Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

14.10.2013 17:03:38
HARRY POTTER - The Sorceror's Stone for Sony Playstation
Written By - Sparty2004
Email Addy - o0sparty_2004@yahoo.com
Started on - November 22nd, 2001
Last Updated on - January 17th, 2002
Finished on - ???

Version 1.0 -All sections completed except walkthrough
-Walkthrough completed past Detention in Forbidden Forest
Version 2.0 -Walkthrough completed
Version 3.0 -Changed some little things in the walkthrough
-Added the "Wanted Section"

1.) Introduction
2.) Controls
3.) Advanced Spells
4.) Walkthrough
5.) Every Flavor Bean Rewards
6.) Famous Witches & Wizards Cards
7.) Wanted Section
8.) Credits

1.) Introduction
There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that
strange and mysterious things would soon be happening. As unsuspecting
muggles slept, a huge motorbike with a giant astride it tumbled down
from the darkness. The giant, named Hagrid, left a blanket-wrapped
bundle on the doorstep of Number 4, Privet Drive. Nestled in the bundle
was a baby, Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived.
For the next 11 years, Harry lived with his dreadful step-parents,
the Dursleys. Until that fateful day when he recieved a letter inviting
him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid took
Harry to Diagon Alley, to purchase a most unusual list of school
supplies. Soon after, Harry caught the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9
and Three Quarters, and left the muggle world far behind.
Harry sat beneath the Sorting Hat, hoping that he would not be
chosen for Slytherin House over Gryffindor. "Not Slytherin, eh?" said
the hat in his ear,"You could be great, it's all here in your head, and
Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness. No? well, if you're
sure, better be GRYFFINDOR!"

2.) Controls
X - X
T - Triangle
S - Square
O - Circle
^ - D-Pad or left-analog stick up
< - D-Pad ot left-analog stick left
> - D-Pad or left-analog stick right
v - D-Pad or left analog-stick down
NOTE: This key will be used through the whole guide, so make sure you
know what they are.

Menu Controls:
Highlight menu items D-Button or left-analog stick ^/v
Cycle choices/Move sliders D-Button or left-analog stick
Select/Go to next screen X button
Return to previous screen T Button

Adventure(Walking around) Controls:
X - Flipendo Knockback Jinx
S - Action/Talk to
T - Look around/Aim Flipendo(after learning)
D-Pad/left-analog stick - Move around
L1 - Lock onto target(if there is a sparkle above
R2/L2 - Rotate camera
Start - Pause game/View status screen

