Eternal Eyes

Eternal Eyes

15.10.2013 19:00:25
__, | |
_______ _| |__ _______ ,______ ,___.---. _____ | |
/______/ '- --' /______/ - __ \ - .--. \. /_-. \ | |
| _______ | | | _______ | | ) ) | | \ \ .___| | | |
| ,------ | | | ,------ | |_/./ | | ) | / .-. | | |
\ \_____ | |_ \ \_____ | |\, \__ | | / / | (__) | | |_
\.___-' \.,/ \.___-' |_| \__/ |_| / / \_._/|__|_ \.,/

___########, ,########___
--#############, ,#############--
--##''''' '######, ,######' '''''##--
-''' ..._____.._ '## ##' _..______.. '''-
.*' | (_) | \ / | (_) | '*.
'-._\_____/_.-' '-._\_____/_.-'

_______ ,___. ,___ _______ ________
/______/ -. / --. | /______/ /______ /
| _______ / / | | | _______ | \ '
| ,------ | | | | | ,------ '._''--.
\ \_____ \ \_____| | \ \_____ '-.. '
\.___-' /|.___--. | \.___-' /'-----' |
< \ | | '-..__--'
'._''---' |

The ASCII above is made by Ignacio de Lucas. A very special thanks to him.
Cool, eh? :)

Eternal Eyes
For Sony Playstation
Version 1.20 29/11/2001 (FINAL)
By Darren Ng (
ICQ 55261040

Unpublished work Copyright 2001-2002 Darren Ng

"Eternal Eyes" is (c) Sunsoft and (c) Sony Entertainment of America.

|| This walkthrough will be made as spoiler-free as possible ||

$ Contribution needed $
$ -Can you actually explore Goondocks BEFORE the first battle there? $
$ -Do you know the use of SP and LK attribute? $
$ -Do you know what is the "Ef" in my "Magics" section under "Battling"? $
$ Thank you $

(( Content ))

1. Disclaimer
2. Updates
4. Introduction
5. Contribution

6. Battling
a. Level-up
b. Attribute
c. Weapon types
d. Magics
e. Deaths
f. Evolving
g. What you gain
h. Tips

7. Walkthrough *Completed!*
B O N U S E S *Updated*

8. Charts
a. Evolution Chart *Updated* *Completed*

9. Battling tricks
10. How to contact me
11. Asked Questions
12. Credits
13. Author's Note *Updated*

(( 1. Disclaimer ))

This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright
Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be
reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form
(written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort
of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift.
This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Darren Ng. All copyrights and
trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned
herein. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including
webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written
permission. Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable by law.

The Copyright notice is being picked from Kao Megura's Super Street
Fighter II X (Saturn) FAQ with his permission.

Special thanks to him.

(( 2. Updates ))

[ Version 1.20 ]

- Completed the "Evolution Chart" sub-section for the "Charts" section.
- Removed the To Do List section, since I've decided to make this the final
- Updated the "Bonuses" sub-section under "Walkthrough" section.
- Corrected some mistakes made by Ms. Word; bullets, numberings, spacings

[ Version 1.10 ]

- Corrected the date of Version 1.00, it's actually 14/11, not 14/10. That's
month's difference ^_^;
- Recently discovered that battles can be different from the fact that the
enemy's monsters are actually random.
- Also discovered that you can actually view enemy's stats and their names.
Stupid me!
- For these discoveries, I've changed the whole walkthrough's structure.
(Man, quite a lot of work, that is!)
- Walkthrough is now completed!
- Enhanced the Introduction section...
- Added "Evolving" sub-section under "Battling".
- Added two tips in the "Tips" sub-section under "Battling". (You'll "grow"
as you fight ^_^;)
- Corrected some mistakes (spelling, grammar that I noticed)
- Corrected some errors in "Battling" section:
a) Bonus Exp. will actually be affected by your level. (Sorry!! ^_^;)
b) Reviewed almost the whole "Battling" section, updated almost all the
- Changed the ASCII. Thanks to Ignacio for this one!
- Added "Chart" section, added "Evolution Chart" sub-section. Thanks to
Sugiyanto Yusup for allowing me to use his FAQ (There's a "Evolution"
section in his FAQ...)
- Added "Tricks" section for all advanced battling tricks.

[ Version 1.00 ]

- Yay!!! I've started my first walkthrough!!!
- I've added these sections into my walkthrough:
a) Disclaimer
b) Updates
c) To do list
d) Introduction
e) Contribution
f) Battling
g) Walkthrough up to Chapter VI
h) How to contact me
i) Asked Questions
j) Credit
k) Author's Note
- Did my ASCII logo, but it sucks...

(( 4. Introduction ))

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to my first walkthrough about EE (Eternal

"'The war of the goddess...' A battle fought between humans and a black-
hearted deity... The resurrection of the black-hearted deity, who had once
devastated a large portion of the world, frightened people. Like silent lamb,
they were swallowed up by the darkness of 'fear'. But there are some who were
not afraid... Six heroes chosen by fate rose to restore 'light' to the world.
Among the heroes were some who were very unlikely to human beings. The 'Red-
eyed tribe' or the 'Eternal Eyes' as they are often called, were born
differently to human beings, having eyes with scarlet pupils. They had the
power to search out special 'jewels' around the world, by means of which they
would give souls to lifeless dolls. These dolls, called 'magical puppets'
grew according to the number of jewels they were given and were the equals to
the monsters in power and appearance. Eventually the power to control what
were called 'magical puppet monsters' were handed down only to selected
number of 'Eternal Eyes' called 'magical puppets Master'. The 'magical puppet
monsters' fought as a divine beings in the 'War of the goddess...' However,
as soon as the war ended the 'Eternal Eyes' disappeared from the society and
went somewhere unknown to people. Gradually the existence of the 'Eternal
Eyes' faded from people's mind. The story which now begins concerns a boy
with scarlet eyes"

The introduction above is being picked from Eternal Eyes' introduction.

Eternal Eyes (EE) is an RPG game. It's created by Sunsoft. What's RPG?
Well, RPG means Role-Playing Game. It's sort of like walking around, picking
up things, battling and probably some puzzles too. Uhh... well, that's about
the introduction ^_^;

(( 5. Contribution ))

Well, did you notice if I missed something or is there any errors in the
walkthrough? Have a trick or tips to share? If you do, please kindly send it
to me so that I can correct my walkthrough. Please, please, pretty please...
There will be "Contributors Alert" anywhere in the walkthrough where I need
your help. Your name and e-mail address will be added into the "Credits"
Section as a token of appreciation. Also, if you find any places confusing to
you, please contact me too. If you didn't notice, my e-mail address and my
ICQ number is

< >
ICQ 55261040
[Inferno II]

Your contribution is greatly needed and appreciated. Thanks.

(( 6. Battling ))

In EE, most of the story line is fight, fight and fight. So you'll need
to at least master the basics of battling in EE to play the game easily. I've
divided the whole battling process into 8 portions.

Note that if Luke dies, the game will be over regardless how many
puppets you still have alive.

Also note that you can only bring 3 puppets along with you to battle
(which is 4 members in a party including Luke).

_a. Level-up_

To level up, what you need is Exp. Points. Exp. Points are awarded to
you when you hit an enemy SUCCESSFULLY or casted a spell (In exception of
Luke). You won't get any Exp. Points if your attack missed or you're being
attacked. These Exp. Points you gain are affected by your current level.
There's bonus Exp. Points awarded after each battle. That will be affected by
your current level too. The amount of bonus Exp. Points awarded are divided
amongst your party member. You'll need an exact 100 Exp. Points to level-up.

Level will determine the difficulty of each battle. Why? Because when
you level-up, your attributes will increase too, thus making you stronger. In
conclusion, you must battle a lot before facing the battle ahead.

Note that once you've level-up, your HP and MP will replenish. Make use
of this.

Also note that, like most RPG games (probably ALL RPG games), EE has a
limit on levels. The limit is Lvl99, as expected. It is REALLY easy to reach
that level, in fact, I think Sunsoft MEANS to have us reaching that level.

Attribute descriptions will be explained one by one now.

