Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

16.10.2013 07:39:13
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"
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Grand Theft Auto 3 - PS2 Version - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 5.0
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:


Effective 7/11/02, I am accepting no more submissions of any kind for this
FAQ. Remember that the primary purpose of a guide is to help you beat a
game. As far as I can tell, it fulfills that purpose. Therefore no more
information is needed. I don't care if you found a typo, I don't care if
you found the freaking Full Wing Dodo, any and all submissions sent to me
will be deleted on sight.

If you would like to still see your submissions put up somewhere though,
then I would suggest you send them to the other GTA3 walkthroughs featured
out there, like the ones at I will still answer questions
that you may have about the game though.

Also, while I do have a version of this guide on the PC version, I don't own
a copy myself. I'm also not planning to purchase one. I simply had my
friend CVXFREAK do the conversion for me. If you're having trouble with
some problem on the PC version I don't guarantee I'll be able to help you.

I warn you, if you add me to your MSN Messenger Buddy list, I will not be
able to talk to you. The reason is because my contact list is full and I
can't take any more contacts. Don't bother trying to add me to your list
because I just have too many contacts now.

This guide is pretty long, so to help you find what you are looking for, try
pressing Ctrl + F.

Last updated: 7/11/02

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Revision History
3: E-mail Policy
4: General Strategies
4A - Liberty City
4B - Control
4C - Vehicles
4D - Hideout
4E - Shops
4F - Getting Busted/Wasted
4G - Gangs
4H - Missions
4I - Guns
4J - Items
4K - General GTA3 Tip by Paul
5: Frequently Asked Questions (read before sending a question)
6: Missions Walkthrough
6A - Portland Missions
6B - Staunton Island Missions
6C - Shoreside Vale Missions
7: Import/Export Garage/Emergency Vehicle Crane
7A - Import/Export Garage in Portland
7B - Emergency Vehicle Crane in Portland
7C - Import/Export Garage in Shoreside Vale
8: Bulletproof Vehicles
8A - The Bulletproof Patriot
8B - The Bulletproof Cheetah
8C - The Bulletproof Securicar
8D - The Bulletproof Bobcat
8E - The Bulletproof Barracks OL
8G - The Bulletproof Trashmaster
9: Hidden Packages
9A - Portland Hidden Packages
9B - Staunton Island Hidden Packages
9C - Shoreside Vale Hidden Packages
10: Rampages Walkthrough
10A - Portland Hidden Packages
10B - Staunton Island Hidden Packages
10C - Shoreside Vale Hidden Packages
11: Unique Jumps
11A - Portland Unique Jumps
11B - Staunton Island Unique Jumps
11C - Shoreside Vale Unique Jumps
12: Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ
13: Cheat Codes
13A - Health and Weapons Codes
13B - Vehicle Codes
13C - Weather Codes
13D - Pedestrian Codes
13E - Miscellaneous Codes
14: Miscellaneous Things
14A - Hooker trick
14B - Freebie Item Vehicles
14C - Securicar Cracking Garage
14D - GHOST Missing, The Secret Boat
14E - Websites
14F - The Ghost Town
14G - "You weren't supposed to be able to get here you know."
14H - Getting to Districts Early
14I - The Flying Tank
14J - Drive Blown Up Cars
14K - Costume Change Trick
14L - Weapon Location List
14M - Best Places to Fight the Police
15: Reader's Contributions
16: Thanks
17: Copyright


1: Introduction

Ahh, yes. Grand Theft Auto 3 is one delightful little game. I have been
forever dreaming of a game with this kind of absolute freedom. Now, thanks
to Rockstar, that dream has come true! You can do almost ANYTHING you want
to do in this game. You can jack cars, rampage through downtown with an
arsenal of weaponry, pose as a cop and kill criminals, anything. The city
of Liberty City is before you. Read below, to help you better in upping the
carnage you cause or moving up through the ranks of the street gangs...


2: Revision History

Version 1.0 11/23/01 - First Edition


Version 1.5 11/26/01 - I added the "Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ," have gone
through the main walkthrough to correct some laughable errors I made in my
rush to get this guide out before my Thanksgiving break was over, and added
Joshua to Reader's Contributions for his corrections on my rant about the
flame-thrower and the Molotov Cocktails.

Oh yeah, and I'm making a new standard copyright again. I'm gonna let host all my PSX and PS2 guides from now on.


Version 1.6 11/29/01 - I added a few reader notes, and am still trying to
hunt down all the awkward phrases and paragraphs in this guide.


Version 1.7 12/2/01 - I added more readers' notes, and added the Securicar
Cracking Garage to the Extra Things section.


Version 1.8 12/5/01 - More readers notes....yawn. And a small addition to
info on 8-Ball's Bomb Shop.


Version 2.0 12/7/01 - I added King Vinsfeld's info on how to get a
bulletproof Cheetah, no joke! I also wrote in more stuff for the emergency
vehicle missions section, one unique jump, and added readers' notes. This
guide needs to be updated so FREQUENTLY!


Version 2.1 12/9/01 - Added the bulletproof Securicar, a few extra things on
the Dodo, and a few corrections to the Ambulance missions.


Version 2.2 12/14/01 - More reader's notes. I moved my email policy to the
start of the walkthrough so some of you people will actually read the thing.
Also added the Best Places to Fight the Police.


Version 2.3 12/19/01 - Some more unique jumps, more reader's notes, more
corrections, the usual. Also, I now have a section on an bulletproof


Version 2.4 12/26/01 - Hope you had a good Christmas. All I am adding is
more reader's notes, and to tell you of a curious bug I found.

I had a bug in a taxi mission once when a fare slammed the door EXACTLY when
time ran out. I had infinite time for the rest of the taxi mission. So,
possibly this bug can work with all the other emergency vehicle missions.
It would be a real big help in Paramedic, that's for sure. This also works
in the Offroad missions, as said by Jason Hulance. See below.


Version 2.5 12/29/01 - I have added even more reader's notes, and I'm afraid
I'm gonna have to start making restrictions.

Submissions will work on a "first come, first served" policy, meaning
whoever submits a certain tip first will be credited for it and get his
message posted.

Also, if you have found an easy way to get through the mission using a cheat
code, then DON'T send it in. I want no cheating methods to get through
levels. I only want legit methods.


Version 2.6 1/01/02 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! Anyway, nothing but reader's notes.


Version 2.7 1/04/02 - Well, this is now my first 200 KB+ document, and it's
thanks to all you readers! Anyway, I believe it has been confirmed the time
limit code works for all emergency vehicle missions, because I have had a
bug in the minimission Taxi Driver, and Tom Severson has had the same bug in
the Fire Fighter missions.


Version 3.0 1/10/02 - Since so many of you are intent to use cheat codes, I
have finally filled up my cheat codes section. I have also placed more
reader's notes in, and I read through the walkthrough a little, to
standardize the format throughout this guide.

A lot of you seem to be real intent on getting your info into my guide, so
intent you'll submit the tiniest tips. I am afraid I am going to have to
place more restrictions in this guide.

- I only want walkthroughs that differ a lot from what is already in the
guide. This especially means don't submit me the same walkthrough in my
guide, where the only difference is you recommend a specific car.

- If a mission already has three different reader walkthroughs up, don't
expect another one to get one posted.


Version 3.1 1/18/02 - After today's reader walkthroughs are put in, I am not
going to be accepting any more walkthroughs. I cannot and will not try to
cover every mission from every angle with every possible way. I also will
no longer accept game bugs or ways to get vehicles, especially FBI Cars or

I am starting a renovation of this FAQ today. Expect to see some big errors
as I try to get everything rearranged the way I want it.


Version 3.5 2/6/02 - I have added a lot of things today, including a section
about the Ghost Town, a Frequently Asked Questions section, and some more
reader submissions.


Version 3.6 2/23/02 - I added two new Rampages, even more submissions, and
more questions have been added to the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Also a few questions have been revised with better answers.


Version 3.7 3/12/02 - I added four new Rampages, more questions to the
Frequently Asked Questions section, the Bulletproof Securicar, proofread the
document again, and of course reader submissions.


Version 4.0 3/24/02 - Well, my first 200 KB+ document has now become my
first 300 KB+ document! It's incredible that this huge document started out
as just 136 KB.

Anyway, after much procrastination, I finally started my work on the Hidden
Packages section. I completed the Rampages walkthrough! Like usual, more
readers submissions are being posted. This guide is finally nearing it's
completion. I'm pretty excited.


Version 4.5 4/3/02 - At long last, every major section in the guide is
completed! After I tie up some loose ends here and there, I can finally
call this guide complete. I've also done a major revision on all reader
submissions so they are easier to read for others. My apologies if anyone
doesn't like me altering their messages for any reason.


Version 4.6 4/14/02 - I added even more reader submissions.


Version 4.7 4/28/02 - I corrected some errors in the Hidden Packages
section. It's been driving some of my readers crazy. I also added some
questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section, and another way to get
the Everything-Proof Stretch.


Version 5.0 6/11/02 - I corrected some glaring errors in the walkthrough,
and added a list of all the locations of parked cars and weapons. I might
follow up with a list for items like health if I feel like it.


3: E-mail Policy

I have received a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the document before sending a question. If you have time to waste
your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my document
for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- read the Frequently Asked Questions section before sending a question.
You may find the answer you are looking for there.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- use grammar and spelling correctly. I won't be able to understand you if
you write some garbage like: "hym an dou ha vecodez furt his game?"

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have received in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

Please DO NOT:

- be too formal. I won't get mad or anything if you do, but I feel kind of
silly when I get overly formal messages that sound like business contracts.

- be too INformal. Don't use lots of slang, or get lax in your punctuation
and capitalization.

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
vague like that.

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.

- add me to your MSN Messenger buddy list. I have way too many contacts now
thanks to this guide. Besides, I DO have a life outside of GTA3 and don't
have the time to chat with all of you about it anyway.


4: General Strategies


"Welcome to Liberty City, the Worst Place in America."
- Instruction Manual, page 2

As said above, the town you are looking for work in here is Liberty City.
Liberty City is divided into three islands, which are unlocked through
completing missions.

After escaping from the prison truck you were being transported in the
opening, you'll begin in Portland, the industrial sector. After doing work
for several employers here, the Callahan Bridge, which was destroyed in the
opening, will be repaired so you can cross over to Staunton Island. After
working for more new employers here, the Shoreside Lift Bridge will be
fixed, giving you access to the final island, Shoreside Vale.

Be careful returning to islands you have already completed the missions on,
especially Portland. Your enemies will be all over you there because of the
mayhem you created earlier.

The mission you must finish in Portland to open up Staunton Island is "Last
Requests" by Salvatore Leone, and the mission you must complete in Staunton
Island to open up Shoreside Vale is "A Drop in the Ocean" by Donald Love.


TRIANGLE - Enter a vehicle
CIRCLE - Use a weapon or your fists
X - Run
L2, R2 - Change weapons
L1 - Center camera
R1 - Target pedestrian
SELECT - Change camera view
START - Bring up pause menu
R3 - Look behind you

TRIANGLE - Exit a vehicle (car must be slowed or stopped)
CIRCLE - Use the Uzi if holding L2 or R2, not both
X - Accelerate
SQUARE - Brake
L2, R2 - Look left or right, if pressed together look behind
L1 - Change radio station
R1 - Handbrake
RIGHT STICK - Rotate turrent (Fire Truck and Rhino only), or
hydraulics tricks in Yardie Lobo
SELECT - Change camera view
START - Bring up pause menu
L3 - Horn, light tap activates siren, or activates
hydraulics in Yardie Lobo
R3 - Trigger vehicle mission if inside a special vehicle


To enter any unlocked vehicle, be it car, train, boat, or plane, press
TRIANGLE. Press TRIANGLE to get out. The best way to stop a moving car is
to stand in front of it or leave another car in front it to make the driver
stop, then quickly move to the side door and push the driver out.

Some people will see what you are packing, and will gladly hand over their
car if you try to take it. But others may try to fight back if you stick
around. Also beware that there are other carjackers who will attempt to
steal your ride as well. When traveling through rough territory like
Chinatown, be careful. If you stop for too long, enemy gang member around
will try to throw you out of the car!

Jacking a police vehicle is a little trickier. Unlike every other
dim-witted motorist in the city, they actually lock their doors. If you
attempt to jack a police car on the road, the door lock will stop you and
the cop will jump out to arrest you. Fortunately, after he slams his door,
all the doors will be unlocked. Wait until you hear his door slam or the
lock will still stop you.

IMO the best way to jack a police car is to try to open the passenger side
door, let the cop slam the driver's side door, then open your door and zoom
away fast before the cop can wrench open the door again and arrest you.

Jacking a gang car is also a little trickier than a civilian vehicle. If
you take a gang car, all his fellow gang members and cars in the area will
immediately swarm over you to kick your butt. You had best get away as fast
as you can.

Also beware parked cars. Some of the parked cars you see have their doors
locked, and sometimes the car alarm will activate if you take one of them.
You should wait in a quiet area for the alarm to stop, because if a cop sees
you driving a vehicle with the car alarm on, he's going to try to stop you.

You should abandon the vehicle you are in if its about to be destroyed. If
your car catches fire, GET OUT. That's the signal your car is about to
explode, and it's going to take anything around it with it. Also your car
has flipped over on its top and won't go back up, then get away fast because
the car will catch fire soon and blow up.


This is where you save your game and store a car(s). If you put a vehicle
in the garage, it will be automatically repaired for free, even if it's a
blown up car. This is also where the extra goodies are stored, which you
have earned by doing the emergency vehicle missions. There will always be a
Baseball Bat here though.

Once you get pickups at your hideouts, you can accumulate great amounts of
ammo by constantly leaving then reentering your hideout area, entering and
exiting your garage, or going to the save point and then exiting again.


There are three types of shops you can visit in Liberty City for your
illegal needs. Learn where each kind of shop is in which district.

This is where you can buy guns, and they don't require ID, because everyone
is trustworthy here! There is one in Portland and one in Staunton, but not
one in Shoreside Vale.

Here, you can take any car (as long as its not a law enforcement or
emergency vehicle, minus the FBI Car) and get it repaired and resprayed for
$1000. This will remove your wanted level, no matter how high it is, so if
you can't get away from the police, come here.

If your car is totally undamaged, you can get your car in a different color
for free as many times as you want. Just drive back and forth in and out of
the garage until you have the color you want.

Here is where you can get a car rigged with a bomb for $1000. Press Circle
to activate it. Each bomb shop in each district provides a different kind
of bomb.

The Portland bomb shop will give out ignition bombs. When you arm the bomb,
the car will explode when the engine is next ignited.

The Staunton Island bomb shop will give out timed bombs. After arming the
bomb and leaving the car, the bomb will explode after a certain amount of

The Shoreside Vale bomb shop will give out remote control bombs. After
arming the bomb, leave your vehicle and get a safe distance away. Cycle
through your weapons until you find a detonator. Use the fire button to set
off the bomb.


This is what will happen if you knocked down by a cop with a wanted level.
You will then be warped to the police station. You'll lose all the weapons
you had, some money, and if you were working on a mission at the time, you
will fail it.

This indicates how badly the cops want to get you. In Portland, the maximum
rating you can get is 4, after reaching Staunton 5, and after reaching
Shoreside you can finally get 6 stars. I'm saying this so you people won't
whine to me about not being able to get past five. I will tell you what the
stars mean:

1 STAR - The police seem to be more interested in finishing their donuts
than catching you. Usually there will be only one car with one cop in it
chasing you if there's anyone at all.

2 STARS - Now it gets a little challenging. More patrol cars will come, and
there are two cops inside each one.

3 STARS - The police are really starting to get fed up with you at this
point. There will be many cars in pursuit, and they'll even call a
helicopter to the scene to follow and shoot at you. They will also start
setting up roadblocks.

4 STARS - The pigs are now ready to shut you down. SWAT trucks full of guys
with Uzis will begin coming after you, and there will be police cars
everywhere you turn, not to mention barricades of SWAT trucks.

5 STARS - Prepare for big trouble if you manage to last long enough to get
this far. The police will leave, and let the FBI take over. They'll chase
you in really fast black cars, and each one of them has four FBI agents,
each equipped with an AK-47. You'd better find somewhere to hide or you
WILL get taken down.

6 STARS - Okay, the police are now so desperate they have called in the
NATIONAL GUARD! They will come after you with freaking' huge trucks, and
TANKS even! Consider suicide...

Find a police bribe, which looks like a blue disc with a star on it. This
will take a star off your wanted meter. To get your wanted level down
completely, take any car other than an emergency vehicle, minus the FBI Car,
to the Pay and Spray and your car will be resprayed so the cops can't
recognize you. It costs $1000 but its definitely worth it if the FBI or
worse is breathing down your neck.

If you have one star and there are not any cops around, don't do anything
and the star will go away by itself. Police will come when you fire guns
repeatedly, even if you aren't shooting at anything, so shun every weapon
except your fist and the baseball bat to keep your level down.

Completing a mission will cause you to lose your wanted level completely
also, so if you are near mission completion, don't bother hunting for Police
Bribes or going to the Pay and Spray.

I am assuming you are trying to do this so you can get hold of a tank or an
FBI car. There are lots of good ways to do this. You can:

- fire weapons (even if they aren't aimed at anything)
- blow up lots of cars
- kill lots of pedestrians
- steal lots of cars

The fastest ways to raise your stars up from nothing are going after the

- Try to jack a police car with a cop in it
- Shoot at a police car, even if there's no cop inside it
- Kill a civilian in front of a cop
- Steal a car in front of a cop
- Blow up police cars
- Kill lots of cops
- Blow up helicopters (this will take you up one star the first time you
shoot one down during a chase)

IMO the best way to kill lots of officers on foot to quickly raise the
wanted level is to get out of your car. The officers will then get out of
their cars, and you can easily run them over.

Notice you have a health meter in the upper-right corner. When it runs out,
you are wasted. You'll get transported to the hospital, lose some money and
all your guns, and you'll fail any mission you were working on then. Save
your game frequently so you can load your game again to get your guns back.
Don't go into deep water or your character will drown very quickly.


Gangs are a big part of Liberty City. Each district has several gangs that
you can work for, work against, or even both.

You'll be making many enemies in Liberty City aside from the cops. This is
not a perfect city like the ones in Driver 1 and Driver 2 were. As you do
missions for gangs, you'll be making other gangs angry and causing them to
hate you for the rest of the game. Once a gang begins to hate you, there's
no way to make them like you again.

This causes big problems if you decide to skip over doing all the side
quests while playing the main game, like the Rampages, the Hidden Packages,
the Emergency Vehicle missions, etc. Some of the side quests you have to do
can become almost impossible. I STRONGLY encourage you to get all the side
missions done in each district before you begin working on the Career or
Phone Missions. It'll make things a lot easier on you in the future.

If a gang hates you, they'll shoot at you every time you pass through their
territory. If you stop your car, they'll also run over and try to throw you
out of your car so they can surround you and beat you up. Never stop while
passing through enemy territory.

Getting a gang car is a little trickier than stealing a civilian car. If
you steal a gang car in front of other gang members or gang cars, they will
all come over and attack you. Guys on foot will shoot at you while other
cars will try to ram into you. If it's not too much trouble, steal gang
cars from gang members when you don't see any of his friends around.

I invented this trick myself. If you stand behind a car like it's a shield
while shooting at enemy gang members, they won't be able to shoot back at
you while you're behind the car. They have to run all the way around the
car before they can attack. This is extremely helpful in missions where you
have to kill enemies fortified behind obstacles like boxes.

This trick won't work though if the enemy is standing above you, and it
won't work on cops. Cops will still fire over the car to hit you.

These are the profiles of the gangs.


Leader - Salvatore Leone
Car - Mafia Sentinel
Clothes - tuxedos, some have sunglasses
Weapons - Handgun, Shotgun
Territory - Saint Mark's/Portland

This is the first gang you'll work for. They have a lot of control over
Portland, but several rival gangs have recently begun to try to upset their
reign, like the Triads. They run the Red Light District too. Their cars
are great, and so are their guns. Their gang is like one big family, and
they stress family values.

But watch out later though when they decide to betray you. You'll never be
able to wander around in Saint Mark's ever again, because those shotguns
blow up your cars real fast. You'll just be driving down the street in
Saint Mark's, and all of a sudden, BOOM!

Leader - El Burro
Car - Diablo Stallion
Clothes - Denim, red and blue bandanas, jeans
Weapons - Baseball Bat, Handgun
Territory - Hepburn Heights/Portland

These guys are small time. Their cars are really cool though, with those
flames on the side. Most of their business involves the production of adult
literature. Even after they dislike you, it's still no big deal to travel
through their territory because all they have is bats. Occasionally one
will pull a pistol though, but hardly at all.

Leader - ???
Car - Triad Fish Truck
Clothes - blue suits
Weapons - Baseball Bat, Handgun
Territory - Chinatown

They will be your biggest enemy in Portland. They don't do much like the
Diablos. Their vans aren't much of a big deal either. Their business is
running Mr. Wong's Launderette, and the production of artificial fish. It's
real funny to walk through Chinatown and hear the stupid phrases they call

"Somebody call a medic!"
"I see pain in your future!"
"And the winner by knockout is..."
"Easy, dragon-breath!"

Leaders - Catalina, Miguel
Car - Cartel Cruiser
Clothes - Hawaiian shirts, jeans, leather boots, hats with crocidile teeth
on them
Weapons - Uzi, AK47
Territory - Fort Staunton/Staunton Island, Cedar Grove/Shoreside Vale

These guys are your main enemy throughout the game. Nearly every gang in
Liberty City despises them, except the Yardies. They produce a drug called
SPANK, which is their main cash flow. Catalina, their leader, is the woman
who shot you in the chest at the start of the game. You used to work for
them until Catalina shot you.

They hate you a lot and their automatic weapons are pretty powerful. Their
trucks have a cool purr in their motor, but I don't like driving them. A
lot of the missions you do against the Cartel involve stopping their SPANK
business. It's kind of funny how this excessively violent game carries an
anti-drug message.

Leaders - Asuka, Kenji
Car - Yakuza Stinger
Clothes - Business suits
Weapons - Handgun, Uzi
Territory - Torrington

These fine people will be the first gang you'll work for in Staunton Island,
and you'll work for them for most of the rest of the game. Their cars are
awesome. The Yakuza Stinger is really fast, yet still can absorb a good
amount of damage. Their business is gambling and their casino is their main
cash source. They are one of the few gangs that likes you for the whole

They hate the Cartel a lot and most of their missions involve halting their
drug operations here. They also have a lot of crooked cops under their
payroll in the police department so the cops will ignore them.

Leader - King Courtney
Car - Yardie Lobo
Clothes - tan pants and vest, black shirt, black hat.
Weapons - Baseball bat, Handgun
Territory - Newport

You'll work for these guys a little during the game. They're just about the
only gang in Liberty City that's openly on the side of the Cartel. Their
business is selling the Cartel's SPANK for them. They're small time and
aren't any big deal really.

Their car is really cool though. If you use the L3 and R3 buttons, you can
play with the special hydraulics on them. L3 causes the car to raise and
lower its ride height, and R3 tilts the car in the direction you push.

Leader - D-Ice
Car - Hoods Rumpo XL
Clothes - black baseball cap and pants, red shirt
Weapons - Handgun, Uzi
Territory - Wichita Gardens

They are small time like all the other optional gangs, but I like working
for these guys anyway. Most of the vans in this game stink, but their vans
rule! The Hoods Rumpo XL drives real fast and is real tough, kind of like a
van owned certain mohawk-toting, gold-chain wearing soldier of fortune...

They don't seem to have any kind of special business that supports them
other than stealing valuables. They wish to get rid of the Purple Nines,
who are moving in on their territory.

Leader - ???
Car - Hoods Rumpo XL
Clothes - black baseball cap and pants, purple shirt
Weapons - Handgun, Uzi
Territory - Wichita Gardens

These guys are the smallest gang in Liberty City. They are almost exactly
like the Red Jacks in every way except for their purple shirts. They drive
the same vehicles, they wear similar clothes, they just steal to support
themselves, etc. The Red Jacks want these guys gone because they are
invading their territory. After you complete the final mission for the Red
Jacks, these guys will vanish completely.


I have received many pleas for help from people who can't complete all 73
missions in the game for one reason or another, so below, I will list the
exact requirements to defeat every mission:

- All Career Missions
- All Phone Missions, including the ones by Marty Chonks
- All four RC Car missions
- All four Offroad missions

This is all the requirements to get your Missions Completed counter filled
up. These are things that WON'T bring your Missions Completed count up:

- Emergency Vehicle missions
- Rampage missions
- Hidden packages
- Import/Export Garage, Emergency Vehicle Crane
- Anything else

If you still can't beat some missions, it's probably because you are not
completing all bosses before you have unlocked the next island. If you do
LAST REQUESTS by Salvatore or A DROP IN THE OCEAN by Donald Love before
doing a minor boss's missions on that island, like Joey, then the minor boss
will stop giving work. Complete bosses' missions in the order you meet them
to get around this.

Also, later in the game, you will be told to kill off someone. This someone
is vital towards getting all your missions done. Be sure not to kill this
person, until you have completed all the missions that he gives out. If you
want to know who this important guy is, then read the walkthrough. Warning
though, it will spoil the story.

Big-time crime leaders in Liberty City give these missions. You can find
them on your map. Their first initial indicates their location. For
example, the letter L on the map indicates Luigi. Be sure to do the bosses
in the order you meet with them, so you won't become a victim of the
occurrence that is listed above

These missions are given to you via public phones located around Liberty
City. They aren't necessary to completing the game, but you will need to
finish them if you want to get 100%.

Certain vehicles you can hijack have special missions which you can trigger
by pressing the R3 button. These special missions are:

Taxi Driver - If you have a Taxi, Cabbie, or Borgnine Taxi you can go pick
up people and drive them to their destinations around the city for cash. If
you get there quickly enough you'll get a Speed Bonus. If you smash up your
car bad, people will refuse to get in your taxi, or will get out if already
inside. The easiest place to do this is Portland, because there aren't
roads on top of other roads like in Staunton Island or Shoreside Vale.

Your reward for accumulating 100 fares, not in order or in certain district,
is the Borgnine Taxi in Harwood. You will find it parked at the Borgnine
Taxis garage, a little down the street from the El Burro phone.

I had a bug in a taxi mission once when a fare slammed the door EXACTLY when
time ran out. I had infinite time for the rest of the taxi mission. So,
possibly this bug can work with all the other emergency vehicle missions.
It would be a real big help in Paramedic, that's for sure. This also works
in the Offroad missions, see below.
Vigilante - If you have a Police Car, Enforcer, FBI Car, or Rhino, you can
pose as a police officer and eliminate criminals fleeing in their getaway
cars. Follow the dot to the criminal, then do whatever it takes to kill the
criminal for a cash reward.

IMO the best vehicle for this mission is the Police Car, because it's well
rounded. The Enforcer may be tough, but it's too slow to be useful in
keeping up with those fast criminals. The FBI Car may be fast, but it's a
little TOO fast. Unless you're good with the handbrake it has a nasty habit
of spinning out. The Rhino has the distinct edge of having a cannon and
being almost indestructible, but it's horribly slow unless you are aiming
the cannon behind you and firing repeatedly.

Some good ways to make the criminal bail out of his vehicle are to trap him
in a corner so he can't move, drive-by him a lot, or ram him a lot.

There is a bug that has been discovered by the guys at the
GTA3 messageboard, and it makes these missions really easy. If you are
nearby a criminal, but not touching him, you can hit start then unpause.
The criminal will ALWAYS get out of his vehicle if you do this, and you can
run him down easily.

Your reward for getting 10 kills in one district is a Police Bribe at your
hideout. If you get 20 kills in one district you'll get a second Police
Bribe, but no more. You'll need to do more somewhere else.
Paramedic - If you get an Ambulance, then there is this mission where you
can act as a paramedic and pick up wounded people, then take them to the
hospital for cash. Any bumps will take away from the timer and lessen your
patients' chances of survival. This has a strict time limit. You get more
time by dropping off two or three people at the hospital and picking up

This is considered by most to be the hardest of all the Emergency Vehicle
Missions, so I will give a little help. Your ambulance is IMO among the
easiest of the vehicles in the game to flip over. You have to treat this
vehicle much more gently. Brake BEFORE you begin turning, then accelerate
only AFTER you have crossed the apex of the corner. This should help in
keeping you on your wheels.

This mission also requires more strategy than the other missions because
your ambulance can only hold three patients. You need to make regular
drop-offs at the hospital. Be careful about dropping off only one guy,
because sometimes you won't get a time bonus for that. It's much better to
drop off two at a time. Be careful with the siren. It may make cars get
out of the way, but some will become confused and swerve INTO you instead of
away. Your driving has to be as flawless as possible because remember any
bump will take away precious seconds from your time limit.

Your reward for saving 35 people is a Health Icon at your hideout. Get 70
people and you will get an Adrenaline Pill at your hideout. If you manage
to get to Ambulance Level 12, you will receive Infinite Run, enabling you to
run forever without having to catch your breath. I've had lots of
complaints that people don't get their rewards when they're supposed to on
patients rescued. For example, I didn't get Infinite Run until I was at 78
people. Just keep rescuing people and you'll get your reward eventually.

The easiest place to do this mission is Portland, because Portland has the
least confusing layout. I recommend you don't make the gangs angry there
before you've gotten Ambulance Level 12 completed.
Fire Fighter - Lastly, if you get a Fire Truck, you can go around the city
putting out car fires for rewards. Use the right stick to aim the hose on
top. It takes practice to drive the large fire truck, but if you use the
handbrake it turns much better. This is the best way to find the elusive
Mr. Whoopee van for your Import/Export garage in Portland.

Your reward for putting out 20 fires in each district (60 altogether) is a
Flame-thrower at your hideout.

Tom Severson has experienced the infinite time bug in this mission as well,
so I guess it's safe to say that this time bug can work in all emergency
vehicle missions. He said it occurred when he put out a fire exactly as
time ran out.

You can do a taxi mission in any car you like. This is accomplished by
finding a taxi then pressing R3 and holding it down, then you must get in to
the car you wish to do the missions in. release it as you enter and taxi
missions will start.

Submitted by: Kyle Davey

I've also heard this can work on some of the other emergency vehicle
missions, try it out. I don't think it would be good to do with a fire
truck though, because it's the only vehicle that has that hose.

You get these missions by finding an item that looks like a blue circle with
a skull on it. What you must do in these missions is kill a certain amount
of something, like blow up x amount of cars with a certain gun.

There are certain vehicles scattered about Liberty City which will trigger
this kind of mission if you jump into them. In these missions you must hit
every checkpoint that appears within a time limit. Really tough to do.

I have accidentally discovered a cheat/bug/feature which has made the
checkpoint missions A Ride In The Park and Multi-Storey Mayhem a heck of a
lot easier. I've been trying to get it to work on Patriot Playground, too,
but no luck so far. Collect a checkpoint just after the time runs out,
i.e., catch it just before it disappears. You'll then be able to complete
the checkpoints without the timer!

You need to get your timing right but it's easy to try again, and a little
less frustrating than missing the last checkpoint (with the timer on). I
can guarantee that this works for A Ride In The Park and Multi-Storey Mayhem
(my stats list me as completing them in 20 seconds!). Like I said, I'm
having trouble getting it to work on Patriot Playground. So if it's a bug
then it's pretty specific. I'd like to think it was a great feature (or a

Submitted by: Jason Hulance

I would like to add a little of my own info to this. I had a similar bug in
a taxi mission when a fare slammed the door EXACTLY when time ran out. I
had infinite time for the rest of the taxi mission. Tom Severson also got
this same bug to occur in the Fire Fighter missions, when he extinguished a
fire exactly when time ran out. So, possibly this bug can work with all the
other emergency vehicle missions. It would be a real big help in Paramedic,
that's for sure.

There are four of these vans around Liberty City, marked with a TOYZ logo.
When you get in them, you will gain control of an explosive RC car and will
be asked to blow up as many cars from a certain gang as possible.


You will have this all the time, obviously. Its better than nothing, but
you won't get far with it. Each punch and kick only drains a small amount
of health.

This is the easiest weapon to find. There will always be a bat outside your
hideout. It only takes three strikes and the enemy's out. Just knock them
over with the first swing, and hit them on the ground to kill them easy.
Don't try to use it against someone with a gun of course.

This is the first firearm you will get. It's weak, but at least you don't
have to be right next to your target to strike. It will get the job done,
though with a fair amount of trouble. One good thing though is that you can
fire on the run, something heavier weapons can't do.

This one of the BEST guns in the game because its so versatile. It spits
out lead real quick, you can fire on the run, and in fact it's the only gun
you can do DRIVE-BYS with it! Just enter a car, and the Uzi is equipped
automatically. Hold down the L2 or R2 button, and press Circle to fire out
the side window. It's hard to aim well at first, but you'll get better with
practice. This is great to have if a cop pulls up beside you and is
sideswiping you.

