Comanche Vs Hokum - Enemy Engaged

Comanche Vs Hokum - Enemy Engaged

11.10.2013 16:52:48
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*****Enemy Engaged Comanche Vs Hokum FAQ* V3.2*****
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Written by Fallon - -

V 1.0 -HTML version (unpublished)
V 2.0 -Plain text version 8/12/2001
V 2.1 -13 KB Minor additions 12/12/2001
V 2.5 -17 KB of Major additions and corrections 17/12/2001
V 3.0 -47 KB of Major additions and corrections 23/12/2001
V 3.1 -12KB of minor additions and corrections 14/1/2002
V 3.2 -Final unless there are major developments in EECH

Edited version of EECH FAQ written by me Fallon for (simHq had all sorts of HTML
added in it that gameFaqs and Neoseeker do not allow).

**note there are links to forum postings on where
information was gathered and or shared by various folks .However
much of this information was gathered through on and off after work
playing of EECH.


Since nobody had written a FAQ for EECH at GameFAQs and I was
getting tired of people asking the same questions over and over
in forums I frequent I thought I would write a guide.Since GameFaqs
has been helpful in the past I thought I would contribute for once

Since V2.1 several other websites have asked to host this FAQ
sites with permission to post this FAQ are listed at the bottom
of this FAQ.I also changed a few things and refer to this function
and that function in the game rather than a specific button. I'm not
about to make the lives of any pirates easier buy EECH in UK its
only £5(UK) and well worth it US has been seen at about $20(US)
still worth it.

**Note I am from England so I spell things the English way eg
Meter = metre
color = colour
honor = honour


#1 Appendix
#2 System requirements
#3 Version history
3.1 Version difficulty ranking
#4 Flying
4.1 flight with damage
4.2 damage ratings
4.3 other damage
#5 Combat
5.1 ground
5.11 SAM/AAA
5.12 Tanks
5.13 Other
5.2 air to air
5.3 air to sea
5.4 Weapons usage
5.41 ATGMs
5.42 Cannons
5.43 Rockets
5.44 Cannon pods
5.45 Iglas /Stingers
5.46 extras
5.5 Side specific tactics
5.51 Blues only tactics
5.52 Red only tactics
5.6 Red disadvantages
5.7 Red advantages
5.8 Blue disadvantages
5.9 Blue advantages
5.91 Comanche vs Hokum
#6 Campaigns
#7 Common problems and questions
#8 Cheats
#9 Multiplay
9.1 Multiplay hints
#10 Unfixed bugs
#11 Interesting things to try (Spoilers)
#12 Extra bits
12.1 Unlisted keys
#13 Links to mod groups and online squadrons
#14 Warstories
#15 Command line editing
#16 Credits
#17 EECH wishlist
#18 Future developments
#19 Permission to host this FAQ list


Section #1


EECH -Enemy Engaged Comanche Vs Hokum
EEAH -Enemy Engaged Apache Vs Havoc
Zoo(s) - ZSU-23 Shika (ok this isn't in EECH but its my generic name
for AAA)
SAM -surface to air missile
SSM - surface to surface missile (Bradley IFV ,T-80U ,BMP-x)
click(s) - 1000 metres
fast movers - fixed wing combat aircraft
Choppers - helicopters
ATGM - anti tank guided missile
Vihkr - NATO code AT-16 Whirlwind - Primary Hokum ATGM
Attaka - NATO AT-9 Primary Havoc ATGM
Igla - Reds short range IR missile fire and forget
Hellfire L - longbow fire and forget hellfire
Hellfire K - Hellfire II laser guided missile
Stinger - AIM-92 American short range air to air missile fire and forget
IRL - in real life
GSS - ground support system utility written by R Flexman available on*
Splash(ed) - being either hit or being hit by the ordinance shockwave
FLIR - forward looking Infrared
DTV/DVO - daylight TV camera
periscope - hokum only scope
CPG - co-pilot gunner
CAP - Combat air patrol
OCA - offensive counter airsweep
CAS - close air support
A2A - air to air
A2G - air to ground
HE - high explosive
AP - armour piercing
DP - dual purpose
MP - multi purpose
Tubes - artillery( referred to by the in game C&C)
C&C command and control
MANPADS - man portable air defence system -men with stingers and Iglas
Chaparral - Blues main sam system (uses modified sidewinder missiles)
Avenger - Support SAM system (humvee with stinger batteries)
Grison - Tungska SA-19 AAA/SAM system quad 30mm cannon , eight (IRL)
SA-19 grison radio command guided missiles
M113 Vulcan - 20mm F-16 Vulcan mounted on M113 (retired IRL)
FARP - Forward Arming and refuelling point
KIA - killed in action
MFD - Multifunction display
HUD - head up display
HMD - helmet mounted display(Russian eye target system also)
Knock on damage - where damage causes more damage to other systems
fire and forget - lock a target fire it and you can forget about
that missile as it needs no more guidance from you
FOV - field of view
missile gimbal - the seeker head thats like an eyeball get out of its
FOV and the missile is (usually) defeated
CTD - crash to desktop

You can read more about these on

* there are some command lines that cannot be edited in the GSS
such as tail rotor strength etc you can find how to edit these
at the end of the EECH manual and in section #15


Section #2

System requirements

from the box - minimum system specifications

Desktop PC , windows95 or 98
Intel Pentium 266 MHz or K6-300 64mb memory
Direct X graphics card 4mb memory onboard
x6 CDROM windows compatible mouse
windows compatible keyboard
300mb HDD space

from the box Recommended spec

333mhz CPU 128mb ram D3D card with 8mb vram
300mb HDD space

I'd recommend Geforce 2 with 256mb ram and a5 least 500mhz CPU as the
min and recommended specs do not allow you to see the full glory of the
game and require masses of HDD swap and stutter Windows ME works fine
too though slightly slower than a system with win98SE

If you are running a low spec machine EECH will benefit most from a
better video card.

OTT spec

P4 2ghz / AMD 1800XP
512mb ram
Geforce 2/3 graphics

You can get up to 1600x1200 resolutions with this kind of spec but the
text on the MFDs maybe a little too small to read unless you have a
massive monitor.Over 1600x1200 many users have reported problems
with CTD.

IF you have a beefy system and you are having poor frame rates turn
off FSAA and use the no TnL switch.




(main ones and ones you can get as there are many versions
which would take me years to compile if I listed them here)

v1.02 UK and European version

for full details:

Patches after this were exe based which meant you just changed
your executable in your EECH directory

V1.46X X for experimental final razorworks patch to date

for details:

3rd party mods

VFriday 13th the so you think your a tough guy eh? version
which incorporated real SAM ranges which meant you'd get incoming
missile warnings from 50km+ from carriers and other ships.An example
is Taiwan or Lebanon , you would be in the moutains somewhere and
get incomming missile warnings from ships miles away , whereas in
reality the terrain clutter would hide your presence comanche
was essential as its stealth allowed you to stay alive more than
a few seconds.

V1.50BC discontinued patched by Starshoy which had modified units
and unit behaviour most memorable being super aggressive units
harder ships and artillery improvements.


Current version available from:
was 1.50BC with USB joystick support from the may 1.46X patch and
much more hostile combat area like tanks using their main guns on
you while still in flight artillery following right behind you for
ages and Blues gaining the upper hand with hellfires used air to air.
Friendly fire is much a reality and watching for a few minutes in
demo mode they have many mishaps.

related links

more versions can be made with Destro's WUT (weapons and units

V1.51B/C Alaska , new maps and skins by Starshoy and Xabbarus takes
place in the arctic

V1.51D - Same as 1.51C but with the FARP bugs ironed out for at
least 3 days in each campaign. Blue A-10s are modified to carry
more than cannon and rockets (Mavericks can be carried which do
20000+ points of damage enough to kill anything but Red capital
ships and carriers) the Red equivalent the Su-25 frogfoot has not
been upgraded to compensate

can be found here:

Section #3.1 Version difficulty rankings

Hard setting and full flight dynamics set on

1.01 -Reds very easy
1.01 -Blue very easy
1.41C -Reds easy
1.41C -Blues Medium
VF13th -Reds Impossible
VF13th -Blues Impossible
1.51B - Reds Medium (disadvantage)*
1.51B - Blues Medium (advantage)*
1.51C - Reds Medium (large disadvantage)***
1.51C - Blues Medium (major advantage)***
1.51D - Reds hard (major disadvantage)***
1.51D - Blues Medium (major advantage)***

*Blue AI could use hellfires @ 5km A2A there is no red equivalent
*** Reds ships are weaker Blues can use hellfires @8km A2A

Extra version related bits

There is no music in the American editions of EECH as this came
after the UK release of the game and this saved space on the CDROM
which saved razorworks some money in the process. Also European
repackaged (in DVD cases with PDF manuals) do not have music either
,but don't despair the music wasn't very good anyway.


Section #4


Basic flight is covered in the manual so I will not cover it here in
detail but some general advice.The Hokum is best for learning btw is

Practice practise practice , hovering or autohover even , beware
autohover is sometimes vulnerable to vortex rings as described in
the manual practice with the autopilot as you safety net , you can
also come to a fast hover by autopilot -> stable hover hold.

Also if you are using a throttle stick then you have to use stable
hover hold unless you fancy manually adjusting the rotors which can
be useful for bobup attacks.

Circuits are not needed contrary to what the manual says (we don't
need no stinking circuits) as express landings are common in EECH
and circuits take up time , time that could be used doing other things
such as an extra CAS mission(remember EECH is played in real time!).

Autorotation - semi pointless as it leaves you stranded in the middle
of the field prime bait for artillery or something with a big gun ,
more pointless over water as you die when you hit water (thanks to
Kamov for those ejection seats eh - beware Ejecting at less than 15
metres will probably kill you before the ejector seats can leave the

#1 disengage rotor blades
#2 collective zero
#3 point down a bit
#4 watch from an external view
#5 wait until the rotors have turned blurry
#6 when you are a few ft from the ground reengage rotors and up
collective and you should touch the ground softly but:

-if you do it too soon you lose power in the rotors and begin to play
grand piano again

-if you do it too late you are a crater on the ground already

Taking off in a hurry (useful when artillery is raining down on
you) engage rotors brakes off full collective and make a rolling
start you gain lift from the forward motion and can take off before
your rotors go blurred.(Yemen skirmish 1 as Blue is an example of
starting out under heavy fire).More than 100Km/h or 60mph is likely
to result in damage or destruction of your helicopter. If there is
not space ahead of you , it is also possible to take off in reverse or
roll forwards and use a rotor turn 90/180 degrees and you can get off
the deck quick.

Altitude hold does not work very well (featured on the Hokum and
Comanche) you can use a built in version by using the trim on your
stick T to set shift T to reset , move your stick forward the
required amount to keep speed and altitude and press T and
centre joystick.Altitude hold is good over sea and only at low
speeds as high speed forward motion generates lift.

When you NEED that extra bit of lift its alright to go over 100%
torque for a few seconds i find the limit is about 15 seconds for
120% and longer for 101%-110% . If you find yourself falling and
at 120% doesn't seem to slow your decent you are in a vortex ring
nose forward and fly out of it extra torque will not help you
except for the recovery after flying out as you will lose altitude
in the recovery

You can treat the helicopters almost like fixed wing aircraft in
some circumstances , you can do these manoveurs : Rolls , tail
slide Illeman , split S , half loop ,all of these can be done
tail first too. The only limits are your top speed (which your
rotors will fall off) and the ground (as in impacts and objects
that may take off your rotors).There are subtle differences however
you trade speed for altitude and altitude for speed at 370kmh in
the hokum if you suddenly pitch back without lowering the collective
the speed if converted to altitude which AAA can find difficult to
track.However this is still not a fast jet do not try to outfly missiles!
EECH is a modern sim with modern missiles , older vietnam era missiles
if you evaded the missile the missile would try to turn around but could
not and would (probably) run out of fuel trying to turn round, modern
missiles have promimity fuzes which will take you out or heavily damage
you if they get close but not a hit.Players of Flanker 2 should be
familiar with the lethality of modern missiles (EECH missiles are extra
deadly in that they ALWAYS reaquire lock after being decoyed for a few

If you are trading altitude for speed sometimes you can come down too
fast to pull out if you misjudge it if autopilot still works get it to
save you.Turn it off and keep fighting as autopilot is very predictable
and AAA/SAMs make you a tasty snack.

Flying down streets is not highly recommended due to the small
amount of space your rotors can be easily taken off and some
new campaigns the designers put SAMs in the streets also.

Yemen - you can fly down dry river beds even the extremely narrow
one north west of the map very good for ambushing the enemy

Taiwan / Lebanon / Cuba / Thailand / Georgia

You can fly in the river gorges also good for ambushing the enemy
or to escape , you can also fly under some bridges but not bridges
with very little clearance space between the water , you die the
instant you drop into water.

