Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry

15.10.2013 17:04:19

Devil May Cry Normal S-Rank FAQ
Version 2.0
Written by John Combs


-= Basic Outline =- [ Just for Kicks ]

I. Intro

II. S-Rank Walkthrough

III. Boss Strategy

IV. Results Chart

V. Miscellany

VI. Final Words

I. Intro [ Important Stuff ]

You may wonder why I made this FAQ. I put this together simply because nobody
else has done anything like it yet. I can remember playing through Devil May
Cry the second time trying to get the best ranks possible. I looked at various
Walkthroughs for assistance, and I was surprised to find that nobody had
thought of explaining how to get an S-Rank for all the missions. Sure, there
were charts, but they weren't incredibly helpful. It's one thing to know what
to do, and it's another thing to know HOW to do it. That's basically why I'm
here. This FAQ will go in-depth and tell you how to get an S-Rank on EVERY
Normal mission, including the time, orbs, and Secret Missions to shoot for.
I'll even tell you what stuff you absolutely need to buy.

This FAQ applies to the Normal difficulty of the U.S. version of Devil May
Cry. I'm writing this FAQ with the assumption that you already know the
gameplay basics, have beaten the game at least once, and you're an obsessed
freak who wants to improve your rank on every mission for whatever reason.
I'm not throwing in an explanation of weapons, items, abilities, or other
things you should already know. I'm not here to waste your time, but to present
solid strategy. I do include Boss Strategies because the way you perform
against them effects your rating.

This FAQ documents what _I_ did to get an S-Rank on every mission. I'm not
saying that my way is the only way or the best way, even...I'm just explaining
what works for me. If you have any discrepancies, send me an e-mail. Read
Miscellany for additional information.

II. S-Rank Walkthrough [ It Begins ]

-= Mission 1 =- [ Evil Puppets and You ]

You can take your sweet old time during the very first part of the game. The
amount of time you take before the mission officially starts does NOT affect
your rank at all. Don't even bother grabbing the yellow orb next to the statue
on the left-- you won't need it. Ever. As soon as Dante runs under the small
bridge and just past it, perform a kick jump off it so that you land in the
small tower. Jump straight up to grab the blue orb piece. Then run inside
the castle.

Now the real mission begins. Grab all the red orbs scattered throughout the
Great Hall as quickly as possible. With a bit of luck, you can jump onto the
rider statue's axe to grab a convenient 100 hidden red orbs. Make sure to
get the blue orb piece by jumping off the dead-end section of the staircase
and performing a kick jump onto the landing. Exchange your 45 orbs, go into
the next room, and slash the suits of armor which yield 5 red orbs and a blue
one. Once you're in the adjacent room, smash the two tables and collect the
orbs. Head up the staircase and enter the door on Dante's right. Jump into
the pool on his left and get the blue orb. Your life capacity should increase
by a small percentage.

In the next room, smash the weapon holder next to the Marionette and then
smash the other weapon holder on the right wall halfway down the room. The
camera will focus on the hole in the ceiling as if you haven't noticed it
yet. Go through it to the floor above. You will see a Bloody Mari holding
a key. Press [X] to take it. Try to turn around and run, and you'll be treated
to a happy little cutscene, which I tend to skip by pressing [SELECT]. The
red marionette will be joined by a festive green one. I know you're just
itching to kill both, but you have better things to do now.

Run like a madman all the way back to the Great Hall and go through the bluish
door. Jump onto the airplane in this room. A blue orb rests on the right wing.
Once you grab it, stand directly over the propeller and press [triangle].
You land right on top of the propeller and collect forty red orbs. Take the
funky elevator down to the arena.

This is where the fun begins. There's a fairly easy way to handle all the
puppets in the room. The ones that fall from the ceiling? Just pull off the
same sword combo again and again-- tap [O] twice, pause briefly, then press
[O] three more times. Works like a charm. After those Marionettes are finished,
the three compartments will open, revealing more of our old pals. Head to
one of the side alcoves and perform the same sword combo. Repeat, repeat,
repeat. Try to pick 'em apart one by one. If it sounds like one is about to
throw blades at you, use common sense-- jump or roll.

If you're lucky, none of the puppets will be carrying around a shotgun (which
is plain disturbing). Better yet, perhaps none of them will be a Bloody Mari.
If one is wearing red clothes, save it for last. They are the hardest to kill
and can parry your regular sword attacks. The best thing you can do here is
knock the puppet skyward and pump it full of bullets until it's dead, then
move on.

Head back upstairs. Looks like Dante has some more work to do. Just use that
sword combo that I mentioned above like crazy. They'll drop like flies.
There's a Bloody Mari among the puppets-- save it for last, knock it in the
air, and blast it. Head for the exit.

This is one of the hardest levels to achieve an S-Rank on. It requires both
speed and efficiency with little room for errors. The time to shoot for is
5:24, you need 244 orbs, and you should only receive minor damage (about 10%).

-= Mission 2 =- [ Meet the Death Judge ]

Don't buy anything before this mission. When it begins, head for the Time
room near you. Break the two tables to reveal some red orbs as well as the
only blue orb in the mission. Run all the way to the end of the hall. Ignore
any puppets that fall from the ceiling. Go through the whole Alastor
experience, then go into the library. Hit the table nearest you to collect
some red orbs. Jump onto the walkway above, collect the key in the painting,
grab the Shotgun, then travel to the courtyard with the fountain. You'll see
some Marionettes lying around-- cut up two of them to get a head start on
your new Devil Trigger. Then enter the room on the second floor, slash the
puppets like crazy (it's obviously a good idea to initiate Devil Time), and
hit the statue to reveal the hidden passage. Grab the Staff of Judgment, go
through the now-available secret passage, then head for the exit.

You'll see a cutscene showing some Sin Scissors when Dante tries to open the
door. Equip your shotgun if you already haven't, then give 'em two or three
generous blasts to the face. They go down pretty easily. Exit the room. Kill
the baby spiders if you feel the urge, then hand the Death god his plaything.
The mission is now over.

The key to this mission is *not losing any health* at all. This may take a
couple of tries, but it's quite feasible. Just avoid most of the Marionettes
and use the Devil Trigger when you have a chance. You need to complete the
mission in 3:52 and collect 183 red orbs.

-= Mission 3 =- [ Fight a &%#@ Huge Spider ]

Before the mission actually begins, indulge yourself. Buy Air Raid, Stinger1,
and a purple orb. All of these are vital to getting an S-Rank. You should
have more than enough orbs to buy them.