This is an extremely powerful gun, but it's hard to amass a lot of ammo for
it because it's not for sale anywhere until late in the game. You can get
one of these and five free shells if you get inside a police car though.
It's VERY powerful up close. Anybody standing in the general direction you
fire is going to be seriously maimed if not dead. It's also excellent for
blowing up cars. Just two or three up close shots is all that is necessary
to get the engine on fire. Be careful though, its slow firing and you have
to stand still when you use it. Below is a way to make your shotgun fire
much more quickly.

This trick only works if you've got many targets (Enemies or Pedestrians)
that you wanna take out. Anyway, if you hold the Circle button, and keep
tapping R1 really fast, your shotgun will fire each time you change the
target. The faster you change targets, the faster the gun goes off. It's
pretty cool just to walk into a crowd of people, and just unload on them.

Submitted by: J.T.

This weapon is more accurate and has more powerful bullets than the Uzi, but
its weakened by the fact you must stand still while firing, and can't use it
in a car.

This is the best rapid-fire gun for blowing up cars. It also has a scope to
use for more accurate shots. If you empty a clip into a car, it'll blow up
real fast. This is only one of two guns that can blow up helicopters. Aim
for the rotor.

I LOVE this gun. It has a long-range scope for accurate shots at a
distance. It's perfect for assassinations. Use Square to zoom in, and X to
zoom out. You can only fire when you are looking through the scope.

THE weapon of the game. One shot will destroy any vehicle, except for the
tank, and the massive explosion will take down entire crowds of people. Be
careful not to fire near a wall or a vehicle or the explosion may hit YOU
too. It's very rare and expensive to use, so don't foolishly waste your
shots. This the second weapon that's effective against helicopters.

This will be your best buddy if gang members surround you. Wave it around
and watch everyone burn to death. Just don't let anyone on fire touch you
or you'll catch fire also. This weapon is good for blowing up damaged
vehicles, and especially good on tanks. (submitted by Joshua) It has a
special ability of penetrating walls. Just hide behind a wall, press the
fire button, and listen to everyone on the other side scream in agony.

This weapon is better at catching things on fire than blowing them up.
Throw it in a crowd and everybody will burn up. Like the Flame-thrower, its
good for damaged vehicles, and the tank. (submitted by Joshua) The longer
you hold Circle the farther you'll throw it. This weapon can also penetrate
walls like the Flame-thrower.

Portland/Saint Marks/in the tunnel behind 8-Ball's Bomb Shop. Kill the
tramps in there to get them.
Staunton Island/Liberty Campus/on one of the porches of the dorm buildings.
Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/storage lot behind police station, on sale for

This operates like a Molotov Cocktail, but you use this for vehicle
destruction instead. It's hard to aim accurately enough to hit a moving
vehicle though. Best-used on stationary targets, like an opposing gang car
stuck in a traffic jam.


This will replenish your health to 100 again. You can find them at
hospitals, and in some out of the way places on each island. It looks like
a heart.

This gives you an extra life meter, for armor strength. You can buy them at
the Ammu-nation in Staunton, you can find them inside Enforcers, or you can
look for them throughout the islands yourself. It looks like a green

This begins a rampage, where you must kill a certain amount of something in
a limited amount of time with one particular gun. They look like a skull,
and are pretty tricky to find. Look at my Rampage FAQ for a listing on
where they are.

These take your wanted level down by one. They look like a yellow star and
are in out of the way places.

This gives you superhuman strength outside of a vehicle, and produces
Matrix-like effects. If you punch someone they'll fly 20 feet away. You
can also damage vehicles just by running into them and push them much better
than if you were using your normal strength. It looks like a pill of

4K - General GTA3 Tip by Paul

Paul, one of my readers, wrote this long general tip. I know some of this
stuff already, but since Paul put it so well, I'll let him say it. Take it
away Paul!:

I found this particularly helpful. After beating the game and going back
and doing all the extra stuff I decided to start all over again with a
different mindset. I Basically did all the side stuff first, like Vigilante
missions, Fire-Truck, Ambulance, Rampages, finding the packages, etc.
Approach it this way on all three islands, only doing that particular
island's "career missions" after completing the side missions first. This
has a few really cool benefits:

1. You accumulate literally a ton of money VERY fast. I think I had like
almost two million dollars before I did so much a single Louigi mission!!

2. As previously stated, in this and other FAQ's, the gangs don't hate you
yet. And this is particularly helpful when doing all the cool extra stuff.

3. I have found even the rampages a tad easier for the same reason as #2,
because the gangs aren't automatically on the prowl for your sorry ass as
soon as you step out on the street with your rampage weapon in hand. You
basically are taking them by surprise, and often can be well into your
killing frenzy before they realize you are snuffing them out! Otherwise
they will overwhelm you, more often than not, right at the outset. This is
also true for many of the off road missions as well, on all three islands.

4. Many of the COOL cars only available on Stauten Island and Shoreside Vale
will appear very often if you do your Vigilante and Fire-Truck missions
right off. And so what if you end your missions and get less money when you
have to start them again? I had the Yakuza Stinger and other sports cars
before doing a single career missions on Portland, let alone having access
to Stauton!

5. You start off with some pretty potent weapons and tons of ammo (more
rounds than you will ever need in fact). You will ALWAYS have better
weapons at your disposal than you really require for ANY mission in the
game, because you will have also found all the hidden weapons, have plenty
of recurring power-ups in your hideout, including weapons, Police bribes,
health and adrenaline. Hey it's real nice to have the Rocket Launcher and
the M-16, with enough Mortars to take out the entire city, long before you
even get your Shoreside Vale missions underway because....HELLO!! You found
all hundred packages! J

OH! And Make sure when doing your Vigilante missions, to LOOK for dropped
weapons from your road-kills! I had tons of Shotgun, Uzi and AK-47 rounds
very early on this way, because you won't yet have enough packages
accumulated to have access to these weapons as hideout power-ups!

Here's a for instance: I was going nuts with the Yardley mission where you
have to go to Portland and waste the Diablo's. One thing that was very
helpful, not to mention dirt cheap, was I would waste a few Diablo's, and
run right around the corner to my hideout (where I had accumulated 4
recurring Police bribes by now), eat one or two and then run right outside
and continue with the hunt, unencumbered by law enforcement interference,
until I got another star or two, then back to the hideout and drive into the
police bribes (which reappear as soon as you get a few feet from your

I cannot tell you how many times in the middle of missions I just detoured
into the old hideout, on whatever island I was on, for a few seconds to eat
a few Police Bribe power-ups, and then back to the mayhem! If you know the
city (And hopefully you do if you did the side missions first), then as
long as you are anywhere near an island's hideout even the timed missions
wont suffer all that much from your little detours!

6. You are sure to run into all those hard to find vehicles (like Mr.
Whoopie and the Securicar!!) very early on. I had Mr. Whoopie LONG before
my first Luigi mission and the Securicar halfway through my Stauton Island

7. You will get to know the lay of the land very well. You will really know
your way around neighborhoods, landmarks, the way to all the tunnels and
bridges, hospitals, police stations, 8-Ball, etc. And this REALLY cuts down
on a lot of the frustration, especially in those timed missions if you are
only following a blip on the radar, and really don't know all the cool
detours and shortcuts. You will also have a decent idea where all the
power-ups are located.

Side note:
Since the weapons power-ups in your hideouts regenerate infinitely whenever
you leave and return to your hideout and often when you save a game, go from
hideout to hideout, get into the habit of gobbling them up whenever you see
them. You will be surprised at how fast you stockpile your supply of ammo
with this approach! This will make that last career mission of the game a
lot easier, not being limited to three Rocket Launcher shots against the
helicopter (Although by now, hopefully you have killed SO MANY Heli's in
your travels that you should only really need one anyway so there!) And of
course if you have the tank by then...Fuggeddaboudit!

Another side note: You will have a blast, for example, in the very early
missions where, normally you would be lucky if you have a pistol with 33
bullets in it; and now you have, say the Uzi with several thousand rounds
and you just drive by the people you are supposed to beat up, baseball bat,
or try to shoot to death with your little pistola! The Flamethrower was
particularly fun against some of the Chinatown gang-members, Mafia thugs,
etc. Oops but wait! I wasn't supposed to find that on top of the radio
station yet (LOL not to mention revisit it 3 or 4 times early on, so I had
plenty of spare napalm!), same thing with the shotgun and AK-47. Diablo's
got you down? Forget the baseball bat! Lob a few grenades at 'em! For
example, in the mission, DON'T SPANK MA BITCH UP: Who needs the baseball
bat or even the car to run him over? Not you! Because you have...NAPALM!

In Kenji's first mission on Stauton Island, "Hanbu Bust-Out", After busting
the guy out of prison and heading out of the parking lot, I just detoured a
few blocks north to my hideout where, by this time in the game, there were
four Police Bribes sitting there waiting for me. I really did try to get
more to this point! But the other two police Bribe power ups, kind of like
the flamethrower appearing for Fire-truck missions, requires you to be on
Shoreside Vale, or at least to have access to the island. By the way, it is
so much fun to watch the police cars that follow you into your hideout, if
you have police bribes in there, and you use them to get your wanted level
all the way down to zero. Because, there is a cool bug in the game where the
cops don't always just leave, but instead either drive around in aimless
circles or ram into the wall and keep driving, spinning their wheels while
they go nowhere against the wall!

And NO I don't consider using Police Bribes in my hideouts to be a cheat!
Hey I earned my little cubbyhole of corruption so GET off my back about it
okay? J

Seriously, you have no idea how much fun it is to do many of the missions
you are "over qualified" for (at least with regard to your arsenal anyway)
over and over again, reloading previous saves, just to find new and
interesting ways of killing people to complete the missions!

In "Evidence Dash", one of the Ray missions, After ramming the prosecutions'
vehicle and collecting the evidence, which of course raised my wanted level,
I just stole a cop car, drove it into my hideout, ate the bribes and blew up
the car right in my hideout...ChaChing!

This also worked very effectively in "A Drop in the Ocean", Donald's mission
that opens up Shoreside Vale. Something weird happened to me though. I
decided to mess around with this mission a few times because it was fun. So
after beating it, instead of saving the game I just reloaded the previous
save so I could do it again. At times like this I REALLY wish that Rockstar
had built in the option to replay all previous missions in a save, like they
did in Midnight Club, but enough of my bitching. Anyway, when I did the
mission, it was no problem, UNTIL I docked at Stauton Island, like always,
and for some reason, there were NO YAKUZA STINGERS, at Asuka's place on the
waterfront! Not only that but there were no cars at all (Weird huh?) except
that stupid Landstalker, which I would rather chew on broken glass or suck
the farts out of old train seats, than attempt to evade the FBI with! I
tried once, and they just pounded me till I turned over or explode...forget
about getting to your hideout or even the Paint & Spray against the FBI with
that vehicle, it's so slow and handles like a Special Ed kid's tricycle!
Anyway, I just ran back to the docks, FBI right on my ass, grabbed the boat
again and headed to Portland where I had picked up the boat in the first
place. My beat up little Karuma was right where I had left it. I just
carefully drove it to my hideout, faking out the barrage of FBI cars trying
to ram me, and I gobbled up my waiting police bribes (You can get four to
this point in the game), and with only one star the cops are easily evaded
on my drive back to Donnie boy's. Mission Passed! Getting the message yet?

There are a ton of missions that this packrat approach to hunting and
gathering worked wonders for me, but I think you get the point.

5: Frequently Asked Questions

Read this before you send a question to me, because you may find the answer
in here.

Q: What do I have to do to get 100%? (also please look at next question)

A: This is the list of all the requirements to get 100%:


- All Career Missions
- All Phone Missions, including Marty
- All four RC Car missions
- All four Offroad missions

*added up, 73 missions altogether


*all numbers may be accumulated. They do not have to be done all in a row.

- 100 fares in Taxi Driver, can be done anywhere
- 20 kills in Vigilante per district, 60 total
- 20 fires put out in Fire Fighter per district, 60 total
- 70 patients rescued in Paramedic, can be done anywhere
- Ambulance Level 12 passed


- Portland Import/Export Garage completed
- Portland Emergency Vehicle Crane completed
- Shoreside Vale Import/Export Garage completed
- All 100 Hidden Packages found
- All 20 Rampages completed
- All 20 Unique Jumps completed

Nothing else applies to the final score. You don't have to do the Securicar
Cracking Garage, you don't have to take x amount of cars to the crusher, you
don't have to kill a certain amount of people, etc. Read the question below
if you still don't have 100% after doing all this.

Q: I did everything on the list and I still don't have 100%. What's wrong?

Thanks to the May 2002 issue of Gamepro, I believe I've found the answer to
this problem that's been tormenting many people who can only get 90
something percent complete. The likliest reason is because you're using the
illegal cheat codes, which include:

- All Weapons - Full Health
- Crazy Pedestrians - Pedestrians Riot
- Destoy All Cars - Pedestrians Attack
- Extra Money - Pedestrains Fight Each Other
- Full Armor - Tank

These can possibly mess up your file so that it won't load or won't give you
full credit for completing the above tasks. It's the game's way of slamming
you for cheating. Sorry, but the only way out is to start over from scratch
by deleting the GTA3 cube at startup. See the Cheat Codes section for more

Q: Does anything happen when you get 100%?

A: No, nothing happens. The only thing you get is the personal
satisfaction that you have totally defeated this game.

Q: What do I have to do to complete all 73 missions?

A: These are the requirements to complete all missions:

- All Career Missions
- All Phone Missions, including Marty
- All four RC Car missions
- All four Offroad missions

Nothing else will bring your mission counter up. If you still can't beat
some missions, it's probably because you are not completing all bosses
before you have unlocked the next island. If you do LAST REQESTS by
Salvatore or A DROP IN THE OCEAN by Donald Love before doing a minor boss's
missions on that island, like Joey, then the minor boss will stop giving
work. Complete bosses' missions in the order you meet them to get around

Also, later in the game, you will be told to kill off someone. This someone
is vital towards getting all your missions done. Be sure not to kill this
person, until you have completed all the missions that he gives out. This
person's name is (SPOILER) Kenji.

Q: Do I get anything for finishing the career missions?

A: For completing THE EXCANGE, the last career mission, you'll get one
million dollars. Other than that, nothing. You do however need to beat the
career missions to get 100% completion on your status screen.

Q: Does the game end if I beat THE EXCHANGE mission?

A: No, this game has no true end, even after you've done everything. You
can mess around in Liberty City as long as you like.

Q: What is the deal with this number rank on the status screen?

A: That's your criminal ranking. You bring it up by doing missions,
collecting hidden packages, generally just doing stuff you need to get to
100%. You don't get anything for bringing it up except bragging rights.

You can also bring it up by killing people and stealing cars. The highest
rank is Boss at 5,000 points. No matter how many more points you get,
you'll still be at Boss. Some people have gotten over 30,000 points and
their rank hasn't changed.

Q: What does the Daily Police Spending number mean on the status screen?

A: Ignore this number, because it's completely random. Try pausing and
unpausing, and the number will likely completely change. Once, I paused,
and the number was 375,000. When I unpaused and paused again, it read
748,242. When I did this again, it was 286,080. It is NOT a measure of how
much havoc you are causing in Liberty City.

Q: What is the name of the guy you play as?

A: He doesn't have a name. Even Rockstar and DMA simply refer to him as
"the guy." His name isn't Fido or Kid or anything the other characters call
him. All of those are just nicknames. Make one up for him if you want to.

Q: How do I unlock the blocked-up tunnels in Shoreside Vale?

A: You can't. Though it is possible to see where they go and get inside
them. Read the end of the GHOST TOWN section at 14F for further details.

Q: How do I get to the observatory in Shoreside Vale/inside the stadium in
Staunton Island/to the lighthouse in Portland/etc.?

A: If there's somewhere you want to go, then for the most part you can
always get there in the Dodo plane. Read the Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ to
learn how to fly the Dodo.

Q: Is there any way to work for the Triads?

A: No, there isn't. If you could work for them, then the counter of
missions wouldn't stop at 73 after you finish work for all the other bosses.

Q: Are there any other secret bosses like Marty?

A: No, there aren't. See the reason in the above question as to why not.

Q: El Burro's TURISMO mission/King Courtney's BLING BLING SCRAMBLE
mission/D-Ice's RIGGED TO BLOW mission keep repeating at the phones! I beat
all their missions, so why are they still letting me play their missions?

A: It's merely so you can get a better score for these three missions on
your status screen. You DON'T have to redo these missions over and over if
you don't want to.

Q: Who is Darkel and how do I find him?

A: I'm not certain if all of this is accurate, but all I ever hear about
him is rumors anyway. Darkel was a boss in the game who was a bum and hated
everyone. He ordered you to go on missions to kill lots of people or blow
up lots of cars. He rewarded you with weapons instead of cash.

One possible reason he was taken out is because DMA decided his missions
were too similar to the Rampage missions. Another possible reason is
because of September 11, because his missions were like terrorist missions.
I heard in one of them you got a bus, got a lot of people on it, and then
blew it up. The guy who did his voice work is still credited in the manual
for some reason though. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he is NOT in the game
anymore. Don't waste your time looking for him.

Q: How do I get to Carser City?

A: Carser City, the supposed fourth island, is NOT in this game. I can't
believe how many idiot gaming sites have put up fake ways to get to Carser
City. If you hear anything about Carser City, I guarantee 100% it's false.
The only time Carser City is even MENTIONED in the game is when Toni on the
Flashback radio station quotes a newspaper article about a corrupt police
chief there.

Most of these fake methods say that you can find Carser City behind the
blocked-up tunnels in Shoreside Vale after you get 100%. The tunnels NEVER
open up. Many, many people have gotten 100% and have proven this wrong.
Heck, even I've gotten 100% and proven this wrong. Besides, those tunnels
don't lead anywhere. Read THE GHOST TOWN section for further details.

BTW, in case you are wondering, the Ghost Town is NOT the fourth city. All
they used the Ghost Town for was filming the opening, and nothing more.

Q: Where do I get the Maibatsu Monstrosity the radio talks about?

A: You can't get it. The game's code has been hacked and nothing REMOTELY
resembling the Monstosity has turned up. Yes, I've seen the picture of the
Maibatsu Monstosity in the manual. No, the Maibatsu Monstrosity is not the
Landstalker. If it was the Maibatsu Monstrosity it would say "Maibatsu"
and/or "Monstrosity" when we get in it, and not just "Landstalker."

Besides, does the Landstalker LOOK like it could seat twelve? The Maibatsu
Monstrosity radio ad is merely a satire on America's love of overly large,
gas-guzzling SUV's and nothing more.

Q: Where do I get the Full-winged Dodo?

A: Ever since the game first came out, people have come to believe there is
a Full-winged Dodo hidden somewhere in the game that's supposed to fly
better or something than the awkward clipped-wing Dodo that is found at the

Anyway, the simple answer is you can't get the Full-winged Dodo. None of
the hideout garages would be big enough to store it, except the Staunton
Island one. But the Staunton Island hideout has nothing but a tiny corridor
for vehicles to pass through. It would be far too narrow for a fully winged
plane to fit through.

You can however shoot down the Full-winged Dodos flying above the city and
get a four star wanted level, but you can't you do anything else to them.
They blow up in the air, so don't think about shooting one down then pushing
it to your garage. Even if the plane did hit the ground, it would become a
clipped-wing Dodo. We know this because of the Dodo in the S.A.M. mission.

The Dodo is also not solid in the S.A.M. mission, so don't believe any of
the fake tricks that tell how to jack it. Some people have parked
barricades of Rhino tanks in front of the plane's path for when it landed,
and it passed right through them, like the 747's that take off here. You
can't get in a vehicle if it's not solid.

Q: Where do I get the helicopter?

A: You can't get the helicopter. Don't bother trying to jack the police
helicopters that chase you, or try getting into the ones you find at the
airport, Kenji's casino, etc. The helicopters on the ground are only for
detail. The game's code has been hacked and the physics and everything for
it ARE in the game though.


I've also heard some strange things about the white helicopter in the
EXCHANGE mission. If you get to the place where the helicopter lifts off
from the dam fast enough, you can press Triangle and your character will try
to get inside. If he does get inside, you'll be in there a short time. But
when the helicopter lifts off, you'll fall out the bottom. That's as close
as you can get to finding a flyable helicopter.

Q: How do I drive those big passenger jets at the airport?

A: You can't, though there is a way to simply get in them. I mean just
getting in them, not operating them.

Get in a Rumpo, drive under the wing and get out. Your guy will be half in
and half out the wing. If the Rumpo isn't in the way just walk to the plane
and he will go through it. There is a table with a cube on it where the
pilot would be. If you can't get in, try moving the Rumpo to different
places. If you jump when in the wing, you go on top of it. You will notice
the "force field" around the wing.
Submitted by: Christopher T. Apczynski

Q: Well what about the motorcycle, Linerunner with trailer, etc.?

A: If they did put a motorcycle in this game, think about all the extra
things that would have to be put in. A new physics model, a new animation
for climbing on the motorcycle, having your character getting hurt when shot
at to make it realistic, etc. Also, you can't drive the Linerunner up to a
trailer and hook up to it. The trailers are just for detail like the
helicopters on the ground

Q: I watched a GTA3 television commercial, and I saw something in it that
I've never seen in the game before. How do I trigger its appearance?

A: These commercials were made using the beta version, or preproduction
version, which means car colors and other things could be different than the
current version. Unless you have a gameshark, you won't be able to get the
white Stinger, the white with blue stripe Banshee, etc. Also, there's a
scene in one of the commercials with your character pointing guns at some
Yakuza agents. This scene is not in the game anywhere.

It was just created for the commercial to make the game look cooler so you'd
want to buy it. It is not a secret mission or anything. The commercials
are like movie trailers, with scenes both in and not in the game spliced
together and edited to make it look faster and more exciting than it
actually is. If you see something in the commercial that wasn't in the
game, then more than likely you won't be able to get it.

Q: Where do I get the lightless Taxi?

A: For a change, this vehicle DOES exist. The lightless Taxi is a taxi
that doesn't have a light on its roof. It's quite hard to find, because
it's supposedly a graphical glitch. I saw two of them near my Shoreside
Vale hideout in Wichita Gardens, shortly after loading my game. If you want
to look for it, the best advice I can give you is to look at the roof of
EVERY taxi you see. That car is nearly as rare as Mr. Whoopee is, so expect
to be searching for awhile.

It is NOT a yellow Sentinel mistaken for a Taxi. Sentinels don't have
"TAXI" written on the side, nor does the car name read "Taxi" when you get
in them. I'm certain that the ones I jacked were Taxis.

Q: Where do I get the Purple Esperanto?

A: I've never actually seen this car myself. I hear you can get it by
driving an Esperanto around the construction site in Stauton Island. The
Esperanto you find will be a purple color, and a pimp wearing a purple suit
will be driving it. It's said that if you take this car, you'll be attacked
by everyone for a short time. Maybe it is out there. Most people don't
believe in the lightless Taxi until they actually see it. Maybe it's the
same case with this car.

Q: My bulletproof Cheetah still blows up like a regular Cheetah when I
crash it or flip it over. Isn't it supposed to be indestructible?

A: Notice that I only say in the Bulletproof Cars section that it's
*bulletproof.* It is not *ramproof* or *roll-overproof.* This applies to
all other bulletproof vehicles for that matter, minus the everything-proof

Q: I delivered a car to the Import/Export garage/Emergency Vehicle Crane.
Why didn't an icon appear?

A: You must deliver EVERY car on the list before the icons will appear.
You won't get any icons for delivering one car, half the cars, or even one
car short of completion. You need ALL of the cars before you'll get your

Q: What does a Yardie Lobo look like and where can I get one?

A: I'm guessing you need one of these to beat Kenji's missions. It's a old
reddish-colored car with a gold top, and leopard-skin seats. You can find
them driving around Newport in Staunton Island.

Q: Where are the L3/R3 buttons?

A: You press down on your left or right stick, like it's a button. Those
are the L3/R3 buttons.

Q: One of your submissions said you could do this but I can't get it to
work. Can you help me?

A: 95% of the submissions I get I never try out myself. If you ask about
how to do something in a reader submission, then more than likely I won't be
able to help you with it.

Q: Can I be your partner and help you write this guide?

A: It's nice of you to offer your help, but I don't really need a partner.
This guide's pretty much totally complete now.

Q: Are you going to write an FAQ/Walkthrough for Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City when it comes out?

A: I'd say the chances of that happening are about 50/50. I'm considering
quitting FAQ writing because I'm entering my senior year of high school and
I also have a new car to pay for. I'm sorry, but school and my car are more
important than writing. However, I *might* be able to find time during a
holiday break to prepare the FAQ if I'm making it.

Q: Can I use your guide on my site?

A: No you can't. I already give out my answer to this question in my
copyright. I only want,,, and to host my guides. Requests by
other sites will be instantly deleted.


6: Missions Walkthrough

Okay, it's now time to start your life as a gunman for hire. The game
begins showing you a car pulling up in front of a bank. Meanwhile, some
gang members in the back alley crash through the fire exit, with a briefcase
in hand. A guy with a shotgun follows after them. The female one holds him
at gunpoint as he rounds a corner, and shoots him in the chest. She says
he's just small time as she walks away while the guy sags to the ground.

Later, the man who was shot is arrested and taken to court. The jury
unanimously decides he is guilty of his crimes. Later that night, he is
being transported to prison in a police truck with two other guys. A van
and another truck silently follow after them. The van drops a bomb while
crossing the bridge. The truck pulls in front of the convoy and stops it.

Some guys leap out of the van and get the cops to surrender to them.
They're after only the old man, but the two other prisoners, the guy in the
first part of the opening and a black guy, take advantage of the situation
and steal the keys to their handcuffs. They get the cuffs off and step out
of the police truck. Meanwhile, the van and the other truck have fled with
the old man.

The two guys look at the other end of the bridge and see the bomb that was
dropped. It blows the bridge in half, but they are okay. The black man is
8-Ball, and he's the first guy to befriend you in the underworld. The other
guy who was in the first part of the opening will be your character. Now,
it's up to you to decide where the story will go...

Your first mission begins right after you are freed.

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REWARD - Freedom, a new hideout, and your first boss

Get inside the car with 8-ball, and drive to your first hideout in the Red
Light District. Feel free to take your time getting there, because the cops
are too busy dealing with the bridge explosion to be thinking about
capturing you. After you get to your hideout, you and 8-Ball will run
inside to change out of your prison clothes and into civilian clothes.

This is where you will save your game. Its also where you can store ONE car
in the garage next to your place. Don't worry, you'll eventually move up to
garages that hold a few cars at the same time.

After you get your clothes changed, head to Luigi's Sex Club 7, also in the
Red Light District. You will be introduced to Luigi, your first boss, and
then the mission will be over. He then immediately gives you your first
real mission.

^>From now on, the missions done by their respective bosses will be listed
under their names, like this name below. The initial of their first name
indicates each boss. I say you should finish off one boss's missions at a
time, so your map won't be cluttered with bosses to satisfy.
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REWARD - $1,500

This mission is really easy, all you have to do is pick up Misty from the
hospital, then bring her back to Sex Club 7. Go to Portland View, where the
hospital is. Stop next to Misty and let her get in.

After she gets in the car, go back to Sex Club 7 in the Red Light District.
You now have some money in your pocket and you're free to go explore


REWARD - $4,000

You are given a letter written by Luigi. He writes that there's a new drug
on the streets called SPANK. A guy is giving this out to his girls at
Portland Harbor, and he wants you to go and kill him. Then, he wants you to
take his car and respray it, and deliver it to his lockup.

Begin by taking the bat on the sidewalk in front of the club, then head for
Portland Harbor in Trenton. When you enter the docks, you'll see your
target talking to two hookers. When he sees you he'll come after you.
Despite what Luigi says, you don't need to kill him with the bat. I just
ran him over.

After you do kill him, get in his Stallion and take it to the Pay and Spray
in the Red Light District. It's a little down the street from Sex Club 7.
Drive it into the garage. This is where you can get your car resprayed and
repaired to lose the cops. It usually costs $1000, but this time it's free.

After you are done doing that, take the car to Portland View and drive it
into Luigi's lockup. It's across the street from the hospital. After you
park inside, get out of the car and walk out.


REWARD - $1,000, and a new boss

Joey Leone wants some action from Misty, so you have to go pick her up at
her apartment then take her to his garage. Go to Hepburn Heights, which is
just down the road from where you are. Park in the circle, then honk your
horn so Misty will come out. Take her to Joey's garage in Portland View.

You'll go inside, and after talking to Misty, Joey will say you oughta come
back later if you want work from him. If you want to check out his
missions, go to the end of Luigi's missions on this walkthrough. Joey's
missions are right below.


REWARD - $4,000, and the Handgun becomes available at Ammu-nation

The Diablos have been messing with Luigi's girls, and now you have to go
straighten things out. Luigi says if you want a gun, then go to Ammu-nation
opposite the subway. Let's head for the gun shop first. Go inside, and the
guy behind the counter will tell you he left a gun behind the shop for you,
and it's free of charge. Go into the alley and take the gun. If you want
to, you can practice shooting at the targets.

When you are done, then follow the red dot to find the guys you need to
kill. Ram their Diablo Stallion off the road. When they get out, be
careful, because one of them is packing a shotgun that can kill you with two
blasts. After you kill both of them you complete the mission.


REWARD - $2,000

There's a police ball taking place at the old school hall. Luigi wants you
to deliver as many girls as you can to the ball so he can profit from the
money the cops are blowing.

Get a car that can hold four passengers so you can take three girls per
trip. It takes a minimum of four girls to pass the mission. For each
additional girl, you'll get $500.

I recommend that after you drop off the first three girls, you should jack a
police car at the ball so you can use the siren to clear the traffic out of
the way, making it easier to get all the girls. After you beat this
mission, Luigi will have no more work for you. It's time to try out Joey's
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REWARD - $10,000

The Forelli Brothers owe Joey money, but they haven't paid him for a long
time. Steal Mike's car while he's eating, get it equipped with a bomb, then
bring it back with no damage, so Mike won't suspect anything. Then watch
the fireworks.

This is your first mission with a time limit, but fortunately you've got a
generous one of six minutes. That's enough time to do this mission twice!
Still, you shouldn't dilly dally. Get over to Marco's Bistro in Saint
Marks's, then take his car. Drive it CAREFULLY to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop down
the road.

If you damage the car you will have to get it repaired, otherwise Mark will
know something's wrong. Park it inside his garage, and the bomb will be
equipped. Again, drive CAREFULLY back to Marco Bistro. Park the car in the
same spot, arm the bomb with Circle, then step back out onto the street.
Mikey will start his car and it will go boom.


REWARD - $10,000

Chunky is selling SPANK at his noodle stand in Chinatown. You have to go
take him out. If you want another gun or more ammo, go to Ammu-nation.

Go to Ammunation first for more ammo if you want it, then head towards
Chinatown. The noodle stand is in a place where poles block off access to
vehicles. You'll get a cinematic of the stand when you are close to it.
However, when you approach the stand, some Triads will shoot at you while
Chunky flees to his car around the corner.

Don't bother chasing after him, because there's a real good chance he'll
make it to his car before you can catch him. Instead, run back to your own
car, then track down Chunky and box him into a corner. It should be easy as
he's driving a slow Perennial. Throw him out of his car, then kill him
while he flees for his life.

When you get the mission, don't enter the noodle stand area right away.
Instead go around back to where Chunky has his car parked. Jack the car and
take it to 8-Ball so he can arm it with a bomb.

Park Chunky's car where it was, then enter the area with the noodle stand.
The Triads jump you and "Chunky" runs to his car, but as he starts it, it
explodes. All you have to do is jump in your car when "Chunky" runs away and
let 8-Ball's bomb do the rest.

Submitted by: Dan Streckert
Where you find 8-Ball's shop, there is a tunnel where the train is. Stomp
the people in there and you will get some Molotov Cocktails and a Hidden
Package. Once that is done, do the mission. When you find him, stand
behind the poles (the ones that prevent cars from coming through) and throw
one at the noodle stand. It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds once you
get there.

Submitted by: BmHero


REWARD - $20,000, and a new boss

In this mission, you are going to try to jack a money van, then take it to
the docks.

First, get a big tough vehicle, like say the Coach from the Trenton Bus
Station. Then, track down the Securicar, and ram it until the security
guards bail out. If you hit it with the Coach head on it'll take off like
over half it's health.

You'll get two stars on your wanted level for the first ram. If you want to
get rid of them, then go to the Pay and Spray and come back. If you ram it
this time you won't get two stars.

