The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

16.10.2013 20:56:50

This FAQ is Copyright 2001 by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan


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Name : The Legend of Dragoon (English version)
Genre : Traditional RPG
Developer : SCEI
Publisher : SCEA
Platform : Sony Playstation
FAQs author : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat"
Version : Final (5th update)
Contact author :
Begin : August 1st 2001

T.A.B.L.E. O.F. C.O.N.T.E.N.T.S.


1. Introduction
2. Legal Stuff
3. Update/Revision History
4. Basic Terms
A. Controls
B. Battle System
C. Level up & Level Board
D. Status Abnormalities
E. Using Menu Screen
F. Save & Rest
5. Element Guide
6. Characters
7. Dragoons & Species
8. Song Lyrics
9. Walkthrough

A. Disc 1 : Serdian War
- Seles
- Forest
- Hellena Prison
- Praire
- Limestone Cave
- Indel Castle - Capital Bales
- Town of Hoax
- Marshland
- Volcano Villude
- Nest of Dragon
- Commercial Town of Lohan
- Shrine of Shirley
- Heroes Competition
- Revisiting Hellena Prison
- Kazas - Black Castle

B. Disc 2 : Platinum Shadow
- Twin Castle in Fletz
- Barrens
- Donau-The Flower City
- Head to the Valley of Currupted Gravity
- Home of Gigantos
- The Legendary Wingly
- Tragedy from the Past : Phantom Ship
- Lost Memory
- Village of Lidiera
- Undersea Cavern
- City of Fueno
- Head to Prison Island
- Happy Banquet

C. Disc 3 : Fate & Soul
- Furni-The Water City
- Evergreen Forest
- Crystal Palace of Deningrad
- Neet
- Wingly Forest
- Divine Dragon wakes up
- Capital Kadessa - Forbidden Land
- Mountain of Mortal Dragon
- The Third Divine Moon Object : Moon Mirror
- Kashua Glacier & Tower of Flanvel
- Snowfield
- Capital Vellweb

D. Disc 4 : Moon & Fate
- Death Frontier
- Spring Breath Town Ulara
- Rouge
- Magical City Aglis
- The Law City Zenebatos
- Death City Mayfil
- Divine Tree
- The Moon That Never Sets

10. Secret Side Quests
+ First Quest : Polter Soul
+ Second Quest : The Former Dragoons
+ Third Quest : Magician Faust
11. Enemy List
- Ordinary Enemy List
- Special Enemy List
- Boss List
+ Boss List
+ Boss Supporter List
12. Item List
- Attack Item List
- Recovery Item List
- Goods
13. Weapon List
14. Armor List
- Armor List
- Head Wear List
- Foot Wear List
- Accessory List
15. Related Character List
16. Shop List
17. Mini-game List
18. Additions
19. Dragoon Spirits
20. Dragoon System
- Dragoon Transformation
- Special Dragoon Transformation
- Dragoon Level up
- Dragoon Attack (Dragoon Addition)
- Dragoon Spells
- Dragoon Spell Effect
21. Stardusts
- Stardust Location
- Martel's Items
22. Game Shark Codes
23. Story and Timeline
24. Frequently Asked Questions
25. Author's Last Words
- Close Info
- Last Words
- Review
26. Special Thanks



1/ I.N.T.R.O.D.U.C.T.I.O.N.


"Legend of Dragoon" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment.
This game was released in 2000 as a Traditional RPG. Good graphic and
system. Although it hasn't been attracted as the eminent Final Fantasy
Series, it's still a fine game. I'm a fan of Survival Horror Games and
Traditional RPG. I have been successful at making guides for Resident
Evil Series in and now I continue. "Legend of Dragoon" is
one of my favourite RPG games. So I decide to make this FAQs for the
players who have the same opinion with me. I played this game one years
ago and now it's hard for me to write it again. But I'll try. This is my
favourite work, even my FAQs might not be perfect. But I like to do
something for what I want. You readers can have ideas with the guide or
repair mistakes about spells or guide display. I make this guide for
English version only. But I also write anything I know about the
version for you readers. Any ideas, contact me at

Permit to have the first prologue about this game (got from SCEI):
" Morocco - June 13th 2000
Professor Jonas Van Heukelum and his team uncovered a winged human
skeleton in hidden underground caverns south of the Atlas Mountain
Range. They believed that this discovery was the skeletal remains of the
Dragoons, which according to local folklore, once populated this region.
This exciting discovery spawned a multimillion dollar excavation of
the surrounding area..."
Okay, before we begin, I want to remind you something :



2/ L.E.G.A.L. S.T.U.F.F.



- Http://
This is my greatest gaming site, run by Jeff "CJC" Veasay. It contains
everything about strategy guides, reviews, game and hardware info, and a
huge message board. New info is always updated the fastest. You can't
miss this site.

- Http://
This site contains guides and some other stuffs. It works in Deutsch
and English.

- Http://
A big gaming site about games and hardwares, including strategy
reviews and game screenshots.

- Http://
A site built by a fan of Legend of Dragoon. Good-designed, beautiful
images, inluding strategy guide and Character FAQ.

- Http://
A new site of gaming.

- Http://
Well, another site made for "Legend of Dragoon".

- Http://
A new gaming site. Good-looking design.

- Http://
A website containing everything about The Legend of Dragoon
exclusively, made by a fan.



3/ U.P.D.A.T.E./ R.E.V.I.S.I.O.N. H.I.S.T.O.R.Y.


- Version Final, fifth update (July 3rd 2002)
Added reader's contribution.
Change of some format.

- Version Final, fourth update (May 12th 2002)
More mistakes fixed.
More info added.
More websites available to use the guide.

- Version Final, third update (April 11th 2002)
One reader, Alex Sandro Dutra, has emailed me about a little mistake
"Stardust List". I have missed one stardust location and that's really a
major mistake. As Alex' command, I have fixed it, re-updating the guide
at the same time. Thanks to Alex.

- Version Final (April 6th 2002)
It seems that I need more training at English words. I have spotted
many mistakes about word using that my former process couldn't realize.
really apologize to those who can't understand what I write.
As some readers' commands to correct those kinds of little mistakes, I
have got some spare time to fix the FAQ again. Hope it'll better now.
Thank you again, my readers ! ^_^

- Version Final (March 19th 2002)
Many emails have been sent again. It's time for me tp update this
again. I can't seal my feeling when people heartily read and have ideas
with my FAQ. Big thank to all of you, readers. Today I decide to fix
points of the guide and make it better-looking.

- Version 8.0 (February 24th 2002)
I have made this guide mainly for fun. I had thought that it was not
valuable as the former guides, like Desmond Xie had made a very great
guide. But after a time, I couldn't believe that there have been several
emails sent to me asking about this game. Some of them are sent just to
thank. I'm really glad about this, I think that I should do as better as
I can. Today I have taken a whole survey of the guide and repaired
mistakes, added some more notes to boss strategy. Please let me thank
too all readers.

- Version 7.5 (December 9th 2001)
After some months since this guide was posted in available sites,
have been several emails sent to me, asking different questions about
game that I can't show in walkthrough as such very little details. So
then I decide to open a familiar section "Frequently Asked Questions" to
answer questions about those details. Hope that it'll be useful for you.

- Version 7.0 (September 4th 2001)
I have received a mail from a reader named Beno Jange who wanted to
contribute the rule to open the chest in Phantom Ship. I really thank
him about this contribution. His name is written in my "Special Thanks"

- Version 6.5 (August 20th 2001)
Added "Level up & Level Board" in Basic Terms
Added "Difficulty" in boss strategy
Added "Boss Supporter List"
With the level board, I think the players could know and estimate the
character's status to continue on battle easily. This is also
The difficulty might help the players to anticipate the next battle
they must fight. I think I'm right to add this.

- Version 6.0 (August 17th 2001)
Added "Mini-game List"
Added "Other characters"
Added "Song Lyric"
Added "Story and Timeline"
Repair mistakes
I added these parts for the guide to be more perfect and useful. With
the "Story", the readers who want to find out about the game without
playing or take a glimpse at it can understand about "The Legend of
Dragoon". This story is written following the order of walkthrough and
the full story of the game. It could explain to you the illogical
episodes or the real story of the game. I have told very carefully in
this part.

- Version 5.0 (August 16th 2001)
Added "Special Enemy list"
Change some topics
Added "Game Shark Codes"
"Enemy List" is also necessary for a real FAQs. The change is only an
optional part. Game Shark Codes could have this guide grown. I think I
still add more thing. This is not enough...

- Version 4.0 (August 11th 2001)
Complete the "Additions"
Added "Shop List"
Added "Related Character List"
"Additions" are important in the game. But the bad truth is that I
can't play all of them. Anyway, to write this guide, I have tried to do
my best and collected information from other sources with official
purpose. "Shop List" and "Related character List" are only optional, but
I think I should make them, too.

- Version 3.0 (August 10th 2001)
Repair the whole FAQs
Added "Martel's Items"
Added "Prologue"
Added "Dragoon Spell Effect"
Now this guide is almost complete. I just add more menus and important
parts to make the FAQs more various and have enough information for
players. Collecting information is my most necessary work.

- Version 2.0 (August 7th 2001)
Added "Armor List"
Added "Save & Rest"
Repair "Dragoon System"
Repair mistakes
These parts are really hard. I must try to collect all the items and
spells to establish the menus. Write lists of items or equipments are
not my good job. But I will try.

- Version 1.0 (August 1st 2001)
FAQs started...
This is my first guide for a Traditional RPG. I hope it would be


4/ B.A.S.I.C. T.E.R.M.S.


- Circle : Run/avoiding counter attack
- Cross : OK/using additions
- Square : N/A
- Triangle : open menu screen
- R1 : rotate the angles in world
turn on/off the showing arrow
- R2 : zoom out the world map
rotate the battle field camera angles
- L1 : rotate the angles in world
zoom in the world map.
- L2 : zoom in the world map.

The arrow shows you your position. It's always on your character
unless you turn off it. Its colors have meanings,too :
- Blue : you are in fine condition.
- Yellow : you are gonna to the dangerous area.
- Red : you'll be attacked soon.
The colors inform when you will face the random battles. That means
you can guess your current situation and prepare to fight. Final Fantasy
series doesn't have this.



- HP : Hit Points. It represents your health. This is your standard
stat. If HP reaches 0, your character is dead. He/she can be directedly
revived by Holy Ankh, or they will be automatically recovered with 1 HP
when the current battle is ended.
Items for HP : Healing Potions, Healing Fog, Healing Breeze, Healing

- MP : Magic Points. It represents your magic capacity. You have this
when you are dragoons.
Items for MP : Sun Rhapsody, Moon Serenade

- SP : Spirit Points. It represents your chance of turning into
Dragoons. You must have at least 100 SP to transform once. Your limit
for transformation is 500 SP. Collect SP by using manual Additions. SP
only appears you have Dragoon Spirits.
Items for SP : Spirit Potion


- Attack : beat and using Additions
- Guard : make a protective layer and restore a little HP which is equal
to 1/10 your Maximum HP. When the enemies attack you in "Guard" state,
you only lose 1/2 the HP you must lose in ordinary state. This command
also helps you to avoid any status abnormalities the enemies make on
except Instant Death.
- Items : Using Items in battle.
- Escape : Get out of battle. This isn't often effective, especially the

- Each time using attack command, in the right bottom appears a symbol
of the X button. Just press "X" as the blue signals turn white until
you finish the addition. If you miss, the addition is cancelled

- Sometimes the enemies attack you when you are executing Additions. At
that time, the signal is red and the pressing button is "Circle". If you
press it at the right time, you can continue to finish Additions. If
you'll be thrown and lose a great deal of HP.

- Have you paid attention to the showing arrows for each character or
enemy in battle ? It's not like the showing arrow in ordinary state. It
also has three colors :
+ Blue : the target's HP is more than half
+ Yellow : the target's HP is about half
+ Red : the target's HP is gonna be close the death.


You increase your character's status by leveling up. Level is counted
by experience signified EXP. You collect EXP by fighting enemies. The
stronger enemies are, the more EXP you collect, especially the bosses.
a battle with runaway enemies, you get no EXP. If any character dies in
battle, they don't receive EXP and then are revived with 1 HP. Each
is increased by certain number of EXP. That's the reason why I have the
Level Board here. I could write from Level 1 to 60.


! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 1 ! 30 ! 20 !
! 2 ! 60 ! 43 !
! 3 ! 90 ! 102 !
! 4 ! 120 ! 200 !
! 5 ! 150 ! 345 !
! 6 ! 180 ! 548 !
! 7 ! 210 ! 819 !
! 8 ! 240 ! 1166 !
! 9 ! 270 ! 1600 !
! 10 ! 300 ! 2129 !
! 11 ! 330 ! 2764 !
! 12 ! 413 ! 3515 !
! 13 ! 496 ! 4390 !
! 14 ! 579 ! 5400 !
! 15 ! 662 ! 6553 !
! 16 ! 745 ! 7896 !
! 17 ! 828 ! 9331 !
! 18 ! 911 ! 10974 !
! 19 ! 994 ! 12800 !
! 20 ! 1077 ! 14817 !
! 21 ! 1160 ! 17036 !
! 22 ! 1272 ! 19467 !
! 23 ! 1384 ! 22118 !
! 24 ! 1496 ! 25000 !
! 25 ! 1608 ! 28121 !
! 26 ! 1720 ! 31492 !
! 27 ! 1832 ! 35123 !
! 28 ! 1944 ! 39022 !
! 29 ! 2056 ! 43200 !
! 30 ! 2168 ! 47665 !
! 31 ! 2280 ! 52428 !
! 32 ! 2399 ! 57499 !
! 33 ! 2518 ! 62886 !
! 34 ! 2637 ! 68600 !
! 35 ! 2756 ! 74649 !
! 36 ! 2875 ! 81044 !
! 37 ! 2994 ! 87795 !
! 38 ! 3113 ! 94910 !
! 39 ! 3232 ! 102400 !
! 40 ! 3351 ! 110273 !
! 41 ! 3470 ! 118540 !
! 42 ! 3729 ! 127211 !
! 43 ! 3988 ! 136294 !
! 44 ! 4247 ! 145800 !
! 45 ! 4506 ! 155737 !
! 46 ! 4765 ! 166116 !
! 47 ! 5024 ! 176947 !
! 48 ! 5283 ! 188238 !
! 49 ! 5542 ! 200000 !
! 50 ! 5801 ! 215303 !
! 51 ! 6060 ! 231216 !
! 52 ! 6220 ! 247754 !
! 53 ! 6380 ! 264928 !
! 54 ! 6540 ! 282750 !
! 55 ! 6700 ! 301232 !
! 56 ! 6860 ! 320386 !
! 57 ! 7020 ! 340224 !
! 58 ! 7180 ! 360758 !
! 59 ! 7340 ! 382000 !
! 60 ! 7500 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 4 ! 96 ! 204 !
! 5 ! 120 ! 352 !
! 6 ! 144 ! 559 !
! 7 ! 168 ! 835 !
! 8 ! 192 ! 1189 !
! 9 ! 216 ! 1632 !
! 10 ! 240 ! 2172 !
! 11 ! 264 ! 2820 !
! 12 ! 330 ! 3585 !
! 13 ! 396 ! 4478 !
! 14 ! 463 ! 5508 !
! 15 ! 529 ! 6684 !
! 16 ! 596 ! 8018 !
! 17 ! 662 ! 9587 !
! 18 ! 728 ! 11193 !
! 19 ! 795 ! 13056 !
! 20 ! 861 ! 15113 !
! 21 ! 928 ! 17377 !
! 22 ! 1017 ! 22560 !
! 23 ! 1107 ! 22560 !
! 24 ! 1196 ! 25500 !
! 25 ! 1286 ! 28684 !
! 26 ! 1376 ! 32122 !
! 27 ! 1465 ! 35825 !
! 28 ! 1555 ! 39802 !
! 29 ! 1644 ! 44064 !
! 30 ! 1734 ! 48618 !
! 31 ! 1824 ! 53477 !
! 32 ! 1919 ! 58649 !
! 33 ! 2014 ! 64144 !
! 34 ! 2109 ! 69972 !
! 35 ! 2204 ! 76142 !
! 36 ! 2300 ! 82665 !
! 37 ! 2395 ! 89551 !
! 38 ! 2490 ! 96808 !
! 39 ! 2585 ! 104448 !
! 40 ! 2680 ! 112497 !
! 41 ! 2776 ! 120911 !
! 42 ! 2983 ! 129755 !
! 43 ! 3190 ! 139020 !
! 44 ! 3397 ! 148716 !
! 45 ! 3604 ! 158852 !
! 46 ! 3812 ! 169432 !
! 47 ! 4019 ! 180486 !
! 48 ! 4226 ! 192003 !
! 49 ! 4433 ! 204000 !
! 50 ! 4640 ! 219608 !
! 51 ! 4848 ! 235840 !
! 52 ! 4976 ! 252709 !
! 53 ! 5104 ! 270226 !
! 54 ! 5232 ! 288405 !
! 55 ! 5360 ! 307256 !
! 56 ! 5488 ! 326793 !
! 57 ! 5616 ! 347028 !
! 58 ! 5744 ! 389640 !
! 59 ! 5872 ! 389640 !
! 60 ! 6000 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 3 ! 100 ! 110 !
! 4 ! 133 ! 203 !
! 5 ! 166 ! 350 !
! 6 ! 199 ! 557 !
! 7 ! 231 ! 831 !
! 8 ! 264 ! 1183 !
! 9 ! 297 ! 1624 !
! 10 ! 330 ! 2161 !
! 11 ! 363 ! 2806 !
! 12 ! 454 ! 3567 !
! 13 ! 545 ! 4456 !
! 14 ! 636 ! 5481 !
! 15 ! 728 ! 6651 !
! 16 ! 819 ! 7978 !
! 17 ! 910 ! 9471 !
! 18 ! 1002 ! 11139 !
! 19 ! 1093 ! 12992 !
! 20 ! 1184 ! 15039 !
! 21 ! 1276 ! 17292 !
! 22 ! 1399 ! 19759 !
! 23 ! 1522 ! 22450 !
! 24 ! 1645 ! 25375 !
! 25 ! 1768 ! 28543 !
! 26 ! 1892 ! 31965 !
! 27 ! 2015 ! 35650 !
! 28 ! 2138 ! 39607 !
! 29 ! 2261 ! 43848 !
! 30 ! 2384 ! 48380 !
! 31 ! 2508 ! 53215 !
! 32 ! 2638 ! 58361 !
! 33 ! 2769 ! 63829 !
! 34 ! 2900 ! 69629 !
! 35 ! 3031 ! 74796 !
! 36 ! 3162 ! 82260 !
! 37 ! 3293 ! 89112 !
! 38 ! 3424 ! 96334 !
! 39 ! 3555 ! 103936 !
! 40 ! 3686 ! 111927 !
! 41 ! 3817 ! 120318 !
! 42 ! 4101 ! 129119 !
! 43 ! 4386 ! 138338 !
! 44 ! 4671 ! 147987 !
! 45 ! 4956 ! 158073 !
! 46 ! 5241 ! 168608 !
! 47 ! 5526 ! 179601 !
! 48 ! 5811 ! 191061 !
! 49 ! 6096 ! 203000 !
! 50 ! 6381 ! 218531 !
! 51 ! 6666 ! 234648 !
! 52 ! 6842 ! 251470 !
! 53 ! 7018 ! 268901 !
! 54 ! 7194 ! 286991 !
! 55 ! 7370 ! 305750 !
! 56 ! 7546 ! 325191 !
! 57 ! 7722 ! 345327 !
! 58 ! 7894 ! 366169 !
! 59 ! 8074 ! 387730 !
! 60 ! 8250 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 8 ! 168 ! 1193 !
! 9 ! 189 ! 1636 !
! 10 ! 210 ! 2178 !
! 11 ! 231 ! 2828 !
! 12 ! 289 ! 3596 !
! 13 ! 347 ! 4434 !
! 14 ! 405 ! 5524 !
! 15 ! 463 ! 6704 !
! 16 ! 521 ! 8041 !
! 17 ! 579 ! 9545 !
! 18 ! 637 ! 11226 !
! 19 ! 695 ! 13094 !
! 20 ! 753 ! 15158 !
! 21 ! 812 ! 17428 !
! 22 ! 890 ! 19914 !
! 23 ! 968 ! 22627 !
! 24 ! 1047 ! 25575 !
! 25 ! 1125 ! 28768 !
! 26 ! 1204 ! 32217 !
! 27 ! 1282 ! 35931 !
! 28 ! 1360 ! 39919 !
! 29 ! 1439 ! 44193 !
! 30 ! 1517 ! 48761 !
! 31 ! 1596 ! 53634 !
! 32 ! 1679 ! 58821 !
! 33 ! 1762 ! 64332 !
! 34 ! 1845 ! 70177 !
! 35 ! 1929 ! 76366 !
! 36 ! 2012 ! 82908 !
! 37 ! 2095 ! 89814 !
! 38 ! 2179 ! 97093 !
! 39 ! 3555 ! 103936 !
! 40 ! 2345 ! 112809 !
! 41 ! 2429 ! 121267 !
! 42 ! 2610 ! 130137 !
! 43 ! 2791 ! 139429 !
! 44 ! 2972 ! 149153 !
! 45 ! 3335 ! 169937 !
! 46 ! 3335 ! 169937 !
! 47 ! 3516 ! 181016 !
! 48 ! 3698 ! 192567 !
! 49 ! 3879 ! 204600 !
! 50 ! 4060 ! 220253 !
! 51 ! 4242 ! 236533 !
! 52 ! 4354 ! 253452 !
! 53 ! 4466 ! 271021 !
! 54 ! 4578 ! 289253 !
! 55 ! 4690 ! 308160 !
! 56 ! 4820 ! 327754 !
! 57 ! 4914 ! 348049 !
! 58 ! 5026 ! 369055 !
! 59 ! 5138 ! 390786 !
! 60 ! 5250 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 13 ! 446 ! 4434 !
! 14 ! 521 ! 5454 !
! 15 ! 595 ! 6619 !
! 16 ! 670 ! 7939 !
! 17 ! 745 ! 9424 !
! 18 ! 819 ! 11084 !
! 19 ! 894 ! 12928 !
! 20 ! 969 ! 14965 !
! 21 ! 1044 ! 17207 !
! 22 ! 1144 ! 19661 !
! 23 ! 1245 ! 22339 !
! 24 ! 1346 ! 25250 !
! 25 ! 1447 ! 28402 !
! 26 ! 1548 ! 31807 !
! 27 ! 1648 ! 35474 !
! 28 ! 1749 ! 39412 !
! 29 ! 1850 ! 43632 !
! 30 ! 1951 ! 48142 !
! 31 ! 2052 ! 52953 !
! 32 ! 2159 ! 58074 !
! 33 ! 2266 ! 63515 !
! 34 ! 2373 ! 69286 !
! 35 ! 2480 ! 75396 !
! 36 ! 2587 ! 81855 !
! 37 ! 2694 ! 88673 !
! 38 ! 2801 ! 95895 !
! 39 ! 2908 ! 103424 !
! 40 ! 3015 ! 111376 !
! 41 ! 3123 ! 119726 !
! 42 ! 3356 ! 128482 !
! 43 ! 3589 ! 137657 !
! 44 ! 3822 ! 147258 !
! 45 ! 4055 ! 157294 !
! 46 ! 4288 ! 167777 !
! 47 ! 4521 ! 178716 !
! 48 ! 4754 ! 190120 !
! 49 ! 4987 ! 202000 !
! 50 ! 5220 ! 217455 !
! 51 ! 5454 ! 233528 !
! 52 ! 5598 ! 250231 !
! 53 ! 5742 ! 267577 !
! 54 ! 5886 ! 285577 !
! 55 ! 6030 ! 304244 !
! 56 ! 6174 ! 323589 !
! 57 ! 6318 ! 343626 !
! 58 ! 6462 ! 364365 !
! 59 ! 6606 ! 385820 !
! 60 ! 6750 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 17 ! 496 ! 9443 !
! 18 ! 546 ! 11106 !
! 19 ! 596 ! 12953 !
! 20 ! 646 ! 14995 !
! 21 ! 696 ! 17241 !
! 22 ! 763 ! 19700 !
! 23 ! 830 ! 22383 !
! 24 ! 897 ! 25300 !
! 25 ! 964 ! 28459 !
! 26 ! 1032 ! 31870 !
! 27 ! 1099 ! 35544 !
! 28 ! 1166 ! 39490 !
! 29 ! 1233 ! 43718 !
! 30 ! 1300 ! 48237 !
! 31 ! 1368 ! 53057 !
! 32 ! 1439 ! 58189 !
! 33 ! 1510 ! 63641 !
! 34 ! 1582 ! 69423 !
! 35 ! 1653 ! 75545 !
! 36 ! 1725 ! 82017 !
! 37 ! 1796 ! 88848 !
! 38 ! 1867 ! 96049 !
! 39 ! 1939 ! 103628 !
! 40 ! 2010 ! 111596 !
! 41 ! 2082 ! 119963 !
! 42 ! 2237 ! 128737 !
! 43 ! 2392 ! 137929 !
! 44 ! 2548 ! 147549 !
! 45 ! 2703 ! 157606 !
! 46 ! 2859 ! 168110 !
! 47 ! 3014 ! 179070 !
! 48 ! 3169 ! 190497 !
! 49 ! 3325 ! 202400 !
! 50 ! 3480 ! 217885 !
! 51 ! 4848 ! 235840 !
! 52 ! 3732 ! 250727 !
! 53 ! 3828 ! 268107 !
! 54 ! 3924 ! 286143 !
! 55 ! 4020 ! 304846 !
! 56 ! 4116 ! 324230 !
! 57 ! 4212 ! 344306 !
! 58 ! 4308 ! 365087 !
! 59 ! 4404 ! 386584 !
! 60 ! 4500 ! 999999 !

! Levels ! Health (HP) ! EXP to next level !
! 19 ! 1292 ! 13017 !
! 20 ! 1400 ! 15069 !
! 21 ! 1508 ! 17326 !
! 22 ! 1653 ! 19798 !
! 23 ! 1799 ! 22494 !
! 24 ! 1944 ! 25425 !
! 25 ! 2090 ! 28599 !
! 26 ! 2236 ! 32028 !
! 27 ! 2381 ! 35720 !
! 28 ! 2527 ! 39685 !
! 29 ! 2672 ! 43934 !
! 30 ! 2818 ! 48475 !
! 31 ! 2964 ! 53320 !
! 32 ! 3118 ! 58361 !
! 33 ! 2769 ! 63829 !
! 34 ! 2900 ! 69629 !
! 35 ! 3031 ! 74796 !
! 36 ! 3162 ! 82260 !
! 37 ! 3293 ! 89112 !
! 38 ! 3424 ! 96334 !
! 39 ! 3555 ! 103936 !
! 40 ! 3686 ! 111927 !
! 41 ! 3817 ! 120318 !
! 42 ! 4101 ! 129119 !
! 43 ! 4386 ! 138338 !
! 44 ! 4671 ! 147987 !
! 45 ! 4956 ! 158073 !
! 46 ! 5241 ! 168608 !
! 47 ! 5526 ! 179601 !
! 48 ! 5811 ! 191061 !
! 49 ! 6096 ! 203000 !
! 50 ! 6381 ! 218531 !
! 51 ! 6666 ! 234648 !
! 52 ! 6842 ! 251470 !
! 53 ! 7018 ! 268901 !
! 54 ! 7194 ! 286991 !
! 55 ! 7370 ! 305750 !
! 56 ! 7546 ! 325191 !
! 57 ! 7722 ! 345327 !
! 58 ! 7894 ! 366169 !
! 59 ! 8074 ! 387730 !
! 60 ! 8250 ! 999999 !

1. POISON : - reduce your HP gradually
- cured by Body Purifier
2. STUNNING : - can't act
- cured by Body Purifier or attacked by another character
or enemy.
3. ARM BLOCKING : - can't use physical attack.
- cured by Body Purified.
4. DISPIRITED : - can't turn into Dragoons
- cured by Mind Purifier
5. CONFUSED: - do strange actions
- cured by Mind Purifier
7. BEWITCHMENT : - heal the enemies and attack allies
- cured by Mind Purifier
8. FEAR : - reduce half defense
- cured by Mind Purifier
9. INSTANT DEATH : - sudden death
- revived by spells of White Silver Dragoon or Blue
Sea Dragoon. Preventing armor is Holy Ankh.

* Small trick : All the status abnormalities, except Dispirited and
Instant Death, can be removed by turning into Dragoons.

1. STATUS : see your current stat
2. ITEM : - Use : use items
- Discard : Delete items
- List : all item's names
- Goods : Key Items & Mementoes.
3. ARMED : equip weapons and armors.
4. ADDITIONS : Addition List
5. REPLACE : Change your party
6. CONFIG : choose game options.
7. SAVE : save your game at Save Points.

- AT : Physical Attack
- DF : Physical defense
- MAT : Magical attack
- MDF : Magical defense
- Speed : Agility
- A-hit : Attack hit
- M-hit : Magic hit
- A-AV : Attack avoiding
- M-AV : Magic avoiding

You can only use "Save" command when you are in a Save Point. Save
Point is the cyan light you often meet in the game, especially in the
hotels or inns.

Rest helps you to full HP and MP. You can rest at hotels or inns with
the price about 10g to 50g. Sometimes you can also rest at other places
with no price.

Clinic helps you to cure all the status abnormalities. It's often in
the hospitals.

This kind is often magical. It could heal entire HP and MP and cure
all status abnormalities. There are :
- Rock Fireflies
- Shirley's power
- Life Water
- The magical research of the White Researcher in Black Castle


5/ E.L.E.M.E.N.T. G.U.I.D.E.


You can know the elements of your characters and enemies by the colours
of their names in battle.
- Red : Fire
- Blue : Water
- Dark Blue : Dark
- Yellow : Light
- Brown : Earth
- Green : Wind
- Violet : Thunder
- Gray : Non-element

And more things :
- Fire is the opposite of Water
- Dark is the opposite of Light
- Earth is the opposite of Wind
- Thunder has no opposite
- Non-element has no opposite.

If a character or an enemy is attacked by the magic which has the same
element with theirs, the magic has no effect or small effect. If a
character or an enemy is attacked by magic or weapon which has the
opposite element, that hit makes a big damage.


6/ C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R.S.


Element : Fire
Age : 23
Height : 178cm
Species : Human
Job : Swordman
Weapon : Sword
Dragoon spirit : Red Eyed Dragon (later he is Divine Dragon)
Instilled with a strong sense of justice and honesty, Dart is a true
hero. On a quest to avenge the death of his parents, he bravely searches
for the "Black Monster". Although at times his youth shows through, his
conviction attracts others to him, making him a strong and promising
He is the most perfect character in every side of the game, I think.
He is your main standard character who you must take control in 90%
the game.

Element : Wind
Age : 34
Height : 180cm
Species : Human
Job : Knight of Basil
Weapon : Spear, Lance
Dragoon spirit : Jade Dragon
A trustworthy and honest man, Lavitz serves as the heah of the First
Knighthood of the Kingdom of Serdio. He has extremely high standards for
both himself and for others, conducting his life in a honorable and
serious manner. For Dart, he is like an older brother~the most trusted
He has powerful hits and strong against physical attacks. But he his
weak against magic attack or weak in casting magic. His speed is not
also high.
He is the second character after Dart. But you could only have him
until the end of Disc 1.

Element : Dark
Age : 11026
Height : 170cm
Species : Human
Job : unknown
Weapon : small swords, rapiers or daggers
Dragoon spirit: Dark Dragon
The mysterious Rose is a warrior who fights alongside Dart. Nimble
with a sword, she slices through the world with a knowledge far greater
than most. Her mystery and allure enchant all who meet her, yet she
remains alone.
I think Rose is the most perfect character after Dart. Let's see her
She is the first person you meet in the game, but the fourth character
you get in Disc 1.

Element : Light
Age : 18
Height : 163cm
Species : Human
Job : unknown
Weapon : Bow gun
Dragoon spirit : White Silver Dragon
The daughter of the mayor of Seles and a lifelong friend of Dart's,
Shana is a dedicated and gentle soul, eagerly awaiting his return. Her
heart is as pure as snow water and her mannerism as gentle as a radiant
Madonna's. No one would ever doubt Shana's intentions, especially not
She is strong against every magical effect, but weak against physical
attack. She is one of the Dragoons who can heal and revive the other
She is your third playable character. But as Lavitz, she doesn't take
place very long in the game.

Element : Wind
Age : 26
Height : 175cm
Species : Human
Job : King of Basil
Weapon : Spear, Lance
Dragoon spirit : Jade Dragon
The young king of Bales, also the long~time fellow of Lavitz. He is
also the leader of Lavitz and Knight of Basil. He turns against Emperor
Doel - his uncle and Sandora because of his crude behavior and
government. He is a kind king who hates "War" and he tries to stop his
uncle of making Wars. In ordinary life, Lavitz and Albert are faithful
friend. Lavitz taught Albert how to use spears to defend himself from
Albert is a great character at physical attack and defend. But as
Lavits, he is weak against magical effect. He takes place of Lavitz afte
Disc 1.

Element : Thunder
Age : 70
Height : 163cm
Species : Human
Job : Master of martial art Rouge School
Weapon : Gloves and Knuckles
Dragoon spirit : Violet Dragon
An old man who has spent many experience in battle by martial arts,
Haschel is the master of a martial art school. The reason why he joins
Dart is to find his lost daughter Claire. In martial art school, she is
his pupil and Haschel didn't allow her to consider him as her father.
had gone after some troubles between father and daughter. He realized
fault and tries to find her.
Haschel is a good character. He is strong at physical attacks but not
very weak at magic attack.
He is your fifth playable character.

Element : Water
Age : 16
Height : 155cm
Species : Wingly
Job : Dancer
Weapon : Hammer
Dragoon spirit : Blue Sea Dragon
Meru is a bright and cheerful little lady, but don't let her petite
frame fool you. She has a short fuse and an enormous hammer that can
both pack quite a punch.
Meru is very very strong at magic attack and has a wonderful speed.
But she is very weak at physical attacks.
You have her in Disc 2.

Element : Non-element
Age : Unknown
Height : unknown
Species : Wingly
Weapon : heavy swords
Job : Assassin
Dragoon spirit : Divine Dragon
Dart's main rival, Lloyd, is a throwback to the glorious era of ages
past. Tall and careless, he has little understanding of humans. His
silver hair and blue eyes are symbols of legacy left behind by the
This is not a playable character.

Element : Earth
Age : 37
Height : 250cm
Species : Giganto
Job : Assassin
Weapon : Axe
Dragoon spirit : Golden Dragon
A menacing man with a massive physique, Kongol is the last descendant
of the Gigantos. Those who have encountered him wrapped in leather
and wielding a war axe on the battlefield have named him the Devil God.
Although at one time he was an enemy of Dart's, they have now formed a
friendship and alliance.
Kongol is the most powerful character at physical attacks. But you'll
be hopeless at his ability against magic attacks.
First, Kongol is your enemy. But in Disc 2 he would join your party.

Element : Light
Age : 26
Height : about 170cm
Species : Human
Job : First Sacred Sister of Deningrad
Weapon : Bow gun
Dragoon spirit : White Silver Dragon
The First Sacred Sister of Deningrad. She is a faithful servant of
Queen Theresa ~ the highest queen of this country. She spent a miserable
childhood and she hates her mother~the mother who left her to live in
another happiness. She hates roses, because her mother likes them.
Her stat is almost like Shana. She is your final playable character
who replaces Shana.

In this menu, I let you know about some characters or some names that
you don't know much about their roles.

He is Albert's father ~ the former king of Serdio who was adored by
people. Then Emperor Doel killed him to get the power to rule Serdio
just because he felt jealous with Carlo. He never got pass his talent
and strength.

He was a Knight of Serdio - Lavitz's father. In every respect, he is a
person of strength and integrity that everybody admires him. But as King
Carlo's fate, he was killed by his faithful friend Greham just because
his selfish envy.

He was King Carlo's best friend who was also talented. He envied Carlo
and wondered why he was always lower then him in every side. He killed
Carlo and split Serdio into two : Sandora and Basil. He ruled Sandora
Basil is belonged to King Albert. He rules his people by nonsense power
while King Albert does that by his compassion and peace.

He was a knight of Emperor Doel who killed Servi to have the strongest
power. This guy is similar Doel at the selfish characteristic. He
the owner of the Jade Dragon Dragoon Spirit strangely.

A wingly who lives far away from her species. She has some relation
ship when the gangs in Tiberoa and does something strange which involved
the princess of Tiberoa for half a year. She loves Lloyd to death and
does anything as he wants, even losing her life.

She is Haschel's daughter who has ran away for 20 years. Haschel
hasn't known anything about her since then. But one of the correct hint
is that she was Dart's mother and also Zieg's wife. Haschel suddenly
finds out about her when he hears the lullaby of Shana : Dart's mother
often sang this song to him. And he sang it to Shana.

One of the two leaders of the battle of Winglies against Humans. He
was the highest ancestor and also the King of Magic in this species.
After losing Humans in the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago, he
disappeared on the earth and no one knows about him since then.

Dart's father. He was the first Red Eyed Dragoon who killed Melbu
Frahma in the Dragon Campaign. Melbu spelled him into stone for thousand
of years. When he was rescued by the end of the spell, we find him as
dead father of Dart. Everyone thinks that he was dead from the
destruction of Black Monster in Neet. But he is still alive and he
returns to meet his son as another person.

He had another name "Holy Imperial Gloriano". He was the person who
held the battle of Humans against Winglies to get the liberation. He was
known to be dead after the fight. But now he returns against strangely
the mysterious person who gives Emperor Doel the strange Dragoon Spirits
by a spy named Lloyd. No one knows what he wants to do at this time.


7/ D.R.A.G.O.O.N.S. & S.P.E.C.I.E.S.


The species are involved with the game very much. So let me explain a
little about them :

Dragoons are Dragon Knights - the people who could control Dragons.
Their strong power grown from insanity. In spite of the fact, they were
Humans, the seven heroes who led the Dragon Campaign to the victory
years ago, crossed the sky and cast spells. After they fulfilled their
roles, they vanished with the Dragoon Spirits as if it were some
unavoidable fate. Dragoons, they only appear when the legend needs


When this planet was first born, there was nothing on the earth. It
was covered by darkness. At the large darkness, creator Soa dropped a
seed on the ground which has grown to be the Divine Tree. It was all
Creator Soa's plan. The Divine Tree quickly becomes greater and have had
fruits. Each fruit is a species. When a fruit dropped, it was a new
a new creature :

Characters : Kongol, Indora
This species has a big size and very strong at physical effects. The
Gigantos is not a popular species. They are great with strong and huge
weapons in fighting. Physical effects hardly make them hurt. But most of
them have no emotion that they are rather weak at magical effects.

Characters : You can see a few of them at Donau and The Moon That
Never Sets.
They are the opposite of Gigantos : small body but fast. They can
avoid most effect but not a popular species.

