World's Scariest Police Chases

World's Scariest Police Chases

17.10.2013 06:15:49

Written by Rémi Fontaine, aka Steve Smith on Gamefaqs message boards.
October 16 2002 <---This is my email adress. Every
contribution or message is welcome.
Version 4.2
Copyrights: Everybody has the permission to post my faq on their site.
Don't ask me please.


Table of contents

I : Version history
II : Controls
III : Cheat codes
IV : Walkthrough
V : Commendations
VI : Commendations walkthrough
VII : Contributions


I : Version history

Version 1.0, January 20 2002 : original version

Version 1.1, January 21 2002 : I added a small notice that says that
everybody can post this faq on their site.

Version 2.0, February 24 2002 : Added info about how to get commendations
in the "Questions" section. Created section V : "Contributions"

Version 3.0, April 10 2002 : Created the section "Controls". Created the
section "Commendations". Removed the section "Questions". Redone the
grammar for the whole faq.

Version 4.0, May 15 2002 : Created the section "Commendations
walkthrough". Added a huge walkthrough for getting all the
commendations. Also reformated the whole faq for better viewing purpose.

Version 4.1, June 30 2002 : Added new info on the Mission 14 walkthrough
(tank mission). Also changed something about the date.

Version 4.2, October 16 2002 : Completed the list of prizes for each


II : Controls

L2 + R2 : Look behind the car.

All the other controls are shown in the options. If you want to know the
controls, check in the options.

Q: What is the use of the hand brake?
A: J. Gaunt told me that it allows you to turn corners a lot more sharply
than normal.


III : Cheat codes

All bonuses:

Press Left, Right, L1, R1, Circle, Square, R2, L2 at the main menu.

A sound will confirm correct code entry. All weapons in free patrol mode
and all bonus item menu options will be unlocked. You can access all
vehicles and some weird options. You can use them in patrol mode. The
options are:

Bomb Van
News Van
Pizza Truck
Silly Speech (the character say silly things like : "Wow, look at all
these polygons!")
Low Gravity (You can literally fly over buildings with this option. If
the vehicle fall in an inaccessible area, its game over.)
Slow-Motion Jumps
Rear Wheel Steering
Flower Power Theme (The pedestrian are transformed into hippies, there
are flowers in the landscape, etc...)
Halloween Theme (The pedestrian are transformed into skeletons, there
are pumpkins, ghost and spider's net in the landscape,
Aqua Theme (There are fishes and aquariums in the landscape, etc...)

Level select:

Press Down, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Circle, Square at the main menu.

A sound will confirm correct code entry. The 20 missions are unlocked.

All starting locations in patrol mode:

Press Down, Up, L2, L1, X, Triangle, R2, R1 at the main menu.

A sound will confirm correct code entry. These locations are unlocked:

Industrial Area
China Town
Donut Plaza
Gas Station
Random (chooses a random location)


IV : Walkthrough

Mission 1 walkthrough: Pursuit Course (shooting prohibited)

Just race two laps without leaving the track in the given time and your


Mission 2 walkthrough: Basic Pursuit (shooting prohibited)

Chase the car until you are next to it. Ram into the sides of the car
until his red bar is full.


Mission 3 walkthrough: Advanced Pursuit

Wait for the permission to shoot before firing. If you shoot before, you
fail the mission. Once you are authorized to shoot, do so until the car
crashes. Make a U-turn and retrieve the evidence before time runs out.


Mission 4 walkthrough: Expert Pursuit

Don't touch any cone or you fail the mission. Drive until the big sign
and brake. Beware to slow down enough for not ramming into the sign.
Wait 3 seconds. Back up a little and turn in the same time. Move forward
and backward until you have made a U-Turn. Aim each target with the
shotgun and drive until the finish lane.


Mission 5 walkthrough: DUI Dummy (shooting prohibited)

Quickly make a U-Turn right at the beginning. Follow the directions until
you see the drunk driver. It is very tempting to pick your gun and shoot
but don't do so, because guns are prohibited in this mission. Ram the
drunk driver by the sides or try to move in front of his car. The drunk
driver will ram into your car and damages himself. Be careful to not get
more damage than the drunk driver.


Mission 6 walkthrough: The Crazed Car Thief (shooting prohibited)

This level is hard. In the beginning of the stage, you can follow the
arrows for a safe but longer route. Or you can turn left in the first
junction and turn left again through the cones. This route is faster but
more dangerous.
Once you chase the suspect, try to always be right behind him but not ram
in him. You can't shoot. Don't try do make his car crash because you'll
crash your own car. Chase him until his stress bar is full. It takes


Mission 7 walkthrough: Gangbanger Deathmatch

Drive to the suspect's location and pursue him. Don't miss the car when
you shoot it or else you might run out of ammo. You can try to ram the
car too. Once the car is stopped, make a U-Turn and retrieve the evidence.


Mission 8 walkthrough: Bus Driver Gone Bad (shooting prohibited)

Follow the bus. Be careful because sometimes the bus suddenly stops and
go in reverse. Use your sirens; this will make the bus stress bar fill
faster. Chase the bus until it stops.