Take the Securicar to the Portland Docks in Trenton. Be careful with the
car, as you have intentionally smashed it up. Park it in the blue circle,
then drive it into the garage and walk out to complete the mission.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: After you finish this mission, El Burro will page
you, saying that if you want work from him, go to the payphone in Hepburn
Heights. I gotta say something really important about him: Get his Turismo
mission done as early as you can. Because, (spoiler) when you finish
Portland, it'll become a warzone, and it'll be difficult to race in the
Turismo mission because of all the people shooting at you (end spoiler).
Skip below to the end of the Portland section for his missions.


REWARD - $3,000, a new boss, and the Uzi becomes available at Ammu-nation

In this mission, you must transport Toni Cipriani to Momma's Restaurant in
Saint Mark's, which he owns. But before that, he needs to go to Mr. Wong's
Launderette in Chinatown to conduct some business.

After leaving the garage in Toni's Mafia Sentinel, drive him to Mr. Wong's
in Chinatown. After he goes inside and talks for a little bit, the Triads
will spring an ambush. Get out of Chinatown as fast as you can.

After escaping the Triads, take Toni to his original destination at Momma's
Restaurant in Saint Mark. He'll say that he's ready to launch a war on the
Triads, and if you want to help him out on this, come back later for some


REWARD - $10,000

A Forelli brother has been killed, and now you have to get rid of the
evidence by taking the car with the body in the trunk to the crusher.

Go to the Greasy Joe's Diner at Callahan Point and take the car. You may
note the blood trail on the back. When you get inside, the Forelli brothers
will spring an ambush to get revenge for what was done to their little

Get away from these punks as fast as you can. Once you enter the winding
streets of Chinatown you should be able to make a clean getaway. After
losing your pursuers, take the car to the car crusher in Harwood. Park it
in the circle, then get out of the car. The crane will pick up the car and
lower it into the crusher. You DON'T need to stay around and watch it get
crushed if you don't want to.

I just carjacked 4 cars and parked them around the Forelli brother parked in
the lot. Now there is a second car parked in a little hiding place across
the street from the Diner with the second Forelli brother inside. I
carjacked 3 cars and put them around him and he didn't go anywhere.

I did find out that when putting the cars around either one of the Forelli
brothers' cars you must be careful not to bump against them in ANY way. Even
the slightest bump on a Forelli's car can set him off and make him chase
after you.

Submitted by: Ben Hoeffler

NOTE: Daniel Feit also says this can be done with a Coach. The Coach buses
can be found at the Trenton Bus Station near the Portland docks, in case
anyone doesn't know.
As you stated, the Forelli cars are fast and strong, and the skunk car is
slow and weak. So what I did was 'jack a cube truck like a Triad fish truck,
or van (although next time I'll try finding a bus) and drive to the lot with
the skunk car. You can see the Forelli car sitting off to the side with its
headlights on.

Nevermind blocking him in; get that truck moving and slam into him head on.
The other Forelli car will begin to appear and both will try to run you off
the road. Those cars won't be strong enough to push the truck around easily.
So from here just keep banging into the Forelli cars until they run, or
until they blow up. After the cars blew up, I got some extra cash for doing
a crazy stunt bonus. With the Farellis gone, it's smooth cruising all the
way to the crusher.

Submitted by: Chad Kawikuamoo



REWARD - $30,000

In this mission, you have to pick up some friends of Joey's so they can rob
a bank, then you have to get them back to their hideout with no tail.

Get a vehicle that can seat four passengers, then go to the gangster's
hideout in Saint Mark's. Honk the horn to call them out. After they are in
the car, drive them to the bank in Chinatown. The gangsters will then rob
the bank in under 20 seconds, heh.

But that's not important, because now you have a three star wanted level!
If you take the alleyway to the north of the bank, you'll get a police
bribe, and that will take a little weight off your shoulders.

You should now drive to the Pay and Spray near the Sex Club 7 in the Red
Light District. You will lose your wanted level instantly, and you can
enjoy a nice, quiet drive back to the hideout. IMO it's worth the one grand
you pay. You have now finished with Joey.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: When you start working for Toni, he's going to
ask you to help him fight against the Triads in Chinatown. After you start
helping him out the Triads will hate you so much you'll never be able to sit
down and eat won ton soup in Chinatown ever again. There's no way to make
the Triads like you again.

I suggest you start looking for the Hidden Packages in this area of town
before confronting Toni, because its going to be hard to find them while
there are a few dozen Triads coming after you with baseball bats and
handguns. Don't come crying to me if you made this mistake, because there
ain't any way to undo it.

I kicked myself when I read it (above warning), because of course I had been
more interested in running different missions than hunting for those kilos,
and I realized you're right, I won't be able to waltz around Chinatown
looking for out-of-the-way places anymore.
But I have also been playing the "Trial By Fire" mission from El Burro, and
I was very surprised when I first cruised into Chinatown at the beginning of
the mission and realized the Triads couldn't care less about me (even when
I'm running around with a flame-thrower torching them, they ignore me). As
soon as the mission is over (whether you succeed or fail) they remember who
you are and start shooting again.

So maybe I have a second chance. The mission clock doesn't start ticking
until you get the flame-thrower, so I'll just take the mission, then drive
to Chinatown and find all the packages I can, then get the flame-thrower and
roast some Triads.

Submitted by: Matt Saunders
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REWARD - $20,000

The goal for this mission is to blow up three Triad laundry vans driving
around the city. 8-Ball will also give you a bundle of grenades to help
take out the vans.

Begin by going to 8-Ball's garage to collect the grenades, then head out to
take down the vans. The best way to blow them up is to block the road ahead
of them with a vehicle, then throw a kink their way. The Triad will never
know what hit him.

Just don't accidentally hit their vans or they'll start driving like maniacs
to get away from you, making grenades almost impossible to use. If this
happens, you'll either need to do drive-bys on the vans with the Uzi, or
you'll need to box them into a wall to throw them out of the vans so you can
use the grenades.

The "Taking Out the Laundry" mission for Toni is a lot easier if you steal
the delivery vans and then just run them into a couple of walls. Then you
don't need to worry about missed grenades, or maniac drivers, or anything
but getting out of the car before it explodes. As a nice side benefit, you
get to keep all 10 grenades. :)

Submitted by: Zac Christenson
For the "Taking Out the Laundry" mission I found it much easier to just
avoid driving a vehicle at all. This is because you would run the risk of
bumping the Triad truck. So instead I just traveled on foot to where a Triad
truck stops at a red light, then I ran up along side it and sliped a hand
grenade underneith. This may only work on the first and second truck. I
found it sometimes doesn't doesnt work on the third one, because they avoid
stopping at red lights.

Submitted by: Ben Hoeffler



REWARD - $10,000

The laundry has agreed to repay their debts, so go to Chinatown to get the
cash. Careful, though, it could be a trap.

Head for Chinatown and go to the alley behind Mr. Wong's Launderette to find
the cash. When you take it, the Triads will spring the expected ambush.
You now have to waste them all. Quickly RUN, don't drive, out of the alleys
so you'll have room to breathe. If you try to get back in your car, there's
a very good chance you'll just get thrown out again and the Triads will beat
you up until you're dead.

IMO the best fork to take out of the alleys is the one with the Triad Fish
Van at the entrance. Get inside the van, and drive back and forth over the
Triads as they foolishly run into the open where you can smash them flat.

After they are all dead, take the cash back to Toni at Momma's Restaurant.

I found the ABSOLUTE easiest way to beat the mission was to back a car,
preferably a taxi because of its steering, into the opening before picking
up the briefcase. This way that right after you pick up the "package," you
can just hop in and get away, then kill the guys.

Submitted by: Devin

REWARD - $15,000

In this mission, the leader of the Mafia, Salvatore Leone, wants all the
major heads to come to a meeting he's having at his mansion. Go to Joey's
garage to pick up a limo, then pick up Luigi, Joey, and Toni. Drive them
all to Salvatore's mansion.

To begin, go to Joey's garage of course to get the Stretch. Joey will get
in with you. Next, drive to Sex Club 7 in the Red Light District to pick up
Luigi. Sound the horn and he'll get in. After you do that, go back to
Momma's Restaurant in Saint Mark's to get Toni. Sound the horn and he will
also get in.

Now, at this time, the Triads will take advantage of this chance to kill off
nearly all the Mafia's leaders! Get up the hill as fast as you can, and do
your best to try to evade the Triad Fish Vans in the bulky Stretch. When
you get to the front gate of Salvatore's mansion at the top of the hill, you
will see that the Triads have blocked off the entrance. There is however a
big gap on the right side. Drive through there to get passed the road
block. The Triads will back off here because this is DEEP Mafia territory.
Drive into the garage to finish the level.

You will now have your meeting with Salvatore. He will congratulate you
upon your recent successes, and says he sees nothing but good things coming
from you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must do Salvatore's first mission after the above
mission before you can play any others. Skip below to Salvatore's missions
for instructions.


REWARD - $30,000

The Mafia has announced war upon the Triads. You are ordered to take some
of Toni's men, and kill off the Triad warlords.

Get in a car with room for four passengers so Toni's men can come with you.
Go to Chinatown. The first warlord you should kill is the one in front of
the Raffles Fish Factory. Run him down and you should kill him easily.

The second warlord is in the area that is off limits to vehicles, where
Chunky used to work his noodle stand. Its going to be easier this time,
because you have backup now. Kill the warlord here.

The last warlord is at the Turtle Head Fish Company at Callahan Point. You
will need a Triad Fish Van for the front gate to open. Jack one from around
here, then go to the factory and kill the final warlord to end the mission.

One of the Triad Warlords is hiding in the fish factory. In theory, you must
steal a fish truck to enter the gates, then shoot the guy and run out of
there. That's not too hard, but I have a much easier solution. I assume by
now you've found all 31 packages in Portland, meaning you have a hearty
supply of grenades at your hideout.

After killing the first two warlords, head for the fish factory. Drive
around the walls to find a nice hill with a full view of the inner yard.
Park your car on top and take a look. You can clearly see your target and
all his boys. The warlord is the guy with the blue arrow over his head. One
well-thrown grenade will kill the lot of them. Mission over....*kaching* get

Submitted by: Daniel Feit
To kill the last warlord at the fish factory, you can easily drive your up
on the left side of the building (left when entering the gate) andthen get
out. The triads won't see you if you stay behind your truck, righ tnext to
the platform. Then just use your shotgun and shoot your truck until it
catches fire, then run back towards the gate and let the explosion takeout
the warlord and the other members.

Submitted by: Ripe

REWARD - $3,000

Toni says he's sick and tired of this war, and wants to cut down the Triad's
cash at its source. 8-Ball has loaded up a garbage truck (or dust cart as
they call it in this game) with explosives. You need to pick up the garbage
truck, park it between the gas canisters at the Turtle Head Fish Company,
then get out. Be careful though, the bomb is on a timer, and if you take
too much damage the bomb will blow prematurely.

Go to 8-Ball's place to get the Trashmaster. This thing is a down-right
monster to drive, and now you have only two and a half minutes to get to
where you are going in this slug. Drive carefully to the factory at
Callahan Point, and the guards will let you in. Park the Trashmaster
between the gas cans as Toni told you to do, then get out of the blast
radius. Don't worry, you can still be in the compound and not get hurt.
You are now finished with Toni. It's time to take orders directly from the
Don himself, Salvatore.
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REWARD - $10,000

You have been given the job of baby-sitter to watch Maria for the night.
She says she wants to go see Chico, who's down at the waterfront in
Chinatown. Go there, and Maria will go talk to Chico. He says there's a
party in a warehouse at the Atlantic Quays.

Maria gets back in and tells you she wants to go see this party. Drive her
to the warehouse in the Atlantic Quays, and stay in the car while she goes
inside. While you're waiting, aim the car back towards the road. In a
little bit, you'll see a SWAT truck moving into the area.

The party's the target for a police raid! Stay where you are and wait for
Maria to get back in the car with you. Don't worry about the cops, because
the security guards will take care of them for you, and the cops also tend
to aim for the other guests rather than you.

When she does get in, PUNCH IT! Get back to Salvatore's mansion where
you'll be safe. Go into the garage to end the mission.

NOTE: Numerous people have told me about the Cheetah parked nearby when
Maria's at the party. Though this doesn't apply to the mission, I'm posting
it so people will shut up about it. If you want the Cheetah, then steal it
and take it to your hideout. Then come back to pick up Maria again.



REWARD - $15,000

There's a rat in the Mafia. Salvatore suspects it's Curly Bob, who works at
Sex Club 7, because he's spending more money than he's earning. He usually
takes a taxi home. You need to follow him to see if he really is meeting
with the enemy.

Get over to Sex Club 7 and park far away from the cab you see waiting
outside. After a moment or so, Curly will come out and get in. Now, you
will see a Spookmeter near the other meters. You must stay far away enough
from the taxi so Curly won't suspect anything, yet close enough so as not to
lose sight of your target. If the meter fills up totally, then Curly will
call off his meeting and you'll lose.

After arriving at Portland Docks in Trenton, he starts a meeting with the
leaders of the Columbia Cartel, Miguel and Catalina. He gives out some info
to them. He is a rat after all. Run down that little squealer! Do it
quick before he can use that shotgun.

It was actually purely by accident, during my 7th attempt to chase the bar
man (I'm not a good driver) I choose a Taxi to chase him with. I pulled up
behind the other Taxi at Luigi's bar and waited. When he did emerge he got
into my taxi instead. It then tells you to drive him to the docks, with no
time limit! This is allot easier than chasing him, and you don't even have
to switch on the taxi mission; he just gets in, and beings he doesn't know
you he can't recognize you as one of Salvatore's boys.

Submitted by: Jace
We've discovered another way of solving the "Cutting the Grass" mission,
which may or may not be very sporting. We had done this three or four times
(my husband drives and I navigate, so that we can play together) and were
having trouble staying close enough to figure out where Curly Bob was going
but far enough back not to trip the spookometer.

We were getting increasingly frustrated after repeatedly making it to the
gate of the docks and then spooking him, and we asked ourselves, why
couldn't we just hurry from Don Salvatore's to the docks and hide and wait
for the rat to show up? Well, it worked like a charm! To the left of the
entrance, we hid in the long alleyway that leads towards the water. When we
saw his blue arrow coming (we couldn't see the taxi because of the wall), we
ducked back a little more, and after the game went to the cut scene, we
circled around, found him with a blue arrow over his head, and wasted him.

Submitted by: Catherine J.S. Lee

REWARD - nothing

Salvatore wants you to destroy the Cartel's boat, where he thinks they are
producing their SPANK. He tells you to go see 8-Ball, as he could probably
figure out a way to do it.

Head down the to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop and talk with him. He says he can blow
up the Cartel's boat, but he needs $100,000 to pay for the explosives.
8-Ball says to come back later when you get the money.


REWARD - $150,000

If you fail this mission after paying the $100,000, don't worry, because
you'll get it back after you fail. (thanks to Brobert2) Don't worry about
the cash you spend if you win either; as you can see above, you'll get it
all paid back and even get an extra $50,000. When you're all set for the
mission, come back to 8-Ball's place. He will give you a Sniper Rifle as a
little gift for your generosity. Get in a car, then drive down to Portland
Docks in Trenton.

When you stop in the circle, 8-Ball will say he'll move onto the boat as
soon as you fire the first shot. Before you start shooting, go to the front
of the warehouse where the mobile trailers are. Here you will find an
Adrenaline Pill which will slow down time, making sniping easier. Don't get
in a car or it will wear off. Run back down the side of the warehouse where
the boat is, and go up the stairs you find on the side of the warehouse.
They will lead to the roof where you should set up your sniper's nest.

Shoot the guy to the left of the ramp going onto the ship, because he's
harder to hit, then shoot the guy on the right side. Look up and you'll see
red drums next to a guy. Shoot the drums to make them explode and take him
out. Look along to the right and snipe the rest of the guys along the boat.
If you see more oil drums, shoot them for explosions that will kill guys.
Don't stop shooting until you have reached the building on the front of the
ship. 8-Ball will run in there if you were successful. He'll set the
bombs, and run away as the ship sinks.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! PLEASE READ!: When you complete this next mission of
Salvatore's, you just about won't be able to show your face in Portland ever
again, because (spoiler) Salvatore's gonna double-cross you in this next
mission (end spoiler). Finish up all business you have in Portland, RIGHT
NOW, like finding all the hidden packages, doing the emergency vehicle
missions, etc. Finishing up El Burro's missions being a real important
thing you ought to do. Don't make the same mistake I did on my first game.


REWARD - $20,000, a new hideout, a new boss, and access to Staunton Island

There was a little disagreement and it got messy. You have to get rid of a
car that's been splattered with brains inside.

Go down to the Red Light District, and Maria will page you. She says the
car is a trap, and that you should meet her at the dock at Callahan Point.
Listen to her advice, because the nice Cheetah you find is rigged with a
bomb. Follow the pink dot to the docks, where Maria will reveal her
connections with a second crime group, called the Yakuzas. She's made
friends with Asuka, one of the leaders.

Asuka says they had better head for Staunton island, which is safe from the
Mafia. Drive the boat across the river to Asuka's condo in Newport,
Staunton Island. Maria says she and Asuka need to talk, and suggests you go
cruising around. I say you take her advice.
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REWARD - $10,000

If you were wise and listened to my advice about doing this mission early,
it will be SO much easier. However, don't come moaning to me if you decided
to put off this hard mission for later, because there's no way to (spoiler)
make the Mafia like you again. It's gonna be near impossible to do this
race then because of those powerful shotguns they have (end spoiler.) You
will need to use a bulletproof vehicle to win, like say the bulletproof
Cheetah. You can find out how to get one near the bottom of the FAQ.

This mission is like Midnight Club, which was also published by Rockstar.
It's a race around Portland to hit all the checkpoints. The first one to
tag all the checkpoints is the winner. However, beating it is not so easy.
The guys you are racing against are driving EXTREMELY fast Cheetahs, ones
you won't be able to get access to unless you play the Vigilante or Fire
Fighter mini-missions and a target is a Cheetah.

There are a couple of good ways to tackle this mission.


Get a real fast car and win like in a normal race without cheating. Get the
lead early and don't lose it if you are going to do it this way. Your
fellow racers tend to crash, as the Infernus and Cheetah have poor cornering
and blow up just by slamming the car door too hard. I have a few good cars
to suggest.

Banshee - You will find this car in the showroom at Easy Credit Autos in
Saint Mark's. Its really fast and corners good, but blows up easy. Just
don't hit too much stuff and you'll be fine.

Diablo Stallion - This car is real fast, but not as fast as the Banshee is.
It also doesn't corner as well, due to the fact it was mostly custom-made
for high speed and not much attention was made to maneuverability. It makes
up for it with durability though. If you choose this car, use the R1
handbrake button to powerslide through the corners.

Police - This car is real fast, but not as fast as the Diablo Stallion or
the Banshee. It makes up for this with the facts it can take lots of
punishment, and has the distinct advantage of having a siren to make the
other cars get out of the way. It also corners quite well.


Get a couple of buses from the Trenton Bus Station, and use them to block
your competitors at the starting line. You can even win using a downright
slow car if you do this. The other racers will really get slowed down by
the barricade you set up. Be careful though, sometimes the game becomes
wise to this plan and punishes you by making the buses or your car vanish.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to maintain alertness. There are other
cars driving everywhere and your Banshee won't be able to stand up to too
many wrecks. It's much better to lose some time correcting a driving error
than to crash.

As said above, also try to get the lead as early as you can. The other cars
tend to fall behind more and more when you get ahead of them.

BTW, you may notice you can keep coming back to the El Burro phone again and
again and he always gives you this mission. This is so you can get a faster
time on your status screen in the pause menu. You only have to beat the
mission once and never again, so don't think that you have to keep coming

A good car to use is the Borgnine Taxi which turns really good and is also
pretty fast. Also, if you want to get a head start try driving fast and
just hitting one of the others cars a little and the race will start and
you'll get a good headstart.

Submitted by: Stefan Hoberg
A simple way I found was to use the tank. Getting to the starting line with
the turret facing backwards, and when the race begins speed into the two
cars to your left by firing the gun behind you, and they will explode.
Usually there will be one remaining cheetah, so all you have to do is drive
straight (ignore the pink dots) and intersect him when he heads toward
another checkpoint and bump him, causing him to explode.

If you miss him there, you can cruise over and stop on the road in front of
your hideout and he should pass by, just bump him when you see him. Now you
can cruise with your tank through the checkpoints at your leisure. I did
mine in a time of 509 seconds.

Submitted by: Jake Semmel


REWARD - $6,000

Somebody has threatened to kill off one of El Burro's girls, and he wants
you to get a bomb, steal an ice cream truck, rig it with the bomb, and lure
the would-be killers to their deaths with the jeengle-jeengles.

To begin, pick up the briefcase at Borgnine Taxis in Harwood. It's just
down the street from where the payphone is. Next, track down the ice cream
van and jack it. After you get the van, drive it to the warehouse El Burro
told you about in the Atlantic Quays. Don't waste time pretending to be
Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal. When you park it in the blue circle, arm
the bomb with Circle, then press the horn button to ring the van's bells.

Get out of the lot, then when you see all the men gather around the truck,
use the remote control in your inventory to set off the bomb and kill the

(Here's a small hint that will make your life a lot less painful in the
future. DON'T detonate the van. Instead, shoot the guys who come out
yourself. You can now take it to the Import/Export Garage at the Portland
Docks, to spare yourself the trouble of tracking one down later. Mr.
Whoopee is the rarest car in the game, so this would be a good idea to try

Dave Kahler tells me if the Triads don't already hate you because of the
missions you did for Toni, then El Burro's mission TRIAL BY FIRE will.


REWARD - $10,000

You need to find a weapon in Chinatown, and kill as many Triads there as you

Head for the dot in Chinatown, and you'll find a Flame-thrower in an alley.
You must kill 25 Triads in 2 and a half minutes. In case you didn't know,
the Triads are the guys wearing completely blue clothes. I say you go to
the basketball court nearby, as lots of Triads hang out there. If you stay
near the park there, more will come, and you should be able to get enough


REWARD - $20,000, and two stacks of porn at your Portland Hideout

A guy has stolen El Burro's new XXX magazines and you have to go follow the
trail of magazines to the SPANKED-up idiot who left the back door open.

Get in the van with the arrow. You start with 25 seconds, but for every mag
you pick up, you get a second back. It's kind of like the Trailblazer
minigame in Driver. This guy took a long and winding route, so be ready for
sudden curves. Also, there's a downhill section in Saint Mark's that you
can use to get back time. Take advantage of it, you're gonna need all the
extra seconds you can get.

Eventually, the trail will lead you to Portland docks. When you reach the
end of the route, kill the guy standing next to his van, then drive your van
to XXX Mags in the Red Light District to finish the mission.

It's no big deal, but after you beat this mission, El Burro will deliver two
stacks of porn magazines to your Portland hideout, one next to the door to
the save point, another one inside your save point. You can't do anything
to them really. It's just a small touch.
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Marty is a special boss, who calls you via a telephone in Trenton that's not
marked on the radar. He will open up for business after you meet Joey. The
phone is outside the dog food factory, which he runs. The phone only rings
at certain times of the day, from 09:00 to around 18:00. Alert reader Scott
Duffy notes that the mission names seem to be derived from a foreign film
titled "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover."


REWARD - $1,000

Marty wants you to pick up the bank manager, so he can have a "discussion"
with him.

Get the Perennial from inside his lot, then go to the Bank of Liberty in
Chinatown to pick up the bank manager. Drive the bank manager back to the
dog food factory. Marty will have his "discussion" with the manager.

You now have to get the car crushed, because it's evidence. Take it to the
crusher in Harwood. When the car has been crushed, the mission is over.
You don't need to watch it be crushed if you don't want to.


REWARD - $3,000

Marty hired some thieves to break into his apartment and steal some stuff so
he can claim his insurance. But the thieves threaten to tell the insurance
company the real story unless he gives them some of the cash he earns. He
tells you to get them from the Red Light District and bring them back here
so he can deal with them.

Go into his lot again and take the Sentinel he left for you. Head for
Chinatown where they are. Pick them up and bring them back to the dog food
factory. Marty will have another "discussion." You have to go now and get
the car resprayed so there won't be any evidence. Take it to the Pay and
Spray in the Red Light District. After you have the car resprayed, bring it
back to the factory again to finish the mission.

If you run away from the car after you park it at the finish, so the door
won't close, you can drive away with it, and nobody will be able to get you
because the doors on this car are locked. After you put it in your garage
though, it becomes a regular Sentinel.


REWARD - $2,000

Marty's business is near bankruptcy, thanks to his wife's spending habits.
Pick her up from Classic Nails, and bring her back to the factory, so Marty
may have yet another "discussion."

Get the Esperanto from the factory again, then go to Classic Nails in the
Red Light District. Bring her back to the factory. Marty will again have
one of his "discussions." Drive the car to the nearby Portland Docks, park
next to the edge, and push the car into the ocean to get rid of the evidence


REWARD - $4,000

It turns out Marty's wife was seeing someone he owes money to, and Marty has
planned to have another "discussion" with him of course.

Take the Stallion Marty left for you in his lot, then go pick up this guy in
Chinatown. Bring him back to the factory like usual, and Marty will be
waiting outside. This time, however, it's different Carl says "I'm taking
over the business now!" Marty gets blown away by Carl's shotgun. After he
killed Marty, I shouted at him "I'm taking over the business now!" and
killed him with my own shotgun.
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REWARD - $20,000

The vehicle for this mission is a Patriot parked out front of Supa Save in
Trenton. You have to collect 15 checkpoints in 5 minutes in any order.
Each checkpoint will net you 20 seconds to get to the next one.

To begin, grab checkpoint 1 on the beach near the docks. Drive backwards
into it to give yourself a head start when the timer begins. Drive forward
and grab checkpoint 2 on the ledge a little to the right. Snag checkpoint 3
from underneath the subway platform further up the hill. Be careful, it's
easy to slip and fall.

Go back to the cliff at the beach. Go up atop the cliff, then grab
checkpoint 4 from the edge of the cliff. Checkpoint 5 is a bit difficult to
see because it's below the ledge. You can't see it until its too late to
turn back. Adjust the camera to top-down view so you'll know where to go
down. On the beach, take checkpoint 6 from near the water. Don't fall in
or you'll die. Go under the large stone arch and take checkpoint 7 from
here. Next, grab checkpoint 8 from under the high cliff here. Go across
the beach to find checkpoint 9. Again be careful not to slip into the

Turn around and climb over the small ledge on the far right of the hill to
get checkpoint 10. Climb up over the very top of the hill where Salvatore's
mansion is to find checkpoints 11 and 12. Drive past the mansion onto the
top of the stone arch to get checkpoint 13 at the very tip of it. Be
careful backing up to get out of here. Go back to the front of the mansion,
then go down the cliff at the place where it curves inward to get checkpoint
14. Again go up to the mansion. Go to the other edge of the cliff, and
down to a ledge where checkpoint 15 is.
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REWARD - $1,000 per gang car

The vehicle for this mission is in an alley near Toni's restaurant in Saint
Mark's. You have two minutes to blow up as many Mafia Sentinels as
possible. The best place for kills is in front of the restaurant itself.


REWARD - $1,000 per gang car

The vehicle for this mission is next to the stairs that lead to the subway
platform in Hepburn Heights. You have two minutes to blow up as many Diablo
Stallions as possible. The best place for kills is the four-lane road to
the left of your van.

6B - Staunton Island Missions
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Welcome to Staunton Island, the commercial district of Liberty City.
Driving here is VERY different from Portland, so cruise around and get a
feel of all the major landmarks, your hideout and the stadium being
particularly important. There is also a whole new set of cars to steal
here, so sample them a little too. Your first boss here is Asuka, who
resides in a condo complex in Newport.
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REWARD - $25,000, and a new boss

Asuka says she wants to prove your loyalty by assassinating Salvatore, your
old boss. She says that he will be leaving Sex Club 7 in three hours, and
you have to make sure he doesn't get home alive.

Make sure you buy a Sniper Rifle from Ammu-nation if you don't have one,
then drive back into Portland via the newly-rebuilt Callahan Bridge. You
DON'T have to take a boat. To find the bridge, turn left at the
intersection near the car park, then when you get to a road with bushes in
medians, turn left again. Anyway, once you are back in Portland, go to the
Red Light District, near, but not at, Sex Club 7.

There is an alley in the block across the street from the club. It has a
staircase which will take you to the rooftops. This will allow you to get a
birds-eye view of the front of the club. Wait until Salvatore leaves the
club, via the service entrance, and walks out into the open. Shoot him with
the Sniper Rifle. He'll die rather easily, just don't miss that first shot
and you won't have to deal with the bodyguards. IMO this is the easiest and
fastest way to kill him.

When you arrive back in Staunton, King Courtney of the Yardies will page
you, asking for your business.


Go to AmmuNation and pick up an Uzi, AK-47, or grenades. Then, provided you
know the route from Azuka to Portland well enough, drive it quickly with a
Yakuza Stinger back to Portland, and avoid Sex Club 7 altogether. Instead,
drive to Salvatore's house, and park the Stinger a bit away from the dirt
road leading to Salvatore's house.

Then, carjack any bypassing cars, and park them in the dirt driveway. Beat
down the passengers with a bat to keep cop attention to a minimum. Get as
many cars in the driveway as you can until Salvatore's car starts to near
from. As he nears you, I've seen one of two things happen. Either the mob
cars stop cold, and slowly try to inch by, or they blast at the roadblock at
top speed. In either event, stand by your Stinger and either toss grenades,
or shoot at your roadblock cars with the Uzi/AK-47 as the blue arrow over
the mob car becomes visible.

They'll catch fire, and blow up, taking the mob with them. Get in your
Stinger and bolt. (Another option is to stand BEHIND the roadblock cars a
bit and shoot at them with the AK-47 when the mob cars are close. This may
provide a little better timing to take out the cars via the explosion).

Submitted by: Jason Plackey
First get grenades, then, if you go by Luigi's club really fast (basically
don't stop moving) and go up onto the roof you will not be spotted. When
Salvatore comes out, just throw some grenades into the little area and
you're done.

Submitted by: Galen Lynch
Head across to Portland like normal. When you get there, head over to
Borgnine Taxi Company and swipe a Borgnine. (It might help to have this car
before you start the mission, but there should be time to swipe one,
especially if you're driving a Yakuza Stinger or other fast car.)

Now that you have a Borgnine, drive to the Pay & Spray and back into the
garage. Don't back in all the way, you don't need a paint job. ;) Just back
in far enough that you're out of sight. You'll soon see a message on the
screen that says that Salvatore is leaving the club. This is your cue to
*slowly* pull out of the driveway and start around the corner. Not too far,
just enough that you can see up the street.

When you see the group come out into the street. Head up the street and gun
it. You'll be spotted. This is fine, you want this to happen. The important
thing is to be spotted you before Salvatore gets into his car. You'll hear
him say something like, "Go to work, boys!" and the goons will open fire on
you. They should be in a huddle. Aim for them and as you hit them kinda
steer towards one of the cars, it doesn't matter too much which one. You
will knock the goons down.

All you need to know is... Your car + Mafia gunfire + ramming into another
car = Your car is about to explode. ;) hehe This is completely intentional.

Hop out. Since your car will be blocking most of the gunfire from any goons
that get back up, you should be fine. Run around the corner like you're
going to go to the roof of Woody's and stop when you're out of the line of
fire. (This is the side of the building closest to the Pay & Spray, not the
side towards the Meeouch Club.) About the time you round the corner, your
car should explode. When it does, it's Sayonara Salvatore. ;)

I figured since it's a job for the Yakuza, that it's only fitting to do it
Kamikaze style. hehe In case you're wondering, this is a pretty easy method
to do. I didn't need to use body armor and I wasn't in need of medical
attention afterwards. You should be able to get through it without too much
damage. There are easier ways to do the mission, I just find this way more
stylish and fun. ;)
Submitted by: Yamama

REWARD - $15,000

It's extremely important you get a Sniper Rifle before you start this
mission. You'll meet Kenji here, and he says after you are done with
Asuka's mission, come to his casino if you want work from him. After he
leaves, Asuka tells you that there are Mafia spies all over Staunton looking
into her group's affairs. You have to take them out.

When the mission begins, you will be given a 6 and a half minute time limit
to kill all the spies. The first group of agents are at the park in
Belleville Park. Go into the park and head for the park pond. Now it's the
time to take advantage of a bug in the enemy AI's programming. This bug
does not allow opposing gang members to fire over vehicles, so all you have
to do to kill the guys fortified on the pond island is to park your vehicle
between them and you. Bang, bang, and now you can move on to the next

The second group is hiding in a van at Bedford Point. Just throw one
grenade and BOOM! Three well-done Mafia agents. Or just repeat the car
shield trick if you don't have a grenade.