_b. Attributes_

There are a total of 11 attributes in EE. They are:

| Attribute | Short form | Explanation |
| Health Point | HP | This is your health status. When it reaches |
| | | 0, you lose. It can be healed with healing |
| | | items such as Riceball and Rice Sandwich. It |
| | | can be healed by magics casted by your |
| | | puppet or yourself. It will replenish once |
| | | one levels-up.
| Mana Point | MP | This is needed to cast magics. This applies |
| | | to your puppets only. You, yourself won't |
| | | have any MP. Instead, you uses Jewels to |
| | | cast a spell. As for the puppets, the caster |
| | | will deduct his MP (amount shown in the top |
| | | right of your screen) in order to cast a |
| | | spell. If you don't have enough MP, the |
| | | spell will not be casted. It will replenish |
| | | once one levels-up.
| Attack | AT | Attack is the amount of damage you will |
| | | inflict to your opponent through normal |
| | | attacks, though it will be countered by your |
| | | opponent's Defense. This means, the more |
| | | AT you've got, the easier you can beat an |
| | | opponent. |
| Defense | DF | This is your endurance to your opponent's |
| | | normal attack. |
| Magic Attack | MA | Magic Attack is essential to casters because |
| | | it determines how many damage will it |
| | | inflict to an opponent, though it is |
| | | countered by your opponent's Magic Defense. |
| | | I think this effects healing magics too. |
| Magic Defense | MD | Magic Defense is your shield against an |
| | | opponent's magic attacks. In cases, it |
| | | determines your life and death (in the |
| | | game, of course ^_^;) |
| Hit Rate | HR | Hit rate determines your chance to hit an |
| | | opponent with normal attacks, though it is |
| | | countered by your opponent's evade rate. |
| | | So, if you've high AT but lack in HR, you'll |
| | | have problems to even touch your opponent, |
| | | thus your AT Points will render useless. |
| Evade Rate | AV | This determines the chance of evasion you |
| | | have against an opponent's normal attack. |
| | | So if you're lack of DF, you might need some |
| | | AV points. |
| Speed? | SP | I'm not sure how this works but I think it |
| | | has something to do with HR and AV in some |
| | | way or another. |
| Luck? | LK | I'm not sure how this works either. But I |
| | | think it effects what type of treasure you |
| | | will get in battles (the more luck you have, |
| | | the more valuable the treasure will be) |
| Moves | MV | This is the amount of blocks you can move |
| | | in a battle. |

_c. Weapon types_

There are three kind of weapons in the game. They are swords, spears and
bows. Their descriptions can be found by talking to an old man in Gross
Kingdom's bar. I simply make it simpler...

| Weapon Type | Description |
| Sword | This is a short-range weapon. But in change of it's short |
| | range, it's awarded with more AT Points. Short range means |
| | that you can strike an opponent 1 block from you only, with |
| | greater damage. |
| Spear | This is a weapon which can strike an opponent 2 blocks from |
| | you, horizontally and vertically only. It's attack point, |
| | in other case, is less than Sword. |
| Bow | This is a good weapon if you want to be keep away from an |
| | enemy. It can strike opponent far away (not really that |
| | FAR, though... From 3-4 blocks). You can't hit those who's |
| | too near to you (which is 1-2 blocks). I think this applies |
| | to ALL kind of bows) for it's attack point, it's less than |
| | Spear. Note that you can collect treasure from afar with |
| | bows. |

Do you notice that, Gross Kingdom always has the best of Swords, Bows,
Armors and Items while Goondocks always has a step ahead with spears. That's
why we should always check two of the General Stores' update always.

_d. Magics_

Magics are another element of attack in EE. Your puppets can cast any
magics they learn from Jewels by using their MP and Luke can cast magics by
using Jewels. Note that you can only have 9 jewels of a type at a time. That
means, you can have a total of 216 jewels at a time. If you'd, by any chance,
get more than 9 Jewels, the additional Jewel will be discarded without

Note that if you lay a trap and an opponent steps on it, the damage is a
lot higher than the one you casted directly on it. And when I say a lot, I
mean 35:224 damage, direct:trap. See the difference? Traps won't be activated
if it is on the path. It will only be activated if it's stood on. This
applies to YOUR party member too.

Also note that a trap only last for 3 turns (Your turn + enemy's turn= 1

This is what opened up if you choose a magic to cast on the top right of
your screen:

|Mp :111|
|Cs :6 |
|Pw :8 |
|Rg :3 |
|Ef :C |


Mp- Current MP your puppet have.
Cs- MP needed to cast the spell.
Pw- The grade of damage it will inflict (it still depends on your MA)
Rg- The reach of this magic.
Ef- I'm not sure what this is...

_e. Deaths_

As mentioned above, if Luke dies, the game's over. But if your puppet's
the one who dies, then it's resurrectable. Just evolve it like a normal
Magical Puppet and it'll be a new puppet. (Yes, this works in battle too)
Unfortunately, all the magics it learnt will disappear. Only its level

_f. Evolving_

You should evolve your puppets in order to battle with greater
opponents. By that, your attributes will increase a little and most
importantly, your magics will be more powerful. You must upgrade your learnt
magics to unleash its power.

I've an evolution chart in the "Chart" section, though it's not

Also, evolving doesn't mean losing your puppet's learnt magics. It'll
just remain there once you've evolved. But evolving a puppet from a Magical
Puppet is different.

_g. What you gain_

I: Treasure Chest
Well, for every opponent you've defeated, there'll be a treasure chest.
In the treasure chest is ANYTHING! (Well, ok... Not anything... Anything as
of available in your current Chapter...) Sometimes, it gives a Magical Puppet
too! If you leave the treasure chest, at the end of the battle, you'll
automatically retrieve it. But the risk of leaving it is that if an enemy SO
bad, he destroys the chest, then you'll gain nothing. So, it's better if you
retrieve it once you've defeat one enemy. You can also retrieve it with bow.
But note that you can't retrieve it with magics.

II: Mica
After each battle, you'll receive Mica, which is the currency in the
game. This means if you battle more, then you can shop more! :)

III: Exp. Points
You will receive Exp. Points as you fight and at the end of the battle,
you'll receive bonus Exp. Points, which is divided amongst your party member.

Note that bonus Exp. Points are affected by your current level.

_h. Tips_

Well... where should I start...? First, when you're about to get a
level-up (like with 94 or 95 Exp.), don't heal (but if it's critical, I don't
know...). After you level-up, all your HP and MP will replenish. So is at
near end of a battle, don't heal. The game will replenish for you in between
fights (where you can save, change your equipment, etc.)

Then, when you see that an opponent is about to die, use your most lack-
of-Exp. party member to defeat it. That way, you'll get much more Exp. and
level-up. You know, you should have a balance in all your puppet's level.

Also, if you notice, most opponents you encounter focuses their attacks
on Luke. This is because if Luke dies, game over. So take advantage of this.
How? Well, I know that you all have good brains that can guess where the
opponent will go... When you are certain of that, have Luke to plant a trap
there. Remember: A trap's damage is MUCH higher than a direct hit from Luke's

From my oppinion, I think you should get the treasure chests which is in
range of an opponent. The opponents are so bad that they will destroy the
chest and you'll lose a treasure. You can have a bow for a far-fetch :)

Also, you can always take a peek at an enemy's status. By that, you can
see their names AND status. THAT is very useful. By that, you'll know which
to use normal attacks on and who should you use magic attacks on.

Well... should I consider this as a tip or a trick? Well, it's like
this: If your position is something like this:


Where L is Luke, X is your puppets, and E is an enemy (Hard-To Defeat, only
uses normal attacks), set a trap at O. He'll definitely step on it except if
you had some other puppets which annoyed him at first ;) After this, you go
back a step, your puppets all go back a step, and then set another trap in
front of you. The enemy will happily step on it again!!! LOL!! (I've posted
one copy at the "Battling tricks" section too)

Well, that's about all the tips I've now. Have any tips? Share with us!

(( 7. Walkthrough ))

*Before starting the walkthrough, I want you to know that whenever I
suggest to train your puppets and yourself, I do. I do train in the WHOLE
level of a dungeon. Like, if I say "Lost Forest", I battle in ALL parts of
the forest, which is "Near Entrance", "Part 1", "Part 2" and "Part 3"*

As usual, the opening scene comes first. Then...

C H A P T E R I:

You'll see Luke and his friends in a cave after the opening scene. After
the somewhat funny sequence, you'll back in...

---Gross Kingdom---

Why do they call this place "Gross" Kingdom? It sounds gross! :)

Anyway, you're needed to be prepared for the adventure... So wander
around! I went to the pub and talked to the old man there. He'll teach you
how to use your weapons...

| How to use a sword | "This is the orthodox weapon. You can only use it in |
| | close battle. It's attacking power is great" |
| How to use a spear | "This is a weapon with a long reach. It reaches one |
| | block beyond the adjacent block. You can attack an |
| | enemy who is not directly adjacent to you" |
| How to use a bow | "This is a long-distance weapon. In battle it can |
| | attack an enemy on a distance block. It is no good |
| | for attacking an adjacent block, though. |

Apart from that, I didn't find anything more... Ohh yeah... there's a
General Store in the town too. They sell...

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter I

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Short Bow 90M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M

In case you mistake the "M" for million, it's Mica, the currency in EE.
But I know you won't... Who will after one sees that a bamboo pole is worth
for 8M? ^_^; The one, which got my attention when I first saw it, is "Dad's
Smack". It actually raises the attack power :)

Also, did you notice? Hey, I've got only 200M!!! Where's the treasure
Luke's party has just found!? It must've worth more than that!!!

Note that you can access the menu and choose "Move" to move around the
town easily.

Now, go to Luke's house. Luke's house, head upstairs. Check the bed,
which is glowing in red and you'll be able to save. The bed, which is glowing
in blue, in the other case, is to load your game.

