Stretch Panic

Stretch Panic

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Freak Out (PAL) / Stretch Panic (NTSC-US) / Hippa Linda (NTSC-JAP)
for PlayStation 2

FAQ / Strategy Guide Version 1.1
Written by AstroBlue (

Last Updated: April 24th, 2002


ii)Gameplay Overview

Version 1.0 28/12/01
Started and finished the STORY, GAME BASICS, FAQ and SISTER STRATEGIES.

Version 1.1 24/04/02
Proofread and spell checked entire FAQ/Strategy Guide. Fixed some errors.


This is the unusual story of an unusual little girl...

One day in the early afternoon, Linda was walking along the main road of town,
carrying more boxes then she could ever possibly carry. In order to feed their
extreme vanity, her 12 elder sisters had ordered her to buy cosmetics from a
new store. Suddenly, a truck drove past Linda at such a tremendous speed it
caused her to loose her balance and drop all the boxes she was holding. The
bizarre logo emblazoned on the side of the truck appeared to laugh at her.
Linda slowly began to gather up the boxes and continued on towards home.

Meanwhile, a strange package was delivered to the 12 sisters, who were
waiting for Linda to arrive with their cosmetics. But, the package began to
slowly open by itself in front the 12 sisters, who had gathered near the
package in order to get a better look. A large ominous door was revealed from
the ruffling paper and then smoke began to wrap the room while the door began
to open. Then a beaconing voice echoed in the sisters ears, "You will be
beautiful'. By then the sisters had completely forgotten about Linda and their
cosmetics. A pillar of blinding light suddenly flashed from the door. By the
time Linda had noticed that it was coming from the direction of her own
house, she was wrapped in the same envelope of light her 12 elder sisters were.
A 'Beauty Set' flier blew in Linda's face, a strange mischievous laugh was
then heard as if it was watching Linda. Suddenly, her favourite scarf split
into fingers and a huge eye opened wide angrily on its back...

Somehow, the evil spirits who where attracted to the extreme vanity in Linda's
sisters, had possessed her sisters and her scarf. Linda knew she must rescue
her 12 sisters who had been made "beautiful" by utilizing the power of her
possessed scarf. Linda, gathered her courage and set forth to save her sisters
from being exhibits in "The Museum of Agony".


Left Analogue Stick - · Move Linda around.
· Wiggle the left "daughter" scarf during a Scarf Bomb

Right Analogue Stick - · Aim the Demon Scarf.
· Wiggle the right "daughter" scarf during a Scarf Bomb

L1 Button - Lock-On to the nearest enemy.
L2 Button - Make Linda look around (use with the Left Analogue Stick).
L3 Button - · Make Linda look around (use with the Left Analogue Stick).
· Use with R3 Button to initiate a Scarf Bomb attack.
R1 Button - Extend the Demon Scarf out, to grab something.
R3 Button - · Throw small object (Once held).
· Make Linda do a Scarf Flip (Once terrain is grappled).
· Use with L3 Button to initiate a Scarf Bomb attack.

Left Analogue Stick - · Cycle through exorcised sisters.
· Rotate sister (once selected).

Right Analogue Stick - · Rotate Deformation Ring.

Circle Button - Use 'Reflection' texture effect on the selected sister.
Triangle Button - Use 'Rock' texture effect on the selected sister.
Square Button - Use 'Water' texture effect on the selected sister.
X Button - Use 'Sketch' texture effect on the selected sister.

L1 Button - Center selected sister.
L2 Button - Return to Sister Selection screen.
R1 Button - Stretch the point of the sister the Deformation Ring is aimed at.
R3 Button - Lock deformation after stretching (up to 3).

Select Button - Exit Gallery of Shame

ii)Gameplay Overview

Freak Out is a VERY unorthodox 3D Action game. While other games in the same
genre are 80% themed worlds and 20% boss battles, Freak Out is the complete
opposite, as the majority of the game is made up of boss battles.