The last group is observing Kenji's casino from a hotel across the way. Go
to Torrington where Kenji's casino is. Climb up near the roof, then hide
behind the railing at the top of the stairs. When you are here, the agents
won't be able to hit you and you can snipe all of them easily.


REWARD - $10,000

This mission is quite difficult, especially if you have the misfortune to be
doing it in a time when the sea is rough because of weather. What you must
do is take the police boat from the dock near Asuka's condo, then use it to
kill a reporter in a boat who's been spying on Asuka.

Follow the dot to the boat, and take it. Go out to where the reporter is.
Don't tail his boat directly, or you'll lose him, as he is driving the
fastest model of boats available in the game, the Speeder. Instead, go
straight, and don't follow the reporter's weaving turns. Shoot (Circle
button) the boat with the onboard cannons when you are in range. If you
shoot him enough the boat will blow up and you'll win.

If you are patient though, there's an easier way. Just follow him around
Portland until he ditches his boat at a dock in Staunton. He will get in a
car. You should be able to hunt him down much more easily on land.

I have received many emails telling me that you can use the rocket launcher
to blow up the boat. I know for CERTAIN that it is impossible to get a
rocket launcher legally at this point in the game. You can't get rocket
launchers until Phil's Army Surplus Store opens up, and that won't occur for
at least three more missions.

When you get in the police boat if you ride as far to the right as you can
and go straight until it kicks over to Portland (it shouldn't trigger the
chase) then turn around and come at the boat straight on, it's much easier
and no cheats involved. I actually destroyed the boat before he could even
get any distance on me, because I had him at 3/4 dead by the time he even
got a boat length ahead of me.

Submitted by: Jason Cheperuk


REWARD - $11,000, and a new boss

There's a turncoat cop working for Asuka's group, and it's time for you to
deliver his pay for his services. But it's not that simple.
NOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....the cop wants to play a "game"
first, with payphones, and a strict time limit. Sound familiar?

Make sure you have a fast car like the Banshee close at hand for this
mission. First, get to the payphone at Torrington, near the waterfront.
The cop will direct you on the phone to get to another payphone in the West
Belleville Park. Actually, its not in the park, but instead its at the
emergency markers blocking the circular highway ramp.

After you get there, he will direct you to go to the third phone in Liberty
Campus. When you get to this phone, he will order you back to the
Belleville Park area, this time the southern part. This phone is still not
inside the park itself, but on a block just south of it. After you answer
this final phone, he will tell you to meet him in the toilets, and the time
limit will be canceled. Go to the toilets to meet the cop.

This guy's name is Ray, and he cares nothing about his betrayal to the
badge. He says he could also use you for some work he has. Seems like just
about everyone in this city needs our help... Still, I suggest you finish
up Asuka's missions before you try to help out anyone else.

(NOTE: I have encountered a bug on this mission. Sometimes after answering
a phone, the arrow does not go to the next phone but instead stays on the
phone you just answered, making it impossible to finish the mission. Try
not to get frustrated if this happens, the only thing you really can do is
redo the mission until the bug doesn't mess you up. It WILL go away,
eventually. It did on my game.)

I just wanted to let you know that your guide on (which is
great, by the way) illustrates a certain "bug" in the mission on Staunton
island called "Payday for Ray." You mentioned that this bug keeps the next
phone from lighting up on the map. Just a little advice, I've found that the
only time that the phones don't light up on the map is for a specific
reason: I had at least one star on my wanted meter. I suppose that the
crooked cop doesn't want any police following his trail of pay phones.
Anyway, that's what I've found. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought you might
want to check it out.

Submitted by: Jay C.


REWARD - $20,000

One of the top drivers in the Yakuzas has been revealed to be an undercover
cop. You have to go and take him out. Drive to Kenji's casino in
Torrington, and make sure you bring a tough, durable vehicle with you, like
the Enforcer parked at the LCPD building in Torrington.

When you park in the blue circle, Tanner will dash down the stairs and leap
inside his old Esperanto. You gotta chase after him and take him out. Only
problem is, he's alerted every cop in the city to his trouble, and they will
make your life miserable while trying to take him down.

Ram Tanner's car as much as you can between poundings by the police, and try
to drive-by him with the Uzi for extra damage. When you damage his car
enough, he'll jump out. Run him down and the mission will end. The cops
will instantly call off their pursuit when you kill him so don't worry about
trying to escape afterwards. You're now done with Asuka for now, let's take
on her brother Kenji's missions.

There's another easier way, beat the mission "Arms Shortage" by Ray before
taking this one on. Get a rocket launcher then blast Tanner as he zooms
away at the start from the casino.

On the 'Two-Faced Tanner' mission, follow Tanner until he finally will turn
left to drive on the waterfront (the water will be on the right). Then
quickly, try to push Tanner's car into the water. This will probably take a
couple of tries since the cops will be on your ass the first time you make
contact with Tanner. When you're side by side with Tanners car, just steer
right to make his car fall of the ledge into the water. Be careful not to
fall in yourself.

Submitted by: Muhammad Abdul-Bahar
If you have found enough Hidden Packages to get the Molotov Cocktails, I
believe it's 40, then pick those up before you head to Asuka for the
mission. Or if you don't have any Molotovs at your hideout you can always
trek back to Portland and get them in the tunnel by 8 Ball's. Once you get
the mission, go to the casino and park close by the blue circle, as close as
possible without being in it. Run into the circle with the Molotovs selected
as your weapon, then wait for the cut scene.

Right after the cutscene toss a Molotov in front of Tanner's car, at this
point jump in your car and 1 of 2 things can happen: 1) it'll hit his car
and the car will catch fire or 2) it will miss his car. If it hits his car
get the hell out of there because the cops are coming, but don't worry the
car will blow up soon anyway and they will be off of you. If it misses,
don't worry because you wont get any stars, but speed after him and get in
front of him and stop, not to close because if he hits you the cops come and
you are gone. Once you stop toss another Molotov. Repeat this till you
either run out of Molotovs or you destroy his car.

This may seem kinda hard but with some aim, skill and a bit of luck it can
be pulled off quite easily. Last but not least, try to hit Tanner early
because he always goes straight from the casino, so you can almost
anticipate when his car will get across the street and when to throw the
Molotov. The longer the pursuit the harder it gets because this guy is
pretty elaborate in his getaway routes.

Submitted by: Mike Morse

(NOTE: I must take this time to point out something. There is a game on
PSX called Driver, which was made by Reflections, and it was about an
undercover cop who was also named Tanner, only it took place in the '70's.
This Tanner dresses A LOT like the Tanner in this game, plus, he's driving
an old, '70's looking car in this mission, that looks A LOT like the car he
uses in some of the cutscenes in Driver 2.

Asuka describes him as "strangely animated," and "more or less useless
without a car." In Driver 2, when Tanner got out of the car, he looked
*strangely animated* when he ran on foot, and the controls were also *more
or less useless without a car*. I spent about 30 seconds just trying to
press this one switch in a mission, and that caused me to fail it because I
ran out of time.

Is all of this REALLY coincidence? Is Rockstar trying to say that their
game is better than Reflections' games, by killing off this character that
just happens to have A LOT in similarity to his look-alike in their games?
Who knows :)
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REWARD - $30,000

Kenji needs you to break out of jail an important member of his family.

The first thing you need to do is get hold of a police car. That should be
easy. Head for the LCPD building in Torrington and there will be one parked
in the front lot for you to steal. It's only a couple blocks away from the
casino. Next, you need to take the car to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop in Newport to
get it rigged with a bomb.

Take the car back to the police station, but this time use the police car to
open the automatic gate in the front lot. Drive the police car into the
back lot, and park it next to the wall indicated by the blue circle.
Activate the bomb with Circle, then stand back and the bomb will blow a hole
in the wall, releasing the Yakuza Kanbu.

Doing this will also get you a 3 star wanted level. Get inside a car with
him, then take the ramp to the right of the destroyed wall, as this one will
lead you to a Police Bribe. Go to the alley where the Pay and Spray is in
Newport. You will find a Blista in one of the garages here. Take it to the
Pay and Spray in this same alley to lose your wanted level. Then drive the
Kanbu to the Hyaku Dojo in Bedford point to finish the mission.


REWARD - $25,000

Kenji owes someone a favor, and he wants you to steal him certain models of
cars for his collection to pay for his debts. He wants them delivered to
his garage in Newport, with NO DAMAGE WHATSOEVER.

Remember, not one scratch is permissible. If you scratch any car, take it
to the Pay and Spray next door to the garage. After you scratch the car,
you might as well drive any way you want to because the Pay and Spray
repairs all damages.

If you want to, you can just drive any way you want to all the way there and
get the cars repaired at the Pay and Spray, as it's right next door to the
garage you need to take them to. Be careful, though, because getting the
cars repaired costs precious time.

Park the car inside the garage Kenji designated, and when the game tells you
to get out of the car and go outside, do so. Make sure you get this message
before you step out, otherwise the game won't register the car is there.
You have six minutes to do this in. Don't go to the pink dot, because
that's where the garage is. Instead, go to the red dots, where the cars

The first car to jack is a Stinger in Bedford Point. It's inside a
closed-in parking lot, so you'll need to use an alley. The second car is an
Infernus parked at the football stadium in Aspatria. The last car is a
Cheetah parked at the hospital in Rockford. Once all three cars have been
delivered, you'll complete the mission.

(NOTE: There is a bug I have encountered on this mission in my game.
Sometimes the game just refused to close the garage door no matter what,
making the mission impossible to finish. If this happens, try parking the
car further inside the garage. If that does not fix it, then it's the bug,
and you'll just have to restart. It will fix itself eventually, so don't
get impatient.)

I think I have figured out the problem with the garage doors. It seems when
the garage door does not shut; it is because the car door is still open.
Anytime I went back to back in the car and just got out again, but made sure
I shut the door, the big door closed. This always works for me, so it may
work for everybody.

Submitted by: Charlie Beck
I figured what is wrong in the missions with the garage doors. It is not the
car door that is the problem, it is that is the car is not parked straight
then it won't close. I left the car door open every time but when I didn't
park one of the cars straight, it didn't shut.

Submitted by: David Cooper


REWARD - $25,000

The Colombian Cartel are refusing to listen to the Yakuza's requests to stay
out of Liberty City. Now they are trying to gain a firmer foothold by
allying with the Yardies. What you must do is steal a Yardie Lobo, and use
it to fool the Cartel at a meeting so you can get in close and kill them

Immediately go north from the casino, and you are bound to see Yardie Lobos
driving down the highway. In case you didn't know, they are the reddish
cars with a gold top, and leopard skin seats. After you steal one, go meet
your contact in Aspatria. He will tell you the meeting is taking place at
the hospital parking lot in Rockford. Get over there and park in the blue

Tap the horn to get the Colombians to come over, then take cover behind your
car and kill off all the Colombians. After you have dealt with them,
destroy their trucks, then take their briefcase. Take the briefcase back to
the parking lot behind Kenji's casino.


REWARD - $10,000

You need to go pick up some protection money from certain businesses and
bring it back to the casino for Kenji. Drive to Torrington to collect the
first briefcase. Next, go to Bedford Point, where all the flashy neon signs
are to collect the second briefcase. Lastly, go to Belleville Park to get
to the next business that owes you money. It turns out the place has been
looted by a rival gang, and the owner has no money left to pay.

You must track down this rival gang, and take the protection money the
grocery owes you. It turns out they are in Portland, so head over there.
The dot will lead you to Hepburn Heights. The people responsible are the
Diablos. Park outside the fence of their lot, and use your car as cover.

They will foolishly try to run through the fence, but of course that won't
work, so you can easily kill them all. Take the final briefcase they were
guarding, and head back for Staunton. When you get the money back to the
parking lot behind Kenji's casino, the mission will be over.

If you have a bulletproof vehicle, you can simply stop your car so that the
Diablos will see you and run over while shooting. You can shoot them up
with the Uzi as they stupidly try to open the door. If things get too
desperate, all you have to do is hit the gas to get away.

I did everything as it stated in the first portion of the walkthrough,
however the one part that differed for me was when I ended up in Hepburn
Heights. Instead of parking directly outside of the wall, I proceeded to go
across the street to the apartment blocks where one of the hidden packages
was located. There is a ramp located there, where if you were to take the
jump you would land in the lot where the Diablos are.

I drove my Banshee to the top of the ramp so that the car was half on the
ramp and half off, I got out of the car and jumped on top of the car and
proceeded to use the sniper rifle to eliminate the Diablos. That technique
worked very well for me and I had no problems at all finishing the mission.

Submitted by: Jason Juarez



REWARD - $10,000, plus $1,000 for every Yardie killed after 8

Kenji is extremely angry at you because you were unsuccessful in breaking up
the Jamaicans and Cartel's alliance. You now have to go out and kill off
the Yardies who are dealing the SPANK on the street.

You have to kill off at least eight Yardies to finish the mission. You have
to take them down quickly because once they are out of SPANK they will leave
the streets. For every Yardie you take down, another one will come on the
streets to take his place. This mission is just basically seek and destroy.
Run them over at high speed to kill them fast. For every Yardie you kill
after 8, you will receive a bonus $1000 added to the mission reward.
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REWARD - $30,000

There's a witness, called McAffrey, of the goings-on of the crime underworld
that is under police protection. You have to blow up his apartment to force
him out into the open, then kill him.

Make sure you have Grenades or Molotov Cocktails with you when you begin
this mission. Head for the large alley behind the car park at Newport.
You'll get a cinematic showing you which window to aim for. Before throwing
that bomb, block the alleyway to the right of the window with a heavy
vehicle, like an Enforcer. You will see why I'm telling you to do this in a

Stand on the ramp near the window, and hopefully you'll eventually toss an
explosive inside the window. Use the sniper rifle to help get yourself
correctly lined up. Make sure to aim to the LEFT of the window, not
straight at it, because your guy is right-handed.

I can't give a good location on the ramp to stand because the guy varies his
throws too much, even if you always hold down the button the same amount of
time. Sometimes he'll throw them high, sometimes low. Sometimes more to
the left, other times more to the right.

After you do manage that lucky throw, the garage door to the left of the
window will open up, and McAffrey will try to flee in his car, while the
cops in the garage with him will keep you busy. Hopefully the game didn't do
that evil trick of making the vehicle vanish from its place in front of the

Grab another car if McAffrey did manage to flee the scene; it's gonna be
real tough to catch him. I say the best way to kill him is to drive-by him
from the median in the middle of the freeway he drives onto. He usually
stays on the freeway, no cars drive on the median, and there aren't any
light poles to watch out for in one part of the freeway. The first time I
beat this mission, I got lucky because he accidentally drove into the ocean
behind Kenji's casino.

In your Silence the Sneak mission, you mention standing on the ramp and
hoping for a lucky shot through the window with a grenade. I tried this at
first, as well (thinking I needed the height). I eventually did make it, but
only after 15-20 grenades. I've found the easiest way is simply to stand
directly in front of the window (off the ramp), and toss one. It typically
goes right in, provided your distance from the window is about right.

Submitted by: Jason Plackey
In your walkthrough for the "Silence the Sneak" mission, you advise blocking
off the alley with a car to prevent McAffery from escaping. When I first
started this mission, that was what my instinct told me to do, but he kept
escaping. I had gotten really frustrated when inspiration hit. Just block
the garage he comes out of (I used an Enforcer), and toss a couple grenades
when it opens. Target eliminated; no fuss, no muss.

Submitted by: Jim Burm
On the mission Silence the Sneak, I found an even EASIER way to get the
grenade into the room other than going on the ramp or near it. After you put
the large vehicle in front of the garage as you suggested, there is a van in
an open garage across the pavement from the room. Take the van, and place it
lined up with the room on the part of the pavement that slants downwards.

Now, all you have to do is jump on top of the van and throw the grenade in.
You may have to move back and forth on top of the van to get the correct
distance, but this has worked for me every time. Also, watch out for
grenades bouncing back off the walls... They can sometimes be painful if
you're not quick enough.

Submitted by: Blue Devil


REWARD - $10,000, and the Army Surplus Store will open up for business

A buddy of Ray's runs an army surplus store in Rockford. The Cartel has
threatened to rip off his stock today, so you will need to back him up.

Get to Rockford. The place you are looking for is near the football
stadium. When you arrive, Phil will tell you to grab any guns you can find,
because the Cartel will be arriving soon.

First, get your car, and set it up so your car is covering the opening
between the sandbag cover and the warehouse. From here, you can perform the
car barricade trick and easily shoot any Colombian who dares enter your
field of vision from the front gate. Watch out though, two guys will enter
via the alley in the corner across the yard from you. This is a pretty easy
way to do it. Just don't let Phil die and you'll win.

Or, you could block that little alleyway with your car, then quickly block
the front gate with the Barracks OL parked nearby. This will keep any
enemies from entering. Do this fast, because you don't have much time to
prepare after Phil finishes talking. After you have done that, toss
grenades over the vehicles till all the Colombians have been blown to dust.

Lastly, you could come with a tall vehicle, like your own Cartel Cruiser,
and leap up on the crates to get the rocket launcher. Blow up all the cars
before anyone can even get out. And be sure to fire a rocket at the alley
to stop those two sneaky Colombians from getting in a surprise attack.

After you have killed everyone, you will be told to check on Phil. Before
you do that, be sure to grab all the items, as you will get them for free.
After you do check on Phil, the items will vanish, and now to get guns
you'll have to pay for them.


REWARD - $10,000, and a new boss

There is an important man in town, and the police have some rather
embarrassing photographs of him. You have to ram the truck that is carrying
the evidence until the files fall out, then collect them on the ground.
After you have all the files, leave them in the car and blow it up.

Track down the pickup that is transporting the evidence. Ram it until a
piece of evidence falls out. Collect it, then continue pursuing and ramming
the truck until you have all the evidence. Of course the police are going
to try to stop you.

After you have all the evidence, find some nice, quiet alley. Get out of
your car, then blow it up. After you beat this mission, Donald Love, the
man whose reputation you were protecting, will become available as a boss.

If you want to, you can tag the pickup once to get your star rating up to
two, then go to the Pay and Spray to lose it. When you come back, you won't
get a wanted level for hitting the pickup.


REWARD - $15,000

Ray suspects his partner of being a rat, and says you need to go eliminate
him. He usually goes fishing out by the lighthouse at Portland Rock. If
you looked around on the beach below Salvatore's mansion, you should have
already seen it. Don't worry, this boat mission is a lot easier than the
last one.

First, go find a police boat. The dot will point you towards a dock in
Portland, but its much easier to get the one from near Asuka's condo in

After you do get a police boat, set sail for Portland Rock. You will spot
Ray's partner in a blue boat, using a rather unique method to catch fish.
When he sees you, he'll try to flee. Shoot up his boat like you did with
the reporter in the last mission. His boat is much slower, so this will be
easy. Just watch out for the bombs he drops behind him and you'll be fine.


REWARD - $15,000

McAffrey is still alive it turns out, and he's getting ready to make a
Federal Deposition today. You need to hunt down the ambulance that's
transporting him, and kill him again.

First, head for Rockford to find the ambulance. When the driver spots you,
he'll radio for help and you'll get a two star wanted rating. You need to
ram the ambulance enough so that McAffrey falls out of the back door in his
full body cast. After he does fall out, go to the Pay and Spray to lose
your wanted level, then come back and throw grenades at him until he dies,
or you could run back and forth over him if you're patient.
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IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: If you want to get 100% completion in this game,
then watch out for Donald Love, who you will meet through Ray. In one of
his missions, he will order you to kill off an important someone who will
remain nameless for now. If you do this mission before finishing up a
certain person's missions, you will be unable to complete all the missions
and get 100% completion.


REWARD - $40,000

You have to rescue Donald's "Old Oriental Gentleman" from the Colombians in

First, get a Cartel Cruiser, so you can infiltrate their hideout. They are
usually seen driving around the construction site in Fort Staunton, so head
there. After you get hold of one of their cars, head for their hideout in

The automated gate will open up for you. Now, use the Cartel Cruiser to
perform the car shield trick again to eliminate all the enemies in the area.
The Old Oriental Gentleman is inside one of the garages. Pull up next to
a garage and get out of your vehicle to make them open up. Some of them
have just enemies, but the one has him inside.

Eliminate the guard in the garage with the Old Oriental Gentleman, then get
in a car with him. Go back to Donald Love's apartment. BTW, you may want
to save a Cartel Cruiser from the Colombian's hideout, as you'll need one
for the next mission.

Make sure you have a sniper rifle. If you must, purchase one at Ammu-Nation.
Drive towards the Colombian hideout but park across the street, taking care
NOT to open the gate. Ignoring the game's warnings, get out of your car and
aim your sniper rifle through the gate. You should have clear shots at four
Colombians. They will not shoot back or evade your fire. Take your time.

Once there are no more visible targets, drive the Cartel Cruiser inside.
There will be two men around the corner; kill them any way you prefer. The
simplest way is to run them over. Now you can check the garages at your
leisure for the "Old Oriental Gentleman." Have a weapon ready as you will
face more gunfire from the guards in the garages. Still, opening doors one
at a time you should find the prisoner without taking any hits. Patience is

Submitted by: Daniel Feit



REWARD - $30,000

This is the mission I warned you about above. Donald will tell you to kill
Kenji with a Cartel Cruiser so the Yazuka will think the Colombians are
declaring war upon them. Make TOTALLY sure you have all of Kenji's missions
done before accepting this one, otherwise you won't be able to get 100%
completion on your game file.

First, if you didn't save a Cartel Cruiser from the last mission, then go to
the construction site in Fort Staunton to get another one. After you have
one, head for the car park in Newport, as Kenji is at a meeting on the top
floor. When you get up there, run Kenji down, then leap off the ramp up
here to escape quickly. Make this hit-and-run as fast as you can before the
Yakuzas can shoot your truck up.

The police will be called to the scene after the assassination and you'll
get a three-star rating. Get out of Newport and fast! Once you leave the
Newport area and ditch the Cartel Cruiser, the mission will end, and the
police will disperse.

I was having trouble with the gang members blowing up my Cartel Cruiser with
their guns before I could jump off the ramp. I tried this mission probably
20 times. I got a rocket launcher, parked across the street from the
entrance of the parking garage and started firing the rocket launcher toward
the top level of the parking garage.

I didn't think it was doing any good, but when I got in the parking garage I
immediately got a 3 star wanted level and when I got the to the top level,
there were no gang members, only Kenji. Run him over, then jump the ramp and
get out of there. No worry about the Yazuka shooting up your car.

Submitted by: Jarrod Miles

Taylor Anderson gives an easier place to shoot from if you want to try the
Rocket Launcher way: "Drive up into the levels below the very top and bring
out the launcher. Shoot around the cieling randomly and after a few shots
you should hear explosions and get a 3 star wanted level."


REWARD - $10,000, two old bosses reopen for business again, and access to
Shoreside Vale

A light aircraft is supposed to go over the bay today. You need to pick up
several packages it drops before anyone else does, then bring them back to
Donald. You have two minutes to get to a boat, then get out in the water to
collect the boxes.

Head for Asuka's condo in Newport, as there's lots of boats parked over
there. After you do get a boat, go out to meet the plane by following the
yellow dot. When the time limit expires, the plane will begin dropping the

For each package you pick up, you'll get another star in your wanted level,
except the last one. So, after you gather them all up, you'll have FIVE
STARS!!! That means the FBI are gonna be after you when you come back to

The best course of action once you arrive back in Staunton would to be to go
to the Pay and Spray. Fortunately, its practically right next door to
Asuka's condo. Dock at Asuka's place, get a car, then take the road leading
into the city. The alley leading to the Pay and Spray is on the right of
this street. Pull in there, get your car sprayed, and then you can just
enjoy a nice, and quiet drive back to Donald's apartment.

After you get back in your car again, you'll hear a radio announcement about
the Shoreside Lift Bridge being fixed and reopened to traffic. Also, Ray
will have more missions for you to do, plus Donald has more other missions
for you as well. But before you take them on, why not try out King
Courtney's missions for the Yardies? Go to the payphone near the St.
Matthias University on Liberty Campus for work.
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REWARD - $1,000 per checkpoint

There are checkpoints the King has set up all over Staunton. Whoever hits
the most checkpoints out of 15 wins.

Get a fast car, then get to the stadium, and when you go in the blue circle,
make sure your car is pointed towards the city. Soon the other racers will
arrive. The only racer you really have to worry about is the guy driving
the Cheetah. The other fools brought trucks, so its mostly between you and
the guy with the Cheetah. IMO this race is a lot easier than the Turismo
one. You shouldn't have much trouble.

If you come back to King Courtney's phone after you've beaten all the
missions for it, you'll get to replay this one. This is only so you can get
a better score for this mission in the status screen in the pause menu.
After you beat this mission once, you'll never have to play it again.

On the Bling-Bling Scramble mission for King Courtney, I found an
alternative way to beat this. First, get a tank, then do Bling-Bling
Scramble mission. Once the race starts, blow up all your competitors the
evil way. Then just race through all fifteen checkpoints and win.

Submitted by: BMHero
When you park your car in the blue marker, the cars you race against pull up
and you can see them, right when the count down is done, get out of your car
and get our your bazooka. Then just blow all those little cars away. Take
out the fastest car first, then track down the other ones one by one.
You'll be able to do things a lot easier this way. Sometimes the cars come
back (don't ask me how...maybe I missed). Anyway, I've never had to kill
them more than 2 twice.

If it takes you longer than about 2 minutes, then just forget it and try to
get some checkpoints. But if you can manage it in less than 2 minutes there
should be enough check points left over for you to gather up and win, if
you're an annoyance to the other cars enough to slow them down.

Submitted by: Joseph Elizondo


REWARD - $10,000

You need to go to Portland to help in a drive-by on the Diablos. At the
mission start, some Yardies will show up in a Perennial. They tell you to
get in, and that they are only here to make sure you don't chicken out. You
have to do the driving and the shooting. They'll hand you an Uzi, and tell
you to drive.

Go to Portland, and head for Hepburn Heights. Here, you need to shoot 10
Diablos with the Uzi, and you aren't allowed to leave the car. The guys you
need to shoot are wearing red or blue bandannas and wearing blue clothes.
This will undoubtedly attract unwanted attention from the cops. If the
action gets too hot, then stop in the Pay and Spray, as it's right next to
Hepburn Heights.

After you meet your quota of 10 Diablo deaths, get your car sprayed again if
you have a wanted level of two or higher, then go back to Yardie turf on
Staunton as the Jamaicans order you. Take the guys to the Shopping Mall in
Newport to end the mission.

I was able to very easily kill 10 Diablos without gaining a single star of
wanted level simply by running them down on the sidewalks. No fuss, no muss,
and no unwanted police attention.

Submitted by: Caleb Corey


REWARD - $10,000

The King needs you to steal a gang car from each gang in Staunton and
Portland. He needs a Mafia Sentinel, a Yakuza Stinger, and a Diablo
Stallion. He needs them in relatively good condition, not perfect
thankfully. They must all be transported to his garage in Newport.

I say you go after the Mafia Sentinel first to get it out of your hair.
This is a black four-door sedan, and it looks like a BMW. It's the most
difficult one to get because the Mafia have some real powerful shotguns
that'll blow up a car in a few good hits. You'll find these cars driving
around Saint Mark's in Portland, like you always have.

Try to grab one that's on the outer rim of Saint Mark's though, so you won't
have to deal with the Mafia. Under the train tracks near the hospital is a
good spot to look for one. If you want to get one of these cars easy, then
sneak up the side of the hill Salvatore's mansion is on top of. You will
find two of them parked there with no Mafia guys around.

The second car to go after is a Diablo Stallion. It's a black car with
flames painted on the sides. You'll find them in Hepburn Heights, also in
Portland. They are infinitely easier to get, as all the Diablos have for
weapons is baseball bats. Just drive around the apartments there and you're
bound to see one.

The last car to go after is the Yakuza Stinger. Its a white car with red on
the sides. This is the easiest car to get. Simply go to Asuka's apartment
and there is one parked right outside. No mess and no fuss.

(NOTE: There is a bug I have encountered on this mission in my game.
Sometimes the game just refused to close the garage door no matter what,
making the mission impossible to finish. If this happens, try parking the
car further inside the garage. If that does not fix it, then it's the bug,
and you'll just have to restart. It will fix itself eventually, so don't
get impatient.)

I think I have figured out the problem with the garage door. It seems when
the garage door does not shut; it is because the car door is still open.
Anytime I went back to back in the car and just got out again, but made sure
I shut the door, the big door closed. This always works for me, so it may
work for everybody.

Submitted by: Charlie Beck
I figured what is wrong in the missions with the garage doors. It is not the
car door that is the problem, it is that is the car is not parked straight
then it won't close. I left the car door open every time but when I didn't
park one of the cars straight, it didn't shut.

Submitted by: David Cooper



REWARD - $10,000

King Courtney needs you to pick up a car in Bedford Point that has a stash.

It's in the same parking lot as the Stinger was in Grand Theft Auto. You
have a minute and a half to get over there. Move fast.

Inside you'll find a note, it says that it's time you witnessed the TRUE
power of SPANK. A van drives up, and a guy jumps out. He's been high on
SPANK, and has a bomb on his chest! He runs over and blows himself up next
to your car. Now, there are crazy spanked-up madmen everywhere! King
Courtney double-crossed you! You have to destroy the vans, or suicide
bombers will spawn endlessly from them.

The first thing you should do is escape the parking lot as fast as you can.
Unfortunately, all the escape routes are blocked by vans with the same
suicide bombers in them. The best van to try to break through is the one up
and to the right. You will have a brief moment to dash to freedom before
the guy leaps out of the van to get you.

After you manage to get past the van, shoot the bomber who chases after you.
He'll blow up. Then, another bomber will leap out. When he walks around
the van, shoot him to destroy him and the van.

Next, drive around on the street to the entrances to the other alleys on
this block, and sneak up on the vans from behind them. Either shoot up the
van there yourself, or wait for the bombers to find you and shoot them when
they come you. That leaves two vans in the parking lot. Shoot the bombers,
then shoot the next bombers when they get out of their vans. You are
finished with King Courtney now.

This is from the boards at Try waiting until you unlock
Shoreside Vale if you are desperate. Then, you can get hold of a tank and
smash through everything with little damage. Leave it in the parking lot
ahead of time, because tanks are remembered in the game's memory. That
means you can leave a tank anywhere for as long as you want and it will
always be where you left it.

On the kingdom come mission, if you have an m-16, you can head out of the
courtyard to the right, make a left out of the lot, make another left at the
light, and look for an entrance on the left back into the courtyard. This
will take you up to an area with a secret package that also happens to be an
excellent sniping area for 3 of the 4 vans.

Submitted by: Zac Christenson
Another way to beat this mission is after reading the letter and seeing the
first guy blow up next to your car, backup really fast turning to where
you're facing one of the vans. Drive at the van and slam into hitting the
brakes. Escape your car fast. If performed correctly, one of the Spank men
should have hit your car causing it to become on fire, although, you also
slammed into the van.

When you escape the car your car will blow up, blowing the van to blow up
escaping and keeping the spank man from being on your tail, you run around
to the other van and blow it up with gernades or any weapon available to

Submitted by: Snakeeyes
If you have a bullet/fire/explosion proof vehicle, then take that car and
park it next to the car with the letter in it. Then, once the suicide bomber
blows up on your car, just get out and into your explosion proof car right
next to you. Then you can have fun in just running over all the suicide
bombers. To beat it just run over a suicide bomber when he is right next to
a van. Do that for all the vans.

Submitted by: Alex StClaire
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REWARD - $30,000

The vehicle you need for this mission is a Landstalker parked in front of
the cabin in the park at Belleville Park. You've got 2 minutes to collect
12 checkpoints in any order. You'll get 10 seconds for each checkpoint.

Be careful, the Landstalker is not as great at climbing hills as the
Patriot. To start off, line yourself up with the dock so you can drive
straight through, hit the checkpoint, and land in the water without getting
hung up on a pole. Ford the pond and get checkpoint 2 from the island in
the middle of the pond.

Jump off the island and head for the fence that you should be facing right
now. Drive right next to the fence to get checkpoints 3 and 4. Back up a
little to nab checkpoint 5. After you do that, drive through the toilet
block where Ray gives out his missions to get checkpoint 6. Go up the
stairs leading to the statue to collect checkpoint 7. Back up, and collect
checkpoint 8 that's next to the railing. Checkpoints 9, 10, and 11 are
around the small park bridge.

When you get all of them at the bridge, drive to the end of the park where
final checkpoint 12 is sitting all by its lonesome self.


REWARD - $30,000

This one is quite different from all the other offroad missions. To start
this one, you must steal a Stallion that is OUTSIDE the garage, NOT one
that's inside. To use one that's inside, bring it outside, then get out,
and get back in. Make sure your car is pointed at the door.

