SSX Tricky

SSX Tricky

17.10.2013 21:17:50
SSX Tricky Expert Advice FAQ
Final Version 2.0 (7.06.02)
Compiled by gondee

| Advice by members of the PS2 SSX Tricky GameFAQs Board, |
| and Internet contributors: |
| gondee, happymachines, TypeZero, FishEye, ElysiumKaori, |
| SiCo, UrzaMTG, Smartypantz711, Calibur, Packing Heat, |
| FirebrandX, The JRage, dvdemons, dunc, SSJHyundo, Gaz, |
| jonesy, sweetmeats, Fahran, Erick's Living Room, Dankman |
| DDRKirby, and ssx4ever |

If you are an author listed on this FAQ, and you want me to remove your
submission, just e-mail me:

Table of Contents:

Prove your Mettle!

The SSX Tricky World Championships

Prelim: This FAQ
a. What is the FAQ about?
b. Is this official?
c. Making this FAQ better - How can I submit?
d. About the different sections
e. Basic Trick Techniques
f. Advanced Techniques

1. Shortcut Listing
a. Garibaldi
b. Snowdream
c. Elysium Alps
d. Mesablanca
e. Merqury City Meltdown
f. Tokyo Megaplex
g. Aloha Ice Jam
h. Alaska

2. Racing - Fastest Routes
a. - h. Above

3. Showoff - Highest Scoring Routes
a. - h. Above
i. Pipedream

4. Glitch Shortcuts
a. Elysium Alps
b. Mesablanca
c. Merqury City Meltdown
d. Tokyo Megaplex
e. Aloha Ice Jam

5. Legends - How good is this advice?
a. Merqury City Scoreboard

6. Epilogue - Assorted Details & Features
a. Legal
b. Thanks and Credit
c. Contributors section
d. Version details



You've read this FAQ and your scores are higher than all your friends'. You've got
well over a million on most courses and your racing times are minutes faster than
any others that you've seen. So basically, you think you're good.

Now it's time to prove it.

It's with a challenge to all the great gaming snowboarders across the Net that - The SSX Fan Site, presents the SSX Tricky Scoreboard!

Click on the SSX Tricky Scoreboard link near the bottom of the page and
be surprised at how good your "skills" actually are. Be prepared though - just doesn't accept scores from every jabroni on the planet.
You have to PROVE your scores via screenshot, video or walkthrough. If
you can take the top spot in this arena, you KNOW you're good!

So you think all those people that cheat in games are chumps. You'd rather tout
how you do "pure gaming" without cheating and your scores are still as high as
those other guys. You're Old School, staying true to the game. The real champions
don't need that stuff.

Well buddy, now it's your time to shine!

Twin Galaxies,, the _official_ video game world record site for
the Guiness Book of World Records is holding the official contest for SSX Tricky
from June 1, 2002 until August 31, 2002.

If you are REALLY serious about your SSX Skills, and you want to prove beyond a
shadow of a doubt that you are the best, THIS is the contest to enter. All entries
must be verified by videotape and conform to contest rules, which means no cheating,
game enhancement devices or glitches. That's right, only true skills will factor
in who wins this contest, which means the big boys with real SSX skills will earn
their rightful place at the official SSX TRICKY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Will that list include you?

For more information, see the SSX Tricky World Championship Official Contest rules at:


a. What is this FAQ about?
This FAQ is an attempt to record all the feedback from various players across the
Internet and on the SSX Tricky Gamefaqs boards.

Please note that most of the advice here is for advanced or expert SSX
players. I can't stress this enough... there are some very high level strategies
in this FAQ. If you are looking for answers to basic questions like "How do I do
so-and-so trick" then look elsewhere. Some of these routes on the courses will
take hours, if not days, to master. I would wager they will generously lower
the times and boost the scores of any novice player who tries them.

I will always attempt to validate the info here, but as with any FAQ,
there can be errors. If you would like to report one, see "Making
this FAQ better" at the end of this section.

b. Is this FAQ "official"?
In two words: heck no. This FAQ is nothing more than the collective wisdom of
a group of players online who would like to help out others. It's not intended
to be the final word on any of these tracks.

However, you would do well to pay attention to these strategies. The advice
here is from some of the best SSX Tricky players across the internet, including
several who lead the Merqury City Scoreboards. For more information on that,
see the LEGENDS Section at the end of this guide.

The advice used here is much-the-same language used by the original author
I've attempted to fix any glaring errors and spelling mistakes, but remember
to keep the author in mind if you have a problem with some of the advice here.

c. Making this FAQ better - How can I submit?
Simple. E-mail me ( with the subject title something
like "Track shortcuts" or "Showoff Tips" or some such thing. Now that this guide
has reached its final version and the SSX Tricky world is calming down,
I don't suspect that my inbox will be filling up with submissions. However,
if you discover something that you would love to share, feel free to e-mail
and I'll put it in the FAQ.

d. About the different sections
There are four distinct sections to this FAQ.

The SHORTCUTS section is a list of all the shortcuts for a given course. It's
simply a list, it doesn't tell you which ones are faster or more difficult
unless the author says it is.

The RACING section of this FAQ lists the fastest path down the track as
the players have discovered them. They are by no means the final word as
players are always discovering new routes, but they should help you lower
your times. These are paths that may augment the use of 'manual resetting'
shortcuts, but there will be NO glitch shortcut information in this section
of the FAQ.

Also note that some tracks may have more than one guide...try all of them
and see which one works best for you! :)

The SHOWOFF section lists the author's favorite routes on the course to get
the highest score possible by catching different colored snowflakes. Please
keep in mind that manual resetting in showoff is deemed an essential technique
and is utilized in most of the guides.

The GLITCH SHORTCUT section is at the end of the FAQ, in case players who
dislike certain tactics won't have to read it if they don't want to. See
"Advanced Techniques" for more info on Glitch Shortcuts.

e. Trick Techniques
It is assumed in this FAQ that you know how to do flips, spins, grabs and
Ubers. If you don't, consult the instruction booklet and practice. Nothing
is a substitute for learning the game inside and out.

However, here are a few tips to help those who constantly e-mail me with
questions about TRICKS they can find out in five minutes:

1. If you don't know how to do a certain trick for the trickbook, USE THE
TRICK TUTORIAL. Seriously folks, the trick tutorial will tell you and SHOW
you how to do the correct trick. Just remember that when you are in the
tutorial, the black indicators that tell you what directions to push are
not arrows, they are pictures of the Directional Pad. For example, the Up
Button on the Playstation 2 Control Pad looks like a black down arrow.

2. Make SURE you are using the character's default board type. If you are not,
the trick will not come out even if you are doing the right motions. Double
check your board before you try this.

3. If you character isn't strong enough to do a trick yet, try using trick
boosts in Race Mode. Sometimes that can help you with a difficult trick.

4. Remember that some tricks just take practice and require an insane amount
of spins (level 5 especially.) Watch the direction the character
spins in the tutorial and spin to the same side. And finally, just practice.
You'll learn the difference between a 1620 and an 1800 soon enough.

f. Advanced Techniques & Terms
Throughout this FAQ you may come across terminology that you don't understand.
For the most part it's pretty obvious, but for those of you who don't know,
here are different techniques used in advanced racing and Showoff:

TO UBER: To Do an Uber trick.

CHAR UBER OR SIG UBER: A Character-specific or signature Uber. Only One character
has this Uber and it is generally longer and worth more points than regular Ubers.

CLEAN RUN: A run with no cheats, codes, warps, glitch shortcuts, or crashes. Basically
playing the game with no enhancement and getting a perfect run with no mess-ups. This
is the sort of run you need to enter Twin Galaxies Contests.

Advanced Techniques
a) MANUAL RESETTING WARP: The Manual Resetting Warp, or "Select trick" involves
pushing the manual reset button ('Select' on the PS2 and X-box, 'Y' on the
GC controller) at certain points in the race. Doing this will cause your
racer to warp ahead on the track and save you time. (It is called the
'Select Trick' because it originated on the PS2 system with the first SSX,
where the Select button was the manual reset button. This trick is still
present in SSX Tricky.)

NOTE: There is some controversy with using this trick, because some people
consider it cheating. It's up to you to decide whether to use this, but for
the purposes of this FAQ we will list it, since the majority of competitive
racers do use this trick. However, according to the Twingalaxies SSX Tricky
World Record contest rules, using this in official contest racing is ILLEGAL.

It is considered a legal tactic of Showoff however, and not against the Twin
Galaxies rules.

b) TAP-BOOSTING: You gain boost by doing tricks, and spend it by holding the
boost button. However, it is an little known fact that tapping the boost button
repeatedly (instead of just holding it down) causes your boost to
last MUCH longer (almost three times as long) while still maintaining
near-top speed.

In order to best utilize the boost that you get, you should HOLD the boost button
until you reach top speed, and then tap it to maintain close-to-top speed for
as long as possible. Using this on straightaways for characters who have a hard time
acquiring boost is key to good times on longer races.

It is important to remember that this tactic is not nearly as good as getting
all six letters of TRICKY filled up (and having unlimited boost), but it's
a good tactic to know if there are no places to get six Ubers in a race.

c) GLITCH SHORTCUTS: These are a new breed of "shortcuts" in SSX Tricky, and they
are VERY controversial. What this "glitch" entails is falling or jumping off the
track, literally, In effect, you are "jumping off the world".

In most cases where you fall off the world, the game will reset you after
about 1 minute. The key here is that the game will reset you MUCH further
ahead in the track after you fall a certain distance. You can utilize this strange
effect to your advantage by manual-resetting out of "falling forever" at a
certain point - usually after 30 seconds or so. (This varies depending on the
track and the individual glitch shortcut, however.) Again, this will save you time
and set you much further ahead than you would have been if you had raced "normally".

I will list all known glitch shortcuts at the END of the FAQ, but only as a
documentation. Not every player agrees that taking advantage of glitches
is an ethical way to race, but you decide for yourself. I will always
surround glitch shortcuts with ** stars ** and CAPITAL LETTERS. Keep in mind that
glitch shortcuts ARE TOTALLY ILLEGAL in official Twin Galaxies world record races.


1a. GARIBALDI - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) Right off the bat, look for a rail to the right of the regular jump
through a few of those yellow cushions. Grind this rail to the bottom
(if you have boost that will help immensely). This will spit you out right
before the second jump.

2) If you don't take #1, at the bottom of the huge drop is a blue SSX sign,
bust through this to take a few turns and jumps to the second jump.

3) After the second jump, look for a blue SSX sign far to the right to go
into the Garibaldi "Untracked area." This area is huge, with several slopes
and valleys. Sticking to the left will lead you back to the track around the
beginning of the repeating, intersecting jumps. If you stick to the right,
you'll continue on into the second half of the untracked area and come out
even later on the track.

3a) AUTHOR: sweetmeats - After the first huge drop and around a corner or two,
there is the blue SSX sign on the right that takes you to the Untracked
area. A few feet away on the same side is a break in the fence right
at the top of the hill. What you need to do is aim for the break in the
fence and jump from the hill. You'll probably hit the billboard but when
you land on the snow that separates the Untracked part from the
main course (the "mountain" the billboard is on), continue down the
middle of the mountain and very shortly you will go into a blue ice cave.
This is short but shoots you out high above the track, past the first

4) Continuing on the main track will take you over a few jumps, and lead
you to a red SSX sign on the right. This leads to a jump over the main path
far below, and into a parallel valley in deep powder to the left of the main
track. This leads to yet another jump that goes over the main path once more
and then intersects again. There is a cable to the right here that will take you
onto the billboards, but is not much of a shortcut.

5) Ahead is the area where the path splits, and both sides lead to a series
of large jumps surrounded by crowd stands. When the path splits, go down the
middle, and you will see a blue SSX sign. This path will take you straight
down the middle of the path, skipping all the turns and jumps! Beware of poles
and other obstacles, however.

6) If you take the path to the right instead of going down the middle, you
will see another SSX sign on the right. This is the second entrance to the
Untracked section previously mentioned. Stay to the left here and bust through
another Blue SSX sign that leads you to through an ice tunnel and back onto the
main path. However, if you skip this SSX sign, you will exit out and jump over
a rushing river, go underneath a bridge, and go onto shortcut #8.

7) Immediately after exiting this area, look for a blue SSX sign to the FAR
left on the other side of a yellow barrier wall. This leads to an ice tunnel
which spits you out on the side of the track by the series of jumps over an
ice river. However, you can't get to the jumps if you took this shortcut.

8)If you had skipped #7, the normal path leads to a jump and look for a blue
SSX sign high on a hill to the left. Busting through this sign causes you to
grind a rail to a series of jumps over a rushing river! You can also access
this shortcut by looking for it from the Untracked area mentioned above.
There are three or four jumps, and this section eventually exits back onto
the main track right before the very last jump.

9) Continuing on the main path takes you to a series of three jumps in between
narrow rock canyons. Before this, there is a blue SSX sign that you can bust
through to take a jump through the center section of the canyons. Not much of
a shortcut though...

10) Down the main path aways, and you will come to a very sharp right turn on
the top of a large hill. This shortcut is obvious and easy, just jump over the
turn and go down to the track below.

11)Towards the final section of the track you will come to another series of
jumps. In the middle is another blue SSX sign which will dip you through a
tunnel and out a jump that leads you to an ice path on top of the rock formation.
Follow this to the main path.

Only thing left is the gigantic jump at the end. Try cutting hills or taking
it slow, and good luck on your time! :)

1b. SNOWDREAM - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) At the beginning of the race, cutting to the right (by the big yellow
cushion things) leads to a large black rail in the snow that you can grind
to get an early lead.

2) A little later on there is an SSX sign to the left which leads to a rail
grind. Grinding this rail eventually ends with you grinding on a yellow barrier
fence for some distance.

3) Again there is an SSX sign further down the course on the left that leads to
a grind. This one is shorter, but still good to look for.

4)In the middle of the race there is a blue SSX sign in the center of the track
which leads to a rail grind where you can boost off a snowblower at the very end.
This is a decent shortcut.

5) Directly after this (around a curve) is an area with a blue SSX sign that
you can bust through by jumping off a ramp. You can also look for green flares
on the turn before that signal the beginning of this shortcut. This leads to the
largest shortcuts in Snowdream. The path splits a short ways ahead; to the left
the course leads you past a small wooden bridge to a pagoda-type structure.
The easiest way to get past this is to grind the small bridge onto a narrow ledge,
and jump off the ledge onto the roof of the structure, making your way back to the
main course. To the right, before the first bridge, is a short ice path that leads
to a grind on a fence which drops you back onto the main path. An alternate route
is to jump onto the hilltop where the rail starts, and grind to the left, skipping
the large turns and coming out where the "pagoda" shortcut comes out.

6) AUTHOR: Fahran - The other shortcut missing is the one I tend to use and I find
is slightly faster (and only very slightly at that) and easier than the pagoda shortcut.
Instead of taking the left shortcut to the pagoda, keep going over the jump on the
main track, and directly ahead is another blue SSX sign. Jumping over the fence to
the right of the track here leads to an ice path that heads over the hill and
includes a speed boost so you can make the jump (and pop the big balloon) on to the
upper section that criss-crosses the main track.

7) Immediately after the pagoda shortcut, look for a rail on the left that you can
grind that leads to a grind on a yellow fence.

8) There are various points later in the race where you can cut off the main path
and ski across powder to another section of the course. Look for those large
yellow "cushions" for a few of them.

9) In the last sections of the race, there are a few cables that lead to fence
grinds. These are really the only "shortcuts" left, so take care and try to hit
the ones you think are most advantageous.

The rest of the track is cake, good luck!

1c. ELYSIUM ALPS - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) At the beginning of the track there are two signs, one to the far left (red)
and one to the right (blue). The red sign leads to a series of cable/billboard
grinds and leads to a shortcut #3. The blue sign cuts underneath the crowd stands,
down the next hill in some thick powder and back onto the main track.

2) After the second jump, off to the right on the descent of a small hill is a
cable grind that will take you across several billboards (on the right side of
the regular track) and spit you out by the first checkpoint. This is different
than shortcut # 1. At the bottom of the jump after the moving platforms, there is
a ramp to the right. Slowing down at the top of the hill and then boosting onto
this ramp will take you to the next shortcut:

3) Riding the rails or taking the ramp will lead you to a twisting ice path
far above the rest of the track. After a long jump at the end, you will land
at the beginning of shortcut #4.