Mission 9 walkthrough: Drug Smuggling Scum

You must follow a suspect car without being spotted. Follow the car from
a safe distance and don't shoot. Once the suspect car meet the limousine,
he will start shooting you.

Quickly chase him or you fail the mission. Pick the Shotgun and approach
the car. The Shotgun is useless from a far distance. Try to approach him
from a very short distance and shoot. You must absolutly destroy him fast
if you want enough time to retrieve the evidence. If it takes too much
time, it will be impossible to retrieve the evidence.


Mission 10 walkthrough: Race Against Death (shooting prohibited)

First you need to reach the accident scene. At the very beginning, ignore
the shortcut through the building because it takes too much time.
Instead, stay on the street. Follow the directions until you reach the
accident scene. After that, the ambulance will follow you. If you are
too far ahead of the ambulance, brake a little. Always check if the
ambulance is following you. Follow the directions and you will arrive at
the hospital.

Alternate way (from
"Do not head towards the flashing dot in the southwest of the city.
Instead, look at the city map for the other hospital on the central
eastern side of the city. You should make it there with about a minute to


Mission 11 walkthrough: Sentence of Fire (shooting prohibited)

This mission is VERY hard. The vehicle is tough to handle. Disarm the
bombs from left to right on the map. For disarming a bomb, the back of
your vehicle must face the bomb. The first two bombs are not really

The third bomb is in a park. There are two blocked passages and you must
get around them. Once you find the third passage, go inside the park and
disarm the bomb. After that, you must jump down to the street. Try to
not ram into the wall because you must not waste a single second.

The last bomb is extremely difficult. You must find a way to disarm it
very quickly. A good technique is to slow down when you approach the bomb
and pass it from a very close distance, almost to the point of touching
it. Totally brake on the other side of the bomb so the back of the
vehicle will be directly in front of the bomb.


Mission 12 walkthrough: Nosey News Van

In the first part of the stage, you must escape from the journalist van
that is pursuing you. Don't shoot it, or else you fail the mission.
Drive the fastest speed possible and try to go in reverse traffic. The
van will ram into a car sooner or later. Continue driving until the van
is lost. Now return to the starting point of the stage.

Now you must arrest a criminal car by shooting at it. Be sure to not
shoot any civilian car. The best weapons are the Heavy Handgun (better
than a normal Hand Gun) and the Machine Gun. Use them until the criminal
is arrested. Beware, there is a very narrow street full of cars in one
place. While you are there, concentrate on driving without any accident.


Mission 13 walkthrough: The Stool Pigeon

You are pursued by two cars and they have firearms. They will ram you and
shoot you. Follow the exact route indicated by arrows. Don't try to
fight them. They are faster than your car so they will ram you. When it
happens, try to stay on the road and keep control. You can try to drive
in the reverse traffic; this way the bad guys will have more chances of
having accidents. Eventually, you'll make it to the end of the stage,
with almost no life left.


Mission 14 walkthrough: Tank Rush

Drive to the location of the first tank. Follow the tank and shoot it
with your Machine Gun from a safe distance. If you are too close, the
tank will fire at you. The small amount of damage you do with the Machine
Gun help later.

Once the tank is near the stadium, you receive a message that gives you
the permission to use the Rocket Launcher. Approach the tank from a close
distance and quickly shoot it with the Rocket Launcher before it reaches
the stadium. Don't approach too close because you will receive damage
from your own rockets. Also don't miss the tank a single time because you
have a very limited supply of rockets.

Alternate tip : Slam into the tank and unload on it with your Machine Gun
and Shotgun while you are very close of it. The tank can't hit you
because you're too close. This way, you can do more than half the damage
to the tank, before using the Rocket Launcher. There is even a way to
totally destroy the tank without using the rocket launcher! You can trap
the tank on a wall and destroy it! Below there is the tip on how to do it.

Here is the message of Brad Blank, the guy who told me the trick. "Just
did this not 5 minutes ago it was crazy. Right off the start push the tank
the best you can into the light post, then get in front of him, you to
close for him to shoot you but you can unload on him, we will try to back
up, stay right in front of him, try to push him a bit it will damage but
hey, eventually he will bet pinned against the back wall in the coner,
just unload with the M-16 and Shotgun, then move on to the second tank. It
was nuts."

Once the tank is destroyed, drive to the flashing red dot. You will
change vehicle. Instead of a police car, it is an armored vehicle. Drive
to the location of the second tank. Follow it from a safe distance (to
receive less shots) and lock on it. Shoot until the tank explodes.


Mission 15 walkthrough: Nothing is Ever Routine

Chase the suspect. You'll soon arrive at an embuscade. There are two
cars waiting for their friend. Make a quick U-Turn and escape. The two
cars are now chasing you and they shoot you.

If you check the map, you notice that there is a street that seems to be
directly leading to your destination. The green arrow don't tell you to
go there. The reason is simple : there is a insurmountable barricade in
this street. Don't go there and follow the green arrow. When you arrive
at the park, you can try a huge jump. Drive until you arrive at the red
dot and the mission is done.


