The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns

18.10.2013 04:38:46
Contact Details

For those of you who sent E-mails to please do not send any more.

-Version History 1
-Sites FAQ should appear on 2
-Items 3
-Enemies 4
-Buttons and Moves 5
-Introduction 6
-Story 7
-Walkthrough 8
-Frequently Asked Questions 9
-Special thanks 10
-Legal Stuff 11

1.Version History

- 1/30/02 Updated enemy list thanks to a lot of E-mails received. I particularly used thanks Tracy, keep those E-mails coming!

-1/30/02 Updated ‘sites this FAQ is allowed to appear on’.

-1/30/02 Updated walkthrough, level 4: Karnak. The part about the spirit sword, thanks to Tank for this.

2.Sites this FAQ is allowed to appear on

If you are reading this FAQ on a site that is not listed here please contact me IMMEDIATELY.



Dynamite: Effective on groups of enemies

Twin Pistols: Basic weapon of choice

Shotgun: For those awful Warrior Mummies

The Tommy Gun: What? You want to clear a room, oh have I got just the thing for you. Call now and you’ll receive…

Swords: Various swords can be picked up from certain enemies.


Shotgun Ammo

Tommy Gun Ammo

Health Kit

Imhotep’s Items:

Canopic Jars: Contain either spells or life force.

Health Ankh: Restores a small amount of health

Enemies of Rick:

The Red Turbans: Plenty of these in the game, enough to get you annoyed. Difficulty-4/10
Grave Robbers: Pointless idiots, just plain pathetic. Difficulty-3/10
Mummies: Dumb enough to run into a sword, dumb enough to take on Rick! Difficulty-Ranges from 3/10 to 4/10
Warrior Mummies: I strongly suggest a gun for these powerful enemies, just pray that you don’t hear the empty barrel! Difficulty-6/10
Pictmen: “Idiots to laugh at” you get the idea. Difficulty-4/10
Robbers: After a while they just become plain tiresome-4/10

Enemies Of Imhotep:

Museum Guards: Definitely without hesitation “Idiots to laugh at” what kind of plain moron runs up to a supernatural mummy who is leaving a trail of dead bodies everywhere without so much as a gun! Difficulty-1/10
The Medjai: Come to Mumma suckers. Difficulty 4/10
Cats: If only they were dogs I’d have the perfect word for them! Difficulty-2/10

Ardeth Bay: Pops up from time to time. You can’t actually kill him. Difficulty-6/10

Enemies of Rick and Imhotep:

Scorpions: Definitely the most annoying buggers in the game. Easy alone but in groups, well deadly! Difficulty-3/10

Sabre-Toothed Skeletons: Easy. Difficulty-4/10

Mummified Baboons: I have received hundreds of E-mails explaining to me that these furry fiends are located in the museum. They’re not that hard. Difficulty-3/10

Mummified Cats: Not a friendly fur ball at all! Oh and bloody annoying. Difficulty-3/10

Spiders: Could someone please E-mail me the details in which to find these critters.

Crocodiles: Beastly little rascals! Difficult-5/10

Mummified Crocodiles: Same as above (times 2)

Pygmy Mummies: Kind of like kids, just not. Difficulty-4/10

Pygmy Shaman: For a little guy he can sure do some damage. Difficulty-4/10

Roman Warriors: Quite strong, for a dead guy. Difficulty-5/10

Anubis Warriors: These guys aren’t to be messed with. Difficulty 7/10

Scorpion King: Definitely the ultimate enemy: Difficulty 11/10
5.Buttons and Moves (From the booklet)

Rick’s controls:

Directional buttons: Movement
Select: No function
Start: Pause/Option Menu
X: Punch/Shoot/Pick Up/Use
O: Kick
Triangle: Hold down for inventory/Quick tap to put away or take away
Square: Jump/Climb/Block
Left Analogue Stick: Movement
Right Analogue Stick: Character Pitch
L1: Punch/Shoot/Pick Up/Use
L2: Camera free look
R1: Health Item Hot Button
R2: No function

Imhotep’s controls

Directional Pad: Movement
Select: No function
Start: Pause/Option Menu
X: Punch/Pick Up/Use
O: Kick
Triangle: Hold down for inventory/Quick tap to pick up or put away
Square: Jump/Climb
Left Analogue Stick: Movement
Right Analogue Stick: Character Pitch
L1: Punch/Pick Up/Use
L2: Camera Free Look/Centre Camera
R1: Hold down for offensive spells
R2: Hold down for defensive spells


First off I would just like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Mummy Returns (Movie) and the game was up to standards to. This is my first ever FAQ so if you have any comment’s, queries ect. Please feel free to contact me. Secondly Shaun if you read this, where the F*** is Mitchell?!?!?!. Okay, this game was very difficult in many aspects to write a completely accurate guide for, so if you guys spot anything that could be improved just contact me. Okay that’s it!


