Evil Twin

Evil Twin

14.10.2013 17:05:44
Evil Twin Walkthrough V1.0 for PS2 , Dreamcast and PC
By Olly Draper


Hi, this is my walkthrough for Evil Twin. I ain't gonna cover
everything. I just wanted to get a puzzle solver out there because there
is, at the time of writing, not ONE single guide out there when it is so
desperately needed. Don't look here if you want the locations of
Cameras, Lenny's or Lives.

7.Anything else


L3 Left joystick: Use to move around
R3 Right joystick: Use to move camera
Left and right buttons: Scroll Buddy weapons
L1 OR R1: Move camera
L1 AND R1: Place camera behind Cyprien
Triangle: 1st person view
Square: Action button
Cross: Jump
Square then Cross: Morph into Supercyp
Cross then square: Rodeo attack
Circle: Fire projectile
Start: Pause
Select: Menu

Special Controls for SuperCyp

Pressing jump repeatedly while using directional buttons: Fly across
large distances (Try to time when you press jump for more distance)
Triangle: Power Drain
Cross then Square: Super Rodeo
Square: Super sprint
Square then Cross: Morph to SuperCyp

Please note, Super Cyp cannot access the menu, use items or perform
actions. To do this you will have to morph back.


In a small orphanage, on a dark and storny night, a small boy stares
into a bathroom mirror. Lost, alone, pissed off. He is Cyprien.
Suddenly, through the door bursts one of Cypriens friends, who calls him
to the party. It's Cyp's. It's his birthday. At the party, are his four
partners in crime: Vinnie, Joey, Steve and Dave. as Cyp celebrates, he
thinks of his parents, who died on that very day, a few years ago. After
an arguement, Cyp storms out and leaves his friends to party. In his
room, Cyp converses with his stuffed bear, Lenny. As he thinks of
growing up, his friends are sucked into nothingness by a mysterious
force. Suddenly, Cyprien renounces his imagination, and instantly, his
world is thrown into chaos.....



Area 1
From the start, walk forward and read the question mark (action button).
Jump on the box, then onto land. Watch the cutscene and listen
carefully. Now, use the stone structure to practice moving as it is
quite tricky at first. Once you feel ready, make your way across the
series of little islands in that slope up to a path. Follow the path to
a ladder. Climb up the two ledges. You should see a moon on the ground
surrounded by stars. Walk through these as they will act as your
continue points when you die(Note: That is not the same as a save) Now,
stand back, opposite the wooden wall, and turn to face it. Go into first
person mode, and move your sight up untill you see a green ball take aim
and the pull back the sling shot using the missile button(You can go
futher the more you pull it back). When you hit it, the draw bridge
should lower. Walk across and you will see a soldier in a cage. Shoot
the green ball next to it, and he will be free. Kill him using your
attacks, by running as far away as possible and then turning and aiming
for him(Dont use first person mode) . You can heal by using the band-
aids. Once he is dead, walk into the centre of the room to proceed to
the next area.

Area 2
From your start walk towards the screen until the camera zooms in. Now,
drop down to your right, then to your left 3 times. Jump onto the box
with the question mark. Now you can make your way round to the right to
get your first life if you like(thats the only one I'm gonna point out,
you will have to explore levels to find the rest), but then continue
forward across the islands, untill wilbur drops down. Then listen to
Wilbur. He will tell you about SuperCyp. Now you will see a Question
mark at the top of the screen. This informs you that Cyp has writtene
something new(and usually useful) in his note book. To access it, press
select then scroll through the menu using the L1 R1 buttons.Press select
again to exit. Now continue across the islands until you reach a
volcano. Around you you will se Super Cyp bonuses. Collect these to fill
up your Super Cyp meter at the top of your screen. The more you have,
them longer you can be Super Cyp. BEWARE! The meter drains all the
time(except when you pause or go to the menu), regardless of whether you
are Supercyp or not. Also, if you use SuperCyps powers the meter will
drain even more. Once the meter is empty you will automatically morph
back into Cyprien. Collect the bonuses and morph. Jump onto the highest
platform in the volcano and look around the bottom of the vocano. Ignore
the lone platform, and jump on to the nearest of a group of 3. Jump
across the 3 , then kill the baddie using fireballs. Now use the flying
jump by pressing jump repeatedly while moving forward to land on the
platform where the baddie was. Walk forward to the next area.

Area 3
Leave the door way and walk clock wise until you reach a continue point.
Avoid any solidiers, they are too much hassle. At the continue point,
walk left and follow the path round, avoiding any holes in the floor.
Walk up to the gate and view the cutscene. Hmmm, can't get in... Go
back to the continue point, an carry on clock wise looking at the water
until you see a little island that is right next to the edge of land.
Follow the islands in a.. yup, you guessed it clockwise direction until
the ledges start to go up into the air. Follow them up. Pick off any
soldiers (using 1st Person) from different platforms to the ones that
they are on. Jump on the floating button then onto the ledge and kill
the next solider. Jump on the next button and let it take you to the
next ledge. Hop off then follow the ledge round for another. Repeat once
more until you reach a complete ledge, where you will see a button
somewhere along the edge. Get on ,go up, get off, follow ledge, get on,
go up, get off and you should be at the top. Drop down to where the blue
ball of light is and then watch the cutscene. Then go through the door

Area 4
Let the lift take you down, then walk up to the alchemist. Listen to him
and he will give you some magic powder. Take the lift back up.

Area 3 cont.
Get back down to the bottom of the tower and select the powder. Do this
by entering the menu, placing the cursor over powder and presing action.
Then exit the menu. Go back to the gate with the guards and you should
be allowed to enter.

Area 5
Listen to Wilbur and he will explain saves. Now, to your left is Wilbur.
Whenever you see Wilbur like that, that means he is a save point. Look
out for him as he is few and far between. Carry on walking left to find
a camera. This can be exchanged for a save with the Wilbur that you just
saw. So, one camera equals one save. When you have one simply go to
Wilbur and press action. You can count how many you have left by going
to the menu. Now, in the middle of this area is a great fire pit. Walk
towards it, then walk left to a tower. Climb it and move around it until
you see a ledge that you can jump onto on the other side of the fire
pit. If you can't see one, you have climbed the wrong tower. Jump onto
that ledge and make your way down the ledges and onto solid ground. Now
make your way towards the large building and jump onto the button that
is going up and down. Once it takes you up, go through the door behind
the guard and climb the ladder. At the top, speak to the Mayor. Now go
through the door that has just opened up.