Mission 16 walkthrough: Jacked Up Jailbird

Nothing special in this mission. You must chase a suspect and arrest
him. Use the Machine Gun.


Mission 17 walkthrough: Lou Ferris Returns

Race to the flashing red dot location. When you arrive, you have very
little time to guess where is the bomb before it explodes.

There are four possible locations, and you see them as "?" signs on the
screen. The bomb is the rightmost "?" sign, the one directly next to the
building. Approach it and the bomb will be disarmed.

After that, chase the terrorist and destroy his car by shooting at him
with the Heavy Handgun.


Mission 18 walkthrough: Brazen Bank Bandits

When the mission starts, don't go forward. There is a bed of nails in the
street whose purpose is to burst tires. If you drive over it, the mission
is failed.

You must chase the red sport car first. If you go for the van first, the
red sport car will escape and the mission will be failed. Go north and
join the red sport car. Use the Machine Gun and take him down.

After that, quickly find the van before time runs out. Chase the van and
arrest it as soon as possible with the Machine Gun. If you take too much
time, you won't be able to retrieve the evidence. Once the van is
arrested, make a U-Turn and retrieve the evidence. Be careful to not miss
the street that leads to the evidence.


Mission 19 walkthrough: 30 Minutes or Less

This stage is VERY TOUGH. In this stage, your car is a pizza delivery car
and it is tough to handle. You must chase the suspect and arrest him.
Your only weapon is the Heavy Handgun and you don't even have enough ammo
to finish the mission.

In a certain part of the stage, the suspect will throw a weapon. This is
the evidence. The location where the suspect throws the weapon seems to
be completely random. If you are very lucky, then he'll wait a long time
before throwing it, so you'll have more time to retrieve the evidence
after arresting him. If you are unlucky, the suspect will throw the
weapon right in the beginning and you won't have enough time.

When you have shot all your ammunition, the suspect's red bar should be at
least 3/4 red. After that, you must ram his van. The suspect's van can
sustain a lot of damage. A good strategy is to attack his back wheels by
the sides and try to push his car in the same time. When you ram the
suspect, you take a lot of damage too, so be careful.

After the suspect is arrested, make a U-Turn and go get the evidence
before time runs out.


Mission 20 walkthrough: Final Showdown

Find the madman and chase him. Pick the Machine Gun and shoot him until
the limo is arrested. He will shoots you too, but his damage bar will
fill a little faster than yours so you'll win in the end.

Congratulation, you just beat World Scariest Police Chases!


V : Commendations

Commendations are special prizes that you get for being really good in a
mission. Please note that I never got any commendation myself and I am
doing this section from various contributions.

Each mission has different requirements for getting a commendation. It
can be by finishing a level with a very fast time or a very good accuracy
or very low property damage (don't hit anything) or something else. It
seems that each commendation unlocks something that can be used in patrol
mode. Note that "Silly Speech" can be used in all modes.

Mission 1 = Slow Motion Jumps
Mission 2 = Rear wheel steering
Mission 3 = Flower Power Theme
Mission 4 = Shotgun
Mission 5 = Halloween Theme
Mission 6 = (unknown)
Mission 7 = Low gravity
Mission 8 = Taxi
Mission 9 = (unknown)
Mission 10 = Ambulance
Mission 11 = Bomb Squad Truck
Mission 12 = Fox News Van
Mission 13 = Silly Speech
Mission 14 = APC LAW Missile Launcher
Mission 15 = Machine Gun
Mission 16 = Aqua Theme
Mission 17 = Rocket Launcher
Mission 18 = Van
Mission 19 = Pizza Van
Mission 20 = Tank

(Note that there may be errors in that list. If you see one, please e-
mail me)


VI : Commendations walkthrough

Before beginning, I must say that this entire section was made by
WaldoWuzHere on a message board. I edited out some of the useless text
but the remaining text is not changed.

Mission 1 commendation: Pursuit Course

"For 1st mission, you've got to complete it quickly. When I got the comm.
I think I had 9 secs and change left on the clock. I might be wrong about
that, it was awhile ago."


Mission 2 commendation: Basic Pursuit

"2nd mission - complete it quickly with no property damage (or VERY


Mission 3 commendation: Advanced Pursuit

"3rd - Same as 2; however, you need to keep your shooting accuracy up (try
to keep it over 95%). You also need to take out the car quickly to keep
your total time down."


Mission 4 commendation: Expert Pursuit

"4th - This one took me a bit to get the hang of, but I have a quick tip
for anyone having trouble completing it quickly - a way to save a few
seconds. As you approach the space where you have to stop and back up,
don't take the guide's advice. Rather KEEP UP your speed as you approach
the spot on the far right-hand side. Then, and you may have to practice
this a few times to get it just right, at the right moment, both jam on
the hand brake and turn a hard left. When you come to a stop, you should
be in the white "stopping" box facing back the way you came. Now, when the
countdown timer is finished, simply hit the gas and speed down the next
path to the targets. Here, you MUST use one and only one shot for each of
the targets. You also have to hit them all. Keep going as fast as you can,
but not so fast as to miss the targets, and quickly target (up/down on
stick) and fire, rinse, repeat.
This way, you should have saved time - instead of turning around you can
skid around to a stop, and you can use the gained time to more carefully
target all 5 bullseyes.
Quick time + all 5 targets + 100% shooting accuracy should give you the
comm. on this one."


