Adventures Of Lolo 3

Adventures Of Lolo 3

17.10.2013 11:19:33
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A D V E##N# T##U# R##E# S O F
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Adventures of Lolo III FAQ v1.05
Copyright (c) 2000 by Dalez (
Last updated 01/06/2001 9:29 PM

The latest version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at...
VG Strategies @


My E-Mail address has changed. I can now be contacted via E-mail at
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


v1.0 (12/02/2000)
* Walkthrough complete!

v0.7 (12/01/2000)
* Walkthrough of levels 14 and 15 added.

v0.4 (11/30/2000)
* Walkthrough of levels 11-13 added.

v0.2 (11/27/2000)
* Initial release of guide... currently levels 1-10 are covered.
The rest of the rooms will be added as I complete them. ;)

Greetings, and welcome to my walkthrough for "Adventures of Lolo 3"
for the NES. Lolo III is the last game in the series, released by Hal
in 1991. It is a bit more advanced than the previous two games, featuring
a "world" instead of one large dungeon with many floors. It contains 100
rooms of puzzles to solve spanning across 17 levels, and it's worth noting
the game in general is a lot harder than either of the first two.

While Lolo and Lala were out in the wilderness spending some time
together, a strange light screamed across the sky, towards the direction
of Eggerland Castle. The two hurried back to town to find that all of
the townspeople had been turned to stone! This was the doing of the Wicked
King of Eggerland, the villain who captured Lala twice before. Once again,
Lolo sets off to defeat the Wicked King, but this time with Lala at his side.

First, we'll take a look at the various traps, enemies, and tools that
you'll come across on your adventure.

*** YOUR TOOLS ***

Heart Framers (HFs) -- These look exactly like hearts! Your basic
objective in each room is first to collect all the HFs in the room.
Once all the HFs are collected, the Jewel Box will open.

Jewel Box -- Every room contains a Jewel Box that contains a Magic
Jewel that you must find to break the curse on the castle. When all
the HFs are collected, the box will open, and you can take the Jewel.
Once the Jewel is taken, all monsters in the room will disappear, and
the exit door will open. There are 100 jewels in total.

Emerald Framers (EFs) -- Emerald Framers are blocks that can be
pushed, and these will be essential in many of the puzzles. One
thing to note is that though EFs can be pushed, they cannot be
pulled, so if you accidentally push one into a corner, it essentially
becomes useless. If this happens, you may have to restart the level
by pressing the 'Select' button. EFs can be used to trap monsters,
or block blasts from Medusa or Don Medusa.

Magic Shots -- Magic Shots are sometimes obtained upon collecting
HFs. These are your only means of defense against enemies. By
shooting an enemy with a magic shot, they will turn into an egg,
which may be pushed like an EF. This will last only temporarily, and
when time runs out the monster will return to normal. If you shoot
an egg with another magic shot, it will be blown away, out of the
room. Note that the monster will come back after a few moments, so
use the time wisely!

Eggs -- Eggs can be pushed around like EFs, but they can also be
pushed into water. Some of the water bodies in the puzzles have
currents flowing in them such that the egg will be carried around in
the water. If you jump onto an egg while it's in the water, he can
use it as a boat to get from one place to another. However, there is
no way to control what direction the egg flows (it's determined only
by the water currents), and when the egg reaches the end of the
current (or if there is no current), it will sink. If you're still
on the egg when it sinks, you'll drown!


Special tools are tools that are available only on certain
puzzles. They will appear in the boxes denoted by 'PWR' on the right
hand side of the screen. To activate these, you must first collect
a certain number of HFs in the room. Then you'll hear a chime an
the tool will start blinking. It can then be used. If there are
multiple tools available, you must use them in the order they appear
in the list.

Hammer -- The hammer will allow you to break one rock.

Arrow -- This tool will change the direction of one arrow tile.

Bridge -- This tool will allow you to make a bridge across one
tile of water.

*** TERRAIN ***

Basic Ground -- Nothing special here. It's just ground! -_-

Grass -- Grass serves as a 'safe haven' from mobile monsters such
as Skull and Alma. It does not protect against projectiles fired
from Gol or Medusa however!

Desert -- Desert slows you down, making you move only half as fast
across it. Unforunately, enemies can travel across it at full
speed! Beware!!

Water -- Water is un-crossable without the aid of a bridge tool or
an egg. Most bodies of water have currents that carry eggs
around in a specified path.

Lava -- Found in many of the later rooms, lava serves as water, but
any bridges built over water will disintegrate after a few moments.
Be careful.

Crumbly Bridge -- In many lava rooms there will be broken bridges that
span the lava. These may be walked over twice, but after crossing
it the second time it collapses and may not be used again!

Rocks -- These can be broken with a hammer, but otherwise cannot be
manipulated. Serves as protection from blasts from Medusa or
Don Medusa.

Trees -- Trees serve mainly to get in your way, and they cannot be
pushed, shot, or otherwise destroyed. Also note that trees do
NOT protect you from Medusa/Don Medusa.

Arrow Tiles -- Arrow tiles cannot be crossed in the direction
_opposite that of which they are facing_. However they can be
traversed from the back or the sides. Pushing EFs over these
tiles works in the same manner.

*** ENEMIES ***

Snakey -- Snakey, a snake-like creature, is harmless to you. They
will just sit there and swing back and forth. When you grab the
jewel, they'll enter a "panic mode" and swing faster, but they are
really just there to be turned into eggs or get in your way. Snakey
will usually be used to block an enemy or serve as a bridge across
water or lava.

Skull -- Skulls just sit there and lie motionless... until you
grab the jewel, when they will awaken and start to chase you
down! Skulls can be turned into eggs (when either mobile or
immobile), and since they run about as fast as you, it's best
to trap them before they awaken.

Gol -- Gol, like the Skulls, lie motionless until you grab the
jewel. However, they won't chase you. When a Gol is awake and
you cross it's line of sight, it will shoot a fireball at you.
Put simply, get out of the way!

Rocky -- Rocky, who resembles a giant block of stone, lumbers
around the room aimlessly until you cross it's line of vision,
when it will charge at you. If it runs into you, it will
continue to push you until you hit a wall or you move out of
the way. Though they can't actually harm you, Rocky has an
extremely bad habit of pushing you into a corner, trapping you.
If you are less than 2 steps away from a Rocky, they won't
budge an inch (unless of course you change them into an egg).
If a Rocky traps you, you've no choice but to restart the level.

Alma -- Alma, an armadillo-like creature, behaves somewhat like
Skull in that it tries to chase you down, only Alma is alert
and awake for the whole duration. It's best to trap them or
shoot them and make a quick getaway.

Leeper -- Leepers are green lizards that hop around the room,
and have a tendency to chase you down. Leepers are harmless,
but once they touch you they will fall asleep and WILL NOT
BUDGE no matter what you do. Once a Leeper falls asleep, it's
there permanently (unless of course you re-start the level).
Leepers also have a bad habit of trapping you or making a
certain part of the level inaccessible.

Medusa -- One of the most frustrating and dangerous monsters in
Lolo III is the Medusa. Medusa will stay in the same place and
won't move, but when you cross her line of sight she will shoot
you with an un-avoidable beam. The only way to defend against
Medusa is to get an obstacle in between her and you so that
her shot won't reach you. Medusa cannot shoot through eggs,
HFs, EFs, other enemies, or rocks, but it can shoot through

Don Medusa -- The Don Medusa is a rarer form of Medusa, and
probably the most dangerous of the monsters. Like the Medusa,
Don Medusa will shoot you with an un-avoidable attack when you
cross his line of fire, however the Don Medusa moves back and
forth in a confined area. They will move either horizontally
or vertically, and follow the same obstacle rule as the Medusa.
It's best to trap these guys in a corner whenever possible.

Moby -- A newcomer to the Lolo series, Moby the whale can be
found in some of the underwater levels. They are not directly
harmless, but when you cross their path they will suck you in
towards them! You may not move opposite the direction of their
suction, but you can move cross-ways across it. Their worst
habit is sucking you into a corner or into the path of a Medusa!

*** CONTROLS ***

The controls are simple. The control pad moves you around in
all four directions. The A button lets you fire magic shots or
use tools, and the SELECT button lets you re-start the level.
By pressing the START button you can escape the level you're in
and return to the World Map. By pressing START on the World Map,
you will receive a password which you can use to re-start the game
later from the same point! Also, by pressing the A button on the
World Map, you may switch between Lolo and Lala! =)


And now, here are the solutions to each of the puzzles in the game. There's
always the chance that my solutions won't always be the fastest, easiest,
or best way to complete the room (as many rooms have multiple solutions), but
I've done my best to give clear directions on how to get through the rooms.
Good luck!

*NOTE* If this is your first time playing the game, you will want to
visit Grandpa in the tree near the Castle. He will teach you the basics
of the game and you will get to go through five very elementary puzzles.
I won't bother to add a walkthrough for Grandpa's section, for if you
happen to become stumped, Grandpa will show you the solution himself.

_/Level 1\_________________________________________________________________
___/Room 1-1\______________________________________________________________

There is not much to this room at all. It is designed to give you
a quick introduction to the basic basics of the game... picking up the HFs
and the Jewel Box. It also introduces you to Snakey.

All you have to do in this room is run around and collect the three
HFs, and then the Jewel Box. Then proceed to the next room.

___/Room 1-2\______________________________________________________________

In this room you'll learn how to use the 'Magic Shots' that you pick
up from HFs. First grab the lower HF, and you'll receive 2 Magic Shots.
To get the other HF, shoot the Snakey blocking the passage, and shove him
all the way over to the right. Now get the HF. Shoot the Snakey blocking
the Jewel Box twice to blow him off the screen, and then pick up the Jewel!
On to the next room.

___/Room 1-3\______________________________________________________________

This room introduces you to the fire-breathing dragon, Gol. Move to
the lower part of the room and grab the lower-left HF. Now push the nearby
EF up one square and over to the left to block the Gol on the left, then
grab the other HF. Now that you have all the HFs, the Gols will wake up.
Move down, to the left (watch out for the fireball from the Gol near the
top, and then make your way up to the Jewel in the upper-left corner.

___/Room 1-4\______________________________________________________________

This room introduces you to Medusa (not a very nice introduction if
I must say). First push the EF to your north-west up one square to block
Medusa from the right. Go up, pick up the HF, and then push the other EF
right one square to block the other Medusa from the north. Now you can
head to the upper-right corner, and grab the last HF and the Jewel!

___/Room 1-5\______________________________________________________________

This room introduces you to both Alma and Leeper. There will be one
HF and one EF in the middle of the room here. Push the EF down 1, right 2,
and then up 1 (basically move it from the left side of the HF to the right
side), and then pick up the HF. You'll get 2 Magic Shots. Now, shoot
Leeper (make sure you don't put him to sleep!), then shove him to the right
and down above Medusa. Do the same to the Alma to the south, and grab the
HF in the lower-right. Head for the lower-left and grab the HF (just don't
go far enough in that you get trapped by the Leepers), and then head for
the upper-left. Wait until the two Almas are far enough away from the HF,
then grab it and dash back onto the grass. Now you can grab the Jewel
in the north-east corner!

___/Room 1-6\______________________________________________________________

Your only task here is to grab the Rainbow Egg from the center of the
room. Once you do this, Level 1 is complete!!

_/Level 2\_________________________________________________________________
___/Room 2-1\______________________________________________________________

First grab the HF to your left, then shove the EF to your north up
against Medusa. There will be a Snakey and Gol near the lower-left. Shoot
Snakey, then shove him up and to the right beside Medusa to block her from
the left. Then shoot Gol, and shove him above the HF on the left side of
the screen (blocking the Medusa in the upper-left corner). Now head for
the two EFs near the door. Push the left EF up one square to block the
upper medusa from the right, and push the other EF down against the other
Medusa. Now you can pick up the last HF, and the Jewel!

___/Room 2-2\______________________________________________________________

Grab the HF just to your right, then shoot the middle Snakey and push
him one square left to block Medusa from the south. Now shoot the lower
Snakey, and push him left and up to block her from the left. Go down to
the lower area, and grab the last HF, then quickly dash back across onto
the grass to avoid the Skulls that awaken. Now you can head for the Jewel
Box and collect the Jewel at your leisure.

___/Room 2-3\______________________________________________________________

Beware the Rockies in this level, for if they trap you, you have no
choice but to restart the level. Go right across the grass and grab the
first HF in front of Rocky. As he pushes you downwards, hold Right on the
control pad so you will duck into the gap in the trees. Then grab the
next HF, and let him push you to the top of the screen, but make sure you
time it so that neither of the Rockies on the right is waiting for you
when you reach the exit! Now grab all three HFs in the right area of the
room, then use the arrow tiles to get back over to the left side of the
room. Grab the Jewel in the upper-left corner!

___/Room 2-4\______________________________________________________________

Move south and collect the two HFs amidst the Snakeys, and you'll net
4 Magic Shots. Shoot the Snakeys and shove them up against the Skulls on
the right, then shoot the Gols and place them up against the Skulls on the
left. Then head for the upper-left where the remaining HFs and Medusa area.
Shove the upper EF up to block Medusa from the right, and shove the left
EF left to block her from the south. Now you can grab the last two HFs
and safely head back to the Jewel Box.

___/Room 2-5\______________________________________________________________

There is only one HF in this room but you can't get it just yet. Push
the EF above the HF to the right four squares (but watch out for the Don
Medusa), then situate yourself above it so that Don Medusa won't be able to
blast you. Wait for him to pass to the right, then run up and left, above
the other EF. Push this one down one square, then right one square, then
down again. Use it to block Don Medusa from the left. Now, shove the EF
and Don Medusa all the way to the right, and push the other EF to the
right and above him to silence him. Grab the HF, then shoot Snakey and
shove him into the river. Cross the egg to the small island, then shoot
the Snakey and use him to cross over to the Jewel Box!

___/Room 2-6\______________________________________________________________

In this room, take forth the Tower Key, and level 2 will be complete!!

_/Level 3\_________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You must have the Tower Key from Room 2-6 to enter this level.
___/Room 3-1\______________________________________________________________

Take the HFs to your north and west to obtain 4 Magic Shots, then shoot
Skull twice to blow him away. Quickly grab the two HFs and proceed the
patch of grass before Skull comes back. Stand on the far left of the grass
and wait for the Leeper to come up to the area just below the Jewel Box,
then touch him to put him to sleep. Move south (but watch out for the
Medusa), then shoot Snakey and shove him all the way to the left. Make your
way to the next patch of grass, then wait for Alma to come up above you.
When she does, quickly shoot her, shove her up in front of Medusa, and dash
to the Jewel Box before she recovers. Whew!

___/Room 3-2\______________________________________________________________

First, DON'T grab the HF to your left. This will be saved for last,
as most of the other HFs, when grabbed last, will put you in the direct
firing path of a Gol (which of course, is a bad thing). Move down and
right across the arrow tile, then collect the HF to your south. Go back
up, and around back of the Gols, to reach the lower area. Push the EF
under the rock in the south left and up against Medusa, then proceed left.
Push the next EF up and right, against Medusa, and then push the one above
you up one square, and right across the arrow tile to block her from the
north. Now walk across the arrow tile in the north west and grab the HF
in the far northwest corner (push the EF to your right over as far as you
can to get it out of your way). Now grab the HF nearest Medusa, which
leaves only the one near the starting point. Grab it, then circle around
the Gols once again, down to the Jewel Box in the lower-right.

___/Room 3-3\______________________________________________________________

This maze of EFs is probably best described by a picture...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 A B C D E



These are the EFs present in the room. To get past this puzzle, first
push K and M up, then L left. Now push K left and M right. Push G up, I
up, and H left. Now push J right, I left, and then C up, E up, and D left.
Push E right, and C all the way left, as far as you can. Now push 5 up,
7 up, and 6 left, and grab all four HFs in the upper-right. Now proceed
to the upper-left area and push 2 up, 4 up, and 3 left to access the Jewel
Box and the exit.

___/Room 3-4\______________________________________________________________

Start this room off by grabbing all 5 HFs in the middle of the room,
giving you a total of 10 Magic Shots. There are also four EFs in the
middle... push the upper-left one up, the upper-right one right, the
lower-left one left, and the lower-right one down (all up against their
respective Medusas). First head for the two Snakeys in the upper-right
corner. Shoot the upper one and push him up against the wall, then shoot
the other and push him right, against the wall. Grab the HF in the north
east corner, then head for the two Snakeys in the southwest. Now, shoot
the left Snakey and push him left against the wall. Now, quickly, shoot
the other Snakey, push him down against the wall, grab the HF in the lower
left, then run up above the egg and shoot it again to blow it away (make
sure you are above it, otherwise Medusa will blast you as soon as Snakey
disappears!). While waiting for Snakey to re-appear, head for the south
east area, and shoot the lone Snakey. Push him to the right, against the
wall. Once Snakey re-appears, get on the left side of him, and (quickly)
shoot him, shove him to the right, and down against the other Medusa.
Once again, grab the HF and then run up above the egg and blow it away.
While waiting for him to re-appear again, go to the north-west corner and
shoot the lone Snakey here, and shove him left against the wall. Once
Snakey re-appears (again), get below him, shoot him, and shove him up
to the wall to block the upper medusa from the left. Now you can grab
the final HF and proceed to the Jewel Box. Whew!

