Tear Ring Saga

Tear Ring Saga

14.10.2013 16:31:03
Tearing Saga Mix Information Ver 0.1
Last update2/25/02
MESSAGE BOARD COLLECTION from all the TS board posters + addition by MoggleC (MoggleC@hotmail.com)
Strategy RPG Designed By : Enterbrain

Copyright: (c) Copyright 2002 MoggleC (and ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE TEARING SAGA MESSAGEBOARD)

First : This, I cannot really say is my work, but of course it's original. This FAQ cannot be a reality without the help of
ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE TEARING SAGA MESSAGEBOARD. But, I've foolishly deleted their names and forgot to back
up the file when I rearranged all the questions and answers provided. I tried my best to add all the names but some will
be missing. Since there are many points in the game people will be missing,and there is no clue that any other people
will be writing a perfect english FAQ for this game anytime soon.
Second : Since most of this FAQ was cut-pasted, You'll probably have a hard time in understanding some parts of the
faq, I have checked through a few errors but not all.
Third : Don't give the credit to me yet, give it to all of the people on the board. What I do is only cutting, adjusting and
pasting what they wrote.
Forth : If I ever upgrade this FAQ again, I promise to make it more of my own work, more detailed, more correct. And
then please give some credit to me. (And still to those people who have posted all the information.)
Fifth : Never use this faq for profit.

You'll find things that most people have problems in such as 'How can I get him/her', how can I get this, other small
information. But not detailed strategies about how to complete a certain stage.


MAP 1& MAP 3 "Cursed Weapons" MAP 4 (only if you chose LUKE after the 1st stage, I guess)
-Do you remember a normal sword that come from the house in Map 1??
That sword with a litter +1 in CRI..............I just know that every time you use it KILL something you will get +1 CRI!!!!
this limit will up to 50!!, and it will critical every time you use it
So buy a hammer and repair it, it very useful
-Also there is another spear with this ability in map 3.
-To get the bow with the critical effect, you need to choose Luke (the archer), then bring him out in map 4 and talk to
Rachel in the house located at the upper-left corner BEFORE you recruit her using Sasya.
-any weapons after 50 kills will start to increase critical rates by 1 each time u kill. So after 100 kills, u will get +50
critical rate weapon.
-it will be cursed also what happen when i uncurse it
-To get the bow with the critical effect, you need to choose Luke (the archer), then bring him out in map 4 and talk to
Rachel in the house located at the upper-left corner BEFORE you recruit her using Sasya.
-There is a *shield (the first that you obtain) which will also boost up the critical stat of a weapon w/ every kill (w/o
having to kill 50 first). The shield you get around maps 9-11.. cant remember which.. and only works w/ certain weapons
(so far only the wooden sword, wooden spear, and javelin gains stats for me)
-Is it possible to get Richard the gold knight, Sun's mother Silva,Julius the dragon lord, princess leda (Teeah), Luce the
armor knight? I'm at Map 33 now and I had not get this characters yet, also, my friend told me there are four Evil swords
and four holy swords in TRS, is this true? Uptil now I only got 1 evil sword, did I miss them?
-4 Holy swords : Zeneto, Runan, Holmes, Tia
Not sure about evil swords.
And there's only one person you can use, Tia
Before MAP 2
-Those characters u can choose on map 4...
-You can get them again in Hormes's campaign ....just bring Norton (maybe some others like Roger, Mel, Sasha ) with
Hormes and you can choose again.....I think Lionel is your best choice here.
-Naron's by far the best character, I guess he's Lionel then like "Jeeke" is supposed to be "Siegfried". The other choice
is Ezekiel since you'll need him in order to keep Letina (as opposed to Rebecca). U

-My second time through I picked Narrion and Ezekiel, which was a better choice than Lee. Both characters at least
have some development, Narrion becomes the best Knight in your party, probably surpassing even Jeeke who I now
know not to level him up.
MAP 3 "Narcis"
-1. How can I get the yellow-haired guy in stage 3?
2. Is there a way to repair weapons?
3.What's the difference between starred weapons and not starred ones?
-1. That's no one joining u in Map 3
2. yes... it cost 8000G
3. Starred item are special items n need a special starred wand to repair them
-Can the rod for tleporting be repaired? I bought the hammer for starred weapons, but I can't use it in battle and repair
it, is there something wrong?
-Normal weapons can be repair by using hammer but starred weapons cant... thats d difference by putting d star there...
thats what u think n its special so normal hammer can do anything except for d repair wand which u can only use 3
-well...i think mogglec's first question is referring to Narsus, i dunno how to get him...but i just know he stole half of
Ryunan's money in the first split...:(
-Don't worry, you'll see him again before map 26.

-How to get Roger ?
-Map 3 ? Get Runan to talk to Narsus.
Map 4 ? Conquer the castle without killing Roger AND Mel.
Map 7 ? Use Mel to talk to Roger.
If you want to conquer the castle without killing him and without him to be killing one of your characters, the best way
would be; Use all your female characters and block him, so he can't go after your male characters.
MAP 3 & MAP 6 "MEL" & MAP 7 "ROGER"
-Earlier? As in wihch map? If you're talking about Map 4, then I think it would be impossible. Mel only joins at Map six
if you've talk to Nalusas on Map3 and Roger only joins at map 7 if you use Mel to talk to him. Use Sasya to talk to
Mel on Map6 to get a flute to change Job.
-dragon knights are weaker in magic comapared to Peguese knights.
-Pegasus Knights get
+5 Hp / +3 Str / +1 Skl / -1 Agl / +4 Def / -6 Mag / 0 Luk / +2 Wlv / 0 Mv. when class change to Dragon Knight.
-only 2 dragon flutes


