Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon

16.10.2013 22:11:30
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A PC Microsoft Game
Zoo Tycoon Walkthrough (English Version)
Version 1.0
By EternalSword

To gamefaqs.com: Replace this with the old EternalDestiny

Version History

Version 1.0 (13-11-2001)

- First walkthrough

*Next Version*

- Add in "Animals"
- A lot more to be added in

1. Introduction
2. Main Menu
3. Play Tutorial and Scenario game
3.1 TUTORIAL 1 - Game Controls
3.2 TUTORIAL 2 - Basic Gameplay
3.3 TUTORIAL 3 - Making Animals Happy
3.4 Small Zoo (Beginner)
3.5 Seasideville Zoo (Beginner)
3.6 Forest Zoo (Beginner)
3.7 Revitalize Barkitsville Zoo (Intermediate)
3.8 Inner City Zoo (Intermediate)
3.9 Saving Great Cats (Intermediate)
3.10 Endangered Spiecies Zoo (Intermediate)
3.11 Island Zoo (Advanced)
3.12 African Savannah Zoo (Advanced)
3.13 Mountain Zoo (Advanced)
3.14 Tropical Rainforest Zoo (Advanced)
3.15 Paradise Island (Very Advanced)
3.16 Breed Giant Pandas (Very Advanced)
4. Animals (next version)
5. Disclaimer
6. Credits

1. Introduction

Zoo Tycoon is a PC Microsoft Game. You can build your own Zoo.
Adopt animals and make their home in you very own Zoo. Build food
stands, statues and many others things to please your visitors.

2.1 Main Menu

Play Tutorial and Scenario Game

Game Description: Play a Zoo Tycoon Scenario Game. Try to complete
all the objectives for the scenario.

Play Freeform Zoo

Game Description: Play a Zoo Tycoon Game without any preset
objectives or time limits.

Load Saved Game

Game Description: Load a previously saved Zoo Tycoon Game

Continue Saved Game

Game Description: Continue playing Tycoon Zoo.zoo

Get New Zoo Tycoon Items

Game Description: Download new Zoo Tycoon items over the Internet.
Be sure you are already connected to Internet.

View Game Credits

Game Description: View credits for Zoo Tycoon

Exit Zoo Tycoon

Game Description: Exit from Zoo Tycoon to Windows

Version Number

The version number of the game is located at the bottom-right corner
of the Main Menu.

3. Play Tutorial and Scenario Game

Game Description:

Play a Zoo Tycoon Scenario Game. Try to complete all the
objectives for the scenario.

Note: You must complete the previous scenario to unlock the next

3.1 TUTORIAL 1 - Game Controls

Scenario Description:

Tutorial 1 will teach you the basics of controlling Zoo Tycoon.

You will learn:

- How to open Game Options Tab
- How to exit Tutorial
- How to zoom the view in and out
- How to rotate the game map
- How to undo your previous action
- How to clear items from the game map

Scenario Objectives:

O Select the Game Options button
O Select the Zoom In button, then the Zoom Out button
O Rotate he game world in each directions
O Pause and Resume the game
O Place a snack machine then select Undo
O Delete a section of fence from the lion's exhibit

3.2 TUTORIAL 2 - Basic Gameplay

Scenario Description:

Tutorial 2 will teach you about the basic gameplay of
Zoo Tycoon.

You will learn:

- How to build a basic animal exhibit
- How to adopt an animal
- How to hire staff
- How to connect paths to animal exhibits and buildings
- How to satisfy the needs of your guests

Scenario Objectives:

O Place Iron Bar exhibit fence the create a Bengal Tiger
O Adopt 1 Bengal Tiger(s)
O Hire 1 zookeeper(s)
O Place 8 concrete path pieces
O Purchase 1 Burger Stand(s)
O Purchase 1 Drink Stand(s)
O Purchase 4 Picnic Table(s)
O Purchase 1 Family restroom(s)
O Purchase 3 Trash Can(s)

3.3 TUTORIAL 3 - Making Animals Happy

Scenario Description:

Tutorial 3 will teach you about the basic of making the zoo
animals happy.

