RPG Maker

RPG Maker

15.10.2013 18:56:03
RPG Maker

Email: jerbils@yahoo.com
January 1, 2002

Table of contents:

1. Intro
2. Minigame Basics
3. Switch Compression
4. Particular Minigames
5. Contributor Guides
6. Thanks
7. Copyright

1. Intro
Minigames, I think, can make any RPG, no matter how
good or bad, a fantastic experience. It is a sign of
extra effort put out by the programmer. If you are
playing a good minigame in a homebrewn RPG, you know
you are playing something worth your time, which at
times is a rarity in the RPG Maker community. It’s
safe to say that the whole minigame craze was created
by Alzar (real name David Erwin), who’s landmark game
Remote Control, spotlighted as being the winner of
EGM’s RPG Maker contest introduced us to what a
quality amateur RPG can be. The most revolutionary
feature about this game was the arcade, with fully
functional games. It was my (not to mention others)
inspiration to make minigames. Well, with nothing
else interesting to say, let the minigames begin!

2. Minigame basics
I won’t lie to you, if you are still an RPG Maker
novice, you probably won’t know a lot about what I’m
saying. This is for experts, or really, really smart
people. So if you got this game yesterday, you’re
gonna be lost . ^_^

Almost all minigames are comprised of three scenario
tools: 2/3 Way Choice, Take Over, and Switches. So,
if you intend on making minigames in any kind of
efficient manner, you should master these elements.
Obviously, you’re going to have be very good with
every aspect of the scenario editor. This doesn’t
mean that every minigame uses only these, they only
set the basic foundation. You will, of course, need
to use other tools, such as Display Message, and
possibly things like Inventory, Change Screen and

A term I tend to use is trigger events, or the event
that starts the minigame or event. Not really
important, but it will help you understand the guides

Also, you will notice that I usually use parenthesis
when I deal with switches. The reason for this is
that you don’t necessarily need to use the switch
specified in the parenthesis, it’s just there so you
can keep up with what I’m saying.

3. Switch Compression
Switch Compression is still theoretical, and I haven’t
used it. It’s an advanced technique, so beginners,
don’t worry about it. The basic concept of Switch
Compression is that you only get 6 conditions per
page, and many times, that is not enough. For
example, if you want switches 001, 002, 003, 004, 005,
006, and 007 to be the conditions necessary to open a
door, for instance, you are faced with the problem
that there are not enough conditions available on the
page. To remedy this, make one page with conditions
switches 001, 002, and 003. For event contents, turn
on switch 008. Make a second page with conditions
switches 004, 005, 006, and 007. For event contents,
turn on switch 009. Finally, make a third page with
conditions switches 008 and 009, and open the door.
You can vary the techniques with other conditions such
as items and whatnot. This can be very crucial to
making a good minigame.

4. Particular Minigames

A. Monkey Raising/racing
B. Fishing Game
C. Metal Gear Solid
D. Slot machine
E. Frogger
F. Battle Arena
G. Dice
H. Dating Sim
I. Hide and Seek
J. Fortune Teller
K. Deserted Town
L. Watch Out!
M. Tag
N. Rock, Paper, Scissors
O. Gun Savior

I have written some tutorial guides on particular
minigames before this FAQ was begun. I wrote them in
a fashion that it doesn’t walk you through each and
every minute little step, but rather somewhat vague,
so that you learn while you read. Also, feel free to
elaborate any way you want, this is just a basic

A. Monkey Raising/racing

With this method, you can only have up to 6 factors
that can affect the monkey's behavior and racing
ability. You can have more if you use switch
compression. For this demonstration, so to speak, we
will use these six items that enhance the monkey:

Super Banana
Mega Banana
Banana juice
Cherry Coke

First, you need a monkey raising system. First, you
need to get an item called a monkey, and have that
item signify as a switch to get into, say, the monkey
club, where you race your monkey. In that club, or
elsewhere, you can obtain the items listed above.
There will need to be an event where you bring your
monkey and "feed" it the items (by the way, they
should be one time items). When the item is "fed" to
the monkey, it should offset a switch. Let's say:

Banana (Switch 001)
Super Banana (002)
Mega Banana (003)
Tang (004)
Banana juice (005)
Cherry Coke (006)

