us.
An ambitious revolutionary who fought
to fulfill his dream.
Moreover, he loved peace and was not a
hero who risked his life for others.

This is what Germonik wrote...

A founder of an advanced new religion,
Ajora was a threat to the Empire.
But Ajora had another 'side' to him
other than being a priest.
He was a spy who entered enemy ter-
ritory agitating and gaining information.

Anyhow, Ajora was a threat to the
empire. The empire sent Germonik to
find proof that Ajora was a spy.
Yes, Germonik was also a spy of the
empire watching Ajora's activities.

They say Ajora tried to revive the
Zodiac Braves.
Germonik found some Holy Stones to prove it.
But, what does that have to do with

I don't know if young King Limberry
really summoned an evil spirit.
At least nothing is written about it in
the book.
However, it's a fact that Murond met
with natural disaster and sunk into the
sea at the time of Ajora's death.

This is where Simon's notes were most
They appeared to be his personal opinion...

"Despite rumors of its existence, no one
ever saw the 'Germonik Scriptures'.
I don't know whether the book tells the
truth or fabricates Ajora's great

"When I was a heresy examiner for the
Church, many examiners felt afraid to
show the people the book. The High
Priest probably felt the same because
everything the book said was true."

"After Ajora's death, the church had to
unite St. Ajora with God making him
divine. To do that, unsuitable facts had
to be deleted from history and St. Ajora
had to become a 'Child of God'."

"They were wise to use the Zodiac Brave
story, widely believed in Ikoku. It was
easy to make people believe the Zodiac
Braves led by Ajora killed an imaginary
evil spirit."

"When I read this book I lost my faith.
But I'm not sad... because it inspired
me to search for the truth."

"At the same time, I'm guilty for not
bringing it to light, even through I knew
the church was lying. Why?
Because if I told people about the book,
I was afraid they would take the
library away from me."

"I would have been devastated if the
library was taken away from me because
it satisfied my thirst for knowledge.
But, my curiosity got the best of me."

Simon spoke of 'An imaginary evil'.
But I sensed a scheme by someone other
than the High Priest, after seeing the
berserk power of the Holy Stones.


Chapter 1

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 16)
Knight apprentice of the Gariland Academy. Originally from
Igros. Beoulve family is a well respected family, producing
many leaders for the Hokuten Knights. The youngest of 4
siblings. Turned our worst of the siblings and is conscious
about it.

- Update -

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 16)
Knight apprentice of the Gariland Academy. Originally from
Igros. Beoulve family is a well respected family, producing
many leaders for the Hokuten Knights. Insecure because he
feels he is not on levels with his older siblings.

Delita Hyral (Age: 16)
Knight apprentice of Gariland Academy. Friend of you. Came to
Beoulve family with sister, Teta, after their parents were
taken by the Black Plague. He was able to join the Academy
through the wishes of the late Balbanes (your father).

- Update -

Delita Hyral (Age: 16)
Knight apprentice of Gariland Academy. Friend of you. Came to
Beoulve family with sister, Teta, after their parents were
taken by the Black Plague. Reaffirming the societal difference
by meeting Algus and Miluda, Delita questions about life.

Alma Beoulve (Age: 15)
Youngest of four of the Beoulve family. Attends the
Aristocratic School in Igros. Your younger sister. Came from a
different mother than the second brother. With her cheerful
personality, she is well like by everyone. Spending most of
her life in a convent, she has recently returned to the
Beoulve family. Alma is closer to you, as you are closer in
age than her brothers.

Zalbag Beoulve (Age: 28)
As a leader of the Hokuten Knights, he is considered to be a
"Holy Knight". Your older brother. With many victories in the
Fifty Year War, he has been praised by King Denamunda as "A
savior of Ivalice in Gallione. Under the name of Beoulve,
there is victory." An undefeated warrior, but he is a also a
devout believer in the teachings of Glabados.

Dycedarg Beoulve (Age: 37)
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg and
is the most trusted. Also known to have magical skills, as a
Magic Fencer.

- Update -

Dycedarg Beoulve (Age: 37)
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg and
is the most trusted. Critically wounded during an attack by
the Death Corps.

Bestrada Larg (Age: 37)
Lord of Gallione, brother of Queen Ruvelia of the Omdolia
Kingdom. The Larg family is a part of the Atkascha Kingdom,
who gained power from the Fifty Year War. He was one of the
leaders during the Fifty Year War. The most feared Hokuten
Knights are under the orders of Prince Larg.

Druksmald Goltana (Age: 56)
Lord of Zeltennia. As with the Larg family, the Goltana family
is part of the Denamunda Kingdom since the Fifty Year War.
Also known as the "Duke of the Black Lions", from his family
crest, taken from the double headed crest of the Kingdom. One
of the leaders during the Fifty Year War, he is under the
Nanten Knights, rivals of the Hokuten Knights.

Omdolia Atkascha (Age: 35)
18th King of the Atkascha Kingdom. Obtained the throne at the
end of the Fifty Year War from King Denamunda, who died of ill
health. Weak since birth, he did not command his troops during
the war and is someone unsuited to become a king. Historians
believe that his inability to lead is the reason for their
defeat in the Fifty Year War.

- Update -

Omdolia Atkascha (Age:35)
18th King of the Atkascha Kingdom. Obtained the throne at the
end of the Fifty Year War from King Denamunda, who died of ill
health. Weak since birth, he did not command his troops during
the war and is someone unsuited to become a king. Currently,
ill of health, the enthronement of Prince Orinas is in

Ruvelia Atkascha (Age: 27)
Queen of Omdolia Kingdom. Younger sister of Prince Larg.
Married King Omdolia when she was age 20, bore 3 sons but 2
died soon after birth. Third son, Prince Orinas is the only
son left to succeed the throne. Due to the health of the King,
Ruvelia is in charge of ruling the Kingdom.

Orinas Atkascha (Age: 1)
Third son between King Omdolia and Queen Ruvelia. With two
sons dying at birth, Orinas is in line to succeed the crown.
With a strong sense of uncertainty for the health of the King,
it is clearly understood that he will be the next ruler of the

Algus Sadalfas (Age: 16)
From Ruofons of Limberry. Knight apprentice of the local
Knights under Elmdor, the leader of Limberry. The Sadalfas
aristocracy lost power with the Fifty Year War, as Algus is
trying to regain his family's status by becoming a Knight.
But, he is looked upon as a selfish person, as he tends to go
on his own.

- Update -

Algus Sadalfas (Age: 16)
From Ruofons of Limberry. Knight apprentice of the local
Knights under Elmdor, the leader of Limberry. The Sadalfas
aristocracy lost power with the Fifty Year War, as Algus is
trying to regain his family's status by becoming a Knight. He
is envious of you, who does not realize his status and is not
trying to gain status.

Wiegraf Folles (Age: 30)
Leader of "Death Corps" that terrorizes the Gallione
territory. Former leader of the Knights of Death. At the end
of the Fifty Year War, the Knights of Death were formed due to
the lack of military strength. Volunteers were assembled to
make up the groups of Knights. Active during the later years
of the War, but after their defeat, they ceased to exist, and
were disbanded without any compensation.

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 35)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Also known as a devout follower of the teachings of
Glabados, he has the qualifications to become a Pagan

Teta Hyral (Age: 15)
Delita's sister. Daughter of a farmer of a fief in the Beoulve
Kingdom. Losing her parents to the Black Plague, she was taken
in by the Beoulve family with her brother. She is secretly
worried about her brother, who is forced by the Beoulve family
to attend the Academy. She is close with Alma (your sister).

- Update -

Teta Hyral (Age: 15)
Delita's sister. Daughter of a farmer of a fief in the Beoulve
Kingdom. Losing her parents to the Black Plague, she was taken
in by the Beoulve family with her brother. She is secretly
worried about her brother, who is forced by the Beoulve family
to attend the Academy. She is abducted by the Death Corps, as
she was involved with the assassination of Duke Dycedarg.
Current whereabouts are unknown.

Balbanes Beoulve
Former leader of the Hokuten Knights, and achieved the rank of
"Heavenly Knight". While other Knights were being defeated, he
produced many victories, even when he was outnumbered. A
treaty was reached because of the fear he struck into the
hearts of the enemies. Died due to an illness in the latter
parts of the war.

Gustav Margueriff (Age: 35)
Sub leader of the Death Corps. Former sub leader of the
Knights of Death. Before joining the Knight of Death, he was
one of the Hokuten Knights. But due to his reckless actions,
such as robberies and rapes at seized towns, problems within
the Knights arose. He was forced out and eventually joined the
Knights of Death. A rival to Wiegraf.

- Update -

Gustav Margueriff
Sub leader of the Death Corps. Former sub leader of the
Knights of Death. Before joining the Knight of Death, he was
one of the Hokuten Knights. But due to his reckless actions,
such as robberies and rapes at seized towns, problems within
the Knights arose. He was forced out and eventually joined the
Knights of Death. He plans the abduction of Marquis Elmdor,
but loses his life from Wiegraf's purge.

Miluda Folles (Age: 24)
Fencer of the Death Corps. Blood sister of the Death Corps
leader, Wiegraf. She showed her true abilities as an assistant
to her brother in the Knights of Death. She stood up and tried
to protect her kingdom during the difficult times of the Fifty
Year War, but receiving no acknowledgement after the war, she
rebelled against her kingdom.

- Update -

Miluda Folles
Fencer of the Death Corps. Blood sister of the Death Corps
leader, Wiegraf. She showed her true abilities as an assistant
to her brother in the Knights of Death. She stood up and tried
to protect her kingdom during the difficult times of the Fifty
Year War, but receiving no acknowledgement after the war, she
rebelled against her kingdom. Died in the battle at Lenalia

Golagros Levine (Age: 28)
Knight in the Death Corps. Attacks Beoulve in Igros, trying to
assassinate Duke Dycedarg, a promiment official under Prince
Larg. The assassination attempt failed, but during his escape,
he confronts and abducts Delita's sister, Teta. Unknown why
she was taken as a hostage. The Hokuten Knights are currently
after him, but her whereabouts are unknown.

- Update -

Golagros Levine (Age: 28)
Knight in the Death Corps. Attacks Beoulve in Igros, trying to
assassinate Duke Dycedarg, a promiment official under Prince
Larg. The assassination attempt failed, but during his escape,
he confronts and abducts Delita's sister, Teta. Unknown why
she was taken as a hostage. Ordered her release by Wiegraf,
but continued to escape to Fort Zeakden.

Ajora Glabados
Born around 12 centuries ago, in Bervenia of Lesalia. Raised
in Milodos. Spoke of the arrival of a kingdom of a higher
source, as feelings of antipathy grew from Father Fara.
Executed as a traitor by the Holy Empire of Yudora. Soon
after, the capital of the Church of Fara became submerged
under sea, by an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Those
disciples of Ajora believed this was his miracle, and these
stories spread, and the Glabados Church became what it is

Bordam Daravon (Age: 52)
Elder teacher at the Academy. Teaches the new recruits at the
Academy. Very liked by the incoming recruits, for his
simplified lectures. But one problem is his lengthy lectures.
He is regarded as a "Leading Knight", but he has only
participated in battle only once during the Fifty Year War and
does not have much frontline, fighting experience.

Alazlam J.D. (Age: 53)
A historian of the late ages, specialized in the studies of
the middle ages of the Kingdom. Also known as an archaeologist
and a theologist, his search for the explanation of the "Durai
Writings" led him to a great confrontation with the Murond
sect of the Glabados Church. His works include, "The Mysteries
of the Lion War", "The Real Image of the Holy Ajora", and
"Durai Writings * The Truth of the 400th Year."