As soon as the mission starts, run to the door on your right. You might be
scratching your head and wondering why you shouldn't waltz up to the altar,
but the same thing will happen if you try to go right out the door, plus you'll
save a bit of time. Once you're on the bridge, equip the shotgun and go Devil
if your Trigger is available (you can run much faster this way). Collect
the red orbs on the end of the bridge, read the nice little tablet, then try
to head back.

Once the bridge collapses and you're on the ocean floor, head toward the
middle of the clearing. Some Sargassos will pop up. The quickest way to deal
with them is a Shotgun blast, then Stinger. Make a nice little circle around
the area doing that, and they shouldn't give you much trouble. Once you're
up on the bridge again, turn around and go back to get the blue orb in front
of the tablet. I suggest you use Air Raid and fly over there. Once you have
it, go ahead and purposely jump in the water. Why? We need to fill up that
Devil Trigger. Kill all the enemies, go back to the bridge, yadda yadda.
Before you enter the Cathedral, jump on the ledge above the door. You will
be treated to many red orbs. Then face away from the door and perform a should land on a floating ledge with a blue orb piece on it.
Now go inside.

You ought to know the drill here. As soon as Phantom pops up, go Devil and
Air Raid him like there's no tomorrow. After Phantom is dead, you need to
make a decision: either head for the exit, or go for the first Secret Mission.
I prefer to go for the Secret Mission because it's another quarter blue orb
in the pocket. However, it's a pain in the butt. If you screw up, you may
have to start the mission all over again and defeat Phantom once more. You
can still get an S-Rank either way. If you skip the secret mission, you need
to finish in 4:23 and grab 592 red orbs. Otherwise, you can finish in 5:43
and gain 652 orbs. Try to limit damage to 15-20%.

-= Mission 4 =- [ Kill a bunch of Baby Spiders...and Nelo ]

You don't need to buy anything before this mission. As soon as it begins,
equip the handguns and run back inside the Cathedral. Beat the Secret Mission
there, using the Devil Trigger if possible. Leave as soon as the objective
is complete. When you try to run past the door leading to the courtyard,
Phantom will appear for another round. However, you have better things to
do, so hit the door ASAP. Then go back inside. Phantom gone, problem solved.
You can be greedy and use Air Raid to kill him if you want, but I chose not
to. Go to the Time room at the end of the hall and complete another Secret
Mission. When that's said and done, head for the courtyard.

You see the fountain? Try to land right on top of it. Run to the edge of the
ring of steps around it and jump. About 40 red orbs will fall from the sky.
Press [X] near the lion statue, then hit it three times to conjure a Shadow.
Roll away from him ASAP, then shoot him with your handguns. Once his orb is
revealed, use Stinger until he turns red. Be extra cautious and continue to
shoot until he explodes.

Note that you can go on another thrilling Secret Mission escapade after
killing the Shadow if you so desire. It involves fighting three Shadows at
once, and you WILL be abused. I choose to skip this mainly because of the
time and damage factor. Trust me, it's really not worth it. Instead, head

Once you're inside, run up the stairs on your left. To take the Death Sentence,
perform a kick jump onto ledge it rests on. Don't waste your time with any
of the Marionettes here. Once you're inside the comfy bedroom, plunge the
sword into the statue. You'll see a happy cutscene. Before you head outside,
jump on top of the bed and take the 40 hidden red orbs. It's important that
you do this AFTER the cutscene because you'll receive more of them this way.
Then pay a little visit to the Time god. Purchase a purple orb and go outside.

When you're outside, make a 180o turn and perform a kick jump off the wall.
You'll be on a higher floor now. See that blue orb in the small tower to Dante's
left? It's time to get it. However, you need to do a kick jump off the large
tower across from the smaller one. It's difficult to see it well from that
camera angle, but it's there. Once you're on top, you will be blessed with
a multitude of red orbs. Then perform Air Raid and fly to the smaller tower
(don't forget to nab the Untouchable on the larger tower). If you couldn't
successfully jump to the larger tower, the Boss fight will begin. Go ahead
and fight Nelo Angelo because you can get the blue orb in the next mission
anyway. Nelo Angelo really is a pushover, and you should get past him with
no trouble. Read the Boss Strategy section for details. Try to complete the
mission in 5:51 and grab 344 red orbs.
There are plenty of hidden red orbs, so time is your primary concern.


-= Mission 5 =- [ Get Rid of the Melancholy Thing ]

This is probably the easiest mission in the game. You can totally screw up
and still get an S-Rank, which is exactly what I did. Dodge the Shadow ASAP,
then take care of him. Nab that blue orb in the tower if you couldn't in the
previous mission. Don't worry, you have plenty of time. Once you go back
inside, jump down to the area at the bottom. Press [X] while you stand in
front of the lion door. Mission over. Surprisingly, you can take nearly three
minutes, lose most of your health, and still pull off an S-Rank . I managed
to collect 117 red orbs because I jumped onto the large tower in order to
procure the blue orb piece.

-= Mission 6 =- [ Sewer Time is a Happy Time ]

This is another easy mission. Run to the alcove your right and jump to grab
the blue orb. Before going into the Pipe Room, head through the small passage
leading to the orb statue. Hit it until it breaks. Then equip the Shotgun
and head into the Pipe Room. After you get the key, you'll see a cutscene
where all sorts of Beelzebubs crawl out from the woodwork. Hit the Devil
Trigger and Air Raid or fire the shotgun like there's no tomorrow. Then head
to the bluish door at the end of the main tunnel and exit.

Run to the end of this passage and you'll meet an unexpected visitor. Shoot
the Death Scissors in the face with the Shotgun, perform Air Raid, and dodge
his Corkscrew Flying Scissors Attack. Beat the mission in 4:14, collect 255
red orbs, and try not to lose more than 20% health.

-= Mission 7 =- [ Run Away! ]

This mission is very easy, but there's a couple of things you can do to make
it harder as well as increase your red orb count. Buy a purple orb before
the mission begins. When Dante heads down the sewer path, his old pal will
show up. You *could* run like a little girl again, but it's much more
profitable to fight this time. Go Devil and Air Raid. Phantom will croak
before you know it. Grab the red orbs and leave.

Now it's time for a Super Happy Secret Mission. This one is a pain in the
butt (small wonder), and it may require some resetting. But, I suppose, since
you've already skipped Secret Mission number 4, you can go ahead and skip
this one too because there's no way you could get full health until you play
through the game again. So, do whatever. I was fortunately able to beat this
one on the first try.

