Earth Lords

Earth Lords

13.10.2013 02:17:11
This document is (c) Copyright: 2002 Peter Hudson all rights reserved.
Email address:
The EARTH LORDS v 1.36 RPG pc game: items list.
Version: 1.2
Updated: February 20, 2002

The EARTH LORDS... v.1.36 items list.

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction.
2. Version/Updates
3. Credits.
4. Disclaimer.
5. And so we begin

1. Introduction.

Well hello again, I take it if you are reading this then you must of
played the game or be playing it or maybe your just surfing the net
trying to find that special game that your always been after, well here
it is.
Well its mine anyway and I cant rave about it enough so I do hope that
you at least go check it out.
This is my second walkthru, if that is what you could call it? the first
being a print out of all the maps and boy was it a task.
Anyway here are all the items to be found in the game so sit back and
pull up a chair and lets go. NOTE: I have left out the cost as they seem
to vary a little from place to place. Anyway money seems to be easy to
get in the game.

2. Version/Updates

Version 1.2 ; Updated February 20, 2002 12:27AM EST
-Added Version/Updates and modified list

Version 1.0 ; Updated February 16, 2002 11:27PM EST
-Guide Completed

Version 0.8 ; Updated February 15, 2002 10:56PM EST
-Finished other items list

Version 0.6 ; Updated February 14, 2002 11:47PM EST
-Finished armour list

Version 0.4 ; Updated February 12, 2002 10:25PM EST
-Finished weapons list

Version 0.2 ; Created February 10, 2002 6:34PM EST
-Began Walkthrough

3. Credits.

Once again full credit goes to Wayne Stewart of EARTHLORDS.COM who
conceived and produced the game and who gets full credit.
Please email me if you can add anything that I may of missed and I will
give you full credit for it.

4. Disclaimer.

I have no affiliation with Wayne Stewart what ever and that I am not
getting any free bee's from him.
These pages are as close as I can get to them and I take no
responsibility for them.
This is copyright so please ask me first if you what to use it for any
other purpose ok.
It may not be altered in any way part or whole for your own gain without
the express permission from me, I can be contacted at my above email
address thank you.

5. And so we begin.

Below is a brief summary of how to read the table for weapons, armour
and other items to be found.

Name: the name of the said weapon
Type: what type of weapon it is, w = weapon, m = missile, t = thrown,
wa = Wand a = ammo b = bow
Profession: who can use it dk= Death knight
hk= holy knight
w= Warrior
n= Ninja
ck= Cosmic knight
t= Thief
mo= Monk
ma= Mages
p= Priest
all/mo= All classes bar monk

Damage: how much damage the weapon will inflict on the target when hit.
R/Sq: the amount of squares the weapon can hit the target.
Hds: how many hands needed to hold the weapon.
ReCh: If the item is re chargeable.
C/Ht: Chance to hit, the amount of added + to hit an opponent.
Other: what other effects it may have on it.

Name: the name of the said armour
Profession: who can use it dk=Death knight
hk= Holy knight
w= Warrior
n= Ninja
ck= Cosmic knight
t= Thief
mo= Monk
ma= Mages
p= Priest
all/mo= All classes bar monk

Arm+: what if any, the item gives you to your armour rating.
Equip As: where you equip the item on your person.
ReCh: If the item is re chargeable.
Other: what other effects the item may have on it.
Name: the name of the said item.
Profession: who can use it dk= Death knight
hk= Holy knight
w= Warrior
n= Ninja
ck= Cosmic knight
t= Thief
mo= Monk
ma= Mage
p= Priest
all/mo= all classes bar monk.

Arm+: what if any, the item gives you to your armour rating.
EquipAs: where you equip the item on your person.
ReCh: if the item is re chargeable.
C/Ht: chance to hit, the amount of added + to hit an opponent.
Other: what other effects the item may have on it.

