Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

15.10.2013 19:02:29

<<<<<<<<<<<<< GENERAL FAQ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<<< By: DLemasa (Dave Lemasa) >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Email: >>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Version: 0.76 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Date: January 8, 2002 > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<< Time: 1:30 PM EST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



II. VERSION HISTORY / BULLETINS (*** Please Read This ***)








Well met! Welcome to my FAQ for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, the latest
entry in the Forgotten Realms RPG stable from developer Snowblind Studios,
producer Black Isle, and publisher Interplay. BGDA is an excellent
dungeon hack that finally fills the vast RPG void on the PS2.

This guide will not include maps. I have done this on purpose. One
of the chief joys of a game like this is thorough dungeon exploration.
If I provided maps, that would ruin the fun, now, wouldn't it?
Ay any rate, the walk-through will be general and somewhat spoiler
free. To that end, I will also refrain from listing the game
areas in the above ToC. The walktrough will be concise enough to allow
easy skimming to locate the place where you are.

Also, I will highlight "must do" stuff for each area/dungeon of
the game. I will not give specific directions (i.e. turn north and
then walk 60 paces to the red tent on the right, etc.), but I will
clearly describe particular rooms to aid you in knowing you're
actually where you need to be.

Section III (see ToC) will likely become the most expansive area of
this FAQ. There's likely a ton of info that will be plugged in
with regard to skills, weapons, armor and enemies. I will frequently
update that area as new info becomes available. Please also feel
free to email any "official names" of creatures, etc. that are not
explained in the manual.



0.76: ******************* QUICK UPDATE ***********************

First of all, thanks to everyone who has emailed me, I
really appreciate all the feedback and suggestions you
have all sent me. However, there's a slight problem:
I've been flooded with email! I've been a bit busy and
haven't been able to read/answer all of it, so please
don't be offended if I haven't replied. I will be
posting an updated version of this FAQ in the near future
and will include many of the suggestions/information
you have sent me. Remember, I don't get paid for this
stuff so please be patient! ;)


Quick plug --->> Feel free to check out my other FAQ's
and reviews on GameFAQs!

0.75: Added to Walkthrough section.
Added to Secrets section.

0.50: First draft.
This guide was written with WordPad and is in Courier New font.

This FAQ is hosted at the following sites:

GameFAQ's -
Gamespot -







The walkthrough really doesn't differ for each of the character classes.
What does differ is the NPC interactions, not the substance of what they
say but the semantics. For example, dwarves will call you "brother" if
you're using the dwarf whereas they'll call you "traveler" if you are the

I have also found that some chests always drop the same thing, while
others are completely random. For that reason, I'm only going to write
about what some of the chests drop, particularly those in the early part
of the game where equipment vital to your survival will be.

Speaking of chests, open and smash every container you can. That means
barrels, boxes, crate and, of course, chests. You will need "stuff", and
that's where you'll find it. Also, I made a habit of clearing every,
single, stinking monster out of every nook and cranny of every dungeon.
Playing through on Easy, I got my dwarf up to level 17 (I probably could
have gotten him higher as my experience meter was just a hair shy of 18).
Killing monsters also gets you "stuff", so it's a win-win situation.

Finally, enemy and boss tactics, organized by character, will be included
in a follow up version. I will likely add a separate section for that.


++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++
++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++
++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++


After the opening cinematic where you get that rather nasty bump on the
head, you'll find yourself in the Elf Song Tavern. Listen to the lovely
melody. You will immediately enter into a dialogue with "Lady" Alyth
Elendara and her two large "friends". Gawk at the animation they chose
for said "friends". Note that it puts Soul Caliber to shame. Listen to
what she says and ask her whatever piques your curiosity. Bottom line -
she'll give you your first quest entitled, "Rat Exterminator". She
wants you to kill all the rats in the cellar to clear the way for her and
Ethon, her pet drunk. You will do this because it gets you closer to
those evil men who have *so* wronged you. The Lady promises the key to
the sewers where you can continue your investigation in exchange for pest
control, and now you have your first quest and a brand, spanking-new Rusty

Next, talk to Ethon. Inquire of the optional info if you want, but you'll
get the key to the cellar from him.

