Breath of Fire 4

Breath of Fire 4

15.10.2013 19:02:24
| B R E A T H O F F I R E I V |
| T H E S C R I P T |

Breath of Fire IV
Script FAQ
Chapter 1/4
Version - 1.7
Last updated - 12.11.2k1
By - StriderHiryu[Shinji Lam]

Misc Notes
1 - I actually started this sometime between April <-> May of 2k1..and now its
November O_o
2 - This is the entire script for Chapter I of Breath of Fire IV [BoFIV]
3 - They will contain SPOILERS if you haven't finished Chapter I
4 - Don't ask me why I'm doing this, because I sure don't know
5 - I've decided to add in a Mini Boss FAQ guide in this too
6 - To look for the section that you want to look at easier, click on edit,
choose find, type in the section name, and click find. Then voila, you're
there ^_^
Table of Contents

- Copyright
- Revision/Updates
Chapter I: Awakening
1 - Signs & Portents
1.1 - Location - Desert and Crash
1.2 - Location - ?
1.3 - Location - Cliff
1.3a - Location - Cliff
1.3b - Location - Cliff [Inside Cave]
1.4 - Location - Tomb
1.4a - Location - Tomb [Forest area]
1.5 - Location - ?
1.5a - BOSS BATTLE - Kham
1.5b - Location - ? - After Boss Battle
1.5c - Location - ? [Bridge]
1.6 - Location - Cliff
2 - Associations
2.1 - Location - Sarai
2.1a - Answer "Sure!" or "I think so..."
2.1b - Answer "I don't know..."
2.1c - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
2.1d - Location - Sarai [Outside of Inn]
2.2 - Location - Highway
2.3 - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
2.3a - Location - Sarai [Behind Tavern]
2.4 - Location - Valley
2.5 - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
2.5a - BOSS BATTLE - Joh
2.5b - Location - Sarai [Tavern] - After Boss Battle
2.6 - Location - !
2.7 - Location - Chamba
2.7a - Location - Chamba
2.7b - Location - Chamba [Tahb's House]
2.7c - Location - Chamba
2.7d - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7e - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7f - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7g - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7h - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7i - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
2.7j - BOSS BATTLE - Skulfish
2.7k - Location - Chamba [Mist Area] - After Boss Battle
2.7l - Location - N. Chamba
2.8 - Location - Crash
2.8a - Location - Crash [Dreamland]
2.8b - Location - Crash
2.9 - Location - Kurok
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Thanks To
- Contact Info
Everyone should know this by now, this FAQ is copyrighted to me, you CANNOT
reproduce this in any way and CANNOT sell as your own. Breath of Fire IV, and
Breath of Fire are both copyrighted to Capcom.
12.11.2k1 - Actually sent this in to GameFAQs...hope he accepts it...
[Version 1.7]

12.11.2k1 - Ok i didn't do anything over thanksgiving break [I finally got a
PS2, yay!!]..Anyway, Im starting again today.
[Version 1.6]

11.17.2k1 - Did the whole Chamba section...will prob do more later,
Thanksgiving Break is here ^_^
[Version 1.5]

11.16.2k1 - Completed the whole Sarai part, up to when the party goes to Chamba
[Version 1.4]

11.15.2k1 - Finished up to where the party gets to the town of Sarai
[Version 1.3]

11.14.2k1 - Decided to add in a mini boss FAQ too
[Version 1.2]

11.13.2k1 - Decided to add in all the actions that Ryu do..since he doesn't
talk. [C'mon Capcom, why does he have to be mute every game??] ^_^
[Version 1.1]

11.12.2k1 - Re-starting this FAQ after my computer had crashed...
[Version 1.0]
Chapter I: Awakening
1 - Signs & Portents
1.1 - Location - Desert and Crash

It all started on the third day after we had left the castle.
That morning,
we had entered the Great Desert on our sandflier.

We were heading toward the town of Synesta,
the last known location of my sister, Elina.

Synesta lies on the edge of the desert.
All we had to do was cross the desert...

Nina - "Look, Cray! A shooting star!"
"We'll find her...Won't we, Cray?"

