Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 3

17.10.2013 05:34:08
Dynasty Warriors 3 Character Guide and FAQ Version 1.4
Written by Z-Force (z-force@execpc.com)

Table of Contents

I. Intro
II Disclaimer
III Version History
IV Places to get this FAQ
V Newbie Questions
VI The Basics
VII Characters
a. Shu Kingdom
b. Wei Kingdom
c. Wu Kingdom
d. Other characters
VIII Character Rankings and other character related info.
IX Items and Weapons Guide
X Fourth Weapon Strategies
XI Strategies
XII Codes and tricks
XIII Contributors and other resources.
XIV Things to Come (Future Updates)

While I enjoy answering emails and questions from people about this game and discussing it in
general, lately I have been getting quiet a few emails that I feel are questions that could have been
answered by reading the FAQ. PLEASE read the FAQ completely before asking me questions.
Keep in mind that everything I know about the game basically is included in this guide. Especially
in regards to fourth weapons. Everything I know about getting special weapons is covered in the
FAQ. From here on out, any emails asking me “How do I get so and so’s fourth weapon?” will be
ignored and deleted. If you need help beyond what is in this guide, I recommend asking the people
at the GameFAQ’s message board, someone there may be able to assist you.


This guide is intended to be a guide to all the characters in Dynasty Warriors 3. In time,
hopefully it will grow to contain other information as well. Contributions are welcome,
and full credit will be given. I'd like to give props out to Muni Shinobu, who has
provided lots of information on the game (some of which is incorporated here) the people
on the GameFAQ's DW3 board, for providing information to those in need, and Dynasty
Warriors 3 Essence (http://www.geocities.com/dw3essence/) for being an all around cool
site. And of course, thanks to Koei, for making this awesome game which has sucked up
hours of my free time.


This document is copyrighted by Z-Force. I really don't care that much if you take it
and use it for your own website or whatever, just don't try to sell it or use it in any way to
make money. Also, if you want to use my FAQ on your website, e-mail me so I can add
your site to my list. Also let me know if you are currently using your FAQ.

Version History

Version 0.1 (1-2-2002) First Version, everything you see here has been added.
Version 0.2 (1-4-2002) Added Info on a few of the generals, the Super Sneaky Officer
Killing Trick, and descriptions on how to get some special items. Added basics section, a
codes and tricks section, and a contributors and resources section.
Version 0.3 (1-7-2002) Added info on getting the items that I forgot to put in the last
revision. Added more info on generals, and various other additions, including the secret
ending. Began adding strategies for some of the stages. Check out the He Fei section for
a comprehensive guide to unlocking Sun Quan, which has been one of the most requested
posts on the GameFAQs boards.
Version 0.4 (1-8-2002) Added strategy for a couple more stages. Added strategy for
getting Cao Cao and Zhang He's fourth weapons. Added info on a few more officers.
Added to the strategies section with some general tips on getting fourth weapons.
Version 0.5 (1-9-2002) Added more stage strategy, and officer info. Added info on
getting Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, and Sun Jian's fourth weapons. Added info on what
stages each character plays, courtesy of Mashu's FAQ. Added how to get the Art of War
special item. Last but not least, added the cheat codes for the US version of the game.
Version 0.6 (1-10-2002) Added a lot of info on character's attacks. Added strategy for
several different stages.
Version 0.7 (1-11-2002) Added strategies for several stages, and officer info for a couple
of characters. Added how to get Lu Xun and Liu Bei's fourth weapons. Added another
DW3 website to the resources list. Added info on horses and the scoring system to the
Misc info section
Version 0.8 (1-13-2002) Added a lot of stage strategy, and info for some officers.
Added the rest of the descriptions on how to get Red special items.
Version 0.85 (1-14-2002) Added some more officer info and stage strategy. Most of the
stage strategy is complete, except for a few variations on the different stages. Added a
couple fourth weapon strategies. Added the complete list of weapons, however many of
them don't have their base stats and users, so anyone who can help me fill this in would
be greatly appreciated.
Version 0.87 (1-15-2002) Added some more info on generals' attacks and stage strategy.
Version 0.9 (1-16-2002) Finished up the list of moves for each officer. Added a few
more stage strategies. Added a list of things to add (how redundant :P) for future
Version 0.92 (1-17-2002) Finished up stage strategies and how to get fourth weapons for
each character.
Version 0.94 (1-18-2002) Added snack and wine locations for each stage, taken from
DW3 Essence. They're listed in each stage's strategy. Added physical descriptions for
each character as requested by Xandoidao. I tried to be funny with them and probably
failed : ) Added some new stuff to the basics section about defense, and dealing with
archers. Added my opinions on the benefits of the non red special items (Peacock urn
and such)
Version 0.96 (1-19-2002) Added a separate section on getting fourth weapons. You can still locate
fourth weapon instructions in each character’s section, but now they’re all in once place for your
benefit. Big addition to the weapons section. Added overall assessments for some officers.
Version 0.97 (1-20-2002) Added a newbie questions section, to answer frequently asked questions
on the GameFAQs board about the game. Added crowd tactics and officer tactics to the basics
section. Added a list of combos for each character to unleash their elemental attacks, it can be
found in the fourth weapon section. Started a character ranking section including my top 10
characters, and a section on picking a good character for beginners. Added another strategy for
beating Fan Castle stage using Guan Yu.
Version 0.98 (2-9-2002) I got a lot of good strategies, tips, and submission from people, so they’ve
been interspersed throughout the FAQ
Version 0.985 (3-11-2002) Added some info sent in by readers, as well as an addition to the
REGARDING THIS GAME. For my own amusement, added a DW3 vs State of Emergency Chart,
comparing the two games. Added a section on morale in the basics section.
Version 0.99 (3-18-2002) Added a bunch of weapon stats, I know have everything except the Staff
of Wind. Added a couple character assessments, and some other stuff.
Version 1.0 (3-23-2002) Added the last bit of info for the weapons section. Started adding a
favorite quote to each character in the character’s section. Added strategy for the 3 Musou only
stages in the stage strategy section. Added a section on combos to the basics section. Added some
various bits of info to the walkthroughs section.
Version 1.01 (3-24-2002) As per a request I received, added how to get snacks and wines for the 3
Musou only stages. Added a few more character assessments, and generally touched up things
where I could.
Version 1.1 (3-29-2002) Finished adding character assessments. Also I added some REAL
character rankings to that section. Other assorted corrections throughout the FAQ where needed.
At this point the FAQ is more or less complete, unless something major comes up.
Version 1.2 (3-31-2002) Added more detailed strategies for getting some of the fourth weapons.
Couple other minor additions.
Version 1.3 (5-24-2002) Added a benefits section to the fourth weapon strategy section which
shows how much a character benefits from getting their particular fourth weapon. Added in some
corrections and info by readers. Revised my rankings for characters.
Version 1.4 (6-25-2002) Added some minor assorted things sent in by readers.

Places to get this FAQ – Please keep in mind that I am happy to let your site host my FAQ, but I
only send the most recent updates to GameFAQs.

www.angelfire.com/wrestling2/ffc (My personal homepage)
www.gameyourway.com (This site posted the FAQ as an html document with nice color coding for
info that pertains to the different kingdoms)
http://www.geocities.com/amussler01 (Part of my guide is used here at least)


This is sort of a section to answer all of the Questions that I see asked on the GameFAQs board too
many times.

Q: Should I buy this game?
A: Yes.

Q: Why?
A: Because it’s fun as hell, very addictive, and a throwback to old school beat em ups such as Final
Fight and Streets of Rage

Q: Are there any codes for this game?
A: Yes, scroll to the bottom of the FAQ to find all the codes.

Q: Where are the elephants?
A: Nanman Campaign stage. That’s the ONLY place elephants appear.

Q: How do I get (insert item or fourth weapon name here)?
A: See the appropriate sections of the FAQ. I listed fourth weapons in each of the appropriate
character’s section, and there is also a section for fourth weapons for those that want to look them
all up at once. Special items are listed in the items section of the FAQ. If that doesn’t help, try
looking at one of the websites I’ve linked to at the bottom of the FAQ, they might have a better
explanation than I do.

Q: There’s a book based on this game? Where can I get it?
A: Actually, this game is based on the book, Three Kingdoms. Check the links at the bottom for
some resources. You can read the entire book online for free, or check www.amazon.com or other
online booksellers. Do a search for “three kingdoms” I recommend the four volume set translated
by Moss Roberts. BTW, the book is excellent and well worth reading.

Q: Who are the strongest characters? What character should I start as?
A: That’s a matter of taste. Try out different people and see who works best for you. Different
style players will find that different style characters work best for them. Or you can check my
character ranking section for some help.

Q: How do I get Wind Scroll or Elixir/Alive Pill
A: These two items are rarer than the other stat boosting items. Keep plugging away till you get
them. I got a Wind Scroll fairly easily, but I had to play for at least 50 hours, before I ever found
an Elixir. (The following added by Anime Japan) Battle at You Ting 228 AD, HARD MODE. Get
all the items as possible, via bosses and boxes. then before killing the final general (Sima Yi).
QUIT GAME! (wtf??) Well make sure you are not stupid enough to quit without saving...then just
load the game, finish the boss, see what u got? none of those? Reload and try again! Hard mode
plus the better version trick below ensure high stats should u get one of the rare items!

Q: How do I get better versions of the items?
A: Play the game on hard. Also, the later the level you play, the better stuff you can get. Also,
finish off item dropping enemies with big combos to improve your chances of getting better items
and weapons.

Q: What does luck do?
A: It seems to increase the rate of dropped items such as meatbuns, axes, and the like. Also some
say it improves your chances of getting more powerful weapons and items. According to Anime
Japan, it also increases the size of arrows and buns dropped.

Q: Is there a soundtrack? How can I get music for this game?
A: There is a soundtrack available, it’s a two disc set containing music from all 3 Dynasty
Warriors games. Here is a link to the site. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/ Once there, do a search
for “sangoku” under Album/Movie Titles. You can also get it at www.gamemusic.com

Q: How do I unlock some of the sides with no playable characters, such as Liu Biao?
A: Good question. I’m not sure which characters unlock those sides, but you can use the code
listed under the codes section to unlock them.

Q: Can I use Lu Bu in Musou Mode?
A: No, you can only use Lu Bu, or any of the other unaligned characters in Free Mode.

Q: How do I get second and third weapons
A: They are found in weapon boxes dropped by officers

And last but not least…

Q: How do I unlock Sun Quan? How do I unlock (Insert Character name here)
A: Check the stage strategies section under He Fei for a VERY detailed explanation including
EVERYTHING I did in order to unlock Sun Quan. If you can’t figure it out, then I don’t know
what to say. As for the other characters, check the character profiles, which list how to get them.


I'm not going to bore you by reciting every single thing out of the manual, but I will take the time
here to give you some basic tips when fighting.

First off, make sure to learn how your character fights. Before getting into the thick of things,
practice your moves and get a feel for your character. Guys who use similar weapons often fight
somewhat the same, but even they are different. Find each character's nuances.

When you're playing the stages, make sure to take out the gate guards. This is crucial in some
stages, because enemies will pour out of the gates till you take them down. This is especially true
once you reach the boss, if you don't take out the gate captain first, you'll be swarmed with bad

Attack Properties

When fighting on foot, you have several basic attacks. Each one has a specific function, but its
execution varies depending on the character (S = Square, T = Triangle

Combo attack (S rapidly) – This is a repeated series of attacks with your character's weapon. The
better weapon you have, the more hits you can do in the combo. You can end the combo with any
of the special attack listed below.

Attack 1 (T) – This is a wide attack, that can clear out a group of enemies, usually the ones in front
of you. Usually I don't use this attack too much, because it's slow to come out, but it can be useful.

Attack 2 (S, T) – Juggle Attack. This attack knocks the enemy into the air. You can follow it up
with a combo if you like. This attack usually isn't too useful either, because you'll get a better
juggling attack later.

Attack 3 (S, S, T) – Dizzy Attack. This attack will dizzy anyone who it hits. The effectiveness of
this attack varies depending on the character. Generally it's pretty useful, as it sets up enemies for a
bunch more hits.

Attack 4 (S, S, S, T) – Knockback attack. This attack will knock away any enemy who it hits. This
will generally be your staple move, as it often has a good range, and will allow you to take out a lot
of enemies and clear a path.

Attack 5 (S, S, S, S, T) – High Juggle Move. This attack becomes available once you've gotten
your second weapon. This hits the enemy up in the air really high, and is the key to high hitting
combos. You can hit the enemy when they come down, and possibly do the high juggle move
again, resulting in an infinite combo. Also, if you repeatedly hit T after knocking the enemy up,
you will follow them up in the air and attack them further. This is pretty cool to use as a finishing
blow, but if you’re looking to damage the enemy, it’s better to go for the infinite combo.

Attack 6 (S, S, S, S, S, T) – Special Attack. The nature and properties of this attack vary
completely depending on your character. For more information, refer to the character sections.
Some characters can repeatedly hit T after the 6th attack for even more attacks.

Bow attacks: When you hold down R1, you switch into bow mode. From here, fire an arrow with
S, a stunning arrow with T, or a Rapid fire arrow assault with Circle. Arrows are very useful in
many situations, so use them wisely. The arrow is also useful for the Super Sneaky Officer Killing
Trick, see the bottom of this FAQ for details. You can also hold the L1 button to move while using
the bow, for strafing action (thanks to Anime Japan for pointing out this omission) Keep in mind
some characters are better with bow attacks than others. They do more damage and hit more often.
Some guys hit almost every time, others can’t hit the broad side of a barn from 3 feet away. For
more specifics on who’s good and bad, check out Professor Worm’s FAQ at gamefaqs. In the
meantime, know that Huang Zhong and Xiahou Yuan are the best bow fighters in the game.

Mounted Attacks: Horses are mainly used to get from point A to point B faster, but you can attack
off of them too. S will swing your weapon from left to right. This usually keeps the enemy off
their guard, but in a big group, someone will usually manage to knock you off your mount. T will
do a charge attack to both sides. Circle activates your Musou attack, which will swing your
weapon and hit both sides of your mount.

Elephant Attacks: You only get elephants in the Nanman stage, they're slow, yet very powerful.
Use S to swing your trunk to nail anyone in front of you. T does a powerful stomping attack that is
very powerful and dizzies those who it hits (it's also useful for knocking other guys off their
elephants). Circle activates Musou which has you repeatedly rush forward to trample fools. The S
attack also breaks down the wooden barriers you see in some parts of the stage.

Defensive tactics

As far as defense is concerned, the L1 button is your best friend. Use it to block the enemy's
attacks, however beware. If you hold a block for too long, the enemy can break your guard and
screw you over, unless you've got the Buckler, in which case you can turtle all day while you wait
for an opening. If you tap S at the right time while blocking, you can push the enemy back a bit.
This is useful to create a bit of a distance from a powerful enemy, so you can quickly drop your
guard and get the heck out. Be warned, that blocking won’t really protect you from arrows, or if
you’re in a big crowd and guys are behind you. Finally, the most useful defensive tactic is the
recovery. When you are knocked down, tap L1 at the right moment to make a fast recovery. You
can also hit S while springing back up to do your jumping attack. This can clear out some enemies
and help you clear a path. Usually, you hit L1 as your guy hits the ground, but if you are knocked
up by different combos, sometimes you can hit L1 in midair to recover there. This is useful when
you are knocked up by an elephant, you can spring up high, and take a swing at the rider.


It is very important to keep your army’s morale high during the fight. The higher their morale is,
the better they’ll fight. There are two ways of measuring morale. First off is the bar on the upper
left. This will display the basic tide of the battle, and who is winning. The more blue in the bar,
the better things are going overall for you. Second off, and more accurate, is the number of stars
next to a character’s name when displayed on the upper left. That will show the individual morale
of that person, (which is the same as the morale as the person he’s fighting under) They can have
up to 8 stars, and the more you have, the better. Morale is improved by defeating lots of enemy
soldiers, defeating officers, or other heroic deeds. BONUS TIP: If you can defeat 1000 enemies on
one stage, you will be called a “True Hero of the 3 Kingdoms” and everyone on your side will get
their morale boosted to the max of 8 stars.

Archer Tactics

Soon into this game, you will develop a hatred for archers. These guys are nasty as all hell, and can
kill you rather easily. They love to pick at you while you're fighting through a crowd of bigger
guys. When you get shot, try to figure out from what direction the shot came in, then as soon as
you have an opening, go for that guy. As soon as you're in range, start swinging, and hopefully,
you'll get in your licks before the archer can run away. Most of the time, archers will go down to a
few good hits. If they are in a large group, try to hit as many as you can before they scatter. Using
a Musou attack grants you invincibility and long range Musou attacks like Sima Yi can be useful in
clearing them out from a distance. Also, when there is a group of archers far away, and you have to
rush them, do so in a zig zag pattern so they can't target you as easily. Also using a jump is helpful
to throw off their aim. When dealing with archers in watchtowers, try to do it from closer up. This
way, your arrows can reach them faster. Also pay attention to whether you knock them down, or
knock them out of the tower completely, and follow up accordingly.

Crowd Tactics

When you’re fighting a big group of enemies, your goal is to get them out of your hair as quickly as
possible. Most characters have a good clear out move they can use to knock down a large group of
foes at once. Usually, this is your S, S, S, T move, but experiment with your guy. Musou attacks
are also useful for chopping up big crowds. Some guys are better at fighting through crowds with
regular attacks than others, usually spear fighters have good crowd control ability because of their
wider range. Sometimes a series of regular attacks is better for cutting through a crowd than one of
your special attacks, because they are often delayed, and if there are a lot of enemies, one of them
can hit you.

Officer Tactics

Officers will generally be your toughest opponents. Here are some keys to beating them. First of
all, use the block button. Sure, you can win without defense, but you can stop your enemy’s attacks
and wait for an opening to chop them up. If you have the Buckler, this is especially good, because
you can block endlessly, without having to worry about having them break your guard. If you’re
on the offensive, use short bursts of attacks. Use the S, S, S, combo, then break if the enemy blocks
it. If you complete the combo, you will usually leave yourself open for a counterattack at the end
of the combo. If you do a short combo and cancel it, you can pick things up with another combo
until they stop blocking. Finally, the most powerful thing against officers is what I like to call the
Musou Combo Breaker. If you have your Musou charged, and they start hitting you, you can hit
Musou and completely break the enemies attack, and pummel them with your Musou and there’s
nothing they can do about it. You can even cancel the enemy’s Musou attack with one of your
own, which will result in a weapon lock. More officer killing tips from OmniX: An easy way of
defeating generals and officers whom may be just too tough for you to take on head to head or to
try and block until an opportunity comes (like against Lu Bu) is to just try and distract them or get
them dizzy or knock em' down. Then come around behind them and when they get up keep
knocking the stuffing out of them until they are dead. This is very useful when you have a new
character who can't quite take blows very well or can't go toe to toe with those stronger generals.


When used properly, combos can do devastating damage to enemies, or rack up tons of hits which
can aid you in getting better stuff. If you’re only interested in racking up hits, the best way to do it
is with your S, S, S, S, T combo, which you can then repeat infinitely (though the game will only
register up to 255 hits) When the guy is dead, I like to finish off with an S, S, S, S, T, T to whack
him out of the sky for a stylish finish. If you’re looking for big damage, keep these pointers in
mind. Guys who have their 3rd weapon, and can do a repeated charge 6 attack (such as Cao Cao
amd Lu Bu) can rack up big time damaging combos with this. Most importantly, remember that
you can cancel ANY attack of yours with a Musou attack to end your combo in style. In other
words, the most devastating combo you can usually pull off is S, S, S, S, S, T (then T repeatedly if
you have that ability) then finish off by canceling the T attack with your Musou for big damage.
Experiment with your guy to find his or her devastating combo attacks. Dizzy and juggling attacks
are good at setting up or prolonging combos, knockback attacks are good to finish the combo off.

Body Guards: You can set your guards to use 5 different weapons, and set them to either attack or
defend. As you rise in rank, your guards will as well, you'll also be awarded with more
bodyguards, up to a maximum of 8. As far as which ones to use, I offer this strategy. Early on,
your guards are going to get slaughtered pretty quickly, so I recommend setting them with a bow
(regular or crossbow, it's up to you, though I personally use crossbow) and set them to defend. This
way they'll hold back and pelt the enemies from a distance, and won't die quite as quickly. Later
on, once you've got up to 4 guards, you can change them to attack if you want. Later on, once
you've gotten 6 or 8 bodyguards and they've become stronger, you have a choice. You can either
keep them as bow soldiers, to take the enemy down from a distance, or you can change them to
melee guards, and give them a sword, spear, or pike. Personally, I recommend giving them spears,
as I've found that once they reach elite status, guards with a good melee weapon will maul the
majority of the lesser enemies, and will wear down officers and major enemies, or at least keep
them occupied while you attack them from behind.

Powering up your characters: I highly recommend that before you begin taking a character through
Musou mode, you spend a little time in Free Mode stages to power them up. The best stage to take
a beginning character to is Guan Yu's escape. Since you're teamed up with Guan Yu, it's a lot
easier to fight through this stage. Since there are 10 generals on this board, you can get a decent
array of power ups, also it's a fairly short stage. I recommend playing this stage a couple times
until you can get the character's second weapon. This will give you an advantage in the early
stages in Musou mode. If you're really lucky, you can get your 3rd weapon on Guan Yu's escape.
This will give you an extreme advantage in early stages in Musou mode. For middle range
characters, you can play just about any stage, but one of my favorites in the Hu Lao gate stage.
There are a lot of generals and gate guards to give you power ups here. The most risky, but
potentially high reward stage is the Nanman stage. There are tons of generals here, and if you
manage to beat Meng Huo all seven times, you'll get lots of good power ups from him each time,
and you'll be in good shape if you can beat the stage.


This is the meat of this FAQ. I hope to provide a comprehensive guide to each of the characters in
this game, including how they fight, their special attacks, and other information about them. The
information is provided in the following format

Name (Self Explanatory)
History (A brief description of the character's background, ripped from the manual and DW3
Unlocking (How to unlock the character)
Fourth Weapon (How to obtain the character's fourth weapon NOTE: Fourth weapons must be
obtained on Hard Mode)
Attacks (A list of each character's special attacks NOTE: S = Square and T = Triangle)
Attack 1 – T (This attack usually clears out a few foes in front of you)
Attack 2 – ST (Low Juggling Move)
Attack 3 – SST (Dizzying Move)
Attack 4 – SSST (Knockback Move)
Attack 5 – SSSST (High Juggling Move)
Attack 6 – SSSSST (This attack will vary depending on your character)
Musou Attack – A description of the special Musou attack
Overall Assessment (Basic strengths and weaknesses of the character)


In general, the Shu kingdom characters are very well balanced. Their main weakness is a lack of
variety, and you’ll find a lot of run of the mill spear and sword fighters here.

Zhao Yun
“I shall give my life in defense of lord Liu Bei!”
History: Formerly a servant of Yuan Shao and later Gongsun Zan, he changed loyalties to Liu Bei,
impressed by his virtuousness and personality. Bold and daring, he singled-handedly charged
through the enemy army at the Battle of Chang Ban in order to rescue Liu Bei's son, Liu Shan. He
is among the Five Tiger generals of the Shu Kingdom.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: He's the guy your cursor is on from the start. He wears greenish blue armor and
carries a spear. Your basic heroic looking character.
Stages Played
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Assault on Cheng Du 214 AD (Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Chang Ban stage, Shu side. Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao. After a little
while, Cao Cao's unit will appear. Liu Bei will call for help, so get a horse and ride over to him, at
which point a cut scene will appear. Then get to Zhang He and defeat him. A supply troop will
appear near Zhang He's starting point, and head for the northeast entry point. Hunt down the
captain and kill him to get the item.
Attack 1: A quick spinning strike with his spear. Good for a hard hit, or a clear out.
Attack 2: Uppercut with the back end of his spear. Standard Juggling move.
Attack 3: A downward strike with his spear. Dizzies anyone it hits. Doesn't have much horizontal
Attack 4: Sweeping strike with his spear. Clears out a pretty good path of enemies, but will still
leave those behind you able to attack.
Attack 5: High uppercut with his spear. Standard High Juggling move.
Attack 6: A series of 3 thrusts with his spear. This attack does a lot of damage to one enemy, and
is an 8 hit combo if you connect with the rest of the hits in your combo, which will net you a better
item from an officer. You can rapidly tap T during this attack to get some more hits.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of spear strikes. Useful for doing a lot of damage to a single
enemy, or cutting through a group of them.
Overall Assessment: Zhao Yun is a very good, well balanced character. He doesn't shine in any
one particular area, but has good moves, and good abilities, that will enable him to take down most

Guan Yu
“I am Guan Yu, brother of Liu Bei! I will prevail!
History: Sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, he is the leader of the Five Tigers and helped
build the foundation of the Shu Kingdom. With his strong sense of duty and bravery, he has been
labeled as a "match for 10,000 men." Guan Yu is also known for his beautiful, long beard.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: Big dude with a long black beard and green uniform. Carries a spear. His beard is
beautiful and long :P
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Guan Yu's Escape 201 AD (Guan Yu vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Guan Yu's escape, Guan Yu's side (hey, who'da thunk it?) Once you pass the
fourth gate, the supply team will appear north of the fourth fort and head south. Kill the captain to
get the weapon.
Attack 1: A sweeping strike with your spear. This attack has a nice wide range and will clear out
those in front of you.
Attack 2: Uppercut strike with your spear. Basic Juggling move.
Attack 3: Downward strike with your spear: Will dizzy those who it hits, but no horizontal range.
Attack 4: Sweeping strike with your spear. Great for clearing out crowds in front of you.
Attack 5: Uppercut spear strike. Basic High Juggling move.
Attack 6: A very wide swing that creates a small shockwave, nailing any enemy around you. Very
useful as a clear out move.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of sweeping strikes. This can do some good damage, and is very
useful as a crowd clearing move.
Overall Assessment: Guan Yu is another well balanced character, with good strength and decent
speed. He can go in and swing with the grunts, and do some good damage to the enemies. A solid
all around choice. No glaring strengths or weaknesses. He gets the job done, although he lacks the
pizzazz of some of the other generals.

Zhang Fei
“I’m Zhang Fei of Yan! Come… I shall make you fear death!”
History: A member of the Five Tigers. Sworn brother of Liu Bei and Guan Yu. At the Battle of
Chang Ban, he alone rode out on the Chang Ban Bridge and gave a powerful shout, frightening off
one million of Cao Cao's troops, who were in pursuit. A lover of wine and drink, it often leads to
his defeat in battle more times than not.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: Wears a red bandanna, is fat, and carries a spear. He also always seems pissed off.
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Assault on Cheng Du 214 AD (Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Chang Ban Stage, Shu Side. Meet the enemies at the Chouhan Bridge (it's the one
south of where Cao Cao initially appears) You will get the yell event (I shall make you fear death!)
Then kill Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. The supply team will appear by the entry point near Xu
Zhu, and head toward the northeast entry point. Kill the captain to get the item.
Attack 1: A spinning attack. Clears out enemies all around you.
Attack 2: Whack the enemy with the back end of your spear. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: A downward strike, dizzies anyone it hits. Effective against enemies that are in front of
you, but not against a large group.
Attack 4: A thrusting attack that knocks back enemies it hits very far. However, it's only good
against a few enemies at once, and won't help much in a crowd.
Attack 5: High swing with his spear. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: A stomping attack that creates an earthquake, and knocks back everyone around you.
Very useful for clearing a crowd.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of attacks. Fairly good for clearing out a group or doing damage
to a few big enemies.
Overall Assessment: Zhang Fei has slow attacks, which hamper his effectiveness. However, his
hits can do a lot of damage, and his crowd control is pretty good. He can be a powerful force in the
right hands, you have to learn to anticipate your enemies and beat them down.

