Shadow Hearts

Shadow Hearts

14.10.2013 17:05:55

For PS2

By LyssaJ, contact

Version 1.0 Sept 22, 2002

LEGAL: This document copyright 2002 LyssaJ.

Shadow Hearts belongs to Sacnoth and Aruze.

This document not to be used or duplicated in whole or in part without
permission. Permission granted for this document to be used by If
you wish to use this document on your site or use a portion of this document,
please email me and ask permission.

Okay, I get a lot of email questions that ask the same thing over and over, and
a lot of these same questions get asked on the board over and over, so I
thought I'd save you the delay of waiting for a response and give you a file
that covers them. This document is not meant to replace the walkthroughs,
including my own walkthrough, but is meant to provide a quick reference for
those trying to get through on their own but stuck on one issue. If you have a
question you think I should add to this file, let me know.

See Also My: Shadow Hearts Walkthrough (update expected ~Oct 2002) for a
complete walkthrough of the game. Shadow Hearts Supplement (posting expected
~Oct 2002) for characters, skills, weapons, armor, items, and bestiary.

I'd also recommend the other Shadow Hearts FAQs and guides on, in
particular Grand Admiral's Sidequest FAQ.

1. How long is the game?
2. Fox Face is after me. How do I get rid of him?
3. I'm running out of cash. How do I get money?
4. I've reached level 2 on my soul energy. Why can't I get a level 2 soul?
5. How do I do the Blue Castle coffin maze?
6. How do I do a push ring, particularly the London push ring?
7. Where are all the lottery members?
8. I have my soul energy at max level. How do I get level 3 fusions?
9. How do I unlock the '?????' skill?
10. What is a good party to use?
11. Where is a good place to level up?
12. How many crucifixes are in the game and where do I find them?
13. Where are the documents?
14. How do I open up the secret areas?
15. Where are the hidden angel bosses?
16. How do I get the hidden fusions?
17. Where is everyone's ultimate weapon and armor?
18. What is the 100% monster and 100% treasure thing about?
19. How do I get the good ending?
20. How do I start a second game with the game plus features?
21. Why can't I equip all my fusion souls on my second game?


It all depends on your strategy for leveling. If you're the type of person who
likes to hang out in each battle area for a while, you'll spend more time on
the game than if you prefer to move on to the next area as quickly as possible
and level up at the end against monsters who give more XP. Both strategies are
viable. If you level up early, you'll have an advantage against bosses. If you
move as quickly as possible through the game, you'll have fewer malice fights
and Yuri will face malice monsters at a lower level with better weapons and
fusions. Side quests and how high you decide to level your characters will also
factor in to your total time. Also, if you use a walkthrough, you'll probably
shave off a couple of hours at least. So, here is a rough estimate:

Fast, walkthrough, no sidequests, main party level 35 - 15 hours
Slow, no walkthrough, all side quests, all level 99 - 40 hours

As you can see, there's wide variance and on your first game you'll probably
fall somewhere in the middle.


This question is actually answered in the FAQ section of the game's help menu,
but it still gets asked a lot. Every time you kill an enemy, you acquire malice
from the anger of its soul trapped in the Graveyard. As this malice builds,
you'll see the screen flash different colors after every couple of battles,
blue, green, yellow, and finally red, accompanied by a growl. This means the
malice has accumulated to a point where Fox Face can break out of the shadow
world into the real world and attack Yuri. If you want to check your malice
level, open the menu. There is a little icon in the corner that looks like part
of a Yin-Yang symbol. That is your malice meter and will change color to show
you your level. To prevent Fox Face from coming, you can clear the malice at
any point from after a single battle to when you're red and your next fight
will be against Fox Face himself.

To clear malice, go to a save point and pull up the menu. Choose Graveyard from
the side menu, then choose the option at the bottom of the screen to enter the
Graveyard. Approach the masks on the far left of the screen and tell them you'd
like to clear your malice. You will go into a one on one fight against a
monster born of the anger of the trapped souls. There are different monsters
depending on how much malice you've accumulated, four in all. The less malice
you have, the easier the monster you'll face. Malice monsters count in your
monster library if you're trying to complete that, so you'll want to fight each
one at least once. Malice monsters, like Fox Face, level up with you, so always
expect a bit of a challenge. If you lose against a malice monster, you won't
get a game over, you'll just get another unconscious on your score. For a win
you'll receive no XP or money, but the masks will reward you with a random
item. Usually they'll give you a leaf, but they've also been known to throw in
silver hands, monkey paws, and various seals for prizes. If you fight a malice
monster after you've already reached red, your only prize will be not facing
Fox Face.