Remember, this is just what I would do. I'm just
giving a little guidance. Now, you can , make an event
in which you ask someone at the monkey club how your
monkey feels towards you. You would need to make
several pages for this event. For all of these pages,
you would need 6 conditions on each page. These
conditions would be switches (001-006), either turned
on or off. Obviously, the more switches that are on,
the more your monkey will like you. Heck, you even set
it up so that when you enter a certain area, the
monkey will express it's uh, love to you. He can even
give you items if he really likes you. Also, you can
use switch compression to be able to use more food
items on the monkey. A lot of the racing goes hand in
hand with raising the monkey (kinda like in pokemon,
the happier the pokemon is, the better it battles.
Sorry, but that's the most relevant analogy). If it's
been fed more items, or, more switches (explained
above) are turned on, it has a better chance of
winning the race. By this I mean you can adjust the
probability your monkey goes into a winning race. And
by THAT I mean that you set up the races beforehand.
For each outcome of a race, you have to make a whole
new race. That number can go upwards of 50. A pain, I
know, but it's really worth it in the end. The best
way to go about making the course is to make one track
and duplicate as many times as there are race
outcomes. You can mush it all into one race arena
dungeon to save system data space, but I don't
recommend it. At this point, you can take two roads:
the lazy road, and the ambitious road (no, not in the
game; theoretically). The lazy way is to make them all
move at the same time, meaning you can't tell who is
winning or losing. Or you could make them all move
separately (the ambitious way), which makes a far
better experience for whoever is playing your game.
Personally, I choose the harder path (which will
easily add several more hours to the making of the
game). It's up to you. To make them all move at the
same time, just put all of the race data into one
monkey (moving, the probabilities, text messages,
etc.) and simply duplicate the event. All the monkeys
have to be the same color if you choose that method.
If you want to go the harder path, the monkeys can be
different colors ,and the player can actually interact
and manipulate the outcome of the race, such as
roadblocks, interfering monkeys and the like.

B. Fishing Game

To start, you'll need a fishing hole/pond/cesspool
dungeon, which shouldn't be too hard. Next, make an
event that when activated, asks you if you want to
fish. If you answer yes, you may want to shift the
screen so it is more centered over the pond to give
that nice fishing feel. At this point, it's just going
to be a ton 3-choice probability things. Since I don't
feel like writing a book, I'll just do the basics. For
this stuff you'll want to be organized, so have a take
over to a new page. Since this is a text game, you
don't have make anything move or animate, or any thing
like that. Next, Have a three way choice asking the
player if he would like to cast to the left side, the
middle or the right side.
Now, to keep things simple, we're just going to work
with one choice, say, the middle. You can tweak and
adjust the ratios for the other choices. Next is a
random three way choice (you're going to use a lot of
those) with the choices to hook a fish, give a
nothing's happening message, or an almost had it
message. Know now that if you were to make a flow
chart of all this, it would probably be the size of
Kentucky by the end. With the second two choices, give
a two way choice to try again or give up. If you
choose give, up then just end the event and remember
to go to default screen). If try again, then use a
take over to the current page, as silly as it sounds.
For the first choice, hook a fish, take over to
another page. In that page, have the two way random:
Reel it in, or sway the stick (or something like
that). Next, have each of those have a take over to
their own page (you're going to have a lot of pages)
and each will have a two way random: Broke the line
(and end the event), and got it (Add the corresponding
fish size item to the inventory [if you got a big
fish, add a big fish item. If you caught a small fish,
then add a small fish item to the inventory. If you
haven't made those items yet, do it now.])and end the
event. Now, just use everything I wrote above to fill
in the empty pages, and always remember to go back to
the default screen.