4) Directly past the first shortcut is a path to the right of the normal
track that is framed by small wooden fence. Going up this path will require
you break through a wooden board barring the way, and will spit you out onto
a series of short ledges that skirt along the side of the mountain. There are
two choices here: going high will lead across a few jumps and down a long ramp
to the rest of the track. Taking the low path will skirt across even more short
platforms, and require that you grind one of two branches to go back to the main
course. Either way is much faster than the regular track.

5) If you had skipped #4, there are a series of SSX signs on turn embankments
on the regular track. Busting through these cuts you through several sharp
turns, and the second sign enables you to catch a series of branch grinds
back across another embankment.

6) Going around the next few turns, there are a few shortcuts in the next
section (the section with the platform jumps with rails on the side.) Off to
either side of the platform are ice paths which lead to rail grinds (these were
in the first SSX.) Separate from these, off to the right at the beginning is a
small cable grind up to the crowd stands, putting you past the entire area.

7) At the end of this path there is a red SSX sign to the left. Busting through
this will lead to the old SSX path. This path consists of a regular straight
path, or a red sign off to the left which leads to a forest and then a large
jump to shortcut # 9.

8) If you had ignored the red SSX sign at #7, you go through a small cave
and then back onto the normal track. This leads to an ice path with many
small jumps...there are numerous shortcuts here (none as fast as #9) that
you can find by grinding branches that lie against hills or cutting embankments.
Explore and see which one you like best.

9) This shortcut was in the first SSX, and it is still by far the fastest way.
Going this way leads you to a series of steep cliff jumps over the regular
ice path in #8. There are three jumps, which lead you to a slight turn on a
hill where you can either jump back onto the main ice path or grind a set of
branches to continue the shortcut. The branches are much faster and led you
out on the main path at the steep drop at the checkpoint.

10) Directly past this drop is a red SSX sign to the right. Busting through this
will lead to a snowy plain and then back onto the normal track if you do not
jump at the end. Jumping at the end will lead you to shortcut #11.

11) You can reach this either by jumping or skiing from the lower track, but
to the left of the next section is a large tunnel which leads to the halfpipe.
At the end of this tunnel is a cable which leads to the next shortcut.

12) On either side of the ice-halfpipe with the glass barriers are cable grinds
which lead you past the ENTIRE halfpipe if you can catch them.

There are no real shortcuts in the remainder of the race, so race to the finish
line and good luck!

1d. MESABLANCA - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) From the start of the race, there are two red ramps, jump the second one to go
to a shortcut on a ledge above the normal tracks. There are three choices here:
The first is to continue going down the main shortcut path, which will spit you
out around a few steep curves and back onto the course. The second is to ski to the
right of this part and go up a very narrow ramp, which will launch you over a barrier
and onto a forest path. The third option is to jump to the FAR right and go down a
shortcut back onto the main course that bypasses the first sharp turn.

2) The alternate way to get onto the forest path is to continue on the normal path
until you reach the third turn (a right turn) and ski up over the embankment. You'll
have to make it through a few trees, but it's much easier than the path above. This
will lead you to a jump over a river and a large billboard (there is a red snowflake
in Showoff here.)

3) After this part the path bisects, and in the middle there is a rail that goes
over a hill.

4) Over the next jump and to the left is a gigantic Seeiah billboard. Cutting past
this leads you to a rail grind across a large tree branch that juts over the hill.
Jump at the end of this to make it past the billboards below.

5) A couple of jumps later, there is a blue SSX sign. This will lead you to a
raised path over the regular track, and down into the mines. This is the earliest
way to get into the mines. All entrances to the mines spit you out past the
suspended bridge.

6) Around a few turns is another blue SSX sign, which grinds onto a rail. After a
short rail launch, you will attempt to jump onto raised railroad tracks (on poles)
above the regular path! This is difficult, but if you manage it, you can boost
across these rails to the tunnel that leads to the suspended bridge over the

7) Skipping shortcut #6 will lead you to a few more turns and a point where the
path bisects around a platformed tower. Taking the right path will let you crash
through a pit covered by boards and down into the mines again.

8) If you cut the first turn after the bridge, you can ski across some rough terrain
to the start of the ravine shortcut. This shortcut is quite long, and you actually
jump over it several times on the main path. It leads to two red sign shortcuts you
must access by jump at the end of it.

9) During the ravine shortcut, if you cut behind a crowd stand, you'll see a branch
across the adjoining hill that you can grind to a red sign. Grinding this is very
difficult, but when you do, it will lead you to three successive jumps over the high
plateaus and eventually land you past those narrow canyons in the middle of the track
very far ahead.

10) The second red sign is accessed by jumping a small ramp near the end of the ravine
shortcut. Again, this isn't easy, but upon making it, you bust through another short
tunnel with boards (be sure to jump at the end) and then upon making this jump, you
end up back on the main track.

11) Across the next section, you can cut across embankments to save a lot of time.
Just experiment and see which ones net you the most advantage.

12) The quickest way across the area with the bisecting trails that cross over each other
(with rails lining them) is to jump on the rails and grind you way past this section.
Not easy, but definitely worth it.

13) RIGHT past this section, cut to the far right. There is a narrow path through the
canyon that will lead you directly to the end.

After this, it's just a quick jaunt to the finish line. Good luck!


AUTHOR: gondee
1. Right off the start, bust through the SSX sign and catch the rail over
the next building (you'll crash through a capital-type dome, very cool).
From there continue going perfectly straight.

2. Fly off the upturned rail with boost and you'll fly onto the top of
a building and crash through the skylight. :) After a couple of quick
jaunts over some more rooftops, you'll come out on the main path.

3. Going down a few hills and you'll see two split paths and a building
with a grey double door right in the middle. Crash through the door and
through the adjoining inside area. Fly out to the next building and avoid
the exhaust fans if you can...boost and jump to the next building in front
(this can be difficult.) Cut to the right and jump through a VERY narrow
space in between buildings. This will lead you to another red SSX sign
that cuts in between more buildings and eventually takes you back to the
main path.

4. After a few split turns you can cut through a pair of really narrow
towers, not much of a shortcut, but everything helps.

5. Further down the line you'll see a gigantic billboard of Seeiah off to
the left, cut by that and you'll cut across a steep, narrow downhill shortcut
in between buildings right by another gigantic billboard of Kaori.

6. Now you have two choices: there's another shortcut between buildings
(you'll see a cop car flashing) or you can continue further down the main
path until you see another red SSX sign. That's the parking garage shortcut.
Go to the lowest level and go to the end of the garage. There are two
shortcuts here:

7. A building on the left which leads to an upturned rail that leads right
to a hovering UFO :) If you get enough boost and hit the light from the
UFO you'll be transported to the forest by the bridge, but in thick powder.

8. The building on the right - Catch the first rail at the end and you'll
catch the next rail as well, this will lead you to an inside part with a
low roof, slow down on that second rail. Complete this part to
the next roof and somehow look for an adjoining roof to leap onto.
This should lead you to another rail, then to another building, followed by
a leap to a building top with a SPLIT rail. Taking that rail lets you fly
off a rooftop with a gigantic blimp in front of you, and then down onto a ice
river which lead to fan shortcut that leads past the bridge.

9. AUTHOR: FirebrandX - There is also another sewer tunnel that is VERY hard
to get into. This one is on the left fork just before the icy half pipe section.
It's a big concrete cylinder sticking up from the snow and has a wooden cover on top.
If you jump just right, you can clear the lip and drop through the top part,
breaking the wooden cover. This will take you through a another series of
fan blades, and eventually into the start of the ice river.

10. Directly after the entrance to shortcut #8, you will see go through a large
ice tunnel which leads back to the normal track. Above this area is a large
indoor "food court" area. You access this by jumping from the small ramp
(a ramp without paint) and flying up here. You ski through a series of tables &
chairs, and then start downhill indoors. Aim for the white "beam" on the glass
in the middle of the track, busting through the glass here will put you on a
rail that you can grind to the next building. Grinding this will lead you to
another indoor section (an office with cubicles) -- be sure to ski to the left
to avoid the cubicles. Upon busting through the glass here, you are faced with
two choices 1) Boost full-speed through the opening, off the building and back
onto the main track or 2) Slow down almost completely before busting through the
glass and look to your right -- grind the RAIL on the right corner of the building
that leads to the BLIMP mentioned above. This is a MUCH easier way of accessing
the ice river shortcut!

11. After skiing down the ice river, you bust through a brick wall into a sewer
tunnel with large fans that as in the first SSX. The fans go faster this time,
but no problem getting through this, same as the old shortcut, but without the
low walls. This juts you out into section underneath the overpass jumps, and skiing
around the side of the last glass ramp back up to the normal track leads you to
the sewer shortcut that was in the first SSX.

12. The subway connection is back again, and this time it's much easier. It is located
BEHIND the final glass ramp that leads back onto the main track from the lower snowy
area beneath the series of raised highway overpasses. Ski around behind the last ramp
and you will see a brick wall that you can bust through to make your way into the
tunnel. Simply slow down if you see the subways this time - it's much easier.

13. If you take the upper level (going up the glass ramp underneath the overpasses)
there are only a few major shortcuts that are worthy of mentioning. Down the path
aways, there is an opening in between buildings (look for the red trash dumpsters).
Jumping out onto here will let you drop directly onto the lower level on the final
stretch to the finish line.

14. If you skip shortcut 13 and continue on the normal path, ahead and below you
is a glass and concrete wall that you would have slalomed around had you taken
the lame normal path. Right above this wall is a hard to see pipe. Your goal is
to jump onto that pipe. Practice. Try landing on it sideways.This rail is hard to
see against the dark underside though, so look very carefully! You should be able
to jump through the dome for some mad style points at the end.

15. In this same area, to the right of the glass and concrete walls is a
path that leads down. It is easy to miss because the ice blends in with the fog
that appears before you hit the shortcut. Very crafty. Going down this shortcut
will run you by a few more subways (they're parked) and cut you out directly
beneath the raised high way above. From there it is just a quick run to the
finish line!

1f. TOKYO MEGAPLEX - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) In the area where you land from the air tunnel, there are two suspended
"pipes" (not really halfpipes, but still) on either side which branch
off into other pipes and lead down the track. Explore each of them to see
which you like best.

2) Directly above the area where you land from the wind tunnel is a raised ledge
that leads to two red and white rails. You can access this ledge by jumping
onto it as soon as you land from the wind tunnel, or if you access a ramp
near the wind tunnel, you can ride onto the suspended halfpipe, and enter the
wind tunnel higher up through an opening, which will cause you to float directly
onto this platform. Taking either one is a wild ride, turn your board sideways
and see how long you can stay on. In some cases you can ride these rails for an
entire lap or more!

3) About halfway through a lap is a switch you can hit which causes a ramp to raise.
Jumping about halfway up causes you to fall into a tunnel which splits right
and left and ends with a fan blowing you up and out back onto the course.

4) Near the end of the lap is a series of circular "doors" you must open by hitting
switches. Hitting the one in the middle will cause a door to open to an green
underground tunnel which splits left and right. This also leads to boost up and
out of the tunnel, although you can catch a red rail at the end to boost across
the curves up ahead.

5) Near the end of the race you pass through an area with fans underneath a glass
and steel platform. Going on the fans (or boosting from a ramp earlier) will
cause you to go on top of the platform, where you can ride onto a suspended
halfpipe which leads to the wind tunnel opening discussed in #1.

1g. ALOHA ICE JAM - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) There are a set of blue SSX signs not long past the beginning of the
race (these are from the first SSX.) Busting through either one will put you
in a shallow stream. After this, through a few turns there is another blue
SSX sign on a banked turn. Going through this one will enable you to skip a
nasty turn.

2) There is a red SSX sign off to the right immediately after the blue signs.
This will put you through a short tunnel with a fan and dump you out in front
of the glass tunnel with the ramp.

3) Through this glass tunnel is a ramp at the end. Boost without jumping to
fall into a large underground tunnel. This will save you a huge amount of time.

4) Right after this tunnel, there are a set of cables in the middle of the tunnel
that lead to another underground tunnel with fans. Slowing down at the end of the
previous tunnel with help you grind the cables. This second underground shortcut
spits you out in the valley between two ramps, right before the jump over
the large billboard.

5) Directly ahead you will see a large ice face. It leads to several suspended
plastic tunnels in the sky, which spits you out past all the steeply banked ice
turns in the next section.

6) If you miss the face (or fall out of the tunnels), there is a red SSX sign
to the far left which leads to a long, flat cable grind. This will put you past
those annoying ice turns again.

7) Near the end of both of these shortcuts is a ravine which leads to the
"indoor" section of the track. You can either grind the rails or jump over the
ravine. There is a red SSX sign to the far left that is the third crucial
shortcut and can give you first place easily. Busting through that lets you steer
around a few pipes and rocks and lands you neatly at the end of the race.
The normal way is MUCH longer.

8) There are various red signs in the normal section of the course that cut
you over hills and save you time, but not as much as shortcut #7.

9) Toward the end of the race, there are two ways to go. The first is to stay
on the bottom portion of the track and board over floating icebergs to the
finish line. The shortcut here is to catch the "ski lift" wires going up (there
are two sets), and ride them up to an upper tunnel which neatly bypasses the
annoying icebergs. Just be careful you do not land in the burning barrel after
the finish line! ;)

1h. ALASKA - Shortcuts

AUTHOR: gondee
1) Get ready, this track is HUGE. Right from the first drop, there are red SSX
signs to either side. Busting through the one on the left can take you to a rail
you can grind that leads you back to the main path. Neither path is much better
than going down the normal track.

2) After a short series of turns, there is a VERY steeply banked ice turn. (It
is directly after a Luther billboard, but before a Seeiah billboard)
You reach this shortcut by boarding left, up the embankment and onto an ice path.
This leads to an upper ice path and a jump (this section is very difficult)
that leads to THREE ice tunnels that you must bust through to reach. The top
tunnel leads to an extraordinarily long ice tunnel that spits you out at the
open path by the ice river. This shortcut is huge! The middle path is another
long ice tunnel, which leads to a rail that you can ride to a few ledges on top
of the ice canyon for a bit, which ends back on the main course. The bottom path
is a short tunnel around the next set of turns and back onto the main path.
If you catch an ice ledge, you can board across a small series of platforms and
back onto the main path. And there is still ANOTHER shortcut -- to the left of
these tunnels is a red SSX sign that you can jump to from the same ramp.
This takes you to another series of rail grinds that lead you to the ramps
in the next shortcut. WHEW.

3) There are two ramps here that jump over a river section. Taking the far
left ramp boosts you to an upper ice path with a few jumps that lead you past
the entire narrow section by the ice river. The other ramps can lead you past a
sharp turn, and back by the river. Finally, there is a rail to the right on the
river that you can grind if you get lucky enough to catch it from the jump.

4) Past this area is a split level with several mini ledges every second of so,
no shortcuts through this area. Past this level, you can ride a snow ledge to
the right and hop on a series of raised ice blocks into a tunnel in the next
section. This leads to a tunnel much higher than the regular path, and much
easier to. After hitting a steeply banked right funnel, you'll come out past
all the sharp turns in that section to exit the ice tunnels.

AUTHOR: Gaz - After the mogul run you hit a frozen riverbed with a few islands
on it and the last one has a rail leading from it into a cavern. The rail
leads to an elevated ice path that leads you through the caverns and
brings you out just before the cave exit (where the trick boost is).

It's a tricky shortcut to stay on, as the path is only about six feet
wide (relatively speaking) and has no sides on it, so it's easy to fall
off into the default path through the caves. The best advice I could
give would be to slow down and take it steady as soon as you leave the
entry rail and you'll still shave about five seconds off your finish

5) There are various paths in the ice caves (you can spot them by the stalagmites)
that cut through the regular path. They are risky, but they are shorter.

6) After exiting the ice caves, cut to the left and skip ALL the sharply banked
ice turns by skiing in the powder to the left of the normal track. Easy as pie.

7) After jumping the large pit here, you come to the "halfpipe" of Alaska. Not
much here, but after that you reach the vertical "U turn" on this section. You
can select shortcut past this, but not much else.

8) Next you come to a large jump. Boost down the middle and get massive air off
this jump to catch an opening here. This takes you through a small ice cave,
straight through to the middle path on the next section.