MAP 4 & MAP 6 "MEL" & MAP 7 "ROGER"
-I'm on map 4, how do you get Roger?
Damn it, I tried almost everything. Somebody please finish this game and write faq about it!
-you can't get roger on map 4, he joins you after Mell joins your party on map 6. then on map7 he'll reapear and have
mell talk to him.
-Also don't forget to have sasya talk to mell on map 6 to get the pegasus upgrade.
-Saysa progresses from Princess --> Pegasus Knight --> Dragon Knight.
She learns Potential at Lv 10 Princess, so it's best to up her to Pegasus Knight at Lv 10 only, not before.
MAP 5 "Sieg"
-uh...you missed him. He's in map5. You noticed the Dark Soldiers ? One of them has different color. Click on him and
you will see that dark soldier (Dark Knight) will has insanely skills, that is Jeke. He will be the only one that walk toward
your group. Get Ryunan to talk to him.
-God, he is insanely strong. He never lose a match in the colisium. Too bad he will become your enemy later on...
-Oh yeah guys, one more thing...who is the lady that appear when Jeke is dead ? hehe have you try and got Jeke killed
yet ? Well, when he is dead, this lady popped up and talk something...who is she ?
-I were you, I would try to pick him up but not over abuse him, otherwise he might be a nightmare late in the game. He
can EASILY become best character in your army for the duration of the game. When he was at level 18 in my game he
surpassed Robuaha (the king who can use all weapons) at 25th level, Jeeke had all his stats around the high teens,
with skill and agility exceeding 20! Now I'm praying that when I have to fight him, he won't have any fancy weapons
that I won't be able to counter.
-Even now the only character in my arsenal who might be able to stand up to him is Hormes(lvl 33), and I'm not sure if
he'll be there when I have to fight Jeeke. On Ryunan's side, I don't think I have a single character that can survive 2
hits from the demon lance.
-Xeno's definately a better investment than Sieg(Or Jeeke). Xeno will not betray you in the end, and he's fretty
formidable throughout the game.
-Like you, Xeno's been quite the battler in my army, but his Defense and Strength are simply not Sieg's equal (I don't
think anyone is a complete package like Sieg is). Shigen's another powerhouse in my army. I think by now at map 30,
I have made up the loss of Sieg, as a number of characters have stepped into the spotlight.

-I know that Jeke is almost invincible...but I just stuffed up when I was in the arena. He is a monster like you said, he
never lost a match until he met this Gold Knight at level 30.
This Knight has Master Sword on. I thought what the heck...I beat him before so why can't I beat him again. So I
decided to fight him. First round, Gold Knight attack first. 2 hit, both missed. Then I attack, missed also. 2nd round, he
attacked me, both hit, I just thought, oh well, I will get him again next time. So I attacked, missed...now I really have a
bad feeling about this so I started to press X to exit the arena...but to no avail, I pressed it too slow...and then the
terrible monstrous Jeke has met his end at the hand of this Gold Knight...sigh.
-who the heck isd Norton ?
-map 6, you get sasya to talk to him.
-How to get norton
-Get Sasha to talk to him. That's it. if you want to use an armored guy, you're better off using Naron, who's fast, moves
quick and best of all have a steady defense growth. My level 22 Naron has 18 Def and armed with a decent shield,
barely anything ever gets through. Tanks in TS aren't very useful IMO, since my luck with cavalry seems to be good
from a defenseive side.
-who should i give the "gladiator" skill to when i'm on map 7?
-A fast and skilled fighter with a decent defense. Although personally I didn't pick it up since I don't go fight there often.
It's my experience that Naron and Siegfried simply cleans house for most of the fights without having the skill. Once
Naron becomes a Gold Knight, there isn't anyone on any map(at map 1-10 anyway) that can even come close to his
fighting ability.
-Give it to Naron. Also later in the game you can get that skill again from a couple houses, Kristin should learn it then.
-You can get a ton of money by having Naron fight in the arena, at least for Ryunan's side. And he'll need it since he
doesn't get free movement (at least as far as I know).
-What's the use of the key u got on Map 7?
In Map 10, how to get the KEY that Narsus and the old man in that house mentioned? Where is it?
And finally in 11, how to make Sharon and Bilford your allies?
Thanks a lot again
-1. I think that is a key to open the door. Nothing useful
2. 2 spaces to the right of Narsus. Get him to stand there.
3. Get Rafin to talk to Sharon, then Sharon to talk to Bilford.
-1.Key to open the gate if ur character is not strong enough to
walk through the front gate or keep it with Ryunan to use it later.
-oops sorry,I means the bridges at the right side of town.
-1. Keep it. It will make map 17 ( I think...it's around 17-18 ) a lot easier.

-Chapter 7 only send Naron there.
MAP 8-25 & MAP 25 "LETINA" MAP 26b(palace) "mov potion, etc"
-I've restarted the game twice before finishing it. In the end I still missed out letina. I'll be taking a few days of before
playing it yet again! This time I'm going to pick up Ezekiel and Luke, for variety.
-Letina can join only in 25.......
-And only following the conditions of all the events of map 8-25? Well miss another character...
Better stat-wise against Rebecca that's for sure......other than that..*shrugs
I used her only in the final 2 scenarios for healing purposes. Not much chance to shine.
-Hmm.....who is Letina ?
On map 25 I found only Rebecca.
-The blind girl of Kreiss' dreams :P
-You meet her the first time in Hormes' squad. Needs Ezekrel (or however you pronounce his name) as well......
-the one that take place in city or the one that take place in palace?
-26b is the palace, where you get a mov potion(very useful) knightproof, and +10 levels.
1) Pick Ezekiel during the 2nd chara joining event and have him talk to Letina in Verje.
2) Have Klais talk to her.
3) Later on, have Klais bring her an iyashi no shizuku
4) Later on, have Klais bring her an omamori
5) In map 25, have Klais defeat Marco the dragon knight then make him go to the house that Letina appears in.
-Kreiss and Arkis.
In the first split, plus aforementioned items
-Is that mean I have to move Klais to Holmes's group ?
-Kreiss and Arkis.
-What is Omamori ?
I think I know that the iyashi is +20 hp fruit.
-And and and...
I wonder if Letina is really good ?
Because I'm considering about restart my game again.
Now I'm on map 21 of first replay.
-Iyashi no shizuku: Healing Water. It has a symbol that looks like a drop of water. Recovers all HP. 3 uses
Omamori: Protection Amulet. Has a symbol that looks like a necklace. Protects holder from death. 1 use
She has better stats than Rebecca, plus she has her own special staff
-Omamori will not auto-refill your HP but Elixer will.
-Actually what I mean is that if a death blow is to be dealt and you are wearing Omamori, you'll simply block
the blow. If you have an Elixer, you'll die but reappear in the battle with full HP.
-Sieg is the only one i know thus far, and Mel will leave if Roger gets killed
-If u have Kreiss and Letina, u will get to choose. 1 choice will make Letina leave, the other will make both leave
if u dun have Ekziel.
-Ente and Katri will leave your party sometime late in the game also.
Personally I don't like having characters only for a few maps (let alone one of them becoming an enemy). In all
previous Fire Emblem games, you got your party members and you stuck with them (except FE4, but that game
was divided into half anyway). To have characters in your party that leave you is a bit jarring IMO.
-The same house u get Rebecca from. If u followed all the steps to get Letina, and have Kreis go in. Other than the
fact that Letina have better stats, she will give 10% hit, dodge and critical bonus to everyone on the map, and there's
no area limit unlike other.


