Tokimeki Memorial 2

Tokimeki Memorial 2

15.10.2013 01:07:26
Tokimeki Memorial 2 FAQ
Version 1.01 by Steven C Chan
Please email me if you wish to use this FAQ on your web page. Using it
without citing the source is an act of plagiarism. If anybody uses this
article for commercial purposes online, I will complain to their web
master. Any attempt to use this article for commercial purposes is also
prohibited. This article is written by fans for fans.
This FAQ is based on a numerous Tokimeki Memorial 2 Guide Books
(sources cited near the end) plus personal experiences of the game.
This FAQ is complete (except wood carving section). Please send
comments to or
Last update 11/6/2001: Updated email address of author.

1. Introduction
1.1 What is Tokimeki Memorial 2?
1.2 Where can I get the game?
2. Basic Commands and Controls
2.1 Character Stats
2.2 School Week Commands
2.3 Weekend Commands
2.4 School Clubs
3. Dating Strategy & Requirements to complete her
3.1 Hikari
3.2 Kasumi
3.3 Kotoko
3.4 Miyuki
3.5 Akane
3.6 Kaedeko
3.7 Kaori
3.8 Maho
3.9 Miho
3.10 Mei
3.11 Homura
3.12 Maeka
3.13 Sumire
4. Mini Games and "Combat"
4.1 Gold Fish Game
4.2 Wood Carving (Cancelled)
4.3 100 meters Dash
4.4 Beat-the-Post
4.5 Space Ring Fighter
4.6 Melting Point
4.7 Combat
5. Ending
6. Info Source

1. Introduction

1.1 What is TM2?
Tokimeki Memorial 2 is a Playstation game released by KCET Tokyo during
the 4th Quarter of 1999. It is the continuation of "Hall of Fame" game
Tokimeki Memorial -- the original girl dating simulation. The game is a
combination of Role Playing (character development) and Dating (or
"girl chasing). For those who are familiar with TM1, TM 2's interface
should not be new, and it will take place in a different high school
(Hibikino High School). For people who are new to the series, the game
should provide hours of fun.
Knowledge of Japanese is recommended for this game. It will help you
pick the choices during dating events.

1.2 Where can I get the game?
For import gamers in United States and Canada, this game can be easily
ordered online. For people who are new to online buying import games, I
recommend NCS ( and Tronix (, because of
their high reliability. This FAQ is in no way related to NCS or Tronix
For people who are wary of buying online, some local game stores might
carry import games too. These types of stores should easily be found in
cities with large Japanese and Chinese communities like New York,
Toronto, San Francisco and LA. Chinatowns would be first place to look
around for these stores.
If you by any chance have a chance to visit Japan, Taiwan and Hong
Kong, TM2 (and other import games) should be easily found in local
store. In Hong Kong (which I lived for 18 years), Golden Shopping
Center is the best place to find "import games" (HK people don't regard
Japanese games as import games). I will not list places where can you
buy "HK games" (pirates) here since it is against the law to do so. In
Tokyo (which I went for 3 times before), Akihabara electronic district
is the best place to find games. Both Golden Shopping Center (subway
Tune Wan line to Sham Shui Po station) and Akihabara (commuter rail
Yamamote line to Akihabara station) are easily accessible by local
public transportation.

2. Basic Commands and Controls

2.1 Character Stats
There are 2 types of stats: hidden and non-hidden. Let first discuss
non-hidden stats, they are the numbers shown in the lower part of the
screen of your TV. Its corresponding location of the stat (on the
screen) is shown below:

A. Health -- Your Health. Effects chance of sickness and injury
B. Literature -- Your writing skill. Effects exam.
C. Science -- Your Science Skill. Effects exam.
D. Arts -- Your Art skill. Effects exam.
E. Sports -- Your sports skill. Effect sport events.
F. Misc. Studies -- Your common sense and knowledge on "misc." stuff.
Effects Exam.
G. Charisma -- How good you look. Effects dates.
H. Toughness -- Affect multiple events. (See Below)
I. Stress -- How stress you are. Effects sickness and injury.
The toughness stat affects you in everything -- from chances to perform
a command successfully to sport matches and combat. If your health gets
too low, you get injured which effects your ability to perform sport
commands; if your stress gets too high, you get "burned out" which
effects your ability to perform academic commands and exams.
There are 3 main hidden stats: Tokimeki level, Friendliness level and
Club experience. The first 2 refer to your relationship with girls (the
most important stat in the game), while the last one affects you
"clubbing" (See below for more about clubs).
Tokimeki level is the internal affection of the girl has on you, a girl
without a red face does not mean its Tokimeki level is low. But usually
girls with high Tokimeki level on you means red face when you meet
them. This is the most important stat in order to finish any girl.
Dates, sport events, culture festivals and exams increase this stat.
Friendliness level is the overall altitude the girl has on you (the one
determines whether she has a red face when she meet you). It is also
the stat that Takumi shows you when you call him. These stat effect
chances of the girl ask date with you. Note, it is possible to have a
lot of girls with high friendliness level, but their Tokimeki level is
not high enough in order to finish with her. You can improve this stat
in the same way as Tokimeki level (but with variable magnitude).
Club experience is the experience you get from your club, a description
of the stat can be found in the club section. Here we will describe how
it is calculated.
1) Every weekend participation of the club -- 2 pts
2) Every weekday participation of the club -- 1 pt
3) Summer Camp (per day) -- 2 pts

2.2 School Week Commands
Here are the description of the yellow icons (commands), you can pick.
Its corresponding location of the command (on the screen) is shown
A. Literature -- Improve Literature Stat
B. Science -- Improve Science stat
C. Art -- Improve Art Stat
D. Sports -- Improve Sports Stat
E. Culture Fest Preparation -- Only for 3rd year Fall
F. Club -- Participate in club activities (effect varies with club)
G. Play -- Improve Misc. and Charisma
H. Make-up -- Improve Charisma and Misc.
I. Rest -- Regain Health, decrease Stress
J. Telephone * -- Call other girls (and boys) you know
K. Date * -- Go out of a pre-scheduled date with another girl
L. Magazine -- Check out Hibikino Watcher for the latest events in town
N. System -- Options. Control your wallpaper, sound effect etc
O. Calendar -- Check out your school calendar for future school events
and dates
P. Save & Load -- self explanatory
* -- weekend command

2.3 Weekend Commands
During weekends, you get the extra telephone and date command. You use
the telephone either to schedule a date (if the girl accepts it) or
call Takumi to find out the latest date spots and your relationship
with other girls.
The date command is for going out for a scheduled date with another
girl. Details of dating locations are listed later in "Dating
strategy". Note there are certain weekends (3rd weekend of each month)
that you are required to participate sport practice if you belongs to a
sport club. So do not date girls on that weekend, girls who belongs to
a sports also always decline a date on that day.

