Megaman X6

Megaman X6

14.10.2013 17:01:09
Megaman X6 Reploid Location FAQ - PS1
Written by Ed Mak

This FAQ has been updated once since posted.
Updated January 13, 2002

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Reploid Location FAQ

Copyright© 2001/2002 Ed Mak
And yes... Copyright© 2001/2002 Ed Mak for the MMX6 ASCII Art

*Do not add me to your MSN Messenger list, just e-mail me.
*I will not read your e-mail unless you have told me where you had read my
FAQ, it seems that my FAQ is popping up in a few places here and there

Made during the interval of 2001 and 2002
Transition from December to January
27th to 2nd

In other words, HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Oh, and if you want to print this, it'll be 18 pages. Sorry.

Some things I don't want you to do...
Obviously I spent some time on this. What does that mean? It means that:

- this FAQ is protected by International Copyright laws.
- you cannot use this as any form of commercial device.
- you will not edit this FAQ and re-distribute.
- I want you to print this out, if you want to.
- I want you to freely distribute this FAQ without editions.
- this FAQ is like Free-ware, you can't label this as a bonus of any
sort. It's just cheap.
- you cannot use this FAQ to make yourself look better
- you can (and will) NOT sell, barter, or trade this FAQ for anything.
- you can e-mail me about your feelings and questions about this FAQ.
- you will NOT auction off this FAQ on Ebay.
- you will NOT print this up, then burn it. It's like money, it's
against the law.
- you must share this if you have to. No hogging it for yourself if
your little sister decides she wants to play with it. Remember, tell
- you are NOT going to use this for cruel and unusual punishments.
- you are to NOT intentionally give someone a paper-cut using this.

What is this?
This is an in-depth FAQ on the location of all the Reploids in the game Megaman
X6. Since I didn't see any, so... I made one. This is a first-time FAQ-making
effort by me. If you find that this FAQ sucks, and for good reason, please
email me about it. THERE ARE A FEW SPOILERS!!! Obviously, since we're dealing
with all the reploids that there are bound to be a few slips here and there.
Well maybe, I did write this up before I finished the actual content.

Also, recommend your friends to play this game, it's VERY good. This is the
best MMX game (next to MMX3) that I've played. A big let up from MMX5's big let

Have you updated this FAQ?
Yes I have! What were they? I don't know. I just look around for mistakes and
correct them. I did add a note regarding the Jjukil's reploids FAQ.

Message to the other reploids FAQ
Hello Jjukil! I'm sorry, I never knew you're going to make an FAQ about this
kinda thing. Oh well, good luck on your next FAQ. You're all probably wondering
which FAQ to use now. Well, now that is a Frequently Asked Question. I have an
answer to that, you can:

Flip a coin
Eneee meeneee mineeeee...
Rock paper Scissors
Pick mine
Pick his

Isn't such a big co-incidence that Jjukil would post up an FAQ at the SAME time
I did? No I wasn't stalking him, I don't even know the dude. Well anyways, he
also has a parts FAQ within his reploids FAQ. But I got maps!!! Yes, pictures
for all those little kiddies playing Megaman X6 right now who need help.

How do I use this?
There are 16 missing reploids to be rescued in each of the 8 Maverick Stages.
In this FAQ, there will be the area name, a description of the level, and then
the 16 reploids listed as they are within the game. The reploids are always in
the format of "# of reploid - name of reploid" just to give easy searching

I will also use the word "level" quite a lot here for my ease of explanation.
A "level" is a section of an area. If you don't like it, tell me how you could
improve upon it.

If you like area instead of level, that's fine as well.

There are also little ASCII maps littered through-out this FAQ. If you like
these little maps and would like more of them, tell me and I might consider
doing a whole FAQ of little ASCII maps. Well maybe not a whole FAQ, but I might
incorporate some more maps into this one.

What is a Dynamo Stage?
I'll also use "Dynamo Stage" throughout the whole FAQ. When I mention it, you
should be aware that the stage is not part of the original area. The stage will
have a different boss. First it will hold fake Zero, then High Max. Afterwards,
Dynamo will be there for the rest of the times you go back. That is why I call
them Dynamo Stages. You'll also know if it's a Dynamo Stage because you have to
go through a bluish portal, found on each level (therefore there is a Dynamo
Stage in every level), before you can go into a Dynamo Stage. The only level
that I can think of that has two bluish portals is the Recycle Lab.

Some information before reading the rest of this FAQ
Now the only reason why you came for help from this FAQ is to know the location
of a lost reploid, or two, or more. I know about the nightmare phenomenon, but
keep in mind that it has little impact on the location of the reploids.