C. Metal Gear Solid

I have already done two levels of this, so I know what
I'm talking about. First, make a maze-like dungeon (it
looks really metal gearish with the concrete-looking
walls and black background). Be sure to put a few
divided areas, to stretch it a bit. Essentially, there
are two components: Staying out of the guards sight,
and using grenades to distract them. First, I will
explain how to stay out of the guards' "sight." First
create an event where you want the guard to stand,
with some sort of guard graphic (duh). Next, create a
couple of graphicless events where the guard’s line of
sight is. Whenever the player steps on the event (set
it to touch activation), have a take over to a page in
which the guard graphic come towards the player, and
ends the minigame (or start over, whatever you want).
Overall, that's not too hard. Next, there are the
parts of the minigame where you need to throw a
grenade to distract the guard, and when the guard has
temporarily left his post, run through the area. To do
this, set up another guard event exactly as you did
above. This time, however, what you want to do before
the player steps into their line of sight, make an
event (touch activation) that gives the player the
option to throw a grenade. Obviously, if the player
selects no, then just end that event. But, were just
gonna work with yes. make an event in the location in
which you want the grenade to detonate. When the
player selects yes, have a take over (you'll have to
use a lot of these) to the page with an explosion at
the location of the detonation event. Next, have a
take over to the guard event with a move to point to
the detonation event. Make sure to have the guard on
touch activation to look at the player, end the game,
and so on. When the player safely exits the area where
the guard was standing, have a graphicless event that
causes a take over that makes the guard event go back
to his original position, and everything is reset.

This is really just a bare bones basic guide, and is
probably not giving you all the help you want. Also,
it's leaving some stuff out, but this a learning
thing, and I want you to figure out a bit out for
yourself. Actually, I'm just being lazy. If you want
to know how to do absolutely EVERYTHING, download my
CastleMania: Chapter Two demo from my site
(www.rpgmclub.cjb.net), and just see what makes it
tick, so to speak (there is no password). *End
blatant plug*

D. Slot machine

Like most minigames, this one involves heavy amounts
of random three way choices and take overs. To start,
what you want to do is make a slot machine graphic.
Since you really shouldn't do that, I highly recommend
you just use the casino dungeon sample. Next, make an
event on the slot machine in the dungeon. Give the
player the yes/no option to play. If no, end the
event. Obviously, yes is the answer where the game
begins, so we'll work with that. If you want to keep
it simple, just use three possible items you can, uh,
land on. Let's say:

Cherry (common)
Lemon (uncommon)
Soccer ball (rare)

Now, this event is going to have a ton of outcomes, so
there's going to be lots of pages. First, make the
three way choice to land on land on cherry, lemon, or
soccer ball. They should have equal percentages, but
since you can't give %33 to all the choices, one will
have to take %34. Give this to the cherry. Make sure
to let the player know what's happening with messages
(i.e. "You got a cherry!" or "You got a soccer
ball!"). Next, have each have a take over to their own
new page. Essentially, just repeat the above steps
twice more, only give smaller percentages to more
valuable choices. After that, if the player got three
in a row, either give them an item or money. If the
player got an outcome of three rarer(is that a word?)
items, give them more money, or a better prize item.

To make this more complex, just use the same basic
method as above. Only this time, let's say you want
five items:

Soccer Ball

To do this, make the event just like above. Only for
the third choice, just have another random three way
(ewwww) right below, you don't even have to start a
new page. Then, just use the same method as before,
only this time it will have more pages (a lot more).

E. Frogger

This isn't too hard. Be aware, however, this isn't
going to a carbon copy, as that would be impossible
with RPG Maker. First, make a custom dungeon that
essentially a wide open space. Next, make a bunch of
metal or machine like event graphics. For those
events, set to touch activation, set movement to left
and right, and slow or fast, whichever you prefer. For
the event contents, just put the message: "You got
hit!" or something like that, and end the game. Just
make a bunch of those. For the goal area, just make a
row of events that say something like "Great! Now try
the next level!" And make a new level, and put a move
location to that area. Like I said, simple.

F. Battle Arena

Providing you have the necessary monsters already
made, this isn't too difficult. If you haven't already
made the monsters, do that first. You should have a
decent balance, but you can do whatever you want.
Anyway, set up some sort of event (not a real event, I
mean like an overall scenario thing. Damn terminology)
where it's like a battle area where you can sign up
and whatnot. Make a real event with the option to
enter the arena or not. I believe you know what to do
with "no." With yes, have a move location to an
arena-y area. Just have a bunch of battles after each
other. To do this, have an intro event to a battle.
Just make sure to set the battles up with a two-way
choice with win/loss. If you lose, send the player
back to the first place. If the player wins, have them
just continue to another battle made with the same
method. Just do this again and again, at it'll easily
add hours and hours of gameplay time to your game.
Chances are, you'll want messages before and maybe
after each battle. To spice things up, you can throw
in some randomness (just randomize the battles the
player heads into after the one he is already in). To
make things really interesting, you can throw in prize
items. When the player reaches the end, give them a
really good prize. Them, send them back to the first
battle. When they reach the end again, give a
fantastic prize. You can do this as many times as you
want. Hell, to really stretch it, you can even make
separate leagues. You can really boost the replay
value of your game with a really good battle arena

