Black & White - Creature Isles

Black & White - Creature Isles

15.10.2013 18:35:41
FAQ Version 1.0
Published 2/22/2002

Disclaimer: This FAQ is the work of the author (Reed Brooks). Please
do not distribute or modify it without the author's permission. The
author knows Pikmin, and the Pikmin are watching you.
Software is (c) Lionhead Studios Ltd. All respective logos belong to
them, they own your soul, etc. etc. etc.

I. Version History
II. Author's Note
III. Overview
a. Introduction
b. Island Overview
c. Villages
IV. Trials
a. Tyke's Nest
b. Madino's Bowling Trial
c. Tyke's Learning
d. Guddle's Shepherding Trial
e. Fang's Sheep Stealing Trial
f. Orrin's Race Trial
g. Nazzle's Rescue Trial
h. Flitter's Ballista Trial
i. Naxo's Fight Trial
j. Pristax's Board Game Trial
k. Lukely's Building Trial
l. Herbo's Protection Trial
m. Arkle's Crops Trial
n. Yax's Soccer Trial
o. Monty's Smashing Trial
p. Pashar's Shooting Trial
q. Jango's Marbles Trial
r. Kula's Missionary Trial
s. Rufus' Ring Trial
t. Mercurio's Battle
V. Optional Quests
a. The Miners
b. Whack-a-skeleton
c. Dolphin Shoot
d. Romeo and Juliet
VI. New Creatures
a. Crocodile
b. Chicken
VII. Raising Tyke
VIII. The Source
I. Version History
Version 1.0: Initial FAQ

II. Author's Note
As of the date this FAQ was written, I have beaten Creature Isle twice
with two creatures I raised (a wolf named Kaze, who is most skilled at
converting villages, and a leopard named Windclaw, the first creature I
ever raised). This FAQ was written pertaining to my experiences with
them. How you've raised your creature will most likely affect the
difficulty of raising Tyke, as well as the difficulty of some trials,
so please keep this in mind as you read the FAQ.

III. Overview
a. Introduction
With Creature Isle, the focus shifts from godly struggles to the
creatures. How well you've raised and trained your
furry/scaly/feathered companion will ultimately decide if he joins the
Brotherhood...or does it?
The answer in a nutshell: yes and no. There are certain miracles and
abilities your creature is going to have to know in order to succeed in
the trials. However, most of the trials involving your creature will
have you intervening or directing your creature in some way. There are
some trials where your creature isn't even involved at all! This is a
mixed blessing: on one hand, it makes the trials a great deal simpler,
as you don't have to train your creature how to do each one beforehand.
On the flip side of the coin, some of the mystique of some trials is
lost when you realize that the creature's actions in said trials are
mostly preprogrammed.
Ultimately, the better your creature is trained, the easier it'll be to
complete the trials. However, you could also just scrape by with a cow
that knows only water and heal miracles.

b. Island Overview
The majority of the island is self-explanatory, and you can treat it
mostly like you would any other map in a normal Black and White game.
However, there are some special areas/things of note, some of which are
fairly useful, and some of which are simply staging points for trials.
Note that all compass directions mentioned assume that the temple's
creature pen is facing north.

Location: directly SE of your temple.
The dojo acts as a center for the Brotherhood. When you succeed in a
trial, the creature running that trial will report here and raise their
respective plinth. Once a plinth is raised, a creature from the
species depicted on the plinth will appear and take up residence in the
dojo. This creature will then be available to fight against as well as
be switched to. It's important to know that these creatures are not
the same creatures that run the trials (ex. You don't fight Madino if
you click on the cow plinth, you fight a generic cow), so if you were
hoping to switch your creature to Koax or Mercuio and use the "Source,"
then you're out of luck.

Creature Creche
Location: South of your temple
You don't have to use this if you don't want to, but it's pretty useful.
When the silver scroll above the building is clicked, the woman running
the creche will agree to take care of Tyke for you. Tyke will then
appear in the creche (regardless of where he is on the island), and
remain inside the creche until you click the silver scroll again. This
is useful for when you don't want Tyke wandering aimlessly while your
creature is completing a trial, or have Tyke interfering in a trial.
However, please note that Tyke will not eat inside the creche, so be
sure to pull him out before his hunger reaches 100%.

Bao trees
Location: at the end of the long strip of land south of your temple
This is where Tyke's egg is found. Once this is done, however, there's
never any reason to come back here.

Volcanic area
Location: SW of your temple.
Madino's set up his bowling trial here, proving that some creatures
never use the sense God gave 'em. However, you might be able to use
this area's geothermal heat for something...

The Gates
Location: near the Celtic village
These giant gates are surprisingly similar to the gates found on the
first land of Black and White. However, there are no set of stones
that open them up. The gates are normally closed; however, they will
open if Tyke is nearby.