X - Accelerate/Catch Snitch(when catch screen
D-Pad/Left analog-stick - Fly

3.) Advanced Spells
Wingardium Leviosa -T, S, X, O
-T, S, O, X

Incendio -T, O, X, S, X, O
-S, O, S, O, T

Verdimillious -T, O, S, T
-O, T, X, O, S
-S, X, O, X, O, T

Avifors -T, S, T, X, O, X
-T, X, O, T, O, X, S
-T, O, S, X, S, T, S, X, O, X

After the introduction, you will be in the Hogwarts Entrance Hall.
Now, the only place to do anything is in the Gryffindor Tower, which is
to the left at the top of the staircase. Go through the door to enter
Gryffindor Tower. Walk down the stairs to your left, and walk up to the
bookcase. Press the square button and you will walk through it. Pick up
the Famous Witches & Wizards Card in the center of the room. Now, exit
through the bookcase and walk up to the two boys, Fred and George
Weasley. They explain about the Berite Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Now,
turn around and exit through the archway which is past the desk. This
will take you to the Charms Corridor.
Rescuing Hedwig
Walk around the corner to meet up with Ron Weasley. He will tell
you about Hedwig and Draco Malfoy. Follow him through the door to meet
Draco Malfoy. He will tell you his name and that you better not cross
him...HAH!!! Run around the corner and Ron will teach you how to climb.
Do what he says, and then run off the platform and through the door. Now
he will teach you how to jump. Pick up the owl feather and jump across.
Jump over to Ron and he will tell you he will meet up with you later.
Jump across the rest of the bookcases, picking up the 2 feathers along
the way. Collect the last feather in front of the door and it will
unlock. Go through it.
Now you will meet Nearly Headless Nick. He will show you how to
look around. Now, you must climb and jump your way up to the doorway,
making sure you collect all 5 of the feathers. You will see a Chocolate
Frog near the top...pick it up if you need any health. Exit through the
door to the Jinx Rooms. Here, Nearly Headless Nick will show you how to
do the Flipendo Knockback Jinx. Hit the first snail with it to stun it,
and hit it again to kill it while it is still stunned to earn 5 House
points. Do this to the other 2 also, picking up the 2 owl feathers along
the way. You should now have 15 House points.
Go through the door and down the stairs to learn that the Flipendo
Knockback Jinx can move blocks with a blue twinkle above them. Move it
back with the Flipendo Knockback Jinx until it will not move anymore,
which will net you 5 more House points. Press triangle to look around,
aim at the web near the block you just moved, and shoot it with the
Flipendo Knockback Jinx to score 5 more points. Climb the block,
grabbing the feather, and climb onto the platform. Kill the rat running
around on the ground by locking onto it and using a charged Flipendo.
This will score 10 House points, for a total of 35. Grab the rest of the
feathers and exit through the newly unlocked door.
Walk up to Nearly Headless Nick and he will teach you the Charged
Flipendo Knockback Jinx. Use this to move the block next to Nick all the
way back, scoring you 5 more points. Climb up the filing cabinets on the
side of the room and up onto the platform, grabbing the feather on the
cabinet on your way up. Now, jump across the block you just moved and
jump over to the other platform and grab the feather there. Before going
to the door, use the Triangle button to look over above where Nearly
Headless Nick is. Shoot the web-covered door with a Flipendo to gain 5
House points. Now climb up to the door, grabbing the feather in front of
it and go through this door.
You will meet Neville Longbottom, and he will explain his
predicament. Lock onto each book and shoot it down, to grab 5 House
points each. Go through the new passageway Neville opens for you and you
will see Hedwig. Fire a charged Flipendo at the cage and it will fall,
and walk through the new path you just opened. Now, you will walk
through the door and get a broomstick from Hedwig. Now you get to take
flying lessons!!!
Flying Lessons
Go back to the room where you met Fred and George Weasley. Talk to
the portrait next to where they were standing and then save your game
using the red book. Now, run through the hallway until you find Ron
again. He will tell you about his old owl, and then you will enter the
flying lessons. You can end up with up to 90 House points combined. If
you do not complete one of them, reset the game and try again, do not
stop until you have 90 House points total, or you will not be able to
unlock the Broom Closet. Try to get the Yellow bean on the pillar in the
middle, too. Now, after this you will meet Hermione, who will tell you
about Charms Class. Run up the hallway, collecting the Yellow beans
along the way, and get the Yellow beans just outside the Charms Class
door, which are on the bookcase.
Charms Class
When you open the second doorway, do not go anywhere until you read
this, as this part is timed. You will have to jump from floating table
to floating table, and you should collect those Yellow beans along the
way. The first part is easy, it is just straight forward. But after
that, it gets slightly harder, but all you have to do is jump from side
to side to the next table that appears, and make sure you get the Yellow
beans on each table. When you reach the end, you should have 23 Yellow
beans. Now, walk through the timer and you will meet Professor Flitwick,
the Charms Class teacher.
Inside, you will learn the levitation spell, Wingardium Leviosa.
All you do is press the button which his wand points to, and you must do
this 3 times in a row. The first combonation is T, S, X, O. The second
one is T, S, O, X. Now you will get to practice using the spell in the
next room. All you do is levitate the hourglass onto the platform by
turning to the object so it has a golden sparkle above it, and press X.
Now, you can make it rise by holding X or drop it by pressing triangle.
You can also move it with the D-Pad or analog stick. Maneuver it onto
the platform and press triangle to drop it to unlock the door. You have
now mastered Wingardium Leviosa, and scored 5 more House points!
Nimbus 2000
When you get back out into the hallway, get any Yellow beans you
can find there, by now you should have 23 Yellow beans, and a maximum of
105 House points. Go back to the Flying lesson room to get some more
House points. If you can get all of the flies, you will get 10 more
House points. Now, go back to Gryffindor Tower. You will see a candle on
the floor almost right by where you enter. Turn to it and preform
Wingardium Leviosa. Move it onto the desk by it and you will get 5 House
points. Now, go up the 2 flights of stairs and through the unlocked door
to get into the Great Foyer.
Go to the bookcase on your left and press square by it. Grab the