G. Dice

This is really just a dumbed down version of the slot
machine. First, make an activating event that asks if
you want to play. For yes, give a three way random for
rolling a 1, 2, or take over to another page. On that
taken-over-to page, give another three way random for
3, 4, or another take over, and repeat this step for
numbers 5 and 6. For all six of the numbers, give a
message for "You got (insert number here)!", or
something like that. After those messages, give each
number a take over to their own page, and repeat all
above steps again for each number. Yeah, it's tedious,
but what are ya gonna do? I would just leave it at
that, but you can add more dice if you want (just
repeat again). At the end of the last roll, tell the
player what they got, and do whatever you want with
the results.

H. Dating Sim

This is one of those things that you need to use
examples for. Essentially, it's comprised of a ton of
3/2 way choices, take overs and switches. If you want
to make a good sim, you're going to need to make a ton
of cutscenes, which you will have to figure out on
your own (if you can make one good cutscene, you can
make ‘em all). Basically, during a cutscene, have the,
uh, partner ask the player a question (and what a
player s/he is!) with a two or three way choice.
Although the game is much more fun to play if the
player is confronted with 3 ways as opposed to 2 ways,
you need to make a cutscene for each and every choice,
so you need to be ready for that. During key questions
(or every question, it depends on you), have the
"right" or "wrong" replies turn on a switch. For
example, if the date asks what you think of her, you
could have the choices 1. You look very nice. (good)
2. Damn, you fine! Let's take a trip on the love
train! (even though that wouldn't fit)(bad) 3. You
look like a baboon. (really bad) Each reply would
trigger a switch: 1. Switch 001 2. Switch 002 3.
Switch 003. Basically, these just add up until the end
of the date. At the end, there should be a single
event with a lot of pages. On each page, in the
conditions, there should be all the possible switch
combinations. Depending on how the date turned out,
let the player know somehow, and give them a prize or
something, if you want. What happens at the end is
really up to you.

I. Hide and Seek

Like many minigames, pretty simple. You can do this
on any scale (across the game or across one map).
Although the bigger it is, the more memorable it is.
Either way, it’s not rocket science. A good trigger
event for this is say, a character. Have them say,
“Tag! You’re it!” then turn on a switch (001) Then
place events where you want the next person to tag.
You can keep it simple by just placing an event that
appears with switch (001) on. Have that trigger
switch (002). Do that same thing for another event in
another area. Do that again and again.

The more fun way to do this is to add some probability
to the mix. In the first event, after turning on
switch (001), have a random three way choice to turn
on switches (002), (003), or (004). Now, have three
events place wherever, and each turned on by either
(002), (003), or (004). Have them similar to the
first event, only with new switches. Make sure they
all end up with the same event (that can be kind of
tricky), and then give a reward of some sort.

J. Fortune Teller

This is pretty basic (I say that about a lot of
things, don’t I?). Really, really basic. Simply
have a trigger event with fortune tellerish graphic.
Give the player a choice to participate (yes or no
choice) and if the reply is yes, take over to a new
page. On that page have a random three way choice.
The first two should be fortunes, while the third is a
take over to a new page. Do the basic same thing,
then again and again. On the final page, have all
three choices fortunes. Like I said, simple.

K. Deserted Town

This isn’t really a minigame as much as an extra fun
thing to put in your game. Basically, you come upon a
town that’s completely desolate. Then, one by one,
you meet the members of the town and have them go back
to the town. For instance, you could have an event
where a villager is out in the middle of nowhere, and
he says something like “I would go back to my home
town if I could find my axe.” Switch on switch (001).
Then, hide an item named “Axe” somewhere. When the
player obtains the axe and returns to the villager,
have him say “Thanks! Now I can return to my
village!” And make the event walk of screen or
something and turn on switch (002). On a new page,
have no data or event graphic with a condition of
switch (002). And, at the town dungeon, have an event
that has no data on the first page. On the second
page, have a condition of switch (002), and the same
graphic as the villager you got the axe for. You can
do this for dozens of villagers, it’s pretty fun.
Also, you don’t even need item getting missions, you
can have a whole variety of things!