(Taken from the booklet)
Six thousand years ago, a fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to unite the known world. Though they fought well, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated by the Sumerians and driven deep into Ahm Shere, the sacred desert. At death’s door, the Scorpion King made a pact with the desert god Anubis-if Anubis would let him live to conquer his enemies, he would surrender to Anubis his immortal soul.

The next year, the Scorpion King stormed northward with the army of Anubis. No power on earth could stop the supernatural warriors-and the Sumerians fell before them! But the scorpion King’s moment of victory was also his last. As the army of Anubis was returned to oblivion, the soul of the Scorpion King was banished to the underworld.

It is now the year of the Scorpion and the battle between good and evil is set to race again. As our heroes Rick and Evy, along with their son Alex, spend their days in pursuit of knowledge and treasure, a dark order works to raise the accursed Mummy Imhotep. Certain to seek control of the world, Imhotep must be stopped, and Rick-with the help of the Medjai leader Ardeth Bay-will soon find himself called to save mankind once more…for the Mummy Returns!



I have started with Rick because he reminds me of myself. Strong, Handsome and Action packed. Ladies E-mail me on…Oops, uh ok on with the guide!

Level 1: Bracelet Temple

As soon as that annoying voice is finished, watch the small cut scene
and then head left a bit and pick up the torch (hold down X). If you
are a first time player of TMR I suggest walking around a bit and
get the feel for the controls, pick up some health and take on
a Grave Robber or two.

Now back to the main guide. Head left from the starting position
and find a grave robber. Kill him and get the dynamite and pick
up his sword. Head right from the starting position until you see
a cracked section in the wall. Stand well back and throw a stick of
dynamite at it. This will blow a hole in the wall and go through.

As you enter here a couple of my relatives, uh I mean Mummy’s attack you. Kill them and keep going.

When you kill some enemies they will leave limbs behind which you can
Use to kill other enemies.

Head first right then left and right again. Go down here, kill the mummy and pick up the shield and pistol ammo. (If you pick up the
Shield then you will drop the torch, keep this in mind.)
Head back up and go right and down here for some health. Now go back
up for a while and turn left. Pick up the health along the way and
continue until you get a cut-scene.

These grave-robber fellows don’t seem to be on the bright side in
This game and this one in particular made it on my top ten “Idiots
To laugh at” list (He runs to his death right in the path of a flying

Anyway, this section is particularly difficult and may take a couple of
attempts but hang in there. Equip your shield and Pabasa sword and stand just a little distance from the flying arrows. Now this requires exact timing. Tap X twice as fast as you can and if you’ve timed it right the shield will block the arrows and by tapping X you’ve taken two steps forward and dodged the arrows. Repeat this process until you’re through all of the arrows.

Get ready to face off with your first “boss”.

Boss: Uh weird looking mummy dude
Consists Of: Mummy and two scorpions
Difficulty: Easy

Straight away run to the side as two scorpions attack you. Slash them once each and then slash the mummy. Keep slashing him till he’s dead or
try slashing him into the flying arrows.

Collect the scorpion ruby and proceed through the doorway. Keep going until you reach a bridge with a large boulder in your way. Stand fairly close to it and throw some dynamite at it and run. Then proceed across the bridge. Go down this passage until you drop down into a large room.
Run up to the large golden door and after a short cut scene, put the scorpion ruby into the golden scorpion thingy to the left hand side of the door. Next proceed down the stairs and turn right into a cavern like opening. Go uphill then down hill, pick up some pistol ammo and turn into your first right. Go down a bit and then take another right. Go down here into a large open cavern and kill any grave robbers that followed you. Keep moving until you reach the end of the cavern and pick up the health and pistol ammo. Next make your way up the uphill passage and turn left and follow this path until you get a cut scene.

“Idiots to laugh at no.2”

Another messy bit! Grab the dynamite from the two fallen foes and climb up onto the fallen column and walk across to the other side. Take out a stick of dynamite and use it on the column on the right hand side. It should collapse creating a bridge to the other side use it and do the same for the left hand side column. Get ready for another Boss.

Boss: Mummy!
Consists Of: 1 Mummy
Difficulty: Easy

This boss reminds me of my girlfriend. Easy going but darn vicious when it comes to valuables. Just slash it or shoot it and watch out that you don’t fall into the swamp. After you defeat him you will receive a scarab ruby.

Head back across the “bridges” to where you saw the cut scene. Go down and left. Keep going on the main path until you reach an intersection with three entrances. Take the one on the far right. Keep moving in this direction and pick up some pistol ammo on the way. Now when you enter an area with a right and left turn go right. Go past two openings and around the corner, then go down the path that is sloped downwards.
Pick up the health and take on the two mummies. Turn around and go back up and straight ahead until you get two a cut scene.

