Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

17.10.2013 10:11:30
GTA 3 Car boosting jobs and other
Version Final
Copyright 2k2 by 6 SiXeS reppin' InFaMouZ 2k2

Table Of Contents: (* indicates section has been added or updated since last
posted version [version 2.1])

I. Introduction
II. News and Updates
III. Car boosting garage in Portland Docks
A. Location of garage
B. List of cars
C. Where to find these cars
IV. Emergency Vehicle Crane in Portland Docks
A. Location of crane
B. List of cars
C. Where to find/how to get them
V. Car Boosting in Shoreside Vale
A. Location of garage
B. List of cars
C. Where to find cars
VI. Securicar Boosting
A. How to get a Securicar
B. How to get money from a Securicar
C. Unlimited Supply
IV. Taxi Cab Boosting
1. Taxi Cab Missions
V. Fire Truck Boosting
1. When to use the fire truck
2. When not to use the fire truck
3. Fire truck missions
VI. Ambulance Missions
1. Paramedic Missions
VII. Law enforcement vehicle boosting
1. Finding and Obtaining Law Enforcement Vehicles
2. Vigilante Mode
A. Police Car
B. Enforcer (Swat Truck)
C. FBI Car
D. Barracks OL (Army truck)
E. Rhino (Tank)
VIII. Bullet Proof Vehicle boosting
1. Bullet/Explosion/Fire proof Cheetah
A. Tank Run
B. Tank Block
C. Road Block
D. Road Block 2
2. Bullet Proof Securicar
3. Bullet Proof Patriot
4. Bullet Proof Barracks OL
5. Bullet/Explosion/Fire proof Bobcat
IX. Tips
X. General FAQ
XI. Special Links
*XII. Creditz/Contactz/Copyright
*XIII. Permissions


I. Introduction
This following text is for the game Grand Theft Auto 3 for Playstation 2 only.
This text will inform you on how to do certain things such as the car boosting
missions, and other missions using Emergency Vehicles. This will also help you
find cars and give you tips on other things. I have done my best to make this as
simple as I can and I've done my best to find the easiest way to do things. THIS
GUIDE IS IN NO WAY EVEN CLOSE TO PERFECT so you are always welcome to drop me a
line suggesting/correcting things. Read this guide before you attempt most of
the things listed here. There may be easier ways to do things or things I've
missed or got wrong. Feel free to contact me about it but don't be stupid.

II. Newz and Updates

Final (2-25-2k2) I've been still getting a lot of emails about my guide,
suggesting things. Only a few things have interested me, worthy of putting into
this guide. However, I think I have covered every aspect of what I needed to in
this FAQ. I appreciate all of the feedback, hints, and tips. However, I think
this guide has everything you need and no longer needs to be updated.

2.1 (2-13-2k2) Permissions update. That's all

2.0 (2-6-2k2) Little updates. I'm submitting this version because I didn't
submit 1.9 like I said I was gunna.

1.9 (2-5-2k2) Some small corrections but I am updating the Vigilante Mode
section and some other stuff. I also updated how to get an FBI car and there is
some useful info in that section so check it out. This version will be submitted.

1.8 (2-4-2k2) More small corrections. This version will not be submitted.

1.7 (2-2-2k2) Few corrections and I'm adding a new section. This version will
not be submitted.

1.6 (2-2-2k2) I'm gunna make more corrections to this guide plus add more
vehicle pictures. I also got some tips and other information from some people
that I wish to post. I will be sending in this version.

1.5.1 (1-31-2k2) Some more corrections on the way. I've went through the guide
again and fixed a lot of stuff. I will submit this version today though.

1.4.3 (1-30-2k2) Vehicle locations rewritten, I'm also adding an FAQ section and
adding to the Tips section

1.4 (1-30-2k2) Some vehicle pictures were added. I don't have them all but I do
have a lot. I got them from so check that out.

1.3.1 (1-29-2k2) I got a few emails correcting things as soon as version 1.3
went up. I corrected these things but I will not submit this version. Probably
version 1.4 but definitely version 1.5

1.3 (1-29-2k2) Last night I did some more research and I'm gunna update the
"modes" section for each of the Emergency Vehicles. I have some new info. Also,
I've been getting a lot of emails and I thank everybody for the feedback and
tips, whether you were helpful or not but keep sending those tips. Today I am
going to submit this new version to the sites listed in the added Permissions

Version 1.2.4 (1-28-2k2) I went over the guide EXTENSIVELY especially the
"modes" for Emergency Vehicles. I found some of my information was wrong, or
misleading so I will have to research more. However I will not submit this
version to Next version I will.

Version 1.2 (1-28-2k2) - Today or yesterday my guide was added to
and I got a request for it to be posted on which I will do. I got
an email from the dude I jacked the car pictures from and he wasn't too happy of
me using them but anyway, I have to take those out of my guide. But I'm going to
be going over the whole guide. I've been playing the game like crazy and I now
know a lot about it and I have a lot of stuff to post

Version 1.1 (1-16-2k2) - Doing little updates like adding to the bullet proof
section and Vigilante modes section. My shit still isn't on but
hopefully when it does I'll update it.

Version 1.0 (1-12-2k2) - First version of this guide finished. Tonight I intend
to submit my work to

III. Car boosting garage in Portland Docks
In the Portland Docks, there is a garage with a list on it. The list is the cars
you can get and bring back here to get rewards. You will get $1,000 per car but
you cannot bring the same car back twice. Please note that the cars can be
trashed (But I haven't brought back any severely damaged cars yet so I dunno).
When you get all the cars, you get 16 pick-ups which allow you to get any car
from the list whenever you please plus you get $200,000 when completing the list.
Most of these cars can be found in Portland, however you will need have all 3
islands to be unlocked in order to complete the list. Also note that cars cannot
be brought to the garage while you are doing a mission.

A. Location of garage

The Portland Harbor is by Joey's place. It is located next to the super market
and the street behind the police station. Once you enter, there are trailers to
your right and 3 cars parked slightly to your left, 2 cars and a truck usually.
Go to the left of those cars and there is an ally way, as soon as you head down
that ally, you can make a left, make it. You go straight until there are these 2
farm cylinder thingy look a likes, make the right there. In your view there
should be a garage with a list to the left of it. This is where you need to
bring the cars on the list.

Please note that you can use the maps at
To locate the locations you might find in this section. You can also use the map
that came with the game.

B. List of cars - Please note that you only need and can only bring 1 of each of
these cars to the garage. Cars with stars cannot be found just simply on the
streets. 2 stars indicated the car requires special means of getting

** Securicar
Moonbeam -
*Trashmaster -
Patriot -
*Mr. Whoopee -
Blista -
Yankee -
Bobcat -
*Dodo -
Rumpo -
Pony -

C. Where to find or how to get these cars (Please note that under locations, 2 *
indicates that that location is closest)
Securicar - I originally posted that there was no area where you can find
Securicars. I have learned and been informed that there is and have seen them in
many spots, but they are VERY VERY RARE. Your best bet is to go to Staunton
island by the whole North side of the island. That's where I've seen most of

Special means of getting this car: There are 3 missions that come to my mind.

1. The first one is a Joey mission, where you have to jack up a Securicar. Pound
the shit out of the car with something like a Patriot or fire truck until the
driver bails. Get rid of the police and (I'm unsure if this works because I
don't get the Securicar from this mission) drive it back to and place it into
your garage. Now fail the mission by dieing or getting busted. Go back to your
garage and it should be there.

2. The second is a Donald Love mission where you have to protect a securicar. As
you driving with a securicar, you should soon find other securicars running the
streets (the game is supposed to do that for some reason.) Simply jack one of
these and wait for the mission to pass or fail then bring it to the garage. I
warn you though, I've done this mission a few times and there's times when I
went through the whole mission and didn't see any other Securicars, and there's
times when before we even got onto the first street, Securicars popped up.

3. The third is a Donald Love mission where you have to be a decoy in a
securicar. This mission is tough. When you get into the Securicar, as quickly as
you can, get to the airport. When you get to the airport, drive around on the
runways not near the streets until time runs out. Once you pass the mission by
staying alive by the time the timer runs out you loose your wanted level.
Moonbeam - Van

Portland - Greasy Joey's Cafe (Callahan Point)**
Head Radio Station (Harwood)
Staunton - Projects (Bedford Point)
Hospital (Rockford)
Parking lot under AMCO building
Coach - A modern bus.