MAP 10
-Does anyone know the exact conditions to getting Mins and Lenny to join your party in level 10?
-have Rafin talk to min, then have min talk back to lenny.
-if you are talk about dark knight mins and the girl he save,lenny, this is what i saw from a japan web site...
mins success to reach the castle at turn 8
after that, use your party to check about the corner of the small forest to save lenny(at turn 9,after the mins enter the
castle, miss one turn and lenny will run away)
hope this what you want
-Arrrggggg.....which corner and which forest ?
...and how can you talk to Mins ? I think you can talk to Sharon and her guard ( can't remember his name ) but not Mins.
-let Ryunan conquered the castle before the 9th turn ends, Mintz must reached the castle; do not get detected by the
guards around the fortress, or Pavlov will come out to defend it.
AFTER MAP 10 (first choice)
-one of my unit change into a "dragon knight" after map 10
when i choose the first choice.
can anyone tell me what happen if i choose the second choice thank
-Rafin stays as a cavalry knight, rather than mounting a dragon.

RIKURIA MAP 10-20 to 31 "Lost a character to tend a shop in Rikuria"
-I've lost my Kreshinu (the girl that you've got on pirate's boat around map 10-20 ) because I accepted the shopkeeper
request to look after her item shop !!!!
How do I get her back ?
-Whoever you sent to tend the shops in Rikuria will sell weapons/items at 2/3 the normal price.
They will return after the third and final split, when Hormes and company are fighting the Gargoyles before Scenario 31.
-But you may not get them back
-Yeah so in other words, send 2 useless people there? I am gonna put Garo and Roger in there.
MAP 10 & 2nd Split "dragon flute"
-Who where to get the item that use for changing from pegasus knight to dragon knight??? Even already beat the game
I still can't find it.
-level 10 has one, some dude offers to sell it for 10000 gps
in the lower house.
-I also think there might be a hidden store(s) that sell the upgrades. They existed in FE3, and it won't surprise me if they
came up too.
-If Yumi is in Hormes' party during the second split, she'll also pick up a Dragon Flute.
That's (so far) the only other Dragon Flute that can be found normally. If you're lucky, Mose Tower (or any of the other
3 Random Chest dungeons) may have one?
-There is one in Map6? ( Matill give it to someone I think... or someone give it to Matill...not sure)
and I'm pretty sure there is one in a room with a lot of chests because I got Knight Upgrade, Mage's upgrade and Hero
Proof there.
-Ah....my bad the map 6 one is for Sasha to classs change to Pegasus Knight
-Yumi picks up a Move Again manual. Bado is the one who will pick up the Dragon Flute. Be sure to have her on
Hormes team during the second split.
-Bado got the Dragon Flute at Arukana Desert after you have cleared the Mose tower; same thing w/ Yumi.
MAP 10
-Sorry for not really follow the topic. But I can't create a new topic... don't know why. I have a problem on Map 10...... there
are 4 friends that you can get...... I don't know exactly how to get the Girl name Renie and the black knight Minji (if I spell
correctly) What exactly do I have to do? should I let Minji enter the castle? or should I wait till Renie escape and make a
And I would really appreciate if anyone tell me the condition of how to make me able to create a topic.
Thanks lot.
-(Off topic) Map 10: I don't know their names, but I hope this info helps,
Rafin to get to that lady knight and talk to her, then, use the lady knight to talk to the Armoured guy.
As for the Black knight and the girl with the arrow, you'll have to wait until the black knight steps into the castle, use
Ryunan to step into the enemies' land and the boss will come out. You have to do this in one turn. After you conquer
the castle, they will join you.
If she ran away, you'll have to wait till map 17 where she lives, you need the black knight to visit her and you'll get
her back.
-Thanks lot Bart. So I have to kill the boss right after he comes out right?

MAP 10-12 "group of 4 Welrudo Palace"
-How the heck do you get Rainer or any of the other characters?
-Apparently you can get to pick another member of the group of 4 in between Map 10-12, but I dunno how I get this.
ANy help?
-Head towards Welrudo Palace with any of the following characters in Hormes' party: Saysa, Kaite, Rafin, Esther, Roger,
Mell, Noton.
MAP 14
-In scene 14 which 3 person i must use in order to activate the duel pls help
-Vega, Shigen, Klycine.
MAP 14 & MAP 19 "wlv potions" and "item maker"
-There are at least 2 wlv potions avalible on horme's scenario. One is at the end of 14 in the room full of chests, the
other is after map 19 when you go to the ruins.
-Either way you can get the stuff from itemmaker.
AFTER 2nd Split
-"opas" for 2nd item maker
There will be the occasional random enemies coming out to harass Rikuria, so you can access the Item Maker and the
Colosseum anytime after the second split.
MAP 14 "Plums" MAP 15 "Lilia"
-Plums she is not the only dancer in the game... there is another girl in stage 15... use adrom(just translate by myself) to
go into the church like house and lilia(translate by myself) will be in your team... she is a dancer too...(unconfirmed info)
-How to get lilie? who should i use to talk to her?
-Uhh....where is she ?
-Map15: the streets of oasis she's inside the church