After that's taken care of, you're practically home free. Rid yourself of
the annoying Sin Scissors by using the mighty Shotgun. As soon as you exit,
take the elevator to the top. Ignore the bugs. Mission complete. This is one
of the few missions where you can get mauled and still be in good shape. It
took me 3:07 to beat it, and I salvaged 705 red orbs. Try not to lose more
than 40-50% of your life.

-= Mission 8 =- [ Kill Phantom...Again. ]

Fun times. Buy 3 blue orbs before the mission begins. Grab the two huge red
orbs in the weird room with the wacky music and head outside. Once you try
to leave through the opening, Phantom will show up for the fortieth time.
This fight with Phantom is a bit different, so read the Boss Strategy section.
Your Devil Gauge will fill to capacity once he dies, which is a good thing.

Once that unfortunate incident is over, go through the opening. You'll see
a whole area below you, but don't jump down just yet. Instead, perform a should land right on top of the blue orb. You *could* jump onto
one of the horses to get it, but the Stinger method is more reliable. To find
some more hidden red orbs, jump on top of the left horse's head. Grab the
Trident, then go to the right side of the area and jump on the small stand.
Red orbs will come from the sky. Now go down below.

Go through the whole bridge lowering process and make sure to pick up the
Grenade Launcher. It MIGHT come in handy later. Now all you need to do is
put the Trident in its rightful place, then run like crazy (while in Devil
mode) to the exit. Before you leave, remember to jump into the pool on the
right for a blue orb piece. Complete this stage in 2:48, gain 565 red orbs,
and try not to get maimed by Phantom. An S-Rank is your reward.

-= Mission 9 =- [ Curiously Strong ]
Run straight ahead until you encounter the tombstone area. You can jump on
the first and third pillars on the left and right to grab some hidden red
orbs. Go ahead and get the Devil Star lying behind the tall tombstone in the

Once you leave this area, you will be greeted by three Blades. Arm your
Grenadegun if you haven't already. Shoot like a madman until your Devil
Trigger is up an running, then Air Raid them to death. Head to the path on
Dante's left. Hit the tombstone to reveal a blue orb piece. Go into the

Go to Dante's left and nab the Devil Star resting on the platform. You may
be wondering why I'm telling you to store up on these Devil Stars. Just shut
up for now. You'll thank me later...

Anyway, jump on those oh-so-tricky floating platforms to obtain Ifrit. Then
head outside. Looks like Griffon is waiting for you. Just leave him be and
head for the door. Punch the side of the door without a fire, and the door
will open. You'll have to dodge a couple of Griffon's lightning attacks. If
you want to be greedy again, hit Griffon with a flurry of grenades and Air
Raid. It's your choice.

Now you're in a quiet wooded area. Head for the door. Uh-oh! (Mock surprise)
Looks like you have company. Equip yourself with Alastor, then introduce
everyone to the Grenadegun. Perform Air Raid to wipe out the puppets. There's
a tree stump near the exit you can jump on to grab some convenient orbs. (You
can also jump on a high ledge against the right wall to find more, but that's
not necessary.) Once you're in the next area, go to Dante's right. Jump onto
the higher platform, then destroy the orb statue. Run to the other end of
the area and smash the tombstone. The Devil Star is yours. Find the door and
trade in a psychotic 200 red orbs to complete the mission.

The key here is to not lose any life whatsoever. This isn't too difficult,
however, because our good friend Air Raid handles enemies at a safe distance.
You need to finish in 5:41 and collect 536 orbs (way more if you stayed and
fought Griffon).

-= Mission 10 =- [ Psychedelic White Light ]

This level is easy. The important thing here is to pay attention to the white
light. If you lose track of it, you may have to start at the beginning, and
everybody will laugh at you.

First of all, be sure to get the hidden red orbs to the right of the first
pair of wooden beams. Then run right in the middle of the Marionette parade.
Use the Grenadegun against them. Follow the light to the exit. After that,
Sin Scythes. Use the Grenadegun on them. Follow the light to the exit. Then
we have Blades next. Use your Devil Trigger and kill them with Air Raid. Follow
the light to the exit. Now you'll face a couple of Kyklops (Or is it "Kyklopes"?
Dunno.), and the white light is no longer around to pester you. Anywho, hit
the one nearest you with the Grenadegun. Use Air Raid whenever possible. After
the first one dies, your Gauge will be restored. Hot-Diggity! Go over to the
second Kyklops and use Air Raid against it. The end. Beat the mission in 2:56,
gain 443 red orbs. I lost about 5% health.

-= Mission 11 =- [ Nelo's Return ]

This level is also surprisingly easy. Before the mission begins, purchase
Inferno for Ifrit. This is hands-down the strongest attack in the game. When
the mission actually begins, head back the way you came and complete the
Secret Mission.

Throughout the level, you need to ignore the Death Scythe. Sure, it's annoying,
but you can manage just fine without killing it. Head to Dante's left and
jump onto the platform and lower yourself in order to obtain the blue orb
piece. Once that's done, head directly into the well while dodging the black
whirlpools that Death Scythe shoots.

As soon as Dante sets foot inside the well, he will be ambushed by a Blade.
Teach it who's boss by shooting it with the Grenadegun and then using Stinger.
Once he's taken care of, switch to Ifrit, smash the wall, and immediately
use Inferno on the unsuspecting foes. Grab the blue orb piece after killing
all the Blades.

Head to the surface and grab the Sign of Chastity. Be sure to equip the Shotgun
and jump on the platform above where the Sign of Chastity rests. Fire a blast
through the window, and 200 red orbs will appear out of nowhere. (I know,
it's random, but it works.) Leave that area, dodge the new Blades in the well,
and go through the double doors on the other side of the level.

This next fight with Nelo is a bit more difficult, but you can handle it
without too much strain (thanks to Inferno). Equip the Grenadegun and go to
town on Nelo, making sure to dodge his dash attacks. Use Inferno religiously.
Take care of the chalice and exit. Mission over. Try to beat this level in
4:37 and gain a massive 913 red orbs. I lost about 15% health.

-= Mission 12 =- [ Tickle Me (Saint) Elmo ]

This level can be pretty annoying. Run past the Marionettes. Once you see
the pirate ship, head to Dante's left and slash at the red orb statue. Then
jump into the water.

There are a few things you can do now. Head to the upper part of the ship
and grab the NeedleGun. There's a Devil Star in the chest behind it. You
can then kill the two Blades if you feel like it. Then you can head to the
water below, kill the swimming Blade, and grab the Untouchable amid the
wreckage. Or, you could just do like me and avoid the two Blades, grab the
NeedleGun and Devil Star, and head directly to the deck of the ship. Whatever
floats your boat (hyuk, hyuk).