Locations: After leaving the harbor lot, make a left and a left on the next
street (you should see the Coaches already.) go into that lot and jack one.
Surprisingly, one has an alarm. (Note: THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS AS BUSES.
Buses look no way like this.)
Flatbed - No locations of this car

Locations: None
Areas where you can find this car: Near the army surplus (Staunton/Rockford).
Time of the day: Anytime
Special means of getting car: Go jack the Barracks OL at the army surplus and
drive around, there should soon be other Flatbeds driving around the streets
since the Barracks OL is a Flatbed, army style.
Linerunner - Front part of an 18-Wheeler

Locations: Closest is in Portland Harbor beyond the trailers and tractor
trailers once you enter the harbor to the right
Trashmaster - Garbage truck

Locations: None
Areas where you can find this car: Anywhere in Staunton island
Time of the day: Night
Special means of getting car:

1. When you blow up the triad fish factory as one of your last missions in
Portland, you have to get a Trashmaster which is rigged with a bomb. I dunno if
you can fit it in your garage though so you might not be able to get it. Someone
give me the heads up.

2. When you play the fire truck missions, eventually one of the cars/trucks will
be a trashmaster. Put it out and then jack it.
Patriot - A Hummer - off road vehicle

Locations: Many, closest is the super market next to the harbor.
Areas where to find this car: Near the harbor or Stadium in Staunton island
Time of day: Any
Special means of getting car: None
Mr. Whoopee - Ice Cream truck

Locations: None
Areas where to find this car: Ceader Groove behind Columbian Cartel mission. You
have to wait for it, it comes once a day. Others say if you drive around
Cochrane dam and the Porter Tunnel you have a better chance of getting it.
Time: Night usually
Special means of getting car: Play fire truck missions, eventually one will be a
Mr. Whoopee. Same with vigilante mode.
Blista - Mini-van

Staunton - Parking across from stadium (Aspatria)
Asuka's Condo (Newport)**
Garage near Multi-story Garage and Pay N Spray (Newport)**
Parking lot under AMCO building (Torrington)
Shoreside - Airport Parking
Hotel Parking (Wichita Gardens)
Mule - U-Haul looking truck

Locations: Closest is in the Harbor, don't confuse it with the Yankee. The
difference if that the back part of the truck hangs over the front. Refer to
Yankee - U-Haul looking truck

Locations: Closest is in Portland harbor near the ship that you blow up with the
help of 8 ball. It doesn't have the overhang like the Mule does.
Bobcat - 4X4 pickup truck

Portland - Gas Station (Harwood)
Easy Credit Auto (Harwood)
Marco's Bistrol (St. Marks)
Staunton - Stadium Parking (Aspatria)
Hospital (Rockford)
Shoreside - Park (Wichita Gardens)
Dodo - Airplane

Locations: (Please note you cannot get this car/plane until the Drop In The
Ocean mission with Donald Love. Don't fly it back either, you probably won't
make it.)

3rd Hangar when you enter airport on the road with red lights **
Helicopter Landing Pad (Shoreside Vale/Francis Intl. Airport)
Hanger by middle of first runway (Shoreside Vale/Francis Intl. Airport)

Special means of getting this car: Must complete Drop In The Ocean mission with
Donald Love
Bus - A traditional school bus though it doesn't have school bus colors in the

Locations: None (The Coach is a different type of bus then the Bus so it is not
in that lot next to the harbor contrary to what many people believe.)
Areas to find car: I've found this bus mainly near the bridge going from
Portland to Staunton.
Time of day: Night
Special means of getting car: None
Rumpo - Van with a sliding door though you cannot open it in the game

Portland - 8-Ball's (Harwood)
SawMills by bridge (Trenton)**
Staunton - Hospital (Rockford)
Shoreside - Airport
Pony - Looks like the Rumpo except with a larger roof.

Portland - Alley (Chinatown)
Crane & Crusher(Harwood)
Behind Supermarket (Portland Harbor)**
AM Petroleum Company


IV. Emergency vehicles Crane in Portland Dock
There is a crane in the harbor that picks up emergency vehicles and places them
on a ship. You get $1,500 per EV (Emergency Vehicle) and after finishing the
list, you get $200,000 as well as 7 pick-ups which allow you the choice of any
of the cars on the list whenever you come back to this area.

A. Location of Crane

When you enter the harbor go all the way straight down past the numbered garages,
and make the first left. As soon as you car, make a right. You will come to an
area with a (I believe it is a Yankee) truck and crates and a yellow striped
square (very hard to see unless brightness settings are turned up at nighttime).
Simply get the Emergency cars and put them here and the crane does the work. DO
NOT leave the crane until you receive your money and the crane starts coming
back. I placed an ambulance down and right away left the scene. I was out of the
harbor on the streets when I got my money and when I came back with a fire truck,
the crane wouldn't do anything and I could see it stuck by the boat. There is no
way to correct this problem besides restart a new game.

Please note that you can use the maps at
To locate the locations you might find in this section. You can also use the map
that came with the game.

B. List of cars (Note: 2 * indicated that special means are needed to obtain.)

Police Car -
Ambulance -
Fire Truck -
Barracks OL -
**FBI Car -
Enforcer -
**Tank (Rhino) -

C. Where to find/How to get them.
Police Car - Simple police car.

Locations: If you cannot locate one then you shouldn't be playing this game.
Easiest way to get one of these is go to the local police station. The easiest
way to get to a police station is get busted. This can be done simply by
punching a cop then running into a car and just staying still. He will rip you
out of the car and bust you.
Special means of getting this car:

1. Go to local police station

2. Stop a police car or approach one stopped at a light, go to the opposite side
that the driver is on (make sure there is no passenger cop as this trick will
not work. Now you can either shoot a bullet at the car or try to enter it. The
cop will then get out of the left door. Now jump into the car via the passenger
door and take off. If the cop starts pulling the handle, swerve the car but do
not let the acceleration off. Go somewhere and avoid the cops till your wanted
level disappears.

3. Cause a basic crime. Wait for cops to come while standing still in person or
in a car. When the cop(s) get out of a police car, drill them with your car or
shoot them. After you kill them you will have a wanted level of at least 2. In
the harbor, if you make a right when entering it and go down and make a left
after the trailers so your parallel to the boat, there is this thing you go
under and under it is a police star that will jack your wanted level down 1 star.
By the time you get to the crane and it gets shipped, you'll have no wanted
Ambulance - Basic ambulance

Locations: Hospitals
Special means of getting this car:

1. To find the local hospital, die somehow (driving off a ramp into the water
after flipping a fast car or doing a phat stunt is my favorite or doing 1 man
army against law enforcement) and you will be at a hospital. However, there will
be no ambulance. Go away from the hospital a few blocks then return and your
ambulance will be there. Sometimes their locked.

2. Kill at least 2 (3 for best results) people by any means (easiest being
drilling them down with a car) Wait about 10 seconds and by then a ambulance
should appear on the scene. If not you have to try again after loosing your
wanted level to avoid getting more then 1 star. Wait until the 2 medics totally
leave the ambulance because they fight for that thing until the death. You will
most likely have a 1 star wanted level when killing/running over people but make
sure 1 of those people are not a cop and don't kill the paramedics. I mean come
on, they are nice people running around saving the people that you just killed
in cold blood. They also walk around singing those annoying pop songs you here
on the radio. On second thought, you might wanna pop them. Watch your wanted
Fire truck - Basic fire truck with hose on top

Locations: Fire stations
Special means of getting this car:

1. Easiest is to find fire stations. Since you cannot just blow up and end there
I'll tell you where each is. In Portland, there is one by 8-Ball's place. The
gas station is right across the street. The fire truck is always on the side
facing the gas station. If it's not there, go away and return. In Staunton, the
fire station is on the road that is closest to the water that leads to Shoreside
Vale. The stadium is also on it and this rode travels under another and also
under the bridge. You cannot miss the fire truck as you head from the stadium to
the other side of the map. In shoreside, enter the road leading to the airport.
Before you smash through a gate, on the right there should be a parking lot
closed off by a gate. On the left should be a bright red fire truck. If it's not
there return

2. 2 Molotov cocktails anywhere on the street or on a car should attract a fire
truck. Also a flamethrower.
Barracks OL - Army flatbed

Locations: Army Surplus, the entrance for this is near the stadium, on the
opposite side of the entrance to the tunnel. There's a mission when you have to
go here and help some dude fight off Columbians. There is also a locked tank
here that unlocks after you finish the game
Special means of getting this car:

1. Stupidly, you can get 6 stars and call upon the army. Good luck.

2. Refer numbers 3,4,5 of special means of getting the FBI car and you can try
the same for the Barracks OL or Tank.
FBI Car - Black car with blue siren in windsheild

Locations: None
Special means of getting this car:

1. Get 5 stars to call upon the FBI. Refer to the guide on how to get a tank and
use that strategy to get an FBI car. I quote "Easier said then done". Watch out
cause the FBI is packing the "heaters" as everyone refers to them because of
them being in that movie Heat

