Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry

15.10.2013 01:07:13


<<< By: DLemasa (Dave Lemasa) >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Email: >>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Version: 1.07 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Date: January 8, 2002 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Time: 1:30 PM EST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>










Yes, yet *another* Devil May Cry FAQ - sorry! I promise to save you a
ton of frustration (which I wish I had avoided) by CLEARLY explaining
those pesky Secret Missions.

This guide has 2 parts, as noted in the TOC, and all information is based
on completing these missions during NORMAL difficulty. First, I'll
explain how to get through the Secret Missions strewn throughout this,
Capcom's latest addiction. Second, the section titled, "Miscellaneous T"
is both an explanation of a few things that in my opinion have gone
unexplained as well as detailed information about secret
characters and features of Devil May Cry.

This section is affectionately named after that elusive and rather
unheralded EP by They Might Be Giants for no reason whatsoever.
It just sounded nice. ;P

At any rate, there's a ton of guides out there that are quite well written.
However, I found that many, many questions remained unanswered as to the
specifics of some of these nigh-impossible hidden tasks that lead to the
Bangle of Time. What's the Bangle of Time? That's what I said, as I could not
easily find specific info about it. Read on and find out!
"Undocumented" stuff like this will be found in the Misc. T section.

I have wasted enough time, on to the guide!



1.07: ******************* QUICK UPDATE ***********************

First of all, thanks to everyone who has emailed me, I
really appreciate all the feedback and suggestions you
have all sent me. However, there's a slight problem:
I've been flooded with email! I've been a bit busy and
haven't been able to read/answer all of it, so please
don't be offended if I haven't replied. I will be
posting the final version of this FAQ in the near future
and will include many of the suggestions/information
you have sent me. Remember, I don't get paid for this
stuff so please be patient! ;)


Quick plug --->> Feel free to check out my other FAQ's
and reviews on GameFAQs!


1.06: Added link to Capcom Japan's DMC secrets info page in the
intro to the Misc. T section.
Credited other contributors.

1.05: Corrected certain names.
Corrected minor typos.
Added info to Bangle of Time sub-section.
Minor editing throughout.

*NB*: Yes, it's been weeks and I'm still stuck in HARD mode
(damn Shadows). I am seriously considering just getting a
GameShark and cheating my way through. If anyone has any
tips for Orb farming in HARD -basically any areas where easy
kills exist-, I'd appreciate it!)

*NB*: I am trying to finalize this FAQ and am only short one thing -
stuff that happens "post" DANTE MUST DIE! mode. I need info
on Super Dante if you've got it, feel free to email it if so...

1.04: Minor format tweaking.
Minor typo removed.
Proactively removed direct links to this FAQ in compliance with
GameFAQ's policy (which I just read and didn't realize I'd
Edited Introduction.
Added "King of Hell" info in Misc. T section.
Added to Thanks and Acknowledgments.

1.03: Eliminated all TAB's.

1.02: Tweaked formatting and corrected additional typos.
Added information re: Legendary Dark Knight.
Added information re: DANTE MUST DIE! mode.
Added FAQ hosting information.
Credited other contributors.

1.01: Fixed numerous spelling errors/typos.
Refined formatting.
Added Phantom red-orb farming tip.
Added Melancholy Soul recharge information.
Credited other contributors.

1.00: First draft of all text for all sections.
This guide was written with WordPad and is in Courier New font.

NB: I'd love an explanatory email from anyone who has beaten
DANTE MUST DIE! mode and unlocked Super-Dante.

This FAQ is primarily hosted at GameFAQs at URL:

This FAQ is also hosted at the following sites...

Neoseeker, at URL

Playstation Cheat Net, aka at URL:



OK - quick intro. Not only are the secret missions fun but they are
also a way to stockpile crazy amounts of Red Orbs, the "currency" of
DMC that lets you power up your weapons and yourself. Think of them
as little red balls of experience that allow Dante's powers to evolve
somewhat RPG-like. It sounds boring (and it is), but I spent roughly
4 hours doing repeat kills of SinScythe's and Baby Phantom's to ensure
that (a) I had all of the Alistor skills at the beginning of the game,
(b) when I got Ifrit, I did the same, killing Blade's, etc. over and
over until I had that maxxed, and, (c) as OCD as it sounds, I made damn
sure that I maxxed my Blue Orbs/Life Bar and Purple Orbs/Devil Trigger
Gauge before I hit HARD difficulty. It's also a good idea to grab as
many Holy Waters, Yellow Orbs, Devil Stars and Untouchables as humanly
possible before hitting HARD. Trust me, NORMAL is like a walk in the
park compared to HARD and the "Extra" items that the God of Time sells
triple in price after you beat NORMAL.

In the Misc. T section I'll elaborate more good monster kills for red
orbs, now, onward....

