Dragon Quest 4

Dragon Quest 4

15.10.2013 19:00:26
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒNƒGƒXƒg IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix

Chapter 5 Translation Guide

Version 1.5 12/23/01

By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com)

Before I get 11023412341234 emails asking, *Yes* you can choose to
manually control the other regular party members in this. Get into a battle,
choose the middle option (Sakusen), then choose the bottom option, then finally
choose the battle strategy on the bottom-right. Everyone will be under manual
Also, Torneko/Taloon still does the random things while in fights, no
matter what Tactic you give him.
I have found a Whip-type weapon in the game; you can get a Gringam Whip
from the Medal King after finding 60 Small Medals, but I have only found 52.

Version 1.0 12/09/01-Guide started for Chapter 5.
Moved the Quick Summary to above the monster list.
Added a Monster Picture Book section. Added a Gold
Vault section. Quick Summary/Mini Walkthrough complete
up through getting the ship.
Version 1.1 12/11/01-Guide/Mini Walkthrough complete through finding Brey,
Alena, Cristo, and Ryan/Ragnar.
Version 1.2 12/12/01-Guide/Mini Walkthrough complete through getting the
Tenkuu Helmet, Tenkuu Armor, Final Key, and Tenkuu
Shield. Included the Battle Order of spells during
fights as well (in the Spell section).
Version 1.3 12/14/01-Guide/Mini Walkthrough complete through getting the
Dryness Stone, Metal Babble Sword, Change Staff,
killing Esturk, finding the Gas Jar, the Tenkuu
Sword, and reaching Zenithia. Added some new info
about the Monster Picture Book.
Version 1.4 12/17/01-Guide/Mini Walkthrough complete through the end of
Chapter 5.
Version 1.5 12/23/01-Added the Return List and the Replacement option
translations for when you find the Wagon.

This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be
altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any
magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for
sale and is Copyright 2001 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on
your website or page, please e-mail me for permission

To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer
program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japan-
ese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Inter-
net explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding',
then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come
out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my
guides with Japanese in them correctly.


Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Chapter 5 Translation Guide.
In this guide are translations of the menu screen, item menus, status menus,
spell menus, strategy menus, and battle menus. Also in this guide are
translations of all the weapons, armor, items, spells, town shop info, and
monsters I have found while playing through Chapter 5.
A quick summary of what to do to get through Chapter 5 is also included.


Control Scheme

Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick
Move up, down, left, right

L1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise.
L2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise
by 45 degrees.
R1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise.
R2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise by 45
Triangle: Picks up pots and barrels; also used to talk to people automatic-
ally, and look through dressers.
Square: Zooms the camera way out while in a town. Also views the map (once
you have it) while on the overworld screen.
Circle: Accept button. Also opens the Command Window.
X: Cancel button. Gives the ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No) reply when asked a question
and this button is pushed. Goes back 1 page in some menus.
Select: Opens the ‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience) screen.
Start: If pushed while in a town or cave, the 3-D map will flip around to
its default position. Holding L1 and pushing R1 (or vice-versa)
does the same effect.


House of Healing Translations

When you visit a church, these are the options that appear:

‚¨‚¢‚Ì‚è‚ð‚·‚é: Oinori wo Suru (Save Game)
‚¨‚‚°‚ð‚«‚­: Otsuge wo Kiku (Inform)
‚¢‚«‚©‚¦‚点‚é: Ikikaeraseru (Revive)
‚Ç‚­‚Ì‚¿‚è‚傤: Doku no Chiryou (Poison Treatment)
‚Ì‚ë‚¢‚ð‚Æ‚­: Noroi wo Toku (Undo Curse)
‚â‚ß‚é: Yameru (Cancel)

If you choose to save the game, the priest double checks if that is what
you want to do. Reply with ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes) if you want to save, or say ‚¢‚¢‚¦:
Iie (No) if you do not want to. If you do say no, the priest asks if you want
to still play. If you didn't save, I wouldn't recommend saying you want to
take a break; you'd have to redo everything since the last time you did save.
Reply to his first question with ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes), and he asks which
memory card slot you want to use. Reply with Slot 1 or Slot 2. Save over
whatever empty/current file you have, then he asks if you want to keep playing.

What Inform does is simply say how much more experience everyone in the
party needs until they reach their next level.

Revive will bring dead party members back to life, but for a price.

Poison Treatment will cure ‚Ç‚­: Doku (Poison) status.

Undo Curse will remove a cursed item from a party member. Note that when
a cursed item is removed, it is destroyed in the process.

Cancel will exit the menu.


ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE: Komandouindou (Command Window)

Hit the Circle button to open up the command window. The six options that
appear are:

Note-a ** means there are more options that open when you select that

‚Í‚È‚·: Hanasu (Talk) ‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ: Jumon (Magic)
**‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Item) ‚µ‚ç‚ׂé: Shiraberu (Search)
**‚‚悳: Tsuyosa (Status) **‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Strategy)

‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Item Bag) Translations

Choose a character, and then hit the Circle button on the item in
question, and another menu pops up. The translations for those are
as follows:
‚‚©‚¤: Tsukau (Use item)
‚킽‚·: Watasu (Move item up or down in list)
‚Ý‚¹‚é: Miseru (Show: Torneko will appraise the item in question)
‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip the item if you can)
‚·‚Ä‚é: Suteru (Throw the item away; once its thrown, its gone!)
‚â‚ß‚é: Yameru (Cancel)

In Chapter 5, there is a ‚Ó‚­‚ë: Fukuro (Item Bag) place extra items in
there so each character's personal inventory is not clogged up.

‚‚悳: Tsuyosa (Status) Translations

When you choose this command, you can choose an individual char-
acter, or choose the bottom option, ‚º‚É‚ñ: Zenin, which shows a
'quick list' of all party members' current/max hp, current/max mp,
their current experience level, and the amount of time the game has been
Now choose an individual character, and the stats are translat-
ed as follows:

| Name | Amount of Gold |
|Character Type |--------------------------------------------|
| Sex | ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Power) |
| Exp. Level | ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility) |
------------------ ‚½‚¢‚è‚å‚­: Tairyoku (Vitality) |
|Weapon equipped | ‚©‚µ‚±‚³: Kashikosa (Intelligence) |
|Armor equipped | ‚¤‚ñ‚̂悳: Un no Yosa (Luck) |
|Shield equipped | ‚±‚¤‚°‚«—Í: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) |
|Helmet equipped | ‚µ‚ã‚Ñ—Í: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) |
|Decoration eqpd | ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢HP: Saidai HP (Max HP) |
-----------------| ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢MP: Saidai MP (Max MP) |
| Ex: Current Experience Points |

Note-‚±‚¤‚°‚«—Í: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) is figured by the
characters' ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength) + the attack power of their
equipped weapon, and ‚µ‚ã‚Ñ—Í: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) is figur-
ed by the defense power of their equipped armor, shield, helmet,
decoration (if it applies) plus 50% of their Agility rating.


‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Strategy) Translations

When you open this menu, these options pop up. The translations
for these are to the best of my knowledge, so if anyone out there
knows what the last option does, please email and I will give you
credit for it.

‚à‚ñ‚½‚ñ: Montan (Use Heal spells to heal everyone to full HP)
‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip weapons and armor)
‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ‚ª‚¦: Sakusengae (Change Tactics)
‚È‚ç‚Ñ‚©‚¦: Narabikae (Change party order)
‚Ç‚¤‚®‚¹‚¢‚è: Douguseiri (Item Arrange-puts all unequipped items into
the ‚Ó‚­‚ë: Fukuro/Item Bag)
‚Ó‚­‚낹‚¢‚è: Fukuroseiri (Item Bag Arrange)
‚µ‚ã‚ׂ‚¶‚ã‚ñ: Shubetsujun (Arrange by type)
‚ ‚¢‚¤‚¦‚¨‚¶‚ã‚ñ: Aiueojun (Arrange alphabetically)
‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience)


‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience) Translations

‚Ú‚¤‚¯‚ñ‚µ‚½ŽžŠÔ: Boukenshita Jikan (Adventure time) ŽžŠÔ: Hours •ª: Min.
í“¬‰ñ”: Sentou Kaisuu (Number of battles)
‚½‚¨‚µ‚½•C”: Taoshitahikisuu (Number of monsters fought)
‘SŠl“¾ƒS[ƒ‹ƒh: Zenkakutoku Go-rudo (Acquired gold)
Ÿ—˜‰ñ”: Shouri Kaisuu (Number of battle victories)
‘S–ʼnñ”: Zenmetsu Kaisuu (Number of times the party has been defeated)
“¦‘–‰ñ”: Tousou Kaisuu (Number of times the party has fled)
ˆêŒ‚Å‘åƒ_ƒ[ƒW: Ichigeki Saidai Dame-ji (Highest single attack damage)
}ŠÓŠ®¬‚Ü‚Å: Zukankanseimade (Pictures until completion of Monster Book)


Battle Screen Translations

When you get into a fight, the battle menu on the bottom left looks like

‚½‚½‚©‚¤: Tatakau (Fight)
‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Tactics)
‚¢‚ê‚©‚¦: Irekae (Replacement)-Only available if you have the Wagon.
‚É‚°‚é: Nigeru (Flee)

If you hit Left or Right on the directional pad or the left analog stick,
the game asks if you want to change the message speed. Hit the Circle button
if you want to, hit Left, Right, or the X button if you don't want to.
The default message speed is 4. 1 is the fastest, while 8 is the slowest.
If you choose to ‚½‚½‚©‚¤: Tatakau (Fight), another window opens up. This is
the Fight Command menu.

| Character's Name | |
|-------------------| Monster name |
| ‚±‚¤‚°‚« ‚Ç‚¤‚® | |
| ‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ ‚»‚¤‚Ñ |---------------------|
| ‚Ú‚¤‚¬‚傤 ‚É‚°‚é |

‚±‚¤‚°‚«: Kougeki (Attack) ‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Use item)
‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ: Jumon (Spell) ‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip)
‚Ú‚¤‚¬‚傤: Bougyou (Defend) ‚É‚°‚é: Nigeru (Flee)

‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Tactics)

This is the menu used to change the AI tactics of the other characters
aside from the hero.

The screen displays each characters name in the current battle party on
the left, and their current tactic to the right of their name. If you want
everyone to have the same tactic, choose the ‚º‚ñ‚¢‚ñ ‚Ö‚ñ‚±‚¤: Zenin Henkou
(All Change) option underneath the names.
When you choose either an individual character, or the All Change option,
these six tactics will appear:

ƒKƒ“ƒKƒ“‚¢‚­‚í‚æ: Ganganikuwayo ƒoƒbƒ`ƒŠ‚ª‚ñ‚΂ê: Bacchiriganbare
‚킽‚µ‚É‚Ü‚©‚¹‚Ä: Watashinimakasete ‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ‚Í‚â‚ß‚Ä: Jumonhayamete
‚¢‚Ì‚¿‚¾‚¢‚¶‚É: Inochidaijini ‚ß‚¢‚ê‚¢‚·‚é‚í‚æ: Meireisuruwayo

ƒKƒ“ƒKƒ“‚¢‚­‚í‚æ: Ganganikuwayo (All-Out)
When this tactic is used, the other party members go
all-out in offense. They will use their most powerful
spells, and healing is a low priority. This was the
'Offensive' tactic in the NES version.

‚킽‚µ‚É‚Ü‚©‚¹‚Ä: Watashinimakasete (Leave it to Me)
When this tactic is used, the other party members will
concentrate on making the Hero as strong and healthy as
possible. Enemies are rarely (if ever) attacked.

‚¢‚Ì‚¿‚¾‚¢‚¶‚É: Inochidaijini (Life is Precious?)
Defensive Tactic. Healing and increasing Defense Power is
a high priority with this tactic. This was the 'Defensive'
tactic in the NES version.

ƒoƒbƒ`ƒŠ‚ª‚ñ‚΂ê: Bacchiriganbare (Do your Best)
This was the 'Normal' tactic in the NES version. Balanced
offense and defense.

‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ‚Í‚â‚ß‚Ä: Jumonhayamete (Use no Spells)
This was the 'Use no MP' tactic in the NES version. Only
regular attacks (and some items) are used.

‚ß‚¢‚ê‚¢‚·‚é‚í‚æ: Meireisuruwayo (Follow Orders)
This is the tactic that many people have hoped for. Well,
here it is. This is the manual control for the character.

‚¢‚ê‚©‚¦: Irekae (Replacement)
This is the option that lets you switch party members in battle.
It is only available if you have the wagon with you.

If you choose this option, three more options appear. They are:

‚¢‚ê‚©‚¦: Irekae (Replacement) Choose this option, then choose the name
of the character that you want to take out from the party, then
choose the name of the character you want to switch them with.
‚»‚¤‚ª‚¦: Sougae (Switch) Choose this option to change more than one, or
all of the party members. Choose ‚¨‚í‚è: Owari (End) if you want
less than 4 members.
‚Ý‚é: Miru (Look) Choose this option to go through what spells each
character currently has, and what items and equipment are in their


ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[}ŠÓ: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture Book)

This item is not found until Chapter 5. It displays all of the monsters
so far fought in the game up to the point you are at. It also displays various
information about each monster. Here is a sample page and its translations.
If you want to fight more of the rarer/past chapter only monsters, return to
the cave in the well east of ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru. You can fight such monsters as
Minons, Red Slimes, Well Lures, Hell Beetles, Numbness Swords, and Cannibal
Chests. Also the higher-level Slimes that form into the King Slime can be
fought here as well.

6: (Monster Number) Total times this monster has been fought.
‚¢‚½‚¸‚ç‚à‚®‚ç: Name of monster How much Experience killing one is worth.
Total Exp. gained by killing this monster.
How much Gold killing one is worth.
Total Gold gained by killing this monster.
Monster's Picture # of times this monster dropped an item.
Hit the Circle Name of item dropped by monster.
or Triangle Lowest Level this monster was killed:
Buttons to cycle Level x
through their
various animations.