2. Get 5 stars, when a FBI Car approaches you, kill the agents and quickly type
in R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level

3. Get 5 stars and drive (you don't actually need a car) back to your hideout,
the best one to do this is at the Staunton hideout and it is possible to do at
Shoreside). But anyway, repair the car if you need to then drive up to the
entrance and stick the nose of the car out. As soon as you see the FBI car, back
up all the way back to the end of your hideout. The FBI car should follow you.
When they do, get out of your car and they should jump out of theirs too.
Quickly get to the door/elevator and save the game. When you come back after
saving or not saving, the FBI agents will usually be gone but an FBI car will be
at your disposal. I noticed that when the FBI agents and car really close to
your save door/elevator they will most likely be there when your done saving. If
they are farther away, then they will not be there when your done saving. Have
full armor and health when trying.("Sul2e"

4. After trying the above I have come up with some other ways. First off, you
can get a wanted level of 1 star, then use the Wanted level code twice (R2, R2,
L1, R2, L, R, L, R, L, R) to get a wanted level of 5. Then you can lure an FBI
car in, do what it says above this then put in the No wanted level code (R2, R2,
L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D) in and you have an FBI car and got rid of the wanted
level. You can also get 5 police bribes by doing the vigilante modes on the
different islands and use those.

5. Go to the park in the center of the 2nd island. Get a warning level of 5 by
doing whatever you please. Now go by the bathrooms which the one door is open
(the door you go into to do the currupt cop missions of course this will not
work if there is a blue circle before the door). Now go to the nearest exit by
the park and wait til an FBI car enters. Now run by holding down the X button
and a little before you get to the stairs, Stop. You should here the FBI get out
of their car right behind you. Now run to the bathroom door and go inside
(You'll most likely take fire and loose life so have full armor and life). You
can come back out whenever or after you do the no wanted level code and your FBI
car should most likely be there without the FBI.
Enforcer - Swat Van

Locations: Staunton Police Station
Special means of getting this car:

1. Get to the police station on Staunton island. When your at the pay and spray,
there are three exits to leave this area. 2 of them have the garage next to them.
Exit the one that's not with the garage next to it. You should now make a right
and you'll be on a highway type of road behind the Pay N Spray. Follow that
highway down until the opposite side splits down. The first exit (NOT STREET)
leads to the police station. There is a gate to the right. You can jack a police
car which there is one to your left and get through the gate or run up to
station steps and jump over the right wall thingy to get behind the gate and
loose 2 points from your life. Run back there and there should be 1 or 2 cops
cars, another fast car sometimes and almost always a swat van

2. Get 4 stars to call on swat. Them big trucks will devastate you if your in a
sports car. Go with a fire truck and refer to the how to get a tank guide on and use that strategy for getting these trucks.

3. Get 4 stars, when a Swat van approaches you, kill the men and quickly type in
R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level though this is highly
unrecommended cause you will probably get drilled.
Tank - Scary looking thing (Please note you cannot get a Wanted level of 6 until
you beat the Drop in the Ocean mission for Donald Love even if you use the code)

Locations: Army surplus (locked unless game is beat)
Special means of getting this car:

1. Code: C, C, C, C, C, C, R1, L2, L1, T, C, T

2. Check on how to get the tank FAQ on

3. Beat the game and the tank at the army surplus will be unlocked.

4. Get 6 stars, when a Tank approaches you, kill the soldiers and quickly type
in R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level

5. Refer numbers 3,4,5 of special means of getting the FBI car and you can try
the same for the Barracks OL or Tank.


V. Car boosting garage in Shoreside Vale
This is exactly the same thing as the Portland harbor, with a more exotic list.
The cars are however very easy to find since by the time you get to this garage,
all 3 islands are unlocked. After completing the list, you get $200,000 and 16
pickups that allow you to return to this garage to get any of the cars of the
list whenever you want it.

Please note that you can use the maps at
To locate the locations you might find in this section. You can also use the map
that came with the game.

A. Location of Garage

When you leave the bridge or tunnel and your on the main road, follow it down
all the way until it makes a 90 degree turn left (overlooking the dam). As soon
as it turns, on your left is your garage and list.

B. Car list (Note: 1 * indicated there are no parked versions of this car and 2
* means you need to get this car by special means.

Cheetah -
Banshee -
Stinger -
Infernus -
Esperanto -
Kuruma -
*Stretch -
Perennial -
Landstalker -
Manana -
Idaho -
Stallion -
Taxi -
Cabbie -
**BF Injection

C. How to get/Where to find cars (Note: For locations 2 * indicates the closest
to the garage.)

Sentinal - Mercedes almost looking car (I dunno how else to explain it)

Portland - Marco's Bistrol (St. Marks)
Staunton - Kenji's Casino (Torrington)
Police Station (Torrington)
Shoreside - Airport Parking **

Where/When to find this car: Torrington anytime
Cheetah - Ferrari Modena looking car which is the fastest in the game

Shoreside - House driveway next to Columbian mansion (Cedar Grove) **

Where/When to find this car: This car can be found always by the
Staunton/Shoreside Bridge and in the tunnel system. You can also find this car
basically anywhere in Shoreside but your best luck is the bridge.
Special means of getting car:

1. Unlock 3rd island. Sometimes you might be able to find it by the bridge area
before you unlock the 3rd island but its rare to find until you unlock the 3rd
Banshee - Convertible with a racing stripe

Portland - Easy Credit Auto Building (Harwood)
Staunton - Asuka's Condo (Newport)
Kenji's Casino (Torrington)
Shoreside - Rest Area Parking Lot (Cedar Grove) **

Where/When to find this car: Anywhere in Shoreside and on the Shoreside/Staunton
Stinger - Convertible that looks like the above car but more like the Mercedes
SLK 230 Kompressor ( You will
notice it best by it's lights and hood ornament in between them.

Staunton - Project's (Bedford Point)
Shoreside - House Drive Way by bridge (Cedar Grove) **

Where/When to find this car: You can find it on the 3 islands but the best place
is to find this in Shoreside or on the bridge.
Infernus - Sports car which is like the Cheetah but can be noticed by it's back
wing. It looks like a Lamborgeni? Diablo.

Shoreside - Airport Parking **

Where/When to find this car: Around Shoreside and on the bridge and almost
always can be found in the tunnels
Special means of getting car:

1. I really did not get access to this car until I unlocked the 3rd island not
saying that you can't find it in Staunton. Try by the road connecting to the
bridge connecting Staunton/Shoreside.
Esperanto - A 2 door older Cadillac looking car

Portland - Old School Hall (Chinatown)
Gas Station (Harwood)
Staunton - Hospital Parking (Rockford)
Shoreside - Airport Parking **

Where/When to find this car: You can find this car on all 3 islands.
Kuruma - 4 door car

Portland - Greasy Joey's Cafe (Callahan Point)
Easy Credit Autos (Harwood)
HEAD Radio Station (Harwood)
Portland Harbor
Mama's restaurant (St. Marks)
Staunton - Projects (Bedford Point)
Hospital (Rockford)
Shoreside - Projects (Wichita Gardens)**

Where/When to find this car: This car is not that hard to miss but you really
cannot find it on the 3rd island as much as the 2 other islands. It appears on
the bridge and near the airport though and always in the tunnels.
Stretch - Limo

Locations: No parked locations
Where/When to find this car: Around the Stadium in Staunton, around Donald
Love's place when you start playing his missions and around Shoreside
Special means of getting car:

1. The car is given to you by Joey and Salvatore in 2 missions on the first
island. Grab it then or you really won't be able to find another one until you
start playing the Donald Love missions.

2. Start playing the Donald Love missions and they just suddenly always appear
in that part of the city.
Perennial - Granny type of car, old station wagon

Portland - Alley Behind XXX Magazines (Chinatown)
Easy Credit Auto (Harwood)
Portland Harbor
Parked on street with Police Station and Hospital (Portland View)
Shoreside - Hotel Parking (Wichita Gardens) **

Where/When to find this car: Anywhere but mostly in Portland.
Landstalker - SUV

Staunton - Cabin in Belleville Park
Asuka's Condo (Newport)
Shoreside - House driveway on same street as Columbian Mansion (Cedar Grove) **
Airport Parking
Hotel Parking (Wichita Gardens)

Where/When to find this car: Anywhere especially around the Stadium in Staunton,
in the tunnel and anywhere in Shoreside
Manana - 2 door car that looks like them old Civics

Staunton - Parking under the AMCO building (Torrington)
Shoreside - Airport Parking **

Where/When to find this car: Anywhere.
Idaho - Looks like the Esperanto except the roof is white

Portland - Old School Hall (Chinatown)
Supermarket (Trenton)
Staunton - Parking lot across from Stadium (Aspatria) **
Kenji's Casino (Torrington)

Where/When to find this car: Portland and Staunton. Don't mistake it for the
Yardie gang car. The Yardie gang car is Pink and has Leopard covered seats.
Stallion - 2 door car with the roof is a different color then the car. Don't
confuse with Diablo Stallion which is black with fire on it. This car also
appears with the top down.