If you want to equip those, which you've bought back at the General
Store, go to the hole at the hall of Luke's house. There's glowing cupboards
there and one of them manages your equipments. To list them out, the nearest
cupboard manages your equipment, then a puppet list will follow, and the last
one manages your puppet's evolution.

If you're ready, head out of the town and go to Goondocks.


Another town. A sequence will follow after you've entered the town.

Hey, did I say must save in the previous town? I didn't!? Uhh... Did I
say must buy better equipments?? NO!? Uhh... well...

Just joking! There WILL be a dungeon after this but just before the
dungeon, the game allows you to save and change your equipment. Even if you
don't buy any equipments, it's OK because the enemy here... SUCKS!!!

$ !!!Contributors Alert!!! $
$ Can you actually explore the town BEFORE you fight the monsters? $



oondocks Port~

I just fought without even some preparation and I won, with some help
from the riceball... So you don't have to worry. They all casts magic on me,
taking 12HP from me at a time. But it uses their MP so they'll wear out
pretty soon. Just use some riceball when needed.


After that, a sequence follows. Then...


---Gross Kingdom---

You'll end up in the Luke's secret chamber in his house. Then you'll see
Luke summons some CUTE monsters out of the Magical Puppets. After that,
there'll be a sequence in your enemy's place. Then, the camera will go back
to Luke, where he will get the permission from the Mayor to go into the Lost

After that, you'll gain control of Luke. Now you can wander around
again. The General Store sells new items already!

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter II

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Short Bow 90M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M

Accessories *New*
Cat Claws 220M *New*
Wooden Mallet 320M *New*
Bigblow 300M *New*
Hat 160M *New*
Glass Mask 240M *New*
T-Shirt 60M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter I*

When you're ready, leave the town! Don't forget to save this time!!!
Woooops, I forgot to explore the Goondocks! So here goes...


Well, there's mostly nothing around... There's just a General Store here
that I could find useful.

General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter II

Bronze Sword 60M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Long Bow 140M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M

Cat Claws 220M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M

You can always go back to the dungeon to fight the monsters inside again
to get some Exp. It'll unlock even more levels of basements too! I did battle
for my Exp.

There's only 2 levels in Goondocks so I advanced to the Lost Forest.

---Lost Forest---

Once in there, a sequence follows. Note for the battle: you should save
before the boss battle...


~The Lost Forest~
~~Near Entrance~~
~~Part 1~~
~~Part 2~~

~~Part 3~~
1 Lvl7 Pumpkin Head
1 Lvl6 Pumpkin Head
Boss Lvl7 Satapiyo
HP 212/212
MP 102/92

I've my Powan evolved into Head (body with blue coloured pumpkin as his
head) and Mooscue evolved into Moosmoos (Same; just colour changed into blue)
for this battle, dude!

Well, it's mostly like normal boss battle: Exterminate the Pumpkin Heads
and then the furball will approach. Quite easy actually ^_^; The magic the
Pumpkin Heads do took 18HP from Luke only. Well, it means they're history. As
for the furball, I'm not sure if it's his best shot... His magic did 19
damage on Luke ONLY!!! As for his normal attacks, 31 damage is quite small...
What disappointment, ehh? Ohh yeah... In case that you're a shopping maniac,
I don't shop. My equipments are so lousy because I equip the equipments which
are picked up. So no wonder it does less damage to you if it does.


*Yawns...* When will the real battle begin? Also, you'll received
another Magical Puppet!!!


---Gross Kingdom---

You'll be back at Gross Kingdom (again). Luke will explain all that
happened to Elena. Then off you go to Vulado. But first, wander around :)

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter III

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M *New*
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M *New*
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M *New*

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M *New*
Moth Wing 70M *New*
Stern Look 140M *New*
Maddening Wine 260M *New*

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M *New*
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M *New*
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M *New*
Wrestler Pants 310M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter II*

Ohh yeah... Since you've a new doll, you can choose whether to evolve it
into a new puppet or not. I didn't. Remember to save before you evolve a
puppet because sometimes if you're not satisfied with the result...

Well, if you're ready, let's go to Goondocks because there's new stock
there too!


General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter III

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M *New*
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M *New*
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M *New*

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 70M *New*
Whistle 170M *New*
Dad's Smack 130M *New*
Mocha Bean 240M *New*

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M *New*
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M *New*
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M *New*
Wrestler Pants 310M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter II*

And again, I don't shop much :) You should go to the Lost Forest and
have some fun first!

After you've done training, head to the Vulado (Hall of Dolls).

---Hall of Dolls---

Well, prepare for battle!


~Hall of Dolls~

1 Lvl13 Bone Rock
1 Lvl15 Bone Rock
Boss Lvl14 War Spirit
HP 334/334
MP 81/73

Wha? Another boss? Why all the bosses around so lausy one? This, just
clear off the skeleton warriors and you won't be having problems. Actually,
those skeleton warriors won't cause much troubles too if you don't clear them
off first. Beware, though, that the boss has a magic which will cause up to
43 damage to Luke and another which will affect a small area (40+ to Luke and
Mousmous (evolved Mouscue), 70+ to Head (evolved Powen)). Other than that,
the boss is just a fake.


Phew... Finally... The boss has quite many HP, making him not so easily
defeated. Well, you've earned yourself a Magical Puppet and a Stone... The
Stone of Darkness! (It's not a stone which is for fighting! It's involved in
the evolving business where it returns a puppet into a doll)

Then you'll automatically go back to Gross Kingdom and...

I N S E R I B E B (?)

---Gross Kingdom---

There'll be a sequence and you'll need to be prepared for battle again.
You can go outside of Gross Kingdom and go to Goondocks to replenish your
stock first if you need.


Now there's the REAL stuff in the General Store!!

General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter IV

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M *New*
Frost Blade 620M *New*
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M
Ice Javelin 1400M *New*
Wind Spear 2200M *New*
Dragon Lance 3100M *New*
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythril Bow 640M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M *New*
Earth Mail 1600M *New*

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M *New*
Necktie 400M *New*
Tortoise Shell 260M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter III*

Once you've finished, go back to Gross Kingdom.

---Gross Kingdom---

Head to the castle for some battles.



ross Castle~
round Floor~~
~~3F Hall~~
~~4F Hall~~

Well, these battles are easy too. There's humans in GF. First, you've
gotta rescue the humans!!! No, no... just kidding... Hit 'em hard!


Alas, that's the final meaningless battle. You'll see a sequence between
Vorless and the King. After that... *Sniff* *Sniff*... What happened? Watch
for yourself! :)

Then, you'll receive a Magical Puppet and you'll being told to head for
the Lost Forest again. I hope the enemies there are better now :)

C H A P T E R V:

---Gross Kingdom---

Well, as usual, go and visit the General Store first!

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter V

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythrill Bow 640M *New*
Artemis 1200M *New*
Angel Bow 2100M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Mythrill Plate 2700M *New*
Gold Plate 3600M *New*

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M *New*
Star Fragment 400M *New*
Blizzard Essence 480M *New*
W-Looking Statue 510M *New*
Seed of Morale 390M *New*

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M *New*
Necktie 400M *New*
Tortoise Shell 260M *New*
Bowtie 360M *New*
G Earrings 400M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter III*

Wooo... I've been saving quite a lot by not shopping until now... See:
10,000+M!!! I'll save more! :)

The General Store in Goondocks has not restocked yet except for the
accessories, which is now the same as the one in here.

So, when you're ready, let's head to the Lost Forest again.

---The Misty Forest---

The name has been changed into Misty Forest once you've entered it. Once
there, prepare yourself for some battles.