2.4 School Clubs
As mention in "Weekend Commands", you get to join the clubs your high
school. Once you joined a club during weekend, you can also participate
club events during the school week.
The clubs you can join are: -
1. Drama Club
2. Science/Computer Club
3. Tea Club
4. Music Club
5. Student Union
6. Baseball Club
7. Volleyball Club
8. Track and Field Club
9. Kendo Club
10.Tennis Club
Since the choosing is club is very straightforward. I will not list how
to pick the right icon when you are choosing which club to join.
Participating in clubs will act like your normal school command help to
develop your character's stats. The stats you get from clubs are
usually less than class (i.e. you get less Art stats from Drama and
Music Club than choosing to take the Art class). Instead you will get
club experience -- a very important parameter in becoming "club
masters" (described later), friendlier matches and Culture Festivals.
For sports club, missing 2 mandatory practice (the 3rd weekend of every
month) means ejection from the club. All clubs hold a summer camp
during August of every year, and it is mandatory.
For sports club, sometimes you will get friendly matches in some of the
mandatory practice dates. The outcome of the match will depends on your
club experience and your Sports, Health and Toughness stat. Here is a
formula for the adjusted club experience stat: -
Adj. Club exp = Club exp + Health/16 + Sports/32 + Toughness/32
In order to win the match, your adjusted club exp stat must be larger
than your opponents adjusted club exp. Winning friendlier matches will
improve your relationship to all girls. If you win sufficient amount of
these friendlier matches, you can then participate in inter-high school
championships during late July and early August of 2001. You will get a
bonus with your relationship with girls if you get to participate in
these national inter-high school events. You will even get further
bonus if you win the national championship. My experience said that if
you are good enough to win all of the friendlier match, you should able
to win the national championship. The adjusted club exp for friendlier
matches are listed here (sorry, the guide books does not have the
required adjusted club exp for inter-high school matches) :-
1st Friendlier Match (Jun, 1999) 40
2nd Friendlier Match (Sep, 1999) 80
3rd Friendlier Match (Dec, 1999) 120
4th Friendlier Match (Mar, 2000) 160
5th Friendlier Match (Jun, 2000) 190
6th Friendlier Match (Sep, 2000) 225
7th Friendlier Match (Dec, 2000) 260
8th Friendlier Match (Mar, 2001) 295
9th Friendlier Match (Jun, 2001) 300
10th Friendlier Match (Sep, 2001) 330
11th Friendlier Match (Dec, 2001) 360
For non-sport clubs, there are no mandatory practice, but you will get
Culture Festival which took place at early Nov every year (with the
exception of last year). You will need to accumulate enough club
experience for the month before the Culture Festival in order to
impress other girls. If you don't have enough, you will actually get a
penalty on girl's impression. Here is the required club experience: -
If you are a sport club member, you will also get an extra date (only
for girls who are in sports club) during the culture festival. Each
girl has a different preference on the club they want to go.
Participate in clubs will have you develop your relationship with the
girl who are also member of that club. You will also get special events
for that girl too. Note, Akane and Takumi do not belong to any club.
Here is a list that shows which girl (or boy) belongs to which club: -
Baseball --- Kaedeko (until 2nd year)
Track and Field --- Hikari
Tea --- Kotoko
Science/Computer --- Mei (begins 2nd year)
Music --- Kasumi (begins 3rd year)
Volleyball --- Kaori (begins 3rd year assuming she does not withdraw
from school)
Kendo --- Junichiro
Tennis --- Miyuki
Drama --- Maho/Miho
Student Union --- Homura
You will become a "Club master" if you win the inter-high school
championship (sports club) or accumulate enough club exp (other clubs),
this will affect your ending career. Becoming club master in a non-
sports club will give you bonus with your relationship with other

3. Dating Strategy
Here we will list the methods of meeting each girl, and the strategy of
completing her.

3.1 Hikari
Who is she? -- She is your childhood neighbor. You grew up with her,
and go to same grade school.
How to meet her? -- You meet her at the very beginning of the game.
Favorite Date Spots -- Central Park, Stadium (Baseball and Soccer),
Indoor Pool, Beach, Fancy Shop, Bowling
Strategy: She is probably the easiest character to finish. You have
good relationship at the beginning of the game, and she is one of the
easiest girls to date. A lot of her events are associated with
childhood events, so make sure you complete them. Since she is a sporty
girl, good sports stats are important but not necessary. Doing well in
exams and sport matches has large effect on her relationship with you.
Childhood Events:
Bakatte iu hito ga baka (The one who calls other people baka is the one
who is baka)-- You play sand with Hikari, and she ruined it. You called
her "baka" (stupid) and Hikari is upset. (Day 1 and 3)
Hagure Hikari -- You play with Hikari in the park, but you run too fast
and lost Hikari. You meet her again in the small park, and Hikari is
crying. (Day 1 to 4)
Jerashi -- When you are playing with Hikari, you talked to Kasumi.
Hikari is upset. (Day 2 and 4)
Glass ring -- Mandatory Event. You go to the temple with Hikari, and
you bought her a glass ring.
High School Events:
I am scared -- Requirement: You joined the Track and Field club. During
summer camp, you go out with Hikari after dark, and Hikari is scared.
You are peeping!? -- Requirement: You joined the Track and Field club.
During summer camp, Hikari catches you for peeping girls bathroom.
Atsui da! Yumi da! Taiyo da! -- Requirement: You date Hikari in the
beach (any year). Hikari shows her love of the summer.
Futari nori -- Requirements: Hikari's affection to you is very high
(time limit 3/15/2001 -- 4/15/2001), date her in Central Park. You ride
bicycle with Hikari during Sakura spring season.
Amaimono tabeyou! -- Requirements: Hikari's affection to you is very
high, after date event (no time limit). You go to coffee shop with
Hikari (after date), and you share dessert with her.
Hagure Hikari -- Requirements: Childhood event "Hagure Hikari"
happened, Hikari's affection is high (time limit 2000 fall or 2001
fall), date at shopping mall. You lost Hikari in the shopping mall.
After finding her, you hold hands with her.
Lost Girl -- Requirements: Kasumi's childhood and high school event
"Kasumi no omawarisan" happened, date at zoo, no time limit. This time
you lost Hikari in the zoo.
Obentou tabeyou! -- Requirement: Hikari's affection is high, time:
Sports Festival 2001. You share lunch with her during break time of the
Sports Festival.
The Way to Inter-High -- Requirements: You joined the Track and Field
Club. Hikari's sports experience is high. Hikari's affection is high.
Your club experience is high. Time: Jul 19 2001. Both you and Hikari
are eligible to go to Inter-High Sports Meet. This is hard event to
come by, because it is hard to determine and control Hikari's club
experience. Sometimes if you use the club command (during weekdays),
you will practice with Hikari, and this have positive effect to her
club experience.
Jerashi -- Requirements: Hikari's affection is high. Kasumi's affection
is above average. Childhood event "Jerashi" happened. No time
limitation. Kasumi offers to give a ride for you and Hikari, and Hikari
does not like it.
Culture Festival (Gift Shop) - Prelude -- Requirement: Hikari's
affection is high. You choose "Gift shop" for the 2001 Culture Fest.
Time: Day before Culture Festival in 2001. You and Takumi went to
Hikari's home to see what you can sell in the shop. Takumi found the
glass ring that you gave to Hikari during childhood....
Culture Festival (Gift Shop) -- Requirements: Same as the Prelude.
Time: 2001 Culture Festival. You remembered the real meaning of the
ring, and you rushed to the shop to see whether the ring got sold or
not. And then....
Futari no Christmas -- Requirements: Your relationship with Hikari is
high enough that you can complete the game with her. Time: Christmas
Day 2001. You go to ski with Hikari during Christmas Day, but Mother
Nature is not co-operating with you with a blizzard....