Mission 5 commendation: DUI Dummy

"For the DUI driver mission (5th I think), rather than trying to smash the
car to bits (which won't net you the comm. here), pursue it as closely as
you can. You don't have to chew on the guy's bumper (time isn't a big
problem with this mission), but stay with him until the BLUE meter maxes
out. Again, try not to smash into any property/cars or even the DUI
driver. If you stay with the car and don't do any (or more than very
little) property damage, you should get the comm. The "clue" here to
attaining this comm. is that dispatch tells you not to use any weapons and
"proceed with caution". So, ramming the guy to a stop in a residential
area and smashing up half the neighborhood in the process isn't exactly
proceeding with caution. :-P Pursue until he's all blue."


Mission 6 commendation: The Crazed Car Thief

"Again, the trick here seems to be similar to that of Mission 5. Max out
the BLUE bar and not the red one on the car thief. Pursue him until he
gives up, try not to smash into too many things and you should be golden
here. Worked for me, twice."


Mission 7 commendation: Gangbanger Deathmatch

"From the start, you must move as fast as possible on your way to the
hotel. Follow the green arrow route until you are near the hotel (big red
dot). Slow down before you make the huge turn to the left to the hotel and
look carefully on your left. You'll notice an entryway into the hotel
parking lot that brings you in BEHIND the gangbanga's. Take that left
entryway quickly, and if you're quick enough, you'll hear the unit one cop
say something about how they saved any bloodshed. Control says "Good work"
or something like that, and by then you'll be behind the gangbangers in
pursuit. Keep shooting them/crashing into 'em until they stop. Go back and
get the evidence. Yer done.

It would appear that you have to reach the hotel and come in through the
back entry I described in order to be eligible for the commendation here.
Also, you have to reach the hotel through this back entry before you hear
the message from the hotel cops about a man being down."


Mission 8 commendation: Bus Driver Gone Bad

"Another one I have some advice for is the runaway bus mission (8?).
Pursue the bus VERY closely, try crossing the divide of the highway at a
point and following alongside the bus to more quickly increase the blue
bar. Even try getting ahead of the bus if you dare. The key seems to be to
quickly bring the bus to a halt with minimal property damage. If you
follow too closely behind the bus, however, and it smashes into a bunch of
vehicles, which you then smash into, you'll be doing too much property
damage and you probably won't net the comm."


Mission 9 commendation: Drug Smuggling Scum

"I managed to earn this commendation with the following end-mission stats:

Time 4:07
Distance 2.0 MI
shots fired 29
Property Damage $1675
Accuracy 100%

For each of my attempts, I simply followed the dealer as usual and then
pursued him when he began firing. I began pursuit and first fired the
handgun until I was rather close, when I switched to the shotgun. I just
held down R1 and kept firing the shotgun while making sure to keep the car
targeted. When the car was disabled, I quickly drove back to get the

An interesting note is that on one of my attempts, I had a bit over 92%
accuracy and NO property damage (as well as a time comparable to the above
time) and I received no commendation. So, I'm fairly certain you need a
super high accuracy to get this one. Getting 100% accuracy isn't too
difficult on this mission, however, since the drug dealer is rather slow-
moving and there is little traffic between you and the dealer. Just keep
firing the shotgun once you close the distance."


Mission 10 commendation: Race Against Death

"The mission where you give an escort to the ambulance (11?) is a bit
tricky, but you get a hint from the ambulance driver once you arrive on
the scene. He says there are TWO hospitals and that you should probably
choose the closer one. Well, of course, the helpful green arrow on the
screen points the direction to the farther hospital. ;-)
Open up the map, zoom in and look toward the right side of the screen for
the closer hospital (you know, look for the hospital symbol). Now, quickly
make your own path to that hospital and ignore the green arrow, but don't
lose the ambulance by going too fast. Once you're close to that hospital,
you'll hear a little message from the ambulance driver and one of the cops
in the car will say something like "Roger, we know the way" or something
like that. Pull into the hospital to receive your commendation."


Mission 11 commendation: Sentence of Fire

"Got the commendation for this one earlier this evening with the following
Time 3:29
Distance 1.9 MI
Property Damage $100
Acc N/A

It took me three tries. The first time I tanked out before I got to the
last bomb. The second time I achieved a similar time (3:30), but had $4200
property damage (oops!). The third time, a buddy of mine was watching me
drive the truck, and he gave me a pointer which he thought might help my
driving. Since driving the truck is sort of like steering a space shuttle
(for me, anyway), I really found the tip helpful for quickly and
efficiently turning the corners.

