Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

15.10.2013 18:58:26
RENEWAL: November 05, 2002
AUTHOR : enigmaopoeia @ enigmaopoeia[at]go[dash]dream[dot]com

[This Guide is copyrighted © by enigmaopoeia, 2001 - 2002.]
The latest updates are always at GameFAQs @




VERSION 03.00: November 05, 2002
- Updated it again with my newest and final layout. I also corrected
anything that needs to be corrected. I hope this is the last update. ^^;;

VERSION 02.50: March 7, 2001
- I really hate to update this, I really do. But I gotta make this Guide
up-to-date with the layout I always use for my Guides. ^^;;

VERSION 02.00: November 17, 2001
- After thinking, I made everything to the American version just so I can
finalize this! ^^;; Finally got the Satomi Sisters' saying in this so
this is complete!

VERSION 01.00: April 10, 2001
- Created the "PERSONA 2 Eternal Punishment Affinity Reading" Guide! This
Guide is about 90% completed. 10% of it goes to finding out what does each
Satomi Sister says when you got them as an Affinity. [Too lazy to replay
the Game over again to get them. ^~ ] Added necessary changes from
Archaeopteryx. Thank you~!!! ^^;;


Here's my little contribution to the Megami Tensei and PERSONA community. I
dunno about any of you, but I love the Affinity Readings! Even before I knew
PERSONA, I was always fascinated with the stars and figuring out whom I
was associated with. [Just like Ellie/Ellen! We're both born on September
21st, BTW.] ^^;; So here's something born out of that love, and I hope that
you would enjoy it. The Affinity Readings will benefit you if you use them
wisely. I hope you love this Guide and thank you for reading it!


You do want to know how to access these Affinity Readings, right? It's very
easy! You can learn about it all from our friend, the Rumormonger Barkeeper
from Johnny Roger's at Konan. ^^;; In order to start the Affinity Readings,
just talk to the Rumormonger Barkeeper and he would say, "The Sumaru Genie
seems to have started Affinity Readings. Good or bad, it really comes true."
Now go to the Kuzunoha Detective Agency and spread that Rumor with Chief
Todoroki. You would then open up the Affinity Reading command at the Sumaru
Genie at Konan! BUT! Though the number of people you can have an Affinity
Reading with may seem big due to the fact that there are 63 people to choose
from, the majority of them are composed of the Satomi Sisters. That is when
the Sumaru Genie needs to "power up"!

You should get that "Power Up" Rumor later in the Game, usually after Tatsuya
joins your party. Then talk to the Rumormonger Barkeeper again and he would
say, "Did the Sumaru Genie improve her skills? There are more people getting
into Affinity Readings. Why don't you try?" After spreading the Rumor with
Chief Todoroki, all of the Satomi Sisters would be replaced with other
familiar faces such as Eikichi, Lisa, and etc. And there you go -- you can
now do Affinity Readings as much as you like~! Hurrah for discounts, better
damage, and warm fuzzies~! LOL~! ^^;;


If you are wondering why would anybody even bother their time with getting
these Affinity Readings, please hear me out. Here are some major reasons in
which the effects of an Affinity Reading can benefit you~!:

-It's not that expensive, only ¥5000! ^^;;
-It has the Snow Queen's Theme playing in the background!
-You will get discounts from your favorite stores!
-More damage dealt your FUSION SPELLS! [Read: KILL BOSSES FASTER!!!]
-That warm fuzzy feeling you get when you are compatible with your favorite
character! =} [But if they're your least favorite, umm -- LET'S POSITIVE

If the reasons above aren't convincing enough to go get yourself an Affinity
Reading. I'll have to do it by some other means~! *grabs Maya's stereo and
plays "Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy's Song"* I WILL BRAINWASH YOU~! BWA HA HA HA
HA~!!! ...umm, you can ignore me now... =P


Though you may or may not know this, but a Binary Code is used for these
Affinity Readings! Simply, there is a certain value given for each question.
If you answered "Yes" to a question, you are given a certain amount of points
depending on what the numerial value is. But if you answer "No" to a
question, the value given is 0 points. Every time you have answered a "Yes"
to the 6 questions, just keep adding up the values. Then the result should
be a one- or two-digit number in which it will tell you which out of the 63
characters you have an Affinity Reading with.

Here are the values for each question in the Binary Code.:
-Question #1: Yes = 32 points | No = 00 points.
-Question #2: Yes = 16 points | No = 00 points.
-Question #3: Yes = 08 points | No = 00 points.
-Question #4: Yes = 04 points | No = 00 points.
-Question #5: Yes = 02 points | No = 00 points.
-Question #6: Yes = 01 point | No = 00 points.

-I'm aiming to get Lisa Silverman in my Affinity Reading. So I will check up
on her numerical value, and she is 37. So I will have to get 37 points in
order to have her as my Affinity Reading. So looking above at the Questions
Values I've listed, I would have to answer "Yes" to Questions #1, #4, and
#6. Since Question #1 is 32 points, Question #4 is 4 points, and Question #6
is 1 point.: 32 + 4 + 1 = 37. Thus meaning I would have to answer "No" to
Questions #2, #3, and #5. So I will answer the Sumaru Genie's questions as
"Y-N-N-Y-N-Y" and I would have Ginko as a final result! ^^;; It's a very
simple and easy process to learn!


Here is the full list of the "Yes"/"No" questions asked by the Sumaru Genie.
They are in no order and are arranged alphabetically. ^~ Do note that
depending on the answer to the first question and so on, it would affect the
outcome of the next question you would get asked. You would only get asked a
total of 6 questions here.:


Sumaru Genie:
"Then, let us begin the Affinity Reading. Answer the truth to the crystal
ball... Crystal ball... See through this soul, and look into the depths of
the unknown... To the Collective Unconsciousness..."

-"Are you a man?"

-"Like cars/motorbikes?"
-"Like dogs more than cats?"

-"Do you shut things out when engrossed?"
-"Like soccer more than baseball?"
-"Prefer vacation out of the country?"
-"Rather play sports than watch them?"

-"Are you a big eater?"
-"Don't want to attract attention?"
-"Have a role model?"
-"Have a worry you can't tell anyone else?"
-"Look at price rather than quality?"
-"People call you 'unique'?"
-"Prefer rice over bread?"
-"Speak quickly?"

-"Believe in UFOs?"
-"Do you eat fast?"
-"Get sick or injured a lot?"
-"Have a habit that you want to break?"
-"Like intense rides at theme parks?"
-"Like the night more than the day?"
-"Like the place you live in now?"
-"Prefer a hot bath to a lukewarm one?"
-"Prefer living in the country to the city?"
-"Prefer many 'shallow' hobbies to one 'true'?"
-"Prefer quiet places over busy ones?"
-"Prefer sleeping on a couch to a bed?"
-"Rather live alone than with family?"
-"Rather play inside than outside?"
-"Think of yourself as 'sentimental'?"
-"Think you're easily depressed?"