The following are explanations on how to find and beat each Secret
Mission. Please note that the "when" times are simply when I did them.
They generally aren't available until the points I'll lead you to, but
the order in which they are done doesn't seem to matter. Also, I am
numbering the missions merely for reference, as the game does not number
them. Finally, SAVE YOUR GAME after completing Secret Missions,
especially after the Mission 4 collection. It would really suck to
have to do these again if you don't want to.

And so...



When? During Mission 3, immediately after you fight the Phantom,
the hot-blooded arachnid boss.

Where? After beating Phantom, run back out onto the broken bridge
and jump into the water, the Secret Mission screen will
then appear.

This mission can be attempted infinitely.

OK, this mission was a b---ch if there ever was one - until I found a
method that almost always works. You'll find yourself back down in the
underwater arena, so remember that your health will deteriorate
(NB - Anyone want to explain why you lose health here, but when it's
time for the Ship levels you can swim underwater indefinitely? Lazy).
The key here is to kill the Sin Scissors with one blast of your shotgun.
Now, I tried to cheat with Holy Water - it doesn't work. The trick is
to hit the Sin Scissors' scissors (!) aside to get a clear shot at her
head. DO NOT USE YOUR SHOTGUN TO DO THIS. There's a better way, and
it's your sword. Get close, and swing Alistor right as the Sin Scissors
lines up for a chop at you. Time your swing so that when she lunges to
attack you are swinging to intercept it. If you are close enough and
timed it correctly, she'll be sprawled backwards and her scissors will
be held to the side. Now, walk towards her, shotgun aimed, until the
barrel of the gun is on top of or through her head. Pull the trigger.
Her mask will shatter and a Blue Orb will drop, and you'll have cleared
the mission. The key here, again, is knocking her weapon aside AND
getting close enough to give her a double-barrel to the face. Once
you have this down, you'll be killing them in the regular missions with
deadly efficiency.



When? Right at the beginning of Mission 4.

Where? You'll start the mission right outside the "door" to the
Cathedral (the Judgment bas-relief). There's a crack of
light running vertically down the center, turn around and
press "X" and you're in - Secret Mission screen time.

This mission can be attempted infinitely

OK, this mission is leaps and bounds easier than the previous one, but
you can still screw it up. You have to kill 100 Phantom Babies by any
means. You can use a Holy Water here for an instant clear, but I'd save
those if you've got them. The best method I've found is as follows.
In the entrance to the Cathedral, take a few swings with your sword to
nail about 35 of them, then run around that same area and wail on
Ebony and Ivory (Dante's handguns). Once the counter hits about 50,
start running to the altar area of the cathedral and start wailing on
the guns again. Kill 100 and a nice, shiny Blue Orb drops back by the
blue door to the hallway. Make sure you keep shooting to get the extra
Red Orbs and collect the Blue Orb. Exit through the Blue door to the
hallway and get ready to run, jump and dodge to the next secret



When? Immediately after completing the previous mission.

Where? As you leave the Cathedral and run back towards the little
library room with the God of Time in it, Phantom will
reappear and start chasing you (this part is reminiscent of
all those pain-in-the-a$$ levels in platform games where
you're running towards the screen and avoiding hazards -
it's a cheap way to heighten the difficulty level and quite
unnecessary IMHO). Dodge Phantom's fireballs and run to
the end of the hall and into the God of Time room at the
end (the door on the right). You can try to kill Phantom,
but doing this impossible feat only nets you 500 Red Orbs,
it's hardly worth the effort. At any rate, enter the God
of Time room and the next Secret Mission will be activated.

This mission can be attempted infinitely.

Here, you will kill 100 Phantom babies within the time limit without
using any weapons....



...Remember how I recommended fully upgrading Alistor in the Intro?
Here's a good chance to do it. This is vital, IMHO, to completing the
incredibly difficult Shadows that will plague future Secret Missions.
My advice to you, although painful, is to clear this room WITH your
weapons. This will ensure that you will fail. Why would you want to
fail? To reap the 120 Red Orbs that the Phantom Babies will yield.
You can fail this mission over and over again and stock up on Red Orbs.
I would do "Phantom Baby Runs" a la Diablo 2 and Clear the room of
Phantom Babies, exit the room, clear the hallway of any bad guys,
re-enter the God of Time room (and therefore again enter Phantom Baby II
Secret Mission), rinse and repeat.

I'd say that an average "run" (Babies, Hallway, Babies) netted me about
350-ish Red Orbs per run. If you want to know the order I upgraded
Alistor, it was...

Stinger level 1
Air Hike (vital, get this immediately!!!)
Air Raid
Round Trip
Stinger level 2
Vortex level 1
Vortex level 2

After upgrading Alistor completely, I bought 5 Holy Waters, 5 Yellow
Orbs, 5 Devil Stars, 4 Blue Orbs and 4 Purple Orbs.