Some new info: it appears that once 20 of an enemy has been killed, the
name of the item in their treasure chest will be included in their info.
Getting a treasure chest from them before killing 20 of them reveals what they
have as well.


The Gold Vault

Due to her husband's absence, ƒlƒl: Nene had to change Torneko's shop into
a Gold Vault. She can keep the party's money safe here. Deposit or Withraw
Gold in increments of 1000.
If the party is defeated, half of the current Gold is taken away. No gold
that is in the vault is deducted from. Talk to Nene, and the three options
that you're given are:

‚ ‚¸‚¯‚é: Azukeru (Deposit)
‚Ђ«‚¾‚·: Hikidasu (Withdraw)
‚â‚ß‚é: Yameru (Cancel)


ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return) List

This is the list of the towns/places you can visit by casting the
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return).

Page 1

ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒJ: Buranka (Branka)/Branca
ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor)
ƒ{ƒ“ƒ‚[ƒ‹: Bonmo-ru (Bonmoru)/Bonmalmo
ƒAƒlƒCƒ‹: Aneiru/Aneaux
ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi)/Konenber

Page 2

ƒƒ_ƒ‹‰¤‚̏é: Medaruou no Shiro (Medal King's Castle)
ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu (Mintos)
ƒ\ƒŒƒbƒ^: Soretta
ƒLƒ“ƒOƒŒƒI: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon
ƒnƒoƒŠƒA: Habaria (Havaria)/Haville

Page 3

ƒ‚ƒ“ƒo[ƒoƒ‰: Monba-bara (Monbaraba)/Monbarba
ƒTƒ“ƒgƒnƒCƒ€: Santohaimu (Santhaim)/Santeem
ƒeƒ“ƒy: Tenpe (Tenpe)/Tempe
ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒVƒAƒ‰: Sutanshiara (Stanciara)/Stancia
ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando)/Burland

Page 4

ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru (Imuru)/Izmit
ƒK[ƒfƒ“ƒuƒ‹ƒO: Ga-denburugu (Gardenburg)/Gardenbur
ƒƒUƒŠ[ƒqƒ‹: Rozari-hiru (Rosaly Hill)/Rosaville
ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside)/Riverton
ƒfƒXƒpƒŒƒX: Desuparesu (Death Palace)/Dire Palace

Page 5

ƒAƒbƒeƒ€ƒg: Attemuto/Aktemto
ƒSƒbƒgƒTƒCƒh: Gottosaido (Gottside)
“V‹óé: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle)
‚«‚Ú‚¤‚Ì‚Ù‚±‚ç: Kibou no Hokora (Hope Shrine)


Chapter 5: The Chosen Ones

Quick Summary #1: The Hero's Journey Begins

1-Start in the Hero's hometown, and talk to everyone in town.
2-Return home and tell the Hero's mother that you are ready to eat.
3-Hide from the invading monsters. The man leading the Hero to the secret
room will give you the ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[}ŠÓ: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture
Book). The Hero's best friend ƒVƒ“ƒVƒA: Shinshia (Cynthia) will use her
ƒ‚ƒVƒƒƒX: Moshasu (Transform) spell to assume the guise of the Hero and
get killed.
4-Leave the ruined Hero's hometown and head south to the woodsman's house
5-Walk south to the town of ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒJ: Buranka (Branka)/Branca.
6-Travel southwest from Branka to the cave to ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor).
7-Exit the cave, re-enter, and exit the other side. Keep repeating this
until you are the 1000th person to cross the cave. (It took me about
4 trips back and forth.) Supposedly, the guard gives you either $2000,
or you get 2000 extra Casino Coins, but I got neither when I was the
1000th person. Oh well.
8-Enter Endor, and talk to ƒ~ƒlƒA: Minea/Nara. She'll join the Hero.
9-Go to the Casino with Minea/Nara, and talk to ƒ}[ƒjƒƒ: Ma-nya/Mara.
She'll join the party as well.
10-Go up to the Coliseum in Endor to view the wedding of ƒŠƒbƒN: Rikku (Rick)
and ƒ‚ƒjƒJ: Monika (Monica) (optional).
11-Visit ƒ{ƒ“ƒ‚ƒ‹: Bonmoru/Bonmalmo and ƒŒƒCƒNƒiƒo: Reikunaba
(Leikunaba)/Lukanaba to the north (optional).
open the chests you (hopefully) left behind (optional).
13-Travel east from Branka, and enter the cave.
14-Find the ‚µ‚ñ‚¶‚éS: Shinjirukokoro (Faith Heart) inside the cave.
15-Enter the cabin near the desert (southeast of Branka), and speak to
ƒzƒtƒ}ƒ“: Hofuman (Hoffman). With the Faith Heart in your possession,
he will learn to trust others again. He then joins the party and gives
you the wagon.
16-Head south across the desert to the town of ƒAƒlƒCƒ‹: Aneiru/Aneaux.
17-Walk south to the town of ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi)/Konenber.
18-Go east from Konanberi, and enter the lighthouse. Tell Torneko that
you'll defeat the monster at the top of the lighthouse for him.
19-Find the ¹‚È‚éŽí‰Î: Seinarushuhi (Holy Type Fire) in the Lighthouse,
and use it on the black flame at the top.
20-Return to Konanberi- and talk to Torneko at the ship dock. He'll join
the party, and you'll have a ship as well.

Quick Summary #2: Finding the Chosen Ones

1-From Konanberi-, sail south and enter the town of ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu
(Mintos). Hoffman will leave the party at this time, but will leave the
wagon with you.
2-Get the ‚½‚©‚ç‚Ì’n}: Takara no Chizu (Treasure Map) from the old man at
the center of town. Reply ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No) to his first question, then
reply with a ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes) to his second question to receive it.
3-Enter the Inn in Mintos, and go upstairs. Talk to ƒuƒ‰ƒC: Burai (Brey),
and he will tell the party of ƒNƒŠƒtƒg: Kurifuto/Cristo's plight, then
join the party if you agree to search for ƒAƒŠ[ƒi•P: Ari-na hime (Princess
4-Sail southwest of Mintos, and down the river on the island there to enter
the town of ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside). Buy the ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒLƒ‰[:
Doragonkira- (Dragon Killer) for the Hero if you can afford it (optional).
5-Return to Mintos, and travel east/southeast to the castle of ƒ\ƒŒƒbƒ^:
6-Go southwest of Soretta and enter the cave there. Find the
ƒpƒfƒLƒA‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Padekia no Tane (Padekia Seed) inside the cave.
7-Return to Soretta, and show the Padekia Seed to the King. He will give
the party a ƒpƒfƒLƒA‚Ì‚Ë‚Á‚±: Padekia no Nekko (Padekia Root) when it
grows instantly.
8-Use the Padekia Root on ƒNƒŠƒtƒg: Kurifuto/Cristo in Mintos to heal him.
Both he and ƒAƒŠ[ƒi: Ari-na/Alena will join the party.
9-Sail west from Mintos until you hit land. Walk southwest until you see
the town of ƒS[ƒ~ƒY: Go-mizu (Gormizu)/Kievs from Chapter 4.
10-Go to the cave west of Gormizu/Kievs, and search the treasure chest that
had the ‚â‚݂̃‰ƒ“ƒv: Yami no Ranpu (Dark Lamp) inside it; you'll find a
switch that, when pushed, will reveal another set of stairs that leads to
the ‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚̃JƒM: Mahou no Kagi (Magic Key).
11-With the Magic Key in hand, travel north from Gormizu/Kievs to
ƒLƒ“ƒOƒŒƒI: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon Castle, and enter.
12-Find ƒ‰ƒCƒAƒ“: Raian (Ryan)/Ragnar from Chapter 1, and kill
ƒLƒ“ƒOƒŒƒI: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon. Ryan/Ragnar will then complete
the party.
13-Warp to ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor) and sail south. A solitary shrine
is right below the town. Enter it if you want to level up to beat Balzack
a little easier. ‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹: Haguremetaru (Metal Babble)s can be found
in the dungeon area, but there are some other strong monsters here as well

Quick Summary #3: The Final Key

1-Sail to the island at the northwest corner of the map (north from Santhaim
or southwest from Monbarbara). Make your way to the castle there.
2-Once in the castle of ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒVƒAƒ‰: Sutanshiara (Stanciara)/Stancia, speak
to the King.
3-The King will give anyone who can make him laugh the ‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚©‚Ô‚Æ:
Tenkuu no Kabuto (Sky) Helmet, but no matter who you have tell
jokes, he will not laugh. Return to Monbabara.
4-In Monbabara, speak to the comedian, ƒpƒmƒ“: Panon. He will join the
5-Back in Stanshiara, put Panon in the lead of the party, then talk to the
King. Panon will convince him to give the Sky Helmet to the party.
Equip it to the Hero. After leaving Stanshiara, Panon will leave the
6-Sail west from Stanshiara. The castle on the small island is where the
Medal King lives. Give the Small Medals you find throughout the game to
him for prizes. Sail north, and enter the cave.
7-The monsters in this cave are tough, but if you can live through it, you
will find the ‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tenkuu no Yoroi (Sky Armor).
8-Warp back to ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒVƒAƒ‰: Sutanshiara (Stanshiara) and sail south to reach
ƒTƒ“ƒgƒnƒCƒ€: Santohaimu (Santhaim) Castle.
9-Make your way up to the throne room and talk to ƒoƒ‹ƒUƒbƒN+: Baruzakku
(Balzack+). Kill him, and you can enter the treasure room downstairs that
was guarded by a flame.
10-After killing Balzack+, open all of the chests in the treasure room.
One chest has the ‚ ‚â‚©‚µ‚Ì“J: Ayakashi no Fue (Uncover Flute) and
another has the ƒ}ƒOƒ}‚̏ñ: Maguma no Tsue (Magma Staff) inside.
11-Warp to ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside), then go around the western
coast of the island, then sail south until you hit land. You should see
a river inlet going south/southwest. Follow it until you see a forest to
the north. Walk north until you see a town. Enter the town of ƒCƒ€ƒ‹:
Imuru (Imuru)/Izmit from Chapter 1.
12-In Imuru/Izmit, rest at the Inn. The party should have a dream where an
elf is shown in a tower, than a strange man is shown blowing a flute.
Remember where the man plays the flute, as you'll need to use your
Uncover Flute to reach her in the real world. Both the man and the female
elf play a vital role to the game's story.
13-Leave the town of Imuru/Izmit, and walk back to the ship, but exit on the
south side of the river and walk south to the castle of ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh:
Batorando (Batlando)/Burland from Chapter 1 (optional).
14-Warp to ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi) and sail past the lighthouse.
Follow the river upstream right after it and you'll see a village. Enter
the village of ƒƒUƒŠ[ƒqƒ‹: Rozari-hiru (Rosary Hill)/Rosaville.
15-Use the ‚ ‚â‚©‚µ‚Ì“J: Ayakashi no Fue (Uncover Flute) while standing on
the strange tile in front of the door to the tower, just like in the
dream. You'll be sent into the tower's hidden area.
16-Talk to the guard blocking the way. He will fight. Kill the
ƒsƒTƒƒiƒCƒg: Pisaronaito (Pisaro Knight)/Saroknight. He will drop the
‚¹‚¢‚¶‚á‚­‚Ì‹Ê: Seijaku no Tama (Silence Ball).
17-Talk to ƒƒUƒŠ[: Rozari- (Rosaly). She will tell the party that a man
by the name of ƒsƒTƒ: Pisaro wants to envelop the world in darkness by
using monsters, and is becoming one himself (with the name of Death
Pisaro). She then begs for the party to stop him before his evil dreams
are realized, then cries Ruby Teardrops. They crumble in the party's
hands. Warp to Imuru/Izmit or Batlando/Burland.
18-Board the ship once more, and sail east until the river ends. Exit the
ship on the southern coast and follow the valley until you enter a dark
brown mountain.
19-At the dark brown mountain, make your way to the end then use the
ƒ}ƒOƒ}‚̏ñ: Maguma no Tsue (Magma Staff). The power of the staff will
come out, and will open a path for the party to go through. Don't forget
to pick the Magma Staff up again after using it. Make your way to the
castle beyond the dark brown mountain. Enter ƒK[ƒfƒ“ƒuƒ‹ƒO: Ga-denburugu
20-In Gardenburg, enter the room on the right side of the floor with a
minstrel snooping through a dresser. Talk to him, and he'll tell you to
search the dresser for something good, then run out. Search the dresser,
and you'll find nothing. The nun from below the room will dart in, and
accuse the party of stealing her ƒuƒƒ“ƒY‚̏\Žš‰Ë: Buronzu no Jujika
(Bronze Crucifix). You will be taken to jail, then the Queen.
21-The Queen will ask the party if you stole the Bronze Crucifix; reply with
‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No). Her second question asks if someone else took it, reply
with ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes). She will then let the party find the 'true' thief,
but will keep one party member in prison. Talk to the woman soldier near
the stairs if you want to change the party member in prison. When you're
all set, exit the castle and go to the cave to the southeast.
22-Find the real thief, ‚Æ‚¤‚¼‚­ƒoƒRƒ^: Touzokubakota (Thief Bakota) in the
cave. Search him while he is sleeping to find the Bronze Crucifix.
He'll wake up and run. Catch him, and he'll attack. Beat him and a
Gardenburg soldier will come to arrest him. The ‚¹‚¢‚¶‚á‚­‚Ì‹Ê: Seijaku no
Tama (Silence Ball) is a helpful item to use against him. Grab the
‚µ‚Á‚Õ‚¤‚̃oƒ“ƒ_ƒi: Shippuu no Bandana (Gale Bandana) while in his lair as
23-Return to Gardenburg Castle and speak to the Queen. She will pardon the
party and give you the ‚³‚¢‚²‚̃JƒM: Saigo no Kagi (Final Key). Go down
the stairs in the top-right corner and open the chest there to find the
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tenkuu no Tate (Sky Shield). Don't forget to free the
imprisoned party member before you leave.