Next, pay the town idiot, Nebbish, a visit for your next quest, entitled,
"Fine Wine". He's jonesin' for a "little-bit-o-that" but his ass has
been shut off. No one likes a sloppy drunk, but Nebbish is a slob when
he's sober. He wants you to gank some primo hooch from the cellar on the
QT. Tell him you'll do it and you'll have the "Fine Wine" quest in your
Journal Tab.

Finally, say "Hi" to the shopkeeper, Bartley. You have no dough, so leave
him be for now.


Enemies: Giant Rats, Kobolds, Giant Spiders

Here's where we earn our keep. Immediately save your game and then
commence the rat extermination. Move from room to room (this area's
completely linear, just keep going forward). There'll be some chests,
open them. You will receive a message when 15 rates are left, then
10, then 5, then 4, 3, 2, 1. After all the rats are dead, grab the
Worn Wooden Shield from the chest, save your game at the save point
(which should be close) and Recall back to the Elfsong.
Alyth will reward you with some gold, experience, and the
key to the sewers. Also, Alyth will tell you that Ethon has gone
missing, and another quest will be added to your Journal tab entitled,
"Rescue Ethon".

Recall back to the cellars, time to get that "Fine Wine". Proceed from
the last rat room and you'll start fighting those nasty little buggers,
Kobolds. Kill them and proceed into a room with a pool in it. Kill those
Kobolds, open the chest (Rusty Longsword), and grab the bottle sitting
next to the chest. After your character expresses the importance of the
item, Recall back to the Elfsong and speak with Nebbish. He'll be
stealthily grateful and reward you with an Extra Healing Potion, some
gold and some experience.

Recall back to the cellars. Proceed from where you left off and you'll
run into some more Kobolds. Dispatch them, but also be alert for the
powder kegs that are in some of the rooms. Press "Square" to ignite them.
Be careful, however, because a stray sword swipe will also set them off
and your character will take damage.

After the Kobolds, you will find a few Giant Spiders. be careful -
they're a bit strong for your current level, but smart fighting will
prevail over them. Kill the spiders and notice that there's a tiny
room in the upper right of this room. (Use your Automap, "L1").
get close to where the entrence shows on your map and press "Square".
The secret door will slide open and there's a chest and some crates
for you to open. Grab the spoils and head through the north door
into the next area, the Sewers.


Enemies: Giant Rats, Kobolds, Bugbears

Sub-Bosses: "Mommy Rat"

Bosses: Bugbear Chieftain

After a brief cinema (poor Ethon!) you'll find yourself in the watery
sewers. As you proceed, you'll be immediately attacked by more rats.
Dispose of them, search the north room's chests (kill more rats),
then head east. Next set of rooms will have Kobold Warriors and Spear
Throwers (the throwers will be behiind a row of crates, be careful.)
Whack them and then head into the water through the ramp behind where
the kobold chuckers were. Some more rats and kobolds will attack.
Emerge from the water and you'll see a little campsite. The Kobold
campers (only a few) will attack and you will kill them. Search the
area for weapon racks and chests. When you see, way to the North,
a long line of Kobold Spearthrowers, turn back. There's a side area
we need to clear for XP. Backtrack to where you originally entered
this area and look for a door leading to an area with a big "circle"
passage. Ebter that area and you'll find some Kobolds and one
Bugbear. Make your way through, grab the contents of the chest, then
prepare to face the Kobold artillery.

OK. This can be tough, but if you have a shield you'll be cool. You
should come out behind that mass of crates near the Kobolds. Save your
game. You need to take out the Kobolds and hit the three switches
behind them. Time for some strategy. Snowblind was kind to you here.
Since the Kobolds are rooted in place, they cannot swarm and surround
you. The key to victory, especially if you're low level, is to also
be rooted in place. And so, Grasshopper, be like the bonsai and not
like the vine (if anyone knows what the Hell I just meant, please
drop me a line.) Get your shield ready. Run, run, run to the left
of their line. Put your shield up. Inch forward while "flashing"
your shield and time the "flashings" with their throws. Inch toward
the first Kobold. Let your guard down and take a few swipes.
Hopefully he died. Do the same thing and keep inching your way
across the line, slowly but surely whittling away at their numbers.
After you've thrown all 3 switches, the round gate will slide
away. Move on to the next area.

(NB - I'm sure there's other ways to do this, this is just how I did
it. I'm sure a mid level Sorceress would make mincemeat out of them
from afar.)

