Kessen 2

Kessen 2

15.10.2013 18:55:45
Kessen II for PSX2.
Written by Eagles' (

Version 1.09 (11/10/01)
I added two more stages for Liu Bei.
Version 1.08 (11/03/01)
Finally, an update!!! School's been a killer, sorry for taking such a
long time to update. This time I have three new stages for Liu Bei.
Only three left!!!
Version 1.07 (10/06/01)
I added one more stage for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.
Version 1.06 (10/05/01)
I added another four stages for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.
Version 1.05 (10/04/01)
I added another two stages for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section. I
added some third party characters in the character section as well.
Version 1.04 (10/03/01)
I added and changed a lot in the basic game play and game control
section, now it looks a lot nicer. I also changed the enemy units
information on the walkthrough to make it easier to understand. Most
importantly, the formations part is up, huge thanks to Muni Shinobu.
Version 1.03 (10/02/01)
I added first three battles for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.
Version 1.02 (10/02/01)
I added the tip, special abilities, and a little more on generals'
statuses. I'm going to send this in to help those who have troubles
fighting battles. I will soon start working on the walkthrough.
*Note: I expect there to be many stupid mistakes (spelling, grammar,
etc.) on this FAQ since I wrote 14 pages in three school days. But I
will soon find a time to go through it and find them all. Please be
patient with me: P. And if you think the character section is sloppy
(which I do), just give me some time I will add much more details on
each character.
Version 1.01 (10/01/01)
I added the character section; it's not yet completed.
Version 1.0 (09/30/01)
I just started this FAQ, and hopefully people who like the game will
like this. This is going to require a lot of work, but since my love
for the game is strong, I will do it!!!:)

*Note: this is a FAQ for the English version.

Everything is still coming up. I'm a full time college student, school
is tough, so I don't have much free time, but I will try my best to
upgrade this FAQ.

Kessen II ("Kessen" means final battle, I think in both Japanese and
Chinese) is a strategy game based on the historical Chinese story "The
Romance of Three Kingdoms". It's made by the mighty KOEI, which is
known for it's unique style of making historical strategy games
(Romance of Three Kingdom (1~9), Dynasty Warriors (1~3), Kessen, and
many other great games).

In general, Kessen II is a really fun game. If you have never played
any of the games above or never heard of the story of the Romance of
Three Kingdoms, it'd be kind of tough for you to understand it. But
still, it's pretty good, due to its one of a kind game play and amazing
graphics. I suggest you try it out, maybe you will be "touched" by its
storyline: P.
I just beat the game, since I like it so much, I'd like to write a FAQ
about it:).........
And, I must add this: I BEAT IT IN TWO DAYS (about 20 hours)!!!

What does this FAQ have (or what will it have)?
1. Basic game play and controls.
2. Characters.
3. Special abilities.
4. Notes on the battlefields (tips, formations, special events).
5. Walkthrough.


Right after you start the game, you will have to sit tight for the
intro moive (or skip it by pressing "start"). Just relax and enjoy it.
The game will flow in this following order (except the first stage):

Power Status: the military situation will be explained.
Political Policy: the purpose of the Political Policy is to strengthen
the army. This will be explained later on this FAQ.
Drama: The CG movies bring the drama of love and war among Liu Bei, Cao
Cao and fellow commanders.
War Council: you decide the plan you will use for your next battle. War
Council is also explained later on this FAQ and in the walkthrough
Battle: all of your units will go as planned in War Council. You can
also give them new orders.
Postwar: when you win you will keep going to the next stage; if somehow
you lose you will be given the option whether or not you want to fight
the stage again.
Save: you will go to the save menu and save your game if you want.
Next stage...

---------Game Controls---------

There are many views in this game, in different views different buttons
function differently, here's a list of all the controls:


Directional buttons:
Highlight items
Select commanders (only in Political Policy / War Council)

Square button:
Army information (Political Policy)
Battle Map (War Council)

Triangle button:

Circle button:
Re-explanation (Political Policy / War Council)

X button:

BATTLE MAP VIEW (This is the map view where you see the layout of the
land and the location of your units):

Direction buttons:
Select units
Select items

Square button:
Unit information

Triangle button:
Army View (goes back to ARMY VIEW of pervious commander)

Circle button:
Combat order menu

X button:
Army view (goes to the unit's ARMY VIEW that you selected)

L1 / R1 button:
Switch units

L2 button:
Turn on/off units' names

R2 button:
Displays control guide

SELECT button:
Function menu

Left / Right analog stick:
Rotate camera angle

ARMY VIEW (this is the overall view of a unit; you will get into this
view by pressing "X" button on any of your units in BATTLE MAP VIEW;
this is the view you are in when you start a battle):

Directional buttons:
Select commanders (goes to the OFFICER VIEW of selected officer; only
works when the unit is in combat)
Operate units (you can change the direction of which you units face;
only works when marching)

Square button:
Battle Map VIEW (this sends you back to BATTLE MAP VIEW)

Triangle button:
De-select unit (does the same as "Square" button, which sends you back

Circle button:
Combat order menu (you can assign new mission for this unit, change its
formation from this menu)

X button:
Select unit
Officer view (this sends you to OFFICER VIEW; only works during combat)

L1 / R1 button:
Select units

L2 button:
Turn the marks off (the marks are either red or green, it helps to tell
which soldier is on your side when there are tons of them around you, I
will talk more about it later on)

R2 button:
Display control guide

START button:
Pause the game

Left analog stick:
Control units (only when marching)

Right analog stick:
Rotate camera angle

L3 button (this is the left analog stick; instead of move it, you push
Turn radar on/off

R3 button (this is the right analog stick; instead of move it, you push
Re-center camera

OFFICER VIEW (you can go to officer view by pressing "X" button on the
general you desired in ARMY VIEW; in this view, you will be able to
fight as this general and use his / her special abilities):

Directional buttons:
Move generals
Gather troops (by pressing "down" directional button)
Select special (include select abilities / target area or range in this

Square button:
Battle Map view (this sends you back to BATTLE MAP VIEW)

Triangle button:
Army view (sends you back to ARMY VIEW)

Circle button:
Select special abilities

X button:
Rush enemies after gathering troops (see above about how to gather
troops in Directional buttons)
Select special abilities
Attack enemy soldiers (you NEVER kill enemy soldiers by pressing "X"
button in this view; however, this will greatly help to raise your
morale and it's cool: )

L2 button:
Turn the marks off (the marks are either red or green, it helps to tell
which soldier is on your side when there are tons of them around you, I
will talk more about it later on)

R2 button:
Display control guide

START button:
Pause the game

Left analog stick:
Move commanders
Navigate / gather troops

Right analog stick:
Rotate camera angle

L3 button (this is the left analog stick; instead of move it, you push
Turn radar on/off

*Note: soldiers are stronger when they fight close together than when
they fight separately. This called "backup effect". The mark appearing
above the soldiers become brighter as this effect increases.

*Note: this game's battles proceed in real time. The time WILL stop
temporarily in the following cases:
*Under the given order menu (displayed by pressing "Circle" button
under ARMY VIEW)
*When you choose your special abilities
*When an event occurs
*When you paused the game (by pressing "START" under ARMY VIEW OR

Here's how are the three views (BATTLE MAP VIEW, ARMY VIEW AND OFFICER
VIEW) related to each other:

By pressing "X" button:

By pressing "Triangle" button:

By pressing "Square" button:

That's all for the game controls. Now let's move on.

---------Officer Information---------

Your army has many officers. You may get more officers as the game
flows. Each unit shows on the battle map has at least one or more
general in charge. Each unit consists five squadrons. If you have more
than one generals in one unit, those generals (except the commander)
will each lead his / her own squadron.

There are six statuses for each general:
This is the general's psychical strength. This affects the offense,
defense, and morale of the unit this general's leading.

This is the general's magical power. This affects the power of this
general's magical attacks and his / her unit's resistance to magical

This is how famous the general really is. This affects the max number
of troops you can have in this general's unit. You can increase this
status by making enemy units flee.

This is the experience the general has. This affects the general's
unit's promotion. Gaining more and more experience can learn new
special abilities for this general. You can increase this status by
making enemy units flee, destroy enemy storehouses (which barely
happens if you don't have special plans for it), or simply survive a

Troops: the class of troops led by the commander.

Special Abilities: the available special abilities.

Before each battle, you will enter two main events. They are Political
Policy Meeting and War Council.

---------Political Policy Meeting---------

Before each battle, you will go to a political policy meeting, three of
your generals will suggest you three different things to do. You can
only choose one of these three things. You should make your decision
based on your army strength or just do whatever you feel like. Troop
Strength (number of soldiers), Supply (number of supplies), and
Technology (abilities of your troops) determine how strong your army
really is. You can check your and your opponent's stats by pressing the
square button every time you go to policy meeting.

Here's the list on what ideas might come up in political policy

*Note: all of the following may come in different forms, depends on
different stages and different rulers. For example: in recruit troops,
one general might tell you the people would like to follow you so
they'd like to join, and later in the game, another one might tell you
that you can use prisoners to fight. Either way, you will get new

A. Recruit troops: generally you are adding new force to your army.
Result: usually this will get you anywhere between 600~900 troops, not
that great, but if you feel like you are too few in numbers (which most
of times you will), this is not a bad option at all.

B. Train troops: you train your current army. Actually, you are really
training your generals.
Result: your generals get stronger (the results may very, depends on
who's doing the training).

C. Kill man-eating tiger: you go and lay the smack down on a tiger: P.
Result: your fame will go up.

D. Getting supplies: in general, you are getting more food by doing
Result: your supply will go up.

E. Research weapon: you research new weapons to improve the strength of
your army.
Result: there're two of situations under research weapon:
1. You will get a special type of weapon. This weapon will
automatically be assigned to one of your best generals and it
will be automatically used on battlefield. These kinds of weapons
are: Tiger Canons, Catalogs, Hawk Troops, and many others.
2. You will hire blacksmiths to upgrade your weapons, many of your
generals' troops will upgrade.