Ma Chao
“Justice is with us! We will prevail!”
History: The eldest son of Ma Teng, he received the nickname "Ma Chao of Splendid" due to his
attempt to avenge his father, he commanded an army of troops from Xi Liang to attack Cao Cao at
Chang An, but lost. He later went on to serve Liu Bei. He proposed numerous strategies, such as
the capture of Han Zhong. He is counted among Shu's Five Tigers.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with a Shu general or he is unlocked at the start if you have a DW2
save on your memory card.
Description: Wears a gold suit of armor that covers his entire body and carries a spear. Can't think
of a funny thing to say here.
Stages Played
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at Tong Gate 211 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Tong Gate stage, allies side. Wait for Han Sui to meet with Cao Cao, and defect
to him. After a while, the supply team will appear on the right side of the bridge, north side of the
map and head toward the northeast entry point. Kill the captain to get the weapon.
Attack 1: A spinning slash that is slow to come out, but will whack pretty much everyone who is
around you.
Attack 2: A wide upper slash. This attack can juggle a lot of enemies at once, and take them out of
your hair.
Attack 3: A downward attack that dizzies those it hits. Fair range on this one, you can stun a group
of guys at once.
Attack 4: A wide sweeping slash that will knock back enemies in front of you.
Attack 5: A powerful upward strike. Standard high juggling move, hits a good number of guys.
Attack 6: A spinning attack that sends out a shockwave and blasts a group of foes all at once. An
awesome attack to take out a group of enemies.
Musou Attack: A series of strikes, followed by a big attack where he flips up on his spear and
sends out a shockwave. Great attack for escaping enemies and doing some damage at the same
Overall Assessment: Ma Chao is a pretty good all around character, much like most of the tiger
generals are. His best attribute is his attacking speed, he's quite fast with his strikes, and can
damage a group of enemies quickly. Most of his moves are also very useful for crowd control,
making him able to go into a group of foes and take them out quickly.

Wei Yan
“I… you…. DESTROY!”
History: He served under Liu Biao until his death, at which point he joined Liu Bei. At the time,
despite his rebellious spirit, and the disapproval of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei took him in as one of his
own, eventually promoting him. He later went on to continue the line of the Five Tigers with his
bravery and was a major force in the Shu efforts to take the North.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with a Shu general or he is unlocked at the start if you have a DW2
save on your memory card.
Description: Carries a double headed spear, wears a crazy looking mask. Looks like he could be a
pro wrassler. Also talks really funny.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Jie Ting stage, Shu side. Wait for Ma Su to climb up to the summit and get
ambushed. Save his worthless hide by killing the general attacking him. Defeat all the enemy
generals except Sima Yi, then enter his camp. The special item will appear on top of the hill where
Ma Su made camp. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A flipping strike. It will take out enemies in front of you and has decent speed.
Attack 2: Upward attack. Can juggle a small group of enemies at the same time.
Attack 3: A wide strike. It will dizzy enemies it hits. Poor forward range, but good
width, so it can stun a group of foes that are directly in front of you.
Attack 4: A powerful wide slash. Will knock back a large group of enemies at the same time.
Very effective crowd clearer.
Attack 5: Upward Slash. Standard high juggling attack. Can hit a couple of foes at the same time.
Attack 6: Press the triangle button rapidly to perform a series of strikes. He twirls his weapon
above his head. This can take out a group of enemies, and can also get some nice combos if you do
it right (about 12 hits)
Musou Attack: A couple of big low spinning slashes. These don't do much singular damage, but
cover a wider range and are useful crowd control attacks.
Overall Assessment: Besides his funny walk, Wei Yan is a somewhat awkward character to use.
His attacks don't have that much range, although his special moves have a good area of effect and
can take out a lot of enemies. If you can equip him with a range enhancing weapon or item though,
he becomes quite effective.

Zhuge Liang
“To win without fighting is the ultimate plan”
History: The Shu strategist and advisor. He is often referred to as the "Sleeping Dragon." He
decided to serve Lui Bei after being honored by three visits from the young Shu leader. Liu Bei's
trust in Zhuge Liang was so strong, it could be compared to that of a fish and the sea. A genius of
both domestic and foreign affairs, he was a major contributor to the founding of the Shu Kingdom.
He attempted to conquer the Northern territories on five different occasions, but halfway to
realizing his dream, he was defeated at the Wu Zhang Plains.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with any Shu general except Pang Tong or Zhang Fei
Stages Played
Description: Guy in white and green who carries a fan. You can imagine how much damage a fan
does in combat.
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Peacock Feather: Wu Zhang Plains stage, Shu side. Wait for the reinforcement
troops to come for the enemy. Cao Xiu will be one of the generals for the reinforcement group.
Kill him. The precious item will then appear near where Zhuge Liang started. I recommend using
two players to get this item. Zhuge will be totally protected as the first player, then once you kill
Cao Xiu, he can easily grab the item. Then switch to your powerful second player to kill Sima Yi
and finish the stage. The reinforcements generally come between 10 and 15 minutes into the stage.
In the meantime, beat as many enemy generals as you can.
Attack 1: Your fan floats in a circle around you. Good attack for clearing out enemies directly
around you.
Attack 2: Quick upward toss of your fan. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: Shoots a beam of light in a straight path, dizzying anyone it hits. Great forward range,
but hard to hit a large group of foes with.
Attack 4: Spin around, creating a beam of light and a small energy blast below you. Great move
for clearing out a crowd of enemies, and will knock them back.
Attack 5: Upward strike with your fans. Standard juggling attack, however, if you get his fourth
weapon, this attack will be enhanced by the fire.
Attack 6: Shoots laser beams in up to three different directions, depending on how many times you
hit the T button. The beams stun enemies they hit and have great forward range, but are very
difficult to hit with.
Musou Attack: Shoots a barrage of beams in front of him. Great at taking out enemies in front of
you, will hit lots of foes and do fair damage.
Overall Assessment: Zhuge Liang has terrible range with his regular attacks, and not very good
strength either. Also, several of his moves are hard to hit with, although they have good range. His
attack speed is mediocre, and he tends to get interrupted a lot. He's best left as an expert's character,
to be played when you master the others.

Huang Zhong
“Who says I’m too old for this?”
History: Masterful with a bow, he was capable of hitting a target 100 out of 100 tries. He served
both Liu Biao and Han Xuan. While under Han Xuan, he had a fierce battle with Guan Yu. He later
served Liu Bei and served in the Yi Province and in the Battle of Mt. Ding Jun. He accompanied
Liu Bei during his ascension to the throne of Han Zhong, and was appointed to the Five Tigers.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Shu generals
Description: Every fighting game needs an old guy, and here's DW3's. He carries a bow, and has
some armor.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Assault on Cheng Du 214 AD (Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Mount Ding Jun stage, Shu Side. Head down the center route and defeat Xiahou
Shang. The special item report will then appear west of Cao Cao's original position. Grab it and
finish the stage.
Attack 1: A wide sword swing. Somewhat slow, but will clear out the enemies in front of you and
to your sides.
Attack 2: An upward slash. Juggles the enemy and can hit multiple foes at the same time.
Attack 3: A flipping slash that dizzies enemies. Pretty good range, and can hit a small group of
Attack 4: A wide sweeping slash that will hit a lot of enemies and is a powerful crowd control
move. One of his staple attacks.
Attack 5: Upward slash. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: A double spinning slash that releases two bolts of energy. The double swings take out
enemies near and around you, while the energy bolts do some nice damage. Musou Attack: Rapid
fire swinging slashes. Nice move to escape and cut through crowds with.
Overall Assessment: This old guy is pretty damn good. His fighting style is somewhat similar to
the Xiahou brothers, and can be played as such. This in itself makes him a solid well balanced
character. But wait there’s more! Huang Zhong is the best character in the game at fighting with a
bow. He rarely misses his shots, and his arrows do much more damage than most characters. If
you can equip him with some bow attack boosting items or weapons (especially his fourth weapon)
he becomes very fearsome indeed and can snipe most enemies dead before you engage them. For
even more fun, try equipping him with fire arrows. Also, his 6th charge attack is very powerful and
good for clearing out a crowd.

Liu Bei
“Ah… my people! The People are the foundation of the country… I can’t seem to protect them!”
History: The first Emperor of the Shu Kingdom. Along with his sworn brothers, Guan Yu and
Zhang Fei, he participates in the campaign against the Yellow Turbans. After fighting in various
battles, he establishes the Shu Kingdom, signifying the beginning of the Three Kingdom era. His
aim is to restore the Han Dynasty, thereby bringing peace to the troubled land.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Shu generals
Description: He's the heroic looking hero of the Shu army. He carries a sword… and uhm… is
heroic looking. Did I mention he's the hero?
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Assault on Cheng Du 214 AD (Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Gold Moon Dragon – Yi Ling stage, Shu side. Defeat Sun Shang Xiang. The
precious item will appear in Sun Quan's camp on the northeast side. Grab it, then defeat Sun Quan
to complete the stage.
Attack 1: Spinning slash attack. Fast, and will take out a lot of enemies.
Attack 2: High upward slash. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: Wide slash attack. Will hit a lot of enemies in front of you and dizzy them.
Attack 4: Downward slash. Poor area of effect, but will knock back any foe in front of you.
Attack 5: Upward slash. Standard high juggling attack.
Attack 6: A spinning attack that will send a shockwave all around you and blast anyone it hits.
Awesome attack for clearing crowds, although the damage is fairly low.
Musou Attack: Rapid series of sword slashes. Nothing fancy, but will damage the enemies and get
you out of a crowd if you need to.
Overall Assessment: Liu Bei is a pretty well balanced character. Compared to the other leaders,
Cao Cao and Sun Jian, he's not as strong, but he's a bit faster, and has better crowd clearing moves,
making him effective in large battlegrounds.

Jiang Wei
“My lord… I shall honor you!”
History: He once belonged to Wei, but was caught in a plot by Zhuge Liang, who had come to
conquer the North, and joined Shu. Filled with admiration for Zhuge Liang, he was treated as a
successor and was even entrusted with Zhuge Liang's strategy books. After his mentor's death, he
vowed to fulfill Zhuge Liang's ambition, and continued the attack against the North.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with Zhuge Liang
Description: Young looking guy with a green outfit, no armor, and carries a spear. Looks like he'd
get ripped apart by most of the other generals in the game, including the Qiao sisters :P
Stages Played
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Jie Ting stage, Shu side. Defeat Zhen Ji and Cao Zhen. The supply team will
come in at the entry point northeast of Sima Yi and head toward the northwest entry point. Kill the
captain to get the item.
Attack 1: A sweeping strike that takes out practically everyone around you, however there is a
slight delay on the attack.
Attack 2: An upward swing. Standard juggling move, but can hit multiple foes.
Attack 3: A spear thrust. It dizzies anyone it hits, and has good forward range, however, there is a
delay on the attack, that the enemy can counter.
Attack 4: He strikes out with the side of his pole, knocking back anyone in front of him. Average
clear out ability.
Attack 5: Upward spear strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He shoots a shockwave from his spear. Hard to aim, but if it hits a guy, it does good
damage, can also cut through a group of guys in front of you. If you have your 4th weapon, anyone
hit with the shockwave will release lighting upon hitting the ground.
Musou Attack: Rapid spear swings. Nice move for cutting out of a crowd.
Overall Assessment: Jiang Wei isn’t a bad character, but he suffers from lack of anything exciting
to set him apart from other spear wielding characters. He’s pretty fast with his attacks though, so
that’s a point in his favor. Overall, he’s not terrible, but certainly isn’t up to snuff with the likes of
Guan Yu or Ma Chao in the spear fighter department.

Pang Tong
“I guess I have some time to play…”
History: A classmate of Zhuge Liang, he was often compared to the Sleeping Dragon as an
accomplished strategist. At the Battle of Chi Bi, he helped carry out the "Linked Ship" plot,
ensuring victory for the Allied forces. After joining Liu Bei, he suggested the capture of the Shu
lands and led the campaign himself.
Unlocking: Clear the Chen Du stage with Pang Tong alive. (Either Musou or Free mode)
Description: Looks like a bum wearing green robes, is hunched over, and carries a staff.
Stages Played
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Assault on Cheng Du 214 AD (Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Assault on Cheng Du stage, Liu Bei's side. You will get a message and be
surrounded by Zhang Ren's troops. Kill Zhang Ren. The special item will appear on the northwest
side of the map. Get it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: He whips out his staff which splits and creates a barrier which knocks out any for in front
of him. Good speed, and frontal clearance ability.
Attack 2: He tosses out his staff which knocks the enemy upward. Good range, otherwise a
standard juggle move.
Attack 3: He uses his staff as a pole vault of sorts and does a sweeping kick. Cool looking move
that has decent range, and dizzies foes that it hits.
Attack 4: He does a spiral kick straight upwards. His staff flies around him, knocking back anyone
it hits. A solid move for clearing out a group of foes.
Attack 5: He tosses his spear high into the air. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He creates a tornado around him, blasting anyone nearby. Excellent clear out attack.
Musou Attack: He creates a tornado like blast and spins in place. This move doesn't have much
range, but it will devastate enemies close to you, making it awesome against a single enemy such as
a powerful officer.
Overall Assessment: Pang Tong is definitely a character for the more experienced player. He’s not
very strong, and his attack range is poor, but he has some fun moves to deal with crowds. His
attacking speed is decent however. When he gets his third weapon, he gains a very effective crowd
clearing move. Also he has a very good Musou attack to use against a cluster of enemies. Overall,
he’s fun to play as, but it’s hard to get used to him.


Wei has a lot of interesting characters in it. There are a few sword and spear guys, and some guys
that use more exotic and interesting weapons. They are also packed with offensive power.

Xiahou Dun
“I am Xiahou Dun. Come fight me!”
History: He is related to Cao Cao. It is said that he lost his eye to an arrow in a battlewith Lu Bu,
but since it was given to him at birth, he removed it from the arrow and ateit. Later, he commanded
numerous troops and fought in various places, serving as CaoCao's right-hand man.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: Badass looking guy with a blue and yellow outfit. Has a blue cape and an eyepatch,
which certifies his badassness. Carries a scimitar
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
Guan Yu's Escape 201 AD (Guan Yu vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Guan Yu's Escape Stage, Cao Cao's side. Defeat Zhou Can, Chen Zen, and Guan
Ping. The special item will appear on the northeast side of the fort Guan Ping is in (basically right
next to you) Grab it and finish the stage. A key here is to work as fast as possible, so you have a
lot of time to take out the 3 officers you must kill. You don't want to let the carriage get too far
ahead of you or you're screwed.
Attack 1: A wide slash. Somewhat slow, but will clear out the enemies in front of you.
Attack 2: Upward Slash. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: A powerful downward Slash. Dizzies anyone it hits. Not that much range or area of
Attack 4: A big spinning slash. Clears out just about everyone around you, making this a staple
Attack 5: A high slash. Standard high juggling attack.
Attack 6: Shoots a shockwave from his sword. Blasts enemies in front of you, however, it's hard to
aim this move at a single enemy you're trying to hit.
Musou Attack: Rapid fire series of slashes. Good for doing damage or smashing up a group of
enemies. Wide slash at the end is also a good enemy clearer.
Overall Assessment: Xiahou Dun is a good all around character with good speed and power. He
can clear out crowds when he needs to, and can take down single enemies pretty well. A powerful
character with no glaring flaws.

Zhang He
“So… was the enemy camp pretty?”
History: Once under the command of Yuan Shao, he was forced into a tight corner due to false
charges brought against him by Guo Tu. He then went on to serve Cao Cao and fought mainly
against the Shu forces, where his abilities were acknowledged by Zhuge Liang. At the Battle of Jie
Ting, he surrounded Ma Su and defeated him. He is counted among the Five Generals of Wei.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: He's the only guy in the game who carries a claw so you can't miss him. Is the
spitting image of Vega from the Street Fighter series.
Stages Played
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: - Guan Du Stage, Cao Cao's side. With Wen Chou and Yan Liang still alive, you
must find and burn the enemy's supply depot. On the map, you will see there are four small forts.
Randomly, one of these will be the enemy's supply depot. I recommend using the Red Hare saddle
if you have it. Go to each of the forts, and there will be one or two officers there. Kill them to
open the gate. Once you pass through the gates, you will be told if it is or is not the supply depot.
If it's not, get back on your horse and get to the next one. If it is, you will see a cutscene. Once
you've found the supply depot, you will find an enemy officer inside. Kill him, and you will see a
cutscene where the depot is burned. After this, the special item report will appear around the center
of the map where the 3 rivers meet. Grab the item and finish the stage normally.
Attack 1: A forward strike with both claws. Good to clear out a few enemies in front of you.
Attack 2: A High kick. Basic Juggling move.
Attack 3: A strike similar to Attack 1, but with better range and dizzying power. This is a good
attack to use often to beat down a group of enemies.
Attack 4: He flies across the field with a claw extended, nailing anyone in his way. This is an
awesome attack for getting you away from a large group and doing some damage at the same time.
Use it often.
Attack 5: A backflip kick. Basic High Juggling move.
Attack 6: He takes a backstep and does a hard strike. Not very impressive, but useful when he gets
his fourth weapon due to the instant kill power. You can double tap T for a double strike which
makes it even more effective.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of sliding claw strikes. This will decimate anyone in his path,
and can clear out a group and get you to safety all at once.
Overall Assessment: One of my favorite characters, Zhang He is very fast, has decent power, and
has some excellent moves, which can allow him to take out large groups of enemies with relative

Dian Wei
“Idiot! Why do you rush to die?”
History: A giant of a man often referred to as pure evil. Served as Cao Cao's personal bodyguard
and was constantly by his side. After Zhang Xiu's night attack on Wan Castle, he alone stood
before the enemy troops, giving his life so that Cao Cao could escape.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: He's big, he's bald, he has a big ol' axe. Fear him.
Stages Played
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Wan Castle 197 AD (Cao Cao vs Zhang Xiu)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Wan Castle Stage, Cao Cao's side. Defeat Hu Che. The supply troop will appear
to the east of Hu Che's position and head toward the entry point guarded by Jia Xu. Kill the captain
to get the item.
Attack 1: A spinning axe attack that will clear out enemies close to you. Short range on this one,
but still a fairly useful crowd clearer.
Attack 2: A big upward slash that juggles the enemy pretty high. It can also hit a group of enemies
at the same time.
Attack 3: A stomping attack. Will dizzy enemies it hits. Short range on this attack.
Attack 4: Throws his axe, which returns to him like a boomerang. Knocks back anyone it hits.
Good range makes this a useful crowd clearer.
Attack 5: An upward Axe swing. Juggles the enemy very high, and makes it easy to combo them.
Attack 6: Shoots out a shockwave. Will nail any foe it hits, but it's hard to connect it on a single
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of axe strikes, followed by a spinning attack. Pretty good move
to use as a crowd clearer.
Overall Assessment: Dian Wei is pretty slow, but has great strength. His axe attacks also cover a
wide range, so he can hit a lot of enemies at the same time with his normal attacks. His special
attacks are also pretty useful as crowd control, making him a solid choice if you can get by his lack
of speed.

Xu Zhu
“Food has been prepared! You can’t fight on an empty stomach!”
History: An extremely large man possibly as big around as he is tall. As capable in battle as the
great Dian Wei, he also served as Cao Cao's personal bodyguard. Normally an average and absent-
minded man, he transformed on the battlefield, fighting with the fierceness of a tiger, earning him
the nickname Crazy Tiger.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with a Wei general or he is unlocked if you have a DW2 save on
your memory card.
Description: Fat guy with a big club with a rock on the end of it. Acts like a complete idiot in most
cut scenes he's included in.
Stages Played
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Tong Gate 211 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Tong Gate stage, Cao Cao's side. Kill Ma Dai and Pang De. Then enter the fort
and get to the southeast corner of the fort. The special item will appear there.
Attack 1: A spinning club strike. Very slow (as are most of his attacks), but will clear out a lot of
Attack 2: Upward club swing. Standard juggling attack, but it can hit a group of foes if you aim at
Attack 3: A powerful swing that is EXTREMELY slow, but will hit a lot of guys and dizzy them.
Attack 4: Swings his club in a wide range. It will clear out most of the guys around you but is (you
guessed it) slow.
Attack 5: Upward club swing. Standard high juggling attack.
Attack 6: Press the T button rapidly here. He does a series of belly bops that knock the enemies
back, but there's a big payoff in the end, a massive butt drop that causes an earthquake and hits
practically everyone around you in a wide range and knocks them back.
Musou Attack: He swings his club in a broad range, which hits a lot of guys and does nice damage.
After this move, he tires himself out and lays down for a split second which may leave him open to
Overall Assessment: As you probably guessed by my descriptions of his attacks, this guy is slow
with a capital S. Almost all of his attacks have a delay of some sort, leaving him wide open to be
countered. However, his power is immense, and he can hit a lot of enemies, making him good at
fighting crowds. If you can get his 3rd weapon, his Last special attack is both powerful and useful
for hitting a group of characters at the same time. If you use him though, I highly advise you to
equip Shell Armor or SOMETHING that enhances his bow defense, as he’s likely to get chopped
up by archers, especially when his swings are slow, and sometimes archers run away before he

Zhen Ji
“I am as good as you my lords!”
History: A woman of peerless beauty. She was married to Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi.
However, when Cao Cao captured the Ji Province, his son, Cao Pi, fell in love with her at first sight
and immediately made her his wife.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with a Wei general or she is unlocked if you have a DW2 save on
your memory card.
Description: Hot chick in a blue dress. Carries a flute, which she beats the crap out of people with.
Her husband is a no name general in this game. She also appears for about 2 pages in the book.
Stages Played
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Dark Moon Flute – On the Jie Ting stage, defeat Jiang Wei. After that, you will
see a precious item report near Zhuge Liang's camp. Grab the weapon then clear the stage.
Attack 1: A spinning kick that clears out anyone it hits. Good forward range makes this a useful
clear out move.
Attack 2: A reverse upward kick. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A spinning pirouette style kick. Dizzies anyone it hits, forward range isn't too good, but
it will clear out anyone around you.
Attack 4: A powerful kick. Sends enemies it hits flying back a good distance, but the attack range
is pretty poor.
Attack 5: A double flip kick. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Plays her flute creating an energy blast that dizzies anyone it hits. This move hits
everyone around her with great area of effect. An awesome attack.
Musou Attack: She plays her flute, creating an energy field that blasts anyone around her for
several hits. Very useful to get her out of a tight group of enemies, but it's easy for a powerful
enemy to block, making it risky in that situation unless you are using it to counter attack.
Overall Assessment: Zhen Ji is a good character because of two things. Her Musou attack, and her
Attack 6 (see above) these allow her to take out a large group of enemies at once. Along with this,
she boasts good speed, but doesn't have great power or range.

Sima Yi
“My dynasty will be built on your death!”
History: A Wei vassal. He was promoted after Cao Cao recognized his talent and ability. In the
battle with Shu, he refused to be lured out by Zhuge Liang, putting his heart and soul into a strong
defensive effort, which resulted in victory. After serving four generations of the Cao family, he
won a battle with Cao Shuang to seize control of Wei Empire, laying the foundation for what would
eventually become the Jin Dynasty.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with a Wei General other than Dian Wei, Zhen Ji, or Zhang Liao
Description: Similar outfit to Zhuge Liang, except he's blue and purple, and carries a fan.
Stages Played
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle of Jie Ting 228 A.D. (Shu vs Wei)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Wu Zhang Plains, Wei side. Kill Zhang Bao, then wait about 20 minutes (!) At
around the initial point of Zhang Bao's area, a supply team will appear. Kill the captain to get…
Nothing! (What the hell…?) But fear not, a special item report will appear at the entry point
southeast of Shu's base.
Attack 1: His fan floats around him in a circle. This attack is slow, but will hit all the enemies
around him
Attack 2: His fan flies straight up to juggle the enemy. Cool looking, but kind of slow.
Attack 3: He creates a barrier in front of him and shoots a laser beam out, both of which
can dizzy the enemy. This is a useful dizzy attack that hits guys both in front of him directly, and a
long way off.
Attack 4: He creates a wave of energy that blasts and knocks back any foe it hits. Great forward
range makes this a useful clear out move.
Attack 5: His fan flies up to juggle the enemy. Same as the other move, but juggles people higher.
Attack 6: He shoots a series of laser beams. You can tap T to continue this attack. The beams are
hard to connect with, but do a lot of damage if they hit.
Musou Attack: He shoots an array of laser beams which blast anyone in front of you. Great against
Archer groups and marauding attackers.
Overall Assessment: Sima Yi is better than his fan wielding counterpart, Zhuge Liang, however
that’s not saying much. He suffers from the same lack of range and power, but has some nicer
moves, including a great running attack. He tends to do pretty well on early stages, but gets
stomped on the higher ones when his weaknesses tend to be exploited more.

Cao Cao
“I will show you the path to the spirit world”
History: The Wei ruler. He was labeled the "hero of a troubled land." Skilled in the arts and in
warfare, he wrote numerous books on strategy and tactics. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he
joined the Imperial army, distinguishing himself on the field of battle. Following the death of Dong
Zhuo, he strengthened his foothold in the troubled central plains, there by establishing the
foundation for what would become the giant Wei Empire.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Wei generals
Description: Wears bluish purple robes, carries a sword, and is the ultimate badass of the 3
Kingdoms. Fear him
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Wan Castle 197 AD (Cao Cao vs Zhang Xiu)
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Tong Gate 211 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Wrath of Heaven – Yellow Turban Stage, Han side. You must defeat Zhang Bao
and Zhang Liang without any gates being lost on either side. Once you've done this, a supply team
will appear on the northwest enemy entry point, and will make its way to the entry point on the top
center of the screen. Kill the supply captain to get the weapon. To get this, I recommend having
two players, the first player must be using Cao Cao, and the second one can be anybody, preferably
someone you have powered up. Also both players should equip the Red Hare Saddle. Take the
second player to the east end where the boulders are dropping, and kill the general there. Have Cao
Cao be hiding in a safe place. Once the first enemy is gone, put your second player in a safe place,
and take Cao Cao to the west end and kill the enemy there. Several morale messages will appear,
followed by the appearance of the supply captain. Once you kill the general, get back on Red Hare
and make your way to the northwest gate, then move toward the central gate, catch up to and kill
the supply captain. Then take out the boss to clear the stage. This weapon is a pain to get, but it's
well worth it.
Attack 1: Basic frontal slash. Useful for taking out a group of guys who are in front of you.
Attack 2: Standard upward slash that juggles the enemy.
Attack 3: A forward slash that will dizzy anyone it connects with. Not a very wide range, but
useful for taking out enemies in front of you.
Attack 4: Wide sweeping sword hit. Will knock back anyone who it hits, and will knock them
quite a ways away. However, this attack will only hit those in front of you, so be careful.
Attack 5: High upward slash. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: This attack is just a big wide slash. What makes it special is you can continue to hit T
after the initial slash for a rapid-fire series of attacks. This attack lets you plow through a bunch of
guys in a hurry, and is devastating in combination with Cao Cao's fourth weapon.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire Series of Sword Strikes. Nothing fancy, but if you connect with a lot
of them, you can do high damage, or work your way through a crowd.
Overall Assessment: Cao Cao isn't as good at crowd control as some of the other generals, but he's
pretty powerful, and is very good at direct attacks. He's also well balanced between power and
speed. His biggest weakness is his lack of versatile special moves; most of his stuff is pretty basic.
He becomes a lot more dangerous once you get him a 6 hit weapon though, then he can plow
through the ranks quickly, and becomes an absolute monster if you get his fourth weapon.