Contrary to modern Helicopter CAS and combat it is actually ok to
fly high in the sky using afganistan Hind tactics (one Hind D at
the back with two hind As or Bs in the weeds with the hind at the
rear giving out orders or acting as JSTARS some Hinds had telescopes
fitted for this purpose) though it often happens automatically in
single player mode when wingmen say "seeking firing position" you
can be in the clouds while you wingman is in the weeds .This can be
effective in Hokum mixed with other shorter range helicopters as
it keeps the shorter range platforms out of danger until its too
late for the targets.

Being high up also gives speed advantages as you can dive to attain
maximum speed or autorotate if you get into trouble.But in the manual
it states that you lose lift after a certain altitude which seems to
be untrue as I have gotten a commanche with no payload except for fuel
and gone up and up and up, with the VSI remaining constant throught.

#4.1 Flying with damage

Depending on how severe you might be able to get to a friendly base
to repair your ship.Since no damage is exactly the same general
guidance is :

-Stay low and slow ground effect from the rotors can keep you aloft.

-Leave the combat area as soon as possible unless damage is minor.

-If weapons can be fired fire them off to save weight.Even better if
you can kill a few enemies with this 'ammo jettison' comanche and
Apache can fire off hellfires with LOAL if targeting systems are out.

-Go into full cockpit mode so you can fly via analogue instruments
Comanche pilots do not have this option.With the Havoc and the
apache it is also good to go into 640X480 mode as all the in cockpit
instruments are fully functional

-Land without wheel brakes as you can land slightly harder.

-If Landing gear on the Comanche is damaged then the weapons
bay doors can be used as skis you will still take damage but not
as much

-Belly landings are possible (hokum takes least damage from this
sort of landing and can skid of the belly to a stop easily).

-If you haven't got enough power to stay aloft you can quit
eject(hokum) or land (carefully) and turn off wheel brakes and
attempt to roll to a base though you become a target for artillery.

-You can always quit the mission if mission objectives have been
met then there is no discredit.

-Check if the autopilot is still functional sometimes it is
you can be hit a few times before it fails and if it works
it can almost always bring you home , though when autopilot
starts clipping your helicopter through the terrain its not a
good idea to turn off autopilot.

-Without speed indicators (say the MFD or the instrument is damaged)
you can judge you speed by looking and the ground speed below you
and to slow down without gaining altitude you can spin on the spot
a few times.

-With military bases you don't need to land within the chain link
fence you can just land on the differently coloured terrain and
you can be repaired and rearmed there as well.FARPs are better
sometimes military bases just won't repair and rearm you for
some reason (Yemen Reds first CAS mission where there is a
base really close will not rearm me).

-It is possible to fly with tail rotor damage you just have to stay
slow and keep the collective to a minimum , the rolling to your
base is also possible here.

-Fuel leaks are not as bad as in other sims you can still go
quite far with a fuel leak and helicopters in EECH carry enough
fuel to travel any map several times.(without a fuel leak)

-MFD damage may not be that bad , you can scroll through the
various systems and sometimes they still work.

-MFD use can be substituted for HUD and HMD as they usually have
a configuration that shows speed heading pitch and vertical speed.

-There is more than one targeting system so if the radar goes down
try the others (the hokum has 6 different systems) you may still
be able to fight.

-Ask you wingmen to help they will cover your (usually until they
get killed) escape from the scene of the crime , and can distract
AA systems so you won't take further damage.

4.2 damage ratings

IMO Major damage

Left/Right Engine damage
Left/Right Engine fire (can cause engine damage if not put out)
Main rotor damage (this will probably kill you)
Tail rotor damage

With this sort of damage you can still fly and fight but not easily

countering Tail rotor damage by flying low and in ground effect at low
collective levels normally your collective will go down automatically
to reflect the max you can fly at take it low and slow

IMO minor damage

Stabiliser damage (unless you are a very bad pilot)
Fuel leak (unless you are very low on fuel which is rare)
landing gear fail
MFD failure (only Major on the Comanche)
HMD failure
HUD failure
hardpoint damage (unless you need something to take out the enemy
that is doing the damage)
Gun Jammed (i think this can be major since i use guns alot)
Laser designator damaged
autopilot damaged
DTV/DVO/Periscope/FLIR damaged
Radar damaged
Oil pressure high
Oil pressure low
night vision goggles damaged
IR/Radar jammer failure
Navigation computer
Radar warning receiver
Communications (unless you need help from wingmen or need to transmit
recon data)
Chaff/flare dispenser (be careful and use cover instead of decoys)

With this sort of damage you can still fly and fight quite effectively
as long as you have some working ordinance + hardpoints and a targeting
system of some kind with rockets and cannon you can bore sight them,but
with ATGMs the CPG will not fire them without a lock.Except hellfires
in LOAL mode which is useless as you still have nothing to guide them
to their targets.If many (5-6) of the minor damage items are damaged
go home as it is very dangerous to fight this way.

*Not all helicopters have each and every piece of equipment listed
above so as said at the start damage can vary.Also knock on damage
as in Total air war and EF2000 does not exist except for engine fires
if not extinguished.

4.3 other damage

I didn't know what to call this section but its not other damage
as in how else your heli can be damaged its something else. When
MFDs are damaged or the damage computer damaged (part of the avionics)
system in the Hokum , Apache and Havoc you can look at the in cockpit
damage lights and mini status read out (havoc middle right , Hokum
middle of the cockpit , Apache below the engine status lights)Ekran
display for ALL Russian/soviet era aircraft.To determine how badly
you are really hit.In the comanche you have no such luxuries due
to MFD dominated cockpit. You can determine how badly you are damaged
by trying out the systems and listening to your CPG speak (he is
annoying sometimes but worth leaving his voice on in the options
screen). When you are runninglow on weapons or decoys he will say
we are low on [whatever] or if you try to use a damaged system he
will either say negative or [system] damaged.

In the comanche and the Hokum you can also look at the pilot's
hands in his hand on the cyclic is juddering slightly you have
minor damage high or low oil pressure maybe.If it judders alot
then you possibly have either high or low oil pressure (even
both) or stabiliser damage .With the collective juddering
slightly you might have engine damage or stabiliser damage also.


Section 5

Section 5.1

Ripple fire , you see a juicy bunch of tanks 9 clicks away all bunched
up or in a column convoy reduce your scan cone to minimum and set
auto targeting fire away with a few seconds in between each shot
as it allows missiles time to turn to their new targets.This also
reduces waiting time since it can take up to 20 seconds for a vihkr
missile to fly 9.8km rather than X12vihkr 20 seconds its about 40
seconds for the entire engagement reducing the time you are exposed.
With a longbow apache I have use 16 Hellfires and taken out 16 targets
(longbow hellfires) in 16 seconds via rippling at an airbase , I could
have gotten so many more but that was all my missiles.

You can also use the FLIR or DTV to fire at targets sighted through
these as when you get near an airbase there is so much to shoot at
(not to mention stuff shooting at you) you often need to scroll
through the radar list plenty.

There is no real need to wait for CPG ID of targets you can do it
yourself but not in the way the manual suggests.There are only a
few vehicles in each class for example and radar symboligy for example
(as a red pilot):

High = Chapparal , Avenger , MANPADs ,Bradley IFV and M113 vulcan
Medium = M1A2 Abrahams ,M113 APC and M1092A2 , choppers and fixed wing
aircraft on the ground.
Low : MLRS and other harmless things

But divided into symbolgy its:

High Triangles : Chapparal , Avenger , MANPADs and M113 vulcan
High H symbols : Bradley IFV
Medium H symbols : M1A2 Abrahams ,M113 APC and M1092A2
Medium >< symbols : choppers and fixed wing
Low H symbols : MLRS
Low O symbols : fuel trucks etc
Low square symbol : structures

as a blue pilot

High = Grison , gopher , MANPADs and BMP 2+3
Medium = T-80U ,BTR-80 and S219 , choppers and fixed wing
aircraft on the ground.
Low : MLRS and other harmless things

But divided into symbolgy its:

High Triangles : Grison , gopher , MANPADs
High H symbols : BMP 2 and 3
Medium H symbols : BTR-80 ,T-80U S219
Medium >< symbols : choppers and fixed wing
Low H symbols : MLRS
Low O symbols : fuel trucks etc
Low square symbol : structures

Tanks get all smoky when you kill a few of them blocking the view of
other units you can: (regarding black smoke rather than purple smoke
which radar and sensors can see through)

-fire a single rocket and listen to cpg if he says target hit there
is a unit lurking in there cannons can also be used though you need
to be close which return fire maybe coming your way anyway.This isn't
that recommended as he will say target hit on dead targets that have
not been removed from radar.And when firing into a city and you hit
a building he will also say target destroyed.

-use the hokum periscope to have a look

-wait a bit for the smoke to clear

-relocate to another angle and investigate via that method

-have a look at the map to see if the unit you are attacking still

Rear and side shots do more damage than frontal shots to tanks so use
this to save missiles

If you are in the hokum or feel you are in no danger from the SAMs
and zoos you can save ATGMs by aiming at other things in enemy
columns instead , when attacking an enemy column say a typical blue
column , high radar priority reads out usually:

1 chaparral / 1 avenger SAM
1 M113 Vulcan
X Bradley AFV

Medium Usually

X M1A2 Abrahams tanks
+ others

If you can pick out the Bradley AFVs instead and blow them away instead
your ATGMs have shockwaves which will kill the SAMs and AAA usually
exceptions are the SA-19 Tunguska (Grison in EECH) which can sometimes
survive the shockwaves MLRS can also be taken out with cannons since
they pose no threat to you unless somebody called artillery on you
they can splash you.A Grison should be taken out immediately they
are powerful at short and long range.

Section 5.11


several methods to take them out:

#1 out range them with the Hokum

#2 LOAL them as above

#3 save ATGMs by taking out the AAA (Grison / M113 Vulcan) and fly
very low towards the SAM unit and use cannons (does not work as well
in the 1.50> series of patches worked very well in older versions)

#4 Use longbow hellfires go in ripple them fast as you can dive
towards to ground and retreat after the countdown on the HUD goes to
zero rescan and re-fire.

#5 MANPADS man-portable-air-defence system

These boys sometimes show up on radar and on the map and feint circles
red or blue near major buildings in cities such as mosques or hotels ,
take them out with anything and even if you can't see them on Radar
sometimes (they show up as high priority radar targets) you
can use the Helmet mounted targeting system to find them and put a
few cannon rounds their way.Bizzarely they have longer range than
self propelled SAM systems and AAA with their map threat circles
being larger than other SAMs . They also fire at random it seems
after playing for a very long time sometimes they fire at me
6-8km away sometimes as little as 200m away especially when they
can get a rear shot where you have to turn to return fire.

misc/optional in the hokum and Comanche put the gear down during low
level attacks as if you hit the ground you take minimal / no damage unless
at v high speed.

#6 When taking AAA fire , if you are being hit by 30mm Grison fire give
up your dead already (most of the time) you can still try to use the
following but those quad 30mm do alot of damage! but the M113 Vulcan and
tank mounted machine guns can be avoided somewhat thru some nifty flying
turn round to kill your airspeed and kill the collective and you
should drop tracers will fly above you and you'll still get hit but
not as many times.You can also go into a steep dive though the recovery
maybe difficult if you do not have sufficient altitude.All AAA fire is
in a predicted lead shot so if you take an unpredictable flight path then
AAA will have problems taking you down. The above methods are effective
except very close up as there is very little delay in the firing and
impact of the AAA shells.

#7 Beware the enemy SAM units often do not direct fire at you they can LOAL
you kind of meaning if there is only a small terrain difference masking you
,you can be hit.

#8 With an incoming missile dive to the deck and drop chaff or flares if
you can identify which type of missile is coming towards you (grison
radio command missiles are RF missiles as the radar onboard the Tunguska
vehicle is guiding the missile) don't think you have to save chaff and
flares as they are supposed to be disposable . Much more so that your
gunship try to find some cover masking you from the direction the missiles
are coming from.Or return fire as a dead target cannot fire additional

If you are detected and fired upon do not try to get under the enemy
radar and escape like that (landing doesn't work either) as the enemy
unit knows you are there and will adjust accordingly. You can sneak up
on SAMs and AAA (dangerous) only if they have not detected you or
you surprise them.You can tell if they have a good lock on you if on
the threat warning displays there is a line flashing or not from the SAM
unit to your helicopter.Its also a good indication on if you are fully
detected and can or cannot still sneak up on enemy ground units.

