Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

13.10.2013 18:10:09
Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
by John 'Wntermute' Gall [wntermute@home.com]
Version 1.5 (3-27-02)
(c) 2002 John Gall aka 'Wntermute'

This is a FAQ for Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy for the
Playstation 2 from the talented developers at Naughty Dog.
Contents:1. Version History2. Story3. Controls4. Quest Items
5. Eco Types
6. Walkthrough A. Geyser Rock
B. Sandover Village
C. Sentinel Beach
D. Forbidden Jungle
E. Misty Island
F. Fire Canyon
G. Rock Village
H. Lost Precursor City
I. Boggy Swamp
J. Precursor Basin
K. Mountain Pass
L. Volcanic Crater
M. Snowy Mountain
N. Spider Cave
O. Lava Tube
P. Gol And Maia's Citadel
Q. The Large Precursor Door
7. Bosses
A. Dark Eco Plant
B. Klaww
8. Mini-Games
A. 'Catch 200 Pounds Of Fish'
B. 'Protect Farthy's Snacks'
9. FAQs10. Glitches & Bugs
11. Conclusion & Copyright

1. Version History
v0.1 (12-07-01) - Initial Revision; all but one Power Cell
objective name found. played through the whole game in under 2
days with only 2 Power Cells and 1 Orb remaining to be found.
I'll be reworking the Orb Locations portion as this document

v0.2 (12-07-01) - Started work on Orb and Scout Fly Locations.
Removed pieces left over from the Demo FAQ I was working from.
Removed incorrect piece in Demo/Game comparison question.
Finished Orb & Scout Fly locations up to Rock Village.

v0.3 (12-14-01) - Returned from hiatus; Finished Orb & Scout
Fly locations up to Lava Tube. Added dedication in Section 11,
added Green & White Eco, added Glitches & Bugs section.

v1.0 (01-03-02) - Finished Orb & Scout Fly locations in Gol &
Maia's Citadel. Added more bugs. Corrected small error in
Precursor Robot boss info. Added more special moves to Controls

v1.5 (03-27-02) - Long overdue interim update. The old email
address was shut off due to the Cox conversion from the @Home
network to their own. Moved the area-specific FAQs to their
respective areas. Will work on updating for more frequently
asked questions later.

2. Story
Here is the story of the world of Jak & Daxter:

Jak and Daxter are two elf-like friends that live on one of a
group of islands. As usual with many pairs of friends, they are
a truly 'odd' couple: Jak is the strong, silent type while
Daxter is a seemingly endless source of wisecracks. Before the
game begins, Jak and Daxter sneak over to Misty Island where
they witness a meeting of Lurkers with their masters, Gol and
Maia. Before they're spotted, they sneak off and find a Dark
Eco pool and a Precursor artifact. They're discovered and Jak
fights off the lurker with the Precursor artifact but knocks
Daxter into the Dark Eco. Daxter jumps out of the sludge as an
'ottsel' (part otter, part weasel). They return to the Green
Sage, Samos, and are told only one person knows enough about
Dark Eco to turn Daxter back. They also find out that the other
sages have been out of touch for some time and the way to reach
them is very dangerous. At this point, Samos's daughter Keira
offers to help with a modified Zoomer that can resist the heat
of the fiery Mountain Pass.

It is up to Jak and Daxter to stop the Lurkers' evil plan and
find a way to turn Daxter into his normal elf form.

===========3. Controls
Jak & Daxter (expanded by request)
Left Analog Stick - Move Jak & Daxter
Right Analog Stick - Move & Zoom Camera
X Button - Jump
O Button - Spinkick
[] Button - Punch / Shoot Yellow Eco burst
/\ Button - Look Around (toggle view)
L1 / R1 Buttons - Duck
L2 / R2 Buttons - Heads-Up Progress Totals
Start Button - Pause / Progress Screen
Jump then Punch - Handstand Dive
Punch then Jump - Uppercut
Crouch then Punch - Uppercut
Crouch then Jump - High jump
L1 / R1 while moving - Roll
Jump then Jump - Double-jump (more distance than a
single Jump)
Jump, Jump, Spinkick - Double-jump w/ spin (a little more
distance than Double-jump)
Roll then Jump - Rolling jump (more distance than
Double-jump w/ spin

Jak's A-Grav Zoomer
Left Analog Stick - Turn Zoomer
Right Analog Stick - Move & Zoom Camera
X Button - Accelerate
[] Button - Brake / Shoot Yellow Eco burst
L1 / R1 Buttons - Jump / Hard turn
L2 / R2 Buttons - Heads-Up Progress Totals
Start Button - Pause / Progress Screen

Lurker's Cannon (Misty Island - Arena Area)
Left Analog Stick - Aim Cannon
X Button - Fire Cannon (hold for farther shot)
/\ Button - Leave Cannon
L2 / R2 Buttons - Heads-Up Progress Totals
Start Button - Pause / Progress Screen

4. Quest Items
These items are part of your quest:

Precursor Orbs - These appear as mauve eggs with some writing
on them. You can trade these for power cells with various
characters and the Oracles along the way; generally 90 Orbs per
power cell from people and 120 Orbs per power cell from
Oracles. Most Orbs are in plain sight, but some are contained
in other objects such as Metal Boxes or the Blue Eco Device.

Power Cells - These are your main objectives in the game. They
appear as glowing spheres with smaller spheres surrounding
them. On the Progress Screen, you can see which of the power
cell objectives you have completed and which you have

Scout Flies - These are small helicopter-like objects that were
sent to each area by Keira. They do not begin in plain sight;
instead, you need to open the red metal boxes they are in
(Handstand Dive, Zoomer, Yellow Eco burst, Flut-Flut Dash). In
each location, there are 7 Scout Flies that can be found for
another power cell.

5. Eco Types
There are several types of Eco in the game. Touching a piece of
Blue, Red, or Yellow Eco will add it to your Eco Meter. The Eco
Meter steadily drains after touching pieces of Eco and the
effects (and quantity) of Eco are only for the last color
touched. (example: if you have a full meter of Blue Eco and hit
a piece of Yellow Eco, your meter will show only one piece's
worth of Yellow Eco)

Blue Eco - The effects of Blue Eco are as follows: Jak's
movement speed is increased; nearby Orbs and green health
crystals will glow blue then gravitate toward Jak; activation
of several varieties of Precursor artifacts and devices (Orb
Holder Devices, Precursor Doors, Jungle Temple Bridge, etc).

Red Eco - The effect of Red Eco is to increase attack power.
Under the influence of Red Eco, Jak can knock down a vertical
bone bridge or kill a Skeleton Lurker with one punch; however,
his running speed is slightly reduced.

Yellow Eco - When Jak punches, a ball of Yellow Eco power will
shoot >from his fist. His running speed is reduced. Generally,
Yellow Eco bursts will travel to the nearest place they'll be
useful. A jump-shot (shooting a Yellow Eco burst while jumping)
will be more accurate than a shot fired while standing or

Green Eco - When Jak opens most boxes & barrels and/or kill a
lurker, small pieces of Green Eco will emerge. Collect 50 small
pieces of Green Eco to gain a level back on Jak's health meter;
if it's full, you can collect up to 50 pieces in reserve.
Occasionally, you will encounter a large piece of Green Eco, it
is worth 50 small pieces by itself. In two areas, there are
Green Eco Vents (Sentinel Beach and Precursor Basin), these
will return your health to full with 50 pieces' worth of Green
Eco in reserve. The only time Green Eco affects the Eco Meter
is in the Precursor Basin; the Green Eco Vent there is meant
for curing the Dark Eco infected plants.

Dark Eco - This form of Eco is toxic. Contact with a box of
Dark Eco will cause the box to explode and take 1 unit of
health. Contact with the Dark Eco in the Dark Eco pools in
various locations will kill Jak.

White Eco - This form of Eco only exists at ONE place in the
game, the Gol & Maia's Precursor Robot boss fight. It appears
as a small piece of the White Eco cloud that forms above the
Precursor Silo; its only use is to deliver the final blow to
the Precursor Robot. Its actual properties are a combination of
Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green Eco.

==============6. Walkthrough
After watching the Intro Movie, you will be at the training
area, Geyser Rock.