Name Type Profession Damage R/Sq Hds ReCh C/Ht Other
Angel blade w hk 162 to 212 1 y +6 cast elevate
Arrow a n t dk hk w
Assassin arrow a all / mo 1 +1
Astral arrows a all / mo 7 +6
Astral blade w n t 212 to 262 1 y +7 casts astral
Astral mace w p 212 to 262 1 y +7 casts astral
Astral sword w dk hk w 212 to 262 1 y +7 casts astral
Atomic arrow a all / mo 7 +5
Atomic device m all / mo 360 to 460 10 +6
Atomic staff w ma 212 to 262 2 2 y +7 casts astral
Battle axe w dk hk w 26 to 41 2 2 +3
Battle hammer w p 26 to 41 2 2
Blast device m all / mo 260 to 360 8 +5
Blast wand w all y casts ethereal
Blaze stick w all y casts phantom
Bow b n t dk hk w 2 to 6 5
Bolt a dk hk w
Butter knife m all 1 to 2 7
Champion arrow a all / mo 2 +3
Champion bow b all / mo 24 to 39 6 y +4 casts
Champion w p 43 to 58 2 y +4 casts
hammer battalion
Champion staff w ma 43 to 58 2 y +4 casts
Champion sword w dk hk w 43 to 58 2 2 y +4 casts
Cosmic arrow a 3 +5
Cosmic blade w n t 162 to 212 1 y +6 casts astral
Cosmic bow b all / mo 88 to 108 8 y +6 casts astral
Cosmic hammer w p 162 to 212 1 y +6 casts astral
Cosmic staff w ma 162 to 212 2 2 y +6 casts astral
Cosmic sword w dk hk w 162 to 212 2 2 y +6 casts astral
Dagger w all / mo 2 to 4 1
Dart m all / mo 2 to 4 3
Death blade w dk 162 to 212 1 y +6 casts
control enemy
Earth blade w n t 87 to 112 1 y +5 casts shards
Earth staff w ma 87 to 112 2 2 y +5 casts shards
Fire staff w all / mo 10 to 20 2 2 y +2 casts singe
Fire sword w n t dk hk w 9 to 19 1 y +2 casts singe
Flash bomb m all / mo 25 to 40 5 +2
Guardian w ck 2000 to 2500 2 2 y +25 casts heal
Grenade a dk hk w +2
Grenade w dk hk w 85 to 110 10 +4
Grazer w w 162 to 212 3 y +6 casts
Guided rocket m all / mo 156 to 256 8 +5
Heavy staff w all / mo 3 to 10 2 2
Heavy sword w dk hk w 5 to 15 1
Holy rod w all y casts holy
Holy scythe w p 162 to 212 2 2 y +6 casts
Holy sword w hk 25 to 45 2 2 y +3 casts holy
Hook staff w all / mo 4 to 12 2 2
Ice sword w n t dk hk w 9 to 19 1 y +2 casts create
Ice wand wa all y casts fridget
Iron bomb m all / mo 5 to 10 4
Kill dagger w all / mo 3 to 6 1 +1
Knife w all / mo 1 to 4 1
Mace w all / mo 3 to 8 1
Magic mace w all / mo 7 to 11 1 +1
Missile m all / mo 105 to 155 7 +4
Ninja blade w n 18 to 38 1 y +3 casts