Yeah, I know, frustrating and incredibly boring, but I kicked major
tail afterwards! Spend the time now and you'll thank me....

Also, and many thanks to Ruffino12many for the tip, there's an
alternative orb up method as quoted below:

"Here's a tip- if you manage to have Air Raid and 5 or 6 glyphs
on your DT Gauge you can get easy orbs at the beginning of Mission 4.
When Phantom chases you down the hall; immediately use air raid and
start attacking. You can totally wipe him out by the end of the hall
with little-to-no damage to yourself. All you have to do is save the
game, reset, and repeat. It's a great way to max out Alastor before
your first fight with Nelo Angelo. I did this and not only maxxed out
Alastor but all my purple and blue orbs too.

PS: If you get bored with the lack of variety doing this, you can
always go through the door and get some shadow practice afterwards
(for some more red orbs I might add)." -- Riffino12many


Make sure, at the very least, you've got a ton of Holy Waters,
a Vital Star, and Plenty of Devil Stars if you choose to
spend all that time powering up. There are THREE secret missions
in Mission 4, and I would hate to see you waste all that time only
to be killed by the Shadows in Secret Mission 4.


OK - back to Secret Mission #3. When you're ready to actually complete
the mission appropriately, the trick is running in circles. As you
start out and the clock starts ticking, run towards the mass of spider
babies on the floor and then immediately start running in tight circles.
Run curly-q through the mass of spiders until you're at about 60 to 70.
Then, run up the stairs towards the God of Time and repeat (they
generally amass on the left side of the upper level). If you haven't
hit 100, squish any stragglers and a Blue Orb will drop. Collect it,
kill any remaining for their orbs, and exit the room. Mission Clear!



When? Mission 4, immediately after you kill the Shadow that
emerges from the Lion statue in the fountain court-yard.

Where? Go back to the airplane room. Whack the Kanji character on
the wall (like in non-secret Mission 1) to activate the
elevator to the underground arena. Take the elevator down
and the Secret Mission screen will appear.

You only get ONE chance to beat them. Make sure you've saved from
before and can reset to try again.

In this hidden gem you'll have to defeat not one, not two, but THREE
Shadows. Tres difficile! Let me also take the opportunity to dispel
some rumors while simultaneously reducing your frustration level -
HOLY WATER WILL NOT KILL THEM INSTANTLY. It merely makes their inner
orbs appear. So, it's clear that there's two ways to do this, the hard
way and the HARDER way. The harder way is obvious, accelerate your
already carpal tunnel-ous pain by holding R1, hopping about like mad
while firing your shotgun, and *hoping* that you're actually hitting
them. The Gods of Frustration have blessed Capcom with their Useless
Camera Angles of Doom (TM), and Team Little Devil was not shy in using
them liberally throughout this game. Will you know if you've even
exposed the Shadows' orbs? Will you know if you've even been hitting
them? For the love of Pete, will you even know where in the flippin'
arena these cheap, cheesy-kitties are? Screw the HARDER way!

Do this instead. Use a Holy Water to reveal their orbs, then Stinger
the be-Jesus out of the closest orb to you. Fire a few shots at the
Shadow you can actually see, then unleash another Holy Water and go
after another little kitty's orb. With any luck, 2 of them are
smoldering with that reddish hue, a fashion statement that clearly
says, "I'm about to die but first I'll swallow you and see if I can't
burn you in my gullet". Take your finger off the R1 button and run,
air hike/jump like crazy to avoid them. With any luck you'll be left
with just one living, but majorly damaged, Shadow after that second
Holy Water attack. As the in-game text says, be the Devil Hunter and
kill him one-on-one. Shoot him a few times to get his orb out and
Stinger it, he'll be weak by now so hopefully one series of Stingers
will do the trick. Avoid his red death-chomp and collect the Blue Orb
when it falls.



Get used to fighting these guys, they're everywhere in HARD and they
rarely come alone. The name of the game with them is firepower. The
shotgun is great at the beginning of the game, but the Nightmare-Beta
(hereinafter "N-Beta") is even better later on. With the shotgun,
the kitties can't dodge their fire as easily as with the N-Beta, but
the shotgun doesn't do a ton of damage. Alternatively, the N-Beta
will do great damage and can even yield multiple hits with one shot,
but the Shadows can dodge its fire with regularity. So, here's a
few tips...