A. Geyser Rock
Power Cells: 4
Orbs: 50
A.i Geyser Rock - Power Cells
"Find The Cell On The Path" - Go straight along the path from
the warp portal.
"Open The Precursor Door" - Use the Blue Eco Vent to fill your
Eco Meter, then walk to the door.
"Climb Up The Cliff" - Follow the path past the Precursor Door
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

A.ii Geyser Rock - Orb Locations
Total: 50
13 Orbs: Between warp portal and "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
8 Orbs: Along path between the Scout Fly platforms and the
Precursor Door
6 Orbs: On the beach below the Blue Eco cluster path
3 Orbs: Near the Blue Eco Vent
7 Orbs: In the pond behind the Precursor Door
13 Orbs: On the path above the pond

A.iii Geyser Rock - Scout Fly Locations
1- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
2- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
3- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
4- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
5- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
6- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell
7- The stairstepped area past the "Find The Cell On The Path"
Power Cell

A.iv Geyser Rock - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

A.v Geyser Rock - FAQs
- None -

B. Sandover Village
Power Cells: 6
Orbs: 50
B.i Sandover Village - Power Cells
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Mayor" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to the
"Bring 90 Orbs To Your Uncle" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the uncle.
"Herd The Yakows Into Their Pen" - Kick, punch, or chase the 5
Yakows to guide them into the corral next to the Farmer's
'Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle' - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle" - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

B.ii Sandover Village - Orb Locations
Total: 50
6 Orbs: On the path past the Sculptor's house
15 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device near the Birdwatcher's house
9 Orbs: On the cliffs behind the Farmer's house
5 Orbs: In the tunnel to the Jungle area
9 Orbs: On the rock formations between the Farmer's house and
the Oracle
6 Orbs: On the beach below the Jungle area

B.iii Sandover Village - Scout Fly Locations
1- In the Fisherman's house
2- In the side room of the Mayor's house
3- On the peninsula below the Sculptor's house
4- Below the bridge between the Mayor's house and the
Sculptor's house
5- In the Farmer's house
6- On the first rock formation near the Farmer's house
7- On the ledge near the Oracle

B.iv Sandover Village - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

B.v Sandover Village - FAQs
Q. How do I get to the Oracle and Scout Fly in Sandover
A. Using the right timing, you can get across all of the rock
formations using the double-jump w/ spin. The rolling jump
works as well. [See Section 3 - Controls]

C. Sentinel Beach
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 150
C.i Sentinel Beach - Power Cells
"Unblock The Eco Harvesters" - Break the rocks blocking the
Green Eco Vents. The Power Cell will pop out of the last vent.
"Push The Flut Flut Egg Off The Cliff" - Move the egg off the
cliff by punching or hitting it, then talk to the Birdwatcher
next to the egg.
"Get The Power Cell From The Pelican" - Climb the pelican's
rock formation and hit it. Then quickly run to where the Power
Cell landed before the pelican can scoop it up again.
"Chase The Seagulls" - On the three Sentinel Stairways, the
seagulls will be roosting on the left stairway. Run up to them
and they will move to the middle stairway. Run up to them again
and they will move to the right stairway. Run up to them again
and they will fly up to the waterfall and cause a rockslide.
The Power Cell will fall onto a step near the Green Eco
"Launch Up To The Cannon Tower" - This requires the "Find The
Blue Vent Switch" event in the Forbidden Jungle area. Use the
uncapped Blue Eco Vent to power the Blue Eco Launchers and
reach the cannon. The Power Cell will be dropped by the Ape
Lurker who was controlling the cannon.
"Explore The Beach" - This Power Cell is out in the open in an
alcove near the strongboxes.
"Climb The Sentinel" - This Power Cell is out in the open at
the top of the middle Sentinel Stairway.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

C.ii Sentinel Beach - Orb Locations
Total: 150
7 Orbs: On the beach between the entrance and the strongboxes
21 Orbs: In the strongboxes on the beach
10 Orbs: On the steps up to the plateau above the beach
5 Orbs: On the natural bridge at the waterfall
5 Orbs: At the bottom of the waterfall
5 Orbs: On a ledge of the cliff above the two wooden pillars
10 Orbs: At the bottom of the two wooden pillars
6 Orbs: Behind the left Sentinel Stairway
5 Orbs: Between the middle and right Sentinel Stairways
5 Orbs: At the top of the right Sentinel Stairway
5 Orbs: On the rock formation above the two wooden pillars
8 Orbs: On the ledge behind the waterfall
10 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device near the Flut Flut egg
6 Orbs: On the platform at the top of the bridge near the Flut
Flut egg's landing spot
16 Orbs: In the shallows near the pelican's nest
4 Orbs: On the steps below the pelican's nest
10 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device next to the pelican's nest
6 Orbs: On the rock pillars that have Blue Eco Launchers
6 Orbs: In the strongboxes on the rock pillars that have Blue
Eco Launchers

C.iii Sentinel Beach - Scout Fly Locations
1- Near the Blue Eco clusters at the entrance to the Beach
2- On a ledge of the cliff above the two wooden pillars
3- At the top of the left Sentinel Stairway
4- On the rock formation above the two wooden pillars
5- On the beach below the Green Eco Harvesters
6- On the ledge trail to the Flut Flut egg
7- On the platform at the top of the bridge near the Flut Flut
egg's landing spot

C.iv Sentinel Beach - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

C.v Sentinel Beach - FAQs
Q. How do I power the Blue Eco Launcher in Sentinel Beach?
A. There is a capped Blue Eco Vent right by the Blue Eco
Launcher. You'll need to go through Forbidden Jungle and
activate the Blue Eco Vent switch to turn on the capped vent.

D. Forbidden Jungle
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 150
D.i Forbidden Jungle - Power Cells
"Unblock The Eco Beam"/"Connect The Eco Beams" - Behind the
Precursor Temple is a machine with the Eco beam redirection
mirror on the top. Break the mirror blocking the beam then
position the towers scattered across the level to connect the
beam (while positioning the towers, a guide arrow will point to
the next tower). Once the beam is connected back to the Mayor's
house, talk to the Mayor to get the Power Cell.
"Get To The Top Of The Temple" - Use the Blue Eco Vent across
the river >from the Precursor Temple to repair the Blue Eco
bridge and open the Precursor Door at the base of the Temple.
Use Blue Eco pieces and vents found in the Temple to power the
Blue Eco platforms and Blue Eco Launchers to reach the top of
the Temple. The Power Cell is sitting at the very top.
"Find The Blue Vent Switch" - At the top of the Temple, hit
the switch in the middle of the roof to lower the platform.
This leads you to a room with two locked Blue Eco doors, a
capped Blue Eco Vent and a ledge leading to a tunnel; this is
the Temple Central Room. Follow the tunnel to the Blue Eco
Switch and grab the Power Cell at the top.
"Defeat the Dark Eco Plant" - See "Bosses" section below
"Catch 200 Pounds Of Fish" - See "Mini-Games" section below
"Follow The Canyon To The Sea" - From the Blue Eco Launcher
below the Precursor Temple, follow the river through the stone
tunnel out to the ocean. The Power Cell is sitting on a small
outcropping in the shallows.
"Open The Locked Temple Door" - There are two methods to open
the door. A) Before breaking the mirror on the Blue Eco
collecting machine, step into the beam. It acts as a Blue Eco
Vent. Run to the locked door at the back of the Precursor
Temple. B) Grab the three pieces of Blue Eco near the Blue Eco
Launcher below the Precursor Temple. Use the Blue Eco Launcher
to jump and guide Jak onto the ledge by the Blue Eco Door.
Using either means, the Power Cell is right inside the door in
a small chamber.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