Arkle's Farm
Location: far N of your temple
This is where Arkle's trial takes place. It seems like a relatively
boring place to note, but what makes it stand out is the fact that it
has the only animal herd on the isle (a herd of horses).

c. Villages
With no enemy gods around in Creature Isle, there's no need or rush to
convert villages.
Thank (insert deity of your choice here).
In theory, converting the two neutral villages is completely optional.
However, unless you've trained your creature to do the certain miracles
required in some of the trials, you'll probably find it easier to cast
them yourself instead. And hey, extra influence couldn't hurt.

Egyptian village
Miracles: Water (normal and increase), Wood, Food, Heal (normal and
increase), Fireball, Lightning
This is the village that you start out with on the island. And
fortunately, it's got all the basic necessities. Other than that,
there's not much to say.

Celtic village
Miracles: Wood, Speed up, Forest, Storm (normal and increase), Strength,
This village is in a valley north of your starting position. This
village really doesn't give you much help in village management: you
already have the Wood miracle, and the Forest miracle fades in
comparison. Also, Storm is nice for belief purposes, but since you'll
probably have only one village left to use the Increased version on
(provided you haven't converted it yet), it's more or less useless.
However, Speed Up and Freeze are effective miracles and will come in
handy later. This village will also provide you with a Speed Up
miracle dispenser once converted.

Japanese village
Miracles: Teleport, Wood, Speed up, Enlarge, Shrink, Invisibility
This village is probably the more useful of the two neutral villages.
You get Teleport, which is fairly useful on this land for getting to
trials and places quickly. In addition, you get 4 creature-related
miracles, all of which will be extremely useful in some of the trials.
Added to the fact that this village will provide you with a Flying
Creatures miracle once you convert it, I'd advise you to convert this
village first.

IV. Trials

NOTE: at the beginning of the game, not all trials will be available.
If you see a trial that is not yet available, you may have to complete
other trials to unlock it.
Also, despite what many reviews have said, there are usually a couple
ways to complete each trial. The end is usually the same, but you
don't have to always use the same means to reach it.
Finally, while sometimes tricky, a lot of the trials rely more on
reaction time than sheer brainpower. Basically, refer to this guide
only when you're about to snap.

All trials are listed under the following format:

Name of Trial (self-explanatory)
Creature required: (yes or no. Some trials you can complete without
your creature. Also, if the trial requires your creature, they will
usually be brought to the trial area when you click on the trial
Trial description: (another self-explanatory one. Tips on how to beat
it will be included in here)
Tyke help: (You don't need Tyke to complete any of the trials, with the
exception of "Tyke's Learning." However, he may be able to assist your
creature with some tasks, and will even do certain actions in certain
Difficulty: (rated from * to ****, with one star being the easiest, and
4 being the hardest. This ranking is only my personal opinion, and not
necessarily the end all.)

a. Tyke's Nest
Creature required: yes
Trial description: soon after establishing your godly self on the isle
and talking to Rufus, the elder of the Egyptian village Shadrin will
alert you to an egg resting in the Bao trees south of your temple.
He'll ask you to hatch the egg, as they've been waiting ages. Get a
leash on your creature and command him to haul his furry butt down to
the Bao trees. You'll notice Tyke's egg sitting in a nest in one of
the trees. The evil conscience ("Blacky") suggests that you throw
something to dislodge the egg. So, order your creature to pick up a
rock, and then command it to hurl it at the egg. If it's got good aim,
it should knock the egg out of the nest (however, if your creature is
tall enough, it can simply grab the egg out of the nest without the
After the cutscene with the obligatory local hippie, have your creature
pick up the egg and take it to the volcanic area. Once it arrives,
direct it to drop the egg into one of the depression in the ground
where steam is coming out, nearest to the red hot lava.
The hippie will appear and tell you to wait until the egg hatches, so
busy yourself with one of the trials, if you have the time. Pretty
soon, the egg will hatch, and your creature will have a Robin to his
Tyke help: do get him for completing this trial...
Difficulty: * (The game holds your hand every step of the way. The
only way you'd have difficulty is if you haven't read any previews of
Creature Isle in the past year.)

b. Madino's Bowling Trial
Creature required: yes
Trial description: One of the first trials available, Madino the cow
will challenge you to 5 rounds of bowling. If you get a strike, you
get a point bonus on the next two balls. If you get a spare, you get a
point bonus on the next one ball. Sounds simple, really.
I understand some people love this trial. I personally don't like it
that much. First of all, the trial takes a little while. Second, it
may take you several tries to figure out the best way to throw the
marker. Third, Madino will tend to bowl strikes several times in a row,
or blow a lot of them and then suddenly pull out some more strikes near
the end of the game.
Ultimately, the difficulty of this trial depends on how good your
accuracy is. If you spent your time in Black and White lobbing
fireballs around like candy, then this trial shouldn't be too hard. If
you're godly accuracy is like mine, however...
Tyke help: Tyke will tend to sit off to the side and watch the game, if
he's with your creature. Sometimes, he'll knock down pins for your
creature. However, I have yet to confirm if this nullifies the bonuses
from strikes and spares. If you do, please contact me.
Difficulty: ** (If you've got good accuracy, subtract a star. If your
accuracy sucks, add a star.)

