Emergency Room 2

Emergency Room 2

17.10.2013 00:55:53
f E mergency Room 2 (ER 2) FAQ
Copyright of Paul Pike [KawaiiNeko333@aol.com]
ER 2 is copyright of Legacy Interactive (www.legacyinteractive.com)
Version 1.0 Final

Ok everyone listen up! I want everyone to know that this is my work and I don't
want anybody ripping this FAQ off for themselves.

What is Emergency Room 2?
Emergency Room 2, created by Legacy Interactive, is a sim game in which you
take in patients, exam them and treat them. The whole goal of the game is to
make Chief of Staff by handling 100+ missions.

The Med-o-matic

The Med-o-matic is your best friend in this game. The functions of it are:

S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan)
Notes (Used to review which tests you've done)
Comm. (Used to talk to either Dr. D. Boss or whomever the doctor is in the room
for help)
Glossary (Used to look up medical terms for problems and body parts)

S.O.A.P.: Answering the questions of the S.O.A.P. allows you to get more points
and make good with Dr. D. Boss. The S.O.A.P. quesations here are done in
respective order from top to bottom (ex. S: 2nd and 1st choices. That means on
the Subjective Part, click on the 2nd circle, go down, then click the 1st

Notes: You can look at the notes to see what the results were of the test you

Comm.: Besides talking to Dr. D. Boss, you can use this to ask for help from
other doctors in the current room.

Examination Room: Keri Taker
Imaging Room: C.N. Sideyou
Laboratory: Mike Roscope
Treatment: Drew R. Dyer

Glossary: Do I need to say anything more?

Tools of the trade

Examination Room

EKG: Used on the heart to record the electric impulses in the heart
Sphygmomanometer [say that 3X fast ;)]: Used on the upper arm to measure blood
Thermometer: Used in the mouth to measure the body temperature
Respirometer: Used to measure the patient's respiration rate
Magnifying Glass: Used to examine a part of the body
Glove: Used to get palpation info on a body part
Pulsometer: Used on a finger to measure the pulse rate
Stethoscope: Used on the heart to hear heart sounds, on the lungs to hear
respiration sounds, and on the abdomen to hear bowel sounds
Penlight: Used on the eye to check pupil response
Nasoscope: Used on the nose to examine the nasal mucosa
Othalmoscope: Used on the eye to inspect the inside of the eye
Tongue depressor: Used in the mouth to examine the mouth and throat
Othoscope: Used on the ear to view inside the ear
Eye dye: Used on the eye to detect abnormalities in the cornea

Imaging room

X-ray: Used to take a photograph of the inside of the body
Ultrasound: Used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
CAT Scan: Used to get tomography info


Blood test: Used to measure hemoglobin/hematocrit, type and cross, complete
blood count, amylase, glucose, liver enzyme, kidney panel, cardiac enzyme,
monospot, gall bladder panel, poison screen, blood alcohol, theophylline level
and toxic screen
Urine test: Used to measure dipstick, microbiology/chemistry/cytology
Swab culture: Used to measure throat/quick
Blood gas test: Used to measure O2/CO2 and carboxyhemoglobin
Stool test: Used to measure bacteria, ova/parasites and hemoccult


Nasal Prongs: Inserted into the nostrils to administer oxygen as treatment
Ear, Eye and Nose Drops: Medication administered into the ear, eye or nose
Sponge: Used to cleanse a wound skin area
Ambu Bag: Squeezable air reservoir used over the mouth to provide ventilation
Cervical Collar: Used to immobilize the neck
Silver Nitrate/Hot Cautery Tip: Used to stop a wound from bleeding or to
release a subungal hematoma
Wrap: Used to apply compression on an extremity
ET (Endo-tracheal) Tube: Placed in the trachea through the mouth for
Tongue Guard: Used in the mouth for seizure protection
Irrigation Syringe: Used to irrigate a wound
Medication Syringe: Used to inject medication in the upper arm or locally at
the wound site
Forceps: Used to explore and debride wounds, and to remove foreign bodies
Oxygen Mask: Placed over the mouth and nose to improve oxygen
PO Meds (Per Oral Medications): Medications taken by mouth
Compress: Used to apply a warm or cool compress to an area
Topical Medication: Medications placed topically on the skin
Aerosolized Medications: Medications inhaled through the mouth into the airways
IV Medications: Medication infused through the IV system (usually in the
NG (Nasal-gastric) Tube: Inserted into the nose to pump the stomach of its
contents or to decompress air in the GI tract
Gauze: Used to pack wounds
Splint Material: Used to immobilize an extremity
Nasal Splint: Used to immobilize the nose
Bandage: Used to dress a wound
Gel: Anesthetic applied to certain wounds
IV: Inserted into a vein (usually the forearm) to established an IV route,
increase fluid volume, or infuse blood
Needle (not on tool explanation list): Used to suture wounds

