Dragon Quest 4

Dragon Quest 4

17.10.2013 13:11:48
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒNƒGƒXƒg IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix

ˆÚ–¯‚Ì’¬: Imin no Machi (Immigrant Town) Guide (Chapter 5)

Version 1.0 12/30/01

By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com)

Version 1.0 12/30/01-Guide started for making the Immigrant Town.

This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be
altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any
magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for
sale and is Copyright 2001, 2002 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on
your website or page, please e-mail me for permission

To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer
program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japan-
ese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Inter-
net explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding',
then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come
out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my
guides with Japanese in them correctly.


Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Immigrant Town Guide. This is
an entirely new sidequest to the game in which you find various people and they
move to a new town. The town-making process seems to be very similar to Sim's
town in Dragon Quest/Warrior 7.


Getting Started

To get started, you first have to have the ship. Getting the ship and
stopping off at the town of ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu (Mintos) causes ƒzƒtƒ}ƒ“: Hofuman
(Hoffman) to leave the party to study on how to run an Inn.
After getting the ship, sail to where the ƒoƒU[: Baza- (Bazaar) was in
Chapter 2. If you don't remember where that was, it is located in the desert
south-southeast of Alena's home, ƒTƒ“ƒgƒnƒCƒ€: Santohaimu (Santhaim) Castle.
Speak with ƒzƒtƒ}ƒ“: Hofuman (Hoffman) and he will tell you that he wants
you to find people for him and tell them about where he is at so they will move
there and eventually create a new town to live.
After finding 1 person, you can warp to Hoffman's town. It appears as
ˆÚ–¯‚Ì’¬: Imin no Machi (Immigrant Town) on the ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return) list.


Finding People

Just like in Dragon Quest/Warrior 7, people are randomly found in various
locations. There are probably more places than what I have listed, but here
are the places I have found people at at the time of this version of the guide:

ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒJ: Buranka (Branca): 2nd floor of the Inn; room on the left.
ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor): 2nd floor of the Inn; room on lower-left.
ƒGƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹: Endo-ru (Endor): Inside the church.
Foxtown (from Chapter 3): Open area.
ƒŒƒCƒNƒiƒo: Reikunaba (Leikunaba): Inside the church.
ƒzƒtƒ}ƒ“: Hofuman (Hoffman)'s house: In the room with Hoffman's father and
the merchant in a turban.
ƒAƒlƒCƒ‹: Aneiru (Aneaux): Inside the tourist man's Inn (northern one that
is more expensive).
ƒRƒiƒ“ƒxƒŠ[: Konanberi- (Konanberri): Inside the Church.
ƒ~ƒ“ƒgƒX: Mintosu (Mintos): 2nd floor of the Inn; room on the right.
ƒ‚ƒ“ƒo[ƒoƒ‰: Monba-bara (Monbabara): Enter the building with the big red
dome. To the right of the downward stairs is a spot that
random immigrants can appear.
ƒnƒoƒŠƒA: Habaria (Havaria): 2nd floor of the Inn; center room.
ƒnƒoƒŠƒA: Habaria (Havaria): Inside the Church.
ƒTƒ‰ƒ“: Saran: 2nd floor of the Inn; south of the stairs.
ƒeƒ“ƒy: Tenpe: Inn.
ƒtƒŒƒm[ƒ‹: Fureno-ru (Frenor): 2nd floor of the Inn; bottom room.
ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒVƒAƒ‰: Sutanshiara (Stanciara): Inn.
ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando): Inside the Church.
ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru: Inside the Church.
ƒŠƒo[ƒTƒCƒh: Riba-saido (Riverside): Inn.