Xu Huang
“Come! Won’t you cross swords with me?”
History: A servant of Yang Feng, he joined Cao Cao after being persuaded by Man Chong. He
served as an important part of the Wei forces. A wise and valiant general, Cao Cao labeled him "A
match for Sun Tzu!" after his victory over the army of Guan Yu at Fan Castle. He is counted among
the Five Generals of Wei.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Wei generals
Description: Wears a turban with his blue and white outfit, and has a battle axe.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Wan Castle 197 AD (Cao Cao vs Zhang Xiu)
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at Tong Gate 211 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Fourth Weapon: Fan Castle Stage, Wei side. Kill Guan Ping before the flood event. The precious
item will then appear around the northeast edge of the ground level. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A big halberd swing. A little slow, but very effective at clearing out enemies.
Attack 2: Upward Swing. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A downward strike, that dizzies anyone it hits. Good range, but only against enemies
right in front of you.
Attack 4: A HUGE swinging attack. A little slow, but very nice to clear out a crowd.
Attack 5: Powerful upward strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He stomps with his halberd and his foot, which creates an earthquake, blasting everyone
around him. Very useful as a clear out move.
Musou Attack: A rapid-fire series of one-handed swings. Very cool for cutting through a big
Overall Assessment: Turban Boy is a pretty well balanced character, leaning more toward power
than speed. His attacks are pretty slow, but they do good damage, and cover a wide range, making
him a pretty good character, especially when he gets his 3rd weapon and can do his stomp attack.
Not the best, but far from the worst.

Xiahou Yuan
“I eat people like that for lunch!”
History: A Wei officer and brother to Xiahou Dun. He worked with Cao Cao from the beginning,
bearing one wing of Cao Cao's newly formed army. Famous for his lightning quick attacks, he had
a long list of accomplishments, including defeating Ma Chao. However, at the Battle of Mt. Ding
Jun, he was drawn out by a Shu general, and killed by Huang Zhong
Unlocking: During the Mt. Ding Jun stage, in the Shu scenario, defeat Xiahou Yuan.
Description: Fat guy in blue armor, has a big sword, and wishes he could be half as cool as his
brother Dun.
Fourth Weapon: Mt. Ding Jun stage, Wei scenario. After Huang Zhong runs down the mountain,
kill him. The special item will then appear in an alcove to the west of Huang Zhong's initial
position. Grab it and finish the stage.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Guan Du 200 (Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle of Mt Ding Jun 219 AD (Shu vs Wei)
The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains 234 AD (Shu vs Wei)
Attack 1: Spinning sword strike. Decent speed, and a good crowd clearer.
Attack 2: Upward slash that juggles enemies, and can hit a lot of guys at once.
Attack 3: A wide sword slash that can dizzy a large group of foes at once, and is a good move to
use in crowds.
Attack 4: A downward slash that knocks back enemies. Good forward range, but not that good in
a group.
Attack 5: Upward slash. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: A rapid-fire series of slashes, similar to Cao Cao's. Rapidly press T to extend the attack.
Musou Attack: Rapid-fire sword swings. Nice move to thin out and escape from crowds.
Overall Assessment: Much like Brother Dun, Xiahou Yuan is a pretty good character overall. His
fighting style is somewhat similar to Xiahou Dun, but he’s a little slower and stronger. He’s also
good with a bow if you like fighting from afar. Overall, he’s a solid character that you can’t go
wrong with, but his brother is cooler so given the choice, I’d go with him.

Zhang Liao
“I Zhang Liao will oppose you!”
History: In the beginning, he fought in various battles under Lu Bu. After Lu Bu's death, he served
under Cao Cao. During his defense of He Fei, he managed to repel over 100,000 Wu troops with
just 800 men. He was so feared that it was said that even crying children stopped their tears when
he appeared. He was promoted to the head of the Five Wei Generals.
Unlocking: At the He Fei stage, in the Wu scenario, defeat Zhang Liao
Description: Wears turquoise armor, and has a big spear. Can't think of a funny comment here.
Stages Played
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chang Ban 208 AD (Liu Bei vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at Tong Gate 211 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: He Fei stage, Wei side. Kill Zhou Tai. The special item will appear to the north
of the broken bridge. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A sweeping strike. Can clear out a crowd, but it's slow and can be countered.
Attack 2: Upward slash. Standard juggling attack
Attack 3: Jumping downward slash. Useful against a small group of enemies to get them dizzy.
Attack 4: A spinning kick. Somewhat of a delay, but good to knock back enemies in front of you.
Attack 5: Upward slash. Standard high juggling attack, but can hit a lot of enemies at once.
Attack 6: Creates a wind barrier around him that blasts any foe near him. Nice move to clear out a
Musou Attack: Rapid fire slashes. Can be used to do big damage to one foe, or to cut your way
through a group.
Overall Assessment: Zhang Liao is a very powerful all around character with no glaring
weaknesses. His spear gives him good crowd control ability, and his other skills including speed,
and power are solid all around. His Charge 6 attack is an awesome move that is great for clearing
out a big group of enemies. All around, he ranks among the top fighters in the game and is a great


Wu guys usually have good speed and defense. Also, there are a lot of guys here with interesting
weapons and fighting styles to give some variety to your play.

Zhou Yu
“This victory shall belong to Wuuuuuuuuuuu!”
History: Is the sworn brother of his Lord, Sun Ce. According the Sun Ce's will, he became chief
lieutenant to the young Sun Quan. At the Battle of Chi Bi, he served as the commander, leading his
fleet to victory over the much larger forces of Cao Cao. He was often complemented on his good
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: Handsome man in a red robe and has a slender sword. The term "Pretty Boy" comes
to mind.
Stages Played
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Assault on Wu Territory 197 AD (Sun Ce vs Allies)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Ancient's Sword – Chi Bi Stage, Sun Quan's side. Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang
He, and the special item will appear south of where Cao Cao starts. Get the item and clear the
Attack 1: A wide slash. Pretty fast, and it takes out enemies in a wide path in front of you.
Attack 2: Upward slash. Standard juggling attack, but it can take out a couple guys at once.
Attack 3: A forward stabbing attack that dizzies anyone it hits. However, this attack's range is so
poor, it will probably only hit one or two guys at once.
Attack 4: A jumping attack that knocks down anyone it hits. However, it doesn't do a very good
job at getting you out of a group.
Attack 5: High upward slash. Standard high juggling attack.
Attack 6: Shoots a disc shaped energy blast in front of him. A pretty good attack that has range,
and can hit a group of enemies.
Musou Attack: A rapid-fire series of slashes. Pretty basic stuff, but it can hit a lot of enemies and
get you out of a bind.
Overall Assessment: Zhou Yu is a fairly well balanced character, with good speed, although he's a
little short on the power department. His running attack is excellent for cutting through crowds,
and you can rapidly hit the button for up to 6 slashes. A choice for the more experienced player.

Huang Gai
“It takes guts to stand before me!”
History: An officer with Wu since the days of Sun Jian. A master of the iron staff. At the Battle of
Chi Bi, together with Zhou Yu, he hatched the "Last Resort" plan. After being "attacked" by Zhou
Yu, Huang Gai surrendered to Cao Cao, where he then set fire to the Wei fleet, leading to a great
victory for Wu.
Unlocking: Starting Character
Description: Big bald dude with a big club. Unlike Xu Zhu and other big guys, is able to move
slightly faster than a slug.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Surprise Attack on Liu Biao 192 AD (Sun Jian vs Liu Biao)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Black Shadow – Chi Bi Stage, Wu Side. Defeat Zhang Liao. The special item
will then appear near Zhuge Liang's place of prayer. Grab it then finish off the stage.
Attack 1: A wide club swing. Takes out foes in front of you and is reasonably fast.
Attack 2: A powerful swing that juggles a group of enemies at once.
Attack 3: A high kick. Dizzies enemies that it hits, but has poor range and will only hit guys
directly in front of you.
Attack 4: A big forward smash. It will knock an enemy that it hits VERY far back, but the area of
effect is poor, and it won't hit many foes.
Attack 5: A upward swing. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: A stomp attack that will clear out all the enemies around you. Very nice as a crowd
control move.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of swings. Can do some good damage, and also has good ability
to clear out a group.
Overall Assessment: As you might expect from a big guy wielding a club, Huang Gai is very
powerful, although somewhat slow. He's still fast enough to do his damage though, unlike some
other big characters in the game. His special attacks don't give him much crowd clearing ability,
till you get a 6 hit weapon, but his regular attacks still cover a good range, making him decent at
crowd control

Sun Shang Xiang
“Don’t underestimate be just because I am a woman”
History: The daughter of the Sun clan. She is the younger sister of both Sun Ce and Sun Quan. A
somewhat manly woman, she took interest in the martial arts form a young age. She later became
Liu Bei's wife, but it is said that her ladies-in-waiting were constantly outside her room, dressed in
full armor.
Description: Hot chick in red, carries a pair of chakram (bladed rings)
Unlocking: Starting Character
Stages Played
The Mountain Bandit Campaign
The Battle at Chi BI 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Wu vs Nanman)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress (vs Zhang Fei)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: You Ting Stage, Wu side. Kill Cao Xiu. The special item will appear next to
Cao Xiu's initial position. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A twirling upside down kick. This move is fast, and will knock back enemies close to
Attack 2: Upward strike with one chakram. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: Throws her chakram out which hits practically every enemy close to you and dizzies
them. A very useful attack. Good speed too.
Attack 4: She throws out both chakram, which travel in a circular motion and knock back
practically everyone around you. Great crowd control move.
Attack 5: Upward slash with both chakram. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Throws out both her chakram which travel in a very wide range, and hit the enemies
multiple times. Very good move for damage and clearing out a crowd. You can also rapidly press
T to rack up more hits.
Musou Attack: She tosses her chakram multiple times to nail anyone it hits for decent damage.
She ends with a spinning attack that hits enemies all around you. Good move for doing damage to
a large group of foes.
Overall Assessment: SSX doesn't have much range or power, but she has great speed and amazing
clear out capability. Many of her attacks hit a wide range of enemies and hit everyone around you.
This makes her great for going into a thick group of enemies and clearing her way out of them.

Lu Xun
“Do you think you can evade my swords?”
History: A Wu officer and married to Sun Ce's daughter. A very thoughtful young man whose
distinguished service was rewarded with a promotion from Sun Quan. In cooperation with Lu
Meng, he managed to defeat Guan Yu and succeeded in recapturing the Jing Province. Also, at the
Battle of Yi Ling, he served as Supreme Commander, leading Wu to a carefully planned victory
over Liu Bei and the massive Shu army.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with one Wu general, or he is unlocked if you have a DW2 save on
your memory card.
Description: Pretty boy character with two swords, and a funny hat.
Stages Played
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Falcon - Yi Ling stage, Wu Side. Either Lu Meng or Gan Ning must stay alive
while you do this. First you must break though the stone warrior formation which is the square
area on the south area of the map. You won't see a map on the main screen, but you can pause to
see where you are. Enter through the top, then make your way around clockwise till you reach the
exit on the west side. Head towards Liu Bei. On the way there, Zhuge Liang's unit will appear.
Defeat Zhuge Liang. The precious item will then appear in the northeast side of the maze. Grab it,
then make your way back and defeat Liu Bei to finish the stage.
Attack 1: A spinning attack with both swords. Rather fast, and good for clearing crowds.
Attack 2: Double upward sword attack. Standard juggling move, but with good width.
Attack 3: A quick jumping strike. Fast and covers a good distance, dizzying anyone it hits.
Attack 4: A double flipping attack that clears out anyone it hits. Short range, but it carries the
death element once you get his fourth weapon.
Attack 5: A spinning upward sword strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Sends shockwaves out in two directions in front of him. Good range, and can hit a large
group of foes, but won't always hit guys directly in front of you.
Musou Attack: Rapid fire series of strikes. Very fast, and good for clearing out a crowd or
damaging a single tough foe.
Overall Assessment: Lu Xun is a good character with well rounded abilities, emphasis is on speed.
He's good at clearing out attackers, and becomes an absolute monster with his fourth weapon. His
biggest weakness is lack of range, but you can equip items (or his fourth weapon) to improve on

Da Qiao
“I am not afraid of anything!”
History: The daughter of Qiao Xuan. She later married Sun Ce of the Wu Kingdom. Together with
he younger sister, Xiao Qiao, they were known as two of the world's great beauties and referred to
as the "Two Qiaos." It is said that their beauty shone brighter than any moon or star and put the
most beautiful flower to shame.
Unlocking: Either beat Musou mode with one Wu general, or she is unlocked at the beginning if
you have a DW 2 save on your card
Description: 12 year old girl with fans, black hair and a pink outfit.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Surprise Attack on Liu Biao 192 AD (Sun Jian vs Liu Biao)
Assault on Wu Territory 197 AD (Sun Ce vs Allies)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Siege of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: You Ting stage, Wu Side. Kill Zhang He. The special item will appear at the
dead end to the west of the northwest entry point. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: She hops in the air and throws both her fans around her. This is a good attack to clear
out enemies close to you.
Attack 2: Uppercut with one fan. Basic juggling move.
Attack 3: Throws her fans a short distance in front of her, dizzying any enemy they hit. Fairly
useful as a crowd control move, but the range is overall poor.
Attack 4: A swooping attack with both fans outstretched. This is a VERY useful attack, that is
both fast, and can clear out a crowd and get you out of a jam in a hurry.
Attack 5: She tosses both fans into the air, juggling anyone they hit. This can knock several
enemies into the air at once, however, it's very difficult to do follow up hits afterward.
Attack 6: She tosses both fans out in front of her. Useful when taking on a single enemy, it can
inflict multiple hits, but is hard to connect with.
Musou: The first part has her twirling her fans in front of her, you can rotate this move with the
analog stick, to take out enemies around you. She ends it with a fan throw that extends all the way
around her several times, clearing out enemies all around. The first part of this attack is useful to
rack up combo hits if you're just facing one enemy.
Overall Assessment: Da Qiao has some of the fastest attacks in the game, and is an excellent hit
and run character. She lacks strength, and her higher weapons don't improve that much, but she can
cut through a group of attackers quickly. Her jumping attack is very useful, as is her non Musou 6
hit combo, which is excellent for clearing crowds.

Xiao Qiao
“I don’t lose to anyone!”
History: The daughter of Qiao Xuan. She later married Zhou Yu of Wu. Together with her older
sister, Da Qiao, they were referred to as the "Two Qiaos." Upon hearing a rumor by Zhuge Liang
that Cao Cao was after the Qiao sisters, Zhou Yu proposed war to Sun Quan, effectively drawing
the Wu Kingdom into the Battle of Chi Bi.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with either Zhou Yu or Da Qiao
Description: 12 year old girl with brown hair, fans, and a greenish outfit.
Stages Played
Pirate Attack on the High Seas
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Nanman stage, Wu side. Kill Zhu Rong. The special item will appear to the east
of the bridge on the northwest side of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: Throws both fans in a circle around her. This attack can clear out enemies on both sides.
Attack 2: A short upward slash with her fan. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: Throws her fan in a circle, dizzying those it hits. Good radius of effect on this attack.
Attack 4: Throws her fans, one in front of her, the other straight behind her. This attack knocks
back anyone it hits, and has good range, though it won't hit enemies to your sides, making it
somewhat risky in a big crowd.
Attack 5: A big upward fan strike, lifts the enemy high up for a juggle. Much easier to combo with
than her sister's high juggle attack.
Attack 6: Press T rapidly here, she rolls repeatedly, and hits enemies around her. Fairly useful as a
clear out move.
Musou Attack: Goes into a rolling spin, nailing any foes around her. This attack is fairly useful for
getting out of a crowd, but is somewhat hard to control. The double fan throw at the end is nice for
clearing crowds.
Overall Assessment: Xiao Qiao isn't as good as her sister by any stretch of the imagination. Her
attacks are still very fast, but her special moves aren't as useful for getting her out of a sticky
situation. She does get a fourth weapon with a death element though, which is a plus in her favor.
Also, her running in attack is just plain horrible. She jumps at the enemy, then falls on her face,
while she's getting up, she's WIDE open to get attacked.

Sun Jian
“Mmmm… Great!”
History: A great hero who is descended from the legendary Sun Tzu. He made a name for himself
by defeating a band of pirates. After distinguishing himselft in battle against the Yellow Turbans,
he became the governor of Chang Sha. He served as the vanguard for the Allied forces aginst Dong
Zhuo, being the first to reach the city Luo Yang. Following the battle, he found the Imperial Seal
hidden within a well and took it back home with him.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Wu generals
Description: Has gold armor, and carries a sword. He's the big boss of Wu, unless he happens to
get slaughtered during your campaign.
Stages Played
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Suprise Attack on Liu Biao 192 AD (Sun Jian vs Liu Biao)
Assault on Wu Territory 197 AD (Sun Ce vs Allies)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Savage Wolf – Liu Biao Stage, Sun Jian's side. Kill Lu Gong. Once he's dead,
the special item will appear at the entrance to the path that led to Lu Gong. Backtrack to the item
and grab it. Then finish the stage as normal.
Attack 1: Broad slash with the sword. Will hit pretty much every enemy in front of you.
Attack 2: Jumping upper slash. Standard juggling attack
Attack 3: A quick charging slash that dizzies enemies hit by it. Fast, but not much range, or area
of effect.
Attack 4: A reverse thrusting attack, knocks back anyone it hits. Poor width, not very useful for
clearing crowds.
Attack 5: Powerful upward slash. Standard High Juggling Attack. This attack gains a fire element
for extra damage once you get his fourth weapon
Attack 6: Shoots a shockwave from his sword. Good range, and it will rip through enemies in
front of you.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of sword strikes. This is a pretty good attack, capable of
clearing out crowds, and doing damage to a big enemy if you want.
Overall Assessment: Sun Jian is a very direct attacker. He's got fair attacking speed and good
power. However his crowd control capabilities are not very good. He becomes much better at
fighting his enemies, if you equip him with a Wind Scroll to improve his reach. He can hit more
enemies this way, making him more effective in crowds.

Sun Ce
“This is war! Mercy is for the weak!”
History: The oldest son of Sun Jian. After his father's death, Sun Ce went to serve Yang Shu.
Later, borrowing 3000 troops in exchange for the Imperial Seal, he went on to raise his own army.
In a short while, he had already stabilized the land of Jian Dong, leading to his nickname of the
"Little King." Starting with his old friend Zhou Yu, he went on to gather many talented officers.
thereby laying the foundation for the Wu Kingdom.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with two Wu generals
Description: Carries tonfa (nightsticks) and is a badass because he uses them.
Stages Played
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Assault on Wu Territory 197 AD (Sun Ce vs Allies)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Overlord – Wu Territory Stage, Wu Side. Make Taishi Ci surrender to you by
defeating the enemy in the lower right. The special item will appear in the area where Taishi Ci
starts. Grab it then finish the stage.
Attack 1 Rolls forward and does a short sweeping attack with both tonfas. Fairly useful to clear
out those in front of you.
Attack 2: Backflip kick. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A short charging attack that dizzies those it hits. Good range, and fast. Useful to get out
of trouble with.
Attack 4: A spinning attack with both tonfas. Good frontal clear out ability.
Attack 5: A stronger backflip kick. Basic high juggling move, but is does have better combo
power than some others.
Attack 6: Rapid fire tonfa assault. Rapidly press T here for more hits. Extremely useful to rack up
a big combo on a single enemy. The ending strike can hit enemies all around you. Don't use this
one in a group though because range is pretty poor. Musou Attack: A repeated series of forward
dashing strikes, ending with a big jumping attack. Fairly standard Musou attack, but it does decent
Overall Assessment: Sun Ce has some great straight forward attacks and can often do heavy
damage to single enemies. His speed is also pretty good. His major weakness comes in fighting a
large group of enemies, he doesn’t have too many attacks to get him out of a group. Still, he has
decent all around capability and can do some big damage in the right hands.

Taishi Ci
“I’ll crush anyone who stands in my way!”
History: With his strong sense of duty and a feeling of obligation to his mother, he saved Kong
Rong, the viceroy of Bei Hai, from danger. Later, he serves Liu Yong and fights Sun Ce to a draw.
Liu Yong eventually loses to Sun Ce, forcing Taishi Ci to submit to Sun Ce, serving him from there
Unlocking: During the Wu scenario, Assault on Wu Territory Stage. Defeat Liu Yiu with Taishi
Ci still alive (Musou mode only)
Description: Big dude with armor and two massive sticks that he uses to pound his enemies into
Stages Played
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
Suprise Attack on Liu Biao 192 AD (Sun Jian vs Liu Biao)
The Battle at Chi BI 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Wu vs Nanman)
Fourth Weapon: Assault on Wu Territory, Allied side. Kill all the enemy generals except Sun Ce.
The Special item report will then appear in the area in front of the center north entry point. Grab it
and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A sweeping swing with both rods. Kinda slow, but damaging and will clear out enemies
in front of you.
Attack 2: A fast sweeping strike. Standard juggling move, but can hit multiple enemies.
Attack 3: A downward swipe. Will dizzy any enemy it hits, but will only hit guys right in front of
you, limiting its effectiveness.
Attack 4: A straight strike with both rods. Will knock enemies right in front of you way back. Not
useful as a crowd clearer. If you get his fourth weapon, lightning will affect the guy you hit.
Attack 5: High upward strike. Standard high juggling move, but it can hit a group of enemies. If
you do a follow up hit to the enemy, they will be charged with lightning when they hit the ground.
Attack 6: Mash T here for rapid fire rod strikes. This will do a lot of damage to single enemies,
but don't use it in a crowd, even though the hit at the end can clear out some foes around you.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of rod strikes. Pretty basic stuff, yet it does the job it needs to
Overall Assessment: Taishi Ci is pretty slow, and his attacks don’t affect a wide variety of
enemies. However, he’s got great strength, and is very good at attacking single enemies. He’s fun
to play as overall, but is probably best suited for a more experienced player. His lack of crowd
control ability is improved somewhat if you get his fourth weapon.

Gan Ning
“You’re in good hands… you’re in MY hands! Ha ha ha ha!”
History: A former pirate, he attached bells to himself and surrounded himself with other ruffians.
He served under both Liu Biao and Huang Zu, but after being passed over for promotion, took his
services to Sun Quan, who at the recommendation of Zhou Yu and Lu Su, welcomed him to Wu.
He later fought at Chi Bi and in he campaign against Wei.
Unlocking: He Fei stage, Wei scenario, after Gan Ning appearance event, defeat Gan
Ning. (Musou mode only)
Description: Wears no shirt, has red pants with bells on em (wtf?) and carries a fairly big
Stages Played
Pirate Attack on the High Seas
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Shu vs Nanman)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: He Fei stage, Wu side. Wait for the Taishi Ci death event. A supply team will
appear at the entry point at the northwest of the map and head toward the entry point on the
southwest side of the map. Kill the captain to get the item.
Attack 1: A sweeping strike with some good range and frontal clearing ability, but there's a slight
delay on the attack.
Attack 2: An uppercut punch. Other than being one of the few non weapon strikes in the game,
and thus being cool, it's a standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A powerful sword slash that dizzies foes that it hits. Can take out a line of enemies, but
only those on your right side.
Attack 4: A sweeping strike that carries good speed, and will knockback anyone in front of you,
but the forward range is rather poor.
Attack 5: Upward slash that juggles the enemies high, and can also hit a group of foes at once.
Attack 6: He stomps the ground twice, sending out shockwaves each time. The shockwaves do a
lot of damage, but are hard to connect with.
Musou Attack: He rushes the enemy with his sword, wasting anyone in his path, then strikes at the
end. Hard to control against a single enemy, but this is very useful to get him out of danger, take
out a group, or rush at enemy archers. Enemies who get hit with this take pretty good damage.
Overall Assessment: Gan Ning is very fast with both movement and attacks. He’s pretty well
balanced overall with fair attacks, although he’s not as effective as some sword wielders. Also his
Musou attack takes a lot of getting used to.

Lu Meng
“I have nothing against you… but this is war!”
History: Already an accomplished warrior, he devoted himself to learning and became a paradigm
of wisdom and valor after being admonished by Sun Quan. He was greatly admired by his senor,
Lu Su as a great servant of the Wu Kingdom. Together with Lu Xun, they retook the Jing Province,
capturing the great Guan Yu in the process
Unlocking: Clear the Fan Castle stage with Lu Meng still alive (Musou mode only)
Stages Played
Description: Dude with a spear. Not much funny to say about him.
Pirate Attack on the High Seas
The Yellow Turban Rebellion 184 AD (Han vs Turbans)
The Battle at Hu Lao Gate 191 AD (Allies vs Dong Zhuo)
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
The Battle at Fan Castle 219 AD (Shu vs Allied)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: Fan Castle stage, Allied Side. Kill Guan Ping. The Precious item will appear
southeast of the Wei base, on the middle level platform. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A sweeping halberd strike. A little slow coming out, but it will hit all the enemies
around you.
Attack 2: A wide halberd strike. Can hit a number of enemies and will juggle them.
Attack 3: A downward swing. Decent forward range, and will dizzy enemies in front of you.
Attack 4: A short ranged spinning attack. Will knock back enemies that are right next to you.
Attack 5: Upward strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He shoots out a shockwave, which does a lot of damage and can cut through a group of
enemies right in front of you, but is hard to connect with. If he has his fourth weapon, this will
charge enemies with lightning when hit.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of attacks. Can clear out some enemies, but is better suited for
doing heavy damage to a single foe. He sounds kinda like Fozzie Bear when he does his true
Overall Assessment: Lu Meng is the official standard spear wielding guy for Wu. As a spear
wielding guy, he naturally gets decent crowd control and well rounded abilities. However, he lacks
pizzazz and has the curse of the shockwave on him. The basic shockwave attack is very hard to
aim, and hampers his effectiveness. He’s overall a pretty good character, but isn’t the best of the
spear wielders by a long shot.