Characters : Feybrand, Regole, Michael, Divine Dragon
The second most powerful species of all 107 creatures given life by
the Divine Tree. Their attacks and life power over helm others, however,
the creator Soa created a balance by reducing the Dragon's intelligence.
There fore, they were to be controlled by Humans with their wisdom.
During the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago, they had fierce battle
against Virage manipulated by Winglies and couldn't avoid being

Characters : Most of the people in the game
The most popular species of the world. With a very high intelligence,
Humans rose to fight against the Winglies to take the control of the
world. Winglies had Virage as their fighting tools, Humans had Dragons
and seven Dragoons as their soldiers under the lead of Holy Imperial
Gloriano - Emperor Diaz. In the end they took the victory, having become
the species who rules the world.

Characters : Meru, Lloyd, Lenus, Savan ; the Winglies in Wingly
Forest, Ulara and Aglis.
The people with Wings of life who employ the magical power. They had
their glory 11000 years ago, and had enormous magical power that could
float colossal cities. They became extinct after the War with Humans who
were seeking their liberation.

Characters : Virage, Super Virage, The God of Destruction
Virage, as we know, is the creature that supported Winglies in the
Dragon Campaign. But this species is a super Virage - the God of
Destruction which would be given birth by the Moonchild. This
species has the strongest power which could take the world to be


8/ S.O.N.G. L.Y.R.I.C.S.


*This song is sung in the beginning and the credits of the game :


I had a dream that I could fly
I can feel each moment as time goes by

We'd never be too far away
You would always be here
I heard you say

I never thought
Thought that it would be our last good bye
I still can dream
that one day love will fall from the sky

Do you still remember
All the time that has gone by
Do you still believe that
Love can fall out from the sky
(if you still love, in you believe)

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you
If you still believe in love

Find a way
To bring back yesterday
Find a way for love

I hope you'll stay here
When tomorrow comes today
Love will find a way

I'll be waiting for you
In my heart you are the one
If I cannot find you
I will look up to the sun
(if you still love, in you believe)

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you
If you still believe in love
La la la la (4 times)


9/ W.A.L.K.T.H.R.O.U.G.H.


- This walkthrough contains information about enemies. The HP is only
estimated number of the author when playing. So don't think they're very
- I make this walkthrough which avoids spoiling your game. That means
it's not specific at each work you do in the game. I don't show you
clearly how to get treasures or items. Game is made for you to find out.
The guidance only has a mission that shows the players the right way.
- Strategy for boss battles are written in "+-+-+-" frames. Beside the
HP and element, I have added diffficulty I think for you to understand
the battle you are gonna fight.
- The difficulty is written following 5 levels : Very Easy - Easy -
Medium - Hard - Very Hard
- This is walkthrough. Walkthrough is just the part which shows you the
tactics, what to do and where to go. Here I don't explain carefully
small episodes or the full story. If you want to know more, use it
combining with the "Story & Timeline" menu I have opened recently.
- I have added the items, weapons, armors and money you could find in
treasure chests in each location. Check them out.
- If there are problems that you can't find in the walkthrough, please
read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before sending emails to
ask me directly. I shouldn't have been strict about this. But the truth
is that I myself was blamed by a reader because he couldn't find what he
had needed in my guide. But the answer was in very the "Frequently Asked
Questions". Well, there are some things that are not included in the
walkthrough, then I must move to this section. So please remember this
before you decide to ask me.



I write this guide for English version. This game has an older
Japanese version that I think it could have some difference about names.
Let me explain some of the most common names for you to read my guide
more easily :

* Locations (Japanese <-> English)
Celes <-> Seles
Bel <-> Bale
Inderus Castle <-> Indel Castle
Hocus <-> Hoax
Humid Terrain <-> Marshland
Loan <-> Lohan
Cathas <-> Kazas
Fletch <-> Fletz
Ridela <-> Lidiera
Phino <-> Fueno
Farni <-> Furni
Neat <-> Neet
Fulanbel <-> Flanvel
Belweb <-> Vellweb
Wuwara <-> Ulara
Luzu <-> Rouge

Items : (Japanese <-> English)
Dragon Blocker <-> Dragon Block Staff
Purple Electric Stone <-> Violet Stone
Raiper <-> Rapier

* Characters (Japanese <-> English)
Ravitz <-> Lavitz
Harsou <-> Haschel
Leenus <-> Lenus
Mailo <-> Meru
Jiku <-> Zieg
Sharlie <-> Shirley
Merv Frahma <-> Melbu Frahma

THE BEGINNING \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seles is a small village in the end of South of Serdio. It's not only
poor village but peaceful as well. The people here live is peace and
happiness. But now there are suddenly a lot of strange rumors about the
war happening of Serdians between Emperor Doel - the leader of Sandoras
and the young King Albert - the son of Emperor Carlo and also the leader
of Basil. Emperor Doel rules people by orders and power. He needs power.
So he tries to find a power that can increase his position. No one knows
why he instructs his soldiers to destroy Seles to find a girl named
and catches her. The soldiers is lead by a bad guy named Fruegel and a
mysterious man in black hood...


Let's begin...
From the forest, Dart hears something unusual happening in his
He gets back and being attacked by the Sandora troop...

Items : Burn Out, 2 Healing Potion
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A

Enemies here :

HP : 5
Element : Fire

HP : 20
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Very easy
This first boss is just a numskull. Teach him how you are by using
Double Slash.

After some scenes, Dart talks to some villagers and fights some
enemies. Get Burn Out in the treasure. Go left, ask the Mayor to find
out about Shana. She was taken to Hellena Prison. Then check the place
to get some items and a Stardust. Do you see a knight who is talking to
villager ? He is Mr. Tasman. If you are new to this game, you should ask
him to teach you the battle system. Just choose the 2nd decision for his
guide "Yes. Master, please". Then there is a stage between you and him.
You can choose a skill in the list and ask Mr.Tasman to teach it to you.
Remember, this is the only chance for you to learn all the most basic
terms of a character.

Then get out by going to the north. You'll be out of this town.
to the Forest.

If you have been a Final Fantasy player, you may get used to this game
easily. But the world map of this game is a little different. You can't
wander freely as you play Final Fantasy, instead of going straight to
your destinations. So you don't have to worry about determining where
your destinations are.

Return to walkthrough.

Items : Healing Potion, Charm Potion, Burn Out
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : 20g
You must pass this forest before get to Hellena Prison. In the first
place, get the treasure chest and meet an item seller. If you want to
know about element system, just ask him and accept to fight with him. He
will teach you the rule of elements and show you how to use Multi-hit
Attack Items best. Then go to the right and head to an area which is
of treasure chests. Just try to pass the paths to get all the
treasures. Then go to the south to another area. On your way, you'll
face some monsters :

HP : 4
Element : Dark

HP : 3
Element : Wind

HP : 6
Element : Fire

HP : 6
Element : Earth

In the last area, you see two ways to get out. But now the game only
allows you to go to the south. Just follow it and go outside the forest.

Items : Burn Out, Angel's Prayer, Spark Net, Key to Prison
Weapons & Armors : Leather Jacket
Money : 50g, 20g, 20g, 20g
Dart will find all the ways to get into the prison. First, threaten
the Merchant and fight some Hellena Wardens. Then he would obey you to
keep silence. Buy something from him if you want. Now go to the south to
the path. On your way, you'll face some other wardens :

HP : 10
Element : Fire

Don't go to the left way because this way is spoiled. Just go up the
right stairs. Later, you are in the prison area. I remind you to go to
the guard area first (the lowest floor, near the Save Point) to get some
items and fight enemies to collect EXP.

Then go on the lift to the next floor of the prison. Here you'll find
Lavitz - a Knight of Basil. Help him to finish the guards, Lavitz would
join to help you. Now the two of you can search the place. There are
cells that you can go in to get items. After that, get out of the place.
Get on another elevator to the second floor of the prison. The right
is locked. Shana is there. Now go to the left area. This place has tight
security but you can still get the Key to Prison (the sparkling item).
Currently you are not allowed to pass the security area. So use this key
to unlock the right area and search for Shana in one of the cells.
face a lot of guards there. After beating them up, get out of prison and
return to the fork path. Fruegel and his servants will attack you.


HP : 12
Element : Fire

HP : 25
Element : Fire

HP : 90
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Easy

Just use Additions with them. Kill the wardens first, then the main
boss. This boss has some heavy hits that make you lose a lot of HP. But
it's okay if you check and heal frequently. Shana is useful for you as
the third member who will heal Dart and Lavitz. Just let the two male
characters attack.


Okay, Dart, Lavitz and Shana will take the rest. Head to Prairie.

Items : Axe, Angel's Prayer
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
Enemies here :

HP : 15
Element : Earth

HP : 10
Element : Dark

HP : 20
Element : Earth

HP : 10
Element : Wind

When you first enter, the party is still pursued. Lavitz is wounded by
the enemy's arrow. Try to take him and Shana to a safe place until the
Hellena Wardens have gone.

Now you are in a cross road. Go to the north left path. There is a
large passing river that you can't jump over it easily. So return to the
cross rad and head to the left path in the south. Check the north left
path of the house, you'll see a dead tree which almost falls. Dart wants
to cut this tree to make a bridge passing the river. But he thinks he
can't use his sword for this. So get into the wild house for a rest.
You'll hear Dart and Lavitz tell about them. After that, get the Axe in
the store. You can take a rest here by sitting on the chair. Now go to
the north left path of the house. Dart will try to cut down the tree.
he is so hurry that the tree entirely drops. Return to the place where
you see the river. The tree is drifted to there and becomes a bridge
(lucky !). Pass it. Get the treasure chest and talk to somebody here.

Items : Detonate Rock, 2 Healing Potion, Total Vanishing, 2 Body
Purifier, Angel's Prayer, Burn Out, Charm Potion, Spark Net
Weapons & Armors : Bastard Sword, Poison Guard, Badana
Money : 20g, 50g
Enemies here :

HP : 30
Element : Earth

HP : 35
Element : Wind

HP : 20
Element : Earth

HP : 12
Element : Dark

HP : 30
Element : Dark

After passing the entrance, you'll see a lot of river brooks here. You
can slide on them to get the treasure chests on the way. If you want to
get them all, try to control your directional buttons.

In the next area, your party must overcome a large river brook by
jumping from rock to rock. Get all the treasure chests if you want. At
the end, Lavitz meets some troubles. But don't worry, you can pass
easily. Another area, you see Rock Fireflies - which can fully heal your
HP and MP and remove status abnormalities. Just then, go to the right to
get items. Ignore the jumping rat, even if you try to chase, you can't
catch it. Return to the previous area and go south. Get all the items in
the north before head to the right... You are in a large area with a
Point and chests. Get all the chests and keep going up, you'll face a
boss :

HP : 270
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Easy

This boss is not tough. But sometimes he poisons you. So you need some
Body Purifiers for this guy. Sometimes he hides in the cave to fight you
with his first body part. Now only Shana can use physical attack with
him because bow gun is long-ranged weapon. Then Dart and Lavitz will
the role of supporting Shana, or use Attack Items with the boss. When
Urobolus gets to its ordinary state, exchange the role. Keep this
strategy up, until Dart plays the finishing touch.

Even if you defeat it, it hasn't died. But don't worry, Shana will
take the rest. If you want to know, just play. This is not my duty.

Items : Healing Breeze
Weapons & Armors : Sparkle Arrow, Active Ring
Money : 50g, 50g, 100g, 20g, 20g 20g
This is a town, so don't worry about fighting here. Just go around the
place and buy items and check the whole town. I remind you to check it,
because there are a lot of interesting things here. You should find them
by yourself. I don't want to spoil your game.

Green arrow : Ordinary way
Blue arrow : Item Shop or Weapon Shop
Yellow arrow : Hotels, Inns or Clinic

Your first mission is going to Indel Castel. Go to the left area to
the north. You will see the castle. Step on the central path and go up
the 3rd floor. You'll meet King Albert and Minister Noish who will show
you about the "Black Wachamacalit" who destroyed Dart's hometown.

King Albert is a playable character. But now you can't control him
until the end of Disc 1.

After the talk, you can freely check out all the areas of the castle.
Do you pay attention to the black guy beside King Albert and Minister
Noish. It's Lloyd.

Okay, get out of the castle and head to the right area of the whole
town. Find Lavitz's house. You will meet his dear mother. While Shana is
helping her with cooking lunch, choose the last decision to view
Lavitz's house. He will take you to the roof to see the scene...

After the lunch, you can get out of the town. From the roof, you can
pass to the small farm to get some items. Now you are free to go around
the town. Check and buy items, weapons here. They are necessary for your
next mission. Okay, say goodbye to Bales.

Items : Angel's Prayer, Healing Potion, Red Eyed Dragon DS, Dark
Dragon DS
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : 20g
This is Lavitz's mission that Albert ordered. Dart and Shana want to
join him. Check out the place first for necesasry works or items. Then
go to the first house to meet Kaiser - the leader of Eighth Knighthood.
Talk to him to plan the battle. Kaiser will give you a chance to go for
a sight again. So try to prepare yourself very carefully because you
will face a continuous long battle. Talk to Lavitz that you finish.
Shana won't take part in battle this time, only you and Lavitz.
In the night, when Lavitz replaces your position, go down the stairs,
Dart sees some owls. And the Sandora troops have come. Do your best with
Dart and Lavitz :

HP : 40
Element : Fire

After that, the boss will come.

HP : 250
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

This guy mainly uses heavy chain and boomerangs. They are not very
poweful. Sometimes he uses Spells which make bigger damage. But this is
not so annoying as he turns into 3 forms. He does that when you wipe
of his HP. Three forms are the same and it's hard to find the real one.
So try on.

After defeating him, Sandora loses. But another enemy is coming. The
Giganto - Kongol.

Kongol is a playable character, but not this time.

HP : 250
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Medium

In the first time, he fights you with his heavy Axe. Just do your best
with the Additions. But Kongol's hits are not light. Frequently guard
with your precise dexterity.
After some hits, he throws away his axe and fights by bare hands. But
don't be happy. He is more dangerous. You must finish your additions. If
you don't complete the additions, he will throw you soon and that's a
SERIOUS problem when your HP is low. Sometimes he plays with you by
holding Dart and Lavitz, strikes together and throw both you as his
and this is the greatest hit. The only way to reduce its damage is
guarding before Kongol plays it with you. Always keep your HP more than
half is the best solution. Really careful with this boss !

At the end, when Dart plays the finishing blow, Kongol will strike and
corner him to kill him. But don't worry, Rose - the Dark Dragoon will
come to save you. She summons the Red Eyed Dragon from Dart's memento
he changes into Red Eyed Dragoon. See the beautiful film !

After some talks, Rose joins you. She was very the warrior who saved
Dart in the beginning. Before getting out of here, you should ask her to
teach you some skills of real Dragoons. Use this chance to practise your
skills because you won't have a second chance. Get out and head to

Items : Attack Ball, 2 Sun Rhapsody, Healing Potion, 2 Spirit Potion,
Burn Out, Body Purifier, Magic Stone of Signet
Weapons & Armors : Wargod's Amulet, Lance, Stun Guard
Money : N/A
Enemies here :

HP : 30
Element : Earth

HP : 60
Element : Water

HP : 30
Element : Fire

HP : 30
Element : Water

You can see the yellow notes to know where you are going. First, go
to the north path to the fortress of Knight of Basil. They are fighting
the Sandora Soldiers. Remember to prepare very carefully before taking
part in this combat because you will fight continuous and have no time
to prepare until the battle is ended.

HP : 60
Element : Fire

HP : 60
Element : Water

Fight all the numskull soldiers. They are all in screen, not random...
until the boss comes :

HP : 150
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy

Maybe there are some stupid soldiers blocking you. But this guy is not
a problem for you to worry. He is pretty similar to regular soldiers,
a little tougher. Just teach him your additions and always keep your HP
high. His attack items are rather strong. Combine Guard and Attack in
this battle. Attacking only can't do any good.

When you enter the fort, all the Knights of Basil were killed by
swords and Dragon's poison. Get all the items here and pray for them if
you want. Then return to the tree area. The yellow notes show you the
left path takes to Volcano Villude. Just follow it. You will see a marsh
which has a lot of treasure chests. Use the boat to get them. On going,
Shana meets some trouble with her leg. Just wait until the film is
ended, head to Volcano Villude.

Items : Spear Frost, Mind Purifier
Weapons & Armors : Panic Guard, Sapphire Pin
Money : 50g
The monsters here are almost Fire elemental. So it's hard to increase
Dart's Dragoon level here. So if you want to turn him into a Dragoon to
fight, just use Dragoon Attack because magic has no effect with them.

Enemies here :

HP : 30
Element : Fire

HP : 45
Element : Fire

HP : 40
Element : Fire

Avoid the Fire Bird, then go around and check the area. The right path
has a treasure chest. Then head to the left path, jump over the space.
You'll will see someone far away in the background. Ignore him and jump.
Use the Save Point if you want. Head to the left. Now you begin to pass
over the lava lake by jumping from rock to rock as you did in Limestone
Cave. After some moment, Shana says she hears something calling her and
runs away. Chase after her. You'll see remains of a Virage. Over more
than 11000 years, it's still alive and now it fights you.

Difficulty : Medium

HP : 350
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 350
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 50
Element : Non-elemental

This boss is not hard. Just beat his head and defeat him as fast as
possible. Don't interest in other body parts even if they really annoy
you. You actually needs some Mind Purifiers here, as its arm can cause
those afflictions. The most important is the time. If you take too much
time to beat him, he will beat a dangerous attack that makes you
stunning, fear or confused. This is not good. So don't let it happen !
Complete the battle as fast as you can, attempting to either the head or
the body. This is still the easiest Virage in this game. Just either the
head or body is killed, you defeat this boss immediately.


After defeating Virage, your party returns to the lava lake. Now
forward the bottom right of the lake. You feel someone shouting. He is
calling your help because he is being hung above the deep space. Save
him and you will know he is Dabas - an owner of a big Antique Shop in
Continue your adventure. Go follow the circle land and you face the
Fire Bird :

HP : 600
Element : Fire
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 50
Element : Fire
Difficulty : Very easy

Fire Bird is not a very strong enemy. Sometimes he calls the Volcano
Balls to support him. His strongest attack is making a big explosion by
collecting all the balls onto you. Dart is strong against him as they
the same element. Have Dart use additions, because his Dragoon hits do
effect with that Fire boss. Have the other members turning into Dragoons
if you can. Rose's Astral Drain might be useful when you take heavy
damage. I think it's better to have her in your party.
When the Volcano Balls appear, use Rose's Death Dimension (if you have
got it) or any attack items that cause damage on all enemies to kill the
balls first, as they are your annoyers while fighting the main boss.

In the next area, you will meet Dabas again. Now he sells items for
you. Use this chance to prepare yourselves because your next destination
will have no shops. When you have gone, he is not here anymore. Head to
Nest of Dragon.

Items : Mind Purifier, Body Purifier, Spirit Potion, Jade Dragon DS
Weapons & Armors : Chain Mail, Bravery Amulet
Money : N/A
The emenies here are very various :

HP : 60
Element : Thunder

HP : 30
Element : Wind

HP : 100
Element : Water

HP : 40
Element : Earth

HP : 120
Element : Dark

First, get the treasure chest. Go to the next area. Shana feels some
trouble again. But she will be alright soon. You can't go to the north
path because some strange plant block your way. Go next to the right.
You can jump to the rocks to the other side to get items there. Return
to the old side and steps...Oh are trapped.

In the first place you drop, you'll see the Life Water. This can
restore all your HP and MP. First, press X to climb the rock to the
above area. There are some plants blocking your way. Go down the left
hole. You have come to a fork road. The first hole in your left takes to
another high rock to the above area to get items. Touch the green plant
which look like a fungi on your way, it would die and the black kelps
beside it are dead, too. The second right hold takes to another treasure
chest. The last way of the fork road, is a high rock. Climb it to the
above area again and kill the plants as the previous time. Now all the
ways are free. Find the way to the front hole. I remind you to save
there because you are gonna to face a boss.

Lavitz has recognized the boss. But you must fight anyway :

HP : 350
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 450
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Medium

You can kill either Greham or Feybrand first. I think both are all
right. But I like to kill Greham first because his attacks are very
annoying although they are not so strong as Feybrand's. His strongest
attack is to lock you on a megalith and throw his weapon to you. Beat
as usual.
Feybrand is not very special. But it can use power up and poison you.
Just be careful with its attack every time. Regular strategy is enough
for these guys.

When Greham dies, of course Lavitz becomes the owner of the Jade
Dragoon Spirit. You have got a new Dragoon. Shana is sick. Now you climb
the web where Greham stood to get out of the nest. Straight to Lohan.

Items : Water Bottle
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : 200g, 100g
Shana is taken to a clinic doctor Sanator. He couldn't cure her
anyway. But he tells you about the Dragoni Plant which is the only herb
to save Shana.

Now get out of the clinic to have a sight-seeing. There
are many places for you to visit. The weapons here are not only very
strong but also very expensive. I think you could only get it later. Now
just get what you could.

First, go to the south of the town. Pay attention to the house in
bottom right. It's Dabas's Antique Shop. Get into to find him. Sometimes
you get in, he might be out. If he is not there, go around the town for
while until he is there. Meet and talk to Dabas. He doesn't know about
the Dragoni Plant, too. Dart and his party decides to pass the strange
plant in the Nest of Dragon to find out in the other area. Dabas tells
you the Life Water in the Nest could kill that plant. Dart, Lavitz and
Rose go away soon. Get down the land, you'll see a street seller who
to sell you a bottle to contain the Life Water. He would sell with the
stupid price 1,000,000,000g. Just bargain until the bottle is free.
You'll get it without paying money. But if you accept to pay him some
money, he will satisfy to smile after you have gone, and that's not
worth. so feel free to bargain with him.

There is an Angel Robe in a hard-to-see box. To get to it, go to the
place where the Street Vendor who sold you sold you the bottle is, go
upstairs, and go to the far right in front of a blue door. The chest is
around here.

**Contributed by Anthony Pettipas**

Okay, get out of the town to the Dragon's Nest.

Items : Healing Breeze, White Silver DRagon DS
Weapons & Armors : Demon Stiletto
Money : 140g (total)
Enemies here :

HP : 50
Element : Earth

HP : 100
Element : Earth

HP : 100
Element : Dark

HP : 50
Element : Earth

HP : 150
Element : Earth

First, get down the Nest again and collect Life Water. Then climb up
and jump over to the other side. Then return to the left side by the
rocks. Kill the plant in the north and follow the whole path to Shrine
of Shirley.

Shirley is the first White Silver Dragoon. She was dead after the
Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago.

In the first path of the Shrine, you will find a treasure chest with
an annoying note :

- You lost, okay ?

Don't mention it. Just get into the shrine. And of course, you'll be
"welcomed" at the first hall :

- Don't mess with Sir Drake, get out !
- I am busy ! Get out !

First, go to the right area. If you check this place carefully, you
will see some healing power on the relief. Your HP and MP are full after
its effect. It's a type of full healing. Try to find a silver statue
here. Check it and you'll see it's in the left. Remeber that statue. And
also the mysterious Drake still appears here :

- It's a waste to go further. Get out !
- Give up will ya !

Okay, return to the hall and go to the deeper left way. You'll see a
steering wheel in the right. Move it. Another way is opened. Ignore the
treasure note :

- You thought there's treasure, huh ?

Now you can go to the new way. Here you'll see a golden statue which
is similar to the silver. It's in the front. Remember it. Some other
notes :

- There's nothing in here. Don't you get it ?
- Welcome after coming all the way here. Good boy. Now get out !

In the hall, now you go forward the north area, go upstairs and check.
You'll see a code. But you don't know it. So ignore and go up the left
stairs to another treasure chest "Bye bye!" and you are trapped...a
trailer bringing you is taking you to the beginning. But in the way you
are running, you will know the code by moving the notes beside the
"railway" you pass on your way.
It throws you to the lake around the shrine. What a joke ! But now you
have known the code. Just return and enter it. A new way appears. A long
stairs. Just go on it, you'll be trapped at the end. Do you see two
statues at the bottom of the stairs. They are the silver and golden
statues you have seen in the below area. Just rotate to the way you have
checked. The stairs won't joke again. "What a merry guy you are !". I
remind you to save here. This is really a hard battle. A bandit appears.
Without allowing you to explain, he attacks you :

HP : 1150
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Hard

HP : 100
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Easy

HP : 100
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Medium

This boss is rather hard. He is not powerful, but his supporters are.
His only attack is throwing the knives through you which doesn't make
big damage. But sometimes he gives up the Bursting Bombs. These things
can't attack. But after some moments they crawl close you and explode
which makes big damage. So I think you should defend when the bombs are
coming to you. When Drake's HP is half, he will make the protective wire
to protect him. You must beat this up before beating him. When his HP is
red, sometimes he could restore 360 HP. Try to cause as much as damage
him in the fastest time.

After beating him, the soul of the shrine appears - Shirley. Rose
regconizes her and so does she. Shirley says she doesn't have any
Dragoni Plant, but Shana could be saved by the White Silver Dragon
power. Holding the new Dragoon Spirit, she wants to challenge you if you
deserve to get it. Fight !

HP : ????
Element : Light
Difficulty : Very Easy

HP : ????
Element : Light
Difficulty : Very Easy

HP : ????
Element : Wind
Dificulty : Very Easy

Shirley is a soul and she is never killed. Her HP is infinite. Because
you fight her by answering her questions. Don't beat her. Just guard.
After some moments, she will ask you :

- Dart, Lavitz, why do you fight ?

There are two answers :

- To protect those we love (Dart's challenge)
- To pride and honor (Lavitz's challenge)
Choose any choice here. I write Dart's challenge first. Then Lavitz.
Remember to choose the (X) decision if you want to finish up this battle
Shirley transforms into Shana. Shana askes you :

- Dart, I have been waiting. Why did you leave without saying a word ?

These are your decisions :

- It's none of your business (X)
- To pursue the Black Monster

Shana askes :
- What are you going to do after you find the Black Monster ?

Decisions :
- Of course, get revenge ! (X)
- I don't know yet.

Final question for Dart :
- Please, forget about revenge and be with me. The Black Monster or me,
Dart ?

Decisions :
- Shana (X)
- Black Monster.

"Really ? Dart, I'm so happy !".
-> Dart's challenges is ended.


Shirley transforms into King Albert to challenge Lavitz:
- Lavitz ! What are you doing here ! Forget Shana and go back.

Decisions :
- Yes, Your Majesty. Coming.
- That's not like you. (X)

Albert asks :
- Lavitz ! Are you disobeying my order ? Choosing one over many ?

Decisions :
- Shana needs me ! (X)
- Don't command me !
-> Lavitz's challenge is ended.



At the end, Shirley returns to herself and gives the challenge to all
of your party members :

*Dart's question :
- Dart, advancing will bring truth as well as ordeals. And you still
want to go ?

Decisions :
- No matter what, I will go. (X)
- I'll save Shana and go home.

*Lavitz's question :
- Lavitz, I ask you. Who is the most important person for you to protect

Decisions :
- Mother (X)
- Lordship

*Rose's question :
- Lastly Rose, I ask you. What does life mean to you ?

Decisions :
- I've never thought about it. (X)
- Nothing but sacrifice.

You pass the battle. If you choose wrong decisions, Shirley would
continue to challenge you until you know the right things.

After that, Shirley will give you the White Silver Dragoon Spirit and
ask you to save Drake. In this shrine, Drake devotes his life to protect
Shirley. Now you can get his treasures in the back and a new weapon for
Rose : Demon Stiletto. Okay, bring the Dragoon Spirit back to Shana.

Items : 3 tickets
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
Back to Lohan. Go to the Clinic to save Shana. The Dragoon Spirit
accepts her as the new dragoon. Now you have 4 dragoons. Congratulation
! Sanator realizes your talent and he tells you about the heroes
competition of Lohan at the arena.

Get out of the Clinic. Go down the land and head to the right. You run
straight to the arena. First, meet the Ginger to register. Then go to
the Waiting Room. You'll meet the participants here. Two of them are
Lloyd and Haschel. Talk to them and prepare yourself. When you have
finished, talk to the Attendant to begin the battle.

HP : 200
Element : Non-elemetal
Difficulty : Easy
This guy is only a stupid head. Even he uses Poison to you. You could
defeat him easily by using Additions.

Prepare yourself again and take part in the second battle :

HP : 200
Element : Fire
Difficulty : Easy
This guy is not remarkable, he is a little tougher than the first guy
Just beat as usual.

Why stopping ? Continue the next battle :

HP : 220
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Medium
This guy is wise. When he doesn't use his axe, just defend and don't
attack because he will give you a big hit after your strike. Defend
he holds his axe again. Or you can use attack items instead of defense.
But after that he will use All-out Attack will take wipe of your HP.

Yeah, you have come the semi-final fight :

HP : 250
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium
This guy is not very remarkable. Just beat him as usual. I don't think
that he is stronger the third guy.

This is your final battle. Haschel lost Lloyd. So now you fight Lloyd.

HP : ????
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Hard
You can't beat him anyway, even attack items. Your work now is
suffering until he plays the finishing touch.

Don't be sad because you are still in the second place. Haschel is the
third. Lloyd goes away. Now you return to your party. Lavitz gives you
the 3 tickets to play here. Choose some games to play with Shana if you
want. Of you can buy more tickets in the booth. If you don't want to
play anymore, just tell Lavitz "I've got enough".

After the talk, you and your party must return to Bales to report to
King Albert. But before going out, you see a wounded Knight of Basil
trying to meet you. Lavitz asks him what happened. King Albert was
captured. Then the Knight is dead. In anger, Lavitz only wants to return
to save his faithful fellow. But Haschel stops him. He wants to join
you, too. From now, Haschel is in your party. Okay, let's get back to
Hellena Prison - where Albert is.

Items : Pandemonium, Thunderbolt, 2 Healing Potion, Sachet
Weapons & Armors : Leather Armor, Felt Hat, Therapy Ring, Silver Vest,
Spear, Broad Sword
Money : 20g
Enemies here :

HP : 120
Element : Fire

HP : 150
Element : Fire

HP : 100
Element : Fire

Okay, you begin in the fork road again. Now the elevator in the left
was repaired. You have nothing to do in the old right area, except
gaining level. You can also revisit the Merchant in the room where he
was to buy items. Prepare yourself here.

There's a new area here. Go to it to get more items you like. Go to
left and get on the elevator. There are a lot of items here. Just find
the way to get them all if you like. Your next destination is go
upstairs. Open the treasure chest to take Healing Potion, then go south.
You'll realize this was the place where you got the Key to rescue Shana.
The Hellena Wardens are surrounding you. They trap you into a vault.
want to feed something by you.

After the talk, go to Shana. She feels something wrong of the rock in
front of her. Let Dart touch the rock. He feels a new area here. But
before getting out, you must fight a boss :

HP : 1200
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Medium
He is very strong. His strongest attack is striking the land to drop
the rocks. Just attack as usual. Be careful when being caused
"Dispirited". You should have some Mind Purifiers for this case.
Tranformation or Specical Transformation is the fastest way now.

This monster will "help" you to break the rock opening the area. Go to
it you'll find the way to return to the place where you was trapped.
Fight the Wardens, then go to the way beside you. Fight the two Wardens
and Fowl Fighters. Then you'll be taken to Albert's place. Save before
entering. You face Fruegel again :

HP : 1000
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 400
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 400
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

If Rose has learnt Demon's Gate, the two Rodriguez and Guftas would be
taken to the other world at once by that skill. But of course, you'll
no EXP of beating them. Rodrique and Guftas are more dangerous
then Fruegel because they could cause status abnormalities on you
If you haven't get Demon's Gate yet, use Blossom Storm of Lavitz first
to increase your party's defense, then use strong spells which attack
enemies. Fruegel is not very dangerous but he is strong just like the
previous time. It's better to take wipe of all his servants and then
finish him as soon as possible.

At that time, Lloyd appears in black hood, taking the Moon Gem from
Albert's body and runs away. Lavitz chases after him to kill him for his
king. But Lloyd prompts to thrust his Dragon Buster through Lavitz. The
Knight has died. Now Jade Dragoon would be King Albert. He replaces the
role of Lavitz.

Items : Attack Ball, Spark Net, Dark Mist, Translight, Spear Frost,
Spinning Gale, Red Stone, Blue Stone, Yellow Stone, Violet Dragon DS
Weapons & Armors : Twister Glaive, Beast Fang
Money : 100g, 20g
Enemies here :

HP : 200
Element : Fire

HP : 150
Element : Fire

After the talk in Seles, get to Kazas~Black Castle.
Check out all the houses in the first area before going deeper. The
deeper area is Kazas. A poor town under fortress ! Talk to the
population. Then reach the house in the botton left to talk to a child.
He will ask you three questions about the war. Just answer :

- I don't know.
- Take care at home.
- To protect something.

After that, the boy introduces himself as the representive of Sandora
mercenaries. He is very glad to meet King Albert and willing to help you
with accessing the castle. After talking, just follow him and say "Yeah,
I'm ready" to climb down the hole he prepared for you. Try to pass the
underground cave until the lowest floor. Then go left and climb the
stairs and ladders in the right. You face some enemies here, Just take
them off or run away if you want.

In the next area, climb down the ladder and fight some knights. Go to
the south to get some items. Then straight to the north. You'll see some
elevators activated by some Purple Flame. You can't get on it. First, go
to the right. You'll see a laboratory for magic research. Talk to the
Green and White Flame Researchers. You can meet the Whitw one to heal
your HP and MP. They will give you the Magic Oil to use in Purple Flame.
Activate the elevator in your right and go down. Then activate the next
left one, you'll be taken to a dump area. Go down the ladder to get
items. Now you must try to pass the waste lid when the guy overthere is
controlling it. Don't let the waste drop on your back. Try to run and
avoid them at the same time as soon as possible. Open the treasure chest
to get Red Stone. Return to the outside. With the Magic Oil, activate
the left elevator first, kill the knight and meet another researcher.
After some talk, you will realize he is Mr.Magi who was mentioned by the
other researchers. He would show you some new magic. But I don't know
why it is only a dog. Open the chest to get Blue Stone. Then go out.
Fight the two guards and get on the north elevator. You are on second
floor. This is a cycle area so you can turn right or turn left. Both
takes you to the old areas. Check out the place carefully to get
Stardust and items. Buy items from the seller if you want. You see some
knights practising. Talk to them and finish them all, then activate the
beside elevator. You'll meet Great Commander of Sandora - the guy who
the advance and destruction on Seles. He always regrets and feels
pitious for his emperor Doel. He gives you the Yellow Stone. Okay, if
you like, get down the elevator and go to the right. Fight the guard and
go upstairs. You begin another fight :

HP : 500
Element : Dark
This guy is similar to the one in Hoax. Just beat as that time.

Okay, return to the third floor where you meet the Great Commander,
use the left elevator to get on the fourth floor. You are in a large
beautiful hall of the castle. The statue is Emperor Karina - Doel's
wife. Now stand near the triangle holes and put the three stones on. A
new area is opened in the statue. Follow it and get on the elevator
inside to another path. Kongol appears !!! He wants to get revenge his
lost battle in Hoax :

HP : 1000
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Hard

Now he is wearing a protective gear and stronger than the previous
time. You still try to make compplete additions if you don't want to ask
for troubles. He can use two skills each time. His most powerful skill
screwing the target on the wall he builds. Then beat and strike him/her
on it and break the wall. This makes you lose 180-220 HP. Check and heal
your HP frequently. Have a character to heal only. That means you should
let this character guard when he/she doesn't heal to keep his/her life
support other allies. Like the previous time, if you don't finish your
Additions completely, he will throw you again. The battle ends when you
break up Kongol's protective armor.

Straight and get into the door. Take part in the hardest battle of
Disc 1 :

HP : 650
Element : Thunder
Difficult : Medium
Now he is not very powerful. But he can attack continually. Just beat
as usual and keep up your HP.

It's just a little beginning. Now Doel becomes himself as the Violet
Dragoon :

HP : 1500
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Very Hard
Now he is really tough. I remind you to turn into Dragoons at Level 1
because sometimes he could make a safe protective sphere that no hits
could destroy it, except it runs out of time. In this sphere, magic and
physical attacks entirely have no effect. Have at least one character to
support and heal your party. Don't turn into Dragoon too much or it will
be useless for the protective sphere. But Doel's attacks are very
powerful, every of his hits. Frequently check your health.
Extremely alert with Doel's super Flash Hall. He slashes all your
characters and call the final lightning strike. Guarding is the best way
to survive. But you must heal as soon as possible after the hit. This
strike is stronger than regular Flash Hall that you can cause by using
Attack Items.

Doel realizes his mistakes. But it's too late. Before dying, he tells
you about Lloyd. Now that guy had gone to Tiberoa. Now your next mission
is to pursue him and find out about the Moon That Never Sets, Shana's
biography and the Black Whachamacallit. You have a new Dragoon ~ Violet
Dragoon Haschel.



Items : N/A
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
Now you are in Fletz - a rich and peaceful kingdom. Visit the Item
Shop, Weapon Shop and Jewelry Shop to prepare yourself. If you like, you
can go to the church to see the Stars Fantasia. But I think it's just a
waste of time.

Forward the castle, see a remarkable conversation of Emille Princess
(Albert's heart is being broken into pieces). Okay, in the first scene
of the town, go to the restaurant beside the hotel, find a waitress
named Kaffi and ask her about the town. Just choose the decision which
not only lets her tell you about Stars but also reminds about Lloyd. If
you talk to her in the right order, the night will come to the town.
Kaffi will remind you about an astronomy researcher called Mr.Fester. He
is in the house next door. Call and talk to him. He will show you what
he knows about the Moon That Never Sets and the Black Monster. Then
climb the ladder to see the Moon by the microscope. But now... you have
nothing to do. In that area, go to the central house which was closed in
the afternoon. Now it's opened. This is Mrs.Nello's house - a woman who
has a great love of plants. You should accept to talk to her about her
Green Project (annoying !?). Let our intelligent Albert talk to her
the next morning...

How free we are ! You can get out of the town.

Items : Recovery Ball
Weapons & Armors : Warrior Dress
Money : 50g
Enemies here :

HP : 150
Element : Earth

HP : 60
Element : Wind

HP : 200
Element : Earth

HP : 80
Element : Earth

HP : 200
Element : Earth

Just check the place to get Warrior Dress. Then go to the next area.
You'll meet some gangsters here. They want to annoy you for bad purpose.
Just fight a battle with them :

HP : 300
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Very Easy

HP : 600
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy
These guys are annoying and fast. Check and heal your HP frequently.
If you beat this battle too long, sometimes Mappy could vanish that you
can't attack him until he re-appears again. They are very similar to
regular enemies.

After being defeated, Mappy would steal your Dragoon Spirit and run
away safely, even Rose has tried to chase him.

Now go to the right path and head to Donau.

Items : Letter from Lynn
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
There is a Stardust in the water in your left. Go to the first right
house and talk to Miss Kate. She asks you to help her find Lynn - the
of the Mayor's because he has gone to meet the Gehrich Gang for the
of the town. Accept her command, go to the right stairs to buy items and
heal your health if you want. Then head to the left. Now you can't go
forward because the thief is blocking there. Just go upstairs to the
Mayor's house, tell him about Lynn.