three Yellow beans and the Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Exit via the
bookcase and walk down the stairs. Go up the stairs to your right and go
through that bookcase the same way. In here, simply hit all the targets
you can, looking at the bottom to see what you need to hit. Anything
colored in is something you need to hit. When you do, you will get
another Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Now, leave through the bookcase
and go through the door to your right. Now, run all the way to the back
of the room and climb on the table. Hop onto the platform, taking care
not to get hit by the knights, and grab those 2 Yellow beans. Now, jump
to the next 2 tables and grab those beans too, and then jump by the
knight. Grab those beans and jump to the next table and then to the
platform with the door on it. You should now have 34 Yellow beans.
Go back down the stairs and up the stairs in front of you. Climb on
top of the bookcase up there and grab those 3 beans, and then grab the 3
beans from inside the door right next to you, being careful of the
knights. Now, exit this Great Foyer through the door at the bottom of
the steps. Go down the steps here and Malfoy will mock you. Go down the
stairs and through the left door closest to the hourglasses. Grab all
the beans in here and then you should have a total of 48 Yellow beans.
Now, exit this room and go across to the locked door, and then go to the
door next to that. This will lead you to a passage with more than enough
beans. Grab 2 to make a total of 50 Yellow beans, and then head back to
Gryffindor Tower. Go down the stairs just through the entrance to the
tower and walk up to the portrait there. Talk to it and Harry will say
the magic word to enter. Now, walk all the way back and you will see
Fred and George. They will give you the password to the old baron
portrait when you talk to them. Now, go back to the Main Entrance Hall,
where Malfoy was, and go down the stairs. Turn left and look back, you
will see a door. Go through it to get to the portrait. Talk to it and it
will open, allowing Harry to climb in and get the...Nimbus 2000!!!!!
Herbology Class
After getting the Nimbus 2000, you will be in the Entrance Hall
again. Levitate the hourglasses on top of the blocks and you will get 5
House points each. Malfoy will challenge you to a duel. When he throws a
wizard cracker, avoid being hit in midair and then run and pick it up.
Wait until he begins to throw another one and then press X. This will
throw the wizard cracker. After three hits, he will call in Crabbe and
he will also begin using super wizard crackers. You must stay away from
these, because they will explode when they hit the ground. Crabbe will
be using wizard cracker, so use his wizard crackers to hit Malfoy three
more times. Now, Malfoy will call in Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle will use
wizard crackers, while Malfoy uses his super wizard crackers. Simply
dodge all the ones that are thrown, and pick up a wizard cracker to use
on Malfoy. Take your time, because the wizard crackers you pick up will
not explode in your hand. Hit him three more times and you will win.
Malfoy and his friends will retreat, leaving you free to go outside.
Now, you will see all the House points totals.
Now you will see Hagrid. He will introduce himself and tell you
about Herbology Class. Now, once you are inside the door, DO NOT MOVE!
This part is a bit complicated, so listen up. You will have to move all
the pillars into the middle to make a path to get up to Herbology Class.
There are also some beans in here. Do what I say and you will get them
all and not be late for class. Turn the view using R2 or L2 so you can
see the pillars. Now, run through the timer and run over to the left
side of the little courtyard area. Do a Charged Flipendo Knockback Jinx
to move it, it will go faster if you do. Get the first column in the
middle(you will know when it is because you will receive some House
points). Now, run toward the wall and hit back the column on your side
into the middle. Grab the beans in the corners against the wall you are
next to and then knock the last two columns into the middle. Run to the
second column and climb up on top of it. Jump up across the columns you
moved to get to Herbology Class.
Now you will meet Professor Sprout. You will learn the Incendio
spell. You do this the same you learned Wingardium Leviosa, by pressing
the buttons as the wand points to it. The first sequence is T, O, X, S,
X, O. The second one is S, O, S, O, T. Now you will get to learn how to
use the Incendio spell next to wither a Bouncing Bulb. All you do is
walk up to it and press X. Now, press the button indicated as the circle
goes over it. You will earn 5 House points, and you will have mastered
Incendio. Now, walk up to the young Ravenclaw and you will learn about
Quidditch. Walk through the door behind him to learn how to play
Quidditch. Madame Hooch will explain what to do. Do what she says in the
time given and you will earn House points and a set of wings. Try to get
Gold wings on all three trials. Do this by not missing any rings the
Golden Snitch leaves. You will get 25 House points for each set of gold
wings. Now you have just earned 75 House points for Gryffindor! Now you
should have 100 House points total.
The Fire Seeds
Now, exit through the hallway that across the courtyard from you.
You will meet Fred and George again and a Ravenclaw who explains about
his lost kitten. Continue through the passage at the end of the hallway
and you will find Ron again. He will talk to you about his Puffskein.
Now, hit the Puffskein there with a Flipendo and he will follow you.
Lead him to each of the three patches of bushes and he will eat them,
leaving out one Blue bean each. You should now have a total of 17 Blue
beans. Now, go to where the Chocolate Frog, which is to the right of the
door you came in if you are looking at it, and grab it if you need it.
Stand outside the alcove where the Chocolate Frog is/was, and look into
it. Now, depending on how far away you are from it, you should see a
discolored section on the wall to the right of it. If not, move back a
little further. When you do see it, walk up to it and press square. You
will enter through it and you will meet Nearly Headless Nick. He will
tell you to collect the Every Flavor Beans without getting hit by the
Bouncing Bulbs. If you do, you will lose some of the ones you've
collected. Once you get all 20, you will receive a Famous Witches &
Wizards Card. Now, once back where the Puffskein is, follow the only
path you have not been down yet. You will now meet Hagrid, who will
explain about the Fire Seeds.
Walk past Hagrid and walk down the path in front of Hagrid's hut
door. Follow this path until you meet a enemy in the path. Kill him with
the Flipendo and you'll get a bean for your troubles. At the split, take