D.ii Forbidden Jungle - Orb Locations
Total: 150
4 Orbs: On the bridge between the Village and the Jungle
8 Orbs: On the path between the bridge to the Village and the
bridge over the Fisherman's river
9 Orbs: On the tree stumps along the path between the bridge
to the Village and Eco Beam Tower
2 Orbs: On the tree stumps across the creek between Eco Beam
Tower 2 and Eco Beam Tower 3
5 Orbs: On the Eco Beam collecting machine
2 Orbs: On the bridge above the Fisherman's river
8 Orbs: On the circular steps around the Dark Eco Plant escape
4 Orbs: On the tree stumps near Eco Beam Tower 4
2 Orbs: Near the Blue Eco bridge to the Precursor Temple
6 Orbs: On ledges outside of the base of the Precursor Temple
2 Orbs: On an upper floor of the Precursor Temple
12 Orbs: In the tunnel between the Temple Central Room and the
Blue Eco Switch
12 Orbs: Along the corridor through the Blue Eco doors between
the Blue Eco Switch and the Temple Central Room. (Some are in
the Blue Eco Switch room itself)
10 Orbs: Above the Blue Eco Launcher in the tunnel from the
Temple Central Room
10 Orbs: Above the Blue Eco Launcher in the corridor between
the Temple Central Room and the Dark Eco Plant
2 Orbs: On a platform in the corridor between the Temple
Central Room and the Dark Eco Plant
5 Orbs: Step on the head of the Dark Eco Plant 5 times after
it is dead
5 Orbs: Above the Dark Eco Plant escape tube
4 Orbs: In the open in the valley below the Dark Eco Plant
escape tube
20 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device in the valley below the Dark
Eco Plant escape tube
3 Orbs: Along the river below the Blue Eco bridge
15 Orbs: In the shallows near the "Follow The Canyon To The
Sea" Power Cell

D.iii Forbidden Jungle - Scout Fly Locations
1- On a tree stump along the path between the bridge to the
Village and Eco Beam Tower 2
2- Next to Eco Beam Tower 1
3- On a tree stump near Eco Beam Tower 4
4- On a ledge on the outside of the base of the Precursor
5- On an upper floor of the Precursor Temple
6- Near the Blue Eco Device in the valley below the Dark Eco
Plant escape tube
7- Near the Blue Eco Launcher, in the river below the
Precursor Temple & Blue Eco collecting machine

D.iv Forbidden Jungle - Eco Beam Tower Locations
Tower 1 - Next to the Eco Beam collecting machine
Tower 2 - The end of the path straight off the bridge to the
Tower 3 - Next to the Precursor Temple across the creak from
Eco Beam Tower 2
Tower 4 - At the top of the cliff above the Fisherman's river
Tower 5 - On the beach near the path back to the Village

D.iv Forbidden Jungle - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

D.v Forbidden Jungle - FAQs
- None -

E. Misty Island
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 150
E.i. Misty Island - Power Cells
"Catch The Sculptor's Muse" - Catch the Sculptor's Muse and
return it to the Sculptor in Sandover Village.
"Climb The Lurker Ship" - On top of the deckhouse on the
Lurker Ship.
"Stop The Cannon" - Beside the Lurker Cannon after the second
Ape Lurker is killed.
"Return To The Dark Eco Pool" - On bridge above the Dark Eco
"Find The Trans-Pad"/"Destroy The Balloon Lurkers" - After all
of the Balloon Lurkers are killed, the cutscene shows the power
cell appearing in the hold of the Lurker Ship.
"Use Zoomer To Reach Power Cell" - Near the Zoomer stunt
"Use Blue Eco To Reach Power Cell" - On a pillar across from
the Blue Eco platform.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

E.ii. Misty Island - Orb Locations
Total: 150
10 Orbs: On the steps leading from the beach to the plateau
the Sculptor's Muse starts on
5 Orbs: Between two rock pillars in the Mist area
5 Orbs: On breakaway rocks in the Mist area
3 Orbs: In the alcove overlooking the Bay in the Mist area
6 Orbs: On or near the platform at the top of the long
backbone bridge
7 Orbs: At the base of the small backbone bridge
7 Orbs: On the path up the smoothed bone stairway to the
vertical bone bridge
19 Orbs: Over and under the Zoomer stunt bridge in the Bay
8 Orbs: Leading in and out of the hold of the Lurker Ship
5 Orbs: In the skeleton tunnel in the Bay area
10 Orbs: On the Lurker Ship
10 Orbs: On the bridge between the Lurker Ship and the Lurker
14 Orbs: In the strongboxes in the Precursor Silo area below
the Dark Eco Pool
5 Orbs: At the top of the steps from the Precursor Silo to the
Dark Eco Pool
3 Orbs: By the side door to the Arena
3 Orbs: Along the path between the Arena door and the ribcage
8 Orbs: In the alcove above the teeter-totter by the ribcage
3 Orbs: On the beach below the ribcage tunnel
15 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device between the ribcage tunnel and
the Bay
4 Orbs: On the rock formation at the end of the bridge from
the Lurker Ship's bow

E.iii. Misty Island - Scout Flies
1- Platform at the top of the long backbone bridge
2- Alcove overlooking the Bay Area near Mist
3- Platform along the wall between alcove and Precursor Silo
4- Alcove overlooking the Bay Area above teeter-totter near
5- Raised area on the deck of the Lurker Ship.
6- Side-platform on the bridge between Lurker Ship and Lurker
7- At the end of the Zoomer stunt bridge.

E.iv Misty Island - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

E.v Misty Island - FAQs
Q. How is Misty Island different in the game as opposed to the
A. In the full game, you start the area on the boat instead of
the beach. Daxter gives an extra comment when approaching the
starting beach about getting the creeps. Catching the
Sculptor's Muse does not teleport you to the platform at the
top of the long backbone bridge; you need to return to Sandover
Village and speak to the Sculptor to get the power cell.

Q. How can I catch the Sculptor's Muse on Misty Island?
A. This is what I have found to be the easiest: Pay attention
to the Muse's route. There are a couple places where he can be
caught relatively easily. On the stairstep platforms at the top
and bottom of the long backbone bridge, the Muse takes his time
to hop on every step. By skipping steps or hopping down on him
from above, you can catch him or get close enough to make a
quick dash after him with the Punch button.

F. Fire Canyon
Power Cells: 2
Orbs: 50
F.i Fire Canyon - Power Cells
"Reach The End Of The Canyon" - Get the Zoomer to the end of
the Fire Canyon. The Power Cell is on the trans-pad at the end.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

F.ii Fire Canyon - Orb Locations
Total: 50
10 Orbs: In a strongbox between the Trans-pad and the first
blue balloon
10 Orbs: In a strongbox on the first bridge
10 Orbs: In a strongbox on the second bridge
10 Orbs: In a strongbox on the third bridge
10 Orbs: In a strongbox at the end of the canyon

F.iii Fire Canyon - Scout Fly Locations
1- Between the first and second blue balloons
2- Shortly after the first bridge, near the 2 Ape Lurkers
3- Between the pair of blue balloons by a jump and a Blue Eco
4- On the second bridge
5- Just after the second bridge
6- On the right just after the fourth bridge
7- At the beginning of the last bridge

F.iv Fire Canyon - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

F.v Fire Canyon - FAQs
- None -

G. Rock Village
Power Cells: 6
Orbs: 50
G.i Rock Village - Power Cells
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Gambler" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the Gambler.
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Geologist" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the Geologist.
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Warrior" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the Warrior.
"Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle' - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle" - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

G.ii Rock Village - Orb Locations
Total: 50
7 Orbs: On the rock ledges past the waterfall between the Blue
Sage's hut and the rest of Rock Village
3 Orbs: Between the Oracle and the Geologist
3 Orbs: Behind the boulder next to the Geologist
20 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device between the Geologist and the
6 Orbs: Over the pontoon bridge between the Village deck and
the Lost Precursor City
4 Orbs: On the rock formation next to the coral reef where the
Precursor City Chamber surfaces
7 Orbs: Over the pontoon bridge between the floating ramadas

G.iii Rock Village - Scout Fly Locations
1- Behind the Blue Sage's hut
2- In a niche by the rock platforms at the water's edge near
the waterfall
3- Behind the boulder between the Geologist and the Gambler
4- Behind the boulder next to the Geologist
5- On the deck outside the hall near the Warrior
6- On the floating ramada near the Gambler
7- At the entrance to Boggy Swamp

G.iv Rock Village - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

G.v Rock Village - FAQs
Q. How do I open the Blue Eco Device in Rock Village?
A. Generally, Blue Eco pieces you have already collected and
have respawned will be automatically drawn to Jak while he is
channeling Blue Eco. What you need to do is grab both pieces of
Blue Eco and let them run out. Then, grab the piece behind the
Geologist and run toward the second piece. When you see the
second piece start moving (it will usually make a spiral course
toward Jak.. you'll see it flash sideways in your view when it
moves), turn toward the Blue Eco Device; don't wait until you
actually get the second piece. Make a run for the Blue Eco
Device and use 1 or 2 rolling jumps if necessary; more than 2
will waste time while Jak recovers from each to be of any use.