Well you’ve done good to get up to here. I suggest you save it and take a breather as this is a rather difficult and annoying part so here goes.

Pick up the torch and jump down. Turn right and leap across to the platform. Go up here and jump across and kill the mummy. Keep going in this direction. Until you have to jump across. Now you have to time this jump and when you jump continue to hold Square so that you grab the edge and pull yourself up. Now turn right for another boss

Boss: Mummy
Consists Of: 1 Mummy
Difficulty: Easy

Just the same as the other bosses, either shoot or slash him until he’s dead and pick up the spider ruby.

Head right and do the same jump and grab technique as before onto the high ledge. Kill the mummy and continue on down and jump across to the other platform and kill the mummy. Continue jumping and running and killing until you get to the entrance where you came from and pick up your shield. Head back to the cavern entrance and walk down taking the first right. This will lead you back to the main room. Enter the two rubies into the scorpion panel on the large golden door and proceed down the stairs. Take a left and go through the archway. Continue up the passage and go when you get back to where you started the game go down the two large staircases until you see two Grave Robbers. Kill them and keep going through the doorway to get a cut scene.

You’re on your own now (Like Evy was a big help!) in a fairly open room. Walk forward a bit for the boss cut scene.

Boss: The Big Bad Wolf!
Consists Of: four easy mummies and one bad ass mummy.
Difficulty: Easy/Medium
First off take out the four mummy’s one at a time by either slashing them or shooting them or my favourite waiting until there all together and throwing dynamite at them. Next a mummy will appear out of a sarcophagus. I suggest shooting him. Pick up the Asp ruby and head back to the room with the big golden door (You know the way right?) and place the ruby in the golden scorpion panel and the door will open.
Head down the stairs for a nice cut scene and a boss.

Boss: Anubis Warrior
Consists Of: 1 Anubis Warrior
Difficulty: Medium

This is the first boss where an actual technique is required. He hits his sword on the ground creating a shock wave and a white line thingy, avoid this. Run up to him and he will try to slash you. Avoid his sword
And slash him a few times. Repeat this process until he roars and rocks fall from the roof. Avoid them by running around. When he stops slash him until he roars again. Repeat this process two or three times until he dies for a cut scene and a new level!!!

Level 2: British Museum

Get ready for another long drawn out level with our hero Rick. After a cut scene with Ardeth Bay turn left and go through the door and keep going through another door. Head up and, picking up the health until you face the first Red Turban. Give him a good bashing and pick up his sword. Keep going for a cut scene. Pick up the health and go right through the door. Take out all the evil foes in here and turn right.
Take out a few more mummies and pick up the dynamite. Head left, Pick up the shotgun ammo and go left through the door for a cut scene.
Now, because the British are so damn insistent you have a task. Take out the Red Turbans and a nice batch of Pictmen will attack you. Waste them and two skeletons will come alive and attack you. Show them what you’re made of for a cut scene. Head up stairs and talk to Charlie. He will open a door for you, head through it.

Now time to find Roger.

Kill the Red Turban inside this room and proceed through the next door. Go left for a cut scene and then head upstairs, pick up the health and continue through the doorway. Stick to the left hand side of the wall and take out the Red Turbans that jump out. Enter this room and through the other door for a cut scene. Well we’ve located Charlie but being the chicken-wuss he is he needs us to clear the level (Pussy) so first kill the mummies inside the glass cases and then the puppy thingy’s and any remaining Red Turbans and or mummies.

Note: Avoid using your weapons as much as possible as you’ll need them soon.

Now approach the sarcophagus for a cut scene and pick up the basement key. Now head towards the staircase and go down to the basement door and use the key. Go through, take out the Red Turban and pick up the health. Enter the doorway for a cut scene. Now is the time for your weapons. First take out your pistols and kill the Red Turbans that come upstairs. Now head downstairs and kill the remaining Red Turbans for a cut scene. Pull out your shotgun and use it on the Warrior Mummies. Once they’re dead its level complete!

Level 3: Cairo

This is a really annoying level and for some of it I can’t help you with it. The idea is to collect five gold coins to bribe the dock guards, which means running around killing people so that they’ll leave behind a coin. Sound simple? Well it’s not.

Here goes. Head right and then right again through the archway. This is the Hotel. To the left is a Red Turban armed and dangerous. Do what you have to do and then dispose of the other Red Turban with a Gun. Go behind the reception counter for some Tommy gun ammo. Next go upstairs and kill two more Red turbans for your first gold coin.

Note: Where you find the gold coins will always change but this is where I found them. You may have to search elsewhere or kill these people in a different order or something like that.