the left path first and then kill the enemy there for another bean.
Follow this path to get some more beans, and you will see another
discolored wall. Press square next to it. You will have to grab more
Every Flavor Beans. Once you have them all, you will win another Famous
Witches & Wizards Card, bringing your total cards up to 5. Go back to
the split and take the other path now. There are two discolored walls
here. Take the one in the right wall(the one closer to you). Follow the
path up to a stone structure with fairies flying around. Press triangle
and look up. Shoot the card with a Flipendo to knock it down and then
grab it. Follow the path to the passage at the end, picking up the 3
Blue beans along the way. This will bring you out at the other
discolored wall. Exit the area through the passage next to where you
come out at. You will see the cloaked figure again and he will zap a
gargoyle into life. Lokck onto it with R1 and wait until it is flying
straight above you to zap it with a Flipendo Jinx. Continue this until
it falls to the ground, and then use Wingardium Leviosa to levitate it
back up onto the pillar it was on before to unlock the gate. Collect the
beans it leaves behind and go through the newly unlocked gate.
Follow the path, collecting the bean and jump across the lava.
Climb up to the top of the little cliff and Walk up to the sleeping
Puffskein. Hit it with a Flipendo to wake it up and it will follow you.
Lead it back to the little air vent you passed on your way to the
Puffskein and let it fall in. Climb onto the raised air vent next to it
and it will float you up to the next platform. Hop up onto the tree
stump and jump to one of the beans, and repeat to get the other one,
bringing you to a total of 33 Blue beans. Run along the path to a
platform you must climb up. Jump off ot get either the two beans, or the
one, climb back up, and then jump for the other one(s). Run through the
opening until you see another Puffskein. Make it follow you back to
where you jumped from and let it fall into the vent. If it eats any
bushes, it will not fit, so Flipendo it to make it lose some weight. Run
back and repeat, except make it eat the bushes there until it will fit
into the big vent in between the bushes. Float up the vent nearer to
where you entered the clearing, and grab those two beans and pull the
lever. Jump down and float up the other vent, hit the little capsule
with a Flipendo and collect those beans, and go through the door. Now,
you must jump from platform to platform QUICKLY because as soon as you
touch them you only have about 2 seconds before they fall into the lava.
Jump all the way across the path, and then you will see three platforms
with beans on them. You only need to jump on one to get across, but jump
onto a side one and jump along all three platforms to get the beans, and
then jump to the other side. Folow the path, jump across some more
platforms(which do not fall) and then you will see a potion. Do not
drink this just yet. Wait until you come back in a few seconds. Continue
jumping, picking up the Blue beans. You will comme up to the Fire Seeds,
and you will see a green sparkle above them. Press X and you will use
Incendio. Grab the seeds and retrace your steps, grabbing the potion
along the way and drinking it. Return back to Hagrid.
Now, you will see what you needed them for, hatching Norbert! Now,
a new path will open up, so follow it. You will see a discolored wall
after the first bean you find, so go through it. Collect all the beans
and go back through the passage. You should have a total of 61 Blue
Beans. You will see Ron, and he will lead you to the Quidditch Pitch.
Neville will run up and complain about Malfoy and the Remembrall. Now
you get to chase him through the woods and catch him. Press square when
you are near him to bash into him. Do this until he has no energy left
and he will give back the remembrall. Now you will get to play your
first Quidditch match! Just fly through the hoops the Golden Snitch
leaves, and you will get it.
Potions Class
After that, you will go into a secret area that has been forgotten.
Follow the only open path and you will see a Venomous Tentacular. First,
lock onto each little pod and hit them with a Flipendo blast. When they
are all gone, use Incendio on the plant and perform it. If you don't do
it, the plant will send out more pods. If you do, you will score 5
points for Gryffindor and some Blue beans. Follow the path and you will
see a lever, pull it. Go back to the beginning of the path and follow
the stone wall until you see Ron. Go through the door behind him and you
will be in the Horklump Patch. Lock onto each one and use Wingardium
Leviosa to lift it up. Push it far away and drop it, and then collect
all the beans it leaves. Each one has 5 beans under it. You should
collect them until you have all of the beans that you cn get(you will
know this when you get awarder house points), and then follow the path
just past them. This will lead you to the Sloth Brain. Now, head back to
the exit to get a letter and meet Ron. You will be led to the Main
Entrance Hall after seeing the House points totals. You should still be
in the lead, but not by much. Now, go back to the area just before the
Quidditch Pitch. Talk to Fred and George again to get the password. When
you get to the area just before the Quidditch Pitch, there will be
another discolored wall. Go through the wall and collect the beans
again. You will get your 7th Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Now, go back
to Hagrid's and take the first path you took in the forest, the one that
leads to the split. Take the left split and go to the end, where there
is a painting, and talk to the painting to get in. You will recieve your
8th Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Return to the school.
Go into the door on the left, the one where you got the last few
Yellow beans. Follow the hallway and you will run into Snape. He will
lead you to Potions Class. Enter the door, run through the next door,
where you will see Fred and George again, and then enter the passage. Go
down the stairs and up the stairs on the left to get to potions. You
will learn how to mix a potion, just press the three buttons shown.
Snape will tell you to get a jar of Fireflies, which is a trap. You will
end up in a secret portion of the dungeons.
In the first room, lock onto the first troll with R1, and pick up a
Puffapod. Throw it at him when he stops over the drain. Repeat for the
second troll and leave the room after collecting the Green beans they
leave. Now, you will see Raymond and he will ask you to find his kitten.
Just walk down the hallway to the left all the way to the end, avoiding
any enemies by killing them with the Flipendo, and get break open all
the boxes with the Flipendo. You will find a cat(usually the last one).