Reds - If you fly over 3000 metres then all Blue land based SAMs cannot
reach you , you can fly up to 5000 metres to avoid SAMs and AAA from
ships as well

Blues - You can fly up to 4000 metres to avoid all land based SAM systems
and 5100 metres to avoid ship based SAMs

BEWARE - at these altitudes you are a tasty snack for enemy aircraft
(even though the AI was written badly for enemy fixed wingers) and if
somebody fires either a Laser guided or radio guided missile at you,
you have very little chance of survival. Since to stay alive from these
threats you need some cover(most of the time Attakas in multiplay will
be nasty since if you can avoid them by jinking and letting it pass you
two things can happen:

#1 the proximity fuse gets you
#2 it has range that it can turn round and have another run at you)

Though if you have hit a major airbase with runways for fixed wing
aircraft this isn't so dangerous , and keeping the air to air radar
off should keep aircraft away from you , unless they are on CAP or

SAMs also have infinite ammo although you can see and count the missiles
on your and you wingmen's rails after the ammo is expended on SAMs it
gets reloaded instantly (unlike other games such as total air war where
SAMs had ammo limits)

BEWARE - SAMs will ALWAYS require lock onto you since chaff and flares
only last 3 seconds (default) then after 3 seconds they will re-acquire
you and turn into you again , a technique for saving flares of chaff
though not 100% advised. Is to wait untill the SAM is 3-4 seconds away
and dump 2 chaff or flares (depending on missile type).The ASE can
be left at default range and this is good for saving chaff and flares.
Flares and chaff can be made to last longer by increasing their flight time
in the WUT though the arc they travel in does not change but they will
fall further than before which is good because if they burn out in 10
seconds compared to 3 seconds you will be outside the missile FOV
gimbal limits.

BEWARE - If you are behind cover with some distance between the blocking
terrain / object and you ducked to avoid missiles then don't fire off
and chaff or flares unless there is line of sight to the SAM system.
This happened to me a few times you hide behind the object and if you
lose off a few chaff then the missile seeks the chaff , if you look
carefully chaff goes upwards. This will turn the missile to a higher
altitude and possibly over the object and after the chaff dies it
will reaquire you.It might be an idea to turn on manual jamming
chaff and flares to avoid detection sometimes.In Apache or havoc you
can do a steep sideways slide and use decoys as they will travel in
the horizontal plane or pitct back so they are also in that plane.

BEWARE - Radar circles on the ASE are the effective radar range of the
SAM/AAA unit not the missile range they are slighy uneven in size
in radar to the effective range circle the effective range circle is usually
larger than the radar effective range and even though you may turn and
run and be outside the radar circles you can still be hit.ECM also
seems to give away your position when you are outside the radar circles.

Note as Red you will use more flares as Blue you will use more chaff
The reasoning behind this is Blues SAMs are mostly IR guided and
Red SAMs are radar guided except the gopher SAM which is easily out
ranged by hellfires anyway.Though in reality the gopher SAM system
can shoot out to 8000 metres though this has not been updated in the
mods to reflect this (the mods seem to focus on improving american

Section 5.12


Keep your distance from them they can open fire on you up to 2.5Km
away doing major damage to you ,Bradley IFVs and BMPs are especially
dangerous in this respect since they carry rapid fire 30mm cannons
(BMP-3 carries a 100mm gun as well as ATGMs like the bradley so the
BMP-3 is more dangerous since its big gun can splash you at ranges
the bradley cannot).Try to hit them on the sides or at the rear since tanks
have less armour here whereas a hit from the front can take up to two
missiles.Do not land near them if you do they can use their main guns on you
which can splash you easily.In later versions tanks can fire at you
with their main guns when you are a few metres above the ground as well.
Watch out for tanks emerging from vehicle generators when you decide
to hit and airbase , it might not do much damage per burst (compared to
say 20 and 30mm cannons) but they are often in large concentrated
groups in a different radar priority so effectively unseen on radar.
They are more than the sum of their parts and 9-10 tanks unloading their
12.7mm machine guns can lead to a nasty death cheating (Ctrl+R) won't help
either as they will keep firing in lagged bursts effectively making a
constant stream of lead.They will try to decoy and hide their presence
with purple smoke which radar can see through.(dependant on the parameter
used for smoke)

Note - machine gun fire has been reduced in effectiveness in the official
and non official updates , salvos are smaller and do less damage per hit
though sometimes the machine gun fire (I have experienced) can be constant
from a single tank which lead to obsence amounts of jinking to throw it off
leading me.

Section 5.13


Helicopters and aircraft on the ground don't fight back and you should
take them out with your cannons helicopters should be priority since
they can take off anytime while fixed wing aircraft must taxi to a
runway.If you have the capture switch on you may want to leave them
intact at your own risk , since they can still take off anytime the
war generator decides to task them a mission but you could be letting
yourself into bugs (see below) or gaining a more effective helicopter
(Hokum and Apache are a lethal combo)

section 5.2


To get rid of fixed wing aircraft fire laser / radio command ATGMs at
fixed wingers or helicopters they can't escape unless they hide behind a
hill or something or possibly outranging instead .Escaping them via
evasive flying is very difficult but not impossible (if they are fired
at you that is however enemy AI only fires radar guided longbow hellfires
,IR Iglas or Stingers , human pilots are a different kettle of fish)

*note EEAH AI is different and it will engage you with cannons
and is more aggressive then the standard EECH out of the box version

To hit something with Iglas or stingers you need to be close very close
about <2.5km and lucky with full flares and chaff effectiveness

Fixed wingers get very confused if you climb and go level with them and
are easy meat like this , this works in EECH universe only I am not
responsible if you get into the US army and get killed trying this!

CAP helicopters are only dangerous in the later versions 1.51B/C since in
the original versions enemy AI only ever use stingers or Iglas but can
use hellfires (radar) in the later versions

You can always hide behind something and arm your cannon and hose
their bellies as they over fly you its harder in the hokum due to its
semi fixed cannon, remember cannon shells take time to arrive there
isn't a count down timer as there is with missiles so it may seem fast
movers take masses of hits.

If you see an enemy chopper in the vicinity do not lock onto it turn
off your radar ctrl+0 keypad i think and you can get into a good position
to blow them away with cannons , changes in the patches means that
they will engage you if you lock onto them.

It is possible to ripple fire at air targets in previous versions
a single ATGM would take out a formation of up to 4 fighters/helicopters
in the newer versions it is less likely due to the spread out formations
(wingmen also clip you less) so just turn air radar to enemy only
and do a scan.Narrow your search cone to the smallest scan cone towards
the target(s) and fire off an ATGM then another after the first ATGM
scores the radar will remove the aircraft hit and the ATGM will
reacquire the other aircraft, this excludes longbow hellfires.

Do not fire at enemy fixed wing aircraft (except cargo aircraft as
they are slower) while they are flying away from you they will out
range your missiles , its best if they are beaming you (90 path
to yours) or they are incoming towards you or in your general

Do not fire radar guided or IR guided missiles at transport aircraft
they carry masses and masses of chaff and flare bursts , try it once
or twice and they almost always spoof the incoming missiles , unless
the command lines have been edited to reduce flare and chaff

Flying away from you and at 90 degrees to you isn't a very good
gun solution try but you can still get kills just takes up more
ammo .Flying direclty torward you or at an angle seems to work
better for me anyway.

HE ammunition is better for air to air combat since you don't
need a hit direct hit for damage to be applied like with AP
rounds.Air splashing if you will.

All combat aircraft have an elongated cone infront of it CAS aircraft
have a downwards looking cone , helicopters have a cone that is slightly
downwards and is up to 180 degrees on each side. This is the danger
zone to be in when you are in this area you can be fired on and the
person firing has a high chance of hit (depending on the weapon-/+).
With fixed wing aircraft you can move below his cone by flying towards
below him so he cannot bring his weapons to bear without flying off
and turning round . This gives you a prime oppertunity to fire back
as he passes overhead and he cannot retaliate . Helicopters are
different in that they can turn quickly (Hokum being fastest)
to bring guns to bear on you to lethal effect.

section 5.3


Hmm there is no cover at all none not even waves

Film quote commando "if we fly low enough the waves will mask us from radar"

Same in EECH but you have to be VERY low

Approach low and slow under 10 metres radar off very very very low and
often people have said stories about firing one ATGM at each high
threat ship to silence them a bit then fire all remaining missiles at target
of choice , note to pre 1.51 exe players ships are easy meat requiring one
hellfire or vihkr load to take out half a fleet in the later Exe everything
was made much harder. Altitude hold might help as the sea is flat so
altitude hold works ok here. Also keep your distance they mount 30mm
cannons on those ships (Russians also have dual 30mm on the AIST)

Hit points

Tarawa Class
1.46X = 12000
1.50A> = 25000

Kiev Class
1.46X = 15000
1.50A> = 30000

Oliver Hazard Perry Class
1.46X = 8000
1.50A> = 20000

Krivak II Class
1.46X = 8000
1.50A> = 18000

As far as I know the other ships have not been changed and one ATGM
or two rockets will take them out possibly the AIST taking slighly
more hits.

more @

Air to air is especially dangerous since there is no cover at all
none and you die instantly if you fall into the water.Though you
can go to 0 altitude and a bit lower than than brushing the water
(you have to be very careful as its a knife edge) to evade detection.

Section 5.4
General weapons usage

section 5.41 ATGMs

Vihkr 9.8KM 2100 damage 1.41C 2500 damage 1.51X
Attaka 6km 2000 damage 1.41C 2500 damage 1.51X
Hellfires 7.9KM LOAL 7.9km in updates 2000 damage 1.41C 2500 damage 1.51X

Use them at anything they are effective against anything in the game the
reds have a disadvantage that the missiles have to be guided up to impact ,
where the Longbow L hellfires are fire and forget.

**New tactic (its old but new for this FAQ)

For Vihkrs Attaka and Hellfire II which need to be guided till impact
you can try something called curling which is like LOAL but on the
horizontal plane , its quite dangerous too and works best with
Vikhrs and Attakas.Also there are certain parameters needed for this
to work .You pop up over a hill radar scan the area in radar priority
ALL , then you descend back behind cover , change the radar priority to
low and find a structure or some other target at about 45 degrees
between the target and you behind the cover.

| AA
| AA
| @
| @
| @ D
| @
| @
| @
| @
| @
| @
ZZ -----------------------------

X = mountain or object used for cover
ZZ = Your gunship
AA = target
D = possible target to curl missiles off with
@ = missile path
Q = point of radar priority change
| & _ = radar scan cone

You are going to fire on D and then change radar priority once your
missile gets to Q to high or medium depending on what you are trying
to hit.There will be no LOS displayed on the radar MFD but the missile
will turn towards AA unless it is a longbow hellfire however missiles
won't turn too far so sometimes it doesn't work especially if the angle
between D and AA is very large they will just fall to the ground. This
is a variation on the ripple fire technique and can work quite well though
it maybe difficult to accurately target anything specific without the
external target inset turned on (which is cheating). Also you could just
fire in the first pop up instance but its an interesting trick to know.
If there is no D available and the area is quite hot with SAMs you can
over fly near D and tell a wingman to "weapons hold" and to "hold
position" and curl the missile using your wingman though you must be
careful not to kill him! and you need to change radar priority sooner
else the missile will hit any elevations the wingman is near and it
will be wasted!.It is best employed when the terrain is relatively flat and
you have little cover to approach from or when the enemy is quite close
to the rear side of a hill .Where he would kill you before you could
kill him usually.Also targets will not be automatically removed from the
radar display so you should scroll through the list manually .Auto will
not remove the target entries.

This is impossible IRL as far as I know except maybe with a TOW
missile which isn't usable by the player in EECH and may not have
enough wire/energy to turn such extreme angles . It could be possible
with the Attaka and Vihkr as these missiles have a secondary role in
air to air combat and are thus much more agile than the hellfire
series of missiles.)

5.411 extra ATGM details

These vehicles will die from ATGM shockwaves near them
*high probability
+low probability
++v low probability but I've seen it happen

M113 Vulcan*
M2A2 Bradley++
URAL 4320 truck*
URAL 4320 fuel tanker*
Gopher SAM*
Helicopters* (in close formation in 1.01 a single ATGM can take out 4 helis)
Helicopters on carrier decks*
Fixed wing*
Ground troops

section 5.42 Cannons

Havoc 30mm HE/AP 2000 metres
Hokum 30mm HE/AP 2000 metres

Apache 30mm HE/DP 1200 metres
Comanche AP 1200 metres

Keep bursts small the hokum Havoc and Apache cannons are pretty
strong just takes sometime for the shells to actually get there and ammo
for Hokum and especially Havoc is very limited Beware the Comanche
cannon has to unfold out the front bay which takes time and swings from
the left you can hit friendlies this way and or waste ammo.When your
co-pilot says good kill or target is down then that target is dead
it will just take sometime for it to explode though you can fire
a few rounds to speed up this process.The turreted cannons will
track targets behind your fire cone but you cannot hit them so try
to keep them in your forward 120 degrees.Also try hit the rear of
tanks to keep the ammo usage to a minimum.

section 5.43 Rockets

S-8 - 5000 metres (HMD only says 5000 metres however)
M261 Multi purpose 5000 metres
M255 High explosive 5000 metres

Good for airbase busting after you have cleaned up carry a few to
level the base if you are playing blue then you can also choose MP
rockets choose those in preference to HE rockets as these do more
damage per shot and have the same capacity.Max ranges are a guide
only since it is very difficult to hit something that far out Apache
and Comanche rocket elevate and depress automatically below 100 knots
.To fire rockets bore sight style turn off you radar or select a radar
mode different to what you want to shoot (air for ground etc).Tanks
will die after 1-2 hits from rockets depending on where you hit them.

