1. Introduction, comments, updatings and questions
2. Characters
3. GF
4. Magic
5. Draw points
6. Items and Refining
7. Limit Breaks
8. Card guide
9. Secrets and side quests
10. Walktrough
Hello my name is Duran. The reason I wrote this Walktrough/Faq is that that they’re not much
walktroughs with a complete guide with all secrets and tricks. You know this game is very
popular around the world. I like this game since 1999, but I had not much time to write this
walktrough/Faq. You think why I wrote this FAQ so late, is it usefull? Now maybe you know that
there is Final Fantasy Antoligy, that game is even played very much.
Before you read this I want to say some things. You may print it off course as long your not
making money or something else with it. Don't change it I don't want anyone to use it for it
own walktrough/Faq. If I or my friends discover it I will completly erase all your files on
your computer. GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wrote all basics
I discovered that things were not as I had planned, so I tried to fix it.
Tried to fix the problems
Looked for errors and other things
If you have Questions you can E-mail me, but if you have complianing they are even welcome.
Q; From which monster do you get the most Exp?
A; There are a lot of monsters were you can get much Exp. You do not even get always the same
Exp from the same enemy. There is a strong version and a weaker version example. T-rexaur the
strong version you get 700/800 Exp but the weak version you get 400/600 Exp. If you attack
many times an enemy you get more Exp, the one who kills the enemy gets usually the most Exp.
The elnoyle give around the 1100 Exp, talk to the elnoyle in Esthar to encounter him easely.
Q; Why do you have things multiple times in your Faq?
A; Its easier to find it.
Q; There is no info about the pocked station but you know that there is a Chibobo card.
A; Yes but you can win the card if you challenge the CC members in the Ragnarok when you are
in Ultimecia’s.
Q; I have in Ultimecia’s castle not all seals but I defeated the bosses you have in your faq.
A; I didn’t discovered all bosses, but do you need all power?
- If someone knows all you can E-mail me.
Q; how can you get omnislash for Cloud as Limit?
A; Wrong game (Final Fantasy 7), but if you play in the gold saucer the battle area.
you can win points if you play. Exchange the points for the Omnislash item. Then you must
have all Limits of Cloud.
Q; Thank you, you have the whole Faq stolen from an other author, you son of a *****.
A; Thanks a lot too, but I that is not true. If you can find things that is the same as
- If you do not give the site you don’t say were you found it in a month you can send it
to me but I can see were you have it from! Don’t do anything funny or you see what will
happen if you look by the comments.
Q; The item refining part looks dirty, why?
A; Sorry that wasn’t how I had planned this, I am busy with it.
Q; How do you use Lion Heart as Limit Break?
A; Squall will do a skill randomly, you have a better chance if your other party members
have a low rate of Hp too. But isn’t Lion heart too strong??? I do not like the skill, it
loos cool but it is way to easy to beat bossen, even the last boss.
Q; I have defeated 26 Tomberry’s but I didn’t get the Master Tomberry.
A; You must defeat a Tomberry in front of the Altar Elevator.
Q; Triples are hard to get, how about you?
A; Yeah, but you can draw triples from cerebus, you must have use Dispel when he uses triple
And defend against beserk and pain. If you have 100 doubles you can make triples with the
High-mag RF ability. If you exchange the Quistis card in Samatha souls, youcan get 60
Triples >from the Time-mag RF.
- If you have questions about other Final Fantasy’s you can ask me, but I’m not sure if I
can help you, see above that’s why.
Squall is one of the Balamb Garden students under headmaster Cid. He has a
cold heart and isn't
there for anyone. His weapon is a gunblade; Squall is almost the only one
who can handle a
gunblade. The choas in his in the world is nothing than the choas in his
mind. His teacher is
Quistis were he is getting much along Squall is the best student in the
class and he is taking
everything seriously but he is much deep in thoughts mostly ' what are we
going to do next '
and a words ' whatever and nothing ', and he can be silent.
Quistis is the teacher of the Balb Garden, she has much problems and
asks herself what
was her fault. Quistis acts like she is the boss. She uses a whip in
combat, a little strange
for a teacher I think. Quistis has a big card group and is the card Queen.
Quistis is much
worried about things wil it goes right or is he or she all right.
Zell is the most hyperactive man in combat he uses his fists. I think he
is always happy; he
has alway trouble with Seifer in the Garden. Zell is a hot dog lover
especially from the
Balamb Garden, but he is always too late in the garden. (There comes a day
he can eat so much
that he is sick) Squall don't respect him that much, Squall ignores him
Seifer is the second best Gunblade user of the garden. One of the best
fighters in the world.
He alway must ignore the rules everywere. He only likes hisself and the
rest can die. Seifer
will never be a seed because his bad behavior.
Selphie is one of the funniest girl of the garden sometimes acts like a
little child. Selphie
is used to be a messager in combat she fights with a nunchaku. Her limit
break is very handy,
Wall, Ultima, Full cure etc. She always shouts aways on bad timings.
Laguna is a man who Squall is in the dream world, this would give him
strength because of the
GF's. He is very technical and smart. But he got cramped up much times and
chooses wrong ways.
He uses a machine gun for the people who are in danger. He had Adopted a
little child named
Ellone and his wife died named Raine. (Pretty sad) First a Galbadian
soldier but later he quit
the army and chooses a free life. He always travels with kiros and Ward
Kiros is a strange man who is dressing very strangely. He likes his double
blade he has a very
good limit break named Blood pain. (Damaging like Lion Heart) Kiros is a
good friend of Laguna
and he travels with him in the dream world.
Ward is a very big man and working hard but has a little strange walk.
Uses a big harpoon I
think he is the most funniest character in the dream world. He only don't
like Laguna's faults
than he says: Oh boy not again.
Rinoa is a pretty girl who is working for one of the Timber resistance
group. Sometimes she is
serious but almost she is not very serious. Rinoa is full of life and she
will help Squall for
lighten him up to be not so cold. Squalls become confused when he sees her
and his chaos will
be bigger. What will happen between these two?????
Irvine is a big womeniser of the gang he checks on every girl. But he can
be good too he got
snipe skills and uses a gun in combat. When a thing lies on his shoulders
he is very
nervously. His limit breakis not very original but can be very srong if
you have good bullets.
I don't think he is that bad.
Edea is a mysterious sorceres. She is very dangerous and is very evil, she
shocks much lifes of people and damage your team badly you will see that.
Edea joined forces with Galbadia, everyone in Galbadia is afraid of her.
But is she that bad?
2. GF
GF are by FF8 summons it works only a little different. When you use it
you have to wait till
the bar is up and your character will cast the GF, Very powerfull. (Learn
more about it look
by information)
How to get: Look in the computer of Squall in the classroom in the Balamb
Attack: Thunder storm-Thunder
This GF is at the beginning of the game very usefull. It will not say that
he is not if you
are further. His card mod ability is very important. Use him and see his
How to get: Look in the computer of Squall in the classroom in the Balamb
Attack: Diamond dust-Ice
Shiva is usefull against Ifrit, if you have learned the boost ability you
must hold select
and press repeatedly square, if you see a cross don’t press or the power
of the GF attack
is only 75%.
How to get: You must defeat him in the fire cavern
Attack: Hells fire-Fire
Ifrit is usefull because he learns Str +10% and Str +20%. His Str bonus
ability is very
How to get: Draw it from the bird in the tower that blows Wedge and Biggs
Attack: Silent voice-Water, Silence
Siren is not a strong GF but it learns mag bonus and usefull refining
How to get: Talk to Cid when you get your first mission as a seed and you
receive a Magical
lamp. Use it and you must defeat him first than he will join you.
Attack: Dark messager-Dark
Diablos his attack is based on his HP. If he has a high amount of HP the
stronger the attack.
Enc-none isvery usefull and mug too.
When you must go to the Tomb of the unknown king carewayguard. You can
find them there.
Attack: Brothery love-Earth
The brothers are usefull because the GF learns HP +80%
How to get: Draw it from one of the two Salamanders
Defense: Ruby light-Gives you protect shell and reflect
Carbunkle is not so usefull, but it learns Vit bonus
How to get: Draw it from the Garden Master
Attack: Tsunami
Leviathan learns usefull ability’s and the attack is very strong. Spr
bonus, Support mag RF.
Attack: Tornado zone
How to get: Draw it from Fujin
Pandemonia learns Spd-J! The first one in the game, and he learns Str +20%
How to get: Defeat him in the Galbadian Graden when you must attack the
Galbadian Garden
Defense: Counter rockets-Casts Triple and Double at the same time on your
party memders
I think this is one of the most usefull GF’s of the game, because he
learns Spd-J and
Auto-haste, he learns ST-Defx4!!!
How to get: Draw it from Edea when you fight her the second time.
Attack: Holy judgement
Alexander is a good GF to boost because you have a pretty long time to do
it. He also learn
How to get: Defeat 17/22 Tonberry’s than you will fight a Toberry tranced
defeat him.
Attack: Chefs knive-None
Tonberry’s ability’s are very usefull when you want to shop. And he learns
How to get: Go to Tears Point and get the Solomon Ring. You must have 6
Steel Pipes, 6
Remedy+, and 6 Malboro Tentacles in your inventory. You can get the Steel
pipes from Wendigos,
Remedy+ from Alexander's Med LV Up ability, and the Malboro tentacles from
Malboros. Now use
the Solomon ring.
Attack: Runaway train
Doomtrain is the most usefull if look by his Status and Magic defense. And
he is funny.
How to get: Defeat the big cactuar on Cactuar island and he'll join you
Attack: 1000 needles-None
Cactuar is the most usefull if you look by the bonus. He has all bonus you
can get.
How to get: When you are at the end of disc 3 go to under left of the
world map with the
Ragnarok. Go in the Deep research lab and defeat Bahamut.
Attack: Mega Flare-None
I think this attack is the coolest of every GF and it is strong too!
Abilityx4 is usefull
too! This is my favourite GF!!
How to get: Draw it from Ultima weapon in Deep research lab.
Attack: Eternal Breath-None
This is the most powerfull GF!!! You can boost him 255%!!! But I think is
the game or fun if
you use him? The final boss is than way to easy so I erased the boost
ability and the GF is
still strong!