After finishing, go down the stairs a see an interesting scene : A
dancer is joking with the gangs. Just see her terrible personality. Then
she wants to talk to you about getting to the Valley of Corrupted
Gravity to find Gehrich. Even you choose either decision, she still
follows you anyway as a playable character: Meru. She tells you that you
must have the Fletz King's pass to go to that place. So pass the Barrens
and return to Fletz.

Items : Pass to Valley, Speed Up, Sachet, Meteor Fall
Weapons & Armors : Talisman, Knight Helm
Money : N/A
Now your problem is how to enter the castle. First, just talk to the
guard. Then Meru tries to joke again. But even you do anyway, you can't
enter the castle. So go around the town. Get to the Item Shop to meet
Mr.Fester. He is buying something. He says that he has something more to
do and goes out. Head to the castle again, Mr.Fester is there, too. Now
he accepts to let you explain your problem. After that, you will know
that he is a governor who teaches Princess Lisa Astrology. He agrees to
help you get into the castle. Just follow him until you meet the King
Zior. The King is kind enough to give you the Pass to get into the

When getting out, the Maid Libria tells you that Princess Lisa wants
to meet King Albert. She knows Albert is a king because of Astrology. So
follow her and talk to the Princess. She will tell you about her
ridiculous sister Princess Emille. You are also offered to enjoy the
dinner at the castle (Ignore the strange action of Princess Emille,
you'll understand later). Then go to the bedroom and make a sleep.

Everything here is finished. Go to the Barrens and choose the left
path. It takes you to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Give the pass to
the guard and get in.

Enemies here :

HP : 100
Element : Wind

HP : 100
Element : Thunder

HP : 200
Element : Wind

HP : 100
Element : Dark

HP : 250
Element : Thunder

In the left there are Rock Fileflies. In the right there are Speed Up
and Sachet. In this place, you must use the flying rocks to move because
there is no gravity here. Go forward. Climb the dead tree and jump rock
to rock. Try to get all the treasures if you can. Then head to the next

Oh no, this place is confusing. Let me show you the basic. Try to use
all the rocks here to pass. Do you see the white shadows on the ground ?
If you stand on it, it will move you to the other shadows on the other
ground. If you do best, you can get all the treasures in the next area
and go to the end of the place. I remind you to get all the items here,
because one of them is Talisman which is necessary for the next battle.
Another Virage !!! Don't listen to Shana, just move the rock to the
side. Then touch the Virage :

Difficulty : Hard
HP : 1500
Element : Non-elemental

- ARM :
HP : 350
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 800
Element : Non-elemental
If you have Talisman (avoid instant death) or Holy Ankh, equip them
with you. If not, use Shana in your battle to revive characters. The
strategy is rather similar to the previous one. But Virage's left arm
cause instant death on you that the character dies at once. Virage's
right arm and head mainly attack with Light spells. So Shana can
suffer them. This boss is rather tough. As the previous Virage, its arm
can be revived after a moment of destroying. If you want to reduce the
percentage of instant death, just beat its left arm and the head at the
same time. Its head is the most important that will decide its death.

After that, head to Home of Gigantos - Gehrich's hideout.

Items : Angel's Prayer, Kate's Bouquet
Weapons & Armors : Knight Shield, Bandit's Ring
Money : 20g
Enemies here :

HP : 200
Element : Earth

HP : 350
Element : Dark

HP : 200
Element : Dark

In the first place, I assure that you'll be assaulted by some sudden
arrows. Just go to the area in your left, try pushing the sparkling
switch to stop them. Get 50g and Bandit's Ring. Then go upstairs. The
joking thieves will shoot you with rows of arrows when you try to enter
the area. First, run to the south, you'll be surrounded by the Gangster.
Now just try to run around until they want to fight you.

HP : 200
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Very Easy

HP : 500
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Easy
Not very powerful. Shana's Star Children can be effective. Just beat
as usual. With Rose, don't use Shadow Cutter because it's Dark element.
This battle is just like the previous with Mappy.

After that, Haschel will help you to destroy the wall. Let's access
the main house. When you and your party are checking the Rock Fileflies
place, Haschel tries all the way to get in the house. Use Rock Fileflies
if you want. Get Angel's Prayer. Then chase after him. Now you are
compelled to put Haschel in your party. Gehrich was one of his pupil in
martial art school and Haschel must teach him how a fist is :

HP : 1700
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Hard

HP : 1200
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Hard

Use Talisman (Mappy can make instant death) on your important
character. This boss is tough, especially they go in couple. Heal your
characters freqently and have at least one character to do this. With
Haschel, Dragoon Attack is more effective than Atomic Mind. These two
bosses are very dangerous when they attack together. This hit can make
you lose more than 200 HP. It's dangerous for female characters such as
Shana or Meru. If you have these weak characters in your party, let them
heal and guard only. Don't attack. Try to complete the additions. The
other members should be those strong characters who are not so weak
against physical attacks.

After the battle, some troubles happen... Gehrich tries to tell you
that Princess Emille is fake. The real one is hidden in the twin castle.
Now Kongol joins you. As his guide, go down the stairs to find Lynn
and collect the Red Eyed Dragoon Spirit (the sparkling thing) on the
floor. Then return to Fletz to report the incident.

Kongol is Golden Dragoon. If you have gone to the restaurant of Donau,
a minitos will tell you about some sparkling stone in Lohan. Just return
there and talk to the street seller who sold the empty bottle. Then he
will sell you the Golden Dragon Dragoon Spirit with 2000g. No bargain.

Items : Sun Rhapsody, Moon Serenade
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
When you have been in Fletz, the guard of the castle isn't at his
position. It's Princess Emille's birthday for the Moon Dagger being
given to her. All the guards in the castle are fake. They are the gangs
who were ordered by the fake Princess Emille. Now you must be very
to wander here.

First, find Princess Lisa to report everything. In the castle hall, go
to the small path in the right beside the bedroom. The guards are tight.
When they stare at other directly, pass them gently. Just hide in the
rooms on your way if they prepare to stare at you. If you are spotted,
they will take you to the old position. Go to the twisting stairs in the
right and run to the top, you meet Princess Lisa. Tell her everything.
She will join you. Now let's go to the left tower - Princess Emille's
room. Go as the previous time. Until you reach the top, the two
fake guards run away when you regconize them. The room now becomes an
awful mess. Rose is standing beside Emille's picture. She says there's
something wrong in it. Try touching the picture, all of the people in
the room would be sent into the picture. You are in a platform of a
magic space.

The real Princess Emille is in the other. Let Dart touch the light orb
in the background, it will turn into a bridge to Princess Emille's
position. Pass it and wake her up, report everything to her. Then she
will join you. Now you don't need to hide from the guards. Just reach
court of King Zior. The fake Princess is being given the Moon Dagger.
your party prompt to access. The fake girl quickly steals
the precious thing from the King's hand. Then she turns into her true
self - a stranger named Lenus. Of course, you must fight her :

HP : 3400
Element : Water
Difficulty : Hard

Many players, including me, have failed this battle several times, for
that most us love transforming into Dragoons and then Lenus has more
chances to attack you.


Equip the Heat Blade to Dart. Have at least a character for healing.
Lenus can use well Water and Dark spells with big damage. NEVER USE
SPECIAL DRAGOON TRANSFORMATION or this battle would be the hardest. If
you want to transform, just do with one character, especially Dart
because he is the opposite element of Lenus. Because when you use
Special Transformation, you can't heal your characters frequently. Lenus
has more chances to play heavy continuous attacks that kill you before
you can do anything. She could cast 4 attacks in each turn. Believe me,
just beat her in ordinary state. It only takes you 5 minutes in this
way. Have at least character to heal okay.

Lenus doesn't die. She only runs away. Then you'll be sudden to
realize that she is a Wingly. The Winglies disppeared after the Dragon
Campaign 11000 years ago after losing Humans. Before running, she showed
Meru about how to escape. Just because Meru is a Wingly, too. But she
doesn't reveal herself to everyone.

After the incident, King Zior demands you to get back the Moon Dagger.
He lets you use freely the great ship Queen Fury under the lead of
Commodore Puler to pursue Lenus. The ship is at Donau to wait for you.
Go there and head to the port. Kayla, your manager will help you to get
on the ship.

Items : N/A
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : 1g
On the ship, all your characters have their own feelings. Let's enjoy

First, Shana wants to tell her dear Dart about their fate and future.
You take control of her. She wants to meet Dart. He is with Commodore
Puler. Go to one of the ways in the north. Go up the first stairs, then
another one to get on the second floor. You'll see our Haschel sleeping
here. Just ignore him and go up the next stairs forward. You'll meet
Dart. Dart is thinking of something. She talks to him and lets him know
her feeling about the fate. But maybe everything is all right. Dart
still wonders about the Black Monster. He thinks Rose could help him.

Climb up the ladder in the back. Rose is at the top of the ship. Just
move up to meet her. In the talk, even Dart asks very much, Rose tries
to refuse telling (just because she knows too much). She asks him what
he would do if he finds the Black Monster, then explains him about the
source of Dragon power.

She wonders about her strange purpose in the journey. Let her go
downstairs to talk to Haschel. He also asks her about it and of course
the cold woman would easily refuse and go away.

He misses his daughter. He has looked for her for years. He didn't
keep his anger that Claire~his daughter got out of his sight in tears.
Long time passes, he forgot his object and joins Dart's party on their
jorney. Now Haschel wants to find something funny to forget the sadness.
He finds Kongol. At the place where Shana is, Kongol is under stairs. Go
and play a joke on him. Kongol's purpose is to fight for the equal of
all species. But he doesn't know what "Friend" is. Haschel reminds him
to find the "King of Human"~this is the word Kongol uses to call Albert.

Go upstairs. Go to the north and get in the first door you see. Albert
is here. The intelligent king tells him about the friends - who share
happiness, pains, sadness, fun etc with us, who are on the same road
with us. Kongol goes away to think about it. Albert wants to find a
friend of his to talk to.

Get out of the room and go to the north one. The king will receive an
awful welcome from Meru. He wonders why she joins the party in this
dangerous journey. Meru is bored at Albert's seriosity. She wants to
joke Dart.

Dart is still with Commodore Puler. Play a joke with him. If you let
him guess right, she will talk to you. If not, she gives you a kick
before talking. Go upstairs to talk to Rose. But something happens in
the sea...

Items : Key to Ship
Weapons & Armors : Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Magic Ego Bell, Talisman,
Ultimate Wargod, Bravery Amulet, Dancing Dagger
Money : 100g, 50g, 20g, 200g, 100g
You see a strange ship rising from the dark which the souls are
wandering around. It's the Saint Louvia from Mille Seseau. When you
realize your situation, Shana is lost. Dart and his party finds her on
that ship with some souls around. Choose your party and explore this
place when our sailors are fixing the Queen Fury.

Enemies in Phantom Ship :

HP : 150
Element : Fire

HP : 200
Elemment : Dark

HP : 200
Element : Dark

You meet these monsters by touching the flying souls around you.
First, go downstairs. You'll see some pink creatures hides in the first
room. Get into it. You'll see a treasure chest. But the thing inside is
not an item. From the chest, that creature jumps out and flies to the
room next door. Suddenly the bones on the floor combine into skeletons
and you must finish them all.

Get out of the room. In the corridor there is a treasure chest
containing 50g. Go to the next room and open the treasure chest here.
Now the creature really stands there and fights you with the waking
skeletons :

HP : 600
Element : Dark

Be careful with this creature because it could cause "bewitchment"
which cause confusion on your party if you don't kill it fast. After
that, get out of the room and go to the last room of the corridor. You
can find the code number of a treasure by the haunting souls. Another
moving treasure here !!! When you try to open it, three Magician Bogies
welcome you. Just "respond" to them.

When they are defeated, a soul rises from the chest and asks you to go
to the Captain's Cabin.


If you check the cabin beside the locked door where you will fight the
bosses on this ship, you can find a secret chest which is locked by a
special digit. This added notes will show you the rule to open it.
Special thanks to Beno Jange for contributing this to my FAQ.

First Time 10 chances Stun Guard
Second Time 8 chances Panic Guard
Third Time 6 chances Magic Ego Bell
Fourth Time 4 chances Talisman
Fifth Time 2 chances Ultimate Wargod
Sixth Time 2 chances 100G

The basic concept for the password are:
1. There are four numbers to be given as a password.
2. There are only three of them are used for password.
3. The four numbers should be changed to three numbers permutation and
4. Each time if one or more numbers of the code are entered correctly
(almost correct) then there will be a text displaying "...". However
if all of numbers are entered incorrectly then there will be a text
displaying how many chances are left.
5. If you get almost correct code (means that one or more number
location of the code is correct) then compare it with other almost
correct code and find the similarity. After that, negate the
similarity to find the incorrect code and cross all other incorrect
codes. However, if you enter the incorrect password (means that the
number location of the code is incorrect) then cross all other
incorrect codes.
6. Enter the password which is left by selection. Repeat step (4) and
(6) if the password is still incorrect.

You are confused by my explanation, aren't you? OK, I will give you
step by step solution. Remember to save each time you enter the correct
codes. However, you ever have learned the permutation and combination
in your school, haven't you?

Case 1

1. There are four numbers: 0258.

2. Three of them are used for password.

3. Do the permutation and combination for three numbers:
025 052 205 502 250 520
028 082 208 802 280 820
058 085 508 805 580 850
258 285 582 852 825 528

4. Enter one of the three numbers in the above for the password: 258.

5. If you received a text displaying how many chances are left then you
enter the incorrect code. That means all of the number if 2 is
placed 1st or 5 is placed 2nd or 8 is placed 3rd then it will be the
incorrect numbers. The other incorrect password (from the list) if:
- 2 is placed 1st: 205, 250, 208, 280, (258), 285.
- 5 is placed 2nd: 052, 250, 058, 850, (258), 285, 852.
- 8 is placed 3rd: 028, 208, 058, 508, (258), 528.
Cross them all for removing it from correct code selection.

6. The list should be contained: 025, 502, 520, 082, 802, 820, 085,
805, 580, 582, 825. Enter one of them: 820. Oh no! It's incorrect
password. Don't worry. The other incorrect password (from the list)
- 8 is placed 1st: 802, (820), 805, 825.
- 2 is placed 2nd: 025, 520, (820), 825.
- 0 is placed 3rd: 520, (820), 580.
Cross them all for removing it from correct code selection. The list
should be contained: 502, 082, 085, 582. You only have to enter one
of the four codes. It's better than entering 22 codes from the
permutation and combination list!

Case 2

1. There are four numbers: 0025.

2. Three of them are used for password.

3. Do the permutation and combination for three numbers:
002 020 200
005 050 500
025 052 250 502 520 205

4. Enter one of the three numbers in the above for the password: 020.

5. If you received a text displaying "..." then you enter the almost
correct code. Write it down. Enter another code: 200. You've got
another almost correct code. Write it down. Now compare these two
codes and find the similarity: 020 and 200. You'll see that the
similarity is 0 is placed 3rd. Now negate the similarity so the
incorrect password if 0 is not placed 3rd are: 002, 005, 025, 052,
502, 205. Cross them all from the list.

6. The list should be contained: (020), (200), 050, 500, 250, 520. You
will only have to enter one of the four codes. It's better than
entering 10 codes from the permutation and combination list!

Case 3

1. There are four numbers: 0123.

2. Three of them are used for password.

3. Do the permutation and combination for three numbers:
012 021 102 120 201 210
013 031 103 130 301 310
023 032 203 230 302 320
123 132 213 231 312 321

4. Enter one of the three numbers in the above for the password: 103.

5. If you received a text displaying how many chances are left then you
enter the incorrect code. That means all of the number if 1 is
placed 1st or 0 is placed 2nd or 3 is placed 3rd then it will be the
incorrect numbers. The other incorrect password (from the list) if:
- 1 is placed 1st: 102, 120, (103), 130, 123, 132.
- 0 is placed 2nd: 102, 201, (103), 301, 203, 302.
- 3 is placed 3rd: 013, (103), 023, 203, 123, 213.

6. The list should be contained: 012, 021, 210, 031, 310, 032, 230,
320, 231, 312, 321. Enter one of them: 021. If you received a text
displaying "..." then you enter the almost correct code. Write it
down. Enter another one: 031. Oh no! It's almost correct password.
Write it down. Now compare these two codes and find the similarity:
021 and 031. You'll see that the similarity is 1 is placed 3rd. Now
negate the similarity so the incorrect password if 1 is not placed
3rd are: 012, 210, 310, 032, 230, 320, 312. Cross them all from the
list. The list should be contained: (021), (031), 231, 321. You will
only have to enter one of the two codes. It's better than entering
21 codes from the permutation and combination list!

The easiest way to determine the more exact code is by finding the
incorrect code. The codes which come from four different numbers are
quite hard to solve than the codes which come from three or less
different numbers. You should pray hard that the ghost won't give you
four different numbers. As I state in the beginning that save each time
you successfully unlock the chest but not each time you get the
numbers. Why? Your saved file won't save your numbers. In other words,
each time you load your saved file then the four numbers will be
different again so you have to go all the way to obtain the numbers
from the ghosts.


Let's follow the soul. Get out and go upstairs. Then head to the right
to Captain's Cabin. The soul of the Captain appears in front of you. He
prompts to tell you the "author" of this stragedy was the Black Monster.
All people here tried to save new born Princess Louvia from the Black
Monster and were killed. The baby was lost. But he disappears again. You
can get money and the Key to Phantom Ship. Then get out and go to the
left path. When you are going, some haunting Ghost Knights appears to
curse the Black Monster who was Rose. In this way there are two cabins.
The first has the chest with code key. You can get Bravery Amulet from
and be welcomed by some Skeletons. Just go to the second room. A lot of
ghosts appears who want to kill the "Black Monster". Fight !!!

HP : 300
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 1300
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

Try to kill them at the same time. Because if you don't let them die
at the same time, when you kill one, that one will be revived after some
moments. First, attack the Ghost Commander until his HP is red. Then
Shana's Star Children or any all spells can take wipe of them all. If
there is some still alive, just attack them heavily at once.

Shana will appear to persuade the Knight. He regconizes her to be
Princess Louvia, so he stops fighting and disappears. Get to the next
room. Take Dancing Dagger and touch the baby bed. The soul Princess'
maid appears and tells you about the poor Louvia. But when Shana talks
to her, she again realizes that is Princess Louvia and goes away...

When you go out, the Saint Louvia begins sinking. All the characters
try to jump to the Queen Fury. Dart is the last one. The phantom ship
leaves at the same time that he falls when jumping. Rose jumps follow
him and try to hold his hand, being handed on a bar. But she can't keep
Dart longer. Both of them drop into the sea...

Dart is saved by Rose. Now they are in an unknown place, in a cave.
Rose puts his head on her knees and remember a person~a person she loves
- also Dart's father - Zieg. She remembers the terrible Dragon Campaign
which got Zieg's life. At that time, she also held Zieg's hand. But it
was too late to save him. And now she repeated that action wih Dart. She
saw Zieg in Dart. But he is not her Zieg...

Items : Healing Potion
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
A boy named Pete spots Rose and Dart in the cave. He takes them to the

After talking to the child's family. Just get out of here, move to the
pier, getting some chest and follow the way to outside (there's nothing
in this village). Pete chases after you. He changes his mind and decided
to take his mother for some treatment of her illness at Fueno - your
destination. Okay, just go.

There are monsters here :

HP : 300
Element : Water

HP : 350
Element : Water

HP : 400
Element : Water

HP : 550
Element : Earth

But now you just only pass the out path to go to Fueno. Nothing
unusual, okay ?

When you have come here, Pete and his mother thank you and go to the
hospital. And, just go around the city and buy items if you want. Then
go downtairs to the next area. You see the Queen Fury stop here. Forward
to the port, you meet Kayla. Talk to her and she will tell you that your
partners are in the city. Just return and you face Meru in your way. She
shows you the way to the hotel - where the party is.

After some kind of her joke, go upstairs to the back room to meet
Shana (romantic !!!). Meru jokes you again. But don't worry. It's just

When you have finished the talk, get out of the hotel and go out to
the city. Find a drunk man talking to the people. In his words, he
reminds something about the Sea Dragon in Prison Island. The only way to
go that place is the Undersea Cavern. Go to the port to find Commodore
Puler. He reports to you some information about Lenus. She is at Prison
Island, too. Okay, now it's your way to Lidiera.

Items : Healing Rain, Healing Fog, 2 Attack Ball, Gushing Magma, 2
Recovery Ball, Burn Out, Blue Sea Dragon DS
Weapons & Armors : Jeweled Crown
Money : N/A
Return to Lidiera. On the pier, choose the decision to ocean terrace
to talk to the Mayor of Lidiera who control the way to Prison Island. He
will ask you why you want to go there with three choices :

- Danger attracts me.
- Danger is my middle name.
- We need to see the monster. (X)

If you don't want they call you "crazy", choose the 3rd choice. They
allow you to go and the Mayor orders the guard to open the gate to
control cave. After that, choose to get to Pete's house. Then run to the
back, jump rock to rock to climb up to the cave. Take Healing Fog and
Healing Rain. Find a Valve Handle and turn it. Now you can pass the
secret way in Undersea Cavern.

In Undersea Cavern, the path which was covered by water now rises. Get
Burn Out and run to the other side. Here you should get all the items
here. They are useful for the next battle. When you have finished
everything, go up the twist stairs and save. Then continue. You are at
Prison Island.

Lloyd and Lenus are talking here. Lenus gives him the Moon Dagger
which she got from King Zior. But when they begin to "love", your party
has come. Lloyd runs away leaving his lover alone. He lets you know that
he is leading to Mille Seseau. The crazy love of Lenus orders her to
block her. She turns into a Dragoon - the Blue Sea Dragoon and calls the
real Sea Dragon Regole to play with you :

HP : 3000
Element : Water
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 3200
Element : Water
Difficulty : Medium

Both Lenus and Regole are afraid of Fire. Just continue to equip Dart
with the Heat Blade. In the first time, Regole uses Tidal Waves to beat
you that make a very big damage on the characters, especially Dart. But
if you have the command "Special" use it with Dart. Both of your
characters are Dragoons. Just two Final Burst of Dart's could defeat
Regole because he is more sensitive than Lenus. Lenus is harder. Her
weapon is still the pair of Boomerangs. But with your special
transformation, she is nothing to you. Do your best in this battle. For
me, I think Dragoon Lenus is not so strong as she was in the ordinary
state. But don't depise her so much. Some of her performance can wipe
your HP like Regole's Tidal Waves. So then, kill Regole first, then just
attempt to Lenus.

Lenus gives all her life for Lloyd~the worst womanizer. At the end,
she still tries to kill you and Shana. But it's lucky when the love
between Shana and Dart helps them escape from the near death. The
Dragoon Spirit gets out of her body and flies to Meru. Do you know what
happens ? Our Meru is jumping for fun...
Okay, head to Fueno, ask Commodore Puler to return to Tiberoa.

From Donau, just pass Barrens to get to Fletz. Once you enter the
castle, the guards soon tell you to meet the king soon. The two
princesses are waiting for you, too. Even you couldn't get the Moon
Dagger, King Zior is still happy to make a big party to welcome you for
defeating the Sea Dragon. The story about you will be kept for time in
Tiberoa. When the court is preparing, your partners split and go to
different places. Dart and Shana is on a hall and prepares for their
love. But Mr.Fester and the maid Libria interrupt you that Shana wants
to stop and takes you to find the others :

Albert is at Princess Emille's room~the room where you found her. Rose
is at the bedroom and remembering about her past. She can't smile or
laugh...just because she hasn't do that for 11000 years. Meru and
Haschel are "tasting" the food in the kitchen when they aren't ready
yet. Kongol is at the north practising room for soldiers. When you find
them all, the party starts soon. Shana is taken to wear a beautiful...

In the ball, Dart doesn't see Shana. Let him talk to Albert, Meru,
Kongol, Haschel until they say they don't see Shana. Then Libria from
the balcony tells you that Rose needs you. Go to the balcony where
Libria was, Rose is standing there and blames Dart that he lets someone
wait for him during the night. Dart tries to look and it's Shana in the
beautiful dress...



Items : Boat License
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : 500g
You get to Mille Seseau to continue pursuing Lloyd. This is Furni~the
water city~also the port to Mille Seseau. The most exciting thing here
is that the city is full of water. Your only means of transport are
boats. When you have just got off the Queen Fury, the house in your
right has a Stardust. Search for it, then go forward. Ah, the Holy
Knight of Mille Seseau holds a prize for a fighter who can kill a
monster wolf named Kamuy and get back Teo - the child who followed the
wolf to the Evergreen Forest. Just ignore the arrogant guy with the
stupid axe (His name is Gulgus), go to the left to hotel. Go downstairs
and talk to a person. She will give you the Boat License for you to use
a boat here freely. The story about your victory with the Sea Dragon is
given to this place, too. Now get on a boat and go. Let me return to the
first place of Furni where you got off the Queen Fury and chart the map
by my words :

The first place :
- Go up : the second place
- To the house on right : Stardust
- to the Item Shop : find the Item Shop

Item Shop area :
- Talk in the Item Shop : buy items
- To the right : return to the first place
- To the left : get off the boat

Second place :
- To the hotel : rest
- Go upper right : to the next place
- To the front : return to the first place
- to the left : find Weapon Shop

Weapon Shop area :
- Talk in the Weapon Shop : buy weapons
- Move to the right : return to the second place
- Talk to the Fisherman

Third place :
- To the Clinic : cure status abnormalities
- To the right : Teo's house or get out of the city
- To the front : return to the second place
- To the Mayor's house : talk to the Mayor of Furni

Okay, do you understand the ways of the city ? Now let's return to the
walkthrough. After receiving the Boat License, that woman asks you to
meet the Mayor because his daughter Fa involved with the monster wolf
incident. Just get to his house and accept to stay there. When you want
to rest, talk to him and answer "Yes, we are". After that, your party
members finish the dinner and go to bed. Shana is very compatible with
Fa. She tries to sing for the child her favourite lullaby. Haschel hears
the song and remembers Claire - his daughter, who also likes this tune.
Then Shana wants to go to the terrace with Dart (Meru is after you !!!).
When seeing the Moon That Never Sets, some troubles happen to her...

Next morning, she becomes all right. We say goodbye to this place.
Move the boat to the right and get out of Furni (the stupid Gulgus is
there anymore).

Items : Body Purifier, Depetrifier
Weapons & Armors : Destone Amulet
Money : N/A
Monsters here :

HP : 300
Element : Wind

HP : 300
Element : Wind

HP : 350
Element : Earth

HP : 450
Element : Dark

HP : 550
Element : Earth

You are in a forest of Mille Seseau. First, go to the right to get
items. Then head to the north and search the place. You'll find Teo who
is being chased by a lot of fighters who want to get the prize, even
Gulgus. Teo is small and fast enough to pass them. When they try to
follow him, just keep trace of them. You are taken to another place. Run
to the north and you face Kamuy. Teo says it has been a lovely pet. But
it becomes like this because of protecting Fa from monsters. Kamuy is so
angry that he throws everything on his way, even the stupid Gulgus. Then
you must fight him :

HP : 3500
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy
He is not very powerful. But be careful when he bites you. "Special"
command is good at this. He likes to use Light spells. You can have
Shana to heal. His bite can make a great deal of damage. So protect
yourself from it.

After being defeated, Kamuy is dead. For the gentle cherish, Shana
saves him by the healing power from White Silver Dragon Dragoon Spirit.
Okay, now you can return to Furni to require the prize. But I remind you
that it will make you disappointed : only 500g.

Get out of that area to the place where there is a guard in the right.
Go to the south. When you prepare to get out of the forest, Rose and
Meru say they have something to do and get out of your party
temporarily. Just go.

Here you can search the place for items, weapons or anything. This is
a cold area so you can see each house has at least a fireplace. Okay, go
to the right path taking to the church. The Bishop is telling people
about the legendary Divine Tree. You should go in and ask him to tell
you that (Albert becomes freak when he has a chance to hear new
knowledge). Divine Tree is the tree in people's imagination. No one sees
the real one. But it might involve with Lloyd as he is looking for the
three Divine Moon Objects.

After finishing the story, you go to the north to talk to a man who is
Library Ute who lets you go to the national library. Follow him. Get out
of the church and go to the deep north path. Your front is the Crystal
Palace, your right is the hotel and your left is the Library. Get into
and find out about what you need. Talk to all the characters to combine
each pieces you collect from the books. Then the Library Ute realizes
were a survivor from the accident in Neet. He agrees to take you
and tells you about what he knows about the Black Monster and the

Do you wonder where Rose is ? She is at Neet - Dart's hometown which
destroyed 17 years ago by herself - the Black Monster. The Second Sacred
Sister of Deningrad~Luanna is here with The Fourth Sacred Sister Setie
and their guards. Rose comes to them and asks about this place. Luanna
was also a survivor from the tragedy of Neet like Dart. Her mother died,
her eyes are blinded after the accident. But since then, she has a
special ability which is similar to telepathy. She can read and feel
the others are thinking. Rose would like to follow Luanna to return to
Deningrad together. Luanna knows that she is not a bad person and lets
her go.

Meru is exactly a Wingly. The Humans think that Winglies disappeared
many years ago after the Dragon Campaign. But they still live in this
world - in a secret forest of Mille Seseau. When returning, Meru meets
Guaraha - her childhood friend and also a Wingly. He reminds her that
would receive a terrible welcomw if she gets back home. Control Meru to
the high cave, then use teleport to get to the platform lake and go
north. First, the Bardel brother try to get rid of you. Then the
Ancestor wants you to get out of here. Next, your father blocks your
mother and doesn't let you go home. Okay, it's enough for you to get out
of this place. But Guaraha wants to joke you again. But he also tells
you about the Divine Dragon - the King of Dragons who was locked in the
Mountain of Mortal Dragon by Winglies. But now he is free with unknown

Items : Holy Ankh, Angel's Prayer
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
After finishing everything in the Library, you get out of the place.
You meet Rose and Luanna. Let's go to the hotel.

Luanna feels something strange in Dart's body. It's not entirely
Human. After some moments, Dart falls on his knees again. He suddenly
remembers what Rose told him about the source of Dragoon's power. The
insanity !!!

When getting out, you will meet Meru, too. She is realized to be a
Wingly. Meru tells you about the Divine Dragon who is coming here for
some destruction...

The King of Dragons has come. He is flying in the air and slowly
destroy a very small part of the Crystal Palace. But he runs away soon.
Now Dart and his partners affirm that they are Dragon Knights that they
can help Deningrad to solve this incident. Luanna accepts to let them go
to the Crystal Palace to meet Queen Theresa.

When you go to the palace, try to search for some items, especially
Holy Ankh and Stardust. Pass the knight's room and bedroom, go to the
Queen's Champer. At first, you meet the First Sacred Sister Mirranda is
blaming the knight about doing his duty badly. Talk to the Queen about
the Divine Dragon. Then your party would introduce themselves as the
Dragon Knights and accept to do this work. Mirranda isn't sure of your
talent. She wants to go with you to see your true selves. Your party get
out, but Shana doesn't...

When going out, Albert realizes that Shana is missing. Let's return to
find her. Go to the secret room in the right of the Queen. Shana meets
some troubles again. This is the room used to seal Dragon's power for
about 10000 years. Shana feels weak, the White Silver Dragon Dragoon
Spirit leaves her and flies to Mirranda...

Now Mirranda replaces Shana to help you in the journey as the new
White Silver Dragoon. Your mission is going to Meru's home - Wingly
Forest to borrow the Dragon Block Staff which can seal the power of
Dragons. Return to Evergreen Forest as Meru had showed you. Run to the
area where you met Teo and head to the north. Meru would do some magic
to open a secret way. Get into and you are on the way to Wingly Forest.

Items : Mind Purifier, Power Up, Dragon Block Staff
Weapons & Armors : Dancer's Shoes, Mind Crush
Money : N/A
Try to receive another similar welcome. But it's lucky to you that the
Wingly ancestor wants to meet you. Use the teleport to get in the
village. Do you see a standing Wingly there ? Ask him to bring you up to
Meru's house. Talk to her parents and head to the right. You see two
teleport tables. The first one takes you to the Ancestor. The second
takes you to the Wingly shops. I remind you to go to the second first.
Buy Items and weapons. In this area has two another teleport tables. The
left one takes you to Guaraha's room. The right one has a platform. Meru
would open the door to show you a statue of Archangel - the legendary
guardian of Winglies. Okay, let's get to meet the Ancestor. First, you
are taken to a room with pink background that heals your health. Try to
"debate" with the Elder Bardel. Then continue to go. You'll meet the
Ancestor in the clinic room. He leads to another place with a high port.
When you are ready, he uses super teleport to open the way to Forbbiden
Land. You are moved to there.

You are in the ruin of Capital Kadessa. Enemies here :

HP : 250
Element : Earth

HP : 300
Element : Light

HP : 300
Element : Earth

HP : 160
Element : Earth

Just go in it until you meet a teleport. Use it to enter a place which
is full of teleport. Try to get all the items here. Some of them are
really useful. If you go right, you will reach an area with some pink
circles on the floor and the Spinning Head wake up and chase you. The
way in your front is sealed by 5 lasers. Try to avoid the monsters and
unlock all the circles. Each of them unlocks a laser shield.

HP : 400
Element : Non-elemental

When you have opened the seal, go into and try to pass the teleport
again until you meet an area which looks like a ring.

After the talk, just use the teleport until you reach the last one. It
will take you to a place with a Save Point and a pink table for healing.
Prepare yourself here. Then go on your way. There are two ways here, the
higest floor and the lowest floor. Now your mission is to find the
Dragon Block Staff. You aren't forced to go to the highest floor. But if
you like, just reach it.

Here you meet a puzzle. There are seven drawns on the wall which
represents the order of species. Try to arrange them by steping on them.
If their color is changed, that means you are on the right way. Until
all the platforms are changed colors, the elevator in the center will be
activated. Get on it and go down. Yeah, another type of Virage. This guy
looks more modern and stronger than the others.

Difficulty : Easy/Medium
HP : 10000
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 10000
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 5000
Element : Non-elemental

This boss is not tough. It is almost destroyed for years and now it
has 10 turns to live. When the time has come to limit, it makes an
explosion which your party lose a big number of HP. You can guard until
it explodes. Or if you want to finish the battle faster, just beat it
until the time remains 2 or 1, then guard. But there is an exception.
You can win it without its being exploded by finish it before the time
coming. As I said, this battle is optional. You can finish all your
work, gain your levels higher then return here in Disc 4 to beat (You
must be stronger at that time). It will be a very easy battle.

Now let's go to the lowest floor to get the Dragon Block Staff. When
Meru is trying to put it out, something is moving and it throws Meru
out. The "keeper" of the staff wants to play you a joke :

HP : 4600
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Medium/Hard
Don't turn into Dragoons. The Dragon Block Staff drains all the
Dragoons' strength that you will be killed easily in Dragoon form. Just
fight in ordinary state. Its magic isn't strong enough to kill you soon.
When you beat it until its HP is red, sometimes it could heal its health
by some magic. The healed HP can reach 1350 HP. Don't be impatient and
try to continue because it only does this one time. When fighting, it
lower or increase your level that also lower or increase your stat. So
careful !
When you level is lowered, your defense reduces too, the opposite of
increasing level.

You have got the Dragon Block Staff and now it's your way to return to
Deningrad. Use the right teleport to return by the fastest way. Then get
out of Kadessa to meet the Ancestor Blano. He and Meru's parents will
try to get you to Deningrad by teleporting as soon as possible...

Divine Dragon again destroys the palace. Now the damage is more
serious. Get on the palace to meet Queen Theresa again and report what
you have done. Now it's your time to find the King of Dragons. Head to
Evergreen Forest. Do you remember there is always a knight in the left
area ? Talk to him and now he allows you to pass that way. It's the path
to Mountain of Mortal Dragon.

Items : 2 Mind Purifier, Attack Ball, Healing Breeze, Total Vanising,
Body Pufifier, Speed Down
Weapons & Armors : Giganto Armor, Dragon Helm
Money : N/A
Monsters here :

HP : 250
Element : Fire

HP : 300
Element : Earth

HP : 550
Element : Wind

HP : 250
Element : Thunder

HP : 320
Element : Wind

First, there are a lot of strange animal corpses in your sight. You
will know that these are Lloyd's work. Just continue on the way. You
meet a lot of ways and cave ways in the deeper area. When you reach some
place, the power of Divine Dragon appears in your sight. Just continue
until and check the place all to get items and armors. Until you reach a
place with Save Point, prepare yourself. You hear the clash of weapons.
Forward to there and you know what is happening : Lloyd is fighting the
Divine Dragon. Without knowing what he wants, just attack the Dragon :

HP : 5000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Hard

HP : 2000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 2000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Medium

The Dragon Block Staff seals all of the power of Divine Dragon and
Dragoons. So don't turn into Dragoons. Divine Dragon is more powerful
than the Grand Jewel so this is not a joke anymore. Just use physical
attacks with him and complete your additions. Have at least one
character to heal. Frequently check your health. The strongest of Divine
Dragon is the cannon. The cannon is prepared for 3 turns wich
notification in the top of the screen. So when you see the notification,
just use "Guard" command. Don't beat him this time because it can make
you lose 600 - 800 HP. It attacks one or two characters at the same
depending on its random direction.
Also alert with its micro missiles. Although it's not as dangerous as
the Cannon, you can die of it within your carelessness.

When the Dragon dies, Lloyd quickly darts in and cut his biggest eye
to get a gem. It's the Dragoon Spirit of Divine Dragon. And this is all
what he wants. The Dragoon Spirit doesn't accept him as its owner. But
he still gets it and disappears. Return and chase after him. But no one
could believe he is a Wingly. He casts magic to push Dart and Rose down
the lava lake and runs away. Meru tries to save them by her wings.
Mirranda guesses that Lloyd wants to get the Moon Mirror from Queen
Theresa and now you must be back to Deningrad.

You have a chance to withness the incident. After escaping from you,
Lloyd heads to Deningrad. But in the Evergreen Forest, the Third Sacred
Sister Wink is being done harm to by the younger Bardel - the Wingly who
mocked Meru in the Wingly Forest. Lloyd again saved her (He had saved
Wink from the gangs once in Donau, Tiberoa). Then Wink brings him back
to the palace for some treatment. But he made incident...

Passing the Evergreen Forest, find the way to Deningrad and get on
Crystal Palace. Everything is in a mess. Queen Theresa was brought away
by Lloyd to get the Moon Mirror. Now you have another mission - reach
the Flanvel Tower which is hidden in Kashua Glacier. Now let's go. When
you go out, there will be another way appearing to take you to Kashua

Items : Thunderbolt, Meteor Fall, Dancing Ray, Black Rain, Rave
Weapons & Armors : Heat Blade, Spirit Ring, Therapy Ring, Mage Ring
Money : N/A
You are in a cold place which is covered by ice and snow. Find the
Heat Blade to equip for Dart. Most of monsters here are Water elemental
which is very convenient to use this weapon with Dart.

Enemies here :

HP : 1200
Element : Earth

HP : 400
Element : Water

HP : 250
Element : Water

HP : 500
Element : Earth

HP : 350
Element : Water

After collecting all the items, get to the next area. You'll see a
yellow note to show you the way. The right path is to Flanvel Tower. The
north path is to Snow Field. Your destination is the Tower. Go !!!