9) There are three normal paths here: far left, middle, and far right. Both far
left and right are identical paths up soft hills and onto regular paths (there
are speed boosts here in racing mode.) The middle path is a raised ice path
with several soft hills. Boost down the middle, and jump as high as you can off
the ramp here. If you get massive air, you land onto the top of the rock formation
that the normal path goes around! A steep hill later and you are back onto the left
path, which is a soft hill through the final ice cave section. There are no
shortcuts for the remainder of the track until the final jump with the massive fans.

10) This isn't much of a shortcut, but there are rails on the upper ledge of the
final jump you can boost down to the finish line. The whole upper path is much
faster than the lower path, as a whole. Good luck on finishing this massively long


2a. GARIBALDI - Racing

CO-AUTHORS: happymachines and FirebrandX
1) Right out of the gate, punch someone. Yay for knockdowns giving you
full boost. You won't be able to get a quick start, and you might have
to reset the course until you're next to someone who has a comparable
start to you (I use elise, starting out next to Marisol, Eddie, or Luther
is always good.)

2) Go to the cable. When you approach the cable, go ahead and use boost
to get to it. You'll be able to get it back by tap-jumping while grinding
the cable. This resets your boost meter to full if done right. As soon as
you get to the end of the cable, do a nac nac.

3) Land. Do Uber #2 off the ledge in front of you.

4) After landing uber #2, boost on down to where the track merges back together.
You'll want to aim in between the pylons and jump up the hill right at the gap
in the fence. If timing is good, you can do uber #3 and #4 in this one jump.

5) You'll now be in a secret area with a tunnel-tube ahead amongst the trees.
I go in between the trees well right of the tunnel-tube entrance. Ahead is deep
snow and a ridge. Charge a jump and do uber #5 off the edge of it slightly to
the right. You may land on a secondary lower ridge, immediately jump it and do
uber #6. If you manage to clear the secondary ledge from the first jump, then
this gives you enough air to do 2 ubers anyway.

6) You'll have full boost when you land, so blast straight ahead and keep sort
of close to the left wall. At some point, you'll see a lone bush next to a tree.
Right as you hit it, press select. This will put you back on the main track
near a turn to the left.

7) Boost down the course until it splits. Take the right path, then go
through the red sign to the right. go down the hill for a ways, and head
towards the blue ssx sign. Hit select shortly before you reach it (yes,
it's cheap. I know it's cheap. you know it's cheap. but such is life).
You should find yourself approaching the bridge over the river. Go through
the ssx sign on the left, down the pipe, you don't need to jump to
cross the river.

8) Instead, you can press select about 2/3 of the way down the pipe-grind. This will
put you just past that first river-gap.

9) After materializing past the first river-gap, continue on down the track. Just
after the right turn in the track, press select. You will be placed past the jump

10) Aim straight with maybe a little leftward angle and let the track gradually
pull you as it turns left. You should glide up on the far edge of the turn.
You'll be facing toward the arch down below on the right. Blast for it and
press select when you get fairly close. You be placed underneath it on the
icy path.

11) Go down the path and turn sharply to the right before you get to the snowplow.
By going up here, you'll be able to make the game register you as crossing the
finish line, even though you are hundreds of feet away from it. You'll need to
practice the perfect angle and you will need to jump the snow as there is an
auto-reset boundary. If done correctly, you'll cross the finish line in mid-air.
The actual finish line will be way down below. Super CHEESY!!

2b. SNOWDREAM - Racing

AUTHOR: happymachines
1) Punch someone as soon as you get out of the gate to get full-boost.

2) Do uber #1 off this first jump. Might take a couple of tries.

3) There is a pipe here that is really good to grind. You can get on it right at
the curve (which is tricky, because the bank shoots you up in the air, making it
hard to aim), or on the right side of the straightaway after the turn (this is
easier to get on, but unless you turn sideways quickly, you're likely to fall off).

4) Boost down the rail, at the end of it do an uber trick.

5) Continue down the course. Eventually you will get to a split level jump. Take the
smaller one, and do an uber trick. Then do more uber tricks on the next several jumps.
There really isn't very much to do in the middle of the course except fill up your
TRICKY meter.

6) After the long straight section, the path splits into three sections: left, right,
and a sign in the middle with a pipe behind it. Bust through the sign and take the pipe.

7) After you are shot off the end of the pipe, take the turn, then you'll notice
some green flares on the left. Cut through the green flare area (and try not to
hit anything). A little bit farther up the course this shortcut is marked with a
SSX sign way up in the air, but entering it here keeps you from having to jump.

8) There is a balcony/structure type thing ahead of you. Go on top of it (or on
the railing, which I believe is slightly faster if you can do it), jump to the
next structure, and from there onto the blue roof. Try to jump far enough so that
you land on the downward sloping side.

9) Once you hit the ground again, turn sharply to the left, staying with the cliff wall.
Ahead of you there should be a cable leading to the fence. Grind the cable, then the
fence, then transfer to the pipe with the snowblower. You should now be on a raised
ledge running parallel to the main path.

10) To the left, notice the giant cushions concealing the hole in the fence. Don't
they look comfy? And yellow? Crash through them and cut through the powder.
Make a beeline for where the fence starts up again ahead of you.

11) Another cable leading to a fence. You know what to do.

12) AUTHOR: gondee: Once you are on the fence, you must slide off after about two seconds,
and boost down the remaining track. Grinding the twisty fence is slower then racing
straight to the bridge. If you can do this smoothly you will save a few seconds.

13) AUTHOR: gondee: Try to go over the bridge as smooth as possible, jumping early
over it if need be. There is a nasty polygon that can trip you on the right side,
so be careful of that. Boost to the end and get an awesome time!

2c. ELYSIUM ALPS - Racing

AUTHOR: gondee
1) Out of the starting gate, go over the jump and do a good trick to build
up your boost. Upon landing, swerve to the right of the moving platforms
(skipping them) and slow down so you don't go flying over the jump. Instead,
ski down the jump and boost once you to the bottom. Aim for the snow ramp
to the right and fly off of that.

2) This should take you to the upper ice shortcut above the regular track
on the left side. Boost down this until you come to the jump at the end with
the trick bonus. Do an Uber off this jump and land on the ledge below and
onto the ledges shortcut that you normally ramp up to after the first checkpoint.

3) Do not boost on these ledges, and after rounding the sharp turn-jump
and the right turn-ledge, continue boosting without jumping. There are
two ledges here, an upper and a lower ledge. You want to take the lower
ledge and continue to boost without jumping across the next two ledges.
You can bust Ubers off these ledges if you want. On the last ledge, hit
one of the rail-logs and boost off it back onto the main path.

4) You are now facing a large banked right turn with large billboards.
Skate along the left side of the embankment, and skate OVER the turn,
beneath or in-between the billboards. This will take you to the area
where there was a trick boost in the first SSX, except now it goes behind
the crowd stands. Boost through the deep powder and back onto the main path.

5) Take the rail beside the ramps to the right, and boost over them.
After this section, you'll see a red SSX sign to the left of the entrance
to the caves. Go through that, and it will lead you to another old section
of the game. Cut through the forest and go down the embankment (do an Uber)
and back onto the old shortcut area with the jumps over the chasms.

6) Take all three of the next jumps (you can do Ubers over all of them,
giving you unlimited boost). After the third jump, grind the log to the
left and onto the downhill wide right turn back onto the main path and
go off the steep jump without jumping. Look ahead and instead of going
around the sharp banked right turn, bust through the red SSX sign directly
ahead. This will lead to a flat area a slight upward slop a bit to the
left ahead. Prewind and do a big trick off of that.

7) You'll wind up in a new ice tunnel which leads directly to the
half-pipe/walls area. Upon exiting the tunnel, look for a cable which you
can grind which leads up to the billboards on the left side. Grinding
this is easy if you turn you board horizontal to the cables. Boost all the
way down this, bypassing all those walls and coming out on the other side.

8) Continue down the path until you come to the horizontal loop-de-loop.
You have a few choices to speed through, the first is to just catch the
speed boost and go through it normally. If you catch the left lip of the loop,
you can also grind all the way down if you use boost. Finally, if you get
lucky you can "select shortcut" right through this, but it doesn't work all
the time. There is rumored to be a way to jump over the loop, but I've never
been able to do it. :(

9) Out of the loop it's just a short jaunt to the finish line. Boost over all the
hills without jumping and you should have one great time! :)

AUTHOR: dunc
1) Do a quick grab off the first hill to fill up your boost bar quickly.

2) Do uber #1 off the first jump.

3) Steer to the right of the moving jump. If you don't use any
boost, go pretty straight and don't jump, you should have enough time
for quickie uber #2 down to the bottom.

4) Jump and uber #3 onto the upper shortcut.

5) At the kink in the upper shortcut you can jump and uber #4.

6) You'll come to the jump onto the old shortcut, uber #5 off it.

7) Don't boost on the ledges, and at the right turn, don't jump, but
uber #6. (this is the hardest bit of the course).

8) Pick your way to the end of the ledges, then go over the large
banked turn in between the air. The point to do this is in the large
gap between the billboards. Ski down the powder to the ice, and take
the rails on the left. The trees are wider than they look ... watch

9) ...and the rest is the same as the method above, but this method will
get you Ubers faster!

AUTHOR: ssx4ever
There is a way to completely bypass the horizontal loop-de-loop at the end.
You must aim to go straight down the middle thru the hole in the bottom of
the sign. It's like threading a needle at 74mph. I don't think there's anything
easy about it at all since it's very hit and miss.

Try and land early (not that you have any control of this) before the end of
the loop barriers - there's actually a line/crack in the ice to mark the spot.
Landing early helps maintain greater balance and translates to a faster takeoff.

Unsure whether it's better or not to grab the speed boost. Others might have a
more informed opinion.

2d. MESABLANCA - Racing

AUTHOR: happymachines
1) Get a knockdown right out of the gate.

2) Jump a little bit on this first hill. It should carry you over the
second hill, and you can do an uber while you're in the air.

3) Turn right, turn left, then start to drift up the left hand bank.
If done correctly, you should cut through the woods a little bit,
rejoining the path right after the next turn.

4) Jump the river. You can pull an uber trick in the air.

5) Get on the center rail. This is far trickier than it was in the
first game, and is where I screw up most on this track. If you make it
on, boost along it.

6) Head to the left a little. Do not take the shortcut that you always took
in the first ssx. Instead, stay on the main path, you'll go into a dip.
Coming out of it will send you up in the air, you should be able to pull off
an uber trick while you're up there.

7) There should be a cliff wall on your left. Stay close to the wall.
as the wall falls away from you, you should notice a blue ssx sign on
the left. Go through it.

8) Cross the bridge, down the tunnel, into the mine car shortcut.

9) You'll be in the open for a second, then go back into another shaft.
This part can be a little tricky; I'm still not completely sure how to
handle it. Just make sure you line yourself up straight as best you
can, and stop holding forward. I'm pretty sure holding forward will
always cause you to wipe out.

10) Speed down the mine shaft. If you mess up where the tracks jump,
you can hit select, no biggie. If you make it through, upon leaving the
cave you can pull off an uber trick (you need to be watching your meter
carefully to do this).

11) Once you're in the open again, head left. Instead of jumping over
the river, jump down inside it (a couple of points about this: don't
jump too far across the river or else you will crash into the far wall.
It can be really hard to get your forward momentum in a new direction.
jumping seems quicker than just letting yourself fall, and you can do
an uber trick here).

12) Speed down the ice path. There are a couple of spots in here where
you will wipe out just for going over them. Have fun finding them.

13) At the end of the ice path, jump down onto the normal course. I
think you can do an uber trick here, although I usually screw up (if you
do one successfully, you now should have tricky). If not, you can
always do one of the two upcoming jumps in the canyon.

14) Proceed normally, after awhile you'll get to a trick boost. Once
you hit the trick boost, head off the course slightly to the left.
There should be a billboard in front of you, try to go between the legs of
the billboard. Keep heading straight until you rejoin the course at
the turn right before the part where the path splits and repeatedly
crosses over itself.

15) Get onto one of the rails here. I don't know which one is the
fastest. If you know, then tell other people. (Knowing is half the battle,
after all).

16) Once you exit the rails, turn sharp to the right. You want to head
to the right of all the trees; here you'll find a little shortcut cut
through the rock. Head down this until you get to the end.


AUTHOR: gondee
1) Right off the start, try as best you can to get to bust through the red
SSX sign ahead of you. A slight tap in one direction (usually right)
will do the job. After that, ride the rail to the adjoining ceiling,
bust through the dome and do an Uber off the end. (The normal path on the track
is just as fast, but without the opportunity for Ubers.)

2)Land and immediately boost without holding up on the control pad.
You should boost off a very short rail ahead of you and fly onto an
adjoining roof, doing another quick Uber and crashing through a skylight
into a descending floor in a building. Tap-jump before you get to the
wall ahead and you'll fly onto another roof. Do one more Uber off
of this before you land and you'll have three within the first minute
of racing!

3) After you land, get back onto the normal track and boost over the next
couple of short hills, past a dumpster. Ahead is a point where the path splits
or you can bust through a pair of doors. Busting through the doors isn't much
faster (but is much more difficult), so cut to the left of the turn. Ski over
a slight open area and ski back toward the straight part of the track ahead.
There should be a trick icon ahead, so use that and bust an Uber off the jump

4) Ahead is a quick turn that goes right, and then left, back onto the straight
area of the track. Ride the bank on the left turn and cut through the middle
area between the normal paths. Ahead is a red SSX sign in between two buildings.
(This is where the door shortcut would have led.) Bust through that
pointed slightly middle of left. Once you pass the trashcans, aim to slightly
middle of right and catch the speed boost ahead. Do your fifth Uber off the
building and land. Go back onto the regular track.

5) Ahead is the point where the track diverges and winds around various
buildings. Go around the first turn and then tap jump between the two
buildings catching the speed boost on the other side. Bust an Uber at
the checkpoint hill to have unlimited boost. Boost around the
corner and aim toward the large billboard ahead. Cut through the steep
hill behind the building, swerving to avoid the trashcans throughout this
path. Ski back towards the main path, and jump at the peak of the slight
hill to jump over a police car hiding directly over the peak.
(Sneaky developers.)

6) Around the next corner is the parking garage. You must hit the UFO
shortcut that hidden behind the garage, and here is the path I've found to
be most successful. Ride the embankment and prewind, You must ski towards
the left side of the second floor. Jump onto the SECOND level
of the parking garage. From here aim towards the building to the left ahead.
Once you land on the building, boost and aim for the very short, steep rail
ahead. Boost off of that and if you have enough speed you'll hit the UFO
and get warped to the wooded area past the park. This is very difficult, so
don't expect to do it on the first try.

7) Once you appear from the UFO, ski back toward the normal path to the
right. Try to slant ahead and avoid the trees as well. Once you are back
onto the track by the bridge, do your last Uber if you haven't already, and
get past the bridge as quick as you can. Typically I fall to the area
below the bridge but if you ski across the regular bridges that's fine
as well.

8) Once you are below the overpasses, ski to the end and go behind the
last ramp that leads back to the normal course. Behind this ramp is the
entrance to the subway. Bust through the "brick" wall and enter the subway
tunnel. You can "select-shortcut" out of this once you are about halfway
through, but if not, just slow down to avoid the subways if you need to.
Bust out the opposite side and avoid the vehicle straight ahead.

9) Boost straight down the hill (watch out for a downturned streetlight) and
make straight for the finish line. You should have a great time after this
route! Good luck!

AUTHOR: happymachines
1) Grind onto the rail in the beginning, and speed boost down it like a
greased eel.

2) Once you are on the flat part of the roof (it goes cable->pointed roof
->flat roof) tap jump and do two Uberss.

3) Land, go straight ahead, and boost but do not jump off the rail.
Do another Uber in the air, then crash through the skylight.

4) Once you land on the sloping ramp inside the skylight, do not boost,
do not hold forward. You need to jump at the end of this in order to make
it to the next building, but jump early. The goal of all that is to reduce
your speed slightly. Once you're on the building, continue straight ahead.
Do not boost, and do not jump off the end of the building. Do another Uber
while in the air. If everything goes according to plan, you should land on
a downward slope which will give you plenty of momentum to get over the hill
in front of you. If you've been boosting, more often than not you'll land
on the upslope of the bump, lose all momentum, and it'll take you a couple
seconds to get back up to speed.

5) I like to go around the bump on the right side, as there are fewer
obstacles there. Continue down the path, angling towards the left side
of the course. The goal is to go between the pole and the building so that
you lose as little time in the turn as possible.

