Kessen 2

Kessen 2

14.10.2013 21:35:39
KESSEN II FAQ By Sean Twomey (

Version 1.0- FAQ/Walkthrough just started

Kessen II is Koei's sequel to Kessen obviously.
It is a strategy/war simulation game based
loosely on the period of Chinese History found
in the Romance of Three Kingdoms series, also
by Koei. It is a fantastic game, with awesome
visuals found on the battlefields, in the spell
effects, and in the cut scenes.

I bought the game the first week it was out
And have played it almost non-stop up until
now, when I finally took a break to write this
FAQ. I have beaten the game 4 times already!
as Liu Bei and Twice as Cao Cao, on different
difficulty levels. Now without further ado,
here is the FAQ:

*Note* As of now this FAQ should only be found
in one place:

1. Introduction
2. Flow Chart
3. Political Policy
4. Officer Attributes
5. Special Abilities
6. Troop Types
7. Formations
8. Types of Attacks
1. Liu Bei's Army (Shu)
A. Officer Info
B. Officer Ratings
C. Special Abilities
2. Cao Cao's Army (Wei)
A. Officer Info
B. Officer Ratings
C. Special Abilities
3. Sun Quan's Army (Wu)
4. Other Characters
1. Land Battles
2. Naval Battles
3. Siege Battles

| I. Basics |


In Kessen II there are a number of different
screens you will encounter.

-The Battle Map Screen is the zoomed out view
of the current battle you are fighting. When
you are in this view, action in the current
battle is suspended, so take as much time as
you need.
-Note that you can press the SQUARE button on
any unit to receive information on that unit.

-Press the X button on any of your army's units
that are currently engaged in battle to zoom in
and watch the battle.

-Press X once again to zoom in to the officer
view. From this screen you can move the officer
around and or execute special abilities.

All Battles are fought either on Land or at
-Naval Battles are similar to land battles
except that only one unit can engage an enemy
unit at a time and some special abilities are
not available.


Kessen II has a general flow for each Stage:
Power Status: The military situation is
explained using maps and the narrator.
Political Policy: Here you can make a political
decision to aid your conquest.
Drama: This stage advances the story using CG
War Council: You plan your strategies for
winning the next battle in this stage.
Battle: You fight the current battle.
Post-Battle: Here you receive information about
how you fared in the battle and have the
opportunity to save.
Next Stage: You repeat the above 6 steps...


The Stages in the Game Flow Chart is like this:


Battle of Xu
Battle of Ru Nan
Battle of Bo Wan Po
Battle of Chang Ban Po
Showdown at Chi Bi (Naval)
Siege of Cheng Du
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Mt. Dinjun - Southern Campaign - Fan Zheng
\ | /
\ | /
Battle of Tian Shui
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Xi Campaign - Chen Cang - Wei Xing
\ | /
\ | /
Battle of Wu Chang (Naval)
Wei-Shu Conflict
Battle of East Lau
(hidden battle available on expert level only)



Battle of Xu
Battle of Ru Nan
Battle of Bo Wan Po
Battle of Chang Ban Po
Showdown at Chi Bi (Naval)
The Battle at Tong Gate
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Mt. Dinjun - Fan Zheng - Xi Campaign
\ | /
\ | /
Battle of Tian Shui
Siege of Cheng Du
Battle of Wu Chang (Naval)
Wei-Shu Conflict
Battle of Chang Zheng
(hidden battle available on expert level only)


Before every battle you must complete the
political policy stage. It is very useful in
upgrading your army.

You will always have 3 choices available and
you must select one.

Generally the choices will be:

Policy Result
Recruit Troops Increase in Troop Strength
Train Troops Increase Officers Abilities
Kill Man-Eating
Tiger Increase in Fame
Assist Land
Development Increase in Supplies
Research Weapon Increase in Troop Class or
Development of a new weapon
Form Special
Unit Upgrade one of your existing
Units to a special class
Persuade Enemy Persuade enemy troops to desert
Persuade Enemy
Commander Persuade an Enemy Commander to
Fake Attack Cause Enemy to Divert Troops
Away From the Battlefield
Threaten Enemy Lowers Enemy Morale
Train General General will greatly increase
in Abilities
Intercept Enemy
Supplies Lowers Enemy Morale and
Increases Supplies
Recruit General Get a General to Join Your

As Liu Bei during the Southern Campaign you can
hire a local Guide.
At the Final Battle as Liu Bei you can opt to
give a speech, raising morale to 100. I HIGHLY
suggest you do this, as it almost ensures your
victory in the Wei-Shu Conflict.

As Cao Cao, prior to the Showdown at Chi Bi you
can write a poem, raising morale by 10.