Chapter 2

Ramza Ruglia (Age: 17)
Fencer of mercenary group led by Gafgarion and became a
mercenary after the tragedy at Fort Zeakden. He changed his
name to distance himself from the Beoulve family as Gafgarion
is the only person that is aware of this. Fights in search of

- Update -

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 17)
Youngest of the respected Beoulve family. Encounters
kidnapping of Princess Ovelia. He becomes aware of his
brother, Dycedarg's hopes to seize authority through the war.
Believing that ambition is not right, he decides to fight
against his brother.

Delita Hyral (Age: 17)
Friend of you. Believed to be killed by an explosion at the
Zeakden tragedy while fighting Death Corps. Reappeared as one
of the kidnappers of the Princess at Orbonne Monastery. It is
unknown why Delita is affiliated with the Nanten Knights.

- Update -

Delita Hyral (Age: 17)
Friend of you. Believed to be killed by an explosion at the
Zeakden tragedy, fighting Death Corps. One of the kidnappers
of the Princess. Thought to be affiliated with Nanten Knights,
but it was untrue. Seems to be helping those conspiring
against Prince Larg and Prince Goltana...

Ovelia Atkascha (Age: 16)
Taken into the family by the late King Omdolia, after the loss
of his second Prince. True daughter of the late King Denamunda
and is a sister of King Omdolia by different mothers. With the
birth of a third Prince. Orinas, to King Omdolia, Ovelia was
brought up by Prince Larg.

Alma Beoulve (Age: 16)
Youngest of four of the Beoulve family. Attends the
Aristocratic School in Igros. Your younger sister. Came from a
different mother than the second brother. With her cheerful
personality, she is well liked by everyone. She has spent most
of her life in a convent. Losing Teta and Delita at the
Zeakden tragedy, she has questions about her brothers'

Zalbag Beoulve (Age: 29)
As a leader of the Hokuten Knights, he is considered to be a
"Holy Knight". Your older brother. With many victories in the
Fifty Year War, he has been praised by King Denamunda as "A
savior of Ivalice in Gallione. Under the name of Beoulve,
there is victory." An undefeated warrior, but he is a also a
devout believer in the teachings of Glabados.

Dycedarg Beoulve (Age: 38)
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg and
is the most trusted. Also known to have magical skills, as a
Magic Fencer.

Bestrada Larg (Age: 38)
Lord of Gallione, brother of Queen Ruvelia of the Omdolia
Kingdom. The Larg family is a part of the Atkascha Kingdom,
who gained power from the Fifty Year War. He was one of the
leaders during the Fifty Year War. The most feared Hokuten
Knights are under the orders of Prince Larg.

Druksmald Goltana (Age: 57)
Lord of Zeltennia. As with the Larg family, the Goltana family
is part of the Denamunda Kingdom since the Fifty Year War.
Also known as the "Duke of the Black Lions", from his family
crest, taken from the double headed crest of the Kingdom. One
of the leaders during the Fifty Year War, he is under the
Nanten Knights, rivals of the Hokuten Knights.

Orinas Atkascha (Age: 2)
Third son between the late King Omdolia and Queen Ruvelia.
With two sons dying at birth, Orinas is in line to succeed the
throne. A Guardian is being sought for the young successor, as
a feud between Prince Larg and Prince Goltana is about to
begin for the position.

Ruvelia Atkascha (Age: 29)
Queen of Omdolia Kingdom. Younger sister of Prince Larg.
Married King Omdolia when she was age 20, bore 3 sons but 2
died soon after birth. Third son, Prince Orinas is the only
son left to succeed the throne. After the death of the King,
her tyrannical rule worsens, as she executes anyone who
disagrees with her ambitions.

Omdolia Atkascha
18th King of the Atkascha Kingdom. Obtained the throne at the
end of the Fifty Year War from King Denamunda, who died of ill
health. Weak since birth, he did not command his troops during
the war and is someone unsuited to become a King. Died due to
the Black Plague, after suffering from high fever for seven

Marge Funeral (Age: 79)
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church. Although not in
full power, still has enough executive powers. But it could be
said that the High Priest of the Church has power equal to
that of the King. There are Temple Knights who secure the
safety of the High Priest.

Algus Sadalfas
From Ruofons of Limberry. Knight apprentice of the local
Knights under Elmdor, the leader of Limberry. The Sadalfas
aristocracy lost power with the Fifty Year War, as Algus is
trying to regain his family's status by becoming a Knight.
Killed at Fort Zeakden, during the battle to annihilate the
Death Corps.

Gaff Gafgarion (Age: 53)
A mercenary hired by the Hokuten Knights to escort Princess
Ovelia to Igros. He was a leader of the Touten Knights during
the Fifty Year War, but his brutal fighting style forced him
out of the Knights after the war.

Agrias Oaks (Age: 21)
Knight of the local Knights of the Atkascha Royal family.
After the death of Omdolia, tension between Prince Larg and
Prince Goltana grew, as Agrias was assigned to the monastery
by the elders for the safety of the Queen. She has a strong
sense of loyalty towards the Royal family and a strong sense
of justice. She feels sympathy for Ovelia, who has to live in
a remote region.

Simon Pen Rakshu (Age: 78)
Head of Orbonne Monastery and Professor of Theology. A devout
believer in the teachings of Glabados. Once a high level,
Pagan examiner, he resigned due to one incident. He escaped
the secular world and currently lives as a hermit in a distant
land. While teaching Ovelia, he gives her fatherly love.

Wiegraf Folles (Age: 31)
Leader of the anti-Aristocrat "Death Corps". He was also the
leader of the Knight of Death, which were made up of
volunteers during the Fifty Year War. To relieve the
stronghold of the Aristocrats, they performed terrorist acts,
such as assassinations and kidnappings of leading figures, but
were eliminated by retaliation by the officials. Last seen at
the battle at Zeakden Fort.

Alphons Draclau (Age: 53)
Head of Lionel. Also a cardinal second only to the Head of the
Glabados Church. A famous Knight of the Fifty Year War, as
well as being a Theologist. Since his wife was murdered by a
deranged follower during the Fifty Year War, he has commited
his life as a Pagan Examiner, as he engages in the "Heretic
Hunt". He is revered by his people.

- Update -

Alphons Draclau (Age: 53)
Head of Lionel. Also a cardinal second only to the Head of the
Glabados Church. A famous Knight of the Fifty Year War, as
well as being a Theologist. Since his wife was murdered by a
deranged follower during the Fifty Year War, he has commited
his life as a Pagan Examiner, as he engages in the "Heretic
Hunt". He is revered by his people. But, he has his dark side,
interacting with a criminal organization to obtain a Holy
Stone found in Goug.

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 36)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Also known as a devout follower of the teachings of
Glabados, he has the qualifications to become a Pagan

Mustadio Bunanza (Age: 18)
A young man working at the mines of Goug Machine City. Son of
Besrodio, a respected machinist who products advanced weapons.
He has mastered the use of a "Gun" which is an advanced weapon
where gun powder is packed into a steel barrel.

Besrodio Bunanza (Age: 43)
Machinist who lives in the Goug Machine City. A well respected
meister of producing advanced weapons. Also a devoted
researcher who strives to implement and create new technology
by disassembling machinery of the previous generations. For
unknown reasons, he has been kidnapped by the Bart Trading

- Update -

Besrodio Bunanza (Age: 43)
Machinist who lives in the Goug Machine City. A well respected
meister of producing advanced weapons. Also a devoted
researcher who strives to implement and create new technology
by disassembling machinery of the previous generations. For
unknown reasons, he has been kidnapped by the Bart Trading
Company, but was rescued by you.

Bart Rudvich (Age: 57)
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a
variety of business, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well
respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But,
in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal
organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave
trade and smuggling of opium. For reasons unknown, he is
currently holding machinist, Besrodio, prisoner and is after
his son, Mustadio.

- Update -

Bart Rudvich (Age: 57)
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a
variety of business, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well
respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But,
in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal
organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave
trade and smuggling of opium. He was after Mustadio, who found
the Holy Stone, "Taurus" from the mines of Goug.

- Update -

Bart Rudvich
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a
variety of business, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well
respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But,
in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal
organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave
trade and smuggling of opium. He was after Mustadio, who found
the Holy Stone, "Taurus" from the mines of Goug. Failing to
obtain the Holy Stone, "Taurus", he was executed by the

Ajora Glabados
Born around 12 centuries ago, in Bervenia of Lesalia. Raised
in Milodos. Spoke of the arrival of a kingdom of a higher
source, as feelings of antipathy grew from Father Fara.
Executed as a traitor by the Holy Empire of Yudora. Soon
after, the capital of the Church of Fara became submerged
under sea, by an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Those
disciples of Ajora believed this was his miracle, and these
stories spread, and the Glabados Church became what it is

Vormav (Age: 48)
Knight, identity unknown. Participating with Delita to abduct

Teta Hyral
Delita's sister. Daughter of a farmer of a fief in the Beoulve
Kingdom. Losing her parents to the Black Plague, she was taken
in by the Beoulve family with her brother. She attended the
Aristocratic School with Alma, but had a hard time due to her
family background. Abducted for her involvement in the
assassination of Duke Dycedarg and killed by Algus at the Fort

Balbanes Beoulve
Former leader of the Hokuten Knights, and achieved the rank of
"Heavenly Knight". While other Knights were being defeated, he
produced many victories, even when he was outnumbered. A
treaty was reached because of the fear he struck into the
hearts of the enemies. Died due to an illness in the latter
parts of the war.

Gustav Margueriff
Sub leader of the Death Corps. Former sub leader of the
Knights of Death. Before joining the Knight of Death, he was
one of the Hokuten Knights. But due to his reckless actions,
such as robberies and rapes at seized towns, problems within
the Knights arose. He was forced out and eventually joined the
Knights of Death. He plans the abduction of Marquis Elmdor,
but loses his life from Wiegraf's purge.

Miluda Folles
Fencer of the Death Corps. Blood sister of the Death Corps
leader, Wiegraf. She showed her true abilities as an assistant
to her brother in the Knights of Death. She stood up and tried
to protect her kingdom during the difficult times of the Fifty
Year War, but receiving no acknowledgement after the war, she
rebelled against her kingdom. Died in the battle at Lenalia

Golagros Levine
Knight in the Death Corps. Attacks Beoulve in Igros, trying to
assassinate Duke Dycedarg, a prominent official under Prince
Larg. The assassination attempt failed, but during his escape,
he confronts and abducts Delita's sister, Teta. Tool Teta to
Fort Zeakden as a hostage. He tries to escape the Hokuten
Knights, using Teta as his shield but fails. Dies during the

Alazlam J.D. (Age: 53)
A historian of the late ages, specialized in the studies of
the middle ages of the Kingdom. Also known as an archaeologist
and a theologist, his search for the explanation of the "Durai
Writings" led him to a great confrontation with the Murond
sect of the Glabados Church. His works include, "The Mysteries
of the Lion War", "The Real Image of the Holy Ajora", and
"Durai Writings * The Truth of the 400th Year."

Chapter 3

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 18)
Youngest of the respected Beoulve family. Encounters
kidnapping of Princess Ovelia. He becomes aware of his
brother, Dycedarg's hopes to seize authority through the war.
Believing that ambition is not right, he decides to fight
against his brother.

- Update -

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 18)
Youngest of the respected Beoulve family. Encounters
kidnapping of Princess Ovelia. He becomes aware of his
brother, Dycedarg's hopes to seize authority through the war.
Believing that ambition is not right, he decides to fight
against his brother. To the break out of war, tries to save
Ovelia, but is stopped by Cardinal Draclau. Draclau. Now is
considered a "Heretic" for the murder of the Cardinal.

Delita Hyral (Age: 18)
Friend of you. Second in command of the Black Knights, under
Baron Grims. To clear the name of Prince Goltana for the
kidnapping of Ovelia, he goes on a search for the Princess. He
successfully rescues the Princess and takes her back to
Zeltennia. He is awarded the leadership of the Black Knights
for his galantry. But, this was actually due to a scheme by
someone unknown.

