SSX Tricky

SSX Tricky

14.10.2013 10:11:24


Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather


Initial Version Completed: November 26, 2001
Final Version Completed: February 9, 2002


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SHAMELESS PLUG: For those wondering what JP (the French
character) is saying, please see my SSX Tricky: Qu'est-ce
qu'il dit? Guide. On GameFAQs (,
this is listed as JP Speech Translations.


Spacing and Length
GameShark2 Codes
Circuit Descriptions
Starting the Game
General Tips
The Subjective Section
Contact Information


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First, a very important disclaimer: I know absolutely NOTHING
about real-life snowboarding. That said, I absolutely LOVE SSX

October 26, 2000, while waiting in line to pick up my
PlayStation2 console and a pair of games I had reserved, I
noticed the box for the original SSX. While it looked
interesting, I decided to just keep to the games I had reserved.
It was not until March 2001 that I finally bought SSX, and it was
love at first slope!!! I have always been quite partial to auto
racing games, so the racing elements of SSX spoke volumes to me.
The need for tricks at first seemed daunting reading the game
manual, but the controls were quick and easy to learn and the
tricks easy to perform. In fact, I loved the original SSX so
much that I had to sell off the game a month later since I was
not getting much academic work done.

In October 2001, I reserved SSX Tricky, fully expecting it to be
even better than the original. And I was certainly not
let down :-) While slightly disappointed that only two new
courses were added, overall, I was impressed with the changes
made to all venues - Pipedream and Snowdream in particular are
extremely different in the "sequel." The addition of Ubertricks
provides incredible visuals, especially the "signature move"
Ubertricks for each character; further, the available Ubertricks
are board-specific. Also available is a jukebox to listen to the
music used in the game. But what I really enjoyed most were the
"Making of..." movie clips, detailing the creation of the game;
this is made possible because SSX Tricky is a DVD-based game, and
I hope many other PS2 games will follow suit.

Since I have never been snowboarding, I cannot compare the
game with the real-world experiences it simulates in over- the-
top fashion. However, I hope this game guide offers useful tips
and information to other non-initiates who simply want a great

One note of caution: SSX Tricky is rather addictive!!! Make
sure that you play this game when you have A LOT of time to
spare. A single run can take up to six minutes to complete
(multiply by three if you are in a World Circuit race
competition), and even after each run is complete, the desire to
go do it again is extremely strong.

For those who have never played the original SSX, I suggest
at least renting it or borrowing a friend's copy.
Essentially, SSX and SSX Tricky are the same game, but I believe
the beauty of SSX Tricky is truly only appreciated by having
familiarity with the original SSX.


The GameShark2 is a way to cheat at games using specific
codes. The GS2 can be purchased at any gaming store, and
also at online stores such as Amazon; the GS2 and its accessories
can also be purchased at the GameShark web site
( However, I will not list GameShark2
codes for SSX Tricky in this guide, both because they would take
a lot of space in the guide, and because it would likely be a
copyright violation.

While GameShark2 codes are available, they are not really
necessary. SSX Tricky is challenging without being impossible.
Where the codes may be handy, however, is for acquiring all
boards and all outfits for each character; this allows for
customization possibilities without taking away the challenge of
competing for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals.

Each of the game's twelve characters has a number of boards
and outfits, of which two boards and one outfit are initially
available. I thought it best to input the appropriate GS2 codes
immediately. Initially, this was simply to have all the
customization options available, but I also found it useful for
quickly identifying each character's main strength as
demonstrated by the boards (Alpine, BX, and Freestyle) in that
character's "arsenal." Cycling through the boards, for example,
I noticed that Marisol is a speedster on the slopes (all but two
boards are Alpine boards), while Kaori is strong in tricks
(almost all her boards are Freestyle boards). This does not mean
that Marisol is inept at performing tricks in Showoff
competition, or that Kaori cannot win races, but the boards do
visually demonstrate an advantage in a particular area.

GameShark2 codes are available for SSX Tricky to unlock all
tracks in Single and Practice modes, and to unlock all riders in
all modes of play. On a character-by-character basis, codes are
available to unlock all boards, unlock all outfits, win all Gold
Medals, learn all tricks, achieve maximum stats, and gain Master
rank. The GameShark2 codes can be found on the SSX Tricky code
page at the GameShark Web site

Certainly, codes are not necessary to acquire new outfits and
boards. By completing chapters in each character's Trick Book
and by winning a given number of Gold Medals in the World Circuit
events, a character gains new outfits, boards, and rankings
(Newbie, Rookie, ... Master); as more Gold Medals are acquired,
new characters become available.