H. Lost Precursor City
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 200
H.i Lost Precursor City - Power Cells
"Raise The Chamber" - In the City Chamber room at the bottom
of the first slide, use the Blue Eco to charge all 6 spheres.
This will open the door to the Chamber. Hit the switch in the
Chamber to raise it to the surface between the entrance and the
rock formation. The Power Cell will be on the top of the
"Follow The Colored Pipes" - In the second large room, there
are three glass cylinders connected to colored pipes. Hit the
switch for the red pipe then climb the stairway of retracting
platforms to the open end of the pipe.
"Reach The Bottom Of The City" - At the bottom of the second
slide is the Bottom Of The City. This power cell is over a
switch in the Bottom Of The City / Slide Tube room.
"Quickly Cross The Dangerous Pool" - This room is across a
hallway from the spinning Lurker room near the Center of The
Complex, at the top of the first slide. Hit the switch and
cross the timed platform stairway to the power cell.
"Match The Platform Colors" - This room is across a hallway
from the spinning Lurker room near the Center Of The Complex.
Light up all of the metal platforms. Once a platform is lit,
jumping on it again will turn it off.
'Climb The Slide Tube" - The platform where the "Reach The
Bottom Of The City" Power Cell was on makes Dark Eco fill the
vertical tube in that area. Use the Blue Eco vents to activate
the Blue Eco Launchers and run up the spiral platform that
lines the tube. Riding the third launcher will get you to a
small room with a Power Cell.
"Reach The Center Of The Complex" - This power cell is out in
the open in the room next to the second large room
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

H.ii Lost Precursor City - Orb Locations
Total: 200
4 Orbs: In the first hallway
6 Orbs: Over the heated pipe above the floating platform in
the first large room
8 Orbs: On the platform under the Flying Lurker in the first
large room
4 Orbs: Over the heated pipe on the ledge in the first large
12 Orbs: Over the timed platforms activated by the switches at
the bottom of the first large room
10 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device in the alcove of the first
large room
3 Orbs: On the ledge by the exit of the first large room
3 Orbs: In the second hallway
3 Orbs: In the small room off the second hallway
4 Orbs: In the third hallway
6 Orbs: On the platform in the middle of the second large room
9 Orbs: On the bottom ledge in the second large room
3 Orbs: On the ledge by the open end of the blue pipe in the
second large room
10 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device below the flying Lurker in the
second large room
8 Orbs: In the Center Of The Complex
9 Orbs: In the small room next to the Center Of The Complex
with the three spinning Lurkers
6 Orbs: Over the heated pipe above the floating platform in
the "Match The Platform Colors" room near the Center Of The
3 Orbs: In the Dangerous Pool room
24 Orbs: On the first slide
6 Orbs: In the City Chamber room
31 Orbs: On the second slide
19 Orbs: In the slide tube between the first and second Blue
Eco Launchers
11 Orbs: In the slide tube between the second Blue Eco
Launcher and the top

H.iii Lost Precursor City - Scout Fly Locations
1- On the platform with the Piggyback Lurkers in the first
large room
2- On the platform above the Piggyback Lurkers in the small
room off the second hallway
3- In the green pipe in the second large room
4- In the blue pipe in the second large room
5- On the ledge in the middle of the red pipe's retracting
platform staircase in the second large room
6- On the platform below the flying Lurker in the second large
7- On the platform across the two steam covers in the room
next to the City Chamber room

H.iv Lost Precursor City - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

H.v Lost Precursor City - FAQs
- None -

I. Boggy Swamp
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 200
I.i Boggy Swamp - Power Cells
"Ride The Flut Flut" - This power cell is on a wooden platform
near the Flut Flut pad. Use the Flut Flut to jump across the
wooden platforms to reach it.
"Protect Farthy's Snacks" - See "Mini-Games" section below
"Defeat The Lurker Ambush" - Past the Yellow Eco Vent after
the Obstacle Course is a Blue Eco Launcher blocked by a large
rock next to 4 Dark Eco boxes blocking a piece of Blue Eco.
Shoot the rock and the Dark Eco boxes with a Yellow Eco Blast.
Use the Blue Eco to power the Launcher (this will be one the
"third pair"), which will send you to the Ambush Area. Fight
off the Ape & Rat Lurkers to get the Power Cell which appears
on the Blue Eco Launcher (the second of the "third pair").
"Break The Tethers To The Zeppelin" - In the clearing after
the second retracting spike fence. Shoot the rock holding the
tether with a Yellow Eco burst. The power cell is inside the
"Break The Tethers To The Zeppelin" - At the end of the
Obstacle Course. Shoot the rock holding the tether with a
Yellow Eco burst. The power cell is inside the rock.
"Break The Tethers To The Zeppelin" - In the small area at the
fourth pair of Blue Eco Launchers. Shoot the rock holding the
tether with a Yellow Eco burst. The power cell is inside the
"Break The Tethers To The Zeppelin" - In the second tar field
past Boggy Billy's hut. Shoot the rock holding the tether with
a Yellow Eco burst. The power cell is inside the rock.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

I.ii Boggy Swamp - Orb Locations
Total: 200
5 Orbs: On the rock formation in the first clearing
18 Orbs: In the boxes in the first clearing
4 Orbs: Near the first Blue Eco Vent
4 Orbs: Near the swinging pole after the first retracting
spike fence
6 Orbs: In the clearing after the second retracting spike
28 Orbs: In the Obstacle Course (the side-view only area
through the cave before the second retracting spike fence)
10 Orbs: In metal boxes on the ground by the Yellow Eco Vent
after the Obstacle Course
12 Orbs: In metal boxes in the tar by the Yellow Eco Vent
after the Obstacle Course
5 Orbs: In the cave by the blocked Blue Eco Launcher
9 Orbs: On the Blue Eco Launcher past the Dark Eco boxes
(first of the "fourth pair")
36 Orbs: In metal boxes between the fourth pair of Blue Eco
Launchers and the Yellow Eco Vent past the Flut Flut pad
20 Orbs: On the wooden platforms near the Flut Flut pad
10 Orbs: In metal boxes in the tar past the Yellow Eco Vent
near the Flut Flut pad
10 Orbs: In metal boxes in the Dark Eco box field past Boggy
Billy's hut
10 Orbs: In metal boxes in the tar field past Boggy Billy's
2 Orbs: In the open in the first tar field past Boggy Billy's
5 Orbs: In the second tar field past Boggy Billy's hut
6 Orbs: In the cave between the 4th Zeppelin tether and the
entrance to the swamp

I.iii Boggy Swamp - Scout Fly Locations
1- On the log after the first clearing
2- In the small area at the first pair of Blue Eco Launchers
3- In the small area at the second pair of Blue Eco Launchers
4- In the area past the Bat Lurkers near the Yellow Eco Vent
after the Obstacle Course
5- On a wooden platform near the Flut Flut pad
6- On a wooden platform near the Flut Flut pad
7- In the Dark Eco box field past Boggy Billy's hut

I.iv Boggy Swamp - Zeppelin Tether Locations
1- In the clearing after the second retracting spike fence
2- At the end of the Obstacle Course
3- In the small area at the fourth pair of Blue Eco Launchers
4- In the second tar field past Boggy Billy's hut

I.v Boggy Swamp - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

I.vi Boggy Swamp - FAQs
Q. Where is the entrance to Boggy Swamp?
A. In Rock Village, go past the Gambler to the first floating
ramada and the pontoon bridge that the Warrior repairs. You'll
arrive at the second floating ramada, which is right by the
Levitator. There is a second pontoon bridge off the second
floating ramada. This leads to a Scout Fly which is right at
the entrance to Boggy Swamp.