Area 1
Take the moving platform down to the jungle floor, and go in the hole in
the ground.

Area 2
Walk down the tunnel and talk to Vinny. Exit.

Area 1 cont.
Follow the area round untill you see a spiders web on the wall. Climb
the mushrooms and enter the hole.

Area 3
Walk up to the spider and talk to her. Leave

Area 1 cont.
Walk round and fall into the newly uncovered river.

Area 4
Follow the lilly pads and collect the Supersyp bonuses. Fly jump over
the reeds and carry on across the lilypads and up the spider webs. When
you reach a split in the river go either way as it doesn't matter. As
you reach a waterfall follow the ledges down the side. When they run
out, jump and try to aim for the lilypad with a contimue point on. Follw
the lily pads again then use the hot air to float up to the top and out
through the hole.Follow more lilypads and more ledges up and out through
a waterfall. Drop down the stones and you will come to another
waterfall. Follow the ledges down the side. Across the lilypads. Collect
the flyquito and use the hot air to exit the area.

Area 1 cont.
Go back up to the spider.

Area 3 cont.
Select the fly from the menu and give it to the spider. She will give
you a net. Leave.

Area 1 cont.
From the spiders web area walk clockwise until you get to another set of
mushrooms. Climb them and the flowers above them to reach another area.

Area 5.
From the entrance, (BTW, if you want to collect everything in this area
,use superCyp to cover long distances and to stand on poisionous
mushrooms) walk forward then go through the hol in the wall on Cyps
left. Collect the Supercyp bonus and quickly jump onto the next
mushroom and then the big ledge in the middle of the area. Follow it
round to a mushroom that can be easily reached.Jump onto another
mushroom, then onto the outer ledge.Follow it round untill you are on
the side opposite to where you came in. Where the ledge juts out, jump
onto another ledge.Follow it along and talk to the beetle. Then drop
down and collect the special enhancement for your weapon(that is
optional).Kill all the praying mantis's, then go back up to the beetle.
He will give you a weed. Now exit.

Area 1 cont.

Go to the only set of mushrooms you haven't climbed, and climb them. get
on the branch and follow it up to the tree. Enter.

Area 6
Ok, select the net from the menu. Basically what you have to do here is
collect all the glowing bugs. It's pretty straightforward, but if you
need help just email me on: yll0@hotmail.com .If you find you are
missing 2, then try falling down the upper shaft on the 3rd level. Once
you have them all, exit at the top.

Area 1 cont.

Now go through the newly opened hole in the wall

Area 7
Select the net from the menu. Walk right and jump up onto a ledge. Jump
across a series of about 5 ledges until you come to a path. As soon as
you are on the path, turn left and jump up to catch the small ledge.
Walk and you will see the cutscene with the termite general. Jump up to
the now open passage way. Carry on up the path. Avoid the bug there and
jump up the stairs. At the top of the stairs take a few steps then turn
around and jump to the next ledge. Walk along and climb another set of
stairs. Climb out of the hole and go left. Jump up the ledges and walk
right and you should see some light coming in from an opening, walk
towards the light and you will go down a hole leading to the Termite
Queen. Speak with her and . Go back out of the hole and collect the
fungus eating termite. Carry on walking right, right out the door.

Area 8
Follow the path round shooting any flying bugs that come your way. On
your route, you will speak to a man by the name of Dr Folk, who needs
your help. Dr folk is a recurring character, btw. Once you reach the
blocked off part of the path, near a sign, you need to shoot the rotten
fruit. To do this, back up the path a little way and take aim using the
1st person perspective. Aim for just above shimmering stem of the large
rotten fruit.Hit it a few times and it will fall clearing your path.
Follow the path down, killing more flying foes. Halfway down, the tree
will come to life. Carry on to the bottom then hide underneath the path
where the camera is (there is a save point Wilbur nearby). Go into first
person perspective a quickly shoot the ends of the branches shooting
projectiles at you. Once you have hit them all you will be able to use
the fungus eating termite on the Mushroom. I advise you save now.

Area 9
From the start walk forward onto the ledge. Now, without getting hit,
make your way down to the bottom of the room. When you get to the
Continue point, walk off the ledge and get underneath it. This should
give you suitable cover. In first person perspective, shoot the two arms
that are firing at you. Once they are dead, hit each of the its eyes
once, then hit them mouth three/four times until it falls off. Now hit
the two new arms three times each. This should kill it once and for all.
But there is no time to lose as the room is filling up with water.
Quickly make your way back up to the top of the room the same way you
came. Once out sit back and watch the cut scenes.

Area 2 cont.

Area 1 cont.

Go see the spider.

Area 3 cont. talk to doctor folk and the spider. Leave.

Area 1 cont.
Enter the new blue ball of light that has appeared of the jungle floor.

Area 10

Carefully navigate the webs until you reach the Golden spider.

Area 1 cont.
Go and see the spider

Area 3 cont.
Watch the cut scene.Now get on the boat. You're off to see the Folk!


Area 1
(You may wish to go back to the Demis to try out Vinces new weapon if
you wish.)
Use the floating umbrellas to navigate the water. Time your jump
carefully on the umbrellas that move. You may need to super jump on some
of the umbrella. once you reach the boat, make your way up the ledges
and climb the ladder. Navigate a few more ledges and you will come to a
small alcove that goes right. Walk through it out onto the ledge and
jump onto another ledge. In 1st person shoot the sleeping guard, and he
will begin his job again. Jump onto the new umbrella and let it take
you up. At the top jump onto the left ledge and awaken the guard on the
right ledge. Walk left and jump onto the sliding ledge. Quickly jump
again onto another ledge. Take the umbrella down to the next ledge and
drop of the left end of that onto a continue point. Walk left along
there an jump up onto the only non moving ledge. Now, your jumps need to
be well timed here or you will fall off the ledges. But a really good
tip is, if you don't think you are going to be able to jump, walk into
the boat. Whast I mean is, press the forward button while you are on the
ledge. Then, even if it falls down, you won't fall off. Hold it down
until the ledge comes back up then jump onto the next. Repeat until at
the top. Walk right until you reach some waterfalls. Now here is where
to stand so you don't get hit.
1st waterfall: Far right
2nd waterfall: Far left
3rd warterfall: Jump
4th waterfall: Jump onto the ledge.
Now, after selecting the Golden Spider from the menu, exit this area

Area 2
After watching the cut scenes, look around the room you are in. on the
left is the door you need to exit now, on the right is a now locked
door that leads to the helm. Also, when you return later on,Wilbur will
be here for saving. Exit via the left door.