Instead of letting off the accelerator as you come to a turn, try this:
Approach a turn. Now, a small distance before the turn begins, keep
holding down accelerator with your thumb, tap the hand brake (circle) for
a split second (also with your thumb) and then release it as you push the
stick almost full way into the turn. You'll notice the truck start
skidding uncontrollably. As you start sliding off the street, let go of
the stick but not the accelerator. (The more you allow the truck to skid,
the slower you'll be moving and the more time you'll be losing. So as soon
as the truck is comfortably pointed into the turn, let go of the stick as
per above.) The truck will recover and become righted. Continue to steer
as is appropriate after the turn. This method seemed to shave a few
seconds off my time and allowed me to reach the last bomb with 10.xx+
seconds on the clock instead of my usual 3.xx+ secs. Practice this a bit
and you should be making turns quickly and easily, instead of smashing
into traffic and scenery as I was.

I've seen it mentioned here before, and it is good advice: Go after the
bombs from far Left to Right on your map. In other words, make a right
directly after leaving HQ and first go after the second bomb you see on
the radar. To shave a few seconds off your total time at the first bomb,
as you approach it use the technique I posted in this thread concerning
Mission 4 regarding stopping in the box. Line up the truck directly with
the car where the bomb is located, and as you get close (not too close!)
push stick full to left and jam down on the hand brake to do a 180 spin.
This will put you right near the bomb, with the rear of the truck facing
it. After the bomb's disabled, you simply have to hit the gas and
backtrack the way you came to reach the second bomb.

Approach the second bomb and when you get close, simply slow down. Easy
'nuff. Accelerate away from the bomb and turn left onto the street past
the standing telephones. Follow your map to the third bomb. You will make
a left onto another street near to the third bomb location on your radar,
and you should notice an area in front of you as you skid out of the turn
that is blocked off with cones. Proceed past that and then go around the
serpentine turn. Continue right after the S-turn and SLOW DOWN. Look to
your right for a small entryway into the park. Keep your speed down to a
comfortable handling speed here. Make the sharp left and come up along the
left side of the bomb here. Now go forward quickly but as you approach the
drop-off, slow down almost to a stop! You'll gently fall off the edge
(okay, maybe not too gently) - now hit the gas as you turn left on this
street. As control tells you you're running out of time, you should be
making another left onto the highway with the scrolling electronic message
marquee above it. Stay in the passing lane and keep the accelerator down.
The camera will shift and you may get discouraged, but simply stay in the
passing lane. Look for the first turn to your left off the highway. Use
the method above to sharply and efficiently make the left turn. Then make
the last turn toward the final bomb (check radar). Like with the first
bomb, line up your truck with the last bomb spot and then when fairly
close, smash the hand brake and stick to the left to spin around and
disarm the bomb.

Now, to get the commendation, I'm fairly certain that you need to keep the
prop. damage down. The magic number must be somewhere between $100 and
$4200, based on my experience (guess that range doesn't really help much).
Just be especially careful not to smash any cars, and go VERY slowly and
steer full left over that drop-off after the third bomb to avoid smashing


Mission 12 commendation: Nosey News Van

"Got the commendation with following stats:
T: 3:21
Distance 2.5 MI
Shots: 169
Damage: $5025
Acc.: 85.7%

My second successful commendation award for this mission had the following
end stats:
2.1 MI

Helpful to get this commendation was a tip posted somewhere on this board
about how to quickly get rid of that pesky news van. Just stay on the
sidewalk near to where the mission starts, accelerate, and the van should
strike one of the poles and grind to a halt. Continue on the sidewalk
(this is on your right-hand side) straight past the car that shoots out in
a turn (the van should be WAY behind you now). Once you're past the car,
get off the sidewalk. Make a right turn around the serpentine and continue
right onto the tunnel/highway. A few seconds after you turn onto the
highway, the van should lose you. Mash the brake and do a 180 to head back
to start.

When pursuing the drug dealer, I used the automatic rifle (machine gun
thingie) first. I have a hunch that you need to keep the damage to your
car down, so if your stats come close to mine above, and you're still not
getting the commendation, try to take less damage the next time."


Mission 13 commendation: The Stool Pigeon

"These stats earned me the commendation for Mission 13:
3:05/ 2.3MI/ 0 / $3375 / n/a
Note: The car had about 60% health left (just a bit more than midway), and
this was the lowest amount of damage I believe I've ever sustained at the
end of this mission. Based on what I've seen, I'm thinking you probably
need half or more of the car left at the end to be eligible for the

I have no tips really that I can offer except to concentrate on steering
and evading. I followed the green arrow route because it enables you to
cut through the town section (permitting lots of nice turns to lose the
yellow-arrowed ramming car). You need to be able to make efficient turns
while still maintaining most of your speed. It also helps to not get
rammed by the yellow-arrowed car. I recommend the weave method. When he's
almost on your tail, weave in whatever direction you don't want to go
while you let off the gas, then hit the accelerator and steer in the
opposite direction. Then, as you see him fly by, get ready to react to
wherever he's going so that you don't fly into him. Brake or accelerate
and steer as necessary to avoid him and continue on your way.