Portland - AM Petroleum Company (Trenton)
Staunton - Parking lot across from Stadium (Aspatria)
Car Garage (Newport)
Hospital (Rockford)
Shoreside - Rest Area Parking (Cedar Grove) **
Airport Parking

Where/When to find this car: Anywhere

Locations: If you cannot find a Taxi in this game, then you shouldn't be playing
Where/When to find this car: ALL OVER. There is not a street that you can go
down and not see a Taxi
Cabbie - Older looking Taxi

Portland - Mean Street Taxis (Trenton) **

Where/When to find this car: You can find it on the streets mixed in with Taxis.
The cars are similar in only color but can completely be distinguished from each
other. The tunnel is always best for finding these but you don't really need to
go here to get them.
BF Injection - When you go visit Joey, in his shop you'll see a jeep car and
sometimes he'll be working on it. That's the BF Injection.

Locations: Misty's apartment in Portland
Where/When to find this car: Misty's old apartment in Portland
Special means of getting car:

1. After you kill Salvatore when you get access to the 2nd island, go back to
Misty's apartment (where you picked her up to drive her to Joey's) and it will
sometimes be there.


IV. Securicar Boosting
A securicar is a Money Truck basically. It is the hardest vehicle to find in the
game because there are no parked Securicars and they are VERY rare to find on
the streets. There is other ways to get it.

A. How to get a Securicar

1. The first one is a Joey mission, where you have to jack up a Securicar. Pound
the shit out of the car with something like a Patriot or fire truck until the
driver bails. Now drive the car back to your garage after getting rid of the
police and refer to the tips sections how to get this car by failing the mission
by destroying it but getting it back.

2. The second is a Donald Love mission where you have to protect a securicar. As
you driving with a securicar, you should soon find other securicars running the
streets (the game is supposed to do that for some reason.) Simply jack one of
these and wait for the mission to pass or fail then bring it to the garage. I
warn you though, I've done this mission a few times and there's times when I
went through the whole mission and didn't see any other Securicars, and there's
times when before we even got onto the first street, Securicars popped up.

3. The third is a Donald Love mission where you have to be a decoy in a
securicar. This mission is tough. When you get into the Securicar, as quickly as
you can, get to the airport. When you get to the airport, drive around on the
runways not near the streets until time runs out. Once you pass the mission you
loose your wanted level.

B. How to get money from a Securicar.

When your in the Portland Harbor, sooner or later you should get a beep saying
if you have any Securicars, bring them somewhere to get money. Well if you can
actually find any Securicars, you can bring them into the Portland harbor and
when you enter the harbor, go straight and on your left there should be numbered
garage. The garage that doesn't have a number (it's supposed to be # 2) is the
garage you can bring securicars to crack them. You get $5,000 for the first
Securicar then it decreases -$500 for every other Securicar you bring. So the
1st one is $5,000. The 2nd $4,500 and the 3rd is $4,000. When you get down to
$500, after that it doesn't accept anymore. You can make a totally of $27,500
delivering Securicars.

C. Unlimited Supply

Take note that when you complete the car list for the Portland Harbor, you can
return to that garage ANY time to get any car on that list. One of them is of
course a Securicar. You can use this to make money off of the Securicars by
reading the above text.


VI. Taxi Cab Boosting
The taxi cab is of course the easiest car to find as well as the most frequent
seen. The taxi cab is good for jacking and going. Watch out because the towel
heads will come back for their car if you don't jack them and be out.

1. Taxi cab missions

By hitting R3 when in a taxi and not in a mission, you will be in Taxi Cab mode,
where you have to pick up people and drive them to their destination within the
time limit. There are rules, but this is one of the easiest ways to get money.

The money you receive depends on how far the location is from where you pick up
the fare. From one side of the map to the other is over $1000. If you get there
fast, you get a speed bonus. If you get to the location, and wait till time runs
down to about 5 seconds then enter the blue circle, you will not get any extra
money for having the person in your cab longer. It's best to just go for the
speed bonus. Every 5 fares you get an amount of money starting off with $2,000
when you get 5 in a row, then $4,000 when you get 10 in a row and so on.
Supposedly if you get 100 non-consecutive fares, you will get the borgoine Taxi
which you can pick up at the taxi building in Portland by the tunnel entrance
and I think it's also next to HEAD radio station. (Thanx

Rules and tips:

1. You must get a person and drive them to the destination marked by a colored
square on your map within the time limit.
2. Don't start doing Taxi cab missions in a newly discovered island. Get to
learn the area first. For me, Staunton Island is the easiest and best place to
do any of the car missions.
3. Wreck the car and no one will get in it
4. Do too many stunts or hit too many things and your passenger will flee and
you will loose a fair
5. There are only a select number of places where you have to go to. Your not
just gunna be told a street name, your going to be told a building or place. Use
your map to see if it's in the area or get to it's area as quick as you can. The
faster you do this, the more time you have to pick up the next fare and you get
that time plus the time added on for the next fare
6. Note that everytime you get a successful fare, the time for the next mission
after you pick up your next fare will be added to the time you already have.


V. Fire Truck Boosting
The fire truck is one of the most fun vehicles to ride around with. It comes
equipped with sirens, a hose you can spray, and a hell of a punch but without
good speed, acceleration, and handling (I'm comparing this to a car like a
Cheetah). These can be picked up at your local fire stations (Check Portland
Crane section to see how to get this truck and other emergency vehicles) and
become a huge advantage to you.

1. When to use the fire truck

A. Missions where you have to deal with cops
B. Missions where you have to destroy vehicles
C. Missions where you need to drill through things (like getting through the

2. When not to use the fire truck

A. Timed missions with limited amount of time
B. When you have to chase after somebody unless you have to destroy their car
C. When your being chased
D. Races where you have to race to check points. The Cheetah's will burn you
unless they blow up and the Patriot is most likely to win in the mission bling
bling scramble.

3. Fire truck missions

By hitting R3 when in a fire truck and not doing a mission, you will be
dispatched to put out car fires. You have to race to the burning vehicle which
is marked on your map with a colored square within the time limit or it will
explode. You will be given an area name where the vehicle is located so use your
map to get there. When you get to the burning vehicle, push the Circle button to
spray the hose and use the right Analog stick to aim it. A half of second spray
will put the car out. If it doesn't, move forward, backward, or move the hose
around more. You will have a few seconds before your dispatched again. You can
loose a lot of time by being faced the wrong way. If your on the right side of
the map, it's most likely the next fire will be on the left side of the map so
face that way. Same goes with all directions. Once the fire goes out, you should
right away turn to wherever you think the next fire will be. This can give you
more seconds.

The simple equation for how much money you get for each fire you put out for the
fire truck missions is $250 * T = M. T stands for how many fires you've put out
(in a row) and M stands for the amount of money you receive. For example: If you
put out 10 fires ($250 * 10) then you will get $2,500. You get bonus money for
every 10 fires. If you put out 20 fires in each of the 3 islands, you will get
unlimited flamethrowers at your hideout. (60 fires total)


1. The fire truck can rip through cars. Use this to your advantage but it will
eventually send the Fire truck into flames itself.
2. Take turns slow, it is very hard to flip the fire truck but hitting a wall
while turning will usually flip the truck over
3. This ain't the vehicle to be doing stunts in


VI. Ambulance Boosting
The ambulance isn't that great of a vehicle. It has speed but is really really
easy to flip over. You can use it's siren though.

1. Paramedic Missions

While in an Ambulance, press R3 to start ambulance missions. These missions
require you to locate and pick-up wounded citizens and drive them back to the
local hospital. These missions are very hard because the Ambulance is very very
easy to tip over and if you make the ride very displeasing for your patient, he
will die. To add on, you will do 'levels' of Paramedic missions. For each level,
you have to pick up another person. So the first level, you would pick up 1
person. The second, you would pick up 2 and so on. This is required to be done
in the time limit.

