Party's Breaker: The Queen of Heart 2001

Party's Breaker: The Queen of Heart 2001

18.10.2013 08:23:06
Party's Breaker: The Queen of Heart 2001 (for PC)

FAQ/Movelist ver. 2.7

by Kevin Eav ( with help from Richard "Pocky" Kim

Begun: 8/25/01

Disclaimer: Party's Breaker: The Queen of Heart 2001, The Queen of Heart
'99 (SE), and The Queen of Heart '98 are properties belonging to Watanabe
Seisakujo ( Character names,
including Mizuki Takase, etc., likenesses thereof, and characterizations
thereof are properties belonging to Aqua Plus/Leaf.

This document is copyrighted by the author; express permission is given
only for personal, nonprofit use. For profit use, please contact the
author at the above address.

Table of Contents

1. Version History

2. Introduction

3. System
3.1 Legend

4. Characters
4.1 Takase Mizuki
4.2 Makimura Minami
4.3 Inagawa Yuu
4.4 Ooba Eimi
4.5 Hasebe Aya
4.6 Sakurai Asahi
4.7 Haga Reiko
4.8 Tsukamoto Chisa

5. Hidden Characters
5.1 Haga Reiko '94
5.2 Card Master Peach Mizuki
5.3 Kazami Suzuka
5.4 Tachikawa Ikumi

6. Ending

end Table of Contents

1. Version History
2.7 -- Added some information to Chisa's section; Watanabe Seisakujo has
announced a new character to be added, so I hope I can get my hands on
that update when it comes out (11/25).
2.5 -- Completed (to the best of my knowledge) all movelists for the
characters; corrected Ikumi's name.
2.0 -- Full information on the hidden characters (at least as much as I
can give. :)
1.1 -- Correction on Reiko Haga's title (it's '94, not '95), and added
some missing information on Minami.
1.0 -- First Draft. Will likely contain errors and confusion, but is a
general framework for the document.

2. Introduction

Party's Breaker: The Queen of Heart 2001 is a semi-sequel to the game
Queen of Heart '99; it isn't a true sequel, although at least one
character from QoH'99 shows up in PB. The game retains much of the same
game system and conventions as the first two games in the series, which
means long, nasty combos, powerful and odd special moves, and more. This
document is intended to serve merely as a quick reference, rather than a
biblical text.

3. System

Party's Breaker (herein referred to as PB) retains much of the system of
Queen of Heart '99, although it is slightly less reliant on the unending
air combos of its predecessor. Only certain characters have moves that
will actually 'launch' their opponents; these will be noted. In QoH'99,
one could accumulate up to 9 super bars, but in PB, this has been lessened
to five. Guard Cancels are possible, but they temporarily reduce the
Cancelling character's Guard meter down to zero, making them very
dangerous. Air recoveries are done simply by pressing a button, similar
to the system of Street Fighter Alpha 3; off-the-ground combos are easily
possible. In the future, this section may be expanded as regards to the
individual system abilities (EX moves, combos, and so forth).

3.1 Legend

ub u uf ub - up/back u - up uf - up/forward

b n f b - back n - neutral f - forward

db d df db - down/back d - down df - down/forward

W - weak attack M - medium attack S - strong attack
SP - special A - any attack

Note: The above generally corresponds to buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 (in order
from Weak to Special) on a standard six-button control pad. I don't know
if there's any way to configure this, as I can't read all the kanji in the
menus. :)

Pressing F5 during the game will either pause it, or pause it and give you
an options menu (in Practice mode).

qcf - quarter-circle forward (d to f)
qcb - quarter-circle back (d to b)
hcf - half-circle forward (b to f)
hcb - half-circle back (f to b)
dp - dragon punch (f, d, df)
rdp - reverse dragon punch (b, d, db)
(a) - can be performed in air
(A) - must be performed in air
(L) - Launches opponent

Note: When you have one or more levels of power, performing a special move
with the strong attack button results in an EX move. Otherwise, it
performs the medium attack version of the technique. EX moves require one
level of power gauge; super combos require three, unless otherwise stated.

4. Characters

4.1 Takase Mizuki

Mizuki is not too significantly changed from Queen of Heart '99, save for
a new super, and the ability to use her tennis ball serves in air. Her
arsenal is familiar and just as potent now as it was in QoH '99.