3.2 Kasumi
Who is she? -- She is like Hikari -- your childhood neighbor. She is
about 6 years older than you.
How to meet her? -- You will meet her during the fall of 2000.
Favorite Date Spots -- Mountains, Beach, Fancy Shop
Strategy -- She is very hard to finish. She is very demanding on your
stats, and she is very hard to date (save-reload trick really helps).
The best way to tackle with her is to concentrate on your stats before
you meet her, and tries to do intensive dating after you meet her (i.e.
twice a month). Also it is important to join the Music Club since she
is the advisor of the club.
Childhood events:
Shouganai na... -- Mandatory Event. When you are going home with Hikari
after class, you fell on the street. Kasumi then appears in front of
Omawarisan -- Day 1,2,4. During evening, you and Hikari are lost in the
woods (upper right hand corner of the map), Kasumi comes out to find
Your childhood dream -- Day 2,4. You talked to Kasumi in the streets,
and she asked you what do you want to become when you grow up.
High School Events:
The Legend of the Bell -- Mandatory Event. 2000 Fall. You are talking
with Jun and Takumi about the bell in your school, and Kasumi
Last Day... -- Mandatory Event (unless you schedule a date on that
day). Time : 8th Oct , 2000. Kasumi finished her training in your
school. Hikari and you bid farewell with her in the train station.
Officially Employed -- Mandatory Event, 5th April 2001. Kasumi is
officially employed as a teacher in your school.
Shouganai na... -- Requirements : Childhood event "Shouganai na..."
happened. Kasumi's affection is above average. No time limit (after she
becomes teacher in your school. Kasumi is pretty careless with her
driving (guess she learns to drive in Boston and New York ;-) ), isn't
Watashi no Kareshi -- Requirements: Kasumi's affection is above
average, date her in a spot near the train station (shopping mall,
bowling, theatre, etc), player has met Maeka. No time limit. Maeka
caught you are dating with Kasumi. Maeka is surprised with the age of
the "boyfriend" (you) of Kasumi.
Kasumi no omawarisan -- Requirement: Childhood event "Omawarisan"
happened. Kasumi's affection is above average. No time limit. Kasumi
drove you home, and she talked about your childhood story with Hikari.
This event is required for Hikari's "Omawarisan".
Kyaa!!! Kawaii! -- Requirements: Kasumi affection is high. You date her
in the fancy shop. Time limit: Summer (June -- Sept) 2001. Apparently,
Kasumi has a girly side of her....
"Reckless" Driving -- Requirements: Kasumi affection is high. You go
home with Kasumi after class. No time limit. Another evidence for
Kasumi learns to drive in Boston and New York :-).
The Sleepy Kasumi... -- Requirements: You joined the Music Club.
Kasumi's affection is above average to high. Time: Summer camp 2001.
Kasumi is definitely no fan of waking up early...
Hmm... Saboru da... -- Requirements: Kasumi's affection is above
average. Time: Within a month of 2001 Culture Festival. You choose the
"Play" command during Culture Fest preparation, and your homeroom
teacher (Kasumi) caught you doing so.
Kasumi's career orientation -- Requirements: Kasumi's affection is
high. Time: Career Orientation day (early Sept 2001). Kasumi and you
discussed about your future career and college entrance plans.
The Replacement Princess -- Requirements: Kasumi's affection is high.
You choose "Drama" for the culture fest of 2001. Time: Culture Fest
2001. The girl who is supposed to be Cinderella is sick, so someone has
to replace her.... (There are 2 version of this, one with Kasumi and
one with Takumi (Jun got sick after that...)).
Watashi nani yatte iru darou? -- Requirements: "Kasumi's career
orientation" and "Your Childhood Dream" has happened". Time: Dec 1 to
23 2001. You date Kasumi in the beach, and she discusses about her own
career choices...
Futari dake no Christmas -- Requirements: You can complete Kasumi.
Time: Christmas Day 2001. Having Christmas dinner with your homeroom
dinner is pretty romantic, eh?

3.3 Kotoko
Who is she? -- She is Hikari's close friend.
How to meet her? -- You meet her automatically on the first week of
Favorite Date Spots -- Central Park, Botanic gardens.
Strategy -- Initially, she will hard to date (hint: use save and reload
trick). You should also join the Tea Club, which she is also a member
of. Finishing her requires lots of patience since the relationship her
grows fairly slow. You should concentrate on building up your academic
stats. Also avoid dating her in "Western" places since she is very
traditional, she also hates winter related stuff (no skiing and skating
-- one of her events are related to skiing though...).
Childhood Events:
None. Kotoko does not appear in the childhood part of the story.
High School Events:
Karee dame su! -- Requirement: You joined the Tea Club. Her status to
you is at least "Friendly". Time: During summer camp (August). Kotoko
obviously is no big fan of curry.
Samui no kirai! -- Requirement: Kotoko is "Friendly" to you. Time: 1st
Dec 1999. Apart from curry, Kotoko is neither a big fan of winter.
Stay warm in winter with kotatsu -- Requirement: Her status with you is
"normal" (she does not hate you), and you joined the Tea Club. Time:
Every winter (Dec to Feb), you used the Tea Club command. Kotoko
brought in a kotatsu (some sort of heated table) to the Tea Club to
deal with winter.
Snowman (!?) -- Requirements: None. You date Kotoko to go out for
skiing. Time: Winter. Kotoko is obviously not very good in winter
Kotoko is angry (part 1) -- Requirements: During the double date event
in Dec 24 1999 (for Kotoko and Hikari), you only play with Kotoko.
Time: Dec 24 1999. Kotoko is angry because you ignored Hikari during
the double date.
Kotoko is angry (part 2) -- Requirements: You date Kotoko and Hikari on
the same day (requires luck since you are not allowed to date two
person in the same week; you data Kotoko and Hikari by calling her, and
the other one asks you out too on the same week). Time: None. Kotoko is
angry again for you to ignore Hikari.
Kotoko is angry (part 3) -- Requirements: Your affection with Kotoko is
very high; you date Hikari between April 5th 2001 and June 1st 2001.
Time: See Requirements. When you are about to go to Hikari, your high
school principle called, and then...
Calm and Cool --Requirement: Your affection is Kotoko is high. You date
Kotoko at the Amusement park and go to play Roller Coaster (Jeeto
Koosutaa). Time: 2001 Summer (June to Sept). Kotoko might be scared,
but she will always be calm and cool.
Love and Friendship -- Requirement: Kotoko's affection is very high.
Time Between Dec 2001 and March 15 2002. You date Kotoko in the zoo,
and she raised an interesting question.
Curry and Coffee -- Requirements: You choose to do "Coffee shop" for
Culture Fest for 2001. Kotoko affection is very high. Time: 2001 Nov 2.
You used to "Prepare for culture fest" command. Kotoko originally want
to sever Japanese tea, but suddenly it became Indian cuisine....
Smells too "good" -- Requirements: Same as "Curry and Coffee". Time:
Nov 3 2001. Indian food is obviously too much for Kotoko.
My Real stuff -- Requirements: Kotoko's affection is high. You ranked
1st in exam for 2001 Dec and 2001 July exams. Time: Dec 17 2001. Kotoko
suddenly becomes a "work alcoholic" in her class work...
Futari no Christmas: Requirements: Kotoko's affection is high enough
that you can complete the game with she. Time: Dec 24 2001. Special tea
party with Kotoko during X'mas eve.
"Secret" meeting: Requirements: You can finish with Kotoko; Hikari's
affection is very high. Time: 2002 Feb 20. Your "CIA agents" spied
Hikari talking with Kotoko on some special military project :-) .
Seeing this event means you are heading for Kotoko Ending 2.
Kotoko has 2 ending. It depends on Hikari's affection to you.