Area 3
Now I suggest you have a look around a bit. It will help loads when I
explain things later. Note that you can stand on the canopies, and
things. You may want to jump down to the boiler thing in the middle and
collect the Super Elastic upgrade for your weapon.To get back up you
need to use Vinces weapon. You find ammo for it on the same ledge.(Go to
demi island if you haven't already, to test it out) t I'm gonna assume
that you have looked round, and have come back to the door you came out
of(Don't go back in). ok, You are on the path. Behind you is a sign.
You want to walk in that direction.. When you come to the save point,
jump into the alcove then onto another canopy using the lenny heads as a
guide. Once down, go into the door.

Area 4
Watch the cut scene and listen VERY carefully. After, jump on the red
button then leave.

Area 3 cont.
Go back to the continue point. Now you want to go back the way you came.
From that continue walk along the path forward. At the end, turn the
corner and walk along that path. Stop. You should see a small path that
goes behind a building here. Walk along that. Drop down, and pull the
lever. Get back up, and walk back along that short path again. Now jump
up onto the roof canopy. Opposite you you should see another path. Jump
onto it. Follow it down and round a building. Once you reach the end.
Ajust the camera so that you can see another little canopy further round
the building you are next to. Jump onto it and pull the lever. Heres
where things get interesting. Go back to the beginning of this area (the
path below where the mayors house is) and walk in the opposite direction
to the one you you went first time. You will come to a fork with a sign
on each path. Take the right path(as in not the left path) and follow it
round to the continue. What you need to do is jump onto the ledge that
is just in front of you. Here you will find a lever. Pull the lever a
clock starts. Quickly, run back to the fork in the path, and takethe
path you didn't take before.. As you run round you will se a canopy very
slightly higher than cyprien with 4 lenny heads on. Jump onto that. Now
jump onto the very short piece of path that is floating in mid air, then
jump again to catch a higher ledge. Run around it and jump up onto
another floating ledge. Then onto an Orange umbrella, then another
floating ledge then another umbrella. Turn to your left and walk to the
edge. Jump onto the new umbrella. Then jump down the hole to exit this

Area 5.
Watch the cutscene. After that, walk to the right.. Now walk toward the
screen. Eventaly the camera will pan round and you will see your next
set of obstacles. Climb up the boxes then jump over a series of ledges.
You will see something that is revolving with two ledges on it. Jump
onto one of the ledges, and as it reaches the top jump over the vent
blocking your way back down onto the moving ledge. Then jump onto
another ledge, then onto a platform. Here you can eith time your runs so
that you don't fall off (harder) or use my method and wait until the
blocks have already started to come out then jump onto it and run
across. Repeat until the last one, on which you should jump onto the
block and use it to hoist you up to the platform. Walk left and climb
up onto a ledge. Make your way along these moving ledges by timing your
jumps carefully. After about 3 moing platform you should be on another
ledge with another of those rotating contraptions. Jump onto one and let
it take you round. If there is a ledge there, good, jump onto it. If
there isn't you need to get onto the other end of the rotating thing.
Once on the ledge, quickly run to the bit closest the wall , and you
should go through the hole. Run to the end again, once through, and jump
onto another rotator. Let it take you round, then jump onto the thin
ledge and onto the continue point. Avoid the swinging obsticale, and
quickly run across the mini platforms, as they drop away. Run across
another set, then onto a platform full of swinging obsticles. Navigate
them, then onto some more drop away ledges complete with swinging
obsticles. One more set and then jump onto another rotator, being
mindful of the swinging obsticle. Collect the Supercyp bonuses then
super fly jump across the next ledges. To get up the slope, you can
either use SuperCyps Super sprint or you can hop up using jumps. At the
continue point jump onto the bouncing thing and jump onto the next
platform. Wait for the moving platform to come then run into the end
attached to the wall to avoid being knocked off. Jump onto the other
moving platform. This time run to the end not aatched to the wall. Jump
onto a third moving platform, and jump over the stick. Then jump onto
the platform and walk left to exit this area.

Area 6

From the start collect the ammo for vinces weapon and jump onto the
seesaw. Let it tip as far as it wil go then quicky run to the end and
jump onto the next ledge. Run straight across ignoring the slope. Walk
left onto the shelf like ledges. go round the corner onto another ledge
then onto another shelf. Jump onto the seesaw and let it tip. Then run
across it and jump onto one of the small ledges sticking out of the
wall. Jump onto the seesaw, let it tip the run and jump into the water.
run against the water to stop yourself going over the edge and jump your
way up the river to the continue point. Then launch yourself at the wall
which you should cling onto. Climb up to the top and go left. Use the
boxes to navigate the current . Get onto the ledge and grab the map,
then leave by the door on the right.

Area 3 cont.
Use the canopies to get back up to path and go round to see the
captain. Have the map selected.

Area 4 cont.
Talk to the Captain and the navigator. Leave.

Area 3 cont.
Go back into the mayors house.

Area 2 cont.
Go through the previously locked door.

Area 7
Jump down onto the ground and have a look around. Walk up to the door
and view the cut scene. Now collect the 2 acorns either side of the
door Now go to eith side of the area and you should see in the air
alot more acorns. Use the two acorns you have to shoot the air vent in
the floor and the one on the pointything above it. Now stand in the vent
and the rest should happen by it self. Now, you need at least 4 acorns
for this. On the right, of the door in the air you should see some
supercyps and some extra lives you should also see two vents. Shoot both
of them with acorns. Now, just opposite them on the left there is a vent
on the wall and a vent on the floor with nothing in the air. Shoot both
of them two vents. Now stand on the one in the floor and let them do
their thing. If you did it right, you should now have some supercyp
bonuses. Morph into supercyp and fire ball the door. Now morph back and
talk to the helmsman.