F. Allow some general to train: one important general in your army
wants to train by himself / herself.
Result: this general will GREATLY improve himself / herself.

G. Form a special unit: you will form a special unit for a specific
Result: this general gets an UNQIUE and POWERFUL unit.

H. Making plots on the enemy: there are many smart guys under you, they
thought of a way to mess with your opponent without fighting.
Result: there are many different plots as the followings:
1. Persuade the enemies: the enemy troops number will lower by 10%
2. Fake an attack: enemy will send troops to wherever you fake an
attack to; therefore, these enemy troops cannot fight you in the
next battle (this is a great plot).
3. Spread rumors in enemy army: this will lower the enemy troops
morale by 10.

Special cases: I've only seen one special case in the game I played;
however, there might be more since I've only beat the game once. In the
battle "Showdown of Chi Bi", if you are playing Cao Cao, you will have
the option to write poetry for your troops.
Result: your troops will be inspired by your poetry and their morale
will go up by 10.

That should be all for political policies, if I find anything else I
will add it up.

After you finish your political policies meeting, it's most likely the
current situation will be explained and a CG movie will be shown
afterwards (Best part of the game!!!). After that you will go the war
council. In there your generals will lay out the ideas on how you
should fight this battle.

---------War Council---------

In war council three of your generals will suggest three ideas on how
should you fight this battle, and you will then decide which strategy
you would take for the upcoming battle. None of them is really wrong,
but sometimes (most of the times) one strategy works way better than
the other two. I will state the strategies of each battle as I go over
the walkthrough.

That's about all you need to know before you go into battles. In the
walkthrough I will state everything you need to know for each stage.
I will also put tips in the NOTES ON BATTLEFIELD section.

*********SECTION 2: SPECIAL ABILITIES*********

Special attacks are really powerful, if you use them right. Most of the
special attacks have ranges. Try to move around so you can get more
enemy soldiers inside your range. The BEST TIME to perform a special
attack is RIGHT AFTER you get into fight with an enemy unit (the time
when your soldiers just contacted with your enemy's). At that time, the
enemies are still in groups, which makes it really easy to target.

---------Strategic Abilities---------

Physical commanders use this kind of abilities.

Duel: ****
Your enemy general goes one-on-one with the great one.
If you win, the enemy unit's morale will drop and your own will
increase by 30; if you lose, your morale drops and the enemy unit's
will increase by the same amount. You can refuse to duel someone by
press triangle; however, your morale will decrease a little bit.
The range depends on the general's war ability.

Volley: ***
Shoot arrows at the enemy unit. All troops who have bows can use this
ability. It is more powerful than the normal shooting.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.
The range depends on the general's war ability. This cannot be
performed once the archers drew out their swords and go into the

Snipe: ***
This is a more powerful version of Volley.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.
The range depends on the general's war ability.

Iron Wall: *****
All of your soldiers build an energy shield, which defend against ANY
magical abilities. If you are watching a battle, and an enemy general
in this fight uses a magic, and you have this ability, simply press x
(which you can see on the right bottom screen) to perform this ability.

Battle Cry: ****
Weaken the enemy soldiers for a little while; also decrease this unit's
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.
The range depends on the general's war ability. Make sure they are not
too close to the end of your range.

Rally: ****
Strengthen the ally soldiers for a little while; also increase this
unit's morale.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.
The range depends on the general's war ability.

Raid: ***
Charge through the enemies all by yourself.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range,
general's war ability, and how many of them you hit. There's a limited
time for this attack, it's shown as a bar on the right bottom corner.
Before the time runs out, you can move to anywhere and hit your

Charge: *****
Charge with mounted troops (does NOT include mounted archers).
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.

Rush: *****
Charge with foot soldiers or lance troops (does NOT include archers).
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.

---------Magical Abilities---------

Warlords use this kind of the abilities:

Meteor Shower: ***
Drops huge meteors from the sky.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
The range looks something like this; try to put more enemy soldiers at
the position as shown("*"). This only works better if your magic
ability is decent.

G <- your position
r r
r r

Fireballs: ****
Huge fireballs roll through enemies and burn them up.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
You can have anywhere from one to five fireballs depends on your
general's magic ability.
This is what the range looks like, try to put more enemy soldiers at
the position as shown ("*"). And do not put too many soldiers in the
first half of the range.
G <-- your position
r r
r r
r r

Fire Strom: *****
Huge fire snakes burn up enemies in a straight line.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
The range also depends on general's magic ability.
You can put enemy soldiers anywhere within in the range. You can have
anywhere from one to five fire snakes (I've never seen one though,
because it requires good magic ability to have this spell).

Hail: ***
Huge and sharp ice blades drop from the sky upon the enemy soldiers.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
When your magic ability is not high enough, try to put more enemy
soldiers near the middle. If you have the final version of this spell
(gained by increasing your general's magic ability to a certain point),
you don't have to worry about that.

Ice Storm: ***
Two little icy meteors freeze the enemies around you.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range.
The range depends on general's magic ability.
When you are using this spell, try not to put enemy soldiers too close
to you since they won't get hurt.

Lightening: ****
Huge lightening blots shock enemies on the battlefield.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
You can have more number of lightening blots by increasing your magic
ability. The range of this spell looks like this:
G <- your position
r r
r r <- don't put the enemies here(only if your magic is not
r r high)
r r
r r <- instead, put them here

Gale: ******
Huge tornado just blows enemies away.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.

Fissure: *****
The ground opens and sucks the enemies in.
The effect depends on how many enemy soldiers are inside the range and
the general's magic ability.
Try to put more enemy soldiers near the center of the range.

*Note: some generals can use both kinds of the special abilities, like
Xun Yu.

*********SECTION 3: CHARACTERS*********

Note: each character starts with some special abilities. They can also
gain new special abilities after fighting more battles and gain more
experiences. I also gave each officer a rating (***** means the best,
and * means the worst). This section is not yet completed. I only
listed what abilities each character gained in my game. I will add more
up in this section later on. I might made many mistakes on this list
(ability wise, like this guy doesn't have this ability and I added it
up). If you spot any of these mistakes, please let me know through e-
*Note: there are also some generals who have special events before
going into battles (it's either a workout or a special intro); you will
see them as you go through the game. I will list them as I list all the
characters. This kind of special events happens randomly before you go
into battle with an enemy unit for the first time.

---------Shu Army (Liu Bei's army, in green)---------

Main Characters:

Liu Bei: ***
Liu Bei was lord over Xu, later became the leader of Shu army. His only
wish is to live happily ever after with Diao Chan.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rally
Later gain: Iron Wall
Liu Bei's not that great, but he's a leader, can't fight without him.

Diao Chan: *****
Diao Chan is a singer. She met up with Liu Bei and fell in love with
him. She's beautiful, merciful and strong in will. She holds a secret
only a few knows about...
*Diao Chan is a key character throughout the game, but she can't be
controlled as a general in your army. I gave her five stars for her
beauty: P.

Zhuge Liang: *****
Zhuge Liang is a legendary warlord. He's extremely remarkable in
warfare, astronomy, as well as magic. After he met Liu Bei, he joined
the Shu army as his advisor.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Fireball, Fire Storm, Lightening
Later gain: Gale, Fissure
*Joins before the Battle of Bo Wan Po (stage #4).

Guan Yu: *****
Guan Yu is Liu Bei's sworn brother. He's a true champions' champion.
Guan Yu is very powerful. Due to this, he's the leader of Liu Bei's
five tiger generals. He seems to have a crush on Mei Sanniang and he is
afraid of frogs in this game.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later Gain: Charge
*You start out with Guan Yu.

Zhang Fei: ****
Zhang Fei is also Liu Bei's sworn brother. He was a former bandit. Like
Guan Yu, he's extremely powerful and one of the five tiger generals.
Unlike Guan Yu, he's a short-tempered champion of drunks and a father
of three.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Raid
*You start out with Zhang Fei.

Zhao Yun: ****
Zhao Yun was the head of the Han Imperial Bodyguard. However, Cao Cao
ousted him after he gained the control over the emperor. He has a
strong sense of justice and he wishes to restore the dying Han dynasty.
Zhao Yun is one of five tiger generals.
Special Abilities:
Start With: Duel, Raid
Later gain: Charge
*Has a special event before going into battle with an enemy unit.
*Joins in The Battle of Xu (stage #1).
*Leaves your army before the Battle of Bo Wan Po (stage #4).
*Rejoins before the Battle of Tian Shui.

Mei Sanniang: ***
Mei Sanniang is a long-time friend of the three brothers: Liu Bei, Guan
Yu and Zhang Fei. She has a crush on Liu Bei.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower
Later gain: Duel
*You start out with Mei Sanniang.

Mei Mei:
Mei Mei is the first daughter of Zhange Fei. As part of the special
force in Liu Bei's army, she and her sisters act as spies and ninjas.
She died in the beginning of the game to protect Diao Chan. Too bad you
can not play as her.

Li Li: **
Li Li is the second daughter of Zhang Fei.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Iron Wall
Later gain: Rush
*You start out with Li Li.

Luo Luo: **
Luo Luo is the third daughter of Zhang Fei.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Ralley
Later gain:
*You start out with Luo Luo.

Sun Li: **
Sun Li is the younger sister of Sun Quan, the ruler of Wu. She wishes
to see the world outside of Wu. She joined Liu Bei after met him.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Charge
Later gain:
*Has a special event before going into battle with an enemy unit.

Ma Chao: ****
Ma Chao is a great and famous hero in West Xi. He swore to hunt down
Cao Cao for wiping out his entire clan, and he joined Liu Bei for that
very same reason. Ma Chao is one of the tiger generals.
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Raid
*Has a special event before going into battle with an enemy unit.