6) Continue down the path, angling to the left. If you like, you can go
through the fake wall shortcut here, but I don't. Off the path to the left,
there is a lamp post, you want to be just to the right of it and aimed at
the gap between the fence ahead of you on the left, and another lamp post
on the right. Shoot through the gap. I usually do a tap jump here as well,
otherwise when you land you can get bumped around really badly.

7) On the path ahead of you there is a jump with a trick boost in front
of it. Do another Uber off this jump. don't worry about hitting the sign
to the left, as it will break if you run into it, but the sign on the right
is certain death. DEATH!!!

8) Turn right, then ride up on the bank ahead of you to break through the
glass ssx sign between the two big annoying metal things. I have no good
suggestions on how to do this reliably, save practicing.

9) While you're on the rooftops, avoid obstacles. Get the speedboost if
you can, but mostly avoid obstacles. Those garbage cans can be REAL
annoying. At the last rooftops, boost off it, and do your final uber
trick while you're falling.

10) After landing, head just left of center. I don't like the shortcut where
you jump off the fence into the building; instead the object is to board
down the path on the left hand side keeping as straight and quick of a line
as possible. So, just left of the building, just right of the fence, just
left of the building (and if you're really feeling daring, go between the
building and the pole).

11) Head between the two towers ahead of you, angled slightly to one side
(I like right). You can either just let yourself drop, then bounce quickly
off the snowbank before hitting the icy path and hopefully the speedboost,
or you can try tap jumping at the very top in order to skip the bounce.
It's your call.

12) Continue down the path, head for the gap between the pole and the fence.
You can try to do another tap jump here, or you can not bother (it's the same
basic situation that you just had).

13) Ahead of you is a right turn; continue going straight down this very steep,
very fast alley. You might need to practice this alley, as it's hard to get a
feel on how to not crash into the building on the right, or the other building
on the left, or the garbage cans. Once you come out of the alley, rejoin the
main path.

**NOTE: happymachines included glitch shortcut information here. If you wish to
finish the race using the glitch shortcut, it is much faster timewise, but also
"illegal" for competition purposes. I am going to put this information in the
GLITCHES section in case you want to read it. Below is the route you should
take if you intend to finish the race normally. **

14) Continue down the main path towards the parking garage. Tap jump off the
bank right in front of it to jump up onto the second floor. Once you get on
the downward ramp part, head towards the left. Jump so that you land on the
building ahead and to the left, that has a pipe on it. Get on the pipe, do a
boost jump off of it to get sucked into the UFO.

15) Reappear in the woods. From the angle you teleport in at, you want to start
heading approximately 45 degrees to the right, if my memory serves. This should give
you a path that's running roughly parallel to the main path. Dodge trees, and
try to avoid inclines so you can keep your speed as high as possible. Eventually
there will be a group of trees fairly close together on your left, with one of
them just being a fairly tall stump. you want to go to the left of these trees.
Ahead the snow should turn into rocks, then there's a drop into the frozen riverbed.
Jump the rocks, landing in the river.

16) The frozen river feels faster to me, but I'm not positive. You can just as
easily jump clear over the river and land on the main path. but if you take
the river, crash through the tunnel, avoid the fan blades (plan ahead), and
at the end be sure to slow down, cause that gate doesn't open nearly quickly enough.

17) Cut the straightest, fastest path you can underneath the highway bridges.
You should be going too fast for the powder to slow you down, so feel free
to cut dogleg corners by going off the path a bit.

18) Instead of going up the glass ramp at the end, swing around behind it and
crash through the fake bricks. you can press select in here to be teleported
pretty far ahead, but if you're going for a clean run, then just be careful
to slow down for the subway cars, and the gate at the end.

19) At the other end of the subway tunnel, watch out for the police car that
is obscured by a rise, and boost down the rest of the course. Wheeeee!
Your goal using this path should probably be between 3:10 and 3 minutes flat.


AUTHOR: happymachines
1) The most important thing that you must keep in mind while racing in tokyo
is: left. But more on this later.

2) Knockdown out of the gate, to get full boost right away. Go around this curve,
and bust an uber at the jump at the bottom. If you're having trouble, there's a
speedboost to the far left side, which should give you significantly more air time.

3) Down the path, avoiding the fans. The fans are your enemy. You hate the fans.
They blow you up in the air, slowing you down A LOT. Go into the big blower tube
thing, and do two ubers while you're floating upwards.

4) Once you land in the chute things up top, straighten yourself out so you're
pointed straight ahead, then boost and jump up to the upper platform that has
the rails on it. Do another uber while in the air, although it'll be real close.

5) Jump back down off of this, doing ubers as you go. If you can get two off,
wonderful, you have tricky. If you can only do one, after you land you'll be in
a zigzagging valley thing with tackling dummies. You should easily be able to
get that last uber off of the sides.

6) Now that you should have your tricky meter filled, proceed down to the
bottom of this valley thing, where there is the ramp, and the hole you can
jump into, and rails to ride to the left and right. You don't want to mess
with any of this. now is when 'left' comes in. Go forward and to the left.
You want to go up the bank right before it starts curving back towards the
center. Hitting it in the right spot should let you keep most of our speed
(instead of fighting your way up a hill), while not being pulled back onto
the course.

7) For the entire rest of the course, just stay on the left. Ideally, you want
to be on the snow, far enough to the left that you bypass all of the annoying
obstacles of the course, but not so far that you end up on the metal (which
is slower), or that you need to lean against the hill to stay on the snow
(also slows you down). You shouldn't need specific instructions for any of this,
just stay to the left and keep your speed up.

8) All good things must come to an end... however tokyo megaplex is not a good
thing, which is why it loops around in a circle. On the next lap, you're going
to want to do mostly the same things, with the exception of how you get down
onto the ground after the big fan. Just get back down and onto the left side
as quickly as possible.

9) That's it. Two things to keep in mind for this board are A) it's a circle
that you travel counterclockwise on. That's why you're always sticking to the left,
because it's shortest path around, and B) riding the rails is not faster.
Sure, you go a lot quicker, but you're going a lot quicker on a much longer route.

Rail Solutions:
1. Start off, get a KO if you must, and just keep riding. At the jump, do some
big trick like a misty/rodeo Unethical Experimental to fill up your boost as much
as possible.

2. In the speed bump area, make for the left and hit the buttons to raise the
ramp. Jump early off the ramp or you won't make it in the hole. I don't have
a good place to jump yet because it's all instinct to me, maybe halfway up the
ramp would work.

3. In the fan jump, do some stuff to make sure your boost is full.

4. Hopefully, you will land on top of the arrow signs without falling off.
Take either rail, but I prefer the right rail because it is easier to get on
and is less distracting. I often fall off the left rail at the first dip
because the rail is camouflaged against the snow.

5. Ride the rail, and boost only when you get to steep inclines or when you
need to jump from one rail to the next. When you get to these areas, I
recommend that you turn your board sideways so that the chance the board will
land on one of the catch rails is the highest.

6. Continue this until you see the glass level below you. From here to the
end of the lap, there is only one rail that you can land on to continue up
on this level. But if you can manage to stay on, the rail leads to the highest
window and you will fly up above the arrow signs again.

7. Repeat steps 3-6 if you stay on the rail and steps 2-6 if you fell off
at the end.

8. On the last lap, intentionally fall off the rail above the speed bump
section. The height of the rail window will cause you to crash before you
get to the finish, giving the other racers about 5 seconds to catch you.

Emergency Exits:
If you fall off the rail at any point before the button-commanded doors,
there is a way to get back on.

1. The earliest way to get on the rails is if you missed the ramp jump
in the beginning. Don't fret, but this is the ONLY part of the guide where
a select trick MIGHT be used. If you missed the ramp, go through the normal
doors, and when you are at the highest point of your jump.

2. The next way to get back on the rails is after the first pop-up poles
section. Instead of going up the button-commanded ramp, go around it and
up the ice ramps to the rails there. They both connect to one of the two
starting rails, and at this point it doesn't matter which one you get on.

3. The next point is inside the hole you would go in if you did take the
button ramp. At either end of the fork here is a fan jump. If you boost,
aim for the direct middle of the fan, and jump just before you reach it,
it should take you up on a rail. Again, turn your board sideways for the
best chance to land on the rails.

4. All the other methods involve either riding the tubes from the beginning
to the end, jumping off fans and landing on rails by pure luck, or ramping
off embankments with more luck.

2g. ALOHA ICE JAM - Racing

AUTHOR: gondee
1) Use this racing route to achieve a great time on Aloha Ice Jam! Be careful
after starting the race that you do not barrel out at the first turn. It is much
trickier this time and harder to avoid. There are a set of blue SSX signs not
long past the beginning of the race (these are from the first SSX.) I recommend
busting through these rather than the red SSX sign to the right, as it puts you
in an easier position to take the ramp/tunnel shortcut, but either one is about
the same speed.

2) After completing either shortcut, you will come out by a glass tunnel. Through
this glass tunnel is a ramp at the end. Boost without jumping to fall into a large
underground tunnel. This is critical shortcut number one. If you've managed to fill
your boost, you can do two Ubers off this jump.

3) Right after this tunnel, there are a set of cables that lead to another
underground tunnel with fans. Slowing down at the end of the previous tunnel with
help you grind the cables. This second underground shortcut spits you out in the
valley between elevated ramps, right before the jump over the large billboard.

4) Directly ahead you will see a large ice face. If you jump over the billboard,
or ski to the ramps on the side, the mouth of the face should open. This is the
second crucial shortcut. It leads to several suspended plastic tunnels in the sky,
which spits you out past all the steeply banked ice turns in the next section.
This shortcut is more difficult to maintain this time, but it's absolutely key to
getting a great time.

7) Riding all the way to the end of the previous shortcut will spit you out
on a direct line towards a ravine and a red SSX sign to the far left that is the
third crucial shortcut and can give you first place easily if you race through it

8) But here is the key to this shortcut, about halfway through the tunnel you will
come across a very large ice boulder directly in the middle of the course. This is
your marker - once you get past this, press the select button to reset past the ENTIRE
shortcut and to the end of the race! Again, use of this is discretionary, but if you
see people with times below 1:40, this is how they did it. Unfortunately, you must
navigate those annoying floating ice platforms at the end of the race, but you can
easily get a great time using this route!

2h. ALASKA - Racing

AUTHOR: happymachines
1) Out of the gates, do some flips, grabs whatever. Get a little bit of boost. You're
going to want to fill up your boost meter as quickly as possible. There are two good
ways to do this. Either catch up with someone and punch them down, or if you hang
back a little bit in the gates, everyone will hit the ground before you, and when
they get in the middle they will crash. If you plow through them while boosting,
sometimes you can score a cheap knockdown without falling yourself.

2a) Turn left, turn right. ahead of you is a billboard. If you feel like it you can
jump up onto its side rails by using the little dip at the right turn, and then
boost jump off the end which will take you to the elevated path. I don't do this,
because I have a hard enough time with the beginning as it is. But I'm fairly
certain this is faster, and you might be able to get an uber in there.

2b) Otherwise, turn left, turn right, turn left, and go up the side of the bank
in the fourth turn, which will take you to the elevated path.

3) Go down the elevated path for a bit, at the end you want to jump off to the left,
aiming for the ssx sign. Do an uber here.

4) Land, go around the corner, and jump straight out in the direction of the pipe
rather than going on it. Do two ubers in the air. Land.

5) Get on the pipe that comes out of the ground to the right. This is usually kind of
tricky, as its hard to hit, and you should be going very fast. If you manage to get
on it, turn sideways, and boost up the first part of it. When exiting the pipe for
the upper path, you have to be careful not to go too fast (which will launch you
directly over the path), or have your balance too far to the left or right.

6) On the upper path, jump the first big gap. For the second one, I usually just
tap jump and ride through the bottom of the chasm for the rest of this, but I've
never actually checked to determine the absolute fastest path. Usually after a
tap jump, you'll be headed right for the side of the cliff; twist yourself
around so that you land sideways on the cliff, then speed down and to the right.
(Or left, depending on your perspective)

7) Continue down the trail, doop de doo, till you get to the jump. Aim for the
big white mound, try and jump clear over it while doing an uber. After landing,
proceed along this icy riverside path as quickly as you can without falling in.
Do the little jump in the middle, and at the end, pull another uber (I'm not sure
if every character has ubers quick enough to do here, it's a real close call).

8) Grab the speed boost. At several points during the moguls, you can do an uber.
Find a place, then do an uber there, which should finish your tricky gauge. At
the bottom of the moguls, hop along the snowy islands then take the rail and the
top path through the caves if you can. If you fail (loser) take the left path,
go through a big hole in the wall at the top of a bank in the ice caves, etc etc etc.
I really hate these ice caves, and I also hate trying to describe how to get through
them. So: if you took the left path, there's a hole in front of you to the left. Go
through it. it saves some time. Then finish the sucky sucky caves.

9) As you exit the caves, jump off to the right. Rather than zigzagging back and forth
along this icy path, just boost through the snow down the right hand side. boost, I say!
Keep as straight of a line as you can, and rejoin the path right before the jump.

10) Jump the chasm. I prefer to land on the left side if possible. Proceed along the path,
until you get to the hairpin turn thingy. Instead of going through the turn, jump off the
track to the right just before the tower. Chances are you'll smack into the tower, roll
through the powder a little, then right yourself, cutting out the turn.

11) There's a jump in front of you. Take it slowly to avoid being launched into the air.
Take the right hand path at the split. Go through the little cave, and when you come out
take the center, or the left path. Just get through this as quickly as possible. at the
end there will be a slight right turn, you want to go up over the bank.

12) Keep going straight. There's a small hill ahead, again make sure not to get a lot of air.
Then you enter the caves, with yet another hill that you want to make sure not to get a
lot of air on.

13) I have no particularly good advice on how to get through the ice caves.

14) At the big fan chute thing, there are two things you can do. you can hit select right
when you leave the edge, which should save you a few seconds. Or, you can jump too early,
turn upside down, hit your head on the floor of the chute, have your limp body drag along
the body for awhile, then be magically righted when you get to the top, and boost down to
the end. This is harder to do, and I do not know how to do it consistently.

That's it. Most times with this route should be under 4:20. A perfect run should be
around 4 minutes even. Good luck.


3a. GARIBALDI - Showoff

AUTHOR: ElysiumKaori

1. Out of the gate, ride the rail through the blocks, do some spins and flips
to build up boost. Don't turbo at all, jump off the very end and do two ubers
(paddle wheel or faster works). You'll land at the top of the little hill,
jump immediately and do another quick uber. That's 3 ubers to start with.
(should have 100K points easily by here)

2. When you go through the blue glass sign, jump off the embankment before it
and do an uber through/over it. Go through the blue glass, turn left and do a
flip and uber through the yellow flake. Then, after doing the uber through the
yellow flake, do another uber on the way to the rail with the 3x flake off
the little embankment. Ride the rail in front of you and do big uber off through
the orange flake. If you do it right, you can hit the red flake off of this rail.

How to get the red flake: Get on the pipe at the start. turn sideways. Gun
turbo, but jump about 3/4 of a board width (freestyle board) before the end of
the pipe, maybe a bit sooner. If executed right, you can pull pirouette
grind and paddle wheel, landing through the red flake for more than 220K points.
(prewind for back flips)

3. Cut hard right to the other side of the main path, turn forward, and uber
through the 3x there off the jump (two ubers). You can actually do an uber
through the yellow flake on the left side, turn around, come back down the
right, and do an uber through the orange flake. If you time that one right,
you can even drop onto the pipe in the middle and do another uber off the
end of it. You'll still have plenty of time for the next checkpoint.

4. Uber twice through the 2x off the jump, I don't turbo here since I want to make...

5. ...the red glass here. Ride the rail, turbo as you get to the end slope,
jump off and do a quick uber through the red flake to the far side of the course.
You could turbo through the jump straight ahead and sometimes hit the red flake
(any trick to making this consistent?), but I instead hit select immediately and
ride the pipe to hit the same red flake. Two ubers through this flake (three is
possible if you take off right).

6. Ride the cable on the right fork through the 3x flakes and over the signs, do
a quick uber off the last sign.

7. Okay, here's the split. I'm still working on this. If I try the pipe to the
3x flake, I always go too high. Instead, I turbo hard through the jump to the
2x flake and get 3 ubers before landing. Go through both crossings, getting the
3x flakes with at least one character uber (sometimes two smaller ubers).