-"Are you into fads?"
-"Believe in ghosts?"
-"Can't fall asleep unless it's dark?"
-"Do you have a 'best friend'?"
-"Do you like gossip?"
-"Do you obey traffic laws?"
-"Do you own something priceless?"
-"Do you think you are hot-tempered?"
-"Eat your favorite food last?"
-"Forget your dreams easily?"
-"Have a dream to be something?"
-"Have a hard time talking to others?"
-"Have a time when you were tired of living?"
-"Have a younger sibling?"
-"Have doubts about your future?"
-"Have dreams often?"
-"Have something to be proud of?"
-"Have to cook strictly by the recipe?"
-"Like being popular amongst the same sex?"
-"Like collecting things?"
-"Prefer being along to being with a group?"
-"Prefer praising over being praised?"
-"Prefer spaghetti over macaroni?"
-"Prefer the beach to the mountains?"
-"Sit down in a bus even for one stop?"
-"Think of yourself as 'impatient'?"
-"Think you laugh at everything?"
-"Wait for rush hour to end before going out?"
-"Want the same gender when reincarnated?"
-"Want to change your name if you could?"
-"Would you give up if there's a long line?"
-"Would you go into debt for what you want?"

Just for kicks, here are the totals of the Affinity Readings.:

-TOTAL QUESTIONS = 63 questions
-YEN COST = 5000 Yen for 1 character
-TOTAL YEN COST = 315000 Yen for all 63 characters
-REGULAR CHARAS = 35 / 63 characters, excluding doubles!
-POWERED CHARAS = 55 / 63 characters, excluding doubles!


Here's the complete list of Affinity Readings! ^^;; Here is what each means
in the list that I will compose below. Remember the descriptions are mainly
for the powered up versions. There will be a slight change in some results
of the Affinity Readings when Narumi is destroyed after the scene in Ameno
Torifune. Now here is the Affinity Reading Guide~! Happy reading~!

-QUOTE : "I am Belladonna (musical note)... I defy the monster known as
oneself (musical note)... My singing calls forth warriors
(musical note)... So you have affinity with me (musical note)...
That is because you have a beautiful (musical note)... tone
echoing in your heart (musical note)... I love this, and the
heart's holder (musical note)... I pray that I shall forever
(musical note)... remember your beautiful tone (musical note)..."
-RESULTS : No changes!

-QUOTE : "You have affinity with me?... On what grounds are you basing
that? Do you have any concrete evidence? Fortune telling?
Affinity Readings? From that you claim we're compatible...?
...What a groundless...! I'm sorry, but I do not believe you.
It's just pure nonsense to measure people's relationships by
mysticism... If you're still saying that we have affinity, then
bring some hard evidence. Even a thesis study will suffice."
-RESULTS : Katsuya does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.

-QUOTE : "Ho--hohohoho!!! You're 100000 years too young to have affinity
with me!! Why?...A single rose is beautiful enough, right? But
you DO have taste in choosing me. If you want to be the baby's
breath that enhances the rose's beauty, I would think about it.
But before that... You need more sense. I'll lecture you more
next time."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Rosa Candida of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome. I was waiting... You look good! You're looking good!
You're getting familiar with our clothing! No, our clothes have
changed you! I'm so happy! Since I'm happy, I'll give a
discount, just for you! Pick your choice!"

-QUOTE : "(giggle)...I see... You have affinity with me, huh. Saying it
bluntly is kinda embarrassing. But I like Affinity Readings,
too. Sometimes I have mine done. If my soulmate is somewhere...
Just kidding. You know...I have a lot of friends, but I just
appear older or something, because I'm always the advisor. I
don't hate it, it's just..there are times when I want to receive
advice... But I don't really have a person to go to. It would
be great if you'd be that person? You know, you have affinity
with me, right? Should I count on you...?"
-RESULTS : No changes!

-QUOTE : "You have affinity with me? Then we can become good friends.
Nice to meet you. Meeting between people are such marvels...
Out of thousands...millions of people, how high were the odds of
us meeting...? It must be a miracle close to both of us. But
the bond that creates that miracle sometimes changes fate.
Bond...huh...? Why is it... Whenever I think of that word my
heart aches..."
-RESULTS : No changes!

-QUOTE : "Do you assert that we have affinity!? T...This is...the
pinnacle of delight. Do...Do you speak the truth? N...No...
Since I took up this tone, up until the rising of the last moon,
no one has dared to speak those words. I do not know how to
react, not a clue... How would you like a "value meal"? I can
make your meal cheaper... ...Haha...Forgive me... I know not
how to react. I shall take your gratitude."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Peace Diner of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Wh...What is it!? I feel..I feel ...some sort of destiny. In
that case, I must respond with sincerity! Welcome to the Peace
Diner. What will you order?"

06 - REIKO
-QUOTE : "Affinity...I see. There is such a thing as affinity. You
decide who your friends are unconsciously. However, just like
you, everyone has many different faces within their heart.
What's being displayed is only one. That is why you should not
decide who is bad or good based on compatiblity... Everyone has
a good side in them. Having said that, do you and I really have
good affinity? Let's get to know each other slowly."
-RESULTS : 50% discount at the Hiiragi Psycho Therapy of Konan.
-GREETING: "I wonder if you look like my friend or something...I've never
felt so close to a person...(snicker)...We're compatible."
-RECOVERY: "At least, the treatment is ¥3000... (giggle)...Well. For you,
¥1500 is fine."

-QUOTE : "Yo--Ho--... So you're the one who has affinity with me, huh...?
It seems you are also a soul who has left your heart in the
sea... Such a sad thing. Seeking a place to live, climbing
ashore... despite knowing that this isn't where you belong... We
are forever nomads..."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Johnny Roger's of Konan.
-GREETING: "Hmm... What a strange feeling. I never thought about my
compatibility with others. Oh well. I'll give you a discount."

08 - TONY
-QUOTE : "Huh? You have this great affinity with me?...All right! You
got good sense. Hmmm...As a commemoration of our meeting, I'll
make an original pendant... A dove in the shape of a heart..."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at TONY'S SHOP of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Hey, hey! My heart's pounding. Are you THE person of my fate?
We're a perfect match!! Hmmmm, maybe I'll give you a discount."