Sun Quan
“For the glory of our family!”
History: The first Emperor of the Wu Kingdom. He is the second son of Sun Jian and the younger
brother of Sun Ce. He succeeds the family line, following Sun Ce's sudden death. Of his younger
brother, Sun Ce is to have said, "You believe that your offense is strong, but in actuality, it is your
defense which is stronger." At the Battle of Chi Bi, Sun Quan met the much larger forces for Cao
Cao and managed to emerge victorious
Unlocking: He Fei stage, Taishi Ci death, Sun Quan jump event (Musou mode only)
See the He Fei stage strategy for a detailed description on unlocking him.
Description: He carries a sword, and sounds like a moron. Not much else to say here, now move
Stages Played
The Battle at Chi Bi 208 AD (Allies vs Cao Cao)
Raid on the Rogue Fortress
The Battle at He Fei 215 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Battle at Yi Ling 222 AD (Shu vs Wu)
The Battle at You Ting 228 AD (Wei vs Wu)
The Nanman Campaign 225 AD (Wu vs Nanman)
The Seige of He Fei Castle 234 AD (Wei vs Wu)
Fourth Weapon: He Fei Castle stage, Wu side. Kill Zhang He. The special item will appear to the
east of the pond in the center of the castle. Grab it and finish the stage. Attacks
Attack 1: A sweeping sword strike. Fast and good for clearing out enemies in front of you.
Attack 2: A high upward slash. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: Short dashing strike that dizzies enemies. Fast, and good forward range, but not
effective against a large group.
Attack 4: A double slash attack that clears out practically anyone in front of you. Good move to
use in crowds.
Attack 5: Powerful slash attack. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He shoots a disc of energy which can take out a group of enemies that are in front of you.
More powerful than the standard shockwave attacks that some officers use, because it's easier to hit
with, and can hit a group of guys at once.
Overall Assessment: Sun Quan doesn’t have any huge flaws and is pretty well rounded, but he also
doesn’t have any really cool attacks that make him stand out from the other characters. He can
adapt to nearly any style of play, but he lacks the pizzazz of some other characters. He’s not bad,
but for the pain in the ass you have to go through to unlock him, you’d expect him to be better, and
the other ruler characters (Cao Cao and Liu Bei) are far superior.


Lu Bu
“I am Lu Bu… bow down before me!”
History: The mighty Lu Bu. Skilled in all the martial arts, especially archery and horse ridding. It
was often said, "Among men, Lu Bu... Among horses, Red Hare..." Red Hare, who could run 1000
miles in a single day, and Lu Bu, who burnished his fabled Lunar Spear. Loyal only to himself, he
cut down his own stepfather, Ding Yang, and joined Dong Zhuo, only to later betray him as well.
Unlocking: Defeat 1000 enemies at the Hu Lao gate stage (Musou or Free mode)
Description: HUGE guy with armor and a HUGE spear. Also has a funny looking helmet, but I'm
not going to tell HIM that.
Fourth Weapon: Hu Lao gate stage, Dong Zhuo's side. Kill Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and
Zhang Fei. Make sure to kill Liu Bei last, otherwise Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will take off. Once
you've killed all these guys, a supply team will appear on the northeast part of the map, and head
for the entry point behind Cao Cao's initial position. Kill the captain to get the weapon.
Attack 1: A huge stomp, which causes an earthquake, knocking down everyone around you. Good
radius on this move makes it a good crowd stopper.
Attack 2: An upward thrust with the back end of your weapon. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: Charges forward, dizzying any foe in his path. Useful to get out of a crowd, but doesn't
hit that many enemies, unless they are right in front of you. Gains lightning power with his fourth
Attack 4: A huge swipe with your halberd. Great range all around, this one will clear out pretty
much everyone around you.
Attack 5: A big kick that will knock the enemy high into the air. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Two powerful shots, followed by a big stomp like the one in Attack 1. This will do a lot
of damage to enemies in front of you, then clear out the other guys around you. Tap T rapidly for
more hits. The stomp at the end carries the lightning power when you get his fourth weapon.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of strikes. Good range and power, makes it a good crowd
Overall Assessment: Lu Bu as a playable character isn't as all powerful as the computer controlled
Lu Bu at Hu Lao gate, but he's still a formidable force and one of the best characters in the game.
He has mad range with his attacks, and can cut through the enemy with little effort. His special
attacks are also powerful, and great for clearing out the masses. Once you power him up, he'll be
nearly unstoppable.

Diao Chan
“You dare to be my enemy?”
History: A young songstress unequaled in beauty a well as song and dance. Raised by Wang Yun
as his own daughter. For the sake of Wang, who is fearful of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, she gets chose
to both of them, and succeeds in tearing their relationship apart, with Lu Bu later killing Dong.
Unlocking: Defeat Diao Chan at the Hu Lao gate stage (Musou or Free mode)
Description: Hot chick wearing a white and pink outfit, and carries two weapons that resemble
Fourth Weapon: Gold Globe – Hu Lao Gate Stage, Dong Zhuo's side. Kill Yuan Shu. The special
item will then appear on the left side of Fan Shui Gate. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A quick spinning strike. Short range, but will clear out those around you fairly well.
Attack 2: A quick jumping strike. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A jumping spin strike that dizzies enemies it hits. Poor range.
Attack 4: A strike with your mace, followed by a spin kick. Not much range, but will clear out
enemies directly in front of you.
Attack 5: A powerful upward strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: She shoots two discs on angles in front of her. Tremendous range, and will take out a lot
of enemies.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of jumping strikes. Not very damaging, but useful to clear out a
crowd or get you out of trouble.
Overall Assessment: Diao Chan has very little going for her, other than speed. Her range is very
poor, as is her attacking strength. Once you get her 6 hit weapons, she has a pretty cool special
attack with them, but even that doesn't take out the enemies straight in front of you, leaving her

Dong Zhuo
“Kill them all! Ha ha ha ha!”
History: He served as the governor of Xi Liang, but at the call of He Jin, decided to come to the
capital Luo Yang. Taking advantage of the chaos, he moved to the Imperial Palace, with he pretext
of caring for the child Emperor in order to take over the government for himself. Adopting the
mighty Lu Bu, he seized the throne from the capital to the city of Chang An. His reign of tyranny
came to an end by the hand of Lu Bu, his own adopted son.
Unlocking: Defeat both Lu Bu and Diao Chan at Hu Lao gate Stage (Musou or Free mode)
Description: Fat guy with a purple outfit and carries a sword. No one likes him
Fourth Weapon: Hu Lao gate stage, Dong Zhuo's side. Wait for all of your guys to get killed
except for Diao Chan and Lu Bu. Diao Chan will then defect to the enemy. Pay her back for this
act of treachery by killing her. The special item will appear by the entry point west of the map.
Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: Basic frontal swipe. Fairly useful for clearing out enemies in front of you, but not much
range on it.
Attack 2: Short jumping strike. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: A shoulder butt that dizzies enemies. Very bad range, but can still hit a group of foes, if
they're grouped together.
Attack 4: A powerful thrust attack that knocks the enemy it hits quite a ways away. However, this
attack is only effective on enemies directly in front of you.
Attack 5: A powerful upward slash. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Shoots a beam of energy directly in front of you, blasting anyone it hits. Great range,
useful on single enemies.
Musou Attack: A series of broad sword strikes, followed by a belly flop, which knocks away
anyone in front of you. Decent damage, this attack is best used to escape a large group.
Overall Assessment: Dong Zhuo isn't that great a character, fortunately you don't really have to use
him much. His crowd control ability is poor, but he's got decent power and can do good damage to
single enemies.

Yuan Shao
“I accept the position of… GRAND COMMANDER”
History: A member of the distinguished Yuan clan, he became the leader of the Allied forces in the
movement against Don Zhuo. Following Dong Zhuo's death, he fought with Cao Cao, who was
trying to take control of the central plains. However, despite his large army at the Battle of Guan
Du, internal strife and various other troubles such as the attack of his supply depot led to a major
Unlocking: Guan Du stage, Wei scenario, defeat Yian Liang and Wen Chou (Musou or Free mode)
Description: Has gold armor and a tall helmet. Carries a sword.
Fourth Weapon: Guan Du stage, Yuan Shao's side. Keep Wen Chou alive for 10 minutes. A
supply team will appear north of the southeast fort and head toward the southeast entry point. Kill
the captain to get the weapon.
Attack 1: A spinning sword strike. This attack is fast, and will take out pretty much everyone
around you.
Attack 2: Jumping sword slash. Standard juggling attack.
Attack 3: Broad sword slash, dizzies anyone it hits. Great width on this attack, will take out
everyone in front of you.
Attack 4: A downward slash. Poor range, will knock back anyone it hits.
Attack 5: Powerful upward slash. Standard high juggling move, but easy to combo after.
Attack 6: Sends a shockwave out on a circular motion. Great range, and an excellent crowd
Musou Attack: Rapid fire series of sword slashes. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.
Overall Assessment: Yuan Shao is a good character with some nice crowd control moves, making
him good for big battles. His other attributes are pretty well balanced, making him a solid character
overall. Too bad he can't be used in Musou mode.

Zhang Jiao
“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ye children of the Yellow Turban!”
History: A former government official out of the Ju Lu Territory. He spread his teachings as the
founder of the religious sect known as the Way of Peace. He used the turmoil of the land to gather
the support of the people. With these supporters, he formed the group known as the Yellow
Turbans. Declaring himself the "General of Heaven," he turned against the Han Dynasty, leading
the Yellow Rebellion.
Unlocking: Yellow Turban stage, defeat Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Jiao
Description: Wacky looking guy who carries a staff and can shoot great balls of fire from it. Could
be fearful if he didn't die in the first stage.
Fourth Weapon: Yellow Turban stage, Yellow Turban side. Either defeat all of Cao Cao's
generals, all of Liu Bei's generals, or all of Sun Jian's generals. The special item report will appear
on the southeast side of the river on the north side of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: He plants his staff on the ground, which then splits in two, with a barrier forming
between the two, nailing anyone it hits. Good attack for hitting foes in front of you.
Attack 2: Upward Staff strike. Standard juggling move, but it still hits them up pretty high.
Attack 3: Throws his staff, which returns to him, and anyone it nails is dizzied. Somewhat of an
awkward move, because of its delay of hitting.
Attack 4: Shoots flame at a long distance, knocking back anyone it hits. This attack has great
range, and is good for clearing out enemies in front of you.
Attack 5: A two handed upward strike. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: Shoots a big fireball that travels in a straight path. Damaging, but hard to connect with at
a distance. Attack 3 is more useful. You can rapidly press T to shoot out several fireballs.
Musou Attack: Shoots a group of fireballs at nearby foes, ending with a sweeping fire attack that
hits everyone around him. Good damage, and a good crowd clearing move at the end.
Overall Assessment: Zhang Jiao is a fun character to use, although you can’t use him in Musou
mode. He can do a lot of damage with his fire attacks, and his 4th attack has great range, and can
hit lots of enemies. His physical attacks are kind of weak however.

Meng Huo
“I will cleave through your soul!”
History: The King of Nanman. He controlled the lands south of Shu, but lead a rebellion against
them. He fought with Zhuge Liang, who had come on an expedition, but was no match for Zhuge's
wit. He was captured seven times, and Zhuge Liang released him each time. This impressed him so
much that he agreed to serve Zhuge Liang and the Shu Kingdom.
Unlocking: Nanman stage, defeat Meng Huo all seven times that he appears (Musou mode only)
Description: Massive guy with two weird gloves that he lays a beating on people with. Runs with
both arms outstretched, looking like an idiot.
Fourth Weapon: Nanman stage, Nanman side. Defeat all enemy generals on the East side - Ma
Chao, Zhang Yi, and Ma Dai, or all enemy generals on the West side – Zhang Fei, Zhang Bao, and
Guan Xing. The special item report will then appear west of the blocking mountain at the center of
the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A spinning lariat attack. Not much forward range, but good for clearing out the crowds.
Attack 2: A big uppercut punch. For a regular juggle move, this hits the enemy very high.
Attack 3: He throws his gauntlets at the enemy, dizzying anyone they hit. Good forward range, but
only hits guys straight in front of you.
Attack 4: A big belly flop which knocks everyone down in the area he lands in. Good attack for
getting out of trouble for a bit, then good for clearing out the crowd.
Attack 5: A double fisted uppercut. This one knocks enemies REALLY high.
Attack 6: An earthquake punch that clears the area around you. Very useful and powerful attack.
Musou Attack: He pounds the ground multiple times, hitting everyone around him for damage,
then the big hit in the end sends everyone flying. Great attack.
Overall Assessment: This guy is so slow, I only managed to get about 100 KO’s on Hu Lao gate, a
stage I easily clear 500 KO’s in with a normal character. He runs with all the speed of a slug, but
once he reaches his enemy, he can rip them apart with hugely damaging attacks. He doesn’t have
much range, but his crowd control ability is decent, and his moves are fun to use. A good character
for the experienced player. Him starting with 8 bodyguards doesn’t hurt matters either.

Zhu Rong
“I am Zhu Rong, Daughter of Fire!”
History: The wife of Meng Huo, King of Naman. She is a descendant of the legendary God of Fire,
Zhu Rong. Very strong and skilled in the martial arts, her trademark move is a deadly leaping slash
attack. Stepping in for her husband, she managed to capture Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong, but was
caught herself by Wei Yan and Ma Dai. A hostage exchange ensued, with both parties returning
Unlocking: Nanman stage, defeat Zhu Rong (Musou or Free Mode)
Description: Stereotypical Amazon hottie. Wears next to nothing, and carries a boomerang.
Fourth Weapon: Nanman stage, Nanman side. Keep Dong Tu Na and Huei Nan alive for 15
minutes at which point, they'll meet and retreat from the battlefield. The precious item will appear
near the bridge at the center of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A sweeping strike with her boomerang. Decent range, this one will clear out guys in
front of you.
Attack 2: Upper boomerang slash. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: Throws her boomerang out, dizzying anyone it hits. Good range, can hit a pretty big
group of enemies.
Attack 4: Throws her boomerang in a wide radius, clearing out anyone it hits. Very good clear out
move to get out of a jam. If you get her fourth weapon, this attack gets the fire element, and better
range, making it very useful.
Attack 5: A big upward slash. Standard high juggling move. Gets fire element if you have her
fourth weapon.
Attack 6: Throws a group of darts which spread in a wide path in front of her. Good radius on this
attack, and can nail a big group of enemies.
Musou Attack: Throws a series of darts at foes, then ends with a sweeping slash. Fairly useful
attack for clearing out a crowd, but there are better Musou attack from other characters.
Overall Assessment: Zhu Rong isn’t a very good character overall, but she’s interesting to play as.
Her range is pretty weak, even with a range increasing item or weapon. Her power and speed are
fair. She does have a couple good crowd clearing moves, but her Musou attack is pretty bad. She
improves quite a bit with her fourth weapon (which at least beefs up her reach somewhat) but that
doesn’t save her from the lower tiers.

Nu Wa
History: Nu Wa is a deity in Chinese legend. Check this link for some more information on her.
http://www.sh.com/culture/legend/nuwa.htm This site also mentions some background on
Fu Xi below, thanks to Freddy Soewito for pointing this out
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with every female character (Zhen Ji, Sun Shang Xiang, and the
Qiao sisters)
Description: Chick with a green outfit and carries a rapier that she uses to ventilate her enemies.
Fourth Weapon: Nu Wa's Rapier – Wan Castle Stage, Allies side. Defeat Dian Wei. The special
item will appear just north of where he started. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: A basic wide slash. Good for taking out enemies in front of you.
Attack 2: Upward slash. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A forward lunging attack that dizzies anyone it hits. Good forward range, but won't hit
enemies around you.
Attack 4: A big slash that clears out everyone it hits. Good forward range and will take out a lot of
enemies in front of you.
Attack 5: A forward thrust followed by an upward slash. Basic high juggling move, but it gets an
extra hit.
Attack 6: A rapid fire series of stabs, followed by a big lunging attack. Not very good in groups,
but will do a lot of damage to a single enemy.
Musou Attack: A rapid fire series of stabs, followed by a big slash at the end. The stabs will do
mad damage to a single enemy then the ending slash clears out the group. You can also direct this
attack to hit enemies around you.
Overall Assessment: Her speed is absolutely insane. She attacks her enemies so fast, that you’ll
have to change your timing on your attacks just to deal with her mad speed. She’s very good at
destroying single enemies, however her crowd control capability is suspect. A fun character to use
for the experienced player.

Fu Xi
History: According to Iawondererl, he was the first emperor of China, and is also a deity in
Chinese legend.
Unlocking: Clear Musou mode with Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian
Description: Guy with a gigantic sword. Some have said he looks like a hero from an RPG.
Fourth Weapon: Liu Biao assault stage, Liu Biao's side. Kill Huang Gai. Special item will appear
at the dead end on the northwest section of the beach. Grab it and finish the stage.
Attack 1: He swings his sword in a wide arc around him. Kinda slow, but will hit a lot of enemies.
Attack 2: Upward sword strike. Standard juggling move.
Attack 3: A forward sword thrust that dizzies anyone it hits and does nice damage. Good forward
range make it useful against a single foe.
Attack 4: A wide sword slash. Fairly standard knockback move that is slow but covers a lot of
ground in front of you.
Attack 5: Big upward sword slash. Standard high juggling move.
Attack 6: He impales the enemy on his sword, (you can mash T to inflict multiple hits) then he
tosses them away at the end. Very effective against a single enemy, does great damage and looks
really cool.
Musou Attack: He repeatedly swings his sword in a big arc. Awesome move for clearing crowds.
Overall Assessment: Fu Xi is the direct opposite of his deity counterpart, Nu Wa. He’s very slow,
but his sword covers a huge range and carries great power. If you build this guy up, he can be a
very powerful force indeed.


I’ve organized my rankings into 6 tiers. The first 5 tiers have 7 characters, the last one has 6.
These rankings assume that the character has access to all of their attacks, and any useful elemental
attacks that they possess. Also, don’t take this as law, as everyone has their own opinions.

Tier 1 – The best of the best

#1 Lu Bu: When push comes to shove, there’s no doubt that Lu Bu is the man. He’s got great
power, decent speed, and crowd clearing abilities, and is the ultimate badass of the 3 Kingdoms.
Nuff Said

#2 Cao Cao: When given his fourth weapon, he can use his death attack to rip through hordes of
enemies. Besides that, he’s probably the most balanced character in the game. Plus he’s a badass.
Fear him. He’s also one of the best guys to use on Hard Mode, because his death attack is so

#3 Guan Yu: With his great power, and crowd clearing moves, Guan Yu is nearly as powerful as
Lu Bu. Plus you gotta love the beard.

#4 Zhang He: Awesome crowd clearing, speed, and fair power. Plus I have bias towards anyone
who fights with claws

#5 Xiahou Dun: Another super balanced character, with some awesome attacking speed and
moves. Can handle any situation you put him in.

#6 Fu Xi: This guy’s a monster, with great power and crowd clearing. His Musou rips through
foes left and right, plus you gotta love the big sword.

#7 Sun Shang Xiang: Probably the best crowd clearer in the game. Plus she’s got awesome speed.

Tier 2 – Super Heavyweights

#8 Zhang Liao: Great all around ability, plus some awesome crowd clearing. His Charge 6 attack
is incredible.

#9 Zhao Yun: If you look up well rounded in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of Zhao Yun.
Another all around great character who can take on anyone, and pummel groups of enemies when

#10 Zhen Ji: Probably the most effective Musou attack in the game, plus an awesome Charge 6
attack which lets her slaughter groups of enemies. She also has great speed, but her lack of power
keeps her from cracking the top ranks.

#11 Ma Chao: Awesome attacking speed, and good all around ability. He can rip enemies to
shreds and is great at clearing crowds.

#12 Liu Bei: Great all around, and some great crowd clearing moves make the ruler of Shu tough
to beat.

#13 Da Qiao: Super attacking speed, a great jumping attack, and plenty of useful moves make her
an excellent fighter against crowds and she can handle single enemies when needed.

#14 Zhou Yu: Great Speed and some very effective moves, including an awesome running attack.

Tier 3 – Contenders

#15 Nu Wa: She’s the fastest attacker in the game (too fast for some people) but she can chop up
single enemies with the best of em. Could use some more crowd control though.

#16 Dian Wei: Great power and crowd control capability, although he lacks some range and speed.

#17 Lu Xun: Good speed and crowd control ability, especially when he gets his fourth weapon.
Good all around ability, but lacks distance attacking.

#18 Xu Huang: Another good crowd control and power character, but his moves are a little slow
for my tastes.

#19 Huang Gai: A good power man, with the ability to smash single enemies to bits, and his
Charge 6 gives him enough crowd control to get by. Good speed for his size.

#20 Sun Ce: A fun character to use, with some good power attacks and is good against single
enemies, but his crowd clearing leaves something to be desired.

#21 Meng Huo: He’s so slow that it takes forever to reach the enemies, but he’s powerful as hell
and has some good attacks, including a very nice Musou attack

Tier 4 – Mid Carders

#22 Gan Ning: I find his Musou hard to use against single enemies which hurts him quite a bit
IMO. His other skills are pretty well balanced though making him a decent pick.

#23 Huang Zhong: Awesome character if you like using a bow, and has some nice moves.

#24 Taishi Ci: Great power character, but he doesn’t have much crowd clearing ability. Very good
against single enemies though.

#25 Xiahou Yuan: Pretty Good all around with great bow skills, but his Charge 6 is pretty
worthless, making him inferior to Huang Zhong.

#26 Zhang Fei: His attacks are slow, and he lacks the all around skill of the other spear wielders,
but has great power. Gotta love his attitude too.

#27 Sima Yi: He’s got some cool moves, but he lacks range and power that would make him
effective in combat. Once he has his fourth though, he becomes quite effective.

#28 Zhang Jiao: A fun character to use, with some great crazy fire attacks, but he doesn’t have
much power behind his attacks.

Tier 5 – Jabronies

#29 Pang Tong: His attacks are weak, and he doesn’t have much speed, but he’s fun to use, and
has a couple nice moves to clear out crowds and has a great Musou attack.

#30 Diao Chan: She’s got speed and that’s about it. A couple of her moves are decent though, And
she is fairly fun to play as.

#31 Yuan Shao: A good all around character, but you can’t use him in Musou mode which hurts
his long term playablity.

#32 Sun Jian: Not a bad character, but his crowd control skills are lacking, and he doesn’t have any
supreme attacks that can make him dominant over the other rulers.

#33 Xu Zhu: The big man is slow, but he has great power and can clear crowds well. His attacks
are too slow though, or he’d probably be a lot higher. He gets chopped up by archers.

#34 Wei Yan: He’s a very awkward character and is kinda hard to use, although he does have
some decent moves if you can get used to him.

#35 Xiao Qiao: She’s got the great speed of her sister, but her moves aren’t nearly as effective, and
she has one of the most useless running moves in existence.

Tier 6 – Bottom Feeders

#36 Sun Quan: He’s almost the same character as Sun Jian, but he’s just a little weaker, and
overall isn’t as exciting to play.

#37 Zhu Rong: Horrible range, and not much power make her not a good character, despite her
entertainment value as a character.

#38 Lu Meng: Not a bad character, but he’s rather boring, and doesn’t have anything to put him
over the other spear wielders.

#39 Jiang Wei: Horribly boring with absolutely nothing special about him.

#40 Dong Zhuo: The worst of the ruler type characters, a couple of his moves leave him wide
open, and he’s also pretty slow.

#41 Zhuge Liang: Well SOMEONE had to be ranked at the bottom didn’t they? He may be the
best tactician, but he stinks in this game.

Picking the character that’s right for you

All the characters have their own little nuances that make them interesting. But for the beginning
player, all of the choices can be overwhelming. If you want to spend the time, try taking each
character into Endurance or time attack mode to get a feel for them. If you want to get right into
the action, keep this in mind. Characters with swords or spears tend to have well rounded abilities
and will get you a good foothold into the game. Xiahou Dun, Guan Yu, and Zhao Yun are all well
rounded and excellent choices for the beginner. Characters with other weapons tend to be more
varied and interesting, but often have weaknesses in certain areas as well. If you had a favorite
from Dynasty Warriors 2, you might want to go with them.



There are two kinds of items that you can get; pick up items, and equipable items.

Pick up items

Meat Bun – These restore your life, and come in four sizes.
1 Meat Bun - +50 HP (These are fairly common, and you can get em by beating goons)
2 Meat Buns - +100 HP
3 Meat Buns - +200 HP
Big Meat Bun – Restores all HP
Arrows – These give you more arrows. You can get them from some boxes, or by killing enemy
archers. They give you either 5, 10, 15, or 20 extra arrows.
Swords – Permanently increase your attack power. You get them by beating officers. More
prestigious officers usually drop better swords. If you finish off an officer with a high hitting
combo, they drop better items as well.
Bronze Sword - +1 attack
Iron Sword - +2 attack
Silver Sword - +4 attack
Gold Sword - +8 attack
Shields – Same rules apply as with the swords, except these improve your defense. Gate captains
will drop them as well
Common Shield - +1 attack (dropped by gate captains. Though you can get better ones from
them by killing them with an 8 or more hit combo)
Noble Shield - +2 attack
General's Shield - +4 attack
Emperor's Shield - +8 attack
Dim Sum – Increases your Max HP by 10. These are always in set locations in the stages.
Musou Wine – Same as Dim Sum, but this increases the size of your Musou gauge by 10.
Chinese Wine (Big Brown Jug) – Fills your Musou gauge instantly. If you see one, and your gauge
is already full, try to nail a nearby group with your Musou attack, then grab the wine so it isn't
Healing ointment (Blue Bottle) – Fills up both your Life and Musou gauge. Very useful, and also
very rare.
Battle Axe – Doubles your attack strength for 30 seconds. When you've got this, try to attack as
many guys as possible, to do big damage.
Battle Armor – Doubles your defense for 30 seconds. This is very useful in a pinch, as it can keep
your from getting killed.
Emperor's Seal – Fills your Musou gauge to max, and keeps it full for 10 seconds. You can use this
to do a really long Musou attack on a group of guys, but in general, it's not quite as useful as it
sounds, mainly because it always seems to appear where there are no enemies around.
Weapon Box – Contains a weapon. You'll see its contents at the end of the stage
Item Box – Contains an item. You'll see its contents at the end of the stage

Equippable Items: These are the items that you can equip at the start of the stage. There are two
main kinds, variable items, which raise a stat by a certain amount, and special items, which give
you a special power, that is usually very useful, and requires a special method to obtain (much like
Fourth Weapons)

Variable Items

Speed Scroll – Increases Speed (Range = 1-16)
Value: This affects your walking speed, not your attacking speed. If you have a really slow guy,
like Xu Zhu or Meng Huo, use it, otherwise forget it.

Dragon Amulet – Increases Max Musou Gauge (Range = 1-60)
Value: Not too useful, unless you really like extending your Musou bar.