Each Officer in Kessen II has a set rating in
various attribute categories when they join
your army. This rating can change during the
course of the game though.

For example, if you kill 3000+ enemy troops
using a special ability such as charge or rush
or raid or if you win a duel, your war
attribute increases.

Likewise, if you kill 3000+ enemy troops with a
magic ability, your magic attribute increases.

Fame increases when the officer's unit forces
an enemy unit with high fame to retreat.

Experience increases if an officer survives a
battle without retreating or when the officer's
unit forces an enemy unit to retreat, or when
the unit destroys the enemy's supply compound.

Attribute Description
War (Battle) Officer's strength in
combat, includes offense,
defense and morale. The
higher it is, the more
likely you will win a duel.
Magic Affects power of magical
attacks and ability to
withstand enemy magic
Fame Higher rating means more
troops in the unit. 100
soldiers per fame point.
Higher rating also means
more formations available.
Experience Affects troop type upgrades
and acquisition of new
special abilities.


Each Officer can use a variety of Special
Abilities; both Strategic and Magical. The
selection and effectiveness increase as the
officer's attributes increase.

Strategic Ability Description
Battle Cry Temporarily weakens enemy
and decreases their
Duel Challenge opposing
Commander. Victory =
raise in morale. Defeat=
loss of morale.
Rally Temporarily strengthens
allied soldiers and
raises morale.
Raid Officer rampages through
enemy unit killing
Charge Cavalry or Horse troops
charge through the enemy.
Volley Bow troops shoot arrows;
more effective than
regular shooting.
Iron Wall Defends against magic
attacks. (press x)
Rush Troops rush through
enemy soldiers.

Magical Ability Description
Meteor Shower Drops meteors on enemy
troops in a cone radius.
Fireball Fireball(s) rampage
through enemy lines.
Fire Storm Fire trails through enemy
Hail Hail falls on enemy
troops in a circular
Ice Storm Ice encases the enemy in
a larger circular radius.
Lightning Lightning strikes the
enemy in a box radius.
Gale A massive gale sucks in
enemy troops.
Fissure The earth opens up,
swallowing enemy troops
down to hell.


All troop types in Kessen II can receive
upgrades. They occur when you choose to upgrade
weapons in your political stage, or when you
successfully complete a battle.

Class Description Officers
Archers Female Bow Li Li, Himiko, Xi
Bow Long Range Huang Zong, Ma Su,
Attack Cheng Yu, Li Dan,
Guo Shao, Gan Ning
Cavalry Mounted Warriors Mei Sanniang, Guan
Yu, Guan Ping, Cao
Cao, Xun Yu
Crossbow Long Range Pang Tong, Yan Yan,
Attack with Cao Hong, Sima Yi,
Crossbows Lu Xun, Lu Su
Elephant High Offense Meng Huo, Zhu Rong,
and Defense King Mulu, King
Foot Armed with Swords Liu Bei, Zhuge
Liang, Zhao Yun,
Cao Ren, Pang De,
Sun Quan
Horse Female Cavalry Sun Li, Yu Jin
Horesbow Cavalry with Bows Cai Wengi, Ma Dai,
Ma Chao
Light Sword Female Foot Li Li, Himiko, Dong
Soldiers Xuanfeng
Spear Armed with Spears Zhang Fei, Zhou
Cang, Zhang Liao,
Hu Zhi, Dian Wei,
Fa Zheng

Unit Upgrades

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Light Foot 2 6
2 Foot 4 8
3 Heavy Foot 6 10
4 Armored Foot 8 12

Light Sword
Level Name Offense Defense
1 Light Sword 3 5
2 Heavy Sword 5 7
3 Elite Sword 7 9
4 Ultra Sword 9 11

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Light Spear 4 3
2 Spear 6 5
3 Heavy Spear 8 7
4 Armored Spear 10 9

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Archers 2 1
2 Heavy Archers 4 3
3 Elite Archers 6 5
4 Ultra Archers 8 7

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Short Bow 2 2
2 Bow 4 4
3 Long Bow 6 6
4 Marksmen 8 8

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Crossbow 1 1
2 Heavy Cross 2 2
3 Heavy Cross 3 4
4 Arballests 4 6

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Hunters 7 6
2 Horsebow 9 8
3 Mongolian Horsemen 10 7

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Cavalry 8 7
2 Cavalry 10 9
3 Heavy Cavalry 12 11
4 Elite Cavalry 14 13

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Horse 9 6
2 Heavy Horse 11 8
3 Elite Horse 13 10
4 Ultra Horse 15 12

Level Name Offense Defense
1 Elephant 16 16
2 Armored Elephant 18 18
3 Elite Elephant 20 20


In Kessen II Each Unit can move in one of 13
different formations. You are limited, however,
to which formations the commander of the unit
has learned. You can learn new formations by
increasing in experience.