Reds only
Big rockets S-13
6000 metres but more effective closer (HMD only says 5000 metres

As with small rockets but with greater range and a bigger bang

section 5.44

Reds only
Cannon pods 1500 metres but only seems effective <500 metres

Bit useless as its v hard to hit anything with them , although
they are not too bad against helicopters you are tailing but the
built in cannon can do the job better it takes about 40 rounds
from a cannon pods to kill a helicopter but since cannon pods fire
in fours (2 barrels per pod) If you can it on target they can be
useful. Not enough ammo in them for some real wrecking though this
can be altered in the WUT (though beware cannon shells do have weight
and can add up to quite a large amount so much so that you may not be
able to lift off).However they are light which means more lift and
over the past few days I went tank hunting with four cannon pods
which was quite fun (ask wingmen to take out SAMs and AAA first
unless you are very confident of your abilities).A tank will die
from cannon pods in 250 shots or there abouts from the rear and about
300 from the sides , the front I do not know since I kept getting
killed attacking from this position.Normal cannon shells (on the 30mm
on the Havoc and hokum will kill them faster and beware in a column
there can be upto 4 tanks after SAM/AAA are taken out).Cannon also
seems quite good against buildings 200-300 shells can take out hardened
hangers (3-4 rockets or one ATGM normally)

section 5.45

range 5200 metres (though lock is unlikely at this range)

use only really really close up as Iglas travel faster than stingers
you can use them up to 2KM quite effectively

range 6000 metres (though lock is unlikely at this range)

Use only when super close up to your enemy 1.5km is the max for effective
use , they are slower than iglas

new 3.1 addition

It is actually possible to fire Iglas and Stingers at ground targets not the normal
way though you have to exploit a bug in the game or use curling:

3 methods :

#1 editing the game config in the WUT

Self explanatory

#2 Curling

Sam as curling with ATGMs (almost) but this is quite hard to pull off with major sucess

Top view




Side view


Ideal situation


X slight flat on the slope


W = wingman
X = target
U = You

Lock onto your wingman and open fire if you are both low enough or your wingman is
at a higher elevation with the target (X) in between theres a small chance that
the stinger/igla will impact the target in its flight path , pitching forwards
and aiming at seeker limits also helps . Though wingmen use chaff and flares
and this can loft the missile up slightly making the missile miss , however in
low chaff and flare effectiveness games ( <60% ) the flares will be ignored
and fly right to your wingman , this is good and bad.It is good because missiles
won't be lofted at your wingman ,it is bad because if you miss your wingman is
toast and nothing will save him (laser ATGMs can be stopped by unlocking
the weapon by changing targeting system) . You should position your wingman
using the hold position command where you think it will work .

#3 Ripple lock slide

Prequesite - at least one ATGM or several rockets ( 0 cannon shells helps)

Yemen 1 as Blues try the first CAS mission lots and lots of SAMs eh? this requires
you to ripple those ATGMs fast as you can. Now it you lock onto a ground target
ripple switch to stingers and keep firing a stinger will come off the rails
directed at any ground target that was last targeted. You cannot just lock onto
a ground target and open fire with a stinger it needs to be part of a salvo
of either rockets or ATGMs.Its a bug in the game I think that I exploited
my reasoning behind this is that there is a buffer in the targeting system
that is fast to clear but your fingers on the cycle target button can be faster.
So ATGM locked on a Tank = good lock flip to stinger fast and fire good lock
then the buffer resets to the stinger targeting system.I named it ripple lock
slide because you have to ripple to do it and the ATGM lock it slid to the stinger.
0 cannon shells helps because you can cycle to stingers/iglas faster than with
cannon shells.


Firing stingers/Iglas against ground targets is all well and nice , but
its best to go home for a reload.Stingers and Iglas do have a huge advantage
against their ATGM brothers , they fly at about Mach 2.5->3 compared to
ATGMs which hover about the Mach 1 mark which leaves you less exposed and
kills that target fast!. Problem is, you need to fire it as part of a ripple
and that stingers are quite weak enough to kill a Hokum (600 points) but
not enough for a tank 2000 points x side impact multipliers.Meaning? you can
sometimes get lucky if you hit a tank at the rear and its been hit once or
twice already or taken splash damage.You can also kill all SAM and AAA units
with one hit , problem being that as part of a ripple the ATGM will kill
the AAA and SAM units most of the time anyway (except the Grison) but in the ripple
the stingers will arrive first.Also since you are rippling fast , you cannot pick
out specific targets either.

section 5.46 extras

- slashing attacks no longer work well due to the super human reflexes of
the AAA and SAM crews in patched versions.(its worth going back to old
versions to have a try at these you could fly down a road where a
convoy wouldturn round a corner up torque so you popup and cyclic forward to
increase speed and fly down the length on the convoy spraying cannon
and rockets, it is still possible but nearly impossible with the

- Distraction works however esp when somebody calls out over the radio
this is [unit name] we need air support at [coordinates] we are under
attack from enemy armour , if you are attacking that group that is attacking
your group that is. They are busy fighting your ground troops or engaging
other CAS aircraft (such as Su-25) to engage you.Artillery firing is
considered distracted too.This is very effective on ships when they are
bombarding something.

-Supressing fire , Tanks take supressing fire ie if you are unloading
your cannon or rockets into the said tank then the commander will not
pop his head out and take shots at you with his machine gun however if
you stray too low they WILL use their main guns on you supressed or un
supressed .I found this out by flying super close in a cannons only game.
Oh IFVs (BMP + Bradley) and SAMs/AAA cannot be supressed but then they
die very quickly to anything.

- Never forget the weapons on your wingmen's rails with a 2 helicopter
flight you have double the weapons in a four helicopter flight up to
4 times as much (4x16=64 Attaka , 40x4 = 160 rockets) flying with other
helicopters in the flight might also be desirable. Hokum to take out
things from long range (though you may not detect them and be able to
order an attack) and havocs for a big punch.So try to get mixed helicopter
packs best is Hokum leading 3 havocs or Commanche leading 3 apaches
or full apaches or full Hokum. Its randomly generated though so keep
a look out for groups like this as they can level airfields in no time
using the individual wingmen attack my target commands rather than the
ctrl+a which orders all wingmen to attack.

section 5.5

Side specific tactics

section 5.51 Blues only tactics

Blues can use LOAL with either L or K hellfires popup scan and go back
under hiding and fire at them one by one with the laser guided hellfires
(K) you have to popback up and lase your target after it starts coming down.
You can get extra angle on the LOALmodes by pulling back on the stick though
this reduces range slightly.

Defeating the super long Hokum range
The Hokum out ranges the Comanche and the Apache by 2 Km range in radar
and in weapon range meaning missiles from them (esp in multiplay)
can come out of nowhere as the launcher is too far away to detect.
Stay low and fast and deny the hokum the long range , or alternatively
fly the comanche you can get to within 1.6km of a hokum pilot
with air radar engaged (CAP or human) and not be detected .If you
keep out of his line of sight and to his rear hemisphere then
you can close the gap for a fatal shot.

section 5.52 Red only tactics

Havoc can radio command missiles through terrain , popup scan for targets
on radar and duck down , pullback on the stick and fire it should coast over
the hill top and still guide even with no LOS
bit cheaty but there you go.

Use the cannon when close real close to AAA and SAMs cannon shells
travel pretty fast while your ATGM takes time to accelerate which
can mean the difference between becoming a colander like German
fighters who went up against B-17 formations.(this applies to Apache
but not Comanche as its 20mm cannon is a pea shooter but the Grison
30mm can kill you in seconds where the 50 cals on the M1s and 20mm on
the AAA you can survive 2-3 volleys before dying)

Hokum only

Hokum can do a special maneouver called the funnel or the wheel of death
you are like a spoke in a wheel and you keep the front of the hokum pointed
at the same place on the ground (this is made easier by the hokum cannon
being able to move downwards by a large amount). You can only perform
this with about 9000Kg loading anymore and there isn't enough power to
perform it.Pitch 100% collective forward 75-80 degrees and turn at the same
time while ruddering to the opposite direction you are turning open fire .
Trying it on ground is best if you do it sucessfully manage it your cannon
shells will make tight circles on the ground , It is also possible to perform
this at lower pitch but much harder and the Hokum orbits much slower .This
makes you an easier target.

Advantages are than many AAA units cannot reach you at 80-90 degrees from
horizontal however it does put you in a predictable movement pattern , since
AAA is based on leading you it can sometimes get you if the AAA is not directly
beneath you. You also should have some backup say some a few left over rockets
so if you run out of cannon shells you can fire those instead.Funnelling with
rockets is good also but only if you have a few left since rockets add weight.

Defeating stealth

The commanche is stealthy which poses problems it reduces radar
ability to detect the comanche 85% when it is in full stealth
mode so your 1km Hokum radar can only detect the comanche at
1.5km rather close for comfort , even worse the Havoc can only
detect the commanche via radar from 900metres. However the
stealth only works against radar , if you look out of the cockpit
and see little dots moving against the sky or the terrain and
there is nothing on your radar , its most likely a comanche
flight. You can turn off radar and shadow it until you can
get into a situation where you hold all the cards at his 6 o'
clock is best and open fire. You can also lock on using periscope
DTV/FLIR etc , however this points your designators towards
your target and the AI auto reacts (in 1.40C > versions)
of which they will open fire and be detectable as normal.

5.6 Red disadvantages

ATGM missiles need to be guided till impact
It is rare to get posthumous kills from the above
Hokum carries the smallest ATGM load of all four flyable helicopters
Hokum gun has limited traverse
Havoc has only 6km radar range
Reds can only land on carriers at sea Krivak class does not support a
landing pad like the Oliver hazard Perry class
Low number of rounds in Havoc cannon
Primitive Havoc avionics
Ships are easily distracted from AA activities
Hinds used in insertions are very vulnerable due to low ATGM load (4)

5.7 Red advantages

10Km range (in 1.41C update) in the Hokum can outrange any Blue side
SAM ,AAA and most aircraft missiles as well
Havoc is the bang for buck with 16 Attakas 40 rockets and 300 cannon
rounds it packs a punch bigger than all other helicopters
Ships are extremely good at artillery barrages
Grison SAM unit is combined short and long range SAM/AAA system which
hard to spoof missiles
higher top speeds in the Hokum
Ejector seats in Hokum (so less KIA)
Both helicopters and their standard loads can curl missiles (see the
start of section 5.4 for more information)
Most ground units carry anti aircraft guns(less effective in
1.41C update)

5.8 Blue disadvantages

Comanche carries a small payload in stealth modes
20mm cannon on Comanche is very weak
Apache is by default very sluggish
M1A2 Abrahams are outclassed by T-80Us (due to ATGMs carried by T-80U)
this used to be the other way round as the M1 used to have a gun that
outranged both the ATGMs on the T-80U and the main gun

5.9 Blue advantages

Fire and forget missiles on all platforms
Fire and forget longbow hellfires can get you posthumous kills
Fire and forget missiles are regarded by the AI as air to air as well
Oliver hazard Perry class frigates can be used as rearming bases
Stealth in the Comanche
LOAL firing modes

Commanche only

Using stealth

Keep the radar off you can put wings and weapons on the commanche
and still have 65% stealth +/- 10% the second you fire though you lose all
stealth and become detectable again. So what to do? , keep weapons bays
closed gear up (once you have been detected and decide to bobup wheels
out is fine and helps you bounce off the terrain with less damage)
your radar warning reciever should pick up the locations of enemy vehicles
SAMs and AAA radars at least .You can see them but they cannot see you
Grison in full stealth can only detect you @ 1200 metres .Sneak up onto
them low to the ground then open fire .Its worth while to put laser hellfires
on the wings and radar hellfires in the bay so using them won't open the
bay and give you away when you start targeting them giving you vital seconds
to attack and escape.Often I have landed on a Grison without it detecting me
as I approached low and fast about 2ft off the ground its guns had not turned
to me yet.

5.91 Comanche vs Hokum

>From the manual

RAH-66 Comanche

Made in the USA not in production yet
Never Exceed Speed 200 kts.
Max Forward Speed 172 kts (318 km/h)
Max Sideways Speed 60 kts
Rate Of Climb (at sea level) 260 m/min (850 ft/min)
Range (internal) 485 km
Range (ferry) 2,335 km
Engine Output 2 x 1,563 shp
Weight Max 5,845 kg

My tried and tested figures (rough)

RAH-66 Comanche
Never Exceed Speed 170 kts.
Max Forward Speed 155kts #
Max Sideways Speed 25 kts (at high pitch)
Rate Of Climb (at sea level) 260 m/min (850 ft/min)
Range (internal) NA
Range (ferry) NA
Engine Output NA
Weight Max 9400 kg

#= I found that the commanche cannot sustain its max speed
in anything other than a dive even without weapons
no cannon shells and very little fuel (I left it on autohover
for a while and came back) max speeds you will encounter
are typically 155 knots.


