Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth

Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth

14.10.2013 16:32:33
Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth
House of Sessions
*sorry no fancy ascii art, i'm not very good at it*

By Daniel Sleutel

dantheman41@yahoo.com ICQ: 44416409


Version 1.01 I forgot to add the instructions for lvl 17. That has been changed.

I don't mind if you use this faq to make a better faq, just ask me and
put me in the credits.

First this guide is for the advanced levels (11-40). The only difference
between the beginner and advanced levels is that Sajiri will use BOSONOVA
on his turn. The spell kills everything on the screen. The prize for winning
the advanced levels is a "Pure Luck" manual. The manual teaches Luck +50%.

I used just left, right, up, and down to signify the directions in Hoshigami.
I choose this because these are the directions on the Playstation(C)
controller. Rotating the field will change the directions.

The order of who goes first is:
1. Tinn
2. Elena
3. Fazz
4. Leimrey
5. Reuperl
6. Romleth
7. Alveen

I use these numbers so I don't have to write the names on the placement map.
Sajiri will be represented with a [S]. Enemies will be left out of my map as
you won't need to worry about them because the directions will include
shooting the enemies around.

The placement map is not exact, it is only used as a guide of where to place
your characters.

The shooting and directions are in capitals so that they stand out. If there
are no number of spaces to move after a direction then the spaces is
considered 1 space. Direction that read UP LEFT 4 spaces should be read
UP 1 space LEFT 4 spaces. SHOOT DOWN means shoot the character/enemy in the
square down from the current character.

With that said on with the walkthrough.

Session 11

[7] [S] [1]






1. Tinn session RIGHT
2. Elena session RIGHT
3. Fazz session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move UP LEFT session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move UP LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP LEFT session RIGHT
7. Alveen SHOOT Sajiri

Session 12

[7] [S] [1]




[6] [5]

1. Tinn move RIGHT 2 spaces DOWN 2 spaces session UP
2. Elena session RIGHT
3. Fazz session RIGHT
4. Leimrey shoot UP move RIGHT DOWN session DOWN
5. Reuperl session DOWN
6. Romleth move LEFT session DOWN
7. Alveen move LEFT UP SHOOT Sahiri

Session 13


[3] [S] [7]

[2] [6]

[1] [5]

1. Tinn move RIGHT 2 spaces session UP
2. Elena move RIGHT 2 spaces session RIGHT
3. Fazz move RIGHT 2 spaces session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move RIGHT 2 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move RIGHT 2 spaces session LEFT
6. Romleth move right 2 spaces session LEFT
7. Alveen SHOOT Sajiri

Session 14

[S] [1]

[4] [5]
[2] [6]

1. Tinn SHOOT RIGHT move RIGHT DOWN 2 spaces SHOOT DOWN session RIGHT
2. Elena move LEFT UP 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
3. Fazz move LEFT 3 spaces DOWN 2 spaces session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move UP LEFT 4 spaces
5. Reuperl move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces session RIGHT
6. Romleth move RIGHT DOWN 2 spaces session RIGHT
7. Alveen SHOOT DOWN move DOWN SHOOT Sajiri

Session 15



1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
2. Elena SHOOT LEFT move DOWN session DOWN
4. Leimrey move UP LEFT 3 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move DOWN session LEFT
6. Romleth move DOWN LEFT 3 spaces session RIGHT
7. Alveen move LEFT session LEFT
3. Fazz move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 16

[4] [5]
[3] [2] [6]



1. Tinn move RIGHT 2 spaces SHOOT RIGHT session LEFT
2. Elena SHOOT Sajiri SHOOT Sajiri move LEFT *This isn't a mistake*
3. Fazz move RIGHT UP 3 spaces session LEFT
4. Leimrey move LEFT UP 2 spaces session UP
5. Reuperl move LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move DOWN LEFT session RIGHT
7. Alveen SHOOT LEFT move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 17


[6] [1]
[3][4] [2]

1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
2. Elena move RIGHT DOWN sessin DOWN
4. Leimrey SHOOT LEFT move RIGHT DOWN session LEFT
5. Reuperl SHOOT UP move UP 2 spaces SHOOT UP session RIGHT
3. Fazz SHOOT LEFT move LEFT session LEFT
6. Romleth move UP 4 spaces session DOWN
7. Alveen move DOWN LEFT 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 18



[ ][5][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]

1. Tinn SHOOT RIGHT session DOWN
2. Elena move RIGHT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri move RIGHT session LEFT
3. Fazz move DOWN RIGHT 3 spaces session LEFT
4. Leimrey move DOWN RIGHT 2 spaces session LEFT
5. Reuperl
6. Romleth
7. Alveen

Session 19


[4] [2]

[5] [1]

1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces session UP
2. Elena move LEFT 2 spaces UP 3 spaces session DOWN
3. Fazz move LEFT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces session DOWN
4. Leimrey move UP LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move UP LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
6. Romleth move DOWN 4 spaces session UP
7. Alveen move UP LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 20