If you choose to face Fox Face, be prepared for an extremely tough battle. Save
before you do it as even in the best of situations you have about a fifty-fifty
chance of getting killed. A victory will depend on luck as much as strategy, as
your best shot is if he happens to miss on an attack. Be well-stocked on thera,
mana, and pure items and have Yuri fully healed and rested. Three to four solid
perfect attacks is about the usual for taking Fox Face down, but keep in mind
that you'll have to survive that long, so you'll be spending more turns healing
and restoring. A light soul seems to survive better than the others as it can
do more damage against Fox Face's dark element. For a win you get no XP, no
cash, no items, and five points of soul energy in each element.


Cash is a precious commodity if you're getting a lot of acupuncture and
moxibustion on your weapons. The easiest way to take care of the money issue is
to prepare for it in China when things don't seem so tight. You'll want to buy
Brigand and Pirate earrings while you're still in China. They're first
available in Dalian. Get three pairs of Brigand earrings first. Put them on all
your active party members. This raises your trophy money by 60%, although it
drops your item drop rate by 60% as well. Don't worry so much about that,
though. In China and most of the game the items aren't worth anywhere near as
much as the cash, and you can buy the items with the extra money easily. You
should now make enough money to get you through Europe without too much pain.
Be sure to buy the Pirate Earrings before you leave China, however. You have to
get them before you go up the stairs after the barrier is broken in Kuihai
Tower, and you'll want them later in Europe when they're not available. In the
last part of the game you should have more cash than you have any use for, and
you'll want to switch earrings at that point so you can pick up some of the
really great items dropped by the later monsters in the side quest and final
areas of the game.

If you missed out on the earrings, you can still do a few things to increase
the cash flow, but it will take a little more time than just doing your normal
battles and takes a bit of going out of your way, but not much. One trick is to
trade in pedometer steps for Thera Extracts and sell the extracts for the cash.
Another trick once you have enough cards to make it worthwhile and if you're
really good at discount and raise price rings is to buy items at the highest
discount you can get and then sell them back at the highest raise price you can
get. I recommend the earrings, though, as it's just a lot more convenient to
get the extra cash doing what you're already doing.


Your first time through the game you're limited to level 1 souls in China. Yuri
is not yet emotionally equipped to handle higher level souls, so no matter how
much soul energy you build up, you won't be allowed to fight a higher soul
until something changes for him. This doesn't mean you shouldn't get soul
energy built up, though. Take advantage of fighting the right element monsters
when you can so that when you're ready to take on a level 2 or higher soul,
you're not scrambling to find enemies.


The solution to this one is one of those things where you'll smack your
forehead for not seeing it, but it slips by a lot of people, so no need to feel
bad. Pray at the coffins in alphabetical order: Abel, Edgar, Frank, Helen,
Leon, Maria, Robin, Steven.


A lot of people complain that they can't get this ring. Yes, there are times
that it will still not move no matter what you do because it's irregular, but
that should be only once every ten times or so. First, put the controller down
on the floor or another flat surface in front of you. Use your index finger
instead of your thumb to push the X button. Wait until the ring and indicator
are fully displayed before you start pushing (don't worry, there is plenty of
time on the clock to do the ring). Now repeatedly and rapidly press X to move
the indicator. If at any point you stop pressing X, the hand will sweep back
and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can either run a few seconds
off the clock before you start pushing, or you can run the indicator past the
hit area and let it fall back in the last couple of seconds, but your goal is
to have the indicator in the hit area at zero seconds.


There are sixteen lottery members you must play against, from 15 to 00. If you
miss any of the first fifteen, you will not be allowed to play against 00. In
general, there is one lottery member in each town, although a couple of them
are in battle areas. Here is a list of the lottery members and their locations:

15 Fengtian, 1st screen (after 'incident' can be found inside shop).
14 Dalian, in Sea Turtle Restaurant on second day.
13 Smuggler's Boat, Wheelhouse. Tell Kato you don't want to shop.
12 Shanghai, first trip. Leave hotel and go down side street to right to find
the docked boat. Go down into the bunkroom to find him.
11 Ni Wan Palace, red level. Xiaofang is at the end of a path.
10 Kowloon Fortress, 1st screen. You must open the side quest by giving the
first response all three times when Alice is being questioned by Dehuai, then
return to Shanghai after Kuihai Tower is opened and take boat to Kowloon
Fortress. He's one of the first men you'll meet when you get off the boat.
09 Kuihai Fortress after first Dehuai battle. Talk to Japanese soldier and tell
him you don't want to change party members.
08 Prague, guard next to save point.
07 Bistritz, after town is cleared. Talk to top right door in village.
06 Rouen, after town is cleared. Man in the alley next to the inn.
05 London, old man on his knees.
04 Calios Mental Hospital, after Alice's solo trip. Go to Torture Room (the one
with the chair in the middle and all the chains) and go to the chair. He's
difficult to see.
03 Orphanage, after Europe side quests open. Play hide-and-seek with children
to open the way to the cauldron, talk to boy in cauldron.
02 Rouen, after Europe side quests open. Put Margarete in party and go to
church, then talk to Lottery 06 in alley. (Note: he'll revert to Lottery 06
once you win his red prize, so if you want any of his other prizes, win them
01 (Vice-Chairman) Blue Castle, after Europe side quests open. Do not have
Keith in party. Go to throne room and talk to 'Invisible Man'.
00 (Chairman) Nemeton Monastery, after playing against all previous members and
entering Float at least once. Go into Strange Creature's house and talk to him.
Tell him you need to go to the bathroom. (Note: if there are other side quests
active that he's involved in, you might need to clear his role in them before
he'll reveal himself.)


To get a level 3 fusion soul, you must have the gravestone that corresponds to
that soul, then you can approach the tombstone in the Graveyard to initiate the
fight with the level 3 fusion soul. Here are the six stones and their

DARK GRAVESTONE - Head up to the top of Blue Castle's tower and check in Yuri's
old room to find the stone.

EARTH GRAVESTONE - After Alice's solo fight in Prague, go to Bistritz and
examine the shining point outside the shop. Choose to watch over it, then leave
town and return again. Continue to choose to watch over it and leave until Nina
appears. Talk to Nina to receive the stone.

AIR GRAVESTONE - Return to Prague after entering London. You must have Tissues
in your inventory, which you can get by losing any lottery. Enter tavern, then
go into bathroom to find Darcie. Give him Tissues and leave. When you try to
leave the tavern, he'll give you the stone.

WATER GRAVESTONE - After first dialogue in Orphanage and returning to the
London inn, go to Rouen and enter the inn. Go up the stairs to Yuri's room and
talk to the couple, then go to the church and to the rear confessional. Return
to the inn room. If you picked the first choice in the dialogue, he'll sell you
the water gravestone for 3,000 cash. If you picked the second choice, he'll
give it to you for free. If you picked the third choice, you can find him in
the street in front of the church and purchase it from him for 10,000.

FIRE GRAVESTONE - Calios Mental Hospital, Spade room. Check the chest after
getting the Dungeon Key to find the stone.

LIGHT GRAVESTONE - Nemeton Monastery, Strange House. Go all the way to the end
of the ramps to find the stone.


Equip the soul you want to unlock the '?????' skill on and enter battle, fuse,
and allow Yuri to go berserk. The next turn, the soul will automatically use
and learn the spell.

To make the process faster, equip Yuri with the small jug so he'll use up two
SP points per turn. Either take the party to someplace with easy monsters, like
Blue Castle, or have Yuri enter the Graveyard for a malice fight against Gust
Ein (fight one battle with Alice in the party after clearing malice so you get
the easiest monster). If you have the whole party, kill all but one enemy, then
sit back and defend until Yuri loses it. If you're at a high level, you might
want to have Yuri fuse to a level 1 soul, then disembody, then fuse to the
higher soul to wipe out his SP even faster.

Yes, those berserks are going to be counted on your score, but you'll only have
to unlock these skills once. When playing a second or subsequent game, the
skills already unlocked will remain unlocked on any fusion souls you inherit
from your previous game.


Shadow Hearts is very forgiving in letting you pick a party. You won't actually
be able to pick a party for much of China, but as you get deeper into Europe
you have much more choice in party members. To be honest, you can take any
allowed party into any of the areas and be able to make it through, but the
easiest party when you have all members available is Yuri, Keith, and either
Alice or Halley.