Quick Summary #4: Treasure Hunting

1-Now that you have the Final Key, you can go back to earlier parts of the
game and get a couple of new items. There are chests/places to search in
these towns:
ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒJ: Buranka/Branca-Three chests in a locked part of the castle. They
contain an ‚¢‚Ì‚è‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring), $350,
and a Small Medal.
ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru/Endor-Actually this part can be done with just the
Magic Key, but now would be a better time (money-wise) to do it.
Head to the castle, and take one of the doors on the side.
Before taking the stairs going down at the end, turn to the side
and you'll see a Magic Key door. Go through that, and take the
stairs going down. Follow the underground passage and you'll be
in a treasure room. The chests there have a ‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ë:
Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed), the ‚à‚ë‚͂̂‚邬: Moroha no
Tsurugi (Double-Edged Sword), and a Small Medal. Go up the
stairs, then fall off at the top of the building. Re-enter the
building from the regular door to find a secret shop in town that
sells the strongest armor in the game, the ‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹‚æ‚ë‚¢:
Haguremetaruyoroi (Metal Babble Armor). If you enter the castle
at night, you can open up some treasure chests in the royal
bedroom as well. The dresser on the right in the treasure room
has a Small Medal, while the chests themselves contain a
ƒsƒ“ƒN‚̃ŒƒIƒ^[ƒh: Pinku no Reota-do (Pink Leotard) and some
‚ ‚݃^ƒCƒc: Amitaitsu (Net Tights).
ƒ{ƒ“ƒ‚[ƒ‹: Bonmo-ru/Bonmalmo Jail-Search the pot in the cell on the bottom
left to find a Small Medal.
ƒŒƒCƒNƒiƒo: Reikunaba/Lukanaba-Go downstairs in the weapon shop and open
the chests. One has a ‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Chikara no Tane (Strength
Seed), another has the ‚±‚¨‚è‚Ì‚â‚¢‚Î: Koori no Yaibe (Ice
Blade), and the last one has a measley ‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama
(Chain Sickle).
ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi)-Go up to the 2nd floor of the Inn and
open the chest in the locked room to find the ‚Ý‚È‚²‚낵‚ÌŒ•:
Minagoroshi no Ken (Massacre Sword).
ƒnƒoƒŠƒA: Habaria (Havaria)-Enter the jail on the east side of town and
search each pot in the three cells. The pot in the cell on the
left and on the right both have a Small Medal in them.
ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando)-The treasure room in this castle can be
cleaned out when you have the Thief Key, I just get it at the
same time as these others.
Sail to the village west of ƒŒƒCƒNƒiƒo: Reikunaba (Leikunaba)/Lekanaba,
then walk south the the cave that had the Golden Bracelet in Chapter 2.
Search the chest that had the Bracelet, and hit the button inside. Go
down the new set of stairs and open the chest to find an ‚¢‚©‚¸‚¿‚̏ñ:
Ikazuchi no Tsue (Thunder Staff).
2-Warp to ƒAƒbƒeƒ€ƒg: Attemuto (Attemto)/Aktemto then sail north. You should
hit a new village by the ocean on the east side of the island. Enter the
ŠC•Ó‚Ì‘º: Umibe no Mura (Seashore Village). Not much is here, but if you
enter the village during nighttime and look at the beach, you'll see a
small (and rather peculiar) part of the submerged beach repelling water.
Search that spot during the daytime to find the ‚©‚í‚«‚̐Î: Kawaki no
Ishi (Dryness Stone). Warp to ƒƒUƒŠ[ƒqƒ‹: Rozari-hiru (Rosaly Hill).
3-Board the ship and sail south down the river, then exit the ship after
going past the mountains. Follow the mountains northward, and you'll see
a cave. Enter the Waterfall Cave.
4-Find the Žž‚̍»: Toki no Suna (Time Sand) and ‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹‚ÌŒ•:
Haguremetaru no Ken (Metal Babble Sword), then leave.

Quick Summary #5: The Revival of the Ruler of Evil

1-Warp to Endor, then sail south and enter the Royal Crypt (shrine just
south of Endor; where you fought Metal Babbles earlier). Find the
‚Ö‚ñ‚°‚̏ñ: Henge no Tsue (Change Staff), then leave.
2-Warp to ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside) and exit to the southeast of
the town. Enter the giant statue.
3-Make your way through the Colossus. At the top, fall off through the
right eye of the Colussus to land on the right hand (without the treasure
chest), then pull the lever at the end to reach the shrine at the other
4-Walk eastward from the Colossus to the castle. Enter the Monster's Castle,
ƒfƒXƒpƒŒƒX: Desuparasu (Death Palace). Use the ‚Ö‚ñ‚°‚̏ñ: Henge no Tsue
(Change Staff) to assume the form of a monster so you are not attacked.
Follow the little green Minidemon walking to the meeting room. The meeting
room looks like this:

-: Empty Chair
|: Table
x: Monster
X: Bengal
o: Your Seat

-|- x|-
-|x X|-
-|x o|-
-|- -|-

Talk to the Bengal (X) and he will tell you to sit behind him (o). Posi-
tion the leader of the party at the (o) seat, and wait a few seconds.
ƒfƒXƒsƒTƒ: Desupisaro (Death Pisaro) will appear and tell everyone that
the ’n–‚̒鉤ƒGƒXƒ^[ƒN: Jigoku no Teiou Esuta-ku (Hell Sovereign Esturk)
has been found in the mining town of ƒAƒbƒeƒ€ƒg: Attemuto/Atemto. He then
leaves along with some monsters. Hurry to Atemto and put an end to his
new reign.
5-Warp to ƒAƒbƒeƒ€ƒg: Attemuto/Aktemto and enter the mine. In the depths of
the mine, find and kill ƒGƒXƒ^[ƒN: Esuta-ko (Esturk). ƒfƒXƒsƒTƒ:
Desupisaro (Death Pisaro) will appear, and be totally shocked at the death
of Esturk. A minidemon will appear and tell him that Rosaly has been
kidnapped by humans as well. He'll then teleport away, furious.
6-Walk back to that chest guarded by a flame monster and take the
ƒKƒX‚̂‚Î: Gasu no Tsuba (Gas Jar).
7-Warp to ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside) and give the man in the house
below the Inn the Gas Jar to create the Hot-Air Balloon. Answer ‚Í‚¢: Hai
(Yes) to both of his questions, then stay at an Inn. Return to him, and
he'll have the Balloon ready for you.
8-Warp to ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru/Izmit and stay at the Inn to have a dream and witness
ƒƒUƒŠ[: Rozari- (Rosaly) being beaten to death for her Ruby Tears.
ƒsƒTƒ: Pisaro arrives and kills the cruel humans, but it is too late.
She begs him not to blame all humanity for what has happened to her, but
he finally cracks. His fate is sealed as Rosaly dies (optional).

Quick Summary #6: Reaching “V‹ó‚̏é: Tenkuu no Jou (Sky Castle)

1-Fly the Balloon over to the big 'X' on the map (north of Soretta) and
enter the large tree. Remove 1 party member before entering; you have to
have 3 or less in the current party to get through the 'dungeon' part of
the tree.
2-Buy ‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Chikara no Tate (Strength Shield)s for 3 party members
before going to the 'dungeon' area (optional).
3-Search while standing on the leafy areas of the tree to find a
‚¹‚©‚¢‚¶‚ã‚Ì—t: Sekaiju no Ha (World Leaf). The World Leaf will revive
a dead party member, but you can only hold 1 at a time (from the tree).
If you use it, search the leafy area again for another (optional).
4-Find the ‚µ‚á‚­‚Ó‚­‚̏ñ: Shakufuku no Tsue (Restoration Staff) in a
chest while exploring the tree (optional).
5-Talk to the injured woman at the tree, ƒ‹[ƒVƒA: Ru-shia (Lucia). She
will join the party if you have 3 or less members in the current one.
If you have 4, you'll have to leave the tree and come back with 3 or less
in order for her to join the party.
6-Find the ‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚̂‚邬: Tenkuu no Tsurugi (Sky Sword) at the top of the
tree, then leave.
7-Warp to ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi) then fly west to an island
surrounded by shoals. Land on the island, and you'll be in
a new area not on the world map. There is a cave, a tower, a shrine, and
a town here. Go to the town of ƒSƒbƒgƒTƒCƒh: Gottosaido (Gottside) to the
east of where you land and rest.
8-If you walk north from the town, then go up to that small, hilly peninsula
(looks almost like a finger pointing or the ƒP symbol) and walk back and
forth in that area, you can sometimes fight ƒƒ^ƒ‹ƒLƒ“ƒO: Metarukingu
(Metal King)/King Metals here, even 2 at once. If you can kill just one,
everyone will receive 30,010 experience points. This area is one of (if
not the) the best places to fight around and level up (optional).
9-Go to the shrine east of Gottside and find the ‚ß‚ª‚Ý‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Megami no
Yubiwa (Goddess Bracelet) and ƒoƒƒ“‚̂‚̂Ԃ¦: Baron no Tsunobue (Baron's
Horn) inside (optional).
10-Head south from Gottside, then enter the tower to the west. Make sure
the Hero has all four ‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤: Tenkuu (Sky) pieces of equipment.
11-Make your way through the tower to the end, where a cloud will send you
up to “V‹óé: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle)/Zenithia. At this point, Lucia
will leave the party now that she has arrived home. Explore the castle.
12-Talk to the Minidemon with all the plants, and it will give you a free
‚¹‚©‚¢‚¶‚ã‚Ì‚µ‚¸‚­: Sekaiju no Shizuku (World Dew). You can only have one
World Dew at a time from the Minidemon (optional).
13-Find Lucia and speak to her. To thank you for helping her out at the
World Tree, she lets a monster join the party. ƒhƒ‰ƒ“: Doran is the
final NPC that joins the party (optional).
14-Talk to ƒ}ƒXƒ^[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Masuta-doragon (Master Dragon). He will be
relieved to see the Hero, then darkness will shoot up from the earth.
A beam of darkness has penetrated part of the clouds. He will then give
the Hero 20,000 Experience points, and give power to the
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚̂‚邬: Tenkuu no Tsurugi (Sky Sword). Now, the sword has an
Attack Power of +110, and can be used as an item in battle to remove sta-
tus effects (see weapons guide).
15-Make your way to the hole that penetrated the clouds, and fall. Enter
the Final Cave. If you're having trouble finding the hole, go back to
where Lucia was and where Doran joined the party. Go out the door there,
and the hole is down and to the left of the doorway.

Quick Summary #7: Final Confrontation

1-Enter the Final Cave via the hole at “V‹óé: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle).
2-Make your way through the Final cave. Treasure chests/items found in the
cave include the ‚Ђ©‚è‚̃hƒŒƒX: Hikari no Doresu (Light Dress), Small
Medals, ‚قق¦‚݂̏ñ: Hohoemi no Tsue (Smile Staff), ‚Ü‚¶‚ñ‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Majin
no Yoroi (Devil Armor), ‚²‚¤‚¯‚‚̂¤‚Å‚í: Gouketsu no Udewa (Hero
Bracelet), ‚Ý‚¸‚Ì‚Í‚²‚ë‚à: Mizu no Hagoromo (Water Angel's Cloth), and
ƒ~ƒ‰[ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh: Mira-shi-rudo (Mirror Shield).
3-After going through the Final Cave, head south to the shrine. Walk up
to the flame, and it will turn into a Tenkuu woman. She will restore the
HP and MP for the party, and can save the game. This shrine will appear
on the Return spell list as ‚«‚Ú‚¤‚Ì‚Ù‚±‚ç: Kibou no Hokora (Hope Shrine).
4-If you walk north past the Final Cave, you will see Death Pisaro's Castle.
It is protected by an energy field, and the only way to remove it is to
visit the four shrines in each corner of the area, and beat the boss
inside. They can be tackled in any order, but for this guide I am going
to the southwestern one first, then clockwise.
5-Make your way southwest from Death Pisaro's Castle to the shrine and enter.
To get by the statues, you'll have to walk around them so they don't touch
you and throw you out. The statues that are stationary can block them if
you move correctly. Talk to the Balzack+ looking monster and he'll tell
you to look behind you for a gift. Turn around and he'll say "never turn
your back to an enemy!" and attack. You can also just talk to him twice
to fight. Kill the ƒMƒKƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“: Gigade-mon (Giga Demon), then leave.
6-Make your way to the shrine northwest of Death Pisaro's castle and enter.
Walk straight up to the boss, the ƒwƒ‹ƒoƒgƒ‰[: Herubatora- (Hell Battler)
and kill him. The boss will drop a ‚«‚¹‚«‚̂‚邬: Kiseki no Tsurugi
(Miracle Sword) in a chest once you beat it, just like in the old version.
Leave the shrine.
7-Now head to the tower that is northeast of Death Pisaro's Castle. You
can find ƒ]ƒ“ƒrƒƒCƒ‹: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) along the way to the top.
At the very top, there is a priest. Speak to him, and he will tell you
that it was he who ordered the death of Rosaly to (unbeknownst to
Pisaro) make Pisaro go over the edge and become humanity's enemy. What
a punk...kill him and his Small Ghoul cronies and avenge both Rosaly and
8-Walk to the final shrine that is southeast of Death Pisaro's castle.
Talk to the large dragon, and fight. Kill the 3 ƒAƒ“ƒhƒŒƒAƒ‹: Andorearu
(or more if they call for more) then leave. The shield will be gone with
all 4 bosses destroyed.
9-Enter Death Pisaro's Castle, and make your way through. Make sure to find
the ‚¯‚ñ‚¶‚á‚̐Î: Kenja no Ishi (Sage Stone) before leaving. You have to
move a statue in a hallway to find the secret doorway leading to the Sage
Stone. The ‚¢‚©‚¸‚¿‚̏ñ: Ikazuchi no Tsue (Thunder Staff) is also here.
10-After exiting Death Pisaro's Castle, use the ƒoƒƒ“‚̂‚̂Ԃ¦: Baron no
Tsunobue (Baron's Horn) to summon the wagon. Without using the Horn, the
wagon is left behind. Enter the volcano-looking area, and get ready for
the final battle.
11-Walk up to the throne, and ƒfƒXƒsƒTƒ: Desupisaro (Death Pisaro) will
speak, then attack. Kill him, and you've beaten the game.