If you sent Hormes into the bar in Scenario 14, and viewed her dance (instead of skipping it), she'll get the title of
"Dancing Prist". If skipped, or Butz saved her, she remains as "Girl from Toras".
Also, once she reaches Lv 28 (or a little before) she can give random +10 stat bonuses to any characters when
dancing in the map. Though the chances of actually getting those nifty bonuses (they are semi-permanent, the bonuses
end only after a map is clear) is pretty weird. Hormes got it 3 times out of a hundred dances, Vega received 3 out of 10..
....and it seems no character can gain more than 2 bonuses per map.
And yes, she beats Supergirl in every aspect of clothes-changing :P How many sets of dancing clothes and streamers
does she have anyway!?
...and the "bouncing" can be seen even in the map sprite O_O;

She sings, she sings, she sings. She earns the tag of "Great Star"! Incredible luck, maxing out early on. Incredible HP
gaining ability (she had 31 at Lv 30) for a Priest. And her singing can recover HP, has a group range of 4 at that. Added
to that is when she's in the thereabouts of Lv 28, her singing can allow characters to move again (just like dancing),
and if really lucky, can allow at least 5 characters (the best so far for me) to move again.
-Lilly + Plum = Incredible Performing Twosome.

-and will Plum learn any additional dance?
-Lille's singing randomly anable's your character to move again, and according to other messeages I've seen, if her
level is high enough, she can even heal and randomly boost a status for that battle.
MAP 15 "Rennie"
-How to get Rennie, the singer in map 15
-just use Attrom to visit the church
-that is the map which u don't have to fight, where only San and Fulau(the pegasus sis) are your enemies
-in this map i have some queries,
1. there is a house in the leftside of the map, which looks like an inn, with an old lady lived inside, who should i bring
in it?
2. in the upper right corner of the map, there is another house with a younger lady living, what's the use of it and again,
who should i bring and is she our ally?
-1. I think it's Plum...not sure about this one.
2. It's the secret shop. You need the Guild Key to enter the shop.
-thank you, i got Plum to visit it...but looks like nothing special happened thus far...
and by the way, in the same map, i saw a girl called...Rennie? in the Chapel...how to get her?
-Can the guild key be bought? There is on silver key and one gold key that can be bought, what are they for?
-this key is the one u obtained in the map where u have the first chance to control Narsus, so u need to give this key to
Holmes' party in the first split
-After map 14 is the treasure chests random or there is a fixed of choosing best 5 chest
At map 15 there is one girl in a house who should i use to talk with her pls tell the person class cos i don know the
-Umm.I think it's fix.
-There're Knightproof and Mahe-Upgrade in
Row 1 Column 3 and Row 2 Column 6 ......If I remeber it right.
-Chest items are fixed:

First row (from left to right):

Gold Bag
Sage's Proof
Mag Plus
Gold Bag
Armour Killer
Repeater Bow

Second row:

Def Plus
Gold Bag
Long Healing Staff
Gold Bag
W.Lv Plus
Gold Bag

Third row:

Magic Shield
Luk Plus
Gold Bag
Pow Plus
Knight's Proof
Agl Plus

Fourth row:

Gold Bag
Gold Bag
Gold Bag
Gold Bag
Hero's Proof

Final row:

Iron Shield
Gold Bag
Hell Fire
HP Plus
MAP 16 or 17
-Now I gain control of Ryunan once again ( map16-17 ...dunno which map ) and after some leveling ..... his stats are not
that bad anymore....am I a bit lucky or what ?
'CAuse now at lv.11 his stats are like 10-15 except magic and luck.
-you are lucky my friend! My Ryunan at level 15 had nothing above 10 except Wlvl, he's level 18 now, and only skill
and agility are 10.
I had some remarkable stats with some of my other characters anyway. So it's a little bit of give and take.
MAP 20
-The stage that Homus have to fight the arc-orb and its underlings. This stage, the
gargolyes will come from the 3 caves...what do I do in this stage ? Get the chest under
the arc-orb ? There's only one chest to this stage ?...I beat all the enemies and nothing
happen, it won't let me pass the stage...
-After you clear all the enimies and treasure, move Holmes to the left side of the map
where the colour looks different and you can and the battle.
-it looks like a platform he can walk on. there should be stairs under it.
-Oh, cool. Thanks for the help people! ^_^
-Umm...There's a ruin in the left side of this map. The terrain around it is in grey colour.
Your objective is to conquer that ruin.
MAP 20
-Any hints or tips? Those wing demons that keep coming out of the mountain are quite frankly very annoying, seeing
as everybody usually misses. I've already resetted about 11 times already, and I'm this close to throwing my control
through the t.v screen :).
-I had my Holmes to guard the right most side of the cave, the female magician you get on Map 11 to guard the middle
one and Shigen, Jeke, Vega and Roger to block the left most corner. Every turn, they'll come out once, but you can
finish them off with one shot from Holmes arrow and thunder magic. As for the other four chracters, the gargoyle will
attack them, but once your chracter counters, it will either be dead or left with little hp. After some time, the gargoyles
will stop coming out of the caves and you can proceed.
-Yeah that map is annoying. I think you should just try to get Holmes to beat the map ASAP. Of course there is the 2nd
save staff that the Arch Orpas is sitting on but it's hard to get that without a level 30/40 Yuni.
-To get that save staff.
Just bring Shigen or Xeno or Atrom along with Yuni...maybe Matill and Frawn too.
-Actually I had a more easier way, after clearing all the gargoyles and goblins, I had that second Katri change into a
dragon and clear that annoying monster sitting on the chest and it's minons, then Holemes to claim that treasure while
Katri heals him on a safe area in her human form.
-the easiest way to defeat the Arch Orpas is using Holmes' Long Bow, it has a 2 ~ 3 range; just stand 3 blocks away
from the monster and fire away ^^
-I went ahead and restarted :P. It seems as if those demons would always kill 2 people in my team no matter what
stragedy I used. Xeno, Shigen, and Holmes were the only guys in my team that stood a chance of surviving, and
they didn't allow me to go back to level up my other characters. Ah well, thanks for the advice, oh, and just what was
the objective of that level?
-conquer the ruins on the lower left corner.
MAP 25 "robbing and protecting from being robbed-star weapons"
-The Rob manual is hidden somewhere in the desert in Scenario 25. Use Narsus to look around......
-Oh, and about the Thief Swords, technically they can't steal Starred weapons and items. Perhaps you could send in a
character equipped with only Starred equipment to take out the Swordsmen. The last of them will drop the Thief Sword
anyway (however many uses it has left of course.....).
MAP 26 "Mov potion"
-There's a Mov potion on map 26, the only one I know of in the game. You have to beat a thief to it.
-what is the max movement Leni can gain?? currently i have her up to 8, i read somewhere she can increase it to 11;
and is she the only who can increase the movement??
-anyone know when we get the holybook to help to improve stat growth in battle
-Hmm....I think Lionel has best mv. stat growth in this game...or I'm just lucky :O)
Because in my game he got 8 mv. point on his 14th lv. ( +1 in lv.6 , +1 in lv.8, +1 in lv.14 ) and after I upgraded him he
got another +1 as bonus. Darn...this guy can move really really far.
-My Leni got 12 mv. point at lv. 28
(she got 8 before class change, another +2 at class change and +1 at lv. 24 , +1 at lv.28)
I wonder if she can get more ?