General: These guys have 4 basic attacks - A series of floor
spikes they shoot as they go flat, a "T2-ish" lance
shot that extends from their body and pierces you, a
morphing, "giant bite" attack where they turn their
whole body into a big mouth and chomp you, and, an
airborne, spinning blade attack where they jump up,
morph into a spinning blade, and shoot at you on the

Avoidance: If they go flat, you know they'll shooting floor
spikes, run around and avoid them For the "T2" lance
attack, jump (you can even land on it and start
firing at the Beastie). For the final 2 attack
types, try to roll to the side instead of jumping.
Again, the Shadow will be vulnerable after each
attack, so utilize these tactics to gain the
advantage over this incredibly cheap enemy.

Shotgun: Get as close as you dare to the Shadow and keep it
locked on with R1. Blast the hell out of it with the
shotgun while jumping when it's on the ground. When
it goes airborne into its spinning animation, try not
to jump. Instead, roll to either side as it descends
on you. It will be vulnerable after this move so
don't be afraid to get close and whale on it with
your shotgun. Also, when it shoots the "T2" spear
thingee at you, time it so you jump on top if it.
With any luck you'll be standing on its spike and
fill it with lead as it again is very vulnerable.
When you hit it enough with firearms, the orb is
exposed and you can Stinger it into oblivion.
Generally, you have to attack the orb twice in order
to kill the Shadow. When the Shadow turns red,
release the R1 and avoid the Shadow, it's about to
die and will try to clamp its jaws on you as it does.

Nightmare-Beta: The Shadows can dodge this attack, but if you get
your timing down and learn the animations of the
Shadows you'll be more effective in killing them with
this weapon. The key here is rolling instead of
jumping, and it's no small feat. Learn to see the
"giant bite" coming and roll aside as it comes for
you. Shadows are incredibly vulnerable after they
attack. The Nightmare_Beta, especially in close
quarters, can and will hit the Shadow multiple times.
Example - I fired a charged shot (hold the fire
button down)from the N-Beta at a Shadow in a walled
in area and the orb immediately was exposed. Use the
environment in these instances to get multi-hits and
you'll be killing these guys quick.

Devil Trigger: Air Raid CAN be effective, but your Devil Trigger
Gauge might not be so long at this point. It's great
against them, but you'll be vulnerable when the gauge
runs out. Use this wisely, if at all.

Grenadegun: Don't do it, useless.




When? Mission 7

Where? Remember where you got the rusty key and fought those
Beelzebubs? The room with the pipes? Go back there at the
start of during Mission 7 and the Secret Mission will

This mission may be attempted infinitely.

OK, it's Capcom Camera of Death time. The object here is to get one of
the Kyklops to kill the other. The problem is that you'll need to jump
about quite a bit and will quickly lose sight of these guys in the
process. The strategy that worked for me involved getting between
them and jumping. As the mission starts, get as close to "in between"
the Kyklops' as you can. In a perfect world, I'd tell you to wait for
one to fire its rocks, jump to avoid them, and watch as the rocks hit
the other Kyklops thereby causing damage. The camera simply won't let
you. So, the key is to get in between them and jump out of the way.
Repeat. Simple probability is on your side, and one of the Kyklops
will either jump on or shoot the other enough times (as it tries to
kill Dante) to kill the other. I wish I could write a tried and true
approach to this, but this is the way I've done it, and it has worked
several times. After one of the Kyklops dies, a Blue Orb should drop
by the door. Grab it and leave, don't kill the other Kyklops, there's
a chance you won't get credit for the mission. Done!



When? Mission 11

Where? Back-track from your current position and return to the
"yard" area where you fought the 2 Kyklops. As you go
through the large doors again you will activate the Secret

I *think* this mission can be attempted infinitely, although you really
won't need to.

Tough to not beat this one. Look up, there will be a Blue Orb. You
need to get to it. Air Hike is your friend (and this mission
demonstrates the early need for it). There will be a bunch of Sin
Scissors and/or Sin Scythes flying about. The object is to use them
as springboards to jump up to the Blue Orb. Air Hike up to one and
spring off it and you should be right in line for the Orb. Once you
have collected the Orb, kill the buggers and leave the area through
the doors you just cam through. Mission accomplished.



When? Immediately after Mission 13.

Where? After leaving the Ghost Ship, return to it and swim to the
Captain's cabin. Swim up to his bones and hit "X", you'll
trigger the secret mission and be transported to an
underwater "prison"

This mission is fairly easy. You will be surrounded in a large watery
area by 8 Blades. First-person shooter time. Deftly use the "O"
button to quickly turn about and shoot the Blades with your Needlegun.
Thank God for auto-aim! Kill all 8 Blades, collect their Orbs, and
get the Blue Orb that appears. You'll be transported out of the fish
tank and back into the Captain's quarters and this Secret Mission is



When? Mission 15

Where? Way, way back, backtrack to the elevator that was in the
tree trunk surrounded by water and a waterfall. back to
the area where the floor-spikes are. Back to...the Skull-
faced wall that gives you text if you click on it
(something about "when twilight falls..." blah blah).
Face the wall and hit "X" - the Secret Mission screen will

This mission can be attempted repeatedly.