You play as Linda, a girl with a possessed scarf who must (well... wants to)
exorcise the Demons of Vanity who inhabit her 12 sisters. Linda's possessed
scarf can reach out, grab _anything_ and then stretch it out in any possible
direction. This is mainly used to attack Linda's enemies. The most useful
attack you can do is the 'Snap Attack', which is done by stretching a part of
an enemy out then releasing it so it snaps back to cause damage. The other
attack, which you will use far less often is the 'Torpedo Attack'. Which is
done by stretching a part of an enemy (or terrain) out so much so that the
'stretch-o-meter' (the eye in the bottom right corner of the screen) goes red,
then Linda can use the tension in the scarf to flick back and headbutt the
enemy or fly forward. To fill the 'stretch-o-meter extremely quick, wiggle the
Right Analogue Stick back and forth or rotate it after you have grabbed on to
an enemy (or terrain).

The Demon Scarf can also be used to jump, this is done through a 'Scarf Flip'.
To do that, grab a bit of the terrain and then press down on the Right
Analogue Stick (R3) to fling Linda in the air like a rock in a slingshot. The
further you pull back on the terrain the further you will be flipped.

Linda's adventure takes place in the "Museum of Agony". The Museum acts as a
hub to the EX Worlds (EXterior) and the Sister Realms. A certain number
of Points are needed to open the doors to the Sister Realms. Points are
acquired by causing heavy damage to an enemy. And this is where the EX Worlds
come in, the EX Worlds are populated with enemies called Boniita Zako. Boniita
Zako are young women who wanted to get breast implants, so the Demons of Vanity
have supplied them with Z cupped breasts. They use these awfully large breasts
to push you off cliffs, crush you, hit you like a fist and to helicopter out of
harm's way. To get Points from the Boniita Zako you must snap a region of their
body other than their breasts, which is effectively like shooting an arrow
through a keyhole.

Points also have another use, that use is to initiate a 'Scarf Bomb' attack.
Scarf Bombs cost 5 points each and are done by grabbing on to an enemy and
then pushing down on L3 & R3. Scarf Bombs are the _only_ way of exorcising
the Demons of Vanity from Linda's sisters. During a Scarf Bomb, two daughter
scarfs will materialize and will grapple onto the targeted enemy while Linda's
scarf will pin the enemy down. Then you must wiggle both the Left and Right
Analogue Stick to ravage the enemy..


Q: Wha?, I'm confused with this games many names!! Please explain?
A: Simply, in America it's called 'Stretch Panic', in Europe and Australasia
it's called 'Freak Out' and in Japan it's called 'Hippa Linda' which is
roughly translated into English as 'Stretching Linda'.

- - - - - - - - - -

Q: Does this game hold up to Treasure's high standards?
A: Not really, basically in my opinion it was a great idea for a game (maybe
the best ever idea for a game), but it was executed poorly. And I think
Treasure should've used Cell Shading to hide the fact the characters are so
low-poly. I understand they had to be low-poly so the stretching engine
could handle things, but it makes the game look too basic. In my honest
opinion, it will join Light Crusader and Silpheed in the pile of Treasure
games that are best forgot.

- - - - - - - - - -

Q: What is the best EX World to get points from?
A: Well the Island EX World has 22 points up for grabs, use the Palm Trees to
Scarf Flip to the exit. In the Factory EX World you can only get 14 points
per visit, Scarf Flip from the Yellow Lamps to get around there. The Ice EX
World and Rooftop EX Worlds have a maximum of 32 points each you can get per
visit. But the Rooftop EX World is hard to manoeuvre through, because you
have to REALLY pull back on the Red Lamps to launch between the rooftops.
So I think the best EX World is the Ice one, but you should use the Island
EX World initially.