Each Commander will automatically use whatever
formation is best for the battle, but you can
still change a unit's formation if you choose


Name Best Against Worst Against
Asp Flat, Moon, Swan, Bowl Carp, Box
Awl Flat, Dome Moon, Swan
Bowl Carp, Box Asp, Bull
Box Asp, Bull Moon, Swan, Bowl
Bull Flat, Moon, Swan, Bowl Carp, Box
Carp Asp, Bull Swan, Bowl
Dart Flat Moon, Swan
Dome Flat Asp, Bull, Dome
Flat None Asp, Bull, Dart, Goose
Goose Flat Asp, Bull, Dart
Moon Carp, Box Asp, Bull
Ring None None
Swan Dart, Box Asp, Bull


A frontal attack is best used when you
outnumber the enemy by far, and your troops are
of equal or higher class. A frontal attack pits
you directly against another enemy unit with a
head on attack.

Flank attacks are highly effective against
enemy units. It involves your unit attacking an
enemy unit from the side. If used when the
enemy unit is already engaged in battle, it
will have a better effect because it will cause
the enemy unit to split its forces and its
morale will fall.

Surprise attacks are launched when you attack
an enemy unit from behind. It can also occur in
certain battlefield situations where one of
your units is waiting in ambush for an enemy
unit. It is highly effective because a surprise
attack causes an immediate drop in enemy
morale. It is _critical_ that you utilize flank
and surprise attacks during the campaigns at
expert level for you will almost always be
outnumbered, outmatched, and outclassed.

| II. Characters |

Liu Bei: 5/5 (lieu bay)
Liu Bei is the ousted Lord of Xu. He was allied
with Cao Cao until Cao Cao sent his army to
attack Xu Chang.
-You begin the game as Liu Bei

Guan Yu: 5/5 (gwan you)
He is the sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang
Fei. He fights with the famous 'Black Dragon.'
He is the leader of the Tiger Generals.
-You begin the game with Guan Yu

Zhang Fei: 5/5 (zang fay)
Zhang Fei is also the sworn brother of Liu Bei
and Guan Yu. He is a fierce Tiger General, but
also drinks heavily. He is the father of Luo
Luo, Mei Mei, and Li Li.
-You begin the game with Zhang Fei

Mei Sanniang: 3/5 (may sun-yan)
Mei Sanniang is a close friend of Liu Bei,
Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. She likes Liu Bei.
-You begin the game with Mei Sanniang

Li Li: 3/5 (lee lee)
Li Li is the most independent daughter of Zhang
Fei. She is the middle sister of Luo Luo and
Mei Mei.
-You begin the game with Li Li attached to
Zhang Fei's Unit

Luo Luo: 2/5 (loo loo)
Luo Luo is the youngest daughter of Zhang Fei
and the sister of Mei Mei and Luo Luo.
-You begin the game with Luo Luo attached to
Zhang Fei's Unit

Zhao Yun: 5/5 (zao yun)
Zhao Yun is the former head of the Han Imperial
Bodyguard. He has pledged his life to bringing
Justice to the land and restoring the Han
Empire. He is also a Tiger General.
-Joins during the Battle of Xu (stage 1)
**Note** Zhao Yun leaves your army after the
Battle of Bo Wan Po, but rejoins before the
Battle of Tian Shui

Guan Ping: 2/5 (gwan ping)
Guan Ping is the adopted son of Guan Yu.
-Joins after the Battle of Xu (stage 1)

Zhou Cang: 1/5 (zao cang)
Zhou Cang is a supporter of Guan Yu and fights
attached to his unit.
-Joins during the Battle of Ru Nan (stage 2)

Zhuge Liang: 5/5 (zoo-gay lee-an)
Extremely knowledgeable in the arts of warfare
and astronomy, Zhuge Liang has been sought out
by many warlords.
-Joins before the battle of Bo Wan Po (stage 3)

Pang Tong: 5/5 (paing tong)
Zhuge Liang's brother in law, Pang Tong is
equally as devious and cunning as the renowned
-Joins post Battle of Chang Ban Po (stage 4)

Huang Zhong: 2/5 (hu-wan zawng)
An old and legendary soldier, his skill on the
battlefield rivals that of Guan Yu and Zhang
Fei. He is also a Tiger General.
-Joins post Battle of Chang Ban Po (stage 4)

Ma Su: 1/5 (ma soo)
A commander that fights under Liu Bei.
-Joins attatched to Liu Bei's Unit after the
Battle of Chang Ban Po (stage 4)

Sun Li: 4/5 (soon lee)
Sun Li is the younger sister of Sun Quan. She
is hot headed and eager to see the world.
Although she loves her brother dearly, she is
loyal to Liu Bei.
-Joins during the Showdown at Chi Bi