Walk slowly back to the beginginng of the hallway, and get the cat in
the light. Use Wingardium Leviosa to levitate the cat up to Raymond. He
will give you your 9th Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Exit the room.
Now, pull the lever in the room and go thorugh the unlocked door.
In this room, unless you have extremely good timing, you can hit the
cauldron in front of you with a Flipendo to make it stop. Jump onto the
stopped one and hit the next cauldron. Jump on to and repeat until you
get to the end. Pull the lever at the end and grab the frogs if you need
them. Now, you can walk up the stairs and along the platform against the
wall to get back. If you do this you will get 7 Green beans, for a total
of 15 Green beans. Go thorugh the other door now, and pull the lever. Do
not leave the room, however, because you will need a key in this room.
Jump on the table to get some Green beans, and then use Wingardium
Leviosa on the cage over the key. Now, you must set this down in the hay
in the corner, where the light is shining, or the troll will wake up.
Now, climb and jump from platform to platform until you get to the door.
Go through it.
In this room, you will see some more trolls. Run across the room to
a Puffapod and dispose of them the same way you did before...throw the
Puffapod at the troll when he is over the grate. Leave through the newly
unlocked door. In the next room you will find the jar of Fireflies, and
can return to Snape's class. He will tell you about your Defense Against
the Dark Arts class.
Defense Against The Dark Arts Class
Run down the staircase and up the staircase in front of you to
reach the class. This class is the hardest to get to on time. All you do
is jump from book to book when they stop, but this can be extremely
difficult. Grab the beans from the corners of the room, and then climb
back up. Jump across the books when they stop to reach the alcove with
the bean pod, hit this and grab the beans, then jump across the books
again when they stop to reach the next half of the path. In here you
must do the same thing again, but you must first jump to the platform
with the bean pod, get the beans from it, and then wait for the books to
stop again. You must be on the platform when they stop or else you will
be too far away to jump to the class, and you must also wait for the
second book to stop. Now you will learn a new spell, Verdimillous. The
first sequence is T, O, S, T. The second one is O, T, X, O, S. The last
one is S, X, O, X, O, T. Now you will get to use Verdimillious. Jump
press X when the sparkle comes up, then jump across.
Transfiguration Class
Now, go down the stairs and stop at the bottom. Turn right and go
down the passage you have not been down yet. Jump straight down and turn
left. Jump onto the platform you see that is a circle, and turn to the
middle of the room. Use Verdimillious and jump form sotne to stone
quickly to get to the top. You will run out of time at the top and fall
back down. Now, Do the same thing again, except only jump up to the 4th
platform and jump to the platform with a door and a bean pod. Get the
beans from it and go through the door. Go through the bookcase on the
ground near you and do what Nearly Headless Nick says to get a Famous
Witches & Wizards Card. Now, climb up the platforms in the wall and go
through the bookcase to get another Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Jump
down and go through the door now. Jump onto the vent and float up to the
platform there. Climb up and do the same thing again, and then go
through the bookcase to recieve your 12 Famous Witches & Wizards Card.
Return back to the room from which you entered(the one with the
Verdimillious blocks). Go through the other doorway now. Run up and talk
to Nearly Headless Nick. He will tell you about the dark curses. Now,
enter the other doorway in the room and follow what I say carefully,
this part can be very confusing!
If you need health, run up to the cauldron and mix the Wiggenweld
potion and drink it, and then collect the two beans and exit through the
passage. You will meet Peeves the Poltergeist and he will sing you a
little song. Collect the beans form atop the bookcases and run up the
stairs. Go through the door. Jump across the cauldron to the platform
near it, and climb up and go through the door. Run down the hallway you
come out by and hit the curse with a charged Flipendo. Run back and hop
down form the cliff you are on. Collect the beans and move the Jinx
block towards the cliff. Climb up and jump to the cliff and run past the
door to a hallway. The floor here is extremely slippery, so be careful.
Watch out for the plant things, whenever they line up they shoot fire.
Go down the hallway, and go left, and then follow the hallway to the
plant things. Once past them, go through the door. Run along the hallway
adn hit the yellow curse. Go back to the door you passed up and go
through it. Jump on the bookcase next to you for a bean and a frog, then
jump to the floating bookcase and then to the other side. Run up the
stairs and through the door.
Jump across the cauldrons to the little alcove, and then run
through the short hallway and jump across the cauldron and to the
platform where the bean is. Grab the bean and go through the passage.
Jump across the tables, and to the alcove on the other side. Jump to the
side, where the knight is, and hit him with two charged Flipendos. Go
through the passage in front of you. Jump across the tables and to the
platform along the wall. Kill this knight and then climb the ledge that
was behind him. Go through this passgeway and destroy the blue curse.
Jump down to the bottom and kill the knight, and grab the beans form the
pod. Run around the platform ad climb up to it. Jump to the table, which
will rise up, and then jump to the table closer to the platform, and
then jump onto the platform and go through the passageway. Climb on the
bookcase and get the bean, get the bean in the corner, and then climb
the ledge on the wall and jump over to the ledge above it. Collect the
beans and go through the door. Kill the knight and collect all of the
beans in the room and then exit through the door. You will find the last
curse here. Destroy it, collect the beans, and head back to the cursed
door by Nearly Headless Nick and go through it.
Jump down and go through the left door. Talk to Fred and George to
get the password, and then talk to the portrait near them to get the
Quidditch Armor. Go back to the previous room, and go through the other
door, and then go to Gryffindor Tower. Head up the stairs and through
the newly unlocked door, adn then through the door to Transfiguration
Class. To get through here, just jump from platform to platform quickly,
because they fall soon after landing on them. Now you will learn
Avifors. The first sequence is T, S, T, X, O, X. The second is T, X, O,