c. Tyke's Learning
Creature required: yes
Trial description: this trial becomes accessible once you have Tyke.
It's also pretty freakin' easy. For most of the trial, they'll give
you exactly what you need to educate Tyke. The only difficulty is that
they want you to teach Tyke how to build things, which your own
creature won't be able to learn until near the end of the trials. But
otherwise, this is a cakewalk.
Note that after the first lesson (teaching Tyke to eat from the fields),
the field will remain until you click on the trial's scroll again. So,
until you do, you have an unlimited source of food. Your worshippers
will never go hungry again ;)
Tyke help: he's the key to winning this trial, so make sure your
creature takes care of him.
Difficulty: * (Come on folks, this trial ain't rocket science.)

d. Guddle's Shepherding Trial
Creature required: yes
Trial description: Another trial that's immediately accessible, and
probably one of the most boring ones on the isle. Guddle the sheep
wants you to herd his ten...sheep back into the pen he's standing in.
Supposedly, the wolf is supposed to make this task more difficult, but
the only thing he did with me was pick up a sheep and put out a little
farther away.
Anywho, since you'll probably end up scattering the herd with your
creature, you'll need to round them up 1 or 2 at a time. The thing to
remember is that if your creature gets close, the sheep will bolt away
from him. Keep in mind that it's not a directly opposite course change:
the sheep will often deviate from the one direction its running and
continue to run in more or less the same direction, unless you keep on
it with your creature. This trial is more time consuming than anything
else, and unless you scatter the sheep very far away from one another,
you shouldn't have any problems. I did this trial in about 20 minutes,
but some online have claimed it's taken them as much as 50 minutes to
complete, so be prepared to be busy awhile.
Note that completing this trial will open up Fang's Sheep Stealing
Tyke help: you can have him here, but the sheep don't seem to give him
the time of day. Considering his method of following your creature,
that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Difficulty: ** (The most difficult part of this trial is not dying of
boredom before you complete it.)

e. Fang's Sheep Stealing Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial description: Fang, the carnivore end of the wolf and sheep duo,
challenges you to a game of invisible hide and seek. This is horribly,
horribly difficult. Except that you can still see his footprints.
And you can hear him howl. And you can do so the moment he turns
invisible and keep tracking him with your camera.
Who am I kidding, this trial is a joke. All you have to do is follow
Fang's footprints as soon as he turns invisible, and use a leash to
make sure your creature keeps up. After about 1-2 minutes of running
around, Fang will stop, and if you've been following him with your
creature, Fang will reappear, compliment your impressive tracking
skills, and repeat the process. Catch him 3 times in a row to win this
The only difficulty is when you lose sight of his footprints. In that
case, listen for his howl, and follow that. Your consciences will also
alert you to his presence when he's nearby should you happen to lose
Tyke help: Not sure. He might be able to find Fang, but with the
probable size difference between Tyke and your creature, Tyke will be
lucky to even keep up.
Difficulty: ** (If you lose sight of Fang, it's going to be tough, but
as long as you follow him carefully, you won't have any problems. And
no, you CAN'T bookmark him.)

f. Orrin's Race Trial
Creature Required: hai (yes)
Trial Description: Orrin the tortoise sets the description up simply.
The only rule is that you have to pass through the stone gates.
Otherwise, it's a free-for-all. Kind of like a fight with Mike Tyson.
Anyway, it sounds simple, except Orrin knows the shortcuts and cheats
like Bill Clinton. There's a shortcut that you can make use of by
using the shrinking miracle provided by the Japanese village, and you
can freeze Orrin with the appropriate miracle from the Celtic village.
Or, if you have both villages converted, you can use both tactics
against him.
The easiest way to win the trial is to take the shortcut, as it cuts
the course distance by almost half. Unfortunately, the shortcut is a
valley, and the both ends of the valley are impassible to a creature
any larger than the ones at initial size (in other words, the size of
the creatures you find on land one in Black and White). So, you'll
have to use the shrink miracle from the Japanese village to make your
creature fit through. You'll know you're at the shortcut when you see
two Egyptian obelisks. Keep in mind, Orrin will freeze your creature
just before he makes himself shrink and heads towards the shortcut, so
stop him cold with the freeze miracle, should you have it. If you
can't take the shortcut (because you don't have the Shrink miracle),
use the Speed Up miracle and have your creature haul tail around the
track, watching out for the hazards along the way (the volcano spewing
fireballs just past the shortcut can be a pain).
Also, you can use Orrin's cockiness against him. If he's in the lead
when he comes up to the shortcut, he probably won't take it (and will
probably cast a speed miracle on himself instead). Remember, it
doesn't matter how long you're in the lead, only whose in the lead in
the end.
Keep in mind, there are NO rules (for the most part), so feel free to
hinder Orrin in any way your twisted little mind can think up.
Tyke help: only your creature counts, I think. If Tyke can even keep
up, then you have one special little critter.
Difficulty: ** (If you walk in unprepared for this trial, you'll get
your butt kicked. Also, it's easier if you play through it a couple
times, as you can usually follow Orrin the first time to find the best