Ovelia Atkascha (Age: 17)
Taken into the family by the late King Omdolia, after the loss
of his second Prince. True daughter of the late King Denamunda
and is a sister of King Omdolia by different mothers. With the
birth of a third Prince. Orinas, to King Omdolia, Ovelia was
brought up by Prince Larg.

Alma Beoulve (Age: 17)
Youngest of four of the Beoulve family. Attends the
Aristocratic School in Igros. Your younger sister. Came from a
different mother than the second brother. With her cheerful
personality, she is well like by everyone. Spending most of
her life in a convent, she has recently returned to the
Beoulve family. Alma is closer to you, as you are closer in
age, than her brothers.

Zalbag Beoulve (Age: 30)
As a leader of the Hokuten Knights, he is considered to be a
"Holy Knight". Your older brother. With many victories in the
Fifty Year War, he has been praised by King Denamunda as "A
savior of Ivalice in Gallione. Under the name of Beoulve,
there is victory." An undefeated warrior, but he is a also a
devout believer in the teachings of Glabados.

Dycedarg Beoulve (Age: 39)
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg and
is the most trusted. Also known to have magical skills, as a
Magic Fencer.

Bestrada Larg (Age: 39)
Lord of Gallione, brother of Queen Ruvelia of the Omdolia
Kingdom. The Larg family is a part of the Atkascha Kingdom,
who gained power from the Fifty Year War. He was one of the
leaders during the Fifty Year War. The most feared Hokuten
Knights are under the orders of Prince Larg.

Druksmald Goltana (Age: 58)
Lord of Zeltennia. As with the Larg family, the Goltana family
is part of the Denamunda Kingdom since the Fifty Year War.
Also known as the "Duke of the Black Lions", from his family
crest, taken from the double headed crest of the Kingdom. One
of the leaders during the Fifty Year War, he is under the
Nanten Knights, rivals of the Hokuten Knights.

Orinas Atkascha (Age: 3)
Third son between the late King Omdolia and Queen Ruvelia.
With two sons dying at birth, Orinas is in line to succeed the
throne. A Guardian is being sought for the young successor, as
this fight results in a war. Prince Larg forcefully enthrones
Orinas as the ruler.

Ruvelia Atkascha (Age: 30)
Queen of Omdolia Kingdom. Younger sister of Prince Larg.
Married King Omdolia when she was age 20, bore 3 sons but 2
died soon after birth. Third son, Prince Orinas is the only
son left to succeed the throne. In order to bring her son to
the throne, she had Princess Ovelia abducted. She is currently
held at the Bethla Garrison for the crime.

Omdolia Atkascha
18th King of the Atkascha Kingdom. Obtained the throne at the
end of the Fifty Year War from King Denamunda, who died of ill
health. Weak since birth, he did not command his troops during
the war and is someone unsuited to become a King. Died due to
the Black Plague, after suffering from high fever for seven

Marge Funeral (Age: 80)
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church. Although not in
full power, still has enough executive powers. But it could be
said that the High Priest of the Church has power equal to
that of the King. There are Temple Knights who secure the
safety of the High Priest.

- Update -

Marge Funeral (Age: 80)
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church, he masterminded the
Lion War. Revived the powers of the Church, which was lost
during the Fifty Year War. His ambition is to raise the power
of the Church higher than that of the King. While urging
Prince Larg and Prince Goltana, he is collecting the Holy
Stones, as well as trying to capture the hearts of the people.

Algus Sadalfas
From Ruofons of Limberry. Knight apprentice of the local
Knights under Elmdor, the leader of Limberry. The Sadalfas
aristocracy lost power with the Fifty Year War, as Algus is
trying to regain his family's status by becoming a Knight.
Killed at Fort Zeakden, during the battle to annihilate the
Death Corps.

Gaff Gafgarion
A mercenary hired by the Hokuten Knights to escort Princess
Ovelia to Igros. He was a leader of the Touten Knights during
the Fifty Year War, but his brutal fighting style forced him
out of the Knights after the war. Died in battle at Lionel

Agrias Oaks (Age: 22)
Knight of the local Knights of the Atkascha Royal family.
After the death of Omdolia, tension between Prince Larg and
Prince Goltana grew, as Agrias was assigned to the monastery
by the elders for the safety of the Queen. She has a strong
sense of loyalty towards the Royal family and a strong sense
of justice. She feels sympathy for Ovelia, who has to live in
a remote region.

Cidolfas Orlandu (Age: 58)
Also known as "T.G. Cid". Undefeated leader of the Nanten
Knights during the Fifty Year War, only equaled by Balbanes
and Zalbag. He has known Prince Goltana for nearly twenty
years. The only reason the Prince is able to engage in battle
is due to the trust and ability of the Orlandu family. He is
critical of the Prince for fighting to become a successor.

Olan Durai (Age: 26)
Magician of the Nanten Knights. Adopted son of "T.G. Cid".
Olan's real father was a comrade of Cid and died in the Fifty
Year War. He's ability to gather information is superb, as
well as forming battle strategies from the information. His
abilities are on the same or even higher levels than most War
Generals. Currently working as the "Right hand" man under Cid.

- Update -

Olan Durai (Age: 26)
Magician of the Nanten Knights. Adopted son of "T.G. Cid".
Olan's real father was a comrade of Cid and died in the Fifty
Year War. He's ability to gather information is superb, as
well as forming battle strategies from the information. His
abilities are on the same or even higher levels than most War
Generals. He has given his life to Cid, as he pursues to
reveal the corruption of the Church.

Zalmo Rushnada (Age: 55)
Pagan Examiner of the Glabados Church. The Pagan examiner is
in charge of the "Heretic Hunt" and is considered the elite of
the elites in the Church. He holds enormous power outside of
the Church as well, as even Knights are unable to stand
against him.

Simon Pen Rakshu (Age: 79)
Head of Orbonne Monastery and Professor of Theology. A devout
believer in the teachings of Glabados. Once a high level,
Pagan examiner, he resigned due to one incident. He escaped
the secular world and currently lives as a hermit in a distant
land. While teaching Ovelia, he gives her fatherly love.

- Update -

Simon Pen Rakshu
Head of Orbonne Monastery and Professor of Theology. A devout
believer in the teachings of Glabados. Once a high level,
Pagan examiner, he resigned due to one incident. He escaped
the secular world and currently lives as a hermit in a distant
land. Killed by the Temple Knights who came for the holy
stone, "Virgo", at the monastery.

Wiegraf Folles (Age: 32)
Leader of the anti-Aristocrat "Death Corps". He was also the
leader of the Knight of Death, which were made up of
volunteers during the Fifty Year War. To relieve the
stronghold of the Aristocrats, they performed terrorist acts,
such as assassinations and kidnappings of leading figures, but
were eliminated by retaliation by the officials. Last seen at
the battle at Zeakden Fort.

- Update -

Wiegraf Folles (Age: 32)
Leader of the anti-Aristocrat "Death Corps". He was also the
leader of the Knight of Death, which were made up of
volunteers during the Fifty Year War. To relieve the
stronghold of the Aristocrats, they performed terrorist acts,
such as assassinations and kidnappings of leading figures, but
were eliminated by retaliation by the officials. Currently,
one of the Temple Knights.

Alphons Draclau
Head of Lionel. Also a cardinal second only to the Head of the
Glabados Church. A famous Knight of the Fifty Year War, as
well as being a Theologist. Since his wife was murdered by a
deranged follower during the Fifty Year War, he has commited
his life as a Pagan Examiner, as he engages in the "Heretic
Hunt". He is revered by his people. The Cardinal associated
with Queklain of the legendary devil group, Lucavi seeking the
holy stone for some unknown reason.

Malak Galthana (Age: 18)
Member of a elite assassination group, "Kamyuja" assembled by
Barinten. Became orphaned by the Fifty Year War. Saved and
brought up as a magician by Barinten. Thinks of the Prince as
his real father. Therefore, he is forced to fight against his
real sister Rafa, who is an enemy to the Prince.

Rafa Galthana (Age: 18)
Member of a elite assassination group, "Kamyuja" assembled by
Barinten. Became orphaned by the Fifty Year War. Saved and
brought up as a magician by Barinten, but finds out that the
Prince was behind the burning of a village. Rafa escapes from
the Riovanes Castle and becomes an enemy to the Prince. Sister
to Malak.

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 37)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Also known as a devout follower of the teachings of
Glabados, he has the qualifications to become a Pagan

- Update -

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 37)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Died honorably, struck by a stray arrow at a battle at
the Fuse Plains.

Gelkanis Barinten (Age: 52)
Leader of Fovoham. Since the Grand Duke was not a warrior, he
did not fight on the frontlines during the Fifty Year War. But
under the Grand Duke, a group of mercenaries were assembled
from many countries, and fought in his name. Within his
groups, a special unit specialized in assassinations exists,
made up of orphans from the war. Like the name, "King Weapon"
implies, he doesn't only look strong....

Mustadio Bunanza (Age: 19)
A young man working at the mines of Goug Machine City. Son of
Besrodio, a respected machinist who products advanced weapons.
He has mastered the use of a "Gun" which is an advanced weapon
where gun powder is packed into a steel barrel.

Besrodio Bunanza (Age: 44)
Machinist who lives in the Goug Machine City. A well respected
meister of producing advanced weapons. Also a devoted
researcher who strives to implement and create new technology
by disassembling machinery of the previous generations. For
unknown reasons, he has been kidnapped by the Bart Trading
Company, but was rescued by you.

Bart Rudvich
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a
variety of business, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well
respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But,
in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal
organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave
trade and smuggling of opium. He was after Mustadio, who found
the Holy Stone, "Taurus" from the mines of Goug. Failing to
obtain the Holy Stone, "Taurus", he was executed by the

Ajora Glabados
Born around 12 centuries ago, in Bervenia of Lesalia. Raised
in Milodos. Spoke of the arrival of a kingdom of a higher
source, as feelings of antipathy grew from Father Fara.
Executed as a traitor by the Holy Empire of Yudora. Soon
after, the capital of the Church of Fara became submerged
under sea, by an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Those
disciples of Ajora believed this was his miracle, and these
stories spread, and the Glabados Church became what it is

Vormav (Age: 48)
Knight, identity unknown. Participating with Delita to abduct

- Update -

Vormav Tingel (Age: 48)
Head of the Temple Knights of the Murond Glabados Church.
Leader of the new Zodiac Braves, which High Priest Funeral
tried to recreate, but Vormav seems to have his won

Izlude Tingel (Age: 18)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Son of the Temple
Knight Vormav. A member of the new Zodiac Braves, he had the
Holy Stone "Pisces". He unquestioningly believes in his
father's words, but does not know the secret powers of the
Holy Stone to summon, "Lucavi".

Teta Hyral
Delita's sister. Daughter of a farmer of a fief in the Beoulve
Kingdom. Losing her parents to the Black Plague, she was taken
in by the Beoulve family with her brother. She attended the
Aristocratic School with Alma, but had a hard time due to her
family background. Abducted for her involvement in the
assassination of Duke Dycedarg and killed by Algus at the Fort

Balbanes Beoulve
Former leader of the Hokuten Knights, and achieved the rank of
"Heavenly Knight". While other Knights were being defeated, he
produced many victories, even when he was outnumbered. A
treaty was reached because of the fear he struck into the
hearts of the enemies. Died due to an illness in the latter
parts of the war.

Gustav Margueriff
Sub leader of the Death Corps. Former sub leader of the
Knights of Death. Before joining the Knight of Death, he was
one of the Hokuten Knights. But due to his reckless actions,
such as robberies and rapes at seized towns, problems within
the Knights arose. He was forced out and eventually joined the
Knights of Death.
He plans the abduction of Marquis Elmdor, but loses his life
from Wiegraf's purge.