Magic is by FF8 different as by the other Final Fantalsy games. You must
receive magic from
enemies with the Draw command. Use draw and you will draw magic. If you
have 57 Blizzara's you
can use is 57 times, but you can equip it too. I'd rather tohave than 100
of it. (100 is
limit) Here is the list of magic
Thunder A low bolt of thunder element will attack the enemy
Thundara A better rank of Thunder
Thundaga The best rank of Thunder magic
Blizzard A cold ice element attacks the enemie
Blizzara A better rank of Blizzard
Blizzaga The best rank of Blizzard magic
Fire A fire elemental attack
Fira A better rank of Fire
Firaga The best rank of fire magic
Cure Heals low wounds
Cura Heals medium wounds
Curaga heals big wounds
Life Wakens Ko’d party member
Full-Life Wakens all party members >from Ko
Esuna Cures all bad status
Protect Protects >from psychical attacks
Shell Protects >from magic attacks
Quake Earth elemental attack to all enemies
Aero Wind elemental attack to the enemie
Tornado Better Aero
Water Water elemental attack
Death Can kill target instandly
Break Stones the target
Sleep Puts the enemie into sleep
Silence The target can’t use magic
Confuse Confuses the target
Zombie Makes the target undead
Berserk Berserks the target
Slow Reduce the speed of target
Stop Paralizes the target
Haste Gives pary member more speed
Reflect Reflect the magic used on party member
Float Let party member float (Wind elemental weak against)
Double Cast double times the magic
Triple Cast three times the magic
Demi Reduce 1/4 of the enemies Hp
Holy Strong holy elemental attack
Flare Non-elemental attack to all enemies
Meteor Non-elemental targets random all enemies
Ultima Strongest Non-elemental magic to all enemies
Draw points are purple dots that jump. You must have at least a character with the draw
command. It say what magic it got, this section is just a guide were you van find the draw
Visible draw points (If it is not visible than you must have Move/Find ability with some one
Protect Tomb of the unknown king, outside
Life Galbadian gardeb, Clubroom
Haste Galbadian garden – In the center of the hall
Shell Galbadian garden, Atletic section
Double Galbadian garden, auditorium
Confuse Laguna’s 2 dream, Fork road
Blind Dollet, On the mountain, inside the city
Sleep Laguna’s second dream, second scene
Silence Dollet, By the the hotel
Scan Timber, Behind the pub
Blizzaga Timdermaniacs, the left room
Thunder Balamb, By the weapon shop
Blizzard Balamb garden, Trainingscenter
Cure Balamb garden, On the stairs by the classroom
Fire Fire cavern, 2nd screen on the right
Float Tomb of the unknown king –Flood Bridge
Bio Deling city, Somewere in the sewer
Zombie Deling city, Somewere in the sewer
Cura Tomb of the unknown king – Draw Bridge
Reflect Winhill
Curaga Winhill, Laguna’s house in the cupboard
Blind Missile base (Somewere)
Blizara Missile base (Somewere)
Full-life Missile base, by the missile launchers
Thundaga District prison, 11th floor
Aero Desert
Drain Winhill, by the crossroads
Dispel Winhill, Underleft by Laguna’s house
Esuna Deling city, Somewere in the sewers
Full-life Balamb garden, Second floor when you must save the garden from the missiles.
Ultima Shumi villaga
Ultima Mayors house
Cure Balamb on the dock
Haste FH By the trains
Regen FH Rightside of the mayors’ house
Shell FH Near the wharf
Drain Odin’s place, 1st staircase
Aero Odin’s place, the right ladder after taking the lift
Pain Odin’s place, the chamber by the lift
Thundaga Trabia garden, by the gate
Zombie Trabia Garden, cementary
Aura Trabia garden, festifal section before going the the court
Full-life FH, Were the old fishermans stood by the crane
Aura Galbadia garden, when you attack it at the way in by the trees
Holy White seed ship, under deck
Meteor Lunatic Pandora, by the entrace go right
Protect Galbadian garden, on the hockey section
Death Laguna’s second dream, outside of lunatic Pandora
Thundaga Great salt lake, Walk over the dinosaur skull and cross the walkover
Reflect Tear’s point, by the statue
Life Tear’s point, on the right by the entrance
Curaga Lunatic Pandora, on the left by the left lift
Quake Esthar, By Odine’s lab
Double Laguna’s final dream, Odine’s laboratory
Meteor Great Salt Lake, Walk to over the dinosaur skull
Flare Esthar, odine’s lab
Holy Lunatic Pandora, by the sour coloured door
Break Lunatic Pandora, The structure on the top (You must have fought Seifer)
Triple When Edea’s house collapse in the future
Curaga In the bedroom of Edea’s house
Shell Ultimecia’s castle, painting room
Stop Ultimecia’s castle, by the clock
Flare Ultimecia’s castle, by the chains
Triple Ultimecia’s castle, the area were you fight Tiamat, need Move/Find
Holy Ultimecia’s castle, Treasure roomn hidden in a coffin need Move/Find
Curaga Ultimecia’s castle, Storage room
Aura Ultimecia’s castle, Wine cellar needs Move/Find
Inviseble drawpoints even you have Move/Find I only found 2 draw points it’s almost impossible
to find them because you must suddenly press X to find it.
Aura A horn shaped island, on the western side.
Pain Doller, by the commications tower, just press X somewere there.
Here are the all items and an explaintation. Sorry for the items I forgot or didn't discoverd.
I explained only the primary things of the item the most items can be used for refining and
Potion Heals 200 Hp
Potion+ Heals 400 Hp
Hi-potion Heals 1000 Hp
Hi-potion+ Heals 2000 Hp
X-Potion Heals 9999Hp
Mega Potion Heals 1000 Hp to everyone
Elixer Heals 9999 Hp and remove all bad status
Mega elixer Heals 9999 Hp and removes all bad status to every party members.
Tent Heals everyone 9999 Hp, rivive from Ko, removes all bad status to everyone. (Can only used at Savepoints)
Cottage Same effect as Tent and but then for GF's same effect
Phoenix down Wakens Ko'd pary member with less Hp
Phoenix pinion If one off your party member has the item command, the party wil be automaticly awaken if everyone is Ko'd
Mega phoenix awakens all party members to max Hp; you must be alive to use it
Antidote Cures poison
Soft Cures stone
Eye drops Cures darkness
Echo screen Cures silence
Holy water Cures zombie
Remedy Cures all bad status
Remedy+ Same as Remedy and all magical status (Slow, Aura)
Hero Makes one character invinceble
Hero+ Same as hero has only bettr effect
Holy war trial Random characters will be invinceble
Holy war all characters will be invinceble
Aura stone Use Aura magic on character
Protect stone Use Protect on character
Shell stone Use Shell on character
Holy stone Use Holy on target
Meteor stone Use Meteor to all targets
Ultima stone Use Ultima to all targets
Flare stone Use Flare to all targets
Pet house Heals all Hp to all GF's
G-hi-potion Heals 1000 Hp to one GF
G-Mega potion Heals 1000 Hp to all GF's
Rename card Rename one of your GF's
Pet name tag Renames Rinoa's dog
Hp up Increases hp with 10
Str up Increases STR with 1
Vit up Increases vit with 1
Mag up Increases mag with 1
Spr up Increases spr with 1
Spd up Increases spd with 1
Amnesia Greens Makes GF forget an Ability
Elem Atk GF learns "Elem-Atk-J" Ability
Elem Guard GF learns "Elem-Defx4" Ability
Status Atk GF learns "St-Atk-J" Ability
Stats Guard GF learns "St-Defx4" Ability
Magic Scroll GF learns "Magic" Ability
GF Scroll GF learns "GF" Ability
Draw Scroll GF learns "Draw" Ability
Item Scroll GF learns "Item" Ability
Gambler Spirit GF learns "Card" Ability
Rosetta Stone GF learns "Abilityx4" Ability
Healing Ring GF learns “Recover” Ability
Phoenix Spirit GF learns "Revive" Ability
Med Kit GF learns "Treatment" Ability
Bomb Spirit GF learns "Kamikaze" Ability
Hungry Cookpot GF learns "Devour" Ability
Mog's Amulet GF learns "MiniMog" Ability
Steel Pipe GF learns "SumMag+10%" Ability
Star Fragment GF learns "SumMag+20%" Ability
Energy Crystal GF learns "SumMag+30%" Ability
Samantha Soul GF learns "SumMag+40%" Ability
Healing Mail GF learns "GFHP+10%" Ability
Silver Mail GF learns "GFHP+20%" Ability
Gold Armor GF learns "GFHP+30%" Ability
Diamond Armor GF learns "GFHP+40%" Ability
Regen Ring GF learns "HP+20%" Ability
Giant's Ring GF learns "HP+40%" Ability
Gaea's Ring GF learns "HP+80%" Ability
Strength Love GF learns "Str+20%" Ability
Power Wrist GF learns "Str+40%" Ability
Hyper Wrist GF learns "Str+60%" Ability
Turtle Shell GF learns "Vit+20%" Ability
Orihalcon GF learns "Vit+40%" Ability
Adamantine GF learns "Vit+60%" Ability
Rune Armlet GF learns "Spr+20%" Ability
Force Armlet GF learns "Spr+40%" Ability
Magic Armlet GF learns "Spr+60%" Ability
Circlet GF learns "Mag+20%" Ability