L. Watch Out!

This is a game I made up for a game I am working on.
Basically, it’s the main player making his way around
a maze, while dodging little asteroids that are
“after” him. First, make a maze-y dungeon, I tend to
make mine primarily horizontal and a bit linear, but
you can make any kind of maze you want. You can have
a variety of different kinds of asteroids (in terms of
event contents, that is, I think it’s best if they
look identical), such as ones that move randomly, ones
that are actually moving towards you, and even ones
that become activated once you trip a secret switch.
So now, I will impart the knowledge that I’m sure you
want very much >=D. Enough of my rambling. First,
it’s best if all the asteroids look the same. You
know, that rock graphic. To make asteroids that roam
around randomly, make an event with the rock graphic
with a movement of random. To make it come towards
you, have it set to towards. Also, have the following
settings for event contents for all of the asteroids
(note: these are just bare bones basic, you can add
whatever): A message that says something like “Oh no!
You got hit!” and then a sound effect (that one that
goes “womp, womp, woooh…” is good), a move location
back to wherever you want the player to go when he
fails, and always have touch activation. If you want
to make things interesting, as I said above, you can
make it so that when trip a secret switch, an asteroid
come at you. First, set up an event with the
meteorite graphic with no movement, and for the second
page, have the normal event contents and a movement of
towards. For the conditions, have switch (001). Now,
place an event where you want the “switch.” Have no
graphic (actually, you can use a graphic if you wish,
but I don’t), and touch activation. For contents,
have switch (001) turned on. On the second page, have
condition of switch (001). Now, when you trip the
switch, the asteroid will come after you. For the
simpler asteroids, you can replicate them easily with
copy and paste (do NOT use Duplicate) them wherever
you want them. For the two event asteroids, you will
have to duplicate them each time, with new switches
for each. For the goal, have a visible graphic of
some sort, and them you kind of have to figure out
what you want to do from there. One thing to remember
about the watch out, always turn off the switches that
were used for the two-event asteroids.

M. Tag

By name, you’d think it’s the same as hide and seek,
but it’s a different game. This takes place in a
single room. Make sure to have small walls scattered
about the room (make sure that it doesn’t separate
into new rooms). Also, make an item called “Tag
Point.” Have the player start in the middle. Give
the player 19 Tag Points. Surround the player with 20
robots, about 2 or three steps away from the player.
For each event, have the movement set to “away” and
quick. For event contents, have: Remove item Tag
Point, and change event graphic to none, and unable to
execute. On the second page, have condition of no Tag
points. For event contents, have a message
congratulating the player, and a move location to
wherever. Instead of doing the whole event 20 times,
remember to use COPY and PASTE, not duplicate. Note:
Remember to give and take away Tag points upon exiting
and entering the game. You don’t want your player
walking around with mysterious items =p

N. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, paper, scissors has appeared in many forms
throughout RPG history (the fighting game in FF7 rings
a bell). It is very simple, but can be extended.
Have a trigger event (something that asks if you want
to participate, you should know how to do that) lead
to the game. Give the player a choice of either rock,
paper, or scissors. For every choice, have a random 2
way for either a win, or a lose. You can make life
simple and stop there, or go all-out and make a
tournament kind of thing. The latter choice is not
hard as it is long. If you want say, a three match
game, after each win, you will need a whole new rock,
paper, scissors game. Of course, you will need a new
game for every rock, paper, or scissors choice, and
that will get frustrating quickly. Also, it’s a great
idea to give the player a prize for each big win.