~The Misty Forest~
~~Near Entrance~~
~~Part 1~~
~~Part 2~~
~~The Nether Regions~~
~~~Part 1~~~
~~~Part 2~~~
~~~Part 3~~~

Don't worry... There's no mistake: No boss.


Then Luke will reach a place and... ["Hey, no spoilers!"] Ohh yeah...
Sorry ^_^;


---Gross Kingdom---

Let's head to "the end of the Earth"!

But before that, visit the General Store! :)

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter V

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Mythrill Blade 1600M *New*
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythrill Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M
Angel Bow 2100M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 3600M
Black Robe 1800M *New*
White Robe 1600M *New*

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M *New*
Collar of Ice 510M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter V*

Well, little new items only... Well, let's see if Goondocks have some
new stocks...


General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter VI

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M
Ice Javelin 1400M
Wind Spear 2200M
Dragon Lance 3100M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythril Bow 640M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Earth Mail 1600M
Mythrill Plate 2700M *New*
Gold Plate 2600M *New*

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter V (which is not written
out in this walkthrough)*

What happened to the shops!? Why aren't there anything good equipments
coming in?

Well, after all the shoppings, it's a good time to train yourself and
prep up... I went to the Misty Forest because that's where most Exp. Points

After a considerate training (about Lvl40 for Luke and about equal to
your puppets), go to the Stone Ruins.

---Stone Ruins---

You'll see a scene... Then you'll fight, on your own, again.


~Stone Ruins~

Yap, still no boss around. If you did as I said (train), you won't be
having problems here.


Finally, the battle's over and you've earned yourself: a Rod of Life.
Then you'll be back at...

Ohh yeah... Note that that Rod is not an equipment ^_^; It's a Key

---Gross Kingdom---

After the scene with the Princess...


---Gross Kingdom---

You'll be in front of your house as a start again. Well, what are you
waiting for? Go to the General Store!

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter VII

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Mythrill Blade 1600M
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythrill Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M
Angel Bow 2100M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 3600M
Black Robe 1800M
White Robe 1600M

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M
Collar of Ice 510M
Bladed Teeth 570M *New*
White Fang 620M *New*
Fighting Sticks 640M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter VI*

Nothing new accept for the accessories category. Let's head to Goondocks
and see if there's anything new.


General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter VII

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M
Ice Javelin 1400M
Wind Spear 2200M
Dragon Lance 3100M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythril Bow 640M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Earth Mail 1600M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 2600M

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M *New*
Star Fragment 400M *New*
Blizzard Essence 480M *New*
W-Looking Statue 510M *New*
Seed of Morale 390M *New*

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M *New*
Collar of Ice 510M *New*
Bladed Teeth 570M *New*
White Fang 620M *New*
Fighting Sticks 640M *New*
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter VI*

Man, is these the best equipments you can get from stores in this game?
Anyways, when you're ready, go to Vulado (Hall of Dolls)! If you want to
train yourself, go on. But I don't think it's needed if you did practise the
last time I told you to.

---Hall of Dolls---

After seeing how badly hurt the doll at the entrance is, Luke'll go on


~Hall of Dolls~

2 Lvl47 skeleton warrior
1 Lvl46 Mummy
1 Lvl48 Mummy
2 Lvl49 Mummy
Boss Lvl49 Ceris
HP 576/576
MP 306/276

Well, like normal boss battle, exterminate the pests before going for
the real stuff. The "Pests" are not powerful, so you won't have any troubles.
As for the boss, she does about at max 66 damage to Luke. In conclusion, it's
just a normal battle :)

And did you notice: Hey!!! Isn't there only 5 floors the last time we
went here!? Why is there 6F and 7F now!? Renovation!?


Well, after the battle, you'll watch a scene. Then you'll be back in...

---Gross Kingdom---

Then you'll see a scene with Princess Fanna. Then the camera will go to
the enemy's side. After that, a new chapter emerges.


---Gross Kingdom---

Like how all the previous chapters start, you'll be in front of Luke's
house. And if you didn't know, the "Blade Earl" is being changed to Death
Sword. Since the game is getting harder, I thought of evolving my puppets
into stronger breed so that it's magics will be more powerful. Finally, I've
got myself a Fuwawa and a Pera Pera. Wow, the magics are great (After I
upgrade then, of course!)

After you're satisfied with the result in evolving your puppets, go to
the General Store. There's new stocks already!

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter VIII

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Mythrill Blade 1600M
Light Saber 820M *New*
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythrill Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M
Angel Bow 2100M
Elven Bow 3400M *New*
Mirror Bow 6200M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 3600M
Black Robe 1800M
White Robe 1600M
Platinum Mail 6800M *New*
Fire Guard 8600M *New*
Frost Guard 11500M *New*

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M
Stone of Purity 560M *New*

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M
Collar of Ice 510M
Bladed Teeth 570M
White Fang 620M
Fighting Sticks 640M
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter VII*

Now all the new equipments ROCK! Well, let's go to Goondocks and see if
there's anything new too.


General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter VIII

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M
Ice Javelin 1400M
Wind Spear 2200M
Dragon Lance 3100M
Holy Lance 8800M *New*
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythril Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M *New*
Angel Bow 2100M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Earth Mail 1600M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 2600M
Black Robe 1800M *New*
White Robe 1600M *New*
Platinum Mail 6800M *New*

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M
Collar of Ice 510M
Bladed Teeth 570M
White Fang 620M
Fighting Sticks 640M
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter VII*

Woooo... Holy Lance sounds cool! But it's a bit slow with the Angel Bow
though... Once you're done, ready, prepared, trained, go to the Shillay's

I DID train myself at the Stone Ruins to get some jewels. Note that I
didn't get ANY Exp. Points except for the Bonus Exp. Points, which is 50- in
total only. I battled only at B2 because there's many monsters there, thus
you can get more jewels.

From that jewel, I evolved Pera Pera into Usui and got myself a new
monster: Phew. I then train Phew to at least lvl30 and evolved Phew into
Jiparg. Note that Jiparg uses bows as its weapon so it's pretty useful at

---Shillay's Tower---


~Shillay's Tower~

The battling music here is the one from the opening scene! I don't feel
about this :)

Plus the places here are like nostalgia of what we've battled!!! Man, I
hate this feeling! :)

As for the battles... From 1F to 3F is nothing but I'm not sure why...
From 4F onwards, it's pretty hard... Well, maybe it's just me...


After the battles (no boss battle...), a sequece will follow where
you'll know more about Luke's parents. After that, the camera will go to
Gross Castle. What happened is sensored :) Then, new chapter, here we come!


---Gross Kingdom---

You'll be in your home again when you knew what happened. Then you'll be
at outside of your house. It's really urgent!!! You need to go to Goondocks