You have to collect 20 checkpoints in any order in two minutes. Each one
adds 5 seconds, to the timer that starts IMMEDIATELY after the mission
begins. There are four checkpoints on each floor of the garage. You can
basically pick them up in any order as long as you clear out each floor
while going up. The last checkpoint is hovering in midair next to the
garage. You have to use the ramp to get it.
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REWARD - $1,000 per gang car

The vehicle for this mission is behind a small planter you can drive over,
across the street from Kenji's casino. You have two minutes to blow up as
many Yakuza Stingers as possible. The best place for kills is in front of
the casino itself. It's easy to accidentally blow yourself up in this
mission, because when the RC cars first go, they are aimed in the general
direction of your van.

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Here we are, the final district! This place has probably the most complex
layout of all. Its roads have lots of hills and curves, making it a
challenge to drive, and there are bridges and tunnels networking this place.
Spend some time cruising around here, getting to know where everything is,
where every bridge leads, where every tunnel goes. You won't really see any
new cars here, sadly. There is the Dodo plane you can steal at the Francis
International Airport, though it takes a lot of practice to learn how to fly

Let's do Ray first, because his only mission for this part of the game has
great rewards.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: At some point while you are in Shoreside Vale,
D-Ice of the Red Jacks will page you for work. Sometimes a bug occurs on
his first mission, forcing you to restart. Watch out for it, because the
only way to fix it is to start a completely new file.
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REWARD - $20,000, a truckload of artillery, and a bulletproof Patriot

The CIA have come to Liberty City, and they want to take over this SPANK
business. Ray is a marked man, so he needs you to get him to his flight at
the airport so he can skip town. Believe me, you oughta trust him when he
says he'll make it worth your while :)

Firstly, get a fast car. You need to get to the Francis International
Airport in three minutes, and you aren't allowed to use the Shoreside Lift
Bridge because the CIA have surveillance teams there. You'll need to take
another route. I say the best route is the traffic tunnel behind the
hospital in Rockford. Get over there FAST.

Drive down the tunnel. Try to go fast, but take it easy when you have to.
It's much better to lose a couple of seconds to avoid a wreck than to get
your car blown up. You need to go left at the first intersection, then left
again at the second intersection. If you follow my directions correctly,
you'll be outside the airport. Drive Ray to the entrance, and he'll give
you a key to his lockup, where he stashed supplies and cash for you.

Take the tunnel again, because the CIA will still shoot at you if you try to
go that way. Turn right at the first intersection, and right again at the
second intersection. Go back to Staunton, and you'll find his lockup in
Newport, just to the right of Callahan Bridge. Inside, he left you a rocket
launcher, a sniper rifle, an M16, a flame-thrower, and a bulletproof
Patriot. Ray is a real nice guy for being a sleazy cop. This mission is
also his first and last one for Shoreside Vale.

If you got the bulletproof Cheetah from the TURISMO mission, the bulletproof
Bobcat from EVIDENCE DASH, or the bulletproof Securicar from VAN HEIST, then
this mission will be super easy. Just drive across the Shoreside Lift
Bridge like nobody is shooting at you. The bullets from the CIA agents
won't even scratch your bulletproof car.

If you need to know how to get those cars, then read towards the end of the
Extra Things section and there is a walkthrough for getting each of them. I
don't consider this cheating because most of these vehicles are really hard
to get. You could also use one of the other BP Vehicles or the tank from
the army (good luck.)

For the marked man mission, you can get there in like 2 minutes if you get a
fast car and go right to the subway, across from the hospital stairs and the
construction site. Take the fast car down the steps slowly and don't wreck
it. Drive right on the subway tracks, and turn right onto them to get to
Shoreside Vale.

You will get to the other station in about a minute or less. When you're
there, turn onto the left passenger loading dock and go upstairs. You'll be
right outside the airport with 2 blocks more to go. It's very fast and you
don't have to worry about hitting cars on the underground tunnel. Go back
the same way and pick up Ray's weapons and cartel.

Submitted by: Jeff


IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: The bulletproof Patriot Ray is giving you is the
only one you'll find in the game. Be sure you guard it with your life. :)
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REWARD - $50,000, and an old boss reopens for business again

Make sure you've got lots of sniper rifle or M16 ammo for this mission.
Donald says that those packages you picked up for him before were just
decoys. The real package you need to get is still in the plane. The
authorities have seized the plane and are searching it thoroughly. Donald
says he has bribed the airport officials, and that your real cargo is
waiting at the customs hanger in the Francis International Airport at
Shoreside Vale.

First, get a car that is low to the ground, one that you can perform the car
shield trick with well, like say the taxi. Go to Shoreside Vale over the
Shoreside Lift Bridge and go towards the customs hanger. You'll then
discover the Colombian Cartel have beaten you to the plane.

The most effective way to eliminate them is to do the car shield trick.
After you eliminate them all, get inside the plane. You'll discover that
the package has been taken by the Cartel. Check the van outside and it will
read "Panlantic Construction Company." This clue will point you towards the
construction site back in Staunton.

Cross the Shoreside Lift Bridge again, and go to the construction site in
Fort Staunton. They are hiding in that maze of walls near the main
building. Before going in to handle them, take out the single Colombian
inside the partial skyscraper nearby. After you do that, look around in
this place for stairs going up. This place is an excellent sniper's nest.
You can take out quite a few guys from up here, making your journey through
the maze below easier.

After you've shot everyone you can, go back down the stairs, and use the car
barricade trick to eliminate anyone who gets in your way. Be careful, the
Colombians like to hide right out of sight behind corners, and if they are
high up over you, the car shield trick won't work. You'll be told to take
the elevator to the top of the tower after you have eliminated everyone.

Do so, and you'll see that Miguel and Catalina, the leaders of the Cartel,
have your package. You'll hold them at gunpoint, and Miguel says he'll give
up the package. Catalina shoots him in the back for not trying to escape,
then leaps off the building and into a pile of cardboard boxes. She will
get away, and then Asuka will come. She will talk about how Miguel killed
her brother (though we all know the truth :) and says she's now going to
milk him for all of his information. She says to come back later because
you'll need to help her with the new plans she's gonna make with his info.

After the conversation, you'll go back down the elevator again. Note that
the Yakuza have taken over the compound. Finish up your original mission of
taking the package back to Donald Love's place.

On the Grand Theft Aero mission, I much prefer parking behind the plane
directly opposite of the hanger. Then I pull out the sniper rifle and pop
one of the guys on the right. This causes them all to run to their cover,
but you can get the other two on the left pretty easy from where you're at,
and then just take your vehicle of choice and mash the last one with it.

Submitted by: Zac Christenson
In the Grand Theft Aero mission, another good sniper's nest is across the
street from the construction company, in a balcony-like structure with an
adrenaline pill on it. From your hideout go left, then continue where the
streets join together.

On the first or second building on the left side, pay attention and you'll
notice stairs going up the side. It's right there. I was able to pick off
4 Cartels from there, and after using the half-built tower afterwards there
was only one Cartel left to kill at close range. This makes the mission
absurdly easy.

Submitted by: Le Machin


REWARD - $40,000

This would be a nice mission to try out your bulletproof Patriot on. You
must escort the Old Oriental Gentleman to Pike Creek in Shoreside Vale so
the package you got back can be authenticated. When you're all set, drive
to the red dot nearby to begin.

At a few times during the ride, a Cartel Cruiser will try to attack the van
the Old Oriental Gentleman is driving. Basically take all the damage that
the Cartel are trying to cause to the truck. Try to shoot up any truck that
comes your way. Explosions will not damage the truck the Oriental Gentleman
is driving, so don't worry about the flaming wrecks. Also beware Cartel
guys on the streets shooting at the van.

The Old Oriental Gentleman is a real awful driver, so try to herd away cars
that get in his way with your Uzi. When he reaches the AMCO building in
Pike Creek, the mission is over.

On the mission Escort Service for Donald Love there is a glitch. If you just
leave the oriental man alone and do something else he will get no damage and
will still go to the warehouse. All you have to do is check out the exit to
the tunnel when it tells you to, and stay on the third island (but not near
him) after that.

Submitted by: Joe Schmied



REWARD - $45,000

You must go back to the AMCO building in Pike Creek, Shoreside, because the
SWAT teams have Donald's Old Oriental Gentleman trapped in there with the
package. You need to go in there, take the Securicar, and distract the
police long enough for the Old Oriental Gentleman to get away.

Get a car, and drive into Shoreside Vale. Head for the AMCO building in
Pike Creek. After you take the vehicle, about three billion police cars and
SWAT trucks will instantly be all over you. You have to distract them for
three minutes.

Look around in this area of the neighborhood for some lot to hide inside,
preferably one with a building that has a garage so you can hide from the
helicopters. The police can't enter most of the lots in this area very
well, so you can just stay in one of them and wait it out until the time
limit expires. The Pay and Spray won't be able to respray your car to get
rid of your wanted level (though that garage is a good place to hide), and
(submitted by Daniel Feit) Police Bribes won't bring your level down either.

On the mission where you have to survive in the armored truck for two
minutes, I found the best way is to hang a right and go on the main road
towards the airport, and then weave in and out underneath the hangers. The
helicopter can't shoot you and only two or three cruisers will follow you.

Submitted by: Graeme Andrew Okurley



Your character will go to Love's rooftop garden like always, but
millionaire-boy is nowhere to be found. He'll look around a little longer,
then leave. Well, that's it! You've completed the "mission." As Donald
has mysteriously vanished, we are done with him. Let's work for Asuka
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REWARD - $35,000

Miguel has revealed that there are three death squads, all in Shoreside
Vale, who's job is to hunt you down. You must lure each of these death
squads into a trap that Asuka has laid in Pike Creek.

Get their attention, then lure them to a lot at the top of the hill in Pike
Creek where the trap has been set. Stay in your car if you get there ahead
of time or the Cartel won't come. Hide in the back corner on the west side
of the compound until the Yakuzas kill them off. Asuka's friends don't need
your help, so you ought to let them do the work. One more thing, you have
to use the trap to kill them. If you kill them yourself the mission will be
a failure.

The first death squad car is waiting at the entrance to Pike Creek. To find
the next death squad, drive across the top of Cochrane Dam and look near the
blocked-up tunnel. The last death squad is waiting in a driveway of a house
in Cedar Grove. When all three death squads have been lured to the trap and
eliminated, the mission is over.


REWARD - $40,000

This is another good mission to use your bulletproof Patriot on. The Cartel
is selling SPANK through the Espresso-2-Go stands in every district of
Liberty City. You have to go to each of these street stands and crash into

There are two in Portland, five in Staunton Island, and two in Shoreside
Vale. The problem is that they don't appear on the radar until you're
almost on top of them, and once you destroy the first stand, you'll have
eight minutes to destroy the rest before the Cartel can warn their pushers.
The best district to start destroying stands in IMO is Portland. Next you
should do Staunton Island, and last Shoreside Vale.

The best way to win is to scout out each stand ahead of time in this
mission, so its dot will appear on the radar. The timer won't actually
start until you hit the first stand, so you can have all nine on your radar
when you begin your seek-and-destroy mission. I'll list the locations down
here for you:

- next to the Portland Docks in Trenton
- next to the entrance to Salvatore's mansion in Saint Mark's

- next to the car park in Newport
- inside the park at Belleville Park
- in front of the church at Bedford Point
- a little ways down the street from the one in front of the church
- near the star-shaped statue in Torrington, about a block away from Kenji's

- near the subway in front of Francis International Airport
- at the hospital at the top of the hill in Pike Creek

After you learn where all the stalls are, this mission is a cinch.


REWARD - $45,000

There's a plane coming to Francis International Airport, and its full of
SPANK. You need to get a rocket launcher and shoot the plane down while its
on it's landing approach. Get a boat, and wait near the front of the

At the start of the mission, you'll have three and a half minutes to get
into position and shoot down the plane. Follow the dot to a boat parked
near a dock where there's a free rocket launcher. Steer the boat to the
runway as Asuka directed you.

I say you get up on land. The up-and-down motion of the boat will throw off
your aim. When you see the plane approaching, let loose a barrage of
missiles at it. If you manage to hit it, it will dump its cargo and you'll
have a four-star wanted level. Helicopters will come and attack you.
Whatever you do, DON'T shoot back at them. If you blow up a helicopter,
your wanted level will go up and it will be a lot harder to get away later.

Chances are, the plane's cargo landed on the runway. Kill off the
Colombians you can see from the lower level of the runway, and take their
truck. Drive it over to where the SPANK is and gather up all of it.

Now, you could try to go back into the boat, but it's a bad idea. There's a
good chance the helicopter will blow it up while you're en route to
Staunton. Instead, go by land. Drive out in the front of the airport.
Now, you have a couple of options. You can try to drive in a car back to
the construction site, but IMO that's a bad idea too.

(BTW, there is also the choice of flying the Dodo back to the construction
site. Only do this if you know how to fly it though. If you do know how to
use the Dodo though, this mission will be cake. Nobody will be able to get
you because you are so high up in the air. You can just make a crash
landing in the construction yard and easily get to the finish. I have
actually done this before BTW. Read the Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ in Section

Instead, go into the subway, which is close by here. Some stray officers
might wander down in there, but other than that you won't face any
opposition. Drive your car down into the subway and head for Staunton
Island in it. When you leave the subway, you'll be right next to the
construction site. If you're not, drive though the tunnel until you are.
Drive back to the lift at the partial skyscraper. The next mission will
start up as soon as you arrive at Asuka's meeting place again.

I found a great way to get through the SAM mission. After you get the boat,
head towards the airport buoys. Drive the boat onto ground by the runway. It
is just past the buoys. Jump out and get closer to the Cartel guys. With the
sniper rifle take the two or three guys out. Next, run a good distance down
the runway, the airplane will soon be on you. It's easy to shoot it as it is
coming towards you close to, or on the ground with the rocket launcher.

The packages will be on the runway. Pick them up. The police chopper will
show up. Shoot it down with the launcher. Next, run to one of the Cartel
trucks. It's guarded but your sniper rifle will take care of that. Steal the
truck and drive to the Pay & Spray by the Hospital. It's a short run, but
everyone will be after you. Once inside you will loose your wanted status.
Take an easy ride back.

Submitted by: Matt Morris
First of all, I always try to cruise around in a Cheetah, Banshee, Infernus,
Stinger, etc. that's no big secret, everybody does. But I needed it
especially for this mission. Be sure to buy the Rocket Launcher because by
this way you won't get it where you shoot down the plane. After Asuka gives
the indications just hop on the fast car you should have and go directly to
Francis Intl. Airport via Porter Tunnel or the Bridge.

When you get to Francis, drive directly all through the track in which the
plane is about to land, this is where you need the fast car, because the
colombians will start shooting with their M-16's and its most likely that
they'll blow up a slow car. Besides, you also need the fast car to get in
time to Francis Airport. Anyway, when your at the end of the runway, get
down and face directly in the direction in which you can see the approaching

Shoot down the plane and the colombians will already be gone, collect the
spank. After you've gathered the pieces, hop on your car, then go and take
the nearest Dodo, and if you know how to fly it by this time of the game
than you can take it directly to the construction site ando go crash
yourself there. The Dodo won't blow up unless it's facing upside down but
you should already be running towards the elevator. Finally, enter the blue

I strongly believe this is a whole lot easier way of beating this mission,
because you never have to worry about any colombians and the police will not
be able to even catch you airborne, the chopper never attacks the Dodo.

Submitted by: Oscar Montano


REWARD - lose $500,000 and all your guns

Catalina has left you a ransom note with the corpses of Asuka and Miguel.
You are to bring $500,000 to the Cartel Mansion in Cedar Grove, Shoreside,
in exchange for Maria's life. Do whatever it takes to get that money if you
don't already have it. Beat up people, play the emergency vehicle missions,

When you're ready, go to the Cartel Mansion in Shoreside Vale. Catalina's
first and only mission will start up immediately when you come to her
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*********************************************************************** THE

REWARD - one meeelllleeeooon dollars

The guards out front will strip you of all your weapons. Catalina will take
the money. After Catalina double crosses you again and orders her men to
kill you, take the gun from the man you punched in the cutscene and run for
the garage to your right. Inside there is body armor, and a Cartel Cruiser
that you can use to make the front gates open. If the gate guards are still
there, run them over. Yes I know you can run straight for the gate, but this
way you will have full body armor and you'll be able to escape with little

You have seven minutes to find and eliminate Catalina. I'll assume the
worst, you have no tank and you didn't collect any packages for any free
weapons at your hideout. When you manage to escape the grounds, you'll see
a white helicopter fly past with Catalina and Maria inside. Follow the
helicopter over the bridge, then drive to the top of the hill and cross over
the Cochrane Dam. Go down the hill, towards the lower part of the dam,
where the Cartel has barricaded the entrance.

Use the car shield trick to kill them, then take their AK-47's. Take one of
their Cartel Cruisers and drive down the road, but stop short of the next
barricade. There is a sniper rifle hidden on the right side of the road.
Take it, because you will need it.

The auto-aimed AK-47 has a range that is a little farther than that of an
inactive enemy's vision, so use it to kill the guards at the next barricade.
Hit R1 to autoaim and kill the first guard, then when he dies, tap R1 to
shoot at the next guy. Remember in Bomb Da Base, when there were explosive
containers? There are more here. Shoot them if you see an enemy nearby
them. Use the Sniper rifle only to remove the guards high up on top of
things like the towers or the containers.

When you are about halfway along, you'll get a cutscene of the helicopter
lifting off from the dam. The helicopter from now on will fly over the dam
every so often and launch a barrage of missiles at the dam. You, however,
can avoid the blast on the first pass as long as you are on the far end of
the road away from the face of the dam.

Also when this cutscene occurs, a Barracks OL will come after you, but this
problem is easily solved by hiding behind a container away from the face of
the dam. The chopper will blow up the truck for you.

Watch out for the final push to get up the stairs at the end of the road.
There are lots of guys here, and even one packing a flame-thrower. When you
do get on the stairs, stop just before you get to the top, but can still
shoot at the guys. From here you can shoot at a few guards, but they can't
shoot back. Be careful you don't accidentally hit Maria. There is one last
guy to take care of after you eliminate the ones around Maria. Kill him,
then take the Rocket Launcher nearby. You must use it to blow up the
helicopter. When the helicopter makes another pass, shoot it down. Hope
you have good aim; its only got three shots.

After you kill the helicopter, go check on Maria, and the last major story
mission in the game will end. You'll get to view the ending sequence now.
Congratulations, you have completed story mode! But, unless you have been
doing all the minimissions along the way, this game is far from finished.
It's time for you to finish up everything you passed by first. I hope you
did everything in Portland when I told you to do it before you made the
gangs there angry...

If you DO have the sniper rifle or rocket launcher at your hideout, then
this mission will be a cakewalk. You can either snipe all of the guards at
a distance, or blow them all to kingdom come. If you've got the tank it's
also easy, just blow up or smush everything that gets in your way. You can
also do this with one of your BP vehicles, preferably the BP Cheetah as you
can get those at almost any time. See the Bulletproof Vehicles section to
see what I'm talking about.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: If you have entered one of the codes that make
the pedestrians go crazy and have saved you game with it on, then this
mission will be impossible to finish. Maria and the guards will keep
killing each other once you see the cutscene of the helicopter lifting off
from the dam. Those codes are permanent, and cannot be undone. The only
way out is to restart your game.

There used to be a method from a reader here of shooting the helicopter at a
distance before the cutscene, but after numerous complaints that it doesn't
work, I've taken it down.

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This guy is my favorite boss.


REWARD - $10,000

You must drive-by 20 Nines in 2 and a half minutes in this mission. They
look like the Red Jacks, only they are wearing purple shirts instead of red
ones. On the boards at, somebody recommended to use a
tank. The mission should be very easy then. MLong001 confirmed that
turrent kills DO count in this mission.

As you have an Uzi with infinite ammo, spray the sidewalks liberally with
bullets. Drive slowly so you can shoot more accurately. Only drive-by
kills count, so don't try to cheat by taking them down on foot.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: This is the mission I warned you about above.
Sometimes this mission gets bugged up, and the Niners won't be walking
around on the streets. So, you won't be able to kill them and finish the
mission, you won't be able to do the rest of D-Ice's missions, and you won't
be able to get 100% completion! If you're infected with the bug, then
pretty much the only thing you can do is start over.

I would be most appreciative if somebody would send me another way to
correct this bug! I'm kind of getting desperate looking for solutions, so
please send them to me. This is the only exception to the ban on submitting
walkhthroughs to my guide. If these don't work, then notify me and I will
remove them. These are only for PREVENTING you from getting the bug. If
you already have it, then you'll have to start over.

You are only allowed to defeat D-Ice's missions once per set of game files.
After beating RUMBLE the first time, on your next games the Red Jacks will
never show up. Making extra save files won't work if you already beat UZI
MONEY once on a set of files. You'll have to delete that GTA3 cube on the
memory card screen when starting up your PS2, and totally begin again from

RMCB says that "You dont need to wipe your GTA3 files, it happens randomly,"
but I still think that cleaning your memory card of that GTA3 Cube increases
your chances. Also, DontEmailMe says to try to "copy your save file to
another memory card before the mission." Becca Hallmark further reports
cheats have no effect on the Purple Nines bug.

I know you've probably been bombarded (to put it lightly) about the topic,
but I figured I'd give it a shot and send in the little information I know.
The bug seems to only occur once D-Ice's missions are complete. Once the
Rumble happens, the Purple Nines just stop appearing. If you save the game,
and then start a new one, the Purple Nines just won't appear because the bug
seems to revolve around how the game is saved and loaded.

What I did was just start the game without a memory card in it, let it load
a fresh, new game, and save that game onto the same card. From what I've
seen, this works. I've even tried loading from the original save with D-Ice
missions complete, saving that, then re-loading the new game and still
having the Purple Nines appear. I even checked it out from the start of the
game by grabbing a car and using the Flying cheat to get to Shoreside Vale
and checking out the Witchita Gardens area. The place had plenty of Purple
Nines roaming around where the new game started from the original save had
none around.

Submitted by: Jason S



REWARD - $5,000

You need to find the TOYZ van, and use the explosive RC cars inside to
destroy the armored cars circling the city. You have five RC cars (counting
the one you start in), and there are three trucks, so you can afford two
accidental blow-ups. This mission is pretty easy, so I don't really need to
discuss strategy.


REWARD - $20,000

In this mission, D-Ice's Infernus has been rigged with a bomb, and he needs
you to take it to a garage in Saint Mark's to have it defused.

First, follow the dot to the car, then take it and CAREFULLY drive it to
Portland. You need to be delicate with this car, cause all it takes is one
or two decent crashes to blow it up.

Don't worry about when you get into Saint Mark's, because the Mafia won't
shoot at you in this mission. After the car has been taken care of at the
garage, drive it back to Wichita Gardens in Shoreside. If the car was
damaged during the transport, it will have to be repaired.

This mission repeats over and over at D-Ice's phone even after you've beaten
it. This is only so you can get a better time for this mission on your
status screen in the pause menu. Don't worry, you only have to beat this
mission once and never again.


REWARD - $25,000

There was a plane transporting platinum, and it crashed. You need to gather
up 30 pieces of platinum spread out over Pike Creek, and take it to the
garage D-Ice has. The platinum will weigh down your car and make it slower,
so remember to drop it off on regular trips. Be sure to get a heavy vehicle
like a van, because they won't lose as much speed as a light and speedy car,
like say the Infernus. Don't take too much at the same time or the police
will try to stop you too.


REWARD - $10,000

The Nines have challenged the Red Jacks to a fight. D-Ice tells you to go
pick up his brother and he'll tell you where to go.

He says to head for the park near Wichita Gardens. He also says that you
can only use baseball bats, no guns and no cars. The easiest way to kill
off the mob of Nines is to get them bunched up, and swing your bat like mad.
A swing will take out multiple guys, and then you can smack several of
them on the ground at the same time. You're now done with D-Ice.
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REWARD - $40,000

To begin this mission, take the Patriot in the park near Whichita Gardens.
You have 5 minutes to collect 20 checkpoints in any order. For every passed
checkpoint, you'll get 15 seconds.

To begin, take checkpoint 1 from the hill on the left side of the dirt road.
Next, grab checkpoint 2 on the hill on the other side. Don't drive
directly to it, go around the steep ledge on the left.

Now, you have to grab the ones on the mountainside. A suitable spot to
begin climbing is right behind checkpoint 2 that you grabbed. Grab
checkpoint 3 to the left, then climb up to the set of checkpoints 4 and 5 to
gain extra time. When you get those, climb over the top of the cliff, then
drive carefully left to checkpoint 6. Now, carefully drive along the top of
the cliff to checkpoint 7 on the far right side. You have now gathered up
all the checkpoints on the clifface here.

Now, drive onto the street here in Cedar Grove; you should be near a spot
where there's no railing. Go up the street a little, and take checkpoint 8
precariously positioned next to the edge of the cliff.

Continue up the hill, and when you get near the uncompleted tunnel, go
offroad on the right. You should be able to easily reach checkpoint 9 in
this area. Go up a long ways and checkpoint 10 will also be easily reached.
You're halfway there. Go left to get easy, easy checkpoint 11.

Now, go left and drive along the cliff behind the mansions in Cedar Grove.
Get checkpoint 12, then go down towards the city to get checkpoint 13.
Don't let the view distract you, or you'll fall off. Stay near the edge to
find checkpoint 14. Checkpoint 15 is thankfully further away from the
cliff, but its a bit slow-going to get up to it.

Carefully move down the mountain, and don't go too fast or you'll lose
control. Snag checkpoint 16, again near the deadly edge of the cliff.
Checkpoint 17 is WAY up, but your Patriot it capable of making it. After
you do that, carefully go down again. Checkpoint 18 is positioned near the
cliff again, but this time be careful because its on a downhill slope.

The last two checkpoints are cinches. Drive back away from the cliff. You
should be able to reach checkpoint 19 easily, as its in a relatively smooth
area, well, compared to what we've been through! Lastly, grab checkpoint 20
over the tunnel entrance here to finish the level.
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REWARD - $1,000 per gang car destroyed

The TOYZ van is behind some billboards behind the apartment building that's
your hideout. You have 2 minutes to blow up as many Hoods Rumpo XL vans as
possible. The best place to go hunting for them is the four-lane road
coming down from the s-curves on the hill.


7: Import/Export Garage/Emergency Vehicle Crane


This garage is located at the Portland Docks in Trenton, on the side of the
harbor that has the new freighter, not the broken-down one you have to
destroy in the "Bomb Da Base" mission. The people in this garage are
interested in these models of cars, written on a sign next to their door:

Mr. Whoopee

Bring one of each to their garage. You'll be paid $1,500 for each car. For
delivering all of them, you'll get $200,000, and icons representing the cars
you delivered inside the garage. Pick up an icon and you'll get to drive
out with the car it represents an infinite amount of times. You must
deliver EVERY car before the icons will appear. You won't get any icons for
delivering one car, half the cars, or even one car short of completion. You
need ALL of the cars.

Before I provide hints, I must give a few tips about finding cars around the
city. The car you are driving tends to cause cars on the road to appear
that are similar to it. Sports cars tend to spawn other sports cars, large
trucks tend to spawn other large trucks, etc. Also, the car park in Newport
in Staunton Island also goes by this rule. Whatever you drive in there with
will cause similar cars to be parked around. The cars that are always tend
to be in the garage though are Taxis, Blistas, Stallions, Esperantons, and
Rumpos. Also, try doing the Firefighter or Vigilante Emergency Vehicle
missions. You could end up pursuing rare vehicles like Trashmasters, Mr.
Whoopees, or Stretches.

I'll provide actual locations where the cars are parked, and then hints
below on the best places to look for these cars on the street. The cars are
listed in alphabetical order.

- Staunton Island/Newport/the parking lot outside Asuka's condo.
- Staunton Island/Newport/in a garage in the alley behind the car park.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/in parking lot behind hideout.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- Portland/Portland Beach/on the beach below Salvatore's mansion.
- Portland/Saint Marks/AMCO Gas Station.
- Portland/Saint Marks/Marco's Bistro.
- Portland/Saint Marks/Easy Credit Autos.
- Staunton Island/Aspatria/stadium parking lot.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/oceanside park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- nowhere
- anywhere in Portland Stauton Island, more common in Staunton Island.
It's a bit difficult getting one to appear. They seem to show up around the
stadium very early in the morning or around noon.

- Portland/Trenton/Trenton Bus Station
- anywhere in Portland Stauton Island, more common in Staunton Island.

- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/in the customs hangar (after
the mission GRAND THEFT AERO)
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/near the helipad
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/in a hangar near the runway
the 747's take off on
- nowhere

- nowhere
- anywhere in Portland or Staunton Island, more common in Staunton Island.
Most appear around the stadium at Aspatria in Staunton Island in the early

- Portland/Callahan Point/Greasy Joe's Cafe parking lot
- Portland/Portland Docks/to the south of the entrance, near some trailers
- anywhere in Portland Stauton Island, more common in Staunton Island. Most
appear around the stadium at Aspatria in the afternoon.

- Portland/Callahan Point/Greasy Joe's Cafe parking lot.
- Portland/Hepburn Heights/In front of the Head Radio Building.
- Portland/Saint Marks/In a small parking lot south of Easy Credit Autos.
- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/parking lot from the mission KINGDOM COME.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- nowhere
- anywhere in the city, most common in Shoreside Vale
- An easier way to get one is to play the I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM mission by El
Burro, and instead of detonating Mr. Whoopee, simply shoot the guys who come
out to the ice cream truck. I've spotted Mr. Whoopee on occasion in Porter
Tunnel in Shoreside Vale, near the Wichita Gardens entrance. Try hunting
around down there.

####################################################################### Look
on Shoreside Vale, In Cedar Creek, by the Cartel Mansion at 13:30 to 15:00
for Mr. Whoopie. I think he really shows up about 2:05, but I'd rather be
safe than sorry when it comes to such a ***** of a vehicle to find.

Submitted by: Ira

- Portland/Portland Docks/parking lot.
- Portland/Portland Docks/underneath a warehouse's awning.
- Staunton Island/Aspatria/stadium parking lot.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland

- Portland/Trenton/Supa Save (cancel PATRIOT PLAYGROUND mission).
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/oceanside park (cancel GRIPPED!
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland

- Portland/Chinatown/In an alley near the basketball court.
- Portland/Trenton/AMCO Building.
- Portland/Trenton/Behind Supa Save.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Portland/Saint Marks/8-Ball's Bomb Shop.
- Portland/Trenton/Liberty Saw Mill.
- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/underground car park.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/central area, where the large
spider-like building is.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/behind a building near the
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

A little off topic, but there is a special black Rumpo you can collect
during the game. In the mission UNDER SURVEILLANCE by Asuka, where you have
to eliminate the Mafia spies, you'll find a few of your targets in a black
Rumpo. This is the only black Rumpo in the game. The only special thing
about it is it's color.

- nowhere
- anywhere in the city, but its difficult getting one to appear. Try saving
the one you get to keep after the DECOY mission, blowing up the van from the
VAN HEIST mission in your garage, or looking for one during the ESCORT
SERVICE mission. Or you could drive around the stadium. Also, try NOT
looking for it. This may seem strange, but it seems like if you are not
searching for Securicars, more will appear!

In your FAQ it says to get a Securicar to drive around the stadium, for some
people this works, and for other is doesn't. I spent weeks driving around
the stadium and never found one, it was the last car I needed for the import
garage, and was really pissing me off.

I found another more reliable source for Securicars. Go to the front of
Love's place (Staunton isle) at approx. 9:20 every morning one will drive by
on the opposite side of the street. For me at least it is always there.

Submitted by: BJ Shaprio

- nowhere
- anywhere in Portland or Stauton Island, early in the morning or early
evening. One particular hotspot for them is the Callahan Bridge at the
above time.

- Portland/Portland Docks/near the shipping containers where the new
freighter is.
- Portland/Portland Docks/near the shipping containers where the old
freighter is/used to be.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.


This crane is located next to the new freighter, not the old Cartel one.
Park your emergency vehicle in the area marked with yellow caution stripes
and the crane will lift the vehicle on the ship. There is no list of
vehicles, so I'll say which ones you need:

Police car
Barracks OL
Fire Truck

You'll get $1,500 per vehicle delivered, and $200,000 after all are
delivered, plus an icon representing each vehicle you've delivered for
endless amounts of these cars. You must deliver EVERY car before the icons
will appear. You won't get any icons for delivering one car, half the cars,
or even one car short of completion. You need ALL of the cars.

Before I dispense my advice, I'll give you BBoyLofty's hint on collecting
Emergency vehicles easily:

I just thought I'd give a helpful hint on completing the EV Crane
"Quest". The easiest way I've found on getting a FBI Car or any other
difficult emergency car is to lure them to the crane, by doing so after they
ram you they will get out of their car and attempt to pull you out. Now if
positioned correctly, when they ram into you and get out, their car will be
under the crane.