Types of people that can inquire about the town:

Nun: Blue nun outfit.
Bunny Girl: Blue swimsuit outfit and bunny ears.
Masked Man: Shirtless man with a brown-red mask. One was a competitor at
the Coliseum from Chapter 2.
Dressed-Up Lady (Princess): White dress, curly hair, and a pink bow. One of
them was Alena's impersonator from Chapter 2,
Sailor: Sailor's outfit, patch over eye, and an orange bandana.
Priest: Looks like the guy who saves your game.
Little Boy: I found the little boy from the ship at Chapter 4, Pipin, once.
Man: Guy in a grey shirt and red pants.
Woman: Wears an orange dress.
Merchant: Wears a turban.
Little Girl: Wears an orange dress.
Soldier: Blue Armored Swordsman (One was the leader of the party looking for
the Padekia Root).
Merchant: Green outfit.
Prisoner: Wears pinstripes.
Older Man: Looks like an older 'Man' with red pants and grey
Old Man: Has a cane and brown outfit.

Here is how my town developed, and how it got to its final state.

1-Found a Nun (Sister) in Branca. A field and garden were made, and a
Small Medal was found in a barrel. Inside the cabin was Hoffman.
2-Found a Bunny Girl in Endor. The town looked the same.
3-Found a Dressed-up Lady/Princess in Leikunaba. The town looked the same.
4-Found a Sailor in Hoffman's house. The town looked the same.
5-Found Alena's impersonator from Chapter 2, May, in Monbabara.
The town looked the same.
6-Found a Woman in the Havaria Inn.

After having 6 people in the town, Hoffman will be walking around when you
enter. When he sees you, he wants to ask what the name of the town that is
being built should be. His choices are:

ƒ^ƒEƒ“: Taun (Town)
say ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No), and then he will come up with the name of...

ƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Land.

say ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No) again, and then he will come up with the name of...

‰¡’š: Yokochou (Lane/Burg)

say ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No) once more, and he will ask what you think the name of
the town should be. After naming it, say ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes) to confirm.

Hoffman will then leave the town, but not go very far. He'll have his own
house right outside of the town (just like Sim did in part 7).
Talk to him, and you can choose 3 things to ask about:
The first option has the order of townspeople arriving, their name, character
type, and where they were found.
The second option I am not sure what it does at this time. The third
option is cancel.

7-Found a Merchant in Saran. A shop was added, but no good sold yet.
A Small Medal was in a barrel next to the Merchant. A Rabbit Tail was
in a barrel next to what used to be Hoffman's cabin.
8-Found a Dog in Frenor.
9-Found a King in the Church at Batlando.
10-Found a Soldier in Riverside's Inn.

After finding the 10th person, the King had his own little area but did
nothing. A new house was built in the top-right corner of town. A Luck Seed
was found in a barrel next to the shop (that still wouldn't sell anything).
A Scent Pouch was found in a pot next to the new house. $50 is in a
barrel by Hoffman's old cabin.

11-Found a Green Outfit Merchant in Leikunaba. Nothing new in town.
12-Found a Merchant in a turban in Aneaux's Inn. No changes.
13-Found a Prisoner in Havaria's Inn. No changes.
14-Found a Priest in Batlando. The Priest took over the King's area, and
an Inn was finally built at the lower-right part of town. Some Horse
Manure is in a barrel near the cabin, an Antidote Herb was found in a pot
near the house on the top-right, and $13 was found to the right of the
merchant (who finally sells some items). Some Traveller Cloth was found
inside the Inn itself.
15-Found a Soldier in Riverside. No changes.
16-Found an Older Man in Endor. No changes.
17-Found a Man in Endor's Church. No changes.
18-Found a Masked Man in Branca. No changes.
19-Found a Woman in Riverside. No changes.
20-Found a Masked Man in Imuru's Church. A road was paved from the Inn
the the Priest, the Item Shop moved over to the left, and a new house
was built where the Item Shop once was. Inside the new shop was a chest
with Chain Mail inside, and a Small Medal was in a barrel. A Life Nut
was in a barrel near the cabin with the garden. A Strength Seed was in
a barrel near the newly-moved Item Shop.

All 20 of these people were found before getting ƒ‰ƒCƒAƒ“: Raian
(Ryan)/Ragnar in the party in Chapter 5. More people were found, but not the
type I was looking for, so I stopped finding people until I figured I was far
enough into the game to get the type of people that I wanted.


That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any
additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions
(akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of
the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for.

Copyright Red Scarlet, 2001, 2002.
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