The patients await you, doc!
Level 1 cases-Very simple. Nothing life threatening here

Patient 000
Case: Itchy hands

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 2nd choices
O: All 1st choices
A: 4th choices
P: 3rd and 1st choices.

Examination room
-Magnify glass on left and right hands
-Stethoscope on chest

-Medication syringe on right upper arm (1st)
-Sponge on left and right hand (2nd and 3rd)
-Hospital orders
-Recheck patient

Patient 001
Case: Wheezing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 1st choices
O: 1st and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Stethoscope on chest and heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Respirometer in mouth
-Magnifying glass on chest
-EKG on heart

-Med syringe on upper arm (1st)
-Aero med to mouth (2nd)
-Hospital orders
-Patient under constant monitoring
-Patient rechecked
-Patient encouraged to drink fluids

Patient 002
Case: Burnt forearm

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 3rd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Glove and magnifying glass on left forearm

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd), topical med (3rd) and bandage (4th) on left

Patient 003
Case: Hurt playing soccer

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 4th choices
O: 2nd and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left ankle

Imaging room
-X-ray on left ankle

-Compress (1st) and splint (2nd) on left ankle
-Hospital orders
-Dispense crutches
-Extremity elevated
-Area immobilized

Patient 004
Case: Hurt wrist while rough housing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left wrist

Imaging room
-X-ray left wrist

-Compress (1st) and splint (2nd) on left wrist
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized

Patient 005
Case: Stuck something up nose

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove, and nasoscope on nose
-Glove on both cheeks

-Nasal spray (1st), magnetized instrument (2nd) irrigation syringe (3rd) and
drops (4th) on nose

Patient 006
Case: Ear hurts

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Othoscope on right ear
-Thermometer in mouth

-Nasal spray on nose
-PO meds in mouth
-Drops on right ear

Patient 007
Case: Ear painful

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Othoscope on right ear

-PO meds in mouth

Patient 008
Case: Fell on bars, hurt elbow

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 1st and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right elbow

Imaging room
-X-ray on right elbow

-Compress (1st) and splint (2nd) on right elbow
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized

Patient 009
Case: Stepped on something

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left foot

Imaging room
-X-ray on left foot

-Spongue (1st), med syringe (2nd,) forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
magnetized instrument (5th), topical med (6th) and bandage (7th) on left foot

Patient 010
Case: Sore throat, hurts to swallow

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Glove on chin/neck
-Thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth

-PO meds in mouth
-Hospital orders
-Warm salt water gargle
-Anesthetic swallow administered

Patient 011
Case: Fell by pool, hurt thigh

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Glove on left hip, left thigh and pelvis
-Magnify glass on left thigh and left hip

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd), topical med (3rd) and bandage (4th) on left thigh

Patient 012
Case: Hurt leg moving furniture

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 2nd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on left leg
-Glove on left ankle, left leg and left knee

Imaging room
-X-ray left knee

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd), topical med (3rd) and bandage (4th) on left leg

Patient 013
Case: Hurt arm playing baseball

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Glove on right elbow, right forearm and right wrist
-Magnifying glass on right forearm

-Compress (1st) and wrap (2nd) right forearm
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to rest injured extremity
-Extremity elevated

Patient 014
Case: Fell ice skating, hurt ankle

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right ankle

Imaging room
-X-ray right ankle

-Compress (1st) and spling (2nd) on right ankle
-Hospital orders
-Ankle elevated
-Ankle immobilized
-Crutches dispensed
-X-ray confirms anatomical positioning
Level 2 Patients-They're getting a little sicker.