Huang Zhong: ***
Huang Zhong is an old general whose strength can compete that of Guan
Yu and Zhang Fei's. He's one of the tiger generals.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Battle Cry, Volley, Iron Wall
Later gain:
*Joins after the Battle of Chang Ban Po (stage #4).

Pang Tong: *****
Pang Tong is Zhuge Liang's brother in law. He's another genius just
like Zhuge Liang. He's really strong in magic.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower, Fireball
Later gain:
*Joins after the Battle of Chang Ban Po (stage #4).

Supporting Characters:
Guan Ping: *
Guan Ping is Guan Yu's adopted son.
Special Abilities:
Start with: None
Later gain: Rally
*Joins after the Battle of Xu (Stage#1).

Zhou Cang: *
Zhou Can is a follower of Guan Yu.
Special Abilities:
Start with: None
Later gain:
*Joins during the Battle of Ru Nan (Stage #2).

Ma Su: *
Ma Su is a follower of Zhuge Liang.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower
Later gain:
*Joins after the Showdown at Chi Bi (stage #5).

Cai Mao: **
Cai Mao is a former officer of Cao Cao's army, later defected to you if
you chose to make him defect.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Iron Wall
Later gain:
*Joins if you choose to make Cai Mao defect in the Political Policy
Meeting in the Showdown at Chi Bi (stage #5).

---------Wei Army(Cao Cao's army, in red)---------

Main Characters:
Cao Cao: *****
Cao Cao is a man with desire to conquer the world by power. He doesn't
trust anything but his own strength.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Battle Cry
Later gain: Rally, Charge, Iron Wall

Xun Yu: *****
Xun Yu is Cao Cao's right-hand-woman. She's excellent in magic and
warfare. She has a strong feeling for Cao Cao.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Later gain: Rally

Himiko: *****
Himiko is a young woman who has a heart of a child. However, she has
incredible magical power, which is strong enough to determine the
outcome on the battlefields.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Lightning, Hail
Later gain: Ice Storm, Gale, Fissure

Cao Bu: **
Cao Bu is Cao Cao's uncle. He serves Cao Cao by enlarging his army.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rally
Later gain: Iron Wall

Xiahou Yan: ***** / *
Xiahou Yan is Cao Cao's cousin, one of the best generals in the Wei
Special Abilities:
Start with: Battle Cry, Charge, Raid, Rally, Duel
Later gain: None

Xiahou Dun: ****
Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao's cousin, known as the "one-eyed" general.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Battle Cry, Charge

Xiahou Ba: ****
Xiahou Ba is Xiahou Yan's son. His biggest wish is to be respected like
his father.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Battle Cry, Raid

Sima Yi: *****
Sima Yi is the perfect rival for Zhuge Liang. He has amazing magical
power and knowledge over warfare.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Hail, Ice Storm, Meteor Shower
Later gain: Lightning

Zhang Liao: *****
Zhang Liao is a high commander of the Wei army. He was close to Guan Yu
when he was young.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Raid, Rush

Guo Jia: ***
Guo Jia is a warlord whose magical power is rather strong.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Hail
Later gain: Lightening, Ice storm, Meteor Shower

Cheng Yu: ****
Cheng Yu's actions make him look like a joke. However, his magical
power and ability to oversee strategies should not be underestimated.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower
Later gain: Iron Wall, Rally, Hail

Cao Ren: **
Cao Ren is Cao Cao's cousin; he's famous for his ability to defend.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Iron Wall
Later gain: Duel, Rally

Hu Zhi: ****
Hu Zhi is probably the strongest woman(physically) in the world of
Kessen II. She serves as the strongest general in the Wei army.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rush
Later gain: Duel, Raid

Yu Jin: *
Yu Jin is, uh, hmmmm..., (how do I say this?), NOT STRIGHT! He's weak and
stupid, but he's a must-have character because it's just so funny to
have him.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Iron Wall
Later gain: Battle Cry

Xi Xuanfeng: *
Part of Yu Jin's special force. She plays as assassin and spy in the
Wei army.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Battle Cry
Later gain: Volley

Dong Xuanfeng: ***
Part of Yu Jin's special force. She plays the same roles Xi Xuanfeng
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rush
Later gain: Iron Wall

Xu Huang: ***
Xu Huang is a high officer in the Wei army for his strength.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Raid
Later gain: Charge

Zhang He: ***
Zhang He is a former Yuan Shao's officer that defected to Cao Cao after
Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao. He looks cool: P.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Raid, Volley
Later gain:

Pang De: ****
Pang De is a former officer under Ma Chao. After Ma Chao was defeated,
he joined the Wei army.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel
Later gain: Raid, Rush

Supporting Characters:

Cao Hong: *
Cao Hong is Cao Ren's brother.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rally
Later gain: Snipe

Guo Shao: ***
I don't really know who this guy is. He could be Guo Jia's son.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Rally, Volley, Iron Wall
Later gain:

Deng Ai: **
Deng Ai is a former officer of Xi.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Fireball, Rally
Later gain:

Yue Jin: *
Yue Jin is an officer under Zhang Liao.
Special Abilities:
Start with: None
Later gain: Battle Cry, Iron Wall

Li Dian: *
Li Dain is an officer under Zhang Liao.
Special Abilities:
Start with: None
Later gain: Rally, Iron Wall

---------Third Party Characters---------

*If you play as Liu Bei, you will be able to control Wu army in
Showdown at Chi Bi (stage #5).

---------Wu Army (Sun Quan's army, in light blue)---------

Sun Quan: ***
Leader of Wu. Sun Quan leads the most powerful navy in China.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Battle Cry, Rally, Iron Wall
Later gain:

Zhou Yu: *****
Right-hand-man of Sun Quan. He's well known for his ability in warfare
and magic. He also has the nickname "pretty boy" for his musical
Special Abilities:
Start with: Hail, Fire Storm, Lightening
Later gain:
*Has a special event before going into battle with an enemy unit.

Gan Ning: ****
Number one general in the Wu army for his strength and bravery. He was
a pirate before joined Sun Quan.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Raid, Volley, Duel
Later gain:

Lu Xun: ***
A young general who has a well vision of warfare.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel, Hail
Later gain:

Lu Su: ***
An officer who's Zhou Yu's best friend for his gentleness and kindness.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Fireball, Hail
Later gain:

Lu Meng: ***
Wu's strategic general who often helps Lu Xun out.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Fireball, Fire Storm
Later gain:

Taishi Ci: ***
Wu's second bset general next to Gan Ning.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Duel, Rally, Raid
Later gain:

---------Yi Army (Liu Zhang's army, in gray)---------

Liu Zhang:
Yi's leader, Liu Zhange is a very good friend of Cao Bu's. For their
friendship, Liu Zhang decided to become Cao Cao's alliance.

Yan Yan
An old general under Liu Zhang. For his age and bravery, he has won
over many people's respect in Yi.
Special Abilities:
Start with:
Later gain:

Fa Zheng
Liu Zhang's advisor. Fa Zheng often offers Liu Zhang his thoughts about
how to make Yi strong.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Meteor Shower, Fireball
Later gain:
If you play as Liu Bei, Fa Zheng joins after the Siege at Cheng Du
(stage #6).

Zhang Ren
Zhang Ren is the best general in Yi.

Wu Yi
Wu Yi's an normal officer in Liu Zhang's army.

---------Nanman Army (Meng Huo's army, in purple)---------

Meng Huo:
The great chief of Nanman. Meng Huo leads an army which is armed with

Zhu Rong:
Meng Huo's wife. Zhu Rong is the real king of Nanman since Meng Huo is
so scared of her.
Special Abilities:
Start with: Charge
Later gain:
If you play as Liu Bei, Zhu Rong joins after the Southern Campaign
(stage 7(c)).

Wu Tugu:
King of a small country in Nanman. Wu Tugu is the most powerful general
Nanman has.

King Mulu:
King of a small country in Nanman. King Mulu can use both magic and war

King Duosi:
King of a small country in Nanman. King Duosi is excellent in magic.



---If you use an offensive special move (raid, charge, rush), and you
kill about 2000 troops or more (I'm not too sure about the number,
could be anywhere from 2000 to 2500), your will get the message that
your war ability has been increased. The same for magic, if you use any
magic that results in killing more than 2000 troops, your magic status
will go up, which after a certain point will make your magical
abilities way more powerful.

---Use your offensive special attacks as EARLY as you can. Since they
can be recovered and used again. The quicker you use them, the sooner
you get them back. Besides, at the beginning of each stage there are
more soldiers for you to defeat in case to increase your status.

---Your army strength depends on three things: Troop strength, Supply,
and Technology. You can obtain more Troop strength by losing as few
soldiers as possible; you can obtain more Supply by finishing the
battles as soon as possible; you can obtain more Technology by making
more enemy units flee. Personally, I always have a VERY high Technology
(I had 95 as Liu Bei near the end of the game, I had 96 as Cao Cao),
not only it promotes your troops to higher classes, by defeating more
enemies you can gain more experience, fame, and other status as well.

---Here's a little trick how to defeat tough enemies on certain stages:
If you are in a siege battle, first destroy the gate. Then go fight
whoever's behind the gate for a minute or two, and then retreat from
the battle. Have one of your units wait outside the gate. That enemy
unit is most likely going to go after the unit it fought. As soon as he
gets out the castle, have two of your units fight it, this should
easily brings it down. Another good thing about this is you can't use
most of your special attacks on battles under the gate. After you lured
the enemy out, you will be special-free. The very same trick works if
there's a bridge, just wait at the other end of the bridge and wait for
the enemy to cross it, and then just finish them off one by one (works
great on Cao Cao's first battle).