Miluda Folles
Fencer of the Death Corps. Blood sister of the Death Corps
leader, Wiegraf. She showed her true abilities as an assistant
to her brother in the Knights of Death. She stood up and tried
to protect her kingdom during the difficult times of the Fifty
Year War, but receiving no acknowledgement after the war, she
rebelled against her kingdom. Died in the battle at Lenalia

Golagros Levine
Knight in the Death Corps. Attacks Beoulve in Igros, trying to
assassinate Duke Dycedarg, a prominent official under Prince
Larg. The assassination attempt failed, but during his escape,
he confronts and abducts Delita's sister, Teta. Tool Teta to
Fort Zeakden as a hostage. He tries to escape the Hokuten
Knights, using Teta as his shield but fails. Dies during the

Bordam Daravon (Age: 54)
Elder teacher at the Academy. Teaches the new recruits at the
Academy. Very liked by the incoming recruits, for his
simplified lectures. But one problem is his lengthy lectures.
He is regarded as a "Leading Knight", but he has only
participated in battle only once during the Fifty Year War and
does not have much frontline, fighting experience.

Alazlam J.D. (Age: 53)
A historian of the late ages, specialized in the studies of
the middle ages of the Kingdom. Also known as an archaeologist
and a theologist, his search for the explanation of the "Durai
Writings" led him to a great confrontation with the Murond
sect of the Glabados Church. His works include, "The Mysteries
of the Lion War", "The Real Image of the Holy Ajora", and
"Durai Writings * The Truth of the 400th Year."

Chapter 4

Ramza Beoulve (Age: 18)
Youngest of the respected Beoulve family. He fights his
brothers, finding out that they are engaging a war for their
own well-being. Finds out about the greed by the Church of
Glabados and about Lucavi using the Church. He fights for
justice of others.

Delita Hyral (Age: 18)
Friend of you. Second in command of the Black Knights, under
Baron Grims. To clear the name of Prince Goltana for the
kidnapping of Ovelia, he goes on a search for the Princess. He
successfully rescues the Princess and takes her back to
Zeltennia. He is awarded the leadership of the Black Knights
for his galantry. But, this was actually due to a scheme by
someone unknown.

- Update -

Delita Hyral (Age: 18)
Friend of you. Second in command of the Black Knights, under
Baron Grims. To clear the name of Prince Goltana for the
kidnapping of Ovelia, he goes on a search for the Princess. He
successfully rescues the Princess and takes her back to
Zeltennia. With the downfall of Count Orlandu due to a rumor
of a rebellion, Delita has now been asked to lead the Nanten
Knights by Prince Goltana.

- Update -

Delita Hyral (Age: 18)
Friend of you. Given the status of a "Holy Knight" as he
became the leader of the Nanten Knights, after the
assassination of Prince Goltana. But this is not the truth.
During the commotion of defending Bethla Garrison, he released
the captured Count Orlandu and murdered Prince Goltana. He
continues to use people for his own ambitions and well being.

Ovelia Atkascha (Age: 17)
Taken into the family by the late King Omdolia, after the loss
of his second Prince. True daughter of the late King Denamunda
and is a sister of King Omdolia by different mothers. With the
birth of a third Prince. Orinas, to King Omdolia, Ovelia was
brought up by Prince Larg.

Alma Beoulve (Age: 17)
Youngest of four of the Beoulve family. Attends the
Aristocratic School in Igros. Your younger sister. Came from a
different mother than the second brother. With her cheerful
personality, she is well like by everyone. Spending most of
her life in a convent, she has recently returned to the
Beoulve family. Alma is closer to you, as you are closer in
age than her brothers.

Zalbag Beoulve (Age: 30)
As a leader of the Hokuten Knights, he is considered to be a
"Holy Knight". Your older brother. With many victories in the
Fifty Year War, he has been praised by King Denamunda as "A
savior of Ivalice in Gallione. Under the name of Beoulve,
there is victory." An undefeated warrior, but he is a also a
devout believer in the teachings of Glabados.

- Update -

Zalbag Beoulve
As a leader of the Hokuten Knights, he is considered to be a
"Holy Knight". Your older brother. With many victories in the
Fifty Year War, he has been praised by King Denamunda as "A
savior of Ivalice in Gallione. Under the name of Beoulve,
there is victory." Fights you as a servant of Lucavi, but is

Dycedarg Beoulve (Age: 39)
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg and
is the most trusted. Also known to have magical skills, as a
Magic Fencer.

- Update -

Dycedarg Beoulve
One of the troop leader under Prince Larg. Your oldest
brother. Following his later father, Balbanes' wishes, gave up
his position as the leader of the Hokuten Knights to his
younger brother. Became the troop leader for Prince Larg.
Assassinated Duke Lard during the attack on Bethla Garrison.
Retains power, but is killed in an ambush by Zalbag.

Bestrada Larg (Age: 39)
Lord of Gallione, brother of Queen Ruvelia of the Omdolia
Kingdom. The Larg family is a part of the Atkascha Kingdom,
who gained power from the Fifty Year War. He was one of the
leaders during the Fifty Year War. The most feared Hokuten
Knights are under the orders of Prince Larg.

- Update -

Bestrada Larg
Lord of Gallione, brother of Queen Ruvelia of the Omdolia
Kingdom. The Larg family is a part of the Atkascha Kingdom,
who gained power from the Fifty Year War. He was one of the
leaders during the Fifty Year War. Assassinated by Dycedarg's
scheme during an attack on Bethla Garrison.

Druksmald Goltana (Age: 58)
Lord of Zeltennia. As with the Larg family, the Goltana family
is part of the Denamunda Kingdom since the Fifty Year War.
Also known as the "Duke of the Black Lions", from his family
crest, taken from the double headed crest of the Kingdom. One
of the leaders during the Fifty Year War, he is under the
Nanten Knights, rivals of the Hokuten Knights.

- Update -

Druksmald Goltana
Lord of Zeltennia. As with the Larg family, the Goltana family
is part of the Denamunda Kingdom since the Fifty Year War.
Also known as the "Duke of the Black Lions", from his family
crest, taken from the double headed crest of the Kingdom.
Assassinated by the scheme of Knight Delita and the Church,
during an attack in Bethla Garrison.

Orinas Atkascha (Age: 3)
Third son between the late King Omdolia and Queen Ruvelia.
With two sons dying at birth, Orinas is in line to succeed the
throne. A Guardian is being sought for the young successor, as
this fight results in a war. Prince Larg forcefully enthrones
Orinas as the ruler.

Ruvelia Atkascha (Age: 30)
Queen of Omdolia Kingdom. Younger sister of Prince Larg.
Married King Omdolia when she was age 20, bore 3 sons but 2
died soon after birth. Third son, Prince Orinas is the only
son left to succeed the throne. In order to bring her son to
the throne, she had Princess Ovelia abducted. She is currently
held at the Bethla Garrison for the crime.

Omdolia Atkascha
18th King of the Atkascha Kingdom. Obtained the throne at the
end of the Fifty Year War from King Denamunda, who died of ill
health. Weak since birth, he did not command his troops during
the war and is someone unsuited to become a King. Died due to
the Black Plague, after suffering from high fever for seven

Marge Funeral (Age: 80)
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church, he masterminded the
Lion War. Revived the powers of the Church, which was lost
during the Fifty Year War. His ambition is to raise the power
of the Church higher than that of the King. While urging
Prince Larg and Prince Goltana, he is collecting the Holy
Stones, as well as trying to capture the hearts of the people.

- Update -

Marge Funeral
High Priest of the Murond Glabados Church, he masterminded the
Lion War. Revived the powers of the Church, which was lost
during the Fifty Year War. His ambition is to raise the power
of the Church higher than that of the King. But, he is
actually being used by Lucavi, who is seeking control, as the
High priest is eventually killed by Lucavi.

Algus Sadalfas
From Ruofons of Limberry. Knight apprentice of the local
Knights under Elmdor, the leader of Limberry. The Sadalfas
aristocracy lost power with the Fifty Year War, as Algus is
trying to regain his family's status by becoming a Knight.
Killed at Fort Zeakden, during the battle to annihilate the
Death Corps.

Gaff Gafgarion
A mercenary hired by the Hokuten Knights to escort Princess
Ovelia to Igros. He was a leader of the Touten Knights during
the Fifty Year War, but his brutal fighting style forced him
out of the Knights after the war. Died in battle at Lionel

Agrias Oaks (Age: 22)
Knight of the local Knights of the Atkascha Royal family.
After the death of Omdolia, tension between Prince Larg and
Prince Goltana grew, as Agrias was assigned to the monastery
by the elders for the safety of the Queen. She has a strong
sense of loyalty towards the Royal family and a strong sense
of justice. She feels sympathy for Ovelia, who has to live in
a remote region.

Cidolfas Orlandu (Age: 58)
Also known as "T.G. Cid". Undefeated leader of the Nanten
Knights during the Fifty Year War, only equaled by Balbanes
and Zalbag. He has known Prince Goltana for nearly twenty
years. The only reason the Prince is able to engage in battle
is due to the trust and ability of the Orlandu family. He is
critical of the Prince for fighting to become a successor.

- Update -

Cidolfas Orlandu (Age: 58)
Also known as "T.G. Cid". Undefeated leader of the Nanten
Knights during the Fifty Year War, only equaled by Balbanes
and Zalbag. He was held at the Bethla Garrison for planning a
rebellion against Prince Goltana, but escaped with the help of
his son, Olan and you. He is currently with you.

Olan Durai (Age: 26)
Magician of the Nanten Knights. Adopted son of "T.G. Cid".
Olan's real father was a comrade of Cid and died in the Fifty
Year War. He's ability to gather information is superb, as
well as forming battle strategies from the information. His
abilities are on the same or even higher levels than most War
Generals. He has given his life to Cid, as he pursues to
reveal the corruption of the Church.

- Update -

Olan Durai (Age: 26)
Magician of the Nanten Knights. Adopted son of "T.G. Cid".
Olan's real father was a comrade of Cid and died in the Fifty
Year War. Worked as the "Right hand" man under Cid. But after
the assassination of Duke Goltana, he was placed in the
dungeon of the Zeltennia Castle by Delita, as a man knowing
the truth.

Zalmo Rushnada (Age: 55)
Pagan Examiner of the Glabados Church. The Pagan examiner is
in charge of the "Heretic Hunt" and is considered the elite of
the elites in the Church. He holds enormous power outside of
the Church as well, as even Knights are unable to stand
against him.

- Update -

Zalmo Rushnada
Pagan Examiner of the Glabados Church. The Pagan examiner is
in charge of the "Heretic Hunt" and is considered the elite of
the elites in the Church. He holds enormous power outside of
the Church as well, as even Knights are unable to stand
against him. He is defeated in a battle against you at

Simon Pen Rakshu
Head of Orbonne Monastery and Professor of Theology. A devout
believer in the teachings of Glabados. Once a high level,
Pagan examiner, he resigned due to one incident. He escaped
the secular world and currently lives as a hermit in a distant
land. Killed by the Temple Knights who came for the holy
stone, "Virgo", at the monastery.

Beowulf Kadmus (Age: 35)
Hunter, specializing in monsters. Said to be searching for the
illusory Holy Dragon.

- Update -

Beowulf Kadmus (Age: 35)
Former leader of the Lionel Holy Knights. Branded a "Heretic"
by Priest Buremonda, who was envious of the love between
Beowulf and his fiance, Reis. He searches for Reis, who was
turned into a dragon by the spell of the Priest. Reunited at
Goland, Reis was brought back to human form using the powers
of the Holy Stone.

Wiegraf Folles
Leader of the anti-Aristocrat "Death Corps". He was also the
leader of the Knight of Death, which were made up of
volunteers during the Fifty Year War. To relieve the
stronghold of the Aristocrats, they performed terrorist acts,
such as assassinations and kidnappings of leading figures, but
were eliminated by retaliation by the officials. His anti-
Aristocratic belief matched that of the Church, as he became a
Temple Knight, killed by you in battle at Riovanes Castle.