How much money you get everytime you complete a 'level' goes by the equation 100
* L * P = M. L stands for what level your on, P stands for how many people you
rescue that level, and M standing for the end result of money. So say if your on
Paramedic Level 3 and you save all 3 people (100 * 3 * 3). You would get $900
after that level. Say if your on Paramedic level 5 and you rescue only 3 of the
people (100 * 5 * 3), you would only get $1500 opposed to the $2500 you would
get if you saved all the patients. If you save 35 people on any of the islands,
you get infinite Health and get 70 for infinite Adrenaline Pill icons at your
hideout. If you complete all 12 levels of the Ambulance mission, you get the
infinite run ability. (Thanx, "Daniel Feit")


1. Map out the area first, make sure you know the whole island you are on
2. You can be as wreck lace as you want (just avoiding hazards that the
Ambulance might role over if hit) on the way to getting your patient. On the way
to driving him back, you have to be very careful or else your patient will die.
Watch out for collisions and role overs, even role overs where the Ambulance
might recover.
3. Use main roads, multilane roadways so you can easily get through traffic.
This way you have room to maneuver, and other cars have room to move out of the
4. Unless time restricts it, you should go get the farthest person from the
hospital first and then work your way back to the hospital. It doesn't make
sense to go get the farthest, come back and get the closest, then go and get the
2nd closest on Paramedic Level 3.
5. Once your patient steps into the ambulance, take off to your next patient.
This will save you a few seconds. You don't have to worry because your patient
will not fly out of the truck.
6. When using your siren with any emergency vehicle, cars except for police cars
will get out of your way, even if it means slamming into other cars or running
people over. Just take note that if you are on the left side of a car that you
are approaching, it will move to the right no matter what so it's best you move
left or keep a straight line. This also applies if you are on the right side.
Watch your speed because coming up on them fast will almost ensure a hit. For
oncoming traffic, if you are on the right, they will go left. Going at traffic
is more dangerous
7. I suggest for any other missions, you do them in Staunton Island. However,
for the Paramedic missions, I suggest you do it in Portland and really only at
the beginning of the game. The 2 reasons for this is because at the beginning of
the game, your "cool" with all of the gangs. By the time you unlock the second
island, you will not be able to pass through Triad or Mafia (with their shotguns)
without having the ambulance blown up. Also note that the Hospital in Staunton
is hard to get to. You can go down the steps or you can jump over the one grassy
area and risk tip overs and killing your patient. To get in correctly you have
to go all the way around, loosing precious seconds. Shoreside has a lot of hills
and small roads and is very hard to get around since it is so split up.
8. If you choose to do the Paramedic missions on Staunton Island, you can use
the steps to get down to the blue circle. They are in between the 2 ambulances
that are there but are hard to see from street level. Just don't slam into the
pillar that's right at the end. Also, if you have at least 10 seconds to spare,
go into the blue circle, so that you are facing away from the hospital or
pointing to the steps. This way when you drop of your patient(s), instead of
turning around, you can just be on your way. Unlike the taxi cab missions, the
time is reset everytime you get to a new level.
9. Don't waste your time bringing every patient back to the hospital, go and
pick up a bunch. You can only fit 3 patients into the ambulance. So on your 4th
Paramedic mission, you will have to stop at the Hospital at least once and on
your 7th Paramedic level, you will have to stop 2 times. (Thanx "Lee")

VII. (LEV) Law Enforcement Vehicle boosting
Law enforcement vehicles are the most fun to drive around. Though they lack a
radio, there is much you can do with them. Some of them are very fast and others
you don't want to get in the way of. There are 5 LEV. Here they are as well as
how to find them:

1. Finding and Obtaining Law Enforcement Vehicles
Police Car - Simple police car.

Locations: If you cannot locate one then you shouldn't be playing this game.
Easiest way to get one of these is go to the local police station. The easiest
way to get to a police station is get busted. This can be done simply by
punching a cop then running into a car and just staying still. He will rip you
out of the car and bust you.
Special means of getting this car:

1. Go to local police station

2. Stop a police car or approach one stopped at a light, go to the opposite side
that the driver is on (make sure there is no passenger cop as this trick will
not work. Now you can either shoot a bullet at the car or try to enter it. The
cop will then get out of the left door. Now jump into the car via the passenger
door and take off. If the cop starts pulling the handle, swerve the car but do
not let the acceleration off. Go somewhere and avoid the cops till your wanted
level disappears

3. Cause a basic crime. Wait for cops to come while standing still in person or
in a car. When the cop(s) get out of a police car, drill them with your car or
shoot them. After you kill them you will have a wanted level of at least 2. In
the harbor, if you make a right when entering it and go down and make a left
after the trailers so your parallel to the boat, there is this thing you go
under and under it is a police star that will jack your wanted level down 1 star.
By the time you get to the crane and it gets shipped, you'll have no wanted
Enforcer - Swat Van

Locations: Staunton Police Station
Special means of getting this car:

1. Get to the police station on Staunton island. When your at the pay and spray,
there are three exits to leave this area. 2 of them have the garage next to them.
Exit the one that's not with the garage next to it. You should now make a right
and you'll be on a highway type of road behind the Pay N Spray. Follow that
highway down until the opposite side splits down. The first exit (NOT STREET)
leads to the police station. There is a gate to the right. You can jack a police
car which there is one to your left and get through the gate or run up to
station steps and jump over the right wall thingy to get behind the gate and
loose 2 points from your life. Run back there and there should be 1 or 2 cops
cars, another fast car sometimes and almost always a swat van

2. Get 4 stars to call on swat. Them big trucks will devastate you if your in a
sports car. Go with a fire truck and refer to the how to get a tank guide on and use that strategy for getting these trucks.

3. Get 4 stars, when a Swat van approaches you, kill the men and quickly type in
R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level though this is highly
unrecompensed cause you will probably get drilled.
FBI Car - Black car with blue siren in windsheild

Locations: None
Special means of getting this car:

1. Get 5 stars to call upon the FBI. Refer to the guide on how to get a tank and
use that strategy to get an FBI car. I quote "Easier said then done". Watch out
cause the FBI is packing the "heaters" as everyone refers to them because of
them being in that movie Heat

2. Get 5 stars, when a FBI Car approaches you, kill the agents and quickly type
in R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level

3. Get 5 stars and drive (you don't actually need a car) back to your hideout,
the best one to do this is at the Staunton hideout and it is possible to do at
Shoreside). But anyway, repair the car if you need to then drive up to the
entrance and stick the nose of the car out. As soon as you see the FBI car, back
up all the way back to the end of your hideout. The FBI car should follow you.
When they do, get out of your car and they should jump out of theirs too.
Quickly get to the door/elevator and save the game. When you come back after
saving or not saving, the FBI agents will usually be gone but an FBI car will be
at your disposal. I noticed that when the FBI agents and car really close to
your save door/elevator they will most likely be there when your done saving. If
they are farther away, then they will not be there when your done saving. Have
full armor and health when trying.("Sul2e"

4. After trying the above I have come up with some other ways. First off, you
can get a wanted level of 1 star, then use the Wanted level code twice (R2, R2,
L1, R2, L, R, L, R, L, R) to get a wanted level of 5. Then you can lure an FBI
car in, do what it says above this then put in the No wanted level code (R2, R2,
L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D) in and you have an FBI car and got rid of the wanted
level. You can also get 5 police bribes by doing the vigilante modes on the
different islands and use those.

5. Go to the park in the center of the 2nd island. Get a warning level of 5 by
doing whatever you please. Now go by the bathrooms which the one door is open
(the door you go into to do the currupt cop missions of course this will not
work if there is a blue circle before the door). Now go to the nearest exit by
the park and wait til an FBI car enters. Now run by holding down the X button
and a little before you get to the stairs, Stop. You should here the FBI get out
of their car right behind you. Now run to the bathroom door and go inside
(You'll most likely take fire and loose life so have full armor and life). You
can come back out whenever or after you do the no wanted level code and your FBI
car should most likely be there without the FBI.
Barracks OL - Army flatbed

Locations: Army Surplus, the entrance for this is near the stadium, on the
opposite side of the entrance to the tunnel. There's a mission when you have to
go here and help some 1 armed dude fight off Columbians. There is also a locked
tank here that unlocks after you finish the game
Special means of getting this car:

1. Stupidly, you can get 6 stars and call upon the army. Good luck.

2. Refer numbers 3,4,5 of special means of getting the FBI car and you can try
the same for the Barracks OL or Tank.
Tank - Scary looking thing (Please note you cannot get a Wanted level of 6 until
you beat the Drop in the Ocean mission for Donald Love even if you use the code)

Locations: Army surplus (locked unless game is beat)
Special means of getting this car:

1. Code: C, C, C, C, C, C, R1, L2, L1, T, C, T

2. Check on how to get the tank FAQ on

3. Beat the game and the tank at the army surplus will be unlocked.

4. Get 6 stars, when a Tank approaches you, kill the soldiers and quickly type
in R2, R2, L1, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D to have no wanted level

5. Refer numbers 3,4,5 of special means of getting the FBI car and you can try
the same for the Barracks OL or Tank.

2. Vigilante Missions

When you boost a LEV, you can hit R3 to start Vigilante mode. This is not as
hard as the Paramedic missions but this can be a pain in the ass. You are
dispatched to eliminate a criminal threat which shows up as a colored square on
your map. You have to find and pursue the vehicle and kill the person inside.
You can destroy the car and kill the person when they get out or you can block
their path and they will get out of their car picking a fight with a weapon
(usually a shotgun). Note that this must be done in a timely manner. You will
get plenty of time to locate and kill the suspect. The farther they are in the
beginning, the more time you get. There are 4 Vigilante modes with 4 out of the
5 LEV's. If you like doing this, you should complete the Portland Crane
Emergency Vehicle boosting this way you can get any of these vehicles by just
going there.