O. Gun Savior

Another original (actually, I‘m not sure about that)
creation by me, Gun Savior, is first person shooter.
Actually, it’s not a real FPS, as that simply isn’t
possible with RPG Maker. First, you must go into
Anime Maker (aaaah!) and make a simple target sprite.
Import that into your game. Now, create a dungeon
that has nothing you can’t walk on. Next, make an
item that can’t be dropped called GS Point, and
another ungraspable item called HP. Now, go into
scenario editor and put an intro event in for that
dungeon. In that intro event, change the main
character’s graphic to the target sprite, and
everybody else’s graphic to none. Now for a bit of
math: For every target that you want destroyed, add
that many GS Points MINUS ONE to the player’s
inventory. Also add 3 HP items. Now, make an event
with a graphic of some sort (I’ll use a robot) set to
check with the following contents: Some explosion
effect, change graphic to none, remove item GS Point,
and finally Unable to execute. On the second page
(also set to check), have the condition of no GS
Points, and the contents: Explosion effect, change
graphic to none, and some message to congratulate the
player, and then a move location to wherever you want
to the player to go when he wins. Now, make copies
(do not use duplicate) and paste the number equal to
the number GS Points you gave the player plus one to
wherever you want. Now, make a whole new event with a
graphic that is different than the graphic you used
for the target. Have it set to close up and touch.
For the contents for the first page, have an explosion
effect, remove item HP, and a message telling the
player they lost an HP. On the second page, have
conditions of no HP, and also set to close up and
touch. On the contents, remove an equal amount of GS
Points that you gave the player originally, an
explosion effect, and a message telling the player he
lost, and finally a move location to wherever you want
the player to go when he loses. The amount of those
events (also use copy and paste) doesn’t need to be as
specific as the robot events.

5. Contributor Guides

A. Stones Minigame By: RockeytheHercules
B. Nameless Monkey Game By: Mellow Yellow
C. Monkey Hide & Go Seek By: Spanky 4
D. The Sneaking Around Mini-game By: Rob Man 3
E. Pin the Tail On the Donkey By: PsyKoCracker
F. Alternate First Person Shooter Minigame By:

I am not the only one who has made minigame guides,
thankfully. There are numerous people who have made
minigame guides. Contributor guides generally go very
in-depth and explain things step by step. So, if
you’re completely clueless, this is a good place to

A. Stones Minigame
Written by RockytheHercules (Note: Was not created
by RockytheHercules)

First, have a character graphic. Then in front of
him/her make a graphic of stones. In the stones
graphic have something like this (this example uses 6
stones, but I usually use like 20, meaning 20+1

Page 1:
Message: Wanna Play?
2-way-choice: Yes/No
Message: Bring money next time.
2nd Choice
Message: Too bad. It's fun.

Page 2:
Page conditions:
-20 Gold Yes
2-way-choice: Yes/No
Message: Let's go!
Switch on 006
Switch on 001
2nd Choice
Message: Too bad. It's fun.

Page 3:
Page conditions:
-Switch 006 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking 2.
Switch off 006
Switch off 001
Switch on 004

Page 4:
Page conditions:
-Switch 005 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking 1.
Switch off 005
Switch off 001
Switch on 004

Page 5:
Page conditions:
-Switch 004 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking 1.
Switch off 004
Switch off 001
Switch on 003

Page 6:
Page conditions:
-Switch 003 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking 3.
Switch off 003
Switch off 001
Message: I win

Page 7:
Page conditions:
-Switch 002 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking 2.
Switch off 002
Switch off 001
Message: I win

Page 8:
Page conditions:
-Switch 001 on
-Switch 001 on
Message: My turn. I'm taking it.
Switch off 001
Switch off 001
Message: I win

Page 9:
Page conditions:
-Switch 006 on
-Switch 001 off
Message: Your turn.
3-way-choice: Take 1, Take 2, Take 3
Message: You took 1
Switch off 006
Switch on 005
Switch on 001
2nd Choice
Switch off 006
Switch on 004
Switch on 001
3rd Choice
Switch off 006
Switch on 003
Switch on 001

and so on and so on... I don't feel like making it
completely. I hope this helps a bit.

B. Nameless Monkey Game
By: Mellow Yellow

Here one that's pretty fun, make a square dungeon with
slots at the top with a prize in each slot also have a
graphic of each prize, sword, gold ect.... Inside each
square dungeon put blocks every 2 spaces both up and
across so there's a 2 gap space above, below and
on each
side of your blocks, have the blocks offset each
other, now create a monkey graphic set one to move
left and right another for up and down and yet another
for random movement, now enter a message for each GAME
OVER PLAY AGAIN, move location back game room dungeon.
Now just copy the monkey events and place in strategic
locations, you can be touched by the monkeys, but
can't touch them or else game over, make it to the top
pick which prize you want or need and go for it
____________________ -- l l --- l # # # # l ---------
l # # # # # AND SO ON, I made it earlier and it's
actually pretty fun. good luck to ya!

C. Monkey Hide & Go Seek
By: Spanky 4

Just make a starting room that connects to three maze
rooms, each room is just a maze that you make with the
floor in them black.
Put an event in each room, the Events go as follows...