Ninja bow m n 20 to 30 7 +3
Ninja claw w n 18 to 33 1 +3
Ninja star m n 39 to 49 5 +4
Nova arrows a all / mo 8 +3
Nova bow b all / mo 270 to 370 8 y +8 casts nuke
Nova rod w p 520 to 770 1 y +9 casts time
Nova staff w ma 520 to 770 2 2 y +9 casts time
Nova sword w dk hk w 520 to 770 1 y +9 casts time
Nuclear arrow a all / mo 8 +6
Nuclear blade w n t 368 to 518 1 y +8 casts nuke
Nuclear bow b all / mo 218 to 268 8 y +7 casts nuke
Nuclear cannon b all / mo 1000 to 1200 10 +9
Nuclear cell a all / mo 8 +5
Nuclear staff w ma 368 to 518 2 2 y +8 casts nuke
Nuclear sword w dk hk w 368 to 518 1 2 y +8 casts nuke
Nuke mace w p 368 to 518 1 y +8 casts nuke
Nuke stick w all y casts nuke
Phantom sword w dk 25 to 45 1 y +3 casts
ethereal blast
Plasma grenade b all / mo 850 to 1050 6 +10
Priest club w p 13 to 23 1 +2
Rock m all / mo
Rock bow m n t dk hk w 6 to 11 6 +1
Rocket m all / mo 55 to 80 6 +3
Shadow whip w t 100 to 130 2 +5
Singe stick w all y casts singe
Slicer w all / mo 6 to 14 1
Sling w all / mo 2 to 4 4
Small sword w n t dk hk w 2 to 6 1
Staff w all / mo 3 to 7 2 2
Star arrow a all / mo 2 +4
Star club w p 60 to 85 2 y +5 casts force
Star hunter b all / mo 500 to 600 8 +8
Star staff w ma 60 to 85 2 2 y +5 casts force
Steel bow b dk hk w 3 to 9 6
Steel crossbow b dk hk w 4 to 9 7
Steel staff w all / mo 7 to 17 1 2 +1
Solar arrow a all / mo 3 +5
Solar blade w n t 110 to 160 1 y +6 casts ultra
Solar bow b all / mo 67 to 87 7 y +6 casts ultra
Solar rod w p 110 to 160 2 1 y +6 casts ultra
Solar staff w ma 110 to 160 2 2 y +6 casts ultra
Solar sword w dk hk w 110 to 160 2 2 y +6
Soul arrow a all / mo 8 +6
Soul blade w n t 265 to 365 1 y +7 casts summon
Soul bow b all / mo 165 to 215 y casts summon
Soul mace w p 265 to 365 1 y +7 casts summon
Soul sword w all / mo 265 to 365 2 2 y +7 casts summon
Sword w dk hk w 3 to 10 1
Thief blade w t 20 to 40 1 y +3 casts
control enemy
Thief claw w n t 12 to 22 1 +2
Titan bow b n t dk hk w 13 to 23 7 +2
Titan sword w dk hk w 16 to 28 2 2 +2
Wand of astral wa all y casts astral
fist fist
Wand of wa all y casts
electricity electrocute
Wand of wa all y casts
missile electrocute
Warrior blade w w 20 to 40 2 2 y +3 casts
boiling oil
Wizard scythe w ma 13 to 23 2 2 +2

