Project Eden

Project Eden

12.10.2013 23:26:55
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FAQ/Walkthrough v1.10

Based on the PC Version
(but should work with the PS2 version!)

by Francesco "Warzone" Poli

I. Version history
II. Legal stuff
II-A. Short version
II-B. Long version
III. Mandatory ranting
III-A. Technically speaking...
IV. Your squad
IV-A. Carter
IV-B. Minoko
IV-C. Andre'
IV-D. Amber
V. Weapons and tools
V-A. Weapons for Carter, Minoko and Andre'
V-A-1. Pulse Gun
V-A-2. Disc Launcher
V-A-3. Time Shock
V-A-4. Extractor
V-A-5. Pipe Bombs
V-B. Weapons for Amber
V-B-1. Amber's Pulse Gun
V-A-2. Pipe Bombs
V-A-3. Amber's Missile Launcher
V-C. Other tools
V-C-1. Rover
V-C-2. FlyCam
V-C-3. Sentry
V-C-4. Omnitool
VI. Hints and tips
VII. Walkthrough
VII-00. Demo
VII-01. Century Plaza
VII-02. Real Meat Factory
VII-03. Construction Site
VII-04. Shopping Mall - Home of the Free Spirits
VII-05. Death Head HQ - The Saint Lucy Building
VII-06. The Hospital
VII-07. The SkyTran
VII-08. The Zoo
VII-09. Ground Zero - Home of the Scavengers
VII-10. Underground
VII-11. The Eden Bunker
VIII. Frequently Asked Questions
VIII-A Game help
VIII-C General
IX. In conclusion...

I. Version history

v1.10 26/01/2002 Forgot a whole paragraph in The Zoo walkthrough, thanks
Gibbyhky06 and everyone else who's written me!
Cheat codes! Thanks Gwog!
A few tweaks, a couple of FAQs, the works.
v1.00 12/11/2001 Walkthrough complete!
Lots of tweaks here and there.
Some PS2 version info, thanks to Stephen Wakeman.
v0.99 11/11/2001 Walkthrough up to level 10, Underground.
Corrected more names to match original English ones.
Several tweaks here and there.
v0.80 11/10/2001 Walkthrough up to level 8, The Zoo.
Moved Version History.
Corrected weapon names to match original English ones.
Several tweaks here and there.
v0.60 11/09/2001 Walkthrough up to level 6, The Hospital.
A couple more FAQs.
Some tweaks here and there, mostly the index.
Put roman numerals beside the actual chapters. I just forgot.
v0.50 11/08/2001 Walkthrough up to level 5, Death Head HQ.
A few more FAQs.
Slightly revised the legal section.
A few tweaks here and there, nothing major.
v0.40 11/07/2001 First release. Walkthrough up to level 4, The Mall.

II. Legal stuff

II-A. Short version

1) Do anything but read and print it for private, personal use, and you'll pay.
2) Don't ask Core or Eidos about this thing.

II-B. Long version

Readers are authorized to:
1) Read this FAQ;
2) Download this FAQ on their PC;
3) Print the FAQ, in whole or in part, for personal use ONLY.

Readers are EXPLICITELY PROHIBITED from doing anything with this FAQ except
what listed above.

In particular, it is prohibited to:
a) sell this FAQ;
b) translate then sell and/or otherwise distribute this FAQ;
c) modify this FAQ in any form, then publish it;
d) remove this legal notice from this FAQ;
e) remove and/or replace credits to the author from this FAQ;
f) post this FAQ on any site without permission;
g) take "inspiration" to write another FAQ or strategy guide(s).

Due to what is said in point f, webmasters are prohibited from posting this
walkthrough without authorization. Please contact the author first at

However, these networks and sites are explicitely prohibited from posting this

- GameSpy Industries, and in particular CheatingPlanet (

The above list may change without notice, and is to be presumed incomplete at all

Conversely, these sites and these sites ONLY are currently allowed to post this

- GameFAQs (
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- Dirty Little Helper (

Due to what is said in point g, the following groups are explicitely prohibited
from using even the smallest amount of this work in any form, including but not
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- IGN (
- Ziff-Davis Communications, in particular GameSpot (
- Xenia Edizioni, in particular The Games Machine (

The above list may change without notice, and is to be presumed incomplete at all

Finally, the author of this FAQ is in NO WAY associated with Core Design, Eidos,
or anyone else. This FAQ is fully unauthorized. Asking anyone but the author of
this FAQ about it would be pretty dumb.

III. Mandatory ranting

Added v0.40:
I wasn't really sure I should be doing a FAQ on Project Eden, since the game
is somewhat short and easy. I guess anyone can easily beat this thing in
under 20 hours. Still, since no other FAQ was available when I started writing,
I said: what the hell, it's practice.

Added v0.50:
Did you notice this is my first FAQ ever? Anyway, this thing is getting quickly
so big it's amazing. I know I need to be detailed, and I still don't know if
I'm clear enough, but still, the walkthrough for each level is very long. It's
between 8000 and 20000 characters per level! I think the final version will be
around 250Kb. Hope no one is annoyed by this...

Added v0.60:
In case you didn't think so, then know that making FAQs is underrated. You
really have to try it at least once to understand the amount of work that goes
behind one. Even if it's based on as simple a game as Project Eden. All in all,
I'm still happy I did.

Added v0.80:
Double level whammy. Sorry, can't think of anything else to say. It's midnight,
the world is spinning, and I'll probably throw up a Rover one of these days.
Only three levels to go, come on...

Added v0.99:
Tomorrow this will most probably be over. Somehow, I think I'll miss it. Maybe
I'll make another FAQ... if I find a game that needs one, and I'm able to do it,
of course... Time to browse the GameFAQs list of requests.

Added v1.00
It's done. The only Project Eden FAQ I've seen around the 'net is my own 260Kb
monster. Even though the game didn't have the success of Tomb Raider, I'm still
proud of this. It is, after all, my very first FAQ. Anyway, this will probably
be the final rant, unless there's serious problems and/or an expansion pack.
Future versions, if any, will only contain tweaks.

III-A. Technically speaking...

PC version comes in one CD, around 525Mb full. Package is a DVD jewel case,
with a mostly useless manual.

Full Installation takes around 500Mb. Saved games are less than 15Kb. Strangely
enough, running the game from the CD autoplay still accesses the CD often.
Running the game from the start menu shortcut makes things much faster. Dunno if
it's a bug of the Italian version only or of it appears in all versions. It
isn't fixed in v1.01, if you're wondering.

My version is Italian, and can only be played in that language. However, in the
files there's text for all languages; I've modified the registry to play in
English, although there are no voices - not even the Italian ones. I believe
it's the same for all languages, i.e. you can play in Italian with the English
version but you still won't hear voices.

Controls are through keyboard and mouse. Setting them to standard FPS layout
works perfectly.

IV. Your squad

You are in control of the Urban Protection Agency Incident Squad Four, which
comprises four elements.

IV-A. Carter

He's the leader of the squad. He's nothing particular, and in fact I hardly used
him at all.

In combat he's average, but seems a little bit tougher than Minoko and Andre'.
Just a very wee little bit.

Skill: can unlock certain UPA locked doors. Look for blue hand scanners near
UPA doors - if the button is green, then anyone on the team can open it. As
you might have guessed from above, those scanners are pretty much rare. He can
also talk to certain persons, but those are also very rare.

IV-B. Minoko

She's much more useful than Carter, and in fact, she'll become a very important
character in the game - and not just due to her skill...

In combat she's average. Despite her slight frame, she seems just as tough as
Andre' and Carter.

Skill: can access computers. Look for blue hand scanners away from UPA doors.
Note that redded out computer functions are normally unaccessible, and need to
be hacked into. Read the manual for further info.

IV-C. Andre'

He's the engineer, and can fix things. Seems to like poking fun at Minoko, but
does that only very rarely.

In combat he's just average. Nothing at all to say; seemed exactly as tough as
Carter and Minoko.

Skill: can repair broken machinery. Look for sparks coming from cables,
computers, switches, the like.

IV-D. Amber

She's big, mean, tough and by no means dumb or slow. The best character to
send scouting ahead.

In combat, she's the best. She's tough, has powerful missiles right from the
start, and runs just as fast as anyone. She also seems to hold more energy than
the others, although not much more. However, she can only use her pulse gun,
missiles, and pipe bombs. She cannot use any other weapon.

Skill: Amber can walk unharmed through environmental hazards: electricified
floors, flames, hot steam, the likes. Being a little tougher, she seems to
handle most falls better than the others.

V. Weapons and Tools

As said above, Amber cannot use most of the weapons that the rest of the team
can. Also, with the exception of the pulse gun, only one character at a time
can use a given weapon.

V-A. Weapons for Carter, Minoko and Andre'

V-A-1. Pulse gun
This is your default weapon, and a staple in your defense. It uses little
power, but enemies are equally not very impressed by it.

Normal fire mode: this fires a continuous blue stream, which is very weak
and eats little ammo.
Useful on: almost everything, if you've got the patience and/or distance.

Alternate fire mode: this fires a ball of energy, which does light area
damage. Note that you need to hold down the fire button for a second or two for
the ball to be fully charged.
Useful on: groups of mini spiders and single power leeches, but only if fully
charged. It's too slow for anything else.

V-A-2. Disc Launcher
This baby is very powerful, but also eats lots of ammo and is slow. To fire,
hold the fire button to get a laser sight, then release to actually fire the
disc. The laser sight turns green if it's on an enemy. Note that the disc takes
time to reach its target, and it's a bit slower than Amber's missiles.

Normal fire mode: fires a disk that explodes on impact.
Useful on: tough monsters, at a good distance.

Alternate fire mode: fires a disk that explodes on impact with a target, or
bounces across walls. The laser sight will show the disk's trajectory.
Useful on: nothing, but that's me. See if you can get to someone or something
through it, but otherwise, don't bother.

V-A-3. Time Shock
This slows time immensely for anything that is succesfully hit by it. Does no
damage whatsoever, but eats quite a bit of ammo.

Normal fire mode: fires a streak that slows down anything that hits. The more
the target is hit, the more is slowed down, until the maximum (about one third
of normal speed). If the streak is stopped, target quickly but gradually returns
to normal speed after a short time.
Useful on: not much, really, but I guess combined with the rest of your team
firing in unison it can be useful. Hitting the invulnerable cannons with it
makes them too slow to catch on you, which can be useful.

Alternate fire mode: fires a ball that lands on the ground, creating a decently
sized field. Anything caught in the field is slowed down, like in the normal
fire mode. However, it uses large quantities of ammo.
Useful on: well, I've used it only on the final boss, but I guess large groups
of enemies can be done away with much faster by using it.

V-A-4. Extractor
This can absorb the enemies' health and turns it into energy for your weapons.
Very useful, since once you get it, you'll never run out of ammo again.

Normal fire mode: absorbs enemy health. It's not very powerful, so even weak
enemies require long times to be converted into energy. However, if your weapon
energy is maxed out, and you keep absorbing energy, you'll eventually start to
create batteries. You'll see an onscreen message whenever you've created one,
but energy is just wasted if you're at maximum and you already have 99
batteries. Note that the beam is useless against non-living target, such as
walls, windows, etc.
Useful on: nothing in itself, but as soon as you get it, use it as much as you
can. If you go up to the maximum of 99 batteries quickly, you can afford right
away to be a lot more trigger happy. Amber will be especially happy with this.

Alternate fire mode: fires a beam that eats up lots of ammo, but does decent
damage. It also jumps from monster to monster, as long as they're near.
Useful on: anything at a decent distance, although the pulse gun is generally
much more energy efficient; of course, on tight packs of monsters, this isn't
the case. You can, of course, get the enemy to half health or less with this,
then absorb the remaining half, effectively spending little if any ammo.

V-A-5. Pipe bombs
These eat decent amounts of energy, but deal quite a bit of damage. You get
them early on, so they're gonna be your most powerful weapon for a while.

Normal fire mode: bombs explode on contact, making quite a mess. They can be
fired in fairly quick succession, although they're not very accurate.
Useful on: tightly packed groups of monsters, or powerful ones at medium
range. However, once you get the disc launcher, you'll find them less useful.

Alternate fire mode: bombs explode in proximity of monsters, making again quite
a mess.
Useful on: well, if you see a bunch of enemies that are in a location not
directly accessible to you (quite a distance down, beyond a small window), it's
useful, otherwise forget about them.

V-B. Amber's weapons

These weapons are only accessible by Amber, with the exception of the pipe

V-B-1. Amber's pulse gun

This is the same as the normal pulse gun, except it fires a double blue stream,
which uses twice the ammo and does twice the damage than other characters'
pulse guns. Very handy.

V-B-2. Pipe bombs

These are the normal pipe bombs, except Amber has little use for them. Use
missiles instead.

V-B-3. Missile launcher

Amber starts with this powerful weapon, which is fast and uses reasonable
amounts of energy.

Normal fire mode: fires missiles in quick succession. Missiles do decent splash
damage, but for best results you have to score direct hits.
Useful on: anything, but particularly on slow, tough enemies.

Alternate fire mode: missiles lock onto a specific enemy. Just hold the fire
button on the enemy, and you'll hear "Target Locked". Then, with the cursor
still on the enemy, release to fire the missile. Note that you don't start with
homing missiles, you get them later on.
Useful on: not much, actually. Locking on enemies is a hassle.

V-C. Other tools

V-C-1. Rover

The Rover is a mini tank that can go into small passages, operate some buttons,
and easily take on enemies not larger than rats. Anyone can use the Rover, as
long as there's enough space in front of them to generate it.

When you're done, press the right mouse button to access the menu, and choose
revert. If you need that character for some reason, and don't want to reset
the Rover's position, choose 'leave device' instead. To return to the Rover,
open the menu and select the option, it's on the top left, near Carter's icon.

Creating the Rover takes quite a bit of weapon energy, but you get it all back
as long as the Rover is undamaged. Otherwise, you'll get less and less energy
the more its damaged, until you get no energy back at all if it's destroyed.

Two other things to note: first, the cannon has a very short range, and you
can't fire if your cursor is on an object out of range; second, the Rover
cannot go up even the shortest height without a slope, so be careful where you
pilot it - you might have to revert and start from the top.

V-C-2. FlyCam

The Flying Camera can fly (duh) and activate a few switches, as well, but it is
unarmed. Again, anyone can use the camera, as long as there's enough space in
front of them to generate it. Unlike the Rover, the FlyCam continually uses
energy to float, which means that when its energy is exhausted, it falls to the
ground and is automatically reverted. As you can see, you'll easily lose most of
the weapon energy you have invested on it, and although it doesn't take lots of
that, be careful.

V-C-3. Sentry Gun

You can deploy it wherever there's space, and it fires a rather powerful
energy beam. Unfortunately, enemies seem to make it a priority target, and being
very weak, it'll rarely last long. I've tried it once or twice, and the biggest
use I've found for it is as bait.

V-C-4. Omnitool

This is the tool that Andre' uses to fix machinery. You can't select it in the
inventory; Andre' takes it out automatically when needed, and puts it away when
you (or his AI) change weapon or try to shoot.

VI. Hints and tips

- Try to conserve up ammo in early levels. Don't fire missiles and pipebombs
recklessly, and save before launching the FlyCam.

- Once you get the Extractor gun, use it on everyone until you get to 99 cells.
Then you'll have more than enough ammo to finish the game.

- The FlyCam cannot fly lower than a certain altitude. Unless you use a little
trick, but it's used only once, in level 8.

- The Rover cannot fire at targets far away. The cannon won't even trigger if
you point it at something far away. This actually makes things easier if you
think about it.

- Press F3 to go into first person view. It might take a while to get used to,
but afterwards, it'll be very useful. It's also greatly realistic - I hope
more games will use something like this.

- Dashing through heavy steam, high-pressure fire and electricity WILL NOT
WORK. Use Amber.

- However, you can walk through certain fires and gasses without too much
damage. Those are rare, though.

- Some doors can be opened by walking up and activating them.

- Some doors can be opened by just walking up to them.

- Look for power leeches. They're the bugs you find first at the end of level
two. Eliminate them on sight, otherwise some buttons might not work.

- Save often. You can't really die, but it's annoying to repeat certain
passages after you get killed.

reliable, but not too much. Although you don't need to save every three
seconds with the normal save, either.

- Still, be careful when loading. You didn't think that loading times this
nonexistent didn't have problems, didn't you? The position of certain things
is not saved. In particular, try to avoid save when on something that is
moving, especially the fan blades in level three. You might have a nasty
surprise when you load...

- A few tips on hacking. Do the faster moving circles first, then, when the
slower ones are near the goal, do those. If you keep failing, I saw that
there's a tendency for circles to be slower the next time you try. It's not
always like this, and that's good, since you're almost always on a time
limit. Remember that each hacking attempt consumes a little bit of weapon

- A few tips on repairing. It's actually very easy - until you get down to a
single unit of damage. Keep practicing when the object is more damaged. Try
to stop the cursor as early as you can. It's also a bit easier when the blue
section is nearer the left side of the bar, since the cursor has less
momentum near there. Remember that each time you 'land' the cursor you
consume quite a bit of weapon energy, and you can easily eat up your reserve
if you're not careful!

- Inventory is not shared. If someone picks up an object, then that same
person must use it when needed.

- When fighting Mutated Lucys, try to knock them down! A direct hit with a
missile or disk should do the trick. When they go down, they die immediately,
even if they have health left.

- There's monsters in later levels that can 'hook' your human characters. They
can only hook a single character at a time, and won't let go until either is
dead. Switch character and kill them if you get hooked. Amber is immune to
their weapon, and gets no damage whatsoever from them.

- In later levels, spiders start spitting acid. However, that's not the
dangerous thing. They leave green acid 'mines' that set off when you're too
close, and do LOTS of damage - especially because they tend to drop five-six
mines in a single area. You can't shoot them, so either avoid them, or
prepare for lots of trips from the last regen.

- If a fall makes Amber slip when she lands, she'll die. Even if she has plenty
energy left. You can see this in level 9. I'm not sure if this is a bug.

- Here's a keyboard layout you can use for the PC version:
W = Forwards
S = Backwards
A = Strafe left
D = Strafe right
Q = Flashlight on/off
TAB = Change fire mode
F6 = Quick save
F9 = Quick load
Mouse = move cursor, turn character
Left mouse button = shoot, talk, interact
Right mouse button = menu

- If you find any glaring omissions and errors... let me know! My e-mail is - and no, I don't have ICQ or anything else.

VII. Walkthrough

VII-00. Demo

This section of the walkthrough refers to the PC downloadable demo. I'm not
sure if there is a PS2 demo, and if there is, I don't know if it's the same.
The demo level is the toughest puzzle on level one, which is actually a very
simple one overall.

When you're in control, send Minoko down the slope to access the computer.
There are two switches you can activate: the first is unusable, and we'll take
care of it soon; the second needs to be hacked and controls the rotation of a
chamber nearby. Hack switch 2 and leave her there. Don't activate it; just
switch to Amber.

With Amber, play with the crane control just nearby. Whoops! Well, now you have
to be quick and make it on the swinging pipe. With no jump button it might be
tricky, but it's far from difficult. You'll be able to swing near a closed door,
on the pipe. Shoot the red locks to open the door. You can switch to someone
else and pick them from afar, or shoot them before you start swinging the pipe.

Still, once you're inside, switch to Minoko. You should be able to see Amber in
the room. Activate the device, and the room will turn and flood with hot gas.
That's why you need Amber. Now there are two tunnels: one leads to the broken
door you saw earlier on the cameras, but Andre' cannot get here to fix it yet.

The second leads to the source of the steam. Go up it, then turn right and go
down the short slope. You'll find a switch. Now, this switch theoretically
requires two people to be used correctly: one holds down the switch, the other
goes through. You'll have to make do alone, but it isn't at all hard.

Hold down the switch until the door moves no further, then quickly release it
and go through. Inside, turn around; there are two doors. The left one you just
came through, the right one is your target. There's another switch here, so
again hold it down until the doors go no further, then dash through the right

Go up the short slope and you'll find the gas valve - whew! Now you have to go
back into the rotable chamber. It's a bit trickier, since one door is a bit
farther from one switch, but still more than possible. You can still throw
yourself into the abyss if you're really unable to, but you'll have to get
Amber back in then, since she's still needed.

Anyway, switch to Minoko and rotate the chamber again. Now have Andre' go in
there, and have Minoko rotate the room one final time. With Andre', fix the
broken panel near the door, then, with Minoko, open it; it's switch #1 on
the computer's main screen if you forgot.

Enter with Andre', and jump down the hole in the pipe to the stairway. Press
the button, and the crane will come down. Climb onto the pipe, press the
middle button to raise the crane, then hold the left lever. Your goal, of
course, is to get the pipe in position so that Amber can walk through it to the
other side. Once it's done, jump back down on the stairs, go down to the
ground, and open the only door. To the left there's a chasm with no bridge;
ignore it for now.

Go right. Kill all the Death Heads (that's their name if you were wondering),
and keep going. There's only one way. At the end, climb the stairs and
activate the hand scanner panel near the door. Have Minoko and Carter
follow you to the chasm you saw earlier.

Now let's get back to Amber. Go through the door and the pipe, then jump
down. You're on the other side of the chasm, but before you can do anything,
a door blows and a couple Death Heads come out. Kill them. Then, just to the
right of the chasm, there's a switch: flip it to extend the bridge. Have the
whole squad cross it, then enter the door.

One last Death Head member will ambush you; kill him, and get the entire
squad into the elevator. Demo complete!

VII-01. Century Plaza

Compared to the other levels, this is little more than a tutorial. Still, make
sure you get into the right mind set as fast as possible.

After the intro, you'll be in control of Carter. Gather your squad, and go
ahead towards the entrance... BOOM! Somehow, I expected that. The surviving
scientist has nothing to say, so at the collapsed bridge, turn left. Look up,
wave goodbye to the sky, because you won't be seeing it for a loooong time...

Enter the door (just get close to it), turn left, and head to the far wall. To
the right of the window there's a switch; press it, and when the elevator
comes, get everyone in. Press the button inside, and begin your descent.

Once down, there are three directions you can go. To the left, and through a
couple of corridors, but the door is locked. We'll come back later. You can go
straight right from the elevator, but all you'll find are a door, locked from
the other side, and an unextended bridge over a veeery high pit. Go the only
remaining way, slightly left but straight from the elevator.

At the end there's a door, but there's no way to open it right now. Make sure
everyone gets close to the regenerator (to select it), then go up the slope.
You'll see someone (he's the security guard you're looking for) slip into a
door, then vanish into another door inside. There's no way to open the outer
door from here: what now?

Here's the first puzzle of the game. Just to your left is a small structure
covered by several glass windows. Shoot the windows and look through. The
amount of steam is a hint to send in Amber, so take control of her and
carefully make your descent. Go through the steam, and when you're at the end
of the corridor, look to the right for a valve.

Activating the valve turns off the steam, but you could leave it on for all you
care. There's no need to send anyone else through here. Turn away from the
valve and go into the door (you have to get close and use the handle). Follow
the corridor and the stairs, opening the other door.

Uh-oh, those red blips did look menacing... time for the first fight. The Death
Heads are wimps compared to what you'll face later, and are no match for
Amber's Double Pulse Gun. The section they broke out of has nothing of
interest, so turn around and climb the stairs.

At the end of the catwalk you'll find some dogs. They'll attack you, so kill'em
all - you might want to use missiles, just for the heck of overkill, but try
not to run out of ammo just yet. If you enter the only doorway up here,
you'll eventually get on the other side of the door you saw before. The guard
will come out, but only Carter can talk to him.

So, open the door at the very end, and rejoin your team. Have Carter talk to
the guard; make sure you don't move at all while talking, or you'll have to
restart the conversation. When it's done, follow the guard. He'll go to the
gate near the regenerator, the one we couldn't open earlier. Recharge anyone to
full health and ammo, then enter the gate.

The short flight of stairs leads nowhere right now, so enter the doorway. You
can talk to a few people here, but no one has anything interesting to say. To
the right of the entrance there's a door you can open by activating the hand
scanner nearby; but don't go through here yet. Go towards the left side of the
room, where there's another closed door.

The door button is broken, so have Andre' fix it. Unfortunately, it won't be
enough. So send Carter through that door we saw moments ago, the one to the
right of the entrance, and go up all the stairs. There's a lock that only
Carter can open here. Open the UPA elevator, and grab the Rover.

Go back to the rest of the team, then have anyone generate the Rover. Drive
the little tank under the broken door, and use the computer board to climb on
the table to the left. Pick up the battery, then look straight left; there's a
broken circuit board that you can shoot. Do it, and the door opens.

Right click and revert the Rover - you don't need to be close to anyone to do
this. Send Minoko in, and connect to the terminal. Check the mail icon, and
play the movie: interesting. You can also check through the cameras, but you
won't see much. When you're done, hack into the switch icon (no time limit, so
take it easy), and open the door.

This door is just to your right when you leave this small building. You don't
need to take your squad there and down the stairs, Carter will be enough.
Follow the right wall of this room, and turning left you'll find an open box
near a battery cell. Facing this box, turn around: on your left, there's a
large box. Go forwards a bit, onto the wood section, then turn around. There's
a crack in that same box that your Rover can fit into. Grab the battery, then
revert and continue.