Cray - "Don't worry, Nina. We'll find her...I swear it."

[Chapter I - Awakening]

Nina - "Whew! It's hot out here!"
"Oh...Don't worry, Cray--I'm all right!"

Cray - "I was just thinking that it's probably better if we don't move around
during the day...Let's find some shade and wait until the sun goes

Nina - "Really, I'm all right, Cray. Besides, I want to find my sister as soon
as possible!"

Cray - "Calm down...We've come this far...It won't hurt to rest for a while--
not much of a change if we get there today or tomorrow..."
"What the...!?"
"A dragon!?"
"I'd heard there was a dragon in the desert, but I was hoping we
wouldn't be lucky enough to find it!"

Nina - "Here it comes!"

Cray - "Hold on to something!"

Nina - "I've never heard of dragons attacking people before..."

Cray - "Even if it doesn't mean to attack us, we can't let it hit us!"
"Blast it!"
"No use! It's going to ram us!"

Nina - "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh"

Cray - "It's no use...The sad's gotten into everything...!"
"I can't fix it...Not without any spare parts."

Nina - "Do you think that dragon attacked us on purpose?"

Cray - "Hard to say...We haven't seen it since then, either..."
"Well, whether it did or not, we should be thankful that we crashed near
the edge of the desert, and not in the middle."
"Here, we're in walking distance of the towns along the desert boarder."

Nina - "Do you think we can find the parts we need at one of them?"

Cray - "Probably...But there's one small problem."
"If we leave our sandflier here, we run the risk of it getting stolen by
"Not much point in going into a town and coming back with spare parts if
there's no sandflier to use them on!"

Nina - "All right then, Cray--I'll go."

Cray - "But, Nina..."

Nina - "I can't live my whole life with you looking out for me. For starters,
what would my sister think?"

Cray - "All right, all right...You win, Nina."
"Let's see...If I remember right, there's a town called Sarai to the
south of here..."
"You might be able to find some parts there."
"Good luck, Nina. I'm counting on you."

Nina - "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it!"

Cray - "Here--take this. It's the King's Sword. I hope you won't need to use
it, but better safe than sorry, right?"

Nina - "See you when I get back, Cray."

Cray - "Safe trip, Nina. You watch yourself, hear?"
1.2 - Location - ?
???? - Somebody...somebody, help me!!

Nina - "Whoa! look at the size of that hole!"
"That merchant and his goods must have fallen in..."
"...just like this."
"There...there's something here!"
"It's...not attacking?"
"It's not a monster, I guess..."
"That was funny...for some reason, I wasn't scared at all..."
"......A person!?"
"If you wouldn't mind, do you think you could put on some clothes? I'm
sure you can find some in the carriage there..."

Ryu - ::Looks down::

Nina - "Oh, so you mean you're not working with that merchant who was here?"

Ryu - ::Sweatdrops::

Nina - "How did you get inside this crater, then? Did you fall in? How did
such a big hole get here in the first place, anyway? Did you see that
monster that was here before? You know, the one that looked like a
dragon or something!? I wonder what it really was...?"

Ryu - ::Sweatdrops and shakes head::

Nina - "Oh...I'm sorry...You probably don't know the answers to those questions
any more than I do, do you?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "My name is Nina. I'm from Wyndia. What's your name?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "...Ryu?...All right then, Ryu...Let's see if we can get out of here."

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "So, Ryu...Where are you heading to?"

Ryu - ::Shakes head::

Nina - "You don't know? Then that means you're lost."

Ryu - ::Shakdes head::

Nina - "Yes, it does. Admit it--you're lost. There's nothing to be ashamed
about. I got lost a lot when I was younger."
"All right then, Ryu. Why don't you come with me to the nearest town?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "You can use this sword."
"You might need it--to get to town, we have to go through areas
populated by monsters."

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "Let's get going then, shall we?"

Ryu - ::Nods::
1.3 - Location - Cliff
Nina - "Let's see...We have to go over these cliffs to get to Sarai."
"Let's hurry and try to get over them before it gets dark."