There are a couple of things you should do before engaging in a brawl with
the Death Scythe, who is anal retentive as usual, might I add. On the right
side of the second level of the mast nearest you, hidden red orbs will appear.
There are also more hidden red orbs on the right side of the second floor
of the second mast.

Then jump up to the top of the mast nearest the bow of the ship. Head to Dante's
left (assuming he's facing the bow), and 40 red orbs will magically appear.
Then Stinger onto the bow of the ship. You'll get a blue orb piece for your
trouble. Go to the other end of the ship again-- using Stinger from high places
is the quickest way--then equip the Shotgun and Alastor. Press [X] at the
door with the two crossed swords, and a Death Scythe will appear. Use Air
Raid (or Inferno) to weaken him, then switch to Ifrit and use Shotgun blasts
and jump kicks to finish him off.

Now it's time to fight Griffon, which is the biggest laugh I've had all day.
Switch to Alastor. Your Devil Gauge will be replenished after the Death Scythe
battle, so use Air Raid again and again and again. And...that's basically
it. Wow. Complete the mission in 3:51, collect 721 red orbs, and try not to
lose more than 20% of your health.

-= Mission 13 =- [ This is funny...but not "ha ha" funny. ]

This has got to be the easiest level in the game besides Mission 5. Start
off by grabbing the Staff of Hermes. After the ship fills with water, swim
through the vent opening. Proceed to kill the two Blades in the next room.
Then head for the opening at the bottom of the ship next to the chest where
you found the NeedleGun. There's a blue orb piece in that room. Swim as fast
as you can and avoid the Blades. Swim to the exit of the room where you
previously shot down the Blades. In the next room, go ahead and kill at least
one of the enemies, then exit. That's the end. Beat it in 1:35, collect 99
orbs, and keep damage at a minimum (which shouldn't be too difficult).

-= Mission 14 =- [ Dazed and Confused ]

This Mission is a bit more involved than the past ones. Jump out of the water,
head to the right side of the room, and jump into the small pool there. The
blue piece is yours. It would be a good idea to try out the secret mission
back in the Captain's Cabin. The actual mission hasn't officially started
yet, so everything you do now doesn't count against you. After completing
the Secret Mission, ignore all of the Marionettes lying around and go for
the exit.

In the spike area, take the shield from the skeleton. Make sure Alastor is
equipped, then go Devil and run past the spikes, taking notice of their
pattern on the floor. Head to the elevator and go up. Time to get a blue orb
as well as some red ones. You need to find a way to get on top of the dome
platform above. Kick jump off the left pillar to do this. Then Stinger to
the ledge jutting out of the cliff far away. Get the red orbs there, then
jump up to the next highest ledge. Then go to the very end of the platform
and perform a Stinger. You should land practically right on top of the blue
orb piece. Now exit this area.

In the next area, there will be a random enemy. Consider yourself lucky if
you see two small Blades and a freakin' huge one. Otherwise, you'll have to
contend with a Death Scythe (DAAHH!!). If you see the latter, just dodge him
as much as possible. Cross the bridge and hack away at the red orb statue.
Also, collect the blue piece on the lower ledge near there. If you see Blades,
kill them with either Inferno or Air Raid. Trade in your red orbs, then

The next area is remarkably easy to get by, but it can be time-consuming.
That's OK, however, because there are plenty of red orbs to be collected.
Run to the staircase. See the narrow path to the right of it? Jump into that
area, and red orbs will appear from thin air. There should be plenty of
Marionettes to battle by now. Make sure Alastor is equipped, then use the
Grenadegun and Air Raid to take care of them all. Grab the Devil Star on the
ledge to the left if you want. Observe the plant in the next room just for
fun, then collect all the red orbs lying around. The mission ends when you
unseal the door. Beat this stage in 4:15, snag 366 red orbs (a lot more if
you fought Blades), and take no more than 10% damage.

-= Mission 15 =- [ Wheel of Destiny, Turn Turn Turn ]

Buy a purple orb before this mission. Why? Because I said so.

You may have read about the Secret Mission you can find on this level, but
I'll flat-out tell you that it's not worth the trouble. It involves killing
three Shadows, and it really is a messy business, Just--no.

Instead, kill the Blades near you with Air Raid. Run toward the Red Shield
Emblem and enter. Kill the Fetishes with Air Raid, go into the hidden room,
collect stuff. Then go through the bluish door. This is where you get the
pair of lances. Dodge the spikes, lower the two platforms, and kill the two
Blades waiting for you. Get a blue orb piece buy performing a kick jump off
one of the walls and then jumping underneath the platform that has the lances.
It sounds confusing, yes, but take my word for it.

Then head to the Blue Shield Area. There's another "hidden" room behind a
cracked wall here. Kill the Fetishes first, then collect the loot. Inside
you'll find a blue orb and something that looks like a small container. Chop
it with your sword, and you will be rewarded with a BUNCH of red orbs (a
thousand, I think). Skip getting the Nightmare-beta--you and I both know it's
worthless. Unlock the door with the two lances and enter.

Take the mystic elevator to the top part of the Coliseum. Get the blue orb
piece, then jump to the bottom and press [X] near the funny-looking blue
emblem. Griffon is much more challenging this time, so check out the Boss
Strategy section. I beat this mission in 8:52, racked up an impressive 2043
red orbs, and kept damage down to about 15 or 20%.

-= Mission 16 =- [ Dancin' in the Dark ]

OK, now you'll get to face Nightmare, the biggest pain in the butt since Death
Scythe/Scissors. Buy Kick 13 Level 1 before the mission begins. When the
mission starts, you can snag a *whole* blue orb slightly to the left before
jumping onto the elevator. Nifty.

Right after you exit the Coliseum, go back inside. Time for a Secret Mission.
This one's not so hard, but it takes some practice. After that's over, go
Devil and run like mad to the bridge. Put the time piece there, then cross
it and go inside. Looks like you're now in some twisted alternate world. Smash
the armor suits to reveal red orbs. Get the blue orb next to the platform
with the odd-looking emblem in the Great Hall. Fight the Plasma with Ifrit
equipped, get the blue orb above the horse's head by using the Devil Gauge
and flying, then exit.

Hit the Plasma in the next room until he splits into three. Then use the Devil
Trigger and go Inferno on 'em. You'll pick up an easy 180+ orbs this way.
Get the last blue orb piece by jumping under the freaky statue's head. Run
into the Time room and chop up the tables to reveal some red orbs.