Turning away from the crack, go towards the opposite wall and turn right.
Follow the wall into the small passage, until you get into the bathroom.
Inside the last stall is one of the guys you saw in the video: shoot the lock
and talk to him. You'll get a magnetic keycard. Ring any bell?

Go back out in the box room and up the stairs. Get your team, then go back
towards the elevator. You'll pass the regenerator, so make sure everyone is
topped up in both health and weapon energy. Take the passage that is now to the
right of the elevator, and insert the card in. Remember that the inventory is
not shared.

Go up the stairs at the end, and you'll face your first action puzzle: the
conveyor belt. It's actually easy, so don't worry. Open the door by flipping
the switch, then, one character at a time, have them run up the conveyor belt,
and towards the door on the left side. The first character needs to open the
door by shooting the lock.

In case you're wondering, you can just have Minoko do this. Just send everyone
else back in the regen station tunnel, through the then-impassable gate, and up
the stairs. The door is closed but we'll open it soon. Also, you can send
Carter near the drawn bridge and locked door to the right of the elevator,
since we won't be needing him soon.

Once Minoko and anyone else you want are through, push the red button and open
the door. Go up the slope to the regeneration station. This is also where the
demo begins, in case you're wondering. From here, send Minoko down the slope to
access the computer.

There are three switches you can activate: the first is unusable, and we'll
take care of it soon; the third opens a door leading up to that set of stairs
we saw soon before entering the kitchen area; the second one needs to be hacked
and controls the rotation of a chamber nearby. Open the door with switch 3,
letting the rest of the squad in if that was your choice, then hack into switch
2 and leave her there. Don't activate it; just switch to Amber.

With Amber, play with the crane control just nearby. Whoops! Well, now you have
to be quick and make it on the swinging pipe. With no jump button it might be
tricky, but it's far from difficult. You'll be able to swing near a closed door,
on the pipe. Shoot the red locks to open the door. You can switch to someone
else and pick them from afar, or shoot them before you start swinging the pipe.

Still, once you're inside, switch to Minoko. You should be able to see Amber in
the room. Activate the device, and the room will turn and flood with hot gas.
That's why you need Amber. Now there are two tunnels: one leads to the broken
door you saw earlier on the cameras, but Andre' cannot get here to fix it yet.

The second leads to the source of the steam. Go up it, then turn right and go
down the short slope. You'll find a switch. Now, this switch theoretically
requires two people to be used correctly: one holds down the switch, the
other goes through. You'll have to make do alone, but it isn't at all hard.

Hold down the switch until the door moves no further, then quickly release
it and go through. Inside, turn around; there are two doors. The left one
you just came through, the right one is your target. There's another switch
here, so again hold it down until the doors go no further, then dash
through the right door.

Go up the short slope and you'll find the gas valve - whew! Now you have to go
back into the rotable chamber. It's a bit trickier, since one door is a bit
farther from one switch, but still more than possible. You can still throw
yourself into the abyss if you're really unable to, but you'll have to get
Amber back in then, since she's still needed.

Anyway, switch to Minoko and rotate the chamber again. Now have Andre' go in
there, and have Minoko rotate the room one final time. With Andre', fix the
broken panel near the door, then, with Minoko, open it; it's switch #1 on the
computer's main screen if you forgot.

Enter with Andre', and jump down the hole in the pipe to the stairway. Press
the button, and the crane will come down. Climb onto the pipe, press the
middle button to raise the crane, then hold the left lever. Your goal, of
course, is to get the pipe in position so that Amber can walk through it to the
other side. Once it's done, jump back down on the stairs, go down to the
ground, and open the only door. You can say hi to Carter if you left him there.

Back to Amber. Go through the door and the pipe, then jump down. You're on the
other side of the chasm, so extend the bridge. Have the whole squad cross it,
then unlock the door with Carter. This is where the demo ends. Uh-oh, more
Death Heads! Kill the guy, then walk through the door, and kill the other guy
on the right. We'll explore that section later.

Go left, and you'll be in the location of the movie you saw earlier. Near the
body of the Death Head there's a piece of meat. Pick it up and go all the way
back to the UPA service elevator (it's where you got the Rover from, near the

Once that is done, return to the squad, and proceed opposite of where you found
the sample. There might be a couple more Death Heads to kill. At the end of the
corridor, unlock the door on the right with Carter. Get everyone inside the
elevator to end this level.

VII-02. Real Meat Factory

This level is also quite short and easy. In case you're wondering, no, you
can't turn off the alarm right now. Live with it.

One at a time, climb the vending machine that Amber threw down in the movie. If
you climb up it and go down the other side, you'll get no damage from the
fires. When everyone is on the other side, you can stay as a team, or, easier,
send Minoko ahead.

Wow. More than a few broken computers this looks like a war zone. Well, go up
the stairs, turn around, and go through the right path to the other side of
the room. The left path will collapse, and powerful electrical charges will
kill you quickly if you go through there.

On the other side, you'll see a fish tank. A big hole will have all the
water drain, and the fish die. Oh, well, just blow the glass away and go
through. Dash up the two down going escalators, then up another set of
escalators to the mess hall (hah, so appropriate!).

Here there are two things of note: one is a very powerful fire jet that will
kill you instantly if you get close, which is covering the way forwards. The
other is a piece of ceiling forming a convenient ramp, falling over a table.

Go up that ramp until your way is blocked - but your friendly Rover can go
ahead! Make way through the rafters to the red handle just above the fire jet,
and activate it. Revert the Rover, and go down the now safe pipe.

Talk to the scientist here. He has nothing much to say, though. Connect to
the computer in this room, and hack into the only red switch here. This will
not only unlock the door you saw, but also the ones just to your right. Have
the rest of the squad go through those doors if you left them behind.

Opposite of the terminal, take that corridor, making sure to recharge at the
regen station. Leave someone there if you want to make it quicker (but not
Minoko). At the end, turn left and shoot the glass. Kill all the escaped
creatures and talk to the scientist there. On one side of the room, there's gas
tanks; shoot them to open a way out.

In this corridor, there's a lot of dogs. Kill them all. At the end of the
corridor, turn left and enter the cages room. Flip the switch near the desk at
the end of the room. This will release a lot of dogs, but also open the gate to
your right,allowing you to proceed.

After having killed anything that can be killed, send Minoko near the now
accessible door. Hack into the terminal and open it, then proceed all the way to
the end. You're near the bridge, but it's broken. What now? Time for a new

Go back to the regen station (or switch to the character you left behind if you
did), and grab the FlyCam. Return to the bridge, and have anyone generate
it. Float to the other side of the broken bridge, and activate the switch there.

Follow the scientists to another regen station and a room full of more
scientists. There's a broken button that Andre' can fix and then press. Through
the door you can get outside to an UPA ship. The scientists are safe, but the
factory still isn't.

Near the door you've just out out from there's another one. It's full of gas,
and the switches don't work well. Have someone hold the button to keep the door
open, then get Amber in. There's not much you can do, but there's another door
inside. Hold down the button to keep it open.

You're left with two characters doing nothing. Dash them through both doors to
a regen station and safety. Now, this is a bit tricky so follow me closely.

Have Amber let go of the button. Go back near the outside door; there's a
button to hold that will keep it open, and it's on the inside of the room. Hold
it down. Now, select one of the two characters that are already to safety.
There's a button inside there, as well, that will hold open the inner door.

Now you should have both doors open, even if the character still outside leaves
the button. Dash in to safety, then have Amber join the squad inside.

Go further down the corridor. Hmmm, what a mess. But before we tackle that,
there's a grate ajar, just on the floor. Send the Rover through there. There's
only one path you can take, and it's behind one of the pipes. Go on and...
whoops... hot flame. Let's leave the Rover there by right clicking and
choosing the other option.

Amber can go easily through all the fire, so do just that. Enter the room, go
right into the flame, then keep to the left. You'll find a grating floor, and if
you look hard, the Rover is just down there! Move the valve to shut off the
flame (it has a red light above it).

Go back to the Rover (right click to the menu, then look on the upper left
side). Keep going forwards until you find a moving, well, thing (can't think of
a better term), blocked by an awfully large screw. Shoot the screw, and the
thing will move. Go under it, being careful not to get crushed (don't worry,
it's easy).

There's another of those things, pass it, and you'll soon find a control box.
Blast it and the door above will open. Revert the Rover. It's time to get the
rest of the squad through this room. Easier done than said!

As soon as you enter, immediately turn right and climb over the pipe. Go
forwards, drop off it, then circle behind the round boilers. Keep going forwards
until you find a white pipe you can climb on. Drop off it, and you're at the
door. Do this for all three characters - the AI can handle it if you just tell
them to follow you.

Inside the door, hack into the computer with Minoko. Open the main computer
doors, and have Andre' fix it. Soon everything will be back under control (check
the previous room!), and the door to your right will open.

There are two elevators here, both broken beyond repair. Enter the right door,
and look left under the other elevator. There's a beam precariously holding it
up. Shoot it, and then climb down over it. Shoot the lock on the emergency
hatch, and go down it. In this short corridor, you can preview another semi-
action puzzle, and unlock another door with Carter. Inside there's a regen
station, so top everyone up.

After grabbing all the cells, have Minoko hack into the terminal. Open the door
and kill anything that moves. Send Andre' through, under the conveyor, and turn
left. The amount of sparks just beg for your omni tool, so fix the thing. You
can send Andre' back to the room.

Get Amber and Carter back to where Andre' just was, and up the stairs. Amber
goes first. Push the button there, and wait; a giant and horrible looking hunk
of meat will drop down. Climb and ride on it. It's a bit hard to see, but just
above the first giant saw, there's a low beam that will knock you down to your
death if you don't crouch.

Once beyond the three blades (they can't hurt you from up here, but they can
push you down at times), you can drop down and walk the rest of the way. Go down
the conveyor and turn around. To your right, on the wall, there's a valve. Turn
it to switch off the jets.

Now Carter can repeat the procedure: push button to get hunk of meat, ride on
it, crouch over first blade, jump down after the three blades. This time, after
turning around, go left; there's a locked door only Carter can open. Beyond is
the rest of your team, so have them join you.

In this room there's only another exit, so go there. Talk to the scientist:
looks like we'll have to somehow cause an emergency. Hmmm. Send Minoko down the
slope, and hack into the computer. Well, that wasn't very expected. Go back up;
it's time to formulat another plan.

Open the red door into the freezer. Not much to see for a full sized human, but
a Rover... Send it left through the small opening, all the way until, on the
side of a ventilation shaft, you'll see a button to press. This will eventually
open the grate of the same shaft, but it's a dead end for a land vehicle. Time
for the FlyCam to strut its stuff.

Send it up the shaft, and make it quick since the path is quite long. Send it
all the way until you find an opening: yay, it's the same room we tried to get
into earlier! Go near the water sprinkler, and you'll see a deviator switch.
Throw it, then you can revert.

Now the fires are out and the door to the main generator is open. There's no
need to send everyone there, though; Amber is enough. Ignore the elevator and go
right, climbing over and jumping off all the condenser until you reach the

Go to the central structure, and climb the stairs. You'll have to cross the
structure once to find more stairs. Once at the top, find the button; it's over
one of the white plaques, in the central pylon. Say hello to the power leeches!
Kill them (one full power shot with the pulse gun's alt-fire should be enough),
but that's not enough. Go back down, and check the central pylon: there's more.

Once you've dealt with those as well, everything will go back to normal. Go back
down, and return to the elevator you ignored earlier (it didn't work if you
tried). Call it down and go back up. There's one last puzzle to take care of.

Have Andre' come to the corridor you're in. There's broken switch here, near the
door that someone is still holding open. Fix it, and press it; now the door
stays open. Gather your team and proceed to the door at the end of this

You should know where you are: near the escalators, beyond the broken fish tank.
Head back down the large stairs and into the UPA elevator.

VII-03. Construction Site

As soon as the level start, the squad will be divided in two groups. Andre' is
with Carter, and Amber is with Minoko. They won't meet until the very end of the
level, if you're wondering.

Carter and Andre' are stuck, so let's concentrate on Minoko and Amber. Send both
away from the bridge; just inside, to your left is a regen station, and to your
right is a glass door. Enter by getting close to it. There are two stairs: one
goes down and one goes up. Take the down going stair set.

There you'll find a glass door with a button. Press it, kill the Death Head
inside, and have Minoko hack in the terminal downstairs. The only fuction
available will open the door near Carter and Andre'. This will also release
three Death Heads, so switch over to Carter or Andre' and take them out.

Go inside and follow the stairs. You'll come to a corridor with an open space to
your left, and a locked door down some stairs in front of you. The open space
has a cage controlling the hook and steel beam nearby. Just to the left of the
cage is a short passage that allows someone to eventually climb on the beam.

But before, look on the opposite side of the chasm. In the two lower windows
there are two Death Heads that might bother you if you don't kill them before.
It's a bit tricky, since they keep moving, but the biggest problem is the bad
guy with pipe bombs. You can't see him, as he's directly above you, but if you
stay back near the wall you won't have problems.

Now send Andre' over the beam. The guy with pipe bombs never caught on me, but
if he does, turn towards the cage and look up. You now have to use Carter to
send him to the upper left opening - it's above the lower three openings.
Controls are as follows, from left to right:

Move beam left
Move beam right
Move beam up
Move beam down
Move beam near you
Move beam away from you

Once Andre' is near the opening, get in it and walk around the hole (don't fall
in!). You'll find a broken control panel; fix it and a door will open.

Right now we're stuck with these two. If you look towards the side Carter is, on
the very upper left, you'll see steam coming out. That's where the card we need
is, but of course, we can't get there yet. Back to Amber and Minoko.

There's a door to the left of the computer, but it's a dead end. Go back up the
stairs, and keep climbing to the top floor. You'll find an elevator. A couple of
Death Heads will come out, then the elevator will go back down. Two more Death
Heads will arrive when it comes back up.

You have two choices. Get Minoko into the right elevator shaft, wait until the
left elevator is close, jump on it and ride it down. Or you might just have
Minoko take the left elevator. Either way, you need to get down at the first
opening you see. The bottom floor's doors don't open.

In this room there's a terminal, and Minoko can activate the transportation
cart. You're done here, so catch th elevator (one way or another) and go back
up. Take Amber with you, if she's there, and go back to where you started - down
the stairs and out of the door.

Top up everyone at the regen station, then go near the end of the bridge. You'll
see twin cables just below it; that's where the minerals cart will pass. Wait
for it (might take a while), and when it's near, jump down on it with both
characters. When the ride is over you'll be automatically thrown down, so just

When you're in the next section, there is a total of three Death Heads to kill,
so take them all out. If you go back the way the cart took you, near the chasm,
you'll find a switch on the right. This opens a door to the last computer you
activated, effectively allowing you to go back. But we don't need to.

The door to the right of the cart's corridor is open - it's the door Andre'
fixed. Get Amber in there, and turn the wheel. This only apparently does
nothing. But let's continue with Amber and Minoko for now. Just in front of the
lowered area where the cart dropped you there's two switches. Press the one with
the arrow down, and the platform will start moving. Quickly jump down it.

Follow the only passage with both characters. You don't need to kill the birds,
but it's good aiming practice and they're very weak. Go down into the only door.
You'll find a regen, a few cells, and a computer, which sadly has nothing
useful. The door here is locked, so you're stuck right now. Back to Andre' and

You can now reach the opening I pointed you at earlier. There's no more steam
there. It can be a little trick to get there, since you don't really see where
it is with Carter, and there's might still be that bad guy with pipe bombs up

With Andre' on the beam, hold the rightmost button until it will go no further.
Then hold the second button until it will go no further. Now, hold the third
button for a second, then, while still holding it, switch to Andre'. This will
allow you to keep an eye on that pipe bomb-toting bad guy. If you catch him by
surprise he'll change weapon to a much less powerful machine gun.

Kill him, then look on one table. There's a card there. Pick it up, then have
Carter get Andre' all the way down (you'll have to move the beam back to its
starting position). Or you can just throw him down in the abyss and wait. Either
way, the card opens the locked door to the right of the control cage, down a

There's only one way to go after this door, so have both characters activate the
regen a bit further, then keep going. To your left you'll see where Amber and
Minoko are, by the way. Keep going and you'll reach a door. Get in and kill
anything that moves.

To the left there's just a broken door, so ignore it. Go right. At the end,
before turning left, there's a door. You can go in and kill a few bad guys, but
that's it. So turn left from that door, activate the regen station, and grab the
ion pipe bombs from the mini elevator.

You can mess with fans here, but it's useless at the moment. Send the character
with most weapon energy up the stairs to the right of the controls. Keep going,
circling around the large fans, and ignoring the power leeches for the
moment. Go carefully down the pipes, and you'll be in the room behind the locked
door you saw earlier. Kill everyone - there's quite a few of them - and activate
the only switch in this room. Exit via the door, which remains locked from the

Now go back to the fan controls, and brace for one of the few tricky puzzles in
the game. Change to Amber, and with her, quickly climb on one of the giant
rotating blades. Now switch to Andre', and have him hold the leftmost switch.
This will stop the topmost fan, and allow Amber to jump down on the next one.

You could, of course, have Carter hold down the second switch to make it a
breeze, but I found it even trickier to line up the fans. Instead, have Amber
anticipate the jump by quite a bit. A few tries and you should have the pattern
locked down - just quicksave until you get it right. But remember: if you use
Carter instead of Andre' to hold down the button, every time you save you'll
have to hold down the button again.

Repeat the operation for all fans except the lowest one. Amber can just walk out
to the opening when it passes by. Then (groan) repeat the procedure with Minoko.
You need both characters down there, so don't complain. By the way: you can make
both characters go at once, but if you save, make sure you do when characters
are on a stopped fan. Otherwise it's very likely the fan will just not spawn
under their feet!

Once both are in the opening, kill the rats if you want. Go down until you find
a grate you can shoot. Go through and activate the regen station. Now take Amber
outside of this room; there's many Death Heads, and it's better that she tackles
this. Killing anyone you see, go left. You'll eventually find a computer and an
energy terminal. Recharge, then go into the map room.

Three-four Death Heads will come down the elevator, so blow them to hell with
your missiles. Recharge, then keep going through this chart room, killing anyone
you might meet. Eventually, you'll find yourself in an electrified room. Don't
try jumping down! Send the FlyCam behind the shelf to switch off power, as
Minoko will have to come through here later.

Sending the Rover up the tilted beam near a shelf will just break that beam -
actually, anyone going up there will.

Keep going, there's only one way to go. When you reach the room with a hole in
the floor and a beam going down, go back. All the way to where Minoko should be,
near the regen station. Go beyond that room, but not through it; there's a
mirror near where you need to go. Down the stairs, you'll find a locked door -
and of course, you can't just shoot the lock (why is beyond me!).

Leave Amber there, and go back to Minoko. With her, activate the computer
terminal you saw earlier, the one near the energy station. You'll be able to
unlock a door near Carter and Andre'. Switch to either.

Go out through that door, it's near the regen. Look to your right: there's what
seems to be a large ball stopped by some beams. Shoot the beams, and the ball
will knock down a wall. You need to go that way, but the ball has the annoying
habit of knocking you down. Save through it, then try it only when the ball is
behind you when looking at the broken wall.

You'll have to get both through, and I know it can be annoying, but come on,
it's one of the tougher puzzles in the game... figure the rest! Once both are
through, send one upstairs. What the hell? Shoot the ex-dog, then keep going. To
the right there's a key box. Try to grab the key, and it'll fall down into a
crack (duh). Go back near the stairs.

There's a hole in the ground where you can send the Rover. Do so, killing rats
if you want, and at the end grab the key. Revert, and go back to where the key
box was. Enter the door near it, and you'll see a laundry chute on the left.
Open it, then toss the key in. Amber can now grab it, but we have a few things
to do before we go back to them.

Making sure you're Andre', go over the beam near the laundry chute, and cross
the room. Shoot the glass and go carefully out on the ledge. Follow this ledge
left, and when it turns right, you can shoot the large beam. Climb on it (do it
from the side, not from the edge), and enter the window it broke. Circle left
and go down the stairs.

You'll see some, well, thing (you'll find out what it is exactly a bit later),
and a mechanical arm. Kill the bug on it, but ignore the other bugs nearby. Fix
the arm's core (bad joke for Total Annihilation aficionados), then press the
button. The thing to your left will be activated.

We're done here, so go back up the stairs, through the beam (go to the side,
although you can just jump down and/or suicide if you fancy going through the
ball again), and through the glass. One last thing. Go all the way to the
stairs, near where you sent down the Rover to grab the key, and go down to the
bottom floor.

Down the corridor, enter the door on the right (the left door has no floor yet).
Go to the end, and near an unbreakable door, you'll see a tall cable with lots
of bugs on it. Ignore them if you want, but look for a dead one on the floor.
Grab it, and... yes, go back through the ball to the mini elevator, and put it

Then make sure both characters are on the top floor of this building, possibly
in the dead-end room with the fireplace. Come on, it was the last time you'll
see the ball!

Time to return to Amber and Minoko. With Amber, grab the key; it should be just
near you if you followed me down the stairs (near the mirror). Have both females
go into the room, open the door by activating the hand scanner, and enter. Make
sure no one stands outside near the door!

You'll see a control panel in this small room. Press the down arrow - understand
now why I said no one should be standing near the door? Alright, now activate
the computer. Ah-ha! The thing you repaired a short while ago with Andre' was a
beam platform. You pilot it like a Rover, but its beam is very powerful.

With this baby, you're invulnerable and you can cut down the heavy doors that no
other weapon affected. Make sure you're close to them when you start firing. If
the bar above the door doesn't go down, let go of the fire button, move a bit,
and try again.

Take down the only steel door in this room, then cross the street and take down
the other door to the left. You'll be near the power cable where you picked up
the dead power leech. Keep going forwards and enter the corridor. Cross it
to the room that had no floor. Now that you've lowered the platform, you can go
onto it.

Switch to Carter and Andre'. They should be on the lowered platform, but if they
aren't, go to the bottom floor of the building and into the room that had no
floor. Cross it with either character, and be very careful: you're going to be
targeted by a powerful and invulnerable laser cannon! Shoot the Death Heads on
the bridge from afar, if you want, but make sure you activate the switch near
the glass barrier.

Stick near the barrier and watch what happens. When you're satisfied, dash back
near the beam platform. Now switch to Amber and have her push the up arrow
button on the control panel. Switch back to Minoko and take down the steel door
here. This will open the way forwards, but you've still got things to do with
this baby.

Keep going, and take down the left door in the corridor. The door in front of
you leads nowhere. Take out the door you see inside that room and enter it -
there's nothing in the rest of the corridor. You'll be near a regen station.
Keep going, and take out the last door.

Here you'll be targeted by a powerful laser cannon. You're invulnerable, but you
can't hit the thing either. No matter; just target the ammunition behind it, and
you'll blow up the whole floor, destroying the cannon in the process. A couple
Death Heads might have been harassing you, so kill them. One hit is enough.

Once that is done, park the beam platform out of the way, and leave it there.
With Minoko and Amber, go up the beam that lowered when you first pressed the
down arrow button. You'll be in the ex-electrified room (if you remember to
switch off the power by sending the FlyCam behind the shelves).

Go right, into the room with a hole in the ground, and go down that beam. Wait
there, near the 'bulk units' door.

Time to go back to Andre' and Carter. Go through the broken doors to the regen
station, and top both up. Then leave through the door where you left the beam
platform. Go down to the lowered area via a beam. Damn, the bridge is drawn and
you can't go through! Note that there might be a Death Head on the other side,
and characters left to their own might waste lots of ammo trying to hit him.
Park them in a place with no line of sight to the bridge, e.g., near the wall to
the left side.

Let's go back to Amber and Minoko. You can now leave through the door. Climb up
into the section to your left, all the way up. There's a small ledge; walk to
the end if you want, but all you'll find is a closed door. Send the Rover below
those (you can send it all the way from the beginning of the ledge), and climb
up towards the second opening.

Now you need to climb up on the beam. It's the hardest, most frustrating Rover
task in the whole game. Get a good distance, then try to go up as straight and
quickly as you can. When you manage it, and it'll take less than forever if you
were wondering, blow the glass and press the button. Revert the Rover.

The button has stopped the conveyor. Go up it and to where the Rover just was.
Keep going ahead, killing all Death Heads, and through the door. Follow the
corridors as it turns left, and enter the side room with a regen station. Access
the computer with Minoko and extend the drawbridge.

Back to Carter and Andre'. Go through the now open passage, killing the Death
Head if he's there, and cross the bridge. You'll be on the other side of the
room Amber and Minoko are, and a few puzzles to the end of the level. Look on
the left side of the platform, from the entrance. There's a broken console,
which Andre' can repair. Press the button near the arrow pointing right, but
don't do anything else.

With Amber, keep going through the main corridor. You'll see the magnet to your
right, but keep going through the steam into a small metal cage. Make sure
you're well inside it. Switch to Andre', press the blinking magnet button (to
the right of the button you just pressed), and you'll see Amber come to this
side. Be careful: once the magnet and the cage have stopped, if you press the
magnet button again, a bug will instantly kill Amber!

So have her drop down the cage and come up to where the rest of the team is.
You'll have to take out a Death Head who's lurking near a room with a broken
elevator. There's a steam-covered panel that only Amber can activate. This opens
a gate near where Minoko is. With her, turn back and go the way you came in. To
your left, opposite a locked door, you'll find the open gate. Shoot the panel
and pick up the keycard behind it, it's near the other door to this place.