Area 8
After watching the cinematic view, climb up on the cogs with the super
cyp bonuses. Jump forward onto the continue point. jump onto the next
cog then onto the cargo lift. Let it take you up then quickly jump onto
another cog. Jump onto a final cog, then into what looks to be a hamster
wheel. Using the hole wait until it lines up with the wheel next to it
then jump through. From the second wheel jump onto the the cargo lift.
at the top jump of and squeese under neth the cogs. Jump up to catch
onto the right cog and let it take you to the top. On your right, jump
across the three moving platforms into another hamster wheel. jump
across to yet another hamster wheel and then another cargo lift. Now hop
off and run along the top of wheels then onto a conveyer belt. Jump into
another hamster wheelthe step out the back onto another conveyer belt.
Go along it and jump on to the lift. At the top, jump into the continue
point then jump round the corner onto the ledge.Navigate the sliding
ledges up to the top, then get on a moving platform that takes you up.
Jump onto the long ledge and walk across, being careful not to fall down
on the lagging. At the end, shoot the squidgie (black cloud).

Area 3 cont.
Go back down to where you were when you exited Area 6. Enter the newly
opened door.

Area 9
Ooooh, this one's a toughy. Fall to the floor and load up on Super cyps.
Climb back up to the entrance. Now you have to VERY QUICKLY make your
way across the moving platforms, use your flying jumps when you have to
, but try and save as much energy as you can for when you have to make a
huge great leap. Once you have managed it, and believe me you WILL be
here a while, pul the lever, and a door behind you will open. Drop to
the floor and run to the diagonally opposite corner of this area. Climb
up to the moving platform, and let it take you up to another non moving
platform. Once on that, make your way across the non moving platforms
until you run out. Once that happens jump agains the wall and keep
walking into it whilst doing that move left, and you should move while
at the same time hugging the rim of that wall. Once you are above the
door that just opened drop down into it.

Area 10
Speak to the blind anchor man then pull the lever on the other side of
the room. Exit.

Area 9
Now drop to the floor and follow the same route you took to the anchor
room but this time make sure you power up on super cyps and instead of
going straight across, climb up the platforms that are above you, you
should eventually arrive at a door. Enter.

Area 11
Walk straight ahead and Supercyp firefall the crates with pictures of
bombs on then. Now, behind that structure you should see a set of
stairs. Climb them and wal forward. You will see a cut scene. Now go
back down the stairs and collect an acorn. Use it on the vent you
uncovered when you blew up the boxes. Fly up to the top and speak to the
Look out. Grab the key and float back down again. Face the stairs and
now go right. Select the key and enter the gate (if it doesn't work you
are at the wrong gate, run to the one on the opposite side of the room.
Now use the acorns to shoot the vents on the walls. Shoot them as you
go. Once you reach the continue point turn and face the opposite wall
and shoot the vent. Float over to the ledge with the super Cyp bonuses.
Use them to fly jump over to the next ledge.Shoot the last vent. Float
up to the top and exit through the hole.

Area 12

Walk down the ledge to the head of the giant folk. Using the swinging
cages to make your way across to the Svótla keeper. Speak to him. Now
select the Svótlas grass from the menu. Talk to him again.

Area 13
Ok, basically all you ahve to do here is make it across the perilous
bridges without fallling in the water. Pretty straightforward. Just
don't stand on the green bits too long as they give way after a while.
Try and get a feel for how long you have to press forward for each
distance.Once you reach the end , watch the cut scene.

Area 3 cont.
Now go and see the captain.


Area 1
From the start, climb up the ledges, using the lenny heads as guides.
Once you get some super Cyp bonuses, drop down and fire ball the door.
Go through and shoot out another door. Go through and watch the
conversation. Now from where you are the room goes round in a circle and
there are 7 doors. Going clockwise they lead to:

I. The menu
II. Candy Kingdom - Gum
III. The Oven - Cake
IV. Pumkin Farm - Carrots
V. Wine factory - Wine
VI. I-scream mountain -
VII. Wilbur - save

Now enter Candy Kingdom.

Area 2
Walk forward towards the building in the center of the area. Walk around
it until you find a vent with an acorn on. Shoot the vent with the acorn
and float up. Jump on to the building and walk round it until you find a
button. Stand on it. Now drop to the floor and enter the building.
Collect the gum and another acorn and exit the area.

Area 1 cont.
Now enter Scarecrow farm.

Area 3
Walk forward to the wall then go right. Climb up 3 ledges then use the
acorn on the vent in the floor. Go up then jump across 3 more ledges.
Now, use the vines on the wall to climb across to the next ledge. Jump
onto another ledge then use some more vines. Jump across 4 more ledges
until you reach another vent. Shoot it and float up. Walk up to the
scarecrow and talk to him. Now jump into the vegatable field. ~Now this
boss is really simple, just avoid his attacks and shoot the scarecrow on
his head. If he covers him with his hands just jump back into the
vegatable field then jump out again. Once he is beaten, collect the
carrot from the middle and exit.

Area 1 cont.
now enter the wine factory.

Area 4
Speak to the waiter. Now pass through the door. The aim is to stop 3
grapes from getting squashed by the monks. Here how to do it. Run to the
conveyer on the far side. To stop the obstacles from squashing the
grapes you have to press the button that is behind each obstacles
respective monk. I suggest you go down to where the second monk is and
kill him. Now wait for a grape to make it through the first obstacle
(This happens about one in every 5/6 grapes) Once it is through, count 6
seconds then jump on the button. If you timed it right , the grape
should pass through. Now quickly run down to the next monk and jump over
him (but not onto the button) wait until the grape is a the same
distance away as it was on the last obstacle, THEN hit the button. The
grape should now pass through into the wine pool. Repeat twice more to
get a bottle of wine. Exit

Area 1 cont.
Now go to I-scream mountain

Area 5
Morph into supercyp and fly across to the ledge. Now what you need to do
is navigate the ice blocks onto the 3 other ledges like the one you just
landed on. Once on them power up on super cyps and fly to the small
ledges that are on the outer wall. Once there, morph back and walk
around that ledge until something happens to the ice cream. Now fly back
and move on to the next ledge. Once you have done all three, climb the
stairs that have formed around the ice cream.