-QUOTE : "Kieeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!...!? I'm sorry... I was a bit
agitated...Kieeeehhhhh!! To have affinity with me, huh... This
must be the power of materia. It has to be 'ether aesthetics'!!
You should try it!! The effects of ether and materia will make
you happy."
-RESULTS : 20% and 50% discount at the etheria of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome to Etheria(heart) You're from that magazine place,
right? ...You are! That's great!! Today I want to give a
special discount. No special reason, I just want you to get
beautiful at this spa(heart)"
-RECOVERY: "I understand. Hmm... Let's see... Okay! I'll make it ¥1,500.
Of course, for everyone(heart)"

10 - DR. TOMI
-QUOTE : "'Goldfinger'... Hmmm, affinity with me, huh... You sure have
an eye for things!! Okay, I'll take care of your fatigue. Leave
your back to me. There's nothing these fingers can't heal!!
'Goldfinger'... Now, sing along with me... 'Goldfinger...!!!'"
-RESULTS : 50% discount at T's CHIROPRACTIC of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "Go--ld Finger!! I wonder why I'm so glad to see you! I'll
treat you specially today!"
-RECOVERY: "Hm, well... Your spine is all bent. I'll just charge you ¥1500
to fix it."

-QUOTE : "Ass-kickin' time!!! I am the warrior of light who has descended
upon this earth from beyond eternity... I am Ixquic...Bad kids
are punished... Huh? Who are you?... Hmmm...You have affinity
with Akari... But what will happen if we have affinity? I
see... You want in don't you... You should've just asked...
Then, from this day on, you're Ixgri..."

-QUOTE : "Eh? What? Affinity with me?... You're not very lucky are you?
I mean are you happy having affinity with me? Well, giving
readings in broad daylight is a sign of having a lot of spare
time. Eh? I'm happy, at the least... But, affinity is
pointless. In the end, we all die, right? know, that's
what I think. There's no reason to live... Don't you think
that's a constructive opinion? You think so too, right?..."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the 2X SLASH of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Ah, welcome. I mean, you really seem to have time on your
hands. ...I'm starting to pity you. Why don't you set up your
PC so you can go online at home? ...Huh!? It's easy! ...Here,
I'll give you a discount cuz I feel sorry for you.

-QUOTE : "Eh? Affinity? We have good affinity? Even so, saying it so
quickly... In the first place, having a reading decide that is
pretty biased, isn't it?... You should listen to what I have to
say. Such as...What kind of thoughts do you have in your
future?... A goal...a hope...even a dream is fine. I'm not
gonna lecture about it... But living is, for better or for
worse, moving for with an objective. If you live with that kind
of attitude, then, of course you have affinity with me. Good
luck! My specialty is support."

-QUOTE : "Eh? Affinity? You have affinity with me? Saying that so soon
is embarrassing... But compatible mixtures are important.
...Don't you think? I'll put in the terms of my work...For a
cocktail, a 'good mix' is everything!... Ah, a bartender's skill
is also key."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at Ebony of Narumi.
-GREETING: "You are compatible with me? (giggle)..I am honored. I will
give you special service today."

-QUOTE : "Eh...? Affinity with me? You're just saying that because I was
the 3rd mistress of an oil king, right? I'm just an owner of a
small store now. Eh? Not that?...Then you mean the thing about
me being a former KGB agent? That's not it either?... About my
modeling in Paris?... About me fighting in the French
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Izakaya Shiraishi of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "You came again today? It makes me happy to see you here. I'll
give you a special price today."

-QUOTE : "Bonjour... I am the waiter at Clair De Lune... Soejima. With
the finest cooking and service in heart, I enjoy giving the
customer the greatest pleasure. To have affinity with you... As
a waiter, it is the pinnacle of honor... I am burning with a
desire to serve more. Please come by the restaurant. I'll be
waiting with the chef's cooking."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Le Clair-de-Lune of Narumi or Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome to Clair De Lune. What will you have? ...Oh very
good!! I was going to suggest that. As a waiter, I am very
happy... Today, I will serve you at a special price."

17 - KAORI
-QUOTE : "Hello... I'm Kaori. It has been several years since someone
said that...We have affinity... I'm a bit embarrassed... I show
people nice fragrances... It is a bit of a strange job, but...
Have you heard of...aromatherapy? You cannot see one, but it
soothes the heart and naturally colors the days of our lives with
brightness. That's why I believe sharing fragrances also means
sharing happiness. I have to deliver some right now... But I
pray for happiness to come to you. I pray that today will be a
nice day..."
-RESULTS : 20% and 50% discount at kaori of Rengedai.
-GREETING: "I sense...a mysterious scent from you. A heartwarming, gentle
smell... I will reconsider the prices for you."
-RECOVERY: "Since you're my special customers... I'll make it half that,

18 - COUNT
-QUOTE : "You having an affinity with me... It seems you are also a
puppet who cannot escape the strings of time. People do not
accept their destiny... They attempt to go against the absolute
Providence... Foolish, is it not? Me meeting you is also
destiny. I will pray that you will not stain your hands in such
a foolish act."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Time Castle of Rengedai.
-GREETING: "You say you have affinity with me? Ha ha...well that's not
entirely false... Very well. I'll give you a discount."

-QUOTE : "Ho-hoho... Just when I was wondering what kind of rumor you
heard, it's an Affinity Reading? I understand your feelings,
but there is nothing good about having around me. You should
stop it. Plus, it suits me better when I'm alone. It tires me
out to be with other people."

-QUOTE : "Hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! It's finally my turn!! It's my
turn, right!? All you boys and girls who are Michel fans, sorry
to keep you waiting... Finally!! The greatest, first and only,
super fresh band... Gas Chamber is here...almost!! Hmmm? You
are...? You have affinity with me? That's a great thing! Sign
your name across my chest, the chest of Michel Eikichi... The
one who steals everyone's heart!! Of course, scream and shout
for Gas Chamber!! The password is 'Lovely'!!"

-QUOTE : "Eh? What what what?... You have affinity with Meepo? Uwaa!
Meepo's so happeee... It feels like Meepo's got more friends.
Oh, that's right. Meepo's gotta tell Asacchi and Lisa."

-QUOTE : "You know what it means for you and I to have affinity?...

-QUOTE : "Hello... I'm Chunky! I'm eating fish fin today, as usual!
Fish fin is definitely the best sushi. Mmm, I can eat fish fin
all day. I can never get sick of this stuff."

-QUOTE : "Affinity Readings? This is a rare guest I have here. Well, it
is interesting to play the games of a lower race. This is a
chance... I would like to ask... What are you living for?...
What are you seeking?... While living aimlessly, have you ever
considered the point of life? If you have not, I cannot think we
have affinity. I do not live in disgrace... to meet such a
person. ...It is time for me to go. I cannot afford to waste my

-QUOTE : "...Eh, we have good affinity? I kind of thought that we did.
I'm glad. ...By the way, do you collect things? Hmm, card
collecting...That's good. We really do get along. ...Actually I
collect something, too. I think that you would understand. What
do I collect, you say? I have a gun collection. That's right,
guns...The real deal. ...Do you have a thing against guns?"
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Parabellum of Aoba.
-GREETING: "...Welcome. I am honored to see you again. Today I will give
you special discount."

-QUOTE : "Affinity Readings? And so you drew me? Hmph... How stupid."