Hypno Crown GF learns "Mag+40%" Ability
Royal Crown GF learns "Mag+60%" Ability
Jet Engine GF learns "Spd+20%" Ability
Rocket Engine GF learns "Spd+40%" Ability
Moon Curtain GF learns "Auto-Shell" Ability
Steel Curtain GF learns "Auto-Protect" Ability
Glow Curtain GF learns "Auto-Reflect" Ability
Accelerator GF learns "Auto-Haste" Ability
Monk's Code GF learns "Counter" Ability
Knight's Code GF learns "Cover" Ability
Doc's Code GF learns "Med Data" Ability
Hundred Needles GF learns "Return Damage" Ability
Three Stars GF learns "Expendx3-1" Ability
Ribbon GF learns "Ribbon" Ability
HP-J Scroll GF learns "HP-J" Ability
Str-J Scroll GF learns "Str-J" Ability
Vit-J Scroll GF learns "Vit-J" Ability
Mag-J Scroll GF learns "Mag-J" Ability
Spr-J Scroll GF learns "Spr-J" Ability
Spd-J Scroll GF learns "Spd-J" Ability
Luck-J Scroll GF learns "Luck-J" Ability
Aegis Amulet GF learns "Eva-J" Ability
Normal ammo Normal damage as a gun shot of Irvine
Dark ammo Blinds enemies
Shotgun ammo Shoots all enemies
Demolition ammo 3 times stronger than normal ammo
Fast amma Semi-automatic shots
Fire ammo Shot with fire element
AP Ammo Ammo ignores defense (I used almost aways this type ammo with Irvines limit break)
Pulse ammo strongest ammo
Luvluvg All compantation GF+20
Shaman stone Bahamut +3
Cactus torn Cactuar +3
Cheffs knive Tonberry +3
Poison powder Doomtrain +1
Silence powder Siren +3
Dragon fin Cerebus +3
Fish fin Leviathan +3
Dragon skin Carbunkle +3
Wind mill Pandemona +3
Dino bone Brothers +3
Moon stone Alexander +3
Steel orb Diablos +3
Venom breathe Doomtrain +3
Shear feather Pandemona +1
Dynamo stone Quezacotl +3
North wind Shiva +3
Arctic wind Shiva +1
Red fang Ifrit +3
Bomb fragment Ifrit +1
Sorceress' letter Letter >from Edea, don't sell it before you gave it on the seed ship
Solomonring Use it to get Doomtrain if you hav ethe other items too
Gril next door Give this to zone you will get a reward
Magical lamp Use this to fight Diablos
Fuel Use this in a car when you don't have benzine
M-stone piece Used for refine
Magic stone Used for refine
Wizard stone Used for refine
Ochu tentacle Used for refine
Cockatrice pinion Used for refine
Zombie powder Used for refine
Lightweight Used for refine
Sharp spike Used for refine
Screw Used for refine and remodelling
Saw blade Used for refine
Mesmerize blade Used for refine
Vampire fang Used for refine
Fury fragment Used for refine
Betrayal sword Used for refine
Sleep powder Used for refine
Life ring Used for refine
Dragon fang Used for refine
Dead spirit Used for refine
Dark matter For Blue magic
Barrier For Blue magic
Power generator For Blue magic
Malboro tentacle For Blue magic
Laser connon For Blue magic
Running fire For Blue magic
Whisper For Blue magic
Infernofang For Blue magic
Mystery fluid For Blue magic
Water crystal For Blue magic
Missile For Blue magic
Black hole For Blue magic
Curse spike For Blue magic
Coral fragment For Blue magic
Spider web For Blue magic
Weapon Monty March Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon Monty April Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon Monty May Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon Monty June Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon Monty July Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon Monty August Issue Gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon 1st Issue gives the cobination for remodelling
Weapon All Issues Gives the cobination for remodelling
Pet pal Vol.I Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Pet pal Vol.II Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Pet pal Vol.III Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Pet pal Vol.IV Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Pet pal Vol.V Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Pet pal Vol.VI Rinoa's dog will learn new abilities
Combat king vol.001 Gives Zell new Duel technics
Combat king vol.002 Gives Zell new Duel technics
Combat king vol.003 Gives Zell new Duel technics
Combat king vol.004 Gives Zell new Duel technics
Combat king vol.005 Gives Zell new Duel technics
Occult fan Vol.I Useless just sell it
Occult fan Vol.II Useless just sell it
Occult fan Vol.III Useless just sell it
Occult fan Vol.IV Useless just sell it
Here is the list of refining items, this took me hours and days. I tried to sort this in
alfabetic items but I couldn’t, I’m sure I made here mistakes so don’t get mad. In the
version before I messed something up. That’s why it looked dirty, the lines and # were
connecting symbols. But now I have an other way to do it.
Here are the types of refining
Type RF What you can do with it Which GF can learn
F-Mag RF Refine fire magic Ifrit
I-Mag RF Refine ice magic Shiva
T-Mag RF Refine thunder magic Quezacotl
L-Mag RF Refine recover magic Siren
Ammo RF Refine items for ammo Ifrit
Tool-RF Refine tools (GF can learn items) Siren
ST-Med RF Refine status items (Antidote) Siren
ST-Mag RF Refine status magic Diablos
Time-Mag RF Refine time magic Diablos
Supt-Mag RF Refine support magic Leviathan
Recov-Med RF Refine recovery items Carbunkle
GFrecov-Med RF Refine GF recovery items Carbunkle
GFAbil-Med RF Refine GF ability items Eden
Forbid-Med RF Refine very good items Doomtrain
Forbid-Mag RF Refine very good magic Bahamut
Med Lvup RF Makes items better Alexander
Mid Mag RF Makes low magic middle magic Shiva
High Mag RF Makes middle magic high magic Alexander
Here are the item refinement list, so far
RF item The RF Ratio What you get
Accelerator Time-Mag RF 100-1 Haste
Admantine GFAbil-Med RF 20 -1 Steel curtain
Forbid-Med RF 5 –1 Vit up
Aura stone Supt-Mag RF 1 -1 Aura
Aegis amulet Forbid-Med RF 2 -1 Spd up
Time mag RF 1 -100 Haste
Antidote ST-Mag RF 1 -1 Bio
Betrayal sword ST-Mag RF 1 -20 Confuse
ST-Med RF 5 -1 Remedy
Black hole Time-Mag RF 1 -30 Demi
Barrier GFAbil-Med RF 50 –1 Aegis amulet
Supt-Mag RF 1 -30 Shell
Bomb fragment Ammo RF 1 -20 Fire ammo
F-Mag RF 1 -20 Fira
GFAbil RF 100-1 Bomb spirit
Chef’s knive Ammo RF 1 -20 AP Ammo
L-Mag RF 1 -30 Death
Cockatrice pinion ST-Med RF 1 -3 Soft
ST-Mag RF 1 -20 Break
Cactus thorn Ammo RF 1 -40 Demolition ammo
GFAbl RF 100-1 Hunderd needles
Coral fragment T-Mag RF 1 -20 Thundara
Cottage L-Mag RF 1 -20 Curaga
Diamond armor GFRecov-Med RF 1 -16 Pet house
Tool RF 1 -50 cottage
GFAbil-Med RF 5 -1 Elem Guard
Dead spirit Tool RF 1 -2 Death stone
L-Mag RF 1 -20 Death
Tool RF 1 -2 Death stone
Bomb spirit F-Mag RF 1 -100 Firaga
Circlet Tool RF 1 -2 Aura
Dark matter Forbid-Mag RF 1 -100 Ultima
GFAbil-Med RF 1 -1 Luck-J scroll
Tool RF 1 -1 Shaman stone
Doc’s code Forbid-Med RF 1 -1 Mega Elixer
Dragon skin GFAbil-Med RF 100-1 Glow curtain
Supt-Mag RF 1 -20 Reflect
Dino bone Time-Mag RF 1 -20 Quake
Dragon fin Time-Mag RF 1 -20 Double
Dinamo stone T-Mag RF 1 -20 Thundaga
Echo screen ST-Mag RF 1 -2 Silence
Elem guard Forbid-Med RF 1 -5 Elixer
Energie crystal Forbid-Mag RF 1 -3 Ultima
Ammo RF 1 -10 Pulse ammo
GFAbil-Med RF 50 –1 Samatha soul
Tool RF
Eye Drops ST Mag-RF 1 -1 Blind
Fish Fin I Mag-RF 1 -20 Water
Flare Stone F Mag-RF 1 -1 Flare
Force Armlet GF Med-RF 10 –1 Magic Armlet
Tool-RF 1 -30 Shell
Fuel Ammo-RF 1 -10 Fire
Fury Fragment Supt Mag-RF 1 -5 Aura
Tool-RF 1 -2 Aura
Gambler Spirit Tool-RF 1 -10 Wizard stone
GF Scroll Tool-RF 1 -10 Wizard stone
Giant's Ring GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Gaea's Ring
Supt Mag-RF 1 -60 Protect
Glow Curtain GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Monk's Code
Supt Mag-RF 1 -100 Reflect
Gold Armor GFRecov Med RF 1 -4 Pet House
Healing Mail GFRecov Med RF 1 -1 Pet House
L Mag RF 1 -1 Curaga
Recov Med RF 1 -6 Hi-Potion
Healing Water GFRecov Med RF 1 -2 G-Hi potion
L mag RF 1 -20 Cura
Recov Med RF 1 -2 Hi potion
Tool-RF 1 -2 Tent
Hero Med LVL Up 10 –1 Holy War-Trial
Hi-Potion Med LVL Up 3 -1 Hi-Potion+
Hi-Potion+ Med LVL Up 3 -1 X-Potion
Holy Stone L Mag-RF 1 -1 Holy
Holy War GFAbl Med-RF 5 -1 Knight's Code
Holy Water L Mag-RF 1 -2 Zombie
Hundred Needles Forbid Med-RF 1 -1 Spd Up
Hungry Cookpot Tool-RF 1 -1 Shaman Stone
Hyper Wrist Forbid Med-RF 10 –1 Str Up
Hypno Crown GFAbl Med-RF 10 –1 Royal Crown
Tool-RF 1 -10 Aura Stone
Inferno Fang F Mag-RF 1 -20 Flare
Tool-RF 1 -2 Flare Stone
Item Scroll Tool-RF 1 -10 Wizard Stone
Jet Engine Forbid Med-RF 50 –1 Spd Up
GFAbl Med-RF 10 –1 Rocket Engine
Knight's Code Forbid Mag-RF 1 -1 Vit Up
Laser Cannon Ammo-RF 1 -5 Pulse Ammo
Life Ring GFRecov Med-RF 1 -2 G-Returner
L Mag-RF 1 -20 Life
Lightweight GFAbl Med-RF 100-1 Accelerator