Ryu - ::Nods::
1.3a - Location - Cliff
Ryu - !

Nina - "Looks like we've run out of road..."

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "But don't worry. We should be able to jump over this."

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "All you have to do to jump is stand at a place where it's narrow enough
to jump, and press the X button or move in the direction you want to
jump using the directional buttons. Try it!"

Ryu & Nina - ::Jumps over::

Nina - "......See? It's easy, isn't it? One more to go."

Ryu - ::Jumps::

Nina - "Good thing you were able to jump--we're really high up!"
"Don't you just love that feeling you get looking down from a high place
like this? It makes me dizzy--it's so exciting!"

Ryu - ::Shakes head::

Nina - "Ahhhhhhh"

Ryu - ::Crashes::

Nina - "Are...Are you all right, Ryu!?"
"Did you do that because you thought I needed help?"

Ryu - ::Sweatdrop, shakes head::

Nina - "You're not hurt, are you? I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about my
wings...I can us ethem to fly a little, so I can survive a fall like

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "But it was very brave of you to do that, Ryu. Very brave...And heroic.
Thank you."

Ryu - ::Sweatdrops, scratches head::

Nina - "Looks like the sun's going down..."
"It's probably safer if we wait until it's light to climb up the
cliff...Let's look for a place we can sleep."
1.3b - Location - Cliff [Inside Cave]
Nina - "Looks like we could camp here."
"Now all we a fire."
"...And that's how I ended up here."
"Where are you heading, Ryu? Whoops...I forgot...You're lost, aren't

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "Tomorrow, once we get to town, I'm sure we'll be able to find someone
who knows you."
1.4 - Location - Tomb
Fou-Lu - "So...The time hath come..."

???? - "Yes, m'lord. Majesty......T'would appear that something is amiss.
Where art the courtiers? The priests? Why is there not a single
voice raised in greeting at thy return?"

Fou-Lu - "'Tis not of import. They are mortals. Were we to attempt to
understand their mind, we should spend an eternity. There be more
pressing matters to attend to."
"Canst thou not sense it? This presence...'Tis far...And still
slumbering...But 'tis what we have sought lo these many ages."
"Won-qu! Guard our place of rest."

Won-Qu - "As you wish, sire."
"Majesty, wither art thou going?"

Fou-Lu - "We shall go to our capital, as was planned."
"We shall meet at the appointed place when the time hath come."
1.4a - Location - Tomb [Forest area]
Guard A - "Who goes there!?"

Fou-Lu - "What...What be ye doing in this place?"

Guard A - "Huh? Who're you!?"

Guard B - "They say a dragon or something's supposed to appear tonight...So we
were told to watch this area."

Fou-Lu - "...A dragon?"

Guard B - "That's right--and not just any dragon, either! They say it's the
legendary Dragon of Doom, which will bring ruin to the Empire!"

Fou-Lu - "And...What be thy design for this dragon?"

Guard A - "We will destroy it, of course! Nothing can withstand the might of
the Imperial Army!"

Fou-Lu - "Thou believest thou can do such a thing? Thou art but mere mortals."
"Thou dost not ken the power of that which you would destroy. This be
a dragon."
"A dragon 'tis force of nature unto itself. Thou mayest as well seek
to fight a volcano or the very earth itself! Dragons doth give birth
to thy kind, grant thee life, and verily taketh it away. They are to
thee art to an insect. In thy terms..."
"They art gods."
"...Wouldst thou fight a god?"

Ryu - ::Shudder::

Fou-Lu - "'Tis as I thought...It is not the nature of mortals to change their
1.5 - Location - ?
???? - "Pardon my presumption, but I believe you are the God Emperor Fou-Lu...
"I have been expecting you...Ever since I saw the flames rising from the
woods where I had placed my soldiers on watch."

Fou-Lu - "Thou sayest thou wert waiting for us? Thou knowest of us and what we
are then?"

???? - "Yes, Your Majesty. You are the first Emperor, Fou-Lu, who founded our
great Fou Empire."

Fou-Lu - "And knowing this, thou wouldst greet us with malice in thine heart
and thine blade in hand?"