___/Room 3-5\______________________________________________________________

In this room, move to the left and up onto the patch of grass. Wait
for Alma to wander away, then proceed north on the left side of the tree.
Push the EF one space right, but leave the HF alone for now. Wait for Alma
to wander away again, then go back south, and up on the right side of the
tree, and push the EF to the north as far as you can. Grab the HF to your
left, then pushthe EF to the right up against the tree. Grab the HF near
the door, and push the EF all the way down, and into the narrow space
between Alma and the HF. Go up, shoot the Skull twice to blow him away, and
grab the HF behind him. Now proceed down through the desert and get the HF
in the lower-right. Return to the north-west corner, and shove the EF there
all the way right up against the tree, then down one square. Now push it
over to the right, as to block Alma. Grab the HF, and then go back and get
the final HF (the one closest to the Jewel Box). Now you can safely
collect the nearby Jewel!


*NOTE* You must have the Rainbow Egg from Room 1-6 to proceed.

On the Roof, just stand on the blank square to your right and, using
the Rainbow Egg, a rainbow bridge will appear across to the other Tower!
___/Room 3-6\______________________________________________________________

In this room, you start between two HFs but getting either results in
a Medusa blast for the time being. First go down to the Jewel Box and push
the EFs on the left and right up against the Medusas. Now go back and pick
up the two HFs. Take up the four HFs in the center of the room, and now
get ready for a quick maneuver. Get under the Snakey in the lower part of
the room and shoot him, push him one square up, one square right, one square
down, and over to the right, over Medusa. Once that's done push the EF near
the right-center right one square, then up three squares. Head for the
Snakey in the upper-left and shoot him, and shove him up against the door.
Push the EF to your left over against the wall to block Medusa. Now go back
right and push the EF next to the tree up one square, up against the wall.
Now, push the EF in the upper-right up against the wall to block Medusa.
Take the HF on the right, then move back over to the left, in front of the
last remaining EF. Push it left, then down, then left again over top the
lower-left Medusa. Now you can grab the last HF, and the Jewel.

___/Room 3-7\______________________________________________________________

In this room, you start above a line of three HFs. Take the middle
one, then move up in between the two EFs. Push each two squares outward,
then shoot the Snakeys and shove them down between the Medusas and HFs.
Now you can pick up the other two HFs. Head for the upper area of the room
and stand in between the bottom pair of Snakeys. Shoot each, and push them
outwards, up against the Medusas. Now head back to the lower area. The
two EFs in this area need to be placed above the lower Medusas, but doing
this requires a bit of work. Do one at a time... push it inwards, then all
the way up against the Jewel Box. Then, standing on the Jewel Box, push it
all the way back down, one space away from the wall, and then over above
the Medusa. Do this for both EFs as to block both lower Medusas from the
top. To get the remaining HFs, head to either side of the room, and push
the EFs inward, then shoot Snakey and shove him up or down to get him out
of the way. After getting the rest of the HFs, run up and take the Jewel
to proceed to the next room.

___/Room 3-8\______________________________________________________________

With four Don Medusas, this room can be a pain. Wait for the Dons
on the left and right to move to the top area, then scoot down and pick up
the HF below you. Move back up in between the EFs, then move north between
the next set of EFs. Push them outwards one square, then _carefully_ pick
off the two HFs in the lower-left and lower-right. Wait for them to pass
by to the north, then grab the HF and dash like mad back between the two
EFs. Once both have been gotten, push the two EFs outwards, and trap the
Dons in the lower-left and lower-right corners. Now, push the two remaining
EFs in the lower area up, to block the middle Dons. Pass through the center
and up to the Jewel Box. Stand in between the two EFs, and push them out,
down, out, and down again, to block the middle Dons from the top. Now there
are two EFs left.. the ones in the upper corners. These should be moved
to the lower area and placed under the middle Dons. With the middle Dons
blocked from three sides, you can now safely grab the rest of the HFs and
the Jewel.

___/Room 3-9\______________________________________________________________

First, move to the upper-left area of the room, and stand between the
two EFs in the upper-left. Push the right one over above the HF (under Don
Medusa), grab the HF, then shove the EF up to sandwich Don against the door.
Now, shoot the Skulls and shove them in, and up beside Don to block him
from the left and right. Now there are four EFs remaining... shove two of
them down beside the lower Medusas (to block them from the left and right),
and shove the other two in the gap between the trees just above them (to
block them from the top). Once this is accomplished, grab all the HFs in
the upper area, then proceed down to the bottom. Take up the final two HFs,
and then grab the Jewel before the Skulls at the top have a chance to reach

___/Room 3-10\_____________________________________________________________

There are lots of EFs in this room, and you'll have to make use of
most of them in order to survive. First push the third and fourth EFs on
the left over to the left, to block the upper-left Medusa from the right
and bottom. Leave the HFs alone for the time being, it's easier to get
them all after the EFs are in place. Now, head for the set of EFs to the
right of the Jewel Box. Push the second EF down and over onto the arrow
tile, then down above the lower Medusa. Now go back to the group of EFs
and push the first one to the right and down, against the tree, to block
the lower Medusa from the left. Now head for the lower group of EFs.
Position the bottom one under the Medusa in the lower-left, and push the
second one straight over, across the arrow tile, to block the lower medusa
from the top. Now go back on the right side of the left arrow tile, and
push the EF below you down and over to the right, and position it beside
the Medusa in the lower-right. Now go back and push the EF below the
Jewel Box down, over to the right, and up below the Medusa in the upper
right. Head back to the middle, and position yourself above the down
arrow tile. Push the EF above you up against the wall, to block the
upper Medusa from the left, then position yourself in front of the door.
Push the EF in front of you left one square, then move the EF below you
down, and position it above the Medusa in the upper-left.

Now all the Medusas are blocked, but you have the Gols to worry
about. There is one last free EF, the one under the Gol on the right.
Push it left, and position it just above the Jewel Box, to block both
of the top two Gols. Now run around and pick up all the HFs, but save
the one in the lower-left for last. After getting it, move right, and
go up in between the trees (near the down arrow tile) to safely reach
the middle, but be quick as to not get fried by the Gol on the left.
Since the two Gols near the top are blocked by the EF, you can safely
take the Jewel. Level 3 is complete!

*NOTE* Before taking on levels 4-7, you may want to visit Grandpa
again in the tree near the Towers. He will teach you a few new tricks
that will come in handy during the rest of the game!

_/Level 4\_________________________________________________________________

You'll _really_ acquainted with Snakey in this level. You'll
find that in every room you'll need to use Snakey in one way or another in
order to complete the level.
___/Room 4-1\______________________________________________________________

The arrow tiles in this room tend to restrict your movement to a
semi-circular pattern, and the Snakey at the top will really get in your
way. First, walk across the left arrow tile and grab the nearby HF. Now,
shoot the two Snakeys on the left... use the bottom one to block the lower
left Medusa, and shove the upper one across the arrow tile, up against the
upper Medusa. Grab the two HFs in this area, then use the EF to block the
upper Medusa from the right. Now shoot the top Snakey and shove him one
square right to get back to the middle. Run back down to the lower area
of the room, go back across the left arrow tile, and shoot the last Snakey,
and shove him down, to block the lower Medusa from the right. Circle back
around the arrow tiles until you reach the middle again, and run back to
the lower area once more.

This time, go across the right arrow tile. Grab the HF, and shoot
the lower Snakey, and shove him down to block the lower right Medusa. Then
do the same as you did on the left, shoot the other two Snakeys, use the
bottom one to block the lower Medusa, and shove the upper one up across
the arrow tile. Grab the two HFs, shove the EF in front of the Medusa,
and shoot the top Snakey, and shove him left out of your way. Now go back
to the lower area once more, and grab the final HF, and the Jewel.

___/Room 4-2\______________________________________________________________

HFs everywhere! First shove the EF to your left into the "gap" in the
HFs, and then run around and pick up all 10 of them. You'll get 4 magic
shots from these. Before doing anything else, move the nearby EF to the
left one square. Now shoot Snakey, and shove him left against the wall,
and all the way up against the Medusa in the upper-left. Now go into the
narrow gap between the trees, where the Snakey blocking the three HFs is.
Ignore these, and proceed to the EF on the right. Push it two squares down,
and to the left, into the area where the HFs were (there will be two EFs
in here now). Push one up, and to the left, one space away from the wall.
Since you can't push it up from here, loop all the way back around through
the gap in the trees, to reach the lower left. Now push it up, and place
it beside the Medusa in the upper-left. Now do the same with the other EF,
only place it under the Medusa against the north wall. Now shoot the Snakey
in the upper-right twice to blow him away, and pick up all the HFs except
the one in front of the door. Stay in this small area and wait for Snakey
to respawn, then shoot him, and shove him up beside the upper medusa. Now
you can pick up that HF in front of the door. Now, go back down through the
gap in the trees, and shoot the Snakey "guarding" the three HFs in the middle
twice, to blow him away. Run in, grab the HFs, then run back out before he
re-appears. Now, move right, and plug the Snakey guarding the Jewel Box
with your two last Magic Shots to get rid of him, then pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 4-3\______________________________________________________________

This room is a bit of a break from the last few annoying rooms you've
suffered through. There are three EFs near where you start... push the left
one to the left under Medusa, then go down and grab the HF. Now push the
EF to your right to the right, and down above the other Medusa. Now shove
the last remaining EF left, and up beside the upper Medusa. Shoot the Snakey
on the far right and shove him down beside the lower Medusa, and pick up
the HF. Now head for the two Snakeys on the left of Medusa. Shoot the one
next to the EF and shove him down. Now, quickly, shoot the other Snakey,
shove him straight up above the upper Medusa, run to the HF in the upper-right,
then quickly shoot Snakey again to blow him away. Wait for him to respawn,
then shoot him again, and shove him up one, left two, down three, and left
into the river to your left. Quickly cross, pick up the HFs, and then use
the Snakeys to reach the island where the Jewel Box is. Shoot the Snakey
near the Jewel Box, then shove him up one, and right into the river. Quickly
cross, grab the HF, then cross back before the egg sinks. Now pick up the
Jewel and proceed to the next room!

___/Room 4-4\______________________________________________________________

You'll have to pull a fast one to get this room started on the right
foot. Grab the HF above you, then position yourself below the Snakey on the
left of the EF. Here's where you will have to be very quick. Shoot Snakey,
then position him in between the Medusas at the top (position the egg so that
it is blocking the left medusa from the right, and the top medusa from the
bottom). Quickly head to EF near the top Medusa, shove it left one square,
then run back down and shove the egg to the left, against the left medusa.
Once that is out of the way, the rest is relatively simple. Position yourself
below the Snakey on the right side of the lake, then shoot him, and shove him
up and left, and up into the gap in the trees along the north wall. Take the
two HFs in the upper right, then head for the EF near the right side of the
lake. Push it right and up, but stop after you get it past the trees. Loop
around the lake and head back to the upper-right, then get on the right side
of that EF and push it left, across the desert, to block the left medusa from
the top. Now go down to the other Snakey near the lake, then shoot him, and
shove him up into the lake. Now that the EF is free, shove it left into the
gap in the trees, and take the HF in the bottom left. Wait for Snakey to
respawn, then shoot him again, and shove him left, and up across the desert,
against the upper Medusa. Now you're free to take the Jewel!

___/Room 4-5\______________________________________________________________

The last room of Level 4 is actually rather simple. First grab the
nearby HF, then shove the upper EF up against the north wall, then shove the
other EF down against the lower Medusa. Head for the two Snakeys near the
lake, then shoot the one on the right, and push him into the river. Jump
on the egg and collect the HF in the middle, then jump back on the egg.
You'll disembark in the lower-right. Grab the HF, then shoot Snakey and shove
him down against the wall. Head back to the other Snakey near the lake, shoot
him, and shove him down into the water. Ride back to the middle island, take
the last HF, and disembark in the lower right again. Now head for the upper
left corner, shoot the Snakey, and shove him left. Now take the Jewel and
exit to the boss room!

___/Room 4-6\______________________________________________________________

Your goal in this room is to defeat the giant Snakey! This is the only
Snakey in the game that is actually harmful to you, and it will move around,
albeit slowly. You have an infinite number of Magic Shots, so continue
blasting Snakey until he gets close, then retreat to the other side of the
room. Repeat this process, and the Giant Snakey will be defeated quite
easily. Once he is egged, a few final blasts will blow him away. Level 4
is complete!

_/Level 5\_________________________________________________________________

Alma makes a cameo appearance in each of the rooms in Level 5. Learn
to avoid her, and use her in place of Snakey whenever necessary.
___/Room 5-1\______________________________________________________________

First take the two HFs near the starting point, then shoot Snakey and
ride him across the river. Take the bottom HFs on the left and right, then
shoot each Alma and shove her up, beside the Medusas. Then, shove the EFs
outward, to block the Medusas from the bottom. Get the other two HFs, then
use Snakey to cross the next river. After getting the next HF, shove the
two nearby EFs outward to block those Medusas from the top. Grab the inner
HFs on the left and right, then position the last two EFs beside the upper
Medusas (push them outward, then up). Then shoot the Almas on the left and
right once, and grab the HFs before they have a chance to recover. Now you
can head for the top and take the last two HFs and the Jewel.

___/Room 5-2\______________________________________________________________

Start off by heading to the lower part of the room, and pushing the
EF below the HF to the left and up, to block the center Medusa from the left.
Now go back down and push the EF directly under the trees left, and up against
the upper Medusa. Position the rest of the EFs on the left so that the
upper Medusa is blocked from the left, bottom, and right, and the center Medusa
blocked from the top and left. Grab the HF in the upper-left, then head for
the HF that is blocking Alma in the narrow passage. Take the HF then quickly
shoot Alma, shove her up against Medusa, then shove the right EF near the
entrance of the passage over and up, to keep her inside. Push the other EF
near the entrance left and up, and position it under Gol. Now, quickly, take
the HF behind Gol, shoot Gol and shove him right against the Jewel Box, and
shove the EF down against Medusa. Before Gol recovers, head down across the
left arrow tile, grab the last HF, and scoot back up to the Jewel Box!

___/Room 5-3\______________________________________________________________

There are four lines of three EFs in this room. Ignore the bottom row
for the time being, and position yourself under the next row up. Push the
two outer EFs up, and push the middle EF to the left, and position it under
the tree. Grab the HF in the middle, then push the EFs to your left and
right outward. Return to the bottom row of EFs, and push the middle one up,
and right, and place it under the tree on the right. Push the other two
EFs outward, and place them between the HF and Alma (both on the left and
right). Now, move north to the next row of HFs, and push the middle one up,
and the outer ones outward, and place them above the trees on the left and
right. Now push that middle EF over to the left, just above the other EF
on the left. Proceed to the top line of EFs, and push the outer two up
(blocking the Medusas in the process), and push the middle one to the right,
under the upper-right Medusa. Now take the EF that is above the tree on the
right, and shove it up against the right wall, to block the right Medusa
from the top. Now head for the two EFs above the tree on the left. Push the
bottom one up against the left wall, and push the other one up against the
upper-left Medusa. Now, go back to the lower part of the area, and push the
EFs that are under the trees outward, to block both lower Medusas from the
bottom. Grab the two HFs, then proceed back to the top. To get the final
two HFs, make sure Alma is far enough away from the HF, then snag it, and
dash back onto the grass. Now you can finally take the Jewel!

___/Room 5-4\______________________________________________________________

There are six "sections" of HFs in this room, all "guarded" by Almas.
Head for the upper-right first, wait for Alma to wander away, then quickly
grab the HF and dash back onto the grass. You'll get some magic shots from
the HF, so now shoot Alma, push her inside, and take the HFs and retreat
before she can recover. Do the same for the upper-left section. Once that's
done, head for the lower-right. Sneak the HF to get two more magic shots,
then repeat the process you did at the top to get the HFs in the lower-left
and lower-right. Now you have the middle sections, which are the hardest of
all. First head for the left, and stand on the patch of grass above or below
the HF. Wait for Alma to wander away, then quickly grab the HF and dash back
(remember, enemies can't walk over the Jewel Box). Stand under the Jewel
Box, then wait for Alma to wander away again, then quickly run up, turn left,
and shoot her. Then take the HFs on the left. Do the same on the right, but
note that after you do this section nothing is stopping this Alma from
getting out of its section (which is way you save it for last!). Quickly
grab the rest of the HFs, then the Jewel!

___/Room 5-5\______________________________________________________________

Alma really gets a workout in this room. First grab the HF below you,
then stand on the grass to your north. Wait for Alma to come to you, then
shoot her, shove her up beside Medusa, then run to the top and place the EF
at the top left above the Medusa. Before Alma recovers, make your way to
the patch of grass on the right. Stand on the far right of the L-shaped
grass patch, and once again, wait for Alma to come to you. Shoot her and
place her above Medusa, then dash for the upper-right, grab the HF, and
shove the EF down beside Medusa. Before Alma recovers retreat to the patch
of grass in the lower right (but don't go down too far, watch out for that
Medusa!). Stand on the Jewel Box, and, once more, wait for Alma. Shoot her,
shove her down and left against the Medusa, then run up, shove the EF left
to block Medusa from the top, and grab the 5 HFs in the middle. Now, to get
back to the Jewel Box, you'll wait for Alma to come back _again_. When she
wanders back to the lower area, shoot her again (poor Alma), place her beside
the lower Medusa, then dash for the Jewel. Whew!