Patient 015
Case: Stomach pain, vomitting

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 4th choices
O: 1st and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choice

Examination room
-Stepthoscope on heart and abdomen
-Glove and magnifying glass on abdomen
-Thermometer in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray on abdomen

-Blood test hemoglobin/hematocrit, glucose, complete bloodcount and
sodium/potassium on elbow
-Urine test microchemistry on pelvis

-PO meds in mouth (1st), IV med in forearm (2nd)
-Call in surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth except medications

Patient 016
Case: Sore throat, coughing, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-EKG on heart
-Tongue depressor, thermometer, magnifying glass and respirometer in mouth
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Blood gas test Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide
-Blood test complete blood count

-PO meds in mouth

Patient 017
Case: Painful to look at light

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, othalmoscope, penlight and eyedrops on right eye

-Irrigation syringe and drops on right eye

Patient 018
Case: Stabbed in side

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on abdomen
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Respirometer in mouth
-Stethoscope on heart and abdomen

-IV and IV med in forearm
-Nasal prongs in nose
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 019
Case: Sore throat, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choice
O: 3rd and 1st choice
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choice

Examination room
-Stethoscope and glove on abdomen
-Glove on chin/neck
-Tongue depressor and thermometer in mouth

-Blood test complete blood count

-Hospital orders
-Patient advised some antibiotics may cause rash
-Patient advised that no specific medication is available

Patient 020
Case: Splinter in palm

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left hand

-PO meds in mouth (1st)
-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
bandage on left hand
-Hospital orders
-Elevate area

Patient 021
Case: Stabbed in arm

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 2nd choices
O: 2nd and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 2nd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right forearm

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
gauze (5th), topical med (6th) and bandage (7th) on left arm

Patient 022
Case: Inflamed throat, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Thermometer, tongue depressor and magnifying glass in mouth
-Glove on chin/neck

-Swab culture throat/quick in mouth


-PO meds in mouth
-Hospital orders
-Warm salt water gargle administered
-Anesthetic swallow administered

Patient 023
Case: Sore throat, swollen glands

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 4th choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Tongue depressor, thermometer and magnifying glass in mouth
-Glove on chin/neck

-PO meds to mouth (1st)
-Compress to left and right cheek (2nd and 3rd)
-Hopsital orders
-Warm salt water gargle administered

Patient 024
Case: Rash

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 2nd and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnify mouth and nose
-Tongue depressor in mouth

-PO meds (1st), sponge (2nd) and topical med (3rd) to mouth

Patient 025
Case: Fell from skateboard, hurt elbow

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left elbow

Imaging room
-X-ray left elbow

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microbiolgy on pelvis
-Blood test type, hemoglobin/hematocrit and complete on elbow

-Compress on left elbow
-Call in orthopedist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Extremity elevated
-Elbow immobilized

Patient 026
Case: Hurt shoulder playing football

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right shoulder

Imaging room
-X-ray on right shoulder

-Blood test complete blood count, hemoglobin/hematocrit and type and cross on
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-Compress on right shoulder
-Call in orthopedist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Shoulder immobilized

Patient 027
Case: Scraped side

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 4th choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnify left flank
-Glove on abdomen, left flank and chest
-Stethoscope on heart

-Urine test dipstick on pelvis

-Sponge (1st), topical med (2nd) and bandage (3rd) on left flank
-Med Syringe on upper arm

Patient 028
Case: Fell on sprinkler

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 4th choice
O: 4th and 2nd choice
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove, penlight and eye dye on right eye
-Glove on chin/neck

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd), topical med (3rd) and bandage (4th) on right eye
-Med syringe (5th) on upper arm

Patient 029
Case: Cut chin in car accident

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 2nd choice

Examination room
-Maginfying glass and glove on chin/neck
-Glove and tongue depressor in mouth

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd) and bandage (3rd) on chin
-Med syringe on upper arm
-Call plastic surgeon to continue treatment

Patient 030
Case: Cut thigh while woodworking

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right thigh
-Stethoscope on heart

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
needle (5th), topical med (6th) and bandage (7th) on right thigh

Patient 31
Case: Cut finger with knife

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 1st and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 4th and 2nd choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left hand

Imaging room
-X-ray left hand

-Sponge (1st) and bandage (2nd) on left hand
-IV med (3rd) on forearm
-Call in hand surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Extremity elevated
Level 3 patients-Now it gets harder

Patient 032
Case: Vomitted blood

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-EKG on heart
-Glove, magnifying glass and stethoscope on abdomen
-Tongue depressor and magnifying glass in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray abdomen

-Blood test amylase, bleeding times, hemoglobin/hematocrit and type and cross
on elbow
-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis

-IV and IV med in forearm
-Call in gastroenterologist to continue care and admit

Patient 033
Case: Stomach pain, vomitting, diarrhea

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 2nd choices
O: 4th and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and stethoscope on abdomen

Imaging room
-Stoll test ova/parasites on pelvis (I need help! I don't know how to do it in
this room!)