???? - "I'm afraid...Times have changed, Your Majesty......"
1.5a - BOSS BATTLE - Kham
Boss -- Kham
Info -- One of Yohm's servants; has a power Fire attack.
EXP -- 16000
Items -- Ambrosia

This boss is pretty easy and stright foward. Just transform with Fou-Lu into
Astral and keep using his Eraser attack. Kham will be defeated in no time.
1.5b - Location - ? - After Boss Battle
???? - "You appear tired, Majesty. It is to be expected, I suppose--you have
just awoken from a long, long sleep, and you are not exactly...
complete, are you?"

Fou-Lu - "T'would appear thou dost mean not to fulfill thine duty, as thou art
called upon to do by our promise?"

???? - "Alas, it is as you say, my lord. For now, we would have you sleep once

Fou-Lu - "I wouldst call thee foolish...But thou art mortal. Thou cannot go
against thy nature, no more than a fish could walketh upon the
"Still...Thou wilt find that our promises art not easily broken..."
"Return then to thine master and tell him our words!"

???? - "Trying to buy time are you, Majesty?"
"Set fire to the trees. We must stop him before he recovers his full

Fou-Lu - "They wouldst use fire against us? Indeed, planned well have they."
1.5c - Location - ? [Bridge]
???? - "As I recall...Your Majesty has a strong affinity to water...Yes?"
"And, with your powers not fully returned...It is unlikely that you will
survive battle with my creations in this raging fire."

Fou-Lu - "......We...wouldst know thy name, oh cunning one..."

Yohm - "Yohm, General of the Fou-lu Imperial Army, at your service."
"...I don't want to take any chances. Find the body."
1.6 - Location - Cliff
Nina - "Whew! Well, we managed to make it up, didn't we? It's just a little
ways more to the town."

Ryu - ::Nods::
2 - Associations
2.1 - Location - Sarai
Nina - "Well, Ryu...This is Sarai."

Ryu - ::Looks around::

Nina - "Does anything look familar? Does it bring any memories back?"

Ryu - ::Shakes head::

Nina - "No?......Well, I don't know what to say...But, um.........."
"I need to buy some things, and get back to where my friend is, you know
...Will you be all right by yourself, Ryu?"
2.1a - Answer "Sure!" or "I think so..."
Nina - "Well, I guess that means we go our separate ways from here, then...Good
bye, Ryu."
"I hope you get your memory back soon!"

Ryu - ::Nods::
2.1b - Answer "I don't know..."
Nina - "I guess it's not that it? Hmmm........."

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "I've got an idea! You can help me look for the things I need. While
we're doing that, maybe you'll remember something, or we'll run into
someone who knows something about you!"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "There has to be a shop here somewhere that sells parts for sandfliers.
Let's see if we can find it."
2.1c - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
???? - ".........Buuuuurp! Boy, I'm full! That was good! All right then,
I'll tell you what you want to know! If you're looking for something,
go talk to the information broker in front of the inn! He can tell you
where to find what you're looking for! burp!"
"I'm impressed! Don't meet many young folks as generous as you! Here--
I got something for you!"
2.1d - Location - Sarai [In front of Inn]
Information Broker - "If you're looking for sandflier parts, you have to go to
the black market. There's a man who sells parts behind
the tavern. You'll have to find out the password to be
able to meet him, but most traveling merchants will tell
you if you ask them. I just saw one leave, so I imagine
he's Hmmm...He's probably still close by. Try looking
on the Highway outside of town."
2.2 - Location - Highway
???? - "What d'you want?.........What!? Black market!? In Sarai!?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

???? - "Humph! So you want to know the password to get in, huh?...Well, I
suppose I could tell you, but I got my own business to take care of,
you know. Normally, I charge people 1,000 zenny for info like that!"

Ryu - ::Sweatdrop::

???? - "...But I'll tell you for free. I mean, you did come all the way out
here after me and all..."