You can put it in the door here, but it would be pointless (you can retrieve it
if you do, though). Put it in the locked door opposite of where you entered this
small room, and start running! Crushers will kill you if you don't move it.

Get to the opposite end of this room fast, then press the button. Crouch to
enter the door as quickly as possible. If you're somewhat quick, this puzzle
represents no problem at all. Repeat these steps (run to door, press button,
crouch to enter it faster) until you're on the other side. At last, the team is
back together!

With Minoko, climb the first set of stairs, then go right into a niche with a
locked door. Access the panel there to open the door. In this room there's only
the UPA elevator. Get everyone inside.

VII-04. Shopping Mall - Home of the Free Spirits

This level gets tough on fights. Watch your ammo.

Go just around the corner and blast the three wood planks blocking the door.
Kill the Death Head that attempts to ambush you. There's a locked door here,
with a power leech. Kill it, but the hand scanner still isn't accessible.
It's a mission for the Rover.

Go up on the right table and generate a Rover. Drive it out of the window and
onto the ledge. You'll find another window, closed by a grate; it takes a bit,
but you can blast the grate. Go inside; you can only follow the corridor right.

Blast the other power leech, and flip the switch near here. Revert the
Rover; the door can now be opened. Send just one character up there - Amber is
best. Go up all the stairs, and you'll find yourself in a short corridor with a
wooden plank over a box. Walk on the plank out of the window, but turn around
right away: a Death Head has just opened a door and is in the room!

When you're done with him, go back out the plank. Look left: you'll see a
scaffolding. Shoot the engine of the scaffolding, high above it, and without
brakes, the platform will fall down. You can also hit a Death Head or two down
on the street from here. Descend the stairs and rejoin your team.

Climb out of the window and down to the scaffolding. Once your team is down
here, try to walk over the beam connecting the two segments of the streets...
didn't you expect that? Well, shoot as many Death Heads as you can, then pick

Go to the opposite end from the now impassable chasm between the two road
segments, and keep to the left (it's opposite the scaffolding if you're
wondering). You'll see a small ledge you can go down to, then, further down, is
an orange scaffolding. Jump down to it, and your weight will break a plank. Jump
down to the lower level, as well.

You can push a wooden plank here, which will allow you to go down a slightly
treacherous path and up some stairs. Keep going until you find another plank
suspended over a chasm. The plank will give way, but not break - the bigger
problem is the Death Head who was behind the door beside you. And that door just

Deal with him, then climb the short distance at the end of the now tilted plank,
and kill another Death Head. Follow the only path, and eventually you'll be near
the road, where the rest of your team is. Keep going: you'll find a piece of
rock you need to climb. As soon as you do, the pillar beside falls down, and the
rest of the team can come back up.

Just before the last pillar, a short jump down, is a small slope. Go down it and
onto the second section of the road. Choose just one character, one with the
most weapon energy, and send him/her to the blocked end of the road. There's a
plank keeping up a slab; shoot it, and behind the slab, lo and behold, a Rover-
sized hole!

Generate a Rover and go all the way through the tunnel (ignore the very dark
area, it's a dead end). You'll find a grate that you can blast. Inside the next
room, there's only one thing to do: shoot the lock at the bottom of the blue
double doors. Revert the Rover afterwards.

Get your team together and proceed to the other fork of the road. Kill anyone
you meet, and activate the regen station. Open the door (you just unlocked them
with the Rover), and make sure everyone (Amber especially) has their weapons
fully charged.

Finally, let Minoko at the computer terminal in this same room (it's above the
grate you busted with the Rover). There you can hack into a switch, and activate
the parking ticket distributor. Go outside, and pick up a ticket, but now listen
to me: pick Amber, select the missiles, and be very careful.

Stick like glue to the left door until you can just see a semi-invulnerable
laser cannon. You have to hit it from behind - of course, forget about direct
hits; you'll have to make do with splash damage. The trick is to hit some place
near but behind the cannon. It's actually easier if you let the cannon spot you,
so that it turns your way.

Anyway, when the cannon is destroyed, gather the team and explore the room.
You'll see a couple of locked doors in a corner; we'll be back later. There's
another pair of doors closing what looks like a room in the middle of here;
again, we'll be back later. There's a slope, but we'll go up it in a moment.

There's a broken elevator shaft: kill everyone inside. You can also go inside,
climb on the beam, and take out some more Death Heads, but this makes things a
tad trickier just moments on. Let's tackle the slope with Amber.
Watch out for that car! Kill the two Death Heads just up the slope for their

Look into the room, but don't enter yet. You can see that there's a barricade to
your left, then some doors, and you might see a barricade to your right. Dash to
the doors. Make it quick, because two invulnerable cannons will be activate
within moments! If you went in the elevator shaft, then it's most probable that
the cannons are already tracking and hitting you.

However, as soon as you near the door, a LOT of Death Heads (and a dog) will
come out at you. Some have dangerous pipe bombs. Take out your missiles and blow
them all up - then finish 'em with your pulse gun. Once everyone is dead, open
the door and enter. Charge your weapons, then enter the other room and kill the
other two Death Heads.

Unfortunately, the terminal requires Minoko, so try to return Amber to the rest
of the team. Failing that, just walk in front of either cannon. Now, since the
cannons are already activated, Minoko has a tougher time getting to the doors.
But since Amber has already cleared out everyone, it's far from impossible.

Inside, you'll find that the panel doesn't work. The amount of sparks under the
table should give you an idea: send the Rover down there. There's a switch just
waiting to be activated! Once that's done, access the panel and hack into the
switch (read the mail if you want to). This will open the doors to the room-
within-room just downstairs. Return Minoko down (again, you can just stand in
front of the cannons).

Making sure everyone is well charged, and get both Andre' and Minoko inside the
newly opened room. There's a broken computer panel - you know the drill, fix
with Andre', access with Minoko. You'll be able to open the door in the corner
of the room outside. Return to the squad, then get Minoko and Amber inside the
newly opened doors.

Send Amber up the stairs: there's a couple Death Heads, a dog, but most
importantly another laser cannon. Kill everyone you can before you finish
climbing the stairs, as the cannon is just up the next flight. Again, shoot a
missile to the right of the cannon, so that the splash damage destroys it from

The rest of the stairs are blocked, so go a bit down the stairs, continuing to
face the top of the flight. Send Minoko in the room up this set of stairs, but
know that as you do, the other closed door will open. There's a LOT of Death
Heads in there, plus the cannons have a clear shot at you. But not for long...

Access the computer, and hack into either cannon. Kill any Death Head you spot
using it, but remember - as soon as they're hit they'll head for Minoko, not the
cannon! Note that taking control of the cannon automatically stops it from
targeting your squad, so hack into both cannons and they'll be innocuous from
that moment on.

Send Minoko back down the stairs to the rest of the team, and gather everyone
near the broken elevator door. Go back to recharge Amber if you need to, then
lead her up the stairs you left her, and into the large room where the cannons
are. You can't access this side from the first slope you went up from.

As soon as you enter the room, turn right. The slope there is blocked, but you
can easily climb the beams... only don't go down! There's three Death Heads to
dispatch, and another cannon blocking your way. Still standing on the beam, inch
until you can barely see it, and blow it with a missile near the behind.

Continue into the now clear room. The only interesting place is a semi-destroyed
ventilation shaft, which serves as crude slope to reach the larger ventilation
shaft. It's full of steam, so only Amber can go there. Reach the end, and you'll
be on top of an elevator. If you press the button on the engine, the elevator
will start.

Look up and find the exit: the elevator is going fast towards the ceiling, and
you'll be killed if you don't get off as soon as you can! Exit the elevator and
turn right. You'll activate a regen station. Go right again, and you'll find
some sort of hut around the other side of the elevator. Go inside this small hut
and press the button to open the elevator doors.

This part is tedious, but there's no other way. One at a time, have one
character go inside the broken elevator shaft, then climb the beam to the end.
The elevator is broken in that part, and you can climb inside. Be quick, as the
elevator is rather fast. At the top, get off, and you'll be near Amber.

Repeat the procedure for the remaining two characters. I reccomend doing this
one at a time, since AI is too slow to both climb inside and get off the
elevator in time.

Once everyone is up there, go towards the large passage, activating the regen
station in the while. You'll probably hear some snapping noises, and/or see a
dog turn into a monster. Kill it, then go forwards. You'll end at a gate, with
several Death Heads behind it.

Uh-oh, looks like these creatures don't like the Death Heads, either. Kill
everyone. Unfortunately, the gate just ahead is still locked; approach the
double doors on the side. One Death Head will break part of the glass and enter,
while another Death Head will open the doors. Kill both, then enter the short
corridor that was just open. There's a weapon charger in there.

Now, leave the squad inside that corridor, and use Amber. Enter the broken part
of the glass, and you'll be on a ledge. Go left, towards the two walkways, and
you'll find a slope. Kill the Death Head over the catwalk, and all the birds if
you like, and then go on that same catwalk. Walk over it to the end, and climb
up the ledge at the end. Follow the ledge to the right, and you'll find some
makeshift steps.

Climb up, but be careful: there are two cannons up there, and one has a clear
shot from the moment you finish climbing these steps. Be quick with your missile
launcher. The other cannon can't shoot you, so it's easy to dispatch. Go down
the walkway that this last cannon was guarding, the rightmost one. Just to the
right of the gate is a switch. Open it, and the entire squad can walk inside.

However, another couple Death Heads will break in from the door opposite the one
you left the rest of the squad into. Kill everyone. This is a good time to
recharge everyone - go back to the regen as well.

Now that the entire squad is in the larger room, pick someone thin. I chose
Minoko. On the left side of this room (from the entrance walkways) is a broken
piece of glass. This leads to a very thin metal path, which is way too thin for
Amber. Get in, and walk carefully to the hole in the wall - it's to your right.
Be careful - just as you reach it, the light bulb above will fall down, and if
it hits your character, it's instant death.

Go into the hole and walk down the only path. A couple of rats might startle
you, so kill them if you like. Pick up the battery nearby, then look through the
barred opening. You'll see a revolving glass door, with a few boxes blocking it.
Shoot them, and the door will break open.

Return back through the hole and onto the metal path (or suicide if that's your
inclination - life is so passe'). Join the squad, and have everyone walk through
the broken part of the revolving door. Go through to the end of the corridor,
where an almost invisible white button controls the gate.

Welcome to the Mall! This place can be confusing, so follow me closely. First of
all: don't bother speaking to anyone I don't tell you to, they won't have
anything to say.

Go either left or right when you first enter the mall, don't go downstairs yet.
You'll soon be in a central section in the upper floor; if look right (if you
went left, or left if you went right), you'll see a lift. It's broken, but
there's a yellow hand scanner besides it. By using it, you'll charge it, and the
elevator will come up and open. There's quite a few batteries inside.

If you look away from the elevator, on the left side, you'll see two large
boxes, fires, and a person standing there. He's the son of the elder, but
he's an attitude problem. Ignore him, and go forwards, following the left wall.

You'll find a corridor, which ends in a staircase. Go down it. Carter can talk
to a woman down there, she'll tell you to find a boy. The gate here is locked
and will remain that way for a while, so go opposite of it (don't return up the

If you keep following the left wall (loosely is enough) you'll find the boy:
he's near a fire. Have Carter talk to him, then follow him. He'll lead you to
the elder (he's near a locked door, just below one staircaise). Talk to the
elder, too, and he'll open the door.

Get the whole team inside, and go to the passage to the left - there's nothing
in the rest of the room. Kill the Death Head, then proceed in what looks like a
bathroom. Send the whole squad up the makeshift slope and into the ventilation
shaft. Follow this shaft to the end, then blow the grate. Drop down, killing
anyone you see.

Again there's only one way forwards, and it goes towards a regen station.
Activate it, heal as needed, then head for the door behind the counter. Open it
(you have to activate it when you're close and go inside. Inside there's three
doors: one to the left, one to the right, and one right and ahead, the only one

Make sure the rest of the squad is near the left wall, away from the left door,
and send Andre' through the open door. A dog will come out of a container, try
to kill it before it changes into yet another monster. Failing that, just kill
the thing. If you turn around, you'll see a computer panel. Before you send
Minoko, kill the two power leeches over it and fix the button to the panel's

Access the panel with Minoko and try to activate the crane. Whoops! Notice that
a part of the container is broken. Send someone inside the container, climb the
boxes, then eventually climb on the roof. Looking up, try to get in a favourable
position to get on the metal bar up there.

Then, with Minoko, activate the crane. Quickly, with the character on the
container, get on the bar as soon as you can - the container will bounce back
down. Go down the bar, crouch into the hole, and follow this corridor to the

Drop down, making sure to drop on the red beam first, and on the crate second.
You're behind the right door from the room before, if you're wondering. There's
a forklift here: press the right button to raise the forks and open the door.

Press the left button as well, but don't stay on the forklift - it will explode.
When it does, the opposite door will open. The two Death Heads are no real
trouble, but the character in the ex-forklift room will be in sight of a ceiling
cannon. Be careful.

After everyone else is dead, switch to Minoko. She has to run past the cannon -
but it's easy. Start from the left of the door. You might want to run in circles
to get her to dash. Enter the door, and immediately hang a left: you'll be
behind a box and safe.

Next, dash for the open door, and take cover behind the left of the two doors.
There's a couple of death heads near some sort of cart just down the corridor.
Take them out, then quickly go where they came from. There's a large niche in
the corridor, where it's safe, and you can access a computer.

Access the cannon, then leave it - there's nothing to shoot, but accessing it
will stop it from shooting you. You can also open a grate in the room nearby,
and open an exit. This last exit goes to the mall, but first, we need to send
Amber on a special mission.

Go back to the broken forklift: the forks (actually some sort of platform) are
still working, so lower them. Have Amber climb up, then with another character
(or still Amber if you're quick), activate the forks again. Lead Amber through
the long, dark tunnel, killing anything that moves.

When you reach a fork, well, take it; both paths lead to the same place after a
very short wall. Keep going forwards, then down the hole. If you go ahead,
towards the larger room, you'll find several enemies - including one weird
mutation with a surprisingly effective gun.

Kill everyone inside here, then go back away from this room. There's a gate
here, leading back into the mall; flip the switch to open it. Now, I think the
official way forwards is to switch back to someone in the rest of the team, and
go back into the mall using the emergency exit you opened with Minoko. The gate
is near where you met the healer woman.

However, you can just pack everyone on the forklift's platform, press the switch
with someone, then rapidly climb on. Whichever your way, get everyone near Amber
for one seriously tough section. Go down the slope and open the door on the
left; activate the regenerator and heal everyone as needed.

Have Minoko access the computer and open the gate just outside. Get the team
inside that room, but be careful: a couple of Death Heads will burst in. Kill
everyone. Now, leave the team here; there's a cannon in the next room. Have
Amber get in the passage that the Death Heads broke out of, and look straight
ahead. It's in the shadows, so hard to see, but it's there. Blow it up.

Gather the rest of the team and go forwards. Keep going, ignoring the Death
Heads behind the barriers to your left. You'll soon meet another three Death
Heads, near a passage to the right. Kill everyone, then enter the passage.
There's an energy recharger, which is very useful since you most probably had to
use a few batteries already. Charge everyone as needed.

Exit the energy room with the entire team (ignore the stairs, they lead nowhere)
and head right. There's a barrel you can blow up, but it does nothing worthy of
note. Keep going. There's another barrel, this time near a barrier. Blow it up
to open a way through. Kill everyone, but try not to enter the room.

Amber must go solo again. Inside the room, turn right and you'll see the way
forwards. Unfortunately, just behind the corner, is another cannon. This time
you're at a disadvantage, since you approach it from the right. But it's still
way more than doable. When it's gone, kill anyone else you see, and go through
the passage behind the cannon.

A warning before you proceed: enemies keep respawning in the room you just left.
Try to go through there just this once.

You'll be in some sort of mess hall. Kill the Death Head here, then head for the
door behind the counter. Another room, another Death Head, another door: you
know the drill, kill the baddie and open the door forwards. This short corridor
leads to the last room. Kill the last Death Head, and enter the UPA elevator.

VII-05. Death Head HQ - The Saint Lucy Building

This is where enemies get more interesting - and more resistant. Watch your

With your entire team, go forwads into the elevator and press the button. BOOM!
Better luck next time. Get again your entire team to drop down to ground from
the now-busted elevator, and turn to face it. To the left there's another, much
smaller elevator. Get the team inside and press the button.

This elevator will actually take you where you need to go. Follow the corridor
around, killing rats if you like, until you meet another regen. Just in front of
you is the St. Lucy Building (although that sounds weirdly politically correct;
notice how this place looks like a modified and adapted church!).

Anyway, drop the team at the regen and go with anyone towards the large space.
There's a large crane to your right, with an opening in the middle. There's a
computer panel in there, but you need a battery before it will be accessible.
Continue towards the large double orange doors. Locked, as expected.

Never mind, turn right from the doors, and go towards the chasm. There's a
platform down there; jump to it. To open the way forwards, shoot the small metal
square near the bottom of the blocked wall (it has four dot-like screws). Get

Ignore the tunnel on the left, it's the exit and we've got stuff to do before.
Go forwards until you find a grate. Ah-ha! That red thing looks like a battery.
If you look around the grate, you'll see a Rover sized slope. Get your minitank
down there and keep hanging a left.

Unfortunately, the battery is far too up. But not all is lost: check out that
explosive barrel. Shoot it until it blows! Now you can grab the battery. Revert
the Rover and go back the way you came.

The exit tunnel is now on your right, so take it. Climb the boxes and press
the button to open the doors. Now that you have the batter, go back into the
crane and put it in. Have Minoko access the computer, and hack into the only

The crane will turn, allowing the team to cross it and go to the other side of
the chasm. Now you have to climb all the way up, and it might be a little
tricky, especially for the AI.

On the other side of the crane, climb up the broken slab, and go right. There's
a short raised platform with red barrels. Climb the red barrels, then climb to
the ledge up there, and finally on the metal grating.

Circle around the yellow boxes, then you can climb up them. Climb on the ledge,
and go right. There's a yellow box you can climb, which helps you to the final
metal grate floor. Up there, break the window and drop into the terrace just

Hang a left and drop down the stairs below. You're finally on the ground, in a
room with a large, barred door. Andre' can fix the panel to the right of the
door, and it will open. Get everyone inside.

Activate the regen on the left side of this new room, fill everyone's energy up,
and have Carter unlock the UPA door at the end. Well, that isn't very useful,
but things are going to change.

There's a tunnel leading out of this room. Send Carter through it. At the end of
the short path is a fork; the right door is blocked, but you can blast the locks
on the left door. They're on both sides of the white bar that runs through the

Once in the room beyond, you'll see a large wooden pole lying on what look like
conveyor belts. The metal box besides that is a control panel; you can press the
green button (it's small, look for it with the first person view mode), but the
pole won't go much far. Press the red button (it's under the green button) to
stop the conveyors.

There's also a grate in this room, but it's also locked. The only way out is the
passage blocked by wooden planks. Blast the planks, and follow the path all the
way to the end. There you can climb some steps, up into a grating.

You're in a ventilation shaft. Follow it to what looks like a dead end: the
grate will break, and you can jump down to another room. If you look around,
you'll see two groups of barrels. One is too near you to blow up; the other is
further away and near the door.

Blow the second group of barrel first, and the door will open. It's the door
opposite the one you shot the locks from. You can now get easily to a safe
distance to blow the other barrels. Go where they were; there's two levers.

Pull both; one will open a dead end grate near you, the other will apparently do
nothing. If you return to the big wood pillar room, you'll notice that the grate
is now open. Go to the other room.

Inside here are two yellow extendible pillars, with a button on them. Press the
button on both pillars, and they will de-extend. This will break part of a beam
sustaining the roof, and free the path for the other wooden pillar you saw

Return to the other room - use the barrel to climb back, it's a bit hard to see
but it's there. Press the green button on the control box, and the plank will
move all the way. Return to the room beyond the grate.

Drop to the floor and extend the nearest yellow pillar (it's the one over which
the plank went). Now climb back towards the grate, but instead of going through
it, follow the short path right and climb on the beam. You'll have to climb into
the square hole and climb it near the impassable grate.

Now follow the beam until you can drop down on the other, broken, one. Don't
bother going right (upwards); there's nothing there. Instead go left, and you
can drop onto the raised area of the room. There's another control box here, but
it has no buttons. Grab the battery and drop down.

There's another exit from this room: a doorway locked by green bars. Unlock it
(you're using Carter, like I told you to, aren't you?) and go on. There's not
much ahead, but the two elevator shafts look interesting. Enter the left one.

There's a box where you can put the battery. Unfortunately, the call button
still doesn't work. We'll have to find another way. Turn back, and find the
large stained window on the right (it's in a large niche). Blow it away. Ah, the

Anyway, send the FlyCam inside, and go up the set of stairs you see straight
ahead. There's a grate at the top, and to its left, the opening button. Press
it: the rest of the team is just beyond it.

Revert the camera and make way to where you left the team. Recharge everyone if
needed and head through the now open gate. Go down the stairs, and at the end,
you'll meet a Death Head. Except this one doesn't attack, so talk to him...

Ouch! Maybe it was better he attacked. Anyway, kill the spider thing and enter
the doorway.

Down the slope, there's an UPA laser protected door that anyone can open. Get
in, recharge anyone who needs to, and grab the homing missiles from the
elevator. You don't need to be Amber to do that. Anyway, go back out and go
left; you'll find two elevators.

Enter the only open one with the entire team. Fix the broken panel with Andre',
then get Amber face-first into the dark wall. You'll understand why in a moment.
As soon as you press the elevator switch, return to Amber and keep trying to
walk through the wall.

The reason you're doing this is that the elevator does not stop at the floor you
need to get out of - and guess what, it doesn't actually stop anywhere else. So,
if you keep trying to walk through the wall, when the opening comes up, Amber
will automatically walk through it.

Before you get the rest of the team on this level, there's a couple Death Heads
to take care of. Two more Death Heads soon come from the right door. Make
sure you take a few steps from the elevator, so others can come in easily.

Now repeat the procedure with someone else. Slam them into the wall away from
the elevator switch, and get someone to press it. Keep walking through the wall
until you get to where you need to, then take a few steps away.

Repeat this another time, then you're left with only one character in the
elevator. Press the button and quickly try to slam into the wall. It should be
very easy to do this whole procedure, anyway.

When everyone is down on this floor, get the team into the right door, but don't
go much in. Switch to Amber, and peek right from the leftmost pillar. Uh-oh, a
cannon! If you stand back enough, you can see the right side of the cannon, but
the pillar protects you.

Unfortunately, before you can blow the cannon, two more Death Heads come in and
need to be killed. When they're out, take out the cannon and proceed.

There's three-four Death Heads here, but before you tackle them, enter the small
enclosed room to the right and activate the regen. Then kill everyone,
eventually smashing the glass. Watch your ammo, though.

When no one is going to bother you for the moment, check the enclosed room where
you found the last regen. Minoko can access a computer. Look through the camera,
if you want, but make sure to hack into the switch. Open the door, then leave
the computer.

Now get someone with a lot of weapon energy, and get out of this small
enclosement. Go to the large section of the room, the one where most enemies
where. You'll find a now open door on the left side, just beyond a desk. Get in,
and kill the Death Head.

Ignore the boxes, and go through the next tunnel. The next two Death Heads will
turn into monsters! The second, especially, turns into a dangerous Jumping
Spider. If you run very low on ammo, let yourself be killed and send someone
else to finish the job.

Once everyone is dead, enter this new room. There's not much, but you can blast
the windows. Just blast either side glass on the rightmost window, you don't
need to blast the center glass or smash all the windows.

Go out through this broken side glass and onto a ledge. Just to your right is a
Rover-sized hole. Send the Rover through it, and drive through. When you see a
tunnel on the right, take it; ahead would be just an impassable chasm. Keep
going, and blast the grate.

You'll end up in the crates room you passed before. Keep going and blast the
other grate. Just before you get to the next grate, stop. Your instinct might be
to blast the grate and charge forwards, but just after the grate, the path turns
abruptly left. You'll fall down if you charge forwards!

Keep going until you get into another outside area. This is a bit tricky: you
need to drop off to the right of the hole, not ahead. And, if you're too fast,
you'll land all the way on the ground, most probably breaking the Rover. Be

Keep following the path until you come out of a breach in a metal wall. Turn
around: there's a couple of gas tanks here. Blast the valve. Unfortunately, the
poor Rover can't survive the blast, but it doesn't need to.

Return through the boxes room to the larger room. Just opposite, a makeshift
metal wall now has a hole through it. Get Andre' and Minoko here, but leave
Minoko just outside the hole.

Get inside with Andre', and be careful - there's a cannon here. Hide behind the
left stack in the corridor, then make a break for the middle, larger barrier
inside the larger room. At least one Death Head is here, so take him out fast,
as it might turn into a monster.

There are three makeshift barrier in this room: one is where you are, and
another two allow access to doors. Go to the left door first. Press the purple
switch and get in. Not much to see here; grab the battery at the end and leave.

Carefully cross the room, and you'll be at the other door. You need to repair
the door button to enter, however. Be careful about the position you get
yourself in!

When the button is repaired, open the door and get in. Go quickly to the left
side of the room, protected from the cannon, and you'll see a computer panel.
Inster the battery in the slot below it, and stand aside. It's time for Minoko
to really rock the Death Heads.