Tiger Amulet – Increases Attack Power (Range = 1-20)
Value: This is best used at the beginning if you have a rather weak character. Once you build this
up to a high value it's pretty nice, but once your guy is powered up, this won't make much of a
difference since you can only go up to +20

Huang's Bow – Increases Bow Attack Power (Range = 1-40)
Value: Pretty decent if you like using your bow to snipe enemies, but there are better items out

Wind Scroll – Increases Reach (Range = 1-20)
Value: This is one of the two super rare items (the other being the elixir) The usefulness of this
weapon depends on who is using it, and it has to be at least +10 to notice a considerable difference.
Guys who use spears, halberds and polearm type weapons already have long range and don't need
it. Characters with small weapons, Fans, Sun Shang Xiang's chakram, etc. probably won't notice a
big enough difference for it to be useful, although if you have one with a high bonus, you might
want to experiment. I've gotten the best results with this item using it with sword characters, such
as Liu Bei and Sun Jian. Their weapons have medium range, which seems to get the best boost by
using this. Experiment with your favorite characters to see if the increase in attacking range is to
your liking.

Peacock Urn - Increases HP Max (Range = 1-60)
Value: Definitely useful, especially when you get it into the 30+ range. The extra HP can mean
the difference between life and death.

Tortoise Amulet - Increases Defense (Range = 1-40)
Value: Anything that keeps you in the fight longer is cool by me.

Shell Armor - Increases Bow Defense (Range = 1-40)
Value: If you find yourself getting pelted to death with arrows, you might consider using this item.
Very useful if you know you’re going to be encountering a lot of archers.

Horned Helm - Increases Mounted Attack (Range = 1-40)
Value: If you find yourself getting murdered by arrows, you may find this item is for you, but I
would only bother with it if you have a high point value on it.

Cavalry Armor - Increases Mounted Defense (Range = 1-40)
Value: Useless. Since you can only take one hit before getting knocked off your horse, who cares
if that hit is slightly lessened.

Wing Boots - Increases Jump (Range = 1-16)
Value: Useless. The only time this might be useful is in getting your guy to be able to jump high
enough to take out an elephant rider, and since that only occurs in one stage, and there are other
ways to take out riders, so stick this one on the shelf

Seven Star Orb - Increases Luck (Range = 1-20)
Value: Luck is said to give you better items, which I haven't confirmed, however it does seem to
increase the amount of item drops (meatbuns and stuff) from regular enemies. If you find yourself
in need of a lot of meatbuns, you may find this useful, but it's better in general to pull out an item
that will keep you alive longer.

Elixir - Increases Musou Charge speed (Range = 1-20)
Value: This is one of the two rarest items (and I should know, I've gotten exactly TWO of them in
over 50 hours of game playing) This item increases the speed at which your Musou gauge charges,
making it rather useful for those who like to throw out Musou attacks often, and their included
invincibility. Very nice in combination with the Way of the Musou item as the True Musou attacks
enable you to rip through the enemies.

Special Items

Red Hare Saddle
Effect: Start the stage riding Red Hare
Method: Defeat Lu Bu on the Hu Lao gate stage. Once you've done this, a supply team will appear
around the middle of the map, on Cao Cao's attack route. The supply team will make its way north
after a brief period of time. Defeat the supply captain to get the item. I recommend waiting for
Cao Cao's group to get past the Fan Shui gate before knocking off Lu Bu, otherwise, his guys might
kill the supply captain.
Value: This is a very useful item, since Red Hare is extremely fast and powerful. If you're having
problems on certain stages, you can get Red Hare, blow past everyone, and go straight to the boss if
you want. It's also helpful in stages such as Nanman, where you have to cover a lot of ground, and
is very helpful to get fourth weapons, or other special items where you have to catch up to supply
teams to get em.

Hex Mark Saddle
Effect: Start the stage riding Hex Mark
Method: On the Chen Du Stage, defeat every enemy general except Liu Zhang. The precious item
will appear in the corner, fairly close to Liu Zhang.
Value: If you're having trouble beating Lu Bu, this item is a lot easier to get. Hex Mark isn't as
good of a horse, but is almost as fast, and can still get you where you're going in a hurry.

Imperial Saddle
Effect: Can ride any horse, regardless of rank
Method: Yi Ling stage, Shu side. First you must defeat Zhu Ran when he appears to stop the fire
attack. Then you must defeat every other enemy general under Sun Quan. Once they're all
defeated, the supply team will appear at the entry point north of Sun Quan. Kill the Supply Captain
to get the item, then finish the stage. It's best to defeat Lu Xun last, since he is closest to where the
supply team will appear.
Value: A waste. You only need to get up to rank 11 to ride the dark brown and white horses,
which are fast enough to get you where you need to go in most cases. If you really want to use a
horse throughout the stage, use the Red Hare or Hex Mark saddles instead.

The Art of War
Effect: Temporary items last 30% longer (Imperial Seal, Battle Axe, and Armor)
Method: He Fei Castle Stage, Wei side. Defeat every general on the opposing side, except Sun
Quan. This isn't easy to do, so I recommend taking a buffed up character to do this with. Also, you
have to get the kills yourself. Once you've beaten all the enemy generals, wait a while. I
recommend biding your time by beating up as many enemy soldiers as you can, to make the
eventual fight with Sun Quan easier. After a while, the special item report will appear on Sun
Quan's ship (bottom of the map) Go and grab it, then return and take out Sun Quan to finish the
stage. Anime Japan says that you can kill four of Sun Quan’s escorts to make the item appear, but I
have not tested this.
Value: Not an item I use personally. The boost in time for your axes and stuff is nice, but I would
rather spend the slot on a different item.

Bodyguard Manual
Effect: Powers up your bodyguards
Method: Siege of He Fei Castle stage on the Wu side. You must defeat Xu Zhu, then the precious
item will appear behind him. If you're playing the stage just to get this item, I recommend using
one of the Saddles to get yourself a fast horse, so you can get to Xu Zhu in a hurry and beat him.
Value: This item is pretty useful. The power up in your bodyguards is rather subtle, but it makes a
difference, especially if you have a larger number of bodyguards.

The Way of the Musou
Effect: Allows you to do true Musou attack regardless of how much health you have
Method: On Guan Yu's stage, you must defeat Xiahou Dun. After a certain period of time, he will
start chasing after you. If you're not playing as Guan Yu, you must backtrack to find and beat him
before Guan Yu kills him off (and if you're playing on Normal, Guan Yu WILL kill him off with no
help) If you are playing as Guan Yu, simply wait for him to come, then kill him. Once he's dead,
he'll drop the item.
Value: IMO, this is the most useful item in the game, since I use Musou attacks fairly often. The
true Musou attacks do a lot of damage and will make a big difference in your fighting.

Survival Guide
Effect: When your life is in the critical range, your attack strength doubles
Method: Wu Zhang Plains stage, Shu side. Once two of the Tiger General on the stage have been
killed (The Tiger Generals are the guys on your side that you can choose as your character, except
for Zhuge Liang) you will see a cut scene where shooting stars fall. After the cut scene, the special
item will appear north of Zhuge Liang's base, around the middle of the screen. Value: Not very
useful, what this actually does is when your life is in the red, and you are knocked down, you will
spring back up with a 30 second attack doubling effect.

Effect: When your life is in the critical range, your defense strength doubles
Method: Wu Zhang Plains, Wei side. Once two of your playable generals are killed (by playable, I
am referring to people like Zhang He, and Zhen Ji, that are usable in Musou mode, not guys like
Cao Ren) After this has happened, you will see the shooting star event described in the Survival
guide's section, and the item will appear at the top right part of the map. Basically, you have to sit
around for a loooooooong time, waiting for your people to die, then the item will appear. Once
you've got it, you can clear the stage.
Value: Not very useful, see survival guide's description for the reason why. This is a little more
useful because it can keep you alive while you search for extra energy, but I wouldn't bother

Fire Arrows
Effect: Lets you shoot fire arrows. These arrows do more damage, and seem to be easier to
connect with
Method: Chi Bi stage, Wei side. Defeat Zhou Yu before he initiates the fire attack. This item will
then appear in the center of the map, north of where you fought Zhou Yu. The best way to get this
item is to ignore all the enemies and head straight for Zhou Yu and take him out. Once you've
beaten him and gotten the item, then you can retreat and beat the stage however you see fit.
Value: This item makes your arrows stronger. When you connect with one, the arrow
will do damage, then the fire effect will tack on some additional damage. It also seems to
be easier to hit enemies with arrows. Overall, this is one of the more useful special items,
especially if you like using bows during the game.

Effect: Won't be overpowered while blocking
Method: He Fei stage on the Wu side. Let Taishi Ci get killed in the arrow attack, then retreat with
Sun Quan to the lower right corner of the stage. When Zhang Liao comes to attack Sun Quan,
defeat Zhang Liao and he will drop the item.
Value: Very useful if you block a lot, especially against powerful enemies like Lu Bu, who can
normally break your guard down with ease.

Power Scroll
Effect: Won't lose attack locks
Method: He Fei stage, Wei Side. First you must get Zhang Liao to kill Taishi Ci, which is done by
having both of them be in the center square, and letting a few minutes pass. Then defeat other
officers in the center square, and eventually, Zhang Liao will leave for the next attack, which is a
surprise attack on Sun Quan. Right after this attack, Gan Ning will appear near your HQ. Defeat
him and he will drop the item.
Value: I personally find this item useful, since I tend to lose attack locks all the time. Depending
on your button mashing ability, you may or may not find this item useful. One use is that it allows
you to cancel an enemy's Musou attack with one of your own, causing a lockup, which you can win
easily, then put a beating on the enemy.

Golden Harness
Effect: Won't be knocked off your horse by arrows
Method: Tong Guan Gate stage, Wei side. You must get Han Sui to defect, by defeating Ma
Chao's two subordinates, which will allow Han Sui to meet with Cao Cao and eventually defect to
him. After that, kill all the other generals, then Ma Chao will retreat into the castle. Enter the
castle, and the supply team will show up from the left side. Defeat the Captain to get the item. This
item can be fairly tricky to get, especially once you’ve taken everyone out but Ma Chao, and he
can’t retreat into the castle because he’s getting pounded on. What I recommend is that you grab a
horse, and use the strafe technique to push him through the gate and back in a ways till the supply
team appears, then you can take your horse, catch up to the captain, and kill him.
Value: Unless you spend a lot of time on horseback (which I don't) this item isn't very useful.
Save your slots for something better.


This is a list of every weapon in the game, including who can use it (some basic weapons are used
by multiple characters), its stats, and how many hits can be done with it. To obtain the unique
weapons, see each character's section. The weapons are listed in the order they are given in the
Database section of the game. Also note, that weapons other than the unique weapons may have
any number of bonuses to your various stats.

Iron Sword
Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhou Yu, Xiahou Yuan, Huang Zhong, Gan Ning

Steel Sword
Attack +31
Hits: 5
Used By: Zhou Yu, Xiahou Yuan, Huang Zhong, Gan Ning

Broad Sword
Attack +17
Hits: 4
Used By: Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Sun Quan

Long Sword
Attack +32
Hits: 5
Used By: Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Sun Quan

Attack +18
Hits: 4
Used By: Xiahou Dun

Great Scimitar
Attack +33
Hits: 5
Used By: Xiahou Dun

Attack +14
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Lu Meng

Long Spear
Attack +29
Hits: 5
Used By: Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Lu Meng

Attack +15
Hits: 4
Used By: Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao

Great Halberd
Attack +30
Hits: 5
Used By: Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao

Hand Axe
Attack +19
Hits: 4
Used By: Dian Wei

Strike Axe
Attack +34
Hits 5
Used By: Dian Wei

Attack +19
Hits: 4
Used By: Xu Zhu

Spiked Club
Attack +34
Hits 5
Used By: Xu Zhu

Twin Sabers
Attack +17
Hits: 4
Used By: Lu Xun

Wing Sabers
Attack +32
Hits: 5
Used By: Lu Xun

Twin Rods
Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Taishi Ci

Spiral Rods
Attack +31
Hits 5
Used By: Taishi Ci

Attack +13
Hits 4
Used By: Diao Chan

Great Mace
Attack +28
Hits 5
Used By: Diao Chan

War Fan
Attack +15
Hits: 4
Used By: Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang

Warlord Fan
Attack +30
Hits: 5
Used By: Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang

Attack +17
Hits: 4
Used By: Sun Shang Xiang

Crescent Chakram
Attack +32
Hits: 5
Used By: Sun Shang Xiang

Battle Axe
Attack +18
Hits: 4
Used By: Xu Huang

War Axe
Attack +33
Hits 5
Used By: Xu Huang

Bronze Claw
Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhang He

Steel Claw
Attack +31
Hits: 5
Used By: Zhang He

Iron Flute
Attack +13
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhen Ji

Steel Flute
Attack +28
Hits: 5
Used By: Zhen Ji

Iron Rod
Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Huang Gai

Steel Rod
Attack +31
Hits: 5
Used By: Huang Gai

Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Sun Ce

Studded Tonfa
Attack +31
Hits: 5
Used By: Sun Ce

Double Voulge
Attack +18
Hits: 4
Used By: Wei Yan

Strike Voulge
Attack +33
Hits: 5
Used By: Wei Yan

Attack +13
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhang Jiao, Pang Tong

Mirage Staff
Attack +28
Hits: 5
Used By: Zhang Jiao, Pang Tong

Nanman Gauntlet
Attack +19
Hits: 4
Used By: Meng Huo

Beast Gauntlet
Attack +34
Hits: 5
Used By: Meng Huo

Attack +15
Hits: 4
Used By: Zhu Rong

Hawk Boomerang
Attack +30
Hits 5
Used By: Zhu Rong

Twin Fans
Attack +16
Hits: 4
Used By: Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao

Violet Fans
Attack +31
Hits: 5
Used By: Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao

Bastard Sword
Attack +19
Hits: 4
Used By: Fu Xi

Great Sword
Attack +34
Hits: 5
Used By: Fu Xi

Attack +17
Hits: 4
Used By: Nu Wa

Swift Rapier
Attack +32
Hits 5
Used By: Nu Wa

Dragon Spear
Attack +43
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhao Yun

Blue Dragon
Attack +49
Hits: 6
Used By: Guan Yu

Snake Blade
Attack +47
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhang Fei

Kirin Sword
Attack +48
Hits: 6
Used By: Xiahou Dun

Attack +49
Hits 6
Used By: Dian Wei

Bone Crusher
Attack +50
Hits 6
Used By: Xu Zhu

Elder Sword
Attack +46
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhou Yu

Attack +46
Hits: 6
Used By: Lu Xun

Wolf Slayer
Attack +45
Hits 6
Used By: Taishi Ci

Gold Orb
Attack +40
Hits 6
Used By: Diao Chan

White Feather
Attack + 40
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhuge Liang

Sword of Heaven
Attack +45
Hits: 6
Used By: Cao Cao

Sky Piercer
Attack +50
Hits: 6
Used By: Lu Bu

Luna Chakram
Attack +40
Hits: 6
Used By: Sun Shang Xiang

Gold Dragon
Attack +40
Hits: 6
Used By: Liu Bei

Lone Wolf
Attack +43
Hits: 6
Used By: Sun Jian

King Wolf
Attack +42
Hits 6
Used By: Sun Quan

Star Sword
Attack +41
Hits 6
Used By: Dong Zhuo

Master Sword
Attack +44
Hits 6
Used By: Yuan Shao

Steel Stallion
Attack +42
Hits 6
Used By: Ma Chao

Sage Sword
Attack +44
Hits 6
Used By: Huang Zhong

Demon Sword
Attack +45
Hits: 6
Used By: Xiahou Yuan

Dragon Blade
Attack +48
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhang Liao

Black Feather
Attack +40
Hits 6
Used By: Sima Yi

Tiger Hook
Attack +45
Hits 6
Used By: Lu Meng

River Master
Attack +46
Hits 6
Used By: Gan Ning

Attack +41
Hits 6
Used By: Jiang Wei

Staff of Fire
Attack +37
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhang Jiao

Attack +46
Hits: 6
Used By: Xu Huang

Peacock Claw
Attack +43
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhang He

Moon Flute
Attack +37
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhen Ji

Shadow Rod
Attack +44
Hits: 6
Used By: Huang Gai

Attack +42
Hits: 6
Used By: Sun Ce

Double Star
Attack +46
Hits: 6
Used By: Wei Yan

Staff of Wind
Attack +38
Hits: 6
Used By: Pang Tong

Beast Master
Attack +48
Hits: 6
Used By: Meng Huo

Fire Wheel
Attack +42
Hits: 6
Used By: Zhu Rong

Attack +37
Hits: 6
Used By: Da Qiao

Attack +38
Hits: 6
Used By: Xiao Qiao

Holy Avenger
Attack +46
Hits 6
Used By: Fu Xi

Celstial Blade
Attack +39
Hits 6
Used by: Nu Wa

Fierce Dragon (Unique)
Attack +43
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
HP Max +74
Attack: +25
Defense: +52
Musou Max +80
Used By: Zhao Yun

Blue Moon Dragon (Unique)
Attack +49
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
HP Max +87
Attack: +28
Defense: +59
Musou Max + 25
Used By: Guan Yu

Viper Blade (Unique)
Attack +47
Hits: 6
Attack +29
Defense +58
Mounted Attack: +56
Mounted Defense: +57
Musou Max +24
Used By: Zhang Fei

Kirin Fang (Unique)
Attack +48
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Attack: +26
Bow Defense: +60
Mounted Defense: +56
Reach: +24
Used By: Xiahou Dun

Mad Bull (Unique)
Attack +49
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
HP Max: +84
Attack: +27
Musou Max +28
Used By: Dian Wei

Stone Crusher (Unique)
Attack +50
Hits: 6
Musou Max +88
HP Max +86
Attack: +28
Defense: +58
Luck: +27
Used By: Xu Zhu

Ancient's Sword (Unique)
Attack +46
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Attack +23
Defense +50
Reach +25
Musou Charge +27
Used By: Zhou Yu

Falcon (Unique)
Attack +42
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Speed +22
Musou Max +75
Defense +43
Reach +29
Used By: Lu Xun

Tiger Slayer (Unique)
Attack +45
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
HP Max +81
Attack: +26
Bow Attack: +55
Mounted Attack: +51
Used By: Taishi Ci

Gold Globe (Unique)
Attack: +40
Hits: 6
Musou: +65
Defense +48
Luck: +30
Reach: +28
Musou Charge: +30
Used By: Diao Chan

Peacock Feather (Unique)
Attack +40
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Speed +22
Jump +22
Defense +55
Bow Defense +55
Mounted Defense +55
Used By: Zhuge Liang

Wrath of Heaven (Unique)
Attack +45
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Attack +24
Bow Attack +52
Mounted Attack +48
Reach +24
Used By: Cao Cao

Sky Scorcher (Unique)
Attack: +50
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
Jump: +24
Musou: +90
HP: +90
Attack: +30
Defense: +60
Used By: Lu Bu

Sol Chakram (Unique)
Attack +40
Hits: 6
Speed: +23
Jump: +22
HP Max +66
Luck +23
Reach +30
Used By: Sun Shang Xiang

Gold Moon Dragon (Unique)
Attack +40
Hits: 6
Speed +20
Musou Max +70
Mounted Attack +44
Mounted Defense +52
Luck +22
Used By: Liu Bei

Savage Wolf (Unique)
Attack +43
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Musou Max +76
HP Max +68
Attack +22
Defense +49
Used By: Sun Jian

Master Wolf (Unique)
Attack +42
Hits: 6
Musou Max +68
Attack: +22
Bow Attack: +49
Bow Defense: +50
Musou Charge +26
Used By: Sun Quan

Grand Star (Unique)
Attack +41
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
HP Max + 70
Defense +45
Reach +25
Used By: Dong Zhuo

Grand Master (Unique)
Attack: +44
Hits: 6
Jump: +20
Musou Max: +78
Defense: +54
Bow Attack: +51
Mounted Attack: +46
Used By: Yuan Shao

Steel Dragon (Unique)
Attack +42
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Jump +21
Mounted Attack: +60
Mounted Defense: +60
Reach: +21
Used By: Ma Chao

Oracle Sword (Unique)
Attack +44
Hits: 6
Attack +23
Defense +45
Bow Attack: +60
Bow Defense: +58
Reach +26
Used By: Huang Zhong

Demon Fang (Unique)
Attack +45
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Musou Max +84
HP Max +78
Bow Attack: +58
Bow Defense: +59
Used By: Xiahou Yuan

Dragon Breath (Unique)
Attack +48
Hits: 6
HP Max +79
Attack: +25
Mounted Attack: +58
Mounted Defense: +58
Reach: +21
Used By: Zhang Liao

Dark Feather (Unique)
Attack + 40
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
Attack +28
Bow Attack +50
Mounted Attack +55
Reach +29
Musou Charge +26
Used By: Sima Yi

White Tiger (Unique)
Attack +45
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
Defense: +53
Bow Defense: +54
Mounted Defense: +54
Musou Charge +25
Used By: Lu Meng

Sea Master (Unique)
Attack +46
Hits: 6 + Blue Element
Speed: +22
Jump: +21
Attack: +25
Luck: +26
Musou Charge +28
Used By: Gan Ning

Blink (Unique)
Attack +41
Hits: 6 + Lightning Element
Musou Max +74
Attack: +23
Luck: +25
Used By: Jiang Wei

Volcano Staff (Unique)
Attack: +37
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Musou Max: +72
Attack: +43
Reach: +27
Used By: Zhang Jiao

Marauder (Unique)
Attack +46
Hits: 6
Speed: +21
Musou Max +82
Attack +24
Luck +24
Reach +22
Used By: Xu Huang

Peacock Talon (Unique)
Attack +43
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Jump +23
Attack +24
Reach +27
Musou Charge +29
Used By: Zhang He

Dark Moon Flute (Unique)
Attack +37
Hits: 6
Speed +23
Defense +52
Bow Attack +50
Mounted Attack +50
Reach +25
Used By: Zhen Ji

Black Shadow (Unique)
Attack +44
Hits: 6
HP Max +82
Defense: +57
Mounted Attack: +52
Reach: +23
Musou Charge +27
Used By: Huang Gai

Overlord (Unique)
Attack +42
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Speed: +21
Jump: +20
Musou Max +80
HP Max +72
Used By: Sun Ce

Double Comet (Unique)
Attack +46
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Jump: +23
Attack: +24
Defense: +56
Reach: +22
Used By: Wei Yan

Tornado Staff (Unique)
Attack +38
Hits: 6
HP Max +66
Attack: +22
Bow Attack: +46
Reach: +28
Musou Max +29
Used By: Pang Tong

King of Beasts (Unique)
Attack: +48
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
HP Max: +88
Attack: +27
Mounted Attack: +54
Mounted Defense: +54
Used By: Meng Huo

Magma Wheel (Unique)
Attack +42
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Musou Max: +72
Defense: +52
Bow Defense: +52
Reach: +26
Used By: Zhu Rong

True Beauty (Unique)
Attack +37
Hits: 6
Musou Max +64
HP Max +65
Attack +22
Defense +48
Luck +29
Used By: Da Qiao

True Grace (Unique)
Attack +38
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Speed: +24
Defense: +47
Luck: +28
Musou Charge +30
Used By: Xiao Qiao

Fu Xi's Sword (Unique)
Attack +46
Hits: 6 + Fire Element
Attack: +26
Defense: +51
Reach: +23
Musou Charge +24
Used By: Fu Xi

Nu Wa's Rapier (Unique)
Attack +39
Hits: 6 + Death Element
Musou Max +62
HP Max: +62
Attack: +21
Defense: +46
Used By: Nu Wa


This is a guide to getting each of the fourth weapons in the game. First some basic info on fourth

- You must be playing on Hard mode. Either Musou or Free Mode is fine, though Free mode is
usually easier.

- When the requirements for getting a weapon involve killing a certain guy, YOU have to be the
one that makes the kill. If your bodyguards, or other soldiers on your side get the finishing blow, it
won’t work.

- Once you’ve fulfilled the conditions for each weapon, there will either be a supply team
appearance, or a special item report. If it’s a special item, it will stay put, so just go over to where
it is and get it. If it’s a supply team, they will appear at a certain location, then move to another
part of the map, then retreat through another entry point. You must kill the supply captain before
he leaves to get the item.

- For Supply Team weapons, you should consider enlisting the aid of the second player. If you do
this, the first player must be the person you are trying to get the weapon for. They will usually
hang out in a secluded area near where the supply team will appear, while the second person
(preferably someone who’s powered up) goes and does the tasks needed to make the supply team
appear. Then the first player can quickly go to where the supply team is, kill the captain, and get
the weapon. Even if the second player grabs the weapon, you’ll still get credit for it anyway. This
is useful in stages with precious items that stand still. If you want to get a beginning character their
fourth weapon early, just have them be player one, while player two is a guy you’ve maxed out,
then sit your first player someplace safe while the second player does the tasks, gets the weapon,
and clears the stage.

- Horses are your friends! Using a horse to get the fourth weapons if highly recommended, as you
can accomplish the tasks faster (some have to be done quickly, before something else happens) and
also to catch up to the supply team. Getting the Red Hare, or Hex Mark saddles will be highly
beneficial to your fourth weapon collecting quest.

- Elements: There are 3 types of elemental effects that may be attached to your fourth weapon,
along with any bonuses you get from it. These elements are released by one of your special attacks,
usually the last one in the chain. Experiment to find yours. The effects are as follows

- Don’t forget that you can save partway through a stage and continue as many times as you like
from a save point. This way, if you do some things right, you can save, and if you mess up, you
can reset then try again. This is helpful for supply team weapons, and others where you have to sit
and wait for long periods of time.

Red: Fire – The enemy gets caught on fire, taking damage while they are burning. This is pretty
useful, because it is usually attached to the character’s high juggle move. If you continue to keep
the infinite combo going, they guy will be on fire the whole time and can take a lot of damage.
Blue: Lightning – The lightning spreads to hit a group of enemies when an enemy hit with it lands
on the ground
Purple: Death – Creates a flash of purple light. Lesser enemies who touch this light die in one hit.
If you hit a general with a death attack, it will take off 20% of their CURRENT Health.

Added Strategies: For some characters, I’ve added extra strategy for getting the fourth weapons.
Most of these strategies assume you’re using the two player trick. This trick works two different
ways. If the player you want to get the weapon for is weak, make him player one, and make player
two someone you’ve maxed out (I use Guan Yu) If the person you’re getting the fourth weapon for
is strong, make him player two, and make player one someone who’s starting out. Put the player
you’re not using in a safe spot so they don’t get killed while you do the tasks and get the stuff.

Now, for the main event, how to get each character’s fourth weapon

Shu Kingdom

Zhao Yun: Chang Ban stage, Shu side. Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao. After a little while,
Cao Cao’s unit will appear. Liu Bei will call for help, so get a horse and ride over to him, at which
point a cut scene will appear. Then get to Zhang He and defeat him. A supply troop will appear
near Zhang He’s starting point, and head for the northeast entry point. Hunt down the captain and
kill him to get the item.
Strategy: You might want to use Red Hare saddle here, so that you definitely have a horse.
Slaughter Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao as well as the gate captains on the upper right first. Then
get a horse if you don’t have one, and head to the bottom right to take out the guys there. At some
point, Cao Cao’s unit will appear, and Liu Bei will say “So you intend to end it here at Chang
Ban?” This is your cue to go to him on the horse. Once you’ve got the cutscene, take your time
killing the guys by Liu Bei. Once he’s clear, go up by Zhang He and take him out. The supply
team should appear right near where he appeared.
Benefits: The weapon provides boosts to four stats that are pretty important, including extra attack
and lot of extra HP and defense making him tougher to kill. It provides him with two lightning
attack, but neither are extremely useful.