at ONCE!!! But first, visit the General Store!! :)

General Store in Gross Kingdom sells:
Chapter IX

Wooden Sword 30M
Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Mythrill Blade 1600M
Light Saber 820M
Butterfly 1200M *New*
Bamboo Pole 8M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythrill Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M
Angel Bow 2100M
Elven Bow 3400M
Mirror Bow 6200M
Sniper 4100M *New*

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 3600M
Black Robe 1800M
White Robe 1600M
Platinum Mail 6800M
Fire Guard 8600M
Frost Guard 11500M
Dragon Guard 18000M *New*
Glamorous Armour 99999M *New*

Riceball 20M
Clover 140M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M
Stone of Purity 560M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M
Collar of Ice 510M
Bladed Teeth 570M
White Fang 620M
Fighting Sticks 640M
*Compared to General Store in Gross Kingdom on Chapter VIII*

Wha!? 99999M!? I don't think this armour is worth THAT much! I think
it's because of it's "Glamorous"! Not worth it... But perhaps it has special
effects or will it affect the storyline? I don't know because I've only 60KM
^_^; It's not really worth buying it... To add in, I've got one (Yes, one
Glamorous Armour worth 99999M) in a battle later on!! As for the Butterfly, I
don't think it's good until we find out what's SP is used for...

Well, I think it's time to go to Goondocks!


Once there, a scene will trigger and after all the scenes, you'll be in
Villee Fort. Choose "Go Outside" if you want to visit Goondocks first to see
what's new.

General Store in Goondocks sells:
Chapter IX

Bronze Sword 60M
Iron Sword 120M
Flame Sword 280M
Frost Blade 620M
Spear 90M
Javelin 160M
Flame Lance 530M
Ice Javelin 1400M
Wind Spear 2200M
Dragon Lance 3100M
Holy Lance 8800M
Short Bow 90M
Longbow 140M
Mythril Bow 640M
Artemis 1200M
Angel Bow 2100M
Elven Bow 3400M
Mirror Bow 6200M
Sniper 4100M

Tunic 80M
Leather Armour 300M
Chainmail 480M
Breastplate 780M
Earth Mail 1600M
Mythrill Plate 2700M
Gold Plate 2600M
Black Robe 1800M
White Robe 1600M
Platinum Mail 6800M
Fire Guard 8600M *New*
Frost Guard 11500M *New*
Dragon Guard 18000M *New*
Liger Suit 27000M *New*
Glamorous Armour 99999M *New*

Riceball 20M
Rice Sandwich 40M
Mint 80M
Whistle 170M
Dad's Smack 130M
Mocha Bean 240M
Black Rose Thorn 60M
Moth Wing 70M
Stern Look 140M
Maddening Wine 260M
Molotov Cocktail 410M
Star Fragment 400M
Blizzard Essence 480M
W-Looking Statue 510M
Seed of Morale 390M
Stone of Purity 560M

Cat Claws 220M
Wolf Claws 270M
Wooden Mallet 320M
Bigblow 300M
Hat 160M
Twisted Towel 250M
Glass Mask 240M
T-Shirt 60M
Wrestling Pants 240M
Wrestler Pants 310M
Collar of Power 390M
Necktie 400M
Tortoise Shell 260M
Bowtie 360M
G Earrings 400M
Collar of P 450M
Collar of Ice 510M
Bladed Teeth 570M
White Fang 620M
Fighting Sticks 640M
*Compared to General Store in Goondocks on Chapter VIII*

This is about the same as the one in Gross Kingdom but Liger Suit is
new. Well, that's all the best you'll get from General Stores. Hey, I mean
it! That's the last update in General Stores! So, let's go to Villee Tower

---Villee Tower---

Once there, battle's ahead. But before that, I'd recommend that you
train for a bit now. I DID NOT train. That's why I'm have MUCH trouble going
through (I'm eager to kick Vorless' butt! Is that alright!? :) )


~Villee Fort~
~~Underground Passage~~
round Floor~~

Boss Garland
HP 929/929
MP 0/0

Boss Lolita
HP 476/476
MP 291/291

Boss Jaress
HP 664/664
MP 0/0

The Underground Passage is pretty easy (maybe in MY battle only...) As
for the GF, whoa... In MY battle, the opponents' attribute's priority is
power!!! Others are relatively low but they have steady defense too! They've
got me by surprise because I didn't think that they would have priority over
ONE attribute. Fortunately, my magics, Luke's set-trap ability and my brain
saved the day :)

Battle by battle it's getting harder. At 1F, I've fought twice to get
perfect victory. The first time, my Jigurd died because of the lack of level.
So I re-load and keep my Jigurd out of range. Fortunately, it uses long-range
attack so it is easy to keep it out of range.

As for the other battles, manage them yourself... You might have "some"
problems but you'll manage them all with strategy. Here's a piece of advice
from me: peek at their stats, see who is the most powerful one, and focus all
on one if possible.

Finally, as for the boss battle, it's "pretty" hard... ^_^;
First, I'll happily tell you that the red coloured guy is VERY bad to
magics. So just whack him with your magics and he'll be a goner. As for the
two other guys, just normal-attack on blue-headed girl and traps on that guy
with long claws.

LOL!!! I've discovered something FUNNY here!!! If your position is
something like this:


Where L is Luke, X is your puppets, and E is an enemy (Hard-To Defeat, only
uses normal attacks, and on this case: Garland or Jaress), set a trap at O.
He'll definitely step on it except if you had some other puppets which
annoyed him at first ;) After this, you go back a step, your puppets all go
back a step, and then set another trap in front of you. The enemy will
happily step on it again!!! LOL!!

With that trick on hand, you'll defeat them all with no sweat!!
Wait! There's more!!

2 Lvl84 Death Mail
1 Lvl86 Death Mail
1 Lvl88 Mummy
2 Lvl87 Bone Knight
Boss Lvl86 Demon (Ceris)
HP 700/700
MP 305/305

Well... as usual, clear the pests first and then only focus on Demon.
You CAN'T use the trick above on this one because the enemy's a spell user
too. If you want, wait until her MP dries away. But in my game, when Demon is
out of Mana, she'll just wait and wait... Doing nothing! She didn't come to
Luke, or when I'm so near that I can use normal attacks on her, she didn't
even retaliate. It's weird, huh? I think it's just my luck ^^ By the way, my
characters has pretty high LK :)

Wait!!! That's not all!!! Now, you'll face...

2 Lvl87 Death Mail
1 Lvl88 Defensor
1 Lvl90 Defensor
Boss Lvl90 Vorless
HP 867/867
MP 0/0

VORLESS!!! I'll kick your butt with my own leg NOW!! Anyway, ^_^; by
judging his MP, you'll know immedietely that Vorless is a sucker. Woopps, no,
I meant he's a type that only uses normal attacks. So you can use the trap
trick to kill him. But first, you'll need to clear off these ignorant
monsters. Note that Vorless has 6 moves. (Yes, I'm not mistaken. 6 moves!) So
don't even think of playing catch with him ^_^;

"I am the victor!" Man, I like this word! :) Congratulation!!! You've
beaten Vorless and the game!!!.................................... Wooops,
sorry, my mistake :P But it's still congratulate-able for you've reached the
final chapter of the game.

C H A P T E R X:

Well, from the chapter's name, you'll know that it's the final chapter.
You'll see a sequence here. A VERY interesting sequence. Then, you'll
challenge Goddess Luna for a battle of life and death! *Note that I've
checked the General Stores back in Gross Kingdom and Goondocks. No updated.
That's the best equipments you'll get from General Stores, I think*


~Villee Fort~

~~Top Floor~~
1 Lvl88 Demon
1 Lvl90 Demon
2 Lvl90 Chymera

HP 999/999
MP 999/999

Wow, the music rocks, and the background has added effect of thunders!!
As for Luna, she's so powerful that I can't view her stats!! And two
Demons!!! Yeah, Demons identical to those you fought at 10F!! Wow, this
battle is gonna ROCK!!!

First, if you've got any spells which can help increase any attributes,
use it on Luke! Raise his DF until considerable amount and then raise his AT.
I've got weird spells in my monsters: Poisron is a magic which can increase
my people's AT!!! There's also Sleepra, which increases my people's DF!! The
description says that it's actually used to poison/make opponent to sleep!!
Cool eh? ^_^;

Also, keep ALL your puppets away from Luke like 3 blocks. That will
prevent your puppets from getting hit by area magics. Finally heal when your
HP reaches critical stage!!! This is the basic!

As for the strategy, since this is the final battle, I'd say that you'll
be VERY eager to see the ending, right? So I'd suggest that you focus on Luna
only. Just hit her hard and it'll be her downfall soon. Note that Demons has
healing ability, which is VERY irritating, especially when Luna's about to