Start point
| |
2nd | ______ |
Ledge | | Ice | | 1st ledge
| |Cream | |
| |____ _| |

3rd Ledge

At the top in 1st person, aim for the large spike above the monster.
Shoot it a few times untill it falls. Walk up the path and collect the
ice (avoid the spikes that come out of the ground) Exit.

Area 1 cont.
Enter the oven

Area 6
Speak to the waiter. Now go through the door and step on the button.
Jump across the cucumbers up onto the other side. Follow the path round,
avoiding any flying vegatables. Jump on the next button. Now navigate
the carrots, avoiding the sinking ones. Jump up onto the ledge and
follow it round for a third buton. Now navigate some more carrots and
pull up. Now go through a door to a room with conveyers. Let it take
you across, avoiding the chop sticks. Turn a corner and time your jumps
over the holes and the fire breathing statuetes. Around another corner,
and make your way through the knifes and the push boards. Take a super
jump across the gap onto another ledge. Now navigate this next room
steping on the push boards as they rise out of the water. Jump over the
burners and the tilting grates. A few more grates, carrots and push
boards and you will be at the end. Collect your cake and exit.

Area 1 cont.
Now, select the cake from the menu. Kill the two cwaiters and the boss
comes to life All you have to do is shoot the cake into Big Joes mouth 6
times. To do that go into first person mode as soon as he starts
swaying. Aim for his mouth, and as soon as he slows shoot the cake into
his mouth. Then get out the way, because he is gonna throw up! Once you
have killed him., watch the cut scenes!


(Go to the demis if you want to learn how to use Joeys Weapon)
Area 1
Run to the mini blimp at the end of run way and jump on. Let it take you
to another, which will take you to another,which will take you to
another, which will take you to another. Quickly drop down onto the one
below it, and wait until it lines up with a final blimp, hop on and let
it take you to the ledge. Jump onn the button oposite the save point. Go
into the hole.

Area 2
Talk to the captain. Leave.

Area 1 cont.
Run to the where the continue point is and jump over the edge. Stand on
the button. Run back and jump down behind where the sign is. Use the
propellers to push yourself into the air. Make your way across the
propellers until you reach the top. Now, run to the end of the metal
framework, being careful not to fall off the edge. At the end, you
should see another button. Jump on. Now run back to the metal bar in the
middle of this room where the blue balloon is. Use the propellers to
carry you up to a door. Ignore this door as it is of no use for the
moment. Use the last propeller to carry you up to a door high above it.

Area 3

Walk forward. Note the save point Wilbur. Enter one of the corner joints
of a pipe to carry you up to the furnace. Two of the grates around the
furnace are giving of a white smoke. Wait on the grate in between the
two and face the left one. Wait for a lift to come down. Hop on and let
it take you up. When another goes past, drop onto it. Let that one take
you up. Follow a series of them until you get to the top. Enter the
lighthouse. Watch the cutscenes. Now select the map from the menu. Watch
some more cut scenes. Now go back down to the bottom of the area. Exit
the door opposite to the one you came in from.

Area 4
From the door drop onto the floor of the area. Make sure you aim for the
canopy as you don't injure yourself when you fall on that. Now walk left
to a series of ballons. What you need to do is bounce across them. Time
your jumps with the bounce of the balloon. Lean forward on the buttons
as soon as his feet leave each balloon. use his shadow as a guide. You
need to go in a striagh line across the ballons. When you reach a circle
in the ballons just bounce around them until you can carry on in the
same direction. Bounce your self off the end onto a path

Area 5
Walk straight ahead and enter the door.

Area 6
Jump onto the moving bar and let it take you up to another which will
take you up to a third. As the third takes you up, quickly ju,p onto the
ledge on the wall, and wait for the moving bar, above the third, to
lower itself. Jump on then jump again to the bit attached to it. Let it
take you up. Jump across again then walk forward and speak to the
professor. Now climb the ladder to the attic. Shoot out the light brown
boxes with your catapult. Then collect some SuperCyp bonuses. Shoot out
the rest of the boxes except the one with a picture on. Now shoot some
bubblegum at the little bird, and use the bird to walk into the box with
a picture on.Now collect the coco.
Go back down to the proffessor. Now walk round the path to another door.

Area 5 Cont.
Use the mini blimp.

Area 4 cont.
Basically in this room what you have to do is activate all the
propellers so you can get all,the way to the top to get the feather. Run
to the wall furthest away from the mini blimp and jump on the button.
Now use the newly activated propellers to get up to the moving ledge.
Jump from the moving ledge to a non moving ledge to a propeller. Wait on
that until another moving ledge comes down. Hop on and use it to get
across to another set of propellers. Follow the propellers DOWN to a
moving ledge wich leads to a ledge with a button. Now get back on the
propellers you just came off of and take them all the way up. Jump up
where to where the door is and go across another series of propellers.
Jump on the ledge and then onto the frame work. Follow it along and wait
for another moving ledge to come along. jump on it then immediately jump
of again on the other side of the framework. Follow thast along then
stand on the button. Run back and get back on the moving ledge, but this
time let it take you up to the top. Make your way across the propellers
and ledges until you come to a large white ballon and a moving ledge.
Acorn the air vent on the balloon, then wait for the ledge to come back
in from of you. Jump forward and the vent should give you the lift you
need to get onto the ledge then onto the ballon. Use the vents to get
across to another ledge. Let that take you down. Get off on the left
side, asuming Cyprien is facing towards the area instead of out into
space. Jump on the button and use the propellers. Use them to go up, not
down, but make a not of that door below you as you will need it later
on. Once on the large platform use the propellers to take you up to
another canopied platform. Use the telescope if you want. Then use the
ledges in front of the telescope to go up. Jump on the button, then onto
the blimp.Let that take you round to a moving ledge, whch will take you
to another blimp, which takes you to a final ledge. Hop off and use the
propellers to take you up. Now collect the feather and feel proud. Now
make your way back to the tele scope and use the ledges behind it to
make your way down. It's pretty straight forward, but don't forget to
look out for the rapid fire upgrade to your catapult. Once at the bottom
of the room, make your way back to the captain.