It's multiple Shadow time again. The trick here is to get the
Nightmare-Beta BEFORE fighting them, it'll help a ton. You'll be in
tight quarters, so the ricochet action of the N-Beta will be great
against the Shadows. Also, you don't have to fight them all at once.
If you avoid running all the way back into the tunnel, but stay in the
immediate vacinity of the first Shadow, the others won't attack until
you get near them. The best strategy is to inch towards one, kill it,
inch towards the next on (further down the tunnel), and so on. Kill
all three and their treasure, a Blue Orb, will be yours.



Since you surely have Ifrit by now, it's a great time to power it up.
To do this, I formulated another "run" for Red Orbs. You know the
area where the 2 "Shield" doors are and there's a courtyard where
Sin Scythes attack? You know, the area with the blue flames on the
ground that guide you to your next objective? There is a great area
for "leveling-up". Basically, go to the far right shield door, go
in and kill the Fetishes. Now, go back outside, run to the center
of the "yard", wait a few sec's for the Sin Scythes to surround you,
then hit Devil Trigger and Air Raid the lot of them. Collect their
copious orbs. return to the far right shield door and repeat, your
DT Gauge will replenish as you kill the fetishes with Ifrit or Alistor.
So, Right Shield Door, Sin Scythe Yard, Right Shield Door, repeat,

After a goodly amount of runs, Ifrit should be all powered up.
FYI - here's the order I upgraded it:

Kick13 level 1
Magma Drive
Rolling Blaze
Meteor level 1
Kick 13 level 2
Meteor level 2

I also took the opportunity to buy as many Holy Waters as the game
would allow (5 I think, although you can hold more that you find,
just not that you buy), 5 Devil Stars, 5 Yellow Orbs, a Blue Orb
and a Purple Orb.

Again, it's your choice, but later in the game you'll need to use
Vital Stars, etc. and it's better, IMHO, to spend the Red Orbs on
those things rather than upgrading your skills. Further, you can
do all this before you attempt the Secret Mission, just make sure
you do it before you leave this Mission.




When? Mission 15, after you kill the Griffon.

Where? Go back into the Coliseum, the Secret Mission will begin.

Easy as pie. Hop up the stairway made of Sargasso (skull-heads)
and grab the Blue Orb. It's as easy as that.



When? Mission 17, after beating Nightmare.

Where? Go back to the airplane room. The Secret Mission will

OK, another tough-as-nails Secret Mission. "Hunt and defeat the
Shadows" it says. If it were only that easy! You see, they pulled
a fast one here. Not only do you have to kill the Shadows, but you
have to make damn sure you go through the right doors! How dare they?!?
Here I will again bless you with the wisdom I have only gained through
utter frustration.

Right. You'll start in the airplane room. Note the wee kitty eyes
peeping at you from the upper-left area of the plane. Note that there
are TWO sets of eyes. Walk near them and Dante will "notice them".
When they both pounce in your direction, pop off a quick Holy water
and do the N-Beta/rolling about behavior. After Stinger-ing their orbs
six-ways to Sunday (!) they'll die. Now we find the next victim.


Just in case you missed that, I am compelled by blessed charity to
repeat what I just screamed - after killing the kitties go through
the BLUE doors, NOT the RED one's you came in through.

OK, here we are again in the Shrine to General Hooker. For your
information, a statue of General Hooker, seated upon his rearing horse,
is located in front of the right wing of the State House in Boston,
Massachusetts. The circumference of the horse's "jewels" is roughly
11.5 inches - and what mad fun it was to discover that, let me tell
you. (FYI, yes, "they" are named after him, by the way - prostitutes
followed his entourage and soon became called "Hooker's Girls",
which was later shortened to just "Hookers"). Feeling learned
now, ain't we!

Ehem - back to bizniz. In the "horse room", way up top - the upper
left side of the room - there's that broken landing where a Blue orb
was at the very beginning of the game. If you look you'll see that
evil eyes are smiling. Air hike up there to get the cat to come out
and make quick work of him. I lured him over to the area in front of
Hooker's Horse to avoid all the pillars that get in the way. It also
gives you more room to hop around. Kill that naughty kitty and exit
through the big, RED doors (again, not the doors you came in though).

You will now be in the room where the bridge mechanism is from way
back at the beginning of the game. Here, Kitty, Kitty. Die, Kitty,
Kitty! Use the *really* tight space to your advantage and N-Beta
his feline a$$ into oblivion. Stinger the orb...yada, yada.