Get Minoko inside the right door, and access the computer. There are two cannons
to hack into; hack the right one first, as it's the one in the room nearby.
Leave it, and hack into the left cannon.

Kill everyone you can. The door is locked, so they can't get to you. You can
also leave her there, switch to Andre', and watch the fire show near through the
glass door. Get the rest of the team near this door, but leave Minoko at the

Now, the door here is locked from the inside. But if you look up and to the
right, you'll see a hole. Send the FlyCam through there, then have it press
the button on the side of the door.

Get Amber inside. Minoko is surely trying to blast the other cannon into metal,
but with little succes. Amber's missiles can do the trick, but remember, the
cannon will still track you - even while it's being attacked by Minoko.

Once the cannon is dealth with, your best bet is to lure the enemies in range of
Minoko's death weapon. This will probably get you near dead and/or killed more
than once. But you'll save a LOT of ammo this way.

Keep going forwards, there's no room fo error, and lure enemies towards the
cannon. However, note that in the blue corridor enemies will slowly respawn. So
you can already gather the team and move forwards.

Towards the end of this blue corridor there's a bunch of barrels, but blowing
them up does nothing. Enter the right corridor instead. Here three Death Heads
will try to ambush you, but two will turn into monsters. Kill everyone, and go

The unlockable door to your right leads back to where we first got into this
floor, so you can ignore it. Keep going forwards. Go up the stairs on the right,
and follow them to the catwalk. Again, only one way to go, so go through and
take out the three Death Heads.

Activate the regen, and get ready for the final slew of puzzles. Before touching
the switch, get everyone except Amber across the water poodle, near the door.
Make sure they're standing on solid ground! As soon as Amber activates the
switch, the pool becomes electrified and very dangerous.

Ignoring the other door, get inside. Get characters in one at a time, as the AI
is too dumb. Then, unlock the door with Carter. Inside this room is a weapons
energy panel (chances are you really need it!) and a terminal Minoko can access.

Hack into the cannon. Most Death Heads here are hidden, but you can nevertheless
kill a handful. Leave her there, if you're no sure of your aim, and switch to

As you might have noticed, there's another cannon here itching for a good
missile near the backside, and Minoko might be pointing to it with powerful
laser blasts. Destroy the cannon and keep going. To the left is a large side
niche, but neither door opens, so leave them there. Go forwards.

Here's one the biggest cooperative puzzle you've met so far. Get the whole squad
here, then follow me closely. Remember: the goal is to get Carter all the way
through, so make sure you never leave him to press a button!

Have anyone except Carter hold down the purple button. While holding it down,
switch to someone else. Get the rest of the team inside the room. Have one
character hold down the button, and kill the jumping spider in the next room.

There's two doors here, but only one switch. Of course, as soon as you open the
doors, the two enemies you hear will try to jump you. Kill them, then enter the
set of doors opposite of the enemies' (that one is a dead end).

To your right is a locked door, we'll come back in a moment. Open the door on
the left. Inside, on the right, there's a yellow hand scanner. Use it to reload
the battery and turn on the light in the room. Turn around, and on the opposite
side of the room, is a hand scanenr only Carter can unlock.

Activate it, and a panel opens with a card. It's the one you need to open
the door you saw before, but we need to let the rest of the team in first. Go
near the regen station, activating it if you haven't already, and put the card
in the slot near the door.

Now get your team near this door. Start with the one farther from the beginning
of the series of switch, otherwise you'll lock someone inside. When everyone is
gathered at the beginning, go back and look in the large niche, before you meet
the broken cannon. The door at the end of this large niche is now open, and
Carter waits.

Get everyone inside, activating the regen station, then have Carter (or anyone)
pick up the card from the slot. Just use it again. With the whole team, go back
to the locked door you found before (it's straight ahead).

Unlock it, then I reccomend you send Amber inside. There's at least one Death
Head patrolling this upper walkway, so kill him. Look below; in the middle of
the room is a cannon, but down there it's almost innocuous. Blow it up.

You can try to kill the remaining Death Heads from up here, but you might have
more luck going down. To do this, hang a left on the walkway, and enter the
first door. Go down the stairs, and kill anything that moves.

When this is done, gather your team, and switch to Andre'. On this lower level
there's a broken door. Fix the switch, and it will open. Beyond is the UPA
elevator. Get everyone inside. Well, it wasn't all that hard, was it?

VII-06. The Hospital

Quite a bit of toing and froing in this level, and plot also begins to thicken.
Enemies don't let go, so always keep your ammo in check.

After the long and interesting cutscene, you'll be in a room with a regen. Get
the team through the only exit, and as soon as you're outside, you'll meet your
first mutated bird. Kill it, then look around. As usual, between you and the
hospital is a chasm.

Ah, well, let's see if there's something else we can do. Looking away from the
hospital, you'll see another small opening right from the one you got out from.
Enter climbing up the short flight of stairs, but ignore the other staircase, as
it leads nowhere.

Instead, climb on the crates left from the entrance. Up there, you'll find a
scaffolding; get your entire team in there. Ignore the control panel with the L1
and L2 buttons and a lever, you won't need it unless you do something wrong

Once the team is on the first scaffolding, hold down the left lever on the
scaffolding's control panel. On the way up, you'll see another scaffolding on
the right. Let go of the lever when you're close enough to get in there. Once
the entire team is on the second scaffolding, hold down the left lever on the
control panel to get across the chasm.

If you do something wrong, and the entire team isn't on the other side, here's
what you got to do. Return to where the first scaffolding was, and check out the
control panel on your left. Press the L1 button and hold down the lever: the
first scaffolding comes down. Then press the L2 button and hold down the lever:
you can't see it from down here, but the second scaffolding will come near. Then
you can repeat the procedure.

Once everyone is on the other side, jump down the shortest side of the
scaffolding, near the wall. There's a ledge down there. Jump down from this
ledge, then down again, then down to a longer ledge above the hospital entrance.
Kill all the birds you see, as they'll soon turn into dangerous mutations! Go
down this ledge until you find an opening: jump down it, and you'll finally be
on the other side of the chasm.

Now, the goal is to get to the regen station inside. There's a LOT of enemies
down here, and dying means repeating the scaffoldings procedure. Amber should
still be unscathed, so send her in to clear the way. Before you do, turn on your
flashlight: it's dark inside there.

Dash inside the hospital doors, ignoring anyone, and head right. There's two
large doors roughly ahead, head inside. Whatever you do, make sure you activate
the regen station! Now fill up with ammo from the panel if you need to, then
kill any enemy you can see inside here and just outside.

Two notes: first, do not approach the humans around the large room yet - they'll
into monsters! Second, the yellow arrow will eventually point to a pay phone.
It's just a coincidence, so ignore it. That goal is one floor above you.

Let's get the rest of the squad in and safe. Once everyone has activated the
regen and reloaded as necessary, let's continue. There are two exits from this
room: the one you've got in from, and another, smaller, on the opposite side.

Send Carter through there. There's only one path to follow, so kill anyone you
meet and you'll reach a locked door. Have Carter unlock it, then get inside and
have her grab the battery.

Return to the regen, reload as necessary, and have Amber and Carter go forwards.
Amber is not really needed, but it'll make things a tad faster - and the fights
MUCH easier.

Note that enemies keep respawning around this area, so while exploring on your
own, you might see Andre' and Minoko getting hurt and/or killed. Switch over and
help them if you do, but make sure Carter and Amber are safe first.

Exit the large doors and go right. There's several humans there, and all will
soon turn into monsters. Kill everyone. This fight might be tough, so you might
want to return to the regen station and fill up. Once everyone is dead, continue

There's another large passage to the left here. Inside, you'll find a little
girl, Lucy. Remember her... then kill her, since she turns into another monster.
Go ahead into the only other exit.

In this large room there's a greenhouse directly ahead. Killing anyone who gets
in your way, get inside. There's a hole on the ground, forwards and right of the
entrance. Drop down to the orange beam, then down again on the other beam.
Follow this beam down and go into the other room.

More monsters, so kill them - check out the guy with the saw! On the left side
of the room is a battery charger. Put the battery in and charge it by using the
yellow panel. When it's done, take the battery back.

Now, on the opposite side of the room is a computer panel, but there's nothing
interesting in it (only cameras to watch through). Right of this panel is a fuse
box, currently locked. If you have Amber with you, leave her there, it'll be
faster. Now exit the room via the passage right of this fuse box.

Go down the corridor and press the button to call the elevator. Get in and press
the button to go up. Follow this other corridor and press the button at the end:
you'll be back in front of the entrance to the greenhouse.

From here go right, following the wall. You'll pass in a tight passage between a
wall and the greenhouse, then come out to what look like large solar panels.
We'll come to those in a minute. Now turn right, and kill the enemy that will
mutate from a man coming out of the broken doors.

Get inside, press the button, get into the elevator, and press the button to go
up. Follow the corridor, and kill anyone you meet. In this room there's a
control panel: insert the battery, and the lights will turn on.

Now we have to move the solar panels so they catch light. There's three sets of
two arrows, one per panel, and a light above each set controls. Start with any
of the three panels, but use the left arrow first. If you look down out of the
window, you'll see that a certain angle a very visible beam will hit the panel.
The light for that panel will also turn green.

Repeat the procedure for all three panels (the angle is roughly the same), and
the whole greenhouse area will light up.

Unfortunately, we don't need power there, so switch to Amber. If you don't have
Amber down there, go back down to the ground and enter the elevator (or the hole
in the greenhouse). Either way, once you're at the fuse box, grab the fuse from
the leftmost compartment.

Put in the third compartment, the one labelled G3. If you switch to Minoko or
Andre', you'll see that the area they're in now has light. Return all characters
to the regen to recharge and reload. Now head outside, and go straight ahead
towards the doors with the green light.

Those doors are in fact a lift. Kill anyone who mutates and/or approaches
(you're near an enemy spawner, so be careful), and press the button on the right
of the doors. Keep pushing any enemy back until you can get on the elevator.
Once the whole team is inside, press the button.

Just outside this new corridor is another regen. Activate it, then go ahead
through the door. There's some tough fights here, and enemies will slowly keep
entering from a hole in the ceiling no matter what. However, you're also near
your first goal for the level, the medical scanner.

Enter the door on the right, being warned that enemies will follow you, and grab
the data card. It fits nicely in the slot just beside the door, so put it in and
enter. The humans here will of course mutate, so kill them as soon as you can.

The door inside is locked, but you can shoot either glass on the side and enter
through there. Check out the wall to the right of the scanning machine. What a
mess! You need at least three objects to even begin fixing this. Have Andre'
repair the hand scanner near the door, so that you can open it, then get out.

Before you leave, make sure you grab the data card back!

Now, from the exit of the scanner's corridor, head right. Killing anyone and
anything you see, keep going until you find another regen station. This one also
has a weapons energy terminal, so fill everyone up as needed.

Next, Amber's on a long recon mission. Leaving everyone else near the regen, go
down the side corridor, more or less opposite the regen. Keep going through the
room, killing anyone you see, and keep going forwards. You'll be in a corridor
that bends to the right, and one door can be opened.

Unfortunately, as soon as you activate the panel, debris falls inside the room
and sets off a fire. This not only makes the room accessible only to Amber, but
also shuts down the door on the opposite end. We'll take care of this later.

For now, cross the room and kill the saw-toting bad guy, then check the left
wall. There's an open grate near a bed, send the Rover inside. There are three
power leeches you can see, two near and one further away. Kill all three,
then take the only passage on the right side (it's the only one that leads

Kill the remaining two bugs, then keep going. You'll find a fork; either path is
fine, but the left one might be a little easier. As soon as you get to the end
of the path, you'll see a grate that you can blast. Outside, look left: there's
a locking mechanism near the ground on a metal door. Activate the red thing in
the middle, and it will open.

Unfortunately, you'll soon be attacked by two full-sized monsters. If you take
cover inside the hole, you can take them out, or you can kill them later.
Either way, return to Amber and exit this room. As you go down the corridor,
you'll notice a new opening roughly in front of you. If you haven't, kill both
monsters and go inside.

Left is a dead end, so head straight and slightly right to the door with the
green access panel. Kill everyone, then activate the door. It's malfunctioning,
so it will keep opening and closing. Getting caught between the closing doors
means instant death, so watch out.

Inside, two more monsters will break in. Kill them, then head to the right of
the room. To the right of the three computer panels is a switch; flip it to turn
on the light.

Now go to where the two monsters broke in: it's the access to another room, and
on the other side... wait, didn't I kill you before? Well, shoot Lucy #2 as soon
as she transforms, then continue.

On the wall opposite the malfunctioning door there's a roughly L-shaped block of
computers. Kill the power leeches feeding on it. To the left of the computers
is what looks like an armoire with three holes. Two of them have an object
inside - it's red, can't miss it. Pick both up.

Now let's return to the computer panels. There are three of them, and all have
slots just above them. You have two of the plugs that go inside the slots, so
insert them. You might have to move around a bit to get the targeting brackets.
Also try first person view, it's a bit more accurate.

Once that's done, go outside. Don't call Minoko, we're going to use a shortcut.
Outside of the door, go right (either up the slope or up the stairs). Going
forwards, a hole will be blown on the left wall. If you followed my
instructions, you'll hear your team fighting. That's right, they're just beyond
the hole.

Join the fray, then top everyone up, and leave Amber there. With Minoko, go back
into the hole and right to the malfunctioning door. You can access the left two
panels, so do it. In each panel there's one switch to hack and a single
corresponding function to activate.

Once both tasks are complete, return to the regenerator. The next puzzle
requires Andre', Minoko, and whoever has the data card. If you don't have it,
return to the medical scanner and grab it from the slot near the front door (or
from the ground if you left it there).

With these characters, enter the door roughly opposite the regen, and keep
going. You surely remember the room with the fire alert, and you surely realized
we put out the fire.

So head there and cross it to the newly opened door. Go down the corridor as
it turns, and ignore the side corridor you'll see on the left. Keep going and,
before you reach the end of the corridor, you'll see several boards closing an
entrance to the left. Shoot them, kill the monsters that appear, and go inside.

Andre' can fix the door panel on the left wall, then we can go inside. There's
three things of note: a computer panel, the component jutting out of the
computer on the left of the panel, the card slot on the right of the panel.

Grab the component, then insert the data card in the card slot. Again, if you
don't have it, return to the broken medical scanner - it's most probably in the
slot near the door.

Minoko can now access the panel and hack into the switch for a door. We'll get
there in a while. Grab the data card back and exit both rooms. Go right to
eventually return to the regen station. It's roughly always straight ahead.

Recharge everyone who needs to, then switch to Minoko and go through the hole
near the regen. The door in front of you and slightly to the left is now open.
Get inside. On what looks like a large ventilation core, in the middle of the
room, is a briefcase-like component. Grab it.

Turning to the right wall of the room (from the entrance), you'll see another
plug; it's green colored. Grab it and exit. Outside, turn left; you're heading
back into the malfunctioning door room. Insert the final plug into the slot
(again, you might have to move around and/or switch to first person view).

Access the panel, and hack into the switch: you've cleared another room from
purple gas. Rejoin your team, fill up as needed, and have everyone tag along.
You actually don't need Minoko, so you might leave her there, but the extra
firepower is always welcome.

You now have to return to section of corridors beyond the room that had the
fire, the section where you just sent Andre' and Minoko on a mission. When
you're there, take the first corridor you see (or go to the end and take that
corridor, it's the same).

You'll end up near a locked door that Carter can open. Beyond is the ex-purple
gas room, but be careful, as the door is also malfunctioning. Get inside one
at a time, then pass the room and go to the only other exit, on the left. Keep
going in this new corridor, but turn left and go up the stairs. To the end of
the corridor is the UPA elevator, and we aren't done yet.

Just up the stairs, beyond some baddies, is a door with a broken access panel.
Andre' can repair it, but be careful, as enemies will keep spawning just to your
right. Get everyone inside when you've killed as many as you can.

Inside, lying on what looks like a fallen locker, is the final piece of the
medical scanner. You can already return to fix it, but we might as well solve
another puzzle.

Making sure no one can bother you in this room, flip the switch that's just to
the side of the entrance door. This opens several doors. Inside these doors are
what look like refrigeration units, and your goal is to extend them so they work
as steps.

The buttons are the white things on the side of each refrigerators. There's one
set per column of unit, and not all units are present. Skip the first four
columns and sets of switches from the left. On the fifth set of switches, press
the lowest one. On the sixth row, press the upper and middle one.

Now you have created a stairset, but it leads nowhere... apparently. Look up;
there's several destroyable tiles on the ceiling. Blow them all up. There's
another few up from what looks like a platform. Careful, as a couple of
enemies will come down from these broken tiles.

Once that's done, send Amber up the makeshift steps and into the counterceiling.
There's lots of gas here. Follow the only corridor and you'll see a grate - but
before it, a valve. Hold it down, then change character.

In this room is what looks like a platform; there's several shootable ceiling
tiles over it. Get a character up it, then, with another character, hold down
the button. It's on the side that allows you to see the entrance (or, opposite
of the opposite wall from the entrance... or on the left side looking towards
the refrigeration units).

Once the platform can rise no more, and before it bounces back down, let go of
the switch. Get the character up there and go down the now clear corridor.
You'll find what looks like a fork, but to the left is only a short dead end.
Keep going, and in a side corridor, you'll find a hole. Drop down.

Quickly, turn right and head to the regen: the area is full of monsters. Kill
them all, with the regen activated there's no real challenge. Once everybody is
dead, unlock the door with the green hand scanner and get out. Ignore the
elevator at the other end of the corridor, we'll get there later.

Grab the rest of the team and return to the second-to-last regen you saw, back
all the way through the malfunctioning door, into the room that was on fire, and
ahead. Once you're there, recharge as necessary, then head back to the medical
scanner station.

Before you do, doublecheck that you have the data card. You'll be passing near
where you might have left it.

Kill all the mutations that have spawned, although I've never seen more than two
at a time. Go back through the scanner corridor, put in the card, and get in.
Now return to the right wall in the scanner room, and put in all the pieces.
Before it will work, though, there's two things Andre' must fix.

First, fix the equipment on the table that's just to the right of this wall.
Then, turn around and go to the opposite wall (left from the entrance). Repair
the monitor on the lower right of the set. The repair zone is to the left of the

Now return back on the other wall, and look behind one the dividers near the
scanner. There's a console with a green button. Press it. Note that it says
'objective canceled', while it is, in fact, 'objective complete'. Wonder if
that's a bug or something.

Anyway, hide all the characters except one (it doesn't matter who) near this
console. If you don't, the AI will shoot the creature, and maybe kill it before
you can attract it on the scanner. Yup, they're that dumb.

Now go outside, in the room where monsters keep spawning. Just piss off one
(don't shoot it!) and lure it into the room. They'll happily follow you, so be
careful. Once inside the room, just walk onto the scanner and into the beam.
It's harmless to you.

BOOM! Whoops, maybe something didn't go right. No matter, just get down from the
scanner and assemble your team. Now you'll have realized why I said that this
level had lots of toing and froing. You have to go back all the way to the
elevator you ignored before.

Remember the path? Through the corridor, right when exiting the scanner
corridor. Right again into the corridor opposite the regen (don't bother filling
everyone up, there's a regen right where you're going). Always forwards to the
ex-fire room, through it, and to the first left in this new corridor. Through
the malfunctioning door and the ex-purple gas room. Up the stairs, on the left,
and second door on the left.

Whew, made it. Activate the regen and fill everyone up. Thankfully, you don't
need everyone to go up the elevator, and in fact, you're much better off sending
just one character.

After the long ride is finished, follow the corridor to the helipad. Looking up,
you'll see the hover vehicle making final maneuvres. Wait for it to float right
above the helipad, then turn right from the entrance and jump down the slightly
lower floor. At least two enemies will catch onto you; keep your weapons down,
and lure them on the helipad.

You need to keep one of them as near the central 'H' as possible until they can
grab it in. A beam will show up when they're locked on the monster, and it will
vanish if you keep it ther for three-four seconds. Now you're done; however, I
suggest getting killed by the remaining monster. It's faster than the elevator

Either way, rejoin your team and exit this corridor. Go right, back down the
stairs, and head left. The UPA elevator is open. Get everyone inside.

VII-07. The SkyTran

This feels almost a filler, but it's also got some very nice puzzles.

After the cutscene, select Amber and run through the horizontal escalator.
Before you get to the end, though, it will activate and start pushing you back
towards the elevator.

Before it does, you'll be able to exit the escalator to the left. Look for a
hole in the side right after a fallen ceiling tile. From that section, you can
go forwards to a large hole in the ground. Look on the side of the escalator:
a power leech!

Blow it up, and the escalator should stop. If it doesn't, go down the hole,
reach the other side, and you'll find two more power leeches on the exposed
side of the horizontal escalator. Kill them, of course.

Now return on the escalator and go forwards, killing all enemies. Ignore the
hole in the wall that will blow open, just kill the enemies and keep going.
You'll soon find a door with a green button beside it. Pushing the button opens
the door, but it's evidently malfunctioning and you can't get in.

Look at the bottom of the door: even when closed, there's enough space for the
Rover to squeeze through. Get it in there and look immediately left. A rat will
scurry away, follow him into a hole in the wall (hug the left wall closely if
you missed it, it's there behind a box).

Follow the tunnel and you'll find more power leeches. Kill all three (one is
in front of you, the other two are to the left). Now the door will open; revert
the Rover.

Return to the team if you need to recharge, then get everyone inside the room
you just opened. Have Minoko access the computer panel, read the mail then hack
into the cannon. You should be able to kill a couple monsters if you wait for
them to come to you.

Leave the panel. Now, opposite the entrance is a door you can open. Go in and up
the stairs. We'll come to the dark side corridor in a while. Press the elevator
switch (it's a green triangle), get in, and press the green button to go up.

Walk through the shaft and blow the grate at the end. Carefully jump down on the
gray support beams, then carefully go forwards towards the switch. Flip it, and
you can now drop down to the ground through the slow moving blades. This will
probably hurt you quite a bit, so you might want to go back and recharge.

Anyway, return through the door opposite the entrance to this room, and up the
stairs. This time, go through the side tunnel: the room is somewhat lit, and the
source of the light is a computer panel. Access it, and hack the only switch.

You'll get the fan you activated earlier to full power, and it will blow a door
open (and itself). Return down, and access the panel beside the door. Access the
cannon and switch to someone else.

Go out through the door. Several enemies will start following you. Run back
through the door, switch to Minoko, and take them all out. For some reason,
cannons don't shoot enemies automatically in this level. Once everyone's dead,
go back out with someone else, and turn left. This is the main SkyTran entrance,
and we'll access most of the level from here.

Unfortunately, right now it's occupied by six giant spiders! Piss them off, then
rush back through the door you came out of. Switch to Minoko, and wait for the
spiders to come in sight. You know what to do. Once the six spiders are all
dead, get the entire team through the door.

There are two corridors to the right when you exit the room. The one farthest
from the entrance goes down to a couple of enemies and a weapon energy terminal.
You probably don't need it, but you might as well go through there, clear things
out, and memorize its position. You'll need it later.

Back into the main room, go towards the wall opposite the entrance (right when
exiting the tunnel). There's an UPA box here, which is empty and of no interest.
However, the elevator near it activates and brings up several enemies that we'd
better kill now.

Once that's done, head left into the main section of this large room. Climb the
stairs roughly in the middle of the far wall. There's an UPA door at the top,
but it won't open. The access panel is further to the door's left, and it needs
to be repaired. Careful, enemies will come out from a door nearby!

Once it's done, Carter and unlock the door. Send Minoko in. There's another door
you can open, get in. A rat might scare you, but whatever you do, kill it quick!
It will mutate if you don't.

Now enter the other room. What was that laugh? Anyway, open the electricity box,
there's a small brown handle on the box's right side. Inside is a computer
panel, access it.

Access the cannon first. You can wreak havok on glasses and on the left time
table, but there's no real need to. So just access it, then leave it there.
There are two other switches you can access, and both control doors.

One set of doors won't open, so ignore it. The other will open, but only for a
short time. Leave Minoko there, and switch to Carter. Get him down the stairs,
and turn right. The doors that can be opened are there, right under the balcony.

Have Minoko open them, then switch to Carter and get inside before they close.
Make a quick switch back to Minoko, and leave the switch. Access the cannon
instead, and leave her there.

Back to Carter, open the locked door and activate the regen inside. There's also
a mini elevator with the disc launcher inside. Grab it! Now, there's only one
other exit from here, and it's guarded by an enemy. Take it out, using the disk
launcher if you like, then climb the stairs.

What was that, again? Anyway, kill the birds before they take off, since
handling three flying monsters is tough. Switch to Minoko, and check the room. I
found at least one giant mutated rat and one flying monster to kill. Once the
room is clear, get Carter fully up the stairs and turn right.

There are two other exits looking like the one you just got out from. One is
just below the cannon, but it's a dead end, and at least half a dozen monsters
come out at you as soon as you only get near! Run away once you've pissed them
off, and make sure you're well in sight of the cannon.

You can switch to Minoko and defend Carter now, but the cannon should target
enemies automatically. However it goes, once the last enemy is dead, return to
Carter and go ahead.

As said, the entrance below the cannon leads nowhere, so go forwards to the
other entrance on the right wall. This one actually leads somewhere, but be
careful: as soon as you're down the stairs, a particularly horrible monster juts
out from the floor!