-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis
-Blood test sodium/potassium/chloride, glucose and complete blood count on

-PO meds in mouth

Patient 034
Case: Abdominal distress

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 1st and 4th choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Glove and magnifying glass on abdomen
-Stethoscope on heart and abdomen
-EKG on heart
-Tongue depressor and magnifying glass on mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray abdomen

-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis
-Blood test hemoglobin/hemacrotit, amylase, type and cross and bleeding times
on elbow

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-NG tube in nose (3rd)
-Call in surgeon to continue care and admit

Patient 035
Case: Kitchen fire while cooking

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-EKG on heart
-Magnify glass on left eye, right eye and nose
-Tongue depressor, magnifying glass and respirometer in mouth
-Stethoscope on chest and heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Blood gas test carboxyhemoglobin and oxygen/carbon dioxide

-EKG on heart (1st)
-Oxygen mask on mouth (2nd)
-Call in pulmonologist to continue care and treatment
-Hospital orders
-Patient rechecked; normalizing

Patient 036
Case: Chills, coughing, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-EKG on heart
-Thermometer, tongue depressor, magnifying glass and respirometer in mouth

-X-ray chest

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist
-Blood test complete blood count on elbow

-EKG on heart (1st)
-PO meds in mouth (2nd)
-Oxygen mask on mouth (3rd)
-IV med on forearm (4th)
-Call in pulmonologist to continue care and admit

Patient 037
Case: Chest pain, difficulty breathing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 4th choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on chest and heart
-EKG on heart
-Glove on left hand and right hand
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm

-Blood test complete blood count and bleeding times on elbow

-EKG on heart (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-PO meds in mouth (4th)
-Oxygen mask on mouth (5th)
-Call in cardiologist to continue care and admit

Patient 038
Case: Stabbed in chest

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnify and glove on chest
-Stethoscope on heart and chest

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), needle (3rd), topical med (4th) and bandage
(5th) on chest
-Hospital orders
-Deep breathing exercises advised

Patient 039
Case: Hit by ball, unconcious

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 4th choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on forehead
-Stethoscope on heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Respirometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Othoscope on left ear
-Penlight in right eye

-Cervical collar to chin/neck (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) to forearm
-Tongue guard in mouth (4th)
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 040
Case: Fell, hurt shoulder

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right shoulder
-Glove on right upper arm

Imaging room
-X-ray right shoulder

-Compress on right shoulder
-Call in orthopedist to continue care and treatment
-Hospital orders
-Neurovascularity intact
-Shoulder immobilized

Patient 041
Case: Sinus headache

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 4th choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Othoscope on left and right ears
-Nasoscope in nose
-Glove on forehead

Imaging room
-X-ray skull

-Nasal spray in nose (1st)
-PO meds in mouth (2nd)

Patient 042
Case: Hurt ear while rough housing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 3rd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and othoscope on right ear

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd) and bandage (3rd) on right ear

Patient 043
Case: Ear bleeding

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and othoscope on right ear

-Med syringe on upper arm
-Call in plastic surgeon to continue care and treatment

Patient 044
Case: Put something in ear

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 4th choices

Examination room
-Othoscope on left ear

-Forceps (1st), irrigation syringe (2nd), drops (3rd) on left ear

Patient 045
Case: Got something in eye

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 2nd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Magnifying glass and penlight on left eye

Imaging room
-X-ray skull

-Bandage left eye (1st)
-IV med in forearm (2nd)
-Call in opthamologist to continue care and treatment
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to stay in bed rest position

Patient 046
Case: Eye is red

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choice
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, eye dye, penlight and othalmoscope on right eye

-Compress right eye
-Hopsital orders
-Blood thinning med and bleeding level to be monitored
-Patient advised that appearance is worse than condition

Patient 047
Case: Eye hurts, painful to look at light

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnify, othalmoscope, penlight and eye dye on left eye

