Tactics Ogre

Tactics Ogre

14.10.2013 16:30:36
BY Jax Aagar
Created January 24, 2002
Email me at cerubix_7@hotmail.com
Version 1.0 (My first FAQ, so please be nice! Thank you!)

Table Of Contents
A. Version
B. Introduction
C. Disclaimer
D. Character Stat Growth Chart
E. Special Thanks


Version 1.0
-My very first FAQ! Go me!


Obviously, this stat growth chart is for special characters that you wouldn't
get in the game without the GameShark here (But there is some you can get
somewhere in there…) and I tested these guys to a reasonable amount of
training to get an average growth so it's fairly accurate, though there might
be a mistake somewhere and I apologize in advance (You try training all these
guys! It's hard work you know). All these characters include enemies and
monsters in the Hell Gate, the Zenobians, the Dark Knights (Lodis), and other
characters from the Walsta Liberation Army, Gargastan Kingdom and Bacrum-
Valeria Country, etc.

This is my very first FAQ here, so try not to bag on me so much if I did
anything wrong here. It took me quite a while to train all these classes
here and get their growth down while drinking coffee hours on end, so I
apologize if there might be a mistake here and there. (Hopefully they're at a


I just wanted to point out that my hands did all this research
and my hands only, so if you would like to use this in any way, please tell
me first. I really wouldn't like to brutally hurt someone because they
couldn't follow directions here.

Another note here, I have stat growth for GameSharked characters, BUT I do
not have the codes to obtain them. If you want codes to get these fine and
dandy guys then go to the following sites:

http://www.cmgsccc.com/ (They got all the codes you need…and then some!)
http://www.princeton.edu/~crg/ogre/ogre.html (This site is all you'll ever
need regarding anything Tactics!)

Just a quick note before we go on. Most of these classes are indeed
obtainable by the use of the GS here, but there are some classes that I put
in just for the heck of it, I had nothing better to do anyway. Also note
that I really haven't done every single GSed character here. I'm still
missing all those undead soldiers, amazons, wizards, etc. and Kachua's High
Priestess and Dark Priestess class. I don't believe I'm missing anything
else, but I could be wrong so email me if I'm missing anything.


Another reminder here, some classes like Lans Hamilton, Vice and Kachua can't
be used during the game. This is caused because the game thinks that they
are NPCs and will be registered as guests instead, meaning you can't use them
at all, in training or real battle. I also believe you can't change their
equipment, even if they got nothing on (In the beginning, you can't remove
Vice or Kachua's Escape Stones and any of Lans' stuff) and omitting them is
out of the question too. If this happens to you and you accidentally save,
then they will forever be stuck in your team! Don't let this happen! The
best way to bypass this is to finish a certain battle in Chapter 4, liberate
Banisha to bypass Kachua and Heigm for Lans, that scene with him, if you know
what I mean. I'm not certain about Vice and I think this would apply to
other guests too like Guildus, Mildain, Warren, etc., but again, I'm not
entirely sure of that.

Class: Name of Character
HP: ??
MP: ??
STR: ??
VIT: ??
INT: ??
MEN: ??
AGI: ??
DEX: ??

An asterisk (*) indicates a class I haven't done already so be patient.

High Priest: Kachua*
This is the class that Kachua has at the beginning of the game.

Dark Priest: Kachua*
Obviously, this class is the same as High Priest but an evil version. Nothing
new here.

Paladin: Lans Hamilton*
Lans classes is pretty good, at least I think so. Paladin can equip basic holy
magic from the goddess Ishtar.

Lord Mancer: Warren
HP: 6
MP: 8
STR: 3
VIT: 2
INT: 9
MEN: 9
AGI: 3
DEX: 4
I suppose a Lord Mancer is an improved version of a Wizard or Siren. I'm not
100% sure, but I think this class uses all magic types.

Eagle Man: Canopus
HP: 8
STR: 7
VIT: 5
INT: 7
MEN: 6
AGI: 7
DEX: 6
Canopus' class is better than the Hawk Man for he learns Wind Shot at Level 10
and Tornado at Level 20, skills that are pretty decent I say.