Through the hole we go into a big, water-filled area with some crates
stacked in various places. There's also a total of 4 giant rats.
Make your way through, kill the rats, then, at the place where you
first cam into the water, climb the crate-stairs and then jump from
crate stack to crate stack until you're near 2 chests. Nab the stuff
then jump down. There's another chest on the next set of stacked crates.
After that, jump up the final set of "crate-stairs" that go over the
wall and proceed to the next room.

Here you'll be attacked by another Bugbear and some Kobolds. Kill them,
then go straight to where there's a tent and a chest.Go into the next room
to the right) where there's some water, a bridge and more Kobolds. Clear
that area and then proceed into the next room.

Right. You should now be through the door and into a vast waterfilled area
with a save point in the center. You will also note that a ton of little
pointy sticks are being thrown in your direction. There's lots of spear-
chuckers here, so be cautious. Clear the room and then head towards the
passage with a bunch of crates blocking it. Hmm, someone didn't want
something getting out. I wonder what's in here?

OK. Hop over the crates. You'll notice that there's a bunch of dead
Kobolds strewn about. This area is like a grid, and run through and grab
the loot that the dead kobolds have dropped. When you get to the "top",
you'll notice an open room with more dead Kobolds. Get your guard up -
because the Mommy rat appears to be holed up here. As you enter,
you will see a rat that's MUCH bigger than the others. I don't know it's
official name (NB - I wish they included monster names, etc. in the
manual AND that they gave the sub-bosses, like this one, life bars.)
We'll call it the Mommy Rat.

Kill the Mommy Rat.

She's dead? Nice. Backtrack to the Big-Water-Kobold-Spear-Death
area and look for a closed round door. There's a switch next to
it. Throw the switch and go through the door. Enter this hallway
and kill the sole Bugbear. There's a big battle through this next
door, so go to town if you need potions and/or equipment.

OK. Through this door is the first real boss fight. As you open
the door and approach, you'll see that a big camp has been set up
with tents, crates, weapon racks, etc. There's also a little meeting
going on. As you enter, a brief cinematic will happen and a bunch of
Kobolds will swarm and attack you. Run back into the hallway where
the Bugbear was (try and bait the Kobolds in to following you).
Stand in the doorway and kill the Kobolds as they attack (they
can't surround you this way). After the Kobolds are dead, it's time
to go after the first boss, the Bugbear Chieftain.

Right. There might be a few Kobold stragglers, kill them and then run
deeper into the big room. A lifebar should appear at the bottom
of the screen that says, "Bugbear Chieftain". Get your guard up to
block his giant Morning Star and alternated with attacks of your own.
After he's dead, he'll drop some loot and a key. Search the area for
chests and weapon racks, then head toward the right to find a small
hallway with some jail cells. Loot the chests that are there and,
lo and behold, inside one of the cells is Ethon. Free him and he'll
head back to town. Also, take extra care to note the end area of
the hallway. On your mini-map, you'll see that the end of the hallway
has a little "spike" at the tip. Remember this spot well. Leave the
jail area and head back into the "camp" where you'll see a stairway.
This leads to town. Save a Recall potion by heading up the stairs and
return to the Elfsong Tavern.

Once inside the Elfsong, speak with Alyth and get some gold and XP.
Talk to Ethon for some XP and a Amulet of Dexterity +1. Now, notice that
there's 2 new faces in the tavern? Speak with both, Ipswitch and
Osala for 2 more quests - "Family Heirloom" and "Find Keissen"
respectively. Buy and sell what you may and head back out into town
and doen the sewer grate. Once back in the big camp area, use the
newly aquired key on the north door and head down the stairs to
Sewer Level 2.


Enemies: Bugbears, Gelatenous Cubes, Green Slimes, Kobolds

OK, here's where I start to get less specific. From here on in,
I'll highlight the important stuff you have to accomplish, but I'm
not going to go room by room. It will ruin the fun of the game and
will lengthen this FAQ by a magnitude of 10. In a nutshell, if I say
that you have to find 3 things and you only have 2, backtrack until
you find what you need. I cannot stress enough the importance of a
few things before we continue. First, religious use of the mini-map
is crucial (hit L1). It will show the areas you haven't searched
(they won't be revealed). Second, always, ,always, always keep a
shield with you, it's the only continuous blocking device for most
characters. Also, never leave town without at least 5 Recall potions.
Finally, SAVE YOUR GAME! Frustration is never fun. Ever.