Time Mag-RF 20 -1 Haste
Luck Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Luck-J Scroll
Luck-J Scroll Forbid Med-RF 1 -1 Luck Up
M-Stone Piece F Mag-RF 1 -5 Fire
I Mag-RF 1 -5 Blizzard
L Mag-RF 1 -5 Cure
ST Mag-RF 1 -5 Silence
Supt Mag-RF 1 -5 Esuna
T Mag-RF 1 -5 Thunder
Time Mag-RF 1 -5 Slow
Mag Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Mag-J Scroll
Mag-J Scroll GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Power Wrist
GFAbl Med-RF 20 -1 Moon Curtain
Magic Scroll Tool-RF 1 -10 Wizard Stone
Magic Stone F Mag-RF 1 -5 Fira
I Mag-RF 1 -5 Blizzara
L Mag-RF 1 -5 Cura
ST Mag-RF 1 -5 Berzerk
Supt Mag-RF 1 -5 Dispel
T Mag-RF 1 -5 Thundara
Time Mag-RF 1 -5 Haste
Malboro Tentacle GFAbl Med-RF 100-1 Moon Curtain
ST Mag-RF 1 -40 Bio
ST Med-RF 1 -2 Remedy
Med Kit Forbid Med-RF 1 -2 Megalixir
ST Med-RF 1 -20 Remedy
Supt Mag-RF 1 -100 Esuna
Mega Phoenix Tool-RF 3 -1 Phoenix Pinion
Mega Potion Forbid Med-RF 20 -1 Elixir
Meteor Stone Forbid Mag-RF 1 -1 Meteor
Mezmerize Blade L Mag-RF 1 -20 Regen
Recov Med-RF 1 -2 Mega-Potion
Missile Ammo-RF 1 -20 Demolition Ammo
Mog's Armlet Tool-RF 1 -1 Shaman Stone
Monk's Code Forbid Mag-RF 1 -1 Str Up
Moon Stone L Mag-RF 1 -20 Holy
Tool-RF 1 -2 Holy Stone
Mystery Fluid ST Mag-RF 1 -10 Meltdown
Normal Ammo Ammo-RF 1 -1 Fast Ammo
North Wind I Mag-RF 1 -20 Blizzaga
Ochu Tentacle ST Mag-RF 1 -30 Blind
ST Med-RF 1 -3 Eye Drop
Orihalcon GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Adamantine
Tool-RF 1 -30 Protect Stone
Phoenix Down Med LVL Up 50 -1 Mega Phoenix
Phoenix Pinion F Mag-RF 1 -100 Firaga
GFAbl Med-RF 20 -1 Phoenix Spirit
Phoenix Spirit F Mag-RF 1 -100 Firaga
GFRecov Med-RF 1 -40 G-Returner
L Mag-RF 1 -100 Full-Life
Recov Med-RF 1 -100 Phoenix Down
Poison Powder Ammo-RF 1 -10 Dark Ammo
ST Med-RF 1 -3 Antidote
Potion Med LVL Up 3 -1 Potion+
Potion+ Med LVL Up 3 -1 Hi-Potion
Power Generator Ammo-RF 1 -20 Pulse Ammo
Power Wrist GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Hyper Wrist
Tool-RF 1 -10 Aura Stone
Protect Stone Supt Mag-RF 1 -1 Protect
Pulse Ammo Forbid Mag-RF 5 -1 Ultima
Red Fang Ammo-RF 1 -40 Fire Ammo
F Mag-RF 1 -20 Firaga
Regen Ring L Mag-RF 1 -20 Full-Life
Recov Med-RF 1 -8 Phoenix Down
Tool-RF 1 -5 Tent
Remedy Med LVL Up 10 -1 Remedy+
Supt Mag-RF 1 -5 Esuna
Remedy+ Med LVL Up 10 -1 Elixir
Ribbon GFAbl Med-RF 1 -1 Status Guard
Rocket Engine Forbid Med-RF 5 -1 Spd Up
Time Mag-RF 1 -50 Triple
Rosetta Stone Tool-RF 1 -1 Shaman Stone
Royal Crown Forbid Med-RF 10 -1 Mag Up
GFAbl Med-RF 20 –1 Status Atk
Rune Armlet Supt Mag-RF 1 -40 Shell
Tool-RF 1 -10 Shell Stone
Running Fire GFAbl Med-RF 20 -1 Elem Atk
Time Mag-RF 1 -60 Triple
Saw Blade L Mag-RF 1 -10 Death
Shaman stone GFAbil-Med RF 100-1 Resetta stone
Screw Ammo-RF 1 -8 Normal Ammo
Shaman Stone GFAbl Med-RF 1 -1 Rosetta stone
Tool-RF 1 -1 LuvLuvG
Sharp Spike Ammo-RF 1 -10 AP Ammo
Shear Feather T Mag-RF 1 -20 Aero
Shell Stone Supt Mag-RF 1 -1 Shell
Shotgun Ammo Ammo-RF 1 -2 Fast Ammo
Silence Powder ST Mag-RF 1 -20 Silence
ST Med-RF 1 -3 Echo Screen
Silver Mail GFAbl Med-RF 5 -1 Gold Armor
GFRecov Med-RF 1 -2 Pet House
Sleep Powder ST Mag-RF 1 -20 Sleep
ST Med-RF 5 -1 Remedy
Spider Web Time Mag-RF 1 -20 Slow
Status Atk Forbid Mag-RF 1 -4 Elixir
Status Guard Forbid Mag-RF 1 -4 Elixir
Steel Curtain Supt Mag-RF 1 -100 Protect
Steel Orb Time Mag-RF 1 -15 Demi
Steel Pipe ST Mag-RF 1 -20 Berserk
Tool-RF 1 -1 Aura Stone
Strength Love Tool-RF 1 -2 Aura Stone
Spd Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Spd-J Scroll
Spd-J Scroll GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Jet Engine
Spr Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Spr-J Scroll
Spr-J Scroll GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Hypno crown
Str Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Str-J Scroll
Str-J Scroll GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Power Wrist
Tent L Mag-RF 1 -10 Cura
Recov Med-RF 4 -1 Mega-Potion
Three-Stars Time Mag-RF 1 -100 Triple
Supt Mag-RF 1 -20 Protect
Tool-RF 1 -10 Protect Stone
Ultima Stone Forbid Mag-RF 1 -1 Ultima
Vampire Fang Supt Mag-RF 1 -20 Drain
Venom Fang Ammo-RF 1 -20 Dark Ammo
ST Mag-RF 1 -20 Bio
ST Med-RF 1 -10 Antidote
Vit Up GFAbl Med-RF 2 -1 Vit-J Scroll
Vit-J Scroll GFAbl Med-RF 10 -1 Orihalcon
Water Crystal I Mag-RF 1 -50 Water
Whisper GFAbl Med-RF 100-1 Healing Ring
GFRecov Med-RF 1 -4 G-Hi-Potion
L Mag-RF 1 -50 Curaga
Tool-RF 1 -1 Cottage
Windmill T Mag-RF 1 -20 Tornado
Wizard Stone F Mag-RF 1 -5 Firaga
I Mag-RF 1 -5 Blizzaga
L Mag-RF 1 -5 Curaga
ST Mag-RF 1 -20 Dispel
T Mag-RF 1 -5 Thundaga
Time Mag-RF 1 -5 Stop
X-Potion Med LVL Up 3 -1 Mega-Potion
Zombie Powder L Mag-RF 1 -3 Holy Water
ST Med-RF 1 -20 Zombie
By FF8 you have a new way to use limit skills. When a characters hp is yellow keep hitting the
O (Cancel) button to use a lilit skill or you must have used Aura (This is very cool!). Here
is the list of all limit skills.
If have a new gunblade he will learn a new limit skill.
First Squall will slash 4-8 times the enemy after that he will sometimes do a skill.
- Rough divide
- Fated Circle-Squall will throw Non elemental circle that bursts to the enemy
- Blasting Zone-The gunblade will grow bigger and does big damage to all enemys
- Lion Heart-This is the ultimate attack Squall will slash the enemy very much times and does
great damage.*) Very cool
Quistis can use Blue magic, she can learn with items an attack
- Laser eye
- Ultra wave
- Electrocute
- Lv. ? Death
- Degenerator
- Aqua breath
- Micromissels
- Acid
- Gatling gun
- Fire breath
- Bad breath
- Homing laser
- White wind
- Ray bomb
- Mighty guard
- Shockwave pulsar *)VERY COOL MAGIC
Seifer can use Fire Cross, than you can choose a limit skill
- No mercy-Non elemental damage to all enemys
- Demon scissors-Slashes one enemy does 2x Dmg (Can't learn without Game shark codes)
Zell can use Duel, you must push a command in that stand in the bar. Zell can learn limit
skills with books.
- Booya-Kicks the enemy
- Punch rush-Punches three times
- Mach kick-Aims a kick to the enemys mach (If have one)
- Meteor strike-Almost never effective (Works good on a Ruby dragon)
- Heeldrop- high to low kick
- Rush punch- 2 punches and a kick
- Dolphin blow- Zell punches and dolphins beats the enemy
If you do a move with a * the limit break will end.
* Buring rave- Zell puches the ground and will burst to the enemie and blasts
* Meteot barret- With an energy ball Zell strikes the enemy
* Different beat- Zell kicks the enemy to wild-wild west and than back to the east.
* My final heaven- Zell runs and runs around the world and hits than the enemy.(The name would
remember you from FF7 Tifa)
Selpie can use slott, one of the best skills because it has all kind of magic and four special
- Full-cure Heals all Hp of all party members
- Wall Use Protect and Shell at once to all party members
- Rapture Kills one enemy; accept bosses
- The end Kills all enemies accept bosses (Omega weapon works well!)
Laguna can use Desperado; he shoots much at the enemy and throws than a grenade to all enemys.
Kiros can use Blood pain; very big damage to one enemy
Ward can use Massive Anchor; that damage all enemy’s. (It look like the Jump from other Final
Rinoa can use two skills
- Angel wing-Rinoa uses randomly magics 2 times powerfull than normal(If she cast magic you
won't lose an magic)
- Angelo combination, Rinoa's dog will come and do ramdom a skill(this will be counter
sometimes)Rinoa learns things if you just walk around.
- Angelo's rush (Counter), three times so strong attack than Rinoa's strength
- Angelo cannon, strongest attack hope Angelo will do this.
- Invinceble moon, makes every party member invinceble
- Angelo strike, Attack 2x Dmg than Rinoa’s power.
- Angelo reverse, Recover Rinoa when Ko’d
Irvine can use shot, you must have bullets to attack
- Dark ammo, Blinds enemies
- Shotgun ammo, Shoots all enemies
- Demolition ammo, 3 times stronger than normal ammo
- Fast ammo, Semi-automatic shots
- Fire ammo, Shot with fire element (Very Good!)
- AP Ammo, Ammo ignores defense (I used almost aways this type ammo with Irvines limit break)
- Pulse ammo, Strongest ammo
This is a nice game its not for fun it is very usefull, with cardmod you can refine card in
important item. Here are the rules.
- Each card has 4 numbers Left, Right, Up, Down.
- If the you throw a card on the board next on the right of the oponnents card and your left
number is higher than the number left of the opponents card you have a point. So works it too
with the other sides.