Yuri is of course your party leader and can't be replaced most of the time, but
you wouldn't want to give up his power in battle anyhow. Keith makes an
excellent second choice for sheer strength of attack and balance of skills,
plus he can take care of himself in battle with his special skills that allow
him to do damage and heal or cure status in the same move. His judgement ring
is also very easy for most people to hit once they get used to it. With Keith
in your party you can generally face off against the tough bosses at a much
lower level than with a party where he's absent. The third party member choice
of Alice or Halley is a hotly debated issue, but comes down to personal
preference. Alice is a better healer and has massive MP, but is weaker on
attack and a little more likely to go berserk in a long battle. Halley is more
limited on cure skill, but he's fast as lightning and has a better balance of
offensive abilities and a better chance of evading damage altogether.

In the end, though, pick who you like best, and more importantly, who you can
hit with best. If you like Margarete and Zhuzhen, go for it. You may need to
level up a little higher than for another party and stock up on items a bit
more, but there's no reason why it can't be done and plenty of people have done


This of course depends on where you are. Generally, if you're in the linear
portion of the game, the best place to level up is exactly where you are. There
are a few choice places to go if they're available to you and you need some
quick XP, though.

KOWLOON FORTRESS. Particularly if you're having trouble beating the China boss,
this is the place to go. If you find you can't beat this boss, you'll need to
have a save before you go up the stairs in Kuihai Tower after you've gotten the
barrier taken down, then return to Shanghai and your boat to get to this side
quest, and it will only be open if you chose the first response throughout
Alice's interrogation by Dehuai. The monsters here are the equivalent of most
of the bosses you've faced so far and will give you some quick leveling.

ANCIENT RUINS/CAVE TEMPLE. A couple more side quest areas that have some
healthy monsters in them to rack up that XP. You should have some Monk Earrings
by now, so use them. Cave Temple is probably a bit more effective because
you'll face larger groups of monsters in your random encounters.

NEAMATO. This is the final area, so naturally it has bigger and better random
encounters than anywhere else in the game. The higher you go in Neamato, the
harder the fights become and the more XP you'll get.


There are a total of five Crucifixes in the game, but you'll only need three to
have your main party equipped for battle. The Crucifixes can be found in:

London Rats Hideout. Joshua will give you your first Crucifix after you talk to
Chris when you first visit the hideout.

London Rats Hideout Pit Fights. You'll win a Crucifix if Alice survives all ten
rounds in the pit fights. This is very, very hard to do if she's under level
50. I'd suggest grabbing the next two listed and then coming back for this
after you've gotten her leveled up.

Orphanage. When you play Lottery 03, a Crucifix is the red prize. Fairly easy
if you wear a Pocket Watch, by the way.

Dollhouse. There is a Crucifix in the final room in a chest to the right of the
bed. To open the Dollhouse, you need to go to Prague during the Europe side
quests and enter the tavern with Alice in your party.

Neamato 3rd Floor. Fight the boss Scapegoat and win a Crucifix as a trophy. By
this time you should have at least three others, though, so it's a bit of a


There are four documents in the game which are needed for certain side quests.
None of them is necessary to complete the game. One of the documents requires
an item only found in China, so you need to get that before you leave that
continent. The documents themselves are available once the Europe side quests
portion of the game is opened. The documents and their locations are:

BOOK OF RITUALS - Take Alice and Zhuzhen to Nemeton Monastery and approach the
front of the monastery.

CODEX OF LURIE - Return to boss fight area of Nemeton Monastery and inspect the
shining point in the middle of the floor.

EMIGRE MANUSCRIPT - Play hide-and-seek with children in Orphanage, then
approach the cauldron in the Experiment Room.

PULSE TRACT - You must have the Erotic Book from Kuihai Tower (you can find it
on the floor in the Blue Dragon altar room). After you've gone through the
Ancient Ruins side quest twice (see WHERE ARE THE HIDDEN BOSSES? below under
Seraphim) and if you have the other documents, go to the Strange Creature's
house and talk to him to trade the Erotic Book for the Pulse Tract.


There are four secret areas on the World Map that you can open. All are
sidequests and none are required to beat the game, but all contain unique
monsters and treasure and make the subsequent parts of the game easier.

KOWLOON FORTRESS - In China when Alice is kidnapped and interrogated, answer
with the first option all three times. When Kuihai Tower is opened, visit it
once, but go back to Shanghai before going past the barrier at the end of the
votive altar puzzle. Go down the side street to the boat and board the boat to
go to Kowloon Fortress.

ANCIENT RUINS - In Europe, after Float has risen and you've spoken to Koudelka,
get the Book of Rituals and read it in your Valuables menu to open the Ancient
Ruins on the World Map.

CAVE TEMPLE - In Europe, after Float has risen and you've spoken to Koudelka,
get the Emigre Manuscript and read it in your Valuables menu to open the Cave
Temple on the World Map.