This section is designed to give readers an overview of each
circuit at a glance. This is not a section-by-section detailed
description of what to expect; this is rendered somewhat
difficult due to the alternate routes available at almost all
venues. Note that the descriptions here are primarily for Race
mode; Showoff mode will also have plenty of manmade jumps, rails,
and other things added for bonus and trick purposes.

Garibaldi: Now the first venue on the SSX circuit, this
brand-new circuit presents plenty of trick and Ubertrick
opportunities with its many jumps. The alternate route
bypasses almost all of the main circuit, and itself has a
number of jumps over nasty gorges and fast-flowing icy
rivers. As a Showoff venue, Garibaldi's many jumps and
grinds make it FAR too easy to score a Gold Medal here
(only 55,000 points are required for the Gold Medal), even
if playing SSX Tricky for the first time. As a Race
venue, the many jumps allow you to quickly perform six
Ubertricks to gain Infinite Boost, which will allow you to
easily win a race so long as you can keep from falling

Snowdream: The first venue in the original SSX is now the
second in SSX Tricky. Located in Japan, this incarnation
is also a bit different from the original game. The first
part of the circuit provides the most opportunities for
tricks, but generally not enough airtime for the really
spectacular Ubertricks. While the initial jumps are
really small, they can still provide an enterprising
player to pull off tricks to boost ahead of the pack, or
catch up if necessary. Trick specialists such as Kaori
can still perform enough Ubertricks early in a race to
quickly gain Infinite Boost, which can then be used to
essentially coast to victory.

Elysium Alps: One of the longer runs of the game, many
players will find it difficult to complete Elysium Alps in
under five minutes. There are plenty of opportunities for
tricks in the initial and final thirds of the circuit,
while the middle section depends on your route and just
how much forward momentum can be generated; the middle
stage's "high road" has gaping jumps over the twisty, icy
"low road." The alternate route on the first stage of the
circuit is really only for advanced players, although a
well-placed "fall" can provide a good opportunity to
perform multiple Ubertricks before landing back on the
main course.

Mesablanca: Snowboarding in the desert!?!?!?!?!?! Overall,
Mesablanca has fewer trick opportunities than the
preceding venues, so speed is generally a better option
here. However, trick specialists can perform enough
Ubertricks to gain Infinite Boost by the time they reach
the wooden bridge. If you do not have enough forward
momentum for the final jump, you will definitely lose if
in a close race.

Mercury City Meltdown: From the very beginning, this urban
setting features split paths which continually cross each
other throughout the first half of the circuit, so beware
of cross-traffic. Being a city site, there are also
plenty of fire hydrants, traffic signal poles, downed
lights, buildings, bus shelters, light poles, etc., which
will all slow you down - if they do not knock you to the
ground. Jumping across the highway is much easier in SSX
Tricky than in the original SSX. Because of the tight
twists and turns and the many obstacles, it is very easy
to find yourself both in the lead and bringing up the rear
several times in a race here; use knockouts and shortcuts
to your advantage!!!

Tokyo Megaplex: This Japanese venue feels very much like
being the ball in a pinball machine. The configuration
has changed since the original SSX, but is still rather
similar. The most impressive additions are the sections
of updraft vents; riding one or two of these will thrust
you far up into the air, and can give you plenty of time
to pull off amazing tricks, and possibly even TWO
Ubertricks (including a "signature move"). Even those
characters which are not trick specialists can rack up
rather high point totals in Showoff, so long as each
Checkpoint is reached before time expires. For races, the
many suspended twisting grinds and halfpipes can give a
tremendous advantage, but require expert usage of the
left analog stick.

Aloha Ice Jam: If snowboarding in the American Southwest is
odd, snowboarding in Hawaii is even stranger. Still, this
is a unique circuit, and one of the most difficult on the
SSX circuit. The circuit begins with a tight, long, left
hand turn with a bone-breaking drop-off to the outside.
Once clear of the initial corner, the main section of
Aloha Ice Jam features a number of gaps to jump and tight
high-speed corners. After another gap, the ice cave
section at the end of the circuit has even tighter twists
and turns with a few jumps in low-ceiling areas. Once out
of the ice cave, icebergs line the path to the Finish
Line. Even trick specialists will have a hard time in
Showoff here, as the point totals needed for each medal
can be rather difficult to achieve due to all the tight
twists and turns and the low ceilings.

Alaska: This second new venue is by far the most difficult in
SSX Tricky. This is due partly to the general lack of
trick opportunities, and partly due to the fast, mostly-
ice surfaces. Especially hard to master are the ice
tunnels at the end of the Alaska venue; if you are not
careful, you could very quickly find yourself on the
ceiling... and quickly succumbing to gravity if you do not
have enough forward momentum. The circuit is generally
narrow, tight, and twisty, so the best way to make a pass
is probably by using a well-placed stiff-arm; Zoe and
Psymon seem especially adept at Knockdowns, although even
little Kaori can bring an opponent down to her size.