- In every region are different rules.
Here is the list of the secret cards
Squall Win it from Laguna
4 9
Quistis In the Balamb garden, go to the bar and talk to the man in the back
9 4
Seifer Win it from headmaster Cid
4 9
Zell Win in from the mother of Zell in Balamb
6 5
Selphie Win it from Selphie’s friend in the Trabia garden
4 8
Laguna Win it from Ellone in space
9 A
Kiros Win it from the Queen of the card (Side quest)
A 7
Ward Win it from Odine in Esthar
8 7
Rinoa Win it from general careway, when you give him the
Ifrit card.
Irvine Win it from the quee of the cards
A 6
Edea Win it from Edea in Edea’s house
3 A
Quezacotl Win it from FH mayor
4 9
Shiva Receive it if you give Zone the ‘Girl next
door’ book
9 7
Ifrit Receive after fighting Ifrit
8 6
Siren Win it from the cardman in the bar of Dollet
2 9
Carbunkle Win it from Xu
4 4
Leviathan Win it from CC Joker in the training center of the
Balamb garden
7 A
Pandemonia Win in from the man in front of the hotel in Balamb
after the Galbadians attacked Balamb
7 1
Alexander Win >from Piet in space
2 A
Phoenix Win it from the queen of the cards
A 1
Cerebus Receive it after fighting cerebus
A 6
Doomtrain Win it from the Queen of the cards
A 1
MiniNog In Balamb garden a boy runs around the sections,
win it from him
2 3
Angelo Win it from Watts at the ‘Forest owls’ or the Seed
9 4
Chubby Chocobo Win it from the Queen of the cards
9 4
Chibobo Dig for stones in all chocoforests and than go to
the chocoshrine and talk to all chocobo’s
4 4
Gilgamesh Win it from Quistis
6 7
PuPu Get it to have encountered all UFO’s
2 A
These are the normal cards.
Glacial eye
Grand mantis
Red bat
Bite bug
Blood soul
Death claw
Abbyss worm
Blue dragon
Iron giant
Ruby dragon
Tonberry king
Wedge, Biggs
Rajin, Fujin
X-ATM 092
Shumi Tribe
Jumbo cactuar
Mobile type 8
Ultima weapon
Here are a list of secrets I and my friends found in the game
If you won 25 cardgames you can do this side quest on disc 2
Reward: You can win from Quistis the Gilgamesh card and from Xu the Carbunkle card
Defeat Jack, He walks by the board that explains were the sections are.
Defeat The two board girls, they walk to the board that explain were the sections are.
Defeat Club, He walk to the Dormitory.
Defeat Card Prince, he on the second floor next to the man who give you cards at the beginning
of the game.
Defeat Xu, On the command top were you can fly off.
Defeat Quistis, Talk to the doctor and that take a rest alone.
In the Training center section stand sometimes the CC Joker, You can win the Leviathan card
from him.
If you don't have enough levels you can't do the test. (Make sure that you have Lv. 30 than
you can do all the tests.)
Answers to the seed test
First you must have reached Esthar in the game, and have the tomberry GF (defeat 20 tomberry's
after defeating Odin)Learn Sell high, Famillar and Haggle ability. Have the Leviathan GF
learned Recov-Med RF. It's handy too to have the rare things buy at shop ability. Go to all of
the Esthar shops. If that's done buy tents and cottages. Than go to the GF med RF ability and
make from the tents and cottages Mega-elixers and sell them by the shop. Now you 100.000 Gil
more than before!
- It's handy to have with all GF's HP-J, STR-J Etc.
- Extra Spd-J
Mug it from the Cerebus GF that stand in the Galbadia garden (In the shinging light in center
of the garden) he isthere when you are in battle with the Galbadia garden.
- Extra Luck-J
Mug it from Odin
- Easy Ultima's
You must have the Bahamut GF(In the Deep Sea lab, go with the Ragnarok to south of the map then
go west you will find it)Learn with him rare item, set it on by one of your charcters. Go to
Eshar, go to the elnoyle (You must talk to a black beast in Esthar he will laugh) when you
defeat him you will receive 2 or 3 items go to the fobid mag RF
(You will have that automaticly with the Bahamut GF)Turn the items into 3 Ultima's. Go out of
the menu and walk out the screen and then in the Elnoyle is there again.
Take the character not much in your team(That is because he must not have much levels, if
thats the hero you must KO him)Than you must have the rosetta stone, you can get him when
lunatic pandora attack Esthar you have then Zell and Edea and a other character, go to the
shopping mal and go to all stores try this 1 or 5 times. Than stand there Here you go!!!
Received rosetta stone. Give it to a GF he has now the ability x4 Ability. Than go further in
the game when you the ragnarok go to the cactuar island in the desert. Defeat the Jumbo
cactuar and he will join you(It's a GF)Set on you Super caracter with ability x4 Str bonus,
Vit bonus, Spr bonus and Mag bonus. Then defeat much enemy's (Rubydragon, Marlboro Etc.)
- Learn easy ability's with GF's go to the cactuar island, defeat there cactuars. (They are
hard to hit and they run much >from the battles, equip intiative and have 255% Hit)
Find all colour pieces in Shumi village. Easy to find just check the water houses and grass.
The reward isn't very good
-Blue stone Left >from Laguna's statue
-Wind stone Left of the inn
-Life stone In the right of the elder house
-Shadow stone At the surface of the Ultima draw point, in the shadow.
-Water stone Check the dtone with the frog and than check in artisan's house
In Winnill castle is an old man. You must find the pieces of his vase, in the statue in the
castle, in raine's house, a chocobo drop it, Laguna's old house. A painfull reward a Holy
stone (How nice)
Near Edea's house is are ‘Ruins’,you have not all the time 20 minutes, the first time you enter
the ruins.I would recommend that for now, you keep Enc-None on. First, climb all the stairs
and go up on the altal elevator. After this, climb the left stairs all the way to the top and
into the room with the machinery. Here, you must activate the switch. Now, climb back down.
After getting back now, there is an another switch that lit up. Activate this switch to open
up the stairs. Go up the stairway all the way up. Here, you'll be able to see a statue with
one eye in it. Climb the small ladder and take the eye from the statue. Now, go up the stairs
on the right to the top. Here, take the eye you had and put it in the missing socket of the
statue here. A random code will appear. Remember this number. Now, take both eyes out of the
socket and go back down to the previous statue. At the statue, put both eyes in the socket,
and an place to input a code should appear. Here, use the directional keys to input the code
you saw at the top of the ruins. After this, a door should open up and you'll be able to fight
Odin. Odin does nothing, but he does Santhezuken after the 20 minutes. Mug Luck-J Scroll.
If you enter a battle than sometimes Odin will appear he do Santhesuken and all enemies are
This can be the a long and fustrating side quest. You have to reset the game so much (R1, R2,
L1, L2,Start, Select). In Balamb you see a girl by the station, dressed like Aeris. She will
remain in Balamb until you lose or win a rare card to her. When that happens, she will move on
to another town. You must get her to Dollet but she has different chances in different places
to go to different places. When she does move to Dollet, she will have a new thing in her list
when you talk to her. If you select that option, she'll request a rare card so she could give
her father the card to make a new rare card. When you lose that card to her, her father will
create a new card. That card will be given to someone. If will complete this quest you have to
first get to Dollet. The first one she will request to give the Mini Mog. If you do that, she
will transfer to an another town. You have to get her back to Dollet again!
NOTE: only requested cards will paint her father!
These are the requested cards in order.
Requested card Painted card Which one you must play to receive it
MiniMog - Kiros - Deling City, man in black near Junk shop
Sacred - Irvine - F.H., Flo (the Mayor's wife)
Chicobo - Chubby Chocobo - Balamb Garden, guy sitting on a bench near the
Alexander - Doomtrain - Timber, owner of the pub
Doomtrain - Phoenix - Esthar, Presidential Palace
Here you see what chances you have were the queen will move to
The area were she is Chance of where she'll transfer to
Balamb Dollet(37.5%) - Deling City(62.5%)
Deling City Balamb, Dollet - Winhill(12.5%)- F.H.(62.5%)
Dollet Balamb(37.5%)- Deling City(62.5%)
Shumi Village Balamb(25%)- Dollet(50%)- Lunar Gate(25%)
Winhill Deling City- Dollet(37.5%)- F.H.(25%)
F.H. Dollet(12.5)- Winhill(25%)- Esthar(62.5%)
Esthar Dollet, F.H.(12.5%)- Shumi(25%)- Lunar Gate(50%)
Lunar Gate She goes away without saying to were
Some tips to short time:
- Never ever let her go to the Lunar Gate, and it wouldn't be smart to let her go to Deling
City, F.H., or Esthar.
- I recommend that you erase the random rule from the Dollet area, since it'll be near
impossible to get the queen to take the cards she wants with it.
A rule erasing
First of all, go to an area that has at least one new rule to the area that has the rule you
want to abolish. At the area with the new rule, play somebody there so that you could
'remember' that rule.
Now, go to the area with the rule you want to abolish. Play somebody there (make sure they say
something like 'Oh, you have new rules, so lets play with new rule area's rules and ours!'). 1
of 3 things will happen: Either you will abolish a rule, spread a rule, or nothing will
happen. If the desired effect fails to occur, then I would reset until it does. You don’t have
to play a card game to Abolish the rule.
This is only for getting cards.
There is a water lake that has a little strange colour, in the north of Timber. Try humming
till a shadow should appear. The shadow will say that his friend (a monkey) is lost. He asks
for your help, he says were he could be. The monkey is in the forest west of Dollet. Wander
around till you encouter him. Than the monkey runs away. It is better to do this with Enc-
None. Now the shadow give you clues randomly.
- Take a break at the railroad bridge'
- At the beach near Balamb, something special washes up sometimes'
- Take time off at the Eldbeak Peninsula'
- You'll find something on an island east of Timber'
- You'll find something on top of a mountain with a lake and cavern'
- Back in the day, there used to be a small but beautiful village south
of here surrounded by deep forrests'
- Mr. Monkey had a rock like this'
you know the beach near Balamb, you notice the rocks. Check a few times till you find a with
STSLRM on it.
An island in the east of Timber with no beaches. You need the Ragnarok to fly there, search
here for rocks till you find the rock with REAIDR.