Head back outside. And turn right and then right again (through the tight passageway). Kill the Robber and then head first right and up onto the sloped passageway onto the roof. Kill the robber on the left for another gold coin. Continue left through the tight passageway and keep going until you get to the down ramp. Next go left and left again and blast the Robber here for a gold coin (I’m rich). Don’t go down right but keep going along the path and go left and then take a right and kill the Robber for a gold coin (4/5 getting there).
Head back to the hotel and kill all the Red Turbans for the final gold coin (At last). Go back to the entrance of the hotel, get out and go right. Now turn left and then run forward for a bit for a bit until you reach what looks like an overly large birdbath? And turn right into the passage. Keep going until you reach a sign with a boat on it and turn right and go through the passage, and then take a right.
(Left, Right, Left, Right, when will it all end!?!?!?!)
Waste the Robber and go left and left again and up the uphill passage. Head right and right again into the docks area.

Okay more than halfway, congratulate yourself and then save it.

Walk up to the dock guards for a cut scene and then blast two Red Turbans. On the back of the truck is some health. Pick it up and then kill the Red Turban on the right. Head up and shoot the Red Turban with the gun and then draw the Red Turban with a sword somewhere out of range of a gun and kill him. Then blast the Red Turban with the gun and pick up his ammo. Head right onto the ship and take out all the Red Turbans and then head towards the crates for a cut scene and the end of the level.

Level 4: Cairo part 2
Head down the stairs and take down the Red Turban with a gun and the Red Turban behind him. Turn right kill the Red Turban with the sword. Behind the counter is some dynamite. Head towards the hotel entrance and go out for a cut scene.

It seems all the villagers have been turned into Zombies!

Turn right and kill the Zombie and go around the corner. Turn right and kill the Zombie at the big birdbath. Head into that tight passage and go right. Take a right turn at the brick passage and kill the Zombie. Turn left and kill the Zombie in the passage and go through. Keep going and take you’re second right, killing the Zombie and go down the passage. If you want some pistol ammo (highly suggested) turn left, kill the Zombie and then right. Otherwise just head right down the passage and into the dockyards.

Okay ready for the hard part of the level?

Take out the three Zombies here with some good old TNT and turn right for some dynamite. Head up and take out the Red Turbans with your gun.
(Conserve as much ammo as possible) next to the ship is some health and at the front of the ship is some more health. Head towards the light entrance. Blast away at the Red Turbans and climb up on the train platform. Immediately three Red Turbans will pop up, time for some gunplay. After they’re dead you get a short cut scene and three more Red Turbans appear. Pull out your Tommy gun and “bust a cap on they ass”. Now head through where the Red Turbans came from for a cut scene. Level Complete.

Level 5: Jungle

Head up to the pit of spikes and jump over it. Get on the log bridge and SAVE! Now the idea here is to dodge the darts flying past you.
This requires absolute concentration and precise timing so guys, put down the PS2 mag.
Just stand a little bit back from them and as they go past run. If you time this right you’ll be fine. Once past the bridge continue on and jump down here so as to avoid spikes. Turn right down the passage and leap across the marsh onto the platform. Take on the Red Turban and jump right to the next platform. Kill the Red Turban for some health. Turn left and jump across.
Enter the cave and at the end of it climb out of the pit. Check your map and follow the main path here. When you reach a large Castle wall turn left and continue on until you reached a crumbled wall. First climb up the pillar at the end and jump left to another pillar. Climb up and take a leap of faith to the platform in the middle. Jump again to the other side and take the stairs up. Deal with the gap here and push the action button on the Crocodiles head for a cut scene.

Head back to the ground and go right and right again. Take out the Red Turban then continue on up the stairs. Enter left and watch out for the Red Turban that lunges at you and go up the stairs.

Now these little buggers are very annoying-yes that’s right, Scorpions!

Slash the little guy twice and he’ll go to the big Scorpion in the sky. Continue up for a fairly difficult opponent, the Crocodile. Just make sure you don’t get in the way of his mouth. It’s up the stairs for you and then climb onto the ledge and jump across onto the stairs. Kill the Scorpions and head up for another Crocodile’s head. Head downstairs and where the floor has crumbled jump across and turn right for the final Crocodile head. After the cut scene head towards the door that opened and go through.

Okay that’s half way. Mmm Oreo’s, hamburgers oh yeah, oh and hot chips oh um sorry back to the guide. Pick up the torch and head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs an Crocodile awaits. Dispose of it and continue on.
When you get to an open room, pick up the pistol ammo and the health then climb up the open area. Head up here for your first Pygmy Mummy.
Kill it and continue on. When you reach the wall climb up and then climb out and go right. You will then notice a S*** load of Pygmy’s. You can either blast them or run right past. Head up then left until you reach a very green (In colour) path. Check your map to make sure you’re on the pink part and continue on. Keep going and kill some Scorpion foe and climb the ledge at the end. Kill some more Scorpions!
Now you’re up to those bloody annoying dart shooting things. Time your steps and continue on. When you’re through climb two ledges and run along until you notice the path stops. Around the corner is the other half of the ledge so position yourself and jump. Keep going and go along the bridge for a cut scene. Level Complete!