Shoot the Marionettes in the hallway with the Grenadegun...not to collect
orbs, but to fill up your Devil Trigger. You'll need it. Break the armor
throughout the hallway, then go to the Cathedral. Hit the funny emblem thing
with Ifrit equipped until it all lights up. Then examine the strange puddle.
Nightmare will pop up an cause you to crap your pants, so it looks like you
need some sweet revenge. Read the Boss Strategy section for further
directions. Once Nightmare is toast, go outside, use Air Raid to travel across
the broken bridge, and play around with the Staff of Hermes. Beat the mission
in 7:20, gather 1,560 red orbs, and keep damage low, as usual.

-= Mission 17 =- [ One Winged Angel ]

Buy a purple orb before the mission begins. Why? Time for another Secret
Mission! I know you're thrilled. This one is actually much easier than people
make it out to be. You don't need to use the wacky, unpredictable black
whirlpools that Death Scythe throws to reach the blue orb piece. Remember
when you reached the blue orb piece in mission 3? Just jump to the highest
point of the ledge above the Cathedral door. Initiate the Devil Trigger. Jump
up. At the peak of your jump, press [R1] and simply fly toward the blue orb
piece. No problem. If you fall in the water on your way back, that's fine.
Just take care of the Sargassos in the usual manner and begin the mission.

Looks like you can jump through the painting and teleport. Swanky. Head to
the staircase and run upstairs. On your way to the top, there's a room with
a Marionette lying around. Kill him, smash a bunch of stuff, collect orbs,
go. Looks like you can teleport to another area from the room at the top of
the staircase. Equip Ifrit and the Grenadegun, head for the door, and a couple
of Frosts jump outta nowhere. But hey, that's OK--you came prepared. Shoot
them until the Devil Trigger is ready, then unleash Inferno. Mmm, that's good
cookin'! Run inside.

Once you're inside, find some Marionettes and shoot enough of them to fill
your Gauge substantially. Killing a Fetish would be nice. Then head back
outside. Why? Well, it's time to be greedy, of course! The Frosts are just
standing around doing nothing when you go out there this time. Hit the Devil
Trigger and use Inferno on the one closer to you. I know, it seems unfair,
but they deserved it. Head back inside.

Go to the other end of the hall, shoot some Marionettes to get your Trigger
back up to par, hit the suits of armor, and deal with the dinosaur skeleton.
Once he's gone, play around with the mechanisms there, then jump up to the
upper floor on the right side of the room. There's an outside area where you
can get a blue orb piece--just jump up in the air, and it's yours. I performed
Air Raid and flew over to the Quicksilver, but you can use the platforms if
you want.

Now it's time to finish off Nelo Angelo. Make sure Ifrit and the Grenadegun
are equipped before entering the room where he lurks. You should beat this
mission in 6:54 (secret mission included), find 595 red orbs, and lose no
more than 15% health.

-= Mission 18 =- [ Eggs Over-Easy ]

You see, that's a joke, because it has a double have to find
an egg, and the level isn't that hard...funny...yeah.

Moving right along, this mission is pretty forgiving, meaning that you can
screw around, make a few mistakes, and still end up in good shape. You start
out by discovering the power of the Perfect Amulet. You now have a
super-enhanced sword, plus you can enter the Underworld. I know that your
new sword looks all nice and pretty with its long reach and brute strength,
but you really need to equip Ifrit now.

Enter the other painting, swim around, make sure to get the blue orb in last
room on the left with only one barrel. In the next room, you have the pleasure
of fighting some Sin Scissors. Make short work of all three by shooting them
in the face. Now it's time to head to dry land...or not. Hit the emblem in
the next area so that the room fills with water. Swim up and just to the right
of the emblem. There's a small platform sticking out. Swim onto it, and a
blue orb will be yours. You'll need to hit the emblem again, then swim to
the top and grab the egg. Head outside.

Looks like Nightmare wants to fight again. You were only trying to cook your
egg, for cryin' out loud! The nerve!! Anyway, go ahead and hit the funny emblem
thing before putting your egg in the fire. That'll give you a head start.
Use the tactics in the Boss Strategy section to beat him. Finish the mission
in 6:44 and collect 1146 red orbs. You can lose about 35% health and still
manage to procure the coveted S-Rank.


-= Mission 19 =- [ Highway to Hell ]

OK, let's go. This mission isn't too challenging. Your main concern here is
to gather the remaining blue orbs available at this point. When the mission
begins, go into the room on the second floor just to Dante's left by performing
a kick jump off the wall. This area has some red orbs and a blue orb piece.
Now run all the way back to the broken bridge area. Jump into the painting
of the bedroom.

There are a couple of goodies waiting for you here. Take Untouchable on top
of the bed and grab the blue orb to the right of the bed. Go through the mirror
into Wacky Land, a magical place where anything can happen. Right. Pick up
the Philosopher's Stone (which brings me painful memories of Harry Potter).
Nobodies will show up, laughing like retards the whole time. I hope you have
kept Ifrit and the Grenadegun equipped, since you'll need both. Use Inferno
once or twice, then finish them all off with grenades. You need to make sure
you conserve a decent part of your Trigger Gauge. Why? You'll soon find out.

When the Nobodies are finished exploding and you have access to the exit,
make your way up to the top platform. This is going to be a lot like mission
4 when you fought with Nelo Angelo the first time. First, switch to Alastor
and fly over to the blue orb floating near the large tower. Land on the walkway
opposite the exit. Run back all the way around, then kick jump onto the top
of the large tower. Air Raid over to the small tower for the very last orb

Now you're home free. Run into the Cathedral, examine the puddle, and enter
the Underworld. Put the stone in its proper place and jump to the depths below.
Complete this level in 4:26, gain 405 red orbs, and keep damage at a minimum
(there's a good chance you can finish without being hurt at all).

-= Mission 20 =- [ He's Baaack... ]

Buy three blue orbs from the Time god. The whole mission is all about smoking
Nightmare. If your Devil Gauge is low like mine, shoot the two Frosts until
you fix that problem (you don't have to kill them, just fill up the gauge).
Then head inside to fight Nightmare. Beat him in 3:51 and rack up 505 orbs.
Try not to lose more than 1/3 of your life.

-= Mission 21 =- [ It's Alive ]

This mission is all about speed. You may be itching to complete the Secret
Mission here and acquire the Time Bangle, but it is a tremendous waste of
time in my opinion. Instead, grab the holy water next to the barricaded door
and go through the green double doors. Open the barricaded entrance by hitting
the artery at the far end of the room. Run inside with Ifrit and Grenadegun
in hand.