MAP 26 a-b
-I put Xeno, San and Samson in Ryunan's party, and they, coupled with some strong characters on Ryunan's side
(shooters Rakil and Leni, Rafin on a Dragon, Meriel with Starlight) make his scenarios almost a cakewalk. Almost,
because both Scenario 26s are IRRITATING to say the least. Especially the one where you attack the castle direct >_<.

-Anyone else lose Arkiss after gaining Leana?
-I did, I went path B on map 26 and realized he's gone
Actually if you read through the conversations just prior to the start of the scenario, you'd realise that Akis was forced
to don a Dark Soldier suit. Now the question is, WHICH of those Dark Soldiers is Akis...>:E
-Actually it's fairly simple. He's the only one out of the starting group of Dark Soldiers to have a skill(s?). Strip him of
his Devil Spear using a Thief or using a Thief Sword you can rob off the Swordsmen in the scenario (Melvin is at his
best here, or else let someone use the Rob Book found in Map 25), and let Rina go convince him back once you've
released her. Not easy at all, considering that there is that irritating thief that will make off with the Plus potion, and
those very irritating hidden shooters + mage.
-I chose the other route. Fast, irritating as well, but not as irritating as this one.
MAP 26b dark magic...
-Is there any character that can use dark magic? I stole one from an enmy on 26b and I don't know whether to dispose,
or keep it. On map 26b, beside the boss, there is an old man carrying a green coloured sword, is it possible to get him
on that stage?
-According to my knowledge...
Only one person that can use black magic is Shera. You'll get her late in game.
And .... no... you can't get that man to join you..
-So you mean I should just kill him for EXP? Thanks for the advice.
-try to use julia or vega kill him, you'll have his sword. it's usefue when you fight te\he monster.
-is the boss of map 26a and 26b the same? Is it possible to get the sword that you mentioned about if I go through map
-Hm... I'm confused, is there a fight on 26b where you can use Julia and Vega to get another sword? Because on 26a
you get the lugard (or as nash102 calls it, the lucude) which is a red *sword with a crt of 80.
-Yeah. It's that sword.
Get Julia or Vega to KILL Renten and you'll get that sword.
-You can get Rene back on map ...um.... 28 ? Not sure but it's after second split and in Holmes's part.
-Thanks for your help.
-Oh and get Atrom with Holmes.
You need Atrom to get Rene.

MAP 29
-Just when you though Hormes was already an immortal with a bow, his upgrade makes him so much more lethal than
At the end of round 29, Hormes upgrades lets him fight melee, and a very good melee fighter in his own right!
Furthermore he gets his own holy sword at the end of the game! Ryunan also gets one too.
Ryunan upgrades into a full lord, but I have yet to battle test him. Still he's rather limited because of poor stats.
MAP 31
-Anyone know how to recruit Sierra in level 31? Apparently even if I have Shigen talk to her she still won't join
-she'll appear at map32 in your party roster; you can also get Sierra by getting Shigen killed before the second split.

MAP 34
Scenario 34...sure bring tons of bad memories...those tank things are really annoying, they just keep coming out; of
course you can block them by warping a character on that spot..and the Gold Knight, i stole his weapons and just
pummel away..heh; is there any way to get his shield??
MAP 35
just you wait for Scenario 35, the boss is kina hard...(since most of my good weapons are at Holmes' party ><
MAP 39
-Actually you could place someone who has a ranged weapon with Awareness (eg. Raquel) to draw Sieg to attack...given
that you've killed off the witches around him. Killing him ends the scenario anyway.

-that item called (in japanese) 'dakruone' (da-kru-on), they said it's tear of an angel. u can use only 3 times, so be careful.
if you go there, you'll find crishene(green-hair swordwoman) on 3rd floor. she stole this item and escape here, but she
can't move. just let shigen talk to her. she'll back.

SPEAR WITH crt 20 "and devil spear"
-I use the spear which has crt 20 after killing 100 ppl
The crt became 70 which mean i put it on jake the rating become from wp 300 to 500
I thought i got a super weapon as every time crt attack for most knight with that weapon becme about 70 plus to 80plus
in the end got curse and die
-I know now why my devil spear attack me instead of my enemy......dammit...
-my friend tell me that jake can use all curse weapon
SAVE between battle
-It's very irritating that you can't save between except with save staff .... because when one of your characters die....
most of the time you'll restart your game. :O(