After killing this fourth and final Shadow, the Blue Orb shall be



When? Mission 17

Where? At the very beginning of this mission, turn around and ride
the purple portal back to the end of the broken bridge.
Now, walk towards the edge leading to the castle. Go into
Alistor Devil Trigger and Air Raid over the broken bridge
back to the castle. When you get to the other side the
Secret Mission will start. (You could also choose to jump
from piece to piece back to the castle side, but if you
fall in the ocean you lose your chance at the secret

You only have one chance to activate and complete this mission.

Many have claimed this mission to be nigh impossible. With all due
respect, this is one of the easiest Secret Missions to complete - it's
just that we all fell for Capcom's evil little trick. I'll explain.

After Air Raid-ing across, you'll obviously be on the other side.
A Death Scythe will appear as soon as the mission starts. In typical
fashion, he'll start setting up those gray pillar thingees that shoot
you up into the air. You will also see that there's a Blue Orb
suspended in mid-air, way above the broken bridge, positioned in
between the middle of the bridge and the end you are on. At first
glance it seems that you need to ride the Death Scythe's pillars to
a height high enough to grab the Blue Orb. On top of this, we've
already had 2 secret missions where we use enemies as stairs to get
to an Orb. You see, Capcom used a little Pavlovian psychology to
condition us into following that same logic to grab the Orb in this
mission. And so, by the time we hit this secret mission we're all
saying, "Of course, I need to ride the pillar, tornado things up to
the Blue Orb." I did this (and died and reset) 12 or 15 times before
I realized what an ass I was. The Death Scythe will just keep playing
tennis with your sorry ass every time you get close to the right height.
One pause in your movement and the rat whacks you into the ocean, and
it's reset, reset, reset time. Clever.

OK - here's the real solution. KILL THE DEATH SCYTHE!! That's right,
kill the bastard, he's USELESS and so are his insignificant,
Jack-in-the-box, pillar thingees. Once you see the deception,
you'll want to reset just so you can kill the evil bugger for being
so deceptive!

Is he dead? Groovy. Spit on his Grave for me. Walk towards the
castle. See how there's an arch over that huge doorway? Walk over
to the left side. Jump up. God Almighty! I can stand on this!
Jump up again, in fact, jump until you're standing on the very top
of this arch. Saints alive! Stand there and cry victory! From
the peak of this arch, go Devil Trigger, Alistor style. Air Hike
to your highest jumping point and hit R1 to go into Air Raid mode.
Hallelujah! Float over to the Blue Orb and free fall into the ocean
as your DT Gauge runs dry. Heaven's to Betsy, Secret Mission CLEAR!!!!



When? Mission 21

Where? You're in the Underworld now. See that God of Time statue?
Press "X" on the wall across from it and you'll discover a
secret tunnel and activate the secret mission.

This is the final secret mission, the one you've been waiting for.
OK, you'll be in a fleshy tunnel that pulsates and quivers a bit.
Keep running down this tunnel until you reach a junction. I'm going
to let you know right now that it's a bit maze like, but it doesn't
matter where you go, as you'll be able to tell if you've backtracked
to places you've already been (pay attention to the environment as you
run). At any rate, several times you will come to junctions where
you'll have to fight Nobody's. Those "Wall of Faces" things will
appear preventing further travel. Kill each Nobody as you come to
it to shatter the spectral doors. After 3 or 4 of these battles,
you'll come to a room with a Nobody and a Green portal framed with
skulls. Kill the Nobody and slice through the Green jello-door.

You will now be in a sort-of lava filled area. There will be a
throbbing thing that gives off Red Orbs as you whack it, so clean
it out. You will also hear the sound of something big and mean
breathing fire. It's another one of those Dinosaur skeletons like
in the previous missions. It would never occur to me that Mundus
had a corner on the science museum T-Rex exhibit market, but hey,
who knew? Ehem - you need to get up to the Dino's level and whack
his head to kill him. Look around the room for shelf like ledges
you can use to jump up there. Do it. When you get to the Dino's
head, time his flame breath, but also know that the head cannot
swivel to get you from the sides. Wait for the flames to cease
and let the head have it. Meteor or Stinger will do wonders,
as will a boring series of Alistor chops. Once the head is dead,
drop back down to the ground. A couple of Frosts will appear, so
Ifrit them and they'll go down quick. After the Dino and the Frosts
are dead, you'll notice that some eyeball platforms have appeared.
Run up the ledges again and ride each "Eye-levator" to the next,
properly timing your jumps, and ascend to the final, highest shelf.
You will see a glowing object on an alter of sorts. Jump onto that
ledge and run over and collect the object, it's the Bangle of Time
(see below for what the Bangle of Time does). When you have done
this, you'll have completed the last Secret Mission and gained the
precious hidden item that all that trouble was for. After picking
the Bangle up you'll be transported back to the beginning.
Mission(s) Clear!