Kill it (watch out, it has a fast ranged weapon), then go back down the stairs.
There's a power leech roughly ahead of you; kill it, and the doors nearby
should open. If they don't, switch back to Minoko and access the first switch
inside the computer. You can now open these doors.

Once the doors are opened, kill the enemy you might find outside. Get Andre'
behind these doors, in the area with the dead floor monster. Fix the door (its
brown metal handle, actually), then open it and get inside.

There's actually not much here, but look right just as you enter. Beyond a
broken locker, you can see a green switch. Send the FlyCam there to activate
it. This opens a grate in the large room.

Go out of the doors, and hang left; you'll soon see this new entrance. Get the
whole team inside. Get any character to go ahead, and kill the rat as soon as
you see it - it will mutate! Enter the hole in the wall with any two characters.
Ignore the rest of the room for the moment.

Inside, there's two pylons, one with a single switch (which doesn't work), and
another with two switches. On the right pillar, press the left switch. This will
make a crane move. Switch to the other character in the room and generate a
Rover. Your goal is to get the Rover on the moving platform. There's a slope on
the side towards the hole in the wall.

Once the Rover is there, switch to the other character. Press the right button
on the right column three times. This will get the Rover up on the top floor.
Switch character, and you'll be in the Rover right away. Get off the platform on
the shelf near the center of the room, in the section farthest from the entrance

Once you're there, look towards the entrance and hang a right. If you keep going
straight, you'll find a hole that allows you to go down to the second level.
Carefully do it, then keep going. To your right you'll see another, still,
platform. Cross it to the other shelf.

Now turn around and go forwards, towards the back wall. Watch out as the shelf
has some big holes in it. When you get near the dead end, you'll see several
holes in the shelf; jump down the rightmost one, which allows you to land on the
floor underneath.

Go forwards through the hole. You'll soon be in a room with two power leeches;
take them out. The Rover's job is done, revert it. Back to the two pylons,
you'll notice that the only button on the left pylon is now lit. Press it twice,
and the left platform will come down to the floor. Get anyone on that platform.

Press the button on the left pylon three times, and the character on the
platform can now climb on the top shelf and enter a hole in the wall, near the
ceiling. Follow the only path there, and drop on the boxes when you find the

Just forwards of the boxes, on the left, is a door. Unlock it (press on the
brown metal bar). Switch to the rest of the team and gather it. Now, with the
hole on the right, go forwards and turn left when you can. The now open door is
on your right. Kill the rat you might hear on your left before you enter!

Once the team is back together, exit to the left of this corridor. You'll be in
a dark room, with stairs on your left. A man will rush down these stairs, then
mutate after a short while. Kill the monster, then climb the stairs.

Unlock the door with Carter, and get everyone to activate the regen inside. Just
right of the regen is a closed panel; make a mental note of it, we'll return
here MUCH later. On the wall opposite the entrance is a computer panel, but you
won't be able to access it for quite a while.

Instead, charge the yellow panel opposite the regen, then flip the lever
nearby. This will light the room. Now go back outside, and follow the catwalk
right with the whole team. Press the green button to open the grate when you
encounter it. Go ahead until you're in what looks like a four way intersection.
Leave the team here, and send Amber right.

This might look like a dead end, but there's a very thin staircase you can go
down. Kill the enemy, then keep going. At the bottom, if you hang right, you'll
find a weapons energy panel - recharge if you need to, then exit to the larger

In this room, hang a tight left and keep going. At the very end, turn right;
you'll see hot steam you can walk through unharmed as Amber. Once on the other
side, turn right and keep going. You can climb over a short beam and keep going
until the end.

When you can't go any further, turn left to another jet of steam. Cross it and
turn left again. Go to the very end of this section, too, and you'll find a
control panel for the steam. Pull the only lever, it's on the righ side of the
panel. The steam will stop.

Retrace your steps a bit, to the yellow and black striped part of the floor,
with the access panel nearby. You'll see an electric box blow just ahead, and if
you turn around, you'll see that the way to the access panel is cut off by

No big problem. Get your whole team to follow Amber, recharging on the weapons
energy panel as needed. When you're back near the yellow and black striped
floor, get Andre' to fix the electricity box. Once it's done, the steam jet
stops, and Carter can unlock the trapdoor.

Jump down; to the left, in a niche, is a regen which you'll automatically
activate. Follow this dark tunnel, with Amber in the lead, and kill all
monsters. You'll hit a dead end, but look up: you can shoot the grate.

Climb the boxes and go up the sloped grate, then turn around. You can see two
rats in the distance. Kill them before they mutate. Turn left from here, and
look around that part of the room for another rat.

Now, looking again towards the far part of the room, head for the right
elevator. It's the only one that works. Send just Minoko up, then enter the room
to the left when looking at the buttons. There's two computer panels here: one
doesn't work, and the other is guarded by a floor monster. Take it out with the
disc launcher, then access the panel.

You can open a door, but this will also make three rats come out. Two will
mutate! The rest of the team will start engaging, so switch or get on the
walkway to help them. Once they're both dead, get Minoko back down on the ground
and keep going.

The door is on the left corner of the room, so enter it and follow the only
corridor. After a few slopes, a large shaft will break down, and a LOT of mini
spiders will spawn, behind and ahead of you. Kill them all, watching your ammo,
then keep going. You'll be in a room with another generator.

On the right wall from the entrance, after an elevator shaft with no elevator
(and a deadly drop), there's a weapons panel. It didn't work for me until I shot
it (!), so do it if you must, then recharge everyone. Climb the set of stairs in
this room, and have everyone activate the regen.

Recharge the yellow battery panel, then turn right, towards the generator.
There's a panel with two small red buttons: press the right one, it's blinking.
The generator will start, and you'll see a SkyTran out of the window beginning
to move. Unfortunately, the generator will blow and the SkyTran will stop

Access the computer panel with Minoko, it's to the left of the battery panel.
Read the mail. Ah-ha! We need that part. Hack into the switch, you'll open
another set of doors.

Return the way you came with the whole team, then send Minoko up the only
working elevator in the large room. Don't go through the new set of doors yet,
it's a dead end right now.

Once Minoko is up there, get her inside the room. The computer panel above the
grate, the one that didn't work earlier, now has power. Access it and activate
the crane. Whoops! Well, a grate in the floor is now accessible.

Switch to someone else and go down that grate. Follow the corridor, but check
the ground: you'll see the component you need near the beginning of the

At the end, flip the switch and the elevator will start. However, it's
malfunctioning, and it keeps going up and down. Catch it and get off at the top:
you're back near the generator. Go up the stairs and insert it in the big
control panel, then press the left button.

The SkyTran will move forwards a bit, then the generator will blow. Guess not
even Andre' can fix that. Anyway, return to the large room (slopes or elevator,
your choice), and approach the large doors at the end of the room. They will
open, and several enemies come out. Exterminate them, then get inside with

On the right side of this tall section is a pylon. Grab the data card from it,
then leave; the inner doors won't open. Grab the entire team and head to the
last doors you opened with Minoko, the ones I told you would be a dead end.
They're near the sloped grate you first came through to this room.

Inside, before you go forwards, generate a Rover and send it in the hole on the
left. Follow the short tunnel, and shoot the power leeches. They'll fall down
and die in the tall hole, so just revert the Rover and go on.

A bend in the corridor later, there's a locked door. Unlock it with the data
card you picked up earlier, then get ready for a long team based puzzle.

Beyond the door, activate the regen, then send any two characters (except
Andre') in the room to the right, with the steam. Have them keep going, the
steam will hurt you only lightly or none at all if you keep your distance.
you'll find a panel near a window; have one character hold the hand on the

Switch to the character still near the regen with Andre'. Walk a bit down the
corridor, then, before the bend, you'll find a switch. Hold it down. Switch to
Andre', and he can now cross the rest of the corridor safely. You'll find
another panel, just opposite of the one you found moments ago.

Fix it, then hold it down. The door will open. Get inside, still with Andre',
and follow the only way through until you find a second panel. Hold it down,
then switch to any of the two characters you left beyond the steam room.

The door has opened here as well, so go down the room and keep going. You'll
find another panel at the very end, hold it down and Andre' can go forwards.
Switch to him for a second, and go near the grate, recharging on the panel as

Back to the character near the other panel, return back in the corridor
with the metal grate floor. Ventilation shafts will fall down, and part of the
grating will slope down. Get everyone down there except Andre' - yes, even the
character who's still holding down the switch to make the floor safe near the

Down the slope, on the left, is a grate. Send the FlyCam in the hole that
the grate has in the top left corner, turn around, and flip the switch to unlock
the grate. Push it to enter. Go down the corridor, and get all three characters
on the elevator. Press the green button to go up.

In this new corridor, there's an access panel Carter can unlock, but it leads
nowhere right now. Before that panel, still on the same side, is what looks like
a power box. Below it there's a switch: have someone hold it down. The door
nearby stays open as long as someone holds the button down.

Get someone through that door, then look at the door opposite: you can squeeze a
Rover through there. Do it, and just beyond the door, keep searching the right
wall for a shootable grate. Inside that grate you'll go up to a second grate.
Shoot it, then carefull head out on the ledge, turn right, and press the button.

Andre' is now free to get past the grate, so revert the Rover and switch to him.
Move forwards through the corridor, and just before another access panel for
Carter, you'll find another power box-like thing with a red button below. Hold
it down; now both doors are open.

I suggest you head back to the recharge near where you left Andre' the last
time, eventually alternating which character holds down the button (Andre'
should already be at maximum energy).

Now you have two switches, near two unlocked doors, and Andre' should be holding
down one. Get everyone except one near Andre' (of course, you need to get that
person to hold down the other switch). I chose Minoko, but it's not very

With the three characters, enter the unlocked door nearby. There's two doors
inside, which are locked. However, just above the doors is a gap wide enough for
the FlyCam. Get it inside, then head forwards. If you look well, you'll
see that the raised area is protected by a glass, but the glass has a hole in
the top left part.

Squeeze the camera through there, and look towards the grate to the left from
the entrance: press the red button, and the grate will open. Revert the camera,
and you'll see that the doors just in front of you have opened. Don't enter them
yet! Instead, switch to the lone character on the other side.

Let go of the switch and go inside the unlocked door, up the stairs; you'll
activate a regen. Left of the regen is a green button, but it doesn't work; look
further left and you'll see a battery panel. Charge it, and the green button now
works. Press it, and an elevator platform will go down.

Switch to the remaining three characters. Do you see the elevator platform on
the other side of the room? Then make a run for it! As soon as you enter the
room, a large piece of machinery blows into the room (keep left to avoid it),
and an endless supply of monsters will begin to barge in.

If you're quick to the elevator, you might not even see a single one though.
Once all three characters are on the elevator, switch to the lone character and
press the green button again. Whew! Now to free the last character.

Go forwards and activate the regen, then look right. There's a malfunctioning
grate that keeps opening and closing. Just beyond the grate, in a hole in the
wall on the left, you'll see the reason: a power leech! You can carefully
send the Rover through and blast it, or get some distance, crouch, and take it
out from here.

However you do it, get through the grate with a single character. Go through the
corridor, but keep somewhat close to the right wall. Keep going until you find a
tunnel on the side; at the end of the tunnel there's a switch near a grate, and
just beyond the grate is the last character. Get both back to the rest of the
team, and activate the regen with this character as well.

It's Amber time. Send her out the now functioning grate, and this time head
left. Take out both mutations, and keep going straight. You'll go up a couple of
steps and reach an elevator button. Press it, and on the elevator, press the
arrow up button. There's nothing on the bottom floor anyway.

Once up, follow the only corridor. You'll soon reach a dead end, but just to the
right is a hole that allows you to reach a makeshift slope. Don't go fully down
it! Instead, look at the base of the slope: there's a grate. Hit the four locks
around it (send the Rover if you like), then shoot the grate itself.

Now dash down the slope and jump down into the grate. If you go straight down
the slope, you'll be swarmed with mini spiders. Instead, if you jump down now,
you'll have few mini spiders on your tail.

Once you're down the hole, you'll see another Lucy. That's three of the girls
in two levels! What's going on here? Who knows, still, Lucy opens the door, and
two more Lucys come out through a hole in the wall.

Remember to try to knock them down, and you shouldn't have much problem. If you
run almost out of ammo, head back to the regen (or stay there and get killed by
the Lucys), then switch to another character. You're on the floor where you
first took the elevator, if you didn't notice.

When all three are dead, get the whole team inside the room you jumped down to.
The computer panel is right over a tall pit, so we can't access it right away;
look to the left of it. There's three levers on the wall; each, when pressed,
turns pressure to the maximum.

However, pressure returns to zero in a variable amount of time, so press the
levers in this order: middle, right, left. If you do it quickly enough, the
green lights above the levers will turn red, and a piece of machinery will blow
to your right. Conveniently, it'll land right above the hole, allowing you
access to the computer panel.

Hack into the only switch. Remember this room, and the panel you've just opened?
That's back into the first generator room you saw. After you hack into the
switch, the elevator nearby also begins working. Press the button to call it,
then get everyone inside and go down.

Get everyone out of the elevator, follow the short corridor, and get on the
second elevator. Press the button to go up. Inside this room is a regen, so
activate it, and a weapons energy terminal. Fill everyone up as needed. Opposite
of the weapons energy terminal is some exposed machinery with two power leeches:
take them out.

Now you can exit through the door by pressing the switch. Kill everyone you see
and go forwards: remember this room? Then keep going forwards through it, until
you see the room you need to enter on the left. Get Minoko inside, but be
careful: Lucy #6 will ambush you! Access the newly opened computer panel, read
the mail and hack into the switch.

Disconnect, and if you look to your left, you'll see that the whole panel has
lit up. Access the computer panel there, and activate the switch. The SkyTran
will move forwards and open its doors. We're almost there!

Activate the regen (you'll need it) and go down the stairs. Enter the door
there, then go right as soon as you can. Cross the locker room, being careful
of enemies: go forwards, turn left towards the hole, then right and right again
to return to the first large room of this level.

There a LOT of monsters here, so your best bet is to rush through the room with
Minoko, trying to get back to the original entrance. It's opposite of the room
and to the left, if you forgot. Be careful, you WILL be swarmed by monkey-like

If you can get to the cannon, though, you can make short work of most enemies.
The flying monsters might not have followed you, so get another character to
lure them near the cannon and kill them.

Only the mutated rat monster should be left, but the thing is so slow and the
room is so big there's no real danger in taking it out. On to the final part: go
down the second tunnel on the right from the original entrance and recharge
everyone's ammo.

Take Minoko back up the stairs in the middle of the large room, and access the
cannon over the boarding platform. Of course, the coast looks clear right now...
Switch to someone else, possibly someone with a lot of health. Get through the
set of doors right from the stairs in the large room, and head up to the

Stop for no one! Your objective is to get inside or at least near the train.
This will generate, piss off and attract all the enemies of the platform in
sight of Minoko's cannon. Kill everyone, even though your other character will
almost certainly die.

Note that floor monsters seemed hard to hit with the cannon. Try aiming for the
head(s). Anyway, once the platform is clear, get everyone inside the train.
After the whole team is aboard, the mission will end.

VII-08. The Zoo

Again, the team is divided, and again, they won't meet until the very end.

After the interesting (and somewhat funny) cutscene, you're near the ruins of
the SkyTran. Just one thing before we begin: for the time being leave Minoko
where she is. We could break her out right away, but we'd better wait until we
can use the Extractor.

Anyway, get the main group ahead. You'll soon be on a tall and huge hole in the
floor, and you can't go any further. If you look straight down, you'll see a
broken moving platform. Don't try to jump on it! However, up here, there's a
short white ledge. It's roughly to the left of that broken platform.

Get on that small ledge with any character, and it will move down a bit. The
broken platform will also fall down. Leave that character there, and get the
other two moving. Turn back, but instead of going back the way you came, hug the
right wall.

You'll pass the SkyTran and find a hole in the ground. There's a fire just near
it. Go down this hole, and turn left in the corridor. Go forwards, through the
open doors, then open the set of double doors at the end of this other corridor.

Inside, recharge the yellow battery panel. This will open a gate to your right;
go inside the room and kill everyone. Back to the control room with the battery
panel, you'll also find a switch on a pylon. It has a red blinking light over

Press the button and quickly switch to the character still up there. You'll
soon see another platform moving below you; jump on it. Wait until you come at
the end of the ride against a locked door, then switch to another of
the two characters, and press the button again.

When the platform is back at the beginning, dismount and look on the left.
There's a hand scanner you can activate, and a gate will open. Now the other two
can come in this room and climb on the platform.

To activate it, you have two choices: launch the FlyCam and use that, or
activate the switch then make a dash to the platform. It takes a while to
leave, so it's perfectly possible.

Once you're against the closed gate, examine it closely: there's a Rover sized
hole near the ground. Get the Rover inside, and stick to the left: shoot the two
power leeches (don't kill them, just shoot both once), then revert. Have your
team tag along and hurry forwards.

There's two two-legged monsters that will easily push you down the platform if
you don't hurry inside the corridor. Kill everyone, including the bugs, then go
forwards. To your right is a regen; activate it, then have Carter unlock the
door nearby.

Inside this door is a mini elevator; grab the extractor from it, and the other
door will unlock; get inside. Go forwards through the only path: when you see
the stairs to the right, switch to Amber and go forwards, leaving Carter and
Andre' here.

Forwards, go down the stairs. There's a grate here, with a dog trapped. The dog
will mutate, of course, but thankfully we won't have to deal with it... Minoko
will. Hold down the lever near the grate, then switch to either Carter or

Now, if we go up the stairs, there's no real puzzle or anything to complete;
just several enemies. The trick here is to use ONLY the extractor. NEVER use any
other weapon until your battery count is up to 99! I know, you might end up
dying over and over, since some enemies are tough and can really deal damage.
But it'll make things so much easier later!

As I said, just go up the stairs and choose the direction: left will make you go
through this clockwise, right is counterclockwise. Either way, you'll meet
several side rooms with nothing in them, except a window looking down. Only
Minoko will see that section, so don't worry. Once you've cleared out the
section, and you're back near the stairs, it's time for Minoko to get going.

As Minoko, talk to the guy in the cell with you (Fridge). Then look at the cell
door: there's a very small hole in the top left, just barely enough to squeeze
the FlyCam through there. Go outside, then turn around: the switch to open
the door is just beside it.

Exit and go forwards. The passage with the broken door to the right has only a
regen, and it's already activated. Go forwards and out in the large room you saw
from above just earlier. Soak in all three rats (I didn't see them mutating),
then head right towards the red door. Enter and go down the stairs: dead end!

However, before you come out, something will fall down from above. Climb up the
stairs, and the door opposite the one you entered is now open. Enter this new
section and soak in both monsters that appear. The place where they came out
from has nothing interesting, so ignore it.

Turn towards the center of the room: the barrier towards the center of the room
is broken, so you can cross it and get on the central section. From here, go
around the room anti-clockwise. You'll see a locked door on the left; remember
it. The next section you meet has the farthest barriers intact, so you can't
cross to the other side. Continue on.

You'll find another section that has the opposite barrier broken. It's at the
very left, near another, blocked, door. Climb on this side's barrier, then jump
down, and climb the makeshift steps up on the other section. Soak in as much of
the dogs as you can, the soak in the monsters they mutate into. Again, there's
nothing from where they came out.

Look right, and you'll see an opening. Go through, then right down the broken
stairs. You shouldn't need the weapons energy panel. However, roughly opposite
of it is the grate the Amber is holding open. The dog inside will mutate, if it
hasn't already; absorb it.

Between the grates there's a component. Pick it up, and place it just above the
switch opposite the grates. You can have Amber let go if you like. Once the
component is in, you can access the computer panel to the left. Read the mail,
then hack into the switch. Leave Minoko here.

Switch back to the rest of the team, and gather everyone. If you retrace your
steps towards the regen, you'll notice one room has lit up. Go beyond this short
barrier into the other part of the room. On the right wall, next to the doorway
that leads back where you just came, are three switches. Flip them all.

Then turn left. There's a pylon near the window, with a flashing red light on
top. Press the button on the pylon, and a gate will have opened outside. Get
team outside, but park Amber and another character near the regen. With the
other character (Carter or Andre'), take out the extractor. More enemies are
just ahead.

With the regen on your right, take the right tunnel. Go forwards to the end, and
you'll find a door on the right side. Flip the switch to open it. Now get
inside, but immediately step back and turn around: two cannibals are trying to
ambush you, and they're more pressing than the monsters on the other side of the

Carefully absorb everyone, and before you enter the door, check out this
corridor again. On the left side, the one opposite the newly opened door, is a
small niche that just opened. Enemies keep respawning inside, and you can just
wait and soak them all. It's easier to just park that character in front of that
niche with the extractor at hand.

Switch to Amber and the other character, then go ahead inside the new tunnel.
Enter the door, and go up the stairs to the raised area. Continue going ahead
until you find a grate in front of you, a large door on the left, and a broken
hand panel between them.

Switch to the character in front of the niche, if you left him there, and get
him to the rest of the team. Now have Andre' fix the panel then hold it down.

Switch back to Minoko and climb the slope left of the computer panel. The cages
up here are now open, thanks to the other team, and you can soak in all the
monsters. The mutated rats are tough enough that you'll get around 5 batteries

Once up the slope, ignore the cells in front and to the left; instead, head
right into the dark tunnel. Careful, the second mutated rat might be here! Soak
it in if it is. Otherwise, step near the barrier, towards the central section.
You'll see an explosion on the other side of the room, and several cannibals
will come out.

Soak them all in: there's two arrow shooter and three guys with shields. Once
they're all dead (or even if a blip or two is still around, but no one is in
sight), climb the barrier and drop down. You'll get a slight bit of damage, but
it's no worry. Head left (looking towards the center), and climb the makeshift

Now that you're in the middle, check out any blips you might see nearby, then go
to the door that blew up. It's on the other side of the room from the locked set
of doors. Get in and follow the corridor. There's no way to go wrong.

Keep going until you see a hole in a cage on the right; the way ahead is a dead
end, so enter this hole. You'll find another hole in the right wall here. Inside
this second hole, two enemies will break out of a container. Soak them in, but
the container is otherwise empty.

Stacked on the wall opposite the entrance hole are yellow boxes; climb on them
and drop down on the other side. Walk on the makeshift ramp and you'll be able
to enter another room. Soak the monster that appears, then go down the stairs.

You're in a large room with a pool in it. Circle the pool until, on the far
wall, you can drop down to a concrete ledge around the pool. Send the Rover
inside the hole here, and pick up the card near the skulls.

Turn back, but as you climb the steps, the door to your left will blow and two
cannibals will come out. Two more are trying to pincer you in from the way you
came in. They're tough to fight with the extractor, so just dash back up the
stairs the way you came. If you're fast enough, they won't follow you.

Another monster might appear here, if so soak it in. Now, I suggest you pick off
all four cannibals in the other room with the soaker. Again, if they get too
close, just go back up the stairs and they shouldn't follow you. Once everyone
is dead, go back down the ramp but drop down in the corridor. Follow it back to
the central room.

Go to the other side of the room, and slip the card in. Enter these doors.
Inside, follow the short corridor; you'll soon come to a counter with a UPA door
behind. Get inside and activate the regen. Back outside, turn directly right and
go down this other corridor.

The passage to the right will collapse if you try to take it, so you'll have to
circle around. You guessed it - there are monsters this route. Dash to the end
of the corridor and climb on the raised area. Turn around: there's one cannibal
per corridor to take out. I never saw them climb on this raised area, strangely

Anyway, after taking them out, take the left corridor. You should see that the
rest of the team is nearby. Go further down this corridor and two monsters will
break out. Soak them in, but be careful, these do follow you in the rised area.
When they're both dead, proceed.

At the end, you'll find a door with a hand scanner nearby. Andre' and the rest
of the team should be on the other side of the grate. Say hi, then press the
button to open both doors. Switch back to the other team immediately, because
they'll come under attack straight away!

Once everyone on that side is dead, gather the three and go inside. Climb the
stairs and go through the passage: unfortunately, it's blocked by what looks
like a wheel. Squeeze a FlyCam through it, and check the grate just to the
right: there's a hole near the ceiling, in the middle of it.

Go down near the ground, and pass the other grate. Just ahead you should see a
gate, with a Rover sized hole below. Flip the switch near it, then revert. It's
back to Minoko.

With Minoko, go down the corridor. The door here is open, thanks to the rest of
the team. Soak the monster you should see on the left, then cross to the other
side of the small ditch by going around the hole in the barrier. Going ahead,
near the skulls, you'll see a rat mutating. Either soak it in right now, or wait
for it to mutate and soak the monster.

Either way, look right in this cage: there's the wheel up there, holding Carter,
Andre' and Amber prisoner. Switch to another weapon and shoot the plank that
holds this wheel up. Now you can decide with whom you want to go on, but since
you have to do it with both, and since we're already with Minoko, I decided to
go ahead with her.

Near the pile of skulls there's another, single skull. Follow the path behind
it, down the stairs and left when you can't go any further ahead. At the end of
this corridor is a room, activate the regen inside. Outside, on the left, you
probably already noticed the large glass.

Switch to something other than the extractor and shoot it. Beyond, you're in a
green lit room. You can choose to go ahead or turn left into the parallel
corridor. Either way, there's a cannibal in each corridor, and another cannibal
will come around when you get far enough through either corridor.