Right, ownward. As you enter the area, you'll first encounter Bugbears.
Note that there's some explosive kegs in the first room. Use them if you
want, but they can hurt you too.

The next room is a HUGE waterfilled area. In it are Bugbears and
Gelatenous Cubes. Explore, explore, explore, fighting Bugbears, Kobolds,
Cubes and Green Slimes. You will eventually either reach a switch or a
set of 3 consecutive round doors, all locked. In a nutshell, you need
to find 3 switches. Not 1, not 2, not 4, not 5, nor 6. Not 11, but 3,
and 3 shall be the number of switches you must throw. They are not in
the same place, and so you must explore and backtrack as necessary until
you have found all 3. If you find the set of doors first, you know that
you need to find the 3 switches. OK? OK.

After you've thrown all 3 switches and fought many monsters, you'll come
so a set of stairs leading down to a new level. Save your game at the save
point before the set of doors and then Recall to town if necessary. In the
next area, you will need a blunt weapon, so if you don't have one, buy one.
After you're done in the Elfsong, Recall back and take the stairs.


Enenmies: Zombies, Skeletons, Skeleton Archers

Once you enter the stairs, there'll be a brief cutscene. After the cinema,
you'll be in the crypts and instantly attacked by various undead. Clear
the first room and save your game. Exploration time again. One this
first level, we're looking to do 2 things. First, we need to find
Ipswitch's Family Heirloom. Second, we need to get to Crypt level 2.

Advance into the next few rooms, kill the undead, and you'll be greeted
by Fayed, a local Priest of Illmater. Note that he seems awfully neat,
clean and generally wound free for one of his faith. I don't think he's
been properly suffering. No matter, his crypts are full of undead, so
Karma's apparently got his number. After talking with Fayed, you'll
learn of his situation as well as about the 3 urns puzzle that unlocks
the way to the second level. Fayed will also activate another quest
in your Journal tab entitled, "Evil Artifact".

Right. Ipswitch is first on the list, so we need to find that amulet.
Remember how I said there would be no maps in this FAQ? I lied. Well,
I kinda lied. The Family Heirloom is in a room that looks like this:

| |
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| _______ _______ |
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| | | | | | ROOM
| | | | | | (Crypts, Lvl. 1)
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| | | |
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| | | |
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------------------- DOOR -------------------

Not bad for my first ASCII map, ay? OK, the amulet will be on one
of the stone coffins. It will "highlight" when you get near it
and after you pick it up, your character will say, "This looks
inportant." like when you found the Fine Wine. Save your game
and head back to town. You should do this right away because of the
quest reward. Back at the Elfsong, speak to Ipswitch again. Let
him know that you found the Heirloom, give it to him, and he rewards
you with 300 XP and a "magic mace". Look in your inventory to find
a Light Mace of Disruption +1. Why was this quest so important
that I had you complete it right away? Because you got a free blunt
weapon with Disruption - which means that when you roll a critical
hit, there's a chance the mace will instantly disintigrate and kill
undead. Tres handy for this level, no?

OK. Next you need to get down to Level 2. This entails finding
the room that has the 3 urns that Fayed told you about. Explore and
kill until you come to a big room with a circlular trapdoor in the
northern part of it. You may also have noticed footprints on the
floor as you travel the level. These footprints will also lead you
to this room. Below this trapdoor, there are 3 boxes set into
the floor in a row. These are the slot that the urns must be placed
into. In this same room (clear the baddies first), you will find the
urns as well. Simply slide the urns over and into each slot. You will
know that you placed the right urn in the right square when you hear a
"sliding stone" sound when you place it. So, if you put an urn in a
square and hear no noise, it's not the right slot for it. Place all 3
urns - Bronze, Silver and Gold, and the trapdoor to Crypts, Lvl. 2
will slide open. Save your game (and/or head up to town via the
staircase). Head down into Level 2 when you are ready.