You will meet two weapon and item sellers and a Save Point. Prepare
yourselves and save here. Then climb down the icicles slowly, get items
and head to the below ground. When you have touched the land, head to
the right a go on a rising path. Your partners feel something wrong. A
boss wants to attack you :

HP : 10000
Element : Water
Difficulty : Hard

HP : 3
Element : Water
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 400
Element : Water
Difficulty : Easy

This boss is not very hard to fight. The fastest way is beating his
heart. But each of your hits, strong or weak, only make the heart lose 1
HP. Then Windigo quickly closes his heart by his chest bones. He only
opens it after "eating" someone. What's eating ? Sometimes Windigo grabs
one of your character and suspends him/her on his heart and drains that
character's HP. He will give him/her up when he drains all HP. Of course
that character would die at once. But there's another way to make him
give up your companion. Use Dragoon Spells or any strong attack that
makes him give up the poor character. When he is grabbing someone, he
lets the Snow Cannon to fight you. These are not powerful but they're
really annoying. Take them off along with fighting the main boss. The
battle will be much harder if those annoyers are not kicked out.

After killing Windigo, continue on your way and head to Tower of
Flanvel. This is where the Moon Mirror is. Try to use teleport device to
get to the destination. It's the place where there are two teleport
devices and a Save Point. Don't use the right device(or you'll meet a
powerful side quest). You will a light from the top of the tower. You
realize that's the light of Divine Dragon Dragoon Spirit. Lloyd has been
here and he has had all the Divine Moon Objects. Get on the top and play
with him :

HP : 6500
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Hard
This is a hard battle. Equip your characters with strongest armors.
Lloyd can use Divine Dragoon Spells with Wingly skills that makes a big
damage on all characters. His single attacks is a dangerous sequence of
sword slashing. In this battle, you shouldn't turn characters into
Dragoons, try to suffer his blade. But if you want, equip the character
you want to transform with any armors which avoid instant death such as
Talisman or Rose's Hairband. Then let only that character attack by
Dragoon skills. Lloud's attacks are pretty strange. Except the Instant
Death, he mostly causes damage on all of you. Use your strongest
character (avoided Instant Death) to transform and attack him with
Dragoon skills.

Dart wants to play the finishing touch to get Lloyd's life. But The
Third Sacred Sister Wink suddenly appears and protects him. She saved
Lloyd only because he has saved her twice and that's a truth couldn't be
changed. Suddenly, Queen Theresa and people from Deningrad come and tell
Dart that Shana was caught by Emperor Diaz and brought to Vellweb. Now
you can't return and must continue on your road for Shana. Lloyd would
follow you with the three Divine Moon Objects.

Get out of this place until you come to the place with the yellow
notes. Head to the north path to go to the World Map.

Items : Burn Out, Gushing Magma, Magic Shield, Burning Wave
Weapons & Armors : N/A
Money : N/A
This play is full of monsters :

HP : 1200
Element : Earth

HP : 800
Element : Thunder

HP : 350
Element : Wind

HP : 300
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 450
Element : Dark

HP : 500
Element : Earth

Before getting Vellweb, you must pass this place. There is being a
tremendous blizzard here. Lloyd suggests you stay in a cave for rest and
warmness. Here he would tell you about his purpose and the reason why he
does bad work, killing people and getting the three Divine Moon Object.
He wants to execute the "plan" of creator Soa : making the 108th
species...with Emperor Diaz...

Passing a night, the weather becomes fine. Now continue to Vellweb.
Just head to the right and get out.

Items : Attack Ball, Spirit Potion
Weapons & Armors : Rose's Hairband
Money : N/A
Monsters here :

HP : 400
Element : Dark

HP : 450
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 550
Element : Thunder

HP : 500
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 400
Element : Light

This is the place where Humans got the liberation from the Dragon
Campaign. Here there is the tower of Seven Dragoons. First, go along the
path. In the next area, go upstairs to another place which has a
treasure chest in the below ground. Just straight to the right. You can
return by the under path to buy items and weapons from the sellers. Then
next to your way. You are at the entrance of the Tower of Seven
Dragoons. But Shirley suddenly appears. She asks you to do her a favor :
Help her to rescue the souls of other Dragoons wandering in the tower.
This is one of the side quests. Check my "Secret Side Quests" menu for
more details. Go down the stairs straight to the path on the lake. There
is a twist stairs. Emperor Diaz is at the semi-final room. I remind you
to get all the items around before meeting him.

When you see him, he covers his face with his stuffy clothes. You give
him the three Divine Moon Objects and he agrees to release Shana. He
continues to tell you about his plan for the 108th species. The 108th
species he wants to revive is the God of Destruction. Lloyd couldn't
believe that it's a destruction when what he wants is the future of the
world. Then Diaz gets rid of Lloyd. Then he reveals his face... He is
Zieg - Dart's father, the former Red
yed Dragoon. But now he changes
much. He wants to destroy the world. He knows everything about the
species and legends, more than the real Zieg. But everyone couldn't
suspect him now. He lets Dart know that Rose was the Black Monster who
wanted to kill Princess Louvia - the Moonchild who will give the birth
the God of Destruction. She killed Princess Louvia. It's right. But
Louvia was not the Moonchild. The real Moonchild is Shana - Louvia's
sister. Zieg breaks down his first promise, he still catches Shana and
brings her away.


Items : Healing Breeze, Moon Serenade, Healing Fog, Healing Rain,
Recovery Ball, Power Down, Sun Rhapsody, Healing Potion
Weapons & Armors : Gladius, Bandit's Shoes
Money : N/A
The party has gone a long way to this place and no road to return. You
must pass this ridiculous desert before going out. I confirm this is a
crazy matrix. I was mad to pass it. But now I have found the way for 3
desert areas. Let me divide :
- The first area is from the first Save Point to the second Save Point
near the fresh water lake.
- The second area is from the second Save Point to the third Save Point
also near fresh water lake.
- The third area is from the third Save Point to the exit.
Understand, okay ?
Enemies here are not random as the other places. You can see it in
your screen and easily avoid them, except you want to gain your level.

HP : 1400
Element : Earth
Spot : the shadow on the ground

HP : 350
Element : Earth
Spot : the random cactus on the ground

HP : 500
Element : Earth
Spot : go with single Sandworm

HP : 650
Element : Wind
Spot : the flying thing chasing after you

HP : 300
Element : Earth
Spot : go with single Canbria Dayfly

There are lot of treasure chests with rare items in the underground
areas. If you want to get them all, just try dropping into the
whirlpools to find their positions. But each time you do this, you are
always moved to the Save Point of that area and begins everything again.
So be patient, except you are too familiar with the place. I don't tell
you about the specific locations of those items. My duty is telling you
the way to get out. If you want to get out, avoid the whirlpools. All
right ?

- First area : Go to the south of the Save Point. Then go right, head to
the south twice and turn right (Your left is the whirlpool). You are in
a single path. Go north and turn right again. You have come to the
second Save Point.

- Second area : From the Save Point, go to the north way, turn right, go
north, turn left and go to the north. You are at the third Save Point.

- Third area : Just head to the northern. Turn left to avoid the
whirlpool, go north twice and turn right, go north again.

You have got out of the desert !!!

- There are many ways to get out of the desert. This is my way.(What are
yours ?)

Head to another city of Winglies - Ulara.

First you come here, it only has teleport device and a wild desert.
Rose uses her power to make the real town appear - a green town among
the poor desert. Then use the teleport device to get there. You talk to
a Wingly who lives here. You'll know that Charle Frahma - the older
sister of Melbu Frahma is the Wingly who stops time for Rose that she
has lived in this world for 11026 years, including the time of Dragon
Campaign. Now you should talk to Charle. Go forward and choose the upper
right path. Check the biting roses for Stardust. Here there is a Wingly
who would tell you about Melbu Frahma and Magician Faust if you ask him.
Magician Faust is one of your side quests.

Okay, head to the right, passing the roses and go to Charle's house.
Here she would tell you about Rose and Zieg, and explains to you about
the Moon That Never Sets, the Signet Sphere and the Wingly cities. The
two cities you knew are Capital Kadessa dominated by Melbu, and Birth
City Crystal Palace - where the babies were chosen to be born. The
you will have to come are Magical City Aglis, Law City Zenebatos and
Death City Mayfil.

After the talk, as Dart, get out of Charle's room and come to the
biting roses lake. Rose would come with him and ask him if Dart really
forgives her because she was the Black Monster. Dart doesn't mind
anything. "The monster was dead" - that's what he says. Then you go with
Rose to the fork road, choose the upper left path to head to the shops.
Albert and Kongol will join you. Here you can buy items and weapons.
Then return to the fork road and go to the bottom right teleport device
to the bar. Talk to Mirranda and Haschel. They join you. Now get back to
the place where you meet the first Wingly. Meru is here. After having
all the party members, you rest at Charle's house.

Your next mission is getting to Rouge - Haschel's hometown because
this is the key to get to the three other cities of Winglies. Charle
sent King Zior a message for you to use the Queen Fury again to reach
Rouge. When you are going out, all the Winglies in town collect at the
teleport device to goodbye you. After that, you'll be taken to a path in
World Map that heads to Home of Giganto. Passing this place, Valley of
Corrupted Gravity and Barrens to return to Fletz kingdom. King Zior is
waiting for you and he will let you use the Queen Fury freely. With
this, you cross Endiness sea to come to Rouge.

Items : N/A
Weapons & Armors : Wargod Calling, Satori Vest
Money : 100g
When you have just get off, the Mayor of the village would welcome you
soon. Let's go to the upper house to talk. The Mayor tells you he
doesn't know anything, but he has even seen some stick floating on the
sea that Humans might not build. We can't go there by boat because of
the whirlpool but we can see it from the top yard.

After the talk, go around to get treasure chests. You can also meet
Martel here and you will understand why she wants your Stardusts.

When you have finished, climb down the south ladder and head to the
yard. Climb it to see what is happening. It's not a simple stick
anymore. It is something big and impressive. At that time, Rose tells
you she thinks that is Magical City Aglis. Then she accepts to answer
you about all the Wingly cities.

You can't reach that place. Let's return to the house to plan another
way. But when returning, you'll see someone watching you. Rose feels
that, too. At once the people in Rouge all run to the top yard. The
strange thing on the sea becomes bigger and the sea is splitted
remaining a path to get there. Dart and his party use boat to go there.

Items : Burn Out, Gushing Magma, Moon Serenade, Angel's Prayer, Sun
Rhapsody, Healing Fog, Healing Rain, Psyche Bomb X, Healing Breeze
Weapons & Armors : Magical Hat
Money : N/A
Enemies here :

HP : 650
Element : Water

HP : 700
Element : Water

HP : 400
Element : Water

HP : 750
Element : Water

HP : 1000
Element : Thunder

The whole Aglis doesn't have ground. It uses teleport devices to go
anywhere. You must find the way to pass them. Don't let yourselves be
lost. Once you pass two areas, you will meet a magical creature named
Ruff (lovely !!!).

Ruff tells you something confusing, then it goes. Do you see the right
door of Ruff ? Now you can't get inside. But you remember it. Just go to
the next area and you must pass two more areas until you meet Ruff and
another similar creature named Phewy making some research. Pass two
again, you meet Decal and Spino is running around the life mirror. Now
you understand why you are watched. Pass another area to meet Savan ~ an
immortal Wingly who spent thousands of years to wait for Rose ~ the
person who could change the fate. Ruff and Phewy tell you that your
collected courage can create the Psyche Bomb X. You must pass seven
challenges for each characters to find the courage. Following Savan's
guide, you and your party enter some space to take part in the
challenges. Your managers are the two magical creatures named Buckle and
Spino. Let's begin and choose the (X) choice if you want to have a
complete Psycho Bomb X :

Challenging characters : Rose, Emperor Doel
First, an illusion of Rose appears, mocking Kongol about his joining.
But Kongol can pass this challenge by himself with a good explanation.
Then another illusion of Emperor Doel appears to threaten Kongol that he
betrays him. He asks :
- Have you found the leader who replaced me ?
Kongol's choice :
- Swing the axe.
- Take Doel's sword. (X)
Challenging characters : Buckle
First, Buckle appears to question Mirranda :
- Why are you here ?
Mirranda's choice :
- For my friends.
- For the world. (X)
- For Queen Theresa.
Then Buckle says he asked a wrong question that affect the space. Both
Buckle and Mirranda will disappear. Both Buckle and Mirranda will die.
- Are you scared, uck ? Afraid, uck ? Wanna cry, uck ?
Mirranda's choice :
- I am ready for death any time.
- I cannot die now. (X)
Challenging characters : Minister Noish
Minister Noish suddenly appears and report to King Albert that Bales
is being invaded by a tribe from eastern. Now as the king of Bales, he
must return for his people at once. The Minister demands :
- Return to Indel Castle at once. Your people is waiting for you to come
back, your Majesty.
Albert's choices :
- I understand
- I... cannot do that. (X)
Challenging characters : Younger Bardel, Guaraha
First, Younger Bardel appears, casting magic to get revenge of his
baby sister. At that time, Guaraha comes to protect Meru. But Younger
Bardel still keeps attacking :
- How can you still live after taking my sister's life ?
Meru's choices :
- I...
- I still cannot die ! (X)
Challenging characters : Lulu
His challenge is about his daughter Claire. He suddenly remembers his
memory about her. He couldn't keep his anger that Claire ran away
forever since then. Lulu asks :
- If you could erase all your memories and could go back to that moment,
could you stop Claire ?
Haschel's choices :
- I could stop her.
- I couldn't stop her. (X)
Challenging characters : Savan
In this challenge, you don't need to decide. Rose could pass it by
herself that she couldn't know she has succeeded.
Challenging characters : Shana, Lulu
An illusion of Shana appears in front of Dart. She is the Moonchild
who would give the birth to the God of Destruction. But she is also the
girl he loves. Lulu asks :
- If you have to take up swords against Shana, what are you gonna do ?
Dart's choices :
- I will save Shana no matter what ! (X)
- What should I do ?
Congratulation ! You have passed the challenges. But if you can't
pass, you still continue your journey. But the Psyche Bomb wouldn't be
strong as the one made of perfect courage. Follow Savan, you will see
him collecting the Psyche Bomb to you. After that, he takes you to the
Signet Sphere and the Moot which is being guarded by the Last Kraken - a
huge squid. When Savan intends to complete the Moot to seal the Signet
Sphere, Last Kraken suddenly goes mad and destroys everything. It is
being controlled by Zieg. Everyone couldn't believe Zieg has been here
before them. He still keeps the purpose to execute creator Soa's plan :
creating the God of Destruction. Dart and his partners must stop Last
Kraken :

HP : 10000
Element : Water
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 1400
Element : Water
Difficulty : Easy

Last Kraken often casts water laser through single characters. Doing
"Special" command with Dart is the best way. Dart's Final Burst is good
at this. But you should have a character to heal because sometimes Last
Kraken becomes tremendous. When being attacked heavily, Last Kraken
casts two Cleones to support him. Cleones often attacks by casting
water. But sometimes they play kamikaze that makes big damage. Just
attend to Last Kraken.
I think either Mirranda or Meru is suitable for this battle. Last
Kraken and Cleone mainly cast Water or Light elemental spells, and those
characters can easily suffer against them. In this battle, Special
Transformation is pretty great, especially using Mirranda or Meru. But
you use them, just execute Dragoon Attacks. Elemental spells have no
effect on these bosses.
Try to use Dart as your main attacker. He is the opposite element. Use
the Heat Blade if you still store it.

But it's too late. Last Kraken destroys everything. Savan accepts to
use all his last power to help you escape. But he is blocked inside and
dead. Now you must get out of here. Do you remember the locked door
which was beside Ruff ? Find that door and go inside, use the teleport
device to come to The Law City Zenebatos.

Items : Flash Hall, Frozen Jet, Burning Wave, Spectral Flash, Night
Raid, Down Burst, Gravity Grabber, Law Maker, Law Output
Weapons & Armors : Rainbow Dress, Dancer's Shoes
Money : 200g
You have come to Zenebatos. Do you see a lot of magic creatures around
you ? Their mission is to establish the law here. But they don't have
heart as Ruff or Spino. They only do as their law. A creature with wings
suddenly appears in front of you. It's Coolon - the wings that Savan
gives you to go anywhere you want. If you want to go to the other
places, just ask it to go soon.

Here the guys realize you to be non-Winglies. So thet let some
monsters here to attack you :

HP : 800
Element : Wind

HP : 650
Element : Wind

HP : 600
Element : Wind

HP : 400
Element : Dark

HP : 500
Element : Dark

First, use the nearest teleport device to go up the upper floor to
meet the guy beside something blue. This guy could take you to the
Signet Sphere but it doesn't allow you just because "there is no law".
Next, go to the bottom right to meet the Guide Lapto 04 at the
Teleporting Device to choose a destination. Let me explain to you the
general rule. First, if you want to do something that doesn't appear in
law, you must go to the Legislation Center to register the law. First,
you have to answer two questions :

- Is this a submission of a bill ? - No
- Is this a revision of the law ? - Yes

Then you must say the code of each law for the guys to understand. You
know the code from the guys who manage each law. Then you bring the Law
Maker they give you to the Law Factory. They give you the Law Output,
then bring it to Law Launcher. After that, your law will be established.
This is the code list here :







If you want to go to the Signet Sphere, use the code 703 to unlock the
Signet Sphere. Then you could use the teleport device on the above floor
to get to Signet Sphere. When you have just come, the guy on the
teleport device is confused strangely, just continue to go. Then the
guard Nomos would block you. It is controlled by Zieg again. It casts
three monsters to do prank with you :

HP : 3000
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 4000
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 3200
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

Vector is weak. Kubila is the death. Selebus is fast and could heal
the others. If Mirranda has the final spell "White Silver Dragon", just
one spell could kill Vector and make Selebus and Kubila come to red HP.
If you can, kill Selebusbefore Kubila to stop her support. But be
careful, before dying, Kubila would make instant death on one of
your characters, and I think you know what to do before engaging this
dark battle. About Vector, if you could kill as soon as possible,
just do. If not, he will turn into huge monster that is harder to fight.

After that, Zieg appears. The sky is also his road that he always goes
first before Dart's party. Then he goes to Mayfil. Now if you want to go
to Mayfil, use the code 410 to use the teleport device to go there.

Items : Healing Rain, Spectral Flash
Weapons & Armors : Poison Guard, Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Protector,
Active Ring, Destone Amulet, Bravery Amulet, Magic Ego Bell
Money : N/A
Monsters here :

HP : 250
Element : Dark

HP : 600
Element : Dark

HP : 800
Element : Dark

HP : 900
Element : Dark

This is your last chance to seal the Signet Sphere. You see a scene
that Zieg has got here. When you get out of the teleporting device, you
have entered the real world of this city. You also transport by
teleporting device and virtual paths. You spot the virtual paths by the
rising platforms of the grounds you stand. Try to spot all of them to
get all the items here. On going, you get to a room with a Dragon Spirit
which you realize to be the Green Tusked Dragon Feybrand. Its death
wasn't complete just because it lost you - Humans who are considered to
be weaker than them. Then you must kill it again to rescue for its soul

HP : 8000
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Easy/Medium
This boss is easily to beat. Its magical/physical attacks don't make
big damage. You are just only be careful with its poison. But nothing
unusual if you use "Special" command and great spells. It's similar to
the living dragon but stronger. Anyway, its strength doesn't matter you
this time.
Money : 200g
EXP : 4000

After that, you must pass more areas for items. Then you enter another
similar room which has the soul of Blue Sea Dragon Regole. It tells Meru
that it doesn't want to go to hell. It needs us to rescue it. So why
don't you help it ?

HP : 12000
Element : Water
Difficulty : Medium
This battle is almost similar to the battle with the living dragon.
But now it's stronger and more tremendous. Try to check your HP
frequently, especially Dart because he is very weak at Water elemental.
You still can use "Special" command with powerful spells of the
Dragoons. Even this one is stronger than Feybrand, you still defeat it
easily. Use the same strategy.

Regole can be satisfied to die. Let's keep going until you meet
another similar guest. This guest is more important than the previous :
Divine Dragon. He is the King of Dragon that his pride is higher than
the other Dragons. So please help him to die in peace :

HP : 16000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Hard
Oh no, now I must admire him as the King of Dragons. He is really
stronger and more dangerous in this form. He can activate the Divine
Dragon cannon anytime without telling you that could kill some female
characters at one shot. His defense are great that even you have a
perfect "Special" command, you still can't kill him until your limited
SP is ended for a while. But you need to turn into Dragoons to have
enough strength to turn against his cannon and other hits. If you are
afraid of your HP, you can just only turn into single Dragoons and have
a character to heal. Remember that the spirit can't drain your Dragoon
strength, don't avoid transforming in this battle.

Okay, your guests are all gone. Now your target is Zieg only. Get pass
the Divine Dragon and head to the Save Point. I remind you to save here
because you are going to pass a matrix. When you get inside, you see the
left area is only a space. When the central is a strange space of some
flying red and blue lights to the floor. You must pass this space in s
right correct or you'll be thrown to the left area and start again
everything. Try to pay attention to the red lights. If they choose a
square, that means you can step on that square. The squares with blue
lights can't be stepped on. This is the chart for you :

* Explanation :
~ X : The squares you can step on
~ T : Teleporting device
~ Start : you start to go at this point

! !
! !
! ! ! ! X ! ! X ! X ! X ! ! !
! ! ! X ! X ! ! ! ! X ! X ! X !
! ! X ! ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X !
! !~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~!
! ! X ! ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! !
! !~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~! !
!T ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! ! ! ! ! fulfill !
!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~!~~~! HP and MP !
! ! X ! ! ! X ! ! ! ! X ! X !
! X ! X ! ! X ! X ! ! ! ! X ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! X ! !
! X ! ! X ! X ! ! X ! X ! X ! ! !
! X ! X ! X ! ! ! X ! ! ! ! !

When you reach the right room, Dart says he sees a familiar soul who
recover your HP and MP. I think that's might be Shirley. When you reach
the north room, a lot of souls of the Black Monster's victims appear to
threaten Rose. But your target is reaching the teleporting device to go
to the next area.

In this area, you will get Healing Rain, and a Save Point, then
another familiar face - Lavitz. Dart and Albert talk to him. Lavitz says
something confusing involving the Devildom. Then he acts like someone is
controlling him and gets away on a teleporting device. Chase after him.
Now you see him change - a Demon with the shape of Lavitz. Then Rose
spots something strange sticking on his back. But he goes mad and now
you must fight him :

HP : 5500
Element : Wind
Difficult : Easy
First, don't attack or do anything on him. Just guard. Until Dart has
his choices :
- Talk to him. (X)
- Do nothing.
Choose the first choice. Then Dart tries to help Lavitz to remember
him. Lavitz feels a headache and he turns his back at you revealing the
strange thing that Rose has seen. Your target is this guy, not Lavitz.
Now you must finish this parasite as soon as possible or Lavitz will
turn again to fight you himself by Gust of Wind Dance. Its HP is 5500. I
think you should turn into Dragoons to defeat it as fast as you can even
now it's nothing to you. The problem is time.

When you have defeated the strange thing, it would leave Lavitz's
spirit and let you see its true self : Zackwell - a demon who would like
to joke on the souls. Even though dying, Lavitz still worries about you
and your partners that he was abused by Zackwell. Now let's get revenge
for him :

HP : 8000
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium
He is not a strong enemy that you could defeat him easily in Dragoon
form. But be careful if he causes status abnormalities on you.

After the fight, Lavitz wakes up as his real self. He says he should
thank to Zackwell just because now he could see his dear fellow ~ Dart
and his Majesty Albert. They are friends forever. Dart says that Lavitz
never dies...because he has been living in their hearts. Lavitz tries to
use all his last power to make a path for you to reach the Signet
Sphere. And now you can't hesistate. Just continue until you see the
Signet Sphere of Mayfil. When you intend to seal it, Zieg appears again
to play with you. He is strong enough to throw Dart away and destroy
this last Signet Sphere. What a wise guy ! Chase after him as soon as
possible ! Don't worry, Coolon will pick you up and take you to the

The Moon is falling onto the Divine Tree. The Virage Embryo has just
woken up and they fly away from the Moon. Coolon alone brings you to the
Moon that he is shot by sudden hits of Virage. He is dead...and now you
have no road to return anymore. Your only road is to continue. Okay,
climb up the Divine Tree for the last chance to save the world.

Items : N/A
Weapons & Armors : Phoenix Plume, White Silver DG Armor
Money : N/A
Monsters here :

HP : 1000
Element : Dark

HP : 700
Element : Thunder

HP : 1400
Element : Earth

HP : 1200
Element : Earth

This tree is really long that takes much of your time to reach the
Moon That Never Sets on the top. There is a Phoenix Plume on your way
and some fruits of Divine Tree that Rose would explain to you. When you
have reach the dead end, you see a hole with a stream inside. After
viewing the flying Virages, Dart and others jump to the hole. Both of
them are drifted to another place on the tree. Kongol is the slowest
just because he is too heavy. His landing might wake up a creature
looking like a bug on a branche that Rose and Dart have attended. There
is a small stream here that can recover your HP and MP. Get out of this
place through the hole and continue on the path until you see another
Save Point. Then head to the left, you meet the bug again. This bug
wants to block your way. Rose realizes it's a special species which has
just been born from the Divine Tree and now it's after them.

HP : 5500
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy
It's not very strong. Its attacks are striking and causing status
abnormalities. Equip your characters with armors that can avoid status
abnormalities such as Poison or Arm-blocking, or using Body Purifier if
you have enough. But I think you don't need to turn into Dragoons now
just because this creature still changes until the last form.

When you have defeated it, its body shakes very bitterly and it turns
into something like cocoon :

HP : 2500
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Easy
This form can't attack or do anything except shaking. Just use
physical attacks on it.

When the cocoon shakes the last time, it would be a mature

HP : 12000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Hard
This form begins to be dangerous. Its often attack is casting the
light with Light element that is very dangerous to Rose if she is in
your party. Now you can turn into Dragoons and beat it up. Just beat it
as fast as you can or sometimes it could cause instant death on one of
your character.

When you finish the boss...Congratulation ! You have been at the
entrance of the Moon That Never Sets. Let's go !

Items : Frozen Jet, Down Burst, Spectral Flash, Flash Hall, Night
Raid, Burning Wave, Gravity Grabber
Weapons & Armors : Golden Dragon's Armor, Detonate Arrow, Dragon
Buster, Divine Dragon DS
Money : N/A
When you have just entered the Moon, there are many strange things
appearing in front of you. Then you see the scenery which looks like the
real world under. Monsters here are :

HP : 1250
Element : Light

HP : 900
Element : Fire

At this time of the game, each of your characters again must pass
their own challenges which is showed by very their memories. Let's begin
with Mirranda :

The south chest has Frozen Jet. Then go to the upper right. Suddenly,
Mirranda says she has something to do here. Then she realizes the
current scene is the forest at her hometown. Then she goes away alone.
Mirranda sees a rose on the ground. She hates roses very much and
remembers her mother who left her when she was young. At that time, the
rose changes itself into a huge monsters. You take control of Mirranda
only to fight it :

HP : 3000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy
This boss is nothing to you. Just beat it by your own bow gun. But the
fight is long or not, depending on your choice. If you choose the wrong
decision, the battle would continue to last until you know the right
choice. After some moments, the rose petals open revealing a very
familiar face with Mirranda : Her mother. The poor mother in the rose
tries to explain to her dear daughter about her pain of not rearing her
when she was young. But she loves her daughter...very much. At the end
of each sentences always have the words "It hurts..." . She couldn't
take her with her. At the end, the death rose challenges Mirranda :
- I am sorry to make you feel lonely. Mirranda, forgive me.
Mirranda's choices :
- I'll forgive you. (X)
- No ! I cannot forgive you.
... ...
After that, The Death Rose is satisfied happily to disappear. Mirranda
receives 6000 EXP.

Dart and his partners find Mirranda. Then head to the new south path
to get out of the scene. Pass the connection to go to another scene ~
Serdio 20 years ago. There are an inn, a weapon seller and an item
seller to serve you. Here you can also meet Dran ~ the drunk guy you met
in Bales. This time he was a rich man. Prepare yourself here.

When entering the scene, Haschel pays attention to a girl who has just
gone through a mirror. Let's get pass it either. You are in an area of
Minitos. They can't tell you anything more. Then search the place to
find items until you meet the girl again. Everybody feels that she is
not a Minitos. Haschel realizes she is his lost daughter Claire and
chases after him into an illusion. "I hate you, Dad" - that's what
Claire tells him and...

HP : 2500
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Medium
As Mirranda's boss, this battle is long or not depending on your last
decision. As Haschel, you must fight very your daughter Claire. She is
taken body by the War God and explains that Haschel had made his
daughter to become like this. He discipled her while she only needs
freedom and love. Claire could use heavy attack "Four Gods Destruction"
on you that wipes your HP at once. Try to heal your health by Healing
Fogs and convinces the girl :
- I feel your art down to my very core.
Haschel's choices :
- Mind's eye, awaken ! (X)
- Claire, please forgive me !
... ...
Now you are Haschel. If you really love your daughter, just prove it
to her. Haschel receives 6000 EXP after the battle. Claire disappears...

After finishing Haschel's challenge, return to the bar. You see that
the guard who stood in front of the door now disappears and you can pass
that way. It takes you to the outside of Serdio under control of the new
Emperor~Doel. Do you see there is a twist hole at the left stairs ? Get
down it. You will be taken to a place with strange atmosphere looks like
clouds (because you are in the moon). Monsters here :

HP : 1250
Element : Light

HP : 2000
Element : Light

HP : 2200
Element : Dark

Let's head to the north soon until there's something flying over you.
Rose realizes that the thing is Michael ~ her Vassal Dragon. In the air,
the dragon shoots you continuously that splits your party. Dart and Rose
are taken to the left hole while the others are in the right...
Now you begin with Albert's party. You can realize soon the current
place is Home of Giganto long long ago as Kongol tells you. There is a
type of monster here :

HP : 1500
Element : Water

Kongol's past is being showed in front of him. Doel and his soldiers
are chasing the thieves here. Then he spots Kongol (at this time he was
a child) in the place. He says that he hates Humans because they killed
his species. Doel tells Kongol that he fights for the equal coexistance
of all species. Then Kongol joins him. Then you control the party and
head to the north stairs. Kongol tells you that he has something to

Kongol alone steps to the house. There is someone waiting for him
here. It's Indora ~ his strong brother and his only relative. Kongol
wants real power to help Dart. Kongol wants strong power for the pride
of Gigantos. Kongol admires his brother's strength. So Indora challenges
him to give him the power he needs :

HP : 3000
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Medium
Indora is rather strong. His often attack by the pair of axes is not
very effective but his throwing can make you lose more HP damage. Just
use Healing Fogs to heal when your HP is under half. Use complete
additions with him. In this battle, you don't need to choose decisions
as the previous one. Just defeat Indora.
Then Kongol gets 6000 EXP

Albert and others would come to Kongol. Then you take control of the
party again. First, let's head to the basement to get Golden Dragoon
Armor. Then get out of the hall. Head to the left until you see a stairs
which takes you to another hall. Get down it and you return to the place
of Minitos. From here, you could get back to the bar and wait for Dart
and Rose. Where are they ?

Michael took them to a place full of dinosaurs. There are monsters
here, too :

HP : 900
Element : Fire

HP : 3000
Element : Earth

But Rose is not alone. Dart is with her. She hears Michael calling her
and she must find him. First, head to the right. Here Rose introduces
some Persuado Dragons that she liked very much. Then run to the north.
You'll see a right stairs but Rose doesn't allow to get down until you
meet Michael. Then you see two other paths. The right path takes you to
get items. So just head to the north path first. Michael is here to wait
for you. At that time, Rose suddenly remembers a memory more 11000 years
This Black Dragon became the sacrifice for the battle of Humans and
Winglies. Rose got the Dragoon Spirit from this dragon and became Dark
Dragoon since then. Then Zieg and Rose tried to recover the baby dragon
and named him Michael. Rose was its controller. It was faithful to her
for years. But now...

HP : ????
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium
There is nothing to defeat Michael. He is the strongest and fastest
dragon in this species. Now you should guard, beating is only a waste of
your HP and strength. Michael's attacks are very effective with Dart so
you should pay attention to him. When fighting, Rose would tell you a
lot of things about this dragon. Just guard and suffer until she says
the hints to you :
Rose : God ! What should I do ?
Her choices :
- Tell Dart the blind spot. (X)
- I can't.

If you choose the second decision, your useless battle would last
until Rose thinks again about it. So just get the first decision for her
to tell you. Michael's weakness is the heart that which is revealed
after he uses the dark laser. That means you can't beat the heart until
he shoots you by that attack. Just wait longer until he does that. Then
another target appears beside Michael : Michael (core).

HP : 1500
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy
Now the battle is not hard anymore. Michael would die soon when the
heart is destroyed.
Now you can use the right stairs to return to the bar with other

After Kongol's challenge, your partners, especially Albert, want to
find out the real type of Emperor Doel and the reason why he killed
Albert's father ~ King Carlo. Then you get out to Serdio town again and
talk to the guards in the north. They say that Emperor Doel is waiting
for Albert. You enter his castle.

At the main hall, Albert says he wants to talk to Doel himself. Let
him go first. Doel says that if he wants to know what he needs, just
fight him by his own weapon and power. First, you must fight Doel's
weapons :
HP : 1000
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 1000
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Easy
When fighting, Doel tells you a lot of things about himself. That he
uses power to rule people. Albert turns against him that people needs
peace, not power. Emperor Doel considers he is a fool. Now you fight
himself :

HP : 1500
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Medium
Doel needs power and strength to rule people. He and King Carlo was
best friends of each other. But he thought he must kill Carlo to pass
over him, to have the strongest power to control Serdio. But he couldn't
believe his power loses Albert's. Just because this young king has
friends and courage. For Albert, power is nothing. The good relation
between people is the best power which helps him to overcome all the
challenges. Doel dies...

Let's return to the bar for some preparation. Then use the stairs at
the town again to go to the cloud area. At the previous time, Michael
blocked the north way. Now you can pass it freely. Head to the right
stairs to next area. You see a lot of stairs taking to the same place ~
the palace of Winglies. It's really beautiful and sparkle. When your
party intends to enter the castle by the only bridge, it suddenly
disappears with Meru. The others stay here to wait for her. So what is
happening to Meru ?

Meru is taken into the castle. Here she meets a familiar face ~
Archangel ~ the guardian of Winglies. Archangel wants to punish her
because of playing wirh Humans. Of course, Meru must turn against her
guardian for that old opinion :
HP : 3200
Element : Light
Difficulty : Medium
This battle has no decision to choose. Archangel considers that Humans
is the barbaric and ignoble species needed to be ruled by noble
Winglies. And Meru, she thinks that all species are equal. They live in
the same world, in the same time, why can't they live together in peace
? After each of Meru's sentence, Archangel plays a heavy attack that
wipes your HP. Just use Healing Fogs to even the battle. Meru is patient
enough to say that very the guardian is fool, not her. Then the guardian
disappears in failure.

After that, Dart and the party could come to Meru. Now you enter the
place where Archangel has just stood to get up another place.
There is a new monster here, too :

HP : 1000
Element : Thunder

You are in a strange space. Let's head to the north west, find a Save
Point there. Then go to the upper right. You hear Shana's voice from
that area. But the way is blocked by Super Virage. But now no one could
stop you :

Difficulty : Medium
HP : 10000
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 3000
Element : Non-elemental

HP : 15000
Element : Non-elemental
You can beat its head or body to kill it. But the best weakness is the
head. This Virage can play some dangerous touches that make all your
party members lose a lot of HP. So you can use "Special" command for
this boss. Dragoon form could reduce much the damage on you. Have at
least one character for healing and supporting. Always check your HP.

After defeating the gate keeper, let's get inside and prepare for the
semi~final battle. First, grab the Detonate Arrow in the chest. Then go
in to talk to Zieg. You see Shana is caught in a sphere to store the
power for the God of Destruction. Zieg steal Dart's Dragoon Spirit and
turns into Red Eyed Dragoon. That means you must fight him :

HP : 12000
Element : Fire
Difficulty : Hard
His attacks and spells are similar to Dart's. If you could equip Dart
with the Red Dragoon Armor, you don't worry about his spells because
they have no effect with Dart. Let Dart use additions, the other
characters turn into Dragoons to fight. Zieg is not very strong if you
have high HP and stat. Suffer until he stops attacking...

Then the power of the God of Destruction is stored enough. At that
time, Zieg suddenly changes. Another guy escapes from Zieg's body and
appears to be his true self - Melbu Frahma. Now you have known
everything. Zieg is not guilty. Melbu Frahma has lived in his flesh when
Neet is destroyed by Rose - the Black Monster to wait for this chance.
Everyone thought that Melbu Frahma was killed by Zieg 11000 years ago in
the Dragon Campaign. But he hasn't died yet and now he wants to get
revenge and destroy the world by the invincible power of the God of
Destruction. Shana is released, too. At that moment, Lloyd appears. So
he is still alive. He comes here to solute with Melbu Frahma because of
having deceived him in an imagination. Then Melbu Frahma has received
the power from Shana and turned into the God of Destruction. Lloyd is
nothing to him now. Then he got killed by Melbu Frahma's one hit. Before
dying, he gives Dart the Dragoon Spirit of Divine Dragon and the Dragon
Buster. Equip Rose with the Dragon Buster. Now Dart is Divine Dragoon
with strong power. Then prepare yourself for this final battle. You
would fight very long with this boss. Save before starting.

HP : 8500
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 1400
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Medium

Melbu Frahma has very much HP so I split them into four part to
analyze. This first part is his first form. This form is not very
dangerous. He attacks you by striking or summoning the Virages to step
on you. Sometimes he gathers the tentacles. At that time, you mustn't
attack him or he will punish you by a heavy strike. If you can, don't
use "Special" soon. Just let it for the later forms. Dart's Divine
Dragon Cannon is very useful in this final battle. But if you want to
take off all the tentacles either, use Divine Dragon Ball. But always
defend and check your HP. Have at least one character to heal and

After that, the background is changed. Melbu Frahma turns into another
form that looks more terrible.

HP : 10000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Hard
This form is now wiser but not stronger. At the first moment he could
take one of your character and put him/her in his body. That means you
could lost a character for a while. Just attack and guard at the same
time. It's hard to guess when Melbu will release the poor character. But
if he releases, he would throw that character to another one that lose a
lot HP of both. This is the most important problem.

A lot of events appear before your eyes. They could be the future, the
past, even the present. But you still have to fight Melbu's next form.
Now his HP starts to be yellow :

HP : 12000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Medium

HP : 1400
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy
In this form, he doesn't attack alone. Sometimes he makes the bomb
stars that explode on you after one or two moments. Or he could activate
the power to strike you heavily. His strength is almost similar to the
previous forms.

