Legends Of Wrestling

Legends Of Wrestling

15.10.2013 10:01:19
Legends of Wrestling FAQ v2.0

Standing Basics

Weak Strike = square
Medium Strike = Left (or Right) + square
Strong Strike = Up (or Down) + square

Non-Grapple Move 1 = triangle
Non-Grapple Move 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle
Non-Grapple Move 3 = Up (or Down) + triangle

Change Focus = L2
Grapple = O
Turn opponent = L1 (From Grapple)
Run = direction + R1
Climb on apron = R2 (from arena floor or in ring)
Climb down apron to floor = R2 (from apron)
Enter/Exit Ring = D-Pad + R2
Block = X button
Call for Tag Partner Cheat or Manager Distraction = Left Analog
Taunt/ Perform Finisher = Right Analog
Cancel Top rope moves = L2
Release Pins = L2
Release Grapples = L2
Pin = X button
Climb Turnbuckle = direction + triangle, square, or O
Pick up weapons = L1
Pull weapons from under Apron = L1
Turn over downed opponents = L1
Drag Downed Opponents = direction + L1
Stomp opponent = square
Tag Partner = D-pad + X

Grapple Commands Note: to execute grapple moves you have to initate a grapple, select the ISP for the desired move, then execute the move.

Scoop Slam ISP = triangle
Head BTW Legs ISP = O
Suplex ISP = square
Belly to Belly ISP = X
Move opponent = D-Pad
Toss Opponent down = R2
Toss opponent into turnbuckle = R2 (with opponent's back to turnbuckle)
Irish Whip = D-pad + R1
Turn Opponent = L1

Rear Grapple Commands

Samoan Drop ISP = triangle
Full Nelson ISP = O
Gut Wrench ISP = square
Hold Opponent for partner abuse = X
Irish Whip = D-pad + R1
Turn Opponent = L1

Grounded opponent controls

Turn Opponent = L1
Drag Opponent = D-Pad + L1
Pin = X
Mount ISP = triangle (near face up opponent's side)
Choke ISP = triangle (near face up opponent's head)
Holding Legs ISP = triangle (near face up opponent's feet)
Ground Attacks = triangle (near face down opponent's head, side, or feet)

Misc. Controls

*Running Ring exit = R1, then hold D-Pad + R2
*Throw opponent out of ring = D-pad + R2, from rear grapple when near ropes (through ropes)
*Throw opponent out of ring =D-Pad + Hold R2, with opponents back to ropes (over the top rope toss)
*Throw opponent in ring = D-pad + R2, from rear grapple near ring apron
*Drag opponent from ring = O, when opponent is near ropes
*Drag opponent down from apron = O, button
*Double Teams = both players grapple opponent at same time, different situations yield different double teams
*Throw weapon = O
*Weapon Specific Attack = triangle with weapon on hand
*Drop Weapon = X
*Grab opponent from apron and attack them = O or triangle (front or behind)
*Lift opponent off of ground by pressing O
*Lift a face down opponent to get them in bent over position

*Grapple opponent and then press R2 while their back is too ropes to tie them up on ropes, then press triangle to attack or run and hit triangle
*press L1 to turn them around so you can choke them on ropes or give them the boss man attack
*Lift opponent to Bent over position by lifing a face down opponent
*Grapple opponent in turnbuckle to lift into superplex position
*press L1 when opponent is in turnbuckle to turn them facing the turnbuckle
*After turning opponent (See Above) grapple them to put them in Tree-of-Woe

Generic Move List Note: not all Wrestlers can do all moves

Finisher = Right Analog Stick in proper situation
Weak Strike = square
Medium Strike = Left (or Right) + square
Strong Strike = Up (or Down) + square
Front Attack 1 = triangle
Front Attack 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle
Front Attack 3 = Up (or Down) + triangle
Behind Attack 1 = triangle
Behind Attack 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle
Bentover Attack 1 = triangle
Bentover Attack 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle
Bentover Behind Attack 1 = triangle
Bentover Behind Attack 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle
Standing Plancha Attack 1 = square near ropes
Standing Plancha Attack 2 = triangle near ropes
Running Plancha Attack 1 = square just before you run into the ropes
Running Plancha Attack 2 = triangle just before you run into the ropes
Corner Attack 1 = triangle when opponent is in turnbuckle
Corner Attack 2 = Left (or Right) + triangle when opponent is in turnbuckle
Opponent Running Attack 1 = square
Opponent Running Attack 2 = triangle
Opponent Running Attack 3 = O
Turnbuckle Attack 1 = D-pad + square, opponent standing and undazed
Turnbuckle Attack 2 = D-pad + triangle, opponent standing and undazed
Turnbuckle Attack 3 = D-pad + O, opponent standing and undazed
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1= D-pad + triangle
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2 = D-pad + square
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1 = D-pad + triangle
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2 = D-pad + square
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack = D-pad + triangle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack = D-pad + triangle
On Belly Attacks 1,2, and 3 = triangle at face down opponent's head, side and feet.