I'm still researching this but the money you receive everytime you kill a
suspect goes by the equation $500 * T = M where T is how many suspects you've
killed (in a row) and M is how much money you get. For example, if you get 10
kills ($500 * 10) you would get $5,000 dollars. You get bonus money for every 5
kills which goes by the equation 1,000 * K = M. K is equal to how many kills you
got which can only be a number divisible by 5. So when you get 10 kills (1,000 *
10) you would get a $10,000 bonus.

All right, this has been very disputed. I have gotten many emails telling me
that every 10 kills give you 1 police bribe and 10 more (20 total) would give
you another one. I had listed that about every 7 kills. I was wrong but not
entirely wrong because of the word ABOUT. I have tested and concluded that
everyone else is wrong too. I played the Vigilante missions many times on the
different islands and there was never a steady number of kills that I had to get
before I got a police bribe. Numbers came up like 7,9,18,16 but there was never
a steady number like every 10 kills gives you one police bribe. All I can say is
that if you do 20 vigilante missions on an island, you are garenteed to get 2
police bribes, and then you have 20 vigilante missions on each of the other
islands to get 6 total. DO NOT email me anymore about this topic.

A. Police Car

This is the basic vigilante mode. Find your suspect by using your sirens to get
through traffic. When you locate the suspect, get in front of their car and
block it off. They might smash into you but if you don't budge, they'll stop.
Hopefully, when you get out you'll be on the other side of your car. Now take
them out with a weapon or you can just drill them with your car


1. Use the cars speed as an advantage
2. When you stop the car and get out and the car is between you and the suspect,
use a gun such as the sniper rifle or the M-16 to aim in first person view and
shoot the suspect. They usually don't shoot over a car even if you standing by
the hood or trunk.
3. You can pull up beside the suspects car and use the side view to start
shooting their car while driving them into a wall or something. Be careful cause
you can slam into something too.

B. Enforcer (Swat Van)

This is a step up. Not much harder but I think you get more money. The Enforcer
can be a weapon itself. Use it to disable the suspects car or push it off a
bridge or you can just block it off if you can get in front of the suspect's car.
You will have a hard time catching up to the suspect even if their in a van or
something but use it's power to flip the vehicle over.


1. When your near water, try to push the suspects car off into the water. Make
sure you don't go yourself
2. When going after a suspect, if you can predict their next turn when they are
a few car lengths ahead of you, keep your finger on the accelerator as they slow
down to turn. Before or when they turn, hit them as hard as you can, knocking
them into whatever is in the way. Hopefully a building which will damage their
and even flip it. You inflict major damage like this.
3. Knock their car into obstacles to slow them down. If you driving side by side
and there's a wall upcoming, push their car into it. They might flip, stop
completely, or their car will blow up

C. FBI Car

This is just like the police car. It is very fast and has some power. Block off
the suspect or pip them. Refer to general tips.

D. Barracks OL

There is no Vigilante Mode for this vehicle

E. Rhino (Tank)

This is the most fun but a pain in the ass. The tank is deadly slow but all you
need to do is tap the suspects car or shoot them with the tank turret. Try to
predict their movements and after they pass through an area a few times, wait
there. Your best bet is to use the turret to shoot the suspect as they pull away.


1. Use the turret if the suspect starts pulling away.
2. As with the Enforcer, if you can predict their next turn when they are a few
car lengths ahead of you, keep your finger on the accelerator as they slow down
to turn. Before or when they turn, hit them which will destroy their car.
3. When your in an area like a road that is split in the middle and the suspect
tends to go in circles in this area. Stop somewhere and wait for them,
especially when their ahead and they turn around to come back in your direction.
Another strategy you can use is drive in the oncoming lanes this way if the
suspect turns into them to head in the other direction, you can hit them head on,
but if you were behind them, you would loose A LOT of time turning the big heavy
slow tank.
4. reminded me that you can turn the turret around using the
right analog stick and keep shooting it to give you a hell of a speed boost.

3. Vigilante mode General Tips

A. informed me that when you are driving or you are near the car,
pause and unpause, the suspect will get out. You can take it from there. Thanks
for that tip.
B. PIT (Pursuit Intervention Technique) maneuver - Anyone whose ever seen Worlds
Scariest Police Chases know what this is. It is when you take the front of your
car and push the side rear end of the car to make the suspects car spin. This is
in full effect in GTA3 and it is a very good maneuver to use with the Police or
FBI Car. Sometimes it can tip their car, sometimes they hit a wall and just stop,
sometimes they spin and regain control and as you turn around to see what
happened, they are already gone so be quick. (Thanx for correction "Matt Smith"
C. Kaplowie! - With the bigger trucks such as the Enforcer or Barracks OL, a
single hit at top speed can take a suspect's car out of commission permanant.
When their near water or on a bridge, knock them into water. Try tipping them.
Use the PIT maneuver and hit them very hard (swing outward then inward quickly
and your almost always guaranteed a tip). If you happen to be heading for them
head on, hit them head on. Watch as you keep going forward and they, well let's
just say they lost a lot of yardage!
D. Block the path - With a fast LEV such as the Police or FBI car, jet side by
side except be a little more ahead and then start pushing them against a wall.
As they slow down, turn your car inward towards the wall in front of their car
to stop them. Not the best move when your up against a garbage truck.
E. You can get an LEV and bring it to your garage. Start the mission and park
your LEV in your garage. Now enable the destroy all cars code (L2, R2, L1, R1,
L2, R2, T, S, C, T, L2, L1). This will destroy the criminal but not your LEV
because it's in your garage and it will regenerate. Do this as much as you want.
F. Drive-by - You can use the drive-by techniques to destroy the suspects car
and the suspect. It sort of helps you with preserving your car (which doesn't
really matter because when it blows up, you get a time limit to jump into
another LEV) but remember, you cannot see what's in front of you when doing this.
Stay clear of the exploding car. (Thanks for reminding me about this tactic
G. The suspect will never leave the island your chasing him on. They will never
go onto the 2 Bridges but they will use the tunnels but will turn around inside
them to avoid going to the other islands
H. When doing Vigilante mode in Shoreside, note that whenever a suspect is by
Francis Intl. Airport, they will almost always go into the tunnel and drive
through it to the other exit in Shoreside by your hideout. This is a pain in the
ass or an advantage depending on where you are. If your somewhere like Pike
Creek, you might wanna follow him into the tunnel via by using the entrances by
the bridge, however if your by your hideout or the damn, go into the other
entrance into the tunnel by your hideout and cut the suspect off.
I. Don't use sirens in the tunnel. If you pull up to cars on the left, since
they can't go right they pull into your lane. Your better off just maneuvering
around cars.
J. When the suspects stop and get out of their car, If you see them with a
rocket launcher, kill them ASAP because they can easily kill you if your in a
car. For me, whenever the suspect jumps out of his car, I either drive-by them
or run up on them and kill them with the Uzi.
K. If you have a rocket launcher and you can anticipate that the suspect will be
driving your way soon, you can get out of the car and wait for the suspect. Say
if the suspect is driving around that 1 way road around Kenji's casino. There is
only one way out of that road. When you see the suspect go down a road like that,
wait at the other side with the rocket launched. You can also do this many other
places like The construction site, the stadium, the tunnel, the road that goes
under the other road, and in Witchita Gardens. Please note the following. You
usually get a timer that gives you less then 60 seconds to return back to your
LEV so don't get out to early. Also, watch out where you are. If you have a
wanted level or are in gang territory, this isn't your best option. Also note
that when you use the rocket launched, nearby bystanders might come after you
(who in their right mind would come after a crazy lunatic with a tank next to
him and a rocket launcher, but oh well). Remember to "lead" the rocket launcher
because it is very easy to miss the car if it is driving fast and any person
with at least a 5th grade education would know not to shoot the car when it is
driving 5 feet from you. (Thanx "Aaron Swomley" )


VIII. Bullet Proof Vehicle boosting

1. Bullet/Explosion/Fire proof Cheetah

In the mission Turismo which can be accessed on the Portland island by answering
the phone on Diablo turf, your mission is to race 3 Cheetah's (fastest car in
the game) through checkpoints and back to where you started. When you get to the
starting line, you might want to get out and give yourself a little advantage.
By hitting the cars, the race starts. You also cannot shoot them, blow them up
by ANY means, and cannot set them ablaze with the flamethrower or MC's. If you
want one of these cars, don't plan on getting them by trying to open the door
and throw the driver out. The doors are locked. You want these cars for yourself?
There is 1 basic way to get them , but many different ways to achieve this goal.
I will give you 2 which both require you to go down to your Save Point in
Portland and require Tanks..