Guan Yu: Guan Yu’s escape, Guan Yu’s side (hey, who’da thunk it?) Once you pass the fourth
gate, the supply team will appear north of the fourth fort and head south. Kill the captain to get the
Strategy: Nothing too tough here. Once you pass the fourth gate, you should run into the captain
along the way, making him an easy mark.
Benefits: Guan Yu gets nice bonuses to important stats, making him stronger and tougher, but the
lightning attack that comes with this one isn’t all that great.

Zhang Fei: Chang Ban Stage, Shu Side. Meet the enemies at the Chouhan Bridge (it’s the one
south of where Cao Cao initially appears) You will get the yell event (I shall make you fear death!)
Then kill Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. The supply team will appear by the entry point near Xu
Zhu, and head toward the northeast entry point. Kill the captain to get the item. Actually, you can
do the events in any order. You can kill the Xiahou’s first then get the yell event.
Strategy: This one is a pain. I highly recommend using the two player trick. Stick Zhang Fei on
the Bridge (it’s the fancy one south of Zhang Fei’s starting point. Once he’s there, have your other
player kill the guys at the upper right. Then go along the top path, slaughtering Xu Huang and
Zhang He along the way. At some point, Cao Cao’s troop will appear, and start making their way
south. On your killing run, take down Xiahou Yuan and anyone else near Liu Bei. Once
everyone’s dead, get back to the bridge where Zhang Fei is waiting. Kill all the guys south of the
bridge with your powerful guy, then wait for Cao Cao’s unit to get to the bridge. Once any officer
reaches the bridge, the yell event will occur. Right after this, you’ll see the supply unit appear. Get
Zhang Fei the hell away from the bridge to the south. Kill the supply captain to get the item ASAP.
Once you’ve got the weapon, and Zhang Fei is in a safe position, have your powerful character
finish off Cao Cao. There may be other methods of getting this weapon that are easier, but this
worked for me, and as long as your other guy is strong enough, you should be OK.
Benefits: Zhang Fei gets bonuses to attack and defense, as well as Musou charge which enables
him to do his Musou attack much more often, making him a lot more effective in combat. Mounted
bonuses though are nearly worthless.

Ma Chao: Tong Gate stage, Ally’s side. Wait for Han Sui to meet with Cao Cao, and defect to
him. After a while, the supply team will appear on the right side of the bridge, north side of the
map and head toward the northeast entry point. Kill the captain to get the weapon.
Strategy: Another pain in the butt weapon to get. Start by killing as many guys as you can, until
you get a message where Ma Chao asks Han Sui and some others to help. Then go to Han Sui and
cover for him until Cao Cao reaches him, at which point, you’ll get a cutscene. Continue fighting
guys until you get a message saying that your team’s morale is decreasing from news of Han Sui’s
defection. At this point, run up to the top, and below the northern bridge (by the waterfall) is a
small round area, with a few boxes. Go here and wait. Some guys may come up to you, kill them.
After a while, Han Sui will defect. A couple minutes later, the supply captain will appear right near
where you are standing. Kill the captain, get the weapon, and return to finish off Cao Cao.
Benefits: Most of the bonuses he gets from this weapon aren’t very helpful, but the fire attack is
good for combos. Extra reach is always nice as well.

Wei Yan: Jie Ting stage, Shu side. Wait for Ma Su to climb up to the summit and get ambushed.
Save his worthless hide by killing the general attacking him. Defeat all the enemy generals except
Sima Yi, then enter his camp. The special item will appear on top of the hill where Ma Su made
camp. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Kill as many guys as possible while waiting for Ma Su’s act of stupidity. Once you get
the message saying he’s in trouble, go save his sorry skin. (you’ll have to kill Zhang He and his
troops) Once Ma Su is safe, he’ll go back down. Kill anyone left in the stage, except Sima Yi,
then go to his camp, and the item should appear. Get it then kill Sima Yi.
Benefits: The increase in range benefits Wei Yan greatly, and makes him a better attacker. Extra
attack and defense is always a plus as well. He gets two death attacks, which sounds great on
paper, but neither of the attacks are very useful in practice.

Zhuge Liang: Peacock Feather: Wu Zhang Plains stage, Shu side. Wait for the reinforcement
troops to come for the enemy. Cao Xiu will be one of the generals for the reinforcement group.
Kill him. The precious item will then appear near where Zhuge Liang started.
Strategy: I recommend using two players to get this item. Zhuge will be totally protected as the
first player, then once you kill Cao Xiu, he can easily grab the item. Then switch to your powerful
second player to kill Sima Yi and finish the stage. The reinforcements generally come between 10
and 15 minutes into the stage. In the meantime, beat as many enemy generals as you can.
Benefits: The fire attack helps in juggles, which is one of the best ways for Zhuge Liang to do
some actual damage. Also all 3 of his defenses improve. Zhuge is very tough to kill once you get
his fourth weapon. That doesn’t stop him from sucking though, because it’s still very hard to beat

Huang Zhong: Mount Ding Jun stage, Shu Side. Head down the center route and defeat Xiahou
Shang. The special item report will then appear west of Cao Cao’s original position. Grab it and
finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, the two player trick is handy though. You’ll get a cutscene when
you advance a certain amount of distance. Then you can kill Xiahou Shang, and make the item
appear. Grab the item, and finish the stage normally. I think Huang Zhong has to be the one to
charge, so if you’re using the two player trick, and he’s the weak one, just go as far as you need to
make the cutscene occur, then run back, and let your powerful guy handle it.
Benefits: Huang Zhong gets bonuses in the most important categories, making this useful. Also
his bow attack improves greatly. If you add this to another bow attack increasing item, he becomes
an awesome sniper, able to destroy enemies from afar before actually engaging them.

Liu Bei: Gold Moon Dragon – Yi Ling stage, Shu side. Defeat Sun Shang Xiang. The precious
item will appear in Sun Quan’s camp on the northeast side. Grab it, then defeat Sun Quan to
complete the stage.
Strategy: The two player trick is HIGHLY advised here, since this stage is very hard on Shu’s side.
Get your weak guy to a safe spot, while your powerful character handles SSX, and the other bad
guys. Make sure to stop the fire event when it occurs.
Benefits: Extra speed is fairly helpful, as is the luck bonus. Other than that, nothing here really is
too awesome.

Jiang Wei: Jie Ting stage, Shu side. Defeat Zhen Ji and Cao Zhen. The supply team will come in
at the entry point northeast of Sima Yi and head toward the northwest entry point. Kill the captain
to get the item.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, just make sure you can catch up to the supply team when it
appears. The two player trick is handy here, as is Red Hare saddle.
Benefits: The lightning attack is nearly useless, the only real benefit here is some extra attack

Pang Tong: Assault on Cheng Du stage, Liu Bei’s side. You will get a message and be surrounded
by Zhang Ren’s troops. Kill Zhang Ren. The special item will appear on the northwest side of the
map. Get it and finish the stage.
Strategy: If you use the two player trick, get Pang Tong to safety first. Then have your powerful
guy butcher everyone in Liu Bei’s vicinity. Then once they’re all gone, have Pang Tong, go down
the bottom path (the one farthest south on your map) to trigger the ambush. Then get Pang Tong
the hell out of there and back to a safe spot, while your powered up guy kills Zhang Ren, gets the
item and finishes the stage.
Benefits: The increase in reach is a big help for him. Also, he gets a lot of good bonuses in useful

Wei Kingdom

Xiahou Dun: Guan Yu’s Escape Stage, Cao Cao’s side. Defeat Zhou Can, Chen Zen, and Guan
Ping. The special item will appear on the northeast side of the fort Guan Ping is in (basically right
next to you) Grab it and finish the stage. A key here is to work as fast as possible, so you have a
lot of time to take out the 3 officers you must kill. You don’t want to let the carriage get too far
ahead of you or you’re screwed.
Strategy: Since this is a tough stage on Cao Cao’s side, I advise the two player trick, but if you do
use it, make sure to kill EVERYONE that you run into. If you leave guys behind, they will go and
harass the player who sat way behind at the start of the stage. Other than that, there’s nothing too
difficult you have to do here.
Benefits: Other than the worthless mounted defense stat, everything he gets from his weapon is
helpful, including more bow defense, a reach bonus, and a fire juggle attack.

Zhang He: - Guan Du Stage, Cao Cao’s side. With Wen Chou and Yan Liang still alive, you must
find and burn the enemy’s supply depot.
Strategy: On the map, you will see there are four small forts. Randomly, one of these will be the
enemy’s supply depot. I recommend using the Red Hare saddle if you have it. Go to each of the
forts, and there will be one or two officers there. Kill them to open the gate. Once you pass
through the gates, you will be told if it is or is not the supply depot. If it’s not, get back on your
horse and get to the next one. If it is, you will see a cutscene. Once you’ve found the supply depot,
you will find an enemy officer inside. Kill him, and you will see a cutscene where the depot is
burned. After this, the special item report will appear around the center of the map where the 3
rivers meet. Grab the item and finish the stage normally
Benefits: The death attack is pretty effective in clearing out crowds. Also getting a bonus to
Musou charge is always a plus. Extra strength and reach round out a nice fourth weapon.

Dian Wei: Wan Castle Stage, Cao Cao’s side. Defeat Hu Che Er. The supply troop will appear to
the east of Hu Che’s position and head toward the entry point guarded by Jia Xu. Kill the captain
to get the item.
Strategy: Nothing too difficult, you can use the two player trick if you want, but if you do, make
sure your weak guy is safe, and that you keep Cao Cao covered when needed.
Benefits: The lightning attack is not all that useful, but the bonuses you get are good, especially a
nice hefty increase in your HP.

Xu Zhu: Tong Gate stage, Cao Cao’s side. Kill Ma Dai and Pang De. Then enter the fort and get
to the southeast corner of the fort. The special item will appear there.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, if you use the two player trick, the strong player can beat the two
guys (watch out, they’re pretty tough) but Xu Zhu has to be the one to enter the fort. And watch
out that he doesn’t get pegged by arrows on his way there.
Benefits: Too bad this doesn’t improve the fact that he’s still too damn slow to do anything of note.
However, the big man still gets quite a lot of useful bonuses from this.

Zhen Ji: Dark Moon Flute – On the Jie Ting stage, defeat Jiang Wei. After that, you will see a
precious item report near Zhuge Liang’s camp. Grab the weapon then clear the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too difficult here, if Zhen Ji’s weak, you can use the two player trick if you so
Benefits: The biggest benefit she gets is the increase in range, as well as defense. Other than that,
nothing too tremendous (it’s not like she needed more speed or anything)

Sima Yi: Wu Zhang Plains, Wei side. Kill Zhang Bao, then wait about 20 minutes (!) At around
the initial point of Zhang Bao’s area, a supply team will appear. Kill the captain to get… Nothing!
(What the hell…?) But fear not, a special item report will appear at the entry point southeast of
Shu’s base.
Strategy: It’s actually the 70 minute mark that the supply team appears, assuming you’ve killed
Zhang Bao first. I recommend using the two player trick, since by the time you’ve finished
waiting, half your army will be dead, and you’ll need someone powerful to mop up the bad guys.
Plus this way, Sima Yi can stay nice and safe in the upper right corner. Kill all the people on the
right half of the screen, and if you have time, kill some other guys too. Then go to Zhang Bao and
roast him, making sure to do this before the 70 minute mark. Then wait by the bridge that you
fought him at. I recommend saving when there’s about 71 minutes or so left, in case you mess up,
you don’t have to do the whole thing over again. Once the clock hits 70 minutes, the supply team
will appear right by the bridge, to the left of it. Gun the supply captain down, and the special item
will appear right by you. Grab it, and mop up the rest of the bad guys.
Benefits: The lightning attack you get is very useful, and improves Sima’s fighting capability
greatly. He also gets an increase in Musou charge which is a big plus. Most of the other stats he
gets are nice. Sima Yi becomes a much better fighter when you’ve got this.

Cao Cao: Wrath of Heaven – Yellow Turban Stage, Han side. You must defeat Zhang Bao and
Zhang Liang without any gates being lost on either side. Once you’ve done this, a supply team will
appear on the northwest enemy entry point, and will make its way to the entry point on the top
center of the screen. Kill the supply captain to get the weapon.
Strategy: To get this, I recommend having two players, the first player must be using Cao Cao, and
the second one can be anybody, preferably someone you have powered up. Also both players
should equip the Red Hare Saddle. Take the second player to the east end where the boulders are
dropping, and kill the general there. Have Cao Cao be hiding in a safe place. Once the first enemy
is gone, put your second player in a safe place, and take Cao Cao to the west end and kill the enemy
there. Several morale messages will appear, followed by the appearance of the supply captain.
Once you kill the general, get back on Red Hare and make your way to the northwest gate, then
move toward the central gate, catch up to and kill the supply captain. Then take out the boss to
clear the stage. This weapon is a pain to get, but it’s well worth it.
Benefits: Cao Cao becomes a whole new man once you’ve got this weapon. His reach becomes
much better, and his death attack can shred most anyone. This weapon is what separates Cao Cao
from most of the other schmucks.

Xu Huang: Fan Castle Stage, Wei side. Kill Guan Ping before the flood event. The precious item
will then appear around the northeast edge of the ground level. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: The flood event will occur about 10 minutes into the stage, so you’ll have plenty of time
to waste Guan Ping. If you want to use the two player trick, you can. Once Guan Ping is dead,
you’ll have to go back down to get the weapon, then go finish off Guan Yu. Watch out though,
because he’s tough.
Benefits: No element, but a nice array of stat bonuses make this one a big help.

Xiahou Yuan: Mt. Ding Jun stage, Wei scenario. After Huang Zhong runs down the mountain, kill
him. The special item will then appear in an alcove to the west of Huang Zhong’s initial position.
Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, Just approach Huang Zhong to get the cutscene to appear, then
kill him. Watch out though, he’s got a lot of archer backup. Once he’s gone, you can get the
weapon and go from there.
Benefits: The fire attack is nice for juggling. Also, much like Huang Zhong, this will give you a
nice increase in his already good bow attack stat. Extra HP and bow defense are icing on the cake.

Zhang Liao: He Fei stage, Wei side. Kill Zhou Tai. The special item will appear to the north of the
broken bridge. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough or difficult here. If you use the two player trick, make sure to get
Zhang Liao to a safe spot if he’s your weak guy, because he’ll start right in the middle of the stage,
where there’s lots of enemies.
Benefits: The mounted bonuses are a waste of space, but the other bonuses you get are nice.

Wu Kingdom

Zhou Yu: Ancient’s Sword – Chi Bi Stage, Sun Quan’s side. Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang He,
and the special item will appear south of where Cao Cao starts. Get the item and clear the stage.
Strategy: This one’s not too bad. If you want, the two player trick works wonders here. Just find
out where both enemies are and kill them.
Benefits: Zhou Yu gets extra stats where they count the most, as well as a couple juggling fire
attacks, and a Musou charge bonus.

Huang Gai: Black Shadow – Chi Bi Stage, Wu Side. Defeat Zhang Liao. The special item will
then appear near Zhuge Liang’s place of prayer. Grab it then finish off the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here. Use the two player trick if you want.
Benefits: Increases in range and musou charge make him a much better fighter. The extra HP and
defense make him tough to kill. Overall this one’s a winner.

Sun Shang Xiang: You Ting Stage, Wu side. Kill Cao Xiu. The special item will appear next to
Cao Xiu’s initial position. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: If you want to use the two player trick, do it. Otherwise, make sure to finish off both
towers before you go after Cao Xiu. Once you’ve beaten him, you can get the item and finish off
Sima Yi.
Benefits: This improves her woeful range, though not by much. The extra HP are nice, but the
extra speed is pretty much overkill in her case.

Lu Xun: Falcon - Yi Ling stage, Wu Side. Either Lu Meng or Gan Ning must stay alive while you
do this. First you must break though the stone warrior formation which is the square area on the
south area of the map. You won’t see a map on the main screen, but you can pause to see where
you are. Enter through the top, then make your way around clockwise till you reach the exit on the
west side. Head towards Liu Bei. On the way there, Zhuge Liang’s unit will appear. Defeat Zhuge
Liang. The precious item will then appear in the northeast side of the maze. Grab it, then make
your way back and defeat Liu Bei to finish the stage. This is one of the tougher fourth weapons to
Benefits: Without even bringing up the stats he gets (which are pretty nice) the death attack he gets
from picking up this bad boy is awesome, and will allow him to shred through the masses with

Da Qiao: You Ting stage, Wu Side. Kill Zhang He. The special item will appear at the dead end to
the west of the northwest entry point. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here. Use the two player trick if you like.
Benefits: Extra attack and defense are very helpful for her, and make her an even more effective
fighter than before.

Xiao Qiao: Nanman stage, Wu side. Kill Zhu Rong. The special item will appear to the east of the
bridge on the northwest side of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: I recommend using the two player trick here. Otherwise, this weapon is a pain to get,
since you’ll have to fight through the whole Nanman stage to get to Zhu Rong. If you do it this
way, do it the long way, otherwise, you’ll have to fight through a lot of people.
Benefits: The musou charge bonus is always a nice touch. The other stats are nice too. Her death
attack is OK, but kind of hard to aim.

Sun Jian: Savage Wolf – Liu Biao Stage, Sun Jian’s side. Kill Lu Gong. Once he’s dead, the
special item will appear at the entrance to the path that led to Lu Gong. Backtrack to the item and
grab it. Then finish the stage as normal.
Strategy: Nothing overly difficult here, use the two player trick if you want.
Benefits: Nothing too fancy, but he gets a nice variety of bonuses, plus a fire juggle attack.

Sun Ce: Overlord – Wu Territory Stage, Wu Side. Make Taishi Ci surrender to you by defeating
the enemy in the lower right. The special item will appear in the area where Taishi Ci starts. Grab
it then finish the stage.
Strategy: This one’s not too bad, since you’ll probably want to get Taishi Ci to surrender to you
anyway. The two player trick can be used if you want.
Benefits: A couple fire attacks for juggling fun (though the second one isn’t too great) Extra speed
is nice, as are the extra HP.

Taishi Ci: Assault on Wu Territory, Allied side. Kill all the enemy generals except Sun Ce. The
Special item report will then appear in the area in front of the center north entry point. Grab it and
finish the stage.
Strategy: The two player trick comes in handy here. Make sure you kill all the enemy generals
under either Sun Ce or Zhou Yu before killing them, otherwise they’ll retreat. There are about 8
generals to kill here. You’ll have to pass by Sun Ce along the way in order to get to Huang Gai and
a couple others.
Benefits: All the extra stats you get are useful, except for the mounted attack. The first lightning
attack you get is also rather nice for clearing out bad guys, something Taishi Ci had trouble with
prior to getting this weapon.

Gan Ning: He Fei stage, Wu side. Wait for the Taishi Ci death event. A supply team will appear
at the entry point at the northwest of the map and head toward the entry point on the southwest side
of the map. Kill the captain to get the item.
Strategy: If you use the two player trick here, get your weak guy to safety. Have the strong guy
use Red Hare, and ride up to the top right near the gates there, past Cao Cao. If you can, kill a
couple of the bad guys who get in your way, but concentrate on reaching the gate. Once Taishi Ci
gets axed, the supply team will appear. Kill the captain to get the item, then waste Cao Cao.
Benefits: The lightning attack is pretty useless, but most of the stats that you get are good,
including the ever important Musou Charge bonus.

Lu Meng: Fan Castle stage, Allied Side. Kill Guan Ping. The Precious item will appear southeast
of the Wei base, on the middle level platform. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too special here, you can use the two player trick if you want.
Benefits: You get a not very effective lightning attack, but nice bonuses in all your defense
categories, plus an increase in Musou charge.

Sun Quan: He Fei Castle stage, Wu side. Kill Zhang He. The special item will appear to the east
of the pond in the center of the castle. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, if you use the two player trick, give the strong guy Red Hare,
and charge to get to Zhang He as quick as possible.
Benefits: A nice array of bonuses, including the all important Musou charge bonus.

Other Generals

Lu Bu: Hu Lao gate stage, Dong Zhuo’s side. Kill Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Make sure
to kill Liu Bei last, otherwise Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will take off. Once you’ve killed all these
guys, a supply team will appear on the northeast part of the map, and head for the entry point
behind Cao Cao’s initial position. Kill the captain to get the weapon.
Strategy: Nothing too tough here, using Red Hare helps so that you can catch up to the captain
once he appears.
Benefits: As if he wasn’t a monster before, he becomes even more dangerous with this bad boy.
Three lightning attacks, all of which have at least some use, and big time bonuses in some very
important stats.

Diao Chan: Gold Globe – Hu Lao Gate Stage, Dong Zhuo’s side. Kill Yuan Shu. The special item
will then appear on the left side of Fan Shui Gate. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing tough here, use the two player trick if you want.
Benefits: She gets a much needed increase in range, and a musou charge bonus. She also gets a
bonus in defense, making her tougher to kill.

Dong Zhuo: Hu Lao gate stage, Dong Zhuo’s side. Wait for all of your guys to get killed except
for Diao Chan and Lu Bu. Diao Chan will then defect to the enemy. Pay her back for this act of
treachery by killing her. The special item will appear by the entry point west of the map. Grab it
and finish the stage.
Strategy: This one’s a pain in the butt. Using the two player trick helps here, so that Dong Zhuo is
safe. Have the second player get to Diao Chan so they can cover for her once she moves. Then
just keep her alive while the rest of your people get killed, which takes forever. Once they’re all
gone, Diao Chan will defect. Mow her down to get the item to appear. Grab it, then go beat up
Yuan Shao and whoever else is in your way. There’s a glitch that might occur here that makes
Diao Chan invisible. If this occurs, try to kill a couple guys to get her to appear, and cover for her
as best you can, killing anyone in her general vicinity. Try not to kill too many guys though, cuz
you need them to take out your own allies. You might have to kill Liu Bei and his gang here since
they’ll attack Diao Chan by where she winds up.
Benefits: Dong gets very few stat bonuses, but the ones he does get are helpful. The lightning
attack is nothing special.

Yuan Shao: Guan Du stage, Yuan Shao’s side. Keep Wen Chou alive for 10 minutes. A supply
team will appear north of the southeast fort and head toward the southeast entry point. Kill the
captain to get the weapon.
Strategy: Another annoying one. If you use a powered up second player, it’s helpful. I made Yuan
Shao my first player, so he could sit safe in his starting spot, and I made the second player Guan
Yu. Make sure to kill the enemy’s Guan Yu, since he’ll kill Wen Chou automatically if he gets
close. Basically, I mowed down everyone within a 5 mile radius of Wen Chou, leaving no one
alive but Cao Cao and his cronies. Then I sat near the entrance of the fort on the bottom of the
screen and waited. After 10 minutes, a few piddly reinforcements for the enemy will appear,
followed by the supply captain. Mow down the captain, get the weapon, and finish the stage.
Benefits: Yuan Shao gets some decent stat upgrades, but nothing to really write home about,

Zhang Jiao: Yellow Turban stage, Yellow Turban side. Either defeat all of Cao Cao’s generals, all
of Liu Bei’s generals, or all of Sun Jian’s generals. The special item report will appear on the
southeast side of the river on the north side of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: This two player trick works well here as well. If you use Guan Yu as your second player,
you start right near Liu Bei and his gang, making them easy targets. Kill them, making sure to
leave Liu Bei for last, then the weapon will appear right near where you are. Grab it, then mop up
the rest of the enemies.
Benefits: The reach increase is nice, and he gets a fire juggle attack. Other than that, nothing

Meng Huo: Nanman stage, Nanman side. Defeat all enemy generals on the East side - Ma Chao,
Zhang Yi, and Ma Dai, or all enemy generals on the West side - Zhang Fei, Zhang Bao, and Guan
Xing. The special item report will then appear west of the blocking mountain at the center of the
map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Another great stage for using the two player trick. That way, Meng Huo remains safe,
while your second player mops up the required generals and gets the weapon for you.
Benefits: He could have used more range, but this will make him stronger, more durable, and
better on a horse (yay)

Zhu Rong: Nanman stage, Nanman side. Keep Dong Tu Na and Ahui Nan alive for 15 minutes at
which point, they’ll meet and retreat from the battlefield. The precious item will appear near the
bridge at the center of the map. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: If you want, use the two player trick. Red Hare is very useful as well. Go to the far right
first, and whip Ma Chao and everyone else near him, since they’re going to attack Ahui Nan. Once
they’re all gone, start making your way to the left, taking out everyone in your path, including
enemies that get near Ahui Nan. Once everyone in his vicinity is dead, head over to Dong Tu Ne.
He can take care of himself for a while, but eventually, you can make your way to him, and mop up
his attackers. Once they’re all gone, start killing anyone else who’s left, until the 15 minute mark
hits. Once it does, The two guys whose butts you saved will decide to leave, and you’ll get the
item report. Grab the item and finish off Zhuge Liang.
Benefits: You get two fire attacks, which make her more effective when attacking. The extra
defenses make her tougher to kill, and the increase in range is very useful since hers is terrible.

Nu Wa: Nu Wa’s Rapier – Wan Castle Stage, Allies side. Defeat Dian Wei. The special item will
appear just north of where he started. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing difficult here, but this stage is pretty tough on the allied side, so using the two
player trick is a good idea here.
Benefits: Nothing too fancy. She gets bonuses to very useful stats, and a death attack, although
this one isn’t too useful.

Fu Xi: Liu Biao assault stage, Liu Biao’s side. Kill Huang Gai. Special item will appear at the
dead end on the northwest section of the beach. Grab it and finish the stage.
Strategy: Nothing too complicated. If you use the two player trick, charge Huang Gai and try to
take him out, just watch out for all his archers. Once he’s gone, the item will appear. Get it and
finish normally.
Benefits: You get some nice bonuses here including Musou charge and range, making you an even
badder attacker than before.

Fourth weapon combos

This is a list of each characters’ command to do their elemental attacks if they have them. Where
(T..) is listed, it means you can rapidly hit T to prolong the attack.