-Drops (1st), irrigation syringe (2nd), bandage (3rd) on left eye

Patient 048
Case: Stepped on rusty nail

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right foot

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
gauze (5th), topical med (6th), bandage (7th) on right foot
-PO meds in mouth (8th)

Patient 049
Case: Hurts to swallow

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 4th choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Tongue depressor, magnifying glass and thermometer in mouth
-Stethoscope on heart
-Glove on chin/neck

-Blood test complete blood count on elbow
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-PO meds in mouth (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV meds (3rd) on forearm
-EKG on heart (4th)
-Call in otolaryngologyst to continue care and admit

Patient 050
Case: Bungee jumping accident

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 2nd choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 4th choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Magnifying glass and glove on forehead
-Glove on chin/neck, left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot
-Penlight and othalmoscope on left eye and right eye

-Cervical collar on chin/neck (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-Tongue guard (4th) and oxygen mask (5th) on mouth
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 051
Case: Drowned in bathtub

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 4th choices

Examination room
-EKG and stethoscope on heart
-Stethoscope on chest
-Magnifying glass, tongue depressor and respirometer in mouth
-Pulsometer on hand

-ET tube (1st) and ambu bag (2nd) on mouth
-IV (3rd) on forearm
-Aero med (4rd) on mouth
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 052
Case: Rash

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on chest, mouth, chin/neck, left and right ears, left and
right eyes and nose (whew!)
-Thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Glove on chin/neck
-othoscope on left and right ears

-PO meds in mouth
-Hospital orders
-Patient given tepid bath

Patient 053
Case: Fell from rollerblades

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 3rd and 1st choice

Examination room
-Magnify left knee
-Glove on left knee, left leg and left thigh

Imaging room
-X-ray left knee

-Sponge (1st), forceps (2nd), topical med (3rd), bandage (4th), wrap (5th) on
left knee
-Hospital orders
-Area immobilized

Patient 054
Case: Hurts when urinating, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Glove on pelvis and right flank
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart
-Thermometer in mouth

Imaging room
-Ultrasound on pelvis

-Blood test complete blood count and kidney panel on elbow
-Urine test microbiolgy and microcytology on pelvis

-IV and IV med to forearm
-PO meds to mouth
-Call in nephrologist to continue care and admit

Patient 055
Case: Cut left heel in lawn mower

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 4th choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left foot

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
cautery (5th), needle (6th), topical med (7th), bandage (8th) on left foot
Level 4 patients-For the most part, all I can say for some is...OUCH!
(especially Patient 073)

Patient 056
Case: Passed blood

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on abdomen
-Tongue depressor in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray abdomen

-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis
-Blood test hemoglobin/hemacrotit, complete blood count, bleeding times and
type and cross on elbow

-IV on forearm
-Call in gastroenterologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth except medications

Patient 057
Case: Stomach pain, vomitting

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 4th choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and stethoscope on abdomen
-Stethoscope and EKG on heart
-Tongue depressor and thermometer in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray abdomen

-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis
-Blood test hemoglobin/hemactotit, complete blood count, amylase and glucose on

-NG tube on nose (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) in forearm
-PO meds in mouth (4th)
-Call in surgeon to continue care and treatment

Patient 058
Case: Stomach pain, vomitting, fever

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 2nd choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and stethoscope on abdomen
-Stethoscope on heart
-Tongue depressor and thermometer in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray abdomen

-Stool test hemoccult on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count, hemoglobin/hemacrotit, glucose and
sodium/potassium/chloride on elbow

-NG tube on nose (1st)
-PO meds in mouth (2nd)
-IV (3rd) and IV med (4th) in forearm
-Call in surgeon to continue care and admit

Patient 059
Case: Itching and wheezing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 4th choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 1st choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-EKG on heart
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-Magnifying glass on cheeks, eyes, mouth, chin/neck and chest
-Tongue depressor in mouth

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist

-Med syringe on upper arm
-Hospital orders
-Patient under constant monitoring

Patient 060
Case: Itching and wheezing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-EKG on heart
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-Magnifying glass on cheeks, eyes, mouth, chin/neck and chest
-Tongue depressor in mouth

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist

-Med syringe on upper arm
-Hospital orders
-Patient under constant monitoring
-Patient rechecked; normalizing

Patient 061
Case: Wheezing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-EKG and stethoscope on heart
-Stethoscope on chest
-Magnifying glass on mouth, chest and nose
-Respirometer, tongue depressor and thermometer in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist
-Blood test complete blood count on elbow