–‚•¨‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Mamono no Risuto (Monster List)

This list was created in the order I fought monsters in (Chapter 5 monsters
only), and go by the same formula as everything else in the guide
(kana/romaji/translation), but also includes the US version of Dragonquest 4's
name. The HP totals are taken from my foldout poster that came with the US
version of the game on the NES. I know I'm missing about 4 or 5 enemies, but I
don't remember where/how to fight them. Sorry.

‚Í‚³‚Ý‚­‚킪‚½: Hasamikuwagata (Scissor Bug?)/Stag Beetle/HP: 9
ƒLƒŠƒLƒŠƒoƒbƒ^: Kirikiribatta (? Grasshopper)/Kaskos Hopper/HP: 8
ƒoƒuƒ‹ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Baburusuraimu (Bubble Slime)/Babble/HP: 12
ƒGƒAƒ‰ƒbƒg: Earatto (Air Rat)/Diverat/HP: 14
‚ЂƂ­‚¢‚»‚¤: Hitokuisou (Cannibal Plant)/Carnivore Plant/HP: 17
ƒzƒCƒ~ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Hoimisuraimu (Heal Slime)/Healer/HP: 16
‚Ç‚­‚₸‚«‚ñ: Dokuyazukin (Poison Arrow Hood)/Poison Arrop/HP: 17
ƒTƒ“ƒhƒ}ƒXƒ^[: Sandomasuta- (Sand Master)/HP: 30
ƒxƒr[ƒ}ƒWƒVƒƒƒ“: Bebi-majishan (Baby Magician)/Ozwarg/HP: 33
ƒsƒNƒV[: Pikushi- (Pixie)/HP: 29
ƒƒCƒW‚à‚à‚ñ‚¶‚á: Meijimomonja (Mage Momonja)/MageMonja/HP: 25
ƒLƒ‰[ƒXƒRƒbƒv: Kira-sukoppu (Killer Scoop)/Lethal Gopher/HP: 16
‚«‚è‚©‚Ô‚¨‚΂¯: Kirikabuobake (Stump Monster)/Demon Stump/HP: 21
ƒƒ‰ƒS[ƒXƒg: Merago-suto (Mera Ghost)/Blazeghost/HP: 12
‚Ý‚È‚ç‚¢‚ ‚­‚Ü: Minaraiakuma (Apprentice Devil)/Sizarmage/HP: 17
ƒ_ƒbƒNƒXƒrƒ‹: Dakkusubiru (Ducksbill)/HP: 22
‚«‚イ‚¯‚‚±‚¤‚à‚è: Kyuuketsukoumori (Blood-Sucking Bat)/Vampire Bat/HP: 25
ƒGƒŒƒtƒ[ƒo[: Erefuro-ba- (Elefrover)/HP: 28
‚¨‚¨‚É‚í‚Æ‚è: Ooniwatori (Big Chicken)/Giant Bantam/HP: 31
‚à‚à‚ñ‚¶‚á: Momonja (Momonja)/Monjar/HP: 10
‚Í‚¦‚¨‚Æ‚±: Haeotoko (Fly Man)/Flythrope/HP: 34
ƒƒ^ƒ‹ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Metarusuraimu (Metal Slime)/HP: 4
ƒeƒxƒ: Tebero (Thevro)/HP: 25
ƒxƒƒxƒ: Berobero (Licklick)/Liclick/HP: 43
‚¤‚炬‚肱‚¼‚¤: Uragirikozou (Treachous Youngster)/Tricksy Urchin/HP: 35
‚¨‚¨‚ß‚¾‚Ü: Oomedama (Big Eyeball)/Giant Eyeball/HP: 42
ƒfƒU[ƒgƒS[ƒXƒg: Deza-togo-suto (Desert Ghost)/Barrenth/HP: 55
‚³‚»‚èƒA[ƒ}[: Sasoria-ma- (Scorpion Armor)/Armor Scorpion/HP: 40
ƒAƒ[ƒCƒ“ƒv: Aro-inpu (Arrow Imp)/Arrop/HP: 27
ƒ_[ƒNƒhƒŠƒA[ƒh: Da-kudoria-do (Dark Doriard)/HP: 28
ƒvƒeƒ‰ƒmƒhƒ“: Puteranodon (Pteranodon)/HP: 41
ƒh[ƒh[‚Ç‚è: Do-do-dori (Dodo Bird/Chicken?)/Garcoil Rooster/HP: 52
‚³‚܂悤‚æ‚ë‚¢: Samayouyoroi (Wandering Armor)/Rogue Knight/HP: 54
‚³‚܂悤‚½‚Ü‚µ‚¢: Samayoutamashii (Wandering Soul)/Rogue Wisper/HP: 40
‚Ƃ炨‚Æ‚±: Toraotoko (Tiger Man)/Weretiger/HP: 50
‚ª‚¢‚±‚‚¯‚ñ‚µ: Gaikotsukenshi (Skeleton Fencer)/Skeleton/HP: 52
‚ЂƂ­‚¢ƒT[ƒxƒ‹: Hitokuisa-beru (Cannibal Sabre)/Grislysaber/HP: 29
ƒfƒrƒ‹ƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒg: Debirupuranto (Devil Plant)/Vileplant/HP: 37
ƒRƒhƒ‰: Kodora (Kordra)/HP: 32
‚Ù‚Ì‚¨‚Ì‚¹‚ñ‚µ: Hono'o no Senshi (Flame Soldier)/Flamer/HP: 75
‚Æ‚¤‚¾‚¢ƒ^ƒCƒK[: Toudaitaiga- (Lighthouse Tiger)/Lighthouse Bengal/HP: 70
ƒ}[ƒWƒ}ƒ^ƒ“ƒS: Ma-jimatango (Magi Mushroom)/Mage Toadstool/HP: 43
ƒƒ^ƒ‹ƒXƒR[ƒsƒIƒ“: Metarusuko-pion (Metal Scorpion)/HP: 42
ƒGƒrƒ‹ƒnƒ€ƒXƒ^[: Ebiruhamusuta- (Evil Hamster)/Viceter/HP: 35
‚³‚‚¶‚ñ‚¦‚¢: Satsujinei (Murder Ray)/Guzzle Ray/HP: 40
ƒgƒhƒ}ƒ“: Todoman (Sea Lion Man)/Sealthrope/HP: 150
ƒGƒrƒ‹ƒAƒ“ƒOƒ‰[: Ebiruangura- (Evil Angler)/Bangler/HP: 35
‚Ƃ‚°‚«‚¨‚¤: Totsugekiuo (Assault Fish)/Runamok Albacore/HP: 47
‚¶‚²‚­‚Ì‚´‚肪‚É: Jigoku no Zarigani (Hell Crayfish)/HP: 43
ƒsƒ‰ƒjƒAƒ“: Piranian/HP: 55
‚µ‚Ñ‚ê‚­‚ç‚°: Shibirekurage (Numbing Jellyfish)/Man O' War/HP: 40
‚½‚±‚Ü‚¶‚ñ: Takomajin (Octopus Devil)/HP: about 100
ƒ}ƒŠƒ“ƒ[ƒ€: Marinwa-mu (Marine Worm)/HP: about 70
‚µ‚Ñ‚ê‚ ‚ñ‚±‚¤: Shibireankou (Numbing Angler)/HP: about 75
‚­‚Ñ‚È‚ª‚è‚イ: Kubinagaryuu (Neck Dragon?)/Plesiosaur/HP: 48
ƒ}ƒbƒhƒ‹[ƒp[: Maddoru-pa- (Mud Looper?)/HP: about 70
ƒtƒ‰ƒCƒ“ƒOƒfƒX: Furaingudesu (Flying Death)/HP: about 92
ƒRƒ“ƒWƒƒƒ‰[: Konjara- (Conjurer)/HP: 38
ƒoƒ“ƒvƒhƒbƒN: Banpudokku (Vampdog)/HP: 38
ƒxƒr[ƒTƒ^ƒ“: Bebi-satan (Baby Satan)/Demonite/HP: 40
ƒCƒGƒeƒB: Ieti (Yeti)/Iceloth/HP: 75
‚ЂƂ­‚¢‚΂±: Hitokuibako (Cannibal Chest)/Man-Eater Chest/HP: 100
ƒIƒbƒNƒXƒxƒA: Okkusubea (Oxbear)/Bisonbear/HP: 80
‚µ‚è‚傤‚‚©‚¢: Shiryoutsukai (Phantom Messenger)/HP: 100
‚µ‚è‚傤‚Ì‚«‚µ: Shiryou no Kishi (Phantom Knight)/HP: 80
ƒuƒ‹ƒz[ƒN: Buruho-ku (Bluehawk)/Bisonhawk/HP: 52
‚¶‚²‚­‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Jigoku no Yoroi (Hell Armor)/Infurnus Knight/HP: 58
ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒr[ƒgƒ‹: Rariho-bi-toru (Sleep Beetle)/Somnabeetle/HP: 23
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒpƒs[: Doragonpapi- (Dragon Puppy)/Dragonpup/HP: 67
ƒxƒzƒ}ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Behomasuraimu (Heal All Slime)/Mighty Healer/HP: 60
ƒLƒ“ƒOƒŒƒI: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon/HP: about 950
ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒhƒ\[ƒh: Buraddoso-do (Blood Sword)/Hemasword/HP: 114
ƒeƒ‰ƒmƒoƒbƒg: Teranobatto (Tyranobat)/HP: 98
ƒnƒ“ƒoƒo: Hanbaba (Hambalba)/HP: 90
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒjƒbƒg: Doragonitto (Dragonit)/HP: 105
ƒrƒrƒ“ƒo[: Bibinba- (Bibinbar)/Bebanbar/HP: 100
‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹: Haguremetaru (Metal Babble)/HP: 5
ƒLƒ‰[ƒA[ƒ}[: Kira-a-ma- (Killer Armor)/Lethal Armor/HP: 64
‚΂­‚¾‚ñ‚¢‚í: Bakudaniwa (Bomb Rock)/Bomb Crag/HP: 300
ƒAƒCƒXƒRƒ“ƒhƒ‹: Aisukondoru (Ice Condor)/Chillanodon/HP: 85
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ_[: Doragonraida- (Dragon Rider)/HP: 141
‚µ‚É‚ª‚Ý: Shinigami (God of Death)/Necrodain/HP: 130
ƒvƒŒƒVƒIƒhƒ“: Pureshiodon (Plesiodon)/HP: 380
‚Í‚µ‚è‚Æ‚©‚°: Hashiritokage (First Lizard)/Podokesaur/HP: 114
ƒ~ƒXƒeƒŠƒh[ƒ‹: Misuterido-ru (Mystery Doll)/Mystic Doll/HP: 40
ƒTƒuƒiƒbƒN: Sabunakku (Savnuck)/HP: 80
‚¢‚Ç‚Ü‚Ë‚«: Idomaneki (Well Lure)/HP: about 100
ƒX‚؃Nƒeƒbƒg: Supekutetto (Spectet)/HP: 35
ƒTƒC‚¨‚Æ‚±: Saiotoko (Rhinoceros Man)/Rhinothrope/HP: 70
ƒoƒ‹ƒUƒbƒN+: Baruzakku+ (Balzack+)/HP: about 700 (Sister Fight song plays)
‚ ‚­‚Ü‚Ì‚·: Akuma no Su (Devil Nest)/Ouphnest/HP: 25
ƒ}ƒqƒƒƒhƒtƒ‰ƒC: Mahyadofurai (Icebolt Fly)/Snowjive/HP: 90
ƒeƒ‰ƒmƒU[ƒX: Teranoza-su (Tyranozaus)/Tyranosaur/HP: 90
ƒV[ƒ‰ƒCƒIƒ“: Shi-raion (Sea Lion)/HP: about 175
ƒsƒTƒƒiƒCƒg: Pisaronaito (Pisaro Knight)/Saroknight/HP: 800
ƒ{[ƒ“ƒiƒCƒg: Bo-nnaito (Bone Knight)/HP: 180
ƒxƒŒƒX: Beresu (Beleth)/HP: 125
ƒA[ƒNƒoƒbƒtƒ@ƒ[: A-kubaffaro- (Arch Buffalo)/Archbison/HP: 90
ƒ}ƒ“ƒ‹[ƒXƒ^[: Manru-suta- (Man Rooster)/Mantam/HP: 85
‚Æ‚¤‚¼‚­ƒoƒRƒ^: Touzokubakota (Thief Bakota)/Bakor/HP: 1000
ƒVƒƒ[ƒNƒ}ƒ“ƒ^: Sha-kumanta (Shark Manta)/HP: about 80
ƒ~ƒjƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“: Minide-mon (Minidemon)/HP: 95
ƒtƒ‹ƒXƒlƒCƒJ[: Furusuneika- (?)/Doolsnake/HP: 130
ƒoƒ‰ƒN[ƒ_: Baraku-da (Barracuda)/Balakooda/HP: 120
ƒŒƒCƒMƒK[ƒX: Reigiga-su (Ray Gigas)/Raygarth/HP: 98
ƒ_ƒSƒ“: Dagon (Tentagor)/HP: 300
‚¤‚¸‚µ‚¨ƒLƒ“ƒO: Uzushiokingu (Whirling Tides King)/Maelstrom/HP: 100
ƒ‰ƒCƒmƒ\ƒ‹ƒWƒƒ[: Rainosoruja- (Rhino Soldier)/Rhinoband/HP: 142
ƒWƒƒƒCƒAƒ“ƒgƒoƒbƒg: Jaiantobatto (Giant Bat)/Jumbat/HP: 113
ƒA[ƒ€ƒ‰ƒCƒIƒ“: A-muraion (Arm Lion)/Leonar/HP: 150
ƒJƒƒ“: Karon/HP: 110
ƒtƒFƒCƒXƒ{[ƒ‹: Feisubo-ru (Faceball)/Fury Face/HP: 130
ƒuƒŠƒU[ƒhƒ}ƒ“: Buriza-doman (Blizzard Man)/Blizag/HP: 85
ƒ~ƒ~ƒbƒN: Mimikku (Mimic)/HP: 190
ƒKƒIƒ“: Gaon (Maskan)/HP: 91
ƒ}ƒlƒ}ƒl: Manemane (Imitator)/Impostor/HP: 153
ƒxƒr[ƒTƒ‰ƒ}ƒ“ƒ_: Bebi-saramanda (Baby Salamander)/Baby Salamand/HP: 40
ƒ‰ƒCƒo[ƒ“: Raiba-n (Ryvern)/HP: 120
ƒƒ_ƒpƒjƒoƒbƒ^: Medapanibatta (Chaos Grasshopper)/Chaos Hopper/HP: 90
ƒAƒ“ƒNƒ‹ƒz[ƒ“: Ankuruho-n (Uncle? Horn)/Eigerhorn/HP: 250
ƒ‰ƒCƒmƒXƒLƒ“ƒO: Rainosukingu (Rhinos King)/Rhinoking/HP: 220
ƒGƒXƒ^[ƒN: Esuta-ku (Esturk)/HP: about 2500
ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€ƒxƒzƒ}ƒYƒ“: Suraimubehomazun (Slime Heal Us All)/King Healer/HP: 150
ƒOƒŠ[ƒ“ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Guri-ndoragon (Green Dragon)/HP: 143
ƒŒƒbƒhƒTƒCƒNƒƒ“: Reddosaikuron (Red Cyclone)/HP: 80
‚¶‚²‚­‚Ì‚à‚ñ‚΂ñ: Jigoku no Monban (Hell's Gate Watcher)/Infurnus
Sentinel/HP: 250
ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒ}[ƒW: Burakkuma-ji (Black Magi)/Wilymage/HP: 130
ƒI[ƒK[: O-ga- (Ogre)/HP: 210
ƒƒ^ƒ‹ƒLƒ“ƒO: Metarukingu (Metal King)/King Metal/HP: 7
‚â‚‚´‚«ƒAƒjƒ}ƒ‹: Yatsuzakianimaru (Man-Tearing Animal)/Ferocial/HP: 200
‚æ‚é‚Ì‚Ä‚¢‚¨‚¤: Yoru no Teiou (Night Emperor)/Noctabat/HP: 220
ƒg[ƒeƒ€ƒLƒ‰[: To-temukira- (Totem Killer)/Leaping Maskan/HP: 150
ƒsƒbƒgƒoƒCƒp[: Pittobaipa- (Pit Viper)/HP: 200
ƒr[ƒXƒg: Bi-suto (Beast)/Beastan/HP: 178
‚µ‚É‚ª‚Ý‚«‚¼‚­: Shinigamikizoku (Death God Noble)/Master Necrodain/HP: 146
ƒXƒ‚[ƒ‹ƒO[ƒ‹: Sumo-rugu-ru (Small Ghoul)/Demighoul/HP: 134
ƒoƒAƒ‰ƒbƒN: Baarakku (Baarak)/Bharack/HP: 140
ƒtƒFƒAƒŠ[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Feari-doragon (Fairy Dragon)/HP: 123
ƒuƒ‹ƒfƒrƒ‹: Burudebiru (Bull Devil)/Bull Basher/HP: 250
ƒxƒ‹ƒUƒuƒ‹: Beruzaburu (Bellzabble)/HP: 250
‚¾‚¢‚Ü‚Ç‚¤: Daimadou (Great Evil)/Master Malice/HP: 1023
ƒŒƒbƒhƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Reddodoragon (Red Dragon)/HP: 167
‚¨‚É‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Onikonbou (Ogre Club)/Ogre Basher/HP: about 375 (was 930)
ƒrƒbƒOƒXƒ[ƒX: Biggusuro-su (Big Sloth)/HP: 250
ƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒsƒŠƒbƒg: De-monsupiritto (Demon Spirit)/Spite Spirit/HP: 250
ƒMƒKƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“: Gigade-mon (Giga Demon)/HP: about 2300
‚Ä‚Á‚«‚ã‚Ü‚¶‚ñ: Tekkyumajin (Iron Ball Devil)/Swinger/HP: 380
ƒK[ƒfƒBƒAƒ“: Ga-dian (Guardian)/HP: 300
ƒ‰ƒCƒo[ƒ“ƒ[ƒh: Raiba-nro-do (Ryvern Lord)/HP: 400
ƒwƒ‹ƒoƒgƒ‰[: Herubatora- (Hell Battler)/Infurnus Shadow/HP: about 3300
ƒGƒrƒ‹ƒvƒŠ[ƒXƒg: Ebirupuri-suto (Evil Priest)/Radimvice/HP: about 1750
ƒAƒ“ƒhƒŒƒAƒ‹: Andorearu (Andorearu)/Anderoug/HP: about 450 each
‚Ç‚®‚¤‚¹‚ñ‚µ: Doguusenshi (Clay Soldier)/Clay Doll/HP: 400
ƒfƒrƒ‹ƒvƒŠƒ“ƒX: Debirupurinsu (Devil Prince)/Duke Malisto/HP: 200
ƒOƒŒ[ƒgƒ‰ƒCƒhƒ“: Gure-toraidon (Great Ridon)/HP: 300
ƒfƒXƒsƒTƒ: Desupisaro (Death Pisaro)/Necrosaro/HP: about 2000 (final form)


‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Jumon no Risuto (Spell List)

The order for the spells are in the order that I received them while
playing the game. A * before the spell signifies a 'Battle Only' spell.
Lv 13: Level I personally learned the spell while playing; it might be able
to be learned at a level slightly lower or higher as well.
Single: One target.
Group: One group of enemies.
All: All enemies onscreen.
All Allies: All party members that are currently fighting.
Caster: The caster of the spell only.

‚䂤‚µ‚á: Yuusha (Hero)

*ƒjƒtƒ‰ƒ€: Nifuramu (Expel: 3MP/Group) Lv 1-Vaporizes weak enemies; no
experience points or gold is gained though.
ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 3-Recover about 30 HP.
*ƒƒ‰: Mera (Blaze: 2MP/Single) Lv 5-Shoot a fireball that inflicts about
10 damage to one enemy.
ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/Single) Lv 6-Recover about 75 HP.
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 8-Warp to a town you've been to before.
Not all towns/villages will appear on the list.
*ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball: 4MP/Group) Lv 11-Hits one group of enemies for about
15-20 points of damage.
ƒgƒwƒƒX: Toherosu (Repel: 4MP) Lv 15-Keeps weaker enemies away for a limited
amount of time, but does not keep stronger ones away, nor does it
work in dungeons.
ƒŠƒŒƒ~ƒg: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 15-Leave a dungeon immdediately.
*ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒ}: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP/Single) Lv 16-Put one enemy to sleep.
Has a higher chance of working than the regular Sleep spell.
*ƒUƒƒn: Zameha (Awake: 2MP/All allies) Lv 17-Wakes up all party members at
the same time.
*ƒ}ƒzƒXƒe: Mahosute (Fendspell: 2MP/Single) Lv 21-A protective shield
envelops the Hero, and no magic can pass through except his/her
own spells. Spells from both monster and ally alike will fizzle
out and not affect the target. If the target themself casts a
spell on themself, it will still work.
*ƒAƒXƒgƒƒ“: Asutoron (Ironize: 2MP/All) Lv 21-Turns the party into iron.
Monsters cannot damage you, but you can't do anything either.
Use this when confronted with new monsters if you want to see
what their attacks are, then strategize.
*ƒCƒIƒ‰: Iora (Boom: 8MP/All) Lv 23-Hits all monsters for about 60 points of
*ƒ‰ƒCƒfƒCƒ“: Raidein (Zap: 4MP/Single) Lv 25-Hits one monster for about
75 points of damage.
ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 27-Fully restore one character's HP.
ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 29-Has a 50% chance of reviving a
dead party member.
*ƒxƒzƒ}ƒYƒ“: Behomazun (Heal Us All: 20MP/All) Lv 32-Casts Healall on all 4
party members in the party at the same time.
*ƒMƒKƒfƒCƒ“: Gigadein (Lightning: 15MP/All) Lv 34-Hits all enemies for about
200 points of damage.
*ƒ~ƒiƒfƒCƒ“: Minadein (Thordain: 15MP/All) Lv 37-Hits one enemy for about
350 points of damage. In order for it to work, all four people
in the battle party must have 15MP to spend.
*ƒpƒ‹ƒvƒ“ƒe: Parupunte (Chance: 20MP/Random) Lv 39-Random effects in battle.
Can be good or bad. Use with caution.

Battle Order

Page 1

ƒjƒtƒ‰ƒ€: Nifuramu (Expel: 3MP) ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP)
ƒƒ‰: Mera (Blaze: 2MP) ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP)
ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒ}: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP) ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP)

Page 2

ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball: 4MP) ƒUƒƒn: Zameha (Awake: 2MP)
ƒCƒIƒ‰: Iora (Boom: 8MP) ƒAƒXƒgƒƒ“: Asutoron (Ironize: 2MP)
ƒ‰ƒCƒfƒCƒ“: Raidein (Zap: 4MP) ƒ}ƒzƒXƒe: Mahosute (Fendspell: 2MP)

Page 3

ƒMƒKƒfƒCƒ“: Gigadein (Lightning: 15MP) ƒxƒzƒ}ƒYƒ“: Behomazun (HealUsAll:20MP)
ƒ~ƒiƒfƒCƒ“: Minadein (Thordain: 15MP) ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP)
ƒpƒ‹ƒvƒ“ƒe: Parupunte (Chance: 20MP)


ƒNƒŠƒtƒg: Kurifuto (Cristo)

ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Recover about 30 HP.
*ƒXƒJƒ‰: Sukara (Upper: 3MP/Single) Lv 6-Increases a party member's Defense
Power by their regular DP rating. (If the target has 90 DP and
Upper is cast, they will gain 90 more Defense Power; making them
have 180 in the battle. If Upper is cast again, they will gain 90
more, not 180 more).
*ƒ}ƒk[ƒT: Manu-sa (Surround: 4MP/Group) Lv 7-If successful, monsters will
miss with their attacks more frequently.
ƒLƒAƒŠ[: Kiari- (Antidote: 2MP/Single) Lv 9-Cures ‚Ç‚­: Doku (poison).
*ƒ}ƒzƒg[ƒ“: Mahoto-n (Stopspell: 3MP/Group) Lv 12-Prevents bad guys from
using spells; if it works.
*ƒXƒNƒ‹ƒg: Sukuruto (Increase: 4MP/All Allies) Lv 16-Increases all party
member's Defense Power at the same time, but not as much as the
Upper spell.
ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/Single) Lv 16-Recover about 75 HP.
*ƒUƒL: Zaki (Beat: 4MP/Single) Lv 20-Tries to kill an enemy instantly.
ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 21-Has a 50% chance of reviving a
dead party member.
*ƒUƒ‰ƒL: Zaraki (Defeat: 7MP/Group) Lv 25-Attempts to wipe out an enemy group
instantly. Has a lower chance of working than Beat.
ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 28-Fully restore one character's HP.
ƒxƒzƒ}ƒ‰[: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP/All) Lv 30-Heals about 80 HP for all
party members.
ƒUƒIƒŠƒN: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP/Single) Lv 33-100% chance of reviving, and to
max HP.

Battle Order

Page 1

ƒXƒJƒ‰: Sukara (Upper: 3MP) ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP)
ƒ}ƒk[ƒT: Manu-sa (Surround: 4MP) ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP)
ƒ}ƒzƒg[ƒ“: Mahoto-n (Stopspell: 3MP) ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP)

Page 2

ƒXƒNƒ‹ƒg: Sukuruto (Increase: 4MP) ƒxƒzƒ}ƒ‰[: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP)
ƒUƒL: Zaki (Beat: 4MP) ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP)
ƒUƒ‰ƒL: Zaraki (Defeat: 7MP) ƒUƒIƒŠƒN: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP)


ƒ~ƒlƒA: Minea (Minea)/Nara

ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Recover about 30 HP.
ƒLƒAƒŠ[: Kiari- (Antidote: 2MP/Single) Lv 4-Cures ‚Ç‚­: Doku (poison).
*ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP/Group) Lv 6-Incapacitate a group of
*ƒoƒM: Bagi (Infernos: 2MP/Group) Lv 9-Hits one group of enemies for about
15 points of damage.
*ƒLƒAƒŠƒN: Kiariku (Numboff: 2MP/One Ally) Lv 10-Same effect as a
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb); it cures paralysis.
ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/One Ally) Lv 14-Recover about 75 HP.
*ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒ}: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP/Single) Lv 16-Put one enemy to sleep.
Has a higher chance of working than the regular Sleep spell.
ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 20-Has a 50% chance of reviving a
dead party member.
*ƒoƒMƒ}: Bagima (Infermore: 4MP/Group) Lv 23-Hits a group of monsters for
about 35 damage.
ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 26-Fully restore one character's HP.
*ƒtƒo[ƒn: Fuba-ha (Barrier: 6MP/All) Lv 29-Damage done to the party by
breath attacks is reduced when this spell is active.
*ƒoƒMƒNƒƒX: Bagikurosu (Infermost: 8MP/Group) Lv 32-Hits a group of enemies
for about 60-130 damage.
*ƒƒKƒUƒ‹: Megazaru (Mega Revive: AllMP/All) Lv 36-Fully heals and revives
all party members, but the cost is all of Minea's MP and she dies.