___/Room 5-6\______________________________________________________________

As you might have guessed, your goal in this room is to defeat the Giant
Alma. She moves left and right across the top of the screen, then charges
with a rolling attack when you enter her line of sight. When she charges,
dash to the side to avoid being bowled over, then retreat to the upper part
of the screen. She'll repeat this pattern indefinitely. She's invincible
while rolling, but she becomes "stunned" for a second or two after doing her
rolling attack, so the best thing to do is wait for her charge, then run up
and blast her with a few magic shots before she can recover, then quickly get
out of the way of her next charge. If you keep doing this, she'll be defeated
in no time. Level 5 is complete!

_/Level 6\_________________________________________________________________

Rocky runs rampant in Level 6, and will certainly cause trouble for you
more than once. You'll need to use him to your advantage in order to complete
most of the rooms in Level 6.
___/Room 6-1\______________________________________________________________

Your first task in this room is to collect the HFs in the middle without
being trapped by the two Rockies, which is easier said than done. The one in
center of the trees is the hardest to get, and is the only one that contains
Magic Shots. Once you have collected all the HFs in the middle, you'll need
to wait for one of the Rockies to wander up near the patch of grass in the
upper-left, then shoot him, shove him up beside the Medusa in the upper-left,
and grab the HF before he recovers (and of course without getting trapped by
the other Rocky in the process). Once you've done that, do the same for
the other Rocky, only he'll need to be placed beside the lower Medusa (which
means you'll have to be even quicker). Getting the last HF on the left is a
bit tricky. Remember, Medusas cannot shoot you if you are only standing
halfway in their line of sight. Position yourself half on the HF and half on
the space to the right, and move right/left/right/left continuously, until
both Rockies are in the line of Medusa's fire (since Rockies tend to stay
still if you stay still, you'll need to keep moving). At that moment, quickly
steal the HF and dash back out of the line of fire. Now, proceed to the

___/Room 6-2\______________________________________________________________

The patrol of Rockies in the middle of this room can be a real pain.
First head for the upper-right section and push the EF up beside Medusa.
Grab the two HFs in this section, then go back the way you came, and continue
down to the lower-left section. Push the EF down beside Medusa, grab the HF,
then proceed to the lower-right. Push the EF blocking your way one space
right, then loop around and push it all the way back left, and place it
over top of the lower-left Medusa. Grab the other HF, then return to the
lower-right once more. Push the other EF in this section to the right to
block the upper Medusa, then grab the final HF. To get to the Jewel Box,
use your two Magic Shots to get rid of one of those Rockies in the middle.
On to the next room!

___/Room 6-3\______________________________________________________________

Start off by heading into the "enclosed" area to your left and
_carefully_ grab the middle HF (without getting trapped by Rocky, of course).
Now exit this "room" to the left and grab the HF below you to get some Magic
Shots. Now shoot the Rocky and shove him to the right, and place him on the
left of the Medusa. Quickly grab the HF before Rocky recovers. Now head
for the upper part of this room. Shove the only EF over above the Jewel Box,
placing it under the upper Medusa. Here's where you'll have your first
experience with a trick that Grandpa may have taught you. If you blow an
enemy away and place an egg on the space where he is meant to re-appear, he
may re-appear in a different place! This doesn't always work, and you can't
tell when it will other than trying it, but in some rooms this is the only way
to solve it! Such is the case in this room. There are two Rockies in the
upper-right... shoot directly below them and shoot one, and let the other run
down onto the space where the first one was. Wait a few moments, and the
Rocky will re-appear down by the Medusa in the lower-right! Go down, grab
the HF, then head back to the patch of grass below the Jewel Box. Wait for
Rocky to walk up to your right, then quickly shoot him, loop around to the
other side of him, then shove him over left as far as you can. Now walk up and
stand two spaces below the door. When Rocky recovers, he will probably come
running up to you, so when he does, shoot him again, and place him in front of
the door, blocking the upper Medusa from the left. Now quickly run left,
down into the trees, and grab the HF.

Now return to the lower part of the room, to the Rocky that is trapped
near the lower Medusa. Shoot him again, and shove him in the gap between the
Medusa and the final HF. Grab the HF, then return to the upper area once again.
Stand in the bottom right of the small "clearing" below the right arrow tile,
and wait for Rocky to come charging at you, then shoot him and shove him to the
right, onto the patch of grass just under the Jewel Box. Now you can safely
pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 6-4\______________________________________________________________

This room is actually quite easy. There are four EFs near the starting
point. Grab the HF to your left, then push the right two EFs in the gaps in
the trees between the Medusas and the middle HF, then grab it. Now go back
and push the other two EFs to the right, and position them on the left of each
Medusa. To get the HFs in the upper-left and lower-left, just shoot Rocky,
shove him out of the way, then grab the HFs. Now head for the right area,
and grab the four HFs while avoiding Rocky. Once the Jewel Box is open, shoot
Rocky, and shove him down between the Medusa and the Jewel Box. Now you can
take the Jewel!

___/Room 6-5\______________________________________________________________

This room isn't very fun. First move to your right and push the EF onto
the far right edge of the grass. Now loop around and push the EF near the
bottom up one space past the grass. Loop around the crumbling bridge and
push the EF one space left, then loop back around again, and push it down.
Now push it over to the left, up against the HF. Now, making sure Rocky is
between you and the Medusa before you do this, run up, grab the HF, then run
around and position the EF between both Medusas (so that it blocks both of
them). Take the other nearby HF to activate your bridge tool. Now shoot
Rocky, and shove him between the upper Medusa and the HF, then use the bridge
tool on the space of lava under the HF to access it. Now wait for him to
recover, lure him down a bit, then shoot him again, shove him across the
bridge to the right, and down between the two patches of grass. Now, very
carefully, slide the EF to the left, but make sure Rocky is between you and
the Medusa! Push it across the bridge, and place it under the tree in the
far left. Now go back to Rocky and (quickly) shoot him, shove him all the
way down against Medusa, then dash like mad to the HF in the lower-left, and
make it back across before he recovers. Now head back to the lower-right,
and shoot Rocky again, and shove him back up between the grass, where he was
before. Loop back around and (once again, making sure that Rocky is between
you and the Medusa!) carefully proceed to the Jewel.

___/Room 6-6\______________________________________________________________

The boss of Level 6 is a giant Rocky! He wanders aimlessly about the
room until you cross his line of sight, when he will charge (basically, he
follows his normal movement pattern). He will keep running until he hits the
wall, so when he charges duck out of the way, and hit him with a shot or two
as he zooms by, and maybe even fire a shot or two at his back once he passes
by. His movement pattern is very predictable, so you should have no trouble
disposing of him. Level 6 is complete!!

_/Level 7\_________________________________________________________________

Leepers are everywhere in Level 7, and you'll soon learn where and where
not to put them to sleep. They will be crucial to your success in each room,
so use them wisely!
___/Room 7-1\______________________________________________________________

Start off by positioning the two EFs near the starting point to block
the upper Medusa from the right and bottom. Now go down and grab the HF that
is "encloses" the Leeper in the bottom right. After grabbing it, retreat to
the patch of grass in the same area (stand at the bottom, so Leeper won't
run up and fall asleep on you). When he wanders off elsewhere, quickly push
the EF to your right over next to the HF, and place it below the Medusa in
the lower right (try not to let Leeper touch you during this process). Grab
the HF, then stand on the space below where it was, and wait for Leeper to
touch you and fall asleep. Now go up and get the HF in the upper-right.
Go back down to the patch of grass, and shove the EF all the way over to the
left. Wait until the Leeper in the bottom left passes to the left of the EF
enclosing him, then shove the EF down one square, and wait for Leeper to
touch you. Push the EF the rest of the way down, then grab the HF. Now head
for the upper-left. Take three of the four HFs and put the Leepers to sleep
in the positions where they used to be. Then carefully get the last one, and
put the last Leeper to sleep somewhere in the open room area, where he won't
block your path. Place the free EF in the upper left in front of the door to
block Medusa, then get the last two HFs and the Jewel!

___/Room 7-2\______________________________________________________________

Once again, the Leepers will try their best to block your path in this
room. Wait for the Leeper to your south to start heading back down to the
botom of the screen, then quickly follow him and put him to sleep as close
to the bottom as you can (as long as you have enough room to access the
two rooms on the right you're fine). Go into the upper-right "room" and
take the two HFs to get some Magic Shots. Move to the middle-right room
and blow one of the Leepers away, then put the other to sleep in either of
the three corners (not the one in front of the exit! :P). Grab the other
two HFs, then head back for the top. Put the Leeper that is wandering around
near the top of the screen to sleep near the upper-right to get him out
of your way. Now go down into the middle area, and shove the bottom EF to
the left, onto the patch of grass. Now shove the other EF down, and place it
beside Medusa. Grab the two HFs, then shoot the Leeper in the bottom right
room once, then grab the HF and retreat before he recovers. Now go back up
to the top and proceed to the left section. Shoot Leeper, and shove him
down beside Medusa, then wait for him to recover and put him to sleep there.
Now you can get the last two HFs, and the Jewel.

___/Room 7-3\______________________________________________________________

First head to the lower-left. Take the HF blocking the Leeper in the
lower-left, but time it so that he falls asleep blocking the Medusa (most
likely he'll end up halfway between, which is fine). Grab the HF in the lower
left, then move to the lower-right. First grab the HF above the water (be
careful of the Don Medusa at the top), then blow away one of the Leepers on
the "island" in the lower-right, and the other Leeper will end up covering
it, making it appear near the Medusa in the lower-right. Shoot Snakey and
shove him in the river, then take the HF. Now proceed to the upper-right.
Stand one space above the patch of grass and left two Leepers fall asleep,
one on your left and one on your right. Now carefully take the three HFs in
the room, and put Leeper to sleep somewhere out of the way (again, watch
out for the Don Medusa at the top). Ignore the rest of the HFs here for the
time being, and proceed to the upper-left. Shoot Snakey and shove him one
space down, then grab the two HFs. Now take the HF in the far upper left,
shoot Leeper, and shove him up against the left wall. Stay next to him so
he'll fall asleep there when he recovers. Now head back to the upper right
and (very very quickly), take the left HF, run up, turn right, and shoot
Leeper. Shove him and Don Medusa up against the right wall, then wait for
him to recover and put him to sleep to keep them there. Now you're free to
take the rest of the HFs and the Jewel!

___/Room 7-4\______________________________________________________________

Start this room off by heading for the southwest area of the room. A
Leeper wanders around in this area... carefully put him to sleep above below
the HF to block the lower Medusa. Now carefully (i.e without putting the
other Leeper to sleep) move the EF beside the HF up, then left, to block the
Don from the bottom. Now, quickly, take the HF, shoot Leeper, shove the EF
up against Don to sandwich him between the wall, and shove Leeper up beside
him before he recovers. Then put him to sleep. Grab the two HFs in the
upper-left, then go down to the lower-left and shove the EF down against the
trees. Now look to the island in the middle with all the Leepers on it.
Blow away one of the top Leepers, and the other two will bound back and forth,
causing the other to re-appear over on the right. Use your first ladder tool
to make a bridge over the river just beside the HF, and pick it up. Now
blow away one of the bottom Leepers, and it will re-appear at the bottom.
Use your other ladder tool to get the other HF. Now, shoot Snakey and shove
him down, and right into the water across from the HF. Get the HF, put three
of the Leepers to sleep (above, below, and on the right), then cross back
before the egg sinks. Now go around to the north side of the island, and use
one of your magic shots to shoot the remaining top Leeper. Egg him in the
middle, where he won't get in your way when you cross. After egging him,
quickly shoot Snakey again, shove him right and down into the river, cross and
grab the final HF, then cross back. Now go and get the Jewel!

___/Room 7-5\______________________________________________________________

First go to the upper-right part of the room, and shove the EF down, and
place it beside Medusa (watch out for the Don at the bottom while doing
this!). Now go back to the upper-left, and take the HF. Now, wait for the
Leeper to pass on the left side of the HFs, then run down, grab the middle HF,
then run back up (NOT putting the Leeper to sleep in the process :P). Then,
wait for Leeper to run next to the patch of grass, then shoot him, shove him
down, grab the two HFs in the room, then place him in the space where the
bottom HF was (all while avoiding the Don Medusa at the bottom... no easy
task). Put Leeper to sleep, then position yourself above the space of
lava just above the EF, then wait for Don to pass by on the left. Then,
activate your bridge, push the EF down, and over to the left, to silence
the Don Medusa. Grab the HF to your right, then head for the patch of grass
to your left. Put the bottom Leeper to sleep just under the grass patch,
then move right, then stand under the EF on the right. Now create the bridge
across the lava to your right, and put Leeper to sleep to block the upper
Medusa from the bottom (you'll have to time this quite carefully). Once
that's done, grab the HF in the bottom right. Now shove the EF on the right
up to the upper-right, over to the upper-left, then down into the room where
the Leeper is. Place the EF on the grass on the left to safeguard the
Jewel Box, then go and pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 7-6\______________________________________________________________

Now, you'll have to face down the Giant Leeper! He will run in a spiral
pattern, expanding outwards to the edge of the room, and then start spiraling
back inwards. Once he reaches the middle again, he will fall asleep (only
for a few moments). While sleeping, Leeper is invincible, so you will have
to get your shots in while he is spiraling around the room. Given his
predictable movement pattern, he is very easy to beat. Level 7 is complete!!

_/Level 8\_________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You must have completed levels 4-7 to gain access to the Castle
(level 8).
___/Room 8-1\______________________________________________________________

First, move down and push the EF in the center of the room down, to block
the middle Medusa from the right. Proceed to the lower-right, and push the
far right EF down, to block the lower Medusa from the right. Now shoot Snakey,
shove him all the way up against the door, take the HF, then shoot Snakey
again to blow him away. Take one of the EFs in the lower-right, and place it
above the middle Medusa, then shoot the nearby Snakey and shove him up, and
right, under Medusa. Take the HF, then place the other EF in the lower-right
all the way in the upper-left, above the trees (blocking the lower Medusa
from the north). Now go back down to the lower-right, shoot Snakey, and
place him in the gap between the upper Medusa and the HF (you'll have to be
pretty quick on this one). Now grab the final HF and return to the lower
right. Shove the EF blocking the lower-left room over to the left, and place
it under the middle Medusa. Now grab the Jewel and proceed to the next

___/Room 8-2\______________________________________________________________

First go one space south and push the EF to your left to the left, under
Medusa. Now go back and push the other EF down one, then over to the left
against the tree. Now push the EF to the left and down from the upper Medusa
over to the right under her, then shove the one below that over to the left,
against the wall. Go to the upper-left, and stand halfway between the wall
and the next space over to the right. Proceed upwards (Medusa cannot shoot
you if are standing half on an HF, even if nothing else is blocking her!),
and grab the two HFs at the top. Go back down in the same manner, then head
for the lower-left. Push the far lower-left EF left against the wall, then
grab the HF in the lower-left. Now go over, shoot Snakey, and push him
down, left, and up into the river, next to the EF. Cross the egg, then push
right to free the EF. Take it up to the top of the room and place it between
the upper Medusa and the Jewel Box. Now go back and shoot Snakey again, and
push him into the river to free the other EF. Place it to the right of the
remaining HF in the upper-left. Now get that HF, and the one near the door.
Shoot Snakey one last time, and shove him right, to block the lower-right
Medusa. Now go up, take the HF, shoot Snakey, and shove him up two squares.
Before he recovers, grab the HF and use him to cross the river to the north.
Take the bottom HF, then stand on the patch of grass. Shoot Alma once you
get a clear shot, snag the other two HFs in the room, then push her across
the river across from Snakey. On your way across, shoot Snakey, and shove
him all the way down against the wall. Now, get the final HF, and the Jewel.

___/Room 8-3\______________________________________________________________

This room is quite easy. Position the six EFs in the bottom left so
that the middle Medusa is blocked from all four sides, and the upper Medusa
is blocked from the right and bottom. Grab the rest of the HFs, then shoot
Snakey, and use him to cross the river at the arrow tile. Pick up the HF,
then stroll to the bottom right, and wait for Snakey to float over to you.
Use him to cross back over the river, and go back to the spot where he
re-appears. Wait for him to re-appear, then shoot him, shove him into the
river again, and ride on him until he passes by the strip below where the
last HF is. Get off, take the HF, then jump back on, and wait for him to
float back to the lower-right again. Get off to the north, then shoot the
Gol (from the side, of course). Then, move north, shoot the Snakey and shove
him up, then grab the Jewel.

___/Room 8-4\______________________________________________________________

This room can be a bit tricky. First shove the EF to your left just far
enough to the left to get it out of your way, then go back to the starting
point. Go north, and shove this EF up two spaces, beside Snakey. Now loop
around and shove the EF down and left of Snakey over to the right, under
Medusa. Grab the HF in the lower-right, then (quickly) shoot the Snakey in
the upper-right, shove him up one square, shove the EF to the right, then
push Snakey back down and left, and place him between the trees below the
upper Medusa. Of the two EFs in the lower-left, slide the lower one to the
left above Medusa, and place the other one below the HF in the far upper
right. Now move left, shoot Snakey and shove him down beside the Medusa,
and grab the HF. Now move to the lower-left. Shoot the Snakey on the far
left, then push him up, get behind him, then slide him back down, between
the HF and Medusa. Grab the HF in the lower-left, then shoot Snakey again
to blow him away. Go back to the spot where Snakey was and wait for him to
re-appear (preferably, stand on the north side to save time). Now shoot
him, and place him beside the HF at the bottom. Grab the HF, then shoot
Snakey again to blow him away (again). Wait for him to re-appear, then go
back to him once again. Shoot him, then shove him up against Gol to silence
him, then shoot Gol from the side and shove him over out of your way. Now
take the Jewel!