-Aero med in mouth (1st)
-Med syringe on upper arm (2nd)
-IV med in forearm (3rd)
-Call in pulmonologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to drink fluids

Patient 062
Case: Burned hand

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 4th choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right hand

-PO meds in mouth (1st)
-Sponge (2nd), forceps (3rd), topical med (4th), bandage (5th) on right hand
-Med syringe on upper arm (6th)

Patient 063
Case: Burned feet

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 4th choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left and right feet

-PO meds in mouth (1st)
-Sponge (2nd), forceps (3rd), topical med (4th) and bandage (5th) on right foot
-Sponge (6th), forceps (7th), topical med (8th) and bandage (9th) on left foot

Patient 064
Case: Heart pounding

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 4th choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope and EKG on heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Respirometer in mouth

-Blood test complete blood count and bleeding times on elbow

-Oxygen mask on mouth (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-EKG on heart (4th)
-Call in cardiologist to continue care and admit

Patient 065
Case: Difficulty breathing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope and EKG on heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on chest
-Magnifying glass on chin/neck

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist
-Blood test complete blood count, bleeding times and sodium/potassium/chloride
on elbow

-Oxygen mask on mouth (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-EKG on heart (4th)
-Call in cardiologist to continue care and admit

Patient 066
Case: Fainted

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

-EKG on heart
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Glove on left and right hands

-Blood test complete blood count, bleeding times and enzymes on elbow

-Oxygen mask on mouth (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-EKG on heart (4th)
-Call in cardiologist to continue care and admit

Patient 067
Case: Fell off bike

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart
-Magnifying glass and glove on forehead
-Penlight and othalmoscope on eyes
-Glove on chin/neck

Imaging room
-CAT Scan skull

-Blood test complete blood count, type and cross and glucose on elbow
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-Cervical collar on neck (1st)
-IV on forearm (2nd)
-Tongue guard in mouth (3rd)
-Call in neurologoist to continue care and admit

Patient 068
Case: Swallowed stuffed toy part

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-EKG and stethoscope on heart
-Respirometer, tongue depressor and magnifying glass on mouth
-Stethoscope on chest
-Pulsometer on hand

-X-ray chest

-Oxygen mask on mouth
-Call in pulmonologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient monitored

Patient 069
Case: Swallowed toy

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, respirometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Stethoscope on chest

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Oxygen mask on mouth
-Call in gastroenterologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient monitored

Patient 070
Case: Slipped and hurt hip

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 4th and 3rd choice

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right hip
-Glove on right knee

Imaging room
-X-ray pelvis

-Blood test type and cross on elbow
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-EKG on heart
-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-Call in orthopedist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth
-Neuro-vascularity intact

Patient 071
Case: Twisted thumb in revolving door

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left hand

Imaging room
-X-ray left hand

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis
-Blood test type and cross and complete blood count on elbow

-Compress on left hand (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-Call in orthopedist to continue care and treatment
-Hospital orders
-Thumb immobilized
-Extremity elevated
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth
-Neurovascularity intact

Patient 072
Case: Caught finger in car engine

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right hand

Imaging room
-X-ray right hand

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count and type and cross on elbow

-Sponge (1st), bandage (2nd) and compress (3rd) on right hand
-IV (4th) and IV med (5th) on forearm
-Call in orthopedic surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized
-Neurovascularity intact
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth

Patient 073
Case: Injured foot chopping wood

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 1st choices
O: 4th and 4th choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on heart
-Respirometer in mouth
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Magnifying glass and glove on left foot

Imaging room
-X-ray left foot

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count and type and cross on elbow

-Sponge (1st), bandage (2nd), compress (3rd), IV (4th) and IV med (5th) on left
-Call in orthopedic surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth
-Neurovascularity intact

Patient 074
Case: Gunshot injury to thigh

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 4th choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 3rd choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left thigh

Imaging room
-X-ray left thigh

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count and type and cross on elbow

-Sponge (1st), bandage (2nd) and compress (3rd) on left thigh
-IV (4th) and IV med (5th) on forearm
-Call in orthopedic surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth
-Neurovascularity intact

Patient 075
Case: Hit in nose by elbow

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 4th choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and nasocope on nose
-Glove on left and right cheeks
-Tongue depressor in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray skull