Weapon Attack = triangle with weapon in hand (different weapon required for diiferent moves, ex. Vandaminator needs chair or cookie sheet)

Running Attack = square
Running ground at side attack = square
Running corner attack = square
Running corner sitting attack = square
Tree of woe Attack = triangle
Running Tree of Woe Attack = square
Corner Faceout Attack = triangle, when opponent's stomach is on turnbuckle
Corner Sitting Attack = triangle, after using a corner attack to knockdown opponent in turnbuckle
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack = triangle, after sitting opponent on turnbuckle with O Button

Apron tie-up attack in ring = triangle
Apron tie-up attack on apron = triangle
On Apron Standing Attack = triangle
On Apron Standing Attack to floor = triangle
On Apron Ground Attack = triangle
On Apron ground Attack to floor = triangle
Vertical Suplex ISP Attacks 1-4 = square, triangle, O and X in that order
Scoop Slam ISP Attacks 1-4 = square, triangle, O and X in that order
Head BTW Legs ISP Attacks 1-4 = square, triangle, O and X in that order
Belly to Belly ISP Attacks 1-4 = square, triangle, O and X in that order
Gutwrench ISP Attacks 1-3 = square, triangle, O in that order
Samoan Drop ISP Attacks 1-3 = square, triangle, O in that order
Full Nelson ISP Attacks 1-3 = square, triangle, O in that order
Choke ISP Attacks 1-3 = square, triangle, O in that order
Holding Legs ISP Attacks 1-3 = square, triangle, O in that order
Mount ISP Attacks 1 and 2 = square, triangle in that order
Entrance Taunts 1-4 = square, triangle, O and X in that order

*ISP means Intermediate Starting Position, it is the system this innovative game uses to link moves together and allow realistic counters

A word on Linking moves

When you perform a move if you can link it a bar appears under your name. Some moves can combo into a pin, others into another ISP. On the bar you will see a red region and a green region as well as an X icon (if the move combos into a pin), a square icon (if the move combos into an ISP), or even both. To link a move just press the corressponding button when the indicator reaches the green region, and put the hurt on.

A Word on Counters

Connected to the link meter is the counter meter. When you perform a move that can be countered a meter appears under the victims name that is similar to the link meter but it does not ever contain a square icon. The victim has to press X when his indicator reaches the green region to escape and reverse the move. However if the player executing the move presses x when the victim's indicator reaches the green region, before the victim can, then the victim can not counter and suffers the wrath of the move.

To do double teams both players have to grapple (circle button)the opponent at exactly the same time. The double team performed seems to depend on the stats of the wrestlers. For example with the iron sheik and nikolai I almost always get a double spine buster from the front. But with the rock n' roll express I always get a double drop kick. So far I've figured out that these positions give different double teams:

#1 Both players in front
#2 One player on each side (left and right sides of opponent)
#3 Both players behind
#4 One player in front one player behind
#5 Both players in front of running opponent
#6 Both players in front of opponent in turnbuckle

Now for examples.
#1 Double Spine Buster(acolyte spinebuster), double drop kick
#2 Double Flapjack, Double ChestBreaker
#3 Double Atomic Drop
#4 Double Powerbomb
#5 Double HipToss, Double Drop Toehold
#6 Doomsday Device (I'm not so sure about this one, My cousin and I only got it to work twice unlike the others where we did about 10 a piece)

If anyone else can help out let me know.

P.S. the timing is extremely difficult so don't surprised if it takes a while just to do one double team. The timing has to be exact!!!!!

Moves List---Moves List---Moves List---Moves List---Moves List---

Weak Strike---Right Jab
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Hip Toss
Front Attack 3---Sidewalk Slam
Behind Attack 1---Side Slam
Behind Attack 2---Atomic Drop
Bentover Attack 1---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Attack 2---Impact DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Pumphandle Slam
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Rack
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Choke with Boot
Opponent Running Attack 1---Big Boot
Opponent Running Attack 2---Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Cross Face Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running Ground Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Facing Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Power Bomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly Belly Superplex
Apron Tieup Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tieup Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Belly Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug
Belly Belly ISP 2---Belly Belly Push Suplex
Belly Belly ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 1---High Angle Back Drop
Gutwrench ISP 2---Electric Chair Drop
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Saoman Drop ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 1---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Rear Chin Lock
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Choke Punch
Entrance Taunt 1---Hulk Pose
Entrance Taunt 2---Hulk Listen
Entrance Taunt 3---Hull Flex
Entrance Taunt 4---Hulk Pump Flex
Finisher---Running on Ground Side Attack---Running Leg Drop--R Analog

Weak Strike---Front Kick to Gut
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Enziguri Kick
Front Attack 2---Headbutt
Front Attack 3---Small Package
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---School Boy Pin
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning Neck Breaker
Bentover Attack 2---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Locked
Running Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Corner Attack 1---Tornado DDT
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Back Body Drop
opponent Running Attack 2 ---Locked
On Turnbuckle Attack 1---Drop Kick
On Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB Ground Dizzy Attack 1---2nd Rope Elbow
TB Ground Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Dizzy Floor Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Dizzy Floor Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Inverted STF
Weapon Attack---Russian Leg Sweep
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Standing Drop Kick
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Facing Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tieup Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tieup Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip Out
On Apron FLoor Ground Attack---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Suplex
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Slam
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Powerbomb
Belly Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Tiger Suplex
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Russian Leg Sweep
Choke ISP 1---Spinal Tap Kick
Choke ISP 2---Dragon Sleeper
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Headbutt to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Figure Four
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Arm Bar
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Hands on Hips
Entrance Taunt 2---Arms Out
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Right
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Left
Finisher---Sharpshooter---Holding Legs ISP---Right Analog

Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 2---Headbutt
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---School Boy Pin
Behind Attack 2---Side Slam
Bentover Attack 1---DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Cobra Twist
Standind Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 1---Running Plancha
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Punch Combo
Opponent Running Attack 1---Knee to Face
Opponent Running Attack 2---Hook Clothesline
On Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Block
TB Standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB Ground Dizzy Attack 2---Moonsault
TB Standing Dizzy Floor Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Dizzy Floor Attack---Senton Bomb
On Belly at Head---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Vertical Body Splash
Running Ground Side Attack---Running Stomp
Running Corner Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Atttack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Facing Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tieup Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tieup Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Lariat
On Apron Floor Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Leg Drop
On Apron Floor Ground Attack---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Rolling Suplex
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Side Neck Buster
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Belly Belly ISP 1---Inverted Piledriver
Belly Belly ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 1---Reverse Powerbomb Plex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Twirling Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 1---Doujimi Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Hand on Hips
Entrance Taunt 4---Walk One Fist Up
Finisher---Spinning Toe Hold---Holding Legs ISP---Right Analog