Ka-52 Hokum B


Made in CIS Moscow helicopter plant
Never Exceed Speed 188 kts.
Max Forward Speed 161 kts (298 km/h)
Max Sideways Speed 35 kts
Rate Of Climb 1,574 ft/min
Range (internal) 450 km
Range (ferry) 1,200 km
Engine Output 2 x 2,500 shp
Weight Max 10,800 kg

My figures

Ka-52 Hokum B
Never Exceed Speed 378 km/h.
Max Forward Speed 374 km/h
Max Sideways Speed 85 kmh
Rate Of Climb 1,574 ft/min
Range (internal) NA
Range (ferry) NA
Engine Output NA
Weight Max 10078 kg

*Top speeds and lift per minute vary with payload

Who is the baddest helicopter of them all?
My personal preference is the Hokum due to lack of torque first
time I took her for a spin , with the 10KM radar range you are
never exposed to danger since your outrange nearly all SAMs
and their radars.If you capture a Hokum it is better than all
the red SAM systems also , It also takes lots of hits
100 or so more than the Comanche (about 10-20 cannon hits)
and has lots of backup intruments and targeting systems.It
has ejector seats too to deny the kills , its weak due to
the limited cannon travel and medium cannon ammunition load.
The right view is blocked by the CPG body and head and
when it rains the wipers only clean the front.

The Comanche is good but it is hard to land when damaged
due to its instant lift charactoristics and it is quite weak
stealth also wears off the second you open fire so it is not
that useful. If you choose to use full stealth then you will
barely have any weapons not enough for one tank column , and
will have to rely on your wingmen the gun is also very weak
and takes vital seconds to unfold ,Traveling in anything but
navigation modes you are not stealthy either.Its small landing
gear also does not allow for very hard landings or less
than good landings, the pilot's view is also blocked by
the CPG's head.In rain the glass air driers are slow and
cannot handle heavy rain and when damaged you have no backup

Its a matter of both have strengths and weaknesses
"its the pilot who makes it into a weapon "

Side note -

Its bizzare the speeds are calibrated differently in KMH
and knots

converted the commanche should be able to manage 285kmh
while the Hokum can do 375kmh as displayed on the HUD however
I have noticed that in a Hokum (which is alot faster according
to the cockpit instruments) it is incredibly difficult to catch
up to a comanche cruising away from you.One experience was that I
had to chase a comanche gaining only slightly on it for about 25KM
to get within gun range.Captured enemy helicopters with wingmen
doesn't help solve this either as wingmen fly as fast as you do
no matter what.The Hokum on paper is almost 100kmh faster yet cannot
catch up ,I donot have an explaination for this unless I am converting
my figures wrong which I have checked over and over.Anybody with a decent
LAN to test this out? email me the results.


Section #6


How do i win? one of two ways since campaigns are unscripted and dynamic i
cannot offer a walk through though hitting the enemy large airbases is a
good start.There are two ways to win and get your tour of duty medals:

#1 Kill all recon choppers (Comanches and Hokum) on the enemy side they
are essential to the enemy war effort

#2 Complete required objectives

Killing recon choppers is fastest though not always easiest as
Comanches are stealthy sword in the sand can be completed in 49
minutes via this method but some FARPs are deep in enemy turf so
you have to be careful.Try to call in airstrikes and artillery
as sometimes they are avalible and they sometimes setup more
missions that you can fly on too quickening the pace of the wars.

If you want to complete objectives then to make life easier then go
to a major enemy airbase and take out the enemy generators no not the
electrical ones the helicopter ground unit and fixed wing generators ,
since airbases are cluttered with all sorts of things use the FLIR to
locate them you can see what they look like at your major air base.Sword
in the sand is a good example there are two major airbases one for each
side and two minor ones (you can be rearmed even at dirt strip airfields)
.As red you have bases only 25km from the enemy airbase (though this base
comes under heavy MLRS artillery and air attack), get to this base as
soon as you can and slowly pick away their defences .After this the
campaign goes quiet really quick though beware airbases are usually
heavily defended.

Targets at an airbase should be :

Outer SAM ring (to allow you to get close enough to lock onto the
targets listed below)
Helicopter generators
Ground vehicle generator
Fixed wing generator
Fixed wing aircraft on the runway (although they may not be on a
mission to intercept you)

These are all low priority radar targets but using the FLIR,DTV or
the hokum scope you can seek them out quickly then destroy them

After these targets are taken out go for:

Fixed wing aircraft taxiing and on the runway
Inner SAMs and AAA left behind
Helicopters (unless you think you have a good chance to capture them)
Stationary aircraft
Transport aircraft

Leaving the scene of the crime , to leave the scene fly quickly
out of the SAM radar circles or stay out of them all together
(difficult as havoc and blue helicopters) shoot down any fixed
wing aircraft taking off and find some terrain to hide behind
so nothing can get line of sight on you and stay low enough
to be covered by the terrain.In some maps such especially
Yemen you have dry rivers which you can use to escape rivers
in general can be used to escape as they dip slightly below the
other terrain (Taiwan has some very deep river gorges).

You should go back now and again and scan the air for recon choppers
and insertion choppers like Blackhawks and Hinds they can recapture
the base (if you captured it) or repair it (albeit slowly) and the
a base in a better state of repair has a lower % chance of capture.
Also if some of the generator buildings are rebuilt next time you
go there, the airbase may have a nice ring of SAMs AAA and tanks for
you to get shot down by.

capture of FARPs and base is by several stages :

#1 Recon
#2 SEAD*
#3 Strike*
#4 BDA / recon
#4 Insertion
#5 CAP **

* may not have to happen if it has already been SEAD'd by a passing
** CAP is after you have captured the base as it can easily be
captured back until it is over 35% operational efficiency

All parts can be carried out by you except insertion (this may change

To increase territory your side controls capture FARPs , Military bases
and Airbases while destroying enemy factories , refineries , power
stations and communication aerials .Another point is to watch out for
Hinds ,Blackhawks , as these insert troops to capture your bases
and or repair bases you have destroyed (of this bunch Blawkhawks
are most dangerous since they can use long range Longbow hellfires
, Hinds have short range AT-6 missiles that are not used air to air ,
Helixes have rockets that are similar and the V-22 is unarmed).If an
insertion mission has happened and the troops inserted are still
visible kill (cannons are best to keep damage at the FARP to a minimum
them and you might keep the base/FARP.


#section 7

Common problems and questions if you question is not answered
here just ask away.


Radar on or off? -single sweeps or full sweeps?

-Depends with Havoc Apache and Commanche your ATGM range is
tied to the radar range , the hokum can have its radar on all day and night
SAM and AAA can feel the radar pings off them but can't do anything about
it.Commanches should radar off more often to preserve stealth . Though
you can fight quite effectively by using the radar detectors onboard
though you should conduct a sweep after loosing off a few missiles so
that killed targets are removed from your shoot list.


I can see a target in my Hokum scope but I cannot lock on to it!

The FLIR , periscope and various TV cameras can lock on at short
ranges only about <4/5KM


-I can no longer hear radio messages when i get so far from my bases

Radio range is about 32km any further than this from a base or comms
aerial in your control then you can't hear radio messages and cannot
ask for help


-My USB joystick won't work with EECH

This was fixed in the 1.46X update

-how do I get to fly the Apache longbow or the Russian Havoc?

Go out buy Apache havoc and install use the patch from the EECH
CD rom to patch it to(1.1) what ever language version you are using
and fire up apache havoc and fly around for a bit , quit and go back
into EECH and then in the missions you can fly them


-how do I choose the apache or Havoc in EECH ?

the screen with the hokum and the Comanche is for choosing sides
only , red or blue .Blue being Comanches and Apaches , Red being
Havoc and Hokum


-when ever I call for artillery they always say something like
negative all tubes committed to other tasks red out Russians anyway

Well either they are busy or they are not in range , you can test out
some artillery in Yemen Skirmish 1 as Blues as the artillery and
airstrikes are usually available anytime


-My apache is a slug in treacle / Comanche has afterburners

Its the way Razorworks modelled it its a bit underpowered according
to most folks so you just have to fly careful or get a new flight

more @

Also minor flight dynamics can be altered via commandline changes
these are listed in the back of the EECH manual


-My hokum has afterburners

Jade made a good car , heh no Kamov made an awesome helicopter
and its just a feature see those two rotors thats extra thrust.
See more @

Also minor flight dynamics can be altered via commandline changes
these are listed in the back of the EECH manual , just if
you happen to think the Hokum is too powerful (btw the Hokum in
EECH is a Ka-52 Alligator the Ka-50 Blackshark used extensively
in Chechnya has 15% more power than the Ka-52 due to the Ka-52
being heavier and larger than the std Ka-50)


-Which is my landing pad?

press 2 and your pilot should turn his head to look at your pad or
use the autopilot to land instead


-I just patched up and opened up a saved game now whenever I use the
autopilot it keeps damaging an engine

Game saves are backwards compatible but you end up with autopilot damaging
you so best start the campaign again. Cruising speed was increased for
aircraft to reflect real life speeds as insertions could take a while in
the old versions.


-cockpits in the havoc and apache look weird in anything other than
640x480 mode

well they are from EEAH and that was designed to run at 640x480 res only
so its stretched out some for the EECH resolutions if you want all the
lights and things to work run it in 640x480 when you are in either of
these helicopters

-As red auto pilot doesn't land me properly on carriers

take off the wheel brakes and up the collective a little and move
ever so slightly forward


-in the havoc apache and Comanche when I put the collective up
my rotors spin up and I start spinning on the pad

Ha ha fly the hokum capitalist pig! , no really turn off cross couple
in the options menu , or capture some hokum

more @


-isn't that cheating?

No modern combat helicopters except maybe the havoc have these systems
automated so you can turn it on if you feel inclined to (just play each
side equally so your rudder doesn't get worn out on one side)


-say on that note where are the buttons to increase engine power to
compensate for collective increase

Modern combat helicopters have this automatically apparently , with
incoming missiles several zoos firing at you ,you haven't got time to
mess with this really


-!!!! I explode before I take off!

Well the back of the box says dynamic campaign rather than say a
canned mission against some tanks somewhere then back to base briefing
and another canned mission against tanks, which in all probability
means you were hit by a shell of some kind or you were splashed by a
strike on the base you were at.Such is the nature of war you could
always try the /uit:n user_invulnerable_time command line for a
bit longer as the default 5 seconds is usually not enough to get
airborne even with express take off methods.It is also possible to
be hit by a shell in mid air quite high up even if they are not aiming for
you Yemen 1 2 and 3 skirmishes are best to see this happen it can be
quite a surprise is you weren't looking. You can tell what killed you
by looking at the battle log or the telex at the top of the screen
that shows major events (if you have it turned on).


-my wingmen keep clipping me in formation

Apply the 1.41C patch then 1.46X patch and the formations are
spread out more (a side effect being one Vihkr cannot take out 4
choppers in formation)


-I can't use hover hold or altitude hold in the havoc or the apache!

Hover hold and altitude hold is only in the hokum and Comanche the havoc
and apache are more hands on.

-oh gee altitude hold works real good

well it does over flat terrain like the sea for instance but can't
handle rough terrain


-Can i catch hokum ejectees in my rotors?

Unfortunately not however an interesting post of mine started something up

Quote - "Lets do a quick comparison here. Take (for example) one AH64
spinning rotorhead and blade assembly, fire at it one or more 23 mm
AA gun round(s). You will see there is little if any damage to the
rotorhead and blade assembly. Now take one "fat overpaid porker of a
fly-guy" and fire at him one or more 23mm AA gun round(s). You will
observe that this makes one hell of a mess of said pilot. (Cue flashbacks
to 'Saving Private Ryan' where the GI's try to knock out the Panzer but
get fired at by a German AA gun...some heads are gonna roll...) Therefore
it is reasonable to assume that a modern rotor assembly would be easily
capable of dicing a human body with no adverse effects to the rotor.
Data extracted from 'my first book of ballistics' by Platinum Rogue
(un-published), and 'my first big book of helicopters' again by
Platinum Rogue (also unpublished)

more @


-Hey somebody fired an passive IR missile at me how does my avionics
suite detect it?

Its a game play thing and you'll be glad of it , see Golan heights Starshoy's
evil skirmish


-I get some really messed up graphics when using my funky super duper

use the no T&L command line or enable it in the GSS FSAA x 4 has
also been reported to produce problems with EECH also.


-I killed something I saw it in the missile track view/ target inset how
come it is not removed from the radar display/shoot list?

several things:

you are using a large radar sweep and the radar beam has not reswept that

the area is very smoky and you cannot get visual on if the target is dead

the shockwave killed somthing and is obstructing radar LOS

there is more than on target in that location or near that location

it can happen alot in LOAL situations resweep the target(s) and use visual
or HMDs to clear the target ,if you are unsure loose off another missile
FARPs never seem that far away and you seem to carry enough ATGMs to
kill front line platoons (though I prefer to save atgms)


-Iglas and stingers are useless

In version 1 they were useful , in version 1.51B/C they were horribly
unuseful unless alternative command lines where used to tone down the
effectiveness of decoys but @ about 500metres -> 2KM they usually get
a hit .Also don't expect a hit on cargo aircraft since they carry huge
numbers of decoys.