When you see a reploid, do whatever you can to rescue him/her. The only thing
you should be worried about is if there's a nightmare floating around. If you
see a nightmare not headed your way and you cannot rescue the targeted reploid
or destroy the nightmare in time then do one of the following:

- Kill yourself
- Quit the level
- Move the reploid off screen by moving away from the reploid.

Or anything else in order to not have the nightmare reach the reploid. When you
hear a little click/latching/snatching sound that indicates a successful
attachment of the nightmare to the reploid then it's too late for rescue. You
can also tell by hitting it, if you can't hit it then it's too late. Once the
nightmare is finished then you can kill it. But no matter what you do, you have
just lost him/her and the bonus item associated with it, if he/she carried it.
You never know what it's carrying, unless you have read an FAQ about this sorta
thing, so rescue them at all costs. It also looks makes you look good when you
rescue them all. "Of course I rescued them all. What FAQ? I did it all by
myself. Who needs those cheating FAQ's."

When you rescue a reploid that has a "Life +2" bonus, it'll go only towards the
character who rescued him/her. Therefore, only Zero or X can have a MAXIMUM
health bar per game. Unless you prove me otherwise.

By the way, Zero has the ability to collect all 128 reploids by himself. If I
had a choice, I would kill off X and use Zero only :p. That wouldn't be
surprising either as Zero's purpose was to destroy Megaman X (hinted in the
story-line many many times in previous Megaman X games). Please refer to my
other FAQ regarding nightmare souls and Zero for a deeper explantion.

Sorry to say this, but I believe those saved games are hacked saves. I think so
anyways. It's not like I've actually took a look at it. All I know is that it
says MAX bars for X and Zero, and we all know that's not really too possible.

Anyways, Megaman X can also collect all 128 reploids by himself. Come on, like
all the armour that he gets is not enough.

What is a nightmare?
A very good question. There's also a very good answer that comes with it.

In EVERY level (except the intro), there are many of these medium sized flying-
parasitic-ugly-looking creatures that have tentacles. You hate the tentacles,
and for good reason this time. These horrible things will be your most hated
enemies when you have to witness it SLOWLY float through walls towards helpless
little reploids. You'll hear them relentlessly cry out "help", clutching his/
her guts in writhing pain and agony, only to see the nightmare spreading its
tentacles around their head and drain all consciousness until... After a few
seconds, the nightmare will have had consumed its circuitry, rewritten and
reprogrammed its DNA.

In any case, if you don't rescue the reploid in time, who's in the target of
the nightmare, then the nightmare will latch itself onto him/her and start
melding with it. After congealing itself with the new "host" it will now try to
kill you with his/her extremely powerful pellet gun. In about two dozen shots
you'll be dead from this wretched incarnation, so be very cautious. Whether you
kill him or not, he/she's still unrescuable (word?).

Why are all your things so unorganized?
Oh come on! Just because I don't have little numbers next to my Headings does
not mean that it's not organized. In fact, if you look carefully then you will
notice that this is an EXTREMELY organized FAQ. It's free of most grammatical
errors and it looks nice. My English teacher always said: "Paragraphs must
SMOOTHLY flow from one into another, that's how you get more marks!"

============================== Reploid Locations ==============================

The reploids are divided up into their corresponding areas in this FAQ. They
have also been numbered. If you hadn't noticed in the game, there is a section
on the map selection screen (press R1) that lists the data of each missing
reploid. The numbers that are used to label the reploids in this FAQ respect
the numbers that are used in the game to label its reploids. There are four
possible status' for each missing reploid slot:

1. Reploid name - rescued - "Bonus if held"
- Which means that you rescued him/her and now you have
no reason to be upset. Feel like a hero. Remember, +2
bonuses are rewarded only to the character who rescued

2. Reploid name - missing - "Nothing"
- Don't get this at all. This is bad bad bad. Doesn't it
mean that they're just missing, waiting to be found?
NO! In fact, this means that a nightmare has captured
one of the reploids and turned it into something real
awful. Try all you want, but you'll never get him
back. Better hope that reploid didn't hold any bonus,
or you're screwed out of that bonus.

3. Reploid name - Death - "Nothing"
- You're not a very nice guy if you get this. Not only
did you let a reploid become craaaazzzzy, but you also
killed him afterwards. Death status means the exact
same thing as a missing status of a reploid... you'll
never find him again! Unless you press "R1, R2, L1,
L2, Start, Select" all at the same time, then select
New Game. Then maybe he'll come back.

