Slayers Wonderful

Slayers Wonderful

09.10.2013 15:30:03
Slayers Wonderful Walkthrough (Playstation)
Version 3.0
Copyright 08-2001
by Elaine

Please feel free to distribute this walkthrough to any website
as long as it is not for profit and is displayed in its entirety.

My Japanese is almost nonexistent, so I didn't understand a lot
of the plot. Therefore, this is only a bare bones guide get to the
end of the game. If anyone has any additional information or
corrections, please e-mail me.

This Walkthrough contains Japanese characters (created with
NJ Star Communicator) to help readers figure out what I'm
talking about. I tried to figure out the English meaning
of the spells and specials as best I could, so I apologize
in advance for any egregious errors. I have put question
marks for the specials and spells where I don't know what
they do. If you know their effects, please e-mail me and
I will update this and give you credit.

Version 3.0 (04-2002)
Added Partial Item List
Version 2.0 (01-2002)
Fixed up directions for getting to Malen Lake Town.
Added more Unanswered Questions.
Version 1.0 (08-2001)
Finally got everything typed!

Special Thanks
bungiefan - - for the Item List
Shura the Hyena for asking about Malen Lake Town



a. Lina Inverse
b. Naga
c. Gourry Gabriev
d. Zelgadis Graywords
e. Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun
f. Sylphiel Nels Lahda
g. Damia Churihi




a. The Forest and Atlas City
b. Ancient City
c. Atlas and Sigmun City
d. Malen Lake Town
e. Tirel City and Tabasa Mtn.
f. Forest Path and Tirel City
g. Ghost Town
h. Dragon Cave
i. Exchange House
j. Fashion Contest
k. Shipwrecked
l. Goblin City
m. Seven Treasures Cave
n. Flagoon
o. Final Battle


Slayers Wonderful was released in 1998 by Banpresto and is an
RPG featuring most of the lovable characters from the Slayers
TV and OAV series. Most of the spells and attacks should also
be familiar to any Slayers fan, which I suppose is the main draw
for playing the game in the first place.

Slayers Wonderful is like a traditional RPG where you walk around,
fight enemies to gain levels, and attempt to figure out where to
go next. The plot is linear, so you're forced to go to one place
or accomplish one event before you can continue on with the story.
The graphics during fighting scenes are like Final Fantasy 7. In towns
and dungeons, you walk around with an SD Lina and a 3D rotatable screen.
The world map is 2D. You can have 3 people in your party at one time.
The computer chooses who's in your party most of the time. The
one major drawback of this game is the lack of a compass in towns
and dungeons making it hard to determine sometimes, exactly where
you are going. I apologize for the sometimes bad directions given
in the walkthrough because I got lost easily and had a hard time
figuring out exactly where I was.



This section contains all the playable characters and lists their
spells and special attacks. You obtain more spells and specials
by raising a character's level. The highest level you can obtain
is 50, at which point, you gain no more experience. A bonus is
that every time you gain a level, your HP and MP are restored which
is useful for those long dungeons.

The specials are described in this order:
Japanese Name | English Name | with whom | hits single or all enemies
brief description

The spells are described in this order:
Japanese Name | English Name | type | hits single or all enemies
brief description

The types of spells corresponding to the little color square in front
of the spell are:

Red = Fire
Blue = Ice
Light Blue = Astral
Orange = Earth
Black = Shadow
Green = Wind
White = Holy

a. Lina Inverse
The main character of the series and this RPG. She is with you almost
all the time. Lina has all her classic spells and a ton of MP to go
with it. She's quite good with a sword too which is useful in
conserving MP.

FB ƒtƒH[ƒ‹ | Fireball Fall | by herself | all
a series of fireballs rains down on the enemies

ƒWƒƒƒXƒeƒBƒXƒ{ƒ€ | Justice Bomb | Amelia | all
Amelia creates a firewall while Lina fires a fireball

ƒCƒ“ƒtƒBƒjƒeƒB | Infinity | Naga | all
Lina throws fireballs while Naga throws iceballs at the enemy

Infinity ƒXƒŠƒbƒp | Infinity Sleeper | Gourry | all
Lina gets mad and throws Gourry at the enemies causing a huge explosion

ƒ}ƒOƒ}ƒ][ƒ“ | Magma Zone | Zelgadis | all
Zel and Lina cause a volcanic explosion beneath their opponents

ƒhƒbƒyƒ‹ D | Double D | Sylphiel | all
Both Lina and Sylphiel fire a Dragon Slave at the enemy

D ƒ\[ƒh | D Sword | Damia | ?????


ƒtƒŒƒAƒAƒ[ | Flare Arrow | fire | single
flame arrow fired at opponent

ƒo[ƒXƒgƒƒ“ƒh | Burst Rondo | fire | all
a group of fireballs explode on opponents

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒAƒ[ | Freeze Arrow | ice | single
ice arrow fired at opponent

ƒfƒBƒ‹ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒh | Dill Brando | earth | single
earth explodes beneath opponent's feet

ƒuƒ‰ƒ€ƒuƒŒƒU[ | Blam Blazer | astral | single
holy beam fired at opponent

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Elmekia Lance | astral | single
holy arrow fired at opponent

ƒVƒƒƒhƒEƒXƒiƒbƒv | Shadow Snap | astral | single
Paralyze one opponent

ƒtƒBƒA[ƒ{[ƒ‹ | Fireball | fire | single
fire ball launched at opponent

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒuƒŠƒbƒh | Freeze Brido | ice | single
ice ball launched at opponent

ƒAƒCƒVƒNƒ‹ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Icicle Lance | ice | single
long ice arrow launched at opponent

ƒƒKƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒh | Mega Brando | earth | all
multiple eruptions beneath enemies