Weak Strike---Front Kick to Gut
Medium Strike---Lean in Upper Cut
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Headbutt
Front Attack 2---Enziguri
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Back Slide
Behind Attack 2---Cobra Slam
Bentover Attack 1---DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Gutwrench Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Stretch Plum
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Tope Rope Senton
Running Plancha Attack 1---Senton Plancha
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Dropkick
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
On Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Block
On Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB Ground Dizzy Attack 1---Senton Bomb
TB Standing Dizzy Floor Attack---Locked
TB Ground Dizzy Floor Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack--- LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Senton
Running Corner Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Facing Out Attack---Hanging Neck Break
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tieup Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip In
Apron Tieup Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip Out
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Lariat
On Apron Floor Standing Attack---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Chest Breaker
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Corkscrew Suplex
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Scoop
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Pile Driver
Belly Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 1---Tiger Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Victory Roll Pin
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Full Nelson ISP 1---Crossface Chicken Wing
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Sleeper
Choke ISP 1---Drop Kick to Head
Choke ISP 2---Scissored Armbar
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---Single Leg Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Armbar
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Snuka Hand Pose
Entrance Taunt 2---Snuka Knee Pose
Entrance Taunt 3---Snuka Right Hand up
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Superfly Leap---TB Ground Dizzy Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 2---Small Package
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---School Boy
Behind Attack 2---Low Blow
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDt
Bentover Attack 2---Gutwrench Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Backbreaker
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 1---Running Plancha
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Big Double Chop
Opponent Running Attack 1---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 2---Spinebuster
On Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
TB Standing Dizzy Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB Standing Dizzy Floor Attack---Locked
TB Ground Dizzy Floor Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Shoulder Block
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner In Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Facing Out Attack---Turnpost Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tieup Attack, In Ring---Piledriver
Apron Tieup Attack, On Apron---Piledriver
On Apron Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Floor Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron Floor Ground Attack---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Seated Front Suplex
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Side Neck Breaker
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Power Bomb
Belly Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly Belly ISP 2---Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly to Back Suplex
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 1---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Katahajime
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Entrance Taunt 1---Flex One Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Arms Out
Finisher---Fall Back Pile Driver---Head BTW Legs ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Hip Toss
Front Attack 3---Head Butt
Behind Attack 1---Side Slam
Behind Attack 2---Locked
Bentover Attack 1---Gutwrench Power Bomb
Bentover Attack 2---Gutwrench Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Pumphandle Slam
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Running Power Slam
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Spine Buster
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Locked
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Power Bomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Powerslam
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 4---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Shoulder Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Sit Out Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Spinning Belly to Belly
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Bear Hug
Belly to Belly ISP 4---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 1---Reverse Power Bomb
Gutwrench ISP 2---High Angle Back
Gutwrench ISP 3---Release German
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Death Valley Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 2---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 3---Katahajime Plex
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Rear Chin Lock
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Two Elbows
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Animal Fists
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Right
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap hands Left
Finisher---Powerslam---Opponent Running---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Chin Crusher
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---DDT Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Reverse Firemans Carry
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Diamond Dust
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Big Boot
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Shoulder Block
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Kamikaze Head Butt
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Dizzy Floor Attack--Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Dizzy Floor Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---Rings
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Shoulder Block
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Angled Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Neck Breaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Power Bomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Corkscrew Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Side Neck Buster
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Forward Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Cradle Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Overhead Belly to Belly
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Power Bomb
Gutwrench ISP 2---360 Belly to Back
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Death Valley Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Twirling Samoan
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 2---Front Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 2---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Animal Fists
Entrance Taunt 2---What a Rush
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Left
Finisher---Jumping Lariat---On Turnbuckle Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Double Fist Punch
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Hair Grab Takeover
Front Attack 2---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 3---Sit Out Choke Slam
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---School Boy Pin
Bentover Attack 1---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Attack 2---DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Stretch Plum
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Punch Combo
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Rings of Saturn
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Shoulder Tackle
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Stomp
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring In Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring Out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Corkscrew Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Side Neck Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out face Buster
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Inverted Piledriver
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Slam
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4--- N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 2---Reverse Facebuster
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Spinal Tap
Choke ISP 2---Claw
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Two Elbows
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Steele Hoot
Entrance Taunt 3---Steele Look Around
Entrance Taunt 4---Look at Fans
Finisher---Flying Hammerlock---Full Nelson ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Side Roundhouse
Strong Strike---Roundhouse Kick
Front Attack 1---Enziguri
Front Attack 2---Double Roundhouse
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Layout Reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---School Boy Pin
Bentover Attack 1---Face Buster
Bentover Attack 2---Spinning DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Kick Combo
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Fujiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Jumping Lariat
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Inverted STF
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Sunset Flip
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Front Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---Monkey Flip
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Underhook Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 2---Tiger Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Elevated Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Dragon Sleeper
Full Nelson ISP 2---Sleeping Neck Breaker
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Dragon Sleeper
Choke ISP 2---Scissored Armbar
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 2---Elevated Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Armbar
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Look at Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Snuka Knee Pose
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Flying Crossbody---On TB Standing Dizzy---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Front Kick to Gut
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Neck Breaker
Front Attack 2---Enziguri
Front Attack 3---One Arm Slam
Behind Attack 1---Cobra Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning Neck Breaker
Bentover Attack 2---DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Punch Combo
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Block
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---DDT
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Vertical Body Splash
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Angled Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Fisherman Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Seated Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Away Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---High Angle Backdrop
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Death Valley Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Scissored Armbar
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 3---Boston Crab
Mount ISP 1---Two Elbows
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 2---Arms Out
Entrance Taunt 3---Stop and Taunt
Entrance Taunt 4---Hands on Hips
Finisher---Million Dollar Dream---Full Nelson ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Tornado Punch
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Hair Grab Takeover
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---Low Blow
Bentover Attack 1---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Guillotine Scissors
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Power Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Lean in Choke
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Shoulder Tackle
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Vertical Chest Breaker
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Seated Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 4---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Fall Back Power Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly Back Power Bomb
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Firearm Toss