die with 20+HP and you're doing a victory dance around your room ^_^; Hey,
it's based on my personal experience! :) But if you still have the patience,
try killing all other monsters first before killing Luna.

Note that: This is supposed to be the final battle, isn't it? Then why
is there still chests with equipments inside? Well, you'll know soon!

I've managed to get some info about Luna's stat, since you can't view
it. Her AT is about like the Lvl90 Chymera's. As for her DF, I've got
215 AT and could damage her 120 at a time. MA, I've got 213 MD and she takes
22 out of me with a Flash Bolt (Or something similar), Freeze Burn or Igniga.
Hmmm... this is weird... It's pretty easy!!!

Well, in conclusion, I'm not sure why, but this battle is "quite" easy
to me... Is this REALLY the final battle??? Ohh, by the way, I'm Lvl99 at
that time :)

After that,


No, no... just kidding :P Well, after that tiresome battle, lie on a
cushion, relax, and enjoy the ending. Congratulations on beating the game
officially :) Pat yourself on your head for a reward!!! :)

After the ending, you'll get a message saying *Don't worry, no spoilers
here ^_^;* that you should "save your game". You'll get special bonuses, it
adds. So, save your game! I might come up with something new with these so-
called bonuses.


Well, I can't see any special bonuses around (I thought it is like
infinite jewels or infinite dolls ^_^;) Well, too bad... But there's some
bonuses noticed by me:

Bonuses after completing the game once:

- Your levels remains, thus making the game MORE easier. (Man, the normal
game is easy enough already ^_^;)
- Elena is now available!!! She'll fight with you as a puppet!! Her
equipments are actually those as of for Puppets, which is Accessories, too!
But too bad, she won't evolve like normal puppets does ;) She has no
spell, no jewel usage, and her only advantage is 5 MV. Well, she's not a
use to me though... If you want, though, her AT and DF can reach 255 at
quite a low level, which much better than Luke's. Her MD is also pretty
good. Try to raise her until she's Lvl99 and all you'll need to protect her
is high-AT peoples or simply just equip her with DF Accessories.
- There's a SLIGHT difference in the basement of Luke's house... I'm not sure
if yours is but my description (You know, the "Gross Kingdom" and Chapter
number thing) is not translated yet. Who is the translator anyway? Well,
forget about that... Aside that, you'll see a new box beside the Puppet
List cupboard. In it, you'll see illustrated characters!! Yap, including
the enemy side's character, and Luke's parents!!
- Now, your puppets list has enemy's characters and Luna's details! Although
it's just a "???", it's enjoyable to see them as a puppet :)

Bad side
- The WHOLE map of where's Shillay's Tower, Lost Forest, and all are
disappeared. You'll need to unlock it again by following the game.
- The dialogue is unchanged, although there's Puppets and Elene beside Luke
in his first battle. Also for many sequences in the game. Like the first
time Luke summons his puppets (Mooscue and Powan), it's not valid as your
puppet, which I hope it does (2 free Magical Puppets :) )
- The translation still lousy ^_^;
- Elena's a BIG bug, man! Don't try to use jewels on her or the game MAY jam.
Even in the battle!!

Although the title of the list is "Completed the game ONCE", I've
actually completed the game twice. And there's still no changes, so I decided
to stop playing.

It's a good time to try out the evolutions and try to full fill your
puppets list. Whoa... I've tried out the R. P. Puppet's magic and it has no
range! It will take effect of the WHOLE battlefield! (Exclude you and your
puppets, of course) You'll be able to collect Jewels easily this way too.
Choose a place with most monsters and then clear them off in a shot.

I warn you again: Don't EVER try jewels on Elena. Sometimes, it'll just
trigger a "can't do" sound but once, I've tried just for fun and the whole
game jammed!!! (Although Elena DOES glow like other puppets do when they're
used jewels on, but after that, it jammed... Then I tried again but this
time, it didn't jam, just that Elena glows and then back to Elena again and
no upgrades, no spells, just typical Elena. It's just a waste of jewels. I'm
not sure if there'll be any more damage other than that (I meant to your
system)... So don't try if you don't want to take a risk. Any damages are not
my fault. I warned you)

If you really want to get Elena out of sight, or you're short of
puppets, you CAN turn Elena into a puppet for your use ^_^; Serious! Use "S
of D", which is actually Stone of Darkness, on Elena. Normally, she'll reject
it. But, there's a trick to make her accept it. It's the same trick to try
the jewels on her and make her glow. I tried to make her into a puppet and it
succeeded. (This is done OUT of battle. Please, save before you do this in
case you did wrongly or the system jam. Again, any other damages are not my
fault! I warned you) First, choose the "S of D" from the jewels. Then
highlight the puppet above or below her 1 stake. Then press up or down (move
your cursor to Elena) and the button "X" about together (Directional button
first, "X" second, about together) Then she'll become a doll (At least she
does become a doll for me)

Well, that's about all the bonuses I've got till now. Anymore to share
with us?

(( 8. Charts ))

This section is created specially for charts related to EE.

_a. Evolution Chart_

The chart below is actually from Sugiyanto Yusup's FAQ. I've extracted
it into a chart for easier fitting. Special Thanks to Sugiyanto Yusup for
allowing me to use his FAQ.

I didn't check the chart for mistakes, therefore, if there is, please
kindly send in the error and the correction, if possible, to my e-mail
address. Thank you.

Note that all 1st Evolution starts with a normal Doll.

Key: R =Red
Rh=Red Holy
Rb=Red Beast
Rw=Red Wisdom
Rp=Red Power

G =Green
Gh=Green Holy
Gb=Green Beast
Gw=Green Wisdom
Gp=Green Power

B =Blue
Bh=Blue Holy
Bb=Blue Beast
Bw=Blue Wisdom
Bp=Blue Power

Y =Yellow
Yh=Yellow Holy
Yb=Yellow Beast
Yw=Yellow Wisdom
Yp=Yellow Power

P =Pink
Ph=Pink Holy
Pb=Pink Beast
Pw=Pink Wisdom
Pp=Pink Power

W =White
Wh=White Holy
Wb=White Beast
Ww=White Wisdom
Wp=White Power

When I say "W", I mean use any White jewels. If I say "WBY", means use
"White", "Blue" and then "Yellow" in THAT order.

Note: I'll make an example for this one... I don't know how to explain
^_^; Let's say that your Head is evolved from a Pumpkin Head, if you use "RB"
on it, it won't work like other Head which evolves from Powan. So you'll need
to remember where your puppet monsters come from.

Note2: From 2nd Stage of Evolution onwards, the game will remember the
last jewel you used on a puppet monster. Every time you choose the option
"Jewels" (out of battle), you'll see that your right side screen, which
usually shows Luke and his puppets, will only show his puppets and without
Luke. There, you'll see your puppet's HP, MP, Lvl, etc. and the jewels last-
used on your puppets. If you want to evolve a puppet, you'll need to clear
off that jewels first. To clear off the jewels in your puppet, simply use
more jewels until the all the jewels disappear. It may sound complicated now
but when you try it, you'll understand deeper.

1st-3rd Stage Evolution Chart

Well, the basics are explained above. As for the others, I'm quite sure
it's understandable...

| Use | Puppet Name | Use | Puppet Name | Use | Puppet Name |
| | (1st Evolution) | | (2nd Evolution) | | (3rd Evolution) |
|Rh | Cardian |R | Chalizadon |RG | Magical Hat |
| | | | |RY | Kolizadon |
| | |W | Pumpkin Head |WG | Pera Pera |
| | | | |WY | Mushini |
|Rb | Elekin |R | Chalizadon |RG | Magical Hat |
| | | | |RB | Kolizadon |
| | |Y | Card Knight |YG | Mushini |
| | | | |YB | Crusher |
|Rw | Pumpkin Head |G | Card Knight |GP | Mushini |
| | | | |GW | Crusher |
| | |B | Head |BP | Magical Hat |
| | | | |BW | Pera Pera |
|Rp | Powan |R | Head |RB | Pera Pera |
| | | | |RY | Grey |
| | |G | Card Knight |GB | Cross |
| | | | |GY | Mushini |
|Gh | Holy Baby |G | High Jackel |GB | Hound Dog |
| | | | |GW | Crusher |
| | |Y | Evil Couger |YB | Bug Beast |
| | | | |YW | Kirinji |
|Gb | Jackel |R | Pikuchi |RB | Bug Beast |