-QUOTE : "What?... Affinity? ...Go home."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Toa Armory of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "I'll sell it to you cheap if you're buying. Only today
though... ...tweettweettweet..."

28 - IGOR
-QUOTE : "Welcome to the Velvet Room. My, my... It seems you are
different from a customer. Looking at the Collective
Unconsciousness through a crystal ball? ...Hmmm... And this is
the result... Then you may have the qualifications to visit
here. Please meet our master. If you have the valor to take on
your worst enemy, known as yourself, you may awaken to the powers
of the Persona. My name is Igor. I obey my master's order, to
be entrusted with this room... Let us meet again..."

-QUOTE : "Oh, fantastic! We have good affinity? I am very honored. I
also do a lot of Affinity Readings. Of is always
about 'him'... The results...I leave to your imagination."
-RESULTS : Ellen does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.

-QUOTE : "Yeah...Yes, that's r-right... If you're gonna..going to make
delicious gotta...must pick good tools... I can't do
this 'proper' speech nonsense!! So? Who are ya?... Whaddya
want? What?...Affinity? Are ya picking a fight with me? You
seem to got a death wish. What?...No?...Fortune telling? It
says we're compatible? Ch...Shoulda said that earlier. During
my school days...This crap never bothered me, but...I don't know
what Chunky will say if I drop any lower... Hey, you. If you're
compatible with me, can you buy this kitchen knife?... These are
aggressive selling tactics... I'm not cut out for the service
industry... (sigh)...You...uh...Sorry. I'll just accept your

-QUOTE : "Hmm, affinity with me...huh...? I don't know what to do in a
situation like this, but it doesn't feel that bad. What a great
opportunity, I'll make something for you. What do you want me to
make? ...But no ordinary requests, okay?"
-RESULTS : 20% discount at Padparacha of Narumi or Konan.
-GREETING: "Welcome. So, how are the accessories I made? ...Aaah, it seems
my products match you well. Yes! Compatibility is important.
You find treasure in this meeting... Okay... I'll give you a
discount today."

-QUOTE : "You have affinity with me? Haha...Well, ya know, um... It's
kinda awk... I-I'm not so good at talking with my mouth. I tend
to speak more with my fist... If you don't mind, then nice to
meet you."

-QUOTE : "You say that we have affinity?... You are the 115th human to
say so... They were all courageous souls. My role is to listen
to the tones floating in the unconsciousness, and to play a
melody which opens up the heart... If you are saying that you
will reveal more than that then...No... It is a mundane dream...
Please forget it."

-QUOTE : "Kieeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!...!? I'm sorry... I was a bit
agitated...Kieeeehhhhh!! To have affinity with me, huh... This
must be the power of materia. It has to be 'ether aesthetics'!!
You should try it!! The effects of ether and materia will make
you happy."
-RESULTS : 20% and 50% discount at the etheria of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome to Etheria(heart) You're from that magazine place,
right? ...You are! That's great!! Today I want to give a
special discount. No special reason, I just want you to get
beautiful at this spa(heart)"
-RECOVERY: "I understand. Hmm... Let's see... Okay! I'll make it ¥1,500.
Of course, for everyone(heart)"

-QUOTE : "Eh...? Affinity with me? You're just saying that because I was
the 3rd mistress of an oil king, right? I'm just an owner of a
small store now. Eh? Not that?...Then you mean the thing about
me being a former KGB agent? That's not it either?... About my
modeling in Paris?... About me fighting in the French
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Izakaya Shiraishi of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "You came again today? It makes me happy to see you here. I'll
give you a special price today."

-QUOTE : "Ho--hohohoho!!! You're 100000 years too young to have affinity
with me!! Why?...A single rose is beautiful enough, right? But
you DO have taste in choosing me. If you want to be the baby's
breath that enhances the rose's beauty, I would think about it.
But before that... You need more sense. I'll lecture you more
next time."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Rosa Candida of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome. I was waiting... You look good! You're looking good!
You're getting familiar with our clothing! No, our clothes have
changed you! I'm so happy! Since I'm happy, I'll give a
discount, just for you! Pick your choice!"

-QUOTE : "Hello! I'm kinda happy that we have affinity... But what kind
of person are you? My mate must have good looks, be great at
sports, be a lone wolf, and still be shy... Or else it won't
work! For example... Huh? Why do I think of him..."

-QUOTE : "Lately, fortune telling has been booming... I don't believe it,
but I'm kind of happy that we have good affinity. But are YOU
happy that it was me?... Just be happy. Being alone is rough...
No?...(sigh)...I'm back into pouting-mode."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at Mu Continent of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Human relations have a lot to do with compatibility. Hey, don't
ya think we're a perfect match? So I'll give you a discount."

-QUOTE : "Eh--!? You have affinity with me? I never thought anyone else
would beside Tad!...I'm pretty happy! I'm working at Kuzunoha
Detective Agency now. Well, I AM going out with Tad, but if
you're troubled, then ask me."

-QUOTE : "Da ha ha ha ha!!... Your affinity with me is 'outstanding'?...
I was outstanding on the stage! Well, y'know? Having affinity
with me, frankly, makes you very lucky. I'm incredibly popular
right now.... Okay, I'll invite you to my show! Love at a
show!...Da ha ha ha ha!"

41 - TONY
-QUOTE : "Huh? You have this great affinity with me?...All right! You
got good sense. Hmmm...As a commemoration of our meeting, I'll
make an original pendant... A dove in the shape of a heart..."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at TONY'S SHOP of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Hey, hey! My heart's pounding. Are you THE person of my fate?
We're a perfect match!! Hmmmm, maybe I'll give you a discount."

42 - TRISH
-QUOTE : "Hi! I'm Trish! This world is give and take! You can recover
from anything, depending on your bank account... Huh? Who are
you?... Eh? You have good affinity with me? Then, then, you
must be...really rich, right? You have to be. Even if your
heart is full of affinity, your wallet won't be full of money,
right? Money IS the key that unlocks all doors. This world runs
on money. That is common sense. Anyway, I want some spending

43 - KEN
-QUOTE : "H-Hello. I'm Ken. Um...I'm a disciple of Eikichi... I mean,
'Michel'... Uh...You're compatible with me? Ha...Haha, I'm
honored. I'll work hard to meet you."

-QUOTE : "Affinity reading? How absurd... What can you possibly learn
from that? Relationships are completed on their own as people
understand each other. It is not something to be obtained
immediately. If you are saying that you have affinity with me,
then I would like to meet you soon... I will accept your
-RESULTS : Nate does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.