A series of events appear again. Your last battle field now looks like
a hell of death covered with skeletons and bones. Just because this is
the final form of Melbu Frahma. His HP now starts to be red :

HP : 12000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Hard

HP : 1400
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Easy
With this form, don't turn into Dragoons. When Melbu hides his tail,
that means he blocks the whole power of Dragoons like the effect of
Dragon Block Staff. After that, he releases some Monsters to support
him. This monsters attack by biting. But sometimes they eat all your
body and kill you at once (instant death). The best way is equiping Holy
Ankh, or kill them just after they are released. In addition to this,
Melbu only attacks you by some magical hits. You can also beat this
fight easily by powerful additions without turning into Dragoons.

...AND THE END \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dart tries to hold Shana in his huge hand as the Divine Dragoon. Rose,
she comes to Zieg after 11000 years of waiting~ "I have been waiting for
this moment...". Yes, she is his fiance. But the fate splits them into
two other places. Now they can entirely become one. Melbu Frahma hasn't
dead yet. He uses all his last power to kill Dart~the guy who has
destroyed his plan. Dart tries to escape with Shana. At that time, Rose
takes Zieg ~ with the sword of Red Eyed Dragoon ~ they dart to Melbu and
play the finishing touch to finish the crazy guy. All the other
Dragoons, including Dart and Shana are flying outside. Melbu's death is
the end of the Moon. A big explosion happens tremendously as if it wants
to destroy everything. "Farewell..." - Rose's last word. Now she has
done her only wish of her life : to be with Zieg - the person she
... ...


About the ending of each character, I let you see it by yourself. I
can't say too much. Okay ???
But...CONGRATULATION ! You have finished the game successfully !!!
And now I invite you to explore some other things of "The Legend of


10/ S.E.C.R.E.T. S.I.D.E. Q.U.E.S.T.


Location : Fort Magrad
Items : Armor of Yore, Midnight Terror, Poison Needle, Stunning
Hammer, Soul Eater, Smoke Bomb
This place is under the Snowfield. Just head to the right until you
see a yellow note about sliding. If you touch it, you fall to
underground area. The first thing is a green note written by special
Wingly symbols that even Meru can't read it. Rose has spent her fate for
more 11000 years old so she knows everything. The note tells you the
front area is the Law City Zenebatos. But Rose affirms it's certainly
Fort Magrad. Meru wants to be here for a while. Just do as she wants.
When you get inside the Fort, Rose remembers the past. Here was the
place where Emperor Diaz ~ Holy Imperial Gloriano led Humans to the war
of liberation in front of plenty of soldiers. Go downstairs to the
memorial. Suddenly, the sword on the stone flies and attacks you. It's
not only a sword :

HP : 2400
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 3800
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Easy

HP : 2800
Element : Dark
Difficulty : Medium

Mirranda's White Silver Dragon might be good at him. But he could kill
her anytime by the Polter Sword when you kill him. This boss is not a
very tough boss. But his strength is not ordinary. Most of his attacks
are fatal and Dark/Death elemental. When you kill some of his body
he might cast Instant Death on the one who caused his death. So try to
equip those accessories which can get rid of this effect. It's terrible
when you are cast with Night Ray. Make sure that you are at pretty high
level and good defense.
Money : 200g
EXP : 6000

Next, just get out of here and continue on your journey.


Location : Capital Vellweb
Items : Jade Stone, Violet Stone, Blue Sea Stone, Golden Stone

When you first go here to meet Emperor Diaz, Shirley would appear
before the stairs to ask you to do her a favour. Her partners - the
Dragoons were dead but they haven't known where to go and still wandered
in the real world, in the tower. Now she wants us to rescue their souls
to the place where they must go. After Shirley disappears, go to the
north to the Save Point and go on the stairs there. Now you are on the

Get on the first right tower, you'll see that this place is not
abandoned as usual, just because its owner~Jade Dragoon Syuveil has
returned. Rose talks to him. He tells you that he is afraid of a place
where there is only nothingness and darkness. Then he doesn't want to go
to Mayfil. Rose says she would let him know by touching her sword :

HP : 10000
Element : Wind
Difficulty : Medium
Because he is the former Jade Dragoon, his spells and attack are
similar to Lavitz/Albert. Don't choose Kongol in your party now because
he is weak at Wind element. Don't choose Albert either because his
attacks are not effect with Syuveil. Syuveil is not a powerful Dragoon,
you just always check your HP and heal your health at the right time.
It's lucky when he is not good at magic. So don't worry too much about
this enemy. Use "Special" command and Level 4 spells could take him off.
Money : 300g
EXP : 6000

After that, Syuveil has determined his destination. Rose tells him
that that place is not only dark. Maybe he understands what she says and
slowly disappears, remaining an abandoned room...

When you get out of Syuveil's tower, you can go to the first left
tower if you want this order of mine. Just because the Dragoon in this
tower is not vulgar as Syuveil. I think he is the hardest Dragoon to
beat in this tower - Violet Dragoon Kanzas. So if you feel that you
don't have enough strength, just go to other place to beat the others
first. Once you get here to meet Kanzas, you can't escape and you must
withness what he did in his life : kill and kill. There are a lot of
strange dolls in his room. They are the dead people he killed. He'd like
to kill a lot of people with a crazy love to this work that now he
returns just because it's not enough. Rose says she would be the last
person for him:

HP : 12000
Element : Thunder
Difficulty : Very Hard
This might be the strongest former Dragoon in this tower. He is
to Haschel, but very fast and strong. He can attack two or three in each
of your turns, even kill a member at once. If you have any character
HP is under 2000, just defend and be a character to heal because Kanzas
can attack you if you want. I think this is really a hard battle. He is
strong at both magical and physical attacks. Don't use "Special" command
with him because you can't determine how long your life is. Just turn
into Single Dragoon to beat him slowly. Your hurry can kill you. In this
battle, I have no idea if you choose Haschel in your party. Kanzas' hits
might not damage Haschel so much. Use Haschel to attack physically or
Dragoon Attacks, because spells would have no effect with Kanzas.
Money : 300g
EXP : 6000

After that, Kanzas realizes that the place he must go is not simple as
he thinks. He disappears, remaining the wild room...

Do you want to go to left or right area ? It depends on you just
because you still meet the similar enemies in thess areas. If you go
left first and check the area, you will see a beautiful room which is
full of water. In the center appears a fountain and the Blue Sea Dragoon
- Damia. She died at the age of 15 was younger than Meru. Dart puzzles
that why a child like her could use Dragoon power. Rose explains that
she was a daughter of a Human and a mermaid that she easily appreciates
the power of Blue Sea Dragoon. Damia is a lonely girl. She thinks that
there is no friends for her in Mayfil, that she would have no one to
share or confide anything. She knows that Rose and the other Dragoons
are kind to her. But Rose must take her back to her place :

HP : 9500
Element : Water
Difficulty : Easy/Medium
Dart's spells are good at her just because he is Fire elemental. But
she is very strong at magical attacks just as Meru, but not tremendous
as Kanzas. She often uses additions than using Spells. But her spells
are very effective with you. Heal your health frequently. Sometimes
Mirranda's White Silver Dragon can make big damage on Damia and drain a
lot HP to you. Damia is not a powerful Dragoon. I think you can entirely
beat her up in your effort.
Money : 300g
EXP : 6000

Then Damia feels that her destination is not only a dark place as she
thinks. She wouldn't be lonely there...because her partners are being
there to wait for her. She thanks Rose, and disappears...

After Damia, you only have another guest here. Just search the next
place until you see a luxurious room with golden things. This is the
room of former Golden Dragoon Belzac. Belzac was the guy who protected
Shirley from the super Virage in the Dragon Campaign. He lost his life
for Shirley and he believed that she is still alive. But the truth was
that she was dead, too. He loves her and he never accepts that truth.
Rose must find all the way to explain to him, even fighting :

HP : 16000
Element : Earth
Difficulty : Easy/Medium
He is similar to Kongol. I think he is the easiest Dragoon to fight.
Just because he is very weak at magical attacks. Even if he is strong at
physical attacks, he rarely uses it. When you have used "Special"
command, his physical attacks are not very effective with your higher
stat in Dragoon form. His Level 4 spell is not a problem. Just attack
him as usual until he is weak.
Money : 300g
EXP : 6000

The place is not only dark~he thinks. Just because he would meet the
Shirley he loves there...
Okay, your mission is successful...

Location : Flanvel Tower
Items : Therapy Ring, Phantom Shield, Magical Hat, Holy Ankh, Dancer's

Okay, let's return to Kashua Glacier ~ Flanvel Tower. Do you remember
where you fought Lloyd ? You'll see a teleport in the right that you
didn't have time to touch. Now let's use it. First, you see a treasure
chest with a Therapy Ring. Once you intend to step on the teleporting
device, Faust would appear to get rid of you. If you still try to pass
you, he would kill you :

HP : 27000
Element : Non-elemental
Difficulty : Very Hard

You must have the Vanishing Stone to defeat him. This battle is harder
than the final battle (I think!!!). With this boss, the best way is
using physical attacks because this guy is the King of Magical attacks
who could avoid most of your hits, even physical or magical attack.
Equip your characters with best armor such as Legend Casque or Phantom
Shield to reduce the damage he makes on you. Even the most simple spell
of his could make you lose serious HP. For this battle, you need a very
strong patience to beat because Faust could avoid from most of your
attacks. Use your most strongest and complete additions to beat him.
Turning into Dragoons is just a waste of time. Sometimes you can use
Albert's Rose Storm or Mirranda's healing spells, but it's better to
avoid at least. Choose your strongest party, have at least one character
for healing and guard. I assure you would be rewarded by worth items
that are 10000g, 20000 EXP and a Phantom Shield.



11/ E.N.E.M.Y. L.I.S.T.


- The names of enemies and bosses are arranged following the alphabet
- The HP are estimated.
- There are some spoilers and missing info. Please inform me if you


You can meet ordinary enemies everywhere, certain locations or World
Map, even on the Queen Fury. I have written their information in the
walkthrough and now I make a miscellany here :

Aqua King 700 HP/Water Magical City Aglis
Arrow Shooter 200 HP/Earth Barrens or around
Assasin Cock 3 HP/Wind Forest near Seles
Baby Dragon 250 HP/Thunder Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Basilisk 700 HP/??? Flanvel Tower
Beastie Dragon 320 HP/Wind Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Berserker 350 HP/Dark Home of Gigantos
Berserk Mouse 4 HP/Dark Forest near Seles
Bowling 300 HP/None Snowfield
Canbria Dayfly 650 HP/Wind Death Frontier
Cactus 350 HP/Earth Death Frontier
Crafty Thief 300 HP/Dark Home of Gigantos
Crescent Bee 10 HP/Wind Prairie
Crocodile 30 HP/Water Marshland
Crystal Golem 150 HP/Earth Shirley's Shrine or around
Cute Cat 700 HP/Thunder Divine Tree
Dark Elf 450 HP/Dark Evergreen Forest
Dragonfly 250 HP/Thunder Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Deadly Spider 300 HP/Earth Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Death 250 HP/Dark Phantom Ship
Death Purger 500 HP/Dark Law City Zenebatos
Earth Shaker 200 HP/Earth Barrens
Erupting Chick 100 HP/Wind Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Evil Spider 30 HP/Earth Limestone Cave
Fairy 300 HP/Light Forbidden Land
Fire Spirit 30 HP/Fire Volcano Villude
Flabby Troll 550 HP/Earth Undersea Cavern
Flying Rat 300 HP/Wind Evergreen Forest or around
Forest Runner 300 HP/Wind Evergreen Forest
Fowl Fighter 100 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Freeze Knight 350 HP/Water Kashua Glacier or around
Frilled Lizard 150 HP/Earth Barrens or around
Gangster 500 HP/Earth Home og Gigantos
Gargoyle 100 HP/Dark Shirley's Shrine
Glare 350 HP/Water Undersea Cavern or around
Queen Fury
Gnome 250 HP/Earth Forbidden Land
Goblin 6 HP/Fire Forest near Seles
Guilotine 400 HP/Dark Law City Zenebatos
Harpy 600 HP/Wind Law City Zenebatos
Hellena Warden 10 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Hellena Warden 12 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Hellena Warden 120 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Hell Hound 150 HP/Fire Black Castle
Human Hunter 350 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Hyper Skeleton 900 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Icicle Ball 250 HP/Water Kashua Glacier or around
Jelly 650 HP/Water Magical City Aglis
Killer Bird 100 HP/Dark Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Knight of Sandora 5 HP/Fire Seles
Knight of Sandora 200 HP/Fire Black Castle
Land Skater 350 HP/Water Kashua Glacier
Living Statue 50 HP/Earth Shirley's Shrine
Lizard Man 40 HP/Earth Nest of Dragon
Loner Knight 800 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Madman 1000 HP/??? Flanvel Tower
Mad Skull 1000 HP/Thunder Moon That Never Sets
Magician Bogy 600 HP/Dark Phantom Ship
Mammoth 1200 HP/Earth Kashua Glacier or around
Mandrake 100 HP/Water Nest of Dragon
Man Eating Bud 120 HP/Dark Nest of Dragon
Manticore 1000 HP/Dark Divine Tree
Mantis 20 HP/Earth Prairie
Maximum Volt 550 HP/Thunder Vellweb
Mega Sea Dragon 250 HP/Fire Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Mermaid 400 HP/Water Undersea Cavern or around
Merman 60 HP/Water Marshland
Metal Fang 650 HP/??? Flanvel Tower
Minotaur 1000 HP/Thunder Magical City
Mole 15 HP/Earth Prairie
Moss Dresser 300 HP/Earth Evergreen Forest
Mountain Ape 1200 HP/Earth Divine Tree
Mr. Bone 450 HP/Dark Snowfield
Fort Magrad
Myconido 30 HP/Earth Marshland
Orc 30 HP/Dark Limestone Cave
Piggy 200 HP/Earth Home of Gigantos
Plague Rat 50 HP/Earth Shirley's Shrine or around
Professor 800 HP/Wind Law City Zenebatos
Psyche Druid 2000 HP/Light Moon That Never Sets
Puck 300 HP/Earth Forbidden Land
Red Hot 40 HP/Fire Volcano Villude
around in Serdio
Roc 200 HP/Wind Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Rocky Turtle 500 HP/Earth Kashua Glacier
Roulette Face 2200 HP/Dark Moon That Never Sets
Run Fast 60 HP/Thunder Nest of Dragon
Salamander 45 HP/Fire Volcano Villude
Sandworm 1400 HP/Earth Death Frontier
Sandora Soldier 40 HP/Fire Hoax
Sandora Soldier 60 HP/Fire Marshland
Sandora Soldier 60 HP/Water Marshland
Scissorhands 80 HP/Earth Barrens or around
Scorpion 300 HP/Earth Death Frontier
Screaming Bat 12 HP/Dark Limestone Cave
Around in Serdio
Screw Shell 160 HP/Water Undersea Cavern or around
Queen Fury
Scud Shark 400 HP/Water Magical City Aglis
Sea Dragon 30 HP/Fire Marshland
Sea Piranha 300 HP/Water Undersea Cavern
Senior Warden 25 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Senior Warden 150 HP/Fire Hellena Prison
Skeleton 200 HP/Dark Phantom Ship
Sky Chase 650 HP/Wind Law City Zenebatos
Slime 20 HP/Earth Limestone Cave
Around Bales
Slug 1400 HP/Earth Divine Tree
Spector 250 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Spider Urchin 100 HP/Thunder Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Spinning Head 400 HP/None Forbidden Land
Spiky Beetle 500 HP/Earth Death Frontier
Spring Hitter 450 HP/None Vellweb
Stern Fish 750 HP/Water Magical City Aglis
Stinger 60 HP/Wind Barrens or around
Strong Man 100 HP/Earth Shirley's Shrine or around
Succubus 400 HP/Dark Vellweb
Swift Dragon 900 HP/Fire Moon That Never Sets
Terminator 500 HP/None Vellweb
Toad Stool 150 HP/Earth Forbidden Land
Trap Plant 1500 HP/Water Moon That Never Sets
Trent 6 HP/Earth Forest near Seles
Triceratops 3000 HP/Earth Moon That Never Sets
Tricky Bat 30 HP/Wind Nest of Dragon
Around in Serdio
Ugly Balloon 35 HP/Wind Limestone Cave
Around in Serdio
Undead 600 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Unicorn 1250 HP/Light Moon That Never Sets
Vampire Kiwi 10 HP/Dark Prairie
White Ape 500 HP/Earth Snowfield
Wildman 800 HP/Thunder Snowfield
Will-o'-Wisp 150 HP/Fire Phantom Ship
Windy Weasel 350 HP/Wind Snowfield
Fort Magrad
Witch 400 HP/Light Vellweb
Wounded Bear 550 HP/Earth Evergreen Forest or around
Wyvern 550 HP/Wind Mountain of Mortal Dragon

Special enemies are called "minor enemies" in the game. They have
strong defense that you must use special items (See "Item List") to kill
them with the fastest way. When you have defeated them, you can receive
a number of EXP and money which is more than any other enemies and an
item for each minor enemy.

HP : 4
Location : around Bales and Hoax
This bird is the easiest special enemy in the game. If you are luck,
you could kill it by some physical attacks.

HP : 5
Location :
This is can be easily killed by Sachets.

HP : 6
Location : around Furni and Evergreen Forest
Strong against physical attacks. So you should use magical attacks if
you have no Sachets.

HP : ????
Location : Queen Fury when crossing Endiness
Every attacks are hardly effective with this bird. Save a lot of
Sachets and use them for this enemy.

HP : 4
What do you need to beat this enemy ? Magic Signet Stone + Luck

HP : 5
Location : around Fueno and Undersea Cavern
It can make barrier against magical attacks. Use Sachet before it
could do that.

HP : 6
Location : around Death Frontier
It's strong against at physical/magical attacks. Try to kill it as
soon as possible or it could run away.

HP : 4
Location : around Lohan, the Moon That Never Sets
This is an easy minor enemy if it doesn't cause instant death on you.
Prepare a Sachet and kill it as soon as possible before it could kill
you and run away.


BOSS LIST \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1st Virage~Arm 50 HP/None Volcano Villude
1st Virage~Body 350 HP/None Volcano Villude
1st Virage~Head 350 HP/None Volcano Villude
2nd Virage~Arm 350 HP/None Valley of Corrupted Gravity
2nd Virage~Body 800 HP/None Valley of Corrupted Gravity
2nd Virage~Head 1500 HP/None Valley of Corrupted Gravity
3rd Virage~Arm 5000 HP/None Forbidden Land
3rd Virage~Body 10000 HP/None Forbidden Land
3rd Virage~Head 10000 HP/None Forbiddeb Land
Albert ??? HP/Wind Shirley's Shrine
Archangel 3200 HP/Light Moon That Never Sets
Atlow 250 HP/Dark Lohan
Belzac 16000 HP/Earth Vellweb
Caterpillar 5500 HP/None Divine Tree
Claire 2500 HP/Thunder Moon That Never Sets
Commander 20 HP/Dark Seles
Commander 150 HP/Dark Marshland
Damia 9500 HP/Water Vellweb
Danton 220 HP/Earth Lohan
Dark Doel 1500 HP/Thunder Moon That Never Sets
Death Rose 3000 HP/None Moon That Never Sets
Divine Dragon 5000 HP/None Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Doel 650 HP/Thunder Black Castle
Dragoon Doel 1500 HP/Thunder Black Castle
Dragon Spirit 8000 HP/Wind Death City Mayfil
Dragon Spirit 12000 HP/Water Death City Mayfil
Dragon Spirit 16000 HP/None Death City Mayfil
Drake the Bandit 1150 HP/Wind Shirley's Shrine
Fire Bird 600 HP/Fire Volcano Villude
Feybrand 450 HP/Wind Nest of Dragon
Fruegel 90 HP/Earth Hellena Prison
Fruegel 1000 HP/Earth Hellena Prison
Gangster 500 HP/Earth Home of Gigantos
Gehrich 1700 HP/Earth Home of Gigantos
Ghost Commander 1300 HP/Dark Phantom Ship
Ghost Knight 300 HP/Dark Phantom Ship
Gorgaga 200 HP/None Lohan
Grand Jewel 4600 HP/Earth Forbidden Land
Greham 350 HP/Wind Nest of Dragon
Imago 12000 HP/None Divine Tree
Indora 3000 HP/Earth Moon That Never Sets
Jiango 1200 HP/Earth Hellena Prison
Kanzas 12000 HP/Thunder Vellweb
Kamuy 3500 HP/None Evergreen Forest
Kongol 250 HP/Earth Hoax
Kongol 1000 HP/Earth Black Castle
Kubila 3200 HP/Dark Law City Zenebatos
Last Kraken 10000 HP/Water Magical City Aglis
Lavitz's Spirit 5500 HP/Wind Death City Mayfil
Lenus 3400 HP/Water Twin Castle
Lenus 3000 HP/Water Prison Island
Light Sword 1000 HP/Thunder Moon That Never Sets
Lloyd ??? HP/None Lohan
Lloyd 6500 HP/None Flanvel Tower
Magician Faust 27000 HP/None Flanvel Tower
Mappy 600 HP/Dark Barrens
Mappy 1200 HP/Dark Home of Gigantos
Melbu Frahma 42000 HP/None Moon That Never Sets
Michael ????? HP/Dark Moon That Never Sets
Michael (Core) 1500 HP/Dark Moon That Never Sets
Polter Armor 3800 HP/Dark Fort Magrad
Polter Helm 2400 HP/Dark Fort Magrad
Polter Sword 2800 HP/Dark Fort Magrad
Pupa 2500 HP/None Divine Tree
Regole 3200 HP/Water Prison Island
Sandora Elite 260 HP/Dark Hoax
Sandora Elite 500 HP/Dark Black Castle
Serfius 200 HP/Fire Lohan
Selebus 3000 HP/Dark Law City Zenebatos
Shana ??? HP/Light Shirley's Shrine
Shadow Sword 1000 HP/Thunder Moon That Never Sets
Shirley ??? HP/Light Shirley's Shrine
Super Virage~Arm 3000 HP/None Moon That Never Sets
Super Virage~Body 15000 HP/None Moon That Never Sets
Super Virage~Head 10000 HP/None Moon That Never Sets
Syuveil 10000 HP/Wind Vellweb
Urobolus 270 HP/Earth Limestone Cave
Vector 4000 HP/Dark Law City Zenebatos
Volcano Ball 50 HP/Fire Volcano Villude
Windigo 10000 HP/Water Kashua Glacier
Zackwell 8000 HP/Dark Death City Mayfil
Zieg Feld 12000 HP/Fire Moon That Never Sets

BOSS SUPPORTER LIST \~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bomb Star 1400 HP/None Melbu Frahma
Bursting Bomb 100 HP/None Drake the Bandit
Cleone 1400 HP/Water Last Kraken
Crafty Thief 300 HP/Dark Mappy & Gangster
Divine Ball 2000 HP/None Divine Dragon
Divine Cannon 2000 HP/None Divine Dragon
Guftas 450 HP/Dark Fruegel
Hellena Warden 12 HP/Fire Fruegel
Monster 1200 HP/None Melbu Frahma
Rodrique 450 HP/Wind Fruegel
Senior Warden 25 HP/Fire Fruegel
Snow Cannon 400 HP/Water Windigo
Tentacle 1400 HP/None Melbu Frahma
Heart 3 HP/Water Windigo
Wire 100 HP/None Drake the Bandit


12/ I.T.E.M. L.I.S.T.




- Burn Out - Fire-based individual attack (multi)
- Gushing Magma - Fire-based attack for all (multi)
- Burning Wave - Fire-based powerful attack for all

- Spear Frost - Water-based individual attack (multi)
- Fatal Blizzard - Water-based attack for all (multi)
- Frozen Jet - Water-based powerful attack for all

- Spark Net - Thunder-based individual attack (multi)
- Thunderbolt - Thunder-based attack for all (multi)
- Flash Hall - Thunder-based powerful attack for all

- Pellet - Earth-based individual attack (multi)
- Meteor Fall - Earth-based attack for all (multi)
- Gravity Grabber - Earth-based powerful attack for all

- Spinning Gale - Wind-based individual attack (multi)
- Rave Twister - Wind-based attack for all (multi)
- Down Burst - Wind-based powerful attack for all

- Translight - Light-based individual attack (multi)
- Dancing Ray - Light-based attack for all (multi)
- Spectral Flash - Light-based powerful attack for all

- Dark Smith - Darkness-based individual attack (multi)
- Black Rain - Darkness-based attack for all (multi)
- Night Raid - Darkness-based powerful attack for all

- Psyche Bomb - Non-based attack for all
- Psyche Bomb X - Powerful Non-based attack for all (multi)

- Detonate Rock - Detonate and attacks all
- Attack Ball - Generates one of the attack items

- Magic Signet Stone - Block enemy's move for 3 turns
- Material Shield - Nullifies physical attack for 3 turns
- Magic Shield - Nullifies magical attack for 3 turns
- Speed Up - Double agility for 3 turns
- Speed Down - Become slow for 3 turns
- Power Up - Strength increase for 3 turns
- Power Down - Become weak for 3 turns

- Sachet - Kill minor enemies
- Total Vanishing - Destroys minor enemies
- Stunning Hammer - Stuns minor enemies
- Poison Needles - Poisons minor enemies
- Midnight Terror - Frightens minor enemies
- Panic Bell - Confuses minor enemies
- Smoke Bomb - 100% sure escape from minor enemies
- Pandemonium - Minor enemies only attacks one ally 3 turns


- Angel's Prayer - Revitalitize and recovers half of HP
- Healing Potion - Recover half of HP for individual
- Healing Fog - Completely recover HP for individual
- Healing Breeze - Recover half of HP for all
- Healing Rain - Completely recover HP for all
- Recovery Ball - Generates one of the recovery items
- Sun Rhapsody - Completely recover MP for individual
- Moon Serenade - Completely recover MP for all
- Spirit Potion - Recover 100 SP during combat
- Body Purifier - Nullifies poison/stunning/arm-blocking
- Mind Purifier - Nullifies fear/confused/bewitchment/
- Depetrifier - Nullifies petrified
- Charm Potion - Reduce risk of encounter


War Bulletin
- Special Edition shows tension among Sandora and Serdio.

Prison Key
- Key to the second prison tower where Shana is held.

- An axe left in a shack in a field. It's well-worn.

Lavitz's Picture
- Lavitz's portrait drawn in Bale. It looks so real.

Good Spirits
- Good Spirit that pleases the man in Bale.

Red Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit Dart's father left him. Fire-based.

Dark Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit of mysterious Rose. Darkness-based.

Jade Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit from Greham. Wind-based

Water Bottle
- A bottle acquired in Lohan to hold "Life Water"

Life Water
- Life Water from a monster plant. Refresh power.

Silver Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit from Shirley. Light-based.

Magic Oil
- Fuel to light an elevator switch in Black Castle

Red Stone
- Key to access a room in Black Castle

Blue Stone
- Key to access a room in Black Castle

Yellow Stone
- Key to access a room in Black Castle

Violet Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit from Doel. Thunder-based.

Letter from Lynn
- A letter from Lynn before he went to pursue bandits.

Pass for Valley
- A pass for Valley of Corrupted Gravity

Golden Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit found in Lohan. Earth-based.

Kate's Bouquet
- Good luck bouquet thrown by Kate at the wedding.

Key to Ship
- Key from the Captain of Phantom Ship

Blue Sea Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit from Lenus. Water-based.

Boat License
- License to use a boat in Furni. It's a must.

Dragon Block Staff
- A staff to confine Divine Dragon. Restrains Dragons.

Moon Gem
- Family treasure of Serdio. Has enormous power.

Moon Dagger
- Family treasure of Tiberoa.

Moon Mirror
- Family treasure of Mille Seseau.

Vanishing Stone
- A mysterious stone from Martel for getting Stardusts.

Law Maker
- A certificate of law production in Zenebatos.

Law Output
- A certificate of law enactment in Zenebatos.

Divine Dragon DS
- Dragoon Spirit of Divine Dragon from Lloyd. Non-based


13/ W.E.A.P.O.N. L.I.S.T.



Name | Attack | Price | Function
Broad Sword | 2 | 20 |
Bastard Sword | 7 | 60 |
Heat Blade | 18 | 150 | - Fire-based
Falchion | 26 | 250 |
Mind Crush | 34 | 350 | - Confuse enemy with a given
| | | probability
Fairy Sword | 39 | 400 | - Gives 50% more SP
Claymore | 44 | 500 |
Soul Eater | 75 | 450 | - Powerful but HP decays each turn
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Short Bow | 3 | 20 |
Sparkle Arrow | 9 | 50 | - Light-based
Long Bow | 18 | 150 |
Bemusing Arrow | 24 | 250 | - Confuses enemy with a given
| | | probability
Virulent Arrow | 30 | 350 | - Poison enemy with a given
| | |probability
Arrow of Force | 40 | 500 | - Gives 50% more SP
Detonate Arrow | 50 | N/A | - Attack all enemies
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Spear | 4 | 20 |
Lance | 19 | 100 |
Twister Glaive | 28 | 140 | - Wind-based
Glaive | 37 | 250 |
Spear of Terror | 45 | 300 | - Frightens enemy with a given
| | | probability
Partisan | 56 | 400 |
Halberd | 65 | 500 |
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Rapier | 13 | 60 |
Demon Stiletto | 18 | 160 | - Frighten enemy with a given
| | | probability
Shadow Cutter | 24 | 200 | - Darkness-based
Dancing Dagger | 30 | 300 |
Flameberge | 35 | 350 | - Stuns enemy with a given
| | | probability
Gladius | 40 | 400 | - Instantly kills enemy with given
| | | probability
Dragon Buster | 100 | N/A |
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Iron Knuckle | 20 | 100 |
Beast Fang | 31 | 250 | - Stuns enemy with a given
| | | probability
Diamond Claw | 37 | 300 |
Brass Knuckle | 43 | 350 | - Instantly kills enemy with given
| | | probability
Thunder Fist | 49 | 450 | - Thunder~based attack
Destroyer Mace | 55 | 500 | - Becomes powerful inversely to HP
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Mace | 15 | 200 |
Morning Star | 20 | 250 |
War Hammer | 25 | 300 |
Heavy Mace | 30 | 400 | - Stuns enemy with a given
| | | probability
Pretty Hammer | 15 | 400 | - Give twice as much SP but not
| | | powerful
Basher | 40 | 500 |
| | |

Name | Attack | Price | Function
Axe | 45 | 200 |
Tomahawk | 59 | 300 |
Combat Axe | 67 | 350 |
Great Axe | 79 | 400 | - Stuns enemy, with a given
| | | probability
Indora's Axe | 88 | 500 | - Instantly kills enemy with given
| | |probability
| | |


14/ A.R.M.O.R. L.I.S.T. (spoiler)



- Price : 10000g
- Users : All characters
- Defense : 127
- Magic Defense : 0
- Function : Greatly reduces physical damage

- Price : N/A
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Kongol
- Defense : 35
- Magic Defense : 35
- Function : Prevent poison, stunning, arm-blocking

- Price : N/A
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 2
- Magic defense : 2
- Function : N/A

- Price : 50
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 8
- Magic defense : 8
- Function : N/A

- Price : 300
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 34
- Magic Defense : 34
- Function : N/A

- Price : N/A
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 37
- Magic defense : 26
- Function : Give 50% more SP

- Price : N/A
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 13
- Magic defense : 8
- Function : N/A

- Price : N/A
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 25
- Magic defense : 23
- Avoid hit : 10%
- Function : N/A

- Price : N/A
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 30
- Magic defense : 29
- Function : When physical attacked, SP is accumulated

- Price : 500
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 40
- Magic defense : 31
- Function : Avoids poison, stunning, arm-blocking

- Price : 150
- Users : Kongol
- Defense : 46
- Magic defense : 20
- Function : N/A

- Price : 400
- Users : Kongol
- Defense : 75
- Magic defense : 25
- Function : When physical attacked SP is accumulated.

- Price : 250
- Users : Kongol
- Defense : 59
- Magic defense : 14
- Function : N/A

- Price : 800
- Users : Dart
- Defense : 41
- Magic defense : 40
- Function : Nullifies fire-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Shana, Mirranda
- Defense : 27
- Magic defense : 80
- Function : Nullifies light-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 54
- Magic defense : 27
- Function : Nullifies wind-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Rose
- Defense : 41
- Magic defense : 42
- Function : Nullifies darkness-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 45
- Magic defense : 40
- Function : Nullifies thunder-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Meru
- Defense : 30
- Magic defense : 54
- Function : Nullifies water-based attacks

- Price : 800
- Users : Kongol
- Defense : 88
- Magic defense : 23
- Function : Nullifies earth-based attacks

- Price : N/A
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 4
- Magic defense : 5
- Function : N/A

- Price : 50
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 7
- Magic defense : 12
- Function : N/A

- Price : 120
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 13
- Magic defense : 17
- Function : N/A

- Price : 200
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 19
- Magic defense : 45
- Function : When being physical attacked SP is accumulated

- Price : 300
- Users : Shana. Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 25
- Magic defense : 35
- Function : When being magical damaged SP is accumulated

- Price : N/A
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 32
- Magic defense : 55
- Function : Avoids poison/stunning/arm-blocking

- Price : 500
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Meru
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Function : Revives from death with a given probability.

- Price : 150
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 20
- Magic defense : 24
- Function : N/A

- Price : 200
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 27
- Magic defense : 20
- Function : N/A


- Price : 10000
- Users : all characters
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 127
- Magic attack : 50
- Function : Great Magic protection

- Price : N/A
- Users : all characters
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 10
- Magic attack : 30
- Function : Avoid fear/confused/bewitchment/dispirited

- Price : N/A
- Users : all characters
- Defense : 10
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 50
- Function : Raise maximum HP 50%

- Price : N/A
- Users : all characters
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 10
- Magic attack : 50
- Function : Raise maximum MP 50%

- Price : N/A
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 3
- Function : N/A

- Price : 40
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 8
- Function : Increase hit rate of physical attacks by 10%

- Price : 100
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 5
- Magic attack : 23
- Function : N/A

- Price : 150
- Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert
- Defense : 5
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 37
- Function : When being magical damaged SP is accumulated

- Price : 200
- Users : Haschel
- Defense : 5
- Magic defense : 5
- Magic attack : 25
- Function : When being magical damaged SP is accumulated

- Price : 200
- Users : Kongol
- Defense : 10
- Magic defense : 5
- Magic attack : 14
- Function : When being magical damaged SP is accumulated

- Price : N/A
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 5
- Function : N/A

- Price : 60
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 17
- Function : N/A

- Price : 150
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru
- Defense : 5
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 29
- Function : Increase hit rate of magical attack by 10%

- Price : 200
- Users : Shana, Mirranda, Meru
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 5
- Magic attack : 42
- Function : when being magical damaged SP is accumulated

- Price : N/A
- Users : Rose
- Defense : 0
- Magic defense : 0
- Magic attack : 36
- Function : Avoid instant death


- Price : 300
- Users : All characters
- Defense : 0
- Function : Avoid magical/physical attacks raised 5 pts

Users : Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol

- Price : N/A
- Defense : 0
- Function : N/A

- Price : 100
- Defense : 5
- Function : N/A

- Price : 150
- Defense : 5
- Function : Avoid physical attacks raised 5 pts

- Price : N/A
- Defense : 0
- Function : Give 20 pts more agility

Users : Shana, Mirranda, Rose, Meru

- Price : N/A
- Defense : 0
- Function : N/A

- Price : 100
- Defense : 5
- Function : N/A

- Price : 150
- Defense : 5
- Function : Avoid magical attacks raised 5 pts

- Price : N/A
- Defense : 0
- Function : Give 20 pts more agility


- Bracelet 10 - N/A
- Poison Guard 200 - Prevent Poison
- Panic Guard 200 - Prevent Confusion
- Active Ring 200 - Prevent Dispiriting
- Protector 200 - Prevent Arm-blocking
- Stun Guard 200 - Prevent stunning
- Bravery Amulet 300 - Prevent Fear
- Magic Ego Bell 300 - Prevent Bewitchment
- Talisman N/A - Prevent instant death
- Destone Amulet 400 - Prevent petrification
- Rainbow Earring N/A - Prevent all abnormal status
- Power Wrist 100 - Raise physical attack by 5
- Knight Shield 200 - Raise physical defense by 10
- Magical Ring 600 - Raise Magical attack by 30
- Spiritual Ring 600 - Raise Magical defense by 30
- Spirit Ring N/A - Recover SP each turn
- Wargod Calling 1000 - Automatic Addition : Half Damage and SP
- Wargod's Amulet N/A - Increase hit rate for attacking all by 20%
- Wargod's Sash N/A - Raise SP by 50%
- Ultimate Wargod 10000 - Automatic complete additions
- Attack Badge 1000 - Raise physical/magical attack power
- Guard Badge 1000 - Raise physical/magical defenses power
- Giganto Ring 1000 - Raise physical attack & defense by 20 pts
- Elude Cloak 300 - Avoid physical attack raised 20 pts
- Spirit Cloak 300 - Avoid magical attack raised 20 pts
- Sage's Cloak 600 - Avoid magical/physical attack raised 20pts
- Amulet N/A - Double maximum HP
- Physical Ring N/A - Raise maximum HP by 50%
- Therapy Ring N/A - Recover 10% maximum HP each turn
- Mage Ring N/A - Recover 10% maximum MP each turn
- Dancer's Ring N/A - Increase agility by 20 pts (female)
- Bandit's Ring N/A - Increases agility by 20 pts (male)
- Holy Ankh N/A - Revive from death with a given probability
- Red-Eyed Stone N/A - Reduce fire-based damage by half
- Silver Stone N/A - Reduce light-based damage by half
- Dark Stone N/A - Reduce darkness-based damage by half
- Jade Stone N/A - Reduce wind-based damage by half
- Blue Sea Stone N/A - Reduce water-based damage by half
- Violet Stone N/A - Reduce thunder-based damage by half
- Dragon Shield 5000 - Reduce physical damage by half
- Angel Scarf 5000 - Reduce magical damage by half
- Phantom Shield 10000 - Reduce all damage by half
- Ruby Ring 1000 - When Magical damaged SP is accumulated
- Emerald Earring 1000 - When Physical damaged SP is accumulated
- Sapphire Pin 1000 - When Magical damaged MP is accumulated
- Platinum Collar 1000 - When Physical damaged SP is accumulated


15/ R.E.L.A.T.E.D. C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R. L.I.S.T.

This menu lists for you the characters you should meet, or you should
know about them. I wrote this following the playing order. This doesn't
include the main enemies or bosses. They have their own section in
"Enemy List", okay ?

Name : Rose
Role : The passing warrior who saves you from the Green Tusked Dragon

Name : The Mayor
Role : You meet him to know about the current situation of Seles. Then
find out about what happened to Shana.

Name : Mr. Tasman
Role : If you are new to this game, just ask him. He will teach you the
basic battle system of the game.

Name : the item seller
Role : He shows you the order of elements and teaches you how to use
an attack item well.

Name : Merchant
Role : He agrees not to reveal you for the wardens and sells item to

Name : Lavitz Slambert
Role : He is the leader of Knight of Basil who was arrested here and
trying to escape. He supports you to pass the adventure.

Name : Shana
Role : She is your target in this journey.