Untracked: Available only in Freeride mode, you are the first
to touch this pristine mountain. A helicopter drops you
off at the top of the mountain, and picks you up at the
bottom. In the meantime, enjoy the powder!!! Untracked
has also been heavily changed since the original SSX;
unfortunately, this means that there are fewer big air
opportunities, thus fewer chances to perform Ubertricks.

Pipedream: Pipedream is a trick specialist's orgy!!! There
are more than enough opportunities to perform tricks here,
especially in the various bowls scooped out of the ground.
However, the Pipedream Showoff event has a VERY high medal
threshold, so always keep an eye on the time. Most
importantly, keep track of which direction is downhill; if
you spend a lot of time doing tricks in one of the many
bowls, you can easily lose your sense of direction, which
will be key when you need to reach the next Checkpoint
before time expires. The best place to score massive
points to attain a Gold Medal is in the two halfpipes;
the first is on the leftmost side of the middle section,
while the best one is in the center of the circuit just
before the Finish Line.


When starting the game for the first time, watch the
introduction. After Elise's initial comment, the rest of the
introduction shows a lot of action from virtually all available
venues, including many of the game's Ubertricks (including some
"signature moves"). Besides being quite fun to watch, the music
is rather catchy!

Once past the title screen, press the Square button to enter the
Options screen, and make any changes to customize the game to
your liking. Then select a character, customize board and/or
outfit, and head for the slopes!!! I personally suggest trying
ALL venues - in both Race and Showoff modes - in Practice first,
even for those intimately familiar with the original SSX; some of
the circuits have had significant changes made, and two circuits
(Garibaldi and Alaska) are completely new.

When ready to enter the World Circuit competition, opt for
Showoff mode first. The first circuit you will encounter is
Garibaldi. The idea here is to perform so many tricks that you
win a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal; however, the score you much
achieve for Gold is so low that virtually all players should
acquire a Gold Medal here on their first try. If you do win a
medal, enter your name in the Records screen (if applicable), and
distribute the character points you just earned to Edging, Speed,
Stability, and/or Tricks; each circuit gives a maximum of six
character points, which must be spent wisely. My personal
preference is to first spend character points on Tricks, as the
next few competitions suggested are also Showoff venues.

After the Garibaldi Showoff, move on to the Snowdream Showoff
venue. Again, the threshold for the Gold Medal is rather low, so
most players should be able to acquire a Gold Medal here on the
first try. Again, enter your name in the Records screen (if
applicable), and distribute the character points you just earned.
Again, I prefer spending points on Tricks.

Next in Showoff mode is Elysium Alps. This is a very lengthy
venue, so time is just as important as performing tricks. The
threshold for gaining medals is now significantly high that a
Gold Medal (or even a Silver Medal) is not guaranteed here.
Still, once you do acquire a medal, enter your name in the
Records screen (if applicable), and distribute the character
points you just earned. Again, I prefer spending points on

By now, you should have earned enough character points to either
easily win or be quite competitive in the Garibaldi Race series,
so go there next. (Besides, the Mesablanca Showoff can be a bit
difficult, so you really need all the character points you can
get first.) In World Circuit competition, each Race event is
actually a series of three
races: Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Finals. You must
finish in the first three positions of the Quarterfinals and
Semifinals to advance to the next heat; you are also rewarded
with an initial boost level for the following heat (winning a
heat gives a full boost meter for the next race in the series).
This can be used to your advantage by knocking down a competitor
between the starting gates and the first jump, thus enabling you
to perform one or more Ubertricks at the very first opportunity.

The nice thing about Race events at Garibaldi is that, even
without the Showoff jumping platforms and grinds, there are still
plenty of opportunities to perform big-air tricks and Ubertricks.
If using a character which is not naturally fast (such as Kaori),
you can still perform enough tricks and Ubertricks to keep the
boost level consistently high, which itself will make you rather

Should you win a medal in the Garibaldi Race Finals, enter
your name in the Records screen (if applicable), and
distribute the character points you just earned; personally,
I still prefer assigning character points to Tricks. Then
move on to Snowdream and do it all again. When finished
there, move on to Elysium Alps and do it all yet again!!!

By this time, Mesablanca will be open for both Race and
Showoff competition. Continue on at your own discretion -
you should by now have enough character points to be quite
competitive for all the rest of the venues.

Of course, with twelve characters in SSX Tricky, you will
need to master ALL events with ALL characters at ALL venues
to complete the game. This is not a game you will be done
with in just a few days!!!