The point at which I chose to enter the busy town area (so as to increase
chances of losing the pursuers into other cars/poles, etc.) was just after
I encountered the largely curving exit ramp off the bridge. You want to
curve left off the exit ramp to follow the green arrow route. Once you've
turned, veer right, onto the sidewalk. This is a narrow area, so be extra
careful. Now, simply turn at the second right-hand opening you see off the
sidewalk. You'll know it's the opening I'm talking about if you see a dark
row of hedges (don't crash into it!) just in front of it. If you turn just
right at that point, you will go right and the yellow-arrowed car should
smash right into the hedge row, getting stuck for a fair amount of time.
Another technique which works well in the crowded streets to lose the
yellow guy for a while is to just weave from the far right to the far left
of the street, back and forth as he approaches. Typically, the yellow guy
will smash into a side-of-the-road obstacle while you do this. Just make
certain you don't do that first! ;-)

Once you turn at that opening, simply follow streets that take you toward
the right side of the map (east?), closer to your goal. I only took a few
turns when the cars were a little too close for comfort. The most trouble
I had was making the turns quickly without hitting a pole as I was coming
out of them. Shoot for a car health of half or more by the end, and you
should net the commendation."


Mission 14 commendation: Tank Rush

"Here are the stats for the two missions that both earned me the

3:47 / .7 MI / 148 / $0 / 94.5%
3:41 / .6 MI / 158 / $0 / 89.8%
Important: For both of these, I finished with medium damage to the police
car (a little less than half the bar was red) and with NO damage to the
APC (tank). I've experimented a bit, and I've finished with stats better
than the above (100% accuracy/no property damage), but with a police
cruiser nearly destroyed, a non-damaged APC, and no commendation.
Therefore, it's safe to conclude that you must take out the tanks without
damaging your vehicles very much. Also, I've noted that if you ever
accidentally nick a civilian vehicle and hear the message "Cease Fire!
Cease Fire!", save yourself the time and trouble and just restart the
mission because you have no hope of getting the comm.

Okay, quickly reach the first tank by simply following the route mapped
out by the infamous green arrow (not to be confused with the Green
Lantern). Before you reach the first tank, ready the automatic rifle.
Sight the tank, pass it by just a little bit on the right side of the road
and then hit the brake and hold left to spin out. Accelerate and turn left
to begin pursuit of the tank. Immediately target the tank and hold down R1
to fire. As you begin firing, ease the cruiser over toward the right side
of the road. You should be able to empty almost 2 clips before the tank
begins to turn right. You should be safe from any tank fire. As the tank
slips from your sights around the turn, accelerate and come out of the
turn on the left side of the tank. Keep firing at the tank when you have a
clear shot, but you'll need to stay fairly close to the left side/rear of
the tank so that the tank's gunfire sails over your car and so you can
shoot the tank at the same time. Keep emptying those clips into the tank,
but watch for two left turns. Just take the turns carefully, staying in
position. Once you run dry on ammo, quickly switch to the shotgun. Hold
down R1 and keep damaging that tank. When you are cleared to use the LAW
(rocket launcher), don't use it. Just keep in position and fire shotgun
shells into the tank. The tank will then make that last right turn towards
the stadium, and you should be dumping the last of the shotgun shells into
the tank by this time, bringing it down. I recommend not switching to the
LAW because you can't fire it from your following position without
obliterating your car. So, you will be forced to slow down, hang back, and
make yourself a nice sitting duck for the tank's fire. Since you need to
keep your cruiser damage down to get the commendation, stay in position
and just use the shotgun instead. It's also easier to aim with the shotgun.

Once the tank is down, do a fast 180 and head to the APC. This saves a bit
of time instead of simply driving ahead to the APC. Zoom in next to, but
not into, the APC. Once in the APC, head towards the other tank by
following the radar or your map. When you finally catch up to the tank,
quickly, before you take any/too much damage, accelerate away from the
tank to get yourself fairly far behind it. Do a 180 when you get some
distance between yourself and the tank. Now target the tank with your guns
and fire a couple of shots. Make sure you're really damaging the tank
(watch the red meter) as you slow down a little to get back as far as you
can while still being able to do damage. Keep tapping the gas as you hold
down R1, and you should take no or very little damage from this encounter
since you will be out of range of the tank's fire. Be careful not to shoot
a car during all this."


Mission 15 commendation: Nothing is Ever Routine

"This result gave me the commendation:
2:20 / 1.7 MI/ 17/ $100 / 94.1% / almost full health! (about 90% left)

It does appear then from the above results that it's crucial that you
sustain little car damage by the end of the mission. Unfortunately, I
don't know how much is exactly considered too much damage. Just try to
sustain as little as possible and hope you're within the range.