---If you are having problems with fighting, then always try to get
behind of an enemy. This way is much more faster to bring an enemy unit

---Last tip just suggested you to attack one enemy unit with two or
more units. This is indeed a smarter and easier way. However, sometimes
it's better to go one-on-one. Because the chance of you succeeding in
killing more than 2000 troops by using a special attack is higher since
there are more soldiers out there on the field. When you fight one
enemy unit with two or more units, the enemy unit's troops will be
split into two or more groups.

---Duel is important sometimes. Because there are two conditions of
losing: the number of soldiers reaches 0 and the morale reaches 0. You
will see later in the game it is much faster to bring down the morale
than to defeat every single soldier of the enemy units. So duel comes
in handy in that case (if you win, it brings down 30 of the enemy
morale, however, if you lose, you lose 30 of your own as well; so you
will have to consider carefully before you do it. The outcome of the
duel depends on war ability. So go pick on those warlords; they will
most likely refuse to duel, which will bring their morale down a little

---In naval battles, only one-on-one is allowed. So position your units
carefully. Even though you can't fight one enemy unit with more than
one of your own, you can surrender your enemies with other units. This
will make navel battles a lot easier. I will talk more about naval
battles on its own stages (Many people seem to have problems with the
battle where you have to save Guan Yu. At the beginning of the battle,
just run away. Soon your army will arrive to aid you).

---Before you fight the enemies, you should always know about your own
strength. So take sometime to check on your generals' status before you
send them into battles. And whenever an enemy unit shows up on the map,
you should always go check its status out.

---Here's a tip from Ethan T. I checked it out and it seems to work all
right. If your unit's morale if higher than the enemy's, it's VERY
LIKELY you will win the duel. So make sure you raise your morale
(Rally) or lower your enemy's (battle cry works great, or simply use
special attacks that do a lot of damage) before you duel someone. And
always duel because it's fun to watch and it increases your fame as
well if you win.


The pattern that squadrons make during combat is what's called a
formation. Different formations are suitable for different types of
commanders and missions (some good for offense, some good for defense,
and some can be used to run away quickly).
Before each battle starts, each of your unit is automatically set to
the formation fit for them. You can change your formation by pressing
circle button during the unit view. Each general starts with different
numbers of formations. You can learn new formations by making enemy
units flee.

A well-balanced all-purpose formation, good in defense and steady in
attack. No matter which direction enemy troops attack from, the defense
ability is the same. Recommended when you can't tell what formation the
enemy troop is using.
Strong Against : none
Weak Against : none

A good formation to surround the enemy troop. Very good in defense when
faced with an enemy small in number.
Strong Against : Carp, Box
Weak Against : Asp, Bull

A good formation against a large enemy troop. Similar to the Moon
formation, but restrict the enemy troop even more because of the narrow
back end. Recommended when facing a large enemy in a tight formation.
Strong Against : Carp, Dart, Box
Weak Against : Asp, Bull

A strong defense formation, each of the small troops can aid each other
easily, but weak against formations that surround you.
Strong Against : Asp, Bull
Weak Against : Moon, Swan, Bowl

A good formation protecting the general. Very useful when the general
has the ability to shoot arrows, for he can be protected from battle
and be available to shoot arrows.
Strong Against : Flat
Weak Against : Asp, Bull, Dart

Very strong in the offensive, but in turn very weak in defense. Strong
in attacking a troop head on, but if being attacked from the sides, the
damage would be great.
Strong Against : Flat, Moon, Swan, Bowl
Weak Against : Carp, Box

Another strong offensive formation, plus better defensive capabilities.
An altered version of the Snake Formation, this formation is better at
defending itself because of the 2 small troops side by side with each
other. But still, a formation with weak defense.
Strong Against : Flat, Moon, Swan, Bowl
Weak Against : Carp, Box

A very strong and sturdy formation. The full power of this formation
can be achieved with a strong general, but not with a warlord. For the
warlord to do his magic attacks, his own troops being so closely
gathered together will actually pose as an obstacle.
Strong Against : Flat
Weak Against : Moon, Swan

A very weak formation. Not strong in the offensive, and weak in the
defensive, an all around weak formation, not useful other than blocking
enemy troops for your other ally troops to pass in order to carry out
other objectives.
Strong Against : none
Weak Against : Asp, Bull, Dart, Goose

A perfect formation for a strong general. The perfect formation to
attack if the first small troop where the general is located is strong,
so needless to say if the general is weak it would not be a good idea
to attack under this formation.
Strong Against : Flat, Dome
Weak Against : Moon, Swan

A good offensive formation with strong defensive capabilities. An
altered version of the Round formation, stronger in defensive because
of the tighter placement of the small troops, this is a good choice
when facing an enemy troop with high attack powers.
Strong Against : Asp, Bull
Weak Against : Moon, Swan, Bowl

A good way to surround the enemy, and still be quick in the offensive
at the same time. An altered version of the Crane formation, this one
is better at the offensive with a strong general because of the pushed
up position of the general's small troop as compared with the
positioning in the Crane Formation.
Strong Against : Carp, Box
Weak Against : Asp, Bull

A safe attack formation. An altered version of the Cone Formation,
while the general's small troop is more safely protected. Plus with the
closeness of the small troops on either sides, you are also strong
against enemy attacks from the sides.
Strong Against : Flat
Weak Against : Asp, Bull

---------Types of troops---------

Light spear -> Spear -> Heavy Spear
Light Sword -> Heavy Sword -> Elite Sword
Archers -> Heavy Archers
Crossbow -> Strong Cross
Light Horse -> Cavalry -> Heavy Cavalry -> Elite Horse
Foot -> Heavy Foot
Bow -> Long Bow

*********SECTION 5: WALKTHROUGH*********

Finally I get to write the walkthrough. I'm going to start on Liu Bei's
in normal difficulty (if you just started, this is more than you need,
if you are in expert, well, you don't need walkthrough!!!: P). But
later on I think I'm going to add the different stuff between different
difficulties on the same stage.


---------How To Use This Walkthrough---------

For each stage, I will first talk about the Political Policy Meeting
and War Council.
Then for each stage's battle, I have the followings:

Conditions of victory / defeat.

Your units and enemy units' information.
For each enemy unit, I listed the followings:
Commander name / names:
(if with any other generals)

Number of troops:
(*Note: this is not the exact number, because I'm not too sure if it
will be the same for your game; so 5000 could be anywhere between 4800
~ 5500)

Type of troops:
This unit's type of troops

This unit's morale

This unit's current formation

Special abilities:
Each general's special abilities

This Unit's Position

And for some special cases such as under what conditions that they
would show up.

*Note: I won't do the same for your units because my army's strength
won't exactly be the same as everyone else's, even if you did exactly
what I told you to do. If you want to know the information of your
units, just check out their stats. However, I did list things such as
when your new units would show up during the battle and all of your
generals who would fight the stage.

After that, I wrote down the way to beat each stage of what I think is
the best. You can change your strategy based on the information I gave,
which you should, because this game is all about thinking.

And, enjoy!!!: P

---------Liu Bei---------

*********STATGE #1: THE BATTLE OF XU*********

*Note: This stage does not have political policy meeting or war
council. And I forgot to check the types of troops: P.

Beginner Difficulty: if you just started, this stage pretty much
teaches you on how to play this game generally. You can beat this stage
with both eyes closed.

Normal Difficulty:
Victory: Xiahou Yuan takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei w/ Mei Sanniang
Guan Yu
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhao Yun(joins after 1/5 of the time bar runs out)

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Yue Jin:
Number of troops: 5000
Morale: low
Formation: Box
Special Abilities: None
Yue Jin is at the very left side near the bottom.

Li Dian:
Number of troops: 6000
Morale: low
Formation: Bull
Special Abilities: None
Li Dian is at the very right side near the bottom.

Number of troops: 8000
Morale; 80
Formation: Flat
Special Abilities: Fissure, Lightning, Hail
Himiko shows up on the battlefield after you defeat both Yue Jin and Li
Dian. Her unit's position will be at a little top right from Li Dian's
unit. You should spot her right away on the map if you defeat Li Dian
last. You will be noticed by an event of her coming into battle.

Xiahou Yuan
Number of troops: 10000
Type of troops: Cavalry
Morale: 98
Formation: Goose
Special abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge, Raid
Xiahou Yuan shows up on the battlefield right after you defeat Himiko.
However, you won't be noticed by an event like the one you got for
Himiko. He will just show up and sit where Yue Jin was.


#1. Move Guan Yu's unit to where Zhang Fei is. You should send all of
your units to move from the left. In there you will find Yue Jin, he's
really easy to defeat (since he only has around 5000 soldiers, it's
very unlikely you will kill 2000 or more with any special attack, so
just attack him with all of your units).

#2. After you finish him up, keep going up. You should be able to spot
the enemy's supply compound on the very top right (see where there are
two bridges?). Well, send one unit to burn it up (Liu Bei is good for
this job)!

#3. In the meanwhile, send the other two units to the right side of the
mountain on the right. You should find Li Dian waiting there. Fight him
off with those two units. In the meanwhile, Zhao Yun should join
(depends how long it takes you to burn and fight).

#4. Have Zhao Yun and Liu Bei(or the unit you sent to burn up the enemy
supply compound) meet up under the bridge on the right side under the
enemy supply compound. So right after you defeat Li Dian, Himiko shows
up the battle, all four of your units can fight her together (SHE HAS
FISSURE! She might not use it though).

#5. If you feel like saving some time, simply just leave Himiko to the
two units you sent to attack Li Dian. Then move two other units to
above the forest on the left side. Right after you defeat Himiko,
Xiahou Yuan will show up and he will face downward. Strike him from
behind and he should fall before you in no time(before you use both of
your units to attack, let Zhao Yun perform a Raid attack, this will
easily kill 2000 troops and increase his War status).

*Guan Ping joins after the battle.

*********STAGE #2: THE BATTLE OF RU NAN*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Guan Yu: Train Troops
Zhang Fei: Kill man-eating tiger (recommended, Zhang Fei's fame will go
up by 10, which means his army will increase by 1000).
Mei Sanniang: Recruit Troops

Normal Difficulty: as soon as the game starts, you get the message:
"Enemy reinforcements appear to have arrived!"