A. Tank run

Answer the phone and you will be told to get a fast car and get to the starting
line. Jack a tank somehow. If you have not yet gotten to the 3rd or 2nd islands,
the only way to do this is by putting the code in (C, C, C, C, C, C, R1, L2, L1,
T, C, T). Now drive to the starting line and face the opposite way of all the
other cars. The countdown will begin and end and the Cheetah's will be off. Race
back to your Save Point. By the time you get to the Save Point by taking the
easiest way (getting onto the split highway road as soon as possible and
following it down to your save point) you should be facing south (Opposite of
North on the MAP/RADAR) Go past the next street after the save point. The road
splits here, your side turning right and the other side dipping down and going
under a bridge. This is the best spot to do this trick that is closest to your
hideout. There is a checkpoint over here so the Cheetah's must pass through here.
Get on the left side of the road facing south but face the tank West (if you
were going into your Portland save point, that is facing West). Now wait for the
Cheetah's to show by using your side view. They will come very quick so stay
alert. As soon as you see 1,race out into the road and run it over, destroying
it. You might miss the first one which is actually good but you should be able
to get 1 out of 3. Make sure you let one by so it can finish the race. Now take
the black exploded frame and push it back to your garage. Take note that after
one of the Cheetah's that you let go finishes the race, if you take your view
off of the frame of the Cheetah you exploded, it will disappear. You have to
maneuver it just right but you should be able to get it to your garage. When
your their. Line it up upright and facing towards or away from your tank (not
left or right or upside down) by now the surviving Cheetah('s) should have
completed the race. Push it into the garage as far as it can go or else when the
garage door will come down, the frame will disappear. Now if/when the race is
finished, when you go into your garage, your Cheetah will be brand new and
unlocked. Take it out and shoot at it, shoot rockets at it, even use the Tank's
rocket to try to blow it up (but don't run it over) You will not be able to
destroy it. You can destroy it by flipping it or taking too much damage.

B. Tank Block

Before you answer the phone, go down to your save point. Now what I'm about to
tell you will sound weird and you may be skeptical, but this is almost a full-
proof way to get the B/E/F proof Cheetah. Here you can create a road block of
Tanks stemming from the entrance to the area where the Save Point is (blocking
off traffic) to the area where the road splits. You do not have to block off the
road nearby. You can easily get tanks by using the code (C, C, C, C, C, C, R1,
L2, L1, T, C, T). Line them so it creates sort of an off ramp into your Save
Point area. The reason why you have to use tanks is because the Cheetah's will
not be able to push through them, and the tanks will not disappear when you
drive away. The road block will consist of 6-9 tanks but you need an extra one
to destroy the Cheetah with. Now go answer the phone and drive your tank to the
starting line, facing the other way the Cheetah's are. When the race starts,
drive quickly back to your Tank block and park blocking the street off right
before your Save Point. Use the back view to see when the Cheetah's are coming.
When the do, the will be blocked off and turn into or be forced into your Save
point entrance. Drive into there and run one of the Cheetah's over. and it will
be destroyed. Now leave the other 2 but make sure you leave at least one. Sooner
or later they will find a way out of the Tank block. This is good because you
need at least one to complete the race. Now take the Cheetah's remains and push
it into your garage like mentioned in the Tank run section. If/When the race is
finished, you can go back into your garage and your B/E/F proof Cheetah will be
waiting. If you happened to destroy all of the Cheetah's, go and finish the race
off. I THINK (I have never tried this) when you finish the race and come back,
your Cheetah will still be there in your garage. The race needs to finish
because your Cheetah will not regenerate until it is.

To get rid of your tank block, blow them up using MC's or the flamethrower, or
you can drive them one at a time close to the water that is nearby, and then
push them into it using the next tank until your have 1 remaining and do
whatever you like with it. Be sure to drive one of them to the Emergency Vehicle
Crane for money. You might want to keep the block here because once you complete
the Diablo phone missions, you can do the Turismo mission whenever by going back
to that phone, this way if you destroy your Cheetah, you don't have to enter the
code 6-9 times again and line the tanks up again. Just never forget that the
tanks are there because it may hurt you badly in future missions and take note
that this messes with the game engine (less cars on the road, bigger possibility
that game will lock-up).

Of course you can just use the Destroy All Cars code (L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, T,
S, C, T, L2, L1).

C. Road Block

"Phillip Johnston" ( informed me that he blocked the
road by his hideout with a securicar (and you can use other big trucks like that
I guess) and a Cheetah slammed into his car, landing near his garage. He said
after 5 minutes he was able to push it into his garage. If you don't like
cheating, try this. I'm unsure how reliable this is but it can't be that easy.

D. Road Block 2

"Peter J. Rzeminski II" ( did a similar thing to the previous
section. Go to the Coach depot (By Portland Harbor. Check out how to get a Coach
in the Portland Car Boosting section) and grab a bus. Bring it back to your
hideout. Next, jack about 3 cars so you will probably get maybe 2 taxis and a
perennial but try to get a heavier car such as a van. (Or if ya wanna be easy,
put in the tank code and that is all you need) Now put these 3 cars in your
hideout space in places that the Cheetah's might get stuck, such as in the back
of the garage, at the right when you enter this area, and the other spot in the
back. Remember to leave the cars' doors open so they don't disappear. Now take
your Coach and drive it to the phone and get the Turismo mission. Go to the
starting line and face the other way from the Cheetah's. When it starts, drive
back to your hideout. Now position the bus blocking the road off just like in
previous sections except have the front facing out towards the water at a 45
degree angle facing left. This is done because you have to get out of the left
side of the coach. Now when the Cheetah's come, they will go up to your hideout
area. Back the bus up blocking off your hideout area completely. Your best bet
is to put it on an angle. When you think the bus is secure, get out of it. You
should now be trapped inside your hideout area with 2-3 Cheetah's and the cars
you left here. Now take the cars and beat the shit out of each of the Cheetah's
until they blow up. Now take the cars or the bus and push it into your garage.


1. Always let 1 Cheetah go to finish the mission.
2. The best time to do the Turismo mission is as soon as you can because after
you finish the Portland missions, you cannot travel through Triad, Mafia and
sometimes Diablo turf without being shot at or pulled out your tank/truck.
3. The Cheetah can easily be pushed if it's on it's roof but do not push it into
your garage this way
4. Around the 100 second mark is when the Cheetah's should come around. The
first 2 come quickly and the 3rd usually lags behind a little.


2. Bullet Proof Securicar.

In the Portland Joey mission where you have to jack the Securicar mission, do so.
This is a bullet proof Securicar. Get the cops off your tail and find someway to
fail the mission. I think you can store it in your garage then go get killed. If
you have grenades, when your by the door and its open, throw one in (just a
quick tap of the circle button) and run away. This might blow the truck up
ending the mission but nwhen you go back for it, since it is in your garage it
will regenerate. I have not tried this at all though, it is just a theory

3. Bullet Proof Patriot

Complete the mission where you have to get the Corrupt cop who you meet in the
bathroom in the park to the airport without using the bridge (use the tunnel).
When you get him to the airport, he will tell you to go visit his lockup. When
you get there, he beeps you informing you that the Patriot in the garage is
bullet proof.

4. Bullet Proof Barracks OL

I always jack this car when I play this mission but just recently learned about
this. Apparently when you do the mission with the 1 armed dude fighting off the
Columbians (there's a locked tank in the area), after your done, you can get a
special Barracks OL with the back of the truck covered. This truck is bullet
proof and can only be obtained after this mission or I guess if you fail it. If
you come back later for it, it will be a standard Barracks OL. This is a deadly

5. Bullet/Explosion/Fire proof Bobcat

During the evidence mission for the Corrupt cop, the truck you hit to get the
evidence out of it is B/E/F proof. The best advice I can give you is just get
all the evidence, do the no cops code and quickly catch up to the Bobcat (after
you get all the evidence it will no longer show up on your radar). Just follow
it around and flip it over when it's closest to your hideout. If it gets away
from you it will disappear.