Once they approach your vehicle floor the gas and get away because since
they are out of the vehicle the magnet will pull the EV away. I have tried
seeing if the crane would pull an EV with people in it, but it only works
with an empty EV. I have tested this numerous times with all the EVs and it
works like a charm.

Submitted by: BBoyLofty

These are the best places to find these vehicles:

- Portland/Portland View/police station
- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/police station
- Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/police station
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/helipad.
- anywhere in the city.

Staunton Island/Beford Point/police station back parking lot. Use a police
vehicle to open the automated gate.
- will begin chasing you after getting a four star wanted level.

- nowhere
- this is probably the hardest of all the emergency vehicles to get, as
there's absolutely no other way to get one other than getting a five-star
wanted level.

My fav way to get one is to get a five-star wanted level in Staunton, then
lure them towards the hideout where I burn the guys with the AK-47's using a
Molotov Cocktail or a Flame-thrower when they jump out of the car. Be sure
to take cover while they burn because they can ignore the fire for awhile.
This kills the agents and keeps the car relatively unharmed. Place the FBI
car in your garage, then save your game. Load your game and there will be
no police after you.

Another way to get the FBI Car is to lure one down into your hideout, but
not too far into it. Make sure it stays on the exit ramp or something.
Now, run away from the car when the agents leap out, then hide out of sight
of the FBI agents, like near the save elevator. Sometimes when you run back
out, the agents will vanish and you can take the car without having to

The last way to do it that I can think of is to get an FBI Car to again
chase you into your hideout, then get all the Police Bribes if you've earned
them. If you can get your wanted level down all the way, you can grab their
car and only get one star.

Try testing out the Best Locations to Fight the Police section near the
bottom of the FAQ. Most of those locations are also good locations to snag
an FBI Car.

Head to the multilevel parking garage in Staunton, and cause a nice ruckus
in any way you like. Once the police are suitably mad (three stars?), I
prefer to run up to the second (or is it first and a half?) floor where I
can see through to the entrance gate, and snipe the cops as they run in.

Once I've gotten five stars, I get into the fastest but also most durable
thing I can find in the garage, and BACK out one of the entrances. As soon
as you hear the sirens, race back in, and with any lucky you'll have one or
two FBI cars following you in! Now, they'll probably batter themselves up on
the pillars and other parked cars, and they sure don't take those ramps very
well. ;)
Eventually you'll get them out of the car, and it's then a simple matter of
running them over (if your car got smashed up luring them in, grab another
in case their AK's ignite the engine). Now you've got their (probably
smoking) car.

Hop in, drive up to the roof, and use the Insane Stunt ramp to jump off!
With any luck, you'll land safely in the park across the street. Then, drive
like hell down the hill towards Asuka's condo, but duck into the alley, up
the ramp, and into the paintshop! This has worked for me several times. I'm
trying to figure out if there's a way to somehow use the 'down' ramp on the
northern side of the roof to somehow get over the edge and straight into the
courtyard next to the paint shop.

Submitted by: Steve Webber

- Staunton Island/Rockford/behind the automated gate at Phil's Army Surplus
Store. If prior to ARMS SHORTAGE, use the alley behind a warehouse to get
around the locked gate (submitted by Fred Changon)
- will begin to chase you after gettin a six star wanted level

- Staunton Island/Rockford/behind the automated gate at Phil's Army Surplus
Store. You must have defeated THE EXCHANGE mission or the tank will be
- will begin to chase you after getting a six star wanted level.

- Portland/Portland View/hospital.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital.
- Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/hospital.
- will appear on the scene if you kill some people. Use the Baseball Bat to
make one appear, because bat kills don't attract much police attention.

- Portland/Saint Marks/fire station.
- Staunton Island/Aspatria/fire station.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/parked near the road leading
to the airfield.
- will appear on the scene if you burn some people. Use the Moltov Cocktail
or the Flamethrower to make one appear. Be careful, this will attract much
police attention.


This garage is located in the Cochrane area. Turn right after going over the
bridge that crosses over the valley to Cedar Grove. Go up the hill a little
and after the first corner you'll find the place. The people here are
interested in these models of cars, written on a sign next to the door:

BF Injection

Bring one of each to their garage. You'll be paid $1500 for each car. For
delivering all of them, you'll get $200,000, and each car you delivered will
now have an icon inside the garage. Pick up an icon and you'll get to drive
out with the car it represents. You can do this an infinite amount of
times. You must deliver EVERY car before the icons will appear. You won't
get any icons for delivering one car, half the cars, or even one car short
of completion. You need ALL of the cars.

Before I provide hints, I must give a few tips about finding cars around the
city. The car you are driving tends to cause cars on the road to appear
that are similar to it. Sports cars tend to spawn other sports cars, large
trucks tend to spawn other large trucks, etc. Also, the car park in Newport
in Staunton Island also goes by this rule. Whatever you drive in there with
will cause similar cars to be parked around. The cars that are always tend
to be in the garage though are Taxis, Blistas, Stallions, Esperantons, and
Rumpos. Also, try doing the Firefighter or Vigilante Emergency Vehicle
missions. You could end up pursuing rare vehicles like Trashmasters, Mr.
Whoopees, or Stretches.

I'll provide actual locations where the cars are parked, and then hints
below on the best places to look for these cars on the street. The cars are
listed in alphabetical order.

- Portland/Saint Marks/the showroom of Easy Credit Autos.
- Staunton Island/Newport/in the parking lot outside Asuka's condo.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Torrington/Kenji's casino.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/in the parking lot on the S-curves.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- there is only one known place where this car can be found. Go to Hepburn
Heights in Portland around 19:00 to 24:00, and it will be near the phone El
Burro calls you on. You have to beat the SAYONARA SALVATORE mission before
it appears.
- nowhere

- Portland/Trenton/Mean Street Taxis.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/parked in the driveway of a mansion.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- Portland/Chinatown/old school hall.
- Portland/Saint Marks/AMCO Gas Station.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Portland/Chinatown/old school hall.
- Portland/Trenton/Supa Save.
- Staunton Island/Aspatria/stadium parking lot.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Torrington/Kenji's casino.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- Portland/Harwood/in front of the Head Radio building.
- Portland/Portland Docks/parking lot.
- Portland/Saint Marks/Easy Credit Autos.
- Portland/Saint Marks/Momma's Restaurant.
- Portland/Harwood/in front of the Head Radio building.
- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/parking lot from the mission KINGDOM COME.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital.
- Staunton Island/Torrington/in the AMCO Building's underground car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/parked in a parking lot beneath the bridge.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Shoreside Vale.

- Staunton Island/Belleville Park/in the park near the cabin (cancel the A
RIDE IN THE PARK mission).
- Staunton Island/Newport/parking lot outside Asuka's condo.
- Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/parked in the driveway of one of the mansions.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/parked in a parking lot beneath the bridge.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Staunton

- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Torrington/in the AMCO Building's underground car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Portland/Chinatown/Parked on the side of the road, down the street from
the police station.
- Portland/Portland Docks/parking lot.
- Portland/Saint Marks/Easy Credit Autos.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Portland/Saint Marks/Marco Bistro.
- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/police station.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Torrington/Kenji's casino.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- Portland/Hepburn Heights/near the park with El Burro's phone.
- Portland/Trenton/AMCO building.
- Staunton Island/Aspatria/stadium parking lot.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Staunton Island/Rockford/hospital parking lot.
- Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/in the parking lot on the S-curves.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in the city, most common in Portland.

- Staunton Island/Bedford Point/parking lot from the mission KINGDOM COME.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/parked in the driveway of one of the mansions.
- anywhere in Stauton Island or Shoreside Vale, more common in Shoreside

- nowhere.
- anywhere in Shoreside Vale or Staunton Island, most common at late night
and early morning. One hotspot for them is around the Francis International
Airport in Shoreside Vale at the above time. Off topic, but below is a way
to get a special black Stretch.

The Mafia limo you use for 2 missions in Portland is a special "jet black"
color. There are 4 colors: white, gray, black, and then there is a black
like the FBI cars. If you put all 4 next to each other you would agree. Some
people won't believe me about that either but I know its true because I have
the Mafia limo. Since it wont fit in Portland's garage you have to go on the
bridge, but it will be broken so turn the flying car code on than fly
across. Then put it in the Stanton garage and blow it up. The garage will
fix it.

Submitted by: FLiPNiNeX3

- Portland/Saint Marks/in a small park across the street from the entrance
to Salvatore's mansion.
- Staunton Island/Newport/inside the car park.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/in front of airport entrance.
- Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/airport parking lot.
- anywhere in the city.


8: Bulletproof Vehicles

These are a handful of vehicles you can obtain during the game that are
bulletproof. You can still blow them up by crashing them, flipping over, or
falling in water though, so watch for that. They are only bulletproof.
Some of these vehicles are also explosion proof and rocketproof.


This is the easiest of the bulletproof vehicles to obtain. It's also the
only one you can get legally. Simply defeat the MARKED MAN mission done by
Ray in Shoreside Vale. It's only bulletproof, not explosionproof or


I am most grateful to King Vinsfeld for discovering this awesome trick to
get a bulletproof Cheetah, and to the guys at the GTA3
messageboard who invented the best way to capture one of these beauties.
This is NO LIE!

What you must do is play the TURISMO mission in Portland, done by El Burro
on the phone in Hepburn Heights. Get a Coach, and go to the starting line,
and make sure you're facing the opposite direction from the racers. When
the race begins, head for your hideout, and block the street that goes by
your hideout. Make sure the Coach curves towards the alley. Let the
civilian cars get stacked up behind you, because it will help keep you
steady in the crash you're about to have.

Wait here until the timer gets to about 100. At about that time, the racing
Cheetahs will approach from the Hepburn Heights area, going the wrong way
down the road. Move so that one of them will collide with you, and
hopefully the driver will be forced into your hideout alley.

Now, you have to shove the Cheetah into your garage. Hopefully it will flip
over and you won't need to worry about the driver crashing into everything.
Wait until the mission ends or the car might disappear from the garage if
you push it in. Rob has also discovered that excessive use of the tank
cheat can contribute to the car disappearing. Don't worry about blowing up
the racing Cheetah because it's indestructible, except for the tank's
rammings. You might want to leave something tough like a Patriot in your
garage in case your Coach blows up while you are ramming the Cheetah. The
Patriot is excellent for ramming because it can get up to speed quickly and
can absorb much damage.

Also, don't let the Cheetah get out of your sight, or it may vanish from the
area. Try the overhead cam. After you manage to ram the Cheetah into the
garage, the driver will get "eaten" by the garage (can't think of a better
word) and the doors will be unlocked, plus the vehicle will be repaired. It
will even do this if the Cheetah is blown up or flipped. You are now the
proud owner of a bulletproof Cheetah. Enjoy! :) It's also explosion proof
and flameproof.

One thing that I just discovered that no FAQ's seem to have mentioned is
that when you take an adrenaline pill you can push vehicles with your
character. I discovered this when my garage ate a cop, and I backed up onto
one of the police bribes in the hangout in Portland making my wanted level
nil. I looked over and there was another police car, which was up against
the adrenaline pill. I promptly blew up this officer and ran over to get his
gun and accidentally hit the pill and pushed his car. So I then pushed it
into the garage (on foot) and ended up with a police car.

So I followed the suggestion to use a bus to push a car into the hangout.
The BP Cheetah flipped over and I waited to the end of the race and the guy
got out. With the bus I pushed the cheetah into the hangout area, got out,
grabbed the adrenaline pill and pushed the cheetah into the garage, bingo
one cheetah. :)

The tricky part is to try and get the cheetah as close to the garage as
possible, but once you get out and push on foot it is easy. It is easier to
actually push the cars using adrenaline when they have already exploded, or
when they are actually right side up, so after the driver has exited the car
try to flip the car with the bus.

Submitted by: Mike Wilson


Here's the trick for a BP Securicar of your own. During the Joey's Van Heist
mission you'll follow a van, which Joey actually tells you, is bullet proof.
During the mission you damage the van until the driver runs and you steal
However, don't take it to the Securicar Cracking Garage. Instead take it to
your own garage.

However, when the garage door closes the van is still in the mission and
won't yet be in your possession. So after making sure you've parked it all
the way in (I still had a corner of my tail light out but that seemed ok).
Then blow it up. Preferably in a way which doesn't knock it clear of the
garage. Mission over message will show. Then let garage door close. The van
will be repaired and it will also be bullet proof.

Submitted by: Bryan Smith, and thought up by FLiPNiNeX3


Again I would like to thank all the guys at the GTA3 messageboard for coming
up with this trick to get you a nearly totally indestructible Bobcat (minus
getting rammed by a tank, or hitting too many walls.) This is one of the
trickiest of all the bulletproof vehicles to obtain IMO.

What you must do is play the mission EVIDENCE DASH by Ray. Track down the
Bobcat carrying the evidence. Hit him once to get your wanted level to two,
then get your car resprayed or something to get rid of your wanted level.
After doing that, take the Barracks OL from the Army Surplus Store (go
around behind the building by the alley if you haven't beaten ARMS SHORTAGE
yet, because the gate will be locked before you beat that mission.)

Now, what you must do is get to the Bobcat, and force it to roll over on its
roof so it can't move. After you do that, wait for a while, and the game
will say the car is a decoy, and the driver will get out. Now, flip the
Bobcat over on it's roof again, and push it back to your hideout, because
the doors will still be locked even after the guy gets out. Be quick about
it, because the Bobcat will vanish if you take too long.

After you successfully get it to your garage, you will have an almost
totally indestructible Bobcat, except for the fact a tank running over it
will still blow it up quick. The Bobcat is bulletproof, explosionproof, and


I was going through your FAQ, particularly the bulletproof car section, and
just wanted to let you know the Barracks OL in the Arms Dealer's compound is
bulletproof as well. I discovered this as I tried to detonate it after
blocking the gate, to kill the Colombians that were stuck behind it. I
doubled checked it after sticking it in my garage in Staunton, by emptying
about twenty shotgun shells at it, point-blank. I haven't checked to see if
it's flame-retardant and blast-proof, however (didn't think of it until I
noticed the BP Bobcat and Cheetah are such).

Submitted by: John A. Volovar

NOTE BY THE AUTHOR: The Barracks OL at Phil's Army Surplus Store is ONLY
bulletproof during the mission ARMS SHORTAGE, so be sure to take it back to
your hideout at that time.


This vehicle can be obtained in the "Salvatores called a meeting" mission
from Toni. Once you visit Toni, head to Joey's but DON'T go into the blue
field. Instead, park a vehicle near the wall on the side of the building,
then enter the speed-up cheat code twice, then run between the vehicle and
the wall, this will cause you to walk-through the wall.

Then enter the Stretch and backup into the blue field, the vehicle will
regenerate. Afterwards, drive it to your Staunton hideout by flying over the
Callahan bridge (using the CAR CAN FLY code). Head to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop,
rig the car with a timer bomb, then activate the car bomb in your garage and
leave, don't let the door shut! After the vehicle explodes, walk out letting
the door shut, so the vehicle regenerates.

Submitted by: Jimmy
I thought I'd point out to you that with the confusing directions on how to
walk through the wall in order to get the everything-proof stretch, at least
I had no idea how to do it. You can simply enter the blue area, drive out
with Joey, fly the car over the bride, rig it, and blow it up in the garage.
You fail the mission (thus killing Joey), but you still have the car. It
seems like a much less confusing way to obtain it.
Submitted by: Nick
When my friend came over to play GTA 3, he needed that stretch (everything
proof) so we read your part on it. After reading it we noticed what Nick
said about how confusing it was and how he just did all that other stuff. We
tried it. It didn't work. Ya it was in our garage but it wasn't everything
proof. We ended up getting killed by testing it and it blew up in our face.
Then we tried out your method after getting really mad. It worked and we
were happy and parked it in our stanton garage. Just the only reason that
Nick couldn't get it is because you don't back it up into the blue field.
Instead, you back it up into the wall and the car will go through the wall
where you will fall into a blue hole that we refered to as the "Blue Hell".
Then you will end up outside after losing 5 of your health or body armor.
The car you now have is all proof and this is the one you take to your

Submitted by: Daniel Tu
You can walk through the wall at Joey's without using the speed up code. I
usually use a big van, then park it almost flush against the wall, with just
a tiny amount of space between the back bumper and the wall. Then I try to
run my guy into that space and eventually he'll go through the wall. No code

Submitted by: NoXcuse999

NOTE BY THE AUTHOR: This vehicle is unlike the other bulletproof vehicles
because it can't be destroyed by ANYTHING! Not even running into stuff will
blow it up, unlike the other bulletproof vehicles.


NOTE: I'm not sure about this one, as I've never been able to get one. I
spent two solid hours trying to get it over the bridge with no success.
I've also heard it's not even really bulletproof once you get it to your
garage. If it is real, then it's the hardest of all the BP vehicles to
obtain. If you really want it that much, then read below:

In the mission "Blow Fish" by Toni he asks you to jack a trashmaster. Get
the trashmaster and take it to Staunton by the Dodo Car trick. But it in
your garage and arm the bomb. DONT LET THE DOOR CLOSE!!! After it explodes,
walk out and you now have a brand new BP/FP Trashmaster. It is not
explosionproof or damageproof.

Submitted by: Garrett Moore


9: Hidden Packages

There are 100 of these to find in the game. For every ten you find, you get
a free weapon at your hideout. This is what you will get:

10 - Handgun

20 - Uzi

30 - Grenades

40 - Shotgun

50 - Body Armor

60 - Molotov Cocktail

70 - AK-47

80 - Sniper Rifle

90 - M16

100 - Rocket launcher

NOTE: All packages marked with a "#" were submitted by Scott Bickel aka


- 33 Hidden Packages to find

PACKAGE 1 - Atlantic Quays/At the very end of the long pier, most
southeastern point of Portland

PACKAGE 2 - Callahan Point/within the fence of the large, gray building,
near the road to Callahan Bridge#

PACKAGE 3 - Callahan Point/behind the Triad Fish Factory, use a Triad Fish
Truck or a Trashmaster to open the automatic gate

PACKAGE 4 - Callahan Point/on the rocky island to the southeast of the dock
you go to in the mission LAST REQUESTS, use a boat to get there (must unlock
Staunton Island)#

PACKAGE 5 - Chinatown/on roof of building near the park with the basketball

PACKAGE 6 - Chinatown/Alley behind Roast Peking Duck#

PACKAGE 7 - Chinatown/Alley behind Hong Hung Inc.#

PACKAGE 8 - Chinatown/in the subway, near the bottom of the escalator-like
stairs (must unlock Staunton Island)

PACKAGE 9 - Harwood/Farthest northwest point of Portland, near Porter

PACKAGE 10 - Harwood/On top of the Head Radio building, jump from the el
train tracks#

PACKAGE 11 - Hepburn Heights/between apartment buildings and fence, across
the street to the west of El Burro's phone

PACKAGE 12 - Hepburn Heights/in the planter near El Burro's phone#

PACKAGE 13 - Hepburn Heights/in the trees across the street to the east of
El Burro's phone#

PACKAGE 14 - Portland Beach/on the northern walkway going around Salvatore's

PACKAGE 15 - Portland Beach/near the rock arch beneath Salvatore's mansion

PACKAGE 16 - Portland View/roof of Supa Save, jump from el train tracks#

PACKAGE 17 - Red Light District/roof of building across the street from Sex
Club 7

PACKAGE 18 - Red Light District/roof of Sex Club 7

PACKAGE 19 - Red Light District/roof of building next to Sex Club 7,
diagonally jump across to the roof on the southern side of the alley#

PACKAGE 20 - Red Light District/ inside building near the subway with
breakable glass windows

PACKAGE 21 - Saint Mark's/On top of AMCO Gas Station. Use a tall vehicle
like a fire truck to leap over the wall and land on the small concrete
building next to the station. Jump over to the station's building from

PACKAGE 22 - Saint Mark's/Inside the showroom at Easy Credit Autos, behind
breakable glass#

PACKAGE 23 - Saint Mark's/In a small parking lot across the street south of
the AMCO Gas Station#

PACKAGE 24 - Saint Mark's/behind the destoyed building facing the street
with potholes#

PACKAGE 25 - Saint Mark's/behind a slanted roof across the street from
Salvatore's mansion. Go to the small grassy area across the street from the
entrance to Salvatore's mansion, and leap over the roof here#

PACKAGE 26 - Saint Mark's/In one of the fenced-off lots in the long alleyway

PACKAGE 27 - Saint Mark's/In hobo tunnel behind 8-Ball's Bomb Shop

PACKAGE 28 - Trenton/inside the Bitchin' Dog Food Factory's fence

PACKAGE 29 - Trenton/roof of awning of big warehouse in Portland Docks, take
car up stairs of other big warehouse and jump to the awning with it#

PACKAGE 30 - Trenton/roof of Liberty Pharmaceuticals, line yourself up with
the support beam of the el train tracks crossing overhead, then make a
running leap to land on the roof. Or Pickz way is to park a tall vehicle
like a Yankee next to the roof, and make a leap for the package. You won't
get on the roof, but if you're near enough, you'll snag the icon#

PACKAGE 31 - Trenton/behind the AMCO building

PACKAGE 32 - Trenton/in grassy alleys within group of buldings across the
street from the Callahan Bridge

PACKAGE 33 - Trenton/on roof of Saw Mill, use car to leap over the fence
around the Saw Mill then climb to the roof#


- 36 Hidden Packages to find

PACKAGE 34 - Aspatria/at Bush Stadium, behind a Rockstar sign

PACKAGE 35 - Aspatria/Bush Stadium front entrance

PACKAGE 36 - Aspatria/in the alley between Uncle BJ's Deli & Grocery and the
fire station#

PACKAGE 37 - Aspatria/inside garage in Columbian compound where you rescued
the Old Oriental Gentleman in the mission LIBERATOR#

PACKAGE 38 - Aspatria/on roof under curvy bridge, leap from bridge or use
tall vehicle to climb up

PACKAGE 39 - Aspatria/in corner of tunnel underneath the curvy bridge#

PACKAGE 40 - Bedford Point/behind the church

PACKAGE 41 - Bedford Point/long alley at Hyaku Dojo, one block east of

PACKAGE 42 - Bedford Point/in front of the elevator in the AMCO building's
parking garage#

PACKAGE 43 - Bedford Point/top of AMCO building

PACKAGE 44 - Bedford Point/on second floor of room with breakable glass,
across the street west of the AMCO building

PACKAGE 45 - Bedford Point/Southern entrance to the highway road that leads
to the entrance to the Shoreside Lift Bridge, don't enter the road, look at
the doorways on the southern side of the intersection and you'll find the
package in a doorway#

PACKAGE 46 - Bedford Point/On rooftop on northern side of parking lot where
the SPANKED-up madmen attacked you in the mission KINGDOM COME

PACKAGE 47 - Bedford Point/in parking lot where the SPANKED-up madmen
attacked you in the mission KINGDOM COME

PACKAGE 48 - Bedford Point/in underground parking lot near the same parking
lot of packages 45 and 46#

PACKAGE 49 - Bedford Point/On southernmost dock of the island, behind some

PACKAGE 50 - Bedford Point/On top of pedestrian bridge

PACKAGE 51 - Bedford Point/Near the star statue near Kenji's Casino#

PACKAGE 52 - Belleville Park/beneath the bridge in the park

PACKAGE 53 - Belleville Park/inside one of the basketball courts

PACKAGE 54 - Fort Staunton/on second floor of one of the partial skyscrapers
at the construction site

PACKAGE 55 - Fort Staunton/on top beam of arch bridge to the east of the
construction site, walk up side girder to get up there#

PACKAGE 56 - Fort Staunton/underneath the green uncompleted building in the
construction site.

PACKAGE 57 - Liberty Campus/in a doorway near the St. Matthias University

PACKAGE 58 - Newport/inside a garage behind the multistory parking garage

PACKAGE 59 - Newport/second floor of parking garage near the northern ramps

PACKAGE 60 - Newport/southernmost boat dock at the cargo container area#

PACKAGE 61 - Newport/southern boat dock at Asuka's condo complex#

PACKAGE 62 - Newport/back parking lot of police station, use a police
vehicle to open the automatic gate

PACKAGE 63 - Newport/in one of the spaces in the alley on the eastern side
of the police station#

PACKAGE 64 - Newport/on top of steps at City Hall, on the north side of the
police station

PACKAGE 65 - Newport/L-shaped alley across the street from the TW@ Internet

PACKAGE 66 - Rockford/behind warehouse at Phil's Army Surplus Store

PACKAGE 67 - Rockford/on top of low roof of hospital, use a tall vehicle
like an Ambulance to jump up there

PACKAGE 68 - Staunton Island/wait for lift bridge to go all the way up, and
the package will be on the center median (musth have unlocked Shoreside

PACKAGE 69 - Torrington/corner of helipad on top of Kenji's casino#


- 31 Hidden Packages to find

NOTE - For the packages around the houses in Cedar Grove, consider the FRONT
the side of the house facing the cliff, and the BACK the side of the house
facing the mountains.

PACKAGE 70 - Cedar Grove/Behind the white house with a Stinger

PACKAGE 71 - Cedar Grove/On the front doorstep of a blue house with a

PACKAGE 72 - Cedar Grove/in the Cartel mansion's swimming pool. Use a
Cartel Cruiser to open the front gate

PACKAGE 73 - Cedar Grove/On the back doorstep of a white mansion with no car

PACKAGE 74 - Cochrane Dam/in the park at the base of the dam, near a utility

PACKAGE 75 - Cochrane Dam/At the top of the dam, western tower

PACKAGE 76 - Cochrane Dam/At the top of the dam, eastern tower

PACKAGE 77 - Cochrane Dam/On the road at the face of the dam, in the eastern

PACKAGE 78 - Cochrane Dam/On top of the building at the face of the dam.
Look near the giant pipes.

PACKAGE 79 - Francis International Airport/Behind the billboards near the

PACKAGE 80 - Francis International Airport/Inside the subway, near the train

PACKAGE 81 - Francis International Airport/behind the fire truck at the fire
truck garage

PACKAGE 82 - Francis International Airport/at the base of the large
spider-like building

PACKAGE 83 - Francis International Airport/on the helipad in the
southwestern corner of the airport

PACKAGE 84 - Francis International Airport/under broken wooden bridge, on a
dirt road off the entry road of Shoreside Vale from the lift bridge

PACKAGE 85 - Francis International Airport/underneath a plane near the
hangers on the northern side of the airport

PACKAGE 86 - Francis International Airport/underneath a plane near the
runway and the helicopters#

PACKAGE 87 - Francis International Airport/at the beginning of the runway
that extends off into the ocean, look for a ramp to find the package on the
lower level#

PACKAGE 88 - Francis International Airport/runway that extends towards
Staunton Island, very end and on the lower level#

PACKAGE 89 - Pike Creek/on top of a crate behind the Burke warehouse. Use a
tall vehicle to get up there, or leap off from the street above

PACKAGE 90 - Pike Creek/behind the hospital

PACKAGE 91 - Pike Creek/On top of a storage garage building behind the
police station

PACKAGE 92 - Pike Creek/behind the Import/Export garage in a fenced-off lot.
Use a tall vehicle like the Ambulance to jump over the fence and get the

PACKAGE 93 - Pike Creek/In a fenced-off area behind the Liberty
Pharmaceuticals warehouse. This one however has an open spot in the fence
to let you get to the package

PACKAGE 94 - Pike Creek/Turtle Head storage garages, rooftop, use stairs,
jump to awning of next building#

PACKAGE 95 - Pike Creek/Behind Turtle Head storage garages#

PACKAGE 96 - Wichita Gardens/Inside a graffiti-covered tunnel near the
Wichita Gardens entrance to Porter Tunnel

PACKAGE 97 - Wichita Gardens/Next to the picnic tables in the park#

PACKAGE 98 - Wichita Gardens/Between the apartment buildings where the
Cartel Cruiser is parked

PACKAGE 99 - Wichita Gardens/In the doorway of an apartment building, facing
a parking lot with a Kuruma

PACKAGE 100 - Wichita Gardens/Behind your hideout, behind the TOYZ van


10: Rampages Walkthrough

This is triggered by special icon you can find which will start up a
Rampage, where you are supposed to kill a certain amount of something with a
particular weapon in 120. You'll get $5,000 for completing the first
rampage, $10,000 for the second, and so on and so on until you get
$1,000,000 for the last one.

If you can, do these rampages before you make the gangs angry. That way you
can fire freely at them and they won't shoot back. My guide assumes that
you have already made the gangs angry, and that you're not using these handy
tips below.

All you need to do is have one star in your wanted level, and have a
policeman follow you when you pick up the icon. When the rampage starts the
policeman will still follow you, but because he is there the gangs won't
shoot at you. Leaving you to freely pop them off without any hassle. Except
for a policeman that randomly punches you in the back of the head.

Submitted by: Darren Ackers
The Rhino cannon will work on ANY rampage that doesn't require a headshot
(for example, the Yardie/Sniper Rifle rampage in Staunton). You don't have
to use the Uzi at all, although if you are on an Uzi or Drive-By mission,
those will count as normal.

Furthermore, running over vehicles will count on missions where vehicles are
the target (i.e. the Rocket Launcher rampage in Portland), but running over
gang members won't count. It's hard to shoot people with the Rhino turret,
so I recommend aiming at walls, vehicles, or poles/trees. The resulting
explosions should kill any passerby gang-banners.

Submitted by: Daniel Feit


RAMPAGE 1 - Destroy 13 vehicles in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Rocket Launcher
LOCATION 1 - Inside the building's courtyard that is across the street from
the old school hall/Trenton
LOCATION 2 - Inside the fence of the big building just to the east of Greasy
Joe's Diner/Callahan Point

Location 2 is better because if you start blowing up cars at location 1,
then vigilante citizens will come after you. It's really hard to kill them
with the rocket launcher without killing yourself. You'll have to get in
your car and drive-by them, wasting time.

Location 2 is near a highway that has no pedestrians, so you can blow up
cars without much interruption. Go west down the highway, in the opposite
direction of traffic. Use a car because you move very slowly when holding a
rocket launcher. Cars should come down the freeway towards you. Blow them
up. When you get to Greasy Joe's Diner, there are three freebie vehicles for
you to blow up there.

Continue gradually moving down the highway. After destroying 12 cars,
destroy the car you are driving to make it 13.

I highly recommend location number 1, the building across the street from
the old school hall. Here are some good tips:

[1] Before you start the rampage, steal some passing cars from the
intersection and gather them inside the building. I've never managed to
store more than 3 cars, but that'll help.

[2] Start the rampage, blow up whatever cars you've stored. Try to pick off
any passing traffic you see. Be very careful about hurting yourself.

[3] Run inside the building, grab the police bribe if necessary, and then
run up the ramp at the other side of the building. From here, you can easily
shoot at passing traffic with no heroes running up and punching you. Even
better, the cops can't get you either. This rampage is officially a cinch.

Submitted by: Daniel Feit

RAMPAGE 2 - Kill 25 Triads in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - Inside the building's courtyard that is across the street from
the park/Chinatown
LOCATION 2 - Back of Supa Save/Trenton

At location 1, when you start killing Triads, Triad Fish Vans will come
after you, and that could be a pretty big problem. If you get the icon at
location 2, Triads will start appearing in the area, even though it's not
their usual territory. The advantage to this is that there won't be any
gang cars backing them up.

Get in a car and drive-by them. I think this is the best way to kill them.
If you can, get hold of a bulletproof vehicle or a Rhino. Shoot one Triad,
and a bunch of other Triads should run right over. While they rush over to
wrench the door open, you can shoot them full of holes. Also, if you have a
tank, you can use the cannon to get your score higher. You have to be doing
a drive-by for it to count.

RAMPAGE 3 - Murder 30 Diablos in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - The alley behind the building across the street from Sex Club
7/Red Light District
LOCATION 2 - Behind the old school hall in the park/Chinatown

I favor location 2 because it is out of Diablo territory, and it has a place
you can go where you are easily sheltered from attack while killing the
Diablos. Even though the Diablos only have baseball bats, they'll gang up
on you a lot. Once, I must have had at least 20 of them after me at the
same time! You need to be careful not to get surrounded while fighting
them. Run away if you get caught in a pack of them.

At location 2, grab the attention of the Diablos, then run to the fenced-off
area under the bridge where the seven car ramps are. The Diablos will have
a real hard time trying to get around the low fence. While they are all
confused, you can stand out of reach of their bats and shoot them with your
M16 through the fence.

You can do this at the basketball court too, but it's harder to keep the
Diablos from getting inside with you. If you want to do it this way, run
over the ramp in the basketball court and jumping down outside the court.
The Diablos will have a hard time following you over the ramp and will get
stuck behind the chain-link fence.