Cai Mao: 2/5 (kai-mow)
Cai Mao is a former Officer of Cao Cao.
-Joins before the Showdown at Chi Bi (stage 5)
ONLY if you implicate him in treachery as your
political decision

Ma Chao: 4/5 (ma chow)
Ma Chao is a famous warrior from the Xi
Province. He has sworn revenge on Cao Cao, who
killed his entire clan. He is also one of the
Tiger Generals.
-Joins during the Siege of Cheng Du (stage 6)

Zhu Rong: 4/5 (zoo rong)
Zhu Rong is the wife of the Chieftain of
Nanman, Meng Huo. Unlike her husband, she is
adept at warfare and truly rules the clan.
-Joins after the Southern Campaign (stage 7) if
you chose that path

Jiang Wei: 3/5 (zhang way)
Jiang Wei shows that Liu Bei is loved by the
people when he leads a contingent of the
citizens of Tian Shui to aid him. He is also
Zhuge Liang's apprentice.
-Joins during the Battle of Tian Shui (stage 8)

Yan Yan: 2/5 (yawn yawn)
Yan Yan is a former officer of lord Liu Zhang.
-Joins prior to the Defense of Chen Cang ONLY
if you chose to recruit him in your political
decision (stage 9)

Xu Shu: 2/5 (zoo shoe)
A former Officer of Cao Cao's Army.
-Joins at the Race at Wei Xing ONLY if you
chose to persuade him to defect in your
political decision (stage 9)

Wei Yan: 3/5 (way yawn)
A cavalry commander with a scorpion style
-Joins up automatically attached to one of your
units. I forget when?

Ma Dai: 2/5 (ma die)
Ma Dai is the brother of Mao Chao.
-Joins during the Campaign Against Xi ONLY if
you chose to have Ma Chao get him to defect
during your political decision (stage 9)

Fa Zheng: 2/5 (faw zang)
A former vassal of the warlord Liu Zhang.
-Joins after the Siege of Cheng Du (stage 6)

Cai Wengi: 5/5 (kai when-gi)
The Queen of Xi and a cunning woman. Also a
very powerful sorceress.
-Joins after the Campaign Against Xi if you
chose that path (stage 9)


Officer War (Battle) Magic Fame Exp
Cai Mao 59 32 24 34
Cai Wengi 78 84 60 58
Fa Zheng 38 85 32 32
Guan Ping 75 44 6 8
Guan Yu 96 43 23 16
Huang Zhong 87 40 31 45
Jiang Wei 81 76 52 48
Li Li 70 50 9 11
Liu Bei 80 77 27 18
Luo Luo 72 45 8 10
Ma Chao 90 36 40 28
Ma Dai 74 55 39 34
Ma Su 43 60 21 15
Mei Sanniang 88 78 11 15
Pang Tong 41 93 27 35
Wei Yan 84 23 32 24
Xu Shu 45 90 26 27
Yan Yan 78 46 38 42
Zhang Fei 97 29 21 17
Zhao Yun 93 48 32 35
Zhou Cang 77 24 8 10
Zhu Rong 81 37 41 45
Zhuge Liang 37 94 30 46

You can use this table for example to check and
see if you would win a duel with an enemy
officer because duels are based on the unit's
morale and commander's war ability.


Ability Officers able to use ability
Battle Cry Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhou Cang,
Zhao Yun, Luo Luo
Duel Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun,
Mei Sanniang, Cai Wengi, Sun Li
Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan
Rally Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao,
Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu
Li Li, Guan Ping, Others
Raid Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu
Ma Chao, Cai Wengi
Charge Guan Yu, Sun Li, Wei Yan
Volley Luo Luo, Huang Zhong, Yan Yan
Ma Chao, Ma Dai
Iron Wall Liu Bei, Li Li, Mei Sanniang
Cai Mao, Guan Ping,
Huang Zhong, Others
Rush Li Li, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun
Meteor Shower Mei Sanniang, Cai Wengi,
Pang Tong, Xu Shu
Fireball Zhuge Liang, Cai Wengi, Jiang
Wei, Pang Tong
Fire Storm Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Cai
Hail Xu Shu
Lightning Zhuge Liang, Cai Wengi
Gale Zhuge Liang, Cai Wengi
Fissure Zhuge Liang, Cai Wengi

**Note** Some commanders may not learn the
ability until their experience has greatly


Cao Cao: 5/5 (cow cow)
Cao Cao desires to rule the continent with his
strength. He fights for nothing else.
-You begin the game as Cao Cao