After you've soaked in everyone, keep going. You'll be in a gold tintend
corridor, which soon leads into a larger room. Soak the cannibal that might be
there from afar, the enter the room. Three monsters will blow out of a wall from
the left when you go a bit through this room. Soak them all.

If you go further down this room, a piece of glass breaks on the right side of
the room, and monsters keep regenerating from a small room just beyond. There's
nothing in that section of the room, nor anything in that small room. Soak a few
monsters in, then when it seems safe, dash back. Unfortunately, the only
really safe room is the regen room, so return there. The green corridor
should be safe enough, too.

Switch to the other team. You can now go down in the other side of the cages
room, and down in a hole on the left side. Follow the corridor, it twists a bit
but it's otherwise very linear. At the end, you'll see a slab; climb it, cross
the pipe, then climb up.

Go straight ahead; to the left is the Virtual Jungle, but it's all a dead end
for now. Follow the corridor as it bends to the right, and activate the regen.
Now send Amber ahead; there's a door to the left, with a weapons energy panel
she might need.

Now go to the end of the corridor, and open the door there. The elevator on your
left doesn't work right now, so ignore it. Get inside and close the vent: this
stops the green gas. Get Amber back to the regen, then switch to Andre' and
enter the now safe room. Fix the machinery, then flip the switch to the
machinery's left.

If you go outside, you can now call the elevator. Get inside, one character is
enough. Be careful, near the top a monster will jump on the elevator with you.
Soak and evade it, then quickly exit. Two more monsters wait for you up here;
it's somewhat tough, but it's possible to do it with only one character without

If you haven't realized, you're in the same large room that Minoko was just
minutes ago. Anyway, left from the elevator is a short corridor, follow it and
press the call button. If you're wondering, no, you can't press it with the

Anyway, return down to the regen (you might need it), and switch back to Minoko.
Return to the tall room with regenerating monsters. Look at the other side: an
elevator is going up and down. Make the room a bit safer if you need to, then
jump on the elevator when it's down.

Get out of the elevator as soon as it's up, then proceed. Enter the door to the
left of the gate and access the regen. Access the computer panel: you'll open
the way forwards for both teams by activating both switches. Exit this room and
enter the gate you just opened. Go down the corridor.

Unfortunately, part of the floor will break (you're safe, don't worry), and the
gate ahead will close down. Looks like we're stuck for the time being. Return to
the other team. Remember the portion I told you to ignore? The one left when
coming through the hole. Go there. Again, ignore the Virtual Jungle, as it's
still broken, and enter the open gate beside.

Andre' and Amber are needed for this whole section, but leave Amber outside so
Andre' can soak some enemies. Arm him with the extractor and get inside. Cross
the room, ignoring everything, until you can
turn left.

Many cannibals charge you from a door near the end of this room. Soak as many of
them as you can, then switch weapons and shoot the precarious slab near the
green vat. If you approach it from near the left wall, you should be able to
climb onto the largest slab, then walk up to inside the green vat.

Get Amber in there with you, then get both characters in the hole in this vat.
Follow the corridor (and the pipeline until you find another slab. Climb on it,
then clibm on the pipe, on the loose grate, and finally on the floor of another
vat in the same room.

Go up the makeshift slope, then jump down. In the left corner of this last vat
is another hole; go down it. Get both characters on the thick platform. Andre'
needs to repair the cables. When you've done this, the platform will go down;
use this short time to swap the position of characters!

Amber needs to get down near where the cables are, but Andre' needs to stand
back since there's lethal gas in that section. Once the elevator has changed
direction, look up for this small ledge. Climb inside, then immediately turn
left. Quickly, activate the valve on the pipe to stop the flow.

If you've been fast enough, and you should have been, Andre' can climb inside
the next time the elevator is near. Once that's done, toss Amber down the
long pit; it's the fastest way back. Go through the only open tunnel with

You're just below Minoko, if you didn't realize. Loosely hug the left wall of
this large cave, and you'll soon find some broken wirings. Fix them, and Minoko
is now free to go ahead. Before you switch though, get both characters back to
the regen.

As I said, the fastest way is suicide: there's three enemies in the room
before the elevator if you don't like falling down great heights. Now switch to
Minoko and go forwards through the open gate.

Remember the red door on the left here, even though it's locked right now. Go
right and keep going down the tunnel until you're in a room with a large, open
vat. Two rats will mutate: if you soak them both in, you should be at or near 99

When both are dead, go inside the vat (climb the stairs, there's a hole in the
glass). Go down through the hole, and follow the only way. Activate the regen,
then access the computer panel: you can open the Virtual Jungle, which is the
way ahead for the rest of the team.

We're almost done with Minoko for this level. Return the way you came: up the
hole, into the vat, out the corridor. The blip should warn you that the red door
that was locked before will now open. Kill the cannibal, then go inside. The
door to the right is locked, so go into the narrow corridor.

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors! There's only one path through this, but it can
be a nightmare if you don't have a keen eye. Anyway, go ahead, yes, right over
what looks like a tall hole. Keep going, and you'll get to a fork: in fact, the
left passage is a mirror, so turn left.

Go forwards, but turn left as soon as you can; the rest of the corridor is a
pure and simple dead end. After a few twists, you'll come to a larger section
that has a mirror to the right. There's a weapons energy panel near it if you
need it.

Now go towards the wall opposite of the mirror. To your left you'll see a larger
room. There's four columns roughly in each of its corner. Get near the center of
this room, and, with the room you came from behind and left, look ahead. There's
two passages: one forwards and left, and one forwards and right.

Take the forwards and right passage. You'll see that it's the right one because
two rats will come out from the passageway and mutate. Launch a few disks at
them to take them out. If you're wondering: the other rooms are similar, but
only contain cannibals and dead end passages.

Anyway, enter the passage beyond the rats. Careful, a cannibal is there! Get out
if you're too close already, then take him out with a well-aimed disk. Whatever
you do, follow this passage. There's a big drop at the end, although you won't
take damage. Come on, you're out of the mazey part!

Follow the corridor, again walking straight above what looks like a very tall
pit. You'll soon come to a hole in the left wall; ignore it for the moment, and
go ahead. Enter the second hole on the left, and activate the regen. If you look
out the hole opposite this, you'll catch a glimpse of the section that the rest
of the team will go through.

Anyway, retrace your steps to the first hole (it's on the right now), and drop
down. Follow the pipe and drop down again. If you step forwards, another pipe
falls down, opening a hole to your right. Carefully jump down.

Now carefully head right towards the weapons energy panel. This next section is
tricky, so follow me closely. Look right from the weapons panel, down into the
pit. There's a grate with a hole. Your instinct might be to send the Rover, but
instead we need to send the FlyCam.

The hole between the grate and the floor you're standing on, however, is too
small and too low to let the camera in. What now? Simple: get the camera inside
the hole in the grating, yes, the one farthest away from the weapons energy
panel. If you get the camera down this short hole and turn around, you'll see
that it's now on level with the entrance you need to cross.

Dash forwards and you'll make it without problem. Go down all the way, then into
the tunnel (not the dark one at the bottom, the other one!). Follow it until you
see a grate on the right: start going up. You'll be in a room with three
switches on pylons. Activate all three; the third will blow up and automatically
destroy the FlyCam.

Now look away from the weapons energy panel. You have a quick way to the other
side of the room, even if it's zig-zagging and one part of the wall keeps going
up and down. You might want to try a few times how quickly you can get from here
to the other side.

If you're wondering what's the point of all this, here's the reason. Near the
weapons energy panel you'll see a white switch. If you press it, some sort of
metal cover will ride along a rail from the other side, and cover this switch.
Within moments the cover will ride again and return to the other side.

When it's on this side, however, the covering doesn't block a white button on
the other side, which opens the final door. So you need to activate the white
button near the energy panel, and rush to the other side. It's far from
difficult, and in fact, the only problem is the block that goes up and down. It
might slow you down a bit, but you should still have ample time to make it.

Once the door is open, you'll be looking down on a fight between monsters and
cannibals. Toss pipe bombs, disks, whatever you like into the fray, until no one
is left standing. Jump down. To your right is the UPA elevator: yes, you're near
yor goal! Get in and activate the regen, but you aren't done with Minoko yet!

Follow the corridor opposite of the elevator, you'll get into a larger room.
Climb to the stairs on the right side, then circle around (using the thin ledge)
to a switch on a pylon. Hold it down. A crane will move forwards.

You need to move it so that anyone one the orange beam, looking towards the
elevator, can jump down to it easily. Once it's in position, return to the UPA
elevator. You're done with Minoko, but the rest of the team is still in the
thick of things.

We left our three characters near a regen. Head back towards the Virtual Jungle;
the door is finally open. However, the room beyond is flooded with electricty,
so get Amber across to the other side. If you hold down the switch, the floor
will be safe for Andre' to walk on.

Get inside and fix the wirings. What the...? The doors close, and the ceiling
comes down! Actually, the ceiling is just an elevator, and it has a large hole.
Position yourself so that you come unharmed through the hole in the elevator
platform, and when it's all the way down, the doors will open.

Now, the next section is tough. I suggest sending Amber alone up the elevator,
so get Andre' outside as well. Press the button on the platform to go up. When
you're at the top, you'll be in a very dark room, and you'll see some holograms
flicker on and off.

As soon as you step off the platform, though, TONS of enemies will ambush you!
Switch to missiles and remember: there's no such thing as overkill. Just go
crazy, ignore weapons energy! You should be up to 99 cells, and even if you eat
half a dozen or so, you'll still have time to make up.

If you die, return to the rest of the group and press the purple button to call
the elevator. Note that you might have to press it twice: do that if you don't
hear the sound of machinery.

Anyway, once the top floor is clear, look above the elevator. There's two
revolving projectors; shoot them to stop the holograms. This pisses off a few
cannibals, which soon blow a part of the wall. Again, fill them up with

Go inside this new opening and blow up some more cannibals, then turn left;
activate the regen there. It's now time to get the other two up here, so press
the button (twice if you don't hear sounds of machinery) and get on the
elevator. Press the button and join Amber when you're at the top.

Now, you're in another section of the Hall of Mirrors, but it's actually easier
than Minoko's. With the regen to your right, go through the right corridor.
You'll see a weapons energy terminal on a column, handy after all that carnage.
Recharge, then take the tunnel opposite the panel.

As soon as you can turn left, do it. Go ahead to the end, until you hit a
mirror. Turn right, and follow the mirror until you see another passage. Go
through it. At the next fork, go left. The passage you see ahead is actually a
mirror, and you might recognize it - you've gone through it with Minoko. Turn

Go ahead, keeping the mirror to your right, and keep going straight. Kill all
the cannibals you see, and you'll find a broken mirror on the floor just ahead.
Hugging the right wall, climb over the beam and go through to the stairs. Keep
going. You'll soon be in a long corridor. Go towards the end, ignoring the hole
on the left.

You're in another mirror-like room... but as the laughing skull in front of you
suggests, it's a trap! Check the right wall; there's a plank there. Send the
FlyCam up to the top of it; there's a hook you can activate. Kill everyone who
comes out, then get inside and follow the corridor.

Shoot the large rock at the end. This uncovers a laser door anyone can unlock.
Get inside and activate the regen with everyone. Now go back to the hole you
skipped moments ago. Go out the longest grey ledge with any character, and look
to the left. Several cannibals are on the other side of a chasm, waiting to
throw some spears.

Kill them, usually the one on the top floor is enough, then carefully get Andre'
down to the platform. Turn back towards the hole, and you'll see a piece of
machinery needing to be fixed. Fix it, then quickly climb on either side of the
machinery to safety!

The platform you were on will start moving back and forth. Your goal is to get
on this platform one at a time, and drop down the orange beam you can see down
there. If you switch to Minoko and check out the large room, you'll see that
it's the same place.

Once everyone is on the beam (remember to jump a bit early, but not too much,
and to save often!), turn back and look down. You should see another yellow beam
and a gray platform. Carefully jump onto this beam, turn around, and crouch
walk down to the gray platform.

The platform will revolve, and you'll fall safely to the floor. Once the team is
back together, get everyone inside the UPA elevator.

VII-09. Ground Zero - Home of the Scavengers

Almost a wild goose chase, but then again, you're near the end.

After yet another cutscene, get the team ahead, in the doorway on the left. I'm
not sure if the rats here mutate, but kill them anyway. Ahead is a dead end, so
turn left; there's a hole in the ground. Drop down and kill anyone that

Near this wall is a piece of machinery with a switch. It isn't broken, despite
the sparks, it's just missing a piece. Switch to Amber and go down the only
corridor. You'll be at a fork; to the left there's an enemy, which is likely to
charge you anyway, so kill it and go right.

Keep following this corridor, ignoring the locked door ahead, and you'll see a
Scavenger. Sadly, he'll mutate and you'll have to kill him. Make sure you don't
let him rev his chaingun up, or it'll start dealing some major damage. Once he's
dead, go near the pile of barrels. There's a door just behind the poisonous
fumes, get inside.

You should see targeting brackets on the right shelf, and if you look there,
you'll find the missing part. Rejoin the rest of the team. Be careful, on the
way back a door will open with a dangerous new enemy inside: the energy

A quick note about these guys. If they hit Carter, Minoko or Andre', they'll
hook them and start draining their life away. I found no way to help them but to
switch characters and kill the monster. These monsters apparently never let up
once they've hooked to a prey, and can only attach to a character at a time.

However, Amber isn't affected by this, so you can kill this one easily. Once
you're back with the rest of the team, put the part in and flip the switch.
Boom! Two holes have opened, one to the left and one to the right. Enter
the hole on the right. Careful, enemies keep coming down that grate near the

Use this opportunity to fill back your batteries if you like, but when you're
done, make sure you flip the switch in this room. It'll go from green to
red, unlike most others. This will stop enemies from coming down. Go inside the
other hole.

You'll be in another locker room, but this one is very small. Clear it out (the
new monster has both a ranged and melee attack, so watch out). The door here is
locked, and the switch on the other side isn't working yet anyway, so don't send
the camera on the other side yet.

Instead, facing the door, turn left. You'll see a broken locker cover near the
ground. Send the Rover in the hole behind it. Go always forwards, ignore the
first fork as the left path is a dead end, and follow the corridor until you
find a grate. Blast it; you're on the other side of the door.

Go near the door; you'll see a switch way up there, and it's connected to a
smaller switch near the ground. Flip this switch, then revert. Now we can open
the door with the FlyCam. Send it out through the holes in the door, then
turn around and press the green button. Exit with the whole team to this area.

From the door, turn right. Charge the battery panel, then access the computer
panel. Read the mail for hints, but don't bother hacking into the camera. Now
this requires a bit of hindsight: see the desk over there, on the left of the
large door? Get everyone there. If you look well, you'll see a niche with a
broken computer panel.

Before you repair it, get everyone on the right of the computer panel, with
Andre' and Minoko just in front of it. Make sure no one is in plain sight of the
main corridor! As soon as you fix the panel, the ceiling cannon in the corridor
will activate.

Access the computer. Hack into the normally unaccesible cannon to make the
corridor safe, then access the other cannon. The cannon is beyond the large
door. If you move your pointer over this door, you'll see you can shoot a part:
do it.

Inside, you'll see the locking mechanism. Get someone back to the panel near the
battery, and start playing with it. If you switch to Minoko, you'll see that the
red bars move as you turn the knobs on this panel. Your goal is to get it to
form a continuous red line. When it's done, the switch nearby turns green: flip

You can't see one of the lines, so keep trying the corresponding knob when all
others are in place. Of course, I can just give you the combination, although
it's more fun to figure out on your own. The knobs have a thin line on them, and
it must point like this:

#1: Up
#2: Left
#3: Left (starts in this position)
#4: Down

When the door is open, get the whole team inside and follow the only path.
You'll activate a regen behind a counter, with a grate allowing you to see a
monster killing a Scavenger. Hit the switch just right of the entrance to open
the grate, although you don't get anything for saving the scavenger.

Anyway, climb over the counter and shoot either window on the side of the door.
Get Amber out there, there's a nice brawl outside. Of course, everything starts
out calmly; you might want to head right inside the niche, beyond the grate is
the place where you started - although you can't get inside. Kill the monster
that breaks out of the wall.

Now step forwards near the middle of the large room. There's several spiders and
a couple of mutated birds. Kill everything. Careful, venom spiders are here and
they drop powerful acid mines - don't bother trying to shoot them, either.

When no one else is left standing, get the whole team in this large room. The
only way forwards is a breech in the far left corner; get inside and follow the
corridor, killing the enemy.

When you get to the other side, you'll see two monsters chasing a scavenger.
Don't bother with them, because as soon as they get through that tight opening,
they'll be killed by lightning. Before you go through that opening as well, turn
right. There's a door there that you can open.

Inside there's a weapons energy panel (Amber might need it) and a computer. Hack
the computer, there's only a mail there, and it basically says that the device
you saw earlier is safe to pass for UPA personnell. We're done here, so go
through the gap into the other part of the corridor.

There's a hole in the wall; get inside and go forwards. Near a fire, you'll see
a scavenger dressed differently than the others; talk to him with Carter, he's
the leader. He'll send you on a mission: open the UPA door to let them near a
fallen truck.

One guy will move to show the door to you: if you don't follow him, follow these
direction. Turn back towards the entrance, but turn left in the tight gap
between the broken container and the wall. Keep going, staying near the right
wall. You'll see a door, and the scavenger will open it.

Follow him through what looks like machine shop, and he'll point you the truck
from the window. It's hard to see, though, but it's not important. Now he'll
turn left from the window and go down this corridor to the UPA door. Of course,
the dumbasses have blown the access panel, and we can't open the door. We have
to go all the way around.

First of all, send Andre' up the stairs to the left of the door. Go to the end
of this walkway and fix the broken machinery. Flip the switch to your right to
start the conveyor. At the end of this conveyor, near the stairs, is a press;
you can only see its arm, as it's lowered.

A button is on a pylon just beside the press, still on this walkway. Press it.
Boom! Well, now we can access the battery compartment near the computer
terminal, just opposite of this pylon. Too bad we don't have a battery... yet.

Go back down the stairs and turn right. Follow the room until you're back in the
first part. There's three repair holes with forks to lift cars with; on one of
these forks there's still a car. Press the button on the column to the right of
the hole to lower the forks. There's a batter inside the car's engine hood, so
grab it.

Now we can access the computer panel. Hack into the only switch with Minoko;
this will activate the crane. Good, now we got to jump in the hole right under
the press! It's possible, since with the piece of machinery that we just put on
the bottom the fall won't be fatal.

Get someone on the conveyor. Looking towards the press, you need to be as near
the left side of the conveyor as possible, so don't climb near the end - the
conveyor might be too fast for you. Also, don't send Amber. For some reason, she
trips after she falls and instantly dies - even if she still has some energy

Anyway, at the bottom of the hole you'll see a grate nearby. Shoot the lock and
get in; you'll activate a regen. Now turn around and flip the switch. Wham! The
machinery turns into a neat cube, and you can go through the corridor it was

Avoid the hole on the right part of the wall, then kill the monster in the
niche to the left. This niche is actually an elevator, so call it with the
button. If you're careful, I guess you could call the elevator without
triggering the monster.

Anyway, go up the elevator and go forwards up the stairs. To your right is a
weapons energy terminal, which you shouldn't need, while a door is in front of
you. Open it and get inside.

Turn left and kill the monster, then activate the regen and keep going in this
direction. Hit the switch to open the door, you'll be back on the walkway.
Gather your team; you'll need it whole for the next puzzle.

Back inside this door, have everyone activate the regen then go down the
corridor. You'll pass the door you originally got in through, and reach a
bridge. Kill the monster on the right side.

Leave either Carter or Andre' on this side, and get the rest on the
bridge. Not across, just in the middle of it. Now get one of these three
characters to actually cross the bridge.

You'll be near a large piece of machinery; kill the monster, then look left.
There's a hole behind a grate, squeeze the Rover through it. Inside this hole,
you'll see two paths: the left one is actually a dead end, so go right. Follow
the tunnel to the end, and kill both power leeches. There's nothing else to do,
so revert it.

Return the character to the middle of the bridge, then switch to Carter (or
Andre'). To the right of the bridge, on this side, is a yellow control panel.
Hold down the button, and now that the power leeches are dead, the bridge will
turn. Switch to the rest of the team.

Get Amber to go through the only accessible tunnel, and kill the flying monster
in the pit below. There's another switch to hold down, but it's plagued by gas
and only Amber can stay here. Holding down the switch gets the bridge in
position to be boarded. Careful, it will break down more when you climb on it,
though it's not dangerous or anything.

Once Minoko and the other character are on board, switch to Amber. She'll
automatically let go of the switch, and the bridge will turn again. Switch to
Minoko. You can easily go into only one tunnel, so go down it. Leave the other
character behind.

Follow this tunnel, killing the monster, and you'll come in a room. There's a
disabled computer panel and another hand scanner, near a piece of machiner. Hold
it down, then switch to the remaining character. You need to get on the corridor
opposite the one Minoko went, but the bridge is broken on that side.

So, climb off the bridge and onto the small platform near the entrance of the
tunnel Minoko took. Turn right; you'll see a thin platform running the perimeter
of the room just below the platform. Jump down, and follow it. You'll find
another thin platform; climb on it, but then get off on the other side. There's
nothing in this section of the room.

Keep going forwards and you'll soon be able to climb up on the opposite tunnel.
Go through this corridor, and you'll reach the other side of the room Minoko is
in. There's another hand panel; hold it down. The glass will break, so rejoin

The computer panel has also activated, so access it with Minoko. You can lift
the big piece of machinery you saw earlier, when you killed the leeches.
Disconnect and get your team back together. Get both characters on the broken
bridge, then have Amber hold down the button. Get both characters off and on the
other bridge, then have Amber join them.

Switch to the character you originally left behind, and he'll automatically
let go of the button. Have him join the team on the bridge, then cross it to the
other side. Leave the whole team except for Amber here; beyond this next tunnel
there's a lot fo poisonous gas.

Although it IS possible to make it through with only moderate damage on the
whole team, it's easier to send Amber ahead. Once you're through this corridor,
you'll see a door on the left. Ignore it for the time being, and go up the ramp.
Turn right, then turn right again; you'll be in a corridor parallel to the one
you just came through.

Go to the end and press the switch. Get the whole team back together, then go
back down this corridor. However, at the end, send all the team but Minoko to
the right. Just leave them there, while Minoko goes back down to the door you
skipped earlier.

Actually, you could leave the whole team where it is and follow the rest of
this walkthrough with just one character. It'll be tougher, though, so you might
want the support of the whole team.

Inside the room down the slope there's only a computer panel, so access it and
you'll open two doors. Rejoin the team in the short corridor, and press the
button to open the door at the end. You're now beyond the broken bridge, and
very near the doors you just opened.

With the whole team, exit the room and immediately left - don't cross the
bridge, there's nothing there. Follow the corridor until you're almost in the
room with the glass in the middle. The easiest trick here is to rush a character
forwards, through the door on the left, and activate the regen at any cost.

You're now unkillable, so take out the monster and have the whole team join you.
Refill anyone who needs at the weapons energy panel, too, then have Carter
unlock the UPA door and get inside with the whole team. You're in a large
construction site; kill the enemies and check out the zone.

There's an excavator in the middle of the room, but it won't work without some
power source, so let's keep looking. On the opposite side from the entrance is a
building, with a large orange beam making a ramp. Climb on it with a single
character, then look towards the building (or away from the excavator). Send the
FlyCam in the hole there.

With the FlyCam, go down the stairs and turn right. Keep going until you see a
closed gate in front of you; just to its left there's a switch, press it then

Go back down, and you'll see the open gate just to your left. Get inside, and
turn right immediately. There's a grate you can walk up to and push aside. Run
through this new alley, killing monsters and activating the regen at the end.

Turn right and follow this short alley; just on the other side of an unopenable
gate is the other side of the UPA door! We'll have to take the long route
around, however. Enter the hole in the building just to your left.

Inside, kill the monster(s), then go right and hug the right wall. You'll see a
wooden beam; climb it to the upper floor and turn left. Another beam will fall
down and allow you to climb on a third beam, up to the topmost floor. Keep

One of the beams won't hold your weight and fall down. Never mind, we'll find
another way. Cross the thin makeshift bridge to the other building, and
carefully drop into the hole. Inside here there's just another hole, so jump

Follow the corridor and you'll be near a conveyor. Now, if you have the whole
team, skip to the next paragraph. Go into the hole on the right of the
conveyor, and cross it. Go up the stairs, killing the enemy, and open the door.
If you go left you should be back to your team. You just need one other
character. Go back through the conveyor with a single character.

Hold down the panel to the left of the conveyor, then get someone on the other
side to do the same. To get to the other side, enter the hole on the right of
the conveyor and cross it. The conveyor will move, although you won't hear much.
Keep holding down the buttons until you'll see a small cage coming out on the
side of the holes you dropped down from. Grab the battery inside.

Now, the fastest way back to the excavator is by going out of the door on the
opposite side of the conveyor, then going right and right again. Again, you can
decide to do this alone or with the rest of the team, which can rejoin you at
the very end.

As I was saying, take the rout you took the first time. Go out of the tunnel and
take the tunnel left, then go in through the room with the glass. Activate the
regen and recharge as necessary.

Outside, go to the very rear side of the conveyor, and put the battery in the
compartment. Get on board the conveyor (I suggest using someone else than
Amber), and pull the left lever. Whoops! Now pull the right level three times;
you'll knock down a wall just in front of you.