Battle Order

Page 1

ƒoƒM: Bagi (Infernos: 2MP) ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP)
ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP) ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP)
ƒLƒAƒŠƒN: Kiariku (Numboff: 2MP) ƒxƒzƒ}: Behoma (Healall: 6MP)

Page 2

ƒoƒMƒ}: Bagima (Infermore: 4MP) ƒtƒo[ƒn: Fuba-ha (Barrier: 6MP)
ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒ}: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP) ƒUƒIƒ‰ƒ‹: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP)
ƒoƒMƒNƒƒX: Bagikurosu (Infermost: 8MP)ƒƒKƒUƒ‹: Megazaru (MegaRevive: MaxMP)


ƒ}[ƒjƒƒ: Ma-nya (Ma-nya)/Mara

*ƒƒ‰: Mera (Blaze: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Shoot a fireball that inflicts about
10 damage to one enemy.
*ƒ‹ƒJƒj: Rukani (Sap: 3MP/Single) Lv 4-Removes all of one enemy's Defense.
Very useful on some high defense enemies.
*ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball: 4MP/Group) Lv 8-Hits one group of enemies for about
15-20 points of damage.
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 8-Warp to a town you've been to before.
Not all towns/villages will appear on the list.
ƒŠƒŒƒ~ƒg: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 9-Leave a dungeon immdediately.
*ƒCƒI: Io (Bang: 5MP) Lv 12-Hits all enemies for about 20 damage points.
*ƒxƒMƒ‰ƒ}: Begirama (Firebane: 6MP) Lv 14-Hits one group of enemies for
about 30-40 points of damage.
*ƒ}ƒzƒgƒ‰: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP/Single) Lv 16-Steal some MP from an enemy.
*ƒƒ‰ƒ~: Merami (Blazemore: 4MP/Single) Lv 19-Hits one enemy for about 80
points of damage.
ƒgƒ‰ƒ}ƒi: Toramana (Stepguard: 2MP/All) Lv 21-Floor areas that would normally
damage the party if they walked on them will do no damage if this
spell is cast before walking across them.
*ƒCƒIƒ‰: Iora (Boom: 8MP/All) Lv 25-Hits all monsters for about 60 points of
*ƒxƒMƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Begiragon (Firevolt: 10MP/Group) Lv 27-Hits one group of enemies
for about 100 damage.
*ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ‰ƒ€: Doragoramu (Bedragon: 18MP/Caster) Lv 31-Turns Ma-nya into a
fire-breathing dragon.
*ƒƒ‰ƒ][ƒ}: Merazo-ma (Blazemost: 10MP/Single) Lv 33-Burns one enemy for
about 200 points of damage.
*ƒCƒIƒiƒYƒ“: Ionazun (Explodet: 15MP/All) Lv 36-Hits all enemies for about
150 damage each.

Battle Order

Page 1

ƒƒ‰: Mera (Blaze: 2MP) ƒ‹ƒJƒj: Rukani (Sap: 3MP)
ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball: 4MP) ƒ}ƒzƒgƒ‰: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP)
ƒCƒI: Io (Bang: 5MP) ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ‰ƒ€: Doragoramu (Bedragon:18MP)

Page 2

ƒƒ‰ƒ~: Merami (Blazemore: 4MP) ƒƒ‰ƒ][ƒ}: Merazo-ma (Blazemost:10MP)
ƒxƒMƒ‰ƒ}: Begirama (Firebane: 6MP) ƒxƒMƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Begiragon (Firevolt: 10MP)
ƒCƒIƒ‰: Iora (Boom: 8MP) ƒCƒIƒiƒYƒ“: Ionazun (Explodet: 15MP)


ƒuƒ‰ƒC: Burai (Brey)

*ƒqƒƒƒh: Hyado (Icebolt: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Shoot an iceball that does around
12 damage to a single monster.
*ƒ‹ƒJƒj: Rukani (Sap: 3MP/Single) Lv 5-Removes all of one enemy's Defense.
Very useful on some high defense enemies.
*ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP/Group) Lv 6-Incapacitate a group of
ƒŠƒŒƒ~ƒg: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 9-Leave a dungeon immdediately.
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 10-Warp to a town you've been to before.
Not all towns/villages will appear on the list.
*ƒ}ƒzƒJƒ“ƒ^: Mahokanta (Magic Counter: 4MP) Lv 11-Spells cast at Brey by ene-
mies are reflected back at the caster.
*ƒqƒƒƒ_ƒ‹ƒR: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm: 5MP) Lv 11-Damages a group of enemies with
ice for about 40 points.
*ƒsƒIƒŠƒ€: Piorimu (Speed Up: 3MP/All allies) Lv 14-Doubles all party
members' Agility; 255 is maximum.
ƒCƒ“ƒpƒX: Inpasu (X-Ray: 2MP) Lv 15-Use on treasure chests. If there is an
Â: Ao (Blue) light, the chest is safe to open. If there is an
Ô: Aka (Red) light, a monster is inside the chest.
ƒ‰ƒiƒ‹[ƒ^: Ranaru-ta (Day/Night: 4MP) Lv 17-Turn day into night and night
into day.
*ƒoƒCƒLƒ‹ƒg: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP/Single) Lv 19-Double one ally's Attack
Power for the rest of the battle.
*ƒ‹ƒJƒiƒ“: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP/Group) Lv 21-Lowers the Defense Power of an
enemy group, but not as much as the Sap spell does to one enemy.
ƒŒƒ~ƒ‰[ƒ}: Remira-ma (Seek Out: 2MP) Lv 23-Chests/buried items sparkle if
they are onscreen. Use this spell in conjunction with Torneko's
'Treasure Scent' spell to find Small Medals easily.
*ƒ}ƒzƒgƒ‰: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP/Single) Lv 25-Steal some MP from an enemy.
*ƒqƒƒƒ_ƒCƒ“: Hyadain (Icespears: 8MP/All) Lv 27-Attacks all enemies with ice
that does around 70 points of damage.
*ƒƒ_ƒpƒj: Medapani (Chaos: 5MP/Single) Lv 31-If successful, this spell will
confuse an enemy and then they will attack other enemies.
*ƒ}ƒqƒƒƒh: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP/Group) Lv 32-Hits a group of enemies for
about 100+ HP of damage.

Battle Order

Page 1

ƒqƒƒƒh: Hyado (Icebolt: 2MP) ƒ‹ƒJƒj: Rukani (Sap: 3MP)
ƒqƒƒƒ_ƒ‹ƒR: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm: 5MP) ƒ‹ƒJƒiƒ“: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP)
ƒqƒƒƒ_ƒCƒ“: Hyadain (Icespears: 8MP) ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP)

Page 2

ƒ}ƒzƒgƒ‰: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP) ƒ}ƒzƒJƒ“ƒ^: Mahokanta (Magcounter:4MP)
ƒƒ_ƒpƒj: Medapani (Chaos: 5MP) ƒsƒIƒŠƒ€: Piorimu (Speed Up: 3MP)
ƒ}ƒqƒƒƒh: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP) ƒoƒCƒLƒ‹ƒg: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP)


ƒgƒ‹ƒlƒR: Toruneko (Torneko)/Taloon

‚µ‚Ì‚Ñ‚ ‚µ: Shinobi no Ashi (Shinobi Feet-0MP) Lv 3-Lower random battle
rate, and works in dungeons too.
ƒ^ƒJ‚Ì‚ß: Taka no Me (Hawk Eye: 0MP) Lv 6-Displays how far the nearest
town/dungeon is (I think). –k-Kita (North), “ì-Minami (South),
“Œ-Higashi (East), ¼-Nishi (West).
‚½‚©‚ç‚Ì‚É‚¨‚¢: Takara no Nioi (Treasure Scent: 0MP) Lv 9-Same effect as
the Thief Nose spell from part 3; it detects how many
treasure chests and buried items are on the current floor.
‚­‚¿‚Ô‚¦: Kuchibue (Whistle: 0MP) Lv 13-Whistle, and get into a fight


•Ší‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Buki no Risuto (Weapon List)

This is the order I found weapons in, and for Chapter 5 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) 100/75. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA
‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) 30/22. +7 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) 200/150 +14 KR, RA, AR
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) 350/262. +18 All
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) 550/412. +20 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR
‚Ç‚­‚ª‚̃iƒCƒt: Dokuga no Naifu (Poisoned Knife) 750/562. +24 MI, MA, BR, TO
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) 880/660. +28 HR, KR, TO, RA
ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) 1250/937. +33 KR, MI, RA
‚¹‚¢‚¬‚Ì‚»‚ë‚΂ñ: Seigi no Soroban (Justice Abacus) 1600/1200. +35 TO
‚Í‚â‚Ô‚³‚ÌŒ•: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) 65,000C/$18,750 +67 HR, RA
Attack the same monster 2 times per round.
‚¬‚ñ‚̃^ƒƒbƒg: Gin no Tarotto (Silver Tarot) -/375. +21 MI
Does random effects in battle if used as an item. Read
the section at the very end for their translations.
‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) 2000/1500. +40 HR, RA
“S‚Ì‚¨‚¤‚¬: Tetsu no Ougi (Iron Fan) 620/465. +22 MA
‚Í‚¶‚á‚̂‚邬: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) 3500/2625 +45 HR, TA,
Casts ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball) when used as an item in battle.
Can be used as an item by any party member.
ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) 5500/4125. +50 HR, RA
‚Ü‚Ç‚ë‚Ý‚ÌŒ•: Madoromi no Ken (Doze Off Sword) 8000/6000. +60 HR, RA
Casts ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[ƒ}: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore) when used as an item
in battle.
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒLƒ‰[: Doragonkira- (Dragon Killer) 15,000/11,250. +90 HR, RA
Effective against Dragon-type monsters.
‚è‚è‚å‚­‚̂‚¦: Riryoku no Tsue (Force Staff) 2500/1875. +55 KR, MI, MA, BR
Uses 3 MP to add 3 Attack Power every time it is used to
fight with in a battle. Resets to +55 after each battle.
‚Ç‚­‚΂è: Dokubari (Poison Needle) 1300/975. +0 MA, BR
Can sometimes instantly kill an enemy.
ƒ}ƒOƒ}‚̏ñ: Maguma no Tsue (Magma Staff) -/-. +63 KR, MI, MA, BR
Casts ƒCƒI: Io (Bang) when used as an item in battle. Can be
used by anyone as an item in battle.
ƒLƒ‰[ƒsƒAƒX: Kira-piasu (Killer Pierce) 7500/5625. +5 MI, MA, AR
Attack Power is increased only by 5, but the user attacks
the same monster 2 times per round (only attacks once if the
target is killed on the first hit). Very good weapon to give
to ƒAƒŠ[ƒi/Alena.
‰Š‚̂‚ß: Honoo no Tsume (Flame Claw) -/730. +60 AR
Fight rate increased when equipped.
Hits one enemy for about 40 damage when used as an item in battle.
‚à‚ë‚͂̂‚邬: Moroha no Tsurugi (Double-Edged Sword) -/2475. +99 HR, RA
Cursed. For each attack, about 25% of the damage dealt is
also received by the attacker.
‚Ý‚È‚²‚낵‚ÌŒ•: Minagoroshi no Ken (Massacre Sword) -/150. +120 TO, RA
Cursed. Not sure what the curse is, however. It also casts
ƒ‹ƒJƒiƒ“: Rukanan (Defense) when used as an item in battle,
and does not have to be equipped to do so.
‚±‚¨‚è‚Ì‚â‚¢‚Î: Koori no Yaiba (Ice Blade) -/600. +75 HR, RA
Casts ƒqƒƒƒ_ƒ‹ƒR: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm) when used as an item
in battle.
‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹‚ÌŒ•: Haguremetaru no Ken (Metal Babble Sword) -/-. +130 HR, KR,
Hits all 'Metal'-type monsters for 2 points of damage, and
is the strongest weapon in the game.
‚Ü‚Ó‚¤‚¶‚̏ñ: Mafuuji no Tsue (Mist Staff) -/3000. +50 KR, MI, MA, BR
Casts ƒ}ƒzƒg[ƒ“: Mahoto-n (Stopspell) when used as an item
in battle. Sometimes casts ƒ}ƒzƒgƒ‰: Mahotora (Robmagic)
when attacking.
‚Ü‚¶‚ñ‚Ì‚©‚Ȃ¿: Majin no Kanadzuchi (Devil Hammer) -/850. +70 HR, RA
Cursed. If equipped, then the person who has it equipped
will either miss with their attack, or land a critical hit.
‚µ‚á‚­‚Ó‚­‚̏ñ: Shakufuku no Tsue (Restoration Staff) -/4500. +5 KR, MI, BR
Casts ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore) on the specified target
when used as an item in battle.
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚̂‚邬: Tenkuu no Tsurugi (Sky Sword) -/-. +65 HR
After speaking to ƒ}ƒXƒ^[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“: Masuta-doragon (Master
Dragon), the sword's Attack Power is increased to +110 and
removes status effects when used as an item in battle.
If a monster were to cast ƒXƒJƒ‰: Sukara (Upper) on
themself, use this sword and their defense will return to
normal. Removes other status enhancements like Bikill,
Speed Up, Magic Counter, etc. Remember, the sword does
nothing when used as an item until it is powered up.
‚«‚¹‚«‚̂‚邬: Kiseki no Tsurugi (Miracle Sword) -/3100. +100 HR, KR,
Heals the wearer of the item when they attack with it in
battle (about as much as a ƒzƒCƒ~: Hoimi spell).
‚قق¦‚݂̏ñ: Hohoemi no Tsue (Smile Staff) -/67. +33 KR, MI, MA, BR
Makes an enemy smile when hit by it. Can be used as an item
in battle; if successful it makes the target smile instead of
‚¢‚©‚¸‚¿‚̏ñ: Ikazuchi no Tsue (Thunder Staff) -/15,000. +29 MA, BR
Casts ƒxƒMƒ‰ƒ}: Begirama (Firebane) when used as an item in


ŠZ‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Yoroi no Risuto (Armor List)

This is the order I found armor in, and for Chapter 5 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