Ryu - ::Nods::
2.3 - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
???? - "You won't find what you're looking for here. This is a tavern, not

Ryu - ::Nods::

???? - "Oh, you know about that? Well now, that's different then, isn't it?"
"Come this way."
2.3a - Location - Sarai [Behind Tavern]
???? - "You're probably wondering why we go to all this trouble, aren't you?"
"That's because selling sandfliers is a dangerous business."
"See, sandfliers were originally designed as war machines. If the
Empire found out we were selling them, the next time a war breaks out,
they'd come after us!"

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::

???? - "I don't want this place to end up under a hex, like Chamba or Synesta--
no thank you!"

Nina - "Does that mean you don't have any sandflier parts!?"

???? - "Not exactly...There's a place they call Sandflier Valley near here.
It's a junkyard, full of old, broken down sandfliers."

Ryu & Nina - ::Faces each other::

???? - "If you go there and bring back some useable material, I'll make you
your sandflier parts. Deal?"

Nina - "All right then, we'll go to this Sandflier Valley, and get you the
material you need."
2.4 - Location - Valley
???? - "Don't get many folks out here...Ain't nothin' much here 'cept for odds
n' ends...What can I do fer ya?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

???? - "Hmmm...I see. Lookin' for parts, eh? Well, I suppose ya might be able
t'find whatcha need here..."
"The parts yer lookin' for are all buried in the sand. Yer gonna need a
shovel t'dig 'em out. If'n ya have a dog that can scent them out, ya
might be able t'find what yer lookin for."
"I'll loan ya a shovel and m'dog for 25 zenny each."
"Thank you kindly. Good luck t'ya!"
2.5 - Location - Sarai [Tavern]
???? - "Don't be afraid...I just want some information, that's all. I want you
to tell me about the monster you say you saw."

???? - "Heh! I ain't got nothin' to tell you! Pah!"

???? - "Well!...I'd try to be a little more cooperative if I were you..."
"Otherwise...Things might get a little uncomfortable...And we wouldn't
want that, now would we?"

Nina - "What do you think you're doing!?"
"Wh...Why are you doing this!? I thought the war was supposed to be

???? - "Why? Because I don't like people who try to hide things. Besides..."
"The war's not over. There's been a cease-fire called, that's all. Do
you understand the difference, missy..."
"Wait...You're a Wyndian...Well well, if it isn't the little princess!"
"We were sent out to find a dragon, but we found a little bird instead!
Grab her, men--no reason we shouldn't take her as well!"

Nina - "W...Wait! Do you know something about my sister...!?"

???? - "By the power granted me, I command thee! Warrior spirt! Thou art
"Joh...I want you to capture that girl. Be careful not to hurt
her...Too much"
2.5a - BOSS BATTLE - Joh
Boss -- Joh
Info -- One of Rasso's fighters; has a poor sense of balance.
EXP -- 100
Items -- Aurum

You go into this battle alone with only Nina in your part. It shouldn't
be very hard, just keep using Sever and he'll go down eventually.
2.5b - Location - Sarai [Tavern] - After Boss Battle
Rasso - "My! You're stronger than you look!"
"Ho...What's this? A dashing knight, come to save the Princess?"
"How gallant, You know it's a knight's job to protect his lady, don't
you? Where have you been all this time? Afraid, hiding in some
closet or..."

Ryu - ::Attacks Rasso::

Rasso - "H...How dare you!? You filthy little..."

Nina - "L...Let's get out of here...!"

Rasso - "What're you just standing around for!? After them!!"
2.6 - Location - !
Nina - "The Imperial Troops are here, too!?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Nina - "What are we going to do? We can't go back and we can't go on, either!"

???? - "Kueeeeh!"

???? - "Hey! You there!"
"They said they was gonna try and cut you off...Went on up ahead...Lucky
you didn't get yerselves caught!"

Nina - "Yes...Still...They've cut off our way out of here..."

???? - "Hmmm...You got a point there...Tell you what...Seeing as you all helped
me out back there, I wanna try and return the favor."

Nina - "......"

???? - "Lemme see...Maybe...If you took that road, you could get past 'em...
Yeah, that's it! You can get to the desert that way!"

Nina - "You mean...There's another road!?"

???? - "Well, it's kinda outta the way, but if you head north, go up to this
big town called Chamba, you can get to the desert that way."