Command Attacks

Low Ground Sweep - f, f+M
Racket Uppercut - f, f+S
Side Slash - f+S
Ground Sweep - d+S (A)

Special Techniques

Hyakuretsu Serve - qcf+A (a) *
Lob Otoshi - d, d+A
Kougeki V - qcb+A

Super Technique Arts
(1) Homing Dynamite - qcf, uf+S (a) *
(3) Oshirisu no Tenkuuryuu - hcf, d, df+S

* The EX Hyakuretsu Serve and the Homing Dynamite are _NOT_ the same move.
The Homing Dynamite will, as the name implies, home in on your opponent no
matter where you are relative to them; the EX Hyakuretsu Serve will not.

4.2 Makimura Minami

Minami is one of the characters from Comic Party; her combat style
revolves around ranged grapples, similar to Vice, and similar moves.

Command Attacks

Rolling Sobat - f, f+M
Lunging Kick - f, f+S
Suwarikomi kinshi desu - f+S
Kuuchuu nage (otagai kuuchuu de) - b+S (A)*

Special Techniques

Wakusennai ha Tachihairanaide kudasai - qcf+A (no EX)
Tachitomaranaide kudasai - qcb+A
Staff no shiji ni Shitagatte kudasai - dp+A
Soko wa tachiiri kinshi desu - rdp+A

Super Technique Art

(3) Saigoi wa kochira desu - hcf+S

* This attack is a midair throw and is unblockable.

4.3 Inagawa Yuu

Command Attacks

Dash Overhead - f, f+M
Upper Fan Strike - f, f+S
Kuuchuu Dash - in air, f, f or b, b
Yakuza Kick - f+M

Special Techniques

Ho'noo no pen - qcb+A (a)
Hishoukiri - d, d+A
Ryuuseikyaku - d, d+A (A)

Super Technique Art

(3) Round Lip Saber - hcf+S

4.4 Ooba Eimi

Yuu's rival, popular but notoriously short-tempered and rude to Yuu.

Command Attacks

Kuuchuu Nage - b or d+S (A)
Queen Heel - d+M (A)
Upper Kick - f+S (L)

Special Techniques

Jyouou no Pen - qcf+A
Tornado Mirage Kick - d, d+A
Queen Tornado - qcb+A (up to 3 times)

Super Technique Art

(3) Konna Te Iranai - hcf, f+S

4.5 Hasebe Aya

Command Attacks

Stole Hook - f+M
Stole Javelin - f+S
Sliding - df+S
Kuuchuu Dash - f, f or b, b (A)

Special Techniques

Ikazura no Pen - qcf+A
Soul Reflect - qcb+A
Dancing Pen - d, d+A *
Bloody Stole - rdp+A

Super Technique Art

(3) Viper Whip - Final Attack - hcf+S

* The Dancing Pen works like Spiral's swords (X-Men, MvC2), but if done
with the W button, the pens stay where they were summoned, instead of
following Aya.

4.6 Sakurai Asahi

An idol singer, and gameplay descendent of QoH'99's Yuki and Rina.

Command Attacks

Idol Upper - f+M (L) *
CD Blade - f+S
Kuuchuu Grab - b+M (A)

Special Techniques

CD Nage - qcf+A
Idol Summer - d, d+A (a)
Baramaki CD - qcb+A (a)
Heel Kick Press - rdp+A

Super Technique Art

(3) Hontou no Watashi - f, hcf+S

* The Idol Upper launches, but can only be jump-cancelled from the -first-

4.7 Haga Reiko

A true Kyo fan, Reiko imitates his fighting style almost perfectly.

Command Attacks

Flying Reverse Kick - f, f+M
Shoulder Bash - f, f+S
Gaishiki gouono hi - f+M *
Yajyu yashiki - df+S
Naraku Otoshi - d+S (A)

Special Techniques

Body ha Amai wa yo - qcf+A ^
Tamashiyaki - dp+A
Red Kick - rdp+A
Ukete minayo, ko no blow - hcb+A #

Super Technique Arts

(3) Orochikari - qcb, hcf+S #
(3) Mu Shiki - qcf, hcb+S

* This move is an overhead attack and must be blocked standing.