ƒfƒBƒOƒ”ƒHƒ‹ƒh | Dig Vault | wind | single
lightning surrounds opponent

ƒŠƒJƒoƒŠƒB | Recovery | holy | single ally
restore hit points to one ally

ƒuƒ‰ƒXƒgƒAƒbƒVƒ… | Blast Ash | shadow | all
dark energy ball shoots arrows at opponents

ƒ”ƒ@ƒ“ƒŒƒCƒ‹ | Van Rail | ice | all
sharp icicles pierce opponent

ƒxƒtƒBƒXƒuƒŠƒ“ƒO | Bephis Bring | earth | single
hole in earth opens and erupts fire at opponent

ƒ_ƒ€ƒuƒ‰ƒX | Damu Bras | wind | single
wind arrow creates barrier then explodes upward at opponent

ƒŒƒCƒ”ƒBƒ“ƒO | Raywing | wind | single ally

ƒu[ƒXƒg | Boost | shadow | on Lina
Lina charges herself up

ƒ_ƒCƒiƒXƒgƒuƒŒƒX | Dynast Blaze | shadow | single
Two rows of flame hit the enemy

ƒo[ƒXƒgƒtƒŒƒA | Burst Flare | fire | all
pillar of fire erupts below enemies

ƒGƒAƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒ€ | Air Broom | wind | single ally

ƒhƒ‰ƒOƒXƒŒƒCƒu | Dragon Slave | shadow | all
Lina's classic attack

ƒ‰ƒCƒuƒŠƒ€ | Ray Brimu | ice | single
huge ice beam hits opponent

ƒ‰ƒOƒiƒuƒŒ[ƒh | Ragna Blade | shadow | single
Lina charges up and slices her opponent


b. Naga
Lina's companion (or perhaps tagalong) in the Slayers OAV's and movies.
Naga has quite a repertoire of spells too, but her physical fighting
abilities are not as strong as Lina. She is the only one that can
summon monsters.

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒOƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ… | Freeze Glacier | by herself | one
Naga slashes and freezes an enemy

ƒCƒ“ƒtƒBƒjƒeƒB | Infinity | Lina | all
Lina throws fireballs while Naga throws iceballs at the enemy

ƒuƒŠƒbƒcƒtƒŠ[ƒU[ | Breeze Freezer | Gourry | all
Naga creates an ice shield which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒtƒŒƒAƒAƒ[ | Flare Arrow | fire | single
flame arrow fired at opponent

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒAƒ[ | Freeze Arrow | ice | single
ice arrow fired at opponent

ƒnƒEƒ‹ƒtƒŠ[ƒY | Hall Freeze | ice | all
ice tornado strikes the enemy

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Elmekia Lance | astral | single
holy arrow fired at opponent

ƒwƒ‹ƒuƒ‰ƒXƒg | Hell Blast | shadow | single
shadow arrow fired at enemy

ƒlƒdƒƒoƒ”-ƒh | Necro Vado | shadow | all
Hands reach from the ground and crush enemy

ƒtƒBƒA[ƒ{[ƒ‹ | Fireball | fire | single
fire ball launched at opponent

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒuƒŠƒbƒh | Freeze Brido | ice | single
ice ball launched at opponent

ƒAƒCƒVƒNƒ‹ƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Icicle Lance | ice | single
long ice arrow launched at opponent

ƒ”ƒ”ƒ‰ƒBƒ} | Va Bryma | shadow | single
Naga summons a golem to smash the enemy

ƒ[ƒ‰ƒXƒS[ƒh | Zelas Goto | shadow | all
Naga summons a jelly fish to land on the enemy

ƒ”ƒ@ƒ“ƒŒƒCƒ‹ | Van Rail | ice | all
sharp icicles pierce opponent

ƒ_ƒ€ƒuƒ‰ƒX | Damu Bras | wind | single
wind arrow creates barrier then explodes upward at opponent

ƒŒƒCƒ”ƒBƒ“ƒO | Raywing | wind | single ally

ƒ_ƒ‹ƒtƒ][ƒN | Dolph Zogu | shadow | single
flame arrow hits enemy

ƒ_ƒCƒiƒXƒgƒuƒŒƒX | Dynast Blaze | shadow | single
Two rows of flame hit the enemy

ƒ” ƒŒƒCƒ[ | Vu Greywall | shadow | single
Naga summons an earth serpent that rains rocks on the enemies

ƒfƒ‚ƒiƒdƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹ | Demona Crystal | ice | single

ƒGƒAƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒ€ | Air Broom | wind | single ally

ƒKƒCƒ‰ƒ@ƒh[ƒK | Guyradouga | shadow | single
Naga summons a serpent that blasts lighting at the enemy


c. Gourry Gabriev

Lina's companion at the start of the game. He has no magic, but
his excellent sword skills more than make up for it. Gourry has a
very high speed meaning, most of the time, he has two turns before
a slower character has even had one!

ƒ\ƒjƒbƒNƒuƒŒƒbƒh | Sonic Blade | by himself | all
Gourry fires two cross shots at the enemy

Infinity ƒXƒŠƒbƒp | Infinity Sleeper | Gourry | all
Lina gets mad and throws Gourry at the enemies causing a huge explosion

ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ”ƒFƒCƒu | Holy Wave | Amelia | all
Amelia creates a fire ring which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒuƒŠƒbƒcƒtƒŠ[ƒU[ | Breeze Freezer | Naga | all
Naga creates an ice shield which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒOƒ‰ƒ“ƒhƒNƒƒX | Grand Cross | Zelgadis | ?????

ƒz[ƒŠƒVƒ…[ƒh | Holy Shudo | Sylphiel | all
Sylphiel creates a holy flame which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒ\ƒEƒGƒ“ƒUƒ“ | Soenzan | Damia | single
Gourry and Damia take turns slashing at the enemy


d. Zelgadis Graywords

Everyone's favorite chimera. Zel has good fighting abilities and a small,
but nice repertoire of spells, including some astral spells that are
unique to Zel.