Area 2 cont.
Select the Coco and speak to the captain. Watch the cutscenes. Right,
now you need to 3 different rooms to get things for the plane. To get to
the first one enter the room I told you not to enter earlier. The one
directly below the room with Wilbur. To get there from the Captains
room, exit.

Area 1 cont.
Now use the propellers to get up to where floor is full of holes. Now go
along the bar in the middle of the room and use the propellers to go up.
Enter the first door you see.

Area 7
Walk forward. Listen to the Flyer. Now what you need to do is jump on
the bellows. To do this, go in a counter-clockwise direction from the
bellows to the ledge with falling lava to bellow to the ledge with
falling lava.Keep going round in that circle until it stops. now go and
get the jet booster thing from by the entrance. Now exit.

Area 1 cont.
Now use the propellers to float you up to the next door. Don't enter
it. Now use the propellers to float you across to a ledge. Be careful of
the two propellers working together to push you off the edge. You should
now be on a ledge next to said propellers. In front should be a ledge
with a continue point and to you right some more propellers. Use those
propellers to float you to another ledge with a baddie on a nearby
platform. Bubble gum the baddie and use him to push the button. Now make
youre way across the new platforms, but don't step on the moving one. In
first person, aim for the other baddie in the distance and bubble gum
him. Use him to push another button. Now make your way across the
propellers. Wait until each one has floated you as high as it can before
you move on to the next one or you will not make it. Now enter this new

Area 8
Speak to the Flyer. To play this game all you have to do is quickly
press the launch projectile/ jump buttons in an alternating fashion. Do
that until you win. Now pick up the propeller. Exit.

Area 1 cont.
Make your way back across the propellers to the door on the opposite
side of the area.

Area 3 cont.
Exit via the door on the other side of the room.

Area 4 cont.
Now you have to make your way to the door I told you not to enter
before. All you have to do is follow the route you took to get the
feather until you reach that door. Enter

Area 9
Speak to the flyer. To play this game you have to rotate the analouge
stick(for playstation) or directional keys(PC)really quickly until the
Flyer tells you to stop. Collect the wing and leave.

Area 4 cont.
Now drop to the floor and use the mini blimp to get to the proffesor.

Area 5 cont.
Drop to the floor and walk up to the flying machine. Watch the


Area 1
Don't stand still for too long in this area because the teachers gaze
is dangerous. Note that Wilbur is in the inkwell. Walk to the opposite
side of the table from the Continue Point. Make your way across the
books and avoid being shot at by enemies in the turrets. Get onto the
table then across another set of books (collect that Bubble gum by the
way, you will need it later.) Once you reach the Globe jump on and then
jump on a book (not the green one because you won't make it) Then jump
on the green one. Up onto the ledge, being mindful of the board rubber.
Enter the door.

Area 2
Go and speak to the nurse. Exit

Area 1 cont.
Now walk along that path to the next door

Area 3
Ignore the badies and run up to the toilets. Shoot each of the 3 cubicle
doors closed. Now kill the baddies. Talk to each of the two boys in
cages. The crying boy will give you a stone. A new path will now be open
next to the toilets. Make your way across, trying not to get hit by the
jump ropes. Once at the end select the stone from the menu. Now shoot at
the Number one on the wall. Enter.

Area 4
Shoot the Number 1 with a stone. Use the cloud it creates to jump
across to the next platform. Get onto the moving ledge and go across to
the non moving ledge then onto another moving one. Shoot the number 2
and use the clouds to get onto another platform. Go up the hill and
across the icy half pipe thing. Shoot the number 3 and get onto the
moving ledge. Let it take you to the top. Now use the ledges and moving
ledges to get you to the top of this building. At the top shoot the
number 4 and walk across the pole that forms. Get on the moving ledge.
At the end get off and get ontot he seesaw walk forward and tip it as
far as it will go. Shoot the njmber five. Quickly run to the other end
of the seesaw and shoot the other number 5 that has appeared on the
level above it. If you do it correctly, the electricity will turn off.
Jump up to the platform above. Shoot the number six, then climb up the
ladder. Speak to the hourglass.

Area 1 cont.
Now select the sand from the menu and shoot it into the teachers face.
He should fall asleep. Now make your way round to the globe again, but
this time jump up onto the teachers desk. Now jump into his pocket.
Select the glowbugs from the menu. Pick up the nail file and exit. Now
go back to the playground.

Area 3 cont.
Select the nail file from the menu and give it to the boy that isn't
crying. He wil give you his hat.Exit

Area 1 cont.
Go see the nurse.

Area 2. Select the hat from the menu, and speak to the nurse. Enter the
newly opened area. Walk along until you find a bed. stand on the
brownish bit by its side and it will start to move. Keep it moving until
it is underneath the ladder. Get off and jump onto the bed, then onto
the ladder above. Climb up the ladder onto a row of beds. Walk across
and climb up another ladder. Get off and go right and up another ladder.
Positon the bed so you can jump up to the ledge above. Hop up and go
left. Here you will find another type of bed: A bouncy bed. Move this
one until you can use it to get up to another ledge. Climb up a ladder
and go right. Jump over the hole and climb up another ladder. Jump over
to a single bed. Go into first person and bubble gum the nurse opposite
you. Use it to move the bed so that you can make it across to the ledge
the nurse is on. Jump across and up to another ladder. Climb up and go
left until you get to the floating bed. Use it to take you up to another
ledge. go right then jump across toanother ledge. drop down and position
the bed so you can get across to the next ledge. Use the moving ledge
here togo uup to the next platform.Position the bed so that you can get
up the ladder. Here you have to position each of the 3 movable beds so
that they can be used to bounce from one bed to the next. Once you think
you have it right, use the moving ledge at the far right. Let it take
you as high as it will go then drop down onto the first bed, then bounce
to the second, and then to a ledge. Then jump to a third and bounce to
the forth and then hopefully onto the next ledge. For more help with
this email me at : yll0@hotmail.com . On this new platform use the
moving carpet to get up to the next ledge. Go right and jump across 3
more ledges then up a ladder. Collect the scisors and press the button
to call the lift, take the lift to the bottom and exit.