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 2---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Spinal Tap
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Reverse Figure 4
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Flex One Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Point at Ring
Entrance Taunt 4---Look At Fans
Finisher---Camel Clutch---On Belly at Head Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---One hand Choke Slam
Front Attack 3---Sit Out Choke Slam
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---Abstretch
Bentover Attack 1---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Running Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 1---Impact Spinebuster
Opponent Running Attack 2---Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---STF Submission
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Avalanche
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Fisherman Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fire Thunder Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Shoulder Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---High Angled Backdrop
Gutwrench ISP 2---Rolling German
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Elevated Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Front Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Rear Chin Lock
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Reverse Figure 4
Entrance Taunt 1---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 4---Point at Ring
Finisher---Back Breaker---Bentover Front---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Front Kick to Gut
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Inverted Stinger
Front Attack 2---Neck Breaker
Front Attack 3---Small Package
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---DDT Slam
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Guillotine Scissor
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Diamond Dust
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Hooked Clothesline
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Jumping Lariat
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---2nd Rope Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---TB Leg Drop
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Ankle Lock
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Running Cross Body
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring Out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Chest Breaker
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Forward Scoop
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Back Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Fall Back
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Suplex
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Headbutt to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Single Leg Crab
Mount ISP 1---Two Elbows
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Look at Fans
Finisher---Figure Four---Holding Legs ISP---Rigt Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Sit Out Rock Bottom
Front Attack 2---Inverted Stinger
Front Attack 3---Rock Bottom
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---DDT Slam
Bentover Attack 1---Forward Face Buster
Bentover Attack 2---Rocker Dropper
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Running Powerslam
Corner Attack 2---Butt Thrust
Opponent Running Attack 1---Time Bomb
Opponent Running Attack 2---Hooked Clothesline
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Spear
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Splash
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Power Bomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Power Bomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fire thunder Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Cradle Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Elevated Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 3--- Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Release German
Gutwrench ISP 2---360 Belly Back
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Claw
Choke ISP 2---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Choke Punch
Entrance Taunt 1---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Pound Chest
Entrance Taunt 4---Stop and Taunt Fans
Finisher---Avalanche---Running Corner in Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Right Jab
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Fireman's Carry
Front Attack 2---Stinger
Front Attack 3---Headbutt
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---Cobra Slam
Bentover Attack 1---Rocker Dropper
Bentover Attack 2---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Cobra Twist
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Knee to Face
Opponent Running Attack 1---Knee to Face
Opponent Running Attack 2---Spine Buster
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Locked
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Locked
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Vertical Front Splash
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Scoop
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Back Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Leaping Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Straight Jacket
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Spinning Toe Hold
Mount ISP 1---Choke Punch
Mount ISP 2---Two Elbows
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Point at Ring
Finisher---Cradle Suplex---Vertical Suplex ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Big Left Punch
Strong Strike---Tornado Punch
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---One Hand Choke Slam
Front Attack 3---One Arm Slam
Behind Attack 1---DDT Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Gutwrench Powerbomb
Bentover Attack 2---Forward Face Buster
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Rack
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Choke With Boot
Corner Attack 2---Climb TB and Pummel
Opponent Running Attack 1---Hooked Clothesline
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Straight Jacket
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Ankle Lock
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Spear
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Angled Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Away Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 4---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Hooked Facebuster
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Cradle Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Fly Swatter
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Inverted Pile Driver
Belly to Belly ISP 4---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Slam
Gutwrench ISP 2---reverse Powerbomb Plex
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 2---Doujimi Submission
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Choke Punch
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Flex One Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Threaten Crowd
Finisher---Bear Hug---Belly to Belly ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Punch to Head
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Super Kick
Front Attack 1---Enziguri
Front Attack 2---Falling Neck Breaker
Front Attack 3---Hip Toss
Behind Attack 1---Reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---School Boy Pin
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Spinning Neck Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Toe Hold
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Moonsault
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---STF Submission
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Front Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Flying Butt
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Scoop
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Back Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 2---Release German
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Reverse Facebuster
Full Nelson ISP 2---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 2---Straight Jacket
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 2---Single Leg Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Texas Cloverleaf
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Hands on Hip
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Spinning Toe Hold---Holding Legs ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Double Fist Punch
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Inverted Stinger
Front Attack 2---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 3---Divine Hammer
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---Cobra Slam
Bentover Attack 1---Rocker Dropper
Bentover Attack 2---Inverted Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Rack
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Stretch Plum
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Punch Combo
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Impact Spinebuster
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Vertical Body Splash
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Bionic Elbow
Running Corner in Attack---Avalanche
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---The Insult
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Powerslam
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fire Thunder Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Cradle Pile Driver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Fly Swatter
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Powerbomb
Gutwrench ISP 2---Rolling German
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Falling Reverse DDT
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Doujimi Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Crossface Chicken Wing
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Headbutt to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Choke Punch
Mount ISP 2---Two Elbows
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Threaten Crowd
Finisher---Seated Front Suplex---Vertical Suplex ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Tornado Punch
Front Attack 1---Neck Breaker
Front Attack 2---Falling Chokeslam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---DDT Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Inverted Backbreaker
Bentover Attack 2---Forward Face Buster
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Reverse Fireman's Carry
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Power Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Moonsault
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Tornado Ace Crusher
Corner Attack 2---Big Double Chop
Opponent Running Attack 1---Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 2---Time Bomb
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Block
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Buff Block Buster
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Shooting Star Press
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Missle Drop Kick
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Shooting Star Press
On Belly at Head Attack---Straight Jacket
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romeroo Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Spear
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Double Leg Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Rolling Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick to Nuts
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---Flip Over Lariat
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Senton
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Away Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Elevated Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Tiger Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Katahajime Plex
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Dragon Lock
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Elevated Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Talk into Megaphone
Entrance Taunt 3---Pump One Hand
Entrance Taunt 4---Double Howdy
Finisher---Hartliner---Bentover Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Roundhouse Kick
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Small Package
Front Attack 3---Hair Grab Takeover
Behind Attack 1---School Boy Pin
Behind Attack 2---Low Blow
Bentover Attack 1---Kamikaze
Bentover Attack 2---Guillotine Scissor
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Lean in Choke
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Toe Hold
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Kamikaze Headbutt
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Ankle Lock
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Running Cross Body
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Flying Butt