There's a couple of scavengers inside, but of course they'll mutate, so take
them out as soon as you can. Open (rather, take down) the door behind the beam,
and follow this corridor. Open the door. Keep going until you'll be at a dead
end; but it's just looks.

Send the FlyCam all the way up. You'll find a scaffolding up there; press the
button on it to have it go down. Revert, and make sure you're not below the
scaffolding as it comes down! Get on it, then press the button. At the top,
climb on the ledge and get inside the door.

Kill the monster, then enter the other door. Another scavenger will mutate here,
and into a dangerous venom spider, so use the disc thrower/missiles to take it
out. Break either window when you're done.

Send the FlyCam out of the window and directly down, on the scaffolding. You
could jump but it'll hurt. Press the button on the scaffolding to make it come
up, then revert the FlyCam. Now you can climb out of the window, on the
scaffolding, and right on the large beam.

You're almost at the end of the scavenger's quest, so keep going. You'll soon be
near the roof of a building you passed before. Your goal is on the other side of
the beam, but you have to cross the thinner beams to get on the other side.

Before you can fully get out of the building, a large slab will fall down. Just
be careful and it'll never hit you. Climb on it, then rush forwards; there's two
mutated birds, dangerous if you're alone. Go forwards on the orange beam then
look down and to the right. You'll see another piece of orange beam, fallen out
from a vertical beam. Jump down to it.

You're now on a section of road, so it's easy to take out the birds from down
here. If you really can't, try setting up the Sentry turret, and then bombing
the birds with discs as the sentry distracts them.

Anyway, on the road, keep going forwards. You'll see the back of the truck just
ahead, but your goal is to get it down on the ground. But first, let's get you
down on the ground. Go near the edge of the road, and look down and to the
right. You'll see the white engine section of the truck, jump on it then get on
the ground.

Now look back up to the rear of the ground. There's two beams below it you can
shoot, but stay far when you do - the rest of the truck will come crashing down.
As a side note, the truck looks almost intact; yet, it has to be at least ten
kilometers from the surface. It should have been an unrecognizable wreck. Maybe
it's future tecnology, but it sure looks like a contrivance to me.

Anyway, let's get the scavengers in here. Look right from the truck; on this
wall, you'll see the window you first saw the truck through. To the right of the
window is a large slab, remember it because the leader of the scavengers will be
here in a moment. Further to the right is a blocked door. Shoot the wooden
planks to knock it down.

Finally, you can open the UPA door. This will let the scavengers out. While they
gather around the track, ensure your team is all here for the final part. If you
left them near the large machinery, have them turn around and cross the bridge,
then always ahead until you're above the UPA door. Have them follow the
scavengers to this place.

When the whole team is here, go to the leader of the scavengers. He's near the
large slab I told you of a few paragraphs before. If he isn't, wait a bit, the
scavengers need to get around the truck first. Talk to him with Carter, and
he'll give you a key. All we need to find, now, is the matching gate!

Go to the wall opposite of the one the scavenger came out from, and check the
right side. There's a doorway in there, with a regen. Have everyone activate it,
but send only Amber ahead. The road is straightforward: ignore the passage to
the left, where monsters come out, it's a dead end.

Go forwards, through the gas (careful, a grate will open when you pass over it
and throw you forwards - there's nothing under it, though), and take the passage
beyond and left of the tall tanks. Keep going, and take the passage left of the
revolving beam with the gas leak.

A grate will break on the top, and tough monsters keep coming down through it.
There's two passages out of this room; the right has the gate we were looking
for, but go left for now. Flip the switch, always being careful of the constant
flow of monsters, and a gate will open.

If you go outside, you'll see you're in the same open space as the truck. Your
team is still near the regen; take them through this opening, which is much
safer. Keeping monsters at bay, have Carter unlock the gate. Kill the monster
inside, then quickly open the double doors on the right and get inside.

You should be safe here, and anyway, it's the final room. Near a closed door is
a circuit; put it in the circuit board just nearby. The panel to the right is a
computer panel - these are old style panels, and will be all over the final
level. Keep it in mind.

Have Minoko access the panel, and read the mail. This opens the door nearby, but
remember to view the movie as well. Just click on the camera icon, like you did
in the first level. If you don't read it, you'll have to restore to read the
mail again!

Anyway, after the chat between Minoko and Carter, get everyone inside the UPA

VII-10. Underground

This level is large and potentially confusing, but not very long or hard. It's
very fun to ride the trains, also!

Get Amber outside of the container you start from. There's several tough
monsters, and at least three harpooners, so it's best that she tackles things.
Once everyone is dead, go back to recharge as necessary, and get Andre' to
follow Amber.

Inside the large room, roughly ahead and to the right of the start, behind a
container, is a lift. Get both characters on it. Go down on the raised walkway,
killing anyone you see, until you see a gated box on the righ. Open it by
activating the handle, then kill the power leech inside.

Have Andre' fix the sparkling machinery, then turn him around and park him near
the red pylon. Press the lever; a crane will move. When it stops, press the
lever again. The crane now goes back and forth.

With both characters, continue following the walkway. You'll see two containers
suspended on the air: a red and a green one. You can shoot both, so do it. Now,
continue on the thin ledge of the walkway until you can drop down on the green

Walk through the red container, and catch the moving crane with both characters.
Get Amber to the end of the container, looking away from the original red pylon.
There's another container far up there, but you can't reach it alone. Switch to

Now, if you hold down the lever here, the crane will rise, and Amber can walk on
the other container; however, after a short while, the crane will return to its
original position.

So, the trick is timing it right. When the crane is moving towards the
destination container, wait with Andre' until the control cage is near the
middle of the red container you came through, then hold the lever and switch to
Amber. Your timing should be perfect.

Once on the other side, switch to Andre' and jump down the crane. Suicide is the
fastest way down. Back to Amber, go into the control cage of this crane and hit
the lever; the container will crash down. Now you can easily get down to the
ledge, and into the hole in the wall.

Climb carefully down, and when you're on the ground, rush to the left: there's a
door here that you really should open at all costs. It leads back to the
containers room, and the rest of the team can use it. However, we should go as
far as possible with Amber while we're here.

Turn around; chances are a couple of monsters are right there behind you. Kill
them, then turn right and go towards the red train. Ignore it for now, and go
behind it. Open the door, and blow the enemies inside.

In this room there's a regen that you'd better activate, a weapons energy panel
you probably need, and a battery panel. Charge it, it takes almost no power; no
suprise, with a weapons energy panel right beside! Now exit this room and go to
the opposite side. There's a large side room here.

Lots and lots of mini spiders will come down those conveyors, so kill them all.
When no more come down, go between the conveyors to the red thing. There's a
power regulator here you'll need soon. Return near the train.

Switch to the rest of the team and go outside. The door you opened is on the
right side of this large room. Here, go into the room you opened with Amber, and
activate the regen. Now switch to Minoko and access the computer; you can open a
gate in front of the train.

Switch to Amber and kill anyone who comes through, then climb on the head of the
train. There's three things of interest: the slot for the power regulator, which
you have - so put it in. To its right is a lever, that decides which way the
train goes; we need to go forwards, so turn this lever. The final lever on the
right, when held down, moves the train.

Before you hold down this lever, get everyone inside the carriage of the train.
Now switch back to Amber (or change driver; she's big and it's hard to drive
with her), and hold down the lever. You can access the menu if you don't want to
hold it down all the way through.

On the way there you'll see another monster, and more ambush you when the train
stops. Kill everyone; you now have to turn the track so you can proceed. Get
someone off the train, and look left from the entrance. There's the switch
station, but the door is locked if you try it.

Instead, shoot any of the windows, then send the FlyCam inside. Have it open the
door; now you can get inside. First of all, kill the power leech beside a
machine, then pull the second lever from the right. It should say "disc position

Now switch back to the train, and have it go forwards on the platform. Back to
the character in the control station, pull the third lever from the right (it
should say "disc position 3"). Return to the train and board the carriage,
then start moving forwards again.

After a while, you'll see sparks flying: the train will keep moving even if you
let go of the lever, it'll break a metal wall, then crash into some rocks. We'll
have to find another train, but right now, let's worry about the enemies nearby.
Once they're all dead, look near the train for a door; get inside, and kill all

Keep going, and you'll see two sets of stairs; however, the stairs leading up ar
broken, so go down. You'll be in a tunnel with a large closed gate to the left;
open the double doors just ahead. Inside, charge the battery and access the
computer panel with Minoko.

There's three switches, and just as many gates to open (actually you'll open one
more). But be careful: the leftmost switch opens the gate just outside, and
there's many monsters beyond! Your first goal should be to keep the whole team
alive, since dying means quite some backtracking.

If you manage to kill everyone inside, get in this large room and head
immediately left. Unlock the UPA door with Carter, then get in. There's a regen
here that you really want to activate! After everyone's in, take care of the
monsters that might attack from the other room, then recharge everyone with
health and weapons energy. I was low on both for almost everyone at the time.

Now switch to Minoko and go through the doorway right of the regen. Kill
everyone who might still be here, then unlock the UPA door on the right if you
want. Whatever you do, climb the stairs on the left. On top, there's two stair
sets; both lead to the same place, but we might as well take the left one.

After clearing the room, you'll see some windows on this wall. Beyond, you'll
see a room with three monsters inside it. Smash any of the windows, then try to
take them out from here. Now climb on the thin ledge beside the windows, and
generate a Rover. Move around a bit if the icon is red in the inventory.

Once you're in the Rover, get just beyond any of the windows and turn right.
Follow this thin ledge around the room, until you're just below the shelf with
the battery. Shoot the shelf, if it didn't get blown down already by the
crossfire, then grab the power regulator. Revert.

As an added challenge, try taking out the three enemies in this room with the
Rover. It's well more than possible if you attack them from just outside the

There's another room of interest in this floor; it's the one with the wide open
doors. Kill both power leeches, one is on the left and one is on the right of
the computer panel. Access it and read the mail. However, none of the three
switches are usable.

I think you can remotely move the train to the positions you see if you use them
after activating the train, but I don't really see the point. So you might want
to skip hacking them. Whatever you do, rejoin the team downstairs.

Go back outside and turn left; you'll see another red train. Kill everyone who
might still be hanging around, then get everyone but Minoko in the carriage.
With Minoko, enter the driver's section, put in the power regulator, flip the
lever just to the right (we're going backwards this time), and hold down the

After a rather long trip, you'll be back near the revolving disc. Again, have
someone dismount and go up to the control room - be careful, some monsters might
still be lingering in the tunnel near the one you just came out from.

Anyway, up the tunnel, pull the fourth lever from the right (it should say,
"disc position four"). Switch to the train, pull back a bit, then pull the first
lever from the right (it should say "disc position one").

Board the train with the last character, and have it move forwards. Keep going
down the rails, you'll pass through the room you originally took this train
from, and smash into the gate. Keep going. You'll get in another large room with
lots of enemies; the rest of the team will start attacking. Keep going until
you're stopped by a gate.

Dismount, then quickly take out all enemies you can see. Unlock and enter the
door here, and have everyone activate the regen. There are three power leeches
in this room; kill them all and power to this room will return. Access the
computer panel opposite the regen with Minoko, and hack into the first switch.

You'll open the gate you just slammed into. The other switch is another train
call switch, but it's again unusable. Anyway, recharge everyone as necessary,
and go outside to board the train. Before you continue, you might want to take a
detour and check out the section you rushed through with the train...

Pick Amber, then go back there. If you cross-check with the mail, you'll realize
you're at the front entrance of the Eden bunker. Guess what? As soon as you get
close, the columns will crumble blocking any attempt to enter. Plus, Mutated
Lucy #7 and #8 come out to say hello. Kill both, then you can return to the
train; there's nothing else to see here.

Now listen to me closely, because what I'm about to tell you might not make
immediate sense. Switch to the people in the carriage, and have them pack in a
very tight file near the front-left corner. As tight as you can, as near to the
front and the left of the carriage as you can.

Then switch to the driver and be sure to save (a quicksave is more than
sufficient). Crouch down, and hold the lever. Go forwards and hurry! I say this
because there's two ceiling cannons that can easily hit your men if you don't
follow these procedure. Note that you will still get hit, but with all luck they
will survive.

If the whole team dies and the train is stuck in the middle of this room, try
activating that second switch that didn't work. Or go all the way back to that
control room up some stairs and try that console. I always quicksaved through
this, and I suggest you do the same - it's much faster.

Once you're on the other side and the train stops going forwards, get off it;
you're done with it, and you're into the short second part of the level. Your
goal: stop the two cannons and clear out the platform you just rushed through.
Still, be careful here; if someone dies, getting him/her back is going to be
tough until you find another regen.

Get off the train. Lots of mini spiders will drop down, but most will remain
stuck below the train. Don't complain, just enter the hole on the right of the
train and blow everyone up in there. There's at least a spawning spider in here.
Once the way is clear, go down the corridor.

A monster will break from a makeshift metal wall; kill it, then go to where he
came out of. Unlock the UPA door, then activate the regen inside. Well, now
we're completely safe from the cannons! Go outside with just Amber, and continue
down the original corridor (outside of this walled niche).

There's a couple of spiders in the next room, but more importantly there's at
least two harpooners. Kill everyone - remember, harpooners do no damage at all
to Amber - then get the whole team here. On the wall left from the entrance,
you'll see two tunnels; they both lead to the same place, which is a dead end.

Instead, go up either staircase to the catwalk, then unlock and enter the UPA
door. Inside, ignore any and all enemy, and turn right. Go left onto the
catwalked bridge, and follow it. When you're near the other side, rush into the
doorway! The cannons down there have a clear shot in this small part of the

Once inside, recharge anyone who needs at the weapons energy panel, then go
through the open door. Do not shoot the red tanks in the side room! This will
just activate an enemy spawner, and you really don't need that. You could of
course save, blow them up, watch the fireworks, then reload.

Go down the stairs; there are many entrances in all levels. However, we'll just
use the top one. Get the whole team inside, through the short corridor, and
press the button to call the elevator. Get everyone inside, then press the lower
button to go down.

You'll be on the same level of another elevator, with no other way outs. Have
Minoko cross to the other elevator; this one has no buttons, but moves as a
counterweight to the other. Switch to someone on the rest of the team and press
the lower button to go down again, then quickly switch to Minoko.

The opening you need to get into is on the side opposite of the other elevator,
and the platform you're on doesn't stop there - so you have to get off quick.
Once you're on that floor, go forwards and left up the stairs, then left
again and up the stairs; you'll be on the other side of the corridor you first
took the elevator from.

Kill the enemy here, then kill all three power leeches. Two are on the raised
area, one is on the wall opposite it. Once that is done, access the panel.
Finally! The controls for both cannons. Hack into both, then use either to kill
all the enemies you can see. The platform outside should now be safe.

Exit this room and head left; you'll be on a catwalk. Go a bit forwards, and an
elevator will rise - along with a disc launching enemy. Take it out, then try to
take out as many of the enemies down on the ground as possible. Another tactic
is taking the elevator and throwing pipe bombs at them.

Whatever you do, get to the ground floor (the elevator has a control panel with
a brown lever on the left, flip that to go down) and go to the opposite wall.
There's a switch that opens the gate here, near a regen. Activate it. If you
look away from the gate, you'll see a stairwell here. It's the way forwards, but
we need the whole team.

Switch back to the other three. You're now on the ground level, and you would
have gotten here if you followed the stairwell to the bottom. Anyway, get out of
the elevator, recharge at the weapons energy terminal if you need to, then go
through the only tunnel. You'll soon be in a room with closed gates to the left,
and a switch: flip it.

You can now go outside to the train platform, which hopefully is already safe.
Turn right, and you'll see the gate Minoko opened. Get in there, activate the
regen, then keep going forwards. You'll find the stairwell I mentioned; get
everyone down. Time for the final part.

Kill everyone in the tunnels here, but ignore the fork you'll come across
(except for the monsters coming out of that tunnel!). Keep going forwards, into
the blue tunnel, and turn left. Go forwards, killing everyone, then stop the
team before you hit the gas leak.

Send Amber under it, and hold down the lever. You'll open a tunnel; being wary
of the monsters all around, get everyone but Amber inside. Leave Amber where she
is, and go forwards. There's only one way to go through the whole network, but
I'll point the way forwards anyway.

Keep going, following the only openings, and killing the mutated rat. You'll
eventually have to drop down into another section of the tunnels. Go forwards
through the only exit, it's up a slope. You should be in on a broken red pipe.
At the largest hole, look left. See that grate? Send the FlyCam down there, and
have it turn the handle on the left of the grate.

This lets Amber go forwards, and she's needed, since the way ahead is blocked
for these three. Switch back to Amber, and go back the way you came, up the blue
corridor. Take the tunnel I told you to ignore earlier. The lever here is
broken, and wouldn't have opened the grate if you're wondering.

Go down into the room, possibly climbing the stairs instead of jumping down, and
kill the disc launching guy. If you look down the door, you'll see another of
these guys in front of a piece of machinery. Shoot the machinery to make short
work of the enemy, and open the way forwards.

Now, still in this room, look on the left side for a lever. Hold it down; you'll
automatically release it when the way ahead for the other team is open. It's
indifferent with whom you go on, as long as you get both in the same position.
I'll go over with the three guys in the pipes, as it's the most annoying of the
two paths.

Back to the three, go forwards through the now open grate, and keep going.
You'll end up in another room, but there's nothing here but enemies. Keep going
forwards, towards the hole with rain on the other side. Turn the lever to lower
the bridge, and keep going forwards up the slope.

There's TONS of mini spiders in the next room, and if it's empty, it'll quickly
get filled. Kill all the spiders you see, then go right. You'll find that the
road splits; of course, both tunnels eventually rejoin. I suggest you go
forwards instead of right, it's a bit longer but also a bit easier.

Keep going, turning left when you need to, and jump down the hole - again, be
wary of mini spiders! Down here is a long corridor; go down it, killing
everyone. You'll see two pipes on the left wall, and a single pipe on the right
wall. The latter is the way back, so take either pipes on the other wall.

You'll end up in another corridor; follow it, and you'll end up near a lowered
platform. Leave the team there, near the platform but OFF OF IT! You'll have to
raise it later! Now switch to Amber, and go down the corridor where you blew up
the machine.

Go through the hole it created, then keep going forwards. The fork joins up
ahead soon, so the path you take is ininfluent. In the new room, kill the
mutated rat and approach the machine at the end of this room. Grab the injection
thing, then stand back!

The machine blows, and you can go outside. This is the last room, and has one of
the most annoying puzzles in the game. Anyway, go inside, and U-turn right
beyond the wall to see the whole room. Approach the silos nearest to you;
there's a lever near a door, flip it.

This opens the door and raises the platform inside, so that the team can rejoin.
However, leave them where they are, and remain as amber. Pulling the lever has
triggered a LOT of bad guys, so take out the rocket launcher and show 'em what
you've got. Go overkill; I wasted five cells in my last run.

Once everyone is dead, don't switch just yet. Approach the other silo, and note
the opening on the base. For now, keep going towards the other side of the room.
There's a machine here, with a switch below. Put the injection thingy inside,
then, ignoring the button, climb the stairs.

Activate the regen and refill with weapons energy, then finally switch to the
rest of the team and bring everyone up here as well. After everyone is charged,
head back down; time for the annoying puzzle I warned you of. Have someone (not
Andre' nor Carter) hold down the button below the injection thingy on the
machine. The pump will start, but it's broken and won't go to full power.

Now send Andre' at the hole at the base of the silo you saw earlier. Inside, you
can see rotating platforms. Your goal is to climb on these platforms as they go,
and finally get to the top. It's Annoying with a capital A, as some platform
seem to dislike you.

Oh, and quicksaving through this is almost impossible, so you have to do it in a
single run... Anyway, another tip. When you get near the top, make sure you
climb platform by standing near the outer edge, on the largest part. On the top
platform, climb quickly over the round ledge around the cnetral pylon, not on
the small bridge!

Eventually, you'll have made it, and you'll see the broken power box up here.
Fix it, then open the door here and exit. You're on the walkway, and you can get
to the regen easily from here. Get down to the rest of the team. Have someone
that's not the person holding down the button back near the opening at the
base of the silo.

Calm down, you don't have to repeat the procedure! Just hold down the lever, and
the liquid inside the silo will drain. Get the whole squad down the silo, and
open the door. Follow the slope, then turn right. Have Minoko access the
computer and hack into the door's switch.

Inside is the secret elevator into the Eden Bunker. Get everyone inside.

VII-11. The Eden Bunker

The last level. It's not particularly hard or long, however; in fact, like the
rest of the game, you might find it a breeze. Unlike other levels, you can go
overkill with ammo, although having 50+ batteries near the end will be both easy
and useful.

Send Minoko forwards. There's a button on the door, it looks like the door
handles on the very first levels. Press it, and the doors will open. Careful:
there's lots of monsters beyond, and they come in waves.

Head in the corridor and hug the right wall tightly. Guess what's in the next
room? A ceiling cannon! You need to hide behind the panel in front of it, then
turn around and enter the door. Try the Time Shock if you're in real trouble.

Once you're in this door, quickly get inside and stick left. It'll be safer if
you circle this room from that side. You'll soon see two panels, a red and a
blue one. The blue panel is a weapons energy panel, while the red panel is a
computer panel.

Making sure you're on the side of the panel you want to activate, and not in
front of it (remember: ceiling cannon), recharge as necessary and access the
computer panel.

Hack into the redded out cannon; it's the one just outside. Kill anything that
moves, while you're there. Now access the other cannon and look around. There's
a metal beam suspended on a chain; hit the conjuction between the chain's hook
and the beam, and it'll fall down. Disconnect and rejoin the team.

Now get the whole team up this beam, and blow the metal barrier if you haven't
already. Get inside, and look down the hole: finally, one of the lost
technicians! A monster seems about to attack him, so to kill that quickly, shoot
the shelves nearest the hole: they'll fall down and crush the monster.

I guess you know what happens next... jump down, killing the monsters, then head
through the doorway to the left. Two holes open near the ceiling, and a large
wooden plank falls down. Kill the monster that comes out of one hole, then get
at least two characters on the tallest part of the plank.

This will make the plank tilt the other side - and start a monster spawner
beyond the hole you can't access. They keep coming, and they won't stop until
the level is almost over. But don't go up the plank yet - send Amber ahead.

Up there the floor is electrified; activate the cable that's causing all this,
and Amber will move it. The floor is now safe, so get the team up here. If
you're wondering, the other tunnel leads absolutely nowhere, so go forwards to
the end of this corridor.

Unlock the door with Carter, and have Minoko lead the team in. Raise hands who
didn't see something like this coming. You've had plenty hints about who's the
culprit in the last several levels.

Notice how he's trying to reach a piece of machinery; if you check it out,
you'll see that you need something to activate it. Ah, well, let's go on.
There's only one way forwards, so take it. Shoot the sensor above the doors to
open (rather, destroy) the doors.

Just outside, you'll be in a corridor. You're between two fires, so rush down
into the broken part of the floor! Down there, follow the corridor and activate
the regen. Take out anyone who's followed you, and you're safe.

If you're wondering: to the left is a corridor which floor breaks, and a
LOT of monsters come out; to the right is the spawner room, which is guarded by
a cannon - and you can do little in there but die.

Now, back near the regen, recharge everyone (the panel nearby is a weapons
energy panel), and keep going. You'll find a door, and neither the panel nor the
button nearby works. Turn around and look at the plank: a job for the Rover!
Send the Rover up the plank, and at the top, turn right into the hole.

Go down the slope, and activate the only switch. It's right in front of you.
Revert when you're done; now the the computer panel near the door works. Access
it with Minoko and hack into both switches. You'll open two doors, including the
one nearby.

So that is the source of all these disturbances! Enter the large room and...
looks like someone doesn't want you here. Anyway, navigating now is hard, unless
you look up. See the giant labels near the top of this dome? Go towards the base
of the pylon named C/2. It was written above the other door you opened.

Once there, go well inside the corridor, and you'll be able to see something
again. Oh, of course, there are enemies in the large room, but it's better to
snipe at them from here than back inside there.

Anyway, open the door and get inside, then cross the corridor until you see
another door which you can't open. There's a huge gap at the top of this door,
however, so send the FlyCam inside and press the button on the other side. Have
everyone activate the regen inside.

On the opposite side of the room is a non-working panel. To its left is a piece
of machinery that Andre' can fix. You can now access the computer panel with
Minoko, but you'll get only a small hint for the next puzzle. The important
thing is, the lift on the side opposite of the regen now works.

Get Minoko and someone else on it; have the other character hold down the lever
so that Minoko can get off at the top. A monster doesn't want this to happen, so
kill it when it appears. Get Minoko off at the top, then let the other character
go back down. Ignore the rest of this section, there's nothing; concentrate on
the sets of moving platform.

They're actually easy to get across. I found the swinging pipe in the first
level tougher! Anyway, make sure you get to the very border of each platform,
and cross the instant you're close. When you get off the final platform make
sure you're on the right side!

Hug the right wall closely; it's ceiling cannon city up ahead! Rush forwards and
head right into the depression, you should just make it even if just barely.
This is the place you would have seen if you looked straight down with the
camera back in the room with the regen.

Anyway, get down in the hole, recharge your weapons energy if you need to, then
access the computer. There's three ceiling cannons to access, so make sure you
use them all three at least once. While you're there, kill anything you see;
there's one spawning spider and tons of mini spiders.