-QUOTE : "Affinity? With me? ...That is interesting... Which 'me' do
you have an affinity with? Is it this body...or is it this
soul...? Well, it doesn't matter. I don't plan on judging
people by that. In this world where lines between fantasy and
reality blur, you can only trust yourself... Before speaking on
the subject, develop your sense of vision. So long..."
-RESULTS : Only a new greeting.
-GREETING: "Hey, you're here. What's wrong? Is something troubling you?
...Okay, I'll help you today as a favor. But, the fee is as per
usual. You know, it's all in the heart..."

-QUOTE : "Um...I'm Mary Sonomura. It seems you have good affinity with
me. Ha ha, what can I say? I never really paid mind to
affinity. Everyone has good and bad, and I don't think decisions
should be based on that. I want to be friends with everyone. My
old friend taught me how to do so. So, I want to become friends
without affinities. I'm currently working at Hiiragi Psycho
Therapy. I'm always there, if you come to visit... See you

-QUOTE : "...Eh, we have good affinity? I kind of thought that we did.
I'm glad. ...By the way, do you collect things? Hmm, card
collecting...That's good. We really do get along. ...Actually I
collect something, too. I think that you would understand. What
do I collect, you say? I have a gun collection. That's right,
guns...The real deal. ...Do you have a thing against guns?"
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Parabellum of Aoba.
-GREETING: "...Welcome. I am honored to see you again. Today I will give
you special discount."

-QUOTE : "Hmph...Affinity, huh... Sorry, but I'm not into that stuff.
What decides a person's worth is his ability. This world is all
business. Affinity...feelings... Flashing those things around
is a sign of your weakness. If you're saying you're compatible
with me, then show me your worth first."
-RESULTS : Baofu does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.

-QUOTE : "Who the hell are you? Ah? Compatibility? Hmmmmmmm... You
wanna be my disciple, huh? I know, I know. You're mad at that
stupid Eikichi too, huh? Hot-blooded friendship, that crap's
outta date...Don't you think? Alright, you're my disciple from
today on! And! Don't call me 'Leader'! Call me...'Chief'."

-QUOTE : "Righteous! I knew it'd be me. We gots this tight
compatibility. If you're a guy, then we're best friends... If
you're a babe, then you're my honey... Later, dude."
-RESULTS : 50% discount at the BIKINI LINE of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Hmmmm...What is this pounding of my heart...We might be the
perfect match. I might have to think about prices..."
-RECOVERY: "Hmm, I can't take money from someone who is a perfect match with
me. So I'll give you half price, ¥1,500."

-QUOTE : "Hyahahahaha!! VoicesVoicesVoicesVoicesVoicesVoicesVoices!! I
hear it, I hear it... New Voices! What? Affinity with me?
Hyaha! Hyahahahaha! This is great! What a laughing stock! I
don't believe anyone!! The only thing i believe is...The
Voices!! Burn!...Kill!...Destroy everything!! Hyahahahahaha!!
VoicesVoicesVoices!! The Voices compel me! These Voices are my
existence!! Hyahahahaha!! I see, you hear them too! Then yell,
to everything in this world!!

-QUOTE : "Eh? What? Affinity with me?... You're not very lucky are you?
I mean are you happy having affinity with me? Well, giving
readings in broad daylight is a sign of having a lot of spare
time. Eh? I'm happy, at the least... But, affinity is
pointless. In the end, we all die, right? know, that's
what I think. There's no reason to live... Don't you think
that's a constructive opinion? You think so too, right?..."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the 2X SLASH of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Ah, welcome. I mean, you really seem to have time on your
hands. ...I'm starting to pity you. Why don't you set up your
PC so you can go online at home? ...Huh!? It's easy! ...Here,
I'll give you a discount cuz I feel sorry for you.

-QUOTE : "You're lucky to have good affinity with me. No matter how
normal you are, I can make you a star. We must think of your
debut song. Don't worry. I will provide you a sure hit. Then,
people will call me... 'The one who makes platinum-selling
songs, the super producer, Ginji Sasaki!!'"

54 - REIKO
-QUOTE : "Affinity...I see. There is such a thing as affinity. You
decide who your friends are unconsciously. However, just like
you, everyone has many different faces within their heart.
What's being displayed is only one. That is why you should not
decide who is bad or good based on compatiblity... Everyone has
a good side in them. Having said that, do you and I really have
good affinity? Let's get to know each other slowly."
-RESULTS : 50% discount at the Hiiragi Psycho Therapy of Konan.
-GREETING: "I wonder if you look like my friend or something...I've never
felt so close to a person...(snicker)...We're compatible."
-RECOVERY: "At least, the treatment is ¥3000... (giggle)...Well. For you,
¥1500 is fine."

-QUOTE : "Irashai!... Compatibility? That's right! You have to agree
with the sushi! OKAY!! I'll make you a fresh one right from the
ocean!! Come over to Gatten Sushi!"
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the GATTEN SUSHI of Rengedai.
-GREETING: "Hmm, I'm getting a strange feeling. You seem familiar, lady.
Alright! Let me give you a good price!"

-QUOTE : "Eh...Affinity with me? That honor. The connection
between people is a strange one, isn't it? I must have met with
Eikichi because of that strange connection. I'm so lucky."

-QUOTE : "A...An affinity with me!? I am in front of thou!? What evasive
methods... It must ve true if this is the work of the crystal
ball... I see... We are compatible... H-How about dinner
together?... Um..I know a good restaurant. I-it is...a bit
individualistic, but... No no, if thou art compatible with me,
then thou surely WILT like it...I promise. All is in the hands
of the crystal ball."

-QUOTE : "I see... You and I have an affinity... Is this the answer of
the Dragons of Fate? Then..I must accept it as so. Believe
it...Your worries and pains, they are all destined as the
dragons' guide. No one can defy fate..."

-QUOTE : "Hi!... I'm Chikalin. What do you want today? Ehhhhh!?
Affinity with Chikalin? Chikalin's heart is jumping. Saying
that makes me blush... But, still, y'know, Chikalin is happy!
Chikalin likes everyone. So she likes you too! This is today's
big scoop! But Chikalin will keep it to herself. That way her
heart will be happy..."

60 - DR. TOMI
-QUOTE : "'Goldfinger'... Hmmm, affinity with me, huh... You sure have
an eye for things!! Okay, I'll take care of your fatigue. Leave
your back to me. There's nothing these fingers can't heal!!
'Goldfinger'... Now, sing along with me... 'Goldfinger...!!!'"
-RESULTS : 50% discount at T's CHIROPRACTIC of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "Go--ld Finger!! I wonder why I'm so glad to see you! I'll
treat you specially today!"
-RECOVERY: "Hm, well... Your spine is all bent. I'll just charge you ¥1500
to fix it."

-QUOTE : "Huh? ...Affinity with me? Don't make fun of adults! I'm
actually pretty innocent, y'know. But...It doesn't feel bad
being told that. Humans can't live alone, and if I think that
such a person exists somewhere... That's right, you think that,
also... I know there's a person like me somewhere in in the
world. Your view will change."
-RESULTS : Ulala does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.