Name Profession Arm+ EquipAs ReCh Other
Armour ring all +2 finger
Assault armour all / mo +60 armour +30 to all attributes
absorb 170 pts from
each attack
Battle boots all / mo +6 boots
Battle cape all / mo +17 cape
Battle belt all / mo +6 belt
Battle gloves all / mo +5 gloves
Battle orb all / mo +12 orb
Battle robe all / mo +18 armour
Battle shield dk hk w +17 shield
Blood robe all / mo +18 armour +3 to all immunities
Belt all / mo +1 belt
Boots all / mo +2 boots
Blaze shield dk hk w +12 shield +3% to fire immunity
Cape all / mo +1 cape
Chaps all thighs +20 to ride skill
Combat cape all / mo +15 cape
Combat helmet dk hk w +10 helmet
Combat orb all / mo +10 orb
Combat robe ma p +16 armour
Combat shield dk hk w +15 shield
Cosmic boots all / mo +16 boots
Cosmic cape all / mo +23 cape
Cosmic gloves all / mo +15 gloves
Cosmic helmet n t dk hk w +20 helmet
Cosmic orb all / mo +20 orb
Cosmic knight all / mo +70 armour +40 to all attributes
armour absorbs 250 pts of
damage from each
attack in combat
Cosmic plate n t dk hk w +30 armour
Cosmic robe ma p +30 armour
Cosmic shield dk hk w +23 shield
Death plate dk +25 armour
Defense belt all / mo +4 belt
Defense cape all / mo +6 cape
Defense helmet dk hk w +15 helmet
Defense orb all / mo +5 orb
Earth armour n t dk hk w +35 armour +10 to all attributes
& 5% to all immunities
Earth belt all / mo +18 belt +10 to moral
Earth boots all / mo +18 boots +10 to speed
Earth cape all / mo +25 cape +10 to mental
Earth gloves all / mo +18 gloves +10 to agility
Earth helmet n t dk hk w +22 helmet +5% to electricity
Earth orb all / mo +22 orb +10 to endurance
Earth robe ma p +35 armour +10 to all attributes
& +5% to immunities
Earth shield dk hk w +25 shield +5% to poison
Flack vest all / mo +40 armour absorbs 50 pts of
damage from each
attack in combat
Flower necklace mo +5 neck
Force shield n t dk hk w +30 shield +30 to all attributes
+20 to all immunities
Freeze shield n t dk hk w +15 shield +3 to freeze immunity
Gloves all / mo +1 gloves
Hard leather all / mo +7 armour
Helmet all / mo +2 helmet
Holy plate hk +25 armour
Holy robe p +25 armour
Kite shield dk hk w +7 shield
Large helmet all / mo +4 helmet
Leather armour all / mo +5 armour
Light plate dk hk w +14 armour
Lightning gloves all / mo +5 gloves y casts electrocute
Lord armour n t dk hk w +40 armour +30 to all attributes
+15% to all
Lord belt all / mo +20 belt +20 to moral +10% to
magic immunity
Lord boots all / mo +20 boots +20 to speed +10% to
acid immunity
Lord cape all / mo +27 cape +20 to mental +10%
to fire immunity
Lord gloves all / mo +20 gloves +20 to agility +10%
to freeze immunity
Lord helmet n t dk hk w +24 helmet +10% to electricity
Lord orb all / mo +25 orb +20 to endurance +10%
to radiation immunity
Lord robe ma p +40 armour +30 to all attributes
+15% to all
Lord shield dk hk w +27 shield +10% to poison
Lunar robe ma +25 armour
Lunar skullcap ma p +6 helmet
Mesh gloves n t +5 gloves
Mesh suit n t +16 armour
Ninja hood n +7 helmet
Orb all / mo +2 orb
Phantom leather t +25 armour
Phantom mesh t +25 armour
Phoenix plate dk hk w +20 armour +5% to fire immunity
Plate belt n t dk hk w +3 belt
Plate boots dk hk w +4 boots
Plate gloves dk hk w +3 gloves
Power armour all / mo +50 armour +20 to all attributes
and absorbs 100 pts
of damage from each
attack in combat
Robe all / mo +2 armour
Shield all / mo +3 shield
Shin guards all +5 shins
Solar plate w +25 armour
Studded shield all / mo +5 shield
Supreme cape all / mo +21 cape
Supreme belt all / mo +14 belt
Supreme gloves all / mo +11 gloves
Supreme orb all / mo +18 orb
Supreme robe all / mo +22 armour
Supreme shield dk hk w +21 shield
Vampyric robe ma p +22 armour +5 to all attributes
+4 to all immunities
War belt all / mo +10 belt
War boots all / mo +10 boots
War cape all / mo +19 armour
War gloves all / mo +8 gloves
War orb all / mo +15 orb
War robe all / mo +20 armour
War shield dk hk w +19 shield
Warrior helm n t dk hk w +6 helmet