Monkey 1
Page 1
Event content: Switch 01 on
Graphic: (none)
Move Type: (none)

Page 2
Event content: Message Event: You found me | Switch 04
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 01

Page 3
Event contents: You found all the Monkeys! | Move
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 04
Switch on 05
Switch on 06

Monkey 2
Page 1
Event content: Switch 02 on
Graphic: (none)
Move Type: (none)

Page 2
Event content: Message Event: You found me | Switch 05
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 02

Page 3
Event contents: You found all the Monkeys! | Move
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 04
Switch on 05
Switch on 06

Monkey 3
Page 1
Event content: Switch 03 on
Graphic: (none)
Move Type: (none)

Page 2
Event content: Message Event: You found me | Switch 06
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 03

Page 3
Event contents: You found all the Monkeys! | Move
Graphic: The Monkey
Move Type: Random
Page Conditions:
Switch on 04
Switch on 05
Switch on 06

An exit button. (if someone gets bored of the game
they can leave)
Event contents:
Message: Are you sure you want to leave?
2 Way choice: Yes/No
Move Location...
Choice 2
Message: Ok keep looking
Graphic: (any switch)
Move Type (none)

That's it , the games really not that hard depending
on how hard your maze is.

D. The Sneaking Around Mini-game
By: Rob Man 3

This is real basic. I had a bunch of walls in random
places. (Actually, I did this in a forest, with trees
instead of walls, but I'll just use walls as the
example) and I positioned a bunch of guards all around
the place, facing them in different directions. I put
an event on the guard that said something then
transported them back to the beginning of the
minigame. Then, in front of the guard I made events
that took over to the guard. All from the guard to the
nearest wall. That way if you walk into his vision you
loose the mini game. Really easy actually, not the
most complicated of any of my mini games... Just
figured Id share it :)

E. Pin the Tail On the Donkey
By: PsyKoCracker

First, go to dungeon edit, and in your dungeon go down
to "white block" make one of these on a wall.

Next go to event edit on that white square, and make a
donkey on it (it's a horse, but it makes a fine

Have a guy next to it.

Page 1
Event: Sorry not enough money.

Page 2
condition: have money: 5
Event: Want to play pin the tail on the donkey?
2 way choice: Yes (5$)
under yes, turn switch #xxx on, and add 3 items (no
named works well) next have a message: "I'll Blindfold

Next have a 33/33/34% 3 way choice. (or if you want to
be precise you can have 50/50,50/50,50/50 with one of
the 50s taking over the beginning of the 50/50's for
all your chances to be exactly the same.)

Each moves you to the same dungeon, but each to a
different spot, each of which are exactly 3 steps away
from the donkey.

Intro event
Condition: Switch #xxx on.
Change screen color: completely black
Party Display: disappear.

Take over an invisible event which says "Find that
donkey, you only have 3 steps!"
Now for each space that can possibly be reached in
three steps, add an event with the condition of Switch
xxx on.

These events should look like this.

Page 1
Condition: switch on #xxx
have item #3 (blank)
Event: Remove Item #3, add item #2

Page 2
Condition: Switch on xxx
Have item #2
Event: remove item #2, Add item #1

Page 3
Condition: Switch on xxx
Have item #1
Event: Message: "Alright! Lets see where you ended
Move party: Character direction up.
Change screen: default color: slow.

Now, simply have the last page on the event in front
of the donkey, do this, then say "Congratulations, you
pinned the tail on the donkey!

and the rest can just be dupe events that say "sorry,
you lose."

And that's about all. remember, after, you have to
remove item #1 and turn off switch #xxx before you
move location back to where it started.

Also, if you want to do this in a premade dungeon
(since you can't edit the dungeon, you can't have the
white spot AND the donkey start at the same spot, just
simply have an intro event that moves the donkey on
the paper and makes him face right/left every time you
enter the casino. It shouldn't take long enough to be
really noticeable.

F. Alternate First Person Shooter Minigame
By: PsyKoCracker

The first person shooter is simple, but requires you
to draw some crossbars in Anime Maker. This isn't very
hard even for me (the worst anime maker user EVER)

Next just move to a dungeon which will be assigned as
your sniping range.