Name : the civilians from Sandora
Role : They don't know where to go because their home was lost in war.
Lavitz agrees to let them stay in his house in Bales.

Name : the artist in the first house
Role : She draws a portrait for Lavitz as a goods.

Name : King Albert
Role : Lavitz needs to report the incident to this King.

Name : Minister Noish
Role : He tells you what he knows about the Black Monster.

Name : Lavitz's mother
Role : She prepares lunch for you

Name : Dran
Role : He is a drunk man who blocks you way to the underground area of
the town. Give him the Good Spirit you bought from the bar and he will
let you pass.

Name : Martel
Role : A traveler who is trying to collect all the Stardusts for her
sick daughter. This time you just meet her in a sudden.

Name : Kaiser
Role : The leader of Eighth Knighthood. He arranges your position to
defend the Sandora Soldiers.

Name : Rose
Role : She saves you from Kongol's axe and joins you as a playable

Name : Dabas
Role : A passer who has some troubles on going. You save him and he
would be your item sellers in this place.

Name : Sanator
Role : He is a doctor, a physician who remedies Shana's illness. He
tells you about the Dragoni Plant which is the only way to save her. He
also introduces you to the annual Hero Match which would be held soon at
the battle arena.

Name : Dabas
Role : You meet him again. Now you realize he is an owner of an
Antique Shop. You need to pass the north path in Dragon's Nest area to
find the Dragoni Plant. He tells you the Life Water which could kill the
strange plant blocking the path.

Name : Street Vendor
Role : He is a wise and smart seller. He sells you the empty bottle to
contain the Life Water with the first terrible price. Try to bargain him
until he gives it to you without any money.

Name : Haschel
Role : He is Dart's old friend, also a superman in martial art. He
takes part in the Hero Match and later he becomes a partner in your

Name : The dead Knight of Basil
Role : He is injured very seriously, trying to come to Lohan to inform
Lavitz that King Albert was caught to Hellena Prison. After telling
everything to you, he dies.

Name : Merchant
Role : Just your item sellers in this hell.

Name : Albert
Role : He is the King of Bales who has been being caught here. You
must save him. Then he'll be your playable character who replaces Lavitz
since then.

Name : Lloyd
Role : He was the Champion in the Hero Match in Lohan. He came to
Bales as a spy and now he gets the Moon Gem from Albert's body and kills

Name : The adventurer in the Weapon Shop
Role : What a big mouth ! He "tells" you that he defeated the Green
Tusked Dragon Feybrand and collected its feather somewhere. It's lucky
when he replaces you to be the mercenary of Sandora.

Name : Popo
Role : He is the representive of the mercenaries here at a very small
age. He helps you to access the castle.

Name : White Magic Researcher
Role : He tells you about the magic research and gives you the Magic
Oil to activate all the elevators in the castle. His magic can heal your

Name : Green Magic Researcher
Role : The same as the White one. But he doesn't heal your health.

Name : Magi the Magic Researcher
Role : He is the guy who was mentioned by the two other researchers.
His room has the Blue Stone.

Name : Great Commander of Sandora
Role : He regrets his fault of having not stopping the cruel action of
Sandora soldiers in Seles. Then he gives you the Yellow Stone.

Name : The practising Knights of Sandora
Role : You must pass them if you want to continue.

Name : Fake Princess Emille
Role : Albert is surprised by her action. Let's see that fake one.

Name : The guard in Church
Role : He lets you see the Star fantasia.

Name : Kaffi
Role : She is the waitress of the bar. She provides information with
you about the town and Lloyd.

Name : Mr. Fester
Role : He is a governor of the castle. Now his role is telling you
about the Moon That Never Sets you heard from Lloyd.

Name : Nello
Role : She is a people in Fletz who loves plants. If you want to stay
in her house , you must let Albert talk to her during the night about
the "Green Project".

Name : Kate
Role : She tells you about her fiance Lynn, who has just gone to meet
the gangs for peace and demands your help. She also asks you to send the
Mayor~Lynn's father to inform him about this.

Name : The Third Sacred Sister Wink
Role : She was done harm to by the gangs

Name : Lloyd
Role : He saves Wink from the gangs

Name : The Mayor of Donau
Role : You must let him know about his son.

Name : Meru
Role : A great dancer of Donau. She also accepts Kate's demand and
joins you as a playable character. She also reminds you to have the
license from King Zior to pass the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.

Name : Mr.Fester
Role : Meet him at the item shop. Then find him in front of the
castle. His role now is helping you to enter the castle.

Name : King Zior
Role : The King of Fletz. He issues you the pass of Valley of
Corrupted Gravity.

Name : Libria
Role : She is a maid of the castle. She tells you that Princess Lisa
wants to meet you.

Name : Princess Lisa
Role : She lets you know the real situation of Princess Emille. And
then ask for your help.

Name : Fake Princess Emille
Role : Just ignore her attitude in the dinner.

Name : the Guards
Role : They open the gate for you to pass.

Name : Kongol
Role : He saves you from the huge falling statue and joins your party.

Name : Lynn
Role : Your target in this journey.

Name : Princess Lisa
Role : She is in the right Champer. You meet her to report everything
about her sister Emille and she would join you to avoid some troubles.

Name : Real Princess Emille
Role : She is in the left Champer. You find her in the painting and
tells her the current situation.

Name : one of the current guards in the castle
Role : After having the real Princess Emille, when you talk to any of
them, they would run away.

Name : King Zior
Role : Inform him about the fake one as soon as possible.

Name : Kayla
Role : Inform her to get on board

Name : Commodore Puler
Role : He is the captain of this ship

Name : Dart
Role : He shares with Shana about the fate.

Name : Rose
Role : She explains to Dart about the source of Dragoon power.

Name : Haschel
Role : Haschel tells you his real purpose in the journey.

Name : Kongol
Role : Kongol asks Haschel what "friends" is

Name : Albert
Role : Albert explains to Kongol what friends are.

Name : Meru
Role : Albert wants to alert Meru about the danger of the journey.

Name : Dart
Role : Meru wants to find him for fun.

Name :Rose
Role : Find her and then see what happens next.

Name : The soul in the last room of the below corridor
Role : He asks you to meet the captain.

Name : The four souls in the last room of the below corridor
Role : They tell you the code to open the chest in the first cabin.

Name : The soul of the captain
Role : He suddenly tells you about the accident.

Name : Princess Louvia's maid
Role : She reminds about the death of the baby princess.

Name : Pete
Role : He lets you rest in his house, and asks to follow you to Fueno.

Name : Pooch
Role : Pete's dog. He finds you from the cave.

Name : Kayla
Role : She informs you that your partners are in the city.

Name : Meru
Role : You suddenly meet her and she says you should go to the hotel
to see Shana.

Name : Shana
Role : go to the back room of the 2nd floor and...

Name : the drunk man in the city
Role : he gives you some hints about the Sea Dragon in Prison Island

Name : Commodore Puler
Role : He gives you some information about Lenus.

Name : The Mayor of Lidiera
Role : He lets you open the gate to Undersea Cavern

Name : Lloyd
Role : He runs away again and tells you that he's coming to Mille

Name : King Zior
Role : Meet him to report everything.

Name : Libria
Role : She takes you to Shana.

Name : the guy at the hotel
Role : give you the Boat License

Name : the Mayor of Furni
Role : He asks for your help about the monster Kamuy

Name : Gulgus
Role : He wants to block your way and get the prize of killing Kamuy

Name : Teo
Role : He protects Kamuy

Name : Gulgus
Role : He wants to take the prize

Name : Bishop
Role : He tells you about the Divine Tree

Name : Library Ute
Role : He unlocks the National Library for you and tells Dart what he
knows about the Black Monsters and the Moonchild.

Name : The Second Sacred Sister Luanna
Role : She takes to return to Deningrad

Name : Guaraha
Role : He is the only guy who welcomes you in a good way. He also
informs you about the waking Divine Dragon

Name : the Winglies in the forest
Role : They give you a terrible welcome

Name : The Second Sacred Sister Luanna
Role : She allows you to get to the Crystal Palace

Name : Queen Theresa
Role : She asks for your help to stop the Divine Dragon

Name : The First Sacred Sister Mirranda
Role : She joins you as a playable character

Name : Shana
Role : Something happens to her...

Name : the Wingly guard
Role : He brings you to the upper house

Name : Meru's parents
Role : Let her talk to them for a while

Name : Bardel brothers
Role : They want to get revenge with you for their baby sister who was
killed by a Human

Name : Ancestor Blano
Role : The Ancestor of the Winglies in the forest. He takes you to
Kadessa ~ Forbidden Land.

Name : Lloyd
Role : He wants to fight the Divine Dragon for some reason. This is
the only he is "in" your side.

Name : The Third Sacred Sister Wink
Role : She is going to Deningrad.

Name : Younger Bardel
Role : He wants to get revenge that he kills Wink first.

Name : Lloyd
Role : He saves Wink from Bardel.

Name : The Second Sacred Sister Luanna
Role : She looks after the wounded knights and tells you to meet Wink.

Name : The Third Sacred Sister Wink
Role : She tells you the incident about that Lloyd brought Queen
Theresa away.

Name : Martel
Role : She needs your Stardusts and gives you rare items.

Name : Segundo
Role : He sells weapons to you.

Name : Cuarto
Role : He sells items to you.

Name : Queen Theresa
Role : She has been being kept by Lloyd

Name : The Third Sacred Sister Wink
Role : She saves Lloyd from Dart's sword

Name : Emperor Diaz
Role : Let's see what he does yourself.

Name : Shirley
Role : She appears to ask for your help again. She wants you to rescue
the four souls of the other former Dragoons in the tower.

Name : Caron
Role : She tells you about Rose's long life.

Name : Miata
Role : She tells you about the Magic Signet and asks you to meet
Charle for more details.

Name : Charle Frahma
Role : She tells you about the Signet Sphere

Name : King Zior
Role : He permits you to use the Queen Fury to Rouge again.

Name : Kayla
Role : She helps you to get on board

Name : The Mayor of Rouge
Role : He tells you about the strange thing on the sea

Name : Martel
Role : She needs your Stadusts and gives you rare items

Name : Lil
Role : Martel's sick daughter

Name : Ruff
Role : Your serving magical creature

Name : Spino
Role : Your serving magical creature

Name : Decal
Role : Your serving magical creature

Name : Phewy
Role : Your serving magical creature

Name : Lulu
Role : Your challenging manager

Name : Buckle
Role : Your challenging manager

Name : Savan
Role : The Wingly who needs your help

Name : Zieg
Role : The guy who claimed to be Emperor Diaz

Name : Guide Laptos
Role : These guys support you to use the law

Name : Nomos
Role : He blocks you to go to the Signet Sphere

Name : Zieg
Role : He destroys your plan again.

Name : Coolon
Role : He can take you to anywhere in the World Map.

Name : Lavitz
Role : He helps to reach the Signet Sphere

Name : Zieg
Role : Let's see what he would do next.


16/ S.H.O.P. L.I.S.T.


As any other Tradition RPGs, "The Legend of Dragoons" has Item Shops
and Weapon Shops. The characters use money to exchange their items which
is counted by "gold" (g). You collect money by beating enemies, playing
some mini-game or taking part in some prize. The stronger enemies/bosses
are, the more money you get.

- Healing Potions Price : 10g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Burn Out Price : 10g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g


- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Spark Net Price : 10g


- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Spear Frost Price : 10g
- Meteor Fall Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Bastard Sword Price : 60g
- Sparkle Arrow Price : 50g
- Scale Armor Price : 50g
- Leather Jacket Price : 50g
- Sallet Price : 40g
- Poison Guard Price : 200g
- Panic Guard Price : 300g
- Stun Guard Price : 200g
- Bravery Amulet Price : 300g
- Knight Shield Price : 200g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Dancing Ray Price : 20g
- Pellet Price : 10g


- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Spinning Gale Price : 10g
- Gushing Magma Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Lance Price : 100g
- Cape Price : 60g
- Legend Casque Price : 10000g
- Active Ring Price : 200g
- Protector Price : 200g
- Panic Guard Price : 300g
- Power Wrist Price : 200g
- Wargod Calling Price : 1000g
- Phantom Shield Price : 10000g
- Dragon Shield Price : 5000g
- Angel Scarf Price : 5000g
- Ultimate Wargod Price : 10000g

HELLENA PRISON (second time)
- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Midnight Terror Price : 20g
- Thunderbolt Price : 20g


- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Dark Mist Price : 10g
- Fatal Blizzard Price : 20g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Spear Frost Price : 10g
- Meteor Fall Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Heat Blade Price : 150g
- Long Bow Price : 150g
- Armet Price : 100g
- Iron Kneepiece Price : 100g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 30g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Translight Price : 10g
- Black Rain Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Ruby Ring Price : 1000g
- Emerald Earring Price : 1000g
- Sapphire Pin Price : 1000g
- Platinum Collar Price : 1000g

- Shadow Cutter Price : 200g
- Chain Mail Price : 150g
- Soft Boots Price : 100g
- Poison Guard Price : 300g
- Active Ring Price : 200g
- Protector Price : 200g
- Panic Guard Price : 300g
- Stun Guard Price : 300g
- Bravery Amulet Price : 300g
- Magic Ego Bell Price : 300g
- Power Wrist Price : 200g
- Knight Shield Price : 200g
- Wargod Calling Price : 1000g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Rave Twister Price : 20g

- Silver Vest Price : 150g
- Tiara Price : 150g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Translight Price : 10g
- Dancing Ray Price : 20g

- Glaive Price : 250g
- Beast Fang Price : 250g
- Warrior Dress Price : 150g
- Stun Guard Price : 200g
- Magic Ego Bell Price : 200g

- Healing Potion Price : 10g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g
- Burn Out Price : 10g
- Gushing Magma Price : 20g

- Falchion Price : 250g
- Bemusing Arrow Price : 250g
- Morning Star Price : 250g
- Plate Mail Price : 200g
- Sparkle Dress Price : 200g
- Knight Helm Price : 150g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Depetrifier Price : 30g
- Thunderbolt Price : 20g

- Dancing Dagger Price : 300g
- Giganto Helm Price : 200g
- Combat Shoes Price : 150g
- Destone Amulet Price : 400g
- Attack Badge Price : 1000g
- Elude Cloak Price : 300g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Depetrifier Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Spark Net Price : 10g
- Thunderbolt Price : 20g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Tomahawk Price : 300g
- Spear of Terror Price : 300g
- Diamond Claw Price : 300g
- Breast Plate Price : 250g
- Master's Vest Price : 250g
- Soul Headband Price : 200g
- Bravery Amulet Price : 300g
- Jeweled Crown Price : 200g
- Stardust Boots Price : 150g
- Protector Price : 200g
- Destone Amulet Price : 400g
- Armor of Legend Price : 10000g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Dark Mist Price : 10g
- Black Rain Price : 20g

- War Hammer Price : 300g
- Magical Ring Price : 600g
- Spiritual Ring Price : 600g
- Spirit Cloak Price : 300g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Mind Crush Price : 350g
- Battle Axe Price : 350g
- Flamberge Price : 350g
- Virulent Arrow Price : 350g
- Saint Armor Price : 300g
- Robe Price : 300g
- Guard Badge Price : 1000g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Partisan Price : 400g
- Heavy Mace Price : 400g
- Giganto Armor Price : 400g
- Energy Girdle Price : 300g
- Giganto Ring Price : 1000g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g
- Panic Bell Price : 20g
- Stunning Hammer Price : 20g
- Poison Needle Price : 20g
- Midnight Terror Price : 20g
- Attack Ball Price : 100g
- Recovery Ball Price : 100g

- Fairy Sword Price : 400g
- Arrow of Force Price : 500g
- Thunder Fist Price : 450g
- Magical Greaves Price : 300g
- Magical Ring Price : 600g
- Spiritual Ring Price : 600g
- Elude Cloak Price : 300g
- Spirit Cloak Price : 300g
- Sage's Cloak Price : 600g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Panic Bell Price : 20g

- Attack Badge Price : 1000g
- Guard Badge Price : 1000g
- Giganto Ring Price : 1000g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 50g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Depetrifier Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Charm Potion Price : 4g

- Great Axe Price : 400g
- Gladius Price : 400g
- Red DG Armor Price : 800g
- Jade DG Armor Price : 800g
- Dark DG Armor Price : 800g
- Blue DG Armor Price : 800g
- Panic Guard Price : 300g
- Bravery Amulet Price : 300g
- Destone Amulet Price : 400g

- Healing Fog Price : 30g
- Healing Breeze Price : 50g
- Sun Rhapsody Price : 30g
- Angel's Prayer Price : 30g
- Depetrifier Price : 30g
- Mind Purifier Price : 20g
- Body Purifier Price : 10g
- Panic Bell Price : 20g
- Poison Needle Price : 20g

- Claymore Price : 500g
- Halberd Price : 500g
- Basher Price : 500g
- Destroyer Mace Price : 500g
- Red DG Armor Price : 800g
- Jade DG Armor Price : 800g
- Gold DG Armor Price : 800g
- Violet DG Armor Price : 800g
- White Silver DG Armor Price : 800g
- Dark DG Armor Price : 800g
- Blue DG Armor Price : 800g
- Magical Ring Price : 600g
- Spiritual Ring Price : 600g
- Attack Badge Price : 1000g
- Guard Badge Price : 1000g
- Giganto Ring Price : 1000g


17/ M.I.N.I. G.A.M.E. L.I.S.T.


*These mini~games are in English version .

Location : Lohan
Prize : None
How to play : There are many monsters passing on the stage. You must
throw ball at cute monsters to have points. They throw at you, too. Try
to avoid at throw directly to them or you'll be beaten miserably. The
big monsters need several hits to be defeated. Defeating the big one
gains 10 points, the small gains 1.

Location : Lohan
Prize : 3 tickets
How to play : First, you see three similar men. One of them would hide
a bird in his hat. Then the three runs very fast and bitterly that their
positions are changed after they stop. You must keep trace of them when
they are running and then guess what man is bringing the bird.

Location : Lohan
Prize : 3 tickets
How to play : First, the game manager lets you to observe the room for
a while. Then he closes the curtain. At that moment, something is
changed in the room. After a certain time, the manager opens the room
again for you. Now you must spot 4 different points which were changed
from the original room. That means you must remember the details in the
old room to spot this. Good luck !

Location : Lohan
Prize : 3 tickets
How to play : Pass the bridge to the goal when the time is ended. You
would get something good in the other side. Use the directional button
to move and the X button to avoid the obstacles. You can also run to
keep the time longer.

Location : The kitchen of Queen Fury
Prize : 1g
How to play : You play this game with the cook of Queen Fury. The
person who juliennes the most vegetables within the time limit wins. If
the number of vegetables is the same, the person with more chopping
wins. The sailor places down a variety of vegetables. You cut them by
pressing X button repeatedly. Continue to press until you finish that
piece. When the sailor places the vegetable, don't press X button, he
would stop his hand because it is dangerous. These are the vegetables
and the chopping times you must do :
Green Spinach = 1 time
Red Carrots = 3 times
White Radishes = 5 times
Big Cabbage = 7 times


18/ A.D.D.I.T.I.O.N.S.


Additions are the skills each character can use in battle by pressing
X button at the certainly time to move the weapons. Some of these skills
are hard to use just because you must be correct for 7 or 8 times
pressing. Some powerful skills only appear when you have finished the
others with master level. So try to do your best with your control pad.
You level up your additions by using them frequently. The using times
are counted by a score in the Addition screen. You can check them by
enter the menu. The equipments that could help you do the Additions
automatically are Wargod Calling and Ultimate Wargod. If you can't do
Additions well, these items can help you. But they are a bit expensive
and rare.
Not every latest additions are powerful. I think the strong additions
are the additions which you can use it easily with strong power.
Every character has additions, except Shana and Mirranda.

| DART \
|- Addition 1 : Double Slash |
| Learn : Inintiative |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 150% |
| 2 | 35 | 157% |
| 3 | 35 | 165% |
| 4 | 35 | 180% |
| 5 | 35 | 202% |
| Addition 2 : Volcano |
| Learn : Level 2 |
| Hits : 4 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 200% |
| 2 | 24 | 210% |
| 3 | 28 | 220% |
| 4 | 32 | 230% |
| 5 | 36 | 240% |
| Addition 3 : Burning Rush |
| Learn : Level 8 |
| Hits : 3 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 30 | 150% |
| 2 | 45 | 150% |
| 3 | 60 | 150% |
| 4 | 75 | 150% |
| 5 | 102 | 150% |
| Addition 4 : Crush Dance |
| Learn : Level 15 |
| Hits : 5 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 50 | 150% |
| 2 | 60 | 172% |
| 3 | 75 | 195% |
| 4 | 85 | 217% |
| 5 | 100 | 250% |
| Addition 5 : Madness Hero |
| Learn : Level 22 |
| Hits : 6 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 60 | 100% |
| 2 | 90 | 100% |
| 3 | 120 | 100% |
| 4 | 150 | 100% |
| 5 | 204 | 100% |
| Addition 6 : Moon Strike |
| Learn : Level 29 |
| Hits : 7 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 200% |
| 2 | 20 | 240% |
| 3 | 20 | 280% |
| 4 | 20 | 320% |
| 5 | 20 | 350% |
| Addition 7 : Blazing Dynamo |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 8 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 100 | 250% |
| 2 | 110 | 300% |
| 3 | 120 | 350% |
| 4 | 130 | 400% |
| 5 | 150 | 450% |


| No additions |
| Arrow attack : (depends on Dragoon Level) |
| Dragoon Level | Collected SP |
| 1 | 35 |
| 2 | 50 |
| 3 | 70 |
| 4 | 100 |
| 5 | 150 |


| ROSE \
| Addition 1 : Whip Smack |
| Learn : Initiative |
| Hits : 1 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 100% |
| 2 | 35 | 125% |
| 3 | 35 | 150% |
| 4 | 35 | 175% |
| 5 | 35 | 200% |
| Addition 2 : More & More |
| Learn : Level 14 |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 30 | 150% |
| 2 | 45 | 150% |
| 3 | 60 | 150% |
| 4 | 75 | 150% |
| 5 | 102 | 150% |
| Addition 3 : Hard Blade |
| Learn : Level 19 |
| Hits : 5 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 100% |
| 2 | 35 | 150% |
| 3 | 35 | 200% |
| 4 | 35 | 250% |
| 5 | 35 | 300% |
| Addition 4 : Demon's Dance |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 8 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 100 | 200% |
| 2 | 100 | 280% |
| 3 | 100 | 360% |
| 4 | 100 | 440% |
| 5 | 100 | 500% |


| Addition 1 : Double Punch |
| Learn : Initiative |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 100% |
| 2 | 38 | 110% |
| 3 | 42 | 120% |
| 4 | 45 | 130% |
| 5 | 50 | 150% |
| Addition 2 : Flurry of Styx |
| Learn : Level 14 |
| Hits : 3 |
| Add. Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 150% |
| 2 | 20 | 162% |
| 3 | 20 | 174% |
| 4 | 20 | 186% |
| 5 | 20 | 202% |
| Addition 3 : Summon 4 Gods |
| Learn : Level 18 |
| Hits : 4 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 50 | 100% |
| 2 | 61 | 100% |
| 3 | 75 | 100% |
| 4 | 86 | 100% |
| 5 | 100 | 100% |
| Addition 4 : 5 Ring Shattering |
| Learn : Level 22 |
| Hits : 5 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 150% |
| 2 | 35 | 187% |
| 3 | 40 | 225% |
| 4 | 45 | 262% |
| 5 | 50 | 300% |
| Addition 5 : Hex Hammer |
| Learn : Level 26 |
| Hits : 7 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 15 | 200% |
| 2 | 15 | 250% |
| 3 | 15 | 300% |
| 4 | 15 | 350% |
| 5 | 15 | 400% |
| Addition 6 : Omni-Sweep |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 8 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 50 | 300% |
| 2 | 75 | 345% |
| 3 | 100 | 390% |
| 4 | 125 | 435% |
| 5 | 150 | 501% |


|Addition 1 : Harpoon |
| Learn : Initiative |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collect SP | Damage |
| 1 | 34 | 100% |
| 2 | 38 | 110% |
| 3 | 42 | 120% |
| 4 | 45 | 130% |
| 5 | 50 | 150% |
| Addition 2 : Spinning Cane |
| Learn : Level 5 |
| Hits : 3 |
| Add.Level | Collect SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 100% |
| 2 | 35 | 125% |
| 3 | 35 | 150% |
| 4 | 35 | 175% |
| 5 | 35 | 200% |
| Addition 3 : Rod Typoon |
| Learn : level 7 |
| Hits : 5 |
| Add.Level | Collect SP | Damage |
| 1 | 30 | 150% |
| 2 | 45 | 162% |
| 3 | 60 | 174% |
| 4 | 75 | 186% |
| 5 | 100 | 202% |
| Addition 4 : Gust of Wind Dance |
| Learn : Level 11 |
| Hits : 7 |
| Add.Level | Collect SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 200% |
| 2 | 35 | 240% |
| 3 | 35 | 280% |
| 4 | 35 | 320% |
| 5 | 35 | 350% |
| Addition 5 : Flower Storm |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 8 |
| Add.Level | Collect SP | Damage |
| 1 | 60 | 300% |
| 2 | 90 | 324% |
| 3 | 120 | 348% |
| 4 | 150 | 372% |
| 5 | 202 | 405% |


| MERU \
| Addition 1 : Double Smack |
| Learn : Initiative |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 100% |
| 2 | 24 | 110% |
| 3 | 28 | 120% |
| 4 | 32 | 130% |
| 5 | 34 | 150% |
| Addition 2 : Hammer Spin |
| Learn : Level 21 |
| Hits : 4 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 150% |
| 2 | 43 | 162% |
| 3 | 51 | 174% |
| 4 | 59 | 186% |
| 5 | 70 | 202% |
| Addition 3 : Cool Boogie |
| Learn : Level 26 |
| Hits : 5 |
| Add. Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 60 | 100% |
| 2 | 90 | 100% |
| 3 | 120 | 100% |
| 4 | 150 | 100% |
| 5 | 200 | 100% |
| Addition 4 : Cat's Cradle |
| Learn : Level 30 |
| Hits : 7 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 150% |
| 2 | 20 | 195% |
| 3 | 20 | 240% |
| 4 | 20 | 285% |
| 5 | 20 | 351% |
| Addition 5 : Perky Step |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 8 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 100 | 200% |
| 2 | 100 | 300% |
| 3 | 100 | 400% |
| 4 | 100 | 500% |
| 5 | 100 | 600% |


| Addition 1 : Pursuit |
| Learn : Initiative |
| Hits : 2 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 35 | 100% |
| 2 | 38 | 110% |
| 3 | 42 | 120% |
| 4 | 45 | 130% |
| 5 | 50 | 150% |
| Addition 2 : Inferno |
| Learn : Level 23 |
| Hits : 4 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 20 | 100% |
| 2 | 20 | 125% |
| 3 | 20 | 150% |
| 4 | 20 | 170% |
| 5 | 20 | 200% |
| Addition 3 : Bone Crush |
| Learn : Finish the other additions with master level |
| Hits : 6 |
| Add.Level | Collected SP | Damage |
| 1 | 100 | 200% |
| 2 | 100 | 220% |
| 3 | 100 | 240% |
| 4 | 100 | 260% |
| 5 | 100 | 300% |


19/ D.R.A.G.O.O.N. S.P.I.R.I.T.S.


LOCATION : Dart gets from his father Zieg
USERS : Zieg, Dart
TIME : Zieg was the first Red Eyed Dragoon. In Dragon Campaign 11000
years ago, Dragoons of Human fight against the Virages of Winglies to
take the control of the world. In that battle, most of the Dragoons and
Virages were dead. Zieg tried to save Rose and were lost. But no one of
that time could believe that he's still alive. He married Claire~a woman
who is doubt to be Haschel's lost daughter and gave the birth to Dart.
One day his hometown was destroyed by the Black Monster. Dart's parents
were lost. He got the Dragoon Spirit from the ruin and decided to get
revenge with the Black Monster.

LOCATION : from Greham's corpse
USERS : Syuveil, Greham, Lavitz, Albert
TIME : Syuveil was the Jade Dragoon of the ancient Dragon Campaign and
was killed. But his soul still wanders around the real world. His
Dragoon Spirit was in Emperor Diaz's hands. Emperor Doel had got it and
gave to Greham. Greham was ever a faithful fellow of Lavitz's
father~Servi. He felt jealous with Servi's strength because he could
never defeat him. He needed this power to be powerful. But at then end,
he realizes his mistake and was killed by Lavitz. The Dragoon Spirit
accepted Lavitz as the next Jade Dragoon. But his life is not long.
Lloyd killed him and he died in peace. The next owner who is accepted is
King Albert.

LOCATION : get from Shirley - Disc 1
USERS : Shirley, Shana, Mirranda
TIME : Shirley was the dead White Silver Dragoon in the Dragon Campaign.
She still kept the Dragoon Spirit even being a wandering soul. But
because of saving Shana's life, Dart and his party got the Dragoon
Spirit by passing her challenge. Shana is the next owner of this healing
power. But no one could believe she is the Moonchild~who would give the
birth to the God of Destruction. Her special fate can't allow her to use
the Dragoon Spirit anymore and it was given to Mirranda~the First Sacred
Sister of Deningrad.

LOCATION : Rose's standard - Disc 1
USERS : Rose
TIME : Rose is one of the only survivors of the Dragon Campaign during
11000 years. She kept the power with her. She was also the Black
Monster~who destroyed Dart's hometown to kill the Moonchild not to give
the birth to the God of Destruction. This Dragoon Spirit was first got
from Michael - Rose's Vassal Dragon.

LOCATION : defeat Emperor Doel - Disc 1
ELEMENT : Thunder
USERS : Kanzas, Doel, Haschel
TIME : Kanzas~the first Violet Dragoon was killed in the Dragon
Campaign. As Syuvey and Shirley, his soul still wanders around the real
world. The Dragoon Spirit is collected by Emperor Diaz, too. Doel got it
and became the next owner of it. But at the end, his long is also
finished in his cruel characteristics. The Dragoon Spirit accepted
Haschel as the next Violet Dragoon.

LOCATION : get from Lenus - Disc 2
USERS : Damia, Lenus, Meru
TIME : As the other first Dragoons, Damia was killed in the Dragon
Campaign at the age of 15. Because she was a daughter of Human and Sea
Creature, she easily accepted the power at that age. No one know where
Lenus could find the Dragoon Spirit. But the Wingly must pay for her
crazy love with Lloyd by the death. The Dragoon Spirit flied to Meru.

LOCATION : Lohan - Disc 2
Get from Indora - Disc 4
USERS : Belzac, Kongol
TIME : Belzac was killed with Shirley in the Dragon Campaign. He tried
to protect her and he never thought that she was dead. So he returns to
the real world. And the Dragoon Spirit was dropped to the shop of the
street vendor in Lohan. Just buy it from him for Kongol.

LOCATION : defeat Divine Dragon and get from Lloyd - Disc 4
ELEMENT : Non-element
USERS : Lloyd, Dart.
TIME : The Divine Dragon got killed by Lloyd and Dart's party. Lloyd is
faster to get the Dragoon Spirit from the dead Divine Dragoon's biggest
eye and become the its owner. But it didn't accept him. But he still
tried to possess it. Later Melbu Frahma killed him and he gave it to
Dart before dying.


20/ D.R.A.G.O.O.N. S.Y.S.T.E.M.


You can only do this when you have Dragoon Spirits. Enter the final
command "Dragoon". In the "Config" menuorph, if you choose "Short",
the transformation is showed for a little moment. But if you choose
"Normal", it's complete.
*Advantage :
- All your stat are increased, especially physical/magical attack and
physical/magical defense
- Always use strong spells or attacks

*Weakness :
- You can't turn into ordinary person until you run out of SP, except
you die.
- You can't keep your HP when being damaged, except if you have healing
spells such as Shana's or Meru's. You can't use "Guard" command or use
healing items. If you want to understand more this sequel, try to beat
with the first Lenus with Special Transformation. I assure you lose

You can do this when all your characters gain their limited SP bar.
Then a new icon will appear in the command symbols : Special. Access
final command "Special" to use this. After that, all of your three
characters transform into Dragoons. The battle background will be
into the elemental space of the character who executes the command. If
you choose a character to use "Special" command to turn into Dragoon,
this character's strength will be increased 1/3. He/She could do
without your control. Its advantage and weakness are the same as Dragoon
Transformation. The advantage is better, the weakness is worse.

When your Dragoon level goes up, you may have more MPs and new spells.
You increase your Dragoon Level by collecting SP with using additions
frequently. You can use Spirit Potion as additional source. Although
Shana and Mirranda can't use additions. But the game authors decided to
give them a lot of SPs only with one ordinary hit. The more Dragoon
Level goes up, the more SPs Shana and Mirranda collect are in each hit.
But you can't see how much total SP you have got because this score is
hidden and calculated by the game. So the best method is that using as
much as physical attacks as you can.

| Name/D'Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| Dart |100sp |1200sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Lavitz |100sp |1000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Shana |100sp |1000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Rose |100sp |1200sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Haschel |100sp |1000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Albert |100sp |1000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Meru |100sp |2000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|
| Mirranda |100sp |1000sp |6000sp |12000sp | 20000sp|

It's like the ordinary Additions. But each Dragoon only has one with
stronger power of each element. You press the button 4 times in
certainly time. If you do well, you will have a perfect addition.
Sometimes it can be stronger than magic.

Each Dragoon has his/her own magic as his/her own element following
the Dragoon Levels. These spells are stronger as the needed MP are more.
This is the lists :

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Flameshot 1 10
- Explosion 2 20
- Final Burst 3 30
- Red Eyed Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Moon Light 1 10
- Star Children 2 20
- Gate of Heaven 3 30
- White Silver Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Wing Blaster 1 10
- Blossom Storm 2 20
- Gaspless 3 30
- Jade Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Wing Blaster 1 10
- Rose Storm 2 20
- Gaspless 3 30
- Jade Dragoon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Astral Drain 1 10
- Death Dimension 2 20
- Demon's Gate 3 30
- Dark Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Atomic Mind 1 10
- Thunder Kid 2 20
- Thunder God 3 30
- Violet Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Freezing Ring 1 10
- Rainbow Breath 2 20
- Diamond Dust 3 30
- Blue Sea Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Grand Stream 1 20
- Meteor Strike 2 30
- Golden Dragon 5 80

Name D'Level Needed MP
- Divine Dragon Ball ??? 50
- Divine Dragon Cannon ??? 50


Name Effect
- Flameshot - Fire strength 50% single enemy
- Explosion - Fire strength 25% all enemies
- Final Burst - Fire strength 75% single enemy
- Red-Eyed Dragon - Fire strength 175% all enemies

Name Effect
- Divine Dragon Ball - Non-elemental strength 50% all enemies
- Divine Dragon Cannon - Non-elemental strength 100% single enemy

Name Effect
- Moon Light - Ally single 100% revive & recover
- Star Children - Light strength 25% all enemies
- Gates of Heaven - Allies all 100% recover
- White Silver Dragon - Light strength 100% all enemies & HP
"Moon Light" can be used to revive the dead character with half
maximum HP.

Name Effect
- Wing Blaster - Wind strength 25% all enemies
- Blossom Storm/Rose Storm - Damage resist 50% during 3 turns
- Gaspless - Wind strength 100% single
- Jade Dragon - Wind strength 75% all enemies

Name Effect
- Astral Drain - Dark strength 25% single enemy & HP
- Death Dimension - Dark strength 25% all enemies & Fear
- Demon's Gate - Lethal attack for all enemies
- Dark Dragon - Dark strength 100% single enemy

Name Effect
- Atomic Mind - Thunder strength 50% single enemy
- Thunder Kid - Thunder strength 65% single enemy
- Thunder God - Thunder strength 75% single enemy
- Violet Dragon - Thunder strength 100% single enemy

Name Effect
- Freezing Ring - Water strength 50% single enemy
- Rainbow Breath - HP recover & cure for all allies
- Diamond Dust - Water strength 50% all enemies
- Blue Sea Dragon - Water strength 100% single enemy

Name Effect
- Grand Stream - Earth strength 25% all enemies
- Meteor Strike - Earth strength 50% all enemies
- Golden Dragon - Earth strength 75% all enemies



21/ S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T.



1. SELES VILLAGE : 1 Stardust
- in the graveyard
2. CAPITAL BALES : 6 Stardusts
- the well near Lavitz's house
- in the Weapon Shop
- in the basement of Indel Castle, the fireplace
- the second floor of the castle, check the area in the upper left
- Give the drunk man the Good Spirit you bought from the bar, then
check the secret area here. You must turn the valve handle from the
castle before coming here. Then you can use the boat. Float around until
you stop in a house dark basement. Check that basement.
- In Lavitz's house, when Shana and his mother finish cooking, check
the place where they have just stood.
3. TOWN OF HOAX : 2 Stardusts
- Check the upper house in the left, get from the fireplace.
- After you have beaten all the bosses, return to Kaiser's office which
is now destroyed and search for it.
4. LOHAN : 4 Stardusts
- Around the entrance of Lohan, Dart's left (added by Alex Sandro
- Do you remember the room where you see a huge bird ? Go to the lower
left room of that room, search the bookcase until you open a new way.
Climb down the ladder and find Stardust in the green area.
- Dabas's Antique Shop
- The battle arena area, check the mess near the animal cages in the
5. KAZAS : 6 Stardusts
- The barrel in the right first house
- Beside the treasure chest in the first left house
- The third house in the right
- In the downtown, go to the first room and check the bookcase.
- Climb down the ladder and get into the first door in the right and
check the barrels near the entrance
- Check the other barrels in that area.
6. FLETZ : 5 Stardusts
- In Kaffi's bar, check the mess in the right.
- Check the church
- Weapon Shop
- Jewelry Shop
- Item Shop
7. TWIN CASTLE OF FLETZ : 2 Stardusts
- In the main hall, check the right relief
- the room under Princess Lisa's tower
8. DONAU : 2 Stardusts
- The well near the entrance
- The Mayor's house.
9. HOME OF GIGANTOS : 1 Stardust
- check the right torch
10. QUEEN FURY SHIP : 2 Stardusts
- The basement where Kongol often stands
- In the north area of Shana
11. LIDIERA : 1 Stardust
- Climb up the ladder and get down to the house.
12. FUENO : 2 Stardusts
- the hospital
- The inn, on the barrels
13. FURNI : 2 Stardusts
- the house on right in the first sight
- Teo's house.
14. DENINGRAD : 5 Stardusts
- Check place near the two sellers of Item and Weapon Shop (There are
two of them, one is found before being destroyed, one is found after
- Crystal Palace after being destroyed, near the Queen's Chamber.
- The hotel, go upstairs
- The entrance to the seal room
15. NEET : 1 Stardust
- near the entrance
- Guaraha's room
- where you meet ancestor Blano, near the pillar.
17. VELLWEB : 1 Stardust
- Enter the tower of seven Dragoons, go to the first tower you see.
18. ULARA : 3 Stardusts
- The bush of roses
- The Shop
- The biting roses
19. ROUGE : 1 Stardust
- the jar mess beside Martel's room

Martel is a traveller who wants your Stardusts for many purposes. Each
time you give her a certain numbers of Stardusts, she gives you a rare
item which you can't find in the game.
10 Stardusts = Physical Ring
20 Stardusts = Amulet
30 Stardusts = Wargod's Sash
40 Stardusts = Rainbow Earring
50 Stardusts = Vanishing Stone
Faust is the hardest boss in the game as in the side quests, but with
the Vanishing Stone, you can defeat him but the battle is not easier.