T, O, X, S. The last one is T, O, S, X, S, T, S, X, O, X. Now you learn
how to use the spell. Press X when facing the table to perform Avifors.
Press the X button as it passes through the circle on the screen. Now,
leave using the table.
The Forbidden Corridor
Use Avifors on the table in the Upper Castle area and use the table
to go up. Jump over to the side with the unlocked door. Hedwig will drop
a package off for you, adn Peeves will steal it. Use Avifors on the
table here, and then through go through the bookcase. You will recieve a
Famous Witches & Wizards Card. Now, use the tablet to get up to Peeves
to race him. Just run across the roof beams, making sure to get every
bean along the way. At the end, Peeves will give you the parcel, if you
won, if not, he will give you another chance. The parcel is your
Invisibility Cloak. Use the door and walk off the edge. Grab the frog if
you need it and go through the door underneath the platform you were
just on. You will have a run-in with Filch and Mrs. Norris. Go through
the door and stop. Walk up to the corner and turn the view, and when
Filch has his back turned,. Climb on top of the bookcase and jump to the
one with the invisibility token on it. Jump to the bookcase with the key
on it and then jump down and go through the door. Go through the door in
the hallway and walk forward. You will hear a conversation between Snape
adn Filch. Go through the bookcase and then run to the stack of books by
the bookcase, climb on them, and then climb on the bookcase. Look over
to the rafter with the invisibility token on it, and wait. When Mrs.
Norris is in view, wait for her to turn around so that she will be
facing away from you when she is walking. Jump across to the ledge on
the wall and run up to the rafter. Keep a bit of distance behind Mrs.
Norris, but as soon she she is away from the token, grab it, and then
jumpdown to the bookcase with the key on it, grab it, and leave the
room. Go through the door, and climb on the ledge, then jump to the
ledge the inviibility token is on. Hop down to the bottom, grab the key,
then climb back up the bookcase before you become visible. Get back onto
the ledge where you got hte token, and wait for a new one to generate.
Grab it, jump across to where Filch is, then go through the door. Go
through the door at the end of the passage, and run up to the wall of
the pillar, and STOP! Look around the corner, wait until no one is
looking, then climb the bookcase with the invisibility token. Get it,
grab the key off another bookcase, and go through the door. Go through
the next two doors and you will find the Mirror of Erised.
The Mountain Troll
You will meet up with Ron, who will tell you about the Mountain
Troll. Run down the passage, and save your game. This is important
because you may need to start over a few times, you MUST get all of
these beans coming up, while a troll is chasing you and you are running
towards the screen. This is hard to do, especially on your first time.
It would be too hard to tell you where to go. Just stay alert and be
careful. Once you make it to the bathroom, you must hit the pipes with
the Flipendo Jinx to keep from getting hit while Ron tries to hit the
troll. The troll will fall to the ground and you will be back in the
upper castle, and will receive a letter to play against Ravenclaw in
Dragon Tonic
Now, you will be taken to Diagon Alley to buy some supplies for the
Dragon Tonic. Hagrid will tell you to go to Gringott's for some buy.
Head straight back and enter Gringott's. Head through the double doors,
and turn left at the split. Run up to the goblin and he will tell you to
run around and grab the papers. Do what he says, by running around the
area, grabbing all the papers. He will let you in and explain the
controls to you. When you make it to the end, DO NOT SAY NO! Say yes,
because you must get every coin and gem in the vault to get a Famous
Witches & Wizards Card. If you don't, you can not get 100% because you
cannot come back. I cannot tell you what to do in the mines, because I
do not know if the games are all the same. So, just be careful and you
will probably need to take quite a few runs in order to get everything.
When you get the Knut Famous Witches and Wizards Card, you should go
outside Gringott's and save your game, and also after you get the Sickle
Famous Witches and Wizards Card, this is in case you accidentally hit No
when the goblin asks you want to try again, this way, you will not have
to start all over. If you need help finding the hidden gems, when the
game shows what is coming up next(when it shows an arrow with a coin
on/near it), there will be a transparent gem behind it. If you get all
the coins that the arrow shows, then the gem will flash with color,
meaning the gems have been unlocked and can now be collected. Usually,
the pattern of the coins will be the same as the gems(if some coins that
unlock gems are in a spiral to the right, the gems will be in a spiral
to the right).a There are 65 gems in the Knut Mine, 55 in the Sickle
Mine, and 65 gems in the Galleon Mine. Take your time and make sure to
get all three Famous Witches and Wizards Cards.
Now, exit Gringott's and turn the view to Diagon Alley. Walk down
the Alley and go into the first door on your left. This is the Magical
Menagerie, where you will get the 3 Purple Toad Warts Hagrid needs. This
part of your little quest for the ingredients probbly ranks as the
second hardest of the three parts. All you do is look at the boxes until
you see one jump(there are boxes on the top and bottom floor,, so you
may need to go upstairs to find him), and once you do see a box jump,
hit the box wiht a Flipendo and then quickly shoot a Flipendo at the
toad to get a wart. Do this three times to get the three warts. Be
careful about how many Flipendos you use, you will have to start over if
you use too many. Return to Diagon Alley when you get them all.
Face away from Gringott's and down the Alley and head to the first
door on your right, Ollivander's. Head inside and you will be charged to
get the three peacock feathers from the back room. This section is the
hardest to finish, and may take a few trys. Inside one of the white
boxes along the side walls is an Invisibility Token. Catch sight of the
peacock and grab the token. Run up behind the peacock and it will run
away, you must try to stay on it's tail long enough to grab a feather.
The last two are hard to get because the token does not regenerate. You
must catch the peacock by surprise and run along on it's tail. It does
follow a pattern, so learn the pattern, and then it will be easier to
do. Head out to Diagon Alley when you are finished again and face away
from Gringott's.
Go to the second door on your left and enter the Eeylop's Owl
Emporium. Here you will need to levitate the snacks on the table. Do