___/Room 8-5\______________________________________________________________

Take one of the EFs near the starting point, and shove it over to the
right a little ways, then up. Now shove it over to the right to sandwich Don
Medusa against the wall. Put the two Leepers above and below him to sleep,
so they'll block him from either side. Now take the two remaining EFs, and
shove them beside the Medusas at the top and bottom. Now get the HFs in the
upper and lower-left (you'll have to shoot the Gols and slide them over to get
them out of the way). Then get the final two HFs in the upper and lower
right. To get back through the middle, keep to the north and wait for
the Leepers above you to cross paths with the upper Gols, then dash to
the left (so that the Leepers will block the fireballs coming from the
north). Once through that "gauntlet", the Jewel is yours for the taking!
Level 8 is now complete!!

*NOTE* Now all the overworld levels are complete. Move to the boat
in the lake and you'll have a short scene where Lolo and Lala commence to
row the boat over to the Wicked King's tower. However, on the way, a
cannonball shot from the tower smashes directly into the boat, sending both
Lolo and Lala hurtling through the sky and deep into the waters below.
Levels 9 through 12 await you under the lake!!

_/Level 9\_________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* Skulls, skulls everywhere! Level 9 gets you more acquainted
with Skull than you probably ever wanted to be.
___/Room 9-1\______________________________________________________________

First move to the south, but ignore the HF next to the bridge for
the time being. When you reach the lower-left, position the EF above the
Medusa (could that Skull be anymore in the way..?). Grab the HF above,
then shoot that Skull and place it beside the lower Medusa. Grab the other
HF then proceed to the lower-right. While watching out for the Don Medusa
at the top, make your way up to the upper-right and hide behind the safety
of the EF. You'll want to push it up, to block Don Medusa in the upper-right
corner. Go back down to the lower right, then shoot the Skull and shove it
over above Medusa. Go back to the upper-right and shoot the left Skull, and
push it over onto the crumbly bridge to your left. Grab the HF, then shoot
the other Skull and place it down beside the Medusa in the lower-right.
Now grab the final HF (the one near the bridge), and high-tail it to the

___/Room 9-2\______________________________________________________________

This is another tricky one. Push the EF to the right of you over across
the arrow tile, against the wall. Now push the EF above you up and below
the Medusa in the upper-right. Grab the HF on the right to get some Magic
Shots. Here comes a tricky part. Stand above the Skull just to the right of
the EF near the left arrow tile (got that?). Now (quickly!) shoot him, shove
him three spaces down, then shoot the Skull just to your left and shove it
down one space. Now go back to the other Skull and shove it down to the
wall, then shove the Skull to the left over beside Medusa. Whew! Grab
the HF in the lower-left, then head for the upper-left section. Head into
the middle and grab the three HFs to activate your arrow tool. Change the
tile on your left (the right arrow), then go back to the right side of the
room. Push it to the left, across both arrows, and under the HF. Shoot the
Skull, then shove it left, above the HF. Now take the HF and shoot Skull
again to get rid of it. Wait for it to re-appear, then (quickly!) shoot
it, run over to the Skull under the door, shoot him, and shove him right,
far enough to get him out of your way. Grab the last HF and jet down to the
patch of grass in the lower-left. To get the Jewel, wait for a Skull to
wander between the Jewel Box and the Medusa, then quickly grab the Jewel!

___/Room 9-3\______________________________________________________________

Start off by taking the HF just above you. Now notice the two Snakeys
near the Medusa in the lower-right. Shoot the left one, then push it down,
left, then back up, beside Medusa. Head for the lower-left, shoot Skull,
then push it down. Grab the HF, then head for the Snakey in the lower-left.
Use him to cross the river to the north. Grab all the HFs EXCEPT the one
above the bottom Skull. Wait for Snakey to sink (only one egg can be floating
at a time), then shoot the Skull below the last HF, grab the last HF, then
QUICKLY push Skull into the river and ride him along the river. Once you
get to the right side, free the EF by getting off the egg behind it, and
place it above the Medusa. Then head up to the Jewel!

___/Room 9-4\______________________________________________________________

This is yet another somewhat tricky room. Move left, and use the
left-most EF to sandwich the bottom Don Medusa against the left wall. Now
push the right EF up two squares, then (watching out for the Don above you),
head for the lower-right. Grab the HF, then shove the middle EF down,
then the left one left. Shoot Skull, push him down into the river, then
get off to the east. Shove the EF back up, then to the right, under the Don
Medusa near the desert (desert in water? An interesting notion!) Shove
it the rest of the way up to sandwich him, then grab the HFs in the
lower-right. Now, tricky part coming up. Head back to the EF in the
lower-left. Carefully (and I do mean carefully) shove it over to the left
as far as you can without getting blasted by the Don Medusa above you. Once
you've done that, return to the Skull in the lower-right, and shove him left
into the river to free the other EF. Shove it up, then to the left, and
place it two spaces to the right of the HF on the left. Tricky part coming
up again. Hiding behind this EF, wait until Don Medusa passes to the right,
then quickly jet for the HF, then jet back to safety under the EF. This
is a bit hard to pull off, so be careful, take a half-step lead off the EF
to increase your chances. Once you have the HF, shove the EF the rest of the
way up, to confine Don to the left area.

Move back right and shove the last remaining EF up beside the Don Medusa
on the right, then head for the top. Save the HF right next to the Jewel
Box until last. First, shove that other EF the rest of the way over to
sandwich the other Don against the left wall. Now, shoot the Skulls in the
upper-left and upper-right, and shove them up against the wall to get the HFs
in their respective corners. Now go back and grab the final HF, and the
Jewel right beside you.

___/Room 9-5\______________________________________________________________

First, note that the HF above you (the one in front of the door) will
be saved for last. Grab the HF to your left, then shoot Skull and push it
down one space. Grab the HF to your right, then cross the river using Skull.
Go down, shoot the Skull on the left, and shove it over below Medusa.
Now go down and shoot the Skull at the bottom, and shove it up beside that
same Medusa. Grab the HF on the right, then head to the lower-right. Shoot
Skull, shove him up, then grab the HF to the left. Push the EF above you
up, then right, over top of the Medusa. Now move to the lower-left, and push
the EF over to the left, and place it below Skull. Shoot Skull, then shove
him in the water to the left, then cross south to get back on the other side
of that EF. Slide it all the way over to the right, under the Medusa, then
get the HF in the lower-right. Wait for Skull to re-appear, then shoot him,
and shove him left into the water again. Get off north, pushing the EF ONE
space up in the process. Shoot one of the Skulls on the left and place it
under the Medusa at the top, then get the HF. Now shoot the Skull to the
down and right of you, and slide it down beside the middle Medusa. Then grab
the HF in the middle. Shoot the other Skull on the left and place it up beside
the upper Medusa, and get the HF in the upper-left. Then place the EF near
the river above the middle Medusa. Finally, move to the top, and shoot
the Skull near the river across from the Jewel Box to get back to where you
started. You can now pick up the last HF and the Jewel!

___/Room 9-6\______________________________________________________________

The boss of level 9, as you probably guessed, is a huge version of
Skull! He moves in an "S-like" snaking pattern up and down the screen. Like
the boss Leeper, his movement pattern is very predictable, and thus he should
be very easy to defeat. Once the giant Skull is out of commission, Level 9
is complete!!

_/Level 10\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* Gols rear their ugly heads in each room in Level 10. As with
most of the levels before, you'll become more acquainted with them in all
sorts of different situations, whether you like it or not. :P
___/Room 10-1\_____________________________________________________________

Start by pushing the bottom EF to the right, over Medusa. Now slide
the EF above you up one square, then grab the HF and step onto the crumbly
bridge. Shove the EF back down, beside Medusa. Now push the other free EF
ONTO the crumbly bridge. Grab the HF at the bottom, then make your way to
the top by crossing the crumbly bridges on the left. Get the HF near Gol at
the top, then shove the EF in front of the other Gol up, two block the top
one. Now go back across the first crumbly bridge and get the HF on the other
side of the arrow tile. Use your arrow tool to get back across, then
continue back down to the lower-right. Head for the EF that is sitting on
the crumbly bridge. Now, quickly, create your bridge just to the left of the
EF, then push it over onto the bridge. Before the bridge disintegrates, slide
the EF the rest of the way up to the top of the room and place it in front of
the bottom Gol. Now you can safely go up to the Jewel!

___/Room 10-2\_____________________________________________________________

The Gols don't pose much of a threat in this room at all. First move
right and pick up the HF, then push the upper-left EF up, then back down and
left, and place it above the middle Medusa on the left. Now head to the lower
right. Push the bottom EF left one space, then go up and push the EF above
you up two, left one, down one, then over to the left side of the room.
Place this one under the upper-left Medusa. Take the two HFs nearby, then
return to the lower-right. Place the last free EF all the way up the upper
left corner, beside the upper Medusa. Now get the two HFs along the top. Now
that you have four Magic Shots, proceed to the Gols in the center of the room.
Shoot the right one and shove him down against the "tree". Shoot the bottom
one and shove him left, under Medusa. Shove the top one and shove him left,
then down beside Medusa, then shoot the left one and shove him down, beside
the lower Medusa. Now grab all three HFs in the lower-left area. Shooting
the Gols freed up the EF in the center, so take it, and place it just to the
left of the Jewel Box to safeguard it. Now, pick up the final HF next to the
Jewel Box, and grab the Jewel!

___/Room 10-3\_____________________________________________________________

Start off by taking the only accessible HF, near the center of the room.
Then go to the upper-left, shoot Gol, then shove him left and up under the
Medusa. Grab the HF then go back to where you started. Now, quickly, shoot
the Gol on the left of the HF (above the Jewel Box) twice. Run right, grab
the HF, and push the EF above you up four squares. Run back down and shoot
the Gol in the lower-left, shove him down, then cross the right arrow tile.
Shoot the next Gol, shove him right, then shove the EF above you all the way
up, placing it below the other one. Now loop back around to the upper-left.
All this should have been accomplished before the Gol you blew away respawns.
Of the two EFs that are near the north of the room now, place the bottom one
on the left of the upper-right Medusa, then shove the other one down, left,
then back right, and place it under the Medusa in the upper-right. Go back
down to the middle, and cross the right arrow on the right, picking up
another HF along the way. Once across the arrow, shoot the Gol below you and
shove him down. Grab the HF at the bottom, then go back up and take the
other two HFs. Now shoot Gol, and shove him all the way left, against the
tree. Loop around the left to get under him, and by the time you do so, he'll
probably have recovered. Shoot him again, then shove him up, left, and place
him on the right of the upper-left Medusa. Now take the last HF in front of
the door, then move right, and make a dash down to the Jewel.

___/Room 10-4\_____________________________________________________________

Start this room off by sliding the EF just below you down, beside the
Medusa. Go up to the top via the arrow tile, and push the middle EF up, then
the right one to the right under Medusa. Take the two HFs, then shove the
other EF all the way left, then all the way down, over the Medusa at the
bottom. Cross the right arrow tile, then shoot the Gol below you and shove
him down. Grab both HFs in here, then shoot Gol, shove him over onto the
second right arrow tile, then grab the HFs. Continue pushing Gol to the
right, and place him just under the HF on the right. Take the HF, then
stand in front of the up arrow tile. Turn left (to face the right arrow
tile), then shoot the Gol twice to blow him away. Quickly loop around to
the left, then shove the EF across the arrow tile, and over onto the space
where Gol was. Pick up the last two HFs, then wait for Gol to "dis-appear"
from under the block. Push the EF all the way over to the right, then loop
back around to the left once more. Proceed to the lower left, and make your
way back right across the arrow tiles to reach the lower-right. Now you can
pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 10-5\_____________________________________________________________

This is a hard one. Grab the HF above you then shoot the Gol on the
left, and shove it up one square. Now take the HF near the river to the
north, then go back down and shoot the other Gol. Push him right, then up
into the river. Cross, take the HF, then quickly cross back. Stand in
front of the river where it is two spaces wide, then place your first bridge
here. Wait for the Gol to recover, then shoot him, and push him across the
bridge into the water. Now cross over to the left side of the room. Take the
HF in the upper-right, then position two of the EFs so that the middle
Medusa is blocked from the top and left. Grab the HF near Medusa, then
go down and make another bridge just to the right of the lower-left Medusa.
Now shoot Gol and shove him one space up, two spaces right, then one space
up. Go back to the EFs at the upper-right and place one of them under the
section of river that the Gol is facing. Then shoot Gol, shove him left into
the river, then get off to the south, pushing the EF along with you. Place
it down on the section of bridge you made earlier. Now wait for Gol to
re-appear and place him in the same spot he was before, then go and get the
other EF and place it in the same position. Shove Gol into the water and push
it south, and place it above the Medusa in the lower-left, but DON'T get the
HF just yet.

Wait for Gol to re-appear again, then shoot him, and shove him up and
right, and into the river across from your first bridge, and cross back over
to the lower-right. Grab the HF, then use the free Gol to cross back over
once again. You'll have to pull a quick one here. Stand above the Gol in
the lower-left, facing the Gol on the other side of the river. Shoot the Gol
across the river twice, then run down and pick up the last HF. To get around
the Gol, fake the top Gol out by poking out then retreating back, and
wait for his fireball to pass by, then dash around. Place your last bridge
in the river in front of where the Gol you blew away was, and use your last
magic shot to get the Gol above you out of your way. Now pick up the Jewel.

___/Room 10-6\_____________________________________________________________

This time you'll have to face down a giant Gol! He bounces back and
forth across the top of the screen, shooting giant fireballs down at you.
Note that the fireballs can be destroyed with a Magic Shot. The easiest
thing to do here is head to the top of the screen and plug Gol repeatedly
with Magic Shots from the side where he can't reach you. When he starts
getting close, retreat to the lower area and avoid his fireballs until he
goes back the other way. Using this method, you should get rid of him very
easily. Level 10 is complete!!

_/Level 11\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* As if they weren't enough of a bother already, Level 11 contains
Medusas galore. Worse yet, Level 11 introduces the newcomer to the Lolo
series, Moby the whale.
___/Room 11-1\_____________________________________________________________

There are four EFs in each of the four "sides" of the starting room.
First shove the right one over into the intersection, and shove the top one
up against the "tree". Push the bottom one down one space, then push the
one above the Jewel Box up one space. Head left, and push the EF down
above Medusa, then push the next one down beside her. Grab the HF, and
shove the next EF across the arrow tile, beside Medusa. Shoot the Moby
above you, and shove him right, above Medusa. Now, quickly, shoot the
Moby to the right of Medusa, shove him down, grab the three HFs, then head
north. Push the EF up below Medusa, then shoot the Moby on the right and
shove it up beside Medusa (this must be done before the Moby at the bottom
recovers!). Grab the HF, then return all the way back to the lower-left.
Push the EF near the Jewel Box up, then all the way over in front of the Gol
on the right. Return to the upper-right, and push the EF down and left of
Medusa up beside her. Move left, and shove the EF to the left, beside
Medusa. Now shoot the bottom Moby, shove him over below Medusa, and grab
the HF. Now go back and (quickly) shoot the top Moby, shove him over above
Medusa, grab the three HFs, then return to the upper-right and shoot the
Moby up and left of Medusa, and shove him right over top of her. Now get
the final HF and proceed to the Jewel Box!

___/Room 11-2\_____________________________________________________________

The Don Medusa near the bottom of this stage will cause trouble, so keep
an eye on him as you complete this room. Head left and take the bottom two
HFs, then push the left EF to the left one space. Now push the EF below you
down next to the HF below. Push the other EF up two spaces, beside the
Medusa, then go back to the EF at the bottom. Quickly and carefully, take
the HF beside the EF and retreat behind it to avoid the Don Medusa. Then
carefully make your way to the lower-right. There are two EFs next to the
Medusa on the right... push the left one up as far as it can go, then push
the EF to your left up to the wall. Cross the arrow tile and (while watching
out for the Don Medusa) shove the EF all the way left, against Medusa. Now
return to the upper-right, and push the other EF to the right against the
wall. Now get the HF in the upper-right. Also grab the other HF in the
center room. Then, head for the group of Mobies in the lower-right. Shoot
the upper-left Moby twice to blow him away, then move the upper-right one
right one space, move the lower-right one down two spaces, then grab the HF
in the lower-right. Now shoot the lower left Moby, and shove him down and
left, and place him on the space above the far-right of Don Medusa's path.
Carefully shove the EF nearby downwards, and sandwich Don Medusa betwen the
EF, the Moby, and the tree. Return to the lower-right again, shoot the
remaining Moby, and shove him down, and all the way over to the left to
block the middle Medusa from the bottom. Grab the last HF, and the Jewel!

___/Room 11-3\_____________________________________________________________

This room may seem rather empty, but it is a bit tricky nonetheless.
Start off by pushing the EF near the bottom down and over to the right, to
trap Don Medusa against the wall. Head to the center of the room, push the
EF up, then back down, to the right, and place it between the upper-right
Medusa and the HF. Now shoot the Moby under the HF near the door, and shove
him right, and up beside Medusa. Now shoot the Moby on the left and roll him
up against the door. Go down to the lower Moby near the center, then shoot
him and shove him up and left, and place him under the Medusa in the upper
left. Then shove the EF up beside her. Grab the HFs in the upper-left and
lower-left, then proceed to the two Mobies in the lower-right. Shoot the top
one and shove it straight up, beside the Medusa in the upper-right. Then
you can grab the last HF and the Jewel.