g. Nazzle's Rescue Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Pretty simple in theory: rescue the bear.
Difficulty in theory: getting to said bear. The wolves will see/smell
your creature if it gets too close to them, and the hermit will hear
him if he walks past. End result: your creature gets zapped. So, you
need to be creative. There are a couple ways to go about this:
-At night, while the hermit's sleeping, use the Invisibility miracle on
your creature to sneak up. Make sure to stay away from the wolves at
the base of the hill. Once your creature reaches Nazzle, have him (or,
if you have the influence, yourself) destroy the windmill holding
Nazzle to complete the trial.
-Or, if you have the influence and miracle, create a teleport to where
Nazzle is and have your creature use it.
Tyke help: dunno.
Difficulty: * to ** (depending on the method you use)

h. Flitter's Ballista Trial
Creature required: no
Trial Description: Flitter's poor pal's been given the head of a donkey,
and he needs you to fire him (using his trusty ballista) to the three
herbs scattered around the island. Note that you can't grab the mule-
headed man and drop him near the herbs (he won't take them, for some
reason), so you'll need to have good aim.
The three herbs are identified by a blue aura around them, and can be
found in the following areas:
-on a cliff behind the ballista
-a small island NE of the Aztec temple that the chimps are building
-on one of the cliffs of the canyon that was a shortcut in the race
with Orrin.
You'll only be able to see the aura of the herb on the island, so
you'll need to scout out the position of the other two, and aim
carefully. If you're having trouble, remember this: for the first herb
above, aim to the right of the rocky spire. For the last herb, aim to
the right of your temple. Other than that, there's not much I can help
you with here. How hard this trial is for you is dependent on two
things: how well you can mentally judge arcs, and how quickly you learn
through trial and error.
You can press ESC at any time to cancel your shot. If the man says
"looking good," or something to that effect, however, give him a chance.
He doesn't have to land in the blue aura, just close enough to the herb
to be able to walk to it.
Tyke help: N/A
Difficulty: ** (This is a trial where you're going to have to use the
old lobe in order to complete it.)

i. Naxo's Fight Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Ah, finally some senseless violence. Naxo (who's
obviously watched Star Wars too many times) challenges you to defeat
him. Of course, it isn't that simple, as he uses the to assist him in battle. A quick rundown of his
-Source push: thin yellow/orange trails will come from Naxo and connect
to your creature. The sequence usually goes like this: push back,
knock to the side, trip. Although this doesn't do any damage to your
creature, Naxo often uses this before another source power to make your
creature vulnerable to attack or to temporarily incapacitate your
creature so he can heal. Basically, if he uses this, expect another
source attack to be coming.
-Source Heal: Naxo's appearance will change, as if he was at 1.00
alignment, and use a Heal miracle. Once he starts using this move,
there's no way to stop it, but you can smack him around a bit to soften
him up for your next attacks.
-Invisibility: just what it says: Naxo turns invisible. It also seems
that during the time he's invisible he doesn't take damage.
-Source lift: Naxo's appearance will change, as if he was at -1.00
alignment and launch around 3 rocks sitting around the arena at your
creature. If they hit, they can take a decent chunk of health off,
which makes this one of Naxo's more deadly attacks.
-Source lightning: like the source lift, Naxo's appearance will change,
like he was at -1.00 alignment, and hit your creature with three
lightning miracles in succession. Even though if your creature gets
set alight by this attack, the fire will quickly die away after the
attack is over. Unfortunately, while Naxo's using this attack, you
will be extremely lucky to get a move in between lightning strikes, so
this can be a D-day attack if your creature's at low health.
Not good, huh? How do you survive?
-Be experienced with how your creature fights. It's no big if you
don't have a combat-intensive creature (apes, sheep, cow, etc.), as
long as you know how they fight, you should do okay.
-Prepare for the long haul. Make sure your creature's well rested and
fed before going into this battle, because it'll last awhile.
-Heal often. You should make it a rule to heal when your creature's
around 50% health. If you don't, Naxo can take you down quickly with
an unexpected source attack.
-don't waste your time with offensive miracles. Naxo is immune to them.
Only use Heal, as other miracles your creature casts on himself barely
last longer than the time it took to cast them.
Basically, don't let up on Naxo. It may seem impossible to win, but
keep on him and you'll eventually triumph.
Tyke help: he can cast miracles on your creature. But if you do want
him to help, SAVE FIRST! If he casts a miracle that disrupts the match
(Shrink, Grow, Freeze, etc.), the fight will stop and your creature
won't be able to move, as well as you won't be able to use miracles.
In other words, unless you find a creative way to get your creature to
move again and end the trial, you'll have to start ALL OVER. And doing
Guddle's Shepherding trial is something no one looks forward to.
Difficulty: *** (If you're good at creature combat, you can take a star
away. If you've fought a total of 2 matches ever since you got Black
and White in April, you can add a star.)