62 - COUNT
-QUOTE : "You having an affinity with me... It seems you are also a
puppet who cannot escape the strings of time. People do not
accept their destiny... They attempt to go against the absolute
Providence... Foolish, is it not? Me meeting you is also
destiny. I will pray that you will not stain your hands in such
a foolish act."
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the Time Castle of Rengedai.
-GREETING: "You say you have affinity with me? Ha ha...well that's not
entirely false... Very well. I'll give you a discount."

-QUOTE : "I have no right to be thought of that way. A person who
betrayed his friends and couldn't even keep his promise... This
is my sin to atone for... I should accept the punishment... I
don't want to...bring any more sadness..."
-RESULTS : Tatsuya does an increased amount of damage in FUSION SPELLS.


Here are the statistics for each of the Satomi Sisters. Do note that they
are accessible if you got the regular Affinity Readings, but once you get the
powered up versions, you would never encounter any of them. =( Once you
selected a Satomi Sister, they will say this to you.

Satomi Sister #?:
"Do you have affinity with me? Then guess it right... What sister am I?"
You can guess.: "Eldest", "2nd", "5th", "6th", "7th", or "I don't know."

-ANSWERS : Would appear for 03, 11, 19, 28, 43, 45, 56, and 63.
-RIGHT-G : "Uhyohyohyo!! Correct!! I'm the eldest... Incredible, telling
us apart... As a reward, I'll give you Medicine. Use it
-WRONG-G : "Daaaang!! That's not it!! I'm the eldest!!"
-REWARD : Medicine.
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the SATOMI TADASHI of Aoba.
-GREETING: "Welcome to Satomi Tadashi in Aoba...Oh my! HeeHeeHee!! Thank
you for shopping here frequently. I'll give you a discount

-ANSWERS : Would appear for 00, 32, and 59.
-RIGHT-G : "Correct...I'm the 2nd sister... The 2nd sister... You're ready
for the world now... As a treat I'll give you Gala-Gala Drink.
Think of it as me and take care of it..."
-WRONG-G : "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! I'm the 2nd Sister...Even if we have
affinity, you couldn't figure it out huh..."
-REWARD : Gala-Gala Drink.
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the SATOMI TADASHI of Konan.
-GREETING: "You caaaaame...When you come, I'm just happy, I don't know
why... I'll break the rules, and give you extras..."

-ANSWERS : Would appear for 21, 24, 30, 39, and 46.
-RIGHT-G : "Uhyohyohyo!! Correct...I'm the 5th sister... On the dot!
You're great... Even our mother can't tell us apart... So I'll
give you Snuff Soul."
-WRONG-G : "Daaaang!!...You're wrong... I'm the 5th sister... Too bad,
even though we have affinity..."
-REWARD : Snuff Soul.
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the SATOMI TADASHI of Hirasaka.
-GREETING: "Welco...Oh hey!! Thank you all the time! Uhyohyohyo!! I'll
give you discounts, so buy a lot!"

-ANSWERS : Would appear for 04, 23, 33, and 37.
-RIGHT-G : "Uhyohyohyo!!! Correct!! I'm the 6th sister.... I just
recently came to Sumaru city... That's incredible! Even we
can't tell each other apart... So I give you Ball of Returning."
-WRONG-G : "Daaaang!! That's not it! Look closely... I'm the 6th
sister... Even having affinity doesn't help..."
-REWARD : Ball of Returning.
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the SATOMI TADASHI of Rengedai.
-GREETING: "Uhyohyo, I feel excited. I'm imagining naughty things involving
you(heart) We must be compatible, so you get something special."

-ANSWERS : Would appear for 13, 20, 22, 32, and 40.
-RIGHT-G : "I'm surprised... Uhyohyohyo!! Correct!! I'm the 7th sister...
I'm happy so I'll give you a present... Think of this Antidote
as me and use it wisely..."
-WRONG-G : "Daaaang!! Wrong....Very wrong... I'm the 7th sister..."
-REWARD : Antidote.
-RESULTS : 20% discount at the SATOMI TADASHI of Yumezaki.
-GREETING: "Oh, for some reason my heart is dancing. Maybe it's because of
you. In that case, I'll give you a discount."


If you really don't feel like going through the whole detailed list above,
here are the short listings in order to help you quickly. ^^;; If you
want the details, you have to read Section 07 - AFFINITY READING LIST!


| 00 - 2nd SatomiSister | 21 - 5th SatomiSister | 43 - 1st SatomiSister |
| 01 - Katsuya | 22 - 7th SatomiSister | 44 - Nate |
| 02 - Saleslady | 23 - 6th SatomiSister | 45 - 1st SatomiSister |
| 03 - 1st SatomiSister | 24 - 5th SatomiSister | 46 - 5th SatomiSister |
| 04 - 6th SatomiSister | 25 - Bartender | 47 - Bartender |
| 05 - Waitress | 26 - Captain Shimazu | 48 - Baofu |
| 06 - Reiko | 27 - W. Shopkeeper | 49 - Sugimoto |
| 07 - R.M. Barkeeper | 28 - 1st SatomiSister | 50 - Aki dude |
| 08 - Tony | 29 - Ellen | 51 - Tatsuya Sudou |
| 09 - Aesthetician | 30 - 5th SatomiSister | 52 - U.M. Waiter |
| 10 - Dr. Tomi | 31 - Jewelry Designer | 53 - Ginji |
| 11 - 1st SatomiSister | 32 - 7th SatomiSister | 54 - Reiko |
| 12 - U.M. Waiter | 33 - 6th SatomiSister | 55 - Kankichi |
| 13 - 7th SatomiSister | 34 - Aesthetician | 56 - 1st SatomiSister |
| 14 - R.L. Bartender | 35 - Shiraishi Lady | 57 - Sumaru Genie |
| 15 - Shiraishi Lady | 36 - Saleslady | 58 - Chizuru |
| 16 - Waiter Soejima | 37 - 6th SatomiSister | 59 - 2nd SatomiSister |
| 17 - Kaori | 38 - Manager | 60 - Dr. Tomi |
| 18 - Count | 39 - 5th SatomiSister | 61 - Ulala |
| 19 - 1st SatomiSister | 40 - 7th SatomiSister | 62 - Count |
| 20 - 7th SatomiSister | 41 - Tony | 63 - 1st SatomiSister |
| | 42 - 2nd SatomiSister | |