Cinder (1 Point)
Cinder is the pyromaniac of the family, so she has been turned into a giant
fire breathing Gobstopper (Jawbreaker). As soon as the battle begins, run up to
her and Scarf Bomb her until you purge the Demon of Vanity from her. Now, to
cause heavy damage to her you must grab her uvula (the thing that looks like a
punching bag at the back of her throat) and Snap Attack it so her fire breath
back fires (literally) on her. You can also cause medium damage by throwing
the Zako Bombs she spits out back at her, by picking them up, aiming and then
pressing R3. When she starts sucking in air violently quickly run away, if she
manages to get you she will chew on you then spit you out causing heavy damage.
When she breaths fire, lock-on then side-step away from her face. The fire
causes medium damage to Linda.

Spinner (1 Point)
Spinner was the extremely hyper-active and twirling inclined of the sisters,
so she has been turned into a giant deadly gyroscope. To make her sustain heavy
damage, grab either end of her (head or ball counter weight) when she is
stationary and then pull back as far as you can and Snap Attack. She will spin
head first into the ground. The perfect time to exorcise her is when she is
recovering from that attack. To cause medium damage, pick up the Zako Bombs she
produces and fling them back at her. When she is spinning around horizontally
stay away at all costs, if she hits you like that Linda will sustain heavy

Siren (1 Point)
Siren loves to sing, so she has been turned into a diva with a bi-polar
temperament. Scarf Bomb her straight away, as this is when she is most
vulnerable. Now, once she starts to sing, quickly start picking off the
grovelling Moogle-look-alike Zako's from her dress. If you manage to remove all
of them she will have tantrum of J-Lo proportions and her demonic dress will
close on her hands causing heavy damage. If you didn't manage to remove all of
the little Zako from her dress, any that were still on her dress will be
turned into little sickle wielding Demon Zako and she will turn into a Demon.
Grab the Demon Zako to turn them back to normal, if they hit Linda she will
sustain medium damage. And if the demon Siren manages to hit Linda, it will
cause heavy damage to Linda.

Miss Mecca (1 Point)
Miss Mecca loves to invent, so the Demons of Vanity have turned her into a mad
scientist at the helm of a large mech. Thankfully her mech is pretty unstable
and the walls of the arena are electrified, so if you torpedo attack her so she
lurches forward into a wall, she will sustain heavy damage. If you Snap Attack
any of the Zako Torpedo's she shoots out, they will change course and hit her
for medium damage. Torpedo Attack her body to immobilize her, this is the best
time to exorcise her with a Scarf Bomb attack. Because usually if you try at
another time she will punch you out of the way, negating the Scarf Bomb and
causing heavy damage to Linda. Miss Mecca's spin attack only causes light

Anne Droid V2.1 (2 Points)
Anne is the sci-fi nerd of the family, so she has been turned into a defense
satellite orbiting a small moon. Right at the start of the battle she will be
right in front of you, this is the optimum time to Scarf Bomb her, as Anne
becomes quite hard to track down later on. Don't start tugging at her though
until both "daughter" scarfs make contact with her, or the Scarf Bomb will
probably fail. Anne has extremely low defense, so a simple Snap Attack directly
to her will cause heavy damage. But the problem with this battle is the Bot
Zako that litter the moon Linda is standing on. The Bot Zako cause electricity
bolts between each other that cause medium damage to Linda. But, the trick is
to attack the Gold Zako, as they are the producers of the electricity. The Blue
Zako simply conduct it. Taking out a couple of Blue Zako will also be helpful.
For every Gold Zako you destroy Anne will sustain medium damage and for every
Blue Zako you destroy Anne will sustain light damage.

Fay Soff (2 Points)
Fay Soff is obsessed with her face, so the Demons of Vanity have turned her
into a mutant Mr. Potato Head. Firstly, grab her face and Torpedo Attack it,
this will cause all her features to fly off. Now Scarf Bomb her featureless
face until you remove the Demon of Vanity from her. Now, pick up her features
one at a time and whack all six on her face so it resembles a late Pablo Picaso
painting. She will go red with embarrassment, so Torpedo Attack her when she is
like this to cause heavy damage. All her attacks cause light damage albeit the
ear wax grenades, which cause medium damage.