White Knight: Mildain
HP: 9
STR: 6
VIT: 6
INT: 6
MEN: 7
AGI: 7
DEX: 7
Mildain, the White Knight of Zenobia is just an improved Knight class.

White Knight: Guildus
HP: 9
STR: 8
VIT: 6
INT: 4
MEN: 7
AGI: 7
DEX: 8
Guildus is the same as Mildain, but fairly stronger.

Death Templar: Lans Tartare
HP: 10
MP: 9
STR: 7
VIT: 6
INT: 6
MEN: 8
AGI: 6
DEX: 8
Now this class is just too cool to pass over! I'm telling you, this is the real
deal, the big cheese, and the kitchen sink! Great stat growth, all magic use,
and has Oracle skill that permanently destroys your Max HP, what more could you
ask for?

Bishop: Branta
HP: 7
MP: 8
STR: 4
VIT: 2
INT: 7
MEN: 9
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
A quick note about Branta here, he will learn Summon-E which summons Angel
Knights. Unfortunately, you can't use it, you can but it will summon enemies in
real battle and glitch if he's on the blue team in training. It will only work
on the red team in training mode and you can't keep who summon sadly.

Dark Element: Dolgare*
I got nothing on Dolgare right now so you'll have to wait.

Temple Commando: Barbas
HP: 10
MP: 8
STR: 8
VIT: 6
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 6
DEX: 5
Barbas is pretty strong, has all magic, has the Avenger skill that knocks a
target back and uses a hammer.

Temple Commando: Martym
HP: 10
MP: 6
STR: 6
VIT: 5
INT: 6
MEN: 7
AGI: 6
DEX: 7
Martym, just like Barbas uses all magic, comes with the Venom skill, which
causes poison and uses the sword.

Temple Commando: Andoras
HP: 10
MP: 6
STR: 8
VIT: 6
INT: 5
MEN: 7
AGI: 7
DEX: 6
All magic, Thundax skill that turns the target around in a random place and uses
the claw. Andoras is pretty quick and decent with magic.

Temple Commando: Ozma
HP: 10
MP: 8
STR: 7
VIT: 5
INT: 6
MEN: 6
AGI: 5
DEX: 6
Sister to Temple Commando Oz, Ozma uses whips, has all magic and performs
RoseBud, a skill which charms the enemy.

Temple Commando: Oz
HP: 10
MP: 7
STR: 7
VIT: 5
INT: 4
MEN: 7
AGI: 4
DEX: 5
Brother to Ozma, Oz uses an axe, has all magic and does DarkCell which will stun
an opponent.

Templar Knight: Templar Knight
HP: 10
MP: 7
STR: 6
VIT: 5
INT: 6
MEN: 6
AGI: 6
DEX: 6
All I think Templar Knights are improved generic soldiers or Knights, either
way. They can use all magic, just like the commandos and I feel they're good
with every weapon, but they preferred is the sword.

Necromancer: Nybbas
HP: 6
MP: 7
STR: 3
VIT: 3
INT: 8
MEN: 8
AGI: 3
DEX: 4
Something interesting about Nybbas here, if he gets killed in battle, real or
training, he automatically gets resurrected as a lich, with the sprite and
everything too. He uses all magic in Necromancer form and has Summon-E. Again,
Summon-E works only in training when you are on the red team.

Demon: Belzbute
HP: 6
MP: 6
STR: 4
VIT: 3
INT: 9
MEN: 7
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
All I can really see is that the Demon class uses all magic and is one of the
few true mage classes with a Fast movement rather than a Slow type.

Venefik: Falfadet
HP: 6
MP: 7
STR: 4
VIT: 4
INT: 8
MEN: 8
AGI: 5
DEX: 5
Venefik uses all magic and has the Hazard skill that causes poison.

Searzist: Vepar
HP: 6
MP: 7
STR: 4
VIT: 4
INT: 8
MEN: 8
AGI: 5
DEX: 5
The same with Venefik, Searzist has all magic and owns Jihad that can kill the
dead instantly (Like HolyBolt, Starion, etc.) and damages one target.

Summoner: Ramidos
HP: 6
MP: 8
STR: 4
VIT: 2
INT: 7
MEN: 9
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
Another class that has Summon-E and all magic too. (Ever get the feeling that
all the enemy classes have all magic use besides the Princess? Don't feel left
out, because you can get them too!)