Level 6: Jungle part ii

Straight away you will be attacked by three Scorpions so be prepared. Kill them and head down. Kill the Pygmy and cross the bridge.

Note: There are a ton of Pygmy’s in this level so don’t waste your time trying to kill them all, shoot only to clear the path.

Keep going past the hut and cross the other bridge. Avoid the Pygmy’s and cross the steep bridge. Turn right here and go down the bridge onto solid ground. Blast past the Pygmy’s and keep running until you get to yet another bridge. Cross it, go past the hut and down the bridge. It will collapse half way through but don’t worry. As soon as you land let off a shotgun shell or two and head up left to the bridge. As soon as your past it go up the next bridge and turn to your immediate left. Cross the bridge and avoid the Pygmy’s. Go forward and down the bridge for a cut scene. Two annoying Pygmy’s have moved a bridge. Head to your immediate right and cross the bridge for some much-needed health. Go back down and turn right. Skip the first two bridges and go down this one for some more of that precious health and some shotgun ammo. Head back up and turn left. Skip one bridge and go down the next one. Avoid the Pygmy and keep going up the next bridge. Push the action button on this device to lower the bridge and kill the two Pygmy’s. Head back down and down the next bridge. Take your first right and go down this bridge. Keep going and cross the newly laid bridge to the other side.

Ah yes, solid ground at last. That’s the halfway mark. Take a breather and were ready for the next half.
Continue down this path and some Roman Warriors will appear. Lay them to rest and drop down. Drop all the way to the bottom and turn around and climb up. Head left and jump across to a small cavern for some health and pistol ammo. Drop down for a cut scene.

Ah at last, Alex!

Dodge the Roman Warriors and jump across the bank and jump again. Blast the Roman Warrior on the other side and jump across. Continue on and jump across again. Blast the Roman Warrior from afar and jump across. Waste this Roman Warrior and run past four more. Do Not stop to kill them as the light will hit Alex and that’s game over. As you cross this bridge hold down square as bits of the bridge fall down and you will automatically jump over. When you’re across you will be awarded a cut scene. Level complete!

Level 7: Netherworld

Straight off kill the two Anubis Warriors and head down to your right. Kill the Anubis Warrior at the entrance here and turn and left for some dynamite. Go back and turn left and go down here. Go through the entrance for a cut scene.

You need to collect four Amulets, okay!

Kill the two Anubis Warriors. In this room you can pick up some dynamite, the spirit sword and some Tommy gun ammo. Head left through the entrance and follow the path until you get to an open room. Defeat all three Anubis Warriors in here and go left past the walkway and through the smallest entrance in this room. Go up the stairs and follow this path and follow this path until you get up to an Anubis Warrior. Defeat him for the Hyarua Amulet. Head back to the main room.

Once in the main room take your first left and go up the stairs. Follow this path and pick up the pistol ammo and health on the way. You will come to a room with a shattered walkway and two ledges on either side. Instead of trying to jump across the stepping-stones, just jump across on to the ledge and jump again to the doorway. Go up the stairs and meeting you at the top is an Anubis Warrior and a Shadow. Defeat them for the Anen Amulet. Continue on the pathway and down the stairs. Keep going back to the main room.

Enter the passageway to the right of the doorway to the Netherworld. Move up this pathway and take on the Shadow. Turn right and go down the stairs. You are now in a room with a huge statue of Anubis. Go down the stairs and left here for some health. Kill the two shadows and go to the statue of Anubis to pick up the Pemu Amulet. Head right and go through here. The path here is made of rock and is jagged. You can pick up some dynamite, health and shotgun shells in this room. Jump across to the other side and follow the path. You will then come into a room with another Anubis Warrior. Defeat him for the Ruru Amulet and head back to the door of the Netherworld. The door is now open so go through and down the path for a cut scene.

Boss: Imhotep
Consists Of: Imhotep
Difficulty: Medium/Hard

First off equip (If you have one) an Anubis head, as it is the most maneuverable weapon. Hit him a few times and you will hear the Scorpion King roar and a piece of the platform will fall off. Repeat this four or five times and you will defeat Imhotep. Level Complete!

Final Boss: Scorpion King

Boss: Scorpion King
Consists Of: Scorpion King
Difficulty: Hard/Impossible

Finally the last boss. This guy is tough, you probably won’t beat him first go or even second. Actually it’ll take between 20/50 attempts before you’re successful. I was on this guy for 1 whole hour! That’s the longest it’s ever taken me to beat a boss.