3.4 Miyuki
Who is she? -- A student in your high school who is always seems to be
"cursed" with bad luck
How to meet her? -- 1) Join Tennis club and have enough club experience
2) Charisma above 80 and you use the charisma command 3) Misc. studies
above 50 and you use the misc. studies command
Favorite Date Spots -- Fancy shop, game center and karaoke
Strategy -- She is another easy character to finish. Her affection is
very easy to rise. There are some events of her require some luck.
Since Miyuki is not very concern with your grades, you should
concentrate on your charisma, misc. study and sports. Note it is
sometimes hard to do well in Tennis club because your sports stats
raises slowly (relatively).
Childhood Events:
Good Luck -- Day 1 or Day 3. Sometimes you will find Miyuki standing in
the temple. When she is there, check out the small house next to the
Half for each person -- Day 2 to Day 4. In candy shop (near your home),
you will Miyuki buying chocolates, but a naughty day stole it from her
High School Events:
Trouble with phone 1,2,3 -- Requirements and Time limit: None. You call
Miyuki to date her, but her cat is interfering the call. (16 % of
occurring in any call).
Getting wet ... -- You joined the Tennis club, Miyuki relationship is
good or above. Event occurs during summer camp. The bad luck girl ruins
the water tap in the summer camp.
Morning comic box 1,2 -- Miyuki's relationship is good or above. 10 %
occurring any day (during school period). Miyuki is getting a little
bit too close to truck.
The present from God -- Miyuki's relationship is good or above. You
date Miyuki, and have a 10% chance occurring. No time limit. Bad luck
caught up with Miyuki again.
Aliens! -- Time: Sept 20 2000, during fall trip. You choose to Hokkaido
for fall trip. Miyuki asks you to go out with her. Miyuki must have
been watching too much Sci-Fi movie lately.
Chobitto naabasu -- Time: Sept 20 2000, during fall trip. You see the
"Aliens!" event. You did not flee by yourself during bear attack.
Miyuki is very happy that you "saved" her.
Accident on snow mountain -- Time: Feb and March. Miyuki's relationship
with you is high. You date Miyuki to go out to ski. You and the bad
luck girl are caught in a blizzard.
Within the omamori -- Time: Jan 1st 2001. You go to the Temple with
Terror with cable car -- Time: Spring 2001. Miyuki relationship is
high. You go to amusement park with Miyuki and go to cable car.
Electric failure descent on the cable car when Miyuki is on the cable
Half for each person -- Time 22 Jul 2001. Miyuki relationship is high.
You need to observe the "Half for Each Person event" during childhood
too. You share ice cream with Miyuki.
Hizamakura -- 2 Nov 2001. Miyuki relationship is high. You choose to do
"Planetarium" for culture fest. Bad luck descents onto the preparation
of culture festival
Futari deke no X'mas -- 24 Dec 2001. You can finish with Miyuki.
Christmas tree is getting a little to close...

3.5 Akane
Who is she? -- A classmate of yours who is working part-time. She is
also the sister of the gang leader in town.
How to meet her? -- Literature and Science > 50. Perform either
literature or science command (random).
Favorite Date Spots -- Tower, Karaoke
Strategy -- The biggest problem with her is not how to develop a good
relationship with her (which is easy) or your stats; it is how to deal
with his brother is the main concern. Her brother does not like she
dating boys, and he will send his "minions" and finally himself to
fight with you. Good stats and health is very important in those "FF-
like" combat. There are no specific club join you could join to help
the build your relationship with Akane. Since winning sport matches
will help you build a relationship with her, and sport clubs can help
you to develop good sports stat (important in combat), joining a sport
club is recommended.
Childhood Events:
Hajimetenootsukai -- Help Akane to bring grocery home around the
shopping area. Day 1 to 4 late afternoon or evening.
Naisho X 2 -- Homura is chasing Akane around in town, you can help her
in the library, Location: Library Time: Day 1 or 3
Mamagoto -- You play with Akane (acting as her husband) in the small
park near your home. Day 2 or 4
High School Events:
Akane-at-work: Requirements: You see the "Hajimetenootsukai" event,
relationship with Akane is friendlier or above. No time limit. You date
Akane, and she is late because of her part-time job. You help her to
carry her grocery again. (Random)
Fall Trip Crisis (?) -- Requirements: Akane ask to go out with her
during the trip. Time: Sept 20 2000 (during Fall Trip). When Akane asks
you to go out with her tomorrow, the principle is checking light-out in
The Challenge (Part I to Part IV) -- Requirements: Your relationship of
Akane is good or above. Time: After Fall Trip, during weekday (happen
only once a month). Akane's brother has apparently found out your
relationship with her sister, and that pissed him off. Therefore....
Here are some hints about combat: Good health is the most important
during combat because it effects your HP and speed. Sport stat governs
you attack power, and you academic stats determines the spell you can
use and your MP. The use of healing spell is determined by your
charisma stat. 50 -- heal 1 (700 - 800 hp recovery) 80 - heal 2 (1200 -
1500 hp recovery) 110 - heal 3 (> 2000 recovery).
Want to eat, but ... -- Requirements: Akane's relationship is very
high, you date her in the temple: Time: 22 Jul 2001. Akane does not
bring enough money to have food during the temple festival, so you buy
her food.
The Victory of Love (The Challenge Part V) -- Akane's relationship is
very high, you fought with "Big 4" under Akane's brother's gang. Time:
5 Sept 2001. Your relationship with Akane goes so well that her brother
decides to play "hardball" with you... This is most difficult combat
you will get in this game (second hardest is with Junichiro). He is
very endurable (50000 hp) and he can do "transformation" which makes
his tougher. Patience (and high health) is important in beating him.
Dotsuki -- Requirements: You beat Akane's brother during "The Victory
of Love". Time: Sept 2001. You go home with Akane, but his brother is
waiting in "ambush". But his brother is no match with Akane's super
right hand punch. (Random event)
Preparing for Coffee Shop -- Requirements: You choose to do "Coffee
shop" for culture fest. Your relationship with Akane is very high.
Time: 2 Nov 2001. Akane has a show-off of her cooking skills.
At the Coffee Shop -- Requirements: You choose Coffee shop for culture
fest. You beat Akane's brother during The Victory of Love. Time 3 Nov
2001. The coffee shop has apparently attracted a band of questionable
crowd, and Akane's brother comes to "investigate"...
Futari dake no Christmas -- Requirements: You can finish with Akane.
Time: 24 Dec 2001. You and Akane are going to Mei's X'mas party. Before
that you bought a present with her.
New Year lunch (?) -- Requirements: You see the childhood event
"Mamagoto". Date: 1 Jan 2002. Akane asks her brother to "bring" you to
their home to celebrate New Year. During lunch, you place your
chopstick near Akane's brother's favorite food. Obviously, pissing him
off usually means....
Akane has 4 endings. It is important for you to beat her brother during
the fight in 2001 Sept. Also you can get a special ending if you
discover the real identity is Part-Time Boss (during the 4 Challenges)
(please refer to Maeka's section).