___/Room 11-4\_____________________________________________________________

Lots and lots of EFs and lots and lots of Medusas. Joy. Start off by
getting the HF above you, then shoot Snakey and push him down into the water.
Cross, then push the EF to your right over under the middle Medusa. Now
head back to the top, and push the EF up there down, then over to the right
above Medusa (this must be done before Snakey reappears). Go around the HF
to the first "line" of EFs near the bottom. Push the middle one down, the
right one right three spaces, and the left one left one space. Now push the
middle EF over, and down beside the Medusa in the lower-right, and grab the
HF. Now you'll have another line of EFs further down. Push the middle one
down one space, the left one left one space, then grab the HF. Push the EF
below you down atop Medusa, then push the one under the Jewel Box down beside
her. Now take the HF in the lower left. Push the EF near the Jewel Box down,
then over to the right, atop the lower-right Medusa, then push the EF above
that over, placing it under the crumbly bridge. Finally, push the EF closest
to the HF at the bottom down one square, next to the HF, and push the EF to
the right left one square.

Now go up, around the HF once again, and shoot Skull. Quickly shove
him all the way to the right, then run down across the crumbly bridge, push
the EF down beside Medusa, then cross the arrow tile. Quickly turn around
and shoot the Skull again before he recovers, but move out of the way before
the shot strikes as to not get blasted by the Medusa as he disappears. Now
move to the left, putting the Leeper to sleep in the process, and grab the
HF. Push the EF in front of you over against Medusa, then shove the EF above
you up beside the middle Medusa. Grab the HF on the left, then wait for Skull
to re-appear. Shoot him, then shove him right and down across the grass, and
grab the last HF. Now you can head for the Jewel Box at your leisure. ;)

___/Room 11-5\_____________________________________________________________

With SIX Medusas, you'll really have to watch yourself in this room.
Near the starting point are four EFs in a square-shaped pattern. Push the
lower-left EF left against the lower-left Medusa, and push the lower-right one
to the right, over top the lower middle Medusa. Grab the HF above Moby,
then shoot him and shove him up and right, in between the two Medusas at the
top-right. Cross the up arrow tile and shove the nearby EF up against the
wall beside Medusa, then proceed left and cross the left arrow tile. Proceed
downwards, and Moby will pull you over to the right, causing you to push the
right EF down onto the up arrow tile. Then push the EF to your left up
against the wall to block the upper-left Medusa from the bottom. Go down
and stand on the down arrow tile, then shove the EF below you straight down
against the wall. Grab the HF in the lower-left, then position one of the
EFs in the lower-left onto the down arrow tile. Loop all the way back around
again, and once you get back to where the EF is, shove it all the way right
and down, next to the lower-right Medusa (to block her from the left). Also
shove the EF under the HF down against her as well. Return to the lower-left
and place the other EF onto the down arrow tile, then loop around once more,
and shove it to the right as well. Place this one between the HF and the lower
middle Medusa, then grab the HF.

Now go up and stand facing Moby, and shoot him once. Now quickly loop
around to the upper-left, and standing in front of the right arrow tile, shoot
him again to blow him away. Quickly get out of the way in order to avoid
being blasted by Medusa. Now take the EF that is still sitting on the up arrow
tile, and push it up and right, over to the spot where Moby was before. Wait
for Moby to re-appear, then shoot him, and shove him one space up, then over
to the right against the wall. Now pick up the last HF and loop back around
to get to the Jewel!

___/Room 11-6\_____________________________________________________________

The boss of level 11 is a giant Medusa!! She will teleport randomly
around the room, and when she re-appears, she will fire blasts to the north,
east, south, and west, in that order. Afterwards, she'll fire a blast in all
four directions at once, then disappear, and reappear elsewhere. Her pattern,
like that of all the other bosses, is very predictable. When she re-appears,
run over to her and blast her repeatedly until she starts to fire a blast
in your direction. Duck out of the way, then blast her some more until she
starts to fire off her "four-way" blast. Repeat the process until she dies.
Level 11 is now complete!

_/Level 12\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* Level 12 is full of the dreaded and very dangerous Don Medusas.
Most of the rooms will prove to be quite difficult, as both speed and wit are
needed to avoid them...
___/Room 12-1\_____________________________________________________________

First grab the HF to your left, while taking care not to get blasted by
the Don Medusa above you. Now, shove the right EF up two spaces, then the left
EF all the way up to trap Don Medusa against the left wall. Carefully head
up into the room and grab the left two HFs, then go back down and shove the
other EF up four spaces. Now shove the EF below you over to the right,
trapping Don in the lower-right corner of the "room". Grab the other two HFs,
while watching out for the Don at the top. Now take the other EF in the room,
and shove it up past the arrow tile, against the wall. Now take it all the
way over to the right, trapping Don in the upper-right corner. Now position
yourself above Snakey. Here comes a very tricky part. Shoot Snakey, shove
him down and right, trapping Don Medusa, then run down and grab the HF. Now,
before Snakey recovers, shoot him from the side to blow him away, then run
down beside the HF for cover as the Don is turned loose again. Take the
HF at the bottom-right first, then wait for Don to pass to the south, then
grab the other HF and flee like mad back up, but stop once you reach the spot
where Snakey re-appears. Shoot him, shove him up and right above the HF, then
grab it, and once again blow Snakey away with another shot. Go back down and
wait for him to re-appear once again, then shoot him, shove him up two, down
one, then left into the water. Free the EF by pushing it out to the north,
then shove it all the way to the left under the Jewel Box. Now, take the

___/Room 12-2\_____________________________________________________________

Not only does this room contain three Don Medusas, it contains one
regular Medusa as well! There are three EFs below you, but you'll only need
to use two of them. Slide the top one over to the right below Medusa, then
go down and shove the bottom one over to the right, then up beside the HF.
Take the HF, then carefully proceed to the Skulls in the lower-right. Shoot
the top one, then shove it right against the wall, and take it as far up as
you can, trapping Don Medusa along with it. Grab the nearby HF, then proceed
back to the Skulls. Shoot the top one, then shove it four spaces left, then
one space up. Now go back and shoot the remaining Skull, then shove it up,
to the left against the HF, then up again, trapping the bottom Don in between
it and the other Skull that you placed before. Grab the HF to your left and
get ready for a fast maneuver. Shoot the Skull on the left, and shove it
straight up, trapping Don on the right once again. Quickly run to the HF in
the upper-left, grab it, then run back down below the egg. Standing two
spaces below it, shoot it again then immediately run to your right to avoid
getting blasted by Don as he runs loose. Wait for Skull to re-appear, then
then shoot him and carefully shove it one space left, then get under it and
push it up, this time trapping Don on the left. Grab the HF above, then
proceed up to the Jewel Box. Grab the final HF then immediately run over
to the Jewel, as when you get the last HF the Skulls will all awaken, thus
freeing all the Dons!

___/Room 12-3\_____________________________________________________________

Medusas and Dons and Mobies. Oh my. Start this room by carefully
pushing the EF below you down against the wall, then over to the left against
the "tree". Then take the HF in the lower-right. Now (carefully, again),
go back up and stand behind the Moby that is facing to the north. Shoot him,
shove him all the way up against the wall, grab the HF, then run back down
and stand to the right of the HF near the middle. Shoot Moby again, then
quickly duck behind the rock to your left as to not get blasted by the Don
Medusa at the top. Wait for Moby to come back, then shoot him and shove him
up again, this time trapping Don in the upper-right corner. Now carefully
take the HF I mentioned before (near the rock), and retreat to the
lower-right. Shove the EF in front of Moby down one square, then shoot
Moby and shove him left against the wall, and down above Medusa. Then go
back and take the EF that was in front of Moby, and place it between the HF
and Medusa in the center of the room. Carefully take that HF, and the one
in the upper-left. Now shoot the Moby above the EF you just placed, then
shove him down, left against the wall, and up to the upper-left corner,
trapping Don up in the corner near the door. Take the HF along the left
wall, now go up to the Jewel Box. Shoot the Moby near the box, and place
him down beside Medusa. Now you can take the final HF, and the Jewel!

___/Room 12-4\_____________________________________________________________

If there ever was a room where the Mobies got in your way, this would be
it. Push the EF just to the right of your starting point right one square,
then push the one below you up three squares (these will block Medusa from the
left and bottom). Take the HF in the lower right, then proceed to the two
Mobies near Medusa. Shoot one, place him up beside Medusa, then shoot the
other and place him above her. Then grab the HF along the right-hand wall.
Head to the upper-right, and shoot the Moby in the upper-right corner, and
shove him up, trapping Don Medusa in the corner. Grab the HF, then shove the
EF below you over to the left... don't push it all the way over, leave one
space between it and the Don on the left. First grab the HF near the center
(on the left side of the regular Medusa) to get two more Magic Shots, then get
ready for a quick maneuver. You'll notice two Mobies below the Don on the
left. Shoot the one just below Don once, then go right as far as you can.
Turn around, shoot Moby again, then quickly flee south to avoid Don as he
breaks loose. Run down on the left side of Medusa and let Moby pull you back
up to the top, then shove the EF on your left (the one that should still be
one space away from where Don was) over to the left, trapping Don between the
EF and the lower Moby.

Grab the HF, then get ready for (another) fast one. Shoot the Moby in
the upper-left, and shove it up one square, trapping the Don in the upper-left.
As the Moby in the right pulls you over, hold down on the control pad and
start pushing the EF on the left downward. Place it beside the Don on the
left, to block him from the right side. Go back up, and push the other EF
down one square. Loop back down to the left side of Medusa, let Moby pull you
up, and push the EF to the left one square. Now go down to the lower-left and
carefully take the HF, then let Moby pull you back up to the top _again_.
Continue pushing that EF downward, and use it to trap the lower Don in the
lower-left corner. Grab the HF, then proceed back to the top. To get the
final HF below the door, shoot the Moby in the upper-left corner ONCE, then
run over and pick it up. Now you can walk down and pick up the Jewel at your
leisure. =D

___/Room 12-5\_____________________________________________________________

This one actually isn't as bad as it might look at first. Start by
pushing the far lower-right EF up "in between" the Medusas, to make a "Y"
shape with the EFs. Now push the bottom EF over to the right, and place it
in front of the crumbly bridge. Now push the EF to the right of Snakey up
beside the upper Medusa, and take the HF in the lower-left to get a few Magic
Shots. Shoot Snakey, shove him to the right under Medusa, then position
yourself below the last free EF. Now get ready for a bit of a quick maneuver.
Shove the EF up and place it "in between" the two Snakeys in the upper-left.
Quickly shoot the lower-right Snakey, push him up one square, then push the
EF over to the left and up, trapping Don Medusa in the upper-left corner.
Before Snakey re-appears, continue pushing him up against the wall, to block
Don from the right. Grab the HF against the top wall, then shoot the other
Snakey, and shove him down, and right, placing him under the tree. Now take
the HF above the tree, and walk back down to the lower-left section. Take
the HF on the left, and also carefully take the HF near the lower-right of
the section. Stand behind the EF and shove it right, across the crumbly
bridge, and use it to trap the Don in the lower-right corner.

Now place one of the EFs in this section on the left of the bottom HF,
then take it. Then do the same with the other EF, placing it on the left of
the other HF. Take it too, and your bridge tool will be activated. Proceed
to the upper-right and stand on the grass as to not get killed by Alma. Wait
for her to wander to the north side of the section, then run up, and create
your bridge in the narrow section of lava below the crumbly bridge. Now go
back to the grass and wait for Alma to run near the bridge. Then, shoot her,
shove her across, then go up and grab the final HF. Then cross back and take
the Jewel!

___/Room 12-6\_____________________________________________________________

It's time for battle once again... this time with a giant Don Medusa!
Like all the bosses, Don has a predictable movement pattern. He will move
counter-clockwise around the outside of the room, firing a dagger once he
reaches the midpoint of each side. Once he reaches the top of the screen,
he will move in a diamond shape, once again, firing a dagger at the midpoint
of each side of the room. Your best bet would be to follow him around the
room, but stay on the sides of him as to not get blasted by his dagger fire.
He's faster once he enters the diamond pattern, which means you're also
going to have to be quicker. Still, he's not that difficult of an opponent
to defeat. Once he goes down, Level 12 is complete!!

_/Level 13\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You will be able to access level 13 once levels 9-12 are
___/Room 13-1\_____________________________________________________________

First, grab the HF just to the right of the starting point to get two
Magic Shots. Now shoot the Moby on the right, and place him above the Medusa
on the right. Grab the HF, then shoot Moby again to blow him away. Wait for
him to re-appear, then shoot him again, and this time place him on the left
of the Medusa. Continue down to the lower-right and take the HF in the
corner, and push the EF on the right up one square. Now push the EF on your
left over, under the lower Medusa. Now go back to the other EF, and push it
left, and up beside the Medusa. Now push the EF on the left up two squares,
and run down to the lower-left and grab the two HFs there. Stand in front of
the Moby just above the Jewel Box and (quickly) shoot him once, then turn
around and push the EF behind you to the right two squares. Loop around
below the EFs and push the left one up one square. Now, shoot Moby again to
blow him away, then run back down below the EFs, and push the middle one up
three squares. Now turn left, and push this EF over onto the space where Moby
was. When he re-appears, he'll be beside Medusa in the upper-left corner.
Now shoot the Moby next to the EF near the top, then shove him up one
square, then over to the left, and place him above Medusa. Then, all you have
to do is pick up the final HF, then the Jewel!

___/Room 13-2\_____________________________________________________________

First, push the EF near the starting point down one space, then go and
push the EF near the HF to the left one space. Take the HF then go down and
shoot Snakey twice, then get the HF behind him. Sit there and wait for Snakey
to re-appear, then shoot him from behind, and push him out, and down over top
the Medusa. Then push the EF to your left down beside her. Return to the
upper-right and push the EF across the arrow tile, and place it to the _right_
of the upper Medusa. Go back across the arrow tile, shove the right EF down
one space, then loop around again and push it to the left, under Medusa. Now
head across the arrow tile at the bottom, pushing the EF left one space as
you go. Stand in front of Moby, then shoot him and shove him up, and right
beside Medusa. Quickly, shove the EF above you to the right, grab the HF,
then return down to the egg. Standing as far left as you possibly can, shoot
the egg, and IMMEDIATELY run down out of Medusa's fire. This is a very tight
maneuver but it CAN be done. While Moby is gone, shove the EF in the room
below all the way down, against the wall (in the desert). Then return to the
space _behind_ Moby. When he re-appears, shoot him, then shove him down,
and left, in the gap in the trees between the lower Medusa and the HF. Then
grab the HF.

Now go across the right arrow tile and push the EF two spaces to the
right to temporarily get it out of your way. Push the EF down in the desert
over to the left, then return to the EF you moved out of the way before. Push
it one space left, then all the way down onto the very edge of the desert.
Loop around to the bottom-left and go through the "line" of desert, and push
the EF to the right, placing it under Medusa. Now you can get to the Jewel
and proceed to the next room.

___/Room 13-3\_____________________________________________________________

Quick is the keyword in this room. Start with the HF in the upper-right
corner... use Rocky as a shield to block the Medusa from the right as you get
it. Remember, once you get close enough to him he'll stop and stay there
until you move far enough away. After getting the HF, proceed to the left
side of the room and stand on the patch of grass. Wait for Alma to pass by
to the north, then run downwards, pick up the HF, then continue down, and
"cross" the grass patch. Traverse the up arrow sideways, then shove the EF
on the right up, across the up arrow tile. Take it up to the upper-right and
_carefully_ place it above Medusa, once again, using Rocky as a "shield".
Then head left, grab the HF, and slide the EF below you down, to block her
from the left. Head back out of this room (using Rocky _again_), then grab
the HF in the upper-left. Now proceed to the lower-right. Stand on the down
arrow tile and wait for Alma to pass below you, then quickly grab the HF,
shoot Alma, and slide her down above Medusa. Quickly, push the EF down beside
Medusa, grab the HF, then run across the grass patch to the left. However,
remember that enemies CAN cross arrow tiles! Stand one space left of the
grass patch, and Alma _should_ come down to you. When she does, quickly run
left, turn around, and shoot her. Then shove her down into the gap in the
trees. Quickly run around and grab the lower HF before she recovers, then
hightail it to the small grass patch near the upper-left. Then wait for the
Alma on the left to pass by to the south, then make a run for the Jewel in
the upper-left.