•z‚Ì•ž: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) 10/7. +4 All
”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) 180/135. +12 HR, KR, BR, TO,
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) 350/262. +18 HR, KR, TO, RA, AL
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) 700/525. +25 HR, KR, MI,
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) 1200/900. +30 HR, KR, MI, RA
“S‚Ì‚Ü‚¦‚©‚¯: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) 1500/1125. +32 TO
ƒXƒpƒ“ƒR[ƒ‹ƒhƒŒƒX: Supanko-rudoresu (Spankor? Dress) 2500C/$1500 +40 MI, MA
–Ñ”ç‚̃R[ƒg: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) 600/450. +22 All but BR
‚½‚Ñ‚Ñ‚Æ‚Ì•ž: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) 70/52. +7 All
ƒXƒeƒeƒRƒpƒ“ƒc: Sutetekopantsu (Boxer Shorts) -/75. +8 TO, BR, RA
‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) 2300/1725. +35 HR, RA
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) 4400/3300. +38 KR, MI
Fire damage is reduced.
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) 5200/3900. +45 HR, RA
Resists ƒƒ‰: Mera (Blaze) spells.
‚â‚·‚炬‚̃[ƒu: Yasuragi no Ro-bu (Tranquility Robe) -/4500. +33 KR, MI,
If the person wearing this gets put to sleep or paralyzed,
they will receive less damage than normal.
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) 3000/2250. +28 MA, BR, AR
Easier to dodge physical attacks.
”ç‚̃hƒŒƒX: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) 250/187. +14 HR(F), MI, MA, AR
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tenkuu no Yoroi (Sky Armor) -/-. +70 HR
Damage from spells is reduced.
‚¨‚ǂ肱‚Ì•ž: Odoriko no Fuku (Dancer's Cloth) 400/300. +8 MA, AR
ƒsƒ“ƒN‚̃ŒƒIƒ^[ƒh: Pinku no Reota-do (Pink Leotard) 6300/4725. +40 HR(F),
‚â‚¢‚΂̂æ‚ë‚¢: Yaiba no Yoroi (Blade Armor) 9800/7350 +50 HR, TO, RA
When this armor is equipped, any physical attack done to the
wearer results in a 50% backlash of damage to the attacker.
‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹‚æ‚ë‚¢: Haguremetaruyoroi (Metal Babble Armor) 35,000/26,250
+95 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA
Damage from spells is reduced.
ƒ}ƒWƒJƒ‹ƒXƒJ[ƒg: Majikarusuka-to (Magical Skirt) -/7750. +45 HR(F), MI,
Magic damage is reduced.
ƒ]ƒ“ƒrƒƒCƒ‹: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) -/652. +49 HR, RA
Cursed. HP goes down while it is equipped.
‚Ý‚¸‚Ì‚Í‚²‚ë‚à: Mizu no Hagoromo (Water Angel's Cloth) 15,000/11250. +43
Damage from fire attacks is reduced.
‚Ó‚¡‚µ‚¬‚ȃ{ƒŒƒ: Fushigi na Borero (Mystery Bolero) -/5625. +37 KR, MI,
Absorbs some MP when a spell is cast at the wearer from
an enemy.
‚Ђ©‚è‚̃hƒŒƒX: Hikari no Doresu (Light Dress) -/6600. +50 HR(F), MI, MA, AR
Magic damage is reduced when worn. Sometimes reflects the
spell back to the caster.
‚Ü‚¶‚ñ‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Majin no Yoroi (Devil Armor) -/750. +60 HR, RA
Cursed. ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility) is reduced to 0 when
this armor is worn.


‚‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Tate no Risuto (Shield List)

This is the order I found shields in, and for Chapter 5 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) 90/67. +4 HR, KR, MI, BR, TO, RA
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) 180/135 +7 HR, KR, MI, BR,
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) 650/487. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) 7100/5325. +30 HR, RA
Ice breath attacks do no damage when this shield is
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tenkuu no Tate (Sky Shield) -/-. +55 HR
Casts ƒ}ƒzƒJƒ“ƒ^: Mahokanta (Magic Counter) when used as an
item in battle.
•—_‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Fuujin no Tate (Wind God Shield) -/2000. +50 HR, RA
Casts ƒjƒtƒ‰ƒ€: Nifuramu (Expel) when used as an item in battle.
‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Chikara no Tate (Strength Shield) 13,000/9750. +40 HR, KR,
Casts ƒxƒzƒCƒ~: Behoimi (Healmore) on the user of the item in
ƒ~ƒ‰[ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh: Mira-shi-rudo (Mirror Shield) -/6750. +45 HR, KR, RA
When this shield is equipped, some of the damage from a spell
is sent back to the caster..sometimes. It used to always
damage the caster, even if they were a Metal, but in this it
does not appear to be the case anymore, unfortunately.


Š•‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Kabuto no Risuto (Helmet List)

This is the order I found helmets in, and for Chapter 5 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) 65/48. +2 All
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) 280/210. +8 MI, MA, AR
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) 120/90 +6 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA
‚«‚ñ‚Ì‚©‚Ý‚©‚´‚è: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) 540/405. +12
Defends against ƒƒ_ƒpƒj: Medapani (Chaos) and other
attacks that confuse.
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) 1100/825. +16 HR, KR, TO, RA
‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) 3500/2625. +25 HR, RA
ƒwƒAƒoƒ“ƒh: Heabando (Hairband) 110/82. +5 MI, MA, AR
‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ì‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tenkuu no Kabuto (Sky Helmet) -/-. +30 HR
Defends against Sleep, Paralysis, and Confusion/Chaos.
‚¶‚Ⴕ‚ñ‚Ì‚ß‚ñ: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask) -/6. +200 All
Cursed. Puts the wearer in a state of permanent Confusion
status until it is removed.
‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹ƒwƒ‹ƒ€: Haguremetaruherumu (Metal Babble Helm)
Dropped by Metal Kings.


‚»‚µ‚å‚­‚Ђñ: Soshokuhin (Decorations)

This is the order I found Decorations in, and for Chapter 5 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

‚«‚ñ‚̃uƒŒƒXƒŒƒbƒg: Kin no Buresuretto (Gold Bracelet) 1000C/$262.
Equip: HR, MI, MA
‚µ‚ã‚Ñ‚è‚å‚­: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +5.
‚Ù‚µ‚ӂ邤‚Å‚í: Hoshifuruudewa (Falling Star Bracelet) 10,000C/-. All
Doubles the wearer's ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility).
‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Chikara no Yubiwa (Strength Ring) -/660. All
‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength) +8.
‚Ü‚à‚è‚̃‹ƒr[: Mamori no Rubi- (Protection Ruby) -/2025. All
‚µ‚ã‚Ñ‚è‚å‚­: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.
‚µ‚Á‚Õ‚¤‚̃oƒ“ƒ_ƒ“: Shippuu no Bandana (Gale Bandana) -/487. All
‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility) +15
‚ ‚݃^ƒCƒc: Amitaitsu (Net Tights) -/900. HR(F), MI, MA, AR
‚µ‚ã‚Ñ‚è‚å‚­: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +8. Gives the wearer
a sexy appearance.
‚Ù‚µ‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç: Hoshi no Kakera (Star Fragment) -/375. All
‚¤‚ñ‚̂悳: Unnoyosa (Luck) +5.
Can be used as an item in battle, but I don't know what it
does when it is used.
ƒƒKƒUƒ‹‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í: Megazaru no Udewa (Mega Revive Bracelet) -/1000. All
‚µ‚ã‚Ñ‚è‚å‚­: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.
When the wearer dies, the bracelet casts the ƒƒKƒUƒ‹:
Megazaru (Mega Revive/Farewell) spell, then the Bracelet
ƒƒKƒ“ƒe‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í: Megante no Udewa (Sacrifice Bracelet) -/500. All
‚µ‚ã‚Ñ‚è‚å‚­: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.
When the wearer dies, the bracelet casts the ƒƒKƒ“ƒe:
Megante (Sacrifice) spell, then the Bracelet breaks.
‚ß‚ª‚Ý‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Megami no Yubiwa (Goddess Bracelet) -/-. HR(F), KR,
‚©‚µ‚±‚³: Kashikosa (Intelligence) +33.
Restore 1MP with about each 4 steps you walk.
‚²‚¤‚¯‚‚̂¤‚Å‚í: Gouketsu no Udewa (Hero Bracelet) -/3700. All
‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength) +25.



This is the order I found these in (Chapter 5 only). The numbers after the
name are Buy price, Sell price, followed by effect.

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) 8/6
Heal some HP.
‚¨‚ׂñ‚Æ‚¤: Obentou (Lunch) -/7
Heal some HP.
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) 10/7
Cures ‚Ç‚­: Doku (Poison).
‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) -/90
Increases the user's ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength).
–½‚Ì‚«‚Ì‚Ý: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) -/187
Increases the user's ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢HP: Saidai HP (Maximum HP).
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) 20/15
Keeps weak enemies away for a period of time.
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) 25/18
Warp to a town you've visited. Same effect as the
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return) spell.
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) 30/22
Cures ‚Ü‚Ð: Mahi (Paralysis).
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) 30C/22
‚¢‚Ì‚è‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) 500C/$2250
Restores the user's MP, but can break after any number of
‚Ó‚µ‚¬‚È‚«‚Ì‚Ý: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) -/412
Increases the user's ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢MP: Saidai MP (Maximum MP).
‚·‚΂₳‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) -/67
Increases the user's ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility).
ƒ‰ƒbƒN‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) -/52
Increases the user's ‚¤‚ñ‚̂悳: Unnoyosa (Luck).
‚©‚µ‚±‚³‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Kashikosa no Tane (Intelligence Seed) -/60
Increases the user's ‚©‚µ‚±‚³‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Kashikosa
‚É‚¨‚¢‚Ô‚­‚ë: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) 150/112
Fight rate is increased when the scent is active.
‚¹‚¢‚¶‚á‚­‚Ì‹Ê: Seijaku no Tama (Silence Ball) Dropped by the Pisaro Knight
in the town of Rosaly Hill. Can be used as an item in
battle; it casts ƒ}ƒzƒg[ƒ“: Mahoto-n (Stopspell).
‚¤‚Ü‚Ì‚Ó‚ñ: Uma no Fun (Horse Manure) -/1
No real use.
Žž‚̍»: Toki no Suna (Time Sand) -/-
When used in battle, time is reset to the beginning of the fight.
Use if the party makes a bad move, or to retry a strategy.
Can be used an infinite number of times. In the original version
of the game, it could be used once, then you would have to rest at
the Inn to be able to use it again. In this version, I have used it
many times in a row without having to sleep at an Inn to use it
‚¹‚©‚¢‚¶‚ã‚Ì—t: Sekaiju no Ha (World Leaf) -/-
Revives a dead party member.
‚¹‚©‚¢‚¶‚ã‚Ì‚µ‚¸‚­: Sekaiju no Shizuku (World Dew) -/-
Heals about 80 HP of damage to all party members simul-
taneously. Same effect as the ƒxƒzƒ}ƒ‰[: Behomara-
(Healus) spell. After 1 use, it is gone.
‚¯‚ñ‚¶‚á‚̐Î: Kenja no Ishi (Sage Stone) -/-
Heals about 80 HP of damage to all party members
simultaneously. Same effect as the ƒxƒzƒ}ƒ‰[: Behomara-
(Healus) spell. Can be used any number of times.
ƒ‰[‚Ì‚©‚ª‚Ý: Ra- no Kagami (Ra Mirror) -/-
Use against ƒ}ƒlƒ}ƒl: Manemane (Imitator) monsters when they
assume the guise of a party member, and they'll revert to
their original form.


Event (Special) Items

ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[}ŠÓ: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture Book) Received from a
villager in the Hero's hometown when it is about to be
attacked. Lists all the monsters fought so far in the game,
and various info about them.
‚â‚݂̃‰ƒ“ƒv: Yami no Ranpu (Dark Lamp) Found in the cave west of
Gormizu/Kievs. Turns day into night when used.
Cannot use in caves.
‚©‚â‚­‚‚Î: Kayakutsuba (Gunpowder Jar) Either Minea or Ma-nya has it in
their possession. No use in Chapter 5.
‚µ‚ñ‚¶‚éS: Shinjirukokoro (Faith Heart) Found in the Cave of Betrayal
(east of Branka). Talk to ƒzƒtƒ}ƒ“: Hofuman (Hoffman) with it
in your possession to earn the wagon.
‚¿‚¢‚³‚ȃƒ_ƒ‹: Chiisanamedaru (Small Medal) Found all over the world.
Trade them to the Medal King for special items.
¹‚È‚éŽí‰Î: Seinarushuhi (Holy Type Fire) Found in the lighthouse east
of Konanberi. Used at the top of the lighthouse.
‚½‚©‚ç‚Ì’n}: Takara no Chizu (Treasure Map) Received from an old man in
the town of ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu (Mintos). Hit the Square Button
to view the map while on the overworld, or use it while in
a town/dungeon to look at it.
‚Æ‚¤‚¼‚­‚̃JƒM: Touzoku no Kagi (Thief Key) In ƒAƒŠ[ƒi: Ari-na/Alena's
possession. When she joins the party, you will have the key
ƒpƒfƒLƒA‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Padekia no Tane (Padekia Seed) Found in the cave southwest
of Soretta. Give the seed to the King of Soretta so he can
make ƒpƒfƒLƒA‚Ì‚Ë‚Á‚±: Padekia no Nekko (Padekia Root).
ƒpƒfƒLƒA‚Ì‚Ë‚Á‚±: Padekia no Nekko (Padekia Root) Given to the party after
the King of Soretta receives the Padekia Seed. Use it on
ƒNƒŠƒtƒg: Kurifuto/Cristo to heal his ailment.
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚̃JƒM: Mahou no Kagi (Magic Key) Found in a secret floor of the cave
west of Gormizu/Kievs. Search the chest that had the Dark Lamp
inside it in Chapter 4, and push the switch inside to reveal
the staircase.
ƒ}ƒOƒ}‚̏ñ: Maguma no Tsue (Magma Staff) Found in ƒTƒ“ƒgƒnƒCƒ€: Santohaimu
(Santhaim) Castle after killing Balzack+. Used at the mountain
east of Batlando to reach Gardenburg.
‚ ‚â‚©‚µ‚Ì“J: Ayakashi no Fue (Uncover Flute) Found in ƒTƒ“ƒgƒnƒCƒ€:
Santohaimu (Santhaim) Castle after killing Balzack+. Used in
Rosaly Hill to reach Rosa.
‚³‚¢‚²‚̃JƒM: Saigo no Kagi (Final Key) Given to the party by the Queen of
Gardenburg after finding (and beating) the real thief of the
Bronze Crucifix. Opens any door.
‚©‚í‚«‚̐Î: Kawaki no Ishi (Dryness Stone) Found at the Seaside Village.
Used at the cave east of Rosaly Hill to stop a waterfall and
proceed farther into the cave.
‚Ö‚ñ‚°‚̏ñ: Henge no Tsue (Change Staff) Found in the Royal Crypt. Changes
the visual appearance of the party when used. Use it at the
Monster's Castle, ƒfƒXƒpƒŒƒX: Desuparesu (Death Palace) to talk
to the monsters without fighting, and learn about Esturk's
revival at ƒAƒbƒeƒ€ƒg: Attemuto (Atemto).
ƒKƒX‚̂‚Î: Gasu no Tsuba (Gas Jar) Found in Atemto Mine after killing
Esturk. Bring it to the shop in ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido
(Riverside) to create the Hot-Air Balloon.
ƒoƒƒ“‚̂‚̂Ԃ¦: Baron no Tsunobue (Baron's Horn) Found in the shrine east
of ƒSƒbƒgƒTƒCƒh: Gottosaido (Gottside). Summons the wagon
to places it cannot be on the overworld. When used as an
item in battle, it summons a stampede of horses that attack
around 3 times for about 30 damage each hit.