Reis (Age: ?)
Holy Dragon encountered at the mines of Goland Coal City.
Seems like Beowulf is after the Holy Dragon.

- Update -

Reis Dular (Age: 29)
Sweetheart of Knight Beowulf. Transformed into the Holy Dragon
by the spell of Priest Buremonda. As a dragon, recollection as
a human was lost, but seemed to have come to Goland Coal City,
sensing that a "Holy Stone" would save her. The powers of the
Holy Stone, "Cancer" dissolved the spell and enabled her to
reunite with Beowulf.

Balmafula Lanando (Age: 22)
Young Magician who is sent by the Church to assist Delita, who
has lurked into the Goltana army. But, unlike Delita, her
loyalty and belief in the Church is rather low. She is acting
as though she has allegiance for her ambitions. Delita's trust
in her is strong, as they spend a lot of time with each other.

- Update -

Balmafula Lanando (Age: 22)
Young Magician who is sent by the Church to assist Delita, who
has lurked into the Goltana army. But, she was to be the
executioner of Delita if Delita was to double cross the
Church. She realized that she was falling for Delita, who
states that he is going to double cross the Church. Watching
his movements and listening to his thoughts, she is unable to
draw her sword.

Alphons Draclau
Head of Lionel. Also a cardinal second only to the Head of the
Glabados Church. A famous Knight of the Fifty Year War, as
well as being a Theologist. Since his wife was murdered by a
deranged follower during the Fifty Year War, he has commited
his life as a Pagan Examiner, as he engages in the "Heretic
Hunt". He is revered by his people. The Cardinal associated
with Queklain of the legendary devil group, Lucavi seeking the
holy stone for some unknown reason.

Rafa Galthana (Age: 18)
Member of a elite assassination group, "Kamyuja" assembled by
Barinten. Became orphaned by the Fifty Year War. Saved and
brought up as a magician by Barinten, but finds out that the
Prince was behind the burning of a village. Rafa escapes from
the Riovanes Castle and becomes an enemy to the Prince. Sister
to Malak.

Malak Galthana (Age: 18)
Member of a elite assassination group, "Kamyuja" assembled by
Barinten. Became orphaned by the Fifty Year War. Saved and
brought up as a magician by Barinten. He covered for his
sister, Rafa, on the roof of the Riovanes Castle and died from
being shot. But, using the "Holy" powers of the Stone, comes
back to life.

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 37)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Died honorably, struck by a stray arrow at a battle at
the Fuse Plains.

- Update -

Mesdoram Elmdor (Age: 37)
Leader of Limberry. A soldier who fought bravely against the
invading forced in a foreign land, during the latter half of
the Fifty Year War. With his silver armor and his long and
beautiful blond hair, his allies call him the "Silver Noble".
Yet, he is feared by the enemies, calling him the "Silver
Ogre". Died honorably, struck by a stray arrow at a battle at
the Fuse Plains. Came back to life as Lucavi, but is defeated
and killed by you.

Gelkanis Barinten
Leader of Fovoham. Since the Grand Duke was not a warrior, he
did not fight on the frontlines during the Fifty Year War. But
under the Grand Duke, a group of mercenaries were assembled
from many countries, and fought in his name. Realizing the
powers of the Holy Stone and its significance in warfare, he
steals the Holy Stone. This action infuriates Vormav, and he
is killed.

Mustadio Bunanza (Age: 19)
A young man working at the mines of Goug Machine City. Son of
Besrodio, a respected machinist who products advanced weapons.
He has mastered the use of a "Gun" which is an advanced weapon
where gun powder is packed into a steel barrel.

Besrodio Bunanza (Age: 44)
Machinist who lives in the Goug Machine City. A well respected
meister of producing advanced weapons. Also a devoted
researcher who strives to implement and create new technology
by disassembling machinery of the previous generations. For
unknown reasons, he has been kidnapped by the Bart Trading
Company, but was rescued by you.

Bart Rudvich
A representative of the Bart Trading Company, involved in a
variety of business, based in Warjilis Trade City. He is well
respected and praised as a man of ability by the people. But,
in the shadows, he is said to be leading a criminal
organization, which is involved in acts such as the slave
trade and smuggling of opium. He was after Mustadio, who found
the Holy Stone, "Taurus" from the mines of Goug. Failing to
obtain the Holy Stone, "Taurus", he was executed by the

Celia (Age: 31?)
A beautiful girl that appeared with Marquis Elmdor. Her true
identity is unknown.

- Update -

An Ultima Demon summoned by Marquis Elmdor.

Lede (Age: 23?)
A beautiful girl that appeared with Marquis Elmdor. Her true
identity is unknown.

- Update -

An Ultima Demon summoned by Marquis Elmdor.

Ajora Glabados
Born around 12 centuries ago, in Bervenia of Lesalia. Raised
in Milodos. Spoke of the arrival of a kingdom of a higher
source, as feelings of antipathy grew from Father Fara.
Executed as a traitor by the Holy Empire of Yudora. Soon
after, the capital of the Church of Fara became submerged
under sea, by an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Those
disciples of Ajora believed this was his miracle, and these
stories spread, and the Glabados Church became what it is

Vormav Tingel (Age: 48)
Head of the Temple Knights of the Murond Glabados Church.
Leader of the new Zodiac Braves, which High Priest Funeral
tried to recreate, but Vormav seems to have his won

Rofel Wodring (Age: 40)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Under the orders
of Vormav, he goes to Igros to form an alliance with Duke
Dycedarg. One of few men that knows about Vormav's strategies.

Izlude Tingel
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Son of the Temple
Knight Vormav. A member of the new Zodiac Braves, he had the
Holy Stone "Pisces". Slain when he tried to restrain Vormav,
who turned into Lucavi.

Kletian Drowa (Age: 29)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. A knight, and
expert Magician. Graduating at the top of the Gariland
Academy, Kletian had no doubts, joining the Temple Knights,
solidifying his belief in the Glabados Church.

Balk Fezol
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Before joining
the Temple Knights, he lived as a machinist in Goug Machine
City. Therefore, his skill with a "Gun" is superior to his
swordsmanship. As a commoner in his machinist days, he was
involved in the anti-Aristocratic movement and was on the
black list of the Knights. Died in a battle at Bed Deserts.

Meliadoul Tingel (Age: 23)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Daughter of
Temple Knight, Vormav. Her brother, Izlude, is thought to have
been killed by Vormav. To avenge for the death of Izlude, she
is after you though.

- Update -

Meliadoul Tingel (Age: 23)
Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. Daughter of
Temple Knight, Vormav. Her brother, Izlude, is thought to have
been killed by Vormav. With Marquis Elmdor transforming into
Zalera she has doubts about her father's existence. To uncover
her father's identity, she joins your party.

Cloud (Age: ?)
A young man summoned from a different dimension by a machine
called, the "Transmission Machine". This old generation
machine was found by Machinist Besrodio, in the underground
mine number 83 in the city of Goug. He may be affected by the
transmission, but he mumbles, "My head..." or "...phiros...".
Your circumstances makes him defect during battle.

Teta Hyral
Delita's sister. Daughter of a farmer of a fief in the Beoulve
Kingdom. Losing her parents to the Black Plague, she was taken
in by the Beoulve family with her brother. She attended the
Aristocratic School with Alma, but had a hard time due to her
family background. Abducted for her involvement in the
assassination of Duke Dycedarg and killed by Algus at the Fort

Balbanes Beoulve
Former leader of the Hokuten Knights, and achieved the rank of
"Heavenly Knight". While other Knights were being defeated, he
produced many victories, even when he was outnumbered. A
treaty was reached because of the fear he struck into the
hearts of the enemies. Died due to an illness in the latter
parts of the war.

Gustav Margueriff
Sub leader of the Death Corps. Former sub leader of the
Knights of Death. Before joining the Knight of Death, he was
one of the Hokuten Knights. But due to his reckless actions,
such as robberies and rapes at seized towns, problems within
the Knights arose. He was forced out and eventually joined the
Knights of Death. He plans the abduction of Marquis Elmdor,
but loses his life from Wiegraf's purge.

Miluda Folles
Fencer of the Death Corps. Blood sister of the Death Corps
leader, Wiegraf. She showed her true abilities as an assistant
to her brother in the Knights of Death. She stood up and tried
to protect her kingdom during the difficult times of the Fifty
Year War, but receiving no acknowledgement after the war, she
rebelled against her kingdom. Died in the battle at Lenalia

Golagros Levine
Knight in the Death Corps. Attacks Beoulve in Igros, trying to
assassinate Duke Dycedarg, a prominent official under Prince
Larg. The assassination attempt failed, but during his escape,
he confronts and abducts Delita's sister, Teta. Tool Teta to
Fort Zeakden as a hostage. He tries to escape the Hokuten
Knights, using Teta as his shield but fails. Dies during the

Bordam Daravon (Age: 54)
Elder teacher at the Academy. Teaches the new recruits at the
Academy. Very liked by the incoming recruits, for his
simplified lectures. But one problem is his lengthy lectures.
He is regarded as a "Leading Knight", but he has only
participated in battle only once during the Fifty Year War and
does not have much frontline, fighting experience.

A great magician who fought against the Romanda Army during
the height of the Fifty Year War. He was essential in the
kingdom's victory, using many black magic and summon magic
that he studied from old teachings. Disappeared during the
recapture of Riovanes Castle. Is Lucavi, who was in the deep
dungeon, actually the hero, Elidibs? It is a mystery...

Alazlam J.D. (Age: 53)
A historian of the late ages, specialized in the studies of
the middle ages of the Kingdom. Also known as an archaeologist
and a theologist, his search for the explanation of the "Durai
Writings" led him to a great confrontation with the Murond
sect of the Glabados Church. His works include, "The Mysteries
of the Lion War", "The Real Image of the Holy Ajora", and
"Durai Writings * The Truth of the 400th Year."


<<< Work History >>>

Highwind Salvage
Trade ship Highwind shipwrecked 20 sectas off of Jiris Bay.
The company's next big hit, "Choco-Bun" was on board.
At first, sabotage by their rivals was suspected, but it was
found to be an accident and a successful recovery saved the

Salvage Tour Thoughts
Lesalia Tours held a 'Sunken Ship Salvage Trout'. It gave us
chance to join in the salvaging of ships, many children
participated. Luckily, they discovered a sunken ship,
(probably set by the company) and the recovery was successful.

Sailor Tour Thoughts
Thompson Service of Yardow put on a 'Sailor Tour'. This gave
commoners the chance to experience being a sailor.
Participants ranged from small children to the elderly. They
found this was no easy task. All were exhausted, but pleased
with the experience.

Enterprise Salvage
The Larner Channel, between Ivalice and Romanda, is famous
for its fast currents and danger for ships. The trade ship,
'Enterprise', is one that sunk here. This ship was owned by
Nobles, but now there's no need to know why they hid this

Attractive Workplace?
The Zeltennia Salvage Association, is searching for sailors.
They've been subsiding their operations, since an internal
corruption scandal. It's the first time in several years
they've been hiring. It's only temporary employment, but the
contract seems sure for a company that's been inactive for
several years. It was an interesting job from a company rife
with rumors.

Hindenburg Salvage
It's been confirmed the trade ship 'Hindenburg' of the Zaland
Trade Company shipwrecked 16 sectas off of Oval Bay. A slavage
company wasn't used due to their high cost. Many ships wreck
or are run aground in this area. We know the salvage company
is using fact to their advantage by the way they treated us.

Falcon Salvage
It's been confirmed that the envoy, Falcon, carrying gifts to
the continent, has sunk in the West Baguros Sea. It sunk
during a storm, losing all of its passengers. Emmissary
Hamilton of Yardow, also believed to be among them, sunk with
the ship and it's cargo. This further illustrates the perils
of sea travel.