8. Boost through the jump (2x flake) and do 2 ubers. I never manage to hit
this rail, I need to work more on getting centered. If you hit the rail I
think you can only do one uber (or maybe two quick ones), doing pirouette grind
and paddle wheel with Kaori just barely lands on the ground.

9. If you miss the rail, uber through the left yellow flake, ride the rail
to the orange, and line up for the ramp ahead with the orange flake. Gun
your turbo. Really gun it, and hit a character uber and a quick uber. You
need a ton of speed and a well-timed jump to get them both off, otherwise do
two small ubers.

10. I go to the left, avoiding the stone structure and doing 2 ubers over
the jump.

11. There's a rail to the right over the corner. Get on it and gun turbo,
jump just in time to hit the 3x flake and do a character uber. If timed right,
you'll drop and feel like you're going to hit the ground which is dropping
away below you but you'll manage to land it. Big rush the first couple of times.

12. Line up for the ramp ahead. Do a couple of character ubers or 2 quick and
one character uber through the yellow flake. Line up for the left ramp ahead.
Do 2 quick ubers through the yellow flake.

13. Turn hard left and drop down to the icy path below; turn around and back
up if you need more running room. Uber through the 3x flake ahead.

14. Come around the corner for the final jump. Aim for the white between the
two red stripes on the jump, gunning turbo and jumping just as you get to the
very top of the jump--prewind for backflips. If all goes well you'll hit the
red flake, doing 3 ubers through it for 250K points! Believe it or not, after
practicing for a while you'll go from always hitting the yellow to often going
over the red flake.

AUTHOR: Smartypantz711
1) Start off and do not get the rails. Go off the big jump doing a quad
misty/rodeo with an unethical experimental. If your character does not
have great trick stats, do 3 flips and grab at the end.

2)After landing, head left through the blue sign. Hit the rail. Boost
and jump, and do a double uber off the end.

3) Land, hit a SHARP left to hit the smaller ramp with the 3x multiplier.
Double uber.

4) Sharp right to the ramp, 3x double uber. Middle ramp, 2x double uber.

5) Take the next turn sharp in order to nail the rail. Boost off and jump,
5x double uber. Get on the cable for extra points here.

6) On the next jump, it's kind of hard to get the 3x flake. Hit the left jump at
full speed heading a little bit to the left. If you had enough speed, you'll
get a 3x flake.

7) Go up the next jump, single uber, 3x. Same with the next jump.
On the next jump, single uber, 2x.

8) Head to the left path, don't jump, and get on the rail. Boost and jump
off the end, and uber. Next jump, 2x uber.

9) Now, the hard part. Head for the left jump (it's easier for me) and hit it
heading slightly right going REALLY fast. The idea is to get enough air for
a signature uber while still landing (on your feet) on the rail.

10) Once on the rail, boost and jump at the end and do a short uber through the
5x flake. After the first jump onto the rail and the small uber through the 5x,
you need to cut right and catch the rail that goes over the hill. Fly off the
end and uber through the flake.

11) Go through the turns and boost up the next jump while prewinding.
Double uber, 2x flake. Next jump, double uber, 2x flake.

12) Once again, take the left jump, fly a little crooked to the right at
full speed, signature uber, land on the rail, boost jump, small uber, and
the 5x.

13) Finally, the last jump. Boost the whole way and jump at the very end.
Make sure you're centered. Double uber, 5x.

Note: If you manage to execute this run perfectly, you'll be able to nag a
score of about 2.1 million! If not, you'll probably end up getting somewhere
around 1.7 million.

I use Mac for this run, so if you're using someone else (don't see why you would,
but...), adjust accordingly.

1. Right from the start, make a hard right and do a misty/rodeo with a tweaked
grab, then turn left and do a misty/rodeo with a tweaked grab. Repeat until
your boost is full.

2. Do a quad misty/rodeo with two Walking the Dogs off of the first jump.

3. Jump off of the embankment before the blue SSX sign and do a double misty/rodeo
with a Hand in Hand.

4. Get on the rail (you might have to backtrack) and jump and do a triple misty/rodeo
with a Sad Sack to a Walking the Dog.

5. Jump off the left-hand kicker and do a triple misty/rodeo with a scooter to a hand
in hand through the orange snowflake.

6. Okay, if I go to the right here, I always overshoot the Orange Snowflake (maybe
not using the kicker could help?), so take the jump on the left and do a quad
misty/rodeo with two sad sacks and a hand in hand through the yellow snowflake.

7. Next, line up for the center kicker and do a triple misty Sad Sack to Walking
the Dog through the Yellow Snowflake.

8. Make a hard right and go through the Red SSX sign. Get on the rail but don't
boost on it. Jump off and do a misty with a scooter through the red snowflake.

9. Immediately after landing, hit select to get back to the main track. Line up
for the next rail and brake right before it to make sure you hit it.

10. Jump off of the rail and do a Triple misty/rodeo with a Hand in Hand to a
Walking the Dog through the Red Snowflake (HUGE points).

11. Try and get on the cable and ride it, grabbing the orange snowflake in the
middle. Jump off at the end and do a misty with a Sad Sack, landing on the
fence for a combo bonus.

12. I can't do this consistently, but try and do a misty sad sack off of the
right-hand wall (sorta wall-ride) to get a few points.

13. Line up with the left-hand kicker and do a quad misty/rodeo with a sad sack
and two hand in hands through the yellow snowflake. If you can, try replacing
one of the hand in hands with a walking the dog.

14. If you land on the rail (very hard to do), jump off and do a trick through
the orange.

15. For the next two jumps, do a triple misty/rodeo with a sad sack to a hand
in hand through the orange snowflake.

16. Line up with the kicker and do a double misty/rodeo sad sack to a hand in
hand through the (yellow?) snowflake, landing on the rail. (if you miss the rail,
you can try jumping back on)

17. Do a double misty hand in hand through the orange snowflake here, then turn
left and do a misty/rodeo with a tweaked grab through the other orange snowflake.

18. Jump off of the left hand kicker and do a triple misty with a sad sack to a
walking the dog through the orange snowflake.

19. I can't figure out how to get on the rails here, so I take the left hand jump
and do a quad misty/rodeo with a hand in hand to a walking the dog here.

20. When you land, you'll see a rail with an orange snowflake in front of you.
Grind it.

21. This is tricky. Boost on the rail, and right before you hit the orange snowflake,
jump and do a double misty/rodeo with a walking the dog through the snowflake.
If you do it right, you can land back on the rail and do a misty/rodeo with a
sad sack off of it.

22. Turn right and do another misty/rodeo sad sack off of the banked turn.

23. Line up with the kicker and do a quad misty/rodeo with two walking the dogs
through the yellow snowflake.

24. Get on the two rails on the right and do small spins in between them (for
a combo bonus)

25. Jump off of the right-hand kicker here and do a double misty sad sack to a
hand in hand through the (orange?) snowflake here.

26. Get on the rail on the right and do a double misty scooter to hand in
hand off of it.

27. Do a misty/rodeo sad sack off of the embankment on the right-hand side.

28. Line up dead-center for the final jump and do a triple misty/rodeo with a
hand in hand to a walking the dog through the red snowflake.

29. Do mistys and rodeos before the finish line until you start running out of
time, at which point you cross the finish line.

3b. SNOWDREAM - Showoff

AUTHOR: gondee
1) Okay, right off the bat, get on the right rail. Prewind a quick trick and
catch the yellow snowflake to get ~7000 points and a full boost bar. Prewind
again and do a QUICK uber off the rail and catch the yellow snowflake.

2) Go around a few quick turns and do an Uber off the middle of one of the
ramps and catch another yellow snowflake. You can try to land on the rail,
but it's pretty difficult.

3) Go around the corners and boost off the yellow ramp and do a Super-Uber
or two quick Ubers and catch the Orange snowflake. The key to getting the
snowflake is to jump in the MIDDLE of the ramp, if you do it at the top, you
will fly over the snowflake.

4) Land and immediately boost for the narrow ramp which enables you to get the
Orange snowflake that is over a hill. Again, boost and jump off the middle
of the ramp.

5) After landing, there are two more successive jumps with an Orange and
a Yellow snowflake. Nothing difficult here. Just make sure to do Ubers off of
the ramps. By now you should have your TRICKY meter filled up.

6) After boosting off the next narrow ramp and flying quite a ways to get
a yellow snowflake, land and immediately cut over to your right. You want to
skip the yellow snowflakes that are in front of you, instead opting to cut to
the right for the orange snowflake on the side. Turn around if you need to
and get a good run at the ramp, cutting to the left side of the ramp and doing
a quick Uber to get the Orange snowflake for around 50,000 points. This can be

7) Directly after this, bust through the blue SSX sign and ride the rail. IGNORE
the Orange snowflake on the rail ahead and instead boost and jump off the at the end
(there will be a snowblower here). If you've caught enough air, you can pull an
character-specific Uber and catch the RED snow flake at the end of the gate.

8) After this is a narrow ramp with a red and orange snowflake. The red is best, but
catching either with a pair of Ubers can lead to HUGE points.

9) After landing, cut to the right on the ice path and bust a long Uber off the ramp
for the yellow snowflake. If you get enough air you can do two, but it's really hard.

10) There should be an Orange and a yellow ahead, but if you find them difficult
to get, skip them, and instead head past this area, and fly off the huge jump near
the end for the Red snowflake. Do a pair of Ubers for this.

11) After this there is one more yellow snowflake off a ramp on the bridge near the
end of the race. Doing a long character specific Uber can put you over the top here,
busting your score to over a million! Good luck!

3c. ELYSIUM ALPS - Showoff

AUTHOR: gondee
1. From the beginning, get on the middle rail. Prewind and do a triple misty/rodeo
onto the rail below grabbing the orange snowflake. Land on the rail and boost off it,
prewind and do two Ubers and fly through the orange snowflake off the rotating ramps.

2. Go around the corner and do a Misty Double Uber off the next ramp, grabbing the orange.
You have to skip the rail to do two, otherwise just to a character Uber.

3. After landing, you can use the orange ramp ahead to jump onto the billboard ahead and
get on the rail above the track. There's an orange at the end of this rail, but it's
difficult to get onto it. After this, do a quick Uber off the ramp ahead and grab the

4. Skip the shortcut to the right - there's only one yellow snowflake on it. Instead ski
past the next turn and catch the red/white rail and prewind. Boost like mad off the end of it
and jump at the VERY end. You'll catch a red snowflake here with enough time to do
two character Ubers. BIG points.

5. Over the next section, you should try and do Ubers off the steep embankments. Catch
the super-long rail if you can. Somehow I always manage to do this part different every
time, but you get the idea, I'm sure. After this you come to the turn with the large
billboards. You can grab a yellow above a billboard if you ski off the embankment right,
but it's not easy. Good luck. Over the next few turns manage flips if you can.

6. Now you are at the big ramp area. I usually skip the yellow snowflake before this
to get enough speed to catch the red on top of this ramp. However, before this area is
a rail off to the right before the ramps that you can catch and ride the crowd stands
to another red snowflake. It's your choice.

7. Now you have a choice: cut through the sign to the right or go through the cave.
The shortcut leads to the series of three jumps with yellow snowflakes. The cave leads
to a long rail with a yellow and back on the normal track. If you take the cave,
do jumps off the rail and large jump afterward, and then cut to the left
and grind branches sticking out of the ground to get to the path the red sign shortcut
leads to. However, I recommend taking the red sign shortcut. Why? Because it saves you
time that you can use on the high-scoring halfpipe later in the course! :) Do Ubers over
all the jumps once you are on the triple jump.

8. Once you reach the very last jump, you can either grind the two parallel branches and
boost off the end for an orange or jump off the cliff for a yellow. If you opt for the yellow,
grind the rail on the right to ride the crowd stands and get a red snowflake. If you
take the branches, get the orange off the yellow ramp on the normal track.

9. Cut through the red sign and boost to the very end of the shortcut and catch the red snowflake.
Once you are there, if you continue on the main course, there is a orange snowflake off a bank.
Instead, go down the shortcut and hit the real scoring point of this race, the halfpipe. The
halfpipe consists of 4 red, 6 orange and 4 yellow snowflakes that you can get by going back
and forth on the halfpipe doing 2 ubers each jump! There are three yellows down a rail in
the center, but if you opt for that you are crazy! ;) Go back and forth boosting, but NOT
jumping off the halfpipe and you'll get crazy air and rack up serious points. You must exit
the halfpipe with at least 45 seconds to be able to finish the race in time.

10. There is a red snowflake on the edge of the horizontal loop-de-loop, good luck in getting
it, it's difficult. Do an Uber off the end at the jump, and boost your way to the end. If you
are good (unlike me) you can get 2 million on this course!

3d. MESABLANCA - Showoff

2 Million!

(Use Mac. If possible try to throw mistys/rodeos into all jumps.)

1. At start do a misty/rodeo grab off first hill, take center rail, wind up for a
double misty/rodeo combo grab into the x3.

2. Follow the path around the s-curve, This next part is tricky, You want to hit
the x5, do a R1+R2 uber followed by R1 or R2 uber in air, with enough practice
you can land in the woods and set up for the next x5. My strategy is to slow down after
landing the first step, stay as close as you can to the wall on the right on the first
corner, and go full speed straight at the x5, it takes some practice.

3. Do a R1 uber followed by R2 uber over the sign and into the x5.

4. Stay to the left do an R1 or R2 uber into x2, then take next jump into x3 doing
R1 then R2 uber combo.

5. Get on the rail on the right, keep the board straight and hold turbo. Don't jump,
you should land on the billboard bar, wind up for a misty/rodeo L2 uber - after
landing that I usually have about 700,000 - 720,000.

6. [Thanks to happymachines for this part] - There's a slight turn to
the left and a banked hill where it turns back to the right again. You can
go up the hill, do an uber into the x2, land on the mine rails, and do a double
misty experimental off the rails. Finally, ahead of you is a split in the path,
with a 5x multiplier on the left hand path. Go slowly, go up on the median a bit,
then turn sharply across the path, up the bank on the left hand side, and jump while
doing an R1 uber.

You will either: a) go up and come down fine. b) go up, bounce off the billboard,
then land on the ground fine c) smack your head on the bottom of the pipe
and die d) go up, bounce off the billboard, then land on the metal walkway at
the bottom of the billboard.

If this happens, don't panic! You'll probably be bouncing, and slowly
moving forward. Tilt your board so that you're bouncing at a 45 degree angle, and
eventually it should bounce you onto the ground. It is only if you stop bouncing that it
will auto-reset you. And you can usually do spins while it's bouncing you for extra
points. That red multiplier is usually good for an extra 80k. and if you're lucky,
you can do a R1 uber through the 2x multiplier before you head into the tunnel.

7. Hit the mines, stay on left track do a misty/rodeo R1+R2 uber combo into the
x5, uber over the river into the x2, around the corner hit the rail and do whatever
into the x2.

8. I skip the next x2 and head for the x5 - get some speed and jump last second
off the little hill on the left before the x5, after landing set up for the next x5.

9. Do a small jump double misty with L1 uber into next x5, right to the left after
the previous x5. Continue on to the next x5 doing a R1+R2 uber.

10. Do a quick uber into the next x2, with enough speed you can do an R1 uber
followed by R2 uber through the second x2.

11. Around corner jump up and bounce off the sign to the right and do an uber.

12. Hit right ramp do an uber through x2. Come from the right and you can jump
and bounce off the next sign on the left, aim for the bottom right corner of
the sign, and do an uber into the x2.

13. Race down to the rails. The trickiest parts awaits. You want to have about
1.5 million here. Take the right path, you want to get on the rail on the right
but coming from the opposite direction. Easiest way to do that is at first bridge
you go under you can easily turn around and hop on the rail. With practice you
can go backwards on the rail hop to the red and white rail wind up and do a
misty/rodeo uber combo into the x5 AND x3,- you've got time to do 2 ubers easily.
On my 2 million run on first pass up the rail I did 2 ubers through the x5, then
did it again, but this time did a R1+R2 uber through the x3.

14. Now take the left path, jump over the rail to the left through the x2 and
do an uber, you should land in the other path, do the same for the next x2. I
usually have about 1 minute and a half to go back and forth on the rails jumping
off here and there. There are a few places to get ubers off after the rails too.

15. Hit the rail on the right at the end through the x2 and if you're quick and
hold turbo you can get a R1 uber through the x3 off the last jump. Good Luck!

AUTHOR: TypeZero
1. Right at the start, turn over to the left or right and pull of a
couple rodeo/misty experimentals (unethical if you're fast) to fill your boost
and light the bell.