1. Tinn SHOOT Sajiri move RIGHT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session LEFT
2. Elena move RIGHT DOWN session UP
3. Fazz move RIGHT session UP
4. Leimrey move RIGHT 5 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session LEFT
6. Romleth move RIGHT UP session UP
7. Alveen move UP RIGHT 2 spaces session UP
5. Reuperl move DOWN 4 LEFT SHOOT Sajiri

Session 21


1. Tinn SHOOT DOWN move DOWN session RIGHT
2. Elena SHOOT DOWN move DOWN RIGHT 2 spaces session UP
3. Fazz SHOOT RIGHT move DOWN RIGHT 2 spaces session UP
4. Leimrey SHOOT DOWN move RIGHT DOWN session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move UP RIGHT 3 spaces session UP
6. Romleth session DOWN
7. Alveen SHOOT Sajiri

Session 22


[5] [6]

2. Elena SHOOT LEFT move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session DOWN
3. Fazz SHOOT LEFT move DOWN RIGHT session DOWN
6. Romleth move LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
7. Alveen SHOT DOWN move LEFT 3 spaces session DOWN
1. Tinn move DOWN RIGHT SHOOT LEFT move DOWN session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move DOWN SHOOT LEFT move RIGHT UP session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move LEFT 2 spaces UP 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 23


[5] [1]
[7] [4]

4. Leimrey SHOOT LEFT SHOOT LEFT move UP session LEFT
5. Reuperl move UP LEFT SHOOT LEFT move LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP session UP
7. Alveen move LEFT UP session RIGHT
3. Fazz move LEFT 5 spaces SHOOT UP session RIGHT
1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 24




1. Tinn move UP RIGHT 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session DOWN
2. Elena move RIGHT 5 spaces session LEFT
3. Fazz move RIGHT DOWN session UP
4. Leimrey move RIGHT session UP
6. Romleth move RIGHT 3 spaces session LEFT
7. Alveen move RIGHT UP session UP
5. Reuperl move LEFT 5 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 25



1. Tinn SHOOT UP move UP SHOOT UP session DOWN
2. Elena move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT move UP session DOWN
4. Leimrey move UP SHOOT LEFT move LEFT SHOOT LEFT session DOWN
5. Reuperl move LEFT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP 3 spaces LEFT session RIGHT
3. Fazz move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT move LEFT session RIGHT
7. Alveen move DOWN 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 27



[7] [6]

3. Fazz move LEFT 5 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl SHOOT DOWN move RIGHT DOWN session RIGHT
6. Romleth move DOWN LEFT 4 spaces session DOWN
7. Alveen move DOWN session UP
4. Leimrey move LEFT SHOOT LEFT move UP 2 spaces session RIGHT
1. Tinn move LEFT SHOOT LEFT move UP session RIGHT
2. Elena move LEFT UP 3 spaces SHOOT Sairi

Session 27



[5] [3]

4. Leimrey move LEFT SHOOT LEFT
5. Reuperl move DOWN LEFT session UP
1. Tinn move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT move UP SHOOT UP session RIGHT
6. Romleth move DOWN LEFT 4 spaces session DOWN
7. Alveen move LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
2. Elena move LEFT UP 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 28

[3] [S]
[6] [7]

[4] [1]

[5] [2]

1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move UP LEFT 2 spaces session DOWN
2. Elena move LEFT 5 spaces session DOWN
3. Fazz move RIGHT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces session RIGHT
4. Leimrey SHOOT LEFT move LEFT 2 spaces session DOWN
5. Reuperl move LEFT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP 5 spaces session RIGHT
7. Alveen move LEFT UP 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 29




1. Tinn move LEFT 2 spaces session LEFT
2. Elena move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session LEFT
3. Fazz move LEFT 2 spaces session LEFT
4. Leimrey move LEFT 2 spaces DOWN 2 spaces session DOWN
5. Reuperl session LEFT
6. Romleth move LEFT 2 spaces session LEFT
7. Alveen move DOWN 3 spaces LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 30


[5] [7]


1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces session LEFT
2. Elena SHOOT DOWN move LEFT DOWN session LEFT
3. Fazz move UP LEFT 4 spaces SHOOT LEFT session UP
4. Leimrey move LEFT UP 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHt
5. Reuperl move UP 3 spaces LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP 3 spaces LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
7. Alveen move RIGHT UP 3 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 31

[2] [5]
[4] [6]
[1] [7]

1. Tinn move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session UP
3. Fazz move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT move LEFT session UP
4. Leimrey move LEFT 3 spaces SHOOT LEFT SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP SHOOT LEFT MOVE UP LEFT session UP
7. Alveen move UP LEFT 2 spaces session UP
2. Elena move UP LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT DOWN move DOWN SHOOT Sajiri