Legend of Heroic King
Rumors said the ship of King Mesa, Savior of the people, was
sunk off the coast of Goug. We successfully recovered the
ship, but upon further investigation, it seemed to be another
ship. We checked with an informant and he confirmed it was a
ship from the Estor Trading Company, in Goug. We were

Doga Salvage
It's been confirmed that the trade ship 'Doga' was
shipwrecked 40 sectas off of Kanen Bay. It had many valuable
goods in its cargo. Those in charge were distressed by the
accident. We recovered the ship, but 90num of the goods were
ruined...a huge loss for the company.

Envoy Ship of Lionel Castle
The ship carrying an informer from Lionel Castle was attacked
and sunk by a group of pirates. It was thought to be carrying
valuable cargo. But when we got to it, many other salvagers
were there. We salvaged the ship, and investigated it
immediately. We found treasure in one passenger room, and we
kept it.

Luxurious ship salvage
A ship carrying goods to be donated to the Zaland Embassy has
been shipwrecked. It sank during a storm and was found to have
been completely destroyed. Many of the items were priceless
showing the good feelings between the two. But since the
incident relations between the embassy and its government have

Lost Ancient Writings
Ancient Writings have been stolen from the Gariland
University of magic. According to witnesses, the suspect was a
male in his 30s. He was last seen leaping from a 2nd floor
window at the University, escaping by ferry. Sadly, the ferry
wrecked and that's the reason for the salvage. We weren't able
to recover the ancient scripts. Maybe the current caught them
and they drifted out to sea...?

Good Workplace and Job?
The Yardow Salvage Guild, located in Yardow Fort City, is
recruiting sailors. They said they were offering high wages
for light work, so we took the job. But, it was the opposite.
We worked from dawn to dusk with minimal wages. There aren't
any easy jobs.

Salvage in Riovanes!
Gredia Island is located 15 sectas off of Riovanes Bay. Due
to its strong currents and shallow waters, this area's known
for shipwrecks. But since it's the shortest rout to Riovanes,
many ships sail through here unaware of the danger. This ship
we're currently salvaging, must be one of them.

Vessel of Istanbul
Another ship's wrecked near Gredia Island 15 sectas off
Riovanes Bay. This ship, the 'Philedelphia', was owned by the
Istanbul Trading Company. It's unregistered and contained lots
of drugs smuggled from the continent. The estimated value is
around 7 million gil.

Douing Salvage
The trade ship, 'Douing' has been found shipwrecked 35 sectas
off Seijita Bay. It was transporting a birthday gift to the
president of the Galesta trading Company. We decided to
salvage it, after seeing the look of disappointment on
Holeska, the manager's, face. We recovered the gift, and
Holeska said, ' save my job...'.

Mining Tour Thoughts
Lesalia Tour, located in the Imperial Capital, sponsored a
'Mine Excavation Tour'. It gave commoners a rare chance to
excavate an abandoned mine. Many children from the coast
participated. An ore deposit, and treasure were excavated
making this a successful event.

Miner's Tour Thoughts
Thompson Service, located in Yardow, sponsored a 'Miner's
Tour'. It gave commoners a rare chance to experience mining
life. Participants included men and women. It showed the
hardships of being a miner, and all came away with a respect
for their work.

Letter to the Family
Several years ago, a hidden ore vein was found in the
abandoned, Coldman Mines. It was revealed in a will, written
by Topa, a former miner at the mine. We contacted the family
to confirm this, but the will had been stolen. We suspect
Gordon, the informer, stole the will. Luckily, the rights to
the mine were returned to the Topas.

Miner's Tour Repeated!
Thompson Tours, located in Yardow, sponsored a 'Miner's
Tour'. Capitalizing on the success of the prior tour, a new
area with a higher degree of difficulty was selected this
time. But, a participant named Gotch (age 9 at the time)
discovered an ore deposit on a hunch.

Anything's possible!
Miners are wanted for the reopening of the Ural mines. Mining
was to begin again, after being suspended due to an accident.
They are eager to restart mining and make up for lost work.
The miners encountered a huge stone, but through their
combined efforts they moved it, reminding them all that
anything is possible.

Guide to Miners
There was a cave-in at the Oh mines. This mine has been known
for its gold veins. It's been reported that expansion, due to
the discovery of gold, caused the infrastructure of the mine
to weaken. 10 People died in the accident. But the mine has
not taken responsibility for the accident, continuing to mine

Miner's Day Off
The Dukatia mines are looking for miners. The mine hires
whenever a new ore deposit's found and lays off when it gets
slow. But experts say no workers have been fired since the
last finding, and they believe this must be a gold deposit.

Girl of Flame!?
Gulg Volcano, inactive for over 5000 years has been
designated as a danger area for some time and no one's ever
come this close to it. The lava was flowing, and the girl was
in the intense heat. Residents say a little girl accidently
fell into the volcano many years ago. We built a little shrine
there to pray for her soul.

The First One Back
We finally returned from the Maze of No Return! Now we know
why no one's ever returned. It's because of its topography and
layout, made to mix up ones sense of direction. It must've
been made by very meticulous people. But we made it back by
picking out a landmark and beat the legendary Maze of No

Behind the Cliff
We conquered the Himka cliffs! We can verify the top of the
Cliffs, are often covered by clouds. We did it while mining
ore, on top was a wide field, with an enormous tree at the far
end. We're not sure, but this tree might be the legendary
Yugdrasil, also known as the 'World Tree'. We've seen one of
the mysteries of the world.

Meet with the Unknown
The Lord was seen at God Canyon! We were excavating in God
ravine, searching for ore. When we dug about 30 sectas, we
found a Catacomb. Then a man with light beaming from his
clothes appeared in front of us as we built a shrine and
prayed before it. We stood speechless and the man disappeared
into the distance. Was it God...?

One Activity
Mining has restarted for a limited time at the abandoned
Balbak mines. Due to rumors of a hidden ore deposit, mining
restarted to see if the rumors were true. Of course we
participated and during the mining, a miner said, 'It's like
the Gold Rush returned'. What did he see in this ruined old

Fight of the Miners
They're looking for miners at the Dukatia mines again.
Several days after their first hirings, we disguised ourselves
as miners and took the job. We were cautiously screened for
the job, and led in a group of miners to the bottom of the
mine. After our investigation, we found the rumors of a new
gold deposit to be true.

Ghost Staffs
The Rolade Ore Company went bankrupt, making the Mythril mine
their last project. The miners there revealed there was a
sealed door at the bottom, in the northern section of the
mine. We believed it leads to a secret ore deposit. We checked
it out immediately. Entering through a dungeon area, we opened
a huge door. Through there, we saw a ghost miner mining and
huge ore...

Tears of an Ex-miner
Mt. Urvos... Mining towns and people were plentiful here
during the Gold Rush, years back. But after the ore ran out,
all 15 towns in the area were deserted. Now its history is
washed away by the rears of a middle-aged, ex-miner at the

15 Black Knights
During the Fifty Year war robbery and murder were common.
Governments formed independent militia to combat the problems.
Ex-war heroes were hired for the militia. A group known as the
'15 Black Knights' was formed. Said to have been trapped and
killed at Devil's Ravine by bandits, there is a rumor that
black armored knights are sometimes seen in this area. What do
the pieces of black ore laying around the area mean...?

After the Discovery Race
Dorter Trade City travel bureau sponsered a 'Hunt'. This was
a contest to search for ancient ruins in various regions of
Ivalice. Whoever found the secret finds first won. The
participants were only allowed to use various scriptures,
legends, and documents. The participants had a hard time in
their search, due to the limit.

Things at Lake bottom
A ancient legendary monster at Poeskas Lake!? What was that
mysterious black shadow that appeared before us, when we were
exploring Poeskas Lake...? The experts say that the lake was a
part of the sea, closed off by geological activity in the
area. It is believed that this monster is the water dragon,
Possy, who was trapped in the lake. This certainly was a
mysterious job.

After 2nd Discovery Race
Due to the popularity of the first one, the Dorter Trade City
travel bureau sponsered a 2nd 'Hunt'. The second one was also
full of participants. Vehicles were allowed in this second
race, so the search area widened. We rented a Chocobo Car near
the starting area. We found an ancient ruin in this race as

Thing at Myst. Frontier
Locals believe the Lenalia Plateau is a 'magic frontier'.
Local legends say 'A devil will descend upon Lenalia as the
world goes to hell'. But the plateau we saw was peaceful, the
complete opposite of the myth. On the road back, however, I
thought there was something behind us...!?

After 3rd Discovery Race
Based on the success of the first two, Dorter Trade City
travel bureau sponsered a 3rd 'Hunt'. This one also was full of
participants. Some were concerned over the expansion of the
search area, but once the race started, all were eager to
search. The next race will be held after all the information
of newly discovered ancient ruins are gathered.

Thing in Deep Forest
Sweegy Woods... An important area connecting Gariland and
Dorter. Only recently cleared for travel due to bandits in
Lenalia Plateau, this area is still relatively unknown. We
discovered an area based on our secret sources.

Thing at Bed Desert
The day we left on our exploration we heard of a 'demon in
Bed Desert'. At the end of each month a monster called
'Sandworm' appears in an enormous tornado engulfing the area
with darkness while the tornado isolates desert from the
outside world. Is this to protect the area, or some sort of
message to the human race...?

Thing at Zeklaus Desert
Adventurer Ramzen is a man of the continent. He seems to have
entered Ivalice by land. He has an huge adventure corps and is
well known on the continent. We joined his corps as guides, to
search for hidden areas. We headed for Zeklaus Desert, and
found a secret ruin.

Over Mountain Pass
After receiving information from a farmer, we headed for
Doguola Pass, There, we saw a mysterious ceremony by a group
of farmers. They were dancing in a circle, around an
Elemental. Later, we found out it was a festival, once an
ancient ritual. It has nothing to do with the ruins we found
over the pass, but seemed worth mentioning.

Discovery Tour Thoughts
We participated in the Hunt. This tour focused on hidden
areas, giving hope in a chaotic time. With more people than
expected, we split into 10 groups and started at dawn.
Searching in the uncharted land, a new discovery was made of
ruins of an ancient culture, deep in the jungle...

Thing in the Swamps
We headed for Zigolis Swamp. A poisonous swamp left by the
Fifty Year War to remind us of the terrors of the war. On the
way home, we saw something unexpected. A Selseta plant growing
in the shadows of the swamp... Will this area be full of
selseta plants when our children grow up...?

Maze of Ancient People
Professor Joshua has studied labyrinths for over 50 years,
and he believes that the labyrinth that goes through Marquis
Colins under-ground dungeon, is from an ancient race. The
labyrinth was built to protect the civilization, and is full
of complex aisles. Under the direction of the professor, we
discovered a new and unexplored ruin, deep inside the

Join the Adventurer Team
The search group, led by Bashon, explores regions unknown and
introduces the area to the people in the city. The most recent
exploration was a big one, but reaffirmed her leadership
abilities. We recorded every detail of the find of a new
ancient ruin. We're looking forward to it being published.

Report! It is true!
Receiving information on a unexplored ruin, we headed for the
mountains. Covered in a dense fog, the area seemed beautiful,
like a that of fairytales. But this area was also affected by
the war. It's better not to say what we saw, letting you see
it for yourself. This sight would make you forget the joy of
discovering a new ruin.

Merchants' Worries!
'With faith, everything will become clear.' This is not
necessarily true for the unexplored areas. Our informant, a
merchant named Bibid, believes the world revolves around money
and has no faith. After hearing about the new found ruin, he
fled out of the bar. Let's hope he has learned life isn't all
about money, after hearing our story...

In the Mist...
A mysterious place where it rains year round. The rain is
neither heavy nor light but pleasant drops that sooth minds
tormented by battles. Mt. Bekuta is known for its fog, due to
its high ground temperatures. Legend has it a white devil
dwelled here because of its conditions. We found a hidden area
and left this oasis of the soul, for battle.