j. Pristax's Board Game Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Another victim of an ogre's curse, this time Pristax
needs you to beat the ogre at his board game and retrieve the Anti-
Miracle at the top of the mountain to cure him. At the beginning of
each turn, you roll a die to determine how far you move. During the
game, however, the squares you land on will have certain effects:
-Blank square: nothing happens.
-Bats square: a picture of a bat, this square will force your creature
or the ogre back two spaces.
-Combat square: a picture of two people/creatures fighting, usually
with a grave marker. The ogre is not subject to the effects of this
square, but if your creature lands here, he'll have to fight an ogre at
the top of the mountain. The ogre is immune to miracles, so you'll
have to have your creature pound him into submission with his own to
fists/claws/wings. Winning combat will advance your creature one
square ahead.
-Speed Boost square: a picture of a man running, this will add an
additional two to your next roll (allowing you to move up to 8 spaces
in a single turn!)
-Swamp square: a picture of swamp grass, this will subtract two from
your next roll. However, you will always move a minimum of one square,
even if you roll a one or two.
-Mushroom square: a picture of a mushroom, this will cause you or the
ogre to lose a turn. The picture with a snowflake will trigger icy
mountain winds, and thus has a similar effect.
-Teleport square: there are two pairs of teleports on the board: the
first two are linked together, as are the last two. Depending on which
one in the pair you land on, you'll go either forwards or backwards, so
aim to hit the one farthest behind in a pair.
Beating the ogre to the top will win you three things: Pristax's
support at the dojo, an Anti-Spell miracle dispenser, and your creature
will also automatically learn the Anti-Spell miracle. Sw33t!
Tyke help: not that I know of.
Difficulty: ** (it's long, and a little tense at times, but rather fun,
and the rewards are well worth the trouble.)

k. Lukely's Building Trial
Creature required: yes
Trial Description: the first time you click this scroll, you'll be told
by Lukely that you need to complete Herbo's trial first. This will
unlock Herbo's trial for you.
Once you've beaten Herbo's trial and return, Lukely will direct you to
leash your creature to the wonder and let them do the work. After a
while, your creature will have learned construction (which, if you can
teach your creature when and where to use it, can be extremely useful).
Tyke help: why not have Tyke with your creature while he's learning, so
he learns at the same time? That way, you kill two birds (bad pun)
with one stone.
Difficulty: * (Listen: you leash your creature to something. You go
use the bathroom. Your creature learns how to build while you're gone.
How hard is that?)

l. Herbo's Protection Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: It sounds so simple: keep the giants away from the
stones. If they reach the stones, they'll knock down the tower.
However, the first few times you play this will probably drive you
batty trying to figure out how to stop them all, because you'll be so
busy juggling them that eventually one will get the upper hand and beat
your creature to the rock.
That said, here are a couple things to keep in mind:
-The giants your creature scares won't turn around until he hears him
roar. Basically, if you scare a giant, and your creature moves to
another rock, the first giant will keep walking towards the campfire
until he hears your creature roar, where he will promptly turn around
and head back. Use this to your advantage: don't waste your time
waiting for the giant to sit down. When the giant is near his
corresponding fire, move your creature to another rock. The giant
should sit down, even if your creature is no longer in his way.
-Don't always go for the giant closest to his rock. This seems like a
strange thing to say, but if you try, you'll end up failing this trial
because you won't be able to keep all the giants at bay. Basically, if
you see a giant close to his fire and one halfway to the rock, scare
the giant near his fire first to get him out of the way, and as he's
getting ready to plop down, move your creature to the next rock and
scare the closer giant away.
This trial takes a few tries to get used to how long the delay between
moving to another rock and the giant turning around are, but once you
figure it out, it's easy.
Tyke help: he can't do anything except watch. What self-respecting
giant would be scared of a giant chicken anyway?
Difficulty: *** (It's all in your timing.)

m. Arkle's Crops Trial
Creature Required: yes and no (influence depending)
Trial Description: Arkle sets a trial for you as he goes off to join
the Brotherhood...wait a second, I thought only Brotherhood members
Er...anyway, you need to water Arkle's fields at least once a day.
Twice is all right, but three is overkill, and the crops will grow
little (if any) that day. If you don't water the crops at all, they'll
slowly wither and die.
Like your good conscience ("Whitie") says, this is a trial of patience.
Unless you've taught your creature to poo in the fields (I haven't, yet)
expect to spend at a minimum 4 game days on this trial. However, if
your influence reaches the trial area, you can water the crops yourself.
Tyke help: he can water the fields too. However, he'll tend to
overwater them, so it's doubtful if you really want his assistance.
Difficulty: * (not hard, just long.)