Xun Yu: 5/5 (zoon yew)
She is a powerful warlord with excellent
magical abilities. She is also in love with Cao
Cao, though he doesn't know.
-You begin the game with Xun Yu attached to Cao
Cao's unit, however she later leads her own

Cao Bu: 2/5 (cow boo)
He is Cao Cao's uncle, and an old warrior. He
has a secret he does not know how to tell Cao
-You begin the game with Cao Bu attached to Cao
Cao's Unit

Cao Ren: 3/5 (cow ren)
Cao Ren is Cao Cao's cousin, and fights
alongside Cao Cao.
-You begin the game with Cao Ren

Hu Zhi: 5/5 (who zee)
Hu Zhi is the strongest (physically) woman in
the world. She is a fierce fighter.
-You begin the game with Hu Zhi attached to Cao
Ren's Unit.

Xiahou Yuan: 5/5! (zee-a-how yew-an)
Xiahou Yuan is Cao Cao's cousin and also the
strongest general in his army. He is not afraid
to die, which is why he never loses.
-You begin the game with Xiahou Yuan...however,
he tragically is killed when Cao Cao's army is
ambushed. Xiahou Yuan saves Cao Cao by sending
his own unit out to battle all of Liu Bei's
forces alone so Cao Cao can escape.

Cheng Yu: 4/5 (cheng yew)
Cheng Yu may seem a bit odd, but he is clever
and his strategies are also devious.
-You begin the game with Cheng Yu attached to
Xiahou Yuan's unit.

Yu Jin: 3/5 (yew jinn)
Yu Jin, is well, he likes other males, which is
the reason he joined up with Cao Cao. (he
admires Cao Cao's manliness)
-You begin the game with Yu Jin

Dong Xuanfeng: 4/5 (dong zwan-fang)
She is highly skilled female warrior boasting
over 108 succesful assassinations.
-You begin the game with Dong Xuanfeng attached
to Yue Jin's Unit.

Xi Xuanfeng: 3/5 (zee zwan-fang)
She is half foreign blooded, and has mastered a
variety of weapons. She seems to have a rivalry
with Zhang Fei's daughter Li Li.
-You begin the game with Xi Xuanfeng attached
to Yue Jin's unit.

Guo Jia: 3/5 (goo-oh gee-uh)
Gou Jia is a surprisingly strong magician
willing to aid Cao Cao.
-Joins before the Battle of Xu (stage 1) ONLY
if you chose to recruit him in your political

Himiko: 5/5 (he-me-ko)
Himiko is Cao Cao's magician. She is a young
but very powerful sorceress. She is in love
with Cao Cao.
-Joins after the Battle of Xu (stage 1)

Yue Jin: 2/5 (yew jinn)
Not to be confused with Yu Jin, Yu Jin is an
officer of Zhang Liao.
-Joins after the Battle of Xu (stage 1)

Li Dian: 3/5 (lee dan)
Li Dian is also an officer of warlord Zhang
-Joins after the Battle of Xu (stage 1)

Cao Hong: 2/5 (cow hawng)
Cao Hong is also Cao Cao's cousin.
-Cao Hong joins after the Battle of Ru Nan
(stage 2)

Xu Huang: 4/5 (zoo who-ang)
Xu Huang is the former minister of the interior
of the Han Empire, but pledges his service to
Cao Cao.
-Joins before the battle of Bo Wan Po (stage 3)

Xiahou Ba: 5/5 (zee-a-how bah)
Xiahou Ba is the son of Xiahou Yuan. He is set
on taking revenge on Guan Yu for killing his
father. His other goal is to be his father's
equal on the battlefield.
-Joins before the Battle at Chang Ban Po (stage

Zhang Liao: 5/5 (zang lee-ow)
Zhang Liao is one of Cao Cao's greatest and
most trusted commanders. He was once friends
with Guan Yu, but they feuded and parted ways.
-Joins before the Battle at Chang Ban Po (stage

Xiahou Dun: 4/5 (zee-a-how dune)
Xiahou Dun is also Cao Cao's cousin and is
known as the one eyed general.
-Joins before the Showdown at Chi Bi (stage 5)

Zhang He: 4/5 (zang he)
Zhang He is a former officer of Yuan Shao who
joins up after Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shao.
-Joins before the Showdown at Chi Bi (stage 5)

Sima Yi: 5/5 (see-ma ye)
Sima Yi is a renowned warlord with a superb
magical ability. His fearless attitude in
advising Cao Cao prompts Cao Cao to enlist him.
-Joins before the Battle at Tong Gate (stage 6)

Pang De: 5/5 (pang dee)
Pang De is a former vassal of Ma Chao, but he
defects to Cao Cao after Ma Chao is defeated.
-Joins after the Battle at Tong Gate (stage 6)

Deng Ai: 3/5 (dang eye)
Deng Ai is a former officer of the Xi Army.
-Joins before the Campaign Against Xi ONLY if
you chose to persuade him to defect in your war
council decision.