| | | | |RP | Kirinji |
| | |G | High Jackel |GB | Hound Dog |
| | | | |GP | Crusher |
|Gw | Pipo |B | Sheperin |BG | Kirinji |
| | | | |BB | Hound Dog |
| | |Y | Evil Couger |YG | Crusher |
| | | | |YB | Bug Beast |
|Gp | Evil Cat |G | Evil Couger |GB | Hound Dog |
| | | | |GY | Crusher |
| | |P | Pikuchi |PB | Bug Beast |
| | | | |PY | Kirinji |
|Bh | Riverhood |B | River Haze |BR | Cyboze |
| | | | |BG | Hurricane |
| | |Y | Baboon |YR | Bubbley |
| | | | |YG | Ziglariat |
|Bb | Flipper |B | Rayray |BY | Brushy |
| | | | |BW | Hurricane |
| | |P | Baboon |PY | Bubbley |
| | | | |PW | Ziglariat |
|Bw | Calab |R | River Haze |RR | Hurricane |
| | | | |RY | Cyboze |
| | |W | Baboon |WR | Ziglariat |
| | | | |WY | Bubbley |
|Bp | Screw |G | Baboon |GR | Bubbley |
| | | | |GY | Hurricane |
| | |Y | River Haze |YR | Cyboze |
| | | | |YY | Ziglariat |
|Yh | Planter |Y | Moh |YB | Dewberry |
| | | | |YW | High Jackel |
| | |P | Dorothy |PB | Piyo |
| | | | |PW | Ewan |
|Yb | Manty |R | Powan |RY | Piyo |
| | | | |RW | Ewan |
| | |P | Moh |PY | Dewberry |
| | | | |PW | Manteeyo |
|Yw | Justin |G | Dorothy |GY | Piyo |
| | | | |GP | Ewan |
| | |W | Dogu 1 |WY | Manteeyo |
| | | | |WP | Dogu 2 |
|Yp | Dolos |R | Pixie |RG | Ewan |
| | | | |RY | Sylph |
| | |B | Moh |BG | Dewberry |
| | | | |BY | Manteeyo |
|Ph | Mooscue |P | Moosmoos |PR | Fuwawa |
| | | | |PB | Dogu 1 |
| | |W | Otogi |WR | Dreamer |
| | | | |WB | Sakika |
|Pb | Kemo Kemo |R | Bolt |RB | Sakika |
| | | | |RY | Cross |
| | |W | Otogi |WB | Rayray |
| | | | |WY | Dreamer |
|Pw | Chuff |G | Otogi |GY | Dreamer |
| | | | |GP | Fuwawa |
| | |B | Bolt |BY | Cross |
| | | | |BP | Sakika |
|Pp | Hals |G | Otogi |GP | Fuwawa |
| | | | |GW | Dreamer |
| | |Y | Bolt |YP | Sakika |
| | | | |YW | Cross |
|Wh | Phew |G | Good Sleep |GR | Joker |
| | | | |GB | Nightmare |
| | |W | Jiparg |WR | Spirit |
| | | | |WB | Lady Phantom |
|Wb | Sleeper |R | Good Sleep |RB | White Cross |
| | | | |RY | Shadow |
| | |P | Bone Rock |PB | Nightmare |
| | | | |PY | Mud Skeleton |
|Ww | Tsuitock |R | Bone Rock |RG | Nightmare |
| | | | |RB | Jiparg |
| | |W | Death Bat |WG | Mud Skeleton |
| | | | |WB | Spirit |
|Wp | Heyup |R | Rayray |RG | Nightmare |
| | | | |RY | Jiparg |
| | |B | Death Bat |BG | Joker |
| | | | |BY | Shadow |

You can evolve at level 3 or higher for Second stage.
You can evolve at level 8 or higher for Third stage.

4th-5th Stage Evolution Chart

This is actually a "continue" to the chart above. Just that there's not
enough places, so I made this one separately.

Well, there's a new column here. "From Jewel" means like if your Magical
Hat is evolved from Chalizadon, and Chalizadon is evolved from Cardian, then
the "From Jewel" is Rh, which evolves a doll into Cardian. Got it?

The Chart below IS now completed! Now, it covers ALL of the jewels!!! Hurrah!
This chart, up to "Gh" jewel, is actually an extracted version of a FAQ
originally owned by Sugiyanto Yusup. All others are made by me... Day and
night :)

| From | Puppet Name | Use | Puppet Name | Use | Puppet Name |
| Jewel | (3rd Evolution) | | (4th Evolution)| | (5th Evolution) |
|Rh | Magical Hat |RGY | Spell Hat |RGYR | R. H. Puppet |
| | |RGP | Spell Hat |RGPB | Big Head |
| | Kolizadon |RYY | Kareen |RYYR | King Kareen |
| | |RYP | Kareen |RYPB | King Kareen |
| | Pera Pera |WGY | Usui |WGYR | Banri |
| | |WGP | Elekina |WGPB | Scream |
| | Mushini |WYY | Delamushini |WYYR | Apple Bat |
| | |WYP | Delamushini |WYPB | Apple Bat |
|Rb | Magical Hat |RGG | Spell Hat |RGGR | Crab Helm |
| | |RGW | Kareen |RGWR | King Kareen |
| | Kolizadon |RBG | Elekina |RBGR | Big Head |
| | |RBW | Elekina |RBWP | Scream |
| | Mushini |YGG | Delamushini |YGGR | Apple Bat |
| | |YGW | Delamushini |YGWP | Apple Bat |
| | Crusher |YBG | Red Eye |YBGR | Medusa Ball |
| | |YBW | Usui |YBWP | Banri |
|Rw | Mushini |GPR | Kareen |GPRY | Lizadon |
| | |GPB | Delamushini |GPBG | Lizadon |
| | Crusher |GWR | Delamushini |GWRY | R. W. Puppet |
| | |GWB | Spell Hat |GWBG | Big Head |
| | Magical Hat |BPR | Elekina |BPRY | Apple Bat |
| | |BPB | Kareen |BPBG | King Kareen |
| | Pera Pera |BWR | Usui |BWRY | Banri |
| | |BWB | Usui |BWBG | Banri |
|Rp | Pera Pera |RBP | Usui |RBPY | Banri |
| | |RBW | Usui |RBWR | Banri |
| | Grey |RYP | Hageem |RYPY | Big Head |
| | |RYW | Elekina |RYWR | R. P. Puppet |
| | Cross |GBP | Kareen |GBPY | Lizadon |
| | |GBW | Mad Pumpkin |GBWR | Big Head |
| | Mushini |GYP | Delamushini |GYPY | Apple Bat |
| | |GYW | Delamushini |GYWR | Apple Bat |
|Gh | Hound Dog |GBR | Pipot |GBRG | Killer Bee |
| | |GBY | Pipot |GBYP | Killer Bee |
| | Crusher |GWR | Hell Armour |GWRG | Death Mail |
| | |GWY | Hell Armour |GWYP | Death Mail |
| | Bug Beast |YBR | Nanai |YBRG | G. H. Puppet |
| | |YBY | Yunipikuchi |YBYP | Chappy |
| | Kirinji |YWR | Unicorn |YWRG | Piporino |
| | |YWY | Unicorn |YWYP | Piporino |
|Gb | Bug Beast |RBY | Nanai |RBYG | Killer Bee |
| | |RBW | Nanai |RBWW | Killer Bee |
| | Kirinji |RPY | Unicorn |RPYG | Mimi |
| | |RPW | Unicorn |RPWW | Mimi |
| | Hound Dog |GBY | Pipot |GBYG | Piporino |
| | |GBW | Yunipikuchi |GBWW | Chappy |
| | Crusher |GPY | Hell Armour |GPYG | Death Mail |
| | |GPW | Hell Armour |GPWW | Death Mail |
|Gw | Kirinji |BGR | Pipot |BGRG | G. W. Puppet |
| | |BGW | Unicorn |BRWY | Doctor Egg |
| | Hound Dog |BBR | Baron |BBRG | Killer Bee |
| | |BBW | Baron |BBWY | Killer Bee |
| | Crusher |YGR | Hell Armour |YGRG | Death Mail |
| | |YGW | Hell Armour |YGWY | Death Mail |
| | Bug Beast |YBR | Nanai |YBRG | Mimi |
| | |YBW | Nanai |YBWY | Mimi |
|Gp | Hound Dog |GBR | Nanai |GBRG | Mimi |
| | |GBG | Nanai |GBGB | Mimi |
| | Crusher |GYR | Hell Armour |GYRG | G. P. Puppet |
| | | | |GYRB | Death Mail |
| | |GYG | Yunipikuchi |GYGB | Chappy |
| | Bug Beast |PBR | Pipot |PBRG | Killer Bee |
| | |PBG | Pipot |PBGB | Killer Bee |
| | Kirinji |PYR | Yunipikuchi |PYRG | Chappy |
| | |PYG | Unicorn |PYGG | Piporino |
| | | | |PYGB | Piporino |
|Bh | Cyboze |BRG | Yamabo |BRGR | King Boz |
| | |BRW | Mew |BRWP | King Boz |
| | Hurricane |BGG | Griffin |BGGR | Chymera |
| | |BGW | Griffin |BGWP | Chymera |
| | Bubbley |YRG | Clavell |YRGR | B. H. Puppet |
| | | | |YRGP | Apple Bat |
| | |YRW | Penguino |YRWR | Nautilus |
| | | | |YRWP | Nautilus |
| | Ziglariat |YGG | Gollariat |YGGR | Lizadon |
| | |YGW | Gollariat |YGWP | Lizadon |
|Bb | Brushy |BYR | Hawking |BYRB | King Boz |
| | |BYG | Hawking |BYGY | King Boz |
| | Hurricane |BWR | Griffin |BWRB | Chymera |
| | |BWG | Griffin |BWGY | Chymera |
| | Bubbley |PYR | Penguino |PYRB | B. B. Puppet |
| | | | |PYRY | Lizadon |
| | |PYG | Clavell |PYGB | Nautilus |
| | | | |PYGY | Kinoppi |
| | Ziglariat |PWR | Gollariat |PWRB | Defensor |
| | |PWG | Gollariat |PWGY | Defensor |
|Bw | Hurricane |RRG | Matango |RRGW | Kinoppi |
| | |RRB | Matango |RRBB | Kinoppi |
| | Cyboze |RYG | Yamabo |RYGB | King Boz |
| | | | |RYGW | King Boz |
| | |RYB | Penguino |RYBB | B. W. Puppet |
| | | | |RYBW | Scream |
| | Ziglariat |WRG | Gollariat |WRGW | Lizadon |
| | |WRB | Gollariat |WRBB | Lizadon |
| | Bubbley |WYG | Clavell |WYGW | Nautilus |
| | |WYB | Clavell |WYBB | Scream |
|Bp | Bubbley |GRR | Clavell |GRRB | Chappy |
| | |GRP | Clavell |GRPW | Kinoppi |
| | Hurricane |GYR | Yamabo |GYRB | Mu |
| | |GYP | Sakika |GYPB | B. P. Puppet |
| | | | |GYPW | Scream |
| | Cyboze |YRR | Penguino |YRRB | Nautilus |
| | | | |YRRW | Nautilus |
| | |YRP | Yamabo |YRPW | King Boz |
| | Ziglariat |YYR | Gollariat |YYRB | Lizadon |
| | |YYP | Gollariat |YYPW | Lizadon |
|Yh | Dewberry |YBR | Hell Planter |YBRY | Y. H. Puppet |
| | | | |YBRP | Planter |
| | |YBG | Mad Pumpkin |YBGY | Big Head |
| | | | |YBGP | Big Head |
| | High Jackel |YWR | Hound Dog |YWRY | Silver Wolf |
| | |YWG | Hound Dog |YWGP | Silver Wolf |
| | Piyo |PBR | Satapiyo |PBRY | Chymera |
| | |PBG | Satapiyo |PBGP | Chymera |
| | Ewan |PWR | Gottsy |PWRY | Defensor |
| | |PWG | Gottsy |PWGP | Defensor |
|Yb | Piyo |RYB | Satapiyo |RYBY | Doctor Egg |
| | |RYY | Baron |RYYW | Chymera |
| | Ewan |RWB | Waller |RWBY | Silver Wolf |
| | |RWY | Gottsy |RWYY | Y. B. Puppet |
| | | | |RWYW | Defensor |
| | Dewberry |PYB | Mew |PYBW | Gizmon |
| | |PYY | Hell Planter |PYYY | Gizmon |
| | Manteeyo |PWB | Matango |PWBY | Kinoppi |