Enemies: Skeletons, Zombies

Bosses: Orb of the Undead

OK. Now we're going after that Orb. Explore, backtrack, explore
until you've cleared the various passages. You will eventually open
a chest with a magic Morningstar of Disruption +1. When you find this
you will be near the Orb. Again, like the above level, you can follow
the footprints to the "Chamber of Ashes", where that thief was told to
place the Orb. At any rate, should you happen to find the Orb, you
won't activate the boss battle unless you attack it, so if you think
there were areas you missed and did not clear, backtrack, clear them,
then return to this room. Also, make sure to save before hand and
stock up as necessary at the Elfsong.

OK. When you're ready, start wahcking the Orb. Its lifebar will
appear and it will begin to glow. A forcefield will also appear at
the entrence to the room, so you can't leave. Strategy here is
simple - whack the Orb with everything you've got until it floats
beyond your reach. Once it's fully airborn, it will start to raise
a bunch of skeletons that attack you. Kill the skel's to get the Orb
back down to the pedestal. Attack the Orb again and repeat the above
procedure. When the Orb is destroyed, enjoy the eye-candy and Fayed
will enter the room. he expresses his gratitude and rewards you with
750 XP and an Amulet of Protection +2. Take note of the dead thief
laying in the room with you - you'll find a key that was on his body.
Leave the Chamber and Recall back to the Elfsong.

Talk to Osala again. Let her know about Keissen (he was the dead thief)
and she'll reward you with a Ring of Protection +2 and 750 XP.

Next, note that there's a new guy standing next to Ethon. This is
Jherek, a member of the Harpers (they're kind of like a medieval
CIA / FBI / Secret Society all rolled into one). He invites you to join
and gives you your next quest entitled, "Thieves' Guild" (investigate
and stop it). Also note the ridiculously lazy "thing" Snowblind did
as Jherek reactivates the enchantment on the key you found after the Orb.
"There, it's reactivated." - gimme a break, at least have the conroller
vibrate or something). Jherek advises you that the secret entrence to
the Guild is back on Sewer Level 1. Hmmm, I wonder where it could be?

Also, speak with Keaira, another new face in the tavern. She tells you
about her stolen Spices and another quest is activated, "Lost Spice".
Continue to ignore Lortimer. he's useless.

OK, time to get to the Guild. Exit the Elfsong into the town area. Go
back down the sewer grate way over to the left side of town. Go back to
where you freed Ethon and that "spike" thing I told you to remember.
Walk to the end and up and the secret door will slide away. Enter the
doorway, hit "Square" and you'll be on your way to the Guild.


Enemies: Human Thieves, Kobolds, Mini-Beholders (? - someone
correct this if I'm wrong).

After you go through the door, another brief cinematic will unfold
revealing who your real enemy, Xantam, is. Very nicely done,
both the voice and animation are top-motch.

Again, we are faced with 2 immediate tasks upon entry (other than
kill and survive). First, we gotta find the Spice. Second, we
gotta get to the second level.

Explore and clear the thieves. They have 2 attacks, knife throw and
stab, so they can do melee and ranged. When you start to encounter
little, floating, one-eyed thingees which I think are Beholder Spawn,
you'll be close to the Spice Box (watch out for them, they explode
with red dust if you hang around them). Another way to find the
Spice Box is to find the stairs down to Level 2, then go down the
hallway south of those stairs that goes east. At the end of this windy
is a room with the Spice Box.

After finding the Spice Box, Recall back to the Elfsong and get your
reward from Keaira, 500 XP and an Iron Shield +1.

Head back to the Guild and go down the stairs to Level 2.


Enemies: Kobolds, Human Thieves, Giant Spiders, Various Traps
(Fireball Pillars, Floating Disks, Broken Bridges),
Green Slimes, a Gelatenous Cube, Mini-Beholders,
Giant Rats

Sub-bosses: *Really* Giant Spider X 2

Bosses: Karne (Human Thief-Mage - Xantam's Leuitenant)

Time to run the Gauntlet (not the secret level, it's what Karne
calls all the crap you're about to go through). So, we'll go
area by area (and please, save after each one!):

Area 1: Fireball pillars, they fire N, E, S, and W.

Area 2: Floating Disks - you need to jump from disk to disk as they
blink out of sight.

Area 3: More Floating Disks. Much more. To get across, you must
jump on the first disk. As you do, it and others will start to
blink. To progress across, you need to jump to the next disk
that *isn't* blinking. As you land, the same thing happens again.
Just keep jumping and waiting to see where the next solid disk
will be and jump to it. Repeat until you're across.