___/Room 13-4\_____________________________________________________________

Start off by pushing the EF directly below you down and left, placing it
on the right of the upper Medusa. Grab the HF near the rock then push the
EF on your right to the left, and down above Medusa. Take the HF near the
bridge, then head for the lower-right. Take cover from the Don Medusa
behind the rock, and push the EF to your left two spaces left (you'll have
to be quick about it!). Take cover behind the rock again, then when the
Don passes left, quickly steal the HF and take cover once more. Cross back
over the bridge to the upper-right. Now, watching out for the Don, push the
EF to the right of the rock up one space, then left two spaces. Make your
first bridge directly under the existing bridge on the left. Slide the EF
across the bridge you just made, then shove it down against the lava, to
block both Medusas. Take the HF on the left, then shove the free EF to the
right one space. Make your other bridge across the narrow section of lava
just under the EF you just placed. Then, slide the EF down across the
bridge, and place it beside the lower Medusa. Push the next EF down over to
the right under her, and use the bottom EF to trap the Don Medusa in the
lower-right corner. Now, get ready for another EXTREMELY quick maneuver
(they just seem to be all over this level, don't they?). Stand in front
the rock, facing straight up. Shoot the Gol, then dash like mad to the lower
left, snag the HF, then return and shoot Gol again before he recovers. Once
he's gone, hurry to the upper right and pass near the bridge so that the
other Gol doesn't fry you, then grab the Jewel before the first Gol
re-appears. Whew!!

___/Room 13-5\_____________________________________________________________

*NOTE* What's up with the initials S.K. in the water in this room??

First, sneak onto the arrow tile below you and push the EF up, and right
against the water. Take the HF, then go down and stand on the down-arrow
tile. Quickly (and carefully), wait for the Don to start moving down, then
run down, and push the middle EF down one space, taking cover behind the EF
on your right. Push the EF on your right to the right one space, then push
the one to your left to the left one space. Push the middle EF all the way
to the right, against the water, then (carefully) push the one above you all
the way up. Now return to the EFs in the lower-left. Push the middle one
down, then the left one over to the right. Push the bottom EF right one
space to move it out of your way, then shove the EF above you up three
spaces, and over on top of Don Medusa, trapping him in the water. Now head
for the clump of EFs and arrow tiles in the upper-right. Slide the EF on
bottom up two squares, then the one on your left over against Medusa. Now
stand in front of the HF in the upper-right (don't take it yet, then go down
and slide the EF on your right over below Medusa. Loop around and stand on
the left arrow tile (the bottom one), and shove the EF above you up one
square. Loop back around again, then push it right one square. Loop around
AGAIN, then push it up beside Medusa.

Take both HFs in this area, then shove the remaining EF down, and place
it on the right of Don Medusa. Loop around the EF and stand in the peninsula
(the space near the center of the "K"), and make the bridge to your north.
Then shove the EF over onto the bridge. Return to the lower-left and push the
free EF to the left, then up against the river. Then slide it to the right,
then up, then back left, placing it against the rock. Now shove it up, and
place it in front of the left-arrow tile at the top, then push it left against
the water. Finally, push it down then left, placing it above the upper
Medusa. Cross to the upper-left and grab the final HF. Now shove the EF
below you down, across the arrow tile, then to the right. Drag it to the
lower-right and place it in between the Medusa and the Jewel Box, then grab
the Jewel!

___/Room 13-6\_____________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You thought you were done with this level, didn't you? :P

Moby is back, with reinforcements. Start off by sliding the EF to your
right, blocking Don down in the corner (for this reason I wonder why they even
put him there in the first place). Go up across the arrow tile, then shove
the next EF up, beside Medusa. Grab the HF, then shoot the Moby, and shove
him right one square. Get the HF near the Jewel Box, then shoot the Moby to
your lower-right, and shove him left, back right, then down beside Medusa.
Move to the right but DON'T get the HFs just yet. Shoot the Moby on the
far right, and push him down three squares, then right, over top of Medusa.
Then take the EF above, shove it right, then down beside her. Now take the
HF in the far upper-right for two more Magic Shots, then return back down
to the lower-right. Shoot the lower Moby, shove him in front of Medusa, grab
the HF, then shoot him again to blow him off the screen. Wait for him to
re-appear, then shoot him again and shove him up against the trees, then left
under Medusa. Blow away the Moby near the door, and collect that HF as well
as the other one in the upper part of the room. Now go to the lower-left
room via the left-arrow tile at the bottom. Grab the final HF then proceed
up via the up-arrow tile. As you walk up, Moby will pull you over to the
right. When he does, push the EF near Medusa ONE HALF SPACE up, then loop
around (Moby cannot pull you from half a space, but the EF still blocks the
Medusa!) and continue up to the Jewel.

___/Room 13-7\_____________________________________________________________

Once again, QUICK is the keyword in this room. Start by pushing the EF
above you up between the trees, then grab the HF on the left. Now go back down
and push the EF below where you started down one space, then push the EF on
the right to the right one space. Loop around to the lower-left, and grab the
HF there. Now, shoot Snakey, shove him right into the river, and shove the
EF two spaces to the right. Quickly cross back before the egg sinks, then
stand in the peninsula above Snakey (the middle of the 7 shape). Once
Snakey re-appears get ready for a very quick maneuver. Shoot Snakey, shove
him down and into the water. Then shoot the Snakey on the right, and shove
him near the water but not in it just yet. Push the EF above you up against
Medusa, then grab the HF. Then push the EF to the north all the way up
against Medusa. Now go down and push Snakey into the river before he recovers.
Now before he re-appears, take the EF that you pushed earlier (after crossing
Snakey the first time), and shove it one space right, three spaces down,
and then place it between the Medusa and the lower-right HF. Then get
_behind_ the spot where the Snakey will re-appear. Then shoot him, and shove
him to the right, into the water this time. Cross, grab the HF, then cross
back. Now get back behind the spot where he re-spawns and wait once more.

Now, shoot him one last time, then shove him right two spaces, all the
way up, then right again, then up again, next to the upper Medusa. Now return
to the lower-left, and shoot the Snakey near the river again, and shove him
up. Cross, push the EF one space up, then cross back before the egg sinks.
Now take that EF, and push it all the way to the right against the wall. Take
the HF in the upper-right and proceed to the Jewel Box (slowly, for a change).

___/Room 13-8\_____________________________________________________________

Start this puzzle by first grabbing the nearby HF to obtain a few Magic
Shots. Now shoot the Snakey above you and push him straight up into the
river. Push the EF up against the wall, then shoot the Snakey to your right.
Push him right, then down into the river, and push the other EF down one
square. Now shoot the Snakey on the right, and shove him all the way to
the right, trapping Don Medusa against the right wall. Once that's done,
push the free EF in the "center room", up and over, placing it above the Don
you just trapped. Get the HF above him, then walk back up to the Snakey near
the door. Shoot him, then push him all the way to the left against the wall.
Now proceed to the lower-left. Shoot the Snakey on top, and shove him down
against the wall. Carefully grab the HF near the bottom, then shoot the other
Snakey, and shove him all the way to the right, into the river. Push the EF
over, trapping the Don Medusa in the lower-right, then quickly cross back.
Now stand over to the right of the bridge leading back to the lower-left
"island", and wait for the Snakey on the right to re-appear. When he does,
shoot him, then shove him left against the wall, then down above Medusa. Grab
the HF to activate your bridge tool. Now go back up to the center room, and
shoot the Snakey near the river at the top. Shove him all the way right, down
onto the crumbly bridge, and right against the wall. Make the bridge over
the section of water just below you, then cross over and pick up the last HF.
Now you can go and fetch the Jewel and proceed onto the next room.

___/Room 13-9\_____________________________________________________________

This room features an interesting notion. Remember the trick where you
place an enemy or EF where an enemy re-appears? Well in this room you must
pull it off twice in one shot! You'll see what I mean...

Start by grabbing all the HFs except for the one in between the two Gols
on the right, and the one in Medusa's path. Now go to the Snakey in the upper
right. This next part is all going to be one fast maneuver, so get ready. ;)
Shoot him twice to blow him away, then shove the EF over to the left
against the water. Then shoot the Snakey near the river and shove him up to
the corner where Snakey was. As soon as the first Snakey starts to re-appear,
blow away the one in the corner (before he recovers), then grab the next
Snakey down, and place him in front of the river. The end result will be
two Snakeys below the Medusas in the upper-left. Now go and grab the HF on
the left, and then the one between the Gols. You'll need to get back to
the upper area, but this will be a tad difficult thanks to the Gol above you.
Stand as close to the trees as you can, then fake the Gol out by running
north then quickly dashing back down. Once his fireball passes, dash up and
shoot the Snakey, then take him over to the arrow tile and shove him in the
river there. Ride the egg and it will conveniently take you right to the
Jewel Box. Yay!

___/Room 13-10\____________________________________________________________

This room is a full house, featuring three Medusas, Mobies galore, and
EFs scattered all over the place. First shove the EFs above and below you to
the right, above and below the Medusas near the Jewel Box. Walk onto the
right arrow tile, then walk up onto the other right arrow tile. Go right,
grab the HF, then shoot the Moby above you. Then, shoot the Moby below you and
shove him down a space or two, then exit via the left arrow tile. Now head
for the lower area. Stand on the right side of the EF at the bottom, then
walk downward. Moby will start to pull you. As he does, hold up as to push
the EF up with you when you "break free". Take it back to the center room and
place it under the upper-left Medusa. Now grab the HF below, and the one in
the lower-left to activate your arrow tool. Head for the lower right and
stand on the right-arrow tile. Moby will again pull you. Now get ready for
an EXTREMELY quick shot. Shoot Moby, push the EF one space up, then quickly
turn right and shoot Moby before he pulls you into Medusa's path. This is
very difficult to pull off... if you can't seem to get it you might want to
try practicing (up, right, fire) until you can get it quickly enough. Use
your arrow tool to change the right arrow tile, then exit this room. Be sure
to grab the HF nearby.

Now head for the left side. When you enter the left area, the bottom
Moby will begin to pull you. Shoot him, and wait for the upper Moby to pull
you up to the top of the screen. Shoot him too then run right, pushing the EF
over top the Medusa. Before the Mobies recover, run back down, use your other
arrow tool on the left-arrow tile, then shoot Moby, and shove him right, and up
beside Medusa. Once that's done, wait for both Mobies on the left to recover,
then cross the arrow tile again, and the upper Moby will pull you back up to
the top of the room. Grab the HF below, then head for the top of the room.
Now, very very quickly, shoot the Moby on the right, grab the HF on the left,
then head for the upper right corner and get prepared for another of those
extremely quick moves. Do all that, grab the HF, then run back to the left
area before the first Moby recovers. Go back to the left "strip" and shoot
the top Moby, and the bottom one will start pulling you back downwards. Veer
right as you near the bottom, and proceed to the Jewel Box near the right
center. Whew!

___/Boss Fight\____________________________________________________________

Now you'll have to fight against the Wicked King himself!! He will fly
back and forth near the top of the screen, tossing rings of fire down at you.
Note that they cannot be destroyed with your Magic Shots, so you'll just have
to avoid them! Fight him for a while if you like, but unfortunately you
cannot win this battle. Once you get "killed" by the Wicked King, you'll be
switched back to your other character outside. Re-enter Level 13 only to
find that your character has been snatched by the Wicked King!! Run up to
him, but you can only watch as your character is whisked away by the Wicked
King to the underworld, where his lair is. Now, playing as whoever was on
standby when you completed level 13, you'll have to venture into the
Underworld and rescue your companion!!

After a short cut-scene, you'll end up in the Underworld.

_/Level 14\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You're not done yet! You've been through a lot so far, but the
Underworld levels 14-17 are the toughest of them all. But you've come this
far... don't give up!
___/Room 14-1\_____________________________________________________________

The introduction to the Underworld levels isn't a very pretty one. First
head for the + shaped clump of EFs near the starting point. Push the bottom
one to the right two spaces, then push the top one right one space. Push the
middle one down, then push the one on your right to the right one space. Now
push the one on your left to the left one space, then push the one atop the
HF at the bottom to the right, then down. Get the HF, then shove the EF all
the way over, trapping Don Medusa in the lower-right. There should be two
EFs under middle Medusa now... push the bottom one to the right, then up beside
her. Finally, go back to the EF in the lower-left, and shove it up two
spaces, to block her from the left. Cross the crumbly bridge on the right,
then shoot the Skull on the left and shove it under the HF on the left. Now
take the HFs in the upper-left and upper-right. This will activate your first
bridge tool. Place it across the section of lava just west of the top EF, then
shove that EF across the bridge, placing it between the Don Medusa and the HF.
Now go back to the upper-right room and shove the lower EF back down across
the crumbly bridge, and place it "in between" the Medusa and Don Medusa in the
lower-right. Don't get the HF just yet however, this one will be saved for

Return to the upper-left, and shoot Leeper when he is on the far right
section of floor, then shove him up and right, between Don Medus and the HF.
Get the HF then wait for Leeper to recover and put him to sleep. Then shoot
Alma and shove her to the right, beside Don Medusa, then get the HF near the
door. Now return to the lower-right once again, and make your other bridge
where the crumbly bridge used to be. Run up, shoot the Skull on the right,
and shove it right, against the wall. Grab the two HFs in the room, then run
down and pick up the final HF. Now you can go over and pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 14-2\_____________________________________________________________

This room may seem extremely empty at first, but it can be a bit tricky.
First take the HF to get two Magic Shots. Then go up and shoot the top Snakey,
then shove him right, down, then back up, and push him into the river. Jump
onto the egg and jump off to the north. Stand on the grass until the egg
sinks, then wait for him to re-appear. When he does, shoot Alma, take the
two HFs in the corner, then shove her straight down into the river. Cross,
then run down to the two Snakeys. Shoot the top one and shove him over above
Medusa, then push the EF one space left. Now, jump on the floating egg as it
passes by the corner of the river. Get off to the left, then push the EF down
against the tree. Cross the bridge in the upper-left, then grab all the HFs
except for the one at the bottom. Before getting it, shoot the Skull below
it. Then grab the HF, then quickly roll the egg down, shove it into the
river, and cross over to the Jewel.

___/Room 14-3\_____________________________________________________________

This one actually isn't all that hard. Start off by grabbing all the
HFs in the starting room, except for the one in Medusa's line of fire. Then
shoot the Snakey on the right, and use him to cross the river to the north.
Shove the EFs on the left and right outwards below the Medusas, then head for
the lower-right section. Go down and stand on the down-arrow tile, then shoot
Snakey, then shove him down one space. Quickly run down, pick up all the HFs,
then shove Snakey right one space, then straight up until the water. Push
the EF up against Medusa, then grab the HF on your right. Now go back to the
lower-left. Do the same thing on this side... shoot Snakey and shove him
down, then grab the HF, and roll him in the water. Push the EF up against
Medusa, then grab the HF in the upper-left. Now wait for the Snakey on the
left to re-appear. Shoot him, then shove him one space down. Now shoot the
Snakey on your right and shove him in the river. Quickly shove the egged
Snakey one space right, down as far as he will go, then to the right, into
the narrow section of water at the bottom. Jump on the egg and it will float
up to the EF. Get off to the north, pushing the EF with you along the way.
Now use this EF and the other one near the top of the room to block the two
Medusas from the side, giving you access to the Jewel!

___/Room 14-4\_____________________________________________________________

Now THIS one's a stumper. Start out by taking the two HFs in the upper
right to get two Magic Shots and activate your arrow tool. Now shoot the
Snakey in the upper-right, then roll him one space down, two spaces left, then
down into the river. While Snakey floats around to the left, walk onto the
strip in the middle of the river and stand above the EF to the south. Wait
for the egg to come around to you, then board the egg and get off south,
pushing the EF down beside Medusa along with you. Now go down and push the
EF in the south-east down against the wall. Now go back up and wait for
Snakey to re-appear. Shoot him, push him down across the arrow tile, then
right into the gap between the HF and the tree. Grab the HF then shoot the
egg again to blow Snakey away. Go back up once more and wait for him to
re-appear. When he does, shoot him again, shove him back down across the
arrow tiles, then over to the left, placing him atop the upper left-arrow tile
below the Medusa. Cross over to the left via the bottom left-arrow tile, then
push the lower-left EF down against the wall. Grab the bottom HF, then push
the other EF on the left to the right, against Medusa.

Grab the HF in the upper-left to get two last Magic Shots, then go up to
the Snakey near the door. Turn around and use your arrow tool to flip the
up-arrow tile around, then shoot Snakey, shove him down across the arrow tile,
then left, under the final HF. Take it, then proceed back up to the upper
left. Shoot the Gol under the Jewel Box once, then quickly run up and over to
the Jewel before the other Gol can fry you.

___/Room 14-5\_____________________________________________________________

Take the HF above you, then run up and shoot the Snakey, then shove him to
the right, across the right-arrow tile, into the river. As he floats away,
run down to the desert in the lower-right, as Snakey will float down to the
narrow river in the south-east corner. Cross, and push the EF one space right,
then one space up, beside Medusa. Go up and grab the two HFs, then cross back
across the egg, then get rid of it with another shot. Go back across the
desert and stand in front of the lower Snakey, shoot him, and shove him up
into the river, where he will sink. Quickly push the nearby EF up, and over
onto the space that Snakey occupied. He'll re-appear way up in the north-east
corner, next to Medusa. Wait for the first Snakey to re-appear, then when
he does, shoot him, roll him one space right, two spaces up, then into the
river on the left. Cross, grab the last two HFs, then jump back onto the egg.
Ride on the egg for a few moments until it passes by the Gol on the island in
the middle. When it does, shoot the Gol, and jump off the egg to the south,
pushing Gol along with you. Push him down to the corner of the island, then
east into the river. Jump on this egg and it will carry to the north-east
corner. Wait until it starts to sink, then jump off to the north and get out
of the way of Gol's fire. Now walk left, make your bridge across the narrow
section of river near the door, then proceed on over to the Jewel. Level 14
is now complete!!