n. Yax's Soccer Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Yax, the resident Rasta mandrill (mommy, make the
racial stereotypes stop!) sets this trial. Basically, you have to kick
the soccer ball through four gates before you can even attempt to shoot
it at the goal. Oh, and his pals are here to make it harder by kicking
the ball away. Not to mention a 7 minute time limit.
Here's a crash course on how to aim your shots: imagine a straight line
starting from your creature, intersecting the soccer ball, and
continuing through the ball in the same direction. That's the
direction the ball will go.
Anyway, here's a good way to go through the gates: kick the ball
through the first gate on the plateau near the start. It should
probably fall into the green grassy valley area, so kick it through the
gate in that valley, and then kick it through the nearest remaining
gate, which should be conveniently just above the valley gate. The
last gate is tricky. The steaming pits will set your creature on fire
if he gets close, and if the ball falls in, it'll be a while before it
pops out again, so make your first shot count to save time.
The goal can be a pain in the butt. Often, your creature will just
lack the extra oomph to get it in the goal, and the goalie Mandrill
will send it far out again. Keep on the ball though, and you should be
able to easily complete this trial with as much as two minutes
Tyke Help: I swear, the ball's as big as he is...
Difficulty: *** to **** (aiming the ball can be a pain at times)

o. Monty's Smashing Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Monty makes it simple: 4 huts plus a Japanese wonder.
First one to smash them all wins. Simple, ne?
Basically, how hard this is depends on your creature's size and
alignment. Evil gods will have an easier go at this than gods who've
raised their creature to not harm a fly. If you're the latter with a
large creature, if you click the leash of aggression on a hut that your
creature is extremely close to, they'll quickly stomp it flat. This
can be a lot quicker and a lot less time consuming than casting
miracles and/or setting the huts on fire.
Note that the sparkle around a hut indicates that it still needs to be
destroyed. Only when the hut's sparkle disappears is it considered
destroyed. You'll have to probably hit the Japanese wonder a couple
times to see the sparkle, and once or twice more to finish it off.
Finally, just so you know, even if your influence reaches to the trial
area, you will not be able to interact with the environment during the
Tyke help: Hey, two is more than one!
Difficulty: ** to **** (two for aggressive gods, who will easily speed
past Monty, and four for pacifistic gods, who will have a hard time
beating him.)

p. Pashar's Shooting Trial
Creature Required: no
Trial Description: Another trial where you as a god go el solo mio.
Pashar challenges you to senselessly shoot at/blow away his marauder
Boo yah!
You'll need to hit at least 16 marauders to win this trial. Like
Flitter's trial, you'll use the ballista cannon, but this time you'll
be moving, and with explosive barrels as the ammo instead of mule-
headed villagers. So once again, it's another trial where your ability
to mentally judge trajectory is going to come into play. Also, it's
definitely going to take you a few tries as you memorize the patterns
of the marauders, and where they tend to go as you move towards the
Celtic village.
Keep in mind a couple things: the explosion will often take out the
marauder, so you don't necessarily need a direct hit. Also, there are
a couple marauders that will pop up near the Celtic village near the
end. One will be on a cliff to the left as you enter the village, and
another will pop out of the forest as you near the end of the trial.
Note that the barrels are destructive, and do set fires. If you're not
careful, you could easily set half of the Celtic village on fire with
your trigger-happy self.
Tyke help: N/A
Difficulty: ** (it can be tough at times, but rather fun...)

q. Jango's Marbles Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: Simply enough, Jango the ape challenges your
creature to a game of marbles. You both get six marbles, and the
creature with the highest number of points at the end of the game wins.
The problem I've noticed with people who have trouble with this trial
is that they tend to play like they're in a vacuum: that is, they don't
bother to try and attack Jango's marbles with their own. If you do
this, then you'll lose this trial every time, as Jango's accuracy is
astoundingly good. Make sure to have your creature toss marbles just
to knock Jango's marbles out of the center of the circle. Your marble
may roll to the outer circle, but if you can knock 140 points off
Jango's score by knocking one of his marbles from the center to the
blue ring, then you've gained the advantage, in a Machiavellian sort of
Tyke Help: He stands off to the side during the trial. I haven't seen
him interact with the game yet.
Difficulty: ** (not hard, but it's no cakewalk either.)

r. Kula's Missionary Trial
Creature Required: no
Trial Description: Kula needs you to gather up the missionary crewmen
so he can sail home to his icy home. To gather the crewmen, you need
to bring the ship to them. To bring the ship to them, you use Whitey
to maneuver the missionaries' craft.
Manuevering can be a bit tricky, but you'll soon get used to it. Make
sure you don't have the ship going too fast in one direction, or it'll
be almost impossible to stop it when you need too.
Anywho, you need to gather up five crewmen. They'll appear in the
following order. Keep in mind that you must find them in this sequence.
If you don't, they won't appear in the location listed until you've
found all the crewmen before them. It doesn't make any sense to me
either. If you're having trouble finding them, hit the S key and look
for someone labeled "Actor" around the coasts of the island.
1. Dock around the volcano area. It's on the thin strip of land
between Madino's and Nazzle's trials.
2. Dock on the outskirts of the Japanese village. You'll need to use
some decent maneuvering to avoid the patches of land on the way to the
3. A dock in an inlet near Pristax's board game trial. This one can be
tricky, so take your time.
4. Dock between the volcanic island north of your temple and Arkle's
farm. The storm at the mouth of the nearest entry will send the ship
out of control, so go around the island to reach the dock.
5. the small island NE of the Aztec wonder (the same one where you
found the herb for Flitter's trial).
When completed, the missionaries will leave, taking Kula with them.
And I was so close to killing them too...
Tyke Help: N/A
Difficulty: ** (this isn't tough. Just take your time and you'll do