Area 4: More Fireball Pillars, a watery area, and Human Thieves.

Area 5: Floating Disks (same as above) followed by Giant Spiders and
one REALLY Giant Spider (Giant Spider Queen?).

Area 6: Mini "pens" with Giant Spiders.

Area 7: Long diagonal, spiraling passage. You'll encounter, in this

Green Slimes + Gelatenous Cube > Mini Beholders > Giant Spiders +
Giant Spider Queen > Giant Rats > Fireball Pillars > Giant Rat

At the end of all this, you'll hit a Save Point which preceeds an open room.
Save and restock at town as necesssary. Past this Save Point lies Karne,
the Leader of the Thieves Guild.

After a brief conversation, it's time to battle Karne. Keep your guard
up, because he'll immediately start throwing daggers at you. When you
get within melee range, he'll draw his two-handed sword, which does big
damage and he can block with it. Alternate blocking and attacking and
he'll eventually throw a smoke bomb and reappear behind you and he'll
start throwing daggers again. If he throws the smokebomb, immediately
turn around and get your shield/guard up. Block his attacks and keep
wailing on him until his lifebar is gone. He'll drop some loot, grab it,
then head down to Level 3.


Enenmies: Floating Eye Traps, Bugbears

Bosses: Xantam (The Beholder Lord of the Thieves' Guild)

This area can be a real b****, so make sure you save at each interval.
It seems like this area would be more aptly named, "The Gauntlet", but

I'll again go area by area:

Area 1: Floating Eye Trap and switch. Avoid lining up with it's gaze
and time your movements with its revolutions. In all areas
with these things, just stay out of it's vision as you throw
whatever switches you need to. As soon as each area's switches
have been thrown, you'll be able to go to the next room/area.

Area 2: Floating Eye Traps and Arrow/Dart Traps (they fire in the same
directions as the Fireball Traps).

Area 3: Floating Eye Traps and switches.

Area 4: Floating Eye Trap and a ton of switches.

Area 5: 3 Bugbears

At the end of this last room is the Throneroom, where the Beholder, Xantam,
awaits. Save your game, restock and get ready to kill the Eye Tyrant.

+The Throne Room - Act I End Boss+

Enter and have a short conveersation with Xantam. You'll realize that
there's more to this than just the goings-on in Baldur's Gate. After
trading threats, it'll be time to do battle with this Beholder.

NB - Anyone else a bit amused that your now level 6 -ish character is about
to take on a frikkin' Beholder? Just how are the 3rd edition rules
being implemented here? I mean, it doesn't matter to me really -
just curious....

OK, boss battle time. Xantam has access to all of the missile spells
in the game (Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, Ball Lightning) as well
as a few other unique attacks (Flame Ray and, of course, his bite
attack). Strategy here is actually simple. Get in his face and block.
After he attacks, hit him a few times. Heal any damage you take and
after a bit, he'll be dead. Trust in your blocking - don't put
speace between you and he or he'll be much, much harder.

Kill Xantam to fulfill the Thieves' Guild quest. After he's dead,
Jherek will show up and more of the plaot against Baldur's Gate will
be revealed. Recall back to the Elfsong (you'll have to leave the
Throneroom) and talk to Jherek. He'll reward you with a magic long
sword, a magic shortbow, 2000 gold and 2000 XP. Recall back to the
Guild, enter the Throneroom and go use the Portal that you and
Jherek just discovered.

And so, Act I comes to a close....

++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++
++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++
++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ACT II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++


Enemies: Gnolls, Ogres, Yetis

After going through the portal, you'll find yourself on a trail in the
Sunset Mountains. Just follow the trail, kill the badguys as they
attack, and grab any loot as you progress. At the end of the trail
you'll be able to enter the Dwarven Mine Camp.


You'll be greeted with a brief cinematic as you enter the Dwarven Mine
Camp. Walk past the first NPC, Branoch and go directly to Torrgeir.
Vhat with him and he'll explain that the Signal Tower needs to be lit
and the Drow need to be evicted from the Mines. You need a key to
the mines, which Torrgeir, alas, doesn't have. Nope, the Dwarven
leader, Kolgrim, took it with him when he went to light the Tower.
Translation - your first new quest, "Find Mine Key".