[NOTE: * indicates that they are new from the regular Affinity Reading!]
| 00 - Belladonna* | 21 - Meepo* | 43 - Ken* |
| 01 - Katsuya | 22 - Yung Pao* | 44 - Nate |
| 02 - Saleslady | 23 - R.M. Chunky* | 45 - Chief Todoroki* |
| 03 - Asacchi* | 24 - Guido* | 46 - Mary* |
| 04 - Jun* | 25 - Bartender | 47 - Bartender |
| 05 - Waitress | 26 - Captain Shimazu | 48 - Baofu |
| 06 - Reiko | 27 - W. Shopkeeper | 49 - Sugimoto |
| 07 - R.M. Barkeeper | 28 - Igor* | 50 - Aki dude |
| 08 - Tony | 29 - Ellen | 51 - Tatsuya Sudou |
| 09 - Aesthetician | 30 - Chris* | 52 - U.M. Waiter |
| 10 - Dr. Tomi | 31 - Jewelry Designer | 53 - Ginji |
| 11 - Ixquic* | 32 - Yuki* | 54 - Reiko |
| 12 - U.M. Waiter | 33 - Nameless* | 55 - Kankichi |
| 13 - Ms. Smith* | 34 - Aesthetician | 56 - Miyabi* |
| 14 - R.L. Bartender | 35 - Shiraishi Lady | 57 - Sumaru Genie |
| 15 - Shiraishi Lady | 36 - Saleslady | 58 - Chizuru |
| 16 - Waiter Soejima | 37 - Lisa* | 59 - R.M. Chikalin* |
| 17 - Kaori | 38 - Manager | 60 - Dr. Tomi |
| 18 - Count | 39 - Tammy* | 61 - Ulala |
| 19 - R.M. Toku* | 40 - Brad* | 62 - Count |
| 20 - Eikichi* | 41 - Tony | 63 - Tatsuya Suou* |
| | 42 - Trish* | |


| FUSION SPELLS :-------------------------------------------------|
| 01 - Katsuya Suou | 29 - Ellen Kirishima | 44 - Nate Nanjo |
| 48 - Baofu | 61 - Ulala Serizawa | 63 - Tatsuya Suou |
| DISCOUNTS/AOBA :-------------------------------------------------|
| 02 - Rosa Candida | 09 - etheria | 12 - 2X SLASH |
| 25 - Parabellum | 34 - etheria | 36 - Rosa Candida |
| 47 - Parabellum | 52 - 2X SLASH | |
| DISCOUNTS/HIRASAKA :-------------------------------------------------|
| 10 - T's CHIROPRACTIC | 15 - Izakaya Shiraishi | 27 - Toa Armory |
| 35 - IzakayaShiraishi | 60 - T's CHIROPRACTIC | |
| DISCOUNTS/KONAN :-------------------------------------------------|
| 06 - Hiiragi P.T. | 07 - Johnny Roger's | 54 - Hiiragi P.T. |
| DISCOUNTS/NARUMI :-------------------------------------------------|
| 14 - Ebony | 16 - L'C-de-Lune [Aoba] | 31 - Padpara. [Konan] |
| DISCOUNTS/RENGEDAI :-------------------------------------------------|
| 17 - kaori | 18 - Time Castle | 55 - GATTEN SUSHI |
| 62 - Time Castle | | |
| DISCOUNTS/YUMEZAKI :-------------------------------------------------|
| 05 - Peace Diner | 08 - TONY'S SHOP | 38 - Mu Continent |
| 41 - TONY'S SHOP | 50 - BIKINI LINE | |


Now here is my short compliations of what I believe to be the most useful
to least useful in Affinity Readings. ^^;; :

LIMITED : -Any of the Satomi Sisters~!!!
-29/Ellen or 44/Nate. Heck, why not have Affinity with them?
WORTHWHILE: -01/Katsuya, 48/Baofu, 61/Ulala, and 63/Tatsuya. I recommend
Tatsuya since he deals the most damage in your party.
-02/Saleslady, 16/Soejima, 25/Bartender, and 27/W. Shopkeeper.
When Ameno Torifune comes up, they will be REALLY useful.
USEFUL : -08/Tony. He sells some pretty good Relics.
-18/Count. Cheaper cost for buying Spell Cards.
-31/Jewelry Designer. Discounts on Item developments.
-09/Aesthetician and 17/Kaori. 20% and 50% discounts! ^^;;
WORTHLESS : -Any of those with NO CHANGES. =(
-Any Food Centers [05, 07, 12, 14, 15, and 55.] or Healing
Centers [06, 10, 15, and 50.] because increased stats and cheap
healing isn't that great, I rather use my Items.


Now onto the questions~!:

Q: If the result of an Affinity Reading comes out to be a party member,
could you get a Special Contact with them?
A: No, you would not get a Special Contact with your party members. Even
the Sumaru Genie itself said that!

Q: How long did it took you to type up all of those quotes and everything to
release the first version of this Guide?
A: It took me a total of 3 days. ^^;; And with a few revisions afterwards.

Q: Does everyone has an Affinity Reading?
A: Nope. Here are some without an Affinity Reading [I am NOT going to name
everyone! ^^;; ]: Anna, Noriko, Mizuno, Tatsuzou, Devil Artist, Fujii,
Sugawara, Makimura, Matsuoka, Mr. Kashihara, Stalker, Maya Amano, Maya
Okamura, Principal Harding, Nyarlathothep, Philemon, and the Shadows!

Q: If you have an Affinity Reading with a Shopkeeper, would there be a
change in the effects on the Treatment and/or the Foods you used/ate?
A: Nope and I've tried it myself. I went into GATTEN SUSHI and tried their
Sushi -- no changes. I also went to kaori and tried out their
Aromatherapy -- no changes. Everything is still the same!

Q: There is a 20% discount??
A: Yep-o~! ^^;; Let's use this as an example.: Parabellum would sell a
weapon for around 76800 Yen without an Affinity Reading. If you have an
Affinity Reading with the Bartender, then he would now sell the weapon
for 61440 Yen. In order to get the percentage of the discount, you would
do this math.:
Original Price * Percentage = Difference
Original Price - Difference = Discount
We know that the original price was 76800 Yen, and then we'll times it by
0.20. The answer should be 15360 Yen. [76800 * 0.20 = 15360.] Now with
15360, we would minus that from the original price of 76800 Yen. Then
it would result in 61440 Yen. [76800 - 15360 = 61440.] So now we are
positive that there is a 20% discount! ^^;;

Q: If I tried to sell an Item to a person I have an Affinity Reading with,
would the price for that item would be sold for twice as much?
A: Sorry, but the amount of the price for selling an Item is the same with or
without an Affinity Reading. -_-;;

Q: Are you sure there is an increased amount of damage done in FUSION SPELLS
if you are compatible with one of your party members?
A: I am not lying, I even tested it out myself. I went into Kasugayama High
School, battled an innocent Ratatosk there, and I casted a cheap Fusion
Spell, Ryuhi Tensho [Wind + Wind.]. I let Maya cast Garudyne while
Katsuya cast Maha Garudyne. I was doing around 1247 damage to the
Ratatosk. So then I left, went to the Sumaru Genie, and got myself an
Affinity Reading with Katsuya. I head back into Kasugayama High School
and fought a Ratatosk again. I did the same ole' Ryuhi Tensho again and
guess what? Instead of doing 1247 damage to her, I was whippin' out
about 2424 damage to her! >=} BIG IMPROVEMENT! So I cannot recommend
enough to get an Affinity Reading with the strongest Spellcaster in the
game. [It's usually Tatsuya!] You will thank me later!