Zhao Yun: SSSST, SSSSST(T..)
Jiang Wei: SSSSST
Zhuge Liang: SSSST
Xiahou Dun: ST
Zhang He: SSSSST(T..)
Xiahou Yuan: SSSST
Sima Yi: SSST
Cao Cao: SSSSST(T..)
Zhou Yu: ST, SSSST
Gan Ning: SSSSST(T)
Lu Xun: SSST
Xiao Qiao: SSSSST(T..)
Sun Jian: SSSST
Zhang Jiao: SSSST
Dong Zhou: SSSSTT
Meng Huo: SSSSST


The Super Sneaky Officer Killing Trick: Use this trick at your own risk, as it does take some of the
fun out of battling generals. The trick is simply this. Most high ranking enemy officers (bosses,
and other characters you can play as generally) have a fixed "zone" that they will attack you in.
They will chase you up until you exit their zone, then retreat back to their starting point. The trick
is to simply stand outside enough of their zone where they won't attack you, then pull your bow and
shoot them. Even though you can hit them, they will usually run back and forth like an idiot, not
bothering to attack the guy who's standing 50 feet away filling them full of holes until they've been
reduced to a human pin cushion. This glaring flaw in the enemy's AI will allow you to take down
many level bosses and other dangerous opponents with ease. WARNING: This trick does NOT
seem to work on Lu Bu in Hu Lao gate, he WILL give pursuit, and probably slaughter you if you
try it. An update to this trick was sent by Anime Japan as follows: You are right, Lu Bu will give
chase, but if you make sure you can still move backwards with no other enemy on the board, just
back paddle while shooting regular arrows. Musou arrows are ok, but make sure you still have
plenty of arrows left. With flame arrow equipped you can simply knock him down with a regular
arrow, then use a dizzy arrow, run up and do a combo or knock him down and dizzy him again.

Getting Better Items: According to Adios, the best stages for getting special items are You Ting
and Jie Ting on hard. He also mentions that he was able to max out almost all of his items on these
stages, including the elixir.

Getting Enemies to drop better power ups and items (sent by Anime Japan): In order for officer to
drop double value weapon or buns, unleash 8 hits if they are gonna drop a +1, 16 hit for a +2 and
24 hit for a +4. Some generals are fixed +8 and u don’t have to waste any effort to try tag on combo
on his dead body should you be victorious. Random fools (those who don’t drop stuff) can give a
+50 bun or +5 arrow if they are killed by a 16+ combo. If you have ever used a 10 second musou
fill super and mow down lots of people, chances are you will get 16+ hits and a ground full of

Reverse Block Tactic (Sent in by KenChn3) - When an enemy boss defends all of your attacks thus
far, refrain from attacking and block, in about 0.4 to 1 seconds, the general will attack, and when
he/she is finished, attack back! this trick doesn't work that well if you have and officer with a lot of
friends that have surrounded you, and the fact that the whole idea of "blocking" no longer seem to
be effective on hard mode. Another addition about this tactic, besides blocking till they attack, you
can also block until they start strafing; and blocking works in hard mode, I was just fighting Lu Bu
in Hard at the time.

Getting Second and Third Weapons (Sent in by Boromir)

Getting 2nd Weapon - go to the battle of yi ling on easy mode. Kill Gan Ning and all of his officers.
The officers will both drop weapons, and one of them will be your 2nd. You should do this with
Zhou Yu or any other officer who uses an iron sword, because many of the characters use an iron
sword as a first weapon giving you a 2nd weapon for 6 or 7 people.

Getting 3rd Weapons - Go to the battle at you ting in easy or normal mode, kill every officer but
Sima Yi, pick up all of the weapon boxes, then you will have your 3rd weapon.

Stage Specific Strategies

This will be a guide to beating each stage. I'll also try to incorporate ways to get secret characters
and items when applicable. Also, don't take my guide as absolute, since every battle will play out
slightly differently each time you play. Also note that when you beat the game with the ruler
characters, they will take the place as bosses in some of the later levels. (i.e. before you beat the
game with Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang will be the boss of later battle against Shu) So if I mention one
guy as the boss, and it’s really someone else, don’t be surprised. Basically this holds true for all the
characters. When you beat the game with them, they show up in the later stages, even after they
historically died. At the beginning (when you first start playing) each character has a set period
where they died according to history. If you beat the game with them, they apparently “survive”
the time they died, and can show up later in the game. These walkthroughs are intended to give
you the basic flow of each stage and warn you about important events and enemies. If you really
want some detailed blow by blow descriptions of the battles, I recommend checking out Bnii’s
FAQ, as he has very detailed walkthroughs of each stage.

184 AD: Yellow Turban Rebellion – Han vs Turbans
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan
WEI: Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang
WU: Sun Jian, Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Da Qiao
Han Side: This is an easy stage, which is why it's a beginning stage for so many characters. There
are 3 main enemies to worry about, each one will do something annoying to try to tip the battle in
their favor. Zhang Liang starts out on the west side of the stage, and will eventually freeze the river
to the north, allowing the troops in the north to storm the castle. He will also do this upon his
death, so killing him won’t stop the freezing. If this happens, you might have to run in and protect
HQ. On the east side, Zhang Bao will drop boulders on your troops. This lowers morale, and when
you go up to take him out, you'll have to avoid the boulders, which do quite a bit of damage if they
squash you. Take both of these guys out first, depending on which side you start on. Zhang Jiao is
the boss, and he must be killed twice to beat the stage. If you leave him alone, your allied troops
will probably take care of them on their own. If left alone long enough, he will teleport inside the
castle, but don't worry, again your allies will take care of him. Or you can go beat him up yourself
and get whatever power up he drops. Any way you slice it, after he goes down the first time, he
will teleport off the battlefield, only to reemerge a few minutes later at the north end of the stage.
Go and beat him up again to finish the stage, but be careful of his fire attacks.

Yellow Turban Side: Basically this is the reverse of what you were trying to do with the Han side,
you'll be taking out the enemies around the castle, then busting your way in. Of course, the enemies
you have to deal with are tougher, which include Liu Bei and his brothers, along with Cao Cao, and
Sun Jian and their respective troops. When you enter the castle, an ambush party will appear, so be
ready. The final battle with He Jin is pretty easy, but he does have decent stamina, so use your big
moves to take him out quickly.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: in a pot near the river at the North side of the outer fortress wall
Snack: at the second protrusion from the North of the East castle wall
Wine: map left, in a pot slightly below center
Wine: at the second protrusion from South of the West castle wall

191 AD: Battle of Hu Lao Gate – Allies vs Dong Zhuo
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Pang Tong
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhen Ji
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Taishi Ci, Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao
This is a pretty easy stage if you know what you're doing. It is imperative in this stage that you
take out every gate guard so that extra troops don't come running out at you. There are also a good
number of lesser officers you can beat up, so this is a good stage to build up some power for weak
characters. Make your way up to the Gate in the middle of the map (Fan Shui). Climb the stairs to
the top, so you can get the Musou Max up that's there. Then make your way to the right, and down.
Early in the stage, Lu Bu will appear. Avoid messing with him if your power is low, as he will
probably destroy you. Let the other guys deal with him, and continue making your way over to the
boss area. Along the way, beat up any gate guards and officers that get in your way. When you
reach the curved point at the bottom of the map, one of Dong Zhuo's men will stage an ambush,
featuring several groups of archers in the hills. Stay back, and take these guys out from a distance
before they waste you. If you rush in, you will probably lose LOTS of health. Take your time and
pick them off. Once you reach Hu Lao gate, an assault unit will appear. Protect your assault
captain, until the gate falls. If the assault captain gets killed, you will be delayed, and you’ll have
to fight Li Ru’s unit before the gate falls. (He appears either way, but if you take down the gate
early, you don’t have to fight him. There are some archers in the watchtowers above you so watch
out. Once you're through the gate, you'll meet up with Diao Chan. She's pretty weak, and killing
her should be pretty easy. Once she's gone, climb up the stairs, and take out the archers, and grab
the Max Life power up that's up there. Then drop back down, and hug the walls, and take out the 3
gate captains, so that no more enemies can back up Dong Zhuo. Try to stay near the walls so that
you don't bring Dong Zhuo into the fight just yet. Once you've taken out the captains, you can fight
the boss enemy. If you've done everything right, you should have plenty of backup, and Dong
Zhuo will be fairly easy to defeat, just watch out for his big combos. During this stage, you will
also see a couple officers join the fight near the top of the map, who will make their way down.
You shouldn't have to worry about these guys, Yuan Shao's army should be able to hold them off
long enough for you to clear the stage, especially if your morale is high.

Dong Zhuo's Side: This side can only be played in Free mode, but it's fun to try, since you get to
have Lu Bu on your side in this war. There's no really special strategy, since Dong Zhuo is pretty
well fortified, you can simply cut your way through the ranks, and make your way up to Yuan Shao
and beat him down. One other thing to watch out for is that Dong Zhuo will order Diao Chan to the
front lines to fight. Be very careful at this point, because if she dies, Lu Bu will turn on you. This
is not a bad thing… it’s a VERY bad thing, so try your best to protect her. Also Diao Chan will
defect to the enemy if all of your generals besides her and Lu Bu are beaten. Of course, she’s
weak, and you should have little trouble beating her up (this event is a requirement to unlock Dong
Zhuo’s fourth weapon btw)

Snacks and Wines
Snack: pot near the stairs up the Hu Lao Gate
Wine: pot near the stairs up the Fan Shui Gate

192 AD: Surprise Attack on Liu Biao – Sun Jian vs Liu Biao
Played By
WU: Sun Jian, Taishi Ci, Huang Gai, Da Qiao
This is a pretty straight forward level. If you are playing Sun Jian, you become the target of attack,
otherwise, it's Sun Ce. Also, if you are not playing Sun Jian, there will be a cut scene where he gets
crushed by rocks and killed. Early on in the stage, sweep all the way across the front and take out
both gate captains and whoever else gets in your way, but beware of the archers. There are a
couple routes you can take here to get to the boss, each having a couple enemy officers to knock
off. Beat them down quickly, and get to the boss. Liu Biao isn't that tough a boss so take him out

Liu Biao's Side: For this side, Sun Jian is the target. There's not a whole lot of strategy to this
stage, simply find Sun Jian and take him out. You may also have to fight Sun Ce and Huang Gai,
so be ready for these guys.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: center of map, area of Zhang Hu's initial position where 3 pots stand next to each other
Wine: tents lined up by the beach, in a pot by the farthest left tent

197 AD: Battle at Wan Castle – Cao Cao vs Zhang Xiu
Played By
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xu Huang
Wei's Side: This is a basic short stage. You will get to fight a lot of enemy generals here, mostly
no name officers, thus you can find a fair number of power ups here. The final boss, Zhang Xiu is
relatively easy and you should be able to take him down with little problem. If you manage to clear
a path for Cao Cao, he can escape and you'll win the stage that way. Later on in the stage, some
reinforcements will appear for you. Due to the number of enemy generals, this is a good stage for
powering up lower level characters.

Zhang Xiu's Side: This side is tougher to play, because you have to go through two of Cao Cao's
top officers, ending with the man himself. However, Cao Cao does not have any gates to bring out
more soldiers, although he will get a reinforcement troop at some point. Dian Wei is the first guy
you'll have to fight through, watch out for his power. You'll have to beat him to clear the first gate.
As you get closer, the reinforcements will appear in the form of Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. If
you want, you can go deal with them or continue to get to Cao Cao. The man is backed up by Xu
Huang, Xu Zhu, and a bunch of other guys though, so watch out. If you continue north, you will be
assaulted by a couple of ambush parties. You have to take these guys out fast, Cao Cao will escape
if you give him a clear path to do so.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: from the gate of Hu Che Er's castle, go right along the castle wall until you reach the pot
Wine: from the castle gate at the bottom right of map, go left up, in the shadow of the house there

197 AD: Assault on the Wu Territory – Sun Ce vs Allies
Played By
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Da Qiao
This stage is pretty easy. There are 3 generals you have to defeat to clear the stage, but none of
them are very tough. The only powerful enemy that you will fight is Taishi Ci. However, if you
defeat Liu Yong, on the bottom left first, Taishi Ci will defect to your side and you won't have to
fight him (you will also unlock him as a character). If you fight and defeat him, he leaves a nice
power up usually. Be careful if you go this route, as Taishi Ci is very strong. Go to the right at the
start of the stage and fight your way through, taking out the gate captain. From there, you can
pretty much choose your path through the stage, but make sure to take out the gate captains as you
go. Also on the right side, especially as you near Wang Lang, there are a lot of watchtowers with
archers. All in all though, this is an easy stage, and you should blow through it with no serious

Allies Side: This is just a basic "Kill all the enemy generals" type level. Basically you have to
defend your 3 leaders, while beating up all the enemy generals (Both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have
about 4 subordinates each) Once you've cleaned out the rabble, you can make your way to Sun Ce
and finish him off. Along with Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, you also will get to deal with the Qiao sisters
(one for each main general) and Huang Gai on this stage. Watch out for the archer towers when
you fight Zhou Yu.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: at the corner of the troop entry point just past the first gate
Wine: North of Yian Bai Hu's position, behind the left of the 2 towers

200 AD: Battle at Guan Du – Cao Cao vs Yuan Shao
Played By
WEI: Cao Cao, Xu Zhu, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Sima Yi
Cao Cao's Side: This stage is fairly tough but not too bad once you get the hang of things. There
are four forts at the beginning, one of which hosts the enemy's depot. Go to each of them, kill the
officers guarding it and enter. If it's the depot, you will see a cutscene, after which you must kill
the officer inside to destroy the depot. Once you've done this, Cao Cao's troops will mount their
attack. Also towards the beginning of the stage, an enemy unit will appear in front of the castle.
These come along with some archer towers, so prepare for fun there. You might want to take these
guys on before going after the supply depots (unless you are trying to get Zhang He's fourth
weapon, see his section in the character strategies for more on that) Also, at some point later on,
Guan Yu and Liu Bei will meet up on opposing sides. This will make Liu Bei leave the battle
which is good because he's tough and you don't want to fight him if you don't have to. Yuan Shao
is a fairly tough enemy, but if you brought plenty of backups to deal with him, you should be able
to defeat him. Remember to take out his gate captains so he can't get backup. Also watch out for
Zhang He, who’s floating around somewhere in Yuan Shao’s vicinity.

Yuan Shao's Side: Start the stage out by taking out the enemies north of the castle. Cao Cao's
forces are basically all grouped into this one area, so if you fight quickly, you can keep them stuck
there. Crossing the bridge to the castle area, your first enemies will be Xiahou Dun and Xu Huang,
complete with their subordinates, so get these guys before they do major damage. Eventually, Yan
Liang will be slaughtered by Guan Yu, so the guy you're supposed to follow becomes Wen Chou.
Once the first two officers are down, make your way west across the north side of the castle. All
the way to the left, you'll face Xiahou Yuan and a gate guard. Some reinforcements will attack you
from the south east side, but they shouldn't be too much of a bother. If you leave a path open, your
troops will break down the north wall, allowing for your army to attack. Inside the outer part of the
castle await Guan Yu and Zhang Liao along with several subordinate officers. Kill these guys and
take out the two gates before heading in for the final showdown with Cao Cao. Also during this
stage, Wen Chou may be attacked by an ambush group, so go to his aid if need be.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: map center, slightly to the top, pot at where the rivers join
Wine: in the center of Cao Cao troop's fort, slightly to the top, in a pot along the water passage

201 AD: Guan Yu's Escape – Guan Yu vs Cao Cao
Played By
SHU: Guan Yu
WEI: Xiahou Dun
Guan Yu's Side: This stage is basically a gauntlet. You'll have to protect the carriage, and yourself
from 5 of Cao Cao's top officers and their flunkies. The trick with protecting the carriage is to stay
with it when it's moving. If you're around, the enemies will attack you, not the carriage. In order,
you'll have to fight Zhang He, Zhen Ji, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, and Xu Zhu. Each of these
enemies will also have a lesser officer with them. Basically, this stage is just plow through, kill the
bad guys, and go. Also, partway through the stage, Xiahou Dun will begin pursuing you from the
starting point. Once he catches up, you'll have to deal with him as well. Once you kill him, he'll
drop the Way of the Musou special item, so make sure to get it. Make sure to grab the life max up
near the wagons in the first area, and after you pass the second gate, there will be a Musou
gauge power up directly to the right of the exit. This is a good stage for powering up characters
because it's short, has life and Musou power ups, and has a lot of officers to give you items. Don’t
worry too much about the carriage. It will take damage if it gets near some enemies and you aren’t
there, so follow it reasonably close, and you shouldn’t have much of a problem.

Wei Side: This is similar format to Guan Yu's side, however he'll be clearing the gates for you,
while you play catchup. Guan Yu will leave some troops in each fort for you to deal with, usually
these are lead by a no name general, however the last fort will have you facing Zhao Yun. The
final battle with Guan Yu himself can be tough so watch out. Also, you have to finish the stage
before the carriage clears the 5th gate. The Carriage moves pretty slow, so you should be able to
stay in front of it as long as you're fast.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: in the storage room in front of the first gate
Wine: on the other side of the door of the second gate

208 AD: Battle of Chang Ban – Liu Bei vs Cao Cao
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Jiang Wei,
Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Sima Yi, Zhen Ji
Liu Bei's Side: You will probably begin the stage on the upper right area of the map, Towards the
top of the screen lurk Zhang Liao and Xiahou Dun, along with two gate captains. Try to take out
these enemies quickly. Once you've dealt with these threats, it's recommended to escape from this
area, as Cao Cao will eventually show up here, about 5 minutes into the battle. If you want, you
can defeat the stage quickly by beating Cao Cao, or you can join up with Liu Bei's troops. By this
point, Liu Bei will probably be getting attacked by Xiahou Yuan. Eventually, Liu Bei's rescue
ships will appear. You can clear the stage by beating all the enemy generals between Liu Bei and
his ships and letting him escape. You also have to protect the peasants that the various generals are
protecting, so take out the enemies in the lower right corner if you wish to win this way.
Otherwise, Liu Bei won't retreat. You can also lead Cao Cao off to the west away from Liu Bei,
but this will force you to fight him, and whoever happens to be in the area, with little or no backup.
Personally, I’ve never actually seen Liu Bei retreat, though since it’s listed as a victory condition it
must be possible somehow. If you beat all the enemy officers, Cao Cao will be left all by his
lonesome in the upper right and you can go kick his butt along with Zhang Fei and whoever else is
up there,

Cao Cao's Side: On this stage, Liu Bei will slowly advance to the southwest, eventually retreating
from battle, which will cause you to lose. Depending on your start position, take out whatever
enemy generals are closest to you. If possible, grab a horse, and make your way around, so that
you can cut off his retreat and defeat him, taking out whoever else gets in your way. Shortly into
the battle, Cao Cao will arrive as backup and the pursuit will begin. Zhang Fei will hold off your
guys at the bridge, so take him out yourself, so that your guys can continue to pursue. Since Liu
Bei is basically pinned between your two units, you should have no trouble taking him out, just
make sure to waste any of his officers that get in your way.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: direct South of Zhang He's initial position
Wine: along the shore of Liu Bei's escape route

208 AD: Battle at Chi Bi – Allies vs Cao Cao
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Sima Yi, Zhen Ji
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning,
Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao
Wu Side: This stage isn't too bad if you take your time. If you rush through it, you'll have
problems. First, make your way up to the center of the screen, where Xiahou Dun is waiting. Take
him out of commission. (If you want, you can use the Super Sneaky Officer Killing Trick, which is
usually preferred) After a while, Zhuge Liang will finish his spell to change the direction of the
wind. This will set Huang Gai into motion towards the center. All units are supposed to cover him,
but if you took Xiahou Dun out of the way, he'll have no problems getting there. This will set up
the fire attack later on, that will lower Cao Cao's morale, as well as drive all his troops together. If
Huang Gai or Zhou Yu are beaten before the fire attack goes off, this stage becomes very tough,
since enemy morale will stay high, and you’ll get no reinforcements from Shu later on. There will
also be two groups of reinforcements that show up during the stage, one for Cao Cao, and other by
some of Shu's troops, this is often led by Zhang Fei, but may be led by someone else. You can pick
and choose which route you want to take to get to Cao Cao from here, the side paths usually offer
less resistance, and less power ups, or you can go straight down the center, and fight more enemies.
The end fight with Cao Cao can be pretty tough, especially if he makes it to the very back of the
stage, where he has arrow troopers in the watch towers, and several gates where more enemies can
come from. Hopefully you've got backup, as he'll have a lot of guys waiting for you, including a
lot of arrow troopers, making it a rough fight. Huang Gai might get killed in a cutscene by Zhang
Liao, but don’t worry too much about it.

Shu Side: This is pretty similar to the Wu side, except Xiahou Dun isn't in the middle of the screen
from the start. This will make it easier for you to get the fire attack going as you shouldn't need to
worry about saving Huang Gai as long as the center area is clear. Other than that, this stage will
play pretty much the same as it did with Wu's side, with the addition of a bonus cutscene where
your character shows amazement at Zhuge Liang’s fearsome wind calling prowess.

Wei Side: This stage is basically the reverse of playing it on the allies side. You can stop the fire
attack by defeating Zhou Yu or Huang Gai. If the fire attack goes off, your morale will take a big
hit. Once you've stopped the fire attack, just take out the enemies that get in your way. Most of
Wu's super heavyweights will be on hand, but for the final showdown with Sun Quan, you can try
to snipe him if you want, or fight him directly.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: in between the two troop entry points at the top left of screen
Wine: from the entry point at the bottom right of the map, direct north is a boat, in a pot on the boat

211 AD: Battle at Tong Gate – Allies vs Cao Cao
Played By
SHU: Ma Chao
WEI: Cao Cao, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang

Wei Side: This stage really just boils down to a battle royal. If you can defeat Ma Chao's two
subgenerals, you can clear the way for Han Sui to meet with Cao Cao, which will lower their
morale, and eventually, Han Sui will defect to your side. Other than that, it's a basic, kill everyone
on the opposing side, then finish off Ma Chao type of battle. I recommend taking out all the
enemies on the inside of the gate before finishing off Ma Chao.

Allies Side: Like before, this is a battle royal, you'll have the numbers advantage, but Cao Cao has
actual usable characters, and therefore will be a force to be reckoned with. In no particular order,
you'll have to face off with Xu Zhu, Xu Huang, Xiahou Yuan, and of course, Cao Cao himself.
You may want to try a sneak attack here, going around the long way and attacking from the side.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: top left of map, at the end of a narrow path
Wine: top right of map, area before entering a narrow path, around a Cao Cao troop entry point

214 AD: Assault on Cheng Du – Liu Bei vs Liu Zhang
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Pang Tong
This is a pretty easy stage. The only annoying part comes from the beginning when you are in the
forest. There's no map on the upper right side to show where you are going, but you can always
press start to get your bearings. Basically this stage just boils down to find each officer and kill
them off. The only event of notice is when Pang Tong shows up and remarks what a strange place
he's in. Right after this, Zhang Ren will ambush him, and kill him fairly quickly, which is a
bummer if you're trying to unlock Pang Tong, since you must clear the stage with him alive to
unlock him. Thus, you should try to kill Zhang Ren fairly quickly. Once you've gotten him out of
the way, finish off the rest of the officers one by one. Once you've beaten all the enemy generals,
the Hex Mark saddle will appear in the lower left corner of the map, so go get that. Also, when
you've killed everyone else, the Liu Zhang will surrender to you, thus clearing the stage. Of course,
if you want, you can kill Liu Zhang instead if you prefer, he's not particularly difficult.

Liu Zhang's Side: Pretty much just the opposite of what Liu Bei is trying to do. Protect your
leader, find the enemies, and clean them out. Zhao Yun and Pang Tong are the most dangerous
foes you'll face, along with Liu Bei himself.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: bottom left of Zhao Yun's position
Wine: to the side of the deep forest command base

215 AD: Battle at He Fei – Wei vs Wu
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang. Zhen Ji
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Xiao
Wu Side: Unless you're playing as Lu Xun, you'll probably be dropped into the middle of the map
here, which is a good place to start, as you can take a couple different paths. Zhang Liao is hanging
around somewhere near the middle of the map, so deal with him first. (unless you're trying to
unlock Sun Quan, see below for more details) If Zhang Liao is allowed to live for too long, he’ll
waste Taishi Ci in a cutscene, which is bad. Once he's out of the way, you can advance any way
you want, taking down whatever generals are in your path. Once you get to Cao Cao, you'll have to
defeat him. I recommend taking your time on this board, taking out the other generals so that you
can get some extra power ups for later stages. Also, watch out for Xu Zhu who's hanging out by
Cao Cao on the upper left.

Unlocking Sun Quan: There are a lot of posts on the GameFAQs board asking about this, so I will
outlay how I unlocked Sun Quan here. You must be playing in Musou mode for this to work. First
off, don't kill Zhang Liao right away, instead just bide your time for a while. Eventually, you will
see a cut scene, where Zhang Liao leads a group of archers to pelt Taishi Ci to death with arrows.
After this, Sun Quan will begin to retreat to the southeast. Go with him. When you get to a broken
bridge, you will see a cut scene where your character and Sun Quan both jump over the bridge.
Once Sun Quan is positioned and stopped, sit and wait. Eventually, Zhang Liao will appear near
Sun Quan and attack. Take out Zhang Liao, and whatever other suckers are with him. After this,
Sun Quan will initiate a counterstrike. This is where it gets tough, as you'll now have to take on
pretty much Cao Cao's entire army with you, Sun Quan, and whoever is left on your side, since
probably everyone else will be dead on your side. If you have trouble defeating all of these guys
(and their 6000 archers) then you might want to try running to one of the corners of the stage at the
beginning and wiping out everyone there, thus lessening the amount of guys you'll have to fight
later. Also, Zhang Liao will drop the Buckler special item as an added bonus once defeated. Cao
Cao will also get some reinforcements during the battle, but Gan Ning will also appear to fight for
your side. If you can get Sun Quan to reach the enemy HQ, you will win the battle, and add Sun
Quan to your roster. You can also defeat Cao Cao, if that suits your fancy better. One final note, if
you make your final advance correctly, you can fight all the enemies near the river bridges making
the fight much easier, as you can take on enemy generals one at a time. If you do it wrong, you and
Sun Quan will wind up smack dab in the middle of the fort, with every enemy surrounding you, and
you'll probably die. NOTE: Depending on your character going through Musou mode, you may
have a different commander for this stage, either Sun Jian or Sun Ce. This won't matter, just follow
the same directions and you'll be fine. For the record, I used Xiao Qiao when I did this stage.