Here goes. Immediately duck out of the way and run behind one of the four brown skinny pillars. The Scorpion King will try and attack you but instead knocks over the pillar trapping himself under two stones. After he is trapped hit his tail and hide behind the next pillar. Repeat this process until all of the four pillars have been knocked over. He will then get climb a pillar and get on the roof. Some rocky spikes will crash down so just run around to avoid them. Pick up the health that is scattered around and get ready for phase two. As soon as he starts climbing down the pillar run up to him so that when he lands you will be directly facing him. Hold down block. He will try to lunge attack you with a super slash. Just move out of the way when he does and go around behind him and hit the part that is highlighted blue. He will then be paralyzed. Hit his body as it is highlighted about three times with the sword. Repeat this exact process twice more and more rocky spikes will fall. Avoid them and pick up all the health. This time instead of slashing you he will try to grab you. When he climbs down the pillar run up so you’re directly in front of him and again hold block. He will charge up his attack. Now here’s the trick. You can’t move too quickly otherwise it won’t work so wait until exactly the right moment when he’s about too strike and move. Then hit the highlighted limb and he’ll be paralyzed. Then just hit his body about three times. Repeat this two more times and Jonathan will enter the room with the Scepter of Osiris.
“He shoot’s and misses” repeat the previous step and instead of hitting his body with the sword just pick up the Scepter and it’ll automatically work.

Well done! Well that’s Rick done, watch the crappy ending and then it’s time for Imhotep!


Level 1: British Museum
The first spell you begin with is “soul-suck”. This spell is probably the most useful in the game. Head backwards towards the guards and soul suck them. Climb the crate and pick up the Canopic jar. Next head upstairs and through the doorway.

Note: To “soul-suck” a living human, beat him until he stands there motionless. Then face him and perform the spell.

Follow the road until you get to the stairs and turn right at the door. Kill the guards and go right through the door. Kill the Medjai and go down the stairs. Pick up the Canopic jar and kill the Medjai. Head back up the stairs and straight through the doorway. Kill the guards here and head right through the doorway and the next one. You’ll now be in a large open room with a giant stairwell. Run up the stairs and pick up the Pabasa sword. Go back down the stairs and go right and then through this doorway. Move along here and kill the two guards. Keep going until you are confronted by the Medjai Warrior and kill him.
Pick up the Canopic jar for “Resurrect” and get the Offering Anubis.

Head back to the room with the stairwell and go right through the door. Keep going until you get to an open room with stairs. Go down and perform “Resurrect” to the Sabre-toothed skeleton with the offering inside it. Kill it and take Offering Horus. Head back up the stairs and go right and up these stairs. Follow through until you get to the first doorway and enter it. Keep going until you get to the main stairwell and go up to the second floor. Go through the door and kill those inferior guards and turn right. Enter in here and kill the Medjai and get the Offering Ankh. Exit this room and head right and then through the door at the end that leads to a large open area. Head up the stairs and kill the Medjai. On this level is Offering Eye. Once it is in your possession head back to the start of the level.

Stand before the statues and take out an offering. A cross will appear on one of the four bowls. Go up to it and hold the action button down. After the cut scene you get an item. Do this for all four statues and then you will be attacked by Ardeth Bay and a hoard of the Medjai. Instead of battling them, run over to the Warrior Mummies and perform “Resurrect”. Level complete.

Level 2: Cairo

Head down the boat ramp and turn left. Go down here and take out the Medjai. Keep going and take out the Medjai that pop out of the passage and enter it. Head straight ahead and turn right then left. Take your first right and then right again.
Kill the cat and the Medjai and head left. Stick to the left hand side of the wall and you’ll reach the hotel entrance. Kill the two Medjai and enter the hotel. Kill all the Medjai on this level on this level and head upstairs.
Kill the two Medjai and enter one of the doors for a cut scene. Put the Medjai in their place and you’ll get another cut scene and you now have the “Curse of death”. Level complete!

Short and sweet just like I like ‘em (level’s that is). It’s 2:00 in the morning and the only thing I’ve got keeping me going is piles of pizza, about four litres of Coke and my stupid friend that snores louder than he talks. Anyway!

Level 3: Cairo part ii

Head outside and turn left down the stairs. Go out of the hotel and turn right. Head left around the corner and kill the Medjai. Here, continue onwards past that same old overly large birdbath and into the passage. Go right then left then right again. Follow this passage and head right, past the cat (Stupid fur balls) and left around the corner. Go left again. Keep on going in this direction and go up the walkway and onto the roof. Kill the Medjai (As you would) and head right down the sloped passage. Again go down the other sloped passage and into the dock area. Go left and kill some ‘mo Medjai and head past the ship into the light. Kill the Medjai (Again) and continue on. Put the Medjai in here to rest (R.I.P) and climb the train. Kill this Medjai and go in his direction for a cut scene. Don’t worry about Ardeth just kill all the Medjai and use “Soul-suck” frequently. When all the Medjai are dead bash Ardeth Bay for a bit for the final cut scene. Level complete!