^ This move is actually a branching move like Kyo's firefists; the
sequence goes qcf+W (1), qcf+W(2)/hcb+W(3) (from 1), W(4) (from 2 or 3)/M
(from 2), or qcf+S, hcb+S, f+S. These commands are exactly the same as
Kyo's commands for his firefist chains.

# These supers may be held for a short while, as can the EX Ukete minayo.

4.8 Tsukamoto Chisa

Command Attacks

Flying Scratch - f, f+M
Running Push - f, f+S
Body Press - d+S (A)
Yakionigiri - f+S

Special Techniques

Oniisan, Otodoke desu yo~ - d, d+A
Nyaa, Tomaranai desu yo~ - qcb+A
Chisa, Kaiten desu yo~ - qcf+A (a) *

Super Technique Arts

(Chou) Please Help Me - hcf+S

* When the Chisa, Kaiten desu yo~ is performed on the ground, a follow-up
uppercut may be performed after the move hits the opponent, by pressing an
attack button.

5.0 Hidden Characters

As I manage to unlock the hidden characters, I'll add them into the FAQ.
With no way of knowing exactly HOW to unlock them, though, it may take a
while. There are at least four hidden characters; I've only unlocked one,
'95 Reiko.

Update: I now have all the secret characters, I believe, but unlocking
them is painfully difficult.

5.1 Haga Reiko '94

Reiko imitates the '94 version of her favorite character--but retains the
Mu Shiki super of her normal mode!

Command Attacks

Flying Reverse Kick - f, f+M
Shoulder Bash - f, f+S
Gaishiki gouono hi - f+M *
Yajyu yashiki - df+S
Naraku Otoshi - d+S (A)

Special Techniques

Yamibarai - qcf+A
Tamashiyaki - dp+A
Oboroguruma - rdp+A
Kototsuki You - hcb+A

Super Technique Arts

(3) Orochikari - qcb, hcf+S #
(3) Mu Shiki - qcf, hcb+S

* This move is an overhead attack and must be blocked standing.

# These supers may be held for a short while.

5.2 Card Master Peach Mizuki

Card Master Peach Mizuki is the same Mizuki you see in normal Mizuki's
super. She's a big takeoff/homage to Card Captor Sakura, down to the
flying fuzzy and the picture-taking friend.

Command Attacks

Propeller Slash - f+M
Power Wand Smash - d+S (A)
Jumping Overhead - f, f+M
Tee-off Swing - f, f+S
Kuuchuu Dash - f, f or b, b (A) *

Special Techniques

Summon Card - qcb+A #
Flame Blast - qcf+A

Super Technique Arts

Satellite Strike - hcf+S

* Peach Mizuki flies into the air for her dash, and it can be done up to
three times in a row.

# The Summon Card calls up an illusionary Mizuki to perform a series of
strikes, dependent on the button used. Weak has the illusion Mizuki
perform a jab, then an overhead; the medium button acts as a launcher, and
the strong performs a knockdown hit, if I remember correctly.

5.3 Kazami Suzuka

Suzuka is a delivery girl who apparently adores Terry Bogard, and to a
lesser extent, Rock Howard.

Command Attacks

Hop Kick - f, f+M
Elbow Thrust - f, f+S

Special Techniques

Power Wave - qcf+A
Burn Knuckle - qcb+A
Power Dunk - dp+A
Counter Throw - hcf+A *

Super Technique Arts

Power Geyser - qcf+M #
Triple Geyser - qcb, hcf+S

* The Counter Throw has two levels of counter; W and M counter high and
mid attacks, and S counters low (and probably some mid) attacks.

# Power Geyser requires only one power stock.

5.4 Tachikawa Ikumi

Command Attacks

Hop Attack - f, f+M
Aerial Spin - f, f+S

Special Techniques

Beam Blast - qcf+A
Psycho Grab - qcb+A
Bit Summon - d, d+A *

Super Technique Arts

Death Call - hcf+A

* The Bit Summon calls up satellites that fire every time Ikumi attacks.
They slowly push themselves off screen; once one set is off, Ikumi can
call another set.

6.0 Ending

Thanks to:

Me for writing this thing
You for reading it
Richard Kim for getting me the game and helping me immensely with
translations and just all-around being a great friend. :)

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