this three times and then you will see the owl go to sleep and there
will be a feather on the ground. Levitate the feather to your side of
the wall and drop it. Pick it up yourself and go back out to Diagon
Alley to meet up with Hagrid. Now you will give the Dragon Tonic to
Norbert and he will be better. Malfoy will earn you a detention after
you give the dragon to Ron's brother Charlie. You will now have to find
a Unicorn in the Forbidden Forest.
The Unicorn
Walk forward through the path and you will come to a plant blocking
the way forward, use Incendio on it and continue onward until you come
to a tree. Use a Charged Flipendo on it and walk across it after it
falls. After following the path, you come to some trolls. Dispose of
these in the same way you have been, by using the Puffapods on them when
they pause on the grating. Continue forward after killing the trolls and
use Incendio on the fallen tree to clear a pathway across it. In the
next area, kill the Venomous Tentacular and take the path behind it.
Grab the beans and make a potion if you need. Go back and take the other
path. Now, you will have to kill a turtle. When it turns with it's back
to you, hit it with a Charged Flipendo while dodging the fire. Do this
three times to kill it. Take the path it opens up and you will meet
Malfoy a little down the path. Take the path next to where he was and
save your game. Use Incendio on the plant blocking the path and follow
it. Kill the turtle here, and go through the tree. Follow the path to a
clearing, and you will see a cliff. Look off to the walls and you will
spot a path. Follow it, kill the turtle, go through the tree, and follow
the path to the end. Look up and you will see the last Famous Witches
and Wizards Card. Hit it with a Flipendo, and return back to the
clearing with the cliff. Walk over to the cliff and use Incendio. Climb
the platforms on the cliff that are now accessible and go through the
passage. You have found the Unicorn! You will see Voldemort drinking the
blood of the Unicorn. Harry will pass out form the pain of his scar.
Firenze comes to the rescue to save you.
Through the Trapdoor
Head back to the Upper Castle in Gryffindor Tower and talk to Fred
and George(you should easily have 100 Red beans by now) and get the
password. Use the table to go up and then jump over to the side with
just one door(the unlocked one), and go through. Go through the door on
the bottom and talk to the portrait here to get an upgrade to the
Flipendo Knockback Jinx. Jump down to the lower part of the Upper
Castle, and enter the door to the Forbidden Corridor. Save your game and
head through the hole in the wall. You will meet up with Ron and
Hermione and head through the door to Fluffy. All you do to get Fluffy
to go to sleep is go to a side head, get kind of close and then back off
because Fluffy will attack, and then run up and start playing the song.
Do this to the side head, and then to the middle one. You will now drop
down through the trapdoor and land in the Devil's Snare.
The first thing you should do is look around for another alcove and
run to it, this will prevent you from getting hurt. Now, look for the
tentacle that is lighter than the others, hit that one with a Charged
Flipendo. Another one will light up, do the same thing again, this will
continues until all of them are destroyed. Now, run up to the middle,
wait for the tentacle to come out, and run back to avoid being hit. Now,
move forward and hit the tentacle with a Charged Flipendo. Continue this
until you can use Incendio. Use it and the Devil's Snare will be killed.
Now, in this room, you must play Quidditch, except it's only you
and the Golden Snitch has been replaced by a key with wings. Catch it
and you are done with this room. Run down the hallway and through the
door. Now you are going to have to go through three chess boards. Start
on the black sqaure and move up. Now move left and then left again and
then down and you will go onto the next chess board. Start on the white
square and move up, then diagonally down-right and then diagonally up-
left. For the last one, simply start on the white square and move
diagonally up-left three times, and then diagonally down-right two times
and you are finished with the chess boards. Run down this hallway and
through the door at the end.
Now, you move use Wingardium Leviosa to move the objects to either
wall quickly, or the troll will wake up and kill you. This is actually
quite easy, don't raise it up any higher, just move it and drop it. Next
you must choose the correct knight. Watch the one that the knight is in
the whole time, and then pick that one. Kill him by hitting him wiht two
Charged Flipendos after he swings at you and drink the potion he leaves
behind and run through the exit. Run through the hallway and exit
through the door ar the end.
You will see the cloaked figure again, and he will bring two
knights to life. Dispose of them by hitting them each with two Charged
Flipendos. Now he will bring two more alive. Kill the one on the left
the same way as the first two, and ill the one on the right the same way
as the knight in the last room. Now he will create a huge knight. To
hurt him, get near him and then back of, and when he raises his weapon
to swing, charge a Flipendo and fire it at him after his weapon hits the
ground. On the second-to-last hit he can take, he will hit the ground
twice, and on his last hit, he will hit the ground three times. After
taking care of him, you will discover that the cloaked figure is not
Snape, but is Professor Quirrell!!!. Run across the bridge, drink the
potion, and enter the last chamber.
Harry will see himself holding the Sorceror's Stone and it will
appear in his pocket. Quirrell turns around and Voldemort talks to
Harry! Now the final battle will begin. When Quirrell/Voldemort stops by
a pillar, shoot a charged Flipendo at it and it will fall, causing
damage. Repeat until there is a little cutscene with Voldemort talking
to Harry. Then you will have to dodge the three little fireballs and
then a fourth huge one. When Quirrell/Voldemort stops in front of the
mirror so that he could look into it, get on the other side and shoot
two Charged Flipendos at the mirrow before he moves. Do this until there
is another cutscene with Quirrell/Voldemort grabbing hold of Harry.
Repeatedly tap Square until the screen says press X. Press X to cause
damage. Repeat until he dies. You have just beaten Harry Potter and the
Sorceror's Stone...or have you?!?
You get a new ending, and will end up playing Quidditch against
Slytherin. After this, you should finish up the Quidditch option from
the menu just after you choose your file in the beginning. You will face
each team twice. After this, go back to your file. If you do not have
100%, load the file again and if you have to play through the trapdoor
section again, do so. You should now have 100%.