DOLLHOUSE - In Europe, after you have gotten the Air Gravestone, the Float has
risen, and you've spoken to Koudelka, put Alice in your party and go to the
Prague Tavern to open the Dollhouse on the map.


Once the Europe side quests are opened, you can find the hidden bosses Seraphim
and Cherubim. To find them, you must do the hidden areas Ancient Ruins and Cave
Temple twice.

SERAPHIM - Read the Book of Rituals in your Valuables menu to open the Ancient
Ruins on the World Map. Complete the torch maze, then read the menu again to
change the maze. Complete it again and you'll find Seraphim at the end.

Maze 1 - red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple.
Maze 2 - purple, blue, aqua, green, yellow, orange, red.

Because of tint interpretations being rather open in this section, it may be
more helpful for some of you to use left-right directions.

Maze 1 - center, right, left, center, left, right, right.
Maze 2 - right, left, right, center, right, left, center.

CHERUBIM - Read the Emigre Manuscript in your Valuables menu to open the Cave
Temple on the World Map. Complete the maze, then read the menu again to change
the maze. Complete it again and you'll find Cherubim at the end.

Maze 1 - up, left, up, left, down, down, left, left, up, left, up (save point),
Maze 2 - up, right, up, right, down, down, right, right, up, right (save
point), up.

(Note: These are the final maze solutions and do not include the treasure to be
found by following other paths. Once you complete a maze it will shut out any
treasure paths, so be sure to grab the treasure first.)


There are two hidden fusions in the game, Amon and Seraphic Radiance. To get
them you must have the correct stones, the Destruction Stone and the Rebirth

AMON - You must have the Destruction Stone before the boss fight in Nemeton
Monastery. To get the stone, you must trigger all three torch switches in the
Monastery Basement.

Blue switch - From first screen go left, then take bottom path to end. You'll
see a chest. Open it to open another chest down below. Return to first screen,
take lower right path until you get to bottom chests. Examine chest in upper
right to make all three chests vanish and expose blue switch. Turn blue switch

Red switch - From first screen go left, continue, then take top path to red
switch. Turn red switch on.

Green switch - Go back down from red switch and continue to left, then down and
past torch pool. Continue right and take the top path to the green switch. Turn
green switch on.

Now go back to the huge cauldron you passed on your way to the green switch.
Walk behind it to receive the Destruction Stone. After the boss fight, if you
have this stone, you will receive Amon.

(Note: The solution above describes only the order to get the stone. To open
the treasure chests surrounded by the colored pyramids, you will need to change
the torch color at the torch pool to the same color as the pyramid by turning
the various switches on and off.)

SERAPHIC RADIANCE - To get this soul, you need to have the Rebirth Stone. To
get the Rebirth Stone you must have the Pulse Tract (see WHERE ARE THE
DOCUMENTS? above for how to get it). Read the Pulse Tract to change the Ancient
Ruins torch maze, then complete it to find the Rebirth Stone.

Maze - yellow, red, green, purple, blue, red, teal.

Take the Rebirth Stone to the Graveyard and enter the gate at the top of the
screen to fight the enemy who has this fusion power.


All ultimate weapons and armor are available during the Europe side quests,
with the exception of Yuri's ultimate weapon, which you can't get until you
visit Neamato.

After visiting Neamato once, return to Strange Creature's House and choose the
option to help him with his experiment. You'll need to complete a tricky
10-spin ring to get it.

After defeating Seraphic Radiance, check behind the tree.

Defeat Orb Chaos in Dollhouse to win this prize.

Complete the Ancient Ruins maze once and open the chest at the end.

Defeat Cherubim in Cave Temple to win this prize.

Go to Rouen inn and talk to Meiyuan in his room.

Play against Lottery 2 in Rouen and win the red prize. Margarete must be in
party and must visit the church first.

Accumulate 100,000 steps on your pedometer, then talk to the silent peddler in
the London tavern.

With Keith in the party, go to Blue Castle's coffin room. Keith must defeat
Golden Bat in one on one battle with physical attack only.

Complete the Cave Temple maze once and open the chest at the end.

Defeat Seraphim in Ancient Ruins to win this prize.

Halley must survive ten rounds in the London Rats' Hideout pit fights.


On your second or subsequent play of the game you can attain a complete monster
library. To do this you will have to have completed all the side quests and
fought all eight malice monsters, plus pit fight monsters and the masks in both
forms. When you have a complete monster library you can talk to Old Carl in the
London Rats Hideout and he'll give you a reward.