Area 1 cont.
Now go back onto the teachers desk and walk up his left arm(that's the
one on the right) and acorn the air vent on his back Float up to his
head. Select the scissors from the menu and press the action button.
Inside his head, you will see 3 things dangling from the ceiling, shoot
the one in the middle. You may also want to collect the lead marble
weapon upgrade. Exit. Now you can collect the pen from under his hand.
Go and see Steve, and select the pen from the menu. Watch the cut scene.
Now go over to the boxes with pictures of eyeballs on(Make sure you have
an acorn).Stand on the triangle shaped one, and go into first person.
Now bubble gum the baddie on the table with a compass on. Use him to
step on the button that is glowing blue. Now jump over onto the compass
and walk to safety. Jump onto the next ledge through the gap between
the pencils and the paper. Jump onto the next ledge then onto another.
Acorn the vent on the floor and float up to get the paper. Now take the
paper back to Steve.Select it from the menu. Talk to Steve then get on
the paper areoplane. Get off at the ledge it takes you to. Jump across
another ledge, and then across the moving ledge. Then across the other
ledges until you get to the corner. Collect the Super cyp power up and
do the next bit very quickly. Make your way across the ledges using
SuperCyps Flying jump where you have to. Once you reach the next
continue point, you're almost there. Just 3 more ledges, and jump on the
bell. Thats it. Relax.

(You may wish to go see the Demis to practice Steves weapon)

Area 1
From the start make your way across the series of boxes. You could shoot
the baddie if you think it will make things easier for you. From the
boxes jump onto the mines and follow the path round. Once you reach the
ledge it will begin to rise. Walk along the path to another ledge that
will take you up. Get off that and walk along another path until you get
to a continue point. Collect the SuperCyps and do a flying jump over to
the next path. Then go to the end that path and do another large jump to
some curved path. Collect some more SuperCyp bonus then do another
flying jump across to where there are lots of lenny heads.Follow that
oath round then use the lift. At the top, quickly run a seek shelter
behind the crates. Collect some ammo for steves weapon and then fire.
You have to steer the paper plane into the button next to each of the
two large guns. Once you have deactivated both of them,follow the large
truck that is pushing crates around and get into the lift.

Area 2
Exit the lift. Note Wilbur on your left. Collect some Super Cyp bonuses
and shoot out the wall behind wilbur. watch the cut scenes.

Area 3
Listen to Dr Folk. Now go into first person and shoot the button through
the bars in the door. Exit and climb up on the roof. Use the air vent to
move forward to the next prison. Stand on top of the turned off air vent
and shoot the buton at the end of the path below in first person mode.
use the vent to carry you up to a ledge. Walk round the ledge and to the
end of the path.(Don't get the super Cyp)Stand to the right of the red
button. Shoot a paperplane at the other red button on a large propeller
on the floor of the area. Collect the Supercyp bonus and do a flying
jump onver to the button on the other side. Walk along this new path,
climb the ladder, stand on the vent and repeat the procces.Climb the
next ladder and jump into the large air vent behind you.

Area 4
Walk forward and go left at the cross roads. Go round the corner and
shoot the button. Now come back out and take the lane that is now on
your left.Watch out for the holes that open up in the floor. Go through
the door way and go right and walk down the large hill. Go round the
bend and jump over another series of holes. You will come to another
crossroads. Go left and shoot the button. Now turn back on your self and
run round the corner and straigh over at the cross roads. The path
should bend right and there should be a button. Shoot it.Now go back up
the big hill and turn right. Shoot the button at the end of the
corridor. Now go back down the big hill, round the corner across the
series of holes, over at the cross roads and straight ahead. Go round
the corner and through the continue point. Go round the corner and
shoot the big red button to raise the bridge. Go across, collect the
SuperCyps and morph. Use your lightning attack on the big monster until
it dies. Now exit and shoot the big red button on the other side to
raise the bridge again. Go back across the bridge and straight ahead
through the newly unblocked door. Run straight ahead over the holes in
the floor until you reach a locked door.(Walk straight past the red
button.) Now shoot a paper plane and use it to hit that red button. Now
enter the door that has opened.

Area 5
Now you are in the boiler room. Opposite you in the room is Wilbur and
some ammo for Steves and Vinces weapon. Go collect it then walk around
the boiler in the middle of the room until you find a vent.Acorn it and
ride it up to the top level. From here shoot a paper areoplane across
to the other side of the room where you will see a target on a piece of
paper. Hit that to open the cage it was stuck to. Use another paper
plane to hit the button inside that cage. Now send out a third paper
plane,but this time turn right at the boiler to hit another button. Do
this a few times until you get it exactly right and the boiler rumbles.
Now this time your plane needs turn left at the boiler, and go through
the air duct hole in the wall. Once in there it must go left at a fork
and hit a moving object. Then you need to send another one through that
Duct, this time turning right at the fork and following it round to hit
a button. Don't expect to hit the last two first time. It is not easy
and it will probablytake you ages. There is no real advice I can give
except be gentle with the controls, and persevere. If your plane runs
out of energy to soon, try standing closer to the air duct. Anyway, once
you have hit that final button,a door will open on theother side of the
room. Navigate the pipes and ledges(without falling) to the door. Push
the button inside that room and a door will open back on the ground.
Drop down and enter it.

Area 6
In this room notice the 3 bins round the edge of the room. Climb the
ledges on the wall to the left of the entrance. Once you are at the
top, wait for the ledge to come around to you, jump on and let it take
you round. As you are going, pick up the yellow stuff. Keep on going ,
then jump into the hole in the wall. From the ledge, shoot the big red
button on the wall. Now drop to the floor of the previous room. Select
the yellow stuff from the menu and the shoot once at each of the 3 bins
that have opened. After 3 shoots the yellow stuff will run out. If you
did it right, once the bins close each one should have a small flame
coming out of it. repeat this, collecting the yellow stuff from the same
place as before. If you do it right again, you should see a cut scene of
some doors opening.Exit.

Area 5 cont.
Enter the doors on the opposite side of the room.