Once the room is clear and all three cannons are on your side, try to approach
the door. A floor monster tries to scare you, but just hide behind the computer
in the middle, and blow it up. Open the door and go outside.

The tunnel just ahead is the way forwards, but we'll need the rest of the team
first. Go either left or right, and open the door at the end. Careful, behind
the left door there might still be a dangerous stomping rat! Anyway, follow
either corridor until you're back where the rest of the team is.

Heal anyone as necessary, and return back to the room with the weapons energy
panel and the dead floor monster. Recharge anyone as necessary, then send Amber
alone through the corridor opposite this room.

There are three floor monsters in this corridor, and another one up the stairs.
It's better to have Amber alone, so you can use missiles easily. If you're about
to run out of energy, you might want to return to the weapons energy charger.

Once the way up is clear, gather the team and go up the stairs. You'll be at
what only looks like a dead end. There's a small window inside here; send the
FlyCam inside, then turn around and look to the right of the window. Press the
buttom, then quickly revert - a floor monster appears in that room.

Kill it from beyond the window, then enter the door that has opened, and have
everyone activate the regen inside. Beyond, in these few rooms, there's three
stomping rats. They can knock you down easily and from great distances, then
charge you and repeat. Needless to say, take them out quickly! The extractor's
alt fire works particularly well on tight groups.

Get Minoko in the large room. If you look left, you'll see a cell with the other
technician locked in. We'll free him in a moment. Turn right, towards the red
lit section, and get in the room at the end. You'll see the dead floor monster
you killed earlier inside.

Turn right, and access the computer panel there. Hack into the camera and you'll
see the inside of the cell; the number on the floor is what you need to input in
the console nearby.

There's a trick to it, though: you need to hold down the button until the number
before the one you want to imput comes up, then leave it. When you leave it, the
number will automatically go up one. So, to make things short, input 6 if you
really mean to input 7.

When all four numbers are inside, the top left room in the panel above will
blink on. Exit, and go to the room with the technician. Talk to him; he'll give
you a card, then exit. Well, at least we don't have to escort him or anything.
Anyway, from the cell's exit, turn left - it's opposite of the control room.

You'll see some sort of comptuer on a wall. Insert the card, and the wall opens.
Get everyone in the mid-room beyond, then in the room up the short slope.
Activate the regen, then look around.

You've definitely seen the two girls in the picture, but what about this robot
near the play cubes and the horrid drawing? Could it be that...? Anyway, access
the computer near the regen. The switch moves the picture, and inside you'll
find a disk. We'll need this later, so just hang on to it.

Picking up the disk has also opened a door; find it, it's on the right side,
beyond the robot and the play cubes. Inside, you'll see a large square machine
in the middle of the room. If you look at the broken section near the door,
you'll see that a piece is missing.

Pick Amber, and cross the room. There's a broken set of doors ahead, get inside.
There's several things to do, but let's take care of the electrified floor on
the left. Go past it, and you'll be in a showers room. This place has some
serious fires going on.

Go through the doorway with a powerful jet coming down the ceiling. There's some
sort of scanner here, but if you try to go through, you'll see that Amber is
emitting radiation, and you won't be accepted. Looks like being powered by a
nuclear reactor has its disadvantages.

Anyway, open the door here, and look right. Turn the water pressure valve, then
go back to the main room. If you look near the other flame, you'll see some kind
of pump. Hold down the lever beside the indicator, and you'll shoot jets of
water up to the flame.

You'll know that the flames have been extinguished when you'll see two blips
coming from the other room. Go inside and take out both enemies. You're done
here for now, so go back to the electrified floor, and cross the corridor to the
other side.

Enter the room, and cross it. There's nothing here right now. You'll be in
another small corridor, but both ends are blocked, so go in the room on the
other side. Take a look around. Check out that array of panels near the floor:
one of them is broken.

Inside, out of reach, is some sort of component. Send the Rover to retrieve it;
you need to go on the sides of the array to get to it. Once you have it, go all
the way back to your team. Put the component in the square machine, then have
Andre' fix it.

This activates a button on the pylon to the right of the broken part. Press it.
Hmmm, this isn't very interesting. However, Amber can now climb on the console
and on the column to the left of the one with the button. This is interesting,
and you'll realize why if you look up. Anyway, have someone press the button

With Amber now on the column, you can easily climb on the wreck just in front of
you. Have the button pressed one last time, and Amber can now climb inside the
ceiling. Follow the only corridor out to another electrified floor, above the
first one.

Follow this ledge, across the beam, to the green-lit area. Hold down the switch;
the electrified floor becomes safe to cross. Switch to the rest of the team, and
go beyond the now safe electrified floor into the showers room. Remember that
scanner Amber couldn't use? One at a time, get inside and cross it.

I know, it's annoying, but you really can't get more than one person inside at
the same time. Well, maybe in multiplayer... Anyway, once you're beyond,
activate the regen on the left, and access the computer to the right of the
door nearby.

Read the mail, then open the door. Guess what's beyond it? Enemies! Kill
everyone, being particularly careful of the venom spider - it likes staying
inside and drop mines. Once everyone is dead, recharge as necessary, and send a
single character in the room beyond.

Turn immediately left, and climb all the stairs - but stop just as you enter the
broken revolving pipe. Look down it; there's a fan going up and down it. I don't
know what is its point, but it is dangerous. When it's nearby, start making your
run down the pipe.

It's more than doable. Before the end, you should see an opening on the right.
Go out, and you'll find a switch that stops all the fans. Then get back inside
(wait until the pipe revolves), and go right into the exit. You can make it here
in one go, if you're fast, though.

Inside, go through the stopped fans (they're still moving if you didn't pull the
lever, but they're slow and/or broken). You'll go down a hole and fall down in a
room. Find the door here that leads back to the room with the regen: press the
button on it, and get the whole team here.

Opposite the door are two panels, with a piece of machinery middle and a label
C/5 over it. Recharge everyone's energy, then access the computer panel with
Minoko. You'll open a door that Amber will need soon. Anyway, there's still one
thing left to do.

Send Andre' through the large doorway in this room, it's opposite the breakable
glass. There's a switch there needing repairs... although the door doesn't
really work well. Anyway, rejoin your team, then switch back to Amber.

You should still be up in the corridor, holding down a switch. Leave it, then
turn right and drop on the blue armoire near the floor. As soon as you jump
down, the armoire will open and a monster comes out. Take it out, then follow
the tunnel at the end of the corridor - it's to the right of the switch.

Go down here, and through the open door. Kill all the monsters that appear, then
ignore the stairs and head in the passage to the stairs' left. There's an
elevator here, but it has no floor; carefully look inside, to the left.

You can see the access buttons, but you can only shoot them. Do so, and the
elevator will fall down. Now you can climb on it, then climb on the thin ledge
near the doors, and finally rush through the doors. If you're wondering, you can
go all the way up the stairs, blow some panels away, then get on top of the
elevator. But I'm yet to see the point in that, since you can't lower the
elevator and it's otherwise a dead end up there.

Anyway, before you do anything, go to the other room and activate the regen with
Amber. Recharge her weapons energy with the panel near the C/5 computer, then
break the glass nearby if you haven't already. It's a huge electrified floor out
there, so send Amber ahead.

Follow this walkway until you find a block you can climb on. There's a switch
here; hold it down to toggle electricity to another section. Now the rest of the
team can pass safely through the walkway into the hole behind Amber. Have Amber
let go of the switch, and everyone can safely pass on the room on the left.

Get out of this room by opening the doors, then hang a left. Activate the regen
with everyone, and carefully walk in the corridor. You're very near both enemy
spawners, so they will NOT let you go until you blow them up. We'll do that in

As you walk through the corridor, it will collapse; but don't go in the hole
below the door on the right yet. Keep going forwards, keeping enemies off of
you, and enter the door on the end. You really get to make a stand in this room;
it shouldn't be hard, but you need to protect Minoko as she access the panel

There are two cannons; one in each spawner room. You can kill as many enemies as
you want, but they'll keep coming. Instead, concentrate on the tubes that litter
the rooms. Blow them up, but be careful: Mutated Lucys #9, #10, #11, #12, #13
and #14 come to play as you do. Blow them quickly with the cannons.

Once both spawners have been stopped, it's time to go back to where Minoko's
father was stuck. Exit this room where you got through originally, and go to the
broken floor. Turn left, below the door, and climb the makeshift steps into the
room. In the far wall, there's a hole.

It's the same hole that monsters kept coming down, near the wooden plank. Told
you they wouldn't stop coming down until the level was almost over! Go down
into the room, killing any stragglers, then go back up the wooden plank. At the
end of the corridor is the room where Minoko's father is stuck.

Once you're there, insert the disk you got all the way back, behind the picture
of the two girls, into the object he was trying to reach. Wait a while. Hmmm,
that promises little good... still, behind the time stopping prison, a computer
panel is now available. Have Minoko access it, and free her father.

What the hell? How the hell did she get there? Listen to the revelations.
Makes sense if you think hard enough - or don't think at all, your choice.
Ah, well, while we're here we might as well make the best of it. Shoot the
panel, and access the console behind it; there's quite a lot to do, so let's
tackle it left to right.

Camera: it just shows the room you're in.
Cannon: look around. There's three doors; two have large padlocks, so shoot
them. This will open the third door. Kill the monster, then blow the
thing you can barely see behind the door. This will stop more enemies
from coming in.
Cannon: you can shoot two things: some shelves and a fan. But the most important
thing is that you disabled this cannon by hacking into it.
Switch: this turns off the huge hologram where the game's main baddie is.

Back to the rest of the team, talk to Dr. Molenski. Follow him - just a quick
note: he's invulnerable, so never worry about him dying or something. He'll
stop, but he'll go continue after you talk to him. Don't worry, he's not going
back! Keep following him, you'll activate a regen, but you might lose him as you
take out more enemies.

He's not far: go into the large chamber, and hang a left. He's waiting for you
there. Keep following him, and he'll stop at times to wait for you. Kill anyone
who bothers you. At the end, he'll enter door C/3, and get inside. Activate the
final regen of the game, and recharge anyone who needs to at the final weapons
energy panel.

Leave everyone but Amber here, and have her follow Molenski down the tunnel.
Open the door at the end, and kill anyone here. Molenski will go up the slope;
follow him, but he's stuck at a door. Open the other set of doors up here, it's
the other door you blew open with Minoko.

Inside, there's lots of lasers, but they don't make Amber as much as blink.
Go down the slope under the cannon, and up the stairs. You'll end up in the
mainframe room. Minoko is here, but only her father can free her. Go to the left
of the mainframe, and you'll find a switch to open the door. Finally, Minoko is

Have her talk to her father, then return back down to the rest of the team. Have
Minoko access the computer panel, and activate the only switch. When you're all
fit and ready, press the button to open the door, which had closed, and approach
the beam in the middle.

As soon as you get close... well, do I have to spoil it for you? Come on, you
already know what's gonna happen. What's a game without an end boss? Besides, if
you remember a cutscene some five levels ago, you already know who's going to

Alright, as bosses go this one's a wimp, except that he can kill any member with
a single swipe, and has tons of hit points. There are several strategies to use,
of course, but no special trick to beating him, or weak spots, or anything.

Here's a few strategies:

- The team strategy.
Arm someone with the disc launcher, someone with the time shock, Amber with
missiles, and the last person with the extractor alt fire. Using the person with
the time shock, keep the boss slowed down while the rest of the team hammers
away. As long as you have enough cells, the bad guy will eventually die.
However, since the friendly AI doesn't have great aim, it's going to take a
while. Try switching to someone without the time shock, as the AI seems to use
that weapon particularly well. However, if something goes wrong and someone on
your team dies, you'd better change strategy.

- The solo strategy.
Take outside just one character (I used Minoko, it's more appropriate), then use
the time shock's alt fire. Lay a path between you and the boss, so that
if he wants to get to you, he has to go through several temporal distorcer
fields. Again, this requires a lot of cells. Then, take out the disc launcher,
pulse gun, extractor alt-fire, whatever you like, and pound away. If you run
out of cells (you shouldn't), switch to the extractor's normal fire. He has
enough ammo on him to kill him twice!

- The attrition war strategy.
Send one character, or all, and just hit him. Run away, if you want, or just
stand there attacking until you die. Then recharge at the station and repeat.
Since you're de-facto immortal, he should die before the next few hours.

Once he's down for the count, take out anyone else who doesn't belong; at last,
approach the central beam. There are four consoles; have each character go to
one and hold the button down. The last character you'll have to hold down the
button yourself (I chose Minoko, and sent her near her father, of course). You
can hold down, then while doing it, access the menu if your fingers are sore.

You'll have to hold down the button for quite a while - look at the bars just
above the button, they'll slowly disappear. Once all the bars are gone, the
field will fall. If they don't, switch characters, as some might not be pressing
the button - enemies will still be coming out of one door, and the AI doesn't
have its priorities straight.

When the field is down, take out any gun, and shoot Real Lucy. Well, that was
weird. But at least, the game is sucessfully over. Maybe we'll see Carter and
his team in Project Eden 2!

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

VIII-A. Game help

Q: How do I destroy cannons?
A: There are two types of cannons: laser cannons fixed on the ground, and laser
cannons fixed on the ceiling. For those on the ground, you need to hit
them from the behind. It's much easier to get Amber's missiles, and try to
hit just to the side and behind the cannon. Careful, it's a bit hard to
distinguish an armed cannon from a destroyed cannon! For those on the
ceiling, that's no cigar. You can't destroy them. However, every single
cannon I've seen can be hacked into by Minoko, and once you take control of a
cannon for even the shortest time, it won't attack you again. If you can't
find the computer panel, and really must pass near those, try the time shock.
Or quick legs.

Q: I try to use a weapon, but I get the 'not available' message. I'm sure I
picked it up! What's going on?
A: Only one character at a time can use a certain weapon, with the exception of
the pulse gun. Check the squad menu to see who has the weapon you need,
switch over, and change to another weapon. Now anyone can use the weapon
again. Also, Amber can only use her Pulse Gun, her Missile Launcher, and Pipe

Q: I fired a missile/pipe bomb/disk/energy ball from pulse gun, but it vanished
in a puff of electricity! What's going on?
A: You fired too close to yourself, another member of the team, or another
friendly target. If the splash damage from firing would hurt anyone it's
not supposed to, then the ordnance you fired is automatically reverted.
However, it doesn't seem you get your energy back.

Q: I have to open a door, but no switch is nearby - what do I do?
A: Some doors can be opened by just getting close to them and activating.
Check for targeting boxes. Some doors open by getting close and activating
the handle. Again check for a targeting box. Other doors open just by getting
close. If nothing of the above works, it might be a red herring, or you might
need to do something else before. Check the walkthrough.

Q: I tried to press a button, but a message appeared saying nothing happened.
What do I do?
A: You need to do something before. Check around if there's any object needing
to be fixed, some object needing another object, power leeches, the works.
Try coming back later, maybe only a non-playable character can open it, and
will do it when the time is right. Anyway: don't bother trying with other
team members. Unless you're explicitely told you need a specific person,
you won't have any more luck.

Q: I know it's a button/hand scanner/etc., but no targeting brackets appear. Why
can't I press it?
A: This is most likely the work of power leeches, like the ones you first saw
near the end of level 2. Listen for crackling electricity noises. Look for
sparks. Eventually, send the Rover around inside holes. When you've gotten
rid of all leeches, the buttons/hand scanners/etc. should start working
again. If this is not the case, look for a yellow hand scanner, and use it
to transfer power from your weapons. Andre' might have to fix something, as
well, or maybe a component is missing around here. If this still doesn't
work... check the walkthrough! But it might also be a red herring...

Q: What's the meaning of the color coding on the hand scanners?
A: Here it is:
- Dark Blue
Locked door/compartment/whatnot. Only Carter can unlock it.
- Light blue
Computer panel. Only Minoko can access it.
- Green
Locked door/compartment/whatnot. Anyone can unlock it.
- Yellow
Battery. Hold it to transfer weapon energy to activate eqipment.
- Orange
Weapons energy charger. Hold it down to charge your weapon energy bar.

However, in the Eden bunker, panel have different colors. They look almost
identical, with the halo being the real way to tell the difference:
- Orange/red
Computer panel. Only Minoko can access it.
- Dark blue
Locked door/compartment/whatnot. Only Carter can unlock it.
- Light blue
Weapons energy charger. Hold it down to charge your weapon energy bar.

Q: How do I pause the game?
A: You can't, as far as I know. Your best bet would be to get into a safe place
and stay there. You could save then quit, or alt-tab. Unfortunately, it takes
quite a while to alt-tab back in, and it can lead to problems. Check the
Bugs FAQs.

Q: When I have several characters nearby, how do I get only selected ones to
follow me?
A: Open the character menu, then select the icons of the character(s) you want
to tag along.

Q: I want to get to that ledge, but how do I jump?
A: You can't jump. You don't need to. If you see some sections that you
could, in theory, jump to, then that's bad level design. Anyway, didn't just
about anyone complain about jumping puzzles in Tomb Raider? I know I'm
tired of checking every damn tile on the whole level, just to see to which
ones I could jump to without dying. And I'm a die hard fan!

VIII-B. Bugs

Q: I've alt-tabbed away from the game, then alt-tabbed back in. Now the game is
screwed up! Characters walk diagonally, I can't look up/down, etc. What do I
A: Whatever you do, save first. Then you quit to the main menu, and reload
the last save. Or load a saved game from another level, then reload that
last save. Or end the level. Anything that loads another level fixes all the
alt-tabbing problems I've found.

Q: Why does the 'select level' function only show the starting level,
even after I've finished the game?
A: I don't know. That's what happens to me. Well, I used to keep save games at
the start of each level, just in case. Maybe you need to use a cheat code.

Q: I've read all emails/objectives. Why won't the flashing 'i' icon go away?
A: This is a bug, as far as I know. It happens if you quicksave with the
flashing 'i' icon on screen, then quickload. It's there even in version 1.01.
I've found only two solutions: read all your objectives before you quicksave,
or live with it. I had to do that in at least two levels in my first run.
However, try the trick listed in the question related to alt-tabbing, it
might work.

Q: What's up with the weird inventory description of the data card on level 6?
A: I have absolutely no idea. If you didn't notice, some times it just says
its normal name, but sometimes it's different. I think it's related with
inserting it in the slot in another part of the level, but I'm not sure.
The other description has the names of main characters followed by a
number. I found those numbers in the text files, and I'm beginning to think
it's just an indexing bug. I don't know if it appears in language versions
other than Italian.

Q: I've sent Amber down a hole, and she somehow slipped. She still has quite
some health left: why did she die?
A: I have absolutely no idea. I think it's a bug, but I'm not sure. I guess that
the nasty fall could have kicked some components around and made a regen
necessary. However, it's only a conjecture at this point. Unless you've got
some serious bad luck, you'll see this only in one fall in level 9, and you
don't need Amber there.

Q: I try to access a computer with Minoko, but the character menu comes up!
What's going on here?
A: No idea. Seems related to having companions nearby. Try taking Minoko for a
quick lap, then try again. Or get the rest of the team away. Or both. It
always went away if I tried hard enough, though.

Q: When holding down buttons, characters left idling turn around and bend their
arms into impossible positions. What's this, Trespasser?
A: No, but a bad effect anyway. Notice, also, that sometimes characters
activate levers while their hands is far from the device, and sometimes don't
activate anything at all because their hands are too close to the device.

Q: I saved when I was over a rotating blade/platform/other moving thing. I load,
and my character fell down! Where did the blade/platform/etc. go?
A: It reset to its default position. It appears that, to make quickloads faster,
they cut a corner or two. This is especially visible if you save on a blade
in level 3. However, if the blade is stopped (thanks to another character),
you should be safe. Thankfully, this is true only in rare occasions.

Q: In the third to last level, I shot the rail to lower the truck to the ground.
Then the scavengers come out, but even after waiting for a while the leader
is nowhere to be seen!
A: I don't know what causes this problem, but it's been reported by a few readers
out there. It seems to appear mostly in the PS2 version, but the PC version
seems to be affected. And I have no solution, either. Restore an earlier
saved game... if you have it.

VIII-C. General

Q: Why do you refer to Amber as a "she"? Wasn't that a robot?
A: Read the manual. Amber was a 19 years girl who had a bad accident, and chose
to become a cyborg instead of undergoing restructive surgery. What sort of
person would shed all humanity when given the option, anyway? Maybe we'll
find out in a sequel.

Q: Are there any secret levels?
A: I've browsed through the files on the PC version, and I'd say no. There's
files only for the 11 single player/co-op levels, and the multiplayer

Q: Are there any cheats?
A: Yes. Run the game with the parameter -cheat. Just open the Start menu, hit
Run, and browse for your Project Eden executable (check your C:\Program
Files directory, if you didn't change the installation path, it'll be around
there). Now add the following text to the end of the line:
In the game, access the menu; there's a new icon in the lower right part.
However, take note that I haven't tried them.
Before I forget: many thanks to Gwog, who got a FAQ almost done on the Eidos
Message Boards... before realizing someone with no Real Life finished it
earlier. :) And, of course, for being the first to send me the cheats...
Check out his FAQ if you like:

Q: Will the patches work with my Italian/French/Spanish/German/whatnot
A: Yes. Although there's so few changes you don't really need to download them.
They mostly address networking stability. However, do try if you're
experiencing some rare bugs.

Q: What are the differences between the PC version and the PS2 version?
A: I don't have the PS2 version, but according to Stephen Wakeman, there's
nothing but a few minor details. The control system is course different
(mouse/keyboard vs. joypad, duh). You can quicksave and quickload just
like you can on PC. Also, the PS2 version comes on DVD. By the way: between
the files for the PC version there are text files for the PS2 version,
with, e.g., the tutorial text but with the PS2 controls and the like. I'd
guess it's viceversa for the PS2 version.

Q: Will there be a sequel?
A: I hope so. No information available, but I guess we won't be hearing much
until after Tomb Raider: Next Generation is out. This game has enormous
potential for improvement.

Q: Why didn't you put anything about multiplayer in this FAQ?
A: First, because I don't multiplay. Ever. Probably never will. Not the place to
make conjecturs and all that, though. Anyway, multiplayer in Project Eden
looks like a pushover a kilometer away. I don't see it getting much
attention, not without a level editor at least. I can say this because
already the single player game didn't get much attention, although I believe
it's mostly due to the relationship with Tomb Raider... exactly like
Daika- whoops, no flame wars in FAQs.

Q: How did they make saving and loading so fast?
A: I'm not sure, and declaring my theories would require me to make
comparations to other, so-called "great" engines around. Especially those of
is not the place to start a flame war, so I'd say just these things:
- The game doesn't reload the whole map when you quickload;
- They really tested the game;
- Several guys at Core really know how to program.
By the way, there's at least one other game that has quickloads this fast:
Prince of Persia 3D, and potentially any game using the NetImmerse engine.
So, unlike you might have read, it's far from a first.

Q: How did you physically do this FAQ anyway?
A: I went through the game once, without any sort of external help, for my own
enjoyment. Then, when I decided to do the walkthrough, I opened a text file
in the wonderful UltraEdit text editor (check out, and
then launched the game. I played for a while, then alt-tabbed and wrote in
the things I just did. I then doublechecked that things couldn't be made
simpler (less toing/froing, less character juggling, etc.), and modified
what I wrote accordingly. Simple, but it still took an average of two-three
hours per level, plus the FAQ structure and the like. Ironic that it took
about as long to write the FAQ as to finish the game the first time through!

Q: You wrote several things twice or more in this file. Why?
A: Some aren't as attentive as you are.

A: Get a life.

Q: Dear sir, I'd like to tell you that you are not a very bright individual, and
other high-end-looking insults.
A: Get a life, too.

IX. In conclusion...

Added v0.40:
Did you notice that characters' eyes follow the cursor? Check this out in first
person view while very near a mirror (Level 8's Hall of Mirrors is perfect).

Added v0.50:
One level at a time, and this thing will be over within a week or so. Unless
something really, really, REALLY bad happens, not even Duke Forever getting
released tomorrow can stop me now. Oh, and keep an eye out for a Project Eden
review, coming soon on GameFAQs.

Added V0.60:
Wow, I missed a lot of stuff on previous versions. Part of the index was wrong
and I completely forgot about numbering actual sections. Beginner's errors I

Added v0.80:
What do you mean it's midnight already? I've just started writing... This thing
really sucks the time out of my day! At least I enjoy it.

Added v0.99:
I guess I should say something about my use of suicide in the walkthrough, but
what the hell, I don't like thinking that anyone reading this FAQ is an idiot.
You all know that if you die, there won't be any regen bringing you back, don't
you? So don't suicide unless you have a valid reason. And about that, I'd like
to paraphrase the current Italian policy for firing employees: no reason
is ever valid enough to suicide. Bah, it came out even cheesier than I expected.

Added v1.00:
I still think the plot of PE is contrived, especially the ending. It looks just
too conventient that things go the way they do. Ah, well, it's better than some
other plots I've seen around.


This FAQ is copyrighted. Check Legal Stuff near the beginning of this FAQ.
Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I mean it.

The author of this FAQ is in NO WAY associated with Core Design, Eidos, or
anyone else. This FAQ is fully unauthorized. Asking anyone but the author of
this FAQ about it would be pretty dumb.

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