5.) Every Flavor Bean Rewards
Earwax(Yellow) Every Flavor Beans Reward - Nimbus 2000
Blueberry(Blue) Every Flavor Beans Reward - Famous Witches & Wizards
Troll Bogeys(Green) Every Flavor Beans Reward - Quidditch Armor
Chili Powder(Red) Every Flavor Beans Reward - Flipendo Knockback Jinx

6.) Famous Witches & Wizards Cards
1.) Gryffindor Tower- the bookcase by the Fat Lady portrait
2.) Great Foyer- The bookcase on the level where the doorway to
Gryffindor Tower is.
3.) Great Foyer- The bookcase on the right of the main door at the top
of the stairs.
4.) Just outside Hogwart's, inside a discolored wall by the first
Puffskein you meet.
5.) At the split in the path by Hagrid's hut, there's a discolored wall
along the left.
6.) Just outside Gargoyle Gate, there are two discolored walls, take
one and walk to the stone structure, look up, and Flipendo Jinx the
Famous Witches & Wizards Card in the air.
7.) Just outside the Quidditch Pitch entrance, there is a discolored
wall, go inside.
8.) You get this as a reward for getting all the Blue Every Flavor
9.) You get this for saving Raymond's cat.
10.) Go down the passage between Snape's and Quirrell's classes and use
Verdimillious on the darkness. Jump to the 4th platform that shows up
and jump to the door. Go through it and go through the bookcase on the
11.) In the same room, climb the platforms in the wall to get to another
bookcase, and go through it.
12.) Go through the door in the above room and make your way up the air
vents and platforms to another bookcase and go through it.
13.) Get this on the upper floor of the upper castle, inthe bookcase
near the entrance to the Portrait room.
14.) In Gringott's Bank, get all the special gems in the Knut Mine(You
must get certain coins to find some of the gems, and this goes for the
Sickle and the Galleon mines also).
15.) In Gringott's Bank, get all the special gems in the Sickle Mine.
16.) In Gringott's Bank, get all the special gems in the Galleon Mine.
17.) Follow this walkthrough from the very start of detention:

7.) Wanted Section
Here I will list things I would like to know about the game, and if you
know how to do anything listed here, please email me and I will give you

-Get into the Broom Closet

If you know how, please email me at o0knux2004@hotmail.com thanks!!!

8.) Credits
Me - For typing this guide
J.K. Rowling - For creating Harry Potter
Harry Potter fans - For making Harry Potter popular and made into a
video game
EA Games - For all the great games they have made
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