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand On Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring In Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring Out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fire Thunder Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Cradle Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Inverted Piledriver
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Electric Chair Drop
Gutwrench ISP 2---Rolling German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Elevated Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Head and Arm Choke
Full Nelson ISP 2---Katahajime
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Claw
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Texas Cloverleaf
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Arm bar
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Point At Ring
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 4---Stop and Taunt fans
Finisher---Banzai--TB Dizzy Ground Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Double Fist Punch
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Falling Neckbreaker
Front Attack 2---One Hand Choke Slam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Side Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Locked
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Rack
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Power Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Lean in Choke
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Spinebuster
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Straight Jacket
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Russian Leg Sweep
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Flying Butt
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Spash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Sit Out Face Buster
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Overhead Belly to Belly
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Fall Back
Gutwrench ISP 2---Rolling German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Death Valley Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Twirling Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Katahajime
Full Nelson ISP 2---Front Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Dragon Lock
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Fuji Arm Bar
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Hands on Hips
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Look at Fans
Finisher---The Claw---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Side Roundhouse Kick
Front Attack 1---Fireman's Carry
Front Attack 2---Sit Out Choke Slam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Cobra Slam
Behind Attack 2---Atomic Drop
Bentover Attack 1---DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Pumphandle Slam
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Octopus Hold
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Running Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Diamond Dust
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Tilt-A-Whirl Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Slice
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Senton Bomb
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Drop Kick
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Knee to Face
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Fist Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Rolling Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Turnpost Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Powerbomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Lariat
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Corkscrew Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Pildriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---360 Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Spinal Tap
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Arm Bar
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Double Howdy
Entrance Taunt 2---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---The Claw---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Drop Kick
Strong Strike---Tornado Punch
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Enziguri
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Abstretch
Behind Attack 2---Layout reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Stretch Plum
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Moonsault
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Springboard Crossbody
Corner Attack 2---Tornado DDT
Opponent Running Attack 1---Fujiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 2---Tilt-a-Whirl Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Drop Kick
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chinlock
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Release German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Twirling Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Dragon Lock
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Elevated Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---The Claw---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Drop Kick
Strong Strike---Roundhouse Kick
Front Attack 1---Small Package
Front Attack 2---Ace Crusher
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Reverse Suplex
Behind Attack 2---Cobra Slam
Bentover Attack 1---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Moonsault
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Kick Combo
Opponent Running Attack 1---Fujiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 2---Time Bomb
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Drop Kick
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Wrap Around DDT
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Neck Breaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Pile Driver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Pile Driver
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Wheel Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Senton
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Ace Crusher
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Hooked Face Buster
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Neck Drop
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Leaping Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Dragon Lock
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Double Howdy
Entrance Taunt 2---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---The Claw---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Side Roundhouse Kick
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Fireman's Carry
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Back Slide
Behind Attack 2---Layout Reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---Swinging Sit Out
Bentover Attack 2---Facebuster
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Moonsault
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Tornado Ace Crusher
Corner Attack 2---Tornado DDT
Opponent Running Attack 1---Fujiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 2---Tilt-a-Whirl Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Drop Kick
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chinlock
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Bronco Buster
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Piledriver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Piledriver
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Splash
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Scoop
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Reverse Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Left
Finisher---The Claw---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Calf Kick
Medium Strike---Side Roundhouse
Strong Strike---Super Kick
Front Attack 1---Double Roundhouse Kick
Front Attack 2---Locked
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Cobra Slam
Behind Attack 2---Low Blow
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning DDT
Bentover Attack 2---DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Reverse Fireman's Carry
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Moonsault
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Kick Combo
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Kick
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Spinning Wheel Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Corkscrew Lariat
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Split Leg Moonsault
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Jumping Hurricanrana
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Van Daminator
Running Front Attack---High Leg Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Thunder
Running Corner in Attack---Rolling Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Nuts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Neck Breaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick to Nuts
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Wheel Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Senton
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Asai Moonsault
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Away Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Cradle Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Rolling German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Elevated Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Dragon Suplex
Full Nelson ISP 2---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Drop Kick to Head
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Fuji Arm Bar
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Arms Out
Entrance Taunt 2---RVD
Entrance Taunt 3---RVD Single
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap hands Left
Finisher---5 Star Frog Splash---TB on Ground Dizzy Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Drop Kick
Strong Strike---Jumping Spin Kick
Front Attack 1---Novacaine
Front Attack 2---Enziguri
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---Layout Reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning Neck Breaker
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Senton
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Senton Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Springboard Crossbody
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Tilt-a-Whirl
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Flip Over DDT
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Moonsault
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---TB Leg Drop
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Inverted STF
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Running Wheel Kick
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Double Leg Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Dropkick
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Dropkick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---SB Dropkick
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Corkscrew
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Tiger Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Reverse Face Buster
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Sleeper
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Drop Kick to Head
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Elevated Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Hands on Hips
Entrance Taunt 2---Point Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Look At Fans
Entrance Taunt 4---Point at Ring
Finisher---Camel Clutch---On Belly at Head---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Punch to Head
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Headbutt
Front Attack 2---Hip Toss
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---Abstretch
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Guillotine Scissor
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Rack
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Running Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Tornado DDT
Corner Attack 2---Running Powerslam
Opponent Running Attack 1---Powerslam
Opponent Running Attack 2---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Reverse Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Inverted STF
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Wrap Around DDT
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Front Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Angled Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Powerbomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fire Thunder Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Rolling German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Electric Chair Drop
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Scissored Arm Bar
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Flex One Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap hands Right