Somewere by the Galbadia garden you have a cave with water streaming out of it. Check above
the cavern. If did this a bird is warming it’s eggs, check it out. A Cokatrice attacks you.
After the fight get the rock with EASNPD.
Now go back to the lake and throw rocks until it says that the rock skipped many times. After
that go to the foret were Mr. Monkey is, if you find him throw rocks to him till he throws a
rock to you. That rock says URHAEO.
Go back to the lake and pull the rocks together in this order.
It will say that Mordered plains has a treasure. If you go there (North of Esthar). Here you
have to pay attention to the red stones. You should do the opposite from what they say. If a
rock say that a treasure is not here, check it for the second time and you find a Three Stars.
This will hints draw points by railroad bridges. Now go North of Balamb (Eldbeak Peninnsula)
Find here the stone what says TRETIMESUREATMINIFFDEISLE. This means Treasure at mindle isle,
that in the south of Esthar. Here you find a Luck-J scroll.
From here go south and there was a small wonderfull village in the deep forests. Check it and
Squall will say something about it.
This walktrough is very usefull if you don’t understand the game very well. Sometimes I say in
that ‘section’ I mean if you go to an another screen.
You will begin at the doctor's after a practice match with Seifer at the beginning. Your name
will be asked. (I will be on Squall)after a talk with Quistis you must go to the classroom.
After that don't forget to check your computer to get Quenzecottl and Shiva. Equip the GF one
for Qistis and one for you. After all that go to the lift and talk to the man by the lift you
will get cards. Press square to play a card game, the rules are: On the card you have on the
upperright four numbers if your upper number is higher than the lower number of the opponents
card than you have one point and the opponents card will turn blue. That means its on your
side. If your right number is higher than the left number of the opponents card the same. So
works it with the left and the lower number too. If you have more points than the opponent you
won. In each region you have diffent rules. Check by information by the card game to read the
rules. Now take the lift down, if you want to know were everything is than decide to give the
girl guide about the Balamb Garden. After that you see a kid running around if you play a game
of cards with him he will sometimes throw the Mini-Mog card on the board, you can win it. In
the pub you have a quistis groupy #2 he throw the Quistis card on the board. now go outside.
(South)In front of the exit Quistis is waiting. Outside a city or dungeon or something else
you can always save your game and by turning stars. Go left to the Fire cavern, you will get
random battles. With a GF you can junction commands have draw to get magic from the enemy.
Example you use draw on the enemy choose the magic you want (if you don't have the magic in
stock it will say than ????)After you use it you see drawed 5 thunders. now you can use 5
times thunder if you draw again you will get thunders again it will be not always 5 but like
that if you keep the 5 thunder in stock and draw again and you get 7 thunders you will have 12
thunders.(limit is 100, you can draw other magics too off course) You can Junction it too if
the GF you have equipped and he have Vit-J learned you can Junction the 12 thunder on it and
your vit will increase. (Other kinds of magic can be better or not)About GF's, they can learn
things set the abilitie he did't learn yet and he will learn the much Ap you get in battle.
The Item command is simply use the items you can use in battle what you have in stock. GF
command is using the GF in battle. Attack is do a normal attack the enemy. If you are in the
Fire cavern you must set time you will do it. Just choose 40 minutes more than enough. Just
follow the path and you will encouter Ifrit a GF. Use Shiva against him a Blizzard against him
and you can defeat him pretty easy. After the battle Ifrit will join you. (name him)Now go
back and if you are outside go back to the Garden. If you go to the explain board you will
ordered to change in the Dormitory. Go back and you will ride to Balamb after much talk. You
will have a Exams to become a Seed. When you are at the boat the mission will be explained,
listen carefully.
- Reach the center of Dollet
- Wait for the other Squad to have up
Go into the town you must defeat G-Soldiers who attack you. Just follow the path o the center,
when everyone is waiting Seifer grow bored and orderd Zell an Squall to go to the bridge.
Ignoring the objectives.
Objective added-go the communicatons tower
Just follow the path and if you are by the communications tower Selphie comes out, she has a
message. Follow Seifer and go in the communications tower.
Objective added-Defeat Wedge, Biggs and Elvoret
If you go up you must fight Biggs after a scene later Wedge will arrive, this battle isn't
hard. Than an Elvoret comes your way and blows Wedge and Biggs away. DON'T FORGET TO DRAW
SIREN. Don't cast wind attacks. The GF Shiva is the most effecftive. Selphie talks to Seifer,
she tell him to withdraw in 30 minutes.
Objective added-Withdraw in 30 minutes
If you are out of the communicationstower Biggs will have a big robot, attack it till he goes
down and escape. The robot will pursue you just do the same thing escape when goes down. At
last you see and cool scene Squall made it in time. In Balamb Seifer go alone in the car and
you must go back to the Garden by foot. You can go to Zells house to play cards with the
mother of Zell. You can try to win the Zell card. if you are in the garden go to the board
were Cid, Xu and Quistis are waiting for you. After the talk go right and talk to Seifer, than
go to the classroom and wait for the results for the examn. When you have a talk with Cid
about your suceed talk to him alway again when he talks to you because he will give you a
Battle meter and later the magical lamp. Now you must change into your Seed uniform than talk
to Selphie. Now you will be in the garden festifall. Some funny things happen, and you will do
a good dance with a pretty girl. After that you are ordered to change into your normal
clothes. Than go to the trainings center, watch out for the T-rexaur. (Death, sleep, stop on
status atk will help you) Go right and follow the path and go into the hall were light shines.
You will have a talk and you wil than leave, go left and save the screaming girl. After that
you will go meet Zell and you have a better room now. When it is morning Selphie wil call to
go to the frontgate of the garden. At the frontgate the mission will be explained, after it
talk to Cid to get the magical lamp to get the Diablos GF. now you can play a game of card
with Cid go with the lift to him. You can try to win the Seifer card from him.
- Go the Timber with the train
- Find the Timber resistance group the Forest owls.
- Help the Timber resistance group with their mission.
Go to Balamb and go left to find the train station. If you are in the train, you will hear a
strange sound.
Now you are with 3 G-Soldiers Laguna, Ward and Kiros. Just go above and get in the car. Than
you will be in Deling city go to the hotel. Than go right you will have a talk to Julia and
your friends. After that go to the Hoter owner and ask for Julia's room. Than you will have a
talk with her. Dream ends
If you are back with Sqall they will talk about it.
Objective added-Talk with Cid about this later.
Now go out of the train a man is waiting for and tell him the password ' Forest owls '. Go
into their train the situation will be explained.
- Connect the Forest owls train with the Presidents train.
- Do that to enter the codes.
- Don't be spotted
- Don't run out of time
After you conected the trains go in the Presidents train. Its a fake he will attack you. Later
he will transform thats the real boss. just beat hm up look out for status problem like
beserk, and blind. After that you must go into the town.
Objectives added- Reach the studio
Go from the station to the right. Than find the bar, you will find after the fight a card. Go
into the bar and give to the man blocking the path. Than go left you will reach the studio. Go
in after talking Rinoa will leave. Than something terrible will happen Zell says that you are
from the Garden and Seifer will be later a pupped of Sorceress Edea. Now go to the resistance
members they are disquised as a old man and a Galbadian uniform. Than go in the house on the
left. After that go to the trainstation. If you in the train, the party planned to go to the
Galbadian Garden.
Objective added-Reach the Galbadian Garden
If you go into the forest you will be hearing the strange sound again.
Again you will be with Laguna. Now you have two way go up and left, go left and clmb down the
ladder. Now go up, everytime go up when you have other ways. When you see two bi stairs follow
it. Now you have a save point, now go up again. End dream. After the dream you will go furhter
after talking about it. Now you can reach the Galbadian garden. Go to the center and than go
left and walk up the stairs than you will find the room. You will hear that the Balamb garden
is safe but Seifer died. After that Squall run out of the room. You will meet Rajin and Fujin
there. After that talk to Quistis and go outside. You will have a talk about elenemating
Sorceress Edea with the Garden Master.
- Reach Deling city with the train
- Reach general careways house
- Make with the other group the gates closed
- Find the sniper rifle
- Elenemate Edea
Now go to the trainstation nearby, get in. After talking in the train you will arrive in
Deling City, if you don't know were Careways house is than go with the buss. (You see under in
the screen were you are) A guard of Careway is blocking the passage, you need to know the code
on the sword in the Tomb of the unknown king. the tomb lies on the map in the west of Deling
Objective added-Find the code on the sword in the Tomb of the unknown king
Here you can get the GF Brothers. I have a little trick, when you can go right than go right
but when it can't than go straight. (Not left) If you do that so you will first encounter
Sacred. After defeat him keep do the same pattern, later you see the floodbridge you hit it.
Than keep going and you will see the drawbridge, hit it. Keep going in the same pattern now
you will be the exit. Save your game because the Minotaur can be strong. Go in and just go
straigt and you will encouter the brothers, after the fight they will join you. Go back and
read the numbers on the sword. Now go back to Deling city and go to the Careway guard, tell
him the number and he wil let you pass. Now everything wil be explained eceptly, if you don't
understand just do it its not much.
1. The gate closer is in the sewer tower, the time goes automaticly
2. The sniper rifle is in the tower were you must climp up the boxes.
3. Just don't worry
First you will be with Squall and Irvine, than you will be with Quistis she is worried about
Rinoa so go back to Careways mansion. It wouldn't go as planned and you in stead of Rinoa will
be locked up.
Objective added-Escape out of the building.
Pick a glass outof the shelf and out it in the corner left. Now you will be in the sewers, go
in. Press by a rad who goes off your X and you wil jump over and open doors with X too. Its
not hard to walk through this.
Objective added-Find the way throught the sewers
Now you will be with Rinoa go climb the boxes and go than to the left. Now you see that Rinoa
will be controlled by Edea. (You will not see this in battle that comes later) After this you
see that Rinoa is in danger and follow Irvine climb the same boxes. Than you will see Rinoa
and Salamanders will attack you, don't forget to draw carbunkle. Now you find the tower its on
the right in a hidden door on the ground pick up the sniper rifle. After that you will be with
Quistis after walking through the sewers you, go up and hit the switch. The gates will close
End mission Gateway team. Now you will be with Squall, now you will see that Irvine is very
nervous but he will do it. His bullet will be blocked, now Squall will go by hisself. Now you
are in front of Seifer and Edea. (Seifer is controlled) Now you will fight Seifer first.