Another way to doing this mission (though it is just an untested theory) hit the
truck once so 1 evidence thing comes out. The cops will be after you. Now flip
the Bobcat someway. It will explode when on it's back. All the rest of the
evidence should pop out. You can get it all if you want (just as long as you
didn't get the first one when you first hit the truck). Now do the no wanted
level code. Push the Bobcat back to your garage. I don't think it will disappear
as long as you didn't collect all the evidence.

A 3rd way is to do the same thing. Hit the bobcat once with any car but don't
get the evidence icon that pops out. Now go get a tank and hunt the Bobcat down.
Run it over and it will explode and the evidence will pop out. Push the bobcat
back after doing the no wanted level code.


IX. Tips
This section contains general tips.

Fire Truck - The fire truck is a very very useful vehicle. You can toss any car
that you hit. It will flip and go flying forward/back. The Fire Truck also has
to take a good pounding to explode and it is hard to turnover. Also note that
you can use the siren and traffic (well most of it) will get out of your way
(even if it means hitting bystanders or driving into oncoming traffic). On the
downside, it is very hard to turn. Use this truck for missions when you get FBI
or cops after you. You'll devastate them.

Drive-Bys - You can pull drive bys by pressing the R2/L2 buttons and holding
down the Circle button. Of course you need Uzi ammo. This is a very useful
advantage if you use strategy with it. Also, in missions where you have to
destroy cars like the one in Portland where you have to destroy the 3 Chinese
vans, pull up to the side of the truck and start shooting at it Drive by style.
It don't take long before it explodes. This is easier then slamming the hell out
of the truck or waiting on a street corner with a rocket launcher or grenades.

Police Stars for downgrading wanted level: Get to know where you can get Police
Stars. In missions or not in missions sometimes the cops come after you. Why
bother respraying when you can find one of these stars or many to get your
warning level down to at least 1 star. If you memorize where you can get these,
then you'll be thankful when the FBI is coming after you. Note that you will not
find them on the sidewalk, they will be everywhere except for the obvious.

Drag race - This is real fun and the best place to do this is a bridge. When you
do a drive by on another car, they either try to get away from you or don't
acknowledge you. Well when you go to the Staunton/Shoreside bridge (the one that
the one part goes up and down) and the bridge is up and there is cars parked
there, pull up next to one. As the bridge is coming down, shoot their car. If
they are the type to freak out when you shoot, once the bridge is down they will
peel out and try to get away from you and you can race them down the bridge. I
do this a lot and I think it's hilarious.

Getting rare cars - This game runs on a clock. You can see on some sections in
this FAQ I list the time of the day you can find cars. This is because certain
cars appear only in certain hours in certain places. Note that when you jump
into a car, that car that your in will FLOOD the streets. So if you want more of
the car, go to your garage, park 1 and then run out into the street quickly and
you might be able to get another. However, this doesn't work always. You can
drive around all day in Portland in a Banshee or a Cheetah and one will never?
appear. Now when your just driving especially during a mission and you just
happen to see, let's say, a Securicar roaming down the street, pause the mission
and write down the section where you found the Securicar and the time. Return at
that time and that's the best chances you have for finding that car, though I
don't guarantee it will show up the next day because I have tested this theory.
Eventually you will find it. Another theory is that if you drive around a rare
car, more rare cars appear. I'm not really sure. Though I remember when I was
driving around a Barracks OL by the stadium, Buses and trashmasters were
appearing. However, I believe that the game engine cycles through rare cars to
hit the streets depending on what time it is and where you are. (Section
inspired by "Lee")

Saving cars - Supposedly if you leave the door open when you exit a car by
quickly running away from it, it will be there when you come back for it later.
I'm guessing if you leave that island, if you do a mission, or something like
that then it will disappear. Of course if you save your game, die, or get busted
it will disappear ("Peter J. Rzeminski II"

Saving cars 2 - This does not work for every car for every garage but can be
quite successful. When you drive a car around, the game engine produces more of
that car so if you are driving a Cheetah, then Cheetah's will flood the street.
Now go get a Cheetah or a car like that and park it in your Shoreside or
Staunton garage when your ready to save and quit playing. Later when you come
back to play again and you load your game up, you will have your Cheetah in the
garage. Now run out into the street quickly and there should be other Cheetah's
driving around that you can jack, this way you can basically get a Cheetah
around 85 % of the time that you try this, instead of taking the Cheetah in your
garage. Like I said, this works for only certain cars only on certain islands.
If you do it with something like an Ice Cream truck then you will be most likely
to be uncessful. DO NOT email me saying that you couldn't get this to work for
whatever car.

No traffic - Go somewhere where there is a lotta space near a road. Now do the
tank code (C, C, C, C, C, C, R1, L2, L1, T, C, T) about a dozen times and just
park the tanks somewhere. This will overload the game engine and little to no
more traffic will appear. You can use this to your advantage in doing some of
the EV missions but it is very easy to crash the game so don't go to overboard.
To get rid of the tanks, 4 molitov cocktails or setting them ablaze with the
flamethrower will work or just use the Destroy All Cars code (L2, R2, L1, R1, L2,
R2, T, S, C, T, L2, L1). (


X. General FAQ
Here is a general FAQ section for anything in the game. You got a question for
me then send it in.

Q: What is the fastest car in the game. Some say Cheetah, some say the Banshee

A: The Cheetah is no doubt the fastest. I can prove my point 2 ways. First, when
you do the Turismo mission for the Diablos, you go up against 3 Cheetah's, not
Banshee's. Though that really doesn't prove anything, don't you think the game
designers would make you go up against 3 Banshees if the Banshee was quicker.
Also, if you do a drag race (See tips section) against a Banshee, you'll burn it
in a Cheetah.

Q: Where can I find the Securicar besides in missions.

A: There is no parked locations and you can get it through means mentioned in
the other parts of this guide. If your done with the game and cannot do any of
those missions, all I can tell you is drive around Staunton and look for it.
Your best bet is by the Stadium/Tunnel/Construction site part of Staunton

Q: What is a police bribe

A: A police bribe is a blue circle with a golden bagde in the middle. You use
these to decrease or get rid of your wanted level. If you don't know what a
police bribe is then you're a newbie to GTA3 (and the whole series of GTA) so
your probably still only on Portland island. If you go by the subway steps in
the Red Light District (they are steps leading down to a gate saying the subway
is closed) there is an alley way near here on the other side of the street. In
that alley is a police bribe. If you have a wanted level of 2 (2 of your 6 black
stars are lit up) then it will decrease to 1 star lit up.

XI. Special Links
The following is links to FAQs, websites, or pictures for the game Grand Theft
Auto 3 only. These links contain information that you can use and are only here
to help you with any questions you might have, so check these links out before
you email me asking me about other aspects about the game.

Grand Theft Auto 3 FAQs/Guides -
Maps (shows hidden package locations, special locations, and unique jump
locations) -
Pictured locations of hidden packages -
Cheats/Codes -

XII. Creditz/Contactz/Copyright
This is the final version of this guide which means it is no longer updated. I
used to have my email address here so you could send in hints and tips but how
can I post them if I intend to never update this guide ever again. Anybody who
still has my email, please note that that POP account has been closed and I will
not receive your email anyway. I intend to strike back with another related
version for the well anticipated GTA 4. Until then, good luck with GTA 3.

Creditz to the makers of GTA 3 and Playstation for allowing me to sit on my ass
and legally kill people.

Some information provided by the following FAQ and Guides on under
Playstation 2 under Grand Theft Auto 3:

Import/Export Garage and EV Crane FAQ by INoble -
Vehicle Locations FAQ by CMystro -

All information in this text is copyrighted. I ask that you do not use this in
anyway, however you can make reference or take small sections from this guide to
put in another text, but only under the condition that you include my name (6
SiXeS), email and link to the FAQ. You are not permitted to take whole sections
though and you are also not allowed to edit this guide and repost it, especially
on a site not listed under Permissions. Everything here was created, researched,
and written by me.

The vehicle pictures were found on and and were
only intended for informational use, not to plagerize or steal anybodies

Also a final thanx to everyone sending emails helping perfect this guide. Your
emails and names are listed throughout the guide.


XIII. Permissions
I give the following websites permission to post my guide under the following

1. No work is changed in this FAQ
2. I am given full credit

The following websites are given permission to post my guide and I will send
them updates. If you find this guide on any other site, please report it to me:

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