Area 7
Walk forward. To the right , you should see a vent. Acorn it and float
up to the ledge. Walk to the end of the path, and shoot the target and
the button that reveals it self. Now quickly collect the supercyps and
morph.Super jump to the ledge on your left.Morph back and shoot the folk
that is in the box controlling one of the big robots. Run round to the
other side and kill the Folk that is controlling the other robot.Enter
the door that opens

Area 8
Walk forward and then right. Walk through the doors and acorn the vent
on your right. Now to make your way around this room, you have to stand
on the small circles on the floor to activate the Pistons, as they come
out, quickly jump on the little ledges that poke out then jump onto the
next proper ledge. On the last one however you need to quickly jump
inside, shoot the button and jump out again before they close. Now use
the vent to get up to the ledge again and this time face the thing in
the middle of the room. Shoot the button then leave the room and go
through the only door you haven't been through.

Area 9
After meeting with doctor Folk, jump up onto the broken lift and then
onto the ledge. Make your way across the path, being careful not to get
sucked into the fan or pushed into nothingness.At the end, stand on the
pipe and climb up to the next ledge. Shoot the buton to activate the big
cargo lift. Jump onto the moving ledge and go upto the third level. Make
your way across trying not to get hit by the pistons or electicity. At
the end jump onto the ledge next to you and shoot the button. Now jump
onto the big thing that comes towards past you and turn to face the
button what you have to do is shoot each of the buttons as you go past
them. Don't worry if you don't get them all in one go, just shoot them
all. Once you have done that, a door on the ground opens. Enter.

Area 10
It's time to face EvilDave. To start, run over to the part of the wall
that has a small electric source in the wall. Dodge daves bullets so
they hit the electricity.Do this a few times and the floor above you
should collapse so that you can get up onto it. Run round the path,
hugging the wall so that you don't get hit. at the end shoot at the
ladder a few times until it falls. If you haven't got any paper planes,
climb the ladder and get some, if you have, shelter behind the ladder
and use a paper plane to hit the green antenae on top of EvilDaves
robot. once you do that climb the ladder and follow the path left into a
room. shoot out the control system until it catches fire. Then exit via
the other door and carry on following the path left until you reach
another room shoot out the system there too. Now, drop back down behind
the ladder, and use paper planes to hit the target on Evil daves chest
panel until the robot falls. Watch the cut scenes! You're off to Loren

(You may wish to visit the Demis to practise Daves new weapon)

Enter the door to Loren Darith. Walk down the path and hop over the
stepping stones until you see a cut scene.

To destroy this form of the master, you have to kill its four tail, the
first three are easy, just shoot them until they die. To get the fourth
one, run in crcles around him until he stops following you, then quickly
stop and shoot.

To destroy this form, collect some Bubble Gum from the entrance. Go back
down to the arena and look around at the ledges around you. You should
see one with a baddie on. Bubble gum that baddie and use it to activate
a switch on the ledge below it. Now collect some acorns from around the
edge of the arena and use them on a vent. Float up to another ledge
which should have another vent on. (If it doesn't, you have use the
wrong vent. get down and find another one.)Use that vent and float up to
another ledge.Collect some ammo for Daves new weapon and jump back down
to the arena. Now find anpther vent and acorn that.Float up and go
through the continue point. Shoot daves weapon at the small rock to
create a temporary ledge. Jump on it to get to the next ledge. Do the
same again for the next small rock. Collect all the paper planes then go
back to the arena. Notice that in the each of the four corners of the
arena there is a face that has a green glow. What you need to do is
shoot the each face with a paper aeroplane and time it so that you hit
it at while The Master is underneath it. So my suggested method is face
the face(no pun intended)that The Master will be going to next. Avoid
the green bolts he fires at you, and as soon as they stop, shoot a paper
aeroplane at the face he is about to head to. with a bit of luck and
timing, it should work. Do it with each of the 4 faces to win this

To defeat this form you simply have to shoot the platform that The
Master is on until he runs out of platforms.

Now congratulations, you just defeated one of the hardests games on the
PS2 to date. Sit back and enjoy the ending!

Infinite Continues
Jump / Action / 1stp. view / Jump / Shoot

Shoot / Shoot / Jump / 1st p. view / Action

Action / Shoot / Jump / 1st p. view / Shoot

Mega Shots
Shoot / 1st p. view / 1st p. view / Action / Jump

Rapid Firing
Action / 1st p. view / Jump / 1st p. view / Shoot

Bouncing balls
Shoot / Action / Shoot / 1st p. view / Jump

This has got to be one of the buggiest games around. The most common is
the camera angles. Boy, do they spin! To combat the problem of crappy
camera angles you can either, walk slowly in known problem areas, press
R1 and L1 to put the camera behind you, or just fiddle wth the camera
control buttons until you are happy. I personnally keep my right thumb
on the analouge stick unless I need to take it off for using other
buttons. The other problem that I have encouner for this is what I call
the long haul flight syndrome. This is when you fall off the edge of
something, and either catch on something so that you don't go anywhere,
but Cyprien still thinks he is falling, or where you just fall and fall
and fall fall and fall and fall fall and fall and fall fall and fall and
fall fall and fall and fall fall and fall and fall ..... well you get
the picture. The only way to combat this is to save often. If you have
found any more bugs please email me: yll0@hotmail.com

8. <<<=+=OTHER STUFF=+=>>>
-Thanks to me for doing such a good review.
-Thanks to In Utereo for releasing such a good, if very buggy, game
-Thanks to the Ubi soft Technical Helpline who charged me £1.50 a min
for a phonecall, only to tell me that the manufaturers didn't have a
guide! Thanks a friggin' bunch guys!
-Thanks to you for reading my guide and giving the wasted weekend I
spent doing this some meaning.

If you want to use this guide for your non profit website then go ahead,
just don't edit it, and give me full credit.
If you want to use this for a charity magazine or some such thing ,
email me on: yll0@hotmail.com and we can discuss editing it to suit your
If you want to use this for your publication and are willing to pay me
suitably as well as credit me, then please email me also on:

If you see this being used in a profitable magazine, please email me
about it, just to be on the safe side.

All strategies, comments, constructive critisism, flames, and well
dones! are greatly recieved via : yll0@hotmail.com

Thanks for reading Peeps!!!
(c) Olly Draper 2002
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