Q. How do I get into the tar-filled area near where I get
ambushed in Boggy Swamp?
A. You don't get in there at all. That area is where the
Precursor Artifact (a Precursor Robot arm) the Zeppelin is
trying to retrieve is located. Once all four tethers are
broken, you'll get a cutscene showing the rope on the arm

Q. How do I get the boat to one of the two docks in Boggy
A. You can't get the Fisherman's boat there at all. It will
only ferry you between Sandover Village and Misty Island. The
docks in Boggy Swamp are just decoration.

J. Precursor Basin
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 200
J.i Precursor Basin - Power Cells
"Herd The Moles Into Their Hole" - Use the Zoomer to chase the
4 Lightning Moles into the hole.
"Catch The Flying Lurkers" - Hit the blue Flying Lurkers until
one spits out a Power Cell.
"Beat The Record Time On The Gorge" - Fly through the obstacle
course past the checkered tape in under 45 seconds.
"Get The Power Cell Over The Lake" - Use the Zoomer to hop
across the three tall rock platforms then off the ramp over the
"Cure Dark Eco Infected Plants" - Use the Green Eco vent near
the patch of purple plants to fill your Eco meter and run over
the purple plants. Recharge at the vent as necessary until all
the purple plants are gone. When they are all gone, a large
plant will sprout in the middle and spit out a Power Cell.
"Navigate The Purple Precursor Rings" - Fly through the purple
rings as quickly as you can (there's usually plenty of time,
but if you miss one, you may need to start over). A Power Cell
will pop out of the last ring.
"Navigate The Blue Precursor Rings" - Fly through the blue
rings as quickly as you can; many will require tricky jumps and
one will take you past the Trans-pad (don't get too close to
the Trans-pad or Jak will jump off the Zoomer!). A Power Cell
will pop out of the last ring.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

J.ii Precursor Basin - Orb Locations
Total: 200
42 Orbs: In metal boxes in the Lightning Mole area
25 Orbs: Out in the open in the Lightning Mole area
12 Orbs: In the 2 tunnels between the Lightning Mole area and
the Dark Eco plants area
30 Orbs: In metal boxes in the Dark Eco plants area
13 Orbs: Out in the open in the Dark Eco plants area
14 Orbs: Up the ramp to the top of the donut arch and the
connected platform
13 Orbs: On the second raised platform (in the open & the
metal box)
16 Orbs: On the ledges in the Dark Eco plant area
30 Orbs: In the metal boxes on the three tall rock platforms
5 Orbs: On the rock platform ramp leading to the Power Cell
over the lake

J.iii Precursor Basin - Scout Fly Locations
1- Near the Lightning Mole hole
2- On the bridge over the entrance to the Precursor Basin
3- Near the first purple Precursor Ring
4- Near the first blue Precursor Ring (on the ledges in the
Dark Eco plant area)
5- On the donut arch by the Dark Eco infected plants
6- Under the donut arch by the Dark Eco infected plants
7- On the last platform across from the three tall rock

J.iv Precursor Basin - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

J.v Precursor Basin - FAQs
- None -

K. Mountain Pass
Power Cells: 4
Orbs: 50
K.i Mountain Pass - Power Cells
"Defeat Klaww" - See "Bosses" section below
"Reach The End Of The Mountain Pass" - Race the three
Gyrocopter Lurkers to the detonator at the other end of the
"Find The Hidden Power Cell" - Before the cave entrance to the
final stretch, there is a Yellow Eco Vent (which may require
activating the Yellow Eco Vent Switch at Snowy Mountain). Power
up with the Yellow Eco and fire bursts along the left wall.
There is an odd-colored boulder that will get blown away,
revealing the hidden Power Cell.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

K.ii Mountain Pass - Orb Locations
Total: 50
3 Orbs: On the first ramp
5 Orbs: On the first ramp from the re-joining of the first
split in the path
5 Orbs: On the second ramp from the re-joining of the first
split in the path
3 Orbs: On the bridge after the second ramp from the re-
joining of the first split in the path
5 Orbs: In the canyon after the bridge before the big jump
5 Orbs: On the ramp for the big jump
3 Orbs: The first metal box in the cave
5 Orbs: Around the left side of the second pit in the cave
8 Orbs: In the metal boxes by the line of Blue Eco Vents
3 Orbs: Over the gorge in the middle of the cave
5 Orbs: In the metal box after the gorge

K.iii Mountain Pass - Scout Fly Locations
1- At the base of the second ramp
2- At the re-joining of the first split in the path
3- After the second ramp from the re-joining of the first
split in the path
4- After the big jump
5- On the left side in the first part of the cave
6- On the right side after the Blue Eco Vents in the cave
7- In the middle of the path after the gorge

K.iv Mountain Pass - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

K.v Mountain Pass - FAQs
- None -

L. Volcanic Crater
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 50
L.i. Volcanic Crater - Power Cells
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Miners" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the miners.
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Miners" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the miners.
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Miners" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the miners.
"Bring 90 Orbs To The Miners" - Collect 90 Orbs and talk to
the miners.
"Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle" - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle" - Collect 120 Orbs and talk to
the Oracle.
"Find The Hidden Power Cell" - There is a strongbox with no
visible means to open it near the tunnel to Spider Cave. In
Spider Cave, you need to go across the Dark Eco pool with the
two spider webs then climb to the small floating platform area
to get to a Yellow Eco vent (it's just above and left of the
entrance as you go in). Use the vent and make a mad dash back
up the tunnel to the box; either a jump shot or a quickly aimed
shot will break the box
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

L.ii Volcanic Crater - Orb Locations
Total: 50
6 Orbs: In the miners' cave
10 Orbs: On the path between the miners' cave and the Oracle
15 Orbs: On the minecart track loop near Lava Tube
15 Orbs: On the middle minecart track loop
4 Orbs: On the path to Spider Cave

L.iii Volcanic Crater - Scout Fly Locations
1- Near the Miners.
2- Down near the lava.
3- Near the minecart track.
4- In the middle of the minecart track loop near Lava Tube.
5- In the middle of the minecart track loop near Spider Cave.
6- In the middle of the minecart track loop near Spider Cave.
7- In a small niche below the entrance to Volcanic Crater.

L.iv Volcanic Crater - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

L.v Volcanic Crater - FAQs
Q. What is the seventh Power Cell in the Volcanic Crater?
A. There is a strongbox with no visible means to open it near
the tunnel to Spider Cave. In Spider Cave, you need to go
across the Dark Eco pool with the two spider webs then climb to
the small floating platform area to get to a Yellow Eco vent
(it's just above and left of the entrance as you go in). Use
the vent and make a mad dash back up the tunnel to the box;
either a jump shot or a quickly aimed shot will break the box
(you'll have maybe 1-3 seconds before the Eco runs out).
{Thanks to RyanB for the info}

M. Snowy Mountain
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 200
M.i. Snowy Mountain - Power Cells
"Find The Yellow Vent Switch" - Jump across icy ledges and
floating platforms while dodging Precursor machines that will
push you off to reach the switch. The entrance to the cave is
behind a stand of trees near the iced waterfall.
"Stop the Lurker Glacier Troops" - Use Red Eco to defeat the
Glacier Troop Lurkers that use shields and fireballs. There are
three of these Lurkers who operate the glacier battering rams.
"Deactivate The Precursor Blockers" - There are 13 Precursor
Blockers (barrel-shaped objects with blue aurora-like shields
around them) in this area. Use double-jumps (with spinning
sometimes helps) to jump over the blue Eco Shields around the
blockers to hit the buttons on top. The last blocker will spit
out the Power Cell.
"Open The Frozen Crate" - After opening the Yellow Eco vent
switch, use the Yellow Eco vent in the pass-through cave to
blast the frozen crate in the wall.
"Get Through The Lurker Fort" - Climb onto the structure in
the middle of the Lurker Fort courtyard to get to the platforms
around the inside of the Lurker Fort walls. at the end of the
trail is the Power Cell.
"Open The Lurker Fort Gate" - Use the Flut Flut to cross the
gorge to the button that will lower the gate. The Flut Flut is
across the icy bridge from one of the Glacier Troop Lurkers
"Survive The Lurker Infested Cave" - To get to the Lurker
infested cave, go to the icy platform across from icy river by
the Lurker Fort and cross the second bridge. On a ledge at the
top of the cave is the Power Cell.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