4. No Data - No Data - "Nothing"
- You have not found that reploid and you are still
looking for him/her. Nothing to worry about just
rescue the reploid and all will be fine. This status
has the potential of being dead, missing, or found.

Obviously you want to aim for a rescued reploid. Now for the levels.

Amazon Area

This level is extremely annoying if the tunnels are blacked out and only a
couple of spotlights, at the bottom of the screen, are your only source of
light. This makes it much harder to find the reploids in this stage. Don't
worry about it though, it's the easiest level. But in the case you can see
them in broad daylight, here's where they are.

- First level is the area before you enter into the tunnel.
- Second level is the tunnel after coming in from the surface.
- Third level is the area after reaching an ice-coloured tunnel.
- a top level exists above the first vertical rope you see in
the level which ultimately leads to a Dynamo Stage
- a lower level exists after climbing down the first vertical
rope you see in the level
- Fourth level is the area with floating ledges/platforms before
entering the boss' chamber.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Mah 01404 Life Up First one you see in the first level. If this
is your first mission, then congrats on your
first rescue. Just 127 more to go.

2 - Suketorm On the ledge near the end of the path before
going down into the second level.

3 - Satton Energy Up When you reach inside the second level,
you'll notice a big green mantis robot thing
and a hole to the right of him. In there is a
capsule. In front of the capsule is one of
the reploids.

4 - Yonoji On the ledge in the second level. The ledge
is kind of out of sight but there's
absolutely nothing to worry about. You'll see
a mechaniloid running, or I guess walking,
back and forth on a little plateau. You
should jump on him, jump off him, and grab
onto the ledge to the right and Yonoji will
be standing in front of you.

5 - Iso Life Recover You need to do some super-jumping to get to
this one. He's in the far-top-left hand
corner of the second level. He's out of reach
unless you have the proper equipment. An easy
way to do this is to use Blade-Armour or
Falcon-Armour X, use the ice weapon from
Blizzard Wolfgang, jump on the ice cube, jump
off of it, and then mad-dash to the far left
corner. He's next to Energy Tank. You can
also equip speedster and jumper as well.

6 - Ryo At the end of second level, he's behind to
one of those big green mantis'.

7 - Yantomi Keep moving until you're in the third level
(ice-like tunnel). You'll see a pinkish
vertical rope leading down. Believe it or
not, there's a pathway at the top. Yantomi is
at the top there will be waiting to the left
of you.

8 - Tahei Slightly hidden. Right after rescuing Wahda,
don't go down the pink rope. Instead, grab
onto the wall to the right and climb atop the
alcove/ledge. After you're on the ledge, keep
going right and the screen will adjust
itself. There'll be a nightmare beside Tahei,
so zap him and rescue the reploid.

9 - Araki During the Second level. He's standing next
to Kuborina.

10 - Goken Super Recover On the top-left-most platform/ledge on the
third level. These platforms/ledges are

11 - Yars During the third level. On the highest
platform/ledge, first platform/ledge >from the

12 - Hanse During the third level. On the lowest
platform/ledge, eighth platform/ledge from
the left.

13 - Toshiji During the third level. Right above Hanse.

14 - Yoshimu During the bottom pathway of the second
level, right before the part where you have
to ride those mechaniloids to cross the
spikes. He'll be standing next to a pit... a
fake pit. Be quick, a nightmare is right
behind him!

15 - Kuborina Rapid 5 He's in that fake pit that I was just talking
about with Yoshimu. He'll be right there
waiting to be "Nightmared", so be quick! Just
in case you can't see pink on blue
background, there's a heart tank next to
him/her. (middle)

16 - Wahda If you took the pathway to rescue Yantomi,
then keep going right. Wahda will be waiting
at the end of the top pathway of the second
level before the vertical pink rope.

Northpole Area

This is a very slippery place. If you're not careful, you'll fall down or hit
some spikes. The avalanches are hard at first, but you'll find that you can
just mad dash across everything. The only reploid that you should find
difficult is Arthur. I think Capcom accidentally put in some very familiar
names like Ryu and Ken as reploids in need. I guess they should be more
careful next time.