Q: Has an Affinity Reading actually worked for someone?
A: Yes, it has worked with my sister who was having a hard time defeating
Was Sugawara. I told her to have an Affinity Reading with Tatsuya and
try fighting Was Sugawara again. She did what I told her, and battled
him again. Her usual 850 damage by the Fusion Spell Meltdown was now
doing 1140 damage, thanks to the Affinity Reading. ^^;; And she
eventually killed Was Sugawara soon enough. She couldn't have done it
without that Affinity Reading! We used the Affinity Readings again to
fight the Metal Trio. ^^;;

Q: Must Maya be in every Fusion in order for the increase damage to work?
A: No, Maya does not need to be in a part of every Fusion Spell! If you
have an Affinity with Baofu, then the damage dealt in Baofu's FUSION
SPELLS would be increased with or without Maya. You can still deal
huge damage with a Fusion between Baofu + Ulala + Nate, but only if you
got an Affinity Reading with either Baofu, Ulala, or Nate.

Q: If I got an Affinity Reading with the Shiraishi Lady, would the cost
for a Mansearch would be cheaper or would I will get more of a reward?
A: Not in this lifetime. -_-;; At least be happy that at least she DOES
pay ya a lot for doing these Mansearches. I find it to be a great past
time personally~! ^^;;

Q: If I have an Affinity with the Count and I gave him a SPELL CARD to
duplicate, would I get anything extra?
A: Nope. He would only give you a discount for the BUY CARDS command.

Q: What are the pros and cons for the regular Affinity Reading and the
powered up Affinity Readings?
A: The pros of the regular Affinity Readings is that if you get an
Affinity Reading with a Satomi Sister, you can get discounts at Satomi
Tadashi, and the Satomi Sisters would give you a free Item if you can
identify them correctly. Can't beat that. =} The cons to the regular
Affinity Readings is that there isn't much of a selection of characters
to get an Affinity with.
The pros to the powered up Affinity Reading is that all of the Satomi
Sisters would be replaced with characters who plays a major role in the
game, whether they be playable or non-playable characters. The cons is
that all of the Satomi Sisters are gone, thus no more discounts at
Satomi Tadashi. =(

Q: Do you need the Affinity Readings to proceed further into the game?
A: Not at all! They are there for the same reasons as how the Restaurants
are there for.: To help benefit you. These I found to be a lot better
than the Restaurants because the Affinity Readings lasts forever until
you change your Affinity to another character. ^^;; Also, who
wouldn't want to deal huge damage to Demons/Bosses with FUSION SPELLS
powered by Affinity Readings? ^~ *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Q: I got an Affinity Reading with a Rumormonger, would they give me twice
as many Rumors?
A: Nada, buddy. -_-;;

Q: If I get an Affinity Reading with Eikichi, and I battle Metal Eikichi,
would I deal more damage on him?
A: I don't think so. Most of the time you get Affinity Readings with the
characters who are majorily focus in the Game, you would only get a
warm fuzzy feeling. The only time these Affinity Readings are useful
is when you get an Affinity with a Shopskeeper [Kaori, Reiko, Kankichi,
etc.] or with a party member [Ulala, Baofu, Katsuya, etc.].

Q: If I get an Affinity Reading with the Manager of Mu Continent, would
the Exchange Rate from Yen to Coins would decrease?
A: Nope, the only 20% discount the Manager would give is on his prizes,
not on the Exchange Rate. Sorry Ya (I'm Sorry)!

Q: If I get an Affinity Reading with Igor, Belladonna, or Nameless;
wouldn't the Persona I want would take less amount of Tarot Cards to
summon or would their statistics be increased in some form or way?
A: Nah, I tried it myself. Gettin' an Affinity Reading with any of the
VELVET ROOM people are just for fuzzies. Nothing special happens.

Q: How can you tell the difference between each Satomi Sister?
A: You're on your own, dude. ^^;; There is no way to tell them apart
from each other. Just do a "eenie-meenie-minee-mo" guess, and pray to
Philemon that you got it right! Or better yet, just use this Guide to
help you out -- you cheater you. ^~

Q: Why are there 7 Satomi Sisters when #3 and #4 are missing!
A: Ever heard that 7 8 9? Get it, Seven _ATE_ Nine? =P Yes, I'm lame.

Q: I need help outside of Affinity Readings!
A: Then my Guide is not for you, brave soul. Venture onward to Guides by
Jack Spade, Archaeopteryx, Sasoriza, or Hyral. ^^;; They are more in
depth with the game than I am. I'm just writing an Affinity Reading
Guide here. Can't we just stop this senseless... Oops, wrong phrase!

Q: On the question "Are you a man?", how can Ulala be on it? She's a
woman! Unless if Baofu's right on the "Cross-dressing b##ch" part!
A: I think it's a mistranslation! ^^;; I guess the better question to
ask for question #1 is, "Do you act like a man?" Because Ulala does
act very unfeminine. But don't think it's just Ulala -- there's also
Mary, Lisa, and Trish to name a few who has "Yes" to Question #1. So I
would say that it's a mistranslation.


PERSONA and the Megami Tensei series, and characters © ATLUS 1996, 1999,
2000. All rights reserved. PERSONA and the Revelations series are a
trademark of ATLUS.

This Guide [p2ep_aff.txt] is copyrighted © by me, enigmaopoeia.
This Guide is for personal use ONLY! This Guide must NOT be ALTERED [Such as
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then you may NOT post it, simple as that. If you would like this Guide to be
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please send me an e-mail at.: enigmaopoeia[at]go[dash]dream[dot]com

CREDIT GIVEN TO: Christine Bomke A.K.A. CB! @


My deepest thanks to those who contributed to my PERSONA 2 Eternal Punishment
Affinity Reading Guide! *bows before them* I am not worthy!:

-Karniz Archada @
-Archaeopteryx @ spotted_moray at
-enigmaopoeia @
-Ildana @
-Jack Spade @

You know I would also love to thank all of my friends as well as my younger
sister, but Hell, I'm not gonna make this Guide huge~! You know I love you
guys, and thanks for being kewl friends~! ^^;; Thanks to all of the people
who are reading this Guide whether they like it or not, yes -- that even
means you! =P Also thanks to those I forgot to mention! Sorry! ^^;;


-Go Dream @
-ATLUS of Japan @
-ATLUS of America @
-CB's Project @
-GameFAQs @
-playstation @

"Chome chome tâimu!!!" - Ixquic, PERSONA 2 Eternal Punishment

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