22/ G.A.M.E. S.H.A.R.K. C.O.D.E.S.


- This code is got from another source. The author of this menu never
uses any code to play games. So don't complain me about any problems if
they don't work well.


- Allow game to play in a Mod~Chip system D01BF172 1040
801BF172 1000
D00FAA36 1040
800FAA36 1000

- Maximum Money 800B995C 967F
800B995E 0098

- One fight for maximum money 800BB620 FFFF

- One fight for maximum EXP 800BB65C 423F
800BB65E 000F

- Play time is 00:00:00 800B9968 0000
800B996A 0000

- Save anywhere 30059068 0001

- All weapons B0FF0001 00000001
300B9AB0 0000


23/ S.T.O.R.Y. A.N.D. T.I.M.E.L.I.N.E.


- I make this menu for people who want to find out about this game
before playing, or people who just want to take a glare at this game.
- This menu can be used with Walkthrough. Here I explain carefully about
the small episodes and the complete story which I didn't mention in the

Long long ago, the earth was a world with nothing inside covered by
darkness. It's terrible and dreadful. Creator Soa - the god who would
give the birth to species, dropped a miracle seed on the ground and
raised it by. The seed itself grew very fast and strong. Just a moment,
it became a great tree - the Divine Tree. It began to have fruits on it
which were born in Creator Soa's plan. Each fruit was a life. When the
fruits dropped on the land, they would grow into many various creatures
to decorate this earth.

Each fruit was a species. They live and grow together on the earth.
Winglies ~ the 107th fruit who have had the magical power - invaded a
great number of population with their special ability and became the
rule of the world. Winglies ruled the other species, including Humans,
Dragons and Virage Embryo. Many years later, Humans didn't suffer the
rule of Winglies. They wanted to rise to fight against Winglies for
their liberation in this world. The legendary miracle appeared. There
were some magical gems called "Dragoon Spirits" and owned by some of the
Humans who were chosen by the fate. These gems give them magical power
which can turn against any enemies and to control the Dragons which was
the strongest species of all. They are the seven Dragon Knights -
Dragoons. Humans rose to fight against Winglies under the lead of Holy
Imperial Gloriano - Emperor Diaz. Humans supported by Dragoons, fought
against Winglies supported by Virages. The battle lasted very long in
destruction and blood. It is known as the legendary "Dragon Campaign". A
lot of lives were lost after the desperate battle. But Humans got the
victory and liberation for their own. They killed other species and
became the rule of the world. Winglies - the loser in the battle ~
accepted for peace by the three Divine Moon Objects they sent to three
countries of Humans : Moon Gem for Serdio, Moon Dagger for Tiberoa and
the Moon Mirror for Mille Seseau. Then the Winglies disappears with
their mysteries. Even the Dragoons, their disappearance wasn't known.
But the certain hint was that most of them were dead in the Dragon
Campaign for the liberation of Humans.

Neet~a town of Humans-suddenly destroyed in a stragedy. The author of
that destruction-The Black Monster-wanted to kill the baby Princess of
Mille Seseau - Louvia for unknown reason. It killed everyone in the
village. It didn't forgive anyone who stopped its way. It was a
miserable tragedy for the survivors after that. No one knew about that
mysterious cruel monster...

It was 11000 years later after the Dragon Campaign. Even the world has
been ruled by Humans, it's not completely a peaceful world...

Serdio is suddenly split into two countries : Sandora is ruled by
Emperor Doel; Basil belongs to the young King Albert. King Carlo - the
former king of entire Serdio - was killed by Doel. He was Albert's
father. There were a lot of rumours that war would be happened between
these two. Now Sandora becomes stronger under the control of Emperor
Doel. He is trying to invade Basil to combine into the whole Serdio
ruled by him.

At that time, Seles~a small village of Serdio is destroyed by Sandora
soldiers under the control of Fruegel. But this guy also did following
another mysterious guy in black hood. No one knows who this guy is. They
destroy the village mainly catch a girl named Shana. She made some
trouble before their eyes when Fruegel uses the Moon Gem on her. They
brings away.

A villager named Dart who is hunting in the forest quickly comes to
the village to know what is happening. But he is suddenly attacked by a
giant dragon. It's lucky for him when a passing female warrior saves him
from danger. He doesn't know that this warrior would be an important
person with him later. She sees something strange in Dart...

When Dart has gone to Seles, everything is in ruin. The Mayor lets him
know that Sandora has come here to destroy the village and brought Shana
away. Dart is her childhood friend. He thinks that he must save her.
Then he decides to get out of the village and head to Hellena Prison -
where Shana is held.

Passing the forest, with some intelligence, Dart could enter the
prison in safe. He knocks all the wardens on his way to look for Shana.
In the cell area, he suddenly sees the wardens taking some Knights of
Basil. One of the knight turns against the wardens and knock them out.
He gets there to support the brave knight. After beating them up, the
knight introduces himself as Lavitz - the head of the first Knighthood.
He was suddenly caught here and trying to escape. He wants to join Dart
to help him find the girl. Spending a lot of challenges, finally they
could find Shana. She doesn't know why she is here. Now three of them
must get out of here as soon as possible. Even the bad Fruegel can't
stop them, the three people run on their way to the nearest prairie in
Serdio. The Hellena wardens still try to chase after them til there. But
with some intelligence and calmness, Dart and his companions get out of
their sight easily. They rest in a shack and tell each other about their
problems. Dart says he was a survivor from the tragedy in Neet. His
parents were lost with the Black Monster. What he got from it was the
memento of his father - a red shining stone. He doesn't know the meaning
of the stone for his father, but he always brought it with him. About
Lavitz, he says now he must get to Indel Capital in Bale to report
everything to King Albert. Dart wants to go with Lavitz for his main
purpose : find out about the Black Monster to get revenge for his
parents. Shana wants to go with them just because she wants to help
them. The three people continues on their way. They pass every
challenges on the journey, from the prairie to Limestone Cave. In this
cave, Shana doesn't know that she has just showed everybody see
something strange on her. The incident is that the three people are
attacked by a huge worm. When it intends to kill Shana, she suddenly
casts a strange shining light that kill the worm at once. She doesn't
know anything about this. Dart tries to calm her. Then they have come to
their destination - Capital Bale.

Lavitz is welcomed very heartily by the people in Indel Castle,
including King Albert. At that time, Dart and Shana know that King
Albert is a very faithful friend of Lavitz in the court as in the
ordinary life. Lavitz's father was the most loyal knight of Albert's
father. Albert is a kind king who is admired by people in Serdio. He
takes peace as the "standard" to rule his country. He is the opposite of
violent Doel. Here Dart could find out more about the Black Monster
which is told by Minister Noish~a regent whose brain is full of
knowledge. Now Lavitz has a new mission to do - get to Town of Hoax to
help the Eighth Knighthood defend from Sandora. Dart and Shana wants to
join Lavitz. This is war, that means this affects everyone, not only the
Knights of Basil. They want to contribute to this battle to wipe the
war. Lavitz couldn't stop them. Then he lets them stay in his house to
prepare for the next battle.

Next day they get to Hoax. Dart and Shana are surprised to feel that
it's not like a town. It's a fortress. Can't imagine how strong the
Sandora is. Shana would take part as a back supporter. Dart and Lavitz
replace the positions of the soldiers in the night. Suddenly Dart hears
the sound from owns. It's the signal for a battle to be going to happen.
And then he is right to know that's the truth. Sandora soldiers run to
the fortress in a very sudden that many knights of Basil are killed in
the first time. Dart and Lavitz must fight the Sandora Elite when the
others must solve the small soldiers. Even defeating the elite, they
must fight another strange enemy from Doel either, Kongol~a Gigantos who
survived from Human killers. Kongol causes a lot of troubles here. With
the great strength and stamina, he easily knocks out Dart and is ready
to kill him. But at that dangerous moment, a black winged creature flies
to Kongol. With the sword on her hand, she quickly makes Kongol lose his
huge axe. Then she draws her sword at Dart and claims : "Dragoon Spirit
of Red Eyed Dragon, wake up !!!". What an incredible moment ! The stone
of Dart's father shines on his chest and turns him into a strange knight
in red armor with big wings. Dart collects the power of fire and shoots
Kongol away. After that, the black woman lands on the ground and lets
everyone see her. Dart regconizes she was the passing warrior who saved
him from the dragon in Seles. Kongol runs way and promises to revenge.
Everyone is surprised by Dart's power. But he is too tired...

He wakes up in the inn. The passing warrior introduces herself as
Rose~a traveller. She tells Dart about his shining stone - The Dragoon
Spirit of Red Eyed Dragon which accepts Dart as its owner. And Rose, she
is the Dark Dragoon who was accepted by the Dragoon Spirit of Dark
Dragon. She says she wants to join Dart's party to "change the
atmosphere". Dart and his partners feel strange about this woman. But
they also accept her, because she is one of the Dragoons who is chosen
by fate. The same as Dart, she could solve this war by the power of
Dragon Knights. At that time, Kaiser~the head of Eighth Knighthood in
Hoax - returns with much injuries on his body. Our Dragoons accept to
help them stop this war and they continue on their way.

Now they must go to Marshland, another place of Knights of Basil. This
place is also being beaten by Sandora Soldiers. But when the party has
come and finished up the Sandora, all the Knights of Basil were dead.
Some of them were killed by special poison of a dragon. Rose guesses
this must be the Green Tusked Dragon Feybrand which chased after Dart in
Seles. After that, they decide to get out to find out the truth.

Passing the Volcano Villude, they have met a person named Dabas who is
an owner of a big Antique Shop in Lohan. He introduces them to go there
to see his shop. But Dart must go on his journey with his partners.
There is another trouble with Shana. Here they are attacked by an
ancient creature of Winglies - a Virage. Shana is called by this monster
while everyone doesn't feel anything.

When getting to Nest of Dragon, Shana again has something strange in
her body. But she still hides from others. All the party members are
suddenly trapped in the nest. Here they find out about the dragon -
Feybrand which poisoned the Knights of Basil. But it has a controller
behind it - Greham. Lavitz regconizes him soon. He was his father's best
friend with integrity and talent. Greham says that very he killed
Lavitz's father to have the strongest power and the best integrity
because he never passed over him. And now he has got that power~the
Dragoon Spirit of Jade Dragon is shining in Greham's hand. Without
saying a word, he attacks the party with his Green Tusked Dragon.

In the battle, Lavitz proves the strength of his father Servi, for
Greham to see his mistake. With the spear on his hand and help from his
party members, he defeats Greham and the Green Tusked Dragon Feybrand on
his father's honour. "Power" is not everything for a person. A people
who considers himself as the servant of power is just only a cowardice.
Greham finally sees his mistake, even it's too late. And Lavitz
derserves to be the new Jade Dragoon.

But at that time, Shana really feels unwell. She begins to faint. Dart
tries to bring her to the nearest town : Lohan.

The doctor in Lohan says that she is affected by the poison of Dragon.
Only the Dragoni Plant could cure her. But this herb is heard in legend,
he doesn't know if it's true. But Dart still decides to find it for
Shana. There's another path in the nest they didn't search because of a
strange plant blocking there. With the help of Rose and Lavitz, Dart
finds Dabas in his Antique Shop in Lohan. He lets Dart know about the
Life Water that can kill that plant. It's the holy water in the nest. So
they buy an empty bottle in Lohan and return there to collect the water.
Then they could kill the strange plant to pass the new way.

The new path takes them to the Shrine of Shirley. Hear they face a
strange bandit named Drake. This guy doesn't want to hear Dart explain
his cause and attacks them. But then the soul of the shrine ~ Shirley
appears to stop them. Rose might know about her. She doesn't have any
Dragoni Plant. But there is another way to save Shana. She was the White
Silver Dragoon in the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago and was dead. Now
she could give this Dragoon Spirit to another owner. But Dart and his
partners must overcome her challenge to deserve it. They must prove that
they have the true love to people and they fight to protect people with
real courage and passion. Dart would save Shana no matter what, but he
would fight for the peace of people. Lavitz would save Shana even he has
many thing else to do. Even he is a knight, the person he would always
protect is his mother. Rose, she spends his lonely life for fate without
thinking about herself. All of them have great courage that Shirley
accepts to give them the Dragoon Spirit of White Silver Dragon.

And yes, the Dragoon Spirit heals Shana and accepts her as its next
owner. Now the party want to take a sight~seeing about this commercal
town Lohan. Dart takes part in a hero competition and he meets an old
friend of his ~ Haschel, an old man who is full of martial art
experience. He also takes part in this match. But his real purpose on
the journey is to find the runaway daughter named Claire.

After the match, Dart is in the second place and Haschel is the third.
Both of them was defeated by a platinum~hair guy named Lloyd. They don't
mention much this guy. Then they take a play around the match before
returning to Bale with Lavitz to report the incident about Feybrand. But
when they intend to go, a Knight of Basil whose body is full of blood
and wounds try to use his last strength to see Lavitz, telling him that
King Albert was caught to Hellena Prison for the safety of people in
Basil. Lavitz becomes insane and he wants to get to Hellena as soon as
possible to save his King. Haschel tries to calm him down and decides to
join him in this journey. All the party gets to Hellena Prison.

King Albert is being played with by the bad Fruegel. He accepts to die
if Sandora doesn't touch his people. This bad Fruegel wants to hurt him
as long as he likes. He would kill the King soon when the sun just
rises. Lavitz and his party easily defeat the warden and pass the their
plan to get to the place for punishment ~ where Albert is held. A battle
happens here and of cousre , the dead must be Fruegel. But when everyone
hasn't prompt to calm, a man in black hood appears and steals the Moon
Gem from Albert's body. Lavitz is very angry about that action. He turns
into Jade Dragoon and runs to punish the mysterious guy. But this guy
extraordinarily thrusts a sword through Lavitz's heart. That weapon
could get through the armor of Dragoons. It seems that Rose might know
about it. But it's too late to save Lavitz's life. The guy is opened his
face ~ Lloyd. He runs away before everyone's sight. Lavitz dies in
honour, dies for the peace of Serdio. His Dragoon Spirit flies to

Albert is a good king. He is a faithful fellow of Lavitz. Lavitz died
mainly because of him. So he decides to abandon the position of a king
temporarily to join Dart's party. One reason is because of Serdian War,
but the main reason is his fate chooses him as a Dragoon. Lloyd has been
Albert's minister. There are a lot of mysteries about that man. The King
thinks that Emperor Doel might know about him. About Rose, she realizes
the weapon Lloyd used to kill Lavitz is the Dragon Buster which was made
to kill Dragons only. Anyway, the next destination would be Kazas~Black
Castle where Emperor Doel is.

Emperor Doel orders Fruegel to catch Shana as Lloyd's demand. But the
reason is unknown. When the party gets to Kazas, they know that this
place is preparing for the war by renting young mercenaries. Some of
them are just very small children such as Popo~the boy who helps them to
access the castle. Wandering in the castle, they have known that there
are a lot of research about magic here. But their main purpose is asking
Emperor Doel about Lloyd. Even they must overcome the annoying Gigantos
Kongol, they still come to their end. Doel is waiting for them. This guy
is the same as Greham. He killed King Carlo for his ultimate power and
greatest talent. He gets the Dragoon Spirits from a guy who claimed to
be Emperor Diaz. Rose is sure that Diaz was dead after the Dragon
Campaign. But now they must talk to each other by weapons. Yes, Albert
proves to Doel the strength and integrity of Carlo. He is strong as much
as his father. He must be his pride, must teach Doel to know what the
real "power" is. Power is nothing to rule people. People needs peace and
love, not power. Of course, finally Doel also receives a worth death for
himself because of his mistake. But before dying, he tells Dart that
Lloyd has gone to Tiberoa, to get the next Divine Moon Object. Everyone,
Dart, Shana, Albert and Rose all want to continue this journey to find
the answers for all the mysteries. Haschel thinks that now he is not
necessary in this journey anymore. But the Dragoon Spirit of Violet
Dragon which has just been owned by Doel, suddenly flies to Haschel.
Then he says :"I think I have had the answer...".


Dart and his partners have been in Fletz - the capital of Tiberoa with
a great twin castle. They ask people here about Lloyd. But they almost
don't know. Albert has heard about beautiful Princess Emille of Tiberoa
~ who is famous with his gentle attitude and kindness. And Princess
Emille suddenly appears in front of the castle before his eyes : rude
and naughty. That's all Albert has seen at her(+_+). But the party is
also lucky to meet Mr.Fester~a researcher in Fletz. This man tells them
about the Moon That Never Sets which Lloyd told Doel about involved the
reason why they caught Shana. The god who involves the moon is the
Moonchild - who is born to give some blessing to the world. After that,
this place doesn't give anything useful to them. They decide to head to
another city.

On the way, they must pass the barrens to go to the flower city Donau.
But a group of gangs block them whose leader is Mappy - an ugly guy with
sharp claws on his hand. Although Dart's party could defeat them easily,
Mappy is wise enough to steal Dart's Dragoon Spirit and disappears as a
real thief. They can't do anything more except to continue to go.

Donau is a beautiful city with flowers everywhere. But it has been
visited by the gangs recently. Before the party has come, Lloyd was here
and he saved a special lady from the gangs. That would be the Third
Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau named Wink.

When Dart comes, he meets a lady named Kate. Her fiance~Lynn has gone
to meet the Gehrich gangs for the safety of the town. Now she needs the
help of Dart and his companions. They pass the letter from Lynn to the
Mayor of Donau - his father. But they also have to go to meet the gangs,
too for the stolen Dragoon Spirit. Here they meet Meru - a pretty dancer
of Donau. This young girl has just accepted to help Kate and she wants
to join your party. Rose and Albert might not like her joking attitude,
but they can't stop her eager joining. The only way to get to the gangs
is passing the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. But they can't go without a
pass of King Zior in Fletz. Meru says she could help the party in this
area. So they decide to return to Fletz.

With the help of Mr.Fester, they could be given the pass and stay at
the castle for night. They also have a chance to hear Princess Lisa -
the younger sister of Princess Emille - tell them the truth about her
sister. Yes, Emille has really been a kind princess who is loved by
people in Fletz. But half year ago, that incident happened. When Lisa
and Emille is riding the horse for a play in the forest, Emille's horse
suddely became lose control and ran to the deep forest. Every soldiers
and servants were ordered to find her. In the forest, they saw Emille
fainting on the ground. She was still alive. But since then, she became
another person :rude and caddish not like the one before. Lisa has
learnt about astrology. His feeling lets her know that there is a
relation between her sister and the gangs. The party promises Princess
Lisa that they could help her find the answer when they meet Gehrich

Next day, they get to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Here the
history is repeated : another Virage wakes the fear of Shana. Her power
again saves the party from the deadly hit of the ancient creature. "What
on earth is it ?" - she wonders.

Finally, they also have a chance to meet Gehrich. Haschel realizes the
gang as his old people in Rouge school. He has learnt the martial art of
Rouge and was got rid because of his bad behaviour. Now Haschel wants to
teach how the Rouge martial art is. The battle is happened and ended by
a powerful fist of Haschel to Gehrich. The punch is strong enough to
make the stone pillar fall on them. It's too sudden that the whole
people couldn't prompt to run. At that time, anothe guy appears, keeping
the stone and throws it away. It's Kongol.

The Gigantos says that he needs a leader for the fight, the fight for
the equal of all species. Doel has been his leader. And he thinks Dart
is. Kongol wants to join Dart's party to help them in this fated battle.
It's okay.

The party has found Dart's Dragoon Spirit and Lynn. About Gehrich, he
couldn't live any longer. Before dying, he regrets his mistake and tells
everyone that the Princess Emille is fake. The real one is hidden
somewhere in the castle. After that, they return to Fletz to report to
Princess Lisa.

This is the 20th birthday of Princess Emille. It means the Moon Dagger
is given to her today. Every guards in the castle are arranged by the
fake Princess Emille. They are all gangs. That means Dart and his
companions must enter creepily. They try to find Princess Lisa and tells
her everything. Then they continue to find Princess Emille in the other
chamber. The princess was hidden by some strange magic. That means the
fake one is not an ordinary person. No one could understand why only
Albert's voice could wake her up. But the certain thing is that he has
some feeling with the Princess (^_^).

Finally, Princess Emille and the party prompt to stop the birthday
ceremony. But the fake Emille is fast enough to steal the Moon Dagger
from King Zior. She turns into her true self as a platimun~hair woman
named Lenus. This woman attacks strangely with special spells that
nearly confuses the party. But anyway, she is cornered with no way to
escape. But she is not Human. That means she still escapes with the
wings on her back. Yes, she is a Wingly - the species which was known to
disppear in this earth.

Now King Zior really needs the help of King Albert's party. The Moon
Dagger is a precious object for the liberation of Humans. Only Dragon
Knights are the best people to take it back. The party is accepted to
use the great ship Queen Fury of Commodore Puler to pursue Lenus.

On the way to find the female gang, the Queen Fury is stopped by
another mysterious ship. It seems a royal ship from Mille Seseau. About
Rose, she seems to know very much about it. But she doesn't tell anyone.
While the Queen Fury is being fixed, the party decides to wander the
strange ship for a while. Dart realizes Shana is lost. But then they
find her in the strange ship with some mysterious soul. It might be a
phantom ship. On wandering the party finds out a lot about the Black
Monster - who killed Princess Louvia on this ship. All of the ghosts
here are forward Rose strangely. About Dart, he feels angry about this
cruel monster. At the end, they reach a room with the Ghost Knights and
Ghost Nanny, they see Shana and think that she is the princess. And then
they disappear. Shana is very hopeless and she wonders what the relation
ship between her and this princess. But at that time, the spoiled ship
begins to sinking. Everyone tries to get on the Queen Fury as soon as
possible. Rose and Dart are the last. Rose could reach the ship but Dart
doesn't. She's still on the bar outside and to hold Dart's hand. But
then the heavy vibration of the ship makes both of them drop into the
sea. Shana cries the captain to stop the ship but it's too late...

Rose and Dart are still safe. Now they are in an unknown cave at the
seashore. Rose feels something familiar at Dart. He seems like Zieg~his
father. Rose tried to hold his hand to keep him. It made her remember a
memory in the past. Yes, it was the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago.
Rose was the Dark Dragoon in that fight. And Zieg was the Red Eyed
Dragoon who bravely killed Melbu Frahma~the leader of Winglies. The
other Dragoons fought the Virages and they didn't return. Rose was the
only survivor. Zieg, he was spelled by Melbu Frahma to turn into stone
for thousand of years. Rose thinks that if she could promptly to pull
Zieg's hand, maybe he couldn't suffer such a fate. Then she sleeps with
Dart in the cold cave...

Next morning, there is a little child who finds Dart and Rose in the
cave. The boy takes them to his house at the nearest village ~ Lidiera.

Dart thanks the child and his mother about saving them. Pete~the name
of the boy - says that they fell in love together in the cave. But Dart
tries to explain that he and Rose are looking for their friends. There
are seven of them. Pete's mother is sick. The boy wants to take her to
the neighbor town Fueno but he's afraid of the monsters in the Undersea
Cavern. About Dart and Rose, they must go there anyway because the other
party members might be there either.

When Dart and Rose are going out of town, Pete changes his mind that
he would take his mother to go with them to Fueno. All of them set out.

They have come to Fueno. Pete's family thanks them for having
accompanied and Pete again jokes that Rose would be in love with Dart.
Then the two travellers get to the port of Fueno where the Queen Fury
has stopped. After some moments, Dart and Rose could find their friends
in the city. They were very surprised and happy, especially Dart and
Shana. At the mean time, the party collects more information about
Lenus~who has gone to Prison Island where the legendary Sea Dragon
lives. There's an only way to get there : north path of Undersea Cavern.
Dart decides to return to Lidiera, asking the Mayor to open the way.
Then they get there as their purpose. Finally they also see Lenus giving
the Moon Dagger to Lloyd. So he is here, too. But now he doesn't fight
you. The coward gets away through the Illisa Bay :"Now I head to Mille
Seseau. Pursue me if you can survive !". Lenus loves Lloyd in a crazy
love. She stops your way, turning into a new Dragoon~the Blue Sea
Dragoon with Water element. She doesn't fight alone. Her supporter is
the legendadry Sea Dragon Regole. But even how strong the enemies are,
Dart's party could handle everything and get the victory. Now Lenus has
no way to go. She couldn't live longer. At the end, she tries to throw
the pair of boomerangs as her last strength to kill Dart. But Shana runs
to him and protects him to avoid one of them. But the other is going
straight to her. Dart uses his sword to stop it. And Lenus, she dies for
the worst coward. Meru feels sorry for her~the Wingly who is the same
species as her. Meru is also a Wingly, but she doesn't let everyone
know. Can't believe that the Dragoon Spirit of Blue Sea Dragon flies to
Meru and accepts as its owner ~ a coincidence of fate. Now the party
must return to Fletz to tell King Zior that they couldn't bring back the
Moon Dagger.

When they have just got in the Twin Castle, they are welcomed by the
guards, then King Zior and the two princesses. They have defeated the
Sea Dragon that dispels people's fear about it. Even the Moon Dagger
wasn't brought back, King Zior has nothing to be sad because that thing
just represents the secret that couldn't bring happiness or peace to
people. After that, he decides to hold a big banquet to welcome the
seven heroes from the east for defeating the Sea Dragon, bringing
happiness to Tiberoans. Before the party, each character has their own
feeling about fate and life. But anyway, the party is still held and
everyone all has fun, okay ? And do you know, Albert promises to marry
Princess Emille after the journey. (This is a good sequel for him...)


As the last sentence of Lloyd, Dart and his friends on the Queen Fury
head to Mille Seseau. They get off at Furni the water city. This is the
port and also the only gate to enter Mille Seseau. The city is fully
covered by water. Currently here there is a big prize for anyone who
kills a wolf monster called Kamuy and bring back Teo~the child who is
following the monster. Teo is the son of a family in Furni. Dart seems
not to mention this. He gets a boat to go around the city and is asked
to meet the Mayor. The reason is the Mayor's daughter involves the
monster Kamuy. As he says, Kamuy was a lovely wolf whom Fa~his daughter
and Teo played with as a close friend. But one day Fa is attacked by
some monster, Kamuy protects her and becomes a mad monster either
because of the other effect. The wolf loses control and runs around
threatening the people. And Teo still tries to follow him to protect him
and calms him down but it has no effect. Dart and his party decides to
stay at the Mayor's house for a night. Also in that night, Shana has
trouble when seeing the Moon That Never Sets. She faints...

Next morning, she wakes up ordinarily, saying everyone that she is
okay. Then they get out of Furni.

To get to Deningrad~the capital of Mille Seseau, the party must pass
the Evergreen Forest. Here they suddenly meet the wof monster Kamuy and
Teo. A lot of competitors of the prize tries to kill the monster and
catch Teo, including Dart's party. But most of them are thrown away by
Kamuy, the party still survives there and fights the monster. Kamuy is
wounded heavily by them. But then Shana uses the healing power from the
Dragoon Spirit of White Silver Dragon to save the wolf. It not only is
revived but also returns to itself, a lovely wolf. Then Teo and Fa could
play with it again. They thank Shana very much...

When getting to Deningrad, Rose says she has some errand to do and
wants to leave the party for while. Then so does Meru. The other members
straight to Deningrad~the famous capital with the great Crystal Palace.

Here Dart's party finds out a lot about the mysterious legend of
Divine Tree~the plant which gave birth to all the species in the world
in creator Soa's plan. The Bishop says it's just an imagination. No one
sees the real tree. Then the party has a chance to visit the National
Library which contains a great deal of world knowledge. And Dart has a
chance to hear the Library Ute tell about the Black Monster and the
Moonchild. The Moonchild is the God who would give some blessing to the
world. The Black Monster wants to kill the Moonchild. Then he tells Dart
that The Second Sacred Sister of Deningrad was a survivor from the
tragedy of Neet. But Dart still doesn't understand why the Black Monster
ruined Neet...

Meanwhile, Rose is going to Neet. Can't know why she goes here. But
here she meets Luanna~the Second Sacred Sister of Deningrad who has a
special sensation to feel people's thought. Then Rose knows that Luanna
was also a survivor from Neet. She was blinded after the tragedy. But
since then she began to have the special ability : read other's thought.
Luanna says she could help people to forget their sadness and fear in
her effort. Then Rose wants to return to Deningrad with her.
About Meru, she uses her own magic to get to an unknown place called
Wingly Forest~her hometown. But here she received a terrible welcome
from every Wingly, even her parents and Ancestor Blano. But anyway, this
returning of her is not in vain. Guaraha~a Wingly who is her childhood
friend~tells her that the Divine Dragon~The King of Dragon which was
tied in the Mountain of Mortal Dragon by Winglies now wakes up and flies
away. Then Meru decides to find her friends to inform them as soon as

Dart and his friends have finished work in the library. When they
intend to go out, Rose and the Second Sacred Sister Luanna have come
either. Then Dart has a talk with the Luanna who had the same situation
17 years ago. Luanna feels somet strange power in Dart. Then Dart feels
somewthing strange in his body. It's not a coincidence...

Yes, the seven eyed Dragon King~Divine Dragon wakes up. He is flying
around the Crystal Palace of Deningrad. He destroys a very small part of
the palace and flies away.

This incident is really a sudden. Then Dart introduces his party as
the legendary seven Dragon Knights who have special power. Luanna thinks
that now Deningrad might need their help. Then she lets them enter the
Crystal Palace to meet Queen Theresa - the queen of Deningrad.

When the party has got into the Queen's chamber, The First Sacred
Sister Mirranda is blaming a knight who couldn't do anything to stop the
destruction of Divine Dragon. Mirranda is a very loyal servant of Queen
Theresa. Dart talks to Queen Theresa about the Divine Dragon and how to
defeat him. And the sharp Rose says that one of the party members is a
Wingly who knows that and shows Meru. Everybody is surprised about this.
Meru is a Wingly, but she has hidden it for a long time from everyone.
No way to explain, Meru can only confirm that's the truth. The Winglies
have two special weapons : The Dragon Buster and the Dragon Block Staff
which were made to beat Dragons only. But the Dragon Buster was stolen
by Lloyd. Then the Dragon Block Staff would be the only way. It is
hidden in a secret place that Wingly Ancestor Blano would know. That
means Meru must take the party to Wingly Forest to ask for the
Ancestor's help. Of course, she is reluctant to do that. Then Mirranda
wants to join them, too. One reason is because of Queen Theresa. In
addition to this, she doesn't really believe in the party's power and
wants to see how they are. Mirranda is an arrow shooter just like Shana.

When Dart and his friend are going out, they realize that Shana is
missing. Where is she and what is she doing ?

Shana has found a secret room in the Queen's chamber. The party finds
her there. Then she feels something troubled when seeing the light
sphere in the air. Mirranda says it's called Signet Sphere which has
been used to seal some power for 10000 years. She says she doesn't know
much about it. After that, the Dragoon Spirit of White Silver Dragon
suddely gets out of Shana and flies to Mirranda...

Shana wakes up in the palace. Now she couldn't go with Dart without
the Dragoon's power anymore. She feels that she becomes useless. But she
couldn't anything except trusting Mirranda to stay in her position in
the party.

Now their destination is Wingly Forest, and the target is the Dragon
Block Staff. Meru takes her friends to a hidden place in Evergreen
Forest. Then she makes some magic that a magical path appears in the
air. Then the whole party goes to it together, reaching Wingly Forest.
Of course, they also receive a similar awful welcome of Winglies. But
Meru tries to explain to them about getting the Dragon Block Staff to
kill Divine Dragon. After that, they receive a message from a Wingly
that Ancestor Blano wants to talk to them. So the party could get into
the house. On the way, Meru also has chance to meet her friend Guaraha
and explains the situation to her parents. Winglies or Humans were all
born from Creator Soa. Both lived in the same world and the same ear.
There's no reason to turn against each other. She sees the Humans are
not barbaric and terrible as the Winglies think. Finally. her parents
must accept her daughter to have her own "world". Reality, they both are
proud of her.

Dart's party can't avoid meeting the Bardel brothers who want to get
revenge Humans of their dead baby sister. Younger Bardel seems to have
some plan...

Dart anyway also meets Ancestor Blano. Now the Wingly Ancestor also
understands the current situation and the waking of Divine Dragon. He
accepts to let them go to the place where the Dragon Block Staff is
put~Capital Kadessa. Now this place is called Forbidden Land because it
has become a ruin for years after the Dragon Campaign. In the ancient
era this place is the strongest city of Winglies when they ruled this
world. After telling the party about Kadessa, the Ancestor uses the
special teleporting magic of Magic to take them to that ruin of Kadessa.

Now it's really deserted and wild. The whole city uses teleporting
device to move. There Dart's party has found a lot about Winglies. This
city is controlled by magic only, including doors and teleporting
device. Here they also found a "guest" ~ a spoiled super Virage which
slept for years. They don't know that they have just woken it up. And
what happens then is so clearly...

Of course that creature is not strong enough to defeat our party. And
it's not the target to see. Finally, Dart finds the Dragon Block Staff
either. The special weapon is hung strangely on the ceiling. Meru tries
all the way to take it out but no effect. But then the ceiling is
suddenly shaking, revealing a Grand Jewel which kept the Dragon Block
Staff. The party must destroy that thing to get the weapon. This is
annoying for them. The jewel uses the power of the Dragon Block Staff to
block the power of Dragoons that our allies can't fight it in Dragoon
form. This battle must be done by their strength and intelligence only.
But even how dangerous it is, our allies still pass and they could get
the Dragon Block Staff as their victory.

When the party is coming out, in a sudden they see Divine Dragon
passing. Oh no, he is heading to Deningrad again. Mirranda and the party
hurrily returns to the teleporting pillar where Ancestor Blano is
waiting. The old man also knows the situation and tries to pull out all
his power to make a quick teleport taking them to Deningrad as soon as
possible. But he is too weak to do. At that time, the other Winglies,
including Meru's parents, try to help him. It seems that they realize
the important thing between the species. The combination of many powers
finally succeeds to help Dart's party return.

Divine Dragon again destroyes the Crystal Palace in bigger damage
which affects the surrounded houses of population. But he would fly away
after satisfying his insanity. Queen Theresa and the other Sacred
Sisters are all right. Thanks to Shana. No one knows why the mysterious
power in her body protected Queen Theresa from the destruction. But then
she fainted again. About Mirranda, she blames the knights very much and
cries a lot when seeing everything is okay (because she was so worried.
She considers Queen Theresa as her mother).

Now it's time for the party to kill the Divine Dragon with the special
weapon Dragon Block Staff. Mirranda must choose between staying to guard
the queen or joining the party. But Queen Theresa allows her to go,
because it's her fate as a Dragoon. She promises that she would return,
anyway. Then the party heads to Mountain of Mortal Dragon over the
Evergreen Forest.

In the first sight they saw some terrible corpses of animals. Rose
says they were killed by the Dragon Buster. That means Lloyd is here,
too. They get into the mountain by the climbing paths and caverns. Until
they are going over the range of mountains, they sees some power cast by
the Dragon. Next, they hear some clashes of weapons. When they come to
the end, it's Lloyd. The Divine Dragon is fighting Lloyd. Why is he here
and what does he want ? Now it's not time to find the answer. The party
must kill the Dragon as soon as possible. First, Dart throws the Dragon
Block Staff and it reduces the power of both Dragons and Dragoons. Then
it is broken because getting out of limit. That means the allies can't
turn into Dragoons either. They must fight by their own strength. This
is the only time Dart and Lloyd fight at the same side.

Although the Divine Dragon is very strong, its power can't defeat the
party and they could be the winner in that desperate battle.

And now you know why Lloyd kills Divine Dragon. Before your eyes, he
jumps to the Dragon's corpse, using the Dragon Buster to cut his main
eye. A gem drops from they eye. It's the Dragoon Spirit of Divine
Dragon-the King of Dragons. This might be for the strongest Dragoon. But
now it is in Lloyd's hand. Yes, the Dragoon Spirit doesn't accept Lloyd.
But he still gets it and run away to continue searching the Three Divine
Moon Objects. But Dart and his friends don't know anything about this
third object, except Mirranda as she is the First Sacred Sister of
Deningrad. They try to chase after him. But they fail. Lloyd prompts to
use magic to push Dart and Rose drop into the lava lake. But it's lucky
when they land on a rising ground...

Rose is unconscious. And Dart, he begins wondering. What happened to
him when the Divine Dragon first appeared ? What about the Three Divine
Moon Objects ? He feels that Rose might know a lot about these
mysteries, even the tragedy from Neet 17 years ago. Dart always wants
Rose to tell him. He wonders why she hides him...

Finally, Meru finds them. With her wings, she tries to bring them to
the ground. Then Dart requests Mirranda to tell them about the third
Divine Moon Object. Finding that this can't be hidden, Mirranda says
that is the Moon Mirror which was held in the Flanvel Tower in Kashua
Glacier. Only Queen Theresa knows about it. At that time, she realizes
the most important thing : Queen Theresa is in danger. Then the party
runs to Deningrad in a hurry...

They were right. But Lloyd was before them...

While The Third Sacred Sister Wink and some knights are going to find
out about Mirranda and the party, they were faced by Younger Bardel.
This guy wanted to get revenge Humans of having killed his baby sister.
All the knights were defeated. Wink was so afraid, waiting for the next
hit. But Lloyd was there. He protected Wink from Bardel's hits and
killed him at once. Lloyd has even saved Wink once in Donau. So she was
willing to bring him to Crystal Palace for some treatment...

When Dart's party comes to the Crystal Palace, it was late. Queen
Theresa wasn't there anymore. The Third Sacred Sister Wink is crying for
her action...

Lloyd was treated in Crystal Palace. He thanked the queen for her
kindness, then tells her that Mirranda and other Dragoons defeated the
Divine Dragon and they are coming here. At that time, The Second Sacred
Sister Luanna came. With her special ability, she easily knew that Lloyd
was not good person. She asked him what he wants to do. Then Lloyd
quickly caught Queen Theresa and disppears immediately...

Okay, their next destination is Kashua Glacier. They must get back the
Moon Mirror and Queen Theresa before Lloyd can do anything. It's not far
away from the west of Deningrad. What an icy place !!!

When the party gets in the underground area of the Glacier, they must
pass a lot of annoying monsters on the way. But anyway, they must reach
the Flavel Tower in time.

Here Lloyd could force the Dragoon Spirit to fit in him, then force
Queen Theresa to show him the Moon Mirror. She couldn't do anything out
of obeying him. But at that time, Dart's party has come. It's the same
time that Lloyd holds the Moon Mirror in his hand. However, the party
must fight him to bring back the three Divine Moon Objects and to get
revenge for Lavitz and a lot of lives killed by him.