| | | | |PWBW | Scream |
| | |PWY | Hound Dog |PWYW | Silver Wolf |
|Yw | Piyo |GYR | Baron |GYRY | Doctor Egg |
| | |GYW | Satapiyo |GYWG | Silver Wolf |
| | Ewan |GPR | Gottsy |GPRG | Defensor |
| | |GPW | Gottsy |GPWY | Defensor |
| | Manteeyo |WYR | Death Arms |WYRG | Scream |
| | | | |WYRY | General |
| | |WYW | Evil Couger |WYWG | Chymera |
| | | | |WYWY | Y. W. Puppet |
| | Dogu 2 |WPR | Hell Planter |WPRY | Gizmon |
| | |WPW | Dogu 3 |WPWG | Killer Bee |
|Yp | Ewan |RGP | Gottsy |RGPG | Defensor |
| | |RGW | Gottsy |RGWR | Defensor |
| | Sylph |RYP | Mooscue |RYPG | Doctor Egg |
| | |RYW | Satapiyo |RYWR | Chymera |
| | Dewberry |BGP | Hell Planter |BGPG | Killer Bee |
| | |BGW | Hell Planter |BGWR | Killer Bee |
| | Manteeyo |BYP | Matango |BYPR | Kinoppi |
| | | | |BYPG | Silver Wolf |
| | |BYW | Mad Pumpkin |BYWR | Y. P. Puppet |
| | | | |BYWG | Big Head |
|Ph | Fuwawa |PRY | Fuwatto |PRYP | P. H. Puppet |
| | | | |PRYG | Fuwaneel |
| | |PRW | Kemorin |PRWG | Hawking |
| | | | |PWRP | Hawking |
| | Dogu 1 |PBY | Dogu 2 |PBYG | Dogu 3 |
| | |PBW | Dogu 2 |PBWP | Dogu 3 |
| | Dreamer |WRY | Dream Master |WRYG | Nautilus |
| | |WRW | Dream Master |WRWP | Nautilus |
| | Sakika |WBY | Waller |WBYG | Banri |
| | |WBW | Waller |WBWP | Banri |
|Pb | Sakika |RBY | Boltet |RBYG | Apple Bat |
| | |RBP | Boltet |RBPP | Apple Bat |
| | Cross |RYY | Heracles |RYYG | Crab Helm |
| | | | |RYYP | Crab Helm |
| | |RYP | Kemorin |RYPG | Dogu 3 |
| | | | |RYPP | P. B. Puppet |
| | Rayray |WBY | Brushy |WBYG | Banri |
| | |WBP | Waller |WBPP | Banri |
| | Dreamer |WYY | Dream Master |WYYG | Brushy |
| | |WYP | Dream Master |WYPP | Brushy |
|Pw | Dreamer |GYR | Dream Master |GYRB | Nautilus |
| | | | |GYRP | P. W. Puppet |
| | |GYW | Bell Hat |GYWB | Dogu 3 |
| | | | |GYWP | Dogu 3 |
| | Fuwawa |GPR | Fuwatto |GPRB | Little Mooscue |
| | |GPW | Fuwatto |GPWP | Little Mooscue |
| | Cross |BYR | Heracles |BYRB | Crab Helm |
| | |BYW | Heracles |BYWP | Crab Helm |
| | Sakika |BPR | Boltet |BPRB | Apple Bat |
| | |BPW | Boltet |BPWP | Apple Bat |
|Pp | Fuwawa |GPR | Fuwatto |GPRW | Little Mooscue |
| | |GPB | Fuwatto |GPBP | Little Mooscue |
| | Dreamer |GWR | Dream Master |GWRP | Banri |
| | | | |GWRW | Banri |
| | |GWB | Bell Hat |GWBP | P. P. Puppet |
| | | | |GWBW | Boltet |
| | Sakika |YPR | Dogu 2 |YPRW | Nautilus |
| | |YPB | Dogu 2 |YPBP | Nautilus |
| | Cross |YWR | Heracles |YWRW | Crab Helm |
| | |YWB | Heracles |YWBP | Crab Helm |
|Wh | Joker |GRY | Ghost Girl |GRYG | Rich |
| | |GRP | Ghost Girl |GRPW | Rich |
| | Nightmare |GBY | Red Cross |GBYG | Mummy |
| | |GBP | Red Cross |GBPW | Mummy |
| | Spirit |WRY | War Spirit |WRYG | Bone Knight |
| | |WRP | War Spirit |WRPW | Bone Knight |
| | Lady Phantom |WBY | Shadow Move |WBYG | Mu |
| | | | |WBYW | W. H. Puppet |
| | |WBP | Red Eye |WBPG | Medusa Ball |
| | | | |WBPW | Medusa Ball |
|Wb | White Cross |RBG | Red Cross |RBGR | Mummy |
| | |RBW | Red Cross |RBWW | Mummy |
| | Shadow |RYG | Shadow Move |RYGR | Mu |
| | |RYW | War Bat |RYWR | W. B. Puppet |
| | | | |RYWW | Bone Knight |
| | Nightmare |PBG | War Spirit |PBGR | Medusa Ball |
| | |PBW | War Spirit |PBWW | Medusa Ball |
| | Mud Skeleton |PYG | Death Arms |PYGR | General |
| | | | |PYGW | General |
| | |PYW | Beheyup |PYWW | Mu |
|Ww | Nightmare |RGY | Sashtock |RGYB | Mu |
| | | | |RGYW | W. W. Puppet |
| | |RGP | Ghost Girl |RGPB | Medusa Ball |
| | | | |RGPW | Medusa Ball |
| | Jiparg |RBY | Red Cross |RBYB | Mummy |
| | |RBP | Red Cross |RBPW | Mummy |
| | Mud Skeleton |WGY | Death Arms |WGYB | General |
| | |WGP | Death Arms |WGPW | General |
| | Spirit |WBY | War Spirit |WBYB | Bone Knight |
| | |WBP | War Spirit |WBPW | Bone Knight |
|Wp | Nightmare |RGY | Death Arms |RGYW | General |
| | |RGP | Death Arms |RGPP | General |
| | Jiparg |RYY | Beheyup |RYYP | Medusa Ball |
| | | | |RYYW | W. P. Puppet |
| | |RYP | Sashtock |RYPP | Bone Knight |
| | | | |RYPW | Bone Knight |
| | Joker |BGY | Brushy |BGYW | Hawking |
| | |BGP | Brushy |BGPP | Hawking |
| | Shadow |BYY | Shadow Move |BYYP | Rich |
| | |BYP | Shabow Move |BYPW | Rich |

You can evolve at level 15 or higher for Forth stage.
You can evolve at level 30 or higher for Fifth stage.

(( 9. Battling tricks ))

This is a section created specially for tricks in battling. It must be
more advance than "Battling", therefore I created this section.


If your position is something like this:


Where L is Luke, X is your puppets, and E is an enemy (Hard-To Defeat, only
uses normal attacks, and on this case: Garland or Jaress), set a trap at O.
He'll definitely step on it except if you had some other puppets which
annoyed him at first ;) After this, you go back a step, your puppets all go
back a step, and then set another trap in front of you. The enemy will
happily step on it again!!! LOL!!
I discovered this trick myself.

Have any tricks? Share with us!

(( 10. How to contact me ))

Well, my contacts are actually written above but I'll write it down

< >
ICQ 55261040
[Inferno II]

I accept only contributions, suggestion and errors regarding THIS
walkthrough. I might be able to answer a few questions though... But I'm not
good in answering. No stupid questions, please! All answerable questions will
be posted below this, which is under "Asked Questions"

I will ignore those with questions regarding the future chapters, which
is not covered by this walkthrough. Also, NO PERSONAL QUESTIONS ;) Well,
maybe if it's not THAT personal, I'll answer. Finally, PLEASE!!! No grammar
mistakes or spelling mistakes understandable.

Contributors who contribute via e-mail will be replied to notify you
that I received your contributions.

You see, my English is not even near "average" in usage so don't send in
hard-to-understand words, ok? ^_^;

(( 10. Asked Questions ))

There are still no questions in the bank...

(( 11. Credits ))

---Very Special Thanks-----------------------------------------------
Ignacio de Lucas (
- For his time teaching me how to make a walkthrough.
- For allowing me to use his Xenogears walkthrough as a step-by-step
guide in making a walkthrough.
- For making the ASCII above (at the start) for me. It's DAMN cool!!
Thanks Ignacio!!! Billion thanks!!!
- And finally for answering my hundreds and hundreds of
questions about making FAQ, copyright, and how FAQ goes around.

PS: I really owe you really much, man!!! Thanks again!

---Special Thanks----------------------------------------------------
My parents
- For bringing me into this world :)
- For buying me this Computer, that PS and also this game.
- For encouraging me in doing this walkthrough because it's my interest.

---Special Thanks----------------------------------------------------
Kao Megura (
- For letting me use his Copyright notice. It's COOL!!! ^^
- Also for some helps on Copyright things.

---Special Thanks----------------------------------------------------
Sugiyanto Yusup (
- For letting me use the content in his FAQ to make out a chart.

- For making such a cool game.

GameFaqs (
- For posting this walkthrough.

Pyro Vesten (
- For answering my questions regarding Copyright in's board.

You (
- For reading this walkthrough.

(( 12. Author's Note))

To end my FAQ, I'd like to really thank Ignacio for what he had done to me...
Take a look at "Credits" section for more details!

Thank you, Ignacio!!!

And now, it's time to announce that, this is the final version of the
walkthrough. Any questions are still accepted but the walkthrough, itself,
won't be updated anymore.

For my fans who likes my work, even though there doesn't seem to be any
^_^;, I'm planning to make another FAQ. If you want to know what's the FAQ,
please e-mail me.

Thank you for reading my walkthrough!
Good Luck on beating the game!

The last updated and this walkthrough, itself, can be obtained from these
following sites as of at 29/11/2001:
1. GameFaqs (
2. Playstation (

Unpublished work Copyright 2001-2002 by Darren Ng
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17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version

17.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, +6 Trainer für die europäische UK PAL Version.

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17.Octombrie 2013
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