I also prefer the area near the basketball courts, but I did this Rampage
from a slightly different spot than you. I did this both with and without
the car, but to save space I'll just tell you the car method. (Same place,
just without the car and a little bit more challenge.)

n the Old School Hall parking lot there are usually a couple of
"PimpMobiles" as I call them (Idaho, Esperanto, etc.). Swipe one and drive
over to the Rampage icon. Grab it and get back into the car. Aim yourselfso
you're heading between the basketball courts and the infamous 7 lifts area.
There is a small grassy hill here. Park on top of it. Get out of the car and
jump on top of the car. Aim for the nearest Diablo you see.

When the chaos starts, just take them out as fast as you can and shoot the
closest ones first. They won't shoot at you until they are right up against
the car and they can't swing at you while you're standing up there. They are
pretty much baffled by the fact that you're not on the ground and aren't too
much of a threat to you. I guess Spank does that to a person. ;) If you run
out of targets just turn towards either the lifts or the b-ball court for a
couple seconds. When you turn back around there will be targets. Doing this,
even the most hand-eye coordination challenged person can do this Rampage
and still come out squeaky clean. ;)

Submitted by: Yamama

RAMPAGE 4 - Kill 20 Mafia in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - In a small parking lot to the east of Momma's Restaurant, on
the same block/Saint Mark's
LOCATION 2 - In the long alley a block south of Momma's Restaurant, first
lot on the left if going uphill/Saint Mark's (thanks to SweetPimp324)

I don't really like Location 2 because it has little cover to hide from the
Mafia's deadly shotguns. The alley's is a good place to hide from the
shotgun guys, but it wastes a lot of time.

At location 1, run out into the four lane street, because more Mafia guys
spawn there. Shoot some, and a lot more will come to you. Kill as many as
you can, but when you hear a shotgun go off, RUN AWAY! You cannot stand up
to someone with a shotgun when all you have is an
AK-47. Go through the parking lot then return to the four lane street and
the shotgun guys might disappear. You can now kill more of them.

RAMPAGE 5 - Kill 20 Triads in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Shotgun
LOCATION 1 - In an alley between Liberty Pharmaceticals and Mean Street
LOCATION 2 - On a ledge behind the hospital/Portland View

This rampage is pretty easy at both locations, but it's a bit easier at
Location 1 because you are near a health powerup and the spawn points are
closer. Just let the Triads come to you and blow them away with the

RAMPAGE 6 - Destroy 10 vehicles in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Grenades
LOCATION 1 - On top of the el train tracks near the hospital/Saint Mark's
LOCATION 2 - On top of the el train tracks near Joey's garage/Trenton

Location 1 is better because there are lots of freebie cars to blow up in
parking lots nearby. Watch out for vigilante citizens who will try to stop
you. Also, be sure to randomly throw grenades at passing cars. You never
know when one will connect.

Jump down from the el train tracks and head for the hospital. There's two
cars at Marco's Bistro up the road, but they're out of the way. Blow up the
ambulance there. Next, jump the wall and go into the police parking lot.
Blow up the two police cars here. This will grab the attention of the cops,
but that's a GOOD thing. When the police cars pull up near you, you can
blow them up for easy points.

Continue down the street. On the right side of the street a Perennial is
parked. Blow it up too. Continue going down the road and you should arrive
at the old school hall in Chinatown. Blow up the two cars in the parking
lot there. If you still haven't met your quota, then just blow up every car
you see.

Another way to do it is to block the street with a big vehicle, like a
Coach, and then throw grenades at the traffic jams. You could also gather
some vehicles in one place before starting the rampage for easy points to
your tally.

Two things to add:

1. You can park a Coach diagonally across the intersection in front of the
hospital to block traffic. It will trap cars while you're on the way to the
Hospital from the tracks.

2. You can drive any narrow width car up the stairs to the EL tracks
(nearest Marco's Bistro) and use that you drive to the Rampage icons. While
this isn't particularly useful in itself (with the exception of getting you
to the icons without having to plod that distance on foot) it does have a
couple of benefits after the rampage starts. First of all, it allows you to
drive to the Hospital area quickly. You will have less of a chance of
running out of time if you start blowing things up sooner. Secondly, it
gives you an additional car to blow up when you get there.

There's a possibility that using a car to get onto the tracks will make the
Coach disappear. You might have to choose which to use. I've found that if
you run from a car after getting out of it that the door will stay open.
Abandoned cars with open doors tend to linger for a much longer time than
cars with closed doors.

Submitted by: Yamama



RAMPAGE 7 - Torch 16 Yakuza in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Molotov Cocktails
LOCATION 1 - On the doorstep of a building on the highway bridge/Newport
LOCATION 2 - Next to 8-Ball's Bomb Shop behind the multi-story car

This rampage is kind of easy at both locations, as you're always friends
with the Yakuza. They seem to spawn much more rapidly at location 2, and
that's why I think it's easier. Also, you have much more room to work with.
You'll need the extra space, because the Molotov Coctail is a dangerous
weapon to use. A couple of throws gone wrong could be highly lethal.

After collecting the icon at Location 2, go to the intersection where the
road leading to Asuka's condo is. A lot of Yakuza tend to appear on the
road to Asuka's place, so you can nail a lot. The Yakuza won't fight back,
so it's okay if you miss them. Be careful not to accidentally bounce your
Molotov Cocktails off of walls or signs. You'll get burned to death if you

RAMPAGE 8 - Explode 25 Yardies in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Grenades
LOCATION 1 - In the alley behind the fire station/Belleville Park
LOCATION 2 - In the alley a little to the east of the Cartel
compound/Liberty Campus

The oddly shaped alley at Location 2 has a lot of room to move about, which
is handy with grenades. The best strategy here is to toss grenades from the
alley into the street at the Yardies. If they come after you into the
alley, you can see them coming from a mile away. This will allow you to
throw the grenade into position.

If they manage to get into the alley, try running away while tossng
grenades. Throw a grenade ahead of you a short distance, then run past it.
Jump over and over to speed away from the grenade. The Yardies will run
into the grenade you if executed correctly.

This works best if the Yardies already hate your guts because they will be
attracted to you like magnets. Do the location at the fire station in

When starting the rampage, go to the parking lot across the street (this is
the parking lot where I think the Infernus for the Grand Theft Auto mission
for Kenji was located). Using your strategy to kill the Yardies that wander
in the alley can also kill the Yardies that hop over the shrubs. The good
thing about this is that the Yard's usually line up around the fence and one
grenade can wipe out 6 Yards!

Just watch out for the donut-eating pigs and the Yard's guns. Bring full
armor and 125 health as always and you will be able to blow the Yardies

Submitted by: 007BartSimpson
Grab it at location 1, then head straight up the steps in front of the
stadium. Stand about halfway up chuck them straight towards the street. The
yardies respawn right in that area and you can take them out 5 to 6 at a
time, taking about 30 seconds total.
Submitted by: Brad Forbes

RAMPAGE 9 - Pop 17 Yardie heads in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Sniper Rifle
LOCATION 1 - On the roof of the AMCO Building/Torrington
LOCATION 2 - On one of the catwalks at Kenji's Casino/Torrington

Location 2 is closer to street level, so you can get better shots at Yardie
heads. Plus, because you are closer to the street, Yardies will spawn more
quickly. After collecting the icon, leap over the railing in front of you
and get down to street level. Stand between the casino buildings and far
away enough from the street so the Yardies won't see you.

Only head shots count, so forget about body shots completely. From here,
their heads will be arranged in a nice straight line. They'll all be
patrolling the sidewalks. All you'll have to do pretty much is sweep the
gun left and right to hit their heads. If you kill all the Yardies visible
at the moment, look away from the street for a moment to allow them to

I highly recommend location #1, at the AMCO building. As soon as you get the
icon, jump off the edge, you should land in the ground floor walkway. From
here the rampage is a cakewalk, because you can kill the Yardies, and they
won't fight back!

Submitted by: Mlong001


RAMPAGE 10 - Burn 25 Yakuza in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Flame-thrower
LOCATION 1 - in a parking lot in the block across the street from Love's
apartment building/Bedford Point
LOCATION 2 - behind the church/Bedford Point

This rampage is really easy, because the Yakuza are always friendly towards
you. Location 1 is a little better because it's in Yakuza territory, so
there will be more Yakuza around. You can pretty much beat this rampage by
just running around the streets at random and burning any Yakuza you see.

They won't even shoot back at you as long as you don't drive-by them. The
biggest danger is keeping the Yakuza from touching you while they are on

RAMPAGE 11 - Annihilate 30 Yardies in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Rocket Launcher
LOCATION 1 - in the graveyard behind the church/Bedford Point
LOCATION 2 - behind a planter at the projects, on the block across the
street from Love's apartment building/Bedford Point

This rampage is pretty tricky, because while the rocket launcher is
excellent at major property damage, it also hurts you pretty bad too. The
Yardies have an annoying habit of getting in your face so you can't shoot
them without blowing yourself up. And thanks to the launcher's heavy
weight, you can't run fast enough to get away from them to make a shot.

I think the best way to beat this level is to fortify yourself in the glass
room in the building across the street from the AMCO Building in Torrington.
Be sure you have a fast car at hand so you can zip over there at the start
of the rampage. Location 1 is better because it's easier to get to that
room from there.

The Yardies will have a hard time getting up the stairs to get you, and
you'll be able to shoot them from far away enough without getting hurt.
Snipe them with the rocket launcher from the upper floor, facing the street
going east past the AMCO building. The Yardies rapidly spawn on that
street, allowing you to kill many of them. You can also shoot at the street
below to kill Yardies hiding beneath you. Shoot the middle of the road and
not the sidewalk so you won't get hurt from the blast.

You can try this at the Tw@ Internet Cafe too, but that room is too small
and crowded to effectively kill Yardies without killing yourself. You could
also fortify yourself on the staircase in front of the building at Location
2, with its railings and all, but you're too close to the street to shoot
Yardies without hurting yourself.

RAMPAGE 12 - Destroy 8 vehicles in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Shotgun
LOCATION 1 - in the southwest corner of the park/Belleville Park
LOCATION 2 - in the northeast corner of the park/Belleville Park
This rampage is really easy. All you have to do is jack several cars before
the rampage, block the street, activate the rampage, then blast the parked
cars. The chain reaction will detonate all the other cars that got stopped
by your barricade. Location 1 is better because it's nearer to the street,
and more cars drive down the road near it.
RAMPAGE 13 - Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - behind the southernmost building on the college grounds/Liberty
LOCATION 2 - in the northeastern corner of the construciton area with the
green unfinished skyscraper/Fort Staunton (thanks to SweetPimp 324)

I think this rampage is kind of easy too. Gather up several vehicles, block
the roadway, blast the parked cars, and the chain reaction caused by the
parked cars will destroy the vehicles that got stacked up behind them.
Vigilante pedestrians will attack, but they're easily taken down with the

If you still can't get enough cars, try going to the stadium parking lot.
You'll find several freebie vehicles here. Location 1 is easier because it
is nearer the parking lot.


RAMPAGE 14 - Remove 15 Colombian heads in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Sniper Rifle
LOCATION 1 - in the lot just west of the police station where the Yakuza
trap was in the mission BAIT/Pike Creek
LOCATION 2 - on top of the storage garages behind the police station/Pike

Location 1 is far better than Location 2. You can safely get closer to the
Cartel to snipe their heads, and they have a harder time spotting you there.
Collect the rampage icon, then run on top of the ramp nearby. Stand close
to the edge, but not right on the edge. This way you'll have clear shots at
the Cartel's heads, and you won't get spotted and shot to death by them.

The Cartel are relatively close, so you can get good head shots. Only head
shots count, so forget body shots completely. When you've killed all the
ones you can see, look away then look back so more Cartel will spawn in.

While racking my brain trying to snipe the Colombians I found that if the
icon is by the police station jump down just to the left in that little
area. Run to the wall most can't see you and they are all pretty close.

Submitted by: Cody Knutson

RAMPAGE 15 - Splatter 20 Hoods in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Shotgun
LOCATION 1 - on top of a garage (jump from bridge above to get to
it)/Wichita Gardens
LOCATION 2 - behind the blue "SUMO" sign at the Porter Tunnel
entrance/Francis International Airport

This one's kind of easy, as long as you don't let yourself get surrounded by
enemies. Location 1 is better because it's near a health powerup, next to
where the bridge ends by the lake. Basically just auto-aim and blast every
Hood that gets in your way. Auto-aim helps you to eliminate enemies faster,
reducing chances of getting ganged-up on. Preferrably attack Hoods that are
alone so all of them won't surround you and fill you up with lead. Cody
Knutson says it's "easy if you don't move after getting the icon," but I
still like duking it out better.

RAMPAGE 16 - Fry 20 Colombians in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Flame-thrower
LOCATION 1 - behind the garage of the mansion that has a Landstalker/Cedar
LOCATION 2 - near the Import/Export Garage/Cochrane Dam

This rampage seems nigh impossible at first. The Flame-thrower has
excellent stopping power, but it takes a couple seconds before the Cartel
will stop shooting and burn to death, meaning they can get in some free
shots before they die. You'll also be vulnerable while using the
flame-thrower, because you have to stand still to use it. So if you're
lucky, you'll kill maybe several of them before you die.

I however have figured out a safe way to kill them off without causing harm
to yourself. After grabbing the icon at Location 1, run to the hedge wall
at the back end of the backyard. Switch to overhead view. You can now
safely flame all the Cartel from behind the hedge, without getting shot at.
They have no way to get to you at all.

Stay on the move after you flame all Cartel in the area, so more will spawn.
Also, try not to let the Cartel escape your effective range. It can be a
bit hard to get enough to appear to win, but it's definitely safer and
easier than taking them on in the open. I've tried several locations around
Location 2 using this same strategy, but this hedge here is the most
effective location I think.

RAMPAGE 17 - Driveby and destroy 7 vehicles in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - at the entrance gate of the Punk Noodles building/Pike Creek
LOCATION 2 - behind a boulder at the bottom of the dam, where the road runs
in a loop/Cochrane Dam

This rampage is super easy if you know what to do. Just drive to the
parking lot at Francis International Airport. Here you will find several
cars just waiting to be blown up. Park next to each one, fill it up with
lead, then move on to the next car when it catches fire. You should destroy
enough cars well before the time limit expires. Location 1 is better
because it is much closer to this parking lot.

RAMPAGE 18 - Destroy 15 vehicles in 120 seconds
WEAPON - Rocket Launcher
LOCATION 1 - on top of a warehouse, has stairs to get up there/Pike Creek
LOCATION 2 - behind a Badfellas billboard on the road near the entrance to
Pike Creek/Francis International Airport

Like the Rocket Launcher rampage in Portland, there will be vigilante
citizens again who will try to stop you from blowing the cars up. You can't
shoot them or you'll blow yourself up. Location 1 is excellent because you
start on top of a warehouse, far away from the reach of those good
samaritans. You're even high up enough not to get shot at by the police.

Park some cars on the road ahead of time so a traffic jam will occur, then
blow up all the trapped cars. Hopefully the cops will come and that will
produce even more targets for you. Move along the roof to make more cars
spawn. A ton of cars appear rapidly at the intersection you can see from
here that has the GASOLINE sign. This rampage is real easy as long as you
stay up on the roof that you start on.

If you want to do it at Location 2, I would suggest you go to the airport
parking lot, because you'll be able to destroy like half the vehicles you
need there. Then go to the road that travels past the front of the airport.
You can nail two freebie parked taxis there. A lot of traffic is also in
that area.

RAMPAGE 19 - Splatter 20 Columbians with a car in 120 seconds
WEAPON - vehicles
LOCATION 1 - behind the FatBurgerKid sign in front of the airport's
entrance/Francis International Airport
LOCATION 2 - in the woods on the southern side of the hospital/Pike Creek

This is a rampage I HIGHLY advise a bulletproof vehicle or a tank for.
Those AK47's and Uzis will blow up almost any non-bulletproof car very
quickly. If you do have a bulletproof vehicle or the tank, then this
rampage is pretty easy. Just run over every Colombian you see. There are
less obstacles to run into on the sidewalks at Location 1.

If you don't have a bulletproof vehicle, I would recommend a vehicle that is
small and has agility. Slow, bulky vehicles are easy targets for the
enemies. Drive back and forth down the sidewalks, and don't slow down.
Take corners as fast as you can. If you miss a Columbian, DON'T stop and
turn around to get him. If you slow down too much at any time your car will
get shot into Swiss cheese and blown up.

RAMPAGE 20 - Behead 20 Hoods in 120 seconds
LOCATION 1 - behind the Squid sign on the hill in the northeastern corner of
the apartment area/Wichita Gardens
LOCATION 2 - behind the GASOLINE sign near the parking lot on the giant
S-curves/Cedar Grove (thanks to jjj519)

This time you don't have a sniper rifle to shoot heads off with, so you'll
need to get in close with the M16 to attack. Only head shots count, so
forget targeting their bodies completely. I think the most effective way to
beat this rampage is to get the Hoods to notice you by shooting some of
them. Stay where you are in the open and keep shooting them. You can kill
all of them pretty much just by standing still and letting them come to you.

There's a safer way if you don't want to do it that way. Location 2 is
excellent because you have a guard rail to keep them from getting in your
face, and the billboards to take cover behind. Run behind the billboard and
back to get the Hoods to respawn.

11: Unique Jumps

There are twenty of these throughout Liberty City. You have to jump over a
certain object or go a certain distance to get the bonus cash the jump
awards. You will get $5,000 for the first successful jump, then $10,000,
then $15,000, and so on. Daniel Feit says "you are correct about the pay
scale for the jumps, but there's a bonus. Instead of $100K, the final jump
is worth one MILLION dollars."

#1 - A concrete block in Chinatown, Portland next to the subway station.
You must clear the pedestrian bridge to get the bonus.

#2 - A black and yellow striped divider on the Callahan Bridge, on the
Portland side. You must clear the first beam below you and land between the
two lanes on the grass below.

#3 - A mound of dirt underneath the Callahan Bridge on the Portland side.
You must jump over both beams while going away from the bridge, not towards

#4 - A ramp next to some semi-truck trailers at the Portland Docks in
Trenton. You have to get over all the trailers.

#5 - A ramp near Liberty Sawmill in Trenton. You have to jump all the way
over the saw mill.

#6 - A dirt mound in Atlantic Quays, which will allow you to leap a distance
over the ocean. It's near the place where you had to leave the Mr. Whoopee
truck in the "I Scream, You Scream" mission. You must successfully get over
the water and land on the opposite side.

#7 - A ramp next to the subway in Chinatown. Land on the subway tracks
above and make it to the Police Bribe to get credit.

#8 - Remember where the lot was where you had to take the Mr. Whoopee truck
in the I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM mission? There's a ramp just outside the lot in
Atlantic Quays you need to take. Jump over the lot and the warehouse next
to it to get credit.

#9 - Go on the divider at the highway bridge in Newport. Go down the grass
in the middle, and you'll find the ramp hidden at the end of it. You have
to land near the opposite side of the bridge.

#10 - A ramp on top of the parking garage in Newport. You have to land in
the second planter across the street.

#11 - This one is near the Callahan Bridge. Turn left on the first road
after exiting the bridge, and you'll see a room that has breakable glass in
the right building. It has signs that say "tw@" in it. Drive up the stairs
in this room and jump across the street to get credit.

Submitted by: Stefan Hoberg

#12 - This jump is a pile of dirt in the cargo container area in Newport,
past Asuka's condo. Like the one in Portland at the Atlantic Quays, you
have to jump over the ocean to the opposite side to get credit.

#13 - On the four-lane road traveling past the airport in Shoreside Vale
there is a dirt road somewhere on the right. It will lead you to a partial
wooden bridge. You have to successfully land on the other side of the
river, on your wheels I believe.

#14 - This one is the ramps beside the hangar near the helicopters at the
airport. You don't need to jump all the helicopters, only a couple. It's
okay to have a crash.

#15 - This one is also the ramps beside another hanger. It's a little
distance away from the one with the helicopters. Jump all the way over the
hangar to get the reward.

#16 - There's yet another ramp at the airport for you, and it's the one
that's at the back of the airport, where the customs hangar is in "Grand
Theft Aero." Jump all the way over the hangar to get the reward.

#17 - This one is at the top of the hill in Pike Creek, where you had to
lure the death squads in the mission BAIT. Jump the ramp here in the open
area, and land inside the closed-in lot below you. It's got barbed-wire

#18 - This jump is in the very same lot as number 17, only it's in an
alleyway to the right of the jump. Land beyond the storage garage.

#19 - There is a FOURTH jump in the airport, and it's the easiest one. As
you enter the runway area, before reaching any of the other three jumps, you
should see a plane with stairs against it. Jump over the plane.

#20 - Start at your hideout (after saving, of course). Cross the street and
drive down the grass hill onto the road. Turn right. Drive fast, really
fast, up the hill, past the tunnel entrance, through the graffitied
underpass, straight towards the dam. As you reach the top of the hill, the
road curves into a right hand turn. Don't turn right; drive straight off the
cliff. You should clear the river and land in the small park to the left of
the dam's base. I don't think you even need to land right side up.

Submitted by: Daniel Feit


12: Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ

My thanks go out to the guys at the GTA3 message board at
for teaching me how to fly this plane.

There may be many fine planes and helicopters everywhere at the airport, but
sadly we are stuck with this rock with wings, or at least that's what you'll
call it until I teach you how to fly it. It's best if you use your left
stick and not your D-pad for this.

First, you must get in a Dodo of course. Go to Francis International
Airport to find one. There's one near the helipad, and two more in hangers.
Next, taxi onto one of the runways. I prefer the one the jumbo jets take
off and land on. Get on the white stripe in the middle of the runway, and
make sure you can accelerate without going off into the grass.

Hold down the accelerator, and push down on the left stick. Switch to side
view. When you see sparks coming up from the front wheel, that's the signal
to release the stick. When you take your finger off the stick, your plane
will easily rise into the air. Take your finger off of the stick, DO NOT
pull up on it.

After you are in the air, immediately tap, BUT DON'T PUSH, down on the stick
to get the plane level with the ground. Fly in the second "behind car"
view, the one that's close up. Whenever you can see a sliver of the red
nose above your wings, you should point the plane down until the red is no
longer visible.

The plane's nose must never point up for too long or you will lose speed and
altitude. The plane will drift towards the ground but resist the urge to
pull up. The plane will eventually drift up on its own. This is the only
safe way to gain altitude. Remember to keep the plane's nose from pointing
up too much.

Now that you are up in the air, you'll need to learn how to make the plane
turn. You need to tap the sticks in the direction you are turning. If you
hold down the stick, you'll do a barrel roll, and you'll lose altitude and
possibly your control. Your turns must be as gentle as possible, or you
might de-stabilize the plane and that would be a serious problem.

Almost nobody learns to fly this plane on their first try. You need to
spend at least a couple of hours practicing before you can fly reliably.
Keep trying though, you'll eventually catch on.


#1 - Do not hold down the sticks at any time, or you'll lose stability.

#2 - Do not pull up at any time, or you'll simply lose speed and altitude.

#3 - Do not turn while in the take off process, or you might lose stability
the moment you leave the ground.

#4 - Do not turn in the air unless you have to, or you'll also lose

#5 - Do not fly over any unique jumps, or you'll be stuck in endless
slow-motion mode until you touch the ground.

When you take off from where ever, then stop holding X button (or gas) the
plane will continue to soar regardless. In fact holding down X to long will
cause your plane to stall. Since you can't pull back on the analog stick
even though this will pull the nose up it will also decrease your speed and
you'll still stall. However, if you plane is level and the nose begins to
dip or if you going to start turning THAT'S WHEN you want to hold down X
button. Thereby increase speed and lift. Then release X button once your
plane is again level. Makes for much more controlled flight.

Submitted by: Bryan Smith
At the place where the tunnel goes into the mountain, the road stops, but it
stays on your radar. If you follow this to the end of the world, you'll find
something the programmers clearly put in there. The alternate way to find
this is just fly around the east side of Portland, and head straight north
to the end of the world. Probably want to turn west before your system
crashes to see all of it.

So, you can only see this on your radar, but 'written' on the ground you'll
find names like, 'gary's town', 'Chris's town', 'aaronsville', 'adamton',
'woodcunty' (did they forget an 'o' or not?), and 'obbebugh'. I'm not too
sure about all the spellings, but that's all I've found.

And, I doubt anyone is as bored as I am. No, I'm sure others are more bored
than I am, but you can do a unique jump in the dodo. With a 3 start wanted
level, the helicopter will continue to chase you in the dodo. Oh, and flying
off the map north/south will crash your system immediately, but flying off
east-west will only stop the game from rendering your plane. You can still
fly it, preferably back on the map.

Submitted by: Sean Bastille


13: Cheat Codes

I don't use cheat codes, but if you want them, here they are. Don't
complain if they don't work because I won't know how to fix it, due to the
fact I have seldom used any of these tricks. I give credit to as the source of the codes that aren't already credited
here. You should enter these while you are outside of a vehicle and not
paused. If entered correctly, you will get a "Cheat Activated" message.
Before you put any of them in, read this:

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: Be careful about entering cheat codes, because
some of them cannot be turned off by reentering the code, and if you save
you'll be stuck with them until you delete the file. This is especially
deadly with the PEDESTRIANS HATE YOU code, or the PEDESTRIANS RIOT code.

Also, I read in the May 2002 issue of Gamepro Magazine that there are codes
that will actually cause your file to become corrupted, so that you can't
load the file anymore. The only way out of this predicament is to delete
the GTA3 cube on your memory card screen at start up and begin again from
scratch. I've also heard from others that there are people who can't get
100% completion even after they've done everything, which I'm also guessing
is a side effect of using codes.

And I quote "The following cheat codes are the only ones authorized by
Rockstar, who assured us that using them would not corrupt any of your saved
game files or adversly affect the game:

- Change Costumes - Normal Weather
- Improve Your Driving Skills - Raise Wanted Level
- Make It Foggy - Speed Things Up
- Make It Rain - Wanted Level Down

The following cheat codes were not authorized by Rockstar and could corrupt
your game or memory card. Use them at your own risk:

- All Weapons - Full Health
- Crazy Pedestrians - Pedestrians Riot
- Destoy All Cars - Pedestrians Attack
- Extra Money - Pedestrains Fight Each Other
- Full Armor - Tank

If you are going to use these cheat codes, we recommend using a separate
game file and using the codes in that game, or using another memory card
altogether." (Gamepro, page 28)

I have something more I would like to add to this. If you want to just play
around with the corrupting codes, input the code but don't save your game
while you're using the code. This will allow you to still experiment with
the codes while not putting your hard work at risk.

ALL WEAPONS - R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
NOTE: You can repeat this code over and over until you get to 9999 bullets
for each gun. When you get to 9999, it's not infinite ammo. The game just
can't count your bullets anymore above 9999.

FULL HEALTH - R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

FULL ARMOR - R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

MONEY CODE - R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
(submitted by: Shadyskater11)
NOTE: The exact amount of money you will receive for entering this code is

FULL HEALTH - R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
(your car will still look smashed up after entering the code, but it WILL
take away all damage.)

BETTER HANDLING CAR - R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle
NOTE: While you have the code activated, press L3 or R3 to make your car
ANOTHER NOTE: Tek tells me that if "you enable the perfect handling cheat,
you WILL NOT get any insane jump bonuses."

CAR CAN FLY - Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1
NOTE: To learn how to fly your car, go to the Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ at
6I. I warn you though, most cars can hardly get off the ground. The tank
is the best at flying other than the plane, if you keep shooting the turrent
behind you.

DESTROY ALL CARS - L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle,
Triangle, L2, L1

TANK - Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, L2, L1, Triangle,
Circle, Triangle

MAKE CARS INVISIBLE - L1, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Triangle
(submitted by johhnnyknoxville)

CLOUDY WEATHER - L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square

FOGGY WEATHER - L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, X

RAINY WEATHER - L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle

SUNNY WEATHER - L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle



PEDESTRIANS RIOT - Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1

PEDESTRIANS HATE YOU - Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L1, L2

PEDESTRIANS HAVE WEAPONS - R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down

NO WANTED LEVEL - R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

HIGHER WANTED LEVEL - R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

MORE GORE - Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X
NOTE: There won't be a "Cheat Activated" notice, but the code will still

DIFFERENT CHARACTER MODEL - Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down,

SPEED UP TIME - Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Square,
Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

SLOW DOWN GAMEPLAY - Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R1, R2 (submitted by

SPEED UP GAMEPLAY - Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2
(submitted by johhnnyknoxville)

Don't ask me about Gameshark codes, because only once have I ever used a
Gameshark in my life.


14: Miscellaneous Things

This trick will give you health, even if you are at 100, giving you the
maximum health of 125.

The hookers are most frequently seen in, of course, the Red Light District.
Park next to a hooker (wearing a pink or a brown shirt) and she will walk
over to your window, bend down, and talk to you. She will then get in, and
you'll lose a dollar a second for as long as she is in the vehicle. Go to a
deserted area, like in a patch of trees or your hideout, and the car will
start shaking.

You should get 25 health when the car stops shaking. If you want more
health, move the car around a little while the car is shaking. The shaking
will stop until you stop the car again. If you keep moving the car you can
fill up your meter completely. She will eventually get out of the car. If
you want your money back, then kill her.

Despite what people say, you DON'T need a nice car to attract them and you
DON'T need to honk the horn. In fact, the first time I performed this, I
used an ugly Manana. The hooker won't get into any emergency vehicles, or
taxis. You also can't get the hooker to get into a car with you during a

If you get a hooker into a convertible, you'll instantly get 25 health when
you go to an isolated area and the hooker will get out.

A neat trick to do is to use a van to pick up TWO hookers and have a
threesome. It doesn't get you anymore health than 125, but it's pretty funny
to watch.
Submitted by: Ray
A - A prostitute or many prostitutes follow you. I found the way to always
get a prostitute with you. You can get 1 , 2 , 3 or more following you all
over if you want.
1 - Get a car or van with only one door in the left. The drivers door.
(Rumpo works well)
2 - Stop the car when the prostitute is in the driver's side.
3 - When she attemps to go to the other door inside the car, press triangle
end exit the car. Now she is ready to follow you. Repeat the steps 1, 2, 3
as many times as you want while the prostitutes accumulates waiting for you.

B - A prostitute follows you as passanger in a plane. When a prostitute or
several prostitutes are following after you did the steps above, she or they
will never get inside a car. In fact you can never pick up a prostitute
inside a police car or taxi. The only way to do in is with Misty.
1 - Start a New game
2 - Go to first or third mission
3 - Jump the Bridge with the cheat code
4 - Go to the airport (Tunnel to the Valley is alway open when you get
Stauton Island Jumping the bridge ) and take the Dodo with her.
5 - She will go with you by train, plane, tank, taxi, boat, anithing you

C - Get a friend that dies for you. When you walk with Misty, if you get in
trouble and fight with someone, Misti will fight for you to protect you
until she dies!!!
Submitted by: Benjamin Sabido

- If you get inside a police car, you'll get a shotgun and five shells.

- If you get inside an ambulance, you'll get 20 health.

However, if you have gotten extra health via a hooker, you'll go down to 100
upon entering an ambulance. (submitted by FemaleOutlaw)

- If you get inside an Enforcer, you'll get Body Armor.

Janos Auldren found this garage in Portland Docks in Trenton. It's the
garage with no number, the one where you had to bring the Securicar to in
the mission "Van Heist." When you bring a Securicar here you'll get a
little money. Janos Auldren also suggests completing the Import/Export
garage nearby this garage, so you can quickly move many Securicars into this
garage for easy cash.

The first time you bring in a Securicar, you get a $5,000 reward. The next
Securicar nets you $4,500, and so on. Thus, you can score a total of $27,500
by delivering 10 Securicars to the garage.

Submitted By: Jacob Seligmann


On the "Gone Fishing" mission for Ray, you can chase the boat up onto the
beach in Portland, where it will get stuck. Your target will get out of his
boat and run, and you can run aground and kill him. Afterwards you can get
his boat back into the water if you push it carefully back down the beach,
and drive it to your heart's content.

The game calls the boat Ghost Missing where the name of the vehicle is
written, (I assume this is because it's a glitch and you aren't supposed to
ride in it) and it is just like the police boat, except it's luminous and
blue, and the cannons wont fire. There isn't much you can do with it, since
it's just a boat and you can't save it in a garage, but it's still kind of

Submitted by: Jim Burm

There are three websites in this game that you can see on signs or LED
signs. None of them work, at least not yet.