- First level is the avalanche. it's where the big ice blocks are
rolling down the slope.
- Second level is after the avalanche part. It's where the big ice
blocks are falling from the sky and into some nasty pits. There are no
reploids here, so I won't be talking about this area.
- Third level is after the vertical avalanche section. It's where you
have to zig zag downwards.
- Fourth level is only available when you see fire balls falling from
the sky. If don't, then there will be a couple of cracked ice walls to
the right of the third level. It's where you have to walk past the
cracked wall, to the right of the third level.
- Fifth level is the part with the falling ice cubes, you must jump on
the ice cubes and try to get out of the pit.
- Sixth level is the part where four ice cubes fall down at once, you
must jump in between the small gap that is available.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Moringa She is in the first small alcove that
protects you from the avalanche in the first

2 - Cody He is in the second small alcove that
protects you from the avalanche in the first
level. Very near Meringa.

3 - Ryu Shot Eraser This one's at the beginning the third level.
First, you have to gain footing on the ledge
at the top right corner. You can do some
super-jumping, I'm sure you'll find a way to
get up there. Anyways, he's in front of the
capsule but a nightmare or two is on the
chase towards him. Be quick.

4 - Guy On the fourth level (available when it's
raining fire). There will be two holes
created to side of the third level. Both
lead to the same place. If you take the
bottom hole, then there will be a small
alcove right above you. Two ledges will be
available for you to jump onto but you can't
grapple the sides so you need to jump extra
high for this one. Guy is on the left. (shown
on map)

5 - Ken Energy Up Same place as Guy except he's on the right.
Ken is right on top of a heart tank. (shown
on map)

6 - Nina Weapondrive In the fourth stage, you will notice a pit of
spikes that kinda looks like this:

-------------------- --------------
Naruho |Dynamo = |
|------------ |Stage --- = |
|Guy Ken | | |xxx| L |
|---- ---- | |xxx| a |
|xxxx| |xxxx| | |xxx| d | <---- Fourth Level
|---- ---- Gomez |xxx| d | (Must visit Magma
Arthur ------ xxx| e | Area before)
|---------------- S *xxxxxxxxxx| r |
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* p *xxxxxxxxxx| = |
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* i *xxxxxxxxxx| = |
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* k *xxxxxxxxxx| = |
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* e *********** = |
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* s Ex-item Nina|

You can use some high jumps to just climb
down the ladder and retrieve Nina, but you
can also jump down the pit of spikes and
dash to her. Whatever you feel like doing.

7 - Batsu In the fifth level, you'll find him in the
first big pit of falling ice cubes.

8 - Data In the fifth level, you'll find him in the
second big pit of falling ice cubes. He'll be
waiting to the right of you, next to some

9 - Regina In the sixth area, you'll find her in a small
alcove to the left while you go up the
falling ice cubes.

10 - Leon In the sixth area, you'll find him in a small
alcove to the right while you go up the
falling ice cubes. He's above Regina.

11 - Chun Life Up In the sixth area, you'll find her in a small
alcove to the left while you go up the
falling ice cubes. She's above Leon.

12 - Sam In the sixth area, you'll find him in a small
alcove to the right while you go up the
falling ice cubes. He's above Chun.

13 - Naruho In the fourth level, you have to take the top
passage. (shown on map)

14 - Dante Jumper In the Dynamo Stage, keep going right until
you find a rope that leads down to a floor of
spikes. To the left is an opening, go in
there. You should now see another floor of
spikes. That is a loooong jump. In fact, it's
sooooo loooog that you cannot jump across it.
I just used Shadow X to cross the spikes and
Ultimate Armour as well. There is a way to
cross it without armour though. Climb back up
the pinkish vertical rope, then stand on the
ledge at the top. The screen should start to
shake and little fireballs will start coming
from the sky. QUICKLY jump back down to the
opening and be hit from one of the fireballs.
This is the part where you should have D.
Barrier equipped. Just dash and then dash
jump to retrieve Dante. Not too hard, was it?

15 - Gomez In the fourth area, he'll be underneath the
Dynamo Stage opening. A nightmare is nearby.
(shown on map)

16 - Arthur Right before the pit of spikes leading to the
Ex-item in the fourth level. (shown on map)

Magma Area

This is a hard level, unless you have the right equipment. You will have to go
through here multiple times until you have found all the reploids.

- First level is the place with all the bursting fire things.
- Second level is after you fight the second Mechaniloid, you'll end up
in a room that has three pathways. The very top pathway leading to the
Dynamo stage is the second level.
- Third level is the during the fight with the fourth Mechaniloid where
the lava/fire is rising up.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Clarmon When you first fight that big Mechaniloid,
Clarmon will be in the middle alcove.

2 - Chibon Buster Plus In the Dyanamo level, Chibon will be on a
ledge to the right. Count three fire spouts
and you'll see the ledge.

3 - Kassy In the first level, Kassy will be on the
ledge that's around six to seven fire spouts
from the start.