-I just got peppered by a zoo my helicopter seems to have very little
visible damage on the outside

razor works didn't do a multiple surface mask for outside damage effects
but fast movers do smoke and burn if you shoot them enough


-I got hit real bad I can't land as I explode

damaged bad? , teach you not to be so reckless eh? well if you
need to land softturn off the wheel brakes and enter cockpit mode
if you are flying the Hokum , Havoc or Apache your in luck as there
are spare analogue instruments in there the Comanche is a pure glass
cockpit and you have to use your judgement to gauge your descent.
Try to touch down at zero forward speed and very slowly baby soft
touch these babies run on super high octane gas and go BOooooooommmm
if you treat them wrong,


#1 Hokum pilots Eject

#2 autopilot (if it still works)

#3 quit the mission and have the computer crash instead (the
computer can do fancy moves watching in smart views i.e. bob
up attacks properly but it can't handle much damage and falls
out the sky)


-Hey my rotors stopped in mid air


#1 high up

disengage the rotors collective zero and free spin the rotors up via
falling and you can sometimes restart it like that

#2 low down

try the above or landing gear out and take the impact you might get


-I want to paint my ships how do i go about this?

check out the link here


-there is no windsock how do I tell the wind direction?

Listen to air traffic control before take off


-what is the campaign difficulty for each side

For Blue:
Cuba -Tough ***
Thailand -even***
Georgia - even***
Lebanon -Tough
Taiwan -even
Yemen -easy

For Red

Cuba -easy ***
Thailand -even***
Georgia - even***
Lebanon -Even
Taiwan -Tough
Yemen -easy

*** maps are from original EEAH and require EEAH to play + they
are larger maps and consequently take longer to complete ,
have less of the extra units added in EECH and have very few
fast movers.


-night vision doesn't work!

it used to in the 1.41C < versions but still not very good
you could see farps clearly on those no more its realism has
been improved according to some real pilots on the simhq boards
night vision is pretty poor which is a factor when the US lost
two AH-64s at night as they could not see where they were going


-Hinds and blackhawks don't lower their gear when inserting troops

They do in the later patches. 1.41C> though since EEAH the hind
no longer seems to use its gun.


- bobup what is that?

Its supposed to be a station keeping device for bobbing up
attacks but hardly anybody uses it though for city flying (if the heli
will fit that is) its marginalay effective.


-my Voodoo video card makes the FLIR not work

this problem is discussed here:


-I played EEAH and saw snow once

Snow has been removed from EECH if you have apache havoc take a spin
in Georgia and go into the mountains and you might see some there but
you might not.


-What is this MAKs you keep yapping on about?

MAKS -its the Moscow airshow which you can see various Russian aircraft
do their funky stuff in England the Su-37 isn't allowed to fly
to its envelope extremes for safety reasons but in Russia they
can.Rumours that they may have live firing there now and again.



-Where can I download a demo?

A demo of Enemy Engaged which only features the free-flight mode on one
campaign is available. Its slightly cut down from the full version
and is 85mb


-Argh my rotors fell off in mid air!

you either:

#1 got hit

#2 were flying too fast CPG will say we are flying too fast and
retreating blade stall will set in and you didn't slow down which
tore off your rotor blades

#3 clipped something (like your wingman)

solutions Hokum Eject , Comanche , Havoc and apache pray harder.
Miracles sometimes do happen in EECH


-Argh my rotors fell off on the ground!!!!

You clipped something or something clipped you ,could have been
the ground or another helicopter happens while landing and
taking off carriers mostly rare however , you cannot move
without rotors not even roll on your wheels with brakes off
so to get out of this mess you have to cheat with the Crtl+R.
As sometimes you won't be repaired even if you are at a FARP
or on the deck of a carrier , but you are lucky though 99%
of the time your rotors fall off you die.(hokum ejection rotor
separation is excluded from this unless you are too low)


-Ejecting gets me killed!

If you do it too low it does <15-20 metres will probably get you
killed . As soon as the rotors separate you start to fall , at
these altitudes you will impact before the ejector seat rockets
fire your out to safety .Ejector seats even work upside down
so no splattering your pilot on the ground like in other sims.
Also if you are in a very fast fall its better to eject early
as you may impact before you are extracted.


-Ejecting what happens next?

You press space and can select another helicopter / mission to fly
razorworks did not model pilots MIA and you have multiple lives
in EECH anyway.


-I've been reading and it says the Hokum has more weapons

The real one does including several variations of vihkr , a hokum bomb
but these were not modelled to make game play more balanced gunship 2000
on the amiga allowed mavericks , penguin's sidearm on Apaches which
would not be fair really.


-Electricity pylons over or under?

Split decision some people prefer over some others prefer under your
choice really but in a SAM/AAA environment (near the enemy) I'd advise
you to go under or blow them away with cannon (you may miss those
cannon shells and this can alert the enemy to your presence).


-I have on the situation report tab an objective:
Power station
Oil refinery

what am I supposed to do to complete these objectives?

Destroy them (beware as MANPADS love to hide in these buildings)
bring lots of rockets and destroy most of the buildings until
there is text at the top of the screen indicating that that
structure has been destroyed. Or call in artillery they do
a fine job of levelling them.


-Wind screen wipers are annoying

Fly in no cockpit mode instead then or change the campaign options to
good weather instead of bad or variable.


-City flying and street flying eat my PC alive

Well razorworks did this nicely but slightly over kill blow open a
building see inside see how many polys that takes up? you can change
this by altering the building popup distance in the GSS.(not the
polygon count just how far they appear in your view)


-Why does my CPG say target destroyed when the targeted unit
hasn't exploded yet??

The unit fired on is going to explode real soon just watch
or is considered dead another few rounds will make sure
and the unit will explode (only seems to happen to aircraft
I have not witnessed this happen to ground vehicles but then
I never get that close).


-When does it start to get dark?

About 3pm it starts to get a little dull and about 5-7pm
it gets completely dark till 6-9am next morning cockpit
lights are nice to see at night and at dawn or dusk.


-I win too many medals

its just the way EECH is , course with all those medals strapped to
your chest maybe it'll deflect some 20mms that come your way .If you
get to be an old man you can pawn them in when you are a bit short
on cash!.


-how do i win the congressional medal of honour?/red star?

You need some time in the seat for a while and need to have completed
a few campaigns (2) sinking some carriers helps too.


-I fired a (hellfire/vihkr) at a target in range and the missile self
destructed before it reached the target!

Um @ 0 altitude the range would be right but add the distance it has
to go downwards and its more than the max range of you missile , there
was some maths to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle which i forget
which is similar to this idea.Attakas have no such problems since they
have a longer range than the radar.


-EECH is too easy I'm playing hard

more @

though playing about with the WUT might make things interesting
or being tied up with electrodes attached to your scrotum and being
lashed with a big leather belt and with your feet in a tub of leeches
may increase the difficulty level somewhat


-How high can you go

Very I once disarmed a Comanche and kept going up and up and up and
up and up etc even fixed wing fighters could not get me though I
was so high that everything went off the radar so very high but rather


-say on the back of the box I see some views that I can't access how do
I get them?

ctrl+F11 jumps to these views
also unlisted are alt+v and alt+b for the hokum


-Somebody over the radio is calling for help how do I find them?

While in the cockpit or an external view press shift+return and
your map should center on the unit requesting assistance (useful
in multiplay) as long as they are still alive that is, which
may not be the case as EECH can be fast and furious.


-Can I change the weapon load outs in free flight

No , not even by FARP landing since you cannot access the payload
menu in free flight.


-Can I fly the Havoc or Apache in free flight?

No you cannot but if you can fly these in combat anyway
you probably have EEAH and can play with them there.


-Hmm EEAH you say that (EEAH) any good?

Yes in some places better than EECH, EEAH had some things that were
removed in EECH , things that come to mind are:

Snow (uplands of Georgia and Thailand i think)
Super aggressive A2A AI (much like the 1.51C version but they will
actively look out for you)
A2A enemy will use more weapons at you such as cannons which
are not used A2A in EECH
CPG would say lots of silly little lines
Medals actually had to be won
Combat was much closer and more immersive


You were based at one FARP/airbase until promotion (-/+ ?)
Campaign didn't let you take your time it was against the clock
with completed missions adding to the clock
Not as many units as EECH including
-V-22 osprey
-Ka-50 single seat Hokum Black shark
-Cobra marine version gunship
-Kiowa scout gunship
-AH-64A standard Apache
Very few fixed wingers in campaigns
Very few Manpads in EEAH
Pilot cockpits only
cockpit panning was by increments
Unmodifiable AFAIK
Fuel bug
No command line modifications
No in cockpit pilot figures (setting EECG cockpit detail to low
has the same effect for the Hokum and Comanche)


I can't see electricity pylons

-Try the no transform and lighting switch or some other Nvida
drivers instead it might work it might not , sometimes only
the towers are visible so just take care if you can't see them
and fly below 10 metres everywhere as you can get under them.


one of my units keeps saying the same thing over and over
again which is annoying

-This is listed in the bugs section


I took a SAM how come I am not dead?

-The helicopters in EECH are pretty tough with the Havoc and Hokum
being the toughest most I have taken is 3 SAMs and a few volleys of
tank machine gun fire and one or two 20mm hits ,I was in a very bad
way.Its sometimes luck depending on where they hit and what SAM
got you chaparral, avenger and gopher SAMs you can take one or two
even three sometimes , Grison SAMs and ship based SAMs only one
or two depending on your luck and if it was a hit or the fragmentation
warhead that got you. You should check in the WUT tables exact
weapons damage specs.Its far cry from operation flash point where
the Hind (although an awesome machine and in 1980-1989 Afghanistan
were reputed to take up to 3 stinger missiles) could take up to
7 stingers and up to 2 LAWs.It might be hard to get home though
if you take some many hits.


-EEAH and EECH and any further games in this series?

No unfortunately not although Destro is planning to extend the life
of EECH by making the player able to fly all helicopters and carry
out all mission types (currently only :strike , recon , BDA , CAP ,
SEAD escort , transfer ,CAS and BAI are the mission types you can
participate in).Support from Razorworks also has stopped recently
as they have moved on to other things although they did surprise
the MOD groups recently by fixing USB problems.


section #8 Cheats

These tend to spoil the enjoyment of the game so do yourself a favour
and don't use them , but if you must :

Ctrl+R refuels and repairs you completely though with several side
effects being:

- weapons and fuel have weight so you may start to fall
- enemy goes all out to kill you for some reason
- cannot use autopilot afterwards sometimes as it damages engines
if you turn on autopilot though landing at a FARP base of airbase
will fix this this is common if you used ctrl+r to repair damage
you recieved

shift + Tab semi cheat
refills fuel with side effects of:
-adding weight
-stopping your rotor blades

/uit:n user_invulnerable_time

Makes you invulnerable for how ever much n is defined for there
doesn't seem to be many disadvantages to this but its still cheating
it can be set up to 60000 (n) however some players have said that
it causes the game to crash more (EECH CTD is very rare)

Using the teleport switch on the commandline or in the GSS which you
go into the map , press t then click on where you want to go , not
that bad a cheat since later on in campaigns (esp Taiwan , Georgia
Thailand and Lebanon) its not uncommon to have to fly up to 150km
to your objectives and 150km back which isn't particularly thrilling.
Maps in EEAH are also alot bigger than EECH and can take alot longer
to fly across even at the top end of the flight envelope.As far as
I know there are no side effects other than missiles that were
tracking and homing in on you when you teleported can sometimes fly
all the way to your new location and will still show up on the threat
display AAA that was still hitting you will still hit you as well .Also
you lose all your lateral speed and verticle speed also which in
some circumstances could put you in trouble if you happen to teleport
blindly some place on the map you did not know was occupied.


Section#9 Multiplay

So you think your a tough guy eh? won all the campaigns got a foot
locker brimming with medals (who hasn't) well have some multiplayer
ruckus I don't do much though I used to play on LAN the last place
I worked.

There used to be a server at MSN game zone but this was removed
since EECH has a relatively small audience and small audience = less
people looking at adverts.

These days its done by ICQ with the folks @ the simHQ boards and 56K
is possible to play with each other with max 2-3 players with a
maximum mythical 8 players mentioned in the past on a few boards
i read (all players were on the same ISP in the same area on 56K).

more @

Also it is popular to modify command lines for play which can be done
in the Ground support system , figures are usually agreed before the
multiplay commences and most popular at the moment seem to be:

50% chaff
50% flares
100% smoke

Beware chaff and flares at these values are not very effective ,
since each decoy has an unknown % chance of failure which means even
with 100% on all decoy values missiles can still come in on you.
Its not unknown to drop 60 chaff (max in Hokum and Comanche) and
still have the missile hit you.

#9.1 Multiplay hints

A few hints:

Human players will use guns on you , approach human piloted havocs
/apaches and Comanches from the rear hokum have a weak point of semi
fixed cannon so approach them from the right (your right) and they
have to turn the entire hokum at you to get a shot in (but remember
the Hokum cannon is very powerful).But becareful the Hokum can turn
flat at any speed and altitide and bring its gun to bear quickly
on you , also be aware that the hokum can take the most damage
of all the flyable helicopters so the pilot has not much but some
time to react.