2. Take the very first jump so that you'll hit the Yellow flake and do
an uber (depending on your character, do a signature if you can)

3. After the S curve, you'll see a turn with a rail and a Yellow flake
over it. Ignore them and head straight into the woods (less risky than
jumping off, hitting a tree and losing your boost.) Follow the path behind the
trees and take the jump over the billboard into the Red flake
carefully, doing a signature (character-specific) uber.

4. You should land on the left side of the rails that divide the path.
Follow the path until the next jump, with a Yellow flake over it, comes
up and do another signature (or sig) uber.

5. Stay to the left and do a signature uber into the Orange flake, and be
careful about landing on the may just fly off them, negating the
whole jump (and run.)

6. Break through the sign on the left immediately after that jump, and
do an uber (Paddle Wheel is fast, so do that if you can.)

7. Take the rail behind the SSX sign if you like...there is a Yellow
flake on it. If you do take it, be sure to get off in time to get into the
mineshaft, which has a Yellow flake over it. Go into the mineshaft,
stay on the LEFT rail, and make it over to the broken rail carefully, staying
on the upper level.

8. Pre-wind and do a sig uber right out of the tunnel, hitting the Red

9. The second you land, line up and pre-wind again and pull an sig
uber (if you can) over the gap with the yellow flake.

10. After the choice of going in the cave or the rail on the right
(which has a Yellow flake at the end of it), there comes another set of turns.
The first has 2 red signs over it and a Yellow flake a little off center.
Ride the embankment and do an uber (you can usually get enough height for a
signature.) If you are lucky enough and didn't have a lot of forward
movement, then you should be able to line up for the next embankment,
and jump off that into a Red flake. I don't recommend it, since not only
is it not needed for a million points, but it usually throws you off kilter
for the next jump.

11. At the checkpoint gap, aim off to the left and do a soft jump,
enough to get an uber off and hit the Red Flake there.

12. You'll land at an awkward position in the gap...just turn off to
the right as hard as you can, once you straighten out and start going
forward, you shouldn't have to move much for the next jump, which you should be
able to pull off a sig uber into the Red flake.

13. Depending on where you land, you may be able to take the first
jump in the ravine with the Yellow flake. Pull of an uber into it.

14. Use the sign ahead to line up your next jump. Aim for the middle
of it. This allows you to avoid the walls but hit the Yellow flake almost
every time. Be sure to pull of a sig uber.

15. The next jump has 2 Yellow flakes over it. Ignore the one on the
left, and take the one on the right. Jump off the ramp (but not too fast)
doing an uber.

16. In the likely event that you miss the rail (I've yet to hit it)
turn hard right and ride the embankment up, jumping into the Yellow flake
near the sign while doing an Uber.

17. The better thing to do now is just follow the path off into the
over/under segment. From here you can either to the left and the ride
the rail the whole way (hitting a Yellow flake) or take the path to the
right and do a soft uber jump, getting the Yellow flake there. Either way,
you get roughly the same amount of points.

18. Right after you exit that area the normal path leads into some
twists & turns. The first dip you'll see has a red sign over it. Go hard right
to get behind the sign and on the rail next to it. Take the rail-jump
very carefully; you gotta watch out for the sign to the right and the light
posts ahead. Pull of a quick uber into the Orange star from the rail.

19. Take the last gap, but don't get enticed by the Orange flake to do
an uber: the jump is more of a hop. Don't expect to pull anything off
higher than a Rodeo/Misty with a grab, otherwise, you'll be eating snow.

Hopefully, after completing this, you will have over a million points.
Mesablanca is nothing to scoff at; it is definitely a hard course.

AUTHOR: Erick's Living Room (the couches, chairs, TV and everything!)
Read the walkthrough for Mesablanca from TypeZero. It says to ignore the 2x
this is step 3). Well, we don't do that, because there's a fiver to the right.
We grab that fiver and then immediately turn left hard into the woods. This
can be done with enough room left to get the second fiver over the billboard.
We have done this even if we didn't take the rail at the beginning that goes up
on top and has a great angle on the fiver.... we just come to an almost complete
stop, turn around, and jump up there and grab the fiver doing a short uber.


Using this run I was able to hit just over 2 million. And I didn't even do
everything properly. It should be noted that when you are getting on
or off a rail you should be doing a trick (even a little one) to give you
the combo bonuses. And while you are pulling off an uber you should also
be doing mistys and rodeos with it as these will add to the total points
gained from the uber. Ok, here we go -

1 - Right out of the gate head for one of rails, either the right or left,
it doesn't really matter. Follow the rail around the bend and head for the
orange star. Do a trick off the rail and through the orange star but make
sure you land back on the rail. Don't fall off. Continue down the rail
until you are dumped off in front of a dropoff with a yellow star at the end.
Do an uber off the dropoff and through the yellow star. You should be able
to pull of a character or at least a long uber if you hit the jump right.
Follow the bend of the course down to the intersection.

2 - At the intersection take the path that you're currently facing.
Whichever way you choose you can pull an uber off the intersection
(sometimes two). If you can land the uber on one of the rails then
great, if not, it's not a big deal. If you managed to hit one of
the rails, follow it to the end. It should drop you off in front of a
small bump (left path) or an even smaller bump (right path).
You should be able to get at least a short uber off the bump
and through the orange star right in front of you. If you didn't take
the rail you can still hit the bump through the orange star if you took the
left path. If you took the right path it's a little more difficult.
Rather than try to uber off the bump on the right path you're going to try
something a little ... Trickier. So you took the right path - see that "OPEN"
sign? That's where you're headed. Jump and uber off the side of the slope in
front of the "OPEN" sign. This will take you right through the "OPEN" sign
(causing it to break - don't worry, 8 times out of 10 you won't crash) and,
if done right, you should come down right on top of the orange star. You
can probably pull off two ubers even, rather than just one if you took
any of the other ways.

3 - After you get the orange star, head for the red and white rail in the
middle. Take that straight jump off and do an uber through the red star.
After you land head straight up the slope and do another uber (two if you can)
off of it. From here you want to take the short red and white rail with the
yellow star at the end of it on the left side. Jump and do a short uber off
the rail through the yellow flake. Follow the path on the left side. Anyway,
head down the left path. See that red and white rail? Don't get on it.
Instead jump and uber off the jump that's under the stoplights. If you
do it correctly it should take you through the orange star. Watch your
landing though. That Ice Cream sign doesn't break like the "OPEN" sign did
earlier. Follow the path around the corner. You can get a short uber off
through that yellow star ahead right in front of the checkpoint. Continue
around the corner and either take the rail, ubering off through the orange
star, or just hit the jump that the rail starts on and uber through the orange

4 - At this point you've come to a series of 3 intersections. Criss-cross
through the intersections, hitting short ubers in the middle of each intersection.
Don't worry, the course drops after each intersection so there's enough room
to pull it off. Alternatively, for the last intersection you can take the
rails if you like those better. Just make sure you trick on and off the rails,
that should make up for the point loss of that last short uber. The paths
meet again near the bottom. You can get a short uber off through that yellow
star if you time your jump right.

5 - Follow the slope down and around the corner. Don't take that rail that goes
underneath the Seeiah billboard. You want to take the rail that STARTS
next to the billboard. Take that rail down but uber off before it ends so you
can hit that yellow star on the way down. Continue straight up the slope in
front of you and jump with another uber off it. Continue down the slope but
stay towards the right side. You want to get on that red and white rail over
there and follow it around the corner. Jump and uber off the end of it
through the orange star. You should be able to get two ubers off here easy.
Watch where you jump off the rail though. If you do it wrong you'll be eating
that stoplight. And stay out of that parking garage, that's for racing.
Once you've landed, head for that short red and white rail. Pull a short
uber off the end through the orange star. In front of you they'll be an
orange star on either side at the end of a rail. Don't take the rails.
Jump and do an uber through the orange star off the jump that the rails
start at.

6 - Go through the tunnel and take the left path at the split. You can uber
off the slope directly in front of you, but it usually gives me a bad placing
for the next jump so I don't. Take the course around the corner and jump
with an uber through the yellow star. After you land you should be heading
for the side of a half pipe. Head up the side at an angle that'll put you
through the orange star with an uber. Sometimes you come off this jump
with a great line towards another orange star, sometimes not. At this
point you're on your own. There are 4 orange stars and 2 red stars
(near the end) in this area. You can stay in here and get as many stars
as you can until the counter hits about 40 seconds. Make sure you at
least get those 2 red stars before you leave.

7 - Racing out of the half pipe section you should get on that silver rail.
Follow it around the corner, jump and uber through the entrance to the park.
Get on one of those rails to either side of the statue in the middle. Follow
the rail to the end and aim for the yellow ramp on the bridge. If you took
the left rail it will drop you in front of the ramp, if you took the right rail
just head towards that yellow ramp. You'll need to jump off the ramp about
halfway up in order to uber through that red star. Try to land on one of
those rails on the way down. If you manage this you can do a short uber off
the end through a red star. If you didn't you'll have to improvise. =)

8 - It's time for some bridge fun. Head straight down the middle of the bridge.
That's right, I said the middle. Jump and pull off an uber about halfway up
the slope. You'll probably break that pretty gargoyle, but you'll also hit that
orange star. After you come down from this you may be facing backwards
(because you'll probably bounce off the bridge support) so hit that reset button
to get you facing the right way. After you go under the first supports again
(uber if you'd like) head down the slope and go either right or left
(doesn't matter) underneath the second bridge support. Now there'll be
a orange star underneath a red star. Try to take this jump so you only
hit one of them. After you finish your uber and land, pull sharp towards
the middle of the bridge. Head back down the middle of the bridge backwards
and follow that rail to the beginning of the bridge again. Repeat this until
you've hit all 4 star or until the counter reaches around 1:45.

9 - Head down the end of the bridge to the glass ramp. Don't take the ramp
directly down the middle, otherwise you'll wind up with your face connecting
with that pipe "shortcut" (yeah, some shortcut). If you take the glass ramp
a little to the right or left of the middle though you should be able to pull
off an uber and just clip that orange star. After you land you can take those
rails if you land on 'em, or not. Uber off the next glass ramp. You might be
able to cut your jump short and clip that orange or red star on the way down.
Just make sure you stay on top, you don't want to be on the ground.
Jump off the final glass ramp and uber through that red star. Continue down
the slope and jump where the course raises directly below that red star.
If you get enough air and pull off the right uber you should be able to clip
it easy.

10 - If you manage to land on one of those rails on the way down, congratulations.
You can follow the rail around the corner and jump off through the orange star.
If you hit the jump right you should be able to hit another rail and follow
that rail to a red star, but I'm not sure if you can get an uber off through it.
If you didn't take the rail then just follow the track around the corner.
Jump and uber through the yellow star off the jump in front of you. If
you managed to get enough air you could probably clip that orange star
above the yellow. I rarely do though. After you land, follow the path
around the corner and head straight. Don't take that subway shortcut.
Instead take the path to the left. Head straight up the slope in front of you.
Jump at the top and pull off one (probably at least two with the air you'll
get) ubers through the yellow star. Continue through this twisty path doing
the same thing at each slope (though you'll probably only get one uber off
on the others), through each yellow star. You may be tempted to angle that
first jump through the red star to your far left but you miss about 3 yellow
stars this way. The way I figure it, 3 yellow stars essentially equals x6,
where as that red star is only x5.

11 - Ok, home stretch. Head straight down the hill. Jump underneath that
first stoplight and pull an uber through the yellow star. You can pull
another short uber off on that last dropoff before the finish line. If you
happen to have any extra time you can do mistys and rodeos with grabs in
front of the finish line to net you a few thousand more points. Just make
sure you cross that finish line before your counter reaches zero and you'll
be ok. Congratulations.

AUTHOR: Smartypantz711
In case you didn't notice, there's a really easy to exploit trick for Merqury
City Showoff. Down the final stretch to the finish line, there are two jumps.
Jump a little early off the first one so that you will barely have enough time
to squeeze in an uber about the length of a "Hand-in-Hand". RIGHT WHEN YOU LAND,
hit select to reset. It will reset you back in the last of the quarterpipe
things, allowing you to do the same jump again. And again. And again.
It's pretty cheap, allowing for much higher scores. Note that there are
two flakes: a 2x and a 3x. The first time you take the jump, you want to
go through the 2x flake. The LAST time you do the jump (when time is running
down) you want to go through the 3x.

3f. TOKYO MEGAPLEX - Showoff

To start things off, I'd like to say that the Megaplex is probably the messiest
Showoff course in the circuit. There are many, many different ways you can do it.
I'm just going to detail the methods I used to achieved my 2.2 million run.
It's certainly not the definitive route though. Improvise as you see fit.

* The ground fans blow you in the direction that you're headed (i.e., if you're facing
backwards, it'll blow you backwards). The faster you're going and the later you release
your jump once you hit the fan, the farther forward (or whatever direction you're facing)
the jump will carry you. This is very important to note so you know how to angle your
jumps on the fans to collect any nearby flakes.

* You have way more time then you need to finish this course. Therefore I won't be listing
at what point you should be leaving what area. I will only be able to mention what areas
of the course are good places to use this extra time to collect more flakes. There is
only ONE checkpoint per lap. I will list where that checkpoint is though.

* You get to run through this course three times, if you don't get that red flake on
the first time through, you've got two more chances.

* Stay off of those rails. Well, that's not entirely true. If you land on the rails,
great, extra combo points for you. But as you'll read below, I did most of my run on
the ground. I just found it easier to hit those high scores while on the ground.

* You can get two long ubers off of every ground fan with a jump. In the walkthrough
below, any time I mention hitting the ground fans that means you should be pulling off
those two ubers.

* Be careful when you hit the ground fans. There are many flakes clustered above in
some areas of the course. Try not to hit more than one flake per jump.

On to the walkthrough -

1. Head out of the starting gate down the slope. Set up a jump and prewind a trick
for that first bump that puts you on to the main course. If you time your last jump
right (off the bump) you can get enough air to do a trick that will fill up your Tricky
meter. There are two red flakes within reach, so use those two ground fans in front of
you to get them. If you don't hit them heading down then you can go back and get them
by turning around. Watch your time. Start heading out of this area when your time
counter falls below 1 minute.

2. On the "Tube Fan Express" you can pull off two long ubers. Kaori can get two character
ubers off, some characters might have to settle for less. You'll land on one of those metal
tray thingies. and try to let yourself fall off. Pull a long uber on the way down.

3. This little area has a bunch of "pop-up poles" with buttons. Run over the buttons
to drop the set of poles directly in front. Angle your rider up the sides of this area
and pull off short ubers through the yellow flakes. Don't spend extra time here, and
make sure you hit that last set of buttons heading out of this area, that'll raise the
ramp that will be in front of you.

4. Head up the ramp, but jump about halfway up it. Pull off a long uber through that
red flake. As soon as you touch the ground hit reset. This will put you back outside
the tunnel. Every time I do this I'm headed for the "bumper", from the left side.
Head towards that row of four fans in front of the bumper. **The checkpoint is
located here, right in front of the row of fans** There are two red flakes and two
orange flakes that are within reach (one red and one orange on either side of the row
of fans). The best way to hit these fans in order to get the two orange flakes is from
the right or left. Don't be going too fast though. The track has split into three paths
(with fences in between). If you land on either the right or left path, reset
yourself back to the middle one. If you find yourself past the fans after your
first jump, turn around and head back for them.

5. After you've had your fun, head down the middle path. You'll come to another
area with buttons and poles. Again, don't spend any extra time here.

6. Continue down the middle of the path towards the ground fan. There are two red
flakes that are easy to get and an orange and another red flake that require a little
more skill to get here. The red flakes are *very* close to each other. Remember, do
not hit them both in one jump, you don't want to waste an easy red flake. The best
way to do the jump to avoid collecting both at the same time is to hit the ground
fan on the right side of it first. The other red flake can be collected by jumping
off more towards the middle of the fan. The orange and third red flake are further
down the course. Pick up speed earlier and jump late off the ground fan to carry
the rider further down the course and through the orange flake (one time) and the
red flake (the next time). You can turn around easy enough in this area if you want.

7. Continue down the middle of the course towards that hill in front of you. Run
over one of those buttons in the middle to open the hill entrance that takes you
through the center of it. On your way out, jump out of the exit of the hill. If
you can time your jump right, pull off a long uber through that red flake that's
further down the middle of the course.