Nina - "Really!? Oh, thank you! That means I can get back to where my friend
is waiting!"

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::

Nina - "We'll try that route you mentioned. Thank you again so much!"

???? - "No problem, Just keep yer head low and try not to get caught, eh?"
2.7 - Location - Chamba
Nina - "Hmmm...I thought the town was bigger than this..."
"Let's see if we can find someone who can help us."

Ryu - ::Nods::
2.7a - Location - Chamba
???? - "And who might you be?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

???? - "......What kind of question is that? Of course this is Chamba!"
"Well, a part of it, at least. Most of the town is still polluted by
the hex and can't be used."

Nina - "Hex?"

???? - "You've heard about how towns all over the place were hexed during the
war, haven't you?"

Nina - "Uh...Yes...I guess so..."

???? - "All you need to know is that ordinary folks like you can't go anywhere
near someplace that's been hexed--it's too dangerous. If you need to
go to Chamba for something, you'll have to wait until the hex is gone
and...Hm?...Looks like everyone's come back."

???? - "All right everyone! That's it for today!"
"We've got another early start tomarrow, so make sure you get some
sleep! All right, now get outta here!"

???? - "Those folks that just come back are a group of Purifiers. They go from
town to town, purifying them of hexes."

Nina - "So if we want to find out more about the hex, we should ask them,
right?...Thank you for your help."
2.7b - Location - Chamba [Tahb's House]
Tahb - "Thanks for waiting. Now, what can I do for you?"

Nina - "We need to get through Chamba. Is there any way we can do that before
the hex disappears?"

Tahb - "Nope, 'fraid not. There's a lot of negative energy bound up in that
mist...You need special armor just to go inside."

Ryu - ::Talks...::

Tahb - "I figure it'll be at least another yearbefore we can get rid of the hex
completely and get Chamba back to normal..."
"Still...If you absolutely have to get through now..."

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::

Tahb - "There might be a way...You could ask one of my workers here if they'd
be willing to guide you through."

Nina - "So all we need is a guide, then?"

Tahb - "Yep."

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::
2.7c - Location - Chamba
Tahb - "Well? Have you found someone who'll guide you?"

Ryu - ::Shakes head::

Tahb - "...That's what I thought. It's just too dangerous to take unprotected,
inexperienced people inside!"

Nina - "But...We have no other choice. We can't use any of the other roads!"

Tahb - "I don't know why you can't but I think I can guess why. I mean, why
else would anyone come here? Still..."

Ryu - ::Talks::

Nina - "Would it be possible to borrow some armor from you?"

Ryu - ::Nods::

Tahb - "Sorry, 'fraid not. I mean, we need it to do our jobs, you know."
"Even if I did give you some armor, you'd still need someone to help
guide you."
"The mist in there is so thick, you can barely see your hand in front of
your face! Not to mention the fact that the streets are like a maze!"
"As if that weren't enough, the place is full of ghosts, specters, and
other monsters!"
"I mean, we're just lucky they don't smash down that wall and attack us
right now as it is!"

???? - "I have returned, boss."

Tahb - "It's you, Ershin! Don't do that! You scared the wits out of me!"

Ershin - "If you were surprised by that, you will be even more surprised in a

Tahb - "Uh...Yeah, whatever. Um, this is Ershin. She works with us, but, ah,
to be honest, she's a little odd."

Ershin - "Incorrect! Ershin is not odd."
"Ershin is saying she will guide these two."

Tahb - "Wh...What!? Are you out of your mind!? What would you do if something

Ershin - "Nothing will happen. Everything will be all right. Ershin says
everything will be all right, so everything will be all right. If
Ershin says everything will be all right, it will be, for she is
never wrong. It will be all right, because Ershin is always right."

Tahb - "OK, OK, I get the idea! Fine, do whatever you want!"

Nina - "Thank you so much! You don't know how much this helps us!"

Ershin - "Do not thank me. You should thank Ershin. Thank you, Ershin."
2.7d - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Ershin - "I am told that it would be best if we split up here."
"Ershin will go down and walk through the mist. Ershin says the two
of you should move using the rooftops."