ƒVƒƒƒCƒjƒ“ƒO | Shining | by himself | single
Zel runs and slashes at an enemy

ƒ}ƒOƒ}ƒ][ƒ“ | Magma Zone | Lina | all
Zel and Lina cause a volcanic explosion beneath their opponents

ƒZƒCƒ“ƒg | Saint | Zelgadis | all
Zel and Amelia create holy flames around the enemy

ƒOƒ‰ƒ“ƒhƒNƒƒX | Grand Cross | Gourry | ?????

ƒz[ƒŠƒNƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ… | Holy Crash | Amelia | ?????

ƒAƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹ƒuƒŒƒCƒJ[| Astral Breaker | Damia | all
Zel powers Damia up, who then slashes at the enemy

ƒtƒŒƒAƒAƒ[ | Flare Arrow | fire | single
flame arrow fired at opponent

ƒfƒBƒ‹ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒh | Dill Brando | earth | single
earth explodes beneath opponent's feet

ƒtƒBƒA[ƒ{[ƒ‹ | Fireball | fire | single
fire ball launched at opponent

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Elmekia Lance | astral | single
holy arrow fired at opponent

ƒVƒƒƒhƒEƒXƒiƒbƒv | Shadow Snap | astral | single
Paralyze one opponent

ƒƒKƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒh | Mega Brando | earth | all
multiple eruptions beneath enemies

ƒAƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹ƒ”ƒ@ƒCƒ“| Astral Vine | astral | single ally
creates a barrier around one ally

ƒŠƒJƒoƒŠƒB | Recovery | holy | single ally
restore hit points to one ally

ƒ_ƒ€ƒuƒ‰ƒX | Damu Bras | wind | single
wind arrow creates barrier then explodes upward at opponent

ƒŒƒCƒ”ƒBƒ“ƒO | Raywing | wind | single ally

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒtƒŒƒCƒ€| Elmekia Flame | astral | single
astral arrow hits enemy

ƒ_ƒOƒnƒEƒg | Dug Haut | earth | all
earth explodes upward at enemy

ƒGƒAƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒ€ | Air Broom | wind | single ally

ƒ{ƒ€ƒfƒBƒEƒBƒ“ | Bomb Diwing | wind | all
tornado hits enemy

ƒ‰ƒeƒBƒ‹ƒg | Ra Tilt | astral | single
The strongest Astral attack


e. Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun

a self-declared fighter for justice. Amelia has a decent selection
of fighting spells and also, many healing spells that make her
a welcome addition to any party. It's unfortunate that her physical
attack level is rather low.

ƒZƒCƒ‹[ƒ“ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ…| Seyruun Crash | by herself | single
Amelia launches herself at an opponent and kicks them

ƒWƒƒƒXƒeƒBƒXƒ{ƒ€ | Justice Bomb | Lina | all
Amelia creates a firewall while Lina fires a fireball

ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒ”ƒFƒCƒu | Holy Wave | Gourry | all
Amelia creates a fire ring which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒZƒCƒ“ƒg | Saint | Zelgadis | all
Zel and Amelia create holy flames around the enemy

ƒ‰ƒt ƒCƒ“ƒWƒFƒ‹ | Raf Angel | Sylphiel | ?????

ƒXƒŠ[ƒvƒuƒŒ[ƒh | Sleep Blade | Damia | single
Amelia charges Damia up, after which Damia slices at the enemy


ƒtƒŒƒAƒAƒ[ | Flare Arrow | fire | single
flame arrow fired at opponent

ƒo[ƒXƒgƒƒ“ƒh | Burst Rondo | fire | all
a group of fireballs explode on opponents

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒAƒ[ | Freeze Arrow | ice | single
ice arrow fired at opponent

ƒuƒ‰ƒ€ƒuƒŒƒU[ | Blam Blazer | astral | single
holy beam fired at opponent

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Elmekia Lance | astral | single
holy arrow fired at opponent

ƒ‰ƒBƒeƒBƒ“ƒO | Lighting | holy | all allies

ƒXƒŠƒbƒsƒ“ƒO | Sleeping | holy | single
causes an opponent to fall asleep

ƒƒMƒhƒtƒŒƒA | Megido Flare | holy | single
flames circle and burn enemy

ƒtƒBƒA[ƒ{[ƒ‹ | Fireball | fire | single
fire ball launched at opponent

ƒ”ƒBƒXƒtƒ@ƒ‰ƒ“ƒN | Vis Franc | astral | on Amelia
Amelia charges herself up

ƒŠƒJƒoƒŠƒB | Recovery | holy | single ally
restore hit points to one ally

ƒfƒBƒNƒŠƒ@ƒŠƒB | Dicriary | holy | single ally
remove bad status from one ally

ƒ_ƒ€ƒuƒ‰ƒX | Damu Bras | wind | single
wind arrow creates barrier then explodes upward at opponent

ƒŒƒCƒ”ƒBƒ“ƒO | Raywing | wind | single ally

ƒŠƒJƒo[ | Recover | holy | all allies
restore hit points to all allies

ƒGƒAƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒ€ | Air Broom | wind | single ally

ƒŠƒUƒŒƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“ | Resurrection | holy | single ally
revive one ally

ƒ‰ƒeƒBƒ‹ƒg | Ra Tilt | astral | single
The strongest Astral attack

ƒtƒƒEƒuƒŒƒCƒN | Flow Break | Holy | single
prevents enemy from using magic, I think

f. Sylphiel Nels Lahda

a powerful healer, whose also has quite a few Holy attack spells. In
addition, she has mastered Dragon Slave. Sylphiel has the worst physical
attack strength of any party member in the game.

ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒrƒ“ƒ^ | Holy Pinta | by herself | single
Sylphiel fires magic balls at the enemy

ƒhƒbƒyƒ‹ D | Double D | Lina | all
Both Lina and Sylphiel fire a Dragon Slave at the enemy

ƒ‰ƒt ƒCƒ“ƒWƒFƒ‹ | Raf Angel | Amelia | ?????