Shoot the grabby-feely things on the side of the wall with a couple of grenades,
then run on through. You should find a Nobody up ahead. Go Devil, hit it with
Inferno once, go back to your regular form, then hit Nobody with punches or
grenades until it ceases to exist. Run up ahead and use the same strategy
on the next Nobody. When it bites the dust, fight off some more touchy-feely
things and run up to the last Nobody. Kill it, then make your escape.

The next area is pretty basic. Shoot the two Plasmas (in bat form this time)
with your Grenadegun and collect the red orbs they drop, even if they land
in the lava. Hit the emblems, jump onto the platforms, start the heart, exit,
you're done. Finish this one in 4:37 and gather 675 red orbs. Keep damage
minimal (about 5%).

-= Mission 22 =- [ Mundus Mania ]

If you have the available resources, you need to buy a purple orb. There is
a reason why I'm telling you to buy the last one right now. Walk up to the
huge statue, have a friendly conversation with Mundus, then trash his
worthless @$$.


-= Mission 23 =- [ Run Away! Again!! ]

It's time to get the heck outta here. Rush back up to the surface ASAP. Ignore
the Frosts you see in the Time room. In the next room, kill the Nobodies with
Inferno. Nab the Untouchable off to the side before heading out the door.
Once you enter the Cathedral, there will be a throng of Marionettes lying
around (stoned out of their mind, no less). Laugh at them a few times, then
leave through the door to the right. Once you're in the hall, perform a kick
jump so that you jump under the chandelier. Sounds confusing, yes, but it
yields some hidden red orbs. A couple of Blades will attack Dante (the fools).
Use the Grenadegun and either Air Raid or Inferno to shut them up. Head into
the airplane room, and you're almost done...

As far as the flight simulator is concerned, shoot those pointy things
(stalactites/stalagmites) and try your very best to NOT go down in flames.
You can do it!! When the mission is over, you'll see a few cinemas. After
that, if you got an S-Rank, you'll be treated to a happy picture declaring
that you are the King of Hell. Mwahaha!! Looks like Mundus has been demoted
to the rank of "Girl Scout of Hell."

III. Boss Strategy [ The Big Ones ]

This big spider is relatively hard for the first boss, but killing him is
a snap if you know what you're doing. Start off the fight by nailing him with
Air Raid. After your Gauge runs out, shoot him once with the Shotgun, then
hit him in the mouth with Stinger, then jump back immediately to dodge his
counterattack. Keep on repeating that until the Devil Gauge is ready. Then
go back to the Air Raid strategy. When he looks about ready to shoot a fireball,
hide behind a pillar or roll like crazy. Simply run around to avoid the columns
of lava that shoot up from the ground. Just use common sense here.
This fight is actually harder, not only because Phantom is more resistant
to Air Raid, but there's nothing to hide behind. Use basically the same
strategy mentioned above, only try to jump on his back and slash like mad.
He tends to jump around a lot more this time, so get out of the way. He shoots
multiple fireballs and uses his scorpion tail to do some damage this time
around. When in doubt, shove Stinger down his throat and top it off with a
nice Air Raid session.
This big bird is a wimp when you face him on the Ghost Ship. Arm the Grenadegun
and Alastor, then go Devil and use Air Raid until Dante is blue in the face.
Griffon should land on the ship close to you when your Gauge is empty. Use
the Grenadegun or just slash at him with your sword until the Devil Gauge
is ready to go again. Finish him off with Air Raid. Don't worry about the
bird hologram thing that follows you around. You'll probably end up
destroying it with Air Raid or gunning it down with a grenade.
There's a different game plan now. Equip the Shotgun, go Devil, and use Air
Raid. After taking about 25-30% damage, Griffon will fly up near the top of
the building and stay out of reach pretty much. You should be able to hit
him with the Shotgun. If not, use the Grenadegun. All it takes is one or two
hits, and he'll come crashing to the bottom. From now on, he'll stay on the
ground most of the time. Whip out the Shotgun, stand right under him, and
go to town. The Devil Gauge fills up quickly this way. If you want to be
cautious like me, use Air Rid until he's dead. If you're in a big hurry, switch
to Ifrit and use Inferno. Sometimes he'll fly up in the air, pause, then land
suddenly while shooting lightning everywhere. Dodge this cheap trick. Easy,
Nelo's just a big, huggable teddy bear at this point in the game. He'll drop
his guard and taunt you as soon as the fight begins, so use the Devil Trigger
(if available) and punish him. Don't do anything fancy here-- Air Raid won't
work too well. Just hit the [O] button repeatedly when in Devil mode. Once
the gauge runs dry, change your strategy. Now you'll need to be a bit more
defensive. Avoid his sword attacks and energy blast by jumping and then
pressing [O] so that you slash him from behind. This will throw him
off-balance. Then you should use the Shotgun and Stinger. Shoot him once,
Stinger, retreat, repeat, all day long. When the gauge is filled again, hack
and slash like nobody's business. Just keep an eye as to where he teleports!
The dark angel is considerably harder this time around. He has a few new
techniques, but he's still very much beatable. This time through you need
the Grenadegun and Ifrit equipped. Use Inferno on him when you see an opening.
Once the Trigger is gone, shoot, roll, shoot, roll. When you roll directly
after firing the Grenadegun, it greatly reduces the recoil time. If Nelo
happens to teleport onto the bumpy platform above, that is a good thing. He's
a sitting duck up there, as you will soon find out. Jump kicks work pretty
well against him, but be warned: Nelo can sometimes block you and then
I'm happy to be rid of this jerk because he has a bad habit of improving his
abilities between fights. He's hella strong this time, so avoid his sword
combos like the plague. Ifrit is your pal once again, just like in the previous
battle. If you're trying to hit him with Inferno while he's swinging away
with his sword, be sure to land behind or to the side of him. Watch to see
if he's charging up to shoot an energy blast. If so, hit him with everything
you've got. When the Trigger is gone, shoot and roll like you've done so many
times. If you want to be cautious, shooting him with the Grenadegun while
in Devil form works moderately well.