War Council:
Zhang Fei: Zhang Fei's unit to delay enemy (recommended)
Zhao Yun: Zhao Yun's unit to delay enemy

Victory: Xun Yu takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei w/ Mei Sanniang
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhao Yun
Chou Cang (joins after 1/10 of the time bar runs out)

---------Enemy units (in read)---------

Li Dian
Number of troops: 7000
Morale: 65
Type of troops: Bow
Formation: Bull
Special Abilities: None
Coming from the left side of the map towards your supply compound.

Guo Jia:
Number of troops: 8000
Morale: 77
Type of troops: Foot
Formation: Ring
Special abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Coming from the left side of the map towards your supply compound, he's
behind Li Dian.

Chen Yu
Number of troops: 9000
Morale: 71
Type of troops: Bow
Formation: Swan
Special abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail
Coming towards the bridge in front of your supply compound.

Yue Jin
Number of troops: 7000
Morale: 66
Type of troops: Light Horse
Formation: Box
Special abilities: None
Coming towards the bridge in front of your supply compound, he's behind
Chen Yu.

Xun Yu
Number of troops: 9000
Morale: 79
Type of troops; Cavalry
Formation: Ring
Special abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Staying behind the bridge at the top of the map.


#1. Abort everyone's missions. Move Zhang Fei to the bottom of the
mountain at the very far left side, place Liu Bei next to him with some
distance; place Guan Yu at the bottom of the smaller mountain next to
the big one. Move Zhao Yun back to the other side of the bridge to
guard the supply compound.

#2. After you place your troops. You will find Li Dian and Guo Jia at
the left side and Chen Yu and Yue Jin at the right side. Have three
units on the left attack Li Dian and Guo Jia, and have Zhao Yun attack
Cheng Yu (make sure you attack him RIGHT AFTER Cheng Yu crosses the
bridge. This should be the first time you see Zhao Yun's special event
before battle). Chou Cang should join you about now. Have him attack
Yue Jin from behind RIGHT BEFORE Zhao Yun finishes up Cheng Yu(Yue Jin
can't go anywhere since Cheng Yu's blocking his way).

#3. After you defeat them, have one of the three units on the left to
attack Xun Yu from behind (yes, go all the way up there; try to pick
Zhang Fei instead of Guan Yu, so Luo Luo can do a volley attack); have
the other two search for the enemy supply compound (it's up there
somewhere, I wasn't looking when they found and destroyed it, 'cause I
was writing this!!!: P); have Zhao Yun attack Xun Yu from front (it is
very important to fight her on the bridge, since she can't use any of
her magic attacks).

*********STAGE #3: THE BATTLE OF BO WAN PO*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Guan Yu: Assist in land development
Zhang Fei: Train troops
Zhao Yun: Recruit Troops (recommended)

*Zhuge Liang joins.

Normal Difficulty: you will have to destroy all enemy units.

War Council:
Zhuge Liang: Set rockslide on northern route
Zhao Yun: Dig pits along center route
Guan Yu: Set mines along southern route

Victory: The entire enemy army takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out / The enemy reaches the
staging area

--------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei w/ Mei Sanniang
Zhuge Liang
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhao Yun

--------Enemy units (in red)---------

Xiahou Dun w/ Dong Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 11000
Morale: 84
Formation: Dart
Xiahou Dun:
Type of troops: Cavalry
Special abilities: Battle Cry, Duel)
Dong Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Sword
Special abilities: Rush
Coming towards middle.

Yue Jin
Number of troops: 9000
Morale: 66
Type of troops: Cavalry
Formation: Box
Special abilities: None
Coming through the top.

Cao Ren
Number of troops: 11000
Morale: 76
Type of troops: Foot
Formation: Ring
Special abilities: Duel, Rally, Iron Wall
Coming towards middle.

Li Dian
Number of troops: 8000
Morale: 65
Type of troops: Bow
Formation: Bull
Special abilities: None
Coming towards top.

Ju Jin /w Xi Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 11000
Morale: 63
Formation: Asp
Ju Jin:
Type of troops: Heavy Horse
Special abilities: Iron Wall
Xi Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Archers
Special abilities: Battle Cry, Volley
Coming towards bottom.


#1. First get Zhang Fei back from the front. Soon you will find enemies
all over the place. What's better is that about three minutes later you
get the message:
"Enemy reinforcements appear to have arrived!"

#2. Xiahou Dun is the toughest enemy in this battle, and he will
probably go to the middle, which Zhao Yun should be in the middle to
fight him. Have Zhang Fei go to the bottom (there should be only one
enemy unit there; if not, send him to wherever there's only one enemy
unit), have Zhang Fei attack this unit from behind, then the general
who was supposed to be there can go help out with Xiahou Dun.

#3 After you beat Xiahou Dun, you shouldn't have any problem to beat
this stage.

*Zhao Yun leaves after the battle.

*********STAGE #4: THE BATTLE OF CHANG BAN PO*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Zhuge Liang: Intercept enemy supplies
Guan Yu: Kill man-eating tiger
Zhang Fei: Trian troops

Normal Difficulty: this battle is not too different for Normal and
Beginner Difficulty. You will get a message that more of your soldiers
have deserted right after the battle starts.

War Council:
Zhang Fei: Retreat via western bridge
Guan Yu: Retreat through central valley
Li Li: Retreat through eastern woods (strongly recommended)

Victory: Liu Bei reaches the staging point
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping, Zhou Cang
Zhang Fei w/ Luo Luo
Li Li
Zhuge Liang (joins after 1/8 of the time bar runs out)
Mei Sanniang (joins couple of minutes after Zhuge Liang)

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Since I haven't seen all the enemy units in this battle and you don't
have to battle them (you really can't win), I will not list them here.
Know that their army's size is about five times of yours.


#1. First move Zhang Fei to the other side of the bridge, move Guan Yu
down under the smaller mountain in the middle. In there they won't have
too much trouble to fight. Let Liu Bei run like heck. Don't worry about
Li Li since she has decent amount of soldiers and the mines hurt like
no other(only if you chose Li Li's strategy in War Council).

#2. When Liu Bei is about to cross the bridge, Zhuge Liang should join,
have those two cross the bridge. Note that there's one enemy unit
waiting for you at the staging area. For Beginner Difficulty if should
be a general (most likely Zhang Liao). As for Normal, it's Himiko. You
will have to defeat her to cross the bridge.

#3. After both of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang crossed the bridge, Mei
Sanniang should show up on the battlefield. Have these three units
attack the enemy unit at the staging area. They should bring that unit
down quickly. In the meanwhile, if your other units are having trouble
battling, just have them retreat (they will get caught and forced into
battle, just repeat retreating till the battle is won). I've played all
three strategies; this is the best way by far.

*Huang Zhong and Pang Tong join after the battle.

*********STAGE #5: SHOWDOWN AT CHI BI*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Zhuge Liang: Implicate Cai Mao in treachery (recommended)
Zhou Yu: Train with allied troops (not bad)

Normal Difficulty:

War Council:
Zhuge Liang: Set fire to enemy ships (the only option)

Victory: Cao Cao takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo, Mei Sanniang
Cai Mao
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping, Zhang Fei
Sun Li (joins after 1/5 of time bar runs out)
Zhuge Liang w/ Pang Tong (joins after 2/5 of time bar runs out, and
sets fire on enemy units which does huge amount of damage)

---------Ally units (in light blue)------------
Sun Quan w/ Lu Meng, Lu Su
Gang Ning w/ Lu Xun
Zhou Yu w/ Taishi Ci

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Cao Cao w/ Xun Yu
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 90
Formation: None
Cao Cao:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Iron Wall
Xun Yu:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm

Himiko w/ Yue Jin
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 71
Formation: None
Type of troops: Heavy Sword
Special Abilities: Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening, Fissure
Yue Jin:
Type of troops: Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry

Zhang Liao w/ Li Dian
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 85
Formation: None
Zhang Liao:
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush
Li Dian:
Type of troops: Bow
Special Abilities: Rally

Xiahou Dun
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 85
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: None
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge

Hu Zhi w/ Xi Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 85
Formation: None
Hu Zhi:
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush
Xi Xuangend:
Type of troops: Heavy Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley

Xiahou Ba w/ Cheng Yu
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 82
Formation: None
Xiahou Ba:
Type of troops: Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid
Cheng Yu:
Type of troops: LongBow
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail

Guo Jia w/ Cao Bu
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 75
Formation: None
Guo Jia:
Type of troops: Foot
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Cao Bu:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Spcial Abilities: Rally, Iron Wall

Yu Jin w/ Dong Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 77
Formation: None
Yu Jin:
Type of troops: Heavy Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Iron Wall
Dong Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Sword
Special Abilities: Rush

Dian Wei:
Number of troops: 13000
Morale: 80
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Formation: None
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush

Cao Ren / Cao Hong
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 80
Formation: None
Cao Ren:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Iron Wall
Cao Hong:
Type of troops: Strong Cross
Special Abilities: Rally, Snipe


#1 First of all move all the units to form a line not far away from
your current position. This is going to make the combat easier since
your reinforcement can join the fight right away later in the battle.
Try to avoid being surrounded by enemies (which is why to form a line
earlier since the enemies in the back can't get through). Don't let Cai
Mo fight if you got him, he lasts about two minutes and a half against
any of the enemies. Just let him surround one of the enemy units you
are fighting. All the Wu generals are really strong and suitable for
this battle; use their special abilities like crazy. They would not
lose one-on-one with any enemy unit. Just wait for the firework.