Dian Wei: 3/5? (dee-an way)
Dian Wei is, well not too sure where he came
from either!
-Joins before the Battle of Tian Shui (stage 8)

Guo Shao: 2/5 (goo-oh shaow)
Guo Shao is another commander wanting to fight
under Cao Cao. Any relation to Guo Jia?
-Joins before the Battle of Tian Shui (stage 8)


Officer War (Battle) Magic Fame Exp
Cao Bu 53 54 10 33
Cao Cao 86 75 28 24
Cao Hong 72 39 17 21
Cao Ren 83 34 18 18
Cheng Yu 35 88 16 17
Deng Ai 68 71 50 50
Dian Wei 90 15 31 36
Dong Xuanfeng 78 55 8 14
Guo Jia 48 85 10 15
Guo Shao 80 52 50 48
Himiko 34 93 14 22
Hu Zhi 92 32 16 17
Li Dian 57 22 8 17
Pang De 90 39 38 38
Sima Yi 43 94 32 55
Xi Xuanfeng 80 49 7 12
Xiahou Ba 91 35 18 22
Xiahou Dun 87 43 29 33
Xiahou Yuan 94 40 36 42
Xu Huang 89 40 12 20
Xun Yu 48 91 17 21
Yu Jin 64 47 15 18
Yue Jin 56 24 8 17
Zhang He 86 50 27 30
Zhang Liao 95 46 37 40

These are starting attributes only and are
subject to change as you progress through the


Ability Officers able to use ability
Battle Cry Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Cao Bu,
Cao Ren, Xiahou Ba, Xi
Xuanfeng, Dong Xuanfeng
Duel Cao Ren, Deng Ai, Hu Zhi
Pang De, Xiahou Ba, Xiahou
Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao
Rally Cao Cao, Zhang Liao, Yu Jin
Dong Xuanfeng, Xun Yu, Yue
Jin, Guo Shao, Cao Ren
Raid Hu Zhi, Zhang Liao, Xiahou Yuan
Xiahou Ba, Pang De, Zhang He
Charge Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Xu Huang
Volley Xi Xuanfeng, Zhang He, Others
Iron Wall Yu Jin, Cao Cao, Cao Ren,
Cheng Yu, Xi Xuanfeng, More
Rush Dian Wei, Hu Zhi, Pang De,
Zhang Liao, Dong Xuanfeng
Meteor Shower Xun Yu, Sima Yi, Cheng Yu, Guo
Fireball Deng Ai
Hail Himiko, Guo Jia, Sima Yi,
Cheng Yu, Xun Yu
Fire Storm None?
Ice Storm Himiko, Xun Yu, Sima Yi
Lightning Himiko, Guo Jia, Sima Yi
Gale Himiko, Sima Yi
Fissure Himiko, Sima Yi

**Note** Some commanders may not learn the
ability until their experience has greatly



**Note** While you can not actually play as Wu
(Sun Quan's Kingdom) you can control them
during the Showdown at Chi Bi if you play as
Liu Bei.

Gan Ning: 4/5 (gawn ning)
A former pirate, Gan Ning is now Wu's top

Lu Meng: 3/5 (loo meng)
A strategic general; often helps out Lu Xun.

Lu Su: 3/5 (loo soo)
Zhou Yu's best friend and another Wu General.

Lu Xun: 3/5 (loo zoon)
A young up and coming general of Wu.

Sun Quan: 4/5 (soon kwan)
The leader of Wu and commander of the most
powerul navy in China. Sun Li's elder brother.

Taishi Ci: 3/5 (ta-she see)
Wu's second strongest general behind Gan Ning.

Zhou Yu: 5/5 (zow yew)
Zhou Yu is Sun Quan's right hand man and is
renowned for his warfare and magical abilities.
He is also famous for his musical genius.



Diao Chan (dow chan)
Liu Bei's lover. She was kidnapped by Cao Cao
at the start of the war. She longs to be
reunited with Liu Bei and only she knows where
the Imperial Seal is located.

Mei Mei (may may)
Zhang Fei's eldest daughter. She was killed
when Cao Cao betrayed Liu Bei and attacked him
at Xu Chang.


Liu Zhang is the leader of the Yi province and
allies himself with Cao Cao because they are
old friends. You fight against him in the siege
of Cheng Du.

Liu Zhang (lew zang)
Leader of the Yi Province and an old friend of
Cao Bu's.

Zhang Ren (zang ren)
Yi's top general and a loyal vassal of Liu

Wu Yi (woo ye)
An officer of Liu Zheng's army.