ƒz[ƒŠƒVƒ…[ƒh | Holy Shudo | Gourry | all
Sylphiel creates a holy flame which Gourry fires at the enemy

ƒz[ƒŠƒNƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ… | Holy Crash | Zelgadis | ?????

ƒCƒmƒZƒ“ƒg | Innocent | Damia | all
Sylphiel creates a white energy shield which Damia fires at the

ƒtƒŒƒAƒAƒ[ | Flare Arrow | fire | single
flame arrow fired at opponent

ƒtƒŠ[ƒYƒAƒ[ | Freeze Arrow | ice | single
ice arrow fired at opponent

ƒuƒ‰ƒ€ƒuƒŒƒU[ | Blam Blazer | astral | single
holy beam fired at opponent

ƒGƒ‹ƒƒLƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒX | Elmekia Lance | astral | single
holy arrow fired at opponent

ƒ‰ƒBƒeƒBƒ“ƒO | Lighting | holy | all allies

ƒXƒŠƒbƒsƒ“ƒO | Sleeping | holy | single
causes an opponent to fall asleep

ƒƒMƒhƒtƒŒƒA | Megido Flare | holy | single
flames circle and burn enemy

ƒŠƒJƒoƒŠƒB | Recovery | holy | single ally
restore hit points to one ally


ƒfƒBƒNƒŠƒ@ƒŠƒB | Dicriary | holy | single ally
remove bad status from one ally

ƒŠƒJƒo[ | Recover | holy | all allies
restore hit points to all allies

ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒuƒŒƒX | Holy Blaze | holy | all
holy flames surround and burn all enemies

ƒŠƒUƒŒƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“ | Resurrection | holy | single ally
revive one ally

ƒhƒ‰ƒOƒXƒŒƒCƒu | Dragon Slave | shadow | all
Lina's classic attack, now successfully learned by Sylphiel

ƒ‰ƒeƒBƒ‹ƒg | Ra Tilt | astral | single
The strongest Astral attack

ƒtƒƒEƒuƒŒƒCƒN | Flow Break | Holy | single
prevents enemy from using magic, I think


g. Damia Churihi

A strong fighter with no magical skills. Her attack levels and speed
are lower than Gourry's.

ƒuƒŒƒCƒJ[ | Breaker | by herself | single
Multiple slashes strike one enemy

D ƒ\[ƒh | D Sword | Lina | ?????

ƒXƒŠ[ƒvƒuƒŒ[ƒh | Sleep Blade | Amelia | single
Amelia charges Damia up, after which Damia slices at the enemy

ƒ\ƒEƒGƒ“ƒUƒ“ | Soenzan | Gourry | single
Gourry and Damia take turns slicing up the enemy

ƒAƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹ƒuƒŒƒCƒJ[| Astral Breaker | Zelgadis | all
Zel powers Damia up, who then slashes at the enemy

ƒCƒmƒZƒ“ƒg | Innocent | Sylphiel | all
Sylphiel creates a white energy shield which Damia fires at the
III. ITEMS - contributed by bungiefan

Targets that an item can be used on will be listed in ( ). T
imes when an Item may be used will be listed in [ ].

List Format: Romaji for Item | Description - (Targets) if applicable
[Usage ability] if applicable
Targets Key: A = Single Ally, E = Single Enemy
MA = All Allies, ME = All Enemies
Item Use Key: I = In Battle, O = Out of Battle
B = Usable In and Out of Battle

1. hiirupooshon S - *Hero Potion S*Restores a small amount of HP
- (A) - [B]
2. kyuapararaizu - *Sounds like cure paralysis so maybe it cures
I've never been paralyzed.* - (A) - [I]
3. hinoishi-Fire elemental attack item - (E) - [I]
4. *Knife* Weapon for Lina, Atk + 15
5. shootosoodo - *Short Sword* Weapon for Lina, Atk + 30
6. soodobureikaa - *Swordbreaker* Weapon for Lina, Atk + 67, Con + 3
7. rongusoodo - *Longsword* Weapon for Gourry, Atk + 22
8. buroodosoodo - *Broadsword* Weapon for Gourry, Atk + 41
9. burasutosoodo - *Blast Sword* Weapon for Gourry, Atk + 67
10. raputaaguroobu - *Raptor Glove*Weapon for Amelia, Atk + 54
11. hiirupooshon M - *Hero Potion M* Restores a medium amount of HP
- (A) - [B]
12. yakitatenopan - *I don't know what this does yet* - (A) - [I]
13. sukarabe - Accessory, Men + 2
14. pawaaankuru - *Power Ankle* Accessory, Agl + 2
15. bariaringu - *Barrier Ring* Accessory, Mgr + 2
16. kooranoishi - Ice elemental attack item - (E) - [I]
17. kazenoishi - Wind elemental attack item - (E) - [I]
18. chinoishi - Earth elemental attack item - (E) - [I]
19. shironokakera - *I haven't been able to use or equip this yet*
20. roobu - *Robe* Armor for Lina & Amelia, Con + 21
21. manto - *Mantle* Armor for Lina, Gourry, & Amelia, Con + 25
22. rezaaaamaa - *Razor? Armor* Armor for Lina, Gourry, & Amelia,
Con + 28, Agl - 2
23. haadorezaa - *Hard Razor?* Armor for Lina, Gourry, & Amelia,
Con + 33, Agl - 2
24. cheinmeiru - *Chain Mail* Armor for Lina & Gourry, Con + 36, Agl - 5
25. pureetomeiru - *Plate Mail* Armor for Gourry, Con + 40, Agl - 5
26. majikkupooshon - *Magic Potion, it probably restores magic points.
I only got one and didn't want to use it up.* - (A) - [B]
27. kazenokakera - *I haven't been able to use or equip this yet*
28. hikarinoken - Gourry's "Sword of Light", Weapon for Gourry, Atk + 188
29. mamorinowandahoo - *I only found one so far and haven't used it yet*
- (A) - [O]
30. MP wandahoo - *I only found one so far and haven't used it yet*
- (A) - [O]

Here's a quick summary of the basic controls for the game.