4 - Bando Right before the second Mechaniloid Mini-boss
fight, in the first level, he'll be on a
ledge. A nightmare is underneath him.

5 - Yuki During the fight with the second Mechaniloid,
Yuki will be on the top ledge to the left.

6 - Hagi In the second level, he'll be waiting for you
on the left ledge. It seems as though the
whole "second level" is filled with
nightmares but none of them will try to latch
itself onto a reploid, for me anyways.

7 - Mods In the second level, he'll be waiting for you
on the next ledge up to the left.

8 - Tazack In the second level, he'll be waiting for you
on a small ledge to the right of Mods.

9 - Fugi In the second level, he'll be underneath
Hatori. If the whole area has grey blocks
everywhere (Recycle Lab), then there's
probably a grey block blocking you right now.
You can only destroy it using Metal Anchor.
For Zero, it's Rakukojin.

10 - Hatori Life Up He'll be above Fugi, in front of the capsule,
in the second level.

11 - Hayato He'll be to the right of Fugi standing on a

12 - Akky He's beside Hayato on the platform/ledge to
the right.

13 - Higurai Energy Up In front of the opening to the Dynamo Stage
in the second level.

14 - Hal Powerdrive Take the middle path after the second
Mechaniloid battle, he'll be somewhere on the
ground in the middle. A nightmare is nearby.

15 - Keiji Ultimate Take the bottom path after the second
Buster Mechaniloid battle, he'll be in front of the
door before the next room.

16 - Tatsuya He's in the room with the rising lava/fire,
third level. You can catch him on the way up
through the bottom path. If you took the
middle path, kill off the fourth Mechaniloid
and then head downwards. There is a nightmare
very nearby.

Recycle Lab

Another hard level. These reploids are quite difficult to get. If you are not
quick and agile enough, you'll lose a reploid. There is a junk crusher (not too
hard to miss) that is above you. It will go up and down, up and down, up and
down, in fact it resembles a sinusoidal wave function. Remember?! Sine, Cosine,
Tangent. SOH CAH TOA.

Anyways, In the second level, there will be metal juts of the crusher that will
most likely slow you down or even block you from attaining one of your precious

I recommend that you equip either hyper dash or speedster to cross the huge pit
that leads to the capsule/Dynamo Stage. A big hint would be: Dash Jump is the
FASTEST way to travel in the game.

- First level will be legit from the beginning of the level and onwards
until you reach the ladder that leads to the second level.
- Second Level is the area after you climb down that ladder from the
first level. This is until you reach the next ladder.
- Third level is the area after you had passed that long narrow path
that barely crushed you. The capsule is in the area.
- Fourth level is the area that has moving conveyer belts. It's after
you climb down the ladder from the second level and when you go
through that bluish portal (not the Dynamo Stage).

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Heizer There are some robots that don't seem to have
legs. I don't know what they are called but
Heizer is standing next to the very first one
on the first level.

2 - Quappi There will be a lone yellow hat walking
around on the first level, Quappi will be
standing around him.

3 - ZigZag Where you have to take cover from the junk
crusher on the first level, he'll be in the
first alcove. It's an alcove you can stand

4 - Dalihi In the next alcove, you can only crouch here,
after ZigZag will be another reploid. There
will probably be a small block that blocks
you, but it shouldn't be a problem.

5 - Malon This one's in the next alcove after Dalihi.
Sometimes a small block (use rock crusher)
that blocks you.

6 - Wright Energy Up In the second level, you'll notice a large
jutting thing that is part of the junk
crusher machine. Right underneath the first
one is a reploid.

7 - Leino In the second level, Leino will be under the
second large jutting thing. A nightmare is
nearby. This one's a little tricky since the
junk crusher machine might block you from
killing the nightmare and rescuing the

8 - Nakadai In the second level, there is a deep alcove
with three walking yellow hats. Nakadai
should be there.

9 - Miecha Right after Nakadai, you'll notice a small
stubby jutting piece. Miecha is right
underneath it.

10 - Eiji Right after Miecha, you'll notice a large
junk crushing piece that's four columns wide.
This one can be tricky as a nightmare is
nearby and Eiji is right underneath the junk

11 - Toshi Shock Buffer This one's is in the third level. He's
standing next to a very large pit.

12 - Inaria Hyperdrive In the third level, jump across the big pit.
Inaria is standing in front of the capsule.

13 - Devilish Life Up In the fourth level, there will be a small
jutting rock crushing piece that has spikes
on it. He's underneath it. Pretty Devilish ;)
Nightmare Warning.