Begin the mission by staying fairly close to the red car while carefully
filling it with shotgun shells or machine gun bullets at every
opportunity. I recommend doing this because there may be an additional
requirement for the commendation involving accuracy or shots fired, so do
this just in case. As you approach the area where the 2 cars wait in
ambush, stop, do a 180 and then back up towards the two cars until the
cutscene plays. (I know, I know. Some might consider this cheesy or
cheating, but I consider it good tactics if you're trying to net the
commendation.) After the scene, immediately hit the gas and drive the
green arrow route. As you approach the tunnel, you'll see the two cars
closing in on you fast (check your radar or hold L2 and R2 at same time).
A fair bit before the two cars close in on your tail, let off the gas and
swerve to the left until you almost smash into the side wall/obstacle.
Now, without delay, swerve right and hit the gas simultaneously. If
executed properly, your two pursuers should fly by your left side as you
veer off to the right. They will angle in diagonally in front of you and
smash into the tunnel entrace wall on the right hand side. Brake a bit and
turn left, then hit the gas to speed right by them. You will probably want
to pass them in the far left lane. After a short time past the tunnel
you'll see the green arrow point towards a left turn into a grassy area
with park benches and bushes (it's part of the park area). Take this
shortcut! You should not slow down. You'll ramp into the air and land
below. Watch out for poles and other obstacles on the side of the road
after you land in the grass below. Immediately make your way towards the
right, onto the road. Follow the green arrow the rest of the way to the
precinct, and if you keep cool and don't screw up any of the turns that
follow, you shouldn't have any more trouble with your pursuers."


Mission 16 commendation: Jacked Up Jailbird

"00:49/ 0.5 MI/ 125/ $250/ 91.2%/ Very little damage to my vehicle
(opens up "Aqua Theme")
Note: Again, I think this mission's commendation is partly dependent on
having very little damage to your vehicle by the mission's end.

Not much I can say for this one. I just stayed on his tail and kept firing
the auto rifle, trying not to smash into much of anything. It was over in
49 secs."


Mission 17 commendation: Lou Ferris Returns

"My commendation stats:
5:29 / 3.7 MI / 134 / $3350 / 91.0%
Additional note: Just slightly more than half the car's health left at the
end (Don't know if this would affect getting the comm. for this mission.)

I just did exactly what you have to do to complete the mission. Get to the
bombs, pull in between the two garbage cans with the "?" marks on them on
the right side of the road - get slightly closer to the right of the two
cans on that side when you pull in between them. Once you find the bomb,
back out, turn left onto the road. Now watch the red dot, go back towards
the way you came and wait for Ferris to come by you. Begin pursuit and
fire the auto rifle at him. His car is damaged rather easily in this
mission, so it shouldn't take long to bring him down.

Something I should note is that the reason my time 5:29 was so high was
because I took an alternate route to the bombs. From the start, if you
check the map, you'll notice two main routes to the bomb. I took the one
not mapped out by the green arrow, because I was just experimenting, but I
think it's best to just follow the arrow here as the route is shorter that


Mission 18 commendation: Brazen Bank Bandits

"3:40 / 2.4 MI/ 335/ $5625 / 86.2%
Note: Police car was damaged completely and the bar was all red by the end
of this mission! Your car's damage then doesn't affect this commendation.
I was testing my suspicion that I just needed to complete it faster than
4:00 (see previous post regarding mission 18), so I wasn't concerned with
car damage.

After watching the instant replay, I noted a few tips to getting your time
down. For this mission, don't overly concern yourself with shooting at
100% or not banging into things. If it happens, just forget it and keep
going. You want to concentrate on speed.

At the start, do a 180 and proceed a short distance ahead until you see
the barracaded entrance to a side street on your right. Plow through the
cones and boxes and keep going straight until you reach the end of the
street. Meanwhile, you should equip the machine gun. The red sports car is
your first target, and you will note it is coming down the highway
intersecting with this street. Turn left before he comes down the highway,
and park yourself on the left side of the highway. When the sports car is
coming close to you (watch radar) begin accelerating so that he will pass
you slightly on your right, and you'll be tailing him. Target him and
quickly begin firing the machine gun. There will be a time when you can
get close enough to swipe him with your car. Do so, as it will do a little
damage, thus helping you save some ammo for the van. Keep firing that
machine gun at him, making sure that virtually every shot hits, and you
should disable him just before he makes that serpentine right turn after
the long highway. Head quickly in the direction of the arrow (van) on your
radar. Keep the machine gun equipped. When you get a visual on the van, it
will most likely be approaching you, so try to smash into it head on at a
fast speed to soften it up a little. Regain your composure and then begin
pursuit, shooting it with the machine gun when the opportunity presents
itself. Keep your speed up, as you must attempt to overtake the van while
shooting at it. Once you get a bit next to it, swipe it so that the front
of your car ends up smashing the side of the van. This will do a bit of
damage and slow him a bit. Watch out for traffic once he passes the park
area. Once you run out of machine gun ammo, the van should be nearly fully
damaged if you've done the job. Rapidly switch to the handgun and hold R1
to bring the van the rest of the way down. By this time, the van should
have sped ahead of you through the huge amount of traffic on the narrow
expressway ramps. That's why I recommend using the handgun at this point
instead of the shotgun. Once the van is down (and this is pretty important
to keep your total time down) don't go the long way back to the evidence!
Do a 180 in the narrow expressway entrance/exit ramp you're on and head
back to the evidence that way. You may make a dent or two in your car
while turning around in here, but it is of no consequence in regard to the
commendation unless you take yourself out in the process. :-(

Anyway, that was my strategy. The highest time value at the end of the
mission must be somewhere between 3:40 and 4:00 for the commendation
(along with reasonable other stats), based on what I've found."