Session 32









2. Elena move RIGHT UP 2 spaces SHOOT RIGHT SHOOT LEFT session LEFT
1. Tinn SHOOT UP move LEFT UP 2 spaces session LEFT
3. Fazz move UP SHOOT UP move UP RIGHT session LEFT
4. Leimrey move LEFT UP 2 spaces session LEFT
5. Reuperl move LEFT 3 spaces session UP
6. Romleth move RIGHT session RIGHT
7. Alveen move RIGHT 4 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 33




1. Tinn move RIGHT SHOOT RIGHT move UP session UP
2. Elena move LEFT 5 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session RIGHT
3. Fazz move UP LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move UP RIGHT 4 spaces session RIGHT
6. Romleth move RIGHT UP 2 spaces session RIGHT
7. Alveen move RIGHT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces session LEFT
5. Reuperl move LEFT 5 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 34


[7] [5]
[4] [2]
[1] [6]

1. Tinn move DOWN LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
2. Elena move UP SHOOT LEFT move RIGHT DOWN session RIGHT
3. Fazz move LEFT DOWN 2 spaces session UP
5. Reuperl move LEFT 4 spaces SHOOT LEFT SHOOT LEFT session RIGHT
6. Romleth move DOWN
7. Alveen move UP LEFT 4 spaces session RIGHT
4. Leimrey move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT DOWN move DOWN SHOOT Sajiri

Session 35


[7] [2]

[4] [5]


2. Elena move DOWN RIGHT 4 spaces session RIGHT
3. Fazz move RIGHT DOWN 2 spaces session UP
4. Leimrey move LEFT 2 spaces SHOOT UP SHOOT UP session RIGHT
6. Romleth move RIGHT DOWN 4 spaces session UP
7. Alveen move RIGHT session DOWN
1. Tinn move RIGHT 5 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move RIGHT DOWN 4 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 36

[7][6] [5]


1. Tinn move RIGHT 2 spaces SHOOT RIGHT move UP session LEFT
2. Elena move LEFT DOWN SHOOT DOWN move LEFT session LEFT
3. Fazz SHOOT Sajiri move UP RIGHT 2 spaces session UP
5. Reuperl move DOWN RIGHT 4 spaces sesson RIGHT
6. Romleth move UP 3 spaces RIGHT 3 spaces session LEFT
7. Alveen move UP 4 spaces session LEFT
4. Leimrey move RIGHT 3 spaces UP 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

Session 37









1. Tinn SHOOT RIGHT move RIGHT UP 2 spaces session LEFT
2. Elena move RIGHT UP 2 spaces session DOWN
4. Leimrey SHOOT Sajiri move RIGHT shoot Sajiri session LEFT
5. Reuperl move RIGHT 5 spaces SHOOT Sajiri session LEFT
6. Romleth move LEFT 2 spaces session UP
3. Fazz move RIGHT 3 spaces session LEFT
7. Alveen move LEFT SHOOT Sajiri

Session 38

[4] [6]
[S] [7]

2. Elena move DOWN RIGHT 4 spaces session RIGHT
3. Fazz move DOWN RIGHT session UP
4. Leimrey move UP RIGHT SHOOT Sajiri move DOWN SHOOT UP session UP
6. Romleth SHOOT LEFT move LEFT 2 spaces session RIGHT
1. Tinn move DOWN 2 spaces SHOOT RIGHT move DOWN session UP
7. Alveen move UP 2 spaces LEFT 3 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move LEFT SHOOT Sajiri

Session 39



[4] [6]

1. Tinn SHOOT LEFT move UP RIGHT 2 spaces session LEFT
2. Elena SHOOT UP move UP 3 spaces session RIGHT
3. Fazz move LEFT 2 spaces UP 3 spaces session UP
4. Leimrey move LEFT 2 UP
6. Romleth move LEFT 3 spaces sess RIGHT
7. Alveen MOVE UP 3 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move DOWN 4 spaces SHOOT Sajiri

***Session 40***
Notice the music change.


[3] [S]


[4] [6]

3. Fazz session UP
4. Leimrey SHOOT LEFT move UP RIGHT 2 spaces SHOOT DOWN session DOWN
6. Romleth move DOWN 5 spaces SHOOT RIGHT session RIGHT
7. Alveen session DOWN
2. Elena SHOOT LEFT move LEFT SHOOT UP move UP session DOWN
3. Fazz move UP RIGHT 4 spaces session RIGHT
5. Reuperl move DOWN SHOOT Sajiri move DOWN LEFT session DOWN
7. Alveen move DOWN 3 spaces RIGHT 2 spaces session RIGHT
1. Tinn move DOWN 3 spaces RIGHt 2 spaces SHOOT Sajiri


My MOM for always being there for me.
My Doctor for removing my appendix and saving my life.
(which gave me time to play this game)

Atlus for a great game.

Death of Nations for the strategy on the 40th level.

Inferno for help with some of the earlier levels.

Christian Jones for pointing out my omission of lvl 17.
Comentariul dumneavoastră a fost salvat!!!
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