Objective added-Defeat Seifer
After that you will fight Edea, but Irvine and Rinoa helps you. After the fight Squall will
hit with the Limit break of Edea's ice strike and fall unconsions.
End disc1
Now you are Laguna again. After talking to ellone go down and talk again to Ellone. Than go to
the bar and talk with Raine, that you see that Kiros is back talk to him. After that Laguna
and Kiros will go into the vllage. (Winhil Village) Go south after walking around everything
go back to the bar. Go upstairs and talk to raine and Ellone after that go back to Laguna’s
house. End dream
Now you are in the prison with everyone accept Squall and Irvine. After much talk Rinoa will
be taken away. After talking you are Squall now it doesn’t matter what you say to Seifer and
the guard. If you are with Zell, Selphie and Quistis again thay will kill the guard and get
with Zell the weapons.
- Get the weapons
- Find Sqall
- Escape
First go upstairs there is a Save point. Than go down you will find it. Fight the guards. When
you are back wedge and Biggs will fight you umarmed.
Objective added-Defeat Wedge and Biggs
But you are armed and win the battle. If you are out, you hear the alarm. Now go upstairs till
you can no more. Now you will find Squall, with the lift you will escape. After that Zell will
be attacked so keep him equiped with sleep on Status def. Later Squall helps you, but later
you are in problems again. But now Irvine helps you , now you must with the team of Irvine go
down and with Squalls team go up. First you must go up, just go up and you will find it. Check
the computers. Now you will be with Irvine just go down. If you are with Squall again go
outside, you must fight an Elite soldier and two Missile robots. (I don’t know the names) now
go back because Irvine response. Then go outside and run over bridge and the bridge will
collapse. Just press the right when Squall hangs on the ramp or you will die. Later you will
ride out of the prison. Squall says that Balamb and Trabia garden are in danger. Now you will
be with two teams again. Squalls team and Selphie’s team. Fist you will take the train with
sqaulls team.
- Find the misile base
- Set the target of the misiles
- Destroy the base
- Save the garden
Than you must ride to the Misile base with Selphie (Irvine and Quistis). Go in the building,
talk to the door than talk in the middle of the door you get an ID-card. Take the left door.
Go in the first door on the left. You better choose to fight the first soldier you can that is
much easier. In the room just press buttons randomly and the power will turn off. Than go to
the end and fight the base captain. After that Quistis find the self destruct button, set it
on 20 minutes than you can use the dor next to you. But first go back to the computer before
the operationroom. Quistis will say what you must do if you will leavethe screen, do that if
you don’t know it anymore. After you did that go to the operationroom and take the door on the
right. Go outside but you will be attacked by a boss. Defeat it, now walk just around don’t
worry about explosion. Now you will be with Squall again.
- Warn Cid about the misiles
Go in and you will be asked if you on Cids side or the garden masters side. Say just on Cids,
you must find Cid now. Check every section of the garden and you can later go with the lift
and talk to Xu. After that you will speak Cid. After the talk you must go to the elevator,
check the corner.
- Look for the secret of the garden
- Save the garden
Now you are in the oilarea where something secrets is hidden. Check the left of of the lift.
Now go down the stairs. After that go forward. In the next section go left, than oul the valve
by pressing Square repeatedly. Go back and cilmb down the stairs. Walk down another stairs. In
the next section you have a save point, next to it is a lever, pull it. Now go forward and you
will be attacked by two oilboiles. After the fight climg down the ladder that follow the rest
of the path. Now a great machine is in front of you. Squall just did something and the Garden
begins to fly and just in time that the miseles missed. After talking there is nothing to do
for a time. The next day go out of your room and go to the lift. You are asked to go to the
Garden master. Go use the lift to go down, after a big talk the Garden master tries to kill
you. When you fight him and the head comes out, draw Leviathan from him. Now go to the
headmaster. (In the doctor section)Later the seed ship will arrive, and you must search for
Ellone. She is in the liberie. After that a few day passes and than the garden will crash onto
Fishermans horizon. (FH)When you must go into the town go to the mayor. After talking to him,
the Galbadians will arrive.
- Take the Galbadians out
Now go to the trainstation, you must fight fist Galbadian soldiers and than the same boss as
in the missile base. After that Selphie’s team will climb up. After talking to them go back to
the garden, go to the Squad. Help Selphie than Cid will call you. After that and having a
party the garden is able to fly for real. Now you must go back to Balamb. Now you can get ODIN
- Save Balamb
If you are in Balamb, go in.
Objective added-Find the commander
Talk to the guard and to everyone there, than you can go in. Now go to the hotel and talk to
the two soldiers. Now talk to the dog on the harbor and the soldiers standing by. Now go to
Zells house, go into the next room after talking go in Zells room and take a rest. Now go to
the station you see a pair soldiers coughing from fish. Go back to Zells house, its misty talk
to Zells mother. Now go to the harbor again and talk to the dog again, it will run away.
Follow the dog. Than go to the hotel again, now you will fight Rajin. Look out he is strong!
After the fight you will go into the hotel. After Rajin comes back you wil fight Rajin and
Fujin. Don’t forget to draw Pandemonia drom rajin. After this you will go back to the garden.
- Reach Trabia garden
After this you must go to Trabia garden. Look on the map for it; there everybody will talk
about Edea. (Matron) After the big talk go near Edea’s house there is the Galbadia garden
- Win the battle
A battle is ahead. Give the orders to the SeeD's. Choose a party and go to the quad, there you
meet Zell. Than you must go to the bridge, galbadia attacks unexpectly. Now you are with Zell
go left, Rinoa will fall out.
Objective added-Save Rinoa
Than go out of the quad, run around the center than talk to Squall. Now you must choose who is
going with you. Quistis and Selphie, Quistis and Irvine, Irvine and Selphie. The other will go
with Xu holding off the enemy. Zell will look after Rinoa. Now Nida will announce that the
classroom is attacked.
objective added-Clear the classroom
(Equip silence and slow with you party on ST-Def) You must fight 4 Paratroopers, after that
you must go to the bridge. You dicide to attack the Galbadian garden and than you speak to
your people. Now you must go to emergenci exit 2nd floor. You will be attacked, now you fight
Objective added-defeat the galbadian soldier
Tip-If you block much you can do a deathblow with triangle
Now you saved Rinoa, run left. The others are in the Galbadia garden; the Balamb garden won
the battle.
- Find you’re way though the garden
- Find the 3 keycards
- Defeat Rajin and Fujin
- Find Seifer and Edea
- Defeat Seifer
- Defeat Edea
- End the war
After talking go right, than go in the right door. Go up the stairs, you see Rajin and Fujin,
they will not fight. Than go left and go in there the right door, a student wil give you the
cardkey for doorlock 1. Now go back to the beginning, now go left and go in the left door.
Than run over the ice-hockey court, go in the door. Take the right door in the next section.
Now you get cardkey 3. Go down and unlock the door and than go down again. Now go right again
and go to the stairs were Rajin and Fujin are. Now go up the next stairs, than follow the path
till you must jump on the court. Noe go left and than go down till you are in the center. (You
will remember this part) In the middle is the Cerebus GF; you can mug a SPD-J from him!!! And
you can draw Triple. After this go left, and go in the left door. Get cardkey 3. Go back to
the center and than go up, there are stairs go up. Now go left and take the lift to go up.
Fight Seifer there, after the fight Edea warps away.
Objective added-Find Edea again
Now go down with the lift, go right don’t take the stairs down but go right. Go in the film
room. Check in the middle.
Objective added-Defeat Seifer again
Objective added-Defeat Edea
Now you will first Seifer, than Edea will follow directly. Don’t forget to draw Alexander from
her. After the fight Rinoa will be passed out very seriously.
End disc 2
You begin at the souble of the garden to go to Edea’s house. If you are there go in the house.
Cid will ask you to forgive her, follow Cid. Here you can play a game of cards with Edea to
win the Edea card. Now you will talk to Edea, if you don’t understand here is an
- Find the White Seed Ship
- Find Ellone
- Save Reena somehow
- Kill Sorceres Adel
- Kill Sorceres Ultimecia
- Don’t allow Reena to die
- Don’t run out of time
- Don’t allow Edea to die
- Don’t let Ultimecia posses Ellones powers
Ultimecia is a sorceres who lives in the future; she brings fear and sadness to people who
live in the real time. Ultimaecia is after Ellone because she has the power to bring people to
the past and future, that’s a way to defeat Ultimecia.
Your objective is to protect Ellone and first to find Ellone to save Reena. Because you handed
Ellone over to the White Seeds you have to find the White Seed Ship.
After the announcing to your Seeds go to the Doctor. Now Rinoa is in coma, Squall finaly feel
something for her and give a try to save her. Ellone; now you are in the dream world again.
Laguna, Kiros and Ward have no money and dicides to act. (Funny) But a Ruby dragon interfere,
fight him with pressing repeatedly O button. Don’t give up if you lose. Run and Kiros and Ward
will help. Defeat the Ruby dragon. End dream
This part of Laguna is why Ellone want to change the past; this is origionaly were Laguna died
fighting the Ruby dragon. Now Ellone asks you to help Laguna one time to save Ellone herself.
After the dream go to Edea’s house and get the letter. Find the seed ship near Edea’s house.
After talking you hear that Ellone could be in Esthar.
Objective added-Go to Esthar
Leave the ship, and go again to the doctor. Squall dicides to go alone to Esthar with Rinoa.
He drags her over the railway. At the end Zell and Quistis are waiting for you. They go to
Esthar too, Edea joins your party too. (For a while so enyor you have her) She will talk to
Dr. Odine.
- Objective added-Visit Dr. Odine
If you arrive in the Great Salt Lake there is no city, don’t worry. Just follow all time the
path and go left. Have the recover ability for the boss use it on the boss and he loses 9999
Hp. Now go further in the middle press X to climb up. Follow the hall and you will arrive into
a lift. After that you arrive in a very big city, Esthar. Now you will be in the dream world
again. This is the last time you have Laguna, Kiros and Ward so enjoy and the special battle
song. Laguna is in Odine’s lab, failed to save Ellone. Now he is in prison. Later you must
fight Esthar soldiers, than Kiros and Ward come and escape. First you must fight a battle. Now
go outside and talk to the Blue man. Now go back into the lab and take the lift down. Here you
must fight a battle. Dr. Odine will run away. Now take the lift to go up and go outside. Now
you take the car to go to Dr. Odine’s lab. When you are in you must fight a battle. Then go up
and enter the room, there you fight the last battle with Laguna, Kiros and Ward. Activate the
computer on the right. Now go back and go down. Enter the door in front of you. End dream
When you wake up you will be escorted to the palace, there you ask what is with Rinoa. You
hear that Ellone is in space. You can win from Dr. Odines assistant the Ward card.