#2 About 2/5 through the battle, Zhuge Liang will set flames on enemy
units, they will lose about half of their soldiers and their morale
will drop a HUGE amount. This is going to turn the situation upside-
down like "wow". After this point, the battle should not be difficult
at all. Note that Cao Cao would not lost any of his soldiers even after
the fire, but his morale will drop down. So attack him with tow or more
units will defeat him easily (try to use Zhuge Liang to defeat him, so
he and Pang Tong can use magic attacks to increase their magic status).

*Ma Su joins after the battle.

*********STAGE #6 THE SIEGE OF CHENG DU*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Pang Tong: Have troops cultivate land
Mei Sanniang: Recruit Troops
Zhang Fei: Train Troops (recommended)

*Huang Yue Ying gave you the Hawk Troops and assigned it to Guan Yu's

Normal Difficulty:

War Council:
Guan Yu: Concentrate attack on east gate
Pang Tong: Go around to far gates
Mei Sanniang: Concentrate attack on north gate

Victory: Lu Zhang takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------

Liu Bei w/ Mei Sanniang, Ma Su
Zhuge Liang w/ Cai Mao, Huang Zhong
Sun Li w/ Pang Tong, Zhou Cang
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Ma Chao (joins in a couple of minutes after the battle starts)

---------Enemy units (in gray)---------

Yan Yan
Number of troops: 12000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Strong Cross
Formation: Dome
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Snipe
Guarding the north gate.

Fa Zheng
Number of troops: 11000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Spear
Formation: Asp
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Fireball
Guarding the east gate.

Zhang Ren
Number of troops: 12000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Foot
Formation: Swan
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rush, Iron Wall, Rally
Guarding the south gate

Wu Yi
Number of troops: 11000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Cavalry
Formation: Awl
Special Abilities: Rally

Liu Zhang
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: Ring
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Valley, Iron Wall


#1. Abort everyone's missions. Have all of your units waiting in front
of the north gate but do not attack it. Have Guan Yu go to the hill on
the left (the position he should go in any strategy in the War
Conical). In there Guan Yu should use the Hawk Troops to get in the
castle. Have him attack Yan Yan, who is guarding the north gate from
behind (this is a good chance to increase Guan Yu's war ability and
fame). After you use your specials aginast Yan Yan, have one of your
units attack him from front. Since no one now is guarding the gate, you
can destroy it in five seconds.

#2. Even before you finish up Yan Yan, Ma Chao should join. Now move
all the units inside the castle after you finish up Yan Yan. Have two
units each attack the enemy behind the south gate and the east gate. If
you don't feel like getting experience, simply use two units to attack
Wu Yi, who is behind the west gate, from north and east. You will find
Liu Zhang, who is hiding behind Wu Yi. Make Wu Yi retreat, you can set
a strong unit against Liu Zhang if you want. However, the best way I
think to defeat him is to lure him out of there. Have someone fight
with him for two minutes then retreat, he will follow that unit. After
he comes of his corner, have two of more units attack him.

*Fa Zheng joins after the battle.

*Note: now there are three stages you can choose as your stage #7.
Since the battles in these three stages occur simultaneously, you
cannot go back to the other two after you choose one.

Choose Guan Yu
*********STAGE # 7(a): BATTLE OF FAN ZHENG*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Huang Yue Ying: Deploy new weapon (Fire Castle) (recommended)
Guan Yu: Allow Sun Li to train
Pang Tong: Spread rumors among enemy troops

Normal Difficulty: the transport enemy units will arrive much sooner
than beginner Difficulty. And there's a chance that the enemy will not
go for the fake supply compound.

War Council:
Guan Yu: Taunt enemy
Pang Tong: Set up decoy supply compound
Li Li: Search for enemy supply troops

Victory: Cao Ren and Pang De take flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Pang Tong
Zhuge Liang w/ Ma Su
Guan Yu w/ Zhou Cang
Guan Ping

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Xiahou Dun w/ Gua Jia
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 90
Formation: Dart
Xiahou Dun:
Type of troops: Heavey Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge
Gua Jia:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening

Dian Wei
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Formation: Duel, Raid, Rush
Special Abilities: Asp

Cao Ren w/ Cao Hong
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 89
Formation: Ring
Cao Ren:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Iron Wall
Cao Hong:
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Special Abilities: Rally, Snipe

Xu Huang:
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 94
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Bull
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Charge

Pang De:
Number of troops:
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: Moon
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush

Yu Jin w/ Dong Xuanfeng, Xi Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 15491
Morale: 100
Formation: Awl
Yu Jin:
Type of troops: Elite Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Iron Wall
Dong Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Sword
Special Abilities: Rush
Xi Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley


#1. Have Zhuge Liang use the Fire Tower to the enemy behind the west
gate (I played this battle twice with the same stategy, what I found
out is, the positions of the enemy units DO change. The first time I
played it, it was Xihou Dun behind it. The second time, however, it was
Cao Ren). Then have Guan Yu detory the gate. After that, let Guan Yu
fight whoever is behind it. Lure him out use the same trick for siege
battles and finish him off with Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu (the unit
behind him will follow him out the gate as well). In the meanwhile,
have you other three units (abort Guan Ping's mission) sit tight and
wait for the "fish" to show up for your decoy supply compound.

#2 Pang De should be here by now. After you laughed at Yu Jin's intro,
and your units have defeated the two enemy units behind the west gate,
have Zhuge Liang attack the enemy who's guarding the south gate from
behind, then have an unit attack from front. After this unit is
defeated, move all of your units inside.

#3 Pang De is by the north gate. Have Guan Yu attack him, he's super
effective against Pang De, and you will see a special event before
those two battle each other. Guan Yu should take him out easily. If you
still have trouble with that, just let Guan Yu retreat and put someone
else there (Note that Pang De will not be lured out of his spot).

*Wei Yan joins after the battle.

Choose Zhang Fei (Has a very tight dancing show: )
*********STAGE # 7(b): BATTLE AT MT.DINJUN*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Sun Li: Allow Ma Chao to train
Fa Zheng: Request attack by Sun Quan (recommended)
Zhang Fei: Train troops

Normal Difficulty:

War Council:
Zhang Fei: Attack supply compound
Fa Zheng: Split and advance
Sun Li: Lay traps and defend (recommended)

Victory: Xun Yu takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Fa zheng
Zhuge Liang
Huang Zhong
Zhange Fei
Sun Li

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Zhang He
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 98
Type of troops: LongBow
Formation: Dome
Special Abilities: Raid, Volley

Xun Yu
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 94
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Carp
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Fail, Ice Storm

Xi Xuanfeng w/ Dong Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 12000
Morale: 80
Formation: Goose
Xi Xuangfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley
Dong Xuangfeng:
Type of troops: Heavy Sword
Special Abilities: Rush

Xiahou Ba w/ Cheng Yu
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 83
Formation: Box
Xiahou Ba:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid
Cheng Yu:
Type of troops: Long Bow
Special Abilities: Rally, Meteor Shower, Hail

Sima Yi w/ Yue Jin, Li Dian
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 72
Formation: Asp
Sima Yi:
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening
Yue Jin:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry
Li Dian:
Type of troops: Long Bow
Special Abilities: Rally

Xu Huang
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 83
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Bowl
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Charge


#1 Have Zhuge Liang joins the party of three to attack the enemy's
supply compound, and leave everything else as planned. If you didn't
choose Fa Zheng's Political Policy, Xi Xuanfeng would go straight for
the supply compound. Which if you chose Sun Li's strategy; the mines
will blow her away. Then let Liu Bei finishes her off.

#2 There are three enemy units by the supply compound, one of them is
Xun Yu. First let Zhuge Liang destroy the enemy supply compound, since
all the enemies will probably be battling the three units you sent up.
After that, just hammer Xun Yu with magic. She should fall down
quickly. Soon Xiahou Ba and Sima Yi should join the battle, they took
another road and showed up in the back by your supply compound.
However, by the time they get on the battlefield, Xun Yu's unit should
be nearly destroyed. In the game I played, Sima Yi and Xiahou Ba didn't
even get to fight.

Choose Mei Sanniang (this is very funny)
*********STAGE # 7(c): SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Huang Yue Ying: Deploy new weapon (Wood Ox)
Mei Sanniang: Recruit troops
Man Chao: Hire local guide (highly recommended)

Normal Difficulty: Has enemy reinforcement (Zhang Ren's unit)

War Council:
Ma Chao: Set traps and wait in ambush (recommended)
Mei Sanniang: Destroy and overrun middle


---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei
Mei Sanniang w/ Cai Mao
Ma Chao
Zhuge Liang w/ Ma Su

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Wu Tugu
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 88
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: Ring
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Rally, Raid

King Mulu
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 85
Type of troops: Armored Elephant
Formation: Goose
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Fire Storm, Ice Storm

King Duosi
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 82
Type of troops: Armored Elephant
Formation: Bull
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Fireball, Hail, Fire Storm

Zhu Rong
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 80
Type of troops: Armored Elephant
Formation: Bowl
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Charge
Shows up after you defeat Wu Tugo, King Mulu, and King Duosi.

Zhang Ren w/ Wu Yi
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 80
Formation: Swan
Zhang Ren:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Iron Wall, Rush
Wu Yi:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Rally

Meng Huo
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 78
Type of troops: Armored Elephant
Formation: Bull
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Charge, Iron Wall
Shows up after you defeat Wu Tugo, King Mulu, and King Duosi.


#1. Ma Chao's strategy works fine. Instead let Liu Bei just sit there,
have him help out Mei Sanniang in the middle. The Pit really hurts; the
enemies will lose about 1/3 of their troops and 25 of morale before
they get to you. You should have no problem at all to finish these
three broken units with four units of your own.