Name Profession Arm+ EquipAs ReCh C/Hit Other
Accurate ring all finger +10 to accuracy
Acid ring all finger +10% to acid
Air coin all
Attack necklace all neck +20 to accuracy
skill +1 to attack
Aqua boots all feet casts boat foot
Anvil pendant all chest +20 to blacksmith
Back pack all holds up-to 10
Black demon key all
Book of creatures all y casts summon
Book of steel walls all y casts create steel
Book of souls all y casts summon fate
Boots of striding all feet casts stride
Book of words all y casts astral trip
Bulls eye lantern all y create large light
Climbing cable all shoulders +40 to climb skill
Climbing claw all hand +15 to climb skill
Combat computer all waist +100 to combat
skill +100 to
damage during
Combat ring all +2 finger +1% to magic
immunities +2% to
to speed
Cosmic cola all +255 health points
Diskette A all
Diskette B all
Doctors bag all y casts heavy heal
Ear muffs all ears +20% to freeze
Ear shields all ears casts resist
Earth bar all +10 to skill pts
skill +10 to
health points +3%
to acid immunity
Earth realm science all hand +40 to science
vol 1 skill
Earth water all +150 to health
and magic points
Electric ring all finger +10% to
Explosive device all destroys the
canyon mine
Eye of the phoenix all
Fire coin all
Fire hawk feather all
Fire ring all finger +10% to fire
Fire seed all adds a random
bonus to your fire
First aid kit all y casts surgery
Flippers all feet casts swim
Force field all chest +50% to all
generator immunities +100 to
armour rating
during combat
Frozen key all
Goggles of finding all eyes +15 to novice
Green demon key all
Hammer gloves mo hand +20 to accuracy
Hammer pendant all chest +20 to carpenter
Health mint all adds a random
bonus to your
health points
Heavy heal potion all +150 to health pts
Health seed all +1 to health pts
Heavy heal potion all +150 health points
Holy ointment all y casts heavy heal
Ice ring all finger +10% to freeze
Immunity seed raise a random
immunity by 1%
Jump scroll all casts jump
Lantern all create medium
Lava boots all feet casts lava walk
Lava candy all adds a random
bonus to fire
Lava scroll all casts lava walk
Levitation shorts all buttocks casts levitation
Levitation scroll all casts levitation
Life cross all neck +50% to undead
Loaded dice all hand +80 to gamble
Lord ring all finger +10 to combat
skill +10% to all
immunities +10 to
damage during
Lord scroll all +10 to all
attributes casts
lord mailer
Lord muffin all +30 to skill
points skill
+ 2% to all
immunities +30 to
health points
Lord water all +255 to health
and magic points
Magic fizalot all +255 to magic pts
Magic potion all +150 magic points
Magic seed all +1 to magic points
Mighty belt all waist casts mighty man
Mind shield all head +30% to mental
Mind seed all +1 to mental
Mining helmet all head casts dig spell
Mount breakers all shins +40 to ride skill
Mount master all forearms +40 to ride skill
Mountaineering hook all hand +30 to
Mystic bracelet all wrist casts slow down
Night vision all eyes casts night eyes
Nuclear devastation all casts nuke
Nuclear ring all finger +30 to radiation
Obsidian key all opens special door
Oil all recharges the
Pass card all
Phase pack all y casts teleport
Poison antidote all casts poison
Poison ring all finger +10% to poison
Potion of healing all +20 health points
Potion of life all +99 health points
Power cuff all wrist +20 to all
Power lozenge all mouth +20% to all
Power seed all +1 to might
Precision guards all forearms +2 to hit damage
attacks and
movement during
combat +40 to
accuracy skill
Programming code all
Purple demon key all
Realm bible all hand +70 to undead
Realm guide vol 1 all hand +40 to identify
Realm map book all casts identify
Recovery potion all +99 lost health
and magic points
Red demon key all
Repair bracelet all wrist +40 to repair
Repair wrench all hand +20% to repair
Ring all finger
Saddle all buttocks +20 to ride
Science spectacles all eyes +30 to science
Sector 1 pass all
Serum lozenge all mouth +20% to poison
Shard wand all y casts shards
Shrine gloves mo +20 hand +30 to accuracy
+10% to all
immunities +100 to
damage during
Skill seed all raise a random
skill by +1
Snake charm all wrist +40 to hide skill
Snorkel all face casts gills spell
Star ring all finger +2 movement in
battle +20 to
stealth & speed
Stealth spikes all feet +20 to stealth
Stone coin all
Swim scroll all casts swim spell
T-square pendant all chest +20 to architect
Thigh guards all +15 thighs
Time scroll all casts time travel
Titanium key all opens special
Tool belt all waist +50 to repair
Torch all creates a small
Translation guide all hand +40 to language
Travel pack all holds up-to 15
Trap goggles all eyes casts detect traps
Twindor sanoc all
security data
Ultra violet all eyes +15 to notice
goggles skill and
casts ultra violet
Vision visor all head casts detect
Water coin all
Wings all back casts fly spell
X- ray goggles all eyes casts x-ray vision
+50 to novice
Yellow demon key all
Zen gloves mo hand +25 to critical
hit skill +50 to
damage during
Zen necklace mo +5 neck y +5 to trek skill
casts levitate +2
to hit damage
attacks & movement
during combat

(c) Copyright: 2002 Peter Hudson all rights reseverd.

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13.Octombrie 2013
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