3.6 Kaedeko
Who is she? -- She is the manager of your high school baseball team.
She will be transferred from your school after in fall of your second
How to meet her? -- Have toughness above 30 or join the baseball club
and collect enough club experience point.
Favorite Date Spots -- Zoo, baseball game, soccer game
Strategy -- 3 simple words -- Join Baseball Club. Joining the baseball
club (and do well in games) is the most effective way in improving your
relationship with her. This doesn't mean you cannot complete her if you
don't join the baseball club, but you will also miss some very
important events with her.
Childhood Events:
There are no childhood events of Kaedeko.
High School Events:
Hajimematsete (Nice to meet you) -- From beginning of game up to August
2000, perform baseball club command (with sufficient with club
experience. Kaedeko has all the balls and bats dropped all over the
storage room for your baseball club....
Gomenasai (I am sorry) -- From beginning of game up to August 2000,
have "Toughness" above 30. Human-human inelastic collision is not the
best way to meet girls, eh? (Newton's Law note: Collision must conserve
Hazukashi mon! (This is embarrassing) -- During summer, you date
Kaedeko in the beach; Kaedeko's relationship is above average. Another
evidence that the American ideal women body shape is effecting Japan...
Buried inside leaves -- During fall (1999 Oct and Nov), you date
Kaedeko in the park. Kaedeko's relationship is friendlier or above,
weather is not bad (no rain). Nothing is better then releasing yourself
and fall onto a bed of leaves.
Present (part 1) -- 1999 Dec to 2000 Feb. Kaedeko relationship with you
is high. A small hand knitted bag from her... But for the wrong hand
(left hand)...
Present (part 2) -- 1999 Dec to 2000 Feb. Present 1 had happened. This
time she knitted one for your right hand (sorry, left handed folks...)
Transfer... -- 8/26/2000 during firework night. Kaedeko's relationship
with you is very high. It is always hard to say "Good Bye"...
Reunion in Hokkaido -- 9/19/2000. You choose to Hokkaido for fall trip.
Kaedeko's relationship with you is very high. Luck + the small clever
bast*** Takumi = one emotional reunion.
The Long Distance Call -- Between 10/1/2000 and 7/31/2001. "Reunion in
Hokkaido" did not occur, Kaedeko relationship is very high. She did not
forget you even you move.
Play Ball! (vs. ??? High School) -- 4/15/2001. You are in the baseball
club; Kaedeko relationship with you is high. Kaedeko's new high school
is coming in for a practice match...
Play Ball! (Inter-High School championship) -- 2001/8/11. You have
enough club exp (with baseball club) to make to the finals Inter-High
championship. Kaedeko relationship with you is very high. The "World
Series" for high schools in Japan has come, guess who is your opponent?
Masquerade -- 11/3/2001. Kaedeko relationship with you is very high.
You choose to have Masquerade for your culture festival. Kaedeko's
patience + the bast*** Junichro = an emotional meeting...
Futari dake no X'mas -- 12/24/2001. You can complete with Kaedeko, you
have enough Charisma (need 120) to be admitted to the X'mas party.
Train stations are emotional spots to split...

3.7 Kaori
Who is she? -- She is a quiet girl in your high school. But
surprisingly, she is very good in sports and does pretty well in exams.
How to meet her? -- 1) Join volleyball club. After accumulating enough
club experience, she will appear randomly when you perform club command
during the weekday. 2) Have sports stat above 70. She will appear
randomly after that if you perform sports command.
Favorite Date Spots -- Central Park, Indoor Pool and Aquarium.
Strategy -- The main goal is to have a good relationship with her by
the end of 2nd year, otherwise she will withdraw from school. Sometimes
she is hard to date, but you can always use the reload trick
(heheh...). Doing well in sports (especially by joining volleyball
club) helps a lot. After you enter 2nd year and she does not withdraw
from school, the rest should be easy.
Childhood Events:
Kaori does not appear during the childhood.
High School Events:
Peeping into the sports arena... -- No time or relationship limit.
After meeting her, sometimes you will find her peeping people
practicing sports when you are performing sports command or club
command (sports clubs only).
Missing your date -- On disc 2, your first date with her. She missed
your date, and say sorry later by phone.
Fled ... --No time limit. Your relationship with her is under normal.
You date her at the riverside park, and you ask her some personal
questions. Apparently, she does not like that.....
Her real "stuff" -- 7/1/1999 to 9/12/1999, must be during class. Your
relationship with her is higher than normal. You perform sports
command, and see Kaori swimming. You are surprised who good she is...
To see this event requires a lot of luck.
Fish and Kaori -- During fall of 1999. You date Kaori in the aquarium.
Her relationship with her is normal. Kaori shows her love in fishes...
Injury during skiing -- During winter of 1999/2000 year. Kaori's
relationship with you is higher than normal. You go skiing with Kaori,
and she hurt her foot.
Sayonara -- After "Injury during skiing", between1/9/2000 and
2/27/2000. Kaori said she wants to stop socializing with you after the
The One I believe -- The day after "Sayonara". You convince Kaori not
to behave like that, and you and she becomes friends again.
Together with Starlight -- 9/24/2000 (during fall trip). Her
relationship with you (internally) is very high. You choose to go to
Okinawa for fall trip. You go out for Kaori during the day. You chatted
with Kaori during the night under the stars.
The Decision under Sakura -- 4/8/2001 (weekend in fall break). Her
relationship with you (internally) is very high. Kaori asked you out to
the Central Park to see Sakura, and she told you about her past.
Welcome to the Volleyball Club -- 4/9/2001. You are in the Volleyball
club, and perform that command on the week just after "The Decision
under Sakura". Kaori decided to join the volleyball club (her favorite
Let's Play Beach Volley -- During summer of 2001 (when the beach is
open). Playing volleyball is not limited within the premises of your
school's arena....
Cat and Yae -- 8/15/2001. Your relationship with Kaori is very high.
You belong to the volleyball club. Apart from fish, Yae (Kaori) also
likes cats...
Mikan no kanzume -- No time limit (Disc 5 only). You get sick (low
endurance + high stress). Kaori comes to visit you when you got sick.
She also cooked some food for you....
Coffee shop waitress -- 11/3/2001. Your relationship with her is very
high. You choose to do coffee shop for culture festival. Due to the
lack of labor, Miss Yae is summoned to be the temporary waitress.
(Didn't she looks good in that outfit?)
Futari dake no X'mas -- 12/24/2001. You can finish with Kaori. She and
you went to X'mas party together, and she forgets to bring her coat...
Isn't coat sharing romantic?