Nina - "Um, are you sure we'll be able to make it across if we do?"

Ershin - "Ershin is certain you will."
2.7e - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Ershin - "I see you have successfully made it through. Do you see the valve
over there?"
"She says that you must go there now."

Nina - "You mean over where that lever is, right? OK!"
2.7f - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Nina - "What should we do, Ershin?"

Ershin - "I am told that if both valves are opened simultaneously it will thin
the mist somewhat."

Nina - "That means we'll be able to get through it, right?"

Ershin - "Apparently so."
"Let us begin. One...Two...Three!"
"It seems that the mist will only recede for a brief time. I believe
that means we should hurry."
2.7g - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Ryu - ?

Nina - "Did anyone else hear that strange sound?"

Ryu - ::Shakes head::

Ershin - "The hex is anger and fear, a person's hatred given form. She says it
is to be expected that strange noises would emanate from it."
"She also says that as long as it is only sounds, we have nothing to
fear. Come--let us continue."
2.7h - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Nina - "W...What was that?"

Ryu - ::Sweatdrop::

Ershin - "The malevolent energy of the hex has coalesced into a physical form.
Ershin says it is extremely dangerous!"

Ryu & Nina - ::Sweatdrop::

Nina - "If it's dangerous, why are you laughing? Shouldn't we be getting out
of here?"

Ershin - "Apparently so....It would appear I was in error-I should not have
laughed at that juncture."
"Very well, then. Let us flee."

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::
2.7i - Location - Chamba [Mist Area]
Ershin - "It would appear it is following us."

Ryu & Nina - ::Nods::

Ershin - "Ershin suggests that we should run."

Ryu - ::Runs [Hit O!!!]

Nina - "Whew! Good! We made it!..."
"Or maybe not."
2.7j - BOSS BATTLE - Skulfish
Boss -- Skulfish
Info -- Uses poison and confusion attacks. Choose your equipment carefully!
EXP -- 429
Items -- Antidote, Fish-head

Alright..which one of the party members is afraid of a fish? ('>)3 <--[Fish]

Anyway, enough with the lame jokes. Anyone should know what to do first, get
Ryu, choose Meditate, and then bust out with the Aura Dragon!! ^_^ The fire
spell [Flame Strike] seem to do a bit more damage, but at the cost of AP, so
you decide what you want to do. Hwa (fire) will do about double the damage of
Flame Strike, since it hits twice.

Nina should use her Sever and heal whenever a party member is low on HP.
Use her Purify spell to cure poison. Get Ryu to cast Hwa (fire) then choose
Nina next, casting Sever, and you get Firewind, dealing about 300 damage.

And Ershin...well...S/he...should do whatever...yeah...ok...

Skulfish can cast VenomBreath, poisoning all your characters at once. Even
if it doesn't actually poison your characters much, it's up to you if you want
to cure the poison or not. This battle should be over in no time.
2.7k - Location - Chamba [Mist Area] - After Boss Battle
Ershin - "The malice contained in the hex cannot be so easily dissipated. Even
if it has been struck down, it will slowly grow larger within the
area affected by the hex until it is strong enough to reform. At
least, this is what Ershin says."

Nina - "I don't know why, but I feel sad for some reason...This hex...It's
horrible, isn't it?"

Ershin - "It was humans who created the hex. Ershin says you get what you
"We must move on. Use the ladder there."
2.7l - Location - N. Chamba
Nina - "Thank you very much for helping us. Without you, we never would have
been able to do it!"

Ershin - "If you wish to thank anyone, you should thank Ershin."
"Thank you, Ershin."

Nina - "Um...Yes, well...I'm afraid we don't have anything we can give you
right now, but..."

Ershin - "Nothing of material nature is required. Ershin says she wishes to
accompany that man."

Nina - "You mean...Ryu?"

Ershin - "Apparently so."

Nina - "Ah...I see...Well, we need to get back to where Cray is waiting--the
sooner, the better. If I know him, he's probably getting really
worried by now."

Ryu & Ershin - ::Nods::
2.8 - Location - Crash
Nina - "Cray!"