Yan Yan and Fa Zheng are also vassals of Liu


Meng Huo (meng who-oh)
Leader of Nanman. Husband of Zhu Rong. Not too
brave, not too smart.

Zhu Rong is his wife and the real leader of

Wu Tugu (woo too-goo)
King of a small country in Nanman, Wu Tugu is
the strongest general.

King Mulu (moo-loo)
King of a small country in Nanman, he excels at
warfare and magic.

King Duosi (duosi)
King of a small country in Nanman, he is a true
leader and excelles at magical abilities.



---While fighting on a bridge in a land battle,
some special abilities may not be available.

---The easiest way to get enemy units to flee
is by causing their morale to reach 0 even if
they still have a large number of troops.
-The best way to do this is by destroying the
enemy storehouse and or surrounding enemy units
and ganging up on them with multiple allied

---Use special abilities often and early!!!
-Special abilities regenerate, so the sooner
you use them the sooner you can use them again.
-Special Abilities regenerate about 10x faster
if you are very close to your storehouse. The
closer you are to your storehouse the faster
they regenerate.
-Optimize your special ability usage by
targeting as many enemy units in the green
effect field. It will kill more enemy troops
that way.

---DUELS are one of the best specials for
lowering enemy morale and helping you win the
-ONLY initiate a duel if your MORALE is HIGHER
than the enemy morale. You will be sure to win
every time if your morale is higher. When you
win the enemy morale drops by about 1/3 of the
bar and your morale increases greatly!
-For example, use a rally to increase your
morale and or a battle cry to decrease enemy
morale right before you initiate a Duel and you
will be more likely to win.

---Sometimes it is better to attack an enemy
unit one on one so you can use your special
abilities and affect more enemy troops, and
then move in with another unit to surround the
-For example, Liu Bei is fighting Cao Cao. Liu
Bei initiates a rush that kills 4000 of Cao
Cao's troops.
-If Zhang Fei had been attacking Cao Cao at the
same time from another side, Liu Bei's rush
would only have killed 2000 of Cao Cao's troops
because Cao Cao would have divided them to
fight both Liu Bei and Zhang Fei

---If you can destroy the enemy storehouse the
entire enemy army's morale drops to about 32!!!
-Some battles the enemy has no storehouse.
-If your scouts have located their storehouse,
see if you can spare a unit to go and destroy
it. It doesn't take long to destroy a
storehouse and the resulting drop in morale is
well worth it.

---Unless you are going to use your special
maneuvers and significantly lower enemy troop
numbers, always try and flank or launch a
surprise attack on an enemy unit that is
already engaged in battle. This means don't
send units in one on one if you can help it and
NEVER fight a battle with two enemy units on
one allied unit. Its a losing battle.

---If you are finding a land battle very
difficult to complete and you keep losing, send
out a couple decoy units and then throw
everything else you have at the enemy commander
(either Liu Bei or Cao Cao depending on who you
play). With 2 or 3 units surrounding them, the
enemy commander won't last long and you will
automatically win if they are forced to flee!


---Some special abilities such as duel and
charge and rush are not available in Naval

---Only one Allied unit can engage an Enemy
Unit at a time and vice versa.
-This actually works to your advantage because
you can win a naval battle with ease even if
you are severely outnumbered. Here's how:
-Send your strongest units to engage the enemy,
and use a couple specials. Then send your
weaker units around to the sides and back of
the enemy unit. While they cannot directly
attack the enemy unit, if you still target the
enemy unit it will say "will surround, ok?"
press X and they will surround the enemy unit,
causing disarray. This lowers the enemy morale
_DRASTICALLY_ and QUICKLY. Within a minute of
real time battle the enemy unit's morale will
reach 0 and you will win. Repeat the process on
all of the enemy units.

---Be careful not to let your units stack up
behind each other. They will be unable to reach
the front to engage and surround enemy units
and it will put you at a severe disadvantage.

---It is almost impossible to win a one on one
naval battle if the enemy unit has more troops
than your unit. If you are outnumbered you
simply MUST surround the enemy.


---These are basically land battles in which
the majority of the fighting is done in a small
space. (inside the castle)

---The major difference is that you have to
fight through the Castle gates to win the
-I STRONGLY recommend any plan in the war
council phase that allows for the easiest route
to the most open gates into the castle.
-Attacking a castle gate and being pounded by
the defenders all the while is one of the
quickest ways for allied units morale to fall,
which is bad.

---The majority of your special abilities are
unavailable at gate battles. Duel is one of the
few effective ones, as is Raid.
-This is bad when you are fighting the defender
one on one. If you have another unit approach
from behind or the side after climbing the wall
it makes the enemy defender fall much faster!