Sorcerer: Mordiart
HP: 7
MP: 8
STR: 4
VIT: 3
INT: 7
MEN: 8
AGI: 3
DEX: 4
This class is supposed to get all magic too, but somehow use can't equip any
magic on them, so I don't have a clue with this one.

Sorcerer: Brutakox
HP: 6
MP: 7
STR: 4
VIT: 3
INT: 7
MEN: 8
AGI: 5
DEX: 4
Same as above class. (See Sorcerer: Mordiart)

Summoner: Mutsua
HP: 6
MP: 8
STR: 3
VIT: 3
INT: 8
MEN: 8
AGI: 5
DEX: 5
Same as above class. (See Summoner: Ramidos)

Warrior: Vice
HP: 9
MP: 5
STR: 5
VIT: 6
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 8
DEX: 8
You can get Vice as this class in Chapter 3 going the Law route. I don't know
why I put him in, but oh well.

Guardian: Holy Dragon
HP: 11
STR: 9
VIT: 8
INT: 4
MEN: 5
AGI: 3
DEX: 5
This is one of the Hell Gate creatures that protect the weapons of the Wind
Gods. Has Thunder Breath and Tornado.

Guardian: Golem
HP: 5
STR: 9
VIT: 7
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 4
DEX: 3
This is one of the Hell Gate creatures that protect the weapons of the Wind
Gods. Has Wind Shot and Tornado.

Guardian: Gryphon
HP: 10
STR: 9
VIT: 6
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 4
DEX: 3
This is one of the Hell Gate creatures that protect the weapons of the Wind
Gods. Has Thunder Breath and Tornado.

Guardian: Tiamat
HP: 11
STR: 9
VIT: 8
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 6
This is one of the Hell Gate creatures that protect the weapons of the Wind
Gods. Has Thunder Breath and Tornado.

Gabiar: Green/Gray Lizard Man
HP: 9
MP: 6
STR: 6
VIT: 6
INT: 7
MEN: 7
AGI: 6
DEX: 6
Improved version of a Lizard Man. Has all magic, nice stats and uses the

Relics Knight: Gold Terror Knight
HP: 10
MP: 4
STR: 8
VIT: 8
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 6
Improved version of a Terror Knight. Has all magic, better INT and MP than
Terror Knight and uses the axe. This class would be good if it also had the
Terror Effect too.

Dark Stalker: Dark Ninja
HP: 8
MP: 4
STR: 5
VIT: 5
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 8
DEX: 8
Improved version of a Ninja. Has all magic, a move of 7 and uses claws. I
think this is the fastest class in the game.

Goblin: Goblin
HP: 8
STR: 6
VIT: 5
INT: 6
MEN: 6
AGI: 6
DEX: 6
Goblin is an average class with no special skills or such. They use hammers if
that's any consolation.

Dark Dragon: Dark Tiamat
HP: 11
STR: 9
VIT: 8
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 7
These monster are the Dark World monsters when you click select on their class.
I am not positive what skills they have, but I do have an inkling here. I think
the Tiamat has the Poison Breath.

Dark Eye: Dark Giant
HP: 11
STR: 7
VIT: 7
INT: 2
MEN: 8
AGI: 3
DEX: 4
These monster are the Dark World monsters when you click select on their class.
I am not positive what skills they have, but I do have an inkling here. I think
the Giant has the Evil Eyes like the Gorgon.

Dark Wing: Dark Gryphon
HP: 9
STR: 8
VIT: 4
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 5
DEX: 4
These monster are the Dark World monsters when you click select on their class.
I am not positive what skills they have, but I do have an inkling here. I think
the Gryphon has the Petrify Breath.

Obinick: Orange Gryphon
HP: 9
STR: 9
VIT: 5
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
Another Gryphon class here. The Obinick uses Fire Breath and is quicker than
the regular Gryphon.

Iron Golem: Gray Golem
HP: 7
STR: 8
VIT: 7
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 3
Faster and better than regular Golem, the Iron Golem uses Dragos attack,
whatever that may be, never bothered to check it out.