Cray - "Nina! Am I glad to see you! I was beginning to worry that something
had happened...!"

Nina - "I'm sorry, Cray. I..."
"Oh, I almost forgot. Um, Cray, this is Ryu, and Ershin."

Cray - "...Hmmm...Why don't you sit down and tell me all about what happened,
"I see......"

Nina - "So, in the end...I wasn't able to get the parts we need, and if it
hadn't been for Ryu and Ershin, I probably wouldn't have made it back
at all!"

Cray - "Don't worry about the parts. I'm just glad you made it back in one
"I never should have let you go off by yourself..."

Nina - "Oh, Cray..."

Ershin - "Ershin is saying that it appears as if your sandflier was damaged
by a dragon."

Cray - "That's right...How'd you know that!?"

Ershin - "It would appear that Ershin can sense such things."
"Ershin is very sleepy."

Cray - "I'm sorry...You must be tired after your journey."
"Well, I just want to thank you for all you've done for Nina. As you
can see, I can't offer much in the way of style, but you're welcome to
spend the night here."

That night...I had a dream.

Cray - "This is it...! This is the place they're holding Elina!"

Nina - "Yes...It's just like Ryu's dream showed us...Right?"

Ryu - ::Shakes water off::

Cray - "Don't get your hopes up too much--we still need to find her. Let's
2.8a - Location - Crash [Dreamland]
Cray - "Somebody's coming!"

???? - "What then is the status of the sacrifice?"

???? - "It continues to...grow, Lord Yuna."

Yuna - "Excellent. I am greatly pleased."

Cray - "Blast! They'll see us..."
"If we walk behind the curtain slowly enough, we should be able to get
to the other side without being seen..."

Ryu - ::Nods::
2.8b - Location - Crash
Cray - "Dream!?"

Nina - "Yes. You were in it, and so was Ryu."

Cray - "...A dream where we all went to rescue Elina?"

Nina - "You mean...You had the same dream!?"

Ershin - "Ershin says that that was Ryu's dream."

Nina - "What do you mean, Ershin?"

Ershin - "Ershin says...It was a dream of a possible future, one seen through
the Dragon's Eye. A glimpse of what may be."

Nina - "You mean...Wait a second..."

Cray - "You mean, if we take him with us...He can take us to the place we saw
in the dream? He can take us to Elina!?"

Ershin - "Apparently so."

Cray - "Call it an omen...Call it a vision...Call it whatever you want to--I
want to believe it's real."

Nina - "Up until now, we haven't had much to go on..."
"But now, I feel somehow closer to my sister...Like we're finally on the
right track...And it's all thanks to Ryu, isn't it?"

Ryu - ::Scratches head::

Ershin - "Ershin says that she will go where Ryu goes."

Cray - "Well then, let's get moving. We can't use the sandflier, so we'll have
to go on foot. We'll follow the coastline and head north."
2.9 - Location - Kurok

Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks To
***Special Thanks To the following people***

- CJayC - Gotta say this again...Awsome site!! Keep up the great work!!
- Capcom - For continuing the BoF saga, can't wait for the next one ~_^
- Y O U - If anyone even reads this...hehe...
Contact Info
If you wish to contact me for any questions or comments, or have a recipe to
submit, then please refer to the list below. Be sure if you e-mail me then
please put a subject, either BoF or Breath of Fire [or something with that]. If
you don't then it will probably get deleted.
Name - Shinji Lam
E-Mail -
AIM - Shinji Ikari 14
ICQ - 12581825
MSN - [Shinji]
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Enemy Information guide & Misc. lists compilation

17.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013
Pabpab Language Guide

15.Octombrie 2013
Boss Guide

14.Octombrie 2013
Spoiler Free

16.Octombrie 2013
Script FAQ

15.Octombrie 2013
Combo Guide

14.Octombrie 2013
Level 37 Save.

17.Octombrie 2013
Spiel ist komplett.

18.Octombrie 2013
Enemy Guide

13.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013
The Unchanged

11.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

11.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the US NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

16.Octombrie 2013
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