Finisher---Gorilla Press Slam---Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Calf Kick
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Headbutt
Front Attack 2---Sit Out Choke Slam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Layout Reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Reverse Fireman's Carry
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Senton
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Senton Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Running Powerslam
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Spine Buster
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Shoulder Block
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---TB Leg Drop
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Duke Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Stomp
Running Corner in Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Neckbreaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Dropkick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Power Bomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Neck Drop
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Face Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Leaping Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Sleeper
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Scissored Armbar
Choke ISP 2---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Single Leg Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Look at Fans
Entrance Taunt 3---Pump Two Hands
Entrance Taunt 4---Hands on Hips
Finisher---Diving headbutt--TB on Ground Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Punch to Head
Medium Strike---Big Left Punch
Strong Strike---Tornado Punch
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Fireman's Carry
Front Attack 3---Stinger
Behind Attack 1---DDT Slam
Behind Attack 2--- Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Attack 2---Forward Face Buster
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Pumphandle Power Slam
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Rack
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Punch Combo
Corner Attack 2---Choke With Boot
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Tilt-a-Whirl
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Avalanche
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Rolling Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3--- Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Underhook Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Elevated Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Head Arm Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Electric Chair Drop
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly to Back Powerbomb
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 2---Katahajime Plex
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Two Elbows
Entrance Taunt 1---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 2---One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Stop and Taunt Fans
Finisher---747 Splash---Running on Ground at Side---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Calf Kick
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Enziguri
Front Attack 2---Small Package
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Abstretch
Behind Attack 2---Reverse DDT
Bentover Attack 1---Swinging Sit Out
Bentover Attack 2---Impact DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Cobra twist
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Lean in Choke
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Toe Hold
Opponent Running Attack 2---Fuiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Block
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Leaping Elbow
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Straight jacket
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---STF
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Flying Back Elbow
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---Front Suplex
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Seated Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Fall Forward Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---High Angle Backdrop
Gutwrench ISP 2---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Fireman Toss
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeping Neckbreaker
Full Nelson ISP 2---Front Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Scissored Armbar
Choke ISP 2---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Figure Four
Holding Legs ISP 2---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Texas Cloverleaf
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Fuji Armbar
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Walk One Fist Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Threaten Crowd
Finisher---Superplex---Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Open Palm Strike
Strong Strike---Super Kick
Front Attack 1---Headbutt
Front Attack 2---Small Package
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Low Blow
Behind Attack 2---Abstretch
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Rocker Dropper
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Stretch Plum
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Lean in Choke
Opponent Running Attack 1---Fujiwara Armbar
Opponent Running Attack 2---Spine Buster
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Shoulder Black
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---DDT
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Reverse Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---TB Leg Drop
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Ankle Lock
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Wrap Around DDT
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Front Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Dropkick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Splash
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---High Angle Backdrop
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Head Arm Choke
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Choke Punch
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 2---Arms Out
Entrance Taunt 3---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Stop and Taunt Fans
Finisher---Figure Four---Holding Legs ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Side Roundhouse
Strong Strike---Super Kick
Front Attack 1---Fireman's Carry
Front Attack 2---Stinger
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Abstretch
Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Bentover Attack 1---Kamizaze
Bentover Attack 2---Double Arm DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Corner Attack 1---Tornado DDT
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Tilt-A-Whirl Slam
Opponent Running Attack 2---N/A
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Jumping Lariat
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 3---Locked
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Hurricanrana
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---Spinning Wheel Kick
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Leaping Elbow
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Missle Drop Kick
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Diving Headbutt
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Wrap Around DDT
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Stomp
Running Corner in Attack---Angled Splash
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Neckbreaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Bronco Buster
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Dropkick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Crossbody
On Apron Ground Attack---Flipover Senton
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Falling Back Elbow
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Corkscrew Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Pildriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Belly to Back Powerbomb
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Fireman Toss
Samoan Drop ISP 2---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Front Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Claw
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Texas Cloverleaf
Holding Legs ISP 2---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Double Howdy
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Pump One Hand
Finisher---Crossbody---TB Standing Dizzy---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Punch to Head
Medium Strike---Dropkick
Strong Strike---Side Roundhouse
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Inverted Stinger
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---Locked
Bentover Attack 1---Impact DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Spinning DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Cobra Twist
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Corner Attack 1---Kick Combo
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Kick
Opponent Running Attack 2---N/A
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Doub;e Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Jumping Lariat
Turnbuckle Attack 3---Locked
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---Hurricanrana
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Kamikaze Headbutt
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---STF
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Sunset Flip
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Rolling Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Dropkick
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Dropkick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Ground Attack---Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Leaping Elbow
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Ankle Stretch
Holding Legs ISP 2---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Double Howdy
Entrance Taunt 2---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Pump One Hand
Entrance Taunt 4---Pump Two Hands
Finisher---Drop Kick---On Turnbuckle Standing---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Punch to Head
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Inverted Stinger
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Abstretch
Behind Attack 2---Cobra Slam
Bentover Attack 1---DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Senton
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Senton Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Lean in Choke
Corner Attack 2---Diamond Dust
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Kick
Opponent Running Attack 2---Tilt-A-Whirl Slam
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Reverse Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Sraight Jacket
On Belly at Side Attack---Crippler Crossface
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Flying Forearm
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Back Elbow
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Choke
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Seated Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 2---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Belly oy Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Powerbomb
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Falling Reverse DDT
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Reverse Facebuster
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Straight Jacket
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Arms Out
Finisher---Boston Crab---Holding Legs ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Falling Chokeslam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Gutwrench Powerbomb
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Rack
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Powerslam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Big Double Chop
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Camel Clutch
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Romero Chinlock
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Avalanche
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Elbow to Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Powerbomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Piledriver
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Piledriver
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Hanging Powerslam
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Fall Away Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 4---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Shoulder Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Inverted Piledriver
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Fly Swatter
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Rolling German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Fall Back