M.ii Snowy Mountain - Orb Locations
Total: 200
3 Orbs: On the first Precursor Blocker
5 Orbs: Across the jump from the gondola to the base of the
snowball ramp
13 Orbs: In the open on the snowball ramp
5 Orbs: On the Precursor Blockers on the snowball ramp
6 Orbs: Near the Glacier Troop at the top of the snowball ramp
4 Orbs: Down the slope next to the snowball ramp
5 Orbs: Across the first icy bridge
5 Orbs: Below the first icy bridge
5 Orbs: On the icy river to the left of the Lurker Fort gate
7 Orbs: On the icy platform
3 Orbs: Near the Red Eco Vent in the Lurker infested cave
3 Orbs: Near the exit of the Lurker infested cave
5 Orbs: On the icy river to the right of the Lurker Fort gate
4 Orbs: Near the Yellow Eco Vent switch
6 Orbs: On the icy slope with two elevators
9 Orbs: On the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch
3 Orbs: At the upper end of the pass-through cave
5 Orbs: Near the Glacier Troop between the Yellow Eco Vent
switch roof and the bridge to the Flut Flut area
15 Orbs: In the Flut Flut area
11 Orbs: On the structure in the middle of the Lurker Fort and
the bridge to the first corner structure
7 Orbs: On the path around the Lurker Fort between the first
corner structure and the main structure
7 Orbs: On the main structure in the Lurker Fort
2 Orbs: On the path around the Lurker Fort between the main
structure and the second corner structure
45 Orbs: In the three Blue Eco Devices in the Lurker Fort
9 Orbs: In the pass-through cave with the blocked/unblocked
Yellow Eco Vent
8 Orbs: In the metal boxes at the top end of the pass-through

M.iii Snowy Mountain - Scout Fly Locations
1- Down the ramp from the gondola
2- Below the first icy bridge
3- Near the iced river by the Lurker Fort
4- Up the side of the cliff
5- In the pass-through cave with the capped Eco vent
6- On the Lurker Fort
7- The top of the structure in the Lurker Fort courtyard

M.iv Snowy Mountain - Glacier Troop Locations
1- At the top of the snowball ramp
2- Near the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch and the
bridge to the Flut Flut area
3- Across the ledges from the area below the first icy bridge

M.v Snowy Mountain - Precursor Blocker Locations
1- Near the gondola
2- On the snowball ramp
3- On the snowball ramp
4- On the icy river to the left of the Lurker Fort gate
5- On the icy river to the left of the Lurker Fort gate
6- On the icy platform
7- On the icy platform
8- At the mouth of the Lurker infested cave across from the
icy platform
9- On the icy river to the right of the Lurker Fort gate
10- On the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch
11- On the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch
12- On the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch
13- On the ice roof above the Yellow Eco Vent switch

M.vi Snowy Mountain - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

M.vii Snowy Mountain - FAQs
Q. How do I get across the gap at the start of Snowy Mountain?
A. Using a double-jump w/spin will get you across to hang from
the other side if done right. The rolling jump is useful to get
across it also. In addition, there is a glitch in the collision
detection with the mountain wall that will let Jak simply slide
across if he jumps onto the rocks on the cliff. {Thanks to
Christopher Beer and David Baranski for this one}

N. Spider Cave
Power Cells: 8
Orbs: 200
N.i. Spider Cave - Power Cells
"Use Your Goggles To Shoot The Gnawing Lurkers" - In the
columned cavern, use the first person view to aim Yellow Eco
bursts at the Centipede Lurkers that are gnawing on the
columns. Once all of the Centipede Lurkers are destroyed, the
Power Cell will fall out of the base of one of the columns.
"Destroy The Dark Eco Crystals" - There are Dark Eco crystals
in the columned cavern, an alcove on the path between the
columned cavern and the Lurker Mine structure, a pool of water
in the dark cave, across a Dark Eco pool in a cave above the
columned cavern, and in a pool of water across another Dark Eco
pool in the same cave.
"Explore The Dark Cave" - In the dark cave, you need to hit
the grey crystals to light them up green. The light lasts only
for a while, but it's generally long enough to get to the next
crystal with time to spare. Follow the path from crystal to
crystal to find the Power Cell and an elevator that will take
you back down to the beginning of the dark cave. To get across
the Dark Eco pool, you need to use the rolling jump. [See
Section 3 - Controls]
"Climb The Giant Robot" - The Lurker Mine structure surrounds
the Giant Robot. The quickest way up is to take the ramp by the
Blue Eco piece, jump off the ramp onto the rock formation, jump
from the rock formation to the next level of the structure,
jump back onto the top of the rock formation, across to the
elevator, across the unstable platforms around the side of the
structure, then up and across the poles and platforms until you
reach the top where the Power Cell is. The rotating platform is
a red herring.
"Launch To The Poles" - Near the Lurker Mine structure, there
is a piece of Blue Eco, which will activate the Blue Eco
Launcher in the pit next to it. The Launcher will send Jak to a
set of poles, which have Orbs and more Blue Eco pieces around
them. If done right, there will be Blue Eco left to activate
the Blue Eco platform at the end of the set of poles. The Blue
Eco platform will take Jak to the Power Cell.
"Navigate The Spider Tunnel" - from the bottom of the Lurker
Mine structure, use the spider webbed craters to jump across
the Dark Eco to the Yellow Eco vent. Use the Yellow Eco to
blast a path through the spiders into the tunnel. The Power
Cell is at the deepest part of the tunnel, near a piece of Blue
Eco and a Blue Eco Launcher.
"Climb The Precursor Platforms" - Use the floating platforms
in the columned cavern to reach the Power Cell on the platform
connected to one of the columns.
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

N.ii Spider Cave - Orb Locations
Total: 200
46 Orbs: In the columned cavern (including those dropped by
Centipede Lurkers)
2 Orbs: In the lower tunnel from the columned cavern
6 Orbs: In the metal boxes in the lower tunnel from the
columned cavern
16 Orbs: In the spider tunnel
3 Orbs: At the bottom of the Lurker Mine structure
50 Orbs: On the first wooden platform level of the Lurker Mine
12 Orbs: In the lower corner of the Lurker Mine structure
4 Orbs: On the second wooden platform level of the Lurker Mine
29 Orbs: On the third & fourth wooden platform levels of the
Lurker Mine structure
18 Orbs: On the poles above the Blue Eco Launcher near the
Lurker Mine structure
3 Orbs: In the upper tunnel from the columned cavern
6 Orbs: In the metal boxes by the upper Dark Eco pool
5 Orbs: In the dark cave

N.iii Spider Cave - Scout Fly Locations
1- Near the Yellow Eco Vent by the entrance
2- Across bridge from main structure in the columned cavern
3- On the Lurker Mine structure near the bottom
4- On the Lurker Mine structure near the top
5- Near the Yellow Eco Vent by the top of the main structure
in the columned cavern
6- Across the Dark Eco pool in the cave by the top of the
columned cavern
7- In the dark cave

N.iv Spider Cave - Dark Eco Crystal Locations
1- The top of the main columned cavern
2- Near the Dark Eco pool in the tunnel between the columned
cavern and the Lurker Mine cavern.
3- Near the Dark Eco pool in the cave near the Yellow Eco vent
at the top of the columned cavern.
4- In the bottom of the water pool in the dark cave area.
5- In the bottom of the water pool across the platformless
Dark Eco pool from Crystal 3. Use the roll jump to get across
as the double-jump w/ spin won't make it. {Thanks to RyanB for
the info}

N.v Spider Cave - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

N.vi Spider Cave - FAQs
Q. Where is the last Dark Eco Crystal in the Spider Cave?
A. I have found all five Dark Eco Crystals (this information is
the same as section 6.N.iv):
1- The top of the main columned cavern
2- Near the Dark Eco pool in the tunnel between the columned
cavern and the Lurker Mine cavern.
3- Near the Dark Eco pool in the cave near the Yellow Eco vent
at the top of the columned cavern.
4- In the bottom of the water pool in the dark cave area.
5- In the bottom of the water pool across the platformless
Dark Eco pool from Crystal 3. Use the roll jump to get across
as the double-jump w/ spin won't make it. {Thanks to RyanB for
the info}

Q. Where is the Dark Cave in Spider Cave?
A. Near the top Yellow Eco Vent in the main columned cavern
area of Spider Cave is a smaller cavern containing: a large
Dark Eco pool with 4 floating platforms in it, a raised ledge
with Dark Eco crystal 3, and two ledges on the other side (one
of the floating platforms moves in between them). The right
ledge leads to Dark Eco crystal 5 (in the water across the Dark
Eco pool). The left ledge leads to the Dark Cave area (which
contains Dark Eco crystal 4, a power cell, and Scout Fly 7).