8. There doesn't seem to be much to do in this next area. After you land from that
last jump, run over one of the buttons to open the door in front of you. Head through
the door and PAST the ramp in the middle. The best way to do this next part is to head
for that button on the right side. It'll move that big flipper aside so you can pass
through. Hug the cage around and to the left. There should be two fans now. Head
towards that left fan, but try to have your rider pointing straight down the course
when you get on the fan. The fan will carry you through the glass layer above. There
are two orange flakes up here. They're very close together so try to get just one
this time. You can collect the other one on lap two or three.

9. Head up the slope, but pull up towards the top and just let yourself drop off.
You'll find yourself back at what was the beginning of the first lap. You could jump
off that upward slope and pull a long uber through these red flakes. BUT, it's better
to hit the red flakes from the two ground fans below as you can pull off TWO long
ubers from here. Turn around if you miss the flakes; when you're running out of time
head down the slope to the Fan.

10. Repeat steps 2-9 for laps two and three and then you're done! I find it usually
takes me all three laps to just get the flakes I've listed above. =) Enjoy!

1. If it isn't already obvious, you can manage a character Uber and a small
Uber off the fan jump, even from the bottom entrance. Easy 50,000 on 2 laps for
a total of 100,000.

2. Then there are the HUGE rails off the first shortcut. With the multipliers,
and if you can manage a trick between the rails like a 180, huge points come up.
Of course, you can only do this twice and get the maximum points out of it.
Not quite sure how many points this is, need to check tonight.

3. After the first "pop-up poles" section, some buttons bring up a ramp. Jump
early off the ramp, and do a quick Uber through the 5x flake. I usually get a gold
off this if it's not the first lap and I jump early enough. The reason to jump
early is because most people have good enough stats by the time they do this that
they go over the hole or crash into the ceiling of it. After you're down here,
it doesn't matter if you go left or right. If you can manage to not screw up
royally and crash into the walls of the tube, you can manage an Uber or possibly
a character Uber.

4. Look for the second "pop-up poles" area and go to the end. Instead of a
ramp, there is a fan. This fan is IMPORTANT! Most people end up going through
this facing too far right and end up in the plexiglass. Aim left off the fan,
And if you're REALLY lucky, you might land on a rail! HUGE points here, but only
once if you hit the flakes on the first time through though.

5. If you take the fan, ANGLE LEFT! It's almost essential to take the
middle path through the tiny tubes. DON'T CRASH IN HERE! You need the boost
in here, maybe a quick Uber off the jump through a 3x flake, more than likely
just a Misty/Rodeo Unethical Experimental.

6. In most cases, if you see a fan, jump on it and do a short uber while rotating.
The one exception to this is the last fan under the glass ceiling. This fan will
never blow you straight, but will force you off to the sides at angles of up to 75
degrees, instantly making you crash into the plexiglass and fogging it up when you
smack into it facefirst.

3g. ALOHA ICE JAM - Showoff

AUTHOR: Calibur
NOTE: The goal for this particular walkthrough is 800,000. VERY high level. ;P

1.Go to the right rail and try to go as slow as you can onto it. Pull off a
misty. Land on the rail. Pull off another misty. Land on the rail again.
(Do all of this before you hit the 2x bonus, you need it for the rail)

2. Right before you slide off the rail, jump and do another misty and
you'll get 16000 bonus. Then, go to the silver rail. Pull off a double misty.
Land upside down on the rail, and do another misty off that. 8000 bonus.

3. When, you land on the ground, go around the two rails and pull off an uber.
Go to the rails that cross the stream and just before you slide off, jump and
do a quick 360. 4000 bonus.

4. Smash through the blue SSX sign and pull off an uber. Go straight to the
next ramp and pull off another uber. If you can, land on the rail, if not,
go next to it, jump on, and pull off a double misty uber through the 5x bonus.

5. Jump off the curve and pull off a double misty uber. Go to the left rail and
pull off a double misty UNETHICAL Experimental through the 5x bonus.

6. Pull off an uber through the 2x bonus. Head down to that pit and go
backwards up through the rail. Once you go across the second rail, press select.

7. Pull off another uber through the other 2x bonus. Go to the left rail jump off
the end and pull off an uber through the 3x bonus Cross to the other side and
boost back up the slope.

8. Pull off a misty and go straight towards the 2x bonus.Jump and pull off an uber.

9. Go on the next rail slowly. At the end, pull off a Sad Sack (If you’re not playing
as Mac, pull off a misty UNETHICAL Experimental).

10. Try to pull off one or two ubers through the bumpy path. Go on the next rail.
Pull a 360 off of it. 4000 bonus. Instead of going on the next rail, pull off
an uber through the 2x bonus.

11. Go through the red SSX sign and go onto the rails. Pull off three separate
misties or rodeos on the rail. Head through the tunnel. Pull off a rodeo
UNETHICAL Experimental out of the tunnel

12. Get on the rail; hit the 2x bonus; 360 off of it. Pull off an uber through the 3x bonus.

13. Pull off numerous rodeo and misty UNETHICAL Experimentals until 10 seconds
are left (which is when you press select and finish).

AUTHOR: Packing Heat
1) Start off, get on that rail on the right. Straddle it through the yellow.
When you finish the rail, you will be in the right hand tunnel.

2) In the tunnel, get on the silvery rail on the far right of the track to cross
the gap. Trick through the orange. Land on the snow.

3) Get on the left rail through the glass. The one on the right will smack you into
that caution sign. Trick off the end to cross the gap, collecting a yellow.

4) When you land, boost towards that embankment ahead of you where the track bends right.
Trick off it. You should land under that huge billboard sign thingy.

5) Quickly get back on track. Head for that yellow ramp on the right of the track.
Do a rodeo/misty uber off it - IMPORTANT : land just in front of that glass tunnel.
You want to go through that!

6) Use a little boost through the tunnel, the ramp will raise, huge rodeo/misty double
uber off it. IMPORTANT : don't use too much boost off the raised ramp. You want to collect
the orange flake, and then land in the water tunnel, NOT go over it.

7) At the end of the tunnel, trick off the upper level again. Boost along and
trick over the next gap.

8) You should now be in the center of the track, with a small gap ahead of you with a
ramp (there used to be a trick booster here in racing mode). Rodeo/misty uber off the
ramp - lots of boost here - and fly over the huge sign. Land on the right hand side of
the track if possible, not essential though. I think there's a flake there also, maybe.

9a) If you can get onto that red and white rail on the right of the track, then it's
worth loads of points. Straddle it down, and jump through the red flake when you get to
it. Trick off the end to cross the gap into the ice cave.

9b) If you missed that red and white rail, don't worry too much. Just go down the track
as normal - don't get in that glass tubing thing. Head off down the winding icy track, and
pull loads of misty/rodeo tricks off every embankment. Use your boost to do this. Finally,
grind across the gap into the ice cave.

10) Now we're in the ice cave. Ahead of you are two red and white rails. Get on either.
Left one is best. Straddle it to the end, where the cave gets bigger.

11) In the bigger section, go straight at the billboards ahead of you. There's a rail
leading up to them, get on it, grind across the billboards, and it takes you through a round
glass window into a tunnel.

12) At the end of this tunnel, trick off the drop. Not a huge trick though, it's a small drop,
and you will be moving very fast.

13) Make your way down until you see two red and white rails ahead of you. Get on either of
them, jump up for the yellow. Do not get on the silvery rails leading upwards!

14) Boost up the slope and pull a huge misty/rodeo uber through the waterfall. Careful you
don't land in the sea.

15) If you need a few more thousand points, pull misty/rodeo tricks on the final stepping
stone-like bits of ice before you cross the finish line.

3h. ALASKA - Showoff

Note: If you manage to execute this run PERFECTLY (even I can't do this), you might be
able to get 2 million points! If not, you'll probably end up getting somewhere around
1.7 million.

I use Mac for this run, so if you're using someone else (don't see why you would, but...),
adjust accordingly.

1. Do a Front FLip 360 through the yellow out of the gate.

2. Grind the first set of rails, doing 180s between them.

3. After the gray pipe, veer a little to the right and jump off the embankment, doing
a double misty with two sad sacks through the red snowflake.

4. get on the next rail, but do not boost. grab the red snowflake on the next rail.

5. After a few turns, jump off of the left hand side of the cliff and do a double misty
hand in hand.

6. Do a double misty scooter off of the next turn.

7. After the next turn, get on the rail and lean to the right so you'll grab the red snowflake.
Ride the next rail and grab the yellow snowflake, then get off of the rail.

8. Ride the next rail and do a triple misty with a walking the dog through the
orange snowflake.

9. jump over the small gap, then do a double misty hand in hand over the next gap.

10. Jump off of the kicker and do a double misty/rodeo walking the dog through the orange

11. get on one of the two rails. Now you can either jump and do a misty scooter through
the first red snowflake, or you can boost but don't jump, doing a misty sad sack through
the red snowflake and landing on the next rail, allowing you to get the next red snowflake

12. If you didn't go for the second red snowflake, you can do a few sad sacks in the
moguls section.

13. Ride the next set of rails on the left and go through the ice cavern. There's nothing
much to do in the caves, just take the shortcuts so you have more time later.

14. at the end of the caves, ride the rail on the left and keep grinding that set of
rails, doing small tricks in between them. If you fall off, you can try to get bak on,
but it's difficult.

15. On the last rail, jump and do a double misty hand in hand through the red snowflake.
(this is kinda hard)

16. In the "W"-like halfpipe section, just treat it like a halfpipe and do short ubers
until you have around 40 seconds left.

17. Next, jump off of the "U" turn and grab both the orange and red snowflakes while
doing a double misty/rodeo hand in hand. (I'm still working on doing this)

18. Line up with the center of the next ramp and do a double misty/rodeo with a sad
sack to a hand in hand through the red snowflake.

19. In the ice passage, you can jump and do a misty sad sack.

20. After the first ice "bump", jump and do a double misty/rodeo walking the dog
through the red snowflake.

21. Jump across the gap while doing another double misty/rodeo walking the dog
through the red snowflake.

22. Jump and do a misty/rodeo with a tweaked grab through the yellow snowflake.
Go in the left hand side of the tunnel.

23. Jump before the end of the ice "hill" (you need to jump earlier if you use boost)
and do a triple misty with two sad sacks through the orange.

24. After the ice bump section, boost like crazy and jump at the last second possible
to get both the orange and red snowflake while doing an ubertrick (I still can't do this).

25. ride either set of rails, jumping and doing ubers through the yellow and orange
snowflakes. (sad sacks)

26. Oh, boy, the FaN jUmP...make sure you line up, prewind, and boost. You will have
to jump early in order to get the red snowflake; if I remember correctly, you want
to hit all three of the snowflakes when you are still going UP. you can do anywhere
from two to five ubers on this jump, adjust accordingly. Whatever you do, make sure
you ADJUST YOUR LANDING otherwise you might fall and 250,000 points could go to
waste. =[

27. Jump off of the small embankment and get the orange snowflake while doing a
double misty/rodeo walking the dog.

28. Do mistys and rodeos before the finish line until you start running out of
time, at which point you cross the finish line.

AUTHOR: dvdemons
Do any flip you want off the start gate--really doesn't matter. What
does matter is that you hit the first rail dead center. Do a half spin
off the end to pick up the next rail, then ride the third, getting
two 2x flakes. Hit an Uber off the jump at the next turn, then hit the
next rail for 2x and 5x flakes. Around the next turn, do another Uber.

After you land, you'll come to a turn with a bank at the end. You can get
surprisingly good air here on a flip twist, and if your character has a
simple Uber (like Brodi's R1) you can toss that in. Hit the next rail for
a 5x flake and you'll jump over to a rail with a 2x flake. Ideally, hit
the third rail and boost over the end of it for the 3x flake--if you spin
at the right time, you can ride the rails over the river. Just try to keep
the Tricky disc spinning if you need to make the jumps. Hit the jump past the
Checkpoint and do an Uber to get the 3x flake. When you land, hit the rail
and boost the length of it to get the 5x flake and land on the next rail.
You should have a Bronze at this point.

There's no reliable way to get to the rails at the bottom of the hill here,
but you'll get a nice bunch of points if you can get on them. The one on
the right is a little easier to hit. Ride through the ice cave and hit the
rail on the left with the 3x flake, then ride as many rails as you can
around the ice curves. When you hit the gap, do a spinning twist to get
the Tricky disc spinning. Do as many Ubers as needed to fill out Tricky in
the double half-pipe--you'll need at lest three, possibly two. Once that's
on, you can Uber to your heart's content.

Hit an Uber at the top of the vertical turn at the bottom and try for the
3x and 5x flakes. Do an Uber with a twist and flip at the bottom of the
next jump, through the Checkpoint. When you come to the end of the ice chute,
get on the middle part of the course. A twisting Uber off the center of the
second jump (after the first rise with the 2x flakes--ignore it) is a virtual
lock on the 3x flake. Do a character-specific off the end.
Consider the flakes an added bonus.

You should have or be close to the Silver at this point. After the turn,
go straight across and take the second right. There's a jump with a 3x
flake at the top of the tunnel, which is easy to hit with an Uber. Ride
through the caves and set up for an uber at the end through the 3x flake.
You'll get more points and have more success riding the rails over the next
part than trying jumps. Prewind for an uber near the end of the air cannon.
You'll get enough air to hit two Ubers, which should put you over the top.

In the beginning, make sure to catch as many grinds as possible. This is
CRUCIAL when you're playing as an alpiner. Make sure you turn sideways
(tap left or right on the D-pad) to help keep your balance, and try to do
a trick off the rail if you know that there's no connecting rails ahead.
If you're a freestyler and you miss one or two, it's okay...if you're not
grinding, what you should be doing is launching off those sharp curves and
doing single flip 180/360 Unethical Experimentals (UEs) off them.
If you're Tricky, there's one or two really steep curves you can go vertical
on and do a quick Uber, and there's a dropoff onto an ice canyon that should
always be used for an Uber if your meter is filled.

Right before the area running parallel to a river along the right of the track,
you should try by all means to catch that rail and do a trick off it,
preferably a short Uber. Forget about catching that silver rail right above
the river. It's too risky, and I've never caught it once during the whole time
I've been playing.

There's not much you can do in the snow mounds, the frozen rapids, and the
subsequent ice caves. If you miss the rails on the mounds, try a few 360-720s
with tweaked grabs on the small hops. The frozen rapids are too bumpy...if
you're not on the rail or on the island tops, I think you can catch an air off
some of the islands' sides...but otherwise the rapids are too rough to pull
decent air off of. The caves aren't a good place to do tricks.

On your way out, try to catch the rails (notice a pattern)? If you fall off,
there's one or two places you can go back on a grind circuit. Otherwise I
wouldn't recommend tricks off the sharp curves because these curves are too
sharp and you're going too fast. Try to take advantage of the shallower ones
with spins, or combine flips if you're feeling lucky.

Next is the big jump across a rift. Try to pull out an Uber or try to get Tricky
by doing UE grabs on multiflip-spins. Take advantage of the double half-pipe
formation and finish 2 or 3 Ubers by boosting off the edges. After, there should
be a really sharp U turn. It is a gold mine, so ALWAYS try to be Tricky heading
into that turn. Try to shoot as vertical as possible and do an Uber (or 2 if
you're that high), and hit the 3x or 5x multiplier straight overhead.

Come down, and just after the checkpoint is another big air
know what to do with those. Make sure you try to shoot straight down the middle,
there's a 5x multiplier (I'm usually only able to reach it with faster characters)
if you shoot dead center, and 3x ones to either side. If you land to the side,
you'll enter trick-unfriendly caves. If you hit the 5x, you'll pass through a
simple tunnel.

As you come out of either of the two lower or upper passages, STAY ON THE CENTER
ICE PATH. Right before the first 3x & 5x multiplier set is a mound that you can
pull a good Uber if you're aligned straight center. After that is a big cliff
jump with another 3x & 5x set. If you strayed off the path, that's a bit tough
...I think I saw some rails, but I think they're harder to reach, and don't
give nearly as much points.

After that are two passages to more caves. I recommend the left one, it has a
VERY easy 3x multiplier and a nice upward slope just before it. Just don't
overdo it because it's very easy to hit your head on that jump. After that,
it's a path of tunnels...and there's two washboard hallways...I could never
really pull anything great except maybe an okay trick off the first bump and
small 180s/360s off the rest (in this stage, it's very easy to miss a gold by
a small amount). After the second washboard is an upward slope (and an eagerly
awaiting 3x) you should pull air off of, and you should already know that you
should try a short Uber. It seems that tunnel is too cramped to pull off a trick,
but it's easier to land it than to screw up on this jump. After that,
you should come to the underwater glass tunnel. If you miss the rails early,
you should always catch big air off the curve. After that is the wind tunnel
and the moment of truth. Boost your way up, prewind, and try to pull three
short Ubers.