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Falling Reverse DDT
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Katahajime Plex
Full Nelson ISP 2---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Elevated Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Choke Punch
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop And Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Pound Chest
Entrance Taunt 3---Arm Flex Wave
Entrance Taunt 4---Threaten Crowd
Finisher---The Muraco Hammer---Belly to Belly ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Chop
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 2---Hip Toss
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Atomic Drop
Behind Attack 2---Low Blow
Bentover Attack 1---Gutwrench Suplex
Bentover Attack 2---Impact DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Cobra Twist
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Pumphandle Slam
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Standing Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Running Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Choke with Boot
Corner Attack 2---Big Double Boot
Opponent Running Attack 1---Flapjack
Opponent Running Attack 2---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Crossbody
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Reverse Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Double Axe Handle
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Splash
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Ankle Lock
Weapon Attack---Triple Can Hit
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Stand on Chest
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Belly to Belly Suplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Bring out Hard Way
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Shoulder Block
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Leg Drop
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Powerslam
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Fall Forward Scoop
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Fall Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Inverted Piledriver
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---360 Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Leaping Ace Crusher
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeper Submission
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Locked
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Choke Punch
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Point Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 3---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 4---Point at Ring
Finisher---Camel Clutch---On Belly at Head---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Double Fist Punch
Medium Strike---Lean in Uppercut
Strong Strike---Big Punch to Head
Front Attack 1---Neck Breaker
Front Attack 2---Sidewalk Slam
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Side Slam
Behind Attack 2---Reverse Suplex
Bentover Attack 1---Gutwrench Suplex
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Cobra Twist
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Punch Combo
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Hooked Clothesline
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Double Axe Handle
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---Bow and Arrow
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Clothesline
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Neck Breaker
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Superplex
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Brainbuster
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Fisherman Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Fisherman Buster
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Side Neck Buster
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Power Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Back Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Push Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Bear Hug Slam
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Fly Swatter
Belly to Belly ISP 4---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---High Angle Back Drop
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Twirling Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeping Neck Breaker
Full Nelson ISP 2---Russian Leg Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Blatant Choke
Choke ISP 2---Rear Chin Lock
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Kick to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Choke Punch
Entrance Taunt 1---Stop and Taunt Fans
Entrance Taunt 2---Threaten Crowd
Entrance Taunt 3---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 4---Point at Ring
Finisher---Inverted Backbreaker---Bentover Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Calf Kick
Strong Strike---Drop Kick
Front Attack 1---Fireman Carry
Front Attack 2---Stinger
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Behind Attack 2---Abstretch
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning DDT
Bentover Attack 2---Kamikaze
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Octopus Hold
Bentover Behind Attack 2---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Tornado Ace Crusher
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Back Body Drop
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Jumping Lariat
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Locked
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Slice
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---Locked
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---TB Leg Drop
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Locked
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Surfboard
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Sunset Flip
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Elbow Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Bring in Hard Way
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Lariat
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---SB Splash
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Snap Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Vertical Crusher
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Tiger Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Fireman Toss
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Sweep
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Suplex
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Surfboard Stretch
Choke ISP 2---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Spinning Toe Hold
Holding Legs ISP 2---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---Locked
Entrance Taunt 1---Basic Wave
Entrance Taunt 2---Hands on Hips
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Flying Forearm---Running Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Shin Kick
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Jumping Spin Kick
Front Attack 1---Hip Toss
Front Attack 2---Headbutt
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Back Slide
Behind Attack 2---Bulldog
Bentover Attack 1---Spinning Neckbreaker
Bentover Attack 2---Guillotine Scissors
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Reverse Fireman's Carry
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Locked
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---Senton Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Butt Thrust
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Drop Kick
Opponent Running Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Slice
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Moonsault
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Slice
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Seated Chin Lock
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Running Cross Body
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Flying Butt
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Running Drop Kick
Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Thrusts
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Turn Post Slam
Corner Sitting Attack---Slingshot
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Bulldog
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---Locked
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---Locked
On Apron Ground Attack---Locked
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Vertical Crusher
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Corkscrew Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Scoop Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Seated Driver
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Fall Forward Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Sit Out Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Locked
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Belly to Belly Push Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Northern Lights Suplex
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Death Valley Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Sleeping Neckbreaker
Full Nelson ISP 2---Dragon Sleeper
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Flip Over Neck Whip
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---Two Elbows
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Point at Ring
Entrance Taunt 2---Flap Wings
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Bird Buster---Vertical Suplex ISP---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Gut Shot
Medium Strike---Right Jab
Strong Strike---Big Left Punch
Front Attack 1---Gorilla Press Slam
Front Attack 2---Divine Hammer
Front Attack 3---Sidewalk Slam
Behind Attack 1---Side Slam
Behind Attack 2---Locked
Bentover Attack 1---Forward Face Buster
Bentover Attack 2---Butterfly Suplex
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Back Breaker
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Rack
Standing Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Standing Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 1---N/A
Running Plancha Attack 2---N/A
Corner Attack 1---Climb TB and Pummel
Corner Attack 2---Running Powerslam
Opponent Running Attack 1---Power Slam
Opponent Running Attack 2---Spine Buster
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 2---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 3---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---N/A
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---N/A
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---N/A
On Belly at Head Attack---Crossface Punches
On Belly at Side Attack---Oklahoma Roll
On Belly at Feet Attack---Dragon Cross
Weapon Attack---Duck Cane Swing
Running Front Attack---Shoulder Tackle
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Knee Drop
Running Corner in Attack---Running Clothesline
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Shoulder Block
Tree of Woe Attack---Punch Combo
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Shoulder Block
Corner Face Out Attack---Splash Mountain Powerbomb
Corner Sitting Attack---Corner Powerbomb
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Press Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Choke Slam
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Choke Slam
On Apron Standing Attack---N/A
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---N/A
On Apron Ground Attack---N/A
On Apron ground Attack to floor---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Hanging Powerslam
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Hanging Vertical Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Twirl Forward Slam
Scoop Slam ISP 2---Shoulder Breaker
Scoop Slam ISP 3---Locked
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Elevated Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---Cradle Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---Sit Out Powerbomb
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Bear Hug
Belly to Belly ISP 2---Fly Swatter
Belly to Belly ISP 3---Locked
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Release German Suplex
Gutwrench ISP 2---Electric Chair Drop
Gutwrench ISP 3---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Mummy Driver
Samoan Drop ISP 2---Chest Breaker
Samoan Drop ISP 3---Locked
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Full Nelson Slam
Full Nelson ISP 2---Full Nelson Sit Out
Full Nelson ISP 3---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Rear Chin Lock
Choke ISP 2---Spinal Tap
Choke ISP 3---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 1---Fist to Groin
Holding Legs ISP 2---Boston Crab
Holding Legs ISP 3---Locked
Mount ISP 1---Head Shot Combo
Mount ISP 2---Choke Punch
Entrance Taunt 1---Flex One Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Flex Up
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Running Front Attack---Right Analog