#2. After you defeat all three units, Men Huo and Zhu Rong would show
up on the battlefield (Zhang Ren will too if you are playing Normal
Difficulty). Men Huo is hiding some distance south from the bridge
located at bottom left (Zhang Ren is waiting right under the bridge is
you are playing Normal Difficulty). Zhu Rong is at the choke point in
the middle. You need to set a trap up in where you finish those three
units, and lure Zhu Rong to your trap (have Mei Sanniang attack her and
retreat, Zhu Rong will follow her). Hammer her with three units, when
she's nearly defeated, she will call help from Men Huo. From this
point, Men Huo will move up (along with Zhang Ren) to help her. So
right after you finish Zhu Rong you can take on Men Huo (Zhang Ren will
get blocked by Men Huo, he will never get a chance to attack).

*Zhu Rong joins after the battle.

*********STAGE #8: BATTLE OF TIAN SUI*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Huang Yue Ying: Research weapons
Mei Sanniang: Train troops
Pang Tong: Send out decoys (recommended)

Normal Difficulty: Zhang Liao will use his cannons, and, OUCH!!!

War Council:
Zhao Yun: Position horsemen on wings
Fa Zheng: Position horsemen on left wing
Pang Tong: Position bowmen in center

Victory: Cao Cao takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Pang Tong
Ma Chao
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping, Zhou Cang
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhuge Liang w/ Ma Su
Zhao Yun w/ Huang Zhong
Mei Sanniang w/ Zhu Rong, Cai Mao (if you chose to get these guys)
Jiang Wei (joins after 1/10 of the time bar is gone)

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Yu Jin w/ Dong Xuanfeng, Xi Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 78
Formation: Asp
Yu Jin:
Type of troops: Elite Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Iron Wall
Dong Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Elite Sword
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Rush
Xi Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Elite Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley

Zhang Liao w/ Yue Jin, Li Dian
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 83
Formation: Carp
Zhagn Liao:
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Raid, Rush
Yue Jin:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry
Li Dian:
Type of troops: Long Bow
Special Abilities: Rally

Hu Zhi w/ Dian Wei, Guo Jia
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 86
Formation: Carp
Hu Zhi:
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush
Dian Wei:
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush
Guo Jia:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening

Guo Shao
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 89
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: Ring
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Volley, Iron Wall

Zhang He
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 90
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: Goose
Special Abilities: Raid, Volley

Xiahou Ba w/ Cheng Yu
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 88
Formation: Goose
Xiahou Ba:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid
Cheng Yu:
Type of troops: Long Bow
Special Abilities: Rally, Meteor Shower, Hail

Sima Yi w/ Xu Huang
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 86
Formation: Swan
Sima Yi:
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening
Xu Huang:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Charge

Cao Ren w/ Cao Hong
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 82
Formation: Flat
Cao Ren:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Iron Wall
Cao Hong:
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Special Abilities: Rally, Snipe

Xun Yu w/ Xiahou Dun, Pang De
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 87
Formation: Goose
Xun Yu:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Xiahou Dun
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge
Pang De:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid, Rush

Cao Cao w/ Himiko, Cao Bu
Number of troops: 18000
Morale: 90
Formation: Asp
Cao Cao:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Charge, Iron Wall
Type of troops: Elite Sword
Special Abilities: Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening, Fissure
Cao Bu:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Rally, Iron Wall


#1. First of all, move all of your units down. Yes, all of them, this
is the only way to make sure you don't lose any unit in this battle.
Move all of them into the area under the forest near bottom (not too
far away, right under the entrance in the middle between two forests).
If you chose Zhao Yun's strategy, make sure you have at least two units
to guard the supply compound, for Cao Cao will attack it. Send three
units (should be Zhao Yun, Mei Sanniang, and Zhuge Liang) to the choke
point at the bottom middle. Since they are pretty close to the supply
compound, their specials will recharge quickly. Duel a lot!!! Make
you're your morale is way higher than the enemy's though. I dueled 7
times this battle, and I was 7 for 7 : ).

#2. Send Sun Li up from the right to destroy the enemy supply compound.
This is will lower enemy morale by around 45 or so. This is a great
help, and don't afraid to use it. The reason to send Sun Li is she can
get there way before Jiang Wei does. From this point on, the battle
shouldn't be too bad. If you chose Zhao Yun's strategy, Cao Cao will
attack your supply compound himself, this is a good chance to defeat
him. Have Liu Bei and Zhang Fei to fight him, have Ma Chao stay behind
to shoot arrows, this will finish him in no time. Guo Shao should join
before the battle is over; have Jiang Wei or Sun Li to attack him. He
has a lot of troops, but he doesn't show up for a while.

*Note: if you chose Fa Zheng's idea in the Political Policy meeting,
this battle should be a little easier.

Choose Guan Yu.
*********STAGE #9(a): RACE AT WEI XING*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Pang Tong: Persuade Xu Shu (recommended)
Guan Yu: Recruit troops
Jiang Wei: Feed enemy false information

Normal Difficulty:

War Council:
Guan Yu: Lead enemy to eastern outpost
Zhao Yun: Lead enemy to western outpost
Pang Tong: Force enemy unit to retreat

Victory: Liu Bei reaches the staging point
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Pang Tong w/ Jiang Wei
Zhao Yun
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping, Zhuo Cang
Zhuge Liang w/ Zhu Rong
Xu Shu (if you chose to get him, he joins as soon as you get to the
eastern outpost)

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Cao Ren
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 85
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: Carp
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Iron Wall

Xu Huang
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 90
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Bowl
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Charge

Zhang Liao
Number of troops: 18000
Morale: 96
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Formation: Moon
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Raid, Rush

Cao Hong
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 81
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Formation: Bowl
Special Abilities: Rally, Snipe

Pang De w/ Guo Jia
Number of troops: 18000
Morale: 88
Formation: Asp
Pang De:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid, Rush
Guo Jia:
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening

Yu Jin w/ Xi Xuanfeng, Dong Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 18000
Morale: 83
Formation: Goose
Yu Jin:
Type of troops: Elite Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Iron Wall
Xi Xuangfeng:
Type of troops: Elite Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley
Dong Xuangfeng:
Type of troops: Elite Sword
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Rush

Dian Wei
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 84
Type of troops: Heavy Spear
Formation: Box
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush


#1. I chose Pang Tong's strategy for this battle. This will force three
or so enemy units to leave the battle for a while. If you chose to get
Xu Zhu, he will be waiting in front of the eastern outpost. After you
get him, have two really strong generals attack the two outposts. Use
the same trick to lure the enemies out then finish them off by
attacking with all your units (in case you haven't read about this
trick in the Notes section, here's how it works: after you break the
gate (or outpost), fight the enemy unit which was guarding it for about
a minute or so, then retreat. This enemy unit will leave its spot and
follow you. Since he will be on open ground, it will be possible to
attack this unit with more of your units the same time. The probability
of this happening is about 95%).

#2. I don't exactly remember when, but after a long while you should
get the CG scene tells you that the enemy units you tricked to leave
are not returned to the battlefield. In the game I played, they went
straight for western outpost (which Liu Bei was attacking). Use the
same trick over and over and over again. After the appearance of the
new enemy units, there are more enemies by the western outpost, which
means you will finish eastern outposts a little faster. More your units
from east to west by going under the outpost and attack the enemy units
from behind. This will save you some time.

Choose Zhang Fei.
*********STAGE # 9(b): DEFENSE OF CHEN CANG*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Zhao Yun: Enlist Yan Yan (recommended)
Zhang Fei: Recruit troops
Mei Sannniang: Train troops

Zhao Yun will be attached to Gargantua's unit.

Normal Difficulty:

War Council:
Zhuge Liang: Give appearance of larger army
Jiang Wei: Fake Zhao Yun

Victory: Sima Yi takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Zhu Rong, Yan Yan
Mei Sanniang
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhuge Liang w/ Jiang Wei
Zhao Yun w/ Cai Mao

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Xihou Ba
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Bow
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid

Sima Yi w/ Li Dian, Yue Jin
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 100
Formation: Asp
Sima Yi:
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening
Li Dian
Type of troops: Long Bow
Special Abilities: Rally
Yue Jin:
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry

Xiahou Dun
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 88
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge

Zhang He
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: Dome
Special Abilities: Raid, Volley

Guo Shao
Number of troops: 18000
Morale: 100
Type of troops: Marksmen
Formation: Ring
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Volley, Iron Wall


#1. First cancel Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang's missions, have Zhao Yun
break the gate. Then lure Xiahou Ba out by using the same old trick.
Zhang He and Guo Shao should be behind Xiahou Ba, and they will just
follow him right after he starts chasing. So finish them off one by

#2. Now, there are only two units left, Sima Yi and Xiahou Dun. Sima Yi
should be by the north gate. You are five vs. two, don't cry for help
at this point: P.

Choose Sun Li.
*********STAGE #9(c): CAMPAIGN AGAINST XI*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Sun Li: Purchase supplies
Zhao Yun: Recruit troops
Fa Zheng: Interfere with enemy supply lines

Normal Difficulty: It's about the same; I have not found any

War Council:
Zhuge Liang: Cast Mirage
Ma Chao: Subvert Ma Dai (recommended)

Victory: Cai Wengi takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhao Yun w/ Fa Zheng
Ma Chao w/ Jiang Wei
Zhuge Liang w/ Ma Su, Zhu Rong
Sun Li w/ Huang Zhong
Ma Dai (if you chose to get him, which you really should)

---------Enemy units (in yellow)---------

Deng Ai
Number of troops: 17000
Morale: 79
Type of troops: Heavy Cavalry
Formation: Carp
Special Abilities: Rally, Fireball

Cai Wengi (fake)
Number of troops: 19000
Morale: 91
Type of troops: Mongolian Horse
Formation: Flat
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Fire Storm, Gale, Fissure

Cai Wengi * 2 (fake)
Number of troops: 19000
Morale: 91
Type of troops: Mongolian Horse
Formation: Dome
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Fire Storm, Gale, Fissure

Cai Wengi
Number of troops: 19000
Morale: 91
Type of troops: Mongolian Horse
Formation: Swan
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Fire Storm, Gale, Fissure


#1. If you chose Ma Chao's strategy, then Ma Dai should join in about
30 seconds; have Ma Dai and Liu Bei to attack Deng Ai. Move Sun Li,
Zhuge Liang, and Zhao Yun to the left side. In there, you will find
three Cai Wengi units (don't trip, they are all fake, just defeat them
all). Have your three units attack those three units; have Ma Chao
shoot arrows in the back. Soon after you defeat Deng Ai, move Ma Dai
and Liu Bei to help out.