Tricks are extremely important on many circuits, as they give you
the boost you need to keep up your speed. Thus, holding your
tricks as long as possible is very important as you sail through
the air and try to cheat gravity. However, if you crash and fall
while performing a trick, you lose boost (if you have any to
lose), so use the size of your shadow on the ground to judge when
to let go of a trick and prepare for landing. Note that some
Ubertricks take longer to perform than others, which can mean the
difference between successfully pulling off an Ubertrick and
crashing and falling on cold snow and ice. Also, some Ubertricks
(especially the flashier Ubertricks) may change depending on the
type of board (Alpine, BX, or Freestyle) the character is using.

Each character has at least one of the three types of boards used
in SSX Tricky. Alpine boards are the longest, and are best for
speed, which is especially important in Race and Time Challenge
modes. Freestyle boards are the shortest, and are the best to
use for tricks, especially in Showoff mode. BX boards are the
"middle ground" between the two extremes, and are generally good
for most events and venues. Many characters have a specialty,
indicated by the number of boards they have of each particular
type. Character size combines with the chosen board and the
character's skill levels to produce the character's overall

It is very important to be able to quickly read the racing
surface just ahead, especially when competing on a circuit for
the first time. Many jumps are indicated with painted stripes
across the circuit. Ice allows for extremely fast speeds if you
can keep a straight or gently-curved racing line, especially
important in cornering. Bare rock can also be used, depending on
the angle, but will generally slow you down.

If you are in a Race event and you are not using an Alpine board
(the fastest type of board), try to perform as many Ubertricks as
possible in the initial stages of each heat. As soon as you gain
Infinite Boost, use it constantly until you win; this should keep
you out in front of the rest of the competitors. Note that
gaining Infinite Boost is EXTREMELY difficult at Alaska; however,
it CAN be done.

To perform really impressive tricks and Ubertricks, you need
to gain as much air time as possible. This is done in two parts.
First, prewind your tricks as early as possible. Secondly, let go
of the prewind button as late as possible on a ramp to get a
great launch into the air; if you were prewinding a spin or flip,
you will start performing that portion of the trick immediately.
It also helps to use boost as long as possible leading up to a
jump; more forward momentum will throw you higher into the air,
thus giving you more time to perform tricks and Ubertricks.


Favorite venues (Race):
Elysium Alps
Mercury City Meltdown

Favorite venues (Showoff):
Elysium Alps
Mercury City Meltdown
Pipedream (available in Freeride and Single Event only)
Tokyo Megaplex

Favorite characters (play):

Favorite characters (chatter):

Favorite characters (personalities):

Favorite characters (Ubertricks):

Favorite parts of SSX Tricky:
3-D interface
Introductory movie
DVD section

Favorite outfits (by character, by order unlocked):
Brodi: Yin Yang
Elise: Lady Law
JP: MC Maitre D
Kaori: Super Excellent
Marisol: Vintage Rioja
Moby: Jones' Tones, Master
Psymon: Nightmare, Master
Zoe: Rawk On, Naughty Girl, Royale Trinity, Master


This is something I first posted on the SSX Tricky Message Board
on GameFAQs ( on December 2,

Something I started noticing over the weekend is that when
the characters are yelling at each other in the close-up
at the end of a race, their eyes are often everywhere
OTHER than each other's face. This seems to be especially
prominent when the two characters are of differing levels
of vertical height (such as Kaori and JP), but the one
which really caught me a bit off-guard tonight was Marisol
yelling at Elise while staring at her chest!!!!!

A useful but perhaps unethical oddity is the 'select trick.'
In SSX Tricky, pressing the Select button will reset the current
character at a particular point on the circuit, supposedly near
the character's previous position. However, as has been well-
documented on the SSX Tricky Message Board on GameFAQs, some
'select tricks' actually place the character far forward of her
or his previous position. This can be used (potentially
unethically) to put a character into the lead and potentially to
win a race; a prime example of this is pressing Select just
before the final jump at Mesablanca, reappearing about a meter
before the Finish Line while opponents are still in mid-air
navigating the final jump.


For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc.,
or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving
guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if you
have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful to you,
I would certainly appreciate a small donation via PayPal
( using the above e-mail address.

To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2 game
guides, please visit FeatherGuides
( The latest
version will always be immediately available at FeatherGuides,
while other Web sites may lag behind by several days in their
regularly-scheduled posting updates.


Wolf Feather Jamie Stafford
Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human,
there's a remarkable number of things needed to make an
individual what they are.
- Major Kusanagi, _Ghost in the Shell_
What isn't remembered never happened. - _Serial Experiments

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