- http://www.dma-designs./gta3/secret.htm - can be found on the LED
scrolling signs at the front of Francis International Airport in Shoreside
Vale. (submitted Jin Tenshi)

- - somewhere in Staunton Island
on a moving sign. (submitted by Aaron Lopez)

- - "I think it is on a scrolling
board in the road by Kenji's casino which always has water on it and lots of
flashing boards "TimesSquare" style in Staunton." (submitted by James Risk)

- Also, most of the websites mentioned in the game are real. Since so many
people keep submitting them, I'll post them here. There's not much to do on
most of them though:



My thanks again goes out to the guys at the GTA3 messageboard at Remember that bank in the opening cinema? And how you've
driven all over the city and could never find it? Below is how to discover
this very well-hidden area. To see the Ghost Town, you have to be good at
flying the Dodo. Read the Flying the Dodo Mini-FAQ to learn to fly it if
you don't already know how.

Now that you do know how to fly the Dodo, you have to fly to those big
mountains that you can see from the northern side of Portland or Staunton
Island. The ones over the ocean, you know? After you fly there, you have
to actually fly INTO them. The mountains have no collision detection, so
you can fly right through them. Any place is good as long as you aren't too
close to Shoreside Vale.

After you are through on the other side, you need to turn to the west. Fly
under the mountains to underneath Shoreside Vale. You'll need to go through
another wall on the way, but it also isn't solid. Everything is upside down
here, literally. It's a pretty incredible sight.

After you pass through the mountain underneath the mountains, you will see a
small city under here, only the buildings are half finished and sitting on
nothingness. You have finally arrived at the Ghost Town. You can see the
bank that the Colombians robbed in the opening, and the Securicars are even
there too.

Don't try to land on anything, because nothing is solid here, like those
mountains you passed through. I am guessing the opening was shot in real
time so that the collision detection wouldn't have to be fussed with.

There's nothing to pick up here or anything. It's little more than a cool
place to briefly visit. There's a way to get out of here without dying if
you need to. See that large space near the Ghost Town where there is no
water and only black? If you fly down into it, you should pop up in the
Shoreside Vale tunnel, assuming you are near the Ghost Town when you do
this. The tunnel is the one that is opened up, NOT the one that is always
blocked by barricades in Shoreside Vale.

However, it IS possible to see where the blocked-up tunnels go and even get
inside them. Down here, you may see the tunnels jutting out from the
underside of the mountain. You'll see that the tunnels stop going when they
go out of sight from the barricades, cementing the fact that you can't
unlock them. If you're an excellent Dodo pilot, it's possible to fly inside
the back end of the tunnel and land on the other side of the barricades.
The floor that's away from the barricade isn't solid and you'll fall right
through it.

Again I thank the guys at the GTA3 messageboard who found this. The weird
title of this section is what is written on a sign hidden in a secret area
of Liberty City. To find it, first go to Staunton Island. Head for Bedford
Point, and bring a tall vehicle with you, like an Ambulance. Go to that
parking lot where the suicide bombers attacked you in the mission KINGDOM

Park your Ambulance next to the wall where the Kuruma is parked. Climb up
on top of the ambulance and jump over the wall. On the other side, you'll
see the "You weren't supposed to be able to get here you know." Sign. When
you're ready to exit this area, use the ramp that the programmers were so
nice to put there for you.

This is yet another thing from the GTA3 messageboard at I
have to thank for. I wasn't going to put this in originally because I
consider it cheating, but since so many people have nagged me about it I'm
putting it in anyway. You can use the Car Can Fly code and/or the Great
Handling code (with the L3 button to jump) to get across the broken down
bridges to the next districts.

If you go to Staunton Island early, it's possible to ride the subway to
Shoreside Vale without having to fuss with a gate blocking the subway, and
the Porter Tunnel will also be unblocked between those two islands. You can
also get a boat from Francis International Airport to drive back into
Stauton. If you need to go back to Portland, you can also take a boat from
Asuka's place.

That_cool_king submitted a way to get to Stauton Island without using any
codes. He says "If you go to the far right of the calahan bridge you'll see
some metal sticking out. Get to the very edge. Then aim with front view to a
piece of metal slowping down. Jump to it and you're at Staunton Island."

There is also a legit way to get to Shoreside Vale without any codes. Get a
boat, and go near the hospital. To the east of the hospital is a place
where the cliff is low enough for you to ramp your boat onto land. Push
your boat past Phil's Army Surplus Store down the road, because that's where
the pipe blocking off Shoreside Vale is. After you are past the pipe, push
your boat into the water and go to Shoreside Vale.

You can get into the subway in Portland before it opens. I am positive that
it works. First, you complete a mission or get something on your beeper for
example hidden packages. Second, you save the game. Third, you reload the
save. Fourth, you get a car and drive to the unique jump above the subway.
Then you inch the car over the ramp so that it topples over and falls right
through the gate.

Submitted by: Dfwd Ewtf

This trick submitted by Jesse will allow you to fly a tank like the Dodo.

Get the tank. Turn the turret backwards, and put on the CAR CAN FLY code.
Hold x and at the same time tap Circle. Find a straightaway to do this and
sooner or later the tank takes off itself (or you can pull the joystick and
take off early, but you'll fall soon after). If you've mastered flying the
dodo the short distances it can go, this should be somewhat easy. You can
also get to EVERY island before doing ANY missions by doing this. I've
flown around from island to island for at least 15 minutes without crashing,
just flying around.

Submitted by: Jesse

NOTE BY THE AUTHOR: You have to keep tapping the Circle button constantly
while doing all of this so the turrent will keep shooting. If you ever stop
tapping the Circle button, the tank will crash into the ground.


This trick will allow you to drive a car that is blown up already.

Stand at the front of a car so that you face back towards the driver or
headlight on the same side as the driver (The right headlight when facing
the car). Type in the "Blow up all cars cheat". Because of the triangle
button in the cheat, the dude will get in the car as it blows up. The car
will be on fire (and will quickly blow-up again), so type in the "Health
cheat" to fix the cars health. Now you can drive the car around (missing one
wheel!!). All vehicles I've tried this with work so far, and it can be done
every time.

Submitted by: Tim Alexander

This trick will supposedly allow you to be immune to gang hatred.

I like to call this....Marty Chonks, Criminal Superstar!

You may have heard of this before(I heard mention of this on Gamefaqs
messageboard), well I decided to test this out, and after testing it in many
different ways, I found it to be legitimate.

If you use the Character Change cheat to get the Marty Chonks look alike,
you will never be attacked by gang members again.
Let me clarify things so you dont think Im talkin trash.
First, as far as I know there are only 3 peds who wear a trenchcoat with a
round 50's style hat. One of them has dark hair and a moustache, this is not
Marty look alike. Second is and older man with grey hair, now this man looks
almost exactly like Marty look alike, except, he is slightly shorter and his
face looks a little more beaten up, like somebody wacked him with a 2x4 too
many times. Marty look alike is tall, with grey hair, and wears a somewhat
light brown trenchcoat.
When you use him all gang members will not shoot at you, nor will they try
to throw you out of your car when you drive around in their territory. They
will not gang up on you if you kill one of their own either.

Some things to know:
1. Cops are immune to Marty's super criminal status, and will act like they
normally do, shoot at you, arrest you,etc.

2. If you get Wasted or Arrested, Marty looses his Superstar status, and
gang members treat you like normal. I tried both of these out, then ran into
gang territory and was attacked.

3. I drove around to see if I would be carjacked, and eventually I was, so
your not immune to having your wheels jacked.

4. Vigilante missions, the people you try to kill in this WILL shoot at you
and try to kill you, as well as steal your car.

5. Normal citizens wont run from you, when I first heard of this trick I was
told that peds will run from you, well unless your shooting at them they
dont run from you.

6. THE GREATEST THING OF ALL. When I was testing this trick, I decided to go
on a mission. I took the later Asuka mission "ESPRESSO-2-GO!" Well the
Columbians didnt ever shoot at me as I approached their little kiosks, and
they in no way tryed to stop me. I also tryed "Uzi Money" for D-Ice, and I
was not attacked by anyone including Redjacks, who under normal
circumstances will try to ram the car your in.

Submitted by: Lee Shaolin
You are not totally immune from gang warfare. In addition to what is already
told about not being immune, if you shoot a gang member - any other members
in their cars will chase you until it blows up. Not only will walking gang
members just not shoot back at you, they will run. My life in St Marks has
now been made one hell of a lot easier.

Submitted by: MStokesy


This guide will provide the locations where you can find all the weapons in
the game. I might follow up with an Item Location List later, if I feel
like doing it.

Portland/Chinatown/carried by Triad members.
Portland/Hepburn Heights/carried by Diablo members.
Portland/Red Light District/outside your hideout.
Staunton Island/Belleville Park/outside your hideout.
Staunton Island/Newport/carried by Yardie members.
Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/outside your hideout.

Portland/Callahan Bridge/on a ledge above the south side of the entrance
Portland/Chinatown/carried by Triad members.
Portland/Hepburn Heights/carried by Diablo members. If you jump on a car
and they hate you, they'll pull out pistols.
Portland/Red Light District/on sale in Ammunation for $250
Portland/Saint Marks/carried by Mafia members.
Staunton Island/Newport/carried by Yardie members.
Staunton Island/Torrington/carried by Yakuza members.
Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/carried by Hoods members.
Anywhere/Carried by policemen.
Anywhere/Carried by SWAT team members at four stars.
Anywhere/Carried by FBI agents at five stars.
Anywhere/Carried by army soldiers at six stars.

Portland/Red Light District/on sale in Ammunation for $800
Portland/Saint Marks/long alleyway to the south of Momma's Restaurant. Look
in one of the walled areas on the north side of the alley.
Staunton Island/Fort Staunton/carried by Cartel members.
Staunton Island/Newport/on sale at Ammunation for $800
Staunton Island/Torrington/carried by Yakuza members.
Shoreside Vale/Wichita Gardens/carried by Hoods members.
Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/carried by Cartel members.
Anywhere/Carried by SWAT team members at four stars.

Portland/Hepburn Heights/behind the apartment building to the north of El
Burro's phone.
Portland/Saint Marks/carried by Mafia members.
Portland/Saint Marks/go to the park across the street from the entrance to
Salvatore's mansion, and go over the roof here. You will be in a small
grassy area. Drive to the other end of this area and over another roof.
You'll be on top of a building next to the gun.
Staunton Island/Bedford Point/on the dock on the southwestern corner of the
Staunton Island/Belleville Park/behind the monument about at the midway
point of the park.
Staunton Island/Rockford/Phil's Army Surplus Store, on sale for $1,500.
Shoreside Vale/Cochrane Dam/on the walkway in front of a building at the
base of the dam.

Portland/Saint Marks/in a small parking lot to the west of Momma's
Restaurant. Look behind the building on the south side of the lot.
Staunton Island/Fort Staunton/carried by Cartel members.
Staunton Island/Fort Staunton/underneath a partially destoyed building in
the northeastern corner of the construction site.
Staunton Island/Newport/on sale at Ammunation for $3,000
Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/carried by Cartel members.
Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/Punk Noodles back delivery area.
Anywhere/Carried by FBI agents at five stars.

Staunton Island/Bedford Point/Behind a wall on the east side of the KINGDOM
COME parking lot. Climb up the stairs onto the roof of a building behind
the northern wall, and then jump over the alleyway into the area behind the
Staunton Island/Rockford/Phil's Army Surplus Store, on sale for $5,000.
Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/on the back doorstep of one of the mansions.
Shoreside Vale/Cochrane Dam/on top of the western tower at the base of the
Anywhere/Carried by army soldiers at six stars.

Staunton Island/Belleville Park/on the roof of a building beneath the
curving highway ramp.
Staunton Island/Newport/Ammunation, on sale for $10,000.
Staunton Island/Rockford/Phil's Army Surplus Store, on sale for $25,000.
hidden in some trees on the road to the area at the base of the dam.

Staunton Island/Rockford/Phil's Army Surplus Store, on sale for $25,000.
Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove/From your hideout, go up the S shaped road up to
the top. At the stop light, there are houses across the street. Go to the
furthest yard on you left that you can get to with an open entrance. Go over
one more Mansion to the left, its a pink house, and on the front left hand
side of the roof is a rocket launcher. You can get to the roof by jumping
from the back right corner by the garage. I didnt have all the hidden
packages, so I used this laucher for the last mission.

Submitted by: JJTTHH426

Portland/Harwood/on top of the Head Radio building. You can jump from the
el train tracks to get it. (submittd by Phil)
Shoreside Vale/Francis International Airport/underneath the Shoreside Lift
Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/storage lot behind police station, on sale for

Portland/Saint Marks/in the tunnel behind 8-Ball's Bomb Shop. Kill the
tramps in there to get them.
Staunton Island/Liberty Campus/on one of the porches of the dorm buildings.
Shoreside Vale/Pike Creek/storage lot behind police station, on sale for

Staunton Island/Newport/on sale at Ammunation for $2,000.
Anywhere/Carried by army soldiers at six stars.

Here, I am listing the best places to fortify yourself against the police
while attacking them, be it for amusement or survival. I'm no longer
accepting submissions for this section, so please don't send me any more

#1 - At the far end of ramp that the respray shop is on in Staunton Island
(The one you use in the "Grand Theft Auto" mission). Right in the far right
corner you can face the street and go nuts. The cops on foot can't get to
you and they can't shoot at you. Your only problem is helicopters and those
are easy enough to deal with.

#2 - At the subway entrance near the airport. (At the top of the "Rocky"
stairs. Once again helicopters are the main problem. If you sit right at the
top the cops WILL charge up the stairs but if you hide near the corner they
will just circle like idiots. If things get out of control the beauty is you
can just run down into the subway! Once a tank chased me down the stairs but
it was my fault for letting him get up there in the first place.

#3 - The bridge that connects Downtown with the Suburbs. Heading from
Shoreside to Staunton, One of the curves is hoisted on top of a small
building with two taller buildings backing it. If you drive towards the tall
buildings you'll hit them and fall straight down onto the small building. If
you land upside down there is enough room to get away from the explosion.
Once there, you can go to the corners of the small building and have a nice
view of the T shaped intersection to cause all sorts of trouble. Once you
get to the higher wanted rating though, stay hidden underneath the turnpike
otherwise the FBI, Army etc. will do what you did and jump down in their
cars and murder you.

Submitted by: Graeme Andrew Okurley

#4 - The parking garage in Newport in Staunton is a pretty good place to
turn into your own private fort. Stand on top of cars and snipe out
through the windows, blow up cops who try to enter through the gates, etc.

#5 - Go to the ramp for Unique Jump #8 (read a little above for the
location) and stand at the top of the ramp. You can bomb the cops on the
highway below and they won't be able to shoot back at you, unless they are
in the helicopters.

#6 - Your hideout in Staunton Island is perfect for a place to engage the
police from. It's also a great place for capturing the elusive FBI Car.

#7 - On top of the train tracks in Portland.

#8 - On top of the AMCO building in Torrington in Staunton Island.

#9 - A room in a building across the street from the AMCO building that you
can enter. It has glass walls, like the Internet café.

#10 - At the place in the mission BAIT, where you had to lure the death
squads into this lot. Stand on top of the ramp in the small alley to the
left. From here you can bomb anyone on the street below and be

#11 - A very good place is right outside the door of your Shoreside Vale
hideout. I tried this once, and the cars do not enter the lot. They simply
keep driving and often flip. Even tanks do it. Every once in a while a
single cop will come charge you. As always, the helicopters are the only

#12 - In Portland in Chinatown there is a fairly large building next to the
highway called punk noodles. Go up the steps and around the corner and jump
onto the awning. From here you can take shots at civilians, triads, cops and
you can shoot at the cops. Helicopters can get to you though, and the cops
tend to go underneath the awning so you can't hit them and they can't hit
you. All you have to do is drop down a Molotov cocktail or a grenade down
and hope but I bounce grenades off the building opposite onto them. Also
there is a hidden package up there somewhere.

Submitted by: Chris Bergeron
#13 - A very good place to fight police is in Portland at the police
station. To get to it just purposely get busted and when you resume control
of your guy go to the immediate right. There should be a flight of stairs.
Just climb it and go to the right up to the wall. After you get there you
can enable the "ALL WEAPONS" cheat or go collect weapons and then blast

The cops will not be able to shoot you and most of the tanks will eventually
blow themselves up because they keep driving into the wall around the
station. All you will have to worry about is helicopters. When done you can
either die or enable the "NO WANTED LEVEL" cheat and walk away with an
executioner rating on the stats page of your menu.

(NOTE: One time I was in this spot and one of the Barracks OL came behind me
via the ramp on the left side of the station, this has only happened once
out of the numerous times I've stayed in this spot so just watch out for

Submitted by: Matt Beard
#14 - At the "b**** n dog food" plant in Portland, the walls of the fortress
don't stop area-effect weapons, such as the bat and the flame-thrower. By
switching to the top view (select button three times) you get a nice
perspective as you ignite groups of cops, feds, civilians, etc. use
cocktails to dispose of tanks, and rockets for choppers, as normal. This
also works on the main level of the parking garage, but you don't get the
top view. You can get arrested through the wall too, so take note, and stay
away from the gate.

Submitted by: James Chaykowski
#15 - OK, on all of your areas to shoot from, you said that the helicopters
were a problem. There is one spot I found that has constant people running
around and
Helicopters are unable to shoot you. Go into the parking garage, and go up
until you are directly under the unique jump. Park a car or Bobcat there and
jump on it. Then walk close to the edge and take aim. Get your level up and
the helicopters will arrive but they won't have the right angle to be able
to shoot into the garage. They MAY shoot, but it cannot hit you.

Submitted by: Eric Spitler
#16 - Another fun place to engage the cops in the garage at the Shoreside
Vale hideout. Stand inside the garage in the middle towards the back wall.
This should give you a clear view of the sidewalk. You can now shot
pedestrians and police vehicles freely. You are protected from the
helicopters and the police, FBI or army vehicles will not enter your lot.
The only threat is a few single police officers that will attempt to jump
the small wall that outlines your hideout.

Submitted by: FemaleOutlaw

#17 - Stand on top of the ledge that borders the projects in Wichita
Gardens, Shoreside Vale.

#18 - Get a huge (at least 5) wanted level, run down to the docks in
Staunton, and jump in a boat. Drive under the bridge with the gap in the
middle, the one that doesn't lead out of the city, and go back and forth
beneath it. The cops and feds will start flying into the water trying to get
you! Perfect place to sit and laugh at cops; the only things that can hit
you are copters and you can hit triangle, take a few steps back, and blow
them down with a rocket launcher.

Submitted by: Xxanth
#19 - There's a spot in Portland where you're invulnerable to everything but
the helicopters. You could enter the Weapons cheat if you want to, but make
sure you have plenty armor. First you have to drive to the car crusher over
by eight ball's bomb shop. To the left of the crusher, there's a yellow (I
guess the best to put it is) conveyor belt. Jump on top of it, and run to
the top. It may take a few tries, so don't give up.

Once you get up to the top, back up a step or two. Take out your sniper
rifle, and pick people off from far. You'll have to zoom all the way in, so
it takes aim. You can also blow up the fire engine. Your wanted level will
continually rise while the cops go nuts trying to get to you. They'll drive
in circles, and then try to make it down the rocks. With the police car not
being a great offroad vehicle, it's going to flip. Take advantage and either
throw a grenade or shoot a rocket to finish the job.

The helicopters will come from straight ahead, or your right hand side. Be
weary, they have the tendency to hover directly above you, therefore, if you
shoot a rocket while too close, you'll take the splash damage. You can even
fall off of the conveyor belt if you aren't careful. Sometimes, cops will
make their way down to where you are, but only two at a time. You can throw
a grenade down there, but just tap the circle button.

Submitted by: Phib
#20 - Kenji's rooftop. The intersection provides for ample pedestrians and
cops to pop off. The roof is wide open and allows for the shooting down of
helicopters. What's great, is when the FBI gets in there, they drive around
the corner and nearly flip their cars over EVERY TIME. I laugh all the way
to the bank. And the best is that if you get bored busting them all down,
just park your Barracks OL at the bottom of the stairs and take off. It'll
be untouched.

#21 - The Dam. There is a spot halfway down the dam that ends in a two-story
stairway. Go up, pop civilians, rocket the helicopters, and drop grenades
for the po po. This is great.

#22 - Behind the Shoreside Vale police station. Jump onto the building
behind the station and run to the end. You should be above the four-way
intersection, full of pedestrians, cops, and FUN. Enjoy the mayhem.

Submitted by: Kyldonia
#23 - On top of the building in Portland where you snipe Salvatore in the
"Sayonara Salvatore" mission.

#24 - The sniper's nest in the "Grand Theft Aero" mission with the
adrenaline pill that Le Machin mentioned.

Submitted by: Ryan Hiller
#25 - Jack a Colombian cartel and go into the gate where you rescued the old
Asian man for Donald love on Staunton Island. The area should be free now if
you beat the mission. You can blast away at everything through the gate and
the gate will not open. Just don't go near it. Hide in the garages to avoid
the helicopters or shoot them down. The buildings are pretty high so it'll
take a while to them to fly down and shoot you. Have fun raising your wanted
level there.

#26 - the Panlantic construction site on Staunton Island. On the half built
building you can walk in. the helicopters can't touch you there. Raise your
wanted level if you wish and start sniping them through the gates. If you
really want more action play cat and mouse with a fast car and drive around
to get some action with the authorities. If you're lucky you'll see them.
They will come through the gates and start smashing themselves into walls.
They can't touch you. I had the FBI chase me into the building once.

#27 - Kenji's parking garage on Staunton Island. Helicopters can get you
here. Go into the parking lot and up the stairs under the big bright yellow
awning. Sit there and start blasting everything that walks or drives. The
police can't really shoot you if you're against the back wall. If you're
against the glass gate you'll get hit but just watch everything go by and
hit the helicopters. To add more fun drop bombs and fire.

Submitted by: Silver Jade
#28 - The coolest place to fight the cops is in the Internet café the
ceiling blocks out helicopters and the cops are to stupid to go up the
stairs. Also just shoot the glass windows and u can pick off pedestrians,
cops, etc. You can just shoot down at the cops and they can't hit u. Just
make sure u don't fall off the floor where the window use to be.

Submitted by: Bstsktbdr
#29 - A nice place to kill cops and create a rampage is on top of a building
near the bridge to go to Shoreside Vale. Take a fast car and ride up the
ramp and jump off the edge onto a top of a building. You may land on the
roof of your car so get away fast. Stay on the top of the building though.
There's a package around there somewhere too.

Go to the part which is right under the bridge and no helicopter will be
able to get you. From there you can snipe or drop grenades to kingdom come.
Note on rare occasions the helicopters might come down on the far side of
the rooftop and shoot directly on your side. This can be avoided however by
using the giant wall, which holds the bridge up as a barrier.

Submitted by: Alan Tassart
#30 - Staunton Island, go to the Staunton - Shoreside bridge, where the
metal work starts on the right hand side, climb up the sloped bit of
concrete onto the side. Walk all the way along the bridge to where it was
separated before Shoreside was available (there's a gray/beige pillar on the
right hand side) and jump onto the raised concrete platform. Walk around the
red girder on the right and get onto the little ledge, face the north and
walk off, you will land on a blue walkway.

Walk all the way along it towards Staunton and start shooting stuff, and get
your wanted level nice and high. Only the helicopters can get you. If you
want to get off take a running jump at the far end of the walkway near the
intersection to land in the grass. Be sure to get rid of your wanted level
first though, or about 50 FBI guys that have been hiding under the walkway
will all fire at once. You can easily blow up cop cars that are on the
bridge with the rocket launcher or flame-thrower, and below you with
Molotovs or grenades.

Submitted by: Tom Arthur
#31 - Have you ever tried to stake yourself out at the small island in the
park in Staunton Island? I just raise my wanted level to about 2 stars, then
run up onto the island. If you wait long enough for the cops to come chase
you, they'll come flying off the ramp over head, as it's the closest way for
them to get to you. Most of the cars (Cop cars, enforcers, FBI cars...)
usually flip over and blow up in the water below. If not, you can just
snipe, grenade or burn whoever survives. Again, the helicopters are the only
problem, and the tanks eventually, but it is funny for a while.

Submitted by: genser
#32 - You're probably not interested anymore but if get a flame-thrower and
a lot of ammo and go in the little "hut" next to the Colombian villa/mansion
you can spray fire through the walls but it is impossible for any cop or
helicopter to hit you. Your only threat is cop cars blowing up outside. Also
you will need to go the top view. The one that was in GTA1 and 2.

Submitted by: DemonPenguin


15: Reader's Contributions

This is where I thank every reader who submitted some useful info to my
walkthrough. I'm afraid I will have to start making restrictions on your

- I am accepting no more alternate ways to beat story, phone, offroad, and
Toyz missions. I am also not accepting bugs, ways to obtain FBI Car or the
Rhino, and minor details in the game. An exception to this would be finding
a way to fix the Purple Nines bug in the mission UZI MONEY without having to
delete your game. This bug has been the death of many great game files.

- Anything else is fair game, unless I say otherwise.

- everybody at the GTA3 messageboard for a lot of the info
that went into this guide.

- Joshua, for proving to me that the flame weapons really are good for
vehicles after all.

- Stephan Hoberg, for the tip on TURISMO and the Unique Jump in Staunton.

- Matt Morris, for the tip on S.A.M.

- BJ Shaprio for another location of the Securicar.

- Chad Gilbertson for the hint about TWO-FACED TANNER.

- Janos Auldren for the little thing about the Securicar Cracking Garage.

- Daniel Felt for the alternate walkthrough over DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK.

- Jacob Seligmann for the correction to the Securicar Cracking Garage.

- Dan Streckert for the alternate way to beat FAREWELL "CHUNKY" LEE CNONG

- ing Vinsfeld and the guys at the GTA3 messageboard at for
how to get the bulletproof Cheetah. I REALLY like it that King Vinsfeld
discovered this.

- Zac Christenson for the info on TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY, KINGDOM COME, and

- Fred Chagnon for the little hint about getting the Barracks OL early.

- BmHero for a second alternate way to beat the FAREWELL "CHUNKY" LEE CHONG

- Bryan Smith, for the Dodo flight tips, and the BP Securicar trick that he
submitted, though someone else thought it up.

- Le Machin for the hint on GRAND THEFT AERO.

- Charlie Beck for the fix to the annoying bug that keeps you from closing
the garage door in certain missions.

- Jason Plackey for the tips on SILENCE THE SNEAK and SAYONARA SALVATORE.

- Graeme Andrew Okuley for giving me the idea of starting a list of
locations to assault the police from!

- Chris Bergeron for providing good locations to assault the police.

- Jace for the tip on CUTTING THE GRASS.

- Joe Kerner for some little hints on GANG CAR ROUND-UP.

- J.T. for telling how to make the shotgun fire faster.

- BboyLofty for the small hint on the EV Crane.

- Ira for an ACTUAL location where Mr. Whoopee appears.

- FliPNiNeX3 for thinking up how to get the BP Securicar, and for saying
about the special jet-black Stretch.

- Matt Beard for a location to fight the police.

- Jason Hulance for telling me of the infinite time bug in the Offroad

- Steve Webber for a way to get the FBI Car.

- Daniel Feit for a walkthrough on LIBERATOR, and a tip for TRIADS AND
TRIBULATIONS, and a lot of other random little things.

- James Chaykowski for a location to fight the police.

- Snakeeyes for a way to beat KINGDOM COME.

- Jeff for an alternate way to beat MARKED MAN.

- Ben Hoeffler for things in DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK, TAKING OUT THE

- Eric Spitler for a location to fight the police.

- Catherine J. S. Lee for a hint on CUTTING THE GRASS.

- BMHero for a way to beat BLING-BLING SCRAMBLE.

- Muhammad Abdul-Bahar for a way to beat TWO-FACED TANNER.

- Jarrod Miles for a way to beat WAKA-GASHIRA WIPEOUT.

- David Cooper for YET ANOTHER theory on the garage door that won't close in

- Jay C. for a possible solution to the phone bug in the PAYDAY FOR RAY

- FemaleOutlaw for a small addition to the Freebie Item Vehicle section, and
a location to fight the police.

- Tom Severson for telling me he has also experienced the infinite time bug
in the Fire Fighter missions.

- Chad Kawikuamoo for another way to beat DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK.

- Jim Burm for another way to beat SILENCE THE SNEAK.

- Joe Schmied for a real easy way to beat ESCORT SERVICE.

- Devin for a way to beat THE PICK-UP.

- BlueDevil for ANOTHER way to play SILENCE THE SNEAK.

- Mike Morse for another way to beat TWO FACED TANNER.

- Ripe for a way to beat TRIADS AND TRIBULATIONS.

- Russell Sakolsky for some minor corrections to the table of contents.

- Jason Juarez for an alternate way to SHIMA.

- Galen Lynch for another way to beat SAYONARA SALVATORE.

- Caleb Corey for a way to win UZI MONEY.

- Joseph Elizondo for a way to beat BLING-BLING SCRAMBLE.

- Xxanth for a place to fight the police.

- Alex StClaire for another way to beat KINGDOM COME.

- Phib for a place to fight the police.

- Jake Semmel for a way to beat TURISMO.

- Jim Burm for the GHOST missing boat.

- Jason Cheperuk for a way to beat PAPARAZZI PURGE.

- Jin Tenshi for a website.

- Aaron Lopez for a website.

- Johhnnyknoxville for some new codes.

- Kyldonia for locations to fight the police.

- Silver Jade for locations to fight the police.

- Bstsktbdr for a location to fight the police.

- Ray for a tiny addition to the Hooker Trick.

- Alan Tassart for a location to fight the police.

- Shadyskater11 for the money code.

- Mike Wilson for an alternate way to get the bulletproof Cheetah.

- Darren Ackers for the Rampage cheat.

- Sean Bastille for Dodo-related things.

- Tom Arthur for a location to fight the police.

- James Risk for the final secret website.

- Matt Saunders for a location to fight the police.

- genser for a location to fight the police.

- DemonPenguin for a location to fight the police.

- RMCB for what might be an explanation of the Purple Nines bug.

- Paul for the HUGE GTA3 General Tip.

- Brobert2 for the Bomb Da Base tip.

- John A. Volovar for the Bulletproof Barracks OL.

- Dave Kahler for telling me of another way to get the Triads to hate you.

- 007BartSimpson for an alternate way to beat Rampage 8.

- Jimmy for telling how to get the everything-proof Stretch.

- Cody Knutson for some rampage walkthroughs.

- Jesse for the Flying Tank.

- Jason S for a possible solution to the Purple Nines Bug.

- DontEmailMe for a possible solution to the Purple Nines Bug.

- Tim Alexander for the Drive Blown Up Cars trick.

- A very big thanks to Scott Bickel aka "Pickz" for submitting all the
Hidden Package locations I missed in my guide.

- Another big thanks to Adam Donell for finding a way around the guards
killing Maria in the EXCHANGE mission because of cheat codes.

- Tek for a little thing about the Great Handling cheat.

- Oscar Montano for a unique way to beat S.A.M.

- That_cool_king for submitting a legit way to get to Staunton Island early.

- MLong001 for confirming that turrent kills DO count in UZI MONEY, and a
walkthrough for a rampage.

- Brad Forbes for a way to beat RAMPAGE 8.

- Dennis Thai for the correct spelling of Molotov Cocktails.

- Christopher T. Apczynski for a way to get inside the big passenger jets.

- Dfwd Ewtf for another way to get to the districts early.

- Taylor Anderson for a way to beat WAKA GASHIRA WIPEOUT.

- RVDHHH2002 for a correction to RAMPAGE 13.

- Garrett Moore for the bulletproof Trashmaster.

- Nick for another way to get the everything-proof Stretch.

- VIC for correcting a small spelling error.

- Gerry Lingle for correcting an error in the Hidden Packages section.

- Rob for another tidbit on the Bulletproof Cheetah.

- Lee Shaolin for submitting the Costume Change Trick.

- Becca Hallmark for confirming cheats have no effect on the Purple Nines

- Scott Duffy for noting the movie title that seems to be similar to the
titles of Marty's missions.

- Benjamin Sabido for contributing various tricks concerning the hookers.

- Star for pointing out a typo.

- NoXcuse999 for a note on the everything-proof Stretch.

- Finny Merrill for pointing out a mistake in TOYMINATOR.

- JeDi ShAdOw for submitting the quasi-bulletproof Sentinel.

- Mstokesy for another note on the Costume-Change Trick.


16: Thanks

- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and
this game!
- Thanks to all the above submitters for submitting to this FAQ!
- Thanks to Rockstar Games, for the game that's gonna go down in history
with Goldeneye!
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


17: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole. Don't rip off this guide then
alter it and claim it as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY
profitable reasons whatsoever, even if no money is made. Only these sites
have permission to use my guides:

This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. Since is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.
BTW, neither of the guides they have on that site currently are ripped from
mine, because they were released before mine was even started on. Don't
tell me about them.



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