Now go over to Branoch, the Shopkeeper of Act II. Chat with him to
see what he's got, restock and/or upgrade, and then walk to the
right-most part of the camp. Once there, you will exit into the
Burning Eye Mountains and start your search for the missing Dwarves.


Enemies: Wolves, Gnolls, Yetis





Beat the game on any level of difficulty to unlock "The Gauntlet", a timed
run through a fairly difficult dungeon. Select the Gauntlet from the New
Game menu screen. Beating the Gauntlet means staying
alive AND killing all of the monsters in this dungeon within the 15 minute
time limit. Oh yeah, um... when playing the Gauntlet you can only use one
character, ni big deal, it's just...


NB: When I heard that this game was coming out, I thought to myself,
"Wouldn't it be cool if Drizzt was a playable character." Then I
remembered how all previous game appearances of the Drow Ranger were
mere cameos and he wasn't actually playable (although you can
fight against him in Baldur's Gate I and II for the PC). Discovering
that Drizzt is a playable character could be one of the best examples
of a game company finally giving gamers what they want.

But I digress....

In a nutshell, you'll fight the following monsters, in this order, as you
proceed from room to room in the Gauntlet:

Room 1: Giant Spiders (the little ones)
Room 2: Kobolds (Warriors, Spear-throwers and Shamen)
Room 3: 3 Umber Hulks
Room 4: Gnolls
Room 5: (Crap, I'll have to check)
Room 6: Mephits / Fiends
Room 7: Onyx Golem

Each room will have some chests in them to restock your potions and fill
your wallet. Clear all rooms and save your game. When you start a new game
you'll see that a new difficulty mode, Extreme, is now available. However,
Drizzt is not a fully playable character....yet.


After beating The Gauntlet, you may now select Extreme difficulty from the
New Game menu. However, unlike Easy, Normal and Hard, you must import
one of your characters from a game save. You can also do this in the
default difficulty modes, but under those conditions the game allows you
to bring your character WITH all his equipment, skills, experience and money.
In Extreme mode, you import your character awith all skills and experience
but NO equipment. None. So you're powerful yet under equipped.

OK, people, EXTREME is frikkin' hard. You say EASY was "too easy"? Well,
EXTREME is "too, too, too hard", but not in a cheesy way, it's just really
tough. The upside, however, is that the equipment you find and can purchase
from merchants is SOOOO much better than in the default difficulty modes.

More on this once when I get deeper into this mode - but - make sure you
use Repulsion and Cleggedin's Hammer (depending on who you are). Monsters
tend to warm and surround you, so these are a huge help.

Beating the game on EXTREME difficulty unlocks Drizzt for the normal
game. Simply start a new game, hit START, select CHOOSE PLAYER, and
import him from your Gauntlet game save.


It's really simple - Drizzt rocks! He can only equip his 2 scimitars,
Icingdeath and Twinkle, but thankfully they're both well up to the
job of taking on this game. He also wears Mithril Chain +4, but you can
switch his armor (just not his swords). Drizzt uses Repulse and
Icy Orb as his active feats, but he also has access to a bunch of the
passive ones.

Here's his stats at the time he is unlocked (before any level up's):

Drizzt Do'Urden

Level 16 Drow Ranger

In game quotes:

"You left me an opening!"
"Your guard is down!"
"This is not the time nor the place."
"I cannot carry anymore."
"I'm already holding everything I can!"
"I have no energy."

Strength: 13 (+1 hit / +1 damage)
Intelligence: 17 (+4 maximum energy)
Wisdom: 19 (+9% experience)
Dexterity: 20 (+5 armor)
Constitution: 15 (+2 health)
Charisma: 14 (+10% buy/sell)

Health: 160
Energy: 57
Armor: 43
Base Attack: 41
Damage: 29 - 59


Icingdeath (+3 Frost Scimitar) Damage: 11 - 25
Twinkle (+5 Defending Scimitar) Damage: 17 - 33

Mithril Chain +4 Defense: 28

NB: Drizzt can equip other armor that he finds or purchases.
He *cannot* use any weapons other than his scimitars, even
bows (which is odd, because Drizzt is known to use a bow
every once and a while).

Try unequipping his scimitar's - there's some
messages that pop up.