Directional Pad = move
Triangle = menu
Circle = examine/talk/select
X = cancel

In the Menu, the top items say:

Weapons/Armor | Item | Magic | Sealing Stones | Status | Save

In Battle, the commands are:

Attack | Magic | Special Attack | Item | Run

You can use a special attack when the curved meter above the character
time bar is filled. It is filled every time you attack an enemy. It
goes down when you get hit or perform a special attack. To perform a
double special attack, both of the characters' special attack bar
needs to be filled. Then one of the characters can initiate the double
special attack.


Below is a rough ASCII map of the areas that Lina and gang have a
chance to visit during Slayers Wonderful. New places appear as you
progress in the game.

I wasn't able to translate some of the places written in kanji, so I
just made up names for them. If you know of the correct naming, please
let me know.


**** = water

| | = town or path

%%% = field

/ \
/ _ \ = mountain
/ | | \

The World of Slayers

/ \ / \
/ _ \ / _ \
-----/ | | \-------------------------------****---------/ | | \
Dragon Cave **** Death Spirit Mtn.
/ /
/_\ /_\ / /
| | | | ****
Ancient City Sigmun City **************************
********** Ghost Town
****************** /_\
/_\ ***** /_\Forest | | / \
| | *********** | | Path /_\ / _ \
Atlas City *********** | | / | | \
*********** /_\ Tirel City Tabasa Mtn.
********* | | Path from
***** Malen Lake to Tirel
/_\ ----------/ \------------------------------
| | / _ \ Seven Treasures
Malen Lake / | | \ Cave
Village /_\
*\ /*************\ | | Path from
*** \ /******************\ Malen Lake to Sairaag
**** \ /_\ /******** /_\ ************\ %%%
******\ | | /**********| |**************\ / \ %%% /_\
******Exchange House ******************/ | | %%% | |
***************************************/ Soldown East Field Goblin City
*************************************/ /_\
************************************/ | |
***********************************/ Sairaag City



Since there's no compass and you can freely rotate the screen, it's
difficult to give precise directions about where to go in the dungeons.
Most dungeons have a specific task to complete to go on, so if you don't
know what I'm talking about, just walk around the dungeon, and hopefully,
you'll see something resembling what I wrote. I apologize for the
unclear directions.
a. The Forest and Atlas City

Lina and Gourry begin their adventure in a forest where they attempt
to kick some bandit butt. Unfortunately, Lina's Dragon Slave doesn't
work, and Gourry's hikari no ken only fizzles. What the heck is going
on here?

1) After defeating the bandits, go right and work your way through the
forest maze until you reach the end and fight a green monster.

2) Go to Atlas City. You can destroy barrels with your fire and ice balls.

3) Go to the end of the town and visit the large, white magic building.
Go to the 2nd floor and talk to everyone. You'll learn that magic has been
sealed up in many magic sealing stones.

4) Next, visit the restaurant in town where you'll have a fight with
3 of the patrons.

5) The next day, walk outside and follow the trail of coins to the
alley where one of your allies appears to help you. If you leave the
screen and come back, the coins will reappear, but it would be troublesome
to pickup a significant amount of money this way.

6) Visit the fountain and talk to the old man (standing next to a shed)near
there. Then, examine the fence next to him which will break down the wall.

7) Enter the house and go upstairs and to the rights to fight a wizard
and 2 henchmen. You can get a sealing stone from the statue.

8) Go to the Item Shop and talk to the shopkeeper.

9) Leave town and go to the old city, north of Atlas City.

b. Ancient City

1) When you reach the city, you can choose to go through the front of side

2) From the front door, go right and follow the path until you go past some
jail cells. One of the statues will give you a pair of wings when you
examine it.

3) Go back to the front door, go straight and then follow the path to the
right and switch the pair of wings.

4) Now, go left and up from the front gate and fight the demons and the box.

5) Continue to the right and meet Zel! Unfortunately, he goes away.

6) Follow the red carpet outside and examine the angel to use to wings and
travel to another part of the castle. Walk forward to fight the wizard, then
proceed through the new opening in the wall.

7) Return to Atlas City

c. Atlas and Sigmun City

1) In Atlas city, go to the Item Stop. Talk to the shopkeeper.

2) Go to Sigmun City which is northeast of Atlas City.

3) Go to the bar and talk to the owner.

4) Go northwest and visit the cake shop which has a fork and knife sign.
It's near the green stone. Talk to everyone and receive a cake.

5) Go back to Atlas City.

6) At Atlas City, go to the Item Shop. Talk to the shopkeeper.

7) When you leave Atlas City, you should automatically end up on a path.
Walk up the path, then back down. You will meet a little boy Toll and
give him his mother's cake. Then Frank and Gandogu(blue guy) will come.
Gandogu says their teacher hates magicians and Lina taunts him about his
dog's tail, but they don't have time to fight today.

8) Once you end up in front of the cake shop, exit the town and re-enter.
From the entrance of the town, rotate the screen so Lina is facing the
vendors. Walk straight until you reach the barrels, and then walk right
until you find an exit from the current screen. Keep walking right and
you should see a fountain. Walk a little past the fountain and up and
enter the white building.

9) Go upstairs and walk towards the old man in the middle. Once he's
finished talking, examine the writing near the vase. A new place will
appear on the map: Malen Lake Town. Go there.

d. Malen Lake Town

1) When you first enter, you can choose to eat what Lina wants, or what
Amelia wants to eat.

If you choose what Lina wants, just to the restaurant in front of where
you enter. Lina wants to have a meal, but the restaurant doesn't have
the proper ingredients, so Lina goes out to fetch them.

2) Go to the end of the town and take the exit there to enter a forest.