-Irrigation syringe (1st), nasal spray (2nd), compress (3rd) and cautery (4th)
on nose

Patient 076
Case: Pain in side

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 4th choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on abdomen
-Stethoscope on heart and abdomen
-Respirometer in mouth
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-Nasal prongs on nose (3rd)
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 077
Case: Feels nauseated

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 4th choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope and glove on abdomen
-Thermometer in mouth
-EKG on heart

-Urine test microbiology and microchemistry on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count, glucose and liver enzyme test on elbow

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-Call in infectious disease specialist to continue care and admit

Patient 078
Case: Scraped side

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and stethoscope on abdomen
-Stethoscope on heart

Imaging room
-CAT Scan on abdomen

-Blood test complete blood count, type and cross and bleeding times on elbow
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-IV on upper arm
-Call in surgeon to continue care and treatment

Patient 079
Case: Splinter in finger

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left hand
-Magnifying glass on left forearm
-Glove on left upper arm
-Thermometer in mouth

-Blood test complete blood count and glucose on elbow

-Sponge (1st), med syringe (2nd), forceps (3rd), irrigation syringe (4th),
gauze (5th), topical med (6th) and bandage (7th) on left hand
-IV med on forearm (8th)
-Call in family doctor to continue care and admit

Patient 080
Case: Hurt neck in car accident

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 2nd choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 3rd and 4th choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart
-Glove on chin/neck, left hand and left foot

-Cervical collar on chin/neck (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on upper arm
-Tongue guard in mouth (4th)
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 081
Case: Sore throat, rash

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on chest, nose, left and right upper arms, left and right
eyes, mouth and chin/neck
-Stethoscope on heart
-Othoscope on left and right ears
-Thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth

-Swab culture throat/quick on mouth

-PO meds in mouth

Patient 082
Case: Took some pills

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 3rd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope and EKG on heart
-Respirometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Penlight on left and right eyes

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist
-Blood test glucose and toxic screen on elbow

-IV on forearm (1st)
-NG tube in nose (2nd)
-Call in psychiatrist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Poison control consulted
-Patient monitored

Patient 083
Case: Pain in side, blood in urine

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 4th and 3rd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on heart
-Thermometer in mouth
-Glove on pelvis and right flank

Imaging room
-Ultrasound on pelvis

-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis
-Blood test complete blood count and kidney panel on elbow

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-Call in urologist to continue care and admit

Patient 084
Case: Hit on side

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 2nd and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart
-Magnifying glass and glove on left flank
-Glove on abdomen and chest

Imaging room
-Ultrasound on pelvis

-Blood test complete blood count and type and cross on elbow
-Urine test dipstick on pelvis

-IV on forearm
-Call in urologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to take no food or drink by mouth

Patient 085
Case: Caught finger in car door

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on right hand

-Med syringe on upper arm (1st)
-Sponge (2nd), needle (3rd) and bandage (4th) on right hand
-PO meds in mouth (5th)

Patient 086
Case: Cut thumb pad using power saw

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 2nd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left hand

Imaging room
-X-ray left hand

-Bandage on left hand (1st)
-IV med on forearm (2nd)
-Call in hand surgeon to continue care and treatment
-Hospital orders
-Extremity elevated
Level 5 patients-CODE BLUE!! Well, not all, but the patients are hurting.

Patient 087
Case: Severe stomach pain

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 1st and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove and stethoscope on abdomen
-Thermometer and respirometer in mouth
-Stethoscope on heart

-Blood test amylase, complete blood count, hemoglobin/hemacrotit and bleeding
times on elbow
-Urine test microchemistry on pelvis

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-NG tube in nose (3rd)
-PO meds in mouth (4th)
-Call in gastroenterologist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth except medications

Patient 088
Case: Face and neck itch

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on left and right cheeks and eyes and chin/neck
-Stethoscope on heart and chest
-Tongue depressor in mouth

-Med syringe on upper arm
-Hospital orders
-Patient rechecked; normalizing

Patient 089
Case: Arms and face itch

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 4th and 1st shot

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on left and right cheeks and eyes, left and right forearms
and chin/neck
-Stethoscope on chest
-Tongue depressor in mouth

-Med syringe on upper arm (1st)
-PO meds in mouth (2nd)
-Hospital orders
-Patient rechecked; normalizing