If you find yourself being hit like this you have several options:

-fire back - IR missiles, longbow hellfires and cannon are
the best choices here and rockets in large salvos.

-evade and find cover - over a ridge and waiting for them or
behind your wingman or even his wingman , try not to fly under
him as you could clip your rotors on him and his guns can follow
you all the way down which puts your rotors in the line of fire
which are a bad place to be hit.

-climb - All guns on all the helicopters can move least this direction
most about 20 degrees upwards , with the high lift of the Hokum
and Comanche this is possible , though they may pitch back to hit you
they will lose airspeed and controlability. Since you are above them
you can bring your guns to bear.You can trade you forward speed
for lift and climb at very high rates while still allowing your
gun a good firing solution.Its good to hit the top part of the helicopters
IRL helicopter cockpits are usually armoured heavily from below and the
rotors armoured somewhat.But in EECH the rotors are a weak point
how many times have you heard main rotor damaged and survived? only
a few times I have survived this when an A-10 clipped me.ATGM and A2A
missiles are usually out of seeker limits when you are in this position.

Fire multiple ATGMs at human piloted helicopters there are some
very good players out there who can evade missiles via using the
last second break or dive methods with rippled fire say 2-4 ATGMs
they cannot escape unless they go behind cover.

Optical and heat imaging systems make ATGMs lethal no matter what the
guidance however you have to get up close useful on AI or players AI

As Blues mix and match firing modes LOAL missiles will arrive later
but don't show up until they pass the top of the arch they travel in
this is very nasty when using longbow hellfires for LOBAL and Laser
hellfires for LOAL.

Fly fast very fast alot of players are uncomfortable with the limit
of flight about 370kmh for the hokum 180-200mph for the American
helicopters, retreating blade stall sets in but is controlable and you
can make your escape or quickly blow away your buddies.

Landed Comanches lose their stealth so would be pilots stay in a hover
rather than land when doing popup attacks behind some sort of cover.

Wingmen aren't very useful against humans as they won't fire ATGMs
(reds anyway) at human opponents unless they have landed.

Have fun with torture shoot them a few times with the cannon and
watch them struggle as their systems fail (not applicable to
AI pilots as they are 100% functional until they receive a fatal
hit).Players in this situation (i have seen) can ram you and take
you with them as a last resort so be careful.

Lead opposition pilots into friendly SAM infested areas sometimes
they forget and get chewed up by SAMs.

Ejecting before exploding in Hokum denies the kill.

Ejecting above an enemy helicopter also causes 500 damage points
enough to kill any other helicopter in hit point terms if not
they will receive main rotor damage which is nearly always fatal.

Rockets and cannon give no warnings about their impact arrivals
ATGMs do large salvos are very nasty and are one hit kills.

Hokum and Havoc cannon out range American cannons bu 800 metres
so if you counted how many missiles he fired and think he
has run out go in for the kill with cannons or your missiles.

But Apache and Comanche rockets are easier to aim with the
auto depress and elevate feature.

If you get stuck in a hill situation (you on one side the other
human opponent on the other) Either :

#1 go to the map screen and try to vector a CAP in to kill him (
move the CAP waypoints to the suspected location and when they
arrive ask for assistance)Comanches hold the major advantage here.
as if they stay wrapped up its hard to lock on to them because
of stealth.

You can do this dirty trick ,similar to curling a missile but to
a target nearby to your human opponent and change to air radar
a few seconds before impact and the missile will guide to the
new target (not for longbow hellfires) and they will have less
than 2 seconds to react. This is not effective on Comanches since
your radar may not pick them up.

For the Havoc you can mix and match your missiles since it only
displays the nearest missile coming to them so fire off a longbow
hellfire then a laser then a stinger or a mixture and he will only
spoof the nearest one to him. (smarter players will pump chaff and
flares and head for cover with IR and ECM)

When badly damaged and cannot shoot back ramming works quite well
Mutually assured destruction

Wrecking an opponents airbase / FARP while he is on a mission
is good as he is not there to defend it.

Different settings for realism can be set for less experienced

Give newbies a chance its not fun to keep getting killed.

Know the terrain and find places you expect human opponents to
come and attack your assets example Yemen Blue airbase there are
places to attack with ample cover :
#1 Around the rock with the antennae at the top south west
#2 From the dry lake bed to the west
#3 From large the dry lake bed to the south east

For those players that are hard to kill jump into your wingmen
if you have run out of ammo in A2A they won't have used their
non fire and forget ATGMs.

Radar guided longbow hellfires can gain you posthumous kills
quite often mixed LOBL and LOAL longbow hellfires especially.

EECH is compatible with roger wilco and team sound voice comms
use them if you feel like it to co-ordinate better with human

Curling is especially evil in multiplay on your opponent's
ASE warning systems the missile will come from a different
(not major) angle than the angle you are actually at , so if
your opponent does not see the missile trails (they do vanish
quite quickly) you can confuse the hell out of them as missiles
come from nowhere (though for airtargets you should curl as
normal and popup and re-designate your target as aircraft
move pretty fast and far in the seconds that they cannot
be seen.Your opponent will probably be too busy dealing with
the missile to notice you mearly pixels at max ATGM distance
you can possibly fire off another volley without much fear
of return fire or stay semi hidden.

If somebody is hiding behind cover and cannot escape and will
not come out to play try to splash him but using rockets or
HE cannon shells near the location you think he is.You might
do some damage or even score a kill , with damage you
can move in go for the kill.Going over the top of him gives
you a good gun solution to take him out while it gives him
a poor solution often out of gun limits, at low altitude
major backwards pitch is not an option.

But beware since your radar cannot see him and the radar trace
remains until there is a kill or you re detect him or get out
of range he could outflank you by sneaking away and around

The hill situation , reds on one side of the hill blues on the other
this is tough to crack and you can wait forever for this , its harder
to root out blue helicopters since they have better cannon traversal
and better A2A missile range.With the comanche stealth so you can't
detect them till its too late either :

#1 sneak round on the side with most cover
#2 sneak round to a location that is higher than them so
you can get the first shots in
#3 vector CAP to their location , they might try to engage your CAP
so while they are busy either quickly fly round or go over the top at very high
high speed ready to lock on and shoot the HMDs are good for this though
you might not be able to get a solid lock and it may jump around (the
targeting reticle) you can lock the target but you can't see where you
are going (as the HMD can target anything withing 170 degrees off the centre
and you can be flying in a different direction al la the torso twist in


Section#10 Unfixed bugs

still some bugs the old ones were fixed in the 1.51 patches

remaining ones are:

FARP bug where helicopters are "stuck at FARPs" either bunny hopping or
flying circles back and forth you can deal with it by killing the offending
unit(s) recognition is that no new missions are generated. It's a major but
infrequent bug.

****This Bug has now been fixed in version 1.51D and has been tested
for up to 4 days of campaign / skirmish play game time play .This does
still apply to all versions <1.51C however and the method of dealing
with it is still the same if it occurs still in 1.51D. Extensive
testing by Destro was done but not complete testing (more than 4 combat
days) since lack of time and normally campaigns don't last that long


Tail rotor can be damaged on the Hokum when the Hokum does not have a
tail rotor , the Hokum computer voice will announce it (the MFD damage
display used to have tail rotor status on it but was removed in 1.41C)
this can be corrected by using the GSS to alter the sound to something

Random engine failure , you just start to lose rotor RPM random unfixed
and semi rare usually happens when patching up(C,F)

Left engine damaged after you cheat with the Ctrl+R cheat to autopilot

You are only killed in action IF enemy ordnance kills you crashing etc
does not add to your killed in action count.(D,F)

Now and again even though a base or FARP is fully functional at with
fairly good stocks of fuel and weapons it won't rearm you.(B,F)

Autopilot can hit the ground and fly through it without damage.(B,F)

Missing textures which show up on the screen as blue holes in the
ground Directly North of Gutamo bay CUBA and near one of the oil refineries
YEMEN (i have seen them here) if you fly into it you die fire a missile
or rocket into them and one of two things can happen (B,D)

#1 the rocket bounces off at a 90 angle usually up

#2 the missile/rocket teleports right to the edge of the visible area
you can see

Reported as bug dry river beds in Yemen look dry and are dry but you
can still sink into the mud at the bottom.

Using control+R repeatedly with ALL salvo on rockets causes massive
slow down and stops your rotors after a while.(A,F)

Tanks stop after 24 hours of combat - solution fight fast and hard every
campaign can be beaten in less than 7 hours.(A,F)

SAMs come after you most of the time ,watch smart views for a bit and
watch some of your hokum or something fly over some AAA they don't
fire now you select that unit and control it instantly it fires on
you (reaction time was slower on old versions) instantly.(A,F)

Enemy has infinite ordinance in some situations , follow a Comanche
lock on to it let it fire spoof its missiles until it fires no more
look closely (hokum periscope is good for this) there is nothing left
on its rails. Now jump into your wingman's hokum and lock on again and
they will fire at you.Same if you change flights.(A,D)

Very rarely two helicopters start in the same position and if you move
you die.(B,F)

Sometimes helicopters will land on you as you start your mission , to
prevent this choose your weapon(s) and take off quickly.(B,F)

With the capture enemy aircraft switch turned on (see GSS) insertions
are no longer performed after a capture sometimes.(B,?)

Comanche wings do not cast shadows.(D)

The hokum gun sounds different on occasion using the external sound
of the cannon or cannon pod sounds.Havoc cannon pods sound the same
inside to the built in gun but different in external views.(D)

Cannon pods on the Havoc are mounted differently (purposely or bug
unknown) cannon pods on the hokum fire like:




D as the fuselage X as the cannon barrel

Even though the pods are identicle.(D)

Cannon pods don't seem to hit unless you get the snake on the HUD
up close they do but sometimes without the snake they will miss
even though you can clearly see it was a hit.(B,F,?)

Now and again it will not let you join a transfere mission for
an unknown reason you can select the mission sometimes select
a helicopter and press confirm but it will jump back to the
start mission selection bit again.(C,D)

Enemy vehicles can often be inside buildings this can be seen on
Yemen skirmish 1 as blues the Red artillery pieces in the town
are often inside the buildings you can kill them by hitting the
buildings repeatedly.(D,B)

Ships often get distracted doing something and will happily get
blown away by aircraft.(D)

When autopilot is engaged weapons are fired via telepathy in the
hokum at least since you can fire a weapon but neither of the pilots
touches a single switch or has his hands on the controls.(F)

Grison SA-19 missiles still track you after the vehicle is destroyed
which should not happen as there is no guidance relayed to it via

CPG will say three down and locked (which is landing gear down)
when you are in autopilot flying towards a carrier about to land
even though the Havoc does not have retractable landing gear.(F)

1.51C patch still reads out 1.51B patch on the splash screen minor

Infantry have no mass , ie you can't land on them or take damge from
landing on them .(F)

Wingmen all other friendly aircraft and enemy aircraft can clip
you without damage while you cannot clip them without damage(F)

Wind still affects the hokum when it should not.

The hokum still has minor torque when it should not.(A,D)

Guns on helicopters only ever seem to Jam no other damage effect.

Laser designator damaged - you can still fire ATGMs that are
laser guided even if this is damaged.(F)

Minimum range is not really valid since you can hit targets
will within your minimum range without damage , just don't
get too close <50 metres.(F)

Misreported as a bug - Hinds have lots of rockets and they
often popup fire off two rockets "firing rockets" and AAA
whizzes below them and it repeats for quite some time it looks
like a FARP bug problem but the hind will not leave until it has
destroyed its target (or something else does like you maybe)
or run out of ammunition.

Occasionally the Stinger missile reticule will not lock on
even though you have a good lock tone(B)

Ships cannot be hit by artillery shells they can shell each other
all day and not get a hit in (though the helicopters on their decks
can suffer damage/destruction from artillery)(?)

Artillery can go after you without line of sight , after somebody
calls it on you , you can be miles and miles away from the guns
without an enemy on radar or being within anybody's radar scope
and still have artillery shells follow you.(?)

CPG can spot other aircraft (helicopters and fixed wing) outside
your radar /FLIR/DTV/DVO/periscope ranges even without clear line
of sight and in poor weather (this could be related to the radar
warning recievers being that the aircraft coming at you has you
in its radar scope).(F)

Ground units can occasionally get to impossible to get to places
such as on top of hedges (where there is no ramp in sight) or on
top of bridge super structures.(D)

Hokum and Havoc verticle speed HUD indicators vanish when weapons
are armed the real helicopters have this permantly on the HUD.(D)

The HUD follows you around in no cockpit mode when only the HMD

Sound bug occasionally a unit will keep saying the same thing
over and over and over , this can be cured with Alt-Tab to go
to windows then back again. It is usually a sound driver issue(B,D)

The ripple lock slide as meantioned in the general weapons usage (E,F)

Demo mode has different timezones as it can be night on one unit and day
on another unit , not sure if this is a bug more of an eye catching feature
as seeing the sun rise and set is quite nice .The night time lighting effects
are also very nice (see convoys and transport aircraft cargo bays). (D,F)


A = common
B = Uncommon
C = very rare
D = Insignificant
E = significant
F = useful
? = unknown as to benifits or bad points

All the above bugs are quite rare and do not make the game unplayable
and do not distract from the enjoyment of the game as a whole, I went
out of my way to spot these bugs so most players will not even notice
them in normal gameplay.