3) Work your way up through the forest and there should be an exit.

4) Enter the shed The old man does the opposite of your moves. Walk right
then left then up around the boxes and examine the fishing pole to obtain

5) From the shed, walk across the bridge to the edge of the dock and use
the fishing pole by examining the end of the dock.

6) Have a fight with a big fish and then meet Naga.

7) Next comes 2 fights with a sea dragon.

8) Return to the restaurant and enjoy your meal. You can pick to stay
overnight or not.

9) If you pick to stay overnight, go to the inn and upstairs.

10) From the restaurant at the entrance of the town, walk right to the
end of the canyon. Rotate the screen and talk to everyone. You can pick
which place to go to.

11) Return to the town and enter the house near the waterwheel.

12) Follow the lady down the stairs and prepare for a fight.

13) Go to the panel at the upper right side of the room face forward and
examine the panel.

14) Now, you can go across the canyon. Take the upper path to Tirel City
which is located to the east of Malen Lake.

e. Tirel City and Tabasa Mtn.

1) Go to the inn, walk out, go back in and sleep.

2) Have Amelia talk to the innkeeper and then go upstairs.

3) Walk straight up until you find Zelgadis.

4) Walk to the left and enter the parade tent. Talk to the master in front
and then to the boy on his left. Talk to the master again.

5) You can choose a reward. From the top to bottom you can get one
of the following sealing stones: Red, Green, Yellow, White.

6) Go to the bar and talk to everyone. Leave for Tabasa Mtn. which is
located to the right of Tirel City.

7) Work your way up the mountain until you reach a house. The entrance is
on the left side of the fence. Examine it to go through.

8) Exit on the right side of the fence by examining it.

9) Go down the mountain until you fight some bandits.

10) Go back up the mountain and talk to the boy inside the cabin.

11) Go down the mountain and back to the bar in Tirel City.

12) Next, go to the forest path located northwest of Tirel City.

f. Forest Path and Tirel City

1) From the entrance, go forward until you reach the sign. The right path
leads out. Take the straight path and make you way through the forest.
It's easy to get turned around, so the best way is to follow one side of
the path. Continue through the path until you reach a save point.

2) Go past and save point and enter the house. Talk to the woman to hand
over the medicine you received earlier. Exit the house. Naga will
peek through a window.

3) Reenter the house and use the door near the top right of the room.
You'll then have a fight with a vampire.

4) Return to Tirel city and walk up the stairs of the inn. Zel will now
join your party.

5) Amelia is missing, so you have to look for her. Go to the end of the
city and talk to the guy in the robe near the large building at the
end of town. He will give you a letter allowing you to enter the building.

6) Inside the building, there are many cult-like scientists. Talk to the
scientist sitting on the second bench closest to the door on the left
side of the room. He is located at the right-most seat on that bench.

7) Defeat 3 sets of enemies and then walk to the stage. Fight another
enemy, and then it's time for a fight with Gandogu and Frank. Frank is
immune to ice magic.

8) After that, it's a fight with another acquaintance of yours, Damia,
who turns out to be Viola's younger sister. Attack her however you like
because she won't attack you.

9) Examine the capsule that Amelia is trapped in from the front to free

g. Ghost Town

1) Damia now joins your group. When you're in the bar, the bartender will
ask you to visit a ghost town located to the northeast of Tirel City.
There are random battles in the ghost town.

2) Talk to the person near the entrance a couple of times and he will tell
you to go to a red grave. Go right from him into the graveyard and walk
towards the red glowing grave.

3) Fight the ghosts of the 4 bandits you defeated earlier in the game.

4) Leave the graveyard and meet Sylphiel! Save her from the zombies.
Gandogu appears and tells you that he'll see you in Goblin Land.

5) Return to the bar in Tirel City.

h. Dragon Cave

1) Talk to the counterperson at the bar of Tirel City. He'll tell you to
go to Sigmun City.

2) Go to Sigmun City and talk to the counterperson. Then go to the inn
and talk to the innkeeper to rest.

3) Lina decides to leave while everyone is sleeping. Enter the Ancient
Castle to see a gaggle of Naga's.

4) Naga has a business proposition which Lina agrees too. Naga Copy #5
and #9 join you party. Go to the Dragon Cave which is located to the
NW of the Ancient Castle.

5) The purple glowing pentagrams are transporters. Examine one while
standing in it to be transported to somewhere else. Go to the first
transporter you see and examine it. You should be in an area with two

6) Walk around until you find a gravestone and examine it.

7) Return to the area with two transporters and examine the other
transporter (the one that you didn't use to arrive here)

8) Walk down the corridor and turn left which should lead to another
room. Work your way through the maze and you should eventually reach
a white stone. Examine and take it.

9) Go back to the transporter that you used to come here and examine
it twice to return to the area with two transporters. The room in at
the back of the gravestone should now be open. Enter it and talk
to the white dragon.

10) Return to the area with two transporters. Enter the first one you
encounter and examine twice. This should take you back to the
beginning of the dungeon.

11) Return to the Ancient City and talk to Naga. She'll tell you to
go to Atlas City.

12) At Atlas City, work your way to the end and through the fence that
you broke down earlier in the game. Enter the house and have a fight
with Sorugu. Don't you just love the echoing Naga laughter? Go back
and talk to Naga. The group then decides to head to Goblin City next.

i. Exchange House

I forgot exactly when, but eventually, you'll be able to talk to
someone at the Exchange house located at the bottom left of the map
who will let you exchange the sealing stone fragments that you find
throughout the game for items. Talk to the guy and you'll be able
to combine 3 colors of sealing stone fragments to obtain an item.

j. Fashion Contest

1) Go to Soldown which is southeast of Malen Lake Town. Zel will hear
a rumor about the Clair Bible and rushes off to the bar. Follow him
there. The bar doesn't have a sign, but is located in the next screen
after walking past the inn.