Samantha (3 Points)
Samantha is the second youngest of the family and like Linda she has a
favourite possession, but instead of a scarf it is a toy fish. So the Demons of
Vanity have turned her into a variation of Linda's predicament, just more
demonic. Exorcise Samantha as soon as the battle begins. To cause Samantha
heavy damage, once she has picked up and tried to crush you with one of the
large spheres, grab the toy fish's chain and Snap Attack it. It will cause
Samantha to land head first into the sphere. This will also result in her doing
a technicolor yawn, luverly!!!

Jelly-Chan (3 Points)
Jelly-Chan is the chubby one of the sisters, so the Demons of Vanity have
turned her into a giant gelatinous blob. This is a very simple boss fight,
just exorcise her straight away and then keep on doing Torpedo Attacks to her
to cause medium damage. Avoid being engulfed by her at all costs, or Linda will
sustain heavy damage. To cause heavy damage to her, she must be hit by a red
lightning bolt.

Demonica (4 Points)
Demonica loves anything horror related, so she has become a harbinger of
terror. Her boss battle is probably the most innovative, Linda is the lone
resident of a shack and Demonica wants to get in through the many blocked
entrances. So using small windows to see her and by hearing her pounding
footsteps, you must track her then Snap Attack any entrance she is in front of
so it whacks her in the face. To exorcise her, when she is in front of one of
the doors with a peep hole, grab the door and Scarf Bomb it until the Demon of
Vanity is purged from Demonica. The only way to cause heavy damage to her is to
Snap Attack the stain glassed window when she is in front of it (she is the big
demon, not the lynched girl).

Cyan (4 Points)
Cyan is the shortie of the family, and so she has always wanted to be taller.
So the Demons of Vanity have fulfilled that wish by turning her into a towering
monstrosity of an alien. This battle is fairly unorthodox. You can't grab her
normally with your Demon Scarf. You must keep the small army of shock troopers
in the air, so they can shoot at her so she solidifies. So you just pick them
up from the ground when Cyan shoots them down, and you must peel them off the
walls when she whacks them. The first time they shoot her, Scarf Bomb her to
purge the Demon of Vanity from her. Now when they shoot her, the amount of
damage your Snap Attack does depends on whether all of the shock troopers are
in the air, if all are she will glow white and you will be able to cause her
heavy damage. If even one is down, you will only be able to cause her light
damage. All her attacks cause Linda heavy damage and are hard to avoid, so try
to make quick work of her.

Mirage (5 Points)
Mirage has a fascination with ancient Egyptian culture, so she has been turned
into the embodiment of an ancient Egyptian curse. As soon as you see her reach
out and exorcise her with a Scarf Bomb attack. When she turns into a sand storm
run into the nearest oasis pond and wait until she absorbs all the water and
turns into a pillar of mud, now Snap Attack it to cause heavy damage. Snap
Attack the Torpedo Zakos she produces to send them back at her for medium
damage. Most of her attacks cause medium damage, the hardest one to avoid is
the shockwave, but she warns you before she uses it.

Spirit (6 Points)
Spirit is the eldest of the sisters and is the final battle. She always wanted
to be a ghost, so the Demons of Vanity have turned her into one. She also loves
Jet Grind Radio, so she has a cell shaded look ^_^ The first time you grab on
to one of her gloves, exorcise her with a Scarf Bomb attack. I would suggest
you continue to Scarf Bomb her into oblivion, so you should acquire a large
stockpile of points before facing her. You can cause her heavy damage, but you
have to Snap Attack one of her gloves in a certain direction at a certain time
so it flies into some flames and flicks back causing her to combust. Stay away
from her hands at all costs, as she will pick you up and throw you into the
ground causing Linda to sustain heavy damage.


Version 1.1
Update No 1
Size 21.7KB
Pages 8
Words 3544
Characters 21429
Paragraphs 352
Lines 428



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Freak Out and related characters are trademarks of TREASURE and Conspiracy

© Copyright 2001 - 2002 AstroBlue
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