14 - Kikuturk In the fourth level, after a small patch of
spikes, two yellow hats will be walking
around. Kikuturk is standing with them.

15 - Dajango Sabre Extend In the fourth level, Dajango is standing next
to a heart tank in a small alcove. The alcove
has ice covered wall tops and is the last one
before the mini-boss.

16 - Bambu At the end of the Dynamo stage, in front of
the boss, he's wedge in between the door and
a wall. Nightmare warning.

Central Museum

This is one weird level. You'll come across these ghost-like blue transparent
totem poles. When you go through them, you'll be transported to one of eight
random areas. In each seven out of the eight random areas houses two of the
sixteen reploids. The eight and the Dynamo Stage hold only one reploid. Very
hard to explain this stage, I think. So I'll just use a whole lot of maps.
Although, there will be some slight variations due to the nightmare effect.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Gold The only random area that holds only one
reploid. Gold is somewhere around the
middle of this area. This area looks
similar to Ulta and Koi's areas except
there's no ceiling until you reach the end
of the area.

2 - Ulta Quite hard to explain and show on map
because of the nightmare effect. Umm.. Well
it's in one of the random areas. Same area
as Koi. Appears before Koi. Somewhat near
the beginning of the area. A nightmare is
very close to it, top right shoulder of it.

3 - Koi Same area as Ulta. At the end of the area and
above the last pit. Nightmare warning.

4 - Megami In the first pit of a random area. Same area
as Megami. Nightmare warning.(On Map 4)

5 - PL 98 Life Up In the second pit of the same random area as

6 - Haven 7 Floating above the pit in the same area as
Tsuki. Nightmare warning. (On Map 1)

7 - Tsuki Speedster In the third pit in same area as Haven 7.
Nightmare warning. (On Map 1 - Continued)

8 - May Underneath the Dynamo Stage entrance.
Nightmare warning.

9 - Bro Quick Charge After May, you'll come across another pit.
Within the gap is Bro. A small nightmare
warning here.

10 - Ryno In the same area as Dungar. To the top left
of the area.

11 - Dungar In the same area as the capsule. This is hard
to draw on map because the nightmare effect
varies the area so drastically. What I can
tell you is that the area is quite small and
square-like. Dungar is next to the capsule
and is in the same area as Ryno. Nightmare

12 - Chop In the Zig Zag area, Chop will be at the
third Diagonal. Same area as Home. Nightmare
warning. (On Map 2)

13 - Home Energy Up In the Zig Zag area, down the fifth Diagonal.
Nightmare warning.(On Map 2)

14 - Reyher On the top right of the same area as Phantom.
Nightmare warning. (On Map 3)

15 - Phantom Midway of the same area as Reyher. Nightmare
warning. (On Map 3)

16 - Mars Overdrive At the end of the Dynamo Stage, Mars should
waiting in front of the Dynamo Door Boss.
Next to it is a Nightmare.

Map 1
| Continue >\
| ---- /
| ---- | \
| ---- | /
| Haven 7 ---- | \
| ---- | /
| ---- | | \
| ---- | | | /
| --------- | | | \
| --- | | | /
|------------ | | | \
Map 1 - Continued
\ Totem|
/ -------------- |
\ Heart Tank |
/ --- |
\ --- |
/ --- |
\ --- |
/ | |
\ ---- | |
/ ---- | | |
\ --- | | |
/< Continue | Tsuki | |
\--- | | |
Map 2 Map 3
-------------------- --------------------
| | |Totem Reyher|
|Start | |---- --|
|-------------- | | |
| | | |
| | | -- |
| --| | -- |
| -------- | | |
| ------ | | ----|
| | |-- -- |
|Chop | | |
|---- | | -- |
| -------- | | -- |
| ---- | | |
| | | Phantom -- |
| | | |
| ----| | ----|
| -------- | | -- |
|-- -- | | |
| | |---- -- |
| | | |
|-- Home| | -- |
| -------- | | |
| -- | | |
| | | -- |
| --| | -- |
|Totem ------------ | | |
|-- | | Start |
-------------------- --------------------
Map 4
|Start |
|------ |
| ------ |
| ------ |
| -- |
| | ----- |
| | M | ----- |
| | e | ----- |
| | g | | P ----- |
| | a | | L | ----- |
| | m | | | ---- Totem |
| | i | | 9 | | ----------|
| | | | 8 | | | |

Inami Temple

Very ugly if you have to rummage your way around in two little spotlights.
As for those spikes at the end of the level, you can dash across them or
get hit by something then dash through them. Zero can get every reploid in
this level.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Nassy When it first starts raining, go up the
ladders. The third floor holds Nassy.