O. Lava Tube
Power Cells: 2
Orbs: 50
O.i. Lava Tube - Power Cells
"Reach The End Of The Lava Tube" - Fly the Zoomer through the
Lava Tube area to reach the end near Gol & Maia's Citadel
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

O.ii Lava Tube - Orb Locations
Total: 50
7 Orbs: On the first bridge
5 Orbs: On the right embankment after the bridge
4 Orbs: On the left embankment after the bridge
21 Orbs: In metal boxes and in the open on the right side of
the path of the second bridge
13 Orbs: On the path between the second bridge and the
Precursor door-lock room

O.iii Lava Tube - Scout Fly Locations
1- Shortly after the first bridge
2- In the middle of the second bridge
3- On the left path after the Precursor door
4- In the upper Mine & Dark Eco conveyer area
5- In the upper Mine & Dark Eco conveyer area
6- In the lower Mine & Dark Eco conveyer area
7- In the lower Mine & Dark Eco conveyer area

O.iv Lava Tube - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

O.v Lava Tube - FAQs
- None -

P. Gol And Maia's Citadel
Power Cells: 5
Orbs: 200
P.i. Gol And Maia's Citadel - Power Cells
"Free The Blue Sage" - From the entrance, cross the spinning
platform and head left. Continue to the wooden platform at the
base of the Precursor Robot's cage and follow it around to the
path off to the left that continues as a color tile walkway.
Cross this and through the door is a set of two moving
platforms leading to a rotating block. Use the next to moving
platforms to reach the next rotating block with the fire vent
over it. Drop down to the wooden platform and jump to the donut-
shaped spinning platform. Use the last moving platform to reach
the Blue Eco Vent. Get the Blue Eco and this will cause a
stairway of floating platforms to rise. Quickly cross here and
get through the floating tiles that move around under more fire
vents. These lead to the door by the shield generator for the
Blue Sage's cage. Breaking the shield generator will cause the
power cell to pop out.
"Free The Red Sage" - From the entrance, cross the spinning
platform and head right. Cross the color tile walkway and cross
the wooden walkway to the partial spinning platforms. Climb and
cross these to find another color tile walkway. Cross this and
fight through the lurker-infested hallway then smash the three
generators in the room at the end to open the door. Cross more
partial spinning platforms to reach the shield generator for
the Red Sage's cage. Breaking the shield generator will cause
the power cell to pop out.
"Free The Yellow Sage" - From the entrance, cross the spinning
platform and head left. Cross the Pacman-shaped spinning
platform to the two partial spinning platforms. These lead to a
small hallway. Through the door at the end of the hallway is a
Blue Eco Vent and a series of Blue Eco Launchers. Guide Jak's
descent from each launcher's boost so he will land on the next
launcher safely, gathering Blue Eco pieces if needed along the
way. After the launchers is the door that leads to the shield
generator for the Yellow Sage's cage. Breaking the shield
generator will cause the power cell to pop out.
"Free The Green Sage" - Once the other three Sages are freed,
a set of floating platforms will appear leading up to a ladder
of partial spinning platforms. From the wooden platform at the
top, jump across the platforms that rotate on arms above the
Precursor Robot's cage to reach the wooden platform at the top
of the inner portion of the Citadel. At the end of the wooden
platform is the shield generator for the Green Sage's cage.
Breaking the shield generator will cause the power cell to pop
"Free 7 Scout Flies" - Appears after the 7th Scout Fly is

P.ii Gol And Maia's Citadel - Orb Locations
Total: 200
3 Orbs: Floating over the color tile walkway to the right of
the spinning platform near the entrance door
5 Orbs: Floating over the color tile walkway at the end of the
partial spinning platforms to the right of the entrance
37 Orbs: In the metal boxes in the lurker-infested hallway
3 Orbs: Floating over the one-way color tile walkway below the
Red Sage's cage
5 Orbs: Floating over the color tile walkway leading to x from
the wooden walkway around the base of the Precursor Robot's
9 Orbs: Floating over the platforms that rise near the Blue
Eco Vent
30 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device past the floating tiles under
the fire vents
30 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device near the Blue Eco Vent on the
path to the Yellow Sage
28 Orbs: Above and around the Blue Eco Launchers on the path
to the Yellow Sage
30 Orbs: In the Blue Eco Device at the end of the Blue Eco
Launchers on the path to the Yellow Sage
20 Orbs: On the wooden platform around the top of the inner
portion of the Citadel near the shield generator for the Green
Sage's cage.

P.iii Gol And Maia's Citadel - Scout Fly Locations
1- Next to the entrance door
2- Across the color tile walkway and 2/4 spinning platform to
the right of the entrance
3- Across the partial spinning platforms from Scout Fly #2
4- Between the rising Blue Eco platforms and the floating
tiles under the fire vents
5- Next to the Blue Eco Device near the Blue Eco Vent off the
small hallway on the path to the Yellow Sage.
6- Across the partial spinning platforms from the Yellow
Sage's cage
7- On the wooden platform around the top of the inner portion
of the Citadel near the shield generator for the Green Sage's

P.iv Gol And Maia's Citadel - Level Structure
- To Be Completed -

P.v Gol and Maia's Citadel - FAQs
Q. How do I cross the color tile walkways in Gol & Maia's
A. Use the double-jump & spin to cross these. If you notice
while you're crossing, whatever color tile you land on as you
jump across will disappear. Each walkway consists of up to 5
colors: red, blue, yellow, green, and brown (uncolored). This
means that it is possible to cross each section successfully in
5 jumps or less. Using the double-jump with a spin will
maximize the distance you can jump each time. The rolling jump
will not help at all on these sections since you need more time
and room to start the jump than you get on each tile.

Q. The Large Precursor Door
This is a boss fight but will not give a Power Cell once it is
defeated. See the "Bosses" section below.

Once the credits finish rolling, you'll have your attention
brought to the large Precursor Door at the top of the Citadel.
Here's what happens:
- Less than 100 Power Cells: Keira tells you that you need at
least 100 Power Cells to open the door and then gameplay
control is returned.
- Return with 100 or 101 Power Cells: All the Power Cells
will jump into spots on the door and it will open. Inside is
something surrounded by a bright white light, but whatever it
is isn't shown. Keira will say it's beautiful and the credits
will roll again.

7. Bosses
A. Dark Eco Plant
This one is relatively simple. While the Dark Eco Plant's head
is down, stay out of the area near him (try to stay out of the
circle on the floor). While dodging the plant, kill the
Hedgehog Lurkers that come at you. When the Dark Eco Plant
raises its head and sprouts the two stair-step leaves, climb up
and hit its head. Repeat this until he's dead.

B. Klaww
This one's a bit harder since the lava is instantly fatal.
Klaww will send a number of boulders at you. Jump between the
three platforms on the lava until the last boulder cracks to
reveal a piece of Blue Eco. Grab the Blue Eco, which will build
a bridge across where Klaww was to two pieces of Yellow Eco.
Grab the Yellow Eco and fire Yellow Eco bursts at Klaww until
he forms a glowing bounder over his head and it falls. The
boulder will strike Klaww's head and bounce over to & roll
along the bridge, breaking it as it goes. At this point you
will be back to the first three platforms. Repeat this until
Klaww gets hit for the third time (there's pieces missing from
the bridge the second and third time it forms).