Next put duplicate events of object 39: color 3 on
each unwalkable tile (to get the feeling that you
actually are looking through the sniper rifle
(honestly, what kind of sniper rifle can't shot
buildings or trees =)

For each person you want to be able to snipe, make an
event next to them (any side) on the PERSON event,
have it on touch, move party: to point: wherever that
person is, ext have it move party: character
direction: whichever direction the event which I told
you to place next to the person.

I'll simplify it now that it isn't nighttime (I can't
think straight at nighttime)

Here’s a Diagram of events-


- = Nothing. (object 39 color 3 if the person is on an
unwalkable tile.)

X = X is the person you want to shoot.

A = The event that you placed next to the person (I
placed it on Top)

Q = an event placed beside event A (In the direction
you are facing)

Event X

Page 1
Conditions: none
-Move party to point (wherever event X is.)
-Character direction (toward event A. In my diagram,
this would be UP)

Page 2
Do Not Start
Conditions: none
-The death seen of your choice, I tend to use
flashing, turning.
-switch on #001

Page 3
Do not start
No Graphic
Conditions: switch on #001

Event A

Page 1
Check: From bottom
No graphic
Conditions: none
-Sound effect of gun (I like 21)
-Message "Urgh"
-Take over event #1 page 2

Page 2
Do not start
conditions: switch on #001

Event Q

Page 1
Conditions: None
No graphic
-Exit Event

Event Q make it so you can't go onto the person, then
off onto event A, then press X and shoot him from
there. Instead, it takes over the event farther away
which would be Q.

The first person shooter bullet system

First make 3 items. one will be called Bullets, the
other will have no name.

in the dungeon where you do the sniping, have an intro

Intro Event
-Add inventory: bullet. (however many you want to give
the player MINUS ONE) and the blank item. (however
many people you have to shoot MINUS ONE)

On event A make 3 more pages, but keep the one which
was formerly page 3 the very last one.

Event A

page 1
Conditions: None
-(same as above + below)
-remove 1 bullet, and remove 1 blank.

What is now page 3
Conditions: Don't have item: Bullet.
-Message: "Out of bullets, you lose!"

What is now page 4
Conditions: Don't have item: Blank.
-Message: you sniped 'em all! you win!

It is very important that the events on page 4 are
behind the events on page 3, otherwise, even if you
sniped them all, if that was your last bullet, you
wouldn't win.

6. Thanks

First and foremost, I would like to thank myself,
jerbils for getting off my lazy ass and finally
working on this damn thing. It wasn’t pretty.
Thank you to all the little guinea pigs (Mcky,
linkinfella, rpgamer1389, FlamingElementalX2,
ShinjiSan777, Spik, Czechs Mex, Starcraft4ever, Moogle
Man, Akuma222, ff8ribbon, legendary gamer,
BlackWarOnmimon, FSC3D, RPGMaster2001, MokoWebworks,
simoxeh, NikisNight, guardian tritoch, Bennetkidd,
Ness and Link, DaMan, fdlink, DBurks2818,
MasterArchmage, Hassamu, loveladies3216,
RockytheHercules, ravenkilla, squinky45, Smurvis,
DiabloDragon224, True Realm, AltNemo, SeiferAlmasy,
Guywhos2obsesst, Doc Casey, Mellow Yellow,
DemitriMoff, sailorcattious, AznHoyBoy41688, Combat
Medic, Rob Man 3, darkcrypt87, Evilernie01, d12king12,
Vega Crescent, FatLizard, Blaze2002, Draygone,
battletoads, PS2 4 Life, master gohan, ShadowBlaze,
PsyKoCracker, altoecko, ThunderElemental50,
solidsteve7, Karma Fairy, writer77)who posted and what
not at my Minigame Master Topic, making it my most
popular topic ever!
A very big thank you to my minigame contributors,
RockeytheHercules, Mellow Yellow, Spanky 4, Rob Man 3,
and PsyKoCracker. Thanks to you guys, this is a much
better FAQ.
Thanks to Nova for proofreading this monstrosity
The friendly folks at GameFAQs
I’d like also to thank those who beared with me to see
the end of this stupid guide

7. Copyright

This Frequently Asked Question/Minigame guide
originally posted at GameFAQs.com, is copyright to the
author, me. Anyone is free to post, read, copy to
their website, etc., as long as I get a decent share
of royalties, if any.

Copyright 2002 by Jeremy Kahn

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