2 - Natsue She's next to Nassy, on the right ledge.

3 - Akemi When it starts raining again for the second
time, keep going until you're above ground.
She's at the top of the left wall (between
the second and third control cores).

4 - Mayu She's in the large pit next to the fourth
control core when it rains the second time

5 - Obin When it rains the third time, you'll come
across these vertical floating platforms.
Underneath the fourth one is Obin.

6 - Meeka After the third control core, five pits away,
is Meeka. She's in the water and a nightmare
is nearby.

7 - Mao Energy Up The section where it rains the fourth time,
Mao will be on the second-left ledge >from the
top behind some spikes. (shown on map)

8 - Sakura The section where it rains the fourth time,
Sakura will be on the third-left ledge from
the top. (shown on map)

9 - Omy The section where it raings the fourth time,
Omy will be on the bottom-left floor. (shown
on map)

10 - Etsu Life Up The section where it rains the fourth time.
This is a tricky one since you have to go
through some spikes. These spikes, however,
are tough to get past. You can get hit by one
of the mecha-bats that drop bombs and go
through. It kinda looks like this:

| |xxx| E |xxx| |
| |xxx| t |xxx| |
| Recovery Chamber |xxx| s |xxx|Capsule|
| - *** u *** - |
| |R| |C| | When it is
|-------***-------- ------***-----***--------| <---- raining for the
|Mao Miho |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx| fourth time
|-------***-------- -------------------------|
|Heart Sakura | Boss |
|-Tank--***-------- ----------***------------|
|Dynamo Omy Yui |xxxxx|

11 - Miho When it starts raining the fourth time, Mao
will be on the second-right ledge from the
top. (shown on map)

12 - Yui W. Recover When it starts raining the fourth time, Yui
will be on the bottom right, behind some
spikes. (shown on map)

13 - Al In the Dyanamo Stage, Al will be on the ledge
second from the top to the right.(shown on

14 - Nori Hyper Dash In the Dynamo Stage, Nori will be on the
ledge fourth from the top on the left.

15 - Rena Sabre Plus In the Dynamo Stage, Rena will be at the
top-right corner after a patch of spikes.

16 - Nana In the Dynamo Stage, Nana will be on the
ledge second from the bottom on the right.

Laser Institute

I hate this level, I had to go through this area many times to get the
stupid reploid location info. The mirrors are the most annoying things,
easy but annoying.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Kazu Life Up Near the beginning of the first level.
Floating above some spikes.

2 - Tempole On an invisible platform near the beginning
of the level. Nightmare is near.

3 - Mihoken On an invisible platform near the beginning
of the level, a little bit after Tempole.
Once again, a nightmare is here as well.

4 - SiroMaru Read the location of Mochi because the
Capsule is in the same area to the left.
SiroMaru is right above the capsule.

5 - Mochi Keep going until you reach an area with
lasers and mirrors. If you keep going, you'll
find two doors: one that leads to the boss
and another that leads to the Dynamo Stage.
The one that leads to the Dynamo Stage is the
bottom door and is filled with even more
lasers. After you pass all that, you'll drop
down. There will be a wall right beside you
(to the left). X or Zero should say something
along the line of "I feel a breeze nearby".
The wall to the left is fake, or part of it
anyways. Walk through and you should find
Mochi. He's a little high up and a nightmare
is nearby.

6 - Marl Marl will be on an invisible platform above
the floor of spikes just before the Dynamo
Stage. Nightmares are within the premises.

7 - Dai Energy Up Dai will be on a non-invisible platform but
still above the same set of spikes. There is
a heart tank underneath the three reploids.
Nightmares, you know.

8 - Ghosn Dai will also be on one of the invisible
platforms above the same floor of spikes just
before the Dynamo Stage. Same kinda nightmare
danger as before.

9 - Jin He'll be the first reploid in the Dynamo
He's not too hard to miss. There is a
nightmare around, but he's not going to do
anything except try to kill you.

10 - Matumaru You'll notice, after rescuing Jin, that there
are these two reploids, which somehow crossed
a patch of spikes, waiting for you to rescue
them. Very odd place for them, but so are all
the others I guess. Anyways, you can use
Shadow Armour (ceiling dash and spike
prevention), or Zero's ceiling dash. Ultimate
armour, get hit, Break Armour, whatever that
will work.

11 - Taiji Energy Saver Right behind Matumary.

12 - Omi 1213 If you count the ropes in the Dynamo stage,
you'll find that Omi is beside the fourth
rope from the beginning of the stage.