Treasure is counted by how much of the scattered items on the ground and in
chests you have discovered. I personally have never gotten 100% on the
treasure, so I cannot confirm what the result is, but it is said to be nothing
more than a 'job well done' from Old Carl.


To change the ending, Yuri must rescue Alice during the Atman fight. To trigger
this, you must defeat the four masks before going to Neamato. To make this task
easier, you will need the Oath Grail, acquired from Joshua in the London Rats
Hideout after Alice's solo trek to Rouen. THE ORDER OF THE FIGHTS HAS NOTHING

After receiving the Oath Grail, put Alice in your party and run your malice to
red. The first mask to appear if you have the Oath Grail should be the Grail
Mask. It will be weakened by the presence of the Oath Grail and should be an
easy fight. Save and fight a few more battles to make the next mask appear. It
will be randomly any of the other three masks, or the already defeated dead
mask. If it is the next mask in the order, Gold Mask, then the fight will be
easy as it will be weakened by Grail's loss. If it isn't, then the fight will
be more challenging as the judgement ring attack will work for the mask and
their attack will be more powerful. Pocket Watches and Phoenix Tails have no
effect during these fights, so don't bother with them. Continue fighting until
all four masks are dead. If you're going for a complete library, be sure to
fight each mask in its dead form as well. Dead masks are pathetic little beasts
with 1 hp and a 1 hp damage attack, but they are funny. For beating a dead mask
you'll receive a thera leaf, 10 XP, and five points soul energy in all

For live fights, here is each mask. Keep in mind that if they are in order the
judgement ring attack will have no effect.

GRAIL MASK - Weakened automatically by Oath Grail. Judgement ring attack
doubles hit areas. Easy fight. Reward: amber ring, 45000 XP, five points soul
energy in all elements.

GOLD MASK - Judgement ring attack Popping Spin (tiny ring on everyone).
Impervious to physical attack, so hit it with your strongest specials. Reward:
carnelian ring, 45000 XP, five points soul energy in all elements.

STAFF MASK - Judgement ring attack Tight Spin (hit areas halved for everyone).
Reward: lazurite ring, 45000 XP, five points soul energy in all elements.

SWORD MASK - Judgement ring attack Fast Spin (double indicator speed for
everyone). Impervious to special attack. Reward: obsidian ring, 45000 XP, five
points soul energy in all elements.

My third party member in these fights is Keith, because his judgement ring is
fairly easy even if it's got an abnormality on it, and he's a powerful fighter
who can heal himself while still doing damage. I put Alice in the back and
Keith and Yuri up front to act as the attackers while Alice plays support with
healing skills and items. I use Czernobog or Amon against Gold Mask for their
strong special attacks, and Lobo or Amon against Sword Mask for their strong
physical attacks.

Okay, now that the four masks are defeated, take Yuri to the Graveyard. You've
probably noticed that a small tombstone has sprouted up in the lower left next
to one of the element tombstones. Have Yuri read this tombstone so he knows
what's going on. When you prepare to go to Neamato the first time and Alice
faces her nemesis, Yuri will show up to help out. If you win this battle,
you'll get the good ending. You'll also get the Crystal Ring from the final
mask, and the Seven-Eyed Mask as a prize if you talk to the four masks after
beating him.


After you beat the game the first time, you'll be given the option to save your
game as a clear file. Choose to do this, then load that file to start the game
over with game plus.

The game plus features in Shadow Hearts are that you retain your monster
library from your previous game, you inherit all fusion souls you had before,
and your previous score will now be posted for comparison to your new score.


You can only equip souls Yuri has enough SP to fuse to. You must level him up
to have the required fusion SP + 1 before you can equip the soul. You won't
have to build up soul energy or fight the souls to use them. Don't worry, if
you level him up enough, you'll be able to use Seraphic Radiance in China.

A big thanks to Sacnoth and Aruze for a great game, and to Midway for bringing
it to the US so I could play it.

Even bigger thanks to the readers who emailed me with their questions and their
answers to some of my questions.

And thanks of course to the fellow freaks who hang out on GameFAQs on the
Shadow Hearts board (especially hard sync oscillator and PixieCry who proofread
this FAQ and offered suggestions to improve it, and Kashell Triumph who also
offered suggestions), where you can find people willing to answer any questions
you still might have, and to CJayC for his hard work in maintaining GameFAQs.
Comentariul dumneavoastră a fost salvat!!!
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