3.8 Maho
Who is she? -- She is a quiet and polite girl in your school. She
belongs to drama club.
How to meet her? -- 1) Have your Arts or Literature stat to increase
above 55 or 50 respectively, and perform arts or literature command. 2)
Join Drama Club, and have enough club experience. 3) Or she will
automatically appear during summer camp if you are member of Drama Club
Favorite Date Spots -- Shopping, Central Park, Museum, Botanical
Strategy -- She is fairly easy to date, and her relationship with you
is fairly easily to develop. Sometimes you will notice her behavior is
very different, this is because of Miho had replaced her for the date.
See Miho part below.
Childhood Events:
Prayers -- Day 1 and 2. Snow White is praying her prince to show up.
Gardening (?) in the Riverside Park -- Day 3 and 4. Maho and you are
helping (?) to promote Green Earth in the Riverside Park.
High School Events:
Fortune Telling (part 1 and 2) -- No time limit. Maho relationship is
good or above. You saw Maho is doing fortune telling with her
classmates, and you asked her to do it for you too.
Kero-chan ! -- No time limit. You date Maho in Fancy Shop. Ke**Ke**pi
is popular among girls, isn't it?
Sleep... Good Morning... -- During Drama Club summer camp. Maho
relationship with you is good or above. A good night sleep and wake up
early is always good. Seeing a cute girl in the morning will super
charge you more than coffee.
Fortune Telling (Part 3) -- You saw Fortune Telling (1 and 2). Parents
told kids never to find excuses to do stuff, Maho really knows how to
uses excuses to have someone go home with her ....
Santa Claus -- In December. Maho relationship with you is very high.
You date her at the shopping mall. It is X'mas; did your parents tell
you that there will be old man climbing down your chimney to give you
Prayers (part 2) -- You saw event "Prayers" during childhood. Maho's
relationship with you is very high. You go to Temple with her during
New Year (2001,2002). What is Maho's New Year Wish? Himitsu (Secret) !
Fortune Telling (Part 4) -- You saw Fortune Telling Part 3. Her
relationship with you is very good. This time there is an excuse for
Accident in the Museum -- When the museum is showing sculpture. Her
relationship with you is very good. Elves and fairies won't come out to
help you if you have damaged public properties in a museum....
Gardening (part 2) -- No time limit. Her relationship with you is very
good. You date her at the Riverside Park. The plant you and she planted
7 years ago grew up just like you.
The Oracle (?) -- 11/3/2001. You choose to do fortune telling for
culture festival. The Ancient Greek Oracle now appears in Hibikino High
Futari dake no X'mas -- 12/24/2001. You can finish with Maho. Dinner in
the Hibikino Tower is probably the most romantic way to spend your
X'mas eve.

3.9 Miho
Who is she? -- She is Maho's twin sister. She goes to Kirameki High
School (the HS in TM1)
How to meet her? -- Same time as Maho. She interchanges with Maho
during dates.
Favorite Date Spots -- Shopping, Karaoke.
Strategy -- Luck is important with her since her appearance is mainly
random. Her chance in appearing in a date depends on the date spot and
the relationship with you (as compared with your relationship with
Maho). The main difficulty is to determine whether it is Miho (not
Maho) has come to your date during the early part of the game when Miho
dressed the same way as Maho. Miho tends to speak more "aggressively"
(i.e. louder, more direct), while Maho tends to be more polite and "day
dreamy" (elves, fortune telling). Miho also had a bigger breast...
Since Miho has a different personality, your "correct" answers during
date are also different.
Childhood Events :
Miho did not appear during childhood.
High School Events :
The Queen in the Beach -- During summer (when beach is open), her
relationship with you is very good. It is "Bay watch time" in
Hibikino's beach...
Fortune Telling ... -- You choose to do fortune telling during 2001
Culture Festival. Your relationship with her is very good. I think male
students are coming to the "Oracle" to see Miho's sexy body rather than
have their future told...
Futari dake no X'mas -- 12/24/2001. You can finish with Miho. Same as
Maho's one... You go to the same place, but your conversations are
Chocolate -- 2/14/2002. Miho and Maho's relationship is very good. The
little secret between Miho and Maho nearly got exposed during
Valentine's Day ...
Teleport (?) -- No time limit. Both Miho and Maho's relationship is
good or above. You date Maho in the indoor swimming pool. Isn't Maho
supposed to be down there? Who the he** is this girl!? Hmmm..... Ouch!?
Birthday -- 2/24/2002. Both Miho and Maho's relationship with you is
very high. Jun and Takumi does not have a very high relationship with
Maho. The little secret is finally exposed... (This is required event
to finish Miho; I have seen in Japanese BBS that if Takumi and Jun
"declared" love with Maho can make this event disappear...)

3.10 Mei
Who is she? -- Sister of infamous Ijuin Rei. During your second year,
she will become your classmate.
How to meet her? -- She will automatically appear in the beginning of
the 2nd year (under the gun point :-) ).
Favorite Date Spots -- Junk Shop, Botanic Gardens, Amusement Park and
Game Center
Strategy -- Mei is not really hard to finish. Joining the Science Club
is going to be important. Mei looks at your grades highly, so train
yourself well in academic stuff.
Childhood Events :
Mei is hiding -- Day 4. You met Mei at the Riverside Park during late
afternoon, and you played with her. The butler of the Ijuin family soon
came to find her...
High School Events :
"Coup Detat" in the Science Club! -- Apr 2001 (Beginning of second
year). You belong to the Science Club. This is C*N special new report!
Mei Ijuin and her troops are now raiding the Hibikino HS Science Club
with brand new computers.
Junk Shop -- Your first date with Mei at the shopping mall. Mei
discovered a new "place" to have do shopping.
Focused... -- 23 Jul 2000. You date Mei at the Temple. This is Mei's
first Gold Fish game.
Guardian -- Mei's relationship with you is normal or below. Mei's
servant is following his master around during her date.
Special Dinner (part 1) -- 16 Aug 2000 or 15 Aug 2001. You belong to
the Science Club. Mei's relationship with you is good or above. Mei's
Quote of the Day," You need energy to do research. Energy = Food."
Mei's confusion --Mei's relationship with you is good above. You know
who is Homura. Mei used herself as a experiment subject of her new
IFA (The Ijuin Family Army) -- During winter of 2000 and 2001. Mei's
relationship with you is normal or below. You date Mei at skating ring.
We, the IFA, will protect Lady Mei at all cost.
First Food -- Only winter, after class. Mei's relationship with you is
good or above. It always taste good if it your first time.
Let's walk home -- No time limit. Mei's relationship with you is very
high. You seen "First Food". Time to have a change... No more Mer?????
or helicopters.
I hate onions -- After Sept 2000, and you see "First Food". Personally,
I like onions. Apparently, Mei does not...
Flower decoration -- Summer 2001. Mei's relationship is very high. You
date Mei at the Botanical Garden. Although it is against the law to
pick flowers from a park. But doesn't Mei look cute?
Special Dinner (part 2) -- 8/15/2001. You see Special Dinner (part 1).
Mei's relationship is very high. You belong to the computer club.
Anyway, Mei is not the only anime girl that cooks awfully....
Fall Trip (Day trip) -- 9/23/2001. Mei's relationship is very high. You
do not have a date on that day. Hey you! Mei and her charter flight are
waiting for you.
You are my only "slave" -- 10/8/2001 to 11/2/2001. Mei's relationship
with you is very high. A red faced Mei... Is she cute?
I am borrowing this place for a day -- 11/1/2001. Mei's relationship
with you is very high. You date Mei at the Amusement Park (Ochiiru).
Waiting in line is a part of life.
Mei's Memory -- Winter of 2001/2. You see "Mei is hiding". Mei's
relationship with you is very high. You date Mei at the riverside park.
"Mei has been waiting. Please come back to play with me!"
Futari dake no X'mas -- X'mas eve of 2001. You can finish with Mei. If
you gives Mei a "Hibikino HS school uniform"...
Donations --1/1/2002. Mei's relationship with you is very high. You go
to Temple with Mei. What are Mei's prayers?
Senpai -- After X'mas eve of 2001. You give Mei a "Hibikino HS school
uniform". To drop your ego in one day is not easy to do...
Valentine's Day -- 2/24/2001. Your relationship with Mei is very high.
Another example about the conflict between Mei's ego and her affection
to you...