C. Gol & Maia's Precursor Robot
Once the four sages are free, enter the Precursor door by the
Samos's shield generator (you'll be right next to it by the
time you're able to free Samos). This will take you up outside
the Citadel tower which is next to a nearby Precursor Silo.
Take the Blue Eco Platform to the silo and gather the Yellow
Eco. Fire Yellow Eco bursts at the robot while jumping; the
bursts will target the blue laser Gol and Maia are using to
open the silo. Once the laser is destroyed, they will send out
a Mine Drone. Use the reactivated Blue Eco Vent and Blue Eco
Launcher to safely get out of the Drone's range when it blows
up. On landing, the silo doors are open slightly and the Robot
will fire green bursts into the Dark Eco inside. Grab the
Yellow Eco to shoot at the Dark Eco Monsters that jump out.
After they're gone, another Mine Drone will come out and the
Blue Eco Vent will be on again; just launch to safety and land
again. The doors will open a little more and the robot will
fire out about 5 or 6 Red Eco Mines. When they explode, they
send out shockwaves that you'll have to jump over. Grab the
Yellow Eco and fire at the robot some more. When the next Mine
Drone comes out, launch to safety and land. This time the robot
will fire large yellow bursts, so you just have to dodge them
and return fire. After the Yellow Eco Cannon explodes, the four
towers around the silo will light up with each of the Eco
colors and generate a White Eco cloud. Dodge the robot's fire
and simply grab a small White Eco cloud when one falls and hit
Spinkick. Sit back and enjoy the ending cinema and the credits.
(Be sure to watch all the credits, there is a second cinema
about the large Precursor door on the top of the Citadel

8. Mini-Games
Mini-Games will always give you a "Do You Want To Play" prompt.
Though you may play them as many times as you want until you
win, once you win you can't start them again.

A. 'Catch 200 Pounds Of Fish'
Location: Forbidden Jungle
Referee: Fisherman
Description: You will control the net that Jak is holding off
the bridge over the river between the two waterfalls. You need
to catch 200 pounds of fish by catching the 1 pound fish and 5
pound fish.
Game Over: If you catch one poisonous eel or miss 20 pounds of

B. 'Protect Farthy's Snacks'
Location: Boggy Swamp
Referee: Boggy Billy
Description: Using the first-person view, shoot Yellow Eco
bursts at the Rat Lurkers as they approach the snacks so the
Boggy Billy's hog Farthy can return.
Game Over: If a Rat Lurker reaches and steals a snack.

=======9. FAQs
Here are some questions about the game:

Q. How many lives do I get?
A. In the game, there are unlimited lives. You start out at the
nearest starting point to where you last died. Since I'm not
mapping the game, there's no point in finding all of the
starting points for each location.

Q. How do I save?
A. The game saves automatically whenever you: get a Power Cell,
when you capture the Sculptor's Muse, and when you defeat Gol &
Maia's Precursor Robot. You can also manually save from the
Options menu.

Q. Are there any Gameshark codes for this game?
A. For Gameshark codes, please check the official Gameshark
site ( http://www.gameshark.com ); although as of 1-3-02 there
are no codes for this game listed there. IMHO, the only code
that would seriously be of any use would be a code that resets
the Precursor Basin Race record to 45.00 seconds for those
players who were unfortunate enough to stumble onto the 00.01
second record bug. As a record holder at the Twin Galaxies
official scoreboard ( http://www.twingalaxies.com ), I do not
use these devices during normal gameplay on any of the systems
I use nor do I endorse modifying games.

10. Glitches & Bugs
Here are some glitches and bugs I've noticed and heard of
(anything with a - was reported to me, anything with a + I have
encountered myself, and anything with a * was reported to me
and verified):

A. Precursor Basin Race Bug
Several people have encountered a bug that will set the
starting record for the race at 00.01 seconds instead of 45.00
seconds. NOTE: While the record reads 00.01, you will NOT get
the power cell if you finish the race in less than 45 seconds.
- Some have been able to leave and work on other objectives
then later return to have the record reset to normal.
- Some have left the area and returned to have the record
still at 00.01.
- I have read on the Jak & Daxter message board at the
official Jak & Daxter site that SCEA claims this to be the
result of "a random series of actions" and is unrecoverable.
- Some people who have encountered this bug have been able to
start over ant NOT encounter it their second time around.
- This bug does not happen all the time to everyone.. I have
NOT encountered this bug myself.

B. Other Minor Glitches
+ On Misty Island, punching the Skeleton Lurker by the Scout
Fly above the ribcage tunnel will sometimes push him INTO the
solid platform and lose the Green Eco pieces he'd drop.
+ Shifting directions frequently will often leave the camera
in awkward viewing angles. Using the right analog stick to
relocate the camera generally helps correct this.
+ Sometimes reloading from a manual save in Gol & Maia's
Citadel will place you next to the door by the shield generator
for the Green Sage's cage.
- When the glitch that causes Jak to start by the Green Sage
in Gol & Maia's Citadel occurs and the Green Sage is rescued
first, the game may freeze when other Sages are rescued.
{Thanks to PODarkTerrain for this one}
+ At the bottom of the small backbone bridge on Misty Island
is a small invisible ramp that leads from the bottom vertebra
to the ground
+ There are collision detection glitches in practically every
area, most notable are:
+ The bottom of the backbone bridge extends farther onto the
platform than the backbone graphics do.
+ The ramp chains on the Lurker Ship's cargo bay make a
"wall" rather than a "window"
* The cliff that borders the gap at the beginning of Snowy
Mountain will let Jak slide across instead of falling {Thanks
to Christopher Beer and David Baranski for this one}
* The Green Eco collector tethers have more mass than they
appear; in many cases, diving into one will cause a slight
pause before sliding down its length.
* There is an outcropping from the wall across the entryway
from the first light crystal in the Dark Cave on the Spider
Cave level. Jumping off the ledge onto this outcropping while
the light crystal is off gives the appearance that Jak is
suspended in mid-air. {Thanks to BoneCollector11 for this one}

==========================11. Conclusion & Copyright
If you have anything to add or correct (typos, suggestions,
etc.) send me an email: wntermute@home.com

Special thanks to:
- RyanB from the GameFAQs forum for help on the "Destroy The
Dark Eco Crystals" Power Cell and confirmation of how to get
the seventh Power Cell in Volcanic Crater. Thanks also go out
to those who sent the same info afterward.
- The users at the GameFAQs forum and the official SCEA Jak &
Daxter message board that helped with the details of the FAQ:
the Precursor Basin Race Bug.
- The users at the GameFAQs form that pointed out the error in
Eco Types.
- Everyone who emailed about Jak & Daxter help, suggestions
and corrections for the FAQ, and for the additional glitches.

This document is copyright (c)2001, 2002 John Gall aka
'Wntermute', although this information is simply gathered by
observation from playing the game. This document is to be kept
in its entirety when displayed or posted. You may use the
information in this document however you want, but do not claim
it verbatim as your own.

The following sites are sent the most up-to-date version:
- A2Z Cheats ( http://www.a2zcheats.com ) {Demo & Full}
- Cheat Code Central ( http://www.cheatcc.com ) {Full}
- CheatCodes ( http://www.cheatcodes.com ) {Demo & Full}
- Cheat Planet ( http://www.cheatplanet.com ) {Full}
- Game Dungeon Zero ( http://gamedungeon0.tripod.com ) {Full}
- GameFAQs ( http://www.gamefaqs.com ) {Demo & Full}
- Hype.se ( http://www.hype.se ) {Full}
- Neoseeker ( http://www.neoseeker.com ) {Demo & Full}
- PS2 Domain ( http://www.ps2domain.net ) {Full}
- PSX Codez ( http://www.psxcodez.com ) {Demo & Full}
If you run a PS2 gaming site and wish to post this FAQ, please
notify me so that I can get the most up-to-date version to you
on a timely basis.

> > Do NOT send this to Gamespot.com; I have demanded that they
take it down. < <
> > Do NOT send this to 911cheats.com; I have sent them several
updates which they have ignored. < <

In memory of Thomas "JediMasterThomas" Perry (1976-2001); May
The Force Be With
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