Town Shops List

ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒJ: Buranka (Branka)/Branca

Inn: $3 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350

Armor Shop

”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25

ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor)

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
‚Ç‚­‚ª‚̃iƒCƒt: Dokuga no Naifu (Poison Knife) $750
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880
ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250
‚¹‚¢‚¬‚Ì‚»‚ë‚΂ñ: Seigi no Soroban (Virtue Abacus) $1600

Armor Shop

‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
“S‚Ì‚Ü‚¦‚©‚¯: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) $1500
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Helmet) $120

Casino Shop (Uses Coins won at the Casino)

‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) 30 Coins
‚¢‚Ì‚è‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) 500 Coins
‚«‚ñ‚̃uƒŒƒXƒŒƒbƒg: Kin no Buresuretto (Gold Bracelet) 1000 Coins
ƒXƒpƒ“ƒR[ƒ‹ƒhƒŒƒX: Supanko-rudoresu (Spankor? Dress) 2500 Coins
‚Ù‚µ‚ӂ邤‚Å‚í: Hoshifuruudewa (Falling Star Bracelet) 10,000 Coins
‚Í‚â‚Ô‚³‚ÌŒ•: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) 65,000 Coins

Armor Shop (Need Magic Key or Final Key to reach)

‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
‚â‚¢‚΂̂æ‚ë‚¢: Yaiba no Yoroi (Blade Armor) $9800
‚Í‚®‚ꃁƒ^ƒ‹‚æ‚ë‚¢: Haguremetaruyoroi (Metal Babble Armor) $35,000

ƒ{ƒ“ƒ‚[ƒ‹: Bonmo-ru (Bonmoru)/Bonmalmo

Inn: $10 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880
‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000

Armor Shop

–Ñ”ç‚̃R[ƒg: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) $600
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Helmet) $120
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat)

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25

ƒŒƒCƒNƒiƒo: Reikunaba (Leikunaba)/Lukanaba

Inn: $10 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200

Armor Shop

‚½‚Ñ‚Ñ‚Æ‚Ì•ž: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) $70
”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25

ƒAƒlƒCƒ‹: Aneiru/Aneaux

Inn: At entrance of town: $5 per person. Farther into town: $10 per person.
House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
“S‚Ì‚¨‚¤‚¬: Tetsu no Ougi (Iron Fan) $620
‚Ç‚­‚ª‚̃iƒCƒt: Dokuga no Naifu (Poisoned Knife) $750
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880
ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250

Armor Shop

–Ñ”ç‚̃R[ƒg: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) $600
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Helmet) $120
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) $280

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30

ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberi)/Konenber

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
‚Ç‚­‚ª‚̃iƒCƒt: Dokuga no Naifu (Poisoned Knife) $750
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880
ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250
‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000

Armor Shop

‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) $280
‚«‚ñ‚Ì‚©‚Ý‚©‚´‚è: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) $540

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30

ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu (Mintos)

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880
ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250
‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000
‚Í‚¶‚á‚̂‚邬: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) $3500
‚¹‚¢‚¬‚Ì‚»‚ë‚΂ñ: Seigi no Soroban (Virtue Abacus) $1600

Armor Shop

“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
“S‚Ì‚Ü‚¦‚©‚¯: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) $1500
‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) $2300
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
‚«‚ñ‚Ì‚©‚Ý‚©‚´‚è: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) $540
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) $100

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30

ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside)

Inn: $10 per person. House of Healing: no

Weapon Shop

ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
‚Ü‚Ç‚ë‚Ý‚ÌŒ•: Madoromi no Ken (Doze Off Sword) $8000
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒLƒ‰[: Doragonkira- (Dragon Killer) $15,000

Armor Shop

‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) $4400
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) $5200
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) $7100
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) $1100
‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) $3500

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25

ƒ\ƒŒƒbƒ^: Soretta

Inn: $8 per person. House of Healing: yes

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30

ƒ‚ƒ“ƒo[ƒoƒ‰: Monba-bara (Monbaraba)/Monbarba

Inn: $3 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350

Armor Shop

‚½‚Ñ‚Ñ‚Æ‚Ì•ž: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) $70
‚«‚ʂ̃[ƒu: Kinu no Ro-bu (Silk Robe) $110
”ç‚̃hƒŒƒX: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) $250
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65
ƒwƒAƒoƒ“ƒh: Heabando (Hairband) $110
‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8

ƒS[ƒ~ƒY: Go-mizu (Gormizu)/Kievs

Inn: $8 per person, or free if Minea or Ma-nya are in the main party.
House of Healing: no

Merchant in the Inn from the Bazaar

‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000
‚Í‚¶‚á‚̂‚邬: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) $3500
ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) $2300
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) $3500

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
”ç‚̃hƒŒƒX: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) $250
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) $280
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550

ƒnƒoƒŠƒA: Habaria (Havaria)/Haville

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop-Will not sell anything after getting the Magic Key

Armor Shop

”ç‚̃hƒŒƒX: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) $250
–Ñ”ç‚̃R[ƒg: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) $600
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
‚Í‚Ë‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) $280

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30

ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒVƒAƒ‰: Sutanshiara (Stanciara)/Stancia

Inn: $7 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop (Man on raft at top-left corner of town)

‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000
‚Í‚¶‚á‚̂‚邬: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) $3500
ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
‚è‚è‚å‚­‚̏ñ: Riryoku no Tsue (Force Staff) $2500

Weapon Shop (Man to the left of the entrance; nighttime only)

ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
‚Ü‚Ç‚ë‚Ý‚ÌŒ•: Madoromi no Ken (Doze Off Sword) $8000

Armor Shop

‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) $2300
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) $4400
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) $5200
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) $1100

Item Shop

‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚É‚¨‚¢‚Ô‚­‚ë: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) $150

ƒTƒ‰ƒ“: Saran (Saran)/Surene

Inn: $2 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200

Armor Shop

•z‚Ì•ž: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) $10
‚½‚Ñ‚Ñ‚Æ‚Ì•ž: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) $70
”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65
‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8

Weapon Shop (Need the Magic Key to reach it)

‚Ç‚­‚΂è: Dokubari (Poison Needle) $1300
‚Í‚ª‚˂̂‚邬: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) $2000
‚è‚è‚å‚­‚̏ñ: Riryoku no Tsue (Force Staff) $2500
ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) $3500

‚Ä‚ñ‚Ø: Tenpe/Tempe

Inn: $3 per person. House of Healing: yes (cannot save)

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180

ƒtƒŒƒm[ƒ‹: Fureno-ru (Frenor)

Inn: $4 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700

ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru (Imuru)/Izmit

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880

Armor Shop

‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20

ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando)/Burland

Inn: $4 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550

Armor Shop

”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20

ƒƒUƒŠ[ƒqƒ‹: Rozari-hiru (Rosaly Hill)/Rosaville

Inn: $9 per person. House of Healing: yes (Old Man when at western counter)

Weapon Shop (Old Man when at eastern counter)

ƒoƒgƒ‹ƒAƒbƒNƒX: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) $5500
ƒLƒ‰[ƒsƒAƒX: Kira-piasu (Killer Pierce) $7500
‚Ü‚Ç‚ë‚Ý‚ÌŒ•: Madorumi no Ken (Doze Off Sword) $8000
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒLƒ‰[: Doragonkira- (Dragon Killer) $15,000

Armor Shop (Old Man when at southern counter)

‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) $2300
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) $4400
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) $5200
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) $1100
‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) $3500

Item Shop (Old Man when at northern counter)

ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25
‚É‚¨‚¢‚Ô‚­‚ë: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) $150

ƒK[ƒfƒ“ƒuƒ‹ƒO: Ga-denburugu (Gardenburg)/Gardenbur

Inn: $8 per person. House of Healing: yes

Armor Shop

”ç‚̃hƒŒƒX: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) $250
‚¨‚ǂ肱‚Ì•ž: Odoriku no Fuku (Dancer's Cloth) $400
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
ƒsƒ“ƒN‚̃ŒƒIƒ^[ƒh: Pinku no Reota-do (Pink Leotard) $6300
‚«‚ñ‚Ì‚©‚Ý‚©‚´‚è: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) $540

ŠC•Ó‚Ì‘º: Umibe no Mura (Seashore Village)

Inn: $5 per person. House of Healing: no

Armor Shop

‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) $2300
‚Ý‚©‚킵‚Ì•ž: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) $3000
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) $4400
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
“S‚©‚Ô‚Æ: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) $1100

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚Ü‚ñ‚°‚‘: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30
‚É‚¨‚¢‚Ô‚­‚ë: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) $150

ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚Ì—¢: Erufu no Ri (Elf Village)

Inn: $5 per person. House of Healing: no

Armor Shop

‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Chikara no Tate (Strength Shield) $13,000
‚Ý‚¸‚Ì‚Í‚²‚ë‚à: Mizu no Hagoromo (Water Angel's Cloth) $15,000

ƒSƒbƒgƒTƒCƒh: Gottosaido (Gottside)

Inn: $10 per person. House of Healing: yes

Armor Shop

‚Ä‚Á‚©‚ß‚ñ: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) $3500
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) $7100
‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚Ì–@ˆß: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe) $4400
ƒhƒ‰ƒIƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) $5200
‚â‚¢‚΂̂æ‚ë‚¢: Yaiba no Yoroi (Blade Armor) $9800

“V‹óé: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle)

Inn: no House of Healing: yes (cannot save)


‚¬‚ñ‚̃^ƒƒbƒg: Gin no Tarotto (Silver Tarot)

When Minea uses the Silver Tarots, she will randomly draw one of 9 (that
I've drawn) different cards. Please note that the same card can now be drawn
multiple times in each battle, and I have not drawn that card that summons a
‚µ‚É‚ª‚Ý: Shinigami (God of Death)/Necrodain yet. I have drawn 13 cards before
a fight has ended, and never got that card. It might not be in this version of
the game; I have yet to see it.
Also note that if the Star Card is drawn more than once, you will only
gain the 2x Exp and Gold bonus one time. When I finally am able to, I'll
update the Card List. This is what each card does. The text shown is the
as what appears onscreen.

ƒ~ƒlƒA‚Í ‚Æ‚¤‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh‚ð ‚Ђ¢‚½I: Minea drew the Tower Card!

So, just look for what the second word is in the text window, and that
is where the name of the card that was drawn will appear. Here are the 9
Cards' names, and their effects:

‚Æ‚¤‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Tou no Ka-do (Tower Card) Lightning bolts strike all
enemies for about 15 points of damage.
‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Chikara no Ka-do (Strength Card) One allies' Attack Power
becomes doubled for the duration of the fight.
ŒŽ‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Tsuki no Ka-do (Moon Card) Same effect as casting the
ƒ}ƒk[ƒT: Manu-sa (Surround) spell. If successful, all
monsters will miss with their attacks more frequently.
‚¹‚¢‚¬‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Seigi no Ka-do (Justice Card) Same effect as casting the
ƒjƒtƒ‰ƒ€: Nifuramu (Expel) spell. It vaporizes weak
enemies. If it works, you get nothing for killing them
with this spell.
‚Ђ¢‚Ä‚Í ‚¢‚¯‚È‚¢ ƒJ[ƒh: Hiiteha Ikenai Ka-do (Wrong/Bad Card) Attempts to
kill every party member. Watch out.
¯‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Hoshi no Ka-do (Star Card) Gain double the experience points
and Gold if the battle is won.
‚ ‚­‚Ü‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Akuma no Ka-do (Devil Card) All enemies lose half of their
Defense Power.
‘¾—z‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Taiyou no Ka-do (Sun Card) All party members are healed by
the sun's light.
‚µ‚É‚ª‚Ý‚Ì ƒJ[ƒh: Shinigami no Ka-do (God of Death Card) Attempts to kill
all enemies.


That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any
additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions
(akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of
the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for.

Copyright Red Scarlet, 2001.
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14.Octombrie 2013
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min no Machi (Immigrant Town) Guide (Chapter 5)

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