Mission 19 commendation: 30 Minutes or Less

"1:45 / 1.1 MI / 35 / $4675 / 100.0%
Note: I had roughly half health left on the pizza truck at mission's end.
(Whether or not this matters, I don't know for certain.)

You need to damage the culprit enough to stop him, but it's hard to even
catch up with him in the blasted pizza truck. Arm the weapon, turn on your
siren, and begin pursuit as quickly as you can while hitting as few cars
as possible. If you get a clean shot at the truck, take it, but keep your
accuracy at 100% because you have a very limited amount of ammo and you
shouldn't waste it (plus it helps with getting the commendation). Look for
your chance to cut this guy off. Shortly after the pursuit begins, he'll
make a left turn. Ahead of you and to the left at this point you'll notice
a fountain area with park benches and stuff. Cut diagonally across the
fountain area while he goes the long way to the left (and then he makes a
right to get where you'll be going). Slow down a bit and drop off the
ledge while turning right to stay on the road below. Now immediately turn
sharply left to get on the main road. Bring yourself to a stop and wait a
bit for him to catch up. As he begins to catch up to you, start
accelerating to keep up with him and you should be running near neck and
neck with him. Take this opportunity to target and shoot his car. You can
also try swiping him if you are running alongside him, but don't lose
control of your vehicle. A few intersections down, he'll swing wide to the
right side of the road as he readies to turn left. Now's your chance to
stop shooting him and smash the front of your vehicle into the side of the
van as he tries to complete the left turn. If you time it properly, you
should push him ahead (he'll miss the turn) and into the building in front
of you, doing some nice damage to the van. Now don't waste any time or
he'll get too far in front of you again, and you may never catch him in
that pizza truck. Immediately back up a bit and turn left the way he was
going to turn before you smashed him. Wait and he should follow you in (or
he may already be slightly ahead of you). Again, take the opportunity when
you have a clear and certain shot to fire on the van. Watch for another
chance at the end of this new road to smash into him as he makes another
left hand turn at the end of the road (pillars are on each side of the
road) and that should take him out for good. Alternately, you could swerve
out in front of him so that the front of the van strikes the side of the
pizza truck. This doesn't do as much damage, but it's easier to do and is
ideal if he only has a little health left (and if you're out of ammo).

Well, that's basically what I did to try to get the mission over with as
soon as possible and I made certain that every shot I fired connected."


Mission 20 commendation: Final Showdown

"Here are the stats that earned me the commendation:

1:50 / 1.5 MI / 280 / 0 / 96.0% / My car had just a bit under half-way
health left over.

Interestingly enough, I didn't think I was going to get this one on this
run-through, because I accidentally clipped the cop car with the machine
gun inside the beginning of the tunnel. (There was no "Cease fire!"
message when I did it, though.)

I quickly got to the red dot, and maintained speed around the turn so as
to be as close to the limo as possible. Then I fired a rocket into it, as
per one of my previous posts, before it made the right around the wall. I
then swung into the far left lane, conflicting with traffic, and fired
ahead of the limo to hit it yet again. I didn't have quite enough time to
comfortably fire off a third, as I was looking to keep up my accuracy as
well, so I swung far right, back into the right lane and entered the
tunnel. I switched to the machine gun and accidentally (oops!) fired a
short burst into the cop car, which immediately spun out of control. I
suspect this was partly due to the 2 rockets I fired into the limo, and
then the small burst of machine gun fire did the rest. With the cop car
out of the way, I noticed I had almost NO damage (yeah!), and so I pursued
the limo, dumping clip after clip of machine gun fire into it without
having to contend with the other police car. The limo retired a short time
after exiting the tunnel, and I was left with a little under 50% car
health and a commendation. All damage to the police car was due to limo

For some reason, I was skillful enough tonight to avoid hitting anything
at all in this mission. Previous to this, I was having exceptional
difficulty avoiding the civie cars that would spin out of control as they
were shot by the limo guy in the tunnel. This added to my car damage
sustained. Tonight I seemed to have no trouble with this."


VII : Contributions

Jimi : Info on how to get a commendation.

John Carriere : The unlocked prizes from the commendations of mission 2, 4
and 8.

WaldoWuzHere : For posting stuff on the Gamefaqs message board that deals
with commendations. So the whole Commendations walkthrough is made by
him. Congratulations.

J. Gaunt : Small comment on the hand brake.

Brad Blank : Info on how to easily destroy the tank.

Laura Franchi : For a rather complete list of prizes for each commendation.

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