3.11 Homura
Who is she? -- The "President" of your school's student union. She does
not get along with Mei very well too...
How to meet her? -- 1. Health more than 100 and perform rest command.
2. Stress above 25
Favorite Date Spots -- Game center, beach, mountains (fishing) and
amusement park
Strategy -- She is pretty easy to finish. Joining the student union
will help, but it is not necessary; you will also miss some events if
you don't...
Childhood Events :
Superman Dragonfighter -- Day 2 and 4 outside of the kiosk near the
small park. Homura must have learnt her "Dragon Kick" special attack
since she is pretty young...
Robo #29 -- Day 2 and 3, evening in riverside park. Homura be the good
guy, you be the bad guy... And don't forget about the dog.
High School Events :
Dragon Tiger Super Multi Attack (to a drum) -- Homura's relationship is
average or above. You date her at the temple at 7/25/1999. You either
put too much Energizer into Homura's arm or feed her too much
Homura at the Summer Camp (part 1 to 3) -- You belongs to the Student
Union. Event occurs during Summer Camp in August. She might have the
tools to flee, but you also got tools to catch her.
It is time for sweet potatoes -- Between 10/15/1999 to 11/25/1999 or
10/15/2000 to 11/25/2000. Homura's relationship with you is good or
above. This event is random. Corruption in School!!! The President of
Student Union and Principle is alleged to tell students to clean
leaves, so they can roast their sweet potatoes!!!
Let's Fish! -- 1999 Fall or 2001 Fall. Her relationship with you is
good or above. You date her at the mountain. It looks like there will
be a delicious fish for dinner tonight.
The Principle -- Her relationship with you is good or above. Random
event. Do not ever copy Homura's example -- to call your school's
principle with suffix "chan" in Japan.
I like Penguins -- After 1/7/2001 (opening of Penguin Show). You date
her at the Penguin Show. The tomboy not only love dogs, she also love
Presidents Kick (?) -- Anytime. You call Homura in a way that she does
not like. A special way to get body punishment -- call your school's
student union president in a way that he/she does not like.
Junk food eating -- 6/25/2001 -- 7/1/2001. Her relationship with you is
higher than average. Eating is always better studying, eh?
Pet Dog -- You see the event "Robo #29". Bring dogs to school is
obviously against the rules....
Homura on Patrol -- 10/8/2001 - 11/2/2001. You belong to the student
union. You perform the Culture Fest preparation command. It is her
responsibility, but she does not like doing it...
Babysitting -- 11/3/2001. You choose "Game Corner" for Culture Fest.
Homura's relationship with you is very high. The tomboy shows not only
patience but also her love to young children.
Superman Dragonfighter -- You see "Superman Dragonfighter" during
childhood. 2001 Winter to 2002 Winter. Years passed, but her kick still
I have not heard of that... -- 12/24/2001. You can finish with Homura.
Homura finally looks a girl (for one night only).

3.12 Maeka
Who is she? -- Your home delivery girl. She is Kasumi's classmate.
How to meet her? -- Buy stuff from mail order from the BEGINNING. You
will find the number on the Hibikino Watcher (in the game, not the
actual book). You can click on the ad on the left hand side to call the
Favorite Date Spots -- You cannot date her.
Strategy -- Buy everything from the mail order company. New stuff comes
out every 3 months. If you forgot to do so, it is time to reload... Her
events are usually related to your other dates. You cannot finish her
if there another girl you can finish with (same as Sumire).
Childhood Events :
Maeka comes to rescue -- Last Day (Day 5) evening. You click on the
"hole" on fences near the river and falls into the river. This event
explains why she can become a lifeguard in the pool...
High School Events :
All Maeka events are RANDOM. Reloading is required. Not all events can
happen too (i.e. some events will require you can finish with another
Festival Vendor -- You date a girl at the Temple in 1999.
Kyaachiseerusu -- I never saw this event. 1999 Fall. You date a girl,
which you wait for her in front of the train station.
Santa Claus -- 12/1/1999 - 12/25/1999. You date a girl in the shopping
Tissue distributing -- 3/1/2000 - 5/31/2000. In front of train station.
Beach -- Summer 2000. Date at beach.
Party servant -- Ijuin X'mas party 2000.
First Food -- 2001 Spring. After a date with another girl.
Waitress -- 2001 Spring. After a date with another girl.
Pool lifeguard -- Year 3. Date at the indoor pool.
Pizza home delivery -- 10/8/2001 - 11/2/2001. Before culture fest .

3.13 Sumire
Who is she? -- The daughter of an owner of circus. She is very
acrobatic, and she performs in the circus.
How to meet her? -- Perform sport command during 11 Feb 2000
Favorite Date Spots -- None. You cannot date Sumire.
Strategy -- The main point of finishing Sumire is go through all her
events (i.e. met her when the circus come). It is very important for
you not able to finish another character.
Childhood Events :
High School Events :
Naughtier Creature -- Requirements : None. Time : You perform sport
command during 11 Feb 2000. A monkey-like creature stole your keys when
you are jogging. And a girl (the master of the creature) comes out to
help you....
Date at the Amusement Park -- Requirements : You have met Sumire. Time
: Date another girl at the circus during Feb and Mar 2000 when circus
is in town, and choose to stay in the circus after date, you need to
get good reflection from the girl you date. After pissing off your
date, you go to meet Sumire. She wants to go to the Amusement Park.
Date at the School : Requirements : You have met Sumire, and you have
dated her at the Amusement Park. Time : Date another girl at the circus
between Feb and Mar 2001. This time Sumire wants to go to your school,
and she sings a very nice song for you.
The circus is not coming ... -- Requirements : You have seen all the
previous Sumire events. Time : Perform Sports command at 16 Feb 2002.
You go to find Sumire at the circus, but the circus has not come
yet.... You have to see this event in order to finish with Sumire.