Weak Strike---Chop
Medium Strike---Side Roundhouse
Strong Strike---Super Kick
Front Attack 1---Reverse Leg Sweep
Front Attack 2---Stinger
Front Attack 3---Locked
Behind Attack 1---Layout reverse DDT
Behind Attack 2---Locked
Bentover Attack 1---Facebuster
Bentover Attack 2---Spinning DDT
Bentover Behind Attack 1---Bulldog
Bentover Behind Attack 2---Reverse Fireman's Carry
Standing Plancha Attack 1---Top Rope Plancha
Standing Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Running Plancha Attack 1---Run and Clear Plancha
Running Plancha Attack 2---Locked
Corner Attack 1---Tornado Ace Crusher
Corner Attack 2---Locked
Opponent Running Attack 1---Time Bomb
Opponent Running Attack 2---N/A
Opponent Running Attack 3---N/A
Turnbuckle Attack 1---Missle Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 2---Spinning Wheel Kick
Turnbuckle Attack 3---Locked
TB standing Dizzy Attack 1---Hurricanrana
TB standing Dizzy Attack 2---Slice
TB ground Dizzy Attack 1---Reverse Splash
TB ground Dizzy Attack 2---Shooting Star Press
TB Standing Floor Dizzy Attack---Crossbody
TB Ground Floor Dizzy Attack---Leaping Elbow
On Belly at Head Attack---Drop Kick to Face
On Belly at Side Attack---LaMagistral Pin
On Belly at Feet Attack---STF
Weapon Attack---Double Chair Shot
Running Front Attack---Sunset Flip
Running on Ground at Side Attack---Running Senton
Running Corner in Attack---Monkey Flip
Running Corner Sitting Attack---Bronco Buster
Tree of Woe Attack---Stand on Groin
Running Tree of Woe Attack---Running Drop Kick
Corner Face Out Attack---Rake Eyes
Corner Sitting Attack---Drop Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Sitting Attack---Hurricanrana
Apron Tie-up Attack, In Ring---Sunset Flip
Apron Tie-up Attack, On Apron---Sunset Flip
On Apron Standing Attack---SB Drop Kick
On Apron Standing Attack to Floor---SB Clothesline
On Apron Ground Attack---Flip Over Senton
On Apron ground Attack to floor---Asai Moonsault
Vertical Suplex ISP 1---Seated Front Suplex
Vertical Suplex ISP 2---Locked
Vertical Suplex ISP 3---N/A
Vertical Suplex ISP 4---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 1---Side Neck Buster
Scoop Slam ISP 2---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 3---N/A
Scoop Slam ISP 4---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 1---Cradle Piledriver
Head BTW Legs ISP 2---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 3---N/A
Head BTW Legs ISP 4---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 1---Inverted Piledriver
Belly to Belly ISP 2---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 3---N/A
Belly to Belly ISP 4---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 1---Victory Roll Pin
Gutwrench ISP 2---Locked
Gutwrench ISP 3---N/A
Gutwrench ISP 4---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 1---Fireman Toss
Samoan Drop ISP 2---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 3---N/A
Samoan Drop ISP 4---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 1---Crossface Chicken Wing
Full Nelson ISP 2---Locked
Full Nelson ISP 3---N/A
Full Nelson ISP 4---N/A
Choke ISP 1---Drop Kick to Head
Choke ISP 2---N/A
Choke ISP 3---N/A
Holding Legs ISP 1---Single Leg Crab
Holding Legs ISP 2---Locked
Holding Legs ISP 3---N/A
Mount ISP 1---American Figure 4
Mount ISP 2---N/A
Entrance Taunt 1---Two Fists Up
Entrance Taunt 2---Arms Out
Entrance Taunt 3---Slap Hands Left
Entrance Taunt 4---Slap Hands Right
Finisher---Air Pillman--On Apron Standing Attack---Right Analog

That concludes my basic FAQ. I hope this helps all the gamers out there!

Contributors: Shonuff331@aol.com, THEWWFMan, Lumkinsc98@aol.com, scrubbalo, Strategy Guide

Authors: Shonuff331@aol.com, Ranma Saotome 99@aol.com
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