Now Lloyd becomes a great swordman. He has his own powerful strength,
the magical power of Winglies and the strong power of Divine Dragon.
It's hard to beat him up. Even though Lloyd has more advantages, he
misses an important thing : unity and honest. Even though how strong he
is, he could defeat Dart with the unity of his friends. Yes, Lloyd is
defeated. Now there are only him and Dart in the top of tower. And it's
time for Dart to finish him here.

Without saying a word, Dart coldly runs to Lloyd to play the finishing
touch to Lloyd. But..."Aahhhhhhh !" ...That's not Lloyd's cry...It is
Wink's. Why is she here ? "Because the truth is that he saved me twice

Dart's slash has hurt Wink. Wink is a sensitive lady. Just because she
still remembers that Lloyd has saved her. She says even if he is killed,
we couldn't bring back the poor lives killed by him. Nothing could be
brought back. Nothing...

The other party members are waiting for Dart in the bottom. They trust
that he would know the best solution for Lloyd. And yes, Dart has come.
He didn't kill Lloyd, because nothing could be brought back even if we
killed him. This is a correct choice. At that time, he receives a
message from Queen Theresa that Shana was caught by a guy named Emperor
Diaz and sent to Capital Vellweb. So this is the guy Lloyd got the three
Divine Moon Objects for. Then anyway, Lloyd would join your party for a
while to get to Vellweb.

On going there, they must pass a Snowfield - the place covered by snow
and blizzard. There is a tremendous blizzard today, Lloyd suggests the
party to rest in a cave and hear him tell about what he has been doing.

Yes, he doesn't try to escape. He tells everyone honestly. Everyone
knows that Creator Soa was the creator of this world and all the
Currently there are 107 species living in this world as 107 fruits
dropped from the Divine Tree. But there is still an incomplete fruit-the
108th fruit. Lloyd hopes that this species would be a special one that
could change the future of the world. He and Emperor Diaz decided to do
this when having seen the ruin of Capital Kadessa. They think that this
world would be degenerated again. So it needs a new species to make a
balance on this world. Lloyd himself can't answer all the questions of
the party about the three Divine Moon Objects. He says they would know
everything when seeing Emperor Diaz.

Next morning, the party leaves the place and heads to Capital Vellweb.
Now this place is a ruin just like Kadessa. It was the first place where
Humans got their liberation to rule this world. There are still remains
here show that historical victory. There are seven towers of the former
Dragoons who had died after the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago, except
Rose. But the target is Emperor Diaz.

Finally the party also meets the guy who claims to be the Holy
Imperial Gloriano. Shana is here either. Dart accepts to give him the
three Divine Moon Objects to take Shana back. Yes, he tells him that he
wants to create the 108th species as Creator Soa's plan when giving
birth to this world. The evidence is the Moon That Never Sets. Then he
reveals his hidden face for you to see...

At that sudden moment, Dart can't believe in his eyes. Rose is
surprised for the person she loves who was lost for thousand of years :
Zieg - Rose's fiance and also Dart's father. Then Dart knows that Rose
and Zieg were the only survival Dragoons in the Dragon Campaign 11000
years ago. So maybe you are also surprised why Rose could live so long.
You would know soon. Zieg would tell the party what he really wants to

First, he begins at the point where the world was nothing...until this
current world full of various species. In the Dragon Campaign, Humans
had destroyed the Crystal Sphere along with the royal capital of
Winglies, Kadessa. This causes the Virage Embryo's soul to be released
with a human body, heading to the Moon That Never Sets. It was the
Moonchild who would give some "holy blessing" to this world. And when
the Moon grew red, it would happen, "a destruction for the world". Yes,
the Moonchild would destroy this world by giving the birth to the 108th
species- The God of Destruction. There was a Dragoon who knew about
this. She tried to kill the Moonchild to prevent from that terrible
future. The Black Monster, it was her-Rose. Everybody is surprised about
this, especially Dart. So the guy who he wants to revenge has been with
him for a long time. Rose admits that's right. She confirms she had
killed everyone in Neet or they would be the servants for the Moonchild-
Princess Louvia. But Zieg says she killed the wrong target. Louvia has a
twin sister-Shana. Yes, Shana is very the real Moonchild who is still
alive in front of everyone. Then Zieg takes Shana to him again. Rose
can't do anything on him or kill Shana...

The party wanders day to day, night to night. They don't where to go
next. They have been in a large desert of the Death Frontier-a hidden
country which is far away from Mille Seseau and Gloriano. It was too far
that they have no way to return. Just continue. On the way to get out of
desert, the party members discuss a lot about such the sudden incident
that has just happened. About Rose, she's still there. Nothing was
happened to her. Didn't Dart want to get revenge with her ? Now it's not
time to worry about that. They must get out of this place and find the
nearest destination. Rose says it's Ulara-another city of Winglies. It's
not so hard for the party to pass. Because they have passed so much
places like this.

Then they also reach another deserted place. Rose would tell you why
she could have lived so long like this. That's the spell from her choker
she is wearing. The sight before everyone is another desert. But when
Rose uses her choker, the place turns into a green town which is full of
colourful flowers. They reach there by a teleportting device. Rose wants
to meet a Wingly friend of her - Charle Frahma. She asks Caron where she
is being.

The party talks to some Winglies. Here they know some more clues about
the Dragon Campaign. At that time, the younger brother of Charle-Melbu
Frahma looked down on every species and ruled the world due to Wingly's
power. Accumulated anger led to the Dragon Campaign we have known. Dart
also hears about Faust who was the right hand of Melbu in that
historical battle. Being a powerful magician, Faust makes an apparition
and only a Vanishing Stone can make it disappear.

Rose and the party also meets Charle Frahma any way. She seems to know
much about the relation between Rose and Zieg. Charle is also the person
who created the Signet Spheres which could be used to destroy the world.
Actually, there are five Signet Spheres. The main one-Crystal Sphere at
Kadessa was destroyed in the Dragon Campaign. The second one at the
Birth City was lost after the destruction of Divine Dragon. About Zieg,
Rose is the person who understands him much. Zieg is not this kind of
people who just follows such a fate. There is something wrong with him.

Charle tells you that The Moon That Never Sets is almost the 108th
species that Soa planned-the 108th fruit that Divine Tree dropped. The
Sphere which contained the soul of the God of Destruction in Kadessa was
destroyed. But the Human body it brought was still alive-Shana. And it
would reborn the God of Destruction giving the end to this world.

Dart wants to know about Rose and his father. Charle accidentally
tells him that Rose was his fiance. But at then Rose says she would give
a punch to Charle if she continues.

Melbu Frahma wanted to rule this world with the magical power. Charle
created the Signet Spheres in order to seal the power of the Crystal
Sphere in the Kadessa to prevent Melbu getting out of his limit. So he
made the three Divine Moon Objects to destroy the spheres, but now The
Signet Spheres could be destroyed without three Divine Moon Objects.
That means Zieg could still destroy the Signet Spheres by his own power
in order to help bearing the God of Destruction just because now he has
the Moonchild-Shana in his hand.

Then Charle tells you the location of the three remaining Signet
Spheres. One is at the Magical City Aglis-the place for Winglies
studying and researching about magic. The second is at the Law City
Zenebatos-the place where Winglies could establish their law. And the
last is at Death City Mayfil-the place all the death souls must get to.
Then she lets you know that Rouge is the key to get there. It's
Haschel's hometown...

That night, everybody split into many groups to visit the town of
spring. Dart, he is sitting on the flower platform, thinking about
something. "Do you really forgive...?" - asked Rose. Then they remember
night when they practised swords together. Even Rose has spent many
experience in her long life, she couldn't defeat Dart who has become
stronger. Then she asked him to kill her as his wish. Dart, he drew his
sword at Rose...then...he put in in his basket. "The Black Monster was
dead" - he said.

Rose and Dart both are sitting. They remember the time when they first
meet. The Black Monster was dead. And here is Rose. They are friends.
Nothing could change it. That's all...

After that moment, Rose and Dart join together to gather other party
members. They must prepare very carefully for the next journey. They
will begin next morning to find the way to Magical City Aglis - where
the first Signet Sphere is held.

Just next morning, all the Winglies of Spring Breath Town Ulara gather
at the exit teleporting device to good bye the seven heroes who would
save the world from destruction. Charle sent a message to King Zior to
allow the party to use the Queen Fury again and he accepted.

The party is taken to the way to return to Tiberoa by Charle's power.
Passing Home of Gigantos, Valley of Corrupted Gravity and Barrens, they
have been in Fletz. When entering the twin castle, they are welcomed by
everybody in the castle, including King Zior, Princess Emille and
Princess Lisa. The King allows the party to use it freely. It is being
put in the way to Rouge. Before getting on board, Kayla tells them to do
her a favour. "Please save Miss Shana !". Of course, that's what they
must do. Poor the lovely child !

Okay, the party has reached Rouge easily by crossing Endiness sea.
This is Haschel's hometown where his daughter Claire ran away and lost
forever. Haschel tells the Mator about their purpose to be here and asks
him if there is something strange in this area which Humans couldn't do
or anything. The Mayor reminds about something like a stick among the
sea which can be seen from the top yard. After that, the party climbs
the yard to see what it is. Oh no, it's not only a simple stick as the
Mayor said. It has become something big and impressive. Or this is the
sequel of the party's coming ? Rose says that the only Wingliy city in
this area is can only be Aglis the Magical City. Then she explains to
the party more about the five ancient cities of Winglies :

---Capital Kadessa---
The royal capital of Winglies which was dominated by Melbu Frahma. It
was the center of politics and military. But it was destroyed during the
Dragon Campaign became a ruin which is called "Forbidden Land".

---Birth City Crystal Palace---
This city now is the Crystal Palace of Deningrad. Long long ago it was
the Birth City of Winglies where the babies were chosen to be born. The
Winglies has special magical power. Only the babies who had the strong
power enough could be allowed to be born. If not, just abandon.

---Magical City Aglis---
A mysterious city of Winglies where magic is researched and studied.

---Law City Zenebatos---
It was the city where Wingly laws were made. The laws were claimed for
justice but actually they were used to judge other species. It is the
place where executions and trials were carried out.

---Death City Mayfil---
It is the place where all the souls of the dead must go.

After that, the party gets down. Then Rose says that she feels someone
watching after the party. Just then an earthquake happens. Everybody
runs to the top yard to see what happens. Oh ! The strange thing becomes
bigger which seems like a real city. The sea is split reveal a path to
reach there. Without hearing the Mayor's recommend, they just go there
with the small boat. This is their only chance. They have nothing else
to do except continuing.

The party has been in the undersea city. Just like the usual cities of
Winglies, it uses teleporting system to move and transport. Here they
meet a lot of strange lovely creatures which were made by magic. One of
them named Ruff notices them to go deeper. Then the party meets a lot of
other creatures doing some research related to something called Psyche
Bomb and Moot. After passing a lot of areas, the party meets an ancient
Wingly - Savan - who claims to be waiting for Rose for thousand of years
until the day she comes here to save the world...

Savan has known the current situation of this world. Zieg wants to
destroy this world that he thinks to be Creator Soa's plan. But all of
them think that fate doesn't belong to the creator. It is all in their
hands. They could change their fate, not the creator. This work needs
courage of all people. These "courage" combination would become a power
to face against the bad thing. It's the Psyche Bomb. Savan and his
creatures have searched about this multi-hit bomb. It is only made by
the courage of the party. That means the party must pass a challenge to
prove their courage. Each character must pass one :

He has known the right thing and hasn't followed the bad thing. He
tries all his effort to make an equal between species. He doesn't let
himself lose self-control at any outside bad control. We have seen the
courage of a Giganto.

She fights for this world, for everyone she loves. She doesn't accept
to die when she hasn't done anything for this world. She knows when she
could die satisfactorily. This is also a kind of courage.

Even he knows his country Bale is being in danger, he couldn't return
anyway when the world is threatening by the biggest destruction. We have
just seen the courage of the King - who knew what is more important to

She has played with Humans as a Wingly. The Bardel brother hates
Humans for having killed their sister, so they hate Meru as the same as
those. They want to kill her as killing a Human. But she refused to die
because she cannot die in this serious situation. That is also the
courage of a person who knows when is needed to die.

His daughter Claire has gone away for 20 years because he couldn't
keep his anger. He admits that even if the past returned, he couldn't
save her. That's the courage of a real father who accepts his mistake in
the past.

Now the world is going to the end. Everyone is afraid and does nothing
else except requesting for blessing. "No"- Rose confirms : We cannot
just stand to see the end of the world. We have our strength, our fate.
We must change it anyway. She proves the courage of a person who doesn't
let her life decided by others.

He loves Shana as himself - an eternal love. Even if Shana is a
Moonchild who would give birth to the God of Destruction, even if he
must take sword against her, Dart would save her no matter what, even
losing his life for her. Their great love could change such a fate.

All the party members pass their challenge easily because they prepare
for them a real courage in this journey. All of those are collected by
Savan to create a extremely strong power : The Psyche Bomb X. This would
be one of the weapons to fight Zieg. Now the next thing is Moot. This
thing can be used to seal the Signet Sphere which Zieg wants to destroy.
It is being protected by the sea creature Last Kraken. But when the
party has entered the place where the Signet Sphere is, Last Kraken
becomes lose control and insane. Oh no, they are slower than Zieg just
one step. This creature is being controlled by Zieg and begins to
destroy the Signet Sphere as fast as possible. Dart and his friends try
to stop the violent creature. But it's too late. Last Kraken has
destroyed the Signet Sphere as Zieg does. Even though they kill it, Zieg
still succeeds in this part. The explosion of the Signet Sphere takes
the explosion of the whole room. Savan tries to use all his last power
to teleport all the party members out of the room and dies inside. You
also have courage, Savan !!! "I would give the you the wings to
everywhere" - what does he mean before dying ?

It's not time to feeling sorry. Now the party must head to the Law
City Zenebatos to destroy the next Signet Sphere as soon as possible.
When seeking the way to go out, they have met the lovely magical
creatures who are preparing to die. Buckle, it has just threatened
Mirranda to die with it. Mirranda asks if it jokes her again. No, this
is thr truth : "Buckle die, uck !". Lulu, Spino, Phewy and Decal all
dies before the party comes. And Ruff, it uses all his last power to
open the way to the party. Poor thing ! "We won't let your death in
vain". As the new way, the party finds a teleporting device taking them
to The Law City Zenebatos.

In this city, Dart and his friends must face a great deal of confusing
laws which even a Wingly like Meru can't understand. At that time, a
flying creature called Coolon comes to them. It says it would take Dart
and his party to anywhere they want. So this is the Wings Savan reminds
them before dying. Thanks to him about this !

However, the party also finds out how to use the law. And they also
reach the Signet Sphere by it. But Zieg is before them again. Nomos -
the guard who protects the Signet Sphere here was controlled by him. It
attacks you by casting the three dark monsters Selebus, Kubila and
Vector. Even the party could overcome them, Zieg has much time to
destroy this second Signet Sphere easily. "The sky is my road" - said
Zieg. No one believes that he could fly in ordinary state, even Rose.
No, he is not Zieg. Zieg is not that type of people. Something wrong
happens in him. Now the party just has a last chance : The Signet Sphere
in Death City Mayfil. They must use the law to connect the teleporting
device between Zenebatos and Mayfil. Then they come there.

Zieg has got here before them. He might be very satisfied of his plan
and now it's going be successful.

Everyone is surprised by this place. It's dark and fear. This place is
gathered by the dead souls from the earth. When wandering in the dark
city, the party faces a lot of familiar guests : the three spirits of
the three Dragons killed by them : Feybrand, Regole and Divine Dragon.
They had received an incomplete death because they were killed by the
species which is considered to be weaker than them very much. Although
Dart and his friends have their target Zieg, they still try to kill the
Dragon Spirits again to help them get the pride of species. Yes, but an
unexpecting incident happens. They see Lavitz - the faithful fellow of
Dart and Albert - the friend who died in honour. Lavitz is glad to see
his friends again, too. Although they are very happy, Lavitz reminds
something like Devildom in his life at this city. But then, he suddenly
changes into a monster who tries to get rid of Dart and Albert. No, he
doesn't let them touch him. It seems Lavitz is being controlled by
someone else. Then he disappears through the teleporting device. The
party chases after him. He holds his spear turning against everyone.
Dart tries to call him, call his name. Then Lavitz feels a
headache...Hey, there's something strange on his back - Rose feels
wrong. But then he becomes more insane and attacks the party.

Dart doesn't attack him. He tries to call Lavitz, call the real sefl
of him, their faithful fellow in battle. Lavitz feels trouble again. He
turns his back to the party. And now it's time get rid of the strange
thing which is controlling Lavitz.

After some moments, it also turns its true self as a Devildom -
Zackwell - the guy who likes to joke on other spirits in this city. He
plays on Lavitz's spirit and jokes on his worrying about his friends.
That is unforgivable. As soon as the party must get rid of this devil
creature to rescue for the spirits who were its victim. But then, Lavitz
wakes up again. He is still controlled and intends to kill a party
member. "Lavitz !" - Dart's call. It seems to persuade the real Lavitz
in the flesh of Devildom. Lavitz holds up his spear and...thrust it
through very his body and finishes the life of the sticking Devildom on
his back.

"We are friends !". Dart, Lavitz, Albert. They are friends and nothing
could change it. Lavitz says he must thank to Zackwell because he gives
him this chance to see his friends again, even in the death. Poor him !
Now there's no way to reach the Signet Sphere. Lavitz uses all his last
strength to open the way for the party to do their mission. "You are not
dead. You live forever in us..."...

The party is eager to find the Signet Sphere. But Zieg is here at the
same time. Dart intends to fight Zieg to seal the Signet Sphere before
him. Just one hit of Zieg could throw Dart away and he has time to
destroy this last Signet Sphere. Then he disappears with a big laugh.

Do they fail ? Do they really have no way ?...

Nope, they must chase after him...until the limited end. They can
still change their fate. They must stop Zieg doing the next work. They
must find Shana and bring her back...

The Moon That Never Sets is falling onto the Divine Tree as a fruit.
The Virage Embryo - which is woken up when the time has come - gets out
of the Moon and flies around.

Now Dart and his party come to the dead end of Mayfil. They have no
road to reach Divine Tree. Not yet, Coolon has come to pick them up. The
huge Moon is on the top of Divine Tree that is easy to see. But the
surrounding Virages shoot one another continually that Coolon couldn't
fly fast. It seems to be wounded. But it tries all its last power to
take the party to their destination...then it dies at the root of Divine
Tree. "Your death won't be in vain." Then Dart and his party begins
climb the Divine Tree to reach the Moon That Never Sets.

On the way, the party again faces a lot of challenges. The monsters
are always around the tree. The butterfly monster who is a special fruit
of Divine Tree stops their way. But they still keep their courage and
patience. They have come to the Moon anyway...

The Moon That Never Sets is so huge that contains a lot of miracles.
Now the party must reach its core where Shana is held, giving birth to
the God of Destruction. But when they first enter the Moon, there are a
lot of strange events happening to them. Each character faces their own
past and tries to overcome them.

Mirranda sees a rose in the forest of her hometown. She hates roses
very much, because it is her mother's favourite flower. Then she
remembers her past. When she was young, her family was very poor. Her
father rarely works but he is always drunk. Her mother couldn't suffer a
terrible husband. She follows another man, leaves Mirranda forever and
never returns. Mirranda hates her mother. Queen Theresa rear her as her
real daughter so she always considers Queen Theresa as her mother. She
works as a Sacred Sister to forget her own pain. Then the rose changes
into a monster. No, it's Mirranda's mother. Her mother in the Death Rose
tries to explain the situation for the poor daughter.
She still loves her daughter. She couldn't stand a terrible husband
like that. Mirranda says she is a terrible mother. She leaves her and
her father that the two father and child had to live miserable poverty.
Even though her father was not good, he was still with Mirranda, not
like her mother. The face in the Death Rose tries to say that Mirranda's
father works less than he drinks. He always beats her in drunk. A mother
like her had to get away. But she returned to take Mirranda with her.
But her father kicked her out. "It hurts..." - the mother always repeats
those words. It's really hurt.
"I'll forgive you..." - that's what the daughter could do now...The
Death Rose smiles satisfactorily. Maybe she could tranquilized now...and
it disappears...
Mirranda - the daughter had to keep a big pain for years. But she
didn't think of the other's pain, such as her mother. Mirranda misses
her mother very much...

Haschel sees a little girl wandering in the Minitos world. Dart comes
to her, but she is suddenly away. "It's Claire. She hasn't known you
yet...". Then Haschel comes into the illusion Claire made.
"I hate you, Dad..." - the girl cries.
She is really a lovely girl. But just a moment, she is suddenly
changed into a killing machine losing self-control. Even trying to wake
up his daughter, Haschel is reluctant to fight her.
"I'm not Claire. I'm the War God..."
The girl continuously attacks Haschel. The father is hurt to turn
against his daughter. He tries to wake her daughter up. It was all his
fault. He really regrets and has looked for her for twenty years. And
Claire, she says that he didn't love her. He tried to make her become a
martial art machine while what she needed are love and freedom. But
Haschel, he doesn't need to know what happens. He just wants to wake her
up. The little "War God" plays a heavy hit to Haschel : The Four Gods
Destruction. Even being wounded by that daughter, Haschel still tries to
explain that he loves her and nothing could change it. He doesn't need
how much she beats him, he just wants her to understand and forgive him.
The girls many times beat Haschel heavily. But the true love of
Haschel for his daughter can't be changed. After some moments, she
becomes mad and really lose control. The War god and Claire is
exchanging position. It seems Claire understands her father and wants to
return to herself. She is fighting the War God to get her flesh.
- Mind's eye, awaken ! - Haschel cries
Yes, the call of the father makes an enormous effect on the poor
- ...Thank you, father... - It seems that Claire forgives his father.
She disappears...

Kongol was the only survival Gigantos from Human's killing. But now he
is fighting, for the survive of this world, for the coexistence of all
species. He has ever considered Doel as his leader. But now Dart is the
real leader for him. Dart needs his power. He proves that power to Dart.
He needs power to help Dart. Then he sees Indora - his Gigantos brother.
Indora was the strongest Gigantos in Kongol's mind. Kongol wants to
fight brother, to have that strongest power. Yeah, the little Kongol now
must prove himself by himself. Indora is really so strong that it seems
that Kongol can't win. But he could do that. He has to save this world
as his friends does. He can't lose.
Indora, at the end, is the loser. But Kongol would be his pride, the
pride of Gigantos. Kongol is inheritted Indora's Axe. Yes, he would use
this weapon to save the world. Dart needs him, this world needs him...

Michael, the Vassal Dragon of Rose suddenly appears in the Moon That
Never Sets. It splits everyone and corners Rose and Dart to its world.
Rose realizes this place where is full of dragons. She was first here.
This was the place where she first saw Michael.
It was a Dragon which uses Dark-based attack. In the Dragon Campaign,
it became the tool of Humans to fight against Winglies and Virages.
Humans had to sacrifice it for the war. Rose, she defeated it and has
got the Dragoon Spirit of Dark Dragon from its body. It returns to a
baby Dark Dragon. Rose named it Michael and she was always with it
during the war...
Can't believe now Rose could meet Michael in this place. But it hasn't
regconized her anymore. Michael attacks both Rose and Dart. Rose has
loved it as her real friend. She didn't want to kill it. But Michael is
the strongest Dragon which has the highest speed, strength and defense
in species. Every of their attacks have no effect on it. After a lot of
dangerous moments, Rose tells Dart the weakness of Michael : the blind
spot. This thing just appears after Michael uses the dark laser. Of
course, they must kill the Dragon anyway.
Dart asks Rose why she could easily kill a Dragon which was very
faithful to her. Rose says that it's still a Dragon anyway. Dragon is a
creature which has no love and feeling. It's just a kind of wild
animals. It might be obey its controller at the young age. But when
growing up, it realizes its wildness, it would return to wildness...

Everyone is surprised about Doel when he let Kongol join him and
didn't kill the Gigantos. What did he really want to do ? Albert still
feels puzzled why Doel killed his father - King Carlo. Then he enters
the Black Castle in the Moon That Never Sets to find out about the past
of himself. Doel is waiting for him. Albert at once asks about what he
always wonders. But Doel wants to talk to him by weapons :
Doel, he only needs the power. He and Carlo were close friends for a
long time. Carlo was a king of integrity and talent. He was always the
best in people's mind. And Doel, he never got pass Carlo about strength
and talent. If he didn't kill him, he could never rise up. When Albert
asks, Doel just says Serdians needs him because he is a real emperor
than Carlo. He rules them by power. He needs the strongest power to rule
Albert says that's not all. People don't need power. People need love
and peace. Doel thinks it's just a stupid thing. He confirms that people
cannot live without power. And now he has the strongest power, he isn't
afraid of anyone...
But after the fight, Albert almost defeats Doel. What's wrong with his
power ? - Doel wonders. Why can't his power defeat a young aged guy as
Albert ? He is really the loser...
- "...It can't bring happiness to people..." - said Albert. Power is
nothing for him. Although being a King, Albert himself never mentions
power. He likes to live in peace. He likes to live with his people in
happiness. Yes, he doesn't possess the strong power as Doel. But he has
his courage, he has his friends who are always with him in troubles and
challneges. That's all he possesses in this battle. Doel has made a
mistake. He lost his self-control because of power. Very his power
defeats him...

Archangel is the ancient guardian of Winglies who has divine power of
light. And now Meru - a Wingly must face her guardian and turn against
her. Archangel is the ancient Wingly angel who keeps the all tradition
that Wingly is the most noble species who deserve to rule this world.
Those barbaric Humans are just their servant. And Meru, she says her
guardian is a persistent guy. All the species in this world are equal.
There's no reason to turn against one another like that. Archangel
considers Humans as the terrible and useless species who have no magical
power, inoble and bad. Meru says they are very cool. They are better
Winglies a lot of points. They have courage, they have friendship, they
have peace. All of those help them to have the liberation to rule this
world. They play with Meru even she is a Wingly the species turns
them. At that time, the persistent Winglies just hide themself in their
secret small world just because the old imbalance opinion. Archangel
times punishes Meru about her opposing. But finally she must lose the
little brave girl...

All those challenges take the party to the core of the Moon That Never
Sets. Really ? They are closing to the last destination. Dart begins to
hear Shana's cry. Although they must pass over the gate keeper Virage,
they have come to the end.

Shana is held here. Her power is being used to create the God of
Destruction. Zieg is waiting there so long. Now this is the challenge
for Dart. The anger of Dart turns him into the Red Eyed Dragoon and runs
to fight very his father. But Zieg is faster enough to steal the Dragoon
Spirit from Dart. Rose thinks that that bad person can't be accepted.
the Dragoon Spirit regconizes Zieg before everyone. He turns into the
legendary Red Eyed Dragoon in the Dragon Campaign 11000 years ago. But
now his target is not Melbu Frahma. It's his son Dart. This is an
incredible fight between father and son.

The battle lasts very long. There is no winner or loser. And Zieg, he
says he doesn't need to hide anymore. At that time, Zieg suddenly
faints. Behin him is rising a shadow - a very familiar face of Rose -
Melbu Frahma.

Yeah, the famous leader of Winglies in the Dragon Campaign - Melbu
Frahma - is still alive. It seems that he has been waiting for this
moment for over 10000 years ago. In the Dragon Campaign, Zieg did not
completely killed Melbu. He just destroyed his flesh, not his soul. When
he was being petrified, Melbu transmigrating his soul into Zieg's
Dragoon Spirit. When Rose - the Black Monster came to Neet to destroy
everything. Zieg used the Dragoon Spirit to transform. Melbu possessed
Zieg's body since then.

Now Melbu Frahma has succeeded. He then absorbs the power of Shana and
becomes the God of Destruction himself by merging with the Virage
Embryo. The God Of Destruction has been born.

At that time, Lloyd appears to get revenge with Melbu for having
deceived him. Even how strong he is, Melbu could still kill Lloyd with
just one shot... Before dying, Lloyd gives Dart the Dragoon Spirit of
Divine Dragon and gives Rose the Dragon Buster to fight Melbu. Now Dart
is the Divine Dragoon. He would lead the party to take part in this
battle which decide the lives of all species and this world...

...Til the end of the battle, Melbu is almost destroyed. The Moon That
Never Sets is going to explode. Dart tries to bring Shana on his huge
hand of Divine Dragoon armor. And Rose, she slowly comes to see her
fiance - Zieg - the only person she loves - the only person she has been
waiting for over 10000 years. Melbu, he tries to use all his last power
to kill Dart - the guy who had just destroyed his plan.

- Would you come with me, Rose ? - said Zieg is a weak voice
- Yes, I have been waiting for this moment... - Rose answers

At that time, Zieg holds the sword of Red Eyed Dragoon. Rose, with her
wings, brings him fly into Melbu Frahma to play the finishing touch.
and other Dragoons try to fly out of the Moon. The end of the God of
Destruction is the end of the Moon. They just fly, fly, fly to the
outside. The Moon begins exploding itself.

- Rose !!! Father !!! - cried Dart

- Farewell... - that's what Dart could hear from the explosion. Rose had
died. But the most happy is that she could die with his lover Zieg.
long lives finally should go to the end - a beautiful end...


24/ F.R.E.Q.U.E.N.T.L.Y. A.S.K.E.D. Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N.S.


I open this section because recently I have received many questions
about playing the game on Gamefaqs message board or in emails. Some of
the questions affect the process of the game for players who play it. So
then I will answer the most common and important questions in my effort
here :

EXTRA QUESTIONS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* QUESTION : Where can I find out about this game before deciding to get
it ?
ANSWER : These are the addresses you can trust :
- Http:// - made by the company which has created this game.
This site includes mini-intro about this game. And you can download a
simple battle field to practise and get used to the game's battle system
- Http:// - the best site for news and game screenshots.
- Http:// - similar to Gamespot, but has great movies.

WALKTHROUGH QUESTIONS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* QUESTION : Why do you write this FAQ ?
ANSWER : For fun and to kill spare time in holidays.

* QUESTION : In the beginning I have tried to get out of Seles, but I
can't. How do I do now ?
ANSWER : Maybe you haven't talked to Mr.Tasman. It's obliged.

* QUESTION : I was fighting as usual. When I have Rose transform, there
was suddenly a black background in the battle field, and the other
characters transform too. What happened ?
ANSWER : You might access the "Special" command. This command is just
present when all of your characters reach their highest SPs.

* QUESTION : Where do I find Legendary Casque ?
ANSWER : There are two shops that should have it : Lohan Weapon Shop
and Deningrad Weapon Shop before being destroyed by Divine Dragon.

* QUESTION : Where do I find Dragon Helm ?
ANSWER : You can get one after fighting Divine Dragon in the Mountain
of Immortal Dragon.

* QUESTION : I can't find Bandit Shoes ?
ANSWER : I don't remember much. But you can find one at the entrance
Home of Gigantos where the arrow trap is put.

* QUESTION : I can't find Therapy Ring ?
ANSWER : I think there are two of them in the game : Hellena Prison in
the second time (when you rescue Albert) and in Magician Faust's
You can get it near his position without fighting him. Just don't touch

* QUESTION : How can I fight Magician Faust ? He is so invincible.
ANSWER : You never defeat him without Vanishing Stone. Besides, you
must have good tactic to survive to kill him. See the walkthrough for
side quests.

* QUESTION : What's the role of the traveller Martel ? (or where can I
find the Vanishing Stone ?)
ANSWER : Martel needs Stardusts to cure her ill child. There are 50
Stardusts somewhere in the game. The more you find and give them to her,
the more useful items she gives you. See the last note in "Stardust
Location" section to know what she can reward you.

* QUESTION : I have found 50 Stardusts, but Martel is not at her
ANSWER : Her last destination must be Rouge. You will reach that place
in Disc 4.

* QUESTION : How many Ultimate Wargods in the game ?
ANSWER : Lohan Weapon Shop has it with the price 10000g. Or you can
find it in Phantom Ship in the code chest. See the walkthrough to know
how to open that chest.

* QUESTION : Is there anyway to save Lavitz ?
ANSWER : Sorry, I think it can't. Mayber you may hear some rumours
about how to save him with some cheat or code. But they are just jokes
and not worth believing. Many people have tried and got angry about
You can only revive Lavitz if you can revive Aeris in Final Fantasy VII

* QUESTION : Where do I find the Dragoon Spirit of Kongol ?
ANSWER : There are two ways to find it. When you enter Donau and ask
the Minitos in the bar, he will tell you that he saw some shining stone
in Lohan. Then you get back to Lohan and talk to the Street Vendor who
sold you the Empty Bottle, he will sell you the Golden Dragoon Spirit
with a high price. Try to buy it if you can. If not, you can continue
the game and fight monsters until you have enough money.
Another way to get it is to fight Indora in the Moon That Never Sets.
Indora will give it to you.

* QUESTION : I want to enter the Dragoon Tower to fight the former
Dragoons. But nothing there.
ANSWER : You are on the way to find Shana and Emperor Diaz right ? Now
your mission is to fight those people and you can't enter the former
Dragoons. Just do as the game running. Then in Disc 4, you can use
to fly back to there and fight the side quests.

* QUESTION : Where can I find the Soul Eater ?
ANSWER : You can have one in Fort Condor, where you meet the side
Polter Soul.

* QUESTION : The Grand Jewel is suck. I can't win him.
ANSWER : See the tactic in walkthrough. Just keep your patience in
condition ^_^

* QUESTION : Is there anyway to collect money fast ?
ANSWER : Use the game shark codes. The ordinary way is to get in as
many as battles.

* QUESTION : What is the most prolific monster to get money ?
ANSWER : I think it's the Triceratops in the Moon That Never Sets. You
need Stun Guards to fight it. It's not very hard, and you'll receive
EXP and a lot of money, nearly equal to fighting regular bosses. It's
very much, but justified.

* QUESTION : What is the best party ?
ANSWER : There are many answers for this question, depending on the
answerers' abilities an hobbies. I can't confirm what party is the best.
Just pick the ones you think to be your best. Each player has his/her
style. About me, I'm fond of characters who are regular at all status,
like Dart, Rose or Haschel. But the others also have their advantages.
Meru is female, and she is the best character of magic and speed. But
disadvatages like Strength or HP are pathetic too. But if you have her
equipped with suitable armors which support her disadvatanges, you will
have her as one of your most using character. You don't have to follow
opinion. Just choose your most favourite ones, find and equip them with
right accessories to cover ther disadvantages. That's the point. And no
character is useless. Just remember that.

PLOT QUESTIONS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


* QUESTION : Who is the Black Monster ?
ANSWER : Forgive me that answering this question will give up a very
big spoiler. Just play the game. Stop asking.

* QUESTION : Dart's mother is Claire. Haschel's daughter is Claire. Is
this a coincidence ? Or are they the same ?
ANSWER : There's no correct hint about this. But once the game gives
these episodes, we ourselves can believe that Dart's mother is very
Haschel's daughter. Besides, do you remember the music theme Shana sings
with Fa ? Shana says that Dart often sang that lullaby to her when she
was young. And the lullaby had been sung to Dart by his mother. Haschel
heard the lullaby from Shana, and he said that his daughter also loved
the theme. This is a very believable proof showing that Dart's mother
Haschel's daughter are the same.

* QUESTION : Why is Shana still alive ? The Black Monster did actually
kill her.
ANSWER : Shana has a twin sister who was very the dead Princess
The Black Monster didn't know that and "it" killed the wrong person.

--- *NEW GUIDE COMING* ------------------------------------------------
I have just made a Plot Analysis for this game "The Legend of
which has just been placed in GameFAQs, and can be found at my page This guide
includes every information about plot episodes of the game. Check it


25/ A.U.T.H.O.R.'S. L.A.S.T. W.O.R.D.S.


AUTHOR'S CLOSE INFO \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You can call me Mysticcat, as the nickname I created for myself. My
true name is Dan. Yes, Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan. I'm a 100% Asian, and I
love RPGs and Survival Horror Games. Legend of Dragoon is my most
faithful FAQ/Walkthrough currently which have received most ideas and
asked by many different sites. I write guides mainly to kill spare time,
and I don't care to be a professional FAQ writers. I have many things to
do than just writing these guides.

LAST WORDS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Okay, I have finished my work. Hope this guide would be useful for you
to enjoy this game. I'm a FAQs maker who always want to make my guide
complete which has every information about the games. I rarely do In-
Depth FAQs because the readers only read some parts of the game which
might not be enough for them. Although my guides have many things, I
always try to write them completely and seriously with enough
information. But I also let the players to find out themselves at some
sides. There was some reader who didn't like my way when I wrote tactics
too simply. Just because I want you to explore the game funnily and
lively. I hope you will sympathize my work. You can check my other FAQs
at :

Mysticcat Contributor Page

Well, you can also take a look at a related guide here :
"The Legend of Dragoon Plot Analysis"
This FAQ contains info and arragement about "The Legend of Dragoon"
storyline and timeline. It's much more detailed than the "Story &
Timeline" section of this FAQ/Walkthough. There I rearrange the events
of the game and give up my analysis for each of them.

Thank you very much !!!
Mystic Cat

REVIEW \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I myself didn't have a chance to send a review to the best gaming site
GameFAQs, so I can give it here. This game is really impressive, and I
can't pass it without some words :

- Greatest graphic of all PSX games I have ever played.
- Role-playing genre which is similar to Final Fantasy. But The Legend
Dragoon still creates its own brand that we can't mistake between Final
Fantasy and this one.
- Good-looking character designs.
- Interesting story, not very brilliant, but justified.
- Great battle system, completely separated from Final Fantasy's style.
- Good gameplay. Replayability is all right.
- There are secret sidequests and stuffs.

- Game length is so long.
- The later discs don't have datas of previous discs. When you want to
go to some old places, you are forced to input the disc which has
datas of that place. It's very unconvenient, since you like to travel
for a while before continuing the story.

That's all I can say about this great game.
My overall score : 10/10. And I think this score is no doubt.


26/ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. T.H.A.N.K.S.


Now it's time for me to send my special thanks to those who helps me
to complete this FAQs :

- Http:// - for interesting information about the game and
character bios.

- Http:// - for a treasure of info about the game

- Desmond Xie - for his great FAQs being a base for me to make my own.

- Event Omega - for his Japanese translation.

- Beno Jange - fo giving good words about my FAQ and contributing the
rule to open the chest in Phantom Ship. Thank you very much.

- Aaron Longchamps, Alex Sandro Dutra, Anthony Pettipas and some other
readers - for spotting the mistakes in my guide and reminding me to fix

- Http:// - for game shark codes

- SCEI and SCEA - for creating and developing this game.

- Jeff "CJayC" Veasay, the creator of Gamefaqs - for posting this FAQ on
GameFAQs and for creating the best gaming site for us gamers.

- All the other sites who publish my FAQ legally - for giving my guide
to larger community of players.

- This game "The Legend of Dragoon" - for giving the most information

- Everybody in Legend of Dragoons message board of Gamefaqs - for
answering my questions about the game.

Repeatedly, Thank you !!!

Again, this FAQs is owned by

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16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Plot Analysis

16.Octombrie 2013
Special Monsters Guide

13.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Complete Guide

14.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

11.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Secret Quest

17.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Story Guide

14.Octombrie 2013
Dropped Item Chart

13.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013
Patch für die japanische NTSC Version (XPS) .

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