-As all the players know that it would be impposible to have everybody's job changed since the items for changing
jobs are limited. I have alot of trouble deciding who to change class because later in the game there would be more
powerful(maybe) to join. Please advice on who to change class and who to be left unchanged.
-The only real problem you'll face is the lack of Hero Proofs and Knight Proofs. For Hero Proofs it's best to change
some of the more important characters. Shigen is a must, as are Atrom and Rennie. Julia is a good bet since she
learns the SeiRyu skill. And of course the only sole Swordsman with thieving skill Klycine(Kristin?). Of course you
can't forget Vega, Xeno, and the like....
-As for Knight Proofs, it's a given that Narron MUST use it, as is for Bilford the Running General and San the Black
Knight. You will have a load of knights left to choose among though. Kreiss and Arkis do have events late on, it's
whether you want to use them past level 20. Rina's a good Paladin but with low attack and defence....just remember
that after the final split you won't have much chance to exploit the mounted troops much since all of it is indoors
Others include Rafin to Dragon Knight, Sasha to Pegasus Knight.
You won't face any problems with Sage's Proof. There's enough for all 4 of them.
-There's enough hero proofs in the game that if you didn't pick up Ruka(Luke) then you'd only have 2 left over. In
my game, I managed to get a hero proof in one of the caves, so I only left Bartz, the most useless yuusha-class
character, unpromoted.
Knight proofs are real nutty. Assuming you got 7 of them, here are who I consider to be must-promotes, personal
preference, and waste-of-time:

Narron (Ryunan side MVP ^_^)

Personal Preference:
Sharon (I digged her because she's great with rob)
Klais (probably need to if you want to get Letina without frustration although if you're lucky his stats will be good
enough that you don't have to waste a knight proof)
Shirou (you should probably promote either him or Kate but not both)

Esther (although I really like her, she's pretty useless)
Archis (he is very useless too, despite all the skills he learns naturally)
Rina (I really don't see any use for her)

-like you say, it is possible to promote most of your characters, but when can I get them all? Because I'm already
at Map 30, and I don't seem to have collected that much hero's proof and by the way are the dragon flutes
sufficient for all three?
-I'm sorry, but who is Rennie, Atrom, Bartz, Klais,Lionel, Shirou? I don't know Japanese at all (Except save, items...
etc) And my only source for name translations is a stratergy guide which translates only a few names.
-Rennie - Long blonde haired female archer that you get with Mintz the black knight on Ryunan's side
Atrom - Green haired senshi (looks like Xeno)
Bartz - Axe senshi that accompanied Enteh (sister) on map 2
Klais - Purple haired "straight-looking" knight who was with you on map 1.
Lionel - Goofy looking spear knight that you probably don't have on your party.
Shirou - Horseman who was with Lionhart (Mamaluke)
-Hmm... were you actually able to get Ezkiel, Narron, and Lionel all in one game?
-I used my Hero Proofs on Shigen, Julia, Samson, Xeno, Atrom, and Lennie. I guess I'm missing a proof from one
of those dungeons :(
And in my game, Shigen and Wega suck. Their strength is like so low that it's not even funny. And how can you guys
recommend promoting Bartz instead of Samson?
-Hrm I don't think anyone recommended Bartz.
-I was able to promote every foot-type character except him, because I picked up an extra Hero proof in one of the
So that's why I didn't make any listing of who I promoted of that class.
-My Vega and Shigen have very good status, high in strength and agility. Every time I attack the enemy, he would
either use critical or one of his skills most of the time. As for Shigen, he isn't as powerful as Vega in my game, but
at least his sword revives him every time he falls.
-Whew last night I promoted Esther in a new game I recently started (wanted to really get all the things I missed out
on the first time around). Her map sprite looks really cool, but of course the battle animation sucks (what battle
animation doesn't suck in TearRing Saga? Oh wait, female madoushi and Plum's dancing animation :). Of course
her stats really did not make her worth promoting, but I've been selectively leveling her so that she is slowly on track
to max out all her stats except magic (it's taking quite a while!).
As a result of promoting her, I probably won't promote Klais like I did in my last game (the sole purpose of which to
make sure he would survive against the dragon knights in 25). So I will make sure Klais gets better stats this time
around (last time at level 20 he had 10/8/8/8/?/?/? stats).
Also did some research, I've found the differences between the various knight classes that upgrade from rook knight:

Commando Knight - weakest sword/spear knight class, and they get the lowest max stats out of the knights, however
they have an advantage in that they can use spears on foot.
Paladin - middle stats knight class. Get higher stats than Commando Knight. Can't use spears on foot.
Black Knight - There seems to be no difference between this class and Paladin. (Also interesting to note that Paladin
and Black Knight are both player-exclusive classes, except you can fight black knights in the arena but
not paladins).
Gold Knight - Taken from Fire Emblem Gaiden, this is the strongest knight class, with the highest stats and big shield,
continue skills to boot.
King's Knight - This is more like a story-related class, all the characters who are of this class are royalty after all (Loffrau,
Richard, Balkar, etc.). Same stats as Gold Knight but no class-based skill.

Now from my understanding, Commando Knights and Paladins are useless (except that Rafin and Roger, who are
already promoted, are somewhat handy early in the game, then Rafin goes and gets his class change while Roger
rots in your party). Except there are story-related reasons to use Klais and Archis (well Klais anyway, Archis has a
somewhat relevant subplot in 26b). But Paladins have no use at all. Esther and Rina don't get much story or even
friends bonuses and Roger is like the Fred of the game. Really, the only 3 super useful knights are Narron, San, and
Zeke, and Zeke leaves your party so he shouldn't really count.
And I wasn't counting the archer knights (mamaluke/arrow knight) or Norton, so I guess that's quite an amount of good
knights if you include them.

RAKIL "elite-kill monsters easily"
-Or Rakil can't kill humans ? I noted that she can deliver death blow on any of monster but when she has to kill humans,
she wont do it !!! Enemies' hp will reduce to 1 instead and after that all of her attack will miss 100%
-Nope, she won't kill humans. Her conversation with Saysa when she first appeared already said that.
HOWEVER, there is a way to make her kill again, but at the loss of Ruka......
-Actually I would have preferred her to leave enemies at 1 HP. That way I could use some of the weaker characters in
Ryunan's team to earn experience. Rakil has Potential already, so gaining levels for her isn't that tough despite being
unable to kill humans.
-And because she has 'Elite' it's easy for her to kill some monsters and level up

UPGRADING lady knights
-Lady Knights receive pittance when upgraded to Arrow Knights... +1 to a handful of stats.... >_<. Well, at least she can
run around shooting people.....
-*should have known better than to train Sharon*
-Oh, and Shera's just getting better and better. Had her killing mummies while warping around, and at Level 24 she had
a whopping 17 for Magic. That's higher than Meriel or Elisa could muster at the same level. Now to look for a Super