s. Rufus' Ring Trial
Creature Required: yes
Trial Description: this trial will only become available once you've
completed all other available Brotherhood trials.
Rufus, impressed with your creature's abilities, now sets his trial as
the final hurdle to joining the Brotherhood. You must take three rings
from the bottom of the island to the top of it. Along the way, there
are little blue ogres running around that will freeze your creature if
he so much as looks at them funny. To top it all off, you only get
seven and a half minutes to deliver all three rings. Seem impossible?
Not really, if you know a cheap little shortcut.
Here's how to do it: once you've grabbed a ring from the bottom, go
past the pile of rocks on the right (this means your creature will have
to walk along the coast of the island). Past the rocks, you'll see a
narrow pathway between the rock wall and the forest. Your creature can
simply walk up this path, drop the ring down, and walk back down the
same path for the remaining rings. If you can't find it, click on the
bottom starting area while your creature's standing at the top of the
island will often cause him to use the path. You can easily complete
this trial in under three minutes using this method.
When you complete this trial, your creature becomes an eternal member
of the Brotherhood. Congratulations!
Tyke Help: He can be a tagalong, but otherwise he's not much use.
Difficulty: * to **** (the secret path makes this a 1 star trial, but
if you simply must insist on doing it the hard way...)

t. Mercurio's Battle
Creature Required: yes
Soon after your creature earns his Brotherhood ring, Mercurio will
appear and say, "yo, you now our dog for life. But if you wanna mack
with my babe, you gotta dance with me, dawg! Let's see if yo' new age
phatness can beat my old school, yo!"
He doesn't say it exactly like that, but you get the point.
If your creature wants to even get an inch within Eve's presence, he's
gotta prove to Mercurio that he can protect her.
And what better way to prove to her guardian (Mercurio, for those of
you who are slow) that your creature is capable by beating him to
within an inch of his life?
Unfortunately, if you thought Naxo was difficult, then you will be
unpleasantly surprised. Mercurio knows the source too, and his source
attacks are more powerful. His source attacks are similar to Naxo's,
and powered up in some instances (for example, for his Source lift,
he'll generate a ring of flaming rocks above your creature, and bring
them crashing down on him). You'll need to apply the same concepts you
used against Naxo against Mercurio if you want to have any hope of
surviving. Defeating Mercurio will win your creature the right to meet
Eve. Whether she accepts him as a mate or rejects him as a deadbeat
dad will depend on how your creature has treated Tyke.
<><>NOTE: Has anyone ever had their creature rejected by Eve? Surfing
through the sound files, I haven't been able to find any evidence that
she can turn your creature down.<><>
Difficulty: **** (This rating will vary widely, depending on your
fighting skills, but with so much at stake, you may make unintentional

V. Optional Quests

During the course of the game, you may come across some silver scroll
challenges. Completion of these is completely optional.

a. The Miners
Some miners have been blasting in a mine on the isle, and now they're
on fire. If they reach the houses on the coast, they'll set them
alight. You'll be provided several water miracles to put out the
miners, but it's probably a lot faster to press R (which automatically
charges the last spell you cast) after you use the first miracle seed.
You need to put out three waves of miners without them setting the
houses on fire.
REWARD: a water miracle dispenser. Wow, don't you feel special.

b. Whack-a-skeleton
Soon after converting the Japanese village, you may notice this
challenge spring up at night. When you click it, a local villager will
tell you about the skeletons (spirits, ghosts, what have you) of their
ancestors rise up at night and scare the kids. He says that by picking
them up, you can make them believe in you, and their souls will rest in
Anyway, it's an...interesting challenge, to say the least. You need to
grab the skeletons as they appear, and not pick up the living villagers.
If you pick up enough skeletons, you'll complete the trial. Come on,
if you've ever played a whack-a-mole game, this'll be a cinch.
REWARD: Loving creatures miracle dispenser. Be nice if it were more
useful here...

c. Dolphin Shoot
Simple challenge in concept: take the water gun, shoot the dolphins.
Hard part of challenge: getting enough points.
You have to be precise to hit the dolphins underwater, but for the most
part you can hit the dolphins upright in the water as long as you have
the reticule at or beyond their position.
There are a couple things to remember: you can get multiple points for
shooting the same dolphin. It's not impossible to get 5 or more points
off a single dolphin. Also, the water gun has a limited capacity.
Once you exhaust it, it'll take a couple seconds for it to recharge its
water supply before you can start shooting again. Finally, the water
doesn't come out all that quickly, so you'll need to lead the dolphins
to have any hope of hitting them.
REWARD: if you score below 50 points, you'll get a miracle seed (the
higher your score, the higher quality of the miracle). If you score
above 50 points, you'll earn a Freeze creature miracle dispenser.
Useful if you haven't completed Orrin's Racing trial yet.