#2. Right after you finished off all three fake Cai Wengi, the real one
will show up east from your supply compound. Defeat her to finish the

*Cai Wengi joins after battle.

*********STAGE #10: Battle of Wu Chang*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Pang Tong: Research Weapons
Sun Li: Train troops
Zhao Yun: Kill man eating tiger

Beginner Difficulty:
Normal Difficulty:

War Council: None

Victory: Sun Quan takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Time runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Jiang Wei, Pang Tong
Guan Yu w/ Gang Ping, Zhou Cang, Ma Su
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo (shows up after 1/12 of the time bar is
Ma Sangniang w/ Fa Zheng, Cai Mao(shows up shortly after Zhang Fei)
Zhuge Liang (show up after 1/6 of the time bar is gone)
Ma Zhao (shows up with Zhuge Liang)
Sun Li (shows up shortly after Zhuge Liang)
Zhao Yung (shows up when after the 1/5 of the time bar is gone)

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Lu Meng:
Number of troops: 14000
Morale: 88
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Rally, Fireball, Meteor Shower

Gan Ning:
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 83
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Valley

Lu Xun:
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 87
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Hail

Taishi Ci:
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 83
Type of troops: Long Bow
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Raid

Lu Su:
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 71
Type of troops: Heavy Cross
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Fireball, Hail

Zhou Yu:
Number of troops: 15000
Morale: 88
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Hail, Fire Storm, Lightening

Sun Quan:
Number of troops: 16000
Morale: 85
Type of troops: Heavy Foot
Formation: none
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Iron Wall

#1. This can easily be the toughest battle for Lui Bei, since you are
starting with only two units. The only way to ensure absolute victory
in this battle is, STARTING RUNNING AWAY. Run all the way to the top.
Whenever Guan Yu got caught up in battle, just let him retreat.

#2. By the time you get up there. Zhang Fei should show up on the
battlefield. Note: If you have any unit in the position where Zhang Fei
shows up at, he will NOT show up in this battle. So don't place your
units on the very top left. If you think you can handle four or five
units with only three of your own, be my guest and try your own
strength out. If not, pull the retreating move till more units of yours
show up. After Zhuge Liang and Ma Chao shows up, the battle is pretty
much over.

Note: 32084032482340928 different things can happen by running toward
north. You could end up dating three enemy units the same time and they
are pounding you with arrows. So don't be afraid to retry this battle.
One of these times you will get lucky: P.

*********STAGE #11: Wei-Shu Conflict*********

Political Policy Meeting:
Zhuge Liang: Accept offering of supplies
Guan Yu: Recruit troops
Pang Tong: form elite guard for Liu Bei (<-- form a special unit)

*Arbalest will be assigned to Zhuge Liang's unit

Beginner Difficulty: the troop strength for both sides are even
Normal Difficulty: the enemy has way more troops than you

War Council:
Zhang Fei: Formation for final battle

Victory: Cao Cao takes flight
Defeat: Liu Bei retreats / Times runs out

---------Your units (in green)---------
Liu Bei w/ Jiang Wei
Guan Yu w/ Guan Ping, Zhou Cang
Zhang Fei w/ Li Li, Luo Luo
Zhao Yun w/ Fa Zheng
Pang Tong w/ Zhu Rong
Zhuge Liang
Ma Chao w/ Ma Dai
Mei Sanniang w/ Cai Mao
Sun Li w/ Ma Su
Huang Zhong w/ Cai Wengi

---------Enemy units (in red)---------

Number of troops:
Type of troops:
Special Abilities:

Cheng Yu w/ Dian Wei
Number of troops: 20000
Morale: 75
Formation: Bow
Cheng Yu:
Type of troops: Marksmen
Special Abilities: Rally, Meteor Shower, Hail
Dian Wei:
Type of troops: Armored Spear
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid, Rush

Pang De w/ Guo Shao, Deng Ai
Number of troops: 22000
Morale: 88
Formation: Goose
Pang De:
Type of troops: Armored Foot
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid, Rush
Deng Ai:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Rally, Fireball
Guo Shao:
Type of troops: Marksmen
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Volley, Iron Wall

Zhang Liao w/ Yue Jin, Li Dian
Number of troops: 21000
Morale: 83
Formation: Carp
Zhang Liao:
Type of troops: Armored Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Raid, Rush
Yue Jin:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Iron Wall
Li Dian:
Type of troops: Marksmen
Special Abilities: Rally, Iron Wall

Hu Zhi w/ Guo Jia
Number of troops: 20000
Morale: 87
Formation: Carp
Hu Zhi:
Type of troops: Armored Spear
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Rush
Guo Jia:
Type of troops: Armored Foot
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening

Yu Jin w/ Dong Xuanfeng, Xi Xuanfeng
Number of troops: 20000
Morale: 82
Formation: Asp
Yu Jin:
Type of troops: Ultra Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry
Dong Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Ultra Sword
Special Abilities: Iron Wall, Rush
Xi Xuanfeng:
Type of troops: Elite Archers
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Volley

Xiahou Ba w/ Xu Huang
Number of troops: 21000
Morale: 88
Formation: Bull
Xiahou Ba:
Type of troops: Elite Horse
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Raid
Xu Huang:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Duel, Raid, Charge

Sima Yi w/ Xiahou Dun
Number of troops: 21000
Morale: 80
Formation: Swan
Sima Yi:
Type of troops: Arballists
Special Abilities: Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm, Lightening
Xiahou Dun:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Duel, Charge, Iron Wall

Xun Yu w/ Zhang He
Number of troops: 21000
Morale: 82
Formation: Goose
Xun Yu:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Rally, Meteor Shower, Hail, Ice Storm
Zhang He:
Type of troops: Marksmen
Special Abilities: Raid, Volley, Iron Wall

Cao Ren w/ Cao Hong
Number of troops: 21000
Morale: 82
Formation: Flat
Cao Ren:
Type of troops: Armored Foot
Special Abilities: Duel, Rally, Raid, Iron Wall
Cao Hong:
Type of troops: Arballists
Special Abilities: Rally, Snipe
Cao Cao w/ Cao Bu
Number of troops: 22000
Morale: 86
Formation: Moon
Cao Cao:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Battle Cry, Rally, Charge, Iron Wall
Cao Bu:
Type of troops: Elite Cavalry
Special Abilities: Rally, Iron Wall

#1. In my personal opinion, I think this battle is easier than last
one. Move all of your units down, so cancel most of their orders (NOT
Zhuge Liang's, since he has a mission to defeat Himiko. Note that if
you just leaven Himiko there, after some time she will use magic to
kill Liu Bei, and IT'S GAME OVER!!! So send Zhuge Liang to kill her. If
you feel Zhuge Liang can't handle alone then send Ma Chao with him).
Well, send Zhao Yun and Pang Tong (or other two generals) RIGHT IN
FRONT of your supply compound. This way will lure ALL OF THE ENEMY
UNITS to attack them. Move Huang Zhong to the VERY right bottom. Right
after enemy units start to attack your units by the supply compound,
send him STRIAGHT up (key word: STRIAGHT, I will explain why later).
Send everyone else down to left to form a line by the entrance of the

#2. Enemy will not have a full out attack, only five units will be
attacking you. Xu Yun, Cao Ren, and Sima Yi will be guarding Cao Cao in
the middle. Now, after you can see all or most of these five units,
send Huang Zhong all the way to the up-right corner. The enemy supply
compound is by the bridge near top-left corner (the first bridge if you
look from right). Because Cao Cao and his guards are in the middle, if
you send Huang Zhong directly to the supply compound, he will get
caught. That's why I told you to send him straight up first then turn
left to reach the supply compound. My guess is that after you can see
all of the five enemy units, they will just attack or chill around Zhao
Yun and Pang Tong (or whoever you sent by the supply compound) since
they can't find anyone else to fight. Now send in the five units you
sent down earlier, you will get the surprise attacks advantage by
attacking from behind and you can easily win 'cause that's 7-on-5.

#3. Now it's time to finish up the evil sorceress who used remote
control in the year of 208 B.C. Anyway, forget what I just said, it was
just a lame joke. Hu Zhi is guarding in front of Himiko's alter, by
herself. Zhuge Liang will use his Arbalest when he gets close to Hu
Zhi. Then use a couple rounds of magic to finish her up. Then you see a
pretty cool sense once Zhuge Liang get to the ugly circle with lights
around, I mean, alter. And that also solves your Liu-Bei-got-hit-by-
lightening-and-died problem. From the point you burn the enemy supply
compound the battle should be easy. After you finish the five enemy
units just move up and find Cao Cao. The rest should be easy task for

And if you are playing this for the first time, CONGRATULATIONS, you
beat Liu Bei's side!!! From now on you will be playing Cao Cao.

If you are playing on normal then you have one more stage to beat, so
don't start the party yet.

First of all, I'd like to thank for the inspiration to
write this FAQ and its help for last two years. Without this website,
this FAQ probably won't exist.

I also like to thank the followings as well:

You!!! For reading this FAQ:).

KOEI, for making all those wonderful games.

Muni Shinobu: for letting me translate his formation part off his FAQ.
Thanks a million!!!

Ethen T: For some tips in Notes on the battlefield section.

Mighty Pang: my loyal friend who bought the game for me and dropped it
off my house while I was in school.

AngelEric: for his kind words on Kessen II message
board when he first heard I am writing this FAQ (that cheered me up a

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