Raven Man: Black Hawk Man
HP: 7
MP: 3
STR: 6
VIT: 5
INT: 6
MEN: 6
AGI: 7
DEX: 8
Improved version of a Hawk Man. The Raven Man uses all magic and uses axes as
main weapons.

Death Dragon: Blue Holy Dragon
HP: 11
STR: 9
VIT: 8
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 6
Probably one of the strongest Holy Dragons out there. The Death Dragon uses Ice
Breath to sleep opponents.

Lucifer Crow: Blue Gryphon
HP: 9
STR: 5
VIT: 5
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 5
DEX: 4
The same with the Death Dragon, Lucifer Crow uses Ice Breath.

Phoenix: Orange Gryphon
HP: 9
STR: 7
VIT: 5
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 5
DEX: 4
Almost the same as the Obinick and Lucifer, the Phoenix is by far the best
Gryphon class to have. Great growth and owns Crimson, a deadly skill which
should have melt the target on contact though.

Salamander: Orange Dragon
HP: 10
STR: 10
VIT: 6
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
I suppose you can call these fire creatures the Fire Guardians too. The
Salamander has the Fire Breath that destroys equipment bonuses. (Defense power
and Attack power.)

Fire Drake: Orange Holy Dragon
HP: 10
STR: 10
VIT: 7
INT: 4
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 5
The same as the Salamander the Fire Drake uses Fire Breath and Crimson.

Fire Brass: Orange Tiamat
HP: 10
STR: 8
VIT: 8
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 7
Same as Fire Drake but I believe the Brass uses only Crimson, not entirely sure.

Ice Giant: Blue Cyclops
HP: 10
STR: 7
VIT: 7
INT: 3
MEN: 7
AGI: 3
DEX: 4
Better than a regular Cyclops, the Ice Giant has Ice Breath and Spiral, which
will destroy MP.

Kraken: Gray Octopus
HP: 9
STR: 8
VIT: 4
INT: 3
MEN: 8
AGI: 4
DEX: 4
Also better than a regular Octopus, the Kraken has Eddy and Hazard that will
poison a target.

Gargoyle: Gray Tiamat
HP: 11
STR: 8
VIT: 7
INT: 3
MEN: 5
AGI: 3
DEX: 7
I'm not quite sure what a Gargoyle has. Anyone has anything for me on this one?

Lufu: Orange Cockatrice
HP: 10
STR: 7
VIT: 5
INT: 3
MEN: 5
AGI: 4
DEX: 5
Better than a regular Cockatrice, the Lufu has the Poison Breath.

Basilisk: Green Dragon
HP: 10
STR: 8
VIT: 8
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 6
The Basilisk is like the Gorgon and Dark Eye, it use the Evil Eyes to petrify
anyone or thing that is directly looking at it.

Hydra: Green Hydra
HP: 10
STR: 8
VIT: 7
INT: 5
MEN: 6
AGI: 3
DEX: 3
The Hydra is all the elemental dragons in one. It has Fire, Thunder, Poison and
Ice Breaths. You're in for a treat!

Succula: White Hydra
HP: 10
STR: 10
VIT: 7
INT: 3
MEN: 10
AGI: 3
DEX: 5
Again, I have no idea what the Succula has in terms of Breath. Is it the same
as a Hydra? Anyone know this one?

Hippogriff: Brown/Green Gryphon
HP: 9
STR: 9
VIT: 4
INT: 3
MEN: 6
AGI: 5
DEX: 4
I have no clue with this one too. Any help will be appreciated.


Well, here's the fun part where I thank everyone. The Game Software Codes
Creator Club deserves lots of praise because that's where I got my codes and
such, not to mention the motivation to do this. Astro Knight's (Chris) site for
giving me the idea to do this and some basic idea to go about doing this.
dragonspirit for giving me that source which I couldn't do much with but thanks
anyway. Well, that's all for now so we'll just wait for another update. Later!

Questions or comments? Email me at cerubix_7@hotmail.com

This document copyright 2002 Jax Aagar
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Ending FAQs

17.Octombrie 2013
Character FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Octombrie 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

10.Octombrie 2013
Hell Gate

15.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Octombrie 2013
PAL Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Octombrie 2008
engl. Cheats

16.Octombrie 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Octombrie 2013
engl. FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre
engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013
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