---You can also climb the wall by simply
targeting the top of the wall as a units
objective. If you cannot climb in that spot it
will simply say 'rebuttes' in red. Change your
target spot; you can mostly only climb right
next to gates, but there are some other spots.
-Be careful when you climb castle walls! There
is no coming down on the outside, only on the
inside and sometimes there is an enemy unit in
the spot where you descend and you are stuck! A
unit sitting on the castle wall is easy prey
for enemy archers!


Play Both Sides:

Complete the game as Liu Bei and you will be
able to play as Cao Cao. (no real secret, it
tells you you can do that in the instruction

Hidden Battles:

After you finish the game as Liu Bei to unlock
Cao Cao's side, notice that the difficulty
level is set at normal instead of beginner
(when you played as Liu Bei). Successfully
complete the game as Cao Cao under the normal
difficulty setting to unlock expert level.
Select either Liu Bei or Cao Cao at the expert
difficulty setting. Complete the game under
expert difficulty setting to unlock a hidden
battle for each side.

As Liu Bei, the hidden battle is The Battle of
East Lau. As Cao Cao, the hidden battle is The
Battle of Chang Zheng.

| VII. FAQs |

Q: Help, I can't beat the naval battle where
Guan Yu is alone at the beginning?

A: Simply have Guan Yu retreat right away when
the battle begins. Have Guan Yu and Liu Bei
hover back towards the top of the map, avoiding
engagements until your reinforcements arrive
and you can win the battle.

Q: How can I beat xyz battle? I keep losing!

A: Don't be discouraged. If you lose a battle,
retry it without restarting the game. The game
will give you an option to do so, and you will
recieve unit upgrades and more troops when you
replay the battle.

Q: How do I get elephant troops?

A: This can only be done by selecting the
NANMAN campaign as one of your battles. When
you are victorious, you will receive a unit
under Zhu Rhong attached to one of your other
units. It will have elephant troops.

Q: Where can I buy Kessen II?

A: Anywhere! Try electronics botique or any
major retail store like walmart, target, k-
mart, etc...that carries PS2 games. If you want
to buy it online try for very
cheap prices.

Q: I love the music in Kessen II! Where can I
buy the soundtrack?

A: Unfortunatly, the soundtrack is only
avaliable in Japan as most video game
soundtracks are. I suggest trying an import
store such as or If those don't have it you'll
need a friend in Japan or just a vacation there
to pick up the great soundtrack! **note** has it!

Q: Kessen II is great! Will there be a sequel?

A: Koei has announced plans for a Kessen III,
but has not released any info on a possible
release date for Japan or the US.

Q: Why doesn't your FAQ cover xyz?

A: Jesus! One man can only do so much! If you
have a question or would just like to talk to
me, email me:

Q: Can I use your FAQ for my website?

A: That depends. First off, please email me: and ask permission. Then
follow these guidelines.

If you want to post this FAQ somewhere for
people to see it, like on a Kessen related
website, you may do so ONLY if you post it in
it's entirety. Credit must be given to me as
the one who wrote the FAQ, because after all, I
was the one who spent hours slaving over the
keyboard to produce it.

You may NOT claim this FAQ is your work!

| VIII. Miscellanous |

Bugs & Errors

I have only noticed one bug so far in the game.
When you are watching a unit in the battle view
and an enemy unit engaged in battle with a
different allied unit uses a special ability
that brings the allied unit's morale to a
critical level, the game's message is bugged.

For example, you are watching Guan Yu battle
Xiahou Ba. Meanwhile, Yu Jin is fighting Zhang
Fei. Yu Jin initiates a battle cry, which
knocks Zhang Fei's morale down to a critical
level. The game will stop and promt you with a

Battle Cry's unit's morale is critical due to
Zhang Fei. Will you issue orders to Battle
Cry's unit?

Instead of what it should say:

Zhang Fei's unit's morale is critical due to
Battle Cry. Will you issue orders to Zhang
Fei's unit?


Special Thanks:

To Koei, for creating such an awesome game that
inspired me to write this FAQ, and devote
countless hours to playing Kessen II.

To for providing an opportune
outlet for me to display this FAQ - also an
inspiration to write this FAQ.

To and other FAQ
contributors for providing a useful model for
me to get ideas from - this is my first FAQ.

To Nobuo Uematsu and Yasunori Mitsuda for both
providing such fantastic video game music for
me to listen to while I worked. It was a much
needed motivator.

And most of all to my fellow Kessen II fans,
without whom I would never have written this


*Note* This FAQ is for the English version.


Contact Info:



AIM: sirashe1

ICQ: 42831710 (I have it but almost never use


This document Copyright 2001 Sean Twomey.
It is not to be reproduced or distributed
without express written consent of the owner.
This document is protected by international
Copyright law. Violaters will be prosecuted.

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