d. Romeo and Juliet
Near Arkle's farm you may have noticed two guys sitting around a
campfire (a Norse man and a Viking). Well, the Norse man has a problem.
He loves the girl in the small house on Arkle's farm, but the girl's
father won't let him anywhere near her. His name is Romeo, and hers
Your goal is to reunite them. Note that you can knock on houses, even
outside your influence. If inside your influence, grab Juliet and put
her by Romeo. If your influence hasn't reached that far yet, have your
creature pick her up.
Note of course that you don't have to do this to complete the quest.
Kill her father. Kill her, if you're feeling mean. Kill Romeo, if it
makes you feel good.
REWARD: Another Loving Creatures miracle dispenser. Jeez, it ain't
that useful...
NOTE: This quest has no silver scroll. Also, if you want a good laugh
(and have Winamp), go to your CreatureIsle/Audio/Dialogue directory and
click on CI_Villagers (if you're prompted, open it with Winamp). Fast
forward it about 35 minutes in to hear some outtakes from Romeo and the
Viking ;)

VI. New Creatures

a. Crocodile
Overview: One of the two new playable creatures in Creature Isle, the
croc is a bit of a disappointment. It seems that Lionhead didn't fully
program it, so it seems to have some flaws. It seems that it's unable
to eat anything (at least on my game), and from reports on the internet
I've heard, it can't eat fish out of the ocean.
Intelligence: Still have to do some research on this one.
Maneuverability: It's got decent speed over the ground, but it making a
wide turn takes longer than it does for other creatures. Basically,
other creatures can simply turn. Crocodiles have to jump in the air to
turn a significant distance.
Combat: This should've been the croc's strong point. Unfortunately, it
seems that it isn't that great. It has a chomp attack that comes out
relatively quickly, but many of its other attacks have a long delay
time, so it has trouble fighting in close. Its special attack is also
rather slow: it starts off with a mantis style-esque stance, and then
leads in with a jump kick. It's an excellent attack over long
distances, but almost useless close in.
How to unlock: complete all Brotherhood trials (including Rufus's
trial). The crocodile plinth will be raised when Mercurio appears.

b. Chicken
Overview: Is it just me, or is Lionhead getting kind of lazy? The
chicken uses a lot of animations from the horse and zebra. Even its
basic fighting moves are the same! Otherwise, I think the chicken's a
fairly average creature.
Intelligence: I need to do some research in this area.
Maneuverability: The chicken is no leopard, but it's no tortoise speed-
wise either.
Combat: The chicken fights a lot like the horse (and zebra) do, so if
you're comfortable fighting with them, you should pick up the chicken's
fighting style fairly quickly. He also shares the crocodile's special
move. It's good at long distances, but useless close in.
How to unlock: Complete Tyke's Learning. Rufus will raise the plinth.

VII. Raising Tyke

Remember when your mom used to scream at you "someday I hope you have
kids that treat you the same way you treat me!"
Remember how your grandma told you she told your mother the exact same
Anywho, it's a lot like that with your creature and Tyke. Tyke will
spend most of his time following your creature around, and your
creature will probably be happy to oblige little Tyke's curiosity.
However, there are some ways for you to help:
-you can INDIRECTLY teach Tyke through your creature. For example, if
you want to steer Tyke for a preference towards sheep, have your
creature eat one and reward it. When Tyke copies, your creature will
praise it. However, keep in mind that this isn't a perfect method: you
won't be able to tutor Tyke this way and keep your creature's
personality the same way, as you may end up teaching him things you
don't want him to do.
-Tyke is actually quite observant, and will learn miracles you cast
(most of them faster than your own creature could learn). However, it
seems that he only learns how to use them through watching your
creature (for example, you may teach Tyke Megablast, but he won't know
what to do with the spell until he watches your creature using it
against something).
-You can bring Tyke food, if your creature is unable to supply it.
However, Tyke usually won't eat unless he gets your creature's approval.
Tyke will be a chicken when you first get him. His knowledge will be
transferred to your creature's child when he mates with Eve, and Tyke's
species will be whatever species your creature is when he meets Eve (so
if your creature meets Eve as a wolf, then his kid will be a wolf).

VIII. The Source

This is probably the most hotly debated topic about Creature Isle.
Many have theorized how to teach your own creature to use the Source,
the mysterious power utilized by both Naxo and Mercurio. Some say that
the Source cannot be used by your creature. Unfortunately, there have
been several theories, none have which been proven as of yet. Lionhead
isn't talking.
However, most agree that there is one prerequisite to earning the
Source: you'll need to earn the Gauntlets of Power. Earning them is
simple: after entering the Brotherhood, beat all of the creatures at
the dojo at least once. You'll see a small blue mushroom by the plinth
of each creature you've defeated. Once all are defeated, Naxo will
arrive and grant you the gauntlets.
Other than that, it's a gray area. Anyone with information on a theory
that's actually been proven, please contact me. Otherwise, this
mystery remains unsolved. Until it is, I will refrain from putting any
theory here without any significant evidence, as there are already more
than enough rumors floating around.


This section is for now, empty. Anyone who submits me information that
I end up using in this FAQ will be listed here.
If you have any information about/for this FAQ (errors, secrets, etc.)
please e-mail me at

End quote: "There are many guards in the castle!"-Adventurers!

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