_/Level 15\________________________________________________________________
___/Room 15-1\_____________________________________________________________

Begin this room by sliding the EF in the upper-right corner over, placing
it under the upper-right Medusa. Now push the other EF over to the right, then
down against the river. Now carefully (meaning while watching out for the Don
Medusa at the bottom) grab the HF on the left. Now head over to the left side
of the room. Shoot the Gol that is facing to the left, and roll him all the
way over to the right. Now, quickly and carefully, shove him into the water,
cross, slide the EF over to the right, then cross back. Then, once again
watching out for that pesky Don, grab the HF along the right wall. Proceed
back to the upper-left, and shove the EF amongst the trees straight up,
between the rock and Medusa. Take the HF, then shoot Snakey and shove him
down, then left against the wall. Pick up the lower-left HF, then slide the
EF on your right over against the water on the right. Now shoot the Gol
facing left again, then roll him left, down, and into the river on the right,
below the EF to reach the lower-right island. While watching out for Don,
push the EF left of Skull up, then shoot Skull and roll him one space right.
Now push the EF below you down, and over to the right, finally trapping that
annoying Don in the lower-right corner. Push the upper EF all the way to the
right against Medusa, then run back to the left side of the island before
the Skull recovers.

When he does, shoot him again, and roll him into the section of water
on the left that is opposite the EF. Cross, push the EF one space left, then
shoot the Gol above you, and place him one space up, blocking the other Gol.
Before he recovers, push the EF up, to the right, and then up, placing it to
the right of the Jewel Box. Then you can safely take the Jewel and proceed
on to the next room. Just be careful not to accidentally shove the EF in
front of the exit. :P

___/Room 15-2\_____________________________________________________________

Though this room is more complicated than it looks, it isn't really that
hard. First head to the upper-left and cross the arrow tile, and grab all four
HFs within. Now shoot Snakey, then shove him left, up, then right, into the
river. Cross, shoot Snakey, shove him right under the Medusa, then cross back
before the egg sinks. Go back and wait for Snakey to re-appear, then shoot him
again, and shove him straight right, into the river. Cross, grab the HF, then
cross back before the egg sinks. Once again, go back and wait for Snakey to
re-appear. Shoot him once more, shove him two spaces right, then into the
section of water below you. Cross, run down and grab the right two HFs, then
cross back before the egg sinks. Head to the lower-right and grab the two HFs
on the right side of the EFs. Now head to the lower left. Shoot the right
Snakey, shove him two spaces up, then grab the other two HFs in the room. Then
shove Snakey into the water on the right, and collect the two HFs. Push one of
the EFs out to the right, then up, and place it on the right of the Medusa,
then go back and push the other one out, then push it all the way around to the
north-west corner, placing it on the left side of Medusa. Get the HF in front
of the door, then shoot the Snakey in front of the Jewel Box, and push him to
the right, above Medusa. Loop around to the upper-right to get the last
HF, then loop back around to the Jewel. ;)

___/Room 15-3\_____________________________________________________________

If there was ever a room where the Don Medusa got in your way more, I have
yet to see it. First, carefully push one of the EFs above you over onto the
upper-right bridge. Then push the other EF up against the north wall, between
the Medusa and the tree. Grab the two HFs, then return to the Snakey near the
bottom. Grab the HF near the river to get some Magic Shots, then shoot Snakey,
shove him right, then down, trapping Don Medusa on the left. Grab the HF in
the lower-right then retreat behind the rock above you. Shoot the egg again
to blow it away, then take cover behind the rock. Wait for Snakey to reappear,
then proceed to the lower-left. Push the top EF left, then the bottom one
down, to block that pesky Don from the left. Then push the other EF up onto
the other bridge. Then go back to the lower-right and steal the HF while Don
is out of the way, and also get the one in the far lower-left. Now return to
the Snakey. Shoot him, shove him down, then left, and into the gap between
the water and the HF near the left wall. Grab the HF, then VERY quickly shove
Snakey into the water above you and IMMEDIATELY move out of the way to avoid
Medusa's fire. Now wait for Snakey to re-appear.

Thanks to the Don, this next part is gonna be very tough. Stand in
between the trees on the left of Snakey, then wait for Don to reach the left
side of his path. Then quickly dash right, shoot Snakey, and shove him two
spaces up, then take cover behind the tree on the left. When Don reaches
the left again, dash back out, push Snakey two more spaces up, then take cover
behind the rock on the right. Wait until it's safe, then push Snakey to the
left, in the river. Cross, then shoot Alma and shove her over to the left,
above Medusa. Grab the left two HFs, then use the other Alma to cross back
over to the "mainland". Wait for both Snakey and Alma to re-appear. Now,
standing behind Snakey, shoot him, shove him down, then left, and up, into
the narrow section of water in front of Alma. Cross, shoot Alma, then shove
her up to the north wall, beside Medusa. Now, you can pick up the final HF
and the Jewel!

___/Room 15-4\_____________________________________________________________

It would seem that this is one of those rooms where they threw a bunch
of stuff in just to confuse you. The solution is actually quite easy. First
take the three HFs above where you start, then shoot the Snakey below you.
Shove him right against the wall, then grab the two HFs. Push the EF four
spaces to the left, then walk across the crumbly bridge and head for the
upper-right. Shoot the Leeper twice to blow him away, then wait a few
moments. Wait until the Alma wanders to the lower-left corner of the area
(where the Leeper would appear), then turn her into an egg. Grab the two HFs
in the room, then wait. If you timed it right, the Leeper should appear in
the bottom left. Go down to the bottom left, and stand one space to the
right of the EF. Wait until Leeper passes by to the left, then make your
bridge and move down, putting Leeper to sleep as to block the Medusa in the
lower-left. Grab the final HF, then walk back across the bridge. Fake the
bottom Gol out by moving half a space to the right, then quickly moving back.
Wait for the fireball to pass, then dash north, and into the nook on the
left, as to not get blasted by his second fireball. Once it passes by, dash
out again, and continue up to the Jewel in the upper-left corner. On to the
next room!

___/Room 15-5\_____________________________________________________________

This room is just cruel. Head out of the starting room to the south, and
notice the four EFs to your left. Push the third one down to the left, up,
then left, placing it under the Medusa. Grab the HF below you, then go back
to the other free EF. While watching out for that Don, shove it one space
right, then two spaces down. Now proceed to the lower-left. Grab the HF down
in the corner, then shove the EF upwards. Grab the HF along the way, then
push the EF right one square, then up against Medusa. Shoot the Snakey in
the upper-left and shove him into the square of water, then go up and grab
the HF in the corner. Sit there and wait for Snakey to re-appear. When he
does, shoot him again, then push him to the right, above the tree. Now push
the EF near him down beside Medusa, and take the HF. Now head back to the

Here's where the cruel part starts. Quickly grab the HF in the upper
right, then take cover behind the EF. QUICKLY, shove the EF one space left,
then take cover behind it once more. Now push it one space up, confining the
Don to a two-space movement block, then grab the HF. Now, Don will be like
this for the rest of the room, so you'll have to practice avoiding him. Stand
atop the section of water closest to the entrance, then inch a half space
over to the right. As soon as the Don touches the EF, run right, down, then
right, HALF ONTO the HF. Since each tap of the control pad moves you a half
step, tap right, down, down, right quickly to get onto the HF. Wait until Don
touches the EF again, then tap left, down, down, left to get out of the room.
Now proceed to the two Snakeys in the lower-left. Shoot the right one, and
shove it into the water. Now shoot the left one, and shove him over onto the
space where the right Snakey was. Now quickly run back up to the upper right.
Get back into the room using the same method as before, and stand just below
the EF.

Snakey will re-appear up in this room. You should now be standing just
above him. Shoot him, then shove him one space down. Move half a space right,
then when Don touches the EF, quickly run around and push Snakey left into
the water. Get off south, pushing the EF along with you. Carefully place
it between the water and the tree on the right. Now, before Snakey re-appears,
get back up into the room as you did before, and stand under the EF. Shoot
Snakey again, and shove him left into the water as you did before, only this
time get off to the left, pushing the EF along with you once more. Circle
around to the upper-left and grab the HF, then push the EF down two spaces.
Now push it right two spaces, then down against the trees. Circle all the
way back around again, and CAREFULLY push it under the Medusa in the
lower-right. Now, taking your half-step lead again, wait for Don to touch
the EF, then tap right, down, down, then right, and grab the HF. Do the same
to get back out of the corner, and once again, get back into the room using
the same method. Once standing one half space onto the last HF, wait for
Don to touch the RIGHT WALL this time, then tap right, up, up to grab the
final HF and snag the Jewel before Don can blast you. WHEW!! Level 15 is
complete, and not a moment too soon. ;)

_/Level 16\________________________________________________________________
___/Room 16-1\_____________________________________________________________

Start this room off by grabbing all three HFs on the right to obtain six
Magic Shots. Now shoot the top Snakey and shove him down, left, then down
atop the tree. Quickly, shoot the other Snakey, then shove him one space up,
then 3 spaces to the left. Before the other Snakey recovers, push him one
half space to the right. Now hurry back and push the other Snakey into the
water, and jump onto the egg. Shoot the Skull and push him to the left as you
pass by. Shove it up beside Medusa, then proceed down to the lower area.
Shoot the Skull here, then shove it into the river. Quickly cross, shoot the
Snakey, and shove him right, under Medusa. Now shoot the top Snakey on the
right, shove him to the right against the HFs, then grab the bottom two HFs.
Now push the egg back left, and up in the gap between the trees to block the
Medusa from the right. Now get the other two HFs. Sit and catch your breath
for a few seconds, and the first Snakey will appear up on the upper-left.
This is thanks to you pushing the other Snakey that half-space over before.
Then, shoot the bottom Snakey, then shove him left, and use him to cross the
river. When Skull re-appears, shoot him and shove him all the way up, and use
him to cross the river at the top. Proceed to the upper-right, shoot the
first Snakey and push him out of your way, then grab the final HF and the

___/Room 16-2\_____________________________________________________________

This is another of those rooms where you will have to be crafty and quick
at the controls. Start by grabbing the HF in the lower-left, then head for
the line of EFs near the top. Push the first and third ones up, then the
second one over to the right. Grab the three HFs on the right, then push the
upper right EF to the left, down diagonal from Snakey, then over to the left
in front of the bridge. Loop around and shove it the rest of the way down,
against the wall. Now go back up, push the middle EF up, to the left, then
down 2 spaces. Now push it left three spaces, then loop around and push it
up against the door. Grab the HF behind the arrow tile, then cross the arrow
and push the EF over to the left as you move. Now take the EF on the left,
and move it all the way to the bottom, placing it on the left of the Snakey
in the lower-right. Now, shoot Snakey, and shove him down against the wall.
Loop around to the lower-left, cross the bridge, then grab the HF. Quickly
shove Snakey right, against the tree, then run up and right, and stand on the
bridge. Face south and blow the egg away before he recovers. While he's gone,
shove the nearby EF over to the right across the bridge, and place it under
the HF.

Now, still quickly, run up, shoot the other Snakey, then shove him 2
spaces right, then down into the water. Cross, grab the HF, then cross back,
and run down BELOW the space where the lower Snakey reappears. It will likely
be quite a close call. Now before the OTHER Snakey re-appears, shoot this
Snakey, then shove him two spaces up. Loop around the right arrow tile, then
push him one space left. Leave him here for now. Quickly run up to the EF
in the upper-right, shove it down onto the left-arrow tile, then loop around
and push it two spaces left. Once again, it will likely be a very close call.
Shove the EF two spaces up to move it out of your way temporarily, then loop
back around under the lower Snakey. Shoot him, shove him up three spaces,
then all the way over to the left, then up into the water. Get off to the
left, push the EF over against the wall, then cross back before the egg sinks.
Now quickly take the EF in the upper right, and push it down to the bottom,
then over to the left, above the lower-left Medusa. Grab the final HF then
quickly run back down to the space BELOW the lower Snakey before he
re-appears. Once he does, shoot him, shove him up onto the right arrow tile,
then shoot the other Snakey and shove him up onto the down-arrow tile. Go back
and shove the first Snakey into the water above, then get off to the right,
pushing the second Snakey along with you. Roll him to the right, against the
wall, then up into the water. After a short egg-ride you will arrive at the

___/Room 16-3\_____________________________________________________________

Start this one off by grabbing the HF above the Jewel Box. Now walk down
and push the EF on the bottom over against the HF. Now push the EF on the
right all the way up against the wall. Shoot the Snakey in the upper-right,
then push him right one space, then all the way down into the water. Cross,
grab the HF then traverse the left-arrow tile to your left. Grab the other
HF, then shoot Gol from behind and shove him across the water to the north.
Push the EF up beside Medusa as you jump off. Now shoot the nearby Snakey
and shove him up three spaces, then back down to the edge of the island. Now
roll him all the way over to the right, and cross the river. Grab the HF,
traverse the up-arrow tile, then get the HF in the upper-right corner. Once
again, use Gol to cross back over. Now return to the Snakey in the lower
left. Now, QUICKLY, shoot Snakey and shove him three spaces up. Run around
above and shove the EF above Snakey one space up. Now roll Snake, down, to
the left against the wall, then run up and grab the HF. Before he re-appears,
run down beside the EF on the right, then blow the egg away and IMMEDIATELY
push right, taking the EF along with you as you go. Yes, this requires very
careful timing.

Place the EF under the upper Medusa, then grab the other HF near the Jewel
Box. Now wait for the lower-left Snakey to re-appear. When he does shoot him
and shove him left against the wall. Grab the HF, then return to the upper
right. Shoot Snakey and shove him in between the Medusa and the HF, but as you
do, shove the EF under Medusa one half space over to the left. Go and grab
the final HF. Now you have the Gol on the right to worry about. That extra
half space of room should give you enough time to fake Gol out, then dash
by as his fireball passes. Just run down half a space then go back up, and
as soon as his fireball passes, dash down before his next one gets a chance
to fry you. Now you can proceed (safely) to the Jewel.

___/Room 16-4\_____________________________________________________________

The manipulation of the Skulls is the key to completing this puzzle.
Start by moving to the left and placing the two EFs above and to the left of
the upper-left Medusa. Now run down to the bottom and grab the middle HF.
Push the EF above you to the left, then grab the HF below. Now push the EF
near the bottom to the right above Medusa, then shoot Skull and roll it left,
then down, then back right, and place it beside the lower Medusa. Grab the
HF on the left, then loop all the way around back to the top and grab the HF
near where you started. Now go all the way back down to the bottom-right
room. Here's where the real tricky part begins. Shoot the lower Skull, then
shove him down beside Medusa. Wait just a few moments, then shoot the other
Skull twice to blow him away, then shove the EF to the right against the
wall. Then grab the final HF in the lower-right. Now run and stand on the
left of the EF against the right wall. When the bottom Skull recovers he will
run up to you. Since Skull can't kill you until he is actually facing you, the
exact moment Skull reaches you, turn left and blast him with a Magic Shot.
Push him to the left, then stand just to the left of the grass patch. The
other Skull should have went up into the region above, where the Jewel Box
is. Wait for him to pass above you, then shoot it with your last Magic Shot.
Push the egg on your left to the left and up beside the left Medusa, then
shove the egg in the middle all the way over to the right. Now quickly grab
the Jewel before they can recover!!

___/Room 16-5\_____________________________________________________________

This room is surprisingly easy to solve. Start by grabbing the HF on
your right, then proceed to the right. Stand just past the trees, then wait
for Don to pass by to the north. When he does, quickly run down and stand
half onto the HF, and wait for him to pass back north. When he does, grab
the HF then run back up behind the EF for cover. After getting the HF, shove
the EF to the right, to confine the Don Medusa to the lower right area. Now
go back and carefully make your way to the left side of Skull. Shoot him,
then shove him to the right, and into the river just under the Gol on the
right. Cross, shoot the Gol, and shove him up beside the river. Push the
EF above Don Medusa all the way down to trap him, then push the EF to the
right of Gol to the left one space. Now go back down and wait for Skull to
re-appear. When it does, shoot it, then shove it to the right, and use it to
cross the water at the same place you did before. Push the EF up when you
cross, then shoot the Gol on your left. Shove him one space left, then hurry
and place the EF beside the Medusa in the upper-right. Take that HF and
the other one near Gol, then shove the still-egged Gol into the river on the
left. Grab both HFs, then quickly shoot the right Snakey and shove him up one
square. Then shoot the left Snakey, and roll him to the left, against the wall.
Now roll the other Snakey one space left, then turn north and shoot the Skull
on the other side of the river. Quickly go and grab the final HF, then hurry
back and push Snakey up into the water. Cross, then push Skull to the right
out of the way and snag the Jewel. Level 16 is complete!!

_/Level 17\________________________________________________________________

*NOTE* You've finally reached the Wicked King's Underworld castle, the
final level!! Are you ready? ;)
___/Room 17-1\_____________________________________________________________

Begin this room by heading up and crossing the right-arrow tile, and get
the HF. Run down and shoot Snakey, and throw him into the river. Jump on the
egg and wait for it to pass by the HF. Now quickly jump off, shoot Gol, and
shove him above Medusa. Grab the HF, then push the EF on the right down beside
her. Get the HF in the lower-right, then quickly run back to the egg and jump
back on it. Get off to the north when you can, pushing the EF up along with
you. Push it up one space, then go over and shoot Skull, and shove him up,
beside Medusa. Take the HF, then shoot Gol, and shove him left, trapping Don
Medusa on the top. Go down, grab the HF, then come back up and shoot Gol
again to blow him away. Take cover behind the EF, then when he passes by
to the south, push the EF over against the wall and trap him on the lower-left
corner of the "island". Go up and get the HF in the upper-left, then wait for
Gol to re-appear. Shoot him, and roll him down and right, below Medusa. Get
the HF, then blow the egg away with another Magic Shot. Wait for him to
re-appear once more. Shoot him again, and this time shove him up and right,
above Medusa. Take the HF, then push the EF on the left to the right
against the trees, then down beside Medusa. Grab the final HF then run to
the right, onto the right arrow tile. Quickly dash north before Gol can get
you with his fireball, and snag the Jewel.