OK, there's a few "secrets" and loose ends I want to tie up here, but
there's not much so you'll be free to go quite soon.

NB: Check out this link for Capcom Japan's secrets page. It has a bunch of
info and screen shots of the unlockable characters and modes that are
discussed below. You can find it at:

Thanks to OverFiend for the info!

1. The Nightmare-Beta

The N-Beta is a great weapon that has a few undocumented uses. First,
you will see that it drains your Devil Trigger Gauge when used. Second,
you can fire a charge shot by holding down the fire button and waiting
for the green glow to increase. A charged N-Beta shot can hit several
enemies multiple times and is a great way to grab "Stylish" ratings
consistently. The bad news is that merely using this weapon insures
that you won't be able to go into Devil trigger mode, so there's a
balancing act here. This weapon is the best against Shadows once
you've mastered fighting them though.

2. Charge Shots (other weapons)

Ebony & Ivory, the Shotgun, and the Grenadegun all also have the
ability to fire charge shots. Simply hold down the fire button and
watch as either an Alistor (purple) or Ifrit (flame yellow) aura
appears around your weapon. Let go of the button and hit it a few
more times for more damaging (and pretty) firepower.

3. Alistor

Did you know you can use your Alistor DT state to fly? Simply go
into Devil Trigger and hit R1 while in the air. You'll now be in an
Air Raid, but you don't have to shoot. Once you transform you can
steer yourself and float about the sky. This is great for grabbing
hard to reach Blue Orbs, etc. Try Air Hiking into an Air Raid and
you'll be able to reach incredible heights.

4. Ifrit

Although Ifrit's attack animation is sloooooow, there's a hidden
combo that *sometimes* works. When you're attacking an enemy with
Ifrit equipped, mash the hell out of the "O" button. If done right,
you'll go into a rapid punch routine that can be devastating.

Also, when in Devil Trigger mode, hold R1 to target and enemy and then
and push towards the enemy you're fighting with the analog stick. While
Ifrit, you can whale on enemies with a serious combo that way.
Be warned, however, that you'll use up your Devil Trigger Gauge rather

Here's a final tip while using Ifrit. Ifrit is the only weapon you
should use against Nightmare. Ifrit has that homing jump attack
that is great against the Nightmare's orbs. Simply target the orb with
R1, jump up in the air and hit attack. You'll shoot down and slam into
the orb. After that merely jump straight up and your Rolling Blaze
attack will automatically kick in, doing more damage. You'll be up in
the air again and ready for another air slam into the Nightmare's orb.
Piece of cake!

5. Sparda

Ahhhhhh, yes, the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda's sword. Oooooooooo, no,
no Devil Trigger abilities. It's up to you if you want to use this weapon,
it had definite ups and downs. It has amazing built-in Round Trip and
Stinger attacks, but you can't do anything else but combo. Yes, the
damage is great with this sword, but without Devil Trigger abilities,
it's a bit tough to manage HARD difficulty. I'd save this for certain
boss fights and wait until beating HARD difficulty to use an alternative
sword. More on that to follow...

6. Difficulty Levels

In the Japanese version, difficulty modes were EASY AUTOMATIC, EASY,
NORMAL, HARD and DANTE MUST DIE! In the US version, take off the EASY
mode and that's what we got. I don't think any of us are crying over that
missing mode.

At any rate, a few things happen as you beat each mode.

EASY AUTOMATIC: Hah! You get to play though Easy Auto again with all
your weapons and power-ups intact. Gee, thanks a
ton Capcom!

NORMAL: OK, now we're talking. After beating NORMAL you
immediately start HARD, and you have all of your
weapons, abilities and items from the previous game.
Please read ahead to HARD to see why stocking up
during NORMAL is vital to your success in HARD.

HARD: I haven't beaten this yet. I will tell you that
Shadows are everywhere, as are Blades, Frosts and
Plasmas. It's like night and day, not just a minor
bump in difficulty. If you have to go back to an old
NORMAL game save to farm for Red Orbs, do so, because
you'll need all the Yellow Orbs, Holy Waters, etc.
that you can get while they are still at NORMAL
difficulty prices. Prices for items triples in HARD,
so no more cheap, 700 Orb Holy Water. Ouch!

Also, beating HARD will unlock a new character,
The Legendary Dark Knight. No, it's not Batman (although
how cool would that be? Capcom doing a Batman 3rd-Person
game - sweet). See below for details.

Beating HARD mode also unlocks DANTE MUST DIE! mode.

DANTE MUST DIE!: The impossible difficulty mode. Dante has only 30 seconds
to clear each room before all monsters go into their own
sort-of Devil Trigger mode and can kill him in 2 or 3 hits.
(Thanks to Anthony Ferguson for this info.)

7. Extra Characters


Beat HARD mode to obtain him.