Wei Side: During this stage, if you can keep Zhang Liao long enough, he will wipe out Taishi Ci
for you, which helps, since he's tough. If you defeat the other generals in the main square, Zhang
Liao will leave the center, and pull a sneak attack on the commander. There are a lot of generals
and archers in this area, so watch out. Eventually, Gan Ning will pull an ambush near your HQ, so
try to take him out if need be (watch out, he's very tough, and brings a lot of soldiers and archers
with him) Once he's gone, go find Sun Quan (or whoever is the commander in your case) and
finish him off.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: very top left of the map
Wine: very top right of the map

219 AD: Battle at Fan Castle – Shu vs Allies
Played By
SHU: Guan Yu
WEI: Sima Yi
WU: Sun Ce, Lu Xun, Gan Ning, Lu Meng
Shu Side: This stage is pretty tough. There is a brute force way of getting through it, and an easier
way. For the tougher way you have to fight through the majority of the guys yourself, including Xu
Huang, and one lesser general. There are also a lot of archers you'll have to deal with. To my
knowledge, you can't get drowned by the water attack, even when it says the water is about to rise.
Once you get to higher ground, the water will rise, killing anyone on the lower level. At this point,
a bunch of Wu troops will show up and attack. You can go back and save your allies if you want
some backup, or plow through the guys and get to the boss. The choice is yours, but watch out for
Lu Xun, he's very tough. Any way you slice it, you'll have to slice your way through the bad guys
on your way to a battle with Sima Yi at the end. For the easier way, sit near the start at the
beginning of the board and wait for the water to rise. Once this is done, start making your way
toward Sima Yi. After a while, the Wu reinforcements will show up. Go back to your starting
position, find Lu Meng, and beat him. This will cause the other Wu generals to retreat, leaving you
to only have to fight Sima Yi. This method takes longer, but the fights themselves won’t be as

Allies Side: This one is pretty straight forward. Head to the upper level of the castle and take out
the enemies. Guan Ping on the bottom right should be your first target. Eventually, the water attack
will hit, which will kill some of your guys, but reinforcements will also appear. Once Guan Ping is
gone, go after Guan Yu, but pass by him at first so you can take out his gate captain, then return
and finish him off. Just be careful, as Guan Yu is pretty powerful.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: Southern edge from the high tower where Sima Yi is positioned
Wine: top left of map, to the Northern corner of the Shu troop entry point

219 AD: Battle of Mt. Ding Jun – Shu vs Wei
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong
WEI: Cao Cao, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang He
Wei Side: This is pretty much a basic short stage. There's not much to do here except kill the
enemy generals along the way en route to a bout with Liu Bei. Just be careful of the archers that
like to hang out in the watch towers. Also, watch out for all the spiked traps that are on the
mountain, if you touch the spikes you get hurt a lot. However, since Wei's side is going uphill and
the spikes are pointing the opposite way, they’re not that much of a danger to Wei's side. Going
uphill will slow your guy down, but you can hold down L1 to do a strafe walk, which makes you
faster. You can also get a horse if that’s your bag. You'll see a cutscene where Huang Zhong fires
an arrow towards Xiahou Yuan's unit that will lower morale, but there's not a whole lot you can do
against it other than kill Huang Zhong really fast. On this board it won't make much of a
difference. One road goes through him, the other goes through Zhang Fei, but if you want to power
up, you can backtrack and take them both out. When you get close to Liu Bei, an ambush party led
by Zhao Yun appears, so watch out for him. He starts a ways away though, so if you can finish Liu
Bei quickly, you don't have to worry about him. The fight with Liu Bei is pretty standard, he's only
got one gate captain backing him up, so take that out ASAP.

Shu Side: Basically this is the same as the Wei side, except you'll be taking on Xiahou Yuan and
Zhang He. The main thing to be careful of here is that on Shu's side, you are going downhill, and
you run the risk of running into the spikes, which do quite a bit of damage. Avoid these, and finish
off your enemies en route to a battle with Cao Cao at the end.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: far left from where Cao Cao is positioned
Wine: the path to the right of the high tower where archers shoot at a downhill

222 AD: Battle at Yi Ling – Shu vs Wu
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Jiang
Wei, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning,
Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao
Shu Side: This is a TOUGH stage. Early on Lu Xun will survey your camp and order a fire attack.
You must act quickly to stop this. Sometimes you will just get a message saying that Zhu Ran's
unit is preparing their fire attack, with no cut scene (This happened when I played as Zhuge Liang,
don't know about other characters) You must get to Zhu Ran and kill him, he's in the valley
slightly to the northeast of Liu Bei's starting point. He will progress towards the right and launch
the attack when he reaches the far right exit of the valley, near the center of the map. If he is
successful with the fire attack, your side's morale will be pretty much flushed down the toilet and
the stage becomes VERY hard from there. Not to mention Lu Xun will enter the fray probably
before you want him to be. Also watch out, as a raiding party may appear near Liu Bei's camp,
which may be dangerous if the fire attack got off. Once you've managed to take out the fire attack,
you can begin the business of taking out Sun Quan's other minions. Watch out for Lu Xun, as he's
stronger than normal in this stage. Lu Meng and Gan Ning (if he’s here) also get super powers in
this stage. Most of the other generals are pretty tough too, but you'll have to go through Lu Xun to
get to the final battle with the leader. If you take out the other generals, you'll have more troops
pushing through to aid you in the final battles, so it is to your benefit to aid your allies. Also watch
out for the buttload of archers hanging around in the boss’s camp.

Wu Side: On the Wu side, this stage is still tough, but not nearly as hard as it is when playing Shu.
I recommend starting the stage by knocking off whoever is the closest general to you. What you're
after early on is a horse, preferably a white one due to its speed. Then your next goal is to attack
and eliminate each enemy general on the map (I know, this sounds obvious, but on this stage, it's
especially to your benefit to take them all out) Once they're all gone, head to the southwest where
Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are waiting. There are several watchtowers with archers, so be careful of
them. I recommend passing by Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei for the time being, and taking out all of
the Gate Captains in the boss's area, although Zhuge Liang might give chase. Once all these
enemies are gone, you can take on Liu Bei. By the time you've eliminated everyone else, there
should be plenty of your own guys in the camp to help you finish him off. As far as the fire attack I
mentioned so heavily in Shu’s section, it’ll still take place here in the same manner. If you have
time in between your general murdering, you can go help Zhu Ran reach the right end of the valley
so he can let loose with the fire attack. It’s not as critical for you to get the attack off as it is for you
to stop it when playing as Shu, but it will weaken the enemy’s morale, and get Lu Xun into the
fight (otherwise he’ll sit there for the entire battle and take credit for your brilliant fighting)

Snacks and Wines
Snack: lower center of map, in a pot to the right of the stone maze
Wine: lower center of map, in a pot to the bottom left of the stone maze

225 AD: Nanman Campaign – Shu vs Nanman
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Xiao
Shu or Wu Side: This is a long stage if you do it the long way. You will have to fight Meng Huo
up to seven times. However, if you move down towards the bottom left area of the map, he will
show up in the fort, and you'll only have to fight him the one time. However, if you fight him all
seven times, you'll be able to get some nice power ups from him. Also, there are a lot of other
enemy generals for you to take on, so I recommend taking them on while you're after Meng Huo
each time. By doing this, you will aid your allies, and this will later free them up for the big battle
at the end. Watch out for the guys with wooden hats, they can't be shot with arrows. Also, you
must be very wary of the elephant troops. Since they are so high, it's hard to take them off their
mounts. Basically there are 3 ways to do it; 1) With an arrow 2) With another elephant (best to
use the T attack) or 3) With a character with very high jump rating, jump up and knock them off.
You can also try using a horse and knocking them off from there, or a few Musou attacks can
knock them off. (Pang Tong is an example) There are also certain barriers you'll need to break
with the elephants to get to Meng Huo on one or two occasions. Once you get near Meng Huo's
base for the final battle, you'll have to deal with his wife, Zhu Rong. She's pretty tough and fast, so
try to deal with her in the quickest way possible. Once she's out of the way, you can go through the
gate to face Meng Huo the final time. Be very careful of the myriad of watch towers containing
archers that can shoot at you while you're fighting Meng Huo. The best way to fight him is to draw
him out and fight him under the big arch. That way you’re protected from a lot of archer fire.

Nanman Side: This stage is pretty tough, but fun to play. Both side have a lot of units at their
disposal, so this is a real battle royal. Most of Shu's top guys will have to be fought, so deal with
them accordingly, and don't be afraid to fall back to protect HQ if necessary. About 15 minutes into
the fight, two of your guys will meet and retreat from the battle, which will kill morale, so you'll
have to kill a lot of officers to build it back up. Once you've beaten everyone else, head to enemy
HQ for a showdown with Zhuge Liang. Kill the gate captains to the right and left of their HQ.
When you enter the gates, there will be an event where the enemy shoots fire arrows at you in some
half baked attempt to ruffle your feathers. This will lower morale, but if you've got plenty of
backup troops, beating Zhuge Liang at this point shouldn't be too tough. Take out the archers in
HQ first though just to be safe.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: center of map, slightly to the bottom, in pot beside the river (not accessible unless a wall is
broken with an elephant) – Allomoday says that you do not need the elephant to get it
Wine: from the upper fort, cross bridge to the left and go up, in the pot there

228 AD: Battle of Jie Ting – Shu vs Wei
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Wei Yan, Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang
WEI: Xiahou Dun, Zhang He, Sima Yi
Shu Side: This stage is basically a battle royal between your troop and Cao Cao's troop. During the
fight, Ma Su will disobey your orders, climb to the mountain's summit and risk getting himself
wasted unless you go aid him. During this fight you'll encounter Zhen Ji, Zhang He, and a couple
lesser guys under their command. Waste these fools and go take down Cao Cao ASAP. Zhao Yun
will also appear during this stage to back you up. There are a lot of archers towards the end too so
beware. Sima Yi is also waiting at the end to make your life a living hell along with Cao Cao, in
addition to 3 gate captains.

Wei Side: Basically the same strategies for Shu's side can be reversed for Wei's side. This stage
does include probably the funniest intro in the game, involving Zhang He. Once his unit gets clear,
they will do the dreaded "Falling Blossom Charge" Defeat all the enemy generals here, and make
your way down. Zhuge Liang has 3 gate guards to back him up, so get rid of them quickly. Zhuge
Liang isn't too dangerous here, but if you delay, Zhao Yun will appear to back him up and you'll
have to deal with him as well.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: atop the mountain where Ma Su set up base
Wine: to the Northwest of Wei Yan's initial position is a house, in a pot there

228 AD: Battle at You Ting – Wei vs Wu
Played By
WEI: Dian Wei, Zhen Ji
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Lu Xun, Huang Gai
Wu Side: The key to this stage is to take out the main generals on each side, along with those in
the middle. In this case, it's better to go after the west base first, because it's guarded by a no name
general, while the east side is guarded by Zhang He. Zhen Ji is also on the west side, so you can
pick your poison here as to who you want to take out first. Both sides also have plenty of archers in
watch towers for your enjoyment. Once you've taken out one fort, head across the map to take out
the other. You must do this quickly to gain the advantage, otherwise Sima Yi will see through
Zhou Fang's double cross. When you take out both towers, Zhou Fang will defect to your side.
Take out the guys in the center of the map next, so that the rest of your allies can make their way
up. The enemy will get a reinforcement unit as well, but it's nothing to worry too much about.
Once you've taken care of all the enemies, you can proceed to the enemies fort to take out Sima Yi.
You'll meet Xu Zhu along the way, so get rid of him too. Sima Yi has 3 gate guards, but unless
you're after power ups, you really only need to worry about the middle one. Also, watch out for
archers in the towers.

Wei Side: This stage can be really tough if you don't do it right. At all costs, you must keep the
east and west forts from being taken over. Since your teammates seem to be incompetent, and will
eventually get themselves killed, you must do the task of defending the bases yourself. Go to one
side or the other, and defeat the generals there. Watch out for the Qiao sisters, as they're really fast
and they'll chop you to bits if you're not careful. Eventually, Zhou Fang will defect to the enemy's
side. If you've protected the bases, you'll be OK, just go take him out. If both bases fell, he will
defect, and you'll have REAL trouble. You'll be surrounded by the enemy with almost no chance to
get out, and will have to deal with both the Qiao sisters, Sun Shang Xiang, Sun Quan, and whatever
else they can throw at you. If you've protected the base, take out Zhou Fang quickly, then go
around the map, and take out the gate captain in the far back, to protect any additional troops from
coming in. Then come back to the middle to take out Sun Quan.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: center of map, slightly to the bottom
Wine: fort in the center of map, in the pot at the right corner of the wooden shelter

234 AD: Siege of He Fei Castle – Wei vs Wu
Played By
WEI: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Sima Yi, Zhen Ji
WU: Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang, Lu Xun, Gan Ning, Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Da Qiao
Wei Side: This is another tough stage. You'll have to take on basically Wu's entire army, which is
by no means an easy task. To make matters worse, you have two people named Zhen Ji
participating in the battle (fortunately for you, the one on your side is a hot chick who can kick ass,
the other is a relative no name general, but he'll probably be the first one you encounter, so take
him out) If you're playing Cao Cao himself on this board, he becomes the target instead of Sima
Yi. The good thing about this, is you don't have to worry about protecting another person, the bad
news is that everyone will come gunning for you. Whatever you do, DO NOT enter the courtyard
area near the pond (it's on the map just south of where Sima Yi starts, you have to cross a stone
bridge to enter it. Doing this will trigger a bunch of enemy archers which is the last thing you need
on this stage. I recommend beginning by targeting Zhen Ji and Sun Shang Xiang, since they're
the two enemies closest to you. Lu Xun and Lu Meng will stay put at the gate till you come after
them, so take them out next. While you're fighting these guys, a reinforcement troop will appear,
led by Zhuge Jin and Sun Shao. These guys will take a while to get to you, so continue taking out
the foes in the castle. Your side will get some reinforcements too, but their troop is pretty small
and will probably impact the battle very little. If all else fails, grab a horse from someone, and
make a beeline to Sun Quan, and try to take him out.

Wu Side: This stage is somewhat easier than it is in Wei's scenario. Start the battle off by making
your way to the left side, taking out whoever gets in your way. If you enter the center gates, there
will be an ambush party there, so avoid this. Enter through the west gate, and make your way up to
take out the gate captain. Enemy resistance will increase once you enter the castle. After you get
to a second gate, you will enter the dreaded HALL OF ARRROWS, where arrows shoot out the
side walls. Try to fight your way through this as quickly as possible, since the arrows are annoying
and can wear you out. Once you pass this, a large group of enemy reinforcements will attack you
from behind. They will make a beeline for Sun Quan if he's on the ship, so you will probably have
to go back and save him. While you're clearing these guys out, some of your attacking officers may
get killed, but at least a few will stand by and wait for you to return. Past the Hall of Arrows is the
even more dangerous WIND CORRIDOR trap, which is avoided by simply hugging the walls and
running around it. If you stumble into the trap though, it does a lot of damage, and you won't be
able to see it till the cutscene appears (of course, this is why I write walkthroughs, so you know
about these things : ) ) Once you've gotten past the two traps, the battle royale begins. Head to the
lower side of the courtyard by the gates, where you'll find Zhang He and Xu Huang waiting for you
with their personal armies. If you beat these guys, all the gates will open, which is useful if you
need to get back to HQ to take on the enemy reinforcements. Be careful of the archers who like to
hide amongst the real fighters and shoot at you. Once you've beaten the two generals by the gate,
make your way to the top, taking care to avoid the stone bridge area which calls out a crapload of
archers to make your life miserable. If you start on the left side of the HQ, you will have to fight
Zhen Ji, if you start on the top right, you'll meet Zhang Liao. Both of them are a pain, so pick your
poison. Your troops will also split up at this point, so go with the one that has more troops going
that direction. Once you've taken out your officer of choice, not much stands between you and the
final clash with Sima Yi. If you've made it this far, he shouldn't be too big of a deal to finish off.
Another strategy for this stage sent in by OmniX: On The Siege of He Fei Castle there is another
way to get into the castle on Wu side. On the right side where Xu Zhu there is an opening. On the
left side going past Xu Zhu there is an opening. Take a left and keep following it. If you get lost
just check the map. You end up in the castle faster and easier than the normal left side. You can
than head directly for Zhange He and everyone else up at the gate. If you are fast enough you will
be there way before anyone gets past the Wind Corridor so you are alone. But don't enter the pond
area since that will activate the Archers which complicates it all. All in all, if you do it right you
can take out all the generals except for 1 and Sima Yi (or Cao Cao) before all the gates are opened
without your side interference so you get more power ups.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: in the pot to the top of the Wind Room
Wine: in pot to the top of the destroyed bridge room on the top right path

234 AD: Battle at Wu Zhang Plains – Shu vs Wei
Played By
SHU: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang
WEI: Cao Cao, Xu Zhu, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Sima Yi
Wei: If you're playing Cao Cao here, you are the target, other wise it's Sima Yi. One thing going
for you on this stage is that Zhuge Liang is the boss, not one of the 3 main generals, and he's a little
easier to beat. Otherwise, this is a rather tough stage. Take your time through it and take out the
enemy generals as quickly as possible. On Wei's side, you have the catapults on your side, which
can strike the enemy at various intervals, lowering their morale. Since this is the climactic battle
with Shu, basically all of the big Shu generals will be there to oppose you. Both sides can also get
reinforcements at various points in the battle. Watch out when you get up to Zhuge Liang's fort, as
there will be an ambush party to attack you. If enemy troops get close to HQ, you may have to
do a big save to prevent Sima Yi from getting killed. Once you reach him, Zhuge Liang isn't
particularly tough, just make sure to kill the gate guards to prevent reinforcements.

Shu Side: Basically the strategies for Wei's side will apply here, but you're fighting different
people. Either Sima Yi or Cao Cao will be the target, depending on who you are using. If you
have Liu Bei, Cao Cao will appear, and along with Sima Yi, that makes the fight even tougher.
Like with Wei's side, take your time, fight through each general so that you have more allies to help
you in the final battle. Unlike Wei's side however, Shu's fort is relatively well protected, so you
shouldn't have to worry about your leader getting bumped off. You also have the benefit of the
Wood Ox which will appear in a few places, such as the bottom right corner. Items are hidden in
the Wood Ox if you need em. The enemy will also get reinforcements a couple of times, so deal
with them accordingly.

Snacks and Wines
Snack: in pot near the troop entry point to the bottom of Sima Yi's position
Wine: at the end of the dead-end path to the left of the high tower where Zhuge Liang is

Mountain Bandit Campaign: This is a VERY easy stage. Basically, all you have to do is keep the
peasants from dying (and you’d have to try very hard for them to get killed, since they’re pretty
good at defending themselves) and keep from dying yourself. Make sure to break as many of the
containers as possible, since there are a couple weapons and items to find, especially along the
north end. It’s a good idea to take the gate captain on top of the map out first. From there, all you
have to do is defeat 3 Lieutenant Commanders, all of which are pretty weak. Once they’re gone,
the Commander himself will come out. He puts up a little better of a fight than his subordinates,
but should go down with little trouble.

Snacks and Wines
Snack - center, slightly to the right, in a pot to the side of the
resident house
Wine - left center, slightly downward, in a pot around a resident house

Pirate Attack on the High Seas: This battle is barely worth mentioning, since only 3 characters ever
get to play it, however for the sake of completeness, I will discuss strategy. The captain who you
must protect is fairly tough, and keeping him from dying shouldn’t be much of a problem. You can
go right to the leader and kill him to get a quick win, or go around and take out the lesser officers
and go after powerups. Either way, this is an easy stage, and you should have no trouble clearing

Snacks and Wines
Snack - pot in the boat at the very bottom left
Wine - pot around the troop entry point on the right

Raid on the Rogue Fortress: Of the 3 Musou exclusive stages, this is the toughest one, but it’s still
not too bad. Basically, you just go around and whack all the enemies, clearing your way through
the gates. There are a few Lieutenant Commanders you’ll have to beat, but they’ll provide little
resistance. The main danger on this stage is that there are quite a few archers in watch towers that
you’ll have to knock off. To get to the final Lieutenant, you’ll have to climb up the stairs, over the
wall and drop down to where he is. Once that guy’s gone, the gate will open to the final area,
where the commander will be waiting. In a couple scenarios, this might be Zhang Fei or Xu Zhu,
otherwise it’ll just be a generic guy.

Snacks and Wines
Snack - fort first level, top left of area only reachable from castle wall
Wine - fort second level, center to the right

Misc Info

Mount Guide

There are five different horses you can ride during the game. Each has increased speed and
knockdown ability. Here's a guide to the different horses (provided by Muni Shinobu)

Light Brown Horse
Rank Allowed: Any
Speed: Lowest
Knockdown Ability: None
Comments: The worst horse, ridden by low level enemies. Unless your guy is really slow, you're
better off walking. Will stop if it runs into anyone.

Dark Brown Horse
Rank Allowed: 13
Speed: Moderate
Knockdown Ability: Can knock down enemy soldiers
Comments: Ridden by lesser enemy generals. Useful to get where you want to go. Can run over
low level enemies.

White Horse
Rank Allowed: 11
Speed: Moderate
Knockdown Ability: Can knock down enemy soldiers
Comments: Ridden by major generals. Slightly faster than the dark brown horse, and can knock
over any enemy except generals.

Hex Mark (Black Horse)
Rank Allowed: 6 (or Hex Mark Saddle)
Speed: Fast
Knockdown Ability: Can knock down generals
Comments: Ridden by Liu Bei. Gives you a bonus to your luck. Second fastest horse, and can
knock over lots of different foes.

Red Hare (Red Horse)
Rank Allowed: 1 (or Red Hare Saddle)
Speed: Fastest
Knockdown Ability: Can knock down anyone except your bodyguards.
Comments: Ridden by Lu Bu during Hu Lao gate stage, and Guan Yu in later stages. It's the
biggest, baddest, and best horse. Nuff Said. Can knock over anyone except your own guards.

Scoring System (provided by Muni Shinobu)

90 minute stages:
Boss General = 500 points
Enemy Generals = 300 points each
Enemy Sub-generals = 200 points each
Total Time = 2000 points
after 6 minutes, -40 points every minute

30 minute stages:
Boss General = 600 points
Enemy Generals = 350 points each
Enemy Sub-generals = 200 points each
Total Time = 1000 points
after 6 minutes, -40 points every minute

Both stages:
Bodyguards = +250 points each survivor, -250 points each dead
Entry Point Captains = 100 points each

Finding Items (Provided by Mr. Tango)

This is a list of each of the items, and which stages to find them in the easiest

speed scroll
the yellow turban rebellion
assault on the wu territory
the battle at you ting

wing boots
the battle at chi bi
the battle at yon ting

dragon amulet
the yellow turban rebellion
the battle at you ting
the battle at yi ling

peacock urn
the yellow turban rebellion
the battle at you ting

tiger amulet
the battle at you ting
the battle at chang ban

tortoise amulet
the battle at hu lao gate
the battle at chi bi
the battle at you ting
the siege of he fei castle

huang's bow
the seige of the he fei castle
assault on the wu territory
the battle at you ting

shell armor, horned helm, cavalry armor, seven star orb
the battle at you ting

wind scroll
the seige of he fei castle

the battle at wu zhang plains
the seige of he fei castle
assault on the wu terrirtory

Codes and Tricks

Activate Opening Edit – Clear Musou mode with one character from the Wu, Shu, and Wei sides.
This will allow you to mess around with the game's opening cinema, putting whoever you want in
each of the scenes.

Secret Ending – Once you've activated Opening Edit, highlight the Replay option, hold down all
four shoulder buttons, and press X. According to Mark Sachs, you need to unlock a certain number
of characters before this will work. I personally had it working the first time I used it, but I had
quite a few characters unlocked by then. Anyone else have more info on this? Brad Flickinger
sends in a possible explanation that you need to unlock Yuan Shao and possibly Meng Huo before
this is unlocked.

WARNING: The following codes are to unlock characters and other things within the game. They
are to be inputted at the main menu, when you are selecting your mode. You will hear a cheer when
the code is done correctly. Use them at your own risk, as in my opinion, they take some of the
enjoyment out of the game. With that out of the way, here you go.

Unlock all free mode stages- R1 R2 L2 L1 Square L1 L2 R2 R1 triangle

Unlock all movies in gallery- Triangle L1 Triangle R1 Triangle Square L2 Square R2 Square

Unlock "Opening" item in options- R1 Square R1 Triangle R1 L1 Square L1 Triangle L1

Unlock all sound test BGMs- L1 L1 R1 R1 L2 L2 R2 R2 Square Triangle

Unlock all Shu Chars- L1 Square Triangle R2 L1 L2 L2 R1 square L1

Unlock all Wu Chars- Triangle Triangle L1 square R1 R2 L1 L2 L2 L2

Unlock all Wei Chars- L2 L1 Square Triangle L1 L2 R1 R2 L1 L2

Unlock all Characters- R2 R2 R2 L1 Triangle L2 L2 L2 R1 Square

Dynasty Warriors 3 vs Stage Of Emergency, Which is better?

Well, I’m sure by now you can guess that I’m going to say Dynasty Warriors 3, but let’s take a look
at some of the ways DW3 is better. If you have more to add, let me know.

DW3 State of Emergency

41 Selectable Characters 5 Selectable characters
Each character has their own style of fighting Each character fights basically the same
And weapons
20+ Stages 4 Stages
Stages and HUGE Stages are pretty small in comparison
Characters on the screen actually fight Can put more characters on the screen at
Once, but the characters all run around like
Idiots, and don’t really do anything
Can get four weapons for each guy, and lots of All characters get the same weapons, which
Special items are mostly different types of guns
Horses and Elephants to ride Nothing to ride


Contributors: Those who have helped in the FAQ's creation in one way or another

Muni Shinobu – Some of the information that you find here is from his FAQ's. He is DA MAN as
far as finding out a lot of the early info such as fourth weapons and the like.

Mashu – Use of his stage reference FAQ listing the stages each character goes through.

Kepella – Posted the US version cheat codes on the Gamefaqs message board.

Brandon Swetz – Sent in stats for some weapons.

Tim George – Sent in stats for weapons.

Klarc and Raymond Ellis – The former posted the list of elemental combos on the GameFAQs
board, and the latter brought it to my attention

Bugg Godd – Sent in stats for weapons.

Adios – Sent a tip on getting better items.

Anime Japan – Sent in a number of strategies and corrections.

Mr Tango – Pointed out a couple typos in the FAQ. Added in a bit of info on playing Hu Lao gate
on Dong Zhuo’s side.

Philippe Mercure – Notified me of an error I had made in unlocking Gan Ning.

Ade – Notified me of a correction in getting Gan Ning’s fourth weapon.

Allomoday – Sent in advice about getting the +10 life on the Nanman stage

Danoh1989 – Confirmed that you do not need to kill Gonsung Zan to get Lu Bu’s fourth weapon

Iawondererl – Sent background info on Fu Xi

Mark Sachs – Sent in info on the secret ending

Omni X – Sent in tips on beating generals and a tip for He Fei Castle, Wu Side

John Diedrich – Sent in stats for several weapons

Brad Flickinger – Sent in a possible theory on what is required to unlock the secret ending

KenChn3 – Sent in the Reverse Guard Trick

Sir Salty – Sent in several corrections and additions.

Boromir – Sent in an easy method for getting second and third weapons.

Resources: Places to go to find more information about DW3, and the Three Kingdoms

KOEI Official Website: www.koeigames.com - Makers of Dynasty Warriors 3, and several other
awesome games. Also, they have a site to track the records for Endurance and Time Attack modes,
which is done through the passwords that you can obtain.

Dynasty Warriors 3 Essence: http://www.geocities.com/dw3essence/ - A great site about Dynasty
Warriors 3

http://www.geocities.com/musoumaster/dynasty.html - Another cool DW3 site with a lot of good

http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/ultimatedynastywarriorclub - Yahoo club for Dynasty Warriors

http://www.threekingdoms.com/ - A site devoted to the 3 Kingdoms era. You can read the entire
novel here online, and it also has links to order the book version.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Frontier: http://3kingdoms.net/ - Another awesome resource
about the 3 Kingdoms era.

www.kongming.net - Cool Site with info on all the 3 Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors games.

http://3kingdoms.proboards5.com/ - An RPG based on the 3 kingdoms era, played out via a
message board.

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