Patient 090
Case: Breathing trouble

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 3rd choices
O: 3rd and 1st choices
A: 4th choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-EKG and stethoscope on heart
-Respirometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Magnifying glass on left and right cheeks, left and right eyes, mouth, chest
and chin/neck
-Stethoscope on chest

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist

-IV on forearm (1st)
-Oxygen mask on mouth (2nd)
-IV med on forearm (3rd)
-Aero med in mouth (4th)
-Call in allergist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient under constant monitoring

Patient 091
Case: Patient unconcious, rash

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 1st choices
O: 3rd and 4th choices
A: 1st choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-EKG and stethoscope on heart
-Penlight on left and right eyes
-Magnifying glass on left and right cheeks, left and right eyes and mouth
-Stethoscope on chest
-Tongue depressor and respirometer in mouth

-Blood gas test oxygen/carbon dioxide on wrist

-ET tube (1st) and ambu bag (2nd) in mouth
-IV on forearm (3rd)
-Aero med in mouth (4th)
-IV med on forearm (5th)
-Call in allergist to continue care and admit

Patient 092
Case: Burned mouth from hot food

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 1st choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 4th choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and tongue depressor on mouth

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-Transfer to burn unit
-Hospital orders
-Patient monitored for oral swelling
-Mouth rinsed with cool water

Patient 093
Case: Hurts to breathe

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 4th choices
O: 3rd and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Stethoscope on chest and heart
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth

Imaging room
-X-ray chest

-Med syringe (1st), gel (2nd) and bandage (3rd) on chest
-Hospital orders
-Patient rechecked

Patient 094
Case: Gunshot wound to head (YEE-OWCH!)

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 4th choices
O: 4th and 4th choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 4th choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass on forehead and nose
-Glove on forehead
-Othoscope on left ear
-Penlight on right eye
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm
-Stethoscope on heart
-Respirometer and tongue depressor in mouth

-Cervical collar on chin/neck (1st)
-IV (2nd) and IV med (3rd) on forearm
-Tongue guard in mouth (4th)
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 095
Case: Toothache, can't eat

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass, glove, thermometer and tongue depressor in mouth
-Glove on chin/neck
-Stethoscope on heart

-Blood test complete blood count and glucose on elbow

-IV (1st) and IV med (2nd) on forearm
-PO meds in mouth (3rd)
-Call in internist to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Patient advised of elevated glucose, possible diabetes mellitis
-Patient advised of need for dental repair or extraction

Patient 096
Case: Horse stepped on forearm

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 3rd and 1st choices
O: 2nd and 3rd choices
A: 1st choice
P: 4th and 3rd choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left forearm
-Glove on left wrist
-Stethoscope on heart
-Respirometer in mouth
-Sphygmomanometer on upper arm

Imaging room
-X-ray left forearm

-Blood test complete blood count and type and cross on elbow
-Urine test microbiology, microchemistry and microcytology on pelvis

-Sponge (1st), bandage (2nd) and compress (3rd) on left forearm
-IV (4th) and IV med (5th) on forearm
-Call in orthopedic surgeon to continue care and admit
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized
-Neurovascularity intact
-Patient advised to take nothing by mouth

Patient 097
Case: Twisted knee

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 2nd and 3rd choices
O: 1st and 2nd choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 4th and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on left knee

Imaging room
-X-ray left knee

-Compress (1st), med syringe (2nd) and splint (3rd) on left knee
-Hospital orders
-Area elevated
-Area immobilized
-Crutches issued

Patient 098
Case: Drowned while surfing

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 1st and 3rd choices
O: 4th and 1st choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 2nd and 4th unit

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and tongue depressor in mouth
-Stethoscope and EKG on heart
-Pulsometer on left and right hands

-EKG on heart (1st)
-ET tube (2nd) and ambu bag (3rd) to mouth
-IV on forearm (4th)
-Aero med in mouth (5th)
-Transfer to trauma unit

Patient 099
Case: Cut forehead on sprinkler

S.O.A.P. Questions

S: 4th and 2nd choices
O: 1st and 4th choices
A: 2nd choice
P: 1st and 1st choices

Examination room
-Magnifying glass and glove on forehead
-Glove on neck

-Med syringe (1st), sponge (2nd), forcepts (3rd), needle (4th), topical med
(5th) and bandage (6th) on forehead

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