Section#11 Interesting things to try

the new skirmishes and campaigns @ -starshoy's room
Mirrored here :

one life game where you stay in the same ship for the duration which
requires you to go rouge.

Changing the faces of the pilots this can be done via GSS

Cannon pods only campaigns (beware this is Very very hard) but with
the extremely short effective range and the way you need to sneak
up on all targets and kill them quickly is very exciting.

Rockets only campaigns easier as rockets have better effective
range than cannon shells and can be used in a sniping attack
if you are a good shot.

fly by MFDs

No radars play using DTV , DVO ,FLIR etc

Try the funnel its where the hokum is like a spoke in a wheel
but it keeps its nose pointed at the same target firing the cannon
its possible only and very high forward pitch and 100% collective
and very effective in AAA avoidance.



Everything here took me about 9-10 months to find
out playing EECH they were pleasant surprises so
don't look at them if you want to enjoy this game
for a long time


see those Bridges? see a convoy going over the bridge that isn't on
your side? blow up the bridge and the units fall into the river below

landing on enemy carriers - difficult but not impossible even harder
without destroying the enemy escort ships but still possible (when
and if you can land you end up being in a dead zone for enemy AAA
and SAMs)

landing on anything (inside power station cooling towers , aircraft
tanks etc)to be considered a landing you must be on the object
rotors stopped and (for Comanche and hokum) cockpit windows open.

Going into Starshoy's volcano and landing (Alaska maps needed for this)
or trying to (landing is rotors stopped and cockpit open )

killing by using Hokum ejection debris (550 damage points
are inflicted by debris)

tank hunting by cannon (try to get them close and at the rear for
most damage) not advised for Havoc or comanche crew due to the small
ammo supply / weak cannon , though this can lead to some tense moments
as you need to hit them in the right places and not waste too many shots

writing your name in the snow /dirt with cannon (best with explosive shells
and when the action isn't going too hot as those little craters can affect
frame rate)

edit you command line with the GSS to 50% effectiveness on all decoys
which means you need to fly properly and use terrain masking properly
beware missiles are extremely lethal like this.

go site seeing in Lebanon there is a lake with a hotel on the west bank
near the bottom (watch out for the MANPADs in front of the hotel) and you
can see the little boats

Play chicken with tanks see a big group of tanks have a human wingman
handy? when you land tanks turn their main guns towards you (this can
happen in flight too in the 1.51 updates) and shoot but the shell
takes time to arch towards you who takes off first is the loser ,
land man flying still is winner.

some of the silly war stories @

with WUT altered flares and chaff burn times you can make some
interesting fireworks shows

Using the WUT and Starshoy's editors you can make a redstorm
rising type battle where russian tanks are going through a city
and there are infantry everywhere with radar hellfires (best
give them fire and forget weapons so they can fire at anything)
and just watch the mayhem in smart views.

Xabbarus's Airborne MLRS he made the rockets on his apache act
like the MLRS launchers 30 km range and super high arc.

Laser guided rockets (these exist in real life btw) edited in the
WUT though beware without a modified seeker FOV they can kill you
by doing a 180 to hit something behind you.

***************End of spoilers*********************


Section#12 Extra bits

I wanna fly a REAL hokum /Comanche/apache/Havoc/Hind/Blackhawk

Lessee the AH-64 is in service with the US army Israel and the WAH-64D
is in service with the British armed forces in 2002

Comanche is still not in service yet but most likely be with the US
army when it does come into service

Hokum is dipping its feet in water and is/was used in Chechnya with
only 2 per year entering service Turkey might be using Hokum soon.
France and Israel are developing a version that has tandem cockpits and
the cannon under slung.

Havoc has no international orders and lost the contract against kamov
for the new Russian helicopter go to though you can probably see one
at MAKS, it has been upgraded to have ejection seats as well.Though it
is horribly ugly helicopter don't you think?

Hind - Ukraine uses them so does the russian military , its also been
used in Iraq Syria and the Balkans mercs have been seen to use them in
Africa,They are less lethal in RL since they don't often carry AT-6 missiles
and do need to conduct slashing attacks and are VERY vunerable to heat
seeking IR missiles as found in Afganistan even by primative SA-7 shoulder
launched SAMs

Blackhawks - US army or USMC though they aren't as heavily armed as the
EECH versions and have door gunners which is the most dangerous job I think

But things that fly over the battle field are predicted to have
extremely low survival odds in all conflicts from 2002 or there
abouts as it is impossible to supress soldiers with shoulder launched
SAMs and or large calibre small arms.So maybe it isn't such a good
idea to want to serve with these forces.Also the pilots have to be
good very very good and EECH isn't quite as real as one would hope
.But the Hokum was toned down in EECH its reputed you can choose
which wheel to shoot off a car at 10 clicks.

#12.1 Unlisted keys

Keys not mentioned in the (PDF/paper) manual or the keycard

Ctrl+backspace = weapons safe
Ctrl+.(del on keypad) = radar off
alt+b = alternative in cockpit view (hokum only)
alt+v alternative in cockpit view (hokum only)
shift + tab (cheat) engines off (temporary more in cheats section)
G ->(wait) shift+H = fast hover (vunerable still to vortext rings)


Section #13 Links to mod groups and online squadrons

This section is a little sparse since EECH is about a year old
at time of writing this FAQ : new tracers
A small mod that makes the tracers from cannons come out at a
more reasonable rate.
RAF (Russian air force) home page -starshoy's room
some maps and mods made by Starshoy <- you can find the BED and the TED
here which are map and terrain editiors

****** - Links on the entire FAQ can expire or become invalid
*NOTE* without notice! which is not my fault since i do not run
****** these pages.


Section #14 Warstories has 6 of them

Though a few interesting experiences I have had are:

While pounding an airbase I'm having difficulty so call for an
air strike hiding behind a big rock I wait and see them coming
to my aid on radar 4 Su-25s and decide to do a combined attack.
I go in first wave is good I kill 4 SAMs and AAA the Su-25s get
2 tanks.Then i start getting hit and dive to the deck behind a
hanger for cover , new SAMs and AAA have come out of the generator
and helicopters have taken off.My Su-25s bravely make another run
and i climb but have major damage so I am slow a Su-25 flies
2-3 ft to my left then right then below scaring the bjofas off me.
Most of them eat AAA and get their engines set on fire and I'm
trying to support them by using my cannon to suppress the tank
machine guns. The Su-25s come around for another run which is nuts
since they are falling apart a SA-19 grison comes out the generator
and starts shooting them out the sky flaming wrecks start falling
within inches on my already damaged heli and the 3rd ex Su-25
takes me with him. Just an average day in EECH.


#15 Command line editing Edited from

EECH is semi customisable to some degree by the player.Flight model,
visual and most communication elements can be altered by passing
command line parameters when starting the game. Command line
parameters can be entered into a DOS box or program shortcut
(‘Target’ field). As an alternative to using command line or shortcuts
you can use the GSS although this does not feature all the items
that can be changed.

**Disclaimer all these are done at YOUR OWN RISK I do not take
responsibility if anything untowards happens and you are forced
to reinstall REMEMBER to back things up!

**Flight Dynamics**

/drbs:n dynamics_retreating_blade_stall
n = floating point scaling factor for RBS effect (default = 1.0)

/drv:n dynamics_rudder_value
n = scaling factor for drag on tail rotation (default = 1.0)

/dra:n dynamics_rudder_acceleration
n = scaling factor for tail rotation acceleration (default = 0.8)

/drd:n dynamics_main_rotor_drag
n = scaling factor for drag caused by main rotor (default = 1.0)

/dtrd:n dynamics_tail_rotor_drag n = scaling factor for drag caused
by tail in forward flight (default = 1.0)

/dczd:n dynamics_cyclic_dead_zone n = percentage dead zone for the
cyclic (default = 0.0)

/vfm:1 vector_flight_model
activates viewer or ‘UFO’ flight mode for debugging

1.40C> Only switches

/fog:n fog

Sets the time taken for the "fog of war" to completely reshroud
enemy sectors, the value of n is specified in seconds and can
range from 240 (4 minutes) to 28800 (8 hours), the default is 4
hours. Lower values are more realistic and add to immersiveness.

/cpac:1 capture_aircraft

When this flag is set, upon capturing an enemy airbase or FARP, any
aircraft landed at it are captured and are usable by your side rather
than destroyed.This can cause problems , but if you get apaches
Hokum and Havocs you are in a very strong position , bizzarely
enough weapons are stocked just in case of this possibility.

/nomcm no_mission_complete_music
This switch will prevent music being played on mission completion.
use this switch if you experience pauses before the end of mission
music is played (there is no music in the US version and DVD boxed
versions anyway)

**Communications switches (multi and network play)**

/crt:n comms_resend_timeout
n = time comms will wait before assuming re-requested packets was
lost (default = 2 seconds)

/mur:n max_update_rate
n = network frame rate for a server, n/a for a client (default =
5fps for TCP/IP, 15fps for IPX)

/cig:1 comms_interpolate_gunships
program will interpolate a players helicopter position for smoother
visuals n = 0 (off / default) n = 1 (on)

/cvc:1 comms_validate_connection removes dead player husks when
client crashes n = 0 (off / default) n = 1 (on)

/cto:n comms_time_out the amount of time to wait before
removing dead player husks n = 0 (off / default) n = 1 (on)

/cist:n comms_initial_sleep_time
sets the length of time (in milliseconds) the program will
wait before sending packets (default = 500)

/cpt:n comms packet timer sets the length of time (in seconds)
the program will wait for a packet
before re-requesting it (default = 5)
/crto:n comms_resend_timeout sets the length of time (in seconds)
the program will wait for a
re-requested packet before asking
for it again (default = 1)

n being the % effectiveness of chaff

n being the % effectiveness of flares


n being the % effectiveness of purple tank smoke

-side note-

Chaff and flares have a built in fail rate in them which is an unknown
factor combined with jammers ECM and IR this figure is even less understood
but sometimes even on 100% effectiveness of all decoys a missile will still
have your name on it.Anything less than 100% - the fail rate = very ineffective
decoys , its been known to loose off all 120 decoys from the Hokum or comanche
and still be hit.

**Miscellaneous switches**

/goto:1 planner_goto_button
activates ‘GOTO’ teleport button on the campaign map (T)

/psr:n player_start_rank n = start rank for new pilots

/uit:n user_invulnerable_time invulnerable time allowed after
entering the cockpit (default = 5 seconds useful for artillery
barrages comming your way like Yemen 1) a cheat


Section #16 Credits

Thanks to:

Razorworks for writing EECH and EEAH and being good with support
over the life of the game.
Starshoy for extra maps and mods
Destro for the WUT
R Flexman Hawley for the GSS
Simhq EECH forum folks for some of the links provided the mods


Section #17 Wish list

For people who know how to mod the game some more:

Flyable everything (hinds, Blackhawks , V-22s, harriers , FA-18s
Variable SAM ranges over different terrain
Fixed wing pilots eject
Tanks be able to complete objectives rather than be cannon fodder
Tanks actually be able to defend themselves from air attack via
other offensive measures of evasive manoveurs
enclosed spaces (caves, rock over hangs or Tunnels)
Graphically visible damage effects
More explosion effects.
Full ordinance of RL helicopters ie hokum bombs karen ATGMs
archer A2A missiles (this keeps balance since only 4 Karen's
IRL can be carried compared to the 16 Vikhr ATGMs the Hokum
is capable of carrying)
Different coloured smoke
Smoke from Russian tank engines as they are capable of making smoke
without smoke grenades.
Burning fires to illuminate the night time
AWACs/JSTARS aircraft mainly to explain the presence of long LOS persistance
(the default version that is)


#18 Future developments (in the probable forseeable pipeline)

Nothing much in the pipeline as LOMAC (lock on modern air combat) is
going to take away alot of modders and fans a IL-2 Sturmvirk did.

But I am planning on making a few maps
Destro is planning on making version 1.60 and an EEAH WUT
Destro is also planning to make all helicopters flyable


Section #19 Permission to host this FAQ list

Permission to be published on these sites only:

If you wish to host this FAQ please email me about it first.

End - Copyright 23/12/2001 Fallon feedback
and suggestions are encouraged .Updated when I feel like it and
or something major happens to the game (new 3rd party mods)
Thats it! , its all over 6 months on and off playing have resulted
in the knowledge you see above , it should give you a kick start.

Update thats it I'm hanging up my EECH joystick for a while the mods
just seem to be unbalancing the game when it had balance now it has
very little , things I'm on about are 12km range for Blues no (apache
and comanche) and 10km range for all land based Blue SAM systems
with no improvements for the reds which is taking out the fun of
EECH online or offline.Its like an invunerability cheat in a shootem
up its fun for a while till nobody wants to play with you.And of course
RL things to attend to like looking for work university stuff like that.


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