2) Talk to the people at the bar and you'll learn about the fashion

3) Make your way past the inn and take the first turn to go to a screen
with a fountain. Enter the building and walk down past the counter to
find the rest of your group. Talk to them and the fashion contest will

4) After the contest, walk outside and you can choose to agree with
Amelia that Zel is the best model or agree with Sylphiel that Gourry is
the best model. If you choose Gourry, you'll have Sylphiel in your
party. Otherwise it'll be Amelia.

5) Go to the boat at the dock and enter the cabin. It's located behind
the second mast. Try rotating the screen if you can't see it. Enter the
bedroom on the boat and rest.

6) When you wake up, exit the town and go to the field east of the town.
You'll have a fight with a Shell Dragon. Return to the cabin of the
bedroom and sleep. After you wake up, head on over to the main
auditorium of the building where the fashion contest was held.

7) After the finale of the fashion contest walk along the aisle starting
from where the counter ladies are. Then exit the building and talk to
the person in a dog costume outside.

8) Return to the inn and walk upstairs. A person will come and inform
you that the book has been stolen. Go to the ship and set chase.

k. Shipwrecked

1) With the ocean at the bottom of the screen, walk to the left side
of the beach. Go up and there will be a save point and a man.

2) Talk to the man and then take the left path in the forest. There's a
purple thing in the tree at the end of the path. Examine the tree and
pick the first option to cause the 'magic hand' to fall.

3) Go to the right end of the beach and you'll notice an item behind
some rocks. Examine the rocks and pick the first option to use the
magic hand to get the 'ID Card'.

4) Return to the man and talk to him to receive some wooden boards as a
reward for the ID Card. Now follow the path near the man and examine
the broken bridge to fix it.

5) Make you way through the forest, (I just kept going left and up) and
you'll eventually cross another bridge. After heading up, you'll see
Gandogu and a save pt. Follow him into the dungeon.

6) In the dungeon, fire a fireball at the water painting and an iceball
at the fire picture to open the first door. Do that to all the other
paintings you encounter. There are no random enemy encounters in this
first area.

7) Past the first room, activate the floor panels by stepping on each
of the four of them and examining them.

8) From the beginning of the dungeon, work your way to the left and up
to reach a stairway going down. From here on out, there will be random
enemy encounters.

9) On the 2nd floor, from the room with 3 large gems, take the middle
door and then go left to collect 2 special gems. Then head back to the
middle room and go right to collect 1 special gem.

10) After you've collected all 3 gems, go down from the room with 3
gems and examine the relief on the wall. Pick the first option to place
all 3 gems in the wall.

11) On the 3rd floor, examine the stone reliefs and you'll see the
panel near the relief light up in a certain order. To open the doors,
you have to step on the panel that the relief indicates.

Ex. For the panel that says 7-7-7, you have to examine the 7th panel
to light up 3 times.

The order of the Right Panel: 7-7-7
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

The order of the Middle Panel: 3-5-9
1 8 4
2 3 7
5 6 9

Examine the panel numbered 3, then examine the panel numbered 5,
then the panel numbered 9.

The order of the left panel: 2-1-6
3 2 4
7 9 1
6 5 8

12) To go on to the next part of the dungeon, take the leftmost door
and you'll eventually encounter another puzzle. The goal is to have
all 3 beams focused on the door. Examine the red crystal 5 times, then
examine the blue crystal until all the lights are on the door.

13) After the crystal puzzle, there will be a save point, and then
you'll have another fight with Gandogu and Frank. After the fight, you'll
end up back at the Soldown Inn.

l. Goblin City

1) Go to Goblin City which is located east of Soldown. You'll meet an
old acquaintance, or nemesis, depending on how your view. Buy a ticket
from the counter and enter the building near the guarded entrance. The
door is on the opposite side form the windows, so walk around to enter

2) After dressing up in costume, talk to the guards and you can enter.
Walk up and talk to the first goblins you see. You'll eventually get
a key and Damia will join you.

3) Exit the building and head towards the left and enter the Elf's
hideout. You obtain a clue about the exit to the maze which is
triangle, triangle, x, x, circle, square, circle, square, x, circle
which corresponds to the directions on the directional pad, so you
should take the following path:
up, up, down, down, right, left, right, left, down, right

4) After fighting a couple of goblins at the exit, head to the Ghost
Train at the right end of Goblin Land.

5) Work your way through the area and you'll eventually fight some
demons at the end and obtain a master key.

6) Now, go to the Goblin Castle at the end of the city. If you go in
any of the transporters, they will take you back to the beginning
of the dungeon.

7) To open the first gate, go past the first glowing pentagram and
past the first turn until you reach another turn. Rotate the screen
to see a treasure chest. Open the chest and there will be a fight,
after which, the first gate will open. Don't forget to open up all
the treasure chests you find because some contain letter panels
which you need later in the area.

8) Work you way past the first gate until you reach an area where you
see a little room with a panel glowing. Approach the panel and a fight
will occur with 2 goblins.

9) Step on the grassy panel and you'll be transported to a grassy area.
At the 'A23' panel, examine the letter of the door that you want to
pass. There are no random enemies here.

Ex. To get the treasure chest beyond the '3' door, examine the '3' panel
and you'll be able to walk through the door.

10) One way to reach the end of the maze is to take the panels in the
following order: 2 4 7 J 9 6 10 9 5 Joker 4 7 K 9 5

11) At the end of the maze, there is a save point. Keep going through
the transporters and you'll enter an area with 2 treasure chests with
enemies inside. Go further and there will be a long corridor leading
to a stairway.

12) Go up the stairway and talk to the captive animals and then enter
the tent from the main entrance in front and examine the red object
past the penguins to obtain it.

13) Next, exit the tent and go around the edge of the screen until you
see a treasure chest. Open it to obtain a wheel. Go the back
entrance of the tent. Examine the wooden structure to place the wheel

14) Head back outside and behind the bird statues, there should be an
opening in the wall. Examine the opening and choose the first option
to throw the switch.