-shigen xeno dodger

Julia :
HP 41
Strength 17
Skill 25
Agility 25
Defence 10
Magic 2
Luck 18
W.Lv 20
If not for her immensely high luck (and and critical rate) as well as her Ryusei skill, I wouldn't even think of using her.
But oh well, she's nice after all ^_^

1.Hormes- "Ken" as I like to refer him to is an unstoppable machine. He's currently level 35,all the major stats all in the
upper teens, skill at 22. He kills dragons in 1 round using a dual shot crossbow. He can go toe to toe with virtually
every boss I've encountered.
2.Rafin- The one who makes it a job to save Ryunan's ass. I've invested a bit in Rafin. Gave him a thief skill, a mov
potion, and a def potion. In the end, he's become another monster. For some reason (luck I guess), My Rafin's Skill
and Agility both rank in the low 20's something I don't see anyone else accomplish. Given any throwing lance, and
he'll make an excellent wall stealing weapons from enemies! Best of all, Archers have incredible difficulty hitting him!
Currently level 28.
3.Jeeke- or Sieg as we should now refer him as. Technically disqualified, but I simply can't ignore him. Stat's rise
meteorically. By the time he left he was level 18, but str, skill, agi, def, mag, ranged from 15-22! Memories of Sirius
from the first portion of FE3, I only pray he didn't have that a lance anything like that in this game!

Here are my favorites:
1.Sieg- Like Sirius before him, I always liked a good guy turn bad. Although he probably won't aid you again after he
leaves, you still have to love what he's gotten your army through. Without Jeeke, there is almost no way I could have
passed certain stages. Such a tragedy I'm going to have to whack him.
-Did I mention I always liked an character in dressed black.
2.Renny- My best "pure" archer(meaning exclusive only to bows). Wasn't very impressed in the early going, but soon
became another powerhouse. Good strength, Skill, Agility, best of all Wlvl never became a problem and was soon
handling seige crossbows and squatting Dragonknights away like Mosquitos.
3.Ritual- This guy is here because he simply looks awesome! As of now his stat's aren't rising much since hss level is
pretty high (level 23), he's still a very formidable mage since they all start relatively high. Not nearly as powerful as
Marge or Elisha, his biggest advantage is his special spell attacks at range 1-3. It's also very powerful by it's own right.
-IMO the coolest mage in the game. (So far at least)

-I think I know why some of my Ryunan's stages are so dang hard (especially the one that you have to strom the castle&
city wall ) ....'cause I don't have Jeeke.
-Hmm... my best character ?
San the luke knight in Hormus's scenario. Nothing special about her at first but after some level up she gains 'Elite' !!!!
And with very high agi. and ski. her attack will hit enemies most of the time and she will not get hit easily, not like my
other cavalry units. Class change her and she will become another black knight with unbelievable high stats.
-I like Yoda a lot now that he's joined me.
-that swordmaster is outright psycho! To start off he's got 5 skills to begin with, best of all, NOBODY can hit him very
easily and he critical hits over 50% with just a silver sword!
His animation is also pretty cool, especially his many sword arts and his evade.

Ok...I have studied the growth rate of some characters...it might not be accurated but maybe it can help...
Range from S,A-D , S is da best.
Name Hp Str. Skl. Agl. Def. Mag. Luk. Wlv.
Ryunan A C B B C C C B
Sasha B C B A D C B C
Kate A C B C C D C B
Rafin S B B B C D C B
Julia A C B B C D C B
Sieg S S A B B C B A
Hormus A B A B C C C B
Xeno S C B A C C C B
Shigen B B A A C C C B
Atom A B B B D D B B
Frawn A C C A C C C B
San A C A A B C C B
Elisa C D C B D B B B
Meriel C D B B D A B C
That's it for now :O)

-San is a GODDESS on a horse, although her stats do suck at the outset. She maxes out agility very early on. Why in
the world do all the cool characters end up on Hormes' side?
-Samson would probably hit 60 HP around Lv 30 or so. He gains them like there's no tomorrow. Incredible agility and
strength too. He is the TS Oushin IMO, not Butz :P
-Leni seems to be a good stat-gainer. Unfortunately being in Ryunan's scenario means that she dosen't have much
chance to shine with her low levels, else she'll be mobbed.
-Jeke will become an enemy into the second half of the story, but he is currently a must-use character in terms of
damage dealt and received. Try not to over-use him though, or else he'll become a headache when fighting. And NO,
he can't be used to become the owner of the weapon shop in Rikuria >_<.
-Klycine is a Swordswoman with theiving skills. Though I would love to train her up...I ran out of Hero Proofs, already
Heroing Xeno and Atrom, and Swordmastering Shigen :P A must-use for later levels perhaps? Can't steal starred items
-Melvin sucks. Although he has the Rob option, his presence means an automatic 50% reduction in everything, it's
almost like the exact opposite of Charisma, except that it's 5 times more potant >_<
-Haven't found much use yet for walking cans, but Bilford does have some good stats. Mayhaps a few zombies will
change him for the better later on :P
-Shirou the mounted archer isn't much better either. Other than the mobility factor, he hasn't been really useful as of yet.
-Maybe more...still unsure about the conditions for getting Letina.......*scratches head even more*
Oh, and don't bother training Ente or Katori. They won't be around for the final battle, or haven't you already known,
from past experience? :P
It seems more or less confirmed. You have to kill him in the second last scenario. You CAN get Kaite back using Saysa,
but there's no known way to get him back, not even with Kaite.

-I will pick San for her skills(Totsugeki) and monster battle ability(black knight)
Narron rocks too in Ryunan's party, but his defense is pretty low for a Knight at level 14(def:10...not bad, maybe i m
too demanding)
Bilford can be pretty useful if u consider him as a moving wall...but i once got him killed by an axe knight :P
Not to mention Samson, an axe expert with high agility, speed and moving
-Vega and Shigen are not bad too. Vega can cause a great deal of damage to a monster while Shigen gets revived
every time he falls as long as his weapon is still all right.
-Julia, my favourite warrior for coutering archers. After I promote her, the percentage of getting hit by a arrow is almost
0 eventhough the battle screen says 52%.