Drizzt "starts" with the following Feats at the following levels:

Repulsion: 2
Otiluke's Icy Orb: 3
Willpower: 1
Deflect Missiles: 3
Death Blow: 5 (max)
Improved Critical: 5 (max)
Improved Block: 1 (max)

He has no other points allocated in any other of the Feats he has
access to (good if you want to develop him). FYI: I'm currently
taking Drizzt through EXTREME difficulty, I'll use him to discover
the info for that (upcoming) section of the FAQ).


Beat the Onyx Golem in the Black Forge near the end of the game and he
drops this. It has huge damage. The game alludes that it is the only
thing that can hit the end boss. This is not true.
Make sure you have a decent blunt weapon and just let the
Onyx Golem have it. You'll be walking away with his sword in no time.


There are 2 code's that allow you access to 2 cheat menu's. I have only
gotten the first to work.

Cheat Code #1: Invulnerability and Level Warp:

While in the game, press and hold...

R2 + L1 + Triangle + D-Pad Left, and hit START

Hold these buttons simultaneously and then hit start. This will give
you access to the first cheat menu.

>From this menu, you can toggle Invulnerability On or Off.
This carries over to other games, i.e. if you save and
then load a different save file, that game will also have invulnerability.
As long as it is toggled "On", all games played will have Invulnerability

You can also access the Level Warp... from this menu. Simply select it
and the game will give you a list of locations to warp to throughout
the entire game. One cool thing about this is that monsters respawn
when warping (as you know they do not during the course of the game).
So, if you wanted to do reapeat kills for experience, you could warp to
each boss, kill them, then warp back to the first boss you fought,
etc., etc. all within the same game! There may be some bosses that
this won't work with, I'll test it and include my findings next version.

Cheat Code #2: Super-Stats and Money Increase

Another code is...

R2 + L1 + D-Pad Left + R3, and hit START.

I have not been able to get this code to to work. I'm not 100% sure
I know what this does, but I do know it gives you 75K gold. I'll
update this with the "official thing" these codes are called and the
effects of it later.

Cheat Code #3: Play as Drizzt at any time

Start a new game and pick one of the stock characters while holding
all 4 shoulder buttons (R1 +R2 + L1+ L2). I have not tried this,
but supposedly when the game actually loads, Drizzt will have
replace the character you selected.



Thank you to...

- GameFAQ's for hosting this FAQ.

- Snowblind, Black Isle and Interplay, for making video game dreams come

- Bob Salvatore, c/o TSR / Wizards of the Coast, for creating and (finally)
authorizing the PROPER use of the best fantasy character in all the
Realms, Drizzt Do'Urden, in this game.

- Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten realms.

- You, for reading my FAQ.



Copyright: (c) Copyright 2001 David J. Lemasa, Esq. This FAQ and
everything included within this electronic file shall
not be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical,
digital, analog, or otherwise) aside from being placed
on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in its
original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ shall
not be used for commercial or promotional purposes.
This FAQ shall not be used in any sort of commercial
transaction. This FAQ shall not be given away as some
sort of bonus, gift, etc., with any form of purchase.

In a nutshell, people, if you want to post this FAQ, simply ask. If you
want to use it for something else, please make DAMN sure you ask my
permission. I've heard the horror stories and would rather not become
another one. I'm a lawyer and I'm not afraid to use me! :)

With any luck, this guide will be available first at
and then any other websites that properly follow (more on that later).

Thanks for reading! Your intelligent questions, comments, suggestions,
etc. are welcome. My email address is

See you next version!


"Professional Devil's advocate, contact me for rates."

I just need a little bit of info before I answer your question, that is, have
you found the room where the urns are yet? The room you're looking is
rectangular and has 3 aquares on the floor in the northern part of the room.
Above the 3 boxes is a circular trapdoor with some symbols on it. The urns are
also in the room (you don't have to search for them elsewhere). Just walk up to
them and keep walking. The if they move with you and allow you to push them
then you've found the right ones. After locating them, try pushing them into
each square/slot in the northern part of the room. When each urn makes a noise
when it's placed, that's the correct square for it. If you place it in a square
and you don't hear a noise, then it's not the correct spot for it. Place all 3
urns (the order randomizes each game) and the circular trapdoor will open and
you'll be able to go down to the next level. O - I forgot - if you haven't
found the right room, you can follow the footprints on the ground and they will
lead you to the trapdoor.
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