4. Mini Games and "Combat"
4.1 Gold Fish Game
How to get it -- During Summer Festival (Temple)
The goal of this game is to get as much fish and turtles as possible
before you net broke. Your net has finite amount of hit points. It
loses hit points when 1) put it into water 2) make contact with a fish
or turtle (even you are unable to "fish" the fish or turtle up).
You decrease your loss of hit points if you do not use the center of
net to catch. Catching a turtle at the center of the net is instant
"death". Also catching targets that are deep and big will cost you more
hit points. It is quantity that counts (the size of the fish does not
matter). The relative value (to the girl) of a turtle and fish (any
size and shape) is different. Your goal is to get at least 5 fishes.
If you catch 5 fish + 1 turtle for the first 2 year, the owner will
give you a "special" -- to fish a lobster. The girl who is with you
will be really impressed if you catch it. Catching the lobster requires
a lot of skill. I have not tried it yet; if some one did it before,
please email me. I will post it here, so fans can share your

4.2 Wood Carving
How to get it -- During Summer Festival (Temple).

4.3 100 meters Dash
How to get it -- During Sports Day
Two ROT (rule of thumb).
1) Do not start before the gun goes off.
2) Do not use "auto shoot" (some pads and joysticks allow you to hold
the button, and treat it as you are pressing many times.
You speed is determined how fast you press your buttons, and your sport

4.4 Beat-the-Post
How to get it -- During Sports Day.
Objective -- Opponents flag's HP becomes 0.
Strategy -- It depends. You do need at least 3 (unless all enemies are
defending) to hold your own flag. Always combine direct assault with
"backdoor" attacking. The Beat-the-Post in the Omake is more difficult,
but enemy's formations are fixed.

4.5 Space Ring Fighter
How to get it -- Go to the Computer Club's counter during Culture Fest.
Objective -- Just like other shooter. Destroy enemy's boss without
being destroyed yourself.
Strategy -- I find it helpful to use the "sword" (destroys all enemies)
during the part that your are surrounded by enemy. Missiles are useful,
but should not be used excessively; missiles are also ineffective
against final boss. You must break the shield of the final boss before
you can shoot the "heart" of the boss; swords can break the shield in
one blow, and laser beam will take a while.

4.6 Melting Point
How to get it -- You need to become the Computer Club master. This
means : 1 You join the Science/Computer club at the BEGINNING, and
remain with the club through out high school 2. You need a lot of club
experience; it would take at least going to the club (during weekday)
every month.
Strategy -- Same as Space Ring Fighter. I find Melting Point actually a
lot easier (since you don't get blown up by one shot).

4.7 Combat
Stats :
Opponents HP Super Attack Difficulty
Street Bullies 2000-4000 (per bully) None Easy
The Muscle Boss 8000+Game DaysX10 Super Sumo Palm Easy
The Fireball Boss 11000+Game DaysX10 Roller Charge Easy
The Falling Tree Boss 14000+Game DaysX10 Buddha-Cut-You-Into-Half
The Part Time Boss 99999 None Indestructible; You always win
Akane's Brother 50000 Dragon Charge and Red Phoenix Hard
Bear 10500 Salomon Boomerang Medium
Dear 10000 Dear Stampede Medium
Snake 11000 Yummy Lunch (?) Medium
Takumi 20000 Principle Summoning (?) Medium
Junichiro 30000 Buddha-Cut-You-Into-Half Hard
Your Super Attacks :
Hero (I mean you!) -- Depends on club : Roller Charge (Baseball Club),
Buddha-Cut-You-Into-Half (Kendo Club), Tea Please (Tea Club), Super
Tennis Racket Throwing (?) (Tennis Club), Do you confess (Drama Club),
Super 1 in 3 Attack (Volleyball Club), Super Electric Ball
(Computer/Science Club), Round-the-Globe Dash (Track and Field Club),
Enjoy My Recital (Music Club), I am going Berserk (Student Union),
Sneak Attack (Go Home Club (you belong to no club))
Hikari -- I will protect you!
Kasumi -- You better regret.
Mei -- Sakujijun protect me!
Kaedeko -- Super Head Butt (?) (after tripping over a rock)
Kaori -- Why are you doing this?
Takumi -- My small universe, Bomb attack (?)
Maho, Miho -- What is your horoscope?
Homura -- President's Kick
Miyuki -- The Curse of Bad Luck
Kotoko -- Want some tea?
Fighting tips :
1. If you know you are dating girls in the same region (i.e. same date
waiting spot) more than once, you are going to run into bullies. If you
continue to date at the region, you will run into the 4 "Kings" under
Akane's brother.
2. Animals usually have very strong defense. It will take some time to
defeat them despite their relatively low HP. If your HP gets under
1000, they will launch their super attack, and the combat will end
automatically. You will get a stronger impression if you defeat the
animal yourself rather than allowing the hunter, monk, or squirrel (?)
to defeat the animal.
3. Takumi special attack really hurts. Defeating him quickly since his
non-special attacks are weak.
4. Always defend if your enemy is using a special attack. Special
attacks from Takumi, Junichiro and Akane's brother really hurt.
5. Defeating Akane's brother requires some patience since he has lot of
HP. If his HP drops under 20000, he will transform. After
transformation, his defense will go up, and his attacks are all super
attacks; luckily, his speed goes down significantly, and this will give
you chance to attack and cast cure spells. Your super attacks do not
work after he transforms, but your partner's one do. If you are
fighting with him without another girl (i.e. when you are trying to
finish Akane), if you try to attack him (after transformation) more
than twice with your super attack, you will discover a new super attack
which transform him back to his normal shape. Some girls' special
attack will also transform him back too.
6. I never fought with Junichro before. According to guidebooks, his
special really hurts (2000+ if you are not defending).
7. Heal spells are critical in long fights (i.e. with Junichro or
Akane's brother).
8. The Part Time Boss can never be defeated. She will just flee after

5. Ending
Some girls and multiple ending, but no matter what girl it is you are
after (except Maeka) has an event on the last X'mas eve. If the X'mas
event does not occur, it does not mean you cannot finish with that
girl. If it does happen, you WILL be finishing with that girl (unless
Junichiro or Takumi is after her, and you lose or forfeit the "Duel"
with them). It is known that if Takumi or Junichiro is after Miho, it
will mess up your ending with Maho.
Multiple Ending Info
1. The following character has only ONE ending : Miyuko, Homura, Kaori,
Kasumi, Sumire, Maho
2. Maeka's ending starts after the "Game Over" ending is over. So be
3. Hikari has 2 endings. The ending depends whether you are going after
the same career or education or not.
4. Kotoko has 2 endings. The ending depends on your relationship with
5. Akane has 3 endings. The ending depends whether you beat her brother
(and him "minions") during combat, and whether or not you had met her
during childhood..
6. Miho has 2 endings. It depends on whether you had met her during
7. Kaedeko has 2 endings. It depends on whether you met her in Hokkaido
or not.
8. Mei has 2 endings. It depends on childhood event (only one) and the
following up event during high school happened or not.

6. Info Source
This FAQ is basically a summary and translation of the TM2 guidebooks.
The two books are :
Konami Official Guide -- Tokimeki Memorial 2 Full Pictorial Guide (ISDN
# 4-88317-781-5)
Konami Official Guide -- Tokimeki Memorial 2 Official Guide Book
(Complete) (ISDN # 4-575-16203-5)
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