Wyberns Annihilated!
Authorities have said the 'Golden Gotsko' has taken over the
bandits, 'The Wyberns'. Considered a first-rate criminal,
Gotsko's committed numerous crimes and is believed to be
involved in the abduction of a member of the royal family. The
kingdom has placed a price on his head. We suppressed his
attack, and received a reward from Priest Palcino.

Wild Kingdom
A monster's been terrorizing the Bervenia region. Behemoth
has killed approximately 30 farmers, including Cassandra. We
beat it, but if showed us the brutal aspect of nature. What's
going to happen?

Battle! Demon Lylis
The main product of the Vaccas Brewery is 'Vaccas Liquor'
made from Vacca fruit. This brewery's been under attack due to
the sweet smell of its product. A monster bandit group led by
Demon Lylis attacked for that reason. We beat Lylis and now
their liquor should reach those in Ivalice.

Father and Child
Inspired by the 'Royal Family's Reward', we went to get
dragon fangs. After beating the dragon in a fierce battle, we
were about to take its fangs. Then, we were surrounded by
troops. Prince McEnroe took the fang and disappeared leaving a
bag of sorts. His desire to gain his child's respect moved

Whisper Grass in Dark
After passing through a small, labyrinth outside Warjilis, we
came upon a giant underground lake. Feeling something was
behind us, we turned and saw, Red Mash. We beat it and saw a
'Whisper Plant', known to only bloom once every 1000 years.
Was is it protecting this exotic flower?

Battle! Whirlwind Karz!
'Whirlwind Karz' the serial criminal who robbed over 765
times, has finally been caught! Getting information Karz was
in Zarghidas, we set out to get him. After a hard battle, we
caught him with the help of a Black Ninja. After the battle,
the Ninja was no where to be found, but according to
witnesses, he was the informant, who was sold the information
on Karz.

Crime of Ct. Minimum!
We have uncovered the criminal acts of Count Minimum! After
beating 'Assault Door', who held the way to the Count's door,
the authorities and ourselves made an investigation. We found
a large number of coins, and other documents in his basement.
It would take too long to give all the details on the
documents, but this destroyed his chances of getting elected
as Mayor of Dorter City.

Battle! Assault Cave!
'Assault Cave' possessed the Ural mines, where a large
mythril vein was being mined. 'Assault Caves' normally dwell
in 'natural' caves, and it's rare to find them in artificial
caves, like Ural. They say the forbidden beast, Adamantaimai
was found in these mines long ago. Miners believe 'Assault
Cave' possessed the mine as Adamantaimai's curse. A rare
incident indeed...

That is not the Aim!
An outlaw Zero sighting! Zero was seen in the area tonight!
He was after Viscount Bafai. Disguising himself as security,
he made his way into the mansion and left with art, cash, and
treasures. We chased him through the garden, but he got away
in a puff of white smoke. But, he left a note and a treasure.
Seeing that no one was around, we took the treasure and

Too Naive!
An outlaw Zero sighting! Zero was seen in the area tonight!
He was after Baron Basanda. Disguising himself as a servant,
he made his way into the mansion several days ago. He left
with art, cash, and treasures. He escaped leaving a note and a
treasure again. Seeing that no one was around, we took the
treasure and left...

Pleasure of Goddess
An outlaw Zero sighting! Zero was seen in the area tonight!
He was after Baron Bakord. Authorities believed he was after
works of art, so they focused attention on the trophy room.
But, he got into the mansion as a gardener, and left with art,
cash, and treasures. We took the treasure again, and left...

Women held in arms...
An outlaw Zero sighting! Zero was seen in the area tonight!
He was after Magic Duke Bamjik. Sneaking into the mansion as a
cook, he left with cash and treasures. The Duke likes great
works of art, but Zero didn't take any. Authorities are
currently trying to find out what was behind this burgulary.
What does he want?

Bye, Noble of Darkness!
We finally know Zero's motives. He's after the legendary
Mashim gold coin. It belonged to the grandfather of Sheila,
who's just been targeted by Zero. Sheila's desire to have the
coin back in the family was the cause of all this. Leaving,
Zero said, 'As long as there' injustice and people have hope,
Zero shall appear again!'.

At the Hilltop Mansion?
The 'Kimera', once thought to be extinct, has reappeared. A
Kimera is a synthetic monster, cloned from many different
animals. Since this monster is man-made, it cannot regenerate
itself. Residents say someone resurrected it with ancient
magic. After an 8 hour battle to the finish, we finally beat

Unfortunate Monsters
A pet turned monster. This incident was caused by a freak
accident by the pet's owner, Adia Luka (age 18 at the time).
The mutation was done by ancient family scriptures found by
Adia. After the former pet was destroyed, she confessed the
incident was her doing. Promising never to do this again, she
was released...

Fiar's Intentions!
The pirate family, Buranar have been beaten! The family that
had terrorized a local fishing village has finally been
destroyed! They kidnapped villagers, keeping them from
reporting to the authorities. But because of the bravery of a
little girl named Fiar (age 10 at the time), the authorities
were notified and the Buranar family was beaten.

Back then...
Bitz, owner of a lodge in Zeltennia, has been tormented by
the death of his son, Garua (age 6), who died in an accident.
We learned from a specialist that Garua continues to live in
Bitz's mind. This is the beginning of a mysterious job.

Rescue of Cornelia!
We learned that Cornelia, daughter of Baron Katasto, was
kidnapped. The suspect, calling himself 'Jack the Ripper' is
demanding the Katasto family treasure for her ransom. When he
appeared to get his ransom, we beat him. The kidnaper turned
out to be Bob, gardener for the Katasto mansion. We found the
scheme was planned by Cornelia, who wanted her parents to
settle their differences.

Return of Pappal!
The son of McEnroe's been kidnapped. There are 3 male
suspects, who call themselves the 'Anti-Noble Federation'. The
authorities called for an independent investigation, as did
McEnroe, who hired his own investigators. Through cooperation
between the two groups, the hideout was found. Papal, the boy,
was rescued after the apprehension of the kidnappers. The
kidnappers were demanding the abolition of the Noble social

Ultimate Atavism
Carrot, a Morbol, owned by the Zamas family, has been missing
(5 months old at the time). While we were on a break in the
hills behind the count's mansion, we found her. According to
experts, a Morbol returns as a primitive life form every 4
generations. This incident taught us the instincts of the

Thoughts of a Doll
We investigated the voices coming from the old mansion
outside of Lesalia. They were coming from a child's room on
the 2nd floor in the back. A doll was crying in a dark room.
After a thorough check, we learned a whole family perished in
a fare at this mansion. Was the doll crying for its owner...?

Letter from distant
We investigated a floating object off the beach at Gariland.
There were various things on the beach. Most were trash dumped
in the ocean from the land. But a small bottle caught our eye.
There was a note inside, but we were unable to read t like the
other trash in the area because it was written in a language
of the continent, but we felt as though it was trying to tell
us something.

Battle! Mud Man!
We headed towards a town, on the outskirts of Goug, to beat a
monster in an old well. At the bottom of the dark and musty
well the monster was covered with mud. After we beat it, a
nomad appeared from within it. He was possessed by the
monster, when he took shelter in the well. Everything turned
out for the best.

Darkness of Eternal Way
We headed for the castle town of Zeltennia to investigate
reports of a suspicious man appearing in the dark of night. We
pursued a suspicious man we found on a moonlit night.
Realizing we were in an unfamiliar area. This 'Black-caped
man', cast a spell of eternal darkness on us. But, with
courage and faith, we were able to break the spell and beat
the mysterious man.

Demon Golem
We investigated the old mansion in Limberry. There, we saw
strange looking giant mechanical tools. They wre making a doll
4 sectas high. The Golem doll sensed our presence and suddenly
attacked. We managed to beat it and arrested Dr. Gel, the
doll's maker. He confessed to experimenting with alchemy for

Final Resistance
Riovanes academy cadets shut themselves up in an ancient
shrine for 5 days. Almost 30 students help up within the
mountain ruins. This was an act of protest against corporal
punishment by teachers. The Ivalice board of education
immediately removed all the teachers and the principal. They
announced a new policy of zero corporal punishment. But, some
gave concern over hasty decision making.

We found a spy in that secret company. The investigation
revealed the man was Hekkrun Mauhar (41 years old at the
time). They stated the secret company was smuggling
fashionable chocobo declared an endangered species. We
immediately searched their house and uncovered all their wrong

Most Precious Thing
Viscount Lakaira gave his family treasure to an adventurer!
We were hired to authencitcate the Lakaira family treasure. We
did, and shortly after, his family broke up on his remarking,
"The family treasure is more important than our lives". The
loss of his family made him realize what was really important
in life and he gave us the treasure for our work.

Poet Gilbert's Thoughts
We just learned Anna the singing Princess of Warjilis, is in
love with the poet, Gilbert! According to our information,
because of their demanding schedules, they can't meet often.
They exchanged letters for years and loved each other
platonically. We found this love connection by agreeing to
deliver the love letter. This was really enjoyable work.

Delighted Ct. Minimum!
Count Minimum of Dorter donates large sums of money to
charities each year. But, he couldn't get his safe open. This
is because he stuffed too many gil bags inside. We were
impressed by the Nobles lavish lifestyle. But, this count who
lives for making a difference in the world is seen as a
leading reformer! Can anyone correct the corrupted ways of the

Cannibalistic Plant
We confirmed the existence of the man-eating plant,
'Rafurshva", the giant flower that grows in the north. Its
diameter is 5 sectas. We found the carnivorous plant while
collecting other plants. Sensing our presence, the giant
Rafuresheva attacked us with its leaf. But, we managed to
escape. This is truly a historical discovery and it will
stimulate the academic world.

Joyous Song for You
Anna the singing princess, announced her marriage, after 7
years of courtship. The groom is the poet Gilbert who works at
the Riovanes Castle. They say Gilbert might be of royal blood.
He certainly is a gentleman. Maybe this is what made Anna
decide to marry him. We wish our beloved Anna the best of luck
and all the happiness of the world.

The Talkative, Katedona
The debut of a new talent! A female mediator Ms. Katedona Fim
(19 years old at the time) won this year's contest and tells
us of her victory. 'I was very shy by nature and never had
much chance to talk with others. But, since I got the knack of
speaking, it became easy. I'm no longer afraid to talk to
anyone. One shouldn't avoid things only because they're
uncomfortable!' Katedona smiled pleasantly.

Courage of Durman!
Durman used to hate math (7 years old at the time). He
volunteered to answer a question in math class one parent-day
at school. He seems entirely different from the boy we knew
who cried for help with his math. This must be cause of our
excellent way of teaching. The boy was applauded by the entire
class, for he was the only student there who could solve that
particular math problem.

Regain Ability!
Mameko, the traveling artist, restarted his act. Years back,
he won a talent contest many praise his originality. But, he's
been in a slump for a long time. We drank together all night,
thinking about his new job. We suggested things to him like,
"Why don't you change your hair style?" we were glad since
he's started acting again.

Delighted Ct. Minimum!
Count Minimum donates large sums of money to the Red Wing
charity every year. The door of his mansion at Dorter won't
open because of the weight of the many gold decorations on the
door. The count was very nice and noble. He never
discriminates against others for any reason. The count seems
to be the hope of the corrupted Nobility.

Won Machinist Contest!
The annual "Machinist Contest" is opened this year in Goug.
We worked as helpers for the 'Goripan' team. This team is a
regular in the contest. They've come close to winning many
times. This was the biggest contest yet. The Goripan won with
their Chocobo Car.

Artist Mameko Leaves!
Mameko the traveling artist, started recitals again after 10
years. He had been in a slump for a long time, but now he's
the king of late night entertainment in Igros. His fans
gathered for his "Goodbye Recital" and were very excited
showing their sincere support for Mameko who will travel the

Chocobo Restaurant
There's a party at "Gizarl's" a restaurant famous for its
Chocobo. We think the party's for some special occasion. But,
since the restaurant was so full we couldn't even find out
what was being held. Early in the morning, we started cooking,
then never ending dish washing. Then, late at night when the
party was over, we had to clean up. When all the work was
done, it was already the following afternoon.