You will learn:

- How to place the correct terrain in an exhibit
- How to determine which type of foliage an animal prefers
- How tell if and animal likes or dislikes an object placed
in its exhibit
- How to understand the exhibit's suitability rating
- How to follow the zookeeper's recommendations to make
suitable exhibit

Scenario Objectives:

O Place savannah grass terrain in the lion exhibit
O Place the correct terrain in the jaguar exhibit
O Place 2 Grass Trees in the lion exhibit
O Place 4 Umbrella Thorn trees in the lion exhibit
O Place 4 of the correct trees in the jaguar exhibit
O Improve the lion's exhibit suitability
O Make a duplicate of the clouded leopard exhibit

3.4 Small Zoo (Beginner)

Scenario Description:

This small zoo starts with three well-made exhibits and
three animals ready for adoption. Match the correct animal
with its preferred exhibit. Examine the names of the exhibits
to get a clue as to which exhibit will best suit the animal.

To do this, click the exhibit gate and note the name of the

Once the animals are in the correct exhibits, six new animals
will become available. Create suitable exhibits for three of
these new animals.

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 6
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 60 for 6 exhibits
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 80

3.5 Seasideville Zoo (Beginner)

Scenario Description:

The planning board of Seasideville, a small community in
Florida, has recently approved the construction of zoo to
increase tourism. They have hired you to oversee contruction
and management of this project. Because of a tight budget,
your choices for animals are limited.

The goals for this zoo are modest. With the resources you
have, build a small zoo where the guests enjoy viewing the
animals housed in the exhibit that reflect their natural

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 6
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 60 for 5 exhibits
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 80
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 80

3.6 Forest Zoo (Beginner)

Scenario Description:

A conversation group has purchased a small plot of land in
a wooded area outside the city of Munich, Germany. Their
goal is to create a small zoo that can be used as a haven
for animals from zoos around the zoo when they are no longer

You will not be able to adopt any animals in this scenario.
They will all be donated to you from other zoos. The first
shipment of animals has arrived and can be found in their
near the front gate. The animals won't leave this crate
unless they are placed in valid exhibits.

When this first batch of animals are in suitable exhibits,
the next shipments will arrive. In the meantime, attract
guest by purchasing buildings where guests can fulfill
their needs and can have fun.

Remember, if you need extra cash, you can always sell the
trees inside the zoo by clicking the Clear Object tab,
moving the bulldozer-shaped cursor to a tree, and then
clicking it. To sell multiple items, draw a box with the
bulldozer-shaped cursor; all the zoo objects inside the box
will be deleted when you release the muse button.

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 12
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 70 for 6 exhibits
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 85
O Achieve a zoo rating of 60

3.7 Revitalize Barkitsville Zoo (Intermediate)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 12
O Achieve a zoo rating of 50
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 75
O Exhibit at least 8 different animal species

3.8 Inner City Zoo (Intermediate)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 12
O Achieve a zoo rating of 55
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 85
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 78
O Exhibit at least 6 different animal species

3.9 Saving Great Cats (Intermediate)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 18
O Adopt 2 Lion(s)
O Adopt 2 Bengal Tiger(s)
O Adopt 2 White Bengal Tiger(s)
O Adopt 2 Siberian Tiger(s)
O Adopt 2 Leopard(s)
O Adopt 2 Black Leopard(s)
O Adopt 2 Snow Leopard(s)
O Adopt 2 Black Leopard(s)
O Adopt 2 Cheetah
O Adopt 2 Jaguar
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for all
cat exhibits
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 90

3.10 Endangered Species Zoo (Intermediate)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 18
O Earn a suitability rating of 70 for 12 exhibits
O Achieve a zoo rating of 70
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 90
O Possess at least 1 baby Black Leopard
O Possess at least 1 baby Okapi
O Possess at least 1 baby White Bengal Tiger

3.11 Island Zoo (Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 24
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93
O Achieve a zoo rating of 75
O Achieve an average animal rating of 93
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 10