Level 4: Karnak

This is probably the easiest level of the entire game so enjoy.

First head towards the entrance and waste all the Robbers for the Spirit sword.

Note: In this level it is crucial to kill ALL enemies otherwise you won’t be able to complete the level.

Note ii: It is easier to kill the shadows if you pick up the spirit sword at the beginning of the level.

Run forward and kill all the Scorpions that attack you here and go through the entrance. Turn right and waste the Robbers. Go forward to the open area for a cut scene. Head left and behind a fallen pillar is a dead man. Pick up the Canopic jar next to him to receive “Strength of Apis”. Kill the shadows that appeared in the cut scene and retrieve the Amulet of Isis. Go through this passage and into the room for a cut scene. Kill the shadow and retrieve the other object for the final cut scene. Level complete!

Level 5: Jungle

If at this point your getting sick and tired of this level and feel that you may have to tie the game upside down to a tree and beat it then you’re not alone.

Okay, forwards and jump across the pit of spikes. Move onto the bridge and use the same technique as Rick to get across.
Continue on and jump down here to avoid the spikes. Go down the passage and jump across the gap to face three Scorpions. Either kill them or just run past and jump across the next gap and then the next one again. Kill the two Scorpions and enter the cave entrance. Run along here and climb out of the pit and turn left. Follow this direction until you reach a castle wall and turn left. Go around the corner and you’ll reach a crumbled wall. Climb up the pillar at the end and jump across to the other pillar. Now climb up and jump across to the platform in the middle and then jump across to the stairs. Move up along the stairs and jump across the gap. Continue up the stairs and push the action button on the Crocodile’s head for a cut scene.
Jump down to the bottom and head right. Go past the swamp and right again. Head up the stairs and left through the entrance. Go upstairs and kill the Scorpion. Head up the next set for an encounter with a Crocodile and continue on. Climb the ledge at the top and jump across to the staircase in the middle. Head up the stairs killing the scorpion and go right through here for the second Crocodiles head and a cut scene.
Kill the scorpion and head on down the stairs and take out the Scorpion. Look for where part of the floor has collapsed and leap across it. Turn right for the final Crocodiles head and a cut scene. Kill the Crocodile that followed you and head towards the swamp with the three stepping-stones.

The stepping-stone in the middle has a Canopic jar with “Anubis Roar”. Jump across to solid ground and keep going. You’re now at one of the hardest parts for Imhotep. Those pestering Medjai are back. Make sure you stick close to Ardeth Bay so he doesn’t use his Tommy gun on you. Take out the Medjai (Make sure you use “Soul-suck” and then bash Ardeth Bay for another cut scene. Check your map and head towards the pink highlighted area. Kill the two scorpions and keep going down. Kill the Scorpion here and head right through a tight squeeze and climb up this mountain. Dodge the flying darts and kill whatever Scorpions get in your way and continue on. Climb up the ledge where the Scorpion is standing and dispose of him Mummy style. Climb up the next ledge and turn backwards for a jump. Run along until you get to some more flying darts. This time, time yourself to dodge the flying dart and jump at the same time. Head up and across the bridge for a cut scene. Level complete!

Level 6: Jungle part ii

First up, head down the path and kill the Scorpions. Continue on your quest for glory and cross the bridge here.

Note: Again, there are too many Pygmy’s on this level to worry about killing them so try and avoid them as much as possible.

Go past the feuding Warriors here and cross the bridge. Kill the three Medjai and continue on past the next bridge for a cut scene. The little bum hole of a Pygmy has moved the bridge. Kill the Medjai and head right down the bridge. Go down the bridge to your immediate right and pick up the bridge stone. Go back up the bridge and then up the bridge to your immediate left. Place the bridge stone in this device to lower the bridge. Move across the newly laid bridge (to your left) onto solid ground. Go up the path and down the path and across the bridge. Move along past the Pygmy’s and onto the next bridge. Kill the Medjai here and “Soul-suck” whatever necessary. Go down the bridge and down the next bridge to the far left for the Sobek Amulet. Head back up and go down the bridge to your left. Kill the Pygmy’s here and move onto this bridge to get back onto solid ground. Follow this path right down to the bottom and drop down. For fun (Not relevant to completing the level) jump into the right hand cavern and because you have the Sobek Amulet the Crocodiles won’t attack you. Head down and kill the Roman Warriors. Jump across to the bank here and again to the second. Keep jumping until you get to solid ground. Either kill all the Roman Warriors here or run right past them onto the bridge. Hold down square as you run across the bridge because pieces of it will collapse. When you reach the other side you will get a cut scene. Now you must face more of those sodding Medjai. Kill them all ha ha ha (Evil mummy laugh) and bash Ardeth Bay for a cut scene. Level complete!