Objective added-Go to lunar gate
Now you are able to shop her; that is important. Now head for lunar gate in the north, but you
can go to Tears point to get the Solomon ring for the GF Doom train. If you are in lunar gate
go in and you will be escorted to be shooted in space, with 3 members. The other 3 will go
back to Esthar. (Now Zell is the Sorceres’ knight, he he) First you are with Zell, Dr. Odine
is in danger. Go back to Esthar and go Dr. Odine.
Objective added-Save Esthar >from Lunatic Pandora
You must get in Lunatic Pandora. (Laguna’s second dream) Fist go to the shopping mall. The
shop right under is always closed press X. Here you go a Rosetta stone; GF can learn ability
x4! Now go north and wait for Lunatic Pandora, this the last moment were you can have Edea!
Now you are shooted in space, here you can win the Alexander card from Piet, and the Laguna
card from Ellone. When you are in space don’t equip GF’s, battles come much later. First you
take Rinoa into a room, than you go see Ellone. Than the Alarm sounds, go back to Rinoa. She
is now taken over by Sorceres Ultimecia. Don’t hit her. It’s a waste of time just follow her.
When she goes into space do nothing there when the other 3 men say its dangerous go back.
(Laguna, Kiros and Ward-Laguna is called president) Now Rinoa has broken the seal from Adel,
he’s free and let Rinoa die. Now you must evacuate.
Objective added-Evacuate
Go to the control room and take Ellone with you and take the lift down. Now Squall will not
try getting Rinoa and him together. Both tries failed, but Sqaull can’t get away with that.
Squall goes into space to save Rinoa.
Objective added-Save Rinoa
You must hold Rinoa in the middle of the screen; press repeatedly the trangle button to have
more speed. Laguna has sended a Ragnarok airship to save you. You will get aboard; equip the
GF’s now. But Propagators has aboarded the ship too, the only way to kill them is to defeat
the same colour Propagator in a row. Don’t worry here is the guide, if I say defeat ‘Red’ I
mean the Red Propagator.
Objective added-Kill the Propagators
Rinoa has a new Limit skill, Angel Wing! Now go up and take the stairs on the right down.
Defeat ‘Purple’ than take the left door. Now quickly go to the left door, don’t be attacked by
the propagator. Now defeat this ‘Purple’ too. The ‘Purple’ can’t come back to life. Now go
left ad than go down. Defeat ‘Red’. Now go downstairs and take the left door again. Defeat the
other‘Red’. Go back but take now the door on the right. Defeat ‘Green’ and than go back. Now
go back upstairs and take the door on the left. Defeat ‘Green’. Now take the hall on the left
and defeat ‘Yellow’, go back were you begun. (Take all way down) Defeat the remaining
Propagator. Now up till you reach the lift, take it to go up. Go in the room. Now you see a
nice (Or must I say beatifull?) Scene between Rinoa and Squall, Enjoy!!! After your face isn’t
red again (he he he) remain the game! Now Rinoa is a sorceres and she must be sealed, damn why
(Sorceres Ultimecia will posses her and break it, no use) but she dicided to go. After this
all party members accept Edea. (She left) After talking you dicide to get Rinoa from the
Sorceres Memorial. A fly trick is press the big map and highlights Sorceres Memoria, press X
(Now you fly automaticly to it!)
Objective added-Get Rinoa out of the Memoria
If you are there go in, that’s all. Now you see a good scene again. Now go you must go back to
the Ragnarok again. After talking go to Edea’s house, there you talk with Rinoa. A few minutes
later Zell says that there is a way to defeat Sorceress Ultimecia, Esthar want to hire SeeD
the messager is Kiros. Now fly to Esthar station, in Esthar go to the palace. Now go to
presidental room. There you meet with Laguna, Kiros and Ward.
- Save Ellone
- Defeat Adel
- Let Ellone send Rinoa and Ultimecia together
- Let Ellone send the SeeDs to the future
- Elenemate Sorceress Ultimecia
Now you can get BAHAMUT & EDEN GF in the Deep Research Lab, left-under of the world map. On
the Cactuar island (In the cactuar desert) you can get the Cactuar GF. This the best moment to
complete the Obel lake side quest. Go to Tear’s point go in with the Ragnarok to enter Lunatic
Pandora. If you walk down you must defeat Rajin and Fujin.
Objective added-Defeat Rajin and Fujin
Follow the path till you see Wedge and Biggs thinking about quitting the army. Follow them and
go in. Go straight throught the walkway and take the lift down. When you are down take the
lift on the left and go up. Then go forward and then you must fight a boss. Then follow Rajin
and Fujin, in the next room is Seifer.
Objective added-Defeat Seifer
Rajin and Fujin won’t fight anymore. Now you must fight Seifer, Odin dies if you have him and
Gilgamesh replace him. Gilgamesh’s Sanhtesuken can be missed, but Gilgamesh hes 3 other
attacks and he can appear in the middle of a battle. You can draw from Seifer Aura. This is
just a time limit battle, but you can defeat him too than Gilgamesh blows Seifer away. Seifer
isn’t defeated yet and captures Rinoa.
End disc 3
Go back to the previous section and climb up the struction. Now you will encounter Adel. In
this battle you must not uses a GF or getting berserk and don’t use magic that targets all
enemies and don’t uses Squalls Limit break (Fated circle). Don’t damage Rinoa, draw and cast
Regen on Rinoa. After defeating Adel you will be taken to the time of Ultimecia. When you are
by the save point hit it. After dividing hit it again to save your game. Now you must defeat a
sorceress. (Edea in the future?)After that you are in Edea’s house, go left and walk over
steel bridge. You see 3 gates if you go in you are somewere on the world map; you cannot enter
any city anymore. If you want the Ragnarok go in the first gate. Now find the chocobobo
forest. Look on the world map you see a red dot there is the Ragnarok. Run with the chocobobo
over the beach you can cross over low water, go down. (The Ragnarok is in the Cactuar desert)
If you enter the Ultomecia’s castle you powers are sealed. That means go have to get every
ability back by defeating Ultimecia’s servants. If defeate one you can choose what you want to
get back.
Command Ability
Here are some locations of the sevants
Spinxara If you walk up the stairs you encounter Spinxara
Tri-point fall >from the candle at the beginning that opens the door on the ground. Go
down the way and you encounter Tri-Point (Absorb thunder!)
Red Giant In the prison, use mentdown or demi
Catheblopas Hard to explain, you have some a hall left there is a door
Tiamat In the clock tower, jump on the bell to get on the other side
Garagantua Behind the door for the armory key
This last boss has 5 forms, some have strong magics so hae much Spr (Auto shell). Have
like Recover, Revive, Treatment. Magics like Full-Life, Ultima, Shell, Meteor etc. (Strong
magic) Use Aura (Or Aura stones), for limit skills. Ultimecia will choose random 3 members
who fight against her. If one is Ko’d a replacement will follow up.
This is the first form of all; she isn’t that hard only watch out for Mealstream.
Quake Earth elemental to all
Demi reduce 1/4 to one
Blind Blinds one
holy Holy elemental attack to one
Bio Poisons one
Meteor Non-elem attack, target random all
Mealstream Reduce 3/4 to all
This is one of the hardest form of Ultimecia. (GF) He will cast doom only one time. Look
out for pain! And Shock wave pulsar (Quistis have it too!)
Pain Damage one, and causes bio, blind and silence to one
Quake Earth elemental to one
Magic break Remove a magic to one
Doom Counts one down to death by zero
Gravillia Reduces all 3/4 to all
Shock wave pulsar Damages all very badly (shell)
Junctioned Ultimecia in Griever
Look out for Universe destruct! That’s all I can say!
Quake Earth elemental damage to all
Ultima Non-Elem damage to all
Meteor Non-elem damages random all targets
Pain Damage one and causes bio, blind and silence
Universe destruct if the two Helix’s are junctioned, she does that attack (Shell won’t work)
Half death griever
Just beat her up
Same as before but now she can’t use Universe destruct
Ultimecia’s true form
This is the last form of Ultimecia; this form has the most Hp of all. She has all magics and
break magic of you. If she draws Apocelipse look out! Ultimecia looks like Adel. She used
her best form in Lunatic Pandora, is that all what she had! In the beginning of disc 4 was it
(Edea’s) true form. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
All magics
Apocelipse Strongest Non-elem magic to all (Shell!)
Hells judgement Reduce Hp to one to all
Savegame für Final Fantasy VIII unter Windows 7 64bit
18.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden
17.Octombrie 2013
14.Octombrie 2013
14.Octombrie 2013
14.Octombrie 2013
17.Octombrie 2013
Alles, was man über FF7 wissen muss (im Word-Format, deutsch, Achtung: 2,0 MB)
16.Octombrie 2013
Gespeichert auf der letzten CD mit jeder Menge Goodies und allen Charakteren auf ihrem maximalen Level.
15.Octombrie 2013
17.Octombrie 2013
13.Octombrie 2013
16.Octombrie 2013
Kurz vor dem Lied "Eyes on Me" (Disc 3)
17.Octombrie 2013
Beginne das Spiel mit Squall und Quists auf Level 100 und allen Fähigkeiten.
17.Octombrie 2013
Alle Charaktere auf Level 100, Alle Statistiken auf Maximum.
13.Octombrie 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.
17.Octombrie 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.
15.Octombrie 2013
US Version: All characters at level 100, all ultimate weapons, all cards. Submission: AndrewCastillo(wingzerocustom@earthlink.net)
17.Octombrie 2013
Traner für seltene Gegenstände
18.Octombrie 2013
Savegame mit einem absoluten Supercharakter
18.Octombrie 2013
Granny's Hand-Holding Guide to Cards
15.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Hinweise
13.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP, Geld und Speichern
17.Octombrie 2013
Mega-Trainer (für alle Versionen inkl. v1.2)
18.Octombrie 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.
14.Octombrie 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.
17.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP und Gil
18.Octombrie 2013
14.Octombrie 2013
Wie besiege ich die Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy 8?
17.Octombrie 2013