3.12 African Savannah Zoo (Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 24
O Exhibit at least 20 animals from Savannah in
O Achieve a suitability rating of at least 80 for
13 exhibits
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 93
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93
O Achieve a zoo rating of 75

3.13 Mountain Zoo (Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 24
O Exhibit at least 15 different species
O Achieve an average animal rating of 90
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for
all exhibits
O Achieve a zoo rating of 70

3.14 Tropical Rainforest Zoo (Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 36
O Exhibit at least 17 different species
O Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for
all exhibits
O Achieve a zoo rating of 80
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93

3.15 Paradise Island (Very Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 36
O Achieve a zoo rating of 80
O Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93
O Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 95
O Earn a suitability of at least 95 for all

3.16 Breed Giant Pandas (Very Advanced)

Scenario Description:

Scenario Objectives:

O Months to complete: 36
O Possess at least 1 Giant Panda(s)
O Earn a suitability rating of 90 for all

3. Animals


Olive Baboon

Cost: $900
Foliage: Baobab Tree

Description: Olive baboons live in large groups.
Olive baboons loves Baobab Tree.

Plains Zebra

Cost: $800
Foliage: Tall Grass

Description: Plains Zebra prefer to be kept in large
herd of their own kind or with other herd animals
from the African savannah.


Cost: $1200
Foliage: Water Reed

Description: Hippos are solitary but do not mind
being in small groups. Hippos prefer relatively
large exhibits with more water than land.


Cost: $1100
Foliage: Baobab Tree

Description: Leopards are solitary hunters that
prefer to live on their own. Leopards love
savannah trees.


Cost: $1100
Foliage: Tall Grass

Description: Ostriches prefer small flocks.
Ostriches enjoy tall grasses of the savannah.

African Warthog

Cost: $600
Foliage: Thorn Bush

Description: African Warthog live in small
groups. African Warthogs sleep in burrows.

Thomson's Gazelle

Cost: $500
Foliage: Tall Grass

Description: Thomson's Gazelle prefer to be
kept in large herds of their own or with
other animals from the savannah.


Cost: $1600
Foliage: Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree

Description: Giraffe prefer live in small herds
Giraffe shelters are the only shelters that is
large enough for Giraffe.


Cost: $700
Foliage: Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree

Description: Lions live in moderate sized groups
called 'prides'. Lions eat most other savannah
animals and need a small watering hole of Fresh


American Bison

Cost: $1500
Foliage: Broadleaf Bush

Description: American Bison travel in large herds.
American Bison require nearby source of Fresh
Water for drinking.

Grizzly Bear

Cost: $1000
Foliage: Yellow Cedar Tree

Description: Grizzly Bears prefer to live alone
or in small groups. Grizzly Bears like to sleep
in rock caves.

Bengal Tiger

Cost: $800
Foliage: Mangrove Tree


Deciduous Forest


Cost: $700
Foliage: Weeping Willow Tree

Description: Moose are essentially solitary animals.
Moose enjoy the Weeping Willow Tree.

Tropical Rainforest


Cost: $1100
Foliage: Kapok Tree

Description: Jaguars are solitary hunters that prefer
to live on their own. Jaguars need to have a source of
Fresh Water nearby.

Giant Anteater

Cost: $600
Foliage: Ulmo Tree

Description: Giant Anteaters are solitary animals.
Giant Anteaters sleep on burrows.



Cost: $900
Foliage: Quiver Tree

Description: Gemsbok graze in small herds. Gemsboks
enjoy the Quiver Tree.

Dromedary Camel

Cost: $900
Foliage: Quiver Tree

Description: Dromedary Camels are equally happy alone
or in small groups. Dromedary Camels enjoy the shade
of the Quiver Tree.

4. Disclaimer

This walkthrough is copyright 2001 by EternalDestiny.
You may print this guide for personal use. If you
want to put my walkthrough in your website, e-mail
me. Also, if you have questions to ask me, feel free
to e-mail to me.

5. Credits

Thanks to:

- Microsoft for creating this wonderful game
- Any website for posting my walkthrough
- EVERYONE who read my guide

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