___/Room 17-2\_____________________________________________________________

Take the two HFs in the lower-right, then shoot the Skull between the
trees below you. Shove it to the left, then up beside Don Medusa. Grab the
HF at the bottom, then head back to the lower right. Shoot the Skull against
the right wall twice to blow it away, then shoot the Snakey above, and shove
him left, then loop around and roll him back down, and place him on the space
where Skull was. It will re-appear up in the upper-left corner. Now go up
to the top of the room. Shoot the Snakey under the Jewel Box, and push him
left, and down above the Don. Grab the HF in the process, then head for the
lower-left. Shoot the Snakey at the "entrance" , and shove him down against
the Skull. Then grab the two HFs within. Now return to the upper-right,
where the last HF is. Shoot the last "free" Snakey and place him between the
HF and the tree. Grab the last HF, then run up and left. Wait for the Skull
that was beside Don to come up to you, then shoot him and shove him to the
left, atop the tree to block the Don from the north. To get the Jewel,
carefully wait until the Skull in the upper-left is beside the Medusa, then
quickly snatch it!

___/Room 17-3\_____________________________________________________________

First, take note of the three EFs on your left and right. Start with
the left three... push the top one left one space, push the bottom one to the
right, then up beside the tree, then push the last one down against the wall.
Now proceed to the right three EFs. Push the middle one to the right one
space, then push the top one up, to block the right Medusa from the left.
Now go back and push the last one up one space, then the one on the right
down against the tree. Now push the other one to the left, out of the way
for the time being. Your first bridge tool should have been activated, so
run up to the up-arrow tile in the upper-left. Stand one space to the right
of the tile, and make your bridge in the water above you. Push that free
EF onto the bridge, then cross the arrow, and push the other EF one space
up. Grab the two HFs in the upper-left, activating your other bridge tool.
Make this bridge in the narrow section of water in the upper-right. Push
the EF up, and over across the bridge. Cross the right-arrow tile to get
back to the "mainland". Shoot the Snakey under the door, and cross the river
to your right. Take the HF, and quickly jump back across the river. Go down
past the EF and wait for the egg to come to you, then cross back again.
Shoot the Snakey on the right, and shove him straight down, into the water.

Float down to the EF below, then get off, pushing the EF down against
the wall in the process. Get the HF in the lower-right, then proceed back to
the Snakey near the door. Shoot him, push him into the river, then walk down
past the EF again. When the egg comes to you, jump across, then shoot the
right Snakey again, and shove him right, against the wall. Take the final HF
at the bottom, then shoot Snakey again to get rid of him. Wait for him to
reappear, then shoot him one last time, and shove him straight down into the
river, as you did the first time. Cross over, then head up to the Jewel and
pluck it. ;)

___/Room 17-4\_____________________________________________________________

Start this room off by heading north to the group of EFs. Push the
upper-left one up to the Jewel Box, then to the left under Medusa. Go back
down and slide the top one to the right, up, back to the left, then up to
the Jewel Box, and place it to the right of the first one. Loop around the
left, cross the up-arrow tile, and shove that EF up, beside Medusa. Now
return to the center. Grab the HF in the lower-right part of the room, and
ignore the last EF for the time being, it will be used shortly. Go up to the
upper-right and shoot Snakey, and shove him right, against the wall. Go up
and grab the upper-right HF, then roll Snakey all the down, atop the Medusa
at the bottom. Grab the HF, then shoot the Snakey to the left, and shove him
down beside her. Grab the next HF and you'll be back near the center. Shoot
the lower Snakey, and shove him all the way left, then all the way up, beside
the upper-left Medusa. Now go to the EF that is still in the center, and slide
it down out of the room, then over to the left. Shove it up across the arrow
tile, and place it under the tree in the upper-left, blocking the lower-left
Medusa from the top. Grab the HF in the upper left, then return to the center
once more. Shoot the Snakey in front of the HF and push him out of your way,
then get the HF. Now shoot the egg again to blow him away. Stand on the
space where the HF was and wait for Snakey to re-appear. When he does,
shoot him, then shove him right, and down out of the room. Place him between
the HF and the tree in the lower-left. Now, take up the final HF, and proceed
up to the Jewel!

___/Room 17-5\_____________________________________________________________

First of all, head to the lower part of the room where all the EFs are.
Of the two on the left, push the top one to the left one space, then push the
lower one down, between the tree and HF. Now head to the three EFs on the
right. Push the upper and lower ones to the right, then the middle one up.
Push the far right EF against the wall, and grab the two HFs. Now push the
bottom EF to the left, and down between the tree and HF. Then get the HF in
the middle. Now go back to that EF on the left. Push it right, up through
the center room, and place it above the HF in the middle. Grab the HF and
continue pushing the EF up against the Medusa at the top. Now shoot the
Snakey in the middle, and roll him one space up, then left into the water.
Cross, shoot the next Snakey, and shove him one space left. Now shoot the
Snakey above you, and shove him one space left. Shove both down one square,
and grab the two HFs in the room. Before the one on the left recovers, shoot
it with another Magic Shot to blow it away. Now return to the center and wait
for the first Snakey to re-appear.

This Snakey will get the workout of its life in the remaining part of
this room. When he re-appears, shoot him and shove him right, into the water.
Cross to the south, taking the HF with you. Push this one left, and all the
way up, against the EF at the top. Now wait for Snakey to re-appear. When he
does, shoot him again, and roll him two spaces up and one space left. Now
shove him into the water above you. Cross, and push the EF one space right.
Before Snakey re-appears, go down to the lower-right, and push the other
EF to the left, and up as far as it will go (place it in the same place you
put the first one). When Snakey re-appears, shoot him, and shove him up two
spaces, and right one space. Shove him into the water above you, and cross.
Push the EF up beside Medusa in the process, and also shove the EF you placed
just a moment ago to the left. Once again, wait for Snakey to re-appear. Then
shoot him, shove him one space up, then right, into the river. Cross, grab
the two HFs, then use the left-arrow tile to get back to the center. Once
more, wait for Snakey to re-appear. Shoot him one last time, and roll him
up two spaces, left one space, then up into the water. Push the EF up beside
Medusa, and grab the last HF. Now return to the left side of the room, and
shoot the Snakey in the middle. Shove him straight up into the river, then
cross and pick up the Jewel!

___/Room 17-6\_____________________________________________________________

*NOTE* Hang in there! Only 5 more rooms to go!

This one is a bit of a puzzler. Start off by grabbing the right and
bottom HFs, then shoot Snakey and shove him down between the tree and HF. Get
the HF, then blow Snakey away with another shot. Wait for him to re-appear,
then shoot him again and shove him straight up, into the gap between the trees.
Get the three HFs in the upper-right, then go down and shoot Gol, and shove
him left above Medusa. Head to the upper-left, then shoot Snakey, and shove
him down, then over to the left, above the left tree. Then push the EF right,
then down beside Medusa. Go down and shoot the other Gol, and shove him to
the right, under Medusa. Now loop around and shove the EF nearby one half
space down, to block both Medusa and Gol. Loop back around to the bottom
right, and shoot the Snakey between the trees twice to blow him away. Push
the EF near the rock to the left one space, then wait for Snakey to re-appear.
Then shoot him, shove him down one square, then all the way over to the left.
Then push the EF to the left, placing it under Medusa. Shoot the Snakey
below you and shove him down against the wall, then grab all three HFs in the
bottom-left. Then, shoot Snakey again to blow him away. Now stand on the
space where Snakey will re-appear. When he re-appears, you'll end up on top
of him. Move a half space south, then turn around and shoot him, and shove
him up between the Medusa and HF. Grab the last HF, then proceed up to the

___/Room 17-7\_____________________________________________________________

This is another tricky one. Push the left EF up one space, against the
tree. Now head to the group of EFs in the center, and push the one on the
far right over to the left, against the HF. Grab that HF, then go down to
the two Snakeys at the bottom. Shoot the right one, then shove him up, and
right against the wall. Grab the HF below, then shoot the egg to blow it
away. Then shove the right EF left and down onto the space where Snakey was.
He'll reappear beside the Medusa in the lower-left. Now shoot the other
Snakey, and push him to the left, under the tree. Grab all three HFs in the
lower-left, then blow Snakey away with another Shot. Then, push the EF onto
the space where he was, and he'll reappear in the upper-right. Now push
that same EF back over to the right two spaces, onto the place where the
first Snakey first was. Now push the EF above you up and to the left,
placing it on the left of the middle Medusa near the top. Shove the EF under
the tree opposite Snakey to the right, then up beside the upper-right Medusa.
Grab the final HF, then run over to the upper-left. Use the hammer to break
the rock just above Snakey, and shoot him twice to blow him away. Now shove
the nearby EF right, and down onto the space where Snakey was. This time
he'll re-appear next to the Medusa at the top. Now you can grab the Jewel!!

___/Room 17-8\_____________________________________________________________

Yet another of those rooms where Don Medusa utterly gets in the way.
Start by trapping Don on the right side of the screen, by pushing the middle
EF up. Poke out from the EF until Don hits the left side of his 'path', then
dash for the HF in the lower-right. Stand half on it until Don starts moving
back left, then snag it and dash back under the EF for cover. Also be sure
to get the HF in the lower-left as well. Head for the upper group of EFs,
and push the bottom one right one space, then the middle one up one space.
Now push the one on your right to the right one space, then up, then right
again, placing it between the Medusa and the HF. CAREFULLY, grab that HF
and the one below it. Once both of those are obtained, you can go back down,
and shove Don all the way against the right wall. Now that nuisance is out
of the way. Now push the EF above you up, to the right, and up, placing
it beside the upper-right Medusa. Now slide the EF just to your left up,
then left beside the left Medusa. Take the last EF of the upper group and
slide it all the way over to the left against the wall, and get the HF.

Now go down and get one of the lower EFs, and push it up to the top of
the room. Shove it all the way to the left, then up into the corner. It
should now be at a diagonal to the other two EFs on the left, and the Jewel
Box. Now go down and get the other EF, and push it up to the right side
of the room (it doesn't matter where you put it just yet, but try to get
it as close to the upper-right corner as you can). Now go up and shoot the
lower Snakey, and shove him left into the water. Ride on the egg, and jump
off to the left, pushing the EF up against the wall in the process. Quickly
grab the upper-left HF, and before Snakey reappears, take the EF that is near
the upper-right, and slide it up, and above the Medusa in the upper-right.
Grab the final HF, then wait for Snakey to re-appear. When he does, shoot
him, shove him left into the water again, and ride on over to the Jewel Box.

___/Room 17-9\_____________________________________________________________

Start this room off by grabbing the HF on your right, then shooting Gol
and shoving him up into the river. Ride to the left, and jump off when you
reach the left island. Go up and grab the HF, then shoot Snakey and shove him
down into the river. Cross back to the bottom, then shove the EF to the left
one space to temporarily move it out of your way. Wait for Gol to re-appear,
then shoot him, and shove him across the arrow tiles. Run back and shove the
EF to the right, onto the space where Gol was, then go back and push him up
into the water. Ride on the egg and jump off, pushing the EF up along wit
you as you disembark. Shoot Snakey, shove him one space up, then grab the
HF. Shove the EF up as far as it will go, then use Snakey to cross the
river to the north. Turn around and shoot the floating egg, and grab the
two HFs at the top. By now the first Gol should have re-appeared near the
Jewel Box. Push the EF on the right against the wall, then cross the left
arrow tile. Shoot Gol, shove him over to block the Medusa from the north,
and grab both HFs. Get on the right side of the egg and shoot it again to
blow it away. While waiting for Gol to re-appear, head to the upper-right
section and use your bridge on the narrow section of river leading down to
the HF on the right.

After getting that HF, shoot Gol again, and shove him across the arrow
tile. Cross the river, then turn around and shoot the floating egg once more.
Quickly shoot Snakey and shove him down into the river, crossing back down
to the bottom. Before Gol re-appears, move the EF over to the left, over
onto the right-arrow tile, and use your arrow tool to change it. Shove the
EF left one more space and grab the final HF. Now go back, shoot Gol from
the side, and shove him across the arrow tiles once more. Push him up into
the river and cross to the island where the Snakey is. Use Snakey to cross
the river to the north, then head on over to the Jewel Box! =D

___/Room 17-10\___________________________________________________________

This is the final puzzle of them all, and it isn't a very fun one.
Begin by grabbing the HF in the upper-right for a few Magic Shots. There
will be five EFs lined up in a row near the top of the screen (I'll just
number them 1-5 from left to right). Push EF 4 down 2 squares. Now go
around and shoot Snakey, and shove him one space right. Shove the EF below
you one space right, then shove Snakey in the section of water on the right.
Jump off south, placing the EF beside the right Medusa in the process. Now
go back up and push EF #4 down two more spaces, then right against the wall
(above Medusa). Go up to the top and grab EF #5, and shove it one space
left, then down to the bottom, and place it "in between" the two lower
Medusas. By now Snakey should have re-appeared. Take the HF below him,
then shove the EF on the left one space left. Shoot Snakey, shove him left
into the water, and get off to the south, pushing the EF against the river
in the process. Quickly run back up to the top, grab EF #2, and shove it all
the way down, then left against the HF.

Wait for Snakey to re-appear, then shoot him and shove him left into
the water. Get off to the left, and push the EF below you down, between the
Medusa and HF. Grab the HF, and the other one nearby. Go back up to the
top now and get EF #3, and shove it right one square, then all the way down,
beside the lower-right Medusa. When Snakey re-appears, shoot him, and push
him one space right, three spaces up, two spaces right, and down into the
water. Cross, grab the HF, then cross back. Wait for him to re-appear,
again. Shoot him, then shove him left one space, down one space, then left
three spaces. Shove him up into the water, and shoot the other Snakey
as you cross. Push him up, grab the HF, then shove him into the water on
the right, freeing up EF #1. Quickly cross back, and grab the HF near the
bottom, and push the EF nearby right one space. Loop back around then push
the EF below all the way down against the wall.

Go back up to the upper-right and shoot Snakey. Push him left, down,
then left, and place him under the section of water near the other Snakey.
Loop around to the upper-left, shoot the top Snakey, and shove hiim down into
the water. Shoot the bottom Snakey again as you cross, and shove him down
two spaces. Then shove him left into the water, and push the EF down as
you jump off. Then push it one space over to the left. Now go back, shoot
the upper-right Snakey again, and place him under the other Snakey as before.
Shoot the top Snakey, cross, shoot the bottom Snakey, then shove him one
space down and two spaces left. Loop around, shoot him again, then shove
him down into the river, pushing the EF down against the wall as you cross.
Grab the HF at the bottom, then push the EF on the right over against the
trees. Go up and grab EF #1, then shove it down and left, below the upper
Snakey. Loop around, shoot him, then cross. Shove the EF down four
spaces, then left against the wall. Now QUICKLY grab the last HF and shove
the EF in the upper-left onto the space where the upper Snakey would
re-appear. He'll now appear down by the Jewel Box.

Now you can proceed down to the Jewel Box, and collect the final Jewel.
The only thing that stands between you and your goal is the Wicked King
himself! Are you ready? Of course you are! ;)

___/Final Battle\__________________________________________________________

Like before, the Wicked King will move back and forht near the top of
the screen, this time spitting fireballs down at you. Once the fireballs
reach your line of sight, they will start moving sideways towards you.
Fortunately the fireballs are slow-moving and can be destroyed by a Magic
Shot. Just pelt him with Magic Shots, and after a short while he'll become
stunned. During this time, pound on him with Shots and he'll enter his
second phase of attack. This time, he has a habit of swooping down towards
you, and the fireballs he shoots now home in on you. Still, they are
slow moving and easily dispatched. Just keep on blasting the King with Shots.
After pounding on him some more he'll turn into an egg. Blast him a few more
times and the egg will explode, destroying the Wicked King once and for all!!

After the battle, a section of the far wall will start to glow. Blast
it with a couple of Magic Shots and it will open. Go inside to find your
companion! Now just sit back, relax, and watch the ending... you have
certainly earned it. Congratulations!!

*********************************END OF WALKTHROUGH************************



And there you have it! If you have any questions/comments/suggestions/etc
about the game or the guide, feel free to send me an E-mail at
"". I'd be more than happy to hear from you. ;D


This Adventures of Lolo 3 FAQ Copyright (C) 2000 by Dalez. This FAQ may
be distributed freely, placed on sites, etc, AS LONG AS it remains in
its full and original form and the author is given proper credit for
his work. It is intended for private and personal use only, and is NOT
licensed for commercial purposes. Individuals wishing to use any part
of this guide in any guide or compilation of their own must first obtain
permission from the author to do so.
The game itself is Copyright (C) 1991 by Hal Laboratory, Inc.

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