Nelo's moves are a bit trickier, of course, so be on the lookout. Sometimes
he'll perform High Time like Dante, then punctuate that move with an Ifrit
jump kick. Get away from him when he starts pulling off that crap. If you're
quick enough in killing him, he may not use some of his more annoying tactics
altogether. He can surround his body with swords or launch them at
either case, jump and roll around until they all miss. Then shoot him. He
might even go to the back part of the room near the throne, suspend himself
in midair, and shoot you with energy blasts. You need to avoid these by rolling,
of course. Shoot him whenever possible.
This monster isn't all that bad the first time around, but he becomes annoying
very quickly. First thing's first: once you enter the Cathedral, be sure to
have the Grenadegun and Ifrit ready to go. Hit the funny emblem thing until
it lights up, and THEN examine the puddle. This will save you the time of
having to do that after Nightmare is already shooting at you. Dodge his
initial flurry of fire by running circles around him. Once he stops shooting,
that's a sure sign that he's about to reveal his orb. Go Devil and perform
Inferno right on top of it. You could use Air Raid if you want to be extra
cautious, but I find Inferno to work better overall. Once Nightmare conceals
his orb, drop down right next to him and allow yourself to be swallowed.

Once you're inside Twisted Alternate Reality Land, equip Alastor and the
Shotgun. Shoot and kill each Sargasso one by one, then the chief Sargasso
will come flying at you. Kill him, then brace yourself-- Phantom's spirit
will be poised to attack. Fortunately, he's incredibly weak now. You should
have your Trigger built up substantially, so let lose with Air Raid.

After you emerge to the surface, a good chunk of Nightmare's life will be
knocked off. Now it's time to really get to work. Hit the emblem until it
lights up all the way. Dodge the machine gun fire, wait for the orb to show
up, then perform Inferno without mercy. If Nightmare is not finished by this
second onslaught, take the Grenadegun and shoot, roll, and shoot until the
gauge is full again. Hit Nightmare with Inferno until he dies.
This green blob has changed very little since the last time Dante saw him.
Use the same strategy as before. When you're in Twisted Alternate Reality
Land this time, you'll face Griffon. Switch to Alastor and Air Raid for the
best results. Dante will run out of Trigger eventually, but shoot Griffon
with grenades to build it back up quickly. Air Raid him a few more times,
and that should be enough to stop him.

Be sure to recognize the attack that Nightmare is going to use when he shows
Dante his orb. Sometimes he'll shoot out homing missiles. Now would be a great
time to use Inferno. If that's not available, you won't be able to stand up
very well to Nightmare's homing devices. Just run and dodge them if necessary.
Otherwise, you need to stay fairly close to Nightmare when he reveals his
orb. Hit the orb and shoot it like mad, even if your Devil Trigger isn't
powered up. The reason you should stay near Nightmare is that he can thrust
out a jagged "arm" or, worse still, shoot a big ol' energy beam at you. It's
not fun to be caught in the way of this blast. Just jump on top of him to
avoid most of his shenanigans.
Dante's finally gonna put this giant booger in his place. The strategy for
this fight is very different than before, so listen up. Fight him with Alastor
and Grenadegun equipped. Hit the emblem thing a bunch of times, causing him
to solidify and reveal his orb. Hit it repeatedly with Air Raid. You should
be able to take a respectable chunk out of his life before he regresses to
a big puddle. Let Nightmare swallow you at this time. You should be familiar
with Twisted Alternate Reality Land by now. Kill the Sargassos as quickly
as you can manage. After you destroy the last one, Nelo Angelo will pop up.
Switch over to Ifrit and use Inferno to kill him for the last time. Your Devil
Gauge will be filled to its maximum now. Switch back to Alastor before going
up to meet Nightmare. Nightmare is pretty pissed by now, but so are you. Use
the same strategies that have gotten you this far-- run, gun, and Air Raid.

When Nightmare's life bar is almost completely gone, Trish will show up and
talk trash to you. Dante would really like to pimp-slap her at this juncture,
but he has a bigger problem at the moment. Keep using Alastor to nail Nightmare.
Try to dodge his flurry of desperate attacks, such as the energy beams that
shoot out from the orb and the annoying boomerang attack. You *could* use
Inferno to win this match, but that puts Dante at more risk. Alastor is
generally better to use, not only because it puts Dante safely above most
immediate danger, but the Devil Gauge will last longer.
First of all, do not take Mundus lightly. He has plenty of annoying trick
up his sleeve, and you'll have to fight him several times to learn all of
his quirks and patterns. For the time being, I hope you were able to buy that
last purple orb. As you should already know, you need to use the Devil Trigger
here in order to really damage Mundus. If you have a full gauge from the get-go,
that gives you a tremendous advantage. Press [L1] to release a huge dragon
(!?!) that will injure Mundus. He'll lose about a third of his health, so
things are looking up for Dante.

Now you just need to dodge Mundus' various projectiles until you can get close
enough to do some more major damage. He may throw asteroids or giant rocks,
he may shoot lightning, he might launch a bunch of those little reddish lasers
at you. In all cases, *make a constant sweeping motion from side to side*
while shooting at him. Surprisingly, most of the crap he slings at you will
miss! He may suddenly surround himself with a strange ring of white light.
When he does, get ready to dodge the huge laser he shoots. Try to destroy
the four big spheres with the Japanese symbol. This has a two-fold purpose--
it builds up your Devil Gauge slightly, plus it removes Mundus' defense shield.
Hit Mundus in the chest when the shield disappears. In general, shoot like
crazy and use the Devil Trigger whenever possible.
It looks like there's no rest for Dante this time. Luckily, your Devil Gauge
is filled to capacity now. Immediately engage it and fire projectiles at
Mundus with the [] button. It would be a really good thing for you to equip
the Grenadegun. Once the Devil Gauge runs out, shoot, roll, shoot, roll. If
you see a large sphere with a Japanese symbol, shoot it or hit it with your

Mundus has some more nasty tricks, but they can all be avoided with some effort.
Sometimes little spheres will pop up and fire lasers at you. Shoot them or
roll out of the way. Mundus may summon white balls of energy that circle around
him. After a pause, he'll fire them at you. It's imperative that you detect
which way the first one is curving toward you. Why? If it is coming from an
angle that would hit Dante's left side, you need to roll RIGHT immediately.
You should be able to dodge all the blasts this way. Trust me, you don't want
to be hit by them. Mundus will sometimes throw a sharp blade that sticks up
from the ground. Simply roll out of the way.

When you've knocked off about 30% of Mundus' vitality AND your Devil Gauge
is nearly full, jump on a floating ledge near you, then onto another ahead
of it. You should be standing pretty close to Mundus right now. Stand your
ground and hit him with sword combos while the Devil Trigger is on. I prefer
hitting him twice, pausing, then hitting him with a bunch of stabs that end
in a quasi-Stinger. If you're lucky, he won't even think to destroy the
platform you're standing on. If he does, get outta the lava ASAP. Then jump
onto the platform where you started off and hit him with projectiles again.
If he summons up a Lava Dragon, try to kill it on the spot. It coughs up a
much-needed green orb when it dies. Shooting Mundus is an easy way to kill
him, but slashing him is much quicker. Take your pick.