Level 7: Netherworld

Head forwards and kill all four Medjai and go right, down the path and through the entrance. Turn right then left and finally through the doorway. Kill the two Medjai that pop out for a cut scene. Head left through the doorway. Continue on this path and you will come to an open room. Kill the three Anubis Warriors in here and head left across the bridge, through the doorway and up the stairs. Keep going until you face the Anubis Warrior and kill him for a Canopic jar.
Go back all the way down to the open room and turn left. Go up the stairs and through this passage. To the right are two health Ankh’s. Continue on until you reach the room with the crumbled walkway. Jump right onto the platform and then jump to the other side and go through the doorway. Follow this passage up the stairs and kill the Anubis Warrior and the Shadow for another Canopic jar. Go forward until you get to the main room.
Get some soul-sucking action going on the two Medjai and head right from the door to the Netherworld into this passage. Follow the yellow brick road, uh I mean passage and kill the Shadow. Go right through the doorway and down the stairs. You are now in a large open room with a huge statue of Anubis. Go down the small set of stairs and kill the two Shadows for a Canopic jar. Head right from the statue through the passage. Follow the jagged path to the other side and jump across to the doorway. Follow the path until you arrive in a room with two Shadows. Kill them for the final Canopic jar. Head back to the main room and the door to the Netherworld is now open. Go through and down the passage for a cut scene.

Boss: Rick
Consists Of: Rick
Difficulty: Easy/Medium

The technique here is the same for Rick. Just hit him until the Scorpion King roars and a piece of the floor crumbles. Repeat this until Rick is dead for a cut scene. Level Complete!

Final Boss: The Scorpion King

Boss: Scorpion King
Consists Of: Scorpion King
Difficulty: Hard/Impossible

This is the second time I’ve had to face this over grown Kentucky fired chicken and basically all I want to do is hang him upside down, feed him until he is very extremely fat and burst him with a pin. Anyone else feel that way?

Okay for those of you who don’t know here’s how to beat him.
Immediately duck out of the way and run behind one of the four brown skinny pillars. The Scorpion King will try and attack you but instead knocks over the pillar trapping himself under two stones. After he is trapped hit his tail and hide behind the next pillar. Repeat this process until all of the four pillars have been knocked over. He will then get climb a pillar and get on the roof. Some rocky spikes will crash down so just run around to avoid them. Pick up the health that is scattered around and get ready for phase two. As soon as he starts climbing down the pillar run up to him so that when he lands you will be directly facing him. Hold down block. He will try to lunge attack you with a super slash. Just move out of the way when he does and go around behind him and hit the part that is highlighted blue. He will then be paralyzed. Hit his body as it is highlighted about three times with the sword. Repeat this exact process twice more and more rocky spikes will fall. Avoid them and pick up all the health. This time instead of slashing you he will try to grab you. When he climbs down the pillar run up so you’re directly in front of him and again hold block. He will charge up his attack. Now here’s the trick. You can’t move too quickly otherwise it won’t work so wait until exactly the right moment when he’s about too strike and move. Then hit the highlighted limb and he’ll be paralyzed. Then just hit his body about three times. Repeat this two more times and Ank Sunamun will enter the room with the Scepter of Osiris. Repeat the previous step and instead of hitting his body with the sword just pick up the Scepter and it’ll automatically work.

Game over. Watch the crappy ending and go out and buy Syphon 3 (To keep you busy until MGS2 duh!

9.Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I’m stuck with either Imhotep on the jungle level. I’ve got the two stepping stones to appear but still can’t reach the other side, what do I do?

A. There are three stepping stones which means there are three crocodile heads to find with both Rick and Imhotep, read the walkthrough for further details.

Q. When playing the Scorpion King I can get to the third round where he does the delayed attack. Is there any special method I should use to get out of the way just in time?

A. Run out of the way no less than half a second before he lunges at you. Quite simple really.

Q. Is this the best FAQ ever?

A. I’m afraid so folks (sigh).

10.Special Thanks
-You, for reading this
-Perrin, Chris (because he’s fat) and all my other friends that supported my move to N.Z
-God for giving me the ability to write
-Blitz games for the game!
-Oh and Red BACK OFF hahahahaha

11.Legal Stuff

This document and everything contained within is Copyright © 2001 Marcus Maclean and protected by International Copyright Law.
©2001 Universal Interactive Studios, Inc. The Mummy Returns is a trademark of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, Inc. All rights reserve. Do Not touch my document and in any way shape or form take anything and use it in your own document. Don’t attempt to publish, sell, copy, disfigure or in any other way rip me off! If you do without my permission I will successfully sue you. That is not a threat, that is a promise!
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