-HI did any one try the Rob ability in the colossum? I used the theive and steal tons of weopons but still not 100%, so I
missed some good ones (-_-0) Then when I try to use some one with the Rob ability....but they won't let him in. The
problem is...is that one of my friend told me that you can use that ability in Colossum. Can anyone tell me how???
-You can't. Anyone with the Rob ability (Melvin and the character you used the Rob Manual on, IF you used it) can't
enter the Colosseum.

-Does anyone else know any special fights between characters? Ones were two characters before fighting talk longer
than usual? I only remembered two right now. The one were Rafin and Roger fight for the first time, and the other one
were Vega and that other guy (forgot his name, it was on the map on Ryunan's side were the enemies were hidden in
the bushes). I got a pretty nice sword for winning that boss fight.
-I didn'y know that, can you give more Info on those two fights? I know there is a fight between Shigen and Vega which
in the end leaves them with one hp each, somewhere on this board did mention that, 'the duel'.

-Do anyone know how to combine weapons or items n not going by sequence that
eg. 1st (weapon) - Shield Sword
2nd - Holy Sword
3rd - Shift Sword
4th - Dragon Arrow
5th - Repair Wand
I don't have d item to combine for d 1st weapon so can i skip to 3rd or 5th weapon? n can i combine again after i finish
combining all?
-Anyone combined items??
-I know you need a silver shield and the other item to combine on map 15, but I've never combine weapons before so
I'm not really sure
-Map 15 Item Maker:
1. Estoc + Gin no Tate = Shield Sword
2. Mahou no Tate + Tanken = Holy Sword
3. Sword Breaker + Kinka no Fu kuru = Thief Sword
4. Long Bow + Elixer = Dragon Arrow
5. Iyashi no Tsue + Repair Hammer = Repair no Tsue

Riguria Item Maker:
1. WLVPlus + Kawa no Tate = DEFPlus
2. Tetsu no Tate + Gin no Ken = Gin no Tate
3. Master Sword + Kinka no Fu kuru = Yuusha no Akashi
4. Iyashi no Shizuku + Omamori = Elixer
5. Thief Sword + Hashi no Kagi = Guild no Kagi

Note: You HAVE to do each item in order.
Here is where you get every item you need:
WLVPlus - Map 3
Kawa no Tate - Buy it
Tetsu no Tate - Buy it
Master Sword - Steal in arena
Estoc - Kate, Martel start with it
Gin no Ken - Steal from an enemy or from arena
Gin no Tate - From Item Maker
Kinka no Fu kuru - from an enemy holding it
Iyashi no Shizuku - Buy it or find from some map
Thief Sword - from Item Maker
Hashi no Kagi - Buy it
Sword Breaker - Steal from enemy
Long Bow - From secret shop, steal from enemy, Holmes starts with one
Elixer - from Itemmaker
Iyashi no Tsue - buy it
Repair Hammer - buy it
-I made a mistake. You get WLVPlus in Map 1.
-O... I finish combining everything n d shop of both weapon n item doors closed... I thought it can be combine many
times... but all only once~
-What's the difference between star swords, characters?
How can I repair weapons?
-there are 2 types of star : black and white
white means this weapon is spacial, but not for someone. ex.silfried-spacial wind magic, but every wind magician
can use it.
black means it's spacial, and also, for the exact character. ex. repier-only for runan. or shulam-only for vega.
in case you want it repaired, use 'repair rod' (i think holms's group have it). remember that u can use it only 3 times.
-Can anybody help with the list of proofs? So maybe other gamers can find them all.

Map 3- Knight's Proof
Map 6- Pegesues Flute
Map 8- Knight's proof (I think so, coouldn't remember)
Map 10- Dragon's Flute (1000 bucks)
Map 11- Hero's proof
Map 14- Hero['s proof
map 16- hero's proof
Map 17- hero's proof and sage's proof
map 18- hero's proof

And there is one Knight's Proof, Sage's proof, and Hero's proof with the item maker. Also there is one more dragon
flute automatically. These ar all the proofs I know, please post in if you know any othe locations if it is not listed here.

-Yuusha no Akashi:
map 11
map 14
map 14 clear [bonus items]
map 16
map 17
map 18
map 26A
Riguria: item maker shop
Random item: Meemerl cave
Random item: Erial cave west
Random item: Moss tower 5F

Knight no Akashi:
map 3
map 8
map 14 clear [bonus items]
map 16
map 19
map 24
map 26B (2 of them)
Random item: Erial cave east
Random item: Moss Tower 4F
Random item: Moss Tower 5F

Seija no Akashi:
Map 14 clear [bonus items]
Map 16
Map 17
Map 39
Random item: Erial cave east
Random item: Moss Tower 3F

Dragon Flute:
Map 10 (10,000 gold shop)
At start of Holmes' scenario, right after 3rd split, Bado will find it
Random item: Moss Tower 1F

Super Proof:
Map 3
Map 14
Map 25
Map 26B
Map 27
Random item: Erial cave east
Random item: Moss Tower 3F
Random item: Moss Tower 5F

Move Again scroll:
Map 3
Map 18 (Mintz to house)
Map 25 (desert item)
At start of Holmes' scenario, right after 3rd split, Yuni finds it

Yamashiimu (teaches Rob):
Map 25 (desert item)

There you go

-Oops, I made a mistake, I meant there's 2 Yuusha no Akashi in 26A, and 1 Knight Proof and 1 Super Proof in 26B.
Actually I never played 26A so I don't know if there's 1 or 2 Yuusha no Akashi there.
-I'm sorry I don't read Japanese but can you explain Super proof, Sejia no Akashi? Thanks
-Super Proof is the one u get to raise your upper level limit for a character
Seiji is used to make magician, Maruju and Elicia etc, change their class
-What about the item maker? Where is Riguria?

Websites for more information about the game:

Tearring saga infosite/message boards. Good info, but very heavy japanese text.

Character portraits


Special thanks to


all of these people who posted these Q&A!
(No particular order)

JL Lee
jojo luv
Blue Moon

And many other people I've lost there names (Please email me if you found a part of your message here.)
Comentariul dumneavoastră a fost salvat!!!
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