Here, you can select Dante's father, Sparda, as a playable character.
He uses the sword, "Yamato" which is basically the Sparda sword with
Alistor Devil Trigger capability. Sparda looks like Dante only he
wears a purple outfit with an eye-piece pendent on his chest. When he
goes DT, he looks like Sparda from the Prologue CG. (Thanks to Anthony
Ferguson and Patrick Herron for the info.)


Beat DANTE MUST DIE! mode to unlock him.

I don't have much info about him. I do know that he has unlimited
Devil Trigger capability. Does he have enhanced damage or speed?
Does he have a new weapon? Any info about him would be greatly
appreciated and credited.

8. The Bangle of Time

Hah-ho! You thought I forgot. The Time Bangle allows you to freeze time.
Select it from your inventory screen and say "YES" when it asks you if you
was to wear it. During battle, hit L1 to activate it using your Devil
Trigger Gauge. The screen will go all white-ish and everything but you
will be frozen in time. The upside is that you can avoid tough enemies
and/or kill them while they're frozen. The down side is that you'll have
no access to your Devil Trigger abilities. The other down side is that
it doesn't work on bosses. The time freeze only lasts as long as your
DT Gauge holds out, so use it wisely.

9. King of Hell

Just a quickie. In any difficulty mode, if you beat every, single mission
with an "S" rating, you will be treated to a picture of every enemy and
character flanking a victorious Dante. The picture is captioned,
"King of Hell!". Wow. Between you and me, what a crappy reward for
reaching such a lofty goal. The ripping-your-hair-out-of-your-skull factor
alone justifies at least ONE more secret character. Given the lack of
Street Fighter references in this Capcom game, I'm shocked they couldn't work
Chun Li (or, Jill Valentine) in somehow. I can hear Mundus now,
"Even though you, Jill, are the Master of Unlocking, you will never escape!).
Oh well, maybe in the sequel, "Devil Never Cry" (as I'm sure it *could* be

10. Melancholy Soul Recharge Statue

In an earlier version of this FAQ, I asked the question:

Q. What's the deal with that Statue near the trap door to the Staff
of Judgment in Mission 2? It's the one that has a glowing socket
and says something about putting the Guiding Soul (?) inside. Is
that a secret area or something? Is it a puzzle that Capcom
never bothered to finish? Hmmmm?

A. Much to my dismay, the statue is merely a device to recharge the
Melancholy Soul if you allow its power to run out. No extra
secret area, no hidden weapon, no nothing - nada.

Many thanks to Ruffino12many, Dark Angel of Hell,
That Guy Named Nate, Misery, Kumo, The Silver Dragon,
Rafael Valladares and Patrick Herron for the info!



Thank you to...

- GameFAQ's, PSXCodez and Neoseeker, for hosting this FAQ.

- Capcom and Team Little Devil, for making this great little game.

- Others who have contributed to this FAQ:

Ruffino12many, Dark Angel of Hell, That Guy Named Nate, Misery, Kumo,
The Silver Dragon, Rafael Valladares, Patrick Herron,
Anthony Ferguson and OverFiend.

- You, for reading my quirky little FAQ here.



Copyright: (c) Copyright 2001 David J. Lemasa, Esq. This FAQ and
everything included within this electronic file shall
not be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical,
digital, analog, or otherwise) aside from being placed
on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in its
original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ shall
not be used for commercial or promotional purposes.
This FAQ shall not be used in any sort of commercial
transaction. This FAQ shall not be given away as some
sort of bonus, gift, etc., with any form of purchase.

In a nutshell, people, if you want to post this FAQ, simply ask. If you
want to use it for something else, please make DAMN sure you ask my
permission. I've heard the horror stories and would rather not become
another one. I'm a lawyer and I'm not afraid to use me! :)

With any luck, this guide will be available first at
and then any other websites that properly follow (more on that later).

Thanks for reading! Your intelligent questions, comments, suggestions,
etc. are welcome. My email address is

See you next version!


"Professional Devil's advocate, contact me for rates."
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14.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Alle geheimen Missionen, alle Level freigeschaltet. Jeder Level startet mit kompletter Energie.

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Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

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Feind Strategy FAQ

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17.Octombrie 2013
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Hard S Rank Walkthrough

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17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Vier verschieden Spielstände: 1. Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade und Dantes Erscheinungen. 2. Super Dante auf easy automatic in Mission 1, nachdem das Spiel zuvor beendet wurde. 3. Super Dante auf easy automatic Schwierigkeit in Mission 23. 4. Super Dante

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Ein Spielstand in dem man in Mission 23 startet und einer, in dem man in Mision 1 startet, nachdem das Spiel zuvor schon komplett erledigt wurde.

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PAL/NTSC Patch for the Japanese NTSC Version.

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