15) Next, examine the bird trench to get a key. Use it on the cage of
the trapped animals. Then go up the stairs near the rear of the tent
and place all the panels in the missing slots by examining the slots
to spell 'Goblin'.

16) Examine the door, and after the anime sequence, examine the screen.
A fight with Viola, Gandogu and Frank will begin. After the fight,
grab the master crystal from the treasure chest. Free everyone by examine
the capsules and then take the crystals in the cases starting with the
middle one. If you keep examining them one by one, you'll eventually
take one. Exit using the transporter at the end of the room.

m. Seven Treasures Cave

This part of the game is optional. If you don't want to do this part of
the game, go downstairs and talk to the person next to the innkeeper, and
reply no when he asks you if you want to go help Naga, otherwise pick yes.

1) If you pick yes, leave town and head to the Seven Treasures Cave north
of Soldown, otherwise, skip to the part n. below.

2) Walk to the end, and you'll meet Naga.

3) From the entrance, walk down and take the first right and go straight
down that corridor to meet the boss. He's weak against Holy Magic.

4) After the fight, Naga takes all your money, and I've never gotten
it back, since you don't meet Naga for the rest of the game.

5) Return to Sairaag.
n. Flagoon

1) At Sairaag, go to the Magic Guild, (the big white building) and go

2) Then, go the bar on the opposite side of town and the party will split
in 2.

3) Go to the inn and talk to the innkeeper. You'll have a fight.
Afterwards, walk to the tree, Flagoon and around the back to find a
door. Rotate the screen to make it easier to see and examine it.

4) Go back to the bar and relay the news to the other half of your party.
Return to the entrance at the end of Flagoon.

5) From the entrance, go down and near the area that leads to the treasure
chest. You can go through a door there by examining it.

6) After going through the door, there will be another door that won't
open. Near that door is a path and leads to 2 dead ends containing buttons
at the end of each. Examine both buttons and press them. Now, you can
head back and open the door. Beyond that is a save point.

7) At the split path area, take the right path, and from there, take the
left path. Work your way through the area, and you'll see a large, blocky
structure that you can climb up and enter through the large hole at the top.

8) Keep walking and you'll see some zombies and have a fight. After the
fight, continue walking straight ahead and you'll switch to Amelia's party.

9) Go to Flagoon and take the back entrance that isn't sealed off (the
one that looks black.

10) Work you way through and you'll reach a save point and 3 transporters.
Take the middle one (examine it when you're on it) and keep going until
you reach a rock.

11) Examine the rock and choose to move it left or right. Keep going and
you'll end up where Lina's party was. Take the door to enter another

12) Work you way upstairs and you'll have a fight with some demon
scientists. After the fight, examine the trapped scientists to let them out.
There's a save point nearby.

13) Then, go up the stairs. If you examine the monsters, you'll have fights
with them and receive sealing stones which weaken the secret base's

14) Destroy all the monsters in the cages and go up the stairs where you'll
switch to Lina's party.

o. Final Battle

1) Work you way up a floor and you'll hear Viola's voice. On this floor,
near the entrance, there is a weak section in the fence that you can
break with a fire or ice ball.

2) Break the fence and keep going to reach a save point. There will be 3
mini-boss fights at 3 sections in the walkway. They give good exp!

First miniboss : Weird plant - 10000 exp
Second miniboss: Spiky Turtle - 20000 exp
Third miniboss: White Dragon - 30000 exp + 7777 gold (but you don't
have any use for it now!)

3) Enter Viola's Chamber at the end of the walkway. Examine the small
table to the left of the room to get a message from Viola. Then
examine the furniture in the following order:

dresser 1
dresser 2

Approximation of locations in Viola's room:

| main table |
|dresser| ----------
| 1 | ------------- | statue |
| | | big | | |
| | | table | ----------
--------- | | ----------
| | | bed |
| | | |
--------- | | | |
--------- | table | | | | | ---------
|dresser| | 1 | ------------- | | | table |
| 2 | --------- ---------- | 2 |
| | ---------
| |


If that doesn't work, just keep examining everything in the room
and finally examine the statue to get past this part.

4) When Lina examines the statue, Lina has to say that Dr. Viola is
the world's No. 1 genius and a section of the wall will open. Walk
through and you'll switch to Amelia's party and have a fight.

5) Follow the same path as you did for Lina's group. When you get to
the staircase, you'll switch to Lina's group.

6) Walk up the stairs to see a bunch of monsters trapped. Walk up the
ramp to right a couple of demons.

I think Viola's plan is to capture all the Mazoku from the Astral Plane
which will make the world safe. However, this would mean that Lina and
others would not be able to use magic. Viola asks which would they prefer,
a safe world, or one with magic? Then Damia comes and says that her
sister's forgotten to tell them some important things, like the
experiments done on her.

7) After all the talking, you'll have a fight with goblins and then with
Viola and gang. Try not to use all your magic in this fight.

After the battle, Xelloss appears and a Mazoku attacks Viola. The Mazoku
is a middle-class Mazoku named Dorigaruu who used the sealed magic
stones to become a high-class demon.

8) This is the last battle with the melded Mazoku. It has a normal
attack of about 100-200 per hit to everyone plus a super hit that takes
up to 300+.

After the monster is defeated, you find out that Viola was not responsible
for her actions since she was controlled by the Mazoku. After some more
talking, it's the end credits. Does everyone recognize the song playing
during the ending credits?


If anyone has any more questions, or can provide the answers to these
questions, please e-mail me and I will update this.

1) Are there any other story lines that you can take in the game?

2) Is there any way to recover your money after Naga has stolen it?

3) Is there more than one ending?

4) What is the purpose of Death Spirit Mountain?


Thank you to everyone for the feedback and comments.

bungiefan - - for the Item List
Shura the Hyena - for help in clarifying how to get to Malen Lake Town.

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