13 - Him Fifth rope from the beginning of the Dynamo

14 - Kenz D. Barrier Sixth rope from the beginning of the Dynamo

15 - So 1 Weapon Plus Seventh (fourth last) rope from the
beginning of the Dynamo stage.

16 - Tack Last rope before the Dynamo Boss.

Weapon Centre

This is a very short area, yet it can also be extremely hard if you don't have
the right weapon(s) and enough life. If this area is so small, then the all
reploids must be condensed in a confined area as well? Yes! Be ever so agile
to rescue the reploids because some of them are VERY easily captured.

- First level is the section before the first power cable mini-boss.
- Second level is the section after the first power cable and before the
second power cable mini-boss.
- When you defeat the second power cable, you'll be given direct
access to the Dynamo Stage.

# Reploid name Bonus Description
- ------------ ----- -----------

1 - Zeroan In the first level, over the first pit is
where you will find Zeroan.

2 - FFF In the first level, right before the first
power cable. A nightmare is nearby.

3 - Doragoh In the second level, you'll find Doragoh IN
the third pit after defeating the first power
cable. You'll have to climb down the pit, he
is kind of hidden.

4 - Paralla D-Converter In the second level, you'll see a slanting
rope with a big pit beneath it. Above the
rope is Paralla. Nightmare warning.

5 - Marion Just in front of the second power cable, with
one other, will be Marion. There's a
nightmare warning.

6 - Virtuf Standing behind Marion before the second
power cable. Again, there is a nightmare

7 - Tekk Speed Shot In front of the boss's door will be Tekk. A
small nightmare problem is around, but he's
very far away.

8 - Shen In the Dynamo Stage, there are many many
ropes for you to slide across. The first one
above the first rope is Shen.

9 - Fabtron The second one above the same rope is Fabtron
and there is a nightmare warning for this one
as well as for the other one.

10 - Gital Life Up More less than likely will you not actually
fall into the pit. When you do fall down, a
whole new world down under will peak your
interest. As you will notice, there is more
to the pit than meets the eye. On the first
vertical rope will be Gital.

11 - Metal Master Saber Underneath the third rope, from the left,
at the top will be Metal. In Dynamo Stage.

12 - Rod At the bottom of the pit, between the third
and fourth rope, in the Dynamo Stage will be

13 - Grantsu Energy Up There are these three reploids that seem to
be one of the hardest reploids to get. They
are all bunched up together underneath the
last three ropes at the bottom. Grantsu will
be the first of the three.

14 - Kurono Very tricky! He's to the right of Grantsu BUT
there is nightmare just a couple pixels away
from him. You have to be lightning fast to
get this one. Hint: The ledge right is right
above him. So just fall down and catch him
on the way down.

15 - Daive You have to be speedy here as well because a
nightmare is very close to Daive. He will be
the last of the three. (To the right of

16 - Sosalies In front of the Dynamo Boss door, there are
three nightmares around here that seem to
have a keen interest on Sosalies. Get him!

Thank you for using this FAQ. Remember to e-mail me about your feelings and
questions regarding this FAQ.

I would like to thank Capcom for a great Megaman X game, for not changing the
voice overs so we can all fully understand what they are saying, and for hiring
all the best English teachers of the world to double check the grammar and
spelling for us.

I really don't know how these other FAQ makers check to see if any of their
lines went over seventy-nine characters, but I made my own program to do that.
If you are interested in making an FAQ and would like to have a program that
checks your lines to see if any of them go over the limit, please ask me and I
will probably give it to you.

Much of the text editting was done on wordpad, notepad, and Dev-C++. Dev-C++ is
a program that allows to you program things using the C++ programming language.
I used Dev-C++ to program the FAQ checker program. I also used it to format my
text. (link to Dev-C++)
*Remember, just e-mail. No adding me to your MSN Messenger list.
*I will not read your e-mail unless you have told me where you had read my
FAQ, it seems that my FAQ is popping up in a few places here and there
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17.Octombrie 2013
Armor Guide

17.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013
Nightmare Souls and "How to get Zero" FAQ

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Reploid Location FAQ

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version

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NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

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Alle Waffen, alle Waffen Tanks und alle Herz Tanks. Alle Teile des geretteten Jägers und alle 128 Jäger gerettet. Dazu noch volles Meter für X und Zero.

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Starte mit allen Gegenständen ind er letzten Ebene. Wenn du das Spiel gewinnst kannst du das Ende sehen wenn Zero nicht mehr kontrollierbar ist.

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