It's hard at first, but you find that 500000 is far from impossible after
your first Alaska Showoff Gold...and even more so after you get a Gold with
a clunky alpine board.

3i. PIPEDREAM - Showoff

Author: smartypantz711
1) My main goal when playing Pipedream is to make it into the large halfpipe at
the end with full TRICKY and as many points as I can as fast as I can.

2) Just go straight and do a triple misty/rodeo unethical experimental through the
3x flake. Keep going straight. Ignore the halfpipes, they are made of snow,
so you cannot get enough speed for really big tricks. At the big drop, pull
a double/triple misty/rodeo signiture uber.

3)After you land, head for the small halfpipe to the left. NOTE: do NOT take the
rail that goes into the halfpipe. This will eat a 3x flake that you want to get
while doing a double uber. Once in the halfpipe, boost up one side, hold back
until you stop. Boost down and do 1 big uber, or 2 small ubers. Keep boosting
and holding up when you land and you'll fly off the lip of the pipe giving HUGE

4) Try to stay in the middle of the halfpipe in order to get the 3x flake on
one side, and the somewhat high 5x flake on the other side. Once you've gotten the
flakes, you should have full TRICKY.

5)So, head out of the halfpipe via the rail in the ground. Jump at the end of the
rail and do a quick uber, landing in the large pool. Immediately after landing,
hit select (so you don't have to waste time getting out of the pool). Head for
the left edge of the map and do another double/triple misty/rodeo signature uber
through the 3x flake.

6) Land, use the yellow ramps for more ubers if you want, than get on the rail that
goes in between the legs of the big Luther statue. Boost up to save time. Grab
the 5x flake on the rail and continue boosting and holding up and fly into the
halfpipe. Keep holding boost and up because you want maximum air. On every
jump, try to do one signature uber and another short uber. If you are about to
repeat a trick, add a short grab at the end. MAKE SURE TO ALWAYS HOLD BOOST AND

7) Continue to do ubers in the halfpipe, adjusting your course in order to get the
assorted flakes above. NOTE: The REALLY high 5x flakes are extremely hard to get.
What you have to do is go off the lip of the halfpipe at 74 miles per hour and jump
RIGHT AT THE END. When time reaches about 5, hit select which will reset you outside
the halfpipe, and then cross the finish line. Try to get a score of over 2 million!


Warning: These are GLITCH shortcuts -- side effects not intended by the developers
that take advantage of errors/holes in track design. THESE SHORTCUTS ARE MUCH
than racing normally, I will NOT list them. There are simply too many places
to "fall forever" to list if they do not provide any benefit. I will list the
Target Times you can get with these glitches if you are good enough.

I list them here simply as documentation in case you have no qualms and want to
use them to beat the computer/your opponent, what have you. Debate the moral and
ethical points of using these some other place. ;)

*********** GLITCH ROUTE: ELYSIUM ALPS ***********

AUTHOR: gondee
The earliest known place to jump "off" the map, found by FirebrandX,
is immediately after the beginning of the race. Knockdown another racer
to get full-boost and turn 90 degrees to the right and boost deep into
the snow, past the stands area and boost into the deep snow. Immediately
before the game resets you, jump and do a forward flip. If you are deep
enough you will fly off the edge of the "world". Target Time: 2:10!

AUTHOR: gondee
The first glitch shortcut for Elysium Alps, discovered by ssx4ever, is present along
the regular shortcut after the first checkpoint. This is the series of ledges that run
along the side of the mountain far above the regular track. If you take the upper
route, near the end of the shortcut you are descending a steady hill back onto the
regular track. If you ski up the extremely steep snow-covered hill onto the right,
you can ski OVER the top of the mountain and onto the other side. Directly on the
other side the mountain ends and you can fall into a rather large glitch shortcut.
Try manual resetting out after 30 seconds for maximum effect. Target Time: 2:30

AUTHOR: gondee
About halfway through the track, you come across a double ramp with rails on either
side. The LAST rail on either side of the ramp forms out of the ground. Go past
this rail, turn around, and GRIND IT BACKWARDS. This will cause you to fall
THROUGH the ground, and you'll begin falling forever. Here's the key: Reset after about
25-35 seconds and you'll skip about 1/3 of the track! Target Time: 2:55

*********** GLITCH ROUTE: MESABLANCA ***********

AUTHOR: gondee
This glitch, discovered by FirebrandX, is at the beginning portion of the race.
Ski through the first couple of jumps, go around the first couple of turns and ride
up the bank on the second right. Going through the forest and onto the shortcut area
here, cut to the FAR LEFT very close to the left "barrier" of the track. (This barrier
will look like a line of trees, it's easy to discern.) Ahead is the stream that you
jump over. Ski to the FAR LEFT at the stream, and you will see two trees in
the very corner. The easiest way to jump off without the game resetting you is to jump
to the right side of the right tree in the corner. You must clear the "polygon bottom" of
the stream to make this shortcut. You will soar OFF the track and into that
"fall-forever" nothingness. Manual-resetting as soon as you begin to see the
track again as you are falling will reset you further ahead in the race at the
earliest possible point. Target Time: 1:25


AUTHOR: jonesy
MCM - Between the garage and building behind/next to it. A short path to a roof
then "fall" off the edge. Takes you to the bottom of the course just before the
quarter/half pipe series.

AUTHOR: FirebrandX
The garage glitch does indeed work. It's turning out to be a huge shortcut in that
I just got 2:55 on a sloppy run. The trick is to tap-jump into that narrow gap
between the garage and that other building. Then you veer to the right and
fall off the edge. After a long fall, you'll appear near the entrance to the
the subway station with the blue ice path. Target Time: 2:50

happymachines GLITCH RACE GUIDE (from #13):
14) Go straight down the path. Ahead is a left turn, go straight over the bank. On the left
is a parking garage, and to the right of it is another building. There is a very small gap
in between these buildings. jump into that gap. When you're getting close to the other side,
jump off. Hopefully, you'll jump off fairly smoothly. There is a building ahead of you;
head to the right of it and let yourself fall off the edge of the world. Wheeeeee!

15) Keep track of when you fell off. you want to hit select 30 seconds later. I recommend
scratching yourself or wiping the sweat off your hands while you're waiting.

16) You will teleport back in near the end of the course.

17) Ahead and below you is a glass and concrete wall that you would have
slalomed around had you taken the lame normal path. Right above this wall
is a hard to see pipe. Your goal is to jump onto that pipe. Practice.
Try landing on it sideways.

18) Boost along the pipe until it deposits you onto the elevated roadway.
There are two good ways to get off this. You can either speed down it a ways,
then let yourself fall off the side at the most acute angle possible
(to retain forward momentum), or you can just go down to the end of the first
section and hit select. I don't know which is faster. if you do, tell gondee,
and he can take this part out.

19) Cross the finish line.

*********** GLITCH ROUTE: TOKYO MEGAPLEX ***********

AUTHOR: FirebrandX
On the first lap, enter the tube slightly towards the right side. As you float up,
start rapid-firing that select button as fast as you can. You should reset at the
FINISH LINE with no laps completed! I can get it to work just about every time now.
Target Time: 20.44

AUTHOR: gondee
There's another method, found by Gregory, that is much more difficult to pull off.
You must bump-pass through the polygons on the right side of the airduct entrance.
To be more specific, you must hit the narrow area to the right of the large fan
entrance, but to the left of the "plexiglass" wall in the beginning of the race.
If you do it right you will pass through the fan wall, if you do it wrong you will
reset. Doing it right involves skiing slightly to the right, passing through the
first wall, and then skiing left and passing through a TINY hole through the next
wall into the finishing area. This is probably the most difficult glitch shortcut
in the game, but if you do it correctly you can get a time of 17.46 on Tokyo!
Target Time: 17.46

*********** GLITCH ROUTE: ALOHA ICE JAM ***********

I'm not usually a guy that finds glitches, but I found one on Aloha Ice Jam. Grind
the first rail when you go down in Showoff, I kept grinding but didn't turn.
You eventually will fall off for not turning but before I fell off, I sort of
jumped off, flew over a sign, narrowly missing it and then I fell over the
cliff in front. I kept falling for 20-35 seconds but finally it puts
you back on the track but at the very end!

AUTHOR: FirebrandX
I found that I can easily initiate the glitch in racing mode by jumping in between
the Eddy sign on the left and the arrow sign on the right. So long as you approach
at the correct angle, the glitch is a snap to get working. Target Time: 50 seconds.


You might want to know how good these strategies are. Well, the only way to prove
that is to list the scores that people have gotten - several of whom have
submitted strategies to this FAQ.

Below are the top Merqury City Scoreboard leaders as of the final version of this
guide (6.16.02). Use their scores as a basis of how this advice can help you, and
strive for their records while you're at it!

TRACK SHOWOFF RACING (* = Glitch Routes)
---------------- -------------------------- -----------------------------
AJV 2,391,560 FirebrandX 2:12.99
KAZIN 2,303,430 ssx4ever 2:13.46
DaRizat 2,212,040 gondee 2.24.78
Snowdream Pickel 1,510,910 FirebrandX 1:51.98
Darth Vader 1,509,560 gondee 1:57.96
TypeZero 1,421,410 Calibur 2:03.08
Elysium Alps Pickle 2,656,960 FirebrandX 2:00.01*
Trickydad1 2,459,620 P31 2:00.88*
FishEye 2,227,825 ssx4ever 2:01.75*
Merqury City happymachines 2,304,590 FirebrandX 2:28.24*
FishEye 2,250,020 happymachines 2:31.22*
Mr. Potato 2,174,860 gondee 2:41.64*
Mesablanca SiCo 2,062,550 FirebrandX 1:14.97*
happymachines 1,428,555 happymachines 1:17.66*
DaRizat 1,212,040 gondee 1:22.96*
Tokyo Megaplex Isaac Enriquez 2,292,405 FirebrandX 0:16.46*
FishEye 2,001,620 badassGForce 0:17.44*
Darth Vader 1,914,665 Gregory 0:17.46*
Pipedream Pickel 2,173,380
Anthony 2,169,210
Scuale 2,152,500
Aloha Ice Jam FishEye 721,085 FirebrandX 0:42.59*
Calibur 678,820 P31 0:45.03*
happymachines 641,410 gondee 0:46.39*
Alaska UNE 2,375,355 FirebrandX 3:46.85
Fearless 2,261,750 happymachines 4:07.13
BigLou 2,188,330 Kiese 4:25.19

To see the online version of this scoreboard (and view the updated scores) click on the
'scoreboard' link at

See how far a little practice can get you? ;)


6a. Legal.
This FAQ is copyright 2002 by all the authors herein, per their submitted
sections. You may not alter/repost this entire FAQ without my permission,
or sections of this FAQ in any way without the expressed permission of the
author of that corresponding section.
SSX Tricky and SSX is a trademark of Electronic Arts and EA Canada.

This FAQ is allowed to be posted on these sites: (because he asked!)

Any other site that has it posted without my consent is contributing
to copyright infringement. (This means you,! If you're going
to steal my FAQ at least update it!)


6b. Credit & Thanks
~ MAJOR author credit goes happymachines, TypeZero, dvdemons, The JRage, FirebrandX,
ElysiumKaori, FishEye, Packing Heat, Smartypantz711, Dunc, SSJHyundo, Gaz, Dankman,
Fahran, sweetmeats, UrzaMTG, and jonesy for their willingness to help others.

~ Credit to Grandmort for providing an excellent SSX site to all the
SSX community - Check the SSX Hall of Fame and
the SSX Tricky scoreboard to see how you stack up!

~ Thanks to SSX Tricky Developers Sinisa Karolic, Klaus Monies, Cody Ritchie,
Malcom Andrieshyn, and the man Steve Anthony for visiting and
showing their support for the site by signing the guestbook. It's inspiring
and humbling to know that even the developers appreciate what fans do for the
games they create.

~ Credit to EA Big for reinventing the Snowboard genre to actually make me
want to play it and compile a huge guide just for it. Just be sure to reinvent
the next SSX game to make it as revolutionary as the first one.

6c. Contributors - Who are these people?

~ happymachines should probably have a co-author credit on this FAQ, since it would
be about 12K in size if he hadn't been gracious enough to submit so many of his
fastest racing routes to this FAQ. He is truly a selfless player and the Tricky
Racing World is much faster because of him. Thanks again, happymachines.

~ TypeZero began to show true skill during the SSX days, and he hit his stride
with Tricky. He currently has scores well beyond a million on most of the showoff
courses and is a mainstay on the scoreboard. He is currently
working on a 3 million-point score for Merqury City. Hopefully one day you'll
crest that peak, TypeZero.

~ FirebrandX is, quite simply, the most dominant racer in the SSX Tricky world.
They say that the only thing that separates a champion from a prodigy is
dedication. FBX has enough dedication to make even champions jealous. He holds
ALL of the top times for ALL courses as of the Final Version of this FAQ, and
is always ready to meet the challenge if you can prove you've beat his times.
For proof on just how fast he is, visit his site:

~ FishEye is the author of the very in-depth SSX Tricky Character FAQ at GameFaqs.
Wanna know something about the characters? It's in there. Want to know what the
Tricky characters say? He wrote several quote guides to give you just that. He
is also an awesome showoff player who took the initiative to finish the FAQ with
some extraordinarily thorough guides, for which I am very grateful. Thanks again FishEye.

~ SiCo is the Masta of Mesa. This phenom broke the 2 MILLION barrier on Mesablanca,
which is a difficult course to get even 1 million on. I think it's safe to say you
should pay attention to what he has to say in his Mesablanca guide.

~ The JRage is the author of the in-depth Uber FAQ on Gamefaqs which is a fine
piece of SSX Tricky research.

~ dvdemons, Packing Heat and ElysiumKaori show up at various times and give great advice.
ElysiumKaori started the idea of a large SSX Tricky FAQ.

~ SSJ Hyundo is the guy who found the Aloha Ice Jam glitch shortcut! Give him his props!
By the way SSJ, you owe me $100 for this name-drop. ;)

~ Erick's Living Room was kind enough to take time away from providing comfort and
support for Erick to send me a guide to Mesablanca. I'd like to thank La-Z-Boy,
Furniture Gallery and other furniture makers for providing such knowledgeable furnishings.

6d. Version Details
~ Version 2.0: HUGE UPDATE for the final version.
~ Added two guides from DDRKirby. Thanks for the Alaska guide! :)
~ Added little blurb on how to get past the horizontal loop de loop on EA from ssx4ever.
~ Fixed various spelling mistakes throughout the guide. Updated scoreboard scores and
fixed a few. Clarified some language in the guide.
~ Added a revised Mesablanca walkthrough from SiCo for his 2 million run.
~ Added a co-authored Garibaldi race walkthrough from happymachines and FirebrandX.
Read this one folks, FBX rarely writes guides and he tells some of his best tips
for Garibaldi in this one! Definitely honored to have this for the final update.
~ Added a pair of revised guides to both Alaska racing and Merqury City racing from
~ Tokyo Megaplex Racing was the last track that needed a guide all this time, and
now it has two excellent guides from UrzaMTG and happymachines.
~ Added a great (and unequally thorough) Tokyo showoff guide from FishEye, as well
as added some revision to UrzaMTG's guide to the same venue.
~ FINALLY figured out why the text kept on duplicating in the middle of sentences.
New line breaks that start with a hyphen (-) have some stupid bug in Wordpad that
makes letters duplicate about halfway through the line (about 40 characters in).
Therefore, I changed all hyphens at starts of line breaks to tildas ~.


| Well, here is the final version of this FAQ, with all the tracks submitted and all |
| the bases covered. I added alot in version 2.0 for it to withstand the test of time,|
| and to help others hopefully master this game as much as the people who submitted |
| such great advice. |
| |
| This guide is, to the best of my knowledge, the most thorough and widespread SSX |
| Tricky FAQ on the Internet. It didn't get that way by itself, so for that I want |
| to thank the PS2 SSX Tricky Gamefaqs board. Without you all, this guide would be |
| nothing more than "Gondee's Guide on how to play SSX Tricky." And that would be a |
| sorry little effort. Thanks again! |

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