Ah, what would a great Capcom horror title be without that last unexpected
visit from the chief villain? Fortunately, Mundus is little more than a
weakling. He looks like a wreck and begs, "Daaante...come baaaack...fear
meeee...please?" Dante, who knows better, retorts, "Umm,letmethinkNO!" and
lays the smack down once again.

Right. Just switch to Alastor and stick to the old tried-and-true game plan.
Shoot, shoot, Devil Trigger, Air Raid, laugh maniacally. After Dante pretty
much kills Mundus, Trish shows up to offer her support.

So, the truth comes out...Trish WASN'T dead!!! Big surprise there. Dante will
automatically equip the handguns. Fire at Mundus with reckless abandon until
the Devil Trigger is able to work. Initiate the Devil Trigger, fire a shot,
say one last witty quip before blowing away Mundus, then laugh at his feeble,
empty threats as he disappears into who-knows-where.

IV. My Results [ Things to Do ]

This obviously isn't the Ultra Official Chart that shows the parameters of
the S-Rank, but these results more or less reflect the ones you should get
by following my FAQ. I know you may have seen other FAQs that have an S-Rank
chart, but I've found a few holes in some of the suggested numbers (there's
no way I should've gotten an S on Mission 5 with the type of numbers I put
up). They may be completely true, but there's more than one way to get an
S-Rank , as you should know by now. My chart also gives you an indication
of the damage percentage, so there.

| Mission | Elapsed Time | Red Orbs | Damage % |
| 1 | 5:24 | 244 | 10 |
| 2 | 3:52 | 183 | 0 |
| 3* | 5:43 | 652 | 25 |
| 4* | 5:51 | 344 | 10-15 |
| 5 | 2:51 | 117 | 70 |
| 6 | 4:14 | 255 | 15-20 |
| 7* | 3:07 | 705 | 40 |
| 8 | 2:48 | 565 | 30 |
| 9 | 5:41 | 536 | 0 |
| 10 | 2:56 | 443 | 5 |
| 11* | 4:37 | 913 | 15 |
| 12 | 3:51 | 727 | 20 |
| 13 | 1:35 | 99 | 5 |
| 14* | 4:15 | 366 | 10 |
| 15 | 8:52 | 2043 | 15 |
| 16* | 7:20 | 1560 | 10 |
| 17* | 6:54 | 595 | 15 |
| 18 | 6:44 | 1146 | 30 |
| 19 | 4:26 | 405 | 5-10 |
| 20 | 3:51 | 505 | 35 |
| 21 | 4:37 | 675 | 5 |
| 22 | 4:12 | 0 | 50 |
| 23 | 5:09 | 476 | 10 |

* Denotes completion of a Secret Mission (two are beaten in Mission 4)

V. Miscellany [ Results, Comments, etc. ]

Throughout the game, you must not use *any* items. If you do, that throws
off the ranking scale. Besides, you really shouldn't have to use Devil Stars,
Holy Water, etc.

The only abilities you absolutely need to buy are as follows: Stinger Level
1, Air Raid, Kick 13 Level 1, Inferno. People have suggested that Rolling
Blaze is also necessary, but I'm the one with an FAQ here, and I know that
you can manage just fine without it. Any purchases besides these (such as
Rolling Blaze) is totally up to you, but you may not own enough red orbs to
buy the blue and purple orbs that I recommended. Shop wisely...

There are a couple of excellent places to "Level Up" if you don't care about
your rank and just want to buy everything possible. During Mission 16, if
you travel to the airplane room, you'll encounter a Plasma. Equip Ifrit and
either the Shotgun or Grenadegun. Beat the crap out of Plasma until he splits
up. Then use Inferno to wipe out all three at once. Then head out either of
the doors. Immediately enter the airplane room again. Another Plasma will
be there. You can do this whole process infinitely. You'll collect somewhere
around 180 red orbs for killing three Plasmas.

The second (and even better) place to level up occurs in Mission 19. This
is when you enter the weird mirror world, take the Philosopher's Stone, then
fight the Nobody trio. Make quick work of them using Inferno and the
Grenadegun, collect the red orbs, exit, then turn around and enter the area
again. There will be more Nobodies, and you would do well by killing them
all again. Just like with the Plasma(s), you can repeat this as many times
as you see fit. You collect 350+ red orbs from defeating three Nobodies.

It could be quite feasible to beat some of the Secret Missions that I avoided
and still pull off an S. If you can do it, I tip my hat to you (Freak!!).
I'm not suggesting that it's impossible to do this, but I think a few of the
Secret Missions are a waste of time. If you want to tromp around and kill
multiple Shadows, feel free to do so.

VI. Final Words [ Obligatory Stuff ]

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
This FAQ is copyright 2001 by John Combs. Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom,
which does not endorse this FAQ. You may distribute this FAQ as long as nothing
is altered, you have received my consent, and I am given full credit.
** has permission to freely host any and all of my
'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Many thanks to:

JL Lee, for writing a top-notch blue orb piece guide as well as a Secret
Mission guide. Thanks for finding and documenting all the orbs and secrets
when I was too lazy to do it.

Capcom, for making one of the best PlayStation 2 games as of yet. How about
a sequel, eh??

In Flames, for being there when I was typing this thing. Black metal lives...

What's to come??......

I was planning on making a Hard difficulty S-Rank Walkthrough, and I have
already accomplished that. As for a Q&A section, time will tell.

As you may have read, my e-mail address is
Send any major corrections or relevant questions to me. I should have covered
everything pretty well, but I might've missed something. Look for updates.

Until next time,

John "The Ragin Saiya-jin" Combs

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14.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Alle geheimen Missionen, alle Level freigeschaltet. Jeder Level startet mit kompletter Energie.

17.Octombrie 2013
Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

15.Octombrie 2013
Feind Strategy FAQ

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17.Octombrie 2013
Normal S-Rank FAQ

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15.Octombrie 2013
Hard S Rank Walkthrough

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Vier verschieden Spielstände: 1. Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade und Dantes Erscheinungen. 2. Super Dante auf easy automatic in Mission 1, nachdem das Spiel zuvor beendet wurde. 3. Super Dante auf easy automatic Schwierigkeit in Mission 23. 4. Super Dante

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Ein Spielstand in dem man in Mission 23 startet und einer, in dem man in Mision 1 startet, nachdem das Spiel zuvor schon komplett erledigt wurde.

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PAL/NTSC Patch for the Japanese NTSC Version.

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