Ship Casino, Black Jack
The Casino ship, Black Hack is at the port of Warjilis. It's
equipped with all types of gambling items including slot
machines and a Black Jack table. Although the gambling is
restricted nowadays, the owner of the ship, Mr. Setzer (27
years old at the time) defends the rights of casino owners and
gamblers. He says this is about the only entertainment that
exists for the commoners.

Storm of 777!
The Casino ship Black hack is at the port of Limberry castle.
The slot machine on the left hand side gave us 777, the
jackpot. Nothing happened so we asked Setzer about this. He
said he deliberately lowered the pay-off rate. "Gambling's not
fun unless there's some risk."

Inside Lakam Trade Co.
The president of Lakam commerce, Narman, Jose (24 years old
at the time) is wanted for smuggling drugs. While we were
fighting a monster, trying to guard the Chocobo cart, the car
flipped and we found a large amount of drugs in it. We asked
the driver and found it was the president's doing. Now he is
wanted by the authorities.

Cherish Memories
A monster attacked Mr. Dener, a resident of Dorter, killing
him. We were supposed to deliver a letter for the mother of
the deceased, Mrs. Branch. We weren't quite sure how to break
the news to her. Out of respect for Mrs. Dener, we lied. We
told Mrs. Branch her son was doing fine. Mrs. Branch already
has lost her sight and didn't have much longer to live. She
hired us to deliver a meal to her son for his birthday.

A Perfect Smile!
Mickey, the son of Prince Kappa, (12 years old at the time)
scored 100 on the Gariland Magic Exam. This test is one of the
most competitive of its kind. Only one in 600 pass it and only
one other student ever scored 100 on it. We didn't know how
competitive it was and later realized that the 10000 gil
reward is too cheap. But, seeing the boy smile, we knew it was
worth more than just money.

Won the Yardow Fight!
This year Yardow sponsors the "Ultimate Martial Arts
Contest". This year celebrated 80 years of their history and
the Dojo was filled with fans. Although I was beat once, I
managed to advance to the final competition. I beat Gustav and
won first prize.

Won the Zaland Fight!
The Zaland Martial Arts Contest was held in Zaland. This
contest continues in the spirit of the contest held in Yardow.
They invited many accomplished martial artists. Because the
toughest competitors were paired in the same block exhausting
each other, we easily advanced to the final competition and
won first prize.

Won the Magic Contest!
Gariland's Magic Association sponsors this year's magic
contest, the 'Gariland Memorial'. Many participants want to
show off their magic. We got to the final competition and
faced the last opponent, a black mage called Alesta from
Dorter. We beat him and managed to be this year's champion.

Won the Meister Contest!
The Goug Artisan Association sponsored this year's Meister
contest. It tests 3 elements to be a good Artisan;
"Knowledge", "Innate Skill" and "Learned Skill". Participants
are tested in many ways the highest total of points ultimately
decides the winner. Early in the contest, we lost some points
because of the clock. But, we came back strong and won.

Unexplored Land

Shrine of Chaos:
Long ago, ancient gods sealed Jade, the king of Hell, deep
underground. Also on that very same spot is the Shrine of
Chaos, a defiled shrine with an air of decadence.

Forbidden Land Eureka:
According to legend, Eureka was the once prosperous capitol of
the Kashuka kingdom which collapsed due to the enormous debt
of the royal family. Today, it's a ghost town, a memory of its
past glory.

The former capital of the ancient Paramekia Empire. Surrounded
by a mountain range of 9000m, even airships couldn't access
it. The only way to reach the city was through a corridor that
passed through Hell.

Mirage Tower:
This tower connects the ancient Ronkan castle to the earth. A
special magic coating on the walls keeps the tower hidden.
Once in a while, the castle can be faintly seen as a mirage.

Floating Castle:
Winged men once knew how to create floating rocks. The same
technology was used for this castle. But with the
disappearance of winged men, the technology was also lost.

Matoya Cave:
The cave where the magician Matoya who served the ancient
kingdom of Ronkan lived. He was well liked by the people, but
after creating a demon, he was feared as a sorceress.

Crystal Tower:
The castle of the ancient kingdom of Baron. The town was built
like a labyrinth to keep strangers out. The castle is made of
pure crystal representing the power and wealth of the royal
family. It was built entirely at the people's expense.

Magic Continent:
Once, believed to be the gate to either Heaven or Hell,
recently scholars agree it is the result of a great impact
caused by the collapse of the floating stone within the earth.

Castle of Trials:
In the past, this was military school for the Baron's kingdom.
An exceptional group of pilots called "Red Wing" graduated
from this academy. Even a great institution like this is now

Tower of Babel:
The legendary tower that reaches to Heaven from deep
underground. It's also called Giant's Tower. More than legend
this is a valuable record of an ancient civilization.

Ronkan Ruins:
At its height, the Ronkan Empire covered the world. But
because of a mysterious disease, the entire civilization was
destroyed. Today, only an empty castle remains quietly

Said to be the village where magic swordsmen hide. Because
magic swords shorten the life of the user the number of
swordsmen steadily decreased. Now, all that remains are empty

Magic Train:
A transport train used during the war to transport man-made
demons, it's now known as the Magic Train. It's also sometimes
called the 'carrier of dead'.

Touzas Village:
A village of dwarves called Liliputians. Once a dictatorship,
it was liberated by the giant, Atlas. Touzas in the original
means "distant land".

Chocobo Forest:
Very little light comes into this deep forest where many rare,
wild Chocobo live. In its center, it's said the World Tree
grows. It reeks of Chocobo...

Semite Falls:
One of the most important areas in the Paramekia Empire.
Mythril can be found within this gigantic waterfall, and its
water was used as fuel for the airships of their time. A
magical waterfall indeed.


"Four Gods Set"
This's a miniature set shaped like the gods from the far
East. Judging from its jewels, it must have belonged to a

"Statue of Lylis"
The stone statue of the goddess Lylis is said to be the
source of life or the first devil. It is believed the
possessor of this stone statue increases his strength. A
favorite item for the ancient warriors.

"Beetle Charm"
Called a scarab in some areas, it's a beetle-shaped ornament.
Well loved by the people as a good luck charm. It sparkles
like a rainbow.

"Tobacco Pipe"
A tool used by thieves in the Far East. Normally, it is used
for smoking, but since it's made of Golden tight stone, it can
also be used in battle.

Used for fortune telling by an itinerant Caranan trade group.
Made of foreign coins shaped into a sword.

"Black Cat"
Ornamental black cat with eyes made of lapis lazuli and claws
made of diamonds. Very ancient and very popular with

"Malice Mask"
Mask of a giant demon that rules an ancient foreign kingdom.
These demons were said to be the source of hatred among

"Parade Helmet"
Used in victory parades, it's very impractical, but
breathtaking. A symbol the glory of the ancient world, it's
nearly completely covered with jewels.

"Kid's Bread"
Ancient bite-sized bread snack for children. Few know how to
make it today... only a recipe book remains.

"Adult's Bread"
Ancient over-sized bread eaten for stamina. Its recipe book
also remains. Adults like it.

Traditional dress-up doll first popular among the girls of
this area when there wasn't much entertainment. The doll
contains the memory of those girls.

Popular marionette with designs that hold the attention of
kids. No one knows how to make them anymore. Therefore, they
are very valuable.

"Red Materia"
In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Blue Materia"
In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Black Materia"
In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"White Materia"
In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Rat Tail"
Since ancient times, magicians have used this as magical
medicine. The desire for its delicious taste has been known to
start a war.

"M-Fiction Novel"
First edition of the life of the Saviour, Mesa. Sadly, most
of it is damaged and only part of it is able to be read.

"Diary of Nanai"
The psychologist Nanai analyzed many people in this book.
Part of it writes of the life of a gambler.

If published, it is said this book would have changed the
course of history. It is the record of the life of a certain

"Book of Enavia"
A record of Kusu Castle in Enavia. The most important part is
written in an ancient script and cannot be deciphered. It is a
story of 3 girls.

"Magical Gun"
An ancient pistol believed to be magic, because its bullets
contain magical power. Later, bullets containing Summoned
monsters were invented.

"M Machinegun"
An ancient gun mounted on many aircraft of the time. Its use
varied depending on the type of magic bullet inserted. Very

From a nearly illegible inscription on the sword, I managed
to read that this sword killed a Warlock in Hell with one
slash. A gigantic tower-type sword.

This is actually a Magi-orb. It's called the Minu Orb because
it contains the soul of the first Magician, Minu. It's also
known as the Soul of Minu.

"Tarot of Ben"
Created by the famous artist, Benstat, only one set exists in
the world. It was stolen from the Lesalia Museum of art, a few
years ago.

An imitation of the legendary sword "Excalibur". Although
it's a copy, its sharpness is superb. It was cherished by

"Parasite Tree"
This tiny tree feeds on the bark of the World Tree,
Yugudoracil. Once it attaches itself to the tree, it usually
dies in half a day. The tree, which is tricky to get, is said
to be medicine for eternal youth.

"Longibunne Spear"
Legendary spear used to kill the Demon who rules the earth.
This spear is said to be able to pierce any shield. Many died
trying to get it.

"Chocobo Cannon"
With this, you get a fat chocobo to drink gun powder and fire
it like a cannon. Rarely hitting the target, it was never used
for practical purposes. It was made during an experiment.

"St. Elmo's Fire"
This blue flame is said to come from the human body. Those
who produce it usually are suffering from some sickness. It is
thought that a virus causes the disease.

"Germonik Scriptures"
This is a record of St. Ajora, written by his disciple
Germonik. It was supposed to be a lost book.

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Ram'. It was acquired after defeating

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Bull'. It was found hidden in the Goug
Machine City.

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Twins'. Acquired after beating Duke Elmdor
in Limberry Castle.

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Crab'. Acquired after beating the Steel

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Justice'. This was a treasure of the Orlandu
family. It was in the possession of T.G. Cid.

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Scorpion'. It was acquired after vanquishing

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Archer'. The High Priest gave it to

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Goat'. Acquired after beating the eldest
brother Dycedarg.

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Water' bearer. Found in a deep mine in

One of the 12 Holy Stones. A legendary Zodiac Stone
representing the 'Fish'. It was given to Alma by Izlude while
he was dying.

13th Zodiac Stone. Added to the 12 original Zodiac Signs. It
represents the 'Snake'. Acquired after beating Elidibs.


- Special Thanks to Square for creating Final Fantasy Tactics.

- Thanks to my family.

- Thanks to everybody who is supporting me right now!

- A Very Special thanks to psxcodez for hosting my FAQs.

- A Very Special thanks to CjayC for hosting my FAQs on his

- A Very Special thanks goes to "R-man" (Redemption), "Entity"
and the rest of the admins for hosting my FAQs on their site.
You guys are doing a helluva job!

- Lastly, I want to thank God for helping me.

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The Soggy Bears

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Stealing Guide

15.Octombrie 2013
Complete Game Script

16.Octombrie 2013
Straight Character Challenge

17.Octombrie 2013
Challenge FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Not So Common Knowledge Guide

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Brave and Faith Summary

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Zodiac Learning FAQ

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Spielstand mit 14 verschiedenen Charakteren.

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How to Learn Ultima FAQ

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Part 1 of 3

16.Octombrie 2013
Part 2 of 3

13.Octombrie 2013
Part 3 of 3

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US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

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Dancer Guide

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Speed Guide

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Character Setups

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Deep Dungeon Exits Guide

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15.Octombrie 2013
Stealing Guide

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Spell Quotes Guide

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Secrets Guide

11.Octombrie 2013
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Job Requirements

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Deep Dungeon Guide

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16.Octombrie 2013
Build Up Guide

17.Octombrie 2013
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